#i could also see him being Not Cool with katrina in the second game if we're going with the fic i wrote
bestbuybathroom · 1 year
another selection of pins from my lucas pinterest board bc i have nothing else to post really (minor? horror tw for this one + scopophobia)
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there was this one image I was gonna put but ill do a separate post for that one bc it gets into like. "ooh hes soooooooooooooooooo fucked up bc of trauma and he like overcorrects his past mistakes" or smth like that
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
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-->Fortunately, that was the end of Chore Time, and so we could get onto the meat of the playsession – namely, the Love Day dates! Alice went and asked Victor on the first date while Smiler headed upstairs to play some video games, and, naturally, I sent them to...
The Steampunk Cafe by patnactt3, which I'd set up earlier on the Pebble Burrow lot in Oasis Springs! :D Yeah, my original thought was to send them to South Square Coffee in Windenburg, but while looking through my Library to see if I had any better lots than the original cafe, I spotted the Steampunk Cafe sitting there, realized I'd never actually used said lot despite thinking it looked really cool, and headed over to Oasis Springs to plop it down (since it looked like the original creator built it there as per the preview pictures). It seemed a pretty neat place, to my delight -- with a central cafe, some outdoor activities (mainly chess and the steampunk rocket pad), and a whole hidden underground lab area. It just needed a little tweaking to be perfect – first, by replacing the toilets and the computers downstairs with more Victorian/steampunky versions (specifically, the toilets with the pull-chain ones from Vampires, and the computers with the typewriter ones from Cottage Living), and second, by adding a couple more things to do – like putting a small telescope up on the roof to go with the big observatory there, and sticking in a little splash pad area in the back for when it gets hot. :) I thought it would be ideal for Victor and Alice's date, and indeed, when they first got there, everything seemed to be going well -- I had them change into more appropriate clothes for the weather/situation, started them off with a few flirts, then sent them inside to talk to the barista and order some food – namely, a cannoli for Victor and a cup of mocha coffee for Alice.
-->Which is where I started running into problems. First off, the barista (who wasn’t very good at her job, as you can see by the coffee grounds spraying everywhere) kept acting like she couldn’t get to Victor and Alice for some reason, and put Victor’s plate down randomly on another table, which was already occupied. Second off, when I hopped into build mode to move the plate to a table that Katrina Caliente wasn’t sitting at, I discovered that the decorative woodworks that the creator had placed on the tables were all too big to ALLOW plates on them. Only the dragon table was actually accessible to Sims wanting to, you know, EAT. I tried to find something else to display them on, but the biggest spikiest one didn’t fit on a lot of the various displays, so I ended up just deleting them to make room. I then put the cannoli on another table and sent Victor over there to wait as Alice tried to get her coffee –
Aaaand another wandering townie came over, picked up the plate, and took it for herself. Before Victor could even take a bite. sigh This game, I swear...
-->Well, at least Victor and Alice could more than afford to redo their orders! I had them both order again and sit down at the recently-vacated-by-Katrina table nearest the counter – once again, the barista acted like she couldn’t get to them, but with them being closer, at least she put down the stuff where they were actually SITTING! I had Victor promptly start eating his cannoli this time as the plate was put in front of him, listening to Alice tell him a story and sharing some deep conversations with her, along with a bit of flirting. Alice eventually got her coffee, and the socialization train continued – though not without random townies trying to join in the conversation, as always. *grumble* Including the one who stole Victor’s original order! The nerve... I also saw Alice get blown a kiss at one point, but I wasn’t sure if Victor had done it or one of the other townies...I figured it HAD to be Victor because I was pretty sure I’d disallowed autonomous flirting in my game -- right? O.o
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slytherin-hufflepuff & @punkkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 16:
Hours after Noelle Landed in Montreal, Thomas and Clay landed in New Orleans. A few hours ago Clay’s parents dropped his truck off at the airport so he could take Thomas around the city to see his favorite places. They didn’t bring much just carry on backpacks, so walking out the door and feeling the heat was what they did next.
“It’s Winter!”
“It’s so warm, I missed it.” Clay sighs happily and grabs the little dangly adjustment strap to Thomas’ bag and starts leading him to where his parents said his truck was following the directions on his phone that his mom typed out. It stayed in daily parking so they didn’t have to go inside the parking garage. Thankfully. Thomas was expecting Clay’s truck to be just like his one in Gryffindor, large bright red and loud, but to his surprise they start walking over to a teal blue old truck. It must have been from the 70’s or something. Thomas stopped a couple feet back just taking in the scene.
Clay, glowing under the sun just in a shirt and jeans standing next to a light blue truck making this all seem like a picture on one of those tiny calendars with old cars on them. The concrete around them was a bit off but he didn’t mind.
“What? Something wrong?” Clay looks at him from the other side of the truck after finding his keys in his bag and tossing it into the bed of the truck. “You can toss your bag in the back if you want, there isn’t a ton of room in the front.”
“I was just looking at something pretty is all.” Thomas acts all nonchalant as he tosses his bag in the back next to Clay’s and climbs in the now unlocked vehicle. Clay gets in on the driver's side and gives him a confused look, turning his head in the direction of where Thomas was just looking.
“All I see are cars, was there a cool one I missed?” He looks back at Thomas only to find his boyfriend a good inch from his face. He feels his cheeks heating up and hopes Thomas can’t tell. “What?”
“I was staring at you, Stupid.” Clay feels his cheeks get even more red and glares at Thomas a bit. Thomas has definitely stuck to his words recently in telling Clay he is ‘Pretty’ and ‘Beautiful’ all the time but Clay still doesn’t know how to react. Recently it has been smacking Thomas upside the head… then usually smooching him but that's besides the point. He has grown up his whole life being criticized for how he looks, then suddenly girls were throwing themselves at him and calling him ‘Hot’ and ‘Sexy’ but never the things Thomas or Noelle says.
It makes him feel vulnerable when they say stuff like that.
“Shut up.” Clay gives him a quick kiss and goes to pull away but Thomas holds him by his shirt to deepen the kiss, Clay doesn’t even try to fight against it. He smiles and kisses him more sweetly before they actually pull away. “I’m hungry, let's go eat!” He smiles a bit as Thomas laughs and buckles up, pulling out of the parking lot he starts to drive further into the heart of the city. Thomas watches all the old and new buildings mix together to make a wonderful blend of modern and historical.
It was so amazing, beautiful and fun.
He notices the buildings are getting more off the ground and raises an eyebrow, he goes to ask Clay what the houses are doing on stilts but the NOLA Native beats him to the punch.
“They are for when it floods during storms. Like hurricanes and flash floods, we have a flood wall as well but they don’t always hold up.” Clay has put on his dark wire framed sunglasses, driving with one hand on the wheel and his other elbow resting on the open window seal of the car, wind blowing through his hair. Just looking so in his element. “We are headed towards the harbor because they have the best seafood boil restaurants. My favorite is Mama Junes but Leo’s is Olive and Otto’s. So we tend to fight about where we want to go.” Clay glances over to Thomas who is just soaking everything in. Looking relaxed and calm.
They pull into the small broken concrete parking lot and park right in front. There are old buildings lining the narrow sidewalk just feet away from the docks. The sidewalk was poorly taken care of but it added character. Clay hop out of the truck and wanders over to Thomas side and opens the door bowing to him.
“Your highness.” Then he trips him on the way out making him stumble causing Clay to laugh hard enough he has to lean against the truck so he doesn’t fall over. Thomas rolls his eyes smiling and closes the door. Looking out at the docks he notices all the people doing their jobs and wonders what it would be like to be on a massive ship. He is knocked out of his thoughts by being hit in the side of the head by a pen.
“Where did you even get a pen!?” Thomas picks up the pen from the ground and starts chasing Clay around the truck for a good few minutes before he finally catches him from behind and wraps his arms around his waist picking him up, swinging him around to the other side of him, both laughing uncontrollably. Thomas' stomach lets them know that it senses food is nearby by rumbling loudly.
“That was weird I could feel your stomach growling, we should go eat before the fishermen get off work for the night.” Clay turns around in Thomas arms and just looks over his face for a moment, running his fingertips over the side of his face. He loves Thomas…
He should tell him soon and Noelle, of course Noelle. She is everything, beautiful, smart, sarcastic, and treats him like a real person. Clay didn’t know if he was ever going to date another woman after Ashley, hell, he didn’t even know if he would ever get away from Ashley. But he never expected to get so lucky. He never in a million years ever expected to be loved like two people.
Well, he hopes they love him.
They pull away after just looking at each other for a solid thirty seconds before Clay leads Thomas down the street a bit to a restaurant that looks straight out of the 60’s. Thomas was picking up a theme of stuff Clay likes… the theme is old. Doesn’t help that he and Noelle are older than the southerner either. They get a table, order food, and people just keep coming up to the table to talk to Clay like old friends. Men, women, old and young everyone wanted to talk to him.
When their food does show up it is something called a ‘seafood boil’. Thomas has heard of it before but always thought it was boiled right in front of you, which it is not. It also shows up in a plastic bag for some reason. Clay teaches him how to crack crab properly, only ending in one thumb being cut open by the sharp shell. Whose thumb?
Clayton London Bruss’ and he was annoyed about it.
They finish up eating and paying, Clay gives the young waitress a 50% tip because he can and wants to. They head out the door full and happy, walking past a group of old women who are playing poker at one of the tables out front.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Bruss himself! Long time no see, Sugar.” The woman the farthest away from Clay smiles at him and Thomas is worried this is going to go bad. “Looking mighty handsome there young man, be careful one of these days I’m gonna leave my husband for you.”
“Mrs. Bell! You can’t say stuff like that!” He laughs and walks over to give her a kiss on the cheek, giving Thomas time to take a good look at her. She was an older looking black woman who has definitely lived a full life, she was wearing a lot of blush and eyeshadow but her ruby red lipstick is what really stood out. Especially when she gave Clay a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m old, I can say what I want, within reason. Now tell me where you have been these last few months! We miss you and Leo on Fridays.”
“You here to stay for a while before you take off and get yourself hurt at those rodeos?” The woman across from Mrs. Bell spoke up, she was a white heavy set woman with a shirt that has two hurricanes on the boobs of her shirt that say ‘Lily’ and ‘Katrina’. He doesn’t know how to respond to that.
“I assure you Miss Lila, I am only here for a day or maybe two.”
“Who is this hunk that with you Clayton, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on him.” Clay smiles brightly and walks back over to Thomas’ side. Ignoring the hungry stares pointed in Thomas' direction by all four women.
