#i cried doing this... once again i hate @ mb
reinaoi · 9 months
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LIZ 'Lilac' cover @ Music Bank 231215
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Lockdown
“Anthony, mijo you are ten years old. You should know this multiplication shit by now.” You hear Oscar say as he sits in the dining room with both school age boys and Junior who had his own work to get done. Angel sitting at the table as well as he pretends to do school work by coloring,”Do the problem again and actually show your work.”
You guys have been stuck in the house for three weeks now due to the virus, the only person that was able to leave being Oscar since he still had to go to work. Thankfully it was Friday afternoon so that meant he was at home and could take over the role of teacher. It was fun being able to teach your kids at first, but after three days you wanted to pull your hair out. Carlos and Anthony, your two sweet boys, hated anything to do with school and put little to no effort. The only good thing that came out of this virus was that your oldest son was now home, his campus closing down for the time being. Even though you were glad he was back, you couldn’t wait for things to go back to normal. You were going a bit stir crazy and needed time to yourself. But alas the mommy role was a never ending one.
“I have snacks.” You smile, coming in with a tray of finger sandwiches you made and a bowl of chips. Oscar has been at it for the last hour with them and you figured they could use a break.
“Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Give me.” Angel says and drop his crayons excitedly, Carlos and Anthony sighing in relief that you came to the rescue.
“Say please.” You remind as you set the items down
“Please mommy.” He says and holds his hand out
“Good boy.” You smile and pass him one of the smaller cut sandwiches, letting the boys eat while you go check on Alexander who sat in his pack n play in the living room.
“Hi fat boy.” You coo at him, making him giggle as he wobbles to pull him self up,”Do you want to come with mommy?” You ask, picking him up and giving him a kiss,”My happy baby, yes you are.”
“I will switch right now.” Oscar says from behind you,”I’ll take the baby, you take them.”
“Hmmm let me think.” You smile as you turn around, Alexander snuggling into you chest,”No.”
“Mami please.” Oscar begs,”I love our kids, but they are going to make me jump through the fucking window.”
“How do you think I feel? I’m here 24/7.” You say,”With ALL of them. At least I offered to watch the baby while you help them with their work.”
“Fine, but if I start yelling and shit starts getting thrown you can’t blame me.” He groans
“If you yell at any of my baby’s.” You start, setting Alex down on the floor to scoot around,”You’ll be sleeping on the couch tonight.” You finish, wrapping your arms around your grumpy husband,”So you better take a few deep breaths and remember that you asked for this life. You put those kids in my stomach so you can’t get frustrated with them when times are hard.”
Oscar sighs and looks up at the ceiling in thought before meeting your gaze,”I’ll try my hardest to not go crazy.”
“Good.” You smile and pucker your lips, Oscar rolling his eyes before pressing his own against them,”Love you, now get back in there.”
“Yeah, yeah, love you too.” He mutters, turning around and heading back to the dining room. You can’t help but laugh as he sulks, sitting down on the floor with Alex while you pass the time by watching one of your shows.
“Mommy! I’m done with my work.” Angel says about half a hour later causing you to exit out of the program, no way you would be able to pay attention now.
“Oh yeah? Let me see.” You smile and take the page from him, the once white paper now filled with random color scribbles everywhere,”Good job baby, it’s so good. What color is this?” You ask him as you point to a green line that he drew.
“Um green. Like the grass.” He answers with a smile,”I’m a smart boy mommy.”
“The smartest.” You say and set the paper down on the coffee table, letting him sit across from you. Alexander sitting a few feet away while he plays with some toys.
“Can we go to the park?”
“No, you know we can’t Angel.” You sigh,”Why don’t we go play in the backyard?”
“Backyard is boring.” He says with a shake of his head,”I wanna go to the park. Park!” He yells his mood instantly changing as he grabs one of the toys that laid near him,”Park, park, park!” He repeats angrily as he cries, the toy flying across the room.
“Go to timeout, you don’t throw things.” You say and stand up, grabbing his arm and helping him up to his feet, Angel trying to pull away with all his might,”Now.” You say more sternly
“Let me go.” He screams,”Play at the playground!”
“Angel, stop.” You sigh before your husband swoops in and picks the toddler up, holding him at arms length.
“A quien le gritas?” He asks,”Are you screaming at mommy? You are a kid and you do what she says, no questions. So go get in timeout now.” Oscar says as he sets him back down, his little feet taking off to the corner and facing the wall,”Stop crying, o te daré algo para que llores.” He warns, all noise ceasing from Angel.
“Thanks.” You say not meeting his gaze, you knew the kids needed discipline, but that was the area you failed in when it came to parenting. Oscar was usually the punisher which is why the kids never questioned his authority,”I feel like we’re all gonna snap any day now.” You admit, running your fingers through your hair messily.
“Yeah, but he still needs to listen and he can’t be popping off like that.” Oscar shrugs,”Even before all this lockdown bullshit started he always threw a fit when he couldn’t get his way. I’m tired of it, you need to stop babying him.”
“I don’t baby him.” You lie with a shake of your head. It was true, he was probably the one you babied the most out of all of the kids. Even when his brothers were his age you didn’t have to treat them like you do Angel.
“So you don’t carry him around on your hip all the time? You don’t let him sleep in our bed still? You don’t pick up every single thing after him? You don’t...” Oscar continues before you cut him off.
“Alright so maybe I do just a little.” You say, glancing back at him,”I don’t know why I do it, maybe it’s cause he has a different personality than the boys did. He lets me baby him. He can claim big boy status all he wants but he loves being my baby. I know I need to stop but it’s just so hard.” You groan, resting your head forward on Oscar’s chest, letting him embrace you.
“I like when you baby me too mami.” He chuckles softly,”But there has to be a limit.”
“You’re right.” You sigh and pull away,”Can I start tomorrow though? I just wanna cuddle him right now.” You admit, Oscar playfully rolling his eyes and not even bothering to respond before going back to the other kids.
You walk over to the sulking boy and pick him up,”I’m sorry mommy.” He sniffles and rest his head on your shoulder as you hold him,”I hate inside.”
“I know baby, me too.” You smile sadly and press a kiss to his forehead,”Are you going to be a good boy now?”
“Yes. No more timeout pwease.” He begs, even though he wasn’t even there for more than two minutes,”I’ll be a good, good, good boy.”
“Works for me...How about we build a fort? A huge one?” You ask him excitedly,”It’ll be so much fun.”
“Yeah!” He cheers,”Come on! We need to get blankies.”
“Go get the ones from my room, I’ll stay in here with Alex.”
“You got it.” He laughs before running down the hall and disappearing. You grin happily and go over to pick up the baby, heading to the dining room to ‘let school out.’
“Enough work, come help me and Angel build a fort.” You say, Anthony and Carlos darting up and racing to the living room,”You guys too.”
“Sure, why not?” Junior shrugs as he closes his laptop and goes to join his brothers.
“Come on.” You grin and hold your free hand out for your husband.
“I’m coming.” He reply’s, nonetheless taking your hand in his. The two of you joining the rest of the household for some quarantine fun.
“I know they are a lot to handle, but I think we would be bored if we didn’t have all of them in here with us.” You whisper to Oscar, all five of your kids spread out around you and fast asleep in the makeshift bed. After building the fort you guys spent the rest of the inside of it watching movies and eating junk food. Each kid falling asleep one by one until it was just the two of you awake.
“Yeah, I thought about that too.” He yawns,”We’re pretty lucky. Even luckier if you finally gave me my babygirl.”
“Stop.” You whine, Oscar bringing up this conversation at least twice a week,”We don’t need another kid. Are the five we have not enough?”
“They are enough, but I wouldn’t mind one more.” He chuckles
“That’s easy for you to say when you’re not the one carrying a whole human for nine months and then pushing said human out.” You remind him,”Besides what if it’s another boy? Are you still going to want to try again after?”
“If it’s a boy then it’s a boy.” He shrugs,”I know it’s going to be a girl though.”
“You said that about Alex.” You laugh,”And he’s most definitely not a girl.”
“Oh my god, just have another baby. Who cares?” Junior groans from somewhere in the fort,”I’m trying to sleep.”
“Aye, callate la boca.” Oscar says amusingly,”Don’t be listening to our conversation fool.”
“Kind of hard to do when your two feet away from me.” Junior retorts, turning on his side as he try’s to fall back asleep.
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, but the answer is still going to be no.” You say to Oscar,”Now go to sleep, you have a class tomorrow morning Mr.Diaz.”
“Nah, I’m going to play hookie. One day isn’t going to kill them.” He chuckles,”Lets go for a drive or something, we don’t have to get out of the car. We could just drive along the beach.”
“That actually sounds fun. Let’s do it.” He agrees.
“Awesome.” You grin excitedly,”I cant wait, we all need to get out for a while.”
Oscar hums in response, lightly rubbing his eyes tiredly,”Night mi amor.” He says moments later
“Good night.” You reply, kissing his cheek before letting your eyes close. Angel’s foot digging into your back, but you didn’t care. You were too tired to move him. Each day since being in lockdown making you more and more exhausted, but it was okay. Being trapped in the house with the people you love most is way better than being stuck all alone.
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v-hope · 5 years
For vet Hobi ~ your puppy needs its shots but you’re getting emotional and don’t want to look bc it’s whining and you hate seeing animals in pain? Mb?
I added Bf!Hoseok to this one just because I thought it’d be cute 💞
“You know” Hoseok laughed lightly under his breath, focusing on the injection he was currently holding in front of his eyes after having filled it up with some kind of liquid that had your heart already racing. “After dating me, a vet, for over three years, people would tend to think you’re used to this by now”.
Your hands slowly moved away from your face, letting them fall to your sides as your eyes adjusted to the light they had been lacking for the past couple of seconds. Stealing a quick glance to your puppy on the examination table, you locked eyes with Hoseok next to you.
“If anything, I’ve only grown to hate these moments more” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and then scoffing at the sound of your boyfriend’s laugh. “Hey, it’s not my fault you’re a heartless, unfazed litt–”
“Am I really now?” he chuckled, not needing to listen to the rest of your upcoming insult to know what you had meant exactly.
“No…” you spoke in a pout, lowering your head a bit to let him know what he already did: that you didn’t mean that.
“Come on” he called for your attention, tilting his head for you to move closer, “I need your help to keep him still”.
A sigh abandoned your mouth at his last statement, having already forgotten about your only yet dreadful task for that evening.
“This is torture” you claimed with squinted eyes, staring into his own.
“It’s just a tiny shot, babe” he laughed wholeheartedly, “I don’t think he–”
“No, I mean for me” you cut him off. “This is torture for me”.
Hoseok rolled his eyes without being able to hide his amusement, loving the way your jaw ever so annoyedly fell right after he hummed an almost inaudible: “Okay, drama queen”.
Your eyes followed his every move while he made sure everything was in order for him to proceed. It wasn’t longer than a minute, and maybe that’s why you flinched the second Hoseok moved closer to your pup with the needle in his hand – not being ready at all. Especially not after catching a glimpse of the way your pet was trying to move away from it; a small whine escaping his mouth.
“Love, can you please hold him still?” Hoseok requested, missing the pout that had already formed on your lips as you reluctantly came closer.
