#i can't say too much without doxxing myself but i will say
smallboyonherbike · 1 year
idk if i've mentioned my very rich uncle on here before but he rents a private jet along with some other rich families and my dads gonna ride in it for the first time to go to family reunion in memphis w their cousins. and ofc PJs are rather despicable but also i'm like "dad make sure someone takes pictures" lmao.
now keep in mind my uncle lives in california and the rest of my family lives in DC area/east coast lmao. i have no idea if he shares the plane only w ppl in cali prob not but it's so absurd. but he also owns a condo in DC and like four beach houses on rehoboth so 🙄 anyways they also aren't inviting any of the spouses of the siblings bc the plane seats 6 and there's 6 siblings and i was like "okay but couldn't y'all just go commercial?" but my mom was like they said we're not invited so 🤷‍♀️ meanwhile i've never been to memphis and would like to go but ah well that's for the future i guess
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susansontag · 1 year
have I ever talked about my brother being a drummer in a signed band when he was a teenager. they had a ‘hit single’ and everything. the lyrics are actually so fun still a bop!
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fuckyeah-bears · 3 months
not that i truly care what rando losers on tumblr dot com think about me but i did just get an obnoxious as fuck message telling me about how internet activism and sharing things online isn't actually activism, trying to shame me into not posting as much or "torturing myself" by watching and sharing pictures and videos of what's going on in gaza. and it pissed me off enough to say this:
One, Palestinians have asked people to share and boost their content. That is a direct fucking ask from people in Gaza and Palestinians around the world. I will keep watching and sharing these photos and videos because it is what we have been asked to do by the people who are themselves experiencing genocide. Yes, it is depressing, yes it emotionally and mentally fucks me up. 100%. But i will keep doing it.
Two, literally none of you have ANY fucking idea what i am doing in real life to fight for Palestinian liberation. I don't need anyone on tumblr dot com's validation or approval and i'm certainly not stupid enough to dox myself online when every zionist shitbag, the police, and every employer out there is already trying to do that. but believe me when i say i have dropped pretty much everything else in my life to fight as hard as i fucking can to stop this genocide and work towards the Palestinian liberation.
Three, everyone needs to be doing shit in real life to fight to end the genocides going on right now. Only posting online does not count as activism, true. So take your conversations offline as well. Talk to people you know about Palestine, Sudan, and Congo. Read books and learn the histories. Write to and/or call your elected officials and government leaders and even the fucking bureaucrats. Join local solidarity and action groups working towards Palestinian liberation: Dissenters; DSA; JVP; SJP; AMP; IfNotNow are all US based groups that have local state chapters (idk too many groups outside of the US, sorry international friends). Participate in BDS, personally boycotting brands yourself, demanding your schools, workplaces, organizations, institutions, and governments divest from Israel. Attend rallies and protests and disruptions and vigils. Write to your local, state, and larger newspapers and demand they cover this genocide without bias, call them out for their shitty zionist reporting; write op-eds and letters to the editors. Sign up for webinars. If you can't leave the house or attend in-person events, you can make signs and banners for people and groups who can go. Start or join a campaign to pass a ceasefire resolution in your town/city; testify at town/city council or public comment about it & write to your local elected leaders. Donate to Palestinian and and relief orgs and charities if you can. And yeah, keep fucking sharing and uplifting and boosting Palestinian posts and voices online. The media is trying to repress the fuck out of them, so you we need to do our part to make sure their voices are seen and heard as widely and as loudly as possible.
And four, don't be a pretentious dick to strangers on the internet. You don't know shit about what people are doing in their real lives. This is just common fucking courtesy
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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simplepotatofarmer · 11 months
Blog Update:
Hi, it's me, Loyal.
I just want to say first and foremost, I really do love (parts of) the fandom and I'm not going anywhere.
I will, however, not be around as much. One, I'm about to enter an all day intensive treatment plan so I'll literally just be on in the evening. Two, as much as I'm going to keep writing and creating, I have no intention of interacting publicly with fandom as much as I have.
I can't. It's actually fucking insane that it's gotten to this point. I made tribute post and because I used lyrics from Dream's song, I got harassed. The people doing this, acting like this, thinking this way are insane.
So in case it's not clear: Based on my personal lived experience and some information that's come to light, I still enjoy Dream's content. You can approach me personally, off anon, if you want to know my reasoning. If you dislike me for this, that's fine. But I'm done trying to walk this fine line just so I don't get people threatening me, my kids, and my pets. Just so people stop sending me the city I live in, so they stop digging up twelve year old tweets, so they stop calling me slurs and suicide baiting me.
That's absolutely insane. It's horrible. It's disgusting and I was honestly just sitting here, taking it, because I'm terrified of upsetting people and losing friends if I say 'yeah, I'm excited for a new manhunt and I also this song helped me and my kids process my grief'. And the worst part is, it's not an unfounded fear. People have done the most vile shit to me. People I thought were friends jumped on me instead of those harassing me.
I just want to post about Techno and c!Rivals duo and not worry about whether or not this post is going to get me hate. I don't want to worry about how random discord servers are talking about me.
Because that's fucking batshit. Not the worrying, but what these people are doing and I'm tired of letting this effect me. I have enough going on in my personal life. My partner of 15 years almost died. We almost lost our house. I should be able to come online and post about the silly minecraft guys I like and their RP and lore without censoring myself out of fear of literally being doxxed and cyber stalked. I should be able to talk about the racism that effects me without being afraid people will make it about cc drama or calling me slurs or erasing my identity as an Ojibwe person.
The people doing this are the problem. It hurts that so many people are part of this, it really does. But I can't keep letting it get to me. I've always done my best to be kind. I haven't been perfect, especially not lately, because all this hate and stress has gotten to me. I've lashed out. I shouldn't have.
And I shouldn't have had to deal with all that shit in the first place. I hope no one else does. It's terrifying and draining and I'm done.
So I intend to post the things I enjoy, I intend to reblog my friends' art, write the Emerald duo and Rivals duo fics I want to. I want to post about the Syndicate and the new manhunt when it comes out. That's what I'm going to do.
Asks are staying off for the moment because people are too happy to make burner blogs but I'll probably turn them back on at some point as I love answering lore and headcanon questions and, again, it's fucked up I can't enjoy an aspect of the site and fandom because people can't just leave me alone.
To those people: Get help. You're harassing someone because you think they deserve it and that's the most fucked up thing.
