#i cant do shit because BOTH hands hurt rn
cressthebest · 4 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 31
chapter 50: (15 chapters left)
1. oh SHIT the girls are fighting (sirius and regulus are at each other with nails and hair pulling)
2. “It's mean. It's nails and hair-pulling and brutal in the way only siblings can be. In mere seconds, they've both made each other bleed, and they don't seem inclined to stop there.”
i think the arena allowed them to do this, but they’ve been ready to go at each other like this for AGES. cause like, i want to go at my siblings like this sometimes. and then go watch tv together after
3. 😬😶 sirius just found out reg is a death eater
4. 😬😬 it was just revealed that reg did NOT in fact kill Coen. yikes dude
5. “"You're a fucking death eater?!" Sirius snarls as he dodges Yaxley's elbow.
"Yeah, it doesn't feel good, does it?!" Regulus snarls back ……
"How is this even comparable, you little shit?!"”
😭😭😭 plsss he’s so funny
6. damn, when sirius was fighting the others, he wasn’t going full force, cause he was having an emotional conversation. but he was still winning. and then he gets tired of fighting so he just in like two swift moves kills two people. jfc he’s scary.
7. “"I was going to lose James anyway, don't you get it?! I never even really got to have him! But you—I got you back. I had you back, and you took that from me. You weren't—you promised you wouldn't do that. How could you do that, after I—I begged you not to? And for what? Me? You think you did it for me? No, you did it for you. You tossed me aside, and it's not even the first time!"”
😧😧😧 holy shit, he just went right at it
8. “Grow up, Regulus."
"You won't let me!"”
😧 jaw on the freaking GROUND
9. jfc this fight is brutal. i think it would hurt less for them to just kill the other. cause like, these words hurt even ME
10. “"What I regret most isn't that you broke your promise, Sirius," Regulus continues. "It's that I wasted time caring enough to ask for a promise from you at all."”
yoooo wtf wtf wtf this HURTS
11. “”Let me guess, you told them only you could kill me? Something like that, yeah?"”
😭😭 sirius guessed it right and reg is like ‘😳 no…. i never said that. why would i say that?’
12. reg is like “😡😡😡 I HATE YOU” and sirius is like “liar ☺️”
13. i bet the entire hallow is on the edge of their seat watching this like the highest quality entertainment. no way has anything been this juicy in the arena for AGES
15. god, regulus is actually about to say it and just goes after regulus. like, hardly holding back. holy shit
16. “Sirius, for the first time, doesn't believe in his brother. Because Regulus wants to say Remus' name, and that would hurt Sirius more than dying by Regulus' hand.”
god, just stab me in the heart why don’t ya?
17. 😧 dagger raised above his head, ready to strike down in reg’s chest and just can’t. and then as he’s about to kill him, regulus says he loves sirius. good god, i’m actually crying so hard rn
18. “He can see it, suddenly. It does become clear, then, all at once. Regulus did trick him. He did fool him. Just not in the way Sirius was prepared for. He never imagined this at all.
Regulus never intended to go home.”
19. “"Don't, please don't do this to me. Sirius, please just—please do it, or let me do it. Don't make me live without you, please don't, Sirius—””
20. “It's horrible, because the arena has brought Regulus back to him twice, once when Regulus became a Victor and right this very second, but for Regulus, all the arena does is take Sirius away.”
21. oh SHIT james did not leave them a note this time
22. god, it hurts knowing that sirius doesn’t trust reg with a dagger. not because sirius is scared reg will turn on him, but that reg will kill himself
23. “"It has to be you, okay? It has to, because I don't want to go home if I'm not going home with you. I—I just don't see the point."”
that freaking HURTS
24. this entire chapter hurt like a fucking BITCH
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mrsnancywheeler · 6 months
im so hyperfixated on your billy dunne fics rn, and i cant stop thinking of him getting back from rehab. and reader is just like "wtf why is he being so normal and acting like he didnt make my life hell for so long". and eventually she asks him how come i didnt get this billy years ago. and she just starts sobbing and doing that punching thing on his chest, idk how to describe just throwing a tantrum i guess. and then billy just grabs her and lets her sob into his chest. he finally starts realizing how much he hurt you over the years, and then i feel like he would show his muse how much he loves her later (smut while he is praising her, only focusing on her pleasure) idk sam claflin is making me go feral today
billy dunne brain rot is so real, I need him biblically
but you're used to periods of grace before breakdowns so for the first few months it's good, but then it keeps going. he's not perfect, like he'll still have moods, be tempted by things he knows he can't have, but he abstains, and always apologizes now. so it's odd, you start to feel like you're walking on eggshells so eventually something has got to give, right? so you're getting quieter, scared she'll say something that'll set him off, he'll be a few minutes off from when he said he'd be home and you're getting nervous, asking where he was. one morning you're being all quiet again, serving him breakfast, just a small "good morning"
and he's pulling you into his lap, "what's going on, baby?"
"nothing" and when he's in a mood anything can be the trigger, saying that could've set him off on how nothing's enough for you, opening up could've meant that it was a rant about how it's so much worse for him, but apparently not.
"yes there is." he sneaking a small kiss in, "'m worried about you, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." and she's quiet so eventually he's just sighing, hands playing in the ends of your hair. "what can I do? we can go back to bed if you want? go hit the beach later." and suddenly you're sobbing and he's so confused, but trying to be comforting.
"why are you being like this?"
"being like what, baby?"
"you're being different, stop it!" it feels like you can't breathe, not having the cycle is weird, overwhelming
and he's trying to press if forhead to yours, "I'm getting better, baby, getting better for you, for me, for both of us. it's good, what you deserve-"
you're up off of his lap, "did I not deserve it then? why are you changing now? just be angry!" as calmly as he can he's standing, trying to hold you, to calm you down, but he feels like he could cry because now he can clearly see what he's done to you.
"you did deserve it then, baby, you always deserved so much better, and I am so sorry. the shit I pulled really messed you up, but we're gonna get healthier. you didn't deserve for me to always be mad at you, I'm sorry I confused you." he can feel his eyes burning because it's a lot to confess and he hates it, but you need to hear it.
you just stare for a moment before shaking your head, "no, stop it, billy, just be angry." when he doesn't react you're trying to hit his chest, which takes his off guard but does nothing so after a beat you keep going. "you're angry with me, be angry! I'm disappointing and should leave, be angry! I'm being clingy and intense, I know you're mad at me, be mad!" and eventually he's got his arms wrapped around you so you can't hit and you're just sobbing into his chest as he holds you.
"c'mon baby, just let it all out." eventually he just lifts you up to take you back to bed and lays there cuddling with you until you've completely calmed down.
yes, and later there's totally him between your legs for hours and different apologies for things he's done. reminding her that he really does love her, she's the one no one else, his girl, irreplaceable, loveable.
he's my man and I'm in love with him
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randomartist-1 · 8 months
hollowhead rant bc i've been obsessing over ava/avm and i cant stop thinking abt the hollowheads
victim is that character i want to beat the shit out of and then hug them until all their pain goes away. omfg victim was completely ripped from any chance at a normal life. he was deleted not even 2 minutes after they were created, and when they get to live, they say "fuck you alan" and create a whole ass company out of spite. and if hollowhead age is 0 years old at creation, that means he was not even 16 when he made rocket corp a thing. all because they couldnt let his deletion go, which honestly, completely fair
chosen. oh, chosen. the universe really said "hey wouldnt it be funny if we made that one guys life a living hell" and threw everything at him. he was thrown into a "survival of the fittest" situation the moment he was created, and alan just used him as an ad blocker like he was nothing but a tool. the first ever true friend he made was created to kill him, and the friendship failed bc neither knew how to fucking communicate. and then hes tortured on his GODDAMN BIRTHDAY. his BIRTHDAY. BY HIS OWN BROTHER. WTF VICTIM?? he dragged second along to help him bc he was desperate to escape the mercs but all he accomplished was getting them both captured. he must be feeling so much guilt rn omfg (to be fair it was a shit move to pull but also i completely understand his decision)
we dont know much abt dark, but it must be difficult being coded to kill your best friend. maybe the code was altered when she took chosens hand, but as far as i can tell all it did was give it powers. so assuming the code stayed, that means that dark had to fight with its own code for however long she and chosen were living together. i know for a fact its exhausting to fight with your own brain, and i cant imagine having to do it for however-many-years straight. i dont know if i want dark to make a comeback in later episodes, but i definitely wanna know more abt her.
second coming is such a fuckin sweetheart. theyve been through sm and they havent deserved any of it. they literally watched rest of the cg get ripped from them FOUR TIMES (alan ending rygb, dark murdering rygb, chosen kidnapping second, parkour episode) like they must have seperation anxiety or smth like that at this point. also claustrophobia like theyve been forced into too many tiny boxes. they literally just accepted the fact they were gonna be helping chosen when second was literally forced. they still went out of their way to try and save chosen. theyve attacked whoever hurt their friends when rygb all go down. if we continue to go with the "all hollowheads are 0 when created" logic, second is nine. NINE. turning ten this october but WTF. THAT IS A CHILD. NOT EVEN DOUBLE DIGITS
ALL THE HOLLOWHEADS ARE CHILDREN WITH THE "0 at creation" LOGIC (i mean, cho and vic are technically like 16, but still) can i PLEASE just shove them into a massive pillow fort with blankets and hug them?? is that SO MUCH TO ASK ALAN
anyways im gonna go make a playlist abt them cya
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ma3mae · 1 year
How much do you want to bet that Tecchou has a god damn bug collection and he just shows it off to you proudly😭 "Babe come look it's my favourite beetle boogahooga" I JUST KNOW HE GIVES EITHER THE MOST BASIC NAMES OR LIKE "MEGA BLENDER X300 MAX"
Also I love your writing so much omfg😔🩷🩷
Don't be so antsy!
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Summary: It's been a few months since Tetchou declared his love for you and he couldn't be happier, especially after finally showing you his treasured collection! But how will you react?
Genre: FEAR 🤡 because insects... Also cracky and a bit of fluff bc i just love him so much 💕😭 slight suggestive hint at the end 🤓
A/N: FOAMING AT MY MOUTH FROM EXCITEMENT!!!! still cant believe that u love my writing 😭😩fangirling so hard rn, time to print, frame and hang this onto my wall. No one can stop me 😤😤😤
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Suehiro Tetchou
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You knew about his adoration for bugs even before the both of you got together
It wasnt smth he'd be talking about for HOURS bc its just a topic never really spoken about
all the other hunting dogs know about it but... they wanted to spare u LMAO 😭
like u accompany him to his work place and his colleagues r outside of the dooe, waiting for him so they can leave
u r like waving at them and teruko waves back but yall r just caught off guard when jouno YELLs out of nowhere "MOVE YOUR DUMB ASS ALREADY OVER HERE 💀💀"
Like was he yelling at u??? Yall we dont know who he lookin at bc HOW 😭😭😭😩 srynotsry
But u realised who he meant when u looked behind u and tf 🤨🤨🤨
Tetchou just EMERGES out of a fking bush and 🤨🤨 is that 🤨🤨 a random ass bug in his hand 🤨🤨🤨 he got KIDNAPPED
"But I found this cool grasshopper... His name's Bush."
