#productivity quote t shirts for sale
affandigitalhub · 4 months
I Cry A Lot But I Am So Productive It's An Art Shirt
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jethroq · 28 days
I remember years ago on the Rooster Teeth Podcast they talked about their twice daily marketting emails to site members, and sid that yes, fans vomplain about it but that the metrics were that it increased their traffic etc.
but I think that misses the forest for the trees. this kind of practise acts to alienate core fans. art/fiction is not a product like a t-shirt. remember that one Prince single that broke sales records because you got a copy for free if you bought a newspaper? yeah it broke records, now can you name the song? can you hum the melody to it? quote lyrics from it?
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rouge-forever · 2 years
Star Trek Quogs…
So, in 2009 CBS launched these Star Trek Quogs. I don’t know how to describe them. They’re pretty much stylized cartoon versions of characters from TOS that CBS wanted to make merchandise out of, I do not know if these were successful but they are quite interesting.
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“The new designs, previously seen at the GoAnimate site and with some Funko figures, are part of a much bigger push to create a new line of Star Trek merchandise that will appeal to a broader audience with what CBS are calling ‘a fresh and accessible look.’ The proprietary animated art style applied to the classic TOS characters and settings will be extended to multiple Trek licensees and products beginning with Gluck (watches), Funko (vinyl figures), Trevco (t-shirts), Hallmark (greeting cards) and more.”
Well! The ST Quogs GoAnimate theme was released in 2009, and removed from the site in 2012.
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As for the Funko figurines… I’m in love with these things. LOOK! The style is so cool! The Orion girl’s dress is so sparkly 😭! Spock and Kirk look so cute, I want these sooo badly. They’re very easy to find for sale online! Just look up Star Trek Quogs on eBay. They go for decent prices!
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I have yet to see actual pictures of these Gluck watches. I’ve never seen them up for sale online, secondhand or otherwise. I really like the Spock watch though.
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Generationgallery.com sold special “pop art” prints featuring the Kirk and Spock designs. Apparently they cost £27 as a set, they were released on July 1, 2013. They came with COAs! How fancy. They aren’t available anymore, which makes sense. It’s been 10 years after all. I just want to know why, out of ALL the amazing quotes that Spock has, why did they use that one?
There are a lot of different shirt designs featuring ST Quogs, I only included four of them at the top of this post but there’s SO. MANY. And they’re all pretty cool!
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Except for this one. Its …eh. I imagine that little fuzz balls constantly giving birth would be much more frustrating than women. But whatever.
There are more products that were made featuring Quogs, but I don’t want to get into all of them. This post is big enough already.
I’ve been extremely fixated on these Quogs-things for a few weeks so I just have to post about it all. What happened to Star Trek Quogs? Did they fail? Presumably. I’d like to see more characters in this style, especially more figures. It’s been over ten years so I doubt they’d ever bring back Quogs. But I want to see a McCoy figure in this style so badly. You have no idea.
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aboveinsider · 6 months
Grow Earning through Facebook Page Monetization
Are you ready to turn your Facebook page into a money-making machine? Well, buckle up because we're about to dive into the world of Facebook page monetization and learn how to grow your earnings like a pro!
1. Create Engaging Content
The first step to growing your earnings through Facebook page monetization is to create engaging content that your audience loves. Whether it's funny memes, helpful tips, or inspiring quotes, make sure your posts are interesting and shareable. The more people engage with your content by liking, commenting, and sharing, the more attractive your page becomes to potential sponsors and advertisers.
2. Build a Strong Following
Next, focus on building a strong following for your Facebook page. Invite your friends to like your page, share your content with their networks, and encourage them to spread the word. You can also join Facebook groups related to your page's niche and participate in discussions to attract new followers. The larger your audience, the more opportunities you'll have to monetize your page.
3. Optimize Your Page for Monetization
Once you've built a solid following, it's time to optimize your facebook page monetization. This includes enabling monetization features such as in-stream ads, fan subscriptions, and branded content. In-stream ads allow you to earn money from ads that appear in your videos, while fan subscriptions enable your followers to support your page with monthly payments. Branded content partnerships allow you to collaborate with sponsors and advertisers to create sponsored posts and videos.
4. Engage with Your Audience
Engaging with your audience is key to growing your earnings on Facebook. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries in a timely manner, and encourage interaction by asking questions, running polls, and hosting live Q&A sessions. The more you engage with your audience, the more loyal and supportive they'll become, leading to increased monetization opportunities.
5. Diversify Your Revenue Streams
To maximize your earnings, consider diversifying your revenue streams beyond traditional advertising. Explore opportunities such as affiliate marketing, merchandise sales, and premium content subscriptions. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral link. Merchandise sales allow you to sell branded merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, and accessories to your followers. Premium content subscriptions give your fans access to exclusive content or perks in exchange for a monthly fee.
6. Track Your Performance
Finally, track your performance and analyze your results to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Use Facebook Insights to monitor key metrics such as reach, engagement, and monetization revenue. Experiment with different types of content, posting schedules, and monetization strategies to see what works best for your audience. By continuously refining your approach and adapting to changes in the Facebook algorithm, you can continue to grow your earnings over time.
In conclusion, growing your earnings through Facebook page monetization requires dedication, creativity, and strategic planning. By creating engaging content, building a strong following, optimizing your page for monetization, engaging with your audience, diversifying your revenue streams, and tracking your performance, you can unlock the full earning potential of your Facebook page. So what are you waiting for? Start implementing these tips today and watch your earnings soar!
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johntylermounce · 9 months
"The word is seductive. It slithers along, wet-lipped , scented with exotic perfume; it gazes at the writer with a come-hilther glance."
-A quoted unknowingly amongst thine's..
