#i did a bunch of math to sooth myself and i can fuck up every other assignment and still pass
mychemicalimagines · 5 years
Punished by the Big O!
Request by @impinehoney​. “may i request some fluffy and smutty,, extra dom and possessive poly ghostface with a fem reader? ahh thank you bunches”
Warning: Cussing and Smut! No one under the age of 18 please!
Tag: @elskinner45​
A/N: I want to thank my editor for this! She helped me so much! Thank you for waiting patiently! I really hope you like this!! 
Words from my editor:] “Hi This is the editor. I apologize that it took so long to get this story posted, and that is mainly my fault. I had to travel outta town for the holidays, and was gone for a few weeks with no internet access. When I finally managed to get home, school started and the laptop I’ve had for a couple years now decided it wanted to stop working. I got a new one and was finally able to edit the story. So, once again, I apologize that it took so long to get it posted. Hope you enjoy it!!”
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I sit in my English class, just thinking. I have two boyfriends...but no one knows we’re dating. My boyfriends are Billy and Stu, but to the world, they’re dating Sidney and Tatum. They are the Ghost Face killers with a master plan but I’m not allowed to know that either. I just know I’m not supposed to talk to Sidney or Tatum. 
They never said anything about talking to Randy. I smirk to myself and when the bell rings, I walk straight to Randy.
“Oh hey, Y/N!” He says excitedly.
Everyone in the whole school knows he has a crush on me and Sidney.
“Hey Rand. Umm...Did you want to sit with me at lunch? I need help with my math homework and I know you have an A in it.” I say, sweetly.
He stutters for a second. “Y-y-y-yeah. Yeah I can help you during lunch!” 
“Thank you so much Randy.” I smile.
He blushes. “You’re welcome!”
Hour later, Randy is helping me with our math homework and I can feel someone staring at the back of my head. I turn slightly to see Billy staring at us with murder in his eyes. I wink at him and turn back to Randy listening to every word he says. The bell rings to go to class and I look at Randy. 
“That was easier than I thought!” I kiss his cheek. “Thank you!”
I grab my stuff, not noticing he is blushing.
“You’re welcome! You have my number if you need anymore help.” He says, grabbing his bookbag.
“I will definitely use it!” I smile and walks to my locker.
As I open it, it gets slammed shut. I jump a little and look up to see Billy and Stu on either side of me.
“What the fuck was that?” Billy whispers, angrily.
“Whatever do you mean?” I ask, innocently.
“We told you to stay away from him.” Stu whispers.
I smirk and whisper. “Nope, you said not to talk to Sid and Tatum. Never said anything about Randy.”
They think for a second and Stu takes a deep breath. He walks away, stomping slightly. 
Billy shakes his head and whispers. “You’re getting punished when you get home.” 
Before I can say anything, he walks away. I spend the rest of the day wondering how they’re going to punish me. I get into my car after school and drive fast but safely home. My parents are gone for the week so they aren’t going to be there.  I park in my driveway and think for a few minutes. They can’t possibly be here already. 
Can they? I would never know. I get out of the car and walk inside of my house. I look around the house to find any evidence of them being in here. I can’t find anything so I walk up to my bedroom. I open the door and walk in slowly. I look around but before I can do anything, the door slams behind me. 
I jump, dropping my bag on the floor. I see Billy and Stu. Stu is leaning again the wall beside my door with his arms crossed and Billy is now leaning against my door with a huge smirk on his face. I swallow deeply. I’m in a lot of trouble. 
Billy clicks his tongue. “Oh, what are we gonna do with you, babygirl? Hmm?”
Stu smirks and walks closer. “What do you think, Bi? A spanking? Both of us at once? Not letting her reach that sweet, sweet release?”
Billy’s smirk grows as he looks at Stu. He glances back at me and I can’t help but swallow deeply again. I know I’m in trouble, but it’s the best kind of trouble to be in. Billy lets his fingers lightly trace my collarbone, making me shiver and goosebumps cover my skin, as he talks to Stu.
“I think…” He licks his lips. “I think all three of those sound like a damn good punishment, Stu.”
Stu grins and nods. “Mmm. A good one indeed. Let’s get her naked.”
The next thing I know, my clothes are ripped off me and laying in tatters on the floor. I shiver, both from the breeze coming through the slightly cracked window across the room, but also because the simple action of the boys literally ripping my clothes off sends a wave of arousal through me. They chuckle and share a look before their hands are on my shoulders, gently but still commandingly, pull me from the door.
“Safe word?” Billy asks, looking me in the eyes.
I tell him the word we all agreed on. I’ve never had to use it, but every time we get a little freaky, the boys always make sure I remember it in case I need to use it for some reason. As soon as the simple word leaves my lips, the boys nod in approval.
“On the bed. Now. Hands and knees. Ass up.” 
I do as Billy directs and swallow deeply, trying to discreetly rub my thighs together in an attempt to keep the slick from running further down my legs to my knees. Not even 10 seconds after I rub my thighs together, I feel a sharp smack against my ass, which is quickly soothed by a soft rub.
“Don’t do that, baby. Let us see how wet you are.”
I shiver at the huskiness in Stu’s voice. I spread my legs a little further apart, letting them see exactly what they want to. When I hear them hum in approval, I get soaked even more, and feel it drip down my thighs.
“Mmmm. Good girl.” Billy murmurs.
A feel a hand on my ass again, gently rubbing, soothing the earlier spank from a few moments ago. It doesn’t take me long to figure out that it’s Billy. I lean back into his touch for a moment before there’s another swift smack to my ass cheek.
“Be a good girl. Stay still and take your punishment like a good girl.”
I let out a noise that’s a half whine and a half whimper in response to Stu’s command. There’s another smack to the opposite ass cheek.
“I think 10 spanks should be good. Count them, babygirl. Otherwise we’ll have to start over.”
I nod. “Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” Billy hums in approval. 
Each time they spank my ass, alternating cheeks so as not to hurt me too bad and cause actual pain that’s not pleasurable, I cry out, with pleasure, the number of the spank. By the time the tenth smack comes, my ass is stinging, but my body hums with pleasure and arousal. I was soaked before the spankings, but now I've soaked the bed under me.
The boys hum in approval as they soothe my ass with soft and gentle rubs, and even a few kisses. 
“Strip us, baby.” Billy orders a few minutes later. 
I quickly turn around and do as I’m told. I take my time in getting their clothes off each of them, enjoying the view. Once I’m done, and they’re both naked, Stu lays on the bed.
I scramble across the bed and straddle his waist, settling down so I rub against his dick. We both moan at the feeling. He grips my hips and rocks me against him a couple times until, on the third rock, he slides inside me. My wetness helps his entrance and he slides as far into me as he can. I gasp and moan at the feeling. 
He groans. “FUCK! You feel so damn good!”
I gasp and moan at the feeling of him inside me and his words. I lean down and kiss him passionately as he moves me against him, forcing him to slide in and out of me. We both moan as we kiss and fuck. It doesn’t take long for me to feel Billy behind me. Or more specifically, I feel him pressing up against my asshole. 
He runs his fingers along my slit as Stu slides in and out of me. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he’s using my slick to lube up his dick. Billy slowly pushes into me, taking his time, stretching my asshole ‘round him. I cry out in pleasure as slides all the way in. Both the boys take a moment before they start thrusting in and out, in an alternate sync with each other.
When one slides out, the other slides in, and vice versa. In a matter of minutes, we’re all three covered in sweat. The room is full of the sound of our fucking: our moans, groans and cries of pleasure and passion, and the sound of skin slapping against skin. I close my eyes and lean my head back on Billy’s shoulder as he fucks my ass, and I rock against Stu..
The two of them take turns in making me cum. By my fifth orgasm, I can tell their both getting close to their releases. I rock against them more, and the three of us cum together, at the same time, with the both of them filling both my holes up. My muscles give out from the pleasure and I pretty much just flop down on Stu’s chest, with Billy doing the same to me.
The three of us catch our breaths, and ride out the end of our waves of pleasure. Once we’ve managed to get our breaths back, and our hearts have slowed back down to a normal rate, Billy slowly pulls out of me, making me moan and shiver again. He chuckles and smirks as he moves to kneel on the bed. 
Stu lifts me up off of him, making me moan again. He chuckles and smirks too. The boys share a look, and Billy gets off the bed, heading to the bathroom. I lay down next to Stu. He props himself up on his elbow and looks at me.