Your hands were placed on each side of your pet to do as Hobi had told you, and for a moment there you internally freaked out over how badly your furry baby was shaking, only to discover not even one second later that the one shaking was, in fact, you.
“It’ll be alright” Hobi mumbled as his free hand brushed over the place where the needle would later be put on, and, in all honesty, you didn’t know if that had been directed to you or the dog.
Nevertheless, as soon as you saw the needle reach the animal, you looked away, immediately shutting your eyes and tightly keeping them like that until your boyfriend let you know it was over.
“All done” he announced, turning around to get rid of the used equipment before going back to you with a bright teasing smile. “It wasn’t that bad now, was it?”
Although your heart had jumped at the sight of his smirk, you rolled your eyes in response, reaching your hand out to pet your dog just like Hobi had been doing for the past few seconds; not even a second later leaning down to fully wrap your arms around your now ever so tranquil animal.
Hobi smiled warmingly at the view in front of him, stretching both his arms towards you for you to hold his hands. Once you did, he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around your figure before his hands moved up to cup your cheeks – a sweet kiss being soon to press against your forehead.
“It’s okay now” he spoke softly. “I’ll go get his leash so we can go back home, yeah?”
You pouted, letting your head fall to his shoulder and feeling his arms’ hold once again around your body as you softly nodded. “At least he doesn’t cry anymore”.
This time, a taunting smile didn’t wait to curve up the corners of Hoseok’s lips. “Are you sure it wasn’t you the one who cried every time?”
Well, he wasn’t entirely wrong there.
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yimmick · 4 years
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man. i gotta put this somewhere so. (vent)
you know im trying really hard to get past the break up so i can stay friends w ex. i don’t want to cause any drama by talking about it but staying mopey in my head isn’t the best thing either. the ppl i would usually talk with.. well we’re in quarantine and i’m not a very good texter. i literally can’t talk to my ex about bc who does that. so a non disclosed third party aka in the the blogging void of the tumbles it goes :p
ive been staying off gc for a while to give myself a lil breather from whats been going on + me being stressed/depressed as all hell from like. a variety of reasons. i didn’t let ppl know so i hope ppl didn’t think i dropped off the face of the earth or anything.. it was kind of an ass move of me but idk.. i still needed it. i want to start coming back but im awkward as all hell but well. it should be fine i feel like im well known for disappearing unfortunately lol... when i decided to mb start coming back i immediately learned that my ex was dating someone else and tbh i could’ve guessed from the start that it was going to happen as much as she denied it. i knew it and i fucking hate that i was right. it feels awful.the day i found out was when i was finally finished with my hell week pt 1 too so i was expecting to finally chill out and start replying to ppl and thats the first thing i find out so like. lol. i wish i was over her already bc i thought i was getting there but as soon as i saw that i reverted. the whole break up processs im upset @ myself for bc i totally just shut down... instead of acting like a normal person and getting the proper closure i think i cried on her bed for like 30mins how... embarrassing is that... .. back then she said she wasn’t looking to date during college anymore and i took that at full face value but of course she was saying that to let me down easy. i know i know i know back then the jealousy i was feeling wasn’t unwarranted... i don’t even know what to feel like. i LIKE her new gf&her friends and i wish i could get to know them to but like for me it feels like theres this barrier of my ex between them and i don’t feel super comfortable interacting with them anymore. the fire stuff was honestly rlly interesting but i should probably leave the club since i don’t feel very comfortable anymore in there either. it probably is not a great idea to force myself in a position to interact w ex + new gf when im not ready at all.
i know i wasn’t great at the beginning w me not replying at all but man the first two months were great. i still miss it even tho i wish i wouldn’t. the last month was awful ive never been more dysfunctional before. we both told each other that we want to be friends and on some level i still do but rn with her dating the exact person i knew she was going to date again even thinking about interacting w her feels awful all the while i miss doing things with my friends.ikik ik they’re a better fit for each other too. i know. but i can’t help but feel like shit all about this. she did the same thing beforehand: broke up w her previous partner a month/two later, start dating another partner... i know 3 months wasn’t even that long but i guess since it was my first relationship it really meant a lot to me. she meant a lot to me & still does and sometimes i catch myself thinking back to if i did ___ right maybe we would’ve stayed t gether longer/she would still want to be with me but god, what an awful way to think about things. i don’t want to linger in the past like that and just hurt myself. i guess the pain rn comes from the 1) jealousy confirmed right 2) she’s moved on a long time ago 3) going to lose a friend/friend group? i don’t know. i just can’t bring myself to talk the gc more since they were her friends first. but the more i stay out the more i isolate myself. i really fucking don’t know anymore about what to do. i wish i could just talk to her straight abt all this fucking shit but i don’t think i can bring myself to message her and i don’t know if she’ll want to deal with an ex’s insecurities lol. not good w emotional stuff. its not her responsibility to reassure me but in some petty way i want her to recognize just a little bit of how shitty that was & how shitty she acted in the last month as vindication. it would be nice for me to feel straight anger just once instead of trying to make it go away all the time. but man. i miss her as a friend so much. i want to just go play a latenight game w/ her again playing thru fc and just sending her posts she would like was fun. i miss it. idk if i can go back until i can really just get over myself anymore but will we even be friends then? i really don’t know anymore. fuck complex issues xoxox
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Fight Me - 4
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I just couldn’t leave these two alone! I just want Happy to have a nice life with a cute boyfriend, ok?!
@demitri-mb​  - SURPRISE!!
Your relationship with Happy would go from strength to strength. There was nothing that would pull you apart from each other no matter how hard anyone tried. There were members from other charters that had something to say but would immediately back off the minute you and Happy would square up to them, threatening them with violence and Happy would always tell them he’d blow their face off if they said anything else. You would always find it funny the way they would run away when they realised that you were not the type of guy to be messed with whether Happy was by your side or not.
The real fear came when it was time to meet his mother. Happy seemed just as nervous as you since he had never talked to his mother about same sex relationships and she had never spoken her views on it either. There was no telling how she would react when she found out her son was in a relationship with another man. 
“She love you anyway, right?” You asked nervously as you walked up the path beside your boyfriend, “She’s not gonna care.”
“Hope so,” Happy said quietly, grabbing your hand tightly and opening the front door.
There was some quiet chatting coming from the kitchen but it sounded like a one sided conversation, like she was on the phone. Happy led you through the house to the kitchen where there was an old lady sat at the small dining table with a crossword puzzle in front of her and a house phone to her ear. Happy poked his head around the door with a small wave.
“Look who it is! I’ll have to go,” she said happily and waved at Happy and smiling at you, “my son has just arrived with a little friend. See you tomorrow Honey, bye... bye.”
She clicked the phone down and stood up which made you smile. She was a tiny lady, a lot smaller than Happy, but that didn’t stop her from hugging him before scolding him for not going around sooner.
“And who is... this?” She asked, finally noticing your entwined hands and looking between you both.
“Mom,” Happy announced with a deep breath, “this is (Y/N). He’s... (Y/N) is my boyfriend.”
“Oh. Is he staying for dinner? Do you like pasta? I’m making meatballs.”
Happy looked happier than you had ever seen him and it was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It wasn’t as if he had been hiding your relationship from his mom it was just that he wasn’t sure how she would react but now that it wasn’t a secret anymore and she was seemingly fine with it he could relax. You squeezed his hand gently with a smile.
“I love pasta,” you nodded to her, “are we staying, Hap?”
He was hesitant, looking at you but him mom cut in, telling you both to sit down and she would get you both some orange juice while the food was on the stove. You helped yourself to a seat and Happy sat beside you while she asked you questions about yourself and how you had met her son. Obviously you didn’t tell her the full story but explained that you were a fighter and had met him through the club when you became employed by Clay. When she asked you about your past and your family and everything about your life that you tried to keep hidden from everyone but Happy kissed the back of your hand gently and nodded. There was a look in his eyes and you knew. Happy was your life now, all that other stuff was in the past and you could stop running and hiding. So you told her everything. You told her everything about your dad and what had happened to him and why you did what you did, that you didn’t know what else you could do after he passed away so you just carried on.
You weren’t ashamed to say that you had cried... a lot while you talked to her and she cried when she listened, even ending up hugging you in only the way a mother could which made you start sobbing like a baby. You needed this. And Happy watched with his jaw clenched in an effort to keep himself from crying along with you. He hated hearing about how you had lived before coming to Charming and everything that had happened but you knew that the fact that you understood him and that the way you lived your life meant you didn’t judge how he lived his. That was all part of the reason that he had actually started to open up to you too. 
Once all the tears had dried you were served dinner and it tasted as delicious as it had smelled. You enjoyed teasing him in front of people, it had become somewhat of a hobby for you, and this dinner was no different. There when his mom had gone back to her crossword you nudged his knee with yours gently so he looked at you and when he did, you put two meatballs into your mouth and winked at him. He moved so fast it was like he hadn’t moved at all. His head snapped back to his plate, eyes wide and hand clenching the fork harder than was necessary. Then he looked back at you slowly to see you still looking at him with your cheeks puffed out and that stupid, cute smile that he loved so much on your lips. You were going to be in a lot of trouble later.
When dinner was over and it was getting dark outside it was time to go.
“He’s a very sweet boy,” Happy’s mom told him before you left and she was hugging you both, “make sure you look after him.”
“You know I will, Mom.”
You smiled at him, not remembering the last time anyone said they would look after you; people just assumed because you were strong you didn’t need looking after but Happy saw through that. Then, once you had said goodbye and promised to drop by again soon, you walked beside Happy back to his motorcycle with his arm around your shoulders, yours around his waist and your head resting against his. 
“I love you,” Happy said softly as you climbed on the back of his motorcycle, “you know that, right?”
You looked at the back of his head in surprise. It was bent forwards and you knew he was focusing a little too hard on fixing his gloves to avoid looking at you. 
“Yeah,” you mumbled, putting your chin on his shoulder and hugging him, “yeah I know.”
And you did know, he had just never said it before. Happy was a strong believer in actions speak louder than words and that was fine because so were you.
“You know I love you to, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Happy said still softly and nodding, “I want you to get my crow.”
Your breathing stopped and you froze. You hadn’t been together that long but then again neither of you had ever felt anything like this before but it was something that felt so real and right and you didn’t want to let it go. Getting Happy’s crow was almost like getting a wedding ring.
“Wanted it for a while,” he continued when you didn’t say anything, “but you needed to meet Mom first and ask her what she thought.”
“She’s planning our wedding.”
You laughed then, dissipating the heavy and emotional atmosphere that had settled between you. You kissed his shoulder and the part of his neck that you could reach from where you were positioned while he chuckled lowly but you couldn’t help wondering when it was that he has asked her; he barely left your side all afternoon. 
“I’d love you get your crow Hap... but only if you do it for me.”
He looked back at you and looked over your face silently before leaning back against you to give you a soft, sweet kiss and you hummed happily.
“Let’s go home,” you told him, “I’m horny and I would feel bad getting fucked in front of your mom’s house. Thank god your mom didn’t cook sausage, huh?”
Happy rolled his eyes but leant forwards and turned the engine over to start back to the house you now shared.
