#i cry a lot but i am so productive shirt
affandigitalhub · 4 months
I Cry A Lot But I Am So Productive It's An Art Shirt
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90smisaki · 4 months
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I Cry A Lot But I Am So Productive It's An Art Cat cry
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nipuni · 1 year
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We went to see Phantom Madrid last weekend!! ❤️ Geronimo Rauch was amazing!! I'm going to write my thoughts on the whole performance under a cut for those interested 😊
I am going to be comparing it to the London version for reference since it's the only one I've seen live. I think my first impression was that It was better than I expected it to be! I read opinions about the Trieste production and I was a little worried but I found that I enjoyed a lot of the things I've seen being criticized.
The stage spinning around was awesome and added so much depth to scenes and made transitions very smooth. The backdrops were very nicely done!
As for costumes I think they were pretty good with the exception of Aminta's dress and the Masquerade costumes being kind of underwhelming.
The singing was good overall, although the translated lyrics are weird sometimes. The main songs translate well but some others become very confusing in Spanish, some wording seems forced and some notes are slightly altered to fit the phrases. Raoul is very calm and soft, maybe a little too much at times, Christine is very neutral and simple. Geronimo was amazing tho no notes!
Now the acting! I have opinions 😫 This show was very Christine and Raoul centric to such an extent that it flattened the plot for me 😬 Christine seems scared and disgusted from start to finish so there is no conflict in her character. She is never torn, she recoils from the phantom's touch during Music of the Night, and during Final Lair she sings the "pitiful creature of darkness" lines looking at Raoul the whole time backing away towards the phantom and steeling herself and only turns reluctantly at the last second to kiss Erik. She comes back to return his ring and just leaves it on the organ stool as soon as he turns around because she's scared to get close to him, when he sings "I love you" she shakes her head at him 🥹 like girl please give us something!!
Geronimo's phantom is a delight tho!! He whimpers, crawls, cries, screams, pants, it's great. He's acting his butt off and is the highlight of the show for me.
A thing that I really liked was in the end when the mob comes Erik is curled up in his bed crying and Madame Giry finds him there and tells him to hide under the covers and leads the mob away from him, I thought it was sweet and transitions into LND nicely.
OH also!! I really enjoyed the Phantom swinging on a rope across the stage during the ballet and Buquet's hanging, it's so good!! the flaming chandelier scene is also good!! in Final Lair they actually hang Raoul in the air which was very nice too! (and with his shirt still on) and even the angel wings and flying that I've seen people hating on was honestly so cool. It didn't look as goofy as I expected it to, it's very smooth and the lighting makes it scary, he casts thunder and flies!! the wings are not very visible since the scene is very dark. The light work was super good in general.
Masquerade and Don Juan were a bit of a let down, much simpler but not bad. I think my main issues were about the choices for Christine really 🤔 and I think some scenes needed more movement, especially the roof one (they couldn't move because they are sitting on a ledge)
The show in general feels a bit one note compared to the West End version but it was good!! I'm just nitpicky 😂 also I want Geronimo's autograph!! I love him 😭
Anyway if you want to see/hear more let me know on discord wink wonk 😁
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noondefensesquad · 4 months
omg you saw it too!! Can you give us a detailed review too pretty please? But if you prefer not to, I totally understand!!
unfortunately my memory sucks and i saw it over a week ago at this point so i'll try my best 😅
i was sitting in row N so closer to the back and there were two people with ipads taking notes on things to change which was cool because im nosy. however, they didn't make a lot of notations and from what i could read, it mostly had to do with lighting so i don't expect much to change when i go see it again in a few weeks.
i love jamie's work and have seen his productions before but was still taken aback by the darkness at the beginning of the play. you can see tom on the screens (i loved the usage of cameras and screens so they could have full use of the theater) as he's backstage and the heavy breathing put me on edge because i was like
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then tom sat at the front of the stage and cried and because he is also such a pretty crier and maybe that's my own weird kink i had the biggest smile on my face. however, the girls in front of me were about to cry with him 😂 tell me this didnt do something for you!
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but when fran came out, the people around me sat up. she's phenomenal and i want more people to talk about her performance because she's the star of the show. the way she delivers her lines is so funny and they have a great balance of making it feel current while delivering the original iambic penameter.
then as soon as fran and tom came face to face, the audience audibly reacted. not loud enough to be distracting but enough that you know they were into it. i was in love
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lots of shakespeare stuff happened, tom took off that sweatshirt and came out in that vest and multiple people gasped. you can see his abs through the shirt 🫠 and when the nurse squeezes his arm and basically says juliet i get it, that line got a huge laugh. my internal monologue was just
this is a married man this is a married man this is a married man
and then intermission came and i talked to the people around me and this was the conversation
fran is so pretty, talented, funny, amazing, we love her
tom's haircut
tom's arms 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
is zendaya the jealous type or would she say yes that's my man (i had to pretend to be very normal about this conversation and said absolutely the jealous type i have no sources 👀)
how do we get to the stagedoor in time to see them (the amount of texts i got about those videos because i am RIGHT THERE with the most in love expression on my face)
the chemistry is unbelievable and we didn't want the show to be over
somehow we made it to the end of the play and i'll be honest, the second half is my least favorite part of the play so it was also my least favorite to watch. i love how silly and romantic the first half can be and the second half is more doom and gloom. i will say, when this exchange happens
"will you speak well of him that killed your cousin?"
"shall I speak ill of him that is my husband?"
my friend and i audibly said "oop" and that got laughs in our section. the best thing about this play was their delivery and when i read r&j, i couldve never imagined how much fun it could be coming from jamie.
anyway, at the end, we rushed out to the stage door and it was insane to see how the street cleared when tom left. and security was the best. really such sweet guys and if you see them being mean to people, they spend the whole time giving instruction is the friendliest way so those people deserved it.
the we got to speak with fran who is the sweetest and signed my customized r&j book with her face on the cover and my programme
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can't wait to go see it again in a few weeks. i wish i could have every second imprinted on my brain
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susandsnell · 25 days
did you see the current US les mis tour? i'm thinking of going (though i haven't bought tickets yet) and i'm curious about what might be in it for valvert enjoyers (including myself)
OH DID I EVER, FRIEND. It came to Canada this past summer and I cannot recommend getting tickets enough; it's possibly the best the show has ever been, and the cast is incredible. I didn't think I'd still be crying at it at this age and bam, Act 2 rolls around and there goes my painstakingly winged eyeliner.
Valvert is imo the most played up it's been, if you want to go in unspoiled I'll leave it at that, but I'll put more details after the cut. Spoilers/me being a cringe parody of myself below.
They've gone with both a lot more physical blocking between the two of them and a much more humanized Javert + book-accurately violent (albeit For Good Reason) Valjean than previous productions, all of which lends itself very well to the ship. Lot of lingering gazes in prison/grabs at each other, a genuine rapport between Maire Madeleine and the Inspector of Montreuil-sur-Mer, and then there's the Champmathieu trial through the Confrontation. Javert actively lunges for Valjean after his confession and the two leads I saw had such an intense chemistry you could see their eyes burning through that part.
