#i definitely WENT to the movies more than i ever have in a single year. 2023 releases were fun! i had a blast at bottoms
glennmillerorchestra · 6 months
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i was tagged by maddie @leonardcohenofficial to post my top 9 ntm watches of 2023! i really slacked on my film goals this year but the movies i DID watch i enjoyed :)
in no particular order, L-R from the top:
asteroid city (2023), dir. wes anderson mr. smith goes to washington (1939), dir. frank capra mermaids (1990), dir. richard benjamin the shop around the corner (1940), dir. ernst lubitsch salmonberries (1991), dir. percy adlon harlan county, usa (1976), dir. barbara kopple to wong foo, thanks for everything! julie newmar (1995), dir. beeban kidron the caddy (1953), dir. norman taurog bottoms (2023), dir. emma seligman
i'll tag @frogeye-pierce @juliebarnes @iwrotemrtambourineman :))
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
Jack’s college roommate and best man at our wedding (with whom he keeps in fairly regular contact) just messaged Jack to ask if Mad Mad Fury Road is any good
it’s been eight years
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casuallyawkardd · 1 year
Close Encounters of the Spiderkind
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Single Mother!Reader
Summary: When reader refuses to go on a mission, Miguel decides to pay a home visit to figure out why 
Warnings: SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR ATSV! fluff, slight hurt/comfort and angst if you squint hard enough, Miguel is a softie around kids, it’s giving slow burn/platonic vibes, not fluent in Spanish so feel free to correct my wording/punctuation
A/N: This is kind of my way of dipping my toes back into the world of fanfiction writing, if ya’ll end up liking it I was planning on making it a little series of sorts. Not necessarily a multipart story, rather just little moments following the same general characters. I took the liberty of assigning a gender and name to the reader’s daughter since that sounded like it’d be easier in terms of writing, the rest is still like any Y/N story. Reader is also a spider person, but I’m not married to the idea for future oneshots? Drabbles? I don’t know what you kids call them nowadays...
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It had only been a couple months since you had joined Spider-Society and, while you were still trying to find your footing, things were going a lot better than expected. There was a comradery with being around other people with the same abilities, who had experienced the same losses, victories and all that came with wearing the mask. You had found some good friends among the other Spiders, particularly with Peter B and Jess, as there was a common ground there that you had yet to share with them; something that the three of you had in common.
That commonality was currently asleep in the other room, your daughter Vada. For once, it had been a day where the radios were quiet. No calls from HQ to go on missions, no worrying chatter on the police radios, so you had taken the day to spend time with your daughter. The three year old was going through a phase where she was having nightmares almost every night, so the day was spent at home relaxing. From watching movies, to cooking meals together, Vada had been your little shadow all day and you had enjoyed every second of it.  While your toddler had tuckered herself out, you were restless, curled up on the couch watching TV at a low enough volume that only you could hear, thanks to your heightened senses. It may have been almost midnight, but that was still considered an early night for you. Used to the regime of patrolling until early in the morning and crawling into bed to get a few hours asleep before Vada came in to ask for her breakfast. Just as you were starting to feel the pull of sleep on your eyelids, letting the quiet calm sink into your bones, the moment was then yanked from you. When the beeping started the first time, you had acted on instinct to silence the noise. Your hand practically slapped the Gizmo on your wrist, the same Gizmo given to you by Miguel when you had joined his Spider-Society.  Ugh, Miguel. It was a damn shame that such a pretty face was wasted on a sourpuss like him. While being the leader of an elite group of Spider-People sounded like no easy task, there were times the man definitely took it too seriously. Sure, he had a great work ethic and was a respectable leader, but that all came with the downside that you couldn’t stand being around him for more than five minutes. You two hadn’t gotten off on the right foot and it seemed like he wouldn’t let you live that down. Ever the stern, cold-hearted leader, barking orders and chewing your ass out if something went wrong. He hardly ever smiled and when he did it was condescending, almost smug as he questioned just how intelligent you actually were. A waste of a pretty face indeed.
That pretty face came to mind when you looked down at your Gizmo, which was beeping once more, finally processing that it was Miguel who was trying to contact you. Shit.
“Hello?” your voice is quiet, wary as you answer him finally; trying to keep quiet for the toddler sleeping in the other room. Also because of the worry that you’ve pissed him off once again.
“Why aren’t you answering?” his voice cuts through the silence, monotone and firm. “An anomaly was detected on Earth-616, go take care of it. Ben Reilly and Peter Parker from Earth-13122 are already en route.”
“I....can’t,” you cringe as the word leaves your mouth. The pregnant pause that follows feels like an eternity.
“What do you mean you ‘can’t’?” He spits the word back at you, like you offended him with just the one syllable. More silence follows, Miguel waiting for your answer and you not knowing what to say. “...Is something wrong?”
“I have to go,” you end the call, not even registering the concern that had slid its way into his tone. With a heavy sigh, you lay your head against the back of the couch, regretting how you handled the situation, but thankful it was dealt with. That is until the familiar sound of a portal opening and closing disturbs your precious quiet once more. 
It makes you almost jump out of your skin, physically lurching off the couch, the warm hues from the light of the portal filling your living room and disappearing as quickly as they came. In their place is Miguel, clad in his spidersuit from head to toe. A wave of emotions goes through you, the look of shock, confusion and anger crossing your face in less than a second. He doesn’t seem to have noticed you yet, glancing around the space and disengaging his mask when he doesn’t register any immediate threats.
“What are you doing here!?” it takes all you have not to shout the words at him, instead resorting to a sort of hiss to keep your voice down. Miguel doesn’t seem to take the hint.
“This is why you couldn’t come? Because you’re too busy lounging around and watching trash TV?” he isn’t shouting per se, rather his tone makes him sound louder. That and the quiet of your apartment probably amplified his voice even more. “I know the weight of keeping the multiverse intact might go over your head, but the least you could do is be there for your teammates. I don’t allow slackers in my-” “Shh!” you’re moving towards him without even realizing, motherly instinct telling you to silence the noise that dared try to wake your daughter. Your hand reaches to cover his loud mouth and Miguel takes a step back to avoid your touch, the frustration reflecting in his eyes turning into red, hot anger. 
“Did you just ‘shh’ me!?” he sounds as if he’s in disbelief, his voice now actually rising in volume. You stumble over your words, trying to apologize and explain yourself all at once. Now it’s his turn to step towards you, his imposing frame towering over you and you can’t help but shrink back, “I don’t know who you think you are, but if you don’t get your ass in your suit, I’ll-”
“Mama?” Vada’s little voice cuts through the air, both Miguel and you freezing. When you turn to look at your daughter, who’s standing in the doorway to her bedroom, it feels like everything around you fades away. The static of the TV, Miguel, everything until all you can focus on is Vada. She’s clearly distressed, as you come to kneel in front of her you can see the tears in her big round eyes, the redness around them and on her nose, the slight tremble in her bottom lip. You know what’s wrong before she even has to explain.
“Sweet girl, another one?” you ask calmly, a hand going to stroke her hair. Vada nods, confirming your suspicion that she had been roused by yet another nightmare. The creak of the floorboards alerts you of Miguel taking a step closer and you’re suddenly very much aware of his presence once again. However, your eyes don’t leave Vada’s crying face. “Let’s get you back into bed,” you try to coax her into heading back the way she came, your toddler only resisting and shaking her head firmly.
“I want Mama’s bed,” she demands, sounding groggy as the sleep she had just risen from had yet to fully leave her. Vada doesn’t even let you respond before her tiny arms wrap around your neck, face pressing into the junction of your neck and shoulder, “Want you,” she mutters against you, the exhaustion and distress in her voice making your heart ache for her. “Vada,” you sigh heavily, exhausted as well. Exhausted from the heavy workload of being Spider-Woman not just for your universe, but other universes as well. Exhausted from the fact your child couldn’t get a wink of sleep and seeing her frustrated made you frustrated as well. You cave, scooping your daughter up in your arms and standing. Her body molds to yours, relaxing against your frame like it had done so many times before. As you rub her back and kiss her temple, you’re forced to turn and deal with the elephant in the room. Or rather the spider. 
You expect Miguel to look annoyed, as usual, but he isn’t. In fact, the anger he was prepared to unleash on you moments ago seems to have vanished, replaced with a look of curiosity, intrigue and dare you say....awe? He’s looking at Vada, who’s about to pass out in your arms, with a softened expression, the sight of the small girl seeming to tug the corners of his mouth up just slightly.
Miguel seems to catch himself staring, shaking his head to clear the fog and meeting your gaze once more. “I...didn’t know,” is all he can say, not as confident in the way he stands.
“No one knows,” you reply in a much harsher tone than you intended. After a deep breath, you adjust how you speak, “I’ve only been on the team for a couple months. It’s not that I don’t trust the other spiders...I just want to be careful, yah know?” Miguel nods along with what you say and you can’t help but keep talking to fill the now awkward silence, “Usually I have someone to watch her, but it’s been so long since I’ve had a day to just give her all my attention- I promise, it won’t happen again. I know that I should answer if you call-”
“Cállate,” Miguel cuts you off and you’re almost grateful he’s saved you from rambling. There’s another moment of silence before he sighs, “You don’t have to explain yourself, really. If I had known,” he waves a hand to indicate to your daughter, “this was the reason you were ignoring my calls, I wouldn’t have been so hard on you. Your daughter comes first, I get it.”
His words hit harder than they should. Every Spider-Person had heard the story. How Miguel was willing to put his own duties aside to live in a universe where he had a daughter of his own. Replacing the him of that universe, who had died tragically, to live the life he had always wanted; only to have that universe crumble around him. Literally. It explained his cold demeanor, you’d probably be a bitch too if your daughter died in your arms, but that coldness you had become accustomed to seemed to melt away the longer he took in the sight of you holding your daughter.
“You said her name’s Vada?” he asks, stepping a little closer. Normally, you would probably keep your distance from him, maternal instincts in overdrive with an imposing figure like Miguel so close to Vada, but you stay in place. Not bothered by his presence for once. He’s looking at you, expecting an answer, and you nod your head. He hums, “How old?”
“Three,” you answer and he hums again. “...Is everything okay? Regarding the mission?”
“Huh? Oh,” he clears his throat, adjusting his stance and taking a small step back. When had he gotten so close to you? “I think those two should be fine on their own. Earth-13122′s Spider-Man knows what he’s doing and-”
“You know, you can just call him Lego Spider-Man. Everyone calls him Lego Spider-Man.”
“That’s not his correct title.”
“Uh-huh,” you smile, holding back a laugh at how serious Miguel seemed to be about the subject. “...Well, I think it’s time we go to bed.”
“Right, right,” Miguel moves like he’s about to walk out the front door, seeming to forget that he had come via portal and catching himself as his hand grasps the handle. Has he always been this socially awkward? He turns to look at you again, “Should I just...?”
“Yes, please open your noisy portal outside.”
“Claro que sí,” he nods in understanding, opening the door. Just as he’s about to leave, he pauses again, turning to look back at you, “Even if you’re busy, you should still answer when I call. I was worried about you.”
“Worried about me?” you repeat, a bit of teasing in your voice.
“Worried as in the normal amount of worried.”
“Sure, sure, O’Hara.”
“I’m leaving now,” he huffs, turning to leave again. Yet he can’t help but stop one more time, “Goodnight.”
He finally leaves, door shutting with a soft click. You go to the door to lock it, carrying Vada into your room for bed. It seems that she had managed to fall back asleep despite your little interaction with Miguel. As you lay down and pull the comforter over the two of you, Vada snuggling impossibly close to you once more, you lie there thinking about what had just transpired. 
Maybe his pretty face wasn’t a waste. 
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@l0sert0wn​ @deputy-videogamer @arctic4life @sasaleleselfships @autismsupermusicalassassin @snert-bees @qundadedingle11 @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @fangirlreice7 @mouse-teagreat @andr3wgarfieldsupremacist @yellieeeee​ @thesrtuggleisveryreal @escherichiacolli @sweeteaacorner @marvelouslovely-barnes @meeom​ @candlewitch-cryptic​ @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap​ @melovetitties @ilovemycat6808​ @vegas-writing-den​ @pippethealien @shibble​ @mommyhange1​ @chiikasevennn @pokhouu @jenniferdixon05207​ @m0sscr3ates​ @momos-peaches​ @insanelycrazyanddelusional @miggyoharaswife @justtnat​ @imliquidesmooth @thedevillovesflowers @mvc2019  @starrynightnight​ @risinglightmoon​ @charming4u @whitetearx @blueparadisecollection16s @idontknowwhatimgoinghere @ziyahshinez
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supercap2319 · 2 months
I was wonder if you could do an x male reader for Peter Hale. Where it’s Young Peter and Peter just realized male reader is his mate after catching his scent. And he just trips on his own face in the middle of the high school halls because that where Peter first caught their scent
Peter learned about mates from such a young age. His older sister, Talia, would tell him stories of what it would be like to have and mate, and when Peter would find his, he would know. He thought that Corinne might be his true mate. She was cute enough, but maybe it was more hormonal than true love.
He pushed his way through the hallways of Beacon Hills. Nothing bad or exciting ever happened here. Peter's family was the only pack in town. Of course, there were the Argents, specifically, Chris Argent, in almost every single one of Peter's classes. Peter knew that he would turn out to be just like the rest of his family. Hunters. Hunters of Peter's kind. Of werewolves.
Maybe Peter would go visit his sister after school and his two year old nephew, Derek. Catch a movie or go for a run in the woods. Whatever Peter's original plans were going to be were put to a stop as he inhaled something sweet and sharp. Almost like a cinnamon scent. Peter felt his inner wolf howl with delight as his eyes flashed gold for a second, and his claws and canines came out. What the hell was going on? Why was he shifting in the middle of the hallway....
Then Peter saw him: Y/N L/N.
Y/N was on the basketball team with Noah Stilinski. He was a golden boy. He was kind to all, and he was fucking burning Peter's nose with his scent. The smell of cinnamon was all over him, and Peter realized that this mortal boy was his mate. A male was his mate? Who would have guessed it?
Peter was so caught up in Y/N's smell that he accidentally tripped over his own two feet and came crashing to the floor in the middle of the hallway. Books, pens, papers, and Peter's Walkman of Nirvana went all across the floor. The sounds of laughter and ridicule were heavy on Peter's ears as the entire hallway saw his little slip up and started laughing and pointing at him.
The young werewolf would have gladly tore through everyone in school, especially, Argent, but the calming scent of his mate filled his nose, and Peter watched as Y/N kneeled down beside him and helped him pick up his stuff. "Shit, man. You okay?" Y/N asked once Peter was on his feet again.
Peter's head was still dizzy from his mate's scent, and it took everything Peter had not to take him right then and there in the hallway. He swallowed. "Yeah. Thanks, man. Guess I slipped on the floor wax." It was a lame excuse, but Y/N didn't seem to be interested in Peter's lies. He was looking at a cassette Peter's Walkman had dropped. "Dude, you like Pearl Jam and Metallica too? I love these guys."
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Peter looked at him and smirked. "Me too. Maybe we should hang out sometime and listen to them?"
"Definitely." Y/N smiled.
The bell rang as Y/N looked at Peter. "Better get to class. Hope you're okay, Peter."
"Thanks for the help, Y/N." Peter smiled as the young man flashed him a smile and left as Peter finally found his mate.
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hockey-fics · 1 year
The Summer It All Changed ~ Quinn Hughes
ft. Jack and Luke being idiots 
Summary: You grew up with Quinn and for the longest time you really were just friends. But perhaps that’s not all you’re meant to be. 
Word Count: ~5,000
Warnings: Smut, drinking, language. 
A/N: I barely edited this, it’s not my best work. I’m really just trying to get back into the whole actually finishing my WIPs thing. 
You had known the Hughes family your entire life. Quite literally. Your parents were friends and you grew up alongside the three boys. You had been affectionately linked with Jack for most of your life. You were just under a year younger than Jack and your parents seemed to believe that should mean that you two would be best friends. And it wasn’t that you weren’t friends, you definitely were. But it wasn’t Jack that you always seem to gravitate to. It was Quinn who was the recipient of all your attention growing up. 
He would pretend to be annoyed, particularly during the middle school years when being spotted with the younger kids seemed like the most embarrassing thing anyone could imagine. But no matter how much he would pretend everyone could tell he was never really annoyed by you. 
He was always the one who made sure you were able to keep up when you went on bike adventures with the,. He didn’t get annoyed when you didn’t understand the rules of a new game after a single half-assed explanation from Jack or Luke. He made sure to not let everyone talk over you when you were young and quiet. He was the one who taught you how to skate and he was the one who would fight to let you have input on the movie for movie nights. 
Quinn had been there for you during some of the best and worst times of your life. 
The first time you got drunk, in a classmate’s basement drinking glass after glass of boxed red wine, it was Quinn who you called. He was the only one of your friends that had their license, but more than that he was the only one you really wanted in that moment. When he showed up you were sitting alone on the front steps of the house, staring at the ground desperately willing the world to stop spinning around you. Quinn took you home that night, helped you sneak into your bedroom. He got you water and the garbage can from the bathroom, knowing you may not make it through the night with the contents of your stomach still in your body. You barely remembered the night the next morning and Quinn never once tried to tease you about it the way you knew any of your other friends would have. 
Your first teenage heartbreak was as stereotypical as it could be. You had been with him for a whopping six months, which was quite the feat at fifteen years old. You holed up in your living room with your best friend, a pint of ice cream, and an endless stream of movies playing in the background. It was two days after the breakup when Jack showed up to see if you wanted to go on a bike ride. To this day you still weren’t sure who told who what but the news of your breakup eventually made its way back to Quinn. He showed up that evening and after being let into the house by your mom he hesitantly made his way to you, like you were a feral animal that might sprint off if he made too sudden of a movement. He didn’t know what to say, that was apparent to anyone hearing his awkward statements of condolences. But he stayed with you late into that night, watching movies with you and your best friend, making jokes that lightened the mood and letting you curl up next to him, your head on his shoulder for most of the evening. 
You discovered your acceptance into your dream university while your parents were at work and you were home alone. After an ecstatic sprint around your empty house you ended up at the Hughes’ residence, banging on the door like you were in desperate need of help. It was Luke who answered the door, the unwilling recipient of one of the most rambunctious hugs you had ever given in your life. He had hugged you back with a palpable hesitation. After telling him the great news you received a half-assed congratulations. But Quinn was in the room a minute later, barrelling his way to you. He gave you the congratulations you were looking for, telling you he had no doubts you would get accepted and assuring you that you were going to do so incredible in university. 
Obviously you had known that Quinn was going to get drafted in the 2018 draft. You knew it was going to happen, you knew that you couldn’t live down the road from Quinn forever. But when you watched Quinn get picked by the Canucks the excitement you had for him was mixed with a sinking feeling. Vancouver. It wasn’t just far it was in a whole other country. The first time you saw him after the draft you put on your bravest face, hugging him tight with a sincere congratulations. You were happy for him, you really were. But you had only kept your emotions in check for a short time that day. Before you knew it you were crying in his arms, confessing how scared and sad you were to soon not have him around. He had assured you he was still going to be around, that it would just be different. And he wasn’t wrong, taking the spot for the person you texted the most for many, many years. 
After you left for university and Quinn was living in Vancouver you didn’t see each other much. But there was one thing that you could always look forward to. Summer. After you finished your exams for the year and Quinn’s hockey season came to end you would both return home for the summer. 
It was during those summers that your feelings for Quinn truly developed. Those long, hot days were when you realized your feelings for him weren’t the feelings you have for someone who was just a friend. But you never said anything, never did anything to act on your feelings. You were so close and your families were so intertwined that the risk of complicating things scared you out of doing anything. 
You were nearing the end of your years at university, after having completed three full years you headed home for yet another summer with your family and childhood friends. This year was different though, this year you were going to be spending two weeks on the beaches of Hawaii with the Hughes family. 
It wasn’t like it was the first time you had gone on a trip with the Hughes family. But it was different. This was the first year you were able to drink, legally at least. You were all older now. You had your own hotel room, not sleeping on a cot in a room with your parents. You had a level of freedom you never had under the watchful eye of parental guardians. 
“Are we still going to the beach?” you ask, crammed in the elevator of the hotel you had just checked in to with Jack, Luke, and Quinn and about 3 too many suitcases. 
“Yeah, what’s your room number? We can meet you there and go down together?” Quinn offers. 
There’s a couple snickers after his question, Jack being the one to actually speak up. “Yeah, I bet that’s why you wanna know where her room is.”
“Fuck off,” Quinn mutters, elbowing Jack in the ribs. 
Your eyes shift back and forth between them, feeling on the outside of an inside joke. “614,” you state as the elevator doors slide open on the 6th floor. Stepping out of the elevator you drag your bags behind you, heading down the elevator to your room. It’s a beautiful room, one that Quinn had insisted on helping you pay for after you nearly opted out of the trip over the price. 
Digging through your suitcase you find a bikini, pulling it on your body before spinning around in front of the mirror, taking in every angle to ensure it looked okay. Sighing to yourself you adjust the straps a few times, wondering if perhaps it was a little too much for a vacation with some of your closest family friends. But before you have the opportunity to change into anything else there’s a knock on the door. 
Pulling it open you look up at Jack, watching his eyes blatantly travel up and down your body. “Who you wearing this for?” Jack teases. 
Swatting his arm you step aside, letting him into your hotel room. “Is it too much?”
“You mean you have something with less?” Jack chuckles, sitting down on the edge of your bed. 
“Shut up,” you mutter, glancing in the mirror. “Seriously, should I change?”
“Nah, you’re going to make some people pretty happy in that.”
“Gross,” you comment, tossing a few beach essentials into a tote bag as you wait for the other two to get to your room. It’s not long before another knock draws your attention and you open the door, gazing up at Quinn with a smile. “Hi,” you greet, stepping to the side. 
Quinn’s eyes aren’t as easy to follow, darting around to various parts of the room, not lingering on you for more than a couple seconds at a time. “H-hey,” Quinn stammers, clearing his throat. 
“Are you going to come in or just stand there?” you tease, watching Quinn finally take a step into your room.
Quinn freezes again when his eyes land on Jack, glancing back over to you for a moment. “How long have you been here?” Quinn asks, walking over to sit next to Jack. 
“Chill,” Jack chuckles, shaking his head. He whispers something to Quinn that you can’t hear and you look back to the mirror, more than convinced now that you should change. 
“I’ll find something else to wear,” you declare, digging through your suitcase again. 
“Oh my god,” Jack groans, flopping down onto the bed. “Now you need to chill, that’s not what I was talking about.”
“Then what were you whispering about?” you exclaim, spinning back around to face them. 
Jack chuckles, still staring at the ceiling. “What did I say, Quinn?”
Quinn opens his mouth to say something, cut off by another knock on the door. “Guess it’s time to head to the beach,” Quinn states, hoping up from the edge of your bed and opening your door, in the hallway before you have a chance to say anything more. 