Fun fact: New York tattoo artist, Christa Jackson, artistically gifted an inking of the wording, 'havoc' solely destined by Britney's 'end up settling in court'.. pieces of moi via Redbubble line of gushes of glancing. Having noted two sent gifts for the line to expand by word-of-mouth in Indianapolis, for: Adam + Dan, the items shallembrace the new years excitement to their established apartment, marriage and meaning to my life across state.. Decadence to hover a havoc honestly heated without boil, blasted business borrowings. Undetectable and undeniably retried at age 36, with the passing of my parents who worked DAMN hard for my embedded belong to a security's socializing singular stance. Rent paid. And 20 items coming via the infamously pulse of imprinted store á la Redbubble.. will show, seek possible candidate whom would model, as I photograph, for.. Photos by:John Tyler.
Will, want and need to evidentiary a purpose to capture more people. (337)309-1859 for those in Lake Charles, Louisiana.. redeem for my sole since age seven photographer, fortunate enough with the detail lighted effect to ponder.. posed perplexed pixelation.
Love to passion for a forthcoming domain, www.photosbyJohnTyler.com
Release upon a hiatus until thy hencing to hearings.. #PhotosbyJohnTyler.
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On muse myself: A Redbubble exclusively seen ' Thought, playmate so decadence of divinely.." by John Tyler Mounce search on Google, for starters. Embellish to thy's fabrication of dynasty's dynamics doings. Taken from Vintage Playboy magazine pictorial then filtered for added graphical effects of some artistically collective created.
"Thought, playmate so decadence of divinely.." by: John Tyler Mounce.
Outsiders of a leering loomis longer
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Accustomed those agonies achieved
By a pressing accountable for article's array..
1973 night times medieval meteoric movement
A tuition told as interviewed inclined
The real, radish of a rooted. Reverberating.
Reading, "The Writer's Art" thanks to a vintage find here amongst Lake Charles, Louisiana á Lala's Ode outting. Only crackling cited cyclonic caused carnival.
Full of insightful life relatable roadside assistance to revolt, a Writer's attempted art.
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"Mama didn't raise no impolite witch" Vincent Griffith Fanfic Ep 1
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The rush had simmered down about an hour ago. I skimmed through the last batch of orders from my desk at the soap shop, the amber lights attuned to the rainy day we were having in New Orleans today. On the radio, a potpourri of Haitian music from the sixties played in rotation bringing me back to those joyous moments growing up with my parents, all of it a memory now with a sour twist. 
The room smelled sweet, of cracked stems, and wild herbs picked from our garden outback. I carefully placed a rosemary leaf on the brown wax paper enveloping the order of soaps a client bought online earlier, and tied a string around it with my business card and a coupon which all were inscribed with the same cursive letters spelling Jardin de Mélisse. 
A knock at the door brought me to a halt. Standing at the door was Simoli, my cousin, who's been helping me run things around ever since he decided to stay in the states permanently. " Sa pou m fè avè w? What am I supposed to do with you?"
I rolled my eyes and tcheupsed, resuming the monotonous cycle I've been repeating for the three hours since we opened. I placed a series of glass bottles from my hibiscus and okra hairline into a shipping box and stuffed it with bubble wraps. Thank you note, close, tape, and repeat. 
"I'm almost done" 
" Yeah you said that about an hour ago when there was still a line at the register" 
I looked up at him, his face seemed refreshed, despite the long hours we've been pulling. He's wearing a coca cola red t-shirt, jeans and leather flip flops, his hair a tapered fro around his scalp. I think the change of pace and environment has been good for him. My shoulders relaxed a bit. The scissors in my hands suddenly weighed heavy, the piece of lavender between my fingers limp and awkward. I've been stuck in this room for far too long, my eyes were so adjusted to the darkness I could feel them disappearing into their own sockets, I needed a change of pace. 
" Fine" I slammed the metal scissors on the wooden desk. " i'm gonna go get lunch" i said, rising from my seat and scanning the room for my belongings. Wallet, umbrella. It was impossible for me to find anything in there, with all the pillows, the tapes, the boxes and endless inventory on the floor. The place was a fucking pig sty. I needed some fresh air, that's for certain. I scratched my head, gathering my things as I went and fighting Simoli's scrutinizing stare while he watched me rummage through my life like a raccoon digging through a pile of trash in the quarter. If he had any judgments, he said nothing. 
I threw my jean jacket on, and smoothed my hand over my tapered dress " do you wanna come with?" 
He snorted, as if I had insulted him, then threw his hand up " Mélisse, I got it from here, go". He shooed me away with a gesture of his hands, from the office, to the main floor of the shop. I stopped at one of the vintage mirrors on the wall, a fascinating relic i bought at a yard sale over two years ago, and was frightened by what i'd seen " jesus fucking christ" i muttered, digging through my bag for some lip balm. I glided it over my big lips, smoothing the layer of cracked skin that had been there before. I was immediately invaded with the scent of brown sugar and anise. Another one of my creations, not yet on sale anywhere, I was still doing a trial run on the product and was clearly failing. I sighed deeply. Simoli leaned on the counter, resting his chin in his palms
 " The AC company called. They wanna know if they can come in monday and take a look at the unit" 
I fiddled with my keys " Did they send you a price quote yet? " 
" Well, technically they have to come in and see what's wrong with it before we know how much all of this is going to cost" 
I exhaled " i uh, i don't know, let me think on it i'll get back to you" 
" Before monday" Simoli supplied, not a request, but a statement. 
