#sometimes you just have to go ‘hm not my thing’ but clap for their weird nonsense
waspgrave · 5 months
I think it’s wild Bhaal,Durge, and Orin fans will be like ‘yess!!! Fucked up shit!!’ until the incest-y murderhobo necrophiliac people do something of that nature and then suddenly we’re clutching our pearls. Fellas, is it fucked up when fucked up fictional characters do fucked up things 🤔
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suhkusa · 3 months
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. plot, angst, sleeping around, atsumu's shenanigans
A/N. beep
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Atsumu might like you. 
He probably does, but it feels weird and foreign coming out of his mouth, let alone being a thought in his mind.
Never would he have thought he’d have feelings for the likes of you. Romantic, at that.
You were annoying and pesky and there was a point in time  where he’d hate being in a room with you. But somehow you made all of those nasty wants fade away. 
He thought that it’d be easy being so fucked up towards you and steering away from your presence. But then you did avoid him. So he thought finally apologizing to you and not being a dick to you would finally free him. But again, it didn’t.
All of these weak attempts of getting away from you and these thoughts of you were pointless if at the end of the day, you’d still live in his head.
And you don’t even know what you do to him. You make him want to be a good person, to not sleep around with all these women. To tip his drivers. It’s gross and not like him at all. Every word he says to you doesn’t feel like him because every word is full of genuinity and kindness. And it’s scary.
Maybe that’s why he finds himself here. With Angie. 
To try and get rid of the thoughts of you.
He’s naked beside her own naked body, as she rests her head on his biceps. 
“I don’t know why you’re so caught up on her? Didn’t you bully the poor girl?”
“Mm, yeah, like in high school,”
She rolls her eyes before moving a delicate hand onto his chest. 
“C’mon, why don’t we just make it official? I’m tired of hearing about her. That’s all you text me about nowadays,” she looks up at him as she pouts. 
Hell no. 
“Maybe in another life, sweetheart,” he smiles weakly, beginning to slip out of the bed, “Anyways, I have to go to practice, got the playoffs tomorrow.” 
“Aw no, stay a bit,” Angie gives him her weak attempt at puppy eyes. 
“You know I can’t,” he tugs on his last article of clothing before continuing, “And Angie?”
“Lose my number,”
It’s a shame he had to break it off with her, she was one of his favorites. Not only that, he’s known her the longest. But sometimes things like that are for the better. 
“Hey Atsumu,” your voice calls as he walks in. 
It catches him off guard, but he returns the greeting, “Oh hey,”
He continues to the court, throwing his back down before beginning to hit his stretches. Atsumu watches as you speak to the coach, rambling about something oh so important on your clipboard.
His eyes wander up and down your figure. Part of him wonders what would’ve happened if you two didn’t stop the other night. Would you have given all of you to him?
Atsumu’s gaze follows you as you make your way to Hinata. Laughing and smiling, nodding your head before moving to the next player. Then the next, then to him. He doesn’t realize you’re in front of him until you actually say something.
“I just wanted to check in to make sure you had everything ready for the playoffs, clean uniform, any kneepads?” you asked, clicking your pen.
“Ah, yeah,” he replies, “if anything I just need a new towel I think,”
He watches as you write something down, “Alright, let me know if you need anything else,” you give him a brief smile before moving onto Sakusa.
The way the smile on your face instantly brightens at the sight of Sakusa ticks him off. But there’s not much he could do, not right now at least. 
With a clap of Foster’s hands, all the men get up from their spots and make their way towards him, commencing the final practice before playoffs.
Even though you weren’t doing anything physically, you felt nearly as exhausted as the boys were and you instantly fell asleep when you got home. 
And thank god that you did, if you were to sleep any later you might’ve just missed your last alarm. You’re nervous while you get ready. So nervous you can’t even eat breakfast, going for a yogurt drink in its place. You can feel your leg shake with anxiety as it holds on the brake at a stoplight.
After parking your car, you meet up with the guys as you all wait to board the bus. You can tell they’re just as anxious, if not more. Even if this is not their first playoff game, it still means so much and more to their career and for them.
You board the bus, setting your stuff down in the empty seat next to you. Taking your place at the window seat, you immediately open your phone and scroll through your socials. You post an Instagram story to the Jackal’s account as they all board. 
After clicking send, you put your phone down. Time to finally catch up on sleep.
“Y/N,” or not.
“Can I sit here?” 
When you look up you’re met with a man with a messy blonde mop of hair, smiling down at you.
“There’s like, 15 other seats you can choose from and not have a seating partner,” you reply.
“Yeah, I know. Just want to sit here, though,” he fake pouts.
You groan, “Fine,” you begrudgingly grab your bag and tuck it underneath your chair. 
You squish your jacket between your head and window to create a makeshift pillow. You can feel his eyes on you, but ignore and let slumber take you under.
You don’t know that you have arrived until you are awoken by a rough hand patting your shoulder.
“C’mon,” Atsumu pushes, “we’re here,”
Holding yourself back from snapping at him, you grouchily gather your things and follow him out the bus. 
You catch up to Foster and give him the itinerary for the day. The two of you discuss the day’s events as the rest of the guys follow behind you. The lot of you locate your spot in the practice gym before settling down. 
You find a little corner to sit in and open your laptop up to review some of the latest matches of today’s opponents, EJP Raijins.
As you scratch notes onto your paper, you listen to the ambience of the guys practicing. The calling for the ball, the sound of skin hitting the ball back onto the ground. 
When you’re in your zone, time flies insanely quickly. It’s scary, because you’re scared for the match. Plus it’s broadcasted on national television, and while you’re not the center of the attention, it’s still nerve wracking to think about.
After finishing what you’re able to, you hand the paper over to the coach, which he then quickly turns to the guys and informs them on the rival team’s techniques. You watch them and help guide them through new techniques and tactics they can use to counterattack. 
They go back onto the practice court and try to practice said attacks. It’s talent, how easily these men can adapt to a situation.
You gnaw on the inside of your mouth as you watch the ball go from one side of the court to the other in a matter of seconds. 
Before you know it, it’s time to go. The guys are changing into their clean uniform, fixing their appearances as camera guys begin to trickle in for any post-game interviews. 
And then it’s go time, and you follow the rest of the guys as they find their way to the main stadium.
All the guys look confident, especially so with all the cameras on them. You put on your best “confident” face as well as you walk beside them.
As you find your spot at the Jackal’s side of the court, you join the team as they huddle up one last time. Coach Foster’s voice is loud and proud as he reminds the guys of what they have been practicing. You smile before giving them a sappy, “you got this!”
The men are excused, and you’re about to head for your seat when you hear his voice.
“Y/N,” he starts, causing you to look up at him, “if we win, you have to go on a date with me,”
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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My period is on and I've always wanted to write a story about that, but Winx Club wasn't something that felt the best for this outlet. Batfamily does work though because they're humans lol.
We go through out periods in different ways. The are the batgirls and batwoman are expys of that and this is how the male members of their family handle it. This is for all my girlie pops that have to deal with this curse. Let's dive in!
Dick Grayson: Hey Barb, you sent me this weird irate text, did I do something wrong?
Barbara Gordon, angry: Yes, remember that triple chocolate cake I had leftover? You better buy me a new one!
Barbara rolls over the man’s foot on purpose.
Dick: Ow, you said I could have it.
Barbara: Lies! Get me a new one or I’m ignoring you for the rest of the day and that’s including comms tonight!
Dick: Okay, I’ll do that after icing my foot. Freaking jerk.
Barbara rolls away grumbling under her breath.
Tim Drake, having silently watched the arguing: Have the girls been acting… on edge lately?
Dick: I haven’t noticed until my foot was ran over? What have you seen?
Tim: Stephanie has been eerily quiet and distant today. Which is not like her. Bruce asked her if she wanted to patrol a different part of Gotham and she just growled at him.
Dick: Hm... that is odd.
Stephanie Brown enters the kitchen, wearing an oversized shirt and jogger pants. She grunts a greeting to the two men. She takes a bag of carrots and a bar of chocolate out of the fridge.
Stephanie: I’m watching cat videos, don’t bother me. Oh, by the by, tell Bruce I will do the other part of town today.
Tim: Got it, bestie.
Stephanie grunts and leaves.
Tim: She hasn’t snapped at me too much.
Dick: Hm… wait… hold on… this isn’t the time is it?
Tim: Time for what?
Dick: We may be in the clear if Cass doesn’t have it.
Tim: Have what?
Dick: You poor summer child.
Meanwhile Jason hears a knock at his door. He answers and sees Cassandra Cain standing there, frazzled.
Cass Cain: Hi Jason.
Jason Todd: Hey Cass, everything okay, you look stressed?
Cass, bashfully: Do I? Yeah, um, my… Aunt Flo is visiting and I… I need to go to the store to buy supplies, I do not want to go in alone and you’re the only one I trust.
Jason: You don’t have an Aunt Flo and why would you need supplies to meet her?
Cass: Oh… oh dear, you don't get it. Um… my crimson tide… has arrived?
Jason: Crimson what?
Cass, pissed off: My period is on! It’s my time of the month! I need to buy tampons or pads before I bleed any-
Jason, covers her mouth: All right, got it... the message is in my head. Okay sure, I’ll get my keys.
Cass: Wait, you’re not… this isn’t strange to you?
Jason: I’m friends with Artemis. I’m so used to this. Let’s get some supplies.
Cass claps eagerly.
Dick calling Bruce: Bruce are the girls on their periods?
Tim: Oh that's what it is!
Dick: Jesus Christ, Tim.
Bruce: Hm... that’s why Stephanie snapped at me and that’s why Barbara cussed me out… I’m a little too used that. Then yes they are. Cass probably is too. Women can sync up sometimes.
Tim: How does he… Bruce how do you know this?
Bruce: Selina is very informative… and Harley is as well. So you learn a thing or two. Go easy on them and they won’t bite your head off. You didn’t do anything to piss them off have you?
Dick, ice pack on his foot: Nope.
Tim: I have not so I’m doing good.
Bruce: Okay, well like I said don’t do anything else stupid, Dick. Dick: I will try not to.
With that Bruce ends the call. He sighs and looks at his cousin Kate aka Batwoman. Bruce: And then there's you.
Kate: Yeah, you’re just going to ignore me? No mention of the four way sync up?
Bruce: I’m ignoring a lot currently. I am a master at many things, women syncing menstrual cycles is not one of them.
Kate, agreeing: Trust me, women don’t get it either.
Bruce: Let’s get you your period stuff at least.
Kate: Could you not call it that?
Bruce: Could you actually be prepared next time?
Kate: Ooh, catty? Maybe you’re on your month as well.
Bruce, chuckles: You’re so funny let me tell ya.
Kate: I cope with humor. Get out the car, Cuzzo. Oh you’re also buying me food today.
Bruce: Of course, I am.
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windamp · 1 year
let's rate red hood costumes
if i forgot smth lo siento. just let me know, there are so many of these and i am one creature
this is just for fun btw. nothing serious here! <3
now these are all comic canon red hoods (except maybe two? we'll get to them). no alt universes. maybe one day.
now on to the costumes
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Hush Jason. Maybe not technically Red Hood but like. c'mon. close enough
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i'm giving the rating 6/10
I know the trench coat was probably more for mr. hush himself, but i enjoy it. i'm also a filthy pouch lover so they do get points. also in red! cute. the boots are also neat. the negatives are that ugly robin dress/tunic thing. kinda silly. still it was good for giving bruce a spook.
2. the classic. the og. red hood utrh version!
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9/10, easy. the casual outfit paired with the sleek red helmet. *mwuah* wonderful! nothing bad to say. it's recognizable. comfortable. stylish. great job all around
3. titans tower. ah.
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-10/10. i would give props for running around in the scalies BUT THE UGLY ASS YELLOW TIGHTS. disgusting. bare his legs to the world you cowards. i'm mad. this could get at least 7/10 for sheer moxy if it weren't for those hideous target brand pantyhose
4. brothers in blood.
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he's literally just copying dick, but being unhinged as hell about it.
5.5/10. he looks good. who doesn't in nightwing's fit? though he is copying, he does get points for obsessive weirdness of it all.
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???/10 i don't know how i feel. i've never known how i feel about this.
5. final crisis
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i think he had a helmet in this arc and it broke but dont quote me!!!! pay me to read final crisis again if you have an issue.
he spends most of his time in jeans + leather jacket + just the domino
this is probably the most boring but i give it a 10/10 my boring ass loves it. no dressups just a guy in a shitty little mask. clapping. bravo. there's something ~thematic~ bout it
6. final crisis pt 2
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1/10 i hate the red robin suit i hate it i hate it. we finally got tim out of the damn thing even though it came at too high a cost (he's trapped in robin purgatory). it does look okay in wfa, but usually in dc reg comics it looks like ass.
regardless jason looks bad in it too. very sweet of murdery bruce to give it to him but ugh. at least could've given him some ears on that mask. then it couldve been bumped a point
7. batman
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the first time jason decided to wear a muzzle. hm.
6/10. there's nothing wrong with it. it's just a bit generically 'what would gun batman look like'. the face part is my favorite, with the weird grater muzzle, pointy ears, and red glowing eyes. it's fun
8. batman&robin
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i need to get my first thought out. the little symbol on his chest reminds me of homestuck. i can't really unsee it. i know like theres no connection. but it looks like it could belong on a homestuck human
anyway. 3.5/10. he was willing to try something totally new, so i'm giving points. i enjoy the white. is the red hood goofy af? yes. yes it is. iconic, though? sometimes the upper black part is drawn lower, i've noticed. it doesn't change much for me.
i like the thigh highs going on here. the red guns are sexy!. he looks bad but there are good things here!!!
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there is this version, which ditches the thigh highs, gives back the classic helmet, removes the cape for a jacket, and adds belts.
6/10 i think it fixes a lot about the prev costume, though it's really just like they threw utrh's costume and his previous batman&robin costume in the blender lmfao
wow flashpoint. father todd is not a red hood, so we progress.
9. nu52
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an update on the og look. i do like the contrasting brown jacket, the prominant thigh straps. sometimes his helmet is drawn suctioned to his face so -2 for any of that cause it's so weird
8/10 not a bad update to the classic.
10. red hood/arsenal
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i dont remember when he changed into this actually. in my head it's rh/a but i could be wrong.
i see no one talking about this abomination. his new fit? yah. this one? no?
4/10 the bottom of this is fine. i HATE the jacket. sorry it's just. ugly. his arm bands are also clunky. the matching between arsenal and red hood is nice though. so it didnt get too low. roy pulls it off better :(
11. wingman
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hm. i didnt read this. this makes me not want too akdsfhsl
0/10. ugly. looks like a villain in some scifi thing in the 90s. like power rangers. sentai villain looking ass. boring grey, ugly lines and shapes, the goofiest helmet on earth......
ig willis is burdened with this curse now
12. 3 jokers (dubiously canon. i dont consider it so but since dc left it in the air we add it)
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he has a helmet for a bit. this one is interesting bc i could actually see it as a futhering of his costume had he lived. sans helmet ofc. it's hard bc i don't not like this, i just feel it doesnt fit his aesthetic in the present day. 5/10. if jason had lived and not become red hood id rank it higher but then we wouldnt be here, would we?
13. batman's gift
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i debated putting this, but it's different enough from the nu52 vers
very fun. body armor all over. i like the red arm guards here unlike w/ the prev one that had these (less bulky ?). i like the leg stripes.
it doesn't really do much to change his look, but there are differences
14. task force z
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it's like the above but more just body-armored. really all he's done is remove the jacket and get shoulder pads. 6/10. the negative point is for the lost jacket :(
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7/10 i did say if he ditched the tights i'd rank it higher (twas all a dream through lmao)
15. current
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controversial of me, but i think. i think it's fine.
now i do agree his little hoodie is.........well it's not that great. my least favorite part tbh.
the new brown pants nicely contrast, though i have seen this costume with grey pants too?
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here we are. The red bandages are fun, i think if they were white i'd hate 'em but the red is interesting. i also like when bits of them are sticking out. idk. cute detail.
i like the muzzle mask as well. that with the hood has given us delightful in shadow!jason where only his eyes glow out. i also like when artists put his white hair tuft out. adorable. probably not what he's going for but that's what the creature no face look is for
really the hoodie is the one thing i'm ??? on. it looks silly in a bad way. there are ways to keep a red hood while giving a better jacket/vest. future state's was much nicer.
this wasn't in the ratings but i do prefer any weapon beyond the crowbar sigh. it starts showing up through a lot of them so i decided to just not do anything about the score.
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malfoys-demigod · 3 years
The One Where Chandler Takes You In
Chandler x F!Reader
Summary: Chandler lets you sleep in his and Joey's apartment after you had to evacuate yours. Chandler's genuine and over-the-top kindness results in confessing his feelings for you.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: My first Friends fic and it's on Chandler! I hope you like it!
Tag: @bellarkeselection
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There was a knock on the door.
“That must be Y/N.” Ross suggested, noticing the clock. So there were times when you’d be late for anything, such as Monica’s daily dinner. But to be two hours late? That was something new.
Monica stood up from her chair from the dining table and walked over to the door saying, “It’s about time you showed up-“
As the door opened, she was met with a messed-up version of yourself, with wet hair, wet clothes, tired eyes, and a self-depreciating smile on your face.
“Hi, everyone.” You greeted the gang, who looked at you with worry.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?” Monica gasped, wondering why you were all so relaxed despite looking the opposite.
You laughed at yourself as you entered the apartment, taking the empty seat beside Chandler, “As of tonight, I’m officially homeless! The entire apartment floor happened to have some caught fire. I wasn’t really aware of this until there was water sprinkling over me like crazy from the ceiling. There wasn’t any fire from my end but their sprinklers must’ve been jammed and continued pouring on my room until, well, everything started messing up my place. Hard-headed me didn’t leave the apartment without a few boxes of clothing and other necessary items so yeah, that’s why I look like I showered with my clothes on.”
“That’s terrible, Y/N!” Rachel said in despair, “Where are all your boxes then?”
You gestured to the outside of the apartment with your finger, “Just outside in the hall.” You said in a cool tone.
“How are you so calm about this? You literally have nowhere to go now!” Monica commented, wondering.
“The apartment company made arrangements for us apparently. I just have to call this number,” you said, withdrawing a piece of paper from your jacket and showing it to the gang, “And have them confirm where I’m staying for awhile.”
“Well why don’t you call them now?” Phoebe asked.
You shrugged, listening to her question. You stood up from the dining chair and headed over to the balcony, attempting to call the number.
After a few tries, nobody picked up. You weren’t having this. You turned around and went back inside, now irritated.
“Nobody picked up,” you announced, frowning.
Chandler, who wanted to be the first one with the proposition, proposed, “How about you stay with me, Y/N?” Then stuttered, “I mean with me and Joey? You know, we could take you in for as long as you want, you could take my bed and I could take the couch and it’ll be fine!”
There was a smile that grew on your face, heart melted from the kind gesture of your friend. You placed your hands on your heart, “Aw, Chan, sure, thanks. But I can’t let you take the couch.”
“Why don’t the two of you share the bed then?” Joey whispered to Ross, who chuckled like a child, which Rachel and Monica heard the both of them, rolling their eyes. They all may or may not have thought that Chandler had a thing for you.
“Hey, whatever floats your boat, Y/N,” he agreed, “Do you need help with the boxes?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
“Alright, and we’re all set!” Joey said, finally placing the couch into a couch bed.
“Thanks, Joe,” you said, patting him on the shoulder.