Yanking on a pair of shorts and grabbing your bag you hurry after Quinn. The four of you are approaching the elevator when you wrap your hand around Quinn’s wrist, pulling him to a halt. You wait for the other two to get a few steps away before saying anything. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Quinn mutters with a shrug. 
“Obviously it’s not nothing, Quinn. Something is off and I feel weird and….uncomfortable.”
“I’m sorry,” Quinn says quickly, eyes diverting to the ground for a second. “I promise it’s nothing, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“Can’t you just tell me the truth?” you whisper, never thinking you would have to ask Quinn to be honest with you. 
“Not right now,” Quinn says quietly. “But I promise it’s nothing bad, it’s nothing you’ve done or anything.”
Sighing you reach out, wrapping your arms around his torso. “I just don’t want this to become a thing, Quinn. I’ve missed you and just want this trip to be fun.”
“It will be, I promise, it’s not going to be weird.” 
Nodding you take his hand, hurrying to the elevator that Luke was holding open for the two of you. 
Down on the beach you claim a lounge chair amongst an empty row, laying your towel down before sitting down, watching Quinn lay his stuff down on the chair beside you. “Not going to swim with them?” you inquire, nodding towards Luke and Jack as they make their way towards the water. 
“Nah, maybe later,” Quinn says, sitting down next to you. “Rather be here with you.”
You can’t help but notice the way your stomach flutters with butterflies at that comment, with the way he was looking at you. Your cheeks begin to flush as you notice Quinn’s eyes drifting down from your eyes to your chest. You contemplate making a joke about it but if you were being honest you didn’t want him to stop and you weren’t willing to risk making him feel uncomfortable it. 
“Do you want a drink?” Quinn asks a few minutes later, looking over at the bar not far down the beach. 
“Yeah, sure.” Standing up you walk along the beach next to Quinn, the sand hot beneath your feet, a gentle breeze tossing your hair. “What are you getting?” 
“Probably just a beer,” Quinn shrugs as the two of you stop in front of the bar, looking at the small cocktail menu. 
“You’re so boring,” you tease. 
“Well what are you getting?”
“A Mai Tai,” you tell him, simply reading the first drink listed on the menu you were looking at. 
“What’s in that?” 
Shrugging you laugh quietly, looking up at him. “No idea, I’m sure it’s good though.”
“You’re going to end up hating it and I’ll have to drink it.”
“That’s not true,” you exclaim, though if you were being honest that exact situation had happened many times in your years of knowing Quinn. 
After ordering and getting your drinks the two of you head back to the lounge chairs. It doesn’t take long for you to fall back into your typical routine with Quinn. You would talk, maybe a little too much, he would listen intently, cracking jokes here and there. The two of you would break out into fits of giggles, laughing till your stomach hurt and you could barely catch your breath. When you were with him it felt like nothing could possibly go wrong, everything just felt so easy. 
The first couple days of the holiday go by in much the same fashion. Wake up later than you should, have breakfast late enough that it becomes brunch. Spend the day on the beach or going out around the city. Drinking begins long before dinner happens and when you finally get around to figuring something out for dinner you’re tipsy and thoroughly warmed from the day in the sun. Drinking rarely slowed after dinner, the location of where that happened did seem to change nightly, from bars to clubs to the beach. 
You’re sitting at a table in a bar at the hotel on night four when you lean closer to Quinn, catching his attention. “Will you go for a walk with me? I want to go down to the beach,” you whisper.
Quinn nods in response, finishing what was left in his glass before setting it down on the table. “We’ll be back in a bit,” Quinn says to the others at the table, walking with you down the steps from the bar to the pathway down to the beach. 
You walk together in a comfortable silence, till you get closer to the edge of the water, plopping down on the sand. Quinn follows your lead, sitting down next to you. The sand is cool now with the sun long gone, the moon shining off the surface of the ocean. 
“Thanks for inviting me here,” you say to Quinn, leaning your head on his shoulder. You can feel your heart racing in your chest, the physical contact felt so much more significant now than it ever had in the past.
Quinn chuckles, setting his hand on the sand behind you, letting you lean further into him. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”
“Well thank you for paying for so much stuff for me, you really didn’t have to do all this,” you tell him, lifting your head to look up at him. “I really appreciate it.”
“I would have paid for all of it.”
Laughing you shake your head. “You’re too nice to me.”
“Is that a problem?” Quinn chuckles, turning his attention away from the ocean to look down at you. 
Your eyes lock and there’s a silence between the two of you that lasts a little longer than feels natural. “No,” you finally whisper. You let out a heavy breath, trying not to let your thoughts get too out of control as your eyes fall to his lips. 
Quinn reaches over, his fingers sliding along the side of your face. It feels so sudden that you nearly flinch, eyes flicking back up to look into his. There’s another long pause as Quinn watches you intently, like he was waiting for you to object to what was happening. But you didn’t, you couldn’t. Leaning closer your hand fumbles along the sand, your breathing shaky. 
Finally he commits to the moment, his lips on yours a second later. He’s gentle and the kiss is so soft and slow. When you pull back it’s hesitant, not wanting the moment to end. But you needed to process it just as much as you wanted to keep going. “Quinn,” you whisper, eyes on the sand, nervous to look into his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, did you not want-.”
“No,” you interject. “I mean, yes, yeah, I did, I just…what, um…what?” you can’t help but laugh at your stammering, still not entirely sure what you were trying to say, just hoping he would pick up on enough to say something in response. 
Quinn chuckles quietly, reaching over and taking your hand. “I don’t know if this is weird to say right now,” Quinn mumbles. “But um, I, uh, I like you…a lot.”
“Quinn,” you breathe out again, looking into his eyes now. 
“Can you please say something other than my name? I’m kind of freaking out.”
Giggling you lean in, pressing your lips to his again. “I feel the same way,” you whisper against his lips, not wanting to pull any further away from him now that the boundaries that had been stopping you from touching him like this before were gone.
Slowly you lift one knee over Quinn’s lap, setting your arms over his shoulders. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” you admit. 
Quinn has one hand behind him, propping himself up as he gazes up at you. His lips are curled into a soft smile. His free hand runs up your thigh, landing on your hip. “Me too.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Quinn shakes his head with a breath of laughter. “I mean, look at you,” Quinn mutters. “I never thought I would have a chance.”
“Quinn,” you whisper, tipping his head back as you lean in closer. “There’s nobody else I have ever wanted to be with more than you.”
You can feel Quinn’s breath on your lips, his hand sliding up your back as he pulls you closer. Your lips brush against his, the kiss was gentle again, slow and patient. It doesn’t last long as your body begins to beg for more, fingers tangling in his hair as the kiss quickens. Your hips grind down into him as his tongue brushes against yours, your nerves firing with every touch of his hands on your body. 
Pulling back you take a moment to catch your breath, staring down at him with eyes full of desire. “Do you want to come up to my room for a bit?”
“Yes,” Quinn replies quickly with an eager nod. 
Clambering to your feet you brush the sand from your legs, taking Quinn’s hand and heading back up to the hotel. Behind the closed doors of the elevator Quinn presses you against the cool metal wall, kissing you gently, hands firm on your waist. The ride is short and you’re giggling as you push him out through the open door, every step you take closer to your room you seemed to be gaining speed. 
By the time the hotel room door is closed your body is buzzing with desire. You’re frantically pulling articles of clothing off each other’s bodies, littering them throughout the room from the door to the bed. You let yourself melt into Quinn as he lays you down on the bed, pressing kisses down your neck and chest, fingers hooking under your underwear, tugging them down your legs. 
A loud breath leaves your lungs as Quinn presses his lips to your inner thigh, slowly moving them higher and higher up your legs. The closer he gets to where you wanted him the more antsy you became, hips squirming on the bed. “Please,” you whimper, desperate for him to pick up the pace. Quinn takes the hint, tongue brushing over your clit as moans begin slipping from your lips. 
Moaning loudly you have one hand on the back of his head, fingers grasping at his hair. Your other hand is grasping the fabric of the sheets on your bed. “Oh, fuck, feels so good,” you whimper. As you grow closer to you your peak your muscles begins to tense, waves of pleasure suddenly crashing through your body just a second later. 
Quinn makes his way back to your lips, kissing you deeply as you reach down, hand brushing against his hard cock. “So hot coming for me like that,” Quinn mumbles against your lips. Fumbling his underwear off you grasp at Quinn’s shoulders, staring at him with eager eyes.
“Are you sure?” Quinn asks, watching you nod before slipping his hand between your bodies. He guides himself into you, slow and gentle as he watches you closely. 
With a soft gasp you grasp at his shoulders, the feeling of him inside you making your head spin with pleasure. No amount of imagining this moment could have prepared you for this. “You feel so good inside me,” you whimper as he thrusts deep inside you. 
“Fuck,” Quinn groans, a blissful smirk on his lips. “I don’t think I’ll be able to last long, you feel so fucking good,” he admits. 
“That’s okay,” you giggle, pulling him closer to press your lips to his. “I don’t think this will be the last time this is happening.”
“Really hope not,” Quinn mumbles. His hips begin to move faster, your moans increasing in frequency as your fingers dig into his shoulders. “Where do-.”
“Come inside me,” you interject, hoping that you knew where he was going with his question. “I want to feel you fill me with your cum.”
“Oh, fuck,” Quinn groans, shaking his head. “Can’t say that to me if you want me to last longer.”
“Cum all over me then, is that better?” you tease with a quiet gasp as Quinn’s hips smack harder into you. 
“N-no,” Quinn stammers, shaking his head. True to his word you feel him finishing inside you just a moment later, groaning loudly as he rocks his hips into you a few more times before slowly pulling out of you. Reaching over he grabs a few of the Kleenex from the box on the bedside table, quickly cleaning you up. 
“Do you want to have a shower?” you ask, propping yourself up on your elbows. “With me.”
“Yes,” Quinn replies easily, reaching for your hands as you sit up.
After a shower you curl up next to Quinn in bed, your arm over his chest, drawing imaginary shapes on his skin. You try to stay awake, to spend more time with Quinn, but you’re quickly overtaken by sleep in the comfort of his arms. 
You weren’t sure what time it was or even how many rounds you and Quinn had gone since you woke up that morning. All you knew was that your legs were beginning to shake with Quinn between them, your fingers tangled in his hair, gasps and moans escaping your lips loudly. But a knock on the door is enough to silence your string of moans and make Quinn pull back quickly. 
“Who’s that?” Quinn whispers, looking over at you with wide eyes. 
“How would I know?” you mutter, scrambling off the bed to try and find some clothes to pull over your naked body. With Quinn’s shirt and a pair of bikini bottoms on you open your door, eyes widening as you look over at Jack. “Hi,” you mutter, swallowing heavily. 
“Are you…okay?” Jack asks, eyebrows furrowed as he looks you up and down. “Oh, oh shit,” he laughs, shaking his head. “Quinn’s not going to be happy about this,” he mutters, glancing around the hallway. 
“I,” you begin, glancing behind you as you let out a loud breath. “What do you want, Jack?”
“Are you coming on the boat today or what? We were supposed to meet down there at one.”
“One?” you exclaim, not realizing how late in the day it had gotten. 
“Yeah,” Jack states, shaking his head at your confusion. “Also, do you know where Quinn is?”
“I, uh,” you begin before shaking your head. “No, I don’t…I’ll be down in a few minutes, just need to get ready,” you tell him, closing the door before he has the chance to say anything else. 
“Didn’t want to tell him?” Quinn asks with a smirk, walking over to where you were standing by the door. 
“Tell him that he just interrupted his brother going down on me?” you ask. 
Quinn shrugs, hands on your waist as he walks you back to the edge of the bed. “Lay down, I’m not going to let that stop me from finishing what I started.”
You let out a quiet moan, leaning up and kissing him deeply. His tongue is in your mouth and you can taste yourself on him, whimpering into the kiss. 
Quinn smirks, pushing you back onto the bed before getting down in front of it. His head is back between your legs just a second later, his tongue sliding along your folds before running over your clit, your hips squirming beneath him. He presses his arm over your hips, stilling them as he quickly brings you to another orgasm, body writhing beneath him. 
“Fuck, holy fuck,” you breathe out as Quinn kisses his way up your body. 
Quinn presses a quick kiss to your lips before taking your hands and pulling you to sit up. “Should we head down there?”
Nodding you stare up at him with an awestruck gaze. “Y-yeah,” you stammer, pulling yourself to your feet and digging through your suitcase for another bikini and pair of shorts. 
The two of you make it down to the lobby only a few short minutes later, your legs not even entirely steady yet. You watch Jack glance over at Quinn and then back to you, eyes narrowing slightly. “Found him,” you declare, looking at Jack as you say it. 
“Mmhm,” Jack hums, looking away from you. “Let’s go,” he declares, storming off towards the doors of the hotel. You exchange a look with Quinn, his shrug being enough to tell you to just leave him Jack be and keep going ahead with the plan. 
You’re on your sixth drink in the span of a couple hours on the boat, a buzz in your body as you lean back against the hot vinyl seats on the boat. You weren’t the only one who had been drinking, everyone on the boat having lost their sobriety somewhere after hour one on the boat. Quinn scoots a little closer to you, draping his arm over the back of your seat as he leans in, pressing his lips to the top of your head. 
“She’s not into you,” Jack declares with a drunken slur, staring at Quinn with a warning look. 
“What?” Quinn asks, chuckling as Jack’s statement. 
“She was fucking someone this morning, you need to stop.”
“Woah,” Quinn mutters. “How many drinks have you had, bud?”
“I’m not lying, she was-.”
“I know, Jack, now shut the fuck up,” Quinn snaps, a warning tone in his voice. 
“You’re in love with her,” Jack exclaims, gesturing wildly between you and Quinn. 
You can’t help but giggle at the situation, looking up at Quinn. “You can tell him, it’s fine,” you whisper. 
“I was the one in her room this morning, bro,” Quinn tells Jack, dropping his arm from around you on the chair to around your waist, pulling you in closer. 
Jack is silent for a few seconds, eyes darting back and forth between you and Quinn. “Oh, shit, sorry, I-.”
“It’s fine, let’s just stop talking about this,” you interject, cheeks flushing. 
“Wait, what?” Luke exclaims from where he was sitting on the other side of you. “Are you two finally a thing?”
“No, we’re not really, like, together, but…finally?” you question, turning your head to look at Quinn with a teasing smile. “Did everyone but me know you had feelings for me?”
“Not everyone,” Quinn chuckles, cheeks red. “Just these two idiots.”
“We’re not the idiots here if you two aren’t going to just get together, it’s been like 20 years,” Luke states.
“We’ll figure it out,” you assure him, turning your head to look at Quinn. “Right?”
“I don’t think there’s much I need to figure out,” Quinn says, looking into your eyes. “I know exactly what I want.”
“Me too,” you whisper with a soft smile, fingers squeezing his hand, a silent communication that you were both on the same page. Because at the end of the day, it’s better late than never and you don’t know if you could have lived with never having a chance with Quinn. 
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sleepysnk · 1 year
Hey saw you had Head Canon requests open and I really enjoyed the Chifuyu one you wrote! Was wondering if you could come up with some for Kazutora? Romantic, SFW, NSFW, anything you want ☺️ no rush and if you can't totally fine thank you.
a/n: ahh! thank you for your words! 🫶🏻 it means a lot to me!! i had a lot of fun with these, so thank you again for sending this in! i hope you enjoy! 🤍
characters: kazutora hanemiya
warnings: nsfw, smut, unprotected sex, some rough sex, oral sex f!receiving, edging, overstimulation, use of pet names (baby, princess, my girl), squirting, praising, some degradation, hair pulling, mentions of hickies, mentions of food, fluff, some after care.
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kazutora hanemiya:
- i fully believe kazutora is a romantic guy. despite his past, he wants to change and be a much better guy for you. that’s one of his biggest goals.
- a. fucking. sweetheart. kazutora is very much an acts of service and physical touch kind of guy. he will buy you anything you want and probably spoil you rotten in your relationship! he likes to buy you random things. whether that be makeup, new clothes, a new snack, he loves to just see the smile on your face whenever you open up a new gift from him. it instantly warms his heart at the sight, and he falls in love with you every single time.
- touching on the physical touch aspect, i believe kazutora just loves holding you in bed that night. he’s went through a lot of shit in the past couple of years, so he needs that comfort more than anything. expect him to lay on your boobs or just hold you close to his chest. he cannot sleep unless you’re in bed beside him and he knows you’re safe.
- passenger princess? hell yes. he will pick you up and take you anywhere. it doesn’t matter if you guys are traveling far, he loves when you’re sitting in the passenger seat. he loves to admire you when you’re humming a tune or just staring out the window. you look so pretty like that.
- HE LOVES WHEN YOU PLAY WITH HIS HAIR. kazutora is always picky about other people messing with it, but when it’s you? oh go crazy! he will let you do whatever you want to it. whether it be putting it in pigtails, curling it, straightening it, he doesn’t care. he just loves when your hands are running through his black and blonde strands. also, it helps him fall asleep at night. i think touching his hair is such a huge comfort thing for him, so expect him to love it and crave it.
- “wait, baby, put your hands.. here. yeah, right there.”
- kazutora is somewhat clingy. he wouldn’t be extremely clingy to the point where it’s unbearable, but he loves to be by your side and have your attention on him. it’s super cute.
- he’s definitely a guy who likes low maintenance dates. not saying he doesn’t like going to fancy restaurants, but he loves to just have one at home with you. he’d cook something nice for you and then you’d both enjoy it while watching a movie. don’t worry though, there’s always lots of room for dessert as well ;). especially once you both have had some cuddle time under the blanket.
- he always sends you those random texts reminding you that you’re beautiful. he just can’t help himself. he’s so in awe with your beauty that he loves talking about it. he will even tell his friends how amazing you are. he just cannot help himself, yk?
- “hey, princess. just a reminder you’re the best girl ever and i love you!! 🫶🏻”
- kazutora has so many pictures of you!! he’s kind of like chifuyu when it comes to being your personal hype man. he loves to see your pretty face whenever he opens his phone. i also feel as if he’s the kind of guy who would have a polaroid of you on the back of his cellphone. he sometimes stares at it when he’s bored or when he needs a little motivation throughout the day.
- now.. onto some more spicy things.
- i firmly believe this man is a fucking freak. he isn’t super super kinky, but i do believe he knows how to really throw some spice in the bedroom. he’s really good at what he does and he makes you feel like you’re on the fucking moon whenever he’s having sex with you.
- sex can be quite an intimate act for the two of you. some times it’s slow and sensual. he’ll make love to you and cherish you like you’re his wife. those are the days when kazutora is most soft and he takes his time with you. he can eat you out for hours and not get tired when he makes you cum for the third time in a row. he also will constantly remind you that you’re beautiful and that your body is such a work of art. he praises you so much!
- he also has a good tongue. he knows all the right places to make you feel good. he also can EATT. kazutora loves watching you in pleasure, especially when it’s from him. it’s always your pleasure over his any day.
- he will more than likely make you squirt with how good he is in bed.
- now on a different note, kazutora can be a little more rough with you. sometimes he doesn’t take his time and he fucks your brains out till you’re a mess on his cock. he’ll probably be the type to overstimulate you until you’re crying and begging him to slow down because of how sensitive your clit is. he doesn’t slow the pace though ;). he wants you trembling and falling apart for him by the end of the night.
- “yeah.. that’s my pretty little slut. cum for my cock, baby.”
- if he’s hitting it from behind, he’s so going to pull your hair. he loves to yank on something whenever he’s fucking your brains out, and it will always be your hair. he can be kinda rough with it too. he’ll even pull
- he can be a little mean sometimes. whenever he’s in the mood to tease you, he’ll edge you to the point where you’re a shaky mess for him. kazutora loves watching you squirm and whine for that release. he totally gets off on that shit, so expect him to do it often to mess with you. it’s even worse when he draws you so so close and then he halts completely and pulls out with your sticky arousal all over his dick.
- he kinda likes when you tug on his hair whenever he’s going down on you. it’s one of his favorite things to do.
- “yeah, that’s my girl. cum all over my face, baby.”
- kazutora loves to mark up your neck. if you’re sitting on his lap he’ll lean in and bite your neck to see whatever marks are left. he’ll suck on your sweet spot and that only increases the pleasure, especially if he’s making you ride his cock. it’s so fucking hot.
- always after sex you guys take a nice bath or shower together. he always kisses your shoulders as a silent apology if he was being really rough. it’s super cute whenever he’s like that. he’ll also make sure to cuddle with you afterwards because he loves to feel your skin against his. it’s the best form of intimacy in his opinion.
- he’s so cute.. MARRY THIS MAN.
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jinhyun · 10 months
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↬part two
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"then I think about summer, all the beautiful times
i watched you laughin' from the passenger's side"
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: written series, angst, fluff, friends to lovers to exes to lovers, she fell first but he fell harder, yearning, mutual pining, non-idol au, baker!y/n, movie producer!hyunjin.
word count: 11.3k
warnings: y/n has self-sabotaging tendencies, cursing, mentions of alcohol, eventual smut, mature content, MINORS DNI!!!
tag list: open. send me an ASK to be a part of it, otherwise i might miss it. i will only be adding people who are willing to reblog the chapters and/or comment on them, because it does take time out of my day to tag everyone and likes or straight up cricket noises do nothing for me in return if i'm honest.
a/n: helloo, it's been a long time but here we are again with a new part. this turned out longer than i expected and i apologise, but i wanted to mainly show how these two got together and how it was that things started off for them, as well as how the dynamic of their friend group used to be before everything went down. in other words, and as you can see in the verse of the song i quoted, this part's gonna be more on the fluffy side (but not completely lol), so i hope you enjoy this small part of their story!
feedback is very dearly appreciated<3
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You had never been a big fan of packing, but you were quite excited about the trip with your friends the next day. To be honest, you did not used to be a big fan of camping either, until that first year in college when summer came and Jeongin mentioned this one place he and his family used to go camping when he was little.
Everyone was so excited about it that you couldn't say no. Seungmin wouldn't have let you miss out on it and abandon him anyway.
And, in the end, you were glad you hadn't stayed home instead. It turned out to be a really precious bonding time for all of you, to the point that you all agreed to make it a summer vacation tradition — every single year of college, without missing a beat, all eleven of you would drive outside the city and ventour into the forest to have what you liked to call your much needed healing time.
Although the entirety of your friend group had graduated college last year, you had promised to keep making time for your yearly camping trip.
Minji hadn't been able to keep that promise that particular year, given she got an internship in the States and had left a little over a month and a half before summer started. She had promised over and over before leaving that she would most definitely make it next year, and you were all counting on that.
You were sad that she wouldn't make it, for now you would only have Hyejin to fight the potentially annoying male species you'd be hanging out with.
And there was also the fact that you thought Hyunjin wouldn't feel like going anymore. Sure, he would go, for he had promised and he loved spending time with all of you, but a part of you believed he wouldn't be the same since Minji wouldn't be there — that he wouldn't be as eager about the trip as he always was.