“How you feelin’, babygirl?” He asks, brushing my hair out of my face.
I giggle and blush. “So. Fuckin’. Good.”
“Think you learned your lesson?”
I nod fast. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Otherwise, we’ll have to punish you again if you didn’t.”
My entire body shivers at the idea of that. Billy chuckles as he walks back into the room, kneeling on the bed, holding a damp rag. He glances at Stu, smirks, and looks back at me. He starts to clean me up between my legs, getting their cum off me. I smile at him. They do this after every time we get together. 
Once Billy is done, he tosses the rag on the floor and lays down next to me. He and Stu wraps their arms ‘round me, and hold me close to both of them. I smile widely and cuddle to the two of them. They kiss my head, and hold me. Billy runs his fingers up and down my arm, knowing that helps me to relax. 
Stu gently kicks the blankets up from the foot of the bed, and manages to cover the three of us up. Just as I’m ‘bout to doze off, I hear them both murmur the same thing at the same time. 
“I love you, babygirl.”
543 notes · View notes
psychcomposer · 3 years
Alright, I have too many feelings about a video game that’s going to come out in a month that I really just need to get out. It’s been over a decade and one of my favorite games, The World Ends With You, is finally getting a sequel. I’ve been brooding on the trailers for months, and I just finished the demo, so it is time to put down my capital T Thoughts on Neo: The World Ends With You.
As a warning, this will be entirely too long. But I’m not about to keep this bound up any longer.
TWEWY is my favorite title for the Nintendo DS. It is a JRPG starring Neku Sakuraba, an aggressively antisocial teen living in the Tokyo district of Shibuya. He is suddenly pulled into a test of survival called The Reaper’s Game, where he is forced to join forces with a partner in order to survive a week of lethal objectives in a sub-planar version of Shibuya. I love the story, its such an honest and interesting take on learning to get outside of your comfort zone. But more than that, it is a game that does so much to put a modern twist on every piece of your typical JRPG. You control two characters at once, Neku with the touch screen and his partner with the control pad, forcing you to split your attention and giving mechanic weight to the idea that Neku can’t survive alone. Armor and weapons are replaced with clothes and outfits, with a character’s ability to wear them restricted not by class but by a character’s bravery. The music list is filled with punk, alt-rock and hip-hop that are a stark contrast to the symphonic tracks of other titles. Battles aren’t random impediments, but fun diversions that sport a robust reward system that encourages players to push their limits.
But even more than that, the most modern thing I appreciate about TWEWY has to be the characters. Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme all feel like believable teens that grew up in the 2000′s. They bicker, clash, and banter like teens struggling to survive and make sense of their situation. One of my favorite little gimicks of the story is just how many nicknames there are for every character. Almost everyone has earned a few nicknames. One of my favorite examples is Sho Minamimoto. He’s a reaper with an obsession with math, often infusing his speech with mathematical jargon or expressions, and seems to enjoy erecting “art installations”, which most people can only decipher as towers of trash. Over the course of the story, he gets called Pi-face, the Grim Heaper, and another nickname I can’t even mention because of spoilers. It’s just... such a nice little human touch, these kids throwing crafted insults at a human enforcer of their doom that could almost certainly tear them apart.
I’m getting into this to try to give a sense of why I enjoy TWEWY so much, why it has such a unique place in my heart. Its a game I’ve 100% completed several times over, a task that’s no easy feat with the sheer amount of collectibles and post-game objectives. Unfortunately, for the last year or two, I’ve been kind of dreading this sequel.
Neo:TWEWY has been... a long time coming. Way back in 2007 they had a whole website counting down to some sort of announcement, with the music slowly building in intensity. I remember following it with bated breath, until it finally hit zero! And we got... An ios port of the game. Talk about a let-down. To be fair, apparently it is a solid port, even managing to re-work the old battle system, one that required a second screen to work properly, into one that only needed one. But what that really offered to someone like me was the hint of a sequel, a single image of a new character being shown. They kept flirting with the idea of bringing the series back. The main cast even featured in a Kingdom Hearts game, of all things, even if they didn’t really do a whole lot. But these acknowledgments grew sparser and sparser.
A few years ago, they released a switch port of the game. Not only that, it included an epilogue! They were finally getting a sequel rolling! Of course I bought that game, beat it yet again, and fought my way to the new content and the hint of the new story ahead.
It was... Well. I found it disappointing.
The gameplay was competent, even if it was clear that the epilogue itself really hadn’t had too much put into it. One new character,  new enemies just being reskins of old ones. It wasn’t meant to be dlc itself or anything, it was just there to herald a return to the series. That wasn’t what bugged me. What bugged me was the writing. It was heart-wrenching. It just didn’t feel right. It just felt flat compared to the story I’d enjoyed so many times. But what really killed my excitement was the new character, Coco.
Now, odd personality quirks are not too unusual among the ensemble of TWEWY. Pi-face is just one of the characters that is so infused with a particular theme that it shows in how they express themselves. It’s part of the charm of them, discovering the personalities that live in this dark underworld of Shibuya. But Coco... she talks like the most stereotypical young teenager possible. unironic lols, totez (yes, spelt exactly like that, in a speech format), OMG’s, and just, like, likes everywhere! It felt like someone who knew they needed to make a quirky character but had no idea how to write one well, and just made the most stereotypical caricature possible. I hated seeing that. It embodied every fear I had about the sequel being just a cynical project, pushed forward after so many years  by people who just didn’t understand what made the original great. That mild dread was so persistent that even the release of the first few trailers couldn’t really get me excited for the game. Neo:TWEWY was shifting into 3d from the original 2.5d, with all the problems that could cause. What I could see of the story felt so much more like a generic fantasy tale with some modern buildings than the story I had grown through my teenage years with. And, well... Just look the original Neku and the new one they showed off.
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Look at this. Look at one of the most vibrant, eye-catching character designs on the market for any JRPG in history, one that manages to mix purple and orange with striking lights and darks. And then look at the teenager edgelord bullshit they did with him. It’s atrocious. I hate it. He’s just another guy in a black outfit and just too much fucking cool guy protagonist power to not have the story be about him at this point. And look, I know that there’s Story LoreTM, I know that there could be some twist that explains this, I know that him being such a denial of his old self could be the entire fucking point. But let me tell you, when I saw this, I felt years of shifting, misplaced unease coalesce into a hard lump of dread.
And... Even... So... I did the stupidest thing I could have possibly done and preordered the game anyway. Don’t look at me like that, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
But you know what? The damnedest thing happened. They released a demo for the new game a month before its release. And I played it, and... I enjoyed it.
Did you see that coming? I certainly didn’t. Welcome to the roller coaster.
Right off the bat, the writing soothed a lot of the fears I had. It felt right at home, like being plopped between to teens exchanging banter. One of the first exchanges is Rindo and Fret, his best friend, trying to meet up. Fret wants Rindo to meet him at  someplace called Wunafo, an area Rindo is clueless about. After some annoyed texting, it turns out Fret is actually referring to 104, a local landmark of a building. Fret insists that its a stylish improvement on the name. Rindo only gives him some grief about it..
I’m not doing the scene justice, or I could just be really desperate for half-decent writing, but I can’t deny that it quickly put a smile on my face. I am almost sure I’ve had this conversation before in years past myself. And beyond that, this game boasts voice acting that brings out a ton of personality in the large cast they are introducing (besides Rindo, which is a shame because he’s the protagonist... hopefully he gets over his apathetic teenager shtick eventually). Not everything is voiced, but it conveys so much appeal and personality, and even when the character’s aren’t voiced there is a conversation screen that occasionally breaks out some stylish layouts to convey mood and temperment and clearly draw from the style that made the original game pop so much.
The battles, of course, have been completely revamped. TWEWY had you control two characters, one of which you could customize by equipping up to 6 different pins that all used different motions and unleashed different attacks. Now you control up to four characters, but each one can only use one pin. But even so, it feels very genuine to its roots. An effective build in TWEWY was usually one that let you stagger an opponent so you can unload a bunch of attacks on them, and in Neo:TWEWY the game actively pushes you to folllow up attacks with characters in succession. It would be easy for this to devolve into a mash-fest, but even with the little time I had with the game it introduced a wrinkle in that- an attack that unleashed a single powerful blow, but couldn’t just be unleashed at the end of the previous combo. It needed to be charged for a while, long enough for the combo timer to deplete. So now an effective combo requires thinking ahead, and even after that you’re paying attention to enemies to dodge out of the way when they strike back. It’s entirely possible this system will flop in the late game, but so far it is robust enough for me to think that it will be one that could make me look forward to battles.