Jouno is just seconds away from beating the shit out of him bc
"WHERE'D HE GET THAT JAR FROM???" "Teruko, that's not important. Make him HURRY UP ALREADY"
"Can we take Leaf with us?"Jouno is already taking his sword out to kill that thing 💀💀
"PUT IT BACK AND LETS MOVE YOU FUCKER" "No, I won't let you hurt Omega 300 GT 5" "Wait I thought his name wa-UGH IDC ILL KILL THAT THING FFS"
tachihara just turns away with "k, think im walking home already BYE"
teruko just yanks him back and the other boys too so that they can finally leave
"Can I take him wit-" "No. I know you like these kinds of things but no. Also if you want that thing to actually LIVE then put it back bc u know who will exterminate the shit out of it." "Hm. 😐"
He just walks up to u and goes "can u take this. please"
U cant say no to his puppy eyes 👁️👁️
You're just so confused but maybe its also cute??? U just thought that its a little interest in him but BOY
It wasnt so little as u thought 🤓 LOL i gotta get my head out of the gutter
Holding hands while going on a stroll was something you'd often find yourself doing during your free time together, especially when the sun was shining so brightly while a fresh spring breeze would occasionally sweep through the air.
Humming a random tune while you lightly swayed your joined hands back and forth.
Tetchou couldn't help but let a soft smile grace his lips at the slightly childish action.
No words could describe how much he enjoyed your leisurely strolls together. It would be seen as a nearly generic thing to do together as a couple but for him it was a time to be treated as sacred. Where else could he tuck your hair behind your ears when the wind would blow through it? Or where else could he see the sunlight make you shine impossibly brighter in his eyes, almost blindingly so?
But what really excited him were the "little" discoveries you'd make on your way.
And oh wait? What's tha-
Hearing your name made you about to turn your face towards him yet there was no need!
Since your boyfriend forgot how strong he was...
Yanking a bit too hard on your arm made you hit his chest with your back, a small "oof" slipping past your lips.
"OUCH, Tetchou??? What in the-"
You let your gaze follow the direction his outstretched arm, finally stopping at what he was pointing at with his index finger.
To your not so much surprise it was a-
"It's a colony of ants. Look at how hard they're working, Y/N."
Before you could even think of stopping him, he had already moved towards them, crouching down to get a closer look.
You let out a sigh yet couldn't help smiling at his endearing but also random antics.
No matter how many times it would help, it never managed to not be funny. The Hunting Dogs were known for how powerful yet also how "eccentric" the members were, yet witnessing it for the first time and continuing to live with it never failed to bring a smile on your face.
Especially with just how cute your boyfriend looked right now! The way his eyes would twinkle at the mention of insects was something you personally could only understand but never relate to.
As much as you would love to go along and try to enjoy it with him, you kinda wanted to continue on your walk.
Because when he's focused on something then it would be a real nuisance to get him away from it.
But that's not a problem for the love of his life, right?
Jokes on you, it actually was 💀
Like u got a hunch hes doing it on purpose when he pulls his puppy eyes and that barely but noticeable enough atleast for you pout on u when u said
"I love you, but i kinda wanna yk walk?"
"But Y/N 😟. *points at the ants* only for a minute, please 🥺"
Your legs gonna start cramping from watching these fuckers crawl around??? Nah no one CARES 😤😤 jk jk
our cutie tetchouie would NEVER ignore his partners needs okur okur
Like hes already whipped from how we r atleast TRYING to enjoy what hes enjoying
He knows how unlikeable these little crawlers i hate bugs can be but his s/o is trying so hard and he just 🥺🥺🥺 looks at u wirh heart eyes
dw if u cant walk, he'll give u either a piggyback ride yall being cute 😤💕 or the classic bridal style 😩
And dw if he finds another interesting bug but his hands r occupied? Nah, he gon GET THAT ANYWAY
"Bless you."
"Thanks." You told him as you lightly rubbed your nose with the back of your hand. You loved his hair but it would often tickle your nose whenever you'd try to look over his shoulder as he was carrying you on his back.
It was one of the small ways of him apologizing to you and enduring his antics.
His heart would nearly suffocate him from how much it would swell whenever you'd just reassure him that it was totally okay for you. If he loved ants then it's just what he loved and as his partner, you'd be open for everything that makes him happy.
Yet he still tried to keep it down around you so he was often a bit torn between.
"Ah. Wait is that...?"
Oh no.
You knew it.
You knew what was about to happen next.
Before you could stop him, he was already walking off of the path and into the field.
A whine got past your lips yet he seemed too caught up in his fascination of...?
"A horned beetle!"
Some meters above you, sat a beetle on a branch, seemingly undisturbed by the both of you and yet in Tetchou's eyes, it equaled a sacred national treasure.
A treasure that he wanted to get his hands on.
"Hold tight, Y/N."
"WAIT N-!"
Hooking your arm and legs tightly like a koala around his body, he made a leap for it. You didn't know HOW he managed to do it every time but there he was.
Jumping onto the tree and quickly pulling a tiny jar out of a pocket in his blazer (you don't even know how he even hid that...) and-
"I got it!" He exclaimed in happiness as he jumped down, holding his hand onto the open jar. Screwing a lid onto it, he gave it a quick glance before putting it back into his pocket.
Noticing that you were slowly losing your grip on him, he hooked his arms under your legs, hoisting you up again before almost nonchalantly continuing your walk as if he hadn't just jumped up a tree for a beetle...
"Uhm, you don't wanna stare at it or something?" You asked, genuinely surprised yet almost regretting the question since it could change his mind.
"No, I can do that at home. Your legs are hurting after all."
A smile spread onto your lips at his kind words, only spreading further after hearing a slight hitch in his breathing as you let your lips graze his neck before planting a kiss on it.
"Anything for my love, you know? By the way, have you thought of a name yet for your new little friend?"
"I have but-"
You felt him tighten his grip around your legs before he suddenly began to pick up his pace, walking in long and fast strides.
"Want to be home as fast as possible, so we can you know..."
He peeked over his shoulder to see your slightly reddened face before looking forward, strongly focused on one thing.
"continue what you've started."
A small laugh slipped out of him, your nose tickling his neck as you hid your face in it, immediately knowing what he was implying and well...
You weren't complaining.
No one would have expected it but... our boy's pretty easy to rile up 😤😩
yall think he cute and innocent?? Nah nah he wanna get into that shi* too like hes a whipped and legit down bad man for his love rightfully so ✋✋
dw after yall r done, he'll def bring back the topic of "naming his friend/-s" and welp
u better be ready to spend ur weekend on that kinda thing 💀💀💀 and yall gonna settle on the either cutest or most ridiculous shit...
Its either "Groundbreaker 500, The Nightmare of All" or "sugarberry twinkle star" 🤓🤓 if he wants to honor the place he found it (like in the beginning ^), uhhhhhh 🤨
This btch's name is gonna be "leftover bread" or smth bc it was on it when he found that thing💀
yall cant convince me otherwise BYE 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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LOL, this got way too long and i kinda got carried away but that always happens with him 😩😩😩 maybe rushed at the end but i hope u r happy with this @soysaucefu 💅💕💕
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ fondness (chapter 16)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 5-6k
warnings- swearing, mentions of miscarriage, tae is sad sad, kaito is back, drinking, um i think thats all? lmk if not!
a/n- Lovies!! hi i hope ur all doing good. Im trying to write a lot more because i literally just quit my current job (they treated me like shit) after 2 months. Im applying to so many places rn but in the meantime im having fun giving my tumblr a little luv <3 also apologies for any mispellings, I had read over my previous chapters and cringed at some of the words I spelled wrong. I have been learning english for years now but apparently its still not to a 100, oh well! Anyways, please enjoy! -Nini <3
"I had my suspicions"
You blushed, eyes down on your water bottle as you sat in your childhood bed again, your mother sat comfortable at the end of it as you both talked.
You arrived back home around 2am yesterday, and to say that you already felt a little better was an understatement.
"you did?" you mumbled as your mother nodded, smiling.
"when you came to visit a while ago, I saw a lot of touchiness" she giggled "but I minded my business"
"ah this is embarrassing" your hands flew to cover your face, now knowing your own mother knew about your relationship before you could say anything.
"no, I dont think so" she hummed, looking at the carpet. "I just know when a boy is in love, i remember your father-"
you inhaled sharply at her words, biting your lip and looking away.
"-...he would always look at me like I was the center of the universe"
You stayed quite for a moment before speaking up softly, "what happened?"
She smiled sadly, "he chose a different life, and I resented him for so long, but I accept it for what it was, and now that I have..I feel like im free to live again. And thats what you need to do, accept it, accept whats happened." she whispered, calming voice infiltrating the bedroom at such a late hour of the night.
Your eyes met hers, a glimmer of love was bright enough to see through her dark brown orbs. You nodded as she began to speak again,
"Taehyung and you.....I always knew it would happen" she giggled, "I remember once you guys hit middle school, and the moment I caught you sneaking into my closet for makeup before he came over to play video games-"
"oh god, stop" you blush, shaking your head
"it was cute even if you wouldnt admit it" your mother waved her arm at you.
You hummed, crossing your arms over your chest as you got lost in thought.
"so, how is he taking everything?"
she nods, eyes burning a laser into yours.
"well...i dont know" your answer was honest as she sat up.
"what do you mean?"
You sighed once more before speaking, "he and I kinda argued before I left paris...im an asshole mom" you offered a sad laugh, looking down. "im an asshole...because, I got mad at him for trying to help"
She tilted her head, listening, "Im sure he just wanted to be there for you, he was hurting as much as you"
"i know, and thats the thing mama...but I just needed to be alone and away....and he got mad when I expressed it...its not like we are married" you roll your eyes
she giggles, "I understand my dove, but listen" she grabbed your hands, "things like this happen all the time, we cant run away from our loved ones when life gets bad. What happened between you both was terrible, and im so sorry sweetheart" she whispered, your own eyes getting a bit misty, "but running back home isnt gonna do anything"
You nodded before smiling, "I came here because its comforting, you're comforting.....now you're scolding me?" your voice had humor.
She laughed, "you are a 23 year old woman, I cant control your actions, like whether you stayed with Taehyung or came back to me, however I can tell you my opinion, and if your decision was right or wrong, not trying to guilt you, just being a mom"
You nod slowly, fidgeting with the heating pad sitting on your stomach to help ease the lasting cramps that only served as a painful reminder.
"you make your own choices hun, but...let me ask you this, do you love him?" she whispered
Your eyes shot up at her, your heart singing with sadness yet love.
"....yeah.." you whispered so quietly it was barley heard. "yeah I do" you couldnt help but begin to cry as she wrapped you into her arms.
A mothers loving embrace.
It could heal all, and this is exactly why you came back.
"You find comfort here, but as you get older, you need to find comfort in new things." your mother began, " life is scary, but its all about changing. Without change, life would be rather boring, huh?" her hands ran up and down your back as your face rested on her shoulder. "Taehyung has been here forever, youve grown together, but these new feelings? they offer new experiences,...amazing ones too. Im sure he loves you just as much, thats why he let you go..." she whispered, "but my dear, you have to fight through the darkness to find the prize, to find why you had the connection at all"
You were full on Niagara falls into your mothers sweater. Her words provided insight, but as well as pain. You shouldnt have left him behind, it was wrong, and you hoped he understood.
you realized that you were your fathers daughter, and not just in DNA. Your first instinct was to run away from your loved ones, run away from family when they would give you everything.
