#i did not hate the show don’t come at me for that i thought it was fine
ilovescarymen · 3 days
talk to me: Spencer Reid
You’d never been one for vulnerability. It probably had something to do with how you grew up, an emotionally unavailable mother and a mentally absent father- you were always berated when you cried or showed you were upset so as you got older , you stopped.
You had a boyfriend who made you think you could be soft and vulnerable infront of him but, he ended up using it against you in an argument, after that you swore to never be vulnerable again.
You became a blank canvas that was impossible to read, a smile always plastered on your face, a fake bubbly personality to cover the pain beneath the surface. You’d only cry in the comfort of a bathroom or your home and then smile around others. It always worked. No one ever questioned it, untill now.
Your boyfriend, Spencer Reid is a profiler for the fbi’s behavioral analysis unit. He study’s human behavior for a living, which means he sees right through your little facade.
He never addressed it because he thought that maybe vulnerability would come with time. Maybe you’d stop crying in the bathroom or the shower and instead cry in his arms.
But when he arrives home from a case and you’re not at the door , bouncing around and ecstatic to see him he knows something’s up, he peeks around the corner to your bedroom and sees his sweet girl, crying and hiccuping.
You notice him and quickly wipe your tears , perking up, your stand up off the bed and run to your boyfriend’s arms.
“Hi Spence! Sorry I’m running a bit late on dinner! I’ll go get it started!” You quickly spew out, as you make an attempt to walk away your pulled back by your boyfriend, he gently places his hands on the side of your face and scans your face, before making eye contact with you.
“Honey, slow down, what’s wrong?” He asks genuine concern in his voice
“Nothing! Why would something be wrong Spence?” You put a smile on your face and look up at your boyfriend, his eyebrows are furrowed together and a frown is all over his face.
“Sweetheart, you do know that I study human behavior every day right? I know you’re lying to me, please just talk to me baby. I love you and I care and I want you to feel better”
You shake your head “nothings wrong I’m okay” you release yourself from his grasp and slip past him to the kitchen, you open the fridge and scan it “I have pasta sauce! I can make you-“ you let out a squeak as Spencer picks you up and carries you over to the couch, he sits you in his lap facing him and holds you in place.
“I have let you do this long enough. I let you isolate yourself and pretend you’re okay when you’re not but no more. I want you to come to me, I want to cheer you up honey, I will never judge you, you know that right? I’ll never make you feel stupid for feeling your feelings. I love you I want you to talk to me”
Your lip starts to tremble and tears start falling down your face “she’s- she’s so mean Spence” you hiccup, he pulls you to his chest and hugs you, his arms wrapping around your waist
“Who is? Honey who’s mean?”
“My mother” you sob out, Spencer doesn’t know the horrors of your childhood. All he knows is you grew up in Texas and you left because you wanted a change in scenery, what he doesn’t know is that you actually left for your own safety. Your mother had lost it and you left to avoid another one of her beatings.
“Oh honey” he coos, he kisses the side of your head and rubs your back gently, whispering little “it’s okay”’s and “let it all out”’s in your ear. When your crying calmed down you sat up, looking Spencer in his eyes.
“M’ sorry, I know you got home from a case and this is probably the last thing you wanted to deal with” you breath out as you wipe your eyes
“Hey hey, Nuh uh. Don’t ever apologize for feeling your feelings, I’m more than happy to do this. To be here for you always. I love you, sweetheart “
“I love you too Spence “
“Now, tell me why we hate your mother”
And you did, you told him everything, and when tears fell Spence gently caressed your back and listened intently, showing you that it was okay.
This is what love is.
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albertasunrise · 3 days
Work Wife - Two
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Summary: Working as a Secretary and Miller & Sons c”Construction, you fall hopelessly in love with the eldest son Joel. What you don’t realise is that Joel’s completely in love with you too. What will it take for the two of you to realise whats’s right in front of you?
Pairing: Young Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to give any so the plot isn’t spoiled. This fic is 18+ (So here’s the first chapter as promised! I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what y’all think ♥️… I wrote half of this on my iPad so sorry for mistakes 😅)
Series Masterlist - One
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After two days of you being frosty towards Joel and Joel desperately trying to make up for whatever he had done to upset you, you decided that it was pointless to be upset with him. He hadn't known your reasoning for going to his house so the fact he had a girl there wasn't really a valid reason to be angry at him.
If you were being honest you were more angry at yourself. Your pride had been wounded and that was something that you needed to work through on your own. So by Wednesday, you were somewhat back to being smiley and sweet but there was still a tension there that you knew would take time to dissipate. You just hoped that your date with Simon would take your mind off what had happened.
Your second date with Simon went even better than the first. He was sweet, taking you to a restaurant he remembered you mentioning you loved, and after, he took you for a few drinks at a new gin bar that had opened up. So inevitably, two dates turned into three.
It felt like with each interaction you shared with Simon, the less seeing Joel every day, and knowing that he didn't return your feelings, hurt you. What you didn't realise was that your budding new relationship with Simon was tearing Joel apart. Simon couldn't help but gush to the other contractors about how special you were or how amazingly things were going.
How he was starting to think that you might be the one.
That statement made Joel want to find a remote canyon so that he could lob Simon into it. Yet he knew he had no right to feel jealous. It's not like he'd ever had the guts to go for it. It was his own fault that he was suffering now. Yet that didn't make him hate Simon any less. What he hated more was you talking to him about the dates that his 'so-called' friend was taking you on.
It was killing him.
"Oh Joel, you would have loved the walk Simon and I went on over the weekend." You gushed as you sipped at your coffee "I would show you some pictures but I'm still waiting for them to come back from the developers so…"
"That's fine." Joel replied, trying to keep his tone from sounding as pained as he felt.
"Perhaps you could take Eliza there sometime." You continued, completely oblivious to his torment "It's so romantic and-"
"Eliza and I are just casual." Joel interrupted and you couldn't help but snort.
"Please." You rasped "She's practically living with you now. Fuck buddies don't spend most nights together."
"We're just hanging out."
"And I'm the Queen of England." You rolled your eyes and how oblivious he was to what was going on straight in front of him "If you're just looking for casual then perhaps you need to tell her that."
"I did! I have…" He argued, his hip cocking to one side as he rested his on it.
"Well, perhaps you need to have that conversation with her again because from an outsider's point of view. You and her seem pretty serious."
Joel's stomach twisted at the thought that he was leading Eliza on. She was sweet and he liked her but he wasn't looking to settle down. Not yet.
"Talk to her Joel." you said sweetly as you placed your hand on his "Don't lead her on."
So talk to her he did.
Eliza was in the kitchen when he returned that evening. There was already a tense atmosphere hanging over the house as he entered but he didn't have time to ponder why. Not when he needed to get things out in the open.
"Hey." He said gingerly as he stepped into the kitchen and Eliza turned to greet him.
"You're back late." She stated as she placed a plate of food down in front of him before sitting on the chair across from him, her arms crossed.
"Meeting with the wood supplier ran late." He replied and Eliza nodded.
"Eat up." She said, watching him then as he nervously pushed his food around his plate, little appetite when he had an anvil hanging over his head.
"What's the matter with you this evening?"
"I don't think we should do this anymore?" He stated simply, eyes drifting from his plate to Eliza.
"Can I ask why?"
"When we started 'this' up, I told you that I wasn't looking for anything serious and well… it's been brought to my attention that it kinda has and that I need to be honest with you… Make sure I'm not stringing you along."
"And who said that you are?" She demanded and Joel shook his head.
"It doesn't matter… what matters is that I don't want to-"
"Was Pip wasn't it?" Eliza growled "You know she has feelings for you right? Only reason she's seeing shit that's not there."
"Eliza… Pip, doesn't have feelings for me. This is just about us and I-"
"You really are blind aren't you." Eliza cackled and Joel stopped in his tracks.
"Blind to what?"
"Pip is head over heels for you… She told me so herself back when we went for those work drinks and I-"
"She told you that?" Joel interrupted and Eliza huffed before nodding "She told you she was in love with me?"
"Well, her exact words were that she was crazy about you but she knew you didn't feel the same and so she's never told you." Eliza waved off the statement like she wasn't telling Joel everything he'd ever wanted to hear.
Were you crazy about him?
"Look, I told you that I didn't want anything serious either and I still don't." Eliza stated as she shrugged "If this has gotten a little too cosy then we can cool it."
Joel wasn't really sure what to say. The information that you possibly feel the same way for him is running laps around his head.
"Right… yeah… sorry." He said and he shook his head and returned to reality "Look I still think it's best that we just call it quits." He stated plainly, wincing at the growl it pulled from Eliza.
"Fine." She practically spat at him, getting up abruptly and grabbing her stuff as she went "I'll see myself out."
