#i cant i am dying on my kitchen floor
masonjarsmoments · 6 months
ARD: who is motivating you on the team who is driving you forward gives you some pressure? I am currently imaging Stephan Leyhe with a whip "lets go Hille"
Hille: *laughing* interesting fantasy *more laughing*
ARD: greetings to Stephan leyhe.
Hille: Ja Stephan, the man with the whip *laughing*
ARD: how we all know him
Hille: yeah just wanted to say for me that's nothing new
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stormsplurge · 5 months
if they woke you up, somebody better be dying
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warnings: none!
pairing(s): seth jarvis x fem! reader
inspired by the interview he just did for spittin chiclets where he talks about how he usually wont fall asleep until 3am (and the title is from one of my favorite phoebe bridgers songs, halloween)
760 words
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the clock on the bedside table blinks “1:00” as you slowly open your eyes. the only light in the room is coming from the moon shining between the blinds, casting a cool glow on the noticeably empty bed next to where you were lying.
seth wasnt in bed; same as last night, and almost every night before. 
you can hear the faint sounds of a seinfeld episode coming from the living room, letting you know immediately where your boyfriend was. sitting on the couch in front of the tv instead of in bed next to you. so you begrudgingly pulled on the first sweatshirt you could find, trying to beat the cold winter chill that had invaded the apartment, and tiptoed out of your bedroom.
“seth” you grumbled. “its one in the morning”
“i know, i just” he replied, pressing pause on the tv and turning to face you. “i couldnt sleep and i didnt want to bother you.”
“you should also know that if you cant fall asleep i want to help. you arent being a bother, im your girlfriend. this is the shit im supposed to be able to help you with” you said as you sat down at the far end of the couch. pulling one of the spare blankets you had all over the apartment over your lap.
“im sorry” seth returned, scooting closer to you and interlacing your hands with his. “can i get a do-over?”
“i guess” you giggled, amused by the sight of seth doing his sad puppy eyes in front of you.
“i cant sleep, can you help me?”
“of course i can, give me five minutes.” you said as you rose from the couch, gliding over to the kitchen and pulling out two coffee mugs. running your fingers over the design adorning the box holding the tea bags, you turned your attention back towards seth. “the sleepytime bear reminds me of petya.”
“the what?”
“you know, the bear on the boxes for all those non-caffinated teas. with the red hat and the nightgown.”
seth slipped into the kitchen behind you, pulling out his phone and snapping a quick picture of the bear before sending it off to the group chat and spinning you around so your back was pushing against the counter.
“thank you” he said before pressing a long kiss to the top of your head.
“you dont need to thank me.” you replied, snaking your hands under his shirt and hugging his waist.
“i know, i just wanted too.”
“youre so sappy.” you mumbled into his shirt, letting the sweet, woody, smell engulf you.
“yeah but you love it.” he mumbled back before pulling the kettle off the stove and pouring its contents into the mugs you set out. 
you released each other from the hug and grabbed your respective mugs before hobbling back into your bedroom. you pulled up the episode of seinfeld seth had paused before sliding in bed. 
making tea might have been a waste of time, seeing as seth was more interested in holding you than holding the mug. as soon as you got under the covers he’d wrapped his arms around you.
“youre wearing my hoodie.” he whispered as he traced circles along your thighs, letting the callouses on his palms graze the goosebumps on your skin.
“am i?” you murmured. “i just picked it up off the floor, it was the first one i found”
“my old blue bombers one.” he replied. “it looks good on you”
“you say that about everything i wear.”
“i wouldnt say it if it wasnt true.” he says before turning your chin towards him and pulling you into a kiss. 
the stubble growing in as a result of his budding playoff beard scratched at your face as you pulled him in deeper, and as you turned your attention back towards the sitcom on the tv you felt your eyes grow heavier. 
you fell asleep with the moonlight glazing over you and seth, and seinfeld playing on the tv. on a cool carolina night, with no care in the world. 
seth wasn’t far behind, wrapping his body around you before finally succumbing to his fatigue.
maybe it was having his girlfriend care for him that slowed his brain down enough to let him finally catch a semi-decent night of rest, maybe it was the reminder of unconditional love that put him at ease. regardless of the cause, you woke up to sunlight streaming through the windows, and a clingy, but well rested, boyfriend attached to your hip. 
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feelingthedisaster · 9 months
Writing Tips I personally dont like
(that doesnt mean that they're bad tips and you should avoid them, they just dont work for me)
Write everyday: even though consistence and displine are key to basically everything, that doesnt mean it's for all days. Like, nobody goes to the gym everyday (ot at least they cant for a long time without end up burned out). Plus, as someone with chronic pain which changes its intensity (from 'am i dying? it feels like it' to barely notices it) i cant write in bad days (and after bad days) and that's okay.
1667 words per day: NaNoWriMo is WILD. 1.6k is a lot of words. I doubt anyone can keep that for long (specially the ones who cant dedicate themselves to only being a writer and have to work, study, etc). Also, there are people who write slower than other. Personally, a normal writing day for me is 250-700 words and a really good one is 900-1400 (not as commun as i like them to be) and i know i cant do know do more than that with feeling burn-out. Setting unrealistic word goals makes you unmotivated. It's better to set a lower word goal and overachive than set a high one and feeling like a failure when it's impossible to do it.
Word goals daily: In my opinion, word count goals should be weekly, biweekly or monthly. That way, it's possible to compensate less-word days with days in which creativy sparks and you cant stop writing. (i personally like it weekly and 1000-2000 words on normal schools weeks and breaks and i dont even set one when it's exam week)
'Said' is dead: like any other word, it shouldnt be written one hundred times in a single page, but that doesnt mean you can never use it. Sometimes there is no better synonim.
Have a writing space: maybe it is because I dont do well with self-impose rutines, but writing in the same space all the time kills my creativity. I dont even change it that much, just a different part of my house/room, write in the floor, the kitchen, at a different place of the table, etc.
Write in the mornings: I get that write early means you cant procrastinate it, I just cant. This one doesnt have an argument to support it, it is actually a good tip, the only reason for this is that me and mornings are naturals enemies. (it would actually help me a lot, i just wont do it)
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
a small and a medium with tanaka from haikyuu pls👉👈 !!
ILY anon I hope you enjoy
(P/N) stands for pet name bc I can’t think of a weird ass one that he’d use
CW BELOW THE CUT: bug mentions! World’s most tiny suggestive joke.
♫ -ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ᥕᥲі𝗍ᥱr, ⍴ᥱrᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍᥆r- ☕️
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A blood curdling scream sent your boyfriend scrambling to get to you. His socked feet pounded against the hardwood of his kitchen floor, knocking over a stool in the process. He dove around corners, damn near taking his head off every time he did so. He scrambled up the stairs, and finally reached the outside of the locked, bathroom door.
“(Y/N)!?” he called out in urgency, going to turn the lock.
“RYU!” You yelp. “HELP!”
“What’s wrong?!” His tone was laced with concern and fear as he jiggled the doorknob. To his dismay, it was locked.
“(P/N), the door is locked! I can’t get in!”
“FUCK!” You exclaimed, before another squealing scream left your lips.
“What’s the matter? Honey, I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.
“THERE’S A BIG, SCARY BUG ON THE FLOOR!” You squealed as you continued to inch away from it.
Tanaka sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Well, now he knew that you weren’t in any immediate danger. Granted, you were clinging onto the wall like spider man, but you wouldn’t sustain any real injuries from a fall that short. “I cant come kill it unless if you unlock the door.” He replied calmly.
“YES YOU CAN! IT’S A BASIC DOOR LOCK.” You yelled through the wall.
You were right. Your lover examined the lock and noticed that it was merely a basic lock, which lacked the need for a key. He retreated to his bedroom and looked for anything flat. His piggy bank was empty, his father kept all of the screwdrivers locked away from him, and he had no credit cards.
With a grunt of irritation, Ryu bounded back down the stairwell, grabbing a butter knife from the drawer. Before sprinting back upstairs, he grabbed a bottle of insect repellent. He jammed the knife in the lock and turned it, then waited to open the door.
“You decent, babe?” He asked, fingers prepped and ready on the handle.
“I mean as much as my skimpy towel can cover, yeah.”
Tanaka turned the knife in the lock and easily freed the door, covering his eyes slightly as he entered the room. Then, he saw you. You were cowering in the corner with your towel barely covering your body. The “giant” bug was merely a small beetle, vibing on the tile floor.
Nonetheless, this beetle scared his partner, so now it must die.
He prepped himself in front of you holding the can of repellant. Before he could spray it, a gentle splash of water was flicked past him. Tanaka stared back at you, slowly and dumbfounded. “Did you really think that would work?!” He hissed.
You glared at him and pulled your towel up a bit more.
“Here, watch.”
He carefully sprayed the bug once, causing it to open its wings and close them a few times. The proud look on your boyfriend’s face melted away as you stare at him knowingly “Okay- Don’t judge! I’ve never done this before!”
You rolled your eyes, indicating wordlessly for him to spray it once more. Tanaka obliged and continued to spray, waiting to see if the beetle was dead.
Instead of dying, the beetle decided to get angry and flutter around the room. As it fluttered, you jumped a bit, dropping your towel slightly. You rushed to get it, and cover yourself with Tanaka, so quickly that you barely noticed you had dragged him off of his feet.
As the balls of his feet left the ground, you finally registered what would happen.
With a comedic “splash”, the two of you lay in the bathtub you had just been using for your shower, soaked to the bone and giggling.
Your boyfriend looked at you with a cocky smile. “Y’know, (Y/N), if you wanted to take a bath together, you could’ve just asked me.”
You shoved his head under the water.
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sstormyskyess · 9 months
hii!! may i request a prompt from your winter prompt list?🥺 i would like number 4 but i cant decide between my comfort men Soap and Gaz.. so i guess whoever you feel like would suit it more?🥰 ((also, let me tell you, i would have requested the found family trope in any other year, but it seems like this christmas is going to be the first one in my life when my dad is not deadass drunk, but as sober as a man can be, and there's peace in my family and everyone is actually looking forward to spending time together!! i am so incredibly happy!!))
Family Matters
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author's note: i got your update so i figured i’d mix the two prompts you mentioned, think of this as my christmas gift to you 💜 please enjoy!!
cw: vague familial conflicts, intoxication and drinking, anxiety, fluffy stuff
word count: 1300+
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John “Soap” MacTavish / GN!Reader
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Your phone clatters to the granite kitchen countertop, your hand coming up to pinch the bridge of your nose. You mutter a few curse words under your breath and yank the closest barstool out to sit in it, its wooden legs scraping harshly against the floor. You press your forehead into your palms. Seems like the Christmas party was going to be a no-go this year.
“Everything alright, bonnie?” Johnny walks into the kitchen and stands at the counter across from you, tilting his head. You don’t bother to look at him when you shake your head solemnly. He takes your hand in his and squeezes it gently, a small frown on his face. He rounds the counter and wraps his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. “Was it your family?” You nod.
He stands holding you for a couple minutes, just letting you rest your head on his shoulder and process. You had warned him that things might happen like this; everyone in your family had been walking on eggshells for a month or so at this point, and it hadn’t been much better than that for even longer.
You let out a shuddering sigh and pull away, looking up at him with a sad, frustrated look on your face. He caresses your cheek with a gentle touch and gives you a comforting smile, his thumb grazing over your cheekbone. “How about this,” he starts, catching your attention. “Let me take you out with the boys and then we come back to watch some bad Christmas movies? The Hallmark ones that everyone hates.”
You smile back at him, the suggestion warming your heart. You had only met his teammates once or twice before when they came by to pick him up for various post-mission celebrations, but they were always kind and respectful. It couldn’t be too bad an idea to come along, right?
“Okay, that sounds nice.” You giggle when he leans down and gives you a big, exaggerated kiss, pulling you close against him. “Go get dressed then, I’ll wait for you down here.” He lets you go on your way, his bright smile still painting his face as he watches you go.
