#i cant find any good tutorials but
skunkes · 9 months
i wanna try to make a little smunker figure bc a family friend offloaded his partner's unused clay supplies to me, including pasta maker/roller and a little oven specifically for baking it...
Also included some opened and unopened clay but idk i kinda wanna go the "get flesh colored clay and then paint it at the end" route bc im very bad at managing amount of clay needed esp if i have to mix it for different colors also i think painting it wld be relaxing...i jst need to buy some clay.....i jst need to buy some clay.....
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not-so-ori-ginal · 10 months
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i managed to learn basic html for toyhouse purposes. now i just need to make actually good profile designs.
i paid for the skill in sanity.
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but i survived! it took 2 days of pain.
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stealingpotatoes · 2 years
hi I'm literally in love with ur art style but I have to know... how did you like,,, learn. teach me your ways xx
ahh thank you so much omg!!!!! <3 <3
ngl all my art skills are from BOATLOADS of YouTube (and a few tumblr) tutorials & speedpaints tbh!! i'm really sorry tho, I didn't save tutorials back when I was learning, so I can't show you all those /: but if any of your fave artists have youtubes, definitely check those out and see how they work!! Also staring at artists you like's work for inordinately long times (aka studying paintings) is super helpful
Tho if you want some tutorials from me, I have some stuff in my #art help tag! And I'd be happy to try make more tutorials if you have any specific art advice needs -- just drop an ask!!
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aria0fgold · 4 months
I really wish that there's a tutorial for rendering in art that isn't structured like a: To get a good water effect, do this and then this. Cuz I can't... use that... My way of rendering is so stylized cuz I don't know how to use a blending tool, and also cuz I wanna understand Why I gotta do this and that so I can still apply it in case the drawing I'm making has to bend something with the rules.
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tgirlwithreverb · 10 months
I saw that post about what to do if you're homeless again (the one that starts by telling you to spend all of your money on motel rooms lmao) anyway, here's a few thoughts, specifically for trans girls, cuz I don't really care otherwise tbh:
1) plan ahead, most trans girls are in precarious housing situations, you will have a much easier time when it falls apart if you already have a pack with most of the gear you need in it. Also, if you find yourself in a situation where you cant make rent, dont pay part of it, spend that money on gear, pocket the rest and leave, youll have a much nicer time. Look up your local eviction laws, you have plenty of time. (Gear list at the end)
2) travel! If you're in Arizona in May, leave. it's about to be hot as hell. If you're in Michigan in October, leave. It's about to be cold as hell. If you're in a big city, leave. It's way easier to be homeless pretty much anywhere else. Amtrak is cheaper and more comfortable than greyhound, hitchhiking is free and easy, if you're alone it's not that much slower than the previous two, and it's more fun, and sometimes people buy you food or whatever or give you money. I promise it's not scary and you're entirely capable of doing it, no matter who you are. 95+% of people who will pick you up are very nice. All you have to do is take the bus out of town, as far down the highway you can, to an exit with a truck stop if possible, then just stand on the side of the road with your thumb out until someone picks you up. You can stand at the bottom of the ramp(on the highway) near where the merge lane ends or at the top of the ramp(where there's usually a traffic light), the former is more likely to lead to cop interactions but will maybe get you a ride faster, check on hitchwiki for how the cops are in the area. don't be afraid to take a commuter bus or Amtrak to get out of a shitty cop area
3) skip shelters if you can (they are very occasionally a decent place to get stuff from) and encampments, good places to sleep include the trees near railroad tracks or highways, wooded areas behind shopping centers, sections of parks without paths, overgrown empty lots. Hang a tarp above you if there's an appreciable chance of rain, there's tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do this, maybe I'll make a post about what I usually do some day. There are many habits more fun than motel rooms, save your money for them lmao.
4) get on food stamps. This is easier in some places than others, but it makes the whole thing a lot easier. Just tell them you're homeless, if they don't give you a card the same day, you can probably ask to pick it up from that office, alternatively some drop in centers/day shelters can receive mail for you, or you can have it sent to general delivery(USPS service, look it up)
7) libraries are great for charging your phone and using wifi, but also keep an eye out, plenty of random outlets on the outsides of buildings are also powered
5) dumpster. sidewalk trash cans, Aldi, Einstein's, trader Joe's, pizza places, etc. You need to develop a bit of a sense for it but it's an easy way to get cooked food or travelling food or expensive food without spending resources. Also it's fun.
