#i cant wait to be free of this weight
fucking-filth · 2 months
it's okay, what you did to me, I'm going very far away to let my soul play. it's okay, what you did to me, because I will find someone to heal me from you. we will play on top of skyscrapers, and feel just as high. we will wander around at night, and tell each other how beautiful the moonlight looks on our skin. it's okay, what you did to me, because I will no longer be the person from back then.
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toytulini · 1 year
honestly having fish tanks has given me such unrealistic expectations for the weight capacity of most furniture
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iwontstopme · 1 year
i am 👏 👏 👏 sick
#i cant eat and barely drink#i had a fever of 102 but it somehow went away on its own#i had to call out of work (and im the only one at my job who can dp my job (v important to my job) so sucks for my boss#but there should really be someone who can step in for these situations especially since ive worked here for years#i had to go to urgent care though bc i need to see if its strep or covid or flu#and normally i would just wait and see if im better and wear aask and rest but my sister's wedding os on sunday... so like i need to know#if ill be sick then or not#god i hope im not one of our sisters already cant go cause she lives 1000 miles away#3 of her other siblings also live v far but i think 2 more are going#so she was at least going to have 4 of us there#but if i cant go my brother might not be able to either bc i am his ride and she lives a two hour drive away#which means she'll go from having six siblings to only 2 can attend...#so here i am at urgent care about to pay 200+ dollars to hopefully find out what i have just so that i can on a very slim chance make it to#her wedding#and of course its 200 dollars because i dont have insurance bc im single no kids in my 20s and make just 'too much' money to qualify for#free or low cost insurance#i hate that i say 'too much' bc it shouldn't be. i dont make a living wage and have roommates but i make too much money? bs...#anyways im glad my fever is gone bc that was hell#but the throat is the worst#and also im losing weight because i cant eat or drink#and while during most times that would be chill#rn im actually not loving ot#anyways.....
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jyoongim · 2 months
This is more of an idea (feel free to not respond btw)
But what if married reader gets knocked up with Alastors fawn and the husband divorced her once he realizes the baby isn’t his? You can bet your ass that the deer daddy is already trying to ensnare the reader in his grasp lol
Hehehe i have never written a Part 2 so fast !
Part 1
“Oh my Satan dear! Look at you! Ya look like you’re bout to pop!” Rosie exclaimed when you walked in her shop.
’Pop’ was an understatement.
You were very near the end of your pregnancy and it had not been kind to you.
You never told your husband about the incident with Alastor.
Would he had even believed you?
Alastor was A LOT of things, but the two of you were friends…your husband would think call you insane….
Your eyes widened seeing the very cause of your discomfort.
You wanted to dash out the door, run back home and hide.
The red Overlord turned around, hearing Rosie’s voice, you froze seeing his eyes look you over, you instinctively placed a hand over your stomach when his lips stretched into a smile.
You heard Rosie excuse herself to go get some appetizers but you were too focused to acknowledge her.
You were alone.
With him.
You took a shaky breath as memories from several months ago flashed across your mind, but you shook your head lightly to discard those thoughts.
”My my look at you” he purred approaching until he towered over you, beaming like a Cheshire cat “You really do make a fine mother” his large hand caressed the swell of your belly, smile softening when he felt movement.
”j-just leave me be please” you whispered, wincing when he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
Alastor chuckled ”leave you be? Oh ma cherie no can do!” 
He bent his head, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, voice dropping to a whisper “especially since you’re about to give birth to my baby?”
You pushed him away, putting distance between the two of you. Your face was flushed, eyes narrowed “I am NOT having your baby! I am having my husband’s baby!” You defended.
But there was a sliver of doubt you always felt when it came to the little soul nestled within you.
Alastor’s smile never wavered “Hmm you sure? Because i remember vividly filling your cunt with my seed until it dripped down your legs” 
You froze.
”You took me so well I was positive you would be pregnant”
He took small steps towards you
”Did you tell your husband?” 
Your snarl fell at his words and he knew he had you.
”T-there’s n-nothing to tell” you said turning around, ready to leave. 
You didnt have to take this.
He hummed coming up behind you. “Nothing to tell?” He chuckled darkly as his lanky arms wrapped around you, cradling your swollen belly. He leaned his head on top of yours.
”Oooh darlin I’m hurt! You didnt tell your loving husband how you milked my cock? How I tasted the cunt that belonged to him? How I claimed you for myself? That I sent you home filled with my cum?”
You were shaking.
”How unfaithful you were? Could the poor man tell another man’s cum was inside you while he fucked you?”
He kissed your neck
”I can’t wait to meet our little fawn”
Your baby kicked causing him to smile.
Thats all you felt as you tried to breath through your contraction.
”You got this honey! You’re doing great” your husband soothed as you wailed.
”One more push maam the baby’s almost here” the nurse reassured you.
Almost? It felt like you been pushing forever
”I cant” you panted.
Everything burned.
Your husband dabbed at your sweaty forehead, pressing a kiss to it “You got this baby. C’mon just one more push and then it’ll all be over”
Your eyes clenched and with a scream you pushed.
Relief and then the shrill cry of a baby.
The nurses cooed “Ooh a healthy boy!”
she cleaned up the baby and you sighed as you slumped against the bed.
”Ok mama” you felt a small weight on your chest.
Soft noises had you look down and you felt your heart break and bloom.
Red tufts of hair curled on the babe’s head and he looked at you with big red eyes.
He looked like you; round cheeks and a cute nose.
He looked nothing like your husband.
And every bit like…
”what the fuck” you heard your husband say. You turned to him, eyes wide.
He was staring at the baby.
”I-Its n-not what you think dear j-just let me-”
”You fucked Alastor” he was frowning, standing up from the bed.
You shook your head, tears swelling
”N-no that’s…I didnt i swear”
”I am looking at his exact copy. The damn brat looks nothing like me!”
You couldnt move “Honey p-please”
The man backed away. He was angry.
The baby began to cry, you tried to rock the poor soul, but your attention was on your husband
”I should have known” he hissed lowly, pacing.
”I should have known by the way he acted. How you flirted with each other! The fucking radio demon!? Tsk!”
He turned to look at you.
”I dont want some bitch who takes me for a fool. Hope it was worth it you fucking slut” he turned to walk out.
tears ran down your face, your heart was racing “W-What? Honey no it wasn’t like that..it-it was never-”
”I want a divorce. You are dead to me”
and like that he was gone.
You sat there stunned.
Your husband just…left.
He left you and he didn’t even let you explain, tell him how or why all this was happening.
The baby cooed and you looked down at him.
You wanted to be angry, you had every right to be, but looking at this sweet soul…he didnt deserve your anger.
You were a mother now. You would do your best to love your child.
Even if you had to do it alone.
“What a fine mother you make indeed my dear”
He smiled watching the little fawn latch to your chest and stare back at him with vermillion eyes.
You hissed at him, earning a quirked brow “haven’t you done enough?”
Soft static buzzed through the air as the Overlord approached you. You took a step back, as he extended a hand to the babe and rubbed his chubby cheek.
Alastor ignored your question ”How are you feeling love?” He asked as the baby nuzzled into your neck.
How were you feeling?
You were divorced, a single mother, and living with Rosie.
All because of him.
”Like hell but I know you’re not here to ask about my well being”
Alastor ignored your jab.
”I do care for you darlin and its only right that I provide for you and our fawn”
You went to growl, threaten him to die, but your baby reached out to the red demon.
Alastor’s face light up and he grabbed the fawn, cooing and tickling the baby.
Your son squealed and giggled, trying to grab at his claws.
”Let’s make a deal dearest”
You straightened at his words. A deal with Alastor was dangerous.
But you were at rock bottom.
”What kind of deal?” You asked cautiously.
”Marry me. Marry me and you’ll have nothing to be worried about. You’ll be protected, cared for, and have anything you desire.”
The baby was gumming at his collar.
”Be mine”
You bit your lip. What did you have to loose?
You sighed, taking your son.
You looked at the tall demon, green magic swirling around him.
”Do we have a deal?” he extend his hand.
You looked at your baby and then back at Alastor.
”I hate you” you said taking his hand,
You winced as your hand burned and watched a gold ring appear on your finger.
Radio static buzzed and then a soft humming. Alastor purred, smiling, fixing his jacket.
“Oh my dear” His arm looped around your waist, bringing you close to him as he chuckled “Such a good girl”
“Now! I think I have the perfect place for us to raise our fawn”
“Uggghh Al you got a little something…” Charlie said nervously as she watch Alastor sip his coffee.
The little red fawn was hanging on his antlers, happily gnawing at the appendages. Alastor looked up, smiling “Oh he’s fine”
”Alastor have you seen…” your voice floated into his ears as you entered the lobby, stopping when you saw your son among his father’s antlers.
Alastor let out a grunt as the baby pulled at his ears “Hes right here dear”
Your baby babbled as you approached, squealing when you plucked him from his father.
You scowled the Overlord, placing the baby on your hip.
”How many times have I told you not to just let him hang-”
You froze.
“Da…da” your son babbled, squirming in your arms.
Charlie cooed and Alastor smirked as the fawn’s eyes welled with tears as he reached for his father. Alastor walked towards you, scooping the baby from you.
You pouted as the baby happily chirped, nuzzling in his father’s neck.
Alastor sneaked a soft kiss to your lips 
“See he’s fine”
You sighed, rolling your eyes, arms crossing.
”Oh smile my dear. Maybe the next one will say mama first” he laughed, eyes settling on your round belly.