I nodded. My stomach rumbled. " Do you want me to get you anything?" I interjected, moving the conversation towards something more fun, because all this AC stuff was making me anxious. I couldn't afford it, but I didn't know how to say it without causing my cousin to freak out. We were already behind on rent. The last thing I needed was for the two of us to pace around this place like anxious chickens. Leave it all to me to worry and figure out a way, Simoli deserved to just relax for a little while and not have to dive head deep into the travesty that was "the american dream" 
The boy flipped through pages of a messy white binder absentmindedly " No" 
I cocked my head to one side " Here i was thinking i was the only workaholic around here" 
His light brown eyes shot back at me, from this angle I could see how grandma's features have carved his cheeks, his forehead and fierce glare to be like hers. He sneered " Ou toujou ap pale kaka ou menm, you' re always talking shit" 
After agreeing on a meal for him, I walked out of the store, umbrella in hand, dodging the disgusting sewer water flooding the streets and made my way to Rousseau's. Not necessarily the idea of fresh air i had in mind but oh well. The small bar was situated in an old townhouse, with shuttle doors and peeling paint, identical to quite a few buildings here in New Orleans. A slow trepidation of old times amid the rise of modern, more expensive new developments. My sandals clattered on the wooden floor, the sight of dead leaves and debris clinging to my soles and feet, causing me to frown. I shook the water off from my umbrella and took a seat at the bar, on one of the stools that was designed far too small for people with big butts and thighs like mine. After a few trials and errors I finally felt comfortable enough to rest my bag on the metal hook beneath the bar. I pulled my now wet and frizzy orange coils on top of my head, tying them and fluffling the ends into a pineapple bun. 
A white man with blue eyes and an irish accent strolled through the swinging doors, noticed me and brought over a menu. " How ye doing? can i get you anything?" 
I ordered an IPA while I read through the small menu he had handed me. People sat in groups, some alone, all around me the room boiled with small chatter, rocks glasses knocking over wood, forks clicking and salt shakers clattering against beer bottles, hot sauce and so on. On my left was a mail lady, having a small cup of coffee and reading a newspaper, on my right was an old man slurping on a bowl of chicken soup, on a stool a few feet from him was another man, this one i had seen before, of about 6 feet tall, with umber skin and a bird tattoo clawing at his skin , having a bourbon, a small plate of french fries in front of him. 
The bartender slid a coaster in front of me and handed me my beer. The handsome man with the claw tattoo coaxed a book over his face. I can recognize a cover of Marcel Proust anywhere. He read with laser interest, his index finger bejeweled by a plain silver band, tracing his lips. 
" Miss…" 
" Yes" I blinked, " sorry long day" I laughed. When he didn't smile back, i cleared my throat and proceeded to say " i'll have a jambalaya to go, and uh " tapping my fingers against the hard menu cover, i quickly inspected the appetizer list "the pulled pork natchitoches and a small soup for here" 
He nodded, his expression solemn and bored as he took the menu back and shoved it inside an obscure shelf behind him. "Cash or card? " 
" Card" i thrusted the blue card in his hand
 " you want to keep the tab open?" 
My eyes shifted to the man again, this time he was brushing his beard, his eyes still glued to the pages of the book. I must've been staring a little too intensely because suddenly his brows knotted and his round eyes, two pools of deep brown, shaped so sensually looked back at me. My heart thudded. The bartender noticed, shifted his body to the left side of the room. I squeezed by glass, letting the chillness kiss my fingertips " No i'll close out" 
The bartender pursed his lips and nodded
 " very well then" 
I sipped on the orange brew in my glass, letting the tangy flavor flood my taste buds and slowly closed my eyes. Everything else around me, the pressure at the store, Simoli, the people inside the bar faded into the background. 
" People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which bears no relation to true immortality but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive. It is as though they were traveling abroad. " 
I stumbled upon this quote at some point while reading a shriveled copy of The captive/ the fugitive which i found at the clearance section of my local bookstore earlier this week. I haven't sat down and read for pleasure in a long time— not since college which felt like ages ago— A capsule in time where i was young, an eager witch, stupid and burning with love for Eva. There was a time where i would hear that name and would automatically feel the pull of guilt, the hollowness of losing someone, by my own volition, my own ambition creeping up inside my chest, sinking me away from this reality into one where Eva's ghost was seeking vengeance for my wrong doings. 
That feeling is dead now, my love for the woman dead with it. The only thing left is the empty space that once blossomed—Healed shut—-At least i was trying to heal. Camille had put me in touch with a friend from school who ran her own practrice now. For the last two years since the Mikealsons been gone and Marcel took over as king, i've been sneaking weekly sessions with Judith on the other side of town, trying to unpack all the shit that went down. She's suggesting medication for the insomnia and nightmares, but i'm not gonna lie, i am a bit apprehensive. I wish Camille was still with us to discuss this with, i wish my friend was still here in general to breath in the peace we've been fighting so hard for, i miss her smile.
I wetted my tongue with some of the bourbon in my glass, now watered down. I signaled to Declan to spin me another round and went back to reading my book, hunting the wisdom the renowned author penned centuries ago, when suddenly i felt a prickle at the back of my neck, the knowing sense that someone's attention was on me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and raised my eyes. I noticed a woman sitting at the other end of the bar watching me. Instictvely her gaze veered towards the content in her glass, downing it halfway like a pro, then rested it on the coaster in front of her. There was a particular nervousness about her that didn't quite travel to her round face. Her cheekbones glistened not from sweat, but rather from the products she used to maintain her appearance— she looked like she really took care of herself. Her skin was deep as a harvest moon night, as if calla lillies themselves lived beneath it. Her hair was dyed serpia orange, fixed on top of her head in a way that complimented her features.
 She was striking. Was she a witch??? I don't think i've ever seen her around here before. With the new leadership and reforms i've implemented as regeant, i wouldn't be surprised if news traveled to neighboring states and was bringing outside witches into our walls. A weird sensation sliced through my chest, and managed to somewhat buzz around my shoulders and legs. I inhaled, exhaled, i needed to get my shit together. With this new awareness therapy had provided me with, it was hard at times to know if the sensations living in my body was weariness or something else—A warning or excitement? —The alertness of a Tremé witch or the fragility of a damaged man. I hung back, balancing this particular dilemma in my head while playing with my beard as though all the answers were hidden inside it. As tempting as this new witch was, i didn't necessarily think introducing myself to this new comer was a good idea. I felt no urge to interrupt her lunch break, god knows this is the last thing any woman needs right now. 
Declan rattled the silver shaker in one hand while pouring a golden brown liquid—my drink— into a clean glass. 