“Sorry but he is off limits.” All the women make a mock sound of disappointment. “He’s my boyfriend.” They are stunned for a moment before they all gasp in delight and congratulate them.
“You always knew how to pick them, I always thought Your friend Leo and you would end up together. But I am so happy for you.” Mrs. Bell smiles at them.
“Everyone always thought Leo and I would get together but honestly, he's not my type.” Clay winks at the ladies who all giggle as they walk past, saying goodbye to one another. The ladies pick up their game from where they left off. Thomas was still in shock. Those elderly ladies.. Congratulated them! He was not expecting that. He was expecting to be chased off with a purse or something. Then again, Clay does seem rather close to them.
“How do you know them?” Thomas looks at Clay who is saying hello to the people he knows that pass them on the way to the restaurant. He apparently knows everyone.
“Well, they have a poker tournament every Friday at Mama June’s so Leo and I would volunteer there for fun. Other people would work to get paid but we never needed the money, instead we were the two who would lose on purpose just to give the people their money. Most people who go to the tournaments are on the poorer side of town and we always tried to give back. So that's what we did. We would bet obscene amounts of money just to make sure people could pay their rent or bills or do whatever they do to relieve stress after a long week of working.” Thomas stopped walking, Clay didn’t notice for a few steps and then turned but to look. The sun was sinking down behind him and it made him glow. Thomas has known he has loved Clay for a while now but Noelle and him had a plan to tell Clay together. But at this very moment in time, his heart was so full of adoration he couldn’t help himself.
“I love you.”
Noelle watched, she watched the entire interaction her father had with Leo. She knew it wasn’t going to be good. She had listened to his insult Leo while she was in the kitchen with her mother and honestly it made her feel sick with anger. Leo was exactly what they wanted for Logan. Yet, they brush him off because of something stupid. She was pissed, helping her mother get ingredients out for dinner but decided she didn’t want to help. She was exhausted mentally and physically. So she decided to go take a nap, walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her childhood room.
The biggest bedroom in the house. It was painted seafoam green because that was her favorite color in secondary school, posters of her favorite bands and pictures of her friends all over the walls. Little origami birds made by her best friend hang from fishing line over her king sized bed with pristine crisp white matching bedspread, pillows and sheets. Her full length mirror was next to her large white desk with a lamp that cost forty dollars on it. Her bean bag chairs of varying sizes and colors on the corner next to her TV and PlayStation.
She never noticed how spoiled she was. But being in this room and then thinking about her sisters and Logan’s room, it made her ears ring with guilt. She started going to therapy after she got out of the house because she didn’t understand why she would just be consumed by guilt or sadness whenever she was around Logan. They never had a good relationship when they were younger fighting all the time, Noelle just saying really nasty things that she regrets and now they are pretty much each other's best friends. Her therapist told her that it was because her father was a narcissist and raised her to believe she was better than all her siblings but as she grew older she knew that it was wrong.
After that appointment she called Logan to apologize for everything over the phone, he was confused but still listened and let her get everything off her chest. Then he invited her and their sisters to family skate. There is where she met Thomas, she was uncomfortable around him for a while but she couldn’t understand why. Then it hit her.
Her father would speak poorly of any person of color any chance he got… and she believed him when he said all those terrible things. Things that should never be said. So she erased everything he ever said from her morals and continued to hang out with Thomas, when he asked her out it was a no brainer to say yes.
Her father wasn’t happy but it's not his life to live, she paced up and down her dorm on many nights when she should have been studying worrying about what her dad would say but in the end she understood that none of it mattered… By then she knew she was in love.
Months later she started going to the Godric University in Gryffindor to continue her masters degree she told her parents it was to keep an eye on Logan, she moved in with Thomas but never told her parents. Logan was ecstatic. She hadn’t seen him that happy in… well, when their dad told him he was proud of Logan for getting drafted and “doing something with his life”. It stung but Logan couldn’t stop smiling.
Then there was Clay. Stupid, Charming, Challenging, Beautiful Clay.
He waltzed into their lives like he was meant to. Stumbling once but never stopping. She wasn’t expecting to get a text from a random number saying “Hi, My name is Clayton and I have been talking to Thomas over the phone for a few months. He mentioned he had a girlfriend but I think we have started flirting and I wanted to let you know, because I know Thomas talks about you all the time and is madly in love with you. I just wanted to let you know that… I think I have caught feelings for him and if you would like me to stop talking to him I will.”
It scared her at first not answering the message for days, letting it hang over her like a storm cloud, Thomas had never mentioned an interest in the same sex before and she was worried she would lose him. So they talked about it, Thomas showed her the messages willingly and hadn’t noticed the flirting until she pointed it out. She started messaging Clay. They got on really well and before she knew it, he was all her and Thomas talked about.
They both realized they liked him, together.
Meeting him in person for the first time was intimidating because how do you balance a relationship already formed and stable, to a relationship with a new person at the same time? Would they get jealous? Would they fight? Would they end up splitting up?
But instead, Clay made them stronger, happier. They were happy before but sometimes it felt as though something was missing. Noelle didn’t really know or care about Polyamrous relationships until Logan started talking to her about how it feels to love two people.
“It hurts sometimes but it is also something I can’t live without. One being wild and free and the other grounded and calm, sometimes they switch or we all switch in dynamics but… I wouldn’t trade either of them for the world. It's the most I’ve ever loved and been loved in my life.” and she wanted that as well but never thought she could do it.
Then it happened, she felt like she was on the edge of a cliff ready to dive off at any minute but she was worried she would regret it. She eventually jumped, landing in the water below of safety and love, never looking back. She never would.
Her and Thomas told each other they loved one another on the same day at the same time. A day she would never forget. They were stuck in traffic arguing about something stupid, probably about schedules because that was their main issue always missing each other on the way out the door, they stopped for a moment. Noelle was still fuming but Thomas was calm, he was always calm, he put his hand on her leg and she looked at him. They held eye contact for a few seconds before they said at the same time.
“I love you.”
Clay was stunned. He stared at Thomas letting the words he just spoke sink in. He never expected to be told that by someone other than his parents, Leo, Reg and Eloise. His heart suddenly started aching and his throat became tight as he felt a drop of something on his cheek. Looking up to see if it was raining he only saw a clear blue sky beginning to tint purple. Then he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist and a hand cup his cheek, turning his head to meet those soft dark brown eyes.
“Is it raining?” Thomas smiled a bit at him and wiped his cheek.
“You’re crying. Are you okay?”
“You love me?” Thomas smiles so bright, so calm and so lovingly at him that it makes him feel like he is about to burst with emotions.
“Yes, I do.” Clay puts his hands over his own overworking heart and squeezes.
“Why?” Thomas is a bit taken back by this question, his expression changes a bit to concern for a moment. Wiping away another tear that has fallen.
“Because, you make me happy. You are caring, sweet, kind and…” Clay squeezes his eyes shut listening to Thomas list off things about himself that he couldn’t believe were true. “You are beautiful.” Clay lets out a strangled sound from his throat and turns to bury his face in Thomas’ chest hoping he could hide. “You are so so amazing Clayton, I just wish I could show you what I see, what Noelle sees too.” Oh god, they have talked about being in love with Clay and he didn’t even know! Noelle wasn’t with them but it felt as though she was everywhere. She was in the blue of the ocean, the sound of it hitting the shore. The beauty of the city just so alive yet caring. She was everywhere and not there at the same time.
“Noelle loves me too?”
“Yes, but don’t tell her I confessed for her. She will kill me.” This makes both of them chuckle. Clay pulls away enough to look Thomas in the eyes once more and he says back.
“I love you.”
Judy was waiting by the door, the food for dinner was in the oven staying warm, Garland was outside on the porch smoking a cigarette waiting for the boys to arrive. It would be any minute now. Clay says they just ate but Judy isn’t one to let her guests get hungry. She remembers Thomas from when the team was down at the Knut’s ranch for a week. She remembers him being polite and helping her move the chair around the table to make sure everyone would fit for the meals.
He was also a very good looking man, he was tall, dark and handsome as Clay would say. She never in a million years would have thought that that would be the man Clay ended up with. There was also Noelle who she spoke with when some of the team was at the bar, she was so very sweet and funny as well. But again, never someone she thought Clayton would end up with.
She saw the dust down the driveway and knew the boys were moments away, Clayton knows she doesn’t like him driving at night. She remembers when Clay was just a young little boy, coming home after driving in the dark crying because he almost hit a possum. He was always emotional. She knows people like to take advantage of his kindness and use it against him, his vulnerability showed everyone he has ever met his flaws.
She can only hope that her son is being treated well up north. She prays they aren’t like Ashley.
The truck pulls up, parking in his normal spot across from the door, hopping out of the truck Judy watches as her son and Thomas link hands as they walk towards the door. Garland stands up slowly, his back and hips have been bothering him as he gets older, shaking Thomas hand after stubbing out his cigarette he leads them inside.
“Ma!” Clay runs over to hug her and lifts her off the ground making her laugh, he seems to be in a wonderful mood. “I missed you.” He starts sniffing the air and making his way towards the kitchen knowing his favorite is somewhere to be found. He was always reminding her of her puppy. Judy places her hands on her hips and shakes her head at him. She looks at Thomas and notices the absolutely love sick face he has on as he watches Clayton leave the room. She smiles. That was something she only ever read about in her romance novels, she wonders if Garland ever looks at her that way.
“Hello Thomas, it's good to see you again.” She watches as he smiles at her and extends his hand for her to shake, she playfully swats his hand away and pulls him into a tight hug. It takes him a minute to hug back but when he does it is tight. Clayton was in good hands.
“Long time no see.” He smiles at her as they pull away, a bit pink in the face. “You look stunning as ever, I might add.”
“Stop hitting on my mom! You’re gonna make my dad jealous.” Clay smiles at Thomas from the doorway of the kitchen with an oven mitt on one hand holding a large bowl of what looks like red beans and rice. Something he always tries to replicate at home but can never get it right. A spoon on the other hand and eating straight from the bowl. Judy laughs for a second.
“Clayton, please use a plate. How many times have I told you that you can’t just eat from the bowl.” Judy takes the towel from over her shoulder and takes the bowl from him, walking in the kitchen. A few minutes later they all sat around the table eating and chatting.
“I think I’m going to bring Noelle down for the two weeks we are back here before we leave for rodeo this summer.” Clay talks with his mouth full and Thomas rolls his eyes a bit. Smiling. Sharing a look with Judy.
“Clayton, have I taught you no table manners over the years.” Judy smiles at him and Garland snorts.
