#i check ray's yt channel
monarchisms · 1 year
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hwaightme · 2 years
Your fan, Wooyoung (part 1)
(part 2) (your fan ml)
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🍰 pairing: wooyoung x baker!/cafeowner!reader 🍰 genre: romance, fluff, social media vibes, very soft 🍰 summary: a bulletpoint-style wordstream of what it would be like if wooyoung was stanning you 🍰 wordcount: 4.0k 🍰 warnings/tags: maybe language, a tad suggestive, ateez chaotic energy, wooyoung what are you watching boi, e-girls mention with yunho hints, time to vacuum the lawn to catch gossip, ateez wingmen, wooyoung falls fast, reader and wooyoung are both flirts, cooking, baking, mention of food/eating, lmk if anything else! 🍰 a/n: Hello everyone!!! HAPPY RELEASE OF HALAZIA (omg 10M+ views on YT!!!) and SPIN OFF: FROM THE WITNESS <3 and a Happy New Year!!!! (at least, very very soon :)) here is the next part of the Your fan, ___ series, for Wooyoung!!! Hope you enjoy, big hugs and all reblogs, asks and likes appreciated <3
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The first time Wooyoung 'met' you, was through his For You Page on TikTok.
He had his own private account for quite some time, watching mainly various dance trends, various food creators and cooking tips, in preparation for this Korean Chef certification.
Yes it was not actually practice or real revision, and probably way out of what he was supposed to be looking into, but scrolling through the specially curated videos was way more... addictive.
And during one such scrolling session, whilst sitting in a styling chair before a fansign event, he stumbled across one of your videos. Better yet, this particular video did not even feature your face, only your hands moving ingredients.
And your mellifluous voice, sweeter than the strawberry shortcake you were making.
As Wooyoung raised the phone to his ear to catch the audio better, he was taken aback when he heard a quiet, lofi version of one of his group's songs serving as background music to you.
NOW you were DEFINITELY on his radar. Bringing his phone almost to his nose, he clicked onto your account. You were full of surprises - you had a very large following, and an extensive selection of videos, with some of them definitely having gone viral.
There were baking videos, coffee-making content... there were some tours of a cafe... then another... And after looking through a little further, he stumbled upon a video of... you.
You, beaming into the camera as you were making an announcement about a new cafe of yours opening. Clicking away, he checked for any descriptions, and sure enough, he found a link to an about you page, that turned out to be an official site for your cafe chain, "dream-ity", now in five locations, with five locations around the Seoul National Capital Area.
If he had to choose a word to describe how he saw you from first impression, it would probably be 'soft'. A walking ray of sunshine as a person.
He went back to the video announcement, rewatching it. As he was drifting off into dreamland, barely controlling his heart eyes, his stylist peeked at the screen, nodding as she recognised the person on the screen.
"Oh you are watching Y/N?"
"Yes! Just found her, actually, do you know her?"
"Oh yeah! She is super famous on TikTok actually, and recently started a YouTube channel with more vlog-style content. If you are into... it, I highly recommend." she explained with a wink, giving a lock of Wooyoung's hair one final spray before tapping his shoulders to announce that she was done.
"Okay, thank you~" he sing-songed, hopping from his chair, spinning around to take a look at the word completed once more.
He returned to his screen, and smiled at himself, making a note to look you up later. As Wooyoung was called up to make final preparations for the signing, he tapped follow on your account, and liked the announcement video.
The second time he 'met' you, was when he had finally gotten the chance to simply laze on the couch at the dorms, laptop on his stomach, chin pressed flat against his chest.
He was feeling the need for some comfort, and remembered the suggestion of his stylist to find you on YouTube. Just searching up 'dream-ity' was enough. And there it was. Your channel. Your videos. You. A lot of you. Smiling, baking, focused as you did the perfect matcha pour to complete a latte, paired with an elegant matcha crepe cake.
Your concentrated face instantly became Wooyoung's favourite, his heart melting as you piped the most intricate flowers onto a layered cake.
He caught himself. Caught the woah. Since when was he, the master of sexy performance, so SOFT?
He decided to take a step back for a bit. Convince himself that it was just another creator, just another person out there doing their thing and-
Oh no you were good. You were really good at what you did. So good in fact, that you were a certified patisserie chef who had competed, and WON trophies before. All that, and you appeared to be humbleness itself.
Just out there, in your cafe(s), having the time of your life explaining step by step how to get puff pastry just right. Quoting 'The Great British Bake Off' was one of your favourite things apparently, so naturally Wooyoung noted that down on his phone. As one totally did if they were just 'admiring skill'.
On hour two of watching your content, he started picking up on your micro habits.
The way in which you brushed your hair out of your face with your lower arm, wrist bent ever so slightly so as to not get flour on your face.
How you bit your lip just a little as you were balancing a loaded tray of goodies while taking them to bake in the oven.
How your eyes practically shined as you delved into the history of a given dessert or bake or literally anything. Like in one of your non-baking videos, you were happily babbling away about various aesthetically pleasing cafes you visited while on holiday in Busan.
Wooyoung was on a train to paradise when a wild San appeared and got him in a headlock. Letting out a high-pitched yelp he slammed the laptop shut and attempted to fight his friend off, failing miserably.
"Oooooooh, Woo, so naughty, are you watching porn in the dorms? In broad daylight?"
"No what the hell San, I have enough of you walking around the dorms naked."
"So now I am your wet dream material?"
"Yes baby, now come and give us a kiss~" Wooyoung pouted and finally was able to scare San off as he began to make aggressive smooching noises in his ear.
"What tea?" Wooyoung played coy, twirling a lock of hair around his finger and gazing off to the side.
"Ahem, to quote the legends, 'bro who got you smiling like that?'" San flung himself onto the sofa, nearly knocking his friend and the laptop off, making Wooyoung fly towards it in a panic.
The commotion also brought forth a curious pair of ears, Seonghwa stepping out into the corridor with a lint roller and a rag in hand, making it a point that apparently, exactly right now was the best time to start cleaning a specific spot of the corridor. Hongjoong also did the unthinkable and JOINED Seonghwa in cleaning, albeit a lot less enthusiastically, moving a dry rag back and forth with his foot, arms crossed.
Soon enough Wooyoung noticed that, thanks to San's very gossip-promising question, the rest of the members were also suddenly making their respective appearances and occupying themselves with menial or highly questionable tasks.
Yunho and Jongho had made a beeline for the kitchen, with the former browsing the top shelves of all the cabinets, opening each door with the speed of a sloth, and the latter pouring the tallest glass of water that was in the house, moving in slow motion.
Mingi opened his door wide open, and after peering out to check that nothing had been revealed yet, lied back down on his bed, but continuously raising his head as if repositioning an antenna.
But Yeosang was what did it for Wooyoung. He sauntered, across the entire living room, with the world's most unperturbed expression on his face, and sat down right in front of him on the floor, staring into his soul, and commanding:
Wooyoung was frozen still bent down from managing to catch the laptop before it fell. There was no getting out of this. It was either he said it all, or it would be 7 and hostage makes one team.
"So, there is this one TikToker right-"
"You say what now?" San interjected, as Wooyoung swore he head Jongho spit out a bit of the water as he tried to stifle a laugh.
"NO it's not like the buss it thing, we're long past that."
"Uh-huh, as if..." Seonghwa mumbled to himself, rolling his eyes.
"No really!" Wooyoung was getting fired up, enjoying the attention that he now had. Standing up on the couch, he began gesturing with the laptop as though he was a lecturer.
"Anyways. It is very wholesome. It is a baking and cafe account. Really aesthetically pleasing. The creator also has a YouTube channel, and she-"
"Ah so it IS a SHE!!!!" San clapped his hands together, as if celebrating a discovery.
"Yes, ha-ha fun-ny. Anyways, literally all of her content is amazing. So I have been watching it."
"For the past two hours." Yunho commented, finally shutting all the cupboards
"Dude and you like e-girls!" Wooyoung retorted.
"HEY that was totally uncalled for and so not true!"
"choke me like you hate me BUT YOU LOVE ME-" Mingi began a dramatic rendition of a well known song, progressively getting louder, as Yunho flew across the apartment and into his room, with a battle cry of "IT'S TIME TO STOP", ready for violence.
"Ah never would I think to see the day that my trouble child would like a wholesome, down to earth girl."
"She's a badass." Wooyoung smirked, at Hongjoong, who's expression immediately fell. "She literally owns baking competitions and five cafes. Basically a girl boss in the best way possible."
"That is one heck of a badass... like... Shiber level badass." Yeosang mused, eliciting a round of laughter from the other members.
After twisting his hands and forcing him to show them some of your videos, Wooyoung had been tasked with a mission to go to your cafe under penalty of cleaning the dorms under Seonghwa's supervision, using the eldest member's method.
He agreed initially, for the excitement of it and because, come on, he was the king of flirting and performances. How many killing points in choreography were his? But as a day turned into a week, and then two, and he was still merely a viewer who was liking all of your content, the challenge was hanging over his head like a guillotine.
The members ceaselessly taunted him with the Cleaning Contract, with Seonghwa taking particular pleasure in describing intricate routines for how he would want the smallest segment of the apartment cleaned, emphasising that if something were to be done even a tiny bit wrong, Wooyoung would be redoing the entire thing.
Finally, one sunny day the fear tactics worked, and officially done with his member's attacks, Wooyoung got up extra early, dressed up to the 10s, only to cover it with something more inconspicuous, and completed the look with truly anonymous cap and mask.