To everyone else: So so many of you have been amazing. You've been supportive, you've been kind. That kindness and support speaks volumes and I love you all. I genuinely love you. Dreblr, you've been here for me for over a year at this point and I cannot thank you enough. You are the best part of fandom as far as I'm concerned. And to Dtblr, y'all have come to support me countless times and that means the world to me, it really does. As for all my fellow Rivals duo fans, you people are worth your weight in gold for the joy you bring. A special shout-out to @vpofcookies because you've been here since the beginning, practically, and I love you. There's more but you know who you are.
Anyway, I've been carrying this for awhile and I'm tired. I'm no longer going to give any amount of thought to the people determined to drag me down and harass me constantly.
My best advice is stop focusing on the things and people you hate and instead focus on what you love. That's what I plan to do, from here on out.
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
how do you feel about people getting astarion’s scars as tattoos because when i saw it i was like uh….
so i was thinking about how to answer this question for a bit and i've come to the conclusion that my struggles because i am completely gobsmacked that in 2023 we still have issues like this
i am 29 years old, which i think is very important to bring up. i've been on tumblr for over a decade, i remember when people were actually doxxed over kinning a character who did a murder once. i remember when lives were destroyed over how people chose to love a video game character. i remember when an ask like this would cause a witch hunt that ended in someone being genuinely unsafe. i think asks like this can still be dangerous, and i can't post this without making that clear. while i'd like to think this wouldn't happen anymore, i can't say for sure, i think we need to have the self awareness of what can come, when our history, as in tumblrs history, is full of things like this being actually deadly. sorry if that's a little too serious for the vibe you're putting out, but that shit was fucking traumatising and i'm not gonna pretend it wasn't, so this ask was a little scary to receive and my upcoming honesty? i'm scared to put it out there on gut instinct alone haha (insert comment about astarion kinnies here)
astarion is a video game character with intent to make you feel things, good or bad. he is designed to tell a story and attach you to that story. he is designed to make your little brain juices sizzle when he says a funny or makes you sad. i'm sure this is obvious, but your concern for what people do with these feelings makes me think it might not be.
the scars are fucking cool design. they were made to be fucking cool. you're meant to look at them the first time you do and go WHOA.... it is very easy to appreciate the work and effort that went into them by whomever designed them, they have a lot to be proud about. if someone wants the scars as a tattoo because they think it's cool, more power to them. that's a fucking expensive tattoo, it would take a long ass time to be finished and heal, it would never be an easy decision for these facts alone.. and adults can do whatever they like with their money. he doesn't exist, he isn't real, he can't be offended by this, and you shouldn't be either.
and now i have to get sensitive with it because astarions story, whether you want to think of this or not, can, and will, resonate with abused people. many kinds of people of course, but most especially abuse victims. as a victim myself, parts of his story hit just a little too close to home and hurt. now think of someone who might have it hit closer to home than it did for me, someone who finds more connection with what astarion went through and what they went through. now imagine how important astarion is to that person, his reclaiming of autonomy, his reclaiming of agency, etc. i can see someone wanting the scars as tattoos because then in their mind they can be astarion and do what astarion did. they can be closer to astarion and use that strength to survive and push through. they can feel what he felt and survive (obviously it's not the same, but it's the symbolism). unfortunately you cannot dismiss that some people may be doing it out of a place of trauma and using astarion to help them heal. i'm not arguing whether or not this is healthy, i've certainly done similar in my youth when it comes to relating to characters who have been abused, we all find our ways to cope, and we all find our places of strength.
astarion doesn't exist, he was created in a game studio with intent to make you feel shit, as established already, including intent to make you feel so strongly you want to put pieces of him on your skin forever, like, that's a compliment when it comes to making characters. if afhiri had something on her skin that signified trauma, and someone wanted to permanently put that on their skin? wow, she means that much to you? you liked her that much? that's a gods damn compliment. and i cannot see those who worked closely with astarions creation seeing it any other way.
what i can say is that when i was younger, 20-23ish, i probably would have given it an 'uh...' too, but as i grew older i realised that life is draining, it is hard, and there is no room to healthily view video game characters as any more than some code and 3d model that exist exclusively to make you feel something strong enough that you might want them with you forever, because that's the end goal, to make you feel that strongly, and if you wanna spend that hard earned money you make on putting the cool scars on your back, or the scars that make you feel so emotional that you cry on your back, do it. let the character whose made this rough existence a little easier or mean a little more do that for you, and if you wanna express it through a tattoo, do that, it's your body, your flesh.
i'm rambling on because i am so passionate in that life is too short to judge others via this. our lives are too hard already, life sucks enough as it is. the video game character doesn't give a shit if his scars are a tattoo because he's not real. who cares? why do you care? no, seriously, why do you care? does this help you? is it good for you? is judging someone else's decisions an act that brings you actual, real joy? is that how you want to spend your time? where you want to put your free thoughts? you don't know them, their reasoning, what they're going through, and it shouldn't matter. because their body has absolutely nothing to do with you, and i find it weird and uncomfortable that you cared enough about what someone else does with their body that you'd send me an anon about it.
i don't know whether you were looking for validation, or me to generally think about this critically, but i cannot encourage the mindset of caring about this more than "wow, i hope it looks good because that shit gonna be expeeeensive!!!" i cannot encourage sending people anon asks about it, it is strange to do that. this was strange! it was a strange experience and i don't like it. but i couldn't ignore it.