For the next hour, i've given up on trying to understand pretentious literature. Leave it to some old white man to throw a pile of random shit on the wall that barely make sense, and watch the world revere him as a literary genius. This shit can get exhausting. So i scrolled through facebook instead, when that wasn't enough, i cleared Freya's emails and text messages from my screen. The apologies were getting redundant. I didn't have anymore space for anymore Mikealson guilt, not now, not in the near future. She fucked up and put a teenager's life in jeopardy and now Davina is dead. This is her burden to carry, her shame to live with. I'm done being the errand boy, the witch for hire, the punching bag and everything in between. 
Once the woman finished her meal, Declan came back with an order neatly wrapped in a plastic bag and handed it to her. She gathered her things, thanked him, and put back a pocket size book she was reading earlier into her burgundy bag, then her notebook, her headphones. Not once had she turned to look at me since i caught her in the act. The haste in her movements made me rethink a last minute introduction over. Keep it cool, maintain good distance, there couldnt possibly be any harm in doing so right?  but before i could make up my mind and muster the courage,  she was already charging for the door, belongings in hand, her large hips swaying from here to there rythmically. The gold anklets she stacked around her ankles came to view. My gaze lingered in the poetry that was her curves, my throat felt tight and dry. I snapped myself out of it, averting my attention to the ceiling fan instead. My mama didnt raise no impolite witch. I shifted in my seat, cleared my throat and made sure no one else had caught me looking—-no, lusting over this beautiful stranger. I had a reputation to uphold, that is of a widower, a regeant who wielded strong power, a leader of his community. Do leaders not allow themselves the distraction of entertaining the pleasures of the flesh?  Can good leadership coexist with the simplicity of desire? 
When her hands pressed against the dusty shuttles and disappeared behind it, i mumbled a silent prayer, ever so intimate to the universe, to let me see her again.  
Photo credit: Dorcas E Jacob on Pinterest
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merchdominator · 4 months
Mastering Amazon's Print On Demand: A Deep Dive into Merch Dominator's Features
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Amazon Merch On Demand has emerged as the most popular and ever-growing platform for sellers, individual creators, and artists looking to create and sell unique designs to a larger audience. However, getting success with Amazon print-on-demand is challenging and requires you to utilize a cutting-edge research tool like Merch Dominator that lets you stand out from the crowd in the POD marketplace.
Merch Dominator is one of the best research tools designed for PoD platforms, including Merch By Amazon, Etsy, and Redbubble to streamline the overall t-shirt design process. Well! In this article, we will dive deeper into the Merch Dominators’s key features that support your business growth and take your Amazon’s print-on-demand business to a new level of success. 
So, let’s dive right in!
Mastering Amazon's Print On Demand: A Deep Dive into Merch Dominator's Features
Here are the key features offered by Merch Dominator: 
1. Market Research
Merch Dominator is one of the biggest players in the print-on-demand industry, helping businesses to stay ahead of the competition. This powerful tool helps you find the top-selling products, the latest market data, valuable data insights, top-ranking niche ideas, and emerging trends to grow your business before your competitors do. 
2. All-in-one POD solutions
Merch Dominator provides an all-in-one POD research and keyword trends tool for various platforms like Amazon print-on-demand, MBA, Amazon KDP, Etsy, and Redbubble, allowing them to unlock new opportunities to thrive in the market. It offers complete POD solutions to keep growing your Amazon print-on-demand business. 
3. Design Ideas
As a revolutionary research tool, Merch Dominator helps you find the best POD design ideas and top-selling products that drive traffic and increase sales more efficiently. With this tool, you can quickly access the latest live data, gain accurate POD market intelligence, and much more to always keep you ahead of the competition and thrive in the market. 
4. Product Search
This Merch Dominator product search module provides access to live keyword suggestions and products directly from Amazon, allowing you to use these keywords for your next design ideas. With Merch Dominator, businesses can stay competitive with the latest, trending products and keyword suggestions that result in massive growth. 
5. Sales Estimator
Specifically designed for Merch By Amazon and KDP sellers, the Sales Estimator module provides accurate insights and projections to help you check the price of any product on Amazon print-on-demand using BSR and ASIN number. This tool works best to help you make a thoughtful decision that maximizes your profits and achieves success with Amazon print-on-demand.
6. AI Tools
Merch Dominator offers 3 powerful AI tools, including AI Listing Creator, AI Niche Generator, and AI Quote Generator. AI Listing Creator allows you to generate a listing based on important short and long-tail keywords within a few seconds using AI. With AI Niche Generator, you can generate a list of relevant, profitable niches within a matter of seconds, allowing you to unlock new business opportunities in the POD marketplace. Talking about the last one - AI Quote Generator, you can get an endless stream of inspiring and catchy quotes for your POD designs, saving you time and effort while providing fresh and engaging content.
Merch Dominator is proven to be the most successful tool in your Amazon Merch journey, providing businesses with the latest market data, valuable insights, and effective strategies that enhance your product listings, drive traffic, and boost sales. Leveraging Merch Dominator’s features can help you stay ahead of the competition and establish a solid presence to ensure success with Amazon print-on-demand. Get started with Merch Dominator today for free to ensure success with Amazon merch.
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universalcrystalprint · 6 months
Best business printing services in ghana || Universal crystal print
competitive marketplace, standing out is key to success. Whether you're a small startup or a well-established corporation, effective branding is crucial for leaving a lasting impression on your audience. At Universal Crystal Print, we understand the importance of quality printing in bringing your brand to life. As one of Ghana's leading printing services providers, we take pride in offering top-notch printing solutions tailored to meet your unique needs.
Our Commitment to Quality
At Universal Crystal Print, quality is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that your printed materials should reflect the professionalism and excellence of your brand. That's why we use state-of-the-art printing technology and premium materials to ensure that every product we deliver meets the highest standards.
Comprehensive Printing Solutions
Whether you need business cards, brochures, banners, or custom merchandise, we've got you covered. Our wide range of printing services includes:
Business Cards: Make a memorable first impression with professionally designed and printed business cards that reflect your brand identity.