You turned around to see Chandler staring at the two of you from the kitchen, to which he started moving away from and towards you since he felt like a creep from the back, “Uh, I guess that’s it for the night. There’s a lot of water in the fridge if you’re thirsty, and if you really need anything, don’t hesitate to knock on my door, alright?”
“Yeah, thanks too, Chandler.”
Joey yawned as he stretched, looking a little tired now. “Well, I’m gonna head to bed. Night, Y/N.”
“Night, Joe!” You waved as he retreated to his bedroom.
Chandler gave you a small and shy wave, “I’ll get going too, see you, Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Chandler,” you said, smiling at him. He smiled, turned around, and headed to his room.
When everyone was gone, you tucked yourself into bed and closed your eyes shut with a smile, knowing that you’re being taken care of by your two good friends.
Sometime at 3am, Chandler woke up. He was quite thirsty, which was odd since it was in the middle of the night. He needed to satisfy his body, so he got out of bed and slowly made his way out of his room without making any sound.
As he made baby steps from his bedroom, his eyes darted to the couch-bed. Somehow, he wasn’t in the mood for water anymore. He was curious to check up on you.
He made his way over to you and found you looking like a sleeping beauty. You were dead asleep, but looking so graceful and at peace.
But he knew you could be feeling more comfortable if there was an upgrade to your sleeping situation. He did something he never thought of doing EVER.
He scooped you up from the couch-bed smoothly and made his way to his room. Like the gentleman he was, he placed you on the other side of his bed with ease, placing his blanket over you.
That should do it.
Then he made his way to his side of the bed and closed his eyes. He was at peace. Or at least thought he was.
Five minutes later, he felt your body near his. You were subconsciously snuggling with him, making him feel so flustered about him yet he felt happier.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He murmured to himself, then closed his eyes.
Joey woke up to an empty couch-bed as he made his way to get a glass of milk from the fridge. Hm. That was weird. You weren’t the type to wake up early and leave. Well, why would you leave? Your stuff was here. Well, you could be at Monica’s for breakfast but again, it was too early.
An idea popped up in his head. He smiled at himself, hoping he was right. He tip-toed over to Chandler’s door, opening the knob slowly and pushing the door quietly to see you and Chandler, in the same bed together.
He noticed how your arm was spooning over his waist, as his hand was over yours. The both of you look so at peace and so comfortable that Joey wanted to take a picture of you two.
He couldn’t contain himself. Oh man, he had to tell the rest of the gang.
He slowly closed the door and rushed to Monica’s.
Phoebe, Ross, Monica, and Rachel looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Phoebe guessed, “You had sex with a girl!”
Joey pointed at her, “Good guess, but no!”
“Well, spit it out, Joey!” Monica demanded, now curious since it wasn’t that.
Joey sat in the dining chair with excitement over his jazz hands, “Okay,” he started, “Y/N started her night with sleeping on the couch-bed, right? Then when I woke up, she wasn’t there. So I checked over at Chandler’s room and SHE WAS SPOONING HIM! Oh man, they just looked so cute together, you know, especially with how Chandler likes her, and even his hand was over hers!”
Around the dining table, everyone’s faces became in awe, as they were surprised it finally happened - something between you and Chandler. Rachel’s opened mouth turned into a proud smile, clapping her hands together with joy, “Well that’s just great! I’m so glad something finally happened. Would you know if she went over to him or if he brought her over to his bed?”
Shrugging, Joey shook his head with no answer, “Nah, but I bet he made the first move. I can tell.”
“Well, are they still asleep?” Ross asked
“They should be awake in a few minutes probably,” Joey replied.
Over at Chandler and Joey’s apartment, you and Chandler had just woken up at the same time.
As your eyes started to open, you noticed that your surroundings seemed different. You sat up, quickly turning to the side to see Chandler flashing a small, awkward smile at you.
“Oh, Chan,” you said, as your heart was racing, “Did I sleepwalk or something over to your bedroom?”
Chandler sat up properly now, stroking his hair with a small laugh released from his system, “Uh, no,” he replied, “As a matter of fact I carried you to my bed last night since I figured you’d feel more comfortable here. I hope that was alright.”
“Oh, yeah,” you blushed, appreciating his gesture, “It was comfortable, thank you.”
“Of course,” Chandler replied, smiling.
You then looked away casually, not knowing where this conversation could now lead since there was a potential of it becoming dry sooner or later. There was one thing that you wanted to ask though, now that Chandler had done something out of the ordinary for you.
You looked back at him, feeling a bit stunned since he was staring at you this entire time. He then jittered and started murmuring things that you interrupted by shooting the question, “Chan?”
“Yes, Y/N?” He instantly replied, feeling saved from embarrassing himself even more.
Gulping since this may or may not have been an out-of-the-blue question, “I’m just curious but why would you do this for me?”
“Carrying you over to my bed?” He bluntly asked, raising his eyebrow. You shook your head, “No, I mean yes, but everything on top of that, you know - taking me in. I mean, I know Joey wouldn’t carry me over to his bed or quickly be willing to take me in. Either of the girls would’ve done that but you stepped in so genuinely. How come?”
Chandler looked down, feeling guilty but embarrassed at the same time. He started scratching the back of his head, knowing that it had to come out sooner or later.
“I guess it’s because I-I like you, Y/N,” he confessed, looking up to see your reaction with a hint of fear and anticipation in his face, “And you don’t have to reciprocate if you don’t feel the same way but I’d kinda do anything for you whether you like me back or not.”
You were internally gushing so hard that your heart started beating even faster, seeing how Chandler was basically giving you heart eyes right about now. You placed a hand over his shoulder, and another over your chest with a fluttering feeling, “Oh, Chandler, believe it or not, but I like you too actually,” you confessed back with a blush on your cheeks.
There was a wave of relief and happiness that came from Chandler’s body, as he exhaled with pure joy, “Oh boy, really?” He asked, laughing.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I was probably just better at hiding it, but yeah, I like you Chan. I wished I started the night last night in bed already with you,” you teased. He smirked, gaining confidence to kiss you on the cheek as he said, “We can make up for that and stay in bed for as long as we want instead.”
“What about the gang?” You asked genuinely. He shook his head and threw a hand gesture saying, “Nah, I think Joey can take a hint and should be over there without us right now."
“Alright, I like the sound of that,” you said, laying your head back on the pillow, which Chandler imitated, as the two of you started getting cozied up again.
“As do I.”
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jingerhead · 3 years
Hi!! So for prompt ideas I’ve always wanted to know more about Neil’s time on the run, and how some habits might have translated to his daily life with the Foxes. You can’t tell me he doesn’t just do weird shit sometimes based on the conditioning his mom drilled into him for years. Oh and also the Foxes general reaction to these things. Thanks!!!
Ooooooo I really like this one! So my brain goes straight to some basics, like sleeping habits we know he has with an arm under the pillow and stuff. Maybe he hoards food, it takes him a long time to get more things than he can carry, checks for exits and keeps his body angled so he can get to them instead of being backed into a corner or something.
But listen imagine the possibilities of Neil knowing how to do parkour.
He can run and climb buildings and get to any exit he needs to, so he's super good at scaling walls and has a good eye for spotting unlocked doors and windows. He's flexible, can flip and roll at just the right moments, and he does it so effortlessly. And this is something I've been thinking of forever:
Wymack was furiously talking on the phone, but it sounded like it was more to himself than anyone on the other end. The rest of the foxes were talking quietly to each other, all with different levels of worry. Kevin seemed to have the most, probably because the keys to the bus were locked in an office. Andrew would offer to help, but he'd much rather not have to go to the game that night, so instead he stuck near his people and played with a cigarette box.
"Stop it," Kevin finally hissed. "This is serious."
Andrew only rattled the box more in response, which finally got Kevin to walk away from him. He decided to look at Neil to pass the time, who was staring up at the office building with an intense look. He didn't seem worried, more like he was glaring angrily at the second story window that might be the place the keys to the bus were.
"Well, this is great," Wymack said with a fake grin as he turned towards the team, clapping his hands once. "Nobody can get here until ten."
"Four hours?" Dan and Kevin asked, sounding equally appalled.
"Yup! Someone decided to take a surprise vacation."
If they couldn't get the keys until ten, then they wouldn't be able to get to the game on time. Oh, the horror, Andrew thought, glancing back at Neil, who finally turned back around. "The second story window is unlocked," he seemed to report.
Wymack raised one eyebrow. "And?"
"I can climb up the gutter," Neil said, pointing, "and get to the window."
Everyone was quiet as they listened. Andrew wanted to watch Neil do it, because even if he fell flat on his ass it would be entertaining. Wymack clearly debated for a moment before finally asking, "Without breaking anything?"
"Then do it."
Neil didn't hesitate: he turned and ran towards the building with long strides, hands gripping the gutter to pull himself up until his feet found something to stand on - by his toes Andrew was pretty sure - and then Neil swiftly opened the window and rolled inside. Andrew hated his memory most of the time, but not now, when he could replay Neil scaling a wall like it was nothing over and over again.
A moment later, the front door opened. Neil nodded inside, and Wymack followed him in. Everyone seemed stunned to silence, only asking questions that went unanswered after the two came back out of the building. Next thing Andrew knew, they were on the bus to the game. "Haven't you ever heard of not reminding the teacher there's homework due, Neil?" he asked as the bus pulled away from campus. Neil just rolled his eyes and didn't bother arguing. Andrew held his head up with one hand and stared back at Neil from his seat. "Where'd you learn to do that, Rabbit?"
"Had to learn a lot of things," Neil said back vaguely.
"Hm," Andrew hummed, letting the matter go for now.
Tell me a prompt or something you wish I'd write :)
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
girl in the mirror pt2 | DRACO MALFOY
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PAIRING: Draco Malfoy x Muggle!Reader
SUMMARY: part two of girl in the mirror. draco meets his soulmate for the first time. she’s pretty cool for a muggle, but reveals something that has him heading back to hogwarts a little less than happy. 
WARNINGS: none i think?  
A/N: i dont think americans have houses and i assume most of my readers are american,, so in case its confusing obviously theyre like harry potter houses, but jk rowling made it ten times more dramatic and a main part of her story. we dont really care about houses irl. 
Explaining to you that Draco was a wizard was one of the most frustrating and hardest things the blond boy had ever had to do. Only hours later were you starting to reluctantly believe that he was telling the truth. He’d been reluctant to tell you, but since you were his soulmate, you were allowed to know. You had the right. 
The pair of you hadn’t even realised how much time had gone by, sat on your bed as you stare at him unsurely. 
“You look as though you still don’t believe me,” Draco says. “I’ve shown you my wand.”
“Yes, but you’ve not shown me any real magic, have you?” You raise an eyebrow, folding your arms across your chest. 
“I told you, I have to wait a few months ‘till I’m seventeen,” Draco reminds you with a roll of the eyes. “Then I’ll show you something.”
You sigh, not wanting to believe him but having a funny feeling that he was telling the truth. I mean, how else could you explain the fact that he had literally fallen through your mirror? 
“So... We’re soulmates,” you repeat from earlier, before the two of you had fought over whether or not Draco was really a wizard. 
“Yeah,” Draco whispers with a nod. “You know what that is, right?”
“I guess,” you mumble, hugging your arms closer to yourself. “But why is your soulmate not... magic as well?”
Draco shrugs. “Happens sometimes,” he says. “Never ever to a Malfoy...” He looks a little paler as he says so. “But I suppose there’s a first for everything.”
You wonder why it’s a big deal for a member of his family to be put with ‘a Muggle’ as he had called you before. 
“Enough about me,” Draco claps his hands together when he sees the clogs in your brain turning. “Let me find out about you. Please. I’ve been wondering about you since the day I turned thirteen.”
“There’s not much to say,” you sigh. “I guess I just go to school... come home... homework... maybe hang out with friends sometimes.” 
Draco seems interested despite your negative mood, sitting up straighter with an eager look behind his silver eyes and an encouraging small smile on his face.
 He looks odd sat on your bed. He truly does look like some sort of magical being with his pale features and icy hair, and the black suit and turtleneck and polished shoes make him look like he belongs truly where he says he’s from-- a castle or something. Not your bedroom that screams twenty-first century teenage girl.  
“Well, tell me about school,” Draco suggests, glancing you over. “Your tie is red. Is that your house?”
You glance down with a frown, pulling at your tie. “Hm? Oh, no. I’m in Austen. The yellow house.”
Draco frowns. “Is that good or bad?”
You frown back, raising a brow at him. “I mean... we won the most house points last year? Not really a big deal. Oh, and we won house games, like, two years in a row.”
“Not a big deal?” Draco scoffs. “Well done, Y/N! That is a great deal.”
You stare at him like he’s grown two heads. “Thanks? I’m assuming houses are a big deal at your school?”
“Well, of course,” he says rather arrogantly. “I’m a Slytherin. How were you sorted into your house? Do you take personality quizzes in the Muggle world?”
“No,” you giggle slightly and Draco’s heart skips a beat at the sound. “You just get put into whatever house depending on what tutor group you’re in. I switched from green to yellow half way through secondary school because our tutor group got full.”
Draco had never looked so confused. He wonders how Muggles are even motivated to do well when their house points don’t even really mean anything to them. 
He knows a few things about Muggles-- he knows they definitely do not play Qudditch on flying brooms and would much rather play football. He guesses their house games are like that. 
“My tie’s red because I’m a prefect,” you say and reach into your bedside drawer, producing a red badge with ‘prefect’ written in gold on it. 
Draco’s grin brightens, taking it from you as he scans it over. “Oh, they look just like ours!”
You laugh at his eagerness. “That’s good.”
There’s a moment of silence and Draco peers at all of the records placed on your wall. He stands and moved to look at some of the vinyl covers, pointing at your The Neighbourhood one, releasing a huff of air past his nose and glancing over his shoulder back at you. 
“You listen to this one all the time,” Draco states. “I like the one about jumper weather or something.”
You laugh and nod. “Sweater Weather. It’s a good song...” You trail off. “You know, I don’t really understand your music. You only seem to listen to classical.” 
“That’s me,” Draco says, scratching the back of his neck. “Playing the piano. I don’t- I don’t really listen to music much. I never really have to when you listen to it 24/7 anyway.”
You look away with a small blush on your face, bashful. “Sorry.”
“No, no, no,” Draco moves to sit beside you on your bed. “I love it, actually. It makes assemblies less boring and sleeping in a dorm far more bearable.” 
“I’m glad,” you say. “Do you want to listen to something now?”
Draco’s breath hitches because it’s all he’s ever wanted. He nods slowly, scared that you would laugh in his face and take your suggestion back. You grab your phone off of your bedside table and press shuffle on a playlist. Draco can’t believe how weird it is to hear your music playing but not have it muffled in his ears as if he was underwater. 
He watches with parted lips as you slide down so you’re laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. Draco looks at you like you put the stars and the moon in the sky. You might be just a Muggle, but you’re magic to him. The true definition of it. 
Slowly, unsure if he’s crossing a line or not, Draco slides down so he’s lying beside you on your bed, on his back like you. You both stare at your ceiling and he notices that you have constellations painted on it. He nearly melts when he sees ‘Draco’, one of the biggest ones. 
He slides his hand down the small gap in between you and hesitantly holds your hand before guiding it up above your heads. It’s not like real stargazing, but Draco likes it. Maybe one day he would be able to sneak you to the Astronomy Tower and show you the same sky he stares at most nights. 
“That’s Draco,” he says. 
You smile as you turn to face him and Draco shuffles to face you too, the only sounds being your small breaths and an Arctic Monkeys song playing behind you. 
“Maybe I always knew?” You suggest. 
“Maybe,” Draco chuckles back and turns to look up at the ceiling. 
You spend a few seconds admiring his side profile; his sharp jaw and the strength of his nose. It’s hard to be scared of the stranger when he’s so beautiful and feels so familiar. Like a puzzle piece you’d been looking for. 
“You’ve only been playing sad songs recently,” Draco says quietly after a little bit. “Is everything okay with you? I was worried... so I asked my friend to teach me how to do the mirror trick.”
You frown a little at the reminder and immediately grow embarrassed. You’re not sure if you should make up a lie or try to change the subject, but Draco seems really concerned and you’d feel awful lying. 
“My... Well, um, my boyfriend broke up with me,” you say awkwardly. 
You feel Draco stiffen beside you. He sits up after a few seconds. He knows it’s not really your fault but he can’t help feeling jealous and angry. He swallows as he stares at a spot on your carpet, unsure how to feel knowing that his soulmate had been with another person. 
He needed a moment to think. He didn’t want to scare you with his harsh words or looks.
“I should get back,” Draco mutters, trying to make his voice sound strong as he stands.
“Draco, I--”
“It’s nearly what? Four in the morning? I should of been going ages ago anyway,” he forces you a grim smile as he heads towards the mirror. “I’ll try and talk to you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You watch with a saddened expression as Draco slips his hand through the glass or your mirror and is suddenly gone. You push yourself up from the mattress and rush over, your fingertips brushing it but coming to a dead end. You blink back tears, wondering if you had just imagined the entire thing. 
You stare into the mirror, unaware that Draco is sadly staring back. 
i know it’s a lil dramatic but that’s draco for you and teen love in general tbh 
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Keito Lecture/Chapter 2
Season: Summer
Location: COCHI
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Yuzuru: (...I have finished my work, now I must join everyone)
(Keito-sama and Hiiro-sama too went ahead...Oh?)
Hiiro: Heyy! Fushimi-senpai! Over here!
Yuzuru: Ah. I’m awfully sorry for keeping you waiting.
Aira: It’s alright. Here, have a menu.
Yuzuru: Thank you very much. …Then, I’ll have the lunch set.
Mika: Weh, I’ll have the same~. Naru-chan said that the fried food here is real good. I can’t wait ♪
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Mika: Nnah~? Hasumi-senpai, where you off to?
Keito: I’ll only be a moment. I’ll be back.
Aira: He’s walking towards the entrance. Who’s he talking to… Kiryu-senpai?
Hiiro: Buchou’s there too. Look, they’re coming back together.
Keito: Kiryu and Nagumo also came here to eat, but it seems there is no more seats left.
Though fortunately this table is rather big, so we have room to spare. Is it alright if we all share a table?
Hiiro: I see. I warmly welcome you all.
Let’s clap everyone! That’s the right thing to do when you welcome someone.
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Tetora: Nonono, that’s embarrassing so I want you to stop.
I’m gonna go grab two chairs so we can sit and talk, Taishou.
Kuro: Yeah, please do. …Anyway, this is a weird group. What brings you all together, Hasumi?
Keito: We’re all apart of Keito Lecture.
Kuro: Keito Lecture… Ohh, I remember. Ain’t this your studyin’ circle, Danna?
Keito: Yes. Will you be joining us?
Kuro: Absolutely not. I’m no good at studyin’.
Tetora: Taishou~, I got some chairs for us! Whilst I was up, I ordered as well.
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Kuro: Cheers, Nagumo. Right then...
Hiiro: Our circle is not just about studying, Kiryu-senpai. Today, we learnt about traffic rules.
Tetora: Traffic rules? Like when you put your hand up when you’re crossing the street? [1]
How nostalgic, right? I remember learning about how to cross the road safely in elementary school.
Kuro: Yeah me too. Did you lot not get taught about that? You’re not kids anymore.
Keito: You’ve probably forgotten that if there isn’t a sidewalk, you’re meant to walk on the right-hand side?
I set out with the intention of reviewing it. It seems that Amagi has learnt from the experience, so it was worth teaching.
Seeing him reminds me of the old Kanzaki. Though I can appreciate his seriousness and having an one-track mind, he lacks common sense in some aspects.
For immediate results, in regards to wanting to improve yourself, I think you must also devote yourself. I’m concerned that a lack of common sense will invite trouble.
