#i didn't even mean to get some brainstorming in there. thought i'd be too tired today
armentas · 1 year
holy shit. delora doesn't exist within the haven universe anymore, but i absolutely need to have someone use the old dialogue i had planned for her.
delora, comforting heather: if you think about it, we exist in the first place because people care for each other. we exist because people loved each other as far back as adam and eve, and cain and abel.
heather: i think you're thinking of the wrong story. cain killed abel.
delora: i think you can love someone, and still kill them.
#the question is: who would say a line like that#there's a reason it was reserved for delora#she's more poetic. or at least that was her development back then#the implications of the dialogue fit erin but erin isn't poetic enough for it and has no connection to religion#it's actually giving beau vibes tbh and it makes sense given he has survivor's guilt#he thinks he could've prevented the car accident that injured him and killed his best friends#and in his eyes that's the same as actively killing them#WAAAAIT... HOLD ON... I THINK I'M ONTO SOMETHING NOW...#passivity is one of his fatal flaws. and i've been operating under the mindset he is not aware of this issue#but considering he judges his passivity for that action + judges himself for not being able to ''save'' heather#it's obvious he knows. and i feel like that unlocks a lot more character potential to have a character who like#knows what their problem is and they watch themselves cause problems with said problem but they don't know what to do#and he should not only witness when he's passive about others but definitely when he's like that about his own life#bc that's where it's most prevalent. he can take more action when it's someone else but he feels too hopeless to save himself#i didn't even mean to get some brainstorming in there. thought i'd be too tired today#good for me!#ramble#active brainstorming#this also means that josie is beau if he felt no remorse about not taking action and just prioritized himself instead#i already knew they had some serious parallels but hmm....#ok i'm done now. insanity over <3
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dotster001 · 2 years
You know what a mean entitled girl is ? Like Idia, Vil, malleus, rook, crewel and Crowley standing up for the reader who is being harassed by a mean girl?
Maybe for Crowley and crewel the reader can be a teacher and the mean girl can be a rsa teacher?
Fluff plz
(thank you for the request and for brainstorming with me! I hope they came out how you hoped 🥺 this is a long one so buckle up folks)
Cw:mean girl stuff, use of slut in rooks part, fat shaming in Crewel's, fem!reader
A/N: I've said this in my pin post, but I age up characters to actual college age, because I am in college, and didn't realize until a few months in the characters were not. Everyone here is. 18+
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Moments like these were why he hated to leave his room.
But he had promised to meet you in the library so he could help you understand magic and technology. You wanted to learn all about this world you'd been thrown into, and had been told Idia was the best person to ask about this type of magic.
It's not like he could tell you no! You were his player 2, his Persephone  (not that he'd told you that yet, but still)!
He had arrived just in time to see a richly clad preppy looking girl walk over to your table. Upon a second glance, he realized it was the daughter of one of the higher ups at Olympos INC.
He hid behind a bookshelf and waited. "You're that magicless nobody at NRC, right?"
You gave a tired laugh and gave an affirmative.
"Then you're the one Idia Shroud has been spending all his time with." He watched as she took her perfectly manicured hand and grabbed a lock of your hair, dragging you closer. He felt like he was going to be sick, and you looked like it.
The smile never left her face as she said, "Listen, dearie, Idia Shroud deserves to be with someone of his caliber, not some stupid girl who can't even perform magic." 
Idia felt something snap in him. How dare she talk to you that way! He left his hiding spot and demanded to know why she thought she could treat you like that.
The girl let go of your hair and began stuttering out an explanation but Idia wouldn't have it.
"Y/N is perfect for me! She understands me, and cares about me, and is such a bad ass. I'd like to see you defeat an overblotting mage when you have no magic!"
She continued stuttering but he interrupted. "Y/N is an SSR character, and you're just a normie. So stop wasting my time and get out of here."
She turned pale and ran. After Idia's rage had cleared he got embarrassed and realized everything he'd said.
Please give him hugs! And don't mention his pink hair! He can defend you, but actually talking to you is different, so please be patient with him!
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Vil knew he wanted to date you, but he also knew that given his position, he would have to get both you and his fans used to each other. He was doing this by hanging out with you more in public, and posting photos of the two of you on friend outings.
It was ironic that his more aggressive fans would catch up to you on the day he had planned to ask you to be his girlfriend.