As for the Confrontation, it's been choreographed/blocked to be a lot more suggestive violent than previously; there's a barely concealed smirk on Javert's face during "you'll wear a different chain" that I remember made me think "...my 12 year old self is thriving right now." Valjean doesn't snap until Javert tries to shackle him, at which point it goes into the whole "I am warning you, Javert!" bit. He uses that incredible, Brick-accurate Valjean strength to break free, deck Javert, and garrotes him with his own chain at the song's (heh) climax, until the man goes down to his knees, and if I'm not misremembering, he half-straddles his shoulder to keep him down. Before it gets into the "And this I swear to you tonight" bit, there's a good several moments of Javert left rolling on the ground writhing, gagging, and moaning (this would become a persistent thing as the show progressed) while still crawling towards Valjean, half-conscious and half-mad with obsession, reaching towards him. And then Valjean smashes his head into a wall, Liam Neeson in '98 style. I don't know what you go to the theatre for, but personally I do to see old men cry and beat the shit out of each other homoerotically.
Not much more happens in Act 1 (though the Intervention through Stars has as much reverence to it about the sanctity of their chase and their dynamic as it does the very structures Javert cannot fathom Valjean existing outside of - I think he presses his fingers to his lips a little on "Lord, let me find him" after crossing himself), but Act 2 at the Barricades is where things go wild again. There seems to be an Objectifying The Inspector agenda behind the scenes of this new production and I am here for it. Thus, please know that the Valvert barricade scenes take place with the mainstay of Javert having his shirt needlessly torn open/almost off by Les Amis / his ponytail getting dishevelled / him throwing his head back and moaning / panting at some points over the singing because he got his ass kicked again. Heavy, heavy appraisal in Valjean's "give me the spy Javert"/tugging on his bonds as he pulls him away to ostensibly take him out back like Old Yeller (for show for Les Amis, sure but I sensed a bit of spite/something else). And then Valjean's Forgiveness is just. Okay, so I got good enough seats to say that Javert is licking his lips during "How right you should kill with a knife."
What really made my jaw drop was that Javert, being played a lot more emotionally and erratically at this point, actually reaches with both hands once freed of his bonds to grab hold of Valjean's rifle by the mouth and pull it up to his head/press his whole chest into it on "shoot me now, for all I care". Which, yes, Imagery, but then you have them having a legitimate moment where Valjean firmly but gently pulls the gun away/him away from the gun, and holds his face/shoulder in a way I think was? Deliberately meant to echo the blocking of the Bishop during the whole "I have bought your soul for God" in the prologue. "There's nothing that I blame you for" is almost played as a realization despite the anguish Javert has put him through. As for the sewers through the end, each man is played as having increasing realization of how much they are two sides of the same coin, but during the Soliloquy, you have Javert screaming out/sobbing some of his lines about Valjean and how dare he transcend the very structures that gave sense and shape to his world. It has to be seen to be believed.
Outside of this -- there's actually a lot more work done outside their interactions to parallel them. Javert and Gavroche are given a rapport meant to run alongside the Valjean-Cosette relationship where you see a Javert who's a lot more indulgently annoyed towards this cocky gamin than aggressive (they have such a cute, funny moment together after Look Down/Javert's Intervention bit, Javert's not even mad and more 'are you fucking kidding me I lost to an 8 year old' when Gavroche blows his cover). It pays off because they worked in him paying respects when he sees his body during the Bring Him Home instrumental as they did in the movie (albeit more organically, because the scene is staged from Javert's POV seeing all the bodies at the barricade + he stops over Gavroche, kneels to close the boy's still-open eyes, and with a stricken expression, makes the sign of the cross over his body), to the point that you absolutely get the impression Javert is seeing his younger, disadvantaged yet striving self in Gavroche. With the instrumental cue being Valjean's song of paternal feeling for Marius, the staging really drives home that Javert had so many opportunities himself to go through a similar journey of personal growth through fatherhood. And there's power in these parallels when they're not interacting, too!
All in all, they went all in on every character relationship in this production and I cannot recommend it enough. The costumes are beautiful, the sets/effects are phenomenal, and the orchestration reveals just how beautiful the score really is. Go see it!!!
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bengiyo · 2 months
Century of Love Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Last time, San went to the villain's warehouse and kicked some ass, before the police showed up and ran them into the pier. Vee thankfully wasn't stabbed in any vital organs, and San tried to be attentive to his recovery. The new doctor tending to Vee has the same face as Trai, who shot Vad. San was understandably upset about this and wanted Vee to stay away from Third, who also happened to be Vee's high school senior. Third clearly has an interest in Vee, and started taking him on dates, which pissed off a jealous San. Vee eventually caught San following him and told him to stop. San confronted Third, who says he's always liked Vee and won't give up this time. However, Vee forced San to say that he liked him, and the two had a very cute moment at a fireworks display. I am having a lot of thoughts about Third.
Look at these two flirting in front of the family. Good thing they're married.
What the fuck? Why has the product placement suddenly ramped up??
I really love the specific dynamics San has with each family member. It's cool that Juu is the one he can confide in about his feelings for Vee.
Yes, go to the amusement park together! Let's revisit the practice date vibes of Love in Translation!
Finally, we're at the sensual sniffing.
They're playing this danger track around Third. Is he gonna kidnap our boy?
Nothing but respect for my man Vee saying clearly to Third that he's serious about San.
What does Third mean he has a sense of memories about San? I need to know how the reincarnation rules work?
Oh no. He's confessing to a door.
No, let's talk about Juu dating. I am curious how marrying into the family secret works.
Wow, San looks great.
Wow, Vee looks great.
Can't dance?? Now that's acting.
Classic: Vee heard the confession and pretended to be unwell so he could avoid him.
I love them having fun with San saying cheesy things and then calling him old.
Oh shit we're going from a decent first kiss to sex! I need the costume girlies to talk about this shirt they put on San!
That was very sensual without being super explicit. Good job, everyone.
Interesting. I'm glad San is sorting his feelings, and glad we're getting back to the ring. It won't be serious for me until Vee is wearing the ring.
Oh, Vee, I recognize that practiced lie. I felt that.
Proud of you for being honest, San.
More product placement! A problem is definitely approaching soon.
Yes, make sure we know that San is actively pursuing intimacy with Vee now.
"It's actually more than okay." Hell yes, brother. It's great to be gay!
Ah, back to the stone, which San will for sure give up to probably save Juu later.
Oh shit does Grandma recognize him??
I was wondering if we'd get any ass kicking this week. Thank you, 70s San.
Oh shit. Tuk Deuntam sold Cheum's joy at meeting San again so well that I burst into tears.
Now why is the goddess crying?
The winner of the Vad lookalike contest is here!
Peak drama next week!