”After all you’re a great mother”
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batwritings · 6 months
Im back again bc my brain is rotting , plspls , i ask of you , ghost fucking his cute gf on their kitchen counter, like imagine reader is making dinner , dressed in a cute skirt and one of his sweaters , reader looks hot ass fuck to simon , especially because they currently have a vibrating dildo inside of themselves, simon had put it there because he wanted to have fun and what was more fun than making his sweet angel suffer ? So reader is cooking with shakey hands and legs , softly whimper and sniffling while tears run down her face , frustrated that she cant do anything because she had to be a good girl , that is until reader us about to come , she doubles over the counter and her whole body is trembling, she's abo- , oh wait , Simon pulled the dildo out , leaving his poor angel edged until later after dinner , he makes her cum as much as she deserves and absolutely destroys her cunt , cumming inside of her and then fucking it back inside of her , so she can take it like a good girl while he praises her :)))) (idk why i make ts so detailed)
See here's the thing about Simon goddamn Riley: you cannot tell me this man isn't touch starved and in need of someone to push boundaries and experiment with and this would be fucking perfect for that. Enjoy!~
To say you and Ghost were an experimental couple in the bedroom would be quite the understatement. If the storage container full of different toys and various bedroom extras wasn't proof enough, you weren't sure what was. So when this man, this touch starved man came up with the idea of making you cook dinner with a vibrator in your cunt, you weren't too surprised.
Dinner was nearly done for the night, but so were you at this point. Your legs were shaking as the vibrating toy did it's job deep in your soaked hole. Tears were starting to stain your cheeks from overstimulation as your end was keeping you teetering on the edge of absolute pleasure.
It was only when your whimpers got louder, hands unsteady to the point that you had to slam your hand on the counter to support your weight that you felt a presence behind you. "Simon...!" You whine, legs clenching together. "Please...! Cl-ohhh...!"
You cry out in disappointment, nearly a sob as you feel Ghost's hand slip beneath your pretty skirt to pull the toy from your stretched hole. "Not until after dinner darlin'," he rumbles, voice dark with arousal yet mocking at the same time.
Your mind is fuzzy, a blur as he helps you plate the food and settle in your seat, watching you with critical cocoa eyes to make sure you finished it all. You'd need all the energy you could take in before he got his hands on you. The moment your plate was clear, he's on you, pulling your seat back and out of the way as he pins you to the table from behind.
You don't miss the man's bulge pressing right against your eager cunt, whimpering as he frees it to rub along your slick entrance. "So pretty, in my sweater," he growls directly in your ear, breath so hot it makes you shiver. "But so naughty with no panties on for me."
"Pleeease Simon...!" You're practically in tears again, desperate to get back to where you wanted to be. You don't need to ask twice, sobbing out in pleasure as you feel Ghost thrust into you roughly. He fucks you harshly, the table rocking violently as he slams his cock into you over and over.
Between grunts and groans the blonde is spewing out praise left and right. Some of it is mixed with degradation, but it's all such sweet music in your ears that brings you close and closer to completion. "So close babygirl," he moans, fingers bruising on your hips. "Come for me sweetheart. Show me how good you feel."
You don't need to be told twice, crying out in pleasure as you milk his cock for all it's worth. Ghost isn't far behind you, a long moan indicating his finish as he spills inside you. You whimper and moan as he fills you, loving how full he's made you feel.
Your military husband cages you in, panting hard against your back as you both come down. You can start to feel the excess mess starting to leak out and down your thighs. A dark chuckle makes you shiver and whine a bit.
"Looks like I'm going to have to ruin you all over again sweetheart."
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
please just a crumb of heartsteel sett 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
✖ Heartsteel!Sett Headcanons ✖
✖ Word Count: 876
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: Just crumbs! I am UNINSPIRED! Aaaa it's just very domestic headcanons. Feel free to ask for more specific things if any of these make you excited!
- He likes picking you up, he's strong enough to. You cant reach something? No, he's not helping you, he's picking you up so you can do it yourself. Huh, walking is tiring? He's carrying you. Oh damn there's a puddle, alright up we go. Sett makes sure he can lift your weight. There is no instance you would catch him lacking, man will hoist you.
- Sett is always looking for you. Like actually turning around to make sure you're in the room. Waiting and searching to see if you are still following him. Walking around a store to make sure he has his eyes on you. He likes knowing you are there, that you are near so every so often you can see his head rise and turn as he looks for you, making sure you are there. The same for when he performs! Sett is constantly scanning the audience to find your face. Hoping to see you. Smiling widely when he does. He loves you! He WANTS to see you as often as possible.
- His ears get cold! He likes it a lot when you lightly rub them, actually being able to feel the warmth of your hands heat it up. Because he works out so often he is just a natural warm guy, so he feels the cold when the wind blows at his ears. Its why Ma made him the beanie anyway. If you kiss his ears they twitch. When he blushes they get warm. When you scratch them you might hear him purr, its a deep rumbling, a warm tone.
- Sett thinks its adorable if you want to work out with him! He will spot for you, give you advice, help you every way he can. Meal plans, tips and tricks, your personal trainer and motivator. Soft kisses when you hit a goal. Big hugs when you survive a gruesome set. He loves spending time with you and if you follow him to the gym he can do just that. Tired after? He's carrying you out.
- He likes body contact. He likes when you sit by him, lying on his lap as he practices singing or rapping. He likes you holding his hand as you walk around on dates. He likes to hug you from behind as you do things. He likes the physical reassurance that you are by his side. A hand around your shoulder as you two sit and chat. The gentle touch of his hand on your thigh when you talk to him. His arms wrapping around you when he falls asleep by your side. All the small things. He loves feeling You.
- When he gets the chance he always tries to buy you thoughtful gifts. He remembers! Ma taught him well. When you talk about needing a new bag because your old one is breaking? He find the best one and buys it for you. You talk about your favorite colors and animals? He remembers! He buys you cute little gifts that remind him of that. Damn, winter is cold, you forgot you lost your old gloves? He already bought you a new pair in fall. There are cuter moments too. You bringing up snacks you miss from childhood? He learns, he bakes them for you, buys them for you, finds Someone who sells them to get them for you. He is attentive. He is an idol with money, he will do what he can for you how he can.
- If you can and show up for his shoots or practices he gets excited. Doing his best, making sure to get things done as soon as possible so he find you during a break. Happily chatting with you while he hydrates. Laughing and joking at his mistakes with you when he fumbles. You warm his heart. If you get along well with everyone else in Heartsteel he gets happier. They are like family to him afterall.
- He refuses to have you spend money on him when its band related, he gives you all his merch. He gets a copy anyway and they are YOURS. Sett is happy to see you wearing a tee with his face! Have posters of him (signed) in your room. He likes if you show him off as much as he shows you off. He loves loving you and loves being loved.
- If you get hurt or get sick he's is nervous and frantic. He wants to be there for you at all times, making sure you are ok. He frets over you, genuinely worried that a little cold will be life or death. He doesn't know how to actually help you thought, it takes help from messaging his mother and Yone to realize he needs to keep you cool, get you food and just let you rest. Which he hasn't been doing cos he's been in and out of your room non-stop. But he's learning.
- He hums a lot! You can catch him singing or humming songs while working out, showering, doing chores. He is a rockstar and music is important to him, it shows. He doesn't get embarrassed if you point it out, its more like a " Eh? I didn't realize it was even doing it. Must be a good tune." Moment.
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gyucheolslut · 8 months
saw you were taking hard thoughts!! :D
car sex with hansol,, :’)) being too needy to even wait till you’re home and looking up at him with puppy dog eyes when you ask him to pull into a dark parking lot bc you need him right now !! and how could he say no? he’ll tease you about how impatient you’re being but he can’t help but be turned on at how desperate you are to have him inside you
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not proof read ~
literally written in a car so… yk.. excuse any errors or inconsistencies!!! :)
hehe thank you for being my first request! might add onto this later~
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
no because you’d be heading home from a mutual friends house, and something about vernon being all domestic and boyfriend that day has you all riled up..
the entire time you were there, you found yourself extremely distracted… chewing on your lip while staring at his as he spoke..
eyes trailing down his neck and over his body.. god, what was it about him today? you had wanted him so bad, even before you left the house.. and the smell of his cologne making it even worse on the car ride to your friends…
he had your thighs rubbing together in attempt to relieve the pressure and heat between them, but it was no use… you had to get out of there… and fast.
which that brings us to now, you squirming in your seat as he drives, not able to contain yourself any longer.. you look at him, shifting your weight to one side so you can admire his side profile, hand reaching out and resting on his knee.. a little too close to his crotch which has him immediately tensing..
“baby?” he’d chuckle “everything okay?”
you’d whine and shake your head, shifting yourself as close as possible, finding yourself angry at the existence of a middle console.
“‘sollie..” you’d exhale “i need you.. so bad..” your hand begins sliding up his thigh to the button of his jeans “what if i just..” you mumble, fumbling with the button until it pops, your fingers finding and pulling down his zipper with ease.
hansol’s eyes widen, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. he looks down at your hands in his lap and then at you for a second, before refocusing on the road. “baby.. we’re really not that far from home.. you can wait, right?” he’d hum, swallowing the lump in his throat.. seeing you like this was exhilarating for him..
you were so desperate for him that you’d be willing to pull him out and shove him down your throat for your own pleasure.
“i cant wait!” you’d whine, sounding a little more bratty and needy than you wanted to. “i’ve been wanting.. i need you, now..” you’d add emphasis to your words by gripping him through his briefs, hand now shoved down the front of his pants.
you’d look at him, palming him and rubbing your thighs together… eyes full of desperation and want..