You were at a cafe, and he had had you pick out a table while he grabbed your drinks. When he turned around, he saw a crowd led by  a flawlessly styled girl.
The crowd was yelling at you until the girl held up her hand for silence. "What makes you think you can date Vil Schoenheit?" "Oh, we're not…" you tried to deny it but she interrupted you. 
"I've done some research on you. And from what I can see, nothing about you is worthy of him." You looked down at the table, and he heard you faintly whisper, "you're right."
The girl grinned. "I'm glad we have an understanding. Now get out of here before you embarrass yourself further."
You stood up to leave as Vil elegantly strode over to you. He gently took your chin in his hand and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. When he pulled back, he said, "I've got our drinks, my sweet potato, but I don't think we should stay here. The people here seem much too uncouth for my preferences." You gave a shocked nod, and the two of you left, the girl's mouth gaping in shock. 
Once you reached a secondary location, Vil apologized for kissing you without permission then asked if you were alright. Once you gave him an affirmative, he gently pushed your hair out of your face and with a coy smile said, "you know, I wouldn't mind the opportunity to kiss you again. After all, you owe me for the coffee, and for saving you from that crowd."
The next day, a photo of the two of you was posted on his magicam, officially announcing your relationship, and the caption stating that he had fallen for the fairest one of all.
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Malleus and you had been dating for quite some time, but had agreed to keep it quiet until his graduation and coronation.
Unfortunately, this meant that he was still receiving unwanted attention from both men and women who wanted a political marriage.
Today, a fae woman from a well off family was spending the day with him. He knew that her family had wanted a political marriage with him, but I stead of ruining all ties, he humored her request to visit him for the day.
It was needlessly bothersome. She was truly a skin deep woman, who spent most of the day flattering him, and batting her lashes at him.
The only good part of his day was when he got to see you for a couple of minutes at lunch time. You had sought him out with some extra sweets you had bought for him, introduced yourself to the fae woman and gone on your way. 
There was no reason for his guest to think anything of your relationship, but being the only girl in an all boy's school had her immediately deem you a threat.
Now, in the midst of her flattery, she was throwing in subtle insults at you, your standing, your character, anything she thought she could glean from your brief meeting.
"I can't even imagine what it is like for you to have to attend classes with a useless human." That did it. Diplomacy be damned. He whirled in on the woman, and the sky outside grew dark and stormy.
"Useless? Where were you when I was lonely? Where were you when I needed anything? Y/N is my child of man, your future queen, and you will treat them with the respect that a human of their intelligence, kindness, and beauty deserves." The woman cowered Infront of him, thoroughly chastised. He turned on his heels, and said, "This visit is over" without looking back at her.
As he was walking away he was surprised to find you running down the hallway. When you spotted him, your face relaxed in relief and you made your way to him.
"Mal Mal! I saw the storm, are you alright?" If he hadn't already fallen for you, he would have fallen deeper in love right then with your sweet eyes looking up at him full of concern, only for him.
"Yes my child of man," he cupped your face gently. "All is well."  The storm cleared, and all was well. He would protect you no matter who he had to upset. You were worth it.
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Rook was out hunting. For you. So he wasn't really hunting, He was just watching you from the top of a tree and basking in your presence.
You probably knew he was there. You were so incisive like that. It's why you were his favorite prey. 
As he watched, he saw a girl make her way over to you. He could sense only bad intentions from her, but what kind of hunter would he be if he intervened while you defended yourself!
The girl stood in front of you and gave a sugary artificial smile. "You're Y/N, right?" Once you gave a nod, she sat down with you.
She began to talk non stop while you just sat there listening. After a while he heard her say, "You know, most of the guys here have a crush on you." Rook held back a growl. He knew that, but said men who had a crush on you had an unspoken agreement not to say anything about it.
"Oh." That was all you said in response. Rook wondered if this was the first time you'd thought about it. It seemed to be. 
"Yeah," the girl continued. "And you're the only girl at an all boy's school." You looked like you were about to ask what she was doing here then, when she said, "I'm just here visiting my brother. But from what I hear, it seems as though you enjoy the attention." She gave a withering glare. "My brother says you'll spend time with any boy who asks. One guy isn't enough for you, huh?" Rook knew it was coming, but he was still filled with rage when he heard it. "Slut."
He jumped down from the tree immediately. The girl was startled, but you were not. He was right, you'd known he was there. But the pride he'd felt from that was overshadowed by the urge to protect his lapin.
