#i didnt start feeling better until may this year when it usually starts up again in oct
heyfoureyes · 6 months
it's almost funny how I had such an overwhelming fear that the seasonal depression was going to be bad this year, that I couldn't even enjoy fall (my favorite season). only for december to be here already and I still feel? kind of ok? that's overthinking for ya
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butterscotch-brigade · 8 months
sooo i finally watched invader zim enter the florpus!! i was gonna wait until i finished the comics first but then i saw that apparently clembrane appears in the comics after the movie?? and i didnt want to risk getting spoiled bc yknow. the movie is when he First Appears so i thought id watch it before picking the comics back up again.
anyway, here r my thoughts on the movie down below!!
it was....pretty good!! there were a LOT of positives for me, but ultimately one major thing that i really wish could have been done better (but we'll get to that in a bit). again, i liked it, i thought it was a good movie! im gonna list all the things i especially liked followed by the things that kinda bothered me a bit so bear with me lol
i know this is an Unpopular Opinion, but i actually rly like the art style!! i still think the show's designs r better, but i rly RLY liked how vibrant and smooth the animation was in this film. plus movies based on animated series already tend to have a slightly different art style anyway (the spongebob movies and the mlpfim movie come to mind) so i didnt mind the change. add to that the fact that this movie came out 17 years after the shows cancellation and its no wonder that jhonen vasquez's art has changed since then, plus i'd imagine there was a much bigger art/animation team this time around. anyway ofc i rly loved the part where they Enter The Florpus (lol get it) and go thru all the different art/animation styles, i loooovee stuff like that and i think every animated production should do smth like that at least once solely bc i love it so much. for me
clembrane is rly funny and i love him. im glad hes here now. dib and gaz have TWO dads
PROF. MEMBRANE WAS SO FUCKING COOL????? like omg i was NOT expecting him to be so badass in this???? when he shot the giant fucking Laser Blast out of his arms and wiped out all those robots my jaw DROPPED i was in SHOCK!!!! he was hiding all that power this whole time????? DAMN no wonder hes considered one of the most important scientists on earth
the humor was really fucking funny as always w iz LOLLLL there were multiple points that made me laugh out loud. special shoutout to the callback they made to mortos der soulstealer where zim and dib are yelling at each other and zim keeps going "WHAT????" ASKDJALSKDJ thats one of my fav jokes from the show so im glad they did that here
gir aka my fav was SOOO CUUUTEEE his stupid little peace song was so funny and adorable, i love p much everything he does in this movie as usual SDKJFLDSKJ gir my beloved
even if i have some issues w it (which we'll get to shortly), i DO like seeing that dibs family really do care for him, particularly prof. membrane. hearing him say he was proud of dib did make me smile
im not entirely sure how i feel abt the tallests canonically dying, but i do think its a funny way to kill them off and end their story. like.....ofc they die bc theyre too entitled to steer their spaceship. what else would they die from SAKFJLSDKJ
all that being said, there was one major thing that kind of bugged me a bit, as well as a few minor nitpicks.
starting off with my biggest issue, and this might be a confusing one for some, but let me explain: in my opinion, compared to the show, this movie felt just a bit too.....sanitized? "feel-good"-ish? ....happy?? now just hear me out. a large part of what made invader zim so appealing, especially to that older tween/young teen crowd (many of whom fell into the emo subculture), is the fact that, compared to other kids cartoons at the time and even today, it was a very mean-spiritied, cynical, pessimistic show. the main protagonist is a villain trying to take over the world. his rival is the show's antagonist, so audiences may find themselves rooting against him even tho hes trying to save the world. gaz is on no one's side but her own and frequently bullies her brother and does not care what happens to zim. and it works!! thats a key factor in why so many people, myself included, like the show. it isnt afraid to have unhappy/unsatisfying endings, and there are very few "happy" moments (aside from gir, ofc, who is a fan favorite for this reason; his happiness in spite of the dark world around him is a great source of irony and genuine enjoyment). and i feel like this movie lacks a lot of that cynicism and bitterness from the show, yknow? like....i like dib and i want him to succeed, but part of his appeal is knowing that he never will, or at least not in the way he wants. we want dib's family to recognize him, we want gaz to show that she still loves him, and we want prof. membrane to say that hes proud of him. but.....invader zim is not really the type of show. i understand that this is ofc a movie for kids, but again, part of what made the show so appealing was the fact that it was so dark WHILE still being for kids. the closest thing we get to any kind of "mean-spiritedness" is the tallests deaths, which, while deserved and executed in a funny way, only happens at the end. idk i just felt like this movie was kinda....playing it "safe" compared to the show it was based on yknow. but thats just my opinion idk i swear im not one of those "WHOA look at how DARK and EDGY this show is!!! that proves that its NOT FOR KIDS" types, i just feel like the overall tone was a bit lacking compared to the source material
NOW onto the nitpicks!! these werent rly major flaws that interfered w my enjoyment of the movie, just stuff that mildly irked me (lol get it). for starters i wish tak was there :( i know she was originally planned to be in the movie but they had to cut her for time constraints which is fair. still i miss her so much. tak my beloved come back to me
another nitpick, but pretty much the only other thing that i didnt like abt this movie and its SUPER minor: i dont like how frequently gaz's eyes are open throughout this movie?? ALKSJFSDLKLKDS I KNOW THATS A WEIRD THING TO COMPLAIN ABT LMAOOOO i swear it doesnt actually bother me that much but it was kind of distracting. the reason gaz's eyes are almost always closed is to add to that angry, apathetic look she always has; it conveys her personality. when her eyes DO open, they're large and cute, which is a nice contrast to her normal appearance and makes these scenes in the show/comics have more comedic impact. here, they're open a bit too frequently for my liking, and i think it made me perceive her character differently. i think she should have been grumpier LOLLL but that kind of ties back into my first point
but errmm yeah!! despite the block of text i just wrote i still rly liked this movie!! in terms of continuations to the show, however, i think i prefer the comics, although again i have not finished reading them. i just feel like theyre closer in attitude to the original show and have a lot more interesting story ideas. but again, this movie is not bad!! there were a lot of things i rly do like abt it!! im pretty easy to please tbh.
overall id say this movie has like.....7.5/10?? maybe?? its still a good movie and id probably watch it again if given the opportunity. theres a lot of cool things about it and i did enjoy myself watching it. thats just my Onion tho, lmk what u think abt it if youve seen it :) just pls be civil if u disagree w anything i said, i like hearing other ppls perspectives on things!!
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Timo is fun bc her whole life Demeter's "winter until persephone comes home" rage has been going.
Her family are farmers and shepherds.
So her family had her and kept her bc there was a span where things were warming back up... then it got bad again. But as marrying age crept up, there just wasnt enough of anything to be a good dowry. So she keeps adding weaving work to her dowry, since staying warm is literally a lifeline rn. But it's slow because they still have to sell some stuff to make ends meet. Then wars broke out and it's just her, her mother, and the sheep.
So she hits 17 and is convinced shes never going to marry. Then she hits 19 and the local wars die down. Shes convinced her dowry and marriage chest is largely for her mother's sanity. Then she meets Hypnos and spends two more years Doing Her Best.
Then one of the men returning from war goes to her dad and says he'll take her if he adds some sheep to the dowry.
Cue panic from Timo at her dear friend like "but I dont even know him! My brothers dont even know him! I know I should be happy but I'm not"
Bc like part of why shes been so informal with Lykos (Hypnos) is because 1: dream, and 2: shes under the impression shes already fucked up being a woman, may as well break social rules and be super close with an unrelated guy she thinks she made up.
Which is why she has a hard freak out when he goes "I'm actually Hypnos, surprise"
Meanwhile Hypnos has 0 idea of like.. what's the protocol for mortal polite society. So it didnt occure to him that that's part of the freak out. He also doesn't pay too close attention to stories floating around the mortals so he has no idea she just did the mental math of "almost had a Zeus situation" and is reconciling that with her beloved Lykos.
All this not to even mention that overt informality involved a lot of flirting and like. Hugging when sad/happy. Talking about Women Things like bitching about period cramps that kept her up. Compliments in both directions. Because she thought he was just... a really solid part of her dreams.
Like once she calms down a few notches it's fine, but like. Panic. Which makes Hypnos panic because her response in panic was to start apologizing and falling to her knees to beg forgiveness for being so rude and presuming things about him. And he instantly feels like he fucked up telling the truth, but he as to or Hera wont help him ascend her to divinity enough to live in the House. Or bless their union, which is about the only way he could marry her instead without Hera getting pissed. Which he worries about happening at all because Panic.
So they just. Awkwardly sit there once he gets her to stop calling him Lord etc... and then she has this epiphany. A god is literally saying he wants to marry her. And hes been mostly a gentleman this entire time. Her. And she was literally just saying she loved him too much to be happy marrying a mortal man. This couldnt have worked out better actually.
Which makes the follow up "ok but you need to go tell my father or the wedding planning will still happen. Also I want to see the reaction to me marrying a god" delightful. Because flesh and ichor Hypnos gets to zip over there and shiver at her doorstep like "hi, I'm marrying your daughter. Also can I come in? Its mighty chilly out. What?"
Like it all goes well eventually, but contextually I like the implications. Also bc after Persephone comes back and the winter stops, Timo does a lil happy dance about her family being able to thrive again.
Yes I did too much research about marriage in ancient Greece and the age of usual marriage. And I was not gonna make my oc that young. So implications of being unmarried etc at 21 when most girls get married a whole lot younger.
But anyway. Rotating in my mind
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black-rosewolf66 · 1 year
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Hello its one of my shitty life posts again dont mind it scroll past it^^
So the last time i posted one of my problems about being weird and too reactive during a play time…well i wanted to give it a try again and i put my worries away and asked for it…i never asked for anything…i just dont like to ask for anything because i grow up having it rejected anyway…but as i was asking it i knew from his respons that he will invite her too…i kinda minded it,i just knew she and i are going to have an argument at some point i knew from the way she looked at me the way she talked as if i wasnt there in our first meeting too…but i didnt say a word i thought that maybe i can show her that she misundertood me…and i wanted her to acknowledge me…
As always im still mentally shit…but at least i try to be better…
So i arrive at the house they are there speaking and drinking…when we get a call there children is in danger so the father of the child rushes out never answering her questions about what is the problem whats happening the door closes and there we are the two passionate stubborn woman sitting near the table im on the floor she sits on the chair…i begin thinking well today is as fucked up as it can be i started to get nervous so i tried to make an advance so we can speak and maybe we can know eachother more…she than procieds to tell me in the most offensive way in a trembling angry voice that she isnt consenting to the play that would had happen tonight…i was a little bit shocked she was a careing mother you could see that she may have been upset and a little bit tipsy from the alcohol and the thing with hher children so i remain calm as usually…i look at her and i give her a smile that its okay i can understand that…then she tells me she never had clients who where like this mentally unstable and basically a child with no life experiences…and here i am she doesnt notice but im hurt and now angry…she just stepped on one of the things that i hate being said to me…that im a child a basically had no life up until this moment…like yeah sure you may not know my past but nobody has it easy trust me…you dont have the right to assume that im acting the way i act because its the usual children wants attention drama and things like that bullshit….i had to grow up early i basically wasnt a child i was never i couldnt be…and you say i just grow up because i turned legally 19 and you assume that every 19 year old is the same because they never faced the challenges is life…well fuck i may not had my school and yet..but i did pay my checks i cleaned my house i cooked i was the one worrying for my family for our financial status i was the one thinking from night to night how i can fix this shit family how i can make my father undestand that he has to have more oppinion because he isnt a doll to get dragged around he was like a bomb ready to be exploided i had to teach my mother that it isnt okay to use everyone as a punch bag for her stress she had to manage her anger she had to be stopped…i was the one calming my brother that everything will be fine if they stay stong and hope for the better future that they have to move if i cant fix it i was the on shouldering this huge mess and im the one getting out of the child age and into the huge life? Like yeah thanks i had to take jobs at a young age i had to make everything okay and i could never let anyone discover that we have this huge ass shit behind the courtains of the perfect family image that we created…yeah thank you fucking much for saying that my pain doesnt matter because that just how teenagers feels at this age…im so fucking gratefull….so after she told me that i cracked a laugh as always to surpress these nasty emotions..bad habit but it can and it did save my life several times…and told her i already know it she doesnt have to tell me i just dont have the manual to read from how can i change this..how can i change the things/the habits of growing up in a survival mode… and she tells me that yeah there is no manual because every person is different but as you grow up you have to change and it will be stupid to blame everything on my parents if i cant change it,because it will only be my laziness that i still couldnt change even though i was an adult and i cant blame my behaviour and my mindset on my parents my whole life… yeah here we can see the tipical answer we can predict…she doesnt know why im confused well its should be easy to change right? You just have to relax…you never know how?you just have to learn,its easy…from where? Well you are an adult so you should know?….khm i just wasted my time trying to explane my self to her and it went on and on i had a looot of mean sayings played in my head but i never sayed them…i was thinking why should i…she doesnt want to know it…she never asked it she just strayed up judged me…from the moment we met…
I will continue it on the next post…
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ask-october-fox · 3 years
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Well well well.. if it isnt the consequences of my own actions. More under the cut!
This is going to be very long so I apologize.   So uh...I think its about time I say something about this.. I really thought I wouldnt have to but it seems its about time I come clean about why there is a major lack of ‘actual’ updates from me this year. NGL I thought I could just ignore this and get through this month without much fuss but as the past few days have proven anything, that would be a lie. So to put this bluntly. I am in a lot of pain. And I have been for a while now but its only gotten really bad in the last month. Like everyone else in the world, I have a lot of wrist/hand problems due to my job. About 2 years ago I had gotten a real bad pain in my left elbow and went to the doctor after a couple months to see if something was wrong. The Doctor couldnt really find anything wrong, and sent me home with some meds that really didnt help. Over time the pain came and went and I worked with it, just powering through and getting over it. I have tried just about everything: meds, warm water, cold water, massages, resting, creams/lotions and anything else I could think of. Over time that pain spread to my shoulder and to my wrist and hand. Again, some days werent so bad so I just continued on as normal.  This past September was.... rough. After being hit head on by Hurricane Ida and losing power for about a week and pretty much melting in my own house, already killed a lot of my motivation for this blog, but it was when I tried to get back to work things got bad. The pain in my left arm is.... almost unbearable some days. I can usually get about 2-4 hours of work time in before it starts to hurt and anything after that becomes far too distracting and I cant focus. I went to the Doctor on the 2nd of this month and even she seemed confused on what the actual problem might be, so she is sending me to a specialist but the earliest they can see me isnt until the 20th. This has become very... very frustrating. I want to do this blog, I want to answer your questions, but I physically cant. And it pains me more to know that I cant bc this blog ONLY runs for this month, I feel like there isnt much of an excuse for me to not have content for you all. Hence why most of my stuff has been pictures or misc things. The “quick replies” arent too bad since I can usually doodle up a little reaction image in about 10-15 min or reuse past ones, but to do my longer replies it starts to be a little much. Now I also wasnt kidding when I said I was busy too, that part is very true, but this is actually the main reason why there hasnt been a lot of art this year and may not be. Im at my wits end, im not too sure what else to do, and at this point im more just mad at myself for not being better prepared. I DO have things to post and I have some great stuff im excited to share with you all but as far as replies go.. I might be able to do like...1 a week or something. You all come back here each year and I feel so awful to have so little to show you this time around. I know this cant be helped and im sure that people are much more understanding than I keep thinking they are. But its just been weighing on me more and more and just needed to be open about this. I am hoping that next year will be better and that I will be more prepared, but for now... this may be the best I can do. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for still coming here and keeping me company and enjoying my short time here. You all are the reason I keep coming back too after all! Well this ended up being a bit wordy, huh? Haha~ If you read through all of that, I appreciate it greatly! 🦊🕯
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miraeluc · 3 years
you don’t return from a mission
prompt: “diluc starts to worry when you’ve been gone on a simple mission for more than two days so he decides to look for you himself”
pairing: diluc x gender-neutral! reader
word count: 1,1k
warnings: mention of broken bone?? reader is hurt (not too bad), it’s just cute tbh
genre: angst, fluff
he was worried sick.
it was unlike you to stay overtime on missions - you did your work and left, avoiding unwanted commissions from strangers
after 1 day he wasn’t too worried, maybe you got carried away
after 2 days he was already starting to worry, maybe you went somewhere more far away and are camping there?
you were supposed to go to springvale though
that’s not that far.
after 3 days he was getting physically ill from all the overthinking - he thought every single possibility of what state you may be in right now
he hopes you’re just camping somewhere
he decided he couldn’t wait anymore and decided to go out and look for you himself 
the next morning he awoke at 5am
he couldn’t sleep any longer so he got a backpack with emergency items such as a first aid kit and went on his (not so) merry way
he walked through windrise
just to make sure you weren’t there
sadly you were nowhere to be found 
he sighed and kept walking - now on the way to springvale 
he didn’t want to admit if but he was so terrified of losing you 
you were the first person able to break down his walls in years
the thought of you potentially being in great danger made him automatically increase speed
he walked through the small village
“hey, brook. have you seen y/n around?”