astarion might matter to you, personally, but he himself as a video game character, doesn't, because he isn't real, he has no feelings, he cannot be hurt or offended. but the person getting the tattoo? they're real. they're a real life person with feelings. they can be hurt, you can hurt them. you can judge them and bring them down and make them feel guilty for their choices. deciding whether you are the kind of person who'd do that to a living breathing person over a video game character is something you need to do. do you want to be that person? i know i certainly don't
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 14 days
hi, indian anon here ( I think I used the ⏳️) ig you can say I'm an ex swiftie, but in the sense that I was never exposed to western music until evermore and I listened to it and loved it. I never engaged with the fandom or anything, and didn't even know all these things taylor did, and I thought taylor was a decent person because of the documentary. This was until ofc, the matty healy incident which opened my eyes to her behavior, but idky I felt like I couldn't openly dislike her. Everyone in my school was obsessed with her and if you're a girl, and you hated her, or even disliked her, you were a pick me, and I didn't wanna get hated on more by my classmates (long story there). The last straw for me was prolly when 1989 tv was released (after the mh incident I just called myself a swiftie cuz I liked her earlier work) and I had joined an online swiftie group chat, and the people there were so vile and hateful. I remember saying it's wrong hating on harry styles for cheating on her cuz she did the same, or that Joe alwyn is just a regular dude, and so are all her other exes, except prolly matty and the John Mayor guy for dating a 19 y/o (SHE ALSO DATED MINORS THO??? no one talked about this shit) and I mentioned that she's not god and that she has done bad things, and the gc, which had 50 active members everyday, collectively not only hated on me, but also these people had access to my private insta acc. My face, my friends, my address, they knew it all. It was so scary, and while I have been in plenty of toxic fandoms before (my first death threats were by the hp fandom, which I've left long back), I actually felt threatened. It actually felt like a cult, and it was scary until my insta acc got shut down (idky), and the ppl couldn't find me anymore. The swiftie fandom is weird at best, and potential criminals at worst, because wtf. They don't have any sort of individual thinking, and if someone does, they will find a way to shut it down. Even now, when I interact with a swiftie and taylor Swift comes up, and I say I don't like her, their behavior is just like the ones online. Ik ppl get more confidence to do bad things online cuz of anonymity, but swifties are the same irl, too. They completely believe it is okay to treat ppl terribly, harass and spread disgusting rumors and even doxx a Palestinian woman and give her details to Isreali organization. Like that actually happened. I regret that I didn't leave the fandom sooner because I can't believe I was associated with something like this. Ik celebrities make mistakes, and that fandoms always have one toxic portion, but this is too much.
Sorry for the long rant tho 😅
- ⏳️
sorry it took me a while to respond, there is SO MUCH HAPPENING in this ask. like 3 diff asks rolled into one omfg
1. peer pressured into “continuing” to like taylor swift you are a different kind of victim im so sorry you went through that (and all to prevent you from being bullied…im so sorry)
2. THE SWIFTIE GROUPCHAT: that is horrible and TERRIFYING. all you did was practice critical thinking and you feared for your SAFETY. their reactions are not logical nor rational and speak to how dangerous her fanbase is.
if you feel like you cannot call out your fave for their behavior without your safety being threatened, that is not a fanbase, that is a cult. i think we should actually did a venn diagram of swifties and cults we’d have a perfect circle.
3. SWIFTIES IRL: this is so true about how they behave. ive had friends tell me theyre scared of saying they hate taylor IRL cause of the backlash they’d receive. THAT IS NOT NORMAL. even when BTS was at their peak ppl never felt threatened by the ARMY to that point 😭
you NEED to send more info/links/ss about the doxxed palestinian. i need the #SwiftiesforPalestine to see wtf their mutuals are doing. that is ABHORRENT behavior. that poor woman!
thank you sm for this ask, u are truly one of god’s strongest soldiers cause wtf!!!! is wrong!!!! with swifties!!!!!
(p.s. if you are a repeat anon go ahead and sign off your asks with an emoji so i can keep track! thank you!)
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batboyblog · 1 year
Nagging potential voters while offering them nothing has been a losing political strategy every time it's been tried. If you actually care about wresting political power from fascists - yes I am questioning your commitment - you'll get involved in on-the-ground organizing instead of acting like an asshole online. Because I cannot stress this enough: what you're doing here on tumblr? That hurt us in 2004. And 2016. And a bunch of the off-years too. Knock it off. And before you complain about my tone: I'm using the same one you did in your post. If reading this made you upset, maybe sit for a while and think about the implications of that.
lol, I honestly can't tell you how much this makes me laugh so thanks for the early morning comedy
I don't actually have any idea which of my MANY posts you found and decided to have an issue with.
Any ways, I have a Tumblr, which is mostly non-serious because in real life, my real life my real work is very serious and political and this generally is a decompression space away from that were I can express other interests, US Senators generally don't want to hear my take on comic books (well Pat Leahy....)
I'm not gonna lay out chapter and verse what I've done or do because I'm not doxing myself for an anon troll, but last election I knocked over 2,000 doors for Democratic candidates, I've been pretty open that I was HFA in 2016 and OFA before that
so generally in most of my posts I'm asking, basically begging people, to get as involved as I am, well maybe not AS involved, you don't all need jobs In politics someone has to drive the buses after all. But its very easy as a volunteer to make a huge huge impact on your local Democratic Party and on elections around you and it's amazingly healing to get out and talk to voters, a day of walking around knocking doors and talking to voters will cure you of wanting to dive bomb a strangers in box with nonsense like this.
any ways since I was you know, there, in 2004 and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume (since you assumed quite a lot about me) We lost that election because the Bush team totally shamelessly claimed our famous war hero candidate had in fact faked his Purple Hearts and hadn't earned his Sliver and Bronze Stars. Also they pretty shamelessly implied that a vote for Democrats was a vote for terrorism and stressed to evangelical voters that they'd ban gay marriage forever and always if Bush won re-election, which I think was very key to pulling Bush over the finish line in Ohio (and the election as a whole)
Not that that matters the "Nagging" narrative is silly, and mainly used by people who want to not feel bad for not voting being engaged. That its somehow Democrats fault for asking them to vote and pointing out the negative things that will happen if Republicans win. Thats how all campaigns since the dawn of time have worked however. All Campaigns are a mix of two things "here are the good things I would like to do" and "here are the bad things my opponent will do if they win" there's no way to campaign without the latter duh.
any ways like I said Tumblr is my silly happy place, but I'm still me, so sometimes I shoot off about the real life topics that matter to me. And here on Tumblr sometimes I can be blunter and ruder than I might on social media linked to my real life, thats not gonna change or anything I'm just saying.
finally I hope everyone gets involved, its fun its easy it makes a big difference, google your city or county and "Democrats" to find a local meeting, Everyone should check out The Sister District project, Swing Left, and Run For Something as I've said else where there are important elections happening all the time, Democrats have a chance to win the Governorship in Mississippi a dear friend of mine is down there right now working that and I couldn't be more proud of his unwavering efforts to blue the south (he helped get Andy Beshear elected in 2018) so random troll anon I hope you're doing more than uh... whatever this is, I'm gonna keep doing my thing.
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k0libra · 1 month
Hi, I hope you're doing well :) I came across your DBH civil aviation AU, and I just wanted to say I absolutely adore it. Without saying too much or doxxing myself, I actually work in commercial aviation, and your AU plus my career experience gave me a potential fic idea! I was just wondering if it would be okay to draw inspiration for a future fic from your AU? I would absolutely give you credit if I ever got around to posting it.