“Nope!” He laughs but moves to the side so Judy can’t smack his arm. “Okay, okay. You have but this is who I am mother goose. I can’t change it.”
Garland actually laughs at this. Thomas has noticed that Garland is a rather soft spoken man, old with a round beer gut but still jolly. Kinda like Santa with the beard, but he doesn’t think Santa wears work overalls. Thomas also notices a bisexual flag pin on his old beat up hat. That must be the pin Clay talks about sneaking onto his dad's hat that he ‘never noticed’ Thomas suspects he did notice. But wants to support his son in any way he can. That makes Thomas feel so happy that he can’t explain it.
Later in the evening before the sun has fully set but the stars are out and bright, plus there is a full moon tonight lighting up the area with ease, Clay had excused himself to the restroom to clean the lipstick off his face while Garland and Thomas went outside to chat.
“Has Clayton told you anything about his last relationship?” Thomas shakes his head no watching as Garland sits down in an old rocking chair and lights a cigarette. Offering one to Thomas. He declines. “Well, she got him into a lot of trouble. Being the Sheriff daughter and all. Plus she had a temper and if I’m being honest I don’t think she ever actually liked Clayton.” He takes a drag and Thomas furrows his brow listening intently. “She only dated him for status, he was one other the only people targeted by the sheriff and he is black so she thought of him more as a chess piece to her rebellion than anything. She is pregnant now and I have a terrible feeling that…” Garland shakes his head, deciding not to tell Thomas what his theory is.
Clay walks out the door and finds them chatting.
“Not giving him the shovel talk are ya, Pa?” He smiles at Thomas and puts out his hand for him to take. “I’m gonna take him on a tractor ride because he has never been before.”
“I wasn't giving him no shovel talk but I am telling him he best respect you.” Clay smiles at his dad and nods. “Go on! I’m not keeping you from counting the cattle.”
“Ha Ha.” Clay rolls his eyes and drags Thomas over to the old looking tractor sitting by the entrance to the gate to the pasture. “Come on! There is somewhere I want to show you!” Clay got them settled, the tractor wasn't very large and it was old so he sat on Thomas’ lap as he started driving in the pasture.
“You are a very nice cushion.” Clay smiles as Thomas scoffs and wraps his arms around his waist pressing the side of his head to Clay back. He was having a great time but he was getting a bit uncomfortable from the old seat… and Clay’s ass bouncing up and down on his lap. The drive from a bit before his hard on became noticeable.
“Thomas… are you hard?” Clay can feel his cheeks heating up as he feels Thomas dick under him, ever since Thomas told him he loves him he has been wanting so have some passionate lovemaking… not necessarily on a tractor though. “Please don’t tell me tractors are you new kink.”
Thomas laughs into Clay back and smooths his hands down Clay's abdomen to rest on the top of his thighs. “Maybe not tractors but you bouncing in my lap sure does get me going.” He laughs as Clay pulls off into a grove. Trees surrounding a pond or lake, just a body of water. Wildflowers everywhere, not blooming but he could still smell them. Clay turns the tractor off and stands up doing his best to turn around to face Thomas and not trip on the petals.
“Want to do something about it? We are in a place that Leo and I call ‘Secret’ so we might as well.” Clay straddles Thomas, his arms resting on his shoulders as their faces are just inches apart, only the light of the moon is making them visible to each other. Thomas wastes no time gripping Clay ass and pulling him in for a ferocious kiss. They made out for a while, Thomas smirking into the kiss every once in a while from when he grabs Clay’s ass making him gasp a bit. Normally Clay was very pliant when kissing, very submissive and soft, today he was fighting Thomas for dominance over the kiss and it was incredible.
Thomas felt Clay’s hand slowly fall from his shoulder down to his waistband, unbuttoning his pants with one hand and unzipping them. Thomas rarely ever wore jeans but he felt it was appropriate for meeting parents. Clay ran his finger up and down the bit of Thomas’ underwear that was just behind where the zipper was, teasing him. Feeling his breath hitch Clay smirks, pulling away from the kiss.
“You gonna fuck me or do I have to do it myself?” Clay barley finished the sentence before Thomas somehow maneuvered him so he was on his knees on the tractor seat, resting his chest over the backrest making an ‘oof’ when his diaphragm hit the rest. “Hand me my phone.”
“Think you are gonna get bored?” Thomas raises a questioning eyebrow but hands Clay his phone from the cup holder.
“No… just thought Noelle would Like a video of us.” He smiles looking back at Thomas with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Thomas is stunned for a moment, suddenly whipping out his own phone and pulling up snapchat.
“You’re so smart.” Clay’s smile goes from mischievous to soft in a second, just before Thomas yanks down his pants. “Wait… We don’t have any lube.”
“Check my front pocket, I’ve been carrying it around all day.” Clay is poking around on his phone looking rather uninterested but below the surface he was the most excited he has been in a long time, his dream was to have someone love him, fuck him, and want him in Secret. It’s finally happening.
Thomas reaches into Clay's front pocket, placing a couple small kisses on his back as he does, pulling out a packet of lube he is a bit worried. “Is this gonna be enough to prep you and fuck you?” Clay doesn't answer, just whistling as he kicks his feet a bit, then Thomas sees it, a glint in the moonlight. He looks down and notices… Clay was wearing a plug. He loudly groaned and pressed his forehead to Clay's back. “You’re gonna kill me!” Clay laughs a bit.
“I actually would rather keep you alive for now.”
“For now!?” Clay laughs again.
“As long as I’m alive at least.” Thomas smiles and shakes his head, slowly pulling the plug from Clay. He watches the screen of his lover's phone how his face looks tense but relaxed at the same time. Thomas pulls his own pants down his thighs and tears open the packet of lube with his teeth and pours it onto his cock. Clay zooms in on him.
After spreading the lube on himself he wipes the extra off on Clay’s shirt who is about to protest but gasps as Thomas pushes into him in one smooth glide, not moving just waiting for Clay to adjust. Holding his shirt between his teeth Thomas opens his phone and starts recording with the flash as he starts moving in and out of Clay, slow but deep. Clay’s own recording is on his front facing camera on his face with flash, he actually forgets he is holding his phone for a moment and closes his eyes just enjoying the jolts of pleasure through his body. His phone dips a bit so it isn’t on his face anymore and Thomas stops moving altogether.
“Phone Clayton.” Clay swallows because Thomas never calls him by his full name unless he is in trouble, he fixes the angle without complaining and is rewarded with the deepest thrust yet. Moaning loudly he pushes back onto Thomas a bit and feels him start to speed up. Punching sounds out of him as his diaphragm hits the seat and Thomas’ cock knocks the wind out of him. He is making sure to put on a show as he starts sending the videos to the groupchat of him, Thomas and Noelle.
Thomas’ video also start sending, he is making sure the angle in the video is right to see him fucking clay, sometimes pulling out slow and fucking in fast. Sometimes pulling out fast and pushing in slow. He was taking Clay apart in ways he didn’t know possible.
Clay was getting close, after his third video to Noelle he starts getting shaky, he eyes are rolling back and his mouth is constantly slack. He is used to Thomas tossing out degrading shit when they fuck, and he loves it, but tonight Thomas was completely silent and it made Clay realize just how loud he is. Thomas drives a good three more hard thrusts right into Clay's prostate and then on the fourth he says pressing on it and grinds into it causing tears to fall from Clay’s eyes for the second time today. It sends Clay over the edge, cumming harder than he has in a while and that says a lot because he usually cums hard when he is with his partners.
Clay clenches around Thomas as he starts cumming and it sends him over the edge as well, sending the last video he leans forward and grips Clay's hips tightly as his body tenses. Once he is finished he slowly pulls out, neither of them being a fan of over stimulation, they both wince a bit.
“We don’t have anything to clean up with.” Thomas is thinking about using his shirt but that might be obvious to the parents.
“You could.. Put the plug back in, then use the dirty rag in the bottom of the cup holder for the seat.” Clay isn’t looking at Thomas, he probably thinks it's weird that Clay wants the plug back in. “Just… Just til we get back home.” Clay's face is burning with how embarrassed he is. Thomas thinks for a moment feeling his own face heat up, Clay wants everything he just put in him to stay in him… it was extremely hot but he didn’t know if that's how Clay saw it, taking the plug from his hand that was holding his phone, he help it between his ring and middle finger to make sure they didn’t lose it. He gulps down all his excitement that is threatening to make him hard again and watches closely as he uses his free hand to pull Clay open again. He slowly inserts the plug back into his boyfriend and lets out a shaky breath. How is he supposed to talk to Judy if he knows Clay is walking around with his baby juice still in him.
Oh god.
Clay slowly sits up and rolls his shoulders out, they are a bit stiff. Thomas wraps his arms around Clay's middle after they both pull up their pants and wipe off the seat, Clay’s head falls back on his shoulder, smiling sleepily.
“Hey,” Thomas pokes Clay’s cheek with his nose in a way of telling him he wants a kiss, turning his head Clay gives him a sweet chaste kiss smiling when they rub their noses for a moment. “I love you.” Clay turns around in the seat clumsily, just about falling off but thankful Thomas catches him by his belt loops and pulls him back onto the seat both laughing wildly. Smashing their lips together they are still laughing playfully biting each other's lips and noses.
“I love you too.”
Noelle woke up from her nap in one of her bigger fluffier bean bag chairs, it held her and probably would hold Thomas as well. Her phone was going nuts, sixteen snapchat notifications from Clay and Thomas. She sighs happily, still having an hour until dinner she was excited to talk to her boys, opening her app she clicks on that little purple square and it's a video of Clay's face, but then it zooms in on Thomas… lubing himself up. Sitting up a bit too fast and making herself dizzy, thanks anemia, she starts watching closer. Watching all the videos in full she is incredibly hot and uncomfortable, she curses as she tries to take a screenshot of Clay’s face and accidently closes her phone.
She watches closely at all of the videos, Thomas’ of his cock fucking Clay and Clay’s reaction to this on his own videos. She scrambles to her bag to pull out the gift Clay had gotten her from a fucking tiktok video. It was a rose toy, the first time she used it she came in a minute and a half, crying from how good it was at the same time. She decided to take a video of herself getting off to them… they would appreciate that.
Stripping out of everything except for the hoodie Thomas gave her over a year ago she gets to work. Setting the phone up on the fancy footboard of her bed she gets a bit camera shy, sitting there for a moment thinking about how bad she wishes she was with them. She also was nervous to use the rose on her own because it was really powerful and she didn’t know if she could actually keep it on herself long enough to actually finish.
