#i created this and i’m proud
cozystars · 7 months
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harveyverse · 4 months
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some reggie fanart i drew a while ago <3
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apotelesmaa · 8 months
I find it incredibly funny that emu and rui are made out to be the most academically talented out of the wxs unit given that they both also need to be babysat anytime the group goes out in public. Their boundless intelligence and unending whimsy is matched only by their need to get sillay.
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sleepyscully · 10 months
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I’ve been wanting to draw this for almost 3 years
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youcanfacethis · 5 months
I think this album goes back to something really intrinsic about Taylor which is: she wants to be understood through her writing. I also think it’s really incredible how she’s created an entire world through her writing. The lore. The backstories. The understanding. The connections. Etc!
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loopyhoopywrites · 1 year
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‘The Oxford English Dictionary Defines Resilience As’ by Loop Laurens.
My local queer group, in collaboration with the local library, created an LGBTQ+ zine to hand out at Pride, themed around resilience. As a psychologist, resilience is a kind of humorous concept to me, because it’s one of those things everyone agrees is a good thing and people should have more of it, but no one can agree on what exactly it is or how to measure it. So when I was thinking about what I wanted to create for the zine, I starting by looking up ‘resilience’ in the dictionary, and this is what I ended up making.
I wanted to make something that balanced my trademark lighthearted humour writing with something personal and honest about my trans experience, and, somehow, I think I managed it.
Transcript below the cut.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines resilience as
the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity
As a trans man, I’d quite like to be less resilient.
No matter how many times I:
bind my chest
cut my hair
state my pronouns
I always spring back into shape again.
The Oxford English Dictionary also defines resilience as
the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
(I think that’s the one I was supposed to write about)
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magpiesketchins · 6 months
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sometimes you just wake up and think how the hell did I manage this?
The only way I can describe the technique I used for this sketch is Carving.
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chickengeak · 1 year
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“… well Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?”
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tenderhungering · 4 months
What did you have to sacrifice to get here tonight?
i finished the lnwtd x kiss me son of god edit….after so much procrastination hooray!
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onlyswan · 1 year
incase someone haven’t told you this lately <3 i’m proud of you for getting out of bed today even if you had to drag your body off it. i’m proud of you for speaking even if you had to clear your throat before doing it. i’m proud of you for making it home safely. i’m proud of you for lying on your bed and allowing yourself to rest before you have to do the things you’re scared of tomorrow. i’m proud of you for existing and for trying to live. 🫂
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certainty2witch · 1 year
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Maybe I’m late but, happy Byler day!
You know i love imagining s5 scenarios so much, and in this one, well they already kissed and confessed time before, but since in mind I can’t stop imagine Will having powers (you can see, he clearly has powers connected to lights, like a cleric hehe) he needs a lot of motivation for going on, and Mike is really helpful when things gets harder. Plus since i love angst (but with happy endings), i added to my version the fear of having the possibility that killing Vecna means killing Will too. So yeah there’s tension between them, that’s also the reason why Mike is crying too, since is afraid of losing him (again). But will never happens <3
Sorry for celebrating with some angst, ok next time I’ll share something cheesy i swear.
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nyoomkitty · 6 months
Hey pals, it’s me, Facebones! Welcome to the…
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Do you need to know how to properly maintain your rhythm guitarist? Well, look no further because I’m here to help! This simple guide will help you learn new ways to make your rhythm guitarist feel loved. 💕
(18+ - Sweet, cute, soft Skwistokface ahead! Meeting of the minds between @pipartuuli 💛 and me, I hope you all enjoy it!)
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 8 months
Chapter three of Love is in the hands
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After getting kicked out of his home for being queer, Suguru comes across his childhood sweetheart in a strange gay bar that is owned by his new “family”: a bunch of queer social rejects who were taken in by Yuki, an eccentric matriarch. He finds a new home (and his lost love) there.
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starswirly · 6 months
[ * Pros of self indulgent art: making what you crave and want to see in the world! ] [ * Cons: It’s not everyone’s niche ]
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rozugold · 7 months
Guess who finished the next pi comic 😎
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andro-dino · 28 days
I don’t talk about it a lot or ever draw it but digivalen’s story arc and the way they both draw out the most in each other and help each other come to enjoy beyblade even more through their rivalry is really important to me. When you’ve got a character like Juno and a character like kite in direct contrast to each other, the obvious direction to go in is the heart vs mind route, juno being much more emotionally driven while kite is more logical. When Juno battles kite, he’s trying to get him to meet him in the middle with that, as kite is often so focused on data that it makes him narrow minded, which can lead to frustration for kite very quickly. When Juno comes to understand this about kite, she’s trying to get him to think a little less strictly and put more of his heart into battles and not just his brain. He connects with him on a deeper level, trying to draw out the full force of kites personality, his care, his pride, his drive and passion, everything that kite is, and see him fully put that out there in his battles. Obviously kites not gonna like, entirely change his battle style or anything, but it opens him up more to loosening up a little and being able to find some indulgence in battling a little more.
