#i can smell these images
ryllen · 4 months
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said wolf,
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codecicle · 23 days
we as a fandom are drawing jay ferin TOO PRETTY. make her fucking mid
I AM ALWAYS FUCKING SAYING THIS!! She should be gross and sweaty and off-putting, constantly covered in grease from inventions and smelling like a mix of oil, sea salt, and fire. give that woman acne and pimples from irritated skin, since they can't shower often and she's always covered in grime that gets into her pores. you have GOT to make her mid, you have GOT to make her "unattractive". be more powerful than the council. destroy them with your mind and also body hair on characters
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sleepyseals · 4 months
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[Image Description: A digital painting of a Lego Bionicle Rahkshi facing left and stooped over as if tracking its prey along the ground. The background is black with a bright green vertical shape to contrast the character in front. The Rahkshi is holding its spear in its right limb, propping its body up with it as it holds its face close to the ground. It is rendered as a black metallic material with red eyes. Its hunched shape and angular spines stand out harshly against the green background. End Image Description.]
I got a rahkshi recently and wanted to draw it so here's this - kind of an experiment with studying a real life object and how to pose it into a interesting composition and then replicating the lighting I got tired of rendering this partway through however :P
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dryemiddi · 1 year
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(Submission by @zucchiyeni)
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 7 months
smell pickup line based on the gasoline one because i cannot get it out of my head.
you're a black sharpie and baby? I'm in my office cubicle trying to get high.
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We can’t start smell posting it’s going to get out of hand.. too out of hand for a Sunday night
coughs. Anyway
Gabe is a gold sharpie.. like the one for the print signings (I am executed before I can continue)
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empyreanmirror · 9 months
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cherryrodeoqueen · 4 months
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tmos-time · 8 months
welp! steampunk is dead; went to its house (image search) and found the mold caked over its corpse (ai images heavily diluting the results) so now i dont have a mentor in this trying time to help me (solid designs with real intent behind them to use as inspiration)
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areyouwell · 1 month
the devil works fast, but fanfiction writers work faster
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 3 months
sprayed a bit of a perfume that makes me think of raf on the suede part of my ipad cover to like... motivate me to do stuff more and my fucking god i forgot and when the scent hit me just now i felt like i was going to lose my mind
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Wait a sec how come Afton can stick his kid in the fear gas chamber to experiment with immortality for seemingly no reason in a book, but Vanny isn't allowed a knife in a game where she's supposed to be the main antagonist?
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loungemermaid · 1 year
The only thing about L. M. Montgomery that’s hard for me to read is the way she describes inner worlds and imagination. She does it very well, very thoroughly, and in that way it’s not hard but it fills me with longing because I cannot imagine like that. I don’t see anything when I read. I can’t close my eyes and physically picture anything and I always get so jealous.
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peony-pearl · 2 years
Azula, Ty Lee and Mai are playing in the courtyard. They don't see the Yu Yan archers on top of the palace, but Azula knows they're there. Uncle enlisted them the day Zion was announced as his heir.
The girls see Fire Lord Azulon and Iroh make their way through the courtyard, they gently nudge a few turtleducks off of the walking path as they return from an outing in the Capitol.
Ty Lee looks at Azula. "Why does your uncle have a sling? Is something wrong with his arm?"
Mai sighs. "His arm isn't even in it."
"Oh," Ty Lee blinks. Azula tries to shrug the subject away.
"It's just Uncle's new baby; anyway I think next we should-"
"THE BABY!! IT'S ZION!!" Ty Lee exclaims. Azula groans, having hoped this wouldn't happen. Ty Lee, however, had hoped to catch a glimpse of the new future Fire Lord - after all, it was exciting to hear that, after generations, they would grow to serve a lady instead of a lord. "Do you think he'd let me see her?"
"Oh please," Azula said. "He'd tell you everything she did today if you let him. And all she does is sleep and whine and burp."
