#i did it bc i like keeping an order on my main ocs
neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
Introduction Thing Ig... So.. Welcome to the Basement?
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(Plz click the read more to see all of the text)
(Yeh this is a remake of my introduction post, but we don't talk about that)
So yeh, welcome to this.. place... This is where I store all of my art & whatever I can think of. So, you will expect:
Art (Usually Fandom-based or OC based)
Art WiPs (That of ATs, DTs, & Character Refs)
Meems (Except I'm not funny so don't expect many)
& Stoopid Garbage like my rambles & crud.
(Although reminder that my art can & will be 13+ as it will contain things like g0r3, Cannibalism, & even death, I'm just uncomfy with anyone under 13 actually interacting with me due to my past experience back on Screb... But if you are kind enough maybe I'll let you talk to me, I'm pretty friendly but I do have some problems irl so keep in mind..)
My Bio (Full):
|| Name: Bubs | Aliases: N (If you know me irl), Neptunia | Gender: Female, She/Her | Age: 15 (I'm a minor, so leave me alone if yur an 18+ only acc) | Height: Blob-Sized, May be a bit chonky lol | Pride: AroAce | Other: Big fan of MO: Astray & an avid enjoyer of Blobs ||
Birthday: December 26.
Zodiac: Capricorn. (I don't take zodiacs seriously though tbh, I just think they're a bit neat to say.)
IQ Level: Moron.
If you know who I am, I'm BuggoBlobs from Scratch (Sadly due to the whole banning fiasco bcs of someone mass reporting me for calling them out on their behavior, I decided to quit yesterday..)
So yeh erm... that's why I'm here....? (Well not rlly, I have known about Tumblr for a long time, except I only made an acc this year due to a frend of mine (Ashe) making an acc on here, so I thought "Let's do the same thing" & here we are)
(Funfact: I'm quite anti-social irl & only have like... 2 irl frends but I only talk to one-)
My Mascots/Sonas ig-:
Neppy ◆/♠︎/♣︎ (Main Mascot) (You will see her... A LOT, so be ready) (Her Ref & TH Page)
Bubs (Design coming soon) ◆ (This is my side sona btw)
JJ Sam Green ♣︎/♠︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page) (TW: Can contain sensitive info) (You can also see his full ref here)
Jayden/Greeny ♥︎/♣︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page)
(Symbol Meanings: ♥︎ = Comfort. ♣︎ = Favorite. ◆ = Sona. ♠︎ = Just think they're neat lookin.)
Content warnings!
Sometimes horrifying imagery
Semi-graphic descs of charcters.
OC with Scars
My Socials ig:
Scratch (I don't use it anymore unfortunately, but Ill prob come back to it in December or January, for now... This is just an archive of what I did..), Tumblr (Your Here lol), ToyHouse (Where all of my OCs whom I created/put on there exist)
(I had another acc or 2 on screb but again, I'm not coming back to Screb till December or January)
Or you can use my Carrd here. I don't mind tbh. (+ Having a Carrd is much easier to link than all of my Socials.)
Fandoms (I'm in):
MO: Astray (Fave Game) –/O
Hollow Knight –/X
WoF –/X
Pokemon –/X
T.O.E +/O
The Boiled One Phenomenon +/O
(Activity Meanings: – = Not active rn. + = Active rn. O = Fixated/Currently in. X = Not interested anymore but still make content about on occasion.)
(Reminder: Just bcs I sometimes make content about smtn I'm not a part of doesn't mean I'm actually a part of that thing's Fandom, like example, some of my OCs in Fandoms I used to be in/aren't apart of.)
Some of my original trash (In no actual order bcs I'M NOT NEAT & TIDY!):
Mortal's Curse/Terminal Archina
Project Cata (Will remake in the future)
RoTG (Realm of the Gods)
PoL (Planet of Luhzeruh) (Same Universe as MC)
BloopTopia/LoA (Land of Ackezelle) (Aka Worldof Eeross)
Silver Valley
Soul Seekers
Noirvillah? (A part of a universe owned by my frend Ashe)
Angels of Earth (Will Remaster soon)
My TOS (You will see it a lot in my art-based posts)
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
So yeh, if you my any see a PNS in my drawings, that means it says, "Plz No Steal". DO NOT SEAL MY ART!
DNI If you do any of these:
Taking my art w/o permission (This includes Tracing, copying, recoloring, or just straight up saying it's your art. Bcs I take lots of time making art & you taking my art w/o permission hurts me) (It will not only matter if it was made for you & only you but plz frikin credit me if you post it)
Being weird to me or my characters/designs. (Just... don't... I'm AroAce (+ a Minor) & that makes me uncomfortable tbh... Look even if I do make a character with a certain body type/looks that's kinda "sus", does not allow you to make weird comments about them at all)
The average hate comments, harassment, bullying, & spamming/threats thing. We all know those 4, right? Just be a frikin decent person for crying out loud. (You can dislike me & my art all you want, idc tbh. Just don't go harassing me on multiple levels to the point IT WILL MAKE ME HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!) (Also, these 4 count for my frends here. Again, be a decent person. I'm watching you..) (Also, this rule includes nor respecting me, just plz respect everyone with kindness... Thanks.)
Pestering/threatening me to draw you smtn. (I work hard on my drawings + I have a life outside of here, so don't expect me to draw you smtn since I only draw for my frends & myself. If you really want art from me, pay in art, idc how bad the art is, art is art & I have no biases when it comes to it as everyone has their own style.)
LGBTQ-Phobes/Menaces to certain groups of ppl who did nothing wrong but exist. (This is a LGBTQ+ Safe place)
Creeps, Weirdos, & ppl who ship problematic ships. (Like don't be any of those plz... Especially the weirdos who like children or animals WAY TOO MUCH.)
(Edit) Making false accusations/hateful comments of my friends. Be a goddamn decent human being for the love of God or ill have to report you.
Breaking any of these DNI Rules can get you blocked BY ME! So be careful...
My Mutuals/Friends:
@oregon-or-the-grave (Ashe/Oregon), @mor-meowcat (Abi), @viellohi (Vie), @somepersonyouknow (Mia), @spiasshdown (Splesh).
(4 of them are literally from Screb & only one I know IRL- It's a whole bag of worms lol-)
So yeh... Thats its rlly for this post... Hope you enjoyed yur stay, & remember, always stay a goober! Even in the toughest times.
(Art is by me btw, Plz don't take. :( )
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 5 months
ooo can I hear about the bap crew?
OF COURSE <333 i loveeee talking about the bap crew thank youuuu
okay so first off general warnings for the podcasts and all my posts about it for the most part <3 there are mentions of cults, death/murder, religion (and the like) and i think thats it mostly? (as a general) but sometimes it can be a lot, take care of yourself yall <33 and the rest is under the cut there is a lot <3
with that out of the way i guess if you didn't know already lol !! they are my podcast ocs !!! i'm in the works of creating a horror <3 podcast that takes place in an amusement park with 5 main characters and a god <3
so this post here explains a lot about the main characters personalities and stuff and the tags #brickwoods and #bap on my tumblr have some other posts related to the crew <3 recently i've been doing some extra stuff for fleshing out their families who will eventually be showing up in podcast and i can do a quick over view of them here tho <3
oh and not necessarily crew related but the length of podcast <333 imma ramble about that for a sec <3 so season 1 is going to be all amusement park stuff and the last episode of that season will be a major plot point/death (sorta setting the darker/more dramatic scene for s2) s2 is also amusement park shenanigans however now that the stakes have been raised the rest of the cast is pretty scared now yk. but they have still their motivations for wanting to get out and so <3
s3 is going to be after our final girl rebecca escapes the park and tries to a) sorta solve why that happened in the first place (why them. who is the god etc etc) and b) try to give closure to the others families so yeah. plus some other plots things yk <3
and then s4 will most likely be rebecca trying to stop/take down the cult because she doesn't want something like this to happen again and the ending is in workshop <33 (aka i can't decide between like. a couple possible endings i have planned but main plot won't change despite which one i eventually choose :))
okay so back to the crew lol <33 since that other post explains a lot of basic stuff about them feel free to ask specific questions about them now that you have info about them <3 but for now family time !!!
