#i didn't think i had that much to say about kazu-kun but here we are
yannig · 4 months
Koisenu Futari’s Kazu-kun: one step further into the amato-normativity discussion
So. What’s up with Kazu-kun. Why does he deserve his own post.
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Kazu-kun starts as a background character, and then progressively becomes the third main character of the show.
And I love him. Which is not a small feat because I started out hating him. And all of it was very much on purpose.
Kazu-kun, I believe, exists as a vessel for the allo audience.
He’s there to asks all the questions the allo viewers are asking themselves, and then to learn and grow from the answers, and become both a friend to our protagonists and an ally to aroace people in general.
He exemplifies the arc the allo viewer would ideally go through while watching the show.
The thing about Koisenu Futari is, it’s a show made from the perspective of aroace characters, for aroace viewers. It’s about our fears, our insecurities, our experience with amato- and allo-normativity, our lives.
And it’s good thing! It’s a significant part of why I love it so much!
But it also means that it’s risking loosing it’s allo audience a bit. (I’d be curious to know how many allo people have watched this show at all tbh). Almost all the other allo characters in the show exist so our protagonists can experience being faced with yet another form of amatonormativity. Kazu-kun exist so an allo character can experience being faced with aromanticism and asexuality.
And it impacts his entire character, including and especially the flaws that made me hate him at the beginning.
Part of it is, of course, because a character needs flaws to grow out of, as the most basic way to write a character arc.
For example, he begins as the most Straight Man™ ever. He thinks Sakuko belongs to him because they dated in the past (are kinda technically on a break the situation wasn’t clear the expectations were very different), thinks cooking is easy and a woman’s job and of course doesn’t know how and thinks it’s perfectly normal because he’s a man, absolutely cannot fathom how a man could not be sexually attracted to a woman he’s even somewhat close to.
All those traits are flaws he will overcome as he grows and becomes a better man.
But part of it is also traits he needs to play his role well.
He is, for one, a very nosy character, with a strong sens of entitlement that means he’ll stop at little to get his answers. Which of course makes him absolutely insufferable at the beginning! I spent almost all of episode 4 wanting to slap him! But it’s a necessary character trait for him to actually ask out loud the questions the allo audience is quietly wondering about. If he was a proper and polite Japanese man, he wouldn’t be asking those questions, and therefore wouldn’t be fulfilling his role in the story.
And then he learns. All his questions and indiscretions get him somewhere, which is a much better understanding of aroace people. And with some luck, the allo audience learned with him, without needing to invade actual aroace people’s privacy!
(yes I’m still salty about ep4, why do you ask. just because it was narratively necessary doesn’t make it any less hard to watch)
To be perfectly honest, from a pure character development perspective, I think he changes a bit too quickly. But, well. The show is only 8 episodes. Also that’s my only complaint about this show.
He first learns how to cook, and most importantly, instantly apologizes to Sakuko for asking her to cook like it was nothing. This ability to 1) recognize when he was wrong and 2) apologize for it, is key in his whole development and one of the main reasons I’m ready to accept that he did a 180 so quickly.
Cooking, of course, if a synecdoche for every gendered expectation about couples. He’s not just learning how to cook, he’s learning that the things he was taught to expect from his future wife actually take work and are very much doable and enjoyable as a man.
Most importantly, he learns that romance is not the only register he can use to interact with women; in this case especially Sakuko. In fact, at the end of episode 4, he offers that since she is aroace, they could have a QPR together.
(the show doesn’t call it a QPR, doesn’t use the word at all, but that’s exactly what it is, both the actual arrangement between Sakuko and Takahashi, and what Kazu-kun offers to Sakuko)
So, big points for getting what Minori can’t seem to grasp in ep 6: QPR are not reserved to aromantics! Really important lesson that a lot of allies never learn.
In this specific case, I don’t think it would have worked, and it can very well be interpreted as him refusing to let go. I don’t think a QPR with the woman he’s still very much in love with is a good idea. And while he has learned a lot, he’s still pretty new to the whole thing, and I think he’d still have too many expectations that would end up hurting Sakuko.