"Mademoiselle, it would be better for you not to listen to baseless rumors, and then spread them around. It is not a beautiful look for you."
She tried to swallow her shock, and retort, "It's not baseless. I heard from my brother, and she clearly relishes the attention."
Rook tilted his head to the side. "Yes, I'm sure madame trickster enjoys the men who leer at her like a piece of meat. I'm sure she enjoys having to triple check that her doors are locked at night. And I'm sure she adores having to worry about the men who she turned down, of which I'm sure your brother is one." He gave her a withering glare. "Even if she did enjoy the attention, it would be no concern of yours."
She looked frightened, but still managed to storm off. He then turned his attention to you. "Are you alright mon ange?" You nodded, and thanked him for defending you. "Non, non, to see your beautiful face married with worry would be a burden I could not bear." He playfully placed his hat on your head down over your eyes, and relished in your giggles.
He knew today wouldn't be a good time to confess, but when he did, he would definitely want to hear more of that laugh.
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After you'd graduated, and still hadn't found a way to return home, he had offered you a job at the college as his full time assistant. After a couple years, and actually getting paid for your efforts, the two of you had become closer.
Trein was preparing to retire. You were at a meeting with a prospective new teacher who was applying for his position. You were taking notes while Crowley asked her questions. It was moments like these that he couldn't see himself without you. You were just the dynamic duo!
When the interview was over, he had you show her out. He was planning on asking you to dinner after this, so he was hastily trying to finish any remaining paperwork while he waited for you to return. 
It had been quite a while, and now he was starting to worry. You had handled numerous dangerous situations by yourself, so he knew you could handle yourself. But he still felt like he should check on you.
When he found you, you looked shaken as the teacher he  was interviewing was talking down to you. "That's what I thought. All that education was wasted on you. You'll never be better than an arm candy assistant."
He waited for you to fight back, but you just looked tired. How long had she been going at you like this? You'd never give up easily, so it must have been for just slightly too long.
"Y/N, there you are, I was beginning to worry." He strode over to you, "You know I can't possibly run this school without you right? You'd been taking so long, I'd almost accidentally sold the Savannahclaw dorm!"
"Again?" You said with a roll of your eyes. There he'd gotten your mind off her insults. Now to deal with her.
"You see, I'm mostly headmage in name only at this point. Y/N here is in charge of everything, the financials, admissions, student therapy, hiring. If we lost her, the school would surely go up in flames. My graciousness can only go so far!"
At the word "hiring" he saw the teacher blanch. She made a hasty excuse and apology, and dashed out of there.
"Thanks for your kind words, headmage, but I don't really deserve…" "It's Crowley, my dear," he interrupted. "And before you start telling yourself you don't deserve praise, you should know that even though I am endlessly kind, I don't throw words around lightly. I meant every bit of it." He gently took your hand. "I would be lost without you." 
You're smile was all the thanks he needed, and the two of you stood in comfortable silence for a moment before he interrupted it. "We should probably go buy back the Savannaclaw dorm though…." "Crowley!!!!!"
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Crewel had called you and Vil into his office after the fairy gala. Crewel had offered you a part time position modeling at his side company. You'd never considered yourself conventionally attractive, but they assured you that wasn't a problem. You had a great dignity, could hold up under pressure, and looked good in Crewel's designs. That's all that mattered.
At the time you had accepted because you figured it would be a great way to make some spare change to support yourself and Grim on until you went home, but as time went on you never went home, and now you had a rather large following, a diploma from NRC, and a full time job at his modeling company.
Crewel would rather spend his time with you, but he still worked at NRC, so he had left you for the day, and hoped he would get to see you work with the designer your manager had suggested for you when he came back.
He came back to see a woman in very heavy, very real looking firs, staring at you like you were dirt.
He walked in as she was circling you, and he recognized her immediately. He made a note to himself to fire your manager, because this designer was on his do not work with list, and he walked into what was surely a blood bath.
"Ah, Divus." She said coldly. "Would you care to tell me why this is your best model? She's quite plain, and much too fat for my work, that I had assumed it was a joke when I walked in here. And! She has something against real furs, and 'non sustainably sourced material's C'mon Divus. Has your company sunk so low?"
