#i cant even comprehend that number genuinely
doebt · 1 year
It’s crazy how the past gets further away everyday. It is literally like you BLINK and it’s been 10 years since we spoke
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ge · 3 months
can I hear more abt your trans chung myung thoughts please
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HEHE ANYTHING FOR YOU MY ANGELS... trans chung myung is like my number one, most well loved & personal, firmest hc evur.. no matter what he is always trans to me idk..he is like the most trans character ive ever seen its sooo real to me.. ive said it once ill say it again, chung myungs lore is literally impact by his transsexualism and im the only one who sees it.. if u get it u get it... a little cw for minor transphobia out of ignorance, not prejudice..⬇️
i always imagined that chung myung knew he was trans since he was very young, like 'beginning to comprehend words and what they mean' young.. he always got angry and aggressive when his sect siblings called him young lady or samae, sajeo, etc, lashing out even at elders to the point hed get in trouble over it... i think pretty quickly everyone figured out if they just 'humoured' him, he'd get over whatever phase he was in and stop being so troublesome, so they did.. at first they began using more masculine terms and honourifics in a 'wink wink nudge' indulgent kind of way but they noticed as he got older, he started inserting himself into more male dominated spaces, even going so far as to bathe and groom himself w the other male disciples
at first it kind of set off red flags for everyone who were still under the impression chung myung was still just going through his little 'phase' but i think chung mun was the first who stepped up and actually ASKED chung myung about it.. he pulls chung myung to the side one day and asks WHY chung myung keeps doing the things he does and chung myung frowns and says because im a boy sahyung..DUH.. chung myung explains the best he can but bc he doesnt really know how to articulate himself on these matters (doesnt know any other trans people or experiences outside of his own and cant put it into words properly) and bc chung mun is cis, chung mun is still a little confused but now he understands chung myung isnt like..joking about this, or going through some sort of phase.. he seemed genuinely put out and upset when implied chung mun didnt understand him so from that day forward chung mun very firmly introduces chung myung to everyone in the sect as their littlest brother and that was pretty much that..
it probably took some people a while to wrap their head around, but because i dont want anyone in mt hua to be transphobic LOL they all understand and accept chung myung as their new baby brother pretty quickly and soon they dont even bat an eye seeing him train topless or bathe w the rest of the guys, doing other guy dominated activities, etc.. when he got older it was just normalized that one of their brothers had boobs..literally nobody gaf theyre REAL trans allies.. mount hua most PROGRESSIVE MARTIAL ARTS SECT
also majorly hc chung myung does not have any bodily dysphoria/morphia and is perfectly fine w the way he looks, especially after he gets older and starts building lots of muscle, so he never undergoes any gender affirming surgeries but he does take wuxia testosterone pills.. cuz i think the idea of wuxia magic hormone pills is hilarious and awesome
ive also put some thought into whether cho sams body would be trans or cis, because either could be interesting.. i feel like if cho sam were cis it would actually invoke body image issues and dysphoria in chung myung, having been thrust into a body so unfamiliar & alien to him than the one he spent the most time living in and caring for.. i dont really think too much in depth about this tho so my thoughts on it are pretty vague.. is cho sam cis or trans? (shrugs) up to you!
ummm *scratches ass* i cant think of anything else to say.. trans chung myung is so awesomesauce and i love projecting my own transmasc wants and desires onto him and into a world that accepts and loves him for who he is.. i have more thoughts about his relationship w tang bo and the world around them and how they view him but those are a little more personal and nuanced so i wont get into all dat.... when rotmhs gets more popular i hope trans chung myung hc blows up cuz its sooo real... something something chung myungs reincarnation into cho sam is a trans allegory
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(had to send this here because it goes past the discord character limits) haiiii just a little reminder that;
 i love you. more than words and numbers combined can describe, and i mean that. you are genuinely the most amazing human ive ever met and im so fucking happy that youre just here. you fill my mind 24/7 and i cant get you out of my thoughts. anything you do, no matter how small you think it is, makes me smile. you just make me so insanely happy by just being here, and when i say happy i mean it. i havent felt such happiness like this. you make me want to psychically implode(/extremely pos) because of how giddy you make me. i care about you so much and i can never go an hour without thinking about how youre doing. you are really important to me. youre my everything, the light of my life, and i wouldnt want anyone else here to fill that role except for you. i would do anything, everything, and all the things i could possibly (or impossibly) do just to make you happy. whether that ranges from creating another separate milky way just with my mind or by finding you a song you cant find. if itll make you happy im already doing it. i will always and i mean ALWAYS be here for you, no matter what. the time, place, mood im in, it doesnt matter. if you need me i will be there. and if theres a time you need me and im asleep? dont be scared to call and hangup after so my phone ringing will wake me up. i may not be there physically with you, but i will try my very best to be with you whenever i can online. i could legitimately listen to you ramble all fucking day. it doesnt matter if i even know anything about what you want to ramble about, if you want to talk about it i am always here to listen. you deserve everything you want and more. you deserve the whole world and i will do my best to give it to you. i really am the luckiest person in the world just to even know you. if i could, i would make all the bad things disappear without a trace. and i know this weeks been pretty rough, and im sorry you have to deal with me just being bleh, but i really appreciate you being here. it means more to me then youll ever know. i really hope we last longer than forever. you mean everything to me.
i love you ezra <33333/gen/qp
I LOVE YOU TOO RICKY <3333333!!!!!!!!!GEN/QP
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rpfisfine · 8 months
(hi im back I got scared bc I worried I'd focused too much on myself in my last ask and the demons took over Help) idk why im shocked that there aren't any fics unique to wattpad I dont think the boyboy following is a wattpad bunch we're all old pretentious fucks (endearing). I rly hope they're cool with fics,,, i hope they Get It,,, that would be really sick. they've surprised me before, they can do it again!
you ARE being brave holy shit if I was in your position I think I'd shit myself to DEATH this tension is killing me but I agree your fics are so well written like they're rpf but more importantly they're really good??? truly moving?? literary even??? and i have hope that they'll appreciate that too
- 🌵
HIIIIIIIIIII noooooooo omg not at all!!! its just that ive genuinely sucked ass at answering asks in general since the dawn of time and in the past couple of weeks i have gotten more asks than ive ever received before in my entire life LOL plus my memory is shit so if i dont answer Immediately i forget ive even been sent anything in the first place and its just this whole thing but me not responding wasnt caused by anything you did in the slightest i LOVE getting asks from you!!!
god i literally know it makes complete sense but at the same time it surprised me as well maybe wattpad rly isnt what i remember it being anymore maybe it has fallen off in a pretty major way since 2014..... dude i literally cannot exaggerate how much i want that to be true LOL i rly rly rly hope they are too like i know logically they wouldnt be making the video if they werent but still...... tbh aleksa does strike me as someone who has legitimately written self insert fanfiction abt him & alex in the past so. i think there's some hope for us (joking obvs. unless..)
im gonna be real there hasnt been one moment in the past couple of days where i wasnt shitting and pissing and vomiting myself to death i literally wake up in cold sweat nowadays expecting my inbox to be flooded w anons being like DUDE THE VIDEO IS OUT FHFGNG.. like its BAD the tension is kiling me as well. ohhhhhmy god stop you guys are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo niceys to me i cant believe it..... god.....them apprer . them Complim , them ap- i cant even say it . is something i genuinely honestly cannot even begin to think abt like you guys r being so brave and normal abt this and r trying to comfort me constantly and i just feel like i havent made any mental progress at all since the day of the fateful discovery LOL like ever since i learned its not gonna be posted to their patreon w roughly 5000 subscibers like i hoped but instead to their yt channel with 800k+ subscibers i have been trying even Harder to gaslight myself into thinking my fics somehow wont make it into the video bc when i like sit down and make a serious attempt to entertain the possibility of 800k ppl potentially seeing my writing its just . Like my brain legitimately shuts down. i just cannot physically or mentally comprehend that number at all its not REAL!!!! to me!!!!!! get me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fujimoribaby · 2 years
I like that old question where its like
“If you were given the opportunity to go back in time with the knowledge you have now, would you?”
Previously my answer was no, as i had no major regrets
However now i see why such a question can tempt others enough to say yes
I’d say yes to that now if I could
Perhaps it’s a combination of grief and distaste for growing older, but I’d happily go back four or ten years ago
I dont usually post on this account but i have thoughts and i wanna write them so here i am pls feel free to ignore if you see this for some reason
Four years ago I would’ve just gotten into Voltron, back when the fandom was at its peak. I really miss those times and the friends I still had. Voltron was such a comfort then and now, only difference is the fandom is practically dead in the water whereas back then it was so active the Amino for it had over 3k people on most days
I do miss the fandom experiences, and I miss being young and going to Highschool waiting for the day I make a new friend or get into a relationship like i’d seen in movies (though that never happened), It’s not the reason I’d seriously go back in time
I think so much to myself that if I knew then what I know now, I couldve prevented it
Death destroys families, my family was already hanging on by a thread
I often wonder now how im supposed to navigate life without my number one supporter, without my female role model, without my mom
I cant think of an answer a year later
At this time as i write this , last year at this exact moment i started the movie venom.. yes.. because the new venom movie had just come out..