Joel didn't even get a chance to speak before she was slamming the door behind her. Leaving him to ponder over the events that had just transpired. What should he do?
Should he talk to you about it?
Is that what you had come here to talk to him about all those weeks ago?
It would explain your reaction to Eliza being there.
He knew he couldn't, not, talk to you about this. He needed to know whether or not you still felt something for him, because if you did he wanted to fight for you. For with you, he wanted something real.
Months went by before Joel plucked up the courage to talk to you. Each time he decided it was time, he talked himself out of it. Whether it was a story that you or Simon had told him about your latest adventures as the world's most perfect couple or just him watching the two of you together. But, finally, he had decided that enough was enough… He needed to be honest with you and lay his cards out on the table. He had thought long and hard about what it was he wanted to say and so had arranged for the two of you to meet up for a coffee on Saturday. This wasn't a conversation that he wanted to have with you in the office.
He still had to labour through an afternoon of Simon gushing to the guys about how things were going with the two of you and up until now it had been fairly easy to drone it out.
"So you two finally did the deed huh?" Piped up a voice, grabbing Joel's attention.
Joel had known that you and Simon hadn't been intimate yet. You had confided in him about how you had never been with anyone and that you wanted to save yourself for the right guy. Obviously, you had decided that Simon was that guy.
"Fuck did we." Simon practically growled "Was so worth the wait… Girl's so hot… we-"
"Let's not discuss such personal matters at work, hey chaps?" Joel tried to sound calm but his stomach was twisting in knots.
The knowledge that you and Simon had been intimate was tearing him up inside. Had Eliza been wrong about your feelings for him? Had she lied? Either way, he wasn't sure what to do with the knowledge that you and Simon were now sleeping together.
"Come on boss…" Teased Rick, one of Joel's youngest employees "Just 'cus ya jealous."
"What?" Joel growled as he turned to face the younger man.
"Well, the guys all told me how you're sweet on Si's girl. It's not his fault you missed your shot."
Joel felt his anger start to boil over as he said "Keep it professional Rick or you'll be looking for new employment." Walking away then to cool down.
You were just clearing the dishes away whilst Simon wiped down the sides, always the gentleman. 8 months had shot by in the blink of an eye and it felt like he'd blended so perfectly into your home life. It was like the two of you had always done this. Things were so seamless.
"So Joel threatened to fire Rick today." He stated as he wiped his hands dry with a dishcloth.
"Really?" You asked and your brows shot up in surprise "Why?"
"We were talking about you and me and Rick kinda ribbed Joel a bit." Simon replied, shrugging.
"Ribbed him how?"
"We were just talking about how you and I had… well you know and Joel got pissed. Rick kinda teased him about how he's sweet on you and how he missed out on his chance with you."
"One, I'd rather you didn't discuss our sex life with my colleagues… Two, Joel's not sweet on me he's with Eliza and three… even if he was, that's a pretty dickish thing to do." You admonished and Simon chuckled as he replied.
"Joel is still very much sweet on you and he and Eliza broke up."
"What?" You were shocked to learn this information and hurt that Joel hadn't told you.
"Yeah, been like 6 or 7 months now… guys probably got blue balls." Simon chuckled as he tossed the dishcloth in his hands onto the counter.
You'd always talked about everything Joel and so to learn that he had broken things off with Eliza and he hadn't talked to you about it stung a little. Had things between you really become that strained? They hadn't been the same since you'd gone to his house to talk to him about how you felt. They certainly hadn't been since you had started dating Simon.
"You're not sweet on him are you?" Asked Simon, pulling you from your thoughts.
"Hmm?" You hummed as you looked at your boyfriend who was watching you closely, analysing every expression that crossed your face.
"Joel, you aren't sweet on him too are you?"
The colour drained from your face as your mouth moved to answer him but no words left your lips. The longer you took to respond, the more frustrated Simon grew.
"You are, aren't you?"
"No, don't try and spin me any bullshit." He growled out and you flinched at his tone "Are you in love with Joel… Yes or no?"
"Yes… but-"
"I need to leave." Simon choked as he threw his hands up when you tried to reach for him "I can't be around you right now."
"Simon please…" You pleaded but he was having none of it.
He just grabbed his stuff and left.
Leaving you sobbing in his wake. \
You sat in the cafe you and Joel had arranged to meet at, your eyes red raw from crying all night and most of this morning. You were sipping on an overly sweet latte. Needing the sugar to try and boost your mood. Joel was already ten minutes late but that wasn't unusual for them man. No doubt he'd be stumbling through the cafe doors in a few moments, huffing and puffing whilst he rambled on about what it was that had delayed him.
Only after half an hour… he still wasn't there.
You were on your second sugary coffee and coming to the painful realisation that Joel had stood you up. Who gets stood up by their best friend? Well, it would seem that you do and you wondered if it was because of what Simon had told you yesterday. How Rick had teased Joel about missing out with you when he'd learned you'd lost your virginity to the man you'd been going steady with for almost 9 months. That thought made you go from sad to plain pissed.
Was he seriously going to stand you up because he was jealous that you had slept with Simon?
Finishing your coffee you stomped out the door and towards your car. You weren't going to let him get away with this. Not after everything you had been through in the last 12 hours.
You don't recall the drive to Joel's house but you feel your anger flare when you see his truck on his drive. You pull up behind him, get out of the car, then make a point of slamming the door in the hope that he'll hear you coming.
You were pounding on the door, not caring if you were attracting attention. You wanted answers and you wanted them now. An exhausted Joel opened the door and you felt anger flare at the thought that he'd stood you up because he'd slept it.
"Pip this isn't-"
"A good time?" You growled, "It never is Joel."
"Please, I'm sorry I stood you up but-"
"No, I'm going to speak." Venom dropped from your words as you poked his chest "Simon told me what happened yesterday and I just can't believe that you would stand me up because I slept with the man I had been dating for over half a year!"
"That's not… I didn't stand you up on purpose I-"
"You what? You overslept? Your latest conquest only just left?" You barged past him with a strength you didn't know you possessed as you started to look around the house.
"Where is she… where is the reason you decided to stand me up the morning after Simon broke up with me." You choked as your hurt started to slip through the cracks.
"Simon dumped you?" Joel asked and you nodded "Why?"
"Because I'm in love with you Joel… and I-"
"Do you want to scream any louder?" Growled Joel's mother as she walked down the stairs with a bundle in her arms "You're lucky she's so milk drunk. Not even the apocalypse would wake her right now." She said as she handed Joel what you could now see was a newborn with a gorgeous caramel complexion.
"Oh, Pip sweetheart, so lovely to see you." Said Mrs Miller as she pulled your stunned body into an awkward hug "It's been a bit of a mad house for the past 12 hours." She chuckled as she walked over to Joel to give him a kiss on the cheek before pecking the baby's brow. "I'll let Joel catch you up, I need to get diapers and formula. Will be as quick as I can sweetheart."
"Thanks, Mum." He said, smiling at her as she waved at you all and left.
Finally leaving you and Joel alone with this tiny baby you had just learned about.
"You… You have a baby." It wasn't a question.
Joel nodded as he looked down at the tiny person in his arms, a sweet smile gracing his lips as he brought her brow to his lips.
"I have a baby." He confirmed and you let out a shaky breath as you continued to stare at her.
"Is she…?"
"Eliza's?" He finished for you and you nodded "Yeah." He replied as he walked towards his couch and carefully sat himself down, watching as you followed him and sat down beside him "She came by last night. Dumped her in my arms and said she was mine and that she wanted nothing to do with being a mother."
Your eyes snapped to his at this statement and found him looking at you with a tearful expression "Left me enough formula to last me till tonight. No cot, clothes, nothing."
"How could she just leave her?" You sobbed as you looked at the perfect little girl in his arms and Joel just shook his head.
"She said she didn't want to be a mum." He replied "After we broke up she moved back to Austin. Had no idea she was pregnant. Not even Gloria did… then last night she just turned up at my door with her."
"Oh, Joel."
"I'm not ready to be a dad am I?" He asked as he looked at you again, his expression indicating just how scared he was.
"You're going to be the best father to this little girl." You said as you cupped his cheek and moved his face so that he looked you in the eye "You aren't going to be alone in this." You promised him "I will be here whenever you need me to be… day or night I will be here."
Joel nodded. Knocking a few tears loose and you watched as they rolled down his slightly stubbled cheek.
"Thank you, Pip." He breathed, giving you a small smile before he looked down at his little girl again "Her name's Sarah." He said after a short pause and you smiled sweetly at her.
"Hi, Sarah." You said softly as you leaned in to look at her better "Well aren't you just perfect."
"Would you like to hold her?" He asked and you nodded eagerly before carefully taking her off of him and settling into the plush cushions at your back.
You gazed at her sleeping form for what felt like an age. Her perfect little button nose and long black lashes making you swooning.