Tetora: Ah~... I think I have an idea of what Hasumi-senpai’s saying.
Whether it's Karate Club or your mind, sometimes you have to do weird things~ It’s always surprising what works out.
Kuro: At the moment it’s nothin’ harmful, but it’s interestin’ t’watch from the sidelines. Danna, what’s Amagi’s schooling like?
Keito: Well. Though I am making an effort, there are some things you cannot learn in a classroom.
How can we properly assess how much Amagi has adapted to society? Should we consider hands-on-training…?
Kuro: Hands-on-training, heh..? What about all of Keito Lecture going out on a trip?
I’m a part of the Overnight Outdoors Party, and we go to loads of place to escape modern society, though the first time we went out, gettin’ there was a pain.
After a while, you get somewhat familiar with each other's habits. Now we’re all in sync, it’s good fun.
You should go somewhere far away with your group too. If ya spend a night and two days livin’ together, it’ll be a good, educational path, right?
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Keito: Hm… Then, how about meditating under a waterfall in the mountains?
Kuro: Woah, hold your horses. They’re no Kanzaki, so it’ll be pretty tricky for the average person.
Keito: Nothing else comes to mind. I seldom leave my hometown, so I don’t know what this so-called “outing spot” is.
Kuro: Oh right. Well, what about just going camping?
There’s a campsite I’ve been to a few times with the Overnight Outdoors Party. It’s aimed at beginners, so the service is good.
There’s someone permanently stationed at an administration office, so if you have some issues, you can go talk to them. You can rent everything you need as well for camping from tents to cookin’ supplies.
You can get food stuff from a nearby shop, so everyone knows you can just show up empty handed and still be alright.
Keito: Hm, please, tell me more.
Mika: …Hasumi-senpai, Kiryu-senpai, campin’ sounds pretty excitin’.
Hiiro: I think so too. By the way, what’s camping?
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Aira: Huh?! Have you been listening without knowing what they’re talking about?
Hiiro: Yes, because it’s bad to interrupt halfway through a conversation. Please, I’d like you to tell me what camping is.
Aira: Umm, how do I put this… Like, roughing it?
Yuzuru: I believe saying “living out in the open” would work well as a definition too. It is where you enjoy the simplicity of living in a cloth tent.
Hiiro: I understand if you say that, Fushimi-senpai[2]. Back in my hometown, hunting is a tradition. So will we be hunting?
Fufu, I’m looking forward to it. I’ve always been taught about it, so I can finally put it into practice…♪
As a child in Japan, you are taught to put your hand up when crossing the road so cars will stop for you
Everyone has been using the word "キャンプ" (kyanpu). Hiiro only understands what they're talking about once Yuzuru uses the kanji for it (野営/yaei)
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Venti and Diluc: Friendship HCs
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Hi elliechan! I’ve already written friendship hcs for Venti but I never want to leave anyone hanging (unless the dupe request is incredible specific and I can’t add onto it anymore) so think of it as a part 2. But if you haven’t seen Part 1 yet, I added a link.
Also, I would like to credit fulltimeventisimp​ for helping me out with this fic. My monkey brain couldn’t think of anything for Venti but they gave me literally a fics worth of content. PLEASE IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, MAKE IT AN ACTUAL FIC! I LOVED IT! I tried my best to not piggy back too hard off it but if it does seem that way, let me know and I’ll definitely change it. 
But thank you 💕💕💕
Part 1: Venti Frienship HCs
Xiao: Frienship HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​
Venti and Diluc: Friendship HCs
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The first time you met the bard, it was when you were visiting Mondstadt as a small pit stop. He was sat on top of some wooden boxes, next to an apple vendor, singing a short ballad. You’ve never encountered bards throughout your journey and he did have a lovely singing voice so you decided to stay a bit and listen in. It felt like the wind itself was carrying his voice throughout the streets but you couldn’t help but feel a bit...melancholy from his tune. Was it homesickness? You clapped with the crowd when the bard finished and on a whim, you decided to buy him a small bag of apples. He seemed to like them as he only asked the apple vendor to gift him two for his efforts. When you paid your purchase the bard seemed to be in a deep conversation with the same vendor that you didn’t want to disturb them, after all you weren’t going to be in Mondstadt for long. So you placed the small bag of apples beside the bard’s lyre with a quick thank you note, a couple extra coins, and continued on your journey. 
You didn’t expect that small act of kindness would lead to anything but when you were preparing for bed, the same bard popped his head outside your window and almost gave you a heart attack. This bard was lucky he didn’t catch you while you were changing your clothes or else things might have turned ugly. He wanted to thank you for your generous donation which you simply waved off explaining that throughout your journey, you never met anyone that could sing quite like him. A small token of appreciation. Perhaps it was because you fed his ego too much or other reasons but that seemed to peak the bards interest and ask about what other fascinating places you’ve been too. You talked about the horrible mountain you needed to climb through to reach Mondstadt, the shining electro lamps of Inazuma that would spark if you got too close, to the clear pools and lotus heads in Liyue. 
“You’ve been around all over the place! Perhaps you would allow me to write a ballad of your conquests?”
“Hm? Is that so? Why don’t you come with me? Go outside the walls of Mondstadt and explore. So you can write your own ballad instead of others.”
“Is this another acting whim of yours?”
“Haha, perhaps.”
Unsurprisingly, you don’t see the bard the next day. It was probably a lot to suddenly ask a stranger to drop everything and come with you to unknown places. But you decided to stay in Mondstadt for a short while and see what the City of Freedom had to offer. From meeting the supposed gliding champion and learning a few pointers, to the mysterious Calvary Captain who you were sure was probably the shadiest person you’ve ever met, to the aloof red headed tavern owner. You weren’t much of a drinker but everyone in Mondstadt, especially the knights, seemed to really enjoy their wine and were incredibly friendly to strangers. On the night you were planning to leave Mondstadt, the rowdy knights you’ve became friends with decided to celebrate and urge you to drink to your hearts content (please drink responsibly haha). You must have been a bit tipsy when you met the bard for a second time, introducing himself properly as Venti. You could blame it on the alcohol when you suddenly challenged him to a drinking contest but it was the most fun you had in a while. You were pretty sure everyone got kicked out but as you leaned against Venti absolutely hammered, laughing about the silliest things, it was the most freeing feeling you’ve ever felt. 
From then on, even after you had left the City of Freedom, you could would randomly see Venti pop up sometimes. Should it be at Starsnatch Cliff or all the way in Wolvendom, you would see a few fluffy feathers appear as the bar- Venti announced his arrival. You were pretty sure Venti was bored whenever he visited you to see what you were up to but you didn’t mind. His liveliness nature was addicting and you were an easy going person. Though, some of the jokes he made, made you a bit suspicious of him. Whenever he would say that Andrius was secretly a grumpy mother hen or that Dvalin was actually a shy sweetheart.
“You sure do know a lot about Mondstadt. You sure you’re just a bard Venti?”
“Hmm, well it shouldn’t hurt to tell you. I am Barbatos. The Anemo Archon of Mondstadt. Pleasure to make your acquaintance..-again.”
“I see...and yet you still get ID checked?” 
Outside of Mondstadt, Venti is a whirlwind of emotions. Always wanting to see what’s changed or linking your hands and dragging you off to some far off chest he found. How did his small body have so much strength to nearly pop your arm out? He did come in handy during your Liyue expeditions since he can give you a small boost to just reach the top of that cliff. You thought violet grass was bad, it should be illegal for Qingxin flowers to grow on the very top of mountains. Venti thinks it’s really sweet that you put so much faith in his winds to let yourself fly when he uses his elemental skill. Though, it’s a bit of a double edged sword. When you finally reach the very top and you’re waiting for Venti to join you, he might pretend to loose control and throw himself off the cliff. You sometimes forget he’s literally the anemo archon and you’re ready to go gliding after him before he pops up in front of you to give you another scare. While he’s laughing, you’re already planning how to sneak slime condensate into his hat. 
“You should have seen your face! I didn’t know you could scream like that! Liyue must think a banshee is haunting their mountains again!”
“Watch yourself gremlin, you might wake up without hands tomorrow.”
“Haha, you wouldn’t do that...right? How would you even do that? Why aren’t you saying anything?!”
“Isn’t there a saying in Liyue Venti? You can’t run from your debts? Prepare yourself.”
For as child-like Venti appears, you both end up getting into a bit of trouble when Venti get’s a bit too bold. While it’s incredibly refreshing to see someone speak their mind regardless of the consequences, you actually kind of admire him for that, usually the boldness comes from trying to bribe the bartender for free drinks. Your poor wallet is crying out every time Venti spots a new tavern. While he say’s he will pay you back or he’ll pay you back in a song, you can’t actually eat his words. But on other occasions you can’t help but join in when it happens to be one of the Fatui guards giving you both a hard time. You feel like you’re acting out a Shakespearian play with all the flowery nonsense and metaphors you’re both spitting out. 
When you’re both in the thick of a forest or even on top of Liyue’s mountain, Venti will bring his lyre out and strum his strings softly as you both fall into a comfortable silence. Looking at the sunset or relaxing under the trees as the sun peaks through as you both live in the moment. It’s these times that you’re harshly reminded that Venti is an archon as he slips out of his persona and speaks as Barbatos. He tells you how fun your adventures have been, that he was glad to have made friends with you, speaking as if you’re about to die tomorrow. You’re not sure how to handle it, what kind of burden Venti is carrying, but you immediately drop everything and comfort him. Giving him a strong but warm hug that you’re still here and he’s not alone right now. 
“Come on, I’m still waiting for the Ballad of Venti. You haven’t given up on that right?” 
“Hmph, of course not. Every being deserves a name to be called upon, and woven into a song.”
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It was a peaceful day, one Diluc hadn’t felt in a long time in his hectic life. Though it was a bit too early to determine how the day would go since it was still noon. The tavern would soon get loud as it approached night but for now. Everything was peaceful. The sounds of Monstadt streets bustling. The peaceful atmosphere as the sun shone through the windows. Working on mundane tasks of wiping the counter down. No Kaeya in sight. A small moment of peace. All broken when his door was kicked nearly off its hinges as you announced your return from your shopping trip as if you had returned after a 3 year long journey. Diluc sighs under his breath, takes a moment to pray he doesn’t need to repair his door again, and helps you with your bags as you ramble about your day. 
To others, it’s always seems a bit weird when they catch Diluc and you chatting since Diluc always gives off the lone wolf persona and yet you’re this ball of sunshine. Maybe it’s because you knew Diluc when he was a child, back when he was still bright-eyed, that you never treated him any differently when he came back. Diluc never really talks about it but he’s happy that you’re still the same and he can let himself relax with you. He still keeps his silent demeanor as he listens to you talk about anything and everything, it helps keeps his mind occupied, but he might add a few comments here and there. Just to let you know he’s still listening. 
You know what sounds really hot? Sitting in the same room with someone while you both do your own respective thing. You both don’t feel forced to talk to each other just because you’re in the same room or you have to do everything together just because you’re together. It’s an easy atmosphere that settles as Diluc works on business papers and you’re planning your next expeditions. Until you end collapsing on his couch because your brain processing has suffered enough and it’s time to take a nap. You always end up dragging him out of his work to go outside and take a nice doze in the sun. 
If you ever have a problem, he won’t necessarily coddle you unless it really bothers you or you’re in a situation where it could hurt you, but he’ll do everything to help you work through it. You’re his friend and if someone is giving you a hard time then he has no problem chasing them away, especially if its a Fatui member. If it happens to be Kaeya, well that’s an entirely different story. Likewise, if it appears to you that Diluc is going through a rough time you’ll try and comfort him. Do small little things to let him know that you care and while he doesn’t need to tell you what’s wrong, you’re here to support him. 
Diluc enjoys playing chess against you, even if he wins most of the time, you’re always so determined that he can’t help but laugh along with your over reactions. Presenting him an entire 20 page paper on chess and yet getting checkmated in 10 turns. You’re 95% sure all the chess strategies he offered were all fake, if his smug grin is anything to go by. You both have agreed to never play darts together, well more specifically, you’re pretty sure you’re banned from playing darts when you almost hit Adelinde. That was the first time you ever genuinely feared for your life. 
Whenever Diluc has to attend a gala or has to host a party to further his business, he’s always appreciative when you show up. You’re not exactly apart of royalty or even a business owner but it’s so refreshing to Diluc, after spending so much time keeping a polite attitude and trying to talk business, when he can come to you as you laugh about how one lady almost tripped because her dress was too long. Sometimes he’ll lean a bit on you or pretend to be in a conversation just so he can recharge. 
More often then not, you’re mistaken to be Diluc partner even though the idea of holding Diluc’s hand makes you want to throw up. But when Diluc get’s random father’s trying to offer their daughter’s hands in marriage, he’ll pull the excuse he’s already with someone if they can’t no for an answer. It’s always funny to you, linking arms with Diluc and re-telling the grandiose story about how Diluc saved you from falling off a cliff when you were both younger and you were both star-crossed lovers that were destined to be together. Or something like that, you’re pretty sure you’ve changed the story enough times that you can’t keep track. But it seems to work and as soon as they are out of ear’s reach you make a quick gagging motion. He shoves you a bit to which you elbow him in the side. Old habits die hard. 
I swear, I could probably recite character stories word for word at this point. Gripping my writing hand don’t make it angsty, don’t make it angsty, don’t fucking do it. But I still did, whoops. 
I feel like my fics are really long so I’ll add a read more tag. Mmm writing styles are hard. I don’t know if I like this;; I ended up writing so much to try and combine my “hcs are just another word for fics just without the dialogue” and “actual headcanons” styles. Ahh, well whatever. I have to go speedrun my assignments since genshin is going to eat all my time this week. 
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
WONDERLAND MASTERLIST ⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
CHARACTER LIST: White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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"Teach you what?"
"How to be a better man, how to have mercy, and compassion."
Unbeknownst to you, a little purple and pink cat watched every step you took. Of course, it wasn't because he cared. Cheshire (unlike many other Wonderland villagers) genuinely wasn't affected by your presence, or lack there of, but the Hatter had asked him, in exchange of a hefty reward, of course, to keep an eye on his beloved Y/N.
While watching over you Cheshire just did a whole bunch of growling and nose scrunching. He hated the sight of the King, and even worse, was the sight of such a man in love.
"Such a shame to be the bearer of bad news dear friend," Cheshire said, not at bothered by the fact that he had bad news to tell "but it seems as if Y/N will be our new Queen."
The cat twirled a strand of his coloured hair around his index finger, as he fell down onto one of the many chairs along with the Hatter's never-ending table.
The Hatter's eyes widened and so did his toothy smile.
"She's carrying on with the plan! She will decapitate him herself and become our Queen! Oh but I'm so happy I could dance the Futterwacken again!"
He clapped feverously and suggested a toast, clearly missing the meaning of Cheshire's words.
"I'm afraid you missed what I meant, Hatter. She will be our Queen, because she will be marrying the King."
The atmosphere suddenly became silent, eerie even. The Hatter's green, sparkly eyes transformed into an ugly, rage-filled, yellow. The man gripped the teacup on his hand so hard it broke, but the rage, disappointment, and growing heartbreak fogged his brain to the point where he didn't even notice the pain, nor the blood trickling down his palm.
The Hatter was rarely angry, but when he was, it was enough to scare poor Cheshire, who didn't hesitate in disappearing into thin air. Or he tried to. Before every bit of his body could be gone, the Hatter grabbed Cheshire's hair, making the cat groan in pain, and threw him on the ground.
"What has he done to her!? Was it a curse!?"
Cheshire caressed his head and stood up to look at the Hatter.
"It wasn't a curse Hatter, she fell in love. After you deceived her and the King showed her nothing but truth and love, the choice was pretty evident."
The reasonable explanation seemed to calm down the Hatter, whose eyes morphed back into their greenish colour. However the dread and panic in his face were still evident. Cheshire, still quite upset at Hatter's tantrum, could see on his friend's face an expression of someone about to spew a terrible, terrible idea.
"We must get her away from the Palace. It's gotten into her head. Let's get her back to us!"
The man-like cat floated back to his usual place in the air, twirling in the process. He chuckled audibly, showing his sharp canines in the process.
"Hmm yes, let's steal her away from the man she's come to love, so she could be with us, the people who lied to her for our own benefit. Sounds like a party if you ask me..."
"A party!?" Haigha exclaimed, his left eye twitching as he smiled widely at the mention of his favourite hobbie.
"That's where the King's behaviour comes in our favour," the Hatter said, patting Haigha's head so he'd sit back down "once he sees her take her beloved Queen away, he will show his true colours, Remember how scared and freaked out she was last time we saw her? She said he seemed really sweet while talking to her until he eventually snapped. Once he snaps, he will freak out and bring out the tyrant's behaviour and scare her away."
It was hard for Cheshire to admit, but his mad friend's plan wasn't so mad after all. It was possible to accomplish what the Hatter suggested, and there was nothing to lose, you already hated them anyway.
The Hatter slapped his thighs and stood up, fixing his big top hat in the process.
"Shall we go?"
Haigha was already standing up from his seat when Cheshire stopped them.
"Perhaps we should discuss the plan further... Something tells me we might need some help from Absolem and Bayard..."
Sneaking you out past the Card Knights would take a lot of help, and Cheshire had already worked out in his head the escape plan. It would take a little pressure on Absolem, as he managed to care even less about the people around him than Cheshire did, but the cat was sure he could get a shrinking cake out of the blue catterpillar. After shrinking you and hatter down to the size of a strawberry, Bayard (the loyal dog friend of Hatter's, that Cheshire tried his best to keep a distance of) would bring you to the White Rabbit's house, as it would be too obvious to come back to the Hatter's cabin.
The cat had no intention to help you, but he did like to see some drama and commotion in Wonderland once in a while, and this was his chance.
Whilst all of the furious planning went on on the greenlands of Wonderland, in the Palace you and the King sat opposite of each other on his bed, gossiping like two high schoolers.
"And then my best friend at the time, Anna, slept with my boyfriend and said it was 'because of a dare'. I forgave her because we had been friends for so long but then she told my crush that I smelled so I stopped being her friend."
The King nodded along and listened attentively (trying his best to cross his legs just like you, but failing miserably) to your story.
"Hm yes, yes, I understand. My best friend ate one of my tarts so I cut off his head."
You couldn't help but scoff at the way he compared the situations, although you reprehended him right after for the heartless act.
He had asked to know of your previous life, how it was back in your world, and so you sat there reminiscing your past for hours on end. Most people in Wonderland came from other places, but Seonghwa had never been elsewhere, as he was born in the Kingdom.
"So this establishment you call 'school', was it like a club you went to where you reunited with your peers?"
"No, no. School was a mandatory thing for all kids, we went there and a bunch of teachers taught us about different things."
"Hm, but all you've told me so far were anecdotes about these friends of yours, what were these classes like?"
You blushed slightly, realizing that in fact, you didn't remember shit from school, aside from past dramas.
"Well, they told us many things about earth, about what makes the world move, about how society works, and what makes things work. We learned about gravity, about numbers, about stars-"
The King's eyes lit up as if he was a child whom you had promised ice cream to.
"Yes, stars. Why?"
Seonghwa stood up from the bed in such a violent manner, he nearly fell. The man ran over to his closet, from where he retrieved an old book. The hard cover was beginning to tear, and the once white pages had become a weird mix of brown and yellow, but you took it in your hands nevertheless.
"This book once fell into the Wonderland when I was a child. I was alone most of the time, so it kept me company. I can tell from the images it talks about the stars, and I think I learned a lot from it since I stared at them a lot, but I cannot comprehend the alien language."