“master diluc? y/n? they came by few hours ago to cook some food! looked pretty... disheveled. they said they were on their way to clear some hilichurl camps.”
diluc cursed under his breath
“did you see what direction they went?”
“took off in dawn winery’ direction-” 
“ok. thanks.” he cut her off
he immediately started walking again, now getting more worried after brook described your appearance as ,,disheveled,, 
when he arrived at dawn winery there was no one outside
that was weird
there’s usually always someone out there
where is everyone????
he obviously tried to go in 
the doors were locked
that’s double-weird 
double-weird until he very clearly heard you grunt in pain in the distance, atleast
what was dangerous enough to make dawn winery shut closed without asking him first?
he didn’t have enough time to ponder over it because he was already sprinting towards the source of sounds coming from you 
his eyes widened and he faltered for a second as soon as he saw you, on the ground in the middle of three cryo abyss mages
he was, for the first time, relieved to be noticed by enemies - the three now floating towards him
he felt his anger picking up when he glanced at you, lying on the ground motionless
so, ya know what he did?
he released intense flames - knocking his opponents shields off, letting his phoenix finish them off 
he sprinted towards you, dropping to his knees and pulling you to rest your head on his lap 
“y/n, hang on for me, alright? don’t close your eyes”
his voice was shaking 
“d-diluc- i can’t-” 
was the only thing you managed to cough out, entrusting him to keep you safe, unable to keep fighting to stay awake, enduring that pain
you woke up to the sound of wood crackling beside you, residing into the warmth it radiated
curse those cryo abyss mages 
you slowly peeled your eyes open, flinching at the sight of barbara and diluc hovering above you 
where were you?
is this.. dawn winery??
what’s barbara doing here,,
you don’t know and you don’t care because you feel yourself getting engulfed by diluc’s arms 
“god, you scared me so much..”
he won’t mention that he cried in front of barbara because he was so worried
that would feed your ego a little too much 
“i’m sorry.. are they gone? i just wanted to defeat them before returning home..”
“they’re long gone..”
he sighed and pulled away from the hug, glancing at barbara who was waiting for your little moment to end before she could speak 
“how did that even happen? you can take down three abyss mages easily!”
“I had cleared three hilichurl camps already and I was weakened - those took me by surprise as I was making my way back”
“you need to be careful next time - i healed you to the best of my abilities, but damage that only time can heal has been left behind. you have a broken rib and you were shivering the entire time while you were out! we warmed you up as best as we could and you should be fine now, but i wouldn’t be surprised if you do catch a cold the next few days..”
she then paused and looked at diluc
“you need to take care of y/n until they get bett-”
“you don’t even need to tell me. i won’t leave y/n out of my sight for now.”
she nodded and stood up
“very well. then, i’ll leave back to mondstadt, i still have work to do.”
without another word she left, which made diluc’s attention go back to you 
he reached his hand out to caress your cheek
“i nearly got sick myself when you didnt return home after 3 days”
you broke out in a little giggle, stopping when your rib started immensely hurting but you then spoke
“oh diluc.. you know i usually take longer because i get carried away.. nonetheless, i’m very thankful that you came to my aid, no one else would have..”
“it makes me want to fire all my employees - they were all ju-”
you cut him off, pulling him down towards you to kiss his lips 
“i’m glad they did, i got to see you fight~”
he scoffed, a smile spreading onto his lips
“seriously? that’s what you’re happy about?”
“well you looked very hot..” you trailed off
he attacked your face with tiny kisses after-
you best believe he didn’t let you out of sight the following weeks
he mostly made you stay in bed
always bringing you tea and left to fetch medicine for you in case of need
he even waited in front of the bathroom door when you needed to use the bathroom 
he even helped you shower 
you don’t express it verbally, but you’re really thankful to have him
no one except him supports and protects you as much as he does
he could literally kill someone for you
(spoiler: he already did.)
he’s your little meanie
did i mention that taking care of you also meant lots and lots of cuddles?
he always says it’s ‘so i can warm you up’
you know it’s because deep down he’s still very worried about your well-being
even after you’ve returned to good condition he hesitates to let you go on commissions 
he usually accompanies you, just to make sure
you don’t mind 
going on adventures alone can get boring - so having him by your side makes it all better :)
additional notes: hey there! there’s my second drabble. (truth is, i actually dislike this one lol). to be honest, i got so happy at the positive feedback towards my kaeya drabble, so i’m sorry it took me a while to write another one and it came out short too :( - i was having a little struggle with some writers block lol. nonetheless i hope you enjoyed this!!
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serowotonin · 3 years
falling ; bakugou k.
pairing ( bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ) wordcount ( 2.4k ) genre ( fluff & basically pining )
↷ a hc-styled narrative describing the four stages bakugou katsuki goes through as he finds himself falling for you . . .
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STAGE I ( impression ) ;
the first time bakugou laid eyes on you was during the entrance exam at UA. 
back then, you were just another face in the crowd of faces he was going to have to beat to earn his spot in UA
the first time bakugou spoke to you wasn’t memorable to him either
like with everyone else, he was loud and rude and made it very clear he wasn’t interested in playing friends
after that you became a part of the class, just another extra, someone who’d just get in the way
that was all he thought you were… 
until you kicked todoroki’s ass one day during training
the teachers had paired everyone in the class and told you to practice your 1-on-1 combat skills using your quirk 
bakugou, who was paired with kirishima went first
you and todoroki were to be the last pair
despite a good effort put up by kirishima, bakugou still ended up winning that round
when it was finally yours and todoroki’s turn, bakugou paid extra attention
in his mind, he knew todoroki was powerful and someone to watch out for
but what happened was quite unexpected
you maneuvered easily through todoroki’s attacks with a combination of physical prowess and creative usage of your quirk
let’s just say his ice didn’t work on you and he was caught off guard, allowing you to snatch a win 
needless to say, most of your classmates were a bit surprised at first
bakugou included
they knew you were strong but they didn’t know you were that skilled
whatever the rest of the class thought didn’t matter to bakugou though
all he knew was that now he had to keep an eye on you
STAGE II ( perspective ) ;
after that event, bakugou did indeed keep his eye on you
it started off with him observing your moves whenever the class had to do any training exercises 
he saw you fight with todoroki a couple more times after that
those didn’t end in easy victory for you as it did before because todoroki was now more wary of you
however, the way you evaded and countered his attacks was something to be praised
in bakugou’s subconscious opinion at least
your moves were carefully thought out and bakugou could see that
he could see the effort and practice you had put into perfecting them
not only that, he could also see the natural talent that you had to be able to become this strong
and it wasn’t only your fighting capabilities
you were also smart
maybe he hadn’t noticed it before but he did now
you seemed to always know the answer when a teacher called on you and your grades were great
slowly, but surely, you gained respect in his eyes 
if he knew one thing about you, it was that you were maybe the tiniest bit better than the other extras 
for a while it stayed like this, him acknowledging you but never making it obvious and you just doing your thing
that was of course until one day in the morning before class started
mina, kirishima, and sero were talking about things as they usually were and somehow the conversation led to you
they were talking about how strong and smart you were and going on about stuff
bakugou must’ve turned his head in their direction or something but mina noticed him listening so asked him cheekily what he thought of you
“y/n? of course they’re strong. anyone could see that.”
he said that pretty loudly and didn’t seem to notice you walking into the classroom
and of course you heard
“did my ears deceive or did the bakugou katsuki just praise me?” you teased
he was pretty embarrassed, blushing and sweating a bit but trying to hide it
soon after though, class started and the ordeal was forgotten
but something about that interaction led to you and bakugou becoming closer
closer in that instead of passing the other off as another strong classmate as you usually would, you’d actually greet each other and talk 
you’d say hello to him in the mornings and goodbye after school and he’d just grunt or nod your way
but this was what it meant to be close to bakugou anyway
during the weeks that passed, bakugou found himself noticing you even more
before he only paid attention to your skills and thought about you as an enemy or rival of sorts
now it seems as if he’s just noticing the little things about you and your personality that make you who you were
he wasn’t doing it on purpose god forbid
no no it was just him being unknowingly observant
weeks turned into months and months turned into years
in a blink of an eye, you were all well in your second year
with everything that happened, you and bakugou became close
close enough for you to tease him at random times and close enough for him to ask you to fight him as training
by then it was safe to say bakugou knew you
he knew the little quirks you had 
he knew your different smiles, your different laughs
he knew your favorite foods and your not so favorite ones
he knew the many different little things that made you you
STAGE III ( contradiction ) ;
before the start of the third year, the class decided to have a little get-together party of sorts
to celebrate the start of their last year in high school and to catch up as everyone’s been busy with internships and whatnot
you spent the break away from tokyo so it’s been a while since you saw the rest of the class
naturally you were excited to be able to meet them all casually again before the intense studying and training that awaited you all 
bakugou, on the other hand, wasn’t too excited
frankly, he could do without seeing the class before school
but when he heard you were going to be there, he also agreed to go
so there you two were with the rest of the class at a cinema buying drinks and popcorn before your movie started
the neon lights and the prospect of popcorn lit up your face and bakugou couldn’t help but stare
there was just something, something he couldn’t quite figure out
it’s not that you were beautiful, it’s not that you looked cute in that outfit, it’s not that your smile was making his heart flutter
no it wasnt any of that true though they may be
you just.. you looked nice
thats why he was staring
yeah he hasn’t seen you in a while and you come back looking *nice* 
of course he would stare
anyone would
apparently you had noticed him staring though, so you sent a wink and a grin his way before turning back to the popcorn and drinks
in other words, you killed him
with ridiculously high levels of cute and nice
kirishima and sero were just watching the whole thing happen and hell was it obvious to them
their boi was falling hard
now they knew he’d never admit it and they knew you weren’t likely to do anything about his “crush” even if it was obvious to you too
while bakugou was busy helping you carry your popcorn, they devised a rather devious plan
operation: jelly burst
objective? none other than to make explody boiy jealous
for what reason? no reason really it’s just fun to mess with him and this is probably the first time he’s had this big a crush
once everyone finished buying popcorn and was walking into the cinema, operation: jelly burst was put into action
“hey y/n ! come sit next to me” — sero
so you did, nothing strange bout that, sero was a good of yours anyway, nothing strange at all
bakugou moved to come sit next to you too but kiri hurried past him and sat down on your other side before he could
“oh hey bakubro didn’t see ya there sorry”
the seat kirishima stole was the last seat on the aisle
and bakugou was forced to go sit somewhere else
poor guy</3
the seat he found was a few rows above yours though and all went according to the jelly burst plan
by the end of the movie, bakugou was in the foulest mood and no one, except for the 2 lads sitting on either side of y/n, knew why
operation: jelly burst didnt end there though
see they got him jelly but they haven’t gotten him to burst
the next week at school, kirishima and sero both acted really nice to you
it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary but they did talk to you just a tad bit more than usual
either way bakugou noticed big time and he did not like it
he did not like it one bit
the jelly was there alright
it was just boiling to unprecedented levels
pretty soon, the boys dumped the idea of operation: jelly burst 
mainly cos it was taking too long 
but also because bakugou had become at least 10x more hostile
except to you of course
for some reason, a reason absolutely no one could figure out(sarcasm intended), he was just
quiet around you
didnt yell but didnt really talk to you either
whenever anyone else, kiri and sero especially, tried to talk to him though, he’d shout louder and be a lot ruder to them 
he’s just agitated
and he knew why he was that way
he’s just in denial about it
he’s also in denial about the reason why
why couldn’t he just accept his feelings and act on it already?
kirishima asked him that one day in the dorms
he saw bakugou staring very intensely straight at you without blinking for a full minute
“look man, don’t even try to tell me you don’t like y/n. it’s obvious and i’m not an idiot. you aren’t either.”
“i know shitty hair. it’s just… i’m me. and she’s y/n. nothing’s ever gonna happen.”
“you don’t know that”
“but i do. cmon, she’s just so fucking perfect even with all her flaws. and i’m just the loud guy with exploding hands and no emotions.”
kiri was surprised honestly
this wouldn’t be the first time bakugou was insecure around him but the way bakugou talked about you and how he implied he wasn’t worthy
damn that hit kirishima 
“bakubro, i’m gonna help you”
STAGE IV ( intimacy ) ;
ever since he told kirishima abt what’s been bothering him about you and ever since kirishima declared he’d help, bakugou became more…
he was still loud, but he just became a soft kind of loud now(?)
it was like he got calmer and he was assured that things would be okay
of course things were not okay
why? because ever since bakugou fully accepted his feelings for you, he doesnt know how to act around you
the other day you asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner cause you were cooking tonight
his answer:
“-you can make anything you want. i’ll eat whatever.”
that and a lot of other little awkward incidents started occurring
also maybe it was just the weather but he always seemed red whenever you saw him
it wasn’t the weather though
it was him being shy and nervous and flustered
which made bakusquad extremely weirded out cause seeing him like that is like seeing aizawa cheerfully smiling and wearing bright color clothes
it was weird af and was just not right
anyway, mina’s advice to him was to try to get closer to you
“but we’re already close”
“no i mean closer on a personal level. ask her how her day was or ask her random stuff about her likes and dislikes or her hobbies or literally anything”
“oh… ok then”
and so he tried that
he tried getting closer to you by greeting you every morning and sometimes asking you if you slept well
you found it odd
it certainly was odd, but you didn’t mind
if you ask him why he asks about your sleep he just goes red and says he needs to make sure his opponent for his afternoon sparring session is well-rested and healthy
speaking of the sparring sessions…
he asks you to spar more often than usual and actually makes small talk during your breaks
he was also a lot nicer to you, offering to help carry stuff for you and assisting you in the little things
like getting a mug from the kitchen’s high shelves or picking up the pencil you accidentally dropped
what he did worked though and within a few weeks, the two of you got a lot closer
the next step, as mina put it, was “making sure she knew you weren’t interested in her as a friend”
now that was hard for bakugou to do
“it’s not that hard. you could just tell her.”
bakugou: ..??
“basically confess”
bakugou: wha- *shortcircuits*
he never thought about that
he actually has
he knew in his mind he’d have to do it eventually if he wanted to have you
but he didn’t think it would be *this soon*
“dont think that much and just tell her you like her”
“you’re making it sound easy”
“because it is!”
he groaned internally
he’s faced tons of villains and been in quite the number of fearful situations but the fear he felt now was completely different 
“look if you’re afraid of rejection just confess like this”
*sero clears throat*
“*y/n i like you and i would like to be something more than friends. i’m not going to pressure you into anything so if yoh don’t want to we can just pretend this never happened>:)”
bakugou ended up confessing the next day though
just not like that
it was a spur of a moment thing and he wasn’t really aware he said it until you responded
the two of you were sparring as usual and you had just gotten close enough to knock him down and pin him to the ground
in that moment you were just so beautiful and amazing and everything and he just couldn’t keep it in apparently 
“i like you”
“did you just say you liked me?”