A year.. you dont realize how much time has passed when all you have left to cling onto are memories
“It seems like only yesterday” shouldnt be something someone below the age of 30 should be saying and yet here I am only I genuinely can’t comprehend how it wasnt just yesterday or a week ago that i had a conversation with my mom
Time doesnt seem real, and i wish it wasnt
If it wasnt i could go to the past
Change something and maybe change my moms life and keep her alive
The heart breaks in so many places, irreparable damage that not even a hug could fix
Cold winters and cold hugs
Cold winters filled with me watching voltron
Cold winters where my mom wore layers of pajamas
I dont want time to move forward
I wish it would just stop. Why doesnt the world stop when you do? It could possibly be the cruelest thing time does
I dont know why im still here, i dont know how to be an adult and the one person i shouldve been able to ask for help from is no longer here
Im behind, and though i have a reason, the world and mind aren’t forgiving for something as silly as grief
I wish i could go back in time
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Much Cooler
Corpse Husband & Emma Langevin 
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: There’s always a certain level of uncertainty when meeting someone you’ve only known online. There’s that sense of insecurity that your relationship with them will never be the same or - even worse - that their view of you might change for the worse. But there’s nothing more thrilling than seeing the person you’ve been talking to constantly for the past however long standing across from you. 
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so terribly sorry for how late it’s coming out but I hope the fic makes it worth the wait! Lots of love, Vy ❤
“CORPSE! Wake up you famous dumbass!“ is the first thing the poor man heard over the phone at 9 AM on this fine Saturday morning.
It’s more than enough to make him contemplate why he even decided to pick it up in the first place considering he wouldn’t have been very able to participate in the conversation due to his sleepiness. He also, of course, made the mistake of not checking the caller ID which apparently wasn’t necessary considering how recognizable that voice and accent are.
“It’s 9 AM, Emma.“ He states as a tired parent would to a child, “I’m concerned as to why you’re up so early. More so as to why you’re calling me of all people.“
He can practically hear her roll her eyes but he still smirks to himself, knowing she can’t contradict him or argue since he’s completely right with his claims. “Whatever. Remind me to never call you to congratulate you on a milestone again.“
Now that pokes at his attention with a stick. Lately, said attention has proven to be a hibernating bear, leaving Corpse with a lack of interest or motivation for anything but damn if that sentence wasn’t enough to roll him out of bed and hop on PC. “What? What milestone? Subscribers?“
“Nope! You got two million likes on ‘E-girls are ruining my life’! I can’t believe I have to tell you this! Didn’t you notice the numbers climbing?!“ Emma, as annoyed and sarcastic as she’s trying to sound, she’s obviously overjoyed on his behalf and is super proud of him and of the project she luckily agreed to take a small part in.
As his PC boots up, Corpse can’t help but roll his eyes at Emma’s comment, “Well unlike you I have better things to do than refresh a page over and over aga-” His sentence is quickly cut off when he sees the number of likes under the song for himself.
Knowing that he’d find it there didn’t change the feeling of seeing it for the first time at all. It’s so surreal and so hard for his mind to comprehend. Seeing as how little he thinks of himself, his content and his art, this is like his success coming to slap him across the face as if to punctuate to him how wrong that mindset is.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you offered to take me out for at least a coffee to celebrate, bro.“ Emma comments sarcastically, joking only halfway from what he can sense.
He smirks, “Trying to even the playing field, I see.” He replies, referring to the fact that he’s still a faceless mystery to her while her face is literally the cover art for one of his songs.
She laughs but is quick to dismiss his claim, “Nah, I might be a curious and nosey little shit on other occasions, but other people’s privacy is not something I dig my nose into. However, if I were to even the playing field between us it wouldn’t be appearance-wise. More personality-wise. For my sake and yours I choose to believe you are way cooler in person than you are through messages or on a call.”
This withdraws a genuine fit of laughter from Corpse who throws his head back, a few strands of hair moving aside to reveal his shiny eyes, “Well then, instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, how about we settle it once and for all? Tomorrow? I’ll text you the location.”
Emma’s eyebrows shoot upwards as soon as she comprehends his words and the tone that leaves no room for her to assume he’s joking, “Wait what? How come you’re agreeing to this? And so easily? Nah, this a trap if I’ve ever seen it.”
Corpse laughs yet again, “No trap, Em. I just can’t have you doubting my coolness.”
                                                             *  *  *
The main reason as to why Corpse requested for this meeting to be today is because he feared that if he had more than twenty four hours to dwell on it he’d chicken out. Little did he know it was the same for Emma. Their friendship has only ever existed with the bridge of social media connecting them and they both can’t help but fear the other might not like who they are IRL. They fear they unintentionally become a different person or change things about themselves subconsciously when communicating with people online. Bottom line, they’re scared of letting the other person down with who they really are, unaware that their personalities are most likely the exact same because, as the people who know them can confirm, neither Corpse nor Emma are the type to put on a show in order to be liked. They would rather have no friends because of who they are than have friends and fans of their persona instead of the real them.
And so, while slightly afraid and anxious about this meeting, both of them see it as a relief test to see if the friendship is in fact as real as it’s seemed these past months.
Corpse was the one to choose the location of their meet-up, a location Emma didn’t even think twice about agreeing on, and ever since, they’ve both been counting the hours until their scheduled meeting time.  It’s not about impressing each other, at least that’s what they’re both telling themselves, but rather proving to the other that they’re worthy of their friendship. They might throw snarky and sarcastic comments at one another that others would give a side-eye glance to and question if their friendship is real, but they know the dynamic best and they sure as hell don’t wanna lose it or each other.
Best friends are the ones who roast each other after all - you can’t tell me I’m wrong.
The nervous Corpse fidgets with the insides of his hoodie pockets as he waits outside the café, having arrived ten minutes early because he couldn’t stand being alone with his thoughts in his apartment, judging every fragment of himself twice as harshly as usual. Emma, on the other hand, could barely bring herself to leave her home. She kept retouching her appearance, despite knowing Corpse wouldn’t judge her even if she showed up in pjs. To be fair she contemplated doing just that several times because her hair pissed her off enough to get her discouraged on her outfit altogether but she did eventually talk herself into pulling it together. She already knew she’d be at least five minutes late, but once again, she knew Corpse wouldn’t care.
He’d wait, cause that’s the kind of friend he was. Cause that’s the kind of friend she was for him too.
And boy did it take her less than a second to recognize him. She wasn’t even out of the car when she saw him and knew it was exactly who she was looking for. He too, as if with a sixth sense that registered her presence, shoots his head up from his phone to look up at her, their gazes meeting. There’s a brief moment of close-to-shocked silence, their eyes a bit widened as their brains comprehend that they’re within arm’s reach of one another.
That’s when Emma’s the first to break the bubble of awe as a wide grin spreads across her face and she runs to Corpse, wrapping him in a hug before he’s even realized the distance between the two’s been closed.
“Hey.“ She mumbles, her face hidden in his hoodie due to the height difference.
“H-hey.“ He replies, hesitantly wrapping his arms around her too.
“I was right.“ She says once she pulls away, “You are much cooler face-to-face.“ She pauses for a second, narrowing her eyes, “You’d be even cooler if you bought me coffee though.“
Earning a laugh from him, she’s guided into the café by the arm Corpse wraps around her shoulders, telling her he’s get her a milkshake cause he doesn’t want to see her high on caffeine. Needless to say, they both are, indeed, much cooler to one another IRL.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn
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kekisu · 3 years
AHHHH OKAY OKAY. I LITERALLY LIT UP WHEN I SAW THIS IN MY INBOX YOU HAVE NOOOO IDEA THANK YOU SO MUCH ah okay. i hope its ok if i leave it to just one or two of my fav things about them though cause NFHBGDF I DONT WANT THIS TO BE MILES LONG i hope you understand!!!!!
now. i dont think anybodys surprised. MFKSKFMFMHNGJN honestly, though i dont care about death note much at all anymore, hes like gum stuck to my shoe and i just cannot get him off no matter what i do. i tell myself that i dont give a fuck about anything in death note until i see him on my dash and i go apeshit. hes completely changed me and how i approach analyzing complex characters. i think hes the first character that ive ever actually cared about in that sense? the sense where i look into every detail about him i mean. its really just so fun...
my absolute favorite thing about him... i really love how funny he is. this isnt to say hes a humorous guy im saying hes funny as in he makes such stupid decisions and its hilarious to see him struggle so hard constantly. the entire ending of death note is fucking insane it sends me into laughing fits every time. theres so many funny moments in death note despite it being considered a psychological horror animanga because of him being a genuine fucking idiot 24/7. hes supposed to be a genius but he truly does lack so much self awareness sometimes.
if you wanna know more of my thoughts in depth, i have an analysis of him here that you can check out :) ID LOVE FEEDBACK ON IT so if you disagree with me or have questions etc feel free to shoot an ask and ill try to answer!!!!!
god... hes perfect. he and light are on the same level of favoritism for me, dont let the numbers fool you. hes hands down my absolute favorite in persona 5 and it blows my mind knowing that the majority of the fandom feels the exact opposite or are torn over him ITS ALMOST FRUSTRATING because its mostly due to the amount of misinformation/mischaracterization spread about him!!!! but no he just happens to be the best written character in that piece of shit of a game! MFDKDHNGJJ AND PERSONA FANS CANT COMPREHEND GOOD WRITING
my favorite thing about him.. i love how hes written. and i know this sounds really basic and predictable, but its the truth i just really love his growth as a character, especially in royals third semester when he gets a chance to properly shine and oh my god! did he shine! hes literally so perfect in 3rd sem
theres just something so captivating about an angry teenager who truly thinks of his life as worthless and doesnt bother making bonds with others because of it who suddenly finds himself questioning his choices of self isolation when he finally meets a group of people he can resonate with and feel seen by. a group of people who are willing to reach out and listen to him despite his past mistakes. theres just something so perfect about seeing that same angry teenager want to take his life into his own hands and strive to grow... that same angry teenager who didnt value his own life start to see meaning in things because of bonds...
i love goro so so much he makes me so emotional if it isnt obvious enough NGFHGDGBDFH I THINK ABOUT HIM A LOT. i think about him healing so much.