I'm at loss of words (in a good way). This is so exciting and I actually wanted to come back to it, because I had some more cool and nerdy ideas in my head. I can DM them to you, if you're interested in knowing more about the AU!!!!
And omg if you'll write the fic I WILL do illustrations for it. Civil aviation is a huge passion of mine and combining my two interests and helping visualise the story that other person imagined- I can't pass on this!
Thank you for your message you literally made my day💖
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shimenchus · 2 years
...I haven't seen a single toku blog receive any ask about a thea someone? And I follow quite a lot. So unless you're hanging out in some really weird circle of it... (after all, due to various reasons, toku tumblr is more like a bunch of bubbles instead of one monolith.)
What I HAVE seen are a lot of them still reblogging satoryuga's gifsets with positive tags, even to this day. From what I understand, most of them are pretty sure that she isn't a terf, and are against the re-uploader. However, they're not sure who is behind it. And judging by how this re-uploader has the means to doxx extremely personal info of random Tumblr users and create loads of sockpuppets, anything is possible. (For all we know, that person could be the re-uploader, or it could be some distraction to hide the real re-uploader's identity.)
This is also why--out of the fans I've spoken to--they've been trying to deal with the situation quietly (reporting hate comments, leaving supportive DMs to satoryuga, etc). We've already seen from the re-uploader's 2nd blog post (where they @ 'd a few people that were against the re-uploader for different reasons) that they're willing to threaten others too. If anything, I think the more accurate thing to do is ask why they would @ those users in particular (since by @ -ing them, they're turning those bloggers into targets). Clearly the re-uploader sees those people as either threats or easy targets to have beef with.
i'm not hanging out in any weird circles i promise you, everyone i follow in the fandom are just other girls who like sentai. yesterday i saw quite a few people getting told to "block and dni" with thea-nymo which is the real account of the reuploader if you didn't know that, there were even people outside of the fandom getting asks which makes no sense because people who don't know what sentai is definitely wouldn't know who satoryuga is lol
i get the fear around the doxxing, i don't think anybody should be forced to do anything they're uncomfortable with and if there's people in the fandom who aren't liking or making shady posts about satoryuga and have privately reached out to her because that's what they're comfortable with then that's great, more power to them.
i mean, i never in my life got so many grown adults telling me to get graphically and violently raped and murdered until i called them out on harassing satoryuga, i know most people would not have the stomach for that kind of stuff so i fully understand the ones who don't want to openly say anything.
but the ones who are leaning into the "i'm not looking at any evidence because someone told me satoryuga = bad = she should get raped and murdered because i can't think for myself" crowd can find a tall tree to get caught up in.
and most of the people that got @ by the reuploader weren't people who against him, it was people he was against lol considering neckspike got @ and that loser was the first person starting the "this is a hoax none of this is real it's a psychop" stuff against satoryuga.
i think stacaesar and diamondsketches are the only people who got @ that the reuploader was purposely trying to draw attention to, to get the cult to attack them too, because much like satoryuga, neither of them did anything wrong.
neckspike and whatever that artist's name was (they blocked me after calling me a crackhead so i don't remember lmao) are super anti-satoryuga and couldn't make a single argument against her/against the people supporting her without resorting to racism and misogyny, so if anybody sent those two even 1 threat... well, babygirl that's on them lol
thanks for the nice message though, i wasn't expecting someone else from the fandom to see it and give a response like this that wasn't another rape threat/"slit your wrists terf" type message.
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uravitrocity · 1 year
uravitrocity: Heyo!
rosetintedseer: Hey hey!
uravitrocity: H-How goes, Rose?
rosetintedseer: It goes, though in what direction remains to be seen. And you?
uravitrocity: Oooh! It goes... in the evil direction!
rosetintedseer: The evil direction? My my, has a villain caught wind of my contact information?
Tumblr media
uravitrocity: Only the MOST evil villain!
rosetintedseer: Hm, I see. Well then you’ve caught me at a disadvantage it would seem as I’ve no idea whom that could be, yet you seem to have my own identity at your fingertips.
rosetintedseer: I don’t suppose I could coax some gleanings towards your identity out of you, could I, vile one?
uravitrocity: Y-You mean me, Uraraka Ochaco?
rosetintedseer: Ah, thank you for offering it so candidly. I was half afraid you would have left me in the dark. Shall I call you Ochaco then?
uravitrocity: Yes! Y-You can call me... no wait! You can call me Uravitrocity! The ultimate evil bad-guy! ...Or Gravitrocity. I can't decide...
rosetintedseer: Oh? Still workshopping it? Gravitrocity sounds a touch more sinister if you want my two cents.
uravitrocity: Hrmm! Sinister is my entire wheelhouse!
rosetintedseer: Yes, clearly. Texting girls out of the blue from mysterious numbers does put you quite high in the list in villainous behaviors. You’re well on your way, flirting with the highest echelons of villainy as we speak.
uravitrocity: That's right! That's right! You're getting me all f-fired up!
uravitrocity: ...I-It's not embarrassing to be getting this much praise or anything...
rosetintedseer: Hm? Should I not be complimenting the quality of your villainy? Shall I simply languish whilst you commit unspeakable crimes? I assume you’re criming about as we speak, yes? Texting me whilst tangling yourself in webs of deceit and intrigue? Certainly not just messaging some random girl whose information you plucked from the interwebs for kicks? Though I suppose that too would be rather villainous.
uravitrocity: Uh... Uh... oh gosh... Well right now, I'm about to embark in a most nefarious of evil plots that'll have people shaking in their boots! T-Texting a random internet stranger is just the b-beginning! Th-Though, uh... you wouldn't happen to have any good ideas for supervillain schemes... would you?
rosetintedseer: I am afraid I am but a humble Seer, kept up in her penthouse suite that she acquired through various lucrative deals acquired from some particularly crocodilian companions. Whilst I may not have much levels as a hero, I’m not sure I could say I qualify for villainy either.
rosetintedseer: You’ve managed to provide me some amusement though. Gold star.
uravitrocity: Gold Star!!