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You and Johnny were the first ones to make it to their preferred bar. He has his arms around your waist while you sit in the booth in the far corner of the open space. You told him that you sitting on his lap was inappropriate in public, but he just shot back with, “It’s too dark back here for anyone to see us anyway, bonnie!”
He rests his head on your shoulder, peppering the side of your face and neck with kisses, your face heating up under his ministrations. “They’re gonna get here any minute now, John, stop it—” He shuts you up by turning your face to the side to give you a kiss on the lips, your complaint dying in the back of your throat. All you can do is huff when he pulls away, that silly grin on his face, making you roll your eyes.
“We interrupting something, Johnny?” A rugged voice calls over to you two, your face somehow heating up more from being caught. You shoot Johnny a pointed glare, but he’s got his attention on the man who just walked in on you. “Not at all, L.T., not at all,” he replies. You figure that must be Ghost, if the skull-painted balaclava was any giveaway.
You peek past him and see a shorter man, but he was no less broad and imposing. He stands next to the table while Ghost scoots into the booth seat across from you and Johnny and crosses his arms with a smile on his face. “Is this the one you’re always going on and on about?” He asks Johnny, chuckling when he spots the Scotsman's face turning a bit pink. “Aye, sir.” He clears his throat, trying to hide his bashful look from you as he introduces you.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He gives you a firm, professional handshake before sitting down next to Ghost. It’s around that time that another man, who you learned ws Gaz, approached and gave Johnny a jovial greeting before scooting into the booth seat next to him. He had a faded blue baseball cap on and a very pretty smile on his face, a smile that almost topped Johnny’s.
After a little light ribbing between the two of them, Ghost passes you the drink menu and you order yourself some of the spiked eggnog garnished with a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg and Johnny follows your choice. It’s ridiculously tasty, and you end up having another round within twenty minutes of the first. And then another round, and another.
By the time everyone calls it a night, you’re honestly wondering if you and Johnny are going to make it home, especially with him clinging onto you at every possible opportunity. Even worse than usual. Ghost suggests taking you two home; Johnny disagrees but you welcome the idea, so you end up in the backseat of his car.
You look down at your lap as you sit. Johnny’s hand was resting on your thigh loosely as he drifted in and out of sleep. Tonight was fun. The most fun you’ve had over the holidays for a while. But that didn’t lock out the troubled thoughts that were playing at the edges of your mind. You sigh softly. All of that could wait for tonight when you’re staring at the ceiling, though.
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You pull the bedsheets up over yourself and listen to Johnny doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom to prepare for bed. Your mind drifts off to thoughts of your family and what they might’ve been up to without your presence. It made you sad to think about; it seemed like it was always you causing problems. It felt like, if you would just suck it up, maybe things would be fine with you and your family.
You look at Johnny when he emerges from the bathroom and watch him climb into bed. “What’s wrong, dove?” he mumbles into your chest once he lays down, his face pressed into your side. You look down at him and shake your head. “It’s nothing, baby, don’t worry.”
He huffs. “That’s not the answer of someone that doesn’t have anything bothering ‘em.” He peeks up at you with those pretty baby blues that were practically glowing under the moonlight filtering in through the window. You frown. He knows what his puppy-dog eyes do to you. The bastard.
You run a hand through his frazzled mohawk, looking away from him. “I was just thinking about tonight.” He stays silent, a wordless encouragement for you to continue. “It was great. I kinda forgot how that felt.” You smile wistfully, your words hushed.
You don’t realize that you’re tearing up until Johnny’s hand comes up to your cheek, gently caressing it and causing a tear to fall down your face. He pulls you closer and kisses your cheek, holding you tight. “I’ll take you out with us anytime.” He rolls you so you’re laying on top of him, his lips pressing kiss after kiss on your head.
“No, it’s okay,” you frown before muttering under your breath, “I’d probably just weigh everything down anyway.” That got his attention immediately. He sits up, looking at you with something like offense on his features.
“Don’t you say that, bonnie! You are not a burden, never say that.” His voice is stern in a way that catches you off-guard. It isn’t rare for him to get worked up defending you, but this is the first you’ve been on the other end of it. You’ve never been defended from, well… yourself.
You blink, staring at him befuddled for a few moments, but you eventually feel yourself tear up again, a wobbly smile quirking up your lips. “Okay… okay.” You laugh, and he laughs in return, tackling you in a hug and kissing you all over your cheeks, and forehead, and shoulders, and lips. Maybe next year won’t be so bad.
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𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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antisocialsln · 2 years
i feel like im dying. nobody wants me around anymore. everyones making it painfully clear theyre sick of me. im a hypocrite. i get upset that they choose drugs over me and drinking over me when i do the same anyway. im high most of the time i spend awake and if i can drag myself to the fucking store im drinking and ive just stopped addressing it now. the ghosts are out to get me. something followed me home the other day i saw it in the mirror it laughed in my ear. the voices have been back for longer than i dare admit but im so used to them that its somewhat comforting having them back. theyre more protective now theres something here. “cover the mirrors” “keep away from the windows” and such. theres always eyes in the dark. i cant make them go for long. there are shadows that move in every corner and ive gotten used to the bugs crawling all over me again. my family dont care, i tried to talk to them and all i was met with was laughter. something kept banging on the window, loud enough to make me jump so fast i went dizzy. i got my dad to check the garden, nothing there. it happened again. he was still in the kitchen. he didnt hear it. either time. neither did my mom. i saw something outside of the window but they didnt believe me they said it must have been in my headphones but it wasnt i rewound the video. no banging. something threw my cup off of the side. i was nowhere near it, home alone, no breeze, nothing else fell, no pets, nothing but me and something else. it threw my cup on the floor and it broke. i was having a good night. it was my favourite cup, i cant drink the drinks i need to drink every day without it. my routine is ruined. thats hard for me. i know it sounds stupid but i suppose you could say my autism clung onto this cup so i could hydrate. i feel empty now that its destroyed. i texted my dad. i told him i want the ghost stuff to stop. they need to make it stop. i cant handle it anymore. i dont feel safe alone in the house. he didnt take me seriously. he still things its my fault. he yelled in a public area that i have to stop being so clumsy, he tried to tell me i was drunk. “you were drunk. you knocked it off the side. you were pissed. you drank way too much” i know i didnt i didnt have anything to drink and the only pills i took where after the matter to calm down and go for a walk high because thats the only thing i could do i couldnt stay in the house. its all so hazy. it feels weird. i experienced the whole thing in 3rd person. ive been tunnelvisioned for weeks now. the color from everything is dull to me and i dont really enjoy anything anymore unless im playing a character.  i tried to explain to my father that i want to die. i tried to tell him i know i am going to kill myself and he told me to “stop being so fucking dramatic”. every day now he yells at me for not getting out of bed, for being lazy. but im hardly sleeping at night the only rest i get is in the day i cant sleep at night anymore and im hardly sleeping in the day anyway i fall asleep at 8-9am and i wake up every 30-60minutes until i get yelled at around 2pm to get up. im mostly mute now. nobody comes to see me. leaving the house to go anywhere but sit on a park swing alone in the dark at night is terrifying and im supposed to be going to comic con on friday. i cant die no matter how much i try ive definitely hit 10-15 attempts in the past year by now. 2 alone this month and its only november. no matter how many pills i take, no matter if i swallow glass, no matter what medication i mix with alcohol, no matter how much i bleed or dont breathe. i just cant die. im immortal. and its killing me in a completely different way to what i want. and yet i still have this irrational fear of almost dying and needing hospital intervention. not even out of fear of being sectioned. i almost want to now. i almost want them to throw me in a psych ward and leave me there. the fear is if that happens, even if im just in for a night. my parents will never let it go, they will never let me go, itll all get worse. ill get no privacy, they will be on my ass all the time. just because it would make them look bad. im trying to go to uni just so i can show them i can move out so thats easily 4 more years of this fucking bullshit before i get a chance at being free. i really dont know how much more of anything i can take. i dont want to be here. i really, really do not.
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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estrel · 4 years
Are You Happy? (Save Them Some Pie)
HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY, DEAN!! this is my gift to him for being my comfort person that i would hug on sight if given the chance 💗 love you dude, may you indulge in copious amounts of pie. ~ 1.5k words.
also dedicated to marlo ( @heller-jensen ), jace ( @thiscastielhasflown ) and dee ( @castee-yel ) thanks for bein real ones <3
The day had already started out weird enough.
Dean had woken up drenched in sweat, mind racing with the last lingering thoughts of a nightmare. A vamp nest that he and Sam had been hunting, Dean dying in the most ludicrous way possible, and driving Baby down a long road for an indiscriminate amount of time in a supposed heaven that his father (his father) also co-habited. Needless to say, the dream had come out of nowhere, but it was easy enough to forget once the smell of bacon made its way into his room.
Breakfast was hardy and quick, with enough coffee to fuel him for the rest of the day as he skimmed the internet for a possible case. He had the itch, but apparently, looking around at the three sleepy faces around him at the table, no one else did.
He packed up anyway, preparing for what would likely be an easy salt-n-burn; he’d be gone for only a few hours, tops. On his way out, Cas stops him before he can scale the stairs, arm gripping his shoulder tightly. There’s a memory, briefly—the same hand, the same shoulder. Blood.
Dean looks down at it. Back at Cas.
After a moment, Cas lets go. He steps back half an inch as if he had forgotten himself. “Just…be careful.”
Dean nods, moving to leave again, taking the awkwardness as both a Cas thing and a morning thing and content to leave it at that. 
“And,” Cas says. Dean turns back.
“Come home.”
Dean picks up the phone.
“Dean, hey! It’s, uh. It’s me. Krissy?”
Dean feels himself begin to smile, mindful of the road ahead of him. He balances his phone on his thigh while he drives.
“Hey, kid! Long time no call. How are you? Everything okay?”
The case had been as easy as Dean had suspected, but he had that familiar muscle ache and heaviness to his eyes that solo cases usually gave him.
Besides that, he was getting a little confused about all of the calls he’d been getting today. Before Krissy, it had been Garth, and before that, Claire and Jody and…
“Uh, yeah, dude, everything’s good. Um. How are you? How’s Sam and that angel of yours?”
Dean swallows to keep from choking, or potentially crashing the car.
“They’re good. Yeah…good.” Alive, he wants to say, back from the dead, probably in the DeanCave watching Scooby Doo without him. “Sorry, Krissy, ah,” he steps off the break to make a left, “I’m actually on my way home right now. Was there something I could help you with?”
There’s a pause, and Dean chances a glance at his phone to see if the call had dropped off. It hadn’t.
“I,” she huffs in what sounds like a laugh, “Nothing, Dean. You get home safe, okay?”
“Sure thing.”
“And hey,” Krissy says, before he can say his goodbyes, “Uh, make sure you save some pie for everybody else.”
Dean’s eyebrows furrow a bit, but he laughs. “I will. Take care of yourself.”
“Bye, Dean.”
Dean’s still mulling over the pie comment when he nearly falls down the stairs, squinting into the darkness of the Bunker.
“What the hell?” he asks, voice hoarse around the high note. “Guys?”
When there’s no immediate answer, Dean’s instincts kick in. He pulls out his gun and gently drops his bag, waiting a moment for his eyes to adjust so he can try for the stairs.
Before he can, though, the lights kick back on. His gaze locks onto the scene below, and Dean slowly lowers his gun.
“Happy birthday!” Jack says, the sound of a party horn whining shortly after. Beside him, Cas pulls the string of a party popper, and he jerks as bits of confetti fall around him and into his hair.
Skeptically, Dean starts descending down the stairs.
“You…this…” he manages.
“It’s your birthday, dumbass,” Sam says, swooping forward to slap a party hat on Dean’s head as soon as he’s made the landing. He smiles.