While you were in bed together, although he was enjoying everything that was going on, he couldn’t help looking over your body. He was looking for where he wanted his crow. His hands roamed over the skin of your stomach, sides, hips then up your chest to put his hand over your throat where he could feel your pulse racing under his palm and the feeling of you swallowing like he had that morning after the party where you had first opened up to him. Then he knew. 
“I’m tough enough for this, right?” You asked Happy as you lay down on the table.
“Right,” Happy nodded once and snapped the gloves, “you’re tough as shit.”
When Happy had approached you with your first tattoo being on the front of your neck you were apprehensive but the more you looked in the mirror and imagined yourself with it there you got more excited for it. It was going to be huge and something you would be unable to hide. You would look so badass when you were fighting too.
The way Happy would position the crow was that it’s body would be in the middle of your throat with the wings spanning outwards around your neck and the tips of the wings ending under your ears.
You took the pain like a champ and Happy was very proud of you for it. The most you would do was wince and clench your teeth but forced yourself to relax while he worked. Happy stayed silent for the most part but every now and again would look up to your face and ask if you were ok to reassure you that it would be done soon. And when it was, he looked at his work and his man with pride.
“How do I look?” You asked, sitting up and ran your hand through your mussed up hair.
Happy was speechless. You were his now, officially. When he shook his head in disbelief you immediately started to get self conscious until he stood up, took your face in his hands before pulling your face to his to kiss you roughly. 
“So fucking hot,” he murmured to you.
Happy would watch you in the ring avidly, obviously being your number one fan and not shying away from cheering the loudest and celebrating with you when you inevitably won.Your after fight ritual stayed the same; Happy would walk with you to a quiet part of wherever you were and you would sit together and share a beer. It was something that you had done from the start and would probably do forever.
People didn’t mess with you and they knew that since you had officially became Happy’s old man his family was your family. Therefore, if any of the girls got hurt by anyone or anyone was threatened you would be the one they would have to face which was almost as scary as being faced down by Gemma. You became an integral part of the SAMCRO family and a very valuable “old lady”. You helped look after the families of other members and kept things running when the guys were away and this made Happy proud. Seeing his man being a huge part of his family and being relied on made him happy because he knew that you enjoyed it; you liked having a life outside of the ring and violence.
You couldn’t believe how lucky you were and how happy you were when not even a year ago you were roaming around, sleeping with guys and fighting for whoever paid you the most. 
Life was finally good.
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Oh shoot mb for this long ass novel of a post... not only went into a complete tangent I was also preeeeetty high up until recently. Well. Not recent. I am still high buut I think it's been 4 hours since and usually around this time aint too fussy. But yeh uh I have a bad habit of oveeexplaining when high... as you can see 💀💀💀
But yeah this is about 3 hours of high explaining why I'm taking a break from my normal trip report format so shits a wall o text
Atp.. I'm temporarily abandoning my typical format as the shit gets worse/more emotionally driven I either forget to write it all out or just plain don't want to. And I mean. This shit is for me. What would be the point of stressing a specific way of documenting the shit you know? Can just. Switch. And keep it moving. Not like it bothers me fr fr
Uh but. Since my last entry I think I've had a combined mid 3k rangeish of dph. Not toooo bad given my track record but still I know it's only been a few days since my last proper entry not the best either
Currently off a 450 dose so my saltiness won't be too obvious + I'll be to high to get too too upset about whatever other bs comes alone tonight. I'd take more but I'm saving a 200 for the ride home and I end up taking entirely too much on the ride here so I gotta be kinda conservative with my doses now 🥲
Lots of stuff at once. Lots. I don't even know where to begin as far as what's been on my mind. Just so much.. recently I've been crying pretty much every night. Some of it cause of one specific thing I'm thinking on and others just out of pure overwhelment. I'm guessing within the last like.. monthish and a half the longest I've gone w/o has been 4 days
It's annoying to hide tbh as I've been doing it more I've also been more confident in my ability to hide it meaninggg more tears/reaction. Still not horrible horrible but I have a hard time stopping til I'm tired tired so it usually equals a loooooong ass time sobbing or wanting to escalate it further and shaking from how hard I have to stifle myself. I even cried on this trip actually. Me and my mom shared a bed cause a cousin spent a night in the hotel and not thinking of how light of a sleeper she is I accidentally woke her up a few times from how hard I was shaking. I felt so bad oml I hope to god she was still mostly in sleep mode 🙃
Uh anyway. This is really random but I made this post cause today I was so tempted to steal a cig. I don't even smoke em I just was so curious about the risk there. And it made me feel weird.
My whole family smokes. Seriously like, my dad smokes, my mom smokes on and off, my grandma, aunt AND uncle and my moms side of the family?? Pfft. So it's been easy for me to try if I ever really wanted to. Not that they encourage it or anything. I know they'd be pissed. But I'm sure if I timed it right I coulda beeen tried. But now like I genuinely wanted it fr fr. Only reason I changed my mind is cause they wear too close and I ain't wanna risk it and have them look deeper into that
Speaking of family reminded me of R. God. I wish I could back already. I called her a few diff times and she didn't pick up. That's fine ofc bit it's like.. I dunno how to describe it. It feels like she's distancing herself again and I feel like it was my fault for being too predictable. If I had kept phone calls to few and far between she woulda seen it as special and prolly would answer. Bit nah since my dumbass decided to be greedy my calls mean nothing mostly and she'll just ignore whenever
I miss her so much. I hate that I know she's probably sad and lonely and fucking herself up mixing and redosing on shit that shouldn't be. I hate that I let it become routine. It's too much pressure for her rn. I shoulda let her come to me when she was okay to. It would've helped a lot more. But my dumbass introduced the stress of routine and made her feel bad for sometimes not being in the mood. I know she's prolly feeling guilty too. It breaks my heart bruh
I miss knowing what all she took and helping where I could. I wish I could go back. She has enough to stress on as is. I hate that she's pushing me away again. Not knowing specifics makes me so nervous. She barely even answers texts at this point. She had some health shit going on and I ofc thought okay well it doesn't need to be some long ass convo to be otp ima just ask and check in or her. But I'm still in the dark. We don't call everyday anymore, she's hiding all her health shit going on cause of her pill concoctions, and I can tell something's on her mind. I'd assume something bigger from how hard she's tryna shield it
I tried everything atp I don't know how to get her back. Im so scared and I don't want her suffering in silence because I got too overbearing. She's probably so fucking annoyed by me
I hate her partner. Full heartedly atp. I get it. Sometimes you say stupid shit and I know my bsf has done the same. But ghosting her through all this. Letting her beg you to just talk to you. Fucking dragging out a fight knowing damn well how destructive R is. She demands so much from R and what has she changed in returm? What has she done for R??
Want more time with her? Done. Dropped me within the week
Want to move in together? R's working damn near 7 days a week and tryna either have two jobs or aome side shit just for more to save
Don't like lip piercings? R won't get em even though she seems interested
Want to see her irl more? Before yall pressed pressed about moving in she was planning on not only going for her birthday but her partners too AND possibly Thanksgiving and Christmas.
And what as she changed in exchange??? I HEAR THE SAME OLD SHIT WVEYTIME YALL FIGHT BRUH
Honestly. Fuck that. I don't even care about specifics. Even if she did change all that shit, I'd still hate her for ignoring her for this long and being nothing but cold knowing it hurts. So manipulative. Why would you go out your way to hurt your partner if you do really love them? She has and had sooo many opportunities to speak her mind and move through this but nah nah let's just let my fucking pride keep us apart.
R deserves so much better. I wish they never met. I can't believe she still gets the short end of the stick even when she's proven over and over again she would do literally whatever for you. Literally in so much pain just from not getting to fix things. I hate it so much. She doesnt realize how much her effort is worth. Its so sad like. She could find sooo many people that would reciprocate all that love and care and some off how loyal and selfless she is ALONE but she had ti get stuck with the one dumbass that can't see her worth
She is so fucking stupid. Utterly and completely. There is literally no situation where she'd be in the right for doing this atp. None.
That's not really all but.. ranting about their relationship shit is never completely satisfying. I'd go on forever not thinking nothing of it sigh
I wish I could call her tomorrow. I know she ain't doing too great but I could take her mind off shit for a little. Plus I know I can usually tell if somethings bothering her. I hate that I'm just. Here.
And I miss her background noise. I'm so used to talking shit with her brothers with R dying and tryna join. Or her twin yelling over THEEE most bland games ever. Or hearing all the outlandish but tbh sensical shit she be lecturing R on
I miss her in general. I love discovering new songs from listening to the music she got blaring from her computer, 9 times out of 10, Juice WRLD songs 😭
Btuh and all we'd be quiet doing our thing then she'll bust out with the Outlandish junk just cause
The rare but nonetheless 10/10 days where we talk for hours and hours til we either HAVE to go or one of us fall asleep mid way through whatever long ass story either of us end up telling. Its so cute cause like. Course I think everyone has a sleepy voice but she used to have the most random sleeping habits. And plus even once she did sleep, she'd mute usually. But it makes me feel good that she trusts me enough to like.. not think to hide it? I'm sure she'd probably be self conscious about it after the fact but I mean. At least for the time she was comfortable so I be cheesing cheesing
And her voice is constantly on my mind. I sometimes ask questions or annoy her just to hear her. Plus like I dunno. I've grown to associate her voice with comfort so just listening to her talking ahit about some random 12 y/o o when she play bloxfuits is enough for me to gave a good time. Plus she got about a billion diff voices for specific junk and those are always fun to learn.
Ah sorry I didn't realize how off track I got bruh rip. Point is I miss her and I'm so worried about her but I feel trapped as if I try tooooo often she'll be used to ignoring my calls. Plus if I only text there's a possibility she'll either be sleep or will just ignore
Sigh. I wish I could fix everything for her. She doesn't deserve all this nonsense
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #344
“Yster reunited with Locklear, Stevie gets Griefed, Mb Vs Cp Again”
[CN] Huffs at Firebird-
[Firebird] -Huffs back-
[CN] - You shoved me in the dirt again!
[Firebird] Of course. You need to learn!
[CN] - But if I get dirty, then I'd just have to take a bath sooner!
[HG] - just zoomed up and is watering flowers near by-
[CN] Jumps in surprise- AH!
[Firebird] -Scree-
[HG] -runs behind a tree from their screaming-
[CN] Goes to hide behind Firebird-
[CN] - Firebird who is that?
[Firebird] That's HG, CN. He likes plants.
[HG] -peaks around the tree and give a timid wave-
[CN] - Oh, he's in Lies garden sometimes
[HG] -comes back around the tree and over to the two- sorry if I scared you
[CN] - You just came up so fast...
[Firebird] Fast things are bad things
[HG] i'm sorry I tend to run really fast it's one of my powers it helps me run from dangerous mobs
because I don't know how to fight
[CN] - Then why don't you learn?
[HG] I don't want to hurt anyone
[CN] - But that's how you can protect others!
[HG] but what if I accidentally hurt a friend and then they hate me forever -
starts to cry at the thought of being alone again-
[CN] - They could forgive you
[HG] I don't even know how I could learn I don't have any weapons or know how to make them?
[CN] - Ummm...  Some people use their hands!
[HG] how?
