missionhealing-blog · 11 years
What you're looking for has been with you all along!
So today me and my church group packed up the vans and headed down to Panama City Beach! The sad thing is that, the van I was riding in had NO A/C. It was scorching hot in there! We sat in agony for hours and hours and there was a downpour of sweat that just ran all up and down my back! I was still in my scrubs from work, and had intended on changing out of those ASAP.  The minute we got to the next rest area, I went into my luggage to get my clothes and deodorant. I developed quite the body odor because I forgot to put deodorant on this morning. As I was rambling through my luggage I could feel EVERYTHING I packed BUT my deodorant. Out of frustration I started sweating some more! Then out of no where, God kind of moved my hand into my pockets and there was my deodorant! I had it with me the ENTIRE TIME! HOW SILLY OF ME.  Moral of the story: We look for love, and acceptance from others, when we have already been LOVED and ACCEPTED by God himself.  And He is with me. He is all I need. What I've been looking for this entire time was Him. A love relationship with Him! :) <3 It was just a humbling reminder that God brought to my attention. Thanks for reading!
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
So many times it’s so easy to get caught up in our own circumstances and forget about how beautiful yet fragile our life really is. A few days ago my friend asked me something that has been the utmost privilege to be apart of. He asked me to come work on his grandpa in the Hospice who is barely hanging on to his life with every breath that he takes. I remember walking in there today and immediately grabbing Mr.Richard Browns hand. And as I spent time sitting there in silence hearing the respirator going on and off to give his lungs oxygen, I put my hand gently over his heart…. Every single breath at this point was being fought for. As I sat there it just made me think of how rich we really are. 
God himself has given us breath. We have the breath of life within us. Apart from Him, we can’t even breathe! Just know that you have it rich if you’re still breathing! You still have life! Choose to continue to live, and move on from whatever circumstances you may be going through! You’re rich! You have air. Don’t allow your misfortunes and short comings hold you back from breathing. Don't let them strangle you and choke you from living and.breathing the richness and joys of this life. You have all that you need to have the strength to keep moving forward! :)
Thanks Mr.Rich for being apart of my life the way you have been and providing me the revelation of how “Rich" I really am. 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
So lately I've been reading a book called  "Putting a FACE on GRACE - living a life worth passing on" By Richard Blackaby, and YALL I gotta share some of points I've gotten from reading this book! Make sure yall get a chance to order your copy off of amazon by clicking on the title above!  Here are some things I'd like to share from reading the book so far,  Grace is not a blanket tolerance; it is not a display of weakness; it does not avoid speaking the truth even when it's difficult; and it is not a onetime event. Grace does not ignore sin. Grace recognizes the full ugliness of sin, yet it offers undeserved pardon and blessing.  We are not called to just bathe in grace; we are called to shower it upon others. Grace has not been fully experienced until it is fully expressed to others. The deeper our understanding of grace, the more we see the necessity of making it the fabric of our Christian life.  Grace is more than theology; it should be the motivating force of our entire life. God's grace should move all of us to show kindness to all those who are totally undeserving of it. 
Grace is a gift of kindness given to someone who does not deserve it
Grace is not reciprocal. It goes one way.
Grace is costly. Someone has to pay a price for grace.
Grace looks at what people can become and seeks to help them reach their potential. Grace does not condemn those who have not yet arrived.
Grace focuses on solutions, not problems.
Grace leads to action
Grace is what motivates God to relate to us moment by moment with perfect love. God looks at us through eyes of grace. If he didn't we would have no hope.
Grace is the lubricant that eases friction in any relationship.
Grace expects the best but offers freedom to fail.
Grace celebrates success and does not keep score of wrongs. Grace is foundational to EVERYTHING God does in our lives. Peace and blessings!
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
Me and my boy AJ singing True by Ryan Cabrera! 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
Good morning to yall! This was a song that was done at Camp Fusion 2013 and it's become my most recent favorite! Enjoy
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
“If you know that God loves you, you should never question a directive from Him. It will always be right and best. When He gives you a directive, you are not just to observe it, discuss it, or debate it. You are to obey it.”