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uravitrocity: I earned a Gold Star! I did it! I... uh...
uravitrocity: I'll take that Gold Star! It's mine now!!
rosetintedseer: Gasp.
rosetintedseer: Stealing what was meant to be a gift for you. I’m almost hurt.
uravitrocity: Eheheheh, now you see what kind of evil you're dealing with!
uravitrocity: Maybe next I'll come by your penthouse and invite myself in-- without knocking!
rosetintedseer: Oh my. Doxxing on top of breaking and entering? Truly vile stuff you’re considering.
uravitrocity: Aaaaah... t-trying to make me feel bad about it won't save you from my wickedness!
rosetintedseer: Hm? I assumed you would take that as complimentary. My apologies, I’m trying to meet you in lockstep.
uravitrocity: I-It was a compliment! Of... Of course it was! I love to intrude on people's privacy!!
rosetintedseer: Most certainly. You’re a bad girl, dear Gravitrocity. I assume I am to be some sort of hostage or…?
uravitrocity: Ah... I really hadn't thought that far a-- I mean of course!! It'll be a kidnapping! And I won't be a nice kidnapper! I'll make sure to set a really high ransom!
rosetintedseer: Oh? Consider me almost excited to have my value appraised once you arrive. I’m curious what you think my market value would be.
uravitrocity: O-Oh gosh... w-well it definitely won't be a low amount, that's for sure! Y-You have a pretty face and nice hair, and you have such a lovely way of speaking... y-you're probably worth at least a million bucks!!
rosetintedseer: My my. That almost competes with the lot of land that was bought off me for this hotel. I’d like to think I’m somewhat comparable with a five-star hotel, yes. Mmn I do like the idea of that. Unless you’re purposefully lowballing my value so you can scoop me up for yourself?
uravitrocity: Ah! No no! That kind of white collar criminal underhandedness is... is... is completely up my alley! Yes, I'll scoop you up! I'll even do it with both hands!
rosetintedseer: How authoritative. I suppose there is nothing that can be done. I’ve found myself in a bit of a damsel in distress situation it would seem. Eyeing me up like a piece of meat and an upcoming payday.
uravitrocity: Y-Yes! That's me! I bet it makes you tremble knowing you'll be subject to the terrible might of the planet-defying supervillain Uravity!! I-I mean Gravitrocity! ...But, uh... it might take me a moment to get there. D-Don't run away though! J-Just m-maybe have a nice bath and put on some nice clothes... I think purple would look good on you! I'll be on my way! I-In the evil direction!
rosetintedseer: Oh is Uravity also being worked on for your villain name? Either way I suppose if you are ordering me to run a bath, I will. I apologize if I am not decent when you arrive. I’ve quite a bit of ground to cover in a few areas. I simply don’t have a choice but to comply with your demands.
uravitrocity: U-Uravity was my old name, f-from back when I was a goody two-shoes loser hero!
rosetintedseer: Mm mm. I see. You’re such a natural at villainy I would have never put that together. You’re so depraved.
uravitrocity: Th-That's right! I am the very model of depravity!
uravitrocity: A-and I'll t-try not to walk in on you when you're not decent! That would be embarrassing for both of us.
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rosetintedseer: I’ll admit I’m somewhat used to it. The owners of this hotel don’t quite value my privacy. Though perhaps you’re nicer than them.
uravitrocity: Ahahh... My niceness is much nicer than any hotel manager's niceness!
uravitrocity: I-I mean... my niceness is evil!
rosetintedseer: You’ve got me in a tizzy, Gravitrocity. Nearly on the verge of tears as I draw this aromatic bath at the heed of your intense commands.
uravitrocity: A-Ah! Oh no... w-well, I demand you dry those tears immediately!
rosetintedseer: Mm? Are you certain? You’ve rendered me so emotionally vulnerable.
uravitrocity: Aaah... I-I'm so confused, you're gonna make my head spin. J-Just dry one eye! And, um... make the water a little hotter than you're comfortable with!
rosetintedseer: Steamy. Very well, if I absolutely must. I’ll make this a particularly hot bath. Thinking about how absolutely helpless I am to your demands. You’re such a bad girl, Ochaco. I’m truly helpless.
uravitrocity: Yes! You are as helpless to my evil as you are to gravity! Pulled down by the weight of my evil! Now, uh... stay there! P-Pinned by evil! I gotta... figure out how to get there faster.
rosetintedseer: I couldn’t move if I wanted, I’m a hostage right? I’ll keep the line open just in case. I might be catching a bit of Stockholm Syndrome as we speak.
uravitrocity: Oooh, careful! You shouldn't go forming dangerous emotional disorders for someone as villainous as me! Now, enjoy your bath!! ...W-While you can, I mean!
rosetintedseer: I’ll do my best. Your confidence is just so magnetic.
uravitrocity: W-Well... I think I might have to post this conversation to my blog... th-then go out and get you!!
rosetintedseer: How frightening. I am helpless to your whims.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
Doesn't it bother you that people on sites like Kiwi Farms read the stuff you post on here? I agree that it's not as important as exposing your abuse at the hands of people like Lily, but still.
Honestly? Not really. Hear me out here:
I've gotten a general idea of the reputation Kiwi Farms has on Tumblr specifically and around the internet. From what I understand, the consensus is that the site is full of online harassers that get their kicks out of bullying people via insults, doxxing, etc etc. Since I do care about keeping anything associated with me or the people around me off of genuinely horrible places, I went and checked KF out myself.
What I found doesn't fully line up with the narrative that gets pushed about them.
I'd say the "worst" thing about that site that I saw based on my own looking around is the fact that SOME of their members have some spicy or otherwise questionable opinions on certain subjects, and the site in general tends to participate in old internet humor that's considered pretty offensive in most circles today. The website isn't targeted to any specific political or social demographic, so people are pretty much allowed to intermingle and discuss whatever they want as long as certain lines aren't crossed. As for the unwarranted harassment accusations?
The people and groups that I saw on that website that ended up getting the most attention were completely deserving of all the flack they were getting. People like Kero The Wolf (zoosadist and necrophiliac), Chris-Chan (sex-pest and now elder abuser), Hypnotist Sappho (open zoophile and child groomer), as well as groups like TERFs, Radfems, and the like are all imo deserving of being criticized. The reputation of KiwiFarms "spreading false information about people through targeted harassment campaigns" seems to have come from the very much toxic, dangerous people who were getting called out for their behavior. One thing KF does right is make damn sure every accusation against someone has legit, archived evidence to back it up. Chat logs, public posts, videos, testimonies, all of it is uploaded to archive websites and saved from the perpetrators deleting incriminating content, which has lead to multiple people being outed as dangerous that may not have been had there not been people saving and documenting the evidence.