6) water is free, go into the bathroom of any gas station or grocery store in America(offer not valid in most big cities or on the west coast, but in that case just go to the library) and fill up your water bottle
8) hygiene notes: truckers get free showers from chain truck stops(loves, pilot/flying j) go there and ask them. convenient if you're hitchhiking, also you don't need to shower 3 times a day, really, you'll survive. Ditto with deodorant. Take care of your teeth though. Take your socks off every. day. Change them consistently. Safety razors give a good shave, work well without adequate water pressure, and the replacement blades are very stealable, they're kind of heavy though. Walmart makes these electric razors for women that take AA batteries and are pretty light but give a worse shave, also they kinda go through batteries, pick whatever works for you(cartridge razors suck)
9) traveling food notes: peanut butter is great, tortillas and bagels travel pretty well, tuna packets are pretty good protein for traveling(the ones with rice and beans or whatever are nice since theyre often the same price as the regular), condiment packets are free, hot sauce makes everything better, and mayo goes well with tuna and has a bunch of calories in it, salad dressing packets are free from truck stops and work well turning the Walmart shredded vegetable packages (labeled for making into slaw, next to the bagged salads) into a salad with real vegetables(not iceberg lettuce) in it or mixing in with tuna packets for even more calories than mayo
Gear world:
Necessary items(in order of importance): a gallon of water carrying capacity(an Arizona jug or other twist top jug is conventional, but a bladder+arizona bottles also works), a tarp(larger than 6'x9', not brightly colored), a hank of parachord, a sleeping bag (20° rated, synthetic insulation), a backpack with a padded hip belt(at least 50L, no more than 75), rain gear(a rain poncho might cover your pack too, a rain jacket can help with wind when its cold, a trash bag inside or outside your pack can keep it dry, a plan to watch the weather and not get caught also works), a z-fold foam sleeping pad, three pairs of socks, two pairs of underwear (at least one pair of boxer breifs strongly recommended if you arent incredibly skinny), a decent pair of shoes with good arch support, a functional jacket(skip if you got a rain jacket before), a base layer(wool or poly, absolutely no cotton)
Convenient items: a sleeping bag liner(cotton free, keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer), gallon zip locks to pack your stuff in(helps keep it dry and organized), no more than one change of clothes(as light as possible), a multi-tool(can opener, pliers, wire cutter), lighter(burning rope ends etc), spoon, floss and needles for patching
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velnna · 7 months
do you have any personal tips for drawing the eye that hides behind the bridge of the nose when a person turns their head slightly to the side- if this is a lot to ask ignore this i just cant find good tutorials on it that help
The only tip I have is learn how eyes work in 3D, or face shapes in general. Once you've got a clear idea of what geometry makes up each part (eyes, nose, etc) there's no trick other than rotating it in your head to see how it looks! For me, anyway
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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bear-remn · 2 months
Reiji's headcanon please as you did with Shuu!!!! I need them😭😭
— reiji headcanon's
omg thank you for enjoy! and since you ask, i came to deliver!!! and a little of my art as well!
tw: this post has nsfw content (+18) , so if you dont like it dont read it!!
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this draw came out so much better than i thought, reiji is so fun to draw i love him so much!!!
his looks and selfcare
for start, reiji, unlike shu, do enjoy taking care of his skin and hair, at the begining of reiji's teen years, some acne began to pop out, and could'nt stand the fact that shu did not have any acne, not even once, so he started to take care of it, he often buys expensive lotion, soaps, and other skin creams, he totally watch tutorials on how to clean his skin properly, and always tries new suncreens on the market.
and i think that reiji does also buys expensive shampoo's and conditioner, he need it for his dry hair, so he totally buys profesional stuff. he prefers probably scents like jazmin, wooderish, also honey... even maybe lavanda.