“Oh…kay.” Around them, the Bunker looks pretty normal. The only difference is the array of pies on one of the library tables, next to what looks like home made rice krispie treats, and a couple of birthday-themed plates and napkins. That, and the confetti from Cas’ party popper that litters the floor. “Are you sure?”
Cas frowns at Sam. “Sam was certain. I can’t imagine he’d get the day wrong, but he has had quite severe brain trauma over the years. Perhaps…” Cas reaches out to Sam’s head, probably intent on searching his brain for said trauma, or for the date of Dean’s actual birthday. Sam swats his hand away.
“Hey, no. My trauma is fine. Dean,” Sam redirects his attention to him, “It’s today. Did you really forget?”
Dean shrugs, trying to piece the day together from the beginning. Shitty dream, good breakfast, the three of them weirdly insisting on staying at the Bunker…the calls. Save some pie for everybody else.
He laughs. “So that’s what she meant.”
“That’s what who meant?” Jack asks. He’s wearing a party hat, too, with ridiculous stripes of blue and pink and purple patterned onto it. It matches the one currently strapped to Dean’s own. He shakes his head.
“You’re telling me all of you knew? This whole time? And…and…” He looks around again, pointing vaguely at the table and the confetti. “You put this all together for me?”
Sam shoves his arm playfully. “Course we did. Now quit pouting and come eat some pie.”
Sam is fast asleep, sprawled out on the couch hours later with one of his hands brushing the floor. Dean thinks he spots drool on the pillow underneath him. 
Cas has been quiet next to Dean, at least since Jack had disappeared into the kitchen an hour ago and hadn’t come back, thoughtfully tracing the lip of his beer bottle with his finger. 
“Something on your mind?” Dean asks, because he wants to know.
Cas continues unbothered. Scooby Doo reruns play in the background. Dean almost repeats the question, but Cas eventually lifts his gaze to stare at him.
“Are you happy?” 
Dean presses his mouth shut. Licks his lips. He takes just as long to answer.
“You know what,” he smiles. “I think I am.”
Cas smiles back at him, soft and genuine. The skin around his eyes crinkling tells more than the gentle upturn of his mouth. 
Dean swallows, nervously putting his beer down and turning it a few times until his fingers are wet with the condensation. 
“What, uh. What about you?” He swallows again. “You happy?”
What he really wants to ask, though, is if they were good. If, after recent events, they were still the same. If Cas was still fine with “just being.”
He’s quiet again. Dean thinks he deserves that, and tries to pay attention to the TV, but the voice in his head is too loud. Cas has to tap his knee to get his attention again.
“I was saying,” he moves his hand back, “that I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift.”
Dean stares at him. “What are you talking about?”
Cas looks confused, like he’s about to repeat what he just said. Dean stops him short with a wave of his hand. 
“Dude, you just got back from the dead, alright? That’s—that’s gift enough to last me a lifetime. Don’t worry about a gift.”
Cas frowns, and Dean rolls his eyes. It’s another few moments of tense silence, until Dean breaks it, his heart pounding in his chest.
“But, uh,” he says, “I might have a gift for you.”
“Dean, we don’t share a birthday. It’s not customary to gift me something, especially when I haven’t given you—“
“Cas,” he groans, officially putting his beer aside and facing him. Cas’ features are lit up with the colors of the TV. Dean reaches a hand up to pluck confetti from his hair, a green piece that he’d been eyeing all night. Hesitating, he lets his hand fall to Cas’ face, smoothing over his cheek and jaw. The TV paints his cheekbone purple. Dean brushes his thumb over it. “Just...shut up and let me do this.” 
Cas tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed in that way of his, and Dean thinks he looks perfect. When he dips forward and presses their lips together, it’s perfect, perfect, perfect. He’s warm, his face is burning, eyes almost watering when he pulls away.
Dean lets his forehead rest on Cas’, heartbeat still crazy. He closes his eyes. “We can have it, Cas. This. We can have this.”
Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands, lifts it a little to bring them face to face again, so that he’s looking into Dean’s eyes.
“I’d like that, Dean,” he says, and his eyes are wet, too. Happy, Dean thinks.
“Your gift to me?” Dean manages, smile wobbly. He’s teasing, trying to bring down the weight of this without getting rid of all of it. He likes this type of adrenaline rush, different from any hunt he’s been on. Better.
Cas smiles. “I think technically it was you that gifted me, but, yes. My gift to you, if you’ll take it.”
“Gladly,” Dean says.
Cas hums back, brushing his fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck. “Happy birthday, Dean.” He leaves a kiss on his forehead.
Dean thinks, for the first time, as he pulls more confetti from Cas’ hair, that it actually is. 
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Just Get Out
Prompt: After John dies, Dean and Sam take it upon themselves to look after you, but...
Dean: 18
Sam: 14
Y/N: 7
Word Count: 2,030
   It's just been a month since your dad, John Winchester died, and all you have left family wise are your older brothers Sam and Dean. You didn't know what death really meant since you are so young, but your brothers knew, and they knew too well. Since you were seven your dad didn't really let you in on what he and your brothers did, all you know is that you and sometimes Sam get left at a motel for a while and they come back bloody and bruised. So when John died, Sam and Dean don't really talk as much as they used to, but for you, they really do try.
  What you did know is how to practically annoy the hell out of them...well...sometimes. You are mostly a good kid according to Sam, who decided to take on the 'motherly' role, and Dean the 'fatherly' role. When Dean turned 18, he decided on his own to drop out of high school, but you and Sam are still in school, and Sam plans to keep it that way.
  Okay now onto the story
  Its 7:36pm, Sam went to the library for homework, so tonight is just you and Dean. You and Dean are in the kitchen and hes making dinner while you sit on the kitchen table. "Alright Y/N, we don't got much tonight, so I'm making mac and cheese...the good kind, not the kind Sam makes," Dean says with a tiny smirk.
  "But De, I don't want macky cheese, I want chicken!" You say with a small but excited voice. Dean turns back to you, frowns and says "Y/N, we dont have chicken, this is all we got until Sam goes to the store."
  "Wait what!?!?! But De I want chicken now!!" you say filled with whine and a little bit of sass. 'geez I really don't want to deal with this right now,' Dean thinks to himself "Y/N please, just reason with me tonight, I'll make Sam go to the store tomorrow," He says sounding defeated. Oh but hell no, in your tiny seven year old brain, you knew what you had to do
Step 1: Be quiet and wait like a good sister
Step 2: Once De is done and sets food in front of you
Step 4: Wait hold on-
Step 5: Why does De look like hes about to ye-
  "Fucking hell, really Y/N!? You cant be fucking serious, what the hell was that for?" Dean yells at you. "De I said I wanted-" But he cut you off and said "I JUST TOLD YOU THIS IS ALL WE GOT" He says louder than his first statement. Now your'e shaken, but you know it takes more to make you cry.
  "I don't care! I don't want macky cheese De!"
  "Y/N, just get out"
...This is the calmest hes been all week
  "JUST GET THE HELL OUT" Dean practically screams.
  Okay now that there is starting to make you cry
  You quickly get off of the kitchen chair and you bolt to the stairs where all the bedrooms are. But of course you have to turn around and yell
  "I WISH DAD WAS HERE, HE WOULD GET REAL MAD IF YOU YELLED AT ME!" and then you run up the stairs and slam your door shut, locking it in the process. _______________________________________
  'Great that's just fuckin' perfect,' Dean thinks to himself. 'What the hell am I supposed to tell Sammy? Oh yeah, I screamed at Y/N because she wouldn't comply, and now foods all over the floor and I think I'm having a meltdown!'
  'Sometimes I wish I never came here!' you think to yourself, pretty much sobbing while laying down on your bed. 'wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want me here too-."
  You fall asleep shortly after the thought and Dean couldn't be any more relieved when he hears the door open and to see Sam with his backpack in one arm and a couple books in the other hand.
  "Hey whats-...what happened?" Sam says slowly putting his backpack on the floor. Sam staring at Dean and all the food that's on the floor around him "oh, haha, this? oh, its nothing Sam, just a minor fuckin' mishap!" Dean says laughing through each word with eyes that look like hes about to sob any minute.
  "....Dean?" Sam asks. Its been a while since there was major conflict... well since the whole situation with Dad anyways. "Was it Y/N?"
  "What? No of course not, this is just a normal Friday fuckin night....yeah just, don't worry 'bout it" Dean says with his voice dying down a little bit.
  "Should I go talk to her?" Sam asks. such a small voice but its filled with a lot of concern.
  "No, she's asleep...maybe later?" Dean says back to him. 'He seems tired' Sam thinks to himself. 'Well I did leave her here with him...' _______________________________________
  You wake up pretty early... well early for you anyways, its 9:30am and you got woken up to puffy red eyes and really messed up hair. You go ahead and leave your bedroom and when you enter the kitchen you get greeted by Sam, who is making breakfast.
  "Morning sunshine," Sam says with a slight happy tone, but still pretty monotone. 'he's trying, that's a good thing' you think to yourself.
  "Morning..." you say back, rubbing your eyes and climbing up onto the chair near the kitchen table. "So...wheres De?" you ask in a sleepy tone. "He's more or less still asleep" Sam replies. Sure enough right when Sam says that, Dean walks in all sleepy-like too. 'so similar' Sam thinks. "Morning to you too sunshine" Sam says with a pretty wide grin afterwards. "Bite me, princess" Dean shoots back, also with a small smirk.
  You look at Dean, Dean looks at you, and a couple seconds later you two look away, but the stare you two gave felt like it was forever.
  "Hi" you managed to squeak out. Without meaning to, you were quiet and a little bit nervous.
  "Hey" Dean replies, but not looking at you, instead looking at the table, then to his hands, and then to Sam.
  "Hey Sammy, do you think dad had any hunts that he wrote down in his journal for us to do?" Dean asks. Looking around Dean finds your dads journal on the couch in the living room. He picks it up and skims through the pages.
  "I...don't know? Dad never talked to me personally about hunts, just you" Sam says as a matter-of-factly. Sam sets your breakfast down in front of you, and a plate for Dean on the other side of the table. "Why?" Sam asks.
  "Because I want to hunt? We haven't in a while and you know dad will tear us a new one if he sees us on our asses doing nothing," Dean proclaims, in a slight aggressive manner, though it was almost accidental.
  "But he's...not here," you say out loud without meaning to. You look up to see Sam and Dean both looking at you, and right then you look back down. While looking down you hear footsteps, and right when you look back up, you see Dean staring right at you. 'The eye contact is unbearable' you think to yourself
  "Just because hes dead, doesn't mean we can just fuck around and do nothing," Dean says with so much venom you begin to shake a little.
  "Dean. Back. Up." Sam says, looking at Dean with an angry look and his teeth practically glued together. Sam takes Deans shoulder and yanks him back, and he makes Dean bend down so he can whisper something into his ear.
  "I know you and Y/N have this personal issue going on right now, but I'll be damned if I ever hear you talk to her like that again, hear me?" Sam whispers, he lets go of Dean shoulder and looks at Dean. Dean looks back at him, looks at you, looks at Sam again, and nods, running his hand through his hair.
  "Good," Sam says quietly. Sam walks towards you and bends down, "When you're finished with your breakfast, head on up to your room, you're not in trouble, but I'll talk with you later, okay?" Sam tells you,
  "Okay" You say, looking at Sam. You finished your breakfast rather quickly. During that time, Dean went into his own room, and Sam went out into the backyard to do whatever he does, you're not really sure. You put your dirty plates into the sink and you fast walk to your room, and you quietly shut your door. _______________________________________
  Waiting.....sucks. You have no clue how long you waited for Sam but it felt like forever. In reality it was probably like thirty minutes, but thirty minutes to a seven year old is all day.
  You begin to space out when you hear a small knock on your door. You jump a bit because you didn't really expect it since you didn't know when Sam would come by.