And once Sakuko has taken the time to think about it and tells him no, not only does he listen, not only doesn’t he get upset, but he immediately reassure her that they are still friends and will keep being friends.
In that way, this whole journey of his allows Kazu-kun and Sakuko to get back the easy and joyous friendship they seemed to have lost when they broke up. Which is both the biggest and final proof of maturity on his part and the best thing he got from the whole adventure.
Once he understand that Sakuko and Takahashi are aroace and quite happy with it, he also becomes their first defender. He tells Minori off twice when she steps out of line, and is ready to correct one of their colleagues when he assumes that he and Sakuko are a couple. Good example of how to be an ally.
Faced with micro-aggression (or even overt and intentional aggression), minorities:
might get overwhelmed by emotions and are almost certainly more sensitive to it than allies
are less likely to be listened to if they correct the person, because they are a minority
often cannot afford to be angry or aggressive or anything other than incredibly diplomatic about it without being told off, a problem allies face a lot less
Hence why a big part of allies' job is correcting other privileged people. Great ally-ship, take notes everyone.
In conclusion, I said last time that Minori and Haruka exemplify how amatonormativity also harms allo people. I’d argue that, with all this:
Kazu-kun shows what allo people have to gain from getting rid of it.
(his best friend back, at least one new friend, a new vital skill, and a lot less expectations)
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the-himawari · 24 days
A3! Sakisaka Muku - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Treasure (2/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Muku: (This should be the place, I think…)
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Sakyo: …
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Muku: ! —Good afternoon, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: Ah, you came. That was quicker than I thought.
Mukuk: The hint for my treasure hunt was easy to figure out, after all. This came to mind as soon as I saw the sheet. It felt new talking to you alone here, so I remember it like it was yesterday.
Sakyo: Same here.
*flashback starts*
Muku: …
Sakyo: …Sakisaka?
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Muku: Sakyo-san! What a coincidence.
Sakyo: Yeah. …Are you studyin’? I didn't interrupt you, did I?
Muku: Oh, no. I’m more or less finished already, so it’s not a problem. If you’d like, why don’t you take a seat here? Did you come here to read some books?
Sakyo: I just wrapped up some work nearby. I finished what I had to do earlier than planned, so I thought I’d read some books as a break before headin’ home.
Muku: Okay, I see.
Sakyo: …Sakisaka, I see your glass is empty already. It looks like you were workin’ hard on your studies. I’ll buy you another drink.
Muku: Eh! Not at all. You don’t have to treat me…! I was just doing my own thing here…
Sakyo: There’s no need to be polite. But if Nanao and the others find out, they'll be clamourin' all over me. So in exchange, don't say a peep to them about this.
Muku: Alright…! Thank you very much for the treat.
Sakyo: Don’t mention it. What do you wanna order?
Muku: Hmm, I’ll get iced tea then…!
Sakyo: By the way, the shoujo manga you told me about the other day was pretty interestin’ and worth the read.
Muku: Really!? That’s wonderful to hear!
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Sakyo: The drawings were really detailed. The outfits were also drawn with lots of care.
Muku: That’s right! All the scenes were breathtaking and captured your eye. The military uniform the hero was wearing looked quite dashing, didn’t it? The dress the heroine wore also had lots of variations, so I recommended it to Yuki-kun… And he said they were good references for his designs.
Sakyo: I see.
Muku: By the way, the military uniform the hero wears is so popular that they’re selling it as a plushie costume as well!
Sakyo: A plushie costume? They sell stuff like that?
Muku: Yep! It comes in several sizes, so you can dress your stuffed animal in one that fits them.
Sakyo: (Is it that popular? I dunno much about plushies myself, so I’m not sure what all the craze is about. But…) That sounds like merch you’d like, Sakisaka.
Muku: Ehehe. I can’t deny that. I’d like to dress William up one day…
Sakyo: William… oh yeah, that was the teddy bear you own, right?
Muku: Yes! Right now, I’m working hard to slowly save up money to buy that costume for him.
Sakyo: I see. You’re thinkin’ with a plan in mind. That’s great.
Muku: Thank you very much. In any case, I’m really happy that both you and Yuki-kun read that work.
