#i cant help it though my parents are extremely extra people
allylikethecat · 1 year
Would you mind reblogging the prompts again? Please 💕I love what you have written and I love all your fics so much, currently (not so) patiently waiting for the ear infection fic and maybe an update to Make Way for Ducklings? 😍 your writing is so dear to my heart
Yes of course! The Kiss Prompts list has been reblogged! The prompts list can also be found here.
(I'm trying to be fancy and link everything in this answer- I have no idea if it's going to work or if I'm doing it right, but just know I am trying!)
So far I have filled:
4. Write a Kiss ... where it hurts
14. Write a Kiss ... casually
36. Write a Kiss ... to give up control
44. Write a Kiss ... out of lust
49. Write a Kiss ... out of necessity
And I have a request for 9. Write a Kiss ... in public and for 19. Write a Kiss ... for luck that I am working on!
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing and my fics, I'm so glad that you are enjoying them! The Ear Infection Fic™️ has run into some technical difficulties but please know I am working on it! I feel like I've been hyping it up (too much) and I want to be proud of it when I put it out, therefore it's taking a little longer! I am also working on the next chapter of Make Way for Ducklings (honestly at the rate I'm going that one might be done sooner) I had decided to split the previous chapter into two chunks, so I have a good amount of it written, I just need to clean it up a bit more! Thank you again so much for reading! I hope you continue to enjoy my fics!!
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Omega Reader being one of the only if not THE only Omega in an entire Spider Society of Alphas and Betas 😩❤️
Alpha F! Reader in a Spider Society where you're the only female Alpha and Miguel is Having Confusing Feelings because oh shit you can get him Pregnant Pregnant? Like you're packing? Hmmm.... 😳
Reader who is a normal human and doesn't understand or is maybe like "curiosity killed the cat" about "oh wow Miguel can purr and growl? What else can he do 😳" and you're totally unaware he can like, TELL when you're ovulating and you cant even tell when he or anyone else scents you (imagine hobie scenting you to piss miguel off lmao) 💦
Reader who is one of the very few Omega in a Spider Society of normal people but your pheromones actually still affect everyone lol so like yeah some people are yandere already and others are like "you know i dont know what it is but Reader is looking real submissive and breedable and im usually not even into that shit" 😏
Reader being a "late bloomer" where you thought you were like, a normie who didnt present, and you're suddenly struggling to function because all these people you've been bonding with suddenly all have special smells that make your knees wobble sometimes and occasionally your boss gets a little bit of a growl in his voice and you're suddenly thinking, "could I fuck him raw and just take plan b. I really want an extra large super sized buffet style creampie from this man" (and also angst/possessiveness because maybe you're really upset and want to go back to "being the old normal you" and you start avoiding people who mysteriously want to spend more time with you now more than ever, and I'm also a sucker for 'new Omega wants actual surgery or drugs to not be an Omega anymore even if it's blackmarket shit that could kill them') 🙏
I'm also a fan of like. "You burned me or deserted me or I quit the group we were in together because of how you treated me and after some time has passed now that you want me back I'm actually a single mom now and here's my cute adorable little baby that I won't let you even sniff at even though the dad isn't even in the picture"
Like I'm not a parent obviously but there's some real visceral horror in the concept of like being pregnant and you're surrounded by people like unreasonably obsessed with the fact you're pregnant, like to an extremely nosey controlling "all but hijack your life" degree. You put your baby down for a nap and go to check on then 5 minutes later and they're FUCKING GONE and you start absolutely losing your mind and its like "oh no it's fine, Peter B just felt entitled to break into your place because he wanted Mayday to meet her new sibling and spend time with their Uncle Peter"
Reader is in their home dimension maybe even refusing to be a Spider anymore and you've STILL got people CONSTANTLY literally warping to your location and robbing you of any and all privacy. You get woken up in the middle of the night by your baby crying and suddenly abruptly it stops and you turn around PANICKED and. There's Miguel bottle feeding them "because you've been so tired, let me help you 🥰" and you're freaking out because, one, Miguel what are you doing in my bedroom, and two, is he giving your baby fucking formula instead of your milk without your consent. Like. They're constantly touching your kid and borderline kidnapping them and they're just like "oh my gosh look how flustered you are, what a good protective mom 🥰" meanwhile you're contemplating actual fucking murder
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littlemissayu · 11 months
Im so honored you took up my suggestion?? 🙏 (hope you are fine btw )
Anyways that being said I'd like to participate :D
Name: Emory (she/her)
Age: 16
Fandom: Riddle Rosehearts (romantic)
Appearance: she has short unevenly cut hair light grey with blue overtones that cover one of her eyes. Her eyes range from a deep magenta to sea green hue if you understand what im saying 😭. Shes about as tall as Kalim (168 cms). Isnt really thin or chubby. Also kinda flat-
Personality: she is a chill and cheery person who loves to pull sarcastic or harmless jokes on people as a way of showing affection since that shows she is comfortable with them. Tends to be mischievous but respectful. Is similar to cater with how open and extroverted he is but keeps his cards close to his chest. Rarely tends to be stern but does so when necessary. Has a knack for throwing people in loops by speaking in riddles. Extremely teasing and big on PDA (hugs and pats) once she gets super close to someone.
Origin: (happened when she was around 10) A prank gone wrong case basically. Some older kids thought its be fun to mess with the teacher while they were carrying lab equipment. Wrong place wrong time situation cuz the teacher tripped and one if the acids splashed on the right side of her face. Minimal went on her skin but unluckily a concerning amount reached her eye. With lack of medical equipment she was rushed to the hospital and her skin burns healed after treatment but her eye was permanently damages so she got it replaced with a prosthetic eye. Alot of kids began bullying her for this and she grew up insecure and cut her hair in way to cover her eye. It was messy but it worked. Slowly she fit back in but she doesnt let anyone see or know about her fake eye. Is disgusted by it when she looks at it. Extremely irritated if someone pushes on why she covers it up. Didnt help that her parents got divorced when she was 13 and her sister went to custody of her father (hates her dad). Then the NRC thing comes.
Prompts: 22, 29, 18
Personal Preferences:
Likes: anything spicy, chocolates, playing cards or chess, words of affiramtion and PDA
For Prompt 22 (PDA), id like to say how it needs to be in a quiet and closed off area since even though she puts on a confident shell, she is pretty insecure and doesn't like to be intimate with her partner in public.
For prompt 29: It can be regarding breaking or messing up in alchemy cuz she is pretty clumsy at time.
Cant say anything for 18, sorry 😔
Dislikes: Seafood, dull and/or dismissive responses, hypocrites and bullies.
Smth extra to help out: the prompts can include Riddle being aware about her eye.
Sorry if this came out too long :(
Rough apperence:
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A/N: Tysm for giving me this idea, I was truly lost on what I was going to do so when I saw what you said I decided I might as well try something different.
Riddle Rosehearts x Emory(romantic)
Prompts: 22.PDA, 29."Pookie, Sweetie, Love of my life, angel of my eyes, the most amazing partner, air that I breathe, absolute geni-" "What did you do?", 18."Can you be mine forever?" "Who said I wasn't?"
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It was a completely normal day for Riddle; he went off on some the heartsabyul students, went to his usual classes, reprimanded Ace & Deuce for the trouble the got up to for the day, and he is now doing homework in the comfort of his room. So what could possibly be bothering him t the point it felt difficult to focus on his homework, well that's simple his girlfriend, Emory. He hadn't seen his dear rose since the night before, I'm not saying he can't think if he hadn't seen her in a day, but he can't think if he hadn't seen her in a day. So as Riddle sat in his room on his desk he finally finished up his homework for the night, he wrote the last sentence then dropped his pen. He looked at the time on his phone to see that it was '4:45', he let out a sigh heavy enough to crush an elephant, he rubbed his forehead contemplating whether he should get up to see Emory or get a quick snack from the kitchen. His solution suddenly appeared in his doorway, he saw choppy light gray hair with vibrant blue overtones, multicolored eyes looked over into.
Riddle's face softens and a small smile grows onto his face, so did the girl, as that girl is his lovely girlfriend Emory. "Why hello dearest" he softly spoke to her, "Hi my love" her voice was more high pitched than usual, something's up, she continues to walk up to him while batting her eyelashes. Riddle doesn't show the confusion on his face, simply just keeps smiling as Emory takes a seat on his lap and her fingers link behind Riddle's neck. No matter how many times she does this even in private his face always turns into its signature red as he buries his blushing face into her neck. Emory let's out a few giggles, Riddle loves when his lover giggles it makes him feel butterflies in his stomach, the good kind. As Emory began to speak Riddle lifted his head slightly, locking his grayish-blue eyes into her magenta faded to sea green ones.
"Pookie, Sweetie, Love of my Life, Angel of my eye, the most amazing partner, air that I breathe, absolute geni-" "What did you do?"
Riddle knew the moment his girlfriend began spewing all these pet names that something was up. Emory didn't say anything for a while, as Riddle gave her a look of expectancy and disappointment. They stayed that way for 50 seconds straight until she had caved in and let it spill. "I may have, sort of, kinda done something to your strawberry tart waiting in the fridge that you may or may not be too pleased with" her tone was anxious & weary, as she kept her gaze from her partner's own. The red haired boy sat there in silence, clear disappointment on his face, he sighed.
Yet mid-way through his sigh, before he could begin saying that it was okay and that it was just a dessert(even if it made him a little sad) Emory began to giggle. Pure confusion was on his face not understanding why his girlfriend would be giggling in this matter. He knew Emory liked to play jokes but this is confusing, what did she actually do? "I might have made an extra, to celebrate you making it into the top 10 for the last exams" she giggled and looked into Riddle's eyes. There was a mix of excitement and relief when she looked into his eyes; at first Riddle's face only displayed unamusement, but as they say laughter is contagious. He slowly began to laugh with his girlfriend her smile never failed to get to him; "Dearest, I must say you did give me a bit of a jump" "I'm glad I did!!", Emory kissed his forehead.
[After eating the tart]
Once Emory and Riddle had full stomachs they went back into Riddle's dorm room. The two of them laid in his bed with your arms wrapped around each other and legs tangled. Riddle may think that people shouldn't lay in their bed until they're retiring for the night, but Emory always seemed to convince him otherwise.
The two of them laid together in silence just appreciating each other's company. Riddle was flat on his back, eyes on Emory admiring her beauty. His stands of red hair were spread on the pillow below his head; his hands were holding his beloved's softly, with his fingers rubbing little circles on the back of her palm. Emory's head rested on Riddle's chest her legs entangled with his, she could feel his left hand massaging her right. His right arm wrapped around her back as the silence was like soft music lulling the pair of lovers to be sleepy, only staying awake due to pure will power. The quiet was interrupted as Riddle spoke up, making Emory adjust her head to look up at him:
"Can you be mine forever?" and with a soft smile Emory quickly yet softly responded, "Who said I wasn't?"
And on that note Riddle softly kissed her forehead. Emory returned the favor by kissing him on the cheek. As always Riddle's cheeks dusted red and they resume their quiet evening in each's arms. And as Riddle fell into slumber, he heard one last thing;
"I love you Riddle Rosehearts."
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If Riddle is ooc don't mind that, but I really hoped you enjoyed that even tho it took me forever to respond. I really apologize for that I was having a bit a writer's block then I kinda just took a break which went way longer than I anticipated but I hope this makes up for it!!
Heartsabyul Masterlist
150 Event Masterlist(Not Available Yet, so go here!!)
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
quick dynamite watch rundown
im glad that mox hasnt forgotten about lee moriarty being on the BCC shortlist, even if seemingly everybody else has. he's been so busy being away for work and he's been stepping in to help out his son(s) (im not forgetting shooter here) wherever he can, but claudio's really stepped in for much of the parenting. regal's distracted playing hard to get towards mjf. we all know what bryan's been up to. despite this dysfunctional polycule, moxley STILL wants to expand the family desperately so he's baiting lee moriarty to prove himself.
the elite vignette HURTS and i think we should stop referring to AEW and start calling it AW instead. i have little hope for them returning before Full Gear.
i LOVE lee moriarty's green hair and his neon green shorts, but i would like it better if the colours matched. god i love watching him wrestle though.
the acclaimed birthday bash is absolutely 5/5, best thing in the world. i love max casters silly little outfit i love his shorts. i love that they give billy foam fingers so he can still scissor, even though they tear immediately. i love the love they have for the fans in the audience. i love the fucking ADOPTION PAPERS. i love the risky DX reunion shoutout. i love that they never give billy gunn the mic. i love that his sons-by-blood get offended. i am kinda sad there wasn't more body horror, or sneaky swerve doing more fucked up shit to daddy ass, but i guess halloween is over :/
forget my AW idea from a few bullet points back. keep AEW in the logo but change the wordmark to Acclaimed Every Wednesday already.
you cant pay me to care for FTR but i do enjoy that they come out in acclaimed-pink and stand across them in the same colours
ok so ive been slowly making my way through the AEW back catalog and watching april 2020 now, which is the point britt and tony schiavoni become besties. so britt's segment is extra special to me. i have to say i ADORE how britt neglects to show up with renee and saraya for a sitdown (two new hires, already famous from WWE) and instead insists on doing an interview with her bestie tony, who has been at AEW since day 1 - just like her! PERFECTLY mirrored by how saraya, in her segment, talks about how AEW seemed a cool rebel thing when it started but how it gained legitimacy in her eyes when all the ~big names~ joined. britt's here to say fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it! a recurring theme this episode(*)
the colt cabana thing is insane and extremely funny to me. excalibur called him "marcia cabana's baby boy".
the BCC vs JAS fight was great, ill never ever have enough of this feud. camera suspiciously pulling away from bryan "pussy delirious" danielson & daniel "dragon slayer" garcia at all times because you *know* the moment they laid eyes on each other they [redacted].
rey fenix being too much of a good boi to use the hammer. i love you catboy
keith lee is SO upset by the shit swerve's been pulling! he's laying it all out for swerve! ("ACCUSATIONS! FALSE ACCUSATIONS!") swerve just wants to make up, keith lee wants to know who's sick enough to abet in the mutilation of daddy ass.
i was paying a lil too much attention to twitter drama earlier this week, and jade and marina got a lot of heat because their fight would supposedly be bad or boring. im OBSESSED with the fact that we barely saw them exchange 3 strikes on screen. it was just nyla taunting jade the whole time. nyla's absolutely one of my faves at the moment holy FUCK i needneedneed to see her beat jade for the TBS title sooner rather than later! vicky guerrero's voice is my sleep paralysis demon, she should be on commentary every match mainly because it would make people angry.
house of black epic >:)
(*) to elaborate on the "fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it" statement: i'm seeing it in britt baker's promo, in the Elite vignette, colt cabana being the mystery ROH champion, even in the Acclaimed's sheer popularity to a degree. people online keep saying they should use the punk vs elite drama as an angle and i think that in this way they are??