(specific warnings for this area some bad parents mentioned)
so david <3 ae is an only child with 2 moms, they are very sweet and amazing and extremely Extremely heartbroken when david never comes home after the park and stuff. they definitely had like plans for college visits and they had a car ready for when david was going to get aer license. the two of them are going to be pretty sad to write for in s3 i think but also i love them as characters (i was posting about them like last week lol they are very cute and fun when they arent sad </3)
hmm sophia's family <3 so her dad was born into the cult when it was a bit less strict (he was 'home-schooled' by the cult but also was allowed out bc his family is a main influential family) and her mom married in. they aren't the nicest parents by a long shot, and they only respect sophia because she became the leader. sophia does have a sibling however she doesn't know about them bc their parents kept them separate in order not to 'taint' sophia's godly touch
rebecca's family doesn't have too much going on, it is also an only child and her parents have been active in her life, not as great/caring as davids parents yet not uncaring either. rebecca really just lived with them her whole life and doesn't totally feel like it connected with its parents in any important way tbh
sunni ! so sunni grew up with only his mom and his sister and after the incident with carter (wait did i tell yall that was her name yet. thats the mutual best friends name in case i Didnt say that already <3) sunni's sister Mary ended up moving out with a friend and not keeping in touch with sunni or their mom again. she also changed her last name as soon as she legally could. but yeah so sunni doesn't have a very close relationship with his mom either and he has no relationship with his sister anymore which upests him a lot but he also keeps this close to him
and blair <3 so blair has 2 brothers (twins age 10 (i think)) named ben and bruno (named by My twin siblings so) and their parents are pretty bad. blair is very protective of their younger brothers and has been trying for a while to save up enough to move all of them out but hasn't quite yet. they fight really hard in the park to try and get out because they do not want to leave their brothers with out someone else to help and be there with them.
and i think thats it for a basic run over of all their families and the characters in general a bit <3 :)) feel free to ask any questions based on this post, the last post or like. literally anything <33 they are my passion project and i love BAP sooo very much <3
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istanbulite · 2 months
Thinking abt my main OCs n their...main features bc ive been talking abt 1 character since 2020
Star Wars (SWTOR)
Nino > blue, tall lady, freckles, kind of a pushover, soft spoken, bad at flirting but has 1 night stands?, cannot cook, her parents are alive *gasp*, atheist™, too honest to live, pretty much a lady knight in manners and morals™…Well almost.
Emija > skinny purple child genetically engineered chiss, jerk with a heart of gold, would make Nino cry, hates taking orders why did she join the army? blunt. sarcastic main character syndrome but not annoyingly so ~
Berra > cathar warrior the size of 3 apples will shred your knees to pieces. More animal than person tbh but not in a bad way, acts impulsively and emotionally, up for any n every challange, wants like 10+ children, Tough love.
VNs or IFs
Ela > token turkish inspired oc, witch™, freckles and tan skin, medium brown hair. Has a kangal dog familiar named Manas had his art somewhere Energetic, positive, tries to keep her negative thoughts to herself, big sister vibe.
Eve > Rebellious. Eve™ herself what else do u need. Single aunt who tells you not to marry energy (i mean her love™ is Lucifer...) She's 6" thats her personality jk jk ill update this The first feminist ever. LONG brown hair also, gold eyes.
Eos > ALSO brown hair idk how this happened mom friend but more like long suffering mother of 5 who smokes while her childrens playing with knives mom friend. Religious ™ Would make one of those trad wife tiktoks but start by hunting the animal for dinner. Flirty™ Cannot stop saying weird shit. Doll collector girlie.
not all OCS are created the same....
VNs or IFs
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Fantasy au designs and lore post!!
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So~ here are my fantasy au designs and some good old character lore!
There will be another post for plot, but here’s the link to the main worldbuilding and lore post.
Info and more characters are under the cut (it’s gonna get long):
(Can’t remember if I said smth about this but star fae have star shaped markings that these two have and hide)
So, Tsunagu is half elf, half star fae, and is an elven prince.
His father was an elven king, his mother was a star fae queen.
His father found her fleeing from the village they were destroying, had a change of heart when he saw her (fell in love ooo)
He kept her safe in the palace and tried to convince the others to stop their fae-hunting and let them live in peace but they eventually rebelled against him
They had twins, Tsunagu and his sister. His mother was said to just be a "very magical elf witch" to protect them all
One day, mother got killed and Tsu’s father found her and raised the children by himself
Over time, the king had to tell them about who they were in order for them to hide it so they stayed safe
Unfortunately, darkness took over their kingdom, a dark elf (evil one, very bad) came and killed their father, taking over the kingdom and planting himself as king
Tsunagu follows orders and goes with all the dark and cruel things he says and does in order to keep his sister safe
His sister looked after a crystal necklace, given to them by their mother. She gives it to Tsunagu one day, and tells him to find the piece that it has been split from (it was in a very certain shape, making it clear it had been forcefully split in half - they didnt know what it was) 
This means he follows orders to lead an army into a forest to find and raid one of the last big fae kingdoms
He wields incredibly strong light magic, and can summon special kinds of plants and vines in particular. Isn't great at healing, but he is learning.
His star fae marking is on his neck, which he hides with his clothes and concealing magic.
His sword holds a star beacon piece and was giften to him by his father.
He is nicknamed "the blessed prince" bc of his strong magic
Is afraid of revealing who he is because of how fast star fae (even part star fae) get hunted.
Shinya is fully Star Fae, and is the King of one of the last biggest Fae Kingdoms.
Born to the last star fae village, fled when it was destroyed. He was a small child and his parents had been captured
He got taken in by a close (regular) fae kingdom, and the king and queen protected him and raised him as their own alongside their daughter. (hana - my pink fairy sister oc)
((i should mention that he had wings. A lot of Star fae do.))
One day, when he was like- a teenager, the kingdom was attacked and the king was killed, the queen fell ill shortly after and died
Shinya lost his wings protecting his new sister, and eventually the attackers retreated
She appointed Shinya as the new king, because he had shown that he would protect their people and that is how he became king (at a young age)
Him being star fae also meant that his magic could create a protective bubble against the dark, protecting his people
He holds the other half to Tsunagu's piece of the Fallen Star crystal. It was split many many years ago, where two star fae lovers were drawn apart. They split the crystal piece into two, so that they could find each other again.
(unfortunately they never did, but ig maybe they had this chance in a new life ;) )
Naturally, he has strong light magic and can use it to heal very well and create flowers and new sprouts.
He seems incredibly cold and kinda harsh at first, but he's just very protective of his people.
His people do know that he is a Star Fae, but there is a sort of like- vow- for it to never be told to anyone else. (and they are more than happy to not say anything, shinya keeps em safe they like him lol)
Short "how they meet" and their dynamic:
Tsunagu stumbles across the kingdom and gets greeted (at knifepoint) by Shinya at the river bordering the kingdom.
Tsunagu does not want to hurt fae, but he is kinda with an army of elves searching for that very village- so he doesn't believe him.
(even though he was actually looking for the village to warn them all)
He gets knocked out and taken to the fae kingdom, and he wakes up tied to a chair in the middle of a hall like “okay- i was willing to come here why did i get knocked out :(”
Cue Shinya making his proper entrance in his regal clothes and Tsunagu maybe stops functioning for a minute bc god damn he's Hot.
Elves are approaching too close and so Tsunagu begs for him to let him go talk to them and so he (reluctantly) does.
Tsu tells them to return to camp. And so he goes off with them, leaving the fae kingdom safe
their dynamic is basically just:
"enemies to lovers" but they're only enemies because they're supposed to be and - "I don't trust you, get out." "you...you strapped me to this chair- i don't wanna kill you??"