(btw im working on an analysis for him atm thats similar to lights so! stay tuned for that dropping when its done in like a million years NFHFBGFHDBGHF)
it really does get on my nerves how because of atlus trying to make him a silent protag, the majority of the p5 fandom sees him as that. blank slate. nothing. when in reality he very much has a ton of spunk and id argue that hes his own character entirely if you just look a little deeper past the surface Like... its not even that hard to see personality in him. beneath the mask is literally his theme song, have you Not seen the lyrics to that? HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE ENTIRE THEME OF THE GAME? this little dude is so traumatized and angry at those who wronged him (aka the justice system! shitty adults!) and people have the nerve to say hes the worst persona protagonist? lmfao
my favorite thing about akira is how he looks like a cat and how cocky and annoying he can be.. he is such a jokester hes the absolute dumbest. i enjoy this silly guy. *holds him under the armpits like a longcat*
ahhh mob. he makes me do this -> :)
mp100, of course, changed my fucking life. mp100 is the reason i am the way i am and though all the characters are incredibly relatable and memorable and i cherish them so dearly, i, like most people, cherish mob the absolute most. seriously his strength really is incredible and though hes just a fictional character he is so inspiring and i wish to carry as much gentleness in my heart as he does.
im so so proud of him on his development he started off so.. i wouldnt say he was weak, but i would say that he lacked experience. he lived in his own little bubble not knowing what the world was like and throughout the story he grew to learn so much.. he learned to make such. mature decisions at such a young age. hes so so wise. hes so powerful not only because of his psychic powers but because of his compassion for others. he can befriend even the worst of people...
my favorite thing about him is his determination to become the best version of himself he can be. and also his relationship with ritsu (not me, i mean ritsu kageyama <3) i always gravitate towards siblings in fiction because im an only child and well <3 i dont experience that. so i like projecting onto them GHBFBBHFG they care so much for each other.. sniffle sniffle
ok im going to be real even though im into devilman i dont have much of a reason to enjoy him this much. i just think hes hilarious and really cool and his satan form gives me gender envy. i love it when he commits random easily avoidable acts of violence for no reason at all its just because he wants to. and thats just fine. i think he can kill people and get away with it because hes ryo asuka. gay rights
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
[ Tanjiro Headcanons To Fuel The Fluff/Angst Tank ]
He Is Baby™ thank you very much and i love him with my whole heart
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- hi hello i would like to share my thoughts on this baby cause i love him v much
- he gives me the vibe that he would def love anything strawberry related. like strawberry milk, strawberry shortcake, strawberry yogurt- the list goes ON
- he would eat them more often if they weren't so godamn expensive, and most of the time you can only find those kinds of products when in the city and he mostly travels through the woods rather than through heavily populated areas. he does get them when he can though, and usually has some stocked up when he and nezuko leave rural areas
- thats not the only fruit he likes though! hes also a huge fan of cherries but he gets those even less since they're even MORE expensive. he also very much likes mint chocolate chip icecream! something about the clash of dark chocolate and refreshing mint is just so good to him, and usually he’ll try to look for that specific flavor if theres any icecream places nearby. my basis for that?
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- thankfully though he doesnt really buy things from others since he just gets most of his food from the surrounding forest. you see, tanjiro literally lived in the woodlands for most of his early life before the whole 'incident', so hes accustomed to being more of a hunter-gatherer when it comes to those sorts of things
- he knows a whole bunch of stuff about forest plants and topography for that reason specifically, and can make food out of pretty much nothing due to having to go through some rough winter times that required scavenging
- overall though hes a pretty good cook! his father and mother both liked to cook and bake and all that before they died, and, being eager to help and learn, he usually watched them when they did or asked to help with preparing the food
- he actually probably has a lot of domestic skills, now that i think about it. things like sewing up ripped clothing or repairing damaged items are almost muscle memory to him since he was raised to value what he had and not aimlessly spend his money due to his humble beginnings
- he’s actually more comfortable with simple things rather than lavish ones since thats what he grew up with. being a demon slayer means that he does get commissioned to do things sometimes or paid for it, but he usually gives most of his money to poeple who need it after spending some of what he has on more efficient and useful things like better fabric for clothes and repairs for things that he doesn't have the skill set to fix himself
- due to this humble attitude he has for things, he barely ever really treats himself to things he enjoys. he usually puts others before himself and thus forgets about his own needs, leading him to often deny taking care of himself if he deems to 'not have enough time' or 'not being important enough��
- usually forcing him to sit down and eat or at least take a moment to drink some tea can calm his nerves a ton, even if its only just for a second
- i'm pretty sure that his favorite drink is green tea (or strawberry milk), actually. its just so naturally calming and relaxing that he usually uses it as a staple for calming himself down or taking a breather from the stressful life he's lead so far
- for someone that barely takes care of himself hes awfully adamant about others taking acare of themselves. oh, you haven't slept in three days because of work? guess what you're going to sleep right now. no, dont Mention how he keeps moving even though he should be in bed because of a broken rib, your needs come first now go to sleep
- deeefinitely the mom friend type in more ways then one. its p obvious that he already takes care of Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke as good friends of his, but hes kinda adamant on taking care of them almost like they're younger than him or something. this doesnt mean that they can’t take care of themselves of course, he just kinda feels the natural instinct to protect people he values if he can (mainly due to the fear that he’ll suddenly loose them without making it clear he cares about them first but we will unpack that suitcase LATER in the list)
-for that reason i can safely say that he's probably fantastic with kids because of his gentle nature. hes just so soft and pure that children naturally feel calm around him? its weird how like a baby will literally stop crying in a city full of people just because they saw tanjiro wave and smile at them and as SOON as hes out of eyesight they start crying again. also tanjiro holding a baby? you CANNOT tell me this man wouldnt softly sing some lullaby he remembers from his childhood to a child cradled in his arms, fast asleep. and the smile he gives to the person who finds him like that is BLINDING i cannot comprehend the purity-
-the EXACT same thing goes for animals. its straight up canon that he understands (to an extent) what birds are saying when they're chirping to one another, so its probably safe to assume that he might understand a little bit of what other animals may be saying when they communicate
- yet another effect of living in the forest most of his life and being way too observant at his age :p
- when dogs bark he responds to them out of instinct, knowing what they mean. when some pig just randomly snorts at him don't be surprised when he just says "oh, thank you!" in the most earnest tone possible because he probably knows what the animal said and is responding to it honestly. answering like he's pretending to know what it means would be dishonest, and thats too out of character for the sunshine boy
-its also gotta be mentioned that tanjiro physically rejects the concept of being dishonest. i swear to god I'm not making this up- when hes lying its so easy to tell because his face is physically rejecting the concept that hes not being sincere
-this goes for pretty much anything- he cant really blatantly lie without shifting in place or making a weird expression. its no expection that when asked about his feelings that he can barely keep a straight face by saying that he's "okay"
-theres just so much pent up grief and sorrow for so many things that its hard to really say that he's "just fine" or "alright" some days. the accumulation of trauma and guilt has lead up to this constant dread boiling in the pit of his stomach that he'll fail one day, and this would've been all for nothing
-he'll die one day without his goals being met, without Nezuko being healed, without his friends safe, without so many things that he thought he could fix that will eat him up until he fixes them. he doesn't have frequent depressive episodes all that often anymore since Sakonji helped him with that (kind of, it was kind of a group effort by his other superiors, the Pillars, too with some reassurance and advice since a good portion have Been There Done That with the survivor’s guilt and the like) in terms of teaching him how to meditate more frequently and search for positive outlets for his negative feelings. he helped him accept that it was okay to feel bad about it, but he couldn't give up, no matter what. because “What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?”
-and so he doesn't. he never gives up, on anything. he refuses to give up when his friends are in danger and the odds are against him, or when hes face to face with an eldritch demon who's been alive longer than the numbers he can count. tanjiro is incredibly persistent in his efforts, big or small, and makes a conscious decision every time to not abandon what he worked for because the phrase "What worth was your dream if you just gave up in the end?" motivates him to be better than who he was yesterday and try his best to reach his dreams
- because of this he's a heavy believer that most people can change. i say most because I'm pretty sure he knows Muzan will never change, or some of the other terrible people in the world. he's accepted over time that he can’t help everyone, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try his hardest in figuring ot if they are truly, genuinely, capable of being better. so he's incredibly supportive of people who actually do make efforts to improve themselves because he knows how hard it is to come from such a bad situation/bad mindset and reteach good values and habits
- that doesn't mean that poeple are expempt from their punishments of course- everyone deserves the consequences of their actions to be better to know what to improve on, but he has sympathy for the poeple who's consequences stop their lives short (example, countless demons that he feels terrible for because they came from really bad situations)
-since he knows how hard it is to improve on anything- he’s very very supportive to people who do that for themselves or for others. in fact, he would go out of his way for about anyone to make their life a little better but if he sees someone struggling their way to their personal best he'll happily be a help to them in any way that they can. oh, you were training really hard today and had no success in perfecting a certain technique? its alright, you can just lay down right now while he fixes your bath water and tomorrow he'll help you out with it in any way he can. hes the best cheerleader!
