#i can't seem to calm down
peachyberryji · 1 year
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imagionary · 1 year
OH BOY Dave sure can! Do THAT! Was that presentation a one time thing or does he do that for kicks Translation: SHOULD I BE SCARED OF HIM
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Itsa one time thang, babe, dontchu worry 'bout it, aight? ~
Unless you's plannin on crossin' me- hahaha! Just playin', or am I?
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cold--carnage · 11 days
it's really unfair that simply being in our own home is a trigger now sometimes
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basuralindo · 1 year
Hey do you think Jamil has trouble seeing people his age as peers?
Like, growing up having to be a caretaker to a guy literally a few months older than him, always expected to act like the adult in the situation, expected to work with adults and adopt their perspectives and pick up their slack. Do you think he just, forgets sometimes?
I mean we've seen him go into caretaker mode with other sophomores, and the only people I've seen him take seriously are juniors like Vil who also act much older than they should have to (his reactions to Leona look more like a trauma response and I don't wanna get into it here). People like Malleus and Cater still somewhat get the caretaker treatment. Like I just highly doubt that he subconsciously realizes he's actually part of his age group
Aaand that inevitably brings up Azul, who also acts like he thinks he's older than he is. Whether you're looking at it from a shipping angle or not, he reacts to Azul like an actual peer. With older students, he seems more in his element but there's still a status hierarchy which he compulsively reacts to. With Azul he doesn't acknowledge any status worth respecting or see him as someone who needs to be looked after. He just bickers like an equal, in a way that implies he actually does see Azul as a real peer, like subconsciously he's categorized this guy into the same group as himself, who was previously alone on that level (he gets like this more with the twins too, over time, but it seems to start with Azul).
And my favorite part about this is, while that response stems from them both acting more like adults in general, they elicit a pettiness from each other which drags them both down to actually acting their own age, and I just love that. Their characters are perfect foils for each other and it seems to make them both less isolated in a way.
#idk how to fully explain this thought in the azul department#but other than that its... yeah. forced maturity is so fucking isolating#I'm not surprised the only people he seems to hang around with are the fish even though he claims to hate them#since they seem to be in a similar boat with that#jamil viper#on a more shippy note:#I feel like Jamil NEEDED someone who he didn't feel the need to respect. in order to avoid falling into programmed behaviors#he's able to be a person around Azul in a way that nobody else can give him#specifically because Azul CAN keep up. but doesn't command his respect in any way that his employers would force him to acknowledge#and stubbornly refuses to leave despite Jamil being an asshole in his desperate attempts to feel some sense of freedom and control#which results in him wearing himself out enough to calm down and socialize while actually being treated with respect and equality anyway.#And it seems like Azul needed to find someone that he couldn't just attain or control from behind his own walls#he's desperate for the attention of someone who refuses to let him play the role he's developed to distance himself from others#so he has to treat himself more like a real person in order to get what he wants#which is a guy who challenges him enough to prove that it's not just him and the twins vs the ignorant masses#he's spent so long building himself a fortress of wealth and arrogance to protect him from the rest of the world#and now he's faced with the fact that he can't stay in there and still get what he wants no matter how many well practiced tricks he uses#and suddenly they're both just teenagers bickering in school with a peer like everyone else for the first time in their lives#this got off topic
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britneyshakespeare · 2 months
i was crying in front of a sidewalk tonight and someone in a passing car asked to me through their window "you alright?" honestly didnt even know what they expected
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ccaptain · 4 months
[ In the shot, there are ████ people. One of them has its wrists handcuffed, a long chain held in the hands of a young man with red hair that's clutching it like a lifeline. A girl, with the same red hair as him, is trying to talk with what appears to be a prisoner. ]
Astrid: I'm sorry- did we tied the chain too tight? I can loosen it- [ WARNING: AUDIO DATA CORRUPTED. SOME PARTS OF THE BUBBLE MAY NOT PLAY CORRECTLY. ] ???: ██. ██'█ ████ ████ ████. █████ ███.  Astrid: Are you sure? Mortis: Sister... Astrid: ...Sorry- Mortis: He's an outlaw. I didn't handcuffed and chained him because I wanted to doll him up, Stri.  Astrid: But- Mortis: You loosen his chain- and then what? He attacks and kills us before we can get him to the Monastery. Is that what you want? Astrid: No... Mortis: Good. Do the first night shift, then- and do it well. And you, [ a finger is pointed at the prisoner. ] do NOT try anything funny. I have a knife- don't think I'll go soft on you like my sister. If I hear her scream, we'll bring you to the Monastery headless.