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migilini · 4 years
Could you please write one of those Tiktok "I tried to kiss my bestfriend / crush" challenge for either Charlie or Owen. Thanks!
Crushtok - Owen Patrick Joyner
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A/N: Yes ofc I can! I never wrote for Owen so let me know what you think! I hope you like it :)
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: tiktok and noise (so none really)
Requests are open!
The sun poked through curtains and you swore that you had heard birds the day before but it was loud, uncomfortably so. All you heard was the clacking of metal and the rattling of the machinery that the construction in front of Owens Appartement made. All the unpleasant noises woke you up in the early morning. Grumbling, you tried to block out the noise with a pillow pressed against your face.
"That's not gonna work sleepy beauty" a lower voice croaked, catching you completely off guard so you let out a quiet shriek. "Oweenn why do you have to scare me badly in the morning?" You whined and took the pillow away from your face.
He sat on the other side of the couch, just underneath your feet and looked absolutely tired. His blonde hair was standing up in every possible direction, his normally piercing blue eyes trying their best to stay open. By the way, he was looking at you with a little smirk on his lips, you figured that you didn't look any better.
"Because it's 6 am on a Saturday morning and I didn't want to suffer alone. So lucky you for visiting me this week!" Owen exclaimed and hit your leg in a joking manner.
"I've got thrown out by my landlord. I'm not here on my own terms..." this earned you a shocked gasp from the boy sitting in front of you. "And there I was, thinking this friendship meant something to you." You just rolled your eyes with a smirk.
"Do you want to come back to my bedroom? With some music playing it's much quieter than out here." Nodding tiredly, he held out a hand to help you stand up; you only noticed when you nuzzled into his bed that he didn't let go of your hand.
You woke up a couple of hours later, quiet pop music filled the darkroom and it was hot, your bare legs sticking to the duvet covers. You turned around and faced a back with broad shoulders that were just moments ago pressed against your back. Groaning, you stuck your legs out of the bed, the cold air cooling you down immediately. Owen stirred next to you and sat up slowly.
"Morning part 2." you chuckled and automatically pushed some of his hair out of his face.
"Mornin" he mumbled back.
"You were right it's much quieter in your room."
You stood up, stretching your limbs, before heading back into the living room where all your stuff was stored, quite impractically but it was stored.
You heard a shower running, that gave you the perfect time to change from your big shirt and little pants sleep attire to a more comfortable day outfit. After rummaging through your boxes, that you packed in a freezy, you choose some brown cotton pants with a white body and to top it off your favourite purple cardigan that Owen gifted you one Christmas. With some extra time, you put on your glasses and started to search for a new place to stay.
"So what do you wanna do today? I have nothing going on so..." you stopped listening as Owen walked into the living room shirtless. He wore some blue sweatpants that hung quite low on his hips, his chest still sparkling from the water.
You would have probably started to drool if he wouldn't have worn his hair in a towel bun.
You let out a laugh that made him stop in his tracks.
"What?" he stared at you intensely.
"Oh, nothing princess... nothing. We uh... could look at some apartments for me and just go for a drive?"
"Am I that bad of a roommate?" he said and plopped down next to you on the couch his arm resting on the top comfortably.
"No but I would really appreciate a place to store my stuff properly." you continued to scroll through places to stay.
"This one looks good." he pointed out and put his finger on the screen, you hadn't realised that he rested his arm just above your shoulders so it took you off guard when you suddenly felt his arm on your neck.
"Mhmm, but you cant look at it today... This one though has a viewing in the late afternoon."
"Then that's our plan for today."
"Y/N! Y/N!" Owen screamed loudly from the kitchen "Come here real quick."
With your phone still in one hand, you waddled over to your best friend. "What's the emergency?" you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Do this TikTok with me." he pleaded and looked at you with a slight pout, shoving his phone in your face. Your eyes scanned the screen and then you scoffed, "First of all since when are you on lesbian TikTok? And secondly, that's a bit... explicit... don't you think?"
"W- Our lips don't have to touch! I don't have anybody else to do it with! Y/N Come On!" he yelled after your figure who left the kitchen with a shaking head and hot cheeks.
Your thought didn't stop racing for the rest of the day. Did Owen want to kiss you? Or was he just so comfortable with your friendship that he really didn't care? You hated that you were a cliche, falling in love with your childhood best friend. Growing up you were always the one rolling your eyes at your parents who thought that you and Owen would make just such a cute couple but here you were, sitting on his couch, your heart beating in your chest and extremely conscious of his presence.
Little did you know that Owen felt the exact same. Over the years and especially puberty, he started to develop feelings for you. At first, he tried to deny them, telling himself that it's just that he's used to you being around but then he left to pursue his acting career and he missed you more than everything in the world. Not a single day went by when he didn't think of you or tried to call you. Ever since then, he tried to be close to you in one way or the other, he didn't care if it was just his leg touching yours or your body heat warming him up.
Due to the fact that you were both anxious people, neither of you ever made a move. He missed your longing stares and you missed the way he was checking you out every time he looked at you.
His friends finally talked some confidence into him and so he took little steps into what should eventually lead to him confessing his love for you. He started to flirt more with you, give you loads of compliments and asked you if you wanted to do some TikTok or lives with him.
Tapping on your shoulder made you look up from your phone, the TikTok you've been watching looping on your screen. Owen stood next to you, his phone pointed to you, a mischievous smirk prominent on his face and whipped cream can in his other hand.
"No." you tried to be serious but a chuckle escaped your lips. Owen turned the camera to him and sprayed some cream into his mouth then stared at you with squinted eyes, the whipped cream flowing out of his mouth.
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, your brain in overdrive, hands sweaty and heart beating rapidly. An idea washed over you and you tilted your head before leaning in close. Owen's eyes went wide and he nearly choked on the cream. But you weren't gonna kiss him seconds before your lips would have met, you halted. Then you slowly took the can of whipped cream out of his hand and sprayed it all over his head.
"You didn't!" he gasped with a full mouth while you laid on the floor, holding your stomach in laughter. Something wet hit your face that stopped you from laughing further. Owen had a massive grin on his face, one hand dripping slightly and his hair, less creamy.
"Be cautious Joyner" you warned standing up on your tiptoes to be as close to him as possible, your pointer finger pressing into his chest "I know where your bed sleeps."
You tried to back out of the situation, knowing damn well that it can easily get out of hand with you two and a whipped cream match would make a lot of mess. But Owen being the child he is, didn't back out, instead, he ripped the can out of your hand and sprayed it down your back.
The war ended peacefully. The cans of whipped cream, yes you found more cans, laying somewhere in the living room both of you covered from head to toe, breathing heavily. Owen held his hands up in surrender and looked up to your position on the coffee table.
"Ha! I win! Told you I didn't want to do the TikTok." you smiled triumphantly. "I say loser cleans this up." before Owen could protest you sprinted to the shower. Lucky for you he actually started to clean up when you walked out of the bathroom, dressed in comfortable sweats and one of Owens hoodie, your damp hair falling over your shoulders.
"Hey Y/N?" Owen asked somehow nervously. "Yes darling?" you answered with a bad British accent.
"Can you come here for a second?"
"Owen I'm not doing that TikTok with you, you just saw how that ended," you argued but made your way over to him. He stood in the middle of the room, his phone propped up on a shelf.
"You have something on your face." you chuckled and whipped away some dried leftovers from your previous war.
"Can you react to this song? I don't remember where I know it from" he asked, his voice shaking slightly. You furrowed your eyebrows at his odd behaviour just moments ago he was normal and now he acted very strangely.
"Sure." he pulled you in front of him, his hands resting on your shoulders.
'Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it'
“Sounds like BORNS…” you whispered more to yourself than to him and continued to listen to the song “Are you sure you just haven't…” you turned around to face him.
Owen took this as his opportunity to cup your face with both of his hands, softly pressing his lips to yours.
Your breath hitched and it took you a second to realise what was happening. The confidence Owen had just moments ago vanished when you didn't kiss him back immediately. Why should you? You never gave a hint that you liked him like that as well.
Just as he was about to pull away and apologize profusely, you overcame your state of shock. Your arms grabbed his hips to pull him closer, deepening the kiss. You felt him smile against your lips. Your stomach erupted with butterflies, your whole body tingled and your cheeks felt hot.
He was the first one to pull away, resting his forehead on yours. Both breathing heavily, the filming camera was completely forgotten, you looked in each other's eyes.
“I wanted to do that for so long,” you admitted and unconsciously bit your lip. Owen gulped heavily, “Me too but, what the hell! I mean how crazy is that?!”
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traceofexistence · 2 years
my Michiru headcanon
it is obvious that we know close to zero about the outers, and the little we know is that they are incredibly talented with their crafts and filthy rich.
i tend to write my harumichi fics with as much cultural relevance as possible, no matter what, they are always unapologetically Japanese in my fics. I do have some knowledge of Japanese modern culture, thanks to the fact that 1. have visited the country 2. do consume slice of life Japanese media that are not anime, and pick up cultural points everywhere, and of course 3. I have both people who live in Japan and Japanese people who I interact with, and well my own culture is eastern based so I do understand some cultural things from my own lived experience. 4. research 5. it helps that i have some level of Japanese under my belt.
so with all that put in perspective, my headcanon for michiru goes like this:
1. old money filthy rich, her roots can be traced back to levels of Japanese nobility.
2. her parents are as extraordinary in wealth, beauty, status as all Kaoih before them and all Kaiohs after. though her parents were arranged married, and there was zero love between them, they do respect each other. also both her parents are gay, and their marriage is a cover for the society, what they do behind closed doors doesn’t concern anyone as long as they uphold the image of the perfect couple for the outside world.
3. Michiru grew up in an environment where she never experienced romantic love between her parents, she did though have accidentally at first but with interest later picked up the affection her parents had for their long term lovers, who were presented as their “best friends” to her and society of course.
4. Michiru was a violin prodigy and a prodigy painter from very young age, and her rigorous training for both, and her excellence gained her the respect of her parents. as I mention in my character study fic for michiru, when she was very small, and her fingers would bleed from training too much, her mom, would not praise her but instead would fix up her hands put her to bed, with care and tenderness, and would tell michiru to work even harder after her fingers healed.
or her father’s rare case of praise would be like “you performed like a true Kaoih would”  or something along those lines.
in a sense Michiru didn’t grow up with affection, but rather around a lie, with fake smiles and a household so sterile, there was no room for real emotions to be voiced.
she did get some basic affection by the housekeeper granny who would cook for her some extra delights just because.
5. in canon Michiru goes to the SS girls academy, with a little bit of research the only remaining single gender schools in Japan tend to be catholic boarding school. so based on that Michiru was parked in that academy since she was 6, the first grade of elementary school.
6. michiru is in extreme levels of gay, so deeply gay she had her first crush on a woman(a teacher) when she was about 7~8 years old. just because i could the teacher was a black queer woman from UK being an English teacher assistant for michiru’s school, she also showed up with her wife at some point.
7. michiru is so gay that by the age of 13 she had her first girlfriend
8. and then Elsa Gray transfer to her school, and they are 14 and they are both so in love with each other and try to figure out things, and at the same time michiru decides that what her parents cant show freely for their lovers, she will not do the same, she will not be hidden behind closed doors, she will show her girlfriends all the love and affection no matter what.