While on the way to one of your cafes, he wanted to slap himself. Firstly, what in the world was he doing, travelling to an unchecked location way before its opening time, and how did he even know that this was the cafe you were going to be at?
Way to go. He was a planner extraordinaire. But seeing as he had nothing else to do, might as well have some fun and go "you-scouting".
To his disappointment, the first location definitely did not have you anywhere in sight, so like the wind he ran back to the metro, praying that no one was going to recognise him along his journey.
Whilst catching his breath, he looked up at the 'dream-ity' logo on the second storefront, muttering a colourful collection of vocabulary under his breath - again, you were nowhere in sight.
A brief panic washed over him as he thought - what if you had been in the back of the cafe, or had just come in? And he was already on his way to his third spot - his final, considering that it was already way past opening time, and slowly becoming a risk for him.
Goyang-si, his home city. He prayed that it would not let him down, being able to house his chaos for so long.
By grace of everything good in the world, as he was ambling towards the cafe, part of him already having given up, and laughing at his boyish determination, he looked up and there you were.
Laughing with a co-worker about something or other, them being indoors, and you outside, watering some potted plants.
It felt like a dream - suddenly Wooyoung understood why you named the cafe how you did.
He checked the street for any passers by. None. Your cafe - no one except the people working. He checked his phone - destiny decided it was his day today: this particular outlet was one that opened the latest out of all, and actually he had managed to arrive half an hour early.
Before you saw him he stealthily turned the corner, and checked himself in the window of an empty car. Removing some of the clothing items to look more like his stylish, dandy self, removing his mask, and readjusting the cap to let some of his flaming red locks show and frame his face, he was ready to impress.
With the swagger that he would have on the stage, he stepped out of hiding, and took course right to your cafe. Your co worker had left you alone to finish tending to the flowers.
Wooyoung stood a bit away behind you, thinking of just how cool he would be when you beat him to it with a simple:
"Sorry, we're not open yet."
And you had not even turned to look at him. His jaw dropped. Well that was a healthy dose of reality. He bit his lip, not quite sure how to proceed.
He hummed, pensive and tried:
"Well I was hoping you could make an exception?"
"And what makes you- oh." As you turned, you were in for a shock of your life.
There he was. In person. Your bias. Of all people.
You contemplated slapping yourself but that would just be the strangest first impression. Deep breaths, deep breaths. You probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Quick, say something-
"If you don't mind helping with a couple of things."
Again, you were dying inside. Was that really the best thing you could say? Well, at least it was quick.
Wooyoung found your reaction adorable, and the quip even more so. Judging by your initial reaction, it was safe for him to confirm that you definitely knew who he was, but your daring offer just drew him in. He wanted to see what other buttons he could press, and how you were off camera. Off his phone or laptop screen.
"With pleasure. Are you making your signature mille-feuille today?" He asked, and sent a wink your way.
Oh. Oh he watched your content. Oh he knew what you liked to make.
"I think it needs a taste test, want a bite?" You responded, your voice dropping unintentionally low.
Well today you learned that your mouth was disconnected from your mind. And that Wooyoung seemed to be quite giddy about that.
"Exactly what I've been craving, sweetheart."
Wooyoung was burning up, and was grateful that his ears were covered by his cap, though his face was probably starting to match his hair. You probably thought he was too forward, or too pushy or too much-
"Then come on in sugar, and take some chairs down from the tables while you're at it." You instructed, beaming at him.
He could get used to this. Quickly. Like a sugar rush.
So he visited. And visited again. And again. Not caring a single bit that he had to wake up at a strange hour instead of getting more sleep. Not caring that he had to take his tired body all the way to the cafe in Goyang-si. He loved these quiet hours of the morning with you.
And definitely appreciated that you told your employees to arrive after official opening hours. So that you could just spend time together and talk about everything.
On that first day when he went back, which was much later than he had initially planned, he had attempted to cover up the rendezvous he blurted that he was visiting his family. But that did not slide, since San was immediately threatening him by pointing at his phone and boasting his ability to phone Wooyoung's entire family tree, and Seonghwa simply opened the door of the closet that housed the vacuum cleaner.
Truthfully, had he just told them that he succeeded in finding you, speaking to you and even getting your number, the evening would have been much less 'eventful', as the members ended up simply patting him on the back, giving him a round of applause in true ATEEZ sarcastic fashion, and labelling him as "lover boy" and "hopeless romantic". Not that he minded at all - actually Wooyoung felt it had a nice ring to it, and showed these traits with pride.
Quickly enough it had also permeated into his numerous K-Pop Idol Profiles on social media, when during a couple of interviews his members poked fun at him by hinting that he was as such, testing him as to what kind of excuses and stories he would make up to not reveal his connection to you for safety. He now apparently liked romance kdramas, which was questionable, but was the best he could think of in the spur of the moment.
With both of you being public figures, you had made it your top priority to ensure that no one intruded into what was only made for two. At first, you thought that Wooyoung would crack at a certain point, perhaps by accident, but as it turned out he was a LOT more responsible and considerate than his demeanour would suggest.
Even when he had simply sent you flowers to the door, he did not include any information that could in any way guide someone to you and him, instead ordering a series of emojis printed on a card that only you would be able to decrypt.
As you got to know each other better, you had grown more comfortable and began to delve into each other's deeper backgrounds, including how you came to be who you were, what fears and hopes you had, the list went on.
You had revealed to him that initially you had been lined up to be trained as a chef in traditional Korean Cuisine, to follow in the footsteps of your father. Although you could appreciate the art, and to appease your father had indeed trained for a short while, you soon realised that you could not bear being in the exact same line of work as him.
You did not want to be known simply as his daughter. As a shadow that was 'still learning, and had a long way to go', as he had informed you after you spent a 12 hour day working at his Michelin star restaurant.
The constant reprimands and harshness eventually made you crack and so you turned to your safe haven - baking and dessert making. While your father had seen only the one side of you that he wanted to shape, you had concealed your efforts to work part time when you could, to go to night classes, slowly but surely building up to an actual degree.
Once you had 'quiet quit' your Korean cuisine path and had proof under your belt that you could succeed in the 'sweeter side of life' , things became easier. You allowed yourself to just do the bare minimum, could not care less if your father did not praise you, and became much more liberal with your schedule - to make more time for creating a future that you actually wanted.
When your father had finally found out about what he had called your 'betrayal', you were prepared, and without much else to say simply gave him a 90 degree bow and sped off to Busan, where you had gotten to know an affluent professional, from whom you had further learned.
Fast forward some time later, and you had found yourself on an exchange programme in France - the loneliest time in your life, but it definitely raised you to the next level, and upon your return, 'dream-ity' was only a month away from being launched.
And now, well, you had built your own happiness, were continuously expanding business and experimenting, did masterclasses and ran popular social media accounts, with no plans to stop.
Wooyoung could only stare at you in admiration. This kind of perseverance and passion was something that he valued deeply and strived for for himself, and to see it in you was simply stunning.
He thought back to his initial impression of you, and realised how wrong he had been when labelling you just as a 'happy-go-lucky' girl who just existed in a soft alternative universe and just baked cakes all day. No, there was always something new to learn about you, from your life to your beautiful mind.
Wooyoung had become a fan of yours because he was interested in exploring something he could not do and make. He had stayed when he had heard how in love you were with what you did. And now, he fell in deep because of how well he understood you and respected you, and you did the same for him.
You two were passionate people, no doubt about that. Maybe at first one might think you two could cause a wildfire. But the maturity and level-headedness you had promoted in one another was worthy of respect.
At least when it was just you two.
Because the members were at their wits' end. He had gotten even louder, even more flamboyant, and made every effort to be the funniest guy in the room which, to be fair, did work phenomenally during quite a few of their events. But when that translated to auto-pilot loved up chaos mode in the dorms... it was a hurricane.
So they banished him out of the dorms until he came back with you being officially his girlfriend. And boy was he in trouble. It was nearing closing time for you, and it was much busier out. Thankfully, you had a back door, and let him through it, so he was safe. He waited for you until the cafe was shut, and ended up inspecting a photo of you and your father that you had up on a wall. For some reason, he looked very familiar.
When he finally figured it out, he was in for the shock of a lifetime. As his face went pale, and he was not responding to you, you got more and more concerned that Wooyoung fell ill, but all cleared up when he raised his own phone, with a photo to show you.
In the photo was him in a line chef's outfit, standing right next to your father. You and Wooyoung erupted into maniacal laughter until tears were threatening to roll down your cheeks and your ribs hurt.
"So I really took the traditional route here and met your father before I met you huh?"
That day you had to thank your father for the most unexpected thing. For the fact that somehow, by learning this interesting crossover, this provoked Wooyoung to ask you out officially (he was never going to tell about how he had a whole troop at home ready to unleash guerrilla tactics). You had poked fun at him that it was because he actually wanted to date your dad, but Wooyoung kissed you in exchange for your silence, so it was a done deal.
It was already quite late at night when Wooyoung finally thought it was necessary for him to come back, but little did either of you know, the future held a lot more obstacles than you could have imagined, with a photo of Wooyoung leaving the cafe past closing hours rapidly making rounds on social media the very next day.