Man, I just really loved the way San took to loving Vee this episode. I loved the way the love scenes conveyed that San was open to Vee's experience, and they definitely connected in that moment. I loved how explicitly they showed San's growing desire for intimacy with Vee, and that he explicitly said that he's feeling great about it. I am so glad that San exchanged the ring before this Vad doppelganger arrives. Curious how Third having a possible lingering memory from Trai will factor into this.
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verdemoun · 4 months
How's timewarp Javier doing? I just know bro spawns and is absolutely and has no idea what the hell is happening. One moment he's in Mexico being hung and then the next he's spawned in the middle of a busy road. Feel like he'd be extremely happy to know the gang was mostly all back together cause I feel the fall hit him really hard (Dutch got some serious explaining to do). Maybe he even starts picking playing guitar back up.
Feel like he'd be enamored by YouTube aswell. Learned about it and the family tv's YouTube acc is filled with the most crazy recommended videos. Maybe he even starts making his own videos, maybe mostly about fishing, maybe a bit of blog style shit. Finds dude perfect and gets everyone else into it. (Let this man bottle flip)
I am so sorry but in timewarp canon john was the one who killed javier. he was captured alive but through all the insults and forced laughter to hide the fact he was almost crying john would realise that shooting javier himself was kinder than handing him to the bureau alive to be tortured and executed in an american prison. and javier was terrified of being handed over to the us governemnt alive. when john turned the gun on him he was pretty much at peace with it (For each man kills the thing he loves)
going from being in a cell in el presidio to laying on the ground in the middle of a bustling market would have been more frightening than realising john was about to shoot him but before he can even look around arthur's there offering him a hand
the impact on javier bless. looking around and seeing the gang waiting for him but they've aged arthur's starting to go gray and sean and lenny are in their 30s javier would've immediately started bawling and hugging them all
unlike most of the rdr1 gang javier is extremely willing to just block out everything that happened after 1899 because it was a really dark time for him he just wants his gang back. he's genuinely sorry for not siding with arthur in beaver hollow because of course turned out arthur was right dutch went so far off the deep end even though javier still valued loyalty dutch didn't anymore
he would be pretty self conscious about his appearance for a bit because everyone else seems to have got a modern day glow up meanwhile he's been cutting his hair with blunt scissors for years and neglecting himself a lot
his love affair with youtube starts hair care and skin care routines he will buy every product beautiful men promote on their channels. he grows his hair back out and is much more interested in fashion than the rest of the boys give him a month and he's roasting arthur for walking around in ratty oversized shirts covered in motor oil
kieran and javier sprawled on the couch doomscrolling through youtube with exfoliating face masks on. dark media iceberg specialists but also tiktok compilations.
when he gets his first phone javier opens an account on every social media and his content is just a mess sometimes it's memey bottle flip and rube goldberg ping pong ball videos sometimes it's self care stuff sometimes it's just a clip of him ranting in spanish about 'authentic' mexican food or really awkward 'look at this fish i caught' photos and he jumps between socials so sporadically he doesn't really have a following but molly would like all his stuff
javier getting a guitar again would be such a big deal but also so understated like one of the gang would've just got him one because it's javier of course he needs a guitar and javier just holds it for a second because it's the first time he'd held a guitar since beaver hollow. he lost his guitar in the raid and never had a reason to play so he didn't get another one. but it would feel so right to be sitting in the living room with a guitar in his hands while sean excitedly asks him to play something he'd just laugh and start back with old campfire songs and everyone gets to sing along like the proper good old days. processing trauma through symbolism speedrun
javier and kieran would be the two that never move out of the matthews' house or get jobs. kieran just wasn't built for living alone but for javier it's like he just got the gang back he still desperately needs that connection. he's also a notorious couch surfer he will rock up at someone's place and stay for a few days because just he missed them and he's always welcome. he also somehow gets the title of go-to babysitter kids love him like yay tio javier is here we're gonna paint his nails
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cjkie22 · 10 months
A non-exhaustive list of why you should listen to hit dirtbag boyband Bears in Trees:
their music is really amazing. you'll love it.
especially if your Spotify wrapped was on the pov: indie side of things
and even if it wasn't.
songs for every emotion
absolutely beautiful lyrics
sometimes these lyrics make sense. sometimes they don't. that's part of the fun.
songs about platonic love !!!!!
songs for the queers! the aros! the aces! the enbies! the trans community!
my dad likes them. doesn't sound like a lot, but it's an achievement.
(more underneath the break)
iain (bass/vox/lyrics) has "ginger" tattooed on the back of their head. if that isn't iconic I don't know what is.
on the note of iain, they were the first person i was aware of that used they as a pronoun, and that changed my life
they have a discord server! it's a really lovely community. i am not biased in the slightest. (discord.gg/sandbox) (https://discord.com/invite/thesandbox) (i will personally send you an invite i don't actually know what the link is)
they should DEFINITELY be on the heartstopper soundtrack
if I'm remembering correctly in the tiktok where they said they should be on the heartstopper soundtrack, they also said 3 out of 4 of them were in some way queer. seems like a good thing to me.
they opened for you me at six earlier this year. it was my first time seeing them live. and WOW.
I met some of my best friends through this band. I'm not joking; big shout out to the mojo dojo castle house, I'll never forget that weekend.
they're hilarious on the internet
you might cry at several of their songs for a million different reasons
BearBerry records
they have a tumblr blog @/bearsintreesofficial (iirc). I'm not gonna tag them but
BiT gigs are a safe space. I may have almost fainted at my last one (new cross inn, August 2023) but I've never met so many kind strangers and genuinely lovely people
merch is super comfy and really cute.
it gives stardew valley and animal crossing (trust me I'm right)
after the new cross gig (sweatiest gig in the world), despite surely being exhausted, callum (uke/keys/vox) took my bereal and i got my mini lesbian flag signed by them all
I turned out not to be a lesbian, which possibly makes it funnier, but the flag is stuck on my wall still
cryptids would LOVE their band
there's also a community minecraft server for discord members
BiT postcards !!!!
gosh and the bit stickers
they covered stick season on an Instagram live
they also do the funniest twitch streams
iain and the mountain
the raccoon email address
george (drums/production) is elite. the drum fills in doing this again? iconic. also has a specific really cool shirt I want to steal
wedding. dress. tiktok.
callum doesn't wear shoes on stage. apparently this was common knowledge but it sure surprised me at new cross.
the austrian soft drinks advert
iain make up looks
callum plays the flute. I want to say classically trained flautist but i may be wrong.
none of them have EVER bribed any members of law enforcement
their songs are very tattooable
talking of tattoos, nick (lyrics/guitar/saw him play the uke on stage once) has L + R tattooed on his forearms (iirc). absolute genius and I am stealing it when I get more of my patchwork sleeve done
iain releases solo music to under the name pet yeti. it's ethereal. callum also plays flute on one of them.
trumpet joe
the four of them never look like they are dressed for the same event
someone once edited the bears in trees wiki page to say that Ryan Ross was in their band
silly geese
that time we got singing? poetry? performance art? of THAT harry potter fanfiction
according to tiktok, iain and nick once had to sneak into their own show because they were underage
I have a video in the depths of my camera roll of them covering Mama by My Chemical Romance on a twitch stream
all of them give me gender envy at different times
their newest single (bart's bike) features banjo
patreon content
yelling it gets better with a room full of people was a healing experience.
modern baseball and fall out boy adjacent in my brain
if you like bears in trees you're automatically hot and really cool
they did a song with noahfinnce and its really super good
callum also featured on a myriad song which is also really super good
bit songs feel like coming home. they feel like hot chocolate and a blanket on a cold night. they feel like a warm hug. they feel like surviving and falling in love with life again and overcoming the worst things. they feel like victory, because you didn't think you'd make it to adulthood. but I'm 20 now. and I'm still here. I've almost graduated uni. and that's what bears in trees feels like.
all of their songs!!!! amazing!!!!
please feel free to add to this list. I'm taking suggestions.