Sakyo: You’re good at recommending the manga you like to others. I naturally felt like givin’ it a read. That being said, maybe we can capitalize on that…
Muku: Capitalize on it…?
Sakyo: As the Shoujo Manga Appreciation Club, it might not be a bad idea to give presentations on the manga that we wanna recommend to our fellow members.
Muku: Presentations…! Wow, that makes me nervous, but I’d be happy if I could get everyone even a little interested in the things I have to share.
Sakyo: Miyoshi gives great presentations too, doesn’t he?
Muku: That’s true! I’d love to listen to yours and Kazu-kun’s presentations too. Let’s discuss it with Kazu-kun as soon as we get home!
Sakyo: Yeah, let’s do that.
*flashback ends*
Muku: And that’s how the Shoujo Manga Appreciation Club started holding presentations every now and then. Both you and Kazu-kun introduce themes that I never would’ve thought of myself, so it’s always fun when it’s time for a presentation.
Sakyo: I think your presentations are intriguing too… But this comes first today. Happy birthday, Sakisaka.
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Muku: Aw, thank you very much…! Wow, the wrapping is adorable. Is it alright if I open it?
Sakyo: Go ahead.
Muku: …!! This is the military uniform from that work…! It’s the plushie costume that I mentioned back then, right…!
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Sakyo: Yeah. It didn’t look like you bought it yet. You can use that money you saved up for another special somethin’. It should fit since I got Miyoshi to check the plushie’s size in advance.
Muku: Thank you so much! I’m so happy! I never thought I’d receive this costume…! I’ll dress William up once I get home!
Sakyo: Pff… if it makes you that happy, then it was worth gettin’ as a present. Alright, here’s your next hint.
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (4/11)
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(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Chapter 4
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Kazunari: Heh, this painting conveys a lot of love through the motif~. How catchy, easy to understand too!
Kazunari: Uwah, this piece is amazing! So moving! I'm liking this one~.
Kazunari: Which one's your fave, Tenten?
Tenma: .....Something about this one is nice. It's eye-catching.
Kazunari: I see~, so Tenten likes this kinda style! I get what you mean!
Tenma: I don't know much about art, so it's a bit difficult for me to properly understand.
Kazunari: That's okay! It's fine to perceive art in your own way, if your gut says 'I can't explain why, but I like this' or 'this one isn't that good', then that's that.
Kazunari: Just because it's a painting, it doesn't mean you're required to think super hard about it...
Kazunari: It's the same as listening to music, like how you know you enjoy a song because of the way it excites you!
Kazunari: When I draw, I try to create artwork that'll make people feel that same way.
Kazunari: It doesn't matter if it's an exhibition piece or just a doodle.
Kazunari: I always want to make something that those who see it will enjoy, even if just a little.
Kazunari: Of course, not everyone is going to feel the same.
Kazunari: ...Oops, guess I got a bit serious there.
Tenma: To me, your paintings….
Tenma: ...Nevermind, it's nothing.
Customer A: Isn't that Sumeragi Tenma?
Customer B: Oh my god, you're right!
Tenma: --.
Kazunari: It's pretty darn hot today, don't ya think, Tenten? How ‘bout we go chow down on some shaved ice?
Tenma: Huh?
Customer A: That's definitely Sumeragi Tenma.
Customer B: Should we ask him?
Tenma: ---Yer darn right! It's swelterin' out! Let's hop to it!*
Customer A: Is that not him after all?
Customer B: His accent's different.... Were we wrong?
Customer A: They look so similar~.
Tenma: That was such a bad Kansai accent.
Kazunari: Ahaha, thankfully we didn't get caught~.
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Tenma: (It's been a while since I've had a day off, I'll take it easy today...)
Misumi: I got a piece of paper!
Tenma: ?
Yuki: Then let's start. We'll go clockwise.
Kumon: Oh, Tenma-san, perfect timing! Let's draw together!
Tenma: Shiritori? I'll pass, I want to relax a bit--.*
Yuki: Not confident in your art skills?
Tenma: I'm not-, why you little--!