9. also michiru has seen Haruka in a race at this point
and while in my headcanon michiru and elsa happen fully it will be also one of the more dramatic phases in michiru’s life because the senshi business start to happen while she’s with elsa. i intend to make all my fellow harumichi shippers to feel for michiru/elsa and feel deeply for them.
fast forward to after what happens in canon,
so michiru is of course with haruka at this point, raising hotaru with setsuna, when her parents remember she exists and call her over to talk to her about marriage, and about potential spouses(men). and michiru will do the most un-Japanese thing ever, say no to her parents. also for the first time confront them for their own secret lives. also since she has already a career her own money and shit she is not afraid to tell them that if they dont accept her they could very well never see her again(which is very un-Japanese)
of course i forgot to mention that michiru’s parent house is a transitional Japanese house, her mom has only worn kimonos her entire life, and of course when michiru brings haruka to meet her parents officially, they are both dressed in kimonos and they are unbelievably beautiful
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look how beautiful they look 😍
bottom line
michiru is so much of a lesbian, i gave her both a genetic and an environmental background of gayness to amplified it, not that she needed any help, but it’s just so refreshing that everything and everyone is gay around her lol
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kdjdhdhebx · 3 years
ok maybe bad thought
but I think high functioning people are taking over ... spaces? like idk, I have an autistic cousin brother who can't do shit, hasn't been able to go to school ever so doesn't know how to read and write and he is in a situation he can't get help cause india🌟 but I have been trying to find sources on the internet for him. but I won't get shit, everything is either centered on high functioning autistic people, they have like categories and shit for the most minute differences among high functioning autistic people... or it is focused on caretakers of autistic people extremely on the other side of the spectrum. nothing for my brother, no one is talking of his needs and ways for him to cope and get better at things he needs to or wants to. and like he can't speak clearly, doesn't have a lot of coherent vocabulary to speak eloquently as a result of not functioning properly and getting care, so no one even spares a while to listen to him
I have another cousin brother who has major adhd i think, I mean these both are my theories tbh, but he couldn't pay attention for shit. I remember trying to teach him when I was younger and he can't functioning at all. he also had dyslexia yeah. lately he has been better, after my aunt finally got her shit together a d found a more accommodating school(not very tho, just one that won't hit him and kick him out of classes) but man I tried so hard to find stuff on the internet for people with adhd who can't function at all, cause he was struggling a lot a few years ago, but can't find shit. it is all about, hidden adhd, frustration around not having 100 percent productivity, and honestly just a bunch of people making shit up because anyone has adhd now lol I cant believe the amount of people diagnosed in my school, almost half of my 3 classes is diagnosed with adhd and 1/4 of other 3 lol and these kids have nothing that "abnormal". I am getting into criticism of overdiagnosing and psychiatry yeah. for the smallest of "abnormalities" that are not true a bunch of people are diagnosed and getting medicated so they can meet upto capitalist requirements of productivity but my brother who can't function at all, can't do anything, no one gives a shit about him, no one even acknowledges he exists they all just want to send him to extra care cause if u can't function then there is not point right you got to function at least a bit to get help
the following opinion will like change in a minute because I know this is majorly my fault but. I have depression and I dont function at all maybe bc of it. no, not just like "oh m not bathing for two days omg having such a bad episode suicidal thought aaa" (sorry for being bitter m pissy and jealous and tired) but like I haven't been able to work at school a little over 3 years, my grades are bad and over time they have gone down so bad am failing high school risking everything and I cant get out of bed, can't eat and that is when my parents are on my head 24/7 trying to take care of me but I cant cooperate and... everytime I try to have a conversation try to find shit to get me help all I hear is about high functioning depression and how it is so hard to live while hiding and whatever even my therapist sometimes pits me against it talking about how they all may have it worse and am just. yeah I know they must have it bad I know depression thoughts and symptoms are not fun first hand but. I have some consequences I am suffering that they don't, and these consequences kill my chances of ever surviving and it seems like many people don't care bc no one wants to invest in low functioning...
people dont care if you can't function. as long as you can do the shit u need to, u deserve help. but when u can't, they don't want u. I have had small chat with like 1 person who had depression like mine, she was an adult in her late 20s and she was rich, so she is ok though not doing anything makes her feel worse. she doesn't have a therapist anymore, no one cares if she feels better, she failed at school and college she cant do shit now. I feel like the reason I never see someone else in my place is because they all either got silenced, or killed themselves. I'll end up the same.
it is really funny that my 3 irl friends who have depression but are high functioning have medications, got them pretty quick because they were like this is hindering my full productivity but I didn't get it and still have to somehow prove that I need them even though I failed school while those 3 freinds I am not exaggerating 1 of them is a top student at school, other is also going to a prestigious uni in uk, and the last one is a genius artist he does exhibitions and shit
these are my, close friends but somehow everytime I mention anything remotely about how it really sucks that my depression is ruining my life, my future. if I mention that i wish I could function even if I stayed sad, they get crazy mad and I mean crazy mad. one time they all just straight up ganged up and told me how horrible I was for being ignorant to them and I was like no. no, it is not the same. no, our places are not interchangeable. maybe I am being a bitch, yes i am jealous, but there is a part of me that feels like I really am not bullshitting. it is different. those terms low-functioning/high-functioning should exist, and need to be acknowledged for their differences, because of the society we live in. they say "it doesn't matter bc u both feel the same and both need treatment" but that is idealistic and utopian. it does matter if u r ruining ur future or not, if u r not being able to participate in life or not. people use heavy terms so easily to excuse this, they are like "u r suffering at hands of capitalism" but that doesn't mean it is not a different level of suffering. capitalism is the reality at the moment right, so why are you all speaking over us... and not acknowledging that we are suffering more. idk if this makes sense
idk who am criticizing. this is a rare moment when am not criticizing me, majorly cause am thinking of both my brothers... maybe am hitting the wrong spots maybe my jealousy is blinding me cause in cad if ny brothers it is the lack of indian mental health system that is preventing help to them and trust me I am majorly frustrated at that. but I am in the right system and somehow I am still not idk.... but m also frustrated at the internet, for not giving them or me the basic stuff, any damn acknowledgment man any acknowledgment. this post is more about how none of you care or say anything except when it is speaking over low functioning people and scream about how hard it is
Idk but I think it is like that gifted child burn out thing that a couple people here brought up. honestly I was a gifted child who is now burnt out, I found it relatable but after a while I was like ok I get it, it sucks u can't live upto expectations but stop acting like it was worse for people like u and me than those people I saw being abused bc they weren't born genius the low functioning people who got bullied and rejected since they were 5 and that always held me back from gathering pity about being a former gifted kid. you guys made such a big deal about it that it was speaking over them I felt like. when I saw a couple people finally bring up how they wished more people talked about not being good at shit since they were kids and everyone hating them being abused by the system and stuff... I think death2america did it too... I was like yeah... and I feel like that is a parallel to this. people said that it was tiring how gifted people kept speaking over them, snatch away any sympathy they may get by loudly crying about how it was really bad for them though, and I feel like, this is happening again too. high functioning people take over idk spaces and dont let low functioning people speak. no one is interested in them, how to help them how to talk about them bc they are useless to them. and it may be like how people dont like acknowledging their privilege... they don't want to acknowledge there is something worse than their situation bc they fear it will dimish the value of their pain which is understandable and pitiful but, at why at the cost of others. why can't we acknowledge it and rather work on what everyone needs instead of speaking over others. why can't we have more conversations about low functioning people have sources alongside ur shit
and I think this along with other reasons may also be one of the reasons why over diagnosing happens and we let it bc rather than focusing on the reasons we begin diagnosing for to treat people stuck in viscious cycles we are now more focused on listening to people who can at least contribute and function and be useful reach their full productivity levels rather than people who are suffering bc of things that are not artificial bc they should die right if they cant do shit let's not even help them in the slightest. this doesn't mran high functioning people shouldn't get help, it means they should not be shadowing low functioning people ig
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orchidslut · 3 years
For those that don't know, I work at a childcare center for kids to go after school if their parents can't pick them up or they can't take the bus. Most of the kids are between 5-13. Yesterday, our school board had a meeting about mask mandates. It was so insane it made national news. People were threatened and the crowd screamed "we know where you live!" at one guy. It's terrifying.
Throughout this whole pandemic, I've never stopped wearing a mask. I don't have plans to even when if this whole thing dies down. I've mentioned this once before, but I have glioblastoma and have had several chemotherapy and radiation treatments. As a result, my immune system is extremely weak. I don't have the option to just not go out in public and avoid it though, so masks have been helpful. If I were to catch covid though, I would almost certainly die.
I know for a lot of people masks may seem unnecessary, but for some of us, they are the difference between life and death. Most of the older kids do wear masks, with some exceptions, but the fact that at schools no one is required to scares me. The younger kids don't often keep masks on and I am more lenient with them, as they're less likely to have it. The issue though is that parents GROWN ADULTS refuse to wear masks, despite being made aware of my health issues. We don't ask much. All we ask for people to do is wear a facial covering while picking up their child. This takes, at most, five minutes. It's not hard.
Sure, you have the constitutional freedom to "not wear a mask" but think of those of us who HAVE to! It's so infuriating taking extra precautions and watching everyone around you go on like nothing has happened at all. I cant require people to get vaccinated. All I ask is that parents wear a damn mask when picking up their child to protect us.
I know this is not at all my usual content, I just needed to rant. If you don't believe COVID-19 even exists you are dumb, but it's still not hard to wear a mask. Worst case scenario? You wore an extra piece of cloth for a few minutes. That's it. That's all it costs to help keep others safe. Why is that so hard for people to understand?!
Again, I'm sorry for the rant. I'm frustrated.
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thequeenb · 4 years
In love With My Enemy
Poppy x MC
Have you read those cheesy novels? Yes the super romantic ones, i know you did dont lie. That's the best way i can describe what is happening right now. Poppy holds a puppy in her hands rubbing its belly happily, she hasn't seen me yet and i am actually glad. I can't hear the conversation between her and the guy that works here but her laughter fills the room and my stomach turns at the sight
Its the first time i see Poppy so free, she must feel right at home. I smile approaching slowly, she turns around changing her expression completely, adorable Pops
"Aww i didn't knew you had a soft spot"
Poppy rolls her eyes but i can tell she is trying to hide a smile "If you tell anyone about this i won't hesitate to end your career, kick you out of Belvoire and make your life miserable"
Oh wow she didn't even shutter, that's impressive, should i be turned on or scared? Maybe both? My gaze falls to the adorable puppy in her hands and i can't help but pet its little head
Her eyes soften for a moment and all i can do is be fascinated and surprised by this new side of her
"My daddy bought me this animal shelter when i was eight years old"
"Oh..um nice? Is that what rich people do when they want a pet?" i tease her but her eyes seem to get distant and i think i might just hit a sore spot, damnit
"I wanted a puppy but my mother didn't allow pets inside the house so daddy got it for me. Its nice but i don't think they quite understood my point of view"
I look around noticing we are left alone and the crew is probably getting ready for our shooting. I reach to place my hand on her shoulder but i stop my hand mid air, remembering that we are actually enemies but are we?
Her gaze falls to my hand as i pull it back and i don't know if it's my mind playing games but i can see a mix of relief and disappointment in her eyes.
She lets the puppy down walking towards a room, i guess that's my cue to follow. I can now see the height difference between us and i smile to myself, she is so cute really
She leads me to a room filled with pink pillows, small pet beds and toys. She rans her hand on a shelf where several pictures are framed beautifully, why would she bring me here?
"It used to be my favourite place here, because no one could interrupt my thoughts" she holds a frame in her hands gesturing at me to approach closer
"This was my first pet, her name was Lucy" she taps at the glass and awww its the cutest thing have ever seen really. Its a beautiful brown Pomeranian and oh my god
"Is that little Poppy?" I gasp actually surprised by how innocent she looks. Of course she is wearing designer but the look on her face is.. genuine happiness and it made me think..I haven't seen Poppy smiling this way ever
She yanks the frame putting it carefully back "I shouldn't have shown you" Did i just made her shy? Damn where is the real Poppy? Is this her kind twin sister?
"Oh come ooooon you were beautiful since a kid hm?"
She looks me in the eyes and i can sense a rouge colour forming on her cheeks. She walks past me sitting on an extremely pink couch. I don't know if i should sit next to her or stand where i am but she pats at the spot next to her and my heart starts racing
"Sooo, this place is amazing I don't see why you didn't want it" i rest my head on my palm watching her intently
She sighs looking at me without hesitation this time "My parents were never around when i was growing up, so i really wanted a company. But they always had to do everything in their own way"
The puzzle is starting to get solved as i learn more about her past. I see pure vulnerability when i look at her in the eyes. In her own way she makes me feel special and I won't take that for granted
"Do you wish you could grow up in different circumstances such as mine?" I curiously ask
"Is this a trap?" She raises her eyebrow and i roll my eyes
"No, i am a great listener i am just trying to understand you"
"Why would you want that?"
Yes Bea, why would you want that? Aren't you suppose to hate her guts? If yes why is your heartbeat quickening? Why is your mind racing?