Brochures and Flyers: From product catalogs to event promotions, our high-quality brochures and flyers will help you effectively communicate your message to your target audience.
Banners and Signs: Whether you're advertising an event or promoting a sale, our eye-catching banners and signs will help you capture attention and drive foot traffic.
Custom Merchandise: Put your brand on virtually anything with our custom merchandise printing services. From t-shirts and mugs to tote bags and phone cases, we can help you create unique promotional items that leave a lasting impression.
Why Choose Universal Crystal Print?
Exceptional Quality: We go above and beyond to ensure that every print job meets our stringent quality standards.
Fast Turnaround Times: We understand that time is of the essence. That's why we offer quick turnaround times without compromising on quality.
Personalized Service: Our team of printing experts is dedicated to providing personalized service and support every step of the way.
Competitive Pricing: We believe that quality printing should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer competitive pricing without sacrificing quality.
Partner with Us Today
Whether you're launching a new marketing campaign, hosting an event, or simply looking to refresh your brand materials, Universal Crystal Print is here to help. With our commitment to quality, comprehensive printing solutions, and exceptional customer service, we're your trusted partner for all your printing needs in Ghana.
Ready to elevate your brand with professional printing services? Get in touch with us today to discuss your project requirements and request a quote. Let's bring your vision to life with Universal Crystal Print!
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onnattiming · 9 months
Blog #3: Brema Brema, a versatile creative
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For my final blog post, I wanted to talk about an artist and visionary close to home; Brema Brema. He is known for founding the clothing and lifestyle brand “Unfinished Legacy”, which he started in good old Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Brema was born and raised in Sudan up until age five, where war-like conditions caused his family to flee to a Kenyan refugee camp. They later settled in Milwaukee in 2010. Growing up, Brema used skateboarding, street art and photography as his creative outlet and began interning at the Milwaukee Art Museum. One day, the staff were asked to describe themselves with one word, and one intern answered saying “unfinished”. This response resonated with Brema, it spoke to him about where he’s at now and the journey ahead of him. This epiphany influenced him to start his brand and its ethos. The concept behind an “unfinished legacy” makes you think about everything that has led you up to today and your potential of what still lies ahead. It kind of reminds me of when Kobe Bryant said “jobs not finished”, it has the same spirit. It encourages people to keep pushing forward, your legacy being “unfinished” to promote continued growth and being the best version of yourself.
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I had first heard of Brema around 2018 when he came to my high school to give a presentation of his career. At this time he was a part of a creative media group called MKE Misfits, and was screen printing for Unfinished Legacy in his basement. The garments would consist of bright, vibrant colors with the brand logo, the iconic UL butterfly or “Milwaukee” printed on jeans, t-shirts and flannels. The butterfly ended up becoming a staple of the brand ethos and message. An interview with Vogue has Brema explain the importance of the butterfly, where he says “they represent migration, which fit my upbringing perfectly” and that “butterflies can’t see their wings or how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can”. He followed by saying “I never realized my true potential and value in the world, It’s something I’ve struggled with as I continue to grow. Other people saw my talents and potential before I could.” These ideas align with Bremas story in a special way which he used to build the message behind the brand. The Vogue interview came about after Brema got some light shined on him for his “Black Lives Matter” tees, featuring the quote with butterflies around it, symbolizing hope. He would hand these tees out to protestors during the BLM movement in 2020 and sold some with proceeds going to a local youth organization True Skool. 
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There is truly no one else in the city that has made moves and an influence like Brema has. I would even consider Unfinished Legacy to be the most successful streetwear and lifestyle brand that has come out of Milwaukee. Bremas’ art relates very closely to the Harlem Renaissance, a time where African Americans blossomed in Harlem through art mediums just like Brema demonstrates. Brema uses art, visual media, music and the community built behind the brand to tell his story and create an influence on the city and rest of the world. Besides the butterfly, Unfinished Legacy showcases the power of the black experience through positive messages and graphics, adding to the central theme of hope.
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Some of these graphics include full print t-shirts of black icons; such as Bob Marley, Tupac Shakur, Basquiat, and Muhammad Ali, who’s stories relate to the brands message, and the“A Genius From The Hood'' graphic and Black History collection. To add to community influence, Brema would frequently hold pop ups at skate shops and streetwear stores in Milwaukee, New York and Los Angeles with his collection for sale and a screen print workshop where you can screenprint your own Unfinished Legacy tee. You can also find plenty of tutorials on his YouTube channel which guides you through everything you need to know to start your own clothing brand and production. 
This year, after previously living in Los Angeles for a couple years, Brema moved back to Milwaukee and opened the flagship store for Unfinished Legacy where it all started. The store showcases everything the brand is about and also serves as a creative hub, where art exhibits and creative gatherings occur to foster a growing community in the city.
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Just like the brand name says, Brema's work is unfinished. He is constantly learning and growing to reach his highest potential and influences a lifestyle for others to do so as well.
UL Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfinishedlegacy/
Brema Brema Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brema__brema/
Vogue Article: https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/brema-unfinished-legacy
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teevisionprinting1 · 10 months
5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs A T-Shirt Printing Service Near You
The growth of several companies had stagnated and even grew out of business due to the pandemic. Many of them have lost their brand identity and voice within the market. To grow, companies use marketing and brand promotion to stand out and leave a lasting impression.
One way of doing so is using customized printed tees or any apparel for their brand identity. This puts t-shirt printing businesses nearby as an asset that a growing company must have.
While there are other forms of marketing, having to wear customized apparel gives companies an instant edge over their competitors. Not only does it increase brand awareness, but it also reduces marketing costs. They can use the sales of their custom-made tee as their business leverage.
Here are five reasons your company benefits from a local t-shirt printing service near your area.
1. Creation of Your Branded Apparel
Whenever life events happen, you will want your branded apparel worn in that scenario. That said, once these garments are posted on social media, they can grow wonders for your business in a short period of time. Not only that, but it also fosters a sense of unity within its community.