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chaos0pikachu · 7 months
I am here actually to appreciate your post. I saw a blogger’s post saying The sign would have been ‘successful’ had it got filled with fantasy and romance and limit action to 10%. I wondered why that person, who says BL is all about romance, watched a show whose genre is action. Then I saw your post about people watching many shows to stay in fandom and I agree. Also you are right about dramas with a complex story receiving heavy criticism. Everything (even lack of proper plot or conflict) is exempted in a romance drama. No wonder most BLs are confined to ‘2 boys and their jealous & crying moments, routine conflicts enhanced by Escola or leads explaining how important Nikon printer is for their relationship’
Well damn hit me in the feels with this appreciation I'ma get all shy and shit.
I always wonder if by "successful" people mean in terms of critical acclaim, story telling, or monetarily. When it comes to Thai shows - and some please correct me if I'm wrong - it's difficult to tell how "successful" they are terms of audience reach/monetarily because there's no easily verifiable information. Like, there's Youtube numbers sure, but The Sign as an example, aired on Channel 3 what were it's ratings total on that channel? Idk, does anyone know that? Sincerely asking lol
Personally the way I like to judge a piece of media is what I call the Roger Ebert method; he often judged films based not solely on whether they were "good" or "bad but by how successfully they accomplished their goals.
If you read his review of Space Jam while it's clear Ebert doesn't think the movie is high art, "You can watch the movie on the sports and cartoon levels, and also appreciate the corporate strategy that's involved. [...] It is difficult for an actor to work in movies that combine live action with animation, because much of the time he cannot see the other characters in a scene with him. But Jordan has a natural ease and humor, an unforced charisma, that makes a good fit with the cartoon universe."
Ebert praises that the film, while filled with obvious product placement and banking on both nostalgia for the toons & star power of Jordan, accomplishes it's goal of being a family for that can be enjoyed by adults and children, and also the ability to blend techniques of live action, animation and 3D rendering.
I bring this up specifically b/c when I see "reviews" of shows in BL - the most common form of meta I see in BL fandom as a whole and that's not a knock just an observation - it's usually always about the narrative. Nothing about the filmmaking. And if there is discussion about he filmmaking it's usually misinformed or worse misinforming - no that's not what aperture means, yaoi framing isn't really a thing in film, the t-shirt is really just a t-shirt, etc, etc.
And like I get why. Fandom is more about story, what the words on a page or what the characters on screen are doing and saying. It's easier to talk about the amazing communication two characters have b/c you don't really need a film knowledge to discuss that. Which is a factor in why I think shows with lower stakes, more streamlined and straightforward plots get praised at a higher, less diligent and harsh level, than shows that are a bit more daring. They're less challenging in structure, they take less risks, so there's less to critique, and there's less room for a show to disappoint.
There comfort food, rather than trying something new at the restaurant. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, again, this is just a general observation.
To me, The Sign is miles better than Cooking Crush on a simple technical level. I only watched one episode of Cooking Crush and I found it pretty mediocre at best from all technical points: acting, editing, cinematography, directing, storytelling.
This isn't to say Cooking Crush is "bad" or that even if Cooking Crush was "bad" people shouldn't like it. I don't give a fuck if people like it, good for you chase the things that spark joy! I like lots of "bad" media, have y'all ever watched Jason Takes Manhattan?
For me, The Sign, like Space Jam, accomplishes it's goals and those were ambitious goals. An action fantasy BL that actually lives up to that premise and looks good?? The fight choreography looks great considering the obviously budget??
Like one of my issues with Laws of Attraction - aside from how painfully disinterested those kisses looked - was the fight choreography was bad.
The characters very rarely land hits in a way that looks real, or even marginally real. I can only speculate they didn't hire a stunt coordinator and/or couldn't hire stunt doubles so there was a worry of injury on set (for both reasons).
This isn't a disparagement on the actor(s) either, like stunt work is difficult and it's important to have professionals on set who can walk an actor through the steps so both them and others don't get hurt. Jackie Chan is probably one of the best known actors alive for stunt work, but watch how many times he fumbles and potentially hurts himself to the point where other actors are actively worried for him:
So yeah I'm going to give The Sign it's fucking gold star stickers b/c aside from some missteps in the gun handling - to many one handed gun fights but even then it wasn't all the time and bullets ran out of ammo! Y'all don't know how exciting for me that was to see - the fight scenes look damn good.
I understand the work that went into them, I understand the pre-production time that it took for the crew and cast to learn that and filming them well is another beast too.
There's a couple scenes with shaky cam that I dislike, but god do I love that first long take in The Sign. I love how good the CGI looks overall again, considering what is probably less budget than Black Christmas (2019).
I'm admittedly, fucking picky about what I watch b/c I'm really lazy and prefer watching films in general. I don't really like TV all that much, but if I am watching a tv show I wanna be impressed with more than just the characters talking to each other. Especially if said show is 12 hours or more.
When I'm looking at a piece of media - a comic, a novel, a film, a tv show - I'm thinking about stuff like "what were it's goals, and did it accomplish them? How was the filmmaking? How was the narrative structure? What is the time/place/culture this was made in?"
I'm not sure if people are arguing if The Sign was "successful" in terms of narratively, monetarily, or critically.
In reality we can only really speculate on how successful a Thai BL is based on data that's not not entirely accurate - social media, youtube stats, awards, etc - and even then most of that is based off international audience.
I can glean that 2gether was successful for gmmtv b/c it got a second season and a film, pretty much skyrocketed Bright and Win's individual careers but again, and created a cross country alliance for activism. But even all that is still speculation not facts (except the alliance that's a real thing that happened lol).
[This is all regardless of my own feelings regarding the show which is not kind. But feelings have nothing to do with individual discussion about how monetarily successful or accomplished a show is or isn't.]
Like it might be valid speculation on both shows but it should always come with a disclaimer of - these are not facts. Also, what is "popular" or "successful" can and will be dependent on individual countries too.