and bc he cares a lot for his appearance, he showers very often, at least his body, reiji washes his hair like four times a week. and a little detail is that when he wash his hair, reiji uses hot water, but when he showers only his body, reiji uses cold water.
and to keep himself good looking reiji excersive sometimes, like two times a week and its intense, no one really notice bc he does it in his room.
and when it come to clothes, reiji does enjoy fancy clothes, i like to think reiji go through a face where he was looking for his real aesthtetic, he tried vintage, victorian stuff and in some point he tried the bad boy aesthetic, he find it a little too much casual for him, until he reached a more refinated, fancy but not too flashy style. even so he loves the turtle neck sweaters.
i think reiji is very aware of how handsome he is, his face is similar to his fathers, meaning, a sharp jaw and having a pretty nose, wich bone stand out a little. id say his nose and his eyes are the most atrative thing about his face. love a big nose on reiji, and his eyes are the most similar to his father, with that magenta color and a very intimidating gaze. In addition to having slanted eyes like his father, reiji gaze is like that of a cat, a little arrogant and seductive.
and for his body id say reiji is more of a slim kind of body, he has some good muscles for working out, reiji has good arms and shoulders, but his hands are really pretty, has long fingers and well treated nails. and as shu he also has a prominent v line, but reiji waist is more small.
reiji also takes good care of his body hair, the man shave for having a good smooth skin everywhere, yes, everywhere. and as shu, has that thing that dont let him grow a hole beard so he often shave it.
random stuff
soo... reiji is a little freak and you can't change my mind, he definetly has some obsessions and cant get over it, he just love things much he cant live without doing it, and to begin with one thing is his obvious collection of fancy plates, cups, teapots and has a little collection of rare spoons. reiji puts them in diferent parts of the manor just to look at them everywhere he goes, and he does not use any of them. he cleans them once a week.
and speaking of his obsessions, reiji has a secret but popular social media where he post is collection, he is very famous and dont show his face.
and he totally has OCD when it comes to order, without realize reiji is always ordering everything symmetrically and harmoniously to the eye, even when it comes to food, reiji orders the food on the plate in an elegant and orderly way.
also, i think reiji dont eat half of what he cooks, he prefer cooking than eating, but he enjoy's more doing desserts or really fancy meals. he also post this in his secret famous social media.
reiji is the kind of ADHD people that needs to do things right away, like the first thing in the morning to do is do his bed, when he finish cooking he cleans everything, when he take off dirty clothes he does laundry instantly, and like that with every little activity he does. maybe bc his mind is a little complicated and if he does'nt do something right away he might become anxious.
i think that bc of reiji doing ocasionally excercise, for some reason, reiji does not stretch his muscles before or after exercising, which causes him to cramp at the worst times, when he is in class, when he is studying or even while sleeping, on those occasions he is still asleep but cannot wake up completely, which causes his cramp to only extend until he wakes up from the excruciating pain.
i think reiji also has photografic memory, ofc bc of his childhood he memorize a lot of book and it just became something normal to him. he can remember every little detail he read, hear's or see's. having an almost perfect memory.
and maybe something cruel, but reiji hates animals, he has killed a few with his bare hands. he cant stand them, but secretly likes some cats.
i think that reiji has a secret shelf full of romantic books, the man loves romance novels. he read them before going to sleep.
and even if he does'nt get along with his brothers, reiji always takes píctures of their "good" moments, like ayato's matchs, subaru's plants, dinners or bals in the demon world.
oh and this man? in bed? lord have mercy.
for starting, reiji has a big dick, straight foward, he is big, i cant deny it. its long but not so thick, and when hard it looks up proud and shiny. only one big vein that comes from his croch. just hot. 18.5 cm and if he is really horny he can get to 19. wild.
reiji is totally dominant, but for the right person he is such a bottom, a power bottom tho. reiji dont like the feeling of being dominated and controled, but he does enjoy when someone put him in his place, mommy issues thing.
oh, and when reiji is interested in someone, is really... slow.
i like to think that reiji, for his childhood and the little love he recieved, he does not quite undertand how to express correctly how he feels, and speaking of a vampire its double hard. reiji craves for having something close to affection, so he always watches how people or other vampires in love interact, but he does not belive that love is something a vampire can feel. deep shit i know.