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Overall, wearing matching garments as a company creates a long-lasting impression on those who see them. It will help you in your marketing and brand exposure. To do that, you'll need a T-shirt printing business near you to craft your envisioned apparel and then send it to you to make it happen.
2. Boosting Your Community Spirit
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Over the past few years, companies have realized the importance of creating a strong company culture. If you are a growing company, custom t-shirts are a great way to develop a strong emotional bond with the company. It unites your community, increasing motivation and commitment among employees to achieve the company's goals.
3. Easy Communication and Collaboration
If you find a t-shirt printing service nearby, you can work together to make your company's vision come true. You can interact in person, by phone, or by email to make sure your vision for the perfect tee is understood.
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The t-shirt printing service can help you grow your voice online or locally. Also, your company can build connections with this partnership. Now, you can make changes as you go. This will help you create a perfect product for your company's event. It will also let you connect with potential clients and expand your brand.
4. Fast Turnarounds
Speed is of the essence when you want to grow your business and make its voice known to the people locally or online. To do that you’ll need your audience or employees to wear your t-shirts and garments to promote your company. If there is a t-shirt printing service nearby, it can help you with your marketing and promotions quickly.
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You will have a swift turnaround for orders and regular daily updates. It doesn't matter whether it be for a flash sale or a spontaneous event you’ll be having next Friday – the t-shirt printing service has got you covered. Your company doesn’t need to lift a single finger.
5. Less Costly
Custom t-shirts are a cheaper option than billboards and TV ads to advertise a business. With a t-shirt printing service, anyone can design shirts for any occasion. Your company can save money using coupons from a t-shirt printing website or quote.
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Moreover, high-quality t-shirts and apparel last longer, increasing a brand's visibility over time. This has increased the demand for garments as a marketing tool if your company wants to spend less.
In today's market, it's important to have a nearby t-shirt printing service. It's especially crucial for marketing and promotions. It will provide you with your branded apparel fast at affordable prices. Your company can form partnerships to connect with the community and showcase its culture and values. You can use it to stay afloat in uncertain situations and market without speaking.
For the best custom t-shirt printing within Philadelphia, call Tee Vision Printing today at 267-538-5331, and we’ll get you started on your apparels.
Other Requirements of Poonam
Resource Box
Tee Vision Printing a.k.a TVP
Tee Vision Printing is a top t-shirt printing company in Philadelphia. They turn ideas into wearable art. The company has 10+ years of experience and uses cutting-edge printing technology. They make high-quality clothes with colorful, durable prints that look and feel great. The company has sent over 1 million clothes and got 10,000+ orders with 5+ star reviews.
Summary of Article
After the pandemic, companies struggled and lost their brand identity. So, they decided to focus on marketing and brand promotion to recover. Customized clothing, like printed t-shirts, is a great way for companies to stand out and be memorable. This has positioned local t-shirt printing businesses as essential assets for growing companies. Wearing clothing with a brand logo helps people know about the brand and is a good way to advertise.
Companies benefit from nearby t-shirt printing services in five ways. These include creating branded apparel for impactful marketing. They also foster community spirit through custom t-shirts and apparel. Additionally, companies can easily communicate and collaborate with local printing services. Moreover, they ensure fast turnarounds for marketing and promotions. Lastly, they offer a less costly alternative to traditional advertising methods. In today's business world, a nearby t-shirt printing service is vital. It offers quick, affordable, personalized solutions for effective marketing and promotions.
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puntacanalimo · 11 months
Group transportation in Punta Cana
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We are excited to be part of your first experience in PuntaCana, Dominican Republic. With our Certified Incentive Specialist - CIS, CMS, CCM Staff we offer a UNIQUE Experience for more than 20,000 guests per year. That's why we are Punta Cana Limo Transfer!
‘Punta Cana meeting and incentive DMC’ totally remodels and redefines the role of a classical ground handler into a tailor-made enterprise that accompanies you throughout your journey and with a Certified Incentive Specialist - CIS, CMS, CCM Staff, we will be an extension of your team.
We are not simply a transport provider or a holiday planner, but we are meant to offer a one to one service and to respect all your requirements, with professionalism, elegance, and authenticity.
‘P.C.M.I’ stands out because it cares about details and is always close to you.
We commit ourselves to spurt out your emotions through all our moments of truth, with the ultimate aim of making your stay full of emotions!
In order to have all the ingredients required to bring to you a ‘concierge’ service, we have combined know-how and dynamism.
From a simple booking of transfer to the elaboration of a tailored island discovery circuit or the design of a memorable Meeting and Event Program, we will do our utmost to bring to you the ‘unexpected’! The ‘P.C.M.I’ team comprises of professionals who have been at the service of the Hospitality Industry for more than fifteen years.
We would not limit ourselves to the services below which are non-exhaustive.
Welcome of guests inside the airport terminal at our counter& assistance provided by our team of hostesses, stewards & porters
Coach, private car and VIP (helicopter or luxury SUV) transfers
Counseling and booking of studios, villas, penthouses, boutique hotels & resorts
Dedicated assistance provided to guests during their stay through our Destination Hostesses & Stewards One to one build-up of island discovery circuits and activities
Organization of weddings & honeymoons
VIP Concierge Service
Personal Sales Destination Manager to assist you in the development of your business & projects.
1 to 1 rate negotiation with hotels adapted to your clientele
Monitor special offers, early-bird rates, allotments, brochure contributions, commercial actions etc.
Full support for An organization of groups, incentives & conventions (quotes, creative proposals, detailed follow-up of files & constant presence on the field)
Customer Care Hotline / 7 days - 24 hour
Together, we are Emotions’ Designers!
About Tour
See nature up-close while you venture into sugar cane fields, coffee and cocoa plantations on our adventurous safari truck. Lush tropical forests and jungle-covered mountains will make you feel like Indiana Jones! You will learn all about Dominican culture and customs directly from the local farmers.