Take Cutie Pie for example, I would argue that it wasn't super "successful" here with American fans, but given how overwhelmingly popular Zee and NuNew are in both Thailand and Korea, I would then argue that the show was a success in Thailand and Korea. So was Cutie Pie "successful" or not? I would say yes!
Because "success" isn't and shouldn't be measured only by how western fans receive a piece of media.
In regards to The Sign, I'd argue it appears to be very successful with only the partial data I have at hand - social media which includes places like twitter, facebook, tumblr, the success of their sold out showing for the finale, a special episode, etc. If people argue it was unsuccessful in terms of narrative, well that's debatable and I have no interest in debating why the show is good except in terms of technical filmmaking and storytelling.
And even then it's a pointless debate like or dislike whatever just don't lie or mislead people regarding film terminology and techniques or harass people because they did like A Thing or clog up the tags with annoying posts about how you didn't like said Thing.
Overall, I don't give "reviews" on things I watch either positive or negative cause, well, I'm lazy lol, I don't believe putting how much I hate a show in it's tags and a thorough rating system would be to much work. I actually like how My Drama List rating system works, I just find most reviews on it to be Annoying lmao. Like giving Kinnporsche a 5 or below is absolutely bonkers to me but whatever es lo que es. But I also don't think my thoughts and opinions on shows are that valuable in terms of discussion.
These are mostly my general thoughts on fandom at large and it's not directly at any particular people its just observations at large across various social media platforms.
I think if you like more squeecore shows that's totally gucci, I just wish didn't proposite that 1) those are the only valid shows in terms of BL/queer media and 2) didn't overhype them to such sky high levels
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wordsbymae · 1 year
omg this was SO GOOD, dear author😭 the jealous person not realising that they're in reality only helping farmer to make mousey his spouse. how would the visit at farmer's home go? surely little mouse must see that farmer's house is a lot better than their dangerous little home. they will have everything they want here, somehow farmer suddenly have so many amazing products to make pastery that little mouse couldn't afford. and if that doesn't work? surely mousey isn't so heartless to leave him all alone on this huge farm? he has so much work, they surely doesn't want him to overwork himself to death. 😩
and if you don't mind dear author, can i be 💫 anon?
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did update the ending very slightly, just changed some wording but nothing too crazy. That's exactly what I was going for! Before this happened the reader was on edge with the farmer. They could tell, even subconsciously, that he had less than honest intentions. But with this whole situation they were forced into his arms, he stood up for them, protected them, practically admitting to being in love with them. It sends mouse right back to when they would wait by their mailbox for him to drive past so they could wave good morning to him or how they would rebake something over and over again just so it was perfect for him. The love-sick puppy in them is back with a vengeance.
I see mouse being in his truck with his denim jacket on, his scent enveloping them as they use the cuffs to wipe their nose or their eyes. (And if you're like me, can you imagine it being too big or long? and just being dwarfed in it?). The farmer is still a bit uncomfortable, neither has said anything since they got in the car and clearly mousey is still very upset. He does use this time to think of a plan. He was expecting a struggle or even a fight to get his little mouse in his arms. If he was a forgiving man would thank that cruel person for driving mouse into his arms. But he was not, so you can imagine what's gonna happen.
They finally arrive home (and because I am committing), his two working dogs run out from behind the house barking and yapping. Reader's met them before and loves them to death so they practically jump out of the truck to say hi to them. The farmer just grumbles cause he wanted to open their door like a gentleman :(
Pancho and Lefty are so excited to see Mouse again. They've been gone too long! Of course, they have ulterior motives and start sniffing around to see if they bought their favourite peanut butter doggy treats Mouse makes themself. They huff when they don't smell them.
"They ain't lap dogs you know, they're working dogs and you spoil em too much" the farmer sooks, walking over to the three of you. He wants all your attention :(
"Don't listen to him. your daddy is being a meany. You deserve all the love and attention and to be spoilt rotten, 'cause you're both my handsome boys, the bestest boys ever" you whisper, patting the two kelpies.
Daddy? now that's something he likes the sound of maybe one day he can make you a momma (or not! I know EXACTLY where I want it to go but I know not everyone is into all that. )
either way, he's calling you inside with a frown on his face. He deserves to be your handsome boy, your bestest boy ever, not those two butt lickers outside.
You give a small sigh when you come inside. You've never been inside his house before. You wanted to, desperately, but he just never invited you in. Now you're sitting on his bed in his jacket, while he looks through his closet. It's only 10am in the morning but clearly, he's expecting you to stay the night cause he's grabbing house clothes/pj's for you. An old shirt of his and some old boxers. He hopes to god you don't notice the hole in the back of the boxers where he can see your underwear.
You try and tell the farmer that you're only planning on staying a little while (until you stop crying at the drop of a hat) but as soon as you say it, lightning strikes. The sky darkens and the wind howls.
"You ain't going nowhere while it's storming like this"
"I live like a minute-"
"I don't care, your staying"
So you stay the night.
Only to wake to your house burnt to the ground. Luckily everything important and your own bedroom are in an offshoot of the cottage where the fire didn't spread to. But the main bulk of the house is ruined.
But thank goodness the farmer is more than happy to let you stay at his till you find somewhere else.
However, it's really hard to find an appropriate house in such a small town and large county, but the farmer is more than welcome! Just stay with him! Rent free! Just keep cooking like you do and you can stay for as long as you would like.
This man is desperate for Mouse to be his little spouse. So you can bet your bottom dollar he starts treating them as such (murder, manifest, manipulate). Coming in after a long day and practically begging for a massage, cooing to his darlin' how they have magic hands, how he's so lucky to have them, how he would be lost without them cooking for him, taking care of him, making sure he ain't working himself to death.
After a few months he's got reader trained and everything, got them rubbing his shoulder (and feet, ew), packing him lunches for when he gets stuck outside, doing his laundry, sewing his clothes, fussing over him and treating him like a little homemaker would.
But then Mousey is talking about another little cottage down the way that's selling, how they don't wanna be in his hair anymore. How he probably wants his own space back. That's when he lays it on thick. Going on and on about how they can't leave the farm, Pancho and Lefty are going to miss you too much, how he'll probably starve without you, how he'll be so lonely without you.
So you stay, of your own accord. Which is really lucky for you, cause plan b stands for Plan Barn.
Of course, you may! I'm on my laptop at the moment, so may I call you anon Nova as well?
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thekissofaphrodite · 9 months
HIII ^—^ !! good morning/afternoon/evening to you I hope you're doing alright and well today! So I came across your Luke Castellan FF and... 👀 IT WAS SO GOOD! and it got me thinking maybe you could do a Nico Di Angelo fic? wherein theres a lot of fluff & angst-comfort (maybe some kissing on the side), I would really appreciate it if you did!
That's all and Have a great day &new year !! 🎆
- 🍵
Midnight Rain
Nico Di Angelo X Male!Solace!Reader
Summary: Comforting Nico after his terrible Flashbacks..