“like not liked dumbass”
“:o present tense o:”
well long story short, you like him too and you tell him that and you two just sit there grinning like idiots 
from then on things didn’t change much
you and bakugou still talked, although maybe more than usual
and still sparred with each other, although maybe less seriously and more playfully
some were surprised when it became known you were together
some weren’t 
whatever other people thought though, they couldn’t deny one thing:
bakugou looked at you as if you were the world
STAGE ∞︎ ( fallen ) .
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note ; i started writing this soo long ago but then abandoned it cuz thats just me:”] bUT i decided that since its his birthday i might as well finish it up and finally post it u.u,,, also TYSM @animebsposts for helping me with this ily and ur amazing<3
taglist ; ( send ask to be added ! ) @lilikags​
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Asks: How about some Wrecker Fluff?
Y/N is on her period. She tries to hide the fact from the boys but Hunter can smell it and Tech knows because of his useless facts. Clones probably aren't taught much about the female anatomy as it's not "important" for a Soldier. Wrecker knows something's wrong and after Y/N explains the issue, he ends up bringing her stuff like chocolate and cuddling to make her feel better. Bonus points if she ends up losing her crap on a whole bunch of baddies. Whether it's Droids, bounty hunter, or something else.
I think this is cute- so Ima do it
Strong Muscles Stronger Gut| Wrecker
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"Are you. Um..." Hunter spoke.
The two stood in the hanger, both alone.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You uh...smell...stronger"
"I what!?"
"I mean! Well! You smell...diffrent." Hunter tried to explain, "You do atleast once a month for a week. Are you okay?"
Y/n rubbed her temples- oh so she had to have this talk.
"Yes. Im fine." Y/n spoke, "its a girl thing."
"A. Girl thing?"
"Yeah." Y/n spoke, "Every girl gets- well most, usually around pre teens."
"Its important then?" Hunter asked, "I uh. Know she won't want to go to me about it. She might. I- I don't know-"
Hunter started to ramble, mixing up his words with uhs and ums. He was talking about Omega.
"Can. Uh. You explain it to me? I know it affects you. I just...wanna be there for her you know?"
Y/n nodded, she had explained periods before to boys- men- young girls that were sobbing in the bathroom confused.
Y/n explained what was happening to her body, and what essentially Omega would go through. She told him- everything- spilled all the beans. Y/n had offered to show how much periods really hurt and he agreed saying "its only fair so I understand"
Y/n held his shoulder, he growing increasingly worried.
"What are they doing?" Wrecker asked as he watched them from a far.
Tech looked up from his work, Y/n holding and apologetic face as she then proceeded to slander his guts, kneeing his stomach as hard as possible.
Hunter doubled over letting out a spew of Mando as he went down.
"Yeah thats about a quarter of the pain. But it depends on each girl." Y/n told him, as he was slolwy getting up.
"Remind me never to call you weak even if we are just messing around." Hunter spoke Y/n holding his shoulder.
"Sorry about that..."
"Oh." Tech spoke understanding what was happening, "Y/n must be busy this week then."
"Busy?" Wrecker asked looking at the two, Y/n now in pain as she held Hunter's shoulder leaning over holding her stomach.
"Right now?! You didnt even do anything?!" Hunter complained.
"E-excatly- fuck! Fuck fuck! Ow..."
"Is she okay?" Wrecker asked Tech.
"It will go away- soon- unless. How many days has it been since mid week?"
"Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "three?"
"Makes sense." Tech spoke, "she has most of her pains three days in."
"Three days in of what?" Wrecker spoke.
"Menstruation." Tech spoke, "hand me the-"
Wrecker handed him a tool, "no not- oh yes this one thank you."
"What's Menstruation?" Wrecker asked.
"When a women, in this case, our lovely brutally honest Medic, Y/n." Tech infromed, "is going through a cycle once of month..."
Tech contuined to ramble- Wrecker. Well Wrecker didnt process one piece of information Tech was saying.
"What?" Wrecker asked.
Tech sighed looking back at Wrecker, "she bleeds and has cramps."
"Why is she bleeding? Did she get hurt?"
"Is she okay-"
"Then why is she-"
"Wrecker!" Tech stopped him, "her monthly bleeding means she's healthy, shes fine. Sure she is emmense discomfort and I certainly hate to see our sister like such, but thats what makes her strong- well also the fact that she can- at any momment be with child, carry the damn thing for almost a year give birth and take a squadron of droids down with just one blaster."
Tech looked back at Wrecker who still looked confused out his mind as Tech sighed, "You know somethings wrong?"
"Yeah." Wrecker answered.
"Go ask her."
"Good idea!"
Wrecker made his way over to Y/n and Hunter the pain Y/n was mild now, she could deal with it.
"Wrecker." They both greeted.
Y/n looked at him worriedly, "something on your mind?"
"Can. I talk to you?" Wrecker asked, "alone?"
Y/n looked at Hunter, "I'll leave you to it." Hunter responded and left.
Y/n looked up at Wrecker worried, "Wrecker? Hun? What's wrong you look worried?"
"Tech says you're bleeding." Wrecker tried to explain.
"I'm bleeding?" Y/n asked- oh- oh here we go again.
"Y-yeah.." Wrecker spoke rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "and I. Don't really ever understand what comes out of Tech's mouth....unfortunately...and I saw you in pain for the last three days. I just- are you okay?"
Y/n smiled at Wrecker, "Im fine."
"Oh. Oh good." He spoke, not seeming fully satisfied with what she had said, "but uh. Why are you bleeding? Can I stop- We stop you from bleeding?"
"Please I wish you could." Y/n spoke with a light chuckle, "No Wrecker, see women once a month go through a cycle, it unfortunately makes you bleed like you're birthing hell out of your guts but is one of the ways we stay healthy."
"Oh." Wrecker spoke, "so. You bleed to stay healthy? When I bleed Tech's always poking me with needles."
"Well... yes and no. The cycle once a month helps get rid of an egg- well its called an egg, but Im not a chicken alright?" Y/n explained.
Wrecker sat and listened intently to her, something that wasn't really common when learning about what would be considered a random thing to him.
Y/n was pretty impressed by him to say the least. She had never seen him so focused, and it was honestly kind of cute.
"But boys or men don't have it." Y/n told him.
"That doesnt seem fair! Why do you have to suffer?" Wrecker argued as Y/n shrugged with a laugh.
"You tell me." She smiled.
It went silent as he thought intently, "well nothing can make you feel better? While your on your period?"
"Well because of War I've been so busy with fighting That I've only used heat packs and compresses. Usually I just have to fight through it." Y/n spoke, "but I've heard of alot of women saying like affection makes them feel better."
Wrecker hummed in thought, "Hey! Wrecker! Y/n!" Omega called.
The two turning there heads seeing the girl across the hanger with the others.
"We're going to a Cantina for dinner! Come on!"
"Come on Wrecker." Y/n spoke.
They met up with the rest of the group, walking to the Cantina with as usual happy Omega. They sat down for dinner as usual. Talking back and forth with smiles. Wrecker would frown though everytime Y/n winced, closing her eyes taking deep breaths. She was obviously in pain.
"Can I leave earlier?" Wrecker asked.
"Uh, sure?" Hunter asked as Wrecker got up.
"Can I come?!" Omega asked.
"Oh. Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "not this time...sorry Omega."
"Oh." Omega frowned, "Okay then! I'll see you later!"
Wrecker left the group who was relaxing.
"Odd." Tech spoke, "Wrecker always likes to take Omega."
"Maybe he's found a girl." Y/n recommend leaning back and drinking her water.
"I doubt that." Echo spoke, "thats not him"
"Maybe he just wants to go back and sleep?"
"Now that sounds like Wrecker." Hunter admitted.
Y/n shrugged, the group talking casually. Until some bounty hunters came up to them.
"Well hello Doll."
Y/n only contained her arguement about physics with tech.
"Whats a princess like you doing hanging around a few clones?" The man spoke with a purr.
"Call me princess again and you'll have no cock."
The men laughed as the batchers kept quiet, it was bad to mess with her in one of her moods.
"Oh come on Princess. Whats a small fry like you gonna do?"
Y/n quickly grabbed her pistol from her tigh, aiming it at the guys head.
"I warned you didn't I?"
"W-woah now put the-"
She aimed the gun down shooting the man right in the Kenobis.
"I fucking warned you!" Y/n argued.
"What the hell!" His friends shouted.
Y/n lifted the gun up, "It may just be on electric shock but I will turn it to live ammo!"
"You bitch!"
Y/n growled as they came at her, Y/n grabbing a bottle on the table smashing it against of there heads as they fell to the floor. The third ramming Y/n into the table as he pulled out a knife, Y/n reaching back grabbing a fork and stabbing the man in the shoulder.
He cried out in pain as he fell to the floor.
The group left the cantina after paying, no bystander daring to make a comment. The group returning to the Havoc Maurder.
"Wrecker! Wrecker! You should of been there!" Omega cheered rushing inside to find the large batcher.
Y/n rubbed her stomach in pain, "still bad?' Echo asked.
"Just a bit yeah..." she groaned.
"I can see if we have any heat patches" Echo spoke as Y/n nodded in thanks, the group walking in.
Omega came back out, "Y/n Wrecker wants you in the bunks."
Y/n nodded, Echo handing her a heat patch.
Opening it with her teeth she walked towards Wrecker and her's shared bunk.
"Yeah Wrecker? Omega said-" She stood seeing Lula on her bed and a large paper bag.
"Hey!" He cheered holding lots of blankets in his hands and in his blacks.
"Hi." She spoke, "whats up?"
"Oh well I heard about the fight." Wrecker spoke, "and uh. I know you've been in pain for a few days so this is to make you feel better!"
Y/n cocked an eyebrow up still confused, Wrecker wrapping her in one of the blankets as she held it so it stayed in place.
"What in the bag?"
"Well me and Omega always go get sweets and it makes us feel good so..."
Y/n walked over seeing the mass amount of choclate bars,
"I bought a few." Wrecker spoke.
A few? More like a whole isle.
"And thought made you'd want a hug." Wrecker recommend, climbing into the bottom bunk, it was often they shared a bunk.
"Oh." Y/n spoke, "uh. Are you sure? I don't wanna...you know bleed on you by accident."
"You've bleed on me on the battle feild how is this any different?" Wrecker spoke with a smile.
Y/n chuckled, only Wrecker.
Wrecker had wrapped a blanket around him waiting with open arms to Y/n. Y/n smiled making her way into his arms, her blanket wrapped around her and his, Wrecker pulling another blanket over them. She smiled head in Wrecker's chest. He rubbed the middle of her back as she hummed in pleasure, her head barried into his warmth.
"Your like a heater..." she spoke muffled as he chuckled, rubbing up and down her spine.
"Do I ever tell you how much I love you?" Y/n purred, "especially your back rubs..."
He kissed her head as she smiled.
"Thank you Wrecker." Y/n told him.
"Anything for you, after all. Your always making sure we're all okay."
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nishipostitz · 2 years
gn!reader x food shop worker! kita shinsuke
tw! little to none. mentions of food. hospital. work. busy life. a bit of stress. FLIRTING!!!! fluff 🥰🥰
you hum as you walk along the shore of the beach. sandals in hand, sunscreen unevenly spread on your face, and your cardigan flowing in ways of the wind.
you were walking around at the beach and enjoying your time after your work shift. you were lucky to have gotten off of work earlier than usual. so to spend your extra time here, you walked to the beach to relax your mind.
life at the hospital has been tiring. the amount of elderly patients hitting on you and proposing to you was starting to get tiring too. as you had moved and transferred to a whole other city for a better work environment, the people are just as different.
a healthier environment, more friendly coworkers and perhaps more humorous patients. you loved them all, but some patients can be quite exhausting. especially the ones that obsess over you too much. luckily, your shift ended early so youre here enjoying your time.
you have only been a doctor for 2 years. and so far, your life has been quite comfortable. you were the few that were blessed where you grew up and knew exactly what you wanted. so you had gotten your first job at a hospital at just 23.
you were so busy with studies and work, that you have never really gotten yourself a partner or started a love life. the only boyfriend you ever had was in 6th grade. where the relationship lasted 2 weeks. you remembered how the boy cried to his mom because your dumped him. you really did want to be a doctor at a young age.
even if you were single. you didnt feel lonely. not up until you moved to the neighboring city. where people had partners everywhere you went. you had walked so long that the sun started setting. ‘perfect for some ice cream’ you thought. you searched up the ice cream shops nearby to purchase yourself some treats to enjoy along the shore.
as the door dinged when you entered, you felt like you were in heaven. the shop was decorated so wonderfully and looked like a childhood dream. now, you were really thinking if you wanted ice cream or the sweet drinks offered on the menu.
‘oh hello! welcome!’ a sweet voice welcomed you. you tore your eyes away from the menu and looked at who the voice belonged to. ‘man.. he has such beautiful eyes..’ you thought. ‘do you have anything in mind you want to order?’ you shook your head. ‘i wasnt expecting you to know’ he giggled. ‘youre new here?’ he asked.
the question shocked you. ‘yeah but no’ you smiled. ‘i have been here for a few months, but i never really left my house to explore. work got the best of me’ you looked away from his eyes. ‘oh i understand’ you smiled once again at him. ‘youre just single!’ you blushed feeling embarrassed. ‘well you didnt have to say it like that. but yeah im single’
‘well, i know just the item to make you feel less lonely!’ he replied back. ‘well, i would love to see you try’ you gave him an eye smile. you walked away and just now you would notice that the shop was empty. just you and him. so you picked a table to sit at. scrolling through your phone to seem less awkward, but there was nothing.
the friendly worker had given you a few glances while making your drink. he made a cute strawberry drink with two strawberry hearts on top and two straws. when you were presented with the drink, you were shocked.
‘thank you…’ ‘kita’ ‘kita.. but why are there two straws when im the only one drinking?’ ‘well, thats for you to find out. mind if we share?’ you blushed. ‘c’mon. an eye for an eye. whats your name?’ ‘y/n’. he smiled.
‘a beautiful name for a beautiful being. may i have a taste of my drink?’
‘yes you may’
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hotrobins · 3 years
touch me if you dare || jason todd
Summary: Jason and fem!reader starts a friends-with-benefits relationship after a dirty joke.
Content: Smut with a little fluff and innocence kink.
Word count: 1646
Half-hour had passed since Jason came back from Bruce's office and he was still rage trembling. He didn't want to say what they discussed, he just deep breathed while driving, his knuckles white.
You knew him since you started working in the Gotham Public Library two years ago, but the talking that led to this friendship was still pretty recent. Today you were going to an aquarium inauguration but when his father called and said that there were urgent matters to discuss, you insisted that he should go and you would wait in the car, so Jason changed the route to the Wayne's Building.
Clearly he regret that decision now, because he stormed from there without a word and drove you to your apartment in silence, only breaking the silence to apologize to you once. When you arrived tho, he didnt unlock the car doors.
There you were, wanting to help him calm down but not knowing how since he didnt want to open up, not knowing if its better just say good night as clue to remember him to let you go, or you should invite him in.
You looked at him at your side, one hand at the steering wheel, the other clenched in a fist on his tight. Jason's eyes were closed and you allowed yourself to admire him aside your worries about his emotional state.
Jason was beautiful in hard angles and undertones. In the first couple months in the library, you were still fresh with the thinking that readers were a solid type, and every day you were surprised to see a boy like him enter and spend the late afternoon with his nose in a book. Now, being his friend, you knew Jason were a bookworm, but looking at him still took your breath. In this moment specially, with his muscles compressed, the semblance hard and that big hand against a bigger tight, something right down your belly woke.
He let out a light chuckle and you looked up to his face, panicked.
"Liking the view?" He said with amusement. The right side of his mouth doing that thing and leaving a dimple to show.
You ignored the ask and focused on the desert street in front of you, for sure blushing a deep red. You still could feel his gaze on your body.
As the seconds passed, the atmosphere in the car began to change again, and you knew his playfull smile hadnt hit deep in his demeanor.
"There's something I can do?" You said on a low tone.
"May you give me a blowjob?" He blurted, releasing a deep laugh. "Never heard of a man with bad humor while having his dick sucked." He was trying to change the air between you two, too.
"Yeah, i wouldnt mind." You said at once without thinking, and Jason couldn't hold back another laugh, this time a real one.