Henry Blackaby
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
God is not obligated to bless our plans, but he will bless His. God's power is released through the humble act of faith. We always want to affirm ourselves, but Jesus says to deny ourselves. If we want to know Jesus we must humble ourselves. The only way to unconditionally love people is to see people the way Jesus see's them. God is always at work in ways that we cannot see. A mere man can't do the impossible or unthinkable, but through a servant of God, the immeasurable can happen.
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
I definitely had my time in Texas, and would have to say that it made a great impact on me. I must praise the Lord for such a great time. I'm very thankful for all the fellowship and worship we had and I am excited to see how everyone is gonna GROW & GO. Shout out to my boy Tony Bui, for walking with me through life and hosting me this past week! 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
Wherever we go, we should be a meeting place of where Heaven and Earth meet. Our peace doesn't come from the world, but it comes from Jesus. Peace begins with a smile. Let us radiate the peace and light of God. By doing that we will exstingush all the hate and malice of men. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good. Grace and peace to you. May we communicate Gods grace and peace. Let us serve as that is what he has sent us out for. A saint is someone who makes it easier for someone to believe in God. If we take Gods grace and peace wherever we go, others will be able to find God through us :)
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
You lack free will and are scared of the world.
I lack free will? I’m scared of the world? Don’t speak out of the things that you do not know. I don’t lack free will, the life I’m living is something that I am very conscious of and I deliberately choose to give my life to Christ. Why? It’s not because I’m scared of the world, I’m not scared of anything from this world. Matter of fact, this world has nothing to offer to me. From the superficial things like cars, money, houses. I tried SO hard, to find something that gave me deep satisfaction in life. I thought I would find it in drugs, sex, alcohol but as I followed the ways of this world, I realized that all the world was doing, was take take taking from me. It wasn’t until I had a radical experience with God that he put a detour on my life and showed me that, the love, purpose, and fulfillment that I was searching for was ONLY found in Christ. Finding out the truth set me free. I hope that you would respect me and my story, as I would do the same for you. Do I lack free will? No, I dont. Am I scared? No I’m not. ESPECIALLY not of the world. 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
He is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my life.
Would you still leave your life behind to follow God even if that meant no details or specifics of where he’s going to lead you? Sometimes the leap of faith comes first. The details come later. - Man of Steel Proverbs 16:9 - The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord directs his steps. I find it funny how much of my life I try to “Plan” but it’s funny because I am constantly reminded that I need to go back to my fundamentals… Psalm 119:5 - Your word is a lamp to my feet. A light to my path. Through scripture, God leads us through life one step at a time. All he reveals to us is the NEXT step. To ask for more, would be too much. It’s a game of patience. I finally have come to understand why Jesus COMMANDED us to ONLY worry about today’s troubles, because if we get so caught up in tomorrow’s we will miss the steps that we are supposed to take TODAY. I think Christ is watching to see how much faith and trust we’ll put in Him, as we endure and persevere through the “unknown.” Lord, I give up my mind and thoughts to you. My heart, and my soul. TODAY, use me as you wish. Be my guide, be my map. I trust in you. I simply need to listen to you and do what you say. Let me go and turn as you command. LORD, take me down a path of life I would’ve never been. Take me somewhere I couldn’t have on my own. One that I couldn’t see myself unless I paid close attention to the lamp at my feet. Be my guide, be my map to life.
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
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What a day! Over the past 2 years, God has constantly revealed one characteristic to me time and time again. His Sovereignty. His Control. His Timing. His Will. He is the ultimate composer. Life is God's greatest symphony. It''s Beautiful, intricate, and SOOOOOO detailed. Everything that happens in life has it's purpose. God has chosen to show me this side of Him numerous times, and I can't help but wonder what his purpose is for doing so. What is He trying to prepare me for? All in all, I leave you all with this: We like to be in control. We like to have an idea of what's going on around us. We don't like the unknown, but there is no need to fear what tomorrow brings, because God has already been there and no matter how hard we TRY to keep our life under control, just give it up. It's easier to just give Him Lordship over our life, because at the end of time, every knee will bow and confess that He is Lord. We are in His hands.