She notice i take time to respond and to avoid this awkward silence she finally speak "Can i imagine myself without designer clothes? Hell no"
I chuckle, good job Pops "That was a nice way to deflect my question"
Poppy smiles and its the cutest thing i have seen all day despite the cute animals here "You dork" she leans closer and her eyes widen in realisation
"I won't judge you, in fact i knew you were mean for a reason" i can now see her eyes sparkle and all i can do is sit back and admire her
Today she is very beautiful and her perfume fills my nose. I can see that she put extra effort this afternoon, is it the commercial or is it the fact that she planned for us to be alone? To be honest i kind of wish its the second option
"I asked you to help me bring Chloe down not become best friends"
"And who told you that i want to be your best friend?" I smirk daring to take her hand in mine. At first she just stares at me but doesn't pull back
"No one deserves to feel alone during their best years. When i was growing up we didn't have a lot on our plate but i got to spend time with my mother at the farm"
I can feel tears forming so i wipe them away knowing well i will look weak. Since i got here i miss my hometown more than anything in the world, the smell of the earth, the fresh air, everything.
"Oh right, because spending time with pigs covered in dirt sounds so much fun" Poppy responds ironically and for a moment i regret opening up, that until she pats my hand
"I..i wish i had a simpler childhood" she admits and i can clearly see tears ready to roll down her perfect face
Before she can wipe them away i place both of my hands on her cheeks wiping each tear away. Her eyes are closed trying to avoid my gaze but she suddenly pulls back stunned
"I- we shouldn't even talk about that Farmsville! Ugh you are annoying"
Its obvious that emotions aren't something she is fond of but i am trying my best to make her understand that feeling sad and nostalgic is normal
"Hey, hey! Not now that we made progress damnit" i pull her closer to me and that's when my breath catches
"What are you--"
"Take a deep breath and look at me" Even though she is about to protest she swallows hard doing as i said so
I take her hand placing it where her heart is. At first she looks at me confused but then i press it against her
"Can you feel your heart beating? That makes you human, humans are capable of having feelings. Therefore its normal to have emotions even more normal to need to rant about something that troubles you, do you understand me?"
I get lost in her eyes and her lips part wanting to respond but words cant describe how she is feeling. She takes a shaky breath and without thinking twice she closes the distance between us with a kiss
She press her body against me sighing happily, eagerly. She caught me off guard but i quickly set a pace. Poppy is starving for affection so i make this experience soft and gentle
I stroke her hair as my thumb runs circles on her cheek. I feel her shudder, overwhelmed by all the emotions she is feeling at once. I can't help but smile against her lips and she does the same
"Nobody ever talked to me this way" she says breathless
I rest my forehead against hers sighing "You deserve so much more than you think you do"
Aaaaaaand we had to be interrupted of course. Someone knocks at the door and Poppy jumps snapping back to reality, god damnit.
"Miss Min-Sinclair are you ready?" A man asks and i roll my eyes. Good job buddy we were having a moment!
"Y-es i will be out in two minutes" she can barely speak a sentence and i smirk to myself
"Go out first i need a moment" she pushes me towards the door, oh so now she forgot everything i said?
"This is not a time for questions go go go!" Aw frustrated Poppy is sweet
I reached the door but I stop turning around to smile at her "We aren't done yet" and like that i step out of the room leaving a clearly confused Poppy behind.
Every possibility and every thought of her fills my mind as i step out of the room. She is different i knew it but i never thought things could end up this way. I smile to myself picturing a future with Poppy and i wont stop until i tried everything i have, i am coming for your hand Queen Bee, not your crown so be aware.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @justastranger-passing @nydeiri @simpforpoppy @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper
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innittowinit · 4 years
SBI headcanons awooga
Some headcanons and things for my sbi fd! Abandoned amusement park fic lol 
Here's the link if you haven't read it btw 
SBI last name is Reid, DT last name is Jackson btw lmao, i probably won't mention it much though unless it's like Mrs Reid for the sbi mom y'know
This has Tommy, Techno, Wilbur and Phil included; lmk if a dt post would be a good idea too 
The youngest brother, he’s seven lmao what a child
Even though he’s the youngest, he’s also the most confrontational and will gladly ‘fight’ anyone who talks bad about his brothers 
He can’t fight
He’s very tall for his age but is also extremely light since he’s always running around 
Phil tries to get him to try new foods a lot but Tommy’s a really picky eater
...Tantrums.. Every time he doesn’t get his way
This lead to his brothers spoiling him quite a bit, he’s still sweet enough though since Phil has had many stern conversations with him about being nice to people 
Has a toy music boy, with collectable discs
Wilbur got his first disc for him, it’s his most prised possession 
Every time he does all of his chores (which are really just small things like clean up after himself and keep his room tidy) someone, whether its his Mum, Wilbur or someone else, gets him a new disc 
Techno got him ‘Pig step’ for his seventh birthday and he listens to it every night before bed 
One time he snuck downstairs while Techno and Wilbur were having a sleepover and watched the horror movie they were watching without them realising it. Techno and Wil were the ones to get into trouble since Tommy wouldn’t sleep for a week afterwards. 
Techno had to read him a story every night until he stopped thinking he was going to be eaten by a demon in the middle of the night 
Drinks way too much caffeine for a kid, someone take this boys coke away
He’s got a habit of biting his nails, which has left him with some pretty crooked teeth, which will probably need to be fixed with braces when he’s older. 
It’s also gross because he climbs so much there’s almost always dirt under his nails 
Hasn’t really grasped the whole concept of not saying everything he thinks yet
Oh my god someone shut this boy up
He still believes in Santa and The easter bunny too
One time Techno told him Oogie Boogie from the nightmare before christmas was real and he cried
He talks a lot in school because he finds it boring but he’s also very good at maths and English for his age
Middle child, Wil is 13. Techno’s twin 
He’s pretty insecure about his music even though he’s been playing his whole life
That’s why he likes being able to practice in L’manburg, there’s no pressure to be perfect when he’s alone with his brothers 
Super extroverted and confident in everything else though, Since Techno can’t talk to most people, he usually tries to speak for both of them
After realising that Techno didn’t really like it when he said ‘Techno thinks’ a lot, back in primary school, he adapted to trying to speak for what Techno wants without making Techno’s issues obvious
They tell people who need to know, but for people they’ll only talk to a few times they usually just get away with Wilbur acting super obnoxious and loud so it seems like Techno just doesn’t have room to talk, rather than that he can't 
It’s easier than getting into it since they don’t feel like most people will understand
has separation Anxiety, when he’s not with his brother he doesn’t relax/ feel safe at all. If it happens at school he won't do his work at all/ Will probably just leave the room and try to find Techno
Everyone kinda knows this and they try to suit things around it without saying it outright 
He’s kinda embarrassed, he likes to think he’s the one protecting Techno but really they need each other the same amount 
Techno gets this though, He doesn’t mind if wilbur has a bit of a saviour complex, he’ll play along if it makes him happy 
They’re working on it with their Therapist though so don’t worry, he won't grow up to be an ass
Interests (besides music) include: 
Watching obscure documentaries 
Disney movies, favourite is peter pan 
He and Techno got Picked on in primary school for being so close, he learnt kickboxing so he could defend himself if things ever got physical. Luckily they didn’t but he still knows how to kickbox so watch out
Almost always turning in homework late, he’s good at talking his way out of Detentions though. 
And when he cant talk his way out, Techno finds a way to get detention too
He’s VERY protective of his younger brother(s(he was born first so he likes to insist that Techno is his little brother)) 
That’s good for the most part but he can be a little overbearing sometimes, he’s got detention many many times for cussing out people who so much as looked at Techno wrong 
When he’s feeling guilty he mumbles a lot 
Middle child, 13. Wilbur’s twin
Has selective Mutism, completely fine talking to Wilbur, Only talks to Tommy and Phil if Wil is there too but other than that he’s completely fine talking to them as well. He speaks to his parents but not as openly as he does with his brothers, with them its usually very quiet, one word sentences 
Like Wilbur, separation Anxiety also, It’s not as bad as Wilbur’s is though, Wil just makes him comfortable enough to talk with his brothers, he can deal with being without Wilbur but he absolutely doesn’t want to
He can be a bit arrogant and possessive of his brothers at times, he’s a bit scared of them leaving him because he can be so difficult so he has a tendency to be cold to any new people they bring home 
Interests include: Pvp games, ancient china, farming
He was hyper-fixated on a cartoon when he was younger and now he has multiple cosplays from it that he’ll probably never wear again
His hair is LONG and pink, they never figured out why it grew so fast or why it was pink but it is lmao 
When he was born his parents were terrified, they thought he had some kind of rare condition that was going to hurt him but the doctors eventually came to the conclusion that he just had healthy hair that grew fast and the pinkness was due to an abnormality in the melanin in his system or something idk fellas im failing science pls pretend this part makes sense 
Being silent with long pink hair as a kid, he got picked on a lot. There were many instances where he just pushed kids over or hit them because they were being mean 
Since he’s the quiet one, teachers usually trust him a lot so he and wilbur used to skip class a lot, back when they got picked on, by saying they had to help another teacher do something
In an attempt to get him to be more social, his parents signed him up for violin lessons aged 8, he really liked his teacher and had even managed to speak a little to her over the past 4 years he took lessons 
Spaces out a lot 
He watches a lot of conspiracy theory videos but he doesn’t actually believe any of them, he just finds them interesting
One time he convinced Tommy they were living in a simulation and Tommy hit a kid to see if his hand would pass through
He’s spoken a few words to squidkid too since they’re childhood friends and he’s very comfortable with him. Ironically all he seems to say to him is ‘bozo’ to tease the other for saying it so often, instead of literally any other insult
Oldest brother, 16 
Cares about his brothers so so so so so much like he will do anything to keep them happy and safe
One time he missed an exam because Tommy was sick and he wanted to take him to the doctor before anything else
Tommy was fine btw, just one of those bugs you get when you're little
Their parents are pretty distant so Phil has been pretty much raising them since he was little, he doesn’t mind though
Their parents aren’t bad people or anything, they just get called out a lot for work and can’t be at home a whole bunch, it’s a big part of the reason why Techno never got comfortable talking a lot around them
He works at a Nearby florist to get extra cash to buy his brothers things when his parents arent home
When their mum is home, he brings her flower arrangements home from work because he is sweet <3
He’s really into mythology and Folklore as well as drawing, when he was younger he had multiple sketchbooks filled up with different creatures that he had drawn 
When he, techno and wilbur were all little, he used to play a game with them where they’d describe a monster off the tops of their heads and he’d draw it for them 
Techno and Wilbur loved this and always put up Phil’s drawings on their bedroom walls 
When he was 13 he used to write angsty poetry, He told wilbur about it one day and that's when wilbur first started adding lyrics to his songs 
He can be pretty gullible, he likes to believe that people mean good no matter how hard it might be to see it that way 
He can hold grudges for a pretty long time, he’s quick to forgive when it’s himself that’s been hurt but it’s very very hard to get on his good side again if you hurt his brothers 
Watches Alien theories with techno, unlike techno he actually believes in them
Has the ‘i believe in aliens’ poster 
When they were little, he used to grow strawberry plants with techno and Wilbur, this is what prompted techno to start growing other vegetables in their garden himself
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shoutoismybaby · 5 years
Enouement- Ch 1
Pregnant!Reader X Bakusquad boy (He is a secret until next chapter! Can you guess who it is?)
Enouement- The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
Hi! This is inspired by all of those unexpected pregnancy AU’s that I love reading, but it always made me sad they were only a one-shot, so I turned it into a chaptered series! I hope you enjoy and tell me who you think the boyfriend is!
(also special thanks to @liliesoftherain for helping me with this story, a true MVP that you should follow)
masterlist/ part2
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was a one-time thing, an accident. After being together for 2 years you both had finally turned 18 and decided it was time to take the next step in your relationship. You didn’t think that this would happen. You were careful every time after, neither of you thought that this would be the outcome of a one-time thing. He COULDN’T know this was the outcome, he couldn’t know that there was any outcome at all.
But there was, and it sat there in your shaking hands, a small test with two lines. Tears welled up in your eyes as you muttered to yourself about how this couldn’t be happening. You were on winter break, graduation was only 3 months away!
Could you hide it until then? You could only be about 2 months now, so no way that would be possible. Should you even hide it in the first place? Could you even take care of a baby? Did you want to give up your dreams of being a hero for a baby? And what about…
No. You couldn’t do that to him. You could never ruin his dream, a baby would set him back so far. He would never be able to forgive you. Even if he did, you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. Not only that but he totally was not mature enough to even think about being a parent. Those thoughts only left you with one option, abortion. You knew you couldn’t talk to your parents about it, or you felt like you couldn’t anyway. They would be so disappointed in you. Not only that an abortion sounded so terrifying to you.
Would they have to reach inside of you? Suck the baby out?
The thought of it made you nauseous.
“(Y/n), you alright?” you heard your mother’s voice from outside the door, “you’ve been in there for a while.”
“You having diarrhea?” Your dad laughed, and you hear the ‘ow’ that left his mouth after being elbowed by your mom. You quickly wiped your eyes and tried to clear your throat,
“Yeah,” you tried to figure out an excuse, “I was um, just fixing my hair.”