Warnings: Kissing, Death, and cursing :P (Remind me if I missed one!)
Author's Note: I haven't read the books!! so please forgive me if I made a mistake!!
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He remembered it perfectly.
He doesn't know why or how, Maybe the Gods wanted to punish him, But he hasn't done anything wrong.
It was a rainy night in Italy, His older sister, Bianca, was with their father, Hades, Currently ranting about a porcelain doll she saw on a window shop they passed earlier, His dad smiled and just listened to his sister, His mother, Maria was in the vanity, Fixing her beautiful black hair that was already sprayed with hair products. Then, there was a loud thunderstorm, It made Bianca flinch, which caused her to scream in fear and hug her dad.
Maria just chuckled and peaked at the Father and Daughter.
"I'm thanking the Fates that thunder and lightning never became your domains, or else," joked his mother, Her thick Italian accent echoing. His sister, Bianca, then frowned jokingly, She seemed offended, and Bianca huffed and wrapped her arms around her father's neck.
It all then happened so fast, a happy family once...Broken by a tragedy.
Hades saw it first, in a distance, someone holding a thunderbolt aiming at them..His family.
Hades tried, he really did. He grabbed Bianca and Nico, shielding them from the upcoming blow, but then, from the corner of his eyes, he saw maria, Until it was too late.
A powerful thunderbolt was shot in the hotel they were staying, a loud explosion making them all cry, Biana and Nico held onto their father for dear life, until there was a loud thud.
A body dropping.
As if tho the Fates chose for him to live miserably, He saw a pool of blood near the broken pillars, and sure enough, there was maria, Ever so beautiful, She was dead, But her beautiful face said otherwise, It all seems like she was sleeping peacefully, then Hades screaming, Horrified —
Nico shot up from his nightmare, Sweat trickling down his neck as he panted. You felt a body jolting beside you, and there was nico, panting heavily.
You got up and rubbed your eyes, checking the clock.
2:45 am
Nico looked at you with his eyes softening, but his expression still horrified.
"What's wrong?" You asked, Your palms caressing his pale cheeks.
"Nothing" His raspy voice replied.
But you knew something was wrong.
Being the son of Apollo, You were blessed with healing, but you sucked at archery.
Immediately sensing a nightmare, you kissed him, your soft lips touching his chapped, cold one's.
You can taste the saltiness of his tears running down his cheeks, but you couldn't care less.
After pulling away, he laid his head on your chest, The peaceful silence engulfing you two.
Then he spoke, as he started sobbing again.
"I can't unsee it— I swear, It kept replaying over and over again, I can see my mom's dead body—" Nico sobbed, His sobs muffled by your yellow shirt.
"Let it hurt, nico. Then let it go" You whispered as he sobbed harder.
"I can't accept that they're gone, Forever" He said as his dark eyes looked up at yours.
"I spent my nights wondering if they're missing me as much as I'm them"
"They're proud of you nico, Every single thing that you've done was for their honour and glory" Those words made him smile a little bit, Your heart softened, As he kissed you again.
As nico dozed off, you caresses his pale cheeks, once stained with tears coming from his painful eyes.
"I love you, I love you until the very last star in the sky burns into oblivion"
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A few people - @badgirlforeddiemunson @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @ilovecupcakesandtea - have asked me things about my hair; routines, products, hints and tips. And I figured it'd be easier to make a generic post with everything included and people can pick and poke at what they want.
I'm not a vain person, but I will freely admit that my hair is my pride and joy. It is my baby. I have told my mother that my hair is the only grandchild she's ever gonna get from me, and now when she helps me with it, she calls it "babysitting my grandkid".🤣
I have quite fine hair but I have a lot of it, so it's quite thick. Holding it in one fist is a bit difficult and it knots very easily. This post includes routines, products, hints, tips, and things I think are relevant. My hair is my baby and a lot of my leftover energy between my job and my degree goes into my hair. I've dreamed of having hair just like this since I was a child - maybe seven or eight - and now as a twenty five year old, I am living the dream.
I hope those of you who are curious about my rather extensive hair care find what you need in here! I am open to questions about it, as well.💖
TW; in the 'basics' section, there is one mention of actual physical assaults related to non-consensual hair-cutting which happened in my home town about a decade ago. Not to me, but I worry about it every day as a lasting point of anxiety. If you want to skip this, it is the LAST BULLET POINT OF THE FIRST SECTION RIGHT BELOW THE CUT.
Okay, so... where to start...
The basics/equipment I use
I sleep on silk pillowcases and I secure my braids with silk scrunchies. It helps to prevent knots and tangles (it's not perfect, but my hair is much more manageable thanks to silk).
I use a wooden comb and a boar bristle brush which moves natural oils from my scalp down to the ends of my hair. I would never be using a plastic brush or 'normal' elastic ties in my hair. The thought makes me shudder.
I wash my hair once a week unless it gets rained on. In which case, I will wash it more than once a week, but neither me nor my hair will be happy about it.
I pat-dry my hair with a plain white cotton t-shirt and I let it air-dry, which takes about twelve hours to become damp-but-dry-enough-to-safely-brush. (Hair wash day is a whole ordeal, I need a day! More on this to come.) T-shirts are gentler and less damaging than towels; wet hair should be treated like glass because it's very fragile.
I never go outside of the house or go to sleep without first brushing and then braiding my hair. I never go outside with it down. This is because, honestly, I'm terrified someone will come up behind me on the street and assault me by cutting all my hair off (I have severe anxiety but also, this actually happened to a few girls in my town as a series of three assaults when I was a child and I've never forgotten about it) but also, doing this helps to prevent knots and tangles, which minimises damage to your hair.
I eat a lot of meat and dairy but I also take a generic multivitamin every day. Protein and fat are super good for you in general but also, what your body doesn't use, goes to your hair!!! Happy body = happy hair.💖
I am very precious about my hair, very few people are allowed to touch it. If I let you touch it, you are trusted. It's pretty much an "I love you". My mum helps me with my hair every day. I'm very grateful to her for it, and I make sure she knows how much I appreciate it.
My hair only needs a half-inch trim every eight months or so; dad measures it out with a ruler, mum watches him to make sure he's doing it right, he shows me what he's cut off after the first snip and I'll approve it and then he's allowed to continue. I cry a lot when it has to be trimmed, I hate it, and I grieve that half-inch until it grows back in about three weeks.
My different hair-care routines (these are extensive)
Hair wash day!
Number of stages: 4
Duration of all four stages: 13 - 14 hours🥰 (I have to schedule an entire day to do it and it can be tricky because my job doesn't always align with my preferred wash day, which is a Sunday, so sometimes I have to go 10 days without washing it and that can make me very irritable. It's the little things, you know? It has to be an all day thing because my hair takes twelve hours to become damp-dry enough to brush without damaging it. I never use heat on my hair; pat-dry with a t-shirt and then air-dry only. And then I have the brushing routine on top of it, which takes an hour if I do it myself, and ten minutes if mum does it for me, which she often does).