-overall tanjiro is very sweet and kind, even though he has personal problems with his own demons and feeling as if he's a burden most of the time. for all this suffering, he views the prosperity of the people around him worth it and is selfless to the end of the line for those whom he cares about
[ ~Thank You For Reading!~ ]
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agnetafrieberg · 4 years
i was visiting relatives and talking to my cousin who went to the same high school as me. during conversation she mentions our geography teacher and goes "oh, you know, the one who committed suicide earlier this year." i swear time stood fucking still and i skipped a heartbeat and i feel like i'm losing my fucking mind
apparently this was several months ago but i dont have facebook nor do i keep in contact with people from high school so never in my wildest dreams
this was one of the finest teachers i ever had
high school was fucking hell because i was extremely depressed and suicidal and lost. i had 3 teachers and one counselor reach out to help me. he was one of them.
i have this EXTREMELY vivid memory, one of my most notorious high school memories. it was during one of the "recuperation" classes as we call them here and there i was there with a few other kids, failing geography. i was sitting up front, the very first chair. i think i was wearing long sleeves, as it was mandatory back then due to my self harm scars. i remember resting my head against the wall and staring up ahead, the classical depressive, "dead inside" stare. i was a miserable teenager, everybody knew i was miserable and sad and fucked up and going through a hard time
class was about to start. before he started handing out the papers, the teacher stopped, looked at me, called out my name and asked "are you alright? you seem so upset"
i was caught off guard, because i never expected anybody to pay attention or give a shit really. before i could respond, the kid sitting next to me - one the popular kids, a class clown - snorted and said "it's always like that". that comment really fucking hurt me. but the teacher didnt even pay attention to him. he was looking into my eyes, and i remember looking away because i was terrified. of course i wasnt okay.
ignoring the kid, he asked me "do you want to talk?" i said "no", and he started class
this man was so genuinely nice. he was always nice. he was always kind. it was so rare for him to lose his temper; but he was always, always kind. he would chat with the entire class and also with me and my girlfriends (we didnt always really fit in) and he helped us with our final year project; we thanked him in the notes and everything
another memory with him
i was always on my phone during class. i hated class. i hated school. i hated everything. one time, i was sitting up front, and he was giving his class and explaining something and i was on my phone playing bubblewitch saga. he called out my name and i thought "oh shit (dread settling in) hes mad, he will drag my ass in front of everyone, this is so embarrassing"
he then said "since youre on your phone already, can you make it useful and do this counting for me on your calculator?"
i was like okay, that was unexpected. he was just so chill. then i nervously closed the game and opened the calculator app but it was taking too long to load, and i said "this is kinda taking a while, it's a shitty LG phone" and he smirked. then he gave me the numbers, i did the counting for him, he said thank you, and continued to use it in his class
i could go on and on and on about how nice and kind and funny and chill and helpful and genuine he was from the years i knew him as a student. i also have a memory of him saying he went to a pearl jam concert in the 90s. he was a cool dude, he was wicked smart, politically and socially aware. he really dared us as students to think for ourselves, to have opinions, to go against the man. god he was one of a kind.
i just had no fucking clue and i just found out now after months and i literally cant even comprehend this. he was such a kind human being. this is so surreal. i just cannot believe life is like this. my heart is just breaking into a million fucking pieces and my mind is too fucking much i fucking hate all of this
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goodproofingwater · 5 years
Can i please get 1, 2, 10 and 80 w/ John Shelby please? Ty x
Send me some numbers and a person and i’ll write a thing
“Give me a chance.”, “Not you again..”, “We cant keep this up forever.” & “Lets run away together.”
When you were younger, it had been the Shelby’s who took you in. It had been Polly who gave you a job when the men were at war, Tommy, John and Arthur your heart broke for each time there was news of yet another boy from watery lane coming home in a body bag, and it was this relationship with the family which made it so wrong that you spent every Sunday on your knees in front of the youngest of the three ex-soldiers, his hand gripping the back of your head as you made him see God as his auntie prayed at church. 
“Fuckin’ ‘ell girl ya got a good mouth on ya..” he smirked, licking his lips as you stood doing the same, the taste of him on your tongue not putting him off the fierce kiss he placed to your lips, his hands cupping your ass and picking you up. He backed you toward Michael’s desk, not caring for the items which fell on the floor or the papers he crumpled as he sat you down, and he pulled back from another searing kiss to bite down on your lip and push your underwear to the side. 
You were used to this dance by now, the blowjob as soon as the family left, the finger fucking followed by actual fucking but it was fast becoming tedious, the weekly trysts followed by 6 days of pretending you barely liked each other. You had had enough. 
“John.. John stop..” you spoke, pushing him back before he had the chance to press his fingers inside of you, and he looked at you in confusion as he moved back with your hand. 
“What? Did ya hear somethin’?” His head immediately snaps to the door, and back to you, and you shook your head as your feet hit the floor and his brow furrowed with confusion. “What ya not in the mood? Come on girl, let me bend ya over this desk, I’ve been thinking about this all week.”
“No, John.” You spoke, exhaling a shaking breath as it fully hit you what you were doing, giving up the short time you got to spend with this beautiful man for your morals and you almost caved at the look of confusion in his eyes. “I can’t do this anymore… we can’t keep this up forever and I’m not letting you just fuck me every week until you find someone you can bring around the family.”
“You fucking what? It was your idea to do it ‘ere, you were the one who said we had to keep it quiet, I don’t give a fuck what they think!”
“Yes you do, John. I see the way that you look at me when you think that they’re watching you. I- I’m getting in too deep I can’t..” You swallowed thickly as he stood there in disbelief, and you pushed past him before he had a chance to convince you otherwise, knowing that a simple kiss from him would have turned you right back into his arms. 
A week went by with everything being relatively normal save for the glares that were shot your way from John, Tommy’s astute eyes looking but not seeing what was truly going on. You had always wondered if his brothers knew, if he had told Tommy and Arthur in order to keep the family away for longer if necessary but by the time the first Monday following a John-less Sunday rolled around, they seemed to care even less. 
You showed up for work on time as always, ignoring the fiery glares shot your way from John as you sat down at your desk and began to work out the biases’ for the day, which races were most likely to win and which you could coerce the punters into betting on so the house won more money. You thought you had gotten away with it, thought that he was just going to let you continue to not show up at the betting shop and the whole set up would just fall into nothing, but you were mistaken. 
You had been walking toward the small shop at the end of the road from the bookies which had recently started selling sandwiches when you felt an unceremonious tug on your arm, and before you had a chance to realise who it was, John had his hand over your mouth down an alley. 
“John, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You spat as your eyes darted from him to both open ends of the alley, scared to death that anyone would see you and word would get back to Polly. 
“Give me a chance.” The words which fell from his lips were so out of character that you could barely comprehend them before he continued, “We don’t have to stick around here where you’re worried about Pol, lets run away together and get the nice house you always used to talk about when we were just back from the war. The one with the pigs and the chickens. And I’ll fuck you in every room and no-one will ever find us.”
You shook your head, blinking in confusion at the words that were tumbling from his lips. You had never heard anything like it from him, had never had a hint of any kind of affection save for his compliments on your mouth or your pussy after he had emptied himself into them. 
“John are you fucking crazy?!” Was your response, and he looked hurt for a moment before the typical Shelby wall came over him and he licked his lips before he let you go. 
“Just fuckin’ around aint I..” His laugh was awkward and uncomfortable, and it was clear to you who knew him better than most that it wasn’t genuine, “Think that ‘cause I’ve been without ya mouth for a week that I’d want to run away with ya and start some kind of fuckin’ pig farm.”
You shook your head as you stood there in confusion, completely unsure of what to say to his emotional whiplash. 
“When ya get back Tommy wants ya to send ‘im the race report for Cheltnam” He spoke, walking away and leaving you stunned, “Don’t be fuckin’ late.”
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Maximillian Head Cannons
Would you do some head cannons for Maximillian from Overwatch?
-        Maximilien is a ominic whos used to getting what he wants. Hes able to play any situation to his advantage and knows how to keep his cards to his chest. That being said, he is totally stunned the first time he meets you.
-        You were a new hostess at the casino and had already smiled your way into being a favourite with most of the regulars, and that included Maximilian. He didn’t have much to do with the hiring of staff at his casino, not really caring too much as long as everyone did their job, but he was thankful you had been hired.
-        He watched as you elegantly made you way across the floor, asking patrons if they were okay and if the staff needed anything.
-        But you didn’t know who Maximillian was. Well, you knew he was the owner, but you didn’t know his face, so you walked right up to him, asking if he needed anything. He chuckled, thanking you but declining your offer. It was a busy night, and he was staring at a roulette table. he could understand that you thought he was a patron. “How long have you been working here?” He asked, feeling a little refreshed at having someone smiling at him so genuinely. He knew most of his employees were scared of him and that smiles were fake. But yours seemed so genuine. “About a month or so. But I worked in a casino before so its been a really easy transition.” You smiled, nodding a little as you spoke to him like he were just a normal human on the street. “Do you enjoy it?” He tilts his head. “Very much so.” You grinned, pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear in an endearing fashion. For a bit, he spoke with you, enjoying the company, until you had to leave to do another round. You bid him farewell. He watched as you walked away and one of the other girls carrying a tray of drinks rushed up to you, speaking in hush whispered, asking what he had wanted. You shrugged, obviously explaining that you had asked him if he needed anything. That was when she told you who he was. He chuckled in amused when your eyes went big, your mouth opening slightly as you realised. You didn’t dare look at him, and gave him a wide birth for the rest of the night.
-        You had been mortified that you didn’t realize who he had been. You knew about Maximillian and everything that happened around him, and yet you had just waltzed up to him.
-        And yet, at the end of the night, when all the patrons were gone, you found him standing at that roulette table still. Most of the staff had gone home and the managers went out through the back way, leaving you to lock up the front. You had to speak to him. You couldn’t avoid it. “Excuse me?” You called out, trying not to startle him as you walked up behind him. “Are you okay?” “Quite, my dear.” He turned to face you, adjusting his suit a little as he did. “Are you?” You couldn’t help but giggle a little, trying to hold it back. “Yes, I’m fine, thank you.” You glance down. Suddenly, a silver hand raised and pushed a strand of your hair out of your face and behind your ear.
-        From that moment on, there was a bond formed between you and Maximillian. He was always there during the night you worked, and stayed until you finished. He offered you rides home, but you always refused, until one storming night with thunder and lightning. You were driven home in a large black car with a chauffeur and Maximillian seated on the other side. You had rubbed the back of your heels, and when he asked if you were okay, you told him that you needed to get new shoes because your current ones were rubbing too much.