[ The girl lowers her head back into her joined knees, while Mortis passes her the chain and walks out of field view. The figure that should be the prisoner is nebulous- its traits are not recorded well, consistently shifting against the memory bubble. The upper part of its face cannot be recorded clearly- what can be seen on the face is expressionless. ]
[ Some time seems to have passed in the memory. Astrid has walked back to the handbag by the side of her sleeping brother, and is ripping a loaf of bread in half. She approaches the prisoner, who has not moved from seemingly staring into the bonfire, and hands it a large piece. ]
Astrid: Here. Eat this. You must be hungry. ???: ...███'██ ███ ████. █████ ███. Astrid: [ chuckling ] It's okay! We have more. Let me untie you...
[ After a bit of work, the girl manages to free the prisoner, who rubs its wrists through the handcuffs. ]
???: ...█████ ███. Astrid: You're welcome! [ pause. ] I'm sorry about my brother. He's been on edge ever since... well, ever since we stumbled into you. He's very protective... ???: █ ███ ███ ████. ██'█ ████. ████ █████ ██ █████ █████ ███. Astrid: I know! But he can be so overprotective sometimes... Astrid: What's your name? ???: ...█████.  [ AUDIO-RECORDING RESTORED. ] Kaeya: My name is Kaeya. What's yours? Astrid: My name is Astrid! My brother is... Kaeya: Mortis. Yes? He made sure that I knew. It's nice to meet you both. Astrid, can you tell me what planet this is? Astrid: Of course! It's called Onirith-II.  Kaeya: Onirith-II... I see. I have no knowledge of this planet- this must be why your brother was able to ambush me so easily. He must know his own planet very well- I could have never seen that net coming from above. It was extremely skillful of him. Astrid: Yeah! Our family owns a fishing business down in the city- we make the best nets. Still- I'm sorry about that... you don't look or act like an outlaw. You're very nice and calm. Why are you wanted? Kaeya: ...In the eyes of certaint people, I have done things bad enough to warrant me a bounty. It's... a bit difficult to explain. And I don't want to burden you further. I, however, can promise you a thing: I will not turn on you and your brother. You have captured me fair and square. Astrid: Okay... See, we're not going to hurt you. We're just going to bring you to the Monastery- once you tell them these things you told me, I'm sure they'll understand. Maybe it was just a big misunderstanding... Kaeya: Perhaps. I'd like to explain to them that I am not a threat. Astrid... what is this Monastery you're talking about? Is it a prison? Astrid: Sort of! It's where justice is done on our planet. It's the biggest building in the city! All the liars of the planet get taken here to have a trial. And, depending on what lies the person has told, they get...
[ The girl falls quiet. The prisoner looks at her, and rips a piece of bread to offer Astrid with a small smile. ]
Astrid: Oh... thank you.
[ There's silence for a moment, with only the sounds of chewing, before Astrid starts again. Her tone is somber, her shoulders have sagged. ]
Astrid: It doesn't matter if the lie is big or small... you get taken here. And you get punished accordingly. If the lie is small, you get detained for a few days... but if the lie is big, then... Kaeya: I understand. You don't have to force yourself to tell me about it- I'm sorry if I made you relive some bad memories.  Astrid: It's fine! I never lie. But Mortis... Kaeya: ...your brother has lied, and has been detained. Or harmed by your government.  Astrid: Yeah... a lot of times. ...You won't lie to them, no? Kaeya?
[ Kaeya doesn't respond to that. He lowers his gaze on the dying embers, and holds the bread offered to him a little tighter. And then... His head snaps upwards, and stares right into the viewer's eyes. ]
Kaeya: Whoever you are, these memories are not yours to perouse. Leave the children alone. They have suffered enough.