The last few days of winter break went by pretty smoothly, though you couldn’t help but feel like puking every time you thought of the test you had buried into your trashcan. Going back to the dorms was nowhere near easy, however, morning sickness hit you hard and excusing yourself from class in time to run to the bathroom was one of the most difficult things you had ever accomplished. Luckily for you, no one seemed suspicious of your changing behavior. In fact, your boyfriend just thought your increased appetite was cute. Part of it was probably due to being in different classes, you used to hate being in class 3-b, but at the moment it was giving you the time away from your boyfriend that you feared would reveal your secret.
“Hey, (Y/n), you okay?” your boyfriend’s happy voice broke through your thoughts. “You’ve been spaced out a lot recently.”
“Yeah I’m okay,” you tried to bring yourself back to the present, “it’s just that even though it’s only been a couple of weeks since break I’m already worried about our final.”
It wasn’t a lie. While you were worried about the exam, your biggest fear wasn’t about knowing the answers. No, you were terrified at the thought of not being able to take it in the first place.
“What do you mean, you've got nothing to worry about babe!” His chipper attitude brought a much-needed smile to your face.
“Yeah, you’re like totally smart!” Mina agreed, the rest of the Bakusquad you spent most time out of class with made various noises in agreement. 
“Thanks, guys, but I’m more worried about the application portion. I heard the teachers won’t be wearing any restrictions thi-” Your phone buzzing on the table cut you off. Your boyfriend picked it up for you,
“It’s your mom,” he said, handing it over. You stood up and ruffled his hair gently,
“I’ll be back,” You answered the call once you stepped out of the cafeteria, “Hey mom, what's up?”
“Hey honey, I just have a question.” Her voice sounded shaky and a nervousness built up in your stomach.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Your father and I just decided to get started on some cleaning, he wanted to beat the neighbors to spring cleaning, you know how he is.” Her laugh didn’t comfort you as much as it usually would.
“Yeah,” was the only way you could respond. You could tell that she was upset, but what was it about. “Is dad okay?”
“He went into your room to get your trash today.”
Your heart sunk.
“Mom I-”
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Her voice broke and tears sprung up into your eyes. 
“I was scared! I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me, it was an accident and I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do!” Your voice sounded strangled as you struggled to not sob in the middle of the hallway.
“Honey if you have this baby,  your hero career will be ruined. You might not even be able to graduate at this point.”
“I know that,” you sniffled and wiped at your watering eyes.
“But Does your boyfriend?” It was a reasonable question but it caused a sharp pain to shoot through your chest.
“No,” You walked over to the window to watch the snowfall outside,
“(Y/n), you need to tell him,” Obviously you knew that, but you just couldn’t.
“He’ll hate me! I just- I don’t… I don’t want the baby. I want to be a hero, and I can’t ruin his life like that.” You could hear her sigh as you wiped at your eyes.
“Listen, I’m going to pick you up from school, and we will figure out what to do okay?” You could only mutter in agreement before wiping your eyes some more. You turned away from the windows and back to the doors of the cafeteria only to let out a startled gasp. Standing in front of the doors was The Bakugou Katsuki.
“B-Bakugou, I don’t know what you think you heard but I can assure you it’s definitely not what it seems li-”
“You’re pregnant?” His eyes were blown wide open, and while you had seen him shocked in battle before, you had never seen him look so agape. Your once loose grip on your phone tightened to the point your hand ached in protest. The soft fabric of your shirt as you held the device close to your chest did little to comfort you as you began to shake.
“No, it’s not like that, I just..” Your grip on your phone slackened and your arms dropped to your sides, Bakugou wasn’t going to believe whatever shitty excuse you came up with, so you gave up.
“You’re fucking pregnant.” His eyes pierced through you and you couldn’t help but look down at the ground in shame.
“Yeah,” Your headshot up along with your hands, phone abandoned in your pocket, “but you cant tell! No one can know.”
“You’re not going to tell him?” His brows furrowed now, looking deeper to how you were used to seeing his face,
“Who knows what he would do if he found out! Hate me, leave me, give up on his dream to take care of the-” You pause, some part of you can not bring yourself to say the word once again. The whole situation was already too real for you. “I just need to deal with it by myself, then it won’t matter and everything can go back to feeling normal!”
“Is that what you want?” His voice was uncharacteristically gentle,
“What are you talking about, what do you mean?” You scrunch your face in confusion. Not only did you have no idea what you were going to do, but now Bakugou was acting weird. As the blonde moved to open his mouth he was cut off by the bell. You both knew that your conversation would have to end there as people were about to walk through the door, and the relief caused your body to slacken.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast, other than hero training which really wore you out. You walked as slowly as possible to avoid seeing your parent’s faces again. You knew they would be in the parking lot of the cafe across the street, and they would be so disappointed in you. So you lingered about once school ended, spending some extra time hanging out with the Bakusquad. You were trying to be as normal as you could, but that unwavering stare you felt on your back just made your nerves skyrocket. You wanted to say you were being paranoid, you really did, that Bakugou glared at everyone. Yet the longer he looked the more unease you felt that wasn’t one of his normal stares
Would he ruin everything for you? He understood that this wasn’t his place to tell right? Plus, when had the Bakugou Katsuki ever cared about things that weren’t supposed to involve him? Still, he did what he wanted when he wanted, and that was that. His extremely strong set of morals is what guided him in life, despite what some liked to believe. He was definitely going to let your secret spill. If he did that then..
Oh god, you needed to get rid of this baby. It could ruin everything you worked for, and you couldn't imagine living without your boyfriend by your side. He was such a happy guy who lit up every room he walked into. His smile was contagious and he always knew how to cheer you up. This time though, you knew that this was something you would have to deal with without him, even though you hated the idea of keeping a secret as big as this. You two were so honest with each other, you were open books the other could read at any moment. But if he knew about the baby..
You must have cradled your stomach without thinking because everyone started looking at you weirdly,
“Is your stomach upset (Y/n)?” Your boyfriend was at your side, concerned for you as always. You wondered if he could tell something was wrong.
“Maybe you should head home and rest, we can’t afford you getting sick!” The group agreed with Mina, and strangely that included Bakugou.
“Yeah, you should go home to your parents.” He grumbled the others teased him about caring for you, but you saw the look in his eyes. You knew what he was thinking.
With that, you turned and headed towards the gates of UA high.
Please tell me your thoughts, I love feedback! And maybe if enough people like it ill create a tag list?? Now that we’ve reached the end, do you know who the boyfriend is?
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inknose · 4 years
mdzs read diary part IV, the end
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It’s inspiring how much self care wwx is gonna finally get now that his husband will go along with whatever he does, so he’s gotta look out for lwj’s well being if not his own. that is emphatically the STUFF
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dragging my hands down I face as I read this, after all these chapters of getting up close and personal with ghouls bleeding from every orifice, slaying ancient beasts, rebelling against the entire cultivation world, the two of them are absolutely paralyzed by middle school crush sleepover math
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he actually drew kissy doodles .... he....
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IDK I THINK I JUST DOCUMENTED THIS PART CUZ I WAS STILL SCREAMING you cant expect me to have very useful things to say at this point
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this is torture you are both so mushy you are so GONE
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This part really stood out to me, it’s an attitude I feel like wwx implies with his inner narration a few times but most clearly says here: he’s not one for allowing himself to exaggerate how bad his circumstances are/could be even a little bit - he’s already lived through some extreme low points and found a way to keep going, so he never makes sweeping statements about what he couldn’t live without (Inner JingYi: you’re supposed to say you’d be lost without him here!!!) Instead he seems to accept as a given that being alive doesn’t guarantee him any pleasantness or joy at all, and as a result his feelings toward being in TRUE LOVE are surprisingly pragmatic, but also colored with such gratitude. There are a lot of things in the novel that struck me, like this, as being just a little to the left of familiar tropes/sentiments, and were more touching for it. Whether it be the influence of culture difference as opposed to what I’m used to reading in most western romance stories, or MXTX’s unique outlook, or a combination of both, it was really refreshing and made me pause over it. Not “I can’t imagine living without you” but “I could be living without you, but instead I get to be with you and I think that’s the best thing that could happen.”
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it was at this moment that I realized we were doing this Now... I’m still recovering. What a scene. I am so glad I saw the most incredible fanart soon afterwards, bc the fact that someone has already drawn a perfect comic of this part means I don’t have to
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I love you so much, you are so annoying, you are perfect... I like how he’s been experiencing openly requited love for all of ten minutes but he’s already figured out how to weaponize it to piss people off
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doing!!! his!!! job!!!!!
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ahh... it’s a really good story. JGY is a great character. One of the most interesting differences for me between drama watching vs. novel reading experience is that without an actor to bat his vulnerable doe eyes at you and smile faintly with his cute dimples, the book does not go much out of its way to try to lull the reader into a false sense of security around him or *endear* him to you the way the show does. But just by seeing events through wei wuxian’s POV, its still enough to evoke pity or understanding towards him. The overall impression is a bit more detached though, there’s less emphasis on the spectacle of how he could manipulate everyone closest to him and more of a general feeling of resigned tragedy that everyones the worst on this bitch of an earth.
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I clearly paused to take note of less and less parts at the end & the extras due to: a) too excited to reach the end b) too spicy to photograph and c) too sleepy cuz I kept reading in the middle of the night. but I absolutely took the time for Bro We Are Teens appreciation corner:
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I’d absolutely read 40 more extra chapters of their monster-of-the-week field trip antics.
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god... poor Jin Ling now basically has to deal with divorced parents that talk shit about each other to him whenever he is saying with one of them. except they are both his uncles. just a disasterhood of all uncles from start to finish. AUUUGH wei wuxian and jiang cheng have fucked me up completely, I dream of them reconciling but I also REFUSE to believe it would ever be easy. let me know if theres a fanfic that absolutely tortures you for decades before they hug
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HAHAHA oh no this man ain’t making it to immortality thats for damn sure. HE’S JUST GONNA TRY AS HARD AS HE CAN HIS WHOLE LIFE NOT TO LOOK AT HIM BUT THEYRE *MARRIED* SDLKFJSF ohhhh it’s too funny, like... the mundane domestic family drama IN the fantastical swords and sorcery setting is what really ratchets up these things from amusing to fucking hilarious I think
aaaa the end... final random thoughts? No not final, I would like to please keep discussing at length and exhaustively, all the time please - CQL has gotta be one of the best TV adaptations I’ve seen. ANY adaptation of anything would be lucky to be so good!! reading the novel has just made me appreciate it even more.
- I don’t think I can do justice to what I find most fascinating about comparing the two versions briefly, to do that I need to get drunk and ramble at my friends for hours but... the condensed version is something like this. Really all the significant differences between the two versions (besides the ones which can be attributed to censorship and therefore aren’t worth discussing) are a side effect of the structure of how the story is told - there’s barely anything changed arbitrarily. Aside from having a cold opening, the drama sticks to a very linear version of the story, and I think for a TV show or film, that’s probably the best way to do it. We see everything, we get shocked and tricked and betrayed and surprised along with the characters, we feel the biggest impact at the climactic scenes having experienced all the build-up. The novel on the other hand is not only much more non-linear in WHEN we learn bits and pieces of information, but that information is also obfuscated under wei wuxian’s multiple layers of Unreliable Narratoritis, which are as follows: 1) difficulty remembering things because of personality/avoiding painful memories/actual memory loss, 2) No Homo Goggles still on, and 3) a wry sense of humor that makes the reader unsure of how much they can trust his attitude toward things, especially near the beginning. The experience of reading is a puzzle the reader has to mentally piece together through all of the above listed camouflage, and the puzzle itself is a three-sided mystery: One - How Bad of a guy was Wei WuXian really, and how exactly did all the bad stuff in his life go down; Two - wangxian epic pride & prejudice gambits; Three - political murder mystery. (I love stories like this btw... though I fully admit I’m glad I watched first this time bc it might have taken me a long time to tackle otherwise.) Because of this, where the drama wants to pull you in and submerge you in all the most potent emotional parts, the novel in direct contrast deliberately side-steps around these things and asks that you hurt yourself by filling in the blanks. In fact the more intense emotions and painful memories involved, whether it be his relationship with jiang yanli, his DEATH, the darkest days of war times etc, the more the novel evasively withholds details. I actually really like both styles of storytelling but each one is obviously way better suited to its medium. ANYWAY.... THATS BASICALLY WHERE MY BRAINS AT WHILE IM READING GAY SWORD WIZARD BOOKS
- The extras are so saturated with domestic married bliss that it’s a good thing I stopped taking pictures because I’d just take a picture of every page. this is too much for me to take... I did jump the gun a few times and read a few fanfics while I was still mid-read of the book (I tried to hold out but alas I am mortal) and at one point after finishing I was like “wow what fic was it in where lwj says something cute and wwx kisses him in public but they’re in the corner of the restaurant so no one really sees... OH NO WAIT that was actually in there.” and ... and that’s the LEAST OF IT... *stares into the distance* theyre married wow
- I ofc couldn’t help but see a few vague blogs beforehand so honestly I was braced for something like, wildly ooc for the sake of porn to happen in the extras... I definitely appreciate how the incense burner porn interludes could be uhhh a lot for many people and not my personal cup of tea in terms of smut however [here follows the words of a poisonous frog who has dwelt her whole life in the rainforests of BL] the concept is also surprisingly SWEET SDFLKJF like wwx sees lan wangji’s darkest mixed-up violent teenage fantasies and he’s just like aww babe you had a crush on me!! just... good for them
- I swear I’m not gonna rehash every cute married thing they do but wei wuxian grading papers in the tub........................rEALLY GOT ME
- I want to Draw - ok thats enough if I keep going I’ll just write “wei wuxian grading papers in the tub” seven more times probably
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alienbwrites · 4 years
Scintilla (A spark or trace of something)
Capricious (Impulsive; prone to sudden extreme changes in mood)
Once again Hayami was going to be late, she hadn’t meant to be but the lack of sleep these past few days had caught up with her and she missed her alarm. Racing to the academy a quick thought past through that this would be her last time being late. Her pace slowed down a little as a strong feeling of nostalgia hit her. Taking her time she finally reached the window, with a quick knock on the glass, the whole class looked towards her. A small smile on her face Kiba walked over to open the window and help Hayami through. The tired look on Iruka sensei’s face was enough to make the class giggle.
