#i cant think about bobby i cant think about eddie i cant think about hen
chronicowboy · 4 months
sorry but i'll be living in plausible deniability for the next week and will only think of bucktommy being disgustingly cute with each other at the medal ceremony <3
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i need them to put eddie in a coma so he can have his own little coma dream realization
#like can you imagine#maybe he didnt reenlist#maybe hes got that perfect little romantic life he keeps thinking he had with shannon#maybe they stayed in el paso#or the three of them moved to la together when shannons mom got sick#and maybe eddie isnt a firefighter maybe he went into contracting or landscaping because he likes to work with his hands#or maybe he went into nursing because he likes helping people#but hes living a perfect little life with a son and wife and their white picket fence but he cant shake the feeling that something is wrong#he pulls aside for a firetruck on his way to work and something about it makes him feel funny like he misses something#and so he asks shannon when he gets home#hey did i ever apply to the fire academy#and she says no why would you have done that?? as she places a warmed frozen lasagna down on the diner table#he watches chris pick at his plate and swears that chris loved lasagna#and maybe hes out on his lunch break at the park and he hears a woman cry and run to find a man collapsed on the ground and shes panicking#so he tells her to call 911 and he starts compressions#the fire department shows up and hen and chim take his place and he fills them in before stepping back#youre good under pressure buck says from beside him#and eddie just kinda looks at him for a second because#he feels right#this feels right#being right here beside this man with a crooked grin on his face feels right#but eddie just shrugs and says well i was in the army kinda came with the territory#and then bobbys voice crackles through the radio buck i told you to stop flirting on calls get in the truck now#and buck returns an ay ay captain and winks at eddie before hopping in the firetruck#he watches engine 118 drive away and thinks he should be right next to buck in that truck#okay i got carried away but i need it#like there are so many possibilities for eddie coma dream and like#tim listen to me i need you to do think i need eddie to be put into a coma so he can realize that his life now is everything hes needed
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kinardsboy · 2 months
Hmm something about Buck being reckless and ending up in the hospital with Tommy by his side. Buck can tell Tommy is fuming- but he doesnt show it- he just keeps a hand ontop of Evan’s , rubbing it absentmindedly as he listens to the steady sounds of the heart monitor.
They get Tommy’s house- Evan’s house now too. and he just cant take it anymore. He cant take the angry silence so he snaps- its unfair and he knows it but he just.
“I’m sorry it’s an inconvenience to take care of me.”
Tommy paused, dropping Evan’s bag on the floor
“Is that why you think I’m mad?”
Evan scoffed, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. “Yeah. What else?”
God. Fuck. Tommy wanted to strike down whoever instilled such- self deprecation into Evan’s mind.
“Evan.” Tommy breathed out, trying his hardest to not sound mad, he failed.
“That’s not why I’m mad at you. Im not even- I’m not even mad I’m just..”
“Disappointed?” Evan mocked, he knew it was shitty- but the pain medication had worn off and he was looking for something to be upset with- to deflect how he was really feeling.
“Very funny.” Tommy sighed, but continued regardless “I’m scared. Yes fine I’m disappointed too but its- I don’t think you understand.”
“Well then enlighten me.” Evan crossed his arms, he was looking for a fight and Tommy was trying his best to avoid one.
“Would you just stop-“ almost- Tommy almost gave in and bit back- but he stopped himself. “God damn it Evan I’m trying here- I’m trying. But you scared me. I dont want to be mad at you- I don’t want you feel worse than you already do but why did you have to be so reckless!?”
“Its apart of the job. We get hurt. I thought being a firefighter yourself you would understand that.” Evan bit back.
“No- no that is NOT apart of the job- being reckless and running into an a burning building without proper equipment is stupid!” Tommy groaned- mentally scolding himself for losing his composure. “I know youre going to get hurt. IM going to get hurt.” He said more calmly “I’m upset because you could’ve died Evan- do you even care? Because I do! Howie- Hen- Eddie - Bobby? Your sister? We all care!” Tommy’s standing in front of Buck, who is now resting on the couch- his gaze fixated on the floor.
“I did what was right Tommy. I saved someone.”
“But what about yourself?” Tommy frowned “youre selfless Evan- and I love that about you. I-I’m the selfish one here because I sometimes.. I wish you werent.”
Evan looked up at him but didnt say anything, so Tommy continued.
“I love you, Evan. I’m upset because you scared me. I thought I lost you for good and you didnt even seem to care. Just another near miss for you- but for me? It was fucking terrifying okay?”
Evan blinked, like he hadn’t considered that reasoning before. “Oh.” He thought a long time about what to say, before taking a deep breath and nodding. “I promise to cut back on the daredevil stuff okay..?”
“No- Evan I just..” Tommy sighed and sat down next to him, taking his hands. “I dont want you to stop being you- I just.. want you to know that.. I love you. And I would really appreciate you coming home to me. So don’t.. dont stop being brave and selfless just- just remember you have someone waiting at home- someone who needs.. you to fight to get back to. Okay?”
Evan smiled “yeah. Okay.”
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wikiangela · 3 months
imagine the 118 are at some emergency - nothing very serious, maybe some minor car crash or whatever, everything on the firefighters part is taken care of, so now it's mostly medical, so hen and chim are working, while buck and eddie and bobby are standing nearby, not really needed or smth (just bc I need Buck to be able to afford to get distracted 🙈)
a helicopter flies by and Buck immediately looks up like "oh, you think that's tommy?" bc we know he'd think every helicopter was Tommy lol- hen and chim (fondly) roll their eyes bc buck cannot stop gushing about tommy - but eddie, supportive bff as he is, looks up too and is like "it looks like lafd, it might be him"
buck's still looking up as the helicopter flies away and pulls out his phone to text tommy that he might have seen him and ask if he was flying in the area
then he turns to the victim hen and chim are taking care of and of course he has to explain bc it's the one person in the closest vicinity who doesn't know, so he's like: "Tommy's my hot pilot boyfriend btw. he's so cool" and starts talking about him, and chim groans and Hen shakes her head with exasperation bc he cant last an hour without bringing tommy up and it's adorable but also getting annoying and also they've known tommy the longest and they know he's not that cool.
meanwhile Bobby just looks at him fondly bc he's never seen buck this happy, and Eddie's just grinning from ear to ear bc he's also happy for buck, and he also thinks Tommy's the coolest, but then he goes into his usual teasing bc of course he does
but buck just happily keeps talking about his hot pilot boyfriend (and maybe that's the moment the team decide to start a 'tommy' jar)
just... buck gushing about his boyfriend to anyone who'll listen 🙏
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olicitymckono · 7 months
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AN: Hey guys this is my first reader insert for Eddie Diaz. Please enjoy!
Any mistakes are my own
Italics = texts and flashback
The day Eddie Diaz walked into 118 house Y/N knew there was something about him. Aside from his good looks, he had this presence about him that made her feel like she could immediately trust him. It had taken her a while to fully trust her other team mates but some how with him its different. The two of you had become fast friends and spent a lot of your free time together with Christopher and sometimes Buck.
One day things just suddenly changed. There had been a school shooting and somehow the LAPD had not been aware that there were two offenders. Once Athena and her team had the first offender in custody the 118 had been given the all clear to enter the building and help the victims. Y/N and Hen made their way in first. School shootings had always been hard for Y/N, no one but Bobby knew the reason for it but the team had always noticed. Y/N lead the way towards one of the classrooms where she heard crying. “Fire Department, we’re here to help,” she called out. She saw a young man look out the glass before slowly opening the door. “Are you hurt?”
“No but my friend is,” the young man pointed towards another boy who was surrounded by several other students. Y/N made her way over to him. He had taken a bullet to his stomach and had lost a lot of blood. She noticed that the other kids were scared which wasn’t unusual given the trauma they had just been through but none of them tried to leave.  Y/N looked towards Hen who she saw had also noticed.
“Its okay, we’ve got him. If you’re not hurt you can head outside.”
Several of the kids shook their heads, Y/N knew something was wrong. “Hen, we gonna need a back board. He cant walk out here.” Hen reached for her radio but Y/N stopped her. “Can you get it?” The look Y/N gave her made Hen worry but she got up and nodded. As she headed to the door Y/N said, “Tell Cap, it’s Cressway.” Hen looked at her questioningly but Y/N shook her head, “Go, I really need the back board.”
Once Hen was gone Y/N turned her attention to the boy on the ground. It didn’t look good and she really didn’t think he was going to make it, but she had to try. “Ok I’m gonna need some help.” She turned to a young blond girl. “What’s your name?”
“Hayley,” she replied softly.
“Okay Hayley I need you to keep pressure on...”
Y/N smiled lightly, “Jeremy’s wound. Press down really hard ok. Can you do that?” Hayley nodded. “Good.” Y/n leaned down to take a better look and soften her voice, “Who?”
Hayley looked at her before moving her eyes over to the young man who had opened the door. He was pacing now and seemed very agitated. “Okay, we’re gonna get out of here.”
Something didn’t feel right and Hen rushed to get the back board. She needed to speak to speak to Bobby but something told her not to do it over the air. She spotted Athena and rushed over. “Have you seen Bobby?”
“He went in after you guys, said something about the library. What’s up?”
“Somethings wrong.”
“Wrong how?”
“Hen,” they turned around as her captain and Eddie came out helping a young wounded girl who was bleeding from her leg. She rushed over.
“Cap, somethings wrong.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N said to mention Cressway.”
“Cressway? What does that mean?” Eddie asked.
Hen was about to say something when she noticed the look on her Captains face, “Where is she?” he asked.
“Inside. Cap what is it?”
“There’s a second shooter.”
“Are you sure?” Athena asked her husband.
Athena grabbed her radio and called it in just as a gun shot went off.
Her ears were ringing, the gun had gone off right next to her ear but she had managed to take down the shooter. She looked up at the scared kids in front of her and told them to leave, “Its safe now.”
They didn’t need to be told twice and raced for the door. Y/n sat down and leaned against the wall, “I really hate school shootings.” She reached for her radio, “All clear, suspect is down.”
Two seconds later Eddie was in front of her, running his hands over her body checking for any injuries. “Hey Diaz, if you wanted to cop a feel all you had to do was ask,” she joked.
“Not funny Hartley.” He got up and reached out his hand before pulling her up alongside him.
“Are you mad at me Eddie?” she asked at the tone of his voice.
“What were you thinking? You could have been killed.”
She put her hands on her hips and glared at him, “I was doing my job. PD gave us the clear. Last I checked I’m a firefighter.”
“You are not a cop. You should have like them handle the guy. When you thought something was up you call in.”
She shook her head, “I’m not arguing with you. I did what I had to diffuse the situation and help those kids.”
“That wasn’t your call.”
“Excuse me? I’m head paramedic.”
That’s enough!” Bobby step in. “Y/n I want you to go get checked out. Diaz go help Buck and the others to search.”
“But Cap,” she began.
“Don’t wanna hear it. That’s an order.”
With one final glare at Eddie, she shook her head and went to follow her boss’ instructions.
Pulling back into headquarters Y/n was still fuming at the way her friend and co worker had spoken to her, like she was some sort of child. As soon as the engine came to a stop she hop out and headed straight for the showers. Sitting down on the bench she took a deep breath and allowed herself a chance to process everything.
She looked up, “Hi Cap.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head, “ Not really.”
He nodded in understanding but still made his way over and sat down next to her. “I know that this was hard for you.”
“Its the job. I’ve handled school shootings before.”
“Not like this one, not since Cressway.”
“I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I know. But regardless I want you to take the day.”
“Are you benching me?”
“No, I’m telling you to take the day and do something relaxing. Something that will take your mind off what I know your thinking off. Maybe Luke is around.”
She smiled at the thought of her boyfriend. She nodded, maybe Cap was right. It had been a long day. “Ok.”
He got up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You did good.”
“ Thanks Cap.”