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eliasyourlocalcryptid · 6 months
Chucky/Child’s Play info dump :D
tiny little disclaimer :]
*these were compiled from a bunch of old separate/individual Chucky rants of mine *
a majority of this is just be gushing about behind the scene details and character quirks with SOME synopses about some of the movies (mostly focusing on my favorites,curse and cult)also i learned a lot of this info from dead meats yt channel,they do kill counts and go in depth about horror movie productions n stuff!!if you like my little ramble and wanna hear a more concise in depth summary of the story with added behind the scenes info I’d suggest checking out their Chucky franchise recounts !! I do paraphrase some cool parts that I noticed only after watching dead meats kill count so again,highly recommend checking out their video if you want a better in depth look at the Chucky/childs play series!!!
(also fyi not beta read ,pretty much word vomiting about my favorite horror franchise)
Chucky ramble ⬇️ : D
(Spoiler warning and tw for canon typical violence/violent scene mentions)
Offshooting from a Scream tangent discussing favorite horror movies,Chucky (for me atleast) just handles the characters much better. the way that they never stray away from the main antagonists and also manage to introduce new protagonists in a way that they relate the the ever growing franchise lore/plot just amazes me not even to mention the way that Don Mancini directs the franchise and continues to integrate the same actors in a way that i havent seen a lot of horror franchises do. EX: using Jennifer Tilly to play the non doll Tiffany Valentine,using her voice after her character's normal human self dies,and using her as a full actor again to play herself in the later Chucky movies i just adore how Don finds as many ways as possible to give the actors that have been loyal to him and his franchise new roles/work also it really helps out with the franchises actual story too Also i just think it’s cool that Nica Pierce is played by Fiona Dourif,daughter of Brad Dourif (Charles lee ray's actor + Chucky's voice actor) I can go on for hours about Cult and Curse of Chucky :v
When Nica Pierce,a traditionally fem presenting person,gets possessed by Charles lee ray/Chucky,a visceral traditionally masculine serial killer,the way her mannerisms change to reflect that change in mindset and personality makes me go fucking wild genuinely most of my favorite parts of the franchise is when she's possessed by Chucky Also Devon Sawa has appeared so much in the Chucky franchise and he plays different characters almost every time(since the characters he plays keeps on dying) and when he appeared in the 2nd season of the Chucky franchise he makes a reference to his earlier horror comedy work (Idle Hands) and i hshdjajdnkkajs makes me so happy cause i love that movie so much Also the way that all the movies vary tonally makes me so happy.its like sampling a little bit from each horror genre. from horror comedy,to the traditional slasher esc moments,to the utter suspense of the cult and curse movies,then not even to mention how it (in my opinion) works so well when being integrated to the tv it just works so well for me also just i love the gore effects so much Dr.Foley's death was genuinely one of my favorite parts of the franchise like the way his head gets bashed in with Nica's stiletto heel was really well executed,I love the practical effects used !!!
okay actually getting to each movie (and a little bit of the TV series)
The 1st movie was just a cult classic and it deserves all its recognition and it's premise and plot has still held up pretty well to present day the 2nd movie does so well letting the audience see how the events of the 1st film plauged the young Andy Barclay into his late childhood,it's also excellent when introducing his new foster sister Kyle (best character in the first 3 movies ong) can't say too much on the 3rd movie,it's not bad by any means,it still excels at practical gore effects and the characters and pretty solid but it's nothing compared to the movies that follow it Bride of Chucky. LORD
Don Mancini's turn in directors chair after overseeing the franchise since the first movie, and he does not disappoint I've seen a lot of people claim that Bride is the worst in the franchise because of its overly silly tone but that's one of my favorite parts about this era of the franchise The way that Don isn't afraid to play around with the characters and plot makes way for so many outlandish moments in the franchise that help it out so much overall Anyways god i adore Jennifer Tilly Bride being the first film that i had ever seen her act in,it was like a whole experience the way she played Tiffany Valentine just stuck with me,then her voice acting as Tiff in doll form is so well performed,and Bride has some of the most iconic/best lines and line deliveries i have ever seen!! Btw im trying to speed run talking about the earlier films because i really want to talk about Curse and Cult but i think that Bride is such an interesting movie when you step back and compare it to the ones the come and the ones that came before it
Anyways any film with Jennifer Tilly is a win and im so glad that she remained a mainstay in the Chucky franchise because her acting skills and her character are so much of the reason that im infatuated with this series Okay but anyways Seed of Chucky! Putting aside the lovely queer representation (something that will become a running theme in Mancini's work with the franchise) I lovelovelove Glen/Glenda's character(s) so much as a juxtaposition to Tiff and Chucky's.Their strange family-esc dynamic allow for so many comedic moments that let me just relax and genuinely enjoy the movie so much. Also the fact that Glen/Glenda's voice actor is the same one that played a hobbit in lord of the rings/hobbit (i forget which) just adds a bit of silliness to them OOO And the scene when Tiff calls a help hotline is a masterpiece on its own The concept of a killer doll calling a help hotline because she feels like shes goiing to relapse on killing already has such a comedic premise to it but the way the movie plays it dead serious always amuses me,it adds a layer to her character that's so entertainingly nuanced
OKAY NOW ONTO CURSE + CULT Okay so Curse of Chucky is one of my favorite movies of all time (no surprise) starting out with the mere fact that Fiona Dourif is in it AND she plays Nica Pierce.Fiona Dourif being the daughter of Brad Dourif,the actor and voice actor for Chucky/Charles lee ray,is already fantastic but Nica's character by herself serves as an astoundingly well written and complex figure in the Chucky franchise She's strong,witty,kind,resourceful,and downright badass at times and i adore her to bits The way her character is portrayed in Curse and Cult makes for such an interesting viewing She's a woman whos been looked down on/pitied for all of he life,on account of the fact that she's handicapped and wheelchair bound,despite that she still manages to carry herself with a sense of self confidence that doesn't make her come off as arrogant but headstrong When shit hits the fan she's downright distraught when her sister dies at the hands of Chucky,showing that although she has a sarcastic attitude she's still very much a well fleshed out character
Throughout the movie she's shown to be compassionate but still not taking anyone's shit and she makes for a really interesting character to nitpick Despite her horrid situation she still manages to (almost) best Chucky at his own gritty game,she's shown to be able to both take and throw punches,even against someone/thing that's killed the rest of her family (except for alice,niece,but well get to her later) The end of the movie is bittersweet in the sense that while Nica does manage to survive Chucky,she's left to take the blame for the massacre he left behind. Her screaming "i'm still alive" to an unmoving chucky while in court at her own sentencing is a scene that never gets old to me Also i cant talk about curse without mentioning the Andy Barclay cameo end credit scene because when i say i went absolutely feral to see his character come back into the franchise,still played my a now grown Alex Vincent anyways CULT OF CHUCKY!!!
This movie take so many stylistic liberties which i dont mind,heavily reminds me of experimental artistic late 70s-early 90s european films It also fully brings back Andy Barclay as a mainstay character + a cameo from Kyle!!!
This film taking place a few years (i believe) from the last movie,still following Nica Pierce The whole premise is that she's thrown into a mental/psyche ward and after a while accepted the false truth that she was insane and hallucinated the whole Chucky is alive thing.Eventually Dr.Foley,the main doctor at the ward overlooking Nica brings in a Chucky doll as a sort of exposure therapy and Chucky shenanigans ensue All while Andy Barclay is trying to kill all the Chuckys (because theres more then one because of voodoo soul splitting across multiple vessles) and Nica is just trying to survive The movie ends with Chucky shoving part of his soul in Nica Pierce,possessing her and the possesed Nica runs away from the asylum with Tiff I could go on and on for hours about the practical gore/sfx/effects,and the great stylistic choices in the movie but i'd just be rambling more at that point than i already have But like lord The one scene when Dr Foley's head gets bashed beneath Nica's heel is one of my favorite parts of the franchise,both because of Fiona Dourifs and the awesome practical effects !!! anyways
Can you tell i really like the chucky franchise- I just realize i didnt even mention the practical Chucky animatronic effects Throughout the whole Curse and especially Cult movie the amazing work of the puppeteers really shines through in the scenes with multiple chucky dolls! Also how Brad Dourif decides to voice the different chucky dolls makes me so happy,like he makes the newer created Chucky's have voice cracks and a slightly pitched voice to indicate the new life brought to it and its just so well done in the movie(noticed this after it was pointed out in the Chucky recount/kill count on yt :D) also also the multiple chucky shenanigans makes me so happy lord I could go on about the practical effects in the franchise,i havent mentioned it a lot but the puppeteering and animatronics and effects have been spectacular since the beginning,and the way that the animatronics evolve with the innovation with technology and also the bigger budgets with the movies
Rahh also also if anyone ever wants me to go into the filmography and special effects of the Chucky franchise just tell me because i will go crazzyyyyy i really need to find a clip of the scene when Nica bashes Foleys head in underneath her heel because it will never get old for me trust i could write a whole essay on the complexities and nuances of dynamics and the strained relationship between so many of the characters 🙏 Tiff (especially in Bride) really encapsulates a lot of what I love about the series,I just adore how she’s written Omg and don’t get me started on Brad Dourif. He plays Chucky so well and his character both as the human Charles lee ray and in doll form as Chucky is so amusing More on the actual franchise,i have so much to say about the tv show but i still havent finished it yet (on season 2) Mini ramble abt Nica and Tiff,their dynamic in the show and plot wise has always interested me The strained dynamic between Nica and Charles/Chucky in Curse ultimately culminating in Nica being possessed by Chucky in Cult,the on and off relation between Chucky and Tiff,and the absolute infatuation between Nica and Tiffs (or well at least Tiff’s infatuation with Nica)carries so much of the character driven plot in a way i wouldn't have expected initially,in something i thought was going to be a silly slasher series
Wooooo okay mini mini rant on the tv series because its so good even though i havent finished it yet As mentioned prior i adore how the franchise handles introducing new characters to the ever growing plot and lore or the series,one amazing example of this is how they bring a new generation of protagonists into the show while not throwing aside Andy Barclay's character Jake serves as a great stand in for Don Mancini himself (admitted as much in interview) and the striking conflict that he has with his sexuality mirrors Don's own personal experiences with his own life.While Jakes sexuality is a part of his character it isnt the only thing about him (which i adore,i dont like when a characters whole personality is just being queer) but his sexuality creates great context and depth to his character and his struggles anyways the way that the characters keep on evolving as the series progresses is highlighted in Nica and Tiff's relationship compared to them at the end of cult to them in the ending of season 1
Oml and not even mentioning the sapphic twist on the traditional killer couple,the interactions between Chucknica (Chucky possessed Nica) + Tiff and Tiff + normal Nica make for some of my personal favorite scenes in the series,having the characters written and interacting in such a way allows for so much more comedic and sometimes downright suspenseful scenes !! i.e. the scene when Nica overcomes the possession for a bit,gaining control of her body,but she's still in a room with Tiff,Chucky's girlfriend,being forced to play cards with her to make sure Tiff doesn't notice its Nica in control Tiff’s giddy psychotic personality really creates the sense that Nica is in genuine danger when around her,like when she giggles about her murders with a smile while nica has to act like she's still possessed by chucky WHILE playing cards with her.