It was the way he hugged her and visibly didn't want to let go when you had all gone to send her off and she was about to walk through security. After witnessing that, you had convinced yourself that Hyunjin wouldn't be himself until she came back.
You had decided to give him space. You knew you'd be the same if you ever lost Seungmin, and that without being in love with him. 
It would be good for you, too. Giving Hyunjin space and letting him find himself without his beloved best friend meant not seeing him for a while, and therefore, finally being able to focus on moving on from your stupid crush on him.
Only that you wanting to give him space didn't exactly mean he wanted to take that space away from you. So you knew when not even a week after Minji's departure he was calling you up to hang out.
Most of your friends would be there, minus Felix and Hyejin, who had already made plans alone, so you accepted. It had started out just like that, at least — hanging out with your group of friends, the way you always had. But now his attention was only on you, and his eyes would oh-so-naturally fix on you like it was their default target.
It didn't stop there. Hanging out with everyone else yet only focusing on you turned into making plans for just the two of you. You had been ecstatic the first time he asked you out — as friends, of course. He had a shitty day at work and wanted to go out for some coffee, but he didn't feel like being around a large group of people. You accepted in a heartbeat, so happy about getting to spend some time alone with him that you completely forgot about the whole 'getting over him' goal you had going on.
So happy to finally get the attention you wanted from him, that you didn't stop for one second to think whether he would be asking you to get some coffee with him if Minji were still here.
But it didn't matter, because one coffee date turned into two, and then two turned into three. Friendly dates turned into 'oh, maybe this is not so friendly' ones. Sunset walks turned into watching movies at either one of your places. Late night calls on the days you didn't get to see each other turned into texting all throughout the day, every day; which led to getting goodnight and good morning text messages with definitely-not-so-friendly hearts attached to them.
Just like that, Hyunjin was just as eager as every other year to go on this trip. And you? God, you couldn't wait for the day to arrive so you could spend even more time with him. You were mainly expectant of the bonfire at night — you had always loved the way the fire illuminated his factions from afar. He always managed to look extra cozy and your heart would flutter with every single glimpse. This year, though, you hoped you'd get to sit next to him, and maybe, if you were lucky enough, you'd get to share a blanket with him; as childish as it sounded.
Your daydreaming got interrupted by your phone buzzing on your night table, making you jump from your bed to pick it up and then feel your heart do a backflip when you read Hyunjin's name on the screen.
Fixing your hair as fast as you could and making sure your face looked presentable enough for him to see, you answered his video call. 
"Hey, cutie" he greeted as soon as your face was visible on the screen.
You smiled timidly, feeling the heat reach your cheeks at the sound of that simple pet name. "You do realise it's midnight, don't you?"
"You answered anyway" he smirked triumphantly, earning a roll of eyes from you. "Why? Did I wake you?"
"No," you shook your head, looking down to your packed bag on your bed. "I was kinda going through everything I needed to pack, to make sure I won't forget anything".
"Well, in case you forgot to pack mosquito repellent like last year, I'm glad to inform you I've kindly packed some for you".
A small, breathy laugh escaped your mouth. "Why, thank you" you brought a dramatic hand to your chest. "Did I really traumatize you last year for that to be the first thing to come to mind when packing for me?"
"I wouldn't say traumatized…" he mumbled, looking down to what you guessed was his bag, as he unzipped it. "But you did make me so fucking worried when you came out of your tent that morning all covered in mosquito bites, so…"
Watching him show the repellent bottle to the camera, you couldn't help the throaty laugh that ran past your mouth this time, hearing him follow along the moment the sound you made reached his ears.
"You really didn't have to…"
"Did you remember to pack it this time?" he tested you.
"No, but—but," you quickly emphasized at the sight of his daring eyes. "Minnie always brings some. I was just too lazy to go up to his tent at night when I realised I hadn't asked him for it last year. I didn't think it would be that bad".
"Well, now you've got your own personal bottle of it" he pointed out, stuffing it back into his bag. "So no need to go to his tent if you forget to ask him for it again".
Too enchanted by that thoughtful act of service of his, you didn't realise you were staring until he blushed and cleared his throat.
"What?" he shyly asked.
"Huh?" you snapped out of it.
"I don't know, I… you weren't like, saying anything and—"
"Oh, no, I just…" you felt your cheeks burn once again. "Thank you. You're cute".
He laughed breathily, almost inaudibly. "I'm cute?"
"You know what I mean" you glared.
"I'd like to think you mean something else, though…"
You needed to take a deep, rather shaky, breath at that. Keeping yourself composed was not an easy thing to do when he said things like that.
"So, um… What were you calling for?"
He shrugged, letting you get away with your change of subject and lying back on his mattress. "Just wanted to talk to you".
"At midnight?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Got a problem with it?"
"Not really," you chuckled. "But we're seeing each other in a couple of hours, in case you forgot".
"Oh, I'm well aware of it," he nodded, tiredly placing an arm over his eyes. "Still wanted to talk to you before going to bed".
"Clingy" you teased.
The smile that curved up the corners of his plump lips made you wish you were there with him, lying your head on his chest and playing with his hair, instead of having to settle down for seeing him through a screen.
"It's gonna be a different trip this time around, huh?" you mumbled after a few seconds in which silence had taken over.
"Yeah…" he agreed quietly, removing his arm from his face and lying on his side. "It's gonna be weird without Minji".
You hummed in response. "I'll only have Hyejin to fight you guys now, and that's when she and Lix aren't all over each other".
"You'll have me, though" he smiled innocently.
You snorted. "Please, you'd drop me in a heartbeat to join the guys when they pick on me".
"That is so not true" he argued, squinting his eyes at you.
"I guess we'll see what happens when the time comes," you taunted him. "You think you'll still be able to have as much fun?"
"You mean without Minji?"
You nodded silently, bracing yourself for the answer you didn't want to know yet had not been able to stop yourself from asking about.
"Sure," he nodded confidently, making your heart feel at ease. "I've got you, it's gonna be just as fun".
"You think so?" you whispered.
"Of course!" he reassured you. "Let's go in the same car tomorrow, we can sit together and share earphones".
"I'm taking Changbin's car" you pointed out.
"Cool," he nodded. "I'll let him know I'm taking his too, then".
"No but, you know what that means, right?"
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Not really…"
You chuckled. "It means he'll make me go on the passenger seat so I can lead the way for him, since he always seems to miss the entrance to the camping site".
"Can't he have someone else to do it?"
"He doesn't really trust any of the guys when it comes to giving directions," you shook your head. "And I respect him for it, honestly. Last time we had Felix give out directions we nearly ended up in Busan".
He puffed his cheeks cutely, in a way that had your heart melting in a second. "Good thing Airpods are a thing then. We can still share".
"And miss Binnie's carpool?"
"You know what, if you hate me just say so".
A throaty laugh escaped your mouth at his salty remark, staring at him through the screen in such a loving way that for a second there you feared he would realise your feelings for him.
"I guess we can share Airpods" you rolled your eyes in amusement, having him happily laugh under his breath. "Don't be too surprised when I start singing along to whatever Binnie's playing on the radio, though".
"I will feel slightly neglected but I get it" he sighed overdramatically.
Covering the yawn coming out of your mouth with your hand, you sleepily stared at him on the screen. "We should go to sleep now…"
"Are you trying to get rid of me now?"
"I'm sleepy..."
"But you look so cute like that" he cooed.
"It's nearly one in the morning, Hwang Hyunjin" you tried your best to sound stern and hide your smile. "We leave at seven".
"Alright," he sighed once more, closing his eyes. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"
You nodded, a small smile making its way on your face. "See you tomorrow, Hyunie".
He smiled blissfully. "See you tomorrow, cutie".
"Can we stop to get some food?" Seungmin asked from the backseat.
You laughed over Changbin's heavy sigh next to you. It had only been half an hour since you left Seoul, and there was still another hour to go, yet you couldn’t say you were entirely surprised over your best friend’s request.
The trip had been smooth so far, way too smooth — Changbin and Jeongin loudly singing to any song that came on the playlist being the only sense of disruption in the car. You remained silently staring out the window, lightly bopping your head to the beat of the music coming from the Airpod you were sharing with Hyunjin. It was a funny contrast, having Binnie and Innie singing at the top of their lungs to nothing but upbeat songs, while Hyunjin and you listened to slower, calmer ones and quietly stared at the passing scenery outside.
The somewhat balanced atmosphere you all had managed to create was just bound to be disrupted by your best friend at some point.
"I asked you all if you wanted to stop for food before hitting the highway and you said you wanted to have breakfast at the camping site".
Seungmin pouted, childishly sinking against his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. "I wanted to live the full camping experience, but I take it back now, I'm hungry".
"Well, too bad because I'm not stopping until we get there".
Hearing Seungmin whine behind you in what sounded more like a tantrum, you couldn't help but laugh, staring at him through the rearview mirror before your eyes unconsciously fixed on Hyunjin by the window. He was laughing over your best friend's scene too, and his eyes were already on you. You held his stare through the reflection for a moment, enjoying the sight of his smile and the sound of his giggle before you looked down in a poor attempt to calm your racing heart.
Clearing your throat, you reached down to the backpack by your feet and rummaged through it until you found the snacks you had packed that morning before heading out, precisely in case something like this happened.
Without a word, you reached your hand behind your seat, giggling to yourself when you felt the pack of cookies being snatched from your hold not even a second later.
"You're the best, I swear to God" Seungmin managed to say with his mouth already full. "You better be selling these at our coffee shop once we open it".
You chuckled. "I will".
"Wait, those are homemade?" Jeongin asked from the middle seat.
"Mhm…" you nodded, leaning slightly back when he peeked his head through your seat.
"You have more?"
"Take some from Seungm—"
"No way, they're mine" Seungmin growled.
Rolling your eyes, you leaned down to your backpack once more, defeatedly looking for another bag of cookies you had thankfully packed as well.
"These are double chocolate chips," you let Jeongin know as you handed them to him. "Please share them with Hyunjin in case he wants some".
"I do want some!" he stated from behind, having your amused eyes instinctively fix on him through the rearview mirror, right as he eagerly dug his hand into the bag.
"And what about me?" Changbin whined. "You all are lucky I care about your lives and can't just turn around and snatch them from you right now".
You chuckled, reaching your hand behind your seat, and opening your palm. "Minnie".
The sound of his name coming out of your mouth was all it took for a single cookie to be reluctantly placed on it.
"Here," you called Changbin's attention, motioning for him to open his mouth.
"Is it red velvet?" he asked, opening his mouth and taking a bite regardless, as he was ready to eat whatever it was you decided to feed him. 
As soon as he tasted them, he dramatically threw his head back and hit the border of the steering wheel.
"Fuck! They're so good".
You laughed, lightheartedly shaking your head at his reaction. Not even ten seconds later, he was opening his mouth again and leaning slightly over your side for you to feed him the remaining of the cookie you had managed to get from Seungmin.
Having fed him and watching him happily munch on it, you leaned back against your seat, closing your eyes to go back to listening to Hyunjin's playlist like you had been doing before this whole cookies situation took place — only for Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo to start playing.
Almost jumping from your seat, you turned around, staring at Hyunjin in utter disbelief while your jaw comically dropped.
"You did not just do that" you accused him.
He chuckled, staring down with a proud smirk at the unlocked phone in his hands as he seemed to look for another song. His point had already been made.
"What happened?" Jeongin wondered.
"Nothing, Hyunjin's just an idiot" you replied, tauntingly squinting your eyes at Hyunjin, only for his smile to grow.
"At least I'm not a traitor" his smile turned into a cynical smirk.
"A traitor why?" Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Who's a traitor?" Changbin joined in.
"It's nothing" Hyunjin brushed it off, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Oh, so you guys have reached the internal jokes stage now?" 
"Shut up…" you felt the heat reach your face, turning around to sit properly and look ahead to the road.
Olivia’s voice stopped being heard, and it was replaced by Lauv’s, as I Like Me Better began to play. You looked down to your lap and tried to contain your smile. It had been ages since you last listened to that song, and a part of you, the delusional one that was head over heels for Hyunjin, wanted to believe he was dedicating it to you right then.
Looking out the window when you managed to conceal your blissfulness and everyone seemed to already be back in their own world, you decided to just focus on the road and stop giving too much thought to the song choice of his throughout the ride. He was using a playlist after all.
Nevertheless, you couldn’t help your mind from wandering and daydreaming all the way to the camping site, making it hard for you to focus on your duty as the designated human GPS.
You weren't sure if Changbin was right about you and Hyunjin having reached the 'internal jokes stage' yet, but you realised later that day that you had definitely reached some kind of complicity. You couldn't put your finger on when along the journey of the two of you growing closer it happened, but now your eyes would naturally lock whenever someone said anything slightly funny or even questionable. It was as if you wanted, needed, to share even the most minimal and mundane of things with each other.
And you hadn't noticed it was that obvious to everyone else until Hyejin pointed it out when you were setting up your tent later that afternoon. To say you were struggling a little bit was an understatement; it was a tent for three, and usually Minji was there to help set it up as well. You would definitely have some extra room that night.
Still, as focused on finding the correct corner of the fabric to stake it to the ground as she was, Hyejin managed to bring the topic up.
"So, what's going on with you and Hyunjin?"
"What do you mean?" you frowned, letting go of the fabric you were holding onto.
"Oh, come on, I'm not blind" she squinted her eyes. "Something definitely changed between you two".
"I mean, yeah, but…" you shrugged. “We’re just closer now, I guess”.
“I’ve seen the heart eyes, Y/N”.
“As if my heart eyes for him are anything new”.
“I meant his”.
You went silent, feeling your cheeks heat up and your hands shake. To have someone else notice it, too, only made it feel more real.
“You guys need help?” Felix interrupted before you could try and say anything back.
His arm was naturally resting over Hye’s shoulders, and although she visibly appreciated the offer, she settled for an obnoxious roll of eyes.
“We’re not damsels in danger” she playfully shoved his arm off.
Felix snorted. “Maybe not but you guys are clearly struggling here”.
“I could use some help” you admitted, getting a triumphant smile from Lix before he grabbed the fabric you had let go of a minute ago and began to stake it to the ground.
“But what about our girl talk” Hyejin pouted.
“Girl talk?” Felix looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.
She nodded, and just like that his eyes went to you — realisation hitting him in a second.
“Let me guess, you guys are talking about Hyunjin”.
You nearly choked on air. “We're not”.
"We're not?" Hyejin teased you, receiving a glare from you in a heartbeat.
“Ah, you guys can go on then" Felix nodded understandingly, with a glimpse of a smirk curving up his lips. "I already know all about it anyway".
Hyejin raised both hands up in defense when your glare was once again on her. "Don't look at me, remember he's Hyunjin's best friend after all".
Lix's smirk was now on full display. "I know things neither of you two know".
"There's not much to know, though? Right?" you awkwardly fidgeted in your place. "Hyunjin doesn't talk about me, does he?"
Felix and Hyejin exchanged an incredulous look, deciding right then to just leave it there and let you figure it out on your own. They knew you well enough to know you wouldn’t believe any of it unless you heard it directly from Hyunjin; and maybe even then you would still doubt it all.
“Anyway,” Felix shrugged, going back to his previous task. “Let’s set this shit up”.
“Language!” Hyejin reprimanded him.
You laughed at the exchange, going over to Hyejin so you could work together while Felix focused on the other corner of your tent. Even though you could feel their stares on you, you were just glad the topic seemed to be over with.
Turned out that setting up a tent with Felix and Hyejin was just a call to be kicked out of it as soon as it was done, so they could take a nap inside and just like that make you their third wheel. Not like you really cared, for you took a blanket and placed it under one of the trees that were farther away from everyone. 
Lying down on it, you used your arms as a pillow while you looked up to the bright green leaves and the rays of sunshine peeking through them. You truly loved this camping site. It was quiet, with enough space for your entire group and the right amount of distance from other campers in the area.
The grass was green and abundant, the trees provided enough shadow for you not to go mad over how hot the summer weather was, and there was a lake only a five-minute walk from there. You would probably go there a little before the sun set; everyone seemed to be too immersed in their own activities to propose a walk to the lake anytime soon.
Seungmin and Jeongin were still setting up their tent, as they had been too busy whining about having to set it up before to actually do it. Chan, Han and Changbin were drinking and chatting the afternoon away, after having managed to clean up and put everything from your lunch away, since they had been chosen to be on cleaning up duty by a very fair game of rock, paper, scissors. Minho was lying on a blanket a few meters from you, scrolling through his phone. Felix and Hyejin were napping; and Hyunjin… you actually had no idea where Hyunjin was.
“Wanna go to the lake?”
As if reading your thoughts, there he was, kneeling on the edge of your blanket as he patiently waited for your answer.
You tilted your head up to look at him, still a bit stunned over both his timing and his suggestion. Nevertheless, you nodded, not having to think twice before you sat up.
“Are the others coming?”
“Nah,” he shrugged, standing up and giving you a hand to help you up as well. “They said they’re going later”.
“Shouldn’t we wait for them then?” you quietly asked.
Hyunjin brought a dramatic hand up to his chest. “If you don’t wanna be alone with me just say so”.
You scoffed, acting just as offended as he was. “That’s not what I said at all?!”
“Then?” he smiled, tilting his head in the lake’s direction.
Rolling your eyes while the biggest of smiles took over your face, you followed him. He knew the way to the lake by heart, you realised, as he seemed to avoid branches you wouldn’t have noticed were there if it weren’t for him dodging them before you. Although maybe it just had to do with the fact that you were too focused on him to pay attention to your surroundings.
After five minutes in which thankfully you made it out intact, you finally reached your destination. You smiled at the view of the crystalline water and the strong reflection of the sun on it, which you had to look away from in order not to be blinded. It looked the same as every other year, and a part of you was happy it remained the same throughout the time.
“Where are you going?” Hyunjin asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion when you started walking towards the water.
“To lie down?” you answered, in what had seemed like more of a question.
“Not here” he shook his head.
“Why not?”
“Minho and Changbin are fishing here later”.
“So, you know how loud those two are when they get frustrated” he reminded you, walking over to you and taking your hand so he could drag you with him. “I came here to recharge”.
Too stunned over the unexpected feel of his strong yet soft hand holding yours, you didn’t even object. You simply let him take you whenever it was he wanted to take you to — heart eyes stuck to the back of his head as he led the way.
“Recharge?” you mocked him regardless.
"Yeah?" he said, as if it was obvious. "Don't you need time to be alone and recharge after being with too many people for too long?"
"It's not even dinner time yet".
"And I'm already drained".
You chuckled at his tiresome remark, but decided to just leave it at that when you reached a bunch of rocks that blocked the way.
“Where exactly are we going?” you wondered, confusedly letting go of his hand when he began to climb them.
"Come here" he called, reaching his hand out for you.
“You want to lay down on top of these rocks?” you questioned, taking his hand nonetheless and allowing him to help you up. “Like, the view might be better, but I’m pretty sure lying down on sand is way better than lying down on a bunch of hard as hell rocks”.
“Oh, hush,” he amusedly shut you up, placing a gentle hand to your back after having let you go first so he could make sure you wouldn’t slip —and that he would catch you in case you did—. “You just keep climbing up and shut that pretty mouth of yours”.
You shut your mouth; not because he told you to, but because his words sounded lovely —although taunting— enough to bring heat to your cheeks and make you forget how to speak altogether.
He could tell the way you were feeling, you realised when you heard a breathy laugh escape his mouth. He was enjoying it too much, but it was fair, considering he wanted to have that kind of effect on you.
Thankfully, the climb up the rocks wasn’t that high, otherwise the tension taking over while his hand remained on your back and his heavy breathing would faintly hit your shoulder every other second, might’ve become too overwhelming for you to survive.
As soon as you reached the top and took a seat to look around, you were confused. You weren’t sure exactly where it was that he wanted you to go to next or even where to look at once up there, so you just turned around to him with knitted eyebrows as he finished climbing up and took a seat next to you. However, after taking what felt like five seconds to catch his breath, he stood up.
“Okay, now let’s go down” he offered his hand once more to help you up.
“What? Like, to the same place we just came up from?”
He chuckled, amusedly shaking his head before he leaned down to grab your upper arm and help you up. “Will you just trust me on this?”
“I mean, you could be taking me to my deathbed right now and I wouldn’t even know”.
He rolled his eyes, carefully guiding you over to the other end of the rocks, so you could begin your two minutes journey down. “Everyone knows you’re with me right now, wouldn’t be really smart for me to murder you”.
“Reassuring” you smiled cynically, earning a throaty laugh from him and a light —actually reassuring— squeeze from his hand.
Without another word, you let him help you on your way down. It was cute how focused he was on making sure you wouldn’t have trouble with it and wouldn’t get hurt, to the point he tripped at one point; thankfully only right before you reached the safety of the ground, so it didn’t really matter.
"What even is this place?" you breathily let out, turning around to finally take a look at your surroundings.
It was only then that you realised what he had meant by ‘alone’ and ‘recharging’. The place he had taken you to seemed to be another shore within the same lake; a much smaller one, which could comfortably fit around five or six people at most.
The rocks formed some kind of fence around a few meters of the lake, which was tall enough to keep people from seeing what was on the other side, and which made most of them —you included— believe that was all there was to it: Just a bunch of rocks.
Only the curious ones who were willing to climb said bunch of rocks for no apparent reason, like Hyunjin, were privileged enough to discover such a gemstone.
"I don't even know, to be honest" Hyunjin laughed, walking up to the spot close to the water where one of the rocks blocked the sun and provided some shadow. "Found it the first time we came here. Minji and I were taking a walk and I felt like climbing all the way up the rocks and came across this place. I don't think anyone knows about it".
"Well, I surely didn't" you confirmed, looking around in awe. It almost felt cozy, like a small fort you would build as a child. "You and Minji did a pretty good job at keeping it from us".
"Oh, Minji doesn't know about it".
You stopped in your tracks, almost not believing your ears. "She… she doesn't?"
"Nope," he shrugged, sitting down on the sand and patting the spot next to him for you to do the same. 
When you hesitated, visibly having a hard time believing him, he sighed.
"Why'd you even believe I told her?"
"I mean… Wasn’t she with you?” you questioned, finally sitting down next to him.
He shook his head no. “She didn’t want to climb up with me. I mean, she was wearing a dress, so I guess it’s understandable” a chuckle abandoned his lips, and a bittersweet smile crept up in yours over the fact that he even remembered what she was wearing on the first day you ever came here years ago. “But yeah, I saw this place from all the way up and just kept it to myself. I could use some peace of mind during these trips”.
“You say it like we’re chaotic as hell” you laughed.
“Aren’t you?” he taunted.
You playfully shoved him away. “You should really include yourself in that sentence, Hwang Hyunjin”.
“Nah, I don’t think I belong there” he denied, having a hard time holding his smile. “Which is why I kept this place all to myself this far”.