The young man looked up from his plate and gave his boss a questioning look. “Yeah?”
Bobby sat down, “What was that about back at the school?”
Eddie knew what he was talking about. To be honest he didn’t even know what had come over him. When he had heard that gun shot go off, it had scared the hell out of him. He couldn’t lose Y/N. She was his best friend. “I don’t know Bobby. When I heard that gun shot, I panicked. I don’t even want to think about losing her.”
“DO you have feelings for her?”
Eddie shook his head frantically, “No way....I mean yeah she’s my best friend.”
“Bobby nodded, “We all care about her Eddie, but we trust each other here. We just each other to do our jobs and that’s what she did.”
“How did you know Cap? About the second shooter?”
“Not my story to tell.” Bobby got up. “Just trust her.”
“Luke, you home?” Yn called out into his apartment as she walked in.
“Hey babe. You’re home early.” the Australian man who had stolen her heart 5 years ago smiled as he walked into the kitchen. He was a lawyer who worked from home and the two had met at the courthouse one afternoon during a fire.
“Hey,” she sighed as he pulled her into his arms.
“Is everything ok?”
“No,” she mumbles into his shirt.
“What happened?”
“School shooting.”
He pulled her tighter, rubbing her back. “Wanna talk about it?”
She shook her head. “Are you busy or can you distract me?”
“Mmm, that depends on what kind of distraction you want,” he smirked.
“Mind out the gutter. I thought maybe a hike.”
“You know I would do anything for you but I have a zoom meeting in like an HR.”
“Its ok.” She reached up and kissed him. “Thought I’d try my luck.”
“How about dinner? That little French restaurant you love so much.”
“Sounds perfect. I’m gonna go on that hike so long. I’ll see you later.”
“Pick you up at 8. Love you.”
“I love you too.”
That night as he lay in bed Eddie had the worst nightmare and now he just tossed and turned, unable to get the image of Yn out of his head. He knew it had been just a dream and that she was perfectly safe but the thought of her been hurt, haunted him.
“Hey, you awake?” he messaged her.
“Yep. What’s up?”
“Can’t sleep. U?”
“Me neither.”
“You wanna get some coffee? Christopher is at a friends.”
“Sure, or you could come here?”
“I’ll be there now.”
Sitting on her balcony they had foregone the coffee and we’re nursing a few beers. He could tell she wasn’t herself. “What’s wrong?”
“Today was just hard. And you having a go at me didn’t help.”
“I’m sorry. When I heard the gunshot, I got scared.”
“Ok. I guess it hasn’t missed your attention that school shootings are hard for me.”
“I’ve noticed.”
She sighed. “Back in high school it was just a normal day. All of a sudden during lunch Randy Hurst a senior opened fire. A few of us managed to get out of the lunch hall and hid in the library.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I lost my brother that day. Along with 15 others.”
He took her hand in his, “I’m sorry.”
She smiled at him. “The worst part was that there were two shooters. No one knew about the other boy until he pulled out a gun. He was in the library with us. Police responded quickly and some students were able tackle Randy but Aiden was still there. He had been friends with Luke, my brother. He had run with us and just sat there head in his hands. At the time it didn’t seem weird. We were all scared. But when we heard the sirens Aiden started talking to himself, like he was going mad.”
“Maybe he was having second thoughts?” Eddie asked as he brushed his thumb along her hand.
“That’s what he said. He was prepared and ready but something stopped him and when Randy started shooting, Aiden panicked. He ran with us. I still don’t know what happened, why he hesitated then decided
 shoot in the library. I never asked him, I was too scared.”
“How did it end?”
“We could hear officers coming towards us. Shouting to let us know so we wouldn’t be afraid so some of us got up and tried to get to the door. But Aiden pulled a gun and shot Alicia Mount. He rushed the door and made us get back.
“Second shooter! I repeat we have a second shooter!”
We could hear officers shooting right outside the door bit no one came in. Alicia just lay on the floor, blood pooling from her back.
“Aiden, what the hell are you doing?” my brother Luke asked, voice shaking.
I have never seen him scared before except when our grandpa was sick and dying.
“Get back!!!” the shooter screamed waving the gun in front of Luke.
I walk forward slowly and take my brother’s hand. “Luke…”
“Stay back Ynn.” Luke looked at me and I looked back pleading with my eyes for him to not do any thing stupid. He got the message and moved away slowly from Aiden, one hand raised in surrender, the other clutching mine tightly. A mere few minutes later a young boy, most likely a junior tries to sneak out but Aiden spots him and raises his gun. Luke took the opportunity to tackle the boy. A single shot rings out. Luke grimaces and I knew he had been hit but he won’t let go of the boy. “Run!”
Most of the group didn’t need to be told twice but I didn’t want to leave my brother.
“Dammit Yn go!!!!”
Tears in my eyes I run for the door and as I round the corner I run into a police officer. He is asking me something but I can’t hear him. We have to help Luke. “My brother he’s….” another shot and it’s only because the officer had grabbed onto me tight that kept me from racing to him.
Several other officers slowly make their way towards the library. A few minutes later one comes back and asks me to come with him. I hesitate but follow him. Luke and Aiden are both laying on the floor. “Who is it?”
I point at Aiden who I can see is still alive. Luke is still. The police roughly pull Aiden up and hand cuff him, mindful of his bleeding arm. I rush to my brother.
“Luke? Luke?” he doesn’t open his eyes. His stomach is covered in blood. “Wake up!”
I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. It’s a paramedic.
“Please help him!”
He nodded as another man joined him and the police man from earlier pulls me up and leads me outside.
“Luke died on the way to the hospital.”
Eddie pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. “He sounds like a hero.”
She sniffled before pulling back. “He was. So many more could have died that day.”
They sat there for a while before he remembered something. “What’s Cressway?”
“His last name. Aiden Cressway.”
“Where is he now?”
“Locked away for the rest of his life. After the trial my parents moved us to LA. My grandparents on my mom’s side lived here and they felt we needed a new start. When I became a paramedic and joined the department I didn’t tell anyone but when I joined the 118 we had to respond to a shooting at an elementary school. It was my first one since that day and Cap called me out. That’s when I told him everything. He promised it would stay between us and I’ve managed to handle it.”
“That’s why he looked at you before we got to the school?”
She nodded. “He tries to take care of me.”
“He cares about you. We all do.”
The way he said that made her feel different and the way he was looking at her caused her to blush. She took a breath. “Today was the first time I’ve experienced a unknown second shooter.”
“You did a good job today. I over heard some of the kids talking afterwards. You saved their lives.”
“I just thought about what Luke had done.”
“Promise me though you won’t do that again?”
She looked up at him in annoyance. “Can we not do this again Eddie? I did my job.”
“I know.” He threaded his fingers with hers. “But I can’t lose you.”
She soften her look and brushed her free hand against his cheek. “I’m not going anywhere Eddie. But I can’t not do my job.”
“I suppose,” he got up and walked inside and she could see there was something else.
“Is there something you’re not saying?” she got up and followed him.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know Eddie, you tell me.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No please, share what’s on your mind!”
“I can’t lose you!” he snapped.
“We established that already!” she fired back taking a step closer. “Its our job. We’ve been doing it for years. Why all of a sudden are you acting like this?”
“I’m gonna go.”
“Edmund Diaz! I promise if you walk out that door……”
“What? Huh?” he closing the gap between them. “What are you gonna do Yn?”
He was so close that she could feel his breath against her skin. His eyes piercing into hers. She took a shaky breath and took a step back. “What did I do?”
“You could have been hurt or worse.”
She shook her head and tried to walk away, annoyed with the conversation now. He grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against him, lips crashing against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Wrapping his hands around her waist he tried to pull her closer, never removing his lips from hers. As his fingers brushed against her exposed skin between her pants and top she gasped. Using it to his advantage he slip his tongue into her mouth. Neither wanted to stop but air was becoming a necessity and when they final broke apart they both had to catch their breath. “I’m in love with you.” He whispered against her lips.
She stepped back, “What?”
He let her step back but refused to let go of her hands. “I’ve been for a while. I only knew for certain when I hard that shot. So many things raced through my mind as I was racing inside. How I might not get to tell you how I feel. How we could be a family, you, me and Christopher. How there is so much I want to do with you and share with you.”
“You make my life so much better since you came into it. I always felt like there was this hole, like something was missing and nothing could fix it. Then I met you and you became my best friend. It felt like I had finally found my missing piece.”
“I care about you too, I’ll be honest and say that I do have feelings for you too but I have a boyfriend.”
He nodded sadly, “I know. I just…..I needed you to know.”
“I’m sorry Eddie.”
Over the next few weeks things between Yn and Eddie felt awkward and the team noticed. Buck and Chin had tried talking to Eddie and Hen had tried with Yn but neither of the two wanted to talk about it. Exactly 2 months after that kiss Christopher walked into the kitchen and confronted his father.
“Why doesn’t Yn come over anymore? Did you have a fight?”
“Its complicated buddy.”
“Well just tell her you love her and fix it.” Eddie was surprised that his son knew about his feelings and it showed. “I see the way you look at her. How happy you are when she’s around.”
Eddie sighed. “She knows but it’s too late. She has a boyfriend.”
“Its only too late if you give up. And it looks like you have.” Christopher walked out the room.
An hour later Eddie went to his son’s room to try and explain but when he open the door Christopher wasn’t there. “Chris?” he went through the entire apartment calling out for his son, his panic starting to increase. He grabbed his phone and called Yn.
“Christopher’s gone.”
She had just sat down, flipping on the TV when her cellphone rang. Eddie.
“Christopher’s gone.”
“Where was the last you saw him?” she asked jumping up and racing for the door. As she opened it she felt her the panic in her chest subside. She sighed in relief. “He’s here.”
“I’m on my way “
She put down the call and pulled the young boy into a tight hug well as tight as he would allow. “You scared us. Your dad is worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
After making sure Christopher was all ok and getting him some juice she sat down next to him on the sofa.
“Why did you run away?”
He looked down at the glass in his hand. “You and Dad are fighting and I don’t like it. You never come by anymore.”
She felt ashamed. In the last two months Eddie had done his best to avoid her and at first she had tried but eventually gave up. She hadn’t thought about the boy sitting here. “Christopher, I’m so sorry. What ever is going on with your dad and we shouldn’t have let it affect you.”
“Do you love my dad?”
She sighed, “Yes but it’s not that easy.” She added seeing the hopeful look on his face.
“How come? Is it because of Luke?”
“Luke was a factor yes.”
“Why can’t it just be simple? You love dad and he loves you.”
Before she could answer there was a knock at the door. “How many speed limits did you break?” she jokingly asked Eddie as he stood there.
“A few.”
“He’s on the sofa. Don’t be too hard on him.”
Eddie smiled softly at her, knowing just how much she cared for his son.
“Hey bud. You scared me.” He said sitting down next to him.
“I’m sorry dad. I just wanted to see Yn.”
“I know and I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I made a mistake and it affected you.”
“Does this mean that you too won’t be fighting anymore?”
“I hope not,” Eddie replied glancing over at his friend. She nodded in agreement but had a funny look on her face.
“Hey bud,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and handed it to his son. “I’m gonna chat to Yn real quick. Why don’t you watch something?”
Eddie smiled before getting up and nudge his head towards the balcony. She silently followed him. After stepping outside he closed the sliding door behind him.
“Did you mean that?” she asked.
“Kissing me was a mistake?”
“I don’t know, maybe?” he honestly replied.
“Because it broke our friendship.”
“No, that was you deciding to be an ass.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“No arguments here.”
“Yn, it’s hard. Watching you be with someone else.”
“Well maybe if you had talked to me you would know that Luke and I broke up.”
“What?” he asked.
She nodded. “A month ago.”
“What happened?”
“His brother got in an accident and he went home to Sydney. It was supposed to be for a two weeks but he realized how much he missed Australia and his family. Lucky for him his firm has an office over there.”