[CN] Shrugs and looks at FIrebird-
[Firebird] I prefer using my feet as hands but just, Punch. Fling your hand forward real hard.
[HG] -punches as hard as he can like he is punch tree without it hitting anything it's obvious weak
because of poor form-
[CN] - You need practice
[Hg] how do I practice that how I punch trees?
[CN] Shrugs-
[hg] do you know anyone who could teach me?
[CN] Once again shrugs-
[Firebird] You could just ask around, I'm sure someone wouldn't mind teaching you.
[HG] where should I ask first?
[CN] - Not the big meanie?
[HG] big meanie?
[Firebird] He means CP.
[CN] - Is the big meanie gonna be at the tiny shower?
[HG] what's a tiny shower?
[Firebird] Babyshower, CN. And most likely.
[CN] Huffs angrily-
[HG] what's a babyshower?
[CN] - I don't know
[Firebird] When one is with child they'll have a party to celebrate. I'm.. not sure why it's called
a babyshower though.
[HG] weird well maybe I should head off to see if anyone can teach me
[CN] - Okay!
[HG] -runs off-
[Firebird] -Watches HG go- Well that was... Something.
[CN] Suddenly gets a scared look- IS THE BABY GONNA EAT LIE!?
[Firebird] -Chokes on air- WHAT?
[CN] - Is the baby gonna eat her?  She said she's gonna have to eat more...  So if she doesn't get
enough food...  Does that mean the baby will eat her?
[Firebird] No! That's ridiculous, CN.
[CN] - Oh...
-A cloud passes overhead the group standing on the porch of the shrine and Ever glances
up, the sun in his eyes. The air seems to get heavier and he shivers slightly-
[Arden] Ever? Are you okay...?
[Ever] Shrinks under a weight he can't see, only feel, it's like suddenly being under a microscope. And just as quickly... it's
gone. Leaving him shivering.
[Zeke] As the shadows flee Zeke starts suddenly, his patterns changing to feathers and brickwork and indeciperable calligraphy-
[Ever] Nearly falls over- WHAT THE FUCK????
[Lie] - Zeke?  Is everything okay?
[Zeke] Is looking around wildly. -
[Arden] ....
[Ever] Why do I feel like I just got judged really harshly?
[Lie] - I don't know?
[Hope] Hisses a little at the sky-
[Zeke] Maybe we should go inside....
[Lie] - Go ahead, I'm going to head on home- She gathers up her cat and starts heading for the animal
to retrieve Beau- Have fun you guys
[Polybius] Is stomping down one of the manor halls in a foul mood.
[Sally] Darts out of her room- Hi Poly!
[Polybius] All the wires behind his head rise up in alarm like snakes and then relax
again. He grumbles a hello in return.
[Sally] - What's wrong?
[Polybius] Grumbles- MrmramdfrackingBEN.... where is that little stoner anyway?
[Sally] - He's where big brother Herobrine is!
[Polybius] Yeah well I need him, isn't he ever coming back?
[Sally] - He has a kid!
[Polybius] What the fuck.... I figured he'd be sterile from all the crap he puts in his
[Sally] - Nope
[Slender] Approaches from behind- Sally?  Polybius?  What is going on?
[Sally] - Papa!
[Polybius] Just airing my irritations since she asked. Is there any way I can get a hold
of BEN?
[Slender] - I can send a message through one of my proxies, why?
[Polybius] I need a couple of electrical things you said he'd have
and a bunch of shit is locked. I don't want to break his chests and piss you off, plus the whole thing is a hot mess and
impossible to find anything. It's easier just to pick the twerps brain directly.
[Slender] - I will let him know and give you his response as soon as I can
[Polybius] Huffs- fine.
[Slender] Walks off to find a proxy-
[Sally] - Poly come have a tea party with me!
[Polybius] Glances at Slender and considers the possible ass-beating if he says no. His
thin shoulders slump in defeat. Slender is more likely to find him quickly with an answer if he's with Sally anyway. - Yeah....
[CP] Is freaking out because he can't find Lie-
[Mb] Sneaking around the greenhouse and now snickering at Cp's obvious distress.
[Celine] Is swinging happily off the gargoyle on the apex of the greenhouse roof-
[CP] Storms past MB without even seeing him-
[Mb] Sneaks after him-
[CP] - Fucking Nether where is she?
[Mb] Goes for the stab with a diamond sword-
[CP] Barely catches sight of the incoming weapon and teleports just out of the way- Fuck off!
[Mb] No! You promised! - He does a graceful flip in the air and swings at Cp again-
[CP] - Fucker I need to find Lie!
[Mb] There's plenty of time for that, for now worry about your own skin! - attacking-
[CP] Pushes aside MB's weapon with his sword- Not now!
[Mb] -Stab stab stab- FOCUS!
[CP] Takes a couple blows- I said fuck off!
[Celine] Suddenly realized what he's doing and stops playing- Master no!
[CP] - Listen to your dragon and leave me to find my wife
[Mb] But I know where she is! Is that worth fighting for? -parry and thrust-
[Celine] Bad!
[CP] - Just tell me where!
[Mb] Not unless you show me some spirit first! - Stabby stab-
[Celine] Huffs some of her gas angrilly-
[CP] - You asshole I need to get to her because she's pregnant!
[Mb] Laughs- wowwwww you fucked up!
[CP] Growls- Fuck. Off.
[Celine] Jumps up and down in place- Lie is preggyngnat? What does that mean???
[CP] - It means she and I are going to have a daughter
[Celine] Does a little flip- A daughter!???!!
[Mb] Just starts laughing- Holy fuck...
[CP] - You can stop laughing!
[Mb] Steps off the ground and rolls in the air a bit. Still
[CP] Scowls and takes a cheap shot at the distracted MB-
[Mb] Gets cut on the leg and slashes back-
[Celine] Master!
[Mb] Self-defense!
[CP] Blocks the blow- Can you go away now?
[Mb] Maybe I'll just go ahead of you and bother Lie.
[CP] Lunges forwards and puts MB in a choke hold- You will do no such thing, she doesn't need any
[Mb] Swings his sword to take a few pixels out of Cp's pants and buttcheek on one side-
[Celine] Bites Cp's other leg, blowing gas out around her beak at the same time.
[CP] - Now fuck off and leave my wife alone
[Mb] Muffled strangling noises-
[Celine] Angrilly shredding Cp's pants-
[Honedge] Disentangles itself from CP's leg and moves to remove Celine from his leg-
[Celine] Bats at Honedge and Cp with her wings-
[Mb] Goes slack and vanishes-
- Masterherobrine was killed by CreepypastaHerobrine -
[Celine] MASTER! - starts crying-
[CP] Turns around and picks up Celine- It's okay, he's just respawned
[Celine] Just cries more, she's really loud and pathetic-
[CP] - Come on, I'll take you to him- Starts carrying Celine towards MB's place
[Celine] Wailing forlornly, she's getting his shoulder wet and swatting weakly at him
[CP] - He's fine
[CP] Ignores the stares of the villagers as they pass-
[CP] Approaches the building with the Nether portal-
[Mb] Is grumbling as he climbs the ladder and perks hearing her-
[CP] - You're fine, we're almost there
[Celine] Swats him in the crotch with the spiky end of her tail - WAAAAAAHHHHHH
[CP] - Fucking Nether!
[Mb] Opens the door- What the fuck-
[Celine] Goes bananas trying to get away from Cp and swats him several times in
different places with her wings and tail while still crying-
[CP] Holds Celine out towards MB-
[Mb] Takes her and nearly falls over as she glomps him in a strangling hug- Fuck!
[CP] - Don't threaten Lie- Turns to go find Lie
[Lie] Makes it back home, having stopped only once to puke by a tree.  As she enters the workroom she
see's it's currently empty, but that doesn't stop the unease she now feels whenever she enters the room-
-outside it starts to rain a little bit-
[Chester] Scoots inside and shuts the door-
[Lie] Jumps a little- Oh, Chester, hello
[Chester] Oh! Sorry to intrude miss! - He's obviously damp from the rain and his fuzz
is matted-
[Lie] - Is everything okay?
[Chester] Little sneeze- Just got caught in the rain....
[Lie] - Then come warm up by the lava, it's perfect for that
[Chester] I was hoping you'd say that. - Scoots over by the pool and lays down on the
floor next to it.
[Lie] Smiles at the small spider and starts to feel queasy again-
[Eliza] Knocks on the door and enters- Mistress?
[Lie] - Oh, Eliza
[Chester] Sees her and smiles, her name is said like a reverent prayer- Elizzza.
[Eliza] - Oh, there you are Chester
[Lie] - Get over by the lava and warm up Eliza, you look soaked to the skin
[Chester]  Rolls sideways and opens his legs to hug her if she
gets close. - I just got caught in the rain...
[Eliza] Does move closer- Mistress, the Master said you needed my skills?
[Lie] - Yeah, I suppose I will.  My clothes are already getting a bit too tight
[Chester] Tight? OH. Since you don't lay eggs. This is gonna be weird.
[Eliza] - I can make you some clothes which will adjust as you grow Mistress
[Lie] - Thank you Eliza
[Chester] Can I help? -very proud- I'm learning.. AH-choo!
[Eliza] - These will be some very specific measurements Chester...
[Lie] - You could start with baby clothes maybe?
[Chester] Rolls over and bounces on his feet a little- What do I do?
[Eliza] - Well first you must be able to produce the proper string, one which isn't sticky
[Chester] Sooo...... eat wool?
[Eliza] - No, it takes a lot of concentration, I know for my thread the stickiness is more like an
outer layer so I can remove by making my opening just a bit smaller.  You however are from a different server so it might not
work the same
[Chester] Maybe... I could work with something else?
[Lie] - Maybe sweet Alex or Steve could teach you?
[Chester] I guess.....
[Eliza] - We needn't worry about that right now, for now let us just get warm
[Chester] Eyebrow waggle- Yes please. - Sneaks two legs over her
as much as he can reach-
[Eliza] Moves closer-
[Lie] Suddenly rushes for the lava again to throw up-
[Eliza] - Mistress!
[Chester] Scrabbles uselessly- YIKES!
[Lie] - Sorry, it's this morning sickness...
[Chester] Confused- Do you feel better in the afternoon then?
Maybe you could just sleep in?
[Lie] - I don't think time of day really matters Chester, that's just the name of it.  It's different
for everyone though
[Chester] Oh... well I like little ones, when's she gonna pop out?
[Lie] - Not for some time Chester
[Chester] Oh okay. I can wait- twiddles his feet, getting toasty now-
[Lie] - I think I'm going to lay down for a bit
[Chester] Okay, you be gentle with yourself - snuggles happily next to Eliza.
[Eliza] Gives a small chitter back at him as Lie leaves-
[CP] Approaches Docs place-
[Doc] is sitting on the porch under a giant potted mushroom happily playing with hir
[Waffles] wiggle butt and slink toward Cp-
[Yaunfen] Waves-
[CP] - Oi! Is Lie here?
[Doc] Maybe? She brought Ever over to visit Arden.
[Yster] Goes galloping by on a skeleton horse with a jubilant expression.
[Waffles] Goes for a playful pounce and lick on Cp.
[Doc] Waffles no! Damn! Cp you're a mess.