  You get up off your bed and you begin to walk to your door when the door was already opening. you stop and look up
  "...Dean?" You ask. 'uh-oh' you think to yourself. You walk back a little bit and he sits down on your bedroom floor and holds his arms out for you to come sit in his lap. He hasn't said a word yet you heard exactly what he is wanting to ask.
  You look at him. He looks at you. Both have no clue what to say to each other.
  You slowly walk towards him, and you climb into his lap, both getting comfortable in the process
  It had to have been like five minutes before Dean starts talking. "I'm sorry" he says to you. Smiling, you start talking too. "Me too" you say and you look up to see Dean beginning to tear up.
  Okay now its time to panic
  Dean crying is something that you never see so...you begin to tear up too.
  "De? Are you okay?"
  "I wish Dad was here, He would get real mad at me if he saw the way I was acting" Dean says. "Wouldn't be surprised if he beat my ass, just because I'm eighteen, doesn't mean shit to him" he says with a small laugh after the comment.
  "Well I think you're doing a good job" You say to him quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Just because you're eighteen, doesn't mean you aren't bad at being a brother, neither is Sam" You add.
  Dean, trying not to just sob in front of you, breaths in and breaths out a couple of times.
  "You're seven, when did you become so smart?" Dean asks hugging you rather tightly
  You giggle at his comment and say, "I'm your sister, I had to have learned something from you."
  "Good answer" Dean says.
  Without knowing, Sam is leaning on the door frame, with his arms crossed looking at you and Dean with the biggest smile ever. "Hey," Sam says and makes both you and Dean jump slightly, Sam giggles and that and continues,
  "The garage called, they want you to come in and help fix a 67' Mustang," Sam says.
  "Oh whaaat," you whine. you begin to get off of Dean so he can go to his job when he quickly snatches you back up, gets up off of the ground and throws you over his shoulders.
  "How do you feel about coming with me? Who knows maybe-"
  "Will Seth be there?" You ask excitedly. (For some backstory, John's long time friend Seth works where Dean works, and ever since you met Seth, you've practically 'fallen in love' with him)
  "More than likely, he likes old cars like we do," Dean replies. "Yes! okay come on, lets go, come on, come on, come on" You say, trying to hurry up Dean,
  "Okay, okay, lets go" Dean laughs while replying. You two leave the room, and Sam closes your door. Again, with a big smile on his face, Sam starts thinking to himself, 'Yeah, everything will be okay'
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
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pairing: georgenotfound x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
description: george is left to babysit your niece
warnings: mentions of a future family? just in case that makes you uncomfortable.
[y/n/n] - your nieces name
[y/s/n] - your siblings name (gender neutral too)
note: i’m not too sure about this imagine, please a like or reply if you actually enjoyed! - niss
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you woke up to the sound of your alarm blasting your ear off, if you hadn’t turned it off right there you probably would have gone deaf.
george was sleeping like a baby beside you, you could hear his quiet snores. you were surprised he didn’t wake up to the sound of your ear-piercing alarm.
turning on your phone, you glanced at the time that read 12:30. you sighed in annoyance as you registered that you only had half an hour before you had to be on your way to university. so you got up and began your normal morning routine, brush your teeth, shower, have breakfast and finally get dressed. however, as you were packing your bag, almost ready to go, you received a notification from your [sibling]
[y/s/n]: we’re 5 minutes away!!!
[y/s/n]: thank you so much for agreeing to do this :)
it completely slipped your mind. you had promised to take care of [y/n/n] for today, your 7 year old niece, while your [sibling] was at their job interview. regardless, you texted them a quick ‘no problem’ before rushing upstairs to wake up george.
he was still sleeping, but now he was completely hiding under the covers with one arm sticking out. you hated to interrupt his beauty sleep but this was more important. you began to shake him awake.
“babe,” you shook him
“wake up,”
“george,” you removed the covers off his face
“wake the fuck up!” you started poking his sides. usually, you would be a little less... harsh, but you were panicking.
finally the boy rose from his slumber, groaning and stretching all his limbs. he blinked a couple times before meeting your eyes
“good morning,” he said softly, as if he completely just disregarded your tone of desperation and worry.
you pulled him by his arm and he sat upright,
“you need to get up right now,” you told him
“what’s going on?” he questioned, clearly confused as you weren’t giving him any context
“you need to take care of [y/n/n] for today, i have classes today, and i need to leave in 5 minutes and [y/s/n] has a job interview and there’s nobody else to take care of her,” you rushed out all in once sentence.
“are you serious?” he narrowed his eyes at you. “you know how bad i am with kids, especially [y/n/n] , she hates me,”
that was partly true. unfortunately, your niece wasn’t exactly fond of george. ever since you even started dating,m, [y/n/n] acted cold towards your boyfriend, it only got worse when you moved in with him. she always refused to play a game if george was going to participate, or never accepted any high fives or hellos from him. you felt sympathy for george. this child despised him and now you were asking him to look after her.
“please, i’m begging you,” you looked at him with pleading eyes. his eyes softened up after recognising the urgency of the situation.
“fine,” he agreed. you sighed out of satisfaction that you didn’t have to stress out [y/s/n] over finding a new baby sitter.
“thank you so much,” you pressed a small kiss to his lips appreciatively.
right at that moment, you two heard the doorbell ring. you urged george to get ready as fast as he could while you went down stairs and greeted your [sibling] and your niece.
“auntie/uncle [y/n]!” [y/n/n] yelled as you opened the door, immediately rushing into your arms. she looked a lot taller than the last time you saw her
“how’s my favourite girl?” you picked her up and swung her, before placing a little kiss on her head
you gave your [sibling] a quick hug. they handed you a bag full of toys, teddies and colouring pens, along with a spare set of clothing just in case [y/n/n] got a little messy throughout the day. and some quick reminders about her favourite foods or how to get her stop crying. you’d looked after her before, so all of it was pretty familiar to you
“again, thank you so, so much, you have no idea how much you’re helping me.” they told you. your [sibling] gave [y/n/n] a kiss on the cheek and told her to be a ‘good and kind little girl’ before finally exiting the household.
george, at last, made his way down. wearing a decent pair of jeans and a hoodie, giving an awkward wave to [y/n/n]
you checked the time and knew you had to get going. you had to explain to her that uncle george was going to be the one looking after her today. and after one whole tantrum, you managed to convince her to be a good girl by promising to give her a big reward afterward.
finally, you kissed [y/n/n] and george a goodbye , then shut the front door behind you.
george and [y/n/n] stood opposite each other. there was an uncomfortable silence in the air. george felt so...he didn’t even know. what do you say to a child who hates you? [y/n/n] tightly clutched her bag of toys.
“so, [y/n/n],” george cleared his throat, he bent down to her level. “i hear you like toy story?”
[y/n/n] pouted “i don’t like you” she said, and stomped away.
george sighed. this was going to be a long day.
and it was.
it started off with [y/n/n] innocently using her colouring pens and drawing random things, you know, as children do. but when she ran out of paper, she made her way to your office, where all your uni work was. she grabbed the closest piece of paper that was sitting on your desk, deciding it was going to be the next canvas for her art. this paper just happened to be a very important assignment.
when george caught her in the act, he had to physically tear her away from your office, in defiance of all her kicking and screaming.
then, when george accidently left the door to your shared bedroom open. [y/n/n] waddled in without him noticing, she started playing with all of his devices. his computer, his microphone, and somehow she got a hold of his headphones, and took out the battery. george didn’t realise until he noticed the cover missing. he tried to ask her nicely where she threw the battery. but she insisted that she wasn’t going to give it back unless he stopped being ‘mean’
when lunch time rolled around, george put a pizza in the oven, he remembered clearly that [y/n/n] loved pizza, specifically pepperoni. nothing could go wrong here.
but when he called her to the kitchen so she could receive her lunch. she just stared blankly at the pizza, and then at him. she crossed her arms
“[y/n] usually makes a smiley face with the pepperoni”
george just felt all his will to live just disappear
coloured pens and toys were spread out all across the living room floor, [y/n/n] was sitting in front of the tv, george put on one of her favourite shows which thankfully distracted her for a bit, allowing him to relax. he pulled out his phone and texted you
to [y/n] <3 : help me please
to [y/n] <3: i cant take this anymore, i’m literally dying rn
to [y/n] <3: come home quick
he exhaled heavily, throwing his phone to the side. he was so exhausted.
[y/n/n] was roleplaying with her toys, making them move around and doing squeaky little voices. george smiled at the innocence
“purple bear doesn’t play with us anymore. princess giraffe, mr. george took her away from us,” she spoke in a high pitched voice
george’s ears perked up. how funny that she had a teddy named ‘mr. george’. curiously, he watched the little girl.
“koala george, is a meanie, he stole purple bear and now they don’t want to hang out with us!”
it didn’t take a genius to find out what [y/n/n] was displaying through her role playing teddies.
that was why she didn’t like george. before they got together, [y/n] mentioned they almost spent every weekend with [y/n/n], playing with her and having fun with her.
she felt abandoned by [y/n] and felt as if george had taken them away from her .
george felt at fault as he noticed the girls eyes started to water.
“does purple bear love us any more?” she continued to play.
george decided it was enough and he switched off the television. he joined [y/n/n] on the floor and grabbed the teddy that was supposedly ‘koala george’
“[y/n/n]” he spoke softly. the little girl looked up at him expectantly. he held up the teddy.
“is this supposed to be me?” he questioned her.
“that’s a koala bear,” she answered
“no-, [y/n/n],” he said. he thought about how to ask her, and just chose it was best to be flat out with the child,”
“did i steal auntie/uncle [y/n] away from you?”
the question took her by surprise. she gazed at him with big wide eyes. she thought about her answer and grabbed the purple bear, which was supposed to be you.
“they don’t play with me as much anymore, they’re always with you, because of you, they don’t love me anymore,” she pulled a face, it wasn’t angry, it wasn’t annoyed.
it was a genuinely sad face.
george was sure he physically felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. he never even comprehended the fact that a child could feel so rejected.
“listen... [y/n/n],” he said gently. he thought about his words. comforting someone wasn’t exactly his strongest point, particularly not a child who detested him “[y/n] will never stop loving you, okay? they love you very much, and i’m sorry you feel like i stole them ”
[y/n/n] continued to listen.
“but don’t forget that [y/n] has so much love to go around! look, they love you, and they love me, they love grandma and grandpa too! they will always love one another even if they can’t see each other often,”
[y/n/n] stayed silent. she fiddled with the purple teddy, folding its ears and patting its head. she loved that bear. it was actually gifted to her by you, when she was first born. she brought it to her chest and hugged it. george tried a different approach.
“listen, how about- this weekend, we can all go to the park together, and have a picnic. you, me, [y/n], and your parents too,”
she continued to just stay silent. george didn’t know what to expect, she was unpredictable, was she going to throw another hissy fit? or start to cry? he wasn’t sure
“can we also get ice cream?” she asked
george smiled and felt himself relax. thank god. “all the ice cream you want,” he told her
[y/n/n] stood up and giggled. like her whole entire mood did a whole fucking 180. “okay! let’s go play dress up now!”