"I'll let you off." You piped up after a while and Joel hummed he as looked at you in confusion "For standing me up… She's a pretty good excuse."
Joel chuckled as he rested his head on your shoulder, you both continuing to gaze at her.
"We'll get through this…" He said and you nodded.
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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drewsarms · 1 day
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𓊆ྀི❤︎𓊇ྀི A little of the writing was inspired by this post!! For my baby @shawtycoreee !!! I hope you guys enjoy! Send me some asks too!!
𐙚: hick!rafe x toots!reader get into a fight and make up
𐙚 : warnings: violence (fighting), angst, use of “daddy” , faux fucking, 18+ mdni !!
From the moment you woke up you were ready to get on your man’s last nerve. To be fair he wasn’t paying a lot of attention to you lately. Going out with his friends. Coming home drunk. Not listening to when you’re yapping about god knows what. It’s not that you didn’t trust him or had concerns of if he didn’t love you. He was a sweetheart to you in every way possible. You got to see a side of him that no one else did. But something was off and you had to know what the problem was.
Rafe was working late tonight. By the time he got home you’d usually be in bed but tonight was different. You wanted to let him know just how much he pissed you off. When he pulls up in the driveway he was surprised to see all the lights still on. He hurried inside to see if anything was wrong.
“Baby, uh, you there?” Nothing. He walks further into the house and sees you sitting on the kitchen counter. “You didn’t hear me come in Toots?” You didn’t answer him. You knew just how to piss Rafe off and that was not answering his questions. He drops his bags and walks towards you. “You know I don’t like that shit. I asked you a question goddammit.” He points a finger in your face. You look away. He puts his finger on your chin and you push him away. “You know what fuck this shit.” You jump off the kitchen counter following him around the corner. “Where the hell are you going?” You say throwing your arms up in the air. Your voice starts breaking. “To fucking relax. I can’t deal with this shit right now.” Tears start to form in your eyes. To think that he didn’t even want to talk this through hurted you even more. “What shit are you referring to? Since we’re on the subject I can’t deal with your shit anymore either.” He turns around and raises an eyebrow. “Hey! You better watch your fucking tone little girl. I am not in the fucking mood.” He says walking towards you. Backing you against the wall. “I don’t give a fuck what mood you’re in. You’re pissing me off and I want to talk to you about it.” Rafe rolls his eyes at you and starts to walk away. “I really can’t fucking do this.” He mumbles. He walks to the kitchen to grab a beer and you follow right behind him. He’d be damned to think that this conversation was over. He brings the beer up to his lips and before he can take a sip you snatch it throwing it against the wall making a mess. “You’re such a fucking dick!” When you turn away you can hear him unbuckling his belt. It made you even more pissed if he thought sex was going to be the answer to the argument. You were caught by surprise when you felt the cool leather snap hard against your ass making you jump. Before you could turn around Rafe grabs you by your neck. His mustache tickling your ear. “You’re gonna fucking regret that.”
Rafe throws you on the bed. You can’t admit you’re a little scared. Not because you made him mad (that’s something you’re used to) but because he’s not eagerly trying to fuck some sense into you. “Get that cute ass up in the air.” In an instant you listen. He chuckles at your eagerness. He runs the cool metal of his belt buckle against your ass making you shiver. Five more harsh slaps from the belt hitting your ass filled the room. You try to apologize but all that’s coming out is whimpers and sniffles. “Quit that fucking crying Toots. Don’t act so sorry now.” A feeling of emptiness comes from behind you. You don’t feel Rafe. You start to wiggle your ass out of neediness. “D-daddy?” you say through cute little cries. You feel his jeans press against your panties. His hard cock feels like it could break through the material. He grabs your hips and starts fucking into you. He was teasing you and you hated it. “Wanna show daddy how sorry you are?” You whine as you start to twerk against his clothed dick. He slaps your already sore ass making you gasp. “Daddy please fuck me! Please!” You look back at him and he has this sinister look in his eyes. His once bright blue eyes turning dark. It turned you on and scared you. “Uh uh I thought I was such a dick shug?” He looks down at you backing your ass up against his dick. “Doesn’t seem like it’s a bad thing now does it? Not with the way you’re shaking your ass against me.” After what felt like hours of torture you finally heard him unbuckle his belt. “Get those fucking panties off.” You eagerly reach back and yank them off spreading your legs even more so he can have a perfect view and easy access to your pussy. You can feel him line his self up with your entrance. Rubbing at your leaking, sensitive clit. You start to kick your feet in protest. Desperately trying to push his cock in your pussy by backing up against him. “Daddy! I’m sorry please I won’t act up again! Just please fuck me-“ Your little fit turned into moans as he pushed himself all the way inside of you. Every time he fucked you his dick felt bigger and bigger. “I don’t want to hear your whining and shit ever again. When I come home I want you to be my good little girl. You don’t ask me questions. You don’t get mad if I’m at work all day. You got that?” You nod your head in agreement. The pleasure becoming too much for you to speak. He pulls out and starts rubbing your clit. “I asked you a question angel.” You look back at him with teary eyes. You reach for his face giving him the most desperate and sloppy kiss. A string of spit connecting your swollen lips together. “Yes daddy! I understand! I’ll be your good girl!!” He gives you a sweet kiss to your forehead before sticking his cock back in and filling up your sweet cunt.
As the two of you layed in bed together he realized he never got an answer out of you. “Baby you awake?” he asks in a whisper. “Barley,” you managed to say in your sleepy voice. “I guess I did fuck you good then.” The both of you laugh. “But uh, nah you-you never told me what the problem was.” You sigh as you sit up to look at him. Tears start to form into your eyes. “I never complain because I know you do so much for me. I hate to seem so ungrateful but sometimes you don’t listen to me. Sometimes I never get to see you. I just love you so much and I don’t want to loose you.” You can hear Rafe sniffle. He sits up now holding you in his arms. “Toots. I can’t promise you everything in the world but what I can promise you is that I am never leaving. I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I need you beside me. You’re all I have. I’d be a goddamn fool to ever let you leave. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Tell what I need to do to make it up to you.” You look up at him. Your tears still flowing because he’s never really this vulnerable. “Mmm, $300 dollars every week?!” The two of you laugh as he pushes your head back into the pillow, laying back down next to you. He kisses your temple. “You got it sugar.”
Taglist: @fae-of-prey @bunnyrafe @starkeysprincess @drewstarkeys-world @drewspinkbunny @venic-bxtch @nemesyaaa @justafangirls-blog @rafecameroninterlude
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Hii! I just found your works and I am IN LOVEEEE OMGGG 🫶🫶
I’m not too good at requesting these things, but could I ask for a Logan Howlett x short! AFAB reader?
I’m 4’11 and haven’t grown since sophomore year of high school, and everyone I know comments on it in every sort of way, and usually in a demeaning, teasing kind of way. (Like, going out of their way to make fun of me and stuff I can’t do, or how they can’t take me seriously). And no one listens to me when I tell them that it’s starting to hurt my feelings or be annoying lol
It can be a full fic or just a couple HC’s, up to you!!! Please take your time and don’t forget to take care of yourself 🫶
YES OFC I wish I got more asks bru
Anyway thank you
Tw ⚠ : short reader, afab reader, sexual tension, sexual talking, protective logan, masturbation (f),
You lay in you bed not wanting to go downstairs, logan had been gone for days on a mission for Xavier to find another mutant and she had to sub for Storm because because there both gone.
Logan was supposed to call you after class so you reluctantly got up got dressed and went downstairs to the classroom, you always hated leaving your room without Logan he was practically your bodyguard because of how some of the other girls treated you because of your hight you are 4'11 after all and they always told you she looked like a kid but when logan stepped in they left you alone.
There was even a time when you almost threw the girl into the fountain for bullying her but logan put a stop to it ever since then he always took a liking to you.
You made it to the classroom with no run-ins land waited for your students to show up for class you were teaching how to control your powers with mind, body and soul.
Storm is better then me with children
You thought to yourself as the kids started walking in, you waved at them as they took there seats and began your lesson.
After you were done you got a call from logan.
"Hey bub." He talked into the phone, you looked down at the floor wishing he was here instead.
"I'm really hungry,but the kids were fine," you walked back to your room. "And I miss you when will you be back?"
He looked around the hotel. "Me and the others should be back tomorrow afternoon." You laid in bed and looked at his side.
"I want you so bad loagn I wish you were here with me," he regretted taking this mission knowing it would be stressful for you. "Touching me, and telling me I'm yours." You moaned into the phone.
His pants tightened thinking of you laying on your bed waiting for him.
"Trust me honey I'll be there soon enough, now sit and be a good girl for me when I get back I love you." He hung up the phone after your goodbyes
And you sat there trying to fall asleep but after three hours you just gave up, you couldn't stop thinking about Logan and the way he would have gotten you to sleep, rubbing your back and your thighs.