The consequence of juno rubbing off on kite so much though is that once he both becomes more emotionally aware and just comes to be more familiar with juno, he’s quick to notice how much of what they display of themself is an act, or at least not the full range of who they are. Juno, for a lot of her existence, is an oddly lonesome character, connecting so much with others because she wants to get to know them, but never really opening up herself and allowing others to know him because he’s content to let himself be someone solely around for the sake of others and not being so intimately cared for in the same kind of way. She tends to go from place to place a lot, both because they want to get to know as many people as possible but also because she’s never had many friendships that go both ways enough for her to want to stick around in one place very long. They’re fine with it, but most people don’t try to get to know them closely the way they do others. As kite and her rivalry goes on though, he starts noticing those small signs in her. It starts really with Kite being one of the first people to notice juno doesn’t battle with their full strength, and after that realization, he starts being able to read behind their expressions to see there’s more to them. He cant quite figure out exactly what it is at first, but he’s quick to deduce that there’s more to them than meets the eye. As it progresses, he notices how much more attention she gives him without him ever really learning all that much new about her, though whenever they leave, he can sense that air of loneliness about them. When Juno challenged kite the first time, the line he told him (as with most of her challenges to others) was “I’ll show you my heart,” but realizing she was holding back, kite mentioned that again at the end of the battle and said it wasn’t really true. Juno only slightly faltered at that, and though he didn’t show much, it was enough to start kites intrigue. It’s much later in their rivalry though that kite, much more bluntly, confronts Juno about this, much to their surprise. I don’t know how the interaction would go exactly, but I like the idea of kite asking what juno is battling for, and when she gives her usual schpiel about wanting to understand others more and for them to understand themselves, he stops her, and asks what they really want for themself. I really like the idea of a typically selfless character having a hard time being fully self-indulgent at times, and that’s kinda the whole basis for this dynamic. Kites a good character to be the one to call this out too imo because his two most primary character traits are how much he loves eight and how much he loves himself, so if anyone’s gonna encourage juno to do things for themself just as much as they do things for others, it’s gonna be kite. I like the idea of kite eventually becoming so much stronger over the course of their whole rivalry that much like with Sakyo, juno can’t do their typical strategy of holding back long enough to have a decent battle, which forces her to put so much more energy and effort into her battles that kite essentially forces her to battle for herself, to put in the work to really try their hardest that they can’t help but enjoy themself during the battle, and that in turn ends up being the most genuine kite sees him for the first time. The fun juno has during that battle makes her want to get stronger and enjoy battling for himself just as much as she battles for others. Kite isn’t the only character who draws this out of them as I do imagine this development also being tied with her dynamics with Zyro and Sakyo, but kite is the primary relationship through which this is explored fully from beginning to end.
The fully arc of their rivalry happens before they officially get together, though there are definitely feelings there throughout basically the entirety of their relationship. The separation of digivalen pre-Juno character development and post-Juno character development is also kinda what separates the two main dynamics of them as a ship, those being 1. Juno teasing kite and being able to get under his skin and make him a flustered, angry, tsundere mess and 2. Them being the most disgustingly overly affectionate and cheesy couple you’ve ever seen in your life (/aff). Juno catching kite off guard is kinda the whole crux of the start of their dynamic, and there’s a little flirting and silliness thrown in there which just amplifies this, and further down the line this continues but instead of it making kites head completely explode, he’s able to shake it off in order to stay focused and really draw out more from juno. This is what allows their relationship to start being on more even ground, developing until kite is the one able to start catching juno offguard, and at times, he is able to make them a bit flustered (except it’s different than when kite gets flustered, bc while kite’s system completely overheats and shuts down, juno only has that pause for a brief moment before she’s like “wow, you really are cool, you know that?” in complete earnest and affection). By the tail end of their rivalry, they’re able to entirely bounce back and forth off of each other (while there were brief moments of this previously, its completely equal and mutual here), which is what eventually gives way into kite realizing that A. Juno has genuinely been interested and hitting on him for the entirety of the time they’ve known each other and B. he ended up developing feelings for them as well without entirely realizing it, and a lot of the anger and confusion and tsundere-ness that he felt around them before was because he genuinely didn’t understand that THATS what he was feeling, and now knowing that he likes them, he’s like instantly completely confident in himself in his own kite ego Mr Perfect kind of way, enough to be able to ask juno out himself (even though she tried like ten times already) and officially start their relationship. It is after that they so instantly become the corniest couple of all time because they’ve already gone through all the awkwardness and stuff just being rivals that now that they’ve both gotten to the places that they have with and because of each other, they are so instantly able to gel together romantically and completely have that connection. They are both incredibly down bad for each other and while kite still tends to be the more obvious about it of the two, juno does have more moments of also being completely and more obviously whipped for him.
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