You should feel glad that he found you funny, but in that moment you discovered you were serious. "What? To be honest, I wouldnt not only mind it, but would really delight myself with it." You said with the most sensual voice you could make, adjusting yourself in the seat to see him better.
Now he was serious too, his blue eyes with dilated pupils holding yours. You couldn't maintain the glase as his adam apple went down as he swallowed dry, putting a lock of hair behind your ear.
"So touch me if you dare, darling."
It was all it took. Without another moment pass he opened his belt and lowered his jeans enough for you too see he was already half hard. As you took his cook in your hand, you wondered if you looked too desesperate, but when he sighed immediately and leanead comfortably on the car seat allowing you to touch with him better, you forgot to care if he could feel it was the first time you ever did it.
You started slowly, pulping him up and down, learning the texture, touching some veins that pulsed lightly, seeing as his tip disappeared and appeared again a little more wet every time, slobbering your hand and then the rest of his cock. The view of it was driving you insane to taste it, so as you began to bend down Jason let out a quiet moan, feeling your hot breath so close to his tip but not on him yet. You looked up as gave it a tentative lick, and the way his eyelids fluttler before opening to look at you, god, you felt it.
You were right, Jason tasted more amazing than you have imagined, and soon you were not only licking the tip but were with all his dick inside your mouth, touching it as you could with your tongue as one of your hands rubbed the rest of him and the other massaged his balls. You couldn't get enough of feeling the taste of him and his moans, now less contained, only gave you more confidence to keep going.
The lack of pratical knowledge didn't troubled you anymore cause the way Jason where breathing hard only proved you were doing the thing right, even if it was in a slow pace.
"Fuck.." He said in surprise when you started playing with only his tip, circling it with your tongue.
His hips sometimes buckled up and you kissed his dick, putting it all in your mouth and letting it out with a pop, before giving special attention to the tip again.
"Enough with the tease darlin-" You went all way down again and tried to move your tongue, but it was too much and you gagged.
"Easy, easy.." He touched your cheek while you recovered your breath with your head leaning in his covered tight, your right hand never stoping the light caresses in his cock.
He was looking at you in a strange way and you desesperate needed to change the focus of his attention so you closed your fist firmly.
Jason moaned with eyes finally closing again, and you started once more your ministrations. The taste of him and the sensation of his hips bucking involuntary where too good for you and you moaned too, the vibration making him take part of your hair in his hand. You looked up to see a question in his half open blue eyes, the answer were another moan of you.
You started rubbing him vigorously while you sucked his tip, the hand on your hair not forcing you down but not letting you go either, and Jason's moans were becoming more frequent. He was close.
He loosed the grip on you reluctantly "I'm.. I'm going to.. You should.."
But you do not moved away, you put his dick all down your mouth until it touched your throat, and even if his cock didnt fit entirely, you tried. Your gag reflexes send him over the edge.
He come hard on you, throwing cum directly down your throat as his hips trembled. He could feel you trying to breathe and swallow his seed and control your gagling at same time and it made him want to fuck your mouth for real.
When you pulled off, you didn't think twice before licking his dick again, making sure that there wasn't any trace of his cum behind. Only then you got up and straightened yourself in the seat.
You didn't looked at him nor give him the chance to speak first, the realization of what happened coming hard.
"Look, I don't usually treat my male friends like this so don't judge me. Im not a slut, really, to be honest i have never done this before so.. And no, i retire what i said, there's not such thing as a slutty woman okay? We should do what we want without feeling guilty by society and-" Jason took your hand on his.
"Wait a moment." He said caressing your hand with his tumb. "You said you never did it before? Give head?"
You looked at him, there were not judgment, only curiosity and respect in Jason's face.
"I'm.. I shouldnt have said it but, yeah. If it wasnt obvious and you already knew, now you know." There was shame on your shoulders even if he wasnt being judgmental and seemed to have appreciated the moments before.
His eyes never left yours as he thought in silence, the atmosphere between you changing again.
"I never kissed either so it's not a big deal i gave you head because you joke about it, we should forget it.. Can you please unlock the door now?"
He put his hand on your waist to stop you from reach the panel, you had to look on his face, now just centimeters from yours. His breath were a mix of something and spearmint.
"You don't think I should claim your first kiss too? I mean.." His voice were low, controlled.
"I just.. your.. you know.."
"Yeah, i know darling. I want to taste it on you."
You closed your eyes and it was his clue. He closed the space between you two, using the hand on your waist to put your body closer. His lips were soft and his posture controlled, but you could feel how he was trying not to push your limits, how his tongue wanted enter your mouth and call it his. You were breathless, you didn't though it would be like this. So much with so little. Your heart pounded and when you opened your eyes and you saw you had leanead on his chest, both hands on his strong shoulders.
He had a half smile in his lips, the dimple a moment to show in its glory.
"It's starting to rain Jason." You managed to say.
"Yeah, and I'm only starting to kiss you for tonight.." He bended in your direction again, never taking his eyes from your lips.
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pinoyrella · 3 years
Inarizaki Giving You A Red Envelope on Lunar New Years
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Inarizaki x Manager Reader
FT: Kita Shinsuke, Ren Omimi, Ojiro Aran, Michinari Akagi, Ginjima Hitoshi, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou
TW: Language 
Genre: headcanons + crack + fluff???
Word Count: 1,720 (They’re all rlly short! Like me)
had another crack convo w my bb @babydontstoop abt atsumu and red envelopes after seeing a funny tiktok 
a/n: i mainly went off from chinese/vietnamese tradition with the hóngbāos/ and lì xìs for these headcanons bc i celebrate with my chinese + viet relatives growing up, im not familiar with the other traditions, i’m sorry! also 1 week kinda late but technically lunar new years goes on for about 2 weeks sooooo-
FYI: i’m going off of u.s currency for this asdhfkjk just an fyi.
ALSO: all images are taken off of google search, none of them belong to me!
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Kita Shinsuke:
- He would give a kinda subtle yet pretty envelope
- With an ox on it (bc year of ox)
- It also has that coin u kno the coin, commemorative coin(?)
- He is very VERY generous
- Gives u $100, all in 20′s babbeyy 🙈
- He hands it to you with both hands like he’s ur ah ma / bà nội 
- He’s so kind and gentle please 🥺
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Practice had just ended and you were helping the team clean out the gym, before packing and heading out to go home.
“Excuse me Y/n” You hear a soft and calm voice calling from behind you. Turning your head you make eye contact with Kita who barely a few feet away from you
“Kita-san! ” You turn to face him, your hands grabbing onto the straps of your backpack. “May I help you?” You ask giving a sincere smile.
“I’m fine, but there is something I want to give you before you leave” He lifts his left hand from his back, now using his right to connect and grab the envelope with both hands.
“Happy Chinese New Year” He wishes as he extends and offers you the red envelope.
Blushing furiously, you accept it with both your hands and give him your most heartfelt thanks.
Arriving home, you open the red envelope curious. Your soul leaves your body the moment you see good old Benjamin Franklin on the $100 note.
“Kita-san holy fuck.” You cry in shock. Thinking of how you’re gonna thank him.
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Ren Omimi:
- Envelope’s square shaped and plain af
- it’s just red with “lucky money” in gold or sum
- He too is very generous
- Gives u $50
- Also hands it to you with both hands
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You sit in the gym with your clip board in hand, taking notes of the other players until you feel a presence approach you from your left side.
“Y/n” The deep voice says. You turn to see Omimi’s shadow towering over you, jesus christ this man’s so goddamn tall. “Yes Omimi?” You greet him cheerfully.
The man says not a word, but pulls out a red envelope, handing it to you with both hands.
Your brain short circuits, confused before he gives a nod. Sudden realization takes place, it’s for you. “Omimi!” You cry, setting down the clip board and taking the red envelope from his hands. Thanking him endlessly before he leaves to get back to practice.
As he turns to walk away, you grab your clip board again, shielding yourself opening the red envelope curious. ‘50$?!’ You scream internally. 
Running after Omimi, you tackle him from behind giving him a hug, your face buried into his shirt. “Xiexie” You muffled into his jersey.
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Aran Ojiro:
- gets you a very fancy envelope
- Like the ones that isn’t sold in packs when u go to the chinese market
- Specifically the ones made from silk and has a jade ring attached
- He gets u ONE LIKE O N E THAT ONE SPECIFIC DESIGN (pls i sound crazy i’ll just attache the image so u kno what im talking abt)
- He wasnt sure how much to put inside so he gives u $40
- He tries to remember how to say happy new year to you and pronounces it perfectly
- No seriously like PERFECTLY like better than me.
- also take this man home right now to meet your parents i fken swear
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“Y/N!” You hear someone yell from behind you as you were walking home. Turning you see Aran running to you, trying to catch up.
“Aran?” You run to meet him halfway.
Aran pauses and takes a few breathes before grabbing his backpack and grabbing something from inside.
He pulls out a beautifully crafted silk red envelope pouch with a tassel and jade ring tied to the front.
You stand there completely flustered and frozen.
He looks down, the envelope in both his hands offering it out to you.
“恭喜發財 (gōng xǐ fā cái)” He says perfectly, the sunset hitting his face. 
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Akagi Michinari:
- Cute bb would give u the cutest fucking envelope
- Probably w hello kitty on it
- He gives you a $2 bill
- Shiiiii he knows whats up, that shit lucky and rare
- He’d hand it to u while giving u a back hug
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“Y/n!!!” Before you can turn around, a heavy weight drags you down from behind. “A-Akagi-san?!” You yelp in surprise.
He stays cling onto you from behind as you try to gain balance. Hearing him let out a soft chuckle. “Here you go!” He says, his arms going around your shoulders to shove the super cute Hello Kitty li xi in your face.
You take a second to process what he had just given you to face. “AKAGI!!” You take it as he hops off your back. Then turning around to smother him into a hug. Giving him little cheek kisses.
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- I love him, he would give u a cute envelope too
- Like with a little cartoon ox character on it
- With like lil horns sticking out
- U get the idea
- Gives u $10 but in $2 bills
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You sit with the Miya twins and Suna during lunch, scanning around the cafeteria trying to find Ginjima, usually he’d be with you guys.
As you were about to ask-speak of the devil.
“Y/n-chan” He immediately sits beside you, placing his tray of food down.
“This is for you” He reveals the cutest red envelope with a cartoon cow on it, handing it to you flustered. His cheeks bursting red.
You sit and stare for a second, you start to blush feeling embarrassed. Slowly taking it from his hands, you give him a quiet ‘thank you’ before returning to your meal.
Unsure of what to do, before going back into your meal, you quickly turn your head planting a kiss to his cheek.
Osamu, Suna and Atsumu watched, their jaw dropped as Ginjima begins to turn into his own red envelope. Before you quickly place your face in your palms.
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Atsumu Miya:
- This mfer would give the flashiest one
- Like you kno the ones that are so colorful and has like
- W those shitty knock-off characters from cartoons
- Hes broke as fuck so its p empty
- He would put a coin inside.
- Not the fortune coin
- Literally a coin like a quarter or somethin
- Hed slap it against ur table while giving it to u
- He tries to say happy new year but fucking butchers it
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You sit at your desk, it’s so early in the morning and your parents had woken you up early to help prepare some cooking essentials for tonight’s dinner. 
As you were about to doze off to sleep, you hear a CLACK against your desk, immediately waking you up and having you face up.
Just inches away was Atsumu’s face, that lil smirk oh how you just wanna-
You look down seeing the red envelope he placed on your desk. 
“CHUC MUNG NAM MOIIIIIII” he greets dragging out the “i” it’s like he didn’t even try to pronounce the greeting correctly. He ruffles your hair and gives another warm smile. 
You look back up to him, blushing before greeting back. “Ah, chúc mừng năm mới ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu quirks his eyebrow staring back down at you. “I’m pretty sure you said it wrong.” He says before walking off to his desk.
You sit there fucking flabbergasted. ‘What the fuck?’ You blink and turn your attention back down to your desk. Looking at the envelope you cringe. ‘It’s so bright...’ you internally think.
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Osamu Miya:
- He gives you the basic basic red envelope 
- He was running late and didnt have time to stop by the bank, he wanted to be extra and give you $20 in $2 bills.
- So he just gives you a $20 bill.
- When he hands it to u, u notice its all bumpy
- Ur feeling around the envelope and theirs something else inside than just money
- U open and theres lucky candy stuffed inside
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“Good-morningggggg” You turn to look up from your desk, seeing the younger twin walk in after his brother. He looks down at you, then to your desk seeing the red envelope his brother gave you. 
He cringes with you, before pulling out another, handing it to you.
“Happy Tết cutie” He greets. You thank him and greet him back as you take the envelope, you realize how bumpy and lumpy it is. 
You look back up to Osamu, he’s waiting for you to open it. You open it and out drops like 7 pieces of lucky candy. 
You look back up to him in confusion before he swoops in and takes back the 7 pieces, unwrapping them all at once and shoving them into his mouth.
Chewing, he winks at you before walking away to his seat. You can hear the audible crunch coming from the hard as fuck candy as he walks away.
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Suna Rintarou:
- My guy doesnt even give you a red envelope
- He straight up just gives you cash
- Drops it on your desk and leaves
- Im jk he would come back and be like “sike u thought”
- Pulls out a red envelope, cute but has one of the most stupidest fucking design 
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You listen to the crunching of Osamu’s poor teeth grinding against the lucky candy before-
“Yo” Before having the time to look up, you hear a slap against your desk as Suna begins to turn to walk away. You look down to see a $50 bill on your desk.
You turn to look at him, he stares at you for a second before walking away.
He comes back to you after settling his bag down.
He takes the $50 on your desk and slips it into the red envelope now in his hands. After sliding it in he brings the envelope to his mouth and begins to lick the ends as he seductively looks at you before folding the paper in. 
You watch him in disgust suna baby you don’t have to lick the ends of the red envelope that’s not how they work. He sets the red envelope back on your desk, his head coming closer to yours, enough for you to feel his breath against you.
He brings his mouth over to your ear before whispering in a husky voice “Happy Lunar New Year đẹp gái qua~” Before pulling away and walking to his desk like nothing happened.
You sit there absolutely shaken, until you look down to see the red envelope he left. Jesus fuck what the hell is that thing.
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
When December comes | Hendery
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✦ Hendery x reader x Lucas ✦ Fluff, Smut, Angst, Royalty AU, Nutcracker AU ✦ 3/5 for HOLIDAY SERIES: Once Upon A December
Summary: As an adopted legitimate princess and future queen of two kingdoms, you grew up proving yourself that you deserve the role that has given to you. Nothing is simple about being an adopted princess but being arranged to marry Prince Hendery turned your life upside down.He left you, eventually. And by the time he came back to your life, you have a loving boyfriend, and Prince Hendery…. is arranged to be married to your sister now.  
Word count: 8,690k
Warnings: adopted reader (if thats triggering at any point, please click away) A lot of smut, unprotected sex, mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of other idols, fingering, mentions of rough sex, heavy cheating, major character death
A/N: PURE FICTION. This is a love triangle fic but not much focused to Lucas, more on Hendery. Inspired by a bunch of royalty movies, especially princess diaries, Nutcracker (ballet), inspired by the song Satisfied from Hamilton. Love writing for Hendery so much. Check my recent post for Hendery’s thirst photos whahaha, as per Lucas character here idk I always see him as sweet and lovable and he always knows what to do. The guy has serious good leadership skills if you haven’t’ notice and i think its sexy. I’m glad this didnt reach to 10k bc u know me i hate my works being long af haha enjoy reading mwa!
For @jeongyoonohs​ sorry it took me so long to finish this :( But this is for you! 
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away, ruled by a king and queen who can’t have a baby no matter how many times they’ve tried. The sad news spread all over the kingdom and caused chaos everywhere mainly because they were scared for the fall of their beloved kingdom.
But the king is wise. He made an alliance with the kingdom of his truest friend and together they helped each other’s kingdom by making an agreement. “I can’t have a child, but my queen and I have decided to adopt a baby girl,” the king says to his fellow king.