I wonder what he would do to me right now ?
You thought to yourself as you rubbed your inner thigh, your hand had other plans when it started rubbing your clit thinking about him
You picked up your phone to call him and see if he's awake, turns out he was
"Logan." You moaned, he could here the wet sounds from the other end of the line.
"Y/n you need to go to bed, I can't talk there gonna here you." He quietly yelled at you.
"No please I need you now loagn I can't wait any longer." You mewled.
"Y/n please you need to wait So i can actually fuck you." Logan couldn't lie the thought of you playing with yourself was making him hard but he had to control himself or he was gonna wake up Storm.
Your orgasm was coming, and he knew it. "Baby, I want you inside me, please." You begged as you came over the phone.
He hated when you did this sometimes you always got what you wanted when you called him like this and he wasn't gonna just let you tease him he wants to touch you but your not here and he's gonna put a stop to it.
"Y/n stop calling me horny when you know I can't touch you like I want, your teasing me your gonne be the death of me." He hung up the phone.
You gasped not believing he just hung up the phone on you like that.
Ok how do we feel about me writing logan I love hugh jackman and I was waiting for something like this should I make a part two?
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tokiwarcube · 6 hours
How They Celebrate Your Birthday
All the boys + Charles for this one!
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Charles Foster Offdensen
Taking care of the boys is a full-time task, but that doesn’t mean he misses your birthday — not by a long shot. But be careful not to let your birth date slip — the guys would be all too happy to use it as an excuse to take all seven of you out to some insane party. Or you know, do, if that’s your style. A birthday is an excuse to celebrate, and there’s very little they won’t do to see Charles get sloshed — with his partner, nonetheless.
Otherwise, he really makes you feel loved throughout the day. Little notes in the morning, littered around the house — on the nightstand, the bathroom counter, by your morning mug. Among those are a request to let him know when you wake, so he can order in for you. He wishes he could stay for breakfast, truly, but he’s not going to wake you up at 4:00am on your birthday. God knows you work hard enough as is.
He checks in throughout the day, seemingly just a little more eager than usual to talk with you, and hear your voice. Call him sentimental, but he really wishes he could spend the full day with you. Alas, work calls.
Another note — Check under the sofa, be ready by 6:00. I love you, happy birthday.
He really shines when he comes home, though. A hand on the small of your back, adjusting the nonexistent imperfections in the perfectly-tailored outfit he had left for you, purely for the sake of touching, of holding. And from there, the night is yours. Dinner, dancing, a show… it’s all so cliche on paper, but he really makes you feel loved. A classical romance. He makes the cliche seem new, seem real, seem genuine.
Charles is a very, very attentive man, so it’s really no surprise when he brings out your real gift at the end of the night, and it just so happens to be the perfect thing. Although surprisingly, it’s not something you’ve ever asked for. Perhaps never even thought of, or seen — and yet, it’s so clearly tailored to your tastes. He’s good like that.
As the two of you are falling asleep towards the end of the night, he can’t help but check in — Did you have a good time tonight? As though he didn’t serve you your very own Hallmark moment. Again, he’s sweet like that.
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Nathan Explosion
You know, for a man, who hates the media, he is pretty adamant on having a big party for you. Like yeah, he hates the publicity, but it’s you. And you deserve the darkest, most brutal birthday party of them all.
He knows you very well, don’t get me wrong, but he’s liable to overthink things a little. He could benefit a bit from some hints as to what exactly you’d like to do for your birthday… he’d like to avoid another Rockzo incident, if possible. But even if you do drop a few hints, he likes to surprise you with the results. You’ll have a lot of fun, but you might have a little heart attack first. He makes up for it, though.
Most of the heartfelt things are done earlier in the day, and the real party is reserved for night time. The boys already give him enough shit for how whipped he is for you, so a live performance is basically out of the question (lest the two of you be subjected to a healthy amount of ribbing from your peers), but that’s not to say he doesn’t attempt something similar. Instead, he writes, and has everyone record their parts individually — never quite saying what it’s for — and compiles it himself, solo. It’s not the usual production quality, but that’s not what you’re looking for — it’s sweet. Steeped in ichor and shadow, sure, but sweet nonetheless.
He’s usually pretty insatiable with PDA, and that doubles when drunk. But when drunk, on your birthday? You have to pry him off with a crowbar. He usually doesn’t talk actively about you in front of the cameras — God knows the media already knows way too much about the two of you — but tonight, he can’t seem to stop talking about how fucking awesome you are, and how it’s your birthday, and—
You’ll have a good time teasing him about it in the morning, once the hangover dulls.
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Pickles the Drummer
Just when you think he’s partied as hard as he can, he finds a way to outdo himself. And your birthday is quite the opportunity, no?
Listen, if you want to have a nice, quiet day in, he’s happy to oblige. It’s your birthday, and he’s damn determined to make it the best one yet. And if that’s your version of a good time, he’s ready to get some takeout from that random place on the corner that you like — even though there’s a perfectly good Michelin 5-star restaurant in their house — and just hang out. Yes, really.
But if you want to get fucked up? Babe, we’re partying around the world. Fuck it, let’s go for a week! Best birthday ever, right? Whatever you say, goes.
It’s not all drugs, mind you — he’s got other things planned, too. The schedule just allows for a bit of inebriation in-between… or during. Listen, if you can deal with crowds while high, it’s real fun to go to a show or two. Everything is just so vibrant, so fluid — whether you’re up front with wide eyes or twirling in the back, Pickles makes it a very, very fun experience. And as much as he would like to get trashed beyond belief, the high tolerance does come in rather handy in moments like these — he’s happy to babysit you a bit, if it makes you feel more secure.
Surprising noone, he is a very, very good gift giver. After everything is said and done, and you’re both blinking awake the next day, that’s when he shuffles around to find the gift he set aside. He wanted to make sure it didn’t get lost in the haze, after all. Despite everything, he’s a fantastic listener, and somehow, he always seems to find that one special thing you’ve been looking for.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Complete royalty treatment — so long as he’s there (or, perhaps more aptly, the Klokateers are), you won’t be lifting a finger. He’s such a diva about it — you thought he was bad when it came to him, but with you? Beyond words. Consequently, this also means that everybody within a 50mi radius will know that its your birthday. He’s very embarrassing about it too, with how he takes the chance to coo about it whenever he gets the chance. Very saccharine — borderline patronizing, if you didn’t know him so well to know its the opposite — with an undertone of something you just can’t place. Although despite the embarrassment, you can’t lie — it does make your heart flutter just a little bit. You can’t tell if he’s getting off on it, or if he’s just excited to have a day where you have to let yourself be pampered.
He is very adamant about getting you an actual gift — not just sex, surprising everyone — and he’s really rather thoughtful about it. He listens a bit more aptly than usual in the months leading up to your birthday, and does his best to actually keep it a secret… with varying success. But it’s the thought that counts. When morning comes, he’s already at the foot of your shared bed, gift in hand. He doesn’t like extracting himself from your hold in the morning, but today, he’ll make an exception. Hard not to, when you tiredly paw at the gift — he places a quick kiss to your forehead before the gift is fully unwrapped, just out of softness.
He’s generally up for anything you want to do, and with the seemingly unlimited funds that come with stardom, nothing really bars you from fucking around on the daily… but now, he’s especially game for whatever you want to do today. If there’s anything you’ve been begging to drag him to do, now’s the time — he’ll do it for you, with only minor complaints.
To that end, while he does have the Klokateers wait on you hand and foot, you’re in charge of where the day goes. It’s your big day after all.
But yes, the birthday sex is phenomenal. That’s a given.
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Toki Wartooth
Every birthday Toki’s had since joining Dethklok has been nothing if not extravagant — he makes it a point to live every day like it’s his last day on Earth, but birthdays? Birthdays go above and beyond — no holds barred. So with his partner, the love of his life? You may as well be royalty.
Although, in typical style, Toki strikes a perfect balance between heartfelt and lavish. He’ll buy you the world if you only ask — or perhaps, even if you don’t — but interspersed are his own, handmade gifts. This year he planned a worldwide adventure, but he also slotted in your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurants into his scheduling. His planning abilities are lackluster for the average event, but he really puts his all into it for birthdays. (Although if you walk into Charles’ office at just the right time, you do gain a little bit of insight into who did the actual “organizing” part. Toki has the ideas, and Charles organizes it into something that won’t give you whiplash.)
He’s honestly so excited for your birthday, you’d think it was his own. He lets you wake up on your own, despite his own eagerness — but he can’t help placing a kiss to your lips as you blink the sleep from your eyes. Light, still floating on the ghost of your dreams, it’s a very sweet moment. That is, until he’s tugging you upwards to go on your adventures for the day.