You were becoming your father.
And you hated how much you still loved that man even if he left you. and you hate that you take after him in such painful ways.
But most of all...you hate how you didn't even see it happening.
"shh" your mother cooed, holding you as she rocked back and forth slowly. "my child, life will settle, but you need to find your way, and if thats with him, you need to tell him"
"i know" you whispered, wiping your eyes as you clutched the tiny bear you packed.
The bear.
Fuck, you wish you didnt bring it in your suitecase.
It was the teddy bear taehyung bought the day after finding out you were pregnant, The perfectly placed initial on the middle that always made you remember he thought of you as a Kim, as well, even if you werent married.
It was a reminder he wanted you in any way he could grasp you.
As a girlfriend, a mother to his child, eventually a wife, but always....always his best friend in life.
Your mother looked down at the bear, smiling. "y/n..."
"hm?" you mumbled, leaning back as she put your hair behind your ears.
"im so sorry this happened to you" her voice was quiet again, "you would have been a beautiful mother....and if you decide to have kids in the future, thats exactly what youll be"
You nod sadly, "thank you...."
It was quiet for a moment before she spoke up again, "when I was in my twenties, your father and I decided to try and have another child..we saw how you clung to your pre-school friends and called them your sisters" she chuckled "so we thought maybe another baby would be good. Well- I got pregnant right before your 4th birthday" her voice choked softly as you watched, this being news to you.
"unfortunately I, too, had lost it" she teared up explaining the situation. "it was one of the most painful things I ever went through....but looking back at it" she smiled at you gently, rubbing your back, "im so greatful"
"grateful?" you whispered, in shock
"I had you, my little best friend whos always stuck by me even in the worse situations...you never had to fight for my attention, we were always together"
You wiped her tears as you smiled sadly, agreeing.
"and you have always been more than enough." she mumbled, "so my love, I guess the lesson here is...that once you learn to accept it and know the situation for what it is.....you'll heal"
You hugged her tightly as her words struck your chest with a great force.
She was right, whether you liked her advice or not, shes been through exactly what you have, and if she can make it out and be such a wise, resilient woman today, than you can too.
But you'll be damned if its in the steps of your father.
Later after she went to bed, you were left alone, the covers up to your neck as the tv played some old school tv show that only got airtime in the late hours of the night.
You found your hand resting on top of your stomach as you laid calmly. You had to acknowledge it to get past it. "im not pregnant anymore..." you whispered, feeling an overwhelming sadness fulfill you. Your eyes drew down to your hand as you rubbed your stomach, feeling a bit stupid at what you were doing.
taking a few deep breathes, you opened your eyes and looked up at the ceiling, "its okay to be sad....its okay to cry" you remind yourself aloud, voice quiet and shaky, "but I can heal....its not my fault" you nod, tears falling for the millionth time within the past few days.
You were exhausted, mentally and physically, but after tonight you feel like perhaps you made a breakthrough, you were proud of yourself even if it was just a baby step.
You turned over in bed to look at your phone, the time was 3:55 am, yikes.
You barley had time to register it before the lock screen caught your attention, now all you could think about is how Taehyung was feeling.
"why are you already back?"
"dude just give me my fish and dog so I can go" Taehyung mumbled, standing at the front of his friend Jin's apartment.
He laughed and turned away for a moment before returning with Hae swimming around in his tiny tank, the packet of food wedged underneath jins chin. "here"
Taehyung took the bowl and the food, nodding "thanks..."
"mhm" he smiled, "so wheres Y/N? The last thing you posted was a photo of her standing on the edge of some fountain, did you push her into it?" he snorted, trying to be light hearted with his friend.
"no shes just, busy I guess" he shrugged, trying to leave quickly, "wheres yeontan?"
Jin looked behind him and picked up the small dog, putting the leash on him securely before handing it to taehyung, who took it with his free hand.
"thanks for not killing my pets and taking care of them, even if it was probably Stephanie who did everything" taehyung referred to Jin's wife, who stood behind him with a wide grin of acknowledgment. "i'll see ya" he nodded before turning down the hall to leave, Yeontan leading the way on his leash.
Taehyung walked on the sidewalk, his feet finding the familiar path to his own apartment.
He left Paris a day and half after you did, only communicating with you through occasional texts that left much to the imagination when it came to how you were doing.
He unlocked the door and walked in, wincing at how messy you two left it before leaving. His hands gently put Hae down on the kitchen counter as he began to pick laundry up, tossing them into a ball and making a mental note to do a washing load this weekend.
Tae checked his phone for any sign of you, frowning when he was met with 0 notifications.
Would it be wrong to call you? he didnt know anymore, things felt awkward...you left with no closure or definitive answer on what was okay or what crossed the boundaries.
It definitely felt uneasy being alone in the apartment, he missed your loud laughing, and the good food you always made for him.
He even missed when you would force him to watch shitty reality shows with you because it meant he got to cuddle with you on the couch for a few hours.
The rumbling sound of his stomach knocked him out of his head as he turned to the kitchen. There wasnt much, other than a few now rotten bananas sitting on the counter.
His hand gripped the fridge handle as his eyes were met with an ultrasound photo hung up by a hello kitty magnet, it felt like salt was poured into his wound...his hand slid off the handle. he wasnt hungry anymore.
Beside the photo was doctors reports hung up for upcoming appointments and reminders.
This upcoming weekend was supposed to be the gender reveal. Deep down Taehyung didnt care if it was a boy or girl, but not that he'd be having neither, it felt more upsetting.
It was a reminder of something that he might never get to experience with you.
He found his way to the kitchen counter, sitting in the quiet room as yeontans tiny pitter-patter paws echoed through the apartment wood flooring.
Taehyungs eyes were drawn to hae, the tiny yellow fish swimming around in his spongebob tank, a toy pineapple placed perfectly in the center for him. For some reason he teared up.
suddenly he felt the urge to hear from you, but he felt selfish for doing so. You should be the one to reach out, right?
He didnt know anymore.
"oh hae....I miss mama" he sighed, leaning down to rest his head in his crossed arms over the table.
"are you gonna just sit in bed?" your mothers voice echoed into your room, the lights were off and the curtains were closed as two large blankets covered your body....it was noon.
"I'll get out soon"
She shook her head, leaning against the door frame "Hun, I need to go shopping, I need to know you are up and alive before I leave you here alone"
Reluctantly you sat up, wiping your sleepy eyes as nostalgia from high school mornings hit you.
"there she is!" your mom cheered, directing her cat to follow over to you as she turned to leave.
You smiled at it as you stretch, "hi baby" your voice cooed before turning over and unhooking your phone from the charger
2 notifications
"oh" you mumbled, quickly unlocking it and going to your texts. You wish it was Taehyung, unfortunately it wasnt...
Kaito: hey, I know this is sort of inappropriate to text you like this, I get it, but I cannot stop thinking about you. I cant stop thinking about the baby. Can we please talk about maybe getting a paternity test?
you frowned, petting the cat as she climbed into your lap
kaito: and I know btw that you dont want me to be the father figure, which is fine. Ive taken time to understand that...however i need to know if its mine, I cant live without knowing y/n. please call or text.
Oh thats just great, another person you had to break the news to.
Your mother came back down the hall, knocking on the door frame "so are you coming or not? im leaving" she smiled
"I'll stay here, thanks though mama, hows your back?"
She waved her hand in dismissal "oh im fine honey, I got my brace"
You smiled sympathetically as she turned to leave, knowing she was probably lying about the pain.
Shes always been stubborn, thats where you get it from.
After getting cleaned up a bit, you made your way outside to sit on the front deck, propping your phone up as you sit in the rocking chair. Were you really about to facetime Kaito?
....guess so...
After a few rings, you began to feel the tightness in your chest...the anticipation...the nervousness...
"hello?" his voice echoed through your ears, for some odd reason you felt like crying already.
"hey....are you at work?"
"on break" he smiled softly, eyes looking into yours through the phone screen. It felt odd to sit here on call with him, you havent done it since you both had been dating.
He sat down, propping the phone up against a wall as he watched you, making it clear he was ready to talk. "listen, please understand this isnt me trying to make my way back into your life"
You nod, picking at the skin around your fingernails.
"I just want to know if its mine is all, I mean, I figured theres a chance it is, no? so this is warranted right? i dont want to seem pushy...."
You sigh, looking at him, "um, well I called you because I wanted to discuss everything"
"what do you mean?" his head tilted softly
"kaito, I uh, I lost the baby" you said aloud, nodding as you did so. In some way, the words left your mouth a lot easier than just a few days prior.
You were knee-deep in the healing process
"oh." was all he responded, his face appearing confused and unsure, "you lost the...baby?"
"miscarriage" you add, "it happened a few days ago, I never had the chance to tell whether it was yours or taehyungs"
He frowned, "y/n, im sorry"
"dont apologize its fine, im fine"
"god...."he ran his hands over his face, obviously deeply upset by the news.
"its okay" you assured again as he watched you for a moment,
"do you think it was mine? genuinely?" he whispered
You shrugged, eyes dragging away from the screen to look at the cars driving past the house "I dont know"
You did, you were 90% sure it was taehyungs, this was decided last night as you carefully calculated the dates between periods, and the breakup vs when you and taehyung got together.
If it was kaitos, that would have meant you were close to being 5-6 months pregnant, and at the time of the miscarriage, you were about 3-4.
regardless, it was still upsetting, and in hindsight, it didnt matter anymore especially when you had to sit and break everything down to your ex.
He sighed again, "how are you managing?" he whispered
"im good, im at my moms house right now"
"wheres taehyung?"
you scoffed slightly, even after telling him the situation he only cared about you and taehyung. "Kaito I called to inform you about the baby and the baby alone, we dont need to discuss my personal life, you dont get to know information that no longer involves you"
He sat watching you for a moment before nodding "okay....sorry?"
"thank you for being understanding during this, and all I ask is that you continue to be respectful to not only me, but taehyung"
He rolled his eyes slightly "okay"
"okay" you repeated, sitting near the phone, "well...thats all I suppose, text me if you have more to discuss on the topic, have a good shift"
with that, you hung up and couldnt help the slight smile that popped up on your face, you finally stuck up for yourself, and taehyung
It felt good.
so good that you almost called taehyung out of instinct.
would he be okay with that?
you decided against it, putting your phone away as you sat back and swayed in the rocking chair.
Taehyung gently creaked open the door of what used to be his bedroom, but was now reserved in the space of a future nursery.
He hadnt been in here in a while, and now as he sets his eyes on it all, he wishes he didnt walk in.
There were boxes of items you ordered online piled up in the corner, he smiled sadly and looked through them.
The crib you bought, he promised he would put it together for you, you were never good at building things, instructions or not.
The thought made him giggle softly as he looked at the other things, the vanity and picture frames. The familiar grief found its way into his chest as he went over and laid on the rug in the center of the room.
It was a lilac purple rug, you picked it out and decided the nursery will be just that color scheme, regardless if it was a girl or not. His fingers weaved through it as he began to cry, eyes scanning over the room that will forever be empty, items put to waste. The small bundle of baby toys that never get to be played with.