[ Kaeya's hand lunges forward, towards the viewer- and the memory bubble cracks as if a mirror shattered, expressionless face separating into a million, asymmetrical pieces before the scene goes dark.  Trying to visualize the memory again simply makes the bubble tremble as if about to pop. It's past saving from the corruption. ]
ITEM OBTAINED: a piece of BREAD, forever encased in transparent EPOXY. It's decorated with DROPLETS OF DRIED BLOOD and a little roughed up, but it survived. if pressed close to the ear, cries for help and a certaint name can be heard coming from it.
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melit0n · 5 months
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
I'm NORMAL (thinking about the fruit dads/the poly boyfriends with Eddie bc I remembered the picture of Max screaming at Chuck)
#like. i also remembered that post where the beefs all crowd around pregnant (human) rory to protect him#i think they collectively would beat chuck to a bloody pulp. i like to think that he would be extremely dead#edgar would definitely get along with rory especially so.... probably blondee and goose too bc they seem more calm and sullen#ozzie would. kind of scare him. but he respects him#max would also kind of scare him but mostly because he has bad associations with Big Muscular People and he's never seen anybody bigger-#-than himself#kibi's mom (im sorry im blanking on her name) and him would probably get along.. idk much about her but i can see her playing with the kids#and as long as someone gets along with the kids they're good in his book#august..... im not sure tbh. i dont know what he's like outside of being sassy and flirty idk how he is when interacting with people he-#-isn't tearing down or trying to bone#i think beau and edgar would get along SWIMMINGLY. SCARILY well.#i also don't know a whole lot about pinot so i can't say much abt him#rex seems nice :) i. ALSO don't know much about him other than he's pleasant and protective though#frankie... i'm not sure tbh#james would intimidate eddie greatly. he is... big and loud. it would very much spook him#tryna remember who i'm forgetting here#louis is chill he'd remind eddie of his brother nate#BUBBA MY FRIEND BUBBA. yeah i also don't know him well but they'd get along probably#oc ramblings#oc: edgar#comrade gang#clown friend tag#clownie rory#clownie blondee#clownie goose#clownie Ozzie#clownie max#clownie August#clownie beau#clownie pilot
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thethingything · 4 months
I keep randomly remembering that the reason our brain is especially fucked and a bunch of our symptoms are worse right now is because of like, an avoidable external thing that's chemically affected our nervous system instead of either our symptoms flaring up on their own or some specific stressful event triggering it, and for some reason that keeps making us feel especially bad about it.
like our mental health being bad because of stressful stuff going on and our mental illnesses randomly flaring up both suck, but I can handle our brain just doing its own thing and/or reacting to what's going on around us.
but something about it being a medication that someone else prescribed that's changed the way our brain functions is significantly more distressing in a way I can't put into words properly. a lot of the symptoms we've got (apathy, brain fog, alexithymia, memory problems, etc) are very typical depression and dissociation symptoms, but they're like a weird version of them that feels very different to how we normally experience them.
the only way I can describe the difference in feeling is that it feels more "artificial" but I can't even really describe what I mean by that. if normal brain fog is looking out the window on a foggy day, this is looking out of a window that's been covered with those frosted vinyl sheets. you can't see shit either way, but the feeling is very different.
I just desperately want it to go away. I'm finding it hard to be enthusiastic about things I'm normally excited about no matter how bad our depression gets, and our usual coping mechanisms for getting our brain to register positive things aren't really working because it's not the same underlying mechanism.