One tradition he is very insistent on, is birthday cake. Very adamant about having a candle for every year of life — the number candles do not count — and making a wish. He always asks what you wished for, but don’t answer — it’s a trap. He’ll actively cover your mouth if you try to tell him, scolding you — didn’t you know the wish doesn’t come true if you say what it was?
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William Murderface
Birthdays fucking suck — it’s another year closer to death, and nobody will fucking leave you alone, they give you all this shit you don’t want, and—
Yeah, that’s all bullshit. He loves birthdays, he’s just… never really celebrated them in a way that’s fun to him. Growing up it was all about going to the shitty little community park in town, with the hot metal slides that always managed to burn him, and if it wasn’t that, it was going to the run-down minigolf place on the outskirts that always reeked of stagnant water and old cheese. Boring. A chore. But recently, his tune has changed a bit. I mean sure, the boys aren’t always great at showing that they care, but they certainly make birthdays fun. Worth having. So despite having very little frame of reference, he really strives to make every one of your birthdays memorable, too.
Except again, he has… no idea what to do. Sure, he knows what you like to do, but you do those things every day. And it would be weird to ask, because isn’t it supposed to be a surprise? He spends night after night, quite literally, googling ideas on what to do. Unsurprisingly, Google isn’t very helpful in this department, considering the mass amount of wealth and time William has. It’s a miracle how he hasn’t been caught in planning.
But he really does put so much thought into the celebration, and is very, very particular about getting everything just right. He really takes the “diva” crown from Skwisgaar, on this occasion. This color is not the same shade he sent them, he’s certain of it, and it will be corrected before you have the chance to see it. Wh- yes it matters, this isn’t your favorite color, the one he sent was. Jeez, some people.
You’ve always known that he loves you, but it really bleeds through in all of the little decisions he makes for your big day. He’s more inclined to go big and flashy — and if you’re the type, he really does go above and beyond — but if you’re the quieter type, he sets the atmosphere perfectly. And he might be sweating a bit beneath the collar in the latter case, but it’s the thought that counts.
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fazedlight · 8 hours
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Plummet (Cat's perspective on Falling)
Cat had started so optimistic. Kiera, finally dressing as an adult? It was a promising development for her executive-assistant-slash-vigilante, one that suggested the kryptonian could possibly grow a backbone in the near future. Goodness knows Kiera desperately needed to come out of her shell. 
Cat had ignored the… well, cattiness emanating from the blonde. A bit of cynicism would’ve been icing on the proverbial cake, had it not heralded something darker.
But when Siobhan marched proudly into Cat’s office, showing her the security footage of Supergirl letting a dangerous criminal go, Cat knew something more was going on. And this morning she used my personal elevator. Perhaps she’s truly lost her mind, Cat thought. “It could be another Bizarro,” Cat said to a disapproving Siobhan, “Put this under your hat until we figure out what’s going on.”
Kiera seemed to only get more haughty over time. “You’ve branded me in the media as a girl scout,” the kryptonian said bitterly. “Everyone knows real people have a dark side.”
Where is this coming from?, Cat thought. Psychotic break, brainwashing? Carter loved that old TV show with the star treks, and once spent an entire month talking about mirror universes. Was this an evil Kiera with an invisible goatee? “I fear that you're having some sort of mental breakdown,” Cat said, “Don't worry, it happens to the best of us-”
But Kiera snapped back. “You are the most arrogant, self-serving, mean-spirited person I know.” Tell me how you really feel, Cat thought to herself, but she had to admit that those words struck a little close.
But that hurt was very rapidly replaced by a more primal fear as the kryptonian approached her. “You want to see what powerful really looks like?” Kiera said, “Watch.”
They say your life flashes before your eyes. That’s not what Cat saw. Nor did she have a single coherent thought, other than Carter’s face and endless screaming.
Luckily for her, her assailant didn’t kill her. Cat collapsed inelegantly to the ground, turning back up in a panic as the scornful kryptonian stared down at her. “True power, Cat,” Kara scoffed, “Is in deciding who will live, and who will die.”
Somewhere in the back of Cat’s mind - a stray thought as she tried to calm her pounding heart - she understood. She has all this power, but she couldn’t save her planet. Kiera was just as frustrated at her own powerlessness; her history would be enough to cause anyone to have a psychotic break.
Unfortunately, it didn’t change what Cat had to do next.
“People are in danger,” she said to James and Winn, as she shared her plan for a televised broadcast on the kryptonian’s erratic and terrifying behavior, “The public needs to be warned.”
“Miss Grant,” James started, “Look, I am sure that Supergirl is going to be fine soon-”
“Can you guarantee me that the public is safe?”
James and Winn shifted guiltily. I know this isn’t her, Cat wanted to say, I know this isn’t who she is. But Cat couldn’t carry a death on her shoulders of someone who trusted Supergirl because of her words. And Cat suspected that Kara - if the girl ever recovered - couldn’t bear that guilt either.
But she hated every moment.
Is there any recovery from this?
Kiera had been a wreck at work that day, scurrying around the office with slumped shoulders and stressed eyes, avoiding Cat entirely. Cat supposed she was breathing easier now that Kiera was back to normal, but it still evoked the same question - What happens with Supergirl next?
As Cat walked into her office that evening - intent to pour herself a stiff drink - she was surprised to find a metal tube set on her desk, with a folded piece of paper propped up against it. “I’m sorry,” the letter read, in familiar loopy, feminine writing. “I wasn’t myself.”
Cat opened the tube, noting a strange green glow inside. Kryptonite, she realized, sighing internally at the thought of Kara entrusting her with this sort of protection. “I don’t want you to feel unsafe. If you want me to stop interacting with you, I will,” the letter read. Cat closed the tube, mulling again over her assistant’s state of mind. Sighing, she placed the tube in a drawer, pouring herself a drink as she had planned, before making her way to her balcony.
She shouldn’t have been surprised to see the super when she stepped out, but somehow she was. Kiera sat far from the door, quiet as she looked out onto the city lights. Cat knew the super must’ve heard her, but she didn’t face her - perhaps waiting for the sendoff she thought she deserved.
Cat stepped forward quietly, reaching the railing of the balcony. And that’s what gave Kiera the courage to speak. “I love this city,” she said solemnly.
Cat stood silently, listening to the kryptonian’s words - weighing the tender passion with the agonizing remorse. “What I did to you, Miss Grant-”
“Oh please,” Cat said, shrugging off. “I’ve base jumped Kilimanjaro, do you really think you scared me?”
Well, that was a lie, and they both knew it. “Okay, yes, you did scare me.”
“I scared the whole city,” Kara lamented.
“It’s not going to be easy,” Cat said. “But if anyone can win this city back, it’s you.”
Kara nodded gratefully, biting back unshed tears. “Can I just… stay here for a while?”
“Of course,” Cat said softly. 
In the soft breeze and the quiet night, the two looked back over the city, and wondered what was to come.
I found it a really weird writing choice that Kara never apologized to Cat - or didn't seem to understand the fear she must've instilled in her, after throwing her off a building - so I tried to fix it here. (I have thoughts on Kara's relationship with kryptonite, but I will spare this post of that ramble.)
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acefictionwriting · 15 hours
Scout’s Med Bay Stay (TF2 Bang)
-Hi! This is my contribution to the TF2 Big Bang Event! Scout wakes up after being injured to find some new strange people he’s going to get to know.
Made with Artists
@ermg33 - here is their Art Post
@sicc-nasti - here is their Art Post
As the man awoke, he had no idea what was happening. He had no idea where he was, no idea what was going on, or why he was here. It started coming back to him, but before he could put everything together, the pain shot up his legs.
Ow. Right, the enemy grenades. Shit, I hate enemy Demolition bombers. What did you get yourself into, Jeremy? 
Jeremy opened his eyes and looked around, discovering he was in a med bay. The Scouting mission must have gone wrong, really wrong, since the other scout wasn’t there. He didn’t recognize anyone in the room.
“Ah! You are awake! I was hoping to harvest your organs, but at least the replacements worked!”
The Scout looked at the man, and he nearly pissed himself. 
Oh no, not the medic guy again. 
“Uh, I don’t—” Jeremy tried to make an excuse for the man not to get too close, but before he could, the Medic was pulling him up from the bed to sit him up. 
“You stay here Späher, I will get you the new medicine. You will make a great first test!!”
Jeremy didn’t have time to stop the man, nor did he really want to. He also didn’t ask why the American medic was German. 
His legs were still killing him, and despite the dread he felt thinking about everything that could have happened to him, he ripped off the sheets anyway out of impulsive curiosity. They looked perfectly fine, besides the fact they had been cut off and reattached and left a giant scar. That’s probably OK. He moved his foot to find out if they still worked and jumped up in pain. 