“can we just pull over?” you look around at your options and point with your free hand, it’s a shopping plaza, the parking lot dark and abandoned as it was getting late… “how about there? we can be quick.. i just..” you whimper, feeling a little pathetic at your own words.. “please..”
hansol takes one look at you, and that’s all the convincing he needs, taking the exit to park his car in the deserted lot, forcing his seat as far back and possible and helping you into his lap.
his hands are resting on your hips, lips moving messily against yours and the expanse of your neck.. guiding your hips back and forth on his.
he helps you out of your jeans, tossing them into the back, pulling your underwear to the side as he’s beginning to feel a little impatient himself, lining up with your entrance and sinking you onto him..
he would easily pull 2, maybe even 3 orgasms out of you and your needy little cunt before spilling all over your inner thigh, stroking your hair as you hide your face in his neck, flushed and exhausted.. but something about you being so needy for him has him all worked up and he’d decide he’d like to fuck you more properly when you get home.. ~
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doll-for-you-11 · 2 months
This is a long one...
Its the middle of the night. 2 or 3am. Im bored and horny and its gotten to the point I'd do anything anyone told me to do.
I get a random DM some twisted message about wishing he could rape me in the middle of the street while all of my neighbors film it.
My cunt is dripping and none of the normal porn is getting me there. I decide to do something about it.
I strip naked. My pussy dripping down my thighs, I walk outside. My street only has one light, its dark and silent as I walk out to it. Sitting under the light, I close my eyes. Squeezing my tits, rolling my nipples, moaning softly as i trail a hand to my soaked cunt.
Its so wet I can hear it before Ive even pressed a finger inside. Knowing im outside, naked, where anyone could find me is making me hornier than ive ever been.
Just rubbing my slick around the outside of my hole, my clit throbbing, desperate to be touched. More and more slick seeping out, staining the pavement under me.
I slowly push a finger in, moaning at the feeling. My eyes still closed. I begin to pump in and out. Slowly but as deep as I can. Adding a second finger. All I can hear is the noise of my cunt gushing around them as I finger fuck myself in the street.
Just as I'm about to reach down and rub my clit as well, panting and moaning I dont hear the footsteps behind me.
My mouth hanging open, my head tilted back, Im about to cum when Im suddenly choking. My eyes fly open to see a blur of denim as a cock is forced down my throat. He holds the back of my head, forcing himself balls deep as I gag. Trying desperately to push him away but hes too strong.
He begins to skull fuck me. Ruthlessly ramming into my throat, using my hair to push and pull my head onto his cock. Forcing his full length to fill my windpipe with each thrust.
I try to focus and breathe through my nose. Just as I get the hang of it to keep myself breathing i feel the toe of his boot press roughly into my cunt. My legs spread around him, he pushes his foot against me. My clit rubbing against it painfully as he forcefully takes my mouth.
After what feels like forever he rips his cock from my throat, throwing me to the ground.
Dizzy, i try to catch my breath but before i can he's already on top of me, flipping me onto my stomach and kneeling on the small of my back. He pulls my wrists behind me and I feel something cold, wire maybe, being bound around them from wrist to elbow. Pinning them against my back, my shoulders pulled together painfully.
I feel his weight shift back so he's sitting over my knees. A hand forces its way between my thighs, thick fingers prodding against my fuck hole. I cant help but moan as two stretch my tight cunt. They feel so much bigger inside than mine did.
He grunts, his other hand reaching up and around my neck. Choking me as he fucks me with his fingers.
I still havent seen his face. I gasp as he hits a spot inside me I could never reach myself.
How have I gotten here? So desperate to feel something new I put myself in this situation. I went outside, naked to fuck myself like a pathetic whore. I wanted this. Part of me hoped this would happen. Id be manhandled and used out in the street like a prostitute.
But no, im worse. Im letting him do this for free. I wanted him to take me against my will. I wanted him to ruin me.
His hand on my neck gets tighter, he adds another finger. The stretch hurts but I like it. Its not long before I feel it building, my body tenses and just as Im about to cum, he stops. I whine like a bitch in heat. Waiting for him to flip me over and beat me or fill me with his cock but it doesn't come.
My arms are still bound but as I roll over I see no one. He got me to the edge and then left me face down on the pavement.
I wait a bit longer, but he doesn't come back. I force myself to get up and walk home. Spend the rest of the night getting the wire off my arms.
I look in the mirror, spit and tears coating my face, my body dirty and scraped from the ground. My cunt dripping down my legs. Im nothing but a disgusting whore. And all I care about is that I didn't get more.
I call out of work, spending the entire day fucking myself. Using every toy I have, the shower head, flogging my own cunt, but nothing is enough. I need him to use me again.
The next night I do it again. 2am, I strip naked and go out to sit under the street lamp. I sit on my hands and knees, ass in the air for what feels like hours, but he never comes.
The sun is rising by the time I give up and return home. It goes on like this for the next week. Fucking myself all day and sitting ready to be taken all night but it never happens.
Im exhausted by now, my body so desperate to be fucked that I cant take it. I try again, but this time the exhaustion takes over and I pass out.
I don't know how long I'm out, but I wake up tied to the lamp post, my tits being beat with a cane. I scream, but my mind is beyond excited. He finally came back. He's going to use me!
My cunt is dripping and ny desperation clouds the pain. I begin moaning as he canes my tits. He hits them harder and the pain makes me moan louder. I hear the cane drop as he straddles me and forces his cock into my mouth. Face fucking me again, slamming my head into the post im tied to.
I gag and choke around him, but my pussy only drips more. He pulls out, pumping himself, coating my face and tits in thick ropes of cum and I finally see his cock.
He's massive. So big I dont understand how he fit in my mouth. As I gape at his cock I hear him chuckle. He kneels down so we're face to face. "It only fit because I wasn't hard when I started. Id say you're in for a painful fuck, but you're such a little pain slut I bet youll love it." He slaps me accross the face.
"What kind of disgusting whore fucks herself in the street? Hmm? The kind that moans when shes having her slutty milk bags caned? The kind that's so desperate for my cock she sits out her every night with her ass in the air waiting to get railed? The kind thats so desperate to cum she hasnt slept in a week because shes been abusing her cunt all day every day?" He talks to me like a dumb puppy, pouting as he holds my chin, letting me know he's been watching me all week, letting me degrade myself for him.
"Tell me what you want my little rape whore" he coos, groping my bruised tits, making me wince and moan.
"I...I want you to make me cum" I moan quietly, grinding my hips, trying to press my legs together.
"You wanna cum?" He laughs. He bends my legs up, grabbing more rope and tying my legs bent and spread. My dripping, red cunt open on display for him.
"You dont get to cum. Whores dont get to cum. And youre a whore" he slaps my clit roughly, making my body jolt.
"See, if youd been a good girl and stayed inside. Not come back out here like a desperate little cumdump. I would have broken in, raped you properly, filled that little pussy up with my cum, and we both would have been happy" he says continuing to slap and flick my cunt.
"But you just had to be a disgusting dirty depraved little cunt" he says Slapping me accross the face to push each word "and dirty cunts dont get to feel pleasure, though you're so disgusting even hurting you brings you pleasure so Im not sure how to punish a slut like you"
The way he says it sounds like he's used to situations like these. It makes me wonder how many times he's done this. Raped and tortured little sluts on the street. It seems so natural to him. Tying me to a light post and abusing me.
The thought makes me moan and he laughs again. He stands and begins to walk away and I panic. He can't leave me without using me again!
"Please no! Please! I need you to rape me! I need you to use me! I dont care if I cum, but please I need your cock!! Ive been dreaming of it for the last week!"
I yell after him, whining and crying pathetically. He turns, laughing at me. "You really are pathetic. Ive never met such a disgusting cunt. I told you you werent cumming. But I cant pass up abusing a bitch like you. Sit tight my little whore, ill be right back."
I watch as he walks around the corner. A few minutes pass and a truck pulls up, the headlights blinding me as I hear the door open and he's standing in front of me with a duffle bag.
He opens it, digging around before pulling a cattle prod from it. My eyes go wide and I begin to shake my head, trying to get away but I can't move an inch the way im bound. He pulls out a self fucking dildo and some duct tape. Taping in in my mouth and turning it on, making me gag around it unable to scream as he turns on the cattle prod.
He leans close "im going to show you something even a pain slut like you wont moan about. Im going to make you regret asking for this, and Im going to make sure you dont enjoy one second of my cock when I get around to fucking you"
With that he presses the prod to my left nipple, the shock hurts so bad my whole body tenses in pain and before i can come down he hits the right one. Spit pours down my chin as the dildo fucks my throat, mixing with tears and staining my bruised tits.
He laughs as he shocks my tits and stomach, he hits my thighs and the bottoms of my feet. Telling me I should be thanking him for this. I asked for it.
Then he shoves it deep into my spread pussy. He makes sure to hit my clit and get it right in my fuck hole. Tears are pouring, im crying so hard im gagging harder than I ever have before.
He laughs as he holds it to my cunt, shocking over and over as my eyes roll back. I black out from the pain only to be smacked across the face hard enough to make me dizzy.
He throws the prod down, leaning down and grabbing my throat, I know he can feel the dildo as he squeezes. "You dont get to pass out cunt! Youre going to feel everything I do to you" he lets go and slaps me again before turning back to his bag.
The street light and his headlights create a spotlight over me in the darkness. My spread open abused body clear to see to anyone that looked out their windows. The later it gets the more cars I hear on the main road. I wonder if anyone will drive by and help me, or help him.