You were not fat. You just weren't skinny enough that you could count your ribs. There were two things that Crewel would not stand for; cruelty to animals, and cruelty to humans. Without fail, this designer always did both.  Normally he would have shown her out by now, but she had clearly gotten under your skin.
"Y/N is my best model. She isn't, she's just not starved, which I know is not your preference. She's got a good head on her shoulders, and understands the long term consequences a designer like you can have on our world. It's not even her world, but she still cares more than you. That should tell you something."
She was about to interrupt, but he smacked his whip into his palm. "Bad puppies do not get to speak. You would be lucky to work with a model as wonderful as my Y/N. Unfortunately, your luck has run out, and I will need you to leave the premises immediately.
The designer left with a huff. Crewel walked over to you. "Are you alright?" You gave him a smile and an assuring nod. He placed his hand on your head and missed your hair a little. "Good pup."
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smaller-comfort · 2 months
Some poorly organized thoughts, now that I have consumed a stack of Warhammer books about necrons. (Cannot thank @ocelly enough for sending them to me.)
Spoilers for the Infinite and the Divine and thr Twice Dead King books. I'm not talking about Severed because I am genuinely tired of bursting into tears! I have become a parody of a human being.
Orikan deserves it nearly every time Trazyn leaves him in a mangled heap somewhere. No forgiveness or quarter for breaking those pots during his initial theft of the astrarium! I mean, I get where Orikan is coming from; Necrons as a whole are slaved to their past and their inability to change will destroy them. But also, priceless ancient pottery, you raging douchebag. You also didn't have to break Trazyn's walking stick.
Executioner Philias deserves the chance to decapitate both of them, as a treat. And Sannet deserves a vacation somewhere quiet and restful.
I know Orikan tends to be characterized as a shrieking gremlin in contrast to Trazyn's laconic smarminess but they both engage in a lot of shrieking gremlin antics here.
I love how the rise and fall of Serenade's civilizations is used as a framing device for the whole story. I love the approach to time itself in the book in general, with the necrons moving on incomprehensibly vast timelines. Pauses in conversations take hours; three years pass in the middle of a brainstorming session between Trazyn and his staff. Orikan manipulates the timeline with wild abandon to occasionally disastrous and frequently hilarious ends. It's a very fun premise, and it drives home the idea of necrons as not just immortal, but also impossibly old.
(It feels like a treat to read something like this after some of the ideas I've chewed on in my Sea of Stars fic. It's hard not to draw parallels, and some part of me desires an entirely senseless crossover. Trazyn would have a delightful time getting to show off his archives to Resh'an, up until the Vial of Time starts breaking down the chronostasis fields in some of the exhibits. Whoops.)
Thinking about the curatorial/transformational dichotomy in fandom makes me want to contemplate an incredibly stupid AU where Trazyn and Orikan have been getting into flamewars with each other on gaming message boards since the early 90s. They have been banned from attending the same conventions and tournaments after getting in one too many fistfights with each other.
I'm not going to write that. (I'm not likely to write anything...but if I do, it's probably going to be porn where Orikan gets dismembered. *sigh* I'm always predictable to myself, of course, but sometimes the mortifying ordeal of being known weighs upon one's mind.)
I just picked up the audio book, so I may give my eyes a break in the coming week and give it a listen.
Zahndrekh's cameo in Ruin, followed by the revelation in Reign that he's wrapped up in the Carnotite conclave bullshit makes me wildly curious as to where Crowley is headed with these stories. Also the fact that Zahndrekh was as weird and off-putting to people when he was alive as he is when he's a necron is so, so fucking hilarious. He's just like that normally! Incredible. I love him more than words can describe.
I feel like if I were better versed in ancient Greek philosophy and Egyptian mythology, I'd have been picking up a lot more of the references and allusions in Twice Dead King. I've also never watched Battlestar Galactica, so I don't know how much the parallels between BG and Reign line up beyond the superficial.
(It may be Locked Tomb brainrot at work making me assume there are additional levels to the story that I'm missing. Not that there aren't already plenty of levels to the story!)
Going back through pieces of Ruin after finishing Reign makes everything hurt even more! Wow. Incredible.
Reading Ruin: Oltyx you absolute gay disaster baby, please get a grip
Reading Reign: wait no not like that oh god no
Yenekh gets to subvert the 'best friend who dies tragically to support the hero' trope because he's not the best friend, he's the love interest. Oltyx spends the first six chapters of Ruin waxing poetic about his dear friend's graceful curves and shining carapace, come on.