“He is brutal, but he always succeeds. Your legs work alright, Erreur?” 
Scout looked to his right, and a man he hadn’t noticed before was there. The man had a bandage covering most of his face and was standing in the shadows enough that the rest wasn’t showing. It sounded like he smoked enough to kill him twice a day. 
“Jesus, man, didn’t see ya there. Yeah, they work. If they didn’t, I dunno what I’d do. I’m a runner. I do the Scout work, finding out where the Germans are gonna be and making sure there’s no trouble. And if there was trouble, well, I took care of it.”
“You aren’t supposed to do that on scouting missions.”
“Well, I did. And that’s gonna make me a hero or something when it works out. Then I’ll go home to my girl, and she won’t be able to resist me!” 
Scout turned his head to see a man in full restraints on a bed, wearing an oversized helmet over his eyes. The Medic seemed to know this man and definitely didn't like him.
“Nein… not again. You are not a soldier. How do you get in here…” 
“You have a head injury, du verdammter Idiot.” 
Scout turned his head away from the half-shouting match, half-desperate argument. The bandaged man in the shadows had disappeared, which Jeremy thought was fucking weird. 
With nothing else to do, he pulled out his locket with a blurry picture of Pauline F. Pauling. 
She’ll like me for sure now that I’ve got manly scars and stuff. I’ll come home her hero, and we’ll get to kiss and— 
Scout turned to the bed on his left, seeing the not-a-soldier and the medic fight in the background, and someone entirely wrapped in bandages in the bed close to his. 
“Jesus, what happened to you?” 
“Mmmhff mmmhb mffhh mmmmffhhhh mmm MMMFF mmmh.” 
“Ja, we don’t know who that is. Don’t even know what side they’re on. I’ve just been using them for my experimental injections. Beyond that?” The medic shrugged and resumed his argument with the American. 
“I gotta get out of here. We gotta get out of here; you gotta be real messed up from that.” 
The burned patient muttered a muffled something that sounded like a verbal shrug. They then pointed to the locket. 
“My girl? Yeah, she’s a real beaut, huh?” 
“Is that ‘your girl’ mon étrange collègue enfantin?” 
“OK, we’re getting you a bell.”
The French man sighed and stepped away from the shadow of the door. He stuck to the shadows and the wall, but stood next to the scout. Despite not knowing the man, Jeremy felt like a stray cat had sat next to him while not getting close to anyone else. It would be some sort of honor if the stench of cigarettes wasn’t so overpowering. 
“Écoute, mon ami, you have been injured. Is there anyone you would like to inform? This girl? Perhaps your mother?”
“Well, I gotta tell Ma about this. I bet Pauling would love to hear about me and my cool battle wounds now.”
“Right… I’m sure. I will get the communications officer.”
Even Scout could see the man just wanted to leave the conversation.
Why’d he look so uncomfortable? 
There was silence then, or as much of a silence as there could be in the overcrowded room. Scout never liked not being part of a conversation in a group of people. He felt left out. His brothers always seemed closer to each other than to him, so he was pushed out of conversations often, even when they did not mean to exclude him. Scout looked around the room. He supposed the same thing had kept happening in the army. He had had brief conversations with everyone in the medical area, but they all ended suddenly. He preferred the chaos of everyone popping up suddenly to the emptiness of everyone ignoring him. Jeremy looked over to the burn victim to his left, but they had fallen asleep, it seemed, as they made a cartoonish mimimimimi sound from under the seemingly infinite bandages. The silence was uncomfortable, but not uncomfortable enough for Jeremy to wake up someone with severe injuries.
“Ah. You’re no help.” 
The Scout briefly considered talking to himself, but remembered when he was caught and teased by his brothers for that. Ma had said they meant well, but even so, Jeremy never wanted to seem crazy. At least not in a nonviolent way. Instead of talking to himself, he decided to do what he usually did when he was nervous or unsure. He counted all the ways he was the coolest person alive who would totally live the most incredible life anyone ever had. He was on reason number seven (he had miscounted severely. It was the 16th reason) when the door opened again. 
“Hey, face guy! You’re back! Is this that letter guy? Make my injury sound really bad so it looks better when I go home. Hey, wait, there's two guys.”
The first man was tall and had an eyepatch. Scout thought that was awesome. He had a bottle of… what smelled like 100% alcohol in his hand and was leaning against the doorway, half asleep, half on high alert. Scout thought it best not to disturb this man until he became more aware of his surroundings. Instead, the scout turned his attention to the other man, with papers in his hands.
The second man was short and had other features that Scout immediately ignored in favor of the robotic arm the man had. 
The man laughed warmly, as if he’d heard it before from others. 
“Well, I’m technically a cyborg,” said the man, with a warm smile, “and I’m also the correspondence officer until we find another guy who isn’t dead to do it. I’m Dell, but they call me Engineer most of the time.”
“Can I ask, like, a bajillion questions about the—” 
“No, you may not! But my friend here is gonna ask you a few questions before we get this letter written. Tavish, I think you’d better do the talking.” 
Scout had thought Dell was friendly, and he generally seemed to be, but there was a tone to the man’s voice that said another question about his arm would make him far less friendly. So Jeremy decided to do the most difficult thing he’d ever done, and be quiet as the Engineer stepped aside to make room for the hulking man with the eyepatch. 
“My name is Tavish. I’m a demolitions expert addicted to alcohol and explosives—” 
“Wrong speech, buddy,” said the Engineer encouragingly, as though this had happened many times before. 
“Aye, right. Ahem.” 
Tavish took out a piece of paper from his back pocket that was surprisingly pristine. He took a stick of dynamite out from the other, put it back, and looked around for something else. The French guy handed him a small gun as though knowing what he was looking for. 
“Right, thanks.” The demolitions expert shot the ceiling twice to gather everyone’s attention. He handed the gun back and took reading glasses out of another pocket. 
“You are all hereby requested for a special secret mission. The people hiring you will not reveal their names or the mission’s purpose, but we assure you that it is of utmost importance. You will be relocated to a strategic and secret area that may turn the tide in this war. Each of you has been selected due to the special skills you possess, as well as a general lack of morality. Also, we will pay you. We know some of you are here to be paid. We implore you to consider this opportunity and join our team.”
“Hey, where did your British accent come from there, weren’t you Irish or Scottish or somethin’? Also, yeah, I’m gonna do that. Can I tell my Ma?” 
“Aye. Any other questions?”
“Ja, will there be room for my experiments there? Also, mein vögel, can they come? I can go with du all if I’m not taken from my work.”
“Aye, your experiments are why you're here, and experimenting with test subjects is encouraged.” 
“Oh, then Ja!” 
Each person asked questions, but since Scout had already accepted, the Engineer gave him one of the papers to sign and started writing Jeremy’s letter on another paper that was not a contract. Jeremy let everyone else fade into the background as he told his mom and his girl all about his injuries and how much he missed them in the letters. He took a while to sign his name, struggling with the letters, but Dell was quite understanding. Jeremy decided that he enjoyed the Engineer’s company. 
The only thing that seemed off was the Spy. He did not seem excited about the contract, but he did sign the papers. 
Each of the men, now called The Teufort Mercenaries, were helped out to the vehicle, except for the burned one, who was driven in a personal ambulance since they couldn’t move. 
Scout wondered how they signed the paperwork. He wondered how his Ma would take it, with him being gone even longer than planned, but how much longer would it be? A week? Probably a week. Ma would be alright, he explained everything in his letter. She had his brothers to take care of her. He smiled, excited to drive off to a new, exciting, and important life. 
The Spy, Demo, and Engineer stayed behind longer than the others. 
“These letters, they will not be sent, non?” 
“No, unfortunately, we have to burn ‘em. Gonna tell everyone these guys died in battle.”
“What about ze medic?” 
“Oh, we don’t know where he came from. He just started saving lives by making abominations to god, and we let him.”
“What ze fuck is wrong with you all?” 
“Ask the higher-ups.” 
Meanwhile, Tavish was getting paid by a woman who addressed herself as P. He assumed that was because of her purple attire. 
“So you’ll take them all to the desert location, right?”
“And you won’t ask questions?”
“Aye. Not my job.”
“You’ll be perfect. Here’s the hundred. Go take them to Teufort.” 
The woman then started calling her boss and walking away, and Tavish walked away as well. He thought he had heard, “They’re out of our hair now,” but he did not question it because it was his job now not to ask questions.
They all rejoined the group in the van, everyone having been ignorant of their absence. The lively chatter continued as everyone awaited their trip to a new life. A life that was not the heroic one they had expected, but simply a way to rid the world of these strange people. 