He comes back to me with a knife and laughs as i clench my eyes closed, but he only cuts my binds. My body so sore I cant try and run and he drags me by my hair onto all fours. Pressing my face to the ground, dildo still fucking my throat. He straddles my shoulders, facing my ass. His weight pushing my face and tits flat to the ground.
I feel something rough brush over my pussy lips, it feels like a course brush. "Dirty little whores need to be cleaned" he says, i can hear the grin as he speaks. "What better to clean you with than a toilet brush?"
My eyes widen as I try to struggle but I can't move as he begins shoving it up my cunt. My eyes water as he starts fucking my already abused cunt with the course brush.
He holds the handle with both hands, aggressively ripping it in and out of my cunt as he laughs. Calling me a disgusting whore that needs cleansing. By the time he stops I feel more than just slick on my thighs.
But he doesn't get off of me. Instead he says "next hole" and roughly does the same to my ass.
This time I do black out from the pain. I just can't take it. I dont know how long he rapes my ass for but when i wake up again he's standing over me with the cane, beating my ass black and blue.
He leans down pulling me to my knees by my hair and growling in my ear "i think its finally time to give you what you wanted"
Im so broken I can't focus on his words, my body limp for his control and he bends me over again and lines his cock up with my ruined pussy.
Despite the pain I sigh at the feeling. His cock fills my pussy so well. He rams into me as a bruising pace. It feels like he's going forever when he finally pulls me up, groping my tits and biting my neck, his cum exploding against my cervix. But again, just as im about to cum, he pulls out , throwing me to the ground.
"I told you, dirty rape cunts dont get to cum" he kicks my pussy and steps on my tits before dragging me down the street. He stops at my house and begins to tie me to the gate. Tits bound, arms behind my back and legs spread. He blindfolds me and leaves the dildo taped in my throat. I feel something long and wooden shoved up my ass, i assume it a broom or a rake and he slaps me again, something warm soaking my hair, his piss, as he slaps me with his cock and leaves.
I can see the light through the blindfold as the sun rises, i hear cars slow down as they pass me. People walk by taking pictures, playing with me. I couldn't tell you how long I was there before a car pulled up and i was cut down and loaded into it. Fucked mercilessly in the backseat.
I pass out before we stop but when I wake up im chained to a pipe in a bathroom, covered in cum and piss. A sign on the door says "Free for all Rape Whore". I guess this is my life now.
And all I can think is Thank you, to the man who showed me what a disgusting slut I was that first night.
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delicatebarness · 2 months
i cant read your mind | chapter four
Summary: The journey to Madripoor.
Warnings: MCU Spoilers. Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier spoilers throughout. Zemo.
Word Count: 1148
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A/N: If I didn't split this episode up then this chapter would have been too long for my brain to be okay with. The next one is gonna be looooong.
Tags: @blackhawkfanatic | @cjand10 | @wintrsoldrluvr | @missvelvetsstuff | @buckys-metal-arm | @matchat3a | @shadowzena43 | @torntaltos |
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Strolling down the prison corridors, the sterile white tiles and harsh fluorescent light amplified a feeling of isolation, as well as a headache. “I’m gonna go alone,” Bucky admitted, addressing both you and Sam. Just as Sam questioned his decision, you objected with a firm “No,” as your mind went back to the last time Bucky was alone with Zemo.
“You’re an Avenger. You know how he feels about that.” Bucky continued, answering Sam's question as he shot you a warning glance that silently said, “Don’t push it,”. You didn’t say anything else while he gave Sam more reasons for him to go alone, you let out a sigh as you watched him leave. 
Anxiety began to rise throughout your body as you stood waiting, Sam sensed your apprehension about the return of The Winter Soldier. “He’ll be alright,” he said as he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder in reassurance. 
Your hand instinctively reached up to rub your neck as you responded, “I’ll believe it when he comes back and doesn’t attempt to kill me,” your memories flooded with your first encounter with Bucky. “Again.” 
That day on the bridge changed you. Never before had you been on a mission that came so close to disaster. His right hand effortlessly closed around your neck, you tried to fight back with punches, and kicks and even tried reaching for your gun. He maintained a distance that prevented you from gaining any ground. 
Just in the last second, the shield slammed into his back, which forced him to release his grip, sending you tumbling to the ground. 
Your eyes sparked with relief at Bucky’s return, and his expression mirrored yours. You suppressed the urge to rush forward and embrace Bucky, absent from The Winter Soldier. As he walked over to you, he instructed you and Sam to follow him. 
Guided by Bucky, you ventured into the dimly lit garage, relying on flashlights and Bucky’s hand to navigate. You reached for it the second you stepped into the darkness and stuck close to him as he and Sam debated the merits and risks of freeing Zemo. The tension in the air kept you silent until Bucky located the light switch. With a sigh of relief, you exhaled deeply. As you relaxed into the newfound brightness, you slipped your hand out of Bucky’s. 
“I didn’t do anything,” Bucky retorted to Sam. Recognizing his tone of voice, betraying his statement, you knew he had indeed done something. Concern gripped you as you wondered what it could be. Your attention was focused on him as he outlined a plan to free Zemo.
Startled by the door slamming shut, you instinctively moved toward the source. To your surprise, it was Zemo. He strolled into the garage as if it was his own. Maybe it was? “What the fuck, Bucky?!” you exclaimed, joining Sam in a heated exchange with Bucky about this turn of events. As Zemo attempted to interject, all three of you shut him down with a simultaneous “No!”. 
“When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you both backed him. You both broke the law, and you stuck your necks out for me.” Bucky shifted his gaze between you and Sam, the weight of the past heavy in your eyes, tears threatening to spill. “I’m asking you to do it again.” he pleaded, his gaze softened as he looked down at you, brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You nodded, affirming your loyalty to Bucky as Sam commanded rules to Zemo before agreeing. 
Sitting on a private jet beside Bucky and across from Zemo felt surreal. Their casual conversation with Sam about Marvin Gaye seemed out of place, prompting you to feign sleep, keeping your eyes closed for most of the journey. Your attention snapped back to them when they mentioned Madripoor, the destination you headed to. Intrigue sparked within you as Zemo started the topic of disguises. They have secretly been one of your favorite aspects of being an agent since the beginning. 
“Don’t touch her,” Bucky’s voice growled a warning, causing you to snap out of your feigned sleep. You opened your eyes just in time to see Zemo reaching towards your shoulder. Grateful for Bucky’s protective instinct, you glanced around feeling disoriented. Bucky was almost on his feet, presumably to stop Zemo physically. 
“Apologies,” Zemo directed to Bucky, who seemed to calm down after Zemo retreated. Zemo then brought his attention back to you. “I have picked out a dress for you to wear, Agent, to blend in,” he gestured toward the door of the jet’s toilet.
Unzipping the dress bag, you were surprised by the beautiful red material and its intricate details. Who would have thought Zeemo had such good taste? Without any hesitation, you shed your casual yet tactical wear and slid into the dress. You admired how it hugged your body perfectly. Rushing to see the final look, you adorned yourself with the accessories he had chosen as well. 
Stepping out of the bathroom, you revealed your new identity to your team, Bucky, Sam, and Zemo. Bucky’s eyes widened in surprise, Sam whistled appreciatively, and Zemo offered a polite nod of approval.
“Not a chance,” Bucky’s voice cut through the moment, his gaze bore into you as you walked out wearing the red dress, its neckline plunging and the hem barely covering anything below your waist, your back exposed. 
Confusion flickered across your face as you turned to him, he was looking you up and down with only his eyes still seated. “Excuse me?”
His jaw tensed as he continued to assess your appearance, “You’re not wearing that,” he stated firmly.
Your eyebrows furrowed in disbelief, “And, since when did you get an opinion?” you shot back, defiance in your voice as you met his gaze. 
The tension on the jet thickened as Bucky maintained his stance. Sam sensed the conflict brewing, he decided to step in and attempt to diffuse the situation. 
“Okay, let’s just take a minute,” He interjected, his voice was calm yet authoritative. “We’ve got more important things to worry about-”
“I’m serious,” Bucky interrupted, insisting you wouldn’t be wearing the dress. “You’ll draw too much attention.”
“This dress will not compromise the mission,” you began, your voice steady. “I’ve been in the ‘arm candy’ role for Steve enough to know what I’m doing.” you noticed the shift in his demeanor as his body tensed at the thought of you and Steve being perceived as intimate.
Sam nodded in agreement with you, “She’s got a point, Bucky,” Sam interjected, affirming your statement. He had witnessed this act on a few occasions now to know you’re right. Bucky hesitated, torn between his protective and possessive instincts over you or respecting the supposed end of your so-called relationship. After a moment of silence, a begrudging “Fine.” cut through the tension.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
Hiiii! How are you hanging?
Warning: periods? Not sure if it’s a warning. If it is or it makes you uncomfortable I am so so sorry it was not my intention
Could you write for Leo Valdez being his s/o’s biggest simp and like acting as heater and heating pad especially when she’s on her period and building her lots of gadgets for basically anything he thinks she may need?
Feel free to skip this obviously!
Sorry again and have a lovely day!
Bye! (Ps I have reade your Nike one for about 20 times now and it still is so fun and amazing! ‘Cant wait for the Hypnos one!)
I'm working on so much rn so this is just a short head canon list that sort of derailed but it was so cute to write. I'm glad you liked the Nike one, and the Hypnos fic was just posted I hope you find it <3
And period talk doesn't make me uncomfortable don't worry I'm fine with writing lots of that kind of stuff I just have like, limits with smut and age gap kind of stuff [I'm also a minor]
This header just gave me like, hot water bottle cover vibes and matched the rest of it too, hope you enjoy!