You bit your lip, concealing a smile not to show how flattered you were to be the first and only person he had ever shared this place with — for not only had he told you about it, but he had taken it upon himself to pull you away from your group of friends and take you all the way here with him.
“Minji would be so mad if she ever found out you kept this from her…”
Hyunjin shrugged, resting his head on yours and making goosebumps form on your skin. “I don’t have to share everything with her”.
“She’s your best friend, though” you pointed out.
“So?” he asked, sitting up. “Do you share everything with Seungmin?”
You stayed quiet. He had a point. You did mainly share everything with him, from your achievements to your failures, and from your happiness to your sadness. But there were still a few things you kept to yourself, like the way you had felt about Hyunjin all along. Yes, he knew you had a bit of a crush on him, and he also knew you had grown closer since Minji left, but your actual feelings for the guy next to you, he had no idea about.
Your feelings for Hyunjin were something you had decided to keep to yourself and deal with on your own. There was too much at stake, and you wanted to believe you’d have enough control over the situation in case things went south. As long as you didn’t tell anyone, even if it was obvious in their eyes, you liked to believe you would be able to just forget about it all at the snap of your fingers.
Hyunjin nodded to himself at your silence — unaware of what was going through your mind yet knowing that just like that he had proven his point.
“Besides, she’s a blabbermouth. She would’ve told everyone else by now”.
You snorted, looking down for a moment to hold your laughter and missing the way his eyes lit up at the sight of you. "I'm telling her you called her that".
"Ugh, don't tell me I brought a snitch to my precious secret spot" he whined, dramatically resting his head on your shoulder. "Is that all, though?"
"I was supposed to tell her because she's my best friend?"
“No, but…” you stayed quiet for a moment, pondering whether you should say what was at the tip of your tongue or not. "It's just…"
"What is it?" he straightened up, furrowing his eyebrows as he waited for your answer.
"This is such a stereotypical making out spot".
He snorted, disbelief written all over his face. "What?"
"Yeah, like, think of all the couples that have found this place at some point and used it to do their thing".
"Ew," he cringed, glaring at you right after. "You did not just ruin my favourite spot for me".
"I'm just saying," you laughed, playfully shoving away the accusatory finger of his that was pointing at you. "This is like, the perfect making out spot to bring the person you have feelings for".
"I brought you, didn't I?"
Your cheeks were hit by a rush of heat instantly, and not even lowering your head helped you hide from him what his words had done to you.
"Stop…" you lightly shoved him away with your shoulder. "I guess it caught me off guard that you didn't bring her here at some point since you've always been in love with her".
"In love with her?" He looked incredulous; you just nodded. "I'm not, though?"
"Hyunjin…" you murmured, almost begging for him not try and fool you.
"I haven't always been in love with her…" he mumbled, looking down for a second before his eyes locked with yours. "Definitely am not in love with her anymore".
You smiled bittersweetly. "Right".
"I'm not, Y/N" he reassured you.
"Since when?" you wondered.
He said nothing — simply staring into your eyes was enough for you to have your answer.
Whatever was going on between the two of you was unspoken, recent, and therefore he couldn't give you a proper answer without having it turn out as a confession and risking scaring you away.
He wasn't confident enough to verbally confess the feelings he had caught for you this past month yet, but the sincerity in his eyes had managed to give you the answer you were looking for.
Since she left.
Since you and him grew closer together and something changed in the way he saw you.
"Is a month or so really enough to get over your best friend?" you mumbled.
"It's not like I was head over heels in love with her" he mindlessly played with the sand under his hands. "It was just… a little crush".
You laughed under your breath, shaking your head rather weakly as you laid your back on the sand — mentally scolding yourself for not having brought your blanket with you to lie down on.
A little crush. You should know about it. 
You were sure just a little crush wouldn't make him look at her the way he did, and it most definitely wouldn't have him unconsciously call her the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever seen.
But you were done arguing with him. In the end, it changed nothing — he did feel some type of way for her before she left; and even after she left, up until you had come up to change that now, apparently.
Besides, no matter how hard you tried to fight it, a part of you believed him. He looked at you different now. He acted different around you. And although you tried not to fall for it, deep down you knew it was already a lost battle.
Not knowing what to say nor what to feel about his advances, you closed your eyes. You could feel him staring at you for a while, yet you were too shy to acknowledge it, until he finally laid down next to you.
"Are we napping now?" Hyunjin asked, changing the topic after getting the hint about you no longer wanting to talk about the whole feelings thing.
"You said you wanted to come here to recharge, didn't you?" you smiled.
Although your eyes remained closed, you felt him smile brightly next to you. "And napping is your way of recharging?"
"Isn't it yours?"
"I just wanted to come here and spend some time with you, if I'm honest".
At that, you opened your eyes. Much to your surprise, his dark brown ones were already focused on you.
"Thank you…" you smiled sweetly.
He looked confused. "What for?"
"For trusting me with your precious secret spot" your choice of words had him rolling his eyes. "I won't tell anyone about it, I promise".
Hyunjin smiled, no longer being able to hold himself back and throwing an arm around your shoulders. You didn't fight back when he pulled you to his chest, if anything, you made yourself comfortable on it.
"In case it wasn't clear, even if you did tell someone, because I can’t really trust you with Seungmin,” his statement earned an incredulous scoff from you. “You're not allowed to come here with anyone else but me".
You chuckled, shaking your head and closing your eyes once more as you relaxed under his touch. "Would never even dream to betray you like that".
"What took you guys so long?" Chan asked as soon as you and Hyunjin arrived back.
The sun had already set a couple of minutes ago, and you were met with an already lit up bonfire while all your friends sat down around it.
You didn't even have the chance to play your late arrival off by silently sitting down until someone noticed you had finally made it back, for all their eyes were fixed on you since the second you reached your camping spot. Not even the few branches you had collected on your way back, to make it seem like you had wandered off together with the intention to collect some for the bonfire, would help you out of this situation.
Having everyone silently questioning you right then, you came to the conclusion that maybe taking a nap wasn't the brightest of your ideas — not when you were a proper five minute walk from your camping spot and hadn't set up an alarm to wake you up from the dream you were having in the arms of the person your heart felt most at peace with.
Hyunjin shrugged, refraining from giving them an actual answer as he nudged you to walk over to them and throw the thin pieces of wood you had collected into the fire, later taking a seat next to each other by it.
"You know what's funny?" Changbin spoke up next to you, with a hint of a smirk already showing on his face. "I'm pretty sure I saw them walking towards the lake, but when Minho and I got there later they were nowhere to be seen".
Once again, all eyes were on you. This time, though, you managed to see some dropped jaws.
"Did you guys get lost in the woods or something?" Han teased, rapidly moving his eyebrows up and down.
"I'm watching you, Hwang" Seungmin glared at him from the other side of the bonfire, earning a laugh from all of you.
Hyunjin raised both hands up, pleading innocence. "I did nothing".
"Did Y/N do something then?" Changbin teased.
You rolled your eyes, pressing a finger to your mouth "Quiet".
"Is that a yes?"
"Oh, my God" you whined, covering your face with both hands in embarrassment.
“Okay, okay. Leave the lovebirds alone” Hyejin came to your rescue — kind of.
“Have you guys had dinner yet?” you tried to change the subject.
“Nice save” Minho saluted you. “But no, we wanted to hang out here for a bit before. It got pretty cold”.
You nodded, silently. As if on cue, a light, cold breeze hit your body, making you hug yourself instinctively before you leaned closer to the fire and reached your hands out in hopes to get warmer.
Your eyes snapped back towards Hyunjin when you felt him leave your side, watching him go to the tent he was sharing with Lix and get something you could not quite tell apart from the distance, given how dark it was over there. When he got close enough to the bonfire again for you to see what he was holding, however, you smiled.
Before the words ‘thank you’ could even leave your mouth, he was placing a blanket over your shoulders and sitting down next to you. 
“Anyone else?” Hyunjin asked, holding out a spare blanket he had brought just in case.
“Me!” Hyejin raised her hand from three seats away, reaching for the blanket Hyunjin was now offering her and then throwing it around her body — in the matter of just one second managing to look like a burrito.
“Gotta step up your game, Felix” Han called him out, shaking his head in feigned disappointment.
“Fuck off” he glared at him, only for his girlfriend to laugh next to him and pull him into her embrace.
Felix smiled in adoration, resting his head on Hyejin’s while he made himself cozy under the blanket she had just shared with him.
“I just got called single in like five different languages” Han sulked.
You laughed at the scene playing in front of you. Well, mainly at Han and his antics, for you could only smile and stare in awe at the lovely couple cuddling right there. They were so happy. They had always been happy together, always so unproblematic, and you could only wish to ever be part of a relationship like that.
You didn’t want that with just anyone, though, and the fact that the person you wanted it with was sitting right next to you did not help your case at all. 
It was tough to be craving that much intimacy with someone who was right there, yet things weren’t clear enough between the two of you for you to just go for it.
You wanted to be able to do with Hyunijn what Hyejin had just done with Felix. You wanted to just rest your head on his shoulder and pull him into your embrace. You wanted to be close to him in every way possible, feeling his calm breathing next to you as you enjoyed the sight and warmth of the fire.
And maybe you were overthinking way too much, for sharing a blanket while camping was not that deep and it didn’t precisely have to mean anything, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to offer it to him, because, to you, it was that deep and it did mean something.
Silently staring at him as he had by now joined the new conversation you were not paying attention to, you felt your heart melt at the side view of his bright smile.
You didn't know how many minutes had gone by, but at one point you felt him shiver, and then lean towards the fire just like you had done before, as he looked for the warmth of it.
Looking down to the fluffy fabric hugging your body, you felt guilty to have taken his blanket when he clearly needed it too. You knew it was the chance you had been looking for to offer him to share it and that way cuddle him as platonically as you could, but after giving it a second thought you came to terms with the fact that you didn’t have enough courage to do so. Instead, you offered him the whole blanket.
“Huh?” Hyunjin questioned, taken aback when you took it off and handed it to him.
“You’re cold” you stated the obvious, motioning for him to take it.
“So are you” he pointed out.
“Yeah, but it’s your blanket”.
Hyunjin stayed silent for a couple of seconds, eyes going from you to the blanket in your hands and so on. Then, as if a lightbulb had just been lit up above his head, he smiled.
Taking the blanket from your hands, he threw it over your backs, making sure you’d hold onto the other end before he made himself cozier next to you.
“We can share”.
You bit your lip, lowering your head not to show the effect his actions had once more had on you. How could he make it look so simple? Just throw a blanket over your bodies, pull you closer and then say that you could share, like it was nothing?
A part of you was worried he would feel your heartbeat racing, even though your arm was the one leaning against him and not your chest. It was just beating that hard, and you grew even shyer when your eyes locked with Seungmin’s. Somehow, you felt like one look at you and Hyunjin snuggling up —if you could call it that— was all it took for him to figure everything out.
The crush you had told him about months ago, only then was confirmed right in front of his eyes not to only be one simple crush. And most definitely not a one sided one, like you had claimed it was back then.
“Something wrong?” Hyunjin asked quietly, leaning in towards your ear for only you to hear.
You shook your head no, smiling softly before turning your head to him. “Everything’s fine”.
Perfect, actually.
Hyunjin nodded, moving closer to you and hesitatingly bringing his hand up to hover your back. “Is it okay if I…”
Catching on with his intentions when he lightly tapped your back, you hummed in affirmation; tensing up for a second over the unknown feel of his hand on your waist, before you relaxed under his gentle, loving touch. You were nervous, of course, but it would've been odd for you not to ultimately feel at ease when his thumb began to draw small circles on the curve of your waist.
Maybe you got too carried away, or maybe you simply stopped worrying too much, but you found yourself resting your head on his shoulder — not even having time to doubt your own actions before his head was resting on yours.
As cliché as it was, you wished that moment would last forever. It felt so natural, like your head belonged on his shoulder and his hand belonged on your waist. Like you belonged together.
Your friends had silently agreed on not teasing you anymore; just carrying on with the conversation as if seeing you together like that was by now a daily occurrence.
Hyunjin pulled you closer, and with his lips faintly brushing the crown of your head, you began to doze off.
His phone buzzing in his pocket managed to stop you from falling asleep completely. However, he, too, was so immersed in the comfort your touch and warmth brought him, that he didn't even feel it moving directly against his body.
"Your phone" you quietly brought it to his attention.
"Your phone's buzzing" you clarified, lightly pressing your legs to his so he could take a hint.
"Oh, right" he finally got it, earning a small laugh from you as he reached into his pocket and took his phone out. "It's Minji".
You couldn't help it, but your body tensed up.
"Minji?" Han asked quite eagerly.
"Isn't it like six A.M. over there?" Hyejin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Hyunjin shrugged. "She's Facetiming, hold on".
Watching him sit up straight and fix his hair right before taking the call, you moved slightly away from him, putting some distance in between the two of you. That small action of yours didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin, but he decided to say nothing. It must've been nothing after all, right?
"Hey!" He greeted her cheerfully as soon as her face was on the screen.
"Hello~" Minji answered rather cutely. Your stomach twisted. "How's everyone?"
"Everyone's okay, they're all here, actually" Hyunjin let her know.
That simple statement was all it took for your seats to be taken over by all your friends — all ten of you trying your best to fit on the small screen that Hyunjin was struggling to keep as far as possible from his face, so that everyone could have a look.
Staring at your friend through the screen, you could tell she was just waking up. She was at the other side of the world, after all. But even then, when her hair was still messy and her face was completely bare, she managed to look as endearing as ever. 
She looked happy. Tired, of course, given what time it was over there, but happy nonetheless. That same welcoming smile you knew so well was still intact, even while she was being attacked with questions from the entire friend group.
You tried your best not to look at Hyunjin all throughout the conversation. You knew it wouldn't do you any good to see him looking at her — not when you already knew the oh-so-special way he did. That one look in his eyes he only had when it came to her.
You also tried your best not to think of how usual these video calls were. They were best friends, for fucks sake, and they were half a world apart from each other on top of that. If it were you and Seungmin, you knew you'd be calling on a daily basis.
But Hyunjin and Minji were different. And the selfish part of you didn't want to think he was Facetiming her every single day when that seemed to be your thing now.
As stupid as you knew it was, you couldn't stop your head from hurting right then; all because of your own intrusive thoughts.
"We miss you!" Han shouted.
"Yeah, you should call the whole group more often" Chan accused her.
"Oh my God, you should show us around the filming set sometime" Felix excitedly requested. 
"Have you met any celebrities?" Jeongin asked.
And the fact that everyone was talking so loudly and eagerly to the phone, as if its microphone wasn't working or something, was definitely not helping your abrupt headache.
"One by one, people. Please" she joked. "I miss you all so much and I will get to you in a minute, but I called Jinnie, so…"
"She said priorities," Minho joked with a roll of eyes. "Let's leave before our dignity hits rock bottom, guys".
Chuckling at his salty remark and watching everyone stand up so they could either go back to their seats or straight up go somewhere else after the bonfire bonding had been interrupted, you hesitated for a moment. Ultimately, however, you stood up too — not being able to decipher the look Hyunjin gave you when you were no longer sitting next to him, and your end of the blanket remained unattended.
Without much thought, you went to the place that felt the most familiar and, therefore, the most comfortable — Seungmin. He was back on his previous seat, mindlessly scrolling through his Twitter feed when you took a seat beside him.
He didn't even budge when you placed your head on his shoulder, silently reading whatever Tweet he decided to stop at. 
"You should've brought the blanket" he said plainly when a breeze of cold air hit your bodies, eyes not leaving his phone. "It's cold".
You snorted. "It's Hyunie's blanket. You can go get another one to your tent if you're that cold".
"Just go ask your boyfriend for it, he's giving it to you in a heartbeat".
Your jaw dropped at his nonchalant statement, not minding holding back when you pushed him with both palms and almost made him fall off his chair.
"You're a menace" he accused you, holding onto your upper arm for dear life.
"You started it" you defended yourself.
"Just go get a blanket!" He motioned towards his tent.
"It's your tent, you go".
"Fine! But I swear to God I won't be shar—"
"Um…" Hyunjin's low voice brought your attention to him.
He was awkwardly standing in front of you, folded blanket in his hands while his eyes travelled from you to Seungmin, almost as if pondering his next move.
In the end, they focused on Seungmin.
"You think you can, um…" he nervously cleared his throat. "Leave us to it for a bit?"
Your heart skipped a beat, and your eyes fixed on Seungmin, who was already squinting his eyes in your direction.
The things he had to do for you and the sake of your romantic life.
Standing up without another word and with a quick glance to Hyunjin, he went over to Jeongin and Chan, who were busy chugging two of the beer cans you had no idea were there to begin with. Next to them was Hyejin, who was now holding Hyunjin’s phone as you supposed she was the next to talk to Minji one-on-one.
You frowned. You would’ve thought Minji’s conversation with Hyunjin would go on for ten minutes at least. Had it only been two minutes? Three at most?
Hyunjin took a seat next to you, placing the blanket around your body. His hands remained on your shoulders, tenderly massaging them before he rested his head on yours. You pouted, leaning into his body and burying your face on the crook of this neck.
"Why'd you leave?" he asked.
You shrugged, unintentionally tickling his neck and making goosebumps show up on his skin.
"Hm?" he pushed it, gently nudging you.
"Didn't wanna interrupt" you replied quietly.
"Yeah, like… Minji called you, so…"
"She just wanted to tell me about what happened at the studio today and the instructions the director was giving, you know, to give me some tips since I aim to get there at some point".
You smiled weakly, being reminded of how even when it came to their careers they were a better fit than you and him. An actress and a film producer. It was a match made in Heaven.
"It's not like we were talking about anything top secret" he tried to reassure you when you wouldn't reply.
"No, but…" you sighed. "I don't know".
“Tell me”.
“It would’ve just… We were being way too cozy, and she was watching, I didn’t want to have her think that we’re—you know…”
Hyunjin frowned, looking down to his fidgeting hands on his lap. “But we are, though… Aren’t we?”
You looked up at him in surprise, and he could feel his heart flutter at the sight of your shining, incredulous eyes.
“We are?” you asked in a whisper.
“Do you…” he bit his lip, silently looking for the right words. “Do you really think I’m in love with her?”
You shrugged, sitting up and leaning away from him.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, it’s always been so obvious”.
“It was nothing, though”.
You snorted at that, shaking your head in disbelief while you focused on one of the trees in front.
“I mean it,” he reassured you, cupping your chin and guiding your face in his direction, giving you no choice but to look at him and feel your breath get caught in your throat over how little distance separated your face from his. “Whatever silly crush I had on her is gone by now”.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me”.
“But I do,” he disagreed. “I do need to explain myself if it’s gonna jeopardize my relationship with you”.
“R-Relationship?” you whispered again, this time almost inaudibly.
"I mean, not like—I know we don't," he panicked, and you couldn't help but smile ever so faintly at the way his eyes opened wider than usual and his cheeks became a bright pink. "I'm just—in the future maybe, like…"
"Like…" you trailed off, giving him the little push he needed to go on.
Hyunjin took a deep breath. His hands were no longer cupping your face, but nervously shoved into his pockets instead. Suddenly, he had lost all the sudden confidence he previously had when it came to making it clear to you that he no longer wanted anything to do with Minji.
But he wanted things to be clear between the two of you. He wanted you to know that whatever it was he once felt for her, was now gone.
He wanted you to know he wanted you.
So, earning back every ounce of confidence he once had, he took his hands out of his pockets and held yours in them — his thumbs ever so tenderly caressing your soft skin, staring at them with the softest of smiles before his eyes went back up to your already elated ones.
“I like you, Y/N” he confessed. “I really, really like you".
"You do?" you murmured, not believing your ears.
"Mhm…" he nodded, feeling shyness hit him like a truck all over again yet refusing to let it take control over him. "I want to give us a try, I want to be with you, and… I just, I don’t want you to believe I'm stuck on Minji when I'm not".
You looked down to your lap and simply nodded, silently — visibly enough for him to know you heard him, yet not confidently enough for him to think you trusted him.
Everything he had just said was exactly what you wanted to hear. He wanted to be with you. Not her, you. He liked you, and wanted to give your relationship a try. Then why was your gut not allowing you to feel as happy as you should be?
"Can you please say something?" he whispered, nervously biting on his bottom lip.
"I, I don't…"
"You don't like me back?" he assumed; defeat clear in his eyes.
"No, I do!" you clarified embarrassingly fast, not even getting to feel ashamed about it after seeing the way his whole face lit up. "I do. I do like you".
He laughed under his breath, blissfully — thumbs still drawing circles in the palms of your hands, only this time it felt playful.
"What's stopping us then?" Hyunjin asked.
You shrugged, letting out a sigh as you looked up to the sky. "It's not even been two months since she left…"
He sighed heavily, cupping your face with one of his hands and making you look at him once more. "I know it seems like too little time, but I fell so hard so fast for you, Y/N. I can't even understand it either, but I did".
"What about when she comes back…"
"Does it matter?" He tilted his head in confusion. "I'll be with you, nothing's gonna change".
"She's coming back in five months," you pointed out, a small smirk curving up your lips. "You really think we'll last that long?"
Hyunjin giggled, resting his forehead on yours and smoothly pulling you closer to him by firmly placing a hand on your back.
"I think we'll last longer than that, actually".
That did it for you. Those confident words coming out of his mouth, his lips only inches from yours and his strong hand on your back, were all it took for you to shut down every rational part of your mind and to let your heart take over instead.
You wanted to be with him, and he wanted to be with you. So what if he used to have feelings for your mutual friend; it didn’t have to be so complicated.
And maybe, in the long run, that had been your biggest mistake. Pushing all your worries aside and just diving into your feelings for him. Rushing into things. Letting go of your inhibitions that night and never looking back from a decision you made in the heat of the moment.
Your biggest mistake was forgetting about the reason you were sitting all the way across from your previous seats around the bonfire to begin with, and why Hyunjin had come up to you in order to comfort you and reassure you of the way he felt for you.
The reason of all your insecurities was currently at the other side of the world, and Hyunjin was all the way over here with you. It was just that easy to forget about your concerns when the cause of them was nowhere near. Especially when the person your heart was crazy about was holding you so close.
Chuckling at those words that had made you risk it all, you placed your hands on his chest and softly nuzzled his nose. "You think so?"
"What, you wanna bet?" He challenged with a raised eyebrow.
You shook your head no immediately, as a laugh escaped your throat. And with each shake of your head, you moved closer to him — until there was no more space between your mouths, and your puckered lips were softly pressing on his receptive ones.
They felt just like everything you had ever dreamed of, but better. They tasted sweet, just like him; and they somehow felt even softer and plumper than they looked.
With your heart speeding up in such a way you had not felt in so long, you pulled away, feeling your cheeks burn up while your face remained buried in his neck in a poor attempt to hide from what you had just done.