The music hasn’t impressed me so far, besides the tracks that have made the transition from the original. But I remember those strange tracks needing some time before I appreciated them too.
Finally, the story has hooked me. I don’t think that needs much more explanation. I want to see more of these characters and see the changes that have been made to the world in what I assume is years after Neku’s game. And to address the elephant in the room, Neku has not made his appearance in what is available in the demo. Odds are I will probably hate whatever they do with him. But there is enough happening in the space around it that I’m interested in exploring, and a bruised apple can still taste sweet.
Almost all of this, of course, is mostly just saying that Neo:TWEWY is not doomed to fail. There is still plenty of room for things to go wrong later on. There are entire systems I haven’t really seen in game, like shops, pin evolution, clothing and food (Though it looks like they have changed the food system significantly, which I approve of). The things that unnerved me so much in the trickle of information after this game’s announcement could still be enough to turn this sour. But I’m smiling as I’m strapping myself in for this ride now, one I’ve waited quite a long time for. Whatever’s coming, I’m excited.
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Dear Whoever: [Oikawa]
Synopsis: two broken strangers hold a mutual understanding of each other as they silently complete jigsaw puzzles together every Wednesday afternoon.
WC: 4K
TW: mental health issues, reader sucks at math, swearing, angst (but a lot of fluff) please do not read if you feel uncomfortable by these themes. Also: this fic has nothing to do with volleyball and is set in a clinic for mental health
Note: this is in no way meant to romanticise mental health issues, it is simply a story of a person (reader) who is struggling with their mental health and eventually gets better through the silent support of a friend she makes (Oikawa)
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Dear diary?
Is that how I'm supposed to start these entries off? I'm not sure. Well, uh...today I went to see a psychologist for the first time. Her name is Mary and she gave me this book, told me to try it out and write in it as much as possible. I feel awkward though. I don't think I'll use this.
Until next time,
So uh… hi?
My therapist told me to write here even if I'm not sad? So if something memorable happens. I don't know honestly. This is way too awkward. Maybe I'll get used to this. Maybe not?
I stayed true to my words, I really haven't written here that much. I'm doing good and I don't think there's anything wrong with me! I'm not sure why I'm being forced to go to therapy. I feel how I feel and it doesn't matter! I know there are people worse off than me and I don’t have the right to feel sad - I have a good family, good friends, go to a nice school and I have money (or well, my parents do). So why should I feel sad? And I just have a resting bitch face. It's not called being ‘depressed’ or whatever.
Asides from all that, the only reason I haven't kicked up a huge fuss about being forced to be interrogated is the fact that every Wednesday - the day I visit my psychologist, there's always the same cute boy sitting in the same seat opposite me, not to mention the same somber expression he wears.
I'm not sure why, but I feel oddly connected to him. As if our minds are connected and in tune. I feel like I know him and he knows me. I've been reading too many books. Lol! There's no way we have that connection. Besides, I've only seen him about 4 times. Yeah, I'm definitely making this up in my sad, lonesome head.
Farewell for now,
Dear diary,
I saw him again. I still don't know his name. But today he looked up at me and smiled a bit, I tried to smile back but I probably just looked angry. Not that I have a problem smiling or that I'm angry or upset. I'm just stuck on default - stuck with a heavy frown on my face.
It's a shame, really; I've spent so long trying so hard to get better. And I do want to get better, but it’s not easy. If I'm being honest, I thought I was getting better but when the quarantine hit I began to bottle things up again. Not seeing my feelings, having them buried deep beneath - locked away in the deepest pits of my heart… well, it was soothing in a sense. That way they did not exist, they were forgotten. I didn't have to deal with them. But I forgot the most important thing of all, ‘with good comes bad’ they say, I wish I had listened - to myself and to those around me, that bottling up feelings is really the worst thing to do. Because the longer you ignore them, the stronger they grow and the darker they get. I'm an idiot; really. I was a coward, too scared of my untamed, ugly feelings to face them head on, too scared to ask for support to help me face them. So here I am now, wallowing in the depths of my despair with an increasingly depressing inner monologue, typing this out in tune with it. I'm really bashing myself up, bottling up is the most harmful way to inflict violence upon one’s self, and I'm really feeling it. My brain hurts from narrating my problems and inner thoughts - it’s working overtime as a sort of coping mechanism. But what hurts the most - what burns the most, is my ever dry throat and teary eyes. Having to swallow the ever present lump that happens to make itself comfortable right at the back of my throat seems to really suck the moisture out of my mouth, hence my dry throat. My eyes really sting, the tears come and go, and boy, let me tell you - it takes so much strength to fight them. To stop them from rolling down as they would wish to. Feeling the tears well up and then forced to go away really burns. I'm not sure why; I do know that despite not having cried even once, my eyes burn as if I havent stopped crying since last week.
As dramatic as this is, this is how I feel. Quite underwhelming considering I've been harboring such strong, hating and dangerous feelings to myself since march. Though, this is my first time letting these frustrations out. I'm glad I've finally realised the burdens I carry. There's not much I can do.
See you next time,
Didn't expect to write that much in here but shit has been going down this week. Today my math teacher kept me in to tell me that I failed my math test, she told me that it was irresponsible of me to get as low as I got. The whole time she scolded me, I felt uncomfortable and like I could cry - I was close too, the tears were forming in my eyes. She asked me if I was planning on dropping maths, she basically suggested for me to drop maths. Oh! She also told me that I had to stop drawing in my book and that it was preventing me from learning because apparently ‘if you draw that just proves to me that you have no idea what's going on and you don't want to ask questions.’ and I'll give her that, I don’t - to both things.
The seats are so close it makes me anxious, I don't want everyone around me to know that I don't understand math! And besides, I seriously do not understand it so she'd have to sit with me the entire lesson to explain everything… I think there's something wrong with me.
Until next time,
Hey, me again.
It’s still slightly weird to vent into a little diary but I'm getting there I guess. I'm so frustrated! Today has been the worst fucking day that I've ever experienced. For starters, I did double math for periods one and two, and then we got our tests back and I failed :) yep 23%!
I'm just soooo happy. If I'm being honest I don't care anymore. Maths is hard and no matter how much I study I fail at it. There's no point in me even trying now. I give up. What's worse is we had a substitute teacher and when she handed out the papers she gave my paper to some other girl in the class - who then of course, proceeded to have a fit about how bad the test is and that the tests were definitely mixed up. Well, they were but did she really have to explain to the whole class about how bad the score is? It was embarrassing to have to put my hand up and get the paper - my test, handed to me. It felt like everyone’s eyes were burning holes into my body. Right then and there I had a panic attack - I had already felt on edge since yesterday but the test conforming results plus the fact that everyone knew how badly I scored tipped me over the edge. I felt the tears well up but I pushed them back - refusing to show everyone how weak and pathetic I am.
I excused myself to the bathroom and cried a little before texting my friends and telling them that I was about to have a meltdown. Unfortunately they weren't online and didn't respond, I had to go back to class anyway.
When the break came, I left to go back to the bathroom - my tears were still clouding my vision and I couldn't get rid of them. I think I may be superstitious but while I was walking I was stuck behind the girls who saw my test - they were talking about their tests. I didn't really care but then one of them said ‘how much do you need to pass?’ and the others just laughed, so she continued and said ‘seriously! Is 24 percent a pass?’ this made the other girls laugh even harder, it felt like a slap to the face. Like they were indirectly mocking me. The same girl then said ‘surely 25 percent’ which again, was met with laughter.
It really hurt. Even if I was just overreacting. Surely not. They had to be talking about me. Why else would they talk about low test grades when they are literally on to top of the class.
I just want to disappear.
I dropped my Ipad today - twice if I may add. I cried when it hit the floor, the protective screen shattering into small, sharp pieces. The ‘up’ volume button is stuck and can no longer be used, neither can the ‘on/off’ button. Guess I can only use the home button to turn it on and wait for it to go to sleep if I don't want to use it. I'm kinda fed up with life. I want to be taken away. I don't care how far I go. I just want to leave.