“And my wife is carrying a baby boy”
“It’s settled then. My adopted daughter will be arranged with your son, and someday be married to each other” They shook hands and made the agreement official by sealing it with their signatures and royal seals in front of their queens.
The kingdom that lost their trust with their king is now calmed relieved after hearing the great news of the two kingdoms having an alliance. And to fully earned their trust again, they searched far and wide for a baby girl that will soon be the future of their kingdom.
“And that baby girl is you my darling” your grandfather finishes his bedtime story to you. Caging you in his strong arms, cradling you like you’re truly related by blood. “Grow up as a fine woman and save this kingdom” he added. You embraced your grandfather back and smiled so sweetly at him, tracing his handsome features… then you remembered.
“Tell me the story about the Nutcracker prince,” you singsong to him. He doesn’t tell you the original story, but instead, he always tells you his version and it’s always better. His embrace became tighter, then he looked at his expensive watch to check how many minutes does he have left.
“Okay. I only have a few minutes left, princess” He started by introducing the Nutcracker prince to you which is actually magical because even though you’ve heard of this so many times it never gets old and you’re always excited to hear it again.
He described the prince as a soldier like him, but a younger version he says with a giggle. And that Nutcracker slash prince slash soldier is made specifically for you so that one day, the two of you can rule two kingdoms all at once. “Why do I need a prince?” you pout, and your grandfather is startled by your question.
“Well, jeez, I don’t know. I’m sure you can still be a fine queen without a prince, right?” he says while tucking you in and preparing you for bed. “But let’s just say that princesses like you need a proper man like the Nutcracker because… grandfather will not always be by your side” of course he can’t mention death to you, no, you’re too young to know about these things. So he kissed you goodnight on your forehead and promise to see you early in the morning again.
Growing up as an adopted princess was never easy because the eyes of a judging kingdom have always been against you and your family. That’s why as you grow up, you swore to yourself that you will prove them wrong and that you are the future of this kingdom. At a very young age, you made your parents proud of your gift of leadership and continue to make them proud by doing great in school.
Until one day, the queen finally got pregnant.
The kingdom became so busy about the queen’s pregnancy and literally, every person is excited about your baby sister. You were only nine years old and you were innocent as you can be so you don’t know that the attention is slowly shifting to your baby sister. You didn’t mind of course, again, you were just a kid. But as you grew older and older you can finally foresee a life behind the shadow of your baby sister. The real princess. It’s like she took everything from you… but whenever you remember that you’re adopted, it seems like she’s just taking what’s originally hers in the first place.  
Today is your thirteenth birthday and you celebrated it with your grandfather in an amusement park. He is the only person left in your life who can see you as a rare gem and you’re thankful for him. As you walked around the busy park, with a few bodyguards on your sides, you and your grandfather laugh and laugh while you’re eating hotdogs on a stick.
“Your father told me that you refused to have a ball for your thirteenth birthday? Why?” he asked while enjoying his food.
“I’m not a real princess grandfather, I don’t deserve a ball. And besides, riding that scary rollercoaster is better than dancing with a bunch of princes whom I don’t know in the first place, and playing dress-up the whole night”
“Hmm. Don’t you say that you’re not a real princess, there was a Y/n before your baby sister. And the kingdom is still looking forward with you ruling us someday because you’re older than your sister and you’re still a legi-“
“timate daughter, I know, I understand grandfather thank you for reminding me” you wiped the ketchup on his lips and smiled at him, “What will I do without you? I hope that my Nutcracker prince is exactly like you. Wise and strong”
“Don’t worry about that darling, you’re still young, and I’m still here” he giggles and walks you towards that scary rollercoaster ride.
Things slowly change around the castle and you learned to distant yourself from your parents but not forgetting your duty as a first born and legitimate adopted daughter of the king and queen. And as you enter royal high school, you thought that your life will get uglier but no. Surprisingly, school made you feel alive and less of a princess and more like a future leader.
But most importantly, you finally met your Nutcracker. Prince Hendery.
Usually, prince and princesses meet for the first time during a royal ball, soiree, or a simple lunch at the palace’s garden grounds. But you and Prince Hendery, met in the school hallway for the first first time. It is as if your whole world slowed down, every student walked in slow motion while you and Hendery locked eyes on each other. And the best part is, he did not know that you’re the princess who’s meant to be forever with him.
At first, you don’t talk to each other and just simply exchange smiles and glances from time to time whenever you cross paths in the hallway, eating at the cafeteria, or ‘reading’ at the library. You thought it wasn’t fair that you know everything about him but he doesn’t even know what you look like.
“You know I’ve been flirting with this princess for months already, do you know her name?” Hendery whispers at his fellow prince, Xiaojun, and told him to take a look at where you’re seated. Xiaojun then scoffed at his friend and playfully slapped Hendery’s face knowing that he is completely clueless about who you are.
“I don’t know if you’re always going to be this dumb, you’re going to be a king someday. Anyway, that princess is Y/n. The Y/n” and that is all it takes to make Hendery realize that he has been flirting with his soulmate for weeks now.
From there on the prince has become bold with his gestures. Sitting with you during breaks, even flirting with you in front of your friends and his friends. Prince Hendery has the most beautiful smile you have ever seen, hair is black and soft and you bet it smells good either, he was tall but just right for your height. Not only he was perfectly handsome, but he is a gentleman too. In other words, everything about him screams prince charming.  
You and prince Hendery were the talk of royal school. Everyone knew about your arrangement and the alliance of your kingdoms. You even hear people talk on the hallways that you’re literally made for each other that’s why everyone envied you.
“Let’s grow up first, okay?” Hendery says, giving you a single rose during your school’s Valentine event. A simple gesture that says there's no need to rush on being in a relationship and make everything official between the two of you but also, it was a subtle move to show everyone that you already belong to each other so there should be no competition.
You fell in love with each other from a distance, not rushing through love, taking your time, and enjoying your youth because you have a lifetime together. Although, Hendery likes reminding everyone that you’re his in the most subtle way, may it be hugging you in public, kissing your cheek before you go home, and smiling your way whenever he sees you around the school.
From freshman year until your senior year, you and Hendery waited until you’re both legal of age to finally make it official. The news was all over the TV, tabloids, articles, and magazines that you’re in love with each other. It was a cute high school sweethearts story and every day was perfect.
Senior year just started and you and Hendery decided to study together but the planned study session became a make out session, giggling and cuddling in his bed while still wearing your uniforms. The prince was looking at you, admiring your pretty face touching your features softly then suddenly he noticed that he can almost see your breast. He looked away, of course. And covered his head with one of his pillows as he groans in frustration.
“What? Why?” you asked, completely clueless. He didn’t answer you, instead, he covers your exposed skin with a small pillow. “Oh shit, I’m sorry” you apologized immediately and became shy like him too.
“It’s okay. If I’m being honest I wanted to touch you but, I knew better than that. Can we promise to be each other’s first and last?”
“You mean sex?”
“Exactly, sex”
“Only if we seal it with a kiss,” you bite back in a flirty tone, looking at his pink lips that are slowly coming closer to you. When your lips touched, you returned the kiss and swing your arms around his neck, situating him accidentally in between your legs. Skirt lifted and all. Your bodies are becoming warm in an instant and you both know you need to stop before you make wrong decisions.
“How's that for a promise? Let’s get married when we grow older and have sex every day” he bit the shell of your ear, making you giggle and laugh with him. Being this horny with each other is normal, you thought. You are both young and full of passion, and it amazes you how Hendery wanted to wait until you get married and be kings and queens.
Senior year is perfect. Every day.
Until one day, Hendery’s father died and he stopped coming to school. You hear different kinds of gossip every day. 'Is he a king now? That's why he's not coming to school?', 'School is boring for king Hendery now', 'Are they gonna be married soon?', 'Are they even ready to rule yet?'. Again, you were the talk of the nation. The headline ‘Prince Hendery left Princess Y/n’ was everywhere and you can't do anything about it. You weren’t hurt that he left everything, you were more worried because maybe he’s all alone and grieving. You wanted to ask his family but you respect their privacy.
“So he just left?” you told your grandfather everything. He just came back from his cruise around the world and you’re happy to see his visible tan lines, for sure he had a great time.
“Yep, just like that grandfather,” you walk shoulder to shoulder around the palace’s garden, looking at the flowers and harvesting some fruits.
“Well, I’m sure he had his reasons. Just stretch your patience my darling, you know what they say, love is patience” he pats your hand before picking a lemon. “Enough about the prince, I heard you are making quite an impression now. The king is beyond impressed” he was talking about your win, elected student body president. Apparently, it’s a big deal for your father, because, during his stay in royal school, he was elected as president too.
“I didn’t try too much, I think I won because of my popularity and not because of my leadership skills” you once again doubted yourself but of course, your grandfather is here to straighten you up.
“Show them you’re both. Popular and a great leader”
It was always a good talk with your grandfather, but whenever you remember that Hendery is not with you anymore it automatically makes you sad. You missed him. So much.  
But even though you missed Hendery and it’s like he took a part of your heart and brought it with him, life goes on. You faced Senior year and showed everyone your perfect smiles like nothing is bothering you. But at night, when you’re all alone, you just can’t help but look at your pictures with Hendery on your phone and miss him.
Life goes on.
With or without your prince.
You studied day and night, kept your eyes on the prize, and busy yourself until your heart is finally healed. You waited for him of course, you waited long and hard but you can’t wait forever.
As you continue to know yourself, get involved with a lot of organizations in college, your journey has become even more thrilling when you met Lucas. He’s not royalty nor does he came from a rich family, he’s “just a man who’s brave enough to ask a princess on a date” his exact words.
Lucas is a whole new adventure to you. He’s the epitome of new things and new experiences. But your favorite thing about Lucas is, he can make you forget that you’re a princess even just for a few hours. He made you happy every day because he never forgets to tell you that being happy is the most important thing in this world. He loves you with every part of his being. And he’s ready to face your world and be with you in every step until you become queen.
“N-no I don’t want to be king. I can be your butler and still love you for all I care” he covers your naked body while you both come down from your highs. Tonight is one of those nights that you can be with Lucas without having your bodyguard. He was praising you during sex, calling you ‘princess’ or ‘my queen’ whenever he thrust and pushes you on the edge, so you asked him a stupid question if he wants to be king. “I just want to be with you, people may see me as a gold digger once the news that you have a commoner boyfriend comes out, but we both know that’s not true right?”
“Of course, not” you embraced him and apologized for the question, hiding your face on his chest. You feel his big hands caress your back to comfort you and soon plant kisses on your temple. He’s always sweet and gentle like this. If only people would see the kind of person Lucas truly is.
“But what if he comes back? What will happen to us?” he was talking about Hendery. When Lucas knew that you’re arranged to be married to Hendery, he didn’t take it lightly. He was mad but not to you. You didn’t talk for weeks and you’re both heartbroken, but Lucas realized that it's better to love you fiercely now than waste his time worrying about the future.
“I will talk to my father, don’t worry about that. Wong Yukhei don’t you trust me?” you kissed his chest to put him back in the mood and change the subject. Of course, he can’t say no to you.  
After getting your degree in college, you started working for the king and queen, spearheading foundations, and knowing the kingdoms that you’re going to rule someday. Remember when you thought your parents will forget about your existence because they had your sister? Well, that didn’t happen. Your parents were proud of everything you’ve achieved and they wanted your sister to follow in your footsteps.
Slowly, you proved to them that you don’t need a king to rule this kingdom. Introducing Lucas to your parents did not go well at first but eventually, they saw that you and Lucas are happy with each other despite having different worlds.
Still, they want to keep your relationship hidden.
It’s Christmas Eve and you’re all dressed up right now, ready to shake a lot of hands and dance with a bunch of princes and dukes and god know what else but you can’t help but take care of a few things before you enjoy this night. You were signing some last minutes contracts and reading proposals when you heard a soft knock from your door, “S-sorry. Come in” you see your boyfriend dressed up in a tux, looking so handsome. He smiled at you before he enters and closed the door behind him, “well you look dashing” you put your pen down and crossed your arms.
“I’m here to pick you up your majesty, the guests are waiting downstairs and your grandfather-“
“Oh he’s here! Perfect!” you exclaimed and express your excitement upon hearing that your grandfather is here. You haven’t seen him for a very long time and you have lots of stories to tell him. “Oh shit- by the way. Lucas, uhm… Can you zip my dress, I forgot I unzip it because it was uncomfortable. Stupid ball gowns” you said, turning your back to Lucas and waiting for him to take care of your zipper. But before he zips you up, he kisses your exposed shoulders and massaged them.
“Don’t forget to have fun tonight okay? I’ll be watching you like a hawk the whole night- well actually, not you. The men that will dance with you tonight” Because Lucas has no rank or title, he can’t earn a dance with you because it’s against the conditions that your father gave.
“All done your majesty,” he says and stepped back to open the door for you.
Every Christmas Eve, throwing an extravagant ball has been your family’s tradition for centuries. It is known by royalties across the globe and this fancy Christmas party is actually part of your kingdom’s history. Different respective kings, beautiful queens, annoying princes and princesses, dukes and duchess are invited and all are here not only to have fun but also here to talk business with you.
The night goes on, dancing with a few guests before you meet and spend some time with your grandfather. You wanted to whine and complain to your assistant but she’s just doing her job so you shrugged it off. “How many more left?” you asked while waiting for the next Prince to ask to dance, “two more your majesty. Your grandfather is next after this” you smiled and thanked her, giving a bow to the next prince who’s about to dance with you. And the moment you lift your head to meet his eyes, you thought you were dreaming.
For a moment you forgot proper princess etiquette and gave Hendery a tight hug, shocking everyone at your behavior but they’re even more shocked about Hendery’s appearance. ‘The son of the dead king has finally shown himself’ you hear everyone murmur around you but you don’t care. You smiled so big seeing that handsome face again. He kissed your hand and asked you to dance which you accepted gladly, now that Hendery is back and you’re all dressed up wearing your tiara, you feel like a real princess finally meeting his prince in a storybook.
“Where have you been?” you whispered to him.
“I’m sorry I left you like that, I was devastated” he whispers back as you two dance in the middle of the ballroom with the other royalties, trying so hard to hide the excitement. While you were dancing with Hendery, you remember that handsome smile that made your knees weak, his sweet gestures to prove his feelings for you, and your promises to each other.
Is it really true that first love never dies or your love for Hendery was just too strong that it never died?
When Hendery was about to hand you over to your grandfather, your father and mother came out of nowhere with your younger sister on their side. Is it because they’re happy to see Hendery too? Or are they going to press you regarding the arranged marriage again? You cling to your grandfather as you get nervous but careful not to show it. “Ah! Hendery welcome back! How was your time in the army, good?” your father exclaims. So all this time he knew where Hendery is.
“I had a hard time your highness, but I made it back in one piece” Hendery answered and made a small joke that made you all giggle and let out a small laugh. Oh you missed him.
“Hendery, I want you to meet Y/n’s younger sister” you watch him kiss your sister’s hand, “and also your future bride to be”
You were completely taken aback by what you just heard and the words that came into your head were, ‘I thought you were mine’ but you didn’t speak your mind and listened further to what your father is saying. But as you listen more, you feel like your dress was becoming tighter and tighter in every second that you can’t breathe anymore. “She will be your queen in your kingdom, and Y/n will be an independent queen here” your father explained proudly.
“But she’s too young” you pointed at your sister but you see how your sister’s eyes are sparkling. Too late. You thought. You watch her be charmed by Hendery’s visuals, that damn smile captured your sister’s heart in an instant.
“Hendery can wait until his bride is in the right age to be married, right son?”
“Of course your highness, it’s my duty” he answered confidently.
After the unexpected talk, you excused yourself, went to your room, and breathed outside on your balcony. You can’t forget your sister’s face as she looks at the man you used to kiss and you used to love. She has no idea what controversy she will face in the future, she is so young and blinded by infatuation…Or maybe you’re being like this because you’re jealous.
“Believe me I’m just as shock as you are”
A familiar voice made your heart race and your body stiffen in no time. You turned around secretly hoped that you’re wrong, but you will never forget his voice and also how his mere presence makes your heart excited. “How did you get in here?”