the only thing close to reiji giving affection is by acts of service, he would spoil you without notice. if you two live together reiji will be around you everytime he can, and if he feels confortable enough, he will start to invade your personal space to make you nervous, or to make a reaction out of you. a at sometime he would'nt realize he is invading your personal space.
like if in the morning your shirt it's not buttoned properly, he would come really, really close, and button it right. all of that while looking into your eyes, and amazingly, building sexual tension. after that he would just act normal and shit. such an ass.
in other occasion, like if you two are in a casual conversation, reiji would come closer and just take a little eyelash off you cheek, but he gets so close that you can feel his breath while telling you "just... keep steady hun..." and also would just do that thing where he puts your hair in place and touch your skind with delicacy.
and when you kiss him, bc he would not start it, reiji would be so amazed, since the firts kiss he would kiss you any place when you two are alone. and after every kiss, reiji smile warm and softly at you, cute.
and more into that, reiji would devour your mouth, but he is imponent about it, meaning he like to surprise you while kissing, bc he loves to get your reactions. i think that while you two kiss reiji is touching your lowers back to push you againt him, would smile during the kiss and then pull your hair a little to look into your eyes. he likes the feeling of you being his.
"what? wanting more i see...?" and his little cocky smile is everything.
and if the kiss got heated, reiji would push you to anything to be on top of you, he loves that, being on top of you.
i think reiji is embarresed of being sucked off, mostly bc i also think reiji is very... vocal during sex. and a little more sensible than normal. and the little times you get to suck him reiji woud stop you at some point to give you pleasure now. and he is a dick about that too. but he stop you bc he dont want you to see him breaking during his climax, the man is a little shy.
reiji likes bending you, putting your knees in your chest while giving you oral, and he does it right, he gets how the female anatomy works so he knows what he is doing, also loves to hear you plead him to make you cum, but sorry for you, reiji loves edging you... a lot.
"not yet darling... keep it a little more.."
oh... and the nicknames, he say thems with a low and seductive tone that would literally would make anyone weak just to hear. amen.
and ofc, he can make you squirt, the man know things.
and about his favorite positions, reiji loves bending you, making your body hurt a little by how strength he puts into his grip on you. specially the one where you are on your back, with you anckles in his shoulders, and he just press you on the bed hard. he wants to be so deep on you that just thinking about it makes reiji tremble. he find being inside you something special, he doesnt do it just for having sex, the man wants to feels the conection, deep shit for him.
i think reiji loves every position he gets to see your face, but he needs to be on top, just love to see you so little under him.
i also think reiji is very versatile with the speed the puts, like it depends on the mood, if he is very horny and needy he would break you, he is fast and hard, loves to hear his balls slap your ass in every trust, reiji would smack you ass sometimes and definetly slap your face during it, after that he would kiss you hungry and stick his fingers in your mouth. in other moments reiji can be more passionate, like more romantic about it, but the thing that reiji keep doing it at every mood, is that he keep eye contact.
and god have mercy bc reiji has some good precious eyes.
reiji loves looking at your eyes, doesnt care if you look back at him, but will force you to look at him if you are about to cum.
"just like that love... give it to me... let me see you love.."
and is into it for creampies, he just loves the idea of filling you up as many times as his and your body can handle. and cums a lot, probably bc he dont masturbate too much.
"yea?? ill give it to you love... take it all..."
another position he might like would be maybe standing up or againts a wall, just loves to see you trying to hold onto something but failing and just hold him for support, he loves when you touch him, in any kind of way tho. but also bc he loves to see your legs tremble.
thats a little detail i like, reiji does'nt get satisfaced if your legs dont tremble when you cum, or during sex, he likes to feel how they tremble, see them giggle and lost its strenght, makes reiji feel powerfull bc of how he can make your body break. but does'nt say it out loud.
and the man dont get tired like... never, but do knows his limit, and his aftercare? maybe the best one. if you need water, a candy, food, cuddles, a bath, reiji will make it for you, instantly, dont doubts. and the cuddles are so cute, he will give you a masage and maybe give you oral again, he cant keep his mouth away from you.
the man just want you to feel good, and he knows how to do it. makes reiji feel powerfull.