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starlooove · 15 days
Im saving up for a laptop and it’s mainly for school but also I want to be able to play games with mods and have a good dvd player any recs let me know please
#dvd player#tbh that’s like. my stupidity#i have a portable one on hold u just plug in#and i think that’s enough#i just added that in case I’m missing smth 🧍🏾‍♀️#the main games I wanna play are sims bg3 and cyberpunk tbh#maybe Minecraft but. sorry guys#i was a Minecraft kid who never got into playing Minecraft SORRY#Im mission orientated and the blocks gave me headaches sorryyy#like i DID play Minecraft but after a farm some animals and iron tools#I couldn’t give less of a fuck anymore#my problem is I thought Minecraft was gonna be aphmau mcd and Stacyplays off rip#Im lazy#anyways#if I play my cards right I can get my family to give me their dvds#i have a jem one on hold rn#i want Nick and boomerang shows tho#dexters laboratory Johnny bravo etc.#and 321 penguins#i don’t want kids but idk I keep thinking of my family’s kids growing up with what I grew up with#FOR ME PERSONALLY I want danny phantom and Ben 10#Bc I watched like. 3 episodes of DP and my 5 yr old laptop quit#and i never watched Ben 10 but it was good apparently?!#POWER RANGERS SAMURAI IS A MUST#maybe It’s the sickness making me nostalgic#but It’s more like I want physicals of these#i know I come off as a hater but I only really hate on things I love and Can improve#and as much as I hate online that’s bc irl I’m having a blast#so yes. i do want su dvd. ✊🏾 AND VOLTRON SORRYYYY#IK but hear my out those I’d like HAVE to buy secondhand I’m not spending more than $25 per two seasons
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weezerlvr228 · 23 days
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flippin boobahs!
#weezer#rivers cuomo#brian bell#patrick wilson#scott shriner#OKAH HI CHAT#i’ve been thinking#this tag will be just a rant not really weezer related#yk laufey ?#i was listening to her song ‘letter to my 13 year old self’ and just started overthinking about myself when i was younger#i just think about my younger self and get so sad thinking about her; i wish i could’ve done more for her#i was a huge introvert and talking to anybody made me super super anxious; so much so that my teacher noticed and had me join a ‘social#emotional learning’ group where we spoke about low self esteem and how to raise it and everything like that#i only left it in 8th grade because i didn’t wanna keep missing class for it; but it made me so sad to think i thought so low of myself#i would wear hoodies all the time and jeans because i used to hate my body a lot#which is awful to do in socal heat!#i think it started because in my family i was always stereotyped as the fat one; yk how mexican families are? they called me gordita for#the longest time; which made me incredibly insecure and only in 10th grade did i start showing my arms 😭 IK ITS DUMB BUT ITS SO WEIRD#i still can’t do it entirely; i’ll wear shrugs and things like that because i still am insecure about my arms sometimes but ive been better#i only really had one friend but she had a different lunch; so i was alone for most of the time on the swings by myself or sitting at the#lunch tables alone waiting for lunch to end and this noon duty came to me a lot and would talk to me since she felt bad i was always alone#while everybody else played with each other ; and i don’t know why i just broke down thinking about how lonely i was at the time#i’d go to the school’s friendship room everyday after that because it was just a teacher who let kids come inside her room to play games if#they didn’t wanna be in the heat and soon i became friends w the teacher and she’d play uno with me everyday; mainly because the room was#relatively empty until they got loom bands! and i was an expert on loom bracelets so i would help others make them and that was a confidenc#e boost; i remember being proud of myself for socializing like that LOL#i just get sad thinking about that time; i like to think that if little Lyss saw me; she would be so proud because i have friends;#a boyfriend ; good grades ; and i’m well liked and regarded. i hope she’s proud of my progress socially because it was such a leap#i wish i could go back in time and tell her how much better things get and how she won’t be lonely forever#…and to not online date. definetly don’t do that one.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
Random, but. It’s fascinating how “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Good” is so radically different from “Valjean and Javert written by someone who thinks cops are Bad.”
Like, for me the number one Thing that will determine whether I enjoy someone’s take on Valjean and Javert are whether they realize that the police/prison as an institution destroyed both of their lives, and is the villain of both of their stories XD.
But yeah it’s really fascinating! Both in adaptations and in fanfiction, the tone/interpretation with which the plot beats are handled can change so much about the characterization. All the adaptations/fic start off with the same basic plot beats but so much can be changed and colored (for better or worse) by the way the author chooses to interpret them
#i do want to say that I always think more people in the fandom is fun!#and fanfic is supposed to be whatever self indulgent stuff scratches your id and can’t be held to the same standards as published stuff#I will never tell people what to write!#also I’ve got cringe fanfic on ao3 too (let he who is without cringe cast the first stone etc etc)#so I’d be the WORST person to preach about that XD#(the next part in the tags is a joke don’t come at me)#but— as a lighthearted joke— sometimes to me personally the Les mis fandom feels like#imagine if you’re in the fandom for the new she ra show#and the show’s about the Evil Horde and how it destroys the lives of the two main characters in different ways#but then like? half the fandom insisted on referring to it as the Morally Okay Reformable Horde#and then like. all the catra/adora fanfic ended with Catra realizing she needs to be a Nicer horde soldier#and maybe adora rejoins the horde to and they go off to fight for Justice (which is what the horde does)#and then you were like ‘huh that’s a bit odd’#‘I thought the point was that the horde poisoned both of their lives and ripped them away from their friends/family’#‘like I thought the evil horde was evil and stuff’#and people responded to you ‘why do you hate catra and catradora?’#and you were like ‘no I love catra! but I thought the whole point was that yknow. she kinda had to leave the evil horde and all’#‘like her upbringing in the horde had left her with a violent self-destructive authoritarian worldview and all’#‘and her obsession with being a good horde soldier was not indeed a good admirable thing but sorta pathetic and sad’#‘and adora was right to leave and hate the horde for what it did to her’#‘and her flaw was that (like catra) she still internalized a lot of the way it taught her to view herself’#‘and the whole fun of catradora is the idea of the two of them sorta finally figuring out who they are outside of that abusive system’#anyway in this metaphor catra is javert adora is Valjean the horde is the police catradora Is valvert XD#this is a goofy metaphor made after hours of homework and is not to be taken too seriously
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thegirlwithataser · 2 years
My Thoughts on Wednesday
I just finished Wednesday on Netflix and these are my thoughts.
First, I will say that I was very apprehensive going into this show. The Addams Family is a very well known and well defined story. The characters are extremely set in their personalities and based on the promotional materials for the show, I was concerned about the characterization of Wednesday in particular. Nevertheless, I decided to wait until I’d seen it to form a judgment on the characterization of any of the Addams characters. 
My apprehension about the show also stems from the amount of queer-specific promotion that Netflix did prior to the shows release. They hosted a premier event titled ‘WednesGAY’ with RuPaul’s Drag Race alumni in attendance, heavily implying queer representation from the show without explicitly saying it. More than this, they tweeted about the relationship between Enid and Wednesday ambiguously, using phrases like “the opposites attract storyline we need” alongside pictures of Enid and Wednesday, again not explicitly saying that they are romantically linked, but clearly implying it. I’ve been burned before by promotion for a show being different from the actual media, so all of this made me want to tread lightly. Still, I chose to reserve my judgment until I had actually watched the show.
Well, I watched all eight episodes and it was certainly something.
The show has received a tidal wave of praise from everyday people on the internet. I’ve seen multiple people say that it’s the best show they’ve seen all year, heralding the creators as geniuses and begging Netflix for a second season. Now, I’m not here to judge other people’s enjoyment of the show. Art is subjective and if you enjoyed the series then good for you! If you hated it, that’s fine too! I’m not here to talk about whether the show was ‘good’ or ‘bad’. I want to talk about the content of the show itself.
I’m about to use a word that I very rarely use on the internet because it has been warped and bastardized and weaponized to a point where its original definition is nearly obsolete. Queerbait. I know, I know, I’m sorry. But I’m not just throwing it out there, hear me out on this one. Queerbait in its original definition is much more rare than people online would have you believe. Queerbaiting is not when a character is queercoded without actually ever being confirmed as queer, it is not a show using queer themes and subtext without having any actual queer representation. Queerbaiting is, in its simplest definition, when a creator or production company markets a media project as queer representation when it is, in fact, not queer representation. Take for example, a massive media corporation marketing a show all about people being othered by society with a massive queer event. Then to follow that by tweeting out purposefully ambiguously worded tweets about the two female leads of the show. The logical assumption to be made there is that this show has queer representation in it. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t.
I don’t blame people for thinking that Wednesday was going to have queer representation in it. Netflix marketed it in a way that made it seem like that would be the case. Furthermore, the show is about marginalized groups. Nevermore Academy is, in the show's own words, a place for outcasts, those that are different from the normal. They even separate the characters as ‘outcasts’ versus ‘normies’. The main conflict in the storyline is quite literally about hatred for those marginalized groups, the attacks are an obvious allegory for hate crimes. It absolutely makes sense that a show all about society’s outcasts would have queer characters in it. So my question is: Why doesn’t it?