The safari trucks take you through sugar cane plantations to a 'Finca' where you can sample freshly-picked fruits and vanilla, coffee, cacao, and sweet lemon. After a true Dominican lunch with many local dishes, you can wander around, admire the area or just kick back and relax. The journey also takes you to a local store (called a 'Colmado') where you can shop for local products like rum or coffee at very attractive prices. The day’s adventure concludes at the beautiful beach of Macao with its fabulous waves and fantastic ocean view.
Tour Itinerary And Activities
Schedule: Daily
Duration: 9:00 Am to 4:00 PM (Times can be adjusted)
Price: US$ 85.00 P/P
Included: Safari Truck with a driver, Professional tour-guide, national drinks, buffet lunch, PCMI Staff on Private tours
Not Included: Gratuities / Photos
What to Wear: Swimwear, shirt, and short pants, tennis shoes or sandals.
What to Bring: Towels, Sun Block, sunglasses, Camera and some money
Minimum to Privatize: 20PAX per Truck/ Maximum Capacity: 300PAX
Upgrade Available on Request: Half Day Safari without Lunch, Teambuilding – Challenges, Safari Hats with Group Logo, T-shirt with Logo, etc. Company Logo on Safari Trucks.
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vanandmannow · 1 year
10 Clever Ways to Save Money on Your Home Removals
Being able to move into one's own home is a dream come true, and everyone is happy to have their areas that are designed according to their needs and preferences. However, there are several things to take into account while planning a move from purging to packing the necessary goods. Once you have someone to handle the loading, unloading, and transportation of your items, hire them. All of these expenses may be too much to bear. Van Man Now Moving Services can assist you with packing and moving the items professionally. Lets us look at the ways which can be adapted to save the cost of moving a house:
Plan: Making a plan and a timeframe that must be strictly followed is the first and most crucial step. The family members might divide up the work to avoid any last-minute delays.
Compare the quotes: It is not advisable to choose residential moving services at random. A thorough search is necessary before choosing a supplier. If a packing and moving service is transporting a load to the location where you are also relocating, they may be able to carry your load as well if you are familiar with them or have moved with them in the past. After being accommodating with the dates and times, you can cut the budget in half with this method.
Decluttering: After organizing, decluttering is a crucial next step. Things/items/gadgets that haven't been used much or are obsolete can be packaged safely, marked as obsolete, and made to leave the house. However, certain items, like clothing and shoes, can be donated to help people save money overall and spare themselves the hassle of purchasing home products they don't even need.
Try to arrange for boxes rather than buying: Instead of buying brand new supplies such as boxes or wrapping and packing material the best option. The best option, in this case, is you can approach friends or neighbors who have just shifted if they have moving boxes or any leftover packing material such as tape. Items such as socks, towels, T-shirts, and sweaters all work great as alternatives for wrapping glassware and protecting your valuables.
Pack yourself: The Residential moving service provider can lend a helping hand with packing and organizing the belongings. Due to the need for more labor, more funding is necessary. The ideal course of action would be to pack the items oneself rather than leave them to the hiring provider because this could result in financial constraints.
Book off-season to move: Consider moving during the week or during non-holiday periods when there is less demand and moving and packing services offer significant reductions on their standard prices.
Go for a garage sale: While moving you are in a situation where you have stuff that has no space in your new home or is no longer required then the garage sale is the best way to make money and put less burden on the pocket. By selling clothes, crockery, and furniture you will decrease the load of the vehicle and hence have to pay less.
Don't hesitate to ask for help: Get help from family and friends as it is a challenging task and can keep us on our toes for a long time.
Prepare a bag of necessities: The final, and most crucial, step is to keep a bag of necessities that will be needed right away at the new home. It needs to be available to the family and include all they'll need. It may contain food, fresh towels, toiletries, toilet paper, and medicines.
Compare and negotiate: Compare the prices of the various moving and packing services before making a van and man reservation. A reasonable representation of the current market rate will be provided. One should also read the service provider's reviews. Make sure there are no unforeseen charges before you sign the contract. Find out whether any additional fees for insurance and tolls will affect the overall budget. Van Man Now moving services provides the optimum solution to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition to a new home.
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arttey63 · 1 year
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"Famous People Quote, Maria Montessori, Boho Dreamer Back-to-School" Art Print for Sale by TeyMank
Discover the Boho Dreamer Back-to-School Collection, a whimsical blend of art and wisdom that celebrates the love for learning and personal growth. Inspired by the enchanting beauty of watercolor, our products are adorned with a captivating pastel background that soothes the soul and sparks creativity.
For mothers, we offer a range of chic apparel, including cozy sweatshirts and flowy t-shirts, all featuring Maya Angelou's timeless quote: "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Empower yourself with this powerful message while embracing the bohemian spirit.
Teachers, let your passion for education shine with our delightful tote bags and mugs. Carry your essentials in style and enjoy your favorite beverages with a side of inspiration. With the words of Maya Angelou guiding you, every day will be a chance to make a difference in young minds.
Schools can infuse their classrooms with art wall pieces that breathe life into the learning environment. Our watercolor masterpieces, adorned with the iconic quote, create an atmosphere of growth, knowledge, and imagination.
And for the kids' rooms, our notebooks and backpacks are perfect companions on their educational journey. With the boho-chic design and words of wisdom, these accessories will inspire young minds to dream big and embrace learning with enthusiasm.
Get ready for a new school year with the Boho Dreamer Collection. Unleash your inner creativity, honor the wisdom of Maya Angelou, and embark on an educational adventure like no other.
I hope you find this collection both inspiring and delightful for your back-to-school shopping needs. Happy shopping and may this school year be filled with joy, growth, and boundless possibilities!