"Oh, no. No," he warned you, tilting his head towards your hidden face and placing his hand on your neck — gently, yet strong enough to manage to make you look up at him. "You don't get to kiss me and then pull away before I get a proper taste of you".
His lips were trapping your bottom one before you could even register his words. He pulled you in closer, hand travelling from the back of your neck to the side of it, so that he could hold you still while his thumb was faintly pressing on your throat. 
He deepened the kiss in no time, tilting his head to the side right as his tongue traced your bottom lip for you to open up. Once you did, he was greatly met by yours in the middle — tenderly massaging each other for a brief moment, before you focused back on sucking and teasing your needy lips.
"Did this answer your question?" he whispered against your mouth.
Too far gone in the sensation of his addictive lips on yours and the way his hot breath hit your mouth as it mixed with your own, you struggled to find your voice. "W-What even was the question?"
Hyunjin giggled, louder this time. Both hands cupped your cheeks, and his thumbs tickled your bottom lip as they faintly traced it. "You're so cute".
You looked down, not being able to hold his stare after hearing such a statement come out of his swollen, pink lips. Hyunjin laughed under his breath at the sight of it, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before he pulled you into his arms and fixed the blanket that was sliding down your shoulders.
"Are you two lovebirds done exchanging saliva?" Minho asked from the table a few meters away, mindlessly opening a red cooler.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and you shyly buried your face in the crook of his neck like it was oh-so-natural by now.
"Is that a yes?"
"What do you need?" you reluctantly gave in.
"You're literally the only person apart from me who knows how to properly fillet a fish, so…"
You sighed, sitting up and giving Hyunjin a lingering, apologetic look before you stood up.
"I can help, too" he stood up immediately after you, leaving the blanket by your chairs and following behind you.
"I actually need your help chopping the veggies" Hyejin caught him by his t-shirt before he could even reach your side.
"But I can help Y/N cut th—"
"You don't even know how to cut a fish" Hye mocked him.
"No, but—"
"Just give it up, lover boy" Seungmin shut every hope of his down, placing a firm hand on his shoulder and dragging him with them to the other end of the table. "Come join those of us on veggies duty, Y/N's not going anywhere".
Throwing one last glance your way and watching you fold up your sleeves right before you got to helping Minho, Hyunjin smiled. He wished you weren't interrupted because of veggies and fish duty, and therefore you could still be sitting down by the bonfire, all alone, making out like he then realised he was desperate to.
But Seungmin was right. You were not going anywhere. For as long as he stayed by your side, and for as long as he made you feel safe enough in your relationship, you would stay.
For as long as you knew he was yours and you were his, you were not going anywhere. And he planned to keep it that way, so there was truly nothing for him to worry about, right?
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tag list: @brinnalaine @slut4colinbridgerton @sherryblossom @svintsandghosts @phenomenalgirl9 @meloncremesoda @jxcesstuff @nhyunn @armystay89 @mal-lunar-28 @143hyunes @seungminstaehyun @cutiespaghetti @chaotic-world-of-the-j @its-me-hyunjin @kwanisms @hyunfruits
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
What do you make of David sayin he’s an ally, not an active participant (in queer subcultures)?
Did he come out as straight? I’m not sure anyone has ever asked him directly, not that he needs to give any explanations, I’m just curious because he gives off such a queer vibe even when he’s been married forever.
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Oh, my Asks/DMs have been blowing up over this one. I did have a chance to read this interview with David (is it me, or is he doing nonstop press lately?) and...wow. Definitely enjoyable, and noticeably more unhinged/queer than most of his other interviews (which makes sense, given that Attitude is an LGBTQ-focused publication). But let's get a screenshot up of the most talked about bit, so we can discuss:
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Obviously there is a lot going on here, so I'm just going to go with what stood out to me most. I don't think there is anything in the world less surprising than David naming bears first, given certain preferences of his (which I've discussed several times previously on my blog).
What's really interesting though is that the question was asking about queer subcultures, but all of the ones David listed are used primarily (AFAIK, though someone please do correct me if I am wrong) in mlm/gay male relationships. "Queer" can be many things, after all--gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, ace--and yet when David heard "queer subcultures" he specifically went for the mlm/gay ones, and that definitely feels like an interesting choice.
The second thing that I felt was worth discussing is that a lot of the reactions I've seen to this is people saying how adorably clueless David is, or how "he's a little confused, but he's got the spirit." And I'm sort of perplexed by this because we are talking about an almost 53-year-old man here, and I believe he knows damn well what all of those terms/subcultures are.
It's been brought to my attention (from what I would consider a very trustworthy source) that David is not at all as technologically illiterate as he pretends to be. Instead, it's actually part of a persona that he puts on to avoid dealing with issues that would arise from people knowing he is online. I had an inkling of this just from Georgia saying David was the one who set up all the equipment for when they filmed Staged at home (because why would such a task be put in the hands of someone who is hopeless with technology?). But having this confirmed also aligns with David creating a fake personal assistant in the early days of his career so he wouldn't have to fulfill certain social obligations, and to put a barrier between his real self and the world.
So why, then, wouldn't the same pattern possibly apply here?
I know there also tends to be this image of David as a "bumbling, goofy dad" type, and that's definitely part of him and what makes him so charming. But I don't think he is a fool, either--especially not after listening to him talk about Shakespeare or politics or anything else at length--and I think he certainly knows how to answer these types of questions. I think David is more than clever enough to give answers that are cheeky but not revealing, because he knows the purpose of all this is to promote the BAFTAs, not to be a deep, probing exposé on the life and times of David Tennant.
Which then brings me to the big, gay elephant standing in the middle of the room--a.k.a., "I'm an ally rather than an active participant." (Again...so many interesting word choices going on here, and none of it feels like an accident.)
Going back to what I mentioned about the focus of these interviews, I'd like to point out one notable thing that David himself said in the Radio Times interview earlier this week:
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This, I think, sums up what we are seeing in all of these interviews: The version of David that he feels is safe to present to the world. He makes it clear as well that he is not going to reveal areas of his personal life while up on stage, and I would say that the same thing applies to these interviews. (It also speaks volumes that in the year 2024, the version of himself he feels safe presenting in these interviews is one who fully knows what bears and twinks--sorry, twinkies--are.)
So no, I don't think David is coming out as straight. I don't think he's coming out as anything, in fact, because he knows these interviews are not the place for that to happen. And I think that saying he is an ally but not an active participant makes the most sense as an answer for a public interview, but neither that nor being in a straight-passing relationship necessarily makes him any less potentially queer.
To reiterate what I said above, there is no one way to be queer. For some people, being queer absolutely can mean going to leather bars and participating in subcultures. But for other people, "queer" can mean something very different. It can mean being a Kinsey 2 just floating along doing your thing until you meet that one person who changes everything. The person who makes you go, "I've usually been more into this and not as much into this...but I'm definitely into you." It can mean being attracted to/falling for someone--a co-star, maybe?--that you never expected to feel that way about. And if David is queer, maybe that also means not shying away from anything, but at the same time not wanting to take the spotlight off the awards and the nominees celebrating one of the most important nights of their lives.
Those are my thoughts on the Attitude interview and David's answers, at any rate. Happy as always to hear from my followers with your takes. Thank you for writing in! x
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
can i request a smut? Steve×bestfriendReader in which the reader and Steve were having a best friends night and doing normal things they are used to but they end up getting in a subject about dates they've been on and who was their best×worst sex because Steve was curious about? and the reader sort of admits that she never really had a really pleasurable night with someone because no one ever knew how to satisfy her (sorry if something doesn't make sense lol english is not my first language
That made perfect sense don’t worry! I love that trope honestly cause Steve would definitely be like “oh I know how to make it good for her” type of guy. Whew 🥵
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The Golden Rule
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Smut
“How can you hate E.T.?!”
“I don’t hate the movie, I hate the little guy!”
“Y/N,” Steve said flatly, “E.T. is the little guy’s name.”
“Well whatever, you know what I meant.”
“He’s adorable! How can you hate him?!”
You tossed a pillow at him, which he caught.
“It’s like looking at a naked grandma it’s weird! It’s even worse when they dress him like a girl. It’s like I’m waiting for them to drop him off at a retirement home. He’d fit right in, in that outfit.”
Steve sighed dramatically.
“It all makes sense now.”
“What does?” you asked.
“Why you’re single,” he said, shaking his head with mock seriousness, “You have horrible taste when it comes to movie characters.”
“You’re horrible,” you laughed.
“I’m right,” he grinned.
You and Steve had a a weekly movie night together every Saturday night, it was something you had been doing for years—maybe even as long as you’d been friends. You typically alternated picks every week. This week, it was Steve’s turn to choose the movie and he’d provided E.T. this week. You were up for watching it, you had agreed, when you first arrived at his place two hours ago.
“I can’t be worse than this one guy I went on a date with once. He hated The Breakfast Club because he thought Molly Ringwald wasn’t great.”
Steve snickered, knowing that that movie was one of your favorites, along with Molly Ringwald.
“On your behalf, I’m very glad that relationship didn’t work out.”
“You and me both,” you muttered.
“I actually had a date fall asleep on me during a movie once,” Steve said.
“Isn’t that the shit you love?” you snorted, “Then you get to put your arm around them and cuddle them,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, I mean literally head back against the seat, drooling, out like a light the entire movie, asleep,” he grimaced.
“Oh yikes,” you stifled a laugh, “That’s very…encouraging.”
“Technically she had a good excuse as she’d been preparing for exams the entire night before, but still…not much chemistry there,” he chuckled.
“I’ll say,” you smiled.
“Okay, you told me about your worst date. What about worst sex?”
You arched a brow. It wasn’t like anything was taboo between you and Steve. You were best friends after all, his curiosity after all was, well, curious.
“Oh no, King Steve,” you teased, using his old nickname from high school, “I want to hear your worst story first. I hope the girl didn’t fall asleep during the deed.”
You were well aware he wasn’t the same bully and jerk he had been in high school, for quite some time. But you couldn’t help but tease him for his known reputation with the ladies. He’d definitely slept around enough to have at least one good story.
“Well it’s more embarrassing than anything, I guess,” he shrugged.
“Oh don’t tell me, they hurt your poor, fragile ego by telling you that it wasn’t good sex?” you pouted, purposely messing with him.
“Are you going to hush and let me finish?” he asked, giving you a pointed look.
“Fine, fine.”
“So there I am, really going at it. Like we’re in the final act and I’m just thinking “okay this is going great”, then she stops me all of a sudden tells me she’s just not into it anymore, gets up and gets dressed and just leaves. It was incredibly awkward.”
“You do realize that’s basically just a bruised ego story, right?” you scoffed.
“Well it was definitely the worst sex I had! It was weird!”
“I’ll give you that. That really is weird,” you nodded.
“Okay, your turn. What’s your worst sex story?”
You pulled your legs towards your chest, wrapping your arms around them, suddenly feeling real self conscious.
Sensing your wariness, he moved his foot, nudging your own with his, from where he was sitting on the other side of the couch.
“Oh, come on, I told you mine,” he said, encouragingly.
You sighed heavily.
“All of them I guess?”
If it wasn’t such a depressing statement, you would’ve laughed at his comical reaction. He blinked at you dumbly, as if his brain wasn’t able to process your words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Sex is overrated,” you shrugged.
You didn’t have a great track record with it, after all. Half the guys you’d been with was just there for their own selfish pleasure, leaving you wishing you’d never started the moment with them. The other half was probably just terrible in bed, making you lose confidence in the act all together. You didn’t really see the point of it anyway because surely people were over exaggerating how amazing it was.
“Oh god, you’re serious,” Steve gaped at you.
You squirmed uncomfortably under his scrutiny.
“Why are you staring at me like that? It’s weird,” you mumbled.
“Sex is amazing. I mean obviously it shouldn’t be the only part of a relationship, but its fun and can be incredibly hot, too.”
“Spoken like a true male,” you rolled your eyes.
“What do you mean?”
Now, Steve just looked confused. A bit intrigued, but confused.
“Most of the guys I’ve been with got it in, did what they needed to and were gone practically before I even felt anything,” you winced, “A few others were probably just bad in bed. The amount of orgasms I’ve faked should win an award.”
“So you’re telling me, no one you’ve been with has taken the time to focus on you?”
If he didn’t close his mouth soon, flies would be flying in his gaping jaw.
You felt your face heat with embarrassment. Not at the topic being discussed, but the shame you felt at apparently not being good enough to deserve this so called amazing sex he spoke of.
“Sounds like they need to follow my golden rule,” he commented.
“Your golden rule?”
“Yes,” he nodded, matter of factly, “You know how the original goes; “treat others the way you want to be treated”. My version is “give like you want to receive”. If I expect a blow job or whatever the fuck else, I make sure to give the girl special attention as well. It’s only fair and the girl deserves pleasure as well. Of course, I don’t do it solely because I want it in return, I do it because I enjoy it.”
It didn’t surprise you too much as you’d heard the stories in high school about your best friend. He was known to be great in bed and apparently if that was his secret, it was no wonder he was so highly praised.
“They must’ve missed that class of yours,” you grumbled.
It was a common denominator that the guys you’d been with had wanted to receive, but you’d never been given much in return, unfortunately.
His gaze was intent on yours when you looked back to him. He was all seriousness now, all teasing manner gone from his face.
“So you’re saying you’ve not walked away from one of your sexual encounters, satisfied?”
“Pretty much,” you said.
“Shit, those guys are complete idiots.”
“Yeah, well,” you shrugged again, looking away from him, more humiliated than anything.
Of course Steve had probably had some amazing sex in his life. If the stories about how great he was in bed were true, then you were sure he meant what he’d said earlier about how great the act was.
You felt the middle couch cushion that both of your feet had been resting on top of moments ago, shift with his weight as he moved closer to you. He was now sitting closer to you than he had been earlier, from the opposite side of the couch.
“What if I showed you?” he whispered.
His hands wrapped around your ankles, pulling your legs straight out once again, eyes trailing up your body with such concentration it made your insides quiver.
“What if I proved it to you?” he licked his lips subconsciously, eyes landing on your face once again.
He was now moving to hover over where you were sitting, back against one arm of the couch. He was like a panther, slowly approaching his prey and you’d frozen in place, anticipating being caught.
“What if I proved just how amazing sex could be?” he whispered, gaze boring into yours, hand sliding deliciously up your thigh.
The word “sex” sounded so much more intense, much more intimate than it had earlier. Possibly because your best friend, your attractive best friend that you’d had deep, secret, wouldn’t-dare-tell-him feelings that had developed and grew over the years.
Then his lips were softly pressed against yours and you almost instantly you melted into him, lips moving effortlessly without a thought. His hand cupped your face as the other slid around your side toward your back, pulling your body closer to his.
Only when the kiss had picked up in speed and heat did you realize you were practically making out with Steve. His breath was heavy in your face, his lips moving quickly with your own as if he couldn’t kiss you enough. Your hands roamed his chest, went into his hair, your body naturally pressing into his as much as you physically could.
Just as his hands pushed your shirt up your stomach, touch sliding over the bare skin was the moment your brain decided to catch up.
“Steve,” you breathed, breaking away from the kiss, pushing him back slightly, “I don’t want you to do this because you feel sorry for me.”
“I don’t,” he said, fingers still on your bare stomach, hands gliding back to hold your sides, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.”
His eyes flicked back to yours, his meaning clear in them and your breath caught in your throat. You weren’t the only one that had caught feelings, then.
“You and me both,” you chuckled, disbelievingly.
“Good,” his lips attached your jaw, “Because I want to show you just what you’ve been missing.”
His hands traveled down, pulling off the lounge shorts you’d thrown on before coming over to his house. They were old and faded, but you knew Steve had never cared what you wore. Although now you briefly wished you’d had the forethought to have something cute on underneath.
Although that thought dissipated as quickly as it popped into your mind when his entire hand pressed against your core through the thin layer of fabric still covering your lower half. You gasped sharply into the kiss, Steve chuckling at your reaction.
You weren’t used to be doting on, the attention entirely on your pleasure, so every tiny touch and brush of his fingers had you reacting, much to Steve’s pleasure.
He kept kissing you, although now his mouth moved against yours languidly as he pushed the fabric of your underwear to the side, fingertips tracing the outline of your lower lips as if memorizing your very anatomy.
He had to have achieved some sort of record as you were already so incredibly slick with arousal, Steve having caused that in record time. Then again, he was pretty talented like that.
He groaned against your lips, fingers gliding through your arousal, like he too couldn’t believe he’d garnered such a reaction from you. You were throbbing and so turned on, you were ready for anything he gave you.
Fingertips gently brushed your clit, rubbing it in circles. He’d pulled back to watch your reaction. He wanted to see your face when you realized just how incredible the sensation could be. He was not disappointed.
Your head fell back against the arm of the chair, clearly enjoying his touch. He smiled warmly also feeling a tad bit of regret. Not at what you two were doing, just that he hadn’t done it sooner. You were so touch starved, such pleasure starved that you were already so pleased just at the lightest touch from him. He was intent on giving you something real to moan about, not something you felt you had to fake your way through.
He gently pushed one finger into you and your quiet moan was music to his ears. He may have had a proud smirk on his face, but he couldn’t help it. This was only the opening act and he planned to make it worth your while.
He pumped the lone finger in and out of you slowly, free hand gliding up your torso to massage one of your boobs, still covered under your shirt, tweaking the nipple with his fingers. All he wanted to do was strip you naked and worship your body, mainly for his own selfish pleasure, but that could wait for another time. What couldn’t wait was him giving you a mind shattering orgasm—or maybe two.
“Steve,” you gasped, hips raising to meet his hand, head lifting to look at him.
Your hand slid along the back of his neck, trying to pull his mouth back to yours.
“Feel good?” he mumbled, against your lips.
With no warning, he added a second, groaning at how tight you felt around his fingers alone. He assumed you had no complaints when you answered his actions with a small moan.
“Fuck, yes,” you breathed, eyes already closed.
His fingers worked you, thrusting deep as he kissed you. You could hardly keep your moans to yourself at this point. The bulge in his pants that was occasionally brushing against your bare thigh made you aware that you were affecting him just as he was you.
You gripped his bicep, fingers tightening around his arm as his thumb rubbed your clit, the tantalizing mix sending you into a fury of pleasure. Your hips ground against his hand as you kissed him, having to break away, your breathing already shallow enough.
You were almost embarrassed at how eager you sounded, how your body was reacting with no shame, like you were a virgin and this was your first time all over again. In a way, it kind of was. It was your first, true time even nearing the ballpark of an orgasm from a man’s hand alone.
You whimpered, Steve’s touch just amazing enough that you couldn’t imagine wanting anyone or anything else. Why the fuck were sex toys invented when Steve Harrington existed because holy fuck, your best friend was good at this.
He sensed your hesitancy, even though your reaction to him was starting to win over your mind.
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he whispered, pausing long enough to give you a short, staccato kiss, before continuing, “I’ve got you.”
His hand worked mercilessly as you writhed beneath him throughout your kissing. He knew you were close and didn’t even attempt to let up his motions until the clutches of your orgasm claimed you.
It hit as hard as the smack of a baseball bat against a ball. It was that loud, in a sense. The coil of tightening in your core and abdomen snapping and spreading outwards at a rapid pace, sending your senses into orbit.
“Steve!” you gasped loudly, an appreciative moan following his name.
“Just wait until next time; I can show you what I can do with my mouth,” he whispered, as you came down from your high, removing his hand from you and stroking the top of your thigh.
Next time? His mouth? Have mercy.
Your expression must’ve been questioning, as he peeled off your underwear.
“I told you, I’ve waited too long to do this for it to be a one time thing,” he smiled softly.
“Good, I’m glad,” you muttered.
“I am too,” he chuckled, kissing you, your hands pushing his pants off his hips.
You hated to part, his kisses just as amazing as he proved his fingers to be, but you knew you had to ask, if you wanted this to continue.
“Do you have a condom?” you asked, hoping he did.
He nodded, sitting up and reaching into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling out the square packet.
“Did you expect this to happen?” you laughed, a bit amazed.
“No, but, I always come prepared,” he teased.
“You’re something else, Steve,” you rolled your eyes with a grin.
“I think I just proved that once,” he said with a lifted eyebrow, “And I’m gonna prove it a second time.”
He tore open the package with his teeth and you swore you developed a new kink. Who knew that such a simple act was so sexy?
“What?” he chuckled.
“That was fucking sexy,” you gaped.
He rolled the condom on, reaching for you again, pulling you up and into his lap as he sat upright.
“Glad you think so because I think you’re fucking sexy,” he growled the words, voiced laced with desire.
Your body natural positioned itself as your mouths met in the intricate dance you’d both created specific to the two of you. You lowered yourself onto him, the entrance an effortless task, even as he stretched you beyond to what you’d been used to.
“Holy fuck, you’re tight,” he breathed, amazed.
“It’s been a while,” you grunted, staying still as you got used to the foreign feeling of him, “You’re also bigger than I’m used to.”
“Why Y/N,” you flatter me, he teased, hands gliding up your back.
You hit his chest lightly, moving your hips slowly, tearing out what worked best.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he mumbled, watching you in a trance.
“So much talk, so little actions,” you grinned, your words breaking off into a moan as his hips met yours in a sharp thrust up into you.
“Fuck me,” you groaned, using it as an expletive comment instead of an actual command.
“I’m trying,” he smirked.
“Shut it, Steve,” you chuckled, hands resting on his chest as you moved on him, body rocking in a perfect rhythm as you bounced.
You had no problems admitting that the rumors were true, that was actually really incredible.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, kissing across your shoulder and collarbone, thrusts quickly picking up speed, setting a rhythm to please both of you.
If someone would’ve told you yesterday—hell, even hours ago—that you would be in your best friend’s lap, riding him, you would’ve laughed in their faces.
You weren’t laughing now.
In fact, you couldn’t quite form words anymore.
“Steve, shit, yes, oh god,” was about all you could rotate between moans and pants, whimpers and whines.
“I agree,” he groaned, a slight chuckle in his voice.
His hands gripped your ass, manipulating your body to move faster and harder against his thrusts. A guttural moan escaped your throat when he hit a partially deep spot, rubbing against your cervix.
Frankly, you had no idea there were guys who knew of said, deep, hidden treasure and boy, it truly was nothing short of ecstasy when hit. Also, the one brain cell that was still functioning in your fuzzy mind wondered how he had brought you back to a nearing orgasm so quickly.
You squeezed around him tightly, his answering groans enough for you to do it again, this time on purpose.
“You keep doing that and I’m going to go fucking crazy,” he gritted, panting.
You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that you were his undoing, that you truly were driving him crazy as your hands gripped his arms. There was no way you were faking an orgasm during intercourse this time.
The matching sounds of your breathing and moaning mixed with the noise coming from your meeting bodies. Your lips attached to his jaw, sucking harshly as you bounced yourself closer to your end.
“Betcha not gonna fake an orgasm this time, are you sweetheart?” Steve uttered and you moaned your answer, shaking your head.