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Hotboy/Hotpack---Leo V x gn reader on their period
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-No but like he’s literally perfect for the job
-Who else is better at laying down as a weighted blanket and heating himself up to perfect temperature and then just literally fiddling with rubix cubes while you use him as a hot water bottle
-He’d be so happy to as well, like it was the best job in the world [which it is to him, he gets cuddles as well as being a good boyfriend. It’s a win win]. Even if you didn’t ask, he’d catch you microwaving a wheat pack while you take painkillers in the camp kitchen and sneak up behind you and hug you. Or maybe he’d lay across the counter dramatically, 
-‘mi amor are you replacing me? Why would you do this? I love you, and now there's other guys in your life!’
-‘it’s literally a hot water bottle’
-‘No! I must win you back!...Come on let’s go make out-’ 
-Then he’d take the hot water bottle away and smother you in kisses [if you felt like it] and drag you back to your cabin. He’d bring your favorite snacks and steal Pipers Ipad, the one with the hello kitty stickers, and you’d watch movies to pass the time. 
-He’s the type to try those different rubbing points on your stomach to help with cramps [gods his hands are so fine, but that’s besides the point] and even if they didn’t work you’d get a massage out of it <3
-So we’ve all agreed Leo is the little spoon, right? 
-He’d act so tough and macho, spooning you to heat up his hands on your stomach but then you rolled over in your sleep once and woke up to him grinning his head off while you hugged him
-Of course you figured it out and now you’re the big spoon because he’s just so small and cuddly, like a teddy bear [even if he’s a bit boney] and when you get cramps it works even better. He’s like a life sized heat pack pressed against you, and he always holds you hands as well because he’s just like that :D
-He has the softest curly hair when it isn’t covered in sawdust and grease, and when he lays his head on your chest or that little spot between your neck and your shoulder you could just run your hands through it. Or maybe put little plaits in it. He’d love that. Touch is definitely his love language, once he realizes he does deserve it, as well as gifts and acts of service.
-Gifts and acts of service is a subconscious thing for him that he doesn’t even realize he does and likes until he spots the shelf next to your bed filled with all the little things he’s made. Gold or silver jewelry [he quickly figured out which one was favorite through trial and error you didn’t even notice], little metal flowers he’d welded with his fingers, which were literally made with love. There’d be things like lollies and packets of gum he’d realized you liked and promptly bought when he went out, fairy lights he’d made in the shape of hearts, candles with your favorite scents he’d made from when Hazel had a wax-y crafts phase, and more. 
-If you ever gave him something in return, he’d probably cry
-But he knows you love him and he definitely knows he loves you [as well as the rest of CHB lol]
»»————- ★ ————-««
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secretsturn · 1 month
you rolled your eyes at chris, tuning out his words by plugging your ears.
“lalala, I cant hear you!” you yelled, closing your eyes, purposefully pissing off chris.
chris grumbled something under his breath before walking away. your eyes were closed and you could tell he was not having it. based off of how much of an attitude you’ve been giving him all day, it would only be a matter of time until he had enough and acted out on his impulses.. maybe pinning you against a wall, or bending you over the couchs arm rest and shoving his cock inside you.. you’d just have to wait and see.
here you stood, cooking dinner for yourself, about to see what would happen.
you stirred the pot, the hot water sloshing around the noodles, hopefully lessening the stiff and raw form of them faster.
you balanced your weight onto one leg and popped a hip out, knowing you were gonna be here for a little longer, so might aswell make yourself comfy.
feeling arms snake around your waist and a head stuffed in the crook of your neck, wouldve scared you if you didnt know who it was. but you did.
grunting, you used your free hand to untangle chris’ arms from your body and push him off you. without even looking at chris you could see the distraught look on his face.
“what the fuck? y/n?” he said, throwing his arms to the side as he stared at you in disbleif.
you didnt answer, but only made huffed air out of your nose in remark, shrugging your shoulders.
chris didnt say anything else, he just stared. stiffening his shoulders he turned off the oven and grabbed your waist, spinning you around and shoving you to the counter, he grabbed your wrists and pinned you onto the counter.
a gruff look in his eyes, he stared at you. not a word leaving his lips. you could tell he was pissed.
“what the fuck is your problem, y/n.” he scoffed, his voice stern and low, no signs of mercy or letting up in his tone.
you didnt answer—how surprising—you only stared deeper into his eyes. testing him. you knew the outcome (no you didnt), you just wanted to piss him off further.
“use your fucking words. I know you know how to.” he snapped, tightening his grasp around your wrists.
to his surprise, you stayed silent, not even parting your lips. you continued to stare at him, a stupid look on your face.
chris chuckled, he leaned down to your ear, whispering “do I need to fuck it out of you?” he spoke in a low and seductive voice. the tone sending shivers down your spine and tingles to your core.
“maybe” you answered back, this wasnt the outcome you’d planned for, but you werent complaining either. chris smirked and grabbed the back of your thighs, throwing you over his shoulder and walking you to your shared room, god knows what he was planning to do to you once inside.
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dreamauri · 11 months
max c oc!/ self insert driver reader? i love these kind of fics!! esp when it’s an enemies to lovers, maybe their both competing for the championship🥲
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♪ —𝗢𝗛 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗬 𝗕𝗔𝗕𝗬 max verstappen x fem! driver! OC! reader (angst to fluff + smut) “. . . you never back out of a fight, and neither does max. but the turn of events was surly unexpected.”
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( tag list | requests )
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"This is not fair!" You shouted in the radio as you drove the car back on the track, trailing the Dutch driver. "HE PUSHED ME! WHAT IS THIS SHIT SHOW?!" Cuss words dripped from your mouth as you caught up to max, taunting and pressuring him to weaken his defence enough to pass.
"NO! BLIND MOTHERFUCKER!" You shouted, slamming your your hands on your steering wheel angrily. He oversteered into you, crashing you out both into the wall for good. "COME HERE." You pulled your seatbelt of, running after him as soon as you were on your feet.
Standing his ground, Max took the the opportunity to tackle you to the ground first, pinning you on the ground face down. "CAN YOU SHUT UP?" He was angry. Why was a dumb blond crashing into him when she should go put on make up or buy some new high heels.
"NOT UNTIL YOU LOSE YOUR TONGUE." Kicking your foot back, you delivered a good slam to his sensitive organ, pretty much killing him. While you got up, Max was still whimpering on the ground, face red. "Asshole." "Says you. You're a stupid fifteen year old blond virgin who cant drive." "OH YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT—"
"OH! Anaki kicked Verstappen again. That must hurt." "I can't even look, she's putting her whole strength into that kick." "We can confirm now that Froi does not skip leg day."
Walking back you your car, you stepped on his back, putting your whole weight on. "Verstappen scum."
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Walking down the pitlane, crew members and camera men made sure to stay out of your way seeing how you were going to crush the water bottle in your hand from the amount of rage you were radiating. "You might want to run away." Christian warned, there was nothing going to stop what was to come next.
Max looked where his team principle did, eyes widening as he started walking away for an escape. You never showed him mercy, and he knew he's be dead by the end of this one.
Throwing the metal bottle with precision, you hit Max right in the back of his head, making hm wince and turn you with a look of anger. Charging towards you, ready to tackle you down, you dodged putting your leg out to trip him.
"That's for costing me a win." You growled, raising your elbow to drop on him. Your revenge was short lived as someone quickly held you back. Getting up slowly and wiping his nose, he glared daggers at you. The only reason you were not suffering because the two of you were in public.
"Bitch." He mumbled ready to attack only for someone to hold him back. "Say that again." You dared him, venom leaking from your words. "Bit—" Safe to say he wasn't going to have children anymore.
You pulled yourself free as you watched the Dutch fall on his knees and chest, hands between his thighs. "Pussy." You spit, walking back to your garage. "I hate you." He shouted after you.
"Hate is not a strong enough world to describe how much I despise you, darling." You called back, throwing back a middle finger.
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"Flight is cancelled. Come back in another seven hours." You repeated, laid on your back face covered by your jacket. You've been waiting in the first class lounge for eternity now, and every now and then people would come and ask you the same question.
Instead of hearing the person leave, you felt someone shove your legs harshly off the couch. Snapping up into sitting position, ready to argue with the disturber of your short-lived peace. You're eyes met with your rival.
"Ew. Get off, rat." You shoved him off, going back to your laying position. "Can you not for once?" He was at his limit with you, pushing your legs off and sitting back down. "Not when it's you." You rolled your eyes covering your face with the jacket again, going back to sleep as you pushed him off.
"I've had it with you!" He ripped your shoes off, throwing them across the empty room. "Hey!" You kicked his side getting up to retrieve the puma, only for Max to lay in your stop. "My spot." "Stop being a child."
"Oh I'm sorry. Are you jealous that I'm still living a childhood you never had?" You mocked, throwing the heel of the shoe at his groin. "What is wrong with you?! Fuckin' Hell! Stop fucking obsessing over my dick like a slut!" "Oh you wanna see obsession?"
Max's legs had been shaking the whole flight, and you sitting a few seats behind could only smile as he winced with ever move and shuffle. He heard the occasional giggle come from you, and when he looked back, you raised your tomato juice pretending to give him a toast.
Arriving in Bahrain was easy for you. You loved the country and its people so it was easy to find your way around. Unlike someone who had to take the golf cart through the airport because he was dying on the inside.
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"Whoops. Not sorry." You hummed as you lapped the Redbull driver, slightly throwing him off the race line. "Haha, look at him stirring around like an idiot." You laughed in the radio as you watched him struggle in your mirrors. "Alright, byebye." You sighed comfortably, zooming away easily to lap the next car head.