-        The next morning, you found a envelope with $1,000 in it, with a note that read “I cant have my best hostess in uncomfortable shoes”.
-        That night, you went to Maximillian and tried to give him the envelope back, saying that it was a thoughtful thing but it was way too much. But he refused to take it. Eventually, you had to leave with the envelope of cash.
-        And these gifts continued. Jewellery, flowers and chocolates were always delivered to your door.  Every evening, you would thank Maximillian, but tell him it was too much. And he would chuckle and shake his head.
-        Maximillian would grow incredibly fond of you.
-        And you were falling deeply for the omnic. He was sweet and ever so charming. Every conversation made your heart flutter unlike anyone had ever made it before.
-        “Have dinner with me?” He suddenly asked you one night, during your shift. You doubted your hearing and had to ask him again. “Tonight, will you accompany me to dinner?” “Im on shift.” You giggle, your cheeks going bright red. To which he told you it was quiet and you didn’t have to finish your shift tonight. So you agreed.
-        Hes a gentleman, and takes you to a lovely restaurant. You’re just glad that your uniform is a nice dress that you can get away with wearing here. The evening was lovely and when he drops you home, he walks you to your door. But on the way up the small steps, you stumble and prepare to hit the floor but his arms wrap around you.
-        You look up at him, and in a moment where you allow yourself to forget who he is, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his own metal ones. But you quickly remember and pull back, stumbling out of his arms. “Im sorry, im so sorry.” You mumble, unable to meet his red eyes. But before you could do anything, you felt a cold, metal hand cup your cheek and raise your head up so he could kiss you again. His other arm wraps around your back, pulling you tight against his hard chest as his hand rests on your lower back.
-        After that kiss, something between you two changed, but in a good way. Maximillian invited you on dates (not on days you were working). he gave you his number and would call you most days to talk with you, especially on days where he couldn’t be at the casino.
-        One evening, you noticed someone was watching your house. You didn’t know what to do so you called Maximillian. “Oh, do not be alarmed. he’s one of my men.” Maximillian told you that he now had security follow you to make sure you were safe.
-        Of course, everyone at work knows about what’s happening between you and the owner. But they don’t really care, as long as youre okay and business is still good. In fact, most comment on how Maximillian is always in a better mood when you’re about.
-        He calls you loads of sweet pet names. Dear, darling, mon amour and mon tresor as some of his favourites.
-        As the relationship becomes deeper and more intimate, Max finds himself longing for your touch, to the point he would turn up at your door at any time, night or day.
-        Maximillian prefers to take you back to his home though, because its better protected. It’s a large house, decorated with the finest furniture and paintings. Of course, your favourite place is in his bed.
-        He is incredible in bed. he enjoys spending hours in bed with you, drawing out the love making and liking to leave you panting and sweating.
-        He speaks to you in French when he really worked up. If you’re pressed up against a wall while he kisses you and allows his hands to roam over your body, he’ll start muttering in French to you. Its his way to hiding his secret. Which his that hes fallen totally in love with you.
-        One evening (after you had looked up some basic French phrases and some that you remembered him saying), he was muttering his love for you when you said “Je t’aime” (I love you). He about lost his mind, his mind scrambling to comprehend your words as he repeated it in english to you for the first time.
-        He’ll take you on shopping trips, and anything you even glance at is yours.
-        He likes to spoil you beyond belief.
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fairycosmos · 5 years
i talked about some suicidal feelings with a counselor today & she told me it seems that for me suicide isn’t even an if anymore, it’s just about when. i was so worried she was gonna put me back in the hospital but i’m okay ): she was telling me how people who commit suicide are a statistic and nothing they said or did, the impact they had on peoples lives, none of it matters anymore because now they’re just a number n bRO IDK HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL BUT I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT
hi. so sorry for the late response to this but honestly dude what the fuck?? i don't know what kind of bullshit juice your counselor is sipping on but i can't comprehend a trained professional saying this to a vulnerable person. it's completely unacceptable and it's awful that you had to go through it. not only are her words incredibly harmful but they're literally not true at all. to make such a sweeping generalisation about such a serious topic proves she has no ground to stand on. 'that' part of your mind may try to run with her narrative but it's just a part of the self destructive cycle. and if you can catch that thought process and see it for what it is before it begins to snowball, then you can prevent anything from happening. there's always a choice. you're in control. even in those moments where you're dead set on harming yourself, you can always acknowledge that your brain is overwhelmed, that it won't last, that it won't solve anything, that soon you will be receptive to advice again. on a related note, if you can request to change counselors i would strongly suggest doing so. reaching out for help with your mental health is so hard because it's a lot of trial and error, you have to keep going to find the right fit (with professionals, with medication etc) so you can start making progress. don't let fear prevent you from asking for what you need, even if you have to work up to it. it's totally ok to feel frustrated and to have moments where you feel like there's no point, as long as you keep the bigger picture in mind - and that is that you deserve support, stability and happiness. that you will never regret striving for those things even in the smallest of ways. it doesn't matter what else your brain tells you because it always comes back to the fact that you are not trapped, where you're at currently is not where you'll always be and you're doing so much better than you think you are just by getting up in the morning!! can't stress that enough. anyway what i really want to say is that people who kill themselves are so much more than a statistic - that's why their absence is felt so greatly. that's why self worth is so important. they had an impact on the world and not only that, they had a real human experience. it's not just about what they amounted to in the eyes of society, its about everything they saw and did and loved. which is the crux of the whole thing. because they deserved more time, even if they didn't want it in the moment. they deserved to grow old and to get to know their whole selves, and you absolutely do as well. suicidal thoughts can be overcome, depression can be alleviated. but acting on harmful impulses often can not be reversed. bottom line is there is so much progress to be made through therapy, and relying on your loved ones and learning how to cope, and just naturally growing as a person. perspective will be so kind to you. but you have to give yourself a fair chance to get there. your presence is so cherished and necessary even if you can't see that. you just have to trust that what your brain is allowing you to see is not all there is, and that working on your mindset will eventually enable you to understand yourself from multiple points of view. of course it's a lot easier said than done, and not every day has to be a success. it just has to be, you just have to be. but yeah fuck your counselor n please try to look into other options for the sake of your own wellbeing if possible. know that there are always hotlines you can call and other professionals you can be referred to, you just have to make that initial first step n let yourself be vulnerable. you're genuinely not alone and so many people have been where you are and survived it, and i fully believe in your ability to make it as well. let me know if you need a friend or if you want to talk more about it. sending warmth always.
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
Swan Song: Loki x Reader - Ch 19
You woke up, hands cuffed behind you, and seated on a simple chair in the middle of an empty concrete room. You had barely had time to remember your surroundings, your interrogation, before the door swung inward and Loki casually strolled in. He exuded confidence and power, a feral danger that excited you as you sat there. A part of your mind pleaded with you, trying to remind you of the dangers, but you stoutly ignored it.
“Good, pet,” Loki purred, “You don’t know the half of it.” He paused, “Isn’t this marvelous? Moments ago, our positions were reversed. And now here we are.”
Somehow the position of power felt like it hadn’t changed. He looked just as calm and calculating as when you had first met him.
“Let me go.” It felt right to say that, SHIELD would approve.
Loki sneered, “SHIELD. We both know they couldn’t care less about you; the Avengers don’t even know you work for SHIELD. You’re Fury’s secret secret.” You frowned but remained silent. “I don’t think you want to go.” Loki whispered, leaning down and resting his hands on the back of your chair, pinning you in place. He spoke into your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. “I entice you. I excite you.”
You had turned away while he spoke. His tongue darted out and slid over your ear. Unable to suppress it, you gasped softly. Barely audible, it was enough for Loki to pull away and stare down at you, amused and triumphant.
You wanted to stammer, to say no, you should, that was your job, you shouldn’t want this. But your body, that was a different story.
“It’s not just your body, pet, though that is certainly quite compromised. Shall we test it?”
You felt Loki lean back over you, your eyes drifting shut as he gently kissed your throat. Your eyes snapped open and you gasped as Loki easily undid your trousers. His hand slipped in, gently lifting your panties and allowed one finger to slide along your clit before snaking its way into your wet cunt.
“Oh my.” He breathed out softly, “You’re absolutely drenched.” You tried to stifle another heady moan as he curled his finger against your g spot. “I could stop, love, just say the word and I will.”
You gasped again as Loki inserted another finger, scissoring lightly and using his thumb to apply pressure to your sensitive button.
“Come now, pet.” He increased the speed.
“Yes.” You whispered, “Please.”
Then it stopped. Loki pulled away completely. You felt hollow and aching, tears flooding your eyes.
“What?” You gasped, shifting where you sat, desperate to alleviate yourself.
Loki smirked, “You teased first. It’s only fair that I return the suffering. And besides, what have you done for me? What could you do for me?”
Loki raised an eyebrow, “And do you commit yourself, just like that? Show me.” He raised his fingers that he had used to tease you.
You leaned forward, sucking on the digits, licking and bobbing your head all the while. You imagined it as his thick cock, filling you completely. You slipped your tongue along the fingers, swirling it at the very tips, all the while grinding into your seat.
Loki tossed his head back and groaned. Then he pulled his hand away, breathing hard. “Truly.” He undid his trousers, freeing his erect cock.
“Of course, my king.” You murmured before taking the shaft in your mouth completely. You began bobbing and sucking again, swirling your tongue along the head, ever mindful of his satisfied and pleased sounds. A number of times you heard him growl praises under his breath, but all you could think about was pleasing him.
Then suddenly Loki’s hips thrust forward, further down your throat and you felt his cock spasm as he came. You swallowed hard, throat squeezing on his member as he continued to grunt in satisfaction.
Finally he pulled away from your mouth, though he bent heavily over the chair, leaning into you. “By the nine…” He whispered before straightening up to study you.