Then she starts thinking about how Clay and Thomas will react to the video, definitely would get them going again and she would love to hear or maybe even see what they did. She is starting to think she is a bit of a voyeur… She take a deep breath and starts the video, She awkwardly waves at the camera, noticing how her hair is poking out of her hood over her head and she laughs, taking a deep breath she holds down the button on the rose for three seconds and she feels it turn on, buzzing in her hand. She spreads her legs and places the rose onto herself, instantly she knocks her head back on her headboard. Putting her free hand over her mouth to keep her from making noise she scrunches her brows and squeezes her eyes shut. Pressing harder she feels her legs start to shake and her abs clenching. Her toes start to curl and her eyes roll back as she already starts to fall off the edge, already being so turned on and the power of the rose being too much she cums taking the rose off her and curling forward as she shakes, shivering violently. She is breathing hard and feels around for her phone. Stopping the video she sends it to them with a little heart emoji. She looks at the time and smiles as she still has twenty minutes till dinner, she cleans up and gets dressed in something a bit nicer. Her face is still red and glowy but she doesn’t mind. She gets a notification and it's from Thomas in the chat, three drooling emojis and
‘I love you’.
Later on in the night after Judy and Garland have gone to bed and Thomas was on his phone just scrolling on tiktok, Clay got him addicted, the man himself walks into the room with arms full of snacks, placing them on the table in his room. His room was the size of the living room in the apartment, it had two red walls and two white. It seems like Clay has never been one for monogamy in any sense of the word. It had a large king size bed, on a fancy mahogany bed frame with fancy sheets and bedspread that don’t match in the slightest. A walk in closet that was full of clothes and trophies along with a gaming system and boxes with names on them full of little trinkets that Clay has found. Leo and Eloise's boxes are the only boxes left in there because Thomas, Noelle and Reg have all taken their boxes with them. Judy and Garland have a room full of things Clay has collected for them over his whole life.
“Did you get cleaned out? I want to make sure we pack the plug for home, I think we could have some good fun with that.” Thomas moves to the edge of the bed to sit with his feet touching the ground, about to get up to get some pretzel sticks. Clay had gone quiet, he was just chatting about how he was upset that his favorite heifer was sold and his parents forgot to tell him.
“Ummm… yeah.” Thomas senses something is off and motions for Clay to come over to him with his finger, Clay shuffles over to him between his legs, Thomas rests his hands on Clay hips and looks up at him. Clay is looking anywhere but him.
“Clay, what's wrong?” Clay sighs and looks down, Thomas ducks his head a bit to look Clay in the eyes, he looks worried. This made Thomas worry as well.
“I just- it's embarrassing.”
“What's embarrassing?” Clay starts to fidget, pressing the tips of his fingers in between his other fingers. Thomas takes his hands and gives them a squeeze.
“I still have the plug in… because I want you in me. Always.” Clay feels his cheeks heat up and he is waiting for Thomas to get grossed out but instead Thomas smiles at him.
“I don’t think that’s embarrassing, I think that's actually pretty hot.” Clay looks deep into Thomas eyes before moving onto the rest of his face just to see if he is lying, he realizes he is being truthful and tackles him back onto the bed. They eventually stop rolling with Clay on top of Thomas, they are both only in their boxers so there wasn’t much between them. Clay grinds down on Thomas as he feels him getting hard. Thomas goes to put his hands on Clay's hips but is stopped short, Clay pins his hands above his head smirking down at him.
“I’m in charge tonight, keep your hands here. I’m gonna undress us.” Clay shimmies down the shocked Thomas’ body, yanking his boxers off and tossing them over his shoulder, doing the same with his own. He lays down and slowly takes the plug out of himself after scurrying over to get the lube causing Thomas to laugh.
“You’re so cute.” Thomas lays there buzzing with excitement, He jumps a bit when the cold lube hits his way to hard cock and makes a sound of offense when Clay snickers at him. Swinging his leg over Thomas and not even pausing as he sinks down on him. Humming happily. Thomas can’t help it when he goes to move his hands again but Clay pins them back to the bed.
“You should learn to- listen” Clay is moving his hips not even stopping to take a breath. Thomas was groaning under him. Clay has not ridden him yet and it is so different, Thomas was definitely not in control and Clay was so hot being so bossy. Noelle is teaching him things. He was the one gasping and begging for more and Clay was the one giving yet receiving at the same time. He was in his own state, yeah Thomas could put him into a submissive mood with just a simple gesture but he was enjoying this. Clay eventually lets go of his hands but Thomas keeps them there as he watches Clay just focus on fucking himself. His arms stretched over his head, one coming down to glide down his chest and to tug his own neglected cock every once in a while but he was dragging this out because he was in control.
Eventually Clay takes one of Thomas' hands and moves it to his dick, Thomas starts to jerk him off causing his rhythm to stutter. He was moaning and his head was falling back, Thomas started meeting his thrusts and he groaned. He was getting close, he was about to tell Thomas this when he suddenly felt a heat filling him up, his eyes snapped open and he saw Thomas’ mouth open and his head tipped back.
He just came… before Clay did! That never happens!
The feeling of Thomas cumming in him, and the thought that Clay made him come first for the first time ever. He spurts onto Thomas’ stomach, flopping forward and putting all his weight onto Thomas.
“We” Clay was still catching his breath as Thomas kissed all over his face, sweaty and breathing hard he smiled. “We can clean up, but I want you in me when we fall asleep.” Thomas’ heart soared at the thought, this new kink of Clay’s was quite nice, not gonna lie. They clean up and snuggle into bed in a spoon position, Thomas hard and in Clay as he falls asleep, driving him mad!
After Thomas is positive Clay is asleep and he has gone soft he pulls out and rolls over so his back to Clay and calls Noelle. A couple of rings and she answers sounding groggy.
“Noelle! So much just happened! Clay has a fucking warming kink! A WARMING KINK!” He whispers yells as she snorts at him but tells him to go on. “He just pinned me to the bed after having a plug in after we fucked on the tractor! He fucked himself on me! I Came BEFORE him!”
“And I missed all this just to see my dad kick Leo out of the house! That’s dumb! You guys better do it again when I’m home because I was to see that! Anyways I need to rest because tomorrow will be long and boring and tense. Goodnight I love you.”
“Good luck and Goodnight Sugar Tits.” Noelle laughs at him.
“I love you too.”
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five-wow · 5 years
10.01 thoughts (or basically a rambly recap, very spoilery, with a lot of caps lock abuse) under the cut!!! :D
JERRY’S BEEN SHOT. that’s not actually a surprise at this point in any way, but oh gosh, poor guy. “it hurts more than i thought it would.” oh no. :c
i’m confused though - grover’s there calling an ambulance, jerry is bleeding, steve is keeping pressure on the wound, but where’s danny? clutching his heart out of frame? OH WAIT he could be arresting ezra hassan, i suppose?
on screen: 2 weeks later. jfdkfjdk they resolved that cliffhanger in like, under thirty seconds.
love jerry’s longer curly hair! REALLY LOVE that jerry and junior are playing battleship, omg.
jerry thought about HIS DND BUDDIES WHEN HE GOT SHOT. i love him. (i’m also both worried about his mental health and glad they’re showing him actually feeling some repercussions from getting shot, aside from the flesh wound.)
tani and junior!!! are going to the opera!!! wonderful, i’m into it.
AH. here we have steve on his date, omfg. it all looks so pretty - the background, the restaurant, the date, steve. REALLY AWKWARD conversation though, fjdkfd. steve’s been hanging with danny too much - as soon as someone asks “what are you thinking” he just opens up his heart.
“it’s just crazy, you know. things that happen at work.” FDJKFDJF i’m glad he’s seeing that AFTER NINE YEARS.
DANNY CALLS. i’ve seen the clips that were drifting around tumblr, so i knew it was going to happen, but still. DANNY CALLS. IN THE MIDDLE OF STEVE’S DATE.
“i think it’s best,” steve says, about taking a phone call from danny while he’s in the middle of a first date with a really pretty woman who seems very kind about his total awkwardness, oh BOY
the WAY danny says “hi” just already has me in stitches. i die. and then steve’s “dude! i don’t know.” he sounds so frustrated! poor guy.
“words are kinda just, they’re falling out of my mouth, i don’t know why.” OH STEVE. also: that’s 80% of all fic in which steve finally confesses his feelings to danny ever. thank you, canon, for giving us a steve who is canonically prone to this.
“do you have any game at all?” danny asks, of steve, WHO HE IS CALLING IN THE MIDDLE OF A DATE. the co-dependency here is HIGH and it’s probably unhealthy but i’m enjoying it a lot, truly.
okay so, steve says “you’ve called twice, we haven’t even ordered!” and then DANNY SAYS “if you answered my texts, i wouldn’t have to call” and that’s just ALL SO BAD. they are TERRIBLE together and that woman should probably run far away.
danny! way to build up steve’s confidence on this date by telling him his thing is awkward and messing things up, holy shit.
I’M SCREAMING. “that was danny. who i love. very much.” I AM YELLING. YES. GOOD. PREMIUM CONTENT.
just. i love “i love you”s, okay. i love them. we got one (1) in s9 at the end of 9.01, but we’re off to a good start now in 10.01, with steve telling his frigging date that he loves danny, oh my.