Brushing routine:
I brush my hair before I wash it. This is the first stage of hair wash day, and I do this routine after work. It takes me an hour to do it alone or ten - twenty minutes if mum does it.
I section my hair in two, over each shoulder, and then section it again so that my hair has been quartered. I always brush from the back first (I tuck the front section underneath the back section, which has been pulled forward to the front). Whichever side isn't being brushed, I secure into a side-ponytail with a silk scrunchie to hold it there while I work on the other half of my hair.
Starting from the bottom, I finger-comb first and manually untangle any big knots or tangles. If this part goes wrong, I will cry about it. It's instant panic attack if I can't get a knot undone with minimal effort.
Once that quarter-section is finger combed thoroughly, I then use my wooden comb to go through the section again and I alternate as needed back to finger-combing if I find a section I missed the first time.
Once that quarter-section is done, I put it behind me and start on the other section, same process as above. Doing one half of my hair usually takes me a half hour.
Once one half of my hair is brushed, I use a boar-bristle brush, going from the top of my hair down to the tips; this moves the natural oils through the hair. The oil normally comes down to just below my ear, and obviously the further away I am from wash day, the more oil there is, and so from the nape of the neck down to the very ends of my hair, I apply Mielle's rosemary and mint scalp and hair strengthening oil (£8.99 for a 59ml bottle; half a pipette is sufficient for one half of my hair, so it's expensive but does last a while).
Once the hair is finger-combed, combed, brushed, I then pull that section back as well and braid it in a simple three-strand braid and loosely tie it with a silk scrunchie. The first few patterns are tight to hold the braid, but after that, I loosen it off so it's a loose braid and loosely tied. In the morning, I'll redo my braids as needed before I go to work without brushing them - I don't have that time in a morning to do my whole routine before work. To secure it, I tie the silk scrunchie around one more time so it's tighter and will hold longer (bedtime braid: tie it around three times / morning braid before work: tie it around four times).
Repeat this whole thing again for the other half of my hair, and then I can go to bed. A normal night, this takes an hour, a bad night as in really knotty hair or I'm tired, two hours. Unless mum helps me with it. I can and will cry if I find a knot I can't immediately undo and it's not unusual for me to be swaying at the bathroom sink because I will not go to bed unless my hair is fully brushed, oiled, braided.
If it's wash day, I don't braid my hair or apply more oil, I just finger-comb, comb and then brush it and then get in the shower...
Washing routine: Okay. This is the most in-depth and complicated part of my entire thing I do for my hair, and I have to get it right or I will have an anxiety attack thinking I've just fucked all my hair up and I have to cut it off (I catastrophise a lot, especially with my hair). This is the second stage of hair wash day.
So, hair is brushed, shower time!
I have the water lukewarm - too hot will burn your hair and damage it, but too cold and you won't be able to get the oils out properly.
I get my hair wet so it's plastered to my back, and then I use L'Oreal's Dream lengths shampoo; I apply it to my scalp and to the surface of hair up to the nape of my neck, giving myself a gentle scalp massage (treat wet hair like GLASS!!!!). I rinse it all out once it's all in there, and then I use the same brand of conditoner, which is applied from the nape of my neck down to the very tips. Leaving that conditioner in, I then shampoo the scalp up to the nape of my neck a second time (it's like a greasy pan - the first lot of washing up liquid lifts the oil, the second lot of washing up liquid actually cleans the pan - same concept applies here to hair, especially because I only wash it once a week). And rinse that off too.
Then, I apply conditioner for a second time from the nape of my neck to the very tips of my hair, wiping off any excess on the top of my hair (just below the scalp so I don't clog my pores). I leave it in there while I wash my body, which takes a few minutes, and then I wash it off again. I let it all come out, and then I change the shower temperature so it's now COLD, to effectively close the pores in my hair.
My hair is washed! I pat it dry with a cotton t-shirt, then from the nape of my neck down to the halfway mark of my hair, I apply a leave-in conditioner, then from that halfway mark through to the ends of my hair, I use one pipette of the oil to cover everything, and then my hair air-dries for twelve hours until it's damp-dry enough to safely brush, as above!
Using oils and leave-in conditioner:
I use the oil every day from the nape of my neck to the ends of my hair, and every few days I apply leave-in conditioner from the nape of my neck to the ends of my hair. The top section of my hair (scalp to the nape) will be fine, it has the natural oils from the scalp, which is evenly distributed by using the boar-bristle brush.
Brushing routine: After twelve hours, I brush through my hair as in the first stage of wash day, so this is now stage three of wash day for me, and braiding it is stage four!
And finally, a picture of my baby!!! This was taken about two weeks ago and I believe it was the day after wash day!😍💖
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I love it (her) so, so much. I bitch and complain often about the knots, but nothing fills me with instant grief and abject horror quite like thinking about having to cut off more than a half inch. That, in itself, is already cause for tears. My hair is my pride and joy, my favourite body part, and something I cherish as a very real, long-lasting childhood dream. I hope you find what you need in this post; I know it's not applicable to everyone because we all have different hair types and budgets, but hopefully something is useful.💖
I'm pretty sure this is everything but I might reblog with additions if needed, and I'm open to questions as well! My hair was jaw length in late 2019 when I started to grow it out, so it's grown quite quickly and I'm very in love with it.🥰
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writhe · 11 months
feeling Bad because i’ve had a weirdly frustrating day & feeling at a weird point in a lot of my friendships where ultimately i know there’s a massive level of support that could be offered (if i were in crisis) but i want more connection over mundanities or, like, my emotional world in a day-to-day sense. feeling frustrated by some other things in a way that is maybe productive but also hard to feel. i’ve had a really busy couple months or so (but i feel like im always saying this) and i want to feel cared for on like a stupid small scale because i literally do not think i’ve had a day where i haven’t been in some level of physical discomfort (pain from doing something strenuous (work related or not), hand/wrist fuckery, sickness, lack of sleep)) and i’m just like. ahh!! i feel like everyone is busy and/or sick and while it feels meaningful to show up in ways i can (& the vulnerably of someone allowing you to care from them is reciprocal in its own sense yknow?? like both in intimate ways but also like a friend let me give them a shirt and other friend let me make them soup. etc) & also just to have fun with friends in general is meaningful. but i am really not sure how to, like, solve the problem of asking to be cared for by people in general (outside of, like, idk the care that is inherent to companionship yknow? but maybe that’s all i really need and i’m just cranky today because of circumstance & feeling dramatically alone in that?) because it feels vulnerable & im not fully sure what id ask for from most people AND i also don’t know how to find ways of caring for myself (beyond what i cultivated at the moment. honestly i think i do an okay job) that would feel genuinely pleasurable or restorative. so like OK i am going to go walk three miles and then lay on my bed and angry cry at no one in particular and drink a white claw
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mayakern · 1 year
dios mio pero MAYA AHHHHH you are fucking up my fashion life in all the best ways a petticoat with a satin lining??!? genius! I was literally crying from excitement tulle on bare skin is the worst and satin is so nice and it's so Simple like duh why not wtf have we been doing with our lives lmao
but also MINI SKIRTS THAT ARE LONGER IN THE BACK?!?!!!!? estoy deceased. as a flat-bottomed girl I might actually wear a mini skirt on purpose without fear for the first time since I realized my ass was too big for mini skirts so a long damn time lol.