He never realized just how much he was hurting, but he had to say not having you at his side made it sting even more.
Yeontan nudged his way into the room and grabbed one of the stuffies, making his skilled exit quickly as taehyung got up
"hey! thats not yours!" he frowned and chased out of the room after the small dog, following him around the living room before running into your room. He gave up and dropped the giraffe by your desk, his tiny legs leading him away to hide.
Taehyung kneeled to pick it up, unable to help the way his eyes scanned over the items on top of your desk.
Unorganized homework for school, binders left open and messy, he smiled a bit at it as he walked over, his arm accidentally pushing some of the books off the side.
"shit" he sighed, leaning down to pick them up.
There was a smaller brown notebook that caught his attention, he didnt want to snoop around your things, but when the front of it says "to my love", its pretty hard to ignore.
He carefully sat on the ground and opened it, feeling wrong for doing so but unable to stop.
The first page was full of your handwriting.
May 11th
so...today I just found out the biggest news of my life. im pregnant, its weird to even write. I just bought this notebook at the flea market because I need to tell someone. Im really scared, and im unsure of what you will think of me. I love you a lot, and I hope I get the chance to gift this to you after all is said and done
suddenly he felt like he was doing something wrong, reading something forbidden.
He scanned over the next page quickly, seeing how you spoke about dedicating this as a future love note for him, a chance to let him see inside your mind.
He tossed it back on top of your desk and sighed softly, he missed you so much and it seems like every second only let that feeling grow.
He wasnt sure what position you two were in, but he loved you dearly, probably a lot more than a person should love another human being.
He hoped you felt the same deep and burning desire.
Thoughts passed into his brain, he realized he was grateful you went through the crazy process of the past few years, in which referred to the friends with benefits situation.
If it never happened, you would have never been this close now.
Little does he know, that miles away from Busan, you laid on the floor of your room too, looking over older texts between the two of you and giggling
even if it was about groceries, or a small message asking him to pick you up from class, it made you smile.
Taehyung and your mom have been the only ones that you can say have never left you, the only ones who are there when you need them.
were you going to let him go over something that can be talked over and fixed?
you looked out the window and silently spoke,
"i'll see you soon”
Going back to your old doctor in Gwangju was an odd experience, you had too have been no older than 18 the last time you visited her.
“It seems that everything is going smoothly, and you said you’ve stopped bleeding?”
You nod, fidgeting with the gown you put on as the doctor wrote down everything.
“Your tests seem good, i would say you are coming along healthily after this, which is a good thing, right?” She smiles cheerfully, “do you have any questions for me?”
You shrug, looking up at her “I don’t really know”
She sighed and sat down “y/n, what you went through would be hard on anyone. You are so young and you already are stressed with work and college, and this being thrown on top had to have been difficult right?”
You nod, resting your head in your palm.
“Do you think seeing a therapist would be helpful to you?” She asked sweetly
You quickly sat up “well…im going back to Busan eventually and-”
“I can contact your doctor in Busan and have them find you a therapist”
You sighed deeply, therapy was something you never really considered. Would it help? Maybe. But bottom line was that you never liked discussing your problems, you have always been closed off and the thought of being vulnerable with some stranger is terrifying.
“Look y/n, I’ll send your doctor a note and you can discuss it with her once you go back, how about that?”
You nod reluctantly “okay….”
Once you arrived back with your mother at the house, she began to cook something up for lunch as you laid on the couch, cuddling the cat.
She purred in your lap, making you smile.
"how was the appointment?" your mom spoke from the kitchen, peaking over to you as her hands chopped veggies up on a cutting board.
"well...It was fine I suppose"
"just fine?" she smiled, adjusting her glasses, "did she say anything bad?"
"no, no, nothing bad, but just...she wants me to do this therapy thing and I just-"
"oh that sounds like a good plan...I think therapy would be beneficial"
You sigh, looking down at the cat, "well I probably wont be doing it so..yeah"
She stopped cutting, looking over at you "and why is that?"
You simply shrug in reply
"you know theres nothing wrong in getting help...right?"
"yeah but im not sure im ready to go talk to someone yet"
She laughed softly, "thats when you should talk to someone, when you are unsure, get it out before its all locked up"
sitting up a bit, you look back at her, "I guess, I dont know, we will see...."
Your eyes returned back to the tv in front of you as your mother continued to create a meal for the two of you. As a mom, she felt defeated, she knew the other alternative here but knowing you, the reaction may be less than ideal.
The last thing she wants to do is interfere with your current situation, but hey.....
what is a mom if she isn't nosey?
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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penguin--person · 5 months
heh. alya
ship bingo
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I THINK ABOUT THEM!!!!! i even wanted to write a fic fror them but i could nottt figure out how sergei would react. basically sergei would catch both of them in sanyas room just hanging out and like, i cannot figure out what hed do, i think hed short circuit maybe? like alíks OBVIOUSLY a mutant, this isnt a case of sanya not noticing, and its obvious that alík could hurt her - shes literally an animal shes got teeth shes got claws and shes Right There next to sanya! why isnt sanya freaking out! why is she so happy! why did she let a mutant into their home! and like, sergei cant just leave them alone to call the police because what if the mutant leaves while hes gone, or what if it attacks sanya? he cant call police in the room, for obvious reasons, but he cant just let alík ahng out there there. he cant just fight her on his own too like he cant throw her out on his own. it could freak out and kill them both. you know?? HOW would this man react. all the while alíks trying to act like an Upstanding Young Gentleman and is trying to shake his hand and sanyas trying to cool the situation down before theyr lly do kill each other
also also also krispy you wont believe it but i commissioned someone!!! for the first time in my life!!! and oh my godddd dude of course i asked for alík so i did and look at this !!! by @ aniketrrrr !!!
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look!!!! dude!!!! only twenty dollar for this!!!! goddd!!!! look!!!!! shes so cool!!!! so so sos ocool do you see this!!!!! do yiou see this shit!!!!! krispy are you seeing this!!!!!! its so so so awesome !!! and aniketrrrr was so so nice and kind too !!! def go check her stuff out !!!!! + some never before posted alík doodles For You ...
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the guy belongs to @ mothssmeat (blazy if you see this ill tag you for real in another post i prommy) .. sorry for the alík drought she IS on my mind!!!! its just that silly stage is priority rn ... forgive me 🙏
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Sonic Movie 2 Rewatch Live Reaction
tSame deal as the first let’s GO
It was what properly got me into the fandom and made me wanna write stuff I’m sorry
I love the opening so so much
“The question is, for whom am I narrating this?”
Eggman absolutely kills three people in the beginning of this one
God I have such fond memories of laughing about the probable death count with friends
Oh I want a size comparison between him and Sonic and Tails IMMEDIATELY
Sonic absolutely ends up shorter than both of his brothers absolutely
Imagine if the third movie opens with Eggman finding Shadow and Shadow starts manipulating him to parallel this
Hi hi Sonic my friend I love you mwah mwah
This movie makes me so so so happy
That drawer has a lot of stuff in it I love it so much
So does he um. Does he get traumatic flashbacks to the moment BEFORE everything went to shit with Longclaw?
Ooookay so like. Sonic loses his first night of sleep when he does the crime stuff. First night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity. Loses his second night of sleep when Eggman and Knuckles attack the house. Second night of no sleep plus using his powers plus physical activity plus getting hurt. He does get in at least a couple hours in Siberia but considering they arrived when it was already dark, spent probably a couple hours partying, slept in a probably not super comfy spot, and then woke up in the day I’m willing to bet not a super great quality of sleep and not super long either. And then a SUPER long day of adventuring in which Sonic almost died multiple times. Boy must have passed the fuck out after getting back home. Hmmm. Do I add insomnia to the list of mental illnesses
Poor Tom and Maddie trying to properly parent Sonic must be really hard
On one hand. Hearing Sonic say “You’re supposed to be my friend, stop trying to be my dad,” breaks my heart. On the other. Lol lmao Sonic friendzoned his own fucking DAD
“Being a hero is about taking responsibility for other people” oh okay so Sonic is Tails’ hero and Tom is Sonic’s hero okay cool I’m totally not gonna go bawl my eyes out
“You don’t choose that moment. That moment chooses you,” So nic choosing Tom in the first movie.... oughohgsuru my mental illnesses are going CRAZY rn /pos
“My dad taught me this lesson in this very boat and now I teach it to you in the same boat.” “Okay bestie”
Portal scene is os so so cute
Tails arriving in the human world and immediately stealing a cop car vs kleptomaniac Sonic stealing everything he’s ever needed or wanted in his entire life FIGHT
“So whatever is is you’re doing I’m sure you can undo it by the time we get back-”
Third time Sonic has been attacked/threatened in his home :(
Oh he’s going RIGHT for the kill
Sonic’s tone when he says “I get it,” sticks in my head 24/7
Brother meet brother
Insane that Sonic met Knuckles before he met Tails
Idris Elba arrived on set ready to give the best vocal performance of the century and I am so happy about it
Second time his home has gotten destroyed by an echidna :(
Second time it’s gotten destroyed by Eggman too :(
So if the powers can be activated with emotions does that mean Knuckles is always either in pain or angry
Okay so if Sonic’s got the eye glowy thing. And Knuckles has got the eye glowy thing. And powers are triggered by strong emotion/personal revelation. What if Tails gets the eye glowy thing after the “because you just told me, fox boy!” scene in movie 3
Rouge gets the eye glowy thing after seeing the Master Emerald
Me and my friend were losing our MINDS when we first saw this scene
Ah yes time for the Eggman yassification scene
“Earth is my turf, g. If you don’t know how to floss you’ll be lost without me.” “I understand nothing of what you just said.”
So uh did Wade know about all of this and then just NOT contact Tom?
Sonic absolutely has some trauma from Knuckles so sorry
When my friend saw the Master Emerald she said “oh my god is that the thing Sonic uses to turn blond?!”
Is that the first time Sonic ever heard Longclaw say that she loved him
He has the same little belt things he uses in the games cus his gloves are too big
Can’t believe Agent Stone outfruited Sonic the Hedgehog
In this world we don’t say “I love you” we say “I never stopped steaming your Austrian goat’s milk”
“trained in all forms of lethal combat” does Knuckles know how to use a gun
Sonic in the first movie: I want a friend (gets a friend)
Sonic in the second movie: I want... multiple friends (gets multiple friends and also a dad and a mom)
Sonic in the third movie: I want... a BOYFRIEND (Shadow breaks down the door and attempts to kill him)
I don’t even ship Sonadow all that much but PLEASE it would be so funny. I know they’re gonna make him have a crush on Amy but pls I want the writers to trip ass backwards into implying he has a thing for Shadow as well it would be the funniest possible characterization
“Don’t worry! On Earth, people are very welcoming and love taking complete strangers into their homes!”