IT GOT WORSE. i paused like, in the middle of steve’s sentence, and then as soon as i hit play the date said “sounds like my ex” and steve says “you know, it’s funny that you say that, because it’s kind of like a marriage” and uh, hello steve, i made a gifset about that the day before yesterday, thank you for giving me an update, but also just. wtf. wtf holy shit
i. i just. this is supposedly steve on a date with a woman being all heterosexual, but it’s really an extremely mcdanno scene, like ten times more than i was prepared for, wow.
real talk though, i’m almost certain this relationship isn’t going anywhere, but this woman seems really cool!!! i love her so far.
tani is actually enjoying the opera and junior seems to be paying more attention to her than the stage and i have no idea if this is actually an officially official date between them or if they’re still “just friends”, but it’s all so cute. and then, of course, some anonymous guy shows up with a sketchy briefcase that’s inevitably going to contain weapons, but oh well, it was nice for how long it lasted.
a slightly updated intro!!! katrina law is already in it (which i like) and the new group shot is kind of crowded but really nice, but fjdkfdjkdf they chose a really awkward moment where adam is supposedly typing something on the tech table but he’s REALLY OBVIOUSLY just randomly tapping his fingers on it. that’s going to haunt me. oh dear show runners, why.
danny... says steve was blowing his date, as they arrive on the crime scene that junior and tani found, and steve says he has a second date and danny goes “you got a second date?” incredulously and almost dismayed and that just really sounds like he WANTED steve to blow it. what is this, danny, setting steve up with a pretty woman from steve’s school to test him? see if he’ll say no and fall in your arms instead, and when he doesn’t, you’re disappointed?
even the lighting in this random stairwell gun fight chase scene is kind of pretty! the blue and red? i like it.
oh NO, steve, you’re not even ten minutes into a new season and you’re chasing some suicidally parcouring bad guy across roof tops and into a jump that’s REALLY going to give danny a heart attack, jesus.
fdjkfd danny telling steve that ten years ago he would’ve made that jump? telling him he’s forty? i’m not sure if that’s kind of mean or really good, but it might be both.
plot stuff happens, but i keep getting distracted by all the grey in steve’s beard and his new, longer hair. it’s good.
i like quinn’s introduction!!! i really do, more than i’d expected. and honestly, that déjà vu thing lenkov was talking about is very faint to me, to the point where it’s mostly just there because danny says it out loud in the text and then forcibly makes it so. they’re not in steve’s garage, it’s the wrong car they’re standing next to, there are three people instead of two and there’s no “one, two, three” and showing badges, but steve yeets his badge over the windshield of the car in quinn’s direction. the similarity isn’t that strong.
danny going “i gotta follow him” about steve and “i don’t know [shrugs]” about where they’re going is beautiful.
i’m about halfway through the episode now and steve and danny have spent SO MUCH time together and it’s really good but also has me slightly worried that they’re pushing all the steve&danny content for the entire season in one episode, omg. it’s good, though. i’m happy for now.
adam is still doing yakuza stuff. i get it, because it’s the one big thing they’ve given his character, but i do get kind of tired of it. he’s supposedly out, but every time they need it for plot reasons, he still has connections somewhere that are willing to help him for whatever reason.
and then quinn shows up and pulls a gun on adam, fjdkfd. listen, i know i said i was getting tired of him doing the yakuza thing over and over, but shooting him would be a little drastic.
danny: “this is good, we’re chasing a monster truck. that’s totally normal, right?” how is it that NOW they’re both suddenly realizing their lives are kind of crazy? they weren’t crazy before, guys? guys??
HAH, the guy in the truck drives over a dozen cars. that’s ridiculous, but a lot of fun, omg.
danny, when he finds tani and quinn in the same room at hq: “oh good, you two have met.” YES. MY SENTIMENTS. except i’m perhaps a little more exuberant about it. TWO MAIN FEMALE CHARACTERS IN ONE SCENE YES GOOD I LIKE THIS. we haven’t had this since... season 4, maybe? when catherine was briefly part of the team?
oh SHIT. danny: “are you sure you’re not related to steve in any way?” okay SO. we’re all assuming quinn is steve’s new love interest, but quinn being steve’s secret half sister somehow? also nonsense, but nonsense i’d like. and i mean, they need to keep the mcgarrett family drama alive somehow, so this could be fun.
quinn: “can’t this thing go any faster? [steve looks at her weird] what?” steve: “nothing. just never had that complaint before.” that is a LIE. i know for a fact that that’s a lie, because i have a stupid amount of knowledge of h50 of the top of my head and one of the things i know is that in 8.01 tani pops up between steve and danny while she’s in the backseat of the camaro and ALSO asks if it doesn’t go any faster. i know what they’re going for here, setting quinn and steve up as equals, and i like what they’re trying to tell us about quinn as a character in theory but come on, if you’re trying to convince us steve is all impressed by this woman that you might be setting him up with romantically, at least do some continuity fact checking on your own show, guys.
anyway! i do like that it’s canon that all women in five-0 think the camaro isn’t fast enough. get wrecked, steve and danny, HA.
when steve said to the bad guy “my friend lou here is going to put some handcuffs on you” i thought at first that he said “liu”, as in quinn’s last name, and oh man, first they had tani and junior’s last names as rey and reigns, which was close enough, but now they have lou and liu, gosh.
!!! this talk between steve and quinn in front of kamekona’s?? i LIKE IT. A LOT. we get to know a little more about quinn and steve genuinely does treat her as an equal and a capable colleague and there’s nothing especially romantic about this, which is good this early on even if they’re doing that later because i do feel like it could possibly work but right now it would just be really weird and very forced and i’m just really relieved that’s the dynamic they’re going for. this, this is good.
OH BOY. “we’re breaking up with you, danny” steve says. i... wow.
FAIR THOUGH. it’s probably a REALLY GOOD idea of steve to maybe involve danny a little less in his dating life if he wants to, well, actually have one that’s viable for life, but oh GOSH. danny going “you can’t cut me out” when steve tells him this? danny is just. so interested in steve’s romantic life, damn.
tani: “mom and dad are fighting again.” fdjkfdjk YES. this time it’s not even junior saying this to eddie behind steve and danny’s back, it’s just tani saying it out loud to the entire group and nobody says anything about it so uhhh that’s accepted fact then, within the team. GOOD.
ohhhh jerry is leaving. also not a real surprise and it’s probably kind of good that the team doesn’t endlessly keep growing if quinn joins this season, but ahh, i’m sad, anyway.
oh gooood, somebody put a bomb in the champ box in steve’s garage. that’s harsh.
final thoughts: i LIKED THIS. very much!!! i’m relieved about that, tbh, because at least i’m happy about the start of the season, which seems like a good sign, haha. i love quinn so far, there was REALLY GREAT mcdanno stuff in this, i love that steve is dating again, tani and junior seem to be dating, jerry is fairly healthy and happy - all around lots of good stuff.
i do kind of think that cliffhanger from last season got extremely little attention (we didn’t even see ezra hassan get arrested, and what happened to her kid? where was danny? idk it was weirdly short and quick), but it’s still possible they’re coming back to that in a later episode, idk.
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
kwk lb: aamir khan
every time karan calls this dumbass show of his NATIONALLLLLLLLL TELEVISION, i lose 3 years off my life.
uhhhhhhhhhh karan, you're not a millenial either.
god i cringe every time he tries to appropriate 'millenial culture'. ffs, you're like a decade outside the range.
also fomo is not a disorder, gtfo.
aditya chopra sounds like he's living my his best life.
what do these confessions of his have to do with the damn guest?????
lol thugs as a diwali release. aamir and srk switched their festivals this year.
gotta say aamir looks good. pretentious af, but good.
ugh karan hyping thugs ainvayi mein.
yeah you should be nervous about this movie, aamir. it looks like a spectacular trashfire. oh it'll make money, hundreds and hundreds of crores, but looks like a steaming hot heap of absolute trash.
can't believe aamir and srk have stooped to these kinda garbage movies now.
lmao karan not buying that aamir didn’t do dangal just coz he was “appeasing a certain sensibility”.
so basically a straight ripoff of jack sparrow. like, in every single way.
ugh karan stop kissing ass with the “progressive” shit.
yeah the home situation with reena/kiran is nothing new or interesting, pls move on.
ofc his kids want to be in the movies. do any of their kids not?
damn he sounds like a harsh critic. poor junaid.
“it's sad that women have had to come out and speak about it to have created this environment.”
YEAH. IT IS. AND WHAT DID YOU DO ABOUT IT, ASSHOLES? you knew this shit was happening. you always knew. and you did shit. and now for you to sit here and talk about it and gain cool progressive ally points, literally fuck outta here.
forget that song, dil as a movie itself is a misogynist fucking nightmare. he almost rapes her, and then at the last minute doesn't, AND SHE FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIM. FOR NOT RAPING HER. LIKE....................
uh huh “SHOCKED” i’m sure.
that it came out. not that it happened.
omfg this conversation is everything i hate about this topic. WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE PREY ON YOU? YOU'RE AT THE FUCKING TOP OF TOTEM POLE. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU THINK, AFTER HEARING ACCOUNTS ABOUT SOMEONE, THAT OH HE DIDN'T BEHAVE THAT WAY WITH ME, SO HE ISN'T A PREDATOR? it's like saying oh charles manson didn't murder ME, so he's not a murderer. chutiyaaaa hai kya?
aaaaaaaaaaaaand he's walking away with the credit for “taking action”. amaze. 
and karan and his fucking tone-deafness. jfc what kinda delusion. what it must be like to live life as a privileged man with immense power.
please you fuckers are sleeping well at night no matter what. give me a break.
i'm feeling veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stabbyyyyyy right now after this fuckall performative garbage of a “segment”.
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great sycophantry (that’s a word right?) towards bachchan now. ugh.
yeah bachchan does seem to have that sanki uncle persona, where if he calls, you’re like shit i’ve fucked up. esp. with his saltyass tweets on how no one will return his bday sms's/tweets or some shit. like get over it, grandpa.
ok aamir's pre-release “disorder” sounds like a right fucking nightmare.
blah blah blah is there any juicy goss this ep (that hasn't already been outed in the promos/previews) or should i stop watching already?
karan, if someone is playing THAT hard to get, then you should take the hint that they DON'T WANT to come. 
strong fraternity feeling uh huh. not at all a PR photo op.
yeah of course you and your mid-life crisis don't see any difference between you+srk/ranveer+ranbir
ugh this phone game sounds dumb af. it's like the phone a friend in kbc, except utterly pointless.
sorry too much second-hand embarrassment at the prospect of this only. fwding.
koffee shots - aka we couldn't find anyone to come with you in this episode coz no one likes you/tumhara ego kuch zyaada hi bada hai, toh karan has to play the game with you. it’s this show’s version of taking a cousin to prom.
why did they pair katrina with varun next week tho? so random. she could have come in this ep with aamir?
what are these shots of though? like what are they drinking?
lmao aamir laughing at karan's sex injury.
exactly who’s surprised that aamir’s cheated?
sexy intern??????????????? jfc karan.
y’all are grownass men, why the fuck are you still getting hickeys in places ppl can see them jfc.
yeah no one needed to know the shower bs.
of course karan regifts. we already knew from the last ep.
oh ho, malaika's dropped the khan finally.
and karan's indicating she's gonna switch it up for a kapoor. hmmmmmmm.
gotta say she looks amazing. lord may my mallu genes be as potent as hers and lead me to age this well.
aamir rating himself
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he seems like a bit of a troll himself, which is why he doesn’t take them seriously. 
ew he smokes a pipe, how pretentious.
i am karannnn: “that was witty?????”
food/sex? “apne ko toh dono chahiye.”
don’t we all, but that was not the question.
god bachchan forced him to join twitter. sach mein he’s one unbearable sanki buddha. 
ugh these answers are so laaaaaaaaame.
welll done my asssssss. aise hi channe ki jhaad pe chadha rahi hai.
of course karan's an insta-stalker. why's this surprising to anyone?