Not soKindly,
Dear Diary,
Today has been alright, I made mini cookies which helped put a smile on my face. Ever since the first time I exploded in this diary, I've felt a humongous weight lift off of my shoulders. Picture this, a single person holding up 50 tonnes of bricks and then telling themself and everyone around them ‘I’m fine! I can do this! I don't need help!’ but then one day, the person feels even more bricks pile up which becomes overloaded and they can't keep it up anymore. So they begin to crumble under all the pressure and the weight until they just explode! After their explosion a new person appears out of nowhere and helps them hold the stack of bricks. It is not that lighter, but it's the extra support - the extra pair of hands helping keep the first person stand straight, that really means something. I'm not sure if that makes sense but it’s how I can describe how I feel. Still feels heavy in my chest, but this time it just feels a bit lighter - like the world isn't entirely against me.
Dear Diary
When I went to the clinic earlier this week, something unexpected happened. The cute boy - who i like to call my ‘Therapy Buddy’ pointed over to the small table where a bunch of unfinished puzzles lay. I was confused at first but still walked over there. We sat down opposite each other and offered small smiles to one another. And without saying anything we finished off the jigsaw puzzles until we had to part ways.
For the first time in a while, I felt calm - as if my nerves were soothed. Maybe I should upgrade his name to ‘Miracle Buddy’ because I am 100% sure the reason I felt at peace was his doing - his presence.
Until next time,
Dear Diary,
Therapy Buddy and I completed the jigsaw puzzles again today; no words were exchanged. I think he’s cute. I don't have a crush on him. I literally don't know him. I just like being in his presence. And besides, we've only done this twice. Who's to say we'll do it next week?
Whats up bitch Diary
Haha. Therapy Buddy is definitely smart. He was so quick to complete a 200 piece puzzle! I barely helped… he's cute when he concentrates as well. Oh yeah, we did end up doing them today. I noticed he also carries a diary with him. Maybe he writes in it like I do? Who knows. I hope he's written about me… I mean he probably hasn't but who knows, am I right?
Hey Diary,
I'm really struggling going to school, I find it hard to concentrate in math class. Actually yeah, I like going to school but it's when I step into the math class, when I go in I feel my chest tighten and my throat dry. I have spoken with my parents a lot. They said I can drop maths if I want to. I'm still not sure what I want to do in the future but I have a faint idea: a psychologist or an artist. I need maths for psychology I think. I'm not sure. I think I'll just stick with it and hope next year goes better.
I look forward to going to the clinic. It no longer feels like an interrogation now that I walk in with an open mind. I'm still not getting much better with maths so I asked to be dropped down a level and now that i'm in a new classroom, a new environment, i feel less nervous. Maybe i’ll be able to get at least something done.
This is a disaster, the other week when Therapy Buddy and I were sitting together - in comfortable silence might I add, we mixed our diaries! I can't believe this. I didn't realise until I got home! I had no ways of contacting him either. I hope he didn't read through it. If he did, I'm in trouble, I'm not doing good. I feel sick in my stomach and my throat is constricting. Ok I'm going to go, I'm having a panic attack just remembering.
Until next time
Hey Diary!
In the midst of panic yesterday, I missed an important detail. Therapy Buddy left his name and phone number in my book. He must have opened up to write in it only to realise it wasn't his book. I hope. I'm a bit scared to text him. He has a pretty name - Oikawa Toru.
If I'm going to be honest, I read a little of his diary! I couldn't help it, I just wanted to write my feelings but I opened up on his latest entry, I read it and I shouldn't have. I feel a bit guilty but now, more than ever, I feel closer to him. He's feeling a similar way to me.
Yeah, I think I'll go for it. I think I'll text him.
What's up Diary!?
I'm glad I texted Toru! Since then we've been texting non stop but we've made a promise - to not speak to each other in person until we’re both doing better. That's fine with me. I just know my voice would betray me if I decided to chat him up in person. I've found a sense of comfort with Toru, he's no longer just my Therapy Buddy (although that's his contact name), he's now my friend who I can seek comfort in, and he seeks comfort in me too. I hate to say it, but I think I may have a small crush on him. This is a pain in the ass, I really hope I don't. He's just my friend. He's just my friend. He's just my friend. He's just my friend. But he’s really cute
Kind regards,
Hey diary,
I'm feeling a lot mentally better, I wish I had realised sooner that going to therapy was helpful. Having someone who just listens to you and doesn't give their input unless you want it is soothing. I'm not as anxious to go to math class, of course I'm still trying but I've adopted the mindset: what's done is done, all I can do is look forward.
I have good news about Toru. Today he said to me ‘when I’m ready I want to love you and for you to love me.’ I know I don’t love him but I’m not an idiot, I know I have some more-than-friends feelings towards him.
Dear Diary,
Things have been really looking up for me. Im feeling a lot happier and the weight in my chest is a lot lighter. I almost feel free. I've been thinking of career paths a lot lately. I think I want to be a psychologist. If it weren't for Mary, who knows where I would be now. Thanks to her I've been able to feel better and do better. I want to be like her. I want to be able to help people through their problems - whether it be a minor inconvenience or a major one, because I know how it feels. I understand what it feels like to have the whole world against you - as if every force and person in the universe were working unanimously together to bring me down, ‘but I survived and so can you.’ That's what I will tell them. And also ‘We can get through this together,’ and let's not forget ‘this will be challenging so we both have to put in 100 percent to getting better!’
Hey diary,
I am full of joy.
Today Toru texted me and asked me if i wanted to spend New Years Eve with him! I said yes and were going to go to the park to have a picnic and watch the fireworks! I'm so excited. I hope he is too! I just cannot wait.
Oh yeah! I can't believe i haven't written it in until now! I've just been so happy and excited and wow but the two of us went out to a cafe and he bought me a drink - we still haven't exchanged words and spent the whole time sitting next together while texting.
In that moment I felt so happy, I knew that this is the guy I want to be with. I have a crush on him and wow... I it feels good to get that off my chest and out into the open,,, I wonder if he’s ready? It doesn’t matter, I’ll wait as long as I have to because Toru is special and I don’t want to lose him.
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It is New Years Eve and I have made plans to catch up with Toru, he's going to pick me up at my house and together we’ll walk to the nature park where we’ll spend the night having a picnic and being in each other’s presence. In my small bag I have snacks and drinks packed, along with some board games - why not? After all, I'm planning on confessing to him tonight and I thought doing it while engaging in one of the things that brought us together was the way to go.
There is a timid knock on the door and I quickly run to answer it.
As soon as I open the door I’m met with a cardboard poster with the words ‘Happy New Years Eve, Yn!!’ written in big, large letters. I smile as I look at it, Toru definitely was not an artistic person but the thought was sweet and made my heart swell. I pull out my phone and text him a thank you before receiving one back from him; ‘you look extra beautiful… Yn.’
I read the text a few times before my brain finally gets the message, a large smile creeps up onto my face and I hear him try to stifle a laugh.
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I turn away from Toru and yell out ‘bye bye! I'll see you tonight!!’
When I turn back I see Toru reaching out his hand; as if he were asking me to hold it.
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Toru’s hand is pretty, our fingers are linked together and they rest comfortably. Nothing feels forced, it all feels natural. I look up at him and wonder if he feels the same, as if he knew what I was thinking when he squeezes my hand. Yeah, we definitely have some strange connection.
We spend the whole journey to the park texting, and as much as I love texting him and hearing him quietly chuckle during conversations it no longer feels like enough. I want more. As greedy and selfish as that sounds. I know I said I would wait for him - as long as it would take, but I'm getting impatient. Tonight i'm going to speak to him… I hope he does as well.
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The park is beautiful, the flowers are trees surrounding the border and trap out the outside world. It almost feels like I'm in a magical fairy realm - or something like that.
We found a spot near a garden bed and I noticed the arrangement of flowers fairly quickly. I find it funny, the flowers almost represent everything i feel for Toru - maybe our meeting was indeed, fate and maybe this was fate telling me to confess.
I pull out a 5000 piece jigsaw and text ‘wanna play?’ which Toru of course agrees.
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I have had fun, all night we’ve spent playing various games and eating snacks. We still haven't spoken and that's getting me down. I can't help the intrusive thoughts - ‘does he not like me?’ ‘he's not ready’ ‘you're just a friend.’ I try to push them out of my head but before I crumble I find a new thought: ‘maybe he's just too shy to make the first move.’
That is, it was up to me and it was the perfect time to confess - ten minutes until the new year. I quickly got up and made an impromptu bouquet of the flowers that resided next to us.