The scene comes to a somewhat sudden shift in conversation when Tiff reveals that she's known Nica was there since she first regained control of her body.She knew it was her since she stabbed Nica in the thigh and Nica didn't feel a thing (paralysed by the waist down) then comes the shocking notion announced to Nica from tiff,being that Tiff actually likes her more that she likes Chucky.All of Nica's cunning acting,trying to seem like Chucky in front of Tiff was for nothing because Tiff was just playing with her all along the dynamic between the 3 is so interesting to analyze and it gets even stranger in the 2nd season
Since Tiff is still a psycho and a killer at heart,she can't handle the idea of letting Nica go,but, since Chucky's soul is still in Nica's body Tiff had to find a way to "disarm" Chucky The most heart wrenching scenes in the tv show,to me at least,is the one at the ending of season 1.It reveals that Tiff drugged Nica and cut off her limbs,making it so that Chucky cant harm Tiff in Nica's body Nica is one of my favorite characters and to see her headstrong resolve shatter when she realized what had happen to her is so unnerving Her character doesn't disappear from the show though,she's kept alive in Tiffany's house,captive the beggining of season 2 reveals that tiff had been keeping Nica and taking care of her for the better part of a year Nica still keeping with her character of sarcastically witty even in the face of insanity,she suprisingly still has the energy to keep her bitterness towards Tiff despite the horrid things she'd been put through Thankfully Nica gets back on her feet (pun intended) when Tiff's kid,Glen (in human form since should transfer to human body + Glenda's there too) breaks Nica out of Tiffs house and gives her her wheel chair back with the addition of prosthetic arms to help her use her wheelchair
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Hey! Do you happen to know where i can watch films and series in italian with italian (maybe english) subtitles for free?
For free... atm I cannot think about any website, sorry. Unless you happen to find someone who translates movies as on youtube (I have posted this, but I am not sure if they all have subs or offer double languages movies) or dailymotion or similar, I am not aware of free streaming websites that can offer that (I don't really think that Rai or Mediaset -unless you try the international website- offer that either).
Maybe in the resources masterpost you can find something (still not sure all the links work nowadays though as I've been collecting stuff for almost 10 years now and honestly I haven't checked links constantly)
I think CHILI and VVVVID have a free movies section though (dunno abt subs)? I might be wrong honestly... it's been a while since I last took a look on Chili. But probably you need to watch with advs. I found out Rakuten TV (has a YT channel too), Pluto TV and PopCorn TV do offer free movies (again not sure abt subs).
If anyone has links or can help, please comment or send an ask. Thanks!
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Survey #426
“insatiable furnace, burning up our surplus  /  watching all essential life become another servant”
Are you a brunette? Yep. It is way past due time that I get it dyed... What is your favorite channel on TV? I don't really watch TV, but if I did, I'm pretty sure it'd probably be Discovery. Have you ever been to Chicago, IL? Yes!! It's my only experience with a truly BIG city, and though I'm not a city person, the experience was pretty magical. It was something I wasn't even remotely used to. Just so much life and business and energy to feel there. Who was your first friend? Brianna. She was the sister of my older sister's best friend. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas. :') Do you regret your last kiss? Nope. Have you ever taken a karate class? No. Who was the last person to tell you ‘I love you’? My mom. Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? No. Do you live on your own? Noooo. I don't think I ever could. I would have to stay VERY busy, or else the loneliness would kill me. Hell, even if I was very active in stuff, I still don't know if I could. With how bad my depression is capable of being, it doesn't sound smart at all for me to move out unless it was with somebody. Are your the oldest child? No, I'm the middle kid. How many X-rays have you had in the last 2 years? Two, maybe? One for my legs and the other for my teeth. Are you on good terms with your last ex? Yeah, we're best friends. Do you have scars you don’t like to talk about? Nah. Do you freak out if a bee/wasp flies near you? ... yes lol. What subjects in history interest you most? The Holocaust. It's just so... shocking and extreme that it's oddly fascinating, but of course horribly sad. Are you superstitious in any way? Nah. How do you get rid of anxiety? Do what? Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? Yeah, my two rings, my lip piercing, and tragus piercing. Has a song ever made you cry before? There are many. ^If so, what about it brought you to tears? Again, I said "many," so this would be a horribly long list. There are four though - "Eternally Yours" and "Another Life" by Motionless in White, "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, and "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides - that I really, really try to avoid, because I WILL cry. They're all associated with Jason for one reason or another. "Stairway to Heaven," especially, is absolutely forbidden for me to listen to. Would you consider yourself open-minded? Very, honestly. Have you ever met someone online that you wanted to meet in real life? I've met Sara! :') There are a handful of others I'd love to meet, too. Tell me about the last thing that made you laugh until it hurt. Wow, I have no idea. I don't remember the last time I laughed THAT hard. When you graduate, what color will your gown be? Ugh, it was this insufferable red. We got to vote on it, and I really wanted navy instead, as it looks more formal and not as obnoxious to me, but red won. Do you own a gun? No. My household legally can't because of my suicidal history. What color of shirt are you wearing? It's a black tank top. Do you use any acne medication? Nah, I don't really get acne anymore. Are you emotional or very stoic? I'm emotional as shit. Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? A few. There's Fullmetal Alchemist (as well as the Brotherhood expansion), Deadman Wonderland, and Ginga Densetsu Weed. I've seen bits of others. Which baby animal is your favorite? MEERKATS!!!!!! :') Once they reach three/four weeks, they're fucking precious. I also really like kittens. Do you like jam on your toast and biscuits? Sometimes. Have you ever reread a book? It is very, VERY rare I do this. The only cases I remember are for Because of Winn-Dixie and Meerkat Manor: Flower of the Kalahari. Do you have any religious symbols in your home? I think Mom has some religious quotes on the walls? What religion do you identify with, if any? None. What is you favorite flavor of pudding and/or yogurt? I love chocolate pudding, but I'm not very big on yogurt because of the sourness. I can sometimes eat a cookies 'n cream one, but occasionally I'm like "ew." We’re going to the best amusement park ever, first ride you choose is? One of those water rides where you go down a big slope. Did you have intense night terrors as a child? No. Know anybody who works in a tattoo parlor? No. That'd be dope. Have you ever had a piercing get infected? Ugh, yes. Worst was the first time I got my tongue pierced. It was early into infection though, thank God; I ended up having to take it out and get it re-pierced later. Have you ever shoplifted? No. Do you hate when people say, "Everything’s going to be fine,“ when it’s not? Sometimes. It can feel kinda dismissive of your extreme situation, and sometimes, things simply won't be okay. Like, you can't tell that to someone on their death bed. Do you check your fire alarms when you’re supposed to? No, oops. Are you a shorts-wearing kind of person? Absolutely not. Nobody wants to see my legs, not even me. Is your grandparents’ house obsessively tidy? My grandma's sure as hell was. She was very old-fashioned and "proper" and took cleanliness and manners very seriously. Do you know how to jumpstart a car? Nope. Would you date someone 8 years older than you? Probably. What did you do today? I WENT TO THE GYM AND DID A FULL HOUR OF EXERCISE!!!!! :') For once I am SO fucking proud of myself. I left drenched in sweat, but I also left with a feeling of great accomplishment. I'm going to be going twice a week now with a personal trainer. (: Who was the last person you fell asleep with? Sara. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. People doing that shit terrifies me. Have you ever felt replaced? Sure have. Have you ever kissed someone who was high? No. If you caught your significant other cheating on you what would you do? I don't have a partner, but hypothetically, leave their ass in a blink. I don't fuck with those kind of people. Do you know who Jeffree Star is? Well, yes. I watch him on YT sometimes and (astonishingly) love his music, and I find his work ethic extremely inspiring. That man knows how to hustle. What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? Probably sangrias. When was the last time you saw a photo of your ex? "The" ex, it's been years. I've removed all pictures I have of him, irl and digitally, because it's triggering for me. How many push-ups can you do? Probably zero. Do you play any games on your phone? There's Pokemon GO, DragonVale, and Dragons of Atlantis that I play semi-regularly. Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? Yes. Have you ever shaved your face? Just my upper lip to avoid the lady stache, ha ha. What colour is your front door? It’s white. Do you take the stairs or the elevator? If an elevator is available, I will ALWAYS use that. I have an extreeeemely hard time getting up stairs because of having just about no leg muscle. Do you get motion sickness? No. When was the last time you went to your favourite restaurant? Oh man, it's been forever. :/ Olive Garden sounds soooo good right now. Do either of your parents have any tattoos or piercings? No. Well, Mom has her earlobes pierced once, but that's it. Are you desperate for anyone’s approval, in particular? It's funny, even though he hasn't been a part of my life for years, I still desperately crave what I think would make Jason proud. There have been many times where my mind has wondered to what he would think of me now... and I know it's not good. Are there any activities you enjoy doing, but can only do for a short amount of time before you get bored or tired of them? Reading. When was the last time you felt hopeful, and why? Today, after finishing my workout at the gym. I think, finally, that I may be taking another stride forward in life. Do you find yourself asking for the same things for your birthdays and for holidays? Ha, yup: a new tattoo, 100%. What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? Girt's recommended some music to me before. He loves sharing songs he likes with me. Of course I didn't tell him it sucked, ha ha. What’s a fact about the last person you kissed? She is very passionate about animals, reptiles in particular, and is simply amazing with them. If you had a child, would you rather have a girl or a boy? A girl for sure. Has anybody ever accused you of doing drugs? No. Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? Yeah. Honestly, do you think that you will wanna settle down in the same town you’re currently residing in? HELL no. I hate this place. Does anyone call you darling? If so who? Sara does sometimes. Are you close to any of your cousins? No. Are you a romantic person? I think I am. What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen out the window of an airplane? Mountains. Have you ever been in the mountains when the moon and stars were up? NO BUT FUCK I WANT THAT. Just lay in a grassy spot with some s'mores or something and just ~vibe~. Do people like your hair? I get complimented on it a bit. Have you ever held birdseed and a bird came and ate out of your hand? Yeah, at a bird sanctuary. Could you ever live in Alaska? Hell yeah, I'd enjoy that. On the main page on YouTube, what’re the three recommended videos? There's one by a WoW gold maker, a song by 3TEETH, and a video of bullsnakes hatching. Do you really care how many friends you or anyone else has on Myspace/Facebook? Couldn't care less. I only "friend" people I know and care about. Does your significant other have any piercings? I'm single. Do you ever get bored of yourself? Oh, all the time. I feel like I'm extremely dull and plain and, well, boring. How many band shirts do you own? Which? Oh goodness, I have no idea. I own a lot. Do you go to shows mostly for the music, the moshing, or the merchandise? I go for the music. It's nice to buy merch, but it's SO expensive that it's dumb. Moshing, I think is just stupid. Have you ever had anything pierced that you don’t have now? Many places, actually. So many holes closed because piercings had to be taken out when I was in the psych hospital. I was so annoyed. Who were you with the first time you watched the last movie you watched? I was alone. Do you have any twins/multiples in your family? Are they identical or fraternal? No. What is the highest number of jobs you’ve had at one time? One. Is your mom a good mom? She is the actual best. Last thing you threw in the garbage? The crust of some leftover pizza I had this morning. I generally eat the crust, but this time it was WAY too hard.
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thehotboxsocial · 4 years
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Woke Up At 8 And Made 10 Before 9:05
Flintana [RMC Mike, Lil Yachty, YN Jay & Louie Ray]
Flint To Lansing Pt 2 [Tony Rose & GrindHard E]
Tweakin [YSR Gramz & BagLife Tee]
Our Side [Coach Joey feat. BabyFace Ray & Rio Da Yung OG]
Funky Kong [Sada Baby]
May I [Flo Milli]
8 Ball [TEC]
Uhuh [Jay DracADude]
Steppas [NBA Meechy Baby]
Falcons [Mari Boy Mula Mar feat. Bill Martell]
Dollaz On My Head [Gunna feat. Young Thug]
G-Way [Young Slo-Be]
Snowman [Baby Smoove & NSC]
New Lane [Icewear Vezzo & Rio Da Young OG]
Thittie Man [YN Jay]
On Sight [BMF Gangsta, Sada Baby & Neisha Neshae]
Bob Marley [Daboii & Slimmy B]
Tellin [Woop & 9lokknine]
YT: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEeVxTVeGw-D7Jig-0BV4FipkZPUHE_fh
zip: https://www16.zippyshare.com/v/ACFl12yC/file.html
If you look at my new music lists and think wow this guy just listens to Flint & Detroit rap all day well you’re not entirely wrong. That scene is so deep and insular with like 30-40 capable & entertaining rappers who record songs together in the same room, a handful of consistently dope producers like Enrgy, Sav, Marc Boomin & Pablo, and a few in-house videographers & youtube channels. As far as 2020 rap goes it’s really all I want to hear right now. 
Coochie is a song-of-the-year front runner and the only thing threatening this title are the 20 other coochie songs that YN Jay has dropped since. I will happily accept Thittie Man as the official Coochie sequel and now it’s time to move on. 
The most radio-friendly selection on here is from Gunna who has a batting average so low I stopped checking for him but someone threw Dollaz On My Head up on the discord and I’m glad I clicked; sometimes a guest spot is so fresh it can level a 5/10 song up to an 8 and that’s what Sada does on On Sight; not sure if “Tellin’” is Grindin’ on 45 or Sucker MC’s 2020 and it’s the same with YSR Gramz’s “Tweakin” I shoulda placed those 2 songs back to back; Lil Yachty should take advantage of Flint’s cheap housing market and and stay in town for a while because he sounds at home with these dudes on Flintana and Dookie Shoe which could’ve but didn’t make the cut.
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hooksnfangs · 4 years
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Check out this sweet poster when you get Brandon Tenold's blu-ray collectors edition of "In Search of Darkness Part II"! For more info about that, check out the trailer at Brandon's YT channel! I'm so happy and proud to be part of this project! Its got everything I love and this poster was made out of love for 80s horror and snarky cult movie reviews! #hooksnfangs #art #myart #instaartist #instaart #artoftheday #digitalart #cartoons #movies #horror #80shorror #brandontenold #moviemonsters #jasonvorhees #freddykrueger #leatherface #michaelmyers #chikdsplay #elvira #pinhead #movieposter #insearchofdarkness #halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/CGI0VjHj_Xm/?igshid=1wbzwvvjjvtcf
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so, you're posts about critical role and you're ship have got me quite interested. do you have any tips on watching it for someone who knows next to nothing about it?
Hey! So I knew next to nothing about D&D when I started watching Campaign One, but I found that most of the rules are easy to infer as you watch them play and any other stuff you don’t understand is one quick google search away. Mostly, it’s pretty simple.
I suggest you start with Campaign 2, since it’s still on-going and it will let you participate more actively in the current fandom.
You can find all the episodes on Youtube. Here’s a link to a playlist with all of them so far:
New episodes air on Thursdays on the Critical Role Twitch channel and are uploaded to Youtube on Mondays.
Don’t be too intimidated by the ep count or length. You can go at your own pace and, in my experience, the stories are so compelling that the episodes end up feeling short!
You can also find all of the episodes as Podcasts, so that might be simpler if you wanna listen as you drive or work or do other stuff.
Other things you might like to know about it before you start:
The show started as a homegame between the cast, who are friends irl, and halfway through their first game they were invited to livestream it. From then, it took off at a pace that still amazes the cast. Most of them are Voice Actors or Voice Acting Directors or writers, which makes them amazing storytellers.
Their first campaign is also on YT. It’s 115 episodes long and a lot of fun! I’m almost entirely caught up with it and also really recommend it, but maybe focus on one campaign at a time for starters.
The cast, btw, are all amazing and loving people. A quick basic guide:
Matt Mercer: the dungeon master, a soft loving soul, and an incredible storyteller. He loves his friends a lot and always tries to make their game/story in a way that will make them have fun and be happy even if people online might complain that it isn’t how they would’ve done it.
Marisha Ray: his wife, a total badass, CR’s creative director. She used to get a lot of hate for her character in C1 from some terrible people online but she never let that stop her from playing her in a way that felt true to herself, she’s also a very loud advocate for stopping online harassment.
Laura Bailey: she’s another badass, literal angel with a dirty mind, she’s married to Travis and they are adorable. Her first campaign character was Liam’s twins and they have a very sibling-like relationship despite not being related irl. Legend has it, the first time they all played together, Laura was the first one to go in full on acting and making voices and stuff and it pushed the whole cast to really immerse into the experience.
Travis Willingham: a wonderful soft jock with the heart of a nerd and strong heart-eyes for his wife. He’s the opposite to toxic masculinity. Also, he used to play a dumb barbarian in the first campaign so this time around he’s trying something entirely new for him and it’s delightful to watch.
Taliesin Jaffe: the closest thing you will find in real life to a fey creature, goth dad, his air is full of magic and his heart full of love and good advice. He’s really an amazing person all around. Also, probably, immortal. Used to play the smug tortured man in the first campaign, his old character also invented guns so you’ll see the cast side-eyeing him whenever they encounter fire weapons during the second campaign.
Liam O'Brien: this man is such a wonderful actor that loves breaking all of our hearts with his storytelling, he really loves tragedy but is also kind of a trickster himself? He is “twinnies” with Laura and bffs with Sam, they and the fandom constantly joke about being married.