7:45 pm. you finally arrived home. you were tired out of your mind. [y/s/n]’s interview was delayed by two hours and was currently half way back home, meaning you had enough time to spend with [y/n/n]
you unlocked the door, expecting to see a giant tsunami of toys and colouring pencils and pens, but what you saw was the most heart warming thing ever.
george was sleeping on the couch, his head resting on the armrest. he had a couple pink bows in his hair, his lips were painted a hot pink, he was wearing a couple sparky bracelets and a purple floral necklace.
in his lap, [y/n/n] rested her head, she was wearing a fairy costume with matching pink bows and sparkly bracelets.
you quickly snapped a photo of this wholesome moment. because, who wouldn’t? you spent a few minutes just watching the two sleep, they were probably just as tired as you.
moments like these made you really appreciate the people you had in your life. the people you love so dearly much.
you didn’t want to disrupt the ambience but you felt it was better for your [sibling] to collect your niece when she wasn’t covered in glitter and an overload of pink accessories.
you quietly woke george up,
“baby, wake up.” you shook him awake, gently. in a very different way than you did this morning. he opened his eyes. and immediately smiled upon seeing your face. you ran your thumb across his cheek
“it looks like you two had a lot of fun,” you teased.
he quietly chuckled. “she’s okay,” he told you. looking down at the little girl sleeping in his lap.
you slowly and carefully picked her up, removing any accessories you thought may seem uncomfortable to sleep in. she was a heavy sleeper.
you carried her upstairs, tucking her into you and george’s bed and placing a kiss upon her forehead. you turned back to george and rushed in for a bear hug
“thank you so much for doing that,” you said. “i love you so much, i know it probably wasn’t easy, she can be quite the handful,”
george chuckled. “handful is an understatement,”
“you’d better be willing to dress up like that with our own kids one day.” you stated, hugging him tighter.
his face broke out into a small smile, having thought of an image of you two playing with you future kids. he kissed top of your head and then your nose
“maybe one day”
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citygirlinschool · 3 years
Breaking Bad
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Read it on Ao3
Original bingo
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” 
“I have got two research papers pending, I am falling behind on my thesis and I have to submit Mr D’s essay on Monday. So yes, I am not coming.” Frank resisted the urge to physically pick up the boy from his bed and throw him out. 
He could if he wanted to. Leo was a tiny slip of a thing, all wild curls and ADHD. And gods did the boy tempt him to do some serious bodily harm to him.
“Come on man you haven’t come to a single party since well... ever. This one is supposed to be real rager.” 
With a jerked motion he stood up from his desk, threw his door open and marched towards the kitchen. 
“Is that supposed to be a No?” There was ruffling of sheets and Oh my Gods he was wearing shoes the whole time.
His eyes twitched and he slammed the glass on the counter with more force than necessary. A drink, that’s what he needs.
“Mixed signals buddy.” And there he was in all his flannel glory, and those hideous pun t-shirt (Never trust an atom, they make up everything). Never would he have guessed the devil would be a elf in science pun t-shirts. 
“No, Valdez. I am not coming to your rager party.” He made towards the refrigerator.
“Whatever man your loss.” 
There was an audible slam of the door as the fridge door fell of it’s hinges and over a startled Frank, followed by a crash of food spilling on to the floor.
“So, what was it this time?” 
“He broke the fridge.” Frank stabbed his food gloomily.
“And?” Percy waved a ketchup covered fry.
“He fixed the AC.” Frank mumbled.
“That’s good right?” 
“After he broke it.” He snorted.
Percy was in the year above him. Swim team captain and marine biology major. They met by accident and hit it off immediately.
They made it a point to meet in the dinner near the college campus once a week, or when they could.
“What else?” he drawled lazily, and Frank would feel guilty about turning all these meetings into venting sessions, except Percy wasn’t the type to entertain people just because it’s polite, so he probably didn’t mind.
“He brought someone back to the dorm. Again. Some blondie, Maria. This is the third this month. And it’s distracting, and I have told him clearly to bring someone when I am gone… How does he even land these many?” 
“He is kinda cute?” Percy shrugged.
Frank pulled a face. “He has a horrible track record. Can you believe he flirted with Ms Grace?” 
“To be fair he flirts with everybody. I don’t think it counts.” 
“Still. That’s the Thalia Grace.”
 “Touché. Talked to the Dean?” 
“Jason said, only Octavian is vacant. And that guy is… creepy.”
Percy nodded solemnly. “Heard he guts plush toys to some cult god he worships.” 
Frank looked at him wide eyes, and just like that Leo was forgotten. 
At least until he reached back to his dorm. 
“Frankie! You are back.” Leo flashed him his infuriating smirk that he knows gets on his every nerves. “Hazel was just leaving.” And that asshole turns to her, “Until you changed your mind and decided to stay.” 
He flirts with everybody; it doesn’t mean anything. Percy’s voice echoed warningly in his mind.
Hazel flushes, and looks down. Those flawless curls hiding reddened cheeks. “Thanks for the offer but I can’t stay past curfew.” 
“Aw.” Leo leans forward, “That’s not a no.” he wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t be stickler for rules, get that enough from Frankie boo here.” 
This time Frank’s cheeks heat up. “Leo.” He hopes he would stop.
“Fine, Fine. Goodnight, Hazel.”
“Bye, Leo.” She presses her books to her chest, and Frank shuffles hurriedly to the side as Hazel moves past him.
He slams the door once Hazel is past. 
“So,” Leo straightens from where he was leaning against the wall. “Somebody has got a crush.”
“Cant blame you, she is a real looker.” 
“Oh, come on, don’t play.” He stalks back towards his room, his back toward the Latino. “You already knew that.” 
“I did?” there it is again, the annoying mocking tone he didn’t bother dignifying with a reply. But that didn’t deter Leo from barging in his room behind him either.
“I mean, were all those lectures ignored in the favour of staring at the back of her head, and doodling H+F in the back of your notebook, did give me an inclination but thought they stood for Himbo plus- “ 
“Shut up, asshole.” He whirled around. “You know I freaking liked her.” He stalked towards him. 
“Oh yeah like how you knew my Chatelier’s experiment made twelve percent of my grade?” 
“I apologized for it.” He spit back in his face, grabbing his forearms. 
“That doesn’t make up for it, jerk.” He hissed back.
Blood roared in his veins, drowning out any further jabbing remarks from the squirming boy in his arms.
Gods the things he would do to shut him up. 
“-and would you please let me go, I am pretty sure this counts as phys- Mmph! ” 
He kissed him. That annoying fucking mouth, with those pretty fucking lips. He bit on his lips tugging at them, pressing that tiny body against his.
He kissed him. Fuck.
Frank stumbled back in horror. “Shit I am sorry, I didn’t- “ 
“Oh no.” Leo lunged at him, and he stumbled back in surprise, catching his hips. “You would be sorry when I am done with you.” 
Harsh demanding lips pressed against him, a sharp nip and the metallic tang of blood spilled on his tongue, making him curse.
The heels of Leo’s feet dug in his back, “Bed, bed, bed!” He panted, slim but strong fingers tugging at his hair painfully, tilting it back. He grabbed his lips in another kiss that had his dick aching in his pants.
Frank stumbled blindly towards his twin bed, his hands groping the Latino’s ass, as they both fell on the congested bed in tangle of limbs.
Leo’s hand left his hair and trailed over his collar, clever fingers making a quick job of his shirt, hips shamelessly grinding in his abdomen. 
“Come on, man, get naked.” He ran his fingers over his chest, tweaking his nipples.
“Leo.” He pulled back, “Aren’t we going a bit fast.” 
Leo’s lips pulled back in a condescending sneer, “You sure you wanna be a cock blocker.”
His hand snaked down to the bulge in his pants, and he involuntarily humped forward into the pressure.   “I already hate you enough.”
That was a reminder enough. The clothes were gotten rid of in a flurry of uncoordinated limbs, and broken buttons, until a very naked Frank, had a very naked Leo in his lap. 
He dug his teeth into the hollow of his collar bones, and Leo hissed, but didn’t stop the wild rhythm of his hips. Frank’s hand squeezed the ample flesh in his hands and parting them. 
The head of his cock slipped between them, sliding over the fuzzy hole.
Leo’s hips stuttered, and he exhaled shakily, fingers digging in his shoulders hard enough that Frank knew they would leave welts.
“Lube? Tell me you have lube” his voice was so deep; it had his cock twitching.
“Top drawer, in the back.” He mumbled, leaning back until he was laying down as Leo stretched over him, searching his drawer.
He couldn’t help but mouth over his well formed abdomen, for his deceptively short stature he was strong. Lithe muscles and surprisingly broad shoulders. 
Fuck he hated him so much.
There was a click of lube opening, as Leo pulled back, his fingers dripping with lube.
He leaned forward, one hand beside his head while he reached behind him.
Frank knew the exact moment Leo’s fingers breached him. His eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched and his breathing became a tad bit heavier. 
He reached up, pressing a sweet almost a innocent kiss against his lips, and for a moment Leo let him. 
“Let me do it.”
And just like that Leo pulled away. 
His weeping cock bobbed proudly between his supple thighs, his dusky nipple looked raw and abused, there was a myriad of hickies littering his chest and his hair was wilder than usual. 
Yet, that jerk had the audacity to smirk mockingly at him.
“Not your girlfriend, Zhang. So don’t treat me like it.” he must have done something inside him cause his eyes fluttered for a moment. “Besides- Ah” his back arched, “we are doing this by-mmh- my rules, cause clearly you are as clueless in this-Ah!”
“What is your problem.” Frank had jostled his fingers out of him as he flipped them over. “I am just trying to be nice.” He snarled.
“No what you’re trying to do.” A lube covered finger smeared across his neck, “is fucking coddle me.” He spat.
“I am not coddling you.” He glared indignantly at the infuriating boy underneath him.
“Oh yeah? What is this? Fucking me? Please, you are not even in me.” He sneered mockingly.
“I am- I don’t –” Leo mercifully cut his spluttering off with a kiss.
“God I didn’t know I had to just spread my legs to get underneath your skin.”
He would have tried replying, except Leo had wrapped his lubed up hand around his dick, slicking it up with quick efficient strokes, and Frank had been so painfully hard all this time all he could do was helplessly jerk forward into the warm wet hole, until Leo tightened his grip. “Don’t come.” He warned, as he guided him to his stretched hole.
Frank to his dying day would deny the sound he emitted when his head slipped in.
A loud unashamed sound, as his head dropped onto Leo’s shoulder, as he panted harshly. Leo was tighter and hotter then anything he had ever felt before. And so deliciously soft.
He wouldn’t have been able to stop the unrelenting rolls of his hips as he pushed deeper if he wanted to.
Like he had no control over his hips, he pushed in inch after inch, as Leo’s back arched off the bed until Frank bottomed out.
For a moment Frank could just lay still and shiver so as to not bust a nut, Leo as so tight around him, it was probably painful for him.
“Move, move, move, jackass.” Or maybe not.
“Oh, gods fuck me, or I am gonna fuck up your laptop and not repair- Oh yesss!” Leo’s eyes rolled back in his head, as Frank pulled out almost all the way and then pushing in rapidly. 
“Why can’t you shut up for a moment.” Frank picked up his pace. “For once –mmh” his nipped at his ear, “just shut up- ah fuck- and moan.” 
“Maybe- mmph- Maybe if you put all that beef - oh Dios- and man boobs (he gripped said boobs) to use than I will.” 
Frank dug his teeth right below his ears, just shy of tearing skin, but definitely marring the skin, as he readjusted his grip, hooking his hands underneath his knees and practically folding the twink (because that’s what Leo fucking Valdez is and Frank is tired of lying) in half. 
He must have hit his prostrate with the deeper angle cause Leo made a he- would- never- admit- it- but- adorable high-pitched sound, his hands flying between his legs, except Frank slapped it away and wrapped his own hand around his flushed, almost painfully purple cock.
Much to his pleasure Leo hooked his own hand underneath his knees, holding himself open.
“Didn’t know” he panted, “all it took was a good dicking down to shut you up.” 
Leo’s eyes opened up to slits, in what he thinks is a glare, but it is hard to take him seriously on good days, even harder with his cock stupid bambi eyes, and drool covered chin.
Fuck! This is the hottest thing ever and Frank hates him so much.
Frank lost his carefully maintained rhythm, finally rutting in abandon. The bed creaked threateningly, the headboard banging fiercely with the force of his thrusts.
Paired with the slick sound of where Frank was jerking Leo off, slap of skin against skin and squelch of Frank fucking Leo, it sounded like a cheap porno.
Harsh breathing was littered with moans and litany of curses. There tongues ran sloppily against each other, Leo tweaked his nipples, clenching down on Frank as they both hurtled toward the peak like freight train.