You breathed heavily still, wishing you had a free hand to wipe your mouth. “Loki?” You asked cautiously. Then he pressed his mouth to yours, cutting you off in a fierce kiss. His hands tangled in your hair as he desperately tried to deepen it, to have more of you. At the same moment, your hands came free of their restraints; you slid them up his back, gripping his hair and standing up into the kiss. Loki’s tongue slipped into your mouth, muffling your moans further. Soon your vision started to fade as you felt yourself grow desperate for breath. At last, Loki pulled away, panting, and gazed down at you. The two of you were still entwined in the other’s embrace.
Loki slid his hands down your back, searching your eyes. His hands slowly made their way down your back before stopping to grip your ass. Then he slid his hands down further, grasping your thighs and hoisting you into the air. You dutifully wrapped your legs around him and kissed him once more, grinding yourself against him.
The world shifted and you pulled away briefly to take in your new surroundings. You were in a lavishly decorated bedroom. A massive green and gold bed with a green canopy stood before you. You clutched at him before slowly unwrapping your legs and lowering your feet to the ground. Gripping the front of his armored jacket, you slowly dragged him towards the bed and pulled him on top of you. Then suddenly both yours and Loki’s clothes vanished and the two of you were bare before the other.
“This is faster.” Loki growled by way of explanation. You nodded, smiling slightly as you began kissing him once more.
Your nails dug into his smooth yet muscular shoulders. You wanted to admire him, from the brief glimpse you could tell, ‘body of a god’ wasn’t an overstatement, but the aching in your core pushed all other thoughts to the side. You needed relief and you needed it now.
And Loki was all too happy to oblige.
You barely had a moment to register that he was rock hard once more before he had slipped his cock into your dripping folds. He set a ruthless pace, not giving you time to grow accustomed to his size. No other man you’d been with, seduced or otherwise, could match him. Loki gripped your hips, shifting his angle and hitting further and stronger than you could comprehend. He slid you up the bed, thrusting in to the hilt before pulling nearly completely out, and slamming into you once more. Then he added his fingers, stimulating your clit.
You couldn’t count the number of times he thrust into you, stars pervading your vision until you came completely undone. You shrieked for all to hear, not caring about anything but this intense pleasure. Your walls clenched around him as he continued to cant his own hips. His cock spasmed and you felt his own release wrack his body before collapsing on top of you. You held him close, cock still twitching inside you as you milked the last of his seed.
“That was…” You gasped out, searching for words.
Finally Loki pulled out and propped himself up on either side of your head. For a moment his smile seemed warm and genuine, then it returned to that near constant smirk. “A good start? Pet? You’d better be able to handle more because I’m nowhere near done with you.”
Loki ravaged you until you were raw, unable to think straight. His tongue, his hands, his cock, any way and every way, nothing but pleasure.
At some point, night became day; you must have fallen asleep for you missed the sunrise but the room was now flooded with light.
Your head lay on a pillow of green satin.
Slowly you allowed your eyes to rove the room, taking in the memories of last night. Your legs ached and parts of you still seemed to tingle from the last activity of the night.
You breathed out lightly, a small smile spreading across your features. Then it finally registered, the warm weight splayed across your body; Loki lay curled over you, one arm wrapped over your shoulder and clutching you to him. One leg was hooked over both of yours and held you tightly against his body. You couldn’t have moved if you wanted to.
And you didn’t want to, you realized slowly.
He was quite heavy, and after a moment, you noticed something hard pressed against his thigh. You struggled briefly to look, it had to be a remote or something, there was no way…
He had morning wood. You let out a disbelieving laugh which roused him from his slumber.
Loki lifted his face, previously curled near your neck, and looked up at you. For a moment he smiled. He seemed relieved, what, that you hadn’t left? The smile seemed almost pleased: content and warm. Your heart fluttered and you smiled back.
Then suddenly the look was gone, replaced by a colder smirk. And a hint of anger, you noted, but it didn’t feel directed at you. Your smile slowly faded and his expression seemed more satisfied. Was he angry that you had seemingly caught him in a moment of weakness?
“Hey.” You murmured.
Loki slowly pulled away and sat up. He glanced across the room towards a mirror, a number of scratches and nail marks marring his pale skin. “That was interesting.” He muttered. Then he sighed heavily, running his hand through his raven locks. “I was planning on kill you.” Loki sounded almost sheepish.
“I figured.” You swallowed hard and looked away. One of the perks of the job.
Loki nodded absently. “I’ll just drop you in some wilderness. SHIELD won’t find you in time for it to really matter, I suppose.”
“I could stay.” You offered hesitantly.
Loki’s gaze snapped over to you as he studied you intensely. “I mean to lead an army against your planet, there will be a multitude of deaths among your people.”
You licked your lips slowly then shrugged, “We kill each other all the time.” Loki nodded and you continued, “and I’m expendable to SHIELD. You said it yourself, you have no qualms about killing me, SHIELD won’t either.”
Loki chuckled, “That’s true.”
“And…” You hesitated, “You brought them together.”
“I did.”
“There’s no way you’ll win facing against all of them.”
Loki smirked ruefully, “I suppose, I guess it’s only fair that a night of such passion would allow you to draw that conclusion.”
“So you want to lose?”
“One battle of a larger war, pet.”
“You will be king then.”
“My plans are long term, further than SHIELD could hope to understand. But yes, I will have my throne.”
“Let me help.”
For a second, Loki studied you, seeming to waver in uncertainty. Then he sneered, his voice cold, “What? You wish to help me? Like what, some sort of queen?” He laughed shortly but it sounded forced. “We fucked for one night, love, that hardly means I care about you.”
“Love.” You repeated.
Loki frowned, “What?”
“Again, you called me love.”
“Pet, quim, I have no care for how I address you.” Loki growled angrily.
“Maybe, maybe not.” You hesitated, then slowly reached for him. He eyed your hand warily but didn’t move. “But you’re still here. You could have left, you probably should have left, but you didn’t.”
Loki scowled, “I was tired.”
The corner of your mouth quirked up in a half smile. Slowly you rested your hand against his face, cupping his cheek softly. As if by some subconscious need, Loki leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering briefly. Then he pulled away quickly, and glared at you angrily.
Another moment passed and his anger seemed to deflate. “You’re choosing me over humanity.”
“You could do great things for humanity.”
“Or I could destroy everyone, end things as they are, raze it to the ground, start a new world made free.”
“You could, no one else is up to the task. Humans have tried for centuries, but you, you could succeed." You paused, "But you’ll need help. Your brother is here and these Avengers won’t lose in an all-out fight.”
“Won’t they?” Loki looked at you amused. You shook your head knowingly. “You are quite intelligent. No, they won’t lose, not now.”
“And so you’ll lose and face some horrible punishment.”
Loki nodded, “I will.”
“Prison on earth won’t hold you, clearly. But that means you’ll have to go elsewhere.”
“Asgard.” Loki finished for you, frowning faintly at the thought of its expansive dungeons.
“How do you plan on getting out?”
Loki’s frown deepened and his gaze darkened, “I’m working on that.”
“Guards are so easy to fool. The right compliments, get rid of the right inhibitions, the proper distraction, and then someone to bring it all together. You know keys are constantly left discarded when one thinks they have a moment of free time. And I’m trained at controlling people, I know how to bend people to my will.”
Loki smirked, “And you are quite persuasive.”
“It’s what I do.” You smiled.
Loki frowned again, “You acting as such though,” he hesitated, “the thought of another touching you…” He shivered in disgust.
“Think of how sweet our reunion would be? And when everything is said and done, back together, every night could be like last night. If you wanted, if we wanted.”
Loki seemed uncertain, still frowning in contemplation.
You placed your hand on the bedsheet, over his groin and palmed it gently, just enough for him to straighten up.
“All this and a throne?” You smiled.
“You are truly cunning enough to be queen.” Loki pondered through grit teeth. Then slowly he cupped your face, stroking his thumb along your cheek and down to your lips. “And the thought of parting with you… displeases me.”
You pulled his hand from your face and kissed it gently. “What do you say, my king?”
“You would make a fine queen.”
You grinned.
“Enjoying yourself, are we?”
Suddenly you were pulled away and standing on the opposite side of the room, watching the conversation unfold before you.
“Is this how you occupy your dreams when I can’t keep you company?” You looked over your shoulder and saw a different Loki standing behind you, arms behind his back. “Reliving our curious meeting.” Loki hummed thoughtfully. “I was quite smitten, I will admit.”
You laughed softly, “Nowhere near as good as the real thing.”
Loki grinned at you, stepping forward and wrapping you in his strong arms. He hummed in content, “Agreed. Memories are nice but I prefer the real thing.” Then he sighed, “It’s time to wake up now, love. You have one hell of a world to return to, and it pains me to do so, but these Midgardian doctors want you awake, as do I.”
“Doctors?” You repeated.
Then suddenly the image before you began to pull away, sucked into a vacuum.
All was quiet and black.
For a moment.
Suddenly, a brilliant burst of light and a searing pain in your stomach flooded your senses. The pain slowly dulled as you felt a light tingling in your arm.
Blinking a few more times, you finally came aware of your surroundings.
You were in a brightly lit hospital room. A doctor milled around, setting medicine bottles away and generally tidying up the room. You looked over and saw Loki sitting back in his chair, arms crossed and dozing.
“Loki.” You murmured softly, voice cracking from lack of use. The doctor noticed you stirring and quickly fled the room, affording you privacy.
Slowly Loki's eyes opened and he straightened up, “Hello my queen.” He smiled weakly, dark circles under his eyes accenting his sharp cheekbones.
You looked down at the hospital gown that covered a large bandage on your stomach and the IV in your arm. Then the memory of Steve’s death came back, and the loud bang of a gunshot. Loki tried to stifle a yawn but failed miserably.
“How long was I out?”