Sam Riegel: a chaotic trickster god. Really though, this man is a comedic genius who lives to make people around him laugh and will rip your heart out when you least expect it. People like to joke about Bards being the worst class but his C1 bard was the stuff of legend. He’s an amazing player and actor. His current character is a rogue, like Liam’s C1 character, which is why you’ll see Liam gushing with excitement about Sam rolling stealth checks.
Ashley Johnson: Yet another badass lady. You might have seen her in that old movie What Women Want or more recently in Blindspot. She has the face of an angel but is a real undercover agent for chaos. She comes and goes because her show is shot in NY but you can tell how much brightness she brings to the table when she’s home. Her old character and Travis’s were bffs and this time she’s playing a Barbarian, so you’ll see Travis going wild whenever he gets to see her fight.
Brian Foster: He interviews the cast every Tuesday about the latest show, he’s incredibly funny and charming. Also, he and Ashley are engaged! People joke that he smells like cabbage (idk why?) but he’s amazing all around and part of the family. He doesn’t play in the campaign but has appeared in a few of the one-shots.
Dani Carr: An angel that works with the team, gushes over ships and banters with Brian during Talks Machina. She’s wonderful and sweet! Also she runs a preshow recap of last week’s episode to refresh everyone on the important stuff or fill in anyone who might’ve missed it. 
The characters, well, I could speak forever about them but the real joy is getting to know them yourself. Here’s a quick line-up of them, though:
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I hope you have fun watching! This is all I could think about for now but let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know about!
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DAY 2 - 17th MARCH
You know the news. The world is ending or just going on a weird loop in a way that none of us expected, anticipated or requested. 
Maybe planet Earth needed this, who the fuck knows. 
This dairy - yes i know it is supposed to be diary but i hate dairy so out of hate I made it even more significant it’s to memorise and to document what is currently happening. The situation changes every single day or almost every single hour so if there’s anything you were planning to tell your unborn and not conceived yet children this is the thing you will be telling them for sure. Create stuff, make notes, send a letter to a pigeon whatever floats your boat. 
There we were in the beginning of 2020, starting the year with a hope that this year will be our year and we can carpe diem every bit of it. Yes Brexit is horrid, and yes we all hate Trump and yes it’s all going to shit, but we have just made some plans. We just went through a counselling session and want to start a better chapter and make sure we are on the right track. We booked some tickets! Fuck yes we booked some tickets and trips, we will go places, we will see things, we will take shitloads of photos and posted on insta and hashtag out every little piece of the scenery, and we will book tickets to gig, and we will book tickets to see our family. We will be in this machine of plan makings, little hamsters running in their cage of commitment and paying bills and yolo the fuck out of what we’ve got. Then boom! Unexpected happened yet again, and all our plans have been burned to the bottom or just someone added mentos to our bottle of Coke and we are exploding in a sweet, dizzy mess avoiding touching our faces. 
Today is only the second day of the official quarantine. Bo-Jo finally decided yesterday that we should stay home if possible. Still not all the right decisions have been made. However, this diary (dairy) is not the political one and not about making some theories or explaining how everything is supposed to work and what is the best way to deal with a pandemic. This is a document of my own experience. 
32 year old since only just yesterday. What a weird time to have your bday ha! Does anyone even care? Yes people still do, but have no clue what to do with this weird ball of fluff and emotions. 
Recently we don’t want to socialise as much, we are running around chasing our own tails and making plans on google calendar checking when we can see our mates and we are texting that we’re not feeling well and in reality we just can’t be bothered to talk and socialise. Suddenly the power of the virus is taking away this control and decisions away from us and we realise we are people person and we need each other. Staying together alone, singing songs on the balconies etc. 
What is happening today? What I've seen today? 
I did some yoga in the garden, it was sweet. The sun was shining in the very end of our garden, the chairs sitting in the corner were trying to catch every single ray of it. When I wasn't staring at Adrienne telling me on her YT channel what move to do next I was looking at the sky and planes’ little cloudy tales crossing each other on the blue canvas of sky. It felt good, it was nice. I do have a photo proof of it, taken by my flatmate who came back home quicker as since today she’s wfh. I won’t post it, because it’s a very weird pose and shows my bottoms in the way I didn't expect to see it. Therefore it will be only for me to see. Sorry not sorry. 
I decided the most important thing in all of this is to have some sort of routine otherwise it will be just Sunday 1 and Sunday 48 in a minute, and we will be eating bad news all day and then shitting it out using all this toilet paper everyone is buying so desperately. 
Situation in tesco around 5pm was more empty than yesterday. All the red chili is gone, people still don’t want to buy mushrooms, no eggs in the eyesight, alcohol is still there and winking to us. Notes outside closed restaurants are trying to be positive, our neighbours started a whatsapp group for our street which is sweet and great. The sense of community is what we would buy on amazon right now and ask to be delivered to us in the next 24h.  
Will this forever change human contact? I bet there will be a dance when people are not supposed to touch each other. I just hope they won’t call it ‘ Wuhan dance’. We are all already expecting a flood of short movies telling tales of using condom with Hinge and Tinder flavour. Maybe people will be just sex calling and sharing videos of wanking off fest? 
Only the future will tell. That bitch has seen it all.
Over and out from day 2 of sitting on my ass at home. 
P.S considering ordering two desks at ikea so me and Jess can sit in our garden and work from there
P.P.S WFH home joke ‘ is it home time yet?’ 
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chan-hii48-blog · 7 years
SKE48 Igai ni Mango English Translation Unexpected Mango
I dove in Splash to the blue ocean Splash while the sun's rays burned my back
Just with you by my side Splash I become conscious Splash Your bikini has become smaller compared to last year...
From then on, hasn't our love suddenly grown up? I was surprised it wasn't as strange as expected
Unexpected mango (Unexpected mango) Romance is too fast (We have to wait a little longer)
A mango that should be protected (So fresh and young) An innocent fruit
One day (One day) When we've grown up I want to say "I like you"
When my face came out Breeze from the shining water's surface Breeze You coincidentally glanced to my direction
When our eyes locked Breeze You smiled at me Breeze Somehow it's painful Should I dive back in?
Why did you have to become so beautiful? It would've been better if you just stayed your unripe self...
Surprising mango (Surprising mango) Adolescence is in a hurry (I think I even want a kiss)
My first mango (I want to treasure it) A sour experience
Until that day comes (Until that day comes) Even if I'm tempted by that sweet scent I won't reach out for it
When it comes to love, surely it's best to be stoic Just keep it all inside your dreams
Unexpected mango (Unexpected mango) Romance is too fast (We have to wait a little longer)
A mango to be protected (So fresh and young) An innocent fruit
One day (One day) When we've grown up I want to say "I like you"
Happy New Single Release Week! I’ll have to say, I really really do love this song’s music video. Especially since it seems that Churi shot some of the scenes (I saw her name credited under ‘Special Cinematographer’ in the credits). It definitely brings out the innocent and playful energetic definitely SKE-like side of the girls. I really suggest checking it out (and watching every second of it too! The clips in the credits are a really nice touch plus that adorable split-second YuRara in the beach).
Also I’m glad they decided to release the full MV in the official YT channel too. Always nice to see the mv’s in high quality.
As for the lyrics. Okay, I don’t know why, but I was a bit creeped out while translating this (prolly bcs there’s a certain japanese word that sounds similar to mango and some lyrics start sounding different when you replace it with that particular word) but anyway, when I start looking at it deeply enough, the song actually fits Yunana. Like yo, I can’t help but smile when I imagine this as a YuRara song XD sorry im shipper trash. Also, there’s still a few translations there I’m not sure with so feel free to correct me :D
So yeah. I think this single is really really great, and I want to give SKE management a thumbs up and the girls a hug. ^^ Hope y’all check out the coupling songs too! I really can’t get Team E’s Oretoku and P4U Senbatsu’s Kiseki no Ryuuseigun out of my head, so yeah. See y’all later /disappears into depths of school works/ 
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Hi, do you know, does Rai have a livestream on yt tonight as well, or only in Raiplay?
Ciao! I just found out that there will be a video version of the Radio2 (Rai 4 and Raiplay) livestream on youtube. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to see the show as on RaiUno but I guess so (being that on Rai4 as well - just two different hosts and PROBALY from 9:00 P.M.).
Check Rai youtube channel at 9:00 P.M., if you have problems. 
  I’ve found two videos of Diodato and the past editions on this channel. Not sure if there will be a live on the facebook pages ESCITA and Eurofestival Italia, but probably in the next days they’ll upload something.