“i love being followed.” godddddd.
lmao i suspect aamir's laughing coz he knows karan can never give up gossip. ever.
lol shopping ki bhi beizzattti.
awkwardness with katrina impending after that answer.
real best friend: aditya chopra. hmmmm.  
but does it even count when you're cousins????
sexiest actor: john abraham
lolololol who even cares about HIM anymore???
how can the feeling that someone NEEDS you be... good?
(that too coming from the man who wrote “main kissi ki zaroorat nahi, kwahish banna chahti hoon.”)
lol he’s prolly changing it to kareena coz she’s in takht and he has to kiss ass to get it done.
idk i feel shakun batra's the most promising outta the three? makes appropriately commercial movies, but pleasantly subversive ones. also gets good performances outta his actors. i think the choice was pretty clear.
pft ainvayi mein de diya isko hamper, ofc karan wouldn't take it on his own show. also that bhai answer was lame as fuck.
lmao karan is being salty.
ouff abhi bhi 10 min baaki hai quiz waali bakchodi ke liye.
“i'm not known for my speed.” ... good for kiran, i guess. snort.
“i'm not known for my information.” oh pls karan.
pffffffft the dumbass pet peeves list. hattt yahaan se, hypocrite.
how are some of these answers “correct”???? like, asking him his preferences? how is there a “correct” answer to those? 
snort aamir trying to psych karan out.
lolllllllllllll aamir's confusion at the concept/existence of a mochaccino.
why do these grownass men not know their warm colours?
wow he picked resul pookutty over bhanu athaiya? surprising.
khud ke show par hi prize le gaya. pft.
some more thugs plugging, blearghhhhhhhhh.
next week looks more fun. lol @ varun and his always wanting to pee. he did that during the FC interview with anupama chopra/anushka too.
lmao sab ko shaadi kab ho rahi hai question. i love varun.
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skelenyxx · 6 years
4 - Secret British Accent Society ~ WOR
"Let the eagle fly. Freedom in the night. Let the eagle fly. Legends never die!" ~ New Years Day
*Katrina's POV*
People gave us weird looks as we passed them heading to our class. Yeah, we're weird. Get over it.
I stopped us in front of the classroom, M5. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and lead the group in.
"Good afternoon Miss Stampson," Mrs. Pendell said.
"Hi Mrs. Pendell. How are you?" I replied. She was a pretty woman in her mid twenties with long brown hair and green eyes. She was always kind. She knew how to employ discipline in students without being mean. I had her for three years as a math teacher and she was one of my favorites.
"I'm fine, thank you." She turned her attention to the boys. "Ah, you must be the gentlemen from the band. What are your names?"
Jinxx stepped forward first. "You can call me Jinxx," he said as he reached out his hand so she could shake it. She gave him a curious look and accepted the gesture.
"Jinxx? Don't you have a last name?"
"It's just Jinxx," he stated with a smile.
Andy stepped in. "My name's Andy, Andy Biersack."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Biersack."
The introductions continued and when Ash finally stepped up, Mrs. Pendell eyed him suspiciously. "You're not going to be a trouble maker, are you Mr. Purdy?" She asked pointedly.
Ashley chuckled. "No ma'm."
She continued to look at him, but directed the boys to their seats, which were directly in front of mine in the back of the class room. I pulled out my phone as the bell rang and began to scroll through Twitter. I smiled as I saw a picture that CC snapped with the guys in front of the school this morning. He blurred out the name of the school, but it was apparent to me that it was our school. In the picture, Jinxx was pulling one of his mysterious poses, Jake was pretending to strangle CC, and Andy looked like he was about to bite Ashley's head off.  Literally.
I decided to post something about what is going on. So while the guys were paying attention to Mrs. Pendell, I discretely snapped a picture of the guys and posted it.
@notyouraverageKat: Regretting your decision yet boys? xD @AndyBlack @ccbvb @JinxxBVB @AshleyPurdy @JakePittsBVB
I saw Andy pull out his phone and not long after, my phone vibrated.
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat I forgot why I hated math in high school.
I quickly replied back.
@notyouraverageKat: @AndyBlack Haha. Thinking about backing out yet?
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat I don't give up that easy.
@notyouraverageKat: @AndyBlack Just wait till English. Mr. Fredricks will have you runnin with your tail between your legs.
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat but I don't need English. I speak British.
@notyouraverageKat: @AndyBlack You and your Secret British Accent Society.
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat Yep. SBAS.
@notyouraverageKat: @AndyBlack More like BS.
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat not even
@AshleyPurdy: @AndyBlack @notyouraverageKat What's this I hear about a tail between the legs?
@JinxxBVB: @AndyBlack @notyouraverageKat @AshleyPurdy I am deeply intrigued.
@JakePittsBVB: @JinxxBVB wtf dude?
@notyouraverageKat: @AshleyPurdy @JakePittsBVB @JinxxBVB I was talking about our English teacher, Mr. Fredricks
@AshleyPurdy: @notyouraverageKat why do we need to take English?! I've been speaking English for 28 years. I don't need English!
@ccbvb: @AshleyPurdy You're 30 dude. What did you speak the other 2 years?
@AshleyPurdy: @ccbvb Gibberish
@notyouraverageKat: @AshleyPurdy @ccbvb omfg
@JinxxBVB: @notyouraverageKat @AshleyPurdy @ccbvb @JakePittsBVB @AndyBlack But at least in English you can use big words like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
@notyouraverageKat: @JinxxBVB I thought Andy was the one who uses big words.
@AndyBlack: @notyouraverageKat He stole my job.
@notyouraverageKat: @AndyBlack @JinxxBVB @AshleyPurdy @ccBVB @JakePittsBVB haha well you guys might wanna put your phones away or you're gonna get detention.
@ccbvb: @notyouraverageKat psh. Nah.
@notyouraverageKat: @ccbvb suit yourself
I put my phone down and right on cue, Mrs. Pendell called CC out.
"Mr. Coma. Would you like to spend after school in detention?"
CC looked up from his phone like a deer in headlights and I suppressed a laugh.
"No ma'm."
"Then put your phone away and pay attention."
I pulled out my phone and typed up something on Twitter.
@notyouraverageKat: @ccbvb BUSTED
CC silently pulled out his phone and typed something.
@ccbvb: @notyouraverageKat oh shut up
The rest of the school day passed seamlessly. The guys seemed bored out of their minds for most of it, but still kept up. They seemed to have the most fun in P.E., although it's quite understandable why. We were playing dodgeball and it was boys against girls.
When the game started, it was pretty even. Of course, the guys were on the opposite team. Most of the people of the boys' team avoided them, which resulted in them getting hit by my team. I greatly enjoyed hitting a few guys in the face, but the best part was when it became a rivalry between the guys and I. I managed to hit Andy in the back and got him out. The rest of the guys turned toward me and started throwing the balls. They missed. Ash threw his ball a little too high and I caught it, which sent him out, too. Then CC, Jinxx and Jake all threw at the same time and I couldn't dodge them. So I was out too.
I pulled out of the parking lot and smiled as I went through the day in my head. It truly had been a good day.
I pulled into the parking area of my apartment complex, underneath the overhang. I got out and grabbed my bag.
George was working the front desk as I walked into the lobby. "Hey Katrina. How was school?" George was 20 with blonde hair and pale skin. His hazel eyes stood out from his complexion and contrasted with his black snakebites. His dad owned the complex, so even though he wasn't that sociable, he still got a job.
"It was actually pretty good," I told him as I leaned on the front desk.
"That's a first in what, a month?'
"It's only been about a week!" I exclaimed.
"Whatever," he laughed.  "So what's got you all happy?"
"I finally got my Senior Project going!" I smiled a cheesy grin. "You're not going to believe what band it is!"
"What band?"
He thought for a few seconds. "Is it at least a good band?"
"I would say most definitely."
"What genre?"
He thought some more, then his face lit up with realization. "It's BVB isn't it!"
"How'd you know?" I asked him.
"I saw a pic of them on Twitter this morning out in front of a high school. I didn't realize until now that it was the high school here, though. Damn, you really know how to work your connections don't you?" He gave me a smirk.
"Actually I didn't do anything but send out the request. The school did everything. I didn't even know they were coming until this morning." I stuck out my tongue.
"You're mature," he laughed.
"Haha that's what Jinxx said."
"Wait, so you actually talked to them!?" He was going fanboy with this. He too was a huge fan of BVB.
"Yeah and they're really cool. I spent most of lunch with them and they're taking all the same classes I am, so yeah."
Right then, George's dad, Mr. Baxter, walked in. He looked at George and I talking and said, "George, get back to work before I cut your pay to minimum wage."
George scrambled back to his papers and started writing.
"Well I gotta go anyway. See you later, George," I said as I waved goodbye.
"Bye Katrina," he said without looking up.
I took the elevator to the third floor, being too lazy to take the stairs. As I entered my apartment, I tossed my bag to the floor and walked into my room. The wall opposite the door had a window and under that sat my bed. My bed had a purple and teal polka-dotted bedspread and black sheets. In the left corner beside my bed was a darkened wood framed mirror, and on the other side of my bed was a light wooded desk covered in papers, makeup supplies, and a few curling irons and flat irons. On the right wall was the doorless closet.
My walls were white, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at the left wall. The entire wall was covered in band related things: quotes, pictures, and posters of BVB, SWS, MCR, Linkin Park, PTV and Breaking Benjamin. There was also a Black Ops II and a Call of Duty: Ghosts poster up there as well. Any portion of the wall that didn't have anything on it was covered up by a neon pink post-it note that had song lyrics written on it.
The rest of my walls were dedicated to my friends and I. There were scattered pictures of us at football games and rallies, making stupid faces and climbing on each other's backs. There were a few pictures that we had taken of us at the Sadie's dance a few years back and at our Junior Prom. Looking at those pictures made me miss them, but I couldn't take them down. They were the first people to ever accept the real me. And regardless of whether they were close friends or not, they made my high school years worth it. They kept me happy and out of the darkness that seemed to overwhelm my life. But lately, even their occasional company was enough to help.  The darkness had been really clouding my life. The arrival of the guys had really helped today, but in a week, they'll be leaving too, and I'll be back to my solitary life.
I pushed that thought from my mind. I couldn't be focusing on the past that I couldn't change or the future that hadn't even happened yet. I had to focus on the here and now.