it feels like any control I did have over our symptoms and anything I could do to help with them has been stripped away and all I can do is wait it out and hope it fixes itself, and the whole "being given a drug that changes how your brain functions and takes away your control over what your brain is doing" is pretty much the exact phobia I was trying to learn to figure out how to deal with before we get dental work done, and for the dental work it'd be like... idk probably an hour at most, whereas now I'm just stuck dealing with experiencing it 24/7 for an undetermined amount of time
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#long post#posts made on pain meds#<- we took them like 4 hours ago so idk if it still counts#but anyway this is one of those things where I can't tell if it sounds unhinged#I can't word any of my thoughts correctly and it's really freaking me out#basically a lot of it is like... symptoms we'd normally get but a really weird version of them#like this isn't something our brain would naturally do. it's technically the same symptom but it never feels like this#the apathy we normally get is like ''I'm struggling to feel excited about this but when I go and engage with it I still feel something''#whereas this is ''I keep looking at things I love and adore and just feeling nothing and now I'm questioning my sense of self''#our normal symptoms suck but at least they're familiar and there are things I can do to help with them#whereas this feels like I can't access my own feelings and the emotions I can feel are weird and unfamiliar#and I can't seem to do anything about it and I'm scared it won't go away or that I'll start acting in ways that aren't like me#and some of that is probably just me freaking out and being paranoid#but it's been 3 and a half days and yeah the really bad stuff has calmed down but it's kind of plateaued now#I probably need to do some kind of grounding exercises or anything that would be identity affirming in any way#but I'm struggling to actually do that stuff because of y'know... the exact symptoms that are the reason I need to do it#I feel like I sound insane but here we are I guess#and after all this I still have to also worry about side effects from sedation when we get those teeth pulled#on top of all the fucking phobia shit but like I'm already experiencing that anyway so at this point it's just more of the same shit
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whosname · 1 year
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No one's ready for my Gintama obsession colliding with my Doctor Who obsession. Not even me.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Change of Plans
#Autism guy - Panic guy#I will probably draw more of this bc this scene means everything to me#Tuvok#st voyager#st voyager art#Tuvok being upset to the point he almost throws up....has to do self soothing rituals to calm down.......pressure stimming#In my mind Tuvok eventually rationalizes that obeying his parents and going to Starfleet is essentially penance for his teenage years#So while he doesn't like it and is sort of miserable more often than not he tries not to complain (much)#Tuvok art#//self harm#It's so funny how Tuvok's parents are characterized in the novels they appear in#Like - in this one they apparently applied to Starfleet academy FOR him??? HEHEHE..HOW???#Did they forge a college essay??? Like what are you guys DOING??HEHEHE#can you imagine if you're like 'I can't wait to become a priest' and your parents say 'You're going to Yale. You're already accepted.'#T'Meni and Sunak are PRIMED for a college admissions scandal#bea art tag#autistic Tuvok#Picturing Tuvok who struggles with science and has no real interest in it but is still a science officer (misery hours)#This isn't how I characterize his mother acting...so in your mind please switch 'mother' to 'father' - then this scene is canon to me#<- Bc in the show he specifically says it's his father who disowned him and sent him to a Vulcan temple which seems more in line with this#Duality of a guy who is obviously struggling but also incredibly difficult to get along with + doesn't really /want/ to get along withanyone#Younger Tuvok is a bit more stubborn....brasher...gritting his teeth and trying his best to show his parents that he's a good son#but that ends up making his cadet/ensign years more like an endurance test than anything he can actually find enjoyable#THOUGH I do think his ensign years ARE more enjoyable than his cadet years...just you know. /More/ enjoyable doesn't mean enjoyable.#<- He likes actually being in action more than sitting around on campus studying science. This is where his interest in security comes in#He actually has people he considers friends in his ensign years~!!#me while drawing these and writing this out: IamcringebutIamfreeIamcringebutIamfreekillwhatcringeskillwhatcringes#uughhhimstill not very satisfied with thiss.....but! say la v.#I love Tuvok...old man's lived a lot of life hHEHE#I headcanon he's on good terms with his parents now but it was rocky as hell for a while there
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cheekblush · 1 year
i’ve been sitting in front of my chemistry notes for 3 hours crying because i just can’t retain any information
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watercooler-raptors · 2 years
desperately trying to find some rhyme or reason behind the fucking Chokehold that Con O'Neill as Israel 'fuck' Hands has over me... figuratively, of course, but if it were literally then tbh I would not mind at all
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
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*taking a deep breath*
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dan-sing-in-the-rain · 7 months
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melit0n · 8 months
3:35 to 4:10 in Levitate is so unbelievably comforting to me. In the best (and worst) way possible, it truly does feel like levitation.
The best way I can describe it is laying in someone's arms, lover, friend, foe or family, and simply basking in the comfort they give you. One arm wrapped, gently, around your middle, fingers tracing invisible patterns on your clothes, and the other hand softly combing through your hair as they whisper soft nothings in your ear. You're on the brink of sleep; half listening to their words and half being drawn in by the comfort of the drowsy void.
It's a warm hug that you never want to leave. (catch me replaying that part over and over)
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