“So he just left you?”
“He asked me to go with. But I don’t want to leave LA, my family, the 118….you.”
“Me?” he asked moving closer to her. He didn’t want to get his hopes up but he also didn’t want to miss an opportunity.
“Yeah. I wanted to tell you but you weren’t talking to me and I haven’t really told anyone. They just think he is helping his family and will be home soon. And you’re  seeing someone.”
“Marisol and I went on two dates and that was it.”
“Christopher and you. I thought maybe he was just being difficult. Didn’t like the idea of someone taking his mom’s place. But turns out it’s because it wasn’t you.”
She turned to look at the boy inside, she loved him and she was in love with his dad. She had missed them terribly even though she saw Eddie everyday at work. “So where does this leave us?”
“I miss you, and if we are just friends then I’ll make it work. I just need you.”
“And what if I don’t want to be just friends?” she asked closing the gap between them.
He wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, then I would be the happiest guy alive.”
“No more fighting or running.”
“Just you and me.”
“And Christopher.”
He chuckled, “And Christopher.” He kissed her.
“Oh,” she pulled back slightly. “And no getting mad at each other for doing our jobs.”
“As long as you don’t do anything risky.”
She arched a brow, “Me?”
He nodded.
“It was one time. You on the other hand…..”
She never got to finish her sentence as he swiftly kissed her once more.
Back inside Christopher click on the contact and dialed the number. As soon as it was answered he said with a smile. “Hey Buck it worked.”
If either Eddie or Yn found out Buck had been in on the plan…..he was a died man.
An: please let me know if you want more Eddie Diaz and Yn or if you have any requests.
I also write for Formula one and I'm working on a Dean Winchester X reader 😘
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more of my dreams for s8
(mainly for bucktommy im ngl - i love them and they're rotting my brain)
TRIVIA NIGHT. with everyone from the 118 and their partners but buck and tommy are on a team and it quickly becomes clear that they are an absolute menace to society when paired together (like we already know tommy attends a trivia night - let him match buck's energy - i want him deeply passionate about winning)
buckytommy dinner w/madney - we see the like neatly laid table, clearly set up for a grown up dinner only its just maddie and chim sat there and it pans round to buck and tommy having been pulled into playing tea party, or ponies, or smth with jee bc she wanted their attention and buck is physically incapable of saying no to her (the same way tommy cant say it to him 😜) (tho lets be real - he was playing princesses either way) (chim is just thrilled with the blackmail/mockery martial he is gathering)
muay thai lessons - only it quickly becomes clear buck hates it (idk in my mind buck is like innately opposed to violence. he'll put himself between two people but he'll never be the one to throw a punch. that's just how he is)
he does however very much enjoy watching tommy and eddie spar (i want full bridgerton levels of pining/horniness (think daphne at the boxing match))
more hen/karen
specifically more of henren's private investigation firm™ - i want them all up in councilwoman ortez's business (but generally just more henren. HAPPY HENREN.)
this one technically kind of follows on from my last list of dreams but i want athena to discover henren's and also bobby&michael's "investigations" (just picture her expression. her disbelief that she puts up with these well-intentioned idiots. it would be glorious)
and finally - more seriously - bobby retirement/promotion???? most people probs hate that but i kind of feel like the 118 are all kind of stagnant at the moment? so the only way to keep them together is to move bobby on 😞 idk maybe we can just have food-truck!bobby
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if could do an Eddie Diaz request.
eddie meets reader at a hospital when the 118 drop a victim off because she’s a doctor there. she’s a new attending and as he comes more and more they get closer with each visit and she asks him out. they’ve been dating a few months when the hospital goes on lockdown and he gets a call from the reader. she’s crying as she says her goodbyes and that’s all i can think of but happy ending please 🥺😁
falling in reverse - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x reader
a/n: this got pretty deep… this is also inspired by the hospital shooting episodes of greys anatomy, which were written so well. please note this and decide if you want to continue because this is not just something that happens in tv. it’s talked about in the media but there is not nearly enough change that needs to be happening. be aware of the resources in your area and stay. educated. thank you for the request, love 🩶
the whole team arrives back to the station after a quick call. bobby came out of the passengers seat as everyone else came out of the back, putting their gear back up and heading upstairs. eddie runs his hands back down his pockets, checking to make sure the small box was still inside. he opens it up and is bombarded with the shine of the bright diamond that is sat inside the velvet.
he smiles at the thought of it, finally being ready to say those 4 quick, but massive words. he’s been preparing himself and even christopher, and he decided he was ready. there’s no one he wants more than y/n. he completely cherished her inside and out, making sure to admire every single part of her. every time he thought about her the butterflies fluttered in his stomach like he was back in middle school. he couldn’t imagine a more perfect outcome than her being in his arms every night. eddie has struggled immensely with relationships and connections after losing shannon, feeling like everything he touches just disintegrates through his fingers. he knew the first time he saw her that it wasn’t just quick fling, it was intensely love swimming over him.
eddie sped through the streets to pull up the the ER entrance with his, hens, and chimneys patient in the back. he had been severely bleeding from his abdomen and had to be extracted from a burning workplace.
eddie turned the sirens off, climbed out the drivers seat, and yanked open the back doors of the ambulance. he unlocked the wheels of the gurney and helped to pull it down. the flood of nurses came rushing out along with several different doctors in trauma scrubs.
one doctor came following out, pulling her hair back and tying it up as she slid her blue gloves on. “what do we got?” she asks.
“tyler rodrigues, male, 32,” eddie starts saying. “probable internal bleeding and third degree burns on lower extremities, BPs stable.
“alright, get him into trauma two, page plastics and ortho, sanchez, get that ultrasound up and running immediately!” she says, handing out demands to the interns in different colored scrubs.
eddie definitely is not the type of guy to take an interest of someone when he’s working or worse- when they’re both working. but the way she handled herself and the way she spoke to those patients had him in a trance. she was also beautiful, her hair fell perfectly around her face and she moved around so gracefully.
she walked out of the sliding doors of the trauma room, discarding her covering gown and sauntered over to the three first responders at the front desk. hen elbows eddie in his ribs, “careful, diaz, she’s coming this way.”
“w-what?” he mumbles and looks back to see her making her way over with a smile on her face.
“just act normal.”
“chimney…” she begins, and chim pulls her into a hug. “how is everything, you feeling good?”
“no stab wounds, no rebar, i’m living the life,” chimney smiles and pulls away as hen whispers to eddie.
“she was his surgeon when he got hurt,” hen informs.
“and i cant forget about miss henrietta wilson!” she comes over and wraps her arms around her. they exchange quick conversation about their lives, karen and denny. “and diaz?”
eddie’s face drops and he swears he’s as red as a tomato. he doesn’t remember ever meeting her, even when chimney was stabbed by doug. “yeah, ha-have we met?”
“no, not properly,” y/n tells him. “i saw your name tag,” she says with a bright smile and eddie blushes a little. he thought he grew out of the awkward crush stage, but guess not.
“right,” he laughs. “eddie diaz, 118.”
“dr. y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to finally speak to you,” she slips out. “or meet you! sorry, i’ve just seen you come in a few times.”
“don’t worry about it,” he grins and they all look down at the prominent beeping noise coming from her waistband.
“well, i have a surgery so i’ll see you guys later?” they all nod and begin to turn away. “nice seeing you, eddie.”
eddie trails behind the partners, with a small smirk on his face. “oh he’s got it bad,” hen says.
“that woman saved my life and i think she forgot we were there,” chimney says, with his head down as they pile back into the aid car.
eddie stamped back up the stairs, pulling out his phone from his bag when he got there. everyone was crowded around the kitchen island, talking about the call or their own thoughts. eddie was facing his own nightmare when he saw the notifications flashed on his screen.
y/n/n: 11:34
12 missed calls
he rapidly unlocked his phone, smashing in the password numbers and checking his texts and voicemails. his face dropped when he saw the one remaining voice mail from y/n.
one unread voice message from y/n/n at 11:41
he quickly moved himself away from everyone, barricading himself in the corner. he shakily pressed play on the voice message, loudly. he didn’t care if anyone heard.
“hey, baby,” she starts, quietly and shakily. “i know you’re probably on a call, but i wanted you to listen to me. i don’t want you to freak out or anything yet, but, um, i think someone has a gun. im doing everything i can, but i had to call you and tell you how much i love you…” she breathes and deeply exhales. “i love you more than anyone and i’d do anything for you. i love you so, so much, eddie. i know what you’d say, don’t think this way but i had to say my goodbye just in case… in case i don’t make it out of here. you’re in my heart forever, eddie.”
eddie has no tears in his eyes from the pure terror. she’s alone in this building and has no idea what might be on the other side. he stares at the wall, and the ringing in his ears becomes severe and he feels like he was hit by a car. the whole team overheard, drowning in their own fear as well. the noises of the TV were spat out at them.
“we have breaking news to interrupt our regular programs, several shots have been fired at LA general hospital and an active shooter warning has been sent out-“
everyone’s mouths were gaped open, looking directly at eddie who is already sprinting out of the station and into the engine. he knows they’ll be called soon anyway, so why not get a head start? and everyone follows him, getting into the engine.
eddie plays the message on repeat, looking for any little details and hope. the second they arrived on scene, eddie barely gave the engine time to stop before he was out. his mind was in complete fight mode, which almost gave him the impulse to run in and find his soon to be fiancé.
gathered around the hospital are multiple SWAT trucks and tens of police units. they were coming in and out, and eddie almost dropped to his knees when he heard the three words, “suspect in custody.”
the hospital was eerily silent. it was terrifying to y/n, as it was always busy and loud and now, there wasn’t even beeping of machines or hissing of intubation. it was like the whole world stopped. she had ran into the bathroom of a patient, not leaving the room for any reason. locate, lockdown. the four L’s were speeding through her mind in a desperate fight to survive. when you get the training, you assume it’ll never happen to you. but it can.
she was splattered with blood from the bank in a desperate attempt to save herself if needed, but then found herself locked in the small room. her mind had almost become a blur, waiting forever to get the all clear before she heard the SWAT teams come into the room and help lead her out. her eyes were glued to the ceiling to avoid any contact with the horror ensuing.
she had finally been confronted with the fresh california air, walking outside and looking around for anyone she knew. her hands were fallen loosely around her sides, but her posture was stiff.
meanwhile, behind the yellow tapes and barriers, eddie was attempting to get inside to find y/n, having no idea that she was almost right in front of him. “i swear to god, athena, i need to get in there and find her, i have no clue where she is and i need her to be ok, so please,” he rapidly spits out when he feels bobby place a calm hand on his shoulder.
“eddie,” he says, turning his attention to the fearful woman standing in the middle of the parking lot. he’d been waiting for hours for her to be evacuated, the process feeling like years.
when eddie adjusts himself and focuses his eyes, he pulls his stapled feet off the ground and walks over to y/n with his hands out shortly. she sees him coming up, sighing out of exhaustion and was finally in repose. her eyes were red and tired, filled with non-stop tears that were subconsciously falling down her cheeks.
“eddie?” she practically whispers.
“yeah, honey, it’s me,” he replies, stepping in closer as she falls into his embrace. “it’s ok, you’re gonna be ok, you’re safe,” he murmurs sweet comforts into her ear and places his hand on the back of her head. her shivering hands were placed against his back.
being able to fall against him and cry on his shoulder almost erased all of y/n’s thoughts. she knew she did everything she had to do, and now was the last step. live
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jackwhiteprophetic · 1 month
BEGINS episodes I would like:
RAVI- I love him and he deserves to be shown more, also I really need him to become a regular because until he isn't, he is considerably much less safe from permanent injury/death.
MADDIE- Deserves a begins episode with backstory not just about Buck/Doug. I think we should see Maddie before Buck was born, and her relationship with Daniel. The impact of Daniel on Maddie hasn't been given the time and thought it deserves. Also Ravi and Maddie begins could be combined so well.