I pulled off my leather jacket and the rest of my clothes. I pulled on a pair of old and comfortable ripped up jeans and an ACDC shirt that I had cut and tied into a razor back. I pulled my long, dirty blonde hair into a ponytail and sat down on my bed, looking at the framed picture of my parents and I that sat on my bedside table.
In the picture, I was about three years old. I had my light blonde hair pulled up into two pigtails and I was smiling really big, like I was having the time of my life. I was sitting on my dad's shoulders, holding on to his head while he held my legs. He had a graying mustache, brown hair and blue eyes. His face was smiling, with creases by his eyes. Right beside us was my mom, long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and worry wrinkles on her forehead. She was looking at us, smiling with happiness and love. Why did I have to lose that?
I can still remember the voice of the man taking me out of daycare, telling me that my parents were gone, that I was never going to see them again. To be honest he couldn't have been more blunt. I remember the day that I was put in the orphanage. Both my parents were an only child and my grandparents were dead, so I had no where to go. And I remember curling up in my new room and crying for hours, with no one there to comfort me. I had only been three, going on four, and that picture was the only picture I had left of us. Merely days after I got put in the orphanage, our house got burned down by an arsonist. Ironic, I know.
I pushed those thoughts from my mind as well. I didn't want to think about those things, not on a day as great as this.
Seconds later, my phone dinged, pulling me back to reality. I checked it and it was Andy. I had given the guys my number in case they needed it for help on homework, but I wasn't actually expecting them to use it.
(A/N: A=Andy K=Katrina)
A: Math is killing meeeeeeeeeeeee. Like I don't ever remember doing this shit
K: Haha need help?
A: YES we have been trying to do this for like an hour and we haven't figured it out yet.
K: Well then I'm on my way
A: Bring fooooooooooood ~ Ashley
A: Sorry, Ash took my phone
K: Lol well tell him that I'll bring Taco Bell xD
A: Ugh Jake told me to tell you to bring Chinese food (don't do it)
K: Well tell Jake that ima broke ass bitch so it aint happening
A: Rofl ok
I chuckled as I put my phone in my pocket and started to head out to my car.
I pulled into the driveway of the house that they were staying in. It was quite large. I got out and walked to the door. Before I even had the chance to knock, the door swung open to CC.
"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" He screamed as he snatched the bag out of my hands and ran inside. Jake came to the door and let me in.
"Apparently CC is hungry," he said to me as he led me to the living room where everyone was at.
"Apparently," I laughed as we entered.
"THANK YOU!" CC said with a mouth full of food.
I laughed, "You're welcome, CC."
Andy patted the seat beside him on the couch and said, "So we figured out how to do the problem."
"How'd you manage that?" I inquired as I sat down.
"You sound surprised," Jinxx remarked.
"Yeah, we're smart," Ashley added.
"Sometimes," Jake said.
I laughed. "No it's not that, it's just that Andy made it sound like it was terrible."
"It was. But we looked it up on YouTube," Andy said.
"So you cheated?"
"No! It's called using your resources."
"Sure it is," I laughed.
Next thing I know, CC is flying through the air and landing on me and Andy. I squealed and pushed him off of us onto the floor. Everyone was laughing as CC pouted at me.
"Meany," he said.
"Hey, you're the one who jumped on us," I laughed.
CC shrugged and got up off the floor and walked out of the room. Moments later, he returned with a movie in hand.
"What movie is that?" Jinxx asked him as he put it into the CD player.
"Oculus," he stated with a devilish grin.
"YES!" I screamed while throwing my arms in the air. "HORROR MOVIE!"
"Someone's excited," Jake stated while sitting down.
"I love horror movies," I gushed. "They scare the living crap out of me but I still love them."
"Well good, you'll fit right in," Andy laughed as he pulled out a blanket
We all settled down around the living room and watched the movie. Multiple times I curled up in a ball, covering my eyes when I thought a jumpscare was about to happen. After about the 5th time, Andy turned to look at me and chuckled.
"I thought you like horror movies."
"I do but I hate jumpscares," I replied as I curled into a ball again and braced for another one. In the dark I saw him smirk as he scooted closer to me and put his arm around me. I sighed, uncurled and accepted the gesture.
Sometime during the movie, I dozed off. I had a dreamless sleep, which was sort of unusual considering I normally have endless nightmares and the occasional night terror. I woke to someone laughing.
I opened my eyes to a blinding light. At first, I wasn't sure where I was, but as my eyes adjusted, I made out the living room and remembered. The person laughing was Jake. He stood in front of me and was laughing, seemingly, at me.
After a moment, I realized why. I was on the couch with a blanket over me, and I had been sleeping on Andy. His arm was still around me and I had been resting on his shoulder.
I immediately got up and tried not to wake him, but he woke anyway.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"You two were sleeping together on the couch," Jake replied whilst still laughing. I fought the blush rising to my cheeks. Then I realized something.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"7:00 am. Why?"
"Shit. I need to go to my apartment to get ready for school at 8:00."
"I'll go with you," Andy offered as he got up and began to head upstairs to where I assume his room is.
Within a few minutes, Andy came back down and we headed to my car. As we drove down the road, Andy went through a few of my CDs and pulled one out. With a smirk, he put it in without me seeing. I immediately recognized the sound of Exordium ringing through the vehicle. I smiled as I mouthed the words.
The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you
Not in a mansion of wood and stone
Split a piece of wood, and God is there
Lift a stone, and you will find God
I laughed lightly as I saw Andy do the same as me.
When we pulled up, I rushed inside with Andy in tow. When we got to my apartment, he stayed in my room while I changed in the bathroom. A purple T-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans, simple, but perfect for me.  I flat ironed my hair real quick and put on a light amount of makeup. I also put on my Warped Tour rubber band bracelet and my BVB rosary necklace.
I exited the bathroom to find Andy going through the CDs on my self.
"You have quite the collection of albums over here," he commented.
I smiled. "Thanks. Whenever I have extra money, I go out and buy a CD. I prefer hard copies."
"Damn. Green Day, Falling in Reverse, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Avenged Sevenfold, Flyleaf, and there's still more!"
"Heh, yeah."
He turned to a picture on my wall of me with BVB. It was taken a few years ago at one of their shows. It was the first and only concert I had ever been to.
"You met us?"
"Yeah, years ago. Wretched and Divine Tour."
He smiled. "What other shows have you seen?"
"That's the only one I've ever been to."
"I feel lucky."
He then picked up the picture of my parents and I. He is in a really curious mood.
"Are these your parents?"
"Where are they now?"
"They uh moved. They moved to Maryland.  I moved into the apartment so I could stay here." That was a boldfaced lie. They're gone. But I wouldn't tell him that. He didn't need my pity story.
"I don't mean to dampen your curious mood, but we need to get going if we're gonna make it to school on time."
"Oh, right. School. Fun."
"Haha you know it. Come on. Let's go."
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myrealityloveaffair · 7 years
The Real World: Bad Blood
Season 32: Episode 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12
EXIT after EXIT after EXIT
How it all ends
Theo :“Do you know what it’s like to wake up every morning with a hard ass boner?”
hmmmmm this sounds like the either coming together of a kingdom, or the queen turning mad.
Lets visit this real world sh#t storm
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BTW I doubt they would air a guy jerking off, but then again... they did show Jordan being dry humped by the boogeyman (Mike)
Theo and mad queen Tyara had an undefined relationship that they blamed on each other......cute
How does Tyara go about the trials and tribulations of a relationship. A relationship specifically built on talking in circles and casual ass grabs?
Tyara: “My guy, that I was dancing on, he was a professional soccer player”
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Really b#tch? you are semi cheating on a ya man with a professional athlete.... aka that dream that was ripped from your man #Trauma aka what ya man has been crying about the whole time while filming on The Real World #DIED
Theo: “She is friend-zoning me”
She’s friend-zoning the kingdom, fam
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Tyara I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! Girl wtf?!
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Theo: “She can bring buddy back, she can f##k him right next to me, Imma wake up, give him a high five and tell him pound harder”
LMAO Their history be like:
Theo&Tyara: We like each other Tyara: You gonna be the one that rides me no one else Theo: So are we something or nah Tyara: THAT IS WHAT I ASKED YOU! Tyara: *sees pro athlete, lets him ride her in front of Theo* Theo: ummm what is this? Tyara: nah, it seems like that..and it is..but nah. Hold up that’s my other man  Theo: bruh Tyara: WHAT MF?! Theo: BUT WHAT ABOUT US?! Tyara: THAT IS WHAT I SAID!!! Theo&Tyara: Well if he/she is moving so am I !!!
good times
No hard feelings right?
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Dang bitter again
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Dammit Gio stick to your show.
I wonder how Tyara feels about Theo
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BTW Mad Queen Tyara illegitimate pregnancy is no more... not sure what happened... don’t care
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The shade the crew had tho.... lmao
Did anyone catch this?:
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Sooooo.... she doesn’t know for sure?
anyway what’s Theo’s take on this?
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THEO WASN’T SUPPOSE TO MUTHAF##KIN LEAVE!!! It wasn’t suppose to be like this!!! 
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Theo and F##kBoy Kassius couldn’t live under the same roof anymore, keeping both would have been a safety liability.
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I guess production thought that F##kBoy Kassius would bring more drama to the show. 
F##kBoy Kassius, did Orlana dirty tho. 
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According to F##kBoy Kassius this was all in the name of friendship
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F##kBoy Kassius: “Obviously she was making it out to be something that it wasn’t” 
OMG yass F##kBoy Kassius,  deny,  blame, and deny again. Sounds a little familiar *cough*
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Look there is no smooth way of bringing up..... *barfs*..... *barfs some more*
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Peter: “Mike’s Mike. I know how he his. You know he tells people stories, and it would be like half true half not true and you know... do I believe it, probably not”
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Mike: ”Black guys love that sh#t? I bet. You guys can rub coconut oil on your ashy-ass skin together”
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His lengthy ass periscope on his controversial comments 
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Queenith CeeJai blesses scumbag Mike with a tweet.... little does she know
Mike bolted off the show (for the second time in his reality tv career), WITH Peter’s shoes
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so that’s how he stole $2000 dollars lmaooo
Well he just left single......
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So it turns out, Jordan KNEW about Tori. It was confirmed on the After Show (Finally they made some use to it). They were playing a game called “Who’s Side Piece Is This?” This was Mike’s:
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Jordan..... NO
But damn, Mike dropped her and everything like a hot rock
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Jordan: “He told me he was following in love with me, like, three days ago”
hmmmm sounds familiar ....