“Again, Furutani” Hayami smiled and placed her hands behind her back.
“I had to for old times sake” with a shake of Iruka’s head Hayami took a seat.
“Goal!” Two shouts came from the door Ino and Sakura made their way into the room and started to fight over who would sit next to Sasuke. Hayami payed them no mind it wasn’t different to any other day, her mind started to drift once again. This time she could she flickers from a raging fire, Hayami drew a quick breath and forced her self back to reality, she turned to Kiba and played with Akamaru.
Hayami had her attention drawn away from the adorable puppy when she saw Naruto crouch in front of Sasuke, with a small roll of her eyes she gave Kiba a nudge as she watched the new found distraction. She could feel the electricity in each of their glares, before the boy sitting at the desk in front of them moved back and nudged Naruto into Sasuke with the boys falling into a kiss. The room became so silent as the tension rose and Hayami was bursting trying not to let out a laugh.
“As of today you have all become full fledge ninjas, however you are all still Genin, from now on you will be in squads of three with one squad being four” the students started to mumble to themselves and each other wondering who would be in their team. Hayami didn’t really have any complaints with who she would be with as long as she could get a long with them. ‘I get along with everyone in class except for maybe Sasuke because he’s on his own all the time and doesn’t really talk, or Naruto just because he is so energetic all the time’ Hayami thought. All of the students were curious as to who would be in the squad of four.
“Now the squad of four is happening because we have one extra person in our class, not to matter though we have evenly distributed everyone. You will carry out missions under the guidance of a Jonin teacher, now ill assign you to your groups” Hayami kept her ear out for her name and watched as people were put together.
“Now for group seven; Hayami Furutani, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Saskue Uchiha” Hayami sighed at the interesting bunch she had been put with. Kiba noticed her dismay and patted her on the back for some comfort.
“Man do I feel bad for you” Hayami looked to Kiba seeing the amused smile on his face.
“Group eight; Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame”
“Wanna swap teams” Hayami asked him.
“No way” Hayami rested her head on the desk and waited for Iruka to finish dividing the students into their groups. She didn’t have high hopes for her group, Sakura and Hayami didn’t really have a friendship though Hayami didn’t think that the girl would like her because she is obsessed with Sasuke, Sasuke was the last of his clan and kept to himself a lot, maybe Hayami could make some sought of friendship there though it was highly unlikely, and Naruto was a loud mouth. A sigh escaped her mouth. She would have to make this work somehow.
“Iruka Sensei, why does an exceptional student like me have to be grouped up with this guy?” Hayami sighed again her new found hope fastly diminishing,
“Sasuke has the best grades of the class, while you Naruto are at the bottom, this is how it is trying to balance the power of the groups it is also why you are in the group of four” the class started laughing, Hayami started to feel bad for him, no good could come from public humiliation like this. “In the afternoon you will meet with your Jonin teachers, you are all dismissed.”
 Walking out of the academy Hayami decided to eat her lunch in her usual spot, in a higam cherry tree, the weeping pink flowers create a nice calming atmosphere which Hayami loved, they reminded her of her home as weeping trees surrounded the area. Hayami had wanted to eat lunch with her new team but they had all ran off before she could suggest it, it didn’t really surprise her she new that Sasuke would be on his own, Sakura would chase after him and Naruto would chase after her. What came as a surprise to Hayami was watching Naruto jump into the window that Sasuke was resting in, the window shut so Hayami could no longer see in, but as expected Sasuke came out victorious. With a huff Hayami packed up her lunch and jumped over to the window, with the intention of freeing Naruto from whatever bind he was in.
“Huh” Sasuke looked towards the intruder, to find Hayami looking at him with such a confused look. He watched as she pointed to him then out the window then back to him. Her eyes went wide with realisation before she bent down to cut the ropes freeing him. “So you aren’t Naruto?” Sasuke looked at the girl with pure offence, huffing a no at her, he noticed that she still had a semi confused look as she was trying to understand the blond boys motivation for tying him up. Hayami knew they hated each other but this was too far. An even deeper confused look came upon her face as Sasuke grabbed her wrist and dragged her out the window behind him, with a short explanation of finding Naruto.
 The pair walked together side by side in an awkward silence, Hayami had no idea how to approach the boy in a way that he wouldn’t annoy him. She knew that he liked to be alone but this silence was slowly killing her, she was semi glad when Sakura called out Sasuke’s name
“You’re such a shy bad boy” the awkward tension was thick, “Are you prepared and ready to go” Hayami fell back a few steps and watched a Sasuke ignored the pink haired girl. “Hey Sasuke”
“Where’s Naruto” Hayami speed past the two not wanting to get involved in, whatever this was, it confused her greatly. She came to the realisation that she was going to be in two moods for the rest of her life annoyed and confused.
“Just leave Naruto alone, all he does is pick fights with you, it’s because he wasn’t raised right, you know he doesn’t have parents right” Hayami took a step back next to Sasuke wanting to hear was Sakura was going to say. “He always selfishly does what he wants, my parents would get mad at me if I did anything like he does,” Both Sasuke and Hayami glared at the girl, not that she noticed both other parties getting irritated at her. “No parents to nag you, its just him alone. So his selfishness comes out,” Hayami felt hot, her anger was boiling.
“How dare you!” Hayami stepped forward, both Sasuke and Sakura watching her now, “How dare you say that, when you have no idea what it feels like”
“The loneliness, Its worse then getting yelled at by your parents,” Sasuke added.
“Whats gotten into you two?”
“You are annoying” Sakura looked like she broke, Sasuke started to walk away but stopped as he realised Hayami wasn’t following.
“You need to take a good look at yourself Sakura, see what you have and count yourself lucky. How dare you complain about that sort of thing, at least you get to experience it. I wish everyday that I could be with my family again but I cant because they are gone. Don’t complain about an orphan to two orphans, it makes you pathetic” Hayami tried her hardest to keep her anger at bay but it reached its limit, the loneliness that she had been feeling days prior had mutated into a deep resting anger that had waited to burst. She felt Sasuke grab her wrist and pull her away from the now crying girl. Guilt followed after the anger, as she and Sasuke were walking side by side she got lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t meant to make the girl cry she just lost control of her emotions. At least now the silence between Hayami and Sasuke wasn’t as awkward.
 Hayami layed on one of the desks in the class room watching Naruto bounce around the place. Sasuke was set on the desk in front of her and Sakura was leaning against the table to his left. For the eight time Naruto opened the door to the class room and checked to see if out teacher was coming. Hayami had her eyes closed as wathing the brightly dressed boy running around had started to give her a headache,
“Naruto wont you stay still” Sakura nodded along with the suggestion of other girl not that either Hayami or Naruto could see.
“Why is it that only our sensei is late? Everyone else has gone off with their sensei and Iruka Sensei has already left”
“Dont look at me” Hayami moved her arm slightly and opened her eyes has the sound of clattering and watched as Naruto decided to set a ‘trap’ for our sensei.
“What are you doing?” Hayami didn’t think she could handle anymore bickering between the others.
“It will be his fault for being late” ”Man you really are asking for it”
“A Jonin would fall for such a week trap” and now Sasuke has joined in. Hayami took  her arm that was sitting over her eyes and placed it laced on her stomache. If her sensei was going to be late, she would take a nap. Or she would have if her team mates weren't so loud. She watched as fingers wrapped around the slightly ajar door, and shock fell onto her face as shot up watching the duster fall onto her supposed sensei’s head. Naruto’s laughter filled the room as did Sakura’s apologies the room fell silent as all for young teens watched their new sensei.
“How can I put this? As for my first impression of you guys? Well I hate you”
 Team seven made their way onto the roof and sat in a line waiting instruction.
“Well, first off, why don’t you guys introduce yourself?”
“What should we say?” Hayami picked at her fingernails, she hated introductions, she didn’t like talking about her self, she didn’t like talking in front of other people about herself and she didn’t like talking to strangers about herself.
“Your likes, dislikes, future dreams, hobbies. Things like that?”
“Hey before that why don’t you tell us about yourself?
“Me? Well my name is Kakashi Hatake, I don’t feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes, ive never really thought about my future dream, as for my hobbies I have many” Hayami’s eyes sparkled, she didn’t know you could just avoid the quesiton like that, “Next you blondy”
“My name is Naurto Uzumaki, I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is Ichiraku ramen that Iruka sensei buys, what I dislike is the three minutes you have to wait for instant ramen and my hobby is eating and comparing ramen, and my future dream is to surpass the Hokage, and get the entire village to acknowledge me” Well at least Hayami knew what she could get him for his birthday.
“Alright next is pinky”
“Hi, my name is Sakura Haruno, What I mean who I like is…My hobby is…My future dream is” Hayami watched with a mixture of disgust and wonder at the pink haired girl as said girl kept looking at Sasuke for her answers. “And my dislikes Naruto” Hayami’s face fell for the poor boy. Reaching beside her to pat his shoulder.  
“Your next brownie”
“uh- Hey, I’m Hayami Furutani, my likes -uh- throwing knives and weeping trees, I dislike the smell of lavender and fire, my hobbies -uh-collecting weapons and my future dream, I guess is just to make my dad proud.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw the concerned glances from Sakura and Sasuke though Sasuke’s only lasted for a second before he went back to his usual aloofness. Though what caught her eye was they knowing look she got from Kakashi Sensei, whether he knew what happened or if he had been through something similar she didn’t know but it gave her a strange comfort.
“And you”
“My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I have no likes in particular but a lot of dislikes, and I don’t have a dream but an ambition, I will restore my clan without fail and to kill a certain man.” Hayami looked to the boy slightly concerned but mostly scared, though the more she thought about it the more she understood. The drive for revenge.
“Good! You all distinctive and interesting” The call of her sensei shook Hayami out of her dark thoughts,
“Tomorrow we have a mission, its a survival exercise,” the excitement from Hayami and her peers dropped, “This is no normal survival exercise,”
“Then what kind of survival exercise is it,” The giggles that came from their sensei creeped Hayami out a lot, concern and worry grew from the pit of her stomach,
“Why are you laughing, what's so funny?”
“Well of the twenty-eight graduates, only three groups will become Genins, the remainders go back to the academy, this ‘exercise’ is actually a test with a 66 percent fail rate or higher” Hayami lost hope.
“Then what was the graduation test for?”
“That was just to test to see who had potential of becoming a Genin, prepare for this bring your ninja tools, we meet at five in the morning,” Hayami was stressed, maybe Kaori was home, he could help her right? Her thoughts were racing, she remembered how proud Kaori was of her. ‘I cant go back now’.
“Oh and its best if you skip breakfast or you will throw up.”
Part 1 
Thank you for reading this story your support is greatly appreciated. Feel free to give me any advice or tips x
Sorry also that I don’t update much
feel free to interact with me anytime.