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daily-monsta-x · 7 years
hi!!! i recently got into monsta x and i love your account!!! i was wondering, since i'm a new fan, what videos do u recommend watching to get to know them?? thank u in advance 💕💕💕
Ah thank you for the message! I’m so glad you like the blog. You’ve made an excellent choice getting into Monsta X, and you won’t regret it ^^
Alright, so where do we start? I’m sure you’ve probably watched their MVs by now, but if you haven’t, there’s a playlist compiled here. The promoting MVs are all super pretty (especially the later ones, very aesthetic), but the self-cam are my favourites :>
The base: Weekly Idol. Monsta X have been on 3 times, once around debut time with a number of other groups (SISTAR, N.Flying, Sonamoo, AOA and Secret) which was over two episodes, and twice more. Their episodes were funny, and Doni and Coni definitely liked them a lot (bitter af about Changkyun in the 2nd appearance, but moving on) Links: [150527]+[150603]  [150916]  [170405]
MX have also done a show with 1theK, called DeokspatchX. There’s two seasons, and both of them can be found on 1theK’s YouTube with English subs. Playlists: [DekospatchX]  [DeokspatchX²]
1theK also have subbed videos of Monsta X’s first full-fledged reality show, Right Now. There were six episodes, all absolutely hilarious, and are in a playlist here. (My favourite episode is 3; watch it and fall even more in love with Minhyuk)
Monsta X have done a variety show for JTBC too, known as Monsta X-Ray. These can be found subbed on VLive, and it also had six episodes. I’m sure you’ve seen gifs of the members being adorable with kids? Those are from here :D I can’t find them all in one handy playlist so: [ep 1]  [ep 2]  [ep 3]  [ep 4] [ep 5]  [ep 6] (personally, I like 2 and 3--mother-in-law Shownu ftw)
Another of MX’s shows can be found on VLive, named No Exit Broadcast. Super hilarious 10/10, a playlist is available on YT here, with English subs
No.Mercy is Monsta X’s predebut survival, and although I’m linking the playlist here I don’t really recommend it. They kind of go out of their way to get the drama in there, you know? Of course you’ll probably end up watching it anyway (I watched it right when I entered the fandom–there was a dearth of MX shows back then)
I also really, really like their Amigo TV appearance and when they guested on The Qmentary. And of course, you should totally check out their VLive channel if you have time. The boys are really funny and their self-cams are always entertaining!
I hope you don’t mind this rather long reply ^^;; Again, thanks for the message, and I hope you enjoy your time in the fandom!
Also I lied, you will regret occasionally, when your soul leaves your body at Monsta X’s amazingness, but you’ll find it’s worth it :>
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Current Music Obsessions: March 16 - 31, 2017
I’m FINALLY sharing my obsessions for the last two weeks of March! ALSO, there’s A LOT of honorable mentions because I PURGED my watch later playlist, and here they are!
Svart Crown - Orgasmic Spiritual Ecstacy Vitja - Heavy Rain Semi Precious Weapons - Magnetic Baby GOTH - Only One Aeternitas - Falling Star Last Leaf Down - Ghost Trails Downcast Collision - Overthrown Erdling - Absolutus Rex Vitas - Opera No2 The Silent Wedding - Silence Memoira - Medusa Adna - Thoughts Lost in Grey - Road to Styx Ray Noir - All Alone feat. Mariann Rosa Parasite Inc. - The Pulse of the Dead Last Leaf Down - Purple Skies String Theory - At the Edge of Universe Midnight Sorrow - Lost for Eternity Symfobia - From the Ashes Arthemis - Undead Aeverium - Vale of Shadows Doxa - The Spring in You Sinheresy - My Only Faith Carach Angren - Song for the Dead Lorelei - Gallows Hymn Mycelia - Drop the Baby Valhalore - Voyage into Eternity Synaptik - The Incredible Machine Alcest - Les Vogages De L'Ame Thallium - I'm Death Avelion - Fading Out Distant Landscape - The Change N.O.M. - A Guys Kobra and the Lotus - You Don't Know
Now for the obsessions!
1) Skies Collide - Run Wild
I came across these guys a few years ago and have been really into them ever since. This is their latest release and I'm really digging it. It's absolutely gorgeous and a bit softer (riff wise) from what they've released in the past, so it's nice to see something a bit different from them. Can't wait to see what else they bring.
2) Black Mirrors - Funky Queen
If you're a fan of psychedelic rock and/or rock n roll, DEFINITELY give this song a listen. This was one of those unexpected gems you find from a sponsored post from a page you like on Facebook. So glad I decided to give them a listen. It's so fun, catchy and such a great song to jam to.
3) The Charm the Fury - Echoes
I've known of these guys for a minute, but I haven't listened to that much from them yet. But out of everything I've heard from them, this is by far my favorite track. It has a great sound, a lovely sounding chorus and is just a badass hard rock track. Got a new band to add onto my Dutch favs list.
4) Sunburst - Symbol of Life
This is a song I rekindled my love for all thanks to it being a recommended video. Sunburst are an EPIC progressive power metal that I discovered sometime last year. Fragments of Creation (the album this song is taken from) is such an amazing album and was a contender for my top 20 list. The lead singer has this powerful and unique voice and you can tell he puts his whole being into their songs. HIGHLY recommend this track!
5) Moondust - Our Fantasies
I discovered this song MANY years ago through a channel named "theabt" and have loved it ever since. Randomly one day in the middle of the month, it popped into my head and I rekindled my love for it. It's such a beautiful gothic metal track that is so underrated. It's such a huge bummer these guys didn't last long. They really could've evolved into something really epic.
6) In Flames - When the World Explodes feat. Emilia Feldt (live)
This was a video that popped up on my recommended videos one day and I immediately got interested because I never knew that In Flames had a song that featured a female singer. I'm so glad I decided to check this song out because it is so beautiful. I also wasn't expecting her to be an opera singer, so when them soprano notes started to come out, I was shook. So good. So good.
7) Bare Infinity - In Desertis
This song is such a ball buster! I never thought I'd ever say that when talking about Bare Infinity, but it's true! This song is aggressive, very proggy and symphonic, but it's still very them and atmospheric. I'm so hyped for this album. I can't wait to listen to it in its entirity because I know it will blow me away and send me to another world.
8) SubRosa - Troubled Cells
If you are into very chill and easy going post rock/metal, DEFINITELY give this song a listen! It's so lovely and relaxing. Post rock/metal like this is my ASMR (the real thing give me terrible anxiety and literally makes me ill). You just feel the music and the ambiance float around you and you feel as if you're part of the atmosphere. It's so wonderful.
9) Caleb Hyles and Jonathan Young - The Plagues (Prince of Egypt) cover
THIS COVER. GURL. It's so epic, powerful and just so good! It has this creepy and dramatic beauty to it, and the video adds to that feeling. It's absolutely amazing. And the cover they did of Savages from Pocahantus is also worth mentioning because it's epic and is how I came across this cover. Go check them out!
10) Emerald Mind - Astronaut in Her Space
I'm pretty sure I came across this song/video from a sponsored ad on Facebook and I'm so glad I checked it out! Symphonic, progressive power metal + sci-fi lyrical themes = HAPPINESS. I am a huge sucker for metal bands whose lyrics are sci-fi themed, and this song is that. This song is absolutely gorgeous and the video is so pretty. So much yes.
11) That Which Remains - Touch My Face
I came across this project while listening to Trees of Eternity one day on YT and learned this was one of Aleah's projects outside of Trees of Eternity. It has an alternative rock/shoegaze kind of feel to it and I love it. It's so interesting hearing Aleah's voice in front of something that isn't doom metal or some sort of ambient music. It's such a lovely track and I definitely plan on listening to more from this project.
12) We Butter the Bread with Butter - Klicks. Likes. Fame. Geil!
WBTBWB is a band I discovered back in the days leading up to my dreaded scene phase, but I only knew one song of theirs and didn't go much further than that one track. But a couple years ago, they came on Music Choise and I really liked what I heard, so I've sorta kept up with them ever since. They're still very much a metalcore band, but they have a strong electronic element to them that I LOVE and they also don't take themselves too seriously, which is EXACTLY what this song is and it is AMAZING! So catchy, fun and fun to blast through headphones.
13) Crimson Sun - Towards the Light
This was a song that I randomly came across in the recommended videos on YT. I wasn't that impressed at first, but I kept it on my watch later so I could listen to it a few more times till I developed a better opinion of it and I'm so glad I did. This is one of those songs that grows on you and sticks with you. Catchy tune with a great singer. Do recommend.
14) Persefone - Living Waves feat Paul Masvidal
I discovered Persefone through Facebook a few months ago when I saw an ad for a preview video (I think) for their upcoming album, AATHMA, that is to be released later this year. Let me tell you this: I have a strong feeling this is going to be one of, if not THE best progressive metal album of the year for me. This track is just so epic and experimental and powerful. This is some proggy epicness that you all need to listen to immediately!
15) Garbage - Magnetized
I saw this video pop up and decided to give them a listen as I've always heard about how good they were, especially when it came to talking about iconic 90's grunge bands. I need to listen to more from them because this song is EVERYTHING. So catchy and fun to jam out to. I so recommend this.
16) Voyager - Ascension
Guys. This song is epic. This is the first single Voyager have dropped off their upcoming album, Ghost Mile, and I am so excited for it! I LOVE the atmospheric nature to this track. Such an epic progressive metal track. Their lead singer's voice is so lovely and his hair is amazing. It's also the first track that I've heard from them that features growls. The bridge is my favorite part. It's so simple, but it packs such a wallop.
17) Ionnalee - Samaritan
This is a new project from the iconic artist iamamiwhoami. Being completely honest, I only know one song from that project, so I can't compare the two projects together, but I can say that they are both ambient/experimental projects. I am in LOVE with this song! It's so fun and catchy. And the video is so interesting and artsy af.
18) D-A-D - I Want What She's Got
Four words. Heavy. Metal. Drag. Queens. I had gotten a song stuck in my head one day and was snooping around through different record labels' channels and I randomly came across this video and thought "is that a drag queen in the thumbnail?" I watched the video and GAGGED. I LIVE for this video! They all look so polished in this video! I wish they were always in drag instead of only in this video. But hey, at least it's really great and catchy tune.