Being on the podium was fun, a great start to the season as you danced happily under the shower of champagne. "This is how you do it~" You sang laughing, a certain Dutch driver caught your eyes as your engineers carried you back to the garage on their shoulders. You held up your trophy, showing off with a bright smile.
you were so dead.
When Max found you in the hotel later that night, he was quick to pull you in a corner out of sight, slamming you in the wall. "You're driving me insane." You looked at him for a moment before feeling a light bulb spark in your head.
"Aww, I'm sorry." You trailed a hand down his chest slowly, looking him deep in his eyes. "Froi." He growled gripping your wrist before it went to far down. "Lets play a game." You whispered in his ear, free hand slowly unzipping his pants and reaching inside slowly. "What are you— fuck—"
Max could only lean his fore arms on the wall as you worked your hand. The same one that had punched his dick a few days ago. He could've stopped you or said no, but he let you, his body shaking from the contrast of the pain and pleasure, blue eyes looking deep in your honey green ones.
A muffled groan sounded through his lips as he finally came in your hands. "Good luck next race." You patted his back, wiping the substance on his shirt walking away. Max could only stay in his place, frozen as he caught his breath slowly.
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He understood the game now. You were playing dirty. Distracting him the way you did was successful as you danced on your halo after securing pole position in Saudi Arabia. He'd be starting behind you tomorrow, and that angered him.
He can play the game too.
Pulling you aside once he got the chance, you could guess why. And for the next 3 hours, Max was on his knees, face between your thighs as you sobbed from overstimulation. He liked hearing you so venerable and weak, begging as you gripped his hair. "Verstappen, enough." You could feel your legs shake, the only thing holding you up were his strong arms.
"Sluts shouldn't talk." "I'm not a slu— no no no. Enough. Please!"
He liked this.
And so the battle continued, on and off track. Your fights were slowly decreasing in the eyes of the media and people didn't know why. Your battle off track was the one that decided the winner, the one who threw off the other the most had already secured his trophy the night before.
Of course you two never had full out sex. You never held hands. You never kissed. Never marked. You didn't like each other, right? Right? You never fight it when he pushed himself in your room in the middle of the night.
You don't pull away when he drags you out of sight.
You didn't stop him when he digs his fingers into your core.
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The season dragged through and through and the championship was tight between the two of you. You'd practically be alternating each weekend on who had P1.
You'd raise your middle finger to him and he'd raise his to you. It was funny from the side lines really, watching you the two go from kicking each other ( you to him ) to mild insults after each race or qualifying.
Some people would say you matured and others would say the FiA threatened to suspend you for the behaviour ( the fia couldn't ever, you were bringing in money with each fine ).
It was at the Italian grand Prix when rumours truly began to form. When it came to the after party to celebrate your win, you went all out and embraced all types of alcohol, somehow concluding with you switching Italian the whole night.
Max who had gotten second place in the race sat a few chairs away from you, drinking from his glass as his eyes followed you. He could already imagine what he'd do next, and it made his pants tighten. What pulled him out of his thoughts were a group of guys chatting with you, touching you.
Why did that anger him the way it did? It shouldn't have. What did for him was you trying to pull away. He didn't even know how he got there but he secured a good punch to one of the guys face. Too bad for him, the others could fight.
Pnce he got the chance, Max lifted you up on his shoulder, bolting out of there. Goodness knows what would've happened if he didn't step in, and that scared him and bothered him deeply.
After conforming that you were indeed a safe distance away from your assailants, he set you back down on your feet, feeling cold without your body heat and it stirred his stomach sick.
Quickly taking your wrist, he dragged you along to try and find his way back to the hotel. "I wanna dance." You demanded, standing still and pulling him back.
"Froi, I don't have time for this." "I beg to differ. We have all the time in the world, Max." You pulled him closer to you, taking his hand as you twirled yourself.
That was the first time you called him by his first name, and it made his heart flutter.
Say it again.
"Please let me know that it's real. You're too good to be true." You turned into his chest, your finger trailing up his neck and jaw as you looked deeply into his ocean blues. "Can't take my eyes off of you." You sang, glancing down to his lips as Max leaned down slowly, his hands finding your hips and back as he pulled you close.
He could feel your breath on his lips and your heart beat in your chest. Dipping down with the courage he put together. His heart sank when his felt you push him away from his face. "Ew. No way."
'What was I thinking. She doesn't like me.' He thought, sighing as he walked behind her, hands in his pockets as he eyed you in your short red stain dress. He wasn't any better than those other guys with the way he treated you and the way touched you. Thy way he watched you. The way he thought about you.
The way he wanted you.
Finally finding your hotel, he walked you up to your room. "God bless." You groaned falling on your bed. Gently kneeling down, Max started undoing the straps of you heels, committing the mistake of looking up where your dress rode up your thighs.
Setting your heels aside, he was surprised when you pulled him ontop of yourself his collar, a mischievous smile on your face. "What's that in your pants?" You teased. Looking down, Max was quick to put a hand over his crotch, attempting to hide the forming boner.
"I saw it already. You can't hide from me." You giggled, hands slipping under his shirt and pulling it over his head. The Dutch watched as you traced your finger along his skin, drawing shapes and lines aimlessly.
His heart was thumping. Why was he feeling like this? His breath hitched feeling your other hand where he needed you the most. "Anaki." He found himself begging as you pushed him on his back. Your hands were quick to unbuckle his belt, pulling his pants and underwear down.
"I swear it keeps getting smaller everytime." You teased, taking him in your mouth. "Not- not small." ( he's a good 7.6 inches ) He said in between grunts, gently brushing your hair out of your face.
This was out of norm for him, being so gentle with you. Treating you like a piece of glass, cupping your cheek to guide you gently. Unlike the usual when he's rough and unforgiving.
"Ugh fuck." He felt himself relax after his release, his thumb caressing your cheek as you pulled away. He watched you open your mouth, your saliva and his seamen dripping down on his stomach.
"You're playing nice." You commented, crawling up and tracing kisses on his neck. "Mhm?" Max hummed, closing his eyes and leaning into your touch. His hand trailed up your back gently, prompting you to pull off your dress. The blond could only admire you, hands caressing and exploring your delicate skin.
"You're beautiful." He promised, cupping under your chin as his lips traced your body. "Max." There it was, calling his name. "Hmm?" He asked flipping you over so he was on top, finger hooking on the hem of your underwear, pulling it down slowly.
"Max." His heart flutterd as he gently held your thighs, aligning himself to you. "Need you." You whispered, hooking your heels around your waist.
No. This was wrong.
You were drunk. Despite how much as he needed you, and how much it hurt not to be inside you, he couldn't take advantage of you in this state.
A moan sounded through the hotel room as he slowly sunk his two digits in your core instead.
After covering you with the blanket, Max reached for his shirt, pausing through the process to look at your sleeping figure. 'If I leave now, everything will go back to the way it was. And if I don't, I have no idea how she'll take it . . . Fuck it.'
Slipping back in bed after he cleaned you up, Max hesitantly pulled your bare body into his, sharing your body heat for the night.
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"No." You gaped making the newly showered Dutch flinch and freeze in his place. He was leaning his back on the bathroom door frame, toothbrush in his mouth.
After staring at each other for two minutes, wondering why the fuck he decided to NOT wrap a towel around himself: "What the fuck?!" You shuffled backwards in the bed falling off. "Ow!"
"Shit." Jumping over and getting to your side of the bed, Max peaked over checking on you. He was greeted with a pillow smacking his face. "Ow! Relax!" He pulled away, holding your hand before you attacked him again.
"Relax?!—" "We didn't fuck. Chill." "Chill? Verstappen, you're naked in my room." You reasoned trying to pull away only for the man to pull you back up on the bed. 'Fuck. Go back to using my first name.'
"You're fine. I helped you get back and you played around." 'That's odd. Nothing hurts.' You thought looking at him suspiciously. "Your joking." You chuckled darkly, seeing his dick harden. "I can't help it alright?" He grumbled embarrassed, pulling you closer and turning you around.
"Hey! Hey!" You protested trying to crawl away. "Anaki! Can you relax and stay put for just a second?" He questioned, holding you by your hips. "No!" You fought back only to be pulled back on your knees, hands held behind your back. "Anaki. I'm losing my mind. It hurts."
Hearing him say your name so desperately threw you off. Before you knew it, he was humping your thighs, his free hand between your legs to pleasure you as well.
This was different. This wasn't fighting or competing. This was love making ( well, less than half way there ). You could feel it in the way you moaned and the way he treated you like a fragile flower. "Verstappen-" "Max. My name is Max." He corrected you, letting your hands go so he could hold himself up and not squish you.
"Max." You repeated, feeling him lean down and press soft kisses to your back and neck. "Yeah?" He could feel your breaths pick up as you leaned up into his chest. He closed his eyes, wrapping an arm around you.
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"You and Max haven't fought in a while." "So?" You shrug, acting oblivious. One of the biggest cons of F1 was the interviews, the paparazzi, the media.
"Do you have anything to comment about that?" "Eh." You shrugged, setting your elbow on the table, leaning your chin on your hand. "You guys are boring." You yawned looking at the press conference crowd. "You tell me." Max, a few chairs away, commented leaning his head back bored.
"What's going on with you and Max?" Lando asked once you escaped the press conference. "What is going on with me and Max?" You returned the question, walking backwards. "Well you're calling him by his first name. And there are rumors going around about you dancing with him in the streets back in Imola." He whispered that last part through gritted teeth.
"Oh, do you have a crush on Max? Are you scared ima steal your man?" You joked taunting him. "What?! I don't like Max!" "Ouch." The Dutch commented as he passed by.