[Yaunfen] Runs up to push Waffles down from Cp- down! Leave Big fire alone!
[CP] Yells at Yster- And you do realize you've missed over a day of work, right?
[Yster] Slows- I have? Aww dammit. Well it wouldn't be the first time I lost a whole
day to playing Minecraft!
[CP] Scowls- Don't you think you should head back?
[Yaunfen] Big fire we made new stuff! - holds up one of the orange glazed mushrollems-
we revived them from stones!
[Yster] Yeaaaaah I guess so...
[CP] - That's nice kid. Why don't you go get your stuff Yster
[Yster] oh I have just about everything already.
[Doc] I've got her spider and snake cages at my feet
[Yaunfen] Do want to taste it? They're realllllllly good.
[CP] - Not now, I'm busy working- He stats focusing on making an opening
[Yaunfen] Aww....
[Doc] Brings over the cages- Are you going to be okay?
[Yster] I think so. Can I call you if there are any more... emergencies?
[Doc] Of course!
[CP] - Do you have the phone for Locklear?
[Yster] Holds it up. - Yes. I suppose you think he'll still be nearby?
[CP] - Oh yeah, and probably not in a good mood
[Doc] Should I go too? For safety!
[CP] - Nah, if he tries shit I'll just punch him out
[Doc] He might take one look at your current state and run.
[Yster] You do look like you tangled with a few tigers before coming over.
[CP] - MB threatened Lie
[Doc] Ah so you and him had a play session. That explains a lot. I doubt he meant it.
He just likes to rile you up.
[CP] - Yeah well he's on thin ice right now
[Doc] Mb? Oh you'll get over it.
[CP] Flips Doc off before turning towards Yster- You ready?
[Yster] Yes, and thank you all for your hospitality.
[Yaunfen] Bye Yster!
[CP] Steps through first and looks around.  He's made the opening through Yster's computer-
-Her bedroom is dark apart from the light of the screen and she
decants the spider and the snake back into their respective terrariums.
[CP] Narrows his eyes in suspicion as he summons a fireball into his hand-
[Yster] Eyes widen- Whoah.....
[CP] - Stay there- He approaches the closet, listening intently
[Locklear] Leans against the door frame leading into the rest of the apartment- Come now, I'm not some common boogey man to hide
in a closet Herobrine
[Yster] Jumps in alarm at the unexpected voice.
[CP] Growls at Locklear but the doctor's attention is on Yster-
[Locklear] - You left...
[Yster] I got overwhelmed...
[Locklear] - You could have just told me
[CP] Mentally to Yster- Remember, you are the thing that can calm and clear his mind
[Yster] I.. I didn't want to spoil your fun... but I'm rather nervous at the scene of a
crime in progress.
[Locklear] Moves towards him, his anger apparent- So you thought just running off was better!?  You
could have gotten harmed!
[Yster] Stands firm- I called a friend to pick me up.
[Locklear] Reaches out to grab her-
[Yster] Smacks his hand roughly-
[Locklear] Growls darkly-
[CP] Moves between them- Locklear, focus...  This isn't helping you
[Yster] Scowls at him- I appreciate you avenging me, but don't get
grabby. It's not like I asked you to kill him for me.
[CP] - Yster he doesn't have a choice.  We'll do anything to protect our mates
[Locklear] - Move aside Herobrine
[Yster] Protecting and controlling are too different things. I don't put up with clingy
guys who try to micromanage me.
[Locklear] - All I want is for you to be safe and mine
[Yster] Yeah... that's a little weird. Don't get posessive, it's off-putting.
[CP] - We can't help it
[Yster] Pfft. That's what all guys say.
[CP] - No, we literally can't.  Him even more so because he still has her
[Locklear] - Herobrine why don't you leave
[Yster] Her? OH... you mean he's still.... crazy? Oh dear...
[CP] - Yeah- Mentally- But because you've been chosen as his mate, you just might be able to convince
him to give her up
[Yster] I'll think about it. I'm still on the fence about this
chosen thing. I don't believe in fate or soulmates or any of that stuff.
[Locklear] Is growling- Herobrine, why don't you go take care of the annoying woman outside?
[Yster] Wait, who's outside?
[Locklear] - An officer, she was watching your place of work most of the day and took note that you
never showed up
[Yster] Oh fuck! I bet it's that woman who was spying on Markus!
[CP] - Guess he needs to pop out here again...
[Yster] Just let him know Cp, he lives next door to you. OH! Locklear, I have a present
for you. - rummages and pulls out the shiny little phone-
[Locklear] A small bit of his aggression seems to fade- A present?
[Yster] I got a friend to make you a better phone. -Holds it out.
[Locklear] Takes it and looks it over- I'm sorry, but I don't know how to use this...
[CP] Mentally- That's it, ease into it.  Distract him from his anger
[Yster] Shoots Cp a look that's plainly 'I'm still not cool with this and stop telling
me what to do' - It's simple... - Is showing Locklear how to use the phone.
[Locklear] Is still confused-
[CP] - I'm just speaking from experience Yster
[Yster] mentally- I really don't need a boyfriend who has to have his hand patted 24/7
to keep him from going berzerk.
[CP] - I'm not saying that, but he'll be calmer and much more reasonable around you
[Yster] mentally- still... high maintence and violent isn't a good combination. I don't
see what I'm getting out of this.
[CP] - A protection from anything natural and supernatural and somebody who will learn everything you
love so that they can make certain you're happy
[Locklear] - I don't understand why you are trying to teach me this
[Yster] Is considering it. - Huh? Because... it's pointless to give a gift and not show
someone how to use it? It's nicer then the one you have and you can text on it and look at things one the internet, it's got a
calculator and even a little camera.
[Locklear] - This, seems very complicated and unnecessary, my own phone works fine.  Although I did
place yours on your charging cable
[Yster] But you don't have to press three times per letter to text with this one.
[CP] - His other phone doesn't even have text...
[Yster] See? And I could put games on this one too if you want, it even has talk to
text so you can just mutter at it and it'll do the typing.
[Locklear] Still looks uncertain-
[CP] Sighs and grabs Locklear's arm- Come on Locklear, it's late, let your mate get some rest.  We'll go have a drink
[Yster] What about the police officer? She might still be out there.
[CP] - I can teleport
[Yster] Does anyone know what time it actually is?
[CP] - Don't you have a clock around here?
[Locklear] - Let me go Herobrine
[Yster] I usually use my phone when I'm in this room...
[Locklear] - It is late
[Yster] Then I'm going to bed, she can just sit out there all
night. It's ridiculious stalking people like that.
[CP] - Whatever, let's go psycho doctor- Teleports the two away
[Doc] Is drumming hir fingers and suddenly perks with a thought. - Hey Yaunfen, wanna
go make a teeny bit of mischief?
[Yaunfen] Mada? - scoots close to listen-
[Doc] Checks quickly to make sure they're alone and whispers to them for a moment before the two go off giggling with the bored
sabertooth ambling along behind them.
[Doc and Yaunfen] Scoping out Alexis and Stevies house to see who's home.
[Stevie] Is cleaning up after the two of them have eaten-
[Doc] Taps on Alexises door while Yaunfen hides-
[Stevie] Glances at Alexis who motions for him to answer the door since he's already standing.  
Stevie outs down the dishes and opens the door- Hello?
[Doc] Hey Stevie, what's up?
[Stevie] - Oh hey, we just finished eating.  Do you need us for something?
[Doc] No, just thought I'd check on you. Haven't for a while, hows the pokemon doing? I
brought you some berries- Offers a stack-
[Yaunfen] Gets close to the outside window nearest to Alexis and waves to get her attention-
[Alexis] Smiles and waves back-
[Stevie] - Milotic's been doing really good, they play with Aqua and the Lapras quite a bit
[Yaunfen] runs over to the door on Stevies side and cracks it,
making the 'shhhh!' gesture.
[Doc] Basil bothering you at all?
[Stevie] - No, not really.  Actually I haven't seem them in awhile, Hera's usually more of a bother
than them
[Alexis] Becomes nervous as she watches Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] Runs over and swats up all of Stevie's mushrooms before
pressing them into Alexis's hands-
[Doc] Oh? Is she bugging you when you go fishing again?
[Alexis] Is now just confused-
[Stevie] - On occasion, do you want to come in?
[Doc] No, no, it's okay. I can talk too her if she's getting on your nerves.
[Yaunfen] quickly plants several of the two types of mushrollems where the other shrooms were and winks at Alexis before darting
back out the door. The lovely scent is immediately apparent-
[Stevie] Gets a confused expression and turns around- What in the Nether...
[Doc] Hops up as soon as he turns away, shapeshifting and taking a flying leap off the
apex of the house before joining Yaunfen in runing away while giggling-
[Stevie] Is just standing there really confused-
[Alexis] - I think you got griefed
[CP] Finally returns after getting Locklear absolutely shit-faced-
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ketzwrites · 7 years
39 pls
Sure thing. I hope you don’t mind, but the angst will be restricted to the context. 
The Greatest Showman AU nobody asked for. Based on “The Other Side” so do a favor to yourself and listen to it. because Magnus would obviously be Hugh Jackman’s character while Alec is Zac Efron’s. Bye.
Available on AO3.
39. “Lie. Just lie.”
Alec stopped in front of the bar. Mr. Bane’s note was still in his hand and he could feel it burn against his skin. Thank you for coming to my show, Mr. Lightwood. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Care to meet me for a drink? Privacy guaranteed. MB
Why? Why was Alec there? Jace was right, he shouldn’t have gone. Magnus Bane had put together a circus of freaks, an outrage to the cultural patrimony of their country. Good dancing and singing would never change that. Those artists were outcasts, people that Alec was taught to despise from the top of his position at the Upper Class of New York City.
But then, why had he loved the show so much? Jace, Izzy, and he had gone out of rebellion against their parents. They’ve dressed in lesser clothes, mixed with the crowd, eaten popcorn. They had laughed, they had cried. For an hour, they had the time of their lives.
So much different from the depressing operas and pompous ballets Alec had attended as the son of Mr. Lightwood. The Downworlder Show has brought him something Alec hadn’t felt in a while: joy.
Still, that was no reason to meet the owner of the show in a smelly bar. “Don’t go,” Jace had told Alec once the little girl had brought him the note. “Magnus Bane is a conman.”
But, then again, so was Alec. Pretending to be a member of the upper class, to have no secrets, nothing to hide. Always pretending. If the rumors could be believed, Magnus Bane was a prince from the East, a genius who had put together the most talked about show of the last century. And he had done it by bringing together people whose secrets, whose shame, was now celebrated in the streets.
Inhaling sharply, Alec walked into the bar.
Magnus Bane was waiting for him. Aside from the two of them and the bartender, the establishment was completely empty. A conman or not, Mr. Bane hadn’t lied about privacy.
“Mr. Lightwood,” Magnus said once Alec closed the door behind him. He hadn’t moved from his seat on the counter, a glass of whiskey in his hand. “So good of you to join me. I do hate drinking by myself.”
“I won’t stay for long. I have another engagement to attend,” Alec lied, taking the seat beside Magnus. The bartender was quick to pour him a glass. Alec took a long sip. “Do you have something you want to discuss, Mr. Bane?”