The orgasm was a bang.
In hindsight, two fully grown men fucking on a barely hanging on twin bed was not the wisest plan. But what can he say? Leo brings out the worst in him.
“Did it?” Frank muttered tiredly. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“Get off.” Leo’s voice was slurred and strained, “You are suffocating me. And you are sleeping on the couch.” 
“What was it this time?” 
“The bed.” 
“Leo broke your bed?” 
“Something like that.” Frank mumbled.
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humbughana · 4 years
Family Affairs
In which Rafe Cameron’s best friend falls apart.
“Lola!” my mother yelled from the door, “Get back here right now!” 
As I walked away I grinned. Away from that house. Away from the emptiness.
A party. That was my destination tonight. Someplace to forget the broken house I came out of and make myself sick with something other than guilt or anger.
“Don't wait up.” I waved behind me as I rounded the sidewalk and away from the house completely. I think I faintly heard the door slam.
The familiar house in the distance was spilling out with teenagers and I could see the red solo cups a mile away. I sighed in relief and made my way towards the house. It was a friend from school, Topper’s house. We were close you could say, I was in their friend group more often than I was with my own these days. Girls were nosy, I realized. Too much talking and heart to hearts I couldn't stomach anymore. 
So I walked into the crowded house alone and grabbed a cup. 
“Go away.” I gritted out, smiling up at the boy I was dancing with. Topper stood off to the side with a frown. 
“Lola-” I shot him a look that could kill and surprise took over his face before he shook his head and stalked off. I sighed in relief,
“Your boyfriend?” the stranger I was dancing with asked and squeezing my hips. I shook my head and grinned tilting my head up and pulling him down, placing my lips on his roughly. 
And that's how my night went, jumping from boy to boy, filling up my cup when It got empty, anything to make me feel nothing at all. The alcohol had my body buzzing and my head fuzzy, the hands on my body had my attention and the music filled the rest. 
It was perfect. 
“Follow me.” another mystery boy leaned into my ear, his hand around my waist as he guided me into a side room. I frowned, wanting to go back to the main event but before I could open my mouth to complain he pulled out a little bag filled with a white powder I knew more than enough about. 
“What is this?” I demanded, swaying slightly as he formed four perfect lines. All I could think about was Rafe Cameron. 
I had helped him through his nasty addiction with this stuff. I saw the bad side of the fun drug and I hated it. 
The boy made his way back to me and pulled me towards the table, “Just something to take the edge off baby.” He kissed the side of my neck as he stood behind me, urging me to take the dollar bill in his hand.
“Not interested.” I leaned out of his hold and he scoffed and his hands wrapped around my waist again, pulling me into his chest.
“Come on, don't be a bitch.” I snarled and shoved him away. His hands flew up as he let out a low laugh and shook his head. He rolled up the dollar bill and leaned down and swiftly cleared two lines. I swallowed as he held out the bill in my direction with a taunting smirk. I scowled and snatched it away, the intention to crumble it up and throw it across the empty room.
And that's how Rafe found us.
The rolled up bill in my hand in front of the poison that almost killed him. Two lines missing, the residue betraying me.
It took him a split second to scan the room, from the boy laid out on the chair, to me. His face hardened when he saw what I held and the scene in front of him.
“Let’s go.” Nothing in his tone betrayed his feelings, “Now, Lola.” I dropped the incriminating evidence and followed him, just happy to get back to the normal party. I went to step around Rafe, not having the energy to fight tonight. His hands grabbed me and pushed me into the wall, still out of view before the dying down party. I refused to look at him. Rafe had always been the one I went to for anything. I helped him through his dark times so that promoted us to best friends you could say. He knew everything about me and vice versa. Although I had no intention to tell him what made me numb tonight. My family drama was the last thing on my list for today. 
“Let go.” I gritted out pushing my hands against his chest, my face relieving nothing but annoyance and hate. His hand found my chin and forced my head back and my eyes to meet his. I held his gaze and held my tongue. 
I realized he was scanning my eyes for any signs of the familiar high, “ I didn't do anything.” I spat at him and he loosened his grip for a split second for me to shove us apart. “Leave me alone.” I turned my back on him, not before seeing the confused look on his face.
I knew I was out of line and being a bitch but I didn't care. I was always the one that held it together for everyone else.
So I grabbed another drink. And another.
I was totally and completely trashed.
My legs could barely hold me up and my vision was so blurred I was stumbling around the house. I could tell the party was coming to an end since I could easily see the three boys that were watching me, not so discreetly. I rolled my eyes every time I caught one of them. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” I looked up at the first boy I danced with tonight. I didn't catch his name but the opportunity to leave the watchful eyes and not have to go back to my own house was blissful at this moment. So I nodded and his arm went around my shoulders leading me to the door.
“That's enough.” It was Kelce’s turn to step in, “Lola you’re not leaving with him.” 
“Yes, I am.” I slurred and leaned into the boy.
“You don't even know him.”
“Whatever, I’m leaving.” The boy let go of me and stalked off. I stumbled, losing my balance before Kelce held onto me and gently pulled me towards our friends. 
“Seriously?” I whined, “You guys cant leave me alone for one night?” I put my hands on my hips, vaguely hearing how my words ran together. 
“What's wrong with you?” Topper snapped and I smiled.
“Who cares?” 
“You know we do.” He said quietly like I hurt his feelings. I rolled my eyes, “Yeah well I’m not in the mood.” 
“I'm taking you home.” Rafe stood up and pulled his keys out, I opened my mouth but was beaten to it, “You can’t even stand up straight.” he snapped, angry as well. 
Party's over. 
I followed him out, having little options. I had no real intentions of going home tonight.
As he drove closer towards my house visions of today filtered through my head. 
I had gotten home from practice early and found my dad fucking his assistant in our kitchen. The sight of his panicked face passing through my eyes had me squeezing my eyes shut. 
‘Baby, it's not what it looks like’. 
As I had my eyes trained on his 20 something-year-old whore getting dressed with a poorly hidden smile on her flushed face.
‘Please don’t tell your mother yet, he had said frantically I'll tell her myself I promise.’
So I turned around and ran out of the house and straight to the country club where my mother was and cried to her. I told her everything and all she did was pull me away and tell me she already knew. 
She knew.
It was complicated, apparently. 
So I left her there and drove around until night fell, got dressed and left. 
I swallowed thickly as we turned down my street. My leg bouncing up and down and my hands shook. 
The car stopped in front of my house. Both parents cars in the driveway as I just stared at the house. I could feel Rafe staring at me, probably waiting for me to get out. 
“What's going on Lo?” Rafe spoke softly in the quiet car as I kept my eyes trained on the house. A light remained on in the kitchen. My vision became blurry and I turned to look at him and shook my head, “I can't go in there.” I pleaded. 
That was all it took and we were driving again. 
I must have dozed off because I woke up to my door opening and hands grabbing me. I jolted awake, gasping in a panic thinking I was at home. 
“Relax,” Rafe undid my seatbelt as I scanned my surroundings. I saw his house and sighed in relief letting him grab me. I could barely keep my eyes open as he climbed up the stairs and laid me into his bed.
I woke up staring at a room that wasn't mine. Afraid to get up and have to deal with the hangover that came with my night. I went through the night and remembered most everything. The drinking, boys, drugs. I remember being a bitch to my friends and pushing them all away. I sighed and put my hand on my forehead. I looked at the bedside table and found my phone, seeing 26 missed calls from my mom and multiple texts.
We need to talk, Lola. Please come home.
I’m sorry.
A sickness that had nothing to do with alcohol rose up my throat and I rushed into the bathroom and threw up. I gasped for breath on the cold tiles and felt hands brush my hair back and a voice soothing me.
I don't know when I started crying but what came out at first as silent tears fell into full-blown sobs. Rafe picked me up off the floor and put me back in bed as I continued to cry until I fell back asleep from exhaustion.
When I came around again I heard hushed voices. 
“Her mother is worried.” Rose.
“What's going on?” Rafe was upset.
“It's a family thing, Rafe.” Rose sighed, failing to sound serious and remorse leaked in. Pity.
“Bullshit, she is family.” He snapped, wanting an answer. I squeezed my eyes shut, my back to the door. A part of me wanted Rose to tell him, just so I didn't have to myself.
I heard her sigh, “Her dad has been cheating. She found them yesterday.” 
I zoned out the rest as I processed the sound of someone else verifying the news. She knew.
“Hey,” Rafe sat on the bed next to me and slightly smiled. I looked up at him with what are surely red shot eyes and flushed cheeks. His face fell when my lip started to wobble again and pulled me into his lap and squeezed me.
“Why didn't you tell us?” he asked when I quieted down, “Or me?” 
I shook my head, “I didn't want to talk about it.”
“You’re good to stay here as long as you want.” His hands ran through my hair as I sniffled against his chest. 
“Thank you,” I spoke looking up at him through wet eyelashes. 
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
Family Now
Request:Can you do something with yn being pregnant by jay and being kidnapped, when she is found to be injured and going into labor, but at the end of it all is right. with cute ending
Hope you like it this is my first request :)
Jay had been working on a case where this guy had tried to take almost everyone on the team out as a way to get back at Hank for putting his brother in prison for the rest of his life. Hank recieved a note saying "You took my family away from you now I am going to take yours away from you"  Luckily the man hasnt been successful on any of his attempts. Hank had warned them to all be very careful and watch their backs everywhere they went.
All Jay wanted to do was to get home to Y/N just hold her close and just pretend that it was just the two of them, well 3 if you consider their little baby girl in Y/N stomach. Knowing that is what he had to look for eased his nerves just a little bit. Getting out of his truck he couldnt help but to look around and for some reason he had an uneasy feeling in his gut. Yeah it was probably the fact that he was being hunted by a man and they didnt actually know what he looked like.
As he walks up the stairs to their apartment the feeling got so bad that he was in a run to the apartment just so that he could make sure everything was alright. As he got closer to the apartment he seen their door was slightly opened which he knew wasnt right because Y/N always kept the door locked when he wasnt there. So he took out his gun and eased in the door, seeing that their were things strewed around everywhere like there had been a fight broke out. His heart was in his stomach when he seen the blood on the floor. So he did the first thing that came to his mind, he pulled out his phone and called Voight. Luckily he picks up on the first ring
Halstead whats the problem?
Voight, she's gone! It was silent of the phone for what felt like forever but was just a few seconds.
Im on my way, Ill get the rest of the team to head that way as well, you call it in so that we can find this Son of a Bitch.
As Jay hangs up the phone he does exactly as Voight told him to do. Waiting for the team to arrive he just walks around to see if there is anything that was left that would lead them to where he took her.
The team all finally make it to Jay & Y/N apartment,and as the other officers are looking around for fingerprints or anything really. Then one of the officers came walking up to them.
Detective Halstead there was this note left on your kitchen counter and I think that you are going to want to see this. She says while handing him the note. Jay reads the note out loud
The note reads " Hank you took my brother,Ive got your daughter & grandchild. You may want find me before I do something I may regret"
Dammit Hank I know she is your daughter but we are going to have a kid together and if something happens to either of them I will never forgive you!
Hank stood there and let him yell at him because he felt the same way if anything did happen to his daughter and grandaughter he wouldnt be able to live with himself
This man that kidnapped me he kept saying sorry but said that it was all my dads fault that this was happening. You kept trying to talk to him trying to figure out what you could do to make up for what your dad did but you got nothing from him. The pain in your lower stomach kept coming closer together but you were not due for another couple weeks and in this moment in time is not how you want your babygirl to be born.
Sir,Sir,SIR finally catching his attention. I think that I need to go to the hospital
There is no way in hell that I am taking you to a hospital.
At that very moment your water broke and water went everywhere.
My water just broke and its either you take me to hospital or my baby will be born right here.
Well then it looks like you will be bringing a life into this world in warehouse. Ill be back in a little while.