"Lando likes you." Carlos patted your shoulder as he passed by. You raised your eyebrows surprised, looking at Lando to confirm the statement. "I- well-" Lando scratched the back of his neck nervously. You could only giggle wiggling your eyebrows as you walked away backwards.
Max crushed the Redbull can, overhearing the conversation. He just got you, he's not losing you.
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"I brought nuggets." He said once you peaked through the hotel room door, holding out the two 20 packs. You opened the door all the way, looking between him and the nuggets. Should you let him in? Should you send him away? What does he expect? What do you want?
Max could see the thought train running through your eyes and you could see the nervous gulp in his throat. "Please. Give me a chance. I'm sorry for all the bitch shit I've done to you. All of it. I take it all back."
"Give me a chance, Anaki."
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Being in a secret relationship was difficult to say the least. There was tension between you and Max. Hungry glances in press conferences and deep eye contact from across the paddock.
Max wanted to hold you, he too felt empty with you so far away from him. He wanted to kiss you in front of everyone so they can back off. Especially Lando. And although Max knew you would never go out with the boy, he was getting pissed off with how much the McLaren wasn't giving up.
Keeping an eye on you from across the bar, Max watched as Lando tried to hit on you. You could only watch amused as Lando leaned his side on the bar, listening to a story he was telling whilst sipping his whisky. "Have I ever told you about the time I went backpacking in Europe?"
He'll no. Max knew what was coming next and he did not like it.
"I didn't order this." You told the bartender looking at the fancy drink infront of you. "It's from him." A smile crept on your face as you lifted the glass, taking sips from the probably expensive alcohol. "Thank him for me."
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"I don't like the way he looks at you." Max grumbled as he pulled his shoes off, tossing them in the rack only for you to tidy up after him.
"You know I'm yours." You leaned down kissing him gently. "He's practically undressing you." He humbled, gently pulling your ancle up and taking the uncomfortable heels off. "I don't even want to know what goes through his head." He grumped tossing the heels away, picking you up and walking with you into the apartment.
"Max, I have legs. I can walk." "I don't care." He threw you on your shared bed, tossing you a pair of shorts and shirt from the closet while he changed into shorts. "It just— I know I'd love you way better than anyone else." He sat beside you, unbuttoning his shirt.
"Max, you broke my nose in 2016." "I apologized! I'm sorry!" He looked at you eyebrows begging. "Here, punch me, break my nose. Return the favour." He closed his eyes, bracing himself. "Max—" "Do it." He flinched hearing you shuffle closer, but all he felt was you kissing his nose gently. "You're an idiot. I'm dating an idiot."
"You love me?" You asked once he opened his eyes, referring to a few seconds ago. "I— yes." He stuttered nodding. You could only smile as you looked into his eyes, dipping closer to catch his lips with yours.
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"And Froi wining in formula one 4 times from pole, is going to win from pole again and end the season with celebrations for Ferrari. Anaki Froi wins the Abu Dhabi Grand prix and is the first female champion of the world!"
"YEES!!" You threw your hands up in joy and euphoria as your engineer confirmed your title. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! GRAZIE! GRAZIE!" You could feel happy tears happy tears stream down your face as you ran your hand over your helmet.
"YEAH! LETS GO!" Max in the car behind you was also celebrating, not his second place in the race, but your championship title. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WOHOO!"
Jumping out of the car, you were quick to jump into the arms of your team, hugging and praising you as you cried in their arms. Pulling away, you looked at Max who climbed out of his car.
Might as well, no?
You rand into his arms, hugging him tightly as he did the same. "I'm so proud of you, Ani." He held the sides of your helmet shaking you back and fourth as you laughed. "So proud." He undid the strap, pulling the protection off, before pulling his helmet off. You caught his jaws with your hands, connecting his lips with yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Once he pulled away, he held your hand, getting down on one knee.
"Double the joy for me, my darling. Marry me. Lets spend our nights eating cereal when there is a perfectly fine table behind us. Marry me. We can go to the movies and sit in the back row just for us to make out like kids falling in love for the first time. Marry me. slow dance with me in our bedroom with candles on our nightstand."
Dropping down on your knees, you pulled him in a bone crushing hug, nodding yes and you squeezed him tight. "I'm all yours, forever." You nodded.
Your favourite thing about that day was not revealing your relationship to the world, your engagement to your lover, but the look of utter confusion and lostness on Christian Horner's face.
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voice notes 🔊 . . . ( this took a way too sexual turn, damn. sorry it took me so long to write this. i really liked it so i hope you enjoy. i wanted to test out second point of view using OC (anaki froi), hope that didnt ruin it )
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iwaasfairy · 11 months
omg atsuko… i miss that little incest demon 🫶😭
GiRL YOU AND ME BOth I missed him so much I miss his stupid smug face and his attitude and his clinginess and I !!! AgHDJFJFJ hang on I wanna give you a little snippet I scrapped from a fic of his ♡♡♡
tw mom x son incest, dubcon, possessiveness
The weight on you is much too heavy. The brief nap is therefore interrupted without an apology when you groan and try to free your arms from under his muscular chest. At your movement he breathes a soft laugh into the top of your hair, and squeezes you into a solid hug. “Hmn, you remember when we used to cuddle like this every afternoon?”
“That was-” you huff, and one of your arms make it out just enough to pet down his curly head of hair and between his shoulders “before you outgrew Tooru. Ahg- Atsuko, you’re too heavy, get off-”
Instead of listening, he chuckles and just turns his face towards you, and hovers that smiley, cursed mouth just a breath away. You could struggle. You could try to get out from under him. But he’s got that glint in his eyes that’s basically daring you to try, so the best you’ve got is to stare him down instead. And your boy just raises a brow, before sliding one hand up your shoulder to hold your throat. “Ohhh, am I? Poor you.”
He leans down to kiss your lips slowly and too deeply, enjoying dragging his tongue along yours as you wiggle, and then sits up halfway to allow you room to sit up. But before you can slide out of the couch, his large hands wind around your waist, and one hand hooking under the elastic of your panties, he turns you around and pulls you right back into his lap— his lips rosy. “C’mere. I haven’t gotten to -hm.” He cuts himself off by grinding his hips up against you, and forcing you to hold steady on his stomach. “-let me see your tits. Please.”
He doesn’t wait before sliding his hands under your loose comfy shirt and pulling it up over your head, rubbing himself against you as he moans. “Come on, dad’s not gonna be home for hours, and I’m hard just thinking about it.” He is. The flimsy athletic shorts are doing nothing to hide the feeling of the heat of his center against you, or the twitching of his hard cock as it is rolled along your slit. “Got hard seeing you,” he takes one tit into his mouth for a few seconds, before switching to your mouth to moan, “laying here with no bra, moaning my name-”
“I wasn’t,” you quickly breathe back, trying not to whimper as he takes your other tit and rolls the nipple along his teeth, making you jerk against him.
“You so were, mom.” He lifts you a little to push the damp cotton of your panties aside and instantly starts rubbing two fingers in lazy circles over your clit, and then smiles. His mouth is back on yours and swallowing down an embarrassingly needy moan and you— cant help it, you wrap your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. “I know you like me most. That’s why you always get so fucking wet.” He pants in between kisses, sliding thick fingers through the mess and opening you up. “Makes that pretty pussy so sloppy and I haven’t even- taken out my cock yet, hm? You want my cock to fill you up?”
That dirty mouth doesn’t stop, not even when he starts kissing down your neck in sloppy, possessive kisses— tracing marks he definitely left on purpose last time too. Your pussy feels so hot and needy, and you don’t fight it when your body longs to chase after the touch to sit down onto his fingers when he slides them into you with a satisfied hum. “Mom.” You left your boy pull back to pull his shirt over broad shoulders too, and ignore the look he gives when you rock yourself down onto his touch with tiny whimpers. “Mom, take out my cock, c’mon. You’re dripping all over my shorts, and I know you want to moan my name.”
“You’re so— agh- f-fuck-” He hoists you up onto your knees to suck a trail of sloppy kisses down your tits, and rubbing impatient but good, such good, motions over your needy clit— before using his free hand to shove his own shorts down his thick thighs. Your pussy clenches when he rests his face against your midriff, and fucks two long fingers into you until you drip down his hand, and the touches grow more teasing.
When he looks up he has that smug smile again though, and long lashes cant hide the amusement at your tense look, biting back moans. “I’ll help you, like the adoring son I am. Here, see?” He takes his cock to brush it along your messy slit, the head glossy and flushed as the thick, heavy length seems to get even more hard by the second. And with his pants halfway down his legs, he looks at you before patting his thigh. “Say ‘thank you, baby’. I can make you say my name when you’re getting fucked— you can’t help yourself, right?”
