#i can't believe it's done
teaforkenobi · 2 months
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i've got nothing to lose (except everything you are) by teaforkenobi
Anakin knows it’s unwise to keep quiet, knows that Obi-Wan is the very first one he should tell if he suspects something odd is happening to him. But what is he going to say? “Oh, by the way, Master, I noticed when staring into your eyes and forgetting how to breathe that maybe I might be going blind or something. Weird, right?”
In a universe where unrequited love leads to a disease that drains your Force sensitivity, Anakin develops what he believes to be one-sided feelings for Obi-Wan.
(Or, two idiots suffer in silence, until they don’t.)
✨✨   NOW COMPLETE ✨ ✨ 
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debatchery · 1 year
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A Refresher Course in Computer Safety [READ HERE]
A sequel to A Crash Course in Computer Safety by followthattardis
A year ago, Dean’s life was thrown into chaos. An email with encoded information turned him into a priceless asset, thrusting him into the world of counterintelligence - and into Cas’s path. Forbidden feelings bloomed, decisions were made, and now they’re here: Dean free of the Intersect, Cas free from the CIA. Together.
With the dust settled, it’s time to figure out what’s next.
(Read the whole Computer Safety Verse here.)
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the anime now, please, even yuki kaji agrees, like please
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thedunesea · 1 year
After a too long wait and thanks to covid gently deciding to visit me for like the fourth time and give me an excuse to stop working and finish writing this thing instead, finally the last chapter of ‘Til the end, then hell and back is up!
It’s a post-ROTS au in which Anakin didn’t fall set ten years after the Rise of the Empire (in the timeline of the Kenobi show).
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, Older Anakin Skywalker, Older Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chance Meetings, First Kiss, Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, First Time, Rimming, Anakin Skywalker's Tusken Massacre Reveal
“Thork here tells me you’re looking for passage to the Alderaan system." “Yes, indeed, if it’s a fast ship,” said another voice in a clipped coruscanti accent, and for a moment Anakin’s heart forgot how to beat. It can’t be, he thought. It’s impossible. But the Force was roaring in his ears — was it the Force or was it his blood? Or were they one and the same? — and, even though he had stopped trusting in it years ago, the Force had never lied to him before, not like that.
Ten years after the Fall of the Republic, two parallel lines converge.
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onlygenxhere · 7 months
Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Julie and The Phantoms (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters/Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson Characters: Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (Julie and The Phantoms), Flynn Taylor, Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Willie (Julie and The Phantoms), Reggie Peters (Julie and The Phantoms), Bobby Shaw | Trevor Wilson, Ray Molina, Carlos Molina, Aunt Victoria (Julie and The Phantoms), Kayla (Julie and The Phantoms), Carrie Wilson, Rose Molina, Dante (Julie and The Phantoms), Original Characters, Mrs. Harrison (Julie and the Phantoms) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Bobby Shaw is Not Trevor Wilson, Five Stages of Grief, Crying, Laughter, Christmas, Snow, Alternate Universe - Dash & Lily Fusion, Inspired by Dash & Lily, Good Parent Ray Molina Summary:
Imagine this. You’re in your favorite bookstore, scanning the shelf where your favorite books reside, and there… nestled between the familiar spines sits a red notebook.
Imagine you’re in New York and it’s Christmas. You’re surrounded by people, by possibility and the hope that somewhere in the city is that one person meant for you.
You just have to find them.
How do you do that?
It all depends on the kind of person you are.
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pinewoodpipit · 1 year
chocolate chip fade - Fic Meta
chocolate chip fade, i.e. the freckle fic, is finally COMPLETE! As such, I wanted to post some meta about it.
Fair warning, this is a long post (there's a lot to say about this fic).
General thoughts
I LOVED working on this fic. I think the speed of putting it out alone is proof of that... 60k in about 3 weeks, when some of that time was also spend on finishing Bloodwritten Silver and I was dealing with personal shit like severe chronic pain flareups? Insane. idk where it came from. I got possessed, don't mind me.