At that, Magnus finally turned to face him. He had the most amazing eyes, their triangular shape accentuated by a shimmering trace of makeup. Magnus smirked, an enticing gesture that forced Alc to finish his drink. “Yes indeed. I have a proposition for you.”
Alec frowned and Magnus took it as a sign to continue. He slammed his hand against the counter and the bartender produced a second glass for Alec. Magnus cocked his head to the side. “How would you like to be my partner?”
“Partner?” Alec asked.
“Business partner,” Magnus elaborated. He smirked again, brown eye glimmering with a promise “At least, at first.”
Losing his breath, Alec felt the panic rising up his throat. How could Magnus know? Nobody did. Alec had made sure all of his faceless encounters were well paid-off to never talk to anyone. This secret could not be revealed or he would lose everything. His family, his career. Everything Alec had worked for.
Lie. Just lie. Alec clenched his teeth. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You will,” Magnus said unbothered. “In time. But for now, let me make this offer: I can cut you free. No more drudgery or typical for you, Mr. Lightwood. Say goodbye to dull balls, to the misery of an impeccable reputation. All you have to do is risk it all and you can have the most important thing a person can have.”
Alec arched an unimpressed eyebrow. “And what is that?”
Magnus smiled then, a fond and honest smile. “Happiness.” He ordered another drink. “And, with happiness, freedom. Pride. Run with me, Mr. Lightwood, and I’ll show you the other side. A better side.”
A traitorous part of Alec yearned to say yes. He shut it down with another lie. “I’m already happy. I don’t need to mingle with your clowns for that. Thank you for your kind offer, but I must decline.”
A laugh escaped Magnus’ lips. Honest and mockingly at the same time. “Of course you are happy. I can see the joy in your scowls.” Another tap on the counter and a third glass showed up in front of Alec. “Clowns, you say? Well, we do laugh loudly. And we live loudly as well. Sure, the life of a performer isn’t comfortable like living in a mansion. But believe me, Mr. Lightwood, it comes with a freedom no walls can offer. I escaped my cage. Don’t you want to escape yours? The choice is simple: comfort and numbness or risk and gloriousness. I’ll leave the decision up to you.”
Swallowing hard, Alec considered those words. Everything he was taught told him to get out and walk away. It was a crazy offer even an outrageous one. All he knew about Magnus were hearsay or mean gossip. How could he trust such a man?
And yet, saying no was turning his back on a new life. One where he could be himself. Rumor had it Magnus Bane laid with women, yes, but with men as well. Alec wouldn’t have to hide anymore.
“Why do you want me?” Alec asked, bringing the glass to his lips. “I don’t have any artistic talents.”
The smirk was back to Magnus’ lips but it was his eyes that shone with malice. “True, but you have the next best thing: connections. If the Downworlder Show is to tour this country, we’ll need them. The Lightwood name will open these doors.”
“Bold plan.” Alec was impressed. Common sense told him the endeavor was bound to failure, that whatever Magnus had done in New York wouldn’t happen in other cities. They were pushing too hard. Maia Roberts, Simon Lewis, Meliorn, Raphael Santiago. One look at them and the country would never pay to watch a performance, no matter how great. Freaks and outcasts. Social acceptance came before talent.
But there was something critic Luke Garroway had said in his review of the Downworlder Show. A celebration of life. Looking at Magnus Bane now, Alec couldn’t think of ever seeing someone so… alive.
“Very bold,” Alec said again. He pushed away the lies, the excuses. Time to embrace the truth. Time to live a little. “But risky. And a partnership would cost me at least my inheritance.”
Magnus chuckled, nodding. “Fair enough, you want a piece of the action.” He offered a hand to Alec. “Seven percent shall cover it.”
Snorting, Alec shook his head. “Eighteen would be just fine.”
“Oh, so we do bite.” Magnus took back his hand. “Do you want anything else, maybe a small country too?”
“Fifteen,” Alec tried.
“I’d do eight.”
“Maybe nine.”
Alec offered his hand. “Ten.”
Magnus smirked turned into a full-blown smile and he took Alec’s hand. “Welcome aboard, Mr. Lightwood.”
An electric shock ran through Alec’s arm and he felt his heart bursting with excitement. Magnus seemed to have felt the same as their hands didn’t part away when they were supposed to. Alec breathed in. “You can call me Alec.”
“I think I like Alexander better. Now come on,” Magnus smiled and stood up in an elegant jump. He pulled Alec by his hand. “You have a ride to catch. We’re going to the other side.”
Smiling, Alec let Magnus guided him out of the bar. The fear was left behind one step at a time. And, with it, all the lies.
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tr-u-ce · 6 years
All of the get in my businesses!!!
The meaning behind my url: Uh I was a 21p blog ages ago and truce is a v meaningful song so I haven’t really thought to change it to anything else to be honest
A picture of me: :^)
How many tattoos i have and what they are: I have none bc I’m both poor and a little bitch
Last time i cried and why: I think it was probably yesterday because I’m stressed about EVERYTHING
Piercings i have: I sorta have my ears pierced but I haven’t put earrings in them for over 10 years so they’ve p much closed up lmao rip
Favorite band: UHHH idk I haven’t listened to music properly in so long because I’ve had exams but I’m always going to be stanning The 1975 and Bastille until I die and I’m so in love w/ the Lumineers so?
Biggest turn offs: people that r just a bit too silly n stupid, being hurt and stuff, um idk 
Top 5 (Polish words): (in no particular order lmao omg I don’t have an awful lot to choose from) Chleb, Nie, miłość, jajko, żaba
Tattoos i want: I wan’t a little yin yang or mb like just a yin idk, um also I want all the lyrics to Eat Pierogi written on my forehead
Biggest turn ons: IDK I’m a baby lmao but um being nice to me lol idk um being dominant I need to be told what to do 24/7 lmao
Age: 18 but mentally about 5
Ideas of a perfect date: Walking a lot somewhere pretty like a forest or something and then going home and ordering chinese food
Life goal: To live in Poland and be able to speak the language well enough to be able to work as a nurse there
Piercings i want: Definitely my ears again, other than that I don’t think I can be bothered to get any more
Relationship status: Very much in a relationship
Favorite movie: I DON’T KNOW every time I watch a new film it becomes my favourite
A fact about my life: Uhh idk it’s not very interesting at the minute but hopefully I should be moving out soon and by hopefully I mean very very hopefully
Phobia: Flying, also like creepy crawlies walking all over me
Middle name: Leigh I guess
Height: Like 5′5 pretty much
Are you a virgin? Nop
What’s your shoe size? 5 I’m a baby
What’s your sexual orientation? I guess I’m graysexual but I just say I’m ace it’s easier
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? I drink sometimes that’s about it
Someone you miss: Josh lol what’s new also my BAB
What’s one thing you regret? Taking Biology and Chemistry at A Level and wasting two years of my life
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Alex Lawther, 
Favorite ice cream? EEE cookie dough
One insecurity: My stomach I hate it I want to cut it off
What my last text message says: ahhh okay xxxx
Have you ever taken a picture naked? lol yeah
Have you ever painted your room? No :(
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Like at parties
Have you ever slept naked? Yeah like twice
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Way too many times
Have you ever had a crush? Way too many times
Have you ever been dumped? twice
Have you ever stole money from a friend? No erm
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? I mean I have taken several taxis in my life but other than that I don’t think so no
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Not that I remember
Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yeah to play pokemon go 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yes lol
Have you ever been arrested? uhhh no I am a very law abiding citizen
Have you ever made out with a stranger? no :/
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Does this literally mean have you ever met up with a male somewhere because yes?
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Yes to play pokemon go
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? …no
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? Once me and Imogen were really late to school so we thought go big or go home and just got breakfast from the coop and ate it in the common room before signing in lmao
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yeah plenty?
Have you ever seen someone die? I don’t think so as far as I can remember
Have you ever been on a plane? Twice and they were traumatic experiences 
Have you ever kissed a picture? uhhh I don’t recall doing so but I’m sure I probably have like as a little kid
Have you ever slept in until 3? uhhh I don’t think so (?) I might have done after a really late night w/ Luke
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? What the fuck does this mean like either way yes but ??
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yeah once I did it at primary school and I thought that that was how fast the world was spinning and I got really really like disoriented and threw up or smth
Have you ever made a snow angel? no :(
Have you ever played dress up? yes lmao wtf I was a little girl ofc i did
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? I play a lot of monopoly so it’s far to say….. yes
Have you ever been lonely? NOOOOOO
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? I think like I’ve only fallen asleep once and that was in a German lesson watching a film after I’d done my first ever all-nighter
Have you ever been to a club? no:(
Have you ever felt an earthquake? yess twice they were p anticlimactic because both times I didn’t realise it was an earthquake until after
Have you ever touched a snake? I don’t think (?) so, not unless I was really young
Have you ever ran a red light? Not personally but I’ve been in plenty of vehicles that have bc we just don’t give a fuck around here
Have you ever been suspended from school? nope, almost though
Have you ever had detention? Never actually had a proper detention in my entire school career how sad is that
Have you ever been in a car accident? Not really I’ve been in one where we broke down and somebody hit the back of us really slowly
Have you ever hated the way you look? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 
Have you ever witnessed a crime? I mean probably, I think I’ve seen a lot of people stealing shit
Have you ever pole danced? No but a girl can dream
Have you ever been lost? Probably yeah
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Many times
Have you ever felt like dying? Many times
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Lmao many times
Have you ever sang karaoke? nope!
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Definitely I can’t think of a specific example though bc my entire life is just ‘hannah no’ ‘hannah yes’
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Not that I can recall but probably
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? nope
Have you ever kissed in the rain? yess
Have you ever sang in the shower? nope:/
Have you ever made out in a park? I think I probably have
Have you ever dream that you married someone? I don’t think I have as far as like I can remember
Have you ever glued your hand to something? uh no
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? ….no?
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? I mean once I went in a very short dress my legs were v naked
Have you ever been a cheerleader? noooo
Have you ever sat on a roof top? Kinda I’ve sat on like a shed lmao
Have you ever brush your teeth? no, not once in 18 years
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? I’m v often too scared to watch scary movies alone
Have you ever played chicken? no because I’m not stupid
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No I’ve literally never met anybody that owns a pool
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Yeah bc men r weird
Have you ever broken a bone? No my bones may be bad but they ain’t snakes
Have you ever been easily amused? I’m always way too easily amused tbh
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Definitely 
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? I mean my boyfriend yes
Have you ever cheated on a test? Yes and that’s why I won’t pass Biology
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? Yeah I forgot my patient’s name and called them smth else and felt rly shit
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? I’ve met many people who are too stupid to actually be real
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. I’m so oversharing I acc can’t think of something nobody in the world knows um mb that I’m ace? I mean I didn’t piece that one together myself for like 18 years lol
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mythicamagic · 7 years
Can you explain your reasons for those songs? I think it would be a nice analysis from you and would be v interesting!
Aww thanks! Well, this will again be opinion and interpretation based. No one can tell you what a song means to you, so these songs are just how I personally see them ^^
Warning: This will be very disjointed and ranty in places, I don’t know how much of an analysis you can get from this but I hope you enjoy~ 
Shuu - Do I wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
- This song is slow and has a sensual vibe to it, but beyond that, I somewhat feel like there’s a darker tone underlying it. 