button ups with hooks for the breast bunching, bra straps in the wrap shirt for the Right silhouette I can't express how grateful I am for your designs! fashion should be accessible and easy and fun, keem em coming take all my moneyyy 🙏💖
aw thank you 🥺🥺🥺 tho i can’t take credit for the satin underskirt idea, as that was all ash (our pattern maker/supply chain manager) but i am just as excited about that as you are!
tbh i get anxious about the new stuff we’re doing a lot. i do not have a lot of resources or any sort of fashion education, so i am constantly worried that whatever new stuff we come up with will have some glaring oversight and y’all will be disappointed in me/the products 😅
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Since I decided the best way to make it through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage is to drink my way through it, welcome to the third round of
CockTails in the Skyy!
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This week's drink is Jack Nasty to honor one of the iconic lines from Brokeback Mountain since the boys were serving us cinematic odes in the trailer:
Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey for the pair's sweet yet intense dynamic
unfiltered apple cider for the A+ prefect jerk, Akk
lemon juice for the wrench in the system and Sour Patch kid, Ayan
honey and cinnamon on the rim for Kan and Thua
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This drink is mostly whiskey because I know there is singing in BOTH episodes. I love spoilers, so I already know the BBM scenes are a dream, but it's too late to turn back now! I've committed to this drink (whiskey) and this journey!
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Bottoms up!
I don’t remember anything that is happening. THEY WE'RE EXPELLED FOR A SEMESTER?! (and still graduated on time . . . I smell a coverup!)
We got shots of the eclipse during the show, and now we'll get plenty of scenes with the sun because they are living in the light!
If only this could've been how Brokeback really went.
The way First, I mean Akk, just looked . . . ahhhhh
How long have they been there that there are multiple days of chores? I like camping but three days max!
A voice-over to make me feel worse that Aye is going to ignore Akk. cool cool cool
I don’t understand this space vs. place conversation, so the whiskey is working.
Aye throwing out a full moon and a holiday instead of Akk's birthday hurts me. As a Leo, this behavior is unacceptable.
Akk constantly saying "Aye" instead of Ayan, when we worked HARD for that during the series is feeding my soul.
Product placement! So glad we got someone to pay for our fanfiction this time around.
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I do not like to frolic. I do not like to witness others frolicking. Too much energy when we should be laying down.
What is this conversation about the motorbike about?
Oh! It’s about vers.
Thua's filtering Kan's bad personality? If we had to make a comparison of who is feistier, it'd be Thua! Wat is putting the blame on the wrong kid. Thua would be the bad influence!
Who’s Mork?! Now is not the time for MORE characters.
As a college professor, this Wat x Sani agenda is a HARD NO! No further comments. No additional notes. Just no. NO!
I should've done a shot instead each time a film scene pops up. I'd be four deep right now and a lot less sober.
MORK IS KENJI! Twice in one week, sir! First in Step by Step and now this! Give my man the love plot I was robbed of in 609 Bedtime Story!
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Good friends for helping Wat who was the BEST BOY during the show always helping them. Also, AJ looks like he could cry on command, so I need this to be utilized more.
I can't invest in this fight when they are wearing shades of each other's color. The love is there. It's written all over them.
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Kan threatening Aye about touching Thua because he still isn't over the car moment. Stay petty, babes!
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Aye could hear the phone over this loud ass water?!
More product placement! We got McDonald's money, y'all!
Oh, shit! It's the guitar! MUTE
Kan being the lovey dovey type feels so good because he was so afraid to touch Thua before and was very aggressive. Now, it's all soft touches with Thua. Love that for them both.
Call me Sebastian because I'm not even hearing this fight since all I want Aye to do is "sha-la-la-la-la-la KISS THE BOY"
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Another Jack Nasty for episode 2! I need to STFU this round, but I'll blame my many thoughts on the whiskey.
"As a friend." AS A FRIEND?! See, Akk stays asking for it. These two like pushing each other's buttons.
I am Namo. Inviting myself places. Watching my friend's deal with relationship bs. Smiling when they get caught sneaking around.
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Wat making them hug is the friend version of making siblings put on the same shirt.
Stupid Dream Productions <- That's quality
Popsicles. Bike rides. Color exchanges. A bridge! Stupid Dream Productions made this possible.
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Kan and Thua sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. (I see that neck grab, sir)
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Thua is SERVING in this outfit! With the smiley face and dice necklace too. No wonder why Kan is so protective. Thua's got looks while Kan gives hardware hubby vibes. I love it!
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Akk and Aye wearing white is a callback to the OST, no?
I will never be over the fact that all of these boys bullied Nan, Nong, and Nian, and every time "the bad stuff" from the past is mentioned, I get in my feels.
Oh, no! This short film is taking me back! Deep in my feels with that burning dummy.
Golf! Hey, homie!
"they secretly transferred me money in the end." Why did this not land for me? I should be happy his family is supporting him, but . . . *gonna moonwalk away from this*
This guy talking to Wat is the assistant director of The Eclipse, Pro Siwasit, but Wat said Nut. I feel confident even in my whiskey haze.
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I am Namo. Putting my foot in my mouth when my friends are in distress. So glad he is less sus this time around.
SINGING!!!!! NO!!!! Why is this necessary?! Sweet baby Jesus with the historical accurate skin tone. I CANNOT!
I can't even enjoy what I like to call the sign-of-the-cross kiss because I'm still upset about the singing.
Another cake for the collection. Missed opportunity for a moon and sun themed cake, but at least there are stars and red, blue, and yellow candles.
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Dacryphilia - getting pleasure or aroused by others' troubles or tears -> Aye, we need to discuss this kink.
Akk: I love hugging you; Aye: I love pissing you off.
A shower scene! Drying each other's hair! Saying they love each other!!!!
Only Friends when?
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I'm somehow parched after that final scene even though I drank the entire time, so it's time for the rating. I won't deduct points for Akk and Aye's clear relationship dynamic (and kink), but I will deduct half a point for singing and a full point for that teacher/student plot this show is still pushing. Actually, that gets a point and A HALF deduction!
8/10 CockTails for making me, a person who believes in pushing boundaries, realize I have clear boundaries that cannot be crossed.
I didn't love Vice Versa, but I am ecstatic to see its installment next week. It's giving me Baby Shark. It's giving me colors. It's giving me Sea's side profile. It's giving me the possibility that Tess had a kid!
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Daddy Sharks, doo-doo, doo-doo. Daddy Sharks, doo-doo, doo-doo
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 5 months
Kinda need a shirt that says “I cry a lot but I am so productive. It’s an art!”
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