(Their reunion on the Polyphemus also made me cry, unsurprisingly. Love wins! Which is the central theme of course; Oltyx's salvation comes from the people who love him.)
Lysikor manages to steal every scene he's in, which is hilariously appropriate. He's just the distilled essence of that one thief in every D&D campaign who rolls way too high on his pickpocket checks. I have to assume that he's relying on his obsession with stealing shit to stave off his own descent into the flayer curse, since he is originally from Ithakas.
If/when he gets turned, he can go to Drazak and make out sloppy style with Oltyx while Yenekh looks on in horror before joining in.
...I mean I guess Lysikor doesn't need to be turned for that, necessarily. It's going to be an extremely messy endeavor, regardless.
Between The Locked Tomb, and Twice-Dead King, it feels like there's a lot of ritualistic cannibalism with skeletons going on around here. 🤷‍♀️
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'Idiots to Lovers' Dialogue Prompts
for all your stupid motherfucker's romantic needs
Inspired by me seeing the tag on ao3, enjoy!
1. "Me?! It was all about me?!"
2. Person A *completely oblivious*: "It's only romantic if you make it, my dear friend."
Person C *sick and tired of it*: "They literally said they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you, you prick."
3. Person A (talking about B): "Have you ever like... loved someone so much it almost drowns you?"
Person B (talking about A): "Yeah."
Person A: "Yeah."
4. "Anybody would be lucky to have you."
5. "I'd rather have them as a friend then nothing at all."
6. Person C: "They asked you on a date."
Person A: "No, they asked me to hang out-"
C: "At the fanciest place in town-"
A: "They wanted to try their food out-"
C: "They sent you a bouquet-"
A: "Now, that's just a nice gift-"
C: "They asked what color you were wearing so they could match-"
A: "Well... they like art, what the fuck am I supposed to say?"
7. Person A: "I'm not stupid."
Person C *far off in another room*: "I don't know~, you're pretty stupid."
8. "They're so out of my league."
9. "Am I... missing something here?"
10. "Funny story... uh, I'm actually in love with you."
11. "I didn't think you were into me."
12. Person B (pouring their heart out): "So, I kinda... wanted it to be a date? But like if you don't want it to be a date, that's super cool too."
Person A (wheezing): "Do *I* WANT IT TO BE A *DATE*-"
13. "Was that like a friend kiss, or ...?"
14. Person B (adoring): "They're so fucking stupid."
Person B (after a pause, thoughtfully) "I think I' love them for it."
15. "Seriously?"
16. "Do you think they like-like me? Check the box yes or no."
17. Person D: "Bet you 10 dollars on it taking them at least 10 years to make a move."
Person C: "50, but make it 20 years."
18. Person B: "Hold my hand."
Person A: "Why?"
B: "I'm cold."
A (not batting an eye): "Oh yeah, absolutely then."
19. "Totally means nothing."
20. "Is there even a possible platonic reason for that?"
21. "I hate to break it to you, but you're in denial."
22. "If there is a world where [character] loves me back, I can assure you... it's not this one."
23. "This is so pathetic, I have got to get my shit together."
24. "Brainstorming, okay. Do people still like send chocolates to people that they love?"
25. Person B: "You threw up on my shoes?!"
Person A: "I was nervous !!!"
26. "No, let's just make a codeword for them... like uh, 007."
27. "If you don't ask them out, I'll do it myself."
28. Person A (dreamily), "Dinner? Coffee? Rollerblading? I'd totally bust my ass for them in the rink, if that's what they wanted."
29. "Do you think they'll be impressed?"
30. Person C: "I think you lost some brain cells when you fell."
Person A (fondly, laying back on the grass): "For them?"
C: "No, out of the tree, you dumbass."
31. "This is totally spying on them, by the way. Super fucking creepy."
32. "Now, that's illegal."
33. "Close your mouth, or you'll catch flies."
34. "Maybe I can... trick them into loving me."
35. "I like how things are now, and if I say anything... everything will change."
37. "Oh, I'm totally going to fuck this up."
38. "I wouldn't joke about this."
39. "Am I dreaming?"
40. (awkwardly) "Ha ha, what a coincidence."
41. "No, you don't understand... This means everything to me."
42. "Wait, you... you didn't know? I really thought I was obvious."
If you use any of these, please tag me! Id love to see them in action.
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