#i clapped irl
limerental · 1 year
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hachiibun · 4 months
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So @rachwavs pointed out that Se/thos occasionally says things in threes, and @snzzone suggested he might do something else in threes...
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auriidae · 3 months
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cherry mccherishson (<not his real name) my favorite littol guy <3333
to copy what i wrote on his artfight page: average sillyguy teen who had planned to spend his apocalypse eating fruit gummies and reading comics before The Horrors came for him. he now spends his days cosplaying as a vigilante and being terrified of any human interaction beyond a few sentences of cartoon-style banter, lest anyone figure out he is borderline possessed by goop beyond human comprehension 👍
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cobaltcable · 7 months
May he have your attention please?
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noa-ciharu · 23 days
Not to sound mean but I genuinely can't understand how can someone id as aroace and straight/gay/bi on top. I understand if it's aspec or idk just aro or just ace but aroace + something else? That's pretty much contradictory. What's even the point of aroace label then?
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icarusbetide · 5 months
i have this fantasy that'll bring me the same amount of joy that ron chernow must have felt when his biography became a mega broadway phenomenon.
picture this: i'm on some quiz show. no experience no research no nothing so i'm last place by a huge margin. the game's wrapping up, i'm thinking about what i'm going to eat after this and whether or not i can wipe the humiliating footage from the internet, when a producer bounds up onto the stage and whispers something to the host.
host: this is interesting! we have a thousand point complete-the-quote question that could put any of you in the winning spot. it's been chosen to be impossible - such an obscure and irrelevant one that to be frank, the game's over.
me: aw fuck i don't know any quotes except for that one john adams-
host: the collected part of the semen, raised and inflamed became a dust, converted to choler, turned head upon the spinal duct, and ascended to the brain -
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waspgrave · 5 months
I think it’s wild Bhaal,Durge, and Orin fans will be like ‘yess!!! Fucked up shit!!’ until the incest-y murderhobo necrophiliac people do something of that nature and then suddenly we’re clutching our pearls. Fellas, is it fucked up when fucked up fictional characters do fucked up things 🤔
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kaeyachi · 4 months
yall didn't like the design for professor naphis? 🥺
but the goggles are so cool!!
and the vibrant green outfit makes him stand out!!
and the bob that everyone hates is my favorite coz it's telling of their personality!
you look at him and go "yeah, he looks like the sage of amurta alright" or "oh he's a mildly insane but strict scientist!"
he probably ticks all the cartoonish character design standards!
isn't he barbie movie-esque? 1990s-2000s mad scientist-core?
he's identifiable from a distance! you could point him out on a police line!!
if he were designed any less crazy than that, I'd be sad 🥺
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silviakundera · 11 months
with the release of TGCF s2, I've decided to start re-reading the novel on my lunch breaks but by god I'd forgotten how much Mu Qing makes my head ache. Maybe the only character in the series that I struggle to enjoy reading.
it's very silly but simple: He reminds me of a personality type in real life that I really really do not like being around - that personality type who seems to willfully interpret everything you say in the worst possible light... who overthinks your every text conversation to imagine all of these undertones and implications that were never there. Like... maybe my words just mean.... literally what I said?! maybe you created bullshit to get mad about in your own head and now you're making me responsible for it?!! Maybe I'm not actually judging you and you're just taking your self-esteem issues out everyone around you? 🤔 It's fucking exhausting.
tldr; Every time this dude is on the page I wanna find him funny but instead I get war flashbacks to toxic irl people I've suffered to know, including family who can't be escaped 💀
i honestly envy the readers who can stan him, cause they don't have my baggage.
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p-pamda · 1 year
i made a messy neocities base for a webcomic that only left needed is decent images. And I've been working nonstop even if it feels like little on comic-finally putting stuff on paper instead of letting it on my mind.
I can confirm the "maybe will happen" has become a "will happen".
Im not letting the hours i put on neocities go to waste grrrrrrr, im happy, im happy, writing is hard and scary!
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bellysoupset · 10 months
urgh i put myself on a diet because while I eat a lot of really good foods, i have a deadly sweet tooth and this is so hard. I feel Vince's pain now 😭
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anixknowsnothin · 4 months
my anxiety levels everytime i reunite with my 2021 friends 📈📈📈
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sorry for being extremely annoying and off-putting and. generally not being around much recently.
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lexsnotdead · 1 year
almost every time i play something new i wish that those video games that don't hold player's hand the entire time were more popular... absence of a task and guidelines makes room for forced exploration and that's when environmental storytelling really comes out on top. when a game trusts me to figure stuff out on my own and the childish sense of pride that comes next >>>
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corpsecoochie · 5 months
are you a monsterfucker?
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