Shaking, I turned towards him. “Hey… i’m Ln Yn and this is for you…” I handed him the bouquet and tried my best to ignore the look on his face - I couldn't tell if it was shock out of happiness or anger, “you asked to know the meanings right?” I move closer to him and point out a flower, “well, see that flower? It's a light purple lilac that resembles young love… and this one here, it's called a belledonne which means silence, this one’s a begonia - representing dark thoughts, oh and this one! It's a pink camellia which symbolises longing - particularly longing for a romantic relationship with the receiver, and this daisy right here means innocence and hope. And lastly, the hibiscus represents delicate beauty.’ I swallowed a lump in my throat as I looked up at him, I didn't realise how close I got to him - our lips were mere centimeters away.
‘Hey… I'm Oikawa Toru and I like you too. Why don't we give a relationship a try?’
I smile. I smile so large I feel my cheeks hurt. This, this is the happiest i've ever been. ‘I’d like that.’ Toru smiles with me, he’s beautiful, even with the dak thoughts plaguing his mind.
‘I like your voice’ we say to each other before laughing.
‘Wow.. we really said that at the same time huh?’ he laughs. Instead of responding I grab a hold of his hand once more and squeeze it. ‘It’s kinda annoying, I wanted to confess first…’
‘Not my fault. Bet it wouldn't have been as romantic as what I did.’
‘So telling me the meanings of flowers is romantic?’
I gasp as he doubles over in laughter and without realising we fell into an easy conversation - much like one we would have over text. Everything with Toru felt natural.
The fireworks go off signalling the beginning of the new year, Toru leans in closer and his eyes don't leave mine.
‘Hey,’ he says softly, ‘can I kiss you?’ I gulp and nod, within seconds his lips were delicately pressed against mine, they were soft and smooth - even if they were slightly chapped. They felt natural against my lips. The kiss was short and sweet. Deciding that it wasn't enough to satisfy me, I went back in after we pulled apart and we both smiled into the kiss - our lips passionately moving together, like two jigsaw pieces that were made for each other.
When we pull back, Toru drags me into his chest and says, ‘I'm ready to love you.’
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Taglist: @ladyrenart
Hushudhidwhuwihahuaf ïm im sorry this is horrible and I definitely don’t plan on using this style of writing anytime soon! I promise the rest of the series will be written nicely !
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Truth or Dare Part 6 - Mammon’s Ending
Arianthi has to make an impossible choice and Mammon reveals some long held secrets. 
Written from the perspective of my female OC Arianthi.
NSFW - soft break up sex
TWs - discussion of eating disorders and manipulative relationships.
Mood Playlist: 
LP - When We’re High LP - Lost on You LP - Other People LP - Forever for Now  Hozier - Like Real People Do 
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Mammon’s kiss is rough and insistent, nothing like Diavolo’s gentle caresses.  I can feel my lips bruising beneath his as he claims my mouth.  His teeth nip at my lower lip and when I gasp he takes advantage of the opening and flicks his tongue against mine.  It’s like he’s trying to erase every kiss Diavolo has ever given me and replace it with his own.  
I squirm against his hold, trying to break away from him, but his grip on my arms is like a vise.  I twist my head away from his.  “Mammon!” 
He doesn’t seem to hear me as his lips work their way down to my neck and he gives me a sharp bite.
“Mammon let me go!  You’re hurting me!”
With those words it’s like a flip has been switched and Mammon instantly releases me.  We break away from each other, breathing hard.  Mammon stares at me in horror, taking in my swollen lips and the blood beading up on the bite mark he left on me.
“Oh my god.....oh fuck.”  Mammon’s hands are shaking and there are tears falling down his cheeks.  He reaches out towards me hesitantly.  
“Oh fuck, I am so sorry Arianthi......are ya hurt?  Did I hurt ya?”  Mammon’s voice is trembling.  “I hurt ya, oh my god.”  
Mammon is pale and he looks like he’s going to be sick.
Without thinking I quickly step forward into his arms and embrace him tightly.  I rest my head on his chest and rub his back in slow, soothing circles.  “It’s ok baby.  It’s ok.  I’m fine, alright?  I’m just fine, don’t worry.”
Mammon rests his forehead against mine.  A sudden darkness envelopes me as Mammon wraps his wings around us and we’re encased in a warm cocoon.  
“I fucked up didn’t I?”
I don’t reply, I just cup Mammon’s face in my hands, using my thumbs to brush away a few stray tears.  He reaches up and mimics my motions; I didn’t even realize I was crying.
“I’m scared Arianthi,” he admits.  “So damn scared.  I don’t wanna lose ya.  You’re the only person who’s ever really.....”  He hiccups a little as his sobs deepen.  “I don’t know what to do.”
I kiss away his tears slowly, gently, until his breathing slows and his sobs stop.
“Mammon you didn’t fuck up.  But we do need to talk about this.  About everything that has happened and about what you said.”
He nuzzles his face against my hands and nods.  “I know baby.  I know we do.  Let’s talk about everything.  I wanna make this right with ya.”  
My D.D.D. starts buzzing in my pocket.  Mammon unfolds his wings and steps away so I can answer it.  I quickly check the caller I.D.  
“Hey Dia,” I answer.
Mammon flinches away from my easy use of the nickname. 
“Hey princess.  Where are you?  I came up to bed and you were gone.” 
“I’m at the House of Lamentation.”
“Hey Dia, can you give me just a second?”
“Sure.  Whatever you need.”
I hold my D.D.D to my shoulder to muffle my conversation and walk over to Mammon.  I touch his cheek gently.
“I need to talk to him for a minute, ok?  Go to your room and I’ll be right up.  We are going to finish this conversation Mammon.”
He eyes me warily.  
“I promise, I’ll come back.  We’re going to talk.”
He nods reluctantly and shuffles out of the kitchen.  I wait until he’s out of sight then I bring my D.D.D. back up to my ear.  
“What’s up princess?”
“I’m going to be here a little longer.  I need to have a conversation.”  
My stomach clenches with guilt.  The idea of doing anything that has the potential to hurt Diavolo makes me want to vomit.  But I can’t be in a relationship with him if I’m only half in.  He deserves better than that.  He deserves someone who loves him with their whole heart.  I need to figure things out with Mammon so I can decide on my future with Diavolo.
“Of course.  I’m sure your friends have missed you.”
“Can I message you when I’m done so you can come walk me home?”
“Absolutely.  I’ll wait up for your message.”
“Bye Dia.”
“Bye princess.  See you soon.”
I stand in the kitchen for a moment, debating and hesitating.  Then I feel a tug on the silken thread that links Mammon’s heart to mine.  My feet follow the sensation and soon I’m standing in front of Mammon’s door.  
I slip inside his room and quietly shut the door behind me.  Mammon is back in his human form, sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands.  I pad across the carpet and kneel down in front of him, putting a finger under his chin to tip his head up so he can look at me.  I brush some unruly hair out of his eyes and give him a small smile.
His blue eyes are full of shock and surprise.  “Ya came back,” he whispers.
“Of course I did.  I promised you I would.”
“Nobody’s ever come back before.  Not for me.”  Mammon bites down hard on his lower lip, eyes darting away from me.
I take his face in my hands to force him to look at me.  
“I will always come back for you Mammon.  Always.  No matter what has happened or where we are, I will come back to you every single time,” I murmur. 
He leans his forehead against mine and I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of his warm skin and taking a few seconds to compose myself.
When I feel calmer I climb up onto the bed with him and cross my legs, tugging on his arm so he turns to face me.  He adopts a similar pose opposite me and opens his mouth to say something, then hesitates.
“Are ya sure I didn’t hurt ya?”
Unconsciously I rub at the bruises starting to form on my upper arms.  
Mammon watches me and his face falls.  
“I am so, so sorry,” he whispers, looking miserable. 
I take both of his hands in mine.  “It’s just a few bruises Mammon.  I promise I’ll be fine.  And I’m not mad........I just......no more, ok?”
He nods vigorously in agreement.  “I’m so sorry Arianthi.  For that and everything else.”
I gently squeeze his hands.  “Mammon?”
“Did you mean what you said in the kitchen?  About loving me?”  I try to keep the hope out of my voice, not wanting to talk myself into believing something that might not be true.
“Y-yeah.  Yeah I did.”  Mammon is flushed pink to the tips of his ears.  He looks into my eyes and nods firmly.  “I do.  I love ya Arianthi.”  
His voice breaks a little and he bite down on his lip.  “I’ve been in love with ya for so long I don’t remember what it’s like not to love ya.”  