This fic was a collab between myself and my friend uni, @/unidooty on Twitter and @unidot here! We worked hard and I personally think it came out really nicely.
We made a playlist for this, but I won't be sharing it both for privacy of my spotify account and also just because it's LONG. This fic is huge, ofc the playlist will be, too. We organised it in order of the three "sections" of the fic and it overall is a pretty cool playlist, I think. I don't delete playlists of completed works, so I'll be going back to this one in the future, and I look forward to it. I think it has a lot of re-listening value.
Lastly, here's a detail I really like! How chapter 1 ended vs how chapter 6 ended. I LOVE doing stuff like this.
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Chapter specific thoughts
Here are thought dumps relevant to each chapter.
Chapter 1
Neon’s crush in this chapter may seem superficial and surface level - because at this point, it is. She’s early into her feelings and they started as something mostly physical. She learns to approach her affection in a more deep way later on, but at this point in time, she’s incredibly attracted to Fade and is struggling to cope with it.
The food Fade was interested in in the markets was meant to be bánh xèo; pork belly served inside a savoury Vietnamese crepe. Fade doesn’t eat halal (as hinted at in this fic, I hc she grew up in a conservative household but after being abandoned she formed her own beliefs outside of how she was raised) so she eats pork as she feels like it. She has some pretty bad religious trauma and she wanted to decide for herself how she felt rather than sticking to what she was taught by people who were cruel to her. Her beliefs have evolved over time (she still has them, for sure - she still wears nazar eyes etc for example), and she keeps them private. She believes what she believes and doesn’t think it’s anyone else’s business.
Chapter 2
Jett doesn’t know what Fade said to Neon when she confronts her. All she knows is it was bad enough to hurt and upset Neon badly, and she’s reacting in a way she feels is appropriate. That said, Neon doesn’t find it appropriate and instead feels a little like her trust is being violated by Jett risking letting the entire Protocol know something’s up.
Prowler represents a lot of Fade’s inner self, including her emotions. Them cuddling up to Omen signifies her gratitude which she can’t put into words, which Omen understands. Fade finds this embarrassing because she’d prefer to be all cool and mysterious, but Omen appreciates it and finds it sweet. Prowler is a weapon in many cases but between friends, they’re often the best indicator of Fade’s fondness. Prowler is also a little asshole and I fondly refer to them as Miette (from the famous meme). “You WITHHOLD Miette from snuggling their friend? You PULL on Miette’s TAIL? Jail. Jail for mother for one thousand years."
Omen gripped his mug tighter when Fade asked if it was too hot because he didn’t want her to take it away from him. I just thought that was cute.
This chapter was originally supposed to have another scene in the middle, which I forgot while I was working on it. It was supposed to be Neon pulling Killjoy away from her work to try get her to take a break, and they’d dance to the radio together for a bit to let loose. The song I had in mind for this was I Feel Good by Pink Sweat$. Fade would be watching them, kind of having heart eyes, until Neon spots her staring and angrily stops. She makes a comment like “what are YOU looking at” and Fade just quietly apologises. It’s a shame I forgot this scene but to be fair, it would have made an already long fic even longer for not much reason other than self indulgence, since the point of Neon’s seething anger was already addressed.
Chapter 3
Fade suggesting Neon should stay behind as a distraction sounds insulting to her at first, but in fact, Fade made that decision because she knows for a fact that Neon can handle it. She knows she’s powerful enough to hold her own while Fade has directly failed to fight a large group in the past when she was captured by KAY/O in Istanbul, and her time working for REALM meant she knows how to hack. Her giving Neon her gun is a huge signal of trust.
Fade is normally pretty decent at making sure people don’t lay a hand on her, but she was focused hard on the computer with the sounds of Neon’s distraction in the background meaning her focus was pulled in too many directions. She got snuck up on, but as soon as she could get her bearings, she could defend herself fine even riddled with bullets.