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Aizawa is a human with no magic. He is an assassin and a ranger.
What he doesn't know, is that he has some royal blood - but he doesn't care about that when he does find out.
His mother was a maid in a small human kingdom, and she got pregnant by one of the princes in the palace she worked at. She ran away to be safe
A kind fae witch took her in and Shouta was born, but shortly after, she died of illness
The fae witch raised him enough for him to provide for himself and left him in a bigger human kingdom (it wasn't safe and his mother had asked her to do this)
He grew up not understanding why he had been abandoned and survived by scavenging and roaming around.
He met Hizashi as a kid, and they became friends, until the two kingdoms fell apart and he could no longer see him.
As he grew older, he became an assassin -not by choice- and started going on dangerous missions for the human kingdom.
(i haven't decided what his piece should be yet, but I'll figure it out soon /lh)
Since he has no magic, he fights physically very well and with short sharp weapons.
Hizashi is an elven prince, and is constantly kept inside and not allowed to leave the kingdom without close supervision
His fathers are very overprotective but caring, but he gets really bored and wants to explore
(even though he is. terrified. of the outside world.)
When he was a kid, he met Aizawa and they became best friends.
When they separated, he gave Shouta his crystal necklace as their "Promise" that they would get back to each other some day
He grows up and grows into his princely duties, but part of him still wondered if Shouta was still alive.
He wields relatively strong light magic and can use it to manipulate the breeze as his strong point
How they meet in the main plot and dynamic:
Shouta gets sent on a mission to assassinate Hizashi, basically, and he sets off knowing fully well that he could not do this, and that this was the time he runs away
He prays that he will remember him
Climbs into his window and, of course, we have a classic "who tf are you and how are you in my bedroom?????" moment
Until Shouta very quickly reveals his face, they have a short sweet reunion, and he explains they have to leave.
Mic agrees within seconds and just whips out his readily-packed-in-case-of-running-away-emergency bag, and off they go
Shouta returns the necklace in a very emotional sweet moment a few days later when they are safe, and they are now just on the run and out in the wild, happily
Childhood friends to lovers - "You came back...thank you" "I promised, didn't I?"
(aka i give them enough angst in my canon hcs and other aus they deserve this one)
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(if it's not already known, Higari gets all my favourite tropes and design elements all the time- i swear its not favouritism, i swear shush shush /lh)
Higari is half dwarf, half dragon shifter.
He is an exiled dwarven general and a blacksmith :)
His mother was a dragon shifter that got captured by his father (a dwarven warrior). He was an asshole haha a bastard, a complete awful fuck-
Anyway his mother got pregnant with him and managed to run away for a bit and entrusted him to a lovely couple that looked after her before she was captured for good.
Higari was raised as a “dwarf” by the lovely couple that owned a smithy. They told him who he was and everything. He disguised himself as a full dwarf and grew up like that.
Eventually he got into the dwarven army, becoming one of the strongest generals.
(he just claimed that he had distant fae ancestors, which was the reason for some of his non-dwarf-like features)
But, one day they wanted to send them out on a mission to capture dragon shifters to use them to look for gold.
He outright refused in front of the king, the other soldiers and everyone. He refused by basically just stepping down right then and there. Obviously he couldn't say why, but he could not take these warriors to kill/capture innocents (like his mother)
He got ridiculed for this and exiled.
He cannot enter the palace, he cannot fight, and if he leaves the kingdom he can't return
Higari is honestly fine with this, he goes back to the smithy and just lives an easy life. Being half dragon shifter makes that not so easy, but as easy as he could.
Uses very strong and particular dark magic, and can sense magic and treasures and all sorts of those things.
His axe holds a piece of the beacon and he made it himself
When he was exiled, his Axe was taken from him and was gifted to another dwarven king as a "peace" offering
Since he is both dragon shifter and dwarf, he can make The Strongest Weapons in almost no time :)
His eyes give away his dragon shifter self, and he wears those lil metal claw things to cover up dark markings on his fingertips
Is the embodiment of Identity Crisis in this au <3
The soliders that followed him and agreed with him also got exiled. (his two children- i mean, closest friends and soldiers are thirteen and cementoss)
He doesn't know how to shift into a dragon
Oh boy, here we go... /lh
Ecto is an elf, an elven prince to a lovely (and the least problematic) elven kingdom.
He used light magic and was a strong fighter and was often leading any battles that needed to be fought, but well, one day in these battles:
He died :)
They couldn’t find his body, but he did die.
Parents and kingdom are left to mourn him after the battle, and his good ol bestie snipe doesnt wanna believe that hes dead. (this is purely out of denial, he knows he is dead.)
Ecto wakes up in a dark cave-like room, very confused as to where he was and how he got there.
Turns out he got revived by a soulwatcher, but he didnt know why. The soulwatcher simply explained that a time would come where he would understand, but it was important that he was revived.
A few weeks pass and ecto finds out more about himself. 
He lost his legs, those apparently couldn't be replaced. He died, but he was now alive. He had skeletal features….
And he was now a wielder of dark magic instead of light magic. A certain type of dark magic too, one that he didn't fully understand.
The soulwatcher taught him the basics and how to conceal himself to look like how he used to. 
He was going to go back home and act like nothing happened, and that he was okay.
Snipe found him and was like “okay- man- i know i said i wasn’t believing you were dead but you literally got stabbed in front of me why are you alive???”
He explains everything to him bc….besties /lh and they return home.
Everyone rejoices and everything returns to how it was, except he pretends that his magic is weaker bc of the injury so he doesnt use it (bc haha dark magic now)
The soulwatcher gave him a staff with a certain crystal in the end of it. He simply said “it'll come in useful” and ecto has to just explain that a kind wizard healed him and gave it to him to help him get around.
His usual legs are made of wood but enchanted with dark magic to make them look and act normal. He had to explain that to his parents and they were like ????
And his face appears normal to others bc of magic
But (like in the designs) unmasked Ecto has shadow magic legs and his skeletal face <3
Since he is now a soulwatcher, he gets random visions and can interact with the dead.
How they met and dynamic:
Ecto's kingdom was visiting Higari's and Ecto's sword breaks during training but no royal blacksmiths can fix it bc it's "too difficult" (elvish and magic blade)
He ends up going for a walk and a civilian tells him about Higari's smithy so he goes in
Higari takes his sword and says it'll be an easy fix, and that he should come back in a day. Ecto is shocked but happily obliges.
Higari instantly knows that something is off and can sense the dark magic both on him and the sword
He also kinda fixes it immediately with the help of his own dark magic
They meet up the next evening when Ecto comes to pick up his sword, can't find Higari, walks into a lil training area around the back and almost gets hit by an axe that Higari threw at him on instinct
They have a slightly ??? dynamic, idk how to label it - "You've got secrets, should I trust you as much as I am right now?" "You also have secrets...let's figure them out together"
but also
"everyone thinks i kidnapped you D:" "but you didn't?? This was my idea???"
The characters get to go on their own separate journeys and adventures, and they all lead to the same point in the end! The journeys and bonds they make separately all contribute to the shared goal of saving the world from darkness :D
I wanted to do more characters (in particular: all three of mirukyubami, hawks, thirteen and cementoss) but this is already long as it is so just these guys for now!