── more of my content here!
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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f...FANK YOIU SO MYUCH!!! 🥰💖💖💖
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My cookies can eat and drink :0 but that's mostly becuase I imagine my cookies as more.. people than cookies <XD
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Ah, I'm afraid I cannot help you there. I seem to be physically incapable of explaining how I draw things. I've made some hand/art tutorials in the past but I just cant seem to explain myself well-
It boils down to: "Well.. I just, draw it. And uh.. if it looks kind'a off? Draw it a little differently. And if it still looks off.. then uh.. just draw it again, until it looks right." <XDD Not really helpful.. sorry!..
Also thank you so much!! :DD Your compliments mean the world!! 💖
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ALKSF XDD That sounds great, I'll keep that in mind! :}
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(Post in question)
XD It sure is!
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That is a good idea! I'll have to keep this in mind! :0 ..Though I do love receiving asks.. 🥺
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XDD I've been told that Jangles looks like Papyrus, they might fight right in!
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Oooo that's a good idea! I might have to try that! :00
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(Post in question) (..Or was it this post-)
ALKJSWDJ XDD I'm glad you liked it!! :DD
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Probably like warm canned tuna fish spread across a gingerbread cookie XDD
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I'm unfamiliar with the world of happy tree friends.. is it safe there? If so, sure they'll stay! :D
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That condition was tacked on last minute.. I haven't put much thought into it.. but I'm sure situations like that are very possible :00 I'll have to think more on it! :oo
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Can they do that?? Man, Tuna could really use that- <XD
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I don't know.. do they? :0
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Aww!! 🥰💖🥰
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I'm not sure.. idk how more cookies in the game are made- <XD
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I'm not sure.. I assume a world made of candy would be rather normal to them..? :0
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(Post in question)
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I would assume negative.. since a real cookie jar is a bunch of cookies kept "sealed" away in a jar. Its probably the equivalent of a prison to them! :00
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My interests come and go. We're bound to see more of it someday, :o
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Thank you XDD I hope it works!
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ooooo good question! :00
Its rare that Seafoam gets really stressed or overwhelmed. Its the mark of a good Captain to keep his cool when under pressure. But if there comes a time where his stress is high and he cant get away from the situation, he probably seeks out Octo for help. Getting him to take over so that he can step away or just to help him in general. In which Octo is always willing to help.
Octo is the same as Seafoam. Really good under pressure and rarely gets overwhelmed. But just like Seafoam, if things get to be too much he would seek out Seafoam for help. Maybe even getting Seafoam to take control so can get a few minutes to himself.
Red probably gets stressed a lot, the poor kid :< He just runs to Coco, Seafoam, Blue or even Octo if he can. Just the nearest parental/protective figure that can resolve the situation for him <XD
I can see Blue diving deeper or swimming out a ways from the ship when stressed. The whale equivalent of taking a walk <XD
Cuttlefish probably uses her powers to slip out of any situation and find a quiet space to calm down. Removing herself from the situation usually fixes her up pretty quick. Spider crab is the same, just going to find a space alone where he can calm himself down. Usually by taking deep breaths and soaking up the quiet.
Urchin, Louis, Coco, Tuna and Ellie probably would all just find a way to leave the situation to go pace and rant when stressed. Even if they have to make a scene in order to leave.
I can see Pinwheel fleeing to Seafoam whenever something becomes too much to handle. Getting him to step in and help her, though she might not fully leave the situation. Since Seafoam provides her comfort, she might hover nearby while Seafoam resolves the situation for her.. 🥺
(Also thank you for the ask/prompt! Was very tasty😋)
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@artistmad (Post in question)
:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! XDD
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coveredinredpaint · 2 months
Hi! I hope it's okay that I'm sending you an ask.
I was looking at some of your posts about diy clothing and things like that, and I've been really into diy/alt clothing for a while, and I've been wanting to maybe make my own, but I don't know where to start.
I want to start small since I'm actually terrible at art (every time I try to learn how to sew, it just ends in me giving up in frustration, for example).