Now I'm not in any way saying that the website is perfect and every take they have is warranted, which is the nature of a website that allows discourse from all over the political and social spectrums. But that's part of another issue I have with the perception of the entire website; it can't be painted with a broad brush. Some of the users have opinions I heavily disagree with, while other members lean more toward my own views and opinions. Which I think is ultimately a GOOD THING. It allows people to be exposed to views and perspectives outside of their own world view, which encourages dialogue and possibly understanding things they wouldn't have without those discussions. The one thing I can say for sure about KF is it's not an echo chamber by any stretch of the imagination.
In a lot of ways, KF reminds me of the forums of the early 2000s. Anonymity is pretty much required there for the safety of the members, and the integrity of the information that gets presented about dangerous individuals. Certain extremist viewpoints are not tolerated there, but as long as nobody goes too far, all viewpoints are openly discussed. The language use by some of the members is pretty heavy and I don't personally agree with it or participate in the use of that language, but think about it like this; would you rather have the people who think it's funny to use slurs or other forms of hateful speech shoved into an echo chamber with a bunch of other people exactly like them to escalate that speech into hateful beliefs and actions, or would you rather have them exposed to people who will challenge those views and offer other perspectives for them to think about?
tl;dr: KiwiFarms isn't perfect, but it's not the evil pit a lot of people seem to think it is.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Hello! I've been reading through your asks about friendships and I have a question I'm not sure how to phrase so it could get lengthy (sorry). I guess I'm gonna start by saying that my online fannish presence and my real life are completely separated. I'm not from the US and I'm not that young anymore, so this habit formed as to keep myself 'safe'. (It's seen as weird here, let's just say that.) And I keep my online presence anon as much as I can too. When you make friends online, you already click through something in common right? Fandom or show or anything and take it from there, see each other's accounts or whatever, no questions there.
Thing is, I make friends better face to face but I'm not sure how people just... tell someone about fandom stuff? Being a fan is easy-peasy, you wear some merch or meet through a fan event, whatever. What I mean is being in fandom. Shipping or writing fic or having a blog or making art. I'm so used to it being a hush-hush hobby I just can't imagine "coming out" in front of someone and telling them my username and all that. I live in a homophobic country so that adds to the fun, but even without it, I write erotica. I also write badwrong erotica so it's bit uuuh sensitive? I can't imagine telling someone that but it's a big part of my life and I don't want to close that off from someone who is supposed to be a friend but it's not the easiest topic, you see?
And i do have other hobbies and topics to connect through but I'm not gonna lie, fandom is important to me because I just love writing and looking at art and all and I don't want to make it a secret, as I said. This may sound very embarrassing but I was hoping you or anyone can share some advice? XD How do you guys approach this if you haven't met through your online profiles? Aren't you scared/shy to give out your username? Plenty of ppl's friends know they write fic but I'm not sure how they do that. I'm definitely feeling stressed about this bc of antis and doxxing and it feels stupid but I wanted to add that. It's that being vulnerable feeling but I'm tired of being ashamed of my own hobbies but I'm not sure how this stuff goes irl? Do you wait until you're closer friends? Or just rip off the band-aid? Who knows, maybe the other person is in the same boat! I hope you got a sense of what my question is? I'm sorry if this weird and thanks in advance!
This is a very good question.
Part of the answer is that the people you're observing have different offline circumstances from yours, so you're going to have more trouble replicating their experiences than some lurkers.
But that's not the whole story.
I personally do not wait to tell people. I'm not in any real danger of being physically attacked for being a weird porn writer, but even in a tolerant part of the US, lots of people are going to think my hobbies are strange. Lots of people will have double standards where indie art by women is cringe and abnormal, while equally horny, revealing, or weird art that has the seal of approval from big publishers or Hollywood is fine and normal, especially if it's by straight men, but frankly, even if it's not.
The biggest key to the emotional side of things is to be confident that your way is the right one. You're allowing this other person an opportunity to know an artist with a unique personal vision. If they're a stick-in-the-mud who hates interesting art, that's a them problem.
If you are genuinely proud of your weirdness, other people will often find it intriguing or not think to attack it as cringe.
If there's an element of physical safety or job security at risk, obviously, things are a little different. You probably can't find local people who are loud and proud about fanfiction porn specifically, but what do queer artists in your area do?
If you're somewhere where gay men are being dragged off and shot, maybe there's nobody who's out and proud, but in many homophobic countries, there are still weirdo artist subcultures that aren't ultra closeted. Where do those people hang out? How do they signal group membership? How do they keep themselves safe?
Honestly, when I meet people offline, we don't always share our actual handles. It was years before I actually knew most of my friends' AO3 accounts. What I do do is casually talk about liking fic from the very beginning. That's normal to me, so I mention it like it's normal. Liking m/m, porn, and weird kinks are all normal to me too, and I talk about them like they're nothing to be ashamed of or secretive about.
The vibe you give off does a lot to cue other people. If you're not ashamed, they will treat the topic as a non-shameful one. If they go "Gasp! You like X!" and you raise your eyebrows as though they'd said something as silly as "You find cat videos cute????" it will embarrass them. Treat that behavior like a faux pas, not like a valid attack.
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
Curently in a place where I can finally access battery for my phone, and internet. I really wish I didn't have this take so long, as I apparently...have an audience now? Who actually likes what I have to say and provide? O_O wowzers I am so unready for this love. But it is...you have no idea how welcome it is, to just be noticed by people. It has been ACTUAL AGES OF MY LIFESPAN before I was evr given a proper chance at healthy attention, and positive relations like this. I am so...overwhelmed, but for once, that's in a good way. For once, I can feel glad and good about it.