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cemetery-slvt · 3 days
i just realized i didn't respond to the last ask omg!! i had a pretty fun time at the anime convention, i ended up cosplaying misa amane from death note and raiden shogun from genshin impact. i've been trying to keep up with anime recently so i'd totally love to chat abt it too!! my favorite right now is nana, it breaks absolutely breaks my heart waaa ^^
as for oolong, i usually order the prince of peace brand for my tea!! i drink it for the metabolism boost mostly but i've heard it's high in amino acids promoting heart and brain health ^^ but yes absolutely if i think any yummy ones, i'll let you know!!! hehe fellow tea enjoyers ヽ(´▽`)/
for dbd!!! i bought it!! i haven't played it yet but i would love to play once i have some time off work!! the 2v8 sounds so fun too so that would be 2 killers and 8 survs? and for genshin!! i main zhongli, raiden shogun and xiao (i have a bias for polearms hehe) but i've been looking to play more as tartaglia and keqing!!
i would really really love to play games together, i just have to fix my internet situation,,, i work out of town so i have to live at a lodge while i'm working and the internet is,, pretty bad ;; i would absolutely love to play any of those tho omg!! i'll let you know as soon as my new schedule comes out and we can play!!
i hope youve been doing well!! i care u so bad!!!! (❁´▽`❁)
MISA AMANE MENTION!! DEATH NOTE MENTION!!!! that’s so cool :0 what anime have you been watching recently? also,, i’m so glad you had fun :DD i’ll definitely check out that tea >:) it sounds yummy
yes!! the 2v8 is 2 killers that hunt down 8 survivors, and the generators are increased as well. the only killers that we can use (to my knowledge) are the unlicensed killers — so dbd’s ocs. and xiao + zhongli >:) i love them so much. raiden is OP if you build her right, but im biased bc i love kuni and i dont like what ei did and how raiden acted in the story quest. but!! she’s a cool character!! do you like the build you have on them? ALSO I LOVE TARTAGLIA!!!
i’ve been doing alright!! how have you been? i care YOU so bad >:)
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dooxliss · 4 months
alright I'll bite, tell us about your OCs. who they are, fav movies, least fav foods, the works
i have. so many ocs and you can see the ones i’ve drawn in my #gari’s ocs tag :^) but i’ll narrow it down for this ask
Agent 3
jacinthe vermillion (i always forget if i spell it with 1 l or 2. so if it’s different elsewhere no it isn’t)
was 15 in splat1’s hero campaign, is 22 during splat3’s (valentine’s baby!)
has two siblings (pumpkin who is ~8 years younger and rusty who is 3 years older. jacinthe loves pumpkin but has serious beef with rusty)
prefers short range weapons like the aerospray due to being slightly nearsighted, vision is now greatly reduced due to octo expansion
the world’s biggest fan of squid squad, was devastated when they broke up but still keeps up with diss pair and front roe
based on firefly squids and can glow in the dark naturally :^)
goes for comfort over style 90% of the time
Agent 4
chartreuse ’char’ viridigris
was 16 in splat2, 21 in splat3 (march birthday)
very academically inclined
met jacinthe bc they were subletting their apartment for the time that they were on a mission with cuttlefish
moved to inkopolis to finish school 👍🏽
budding hyperfixation is vexillology
special interest of nudibranches and owns several
not knowledgeable in pop culture at all but listened to jacinthe’s cds while she lived there
if asked to pick a band tho she would answer squid sisters in front of callie/marie to save face but enjoys sashi mori and chirpy chips
based on glass squids :^)
hydra main! she isn’t very fast naturally so prefers to use weapons where she doesn’t need to cross the entire map
Agent 8
coral ‘eight’ (answers to both)
around 18 during octo expansion, thought to be 23 during side order
in a qpr with jacinthe (jacinthe is sapphic coral is ace biromantic)
has a brother named razz who was with coral when fighting jacinthe before octo expansion, doesn’t seem to remember very much about him in the present
lived with pearl and marina post octo expansion until chartreuse decided to move away, leaving space at jacinthe’s apartment
(the three agents did live together for about a year or two)
bad at pool
tetra dualies main
misses traditional octarian food a lot
bilingual like marina and they talk a lot about the old days
looked up to marina both before and after the military, but probably wouldn’t have tried to leave herself for some time
is very good at cooking but not at baking
Neo Agent 3
marigold ‘goldie’ (vastly prefers goldie)
14 in splat3
found lil buddy a few years before splat3 and grew up with him, considers him to be a brother
has an underbite
wiper main
battered/fried its hair for kicks
seaweed fiend
aro :^)
thinks jacinthe is alright
obsessed with ω-3 but does not engage in salmon run at all
on a very vicious losing streak in splatfest
has a labret piercing and cut an ear and eyebrow in a fall but is terrified of getting an ear piercing
has stolen splatfest decorations
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everlastiingiimmortals · 10 months
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
Mun related symbols! Accepting!
Across my whole RP history? All 7 years? good lordt okay
In no particular order:
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Magnet Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Mags is 1) my favorite Robot Master 2) a major comfort character of mine and 3) the canon character I've written the longest. I've spent a many good years developing him and fighting for him, and I can say with a lot of pride that I'm the longest lasting Magnet Man writer I've seen on Tumblr. Seven years!!! I'm currently taking a break from the fandom but I can feel my MM muses returning, so I'm very excited to pick things back up.
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Moon Woman/Cosmic Moonfall - Mega Man/Mega Man X OC
My baby girl. Moon's been with me for 11 years now; I made her when I was 10 and she's lasted throughout my entire RP history, and long before then. I have countless AUs for her and have poured so much blood, sweat and tears into her, some of those being very literal sweat and tears (thankfully no blood yet!). She means the world to me, and nearly every fandom I've touched I've left a piece of her there. She's been through several rewrites and redesigns and I am finally, finally happy to say I've found a story for her main verse that I'm proud of, after 11 years of development and growing up alongside me. I can't wait to share her with you all through Yingyue and Meiyu!
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Jing Yuan - Honkai Star Rail
Of course I have to include my current brainrot!! Fuck you for clocking me on the nose like that, firstly. That was so rude. "There's someone in the third world who's going to be your favorite, I'm not telling you who it is. You'll know immediately when you see them" like BRO?? THE AUDACITY and you were so correct, I love you so much. You know my taste so well aslkfjsdalfkhaflkhjafsd
Jing Yuan has so many traits that appeal to me so greatly, if I were to list them all we'd be here ALL day so I won't but just know I love him even more than I love Zhongli and that's saying SOMETHING bc you've BEEN there for my zl brainrot
Honorable mentions because you can't keep me at just 3!!!:
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Quick Man - Mega Man 2 (Megamix manga canon)
So initially I picked Quick Man up out of spite, because someone I had a bad history with used to RP him and I went "I bet I could write him better." So I did. What I didn't expect was to actually end up liking him so much!! Quick's a very quiet character who doesn't talk, like, at all. He was actually very challenging for me to write at first because, as you know, I don't shut up. :D
But I've put a lot of time into his development, and I'm really happy with where he's at! I had no idea I'd have so much fun with him. His character even spawned two OCs, both of which are (sort of) on this blog: Quinn's two alts!
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Miles Williams/Veturas - OC
I honest to god do not remember if I've shown you that first FC of his. I was so close to actually rping him on Tumblr on god DLAKGFJHADSLKFJHA. His FC is so funny I can't for the life of me remember his name but he comes from an idol manga/anime and there was a gacha game for it too. Absolutely hilarious
You and Jade are the two who know Miles best here, since it was in our server that he got the most development even if it wasn't where he started. He's my third oldest OC and honestly the one I've struggled the most with in terms of striking a balance I was proud of. It's... hard for me to drum up his muse now, thanks to [she-who-shall-not-be-named], and it's a little painful to try to write him, but thankfully Veturas has remained untouched. He's easier to bring out. Despite that, though, I do love Miles very dearly. I miss him a lot; he was my favorite OC for a very long time. I'd like to go back to that time some day, if I can.
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Blues/Proto Man - Mega Man 3 (Megamix manga canon)
Blues was a character I picked up as homage to one of the very first people I met through RP (who I did manage to rekindle contact with!! after 5 years!!!! holy shit!!!!!!!!) because they were the person who'd introduced me to the manga written and drawn by Hitoshi Ariga, as well as the person who introduced me to my most favorite ship in the MM fandom. He's always been a favorite character of mine, but I wasn't expecting his muse to spiral out of control like it did. He's now the origin point for a number of OCs of mine, including one (1) special spooky Elder Dragon hybrid! The theme of people living longer than they should who've peeped the horrors and the evidence lies in their eyes being fucked up looking goes strong here.