The King leaned against the headboard, and you laid beside him, placing your head on his chest, so you could hear his now nervous heart beating fast from the contact. Out of instinct, the King placed his arm around you and pulled you closer, as you opened the book.
You chuckled slightly, after seeing the author of the book and opening its pages.
"Seonghwa this isn't an alien language, it's Italian. Well, I guess it's an alien language to you, but it was funny that you said it that way... The person who wrote it was very influential back where I'm from, he taught the people of Earth many things about our space."
The male listened carefully as you tried your best to explain the things in the book as best as you could.
"This here is what we call the Solar System. It has nine planets, but only one of them has people, this one, where I live." You told him, pointing towards Earth.
Seonghwa noticed how your posture changed, after you remembered once more that you would never return home again, and panicked for a second. He disliked many things, but your tears had definitely gone up to his number 1 on the list.
"How about I ask for a picnic to be arranged in the garden, and at night we can watch the stars."
You turned to face him and smiled as you nodded. Seonghwa's thumb caressed your arm, and you couldn't help but to place a soft kiss on his lips, as a 'thank you'. No matter how many times you did that, the King never seemed to get used to it. He would always feel butterflies in his stomach and fireworks exploding on his chest. Sometimes you felt perverted, thinking of how he'd react if one day you decided to take it... further. You imagined how pretty he'd look... But you decided to take your time. Baby steps...
The King couldn't wait for dinner time, and you could tell from the number of times he had gone up to the window and pushed away the blinds to see if the sun was finally setting.
As he was staring out the window, you came behind him and wrapped your arms around his figure.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Seonghwa looked around, to make sure no one was nearby eavesdropping. He wouldn't want your secret to being known.
You tiptoed so your lips could be leveled with his ear.
"You're adorable."
Once you got back down and looked into his gleeful eyes, you smiled.
"Let's keep this secret between us!" He joked along.
"Yes, I wouldn't want the other ladies to know and steal you away."
Seonghwa held your face and lovingly placed a kiss on your forehead.
"The other ladies don't stand a chance next to you princess."
Your cheeks heated up and you slapped his chest out of embarrassment. The King's face grew worried and confused.
"Why did you hit me? Have I done something wrong? It was meant to be a compliment I'm sorry I compared you to-"
You grabbed his face and squished his cheeks, making him form an adorable pout with his red lips.
"Seonghwa, it was a good thing. I slapped your chest because I was embarrassed, I was really touched by your compliment."
Once you let go of his face, the King tapped his chin with his index finger, in a pensive manner.
"I have much to learn about our future interactions, I do not understand many things."
You just chuckled and took his hand in yours.
"We have many years ahead of us, you will learn someday."
The small acknowledgment of your future made Seonghwa very happy. Never in his pitiful life had he even thought of being this happy over small actions... Last week the only thing that brought him joy was the sound of a traitor's head hitting the concrete floors of the palace's main area, but since you arrived, a smile was all it took for his cold heart to start beating again.
It didn't take long before one of the frogmen knocked on the door to inform the picnic was ready. Seonghwa didn't let go of your hand as you walked outside, to sit among the red roses.
You had finally come to terms with Wonderland's weird food. You had no choice really...
"Have you never been attracted to anyone, Seonghwa?" You asked as you munched down on a sandwich of... whatever it was.
Seonghwa's expression faded a little.
"Once. I had just become King and I thought that the next step would, logically, be the find a Queen. Every woman displeased me. All but one. She was beautiful, hair as dark as the night sky, tanned skin from the sun, and a beautiful mole under the eye. But she was cold, evil... I thought that it was a perfect match. After all, I wasn't the most caring person. But she would treat me like a servant. Our relationship was purely to serve a purpose to the Kingdom, nothing else. We slept in separate rooms and spent the day apart. We only dined together, but since I saw the same behavior from my parents I thought that that was love. Our wedding had been scheduled long before she moved into the castle, we were simply waiting for the preparations to be finished. Everything was custom made, from the clothes to the flowers on every table. The day before the wedding I walked to her bedroom and found her laying with a servant of mine. You know, back when they weren't... Frogs. I had them both decapitated, of course. And I swore off love forever. That is until you came along."
You flashed him a sad smile and set down your food. He looked awfully confused as you climbed onto his lap, but he didn't protest.
You brushed his dark hair away from his eyes. Both of them. He suddenly felt very exposed and insecure, but you kissed his cheek, reassuringly.
"Ever since I came down here you've shown me nothing but love, and honesty. You didn't try to sugarcoat who you are, or what you've done, and I appreciate your honesty. My place in Wonderland is with you."
The male smiled, and kissed you, a little more passionately than all of the previous times. The male's hands trailed down your ass, and pulled you on top of his growing erection.
"For someone who has never been with anyone you're quite good at this."
"Well I... I lied. I had a fiancé after all, and we laid together but we didn't get far. There was no kissing involved, she just wanted to get it over with since I was the one who suggested we should... do it. But she made fun of me for not being good at it and I became... insecure. I was insecure and for the longest time I've wanted to try it with you, because you give me those special butterflies but I was afraid I'd disappoint you."
"What a cold, heartless bitch!" You thought to yourself. No wonder he was so bad at human interactions, every relationship he had was a trainwreck!
You grabbed his face and placed a long kiss on his lips.
"Well then, let me lead at first. If you start feeling more confident, you can take the lead, if not, I'll stay in control, okay?"
The King simply nodded and kissed you once more. This time deeper than he had ever kissed anyone. Tongues fighting so intensely the King nearly missed the way your hand expediently undid his trousers. Your hand slipped inside his boxers and took out his length. You looked down at the dick in your hand and widened your eye.
"Well aren't I a lucky girl."
You spat in your hand and kissed him again, as your hand worked up and down his shaft. The King was surprisingly very vocal, and he didn't try to hide or suppress any of his pretty moans (and for that you were thankful.
You stopped your hand, right as he was getting riled up.
"Ready for something better?"
The King watched you strip from your panties, and he cursed the frilly dress that covered your womanhood, but as soon as you sunk down on his cock, all of his worries and anguishes washed away. It was automatic, the way he gripped your hips and made you bounce on him as he snapped your hips against yours was something he did naturally as if he truly knew what he was doing. You brought out something different in him, and the King was simply doing was his body was telling him to do.
You gripped his shoulders, overwhelmed with the feeling of having him inside you.
"S-shit Seonghwa, you're good, r-really fucking good."
"Oh yeah?"
He flipped you two around, so he could pound into you with all the strength he had. Your words of encouragement were all he needed.
Your consistent (and loud) moans got him on the edge quickly, and he knew he wouldn't last long.
"Y/N forgive me, but I don't think I can last much longer."
Your hand reached down and began circling your clit, so when he came inside you, filling you up with his cum, you came right after, with a loud cry for his name.
Seonghwa laid on top of you, his face nuzzled on the crook of your neck, trying to regain his breath. You ran your hand through his hair as you did the same, looking up at the sky.
"The stars sure look beautiful today."
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 2
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Yui: ( Nn... )
( Huh? What time is it...? )
Yui: ( Last time, I somehow had trouble sleeping, so I didn’t get much rest... )
( ...? Huh...? I can’t move...! W-Why...!? )
???: ...
Yui: ( Someone’s...here...? Wait...!? )
ー She opens her eyes in the hotel room
Yui: ーー S-Subaru-kun!?
( Huh, hold up? Why is Subaru-kun on my side of the bed...!? )
( Did I fall asleep on the wrong side by accident...? ...No, that shouldn’t be the case... )
Subaru: ...Nn...
Yui: ( Wah! Oh no! Is he waking up...!? )
Subaru: ...Ah?
Yui: Um...Well...Good...morning...?
Subaru: Yeah...Hm?
Wait, y-you!? Why are you here!?
Didn’t I tell you to stay away from this side!?
Yui: No! This is my side...!
Subaru: Haah!? Yeah riーー
Yui: But look! My Rosary is placed next to the pillow...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( What now? He went silent... )
Subaru: Aah...Right...Yesterday...
Yui: Um, Subaru-kun...?
Subaru: ...How are you feelin’?
Yui: Eh...? How I feel? I’m totally fine though...
Subaru: ...Good.
Yui ( I wonder what he means...? )
Anyway...Why were you sleeping on my side of the bed...?
Subaru: ...Well...
...Oh shut up. Why does it matter!?
Yui: Eh? ...I’m curious...
( I mean...He’s the one who kept on telling me to stay on my side... )
Subaru: ...
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...Che! Aah, fuck!
Fine! I just gotta tell you, right!?
...You were...grunting in your sleep last night.
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: I could hear you suffering all the way over on my side so...
So...I decided to check up on you.
...Got a problem with it?
Yui: Ah...
( So the pain in my chest from last night didn’t just occur in a dream... )
( So that’s why Subaru-kun joined me... )
You were worried about me, weren’t you?
Subaru: Wha...I wasn’t concerned or anythin’...
Yui: Fufu...
Subaru: Fuck! Don’t you dare laugh!
Yui: Kyah...!? 
Don’t pull me by my arm all of a sudden...!
Subaru: Shut up! Let’s get some more sleep.
Yui: Eeh...!? 
Subaru: Now shut up and let me hold you...!
Yui: ( Geez. We should really hurry and get up though...However... )
( I’m sure he watched over me all night yesterday... )
( I guess just a short nap...should be fine? )
ー The scene shifts to the main street
Yui: This antique dealer you mentioned yesterday...Do you know where we can find him?
Subaru: Yeah. ...If I’m bein’ honest, I’d rather not get anywhere close to him though...
Yui: Is he that much of an oddball...? 
Subaru: Rather than odd...He’s just a plain freak who always finds something to call you out on.
He’s just some stupid old geezer who doesn’t even hold back towards my Old Man.
Yui: Come on, no need to say that...
Subaru: Hmph...
However...He’s probably the only person in the whole Demon World who would dare to defy our dad.
I have to give him credit in that regard.
Yui: Heeh...I see...
( Going against Karlheinz-san...That’s quite the impressive feat... )
( I wonder what kind of person he is...? )
Subaru: I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere around here...
Aah, right here! ...Let’s go in.
ー The scene shifts to Aizen Stahl antique shop
Subaru: ーー Oi, anyone here?
Antique dealer: Hm...?
Ooh! Well if it isn’t the Sakamaki’s little one!
Yui: ( So this man is the antique dealer... )
Antique dealer: You used to be such a wee little fella! 
But you’ve scored yourself a girl in the meantime, I see?
Antique dealer: ...Well, seems like she has a bit of a shovel face (1) though.
Yui: A-A shovel face...!?
( How mean... )
Subaru: Che...
...Don’t let it get to your heart. I told you he’s a disgustin’ freak who only knows how to insult others, remember?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Antique dealer: So? What brings you here today? You sure don’t drop by every day!
Are you here to run an errand on Karlheinz’s behalf? Hehe...
Subaru: I’m not. The Old Man has nothin’ to do with this.
...Do you know Count Walter?
Antique dealer: ...
Subaru: Let’s just say I ended up wreckin’ a few of that guy’s furnishings yesterday. 
Antique dealer: ...You did?
Subaru: ...Yeah.
Antique dealer: Hooh...Furnishings which belonged to Walter, huh...?
Heh...Hahaha! Right, I see! You destroyed them!
I have to give you props, little one.
Yui: Eh...?
( He burst out laughing for some reason...!? )
Subaru: O-Oi...?
Antique dealer: I won’t hide it, I loathe that guy.
Yui: You do...?
Antique dealer: Yeah, of course! He actually stole something very precious to me in the past.
Ever since, I’ve had a strong hatred towards him...
So hearing what happened just now made me very pleased.
Yui: ( I see...So that’s his reasoning... )
Antique dealer: I’m pretty sure I should be able to cover for pretty much anything he has in his manor aside from the stuff in his treasure storage?
Subaru: For real!?
Yui: Thank god...!
Antique dealer: If it’s to give that guy a run for his money...I’ll gladly lend you a hand.
What are you looking to replace?
Yui: Vases, sculptures and paintings...
Antique dealer: I see. I might be able to help out then. Wait one second, okay?
ー The antique dealer walks away
Yui: Seems like we might be able to fix things somehow, Subaru-kun...!
Subaru: Yeah, you’re right...
Antique dealer: Sorry for the wait. What do you think about this?
I assume the items which were destroyed were similar to the ones lined up here?
Subaru: Yeah, pretty much.
Yui: In which case...The Count might just forgive us if we bring him these...!
Subaru: Yeah, thanks for the help. Well thenーー
Antique dealer: Halt!
Subaru: Ow...! The fuck was that for!?
Antique dealer: I never said you’re gettin’ this for free, did I?
Subaru: Haah!? Weren’t you gonna help us out!?
Antique dealer: If you’re gonna complain to me, then you can forget about getting these!
Subaru: Guh...
...Right! I’ll have the Old Man arrange the money from the human world.
So can’t we make a trade?
Antique dealer: Hmph! I can’t imagine Karlheinz will pay for something like this.
Subaru: ...Ugh...
Yui: Then...What do we have to do to get these...? 
Antique dealer: Let’s see...
If you bring me the three items I want, I’d be willing to exchange.
Well, in other words, you two will be my personal servants!
Yui: Servants...
Subaru: Che...It’s a drag...but guess we have no other choice...
ーー Fine. We’ll fetch them for you.
Antique dealer: ...Is that a yes? We have a deal then!
Yui: What should we look for first?
Antique dealer: ...A clown mask. An antique one.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do you want that!?
Antique dealer: Sometimes we just want things without a specific reason, right?
You don’t have to if you don’t want to? Although that also means you won’t be getting any of these.
Subaru: ...I said I’d do it, didn’t I!? I’ll find that crap in no time so just wait here! ...Fuck!
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park venue
Yui: It’s even more crowded than I thought...
Subaru: Yeah...This sucks...
Yui: ( It was to be expected with the ongoing Parade though... )
 ーー Ah! But there’s a clown over there! I wonder if some sort of performance will start soon?
( Seems like we made a good decision by coming to the amusement park. Now if we can just ask him about the maskーー )
Vampire Child A: Ah! It’s a clown! Hurry up!
Vampire Child B: Wait for me!
Clown A: Now, now, don’t push!
Yui: ( Wah, he’s really popular...We can’t even get close... )
Subaru: Oi, what are we gonna do now? We can’t get to the clown ‘cause of all these lil’ brats who are in the way.
Yui: Yeah...At this rate, the show will start...
( What now...? )
Clown B: ...What should we do?
Clown C: It’s not like asking that question will get us any further...We’re in quite the pinch...
Yui: ( Hm? Those people over there... )
Say, why don’t we try talking to those two clowns preparing for the show over there?
They seem to be struggling with something...
ー Yui and Subaru approach the clowns
Yui: Excuse me...
Clown B: Yes?
Yui: What’s the matter? Is there a problem of some sorts...?
Clown C: Ah...Well...The clown who was supposed to be the star of today’s show, you see...
He injured himself and can no longer perform...
Vampire Child A: The show’s still not starting!?
Vampire Child B: We’re tired of waiting!
Yui: ( Ah...The children... )
Clown A: ...I don’t think I can buy us any more time! What now!?
Yui: Excuse me! Could we perhaps help out in some way?
Clown B: Eeh!? But...
Subaru: Hah? Oi, you, what are you...!?
Clown C: No...This might work. Even just some help with the fountain show would be much appreciated...
Clown B: ...Now that you mention it...They should probably be able to handle that much...Guess we have no other choice, huh?
Subaru: What are you thinkin’!? There’s just no way we could help out...!?
Yui: I’m sorry for making a rash decision, but...
If we help them out, perhaps they’d be more willing to return the favor afterwards...
Subaru: ...
Clown A: Will you do us this favor?
Subaru: Good point...It’d probably speed things up a little...
...Fine. We’ll do it.
Clown C: Thank you so much! Well then...We’re running short on time, so let’s get straight to it.
Yui: Yes...!
Clown A: Attention, everyone! The long wait is over!
Clown B: Allow us to take you to a world of dreams and fantasies!
Yui: ( Okay...Let’s give it our best shot...! )
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Explanation: Press the arrow keys at the right time, following the instructions on the screen to complete the fountain show.
You can play this game in EASY, NORMAL or HARD mode.
*Clap clap clap*
Yui: ( I suppose...it went well...? )
Vampire Child A: Ohー! Amazing!
Vampire Child B: The fountain was awesome too...!
Clown A: Thank you very much! It was a grand success! 
Yui: Really...? We did it, Subaru-kun!
Subaru: Uwah...!?
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Yui: ( Thank god...We pulled it off...! )
Subaru: O-Oi! Move back!
Yui: Eh?
Vampire Child A: Ahー! It’s a couple! They’re dating!!
Vampire Child B: You’re right~! Look at them being all lovey-dovey!
Yui: ...!
( I was so happy, I acted without thinking...! )
Ah, Subaru-kun. This is...You see, I didn’t...!
Vampire Child B: Couple! Couple!
Subaru: Che...Shut your damn mouths!
Vampire Child A: Wahー! He got mad! Let’s make a run for it!!
ー The children run off
Subaru: Fuck...!
Yui: ( Uu...What am I doing...? How embarrassing...! ) 
I-I’m sorry for doing such a weird thing out of nowhere...!
Subaru: Geez...
Clown C: Gosh, we were only able to hold our show because of you two.
On top of that, it got an even better reaction than we expected!
Clown B: Thank you so much!
Yui: ( I’m glad we managed to help them out. )
Clown A: ーー Allow me to once again thank you both for your cooperation.
Clown B: Please let us give you something to show our thanks!
Yui: U-Um...Actually, we happen to be looking for something...
ー Subaru shows them an image
Subaru: ーー This is it. Does it ring any bells?
Clown C: This is...
Yui: ( Ah...That picture... )
Subaru: Apparently it’s a clown mask. If you have it, could you give it to us?
Clown A: Ahー ...This is a rather old mask. I just hope we still have one left in the storage...
However, you were such a great help to us earlier, so we’ll try our best to look for it!
Yui: Really!? Thank you so much...!
Clown A: We’ll go search then...Could you wait for us for a while?
Yui: We’re counting on you!
ー The clowns walk away
Yui: Good news, right?
Subaru: I just hope they find it...
Yui: ( ...We’ve got some free time on our hands. What should we do? )
Ah...Say, Subaru-kun? Why don’t we go on some of the rides while we’re here?
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: I’m sure it’d be boring to just stand around waiting...
Subaru: ...Which one do you want to ride?
Yui: Um...Let’s see...Ah, how about the merry-go-round?
Subaru: Haah!? You really think I’m goin’ anywhere near that childish crap!?
Yui: Ah...
( Guess that’s a no...I would have loved to go on a ride together now that we have the chance though... )
Subaru: ...
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Subaru-kun...?
Subaru: ...Why are you spacin’ out over there? Hurry up.
Yui: Eh? ...Hurry for what...?
Subaru: That thing...You want to ride it, right? Then come here before I change my mind.
Yui: ...Yeah!
Yui: Haah, that was so much fun...!
Subaru: In what world!? ...The only thing I felt was shame!
For one...I was goin’ to sit down in one of the carriages...
But that darn employee...How dare they seat us on one of those stupid horses...!?
I’m sendin’ them flyin’ the next time we meet...!
Yui: ( Well, it was a little embarrassing to ride the horse together... )
I enjoyed riding together with you. Thank you, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: ...
Well...I guess it’s fine if you had fun...But I’m never gettin’ on that thing again!
Clown A: ーー Sorry for the wait!
Yui: Y-You’re the clown from earlier...
Subaru: Did you find it?