Muku: Tenma-kun can sit here.
Izumi: Then, I'll go first.
Muku: Are we done with this round?
Misumi: That was hard~!
Kumon: Let's compare answers!*
Muku: Director-san's is 'curry', right.
Kumon: Yuki's is 'refrigerator'. Easy guess!
Yuki: Misumi drew a boat?
Misumi: It's 'fishing'~!*
Kumon: So, what did Tenma-san draw…?
Yuki: An evil spirit?
Tenma: That doesn’t fit the pattern.
Misumi: Monster!
Tenma: That doesn’t fit the pattern either!
Kumon: Amoeba?
Tenma: None of those fit!
Yuki: Then what is it?
Tenma: ……Cat.
Izumi: I-I see….
Kumon: A cat—!!
Kumon: How does that fit.
Misumi: 'Cause~, I've been talking to the neighborhood watch about how to feed the strays! This is how!
Izumi: It's actually gave an explanation!?
Misumi: Maybe I'll upload it to Inste later~.
Kumon: Speaking of, Sumi-san, you've gained a ton of followers!
Yuki: Maybe his guest performance had something to do with it.
Kumon: Keep this up, and you might become the popular one!
Tenma: .....
Yuki: What're you so quiet for?
Misumi: Tenma, are you tired~?
Tenma: .....Yeah, well, something like that.
Kumon: It's your day off, so you should get some rest!
Tenma: You guys roped me into this!
Kumon: Haha, sorry, sorry.
Kumon: Sumi-san's been busy with his guest role, and Tenma-san's hasn't been in the dorms for a while, so we just wanted to hang out.
Misumi: It's fun playing with everyone~!
Kumon: Though, Kazu-san is still huddled up in his room working...
Tenma: Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him.
Muku: It looks like he's in the final stages of creating his piece for the open-call exhibition. He's been at it so much he's barely even eaten.
Izumi: I'm a little worried about him.
Misumi: Let's make some onigiri and bring them to him!
Muku: Great idea!
Misumi: Kazu's favorite is basil and cheese, so let's make a ton of it~!
(door opens)
Kazunari: 'Sup guys~!
Muku: Kazu-kun!? Did you finish your artwork?
Kazunari: Yep! Thanks to Tenten's input, it came out great!
Izumi: Congrats!
Tenma: I'm glad.
Yuki: Good work.
Kumon: We were just thinking about making some onigiri and bringing it to you.
Kazunari: For reals!? Well, I am pretty hungry~.
Misumi: Then let's all have an onigiri party!
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Kazunari: Hmm.....
Muku: What is it?
Kazunari: I figured I'd update my Inste, but I don't have anything to post...
Muku: Well it's fine not to update it constantly, right?
Kazunari: It is, but since I post all the time on it, it's become a habit.
Kazunari: ---Oh, I just remembered, I never uploaded that pic I took when I ran into Tenten earlier!
Muku: A photo with Tenma-kun?
Kazunari: Uh-huh! Back when the two of us walked around that gallery.
Kazunari: I took it to commemorate me running into Tenten heading home from work~.
Muku: Ah, I see. That's a pretty good idea for role-building for our play.
Kazunari: It was fun getting to find some inspo for the open-call exhibition~.
Muku: Ah, by the way, what were the results of the applications for that?
Kazunari: I actually should be hearing about that soon...
Kazunari: Oh, I've got an email.
Kazunari: I don't recognize the address... Speak of the devil!?
Muku: Uwah, my heart's racing.
Kazunari: The result is...
Kazunari & Muku: !?
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*both kazu and tenma switch to kansai accents here (idk how to tl that accurately so take the country accent copout)
*game where each player draws something beginning with the last letter/kana of the thing the person before them drew (also the theme of mankai's 2021 relay blog!)
*their shiritori answers in japanese are: カレー (karē), 冷蔵庫 (reizouko) aka リーファー (rīfā), 当たり (atari), 猫 (neko). tenma thought misumi drew 船 (fune). yuki guesses tenma’s is 怨霊 (onryou)
*the more accurate tl would be bite (on a fish hook) but i felt this explained it what he meant better
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