Which is especially importantin my life, as I have...kind of lost everything I had once known and valued, loved, in my life. My home many years ago that has only gotten worse over time with the strangers owning and tearing it up in ways I vould never even describe, the last places I had which were at least places I tried to relax and enjoy myself in and attempt to start my own life on my own terms, which didn't really happen as I wanted, even any other place which had a bath, private toiletry and no rent pay which was always more my speed of living to begin with, family that revealed their true ugly nature over time. Everything I ever knew got upended and I feel very driven insane. And in this year I was sickeningly and mercilessly kicked out, WITH NO FINANCIAL SAFETY NET OR FRIENDS OUTSIDE OR ANYTHING ELSE TO FALL BACK ON, MIND. I WAS LITERALLY THROWN OUT TO DIE BY THE ONE WHO WAS CALLED "MY MOTHER". But the truth is, I have never in my life had a real mother, or entire family, no matter how hard or how long I've been searching. And there were so....no, too much that happened inbetween then and these few months, up to this month, where I am officially homeless. I have already spent days sleeping outside and it has been both freeing, but terrifying. I can't enjoy the freedom while I've been scared of problems arising from being hit by weather storms. I have had to teach myself and macgyver so many things just to ensure unexpected things don't happen outside, and I still don't know what I'm going to do when I finally need a shower. The only funds I have left anymore are what I have to pay a storage, my phone data plan, and buy food ONLY. Anything else for survival, I have to either rely on what I already own or buy the cheapest possible to conserve money. I was so afraid that I would never have internet or power again and I wouldn't be able to contact you all or ever have fun again, but thank god there's been free wifi spots and charging stations set up in certain places so I can camp out. As fir sleeping, I only have one chair to lug around and it has been SO IMPOSSIBLY TIRING SOMETIMES but at least I have something with a hood over me, and the additional protection of building roofs. I almost...feel both the weakest I've evr been, and physically stronger everyday, and I am so damaged and driven insane with rage and grief and I wantto die because it has been truly unbearable to GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS AND STILL NEVERBE HELPED...RESCUED BY ANYONE. I...just want to be adopted by a good family and brought to a real good home, to stay forever, and forget I ever went through this. Truly start my life all over and begin it like it deserved to be.
So to anyone who has bothered to read this...my god, thank you. I did say once that I wanted to only save this blog for fun happy good things, but so far, my real issues and situations have bled through in my speech anyway, so I think there's no going back now. Now that you know my story, I desperately ask that someone help me out. I live in Canada, around 80ave, in a red chair with a little canopy cover on it. That's all I can really say safely, without being doxxed for my identity. I don't want anyone but the right people to find me now...just to help me, rescue me from this homeless, familyless, friendless, joyless hell I have to face now, without any choice of my own. But for once, I want my choices to matter, AND be finalized, unchanged, unchallenged, unstolen away from me. I AM SO TIRED AND DEAD. I WANT TO DIE EVERYDAY BECAUSE NOONE AND NOTHING IS ALLOWING ME TO LIVE, THE WAY I ONCE EARNESTLY WANTED TO. GOD, HELP. ME.
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mariaiscrafting · 2 years
idk how to tell you that now of all times, especially when a legitimate s/a victims assault and domestic abuse survivor has had her information leaked online for thousands to view and talk about without her consent regardless if the accused are guilty or not, is not the time to be cracking the "dreamblr is a dumpster fire lmao and this is amusing to me" agenda. There are better ways to critique the reaction that aren't entirely insensitive to the situation and victim.
hmmmm 🤔
this is a legit point, so I'm gonna answer it as genuinely as possible and take the criticism to heart.
ever since certain people decided to give me piles of shit for legitimately getting angry and arguing over the dream reddit thing, I don't know if yall have noticed, but I've largely shifted the way I treat discourse. generally, I treat it all with humor, even if deep down I'm simply uncomfortable or genuinely angry, I think basically to protect myself. like I'd "laugh" and talk about "eating popcorn" during the andi thing because getting legit angry at people hurt too much. so instead, I'd just push that down and pretend I was laughing at the absurdity of the fans in the situation, because that was so much easier to deal with.
all that to say, yeah, I reacted to this manatreed shit, the very little that I knew about it, laughing because it seems kinda absurd and also to protect myself. the entire situation is straight outta my worst dystopian nightmare for internet drama, and it just generally seems insane to me how people are treating this shit, I can't even explain it or go into it all..so instead of getting angry or expressing all my disbelief, I was like, how can I twist this to be wildly entertaining? how can I glean some entertainment out of this insanity? ah yes, by focusing on how ridiculous dream stans are, including rn. and they are being so ridiculous, for so so many reasons, right? the way they actually started to disown dream when the allegations were first thought to be true, when hes done so much worse shit and also all he did was supposedly tangentially know someone who allegedly committed sa; the way they all fucking wanted to believe this rando's receipts when it was popular, and then the second the tweets saying "stop believing this rando what's wrong with you guys" got like 12k likes, they fucking turned tail and started moralizing at everyone else; the way the exact same people who are like "I feel so bad for this sa victim, stop spreading doxxing info, etc" will retweet and make those threads nitpicking every single aspect of their lives; the very fact that they are nitpicking this victim's life just for the stupidly selfish sake of making themselves feel better by absolving their fave new cc of blame so they can still stan this guy they think is hot and mysterious without the uncomfy knowledge that he might be a predator (as if that's the part that fucking matters in all of this); the fact that you all got so utterly butthurt over dream calling yall gullible, to the point that people were replying w doxxed info on his priv twt, because yall cant stand to be even slightly criticized by your uwu perfect minecraft boy and need to be coddled and babied by him at all fucking times; the extreme and hilarious contrast between the shitstorm transpiring rn and the posts not two days ago trying to look into why the dt were befriending this rando, faceless cc, like yall were on fucking csi or some shit, as if the dt arent just a bunch of trolls who like messing w you idiots bc it's funny to them.
all of this is ridiculous in the way that its painful and unbelievable and horrible and apalling. but I like to turn my incredulity into something I can laugh about instead, because I'm so done with getting angry and sad and frustrated with you idiots. Like, am I fucking angry that people are basically taking this sa victim's dirty laundry and airing it out for the sake of the next cycle of their cc drama wheel? fucking yeah. but I'm not gonna go onto tumblr and start moralizing it bc it's out of my control anyways, what the fuck am I gonna do, make a smiletwt account and start telling people off until one of my virtue signaling rants gets enough likes to be noticed? what a miserable endeavor that would be, christ 🙄 no, dreamblr is within my reach and also blowing up my dash rn, so yeah, yall are what I set my sights on.
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I went on kendallroy's blog (not for drama I just wanted to see their opinion on a film I watched out of curiosity) and did anyone realise that the post phoebenatural commented on took really genuinely scary proportion regarding the safety of op? Like I know you specifically didn't do anything, that's not what this message is about.
I feel like we all had our fun poking fun at op's previous antics, which meant they do not have the high ground on making fun of destiel but now apparently someone is making several blogs going around several posts to doxx them and suicide baiting them and overall threatening their life. It all started on that post I'm referring to. (The one phoebe commented on)
If they haven't blocked you, I feel like checking out their blog would help you make more sense of what I'm saying. We can't forget that this is Tumblr, and while we are currently the most bearable website out there we still are filled with genuinely insane people who want to cause harm for funsies and can do so while remaining extremely anonymous. I just don't like the idea of deancas fans being used as a scapegoat to doxx and harass people :( Like we're just having fun on our side you know!