Sonic DEFINITELY got grounded for lying directly to Tom about where he was
The. The freaks scene. Oh so many thoughts too little words
Unironically love the dance scene. Especially since everyone in that bar was probably completely smashed at that point in the night
If we get any adventure 2 poses in the third movie I’ll cry and scream and sob and wail and vomit an
I wanna see Rouge do some of her poses please it would be so cool
LOVE the animation in this movie
When I saw the chaos emeralds for the first time in the movie I screamed out loud cus I knew we were getting Super Sonic
Just realized Longclaw’s entire existence implies the Babylons. Oh I want a Riders movie so bad I wanna see Wave beefing with an 8 year old so bad
Imagine if there was like a little side pod on the thing Eggman rode in for Knuckles. That would be so funny
Sonic hurling the missile at Knuckles. Oh that was a murder attempt. Or at least he did not care if it killed Knuckles
Get therapy the both of you
Second movie feels like so much more of an ADVENTURE i love it
You can visibly see Knuckles start to reconsider when he sees Sonic go to help Tails instead of for the compass
Skipping wedding scene because second-hand embarrassment bad
Oh my god I forgot Sonic got tased right in front of Tom and Maddie. And then shoved into the cage. Btw it’s my personal headcanon that the cage was electrified so he couldn’t get out without hurting himself. Or maybe they’d threatened to kill Tom/Tails if he tried to escape
Oh just realized the compass has gems which are the colors of the Chaos Emeralds on them. Maybe it’ll be used next movie to find them
Sonic deciding to run across the ocean for hundreds of miles all alone against the wishes of everyone else despite knowing it could KILL him is something that lives in my head rent free. Baby girl there is something wrong with you and that thing is self destructive behavior bordering on suicidal impulses.
“I’m not letting anyone else get hurt because of me” :(
He really went from running across a lake while clinging to a boat while his dad was there to having an argument with his dad and then running across an ocean for hundreds of miles ALONE in a storm and almost drowning
He has two almost drowning sequences in this movie MAN
Movie Knuckles is SO SMALL compared to humans but also SO BIG compared to the other Mobians
Rouge has gotta be at least as tall as him in the third movie
Robotnik coming up with like. Innocent sounding nicknames that he says in a mean way. i HAVE to include that in Empty Space and the AU that is slowly forming in my head
Robotnik. Fondness for electricity. Hmmmm. Sonic with electric looking powers. Hmmm
“Because my destiny is to protect my friends and family.” HE SAID FAMILY ALREADY
Only thinking about Knuckles giving Sonic fighting lessons after this movie
The scene where Sonic beats Knuckles into the rock is so FUCKING cool they better give him even more cool scenes in the third movie I wanna go apeshit in the theater
Thinking SO hard about the one shot where Sonic is holding his arm after Knuckles almost kills him
The brief hesitation before Knuckles says “friend” breaks my heart
“Chaos is power”
Sonic actively diving into water to save someone who just almost killed him. Oh my god baby you are a hero 
Idk why but Sonic’s mild obsession with being perceived as manly comes off as very transfem to me. I’m making her transfem now you can’t stop me
Did Knuckles have to drag Sonic both up out of the temple and then all the way back to the island? That must have been traumatizing for Sonic
Sonic throwing sand at Knuckles immediately... I love her... love them so much. 
Movie Sonic having brothers now is something that can be so personal to me. Everybody either adopts her or she adopts them
Knuckles starting to rib Sonic immediately after bonding with her is something that can be so personal to me
Transfem movie Sonic meeting Amy in third movie and having her egg cracked is something I HAVE to write as soon as that movie comes out. Like she meets Amy and goes “oh that dress looks so nice I would look good in that dress” and then goes “WAIT” 
Trans man Eggman and trans woman SOnic. Trans mlm/trans wlw violence
Agent Stone and Eggman are SO fruity on main
Wade gets so much shit in these movies and he’s just vibing. 
Trans fem Sonic realizing she’s trans and then immediately being like. Well now I have to be the prettiest girl sorry Mom it’s a competition now
“Doctor! Take me with you!” and then Eggman DID
If the Master Emerald did turn thoughts in reality the world would be SCREWED if I had it
Big brother Knuckles and little brother Tails and middle sister Sonic is something that can be SO personal to me specifically
Sonic just got SMACKED off that plane holy shit
Movie Knuckles is like twice the size of the other Mobians I love him so much
Better see Knuckles being a protective older brother in the next movie
Also I still love the idea of movie Sonic being like 13-14 and the others being their normal age. Knuckles is horrified when he learns what Sonic’s age is and Sonic doesn’t give a shit and just starts calling him an old man
Sonic experiences SO much in this movie like leave her ALONE
Maddie and Tom are so ride or die for their daughter I love this family unit so much
Movie Sonic realizing that she is loved and has a family seconds before “dying” vs Tails seeing the person he’s come to view as family plus extended family “die” in front of him
Movie Sonic comes out as trans to Robotnik and Robotnik sighs and goes “guess I have to make Metal Sonic a girl now” and Sonic just go “wait what”
Trans fem Sonic not giving a shit about pronouns but every time someone refers to her as a girl she gets the most intense wave of gender euphoria
So she definitely sent the Chaos Emeralds into space. Hope we get other zones in the next movie
Oh my god everyone but Sonic is so dirty. She stays winning.
Main movie over. Credits look so good tho and I LOVE the song
Movie over I am going fucking INSANE I love them all os much. Trans fem Sonic I am holding you so gently. 
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Ep 15 where Hikaru holds Kaoru's hand trembling because he was scared for his safety... that shit fuckin HITS. I love how well Hikaru and Kaoru were able to use their trickster personas to hide the fact that that Wasnt Planned, and how it was silently agreed to do that because anything else would be Too Genuinely Vulnerable.
And how Hikaru is worried too!! How Kaoru has to comfort Hikaru when it really should be the other way around, but Hikaru legit just Cannot handle his own emotions and needs Kaoru to comfort him about his worry. Like!!! Ive been in situations where I've had to comfort somone because they were really worried about me and part of me was a little annoyed, like 'this really should be about me rn', but a much bigger part of me was overwhelmed by the emotions of someone being so worried about me that they Needed to hold my hand to make sure im there and alive and okay. Now I don't think Kaoru was too surprised by Hikarus response given, well, their whole dynamic, but I still like to think its something he secretly likes but knows he shouldnt. Like ofc he doesnt want to get hurt. But like. Idk he cant deny that the very outward worry from someone he loves as much as Hikaru is a bit addicting. So I like to think he hides his injuries from him generally, in part as to not worry Hikaru because he cares about him. But also because he likes his response Too Much. Hope that makes sense lmao
Also as an aside because ive been thinking about it, in episode 16 I love just how much is shown to the audience about the twins dynamic in their tiny interaction where Kaoru follows after Hikaru after his outburst about Arai. Like Kaoru doesnt even really console him, he like. Makes fun of his temper. But his tone of voice is so different than usual, much softer and sincere sounding, at least in the dub. And i just love how they showed that they're very open and honest about their feelings with eachother. Theyre not good communicators (well Hiakru isnt), but they dont have to be with eachother. They just know what the other intends. I also love how Hikaru doesnt redirect his anger to Kaoru, something that would be so easy to do, especially given that he doesnt understand his own emotions. He's just is kinda gruff and open with him. And Kaoru is just as open in that he doesnt agree with Hikarus behavior. But it doesnt come across like a disagreement because they're just. So in sync. Kaoru just wants Hikaru to be better and learn and Hikaru couldnt be actually pissy with him even if he's pissed generally. Idk just those episodes are just so damn good. Episode 16 is a bit hard to watch for me tho, cause of how majorly dickish Hiakru is, which sucks because its one of my favorites
AUGH AGUH IT TRULY IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD...I LOOOOVE Hikaru's overreactions in the show. Being separate from Kaoru, seeing him get hurt, he goes APESHIT. He's so fucking unhealthily codependant it's awesome.......But also, I think it's usually the quick succession or severity of these things. Like, Hikaru CAN be alone as we've seen in episode 16, but I think sudden and forceful separation makes him panic like in ep 21. Same with Kaoru being wounded. I think what scared him the most was how quick it happened, and the fact Kaoru legit could have died or gotten seriously injured if the vase fell on his head. Kaoru seems to be a lot more calm in these situations like in ep 26 where he has every right to fucking panic about Hikaru being flung off of the [REDACTED] bc let's be real....based on the way he fell he should have broke a rib or his neck not his arm. And while Kaoru was super worried obviously he didn't go into panic mode like Hikaru would have. Whether it's simply a better grasp on his emotions (doubtful) or him masking as to not maybe make Hikaru panic more is for debate. I just think it's interesting they both react in their own ways to the other being injured.
That reminds me, I have...2 fics I should prob finish one day about either Hitachiin getting hurt and the other freaking out lol. One is based off that part in ep 26
Now I don't think Kaoru was too surprised by Hikarus response given, well, their whole dynamic, but I still like to think its something he secretly likes but knows he shouldnt. Like ofc he doesnt want to get hurt. But like. Idk he cant deny that the very outward worry from someone he loves as much as Hikaru is a bit addicting. So I like to think he hides his injuries from him generally, in part as to not worry Hikaru because he cares about him. But also because he likes his response Too Much. Hope that makes sense lmao
THIS ^^^^^^^^ I 100% agree. I think considering how unhealthily codependent they are, Kaoru would absolutely get some sort of validation and dopamine over Hikaru worrying about him. It cements to Kaoru that Hikaru still cares, something he worries about a lot. He knows (thinks) they won't be close forever, knows (thinks) that they'll drift apart sometime here, and so getting those reactions from Hikaru is a way of comforting him, by letting him know it's not that time yet and Hikaru still cares.
Like you said, I think Kaoru (unless he was very mentally unwell, which I CAN see in specific settings or instances) wouldn't try to hurt himself or put himself in dangerous situations to get a reaction out of his brother. For the most part he would hide that aspect of himself and by extension any injury he got because he feels really guilty and weird that he gets a sense of euphoria over driving Hikaru up a wall with worry. So it's better to just not engage at all.
ALSO YEAH episode 16 was such a good episode to show case the differences and ways the twins handle individual conflict. I love that scene in the bedroom, showing how the twins can be snappy with each other but you can clearly tell it doesn't mean anything malicious. It's just how they talk, which makes sense. I also really love just....uhhhhghghgh Kaoru. Kaoru who orchestrated a whole date for his brother just to teach him some important life lesson, coming to terms he couldn't teach that to Hikaru himself. Juxtaposed to ep 21 where he's afraid of "losing" HIkaru, there's some bitter irony in the fact it's all Kaoru's own fault Hikaru is as open as he is now, as he directly pushed his brother to be those things, and the fact that even KNOWING he's the reason he still can't let go as he tails his brother around in ep 16, it's so so so fucking good. I think a lot of people forget Kaoru is JUST as emotional as Hikaru, and this episode portrays it well. Kaoru is just very quiet about his emotions, and so his need to always be involved in Hikaru's life, his fear of losing him, translates to, basically, micromanaging and stalking him. Which is Not Healthy and I think a lot of people think just cuz Kaoru doesn't have violent outbursts like Hikaru does that means he's not as emotional which just isn't true at all.
I think it's funny you dislike how much of a petulant brat Hikaru was in that episode. I mean tbf, the show WANTS you to disagree with him because the point of the episode is to teach him that important lesson, but I found it personally hilarious the fact he acted like that. It's very, very Hikaru to get Angry at any emotion and situation you don't understand. I will say tho I do have issues rewatching ep 16 because it is So Much Emotional Baggage for me. I care too much about these paper drawings and so I care Too Much watching the episode.