Do you have any advice you could give me?
hey anon!
asks are always welcome, i love answering asks so dont hestitate to reach out. sorry for the wait on this, ive been busy.
i made a post about this months back but cant find it atm so ill just make one again.
if sewing, as you say, is difficult for you, id advise starting with something that doesnt require sewing to train yourself in crafting.
an easy one is for example making armwarmers from old socks by cutting them off above the heel, and using the top part (that goes on your ankles and legs). cut a slit in that on the side for your thumb, and youre done. you can bleach nice patterns or anything on them. which will also teach you how to work with bleach.
some other things you can make/do without sewing are: chokers and cuffs from old belts, bottlecap buttons (i have made a tutorial on those, ill put the link in the comments), fishnet/see-through top from old thights, painting/bleaching clothes, making jewellry from safety pins, chains from soda tabs, and a lot more.
in the long run learning how to sew really is a good and useful skill, and i advise investing time in learning it. it allows you to make way more clothes and accessoires, and also helps when you need to fix up old clothes.
remember it takes time to learn these skills! ive been crafting constantly for about three years to get to the level i am at rn. and i still have a lot to learn too. dont be harsh on yourself when your projects dont turn out how you wanted/expected them to. thats all part of the learning process. look at where you can improve and try different techniques to see what works for you.
also! you are not terrible at art. the "aesthetic-ization" of diy and art as a whole is really bad imo cause a lot of people feel pressured that their diys need to look perfectly aesthetic or else they cant wear/make them. and thats not what diy is about! make whatever you want, and if someone tells you its ugly or not good enough they should get a hobby.
ehh i think thats it for now? let me know if you got any more questions. (again ill drop a link to the bottlecap tutorial in the comments)
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syanji · 2 months
How do you add the gifs for the layouts? What program do you use? I want to make a editblr blog but my skills are only the basics
hello! first, i'd like to wish you good luck with your blog ♡
now, we can start! i'll divide this into 02 sections:
programs, and gifs
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01 : programs
starting off with programs:
any website or app that lets you add pictures work. i've seen people use picsart, photopea, ibispaint, and basically any app that allows you to add images. i use a mix of the three, but barely use picsart. personally, if im on my tablet i use ibispaint, then use photopea to add PSDs. when im on my computer, i only use photopea.
02 : gifs
for gifs, i use photopea. however, you can only add 01 gif to each project. i believe there are ways to add more, but i found them too complicated and therefore cant explain them, as i myself havent used them. to find gifs, you can use any social media, but i recommend Tumblr and Pinterest.
you can also use ezgif, but not for gif overlays. only to put images on gifs.
here is a tutorial on how to add a gif on photopea: (plus me playing with showing the options sped up)
i was supposed to edit the video to add text n all that but i ran out of storage. so....
basically, just save your gif, click "file" at the top of your screen, click "open". now your gif should be a new project, and it should be a folder.
drag that folder inside your project ( in this case, your graphic / layout / edit / whatever. ). after that, click "edit", also at the top of your screen, and "free transform". now you can move and / or resize your gif.
afterwards, click "file" again, and "export as" then export it as a gif. there you have it! you finished your project! congratulations!
anyways. i feel like i forgot something but thats about it i believe. so..... once again, good luck with your blog! if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
if anyone has anything they'd like to add, feel free to reblog!!
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butcher--bird · 11 months
trying to get into drawing salmonids and they are really weirdly shaped nothing like anything ive drawn before. youre really good at drawing cam so i figured id ask if you have any kind of like.. techniques or specific things you do when drawing her to figure out the general shapes?
oh yeah salmonids are so strangely shaped, i for sure had problems drawing them at first.
so like, first of all! idk how do-able this is for most people (i draw on my PC most times) but i actually look at the in-game models of salmonids (specifically chum for cam, i just sort of change some anatomical things) which you can get from the modelers resource and load them in on blender (which actually is refusing to open for me right now so i cant show you help sorry)
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first of all construction lines are important, typically i go for simple shapes. sort of a tapering rectangle? as state in the image dont go for anything mammalian-like because i see alot of people drawing them like they're dogs?/ for some reason? no shade ofc i just like making them ugly. the wider the tapered end is im usually saving that for how open the mouth is.
for the whole body, i typically take my own liberties (making them less 'boy why you so head', adding a gill slit right behind the jaw, and adding defined muscles or contours.) so if you're looking to be 'canon-accurate' im not a very good person to ask HDHJSHDH
SORRY THIS IS KIND OF ASS IM NOT GOOD AT TUTORIALS </3 but if you find yourself struggling with them i suggest taking a picture of one and sort of breaking it down into simple shapes? like so;
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so you can get a loose grip of the bare essentials.