Clown A: Well...As we feared, it’s too old of a model so we didn’t have any left in stock.
Subaru: Haah!?
Yui: N-No way...!
Clown A: However, they might still have it over at the dress shop in town!
Yui: Dress shop...
( I suppose we should try heading there then. )
Thank you for the valuable piece of information. We’ll try our luck there next.
Clown A: Yes. Be careful...!
ー The scene shifts to Aizen Alleyway
Subaru: ーー So where’s this dress shop?
Yui: Yeah...According to the map we received earlier, it should be around here.
I suppose it could be that place attracting a crowd over there...?
Subaru: A crowd...? I’ve had enough of those.
Yui: Ahaha, right...
( However, is this bad hunch just overthinking on my part...? )
ー They enter the dress shop
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...
Why is it this crowded in here as well...!?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( The bad feeling I had became reality...! )
Um...Excuse me. Is something going to happen here?
Female Vampire A: Yes. The fashion show is about to start.
Yui: Fashion show!?
If their show is about to start, I’m sure the staff will be busy...
Subaru: Yeah...This crowd is getting on my nerves as well. Let’s wait somewhere else till it’s over.
Yui: Yeah...Guess we should...
( I’m kind of curious what a fashion show in the Demon World looks like thoughーー )
???: Ah! Hey! Wait, you!
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: ( Hm...? )
???: Come with me, please!
ー She pulls Subaru along
Subaru: Aah!? The fuck do you want all of a sudden!?
Dress shop owner: I’m the owner of this place! I’ll explain the details in the back, just come with me for now!
Subaru: Oi, wait!
Yui: Ah, hey...!
( What is going on...? Guess I’ll follow them for now... )
ー The scene shifts to the changing room
Yui: ( We were taken to the back of the store... )
Dress shop owner: I’m sorry this is a little sudden, but could you please change into this outfit? 
Subaru: Haah!? This is more than ‘a little’ sudden! The fuck do you want!?
Dress shop owner: ...Right. I suppose I was a little too pushy...
We’re actually about to get started with our fashion show...
However, I’ve been in quite the pinch since I was unable to find a model to wear my best creation.
We did find a substitute, but they just don’t fit the image I have in mind.
Then you appeared in front of me! You’re the perfect fit!
Yui: ( Subaru-kun...A model... )
Subaru: Fuck off! You must be mental if you think I’m doin’ that shit!
Dress shop owner: Oh no! I will have you be my model!
I’m sure my clothes would be overjoyed to be worn by you as well!
Subaru: Hmph, bullshit. Oi, we’re leavin’.
ー Subaru starts walking away
Yui: Ah, but...
( We have to ask her about the mask... )
( And above all... )
( I’m very much interested in seeing Subaru-kun take part in a fashion show...! )
Say, Subaru-kun...Why not take this opportunity to participate?
Subaru: Aah!? Have you hit your head as well!?
Yui: ...Oh come on, please?
Also...Lend me your ear for a bit?
Subaru: Aah?
Yui: It might be a good chance to ask about the mask...!
Subaru: ...
Dress shop owner: I don’t know what you’re whispering about but...
I’d like to ask you for your cooperation as well. I’m convinced you’ll be the best model for this outfit!
Subaru: ...
...Gimme that. I’ll go change.
Yui: Subaru-kun...!
Dress shop owner: Oh my! Thank you so much! This way, please!
Yui: ( I can’t wait to see what it’ll look like...! )
ー The scene shifts to the main street
*Snap snap*
Yui: ( All of the models have such great figures. (2) I can only dream to look like that... )
( I wonder when it’ll be Subaru-kun’s turn...? )
Dress shop owner: Well then, to wrap up the show, we have none other than my pride and joy!
Yui: ( Ah, there he is...! )
*Snap snap snap*
Subaru-kun’s appearance as he set foot on the stage,
was so handsome,
he made the whole crowd swoon.
...He did seem somewhat grumpy though.
Perhaps it’s due to the different style of clothes,
but it felt refreshing to me.
Standing next to him,
was the shop clerk from earlierーー
who looked equally stunning.
However...I could not help but grow a little curious,
as this seemingly picture-perfect duo,
seemed to be whispering something to each other. 
Dress shop owner: Just look at how ecstatic everyone is...!
Come on, you should wave at the crowd as well!
Subaru: ーー Get your hands off me.
Yui: ( Ah...! He slapped away her hand. )
Subaru: I’m already taken. (3) Go try your luck with some other guy.
Dress shop owner: Oh dear...
...Fufu, could it be that young lady?
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Yui: ( I just hope he won’t start another fight... )
Yui: ーー Subaru-kun!
Subaru: ...Ah, there you are.
Yui: Ah...You already changed it seems.
Subaru: Well, duh. You really think I was gonna stay in that get-up forever?
Yui: ( I’d love to tell Subaru-kun my thoughts on his performance from earlier while I have the chance...Now how to put it? )
→ You looked interesting
Yui: Um...You looked interesting just now, you know!
Subaru: Funny...Aah? Are you makin’ fun of me!?
Yui: Eh!? Ah, I didn’t mean it like that...I just thought you looked very precious while going down the catwalk wearing something you usually wouldn’t.
Subaru: Please make it clear whether you’re complimenting or insulting me...
Yui: ...Sorry.
( I should have just genuinely complimented him. )
Subaru: Then what were you tryin’ to say?
Yui: Well...You know, I just thought
→ You looked handsome (☾)
Yui: You were very handsome just now!
Subaru: Y-You think so? I didn’t do anythin’ special though.
Yui: That’s not true. The clothes fit you to a T as well...!
Subaru: ...Thanks.
Dress shop owner: Thank you so much for earlier. Thanks to you, the show was a big success.
Subaru: I did as you asked earlier, so now you have to listen to one of our requests.
Dress shop owner: What could that be? I will gladly help where I can.
Subaru: ...Does this picture ring a bell? We’re lookin’ for it.
Dress shop owner: ...Oh my, we have this in our storage room. I’ll go get it so wait here, okay?
Dress shop owner: ーー Is this it?
Yui: Ah, that’s it!
Dress shop owner: I don’t see myself using it any time soon so...If you need it, you can have it.
Yui: Thank you very much! We did it, Subaru-kun!
Subaru: Hmph...I honestly have no idea why that guy even wants this relic of the past...
Whatever. Anyway, we’re goin’ back to that geezer’s place pronto!
Yui: Good idea. Ah, thank you so much, truly!
Dress shop owner: I’m just glad I was able to return the favor. Please feel free to drop by again anytime!
ー The scene shifts back to the antiques shop
Subaru: ーー Here! Happy now?
Antique dealer: Ooh! This is it! I didn’t think you’d actually be able to find it!
Subaru: Honestly, I don’t get why you want this crap.
But...We cleared the first hurdle now, right?
Antique dealer: Yeah, of course. I’ll be counting on you two again tomorrow!
ー The scene shifts to the Diamante Fountain
Subaru: Haah...I’m beat...
Yui: We haven’t been able to catch a break right from day one, huh...?
Ah, I got us some churros from that food truck over there. Want some?
Subaru: Yeah...Nn...
...Guess it’s true that sweets are the best thing to eat when you’re tired...
Yui: Fufu...
( Still, so much stuff went down today. )
( I hope we can get through tomorrow as well... )
Subaru: Don’t look so worried. ...I’m here with you, remember?
Yui: Yeah...!
( Right, as long as I’m together with Subaru-kun, I’m sure everything will turn out fine...! )
( Okay, I’ll try my best again tomorrow! )
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, he calls her チンクシャ or ‘chinkusha’, which is a very rude term used to describe women who have a flat/small nose and are therefore considered ugly. 
I looked up similar slang terms in English and ‘shovel face’ seemed like the best fit.
(2) スタイルがいい or ‘style ga ii’ actually refers more to someone’s body type/figure, rather than their fashion style, even when talking about models.
(3) Literally he says that he has already been booked, using the word 予約 or ‘yoyaku’, which you would also use when booking a hotel room or a restaurant.
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Be Okay
Part 8
Part 9 [CURRENT]
Part 10
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac @ivorylin
The kids were fast asleep in their room, all drained of their energy reserves from playing so much with each other. In the living area, Fundy sat on the couch, staring out the window. The sound of a throat clearing brought him back to reality. Turning to his side, he saw Tommy hold out a cup of tea to him, his own cup of tea in his other hand. Accepting the drink with a nod, Fundy took small sips as he enjoyed the calming sensation in the room. He shifted over on the couch, allowing space for Tommy to settle down. The two sat in a comfortable silence, one that Fundy was nervous to break. 
“I’m glad you’re not dead, Tommy”
He willed himself to look over at his uncle, not sure what to expect. He still remembered his uncle as a brash, loud, spirited teenage boy, so it was strange to see him the way he was an adult. Sill startled with how calm the boy could be, Fundy watched as Tommy, eyes closed, simply nodded as he took a sip of his tea. Letting out a sigh, Tommy opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling with a warm look in his eyes.
“I’m also glad that I’m not dead” 
The two sat in silence once more, their teas running low. After looking around the room, Fundy spoke up once more.
“Did you actually build your house? I remember that you always hated building.”
The low chuckle of his uncle made him squirm. It wasn’t that he was scared or uncomfortable with it, it was just that it had been so long. When was the last time Fundy just sat down, warm drink in hand, just to stay up and talk to Tommy? His mind immediately went back to the days of his childhood, before the wars forced his mind to shift his body into an older state. He remembered how Tommy would rush to his room, no matter how old Fundy was, just to calm him and keep him from waking a very tired, lonely Wilbur. He remembered how Tommy would carry him into the kitchen, letting him sit on the counter as long as Wilbur never found out he did so. He would watch as his uncle made two cups of hot cocoa, and took Fundy back to his room. The two would sit in silence, listening to Tommy’s discs, until Fundy would fall asleep. Sometimes, if Fundy had a very bad nightmare, they would stay up and talk the night away. Until this very moment, Fundy didn’t realize how much he missed times like this. Smiling down at his tea, he listened as Tommy spoke up. 
“Yeah, I built this house. Did it myself, too. It was the first official build, aside from my bench in the market, on this server. Everyone else was so focused on teaching me how to properly build and work with all sorts of materials, so I eventually made them proud by creating this. I’ve noticed that it’s been slowly growing as the days go by. It’s quite comforting, really.”
“And this adventure park you’ve been advertising? When will it be done? Who helped?”
“Innit an Adventure? Built that all by myself, no help at all. It’s already done being built, I just pushed opening day back a few months so the server can properly prepare to hosts the guests.”
Fundy nodded as he hummed in acknowledgment, a habit he had picked up from Tommy when he was much younger. No longer afraid of the possibility of being thrown out by his uncle, Fundy continued the conversation. 
“So Tubbo and the girls are doing good? Tubbo just vanished the same day you did, and Drista stopped visiting after a while.”
“They’re doing perfectly fine, actually. They all live in Stampy’s Lovely World. It’s a nice server, I’m glad that they ended up there. Hey, Fundy?”
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how’s the server?”
Tommy watched as his nephew deflated, a shaky sigh leaving him. Not wanting to push the boy past his limits, Tommy was quick to speak up once again.
“You don’t have to answer me right now, I understand needed to wait before discussing certain things.”
“No, you deserve to know the situation. It’s, well, it’s complicated? So much has happened since you and Tubbo left the server. I’m not even completely sure as to what’s all happening because went into hiding. I do know that Philza and Technoblade have gone around, destroying anything that they identified as a government. Dream went off the rails searching for the two of you, and he’s threatened and punished anyone he though was hiding you guys from him. We received some new players in the server. They’ve helped settle down some of the threats. Oh, remember that weird red stuff that was spreading?”
“Yeah, what was that shit, anyways?”
“Apparently it sprouted from that egg, you know, from that weird egg propaganda? It started possessing and corrupting the members of the Badlands. From what I’ve heard, it’s been temporarily contained and the possessed members have returned to their normal state, but who knows how long that will last. When I left, the containment seemed so unstable. Oh, there is the thing with Wilbur.”
“What about Wilbur?”
“The last time I stumbled upon Philza, he was trying to resurrect him. I don’t know if they succeeded, though. Quite frankly, I’m not sure if I want to know.”
He felt like a jerk telling his uncle, the brother of his dad, that he wasn’t even sure that he wanted his dad to be alive. He didn’t even bring himself to explain his reasons for it, how he was scared whether or not his dad would be the dad he used to have, or the one that was barely recognizable. His negative thoughts, however, melted away as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking over at his uncle, he didn’t expect to see the understanding grin that danced on Tommy’s lips. He didn’t expect to hear the broken, wavering voice of Tommy.
“I know.”
Fundy stiffened as Tommy put an arm around his nephew, pulling him in for a side hug. After moments of hesitation, Fundy eventually relaxed in the embrace. It had been so long since Fundy has felt such affection by family that wasn’t his son. He sucked in a breathe as he tried to not let out the sob that was bubbling up inside him. Once he heard Tommy’s voice, however, he allowed tears to escape. It was okay, though, because he knew Tommy was letting his own tears out as well. And as Tommy put a hand on Fundy’s head, lightly scratching his comfort spot between his ears, Fundy couldn’t stop the half sigh, half sob that escaped his lips. And as soon as Tommy spoke up again, he let out all the hurt he kept cooped up out, in the form of messy sobs. 
“It’s okay, Fundy, you can let it out now. You’re free now. You’ll be okay.”
Fundy felt relieved that he didn’t have to be on guard all hours of both day and night. He was grateful that Tommy let him sleep in that morning, assuring him that he would handle the kids’ breakfast. Yawning as he stretched out his limbs, waking himself up, he smiled as he looked around the guest room that would be converted to his own. Don’t get him wrong, Fundy adored Theo, but it was nice to be able to wake up without fear or stress regarding his son’s health and safety. When he walked into the kitchen, he couldn’t help but smile as the kids helped Tommy with breakfast. As Tommy set down the hot cakes on plates, the kids fought over the fruit and syrup to decorate them. And as Theo laughed aloud, smiling brightly, Fundy realized that he didn’t regret a thing regarding his son. 
“Papa! Look! Clem and I made this one to look like you!”
Fundy laughed as he walked over to the kids, saying a quick greeting to his uncle. Accepting the plate from the two children, he smiled down at the beaming faces in front of them. Watching as the two settled themselves on the counter, he took turns ruffling their hair with his free hand. 
“Look at you two! Wonderful artists! Good job! Thank you!”
Delighted with the praises, Clem squealed as she clapped her hands, hopping up and down as she sat on her side of the counter. Theo laughed as he joined in on the clapping, equally as delighted as his younger cousin. Fundy just laughed as he helped Tommy carry the plates to the table, the children waddling behind once they were released from their tall prisons. Sitting Theo down beside Clementine, Fundy watched as Tommy poured drinks for everyone. And as they all sat down to enjoy breakfast as a family, Fundy knew that Tommy was right.
He would be okay.
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arigatouiris · 4 years
animal instincts // inosuke x reader
Author’s Note: Another draft pick hahahahah. I headcanon that Inosuke is like this when he’s in love~ My poor misunderstood rough boi who deserves nothing but the world! I hope ya’ll like this, I put some effort into this one hahahaha. Thanks for reading!!
Word count: 4069
Pairing: Hashibira Inosuke x Reader
Warnings: fluff, slight spice (things get a bit heated here UwU) idk, slight angst, SPOILERS FOR THE KIMETSU MANGA
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Zenitsu had a question plaguing his mind ever since (y/n) (l/n) came into his life. Not that he didn’t try wooing her and asking her to marry him, no, she turned him down rather decently and kindly, which forced him to think of her as a good friend. She was a demon slayer herself, having hailed from the same training that Kanao went through. 
As sweet and loving as she was, (y/n) could be just as violent; albeit, Zenitsu and the gang had only seen this side when she fought demons. Her violence was through a silent battle that she knew she would win, and her swordplay was fascinating to the eye. Her mother was a dancer, somewhat similar to Tanjiro’s father, and her mother had taught her everything she needed to know about dance.
However, life wasn’t too kind. (y/n) lost her mother when she was 12 and had been training under Shinobu to become a demon slayer since. She had learned the breath of the flower from Shinobu, but developed her own style scheme by performing different moves through dance. It was, to say the least, impressive.
(y/n) and Inosuke shared a rather weird relationship. 
The first time they met was in between their missions. All four of them were surrounded by a total of seven demons. Inosuke stepped in wanting to be the one to take down everyone, but quietly, (y/n) held him back (almost yelled at but the second Inosuke’s gaze met hers, he grew strangely quiet, which was unlike him). 
     “We need to plan this out. When you’re cornered, you don’t attack head-on. That’s suicide.”
She turned to Inosuke’s mask and grinned, “You’re better alive than dead, right?”
Zenitsu didn’t miss the fuwa fuwa that came out of his boar friend right then, but he was shitting his pants for something else entirely. It was after that did she introduce herself, rather peppily, and seemed like the most happy-go-lucky person they had ever laid their eyes on. Inosuke seemed particularly soft with her, which was very unlike him, but no one made any comment about it. 
     “So Inosuke, why did you become a demon slayer?” (y/n) asked, with a chirpy voice.
Zenitsu and Tanjiro watched as the white puffballs around Inosuke grew in number but the male grunted and walked away, leaving (y/n) there with a confused but happy smile.
     “What happened?”
Zenitsu hit himself on the forehead.
The thing that Zenitsu’s mind was plagued with was this: How would Inosuke behave if he was in love with someone?
For this, he’d need to understand how animals behaved. When an animal finds a potential mate, the male of the species would perform a series of activities in order to impress the female of the species. Like, in birds, the male bird would perform a wide range of dance moves or hops to impress the female, who would display her interest by signalling in and chirping accordingly.
Cut to what they were doing a few weeks ago. They were at the butterfly estate, all four of them, and Tanjiro and (y/n) were talking about him selling charcoal for a living. She was a good listener, and for Tanjiro, it was nice to be heard for a change. Perhaps, in Inosuke’s mind, Tanjiro was another male boar, showcasing his skills (Zenitsu wondered if ‘kindness’ can count as a skill) and (y/n) was considering him. Inosuke however, had a better skill—brisk loudness, and the ability to have anyone’s eye on him for longer durations of time because he was just that distracting.
Ah yes, he also never forgot her name for a strange reason, but she only thought that was because he didn’t deem her a threat.
(y/n) were right, in a way.
She turned her head toward Inosuke who was holding his two swords near the courtyard. Zenitsu stood a few feet away from where (y/n) and Tanjiro sat, and watched with an unimpressed expression on his face. This wasn’t amusing in the slightest for the blond, for he had seen men pile up over women and behave in a way they otherwise wouldn’t do. But, in Inosuke’s case, it was definitely...weird.
Upon receiving (y/n)’s attention, Inosuke flipped his blades around in the air and did a few stunts, causing (y/n)’s eyes to widen with absolute amusement. Tanjiro smiled a tad bit, before turning to a disgruntled Zenitsu, and understanding thus what was going on. 
     “Whoa, that’s amazing, Inosuke!” (y/n) said, clapping her hands together.
Tanjiro noticed the white fluff balls come out of the boar boy’s head as his actions suddenly stopped. He might have been raised an animal, but Tanjiro’s heart melted at the realization that Inosuke craved the feelings of attention and kindness from people around him, just as much as he wanted to prove himself superior. Inosuke felt a range of things with the two of them, but with (y/n), he certainly felt softer. And whatever the reason might be, Tanjiro believed his friend deserved it—the boy was pure at heart. 