You hear him scoff and stood behind you, “We used to make out a lot in your room-and mine too of course. I still remember the way to your room by heart” he looked up the stars to stop himself from looking at you. You looked so beautiful tonight that he can’t stop blushing and admiring you.
You were silent. Mainly because you don’t know what to say and you’re not sure what to feel either.
“It’s going to be fine” with all his courage he tried hugging you like how he used to when you were only teenagers. But you pushed him away and stepped away from him. Hendery felt a slight pang in his heart, he never thought that you could do that to him.
“Were not together now don’t you get it? You were gone for years Hendery, a lot has changed”
“You’re hurting me, this is not our fault we love each other what's wrong with that” he reasons out, trying to lower his voice because someone might hear him.
“Loved. Past tense. My sister likes you and you are arranged to be married to her Hendery” you close your eyes as you remember what happened again earlier.  
“If I have known that life will take you away from me, I shouldn’t have wasted my time and showered you with love and affection when we were young”
With a heavy heart, your first love left you in the cold night with a confused mind.
To make it up with your grandfather, you spend Christmas morning with him while drinking tea by the palace garden and telling him numerous stories about Lucas…and also your talk about Hendery last night.
“Don’t do something stupid that your future self with regret” he says, stirring his coffee and chewing his bread with jam. He was talking about cheating, he didn’t tell you exactly but you get it. “Did you tell your boyfriend already about what you felt upon hearing your sister’s engagement?” You shook your head and see your grandfather get disappointed but he understands that everything that’s happening now is not easy for you.
“He’s away, for now, left first thing in the morning to go to Hong Kong for his family” you felt hopeless again.
“Oh everything will be fine. I’m sure he will understand, that man is wise. I’m rooting for him” he says like Lucas is his son.
“What- really not Hendery?” you let out a laugh because your grandfather is cute.
“Nope. Now, don’t ask me why. Figure it out yourself” he winks and continues to eat his breakfast.
As days go by without Lucas, you and Hendery continue to meet each other accidentally whenever he visits your sister. You’re a busy woman, but your mind seems to have time to think whether they kissed already, hold hands, or admitted their feelings to each other if there's any.
You saw flowers on your way to your office and you thought that maybe it's for your sister, from Hendery and you can’t help but to get envious and jealous. He used to give you flowers back when you were in high school and now… he’s doing it to your sister too.
While you were reviewing proposals, you got a phone call from your personal phone and it's Lucas which you’re very excited to answer. “Hey” you singsong, putting the phone between your ear and neck while you continue to scan through papers.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, everything okay back there?”
No. You wanted to tell him that you’ve been having these weird feelings towards Hendery. “No, baby. Everything’s fine, I’m working now… As usual- how's everyone there?”
“They miss you. They wanted you to visit next year” he says, breathing deeply before he continues. “Listen, I want to stay here for a little longer. I miss them too you know-“
“And it’s fine! Baby, I understand. You’ve done so much for me already, go and be with your family” you felt guilty for caging Lucas in your country. Even though he’s the one who wanted to stay here, still. You can feel that he’s homesick sometimes.
After working in your office, you went straight to your room and purposely skipped dinner because you knew that Hendery is still here. When you opened your door, the same flowers that you thought Hendery gave to your sister is sitting on your coffee table with a small envelope that has your name on it.
Dear Y/n,
Back when we were in high school, I gave you a single rose for Valentine's day and I told you, “Let’s grow up first”
Now that we're all grown up, and still obviously madly in love with each other, I will not hold myself back from loving you. Not anymore.
I’m sorry for leaving, please give me a chance and meet me at the back of the palace at midnight. I’ll be waiting.
Bold of him to think that you’re still madly in love with him. How can he say that?
You look at the letter as you grow weak and let yourself flop on your couch, face first and still undecided if you’re going. Frustrated and guilty, that’s what you’re feeling ring now. Frustrated because you don’t know what to follow, your heart or your mind. Guilty because your heart says you should go.
At the end of the day, you find yourself walking in the dark on your way to the back of the castle to meet Hendery. Hugging yourself as you cling more in your thin cardigan, trying to keep yourself warm as you feel your heartbeat faster by every second you come closer to the meeting spot. You see Hendery at the back of a thick tree, face illuminated because of his phone screen. “Oh you’re here. Sorry I was about to ring your phone” he admitted.
“Why am I here? What do you want?” You asked in the softest way possible. He saw that you’re shivering and invited you to go around the tree. There you see a blanket and small pillows and the lake was perfectly lit by the moon. What a beautiful view. And while you were admiring the view, you feel him place his jacket around you and motions you to sit on the ground with him.
“Please for once let’s pretend I didn’t leave you. I didn’t want my father to die, I didn’t expect our kingdom to suffer. And you’re the only good thing that’s left to me. So please”
You looked at him for a second that soon turned into minutes. You bit your lower lip and you remember that you weren’t mad at him for leaving, so why are you mad at him now?
Slowly, you accepted the warmth that he offered and sat close to him, sharing the blanket and keeping you close. “You’re here to hear me apologize sincerely” he gulps before he starts talking and explaining why he left, looking into your eyes so you know he’s telling you the truth. He told you that his father’s last will is for him to join the army and to be a soldier because in his father’s eyes he’s not yet ready to be a young king so he didn’t have a choice but to leave.
You were heartbroken while hearing his part. “I was never mad at you for leaving. I was worried about you”
He smiled sweetly at you. The kind of smile that makes your body warm and heart flutter, he pulled you close and you let him. “I know. Mother told me you were looking for me, but she can’t tell you anything. I told her I’m the one who should tell you someday. I’m sorry” he embraced you tightly, his cheeks resting on your shoulders. And right then and there everything is clear to you. You still have feelings for him.
“What are we gonna do now? My sister, Lucas” you asked him as you rake away strands of hair from his face.
“I’m not in love with your sister” he admitted without hesitation.
“But I love Lucas” there’s that guilty feeling again. You feel your heart breaking for Lucas, he doesn’t deserve being cheated on like this.
“I thought you were mine” he whispers. And even if it's a whisper the hurt was obvious from the sound of his voice. He didn’t see it coming. He didn’t think that this will be more complicated than he imagined.
“Funny. I thought the same thing when my father told us you're enggaged to my sister” you admitted and scoffed.
“Give me a chance to win you back. And if you're not coming back to me, just let me be with you for a little longer. I beg you”
There was a moment of silence and Hendery understands that you needed that silence to think, “Okay” you said. And saying ‘okay’ never felt so wrong. You cupped his face and tried to turn this moment around, “what's it like to be away from home?”
“Sad. I think of you every day and of course my family but they get to see me but you... not even a picture just our memories in my head”
Now that Hendery is a prince slash soldier, you remember the Nutcracker story your grandfather used to tell you for bedtime. That’s when you realized that you and Hendery are truly made for each other.
But you have Lucas...
As your night with Hendery continues and makes up for lost time, the emotional reunion turned to giggles and laughs when your time together has ended. He invited you over to his own house for a date since he can’t take you out like he used to, and reminded you that you gave him a chance to win you back, and thanked you.
On the next day, your mind was blanked. You can’t believe that you’re cheating on Lucas and have been refusing to answer his calls.
Days went on like this until you’re not awkward with Hendery anymore and you’re comfortable again around him. He showered you with love, you accept it wholeheartedly. Every day was sweet with Hendery even though you’re both aware of the future consequences but no one seems to care for now.
You go to his place and spend time with each other, whether talking the whole night and telling each other stories, him making you giggle and laugh with your legs on top of his thighs while you both sit on his couch enjoying a glass of wine or whenever you’re busy reading something or you brought a little work at his place and he can easily take your stress away by making you laugh.
Today, you came early and decided to cook for him and have dinner together. You don’t know but Hendery is leaning on the door frame of his kitchen with a flower in his hand, watching you chop some peppers in his kitchen. He felt like he finally won you back. Just seeing you hum while you prepare dinner makes his heart so happy. He then walked slowly and hugged you from behind, resting chin at the top of your shoulders, and showed you the flowers he has for you.
You smiled so big, dropping the knife on the chopping board and turning around to give him a kiss.
That’s your first kiss again.
He was shocked but you did it again. You realized he was trying so hard that he’s slowly being successful in winning you back and you’re actually scared of the future but he makes you happy.
“What? It’s not like we haven’t kissed before” you touched his lips and felt his embrace tightens every second. “Dinner in 30 minutes” you smiled and went back to finish chopping the peppers and finding a nice vase for the flowers he gave.
After dinner, a few glasses of wine, cheese, and grapes, you and Hendery are buzzed and talking about work as prince and princesses while enjoying the view from his couch. The lights are turned down low and you didn’t even notice at first but the mood has been making you horny even though your topic was stressful and your minds are clouded with alcohol. You don’t know what came into your head but you sat on his lap with lidded eyes, touching his body feeling his hard rocked abs through his white dress shirt.
He giggles and laughed at you. He’s so fucking handsome when he does that. “Seriously you have to stop you will embarrass yourself in the next morning,” he told you to stop but he fixed the way he sits and made sure you were comfortable on top of him. He teased you more, smiling so handsomely and making your heart flutter.
“I'm not that drunk just buzzed. Want me to prove it?” You challenged with a flirty tone that turns him on.
“Mhmm. Okay,” he tilts his head and waited for this proof you were saying.
“I still remember how we sealed our promises with a kiss. Like that day when we promised to be each other’s first and last” your fingers went up to his hair, ruffling his soft black hair and massaging his scalp.
You don’t know what happened but the mood changes and he’s avoiding your eyes. ”I’m sorry,” he says.
“No no don’t be, you’re here now make it up to me” you kissed his neck while he gets drunk even more because of your kisses. Your hands are placed on his neck like you’re telling him you still belong to each other, rolling your hips slowly to make him horny as much as you are.
“Did you have sex with anyone already?” his question made you stop what you’re doing to him and pulling away from the kiss to look at him, you thought he didn’t like what’s happening. But to your surprise his lips went to your neck, kissing you softly but full of lust. You feel his warm tongue just below your jaw and it felt great.
“Lucas, how about you?” You moaned out, shamefully.
Usually, his heart will hurt whenever you mention Lucas, but he’s the one kissing you now. So instead of getting hurt, he smirked. “A couple of girls. Life can be stressful I need an adult stress release. Any kinks?”
“Not that I know of? You?”
He stopped and looked at you to tell you the story. “Well remember when we were making out and I accidentally saw your breasts?” you nod at him, “I think I developed some kind of breast kink and I always imagine that I’m having sex with you instead of a stranger” he admitted and looked at you clothed breast right now. “That's how much I miss you” he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and went back to leaning comfortably on the couch. He got shy but he can’t stop looking at you.
To be honest your heart swells knowing that he desperately wants you like that. As quickly as you can, you untuck your blouse and removed it in front of the prince. “You can experience the real thing tonight “ you intertwine your hand with his and slowly placed it on your breast.
Breathing heavily. Both of you. You’re like teenagers who are just about to have sex for the first time.
He sat up to meet your lips and kiss you the way you deserved to be kissed, slowly you feel his hand travel to your back to unclasp your bra. You removed and fed his lust, revealing your breast to him for the first time. Hendery was so nervous that his hands are shaking when he removed strands of hair away from your face and held you on your shoulders, slowly he lowered your body on his and started kissing your collar bones and chest before he proceeds to your breast.
It was quiet and all he can hear is your moans and the sound of his wet kisses. You wanted to tell him that his lips feel great against your skin, and simply tell him to fuck you already. When his mouth finally reached your hard nipples and bit them softly, you parted your lips and your arms swings around him and push his head to your breast even more. You noticed he knows how to use his tongue, you figured he has been doing this to someone else for years and years while the whole truth is he always wanted to do it to you. The way he flicked his tongue brings you back to reality and when he sucks your nipples good your grip on his hair tightens and when that happens he bites your nipples again to make you shiver. This man is good.  
He placed his hands just below your boob area to hold you still while he does whatever he wants to your breast. Sucking, pinching, bitting, and kneading. Everything felt good and your moans are good proof. With his strength, he got up from the couch and carried you to his room while you kiss with lust. He lay you down on his king-sized bed and kissed your body down while unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down until you’re only wearing your panties. Hendery then unbuttoned his dress shirt in between your spread legs, kneeling in front of you, stripping until he’s only wearing his boxers briefs. He situates his body on top of you grinding on your clothed private parts, hands all over each other’s body. He then went back to kissing your nipples and sucking them but little did you know Hendery is just distracting you while his hands are slowly coming down inside your panties.
With a great shock, you closed your eyes and parted your lips as you feel Hendery’s cold fingers slide up and down on your wet slit while his mouth is still sucking your nipples. It was a whirlwind of feelings, everything felt good, and seeing Hendery enjoy turns you on too. By the time you had your first orgasm, shaking and body so sensitive with swollen nipples, Hendery was kissing you softly and asking you in the most innocent way if you’re okay. The sound of his giggles makes you calm, the way he whispers soft praises beside your ear while his hands roam freely around your body. Truth is he’s genuinely happy right at this moment because he doesn’t need to imagine anymore.
He went back to kissing your body down until he reaches your wet core and licks it up and down for a while before he lines his cock. In between your widely spread legs, you watch Hendery lick you good and feel him moan from time to time. “Hendery” you called him, kneeling in between your legs in an instant, flashing his beautiful body to you. His skin is flawless, strong arms, perfect abs, and of course, fucking beautiful smile. Everything about him makes you weak right now that you just opened your legs, reach for hard cock, and line it to your entrance yourself. “Woah” he giggled and stopped you, “Okay calm down, I’ll fuck you good I promise” he pumped his cock in front of you and lines it immediately just how you want it and slowly enters you. He wasn’t big like Lucas but he kept his promise, he fucked you good.
So good that you asked for more as you grip his Egyptian cotton sheets and let your body be dragged with every hard thrust he give you.
So good that you asked him to go slower because you don’t want it to end yet.
So good that you asked him to cum inside you and asked for another round.
On your third orgasm, your hole is dripping with mixes of your cum and Hendery’s while the handsome prince is kissing your neck as you come down from your high. “I love you” he whispers but he was too late, you were sleeping soundly already, arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled and kissed you one last time before he pulls out and cleans you up.
He didn’t sleep that night, he just watched you sleep beside him. Let you cling to him in the middle of the night, watch you roll in his bed and expose your body, but of course, he’s quick to cover you again. And when the time comes, he wakes you with kisses on your shoulders, embracing you tightly and kissing you more.
“Wake up” you hear him whisper and you try to open your eyes the moment he told you so. You see his window, it was still dark so you closed your eyes again. “Want to watch the sunrise with me? You’re going to love it” he went down from his bed and opened his curtains so you can have a full view of the sky while you enjoy your comfort in his bed. You sat up and waited for him to join you again and stay warm together. Slowly, you see how the sky became pitch black to deep blue to light blue until you can see the pretty view outside his house. It was calming. He was holding your hand the whole time.
After watching the sunrise with him he fell asleep while holding your hand and you think he’s cute for having a tight grip even though he’s sleeping. While he was sleeping, it’s now your turn to admire his handsome features and watch him sleep before you start your day and make breakfast.
You hate to admit it but it looks like he has completely won you over.
“You look good in my dress shirt” he greets you good morning and kissed you on your temple while you set the table. You feel his hands in your hips, slowly coming down to your butt, and realized that you’re only wearing his dress shirt and thin panties. He still can’t believe that this is all happening, “are you real?” He whispers.
“Yes. Now come on, I have a meeting with the parliament. Need to go home and get ready” you eat some fruits as you scan your schedule for the day and there you see it and completely missed it.
Lucas went home last night. And you left your personal phone in your car. Fuck you said to yourself but didn’t show it to Hendery.
Leaving this morning became harder than you expected and you spent a total of 20 minutes kissing and flirting with Hendery before you finally open the door.
You went on with your day and made an excuse to Lucas as to why you didn’t pick him up at the airport last night. You were at your office with stacks and stacks of paper works and you weren’t even acting stressed when he came in because you were indeed stressed with everything.