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Ehe. When ur eyes glow so bright they can be seen through ur shades <3 oopsie
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archive-of-bones · 1 year
Okay so imma fuckin open this up with a Hi.
Today we’re gonna tackle the mess that is Jack Lippmann, my blorbo of an oc(you will get context later on I promise) Ft. Their mess of a relationship with Chuuya Nakahara and the flags. This is also gonna be incoherent as fuck with grammatical errors so buckle up.
Lemme start by saying this shit about to contain some adult material, not necessarily nsfw but it is a little iffy so trigger warnings are I guess mentions of manslaughter, implications of using and selling drugs, implied underage drinking and whatnot. Also contains some spoilers.
I am crazy about them, their attitude towards life and people especially. Jack is a pretty interesting character to me because of their optimism and hope towards life despite living in a shitty environment and doing shitty things. I think it’s a nice contrast in a way, also their familiarity towards people and wanting the company of others that basically pushes them to do what they have to, sometimes resorting to drastic measures such as murder and robbery amongst other things.
Anyways, they’ve been sort of admiring Chuuya since day one of being taken in by the Sheep, they were like nine and it would have been at least a year or two since Suribachi became a thing because of the explosion, and they were saved by him when some thugs wanted to sell them off to some sick people who wanted children as their toys or some shit (I can’t properly word how terrible this experience was for them, and for others who weren’t as fortunate as they were). So Jack pretty much worked hard, the Sheep kids liked the contribution they gave; particularly food. Jack was an excellent cook as much as they were an excellent teacher, they always had the sort of impulse to share what they know to people, and they often had the best interests of others in mind.
Jack actually taught Chuuya how to read and speak in English at some point with other children in Suribachi, with the aid of some stolen learning materials they got from sneaking into a campus and stealing books to help them in the long run. But this is exactly what got them in trouble, by giving so much they gained little to nothing in return, and admiring Chuuya became their downfall in the events of Chuuya sacrificing himself to join the mafia in order to keep the Sheep safe. (Shirase didn’t like the fact that they defended Chuuya so much, I’m not gonna say more bc of upcoming fic spoilers).
In the end, they had nothing by the time the Sheep disbanded. So they went around Suribachi for a while and lived off of some cash the residents would give them in exchange for tutoring services (some people didn’t really think it was necessary for them to learn a foreign language or do arithmetic, but for those who wanted to have something that would hopefully help them in the long run, they pay Jack).
Their devastation of losing everything led them to get the resolve to join Chuuya in the mafia, which was… frankly not a very good idea.
But they were pretty much desperate to see him again so they started at the bottom, killing people as quickly as they could without giving them too much pain, stealing, running errands, etc. And eventually they caught the eye of Pianoman, who had been hearing rumors about some grunt who wanted to see Chuuya Nakahara as a main motivation for getting into the dirty job of blood and murder. So he seeks them out, and pretty much falls in love(?) with the tenacity they show for the goal they wanted to achieve. So he helps them, sort of. They basically passed the vibe check LMFAO
Chuuya wasn’t very happy when he found them with the flags though, there’s a lot of details missing from this but nutshell is that he cares about them even though he’s remained his distance for years. So he was actually pissed when he found out they were there, all smiling and happy as if they did not just put his sacrifice in vain by BEING in danger. To him, they should have stuck being a teacher, or a chef, those two things are the ones he knows them for and knows they do such a good job with. So for the first few months they weren’t on good terms, and Chuuya was pretty much mean to them at this time span because he really wants to drive them away from here so badly because he feels /guilty/.
He was after all the reason why they were even in the mafia in the first place.
But the flags weren’t really having it and were pretty much elated to have Jack around, Jack was pretty much good to have around with how open they were with their emotions, which was something the flags highly appreciated (found family my beloved). And in return, Jack was fiercely loyal to them, and the mafia as a whole. They really didn’t have much against murder or any illegal job, they wouldn’t judge anyone for that because they too had to do it to survive, their lack of hesitance towards stepping into the darkness for one person and staying for the people they found there is so interesting because they had a choice. And they chose the path they could never get out of, for them, they didn’t have anything to lose in the light, they had no family or a home, so for them it was the best option. Chasing after Chuuya Nakahara was just one of their many motivations, and one they sort of prioritised and advertised the most, much to the aforementioned person’s chagrin.
I am very crazy about them, I probably will never shut up.
Buddy, here’s the shitpost exchange, your turn
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some spoiler-y thoughts about tears of the kingdom thus far:
-FUCK GLOOM HANDS. i hate that everyone at nintendo saw our fear of spooky grabby hands and said “fuck yeah lets keep doing this forever”. i’m tired of being groped by very old men goddamnit! and then some of them turn into Phantom Ganon???? holy shit, that is a difficult fight. 80% of my deaths in the game so far have been at the hands(no pun intended) of these fuckers.
-ZELDA TURNED HERSELF INTO A FUCKING DRAGON AND I SOBBED LIKE A BABY. bruh i was not ready. SHE SACRIFICED HERSELF and her personality! but like, i havent finished all the main quests even though i got all the dragon tears/memory things so like, if Zelda IS a dragon, then who the fuck is showing up all around hyrule looking like her? is Mr. Dorf doing an evil magic to look like her like in that one memory? that can’t possibly be the case for all of the Zelda sightings. i’m so confused but so fucking intrigued.
-seriously though, watching Zelda sacrifice herself in order to save Hyrule and support Link is so upsetting. this girl was 16 the day the Calamity hit, and she hasn’t known a moment’s peace since then. give a bitch a break! but hey, at least she’s doing stuff in this one, whereas in most Zelda games, she’s just.... kidnapped.
-SIDON’S ENGAGEMENT STORY IS BULLSHIT. there is ZERO evidence of any other kingdoms existing for Zora outside of the Domain in Lanayru that King Dorephan rules over, it’s JUST to piss off people who ship Sidon with Link and that’s incredibly homophobic and annoying(especially since i had to fucking rewrite an entire part of my OC’s story due to it). and like, i feel bad, bc Yona seems like a lovely character, but she’s going to be HATED in the fanbase bc of the bad writing.
-speaking of questionable writing, there’s still so much i’m very fucking confused about. TotK obviously takes place several years after BotW, but they don’t specify how many and it creates a lot of confusion. why have some characters obviously aged up but some are still basically the same age? like, Hudson and Rhondson have a child who’s old enough to be sent back to Gerudo town, but Finley never hit her growth spurt(even though she clearly stated last game she was old enough to have supposed to hit it by botw)? what the fuck is that about?
-also, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE DIVINE BEASTS GO????? you can’t re-bury four fucking giant robot constructs in the span of maybe a decade, especially with Ganondorf reviving and creating a massive earthquake that unearths a fuckton of other shit. like, not having the Sheikah Slate i get(which is why the Purah Pad exists), and all the shrines and towers probably went back underground, but that part makes no goddamn sense and i don’t like it.
-i’m kinda sad Teba wasn’t the Sage of Wind and instead it was his son, Tulin. he really only got to shine in Age of Calamity, and most Zelda fans didn’t even play it bc it’s non-canon. the disrespect on my poor mans.
-i do love that so many of the towns are under new leadership now. it really feels like the world is evolving in that aspect. Teba and Paya being in charge of their respective towns is lovely to me.
-i love the idea that Link gave Zelda the house he dumped literally thousands of rupees into in Hateno, but like. where did he live? did they sleep together in the same bed? it’s implied Link no longer has a house bc you can make your “dream home” in Tarrey Town or w/e but like, ????? what’s that all about? Zelda just kicked Link’s ass out and made a secret room in the home HE invested in lmao, typical royal colonizer behavior(joking)
-i love that Grante, Robbie and Jerrin’s son, changed his name to Granteson so he could work for Bolson Construction. that’s genuinely adorable. he was already one of my fav tertiary characters just bc he’s Robbie’s son but this makes me like him even more. i also love that Jerrin is involved with stuff at the Lookout Landing! let Robbie’s wifey take care of stuff. even if it’s just cleaning. give her something to do besides glower at a machine her husband built lol.