EDDIE- another Eddie begins, this time about before Chris. Would be massively on theme for the season, because Eddie will be exploring who he is without Chris, and Chris is literally at Eddie's childhood home, and has already been to the lake.
Also I want to see more about Chim and Hen's childhoods please!!!
ALSO much of this post is like silly and I know begins episodes are normally about how they became first responders, though tbf Bobby's ones were not.
ADDING THIS BC PEOPLE CANT SEE/IGNORED THE ORIGINAL TAGS: PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG ABOUT WANTING A TOMMY BEGINS. Feel free to post about that separately but I don't want to see that and please respect this boundary!!!
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 5 months
Strawberries and Cream
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
Word count: 5.9k
Notes: *me peeing while figuring out what to name this chapter* *sees a bottle that says planets* Niceeeee. I need you to know, that while editing this, I am LITERALLY ON MY LAPTOP SETTING THE QUEUEUEUE button (I cant spell that) I added one sentence. and I promise you when you read this you're gonna know and just hear my evil laughter
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Episode 4: Fast Cars and Faster Planets
“What do mean you guys had a steamy ass make out sesh and immediately said “oh we’re totally friends” Buck is practically pulling his hair out as Eddie tells him what happened after you guys left the party 
“Because we are friends Buck,” He tells him like it’s the simplest thing in the world, but Buck is ready to slam his head into the wall 
“Friends don’t have make-out sessions!!!” Buck yells at him. Eddie glares at him to lower his voice and Buck rolls his eyes
“Okay but didn’t we- “ 
“That was one time!” Buck stops him, putting his hands over his mouth 
“And we agreed to never talk about that again! In a bro way, not a “we were embarrassed to do that” way” 
Eddie pushes his hands away and sighs “So  why is it any different?” 
“Because. You are both. Clearly. Into each other.” Buck punctuates every sentence with a clap 
“Okay so fine! I’m done talking about this! I told you what happened there. Done” Eddie throws his hands in the air and gets up from his seat, storming downstairs. Buck slides his hand down his face, rolling his eyes to the freakin heavens, and follows after him 
“Eddie- fuck okay fine. I’m sorry. I’m being pushy” He says as he reaches out for him. He pats his shoulder and gives it a squeeze 
“No… I’m just. Being sensitive I guess. You’re right Buck, I do really like her… I’m just not ready to tell her that and she doesn’t seem ready to tell me that either, but I think she knows how I feel. And there’s still the question of "If she even does like me back.” 
Buck’s hand covers his mouth, he stops for a moment. He’s gotta be there for his friend he’s gotta be supportive and loving, his friend is feeling vulnerable. 
“I love you Eddie, thank you for feeling like you can come to me. But that’s the dumbest fucking thing you’ve ever said to me and I desperately want to kick your ass” 
Nailed it. 
“What- what how! How-“ Eddie is spluttering and Buck just shakes his head, and walks away, giving him both fingers. 
“What did you say to him?” Hen asks as she walks by, Eddie throws his hands in the air again 
“I don’t know!! All I said was I didn’t know if Y/N liked me back” 
“After you told me that you guys made out half naked in the front seat of the fucking car And had that weird “friends” moment!!!” Buck yells across the station and Hen's mouth drops open, as does Chimney’s … and Bobby’s and that one probie Eddie can never remember the name of
“You did what?!?!” Chimney yells down from the stairs and Buck slaps his hands over his mouth, giggling 
“Oh my god Eddie I’m so sorry”
“Hold up-I’m so- what?!?” Hen's mouth is wide open
“Jesus fucking-“ Eddie runs his hands through his hair, glaring at Buck, who’s having a giggle fit as he jogs back over.
Chimney and Bobby both come over too and Eddie feels like he’s been caught by his parents sneaking his girlfriend into the house 
“I’m literally going to end your life” He points at Buck
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to blurt it out” 
“Did you guys only make out?” Hen asks 
“I’m pretty sure Eddie would tell us if they had sex” Chim defends him 
“Did you use protection?” Bobby looks like he’s gonna have a heart attack. They’re all talking at once and Eddie looks like he’s about to strangle Buck 
“Oh my god no! God they just made out that’s it! I'm totally over exaggerating” Buck tries to backpedal as best he can, Hen looks at him skeptically 
“You were pretty clear with what you said, it didn’t seem all…Buckified”
“First of all, hurtful. Second of all. Come on! Let’s just you know, leave him alone!” 
“You think she’s told Maddie by now?” Bobby asks Chimney 
“I’m literally texting her right now,” He says, looking down at his phone 
“Okay come on- really! No! Bobby?!” Eddie gestures wildly and Buck tries to snatch Chimney’s phone 
“Guys we should respect Eddie! We don’t need to know his personal-“ he’s trying to rein this entire thing back in but there’s no corralling this circus. Bobby would know, he’s been trying for years and it's never worked.
“Oh my god, they were at the beach under the stars!!” Chimney coos and Hen shakes Eddie’s shoulders 
“That’s our boy!”
“We’re so proud of you” Bobby pats his back and Eddie looks up, trying to figure out which rafter to hang himself and Buck from. 
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“Seriously I’m sorry about Buck and Maddie… maybe I shouldn’t have told them”
“Eh I gave em hell already” Eddie chuckles “Besides, you have a right to talk to your cousins… even if one of them is the biggest blabbermouth I’ve ever met in my entire life”
You giggle and shake your head “As long as you’re not mad…”
“Of course I’m not mad sweet girl. I’ll talk to you later, I’m gonna be driving” You can hear the smile in his voice 
“Just put me on speaker, safety schmaftey” You joke and he snickers before biting his lip 
“So, I’ll come pick you up later tonight okay? We’ll go to the drive-in and then go back to that diner”
“Sounds good to me,” You say, your voice sweet and sappy. Maddie fake gags and you throw a pillow at her
“Alright… sounds good..” he says, but he doesn’t hang up and neither do you. You listen to him get in the truck and you both laugh lightly 
“You’re supposed to hang up you know” He teases, his cheeks blushing. 
“Yeah and so are you” You giggle, Maddie groans loudly 
“Oh god don’t you two dare do this. I will hang up on both of your asses for you” 
You both laugh and Eddie shakes his head “Bye sweet girl, I’ll talk to you later” 
“Bye Eddie” You roll your eyes at the nickname, your cheeks feeling like they’re on fire. He hangs up and you set your phone down on your stomach before covering your face with your hands, squealing and kicking.
“What did he say that’s got you like that?” Maddie asks, looking over at you as she eats her chocolate-covered popcorn 
“He called me “sweet girl” twice” you squeal all over again, literally rolling off the couch. Maddie laughs at you and sits forward 
“Oh god Y/N are you okay?” She’s giggling with you and you sit up, using the coffee table to get up off the floor
“We’re going to the drive-in! Oh god a drive-in that’s so freaking cool”
“And romantic” Maddie adds, a teasing look on her face 
“Oh shut up it’s not that romantic… probably”
“It’s super romantic!” She says, “And we need to get you something cute to wear”
“It’s not a date Maddie!” Your cheeks flush but… you want to dress up nice for Eddie admittedly and it’s not like you’ve had a chance to in forever… it doesn’t even have to be something frilly or overly dressy. Just something that made you feel sexy when he looked at you 
“Fine, we can go shopping” You sigh, giving in. 
“Let’s visionboard this, maybe we can just shop for one or two pieces” She grabs her iPad and pulls up a blanket document, casting it to the TV and you roll your eyes, coming to sit on the couch with her. She starts a Pinterest board and invites you to it
“Okay, so drive-in vibes. I’m thinking something jean, maybe a leather jacket?”
You spend the next half hour with her, going through Pinterest and putting together a little collage of the outfit you’re looking for. You’re going to borrow her Doc Martens and get a new pair of jeans shorts. You’re both undecided on the top and after going back and forth for another 10 minutes she finally gets up from the couch and goes digging in her closet. She’s way too pregnant for this but there’s no way you can stop her. She pulls out an old KISS t-shirt. The sleeves are rolled and it’s oversized. 
“This is perfect. We tuck it in? Buy you some fishnets? And maybe a thong”
She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and you throw a pillow at her 
“I’m not wearing a thong!”
You and Maddie are getting ready to leave when she gets called into work for a couple of hours. She begrudgingly leaves you at her place, promising to be home as soon as she can and you can help yourself to anything in the fridge
“I promise we’ll have time to go shopping! Even if we have to go with Buck! You’re gonna look cute”
“Where are we going?” Buck’s standing in the doorway, one shoe still hanging from his foot 
“Eddie and Y/N are going to the drive-in and we’re getting her a new outfit” She kisses you both on your cheek and says her goodbyes. 
“You and Eddie are finally going on a date?” He asks as he closes the door behind Maddie and comes into the house 
“Oh my god for the last time, it’s not a date! Eddie asked me if I wanted to go see The Mummy at the drive-in and I said yes! And then we’re going to the diner”
“Oh my god. Oh. My. God. You are literally describing a date!“ 
“I’m describing a cool and laid-back hang-out with a friend!!” 
“I swear to god if you and Eddie say you’re friends one more time I’m gonna lose my shit” 
“We are!!” 
“Oh, that is it!!” 
Buck tackles you over onto the couch and starts throwing a flurry of tiny punches. You’re laughing hysterically as he tickles your sides and pretends to slap you silly. He shakes your shoulders and you squeal, trying to shove him off of you 
“Alright alright!! Enough” you wheeze, falling over onto the floor. He slaps your butt one last time and throws a pillow at you 
“Just date already!!!”
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The call comes to Buck first, and he’s out the door before they even hang up. He pulls you out with him to the car and you rush to get in
“What’s going on??” You ask, your voice panicked 
“Eddie called I can barely understand him, he sent me his location. Call Maddie for me?” 
Your phone is already ringing “Maddie?? What’s happening?”
There was a seven-car pile-up on the highway apparently and Eddie called it in with what clarity he had before he hung up and called Buck for help. 
“Bobby’s gonna have his ass for calling me” He laughs nervously, his hands shaking as he drives. He’s not being careful in the least.
“Buck that was-“ He speeds through the red light, he’s not even paying attention at this point. Just rambling now
“He knows he’s not supposed to call me! I’m off duty! He knows I would come get him, no matter what. I’ll always come get him I’ll always come save him. Like he does for me? You know-“
You put your hand on his shoulder and scoot closer to him “Hey, hey calm down. You’re not driving safe okay? And we can’t get to Eddie if you’re not being safe. It’s gonna be okay.”
Buck slows down marginally but stops running through red lights. His hands flex on the steering wheel nervously and you smile softly, rubbing his arm trying to soothe him. 
The scene is… less than ideal, Buck gets you two past the checkpoints and you run up to the officers on the scene, they’re delegating and everyone who can be is being moved. But you hear that something is leaking and they’re not sure what. They know it’s leaking from the truck that got hit and skidded a couple hundred or so yards from the rest of the pileup but that’s about it…The man is responding on his radio when people begin frantically yelling and running away. 
The explosion knocks you backward from the way it shakes the ground, the pile of cars shakes and groans and the fire is heading towards them fast. Efforts are tripled to get people out of the cars but it’s not enough. 
“I have to help them, promise me you’ll stay right here, please. I’m begging you, tell me you’ll stay right here” 
“I’ll stay,” you tell him reluctantly but quickly 
“ I’ll stay here, you go help”
Buck kisses your head before he runs off and you’re just left there, standing next to a man barking orders into a radio and all you can do is watch. 
Buck is helping people and you can see he’s struggling to not look for Eddie but Eddie would agree their lives come first. You’re helping people get settled on the sidelines now, helping them sit down and giving them bottles of water while they wait for the paramedics to come to check them out. 