Fade’s apology, even if Neon doesn’t necessarily respond to it, was extremely meaningful to her. She appreciates it a lot. There’s a lot going through Neon’s mind, but she’s grateful for Fade admitting that what she said was fucked up, and also not something she truly meant. Meanwhile, Fade has never had someone tell her they value her life over her loyalty. It’s a big change to digest.
Chapter 4
People in this fic: forgetting Fade can’t read between the lines (I have audhd and I project this hard onto Fadeshock - autistic Fade and ADHD Neon, my dearest beloveds) and then being surprised when she misunderstands or doesn’t read into something. Cypher trying to hint Fade should apologise and make it up to Neon and confusing her into thinking she should come out with a big declaration and confess, and now Neon expecting Fade to understand a convoluted song confession… give her a break PLEASE
The hand-holding scene when they first have sex is a mirror to the plane scene when Fade was injured and Neon offered her her hand. I love narrative mirrors.
Chapter 5
I really like lokum. I'll fight all of yall who moan about Edmund getting lokum in Narnia, shit slaps.
This chapter includes a different AU I once planned with Uni about sexting. It was supposed to focus on the contrast between Neon being bad at sexting but good at nudes and Fade being the exact opposite. This is what pushed me to split chapters 5 and 6 apart, and it definitely ended up being stronger for it, because it let me approach these ideas properly. Without this split, chapter 6’s fight and Neon’s death wouldn’t have been properly explored and she’d have just come back upset without much justification.
Chapter 6
Ok MOST of this fic is uni’s fault but this chapter is on me, they’re off the hook. I wanted pegging 💀 we’d talked about it as a meme but I really just ended up wanting to include it in the fic itself and chapter 4 looked like it was going to be quite long with everything included, anyway.
Killjoy’s mother is Turkish, and I think it’d be sweet if she can understand some of it from her. I never really see people talk about her being half Turkish? Kind of wilds me out that Riot were very outspoken about Gekko’s life being unique as an immigrant character when Killjoy (Turkish-German) and Phoenix (Nigerian-British) also have that experience (coming from someone who was an immigrant in Europe for a time, it seems many people forget you can be an immigrant anywhere, not just in the US), but oh well - point is, I wanted to focus on this part of her character a little bit, even if it’s in the background. It was almost a little project she and Raze were working on together; every time they heard Fade call Neon something affectionate, they’d write it down. Raze doesn’t speak Turkish so she’d have to run to find Killjoy and sound it out until Killjoy could guess correctly what Raze had heard. Big “Babe c’mere I heard something gay and we need to decode it” hours. This was kind of foreshadowed in chapter 2 by Killjoy understanding Fade when she was insulting Prowler, but Fade had forgotten about that by this point.
What the hell happened to this fic
SO, I wanna talk about the timeline of this fic for a sec. It originally started out as a cute one-shot idea which was gonna be 1-2k, just Neon realising Fade has freckles. It was supposed to be what became just the first scene of chapter 1. THEN, I showed it to Uni, and they basically said “ok, but what if they FIGHT”. So, it became a 3 chapter story which I estimated to be 5k per chapter. Then, I wrote chapter 1, and I realised that it was 10k, and the other two were going to be longer. Chapter 2 ended up getting split into two (becoming chapters 2 and 3 of the final fic) because it was just so long. So, for a while it was going to be a 40k fic with 4 10k chapters. AND THEN, I realised chapter 4 was also going to be long, and if I split it into two, I’d have more room to breathe, and I’d also be able to add in chapter 5’s smut, which I found really funny since it was Neon’s chance to tease Fade about the hand-holding thing (and maybe let any lingering bitterness for the Vietnam incident out). So, it became a 5 chapter 50k fic. BUT THEN IT STILL WASN’T OVER because while I was working on chapter 5, Uni suggested some more ideas which actually incorporated that separate sexting au collab we had planned and would have been much too fun to ignore… so now it’s 60k and 6 chapters… Oops?