“Seventy two hours.” He murmured tiredly, “I would greatly appreciate you not doing that again. It was enjoyable to sit in on your dreams, especially when they’re of me, but I’d rather have you awake and to myself.”
“Sorry for the inconvenience.” You snickered, then hissed in pain.
Instantly Loki’s eyes widened and he leaned towards you, “How bad is it?”
“It’s manageable.” You patted his hand lightly, “I’ll live, probably just be a little sore for a bit.”
Loki sighed, “Bed rest it is. You’ll stay at home until this is over. Odin has started gathering dark energy.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, “Thor.”
Loki grit his teeth and inclined his head, “He and the beast will not be easy.”
“Tell me what you need.”
“I need you to rest. Heal up, to get better. We never finished what we started at the soldier’s place.”
“Well there’s a bed here.” You smirked.
Loki chuckled, “A tempting offer, love, but the doctors made it explicitly clear that your heart should not be taxed in the least. Too much adrenaline could tear the stitches.”
You grimaced, “Well I guess I can wait, but you…” You trailed off, eyes sliding down his torso.
Loki sighed, “Even more tempting love, but no, you are going to rest, even if I have to magically restrain you. And you know I am quite capable of that.” He flashed you a smile.
You huffed in annoyance, trying in vain to cross your arms: the IV prevented it. “How long?” You grumbled, “because I just get you back and they tell me I have to wait now?” You cursed under your breath as Loki laughed.
“When Midgard kneels in flames, we will have more than enough time to make up for a few day’s wait.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
“Good.” Loki leaned over and kissed you gently. “Now rest up, because if you’ll excuse me, I have a family reunion to plan.”
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electricghoulaid · 5 years
Run Your Own Company By Reselling Wholesale Baby Garments On EBay
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In order to talk regarding love and also still construct a socially acceptable urban identity, artists have a tendency to apply among the 5 effective love narrative kinds. No one comprehends circumstances like that, people cant handle it, so they 'll discuss it for life. The woman trying to market me their latest phone set described a tv advert. She maintained me chatting for roughly 10 mins throughout which time she referred me to this certain TELEVISION advert a more 4 times, as well as each time I ensured her I had not seen it since I don't view television. Knitting can be gotten throughout the adverts and functioned at for 5 or 10 mins at a time. New threads and fashionable pattern designs make weaving fun and also quick, and I can weaved also if I am enjoying TELEVISION, albeit an uncommon occurence for me personally! With the web, even if you reside in an area that is small, you aren't restricted to your local location, and also can locate individuals not just around the UK, yet across the globe also! After that embellish with baby photos as well as such, after that take it to your neighborhood copy store, like Kinkos, and also have them publish the page on pastel tinted paper. In some cases weve discovered local road fairs or windsurfing events or a version train gallery. Weve chatted about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst but the majority of the time those are uncommon conditions. The endometriomas, if they linger, and theres constant bleeding in the abdomen and the ovary that can trigger bonds. Any type of hemorrhaging cyst can be an issue. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of practical cyst goes on to establish as the baby is growing. Many of these, the bigger blood materials, the larger capillary on cysts are normally the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be causing a trouble. But, the vital point below, is that cysts themselves, in and also of themselves are not mosting likely to be a trouble or harmful trouble. The nature of the party is probably mosting likely to have a tendency towards the feminine side; if the organizers of the party have a provision for this, then welcoming guys would be fine. Without a doubt, there are millions of males and females who are making great cash utilizing the internet business route. In this tune, the poet utilizes the perceptual narrative to acknowledge that some males "dont be comin right ", however that he has a various perception of ladies than these other males. Supposed to aid with the discomfort, supposed to aid me preserve In this song, Master uses the different story to share his sight of what love should be. It is essential for the clothing to be completely dry before they are done away with or used by a youngster, and hanging the clothes on childrens clothing wall mounts will assist keep their type. Nevertheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for completely dry products and 1983 for carbonated drinks.
free baby stuff expecting mother
People utilized to exchange items and solutions for other products and solutions before cash was produced, and some people still barter today to avoid using loan (mostly for tax factors I am informed). A few other great services are a baby diaper service for cloth diapering mothers, or even a diaper delivery solution for disposables, and also pay for the first 2 weeks or a month well worth of diapering items. Also the colors made use of in the textile should be natural as well as safe. You may be initially brought in by all the eye memorable shades as well as the fanciness of the outfits, however if your child is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to come to be pointless. Pyjamas and also bodysuits for little baby ladies come in all various colors and designs, and also are produced all types of climate. One or two pieces would certainly do - a set of babies suits, a pair of t shirts, a set of jammies. At the same time, you can place a Tee shirts over their pajamas. They will secure and also guarantee any loan you place right into an interest-bearing account and also pay you probably 3% annual passion on your deposit. They understand that if you're pleased with your example, greater than most likely you be ended up being a regular customer as well as invest cash with them. There are really a great deal of freebies offered; you simply require to recognize just how to browse for them. Or search by chemical active ingredients (see listing listed below for some examples) and also uncover what brands include it. Next, you will certainly get to your search engine result page; this is a list of all products that fulfill your search standards. Allow us take a peek into what makes these standards a should for those parents shopping for baby clothing. Likewise, allow your very first couple of road journeys instruct you what you need to have along. There are numerous very first time mamas around that have a great deal of details to share with you as well as they do not desire you to be without the information. They intend to have dresses with breathable fabric and also very easy on the body. Is this what we have pertained to, - every person in our region enjoys the exact same adverts, the exact same programmes, the very same newspaper article every day or night? Note: After attempting single foods, great mixes are potatoes and also carrots or carrots as well as peas. And also not just will I examine it for him, Sickness make it seem like the Elvis of foods, since Im currently fairly sure that Sickness like a hamdog. He also refers to his love interest as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", making use of the royal characterization so common in spiritual love narratives. If you're truly strapped for cash money, after that you can probably make do with utilizing your bed as a transforming table, yet if you can, this is something I highly advise. Its better to feed infant initial point in the morning, after that permit some play or remainder time in between before offering baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Event," an idea significantly preferred for moms who currently have a number of kids as well as consequently a lot of right stuff they actually require, they might take house medical spa accessories such as a loofah or bubble bath. A terrific bath-themed present basket would certainly consist of some hypo-allergenic bath things, like child bathrooms, baby powder, towels, and bathroom playthings.
The major and also is that a lot of, otherwise every one of these cost-free products, are supplied right to the mommy's house. And also, keeping that, lets obtain right to the core. Do you have the software you require to start? At some time you are going to want to carry your infant, so you will certainly require to acquire something. Unless you're planning to hang on to them for your next infant, they're just gathering dirt. With a couple of easy skills, a convenient collection of "stuff, " and also just a little bit of preparation and also prep work, youll get on your means! There is a place for TV in our lives and it wants all the fastest method of absorbing information from around the globe. Taking classes abroad Right here, the poet uses the spiritual narrative to describe the moment, location and feelings that his love was established on, talking them as if they were in some way implied to take place. Possibly she thought that was her area on the planet as well as no-one could fault her if she did her responsibilities to miraculous of her capacity. I once had a neighbor who educated the world and it's mother she believed tidiness was beside Godliness as well as invested all day daily cleansing her home. It is believed that from this you actually have the choice to have a look at everything before you even have to buy something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you and even the placement of buttons at odd placements would certainly trigger you troubles, so examine these beforehand. At the same time the buttons and also other components in the design should be carefully stitched. But Betty had the cash every time I went to jail This tune additionally illustrates the usage of contrasting narratives to share love. This example further highlights making use of introductory language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is unacceptable for any person to "call you out your name ", or in other words, make use of defamatory language toward his love. Most of the infant shower ideas will certainly benefit any place, indoors or out. Do you want your baby to look adorable or great with child clothing but you don't have concepts on where to look for them? Expense is a major point you would certainly intend to consider when buying infant garments. It's easy, consider a child garments store. Garments care plays a huge role in your child's safety. Therefore, it is always suggested that you maintain the security as well as comfort factor in mind even when you are looking for occasion outfits for your youngster. Also when you have actually purchased a lacy blouse for your small lady, if you end up getting a size that takes place to be slightly bigger than her actual dimension, she will be comfortable in it. As well as, parents will be most likely to maintain getting garments to keep up with the modifications in the baby's growth - dimension, weight, length, as well as form. Thus, getting clothing that are somewhat bigger than the genuine dimension of your babys body presents will be good as it ensures optimal comfort for the child.
Nonetheless, these immunization processes will just make their systems strong however it doesn't provide an assurance that germs can not permeate their method. So why did she act in this method? The same point can be real with, certainly with tube maternities, thats why those two can be perplexed. Yes it holds true that infant clothing do not last lengthy with kids growing as fast as they do, yet caring for a children clothes is still equally as, otherwise even more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's true This passage is distinct due to the fact that it makes use of both the metaphoric and also contrasting narrative methods. The presentation of Hip-Hop like narratives is a very difficult job. Which leads us to the most prominent metaphoric Hip-Hop love story of our time. Infants will enjoy this dish. Thick and fluffy attires will keep the baby warm from head to toe. Below is a list of prominent products that has been investigated with a few of the biggest on the internet sellers of infant items. Below are several of the standard points you'll wish to have. Do you wish to provide a present to a new mom without spending a lot of loan? They use it when cleaning to eliminate odors, soften the fabrics, and also provide your infant and young child apparel a fresh as well as a lot more natural aroma. When you are considering your kids convenience, its not just about the style of the clothes youre purchasing it will certainly additionally refer just how the product rests on your infants body. Consider just how much you have right into the item. The next time you are re-assembling your package, be certain to include that thing. I would instead hang around with my household as well as friends, talking on the phone, opting for long strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having been stated, Ive uncovered a brand-new food that I recognize I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Soon you'll discover that having just a couple of nice clothing comes to be not practical. I had a good totally free site a few years ago I saw everyday. Utilize your Road Journey logbook to tape everyones remarks about the day. This will certainly serve no good as acquiring baby items indiscriminately will not simply be waste of money however likewise waste of time and also energy which you can place for some positive usage. If passing by auto you need to always make use of a safety seat as well as follow the manufacturer's directions for fitting. If your journey restriction disappears than a one-hour auto trip one method, after that try to find locations of passion within regarding 40 miles of residence. Which is not a problem due to the fact that just like kidneys, similar to testis, women with one ovary can have just as lots of babies as a woman with 2 ovaries and also two tubes. Apparently it is a 2x matrix, implying those first 2 people you reached join get on your initial degree. You need to always have two pairs during the night time, since you never ever know when an infant is mosting likely to spit up or have a diaper leak that can call for a total garment adjustment.