Shockingly, all it took was one press of his finger on your clit and you were spiraling. Down, down, down, you went into a pit of passion, fireworks exploding inside your body as you came hard on top of him.
There was no faking the way you made a slight squeaking intake of breath before you let go, the way the moans of his name was a hundred percent genuine and the vice like grip you had on his cock as you shook and shuddered. Seeing you fall apart was a magical sight to Steve that broke his own tether, holding back his own orgasm.
Part of him wished he could be spilling his load deep within you, knowing you were raw and red and leaking all for him, but he’d respected your wishes, knowing it was the safe thing to do to don a condom. He spilled in it, a dragged moan torn from his chest as he kissed you, loving the way you felt in his arms, completely spent.
It took a few minutes of heavy breathing before you and Steve’s breaths began even again and you smiled at him.
“Thank you, for that.”
“Believe me,” he chuckled, entirely spent and extremely far gone—both physically and emotionally for you.
“It was my pleasure.”
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my Iori, Mio, Arata and Souma headcanons as i'm very normal about the idea of all of them being friends!!
the four of them often hang out in Weekend Garage, usually after STANDOUT and/or Gurney Flap have finished a show, where they have dinner and hot drinks, chat with Ken and play cards. Mio and Souma are particularly good at cards. Arata cheats in half the games by distracting Mio to glance at her cards which makes Iori kick him under the table
Iori and Arata being twins is everything to me. Iori is the older one by a few minutes and she is So Smug about it. she will never stop holding it over him. she calls him her "baby brother" which irritates him quite a bit. she also gets to be slightly taller than him. as a treat </3
Iori keeps her surname private from STANDOUT's fans because she doesn't want people to know she's related to Arata LMAO. some of the Vivid Street residents who are fans of her band often ask her about her resemblance to him but she always gaslights them for fun i mean denies it
the siblings steal each other's microphones all the time. and clothes. and jewellery. and hair products. and eyeliner. and desserts. it is an absolute nightmare for their parents to keep track of whose laundry, shopping and food is whose
Iori, Arata and Souma went to Kamikou, and their year group was the first one to attend the school, since it was constructed so recently. Mio went to Miyajou. Iori was definitely heaps of girls' queer awakenings when she was in highschool. extremely popular due to her style, charming personality and music
Iori was always good with Maths and the various sciences, but did poorly in subjects such as Literature and languages, because she struggled with spelling. Arata was the opposite as he couldn't deal with numbers for the life of him, but had a skill for writing. for this reason, they often swapped their homework- Iori did all of Arata's that involved calculations, and he did her essays. they only found out as adults that Iori's dyslexic and Arata has dyscalculia. currently, Iori's bandmates always help her out with proofreading lyrics
Mio's canon hobby is collecting teddy bears, so i imagine her to be very into the cute aesthetic, very much a Sanrio and Sumikko Gurashi girlie. however, she absolutely adores creepy-cute aesthetics too, so her overall favourite teddy bear brand is Gloomy Bear. Mio likes horror in general. she loves gory movies, she adores creepy RPG games, especially if there's themes of dolls and such
because she's so fond of her teddies, she's learnt how to sew so she can make them clothes and bows. Mio can also bake extremely well and brings homemade snacks when all of them hang out- especially when Souma was in the hospital. saving him from hospital food <3
Mio likes to decorate her bass with cute stickers but tries to be subtle about it because she's conscious about "clashing" with the vibe of the rest of the band. Iori is not having any of that and spoils Mio with every single sticker sheet she ever comes across. eventually, there's barely any visible wood peeking out from beneath the stickers
Souma immediately went "extrovert adopting introvert" mode when he met Mio. the two of them are best friends, and Souma is one of the only people that Mio feels very able to be open and talkative around, because he has such a welcoming and friendly air about him. she introduced him to loads of her favourite media in hopes that he'd have more fun in the hospital, so now there's several manga, anime and games they both love and chat about
Mio and Arata, though, had a rockier start when they first met, because Arata being Arata (ahem, the king of awful first impressions), was blunt and a little rude, which intimidated Mio quite a bit due to her generally anxious personality. however, he then made a bit more of an effort to befriend her as she and Souma are close, discovering that they have some things in common (such as fashion sense. they both own absurd amounts of plaid) and over time, he became pretty fond of her and often jokes that he'd replace Iori with Mio as his sister if he could
Iori loves Souma because he's not nearly as much of an "absolute bitch" as Arata. Iori and Souma like to team up to tease him sometimes, which always has him sulking about the "traitors"
Iori and Arata are relentless about making fun of each other about their relationships with Mio and Souma respectively. Arasouma got together first, and Souma was very encouraging to Mio about confessing her feelings for her bandmate. however, when the twins were alone at home, Arata would be So Fucking Annoying about Mio to Iori. Iomio got together when Mio accidentally walked in on an embarrassed Iori yelling at a smug Arata that she couldn't possibly risk creating tension in her band by expressing her want for a relationship with Mio
Iori and Mio prefer to call their relationship a QPR, as Iori is an aroallo lesbian. Mio is lesbian (and also a demigirl). Arata and Souma's relationship is romantic, Arata being bi ace and Souma being MLM/achillean
Mio and Arata decided to go to uni and end up at the same one. Mio does Art and Design, Arata does Music. Iori did not feel like doing anything more than the compulsory high school and used money for uni to buy a (dodgy and old) pick-up truck instead, which is the friend group's way of getting about. Souma also did not want to continue doing anything academic as his focus upon getting out of hospital is to finally go out, have fun and try to build up his strength for singing again
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jamiedryssnail · 16 days
Never Change
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Ryan Leonard x McKenna Estapa
Ryan gets a hard time at first for dating McKenna. She is very head strong and as cringe as this sounds she isn’t like other girls.
She basically never wears dresses or excessive makeup. Her vibe could only be described as salted granola in some respects.
Obviously if she goes to a party or fancy dinner she will dress will dress appropriately but otherwise it’s baggy pants and a little fitted shirt. Paired with her berks, bostons, or sneaker.
She has always been described as one who can stand her own ground. Being compared to Kat Stratford at times and honestly she did agree. There was some resemblance in there personalities not a lot but definitely some.
She had never in her life felt self conscious before in her life. But now she was in college it was new and strange. She was always told kids would act differently in college but she didn’t think this would happen.
In what world do you get made fun of in college. She would get teased constantly in one of her classes and when she met Ryan i guess that fell onto him.
Guys wether they were freshman to senior we’re making fun of her. Kenna had no idea this was happening until her best friend Tallulah brought it to her attention. Lu was Ryan’s sister but ever since she has met kenna they has instantly connected and became besties.
Lu has overheard a group of three boys who were known school dickheads, talking to Ryan. Lu was walking to one of her media classes and saw this happening. Being this sticky beak she is she couldn’t help listen in to what they were saying at Ryan. Not to Ryan at Ryan. Jerks.
Something around the lines of you sure she’s not gay, have you ever seen her in a mini dress, is she even a girl. Followed by laughter and laughter. Ryan stood there with a blank face but couldn’t say anything. Just nodding.
“We’ll Lu I appreciate you telling me this but I have to ask” kenna asks
“Yea I thought you would have wanna known” she said
“But go ahead hit me what’s ur question” Lu said knowing what she was already going to ask.
“Did Ryan stand up for me, or did he just laugh with them” she asked quietly.
“He didn’t laugh, but he kinda just stood there with a blank face” she said regretting it immediately.
“Oh, well um I um I better go” Kenna said stumbling over her words rushing out of Tallulah’s dorm.
As soon as she shut the door a single year well down her cheek. Then two, then the next thing she was balling. She ran to her dorm that luckily wasn’t much further. Once she arrived she layed in bed eating some old cereal and watching her favourite movie how to lose a guy in the days.
Although she wash all cosy in bed she couldn’t help the flying thoughts in her head. Was her style weird. Should she wear makeup more often than parties and dinner. Should she be more agreeable.
She was a naturally gorgeous girl, stunning even. Everyone could see it, but everyone also has something to say about what she was wearing and what she looked like in it. Her mother always telling her to show off her figure more. Even blaming her last boyfriend for cheating on her because she never wore dresses on there dates. In her mothers words why wouldn’t he cheat.
She has to fix something.
-The Next Night-
McKenna was getting ready as it was Saturday night and her and Ryan always went out on a Saturday night. Tonight they were going to a house party. It was going to be filled with bc students as the hockey team had also just won there game. Meaning she was meaning Ryan there and going with Lu.
Lu would pick her up at 7:30 and it was 6:00 right now so she started to get ready. She searched through her closet and pulled out a little dress and cute boots. She did her makeup and even she admitted she looked really good.
Just as she grabbed her bag she heard a knock at the door.
“Hey out here we gotta go babes” Tallulah yelled.
“Coming” Kenna yelled back
“Oh my goodness you look stunning”Lu said shocked at the outfit.
They chatted for another few minutes and then decided they were super late and needed to leave asap.
When they arrived at the part the whole vibe felt different for McKenna she had eyes on her and not judging ones admiring ones. But all she cared about was trying to find Ryan.
Once she spotted him she skipped over to him and he took her under his arm.
“This is well is this new” he exclaimed knowing he had never seen that before.
“Oh this no I’ve had it for ages, never had the chance to wear it” McKenna lied right through her teeth.
“Yea right” Ryan said barely above a whisper in a kind of sarcastic tone. He knew her to well and something was wrong. She never dresses like this and she has blood shot she’s suggesting she has been crying earlier. Her makeup was done more than both of them even liked and her tone of voice was wavering.
Sounding like she was ahout to break down. Which honestly she was she didn’t want to lose Ryan the man she was in love with. Little did she know he loved her styles, makeup, and personality.
He fell in love with her and didn’t want her to change herself for others.
Just as gabe has walked away he left space for someone else to join the conversation. Oh and who exactly the guys who made the comment in the first place.
“Leno how are you bud” the main guy said as the other two faded into other conversations obviously uninterested in any drama.
“Leave us alone aye Tom” he said with a stern tone.
“Calm down Lenny, oh and what the fuck happened since when were you dating a girl not a fucking man” he whispered antagonising Lenny even more.
“Shut the fuck up before I rip your head off” he finally yelled grabbing Kenna and ditching the party.
Kenna didn’t even realise but she had started crying. She caused a scene and she couldn’t take the comment he made about her it pushed her over the edge.
As Ryan heard her sniffles he wanted to do nothing more than to take her home cuddle and kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. Ryan looked down and saw her sad little pout making him ache inside. He hated seeing her sad it made him feel horrid.
“Oh no baby please please don’t cry” Ryan softy told her
All he got in response was sniffles though.
“Baby you gorgeous, most definitely the most ravishing girl ever, you are so perfect and you don’t even know. Your eyes are such a perfect shade of green and your face is all around gorgeous. Your personality suits mine perfectly like we were made for each other. And I know you don’t like wearing dresses it’s not your style and I get it. Frankly i think you look so pretty in whatever you want to wear your style is so cool. And please for the love of his don’t lie and say you like it because I know you too well and your thoughts are written all over your face. I love you so much and you are my favourite person in this entire world”. Ryan rambled on and on.
“Aw Lenny I love you too, and thank god you said something because I could not were this every weekend it’s so tight and not in a good way” they laughed together.
After the nights events they settles away into his dorm and cuddled and made out until they drifted off to sleep. Him praising her with words of affirmation as she drifted into sleep. All McKenna and Ryan needed was each other and they knew that.
Xoxo 🩵🩷💙❤️💚
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
Also got any sev ones?
If I have any Severus Snape headcanons? I think I might have to put this one under the cut bby, it's going to be loooong. Edit: it got severely out of hand, be warned this is insanely long.
BUT FIRST: this is a very long but extremely well-written meta about the Snapes' peculiar type of poverty that you should all read when you have time. Like, save it for later somewhere or whatever, but seriously. Do yourself a favour.
Some people like to headcanon Remus Lupin (!) as the Hogwarts drug dealer. Nu-uh. That's Snape. Severus, for the right price, can and will provide you with any kind of potion (assuming he can steal the ingredients from the supply closet/his fancy pureblood housemates can get him whatever he needs). See this post.
But it's not just potions. He'll write your essays for money (his prices go up as the years go by, but so does his credibility). Snape is the only reason Avery ever passed 4th year Transfiguration.
Until his 6th/7th year, when he was no longer friends with Lily and started expressing a vocal desire to join the Death Eaters, he wasn't accepted or popular in Slytherin House.
Avery and Mulciber, the only people who could be considered his friends, were still pretty classist and racist towards him and even then he only got to be part of their little circle because he knew more curses when he arrived at Hogwarts than half the kids in seventh year.
You see, he wasn't just a Halfblood (they have those in Slytherin), he was also dirt poor, and pretty rough around the edges. He wasn't refined, he swore like a sailor, he was classless, and “dirty” and had worn-out clothes and second-hand books, he was canonically ugly and twitchy as a child, and Sirius (who is still from the very elegant, very posh Black Family) describes him as a little oddball.
Never mind the suave adult Snape (who is very different in the books and in the movies, anyway). My man Eliza Doolittle-ed himself. He did a Tom Riddle.
But he was powerful enough that the hazing and bullying inside his own House stopped almost immediately when he got there. You despised Snape? Fine. You attacked Snape? Suddenly your pet cat has been poisoned and your kneecaps were jinxed backwards.
Also, Lucius Malfoy promptly singled him out, and while he was still in school (Sev's first and second year) he did what he could to shield him, and to make him just a little more credible and refined in Slytherin. Severus followed him around like a little puppy and definitely acted a bit like an errand boy for him and his friends, which is also part of the reason why Sirius calls him Lucius Malfoy's lapdog in OotP. I wouldn't say they were really friends though. He knew them, and maybe they liked him, but he wasn't their equal.
Unfortunately, the Marauders' bullying only got worse as the years went by, and Lucius had graduated by the time SWM happened (I think that and the Prank were the worst, but I also like the headcanon that they were not. That Snape put that particular memory in the Pensieve because it was the time he lost Lily, not because it was the worst time he was bullied by them. From the way he reacted to their attack, this level of viciousness was probably common. By the way, even if you dislike him as a character, if you deny that what he suffered at the hands of the Marauders was vile, I don't know what to tell you.)
I wouldn't say a good rapport with Narcissa Black - because why would a girl from the upper years hang out with a boy from the first three? - but she would be kind to him, and chat politely sometimes. She was impressed with him - the first Halfblood she had ever given the time of day to.
Do you know who wasn't (lol)? Bellatrix. Who had graduated years before and just could not understand why Narcissa and Lucius would be so fond of this little scrawny upjumped Halfblood.
With the exception of Andromeda (who doesn't know who he is) and Narcissa (who really likes him), all of the Blacks hate Snape. Regulus doesn't hate him per se but thinks him unrefined and overreaching and they also have a bit of a not-so-friendly competition going on even though they come from different years. Sirius and Bella... well, you know. (credit: @hxuse-xf-black, I think this hc is theirs)
One of my favourite headcanons is that the last Black family event Sirius ever attended was Narcissa's wedding (1976) [the last one Andy ever attended was Bellatrix's (1972)]. He was there as the bride's cousin, obviously. But but but. Snivellus Snape was also there, as the groom's best man (alongside Evan Rosier and Rodolphus Lestrange). The two almost get into a Muggle brawl, and an enraged Bellatrix is the one who has to separate them (how dare you try to ruin Cissy's big day?!). She would have happily let them kill each other on any other occasion, but that was her little (only) sister's wedding and she very violently cursed them both.
Started smoking cigarettes when he was young and never really stopped.
What tea does Snape drink?
Bad personal hygiene since he was a boy, especially in his periods of worst depression. Paradoxically, he was at his most groomed during his Death Eater years (1978-1981) because he had to deal daily with the likes of Lucius Malfoy and Rodolphus Lestrange, who might have been domestic terrorists but had standards.
Speaking of which. Bella hates him. I still have to decide how Rodolphus feels about him (Rod definitely defends him when the two of them are having a row, just to piss her off, but I don't know how he actually feels). I think they had slightly different social circles. As Sirius says, they were all - at different points in time - part of a gang of baby Death Eaters in school. But I see Bella & Rod as very close with Rabastan, and Rabastan as very close to Barty (the four of them even tortured the Longbottoms together, which means they definitely talked to each other in the very hectic days after Voldemort's downfall). In my headcanons Barty and Regulus are glued at the hip, so basically that's the five of them already.
It was a period of brilliant students for Hogwarts, nothing like Harry's time. James and Sirius were prodigies, Regulus gives me mad scientist vibes (also, he must have been knowledgeable in the Dark Arts seeing as he figured out about Voldemort's Horcruxes in no time), Barty brought home twelve O.W.L.S. (how?), and Snape was inventing curses.
The latter three were tentative allies in school, but Barty&Reg (who definitely had something going on if you know what I mean), pureblood and proper, with all of the entitlement that must have come from their bloodlines and talent, definitely were not his fans.
No one could understand his fixation with “that Mudblood” (Lily); Lucius was particularly overjoyed when he heard of their falling out. (This came back to bite him in the ass when he was the one who had to physically drag him out of his house, at Spinner's End, after she died and he was determined to rot and kill himself with alcohol.)
Cat person. But never owned any pets because he could not keep one alive. Except of course when he owned a rat... err... I mean, when Peter lived with him.
I am convinced the man took stimulants. Whatever the equivalent of wizard cocaine was (probably a potion he made himself, with minimal comedown and as little side effects on the body as he can), he took. He seems to spend his nights patrolling the corridors and his days teaching, so when does he sleep?
Extremely light sleeper anyway.
Can go without eating for a long time.
He is the personification of self-loathing.
I can see him self-harming in different ways. He denies himself the small pleasures of life, he smokes until his throat burns and his lungs hurt, and insists that he works best without protective gloves (more sensitivity or whatever) which means that his hands are covered in small cuts and stains from corrosive (possibly painful) potions.
Does whatever he can to look as little like his father as possible, whether that be growing a beard, or gaining weight, or cutting his hair.
He maintains that learning Occlumency saved his life. Legilimency is about control, and even that not-so-hidden sadistic part of him, and also the self-protection that comes from knowing your opponent's moves before they can strike. But Occlumency and the sort of meditative bliss that comes from Occluding heavily was an integral part of his transformation, and very definitely helped with the very obvious anxiety that plagued him as a boy. It's yoga + good weed at the same time. That's the feeling.
The Lily thing. Part of it was romantic but in the light I-am-thirteen-and-have-a-crush-on-my-best-friend type of way. He definitely thought he was in love with her when he was sixteen/seventeen, after they had cut ties, and that's how he explained it to Voldemort, too (and that's how Voldemort explains it to Harry - he desired her). But. Truthfully? No. After a while, and especially after her death, it wasn't about the love he felt for her, it was about the debt he owed her. She was the first person to be kind to him, and he betrayed her. Directly caused her death, and sold her to the most evil wizard in history. Whether you love someone romantically or platonically, being responsible for their death, or leaving a child as an orphan takes a toll on your psyche that's almost impossible for me to comprehend or explain. Imagine the level of guilt that he felt. She was his first friend, his first crush, his first everything. And his love for her was the love Dante felt for Beatrice, the love that moves the sun and the other stars. I hate it when they reduce it to “he just wanted to bang Harry's mom haha”.
With that being said, Snily is probably the most boring Severus ship of all.
Never planned for the future. He honestly didn't think he would survive the war; his character is pretty much doomed by the narrative, and I am convinced that the only thing that kept him going was fulfilling his promise to Dumbledore, taking down the Dark Lord. He always thought Voldemort would eventually discover he was a spy and kill him for it. And as sad as it is (and that's why I love those kinds of fanfics!) I cannot see him ever adapting to a post-Voldemort world. It would take a lot of work on himself for him to find peace and I don't think he loved himself enough for that. I don't think he wanted to live.
Also, while I love the fanfics where he eventually makes up with Harry, and they have a civil relationship, I cannot see it happening in canon.
The narrative draws very explicit parallels between Snape and Voldemort, there are so many (but not limited to): the social class they come from, their blood status, the abuse they face as children, this iconic line which is one of my favourites in the whole series: But he was home. Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here, the details we can infer of their relationship with Dumbledore when they were still students, the transformation they operated on themselves to become more polished, their interests (both of them invent curses and the like), the way they identify with their mothers' heritages, their dynamic is extremely interesting to me.
My headcanon is that Snape was one of the few people Voldemort actually liked (and perhaps he saw himself in), which would explain why he doesn't heed Bella's advice about him. Of course, it was a very tepid intellectual appreciation (just a tad warmer than his - very cold - expression of regret at having to kill him in the Shrieking Shack), but it was there. I think they had a teacher-student dynamic which doesn't get explored enough but was clearly there: Voldemort teaches Snape how to fly without a broom; he is reportedly the only Death Eater to whom he teaches this. I think Snape was absolutely fascinated with LV in the beginning and climbed through the ranks impressively quickly. Just as rapidly (maybe more) as purebloods Regulus Black (whose cousin was LV's right-hand woman and possible mistress) and Barty Crouch (who would have been an asset seeing his father's position). Keep in mind these guys weren't even 20 years old and had all met Voldemort personally, probably more than once. They would have been part of his inner circle.
I can see Voldemort appreciating Snape's interest in magic, especially his academic interest. I think it's especially fascinating if compared to Voldemort's relationship with Bellatrix (who was the opposite of Snape in every sense): I think someone like Voldemort would be attracted to someone like Bellatrix (rich, pure of blood, self-assured, inhabiting a world built for her, etc.) but on the other hand he would also resent her for these very things that were her prerogative, and not his. On the other hand, Snape would understand him on a personal level, he would simply get some of Voldemort's lived experiences (and personality, let's be real) in a way his other Death Eaters wouldn't. But, because he still represents his past in a way (and hasn't remade himself quite yet), Voldemort would also view him with contempt. (And a great deal of superiority, but he's like that with everyone).
Snape doesn't join the Death Eaters because of the Cause. I can see him hating Muggles and perhaps looking down on Muggle-borns, but I don't think of him as a convinced pureblood elitist in the way the Lestranges and Malfoys were. He joined for power. He wanted revenge, and he wanted to feel powerful and important in a world that would make him feel small (part of the reasoning behind Bellatrix's joining in my headcanons), which makes him much hungrier than his peers, which would make him stand out to Voldemort.
His invention of the Sectumsempra spell and its counter-curse is extremely impressive, even Bella had to recognize this when she found out, and she demanded it be taught to the younger recruits, (but really to herself).
Hates summer like no one else has ever hated summer.
Helped with Draco's conception. I headcanon that Narcissa had fertility problems (this extends, for me, to most women of the Black family) and Severus helped her and Lucius with it. (This hc isn't mine, but I love it to death.)
Any and all silly headcanons about Snape teaching sex ed, dealing with periods, etc give me life. You've all read them though, so I won't repeat them.
Worked as a potioneer for Voldemort too, perhaps alongside someone who was even better than him (older, more knowledgeable). The things he learned turned out to be super useful to him in the future.