You’re giving a mother an extra bottle for her kid when you hear someone yelling fire, the cars are starting to catch fire. Adrenaline shoots through you as look towards the pile-up, Buck is bringing an older woman to the side when he looks at you. You’ve got the same look in your eyes that he gets, that Maddie gets. 
Buck tries his best to hold you back, his arms firmly around your waist as he catches you before you can run. 
“No! You can’t! You know you can’t you have to stop!”
“But he’s in there “ you sob, trying to fight your way out of his arms 
“They’ll get him Y/N I promise. I’ll get him my damn self if I have to!” 
You fall to the ground, and Buck collapses with you and holds you against him. He’s rocking the two of you. There’s no time for this but he knows you. And he knows how you feel about Eddie… 
“It’s gonna be okay, it’s okay” he repeats to the both of you, he’s shaking just as hard as you are as you both watch the pile-up of cars not even knowing where Eddie’s is. Buck waits until you’ve calmed down a little and lets you go before he goes running back into the danger zone, things are moving faster but it’s just not enough.
“Fuck this!” You yell as you go running past the barricades, past the cops screaming at you to stop, the first car you come up to is empty, and so are the next three. Two people are working to get one woman out and another three working on helping a family out. You run around the pile and Buck is standing there dragging a man away 
“Are you shitting- Y/N what are you doing?!” Buck yells at you, still dragging the man. You grab his feet and pick them up, it makes the work faster and you get him to the sidelines where the paramedics take him 
“No absolutely fucking not, no. Do you know what “no” means?!?” Buck immediately starts yelling at you and you shove him back toward the crash
“No one is gonna get saved if you keep yelling at me! Yell at me later!” 
“Oh I'm gonna kill you, I'm so gonna kill you. I’m gonna kill you so hard you’ll-“
Both you and Buck freeze, he stops yelling at you and you look toward the pile 
“Eddie?!” You both yell in unison running towards a shiny blue truck. Eddie is upside down, his head bleeding, his arms cut up. You both go racing towards the truck, Buck laughs through his tears as he carefully opens the front door. The truck creeks and all of you stop moving
“She has to come in Buck, she’s the only one small enough” his voice is so tired, you can tell he’s fading fast “I gotta admit, not even sure why the hell she’s over here in the first place” 
“Be careful” Buck warns you as you get down on your knees, Buck tosses you his coat from the back seat of the truck and you put it over the glass, crawling in.
“Because she’s a Buckley. We’re stubborn as hell” 
You crawl into the space, it’s a tight fit but Buck wouldn’t have been able to at all. “Hey handsome, hang out here often?” You ask as you start to work on getting him out of the seat
Eddie chuckles lightly but groans “God don’t make me laugh, it hurts. It’s getting pretty hot… fire coming over here?” 
“You bet it is,” Buck says, helping to maneuver Eddie. They shouldn’t be moving him, they don’t know the extent of his injuries but he could die either way 
“You, you look so good. Is that what you were going to wear today?” Eddie asks you, his eyes closing slowly 
“Hey, hey stay with me,” you say calmly, although the way your heart is pounding and your hands are shaking kind of gives way the panic “I was going to change, this is kind of just my lounging outfit” 
“Goddamn if that’s your lounging outfit you need to sleep over more often” He chuckles breathlessly, his eyes closing. "God I love you"
You don't hear it.
“Eddie?? Eddie?!” You pat his cheek lightly and he doesn’t respond 
“Buck?!” Your voice is high-pitched and panicky 
“Keep it together Y/N we got this c’mon you need to focus” 
You take a deep breath and still for a second, he’s right. There’s no time for panic in this situation. You wait for Buck’s count and cut the strap of the seatbelt, he catches Eddie and pulls him from the wreckage. He isn’t making a noise as you grab his feet and bring him away. A couple of paramedics run over getting him onto a spinal board. Buck forces you to go with him, promising he’ll be safe and that nothing is gonna happen to him. He shuts the doors to the ambulance and you’re off to the hospital. 
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“Mrs. Diaz?” 
You’re stirred awake by the Doctor gently shaking your shoulder. His voice is deep and honeyed. He’s a good-looking man, a delicious-looking man. His name tag, Dr. Pascal, has a cute little green animal sticker on it. 
You’d been directed to a waiting room while they assessed Eddie yesterday. The nurse wasn’t going to bring you back to the family room until you turned on the waterworks, sobbing about the condition of your “husband”
“H-he was on his way h-home for our first-anniversary dinner. He accidentally left his ring at home today too!” you cry into a small handful of tissues. She rubs your back, shushing you and helping you into a chair. She sits with you for a little bit, consoling you and honestly, you do feel a little bad but god this is an award-winning performance. 
There’s a little commotion outside of the room before Buck appears 
“Oh baby girl,” he says softly as you rush into his arms 
“Her brother” he mumbles to the nurse, shaking her hand. He hugs you tightly, rubbing your back as he quiets your crying 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay kiddo. No matter what you’re here for him and that’s all that matters. Can we go back soon?” He looks to the nurse 
“I’m not sure, I’ll have the doctor come get you when it’s okay. I hope everything turns out sweetie”
“Thank you” you sniffle into Buck’s shirt 
The wife bit might be a bit much and you’re a bit shy to even tell Eddie… but it’s kinda cute to be Mrs. Diaz right now, it makes you feel all giddy and sappy inside. 
Buck called Bobby, letting him know what happened so he’d spread the word. He sits on the couch with you, putting his feet up on the small coffee table in front of him. 
“You doin' okay?” He asks quietly and you shrug 
“Are you?… he’s your best friend” You lean into him, your head on his chest. He puts his arm around you and lays his cheek on top of your head
“I’m not worried. He’s the strongest, coolest, guy I know. Cool guys don’t die” 
His voice cuts out a little at the end and you hug him tighter “He’s not gonna die Buck. He just needs some rest”
Your voice is soft and warm but firm and you feel him sag into your arms. You and Buck sit together for hours, there’s not much of a change. Eventually, Bobby comes in, using his status, and finds you two asleep. He ruffles Buck’s hair and smiles at you. Buck stirs a little and wakes up 
“Hey Cap”
“Hey son”
“Anyone else here?” Buck scoots you both over and Bobby sits next to him, putting his arm over Buck’s shoulders 
“Nah, told em to stay home, that I’d handle everything. Which by the way, I’ll handle everything”
Buck smiles a little and nods, he leans back into Bobby and closes his eyes again 
“Thanks, Dad”
 You greet the doctor with a small, nervous smile, little tears appearing in your eyes again. 
“You can see him now, he’s still asleep but he should be waking up soon. His body just needs time”
He leads you back to Eddie’s room, his arm around your waist for support. You look like you’re about to pass out yourself and he’s worried. He helps you into a chair next to Eddie’s bed and squeezes your shoulder reassuringly, promising to come check on you two soon. 
“I’ll go get your brother”
Eddie wakes up to the annoying beeping of the machines around him. He blinks softly, cringing at the bright lights above him. He goes to raise his hand over his eyes, but stops short, hissing in pain. The lights are lowered and he feels soft hands on his arm, easing it back into place. 
“Careful…you dislocated your shoulder” 
Buck is in the cafeteria getting you two something to eat when Eddie’s eyes flutter open. 
You’re at his bedside, pulling the covers back up over his chest. He reaches out for you anyway, wincing and you take his hand in yours
“Quit moving so much” you scold him and he smirks, looking around the room 
“How long was I out for?” You hold a cup up and put the straw in his mouth 
“A day or so, but like all of yesterday, and during the night. It’s 2 in the afternoon. So not like a day-day but like a day you know what I mean?”
Oddly he does know what you mean.
“How did you get in here?” He asks as he gingerly tries to sit up, You help him, raising the bed and fluffing up his pillow behind him
“Uh… I may have said I was your wife” 
Eddie looks at you, blinking before he laughs “No- really how did they let you in” he chuckles lightly 
You waved your fingers with a little smirk on your face, a simple gold ring was on your finger, and Eddie had one too. 
“I was already wearing the ring in general… and Buck brought one from home for you last night. I told them you just left yours on the nightstand that day. And trust me that was an award-winning sob performance okay” 
Eddie puts his hand up to yours. Your hand is so much smaller than his… so much softer. You wrap your fingers around his and stand up, leaning over to kiss him gently. 
“I’ve never been so scared” You whisper honestly, your heart beating out of your chest. Eddie tugs on your hip, pulling you closer to him and you smirk, raising an eyebrow. You go around the bed, to his good side, and crawl in with him. He puts his arm around you and pulls you into him, kissing your head.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you sweet girl” he whispers into your hair, nuzzling his head against you. He doesn’t remember too much of what happened, but he does remember you and Buck saving him, that’s about the only thing he can remember 
“I like you, Eddie” 
Athena was right, life was too short to keep that from him. He freezes in his tracks, he’s short-circuiting and his heart monitor gives away the way his heart rate picks up when you say that. You giggle into his chest and he groans 
“I like you too Y/N, I should have told you sooner. Like you know, the minute I saw you” 
You blush at his words, looking up at him. 
“Friends until we’re ready to move things forward?” You ask softly, carding your fingers through his hair. Your palm rests on his cheek and he leans into your touch. 
“Friends until I heal up and can take you on a proper date” 
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It’s funny how things work out. You and Buck help Eddie into his bedroom, and then Buck helps bring your bags in from the jeep and into the spare room. You’re not moving in officially, just long enough to nurse Eddie back to health. Which Buck insisted on. The doctor said he’d be up and running again in a week or two but Buck couldn’t stand the idea of Eddie being home alone and, to be honest, neither could you. 
“Please let me remind you both, that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself” 
He sits up a bit awkwardly, wincing, and Buck helps him. Grumbling as he fluffs up Eddie’s pillow 
“You need help for at least three days minimum and with Y/N not having anything to do she’s the perfect nurse” 
“You guys are acting like I’m a child this is ridiculous” Eddie crosses one arm over his chest, pouting especially because he can’t cross both 
“You know if it makes you feel better, Buck bought you a surprise,” you say as you smooth out the covers on the end of the bed 
“What kind of surprise?” Eddie perks up a little and Buck claps his hands, rubbing them together 
“Oh ho ho just you wait and see. I’ll be right back!” Buck runs out of the room and you roll your eyes 
“I don’t even know where the hell he got it”
“What is it?” 
“Oh, I’m not telling you. And there’s no way in hell either of you is making me do it”
“Do what?” Before Eddie can even begin to guess, Buck comes running back in, he jumps on the bed, jostling Eddie and nearly knocking you off 
“Tadaaaa!!!” He throws a clear costume bag in Eddie’s lap, it’s a nurse's costume complete with a cute little hat. Eddie bursts out laughing, holding onto his chest until he’s wheezing and crying. Both he and Buck are in a heap and your arms are crossed tightly over your chest as you turn away from them and slide off the bed 
“It’s not funny!” You yell at them and they keep giggling their heads off, wiping at their eyes 
“Oh come on, please? Please, please, please just once” Eddie has his hands clasped now, giving you the biggest, sweetest puppy dog eyes, and your mouth drops. Buck copies him and they put their heads together like they’re little angels and not the absolute assholes they’re being 
“Why are you trying to get me into it?!” You point a finger at Buck and he gestures wildly 
“Because that’s comedy gold!! And you know it’s just fun” 
“How about you put it on!” 
“Bet. Bet” Buck snatches it from the bed and gets off “If I do it, you do it” 
“Wait no deal!” Eddie says “He’ll stretch it out! Go buy another one” 
“Oh my god you’re right” Buck tosses it at you and grabs his keys from the bedside table
“I’ll be back!!” 
You climb back onto the bed as Buck leaves, crawling over and fluffing up Eddie’s pillow again 
“You guys are idiots” 
“Yeah, but we’re your idiots. Maybe we can get me one and we can be a group for Halloween 
You giggle and lay next to him on the bed, putting your head on the other pillow. He looks at you, a soft smile on his face. 