-Kohga being still alive is hysterical, and the Yiga clan evolving to live partially underground is a lovely touch. them taking over old abandoned areas in the game is great as well. i also love that they flat-out do the “leave Mighty Bananas on the ground as bait to lure in unsuspecting victims” bit bc that’s EXACTLY how i imagined my OC fought them in BotW. i totally headcanon they stole that idea from her.
-tbh i’m kind of enjoying exploring the depths more than i am the sky islands. maybe it’s the fear of heights, or maybe it’s just that i really like that it wasn’t advertised at all. i thought it was just gonna be land and sky, but no! we’re going underground too babey~
-i love the addition of caves, wells, and other underground spaces. it makes a lot of sense for a game like this to have these things, and it makes me kinda sad they weren’t really a thing in the last one.
-the fusing thing is just okay. they didn’t really fix the issue people had with durability in the last game, so that’s annoying, but it is fun to make new weapons out of things at least.
-overall i really like the game so far. even though it’s a world most people have explored through already, there’s enough change and new content to make it fresh and engaging, and even though there’s another crisis, it’s heartwarming to see how people are finally being able to rebuild after the century-long crisis that was the Calamity. i’ve beaten one boss character so far(the Rito one) and i’m looking very forward to the rest!
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mageofcolors · 1 year
tell me about your ocs :)
OKAY i have a bunch of OCs but here i'm gonna share about my main Portal World guys bc i love them
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(art by @meadowmood !!!)
This is the Portal Quartet (later known as the Portal Quintet once TaeTae joins but i'll talk about that later)
SO basically, to summarize, Portal World is a world I created when I was 11, and the main idea is that it's a world that welcomes everyone, especially those that have been wronged by their canon. It has portals tk many many different worlds in a tower at the center of the world, known as the Portal Tower.
That being said, since it was a world I made from scratch, I needed to give it some gods, right? as one does. So I created these 4 (then teenagers, bc i was a teenager too) to create the world in more detail for me. (at the time they all had made up japanese names bc i was really into anime but that's changed. they were also all boys at the time bc i was a little bitty egg at the time. they're also all in a band bc it's cool. anyway)
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT in thr picture are:
Salfae, Reyna, Yunamu, and Zem Ulaek.
So, Ima talk about them in order of creation!
Salfae (often called either Sal or Fae, Xe/Xem pronouns) is the god if spring. Xe is in charge of feeding the local community by running a large farm and a market (called the April Shmapril Market, bc we take things sooo seriously here). Xe is the second youngest of the quintet (only older than TaeTae, xe just turned 26 y/o as of Jan 21st), even though xe was created first. Xir element is earth!! Xe likes growing and taking care of plants a lot, as well as playing the flute, and reading. Xe was also mute since xe was created which is cool, good job little me on that one. Xe is kind and calm most of the time, doesn't express a lot of emotion. Xe is QPPs with Yunamu.
Yunamu (usually referred to as Yu, or lovingly as NamuNamu, he/him pronouns) is the god of the summer!! He is in charge of creating the land of the world for the people to explore and live in! He is one year older than Sal (he's turning 27 in november!). His element is water! He enjoys adventuring and exploring, as well as collecting rocks. He also plays the drums in the band! He likes to keep to himself usually though. He gets overwhelmed easily and will shut down if that happens. He is QPPs with Sal.
Zem Ulaek (Usually known as Z.O, they/them pronouns) is the god of the winter! They are in charge of the arts in the world! They just turned 28 in December, being two years old than Yu. Their element is air!!! They really enjoy music, especially playing the guitar and bass guitar! They are best friends with Reyna and actually have a big crush on her. They get easily annoyed and angry but they always mean well.
Reyna (usually known as Rey, she/her pronouns) is the god of the summer! She is in charge of building and technology! She created the Portal Bracelets, which let residents travel between locations more easily with portals! She is 28 (will be turning 29 in August). Her element is fire!! She really loves dumb jokes and memes. She will quote them all the time (much to Z.O's (affectionate) annoyance). As mentioned before, she is Z.O's best friend. She also plays the guitar!
Thaeul (usually known as TaeTae, Tae/Taem/Taer or She/Her pronouns) doesn't have a season like the other 4 do but she was added last to the Portal now-Quintet. She is in charge of emotions, friendship, and identity/individuality! Tae will be turning 23 in August of this year! Taer element is energy/aether! Tae really likes being loud and proud, music, and dancing. She is basically everyone's beloved friend. Tae plays the piano!
here's some more art of all of them:
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this is the only drawing ive ever done of taetae and i dont even have any confirmation that this was her. but i think it was
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some doodles
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quartet with the original designs... this art is from like. middle school.??
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the very first drawing i did of sal! i think xir design stayed the closest to the original with all of them!
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some old design rey doodles bc she was always the funnest to draw
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this one was a commission of sal and yu, drawn by @squibbish !!!
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this one was a commission of rey and z.o drawn by @alexis-royce !!!
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
f g p r from the fanfic ask game? please?
Hey bestie 🥰 thanks so much for the ask this one took me awhile lol
G - Do you write your story from start to finish? or out of order?
i like writing things from start to finish. key word: like. my brain, however, likes to jump ahead to specific scenes and events. i used to fight that bit and force myself to forge on along and wait until i finally made it to that part in the story.
lmao that was a horrible idea. those scenes would continue to haunt me and pester me until i finally give up and wrote them. so i just stop fighting it and write out of order. (honestly it was a blessing for me to decide to make my lmk one-shot series not in chronological order bc then i’d never get it done lol
it’s why my writing can get slow sometimes because while writing the chapter for the next event, i’ll be hit with some scene 2 chapters later or 3 scenes after some confrontation i haven’t started yet!!! i have ch7 for the dr geyer fic. it’s in my docs but i haven’t finished it bc someone *looks at brain* wants to write more of s6b bc Theo’s in that one >:(
P - Are you what George RR Martine would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance vs letting the story unfold as you go?)
you know, i know i read of this before like years ago but i don’t remember it lol. had to look it up to make sure i was understanding this right.
so… i think it depends?
with my merlin multi-chap fic and my medieval fantasy wip i plan those in advance. the merlin fic? i have that 1st arc’s plot down, i know where the story will lead to, i even know which characters i’ll keep alive or keep dead. 
with my one-shots (and my one-shots that chose to say “fuck you”), those are a spur of the moment kind of writing. i had something playing in my head that’s wants to be free, so i write it down and pray that it’s satisfied (it typically is not which is why you see a lot of my one-shots become multi-chapters or one-shot series). these don’t have a solid plan when i begin. i tend to come up with it as the plot comes together. 
tbh this works well with my fics bc i have a base outline: the actual show/book/movie. with my dr geyer fic, i know where s5-6 begin and end. sure, i’m choosing what gets to happen in-between, but i at least have the comfort of that base. the lmk series? it’s literally just me plugging in an oc and forcing a couple characters to air-out their issues. 
R - Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
oh definitely. tbh my main one would have to be Lemony Snicket. fell in love with the narration of those stories. the snark, the personality, the vocabulary, the inner dialogue. idk it just did something to 9 year old me lol
another big one i’d have to say is Branden Sanderson. not really his writing, but how complex and beautiful his worlds are. i didn’t know that you could create and capture the essence such beautiful worlds in writing but reading his books and seeing them come to life really influenced my desire to write and design fantastical worlds or even just explore snippets of other worlds like BBC Merlin Albion.
F - Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it
babe, i’m so sorry but it took me forever to choose. i debated on whether i should do lmk or teen wolf or abc merlin or even shit i haven’t posted bc i love too many of these T^T
but dw i did find one (it’ll be under the cut bc this got long jfc). i giggled a lot when writing it just because the back and forth with Liam and Mason interjecting was fun. also i picked this one to prove the dr geyer fic hasn’t been forgotten. i’ve just been….preocupied and going feral over immortal monkeys
“I’m not here to start anything,” Mr. Doughlas said to them calmly. “I just want the mountain ash barrier open, mh?”