He must have been so caught up in taking me that he didnt check me to see if I still had my phone and thank god I keep it on silent most of the time because when I finally got to it I had so many missed calls from Jay and my dad. All you wanted to do was cry cause you know Jay is so worried and there isnt anything he can do to help, but right now wasnt the time to cry in between the pain you sent a text to Jay letting him know everything you seen around you thinking that maybe it would help then find out where you are.
Sitting at my desk doing everything that I possibly can to figure out where she is. Where he took her? We have been going non-stop to figure something out. He finally just slammed his hands on his desk and walked to the locker room looking at the pictures that he had in his locker of the love of his life and his soon to be born baby girl
He just lets his head fall in his hands and all he can do it just cry, lets the tears that he has been holding in since noticing that Y/N was taken fall. He hears his phone go off and as he pulls the phone out thinking that it is just another lead that will get them no where, he sees that it is her name and he jumps up. As he reads everything that the message says he runs back into the bullpin and yells for Voight, thinking that maybe he could make some sense out of it. As Hank is reading the message it clicks
I dont think she knows where she is but she is just telling us what she sees or hears, so that we can figure out where she is. She says that she heard a train at least a couple times within a few hours, she knows that its an old warehouse. Windows lined all around the building and out one of the windows she sees the numbers 5142
As he was saying everything Kim was typing it into the computer to see if she could up with anything. Y/N has always been like a little sister to her so she was just as worried as everyone else on the team. Once she typed in the numbers in popped up exactly what they had all been hoping for..
Everyone makes their way over to her......There is an old abandoned warehouse at 5142 West St and it hasnt been in business for over 15 years
Suit up lets go..Hanks says as he practically in a jog so that he can get his little girl back.
The pain is just getting worse by the minute but I know that I can hold off because I know by now that they are on their way to get me. If they are not then I dont see me or my little girl making it out of the warehouse alive. She just trys to continue breathing through the pain hoping that your little girl will be stubborn like her daddy and just saying where she is safe right now.
He finally returns, this time he has a woman with him, she comes over and she trys to check you out and see what shape you are in.
Dont you dare touch me! You all but yell
I have to see how you and your baby are
No you dont. I would rather have my baby on my own then with someone helping me that is helping the man that kidnapped me
I am not working with him, he came on the street and I think that I was the first nurse that he seen and told me that his girlfriend was in labor
Well I am in no way his girlfriend, I am his hostage and he is refusing to take me to the hospital. As she finishes that sentence the nurse turns and sees the gun pointed at her head
You help deliver her baby  and then I have no more use for you. Just cant have her dying just yet....
As he finishes that sentence the door is busted in and Chicago PD is surrounding him. He gets down next to you and points the gun at your head
You come any closer and I will kill her
Dad help me....
I am...You wanted me from the start let my littl girl go and get to a hospital and take me, do whatever you have to but just let her go. Once he finishes the sentence Adam tackles the man to the ground and in a flash Jay is by your side
Y/N I am so sorry that this happened
Hey it isnt your fault, but I think that we are going to become parents a few weeks sooner than we expected.
The nurse finally speaks, We need an gurney in here we have to get her to the hospital. She helps them get you in the ambulance, She gives them all the information that they need and then the ambulance is off to Med. As you arrive everyone is there waiting, you already have a room waiting and everything. After what seems like hours of labor you finally delivered a beautiful blue eyed baby girl. 7lbs 12oz 17in long
After a few hours of resting you ask Jay to get a wheelchair so that you could take her out to meet everyone. As he helped you to the wheelchair he placed the pillow on your stomach before picking up yalls little girl kissing her on the nose before handing her to you. Little moments like that make you falls in love with that man more and more..
As you make your way down the hall the first two people that you see are your dad and Jay's brother Will. They see you making your way down the hall and have huge grins on their faces and rush to their feet.
Hey everyone
How are you doing? Hank ask
feel a little rough but this little one right here makes it all worth it.
What do I have the pleasure of calling my little niece here?
You look up at Jay and you both share a smile
Everyone we would like to introduce you to Camille Justine Halstead. After my beautiful mother and brother who both were taken way too soon.. As you make eye contact with your dad for the first in a very very long time you seen your dad crying. He walks over and kisses you on the head..
That name is perfect.
Well then I guess you better thank Jay because it was his idea
He turns to Jay and pulls him into a hug and whispers thank you. They pull back from the hug and Jay looks him dead in the eye and says We are family now
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 17a
Summary: You finally see Roman’s inner sanctum
Warning: towards the end...implied and promises of future smut (daddy/dommy Roman) Gotham Lockdown Chapter 11a referenced here when reader almost dies & here is the last chapter
As Roman stood in the elevator with you, he couldn’t believe he was doing this. Years ago this would have never happened. This would always be his inner sanctum.
A struggle in him raged. He wanted to go on a rampage for what had almost happened to you. Sure those directly responsible paid but he was still angry. If this had been years ago. They’d still be downstairs begging for relief. Not that he softened because of you but he worked smarter. He did not like the idea that you so easily could have been snatched away from.
As the elevator dinged and as he led you over to the door. He could remember how this was where Victor and him would take people who wronged him. Victor would even keep his trophies there.
Deep down, he had grasp onto how grateful he was that, whoever or whatever was looking over had not called you to death’s icy embrace. He was not ready or did he even want to contemplate what life without you would be like.
So he took you here, to his inner sanctum ever since he had acquired the building. At first, it had been just Victor and him. When Doll-Face’s showed where her loyalties lied, she went in.
You were the woman he loved. He would have never planned on this. He knew he’d never be able to keep everything mum, about what he did from you. Damn reporters and the stories they publish. He had always wanted you to not have this side of him clouding your mind or heart. You already were his beauty or his darker, beast like nature. The beast you showed love.
He paused before putting in the code. “Y/N,” It almost felt funny calling you by your name but this was serious. “I am showing you this because of your nightmare,” He inhaled. “And because I almost lost you.” He swallowed.
“Roman, I will never leave you.”
“You didn’t see...”
You placed a finger on his lips and he stopped talking. Knots formed in the pit of his stomach, he was realizing more and more these days how much he changed.
“I know.” You whispered. “I fought to live, I fought to be with you. And if anything, “ he saw you look away before looking back at him. “would ever happen to you, I’ll be there and fight for you.”
To be honest, things had been going fairly well despite being shot by a couple of hoodlums that he honestly could not even imagine anything worse happening. Not many wanted to mess with him any more.
He drew close and took your hand, and put it over his heart. “I will always fight. I will till my dying breath.”
He brushed aside your tears that came from his words. “Baby. No tears. We’re so close to Christmas.” He whispered and you nodded.
You shivered in your tank top and shorts. You were dressed for the cozy, warmth of upstairs. Not this dank parking garage. Though, he held you close brushing aside the tears that had blossomed in your eyes at the words he spoke.
When you heard him speak like this it shook you to your core. You thanked your lucky stars, that he was the man who had your heart.
He punched in a code and opening the heavy door, “Come on in.” He welcomed you.
It was considerably warmer and the entire atmosphere was words different from dark and shadow filled garage with its concrete walls.
The room opened up, and was far bigger then you could have guessed. It had wonderful wood paneling and wooden floors with some elegant tiled floor in other places. You smiled as you took it all in.
Tucked into the wall before you there were more suits, long coats, and an entirely different array gloves. You turned and raised an eyebrow. “More suits? Clothes?”
He smirked, “These are bulletproof.”
“Oh..oh...well that makes a lot of sense.” You nodded. You were surprised you had not thought of it.
Turning, you saw what looked like a small arsenal of guns and their respective ammo. Along with rows of knives that came in all sorts of shapes an sizes.
Continuing further in you gasped as you saw an entire wall of masks. “There are so many.” You remarked.
He came up along side you. “One, has to be ready for any occurrence.” He shrugged.
You smiled at him. “I can only imagine.”
Seeing a large table you went over and just marveled at all the maps that were there.
“I thought you had a lot upstairs.”
He smirked. “One can never have enough maps. Especially, with my ever growing territory.”
Tears that had subsided blossomed once again. “You have a photo of us on your desk down here?”
Picking up and glanced at the old photo of the two of you. He came around and wrapped his arms around you. Turning, you did the same.
You smiled up at him. “Do you remember that first Halloween?”
He smiled, “You were so lovely.”
“You had a magnificent dress made for me.”
A smug smile spread across his face. “You were a fantastic inspiration.”
As the two of you watched, A Muppet Christmas Carol with Roman, you began to get a hankering for the sugar cookies you made earlier. “I’ll be right back?” You whispered and kissed Roman’s cheek.
“Want me to pause?” He held up the remote.
You shook your head. “I won’t be gone that long.”
Once in the kitchen, you put some cookies on a plate. You also made a point of grabbing some of the baby tubes of frosting. You had not frosted all the cookies since you knew that Roman sometimes liked them plain or sometimes he enjoyed putting on his own frosting on them.
You stopped as you watched him chuckled over the dialogue between Rizzo the Rat and Gonzo. Sometimes, he could be really cute.
You came back and easily tucked back under Roman’s arm. He smiled and took the plate from you. “We’ll keep them here.” He placed the plate in his lap. Looking, up at him you raised an eyebrow. “You better not gobble them all up, Mr. Sionis.”
He smirked, “No promises.” And he grabbed one.
Grabbing a cookie you added the extra frosting then happily enjoyed it. A few moments later you did again but not before giving him another sidelong glance. He glanced down at you before he took one himself.
When you did, you got a playful idea. Glancing, one final time you grabbed one of the tubes of frosting. You opening it, you squeezed a small spot on his hand as it rested on you. You licked it away.
Roman’s elegant profile was still illuminated by the twinkling lights from the tree and the tv.
You honestly couldn’t believe you had done that. Rolling your eyes, he could inspire the most wicked thoughts. So you put the tube down, and turned your attention back to the movie.
Feeling something you glanced down. A spot of frosting landed on your own hand, while he frosted his own cookie.
“Oh? Did I get some on you?” You brought your hand up before and but his hand took yours and his warm lips that took the frosting away.
“You didn’t think I noticed what you did?” His voice had grown deeper, his fingers idly traced the hem of your shorts. He put what was left of the plate of cookies on the end table.
Your heart picked up speed. “No, no of course not.” You stumbled a little.
He smiled, he turned off the movie. “Come here baby.” Easily, he pulled you onto his lap.
You watched as he left squeezed a little of the frosting where his throat met his chest. He gave you a wordless challenging look. You moved, so your lips and tongue moved together. You felt as his dipped back into the cushions of the sofa.
Once you pulled back he looked at you with hooded eyes. You took the frosting tube from his hand, “Roman” you breathed and drew a small sugary line up your throat.
He shifted but then you let him pull you close. His hands held you just so then his mouth and lips were on you. A soft moan came from you. “Yes.” Was all you say.
Yet, he didn’t stop when the frosting was gone. He continued to lick and nibble on you. You trembled.
“Daddy, always makes you feel good doesn’t he?” His words rasped in your ear.
You licked your lips. “Yes.”
A dark chuckle came from him. “Shall, I continue or should I keep you in my lap where you belong as we continue to watch the movie?”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @corey-clown @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16
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Home - Epilogue
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A/N- Well we have reached the end for now. I may do a sequel... what do you all think?
Thank you to everyone who took time to read this fic, vote and comment, it means so much. ILY 💕
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Waking up alone felt very weird! Bucky and/or a combination of the kids were usually spread out everywhere, a little foot in the face or ribs.... but i was alone.
I turned and looked at the clock and saw it was only 5am, i quietly got out of bed and used the bathroom before heading out to hallway. I stuck my head into the kids bedrooms and saw them all still fast asleep, then i went on the hunt for that husband of mine.
When i made it to the kitchen i heard the grunts and the metal clanging of the weights in his gym in the basement. I slowly and very quietly made my way down the stairs and stood watching him from the doorway.