Ty Lee makes a break for the older men, and Mai pats Azula's back in condolences. They watch Ty Lee bow, and Iroh kneels down to let the girl get a glimpse of the crown princess, at which Ty Lee dances in place in excitement.
"Agni, she's so embarrassing," Mai drones.
They watch, exasperated, as Iroh puts the infant into Ty Lee's arms; then...
Then Iroh and Ty Lee nod to each other, and Ty Lee returns to the group, gleefully holding Zion.
"WHAT IS SHE DOING." Azula seethes through gritted teeth.
"Thank you for watching her, Azula! I truly appreciate you!" Iroh calls out to his niece.
Ty Lee rejoins the group and plops back onto the grass, happily talking to the baby before addressing her friends. "He's letting me watch her!"
Azula flopped over onto the ground. Mai looked at the baby as she peered her way as well.
"Red eyes. Cool," Mai said. Azula sat back up; she glared at Zion.
"We have a lot of games left to play so don't make too much noise."
"Azula! Be nice!" Ty Lee admonishes. "Babies are very receptive."
Azula shrugs. "She's my cousin, I'm allowed to talk to her like that. Right, dum-dum?"
Zion blinks; and then she smiles and squeals.
"Aww!" Ty Lee gushed. "She thinks you're funny!"
"I am NOT funny," Azula told Zion as she happily reached for her cousin. "I'm VERY scary!" She then insists, leaping to her feet to tower over Zion with a growling snarl.
But Zion could only respond with a hearty laugh and a gurgling response as she tried to mimic Azula's ferocity.
"Ugh! You're supposed to be scared!" Azula scolded.
Ty Lee shrugged. "It's like I told you, babies are very receptive. If she sensed that you were actually malicious, she would have responded as such."
"Oh really?" Mai asked skeptically.
Ty Lee nodded. "Babies have instincts we'll never know because we forget them! I heard there's still being discoveries made!" She then leaned in to whisper. "Did you know they can smell fear?"
The trio looked to Zion as she contentedly, and very enthusiastically, burbled some spit bubbles.
"... okay." Azula sighed.
Mai's nose wrinkled. "Babies are so gross. I'm never having any."
Azula grinned. "Oh well then I guess you'll never get to marry Zuko~"
"Shut up, Azula!"
"Because when you marry into the royal family you have to have at least one baby to continue the family! So it sounds like you won't get to smooch my dumb brother!"
"Knock it off!" Mai blushed as Azula teased her with kissing noises.
"I wouldn't mind having at least one," Ty Lee said. Azula looked at her in confusion.
"From the way you were going on, I would think you'd want a big family."
Ty Lee's smile softened. "No... I think one or two is enough. I think I could give enough attention to two at least."
Azula could feel the subject turning her way.
"Maybe when Zion becomes Fire Lord she won't make you have kids to marry Zuzu, Mai."
Azula reached forward to squeeze Zion's cheeks, making it appear like she was speaking.
"I decree no one has to have kids to marry my big dummy cousin!"
Mai giggled.
"Why, Fire Lord Zion, you have my everlasting thanks," she said bowing to the infant, who gurgled happily in return. "Because I have to say, I'm not impressed with this whole squealing, drooling thing. You’re kind of gross."
Azula returned to narrating for Zion, squeezing her cheeks: "WHAT?? TO THE PYRE WITH YOU!"
Mai dramatically stood up to run, and Ty Lee and Azula chased her, carefully holding Zion as though she was leading the charge as the lot of them laughed harder than Azula had thought they would.
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seiwas · 6 months
manifesting sel bel sandwiched between black compression shirts iwa and gojo
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miraluv……. save me… save me…
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ratinthevoid · 7 months
i think i have phantosmia. it's something i've been observing for a while. this may be caused by covid bc i don't remember experiencing it earlier than 2-3 years ago. most phantom smells i feel are pleasant or neutral like strawberries or cigarettes/smoke (not like something is burning just nice ashy smell), only from time to time i get this horrible rotten smell feeling
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wigmonster · 10 months
if nobody else got me i know pepper by butthole surfers got me
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