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scrivenger-grimgar · 2 months
au of an au for mdzs where canon plays out exactly as it was supposed to except
wwx became a calamity after dying and cared for his coven of ghosts in yiling before mxy summoned him for revenge.
he still elopes with lwj after solving the corpse question
supreme ghosts have a similar ability to gods taking deputies, except since they're not sharing immortality they can have a lot more of them
wwx's "deputies" are (in order) jiang cheng, the wen remnants, luo qingyang, nie huaisang, mo xuanyu, jin ling, lan jingyi, ouyang zhizhen, lan sizhui, and lan wangji.
being a calamity's "deputy" means that you are soul bonded to them, with a kind of preternatural sense of the wellbeing of the entire coven.
one of the heavenly officials decides to fuck around with time, and only other heavenly officials were supposed to remember, except extremely strong ghosts and their covens also remember because there are TWO gods married to calamities, and calamities are weirdly cooperative with each other (hc, hx, wwx, & gL discuss trade agreements over tea and artistic process over alcohol).
thus like 75 people are now in the past.
wwx's child body cant stand the power his soul has and just kinda crumbles under the weight. thats mostly fine tho cause he can shapeshift.
of course he immediately comes up with a dastardly plan to inflict as much chaos onto the sects as possible while also protecting his loved ones at the same time. he gets in contact with the wen remnants (bigger and there's more of them) and slowly moves them over to yiling while he builds places for them to live on the mountain, and then offers the people of yiling a very good deal:
"we'll deal with all your ghost problems for free, and in exchange we get discounts on food, and you tell everyone who comes asking that the Yiling Wei sect has been here the entire time."
its almost too easy to set up, too. they forge some trade agreements and other documents to place in the other sects' files, waiting to be found, with ease, bc he knows what the filing for the jiang, lan, wen, and nie looks like, and part of the story is that the jin offended them so badly that they just stopped doing business with them altogether and also tend to actively hate them with few exceptions.
meanwhile, huaisang, qingyang, and wangji will reference the Yiling Wei and act like this is something everyone knows about, and jiang cheng catches on and starts doing the same.
wwx's plan is to drive them all insane by appearing out of nowhere and acting like he's been there the entire time. make them question reality.
wen popo, at a discussion conference: i'll be standing in for my grandson so he can participate in the games
jiang fengmian, initiating polite conversation: your grandson? what happened to your son?
wen popo, internally cackling: fengmian! are you so quick to discard changze like this?! for shame!!
jiang fengmian, who has never met this lady: what
wen popo: you know i trusted him when he said he wanted to stand by his sworn brother's side but if this is how you treat his memory after he was so unwaveringly loyal to you, only ever leaving for Cangse, the love of his life, then i'll have to have you stricken from the legacy registry!
wen popo, with unfaltering confidence: good evening wen-zhongzhu
wen ruohan, who has incurable face blindness: well met Wei-zhongzhu (do i know her???)
nie mingjue is the only one who's taking any of this well and thats solely because his brother has been spoon feeding him Yiling Wei propaganda for 13 years. lan xichen has a crisis because his baby brother eloped with a clan leader he met thrice and they're having a spring wedding.
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dystychiphxbia · 10 months
☆ - Gym crush! pt. 3
this sucked but im so busy with uni aaa
characters: isagi, reo, nagi
Isagi Yoichi:
this guy is new to the gym
he catches your eye, mainly because his form is horrifying at first
where did bro learn how to squat...
you try your best to help him!!
and wow he learns super fast
like...when one is new to the gym they usually progress fast but he's on another level...
you are honestly impressed
and he's so nice too??
except when he has progressed enough to attempt a pr...yeah it's the same level of focusment as when he's playing football
and he can get angry at you for bothering him
but he will always apologize afterwards and say that he just really needed to focus
he really enjoys your company...he was a blushing mess when you first approached him and he still struggles to keep his composure when your hands accidentally touch
always spots for you but first you have to teach him how to do it
definitely talks about you to his friends
they try to get him to ask you out but he always says that you are just his gym crush, no way you return his feelings (but you do)
and your thighs...he WILL be looking at them.
Mikage Reo;
now let's be real...this guy has his own personal gym for sure
but let's say one of his friends drag him to a regular gym....for plot reasons
rich boy is shocked
but you catch his attention...you are so elegant...you dont fit in with all the gym bros
now the problem is he wants to talk to you...would it be weird? can he just invite you to his gym instead?
he overthinks too much
you notice him too, he looks out of place and his gym etiquette is lacking
he forgets to rerack his weights and you immediately go remind him
"oh...im used to not having to rerack them at my own private gym...thanks for the heads up."
nah not the entitled rich boy
but you are a bit jealous...especially when you are waiting for the leg press to be free
reo hates working out in a packed gym but he just cant get you out of his mind even couple days later
his friend says you come often during the peak times and always seem pissed off about having to wait between machines...
so, he returns to the gym once more with a plan
and there you are....waiting for a free squat rack
you were quite surprised to see him...why would a rich boy with his own gym return to a regular gym during peak hours?
once you start racking your weights, reo comes up to you asking how many sets you have left
"bro. i just started. you saw me." "well lemme squeeze in between ur sets yeah?"
you dont like sharing. but the gym is packed. so you give in.
reo keeps talking to you and you realize that he's actually nice
sure he's rich and entitled and has no clue about how the life of a poor commoner is, but you enjoy talking with him
and the way he throws in a few flirts, and makes sure to compliment you...you are a goner
you end up doing your entire routine with him, getting to know him more
you can't help but notice the way he looks at you...and your body
by the end of the workout, he drops the big question
"wanna ditch this gym and workout at mine?"
he promises you can workout for free...ofc you say yes cause that means you can save money
so you save money and he gets to see you almost everyday...an ideal situation!
honestly in the end you care more about seeing reo than saving money...
Nagi Seishiro;
nah who got this man to the gym
again...let's say a friend forced him to come along...for plot reasons...
he does not want to be there
like yes he has his goals that he wants to achieve, but a packed gym is just too much
you see him occupying a machine you need for like 10 mins just being on his phone so you go up to him
he's confused but lets you have the machine, he wasn't really using it anyway
honestly he seems kinda lost
like he doesnt actually know what to do. since he was already dragged to the gym, he should do something useful but he doesn't know what
and you notice...and kinda feel bad for him...he looks like a lost puppy
so!! you help him out!!
you dont know much about football but you help him figure out what he should do at the gym to improve :)
he actually appreciates your help. and you see him come to the gym more and more
this is nagi we are talking about so it's a miracle that he actually keeps coming back
but the thing is that he really wants to see you!! you motivate him
you always smile so brightly when you see him. he just can't get enough of that smile.
everything is less of a hassle with you around!
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bruhnze · 3 days
After the game baby - part 1
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This is Part 1, here is Part 2.
Summary: Lucy Bronze and Ona batlle are in love. They are having a great time but then Lucy doesnt think Ona is competetive enough and thinks of a way to fix that.
(Warning: first thing i wrote ever, was inspired by the other people that write these fics, note: english is not my first language. Feel free to correct/feedback me!)
After the game baby - part 1/4 (18+)
It was matchday -2.
After training they had another meeting off analysing. Jonatan was a bit more serious than usually. Lucy and Ona chose to not sit next too eachother, wanting to focus on the information that was coming.
Jonatan said that theyd had seen a significant difference between morning games and the usual night time games. This next game would be played at 10am, "so," said Jona in spanish, "i need you all, to just go to bed early today and tomorrow, we can take them easeally, but we want a lot off goals, the goal is atleast 10 goals." "So we cant have sleepy heads on the field"
Everyone in the boarding room laughed, the staff because it was usual for them, always having to start early to put everything up for the players, before theyd arrive for training. The players more so laughed at eachother, at Lucy and a few other players who were known for not being morning persons at all.
The meeting was ended and the players went further with their individual sceduals. Mapi and a few otherz went to the weight room, "u coming too Bronzey?" Mapi aked.
"Nah sorry, i have to meet up with physio, probably will go after that for a bit" anwsered Lucy
"Ofcourse you will" laughed Patri who came from behind and pushed Mapi in the direction off the gym "we'll be long gone then, we dont live in there" "unlike some" Mapi laughed with her.
Lucy shook her head , then felt a shoulder against her own "hey" said Ona.
"Hi baby"
"I have physio too, theyre gonna massage my neck, i swear all these headers made my neck 55years older"
"Aw, i know Ona" said Lucy whilst grabbing Ona's neck and kneeding it with her fingers.
Ona relaxed into the touch and whimpered.
Lucy smirked, Ona shouldve known the images running trough her mind right now.
Walking to the physios office on the other side of the facility, Lucy had recollected herself again. They ended the conversation they were having, needing to go to different physios. "Okay ill see you at home again then" said Ona, "then ill take the dogs out, cause ill be home earlier" Lucy nodded and went in to give Ona a quick kiss. They broke their kiss and Ona said "dont stay out in that gym too long Luce, the dogs and I dont want to wait 3,5 hours again!" The last bit came out half jokingly but Lucy knew it was true, she just lost track of time when she was exercizing. Lucy went in for one more kiss and said "i'll wont make it too late, you heard Jonas, we have to get to bed early" Ona pushed Lucy away knowing Lucy wasnt gonna stop with her stupid flirty jokes if she laughed to much about them and went to her physio.
Matchday -1
They had trained today at the same time the match would be tomorrow. Lucy had been actually pretty allright, Ona and her were kind off tired last night, so after they'd eaten and watched a movie, Ona had gotten into bed. Whilest Lucy went on one more quick stroll with the dogs. The supposed quick walk had became a walk of 65 minutes eventually so when she came back she just brushed her teeth and quietly stepped in to bed with an allready sleeping Ona.
Now it was noon, the team ate togheter after their morning training. After the late lunch, the team were allowed to go home for their siesta time, only a few players that needed some injury therapy stayed at the training ground.
Lucy and Ona drove home, or at least to Lucys appartement, but they were basicly living together. Coco and Narla loved being home alone togheter, as Lucy could see them cuddled up togheter true her doggy cam on her phone. And her appartement was a little bigger and closer to the training ground aswell.
Ona put her hand on Lucy's thigh, Lucy smiled and put hers on Ona's thigh. "I love you" ona smiled " i love you too".
They pulled in to the parking garage.
(To be continued)
(First post, and first time writing anything, also sorry for my poor english, its not my first language)
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