A few tears trail down his cheeks.  
“I don’t ever wanna to go back to that,” he whispers.  “I don’t ever wanna feel that way again......the way my life was before ya were in it.”
“I love you too, Mammon.  So, so much,” I whisper softly.  
I love this dorky, greedy, touch starved, math whiz, tsundere demon more than anything in the world.   
“I know that Diavolo can ........ wait.... what?”  His head snaps up and his blue eyes focus on my face.  
“Say that again,” he demands.
“I love you,” I say with a wide smile.  “I love you Mammon.”
He lunges towards me and presses a sloppy kiss to my lips.  He knocks me over and we cling to each other; me giggling while he drops soft kisses all over my face.  We eventually calm down, laying on our sides and gazing at each other.
“I can’t believe ya really love me,” Mammon says, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger, his voice filled with wonder.
“Well you better start,” I respond, booping his nose.
He grins and nips at my finger as I draw it back from his nose.  Then his face falls; his brow furrows and he chews on his lower lip.
“I’ve missed ya so much,” he whispers.  “I never thought I’d see ya in this room again.”  
He brings my hand to his lips and kisses my palm, thinking for a moment before he starts speaking.  
“Ya scare me,” he finally says.  “Ever since the fall I haven’t ever really met anybody that made me feel like I was worth anything.  My brothers think I’m a scumbag loser.  Everybody treats me like I’m an idiot.” 
“I’m not stupid Arianthi.  I’m really not,” he says, his voice thick with tears.
“I know you’re not Mammon,” I tell him, rubbing his arm comfortingly.  “You’re clever and you’re funny and I’ve never met anyone who is even half as good at math as you are.  Human or demon.”
He swallows hard and keeps going.  “I’m not sayin’ that there weren’t people around, ‘cuz there were.  But they used me..... for money or to get closer to Lucifer or Satan or Asmo.”  
His face flushes red with shame and his jaw clenches. 
“......for sex,” he finally whispers.
Oh Mammon.  My sweet, greedy demon.  
My heart breaks for him, breaks at the raw pain in his voice.
“Then you show up.”  He shakes his head and huffs out a laugh.  “Ya stood up for me.  Nobody ever did that before, not even in the Celestial Realm.  I’ve always been the fuck up.  But ya never treated me like that.  And that was real scary.  I kept waitin’ for ya to walk away, waitin’ for ya to figure out how worthless I was.  Ya never did, and then ya were scary for a bunch of other reasons.”
He gives me a soft smile.  
“I was scared about the end of the exchange, about never seein’ ya again.  I was scared that I wasn’t special to ya the way I thought I was, and thought maybe I was just makin’ it all up in my head.  Then ya kissed me and I was scared because I didn’t know how to make ya mine and I really, really wanted to.”
He leans forwards and gives me the gentlest of kisses.  
“You’re scary as hell baby, because ya keep surprisin’ me.  Ya keep doin’ all these things nobody has ever done for me, and makin’ me feel all these things that I’ve never felt before.  I love the hell out of ya for it though.  Ya make me so fuckin’ happy.”
I hug him tightly, kissing his cheek.  “You make me happy too Mammon.  You have no idea how happy you make me.”
We stay that way for a little while, happy just to cuddle each other.  
“Hey Mammon?”  I finally whisper.
“I need to talk to you about something.”  I pull away from him and sit up.
He sits up too, frowning at me in concern.
“I don’t want there to be any more secrets between us.”  
I chew the inside of my cheek anxiously, debating on how to explain it.  
“I don’t like how my body looks,” I say hesitantly.  “I don’t like how I look specifically because of how much I weigh.  It’s not as bad now, but when I was a teenager it was really bad.  I got help for it a few years ago when I was 20, and I’ve really improved, but I still have my bad moments.”   
Mammon looks worried and confused.  “Baby?
“I would make myself throw up,” I admit quietly.  “Every time after I ate, whenever I got anxious about my weight....... I got into a really vicious cycle of not eating for as long as I possibly could and then throwing whatever I did eat.”
He takes my hand.  “Oh baby.....”  
Realization crosses his face as he puts the puzzle pieces together.  
“So on your birthday after I said those things, when Luke told us you were sick.....” he trails off, looking heartbroken.  He gathers me up in his arms, pulling me onto his lap.  
“Baby, please tell me you didn’t......” he whispers.
“I’m sorry,” I say, not meeting his eyes.
“No.  Don’t ya dare ever apologize for somethin’ like that.”  Mammon hugs me tightly to his chest.  “Have ya done it since then?”
I shake my head.
“Good,” Mammon says.  “I want ya to tell me when ya start feelin’ like that alright?  I’ll get ya help if ya need it.  Whatever it takes to get ya better.” 
I nod.
“Say it.  Promise me.”  He raises his eyebrows at me.
“I promise Mammon.”
“Good girl,” he says, planting a kiss on the top of my head.  
I giggle and nuzzle into his chest.  
“What’s gonna happen now Arianthi?  Are ya finally gonna come home?”  He looks down at me hopefully.
“I want to,” I tell him.  “But only if Lucifer and the others are ok with it.  I said some really messed up things the night I left, and I’ve been ignoring everyone since then.  They might not want me back.”
“Of course they do.  We all miss ya.”  He kisses my cheek.
“Well, I’d like to talk to them first and apologize before I just start moving stuff back into my room.”
“Alright.  What’s gonna happen with Diavolo once ya move back in?”  Mammon asks, looking at me intently.  
I hesitate, trying to organize my thoughts.  The momentary pause is long enough for Mammon to start spiraling.  
“That was stupid.  That was fuckin’ stupid of me to even ask.  Of course you’re not gonna leave Diavolo for me.  He can give ya anything ya could every want.  He’s a goddamn prince and I’m just.......... me,” he whispers softly.  “Just Lucifer’s loser scumbag little brother.”
 I quickly throw my arms around him.  
“Mammon, listen to me.”  I give him a soft kiss.  “None of that is true.  None of it.  I want to be with you.”
“For real?”  He asks, shocked.
“For real, for real,” I reply, smiling.
He grins back at me.  “Holy shit.  I can’t believe it.”
I nuzzle my nose against his.  “Better start believing it mister.  You’re the only demon for me.”
He laughs in delight, holding me close.
“Mammon?”  I eventually whisper.
“Hmmmm?  What’s up baby?”
“I need to leave soon.”
“Nah, you’re stayin’ here with me tonight.”  He smiles and lays back on the mattress, pulling me down with him.
“I need to go back to the castle tonight.”
He scowls at me.  “What?  Why?’’  
He’s feeling greedy, and now he’s getting irritated because he can’t have what he’s greedy for; me.
I hold his hand, rubbing small circles on his palm with my thumb.  “I need to talk to Diavolo.  I have to explain things to him.”
He pulls away from me, frowning.
“I know you don’t like it but I really do need to explain things to him in person.  He’s been so kind to me Mammon, he deserves that much.”  I look into his eyes, begging him to understand.
He sighs then wraps his arms around me.  
“Alright, go on and do what ya need to do.  Tonight he gets ya one last time.  But tomorrow you’re all mine,” he mutters gruffly.  
I hold him close, knowing how much it costs him to do this, and loving him even more for it.  
“I’ll come back in the morning and we’ll talk to Lucifer and the others.  We’ll tell them we’re together and that I want to come back.”
Mammon looks at me uncertainly.  
“I will be back in the morning Mammon.  I promise.”
“Ok,” he finally says, doubt still written all over his face.
He gives me one last kiss and I leave, messaging Diavolo as I walk to the front door.  Diavolo meets me outside a little later, automatically putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to shield me from the chill of the Devildom night air.  
The walk back to the castle is silent, and neither one of us speaks until we’re safely shut into our bedroom.  Diavolo sits in one of the arm chairs, pulling me into his lap.  He nuzzles his head into my neck.
“When are you moving back?”  He finally asks me, voice low and soft.
I rest my cheek on top of his head.  “Tomorrow.”
His arms tighten around me and he lets out an unhappy laugh.  “Is it arrogant of me to say that I thought you wouldn’t go back to him?  That I thought if I just made you happy enough you’d stay?”
“Of course it’s not,” I tell him, holding him close.  “But you deserve someone who can love you with their whole heart Dia.  Not just whatever random broken pieces they have left.”
He gives me a small, sad smile.  “Would it be pathetic to admit I’m willing to accept whatever you’re willing to give me as long as you just stay?”