“Yeah, because this isn’t starting anything,” Liam growled.
Mr. Douglas smiled, sharp teeth in full display. Again, he twisted his claws in the chimera. Theo, again, kept quiet. The only indication he was in any being came from his winces. Liam can’t tell if he should be impressed or horrified that getting stabbed in the spine barely got a reaction out of Theo. 
“This is simply a contingency. I just want the barrier open, then I’ll be out of your hair. I promise. No funny business.”
Theo chuckled (well, more like gurgled) and snorted.
“Says the Nazi.”
Douglas drove his claws further into Theo’s spine, polite smile cracking, in response. The chimera grunted, but Theo just laughed again.
“Sorry, sorry.” Theo’s smirk looked almost deranged with the blood coating his lips. “Nazi was the insult others threw at you, right?”
“He’s a Nazi?!” Mason shrieked. 
Doughlas sighed, all politeness disappearing as he addressed them all.
“Must we obsess over my previous occupation? I don’t see how this is important. I was just a soldier there.”
“Oh yeah, being a part of a genocidal fascist group should totally be overlooked!” Liam exclaimed. “Not like you were involved in and advocated for any of that!”
“Yeah, it adds nothing for us to even slightly trust you,” Mason added.
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loneforestwolf · 1 year
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I also decided to try this generator, and this concept reminded me of my OC, which I did not share. Because I don't know how to draw, but I can still try to describe it in words.
So, the main host name is Alisa, or Alice. She is a very naive young girl suffering from acute sensitivity. There is nothing unusual about her - long black hair, gray eyes, very white skin. But what makes her special is hidden on her back.
That’s Alyosha, Lyosha (as Alisa calls him) or Lyoha (how one not-very-proffesional guy calls him) He is Alisa’s siamese twin. They were merget together in embrion state. So while Alisa is grown adult, Lyosha looks like a large black lump or hump on her back with one eye and a small protruding arm.
I created these Oc’s inspired by the symbiote from Spider-Man and the Prototype from the game of the same name. Lyosha is Alisa’s immune sistem, he can heal her wounds and transform parts of the body for a protection or self defense, but usually can’t go full crazy mode since he cannot use his abilities to the full without the necessary resource. And if he tryes he could just kill Alisa and himself by doing so.
They was in the facility since they were born (a huge black hump on the back of a baby with an eye is difficult to consider the norm) and was treated nicely, because, as it turned out later, Lyosha is able to absorb everything that Alisa touches in order to use it for defensive or attacking purposes.
They usualy speak to one another out loud, that freaking everyone out bc only Alisa can hear Alyosha’s speaking, in her head, while others around her only hearing her responses to him. After some acsidents they desided to try speaking nonverbally or whispering, if Alisa gets too tired or can't keep her words.
I also thought that their abilities could help Katya with her regeneration problems. And Katya, in turn, could provide the necessary resource for Lyosha to escape or for a possible battle.
I have already said that Alisa is very naive. Lyosha, on the contrary, considers everything around him as a danger that can harm his sister, and therefore constantly tries to shield her from anything. He often takes control of the body, which is manifested by a large black spot on the face with an additional eye under one of the main ones and tries either scare someone with words, or threaten to dismember an opponent with a hand turned into a bone blade.
Alisa hates it when he does this, but understands that her brother has good intentions. And yet she tries to negotiate with him first, before going to get acquainted with someone or take regular tests that scientists prescribe in order to avoid possible... incidents...
I still can't decide their code number, so I'll probably take the one that was generated. They will be ST001-656, Symbiote Type.
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zukkaoru · 2 years
Hi Grace!! I saw you rb the post about asking about your OCs and I’ve been curious about them for a while! What is your OCs’ world like (or is it our world)? What are their personalities like? What do they do in their world/story? I’ll probably think of better questions later but I’m curious about whatever you want to share about them!
HI ELI okay okay so this world has been like. in the making since 2017 so there is. a lot of lore skdhsjjk
so basically they live in our world and the central setting for the story is the area i grew up in, except i changed all the names of the towns and stuff. roseglen is literally my hometown but with a different name not all of the characters actually live in roseglen bc it's small and there are several slightly bigger towns surrounding it but roseglen is like. where the heart of the story takes place because that's where roseglen grace brethren church (rgbc) is, which is Very important to the story.
basically, the main four characters (Thia, Iz, Logan, and Max) grew up going to rgbc and when they were young, they always sort of believed the church was haunted. as they grow up, they start to drift apart - Iz's family moves to California, Max's family moves to Willow Lake (about an hour away), and after rgbc gets a completely new building and pastor, Thia's family ultimately starts going to a different church. but then, winter break of their junior year of high school, all four of them end up running into each other at the rgbc christmas eve service and there's this Moment. where they're all out in the lobby for various reasons as the service is still going on in the sanctuary. and as soon as they recognize each other, they have this like. flashback where for a second, it looks as if they're standing in the old rgbc building.
and then the moment breaks when two other characters (Joy, Logan's gf at the time, and Francis, one of Logan's friends) come out into the lobby and are like. hm we're interrupting something. aren't we? and then i think Iz and Logan end up getting into a fight bc Iz was very protective of Thia and made Logan promise to like. look after her. and Logan absolutely did not do that 👍
(continued under the cut)
so anyway, Iz, Thia, and Max start to reconnect and Francis ends up joining them bc he's also friends with Max. and they start talking about how that flash to the old building during the christmas eve service wasn't the first time most of them have experienced something like that - it's happened to Iz and Max a few other times and Thia's been like. actively encouraging it and just spending some time (presumably in her mind) in the old building. it's actually Logan who figures out that this isn't like. imaginary in their mind stuff; their souls are actually travelling back in time to the old building.
remember how they thought rgbc was haunted?
the ghosts weren't true ghosts. the ghosts were them.
so then they have to figure out how to replicate all of the hauntings of their childhood and they meet Time, who explains why this is happening and offers to help (..sort of. Time is an interesting character) and so they have like. less than two weeks (until winter break ends and Iz and Max have to go back home) to fulfill Time's desires in order to restore their memories so they can make sure the past happens as they remember it and nothing changes. Iz's ex-girlfriend also makes an appearance at one point, flying from California to Indiana just to bring Iz something they need (and the two of them end up getting back together at some point as well,,)
As for the characters:
Thia Wells is generally perceived as very nice and quiet and on the shy side. she mostly keeps to herself and her friends from church. in her last months at rgbc, everyone sort of just. stopped caring about her and she always felt left out at youth group and stuff despite having been going to rgbc since she was born and knowing everyone in the youth group for quite some time. she likes tea, baking cookies, reading, and she's also very stuck in the past.
Logan Murphy is your typical white cishet high school student. he plays basketball, he's the only one of the main four who still goes to rgbc, he's just trying to make it through school and probably has minor depression but thinks everyone is just Like That. he has to get some sense knocked into him by the others and Joy actually ends up breaking up with him bc he's homophobic towards Iz but he gets better!! he doesn't get back with Joy but that's bc they were never going to last anyways
Iz Groves moved to Los Angeles with their parents when they were in middle school. they're in marching band and they have quite a few friends - both through band and because they're a sociable person. they're also hard of hearing. i don't actually remember the backstory i decided on but i think they were just born with a lower level of hearing and it's slowly deteriorated as time goes on - they'll probably end up being completely Deaf at some point in their adult life. they have hearing aids but don't always wear them bc they are. uncomfortable. they're fluent in ASL and their closest friends know enough to hold basic conversations. Thia was close to being fluent but lost some of it when Iz moved bc she had no reason to practice anymore. Kelly is pretty close to fluent as well.