1. I got the privilege of taking family pictures for one of my best friends on Fathers day. Watching a picture of a Father celebrating a life that is about to enter Earth in a few weeks, to a Father who has raised two respectable gentlemen. 
2. Got to have wonderful company with great friends and some WONDERFUL sushi. It was probably the best sushi I've ever had. - I'm so spoiled. 3. Got to watch Man of Steel today. New Favorite. End of story. 
4. One of the biggest blessings in my life is brotherhood. I'm so grateful for this dude here. I can't wait to look back ten years from now to see how God used and led us through life.  5. I've come to learn that it sucks to drive around Dallas. SO MANY BRIDGES and different ROADS! 
A persons trust and faith in the Lord is measured when patience is the ONLY option. His timing is PERFECT.
That is my progressive revelation for yall! Goodnight
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
Lord, what is that you are calling me to today and ONLY today? Let me not worry about tomorrow for today has enough troubles of its own. 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
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It is now 2:19 AM here in Texas! What a CRAZY wonderful emotional roller coaster type of day! I got up at 6 AM today and spent some time to myself, and then I got up to RUN FOR ONE! I tried so HARD to get first place, but I ended up getting 3rd out of like 500-600 runners and now my calves are paying for it! :( Went home and packed up, and left for my Pastors wedding. It was BEAUTIFUL. I cried, but don't tell anyone! I was alone so it was cool because no one saw me! I had to say goodbye to a very dear friend of mine, who has taught me so much about myself, and relationships. I was blessed in wonderful company as I was dropped off at the Atlanta Airport, ended up in Dallas Fort Worth within 2 hours, and spent the night with my boy Tony Bui who I havent seen in YEARS and his friends and now I prepare for bed and to get some rest for Fathers Day! 
I find it such a blessing to see how so many things can happen in just ONE day.  
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
Love... Love love love.
Its what we all long and search for isn't it?
To feel loved, to be loved, to be acknowledged, accepted, apart of, to be challenged and corrected, to share and to walk alongside people you would call a friend, or family. To have someone put their hand on your shoulder when your head is hanging down to a simple genuine caring hug when you first see someone you truly care about and love. 
What if... we were able to love EVERYONE the way we love those that is closest to us? TO love with no expectation of getting any love back, but to love PURELY just to love. Maybe it's a homeless person that you're going to cross today, or a cashier or waitress that is in a time of crisis, maybe it's a person you REALLY dislike because lets just be honest, we dont HAVE any enemies... RIGHT?! 
Point is...
Even if it is only a moment you may spend with someone and you may never see them again.. You NEVER know how an encounter with the love of God can radically change a person's life FOREVER. 
So next time you're out and about always remember this.
We are:
1. Beautiful. We were made in God's image and likeness. So don't you ever dare to even think or say that you're ugly or someone else is. How DARE you speak of someone else's work of ART like that? We deserve condemnation but Christ bought us at a price. We are not of our own any longer, rather we belong to God!
2. The God of this Universe is RELENTLESSLY pursuing a love relationship with you. Although, we may feel hopeless at times and we feel like there's no one to turn to, Christ is the groom and we are the bride, and he is PATIENTLY and RELENTLESSLY waiting for us to come to Him. He loves us. He DIED for us.
3. Jesus Christ LOVED you, KNOWING that you would be incapable of giving anything of worth back in return. We love and we give so many times with the expectation of getting something back in return, yet Christ knew he was going to get nothing, and he gave up EVERYTHING to come and die so that we could have a love relationship with Him.
EVERYONE wants love. It's so sad to see that many look to find that fulfillment in the world, but when was the LAST TIME the world actually CAME THROUGH? The world takes and takes and takes but never gives back.
But my God? Gave FIRST and THEN said, give. He's the only person to GIVE back more life than you give Him. 
I'm glad that I'm not in control of my life, rather the God of sovereignty and this universe directs my steps.
All in all with this new perspective in mind, we all should take this approach back to the community that we live in and apply it! :) 
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missionhealing-blog · 11 years
If you don't crush your idols, then your idols will CRUSH YOU.
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