“Oh Dia, you should never settle for something like that.  You deserve so much more.  You deserve someone who is all in.”  I tear up.  
I hate this.  I hate everything about this.  
We sit quietly until Diavolo asks, “Would it..... would you ever consider being with both of us?”  
I pause, thinking for a moment.  “I can’t Dia.  If things were different, if it was anyone other than Mammon ............ then I think maybe I could.  But I can’t do that with him.  Not now.”
He bites his lip and nods.  
“I’ll have Barbatos pack your things and send them to the House of Lamentation first thing in the morning.”  He pauses, hesitating.  “May I ask you for one last thing princess?”
“Let me make love to you one last time?”  He asks softly.
I take his hand and lead him over to the bed.  We undress each other slowly, gently worshiping each bit of newly bared skin.  He softly presses me down into the mattress and kisses me, lips and tongue soft and teasing.  I whimper with desire as his calloused hands skim over my body, each touch a loving caress.
He looks into my eyes as he thrusts into me, holding me tight when I arch up against him.  This sex is different from anything else we’ve ever done.  Our sex has been rough, experimental, playful, and everything in between, but this is slow, deliberate, sensual.  Diavolo uses each thrust of his cock to draw out our pleasure, each of his kisses meticulously placed against my skin and lips.  
We cum together, whimpering as we come down from our shared high.  He kisses me one last time then pulls me against his chest, curling his body around mine. 
“I love you,” he whispers.
I bring his hand up to my lips and drop a soft kiss against his knuckles.  His breathing turns slow and steady and I drift off to sleep, lulled by the sound of his heartbeat. 
I wake up before Diavolo, dressing quickly and trying to stay quiet.  
I want to leave before he wakes up.  It will be easier for both of us that way.
I brush his hair back from his forehead, giving him a soft kiss.  
“Bye Dia,” I whisper.
I walk slowly to the House of Lamentation, breathing in the crisp morning air.  I hesitate at the front door, then call Mammon.
“What?”  He mumbles.
“Mammon?  Can you come let me in?  I’m outside.”
“Y-y-yeah, give me just a second.”
Mammon opens the front door less than a minute later, breathing hard and a huge smile on his face.  His hair is messy, eyes still heavy with sleep, and he’s shirtless, wearing only a pair of grey sweats.
He grabs me and picks me up, spinning me around in a circle and laughing.  He sets me down and leans his forehead against mine, blue eyes bright with happiness.  
“Ya came back,” he whispers.  “Ya really came back.”
“I promised you I would.”  
He gives me a long, sweet kiss.  I can feel his smile against my lips as he says, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Mammon.”
“Hello Arianthi.”
Mammon and I spring apart as Lucifer looks at us from the doorway.  He pushes the door open a little wider, crimson eyes studying us intently.
“Why don’t the two of you come inside so we can talk?  I feel like there are a few things I need to be updated on.” 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
by skiassurveys
1. How has covid affected you? It robbed me of few months’ worth of memories in my last year in college, my graduation, travel plans, employment prospects, a 22nd birthday with friends. Fortunately, other than a mutual friend, I personally don’t know anyone who has gotten the virus.
2. What is a comfort show of yours? Friends, without a doubt. If I need a pick me up I just look up a scene on YouTube and I’m bound to feel better in seconds.
3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I’m pretty open about my past as long as people ask the right questions that would make me want to open up that can of worms lol. But I’m very secretive about the present and if I’m currently going through something, I tend to be selfish when it comes to opening up. I don’t like being completely vulnerable, and I leave those last few bits of vulnerability to only myself. I can’t even open up on Tumblr in certain instances; it’s just how I am.
4. Favourite fast food joint? Yellow Cab.
5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I don’t. I don’t put a lot of thought into this, either. It’s just not something I particularly care about. 
6. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Finish my thesis. I used to think it was some colossal, nearly-impossible requirement and I never thought I was capable of creating my own. But I got through it and it was such an amazing feeling to see myself and Andrew wrap it up and write our acknowledgments at the very end.
7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? There are definitely questions that come up more often than others, but I’m never super bothered by them. I just try to answer them differently then move on.
8. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was 12, in sixth grade, friendless, suicidal, and was in the biggest mental health slump of my life thus far; so, not doing well.
9. Do you call out Karens when they’re harassing a cashier? I don’t call them out but when it’s my turn to be served, I make it a point to greet them and smile and give them the change, like I do with any cashier – except amplified this time around so they can feel better and not think that every customer is an asshole.
10. Animal crossing, yay or nay? Yay. I don’t play it but I’m certainly not gonna dampen people’s enjoyment by thumbing it down lol. It looks so cute and the challenges look wholesome; that game just can’t hurt anybody haha. But I guess it helps that my favorite characters to play on Mario Kart are Animal Crossing characters, so there’s that.
11. Why do you like to do surveys? It’s a safe space. And I’m very talkative in my head but not in real life, so surveys always serve as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings.
12. Did you ever have a MySpace? I did but I caught they very tail end of its popularity. By the time I joined people were already starting to flock to Facebook, so it wasn’t like I was ever able to do anything fun or worthwhile on Myspace. It was also never as popular in the Philippines too; we were into Friendster a lot more.
13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don’t think things like that work in absolutes. I’m sure breaks work for some, but for others they could also just create more distance and cause a couple to grow apart over time.
14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have one but it’s only so that I can support my favorite channels and subscribe to them, and so that YouTube can tailor my homepage to my interests. If I had to start posting videos, I’d prefer to take it easy and just post chill daily vlogs, nothing that tries too hard; and maybe take part in a taste test every once in a while because I enjoy watching those.
15. Are you a math person? Only up until advanced algebra or geometry. I’ll have to bow out if we have to get into trigonometry or calculus.
16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? I’ve been told I was a headache to deal with, heartless, unlovable, ungrateful, lacking a brain. All courtesy of my mom.
17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? Just once. In Grade 7 there was a new girl who was a bit of a loner, so Gab and I started talking to her so that she wouldn’t be alone during lunch. She didn’t really mix well with us and our dynamic though, so we slowly stopped hanging out with her. I felt bad, but I also didn’t want us to keep faking it with her because it would’ve been unfair to her – at least we tried. I was glad when she finally found her group, which didn’t take long.
18. Would you ever date someone online? I’m not open to it.
19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? I’m pretty sure what I did with Mike is the equivalent of ghosting...oops. I haven’t been ghosted.
20. When do you think things will be normal again? For a second this sounded really accurate about my life and I almost started crying :’’’’)))))) but now I realize you meant to ask about Covid lol. UHHH idk man. I remember back in March thinking this was gonna be over by April, and I had never been more wrong lmao. It’s so hard to tell.
21. Do you watch anime? No.
22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over? Be happy.
23. How old did/do you turn this year? 22.
24. Do you like tiktok? I don’t have the app downloaded but I’ll watch TikTok compilations on Facebook sometimes, and I’ve never had anything bad to say about them. I loooove the ones where people show what they do in their workplace like cleaning laptops, making ice cream cakes, doing pottery, etc., or showing projects that they’ve been working on like cleaning their swimming pool or renovating their bedroom. Those are the most satisfying to watch.
25. Do you ever miss vine? OMG yes. TikTok is entertaining, but the sense of humor that Vine birthed is on another fucking level. Only Vine could’ve made hurricane tortilla, a child, two bros chilling in a hot tub, and no head funny.
26. How are you doing, seriously? Today was one of the easier days. But I’m still hurting. It was just more manageable to breathe today.
27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? Yes.
28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Sometimes, if I’ve already accepted the problem. It’s harder to make light of a situation that I’m still grappling with.
29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? I don’t think so.
30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? Sure.
31. Long or short surveys? Medium-length to long.
32. If ur in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class? I’m not in school but I can definitely tell you that there aren’t any physical classes happening any time soon, at least in this country. It’s just not safe enough yet.
33. Would you ever have a pet rat? Nope.
34. Favourite memory with your best friend? I like laughing fits with Angela and spending hours at her house doing nothing. With Gabie, I always enjoy eating out with her.
35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? I’ve mentioned them a lot on surveys recently, but it’s definitely Good Mythical Morning. I always turn to them when I’m going through depression so I’m really grateful that they have 1500+ episodes on their main channel and have a bunch of secondary channels with hundreds of videos in each as well. They have no idea how many lives they’ve saved. Other than that, I also like watching Korean reality shows, mukbangs that double as ASMR videos, soothing baking videos, and vlogs from local celebrities heheh.