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taxkha · 7 days
i love your art so much i can't even describe it!! for the past year, every time i see it, it inspires me to create and improve so much i can't be jealous; i can only work harder hoping i can invoke the same feeling in someone else one day. your masterful use of loose lines and cozy colors never fails to make me happy on the rainiest day. do you have any tips for establishing such atmospheres, such as color selection or particular poses or expressions? (i don't write very well, sorry if this seems confusing) -an anon who appreciates your work to the fullest
Oh my god anon, you are so sweet, thank you so much (ಥ﹏ಥ) It means so much to hear I inspire someone to draw and I'm happy I can motivate you! <3 Please keep it up and I would love to see what you are making if you ever feel like sharing it! x) I'm so happy to hear my art has such a positive impact on you!! Okay so regarding your questions! When it comes to colors I recently made a coloring tutorial where I also went a bit into how I select colors, how I shade and what my go to effect layers are, you can find it here but it's also currently pinned at the top of my blog! I explained it in my tutorial but I will say it here again, I rely a lot on effect layers. That isn't wrong by any means and is what I would argue most digital artists do but if you want to learn actual color theory that goes beyond what colors compliment each other I unfortunately cant help with that on my own nor do I have any guides at hand to redirect you to :") Speaking of complimentary colors though, knowing your color wheel and which colors contrast each other already helps a lot! My favourites are green/red and orange/blue! To give some examples: green/red
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These are less about an atmosphere achieved through lighting but more about the general subject matter of the piece. They are both more ominous and uh, bloody and threatening. And for Orange/Blue
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The orange and blue combination is something you see in a lot of movies, for example Mad Max Fury Road or Blade Runner 2049 and many many more which have likely influenced me on what colors I chose in my art to some extend. Paying attention to media other than your own helps a ton and can totally improve on how you approach you art! Like, obviously I draw mostly anime/manga esque art and I get most of my inspiration from manga and video games, but I also try and look at buildings when Im outside, look closely at shot compositions in movies and so on! Other inspirations that have helped me are artbooks from my favorite games/shows/series, if you enjoy those x) Theres probably PDFs to be found of a lot of artbooks online if you don't want to spend money on them. I know you didn't directly ask what my inspirations are lol but they absolutely helped me! OKAY SO now about poses and expressions. Since you mentioned my loose lines, I have very good advice for that: Draw without erasing. Get a scrap book or some lose paper, cheap paper! And a pen you cant erase, such as a fineliner or a ballpoint pen and then draw. Do not go into it with the intent to make an actual good drawing, just. Draw! Draw half finished faces, hands, bodies, cats, whatever you feel like. Fill up the entire page. If you don't want to waste any paper, do it digitally but don't erase! Do that a lot. You will train yourself to draw loser and loser as time goes on. I've always had the habit of doodling onto everything mindlessly and I still do so I never had to actively practice drawing lose lines but thats most likely the reason why I draw the way I do! I actually have some examples from today because I got distracted at work:
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I just draw whatever comes to mind until the page is full. I usually don't even keep these pages :") It has helped me a lot though. Uh yeah thats pretty much everything?? Thanks so much again for sending this ask, it was a very sweet thing to wake up to and I hope my rambles here can be of any help and to you good luck in your art endeavors!! :) <3
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myondolls · 3 months
A little doll project round up in an attempt to get me motivated again.
Starting with the "limb projects".
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First up we have Sindy (aerobics? She was the barbie gymnast competitor). That one I got from @keiths-dolls I think?? Or maybe it was @firespirited ? I have 2 of these but I forgot if I got both from any of you or not.