Aside from the fact that the main conflict of the story applies very literally to the queer experience, the show actually takes it a step further. If it weren’t for the queer marketing of the show, I could write off the queer subtext without present queer representation as ignorance. What I can’t write off is the show’s usage of queer trauma in the form of an allegory for conversion therapy. In the episode where students’ families visit them at Nevermore, Enid, Wednesday’s werewolf roommate who is struggling with her werewolf identity, is visited by her mother, a werewolf who is incredibly disappointed in her daughter’s delay in “wolfing out”. As a ‘gift’, she gived Enid a bunch of brochures for ‘werewolf summer camp’, which Enid immediately calls out as being “werewolf conversion therapy”. This is not a subtle metaphor for the conversion therapy queer people have suffered in real life, this is a blatant reference to it. Enid quite literally calls it ‘conversion therapy’. The usage of something that causes very real queer trauma by a show that does nothing to actually further the representation and voice of the queer community is disgusting and honestly kind of ridiculous.
I will acknowledge that the show does technically have two queer characters, and I don’t write this to disregard their existence. One of the students at Nevermore, a friend of Wednesday’s named Eugene, has two queer mothers who visit him while he is in the hospital after being the victim of one of the attacks. That’s great, and a very cute addition to the show, the issue is that they don’t actually do anything in the show. They’re two characters that show up in only two scenes, with a small handful of lines, and absolutely no impact on the storyline. You could take them out of the show and absolutely nothing would change. This is not groundbreaking queer representation, and it’s incredibly disappointing that a show about those othered by society only prepresents queer people in two throwaway characters.
A queer character or even a few would have fit very well into this show and would not have required the storyline to change whatsoever. A queer character in the main cast of characters actually would have furthered the message of the impact of hate on those who exist outside the norm of society. It would have made the queer themes of Enid’s story in particular all the more powerful. A young girl who feels as though she doesn’t fit in with the rest of her family, like there’s something wrong with who she fundamentally is? That’s right out of the queer experience handbook. She even has a scene where her dad pulls her aside after her mom calls her a disappointment and tells her that he loves her no matter who she is. All of this is representative of the queer experience, so why are there no queer characters?
All this is to say that I’m incredibly disappointed. Netflix is a massive media corporation and The Addams Family is an incredibly well known brand. They didn’t have to market the show using queer imagery and allusions to queer representation in order to get viewers. It’s an Addams Family themed project from the mind of Tim Burton starring Jenna Ortega, it would have done well marketed for exactly what it is: a cute offshoot of the Addams Family brand set at a spooky boarding school for outcasts complete with a monster themed murder-mystery and a unique cast of magical characters. It even would have made sense for Netflix to market the show using the love triangle loosely based at the center of the plot between Wednesday, Tyler, and Xavier. Everyone knows viewers love a good love triangle. But that’s not what happened. Instead, Netflix took advantage of it’s extremely large queer viewerbase thanks to actual queer shows and marketed directly to them, knowing full well that what they were implying was not representative of the show itself.
Netflix gets accused of queerbaiting a lot, and for the most part, it’s often false. Wednesday, however, is unfortunately close to that baseline definition I mentioned earlier. It’s incredibly disappointing to see that even a show about the outcasts of society forget about the importance of queer people. Unless, of course, they can be used as marketing to boost numbers and make corporations money without actually doing anything to give a voice to that community.
If you would like to read more, Junkee released an excellent article on it.
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tragedygf · 9 months
so many oldest siblings on this website … this is so clear to me in the way you guys talk about kendall
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pzos-amiserableidiot · 10 months
was watching tiktok and a video had the song michael in the bathroom playing and I was vicerally reminded of being in middle and high school and mom always mentioning how much I looked like my dad (his name is michael) and how I slowly was able to start noticing it too and whenever I sang the song it reminded me of him and I felt like we were overlapping too often felt like id never be anyone but a shadow or his mirror and then i began learning i was trans and now the song makes me think of him even more (he’s not a bad dad he tells me he’s proud of me and stuff there’s just two really big moments he unknowingly failed and one long continuous one but he loves me and he’s proud and he supports me and he didn’t mean it and ive learned to make that enough) and the weird flashback I got when I heard that song and overlapping with his face and how if I transitioned I almost fear I’d be his clone and yeah Anywyas banger song
#the moments were that time he told me how he used to want something to be wrong with him and he’d cut himself to try and prove something was#and he showed me his incredibly faint scars and this was after I told them I was depressed and his solution was to tell me he faked it????#and didn’t even see anything wrong or worrying that he’d cut himself or was self destructive or wished something was wrong so he’d have#something to blame for being the way he was and like DAD THATS DEPRESSION but I was too numb and shocked and felt so so so betrayed becuase#it felt mocking at the time like his way of comforting me. his child. was to fucking show me his scars and be like I faked it so I know#it’s real and sorry I don’t understand WTF DAD#Other time was when he gave me his phone to play Pokémon go and I betrayed his trust (he didn’t like anyone going through his phone) and#went looking through and found Grindr and saw some shirtless photos and people messaging before I left#dad had a shirtlesss photo on there. and I had to pretend everything was fine and erase the evidence and give the phone back and help look#for furniture for our new house and never tell mom cause she’s been through so much already (I really shouldn’t have known I wasn’t her#therapist but this is about daddy issues right now not the mommy ones) so anyways I never told him and years later he told me his friends#signed him up for Grindr as a prank and to make friends and that’s why he thinks someone from his work I pranking him by signing him up#for a gay furry dating site and yet I saw him on his bed sometimes messaging people and yeah#oh and the long continous one was not divorcing mom and defending her saying she loves us when she rejected me and my sister for being trans#and being gone for most of my childhood working and never understanding the fucked up dynamic of home that took place and resenting him for#ruining the perfect routine (sharp words scary feelings always wanting to cry)#anyways michael in the bathroom always gives me weird feelings#cause I hate and love my dad and I looked up to him so much and loooking like him would’ve been a dream but sometiems the wrongs he did#come back haunt my thoughts and I want to scratch and tear apart every feature that makes me look like him. I look nothing like my mom so#there’s nothing physical to tear apart (I just act like her sometimes and have to force myself not the throw up and attack myself from the#disgust)
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I think one of my wisdom teeth is coming in and like. Can It Not
#like on the one hand heyyyyy girl i was wondering when you’d join the party. but on the other.. this is like the worst time for this#to happen. i haven’t factored dental bills in my budget?? i only go like once a year or less#and i just blew a lot of cash on a kindle and a switch and accessories for both because it is my birthday on wednesday and i feel strange#i have not budgeted for dental surgery!! and ya girl is not eligible for nhs dentistry#also there’s only one in my town and those people rejected me for a job so i cannot go there ever lol#also. like. can we talk about the fact that i’m nearly 27 and my wisdom teeth are only showing up NOW. like. that’s so weird#i know technically they can come in any time up to when you’re 30 or even beyond. but i really thought i was clear when i hit 25ish#also since i was 19 my dentists have been telling me ‘your wisdom teeth are barely there’ like i only have two of them#and they’re not doing anything. until now#i don’t know for certain it’s a wisdom tooth but there is some tomfoolery happening. that side of my mouth feels tender when i eat#on it; especially right behind my back molar. and i thought it was the molar itself so i decided to take a look and see if there was#a cavity; and instead i saw that my gum is really swollen and it looks like something is trying to poke through???#hahaha i hate my life. omg#at least my dentist is really nice and i don’t think he’s gone on a permanent sabbatical right after meeting me; like my previous 2 dentists#did. literally i seem to have a talent for making dentists quit#i think it’s the way i refuse anaesthetic/numbing (because my body is resistant to it) and then i just close my eyes for the duration of the#procedure and look like i’ve fallen asleep#like it’s gotta be fucking unnerving. tallest palest person you’ve ever seen walks in and doesn’t flinch while you drill into her teeth#sans anaesthesia#i don’t even really have a high pain tolerance. i just hate the whole situation with the needle so i refuse it and try to endure#what i’m more worried about than anything is the recovery from surgery. 7-10 days???? wdym#at least i’ll have stuff to do 🤪🤪🤪 maybe i knew something when i bought the devices#oh god i hope i don’t say something stupid while i’m loopy. oh god#personal
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ivystitches · 2 years
lorelai gives luke an ultimatum and tells him that he should figure out how april fits into their lives and not how she fits into his and april’s relationship, and this may just be a cultural thing but how were any of you rooting for her? and then she goes and sleeps with christopher?!
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bramblepurr · 2 years
finally closed the discord dms between me and an ex friend and i. i just wanna cry
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