Coming back to the theory Zenitsu had. Tanjiro approached the boy that evening before having a quick word with him over Inosuke’s obsession with impressing you. Both of them knew that it was more than a crush, but it was also quite out of character. While Tanjiro could swallow Inosuke’s need to be softer with her, Zenitsu thought Inosuke believed it was a competition.
     “Well,” Tanjiro pondered, “It might be, in his head. That was how he was raised and that’s how he thinks? Maybe, if we don’t prove a threat to him, he’ll learn better on understanding how to communicate his feelings.”
Zenitsu scoffed, “That idiot won’t know what feelings are if it hit him on his face like a brick. He thinks like an animal!”
Tanjiro chuckled, “Doesn’t mean animals can’t love,” He turned to spot Inosuke and (y/n) in an animated conversation about butterflies, “Most often, they love better than the rest of us.”
Therefore, the two of them decided to watch Inosuke. Zenitsu did it for his own amusement, but Tanjiro enjoyed merely understanding his friend’s nature. There were three things that Inosuke had to fall under if he were in love with (y/n)—and this was all based on observation. Tanjiro knew how animals thought and behaved to a fair extent, and with his knowledge, analysing Inosuke’s behavior around her seemed like the perfect study.
#1. One mate is territorial over the other.
Zenitsu approached (y/n) one evening, wanting to call her over for dinner. She turned to the blond before waving at him, and having him sit beside her. 
     “Hi, Zenitsu-kun. Is there something you need?”
He wondered where his boar friend was at that second. There was no point to this exercise if Inosuke wasn’t around. Not that he minded having a conversation with (y/n), she was sweet. He turned to her after realizing Inosuke wasn’t around and wondered what she thought of him. 
     “So, Inosuke,” She blinked at his words, “He’s weird, right?”
     “Not at all. I think he’s really sweet.” 
Zenitsu blinked, “Really? Even though he doesn’t understand a lot of social cues? It’s because he was raised in the mountains—”
     “I find that bit fascinating, actually. Even though he was raised in the mountains, he’s so kind.”
     “How is he kind?” Zenitsu grumbled.
(y/n) blinked at the blond’s question. 
     “Do you...not like Inosuke-kun?”
Zenitsu shook his head, “It’s not like that, I just think he’s too much sometimes. Abrasive and rash—it’s like taking care of a loud kid!”
She giggled, “I like that about him! Keeps things lively.”
Zenitsu wasn’t sure now on who the weird one was. With (y/n) defending Inosuke like her life depended on it, it was certain that even she had a soft spot for the boy. But, he couldn’t tell if it was built out of sympathy or romantic feelings like he had. She was just kind, maybe, she defended Zenitsu behind his back (although this thought made him swoon on the inside). 
     “Where is he anyway?” (y/n) grumbled, frowning a bit.
It was at that second when Tanjiro came to the courtyard. (y/n) greeted the brown haired boy before blinking up at him. 
     “Tanjiro-kun, have you seen Inosuke-kun?”
Tanjiro hummed before saying, “Hm, I think he left with Kanao-chan somewhere?”
Zenitsu ‘ah’ed before understanding where the boar boy had gone now. Kanao and Inosuke had been training together for a bit, it wasn’t strange since Inosuke always wanted to get stronger than the others. With Tanjiro having beaten Kanao in that little game, Inosuke wanted to do the same. The boy thought everything was a competition. 
Tanjiro almost didn’t notice it, but it was good that he was great at capturing certain scents. Growing up with so many siblings had him understand how to differentiate between the scents of various emotions. When (y/n) stood up, waved to them and left, Tanjiro chuckled, catching Zenitsu’s attention. He wasn’t always certain about a lot of things, but he was sure that he had caught the right scent here.
     “What’s so funny?”
It was the scent of jealousy, he thought before shaking his head.
#2.  One mate tries to impress the other by being the best they can be.
Zenitsu hated missions, and he especially hated them when he had to go with Inosuke. However, the only thing holding his sanity together was that (y/n) had offered to tag along—since her crow was nowhere to be found. Inosuke was thrilled and secretly so was the blond, because now Inosuke seemed controllable. He didn’t know how it worked, but he was glad that it did.
They were to head to a village to find a demon behind a few missing people. Apparently, these people headed to work one day and never returned—and this being near a river, there were chances that this demon resided under water.
     “Can you swim, (y/n)-chan?” 
     “Yes, actually. I didn’t learn it the easy way, though. Shinobu-san basically threw me into the river and forced me to learn the hard way.” She said, dejectedly.
     “When you’re about to drown, your body learns to float!” Inosuke yelled, catching your attention.
     “Y-Yeah, I mean, I was the first one to learn too! Inosuke, I also know what plants you can eat from under water!”
     “You can eat underwater plants?!”
     “Yes! I’ll show you someday! When they’re added into your food, it’s so delicious!”
He couldn’t understand where the fuwa fuwa was coming from now—Zenitsu noticed that the fluffballs were everywhere. He wasn’t sure which mate was trying to impress the other here. 
Tanjiro, Zenitsu thought, who exactly is the animal here? 
He normally never did this, but Zenitsu was curious beyond belief! Therefore, he shut his eyes, paused for a brief moment and let his ears do the detective work. All he could hear were sounds of two hearts fluttering in harmony, an image stuck to his brain that he couldn’t wipe off (and if he was a softer, more mature individual, he would admit that the image was a rather sweet one), but Zenitsu being Zenitsu hated the fact that his mountain boy friend was in love with a sweet crackhead like (y/n)—who in retaliation was in love with a mountain boy as well.
#3. A manner of softness not seen anywhere else.
It was strange to see Inosuke being quiet—it was either only when he was in deep sleep or deep thought (which was very, very rare indeed). However, the mountain boy grew quiet a lot these days; especially because (y/n) hung out a lot whenever the boys were around. He’d watch her, observing her movements, trying to replicate whatever ‘decent’ moves she made like trying to eat with chopsticks or not wearing the mask as much when she’s around.
In all honestly, it was quite evident that Inosuke tried being a human being around her and it was sweet, Tanjiro noted, that he’d try so hard to accommodate to (y/n). 
However, Zenitsu didn’t think it was sweet. He wanted to vomit inside his mouth each time he thought of the boar boy being in love, particularly because it was the sort of love that was rare even for civilized people. The blond always had trouble finding people who accepted him for being who he was, and here was someone like Inosuke—whose personality was somehow revered instead of being shunned. 
What the hell is going on? He thought, grumbling, as he witnessed (y/n) crawl over to Inosuke, as if to sneak up on the boy. Normally, Zenitsu would have yelled and alerted his friend, but he just didn’t care anymore—it was comical, and he’d let it be.
     “Inosuke!” (y/n) pounced on the boar boy from the back, tackling him to the ground, surprising him.
Inosuke blinked, his face a dark red, before screaming in playful anger. 
     “What the hell are you doing?!”
     “Fight me!”
Inosuke’s eyes widened just for a brief moment before he growled and tackled her back, causing her to giggle and try to escape the boar boy’s advances. Now, he was chasing her around the estate, something little animals do when they play with one another. Tanjiro smiled at the sight before Zenitsu noticed fluffballs come around him.
I’ve had enough of this.
Walking over to his boar friend, he grabbed the boy from the back of his mask before yanking it off in one go. Inosuke would never mind beating the living daylight out of his blond friend, but the expression Zenitsu had just then caused him to still his movements. (y/n) paused before blinking up at Zenitsu, tilting her head slightly at the sudden halt.
     “Zenitsu-kun? Is something wrong?”
     “You two are what’s wrong!”
Inosuke growned, “What? You wanna—”
     “NO! I don’t want to fight! Do you honestly not see what’s going on here?!” 
(y/n) giggled before saying, “Inosuke and I are just fooling around—”
     “I thought we were fighting—”
     “We are, but it isn’t a fight where we hurt each other.”
     “Yes! I was thinking the same thing!”
Zenitsu slapped his forehead. He pointed to Inosuke and then pointed to (y/n). Tanjiro approached them before placing a calm hand on his blond friend. 
     “You are clearly in love with her and you are clearly in love with him!”
Inosuke didn’t look like he understood what Zenitsu had blurted out, but (y/n) was civilized where Inosuke wasn’t and just then Zenitsu had called her out rather harshly—but, it was the kind of harsh that was perhaps justified. Her eyes widened and she turned to spot Inosuke grab the blond and put him in a choke hold, but her movements stilled. She looked up to Tanjiro who gave her a kind smile before she bit her lip.
Of course she knew she loved Inosuke. Of course, she wasn’t blind. Ever since she first laid eyes on the beast boy, her mind was picked, her heart was his, and her body did things on its own—wanting to impress him, wanting to stand out and make sure Inosuke remembers her name instead of anyone else’s; she wanted to be special to him, and from all her tries, she was bound to know that her feelings for him were nothing short of romantic. 
However, could he perceive romance? Could Inosuke know what these feelings were and could he act on them? Was she the only one making the effort here? She turned to spot Inosuke fighting with Zenitsu the same way he was fighting with her and she began to wonder, ‘What if I’m actually no different?’
Tanjiro smelled the sudden hesitance radiating off of her, but before she could get anywhere, he approached her.
     “(y/n)-chan, I’m sure Inosuke feels the same way—”
     “Tanjiro-kun,” (y/n) wasn’t sure where the sudden hesitance grew inside her. “I just... I need to figure some things out on my own before I...” She turned to spot Inosuke taking off his mask, growling at the blond. 
She gave him a soft smile, confusing the hell out of him, before walking back inside the estate. 
     “Where’s she going?” Inosuke asked, blinking at her retrieving figure.
Tanjiro turned to his friend, curious. 
     “What do you feel for (y/n)-chan, Inosuke?”
     “That’s what I’ve been trying to get him to talk about! But he keeps tackling me!” Zenitsu yelled from the background.
     “What feel for her? She’s (y/n)!”
Tanjiro’s eyes widened almost comically at how Inosuke remembered her name so accurately. 
     “Why do you remember her name so well?”
     “She’s important!”
Tanjiro blinked some more, “Important how?”
Inosuke growled, losing interest in this conversation, “(y/n) is...” He couldn’t find her and that bothered him. He looked to where she had gone off to before frowning some more.
     “Inosuke,” Tanjiro’s soft voice broke his reverie. “Do you love her?”
He didn’t know what love was, but there were a few things Inosuke was sure of. Whenever he saw (y/n), he wanted to be around her more—just like the pair of wolves he had come across as a child. The male wolf would wind its neck under the female’s whenever it was cold, and it was something Inosuke saw himself doing with her, and no one else. He remembered the swans dancing around in the water with one another, attaching themselves by every inch of their feathers and Inosuke wanted nothing more than to learn how her skin felt against his. 
He recalled the group of monkeys that was led by a strong male and a fat female, which was fat because the male had given her his babies. One day, Inosuke dreamed of having little Inosuke babies with (y/n).
If this was what love was then what Inosuke felt for (y/n) was much, much more.
Growling, he ran off to where (y/n) might have gone, and noticed you sitting by the engawa. Taking off his mask, Inosuke sat beside her without warning, and noticed her red face. His eyes widened when he saw that expression on (y/n)—and all the thoughts he had were starting to vanish. Sure, the animals looked happy and did things he wanted to do, but no animal could compare to how beautiful she looked right then. He gulped before leaning closer to her, smelling her face—unsure of what to do at a time like this. Inosuke didn’t want to scare her, but he was confident that she would not be scared.
Zenitsu did not count a fourth thing that Inosuke would fall under if he was in love. The ability to change and adapt for a certain someone.
     “Inosuke, do you... do you know what love is?”
He didn’t, and he sure as hell was scared to tell her that he had no idea.
     “What I feel for you... I want to be around you all the time. I want to hold your hand and... and hold you in my arms and touch your hair—”
Inosuke grabbed (y/n)’s hand forcefully before placing it on his hair, but paused when he noticed her wince.
     “Did I hurt you?”
(y/n) smiled warmly, her heart beating rapidly as she shook her head, “I’m not sure if you know what love is, Inosuke...” 
He frowned, “I don’t know what to tell you.” 
He was an animal, born and raised in conditions that other people could have perhaps not survived. There was very little he knew about the ways of how human beings displayed affection. However, there was one way he was sure of—one way that could perhaps show her what he felt. Prove to her that whatever this love emotion was, it had nothing on him.
Because what Inosuke felt for (y/n) was far, far stronger than some stupid emotion.
He leaned forward and kissed her, grabbing the back of her hair. (y/n) had no idea where he had learned how to kiss, and even if he knew what this meant, but a second later, Inosuke’s tongue darted downwards to her neck, biting it lightly, marking the texture of her soft skin. His hand was firm behind her head and he pulled lightly, pressing her to him—before leaning back and capturing her lips again.
(y/n)’s eyes were wide and she was almost breathless; unsure of how to react, her hands slowly travelled to his hair and she buried her fingers in his hair, marvelling at how soft his locks were. She kissed back slowly, and did not miss the passion Inosuke brought forth with what he was doing. Once again, he pulled away before reaching her collarbone and biting lightly. The second (y/n) let out a soft moan, Inosuke stopped.
     “Do you feel warm?”
Her face rivalled a spider lily. Of course she felt warm!
Inosuke looked at her and smirked, “A male marks his female, in the mountains, this is how beasts mark their mates.”
(y/n)’s eyes widened. Mate? She blinked before grabbing his face and studying it, almost enthralled with what she had learned.
     “Inosuke, there is so much you need to learn!”
But, the second she thought of how his tongue travelled to her neck and collarbone, maybe, he didn’t have to learn much after all.
When Inosuke’s firstborn son turned out to be a bit timid, Inosuke acquired the ability—acting out on empathy. (y/n) watched him, hold his five-year old son after the boy had fallen off a small tree and hurt his knee.
     “This is going to sting,” Inosuke said, before putting some pressure on to the little boy’s wound, along with a raw medicine he had made to prevent any infection. 
The boy cried instantly, which caused Inosuke to turn to (y/n), who was cradling their third born daughter, with a smile on her face. He wouldn’t reveal to a great many people that watching his son wince and cry hurt his chest more than anything ever had, but watching (y/n) smile back at him, as he sat there with a smile on his face made him appreciate everything that was soft in the world.
He had stopped asking people to fight him because honestly, it turned exhausting. After having three children, Inosuke had had enough—he wanted to mellow down and sit back, smell his wife’s hair and watch their children grow. He often wondered how Tanjiro and the others were doing, and he thought of how the life in the city was not one for him at all. He hoped that their paths would cross one day, but turning to (y/n), as their youngest daughter cooed in (y/n)’s arms, Inosuke was at peace.
     “What are you staring at!? Fight me!”
Inosuke narrowed his eyes and turned to his three-year old girl, whose expressions and personality rivalled his own. He heard (y/n) chuckle from the back before ignoring her and getting up, grabbing the little girl by her ankle and having her dangle upside down.
     “Stop it, runt.” 
Oh, but he would not deny how much he adored that feisty little spirit of hers. She growled before pinching her father’s hold, causing him to abruptly let her go, as she landed on the ground with a ‘thud’. She got back up and rushed to her father, hands around his neck, Inosuke grumbling before picking her up. If only he had understood that his cries ‘fight me’ were a sign of being touch-starved, he’d have avoided a great many unnecessary fights.
     “Let me go—”
     “Shut up.”
Inosuke’s hand wrapped around his small daughter’s form before running it up and down on her back, calming her down. The child’s eyes widened before she quieted down, and returning her father’s embrace.
A small tug at his sleeve made him look at his son now, who gave him a needy look as well. Inosuke knelt down and picked up his boy, before hugging both of them, standing like a tree in the middle of the house.
     “Never thought you’d turn into such a softie, Inosuke!” (y/n) giggled, before expecting a shout or a loud comeback.
Instead, her eyes widened when she saw him smile at her, each hand cradling his children, as he watched her, with the softest eyes he could conjure.
Honestly, she could never let down the way he told her he loved her each day, not through words, not through mindless actions, but merely by looking at her like his entire life belonged to her. For a man raised in the mountains, Inosuke knew how to love better than the rest of humanity itself.
If only Zenitsu could see the man now, she thought, chuckling.
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going-dead · 3 years
Phic Phight:Ghostly Inconvenience
@currentlylurking Team Human My First 2021 phic phight phic 
Prompt from @Slyph-feather :Would love to see Danny dealing with some of the minor inconveniences/differences in being a ghost; slower heartbeat, sickly pallor, maybe not showing up correctly in photographs, etc... bonus points if this is like in the school setting (because I think that would be funny)
Danny thought he had all his ghost problems figured out, or at least was aware of all of them, at this point. Afterall he’s had his powers for almost a year now. He was wrong, oh was he wrong. 
It was the first day of his sophomore year, no longer at the bottom of the high school food chain. He stood in line to get his picture taken for his school ID. Sam and Tucker had different classes for first period so they were off getting their pictures somewhere else. After a few minutes of board waiting it was his turn. Paulina skipped past him to get her ID and look at the picture she just took. 
Danny told the photographer his name and she entered a few things into her computer before gesturing for him to stand in front of the camera. Danny tried to make a few last second adjustments to his hair. “Okay smile!” The camera woman called out as he was blinded by a flash of light.
Danny started walking over to the ID station but was stopped. “Oh hold on dear the photo came out pretty blurry I’ll have to retake it. It’s no big deal don’t worry you probably just moved too quickly after the flash went off, stay still after the picture is taken okay?” 
Danny sighed but did what he was told. After another blinding flash and staying as still as possible Danny looked towards the woman. The camera woman bit her thumb staring at the computer in front of her. “Okay it still was blurry stay there I’m going to take a few at once one of them will turn out good.”
Danny was pretty sure at this point he was going to go blind as he blunk the spots out of his vision from the repeated flashes. Honestly this was getting pretty tiresome already. He walked up to the woman silently praying at least one picture turned out fine. She clicked through the photos face growing more and more confused with each one. “Uh is something wrong?” He asked.
She shook her head. “I’m not sure. Almost all of the photos turned out blurry and the ones that didn’t are weird.” She saw his questioning face. “You’ve heard of red eye right? What happens when you take a picture and sometimes the eyes of the people in the picture show up red? Well I can’t say I’ve seen this version of it in all my years of photography.” She turned the computer to face him more. On the screen it was a photo of him. The area around him was blurred, the only thing in focus was him, almost too in focus, and what really shocked him was his eyes in the photo. His eyes were glowing green in the picture, almost like when you took a picture of a cat in the dark. 
Danny felt like a deer in headlights, what were the chances that she would make the connection of him not being human? The woman just shrugged. “Well it looks like we won’t be able to get a proper photo today. You can use your school photo from last year for your ID for now until retakes in a week.” He let out a sigh, it wasn’t too bad though he didn’t really look much different from the year before. At most he grew two inches. Though it was weird that it happened. He wondered  if it was because of his ghostly half. He didn’t exactly take many or really any photos of himself. Danny walked over to the ID station to explain his situation and hoped that this wasn’t how the rest of the day would go.
During second period it was time for the sophomores to get their health checks done. Though most students were pretty sure it was mostly just an excuse for the local college’s medical students to get some more patient contact hours and hands on practice. This time he did share a class with his friends which was nice. Though it wasn't like they could go into an exam booth together. Calling them booths was a bit of a stretch though really they were just four curtains with equipment to take vitals and a chair inside. There were about a dozen or so lined up in the gym. 
“Daniel Fenton come to booth five please.” A man called stepping out of one of the booths as he pulled a pair of gloves on. 