Max Newman moved to Willow Lake with his family about a year and half after Iz moved. he's suffering from pretty major depression, but at the beginning of the story, his parents don't really believe him. most of his friends are online friends, but he works with sound/lights for the theatre program at his high school, so he has a couple friends there. he's also very very in the closet at the beginning bc his dad is. pretty homophobic lol. and he was also made fun of for seeming gay in elementary school so there's this sort of idea of "i can't be that" that also stops him from accepting himself. he has an older sister who goes to college in New York so being alone after she left also has a pretty major impact on him
Joy Summers appears to be a stereotypical popular girl that all the boys want. she's blonde, she's pretty, she's a cheerleader. Thia hates her at first because she seems like she's literally Perfect. (like. teruhashicore tbh) at the beginning of the story, she is also having struggles with her sexuality AND she's a prophet. so she keeps having scarily realistic dreams of things that actually end up happening! and she has no idea what to do bc like.. who would even believe her? she dates Logan for a bit and then they break up bc they realize they felt like they were Supposed to date but really they're better off being friends
Francis Brooks is probably one of the most popular kids in the entire school. not because he tries to be, but because he's very very sociable and extroverted so he's just. friends with almost everyone. Logan is his closest friend and i had a revelation in the middle of the night back in 2017 at some point that this is because Francis has a crush on him. Francis is gay and he knows this and he also plans on telling absolutely no one until after he's graduated high school and maybe college as well. he's also on the basketball team, and he's friends with Joy. Joy likes him (as a friend) because he's one of the few boys who doesn't seem to be wanting to get close to her just for a shot at dating her.
Kelly Reyes is Iz's ex, though she ends up getting back together with them. She's lived in LA her whole life and she likes to make people think she's very put together when she's. really not. she's really good at math, not so much at english, and she has a lot of acquaintances but very few true friends. her mom is an english teacher so she kinda feels like she's disappointing her mom with her english grades even though her mom really just wants kelly to be trying her best. she's a very loyal person if she's close to you (see: flying to Indiana from LA in the middle of winter to hand deliver something so it doesn't get lost in the mail)
hm anyway this got very long and there is SO much more i could say but these are the basics so i will stop here skdhsjgk thank you very much for the ask eli this was very fun and i love these kids so so much <3
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aewrie · 6 months
language/conlang nonsense thoughts incoming
ways to relax after work: spend an hour+ looking at ipa charts and listening carefully & comparing/double checking old conlang notes
like i started this technically back in 2008 ish?? kinda?? bc i started thinking about oc names beyond 'sounds like high fantasy' and then that developed into thoughts about culture and language
but my actual notes are from 2017. and like it's not a conlang yet. it's phonetics, a script, some words, and random tidbits of potential grammar. but the idea is that i'll develop it more even if that happens at a glacial pace
i also have a couple of other languages that are at the phase of phonetics + script mostly thought out and one more not really a script but i could make it into one. but those are. secondary to the main one
i have BARELY touched any of that since 2017 help me ashe you activated a sleeper agent. my own fic didn't but yours apparently did
wish wikipedia had better audio examples and more of them ripperoni. i dived into youtube also and 1) thank all the people recording their pronunciations and videos explaining sounds from their languages 2) please stop the upbeat stock(?) music on educational stuff just fuckign end it please
and then i also dug up the finnish second language beginner learning materials i found while looking up stuff about cases while on my way to work, bc that is actually the best way for me to jump into figuring out how many cases i want in my conlang bc i am enough of a masochist that there will be some
not 16 tho what the hell is this
i am looking at these info sheets and like. oh so that's what those do on a more technical level. the shit you don't think about when it's your native language
which brings be to this very specific 'school lied to me in order to keep things more simple at lower grades and i'm mad about it'
i fucking remember. being taught that finnish only uses accusative for personal pronouns. no the fuck it doesn't. you use it for all nominals you absolute fucks who decided to put that in the materials what the hell just bc it looks the same as genitive/nominal/possibly some other i forget doesn't doesn't mean it is that case
i want to strangle someone (i am. half joking. maybe)
i was given false information to keep it """simple"""
this is why german was so confusing with the cases despite having less of them i didn't understand shit i just memorised the endings each case gives a word back in grade whatever and then promptly forgot soon after bc when did i ever need to remember what allative or inessive or whatever is outside like one test back then
tell me the rules not an oversimplification i don't want to memorize lists i want to understand the logic
0 notes
shrunkupthejams · 2 years
Tumblr media
WIP Intro but I have too much ADHD for this Edition: JMG 
About title: Aha! Betcha didn't know JMG stood for jacuzzi mafia gang! Based off the iconic "I mixed up jacuzzi and yakuza and now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia" tumblr post because I saw it reposted on pinterest and it got stuck in my head because I thought it was funny. (Oh, my pre-tumblr days… obsessed with tumblr posts posted on literally anywhere but tumblr because my phone was too old and slow to even run the tumblr website…) Anyways, this story was also originally about the yakuza, so the title worked. 
About: Well, I say it was originally about the yakuza, but that is an utter lie, because originally it was originally a Diabolik Lovers fanfic. When I revamped it years later after rereading it and becoming obsessed with how I wrote the self-insert/oc I had centered the story around, I dropped the fanfic element and made a bunch of new characters. At this point, two years later, they've all changed A LOT, which is great because they were kind of unstealthily rip offs of the Diabolik Lovers characters (what a surprise). ANYWAY. JMG is about a group of friends helping their friend, and some of their siblings, escape their abusive household. In addition to being an abusive piece of shit who literally doesn't care for the well-being of any of his six kids, their dad literally reanimated the eldest Frankenstein style. AND he is part of greater big suspicious international plots which I cannot speak too much of. (Plus he's probably committed femicide/killed his wife.) 
Setting: *checks notes* One of the most recent stories to take place in Dirt (like timeline-wise— oh boy did i make a timeline) specifically in *checks notes again* Wroth, one of biggest cities in Hoikay't.
Featuring: a good handful of autistic people as the main characters; exploration of aro and ace identities; child abuse; violence; shitty parents and found family; background polyamory and QPRs; the grief of letting go; necromancy, I suppose; dysfunctional siblings; and being susceptible to propaganda. 
Playlists? Oh god there are so many! *drowns in playlists*  
For some explanation: there are 4 playlists so each one doesn't get to long. JMG 4 is the newest. The 5th playlist is all of the playlists together in order and it's MASSIVE.
Edit: I forgot a playlist, which is Keiss & Marico's ship playlist b/c they're very in love <3
wip taglist (bc i keep forgetting): @multi-lefaiye
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ros-doodles-reblogs · 4 years
Yeah i did this thing because I was bored and because I deleted the original post
Sooo...here is the most recent list of some of my characters and their relationship status, obviously I didn't add all my ocs, I just put the names of those ocs I usually draw
GREEN: single (Open to pair )
ORANGE:Single ( Undefined to pair: I can be picky....ask me though-)
PURPLE: Single but not Open to pair! (Don’t evern think about it-)
PINK: In love / Crushing on someone!
RED: Taken!
Yerathel Aureum
Mavet (Malach Hamavet)
Castiel IVangeli
Calliel IVangeli
Nuriel Lux
Sereda Hearts (Melody )
Mia hearts
Elohi Bellator
Ismelia Noctis
Enediel Dayaxa
Natalia de Obumbratio
Astartea Neo
Gerion Shehvah
Keres Herisetra
Velvet Velrose
Redeca Inferno
Maalik Ignis
Xia Nova
Aysel Neo
Mitra Blanca
Sylene Cristali
Ambar Jhones
Moka Burrell
Cocoa Van Ewen
Lucy Gastrell
Misaki Gastrell
Hazel Honey
Miyu Higurashi
Haruka Tachibana
Ji Yang Mi
Nozomi Himura
Donna Mykolaiv
Kendall Mykolaiv
Santiago Burrell
Marcello jhones
Alek O’Neil
Raffaello Collard
Bailey Valkov
Other species
Lumazi Eternelle
Anastasia Caelesti
Anael Caelesti
Sugar Eedevane
Astra Skadi
Icarus skadi
Calypso Skadi
My sonas :
Rose Cat
Vered Russo
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