Also cuz I view the hika/haru stuff in a completely platonic way cuz I think it's better for the story and I know the author and stuff meant for it to be romantic which semi pisses me off. Hikaru could never pull a woman. Don't make me laugh.
However, he SHOULD have gone on an apology date with Arai. That would have been awesome.
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alollinglaughingcat · 2 years
Digimon Questionare
normally I don’t do these kinds of things but im just so... DIGIMON rn i cant NOT. Warrior Cats and Digimon are my Main Obsessions Always and like i can draw warrior cats but i cant draw Digimon cause Humans and Outlandish Monsters lol
anyway i made these all up
Favorite Over-all Character? Koichi Kimura!
Favorite Googlehead? Tagiru! I just like his spirit. I also really like Mikey, and how well they play his flaws, because Mikey’s a really genuinely good guy and great leader in ways that Tai and others aren’t, but it’s also Mikey’s flaw because he tries so hard to be good and to give to others that it’s shown to physically and mentally hurt himself, which is a really interesting route to go! ...I love how I talked more about Mikey than my actual favorite Tagiru lol. Idk, I just think Tagiru is Davis but better, and I like how fiery Tagiru is, plus his partner Gumdramon is awesome
Favorite Blue Bestie? ...Ken? He’s literally the only one that’s NOT blue lol. So if I had to pick an actually blue boy I’d say... Koji? Kiyoshiro is also a strong contender
Favorite Redeemed Evil? KOICHI! KIMURA! Can I just say HIS plot twist was the only one i NEVER EXPECTED??? And I can answer you why: I was so young watching the other Digimon seasons that I couldn’t remember my reaction to the plot twists and just knew them as facts, OR I was too old watching the other seasons that I predicted or just accepted the plot twists easily. BUT KOICHI’S???? I was just the perfect age of “can remember my reaction to this, but not old enough to theorize properly.” I remember when we first say Koichi on the train flashback, I thought it was Koji! I thought Koji got sent back too. So when I learned Duskmon (Koichi) was KOJI’S TWIN, I flipped my shit y’all! ALSO! Koichi is a dark lion how could I not love him lol.
Favorite Digimon? If I had to pick a ‘mon to be my partner: Gatomon, duh. But favorite digimon character? Probably Gumdramon for his backstory (wild child!) and personality, but Gammamon might potentially usurp him. Renamon and Impmon are some of my favs for their friendship though!
Favorite Partnership? Hm, Hiro and Gammamon for the big brother-little brother relationship? Or, Kiyoshiro and Jellymon just because they’re like the only male human-female Digimon pair and I like their dynamic. Really, I like any partnerships from Tamers or Ghost Game best; they feel the most natural, realistic and flesh-out in those seasons. Meiko and Meicoomon are an honorable mention
Favorite Series? GHOST GAME! It used to be Frontier, and Frontier will always have a special place in my heart, but Ghost Game is so freakin’ good. So, Ghost Game, then Frontier, then Hunters. I like the ones that are least liked lol. I like GG just cause of how polished and cool it is, but I love Frontier for nostalgic reasons plus the kids turning into Digimon was so unique and I loved its movie. Hunter just because I like the concept of ‘hunting’ the Digimon like theyre Pokemon lmao :)
Ranking the Series:
1. Ghost Game (will rewatch)
2. Frontier (won’t rewatch)
3. Hunters (rewatch some episodes)
4. Tamers (will rewatch)
5. Tri (will rewatch)
6. Adventure 02 (will rewatch)
7. Adventure (may rewatch)
8. Data Squad (won’t rewatch)
9. Fusion (rewatch some episodes)
10. X-Evolution (won’t rewatch)
11. Universe (no. just. no. never watched past 2 eps)
Subs or Dubs? Both. Both are good. I prefer watching dubs, though, and tend to stick to English names and such, but I’ve read enough Japanese names fics and obviously Hunter and Ghost Game only have subs, so I’m more than used to Japanese names and versions, and prefer it in some ways (Yuu > Ewan supremacy).
Favorite Ship? Oh, Daiken (Ken and Davis/Daisuke) hands down. You can’t even convince me they’re not gay with the “I can feel your beating heart” bullshit. Is this even a question? Other than them, I also really like “Ken crushing on TK bcus of when TK hit the Digimon Emperor” and also Tagiru X Yuu/Ewan! But also I’m very flexible in my ships lol. cause I also like Yuu x Airu. ALSO Tai x Sora x Matt supremacy! Digimon Tri really solidified and made me love the hell outta that polyam ship.
Favorite Headcanon? That Kari is asexual aromantic! She has no interest in guys (or gals) but feels pressured to. She really feared that her best friend TK would want to get with her and it would all be ruined, but unknown to her, TK was in a similar situation! He was aspec but thought he was pure straight, and was thus a serial dater and a bit of a “player” cause he couldn’t really keep a girlfriend due to having no real emotional attachment to them/fading interest and him always wanting to hang w/ Kari instead. He’s likely demi and only has feelings of attachment/romance for Kari, but he’s also possibly asexual, just uncertain. He and Kari end up as queerplatonic bf/gf! Kari gets the relief of always having her bestie with her without any pressure to be “romantic” or, to her absolute horror, sexual, and TK can feel secure and loved without worry <3
Favorite Digimon Fan-media? Obviously The Ultimate Gathering of the Digidestined is awesome, but its literally a crime if you’ve never read the comic Digimon Frontier Re-Birth. Literally @digimon-fr is the fucking best. as far as im concerned its canon and I love Geopardmon and Nachtmon, darkness babies
also just for fun I organized the groups some time ago:
Grouped by Series Adventure: Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Izzy, TK, Kari, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Micheal Tamers: Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Ryo, Ai, Mako, Suzie, Alice, Minami, Calumon Frontier: Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, JP, Tommy, Bokomon, Neemon, Teppei, Katsuharu, Chiaki, Terue, Angemon Data Squad: Marcus, Thomas, Yoshi, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Sampson, Homer, Miki, Megumi Hunters: Mikey, Angie, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki, Noboru, Haruki, Ken II Ghost Game: Hiro, Ruli, Kiyoshiro, BlackGatomon Uver, Tapirmon, Clockmon
Grouped by Ages (generalized) Old men: Sampson, Homer The gals (real adults): Yoshi, Megumi, Miki Baby adults: Joe, Marcus, Thomas Basically adults: Tai, Matt, Sora, Meiko Almost there: Mimi, Izzy, Micheal Stuck in the middle: Yolei, Ryo, JP, Kristy, Keenan, Relena, Mikey, Jeremy, Christopher, Nene Solid teens: TK, Kari, Davis, Ken, Wallace, Takato, Rika, Henry, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Alice, Takuya, Koji, Koichi, Zoe, Angie, Hideaki, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Awkwardly teens: Minami, Ewan, Tagiru, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Hiro, Ruli Pre-tweens: Cody, Tommy Literal babies: Ai, Mako, Suzie
Grouped by Animals Dinosaur/dragons: Tai, Davis, Takato, Ryo, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Christopher, Tagiru, Hiro Canines: Matt, Rika, Alice, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Angie, Ryouma, Hideaki Rabbits: Wallace, Henry, Suzie, Ruli Felines: Kari, Meiko, Jeri, Koichi Birds/plane: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene Water creatures: Joe, Micheal, Kenta, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Insects: Izzy, Ken, JP, Jeremy Plants: Mimi, Yoshi Miscellaneous animal: TK, Cody, Tommy, Sampson, Airu Miscellaneous other: Kazu, Ai, Mako, Miki, Megumi, Ewan, Ren, Kiichi
Grouped by Element Fire: Tai, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru Thunder: Izzy, Davis, JP, Kazu, Jeremy, Christopher Wind: Sora, Yolei, Zoe, Kristy, Keenan, Nene, Kiichi Water/Ice: Joe, Michael, Kenta, Tommy, Homer, Mizuki, Kiyoshiro Nature/Earth: Mimi, Cody, Yoshi Light: Matt, TK, Kari, Henry, Rika, Jeri, Minami, Koji, Thomas, Megumi, Sampson, Angie, Ewan, Ruli Darkness: Ken, Wallace, Meiko, Ryo, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Alice, Koichi, Miki, Ryouma, Ren, Airu, Hideaki All (eevee mode): Hiro
Grouped by Traits Goggle-head leaders: Tai, Davis, Takato, Takuya, Marcus, Mikey, Tagiru, Hiro Blue besties: Matt, Henry, Koji, Thomas, Christopher, Kiyoshiro Token girls: Sora, Mimi, Yolei, Rika, Zoe, Yoshi, Angie, Airu, Ruli Baby of the group: TK, Cody, Suzie, Ai, Mako, Tommy, Kristy OP self-inserts: Kari, Ryo, Alice, Meiko Evil turned good: Ken, Koichi, Keenan, Nene, Ewan, Ryouma The extras: Joe, Izzy, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Sampson, Megumi, Miki, Jeremy, Ren Background characters: Wallace, Michael, Minami, Homer, Relena, Kiichi, Hideaki, Mizuki
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lemonlimetoast · 2 years
Hand hurty
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shoezuki · 4 years
piglin techno confusing the fuck out of ranboo hcs
i jus be doin some shit sometimes n then my brain is like ‘hey think a this’ and i been tryin to type this out but my internet is so bad rn i couldnt even Open a new post what the fuck. anywayss. this ran so long. so fucking long
started with ‘i wonder how piglins act’ and now technoblade is doin some shit, ranboo is so confused, and philza is a delighted bystander who is having the time of his life
technoblade is 100% piglin. many people think he’s part human to some degree but hes Completely and Utterly piglin
most assume as much since he doesnt begin to rot in the overworld. but short answer; he’s Built Different
long answer is a blessing of the bloodgod but shhhhhh
techno never corrects anyone or talks about being piglin or Anything. he just doesnt care what other people think and assume. the only one who Knows is phil
phil had first thought it was out of some sort of shame or desire to Hide it but. yeah. no. techno jus doesnt care. build; different
although more Notable piglin traits come to like if he’s close to people
piglins are both social and anti social. kinda. they can be hugely independent, do well without ‘proper’ socialization for a Long while. but they group together for Lifetimes. once piglins find a family or friends and expend Full trust to them. its all or nothing you Cant break them up
how tommy betrayed and turned his back on techno just. its like a physical pain. once he trusted and respected him, the mere Idea of betrayal was nowhere in question. it never occurred to him
philza is now the only person that techno consciously and subconsciously considers him a part of his ‘pack’ (i cant figure out a better term but that one doesnt Fit)
techno never realizes when he acts piglin traits out towards those he trusts. he never does so in company outside of what he considers family. philza notices though.
phil tends to study and research other races and cultures a lot. he’s been around a long while, has met many people of all different backgrounds. he likes knowing and understanding what he can. its just fun too.
it mostly started when he first met techno because he wanted to figure out what the FUCK techno was doing without asking and therefore embarrassing him
but phil knows techno well. and he knows piglins well enough. and he Knows techno doesnt ever seem to be self aware of his more inhuman habits
but Phil knows. and he Notices when techno starts to consider ranboo a part of the pack
First, it’s gifts.