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donnieluvsthings · 4 years
anyway i’m still thinkin about roceit newsies au...this got SO LONG its basically a bullet fic of the whole plot at this point but uh enjoy!!! its has all the sides and remy and emile bc i rly wanted to shove them all in here aldkaldka
this is based on the musical mostly bc i have never watched the original movie all the way thru oops
roman is jack and remus is crutchie (thanks boop). remus does crazy stunts even with his crutch and roman is Constantly Worried TM and overprotective of remus even tho remus can DEF take care of himself
on the other hand remus knows roman hates working as a newsboy and just wants to escape to some small town where he can become a local artist of some sort. remus wants roman to go CHASE his DREAMS even tho he’s afraid roman might leave him behind
roman may be the actor but remus is great at coming up with gruesome yet intriguing headlines that get people to buy papers and would totally be a great author of some sort
ON THAT NOTE roman dreams of santa fe and can picture it perfectly but whenever he tries to explain it, it comes out as senseless rambling and longing. it’s remus who can really put into words what roman feels (bc theyre bros and they just GET each other)
virgil as davey, patton as les, logan as sarah (its the musical but they have an extra sibling okay. let me have older brother logan)
virgil and patton show up and virgil is super untrusting and hates that theyre basically lying to get people to buy papers but patton is just EXCITED to meet New People!!! and looks up to roman (and remus), like, instantly
it helps that roman promises to take them to a real actual theater after they sell all their papers owned by the one the only emile picani !!!
also roman is the one who first calls him “virge” which is like jack saying “davey” instead of david. yes this is necessary information
so they sell their papers (and roman briefly meets an ESPECIALLY handsome guy wink wink) and go see emile who performs some variant of That’s Rich like the star he is. u cant take singer emile away from me
roman also performs bc i said so. he spies someone watching him during his act up above the stage and climbs up there when he’s done
janus. its janus, if that wasnt clear or u dont know the plot of the newsies musical aldkaldlal
so yeah janus as katherine!! he may be pulitzer’s son but that doesn’t mean his father wants him to be a journalist. pulitzer thinks he should prepare to inherit the publishing company or be a banker or smth, not be a journalist
i just think janus’ “society is a LIE” vibe fits with katherine. i mean, just look at Watch What Happens. “give life’s little guys some ink,” “they’ll storm the gates,” “rich greedy sourpusses” .... idk it just SCREAMS janus to me
ALSO, katherine technically lies about her identity for like 3/4 of the musical, so
anyway! roman meets janus and janus is all suave and lowkey flirty at first but then roman starts flirting BACK and jan is like “uh oh how to talk to cute boys????”
so then he gets all “i have more important things to do” *hair flip* and goes back to the article he’s supposed to be writing about emile’s theater (a lot of his notes are about roman’s performance but nobody needs to know that shhh)
roman draws a portrait of jan and leaves it there and janus gently & dramatically picks it up, stares at it, and tucks it into his suit with a soft smile
uh oh prices for papers went up! virgil steps up and helps roman lead a strike. turns out his caution works GREAT with roman’s determination and they keep each other from going towards extreme overthinking (virgil) or extreme stupidity (roman). they are a TEAM and they are BESTIES.
roman, starry eyed: HECK YEAH LETS DO IT
virgil: how about we dont do that and instead form a union
and then the twins are like GOOD IDEA and tell everyone else. virgil may be a cautious and untrusting and afraid of public speaking but he has good ideas dangit
the intro to seize the day yknow? virgil says a Good Idea (which can probably be traced back to him always listening to logan rant about his studies) and roman spreads the message in a Firm Rebellion-y way to the other newsies
and patton is there doing his absolute best. he may be small but he knows that this isn’t right or fair to the newsboys and he’s ready to physically fight someone
enter logan who is lowkey really proud of virgil for stepping outside of his comfort zone to do whats right. logan may be scared out of his mind for his little bros but he’s gonna help them as much as he can between college and trying to work side jobs to help their fam
basically logan knows janus and tells him that he should report on the strike bc logan wants to help his bros AND his friend however he can
cue janus seeing his opportunity and TAKING it. he’s gonna write about this strike even if no one else will!!! take THAT, father
he also maybe possibly wanted to see roman again. but roman never needs to know that okay what he doesnt know cant hurt him
seize the day happens!!!! they strike!!!! they r powerful!!! but then no one else from any other sections of new york strike with them and they lowkey get rekt
remus mocks the delanceys but that was a BAD decision cuz now theyre targeting him and he gets taken to the REFUGE
roman is SAD bc his brother’s been taken away, no one showed up to help them strike, his brother’s been taken away and he just wants to get OUT of there. run away to santa fe, his ideal world, but he can’t even articulate that because his brother is gone
how is that just act one. how have i written so much yet left out so much???
remus is at the refuge and he’s a little more scared, now, that roman really will just leave him behind even though he knows deep down that roman would never.
still. he writes roman a letter and maybe he goes into a little too much detail about his injuries and the refuge but hey, that’s remus. he writes about how maybe they can run away to santa fe together. he signs it “your brother” and i CRY because they are the best bros
roman reads it and ALSO cries. especially because there it is, the description of santa fe he can never come up with by himself. remus rly does know him, huh
total scene change: janus finds the other newsies (and logan) in a restaurant? bar? and is like “!!! ur on the FRONT PAGE on my newspaper” which i just decided is called the snake instead of the sun
virgil didn’t totally trust janus would follow thru at first but now he’s convinced. they did it!!!! theyre on the front page!!!! the world WILL know!!!!
cue tapdancing!!!!!! king of new york is an absolute bop. i need logan tapdancing daintily and then janus LAUNCHING into some complex tap routine bc the newsies think he too will dance daintily
i know they wouldnt,,, actually dance but just let me have this self-indulgence in this entirely self-indulgent au
the Bro Trio + janus go hunt down roman to show him the paper and find him painting stuff at emile’s all sad and upset bc, well, they lost and remus was taken
but virgil is trying to show him that they made progress!!! sure pulitzer won but he won the BATTLE and actually the poor guy’s head is spinning bc theyre gonna win.
“cmon, ro, if i’m is telling you to be optimistic there must be hope”
see virgil calls him RO and its cute bc roman gave him the nickname ‘virge’ and now virgil’s giving him the nickname ‘ro’ theyre just besties okay
roman is unconvinced but then logan, who roman has actually never met before, steps in with Facts and Statistics, and patton adds some adorable words of encouragement, and janus sassily waves their Front Page Story at him, and roman starts realizing they DO have a chance
but then uh oh pulitzer threatens remus and the Bro Trio and roman is forced to speak out against the strike or risk ruining the lives of everyone he loves. and also he finds out that janus is pulitzer’s son and is Betrayed TM
theres some “he’s just trying to build up a false confidence in u so u can plummet to even greater depths” parallels in there somewhere....u can’t trust many people as a newsie and when roman DOES trust someone turns out he’s the son of the guy ur trying to fight
so roman says overnight in pulitzer’s basement, sleeping on an uncomfortable old printing press, and makes his decision
now for the RALLY
remy is spot conlon bc he DESERVES to be the leader of the brooklyn newsies. brooklyn, flushing, richmond, etc all show up to a newsies rally and are like YEAH!!! STRIKE!!!!
virgil is trying to tame the crowd nervously and keeps waiting for roman to show up bc they work best when theyre working together!!!! finally roman’s there and virgil introduces him (the attention isnt solely on him now thank gosh)
but then roman starts talking about how they dont stand a chance and how they shouldnt go on strike and virgil is just. confused and upset and angry
especially when he sees one of pulitzer’s employees slipping roman wads of money
virgil corners roman afterwards and is absolutely RIPPING into him. roman could fix this if he would just tell virgil the truth, tell him he doesn’t care about the money, he just wanted to keep him and patton and logan safe—
but roman knows if he tells virgil, then virgil will turn all his anger towards pulitzer, will be able to convince roman to keep going, and roman won’t. he can’t put virgil, put his family, at risk.
so he lies.
he doesn’t mean any of it. but he says it.
and maybe he kind of understands why janus lied, too.
he says he’s never had anyone to take care of him or remus, not like virgil does with his parents and his older brother. he says virgil will never know what it’s like.
virgil scoffs and glares and beneath all his fury looks crushed. but there’s still fire in his eyes, a spark roman saw that first day that only grew and engulfed any doubts virgil ever had.
roman says he’ll take the money and go, leave new york behind.
virgil says fine. we don’t need you. because you know what? all those words you said were mine. i didn’t have the courage to say them back then but now i do. we don’t need you.
(because i watched that scene in the movie and like YES go OFF davey i mean virgil)
roman flees to his “bedroom” which is really just a fire escape and just longs for remus’ reassurance. he has the letter but it doesn’t seem as encouraging now, not when he’s lost everything else important to him.
then janus shows up and roman’s mad at him but not mad enough to kick him out. and janus watched roman just give up on everything they’ve been fighting for and just wants to know WHY. why did he turn his back on the newsies when they were so close?
and roman, tired and upset and defeated, just says they wouldn’t succeed. even if all the newsies went on strike no one would report on it, anyway, because pultizer has all the printing presses on lockdown, even the one janus published from. and they already lost once! what more could they possibly do?
roman looks out over the railing, chest heaving from his rant, longing for his imaginary santa fe where he doesn’t have to face his failures. janus stands next to him and puts his hand over roman’s.
“i don’t have a simple answer to that question....but here’s a start.”
and janus pulls out a paper with roman’s words (well, and virgil’s, because virgil said it first but roman rephrased it powerfully, and that’s why they worked as a team) typed out, words that make the strike not about newsies but about ALL working children in the city who are being exploited for their youth and naivety.
it’s an entire article, expertly written. if published it would get the word out to the other newsies that they haven’t given up and show other working children and adults alike that this is IMPORTANT and they aren’t going away.
and then roman remembers his drawings of the refuge and remus’ graphic descriptions and shows them to janus and hey!!! they have a plan!!! they just need to print it....
roman’s like yo there’s an old press in ur dad’s basement he’d never suspect anything
and theyre both so excited and theyre gonna DO this, FINALLY, and janus sees hope on roman’s face again, maybe permanently this time, and janus just leans in and kisses him.
its very sweet and cute and theyre in LOVE
they pull back and kinda stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before both of them start grinning
and they both know its fragile, that they’ve hurt each other and trust was cracked, but it wasn’t broken completely, and they can fix this. they believe in each other and that’s enough for now.
and then they go find virgil at his house
roman knocks on the door and virgil opens it and just. glares at roman. and roman starts rambling apologies and explanations and tries to tell virgil about their plan and did he mention he’s sorry
virgil kinda just stares at him as he goes on and on and the only thing that stops him is patton running out and launching himself at roman
then logan appears behind virgil, and virgil kinda just smiles
“glad to have u back. again.”
and then they go sneak into pulitzer’s basement and print the article with jan’s writing and ro’s drawings and remus’ descriptions and the other newsies go spread the papers ALL around the city
the next morning EVERYONE is out on strike!!! u cant get ANYWHERE without seeing ppl, newsies or otherwise, filling the streets with chants of “seize the day”
roman, with the Bro Trio and Janus trailing close behind, waltzs on in to pulitzer’s office and flings the money pulitzer gave him back on the desk and is like whatcha gonna do NOW, joe??
pulitzer angrily tells them he’s a fool for going back on their deal and logan steps in sayin pulitzer is a fool for letting this get so out of hand over a 10 cent price increase. his sales are down 70%!! objectively the price increase was like the worst business decision ever
virgil’s like plus it’s making u look bad that ur business is the reason most of these kids are suffering. people really love kids, mr pulitzer and patton smiles brightly but in like a menacing way
then emile walks in with a ~dazzling smile~ and is like ur son told me about this whole situation, it’d be a shame if i contacted my good friend governor roosevelt who won’t be as kind as these brave newsies since u tried so hard to stop him from being elected :)
((in the show roosevelt is actually there but i want emile to have a moment to SHINE))
so pulitzer’s like FINE and talks to roman alone and roman wears him down, throwing words from janus, virgil, and pulitzer himself right in pulitzer’s face until FINALLY they have a deal. he’ll lower the prices by half AND pulitzer will buy back whatever they don’t sell full price
roman bursts out of the office into the streets where all the newsies are waiting and is like WE WONNN
and since they published all that stuff about the refuge in the paper, the guy who runs it is being arrested and REMUS IS FREE
the twins hug for like a full two minutes
then pulitzer offers roman a job as a political cartoonist and roman’s like. well idk now that this is over i should probably...head out
bc lowkey he’s thinking virgil still doesn’t wanna see roman ever again and he did say he would leave, so
but then virgil’s like come on, ro, you don’t really think we want u to leave, do u? what’s santa fe got that new york aint? tarantulas? sandstorms? stampedes? you can’t go to santa fe what if you DIE—
and logan says new york’s got us!
patton: and we’re family, right?
then janus is like you got a union to lead! and...you got me.
and remus is like bro, anyone can dream, all you do is close ur eyes! but some made up world is all you’ll ever see. (bc he’s the wordsy one, u see. he helps roman have the poetic realization that his santa fe isn’t real, but this IS)
so roman says well if u guys INSIST.....and then he takes jan’s hand and kinda asks w his eyes and then kisses jan in front of all the newsies who proceed to cheer obnoxiously
when they break apart roman leads janus by the hand over to the paper-buying-cart and slaps some couns down on the table and BUYS SOME PAPERS BC THEYRE NEWSIES BABEY
and everyone lived happily ever after🥰
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fluttersheep · 5 years
@michaalien​ tagged me in this forever ago and im only just now getting to it fjdkjfsd
thank uu
What was the last thing you read? a pharmacy tech study guide ;;
Favorite movie? what we do in the shadows, lego movies, o brother where art thou, hot fuzz is a guilty pleasure
Favorite book? smoke gets in your eyes
Dream Date? visiting an animal sanctuary maybe. or a historical site. hiking somewhere beautiful. idk i have lots but as long as im with someone i love ill have just as much fun sitting on the couch
Do you have a crush? yeah im crushing pretty hard on @skeletonshades​ but dont tell her its a secret <3
What are your hobbies? drawing, going on long walks, crocheting even though its slow going, lying on the floor
What is your favourite time of day? morning time!