“Oh baby, I’m really sorry” you greet him with a kiss and left everything on your desk. Lucas saw how stressed you are so he understood immediately and didn’t even bother asking. “You’re coming home to me tonight right? I missed you” he added and pouted like the big baby that he is.
“Uh-huh. Of course yes, I’m all yours” you smiled and he hugged you so tight before he leaves you to work again.
“Of course. You’re always mine” he said and kissed you goodbye.
The nights are cold for Hendery when Lucas got back because he can’t get a hold of you. No text, no call, no email. No nothing. And once again, he was heartbroken and he felt like he’s losing you again.
When he visited your sister a week since the last time he saw you, Hendery saw you with Lucas and didn’t even think of taking another glance. He had all these emotions ball up in his chest and he needed to release them.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were visiting today” your sister was surprised and invited him into her room. When she turned your back at him, he saw your figure in your sister. He’s back to imagining girls to be you, he’s back to that sick habit of his. But he can't help it. Effortlessly, he flirted with your sister, and surprisingly your sister was horny. Very horny for Hendery. One thing led to another and the next thing he knows he’s fucking her hard from behind kissing her shoulders and imagining that it’s you.
“What’s that noise” you murmur to Lucas while you were having a nap with him. Lucas giggled and whispered back, “I think Prince Hendery paid her a visit and... you know...” he was giggling and keeping you close to him as he went back to his nap, completely clueless that you’re hurting.
Everything that you and Hendery built from the past few days falls down when you came to his house and had your first fight.
“You didn’t call! Or texted that he’s already back you just left me hanging!”
“And that’s a good reason to fuck my sister?”
“It just happened!”
“Bullshit!” You shouted back. Louder than before, completely overpowering his shouts. With all his bravery, he got you a glass of water, came closer to you, and caressed your shoulders to keep you calm.
“I fucked up and I’m sorry, please,” he says sincerely.
Then you realized something.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me. It’s okay if you and my sister fucked because someday you will be married to each other. Were the ones cheating”
He listened to every word you said and begged you to take it back because he’s losing you again. When you finally said, “let’s end this Hendery. Do you want to have more fights like this in the future? What will you feel if I tell you that me and Lucas fucked last night-“
It was like thunder, disturbing the silence of his quiet house when he grabbed the glass of water and threw it in one corner.
“Exactly my point. We don’t belong to each other anymore. I’m sorry”
“Y/n. Please-“ he begged once again but you just repeated everything you said and left him.
The end.
It was the end of your story with Hendery.
But just as you thought that you’re done handling one heartbreak for the day, you’re wrong. Lucas called to tell you the news that your grandfather had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
After everything that happened on that day, you never made peace with Hendery and never talked to him again. Lucas saw you at your lowest and took care of you every day after the funeral and never left your side.
Months passed by quickly and Hendery is staying in your palace as per your sister’s request and continue to ignore each other for safety. Sometimes you greet each other for formality but never as friends and as past lovers. Lucas is not stupid to not see what’s happening.
Two months before your coronation day, you were sitting on your throne with your leg up and pouting as you’re thinking if you’re really ready to be a queen. You see Lucas enter the hall but you did not move an inch. He sat on the cold floor in front of you, reaching for your hand and kiss it.
“I miss him, I wish he could see me as a queen” tears started to fall but Lucas is quick to dry them.
“He saw you as a queen already even when you were only a little girl” you understand what he said and you’re thankful for him for not leaving you at your lowest and choosing to be with you even though he found out about you and Hendery. “So... I wanted to do this, while you’re still you. And not...the queen” he says awkwardly and pulls out a small red velvet box.
But you sit properly and stopped him from opening it and saying the question that will change your life, “how can you stay to a woman who cheats?”
“Your grandfather told me love is patient. I had a meaningful talk with him, you’re right he’s wise. He told me you love me and he said if one day you do something stupid and wrong, which turns out you did... He told me ‘check your heart if you still love her, and if you still do marry her and don’t ever let her go again’"
Tears started to fall from your eyes again. “So will you marry me Y/n. Let me be the one to dry your tears forever?” He let out an awkward laugh, nervous about the next thing that will come out of your mouth.
“Yes, of course, yes” you cup his face, and this time you’re the one to dry his tears away.
Little did you know that Hendery heard everything. And he is beyond heartbroken.
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riddlessbasilisk · 4 years
Hi I’m a fellow tom simp 🥺 I really love a mean Tom but a nice one gets me in the feels when he starts realising he cares and gets that guilty feeling. Do you every see your self writing a Tom x innocent reader who he accidentally hurts and then feels guilty for but doesn’t want to admit it but for some reason her cuteness rules over him😭😭💖 I’m tryna turn his lil agressive ass soft but I wanna see how you could make that work 🙏🏽🥺
Hey 👀 Yeah, I've got you. Gotta love a bit of conflicted Tom, Man is a trainwreck when he has f e e l i n g s
Why is this gif of Tom so- 10/10 *chefs kiss*
Y/H - Your house
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On your first day at Hogwarts, you were considered average, a halfblood with no real reputation on either side of the family. You had a few friends, sure, and you did eventually get sorted into Y/H, which helped people believe more in your kind-hearted nature. But you were still just that, average, plain, unrecognizable in a crowd.
By your Second Year at Hogwarts, you had established some sort of name for yourself. Not all good of course, more than one of the Slytherins had called you too 'soft', but it wasn't enough to overlap what everyone else seemed to think of you. That you were a good person to go to for help, that you were a good person to rely on, that you were a good person.
By your Third Year at Hogwarts, you had been noticed by a certain Riddle, Tom Marvolo Riddle, to be exact. You had heard the rumours about him, girls swooned, guys wanted to be him, and a few, a small few, absolutely detested him - and neither you nor any one else knew why.
By your Fourth Year at Hogwarts, you had been often seen around the said Riddle from before, despite whoever protested to it. Though the name Riddle fitted Tom far too well, and perhaps you should've realised that some Riddles can't be fully solved until the last minute, and sometimes the answer isn't as nice as you'd been made to believe, and sometimes it's so much better than you ever imagined.
Your fingers felt frosted as you sat on your cloak against the crisp grass of Autumn, the courtyard was barely visible other than the lanterns splaying the walls. The sun went down at 5 usually now, and as much as you loved the stars sparkling up in the sky, the chill was much too noticeable - but it hardly compared to the chill that had turned into a layer of ice around your heart, and maybe that's why you continued to sit there and let the wind take over your body and the moon take over your mind
You didn't know why Tom had did it really, you didn't have the answer to why you had seen him flirting with a Pureblood Witch from your Astronomy class, but you had an idea, and it was that she was in higher classes than you, just like Tom was, and that's probably where they met, and that's probably where he had realised that she's better than you academically, and much more regal and proper.
And as much as you wished he had turned around and apologised when you caught him, he didn't, you swore he had glared actually. But you didn't mind, it's not like either of you had ever declared any sort of relationship, or said you had loved eachother - but it still hurt, really bad, and as much as you wanted to believe that those days at hogsmede, or honeydukes, or when he would let you, and only you, sit with him in the library while he read, meant something, that seemed unrealistic.
Because you had swore that you had seen him take her into the library with him earlier.
Looking up at the stars felt bitter, because they were like him, twinkling, brilliant, and yet incased in darkness only brightened by the moon, and while you wanted to believe you were his moon, it was far too obvious that you were only a shooting star who went as quick as they came.
But the ice around your heart was thawed only by the woes that Tom had told you so many times before, about how he didn't understand himself as much as he wished he did, about how Abraxas and Avery were annoyances more than they were conveniences. Things he had never told anyone else, things you doubted he would even tell her.
And the ice frosted over again when you remembered the time you saw him pin a third year muggleborn against the wall for something so minimal, or when you saw Avery come out of the Slytherin common room one day with bruises along his arms that you were sure weren't there the day before.
Tom Riddle was a bad person
And you were a good person
People had said it before, so why did it hurt you to realise,
And why did you still want him so so badly.
It was because you wanted to be the moon in his darkness, you wanted him to be next to you with frosted fingers imagining you in the stars, you believed you could be the moon to his darkness.
Which is why you were going to the library, because you knew he would be there, and you knew he was a good person, and you knew that Sienna Bowcan only wanted him for his looks.
Pushing open the library door, your confidence slipped away, there he was, there they both were. Tears pushed up against your vision but you blinked them away, taking comfort in the smell of old books that invaded the space around you.
Pushing yourself forward reluctantly, you stopped in front of them, Tom didn't even glance at you, Sienna seemed to be seething.
"What do you want, L/N?", The pureblood spoke through her teeth, an amount of jealousy seeping through, and you noticed Tom stiffen at that, which thawed your heart again, even though you weren't entirely sure it was her that stiffened him.
"Can I speak to you, Tom?" You spoke quietly, trying not to let your nerves show through, because you didn't know if rejection would hurt more or not, "Alone?", you glanced at her again, and the hate surrounding her made you shiver.
The man himself closed over the book he had been reading, a potions textbook, which seemed a little off for him, considering he was perfect at potions, but you didnt comment. His brown eyes looked up at you with a cold glare, which made you almost sure of rejection,
Until he didn't, standing up,
"Where to, L/N"
But perhaps being referred to like that by him of all people hurt like it was rejection, and suddenly you wanted to cry again, "The astronomy tower?", your voice was meek, and it felt humiliating.
The first half of the walk up there was uneventful, but you could feel him looking at you, analysing you as if you were that potions textbook from the library, "Why do you look sad?", His voice was neutral, but Tom Marvolo Riddle didn't ask questions without reason. That in itself made you think that maybe it wasn't all just a facade.
Forcing yourself to look at him, you couldn't help but smile, that face, that face of his right now, the one that was somewhere between frustration and confusion. He had made it before when he was ranting about his feelings to you, "I'm hurt", you admitted.
Suddenly, halfway up the tower, he stopped, prompting you to stop with him,
"Why are you hurt? Who hurt you, I can talk to them, if you'd like", you felt stunned for a second, confused, talk to them? He would do that for you? Of course, unless he planned on talking to himself, that probably wouldn't work today, "You hurt me, Tom" you looked down, not wanting to look at him, but you could only imagine the whirlwind happening in those eyes of his.
You felt your chin being grabbed softly and pushed up, but you didn't register it until you saw him again. Annoyance swirled in his eyes, prettier than any stars that could be born, and yet his annoyance hardly seemed directed at you, "How...did I hurt you?", All of the confidence that was Tom Marvolo Riddle was still there, but he seemed confused, vulnerable almost. Your smile weakened a little, "I just, thought there was...something between us, but then you started..pursuing Bowcan", You shifted away from him a little, prepared to run so be it he laughed, or mocked you.
You hoped he wouldn't, because you didn't believe he was as bad as people made him out to be.
Yet, he just seemed confused when you looked into his eyes again, "I do like you." He stated in an almost factual tone, as if it were the most clear thing in the world.
"But Bowc-", Tom cut you off quickly, not just with the look he gave you but with the pull he had gave your arm before he interlooped it with his own and led you up the stairs and into the astronomy tower, guiding you towards the edge of the rail and looking up at the stars, "Bowcan means nothing", his voice interlapped with the wind.
"Does that mean we...do have something?", as much as you wanted to say, 'are you mine?', or, 'are we together then?', you knew that that was far too blunt for him.
For Tom, however, he looked up at the stars to avoid your gaze, because he didn't know what he was doing. He had you beside him, he had you, he always had, considering anyone else who got near you romantically ended up with some sort of visit off of him (indirectly or not). Yet he had hurt you, and that hurt him, and nothing was allowed to hurt him, or make him weak, and if you were anyone else he was sure he would've threw you over the railing, or atleast debated it.
But if him being with Bowcan hurt you, despite her being little more than a pawn in the game he played, then he would stop. And even though this encounter had absolutely ruined his match, he hardly cared, because it was you
He didn't hesitate to squeeze your arm, "Yes, apparently so", and as much as he wanted to say so much more, he couldn't, because you didn't know half of the things he did, and he didn't want to ruin that innocence - and feeling you press yourself closer to him in some form of content filled him with emotions he hardly understood.
Maybe the stars told him all he had to know. He was the darkness and you were the light within, both the stars and the moon - because the light in his heart, small as it may be, was reserved for you, and you had all the light in the world to offer to everyone else.
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sakkac · 3 years
re: fumetsu no anata e as of chapter 139.2
this started as a response to @bestbonnist​‘s post on chapter 139.2 but now i’m just dissecting differences and similarities between tonari, mizuha, and kahak like im writing an essay for a uni class. i interchangeably use he/they pronouns for fushi and my writing may be clumsy (bc im not actually writing for uni ❤️).
mizuha is a broken mirror to tonari (and kahak a foil to the two aforementioned) in this modern-day arc, especially in their expressions of love for fushi. tonari’s love for fushi is aged over hundreds of years and mizuha’s, at first glance, is an infatuation just based on how long they’ve known each other. im the biggest kahak stan ever, but even i understand kahak’s love started as an infatuation for parona’s form. though, i’d consider the word infatuation compromised when it comes to defining mizuha’s love, bc u cant be sure if her love for fushi is entirely her own, seeing as it had been passed from generation to generation of guardians.
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(chapter 134, read right to left)
tonari and mizuha aren’t that different once you look deeply into the both of them. mizuha’s personality and actions are factors in tonari’s dislike of her, but what ultimately repels tonari from mizuha is that she knows they’re similar, and that manifests most clearly in how she reacts to fushi being with mizuha. i.e. resenting fushi for using her friends’ vessels to help their “love life” in chapter 135.5. she can’t stand mizuha bc mizuha is able to express her love for fushi and fushi does not reject (or accept) it; tonari still hasn’t fully admitted to herself that she likes fushi romantically (perhaps because she can’t separate it from the devotion that led her to harden her body to poisons and to promise her corpse to rest at fushi’s feet), so seeing mizuha appear to progress further than she has irritates her. as for kahak, tonari only has the biases of the other pseudo-immortals and her own of past hayase reincarnations to rely on. (this is not as plot-related, but these two also both like books. kahak read tonari’s fushi book, so i wish they actually met, but in a world where tonari didnt hate hayase beyond death.)
tonari as a child seemed like she thought herself superior to others, perhaps a natural result of her upbringing. she was raised on a prison island, but she herself never committed any crime; banding together w other kids like her, writing about her life in her book (which keeps her separate from or above others in a way). but this thinking ceases at her relationship w fushi. however, i believe this started before they even met. tonari’s childhood dream at seven years old was to write a book her father would be impressed by. she also used to believe in god, while her family was still whole. she even prayed to god when he decided to participate in the tournament in chapter 35. however, she stops referring to god by the time her father had shown tarnish. coincidentally, she meets fushi, who would “upend everything... jeannanda and [her] fate.” she ends up, instead of writing for her father, writing a book to allow a peaceful existence for fushi for whenever they decided to come back. this act shows that the adult tonari has written fushi to a level above her, out of her reach. 