surprisingly, its ranboo giving techno the axe first
he wasnt there to see it. but phil might as well have been present, considering how Horrifically in depth techno ‘ranted’ to him bout it
but techno reciprocates it and Then he really starts to notice more and more
first, it was giving the enchanted apple to ranboo. sure it Technically had been swiped by techno out from under ranboo but it was still Something. techno wasnt one to give up valuables easily
then techno starts ‘complaining’ about ranboos living area. and his eating habits. phil looks away when techno smuggles golden carrots into ranboo’s shack 
eventually technoblade is crafting ranboo a cloak to match their own and he’s freaking out about ranboo’s height and his dimensions and how much cloth he’ll need but he refuses to ask ranboo and phil is holding his head in his hands
(phil forces techno to gift him the cloak in person rather than stash it under his pillow and run like he’d planned. techno bitched about it but after ranboo practically lit up, burying himself in the cloak and thanking techno so hard his throat mustve hurt, techno was so practically purring the rest of the day)
after gifts, its noises. 
techno is seemingly silent. he doesnt speak up much, moves so quietly people tend to jump when he appears. 
in reality, he talks to himself constantly. either when alone or when in phil’s company. philza knows that aspect is the ‘voices’, and also just technoblade’s tendency to fill the silence and wonder his own thoughts aloud
but the snorts, squeels, grumbles, and other sounds he makes without realizing are some phil knows are piglin
its often guttural, a noise he makes in the back of his throat that rumbles and reverberates through his bones. 
itd sound terrifying to anyone, but after years of techno trilling deep when phil enters a room, when he returns from some sort of journey, when he says hello or makes his presence known in anyway, phil realized its more like a greeting. excitement to see him. it became something sweet
long story short ranboo nearly jumped so high his head went through the ceiling when he’d first walked into the home, said hello, and some gruff purr sounded from the techno’s chest
theyd both jumped so hard, stared at each other as if they were trying to figure out what was wrong with the other 
phil was physically pained as he held back his laughter to the point he was crying. that changed the subject to him quickly
it didnt happen again for a while, but phil didnt say anything and just watched. it was too entertaining
techno would make his small squeals between breaths when he remembered something, muttered to himself, snorted and huffed even as ranboo was around
ranboo got used to it. he stopped jumping or even looking confused when techno trilled some sort of deep purr when ranboo would join them for dinner
lastly, techno was tactile
or, as tactile as he could be. techno wasnt touchy even on a great day. he was selective, reserved, would lean into phil or loop an arm over his shoulders but would never say anything about it
phil didnt question it and would just pat techno on the arm without saying a word
but. sometimes. when phil would be gone for a long time, techno would rest the entire weight of his head on phil’s shoulder, practically encapturing him, rumbling and grumbling so harsh it shook phil’s whole body
phil still wasnt certain on this one. he couldnt find much in the way of what it meant. piglin’s tended to stay with their own, and they never reunited after long periods of time because they never would dare to separate for long
 he was kind of guessing here, but the way techno would drop his shoulders and practically melt made phil think he was just missing him and wanted to confirm phil’s presence. 
it wasnt like he complained. it was sweet
ranboo had been gone a while. he was vague on why, or where. phil had a suspicion or two but ranboo kept a lot of secrets
neither techno or phil pried too far, but phil could tell it was disconcerting to techno. he was tense and kept himself almost deathly busy for two weeks
(piglin rarely if ever kept secrets from one another, phil had read once. omitting a few things here and there, maybe. but lying or deception was out of the question)
phil hadn’t been there when ranboo returned. he’d been gathering firewood after techno was insistent they completely top up all of ranboo’s stores
he’d heard the muffled growls techno made as he walked towards ranboos shack, before even seeing him. 
when phil found them techno had ranboo nearly completely obscured in his cape, and definitely he’d have been out of sight if he was any shorter. 
techno’s head was lofted heavy in the crook of ranboo’s neck, forcing ranboo to hunch with arms wrapped tight around ranboo. his arms were pinned. 
ranboo caught his eyes, looking so scattered and tired and confused and maybe even terrified. he might have spoken or maybe he just mouthed ‘help me’ but the gruff purr-like sound techno made was too loud to hear him anyways
philza shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing
later that night ranboo asked phil if techno was going to kill him. phil wanted to scream
even later then, techno had admitted to phil that, yeah, okay, maybe ranboo was growing on him. phil had never felt so violent
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titsuya · 3 years
i was reading your newest work on hq boys moans, and i saw you said you have a list of the horsecocks of haikyuu. would you mind sharing said list? i’m kinda (i mean very) curious 🤍
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hey angel ! i’m so glad you asked :D
warning: dick talk <3, mentions of breeding and creampies and cum eating and just cum in general, u might think im on crack while reading this
my top 10 biggest dicks of HQ going from big to bigger to biggest to LITERAL HORSECOCK (with my very good reasoning):
big dick energy plays into this a lot
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coming in at TENTH, we have:
reason: he has big pretty dick energy. it’s kinda skinny but i hc it to be fucking LONG !!! literally look at his fingers ?? they’re huge 😩 tooru’s pretty dick is long enough to give ur cervix some soft kisses <3
in NINTH place:
reason: something about him gives off big dick energy. maybe its the way he could probably recite the periodic table, but it’s big. like average girth, but his is long too AND slightly angled and hits the g spot v well. and it’s lowkey kinda pretty too <333 he just knows what he’s doing ++ timeskip him is hot as fuck, literally has a sir & daddy kink bc of his job
SEVENTH and EIGHTH are tied:
SIXTH prize winner:
reason: we all know that samu’s is like half an inch bigger than tsumu’s. but this man has fucking breeder balls that are just… so heavy. he also cums a lot. like A LOT. just loves to fucking drain them using your pussy. big tits, big man, man big dick. very thick, very nice. very much has a #breeding kink too. just thought i should throw that out there.
FIFTH place— honorable mention #2:
oh my god. oh fuck oh my god
reason: daddy . you guys know what i mean, i literally have no words. fat cock, above average girth and length. just above average. holy fucking shit he’s so hot i cant even think about him without wanting to cream my pants.
FOURTH place— honorable mention #1:
reason: ok, u might think that he should be in the top three, but kou’s SO CLOSE ! like dude his cock is really, really, REALLY fat. me thinks he has the girthiest of all my bby boys. it’s just not as long! no, but actually, my top 5 boys could probably make you cum just by putting their dick in you. BOKUTO ESPECIALLY THO ! also mans can last at least 3 rounds so you better believe he’s gonna fuck you good with his big cock
THIRD is the one with the hairy chest: grade school rhymes im sorry
reason: guys i’m not biased, i swear ! think about time skip, pro volleyball player suna rintarō. my god that man. you might say “oh, hes so skinny—“ literally stfu im not arguing this. suna has a horsecock, too. prettiest fucking dick ever. tip always flushed red, prominent veins u can run your tongue over, feels really big in ur hands. my god rintarō split me in half rn.
taking the silver medal at SECOND place:
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI horsecockkkkk <33
reason: man. look at him. you dont need to show anyone his dick, you already know it’s literally huge. you’d probably break in half. he literally has to prep you to the max to take him. almost took first place tbh !
MATSUKAWA ISSEI (everyone cheered) HORSE COCKKKKKKK <333333333
reason: y’all can argue everything else, but this ? im not taking criticism. THIS MF RIGHT HERE HAS THE BIGGEST FUCKING HORSECOCK ? LIKE I WISH I COULD EXPLAIN ???? it’s FAT ! IT HURTS HE CAN BARLEY GET IT IN. like guys. im screaming and crying. its veiny, girthy, long just BIG… omg my heart hurts. he has a size kink <//3
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technowoah · 3 years
Wait imagine a fic where Jack and the reader are long distance or something and when Tubbo and Tommy are doing the man hunt irl the reader surprises Jack.
That would be cute I think 🤔
Just One Livestream
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You surprise Jack with a spontaneous visit to the UK, little did you know that they were livestreaming.
- Jack Manifold x gen neutral!reader
- Anon Requested!
⚠︎ swearing, fluff!, not proofread
an// I hope yall enjoy! Much love! And sorry it came out so late I have no inspiration rn but imma get it done! Also I used the difference of American hours to London hours so sorry of
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"Love, why are you up early?" Jack asked through the phone.
You two were facetiming eachother as he propped his phone up on his dashboard while he started to drive. It was around 1 am for you and 6 am for Jack. Sadly you two were in a long distance relationship. You had met Jack when you were on a college trip to London to study abroad for 3 weeks. You were sad that you had to leave your home country, but this was a opportunity you couldn't oppose.
During this trip you had found a cafe that you would go to often. The first time you sat at the cafe alone you always noticed it was only you and this other man in the cafe. He was always on his computer and sat by a window, he always came early too, even earlier than you. As the days went on you continued to see him around more and he seemed to notice you as well. You made a note to yourself to always try and show up a tad bit earlier to the cafe to stay around the same time as he did.
You two got to know eachother throughout the three weeks you had to stay in London. The small nods became hellos, and the hellos turned into full on conversation by the window. He had told you his name was Jack Manifold and was kind of surprised when you didn't immediately know who he was. To him it was refreshing not to be immediately noticed based on his appearance. You both had exchanged numbers one day and after each morning you two would text non stop even during your classes. Luckily trying to get to know Jack changed your sleep schedule and because of that you always made it to class on time.
Jack was such an amazing guy to you, but during the first week you had developed a small crush on the man, and he had developed a crush on you too. The second week you two had ventured out onto different territory than the cafe. Jack started to call those small outings after class, dates and you weren't opposed to the dates at all you loved them. The second and third week were mostly dates and the night before you left he asked to be your boyfriend and of course you accepted not knowing the pain of a long distance relationship.
You had to answer his question on why you were up so early. "Yeah- Um, Im up because of you." You chuckled. "You changed my sleep schedule ever since I met you."
"Well you're welcome, because before me I heard you were missing classes." Jack payed attention to the road but still talked to you.
"Because I told you! And I am grateful, but there is nothing to do at one am here." You sighed while you started to walk around your room as you lied to him.
Jack was talking to you while you did a clean sweep around your house to check if you had everything for your trip.
Two weeks ago you had decided to pack your bags and take a trip back to London. Right now your flight will be leaving early in the morning and that's why you are up so early.
You wanted to surprise Jack instead of straight up telling him that you will be in the country. You missed him dearly, and this will be a great way to spend time together instead of seeing eachother across a screen. One of you had to make that sacrafice and that would be you.
While Jack continued to talk you checked everywhere to make sure you arent leaving anything behind.
"What are you doing, darling?" Jack asked and that snapped you out of your trance. "Are you even listening to me? Im hurt." Jack faked being hurt.
You smiled at him and shook your head. "Im sorry I wasn't listening. What were you saying?"
"I was saying, when you were ignoring me, that I'm going to the cafe right now and that we should plan a trip soon. I miss you." Jack confessed and you awed.
"I miss you too Jack! I hopw we can see each other soon." You tried to contain your smile as you hid your surprise.
"Me too."
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Your plane finally landed as you let out a sigh of relief. You had collected all of your shit fast so you could finally get off of that horrible plane. Every stereotypical airplane scene happened to you in the hours you were on that plane. You had a child crying behind you with a mother who couldn't keep that child calm, you were sat next to a man who snored the whole ride here and you just felt cramped.