"You'd think you'd be bored of watching me work out by now doll" he said making me jump, i hadn't even realised he had seen me. I looked over at him seeing the amused look in his face and shook my head.
"Never gets old baby, its been a while since ive had the chance to admire my husband. But the kids are all sleeping still so i thought id make the most of the alone time" i smirked biting my bottom lip as my eyes roamed over him, he was sat on the bench press in just a pair of shorts, his chest glistening.....
"Why dont you come over here and get a closer look..... really make the most of that alone time"
"Thats the best idea i've ever heard Mr Barnes!" I smiled and walked over to him.
"I couldnt agree more Mrs Barnes" his hand gripped my hip as soon as i was within his reach and he pulled me down into his lap, his lips instantly pressing to the side of my neck.
"If we're doing this we can't be too long.... the kids might wake up" i said running a hand down his chest and over his abs before my fingers pulled at his waist band of his shorts..... i could already feel his excitement pressed against me and couldnt wait to have him inside me, it felt like forever since we'd last had sex. Having 5 kids was exhausting and all we wanted to do was sleep half the time, the other half, things would just start getting interesting when one or more of the kids would interrupt!
"Oh you can bet your ass we're doing this baby! It'll be quick don't worry, i don't think either of us is gonna last that long"
"Should i go lock the door...."
"No! I cant wait any longer baby" he said reaching down and pulling his cock from his shorts, my panties quickly pushed aside before he sunk inside me.
I held onto him as i moaned and rocked my hips against him.
"Ahh fuck.... ive missed this" he smiled against my mouth before kissing me passionately.
"Me too..... i think the kids need a sleep over at Uncle Steve's very soon!"
"Oh my god yes!" He moaned thrusting up hard making me bite down on his shoulder to stop the loud moan that was dying to escape.
Bucky was right, neither of us lasted long at all but it was just what we both needed. Afterwards Bucky grabbed his t-shirt from the floor to clean me up making me roll my eyes.
"Classy Buck" i chuckled shaking my head.
"What? There's no bathroom down here" he shrugged casually with smirk "I'll wash it don't worry" he pulled me back towards him so i was stood between his legs, i ran my fingers through his hair before leaning down to kiss him. Bucky's hands were under my shirt running up and down my back before one slipped round to rest against my stomach.
"You want another baby doll?" He suddenly asked surprising me.
"What?.... you want another baby? Teddy and Thomas have only just turned 1...."
"Id love another baby with you, i love seeing you big and round with my baby.... and we make cute kids"
"Im not arguing with that" I shrugged "they are cute and look just like their daddy"
"Well what'd say? You gonna let me put a baby in you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Maybe you just did" i shrugged smiling down at him.
"So your not against the idea?"
"No, but only one more. We've already got 5 kids Buck..... we barely get time together as is it"
"Lets just see what happens, when it happens it happens"
"You know youve probably already knocked me up, youve got some strong swimmers Barnes" i laughed pressing another kiss to his lips.
"Mom! Dad! Where are you?" Brooke was suddenly calling from the kitchen.
"We're down in the gym babe, im on my way up now" i called back before grabbing Bucky's hand and pulling him behind me "come on daddy your kids need feeding".
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
i’m dying to read some harringrove college stuff, so what about the boys being in some frat party, meeting each other for the first time. Billy would be doing some drinking game or something and Steve would be watching him. even tho Steve’s ”dating” this guy (fuckbuddies) who’s arms are around Steve, he still takes an interest on Billy. Billy would also see Steve, all pretty and long legs and would love to get piece of him after getting that guy off him. then they fuck somewhere in the house 👀
Modern. Nb Steve ayoo.
Read on aothree
Under the cut
Billy shouldered his way into the party.
He was trying to find the kitchen, looking for a drink. He ended up just grabbing the drink out of some douchebag’s hand as he walked behind him.
He met up with his roommate, one of the other pledges from the frat he was rushing, Scott.
“Billy, you motherfucker! Play beerpong!” Scott pulled him to the table, shoving a pingpong ball into his hand.  Billy looked up, his brain shorting out as he saw the other team.
Across from his was a huge douchey-looking guy, in a muscle tank with the sleeves ripped off, and a backwards hat. Billy knows he dresses like a fuckboy on a good day, but at least he’s not like this asshole.
But what this asshole had, was the most beautiful person Billy had ever seen in his entire fucking life. All long legs, and big eyes. They were wearing a pretty bodysuit, a dark purple color with a deep neckline, lace trimming the spaghetti straps, the neckline, the low back. They had a little pin on their little denim shorts that read They/Them.
Billy watched the jock asshole, tuck them under his arm, whispering something to them, making their eyes crinkle so sweetly while they giggled, batting their big fake eyelashes at him.
Billy played the game making eyes at the pretty little thing on the other side of the table.
But the thing was, they were good. They sunk almost every throw, giving Billy a smug little look each time. It only made Billy fall harder. But then the game was over and the shitty jock tucked the perfect darling under his arm and disappeared into the party.
“Who was that?” He was standing with Scott in the kitchen, finally found it to make themselves some drinks, taking a few shots each.
“The asshole in the trucker hat? That’s Chad Weathers.”
“No not-wait, his name is fucking Chad? There are actually humans named Chad that exist on this Earth?”
“I fucking know. Can you believe? Imagine just being like, hi, my name is Chad.”
“Is he a douche because his name is Chad, or is his name Chad because he was always predisposed to be a douche?”
“Definitely the second. You can’t damp pure asshole like that.” Billy turned, seeing the perfect beerpong sweetheart from earlier, pouring some vodka and raspberry lemonade into a solo cup.
Billy laughed, holding out his hand.
“Steve.” They shook hands. Their hand was warm and soft, fingers slender and long.
“You really called your boyfriend a douchebag just now, huh?” Steve gave him a look.
“Not my boyfriend. We just fuck sometimes. Usually when he’s drunk enough to not be weird about my dick, and when I’m drunk enough to talk about my dick to strangers.”
Billy just leaned against the counter, making sure to put on his I WILL eat your ass and you’ll THANK me for it smile.
“Well, I know all about your dick now, so we’re not strangers anymore.” Steve just laughed, touching Billy’s upper arm gently. They moved just a hair closer to Billy. He was totally in.
“So, Billy, tell me about yourself. What are you studying?”
“Guess.” Steve raised an eyebrow.
“Um, you’re a big dudebro so like, business management. Something to get you through while you play football on scholarship and party with your frat.” Billy sucked in some air through his teeth.
“Hate to break it to you, but you were only right about one thing. I’m rushing a frat, but I don’t play football, and I’m not studying fucking business. I’m studying social work. And I’m here on academic scholarship.” Steve was grinning.
“So you’re like, a sensitive dudebro. Good for you.”
“What are you studying, then? Art?” Steve rolled their eyes.
“Just because I’m all queer doesn’t mean I’m studying art. Why didn’t you guess theater.”
“Well, as a fellow queer I just meant you seem like an artistic soul.”
“I mean, I am really great at crafts.” Billy laughed. “But I’m studying education and early childhood development. I wanna teach little kids.” They had this soft look on their face.
“God, you’re just as sweet as I thought you’d be.” Steve raised an eyebrow again, a smile tugging at their lips, painted the same deep purple as their bodysuit.
“You think about me often?”
“Well, you’re just about the only thing I’ve thought of this whole conversation.” And then their hand was trailing down Billy’s arm, tugging him in closer by the wrist, they leaned into Billy’s space, just close enough to be heard.
“You wanna find a room? Think of me some more?” Billy slid his arm around their lower back.
“Lead the way, sweet thing.”
Billy started openly at their ass as they led him up the stairs, hips swaying. The first room they checked was locked, the second unlocked but occupied. But, third time’s the damn charm apparently.
Billy pushed Steve inside, locking the door behind him.
It was some frat bro’s room, shitty basic posters on the wall, a lot of beer cans lined up on the window sill like it was decor.
But Billy wasn’t too focused on their surroundings, not when Steve was getting naked, right then and there in the middle of the room. They tossed a condom from their pocket at Billy as they stepped out of the shorts, sliding the bodysuit off after. Billy groaned.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking sexy.” He placed his hands on their hips, sliding them back to grope at their ass, pulling them forward into him. “Gorgeous.” He figured the deep lipstick was smeared everywhere between by now, but honestly, he really couldn’t find it within himself to care as Steve pawed at his shirt, clumsily undoing the few that were still done, pushing it off his shoulders.
Some base heavy song was playing as Billy kicked out of jeans, pressed against Steve until they were at the edge of the bed, turning them around and bending them over. He pressed sloppy kisses down their spine.
“Can I eat you out?” He heard them groan, hips canting back just a little.
“Fuck yeah.” Billy grinned, spreading them slightly, getting a look at their tight little hole before diving in, licking and sucking with wild abandon. He could barely hear their soft noises over the music of the party, the wet sounds of his own mouth.
He pulled back, spitting one last time before pressing one finger inside, watching as he fucked it in and out.
“There’s, there’s some lube in my pocket.” Steve had turned their head, was looking over their shoulder at Billy, gesturing wildly to the shorts on the floor. Billy leaned back on his knees, kept his one finger pumping in and out of Steve while he got the shorts, finding a few packets of lube and condoms.
“You really came prepared tonight. You go to every party with all this one you?”
“Well it’s mostly just in case.” Billy laughed, muttering MOSTLY just in case under his breath, tearing open the lube with his teeth, pouring some over his fingers and Steve’s hole. He pressed two fingers inside, curling and stretching them expertly.
Steve was whining, fucking back onto three of Billy’s fingers. He still had one hand keeping them spread open, watching his fingers.
“I’m fucking, I’m ready. Just fuck me.” Billy pulled his fingers out, slapping their ass once.
“Brat.” He rolled on the condom, giving himself a few strokes as he did. He lined up, pressing into that tight little spot. He threw his head back, groaning as his hips pressed flush to Steve’s ass, grinding deeply. Steve was face down into the mattress, taking shaky little breaths. Billy dragged a hand up their spine, settling it on the shoulder, the other on their soft hip, using them as leverage to just fuck.
He was slamming into Steve, fucking them with a punishing pace, their skin slapping together. Billy bent over Steve, pushing one arm under their hips, angling them perfectly to slam against that sensitive little spot.
“Oh my God. Whatever the fuck you’re doing right now, don’t fucking stop.” Billy just huffed a laugh, going even harder, slamming their bodies together. Steve wormed a hand beneath them, stripping their cock quickly, bucking their hips forward and back.
Billy groaned when they came, tightening around him lie a fucking vice, crying out.
He kept going for a moment or two, grinding in deep to finish. He pulled out, slumping on the bed next to Steve, flopped in his back. They looked over at him, smiling lazily.
“I’m gonna have to get your number. That was good.” Billy laughed, batting awkwardly at their shoulder.
“Not so bad yourself.” They stood up slolwy, wincing slightly as they got re-dressed, Billy following suit.
“Seriously, I’m gonna be like, actually sore. Haven’t felt like that in a minute.” They were looking the mirror on the inside of the closet door, had just pulled it open like they owned the place to fix their mussed hair. Their makeup was somehow perfectly intact.
They flung their phone over to Billy.
“Put your number in.” They didn’t have a passcode on their phone which was bold, gave them a kinda Fuck with me. I DARE you. I have NOTHING to hide vibe. Billy liked it.
He put his number in under Billy Delta Phi party, so that Steve knew, would see the number and remember the night, the way Billy fucked them so hard they hurt.
“Just shoot me a text sometime. I’ll kick my idiot roommate out.”
“No need, I have a single room. The university was gonna put me with some guy, but my loving mommy and daddy don’t trust me not to be a slut.” Billy raised an eyebrow, cocking his head a little.
“You have a single room and we’re not there right now?” Steve just smirked, a challenge in their eyes.
“You askin’ for another round?”
“Long as you’re not too sore.” Steve took his wrist, dragging him out of the party and down the road back towards campus.
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