“You really gonna put that thing on?” He nods at it and you blush 
“Yeah. Because we both know Buck will, and I’m a woman of my word”
Eddie looks at you, a mischievous little smirk on his face
“You know…. I wouldn’t mind a little pre-show”
You give him a look “A pre-show huh?”
“I’m sure it would cheer me up… you know since I’m so hurt and all” he gives you those big ole puppy dog eyes again and you let your head fall back laughing 
“You’re such a little shit” 
You grab the bag from the bed and hop down 
“Give me a minute” 
Eddie isn’t sure what he expected, but he wasn’t prepared for when you walk back into his room. He can hear the sultry click of your heels as you walk slowly down the hallway… he shifts nervously, looking at the door.  
“Surprise” you hold your arms up, waving your fingers “What do you think, I thought the heels sold it” You giggle as you do a little spin for him. “Buck is gonna look great in this, and I'm already hating” 
Have you ever seen that scene in SpongeBob? Where little SpongeBob's are running around his brain trying to figure out his name and everything is on fire? 
Eddie’s mouth drops wide open. He’s not sure where to look first, he’s not even sure if he should be looking. You walk over to him, placing your finger under his chin and closing his mouth 
“Dropped somethin’ gorgeous” You purr and he slaps a pillow over his lap 
“Go change. Go change right now” 
“Yeah no I’m pretty comfortable like this actually” You hop up on the bed, crossing one leg over the other. You prop yourself up with your hands and let your head fall back. Eddie is speechless and mindless and he’s sure all the blood in his body has gone to one place in particular at this point 
“You need anything, sir? Water maybe? A sponge bath” you whisper breathlessly, biting the tip of your finger.
His face flushes even deeper and you fall onto your back cackling 
“Oh my god, Eddie you should see your face!” 
Eddie watches you laughing at him, his eyes narrow as yours water. You sit up, still giggling and trying to hold yourself together 
“I’m so-sorry” you snicker. Crawling up to him, you sit on your legs and lean forward a bit
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t be laughing so much at your reaction that’s not very-“ You don’t even get to finish your apology
Because you’re within reach now. 
His arm shoots out and he pulls you in by the back of your head, you stumble forward and land against his chest, your hands in front of you. He pushes your lips together, greedily kissing you like he’s missed your sweet taste. When he’s sure you’ll stay there, his hand trails down your side before tossing the pillow aside and tugging you into his lap properly. 
“Eddie wait you have to-“ 
“Did I say stop kissing me?” His voice is deep and a bit growly when he speaks, he’s glaring at you and you melt right into his lap like a dreamy little puddle. 
Your lips frantically find his again and he moans in approval, your tongue lapping at his, before twisting in a lock for dominance. You feel his hand slide down over your ass and play with the fabric of the dress a bit like he’s tempted to pull it up.
And he is tempted to pool it around your waist and see just what other surprises you’re hiding. 
He adjusts his hips a bit and rubs against you. He can feel that little wet patch beginning to form on the front of your panties. You moan softly and it’s like music to his ears, that’s one of the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard fall from your lips. He ruts his hips against yours again and you whimper this time, holding onto his good shoulder. Your hips automatically come back down on his, grinding down a bit. He grins wickedly, trailing kisses across your cheek 
“Tell me what you taste like” He whispers in your ear, nibbling it a little “Have you ever tasted yourself, angel?” He walks two fingers down your hip and around to the front of your dress 
“Will you let me-“ 
“Oh my god, you guys, I can’t believe they actually had one in my-“ 
Buck comes into the bedroom, takes one look at the two of you, and screams at the top of his lungs 
“Oh- oh my- oh- god oh-“ He gags. “Are you???? Did I??? Wait are you?! Oh my god are-!?!”
He can’t tell if he should be happy, or bleach out his eyeballs. 
You scramble off of Eddie’s lap and slap the pillow over his hard-on. He yelps and you squeak
“Shit. Sorry. Buck no-no-no!!! It’s not what it looks like!!” You get off the bed and his mouth drops even more as you straighten out your dress 
“Are those heels!?!” 
“I thought it would be funny!! I thought they worked with the costume!!” 
“I mean yeah they do but I’m never gonna find any in my size that goes with this” 
“Okay fine I’ll take them off so it’s fair”
“Okay… anyway…” He screams again and falls to his knees, covering his face “Mama noooooooo”
You groan and fall backwards on the bed and Eddie just laughs at Buck’s theatrics 
“We didn’t do anything!!” You yell over his crying and he struggles to pull himself up off the floor using the bed
“You slept with my best friend!” He points at you and your mouth drops open 
“I did not!! We made out! That’s it” 
“Well stop making out!”
“Do you want that?” Eddie asks, looking at him 
“Oh my god of course not. I want my cousin and my best friend to get married so we can be related. Stop making out with him!!” He throws a pillow at you and it knocks you backwards
“I don’t know how to feel. Do I want you guys to finally fuck and get together? Uh yes?!. But will I also end my life if I ever see that? Also yes!!!” 
“Can you just go change, you freaking cockblock” Eddie hisses at him and Buck gives him a skeptical look 
“Yeah. Because you two would have had sex anyway. Sure.” 
You roll over back next to Eddie and lay your head on his chest.
“He’s the worst”
“No, actually he is” 
“I can still hear you guys!!”
Buck takes his time changing, you can hear him bouncing as he fights his ass into the tights 
“Do you want help?” You giggle, Eddie is rubbing soft circles on your back, truly enjoying the way you’re lying with him in that skimpy little outfit. 
“Oh my god” Eddie looks up when Buck walks in and does a little spin, matching your exact stance from earlier 
“Oh my god” you repeat, your jaw dropping. 
“He looks better than you do”
“He looks better than I do”
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strangestofthings12 · 5 months
This is going to be a very rambling and venty post cause im tired and annoyed and honestly am just using this to vent my anger/hurt. there is going to be stuff that can maybe be seen as anti tommy/bucktommy (please dont tell me a ship name to put i dont care about if they do have an agreed upon ship name right now) so if you dont want that please just move on. i dont want to fight i just want to yell into the void on a stupid throw away account so i dont bring my negativity stew and come out on my main blog where i just want to enjoy my stuff and just keep happy energy. I dont normally post and try and just find someone who explains it better because im not great and getting what im saying across or understood the way i want, so please bear with me. With that said i will move on to what i want to say
Okay so i have been watching 9-1-1 for years and i love and adore it. Its characters and dynamics and i have always loved found family. Now i will admit that i started watching it thinking that Buck and Eddie were a couple and had a son so i was kinda watching for it. Do i think if i didn't start watching thinking that i would ship them still yes 100%. I have always loved their relationship and i have loved watching both Buck and Eddie grow and start to be happy while also having each others back even at the worst times. Sometimes if i think to hard about Eddie and start crying cause I'm very normal about this show and it characters. Now Eddie is my favorite character in the show and at least in my top five overall favorite characters. I love him and his development and i adore seeing how much he does to just do right by Chris even when he messes up you can tell how much he adores that boy and how badly he wants to give Chris the best life possible. I could write essays about Eddie Diaz trying to explain how much i love him and why and i think words would run out before i could finish making people understand. Buddie is my favorite ship (sometimes second depending on my mood. i would say sorry but Henren and Madney will always be amazing ships and sometimes i just cant stop think about them)(Sorry Bathena i love you too i swear i just cant decide if i wanna kiss athena or be adopted by bobby and athena:( Its confusing) and has been for quite awhile and is one of my overall favorites and its one of my comfort ships.
With that context when bi Buck happened i was so insanely happy and i wouldnt shut up about it. it made me sick. i was so happy for Buck and while i think a part of me will always be a little sad Eddie wasnt his first kiss with a guy i dont think either of them are ready for that. i also understand that it wouldnt make sense for how the story is going right now. Now i have nothing against bucktommy in the show. I have watched the kiss scene and sobbed to much to pretend like i hate them or even dislike them. However I genuinely dont care about Tommy. Hes kinda bland and i forget about him half the time and before they brought him back i completely forgot his name. in my mind he was the one that wasnt as much of an asshole to chim and hen as the other two assholes which wasnt saying a lot. Now I dont dislike tommy nor am i going to act like hes irredeemable because neither Chim nor Hen seem to think hes still that guy and while they dont seem super close they seem to get along so clearly, he's not like that anymore. I have nothing that makes me dislike him nor do I like him. He's just there. He's just the guy buck kissed. Thats all he means to me. I would give up his screen time for Ravi or May or Karen in a heartbeat. because i love them cause they mean something to me. I don't think i thought about the fact that people might actually like him especially not more than EDDIE.
This is where the context matters cause i am to my core a one ship per person girly. I might see a ship and people who like it and even think thats not a terrible ship but i will still only look at content for my ship for that person (ie. i ship Destiel (dont say anything bad about them ill cry<3) but i can see the way someone would also ship Dean and Benny or crowley or Cas and Crowley or Mick but i will ignore the ship and move on and look at more Dean and Cas). normally i will just ignore the ship and move on because im not who its for. If it gets annoying in my tag or anything like that ill block it or whoever is annoying me cause its not a them problem that i dont want to see it. When i start to have a problem is when multiple people arent tagging right for whatever reason or people who are being rude about the ship i like because of their ship. When I started seeing Bucktommy stuff more and more in the 9-1-1 tag i went to the buddie tag cause i dont want to see them. my problem is that when im reading on AO3 and click on a fic tagged Buddie where bucktommy get married. it was literally just hurting Eddie. There was stuff before like id be scrolling though the buddie tag here and see someone saying that Tommy is a better character then Eddie and saying that they hope bucktommy is endgame. Whatever block and move on. Just like always but then people who have shipped buddie for years who ive seen talk about them are suddenly saying that they like bucktommy better. People who started watching because of bucktommy saying they dont like Eddie. People are going to have different opinions but it still bugged me. and then i read that and i was just hurt because it was tagged happy ending and i cannot fathom ever thinking Eddie hurting and pining is a happy ending. So i started to get more annoyed and i hate when that happens especially with a show i love and a character i dont dislike so i tried to just move on but more and more people are taking about it then i saw someone saying that they wanted eddie to die so buck and tommy can have Chris.
I just hate that so many people are jumping on the bucktommy train and saying that they like it better than buddie something that is so good and sweet or saying that they like Tommy more than Eddie. I just dont get it cause Tommy is boring. like yeah we now some about him and he flies a helicopter but hes forgettable he could be a completely different person and next to nothing would have to change. We have seen Eddie at his worst and claw his way back up and hes finally letting himself be open and honest and soft. Eddie couldnt be replaced. Now im not saying Tommy can't be an interesting character but as he is right now?? He just isnt. Hes just as bland as every women (minus Taylor and Shannon) Buck and Eddie have dated and been hated on for no reason!!! Like i get that Tommy is a guy and we got canon Bi Buck and people are happy but those same people turn around and shit on Marisol from what ive seen(I could be wrong cause again i have done my best to avoid). Buddie fans arent safe from that either, cause we all know that Buddie fans do that but so many of those people who hated on them and said they didnt want them with anyone else suddenly decided that they were okay if Buck ended up with any guy. I dont know its just weird and i hate how many people are acting like Eddie isnt always going to be better then Tommy. Part of me wanted Tommy to stick around and help Buck and Eddie figure it all out but now?? i honestly just cant wait for him to be gone cause I want to have fun and read fics for my comfort ship and just chill where i can see all of my ships in the show without buck and tommy being everywhere or people saying crap about Eddie.