Her legs mysteriously fell off during the night as the plastic as the joint crumbled. I want to keep as much of her original body as possible so the plan is to cut a bit at the knee (just the rounded tip and whatever is inside), fill the leg with something (hot glue? Milliput?), Round up socket, drill and stick DCSHG legs in there. The hand is broken too but thats the same kind of replacement.
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Second we have Sindy (the cycling one). Strictly speaking there is nothing wrong with her, but I saw @oak23 give her DCSHG arms and I really wanted that for her. Not my original vision. So the usual cut/round up/drill and insert ritual.
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Next we have Pocahontas. I didn't like her click legs, and in an attempt to remove them properly I snapped the pegs off. Found some barbie legs that can fit (the color is not an exact match but very easy to correct with just a blush). I would need to use the method of inserting bars across the socket on the legs, drill a hole in the hips "middle wall", and pass an elastic across everything (much like the early monster high dolls and some barbies).
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Next we have bootleg Elsa. The torso did not have a proper joint and relied on plastic elasticity of a bar between the 2 parts. Which huh.... Didn't last. I need to stick them back together somehow (i don't care much if there is no movement). Probably gonna fill the cavity with hot glue and just stick it together. Hot glue is my friend. I don't care too much for this doll but the skintone is interesting and she had nice joints so it would be a shame to waste it.
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I forgot who she is. i found her in a carboot sale covered in mud with a broken arm which I already mostly fixed. The wrist hole is too big for the donor hand on the "new" arm so I need to fill that and do the usual round up/drill/insert. I also wanted to paint the arm silver but I need to find a way that won't stain around (metallic paints seem to have that issue long term??)
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Not sure who they are. It was part of the carboot sale haul. The hair and all fixed up nicely but the hand is all chewed up. I think the nicest way would be to find limbs and cut at the elbow. Color matching isn't too much of an issue but I cant find limbs of the right size (barbie is too big, that doll is on the smaller side).
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Disney body. Nothing wrong with it really, but I have matching arms and could "upgrade" her. Not an urgent project as she has no matching head.
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Another project sponsored by @keiths-dolls (not really). I dont know what doll this is and there is nothing wrong with it, but I don't like bent arms so I thought giving her bootleg MH arms would look nice. I don't know what heads fit on these, but the small neck make it a good candidate for figurine hybrids.
If anyone is new and sees this, I feel obliged again to tag @dolldirt without whom I wouldn't consider any of this, since he made the tutorial for limb replacement/upgrade that sparked all this, all those years ago. So if y'all don't know what the "cut/round up/drill/insert" method is, i am referring to his tutorial. Go check it if you haven't seen it.
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crearuru · 8 months
as a csa/rape survivor whose school in 2010 was full of impressionable young men screaming "rape jokes" and about what theyd do (and some DID) to me the gaiaonline screenshots suck for many reasons. aside from the undeniably inappropriate behavior emile was shown engaging in (which was awful but incredibly typical conversational subject matter for the year 2010) but hiding the other party's name only in the archive of what their 2010 username was (it was Lawly) to make it look like the word loli (which i hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was repeatedly brought up as if lawly was coined as a nickname by emile is Bad (context still sucks!!!!!!!) and even worse is how an autistic person deflecting sexual harassment is what everyone was defending when it was emily who deflected without saying no but when its an autistic man being repeatedly told how the other party plans on "raping him" and he deflects with a (awful and horrible but period-typical) wisecrack "well it wouldnt be pe/do/ph//ilia if the minor was raping" (in response to being told the other person who first brought up rape fantasized about raping him!!! And the other person told HIM in response that "it wouldnt be rape if you liked it and liking it is consent which makes it pedophilia *smiling emoticon*"!!!!!! btw!!!!) People who are (rightfully) criticizing him for not instantly blocking (can you block effectively on AOL??? its before my time and i cant find any tutorials on how to block aim users) but (not rightfully) wouldnt criticize emily for not blocking like be consistent. The messages are sickening to read as a survivor and ive been struggling to even speak all day from how this incident is bringing up old trauma and also emile is in the psych ward now and ppl are saying itd be good if he killed himself and people are spreading unrelated false claims about him forcing masae to give him sexual favors with her feet (which she never claimed he did!!!) And im so nauseous from this whole thing my head hurts so bad
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