36. Are you allergic to anything serious? No allergies for me.
37. Dream job? I don’t really have a dream title for now; I just want to eventually end up at the top of the ladder in my chosen career path which is PR.
38. Do you think dreams mean anything? No.
39. Fave clothing brand? Mango or Zara.
40. Do you miss anyone? Painfully.
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littledreamybeth · 7 years
Love at first sight part 2(fetus Harry Styles x Reader)
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A/N: Pic does not belong to me! Enjoy! Leave a comment behind please!
Harry was a fun guy to hang out with. He made me laugh with his not so funny jokes, took care of me when I was in a bad mood and always proved me that I could trust him and rely on him. Thinking back at the first day at my new school, Harry and I had become close after I took a seat next to him in maths. He invited me to have lunch with his friends afterwards. Unfortunately, I also met the girl Amanda had warned me of. Keira was her name. She looked very innocent and nice from the outside. I almost began to like her but then I got to know her real personality. She was a snake.
Whenever she got the chance, she tried to disgrace me in front of my friends, especially Harry. One day, she “accidentally” spilled coffee on my new white shirt. I was very close to tears but luckily I could hold myself back. Harry was very pissed off, but like an angel and good friend that he is, he tried to soothe me. He also gave me one of his shirts so I didn’t need to walk around with a coffee stained shirt. Keira was a big challenge to be honest. I had to gain all my strength and patience to endure her horrible acts. She was just jealous, I know, and she was simply in love with Harry, but she had no right to terrorize me.
Speaking of my relation to Harry, I felt that our friendship seemed to change into something more. Whenever I saw him, a wide smile appeared on my face and my heart slammed against my chest very heavily. Amanda also realized that. She told me, that sometimes when Harry and I were hanging out we acted more as a couple than friends. I never noticed it. It was Harry after all. He always made you feel special when you were around him.
“You like him more than just a friend, don’t you?” Amanda asked me as we were chilling on my bed and going through some magazines.
“What do you mean?” I asked. Suddenly, my voice was shaking terribly and I felt myself blushing.
“Oh come on, (Y/N), you can’t fool me! I know you have feelings for Harry! Don’t deny it!”
I just shrugged with my shoulders, not feeling the need to justify myself. “Everybody has feelings for Harry, Am,” I mumbled.
“If you just haven’t noticed, he likes you back.”
I sighed and ran my hands over my face. It was frustrating. I knew I was falling for my best friend but I still wasn’t sure if he returned my feelings. Even Amanda’s claim didn’t give the assurance that I needed.
“How can you tell?” I asked her. “He treats everyone equally. I don’t see a difference between me and other people.”
She laughed at my stupidity. I knew that. “You’re so oblivious, (Y/N). Even a blind man could tell that Harry feels more than friendship for you. Haven’t you ever noticed how fast his behavior changes when you enter the room? Once he was laughing and fooling around with Liam, Niall and Louis and the next second you joined them, he was totally someone else. Believe me when I say he likes you. No, love is a better term in your case.”
I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. Everything was so confusing and I really wanted to find it out. Did he seriously love me or was Amanda just imagining things?
I sat in the little cottage in the backyard of my house. It was kind of my safe heaven when I wanted to relax or let out some anger. My mom and I were arguing a lot recently over little things which pissed me off. So I escaped to my cottage so I wouldn’t run into her. We needed to blow off some steam because it was necessary.
My thoughts were all about Harry lately and I just couldn’t help but remind myself of how gentle and kind he was treating me the last couple of days. We were friends for five months now. How fast time passes. I was still conflicted about telling him that I loved him. Our friendship meant so much to me. It was the most valuable thing that I possessed. I would do everything to keep him in my life. He was a guy you want to spend a lifetime with.
Today, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Whenever he had the chance he would delicately lay his arms around my shoulders, especially when boys were around. I liked this gesture to be honest. It was another proof to me how much he cared for me.
Suddenly, someone knocked on the wooden door. “(Y/N)?” His voice sounded so heavenly and angelic when he talked. A bunch of butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach. Unbelievable, how much of an effect he has on me. “Are you in there?”
“Yes, come in,” I replied.
He opened the door and entered my private lounge. Only he and Amanda had access to the cottage. I never let anyone except for them in here. Not even my own mother.
Harry greeted me with a genuine smile. He looked handsome as ever without even trying it. He could be wearing a potato sack and would be looking good in it. Now, he wore a long-sleeved pink pullover and dark blue jeans. His hair was slightly messy but it didn’t matter too much. He took a seat right next to me on the mattress that I’ve put on the floor and decorated with different sizes of cushions.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)? You texted me you had to talk to me? Is everything alright?”
I was going to confess my feelings for you but now that you’re here I feel like a coward.
“I-I just need your company,” I claimed. “I’m not in a good mood, Haz.”
A concerned expression was visible on his face. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking worried.
“Why? What happened?” I opened my mouth but no words escaped my lips. I felt a lump in my throat and it was hard for me to swallow it down.
“I just don’t know, Harry,” I whispered. “I’m so confused recently. It gives me headaches.”
Harry threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me against his side. He knew how he needed to comfort me. He never asked too much questions, giving me as much as time I needed before I would spill the answers out of my mouth.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be alright.” I hope they will.
“Harry, there is something I need to know.” I began to talk. My body heat increased immensely and I felt warm in every little cell in my body. Here we go. Now or never.
“I don’t know how to start this conversation so I will ask you a question which I hope will not sound random to you. Amanda has noticed some changes about you, Harry. Changes that occur when I’m around you. Honestly, I must say I never noticed them because I am oblivious and stupid but I just need to now Harry, do you have feelings for me? Do you love me?”
Suddenly, the color in his face vanished and he turned very pale. He nervously bit on his lower lip, thinking about what to say. I felt bad for putting him into a situation like this.
“I-I don’t know how to reply to your question, (Y/N).”
“It’s okay, Haz. I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I needed to know because I developed deep feelings for you. I love you Harry, more than a friend. Even if you don’t love me back, it’s no problem to me. I can live with that. I just hope I didn’t make things awkward between us. I don’t want to lose you, Harry. You mean a lot to me. I need you in my life.”
We stared at each other, being surrounded by complete silence. I kind of knew I shouldn’t ask him. I made things more complicated I think.
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” I said, shame was engulfing me. Tears welled up my eyes and threatened to fall down my cheeks. I couldn’t look at him in the eyes. I simply was ashamed. Before I could tear my gaze away from him, I felt warm and soft lips capturing mine into a hungry und passionate kiss. I couldn’t process what was going on, my thoughts were all spinning in my head. Was he really kissing me or was I imagining things?
Harry pushed me down so I laid on my back and he on top of me. Not for a single moment did he tear his lips away from mine. I tangled my fingers in his messy curls, slightly tugging at them. My actions elicited a moan from his lips, he seemed to like it. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips, tasting him. My heart skipped thousand beats and I was on cloud nine.
“I love you,” Harry said between the kisses, “I love you, I love you, I love you, I fucking love you so much.” And after each sentence, he kissed me even harder. We pulled away to take a breath, to fill our lungs with air again. He pressed his forehead against mine. I felt his breath on my lips, causing tingles on my entire body.
“Do you know how much I was longing for to hear this?” he claimed. “I’ve been in love with you since the day we meet. I’ve fallen for you since the moment we crashed into each other and looked at each other in the eyes. I’ve fallen so hard for you, (Y/N). It was love at first sight. Do you know how painful it was for me only to be your friend? I wanted to be more. I still want to be more. But I couldn’t tell you because I’m a coward. I fucking couldn’t tell you that I am in love with my best friend.”
He pressed another kiss on my lips.
“I’ve dreamed of kissing you, holding you. God, I even dreamed of making love to you, how crazy is that? I want you (Y/N). I want you to be mine and only mine. I don’t want to share you with anyone. No one can look at you, kiss you and touch you the way I do. I fucking love you and I want you to be my girlfriend. Please be mine forever!”
His words caused a wave of different emotions in me. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. I wanted to slap him for not telling me earlier. But the most I wanted to love lim. I wanted all these things he wanted too. With him. I couldn’t imagine myself with somebody else but Harry.
“I want to be yours, Harry,” I confessed. “From the bottom of my heart.” He offered me a cute and dimpled smile and kissed me again.
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