Relevant art
I made some art for this fic! I really enjoyed working on this story. I've been enjoying making art to accompany my fics, like I did with Bloodwritten Silver, so I hope to continue this in the future with my aus.
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and of course, the sketch that started it all:
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One silly little bonus for you, too; while I was working on chapter 4 and the smut scene, Uni asked at one point which position they were in. At this point it was past midnight and I didn't know what the position was called, so I just doodled something real silly to show it off. I just think it's funny to look at, so here, you can look at it, too :)
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best fadeshock art ever made canon
So, what's next?
I have a large queue with lots of ideas I wanna make, but my current big brainrot is of course my COWBOY AU!! I've been posting about this for a while, but it's my next major project. I'll still be writing one-shots though, too.
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spacemutineer · 8 months
It's all posted now, the full version of the best idea I ever had. I love this story, I loved making it (although it took me an absurd amount of time), and I've loved posting it gradually and seeing readers' reactions to it. And now it's all up for everyone to read.
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Argyle (Stranger Things), Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Academic Rivals to Lovers, a little pining as a treat, the rivalry is one sided but don't tell Nancy that, a little dark academia but mostly just vibes, 90s AU, Mild Language, Minor Violence, Slow Burn, Idiots in Love Summary:
At the elite Montgomery Academy in rural Maine, Nancy Wheeler has effortlessly been head of her class for the last three years. But when the newest transfer student challenges her perspective, expectations, and grades she decides that an academic rival is just what she needs to make the year more exciting. If only her rival would cooperate with her plans.
Final Chapters up now!!!
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rhendarzon · 2 years
Aveyond: The Ultimate Lars Tenobor Supercut! (feat ALL Rhen x Lars)
IT’S DONE! All of Lars Tenobor's scenes from Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest compiled into one supercut! Also featuring ALL Rhen x Lars scenes for you Larshen shippers ;D
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foolforshera · 1 year
So, Illusions? Here's the words I just typed in it.
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corvidous · 2 years
And with that
My box of Perry Miniatures is empty. These are the last of the Sonorian Irregulars that will be painted for the time being, because I’m outta bodies! I did it. 36 models built and painted and ready to go! And all but 3 of them built as Sonorian Irregulars for my converted 40k Imperial Guard regiment!
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Glory to the Emperor, Honor to Sonoria!
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elfsroot · 1 year
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                                                   T H E   I R O N   T H R O N E
 Game of Thrones rewatch - 8x06
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theaviculus · 5 months
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sphincters & such
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feluka · 8 months
In front of the Journalists' Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt, on 15th January 2024.
The crowd chants:
مصر مشاركة في الحصار معبر بيننا و بين اهالينا الصهيوني متحكم فينا طول ما الدم العربي رخيص يسقط يسقط اي رئيس عملوها احفاد مانديلا و احنا فخوف و فعار و مزلة عايزين المعبر مفتوح
Egypt participates in this siege! A crossing between us and our people! Controlled by Zionists! As long as Arab blood is seen as cheap, Any and every president must fall! Mandela's grandchildren have done it, While we are seized by fear, shame, and humiliation! We demand Rafah Crossing open!
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elisenel · 20 days
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Something catches Blitz' eye in the toy garage and Fizz can't help but lend a hand to his bestie 🤲
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bookshelfdreams · 9 months
yk when you see someone share a finished handmade item that they clearly spent a lot of time and money on and it's just. The absolute tackiest thing you have seen in your life. And then you ask yourself why someone would waste all those resources on such an eyesore.
(no, of course you can't relate to that because you're a much nicer person than me)
In any case.
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A wool coat!
The top fabric is handwoven and handspun, the whole thing is sewn by hand, too.
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Leftovers. Barely anything, all things considered, which is very satisfying.
This thing took me well over 3 years to make, on and off. And now I'm done.
Thank you for your attention.
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