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Speaking of affairs....
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Jenn’s boyfriend Travis: “I hope this 5 seconds of fame was worth it”
So Jenn cheated on her boyfriend with *rolls eyes* Peter. The same dude that violently screams at her and hits objects....but what for? 
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Peter: “I clearly hate Anna... and I feel like Jenn has to stop talking to Anna...” whine whine whine ugh #paranoia 
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The shade the production crew threw at Peter was ... art. He had such bad editing... or is that just the way he is?  
Anna: “All we hear is Peter screaming. The entire house is upset.”
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Mike: “pete does this and he’s been doing this for years. He meets a girl that he finds attractive and if the girl finds him attractive at the same time, it’s like balls to the wall 100 mph... you think this is a one time thing?  this is the first step to the process. The second step is when she comes out with us and we get there he is going to sit there and if like one look to like another dude and that’s when sh#t is going to go off...”
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Peter: “I wasn’t even yelling, it’s not even yelling. Listen you wanna see me yell? I’ll scream”
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Um .... Jenn.... I don’t know about this one....
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Jenn: “The problem is, like, the fact that like no one f%%king knows what I’ve been through, I have been through an abusive relationship...” 
*cough* According to statistics, if you find yourself in an abusive relationship, you might wind up in another one, consciously or subconsciously.*cough* 
This behavior is down right demented... Imagine how Anna felt when PeterTheScreamer randomly asks to talk to her alone...
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LMAO this passive agressive b###h!! Of course Peter wants to take control of Jenn’s situation *cough*
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If she said more she would be feeling the wrath of PeterTheScreamer #Props 
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Oh she Peter now huh?
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here is a rare moment: Robbie being honest about how he feels about people... nice
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Jenn: “I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt. Peter was pissed at me that night and the reason why he was yelling at me is because he can’t stand you two, that’s why he was yelling at me”
I mean.... I don’t think there is any good reason why he should be abusive towards you but.....  
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same.... same
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There is no other way to handle this trash ass situation, tbh
Katrina: “Peter is just crazy, he like he just so annoying... and he is blowing something so little out of proportion he’s not a man he should not be in a relationship he needs to get help”
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LMAO She legit ditched him and he got so mad.... they live together....  #Psycho
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I wish I could say Jenn Peter came to her his senses
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Production: “What are you trying to accomplish by commenting on her boobs?”
Orlana: “Peter looked like he was about to fight them, like He got very close”
Production: “We have decided to send you home and end your experience in Seattle the punch to the refrigerator and the punching of walls are demonstrations of angry outbursts u have had in the past. You were told by Matt that those sort of aggressive outbursts could not be tolerated you agreed and told him that these sort of incidents would not happen again. Last Sunday your behavior was hostile intimidating and was the spark that led the fight between Jenn and Anna. You pushed Jenn away several times in an effort to get her to stop restraining you. After the altercation between Jenn and Anna you physically imposed security and you got into Anna’s face in an imposing and physically threatening way. You antagonized Anna. Due to your continued instigation and hostile behavior with your roommates you are being sent home tonight you must leave the house by 8 pm.” 
“you good?  any last words? you sure? its your last moment?”
Prince charming storms away hoping to rescue his long lost lover, trapped in his enemies lair....
Peter: “she doesn’t think like us dude, she is dumb....“
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Peter: “If i wasn’t with her, i would probably fight Robbie... just because”
Damn .... no allies 
Mike: “She’s not that hot”
Peter asks.... haha yeah right, not with them demonic eyes. Peter tells Jenn...
Peter: “I need you to leave with me” Jenn: “That’s not fair Peter” Peter: “I don’t care���
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Oddly enough this PeterTheScreamer session wasn’t started by Anna-Katrina or Jenn. The night was .... dare I say... instigated.... but by whom?
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None of this would have ever have happened if he just stuck with his act of “Everybody is cool with Robbie persona” 
Robbie: ““Domestic abuse verbal.” Who could be Googling that?”
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Why does he have animosity towards that stack sisters?
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Robbie: “....Every night? separating yourself from the group?”
but nah that wasn’t the real issue... the real issue?
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Robbie: “Honestly I am a little annoyed about this... I wanted everyone to enjoy”
They Betrayed Robbie’s MEATBALLS
Robbie does have a mean streak, this is the same guy that burned all of his ex-gf’s (Jenn) belongings and sent her a video of it .... like bruh you were the one that missed the single life not her
Robbie could have been... dare I say... a production puppet. After all he was the only one that got filmed at the end for his arrival at home
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Little moments from this terrible show about 7 (or more) strangers:
Peter’s removal from the house:
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The house banding together against racial inequalities:
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Will and his... issue: 
Will: “Yo, could you grab me some toilet paper”
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Dueling cousins, dueling on literally everything:
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MTV did their after the show update here . Tyara declined (or wasn’t asked) for an after-real-world-update. Maybe she was bitter about MTV outing her pregnancy... perhaps she had more in common to Theo than we thought. It’s safe to say her ass ain’t coming back to mtv. 
Theo and Whats-Her-Face-Anika competed on “The Challenge: Invasion Of The Champs”. You blink and they are gone. 
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“Are You The One” after show of season 5 episode 6
“The Aftermatch: No Bro-Code”
Tori: “So Mike went on another reality show called the real world, and he cheated on me with a girl named Jordan, who was also on the show, and obviously that aired, and then that blew up our relationship, and I found out and now Mike, and I absolutely don’t talk. I have a restraining order against him, and it ended really bad... and it was the worse mistake of my life”
RIP: To all the beefs, pranks, and funny times MTV felt compelled to edit out -_-
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thesportsplanet · 5 years
The Marathon
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This stream of thoughts started from a conversation I watched on YouTube about Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” song being removed from the Country genre by Billboard. The ‘show’ Dead End Hip Hop features a collective of people that typically discuss matters related to, well, hip hop. Chiming in on the topic was another YouTube personality to essentially provide the country perspective. Making it about halfway through the video everyone involved made some great points on both sides of the discussion as to whether the song was country or not, if the song should’ve been removed and if there were other examples of this type of situation either in country or hip hop.
The conversation turned to Post Malone and the idea that here is someone ‘putting on a costume’ and imitating/mocking this genre of music that the artist has no real intention of being part of while making money off the songs that have been deemed as being belonging to this genre (basically White Iverson being a hip hop song and Old Town Road being country).
I paused the show to think about something. To me I wasn’t ready to fully ‘cancel’ or bash Lil Nas X or Post Malone. I questioned if these artist were simply inspired. Maybe Lil Nas X was a gamer and after spending a weekend binging Red Dead Redemption, found cowboys cool and decided to intertwine elements of that in his artistry. Maybe Post Malone was a guitarist or drummer or whatever but really liked Juvenile too. Of course both artists were being charged with mocking these genres and a case could be made for sure but I didn’t kn...
Then the light bulb went off. Or rather the issue with all of this hit me.
We live in this era of trolling. We don’t know if anyone is serious or not. The more I got to thinking about this the more I asked myself if that was the fault of the people doing the trolling, especially musically artists “just trying to make it”.
Nowadays everything is on our phones and there’s so much to see. This leads ‘some types’ to do whatever they can to draw your eyes to them. To try to pull a reaction out of you. Good or bad, they got your attention for 15 seconds and that’s another view, stream, like, retweet or comment. As someone very partial to Twitter, I see everyday someone have a funny tweet or GIF that gets thousands of likes and retweets and when you go to the comments the first thing is that person trying to direct you to their SoundCloud link now that they have your attention. And you can’t blame them because the currency these days is attention. You could be listening to a podcast, a song, a YouTube video, shopping online, watching Netflix, texting, reading the news, playing a game, FaceTiming, surfing Instagram...but they were able to get your attention for a few seconds and now that you’re here how do I continue to keep you here.
People who can’t name three Jay-Z album titles know who Lil Nas X is. People that’ve never listened to The Cranberries know who Post Malone is. If Lil Nas X was just another rapper, if Post Malone was just another guy in a rock band would they have reached the notoriety they currently have? And do these artists have the right to utilize these genres to their advantage. Does Post Malone have to pay respect to hip-hop and prove himself as a student of the culture? Does Lil Nas X have to have listened to country and genuinely been a fan to make his song? Or are these music styles up for grabs, open to interpretation and able to be molded into any and everything to make, well, art?
I don’t know what my answer is. What I do know is there’s a respectability to authenticity though. Outside of the music itself, growing with this person and understanding them through their art and how their art has grown. Go through Jay-Z’s catalog and hear how he grew and matured from someone talking about drug dealing escapades to instructing about financial literacy. Look at someone like Nipsey Hussle that utilized his platform to build up his community. 
Compare that to someone like Kanye West. Mal from the Joe Budden Podcast--not to put words in his mouth--made a “suggestion” that Kanye’s entire career has been a troll. Maybe performance art is the better terminology. Mal spoke of the alleged theory that Kanye’s car crash didn’t truly happen--or at least didn’t leave him in the condition we had come to believe it did. That he had his jaw wired shut from another incident and used that narrative to provide authenticity to his Through The Wire single. While I don’t wish to speak to something that may not be true, when you look at a lot of how Kanye has moved throughout his career it does make one think. The George Bush doesn’t care about black people line on TV during the Hurricane Katrina telethon, the MAGA support and slavery line uttered on TMZ, the tour rants and walkouts. 
Do we actually know who Kanye West is? His music infamously changes frequently going from The College Dropout to 808s and Heartbreak to Yeezus. But if his antics have all been shams, publicity stunts and trolls then what can we gleam from his art that tells us who he is?
I guess for some that doesn’t matter. It’s all about getting to the bag and hey I can’t fault you for that, do you! At the same time, I actually care about the art. Do the art for the love, be one with it. Trolls feel like such the opposite. Someone just here for the sale, someone here selfishly. Maybe that adjective is too harsh. But it just feels like if you’re going to go out of your way to get our (collective our) attention, at least do something of quality with it.
I dunno, maybe I’m just 27 going on 63. But I can’t also help but think of Nipsey and his passing and how so many more people truly mourned the man way more than the musical artist. So many people resonated with the truth he spoke, the genuine nature of his essence, the intentional strategy behind his music and how that blended into everything he did. And here is a person 90 some odd percent of people know from his persona as a musician and not the man, Ermias, personally.
For whatever my opinion counts: the troll job may pay off in the short term. And take advantage of any and all loopholes you can find to ‘blow up’ and make it big. But Nipsey was right on the money, it’s a marathon. Better to be yourself and be authentic than to chase the instant gratification.
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