Danny walked over to said booth and pulled the curtain shut behind him. The man motioned for him to sit down in the chair. Danny obliged and sat down he bounced his leg as he watched the man prepare the equipment. “Alright good morning Danny. I’m Josh, I'll be doing your check up today. It’s just a simple overview of your health no need to be nervous. All I’ll be doing is taking your vitals and checking your reflexes and the sort. Any questions?” 
Danny shook his head. He was nervous though, he couldn’t help it. He had tried his best to avoid any type of medical setting ever since the accident. It would be the first time since then that someone actually took a close look at him. But it would probably be fine right? Not like he would be giving a blood sample here or anything. 
It went fine at first as the man -Josh- checked his reflexes, checked his ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. He then affixed a blood pressure cuff to Danny’s arm and stuck a temperature probe in his mouth. Once the results appeared on the machines screen his head tilted a bit. “You usually run a bit cold? Hm your pulse is a bit slower than average than normal too.”
Danny silently cursed. “Uh yeah that's normal for me.”
“Well as long as it’s within your baseline there’s nothing really to worry about. I’m going to listen to your heart and lungs now okay? The stethoscope is a bit cold so be prepared.” Josh warned. When he started to listen to Danny’s heart he seemed at a loss again. “Give me one second okay? I’ll be right back.” He stood up and walked out through the curtain. Well that probably wasn't a good sign. 
Josh returned a minute later with an older man in tow. “Danny, this is Dr. Bears he’s just going to double check something for me.” 
Danny nodded his head giving the doctor an awkward smile. The doctor pulled out a stethoscope of his own and placed it over Danny’s chest. He seemed to listen for a few seconds before moving onto a different region. He gave a small grunt before motioning Josh over. “It’s faint but he does have a heartbeat.”
“Well I know that. He’s clearly alive, he's going to have a heartbeat Doc.”
Danny laughed awkwardly as he continued to watch the two interact. “Try listening again. You’ll probably have issues with the mitral and tricuspid regions though, even I could barely hear it.” The doctor motioned towards Danny before walking out of the booth.
A few minutes later a bunch of other medical students filled into the tent to try to listen to his heart beat. Danny wasn’t sure how he felt about being a case study for a bunch of med students but as long as they didn’t figure out his secret he wouldn’t worry about it too much. 
By the time the bell rang to signal the end of the period half the college students there had listened to Danny’s chest. After emerging from the booth he was met with confused looks from his friends he waved them off promising to explain it to them later.
By the pattern that was emerging Danny was dreading third period. It was english with Mr. Lancer. After everyone took their seats Mr. Lancer stood in front of the class and clapped his hands to bring the classes attention to him. “Alright  class I hope you all enjoyed your summer break. I have exciting news for this school year. Due to the grant given to our school we now have laptops for you all to use during class.” 
The class broke out in whispers and Danny started to have a bit of hope for the rest of the day. Once the laptop cart was wheeled in and each was assigned and passed out to each student they were instructed to make accounts for them. The moment Danny turned the laptop on it gave him a shock. He let out a yelp and barely managed to restrain himself from knocking the thing off of his desk. He shook his hand trying to dispel the pain. He gave the laptop a hesitant poke, no shock. He started on his task of making an account, but was quickly interrupted by the screen glitching out. Danny groaned, occasionally electronics would bug out around him if he was in a particularly sour mood, of course it had to happen today. He waited for the screen to return to normal before trying to continue. 
He just managed to get the account created when it gave him another shock. He yelled in shock once more. Immediately after the lights flickered and all the laptops in the room shut off and the one in front of him started to smoke. The whole class was staring at him and he shrunk under their gaze. They all had bigger problems though as his laptop caught fire and set off the fire alarms. 
“Great Gatsby! Everyone out of the building now!” Mr. Lancer yelled ushering the teens out and leading them to the parking lot. 
Once Mr. Lancer made sure they were all accounted for Sam elbowed Danny in the ribs. “Nice going Danny.” Danny just put his head in his hands and groaned while Tucker pat him on the back. Why couldn’t he just have a normal life? Or just a normal day for once in his half life.
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limenysnocket · 3 years
The Plan
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Summary: It's your birthday (hooray!) and you still have to work (not so hooray). Nevertheless, you can still count on your friends to cheer you up, but not as much as your loveable boyfriend who insists you spend your birthday with him and a romantic dinner, rather than at a party your friends set up.
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, Taika (yes, he gets his own warning), some content may be explicit-ish.
Request: @whatwememeintheshadows
A/N: So people are actually planning their fics nowadays???? Did I not get the memo or something??? These come straight from my head????
THIS IS SO LATE I'M SORRY. Happy (very) belated birthday.
Tags: @honorarytenenbaum @olyvoyl
Okay, so maybe work was less of a bitch today, you had to admit. People were nicer to you today, you got an extra thirty minutes added on to your lunch break just because, and, of course, you got a couple of dirty birthday cards and some cash, but that really shouldn’t matter, should it? What did matter, is that you would get to have some you-time, all by yourself, with your vibrator, a couple of movies, and some nice, low calorie ice cream (that tasted like total shit). At least... That’s what you thought would happen.
“You should totally come party with us! I’ve got the booze, Jess has the men, and we’ll make a whole night out of it! Alcohol, strippers, and dancing! How does that sound?” your friend, Enid, reiterated everything for you at least one thousand times today.
“If I wanted a stripper, I’d ask Taika to dye his hair, shave himself everywhere, and oil up a little. That’s the only sight I’d be happy to see, thank you,” you huff and smile. You appreciate the effort to get you out and about, possibly be a little frisky, but your heart just wasn’t in it, and that was much to Taika’s luck.
“Oh, come on. Taika can’t have that much of a grip on you! He has a lot of ‘female friends’, so what’s wrong with you having some ‘male friends’ hm?” Jess cooed to you, but you immediately whirled around, insulted that she would even suggest that you would do such a thing. And you were sure Taika had female friends, yes, but they were just friends. Nothing else. Although, his flirtatious behavior scared you sometimes, at parties. Some of the women would just swarm him, and you feared any one of them would catch his fancy more than you did.
“No. I don’t want strippers at whatever the hell you’re planning,” you stated again, firmly this time. Your two friends whined again, Jess lowering her head in defeat.
“Fine, but can we still bring booze? Invite a few more friends to party?” Enid asked, setting a hand on your shoulder and pleading to you with large eyes.
You chew at your cheek and think for quite some time. Your friends want to throw you a genuine party, and God knows how long it’s been since you’ve hung around a group of unfamiliar faces, especially since you started to date a Hollywood writer. Maybe it was just what you needed. Taika was supposed to be busy for the night, anyway.
You succumbed to the pressure, and nodded. “Okay,” you agreed. “But if we get any noise complaints, your talking to the cops for me.”
“Hell yeah! You’re not going to regret this! Just you wait! Go home and clean your place up a little. I’ll be by in an hour or two to get things set up!” Enid clapped her hands together in mischief, and Jess suddenly looked more spry. You gave her a warning glance, and she only grinned back, before skipping away, chatting gayly with Enid at her side.
You can’t believe the shit you just got yourself into, and you still wouldn’t believe it, the moment Enid and Jess arrived with their arms full of cheap liquor, streamers, finger foods, and a bunch of colorful-looking lights that look like they just came from a Wal-Mart Christmas sale. As soon as you gave them the go-ahead, they started tearing shit open. Between setting up, your phone started to ping over and over again, as well as your friends’ phones. Apparently, just a few hours was enough time to notify everyone in LA about a party, who it was for, and where it was going to be at. 
You just sat back and sipped on frozen margaritas (meant for the party, but it's your party so you didn't give two shits), until the party started and there was a heavy flow of people rushing into your home. Invited or uninvited.
When things started getting wild, that's when a pact was made. Enid and Jess would be cleaning up your house after this was over. You were already stepping over beer cans as it was.
You can't even say you were having fun there. You barely knew anyone. Most of the people there were just randoms looking for a good time, and unfortunately you saw some of them getting that good time in a dark corner. You made an excuse to run upstairs and lock all the doors of the bedrooms before anyone could think about getting there. That's what you thought, at least.
The party was getting to be too much, too quickly. In haste, you locked yourself into your bedroom, and took a step back. You could still hear the muffled voices and loud, posh laughter on the other side of the door. Those girls would pay. You rush over to your window, overlooking your backyard and see people divebombing into your pool, creating waves and getting people outside of the pool wet. People were leaving their trash everywhere, and many red, plastic cups floated in the (for now) clear waters. You didn't know how much more you could take. Maybe parties weren't your thing after all. Especially with strangers.
You sit back on your bed and you don't even bother looking out the window anymore. It was best to stay inside your room, if you didn't want to be molested or assaulted by some dumbass who thinks it's okay to anonymously grope women in crowded areas. Your face buries in your hands, griping to yourself how this would be over in a few hours. Right?
There's a subtle knock on your door, and you jump. It's in the regular, stiff-three order, so you are very hesitant about going and getting it. Then, there comes the "shave and a haircut" tune. Not a very good one, and kind of slurred, guessing by the way there was a loud thud at the very end, the person knocking was shoved against the door. Damn you and your pity.
You're quick to move, despite the strong feeling telling you not to. You just knew some poor soul was being smooshed out there. Fuck, you were nervous. This was screaming bad idea, but you were going to pull through anyway. The plan in your head seemed childish, but it should work fine if the person was desperate enough to get in. One quick swipe of the door, and you're golden! Surely...
You flick the doorknob lock and gulp, keeping a tight grip. On the count of three-- and after having to restart because another desperate knock jumbled up your thoughts-- you sent the door flying open. Sure enough, a heavy body came tumbling in with it, tripped, tried to balance, then ended up crash-landing cartoonishly into your bed, bonking their head a tad on the wooden post at the end of the frame. You hissed a little bit, then closed the door again. You rushed to their aid as the person looked up.
"I thought you liked private parties more than this," a soft, kiwi accent cooed at you, obviously through unbridled pain. This bewildered you even more.
Taika was sitting on the floor, legs extended out in front of him, making him look like a giant from your angle, and he was dressed in a blue tux, black dress shirt, and polished black shoes. Well, they seemed a little scuffed now.
"Shit, Taika-- what the fuck are you doing here?" you drop to your knees and cradle his aching head. He winced at the touch, but was too happy to see you again to deny it.
"Well, I came to take you out on a surprise birthday dinner. Maybe pick up a bottle of wine and go dancing with my favorite person, you, under moonbeams and twighlight," his head bobbled from side to side, which didn't help his animated character, "but it seems to me you have company... and a lot of it."
You sigh and brush an unkempt curl back into place while he cheekily grins at you. "This wasn't my idea," you murmur. "Friends set this up. They'll also be the ones to take it down. I didn't really want to spend my birthday with anyone this year. Makes me feel old."
"Well, you seriously should have known someone was about to stop you from taking another bite of that shitty ice cream in your freezer. They dished it out in shot glasses down there. Even a sober chick couldn't handle the taste," Taika snorted playfully and you rolled your eyes. He seemed to be taking this situation surprisingly well. It was weird. "But it was much to my misfortune that your 'friends' got to you before I could. Maybe I should have settled on a birthday lunch, but that didn't sound too appealing to me."
"Would have been much better than the chicken salad and dry-ass piece of cake I had for lunch today," you fired back. He sighed again and stood up with a groan. You followed with him.
"What now?" he mumbled, stroking the stache on his upper lip, then letting the tips of his fingers wander down to his smooth, freshly shaved cheeks.
"Well, we're both stuck here, so I suppose we settle in for the night and wait it out." You plop yourself down on your bed again and just stare up at him. He doesn't move, however. His eyes were focused on the window, more specifically the lock on it, and he was nibbling at his bottom lip. He was thinking. Some people might call it strange to watch him think sometimes. He really was like a cartoon. With one tap of his foot, he spun around on his heel and faced you.
"New plan," he clapped his hands together. "Get dressed."
You were confused for the next fifteen minutes or so. He helped you pick out a deep blue dress that would somewhat match his and black heels. He was escorting you all over the room with his hand on your lower back. He even tried to do your makeup for you, but he was so inexperienced, you had to take over. The last time he had to do someone's makeup was on the set of the original, five-minute What We Do in the Shadows film.
While you finished your makeup, he was practically smooching your window. He was staring at it like a dog asking to go outside. It made you a bit nervous, seeing the cogwheels turn in his head. He took your hand and lead you to the window, unlocking it and pushing it up.
"Want to go first?" he said behind a proud smile. When he only received silence and a pure, "what the fuck," stare back to his face, he shrugged, and stepped out the window himself. Luckily, you knew fully well he wasn't about to fall flat on his face and die on the pavement below. You had a screened back porch, with a roof over it's head as well, since the seasons tend to get very hot and sticky and mosquitoes just love to lay visits. He stepped onto the roof, trying not to bring too much attention to himself. Once he had bounced down, he brushed himself off, then looked up at you, expectantly.
"Come on, then! Don't have all night!" he hollered and waved to you. "Need me to catch you?"
You gulped, not bothering to answer him. You gently scooted your lower half out the window and taking your heels into your hand. You didn't want to break an ankle on the landing. "Lord, give me strength," you muttered, squeezed your eyes shut, then took a leap of faith. You tried not to squeal as the rushing air flew by you like sticky wind, but before you knew it, your feet touched slanted ground. You felt like you were about to tumble, but strong hands met your waist and kept you up.
"Beautiful!" Taika beamed and kissed your flushed cheek.
"I hate you sometimes," you slapped his chest and made him laugh. He took your hand and started leading you to the other side of the porch roof, and came to the end, where your driveway supposedly was. Parked dead center was Enid's big, black SUV. Tall enough to just be a little hop away from the roof.
"One more, leap, dear?" Taika was on the move again, but you grabbed his sleeve before he could actually make the jump.
"Taika, no. That's Enid's car. She already spends so much on gas, think of how pissed she'll be if she has to remove dents from her roof!" you explain, nervous from the outcome of this little plan of yours.
"Sweetheart," Taika said airily, turning his full attention to you and taking your hand again. "If she was a good friend, she would have known a massive party like this would have pissed you off. Plus, I don't think just cleaning the house is going to get even with this God awful day. So, why not put a few dusty footprints on her car, hm?" Taika was back to grinning, and before you could say anymore, he had leapt away and landed on top of the car with a large thud. He motioned to you with a swipe of his hand. You were in way too deep with him to give up on him now.
You followed through, heels swinging in one hand, and he caught you again like the perfect, Maori prince charming he was.
Car hop, after car hop, he lead the way and made sure you were okay with every stop, until you reached a small enough car to hop down, scale the lawn and make it to his jeep.
"That was," you said, breathless. You couldn't find the right words, and Taika just chuckled at you.
"Exciting?" he filled in the blank space on his own, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yeah," you laugh, fanning your chest and brushing a single strand of hair back. "That's a good word for it."
"Well, excitement doesn't stop here," he opened your door into the jeep for you, bowing respectfully and playing everything up for you, like you were royalty. "I have everything set up for you to have a great night with yours truly. As long as everything goes according to the plan this time..."
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personasintro · 4 years
My Tiny Secret | 20; First Steps
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𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆 | 20; First Steps 
⏤𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; Pretty face doesn’t make it up for an ugly personality. And Kim Seokjin is the perfect proof of that.
⏤𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: seokjin x reader
⏤𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: angst, smut, fluff, mistress au, unexpected pregnancy au
⏤𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: strong language, mature content 
⏤> 𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙
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The birds' chirping creates a calm melody, outstanding the sounds of kids laughing and crying that reach your ears. Even the blanket underneath your legs feels soft, softer than usual and you wonder if it's made from one of those expensive materials. Surprisingly, Seokjin was the one who packed everything and you left him to it.
It's nice to see him doing such a normal stuff, especially if it's related to you and your son.
“It seems busier than last week.” His voice resounds, your eyes snapping to him as his legs are spread out with arms holding him in a relaxed position. Those black locks that got longer are thrown back, making his forehead on full display along with his thick brows.
He looks so relaxed, wearing a white casual shirt with jean shorts, something you should've got used to by now, but you still find yourself occasionally stare at him.
You're not even sure how, but your Saturdays have been spent in a park nearby your apartment building for the last couple of weeks. You often went alone, making sure you're not stuck in your apartment all day, sometimes Hoseok tagged along with you as well. Surprisingly, Seokjin comes every Saturday without even making any official plans with you, knowing he's about to spend the whole day with you. Well, with Yoojin.
It became a silent routine.
“It does,” you hum, eyes trailed on Yoojin who crawls up to the tree you're sitting underneath. It creates a perfect shadow in this warm weather. “He's so active these days.” you say as you already panic when he starts to standing up, holding the tree with his small hands.
He can stand for a long time now, but he's too careful to hold onto something and not let go. Yoojin's puckered lips stretch into a huge smile, proudly showing himself to his parents as you clap in praise, not holding a smile back. He grew up so fast, you can't believe how many things have changed since he was born.
Seokjin comes to visit more often, he even sleeps on the couch sometimes since the guest room is slowly renovating to Yoojin's new bedroom. You both went shopping together and bought him a new crib, along with a few different decorations and furniture. The memory of the two of you walking with Yoojin in his stroller seems weird, but nice and comfortable. For the first time, it felt like you're a real family, spending some time together.
He's an intelligent man managing a successful company on his own, with no help whatsoever, however building a crib isn't his strong suit. Stubbornly, he insisted on being the one who makes Yoojin's bedroom for him. You've never seen him being so passionate about something, so you let him. Even if it took him a month, but you silently enjoyed every day he came after work struggling in that room, ending sleeping on the couch.
It feels nice to have him there. He's more open, casually talking with you about your day, but mainly has his focus on Yoojin.
You've met his friend – Kim Namjoon. As you've learned, he accidentally found out about his best friend having a child, thinking it's all gossip. But when he burst into Seokjin's office with a single question if he has a kid and his friend didn't deny it, he knew those gossips were true.
According to Seokjin's words, he bugged him about wanting to meet Yoojin for a whole week, until he had no choice but to say 'yes'. Before Namjoon came to your apartment, Seokjin made sure you're okay with the visit of his friend, the same thing he did when his father came to visit for the first time.
You didn't have any reason to say no, Yoojin is his son as well. A part of you wanted to meet his friend anyway, which happened to be a very polite and kind man. It made you shocked that he has such a nice friend, you were expecting someone similar to his personality. The visit was far more enjoyable than that time when Mr. Kim visited. You even saw Seokjin to crack a few smiles and chuckles, not the dark ones you're used to, but honest and happy ones.
“He's Kim,” he points out proudly, smiling at Yoojin who grins back at his father, still holding to the tree. “He has your smile.” he comments, your head snapping to him before you look at Yoojin.
“Really?” you cock your head to the side, trying to find your similarity in your son.
He's a mixture of you both, although he definitely takes after Seokjin's side more. You're not mad at it, his father is handsome, there's no lie in that.
“Yeah,” he hums, his phone vibrating inside of his pocket as he pulls it out.
You see his wife's name on the display, but he just locks the phone and ignores the call.
“You can speak to her, y'know...” you mumble, watching your son instead as he squats down to admire dandelions.
“I know,” he assures you lightly, “I don't want to.” he admits and you don't let a surprise to be known on your face.
The conversation dies there, both of you watching your son as a way to distract yourselves, that's until Seokjin opens his mouth again.
“I'll divorce her,” he informs you, his tone firm as his hardening features. “For Yoojin.” he adds, glancing at your son that touches the top of dandelion and giggles when it bounces.
“That's nice of you,” you tell him softly, heart warming at the progress he's made. “But, are you sure? Is that what you want?”
You don't mean to doubt his decision, nor you feel some kind of triumph that he wants to divorce his wife. It was never a competition for you and you feel sorry for the woman, whether she's a bad person or not. You're not the one to talk, nor is Seokjin. All of you made mistakes along the way that got you where you are right now.