Sadly you couldn't return any of Jack's messages or calls that you saw when you were in the airplane terminal. You tried calling him twice but they both went to voicemail while you rolled your bag through the huge building. Finding yourself outside you ordered an Uber and once you did that your phone began to ring showing Jack's name and picture of you two together on the screen.
You quickly answered the phone. "Hey!"
"Hi!" Jack chuckled. "I called like, 17 times!"
"I know! Im sorry. I was busy." You weren't lying getting a plane and basically leaving early in the morning and arriving in the afternoon in London. "So, what are you doing today?"
"I am hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo at the park! Im picking them up now!" Jack responded and you heard him close his car door.
"Which park?" You asked quickly as you saw your Uber arrive.
Jack started to laugh. "Uh I'll text you the park I guess. Why would you want to know?"
"No reason! I just want to make sure you are safe. Dont make me call 999." You tried to joke around and take the attention off of your question.
"I cant believe you still remember 999." Jack laughed.
"I still do!" You said as you got inside your Uber and gave the driver the directions to your hotel forgetting that Jack was on the other line.
"Wait hotel?" Jack questioned through the phone.
"Hotel? What are you talking about?" You acted oblivious.
"I- I thought you were talking about a hotel." Jack hesitated.
"No!" You tried to cover up your mistake.
"Well Im going to pick up Tommy soon. I'll talk to you later okay? Answer my calls this time!" Jack chuckled.
"I definitely will!"
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You had recived the name of the park you were surprising Jack at. You began to walk around the parking lot after you got dropped off and noticed his car sitting there. There were tons of people at the park today and you didn't know where he would be. As you walked on the dirt trails of the park your thoughts took over, what if you made a mistake and should've told Jack that you were here in London and wanted to meet up at the cafe?
You looked at people as they passed by you ok the trail wishing that you had that energy that you had before, thinking that you would find Jack easily when in reality you were in a busy part of the park and he could be anywhere.
When you thought all hope was lost you heard some loud voices on the trail to your right. You were already walking aimlessly through the park and your first instinct was to go left and walk away from the loud voices, but then you heard something.
"Tommy this was a bad idea!"
"I dont think it was!"
You stood in the "intersection" of the dirt trails thinking that you heard those voices right. You rounded the corner and followed right to see Tommy and Jack doubled over, out of breath while Tubbo was still standing up breathing heavily. There were far away from you, but not far away that you couldn't see them clearly.
You began to call out to them. "Tommy! Jack! Tub-"
They quickly turned around and took off running. Confused on why they were doing that you took off running after them trying to tell them to stop. They were yelling and you were yelling and getting weird glances from stangers, and you dont blame them. You're chasing after your boyfriend and his two friends in a quiet public park. You continued to hear their groans of tiredness and their speed started to slow down.
"Jack! Tommy! Wait up!" You yelled out of breath as you slowed down as well.
"We give up! We give up!" Tubbo yelled and came to a complete stop while trying to catch his breath. He turned around to finally face you. "Y/N?!"
"Wait what?!"
"You're here?!" Jack ran up to you and gave you a bone crushing hug, rocking you two back and forth.
"I am! And Im our of breath thanks to you three." You said while still hugging Jack.
"M'sorry I thought you were a fan and I took off and they followed suit I guess." Tommy rubbed his forehead.
"A fan?" You questioned and Tommy and Tubbo lifted their phones up gesturing that they were recording.
"We're doing manhunt in real life, darling." Jack kissed your temple and wrapped his arn around your waist, holding you tight.
"Next time look before you run okay." You smiled still out of breath while kissing Jack's cheek.
"Enough with the PDA!" Tubbo yelled still recording you two.
"We havent even started!" Jack yelled back giving you a huge hug. Jack closed the distance between you two and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips while the two boys groaned in disgust.
"I think that's enough streaming for today boys." Tommy sighed.
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"Sorry again, love. That won't happen again."
You and Jack walked hand in hand down the streets of London. People had to walk around you two because you were basically taking up the whole sidewalk and you weren't letting go of his hand anytime soon.
"It better not! I dont want to run after you again." You smiled as you bumped shoulders.
"And you wont have to!" He smiled back at you as you two continued to walk and people dodged the two of you.
"Have you ever thought of moving here?" Jack asked out of nowhere.
"I have actually! On the plane ride here I thought of leaving and moving to London." You thought about it constantly. It was nice being close to Jack and it was a major risk.
"Well wherever you're ready, I'll be here for you." Jack kissed your cheek. "And I wont run away when you come here!"
You two finally made it to your destination which was the cafe you two met at. It was busy at this time because it was the middle of the day and not the beginning. You two entered and took your seats by the window where you two usually sat.
"I love you. I missed this." Jack said.
"I love you too! And of course I missed this. Maybe you can show me more places around London and convince me to stay longer." You gave him a proposal.
"Longer than what?" Jack asked.
"Four weeks." You grinned.
Jack grabbed both of your hands and kissed the back of them. "Hell yeah. I get you for more than four weeks?!"
"That's if you show me places to stay longer." You teased.
"Okay babe. You like ferris wheels?"
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
*kicks the door out* I HAVE JUST TWO QUESTIONS at the moment
FIRST What did Ma found actually that could help with getting ride off Macaque for good? And did she even tried to use it against him?
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(for both if you dont wanna or cant share with info yet, u dont need to answear rn or at all, its all good, luv <33)
"I could so easily put a stop to all your bullshit right here and now. I know how to kill a shadow yāoguài, y-y’know? I found out- I did my research- all because of you and your horrible rampages. All I need is a flame... enchant it with the spell I’ve found and shove it down your maw and you’d be dead for good!!" Mǎ puts her hand around his throat, laughing weakly in what he immediately recognizes as fear, squeezing only a little bit as if she wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing.
"Nnh... No reincarnation- no spirit that could even go back to hell. No second chances..." both her hands grip his shirt and shove him against the cold stone wall of their cell, strongly enough to force the air out of his unmoving body. Her ears are lowered and pupils blown wide. "I could set your organs on fire and I’d finally be liberated from my worst mistake- finally, I could be granted peace! No more of you, no more of Liù’ěr, no more of- no more of..." her fists tighten, start trembling. "..no more of my youngest brother."
The spell in question basically a combination of a hex that makes the fire “hungry” in the sense that it won’t stop Burning as much material as it can until the caster calls it off and a hex that Binds one object to another. Shadows have this nasty habit of simply making themselves immaterial when threatened with something to avoid getting hurt but with a strong enough binding hex they just won’t be able to do that. The combo of these two is a sure way to kill just about anything
Really I just one day imagined Mǎ goin “天啊。。。” (heaven...), absolutely smitten cuz a human biker girl shot her A Look while doin an Akira Bike Slide n I just went “Well fuck I guess she’s married now.”
Mǎ’s wife’s name is Kokoro (surname Sūn cuz Mǎ slapped it on her when they married), she was 35 when they met, Mǎ learned how to ride a motorbike to impress her but Mǎ is a DORK so she ended up GUNKIN IT ALL UP but thankfully Kokoro was like “You’re stupid. I like that in yōkai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” n so they started DATING and then they got MARRIED!!!!! Mǎ ended up learnin a lot of domestic shit like how to fix a fuckin SINK (she looked like a drenched rat by the end of it) n they were HAPPY until the human lifespan came kickin in n Kokoro unfortunately passed away
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hoonhrt · 4 years
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: pairing — best friend enhypen! x reader 
: genre — fluff 
: a/n — i’m posting in this in the meantime as i am still writing a jake au rn so sorryyy if this is trash im writing this at 1 am LOL 
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・:*:・゚☆ lee heeseung 
cares for you sm 
lends you his notes when you need 
lets you lay your head on his shoulder on the bus 
youre the only person allowed to watch him preform 
shoves you alot??? 
forces you to play games with him which makes your head hurt cause he is so loud 
asks you to buy him snacks, says he will pay back but never does 
wants you to confide in him for all of your problems 
always texts you to make sure youre taking care of yourself but in a teasing you 
“go drink a glass of water rn or else youre going to d word of dehydration and you havent seen me become an idol yet :( so pls go drink some water.” 
・:*:・゚☆ jay park
bully #1 
ALWAYS begs for your notes after classes cause this mf is always sleeping in class 
seems a little cold at first but is actually so caring 
comes over whenever you dont show up to school 
buys you food, literally never lets you pay for anything 
criticize your fashion but thats cause he doesnt want you looking like a fool especially since youre his best friend ;/
keeps your best interest at heart for almost all the decisions he makes as you play such a big role in life 
you guys go on late night drives and roam around the city with a playlist he made just for nights like these for the both of you 
lets you borrow his accessories 
“jay why is your hair like that” “shut up your eyebrows are uneven”
・:*:・゚☆ jake sim 
people thought he liked you because of how much he cares for you but nope 
tells you pick up lines and you shut them down real quick 
pretends that didnt hurt 
gives the best hugs ever 
your parents love him more than you 
helps you with all of your homework, basically tutors you for free 
expects you to show up to every single one of his soccer games (which you do) 
always packs extra food for you just incase 
“if you were a transformer... you’d be optimus fine” “jake i dont even like transformers”
・:*:・゚☆ park sunghoon 
bully #2
literally makes fun of you so much, your friendship seems questionable to others 
enjoys seeing you struggle 
lets you wear his jackets during his practices 
also expect you to show up to every single one of his comps, youre his good luck charm but he will never tell you that 
loves when you show up with big signs that say “PARK SUNGHOON BEST SKATER” 
very protective over you, doesnt like seeing you hurt 
shoves you alot pt 2 
likes playing with your hands 
“did you even try to use the 3 brain cells in your head for this?” “i literally hope you fall in your face during one of your performances “HEY”
・:*:・゚☆ kim sunoo 
you guys are inseparable
talk the most shit about the people at your school LOL 
always encourages you to break out of your shell and be more outgoing, always reminding you that he right behind your supporting you 
you guys share everything, clothes, make up, accessories, lockers 
you made him a friendship bracelet and this mf almost cried 
gets into heated arguments with you and than feels bad 
hugs hugs so many hugs 
your source of happiness 
BEGS to do your makeup and hair 
“you know the new girl is already dating someone from class b?” “no way youre lying!!” “nope, i found out today in history, she hasnt even been her a week and she already has a man??” 
・:*:・゚☆ yang jungwon 
the most responsible yet irresponsible person youve ever met 
acts like your mom sometimes 
loves taking care of you 
will scold you about not doing your school work but realizes he forgot his own 
makes weird faces at you like wtf jungwon you good 
your parents want him as their actual son 
carries around a first aid kit for you 
lets you wear his gloves in the winter 
just loves being around you all the time 
“did you eat today??? go eat. do you want me to come over and make you food???”
・:*:・゚☆ nishimura ni-ki 
bully #3 
teases you about EVERYTHING 
never answers his phone so you guys cant have nice cute little planned hangouts 
you two sneak out of your houses and go to the playground to swing on the swings 
holds your hand when youre nervous 
loves teaching you dances even if you arent that good 
steals food from your fridge 
you guys make up secret handshakes 
ni-ki loves giving you hugs 
“you cant even reach this im not even holding it up that high this is so embrassing for you” “CAN YOU JUST GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK”
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