Idk if this makes any sense and I don't want this to be open season in your inbox for discourse and I don't hold anyone from the desticule accountable for what ensued, I just feel like this is an issue worth raising amongst us to make sure we don't become the scapegoat for when shit hits the fan in other people's mentions. But in order to do that it does require us to agree to do something collectively to not have this happen again.
Kendallroy is seemingly concerned for their well-being at the moment and while I simply cannot bring myself to like or care for this person I don't want this to set precedent. We just can't have this become normalised. I don't want our fun to be reason for real concern for others.
Sorry this became long, again to be clear, I know you specifically didn't do anything and I don't believe Phoebenatural is responsible for what happened but I hate the idea that us responding is an invite for others to get horribly nasty to random blogs. Again I don't want a discourse, but can we just try and find a way to not let stuff get outta of our hands when we defend ourselves? I just wanna start somewhere and I figured here is as good place as any.
Yeah I looked at her blog too and it looks like whatever she's going through right now is really scary. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and I hope the situation gets resolved without incident.
It sucks that this seemingly stemmed from a silly post about a supernatural ship. Ideally we'd all be able to have fun on here about inconsequential things like that without it having legitimately dangerous repercussions, but clearly that's not always the case.
I'm not sure how much the post itself had to do with inciting the doxxing. Kendallroy seems to suspect that this person is someone who's been subtly targeting her for months, and if that's the case, this person could have used any post going around with her name on it to do this.
It's terrible and should not have happened, and I really don't mean for this to come off as dismissive or insensitive because I absolutely recognize the gravity of the situation. That being said, the issue you've brought to me is that Supernatural bloggers are being and will continue to be used as a scapegoat for incidents like this, and I'm just not sure there's a significant correlation there. Yes, circulation of the post in question served as a catalyst for this particular situation, and at the same time, supernatural blogs have been being annoying on tumblr posts for years and I don't think anything like this has ever happened. If, somehow, this did become a pattern, it would suck that it would reflect badly on people who like this tv show, sure. But I think everyone's priority would be the safety of whoever was being doxxed.
As for letting stuff get out of our hands, you're veering into an ethical conversation that I haven't spent significant time unpacking. How responsible are we for what others do with the things we put on the internet? Yes, I think people should think about what they put on the internet. No, I don't always do that. If I add something to a post and it starts going around and somebody uses it to commit an act of harm, is that partially on me? Is it my responsibility to take measures to prevent it from happening again? Again, this is NOT to dismiss anything about what's happening to kendallroy, but I'm trying to address the specific issue you raised, and I'm not convinced that the post being about supernatural was a significant factor in the outcome of this whole scenario.
Also. This isn't particularly important but I am once again reiterating that the extent of my involvement with this post was reblogging it. This isn't to deflect responsibility or anything; it just seems, judging by the asks I've been getting for the past few days, that some people think I was involved in the core of whatever's going on here. I'm happy to give my two cents when asked for it, but I cannot stress enough that I'm not any kind of authority on what happened and why.
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goth-bunny · 3 years
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I hate to say this, but I no longer feel at home or safe using Tumblr.
Within the past 3 years, it's caused me a lot of anxiety and caught the unwanted attention of bigots, even to the point that I constantly had asks flood my inbox and my personal posts reblogged and mocked.
In 2018, I was targeted by T_RFs, in 2019 I was dogpiled by wh_te supremacists, and in 2020 I was stalked, harassed, sent death threats/suicide baits, and nearly doxxed by a transphobic anon who couldn't take accountability for a simple mistake, to the point that they had to target my main Twitter account.
All these events have made me more anxious and apprehensive when it comes to socializing with others on this website and the lonliness is overbearing.
I've been on this website for 10 years (this blog for almost 7) and I've learned so much about myself and other people through this platform. I've made long-term friends and acquaintances. It's safe to say this has been my home and safe space when it comes to sharing content and being out and accepting about my own identity as a nonbinary bisexual on the spectrum, but in recent years...I feel like I can't even vent about small things on here without anons coming into my Inbox and tell me that I complain too much on my own blog.
I don't want to be on Twitter all the time because of its notorious userbase. Facebook isn't exactly the best place for it and I've also had some negative experiences there last year, what with some self-absorbed member of our pagan group insulting me when I told them I was trapped in a family that doesn't always seem to understand me, and an artist around my age who was exposed for defending child abuse materials and harassing minors.
I feel sad coming to think of having to leave this website since it helped me form my own thoughts and grow into my own person instead of having to rely on my own parents and their weekly Sunday church visits all the time.
Even though I started off ignorant and naive when I joined, I laughed at the nonsensical humor posts, I listened to personal anecdotes, I learned more about the world around me and beyond, all without having to leave my country.
I soon learned that the relationship I got into when I was 18 wasn't exactly how I pictured it, and I never had the chance to explore my identity fully until I was 21 and I had to break up with my ex for being stubborn and lacking compassion for marginalized sectors at the time, as well as being transphobic when I came out nonbinary.
I've learned that a lot of the tics and habits I had is commonly found in others on the autism spectrum and it gave me a new understanding of why I act and think the way I do.
I know I haven't exactly been the kindest last year, and I haven't been as open as I hoped. My poor mental and emotional health impaired my judgment and critical thinking, costing me a long-term friendship and the trust of some others. However, I did repay the people who commissioned me when I said I couldn't be able to do them due to my mental health. That is a reason, but not an excuse for how I acted. know I've done something wrong and I would like to apologize. I know it may seem like I haven't changed much, but it's hard to be open and honest when your words and actions can be twisted online and that ill-willed folks might be watching my every move.
What's next for me?
Well...I'm not sure.
I'm currently thinking that I might take an indefinite break from this website, even if it breaks my heart. Or start anew on a new blog and live quietly, even if it means giving my comfort space.
If you reached the end of this post, thank you for taking the time to read it. I know I don't seem like it, but I appreciate the mutuals and followers I have, even if I don't know you very well. You make my life less lonesome and I hope you have wonderful days ahead of you.
And I'm sorry if I've ever been petty or unbearable at times. Even if it was about little things like preferences, maybe I shouldn't have been too much of an ass and actually just said what I meant. I'm still learning how to accept my shortcomings and bad mental health days without having to resort to memes. Wisecracking can only get you so far and some things are not worth poking fun at, especially if they're treading on more sensitive issues.
P.S. I don't think I will be turning on anons for a long time. If you want to say something to me, whether good or bad, please be open and honest with me. I appreciate it.
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