“I thought about what my father said,” he confesses, your mind drifting to that time he told you what he and his father talked about. It took his some time to open up, but when he finally did, you couldn't be more proud of him. “I think he's right. Besides, I don't see any future with her.”
“If that's what you really want, I'm on your side.”
Seokjin catches the smile you give him, eyes glinting with honesty and his heart does a weird twist at seeing you like that. You're wearing a yellow sundress, youth and happiness radiating from you and he wonders what's the reason behind your happiness. Is he a part of it too? Is someone else behind it?
“Thank you,” he says, tone sounding almost unsure of what to say, and you giggle when you see the puzzled look. “I don't know how she will take it, knowing her she'll throw a fuss. She seems to be furious whenever I come back to the house. I think I'll leave the house to her, maybe she'll be less furious when I break the news to her.”
It seems like he's thinking out loud more to himself, than telling you all this stuff, but you appreciate it nevertheless. It's weird hearing him saying house instead of home.
“I can still pay for the rent, I've got my maternity leave every month,” you suggest, ignoring the raise of his brow. “I don't need your money, Seokjin.”
“Debatable.” he mutters, causing your brows to twitch in irritation.
“No, I don't need it. I'm thankful for everything you're doing for us, but I don't need your money.”
Sighing, he scratches his chin as he looks at you. “I'm sorry,” he apologizes, your mouth falling open but you stay quiet. “Let me do this for you. And Yoojin.”
“I am, but I don't want you to think I need your money. Yes, you make our lives easier but I'm not your wife. I thought you knew that.” Your voice fades away, but the disappointment in it stays as Seokjin groans underneath his breath.
“Shit, I know that,” he curses, voice thick with regret. “I'm not good with words. I've never done this before and I've never met someone who didn't try to fuck me over. It's hard for me to trust someone and you're the first person-- I'm sorry. I know you don't need my money, you made that clear from the day one.”
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you let it go before you give him a soft smile. Confusion is clear on his face, probably thinking you were about to curse at him but he's just met with your smile.
“Hm, nothing,” you hum, causing him to roll his eyes in annoyance. Well, some things haven't changed. “I just.. thank you for being so open, I think. It makes me understand you better.” you tell him honestly, seeing him look away as he plays with the grass next to him.
Is he blushing?
When he looks back at you, his eyes trail somewhere behind you before his eyes widen. You follow his vision, eyes mimicking Seokjin's expression as you see your son standing, without holding himself. He giggles and stumbles, but still doesn't reach for the tree next to him.
“Oh my god, he's standing!” you chant, clapping like a crazy woman which makes your son giggle.
“Where's my phone?” you hear Seokjin mutter, before he's snapping a few pictures of your son.
“Come here, pumpkin. You can do it, come here!” you call to him, arms outstretching as you silently call him to your embrace.
He frowns, complementing on what to do but when you clap again and call for him, he smiles. He takes a step forward, and you push the squeal that wants to rip out of your throat away, not wanting to scare him as he slowly starts walking towards you. He's wobbling, his chubby legs barely holding his balance, but he doesn't fall this time. From the corner of your eyes, you see Seokjin pointing his phone to Yoojin, recording this moment with a huge smile plastered on his lips.
“Come to mommy!” you call for him, giggling when he's almost in your embrace, loosing his balance but you're quick to catch him, causing him to giggle. “Good job!” you praise him, kissing his cheeks as you hug him closer to you.
You've never felt so proud, like this very moment. Seokjin's eyes are filled with a rare emotion, something you've never seen on his face and you wish you could snap a picture of him right now. He reaches towards you, caressing Yoojin's back as he gives him a set of praise words.
“Go to daddy,” you tell him, making sure your son is standing as he stares at his father.
He moves away, crossing his legs as he outstretches his arms the same way you did. He's smiling, eyes glistening as he wonders if his son will walk into his arms like he did to you.
“Yoojin-ah, come on. Come here.” he calls out to him, your eyes watering when he starts taking a few steps to his father, grinning at him as Seokjin starts to scream in encouragement causing you to laugh.
You've never heard him being so loud, full of joy and you pull out your phone, taking a lot of pictures as he picks up your son, bouncing him in his arms as he starts kissing his face repeatedly. It makes your son erupt into a fit of laughter, his bubbly laugh outstanding from other children's ones while you're wiping your tears, too stubborn to look away, savoring this moment.
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[9:23pm] hobi: wait... he looks... happy???
The message makes you giggle, covering your mouth with the blanket before your fingers work their way onto the screen. You've sent him the video of Yoojin walking, along with the pictures you managed to snap of Seokjin kissing him.
[9:24pm] he does, i've never seen him look so happy
[9:24pm] hobi: that's good, right? is he treating you okay?
He never fails to ask the same question every time the two of you talk, but you know he's just looking out for you. And besides, today was nothing but great.
[9:25pm] yeah, he's really trying hobi
He sends you a couple of emojis of confetti, clapping hands and fireworks which makes you snort. Your giggling is interrupted with a soft knock on your bedroom door. Knowing it's Seokjin, you call out a gentle 'come in' before he opens the door. His head is the first thing that appears, as he cutely looks around noticing Yoojin's crib where he's sleeping.
He was supposed to sleep in his new crib, but he somehow didn't want to let go of you, even though he fell asleep almost immediately.
“Can I come in?” he asks you, cautiously staring at you and catching a glimpse of your exposed legs.
Slowly, you sit up and nod in response. He tries to be quiet, making his way towards the crib to check on Yoojin before he sits next to you. The fresh scent of his shower gel that he brought one day to your home lingers on his skin, his hair slightly dampened after he took a shower. He's wearing a loose shirt and some sweatpants, to stay decent. You know he likes to sleep naked most of the time, or at least that's what you always thought after he fell asleep a few times in your bed – back in the time when you messed around. He always made sure to leave after you both had sex, but there were times when he had a couple of drinks and stayed the night. But you never felt the warmth of him the next morning, no sight of him.
“He fell asleep right away. I think we tired him out.” you whisper, pointing at your son's crib as he chuckles.
“He had an eventful day.” he comments, his voice gentle and quiet not to wake him up.
He's right. After you both packed your stuff and put it into the truck of Seokjin's car, you went to eat ice cream and walked around for a few minutes, before it was time to go back home. Seokjin took a bath with Yoojin, playing with him in the water and you left them there, and cooked dinner.
“Can't sleep?” you ask quietly, making out his features thanks to the moon and opened blinds.
“Yeah,” he mutters. “Can you? I heard you giggling.”
“Oh, it was just something Hobi sent me,” you wave your hand, silently watching him in the darkness.
Luckily, Hoseok visited you more often, even when Seokjin was present and even though the atmosphere is awkward most of the time, at least they don't want to rip each other heads anymore.
“Thank you for taking us out today, Yoojin was so happy.” You feel the need to tell him that.
He's not a kid who needs to get praised at every single good thing he does, yet you want to show him your gratitude. He's been involved in Yoojin's and your life more with each passing month. Maybe it's weird but you feel like a family. You raise him together, even though Seokjin officially doesn't live with you, but he's spending most of his time with you. This actually works nicely, way better than you've ever imagined.
And the littlest smile that ghosts his lips whenever you show him your gratitude doesn't go unnoticed, even though he tries to hide it. It's the same one that's hidden by the darkness in your bedroom.
“Were you?” he asks, head tilting towards you, although you can't see his eyes clearly.
“Happy,” he whispers, “Were you happy?”
You're taken back by his question. Does he really care about your happiness? You can't believe your own ears. You knew he's not such a bad guy as he makes himself out to be – hence all the gestures he's done for you, like sending you money and making sure you live in a nice place. There are a lot of things he's done, nice things that made you even more confused by him. But he's never been so straight forward. Until these recent days.
“Yes,” you answer him, “Were you happy?” you ask him back, watching his broad shoulders as he stays quiet for a moment.
“Yes.” he whispers, turning to you and you automatically smile at him, not even sure if he can properly see you.
“I'm glad, I don't think I've ever seen you happy.” you admit, wondering if you're pushing his buttons too much.
“I don't really show emotions but I don't think I've ever been happy. I kind of just... lived.”
The lamp that slowly creates in your throat makes you painfully swallow, your heart shivering of sadness from hearing those words. He says it lightly, although the meaning behind it is sad. You put your hand on his back, caressing his tensed muscles as you scoot closer to him. He's warm, inviting almost and you hate yourself for craving his touch.
“Are you happy now?” you hesitate to ask, but relax when he doesn't seem too tensed from your question.
Slowly, he turns around, your hand falling off his back as he stares at you. It's hard to see his eyes, but you know he's looking at you. He reaches towards your face, caressing your soft skin as his thumb swipes across your lips. Your breath hitches but you don't dare to look away or flinch, it feels too good to do that.
“I'd like to think that I am.” he answers.
It's something about the tone and the way he says it, making it sound painful yet smooth and joyful. He's a one big mystery you were always trying to solve, but if he's not the one opening himself to you, it's pointless. But you see it now. So many things have changed and you get to know a new side of him, each layer he has, almost every day.
You don't know who moves the first, maybe the both of you at the same time, as your lips crashes together in a soft and slow manner. It's been so long since you've felt those lips against your own, enjoying how perfect they feel. As expected, he takes over the kiss, leading you the entire time as you adjust to his pace. It should be embarrassing how quick he has you squirming in your spot and groaning into the kiss, whenever he pulls onto your bottom lip. He cups your face for the better measure, while the other one holds your neck and fuck, how amazing it feels.
Even when your back meets the softness of your mattress, and your neck Seokjin's lips, you know you're utterly fucked. He hovers over you, kissing every sensitive spot which makes you giddy over the fact, he still remembers what makes you moan and clench around nothing.
His thigh is settled between your legs, and when he lightly nibbles onto your weak spot with his teeth, you automatically grind against him. He shushes your moans with his mouth, leaving your mouths connected before has to pull away after a couple of seconds.
“Jin,” you plead, arms hooked around his neck as you pull him closer.
The chuckle that leaves his mouth is shushed, but very audible to your ears as he nudges your nose with his own. “What do you want?”
Of course, he knows what you want from him. He just likes you to say it, even beg for it.
“You,” you whisper, arms traveling down his broad shoulders making its way to his defined chest and abs. “I want you.”
“Is that so?” he hums, nudging your cheekbone with his nose this time. “Are you sure?” he asks when he receives a few set of nods in response.
Your hand trails down, cupping him through his sweatpants, surprised when it's the only clothing separating his length and your hand. What shocks you the most, is the obvious erection poking underneath the thin material and how just the feel of it makes you aroused.
“Naughty,” he comments, pushing away the groan that wants to escape past his lips, clenching his jaw when you stroke him. He sits back on his knees, motioning for you to sit up and you obey, letting him taking off your loose shirt.
Now that you think about it, it seems like it's one of Seokjin's shirts he forgot here. If he noticed such a little detail, he doesn't comment it and softly lays you back down. You bite onto your lips, feeling his palm against your breast, groping the soft flesh.
“So big,” he hums, noticing how bigger they seem and feel ever since you got pregnant. Surprisingly, he leans against your chest, sucking on your nipple as he licks it a few times.
Your palm slaps against your mouth, silencing all those moans and soft groans. He does the same thing to the other breast, coating it with his saliva as he trails down onto your stomach, kissing and licking your skin.
You haven't thought about having sex for a long time, there was never a proper time to think about such thing. You've spent all your time taking care of Yoojin, that the thought of another man and your intimate life was the least of your worries. There were times your hormones would act up, and you craved for someone else's touch. Your mind often drifted to the man that's enveloping your body with his mouth, no matter how many times you've reminded yourself that he's not right for you.
You were so busy trying to be the best mother you could be, that you never really thought about having sex after nine months you gave birth. You got in shape, although your body is not what it used to be. Your breasts got bigger and you still got some fat on your stomach and thighs. And for this very time, you're lucky there's a darkness in the room and Seokjin can't tell all the stretchmarks that failed to disappear.
His hand disappears between your thighs, chuckling when he notes you've no underwear. “Naughty girl.” he chuckles, circling your opening teasingly as you bite onto your lower lip.
It hurts, but you've to keep your mouth shut if you don't want to wake up your son.
“Can you...” he trails off, your mind clouded with lust before you realize what he's asking.
“Yeah.” you answer, giving him the green light as he slowly pushes a one finger inside of you.
It feels weird, almost as if it's the first time you ever experienced this particular touch. Although, it doesn't take you too long to get used to it, hips bucking into his hand as you plead him for more. Surprisingly, he doesn't insist on begging, listening to you as he watches your body squirm in pleasure. He pumps his fingers inside and out, grazing your walls before he scissors them, penetrating you.
“Fuck, you got so tight.” he groans, pumping his fingers before he kisses you.
He barely used to do that. He barely kissed you during sex, and if he did, it was always harsh and rushed. This seems to be slow, but intense at the same time.
You've heard so much stuff of women getting even tighter after they gave birth. You weren't sure if that's true but if Seokjin can tell a difference and he's telling the truth, you guess all those articles were right. Woman's body is something amazing. It goes to its original state even after bringing a human into the world.
He adds another, silently shushing you when you whimper.
“I know, gotta stretch you out,” he whispers, pushing onto your clit with his thumb while his fingers continue to fill you up. “Have you had sex after you gave birth?”
There's a possibility he feels unsure, but he doesn't stop and continues with his movements as if he's not asking you such an intimate question.
Would he be angry if you said yes?
Would he become possessive all over again?
“No,” you whisper, clutching the sheets between your fingers. “You're my first.” you tell him, and you wish you could see his reaction more clearly. This way it seems he barely reacted, although he goes down to bite onto your collarbone which leaves you gasping.
You clutch his shoulders, frowning when he's still fully clothed. “And you?”
“You mean, if I had sex after giving birth?” he snorts, causing you to roll your eyes at him before you groan both in annoyance and pleasure.
“You know what I mean.”
“Then the answer is no,” he tells you, mouth pressed against your ear, so you can hear him clearly. “I haven't had sex with anyone else.”
“That's hard to believe.” you choke out, when he adds his fourth fingers making you breathe through it with a scrunched face.
He gives you the time to adjust, halting his movements. “I didn't. Believe it or not, I've found it hard to find someone else. Not that I was really looking for someone.”
It's the honesty that makes you pause, your heart hammering even faster and you wonder if he can feel it too with his chest pressed against your own. Before you can question him, your curiosity getting the best of you, he's already pumping his fingers again. Deciding you want to feel him, you hook your fingers underneath the hem of his sweatpants, hand disappearing into them as you finally grab him. He groans, surprised by your bolt move, as you slowly pump him.
You were right. He's not wearing any underwear, making it easier for you to access him. He feels just as thick as you remember him, the weight in your palm causing you to clench around his fingers.
“I need you.” you whisper, clearly enough for him to hear because you see him pulling away, staring at you.
“Don't you wanna cum? It'll be easier for me to--”
“I'm sure,” you interrupt him, pulling your hand out of his sweatpants. “Take your clothes off.” you tell him softly, surprised when he actually listens to you without any side remarks.
The loud thud of his clothes makes you both freeze, waiting for Yoojin to wake up but you barely hear the soft puffs leaving from the crib, before he goes back to you. You sit up, pushing him to lay down as he stares at you in confusion. There's not much place or time to actually speak, you're both aware you have to be quiet. Maybe you should just move it to the living room, but there's something thrilling about having sex knowing you've to keep your mouth shut.
“I wanna ride you.” you whisper, already sitting down onto his abdomen, his hardened length poking you into your ass.
“Holy fuck.” he grunts, hands gripping your hips before you lift yourself up, enough to grab his length and make yourself more comfortable.
His head pokes your entrance, your walls clenching just from the thought of feeling him stretching you, as you slide him up and down. Your other hand is outstretched onto his defined abs, feeling how tense they're. You know you're teasing him, but he doesn't say anything and simply lets you take the lead.
Maybe it's the understatement, knowing you're about to have sex for the first time since Yoojin was born. Or maybe he just got a lot more understanding, appreciating current situation. You'd never have thought it'd come to this again, even though your dreams have been wild these couple of months.
Slowly and cautiously, you slide down onto him, your mouth opening at the sudden stretch and burn that his fingers couldn't do. This way, he reaches you even deeper and he's not even halfway in. He's groaning, doing an awful job to contain the pleasure, while you whimper with each inch that you take him.
This has to be difficult for him too. If he's really telling the truth, which you believe him, he haven't had sex for a long time.
Oh, if you just knew he's minutes from spilling himself like some teenager.
Maybe it's just that exact reason, him not having sex for a long time. Or it's you and the way you feel around his length, making him throb inside of you as he twitches when you finally take all of him. A few seconds of adjusting yourself to his huge length, and you're already bouncing on him. Your arms failing you, your body falling onto Seokjin's chest as he holds your body even closer, meeting your thrusts with his hips. He's fucking into you, taking the control even though you're the one on top. He envelopes you in his arms, making you feel closer to him than ever.
You can't describe it, but this time it's different. It's not just sex full of lust and pleasure, there's something else there. You know you don't love each other, but there is a certain kind of chemistry going between you two. Instead of fucking you so hard trying to chase his own pleasure, his movements are quick but still soft. It might sound stupid or ridiculous, but it feels lot more closer. Like there's an actual connection between you two, and it's not just from the fact he's inside of you.
“Fuck, Jin, I can't--” you whimper into his neck, silencing your moans as he starts to fasten up.
“Come on, cum for me. Let me feel you.” he grunts into your hair, digging his fingers into your back and hips as he urges you to cum.
With a few more thrusts, you're cumming around him as your whole body shakes, but he's there to hold you through it.
”Shhh, you did so great. You were amazing.” he shushes you, his length twitching inside of you, reminding you of its presence and need.
You slide off him, settling yourself between his legs before you take him into your mouth, hand gripping the rest that you can't take. Bobbing your head and stroking him with your hand, you feel his fingers grabbing your hair. Swiping your tongue and repeating the same process couple of times, causes him to let out a low growl as he's spilling himself into your mouth. He twitches in your mouth, emptying himself and when he's done, he sighs.
You let him go with a pop sound, swallowing all of his cum as you sit down onto your knees, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“That was... fucking amazing.” he breathes out, his rigid breathing filling the bedroom.
The sex itself wasn't the longest you both had, but it was intense and probably the best one. Something's telling you he thinks the same thing as he seems to be far more affected than ever.
“Yeah,” you chuckle, agreeing with him as you stand up.
“Where are you going?” he asks immediately, already leaning against his elbows as he watches you in the darkness.
“To take a shower,” you answer, stating the obvious while a surprised 'oh' leaves his mouth. “Can you please watch Yoojin?”
He coughs, nodding his head remembering that you can't probably see him that well. “Sure.”
You go take a shower, smiling giddily for the whole time the water splashes onto your body, ignoring the little jumps your heart does every time you replay what has just happened. When you're done, Seokjin takes his turn to take a shower while you can't fall asleep. Staring at the ceiling, you're surprised when the bedroom door are pushed open. You don't move, nor close your eyes as you feel him getting into your bed. You don't comment it, nor does he. You're not even sure if he knows you're still awake and you wonder what's been going on in his head again.
What made him to come here and sleep next to you?
Nevertheless of your raging thoughts, you find yourself relaxing when you feel a warm body next to you. Small part of you wishes he'd pull you closer, letting you feel his warmth properly.
But even without that, you manage to fall asleep in a minute, enjoying his proximity and warmth while it lasts. And for the first time, you wake up next to him peacefully dreaming and sleeping in your bed.
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