0 notes
sleepwalkingiguess · 5 years
Run Your Own Service By Marketing Wholesale Baby Clothing On Ebay.com
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In order to chat regarding love and also still construct a socially acceptable metropolitan identification, musicians tend to apply one of the five successful love narrative kinds. Nobody comprehends situations like that, people cant handle it, so they 'll talk concerning it for life. The woman trying to sell me their newest phone package referred to a tv advert. She kept me speaking for about 10 minutes during which time she referred me to this particular TELEVISION advert a more 4 times, as well as each time I assured her I had actually not seen it because I don't enjoy tv. Knitting can be grabbed throughout the adverts and also operated at for 5 or 10 mins at a time. New threads and also fashionable pattern layouts make weaving fun and also quickly, and I can knit even if I am viewing TV, albeit an unusual occurence for me directly! With the web, also if you reside in a community that is little, you aren't restricted to your area, as well as can discover people not simply around the UK, however throughout the globe as well! Then embellish with baby pictures as well as such, after that take it to your regional copy shop, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel colored paper. In some cases weve discovered local street fairs or windsurfing tournaments or a design train museum. Weve spoke about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have bleeding with a cyst yet the majority of the time those are rare conditions. The endometriomas, if they continue, and theres continual blood loss in the abdomen and also the ovary that can create adhesions. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the second type of functional cyst takes place to develop as the child is growing. Many of these, the bigger blood materials, the bigger capillary on cysts are generally the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in as well as of themselves are not going to be creating an issue. But, the vital thing here, is that cysts themselves, in and of themselves are not going to be an issue or harmful issue. The nature of the event is possibly mosting likely to tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the organizers of the party have an arrangement for this, then welcoming men would be great. Certainly, there are numerous males and ladies that are making good cash making use of the web service route. In this tune, the poet makes use of the affective story to recognize that some males "dont be comin right ", however that he has a different understanding of ladies than these various other guys. Meant to aid with the discomfort, supposed to assist me keep In this tune, Expert makes use of the different story to share his sight of what love should be. It is necessary for the garments to be entirely dry prior to they are done away with or put on by a kid, as well as hanging the clothes on kids garments wall mounts will certainly aid keep their kind. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for dry items and 1983 for carbonated beverages.
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Individuals utilized to exchange items and solutions for various other products and services before cash was developed, and some people still barter today to stay clear of making use of loan (primarily for tax factors I am informed). A few other excellent services are a diaper solution for towel diapering moms, and even a diaper distribution service for disposables, and also pay for the initial two weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Even the colors made use of in the textile ought to be natural and non-toxic. You may be at first attracted by all the eye memorable shades as well as the fanciness of the outfits, but if your child is not going to like it, it is going to become pointless. Jammies and also bodysuits for little infant girls been available in all different colors as well as designs, and also are created all types of weather. A couple of pieces would certainly do - a set of rompers, a set of shirts, a set of pyjamas. At the same time, you can place a T-shirt over their pyjamas. They will secure and insure any kind of loan you put into a financial savings account and pay you probably 3% annual rate of interest on your deposit. They know that if you're satisfied with your sample, even more than most likely you be come to be a regular consumer and also spend cash with them. There are really a great deal of free offers offered; you simply need to understand just how to look for them. Or search by chemical active ingredients (see listed here for some examples) and also uncover what brands have it. Next, you will get to your search engine result web page; this is a checklist of all items that fulfill your search criteria. Let us take a peek right into what makes these criteria a have to for those parents looking for infant garments. Likewise, let your very first couple of road journeys show you what you require to have along. There are numerous initial time mommies available that have a lot of information to show to you as well as they do not want you to be without the info. They wish to have gowns with breathable fabric as well as simple on the body. Is this what we have involved, - every person in our region enjoys the exact same adverts, the same programs, the exact same newspaper article each and every single day or night? Note: After attempting solitary foods, excellent mixes are potatoes and carrots or carrots as well as peas. And also not just will I examine it for him, Ill make it appear like the Elvis of foods, because Im currently quite certain that Sickness like a hamdog. He additionally describes his love interest as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the imperial characterization so usual in spiritual love stories. If you're truly strapped for cash money, after that you can possibly use utilizing your bed as a changing table, yet if you can, this is something I highly suggest. Its much better to feed baby first point in the early morning, then permit some play or rest time in between prior to giving baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Event," a suggestion significantly popular for moms who currently have numerous youngsters and for that reason the majority of right stuff they really require, they might take house medical spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bathroom. A great bath-themed gift basket would certainly include some hypo-allergenic bath products, like baby baths, talc, towels, and also bathroom playthings.
The significant and also is that many, if not all of these totally free products, are supplied right to the mommy's house. And also, with that, allows get right down to the core. Do you have the software application you require to get going? At some point you are going to want to carry your infant, so you will certainly need to purchase something. Unless you're preparing to hang on to them for your following child, they're simply collecting dust. With a few easy skills, an useful collection of "things, " and simply a little bit of preparation and preparation, youll get on your means! There is a place for TELEVISION in our lives and it desires all the fastest way of taking in news from worldwide. Taking courses abroad Below, the poet makes use of the spiritual story to describe the moment, area as well as emotions that his love was founded on, talking them as if they were in some way suggested to occur. Maybe she thought that was her place worldwide and also no-one could fault her if she did her duties to the utmost of her capability. I when had a neighbor that informed the world and it's mom she thought tidiness was alongside Godliness as well as invested all the time on a daily basis cleaning her home. It is believed that from this you truly have the option to have a look at whatever before you even have to get something. Tight neck lines would trouble you and even the placement of switches at weird placements would certainly cause you troubles, so check these beforehand. At the exact same time the switches as well as various other components in the design should be very carefully stitched. Yet Betty had the cash money whenever I went to prison This track additionally illustrates the use of contrasting narratives to express love. This instance additionally shows making use of introductory language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is inappropriate for anyone to "call you out your name ", or in other words, utilize disparaging language towards his love. A number of the child shower ideas will benefit any kind of place, inside your home or out. Do you desire your baby to look cute or amazing with baby clothes but you do not have suggestions on where to look for them? Price is a major thing you would certainly want to think about when purchasing child clothes. It's very easy, check out a child clothing store. Clothes care plays a large function in your child's safety. Hence, it is constantly recommended that you keep the security and comfort factor in mind also when you are buying celebration gowns for your kid. Also when you have actually bought a lacy blouse for your little girl, if you wind up getting a size that happens to be somewhat bigger than her actual dimension, she will be comfortable in it. And also, parents will be most likely to keep getting clothes to maintain up with the changes in the infant's development - size, weight, length, and also shape. Therefore, buying clothes that are somewhat bigger than the genuine size of your infants body presents will certainly be good as it guarantees optimal convenience for the youngster.
Nonetheless, these immunization procedures will just make their systems solid yet it doesn't give an assurance that microorganisms can not penetrate their method. So why did she act by doing this? The exact same thing can be real with, certainly with tube pregnancies, thats why those two can be perplexed. Yes it holds true that child clothing don't last lengthy with children expanding as quick as they do, however taking care of an infants garments is still simply as, if not even more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's true This passage is unique since it utilizes both the metaphoric as well as different narrative methods. The presentation of Hip-Hop love stories is a very uphill struggle. As well as that leads us to the most popular metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Children will love this recipe. Thick and also fluffy outfits will keep the infant cozy from head to toe. Right here is a list of preferred things that has actually been looked into with some of the largest online merchants of child products. Below are some of the standard things you'll intend to have. Do you want to offer a present to a brand-new mother without investing a great deal of loan? They use it when washing to remove odors, soften the textiles, and also offer your baby and kid clothes a fresh as well as a lot more natural aroma. When you are assuming of your childs convenience, its not only about the style of the clothing youre purchasing it will certainly also refer exactly how the item rests on your children body. Consider just how much you have right into the item. The following time you are re-assembling your set, make sure to add that thing. I prefer to hang out with my friends and family, talking on the phone, choosing lengthy strolls or dancing the night away. With all that having actually been said, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I recognize I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Soon you'll uncover that having just a few wonderful clothing ends up being unwise. I had an excellent free website a couple of years ago I went to daily. Utilize your Road Adventure logbook to tape-record everybodies remarks regarding the day. This will offer no good as getting baby items indiscriminately will not simply be waste of loan yet also waste of time and also energy which you can put for some positive use. If taking a trip by cars and truck you must constantly make use of a vehicle seat as well as comply with the producer's instructions for suitable. If your journey limit disappears than a one-hour car trip one means, after that search for areas of interest within regarding 40 miles of home. Which is not a problem because much like kidneys, similar to testis, women with one ovary can have equally as numerous infants as a lady with 2 ovaries as well as 2 tubes. Evidently it is a 2x matrix, suggesting those initial two people you reached sign up with are on your first degree. You need to always have two pairs during the night time, due to the fact that you never ever recognize when a child is mosting likely to spew up or have a baby diaper leak that can call for a full garment modification.
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teesturtle · 4 years
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