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Private Brand T Shirt Suppliers in Tirupur
T-Shirt Manufacturer in Tirupur, India — Quality and Variety for Every Age Tirupur, recognized as the textile capital of India, is home to some of the most reputable t-shirt manufacturers in Tirupur. Our company stands out for its dedication to quality, comfort, and style, specializing in crafting high-quality custom t-shirts for men, women, and children. With our commitment to excellence, we have become a trusted choice for retailers and brands seeking reliable t-shirt solutions tailored to their specific needs.
Extensive Product Range We offer a diverse selection of t-shirts designed to cater to all age groups. Our product lineup includes:
Men’s T-Shirts
Crew neck t-shirts
V-neck t-shirts
Polo t-shirts
Long-sleeve t-shirts
Women’s T-Shirts
Fitted t-shirts
Loose-fit t-shirts
Crop tops
Tank tops
Kids’ T-Shirts
Boys’ t-shirts
Girls’ t-shirts
Printed t-shirts
Cartoon character t-shirts
With such a wide variety, we ensure that every customer can find a style that meets their preferences.
High-Quality Materials and GSM Options As one of the top t-shirt manufacturers in Tirupur India, we prioritize quality in every t-shirt we produce. We use premium materials, including:
100% cotton
Organic cotton
Polyester blends
Our t-shirts are available in different GSM (grams per square meter) options, allowing you to select the ideal weight for your needs:
120 GSM: Lightweight and breathable, perfect for casual wear.
160 GSM: A versatile option that balances comfort and durability.
220 GSM: A heavier, premium feel, ideal for quality-conscious customers.
This range ensures that our t-shirts are soft, durable, and suitable for various occasions.
Custom T-Shirt Solutions for Your Brand As a reliable t-shirt supplier in Tirupur, we understand the importance of branding for businesses. We offer extensive customization options to help you create t-shirts that reflect your brand identity. Our services include:
Screen printing
Digital printing
Heat transfer
Whether you need custom designs for corporate uniforms, promotional giveaways, or retail sales, our team collaborates with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring that each custom t-shirt meets your quality standards.
Get in Touch for Your T-Shirt Requirements If you are searching for a dependable t-shirt manufacturer in Tirupur, look no further. We invite you to contact us to discuss your needs. Whether you require bulk orders or custom designs, our team is ready to assist you. Reach out to us via our website or phone, and we’ll provide you with a personalized quote. Trust us to deliver high-quality t-shirts that align with your vision and exceed your expectations. Let us be your partner in navigating the thriving apparel market!
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finishinglinepress · 1 year
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: Simple Fantasies by Sujash Purna
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/simple-fantasies-by-sujash-purna/
Simple Fantasies is a collection of dreamscapes filled with longing. A continuation from the Epidemic of Nostalgia by the same author, this group of poems extend into the parallels between #daydreams and a #reality of the #immigrant who has a long way to go. Nothing else surpasses the embedded saudade– from curry stains on the lover’s shirt to the lapis lazuli eyes glinting at the sunset to the fragrance of rain. In this longing there is an innocence and there is a search for #home inside love.
Sujash Purna is a Bangladeshi poet and photographer based in Madison, Wisconsin. A first-year PhD fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he is the author of “Biriyani” (Poet’s Haven) and "Epidemic of Nostalgia'' (Finishing Line Press). His poetry has appeared in California State Poetry Quarterly, Reed Magazine, South Carolina Review, Hawai`i Pacific Review, Kansas City Voices, Poetry Salzburg Review, Gutter, Stonecoast Review, and others. A 2022 Anaphora Residency Fellow and Moon City Review Creative Nonfiction Award Winner, Sujash is the poetry editor for Pyre Magazine. His “Azans for the Infidel” and “Simple Fantasies” are forthcoming from Mouthfeel Press’s CLASH! Books and Finishing Line Press in 2023. His photography piece “Enamored with the Unknown” is forthcoming in the Ilanot Review. Sujash and his photography can be found on Instagram @poeticnomadic
PRAISE FOR Simple Fantasies by Sujash Purna
For a young poet like Sujash Purna, it might seem surprising that all but a few of the twenty poems in his Simple Fantasies, concern themselves with time and its passing. This clear obsession (from a poet who has already given to the world a book titled Epidemic of Nostalgia) continues to produce lyrically poignant work with consistently arresting and sometimes surreal imagery and a sense of loss belying each captured moment’s present. For though we are “bound by time” (“An Urn on a Bookshelf,”) time itself “runs away like rustling /leaves brushing gently/against our bare feet” (“Holding on to”). The only respite offered comes i n the title poem in which love, at least for a time, allows the poet to be “no more haunted” the years “departure doesn’t scare me, / with you beside me, we can cup our hands, catch watercolor raindrops.” Of course the title of that poem is “Simple Fantasies,” but perhaps in that poem and it title, Purna suggests the power of both imagination and love to suspend, in a beautifully rendered moment, the dictates of time.
–Joe Benevento, author of The Cracker Box Poems
One thing that separates the poet Sujash Purna from many of his contemporaries is his sharp wit, sense of humor, and considerable skill for unlayering conscious versions of the self as a measure of social performance in which the speaker fails to settle his conflicted heart. In Simple Fantasieswhat might at first appear to be persona translates more accurately to a Jungian sense of anima, a deeper hidden self. Here is a consummate magician who often takes as his strategy a series of comic missteps, which shift a poem’s central consideration from the earthly realm to the metaphysical.
–Marcus Cafagña, author of All the Rage in the Afterlife This Season
One part of the fantasy of Sujash Purna’s Simple Fantasies is to be released from what haunts us –“I almost forced you to return to my memory / as if on a Ouija board”. We are haunted by our own stories, as we are haunted by what others have felt safe enough to share with us, but from which we may never recover (“I remember moments and lapses, and ghosts buzzing / like bees on a honeycomb of gilded space and time”). But the other part, woven throughout this collection, is love. The people and places, the smells and tastes we love today are not destined to be tomorrow’s ghosts–we are the caretakers of these memories and hold them forever in our bodies.
–Sara Burge, author of Apocalypse Ranch
Please share/please repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry #chapbook #read #poems #immigrant #home
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