I have more to say but most of its about how gratifying waiting and seeing where this whole thing goes(Buddie season 8 PLEASE!!) and this is already why to long and i think im just going in circles and none of this makes sense so ima shut up for now and hopefully this will help it not fester and drive me insane and become a tommy hater
Edit: but i also hate that Tommy calls Buck Evan so he already had some stuff against him rip
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camryntheking · 2 months
Season 5 reaction
5x01 and Buck and Eddie are already acting like a married couple lmao. But i can understand where the panic attack Eddie had came from. Buck is now just like a concerned husband
5x02 and Clipboard Buck! I love Clipboard Buck! And naturally the way to Buck’s heart is through the kids in his life. He is so precious. And he immediately picked up on Eddie’s panic when Ravi assumed Ana was Eddie’s wife. And then in the firetruck when Buck is talking about the zoo we learn that Buck takes Chris there all the time. Buck is Chris’ dad, and no one can tell me otherwise lol. And Eddie looks so proud. And Bobby is such a dad. Love him. And him and Athena are so cute together
Also, Eddie breaking up with Ana? That scene was also done well. And Eddie acknowledged that he was stringing her along, which is great. Terrible that he did it, but great that he admitted to it
And i just wanna point out that Kenny is such an amazing actor. The emotion he conveys during this whole arc of Maddie leaving is just… whew. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also, i should have known that Buck knew. I do get Chim’s frustration. The punch shocked me ngl. But, i can see why he did it. I dont think punching was the answer, but like i said. I see why it happened. And naturally Eddie is the one he calls for help the next day. They are husbands your honor
5x05. I LOVE RAVI. “Probie, if you’re gonna vomit do it somewhere else.” “Copy!” *Scurries off.* I love him lmao
And Buck’s panic in 5x06 when he hears the gun shot. He immediately feared that Eddie had been shot again and ran out as fast as he could. And Bobby getting breakfast with Ravi 😭. I love Dad Bobby moments. And speaking of dads, Eddie and Chris 🥹. He loves his kid so much and my heart cant handle it
And Michael wanting to propose to David in 5x08!! The whole montage of the rings and outfits is so funny and i love them so much. And im so happy David said yes!!
The scene in 5x09 where May walks into Bobby and Athena is also fucking hilarious. And Bobby’s little shuffle to the bedroom is just so quirky. And then when he goes “why does this keep happening to you?” Then interrupts Buck and says “No. I’m gonna tell you why.” Bobby is Buck’s dad and i love him so much for it
And later Buck called Eddie out for watching telenovelas and it was so domestic. And Eddie was eating up the drama between Clive and Toni. He just loves it lol. And the episode made me dislike Taylor less. But i really feel like Buck said The Words just cos she did. I dont feel like they were genuine. That might just be me tho
Then in 5x10, Eddie is decorating with Chris and he is just doing as Chris says cos he wants him to be happy and im just melting. This man loves his kid so much and it just makes me so happy. Then Hen’s “baby’s first Christmas” comment to Buck made me chuckle, then I got distracted by the Appa plushie that someone handed Bobby. I love my flying bison sm. And Taylor asked Bobby if Buck would like the sweaters! Everyone knows that Bobby is Buck’s dad! And later Eddie is talking to Buck about Chris’ nightmare. Husbands. They both love their kid so much
Eddie looks so miserable at the beginning of 5x11 ☹️. Baby boy just wants to be fighting fires with his boyfriend. But dinner with Eddie, Chris, Buck, and Taylor kinda surprised me honestly. But ig it makes sense. “You dont need to pretend with me.” Ok. Imma cry now. Thats so sweet wtf. But he misses the 118 and feels left out and i feel for him. Also, drunk Buck is so funny lmao. And Hen is like another sister.
I can understand that Eddie is frustrated that Bobby isn’t letting him back into the 118 yet, but bringing up Bobby’s past like that was totally uncalled for
Im glad that Buck finally told Taylor about the kiss in 5x13, but i didnt even think about how he was kinda trapping her so she couldnt leave, which is. Not great. But i guess they are wanting to work through it so thats good. But the ending with Eddie’s breakdown made me wanna cry. He is going through so much and he wants to get better but he keeps hitting rough patches. But having Buck there to support him and Chris is so sweet and i love that Buck is willing to have those hard convos with Eddie.
And the breakfast scene in 5x14 with Chris and Eddie? These two have a special place in my heart and i cannot handle it lmao. And of course i type that only for it to be a nightmare 😭. But father figure Bobby also has my heart. And the scene with the heart drawings. So domestic
And Karen in 5x15 is so cute. “To catch a thief!” I love her lmao. And Eddie is learning from therapy! Im so proud of him! And Buck was giving total puppy energy during the wedding call. I love him so much.
And in 5x16 Bobby called May his kid!! Excuse me while i cry. And the Eddie/Linda friendship is just so, idk, refreshing? Idk if that is a good word for it but i really like the idea of him being friends with everyone at dispatch. My boy needs to get out there lol. Josh is also such a flustered homosexual and like. Me too. And Eddie was so ready to be back in firefighter mode. Buck being completely clueless about what to not say to a patient then Eddie just. Shaking his head. And May calls Bobby her dad 😭😭😭
5x17: Buck messing with Chris’ dinosaur while Eddie is packing, man there is just something so domestic about it. And the Chim and Hen friendship is so funny i love it so much. And i just really dislike Taylor. Also i know that we call Buck the golden retriever, but Eddie looked like such a kicked puppy when we was talking to his dad. But im glad they had a conversation and they want to do better
5x18: Im glad to see Eddie acknowledging how bottling things up isnt good, even if its in his joking manner. “I dont have your bone structure. I could never pull it off.” Bro im DEAD. Thats so funny to me. And my boy Ravi. Talking about having a partner is about knowing that they will have your back. Buck, takes notes. Cos who’s back did you promise to have? Hmm?? Then Buck talks about partners being at their lowest together and still working together and growing together. If that isnt foreshadowing idk what is. And Eddie is back at the 118!! Obviously i knew it was gonna happen but im still happy
And thats that for season 5! I dont really have any other additional thoughts, just that with things that happened in season 7, it just feels like there was some foreshadowing for Buddie. But i think we all know that
As always, feel free to discuss!
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breathe-2am · 3 months
118 Blunt Rotation Headcanons
Bobby: does not partake, but the ultimate trip sitter. Keeps the chaos generally controlled, but finds everything very funny, in a i-will-tell-you-about-this-tomorrow-and-you-will-cringe kind of way. Disappears for an hour and come back with homecooked food, everyone is beside themselves in gratitude. Starts telling a funny story about this one time he Smoked Pot, but about halfway thru he along with everyone else realizes its not funny and is probably something he should talk to that twink priest about.
Hen: laughs at EVERYTHING. Finds a random object like a ballpoint pen or a half full bottle of water and its THEE most fascinating thing shes EVER seen. Gets up to go to the bathroom, doesnt come back, when they go looking for her shes just staring at herself in the mirror. Very in her feels abt how she loves her friends. Says she needs to change shirts at one point bc she hates the fabric actually. Comes back in an entirely different outfit.
Chimney: a yapper. Every thought in his brain is out his mouth. Running commentary of the happenings. Jokes make less and less sense but hen finds them funnier and funnier. Talks with his hands to a dangerous extent. Eating whatever bobby made w his fingers, which is not a good combination when he gestures too wide and flings it at bucks face. He thinks this is the funniest thing that happened all night bc buck doesnt even react.
Buck: Out of everyone here, hes got the most experience in a blunt circle (youre going to look at me and tell me that im wrong? He had frosted tips and lived in a FRATHOUSE dawg) but hasnt been a smoke weed everyday bitch in a while so when he does he thinks his tolerance what it used to be. It isnt. Man is FLAVOR BLASTED he is SCHWASTED. Cant talk bc hes giggling while staring vacantly at the ceiling. Zones out, resurfaces to drop a random fact related to a conversation that was happening ten minutes ago, and hes gone again.
Eddie: Eats bobbys food and cries bc its delicious. Laughs at chinmeys jokes and cries bc hes so funny. Stares at hen and cries bc shes so beautiful. Thinks abt chris and cries bc he loves him so much. Buck is absentmindedly petting his hair to calm his tears and cries bc his best friend is so kind. Has to get up but doesnt want to bc the floor is so comfy. I love you bitchessss this is the year im gonna get my SHIT togetherrrrrrrrr what r these floors made of theyre so niiiiiiiiiiiice.....
Maddie: obsessive abt the Vibe, keeps getting up to turn on or off a lamp bc it was too bright but now its too dark. Perched in a mountain of pillows and blankets, keeps readjusting bc she has to b Maximum Comfy. Changes the song a minute in when its 'not the vibe'. Pulls out the most out of pocket story about buck as a kid but hes not even absorbing whats going on so she doesnt feel bad. Shes trying to rest her head on chinmeys shoulder but hes moving too much and shes getting annoyed.
Karen: the funniest bitch in the room. Monologuing abt space, which segues to robotics, which segues to government, which segues to capitalism, which segues to how they need to go to the beach RIGHT NOW. Hens looking at her like that twink boutta pounce meme. Sings along w the song playing, starts bitching at maddie bc she skipped it. Talking abt the sanctity of the playlist and respecting the music, but then says 'wait i hate this song' and commanders the spotify, she and maddie have a tug of war over the phone.
Tommy: touchy feely bitch. Started sitting next to buck but at some point graduated to trying to sit in his lap but now hes just sprawling across him like a weighted blanket. Voice has no inflection. He and chimney start excitedly talking abt a bad movie only they have seen and it goes on for way too long bc he starts chattering abt two characters he thinks should have ended up together. Eventually is just laying there curled up with buck, he realizes he loves his life and the people in it, has a little Moment.
Athena: does not partake, remind them that drug testing is a thing in their line of work, has Choice Words when the phrase California Sober is dropped. Taking pics for blackmail. Despite all that, she makes sure everyone is alright and helps bobby clean up. The next morning she makes coffee for everyone, and when people complain abt their backs or necks hurting she says 'thats what you get for sleeping on the floor'.
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not a single person in the 118 family/friend group is straight. except for maybe athena.
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buckgettingstruck · 3 months
okay since you twisted my arm about it 🙄🤨
we all know buck and tommy aren’t compatible. like they have the worst chemistry on the show i cant think of a single pairing that has worse chemistry than they do its just so dry they’re giving us nothinggggg
BUT. i 10000% in my soul KNOW that buck would absolutely not touch that man with a ten foot pole if he knew how he’d participated in the treatment of hen + chim when he was at the 118
which leads to two options as to how the narrative could have their relationship in the first place
1: tommy’s bigotry has been forgiven by the narrative off-screen and will never be addressed again (this is the most likely unfortunately) (especially with the bachelor party comment about knowing chimney longer + chim calling him for the backup from his team)
2: buck has no idea how tommy acted back then (no one told him?) (when he finds out it’s bones SOOO fast)
(i thought there might be a third option but i feel like anything i said could fit under the category of 1 or 2 but lmk!)
okay not to be a defender. but we’re forgetting marisol when it comes to worst chemistry i think 😔
and yeah it seems like hen and chim forgive him i guess??? idk if you’re talking about chimney calling him in s7 or way back in s2 when that whole neighborhood was going up in flames but idk. or at least they tolerated him 😭 i remembered the comment to hen like “i havent gotten your christmas cards” and how chimney didnt INVITE HIM TO THE WEDDING. AND DIDNT GIVE A SHIT AB HIM BEING IN THE HOSPITAL 😭 LIKE HELLO??? they also showed him being friendly with them in bobby begins again but hey we also know the 118 didnt become a family until after he left and buck showed up
i think it leans more toward 2 though? or a mix of the both? with the way they have tommy phrase things to buck about gerrard im assuming he doesn’t know tbh. not to make buck sound like a White Savior tm or anything but i REALLY doubt he’d let that shit fly 😭 and i feel like the way they wrote him in 7b as a mouthpiece to remind us of gerrard’s existence and little else is pointing the narrative in a specific direction. they keep pointing out their connection and tommy’s history so it has to go somewhere right?