Lyrics like these: ‘Have you no idea that you’re in deep? I dreamt about you nearly every night this week. How many secrets can you keep? ‘Cause there’s this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow, And I play it on repeat until I fall asleep… ‘
- remind me of Shuyui, and in particular, Shuu’s brand of manipulation. Both he and the song lull the listener into a complacent state because of how lazy sounding they are. But the creeping, building vibe of the instrumentation, combined with the singer has menacing undertones behind it’s lethargy, making it perfect for Shuu.
Read more under cut~
Reiji - Arsonist’s lullaby by Hozier or I’ll be Good by Jaymes Young (this one is if Reiji has been redeemed through his development)
Arsonist’s lullaby is like a parallel to when Reiji was a child and burned down Edgar’s village. The song shows different stages of the life of a pyromaniac, childhood, adolescence, adulthood. The first part of the child segment reminds me of child Reiji, in that it describes him hearing voices that he can’t reach or respond to (in the song it could mean he’s schizophrenic, but for Reiji it could mean hearing Beatrix and Shuu who simply won’t hear or ‘see’ him)
The lyrics ‘All you have is your fire. And the place you need to reach’ represent Reiji’s inherent nature to strive for knowledge and acknowledgement. His fire is his intelligence and ruthless set of principles that he expects everyone including himself to adhere to. Reiji is always trying to prove himself, just not in the ‘louder’ way Ayato seeks attention.
The Jaymes Young song is just what it says above, Reiji’s possible redemption through Yui, and his acknowledgement of past misdeeds. Reiji canonically confirms that he burned down Edgar’s village but he does not gloat about it, he simply says he was ‘a child at the time.’ While this doesn’t excuse his actions, it does show that Reiji possibly regrets how he went about his feelings of pent up bitterness towards Shuu.
Ayato - Glory and Gore by Lorde, or Underdog by Kasabian
Glory and Gore is exactly what it sounds like. It has a Gladiator theme and overall links to Ayato in how it’s centred around chaos, and seems to hate the higher ups- the needlessly wealthy who create rules. ‘Dropping glasses just to hear them break’ perfectly describes Ayato to me. He’s been stifled by the royal lifestyle all his life, so the wine glasses are a perfect symbol of excess wealth. 
The royal buy things simply for the sake of doing so. Ayato can break things simply because he wants to. Anything material can be replaced easily, so he’s has never learned a sense of responsibility and actively hates the laws set in place by the rich because of his oppressive, abusive mother.
Underdog is exactly the same, with lyrics like:
‘It don’t matterI won’t do what you sayYou’ve got the money and the powerI won’t go your wayI can’t take for the peopleThey don’t matter at allAnd I’ll be waiting in the shadows‘Til the day that you fall’
Kanato - Blue by Birthday Massacre 
A very yandere sounding song. It talks about the expectation of waiting for someone in a very light, pleasant sounding tone, which reminds me of nicer Kanato, when he’s calm. And then suddenly the tone of the song shifts into a dark voice, showing Kanato’s wrathful side.
Laito - The Hills by The Weeknd
This one might seem a little strange at first glance, but essentially to me, the song is about a secret relationship and booty call. It parallels Laito’s overabundance of pleasure, to the point that he’s become jaded by it.
‘I only call you when it’s half past fiveThe only time that I’ll be by your sideI only love it when you touch me, not feel me’ - shows Laito’s desire for the physical and not to connect emotionally with his lover. He remains in control through sex.‘When I’m fucked up, that’s the real meWhen I’m fucked up, that’s the real me, yeah’
Subaru - Take me to Church by Hozier
Again, this might seem odd. Basically, if you think of these lyrics:
‘The only heaven I’ll be sent toIs when I’m alone with youI was born sick, but I love itCommand me to be well’
- As Subaru thinking the sickness is something he tells himself, and not an outward oppressive force like in the actual song, then it makes sense. Subaru thinks of himself as a monster, so the woman the singer describes would be Yui. She is his catharsis, the 'giggle’ at the funeral, which is his incredibly depressing life.Subaru’s 'sickness’ to him, is that he was born from incest and rape, so the church in this song would be his own thoughts and paranoia. I’m sure servants probably talked about the circumstances behind his birth in the castle and that’s how he found out about it in the first place. The forces working against Subaru could even be his Mother, which tells him often that they’re both unclean monsters, or his father.
'There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin’ - This line sums up Subayui to me.
Ruki - Control by Hasley
Most people think of Ruki as the guy who always has it together, as some sort of Master manipulator. His true self however, is very prone to stress. He’s extremely intelligent yes, but he can get overwhelmed by this stress. This song is questioning Ruki’s control. It reminds me of Ruki as a child, and also him at his darkest point, teetering on becoming a yandere like in his Manservant MB end. 
These lyrics:'They send me away to find them a fortuneA chest filled with diamonds and gold’ - would be talking about the Mukami’s relying heavily on Ruki’s command. They look to him for guidance and to provide the means to survive. It can also mean Karl, who expects him to find and awaken 'Adam’ and Eve’ who are rare treasures.
These lyrics:'And all the kids cried out, “Please stop, you’re scaring me”I can’t help this awful energyGod damn right, you should be scared of meWho is in control?’Are like the orphans or Masters at the hated orphanage, or even Yui seeing Ruki’s true nature, and Ruki imagines himself above them by reassuring them that they should be afraid. Even as a child, he was a sadist.
Kou - Gasoline by Hasley
'Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?’ This song is friggin Kou. He ripped out his eye as a child to try and be less beautiful and appealing to the aristocrats who adored and abused him. This action only makes them love him more however, because of his beautiful 'imperfection.’This whole song is about being jaded by fame and having a high self destruction drive because you’ve been forced to crowd please when you don’t want to. Your true self is something the celebrities would shy away from, because your soul is broken and twisted after reshaping yourself over and over again to please people.
Yuma - Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
A song about regret and not being strong enough. It’s basically a good way of seeing Yuma deal with his survivors guilt. He’s a very brash and strong character but in the end, his strength was not enough to save his friends.
'You’ll never be what is in your heartWeep Little Lion ManYou’re not as brave as you were at the start’
- This refers to when Yuma was a child and was in a street gang, taking on harsh challenges daily and being brave. Comparing him to a 'little lion man’ is like saying Yuma as an adult is outwardly fierce like a lion but his past guilt turns him into a child or helpless figure. When Yuma can’t protect what is important to him, he falls apart, because his identity is linked with his physical strength. If that fails him, then he’s just the little boy who watched his friends get gunned down. You could even take it as him talking to Yui after he’s ruined things with this line -
‘But it was not your fault but mineAnd it was your heart on the lineI really fucked it up this timeDidn’t I, my dear?’
Azusa -  Hurt Me by Lapsley
‘So if you’re gonna hurt meWhy don’t you hurt me a little bit more?Just dig a little deeperPush a little harder than before’
This song is Azusa, to me. Particularly lyrics like these - 
'Buildin’ up my walls just to tear them downTell me that it’s love, force me to drown’
Azusa is constantly looking for acknowledgement and love but because of his childhood bullies, his mind has been twisted to believe that giving and receiving pain is love. The song is basically Azusa imploring Yui (the listener) to hurt him more, because that way he truly receives her feelings.
Kino - The Stupid, the Proud by IAMX
This one is a little complicated, and has to do with how I perceive Kino. Basically I always thought of him as this ‘chess master’ character who watches the board game if you will. He watches all the other characters fight and scrap among themselves over Yui, while he himself hangs back and plans. This song is basically him describing the other characters struggles, while also talking to Yui. He has a jaded wisdom about everything.
'God is deadWe get to sleep tonight’- This line is like he’s talking about Karl Heinz, once he dies. Kino is very power hungry and wants control of everything, to be in the same position as Karl.
'Exalt yourselfDo it to stay alive’and'Hunt down your futureAnd everything you know is not enough to survive’ - are like he’s directly talking to Yui.
Shin - The Wolf by Fever Ray
This song sounds both like a tribal war song and a ritual. Since the Tsukinamis are much older than the other characters, I feel like they have more of a tie to ancient rites and nature. This song has a lot of ties to wolves and kidnapping, but it also sounds tense and hungry. It’s unusual and chaotic, which I think fits Shin.
Carla - Feral Love by Chelsea Wolfe
This song to me, feels like a companion piece to Shin’s, which is fitting. Unlike 'The Wolf’ which sounds like a group or pack of people holding a ritual, Feral Love is very singular and isolated. It’s about a lone hunter vs prey, and the beat of the music is very cold and calculated. 
'Your eyes, black like an animal’ - can refer to someone with no feelings. While Carla does have feelings, he’s very goal orientated and knows what to prioritise.'And care for no one, but the offspring of your might’ - refers to Carla only wanting Yui for her body. He only wants offspring from her.
Yui - Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood and Undenied by Portishead (for when she has feelings for one of the boys)
Not enough people talk about how Yui must feel, being abandoned by her father. It wasn’t even her estranged father, no, this guy raised her. Imagine loving your parent figure, only to hear that they might be involved with your being held captive and abused. ‘Daddy Issues’ basically has her crying over that. Despite how much she tries to stay positive, this betrayal would be a massive punch in the gut for anyone to experience. 
In some routes, she does try to stay loyal to the memory of her father, believing her staying with Sakamaki’s must be mistake. However, in some like Azusa’s, she meets her father again and has all her fears confirmed. Her father even tries to shoot her.
Undenied is basically Yui having a crisis of self because she’s fallen for one of the boys despite what they do to her.
Mukami brothers - Getting Nowhere by Magnetic Man
Talks about facing a struggle. If we think of it like the Mukami’s struggling for freedom or to please Karl Heinz, then it makes sense. They’ve been shoved in the dirt so often as children that being given such a large responsibility like finding Adam and Eve by a 'higher power’ makes them feel important.
Sakamaki brothers - Ready Aim Fire! by Imagine Dragons
'Off in the distance, there is resistanceBubbling up and festering’ - Basically shows how, contrary to the Mukami’s, the Sakamaki’s dislike being under the higher power’s thumb and control. They’re resistant to any rules set in place by their father or authority figures because of their childhoods.
'How come I’ve never seen your face around here?I know every single face around here’ - refers to Yui arriving.
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heymichaelbuckley · 7 years
I stopped drinking alcohol
8 weeks ago, I stopped drinking. It was one of the easiest and best things I have ever done.  You know how much I loved my Vodka and Prosecco so let me explain. I wasn't going to post about is but I do see the value in sharing it so here we go. Also, if I had read this post in 2015 I would have rolled my eyes and said “QUITTER”! Ha! I am fine with any and all reactions to this post.
Looking back, I was never a drinker. I drank very little in college. Maybe a wine cooler here and there. I certainly was never drunk.  Maybe tipsy at a cast party once? Godspell was intense yo! I was not a drinker much in my twenties. I would go out and have a few beers or White Russians but never was alcohol something I thought about or pursued.  I really didn't become a drinker until 36/37years old.
Around 2012 I started drinking heavily and often. We had a house on Cape Cod.  I loved entertaining. I loved drinking.  I had been doing YouTube for a few years and working from home and pretty isolated and suddenly had lots of real life friends and the drinking was a big part of it. I had the time and money and lack of direction that made it easy to fall into.