His favourite food is fish and chips, or something equally proletarian, like beans on toast... that sort of thing.
Detested living with Pettigrew (and I hc that Voldemort did it as a form of cruel punishment: he's forced to live with - offer shelter to - the man who caused Lily's death).
Because I like angst, I really like the idea that the person he was closest with, in the entirety of the Hogwarts staff (except maybe for Dumbledore) wasn't McGonagall, it was Charity Burbage. I need more fics with an in-depth exploration of their relationship (whether it be romantic or platonic) because it has amazing potential, both for angst and fluff.
Idk how anyone can ship Snily when these two are right there
Also, she would be the second woman Severus loves that Voldemort has killed. This time it's even worse.
I doubt he could ever have had a functioning relationship with her (or any other woman, or person), because what flesh-and-blood woman could ever beat the lamented and idolised spirit of Lily Evans? She would stand no chance. Again, this makes it worse.
I'm going to stop here because this is getting embarrassing. Kudos to you if you got to the end of this.
Headcanons: James | Sirius | Remus | Lily
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Slime - Day 59
Race: Foul
Arcana: Chariot
Alignment: Dark-Chaos
June 20th, 2024
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...What is there even to talk about here? It's- it's just a slime, man!
Vee-ho, come on! There's gotta be something there! Just look beneath the surface!
I'd rather not?! Look at this thing! It's disgusting!
cOme OooN mAn.. yoU doN'T gotTA Do mE liKe thaT...
Don't you dare insult my friend, ho! Look, even with all generic monsters, there's stuff to dig into, right? Besides, this skit is get-hee-ng annoying! Vee-ho, just go ah-hee-d and start!
...Jesus Christ, okay. How do I even begin with this? SMT has plenty of classical monster tropes that it has its own spins on- whether it be werewolves, vampires, or, well... slimes. Especially in the earlier games in the series, when the concepts of demons were far less well refined, fantasy monsters that some would call generic were dime-a-dozen, and slimes were no exception. In fact, they were everywhere! Sludge Slimes! Green Slimes! Blobs! However, as the series went on and the identity of a demon was given far more thought, most of these extra slime variants began to fade, leaving us only with the classic Slime and his big brother, Blob.
The thing is, nobody is really sure where the concept of Slimes came from, as there has been no single mythological mention that can definitively trace to the idea of a slime itself. This leaves us with a big issue, though! What the hell is this things deal?! I think I have an idea, but it's a bit strained. Slimes as we know them today originally appear all the way back in the first edition of D&D, back in 1974, but it's believed that the idea can be traced back even further, into the 1930's.
In fact, I think I have an idea that has been attested to by... Reddit. Yeah. Slimes may be based originally off of a type of monster described in the Lovecraft book 'At the Mountains of Madness' called a Shoggoth, combined with ideas of slime mold, and a general need for a generic enemy type. Shoggoth are described as massive amoeba-like creatures that glow gently and have eyes blinking all over them, able to form any organs and limbs they need at will. To quote,
It was a terrible, indescribable thing vaster than any subway train—a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light all over the tunnel-filling front that bore down upon us, crushing the frantic penguins and slithering over the glistening floor that it and its kind had swept so evilly free of all litter.
This idea can be further traced back to the idea of the Demiurge in the Hyperborean cycle, a series of short stories written by Clark Ashton Smith, but... that's when the trail runs cold. Clark was good friends with Lovecraft at the age, and they took many cues from each other, and I couldn't even find a good date for the original story that Ubbo-Sathla, the deity I'm referring to, originates from. What makes this even more frustrating is that I can't find a good hook to go into with this! What do I focus on? What do I circle around?!
Just think! C'mon!
You're not helping... but okay.
Slimes could also be based on the classic movie 'The Blob,' and combining that idea with Shoggoths could have given rise to this classical idea, but the thing is, linking an actual origin is difficult. It's incredibly possible that slimes are just the brainchild of a bunch of nerds who wanted to come up with an enemy for their very first TTRPG, and it stuck around ever since, becoming a staple of the fantasy genre for years upon years to come. Shit, slimes are insanely popular everywhere you look! There are entire manga revolving around them, the Dragon Quest series's main mascot and icon is a slime, the first boss in Terraria is a slime, and it's the most popular enemy type- shit, Gelatinous Cubes are some of the first things most people think of when they think of D&D! I gotta respect the fact that, in spite of the frustrations in researching these things, they're both cute and incredibly popular.
OoOoooO, dO I haVe faAns?
I'm getting a headache... I'm gonna go lay down.
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She-hee left her computer on... I guess I'll wrap this up.
Overall, in the see-hee-ries, Slimes actual-hee have a rather unique disposition, especially in the Devil Summoner games! I really do enjoy the fact that they don't look too fri-hee-ndly in a lot of the games- as opposed to the marketable mascots of several other series, slimes in Megaten can be downright gross looking. Sorr-hee for the BTS drama in this one, I promise we'll get right back to it soon! Slimes are just a bit hard to look into, y'know.
...dO I gEt My caNdY noW?
Yeah, gimme a sec.
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thebigoblin · 1 year
you could be the one that i love
as promised! sheriff finds out about sterek tag won the poll, so here is the fic! this was so fun to write, i might do this next weekend too <3
title from "Message In A Bottle" by Taylor Swift.
now posted on ao3!
He's thinking about last night, and how amazing and perfect it was, when he walks through the front door of his home. He's smiling, fond and breathless, because what he experienced last night? It was straight out of a fairytale. Once-in-a-lifetime, truly world changing, adorable.
He's so lost in thought, so completely gone on those strong hands and dazzling smiles, those perfect bunny teeth, that he doesn't hear his name being called. Doesn't even realize he's not alone in his home until he's being tapped on his head, a double-drum beat he's hated and loved, in equal measures, since he was four and went to the barber for his first ever hair cut that he remembers.
"Da-ad! Daddio! Didn't realize you were off shift," he says, flustered and panicked. What if he asks why he's smiling like this? Normally, when he's zoned out, he's usually also hyperfocused on a thing. This, though? This is highly unusual. And his dad's a cop — he's the goddamn Sheriff. He'll be suspicious.
His dad looks at him, eyes squinted, looks him up and down. "Don't look dressed to impress," he mutters, more to himself than to him, but Stiles makes a noise of protest. He's dressed decently! His dad seems to think otherwise though. "You look like you had a fight with a cat, Stiles. That t-shirt is older than you are, why do you insist on wearing it?"
"Because it's comfy! I'll have you know, I have slept in this even when I did not have my pillow, and you know I can't sleep without it."
His dad puts up his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. Then what were you smiling about? You clearly aren't coming back from a date."
"Hey! I could be," he isn't. Still, he has feelings and words hurt, okay?
"Dressed like that?" His dad snorts, and okay, actions hurt too! "Sure, kiddo."
"Well, my choice in a date clearly wouldn't be a snob like you, so it wouldn't matter to them if I'm dressed like this or in a suit." he shoots back, and realizes his mistake just as he's faced with his dad's full-tilt grin.
"Oh? A snob? Then I guess I imagined you having a crush on one Lydia Martin all these years."
Stiles has no out, and he knows this, his dad knows this, and they both know he's done lying at this point. Sure, there was a time when Stiles would have run circles with his words and confused his dad, but ever since the werewolf secret was revealed the Stilinski men have made a pact to always be honest with each other. Or, at least, not actively lie.
Omitting certain details though? That's fine.
So, Stiles confesses:
"Actually, dad, I did have a date."
"But it wasn't before me coming home." He scratches his neck, suddenly shy. He can feel his cheeks heating up, the memories of last night once again rushing through his mind.
"I take it was good, whenever it was. But wait, where were this afternoon then?"
"Oh, dad, don't ask. It was a terrible day, I tell you! Erica and Lydia wouldn't leave me alone until I told them every. Single. Detail."
His dad raises an eyebrow. His voice is stern as he speaks. "Young man, you're seventeen. I know you think having sex is the pinnacle of teenage—"
"No! No, no, no!" Now he's blushing for an entirely different reason. "No, definitely not! De- date and I definitely didn't have sex last night." Oh god, kill him now. "It was just a dinner and movie date and it was cliché but... Dad, it was so good."
His dad smiles. Asks him if he's had dinner yet, and when he says no, tells him to tell him everything over dinner.
"Not everything," he clarifies quickly, "Just parts you're comfortable sharing with me."
Stiles loves him so much. He hugs his dad, tells him so, and starts to do just as he was asked to — he heats his dinner up, his dad having already cooked and eaten, and then both of them settle on the dining table chairs.
Stiles tells him things.
How much he loved how his date came to pick him up from Lydia's, because she was the one who dressed him. His dad laughs at that part, and Stiles points his fork at him, trying to shut him up, but only succeeds in joining in on the laughter fest.
How much he loved the flowers he got, and how his date was a gentleman all night long. Opened all the doors for him, pulled out his chair at the restaurant, and even let him eat off of his plate. Didn't even tell him to shut up when he kept babbling at the cinema.
"I'm going to pause you here and ask — you're dating a guy?"
"Not dating dating, since this was our first date, but... yeah." His dad knows he's bisexual, has known for a while, but this is the first person Stiles is dating ever and it's a guy.
He waits for his dad's reaction.
"You want to go on a second date with him?"
Stiles blows out a breath. Toys with his food a bit. The only thing he doesn't want to do in this moment is grin like a lunatic.
But he fails.
His dad holds his gaze and tells him, "Any person who makes you this happy, they get my approval."
"Dad," Stiles says, overcome with emotions. "Thank you."
"Always, kiddo. Your happiness is what matters to me. That being said, you need to do your laundry, and I'm going to go sleep. Night."
"Oh, come on! We were having a moment, and you totally ruined it!" He yells at his dad's back, which is shaking with laughter.
He yells good night, then thinks of his dad's reaction when he learns his date was Derek.
"I want to tell my dad."
This is their fifth date.
They're in a coffee shop a few towns over, just looking at each other, talking about this and that. About what Stiles wants to do after he completes his senior year, what Derek's plans were and what he ended up doing. It's a quiet environment, not many patrons here besides them, and they are in their own little bubble here.
Which pops rather loudly as Derek looks at him with the widest eyes he's ever seen.
Stiles tries not to laugh. He really, really does.
He ends up laughing, the other patrons and the waitstaff looking over at them at the sound.
"Are you scared? Of my poor ol' dad?"
"Your dad who is the Sheriff!" Derek hisses, trying to not let more attention come over them. "And I'm dating his underage son. Stiles! This is not funny."
"I'm sorry," he isn't, "But the Alpha of Beacon Hills is scared of an old man? That is funny as hell, Der."
"Darling," he tries to calm himself down, and looking into Derek's eyes has that effect on him, "It's okay. We don't have to tell him yet. It's just an idea, okay? We can wait until you're ready."
Derek takes a moment to process and reply. "Didn't you say he approves of your boyfriend?"
"My boyfriend who he probably thinks is my age, or like, maybe two or three years older. Not six."
Derek takes one look at him, at the hickey he's marked on his neck, and shakes his head rather aggressively. "No."
Stiles laughs and keeps laughing, until Derek shuts him up with a kiss.
The police station is nearly empty when he enters. It makes sense; it's lunch time and recently there hasn't been anything big. Which is good, really good.
It means he gets to finish his last year in school in peace, and he doesn't have to worry about his dad working himself to death.
It's a good time in Beacon Hills.
Stiles thinks so, right until the moment he's on his fifth bite of burger and his dad's staring down his own.
"You know, son, one day you are gonna have to make your boyfriend meet me."
Stiles chokes on his burger.
"If you can't eat the rest of it, maybe I can—"
"It's not healthy for you!" He shouts when he's feeling okay, and then, "Also, I could have died right now. Were you not worried?"
"I've seen you trip on air and gracefully fight off a rogue werewolf, Stiles."
His dad just rolls his eyes, picks up his own healthy burger, smells it, and puts it down. "Smells nasty,"
"Good for your health," he sing-songs. And then, "It's only been a month, dad, jeez! Let us live a little. Plus, he's scared of you-" Fuck. His dad is looking at him weird.
"He's scared of me?"
"I mean, you're the Sheriff, so." He shrugs. It's totally a valid reason to be scared.
"Hmm. And there is no other reason?"
"Nope, not at all!"
Stiles stuffs the rest of his burger into his mouth to avoid further questioning. His dad sighs, clearly thinking he's raised an animal, and attempts to eat his own lunch.
By the time he's done, he's licking his fingers.
"Told you it tastes better than it smells."
His dad meticulously wipes his mouth, his fingers with napkins. Stiles is drinking his banana smoothie.
"And I told you I want to meet the boy who has got you so chipper."
Stiles ends up snorting the smoothie out his nose.
"Oh, lord."
His dad is clearly questioning Stiles' existence. At this point, Stiles is doing the same.
His dad doesn't leave the issue, and after continuous requests — orders, more like — Stiles breaks down in front of Derek.
Derek, the pure, innocent soul whose color leaves him the moment Stiles tells him of his dad's demands.
"I need to create a will." Is what Derek answers with.
Stiles agrees, and adds, "Erica will be a good Alpha, I think."
They both hold each other, then, fearing the worst.
Stiles tries to soften the blow by providing his dad with unhealthy food for three days straight.
Three is his limit.
"Derek, I'm sorry, but I can't do this any longer."
Derek accepts his fate rather bravely. Eyes steeled with determination, he walks into the Stilinski home, and Stiles follows, once again rehearsing the speech in his mind.
Dad, I know this isn't what you were expecting. But this is my boyfriend. Derek Hale. Yes, I know he's 23 and I'm 17, but dad. I like him so much. And he likes me that much back. We are good together. You know I have been happy, and dad, Derek has been too. You know because I know you have seen him around. Dad—
Turns out, he need not have prepared the speech.
Because his dad? Is kind of an asshole.
The very first thing he sees when he enters the living room is Derek's back, because he's frozen in the middle of the room, eyes locked on—
The banner.
"You knew." He looks at his dad, who is smiling smugly.
"I think you are forgetting, kiddo, but I'm a cop."
"But you- the steaks! Dad!"
His dad doesn't even have the decency to fake remorse.
"Come on, Der, we are leaving."
He tugs on Derek's hand, makes him move back out the door. Derek follows, but only after saying:
"Thank you for not killing me!"
"You're welcome, son!" His dad yells back.
The son sends a warmth through Stiles' entire being, the easy acceptance of Derek into their little unit of family a welcome gift. When Stiles looks at Derek, he sees his boyfriend reflecting the same emotions.
Later that same night, his dad calls to tell him this —
"Stiles, I love you, kiddo. And I want you to be happy. And I guess your happiness is with Derek. It was hard to digest at first, but then I saw you both at the bookstore." Stiles remembers that day — it was their second date. "I knew you were dating someone, a boy, and I connected that information with what I saw, and I came up with my son dating an older boy. It angered me, concerned me. But then I saw past that, because I saw how he was with you and you with him.
It was like watching the past. I won't call this young love, because clearly this is more than that. I'm not sure how you would feel about this years down the line, if it will even be true, but I have a conviction that a decade from now, maybe even sooner, I won't be calling my son and his boyfriend, but my sons. My son, and his husband."
Stiles has tears in his eyes, but it is okay, because Derek does too. And from the way his dad's voice cracks, so does he.
"I love you, Stiles."
"Love you, dad. So much."
His dad hangs up the call, and Stiles buries himself into Derek's chest.
"Your father is a good man," Derek tells him, and Stiles nods. "I won't let him down. I won't let you down."
"I know."
Stiles tilts his head, and Derek tilts his, and they kiss, a gentle, soft kiss that conveys the conviction of his dad's words, and their hope of its truth.
(It's true. His dad even recounts this tale at the wedding reception — how he knew and he played on Stiles' fear to eat unhealthy food for three days straight.
Everyone laughs, and then Stiles has to suffer as his husband — husband! — gangs up on him with his dad.
It's the best day of Stiles' life).
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generalllimaginesss · 5 months
Hatton Carlisle head cannon
Everything Hatton Carlisle is here!!
I’ll probably add stuff throughout the series to this that make me think of who Hatton is, so feel free to keep checking back :)) anyways…let’s get to know our girl and her relationship with everybody! Feel free to request things based on her and I’d love to write it for you!
Jim and her dad (Roger) played college hockey together and had been inseparable ever since. They bought their first houses next to each other so that they could drink as much as they wanted and not have to drive home. That stuck and where one goes, the other goes as well.
Her birthday is July 7th, 2001
Everybody calls her Hattie unless something is wrong or they’re mad at her or vice versa
Trevor tried to call her “Hattie Cake” one time and she fought him
Girl’s girl raised amongst a pack of boys
Her parents are Roger and Tara Carlisle and they’re a year younger than Jim and Ellen.
Her older brother’s name is Corey Carlisle and he’s a year older than Quinn. He was projected to get drafted after college at UMich, but his injuries hindered him severely. He’s now an extremely successful real estate agent in New York.
The families celebrate holidays together
Jack and Hatton learning to skate together
Jim and Roger teaching them together
Jack and Hatton once made a pact that if they were both single at the age of 35 that they would get married. Trevor wouldn’t talk to Jack for a day because of that.
Quinn loves Hatton because she’s the female version of him and is unproblematic.
When they were little and Jack did something he wasn’t supposed to, Hatton would put him in time out and then snitch to Ellen about whatever it was that he did.
Jack didn’t dare move when Hatton put him in time out.
When Trevor came into the picture, Hatton felt like Jack was trying to replace her with him.
Trevor and Jack snuck off to the lake house one summer without her when they first met and this pissed Hatton off to no end.
Jim and Ellen definitely found out from a “little bird” and drove there to pick them up.
Hatton was sitting in the backseat waiting for them with a shit eating grin
It took a while for Trevor to figure his feelings out for her, but once he did there was no looking back
Trevor definitely used to buy her gifts for her birthday/christmas/etc.
Hatton tried to go on a date one time and Trevor, Jack, Alex, and Cole showed up at the movies and sat in the row in front of her and her date.
Caufield is like a less intense version of Trevor.
Hatton loves Luke, but isn’t as close to him as she is Quinn.
Quinn and Hatton’s brother are best friends.
Jack pissing Hatton off and Hatton letting him have it
“Hatton, you’re such a bitch” “I’d rather be bitch than be somebody’s bitch”
Ellen had to make a rule when Jack, Hatton, and Trevor were in high school that Hatton could only complain about Trevor 2 days out of the week for 20 minutes.
Quinn would shove a pillow over Trevor’s face anytime he mentioned her more than once.
Quinn loving Hatton like a younger sister
Hatton has always been way more mature than her age, so she gets along with all of the parents at the hockey games.
Trevor and Cole were always Hatton’s partners when they would go tubing on the lake.
Quinn would be the main driver, but would let Jack absolutely wreck his friends
Hatton has seasonal depression, but only Jack knows. He makes it a point to call and check on her almost everyday during hockey season.
One of her strong suits is her ability to read people. She’s very observant of tiny details that normally go unnoticed.
Jack and Hatton getting absolutely wasted one night when their parents went on a vacation together and Quinn having to hide the evidence because they were all underage.
Almost every friend of Jack’s either had a crush on Hatton at some point, or wanted the two of them to date.
“I could never date him. He’s my brother.”
Hatton is a totally different person when drinking. She’s loud, outgoing, and open to try just about anything. The boys know this well, but only sometimes do they take advantage of it by making her do embarrassing dares or coax information out of her.
Hatton has a toothbrush at Luke and Jack’s apartment that stays in Jack’s bathroom no matter what. There have been several girls ask about this throughout the years, but it stays right in its place.
Hatton used to give Jack pep talks the night before his games stretching as far back as middle school.
“No excuses. 100% for 60 minutes. Understand, mister?” “Nothing less, ma’am.”
Alex Turcotte has a special place in Hatton Carlisle’s heart.
Alex was convinced he’d marry Hatton, but when he heard the way Trevor started talking about her he knew he couldn’t take that away from him.
Hatton and Nico once blew all of Jack’s condoms up like they were balloons before he brought a date home.
Jack cussed them out for a solid hour and then went to his room to pout for the rest of the night.
Nico and Hatton are an absolute MENACE when together. Like worse than Zegras, Caufield, and Jacky boy when they’re together.
Nico is the only one that manages to get Hatton to let loose without the help of alcohol.
Luke subtly asking Hatton for dating advice
Hatton making Luke take her out on a date so she can teach him what to do
When everybody is at the lakehouse Hatton and Quinn are the voice of reasons
“No trevor, you can not try to do a backflip off the boat while we’re going 30 mph. There’s gotta be some clause in your contract against that.”
“Jack, sit your ass down.”
Cuddling with them all on the couch after being outside on the water all day long (Hatton’s personal favorite because she loves when the boys are all in one place)
Cole teasing Trevor to no end about Hatton and Trevor always wearing the biggest smile anytime her name gets brought up.
Jack used to try to set up blind dates between Trevor and Hatton, but Hatton always left as soon she saw him.
Her walking home one time because she refused to ride alone in a car with Trevor, but Trevor followed behind her at a distance to make sure she was safe (she didn’t know about this)
The boys offering Hatton unsolicited help with homework even though not a single one finished college
“We didn’t need to know what a Bell curve was to make it to the NHL…”
Her trying to get the boys to take a serious picture with/of her and them always making it the most difficult task
“Hattie you have like 3 followers..” “ooo work it girl” “do these shorts make my butt look big…at least bigger than Hattie’s…”
Jack and Hatton definitely have friendship bracelets that they made each other when they were 10 and they somehow haven’t fallen apart.
“Ok, Jack…what do we say to someone that wants us to take our bracelets off?” “You’ve gotta pry it from my cold, dead fingers..” “good job”
Jack FaceTimes Hatton everyday as soon as he finishes talking to Quinn on the phone. It’s like clockwork at this point.
Jamie feels like he’s known Hatton for as long as he’s known Trevor because Trevor DOES. NOT. SHUT UP ABOUT HER!!!
Hatton steals every one of Jack’s hoodies so he just buys 2 now.
Hatton is the epitome of sass
She had to develop thick skin to survive with the Hughes brothers, but she is naturally sensitive. Not a lot of people see this side of her.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
Double Trouble
On the twelfth day of Tropemas, hyperfixated-gvf gave to me:
A Danny x Reader x Josh Tropemas ending!
Christmas Song Pairing: “I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm" by Dean Martin
Trope: Cuddle For Warmth
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Reader x Josh Kiszka
Warnings: Language, smut, threesome, Josh x Danny content
Words: 4.8k
Author's Note: Well, we stuck to the schedule much better than we did last year, so I count it a win. I feel like I cheated Danny gals out of a solo fic, so I have a second version of cuddle for warmth that I might one day release, who knows. There also might be a little treat for any of my other Sam/Danny pairing lovers out there -- stay tuned.