something about the scene in 709 keeps fucking with me and i havent seen anyone point it out. he doesnt say SHIT to gerrard. we know tommy to be a pretty blunt character so why the hell didnt he? ik it was chimney’s moment there to clap back (and no he wasnt defending tommy he was defending himself) but he still could’ve said something too to show how different he is and they didnt do that. also they deleted his scene with hen for some reason. were they trying to show he’s still complicit or was it lazy writing?
the other thing is is that gerrard is fucking cooked 😭 like you’re telling me that the firehouse with the catchphrase “who cares” would give a fuck about that bag of bones. and arguably the only person who could be theoretically a part of gerrard’s Old Guard is both bisexual and the mf that wont shut up 😭
ultimately i want the gerrard shit to be about hen and chimney getting their comeuppance (and also eddie beating gerrard with his fists idc) but it feels like something related to gerrard might be what causes tommy tombstone tbh. like i could see tommy telling buck to lay low or whatever and buck is immediately like fuck that or something. otherwise tho i want the storyline to focus on other characters
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maygrcnt · 3 months
been reflecting on the season a lot recently and on the topic of bucks bisexuality storyline, and i think ive come to the conclusion that theres maybe some catastrphization on the part of people who think the arc is horribly written, but also other people seem to be looking at it through rose tinted glasses and accepting anything given to them just because the storyline was such a long time coming. And i’ve had a hard time with figuring out why both sides of these takes just bother me so much so i sat down with my thoughts while work was slow and i rotated evan buckley in my mind until i had coherent thoughts
When it comes to the self discovery of it all i think that is probably the best thing the show did with the arc. episodes four and five were ultimately huge successes in my opinion on the topic of bisexuality. My main issue with this part of it is not specifically to do with the bi-ness of the storyline but the show in general. The show, showrunner, and Oliver want us to believe this storyline is different, that this is the one that finally changes everything, and I fully believe them in that being their intentions. However, they didnt show that to us well enough. The show has a glaringly cliche formula when it comes to buck and eddie love storylines that i used to think was intentional parallelism but now believe to be a writing rutt that they can't seem to break out of. They meet the partner, they have a romantic moment, something gets in the way of that romance, they meet up at a restaurant to “start over”. Ali, natalia, ana all follow this exactly and taylor sort of. its just tired? And the fact that this is exactly how buck and tommys relationship starts too just makes it so i cant convince myself that this is any different than before. Like i said i truly believe the writers thought they were pulling buck off the hamster wheel and the commentary outside the show tells me that he’s supposed to be doing something new, but they just can't escape their own romance formula enough to actually do it in the TEXT. and one thing about me is i think when it comes to TV, a viewer response lens is the most important way to analyze the story. the intention of the writer doesnt matter as much as the interpretation of the viewer because the average viewer of prime time television isnt reading tim minears interviews or listening to the podcasts oliver stark does, theyre tuning in at 8pm est and tuning out at 9. to conclude on the topic of bucks self discovery arc, i think it was done well. i think this is a general consensus, i feel like most people who think the storyline went sour still believe that episode four was done well at the very least
when it comes to the coming out of it all, this is one spot where i believe there’s some catastrophizing. the storyline had to choose carefully who got the long coming out scenes and i think it’s crazy to say that they chose wrong. do i wish there was a little bit of a longer beat with both hen and bobby about the storyline, yes absolutely. but i don’t think scenes with buck sitting down to formally come out to them would have been either necessary nor in character. bucks strongest canonical ties are to maddie, eddie, and bobby. two of which he never felt the need to come out formally to either by the way. i think a lot of people wanted to see more hesitation and fear from buck about his sexuality, but what they decided to show us instead was a man who realized something new about himself and immediately understood that the people around him were going to love and accept him no matter what. the only slip we see in this confidence is around eddie where… im trying to keep this analysis unbiased by non canon things so im not going to get into what i think of that but… in any sense bucks coming out moments were not about coming out at all but instead always about him being loved by his family. i rate this part of the storyline 10/10 because it all felt so natural and real for someone who has the support system and love that buck does (not saying it isn’t hard to come out even when people are supportive, just that i get why it wasn’t hard for buck). the storyline matched the character really well, but if they were to give the same easy breezy coming out arc to a character with the same backstory as say eddie then i would understand the want for more turbulence.
now the most polarizing part of the storyline for sure is the “established relationship” part of the season i guess you could call it lmao. my personal main complaint here is that we immediately lose any and all insight into the *new* of it all. if you want to make a big deal about this romance storyline being different than the other ones, you actually have to show us on screen what’s DIFFERENT about it. it doesn’t bother me so much on a relationship side of things because the relationship isn’t my personal cup of tea, but i think it would have been nice to see more scenes focused on the reasons this relationship is something new for buck. i’m not a tv writer, i honestly don’t have a suggestion for scenes that could have made this better for me. i think a tone thing is big part of it, if they lightened up tommy’s interactions with buck made him a little more flirty and lively it would have felt truly like a new relationship still in the phase of navigating a new dynamic rather than. well it doesn’t matter what i thought the relationship felt like by the end that’s not the point here. another place i feel like they could have put some more effort in is the bobby of it all, he was very preoccupied but their conversation felt stilted and not actually how i imagine it going. when it comes to the acknowledgment of bisexuality and newfound personal experiences i rate the end of the season: bad. i don’t think this was by virtue of the show not caring or wanting to portray the storyline anymore, but just by virtue of the entire end of the season being… kinda bad.
finally the finale, oh the finale… i swear im trying to come at this as unbiased as i can when i talk about the BT dinner scene but just know that i didn’t like it and that may bleed through. i think it was unfavorable of them to frame this scene the way they did. by having the scene start en media res and having us jump in to the dinner already in progress it feels disingenuous, because now im supposed to believe buck left the hospital, cooked an entire meal, set up a date, started eating and only THEN was the topic of bobby’s health brought up? it feels like this scene was written in a way that it would be for a well established long term couple, not a new relationship we’ve barely seen on screen. in this very scene is the first time tommy even learns what bucks relationship with bobby is like, this is very obviously not a deep connection yet so why are they being given the framework of it? the show is telling us that this relationship has gotten more serious without any proof and i find it very hard to believe them. i think there’s ONE simple change that makes this scene work 100x better and makes me feel like buck is actually settling into the relationship rather than having to take tim minear word for it: just start the scene with buck coming home to tommy! if buck is just getting home from the hospital it doesn’t feel as out of character because there’s less assumed time where buck is for some reason not worried about bobby, which he WOULD be don’t even try to tell me he’s not. and if tommy is already in bucks apartment when he comes home we learn so much about their relationship with such a small gesture. that buck feels comfortable with him there, that tommy feels comfortable alone there, that they spend time there often enough that tommy knows his way around. it just feels like this scene was written in good faith but the forgetfulness by the writers on the overall context of where this scene was in the episode created a strange tone in which i’m supposed to believe evan buckley would ever plan a romantic date night while bobby nash is literally comatose. thoughts on the bisexual storyline in the finale: no. i’m not gonna get into the daddy issues line of it all because that’s a lot more opinion based and it would make this like double length. ask me about it if you want i guess.
all in all, i think there’s … a lot that could have and should have been done differently in order to maximize the goals and effects that tim continuously told us he was trying to achieve. when it comes to carefully telling a story of late life sexuality discovery, i think they did well. when it comes to most other aspects, i think the ball was dropped. pls feel free to send messages or asks regarding this topic because i think im still developing thoughts on it and id love to have conversations regarding :)
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icetobes · 6 months
a rollercoaster of fucking emotions
911 thoughts s7 e5
- alien hand ?? lmao
- hen and her knowlate 🫶🏻
- lmao pleasee they’re struggling so much lmao
- oh bucks being choked
- bobby 🫶🏻
- oh eddie… um
- kinda funny… those poor guys
- i’m so excited this is aaaa
- NO WHAT 😭😭😭
- they’re ??? not ??? getting a little girl ????
- i’m devastated they can’t do this to me i was so excited why would they do this to me
- another girl ?? a nine year old :((((
- they’re the best chance :((( aaa
- they’re going to a movie 🥹🥹
- evan.
- the 118 was a regressive place… you did that ngl but it’s okay
- “i’m not lying” BUCK BABY
- “date with a dude” 😭
- “i guess it’s just me that makes you nervous” IM GONNA AAAA
- HOT CHICKS buck stop ??? help
- he’s so awkward :(((
- “it’s mine”
- “i think you’re adorable but i don’t think you’re ready” IM SOBBING NO
- aaaa henren again 🥹🫶🏻
- the blanket is the only thing she has left :((
- hen understanding non-verbal i’m going to CRY
- denny is so sweet im aaaaa
- karen getting emotional me too babe
- lied to eddie…
- a date…
- he’s not saying it…
- “this person” he’s so 🫶🏻
- “who it is isn’t the point”
- “HE”
- “more than an ally”
- “didn’t think that’s where you’re interests lie” eddie diaz
- he came out to maddie… kinda im shaking
- eddie and … her… ew
- i need him to find something dumb
- THE CACTUS “you’re kinda cool” he’s a loser i love him
- karen 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- oh the teddy bear:(
- mara are you okay :((
- oh she’s :(( poor baby :((
- buck at the stationnn
- “you are here early” buck you are literally so awkward
- a avoid not having sex ??? what
- “SHE WAS A NUN” “oh”
- he’s so angry about her past as a nun im crying
- not the cross help…
- GO TO CAP 😭😭😭
- “you looked like you wanted to tell me something” uh
- hen and bobby time
- talk about mara :((
- that poor baby :(
- i hope she realises she’s safe she deserves it
- oh denny :( he’s so sweet i can’t
- karen kinda side eyeing her… don’t make me dislike you :(
- her blanket is her safety net 😭🫶🏻
- “this isn’t working out” NO YOU GOTTA MAKE HER SAFE
- i need this storyline to work out good it’s got to i need this
- second thoughts about moving in BOBBY YOU ARE GOOD
- panic attacks mention
- a commitment phobe
- demisexual eddie diaz i WILL have you one day
- “only you know that” but i don’t think he does tho
- go to confession hehe
- a dog attack …
- they’re literally comparing a dog and a child i can’t
- and they’re vets now ???
- is this twice they’ve saved a dog
- dog :D
- they asked athena 😭😭
- “are you sure” oh my god i’m gonna cry aren’t i ??
- “i don’t want to be another name in a long list of people who failed her” 😔😔😔
- her little voice oh my heart is breaking
- oh my god :(( mara you poor sweet baby i hope you get the love and safety and happiness you deserve
- i’m crying i can’t do this
- “she was afraid we weren’t goig to wake up” ILL SOB
- “she wants to know what i want for dinner” lmao
- DO I??? stay in the loft 🤭🤭🤭
- “i’m gonna have to break up with her” omg best idea you’ve had
- “you and tommy have the best idea”
- “really?”
- not questinging buck but tommy 😭😭😭😭
- “is that weird” “NO ABSOLUTELY NOT”
- this do in t change a thing between us
- “he dumped me”
- “you should call him”
- i’m so happy aaaaa
- “call tommy”
- not them exiting with a parallel lmao
- hi eddie
- “heyyyy” hes so awkward
- dinner with her brother girl-
- “guy who needs a minute” eddie diaz im in your fucking walls
- EW
- “can’t wait to move out” me either LMAO ME
- karen my love 🫶🏻
- the blanket slowly coming down, like a barrier coming down
- “you’re safe here even if it doesn’t feel that way yet” :(((( AAAAAAAA
- SHE SPOKE :((( baby spoke im so proud of her im not okay
- BUCK ????
- did he call tommy 🤭🤭
- omg hiiii
- coffee date aaaa
- “mmm so not like that” LMAO
- “i would like to change that” aaa
- “i didn’t want to pressure you” AAAAAAAAAAA
- “i don’t know what im ready for but i am ready for something” i can’t do this
- “evan.”
- “i need someone to dance with” HOLY SHIT
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