If you could look like anything, what would you look like? dont ask me this im dysphoric and have dysmorphia and poor self image dskfjlsdkfj, this is the only body i get im trying to accept it
Are you romantic?  ooooh just a bit :)
What’s your favorite type of weather? brisk and sunny 
What do you like talking about? idk. whatever im interested in at the time if someone is willing to listen
What are your turn ons? positivity, confidence, snappy dressing, willingness to help me break into a factory farm
Turn offs? selfishness, poor listener, giving money to the farm im trying to break into
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it? as soon as the seasons over and i can stand to spend a bit on it im still going to get that homo fuge tattoo
Do you have any pets? ms puppy daisy, although she lives with my parents
Dream job? my dream job is no job
honestly if i could work on a sanctuary part time and support myself thatd be perfect. helping animals, being just physically demanding enough to be satisfying, working outside.. wouldnt that be nice. stupid capitalism :(
Dream place to live? im always embarrassed to say places like scotland bc its so cliche but a little cottage in the country would be so nice ;; also like. free healthcare????
Dream vacation? germany or the czech republic
Do you have any piercings? just the one on the ears, im thinking of getting more higher up but im more of a tattoo person
If you had kids what would you name them? i dont know i dont plan on ever needing to know lol
What are your best traits? big heart
Worsts traits? big heart
What’s your worst fear? being alone, sudden deadly illnesses
What do you want to eat right now? its literally always sushi
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on? it wasnt really a vacation but i really enjoyed my recent trip to washington. the mountains were so beautiful
Favourite City? idk im not a city person. i havent been to many either. savannah maybe? and even then i still have a lot of issues with it haha
Favourite social media platform? i guess tumblr since its the only one i use. but only bc every other one is so much worse
Favourite article of clothing? my big black cardigan
Do you play sports?  id rather die thanks
Favourite meal of the day? i think breakfast? im always most hungry then so its extra satisfying. and its my biggest meal. its literally what gets me out of bed lol
What are you excited for? seeing my gf in january!!! <333
Not excited for? upcoming credit card bill :(
When was the last time you cried? this morning kdjflsdjk im going through a rough bit
Dream house? i answer this all the time! some kind of cute little place in the country
What’s something you hate about the world? theres a lot dont even get me started
ill just say. some peoples inability to respect animals at all
What’s something you love about the world? when humans are extremely compassionate and caring. i really want to think most people are inherently good deep down, we just live in a world thats been. structured poorly ig
What scents do you like? rose and peach and baked bread
What kind of sleeper are you? pretty good i think overall. i have some rough streaks sometimes but usually i get a good 7 hrs. i sleep really well this time of year when its cold and i have a heated blanket so that helps a lot
Are you a cat or dog person? i used to be a dog person until i worked in kennels (i still adore dogs dont get me wrong) and now i think im just a tiny bit more of a cat person. but i love them both so so much
How long would you survive in the zombie apocalypse? ten minutes?
Are you trusting? i try to be. i trust my friends a lot
What fictional character do you identify with? oh you know
What labels do you usually get? quiet and shy 
What song would be your life anthem? honestly nothing comes to mind and im too tired to go looking for a song ;;  ill keep you posted
What issues are you dealing with right now? i have so many and cant afford a therapist and im so mad abt it!!!!
How can someone win you over? forehead kisses wrist kisses cheek kisses nose kisses neck kisses just those small nice kisses always get me <33
also yeah $5000
What’s something about you people don’t know? i think my social security number is the only thing i havent shared here at least once
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP.4
Last time on Beverly Hills 90210!
Hibiki begins to understand the true nature of the Sam Reimi Spiderman trilogy as she lives the life of a superhero by night and a normal student by day in the most miserable way possible. Constant cockblocking from the duties she explicitly chose to do distance her from her significant other Miku, as it drives wedges into their friendlationship. As Hibiki breaks off a plan prepped weeks in advance to see rocks fall from the sky, she takes out her frustration on the local Kamen Rider villian rejects before coming up to see Tsubasa, only to be greeted by a new face...
Let us continue!
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As the situation tenses between the three gi- hey! Hey, wait a minute! This is a flashback! That’s no fair. You’re just going to throw this to us while we’re trying to do this stuff? Get it together, show.
The show hauls our asses to a flashback, because God knows we needed one right now. It’s not just any flashback, though. It’s a flashback of our favorite redhead, Kanade!
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In a straightjacket.
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While everyone is staring.
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“i dont usually do this but you’ve got a bad case of catch-these-handsitis”
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“oh god, she’s so wild, and angry... i... why am i hoping she’s single...?”
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“aye. this is the fate of all rabiosexuals out there.”
Kanade is tied down because she’s the sole survivor of a Noise attack, and more importantly, she really, really wants to fight the Noise. What she doesn’t know is that she is potentially a new candidate for a Symphogear relic.
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“oh... we’d pair so well... our colors are diametrically opposed...”
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Genjuro, who suffers from Compulsive Child Adopting Syndrome (CCAS), immediately comes to the conclusion to adopt this tiny gremlin. It helps that her parents are, well, dead.
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Fatherly instincts vibrating intensely.
Genjuro talks to this small child, who is currently 99% anger and 1% chicken fluff, scanning their conviction towards working to the goal of fighting the Noise.
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In retrospect, his methods are a bit weird. Feeding into the extreme edginess of a 14 year old scorned isn’t exactly the best thing in the world. Unfortunately, as we established before, the only thing that can fight Noise are Symphogear, and the only reason he’s not in the front lines is because he can’t wield one.
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Kanade naturally obliges this deal, her braincells having long since perished alongside her parents. Then Perish indeed, Kanade.
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“buddy im being trained as a samurai in modern times and i still could not fathom going as hard as you”
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The pact is sealed. The child is adopted. Genjuro’s adoption addiction relapses, and he’s going to have quite a long talk at AA (Adopters Anonymous).
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The thing about Genjuro that makes him an interesting character is that he actually really, really, really hates the idea of having to pit children in fighting these horrible threats. Unlike a lot of male characters who have a strong sense of manliness but a poorly written way of expressing it, Genjuro manages to be a compassionate person in the face of all this terribleness. He’s the only person to think about throwing parties for these girls, and trying to give them any sort of sense of happiness and normalcy to their lives, now changed forever by machinations he has been put in charge of. He’s the Anti-Gendo. He doesn’t tell Shinji to get in the robot. He makes sure Shinji is well enough to be in the robot, and would never do so otherwise, knowing the mental toll.
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That’s why ultimately, he is The Dad.
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So, with that in mind, they prep Kanade to recieve the relic assigned to her. One of the major elements of using relics is compatibility. Kanade is not naturally compatible to Gungnir; they have to slowly ease her into it.
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“mumble mumble cant wait to kick their asses mumble mumble”
This is a process that takes years. The show doesn’t do well in showing this, but it takes many, many years for her to be compatible after endless medical examinations and controlled situations.
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The experiments, naturally, hurt like a bitch to boot.
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“genjuro she’ll be okay, right?”
“flip a coin on it, tsubasa”
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“oh shit yall see this news? pornhubs gonna buy tumblr! damn, i can make an all in one profile now.”
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When you’re forced to watch your newly adopted daughter torture herself to be compatible with an ancient, musty cursed relic.
After all that, Kanade still isn’t compatible. Of course, nothing is simple with Kanade. You may ask yourself, “Why did Genjuro have to tie up Kanade in a straitjacket? That seems pretty abusive.”
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Simply put, it’s because Kanade has never fucked around in any second of her life, having taken off all the devices on her, taken a direct syringe of the stuff she’s trying to synchronize with, and directly inject it into her, herself.
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Tsubasa, likely already going through puberty by this point, simultaneously understands both the concepts of fear and arousal witnessing this near suicidal display of absolute madness immediately.
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Holy shit, Kanade.
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You know shit’s bad when even Ryoko is afraid.
Turns out, however, that Kanade did the right move in becoming compatible with Gungnir, at a very physically demanding price.
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Really, physically demanding.
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“shouldnt have had that massive spaghetti carbonara before doing all this shit but fuck i really liked that fuckin’ spaghetti slorp slorp go the sauce ooooooooh god this is bad”
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The scientists, who have been easily staring at this entire situation for more than 5 minutes or more, have not stepped in to do a single damn thing, as if overpowering a 14 year old to stop her from injecting a dangerous thing that could directly kill her is completely out of their paygrade. Genjuro wakes them the fuck up and likely briefly contemplates firing some of these morons.
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“so this is what’s called... getting lost in the sauce...”
The scientists scramble to keep Kanade from vomiting more marinara sauce but Kanade exerts but a mere fraction of her now developing Symphogear abilities, knocking them all out with ease.
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“this is some shit right here, damn”
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Kanade pulls some Independence Day theatrics on everyone, as a 14 year old on the verge of death typically would if given the opportunity. Death may be certain but you at least get to go out in style. Will Smith would be proud.
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The half-life of Tsubasa’s fearousal reached completion as it has mostly decayed into fear at this point.
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However, the relic pendant begins glowing. This is likely the one thing that keeps Kanade from dying. An interesting comparison given Hibiki’s own survival and gear manifestation.
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Kanade achieves super saiyan.
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Tsubasa’s fear directly transmutes itself back into arousal per the first law of alchemy. Something to note is that Tsubasa was naturally receptive to her own gear; she didn’t need to go through the medical process Kanade went through. It’s because of this that Kanade earns Tsubasa’s admiration for life, even long after she dies.
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And so, the unambiguously gay duo known as Zwei Wing formed. Singers by day...
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Noise slayers by night.
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Saving the country, singing in the country, bonding together... in the country. Truly, there is no more iconic duo than these two.
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“yall sing pretty”
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“anyway bye”
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Kanade’s initial motivation for getting Gungnir was to kill the Noise indiscriminately with no hesitation. It slowly dawns on her, though, that helping people... is good?
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“the sauce lost me. i got lost in the sauce. i became the sauce. but... why don’t i... share, the sauce? because... people like sauce... and i like sauce... and we can bond together... liking sauce!”
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Kanade and Tsubasa have a Captain America moment running together as Kanade muses about how singing for other people feels way better than just pure murder funtimes.
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“hey, uh... tsubasa... it just hit me. i like sauce. and... you, you like sauce. do... do you want to share sauce together?”
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“kanade as your girlfriend ive literally heard you talk about sauce metaphors for the last several years and if you dont think i wont slurp your sauce down without hesitation you’ve got another thing coming”
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“hell yeah! ive still got some of my original leftover marinara to share!”
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No heterosexual explanation whatsoever.
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Not a damn one.
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Oh yeah...! Because by shedding tears, the reality you face is...
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Nehushtan? Weird end of a sentence, but okay.
We’re thrust back into the present time, present day, as we’re back in our three way throwdown.
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Genjuro is an extra large McFuckingPissed with Large Fries and a Shake, supersized.
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“you want some sauce with that? lmao, sorry, too soon”
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As the werewolves come out in full force, the tension strengthens while a battle brews nearby...
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“yall think you’re getting your hands on this goddamn armor without realizing im officiating this here gay pride parade. and guess what? you’re cancelled.”
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“didn’t know clowns were part of the acronym, let alone capable of managing it. either way, you’ve gotta be at least this tall to use the armor.” 
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“so why not make like a hobbit, drop the armor, and burrow back to whatever hidey hole you came from, bimbo baggins!”
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“guess you didnt read the books, moron. last i checked, bilbo doesn’t lose his traveling partners.”
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“that low blow only comes at the cost of outing yourself as a fucking nerd.”
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“im not ashambed. im gonna blow your mind with some math: my foot, plus your face, subtracting the teeth from your mouth, equals an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki gets in the way immediately, citing the ethical ramifications of fighting humans as opposed to talking to them, conveniently forgetting this was the same person ready to body her merely an episode or two ago.
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“hey first of all please don’t say bimbo thats really degrading, and second of all clowns aren’t actually in the acronym but im sure there are some gay clowns out there so please dont talk like that and thirdly im sorta short and that hurt my feelings and fourthly killing is fucking bad, tsubasa, let us not commit human on human murder”
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both of them, in unison, i shit you not:
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“yo, you like murder? shit. i like murder too!”
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“like oh my god! murder is my favorite hobby. i take it back, you’re chill. still gotta die, though.”
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Hibiki is casually tossed aside from this fight, given her very ideas are anti-thetical to fighting as a whole.
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A real sick battle ensues.
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Something to note is that our spunky opponent has another relic at her disposal which summons Noise. This relic is called Solomon’s cane. You’ll learn more about it later.
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Not a pretty sight.
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Tsubasa is losing. Not only is she losing, but the enemy cool kid reveals a very notable detail of her plan: She was distracted Tsubasa on purpose. The real plan...
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Was to kidnap Hibiki.
In an ironic twist, Tsubasa’s inability to work with her teammate not only put her teammate in danger, but explicitly allowed her opponent to fulfill her mission of trying to capture her.
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“i changed my mind kick her ass please oh god”
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Hibiki still has not learned her lesson.
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Tsubasa gets her ass kicked. Her opponent pulls every punch in the book, with some lowdown dirty fighting.
Unfortunately, Tsubasa, having learned from the Kanade Amou Private School Of No Brain Cell Combat, she pulls the last ace from her sleeve.
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“lmao bitch whatre you gonna do, sing?”
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“i didnt design my hair like a fucking 8th note for nothing, you cabbage patch kid”
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“then let’s hear it, motherfucker.”
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