19) Gonin-Ish - Jinbaika
I randomly came across this song one day on YT. I was drawn in by the cover art. I mean look at it, it looks like a cross between Studio Ghibli and Tim Burton and I love it. I decided to give it a listen and I'm so glad I did because it's absolutely gorgeous. Japanese progressive metal. I've never heard a progressive metal band from Japan and now I'm seriously wanting to search for others! Their front woman has a pretty voice and has some pretty intense screams. HIGHLY recommend it just for the extremely beautiful intro alone!
That’s all for March! My lists are probably gonna be shorter for a while, since I PURGED my watch later list so much that now I only have less than 30 songs on it, so that will be nice.
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retrogamingtomtom · 4 years
Did a full 1 hour episode of my 2020 game room, with lots of editing, and time taken into this game room tour. I uploaded it full 4K. 2160P@60fps, It has been 12 hours since it started processing, so the 4K quality isn't ready yet, so its up to 1080P@60 right now.
I want to apologize right now for the audio quality, I bought me a new microphone that hooks onto my phone via the dongle, but it ended up being garbage, but it's to late to do anything about it now. So I have to try to find a good quality microphone for my youtube videos.
So, if you have an hour to spare, Come take a look. Made a full 1 hour episode this time.
RetrObsessed's Gamers Dungeon 2020 GameRoom Tour
Come take a look through my journey from last years game room tour to this years. Lots of changes. Take a look and tell me what you think.
Come check out all my social media on one page: https://linktr.ee/retr0bsessed Gaming Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/retr0bsessed Gaming Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/retrobsessed Gaming Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/retrobsessed Gaming Twitch Page: https://www.twitch.tv/retrobsessed
Some great gaming channels to look out for:
Iowa Retro Gamer Dad: YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtYKCcGetspuRkFqdZ1lMg IG: @iowa_retro_gamer_dad FB: https://www.facebook.com/IARetroGamer
Jeremy (Wartrainwins): YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGBWI7p_eRmF8VrlzcTnxZA IG: @wartrainwins
The Retro Bear: YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd8n7XL2iP-GleqvfGjUd_w
Aaron & Tracy (Thriftalicious Resale Shop): Website: https://thriftalicious.com/ YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0yJBprwtl5vUr_stCY_ROQ IG: @thriftaliciousresaleshop FB: https://www.facebook.com/Thriftalicious
Matt (Part Time Pickers): YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc5C4ApYGlfOCnrttyCIz0A IG: @parttimepickers
Do You Nerd?: YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Y2A1HPTA-IvSBkxDCZDXw IG: @doyounerd
Ray (Audiocraz): Website: http://audiocraz.com/ YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/AudioCraZ & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm0oHDY2Zl7Jb7LCZRsDkpg IG: @audiocraz FB: https://www.facebook.com/audiocraz NERD CAVE SHOW: https://www.facebook.com/nerdcaveshow
Pacmancase: YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvETKg_kgFCuxePXSN2yMaA IG: @pacmancase
Website: https://pixelgamesquad.com/
THE NES PURSUIT ON AMAZON: https://amzn.to/3fqhKAo YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwh3TVQszgmDK6UHzHNdQQ IG: @pixelgamesquad FB: https://www.facebook.com/PIXELGAMESQUAD
Mikey (Bootleg Heroes): YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1uFKHE-xtsWzGtTpTuYxbQ IG: @funkopoppursuit
Gabbo (Gabbo The Giver): YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk15OWv5Bh0 IG: @gabbothegiver
Ricky: IG: @rickyretroliberty
Take a look at my 2nd youtube channel: My eBay Youtube: www.youtube.com/661flips My eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/661flips eBay Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/661flips eBay Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/661flips
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Some black YouTubers fear life is about to get much harder thanks to Logan Paul (GOOG)
YouTube has made it much harder for smaller YouTube creators to earn money from their videos through advertising.
New rules say channels need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watchtime over the last year to keep qualifying for YouTube's partner program, which lets creators monetise their videos.
Smaller creators have already expressed their frustration, but the impact could be much greater on black and minority creators who already have a harder time getting subscribers.
Black creators told Business Insider that losing partner program perks like growth tools would make it much harder to grow their channels.
To an ethnic minority woman browsing through the "beauty & fashion" category on YouTube, one thing stands out: almost all of YouTube's recommended style vloggers are white.
Black creators have often argued it's harder for them to gain exposure on YouTube, though the reasons are unclear. In a 2015 article for SplinterNews, YouTuber Akilah Hughes wrote that one of the most effective ways to grow her own channel was to collaborate with white YouTubers. Otherwise, she said, YouTube barely promotes black creators.
Beauty and lifestyle YouTubers speaking to Business Insider said they feared YouTube's new rules, which make it harder for smaller creators to make money from ads, will unfairly penalise minority creators. The new rules now mean creators need 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watchtime to qualify for monetisation. The changes come after YouTuber Logan Paul had to apologise after posting a video of a dead body from Japan's "suicide forest."
Lania Theresa is a 25-year-old New York-based YouTuber who makes videos about how black women can manage and style their natural hair.
She's been making videos in earnest for YouTube over the last year and, as a small creator with less than 1,000 subscribers, will lose access to YouTube's partner program from February due to the new requirements.
She told Business Insider: "There's already a hugely disproportionate affect on black YouTubers regardless of size. Period. Some of my very favourite successful black YouTubers have a hard time with reaching their audiences."
It's even tougher as a new creator, she added, because YouTube will expose successful vloggers more frequently. 
"It's also easy to get sucked into the same beauty gurus [...] and not be exposed to other YouTubers due to the algorithm," she said. "A lot of exposure comes from word-of-mouth and suggestions, in my opinion. But you have to be active in searching for varied content because YouTube doesn't do a good job in supporting those with less than (at minimum) 1,000 followers."
Lania Theresa makes some money from her videos, she said, but that isn't the point. Losing partner program privileges also means losing tools that help you build your channel, such as the "end cards" that appear at the end of videos.
"I make very little money from YouTube, next to nothing!" she said. "Let's be honest, a lot of small YouTubers don't make money directly from YouTube but with this change not only is the incentive or hope that your passion can turn into a profit taken away, our visibility is shot to hell and small YouTubers already received the short end of the algorithm stick prior to this change.
"It's a Catch-22. I need to grow to receive basic tools that will ... help me grow. They're taking away small tools that aid in visibility such as end cards which help direct viewers to your other videos. It seems so small but it matters."
Dami Olonisakin runs a YouTube channel, Simply Oloni, dedicated to relationship and sex advice. She won't be affected by YouTube's rule change, with more the 3,500 subscribers and averaging 10,000 views a month. While she doesn't earn much money from YouTube advertising, she has signed sponsorships with big brands off the back of her channel.
Olonisakin recently had 2,000 responses to a tweet calling on smaller YouTubers to publicise their channels. Almost all the respondents were black, with channels covering everything from beauty tutorials to vegan Afro-Caribbean food.
We need to help out small youtube creators. Respond this this tweet with your youtube URL so we can ALL subscribe and help you reach over 1,000 subs before February 20th. Hopefully with more subs, you'll also get the chance to get more views too. #YouTubeCreatorsThread RT
— Laid Bare This Sunday! (@Oloni) January 17, 2018
  Olonisakin told Business Insider: "It’s a very difficult one, because although black people are extremely talented, especially black women, we’re usually the last to reap the benefits. When it comes to gaining subscribers, it becomes an even more difficult task and this could be for different reasons, such as other ethnicities not feeling as they can relate to you.
"[YouTube's] new rules will make it even more difficult, and I think that black creators struggle to get the same attention as white creators."
Others share their sentiment.
Let's support each other. Us black youtubers already are the already underdogs. let's network and fight back. #BlackYouTubers #Youtube #UnderDogs #TheyCantStopUs #ThanksLogan #BlackGirlMagic #Queen #naturalbeauty https://t.co/nTWUNgPaUY
— YT: Ray Oshun (@Ray_Oshun) January 17, 2018
  Dear @YouTube these new monetization rules sucks because I am a smaller youtuber and I can't always get 4,000+ hours of watch time. What you really need to be doing is trying to get rid of some of the other channels that ain't worth shit aka Logan Paul *cough cough* (1)
— Anissa Garland (@InCurvesWeTrus1) January 18, 2018
(2) and try to help the smaller channels out because this shit is for the birds and YOU KNOW IT! Sincerely, A SMALL BLACK YOUTUBER
— Anissa Garland (@InCurvesWeTrus1) January 18, 2018
There aren't many high-earning black YouTube stars
A Business Insider ranking of the most popular YouTube stars of 2017, based on data from SocialBlade, features just one black YouTuber, Olajide Olatunji. A Forbes list of the highest paid YouTube stars didn't feature any black creators. 
That isn't to say there aren't any successful black creators.
Popular fashion vloggers Jackie Aina and Patricia Bright each boast around 2 million subscribers on their channels.
And actress and producer Issa Rae created the "Awkward Black Girl" YouTube series in 2011 and landed an HBO series as a result. Although even Rae's dedicated YouTube channel only has around 325,000 subscribers, compared to the tens of millions to popular channels like PewDiePie. 
A spokesman for YouTube pointed to the firm's blog on the changes, specifically the section addressing how YouTubers can gain more subscribers. 
The spokesman said: "We have many free resources in place such as our Creator Academy and YouTube Spaces to help those just starting out build a community around their channel so that they can ramp-up fast and monetize their videos."
SEE ALSO: 'This sucks hard': Smaller YouTubers feel screwed by the new monetisation rules
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