Most of all, I know there has been a few Josh x Danny x Reader fics written recently, and you should all definitely go check out @streamingcolors-gvf and @tripthelightfandomtastic because they both have some things. I swear this was one of the first fics I wrote for Tropemas and am not in any way trying to ride the waves of their glory (I would drown, their content is too good and almost intimidated me out of posting this but 🤷‍♀️) so I hope you all enjoy the last (official) Tropemas fic!
Cheers to another successful year of Tropemas! 🥂
“I told you guys this motel was sketchy as fuck,” you said into total darkness, the already-spotty lamp having shorted out and left you with nothing but the howl of the wind outside that was whistling in from some crack in the window. Not that the boys had really any say in where you’d had to pull off for the night. It was more just to share your misery, since it loves company and all that.
But that wind — you could feel it in your bones. The old heating unit underneath the shitty caulking job stood no chance at combating the chill of the room, and the fact that the sheets on this pull-out couch bed were threadbare and withheld no fucking body heat at all had you shivering in your pajamas. If there were ever a time you wished you’d listened to your friends when they told you that nice, fluffy, matching PJ sets were the best, it was now. But you ran hot when you slept – not that it mattered when it was -15 degrees outside and a balmy 5 inside.
“I wonder if Jake and Sam have it any better,” Josh said softly from the bed. When flipping coins, you’d unfortunately come up with tails, meaning that the master suite would not be yours for the night when you were forced to pull the van into a horror-movie motel to avoid killing all five of you on black ice. You were so close to the cabin the boys had booked, too – so close – but the ice storm had rolled in just as the sun went down, and you, along with several other drivers, apparently, had to make due with the rooms available at Cockroach Central. 
Jake and Sam in the single Queen, and you, Josh, and Danny in this crappy ‘Queen sized with a pull out couch’ icebox.
“I doubt it,” Danny sighed, voice deep with interrupted sleep.
You weren’t surprised that he’d found the ability to sleep, even with the ice hitting the windowpane and your breath crystallizing in the air; he always had that ability, Danny. But as another gust of icy wind shook the windows, and you felt the subsequent cool air permeate your already-cold cocoon, you let out a barely audible whimper-groan.
You didn’t think it was loud enough for the boys to hear, but apparently you were underestimating how small the room was. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
The next noise that came out of your mouth was frustrated, and it wasn’t directed at Josh for asking, but you’d taken the last shift driving and you were exhausted, except now it didn’t seem as if you’d be getting any sleep at all. “I’m freezing,” you admitted, and you heard immediate shuffling from the bed.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Danny asked from above. “Come over here and get warm, dummy.”
But you hesitated. You knew that the boys would give you the shirt off their back if you asked for it, but you didn’t want them to sacrifice their own comfort and sleep for you – it was one night, after all, and they had been cooped up in the van just as long as you had. “I mean…is there even room up there?” you asked, still sorely tempted to join them, despite your pause. “I don’t want to kick you guys out of bed.”
“We’ll make it work,” came Josh’s voice next. “We grew up shoving as many people in a bed as we could, Y/N, come on.”
And, well, twist your arm. You pushed your thin blankets off and scurried over to the bigger bed, which had a mattress that retained heat and two other bodies to contribute to the task of keeping you warm. 
“Oh my god,” you groaned blissfully, teeth still chattering as you settled into the space between them that they made, citing ‘maximum warmth’ when you’d told them you’d be fine taking the edge. “If I’d known you guys were living space heaters, we’d have been sharing a bed from the start.” 
Josh’s hand crept over your hip from where he’d instantly wound himself around you under the blankets. The cuddling wasn’t new — Josh was a tactile person on his worst days, and a cuddle buddy was a cuddle buddy. But the way he was vigorously rubbing his hand up and down your body was ruffling your sleep shirt, Danny, on just the other side of you, was going to be pressed against exposed skin if he didn’t stop soon.  “Shit, Y/N– even your pajamas are cold.”
“I know,” you sighed, smacking your lips together in contentment. If you’d been a cat, it would’ve been a purr as you began to feel your feet again. “I’ve been shivering in them since we got here.”
Not to be left out, Danny crossed one big hand over Josh’s arm to feel for himself, and your breath stuttered a bit. It wasn’t as if you were immune to their talent and good spirits, and you had eyes — you knew your friends were an attractive bunch. But you never let your fantasies run too amuck; you were an avid sleep talker, and you’d never recover if something slipped out while your dreams took you places you dared not think about during the day.
Places like here, plastered against both Josh and Danny while they warmed you up. Perhaps not in the way you wanted in your limited fantasies, but you were nevertheless in bed with them, their hands all over your body. You hummed at the contact, shifting your shoulders to shake some of the energy they brought with their touch off.
“Why’d you wait so long to tell us you were cold?” Danny asked, lips so close to your ear he barely had to murmur for you to hear. That distance was soon made even scarcer, as Danny tugged Josh closer on your other side so that you were all three a mess of tangled limbs, cuddling to keep every ounce of warmth between you.
You shrugged with the space you did have, and tried to turn on your side towards Danny, your ass already becoming numb. You were a side sleeper, anyways, so you’d end up in that position regardless. The two men adjusted with you, Josh pushing forward to melt against your back while Danny pushed back and let you get comfortable before assuming his position again, nearly brushing your nose with his. 
At this point, you were glad the lights had shorted out, because at least there was a chance Danny didn’t notice either your blush or your surprise that he’d rebounded back in so close. You had no choice but to ball up your hands and let them rest against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths from the front, and Josh’s from your back. 
“Um…I told you. I didn’t know if there would be enough space.”
Josh chuckled against the back of your neck, making you shiver – but this time, not from the cold. “Well, here’s your proof. There’s always room for you, Y/N.”
“Good to know,” you squeaked, growing embarrassed at how much just the simple pressure of their bodies against yours was making you wet. You knew you couldn’t blame yourself – it’d been a few days since you were alone enough to get yourself off, and this was the first time you’d been in an actual bed since you’d left for this spontaneous cabin getaway with the boys. And when you were in a bed, your body demanded orgasms; it was something of a Pavlovian response at this point.
Now you’d be tired and horny in the morning, but at least you wouldn’t be cold. Although you were beginning to question which was worse.
Danny’s lips quirked up, and you squeezed your eyes shut. He’d most certainly heard the change in pitch of your voice, and you felt a chuckle rumble shake his chest and escape as a breath through his nose. “That was cute,” he breathed. “Is there something the matter?”
Josh’s hips shifted back, and his lips were at your ear, next. “He’s right. I can feel your heartbeat from your back, Y/N. What’s going on?” His words had turned sultry in a matter of seconds, and your face burned, feeling a little foolish for thinking that they wouldn’t be able to feel what they were doing to you in their proximity. 
Although, the response other than a serious ribbing from the both of them was unexpected. You’d have expected them to make fun of you, not do…whatever this was. Unless this was their way of teasing you (not in the good way). “Fuck you guys,” you mumbled. It was a cruel joke either way, and you were beginning to wish that you’d just layered up and stayed in that stupid pull-out bed.
Danny caught your chin with the knuckle of his pointer finger, and tipped your face up to his. “Oh yeah? Is that what you want?”
Every function screeched to a halt, and you couldn’t find the words to answer. 
They were serious? This wasn’t a joke? They wanted to fuck you – together, in the same bed – just because they’d felt your heartrate pick up a bit and your breathing become uneven?
Josh rolled his hips into you again, and you were suddenly made aware that he was hard in his flannel pants. Hard and warm against your ass, in such a good way that you couldn’t help but press back into him. You were rewarded with a small groan and the feeling of his fingers tightening on your hips. “Shit, Y/N. Don’t do that unless you’re gonna answer Danny.”
“Yes? Like, a question? Or, ‘yes,’ for sure?”
The situation was evolving very quickly, but you must have been hornier than you imagined you’d be, because it was difficult to find reasons to decline their generous offer. “For sure,” you said, tucking your lip between your teeth as you waited on baited breath to find out what that answer would bring.
Like racehorses let out of the gate, the response was whip-quick, and you gasped as that lip you’d held captive was dragged from its place by Danny’s mouth, and Josh groaned, “Oh thank god,” before tugging your hips back into his erection. “You’ve got us wrapped around your finger, Y/N, you had to have known what your little noises would do to us.”
“Little noises?” you gasped out, hand reaching up to tangle in Danny’s wild curls as he began to nip across your jaw. “You mean…normal ones?”
Danny pulled back, and his absence was missed, but the sight of him shucking his shirt off was a welcome one. “Caught,” he said with a smirk. “It’s just you. You drive us crazy, no matter what you do or where you do it.”
The sentiment was cheesy at best, but you chose to disregard that fact in favor of letting Josh drag your own shirt off your body, too. “Yes, yes,” he said impatiently, fingers crawling over your bare skin, stopped only by the sports bra you wore, “we’ve been thirsting over you, sweet thing. I’ve thought about this beautiful body of yours so many times. In the still of the night,” he whispered, slipping under the flimsy material covering your breasts, “when I can’t help myself. Like right now.” 
You let a small noise slip out as he softly rubbed his thumb over your nipple. It wasn’t enough for them, though, and Danny quickly nudged Josh’s hand. “Let us see you. Josh wasn’t the only one thinking dirty, filthy thoughts when it came to you,” Danny said, laid back down so that the blankets were once again keeping the rising heat in.
Your sports bra came off, and you wriggled out of your pants, as well, knowing that they would be one of the next items on the list, and then you were naked. Naked, and Danny was naked, too, and when you settled back in, you realized that Josh’s cock was now hard and hot and leaking against your ass, meaning that he rounded the company out, and it was officially a threesome.
Josh backed up, though, so that Danny could put you on your back and trail kisses down your throat until he reached your breasts. You mewled when he took your nipple into his mouth, and it seemed that broke Josh, as he put a hand on the base of his dick and squeezed. Your noises must have actually done it for him. “Mmmm, Danny,” you sighed, foot sliding up the mattress in pleasure. Danny shifted so that he was straddling your thigh, and he ground down once, his cock twitching against your skin.
“You’re so soft,” he murmured against your skin. “Are you soft everywhere, I wonder?”
His words were the only warning you got before his fingers slipped between your lips and spread your wetness across your pussy. “Oh, yeah,” he groaned. “Soft and so fucking wet. Josh, feel how wet our girl is.”
Josh didn’t need any more prompting, and he joined Danny between your thighs, his fingers side-by-side with Danny’s thicker, coarser ones. Your whimper and squirms were met with an intensified touch – Josh took the plunge and dipped a singular digit into your entrance, and you felt as though you’d combust if things didn’t progress soon. 
“Soft and wet,” Josh agreed, his finger pressing forward and pulling back gently. “Finally get to feel you, Y/N. How do you like to play, sweet thing?”
Danny hummed, still mouthing over your stomach. “Did you like it when we played with your pretty little tits? Or do you like Josh’s finger inside you better?”
You were becoming frustrated with their sudden slow-down after taking advantage of the whole bed situation so quickly. “I like them both– I just need more,” you whined, your pussy clenching around Josh’s finger as you tried to fuck yourself faster. “Come on, guys, I know you can do better.” You switched tactics on them, goading instead of whining, and Danny chuckled against your skin.
“More?” he asked, looking at Josh. “What do you think, Josh– wanna fill her up a bit? Add a couple of fingers?”
Josh answered in action, fitting a second finger in beside the first and upping the speed, angling his fingertips to run along your walls until he found that sweet spot inside of you. You gasped and bucked your hips, but Danny held you down gently.
“Shit– right there, Josh!” you affirmed, stilling so that he could focus on that spot.
The lights suddenly flickered back on, and everything paused as you took in the now lit-up scene with blown-pupil eyes. You all three blinked at each other, drinking in the finer details. Finally, Danny’s lips quirked up in a smirk and he pressed a kiss to your hip while Josh continued fingering you.
Josh’s next words weren’t directed at you; he’d heard you, and he wasn’t budging on his positioning, but instead, he met Danny’s eyes and smiled, which you barely caught with your eyes fluttering shut as they were. “Better, she says,” he scoffed, gently mocking your nettling. “If there’s anything I’ve learned about better, it’s that fingers are always better with a mouth. Daniel, care to assist since you’re already down there?”
“More than happy to,” Danny said with a shark-like grin, and your lips trembled with a moan as you watched him converge with Josh’s fingers, then felt his tongue envelope your clit, rolling pressure and darting around in circles like a pro.
This man knew what he was fucking doing.
“Hot fuck, you guys,” you keened, their combined efforts quickly uncovering your growing orgasm. “Have you– ahh– you done this before?” you asked shakily, vacillating between closing your eyes to take in the sensations and watching them both work between your legs.
Josh and Danny shared an amused glance, and you realized that the question wasn’t as pointed as you meant it to be – you’d be the first to claim that you weren’t in the state of mind to care, but you also found it in you to roll your eyes when Josh said, “Yeah, a couple of times,” for the both of them, since Danny’s mouth was occupied, his lips suctioned around you.
“I meant together.”
Josh chuckled and then pinched his pinky and thumb together so that he could bind his middle three and slowly delve them into you underneath where Danny was. “No. But we did talk about it when we got drunk together once. Only once,” he assured quickly, “we didn’t, like, plan this all out beforehand. The opportunity presented itself, though, and you seemed into it…”
You let out a breathy laugh. “Seemed?”
“Touché,” he said, three knuckles deep into your wet core and building a steady rhythm that pushed you higher and higher.
Danny’s contributions were exacerbated when he grasped the undersides of your thighs and pressed his face into you as hard as he could while still trying to avoid taking away Josh’s ability to finger you. 
“Ah– ah,” you croaked, back arching as the coil grew tighter. “Guys, I’m gonna– fuck me, I’m right there; I’m gonna cum, just keep going!”
“No need to tell us twice, sweet thing,” Josh cooed. “Come on, now, let go. You can cum pretty all over my fingers, all over Danny’s mouth. Show us how you do it. God, you look so beautiful,” he babbled, fingers working faster inside of you as you cried out once more and fell off the edge of the cliff.
You fisted the sheets with one hand, and with the other, you pushed Danny’s head away, spasming with overstimulation as he kept sucking you up even as you came down. “Danny– that’s a lot,” you gasped, hips twitching from the force of the orgasm. 
He listened, and pulled away just as Josh withdrew his soaked fingers, rubbing them together and then spreading them apart, where they webbed with your release. As Josh brought them towards his face, Danny caught him by the wrist and beat him to the punchline, his lips – still glistening with your cum as well – wrapping around Josh’s digits and sucking them clean.
A shock of arousal shot through you at the sight, and you were liable to fall apart and never be put back together again when Danny popped the fingers out of his mouth and was immediately pulled into a searching kiss afterwards. Josh’s hands remained firm, one on the side of Danny’s neck, and the other tangling with Danny’s at his side. He was smirking when he pulled away, and the side-eye he sent your way told you that he was aware of what he was doing to you, how he was playing you.
Like a damn fiddle.
“You taste like an angel,” Danny remarked, turning his attention back to you. “Doesn’t even matter where I get you from.”
“Come here,” you huffed, guiding him into another kiss, this time pushing your tongue into his mouth, as if you could taste the remnants of all three of you together. You could feel the tip of his cock catching your tummy every so often, though, in the hovering position he was in, and the desire you had to be dicked down by these men returned in full force. “Fuck me, Danny,” you breathed against his lips. “I want you inside me. Please.”
“Shit,” he cursed gently, lowering himself so that he was covering every inch of you from head to toe. You were totally encompassed in him, so you wrapped your legs around his waist to lock him in. 
Josh looked on, slowly stroking his own cock to find relief. “Go on, Dan,” he encouraged. “Give it to her like she’s asking.”
“Begging,” Danny corrected, running his thick head through the result of their sloppy-wet work. “I’ll fuck you so good,” he promised, lining up with your entrance. “Get you to cum again for us so that I can see this time. I can’t just miss out on feeling you clench around some part of me.”
You popped your hips up, trying to get him to slide into you (it would have been easy enough with how wet you were from your last orgasm). “I’ll cum for you,” you keened impatiently, “but I need you to actually fuck me first.”
Josh snorted. “Still a little spitfire even with a dick in you, aren’t you?”
You were about to retort that there wasn’t a dick in you yet, when Danny finally pushed past the initial resistance that served as a reminder that you really hadn’t taken much more than your fingers and a small vibrator recently. He was substantially bigger than yours or Josh’s fingers, even three of them.
“Yeah,” he hissed, throwing his head back as he eased in. “Open up for me, angel; let me in that pretty, pink heaven.”
Josh laid down beside you, plastered to the length of your body as you wrapped your legs around Danny’s waist and encouraged him to start moving. The hand that wasn’t still stroking himself snaked up your body to pinch and play with your nipples as your breasts jiggled in time with each new punch of Danny’s hips to yours. 
You could smell Josh, so close to you, even beyond the scent of sex that was slowly permeating the air around you. “Danny fucks like a god,” you whimpered to no one in particular, barely holding onto your sanity as you were filled to the brim time and time again.
Danny’s grip on your hips tightened at your praise, and your attention was yanked back to the man currently rearranging your guts in the middle of the night in a crappy motel while one of his best friends waited his turn. “Say it to my face.”
You met his heavy-lidded gaze, and reached up to him. He leaned into your palm, and you smiled at him. “You are crazy good at lighting me up, Daniel Wagner.”
“Warm her up, make her burn, ” Josh murmured, leaning over to replace his fingers with his tongue.
With the warm, wet swirl around your nipples and Danny’s hand making its way to press down on your lower stomach, changing up the angle that he hit inside you, you were more than close to your second orgasm. “Feel that, Y/N?” Danny huffed, slowing to grab your hand and push it to where he’d been a moment earlier. “Feel how fucking deep I am?” 
Maybe it was because you wanted to feel him, or perhaps you weren’t imaging it at all, but you could have sworn that each time Danny’s hips smacked into yours and he sheathed himself balls-deep, you felt him nudge the heel of your hand where it impressed into your stomach. Regardless of whether you could with that hand, though, you could certainly feel him in other ways, so you whined and nodded, focused on the sensations.
“God, you take me so well, Angel. Wanna live here,” he whimpered, hips stuttering as he joined you on the precipice.
“In a shitty motel?” Josh joked, re-inserting himself into the situation. “Or so far up Y/N’s cunt she’s gonna have a hard time thinking about anything else for the rest of the trip?” 
Danny panted, hot and loud, and grunted as he embodied his livelihood: rhythm, reliability, and consistency in each slide into you bringing you both closer and closer to the edge. “The second one.”
Josh nodded, slipping his fingers down to circle your clit, obviously reaching the end of his patience and no longer willing to wait his turn . “That’s what I thought. Can’t blame either of you, really,” he sighed, pushing himself up on one arm to kiss whatever breath Danny had left in his lungs away.
Even then, Danny didn’t falter, and his steady thrusts soon paid off. You both gave into the pressure, and Danny yipped out his orgasm against Josh’s lips, topping it off with a deep groan as he emptied himself into you, shallowly pumping himself through it before he collapsed onto his forearms, lips brushing yours as he caught his breath.
“Are you ready to take Josh?” he whispered, pressing a sweet kiss to your mouth before you could answer.
“Before that, actually,” Josh interjected, moving in closer and encasing you in their body heat again now that the chill was creeping back in and cooling your sweat quickly, “I’m gonna need you to move off our sweet Y/N, here. There’s something else I’d like to do before I get to follow in Big Dick Dan’s footsteps.”
His hand was running up and down Danny’s bare back, and you felt the rumble of laughter rise from Danny’s chest, so there was no surprise when a laugh that was a little too loud escaped his face, now crinkled up in joy. “I swear they don’t call me that. I’ve never heard that nickname in my life,” he giggled, and Josh pursed his lips exaggeratedly from beside you.
“Not to your face, maybe.”
Danny did as Josh asked, though, and gingerly pulled himself out of you, sighing as he finally rested his entire weight on the bed at your side. Josh quickly took his place, eyes roving over your lower half and then meeting yours once he apparently found what he was looking for.
Making his way down your body, he wet his lips. “Let’s see if you still taste as Danny has so lovingly named you, Angel,” Josh said, lowering himself to fit in between your thighs. He wasted no time in spreading you apart and lapping you up with the flat of his tongue, catching the slow drip of Danny’s cum as it leaked out of you.
The gasp that flew out of your mouth sounded offended, almost, and Danny’s fingertips dug into the skin of your arm, where he’d been caressing a few seconds earlier. 
“Fuuuuck,” Danny rumbled, low and long. “How’s his mouth feel, Angel? Is it as good as it always looks onstage?”
You moaned with your lips sealed shut, pushing your hips into Josh’s mouth. “Better,” you sighed, eyes fluttering closed. You stayed like that, with Danny reaching up to stroke your nipples and kiss your neck while Josh ate you out enthusiastically, slurping and sucking until he had his fill and came up for breath.
He looked slightly crazed, pawing desperately at your thighs while he rocked his hips, cock catching the sheets in a way that must have been driving him insane.
“Come on, Josh,” Danny cooed, pulling your leg over so that you were laying on your side, spread for Josh since Danny hooked you in his elbow. “You’ve gotta be so hard. Give it to her. She’s got another one in her, right, Y/N?”
You bit down into Danny’s shoulder as you nodded, then met Josh’s gaze. “Come on, Josh, come and take me higher. Get us in the fast lane.”
Josh positioned himself behind you, cuddling as you had been at the beginning of the night, but now you were much warmer, and much more fatigued. As he shakily guided himself to your entrance, slicking up the tip of his dick with what he’d left behind, he pushed in slowly and said, “You have us for the entire night, angel, no need to rush.”
“Yeah,” Danny hummed against your open lips, spread in the ecstasy of being stretched once more, “no need to rush at all. We need to keep you warm all night.”
Jake and Sam were already waiting for you in the lobby when Josh and Danny had managed to drag themselves out of bed. Considering they hadn’t been the ones fucked half to death until the sky began to lighten, you were unsympathetic to their whines about being tired, and were quite proud that you managed to walk all by yourself without the assistance of a wheelchair.
Sam caught sight of you first and waved you over, looking restless and jumpy and ready to leave. “This motel sucks. The coffee is cold and I’m pretty sure from last year, so I’d skip it,” he huffed.
Sam wasn’t a huge coffee drinker, so the fact that he’d been desperate enough to try coffee from the ancient-looking carafe was a surefire sign that he hadn’t slept well either.
For entirely different reasons than you, Danny, and Josh, but he didn’t need to know that.
“You seem a little grumpy,” you smirked. You saw recognition on his face and turned to see Danny and Josh finally stepping out of the stairwell, since the elevators didn’t work. 
“Yeah, because I couldn’t fucking sleep when it was in the negative inside the room. Were you guys freezing last night like Jake and I were?”
You doubted the others would need much convincing to stop for breakfast and coffee, so you just shrugged your bag over your shoulder, shook your head innocently, and smiled. “Nope,” you said lightly. “I was toasty all night long.”
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