By 2014, my marriage was ending and my career was boring so I was drinking a lot to numb, to ignore my feelings, to avoid communicating properly with my ex husband. I knew what I was doing. This is not like I woke up this year and realized this - hyper self-aware as always, even while drunk.
2015 the party continued. I was "celebrating" single life and my new independence.  I also was deep in YouTube funk so would much rather have a friend over and day drink vs. make another stupid video about a Kardashian. The online persona I had created taunted and tortured me.
This was the time alcohol really tricked my brain to think it was helping.  Oops! Sneaky alcohol! In my defense, I was on Cape Cod, I could have easily turned to Heroin! Jokes!
By the spring of 2016 I wanted to stop. Maybe? Not really. Or at least drink less. I did. For a week. Maybe two.  All through the rest of 2016, I was mindful of how much I was drinking. Trying to count drinks on my calendar. It was tedious. I hated it. I cried about it. Prayed about it. Journaled about it. Obsessed about it. Took online quizzes to see if I had a drinking problem. Pretty much everyone does if you take that quiz!! HA!!
I really gave so much power to alcohol. Posted on Facebook about it. And when 1 or 2 people expressed they were glad I had stopped drinking so much it totally annoyed me and made me want to drink more. Haha!!!!  Of course I wrote back "thank you for your concern" but I wanted to write back "Go fuck yourself."  HaHa!!!
I was never a drink 1-3 drinks drinker so cutting back was not enjoyable. I didn't want a glass of Prosecco. I wanted a bottle. Or three. I have always been a very fast drinker. Alcohol, soda, water, I am always chugging something.  We would go out to breakfast and the waitress would bring me 2 diet cokes right away knowing I would down them and want more.
And my tolerance for booze was nuts (especially for someone so tiny!......I'm being funny). I could drink so much and was certainly proud at YouTube events when others were hurting and looking at me like "How is Buck not hungover "? Thanks for all the free drink tickets. Love you! Haha!
I started being very aware of people on Facebook who had stopped drinking and quietly took inventory how great their life had improved. Thank you. Many of you know who you are as I have reached out privately. I love Facebook!
By January of this year, life was going very well.  I launched my coaching business. I was making the money and having the success I had not experienced in 3 to 4 years. I was happy, fulfilled and had purpose, yet I was still drinking a lot.
I was behaving like 2015 me but living a very different life so it seemed silly 2017 me was still getting hammered. A drunk YouTuber seemed fine to me. A drunk Life Coach did not.
Alcohol no longer served me or suited me and yet I continued to drink lots.
I knew I was drinking more than I needed or wanted to but my lower brain had full control.
Quitting sounded boring. I loved Bloody Mary's at the airport didn't I?
I would watch Real Housewives and see Kim or Eden talk about being sober woman and I thought ewwww. LOL. That won't be me. Mind you I think alcohol is the least of their problems. ROFLMAO!!!!!!
I was life coaching my clients and all the work I did with them certainly rubbed off on me.  I wanted to show up to each call as my best self and as a role model to them. That person is not a drunk.
I had a client tell me about a book he read called Stop Drinking Now, the Alan Carr EasyWay.  He said he had no desire to ever drink alcohol again.
Two days later I read the book and became a " Happy non-drinker"!  I love that term. I have given up nothing. Nothing.
It has been effortless. I haven't stopped smiling since. If you asked why I stopped I could tell you 20 reasons. I couldn't think of one reason to continue to drink.
Not one.
I continue to go out. I love being the designated driver. I have people over. I make the, drinks. I go to happy hour. I am still the life of the party. Lord knows I never needed alcohol to make me less inhibited. I continue to take my shirt off for no reason and talk about sex with strangers. Haha!!!!
We drove a stranger home the other day who was puking in the parking lot. I was not annoyed. I was grateful i had no interest in alcohol and could be helpful to someone the way others had been helpful to me.  
My skin looks better.  I'm sleeping better.  My weight had gotten up to 170 (I like to weigh 150 to 155 - so yes there was some vanity here!) The quality of my relationships and interactions is better. My self-respect and confidence are at an all time high. Everything is so clear now. My focus, my creativity, my general mood, everything is heightened and joy filled.  
I will save I would guess 10k a year in all the drinks I used to buy. 10k!!!! At least. I am showing up for my life everyday. Drinking was my buffering and truly delayed me beginning my life's great work.
So that's my update.  I have zero regrets. I had a great run! I was mostly fun/totally affectionate drunk. Right? Haha! It suited me to drink for a few years. This was the perfect time to stop. It all lined up just right.
I miss nothing about drinking. Nothing. I'll drink seltzer in a champagne flute to be festive. I liked the festive glass all along more than what was in it.
2017 me has grown and evolved so much. Being a "happy non-drinker" is the cherry on top! I love the semantics of that. It hits my brain in the right spot. I have quit nothing.
I also had given up diet soda so easily my brain had done lots of the work to prepare for this. The pre-frontal cortex is powerful once you get it working! Now I am rambling.....
I would love to write more about the book because it was magical. Truly one of the easiest things I have ever done in my life is stop drinking because of it. But I don't want to be preachy about that stuff but pick it up if you are interested. It's amazing. Feel free to private message me if you want to chat more in depth about it. Happy to answer any questions in the comments too.  I simply trained my brain to be a non -drinker just as easily as I trained it to be a drinker. Easy? Yes. I always tell my clients it is just as easy to think lovely thoughts about yourself as it is to think shitty thoughts about yourself. Okay that is enough.
This is a wonderful time in my life. I am so excited for what is next. I am so excited for you to meet this version of myself- totally authentic and totally not buffering. Thank you for reading. Love, MB
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corsaairs · 7 years
✤ + everton, ✤ + ansel/isabel xo
oh boy
who said i love you first?honestly? probably clif. during a drunken night. and he is mum about it the entire next day like 8|
who laughs when the other trips?they both do, but emerson probably does it more, asshole
who pays the bills?since when does emerson pay bills??? 8|
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?emerson, if only for the gifts he can steal. clif likes new year’s bc of the alcohol.
who’s more clumsy?i’d say it’s a 50/50 split mb??
who checks their daily horoscope?clifton when he browses snapchat. “look it says you’re going to be an idiot today, don’t blame me it’s the horoscope”
who sings louder in the car?emerson, no doubt about it. probs rocko if she’s in the car too
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?emerson, again. probably to piss clifton off. but clif is also guilty.
who is more up to date in pop culture?i wanna say clifton?? he’s gotta keep up w/ what’s happening for his fuckboi aesthetic
who insists on going to see the newest movies?again, clifton. esp those fast and furious movies.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?clif hates animals and emerson doesn’t feel pain so neither.
who’s the lighter sleeper?emerson
who believes in ghosts?clif certainly does, does emerson believe in anything at all??
who does the grocery shopping?clif, b/c emerson and hope eat all his damn food 8|
who updates their facebook status more often?clifton. usually with fuckboi selfies/posts/memes.
who said i love you first?this was probably the hardest one to answer bc they’re both so cruel??? but i wanna say it was probably came about when isabel whispered it once
who laughs when the other trips?lbr, it’s isabel. she’s relentless.
who pays the bills?they’re probably all under ansel’s name, but isa makes sure it goes through b/c she has too much time on her hands, might as well do something roughly domestic to compensate
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?for some reason i’m thinking isabel?? she’ll deny and say it’s to keep up appearances but it’s probably b/c she never got the kind of holidays she wished for when she was younger awww
who’s more clumsy?neither, have u seen them?? #flawless
who checks their daily horoscope?for shits and giggles? isabel
who sings louder in the car?again, this one is isa, only b/c ansel doesn’t seem the type to sing along. at all.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?whoever does is sure to get a mouthful from isa about it “this is how the toothpaste hardens gdi”
who is more up to date in pop culture?if it’s fashion, isabel. otherwise, mb ansel bc of his line of work??
who insists on going to see the newest movies?do they go to the movies?? if they had a date night every once in awhile, mb it’s ansel
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?they probably can watch through the commercial without batting an eye. heartless, really. tho if/when isa gets pregnant maybe she’ll get slightly teary-eyed
who’s the lighter sleeper?ansel, poor man
who believes in ghosts?considering the fact that isa probably thought ansel was a ghost after those 6 months, it’s surprising she’s more on the denial side. i doubt ansel would rule it out, though.
who does the grocery shopping?the maid 8| (though, when they were in college, she probably made him go with her on late night grocery trips)
who updates their facebook status more often?hypothetically, i wanna say it’d be isabel. but seeing as they’re basically trying to keep on the dl, neither
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pallaide · 8 years
list of the so far existing characters in this urban fantasy thing
main boi: - belgian (flemish), brown hair, pale-ish, maybe wears glasses? maybe wears glasses bc the familiar weight of his lab goggles calms him down but u can’t run around brussles with lab goggles? - alchemist - autistic and sick of your bullshit - frankly just wants to do his research and for you to leave him alone once he sold you what you asked for - het but like not into women but into nb people - would eventually kill for his new bff
main girl: - french, sephardi, half black, i always see her with golden jewellery and an olive bomber jacket, laughs a lot - has some sort of magic abilities i think? but don’t know what yet, also good at fighting (maybe less actual martial arts and more straight up curb-stomp) - i’m still not sure how she got involved in whatever the main story line’s gonna be or even ment alchemy-boy and by now i’m fairly sure she wouldn’t be either if you asked her - WILL save the world, whether there is an immediate apocalyptic threat or not - needs to stop sticking her nose in other people’s business and stay in her own lane - not ace but won’t get a romo-plot bc she’s too busy having fun, kicking ass, taking names
vampire girl: - tol, pale obvs, black hair, seems to be into pastel goth but actually it’s just the only stuff that looks good on her, wears those big hats, maybe danish? or belgian as well? not sure - super emotional, starts crying easily, grows attached easily, maybe has anxiety? - lesbean - sad because most animals, especially dogs, sense that she’s a vampire and run away/don’t like her but she wants to pet all of them - eventually found (or finds over the course of the story?) a dog (maybe a zombie dog) that can’t smell so he doesn’t hate her and she cries bc she loves him so much - knows french but isn’t french
werewolf girl: - dutch but not particularly tall, makes up for it with them guns, short thick brown hair (lighter than alchemist boy’s), freckles mb? - even louder and more enthusiastic than french girl, also very emotional, default mode is ecstatic - also lesbian - flatmates and best friends with vampire girl - always eating holy shit calm down girl - totally wears snapbacks, sports bras, these douchy shirts with the big arm holes and trainers - loves everyone but also keeps picking fights with everyone but is usually not that serious about it and can make up again in no time (can admit her own mistakes and apologise for them) - tried to draw vampire girl one time but she’s reaaally bad at drawing so it sucked so she started crying so vampire girl also started crying and they were just sitting on the floor bawling very loud for like half an hour
riley: - asian american (i’m thinking korean-japanese maybe?) with pink hair, lower average height - made of salt and anger - maybe no magic abilites? - nb - that it they’re new i made them only yesterday
- maybe some turkish guy from cologne who’s very chill and fun?
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