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(chapter 35)
here i’ll quote ray’s words about kahak and tonari: “she also has a surprising amount in common with Kahaku, too, with the ‘I want to protect you even if you disagree.’” the way tonari had waited and honed her body for fushi resembles kahak’s attachment; she had finished living for herself, so now she was only allowing herself to live to further create an ideal vessel for fushi (which also brings up one of hayase’s goals). the difference is that kahak lived for fushi because, as raikkousaki said, fushi was the only thing he was “ALLOWED to live for.” however, while tonari is unquestionably devoted to fushi now, what pulled her to him was black hood’s coercion. as a result of black hood’s words to her, she manipulated fushi into helping her solve her problems, to save her from the island. this first “meeting” also revealed that she was attracted to their white hair; she later admits that she admires their fair skin, contributing to the idea that she could view fushi as the equivalent of a god or at the least, a vision of purity (which is :/ imo, bc of her dark skin). we should also keep in mind that, this, technically her first impression of fushi, and his later display of violent immortality in the arena would further his image as a “legend.” 
mizuha was exposed to fushi’s immortality and reveres him like tonari and kahak respectively do and did. instead of the specific word “legend,” it’s “immortal monster.” her first formal exposure to fushi’s fabled power was not unlike tonari’s, since mizuha had went into her grandfather’s library and read on fushi in chapter 124.1. after this, she manipulates fushi to save her, again paralleling the beginning of tonari’s relationship with fushi, but it’s from her overbearing mother and herself. both tonari and mizuha forced their problems onto fushi, but mizuha doesn’t have black hood stepping in front of her saying “you must lead him.” instead, she may have been influenced by the left hand, but i believe mizuha’s thoughts are majorly her own (left hand lies in wait within mizuha’s consciousness like a predator), and what they appear to say is that she’s leading fushi until he decides to follow her willingly. as for kahak, we only have a few pages on his childhood and what we can make of it and of his actions as an adult is that he was willing to follow fushi wherever they went, until left hand betrayed them both.
mizuha’s superiority complex comes from a different place than young tonari’s; she was a prestigious child from young, in addition to her fear of her uniqueness fading as she aged. this caused her to feel separate from other children. when she meets fushi, she sees how different he is from everyone else and uses subtle ways to keep him with her, while never directly admitting she wants him to stay with her, except for ch 125′s “i’m scared. stay with me tonight,” after her mother’s sudden murder. she usually uses excuses instead, like cutely demanding fushi to walk with her after school and go on dates with her.
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(chapter 36 vs. chapter 128.2)
as fushi was introduced to the people around tonari and mizuha, they received similar reactions, i.e. “your hair is so pretty!” and “woah, his hair is white!” in the pages following these, the similarities continue into tonari and mizuha gaining ownership over fushi: in ch 36 oopa declares “tonari found him. so he belongs to tonari,” while the islanders try to get on fushi’s good side, and in ch 128 fushi goes out of their way to ask which club mizuha belongs to when asked to join a club (vocalizing her claim on them so she doesn’t have to directly do so).
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(chapters 38, 106, and 139)
when the opening comes for mizuha to actually admit her feelings in chapter 139, she tries, but demands instead, “so... love me.” this recalls kahak’s confession to kai in 105.3, that he wants to “protect fushi’s humanity.” kahak and mizuha were both covered in blood when they spoke, but the atmospheres and characters are different; mizuha is clever w her words, but still too immature to let go of her pride, whereas kahak was the exact opposite. he rid of himself of his pride for fushi when he was a child, but said a lot of the wrong things to fushi when it came down to it. additionally, mizuha, when she wants something, she’ll phrase her words so that it seems like there’s only one choice: to follow her. this has been the case for others including fushi (chapters 120.2′s testing of hanna with “if i died, would you cry for me?” and 132.1′s “i’ll teach you about love” and the following guilt-trip). tonari is more direct with her words and meaning than either mizuha or kahak, bc of her personality. she directly confronts fushi when she realizes he had felt betrayed by her in chapter 38, because she still needed him for his plans. but mizuha is more direct with her actions; in chapter 129.1, she latches herself onto fushi, while trying to get information out of him. after the failed marriage proposal, rather than physically attaching himself to fushi like mizuha, kahak used acts of domesticity and protection to subtly appeal to and maintain his space next to them.
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(chapter 38 vs chapter 139)
tonari’s “there are people in this world who are better off dead” above isn’t far from the knockers’ reasoning behind “wishing for death is paramount to being dead” and the reason for mizuha’s mother’s death: left hand decided to “eliminate the cause of [mizuha’s breaking point’s] stress.” what this shows is that tonari can also justify murder, though granted, this is from a hundred chapters ago. however, this black and white thinking comes back in the modern era where tonari holds prejudice against mizuha because of her relation to hayase. tonari knows her dislike of mizuha is unfair, she can’t get around it. tonari is still as prideful as she was when she lived on jeannanda; it’s just that she is able to use fushi to justify her opinions now. i also want to bring up mizuha’s reaction to her mother’s death and funa’s knocker’s “purging and guidance.” mizuha seems comfortable with the sight of death, despite having a more normal childhood than tonari, because her actual main concern overwhelms it; she is always thinking on how she can appeal to fushi (almost like kahak), or in other words, how to salvage her pride. so instead of being concerned over being the actual murderer, she is concerned with appearing as a murderer to fushi.
so to actually answer ray’s question, objectively, tonari’s love is as excessive as kahak and mizuha’s. but personally, i think tonari’s love for fushi right now is also unhealthy, though it comes out of good will. kahak’s love also ended in fushi’s benefit, but it was undoubtedly unhealthy. and ofc, mizuha’s love is also unhealthy; she reaches for fushi for perfection, tonari reaches for fushi for humility.
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
I've Been Hunting Slimes for the Past 300 Years and Now Ive Maxed Out My Level: incredibly long name aside, cute af slice of life that suffers Same Face Syndrome. I'm still happy to watch it because of how feel good and fluffy it is though, Im probably gonna forget about it in two or three years tho. 8/10.
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro: I found out this was a webcomic first and suddenly all the HORNINESS made so much more sense. A Femdom, Degradation, Humiliation, Dacryphilia Bullies to Lovers story disguised as a high school rom-com which, I'm not going to lie, misses SKEEVY CITY by mere inches on a regular basis. However, I'm a Dom/Switch and this entire relationship sets off my dom brain center like New York City just shy of midnight. So if you're into that sort of scene, this anime is for you. If not, it's still fascinating but you're probably gonna be a little put off by how mean the Girl!Bully is to the guy MC. Unless you find out something about yourself, in which case, congrats! Stay safe, sane, consensual, and learn about the traffic light system on top of safe words, I promise you'll have a better life in general after that. Still Ongoing, currently 10/10.
Fruits Basket: IM GONNA CRY I LOVE THIS ANIME SO MUCH???? The original anime came out when I was in... I think middle school and my parents were really strict on what I watched so I never got to experience the first wave and I never bothered to watch the show ever after I moved out of the house years later. However, now that I'm much older I honestly can say this is one of my favorite anime to date, and all the characters are charming, lovable, with their own problems that I can connect to or sympathize with, and I love the MC which is always a treat tbh. Except Akito. Akito can suck a sandpaper dick. I'm only on S2 tho so no spoilers! Anime 11/10.
Monster Girl Doctor: went in thinking it was gonna be a monster girl who's a doctor with a homoerotic assistant (her name is SAPPHY okay sue me for thinking it) and ended up watching the entire dubbed harem series. Honestly, I've seen worse and this one has consistent follow-through on interesting characters and backstory enough for me to shove aside the blatant under-monstrousness of the female monsters and the harem-ness of everything else. Dubbing is honestly really good, which is a treat, and the monster designs are not the worst and the MC is tolerable. Honestly, I don't mind having watched it! The mix of cgi and the traditional animation together work pretty strangely though, and it often doesn't flow super well. 7.5/10
So I'm a Spider, So What: Dubbed version which honestly isn't that bad. Took me a bit to get into it, but after realizing that it's got a mismatched timeline a la The Witcher, it made so much more sense. Heavily done in cgi, and you can definitely tell between the 2D and 3D animations, but not the worst in the world. I went in not expecting much but it ended up being an Issekai I can stand and even enjoy. On god has a decent story... with the spider. I'd be a liar if I didnt say I skipped some of the human parts just to get back to the best part of the show. 8/10.
Somali and the Forest Spirit: I'm so fucking nostalgic for this thing it makes me want to go and hug my dad. About a human girl under threat of being eaten with a monster-dominated world. Very obvious "humans fear what they don't understand" message but instead of the humans learning tolerance it's what happens when they get annihilated first so like, kudos for the mangaka for having the guts to do that. I cried like a baby regularly. It's really good, I watched the dub and ID WATCH IT AGAIN!!! 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Oh my god. O h my g o d. Fell in love on the first episode, ngl. About if an immortal being learned how to be a person from scratch. I love it. HOWEVER. Keep a box of tissues on you at all times because you're gonna need them. I'm only on EP7 because that's all that's out right now but just know. I love it. Not for everyone but certainly for my "what do we define as human and the human condition" ass. 12/10.
Those Snow White Notes: A sports anime without any sports. About shamisen playing which is cool because I never realized how cool this instrument was??? Its neat af. OP1&2 are by Burnout Syndrom so know theyre fire. Gonna be real, its pretty alright, but not extraordinary. You can tell they were using the characters as archetypes rather than actually characters which kinda kills a lot of the emotional value you could've had, but I'm still gonna watch it. It doesn't make me cringe as hard as other sports anime tho so I consider it toptier in that regards but if you're a big sports anime fan you might be bummed out by it. Every single musical performance is INCREDIBLE tho. A solid 8/10.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: THE ART OMFG IT'S SO GORGEOUS. Listen, if you took coptic markers and gave them an animation budget with some manga panel direction thrown in there, that's this anime. It's beautiful. Gorgeous. I'm in love with the aesthetic every second. Story? Really good. Characters? I love the MC and his evil little twin brother asshat. Demons? Not super imaginative but I'm carrying on happy as can be anyways. Dubbing? A bit shaky at times but I found the voices charming if a little off for some of them. I'm already waiting for the second season with popcorn at the ready. 10/10.
Prison School: I watched this directly after Hanako-kun and it was like I got slapped in the face by sweaty unwashed titties and some fedora wearing schmuck's piss kink. No character is likable or redeemable. I finished it, but at what cost? 2/10 and only because a character shit his pants and I laughed.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: watched this right after Prison School and it was NECESSARY tbh. Its so CUTE and honestly, im not even kidding you, the fucking funniest anime I've seen in months. I watched the dub and the VAs are having the time of their lives working on this anime not just giving it their all but literally just going ham. Its great. If I read this im sure id be bored outta my mind but the VAs giving it a joyous performance make it an insta fave for me tbh. 9/10.
Sk8 the Infinity: i watched the dub with my bro and I can confirm that its a spectacular show because we both loved it and we have vastly different tastes. Incredibly SUSPENSFUL AND STRESSFUL for an anime about skateboarding but we finished it in a single sitting tbh. The last episode is not dubbed for some reason but we still loved it. Like if Free! was less obnoxious but the only fan-service here is Joe ♡ a beefcake who owns my lesbian heart. I think there's exactly one named female character tho and I legit couldn't tell you what it was if there was a gun to my head. So, over all, 9.5/10.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: I'm going to be entirely honest, I went in thinking it was going to be a boring isekai of no value. I was right about the Isekai part. It was honestly pretty interesting and focused on nation building like you're playing civilization rather than the usual "Get Stronger" narrative or "Get Some Pussy" narrative most isekais take which is delightfully refreshing. Granted there are flavors of that in this which means it doesn't alienate the big isekai watchers out there, but it's not the whole dish and it doesn't make me want to cringe the same way others do. You've got a slime MC just vibing and building a nation of monsters nbd. Does lose points for making the female monsters more humanoid than their male counterparts but makes them back by only doing perfunctory fan-service and nothing that makes me want to cry... except the butt sumo episode but in fairness it was all a terrible dream. Literally, the MC refuses to dream anymore after that. solid animation, decent voice acting, decent story, made me realize how HUGE this is in the Light Novel community???? There's like 18 fucking novels and that's WILD. 8.5/10.
Spirit Photographer Saburo Kono: a one shot special by the mangaka of The Promised Neverland! Honestly a really delicate touch of both super creepy and really touching, and I'm not gonna lie I'm bummed that this isn't a bigger project but the single chapter makes it a good taste for their style. I've been wondering if I wanna read/watch The Promised Neverland and now I think I will. 10/10
Deranged Detective Ron Kamonohashi: from the mangaka of Hitman Reborn comes this Sherlock and Watson derivative! Not even 20 chapters out yet with a sort of spotty schedule, I honestly love it even thought it's exactly as you expect. HOWEVER. Kamonohashi the "Sherlock" character uses mental pressure to kill all confirmed murderers and it's up to Toto the "Watson" character to save all those people before Kamonohashi kills them! It's just recently introduced a "Moriarty" family of crime lords (not a big spoiler don't worry it was obvious) so the tension surrounding Ron's past is amping up rn. Personally, I think the art is GORGEOUS, the characters engaging, and the story quick enough to keep my interest. Most mysteries are solved within a chapter or two so you're not stuck 20 chapters into one locked room mystery which is just peachy tbh. RN, 10/10. If this gets an anime, I anticipate a legion of fangirls who ship the two main characters along with their many friends. I've been alive too long to believe otherwise.
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Yeah I read the manga after I watched the show. A slower build than the anime, but it works for the format, if theyd done the same with the show then I don't think it wouldve done as well. Honestly? Cuter tbh but just as horny. You dont start really LEARNING about your character until like, chap 65 tho and no real "drama" happens until like 75. A good chunk of the chapters are like 8pgs so its a breeze to get through. I love these slow burn idiots of the century. 9.5/10 because you can DEFINITELY tell the mangaka does hentai too.
Yugen's All-Ghouls Homeroom: one-shot by the mangaka for Food Wars, it's no wonder there's this constant perviness from the MC, a guy who can see and exorcise spirits. Takes place at an all girl's finishing school with KICK ASS monsters tbh, kinda bummed its not longer. The MC? Blatant monsterfucker who is also a CONFRIMED monsterfucker???? Idk i vibe with that single emotion. Everything else is hit or miss. 7/10 for monsters and cool concept, lost points for the MC very pointedly being okay with admitting he'd wait for the teenagers to be adults tho. Creepy af. Could live without that.
Hell's Paradise: I finished the entire 127chps in 3 days and I was really enthusiastic about it 90% of the time thinking about how deep it was and then I actually thought about it and I ended up being very neutral about the whole thing tbh. The art is fantastic tho, but DEFINITELY deserving of the M rating. Tits. Tits everywhere. But not tits to be ecchi over, no, monster hermit tits on beautiful women-ish figures. Now generally I give that a pass but a huge theme in the story is that men and women are "no better than one or the other" but like, lady tits are what you see 99% of the time. Men tits are few and far between. I call bullshit on most of the "deep" themes is what I'm saying, so it's like the mangaka was trying for those deep thoughts but missed the margin a little too far for my preference. That being said, the MC is a married man who loves his wife which automatically makes him my favorite character so like... idk so many good things, so many misses, but overall really spectacular themes and imagery. Unique but classic all at once. It's getting an anime and I have NO IDEA how much censorship they're gonna be doing but they're going to be doing SO MUCH. Oh yeah, and one guy is a plant/human hybrid who fucks a 1000 year old plant-hermit which makes him a canon monster fucker. And one canon non-binary character who I, a nonbinary, actually like. So like... gosh I've got mixed feelings. 8.5/10.
Choujin X: From Sui Ishida, mangaka to the mega hit Tokyo Ghoul comes this brand new manga!... Of one chapter, lol. Not really binge-y because it's just the one chapter out right now but I'm already keeping my eye on it. The grasp on anatomy in the art is PHENOMENAL and you can see Ishida flexing his art skill which is great. Can't give a true rating but I'm giving it a tentative 9/10 because I'm excited to see more.
Shag&Scoob: technically not a manga, its an ongoing webcomic I binged an subscribed to in one day and I just think it deserves more attention. Starts off funny with "what if Scooby Doo had a gun" and has been led to "what if all cartoons are aliens that survive and receive their powers by the humans that love them in an epic war with Martians." On god, its good. I finished the current series in a couple hours so it's a breezy read, highly recommend it. 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Yeah I watched the anime and then finished all current 143 chapters in like 3 days. GOD IM WEAK. I don't buy physical manga unless I know I want to remember the story forever and I'm already budgeting for the current books out. Yeah, this is a good series. That being said, definitely not for the faint of heart or those who suffer under common triggers like suicide, molestation, death, etc. It's all framed as bad and necessary to the story don't get me wrong, but it's there and has lasting affects on the characters. Incredible story telling by the creator of A Silent Voice. Keep tissues nearby at all times. 12/10.
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thesappiestnap · 3 years
high techno!?? high cuddly techno hugs?? techno is a radiator ple ase philza has a Special garden in his basement
djdidkdjdidjdjdjnd ily "anon" so take my brain dump as a gift, like a slimey goop plopped directly into your hands <3
also i'm writing techno as a beefy human shifter cause 😎
techno didn't care much when phil started his "special" garden, he thought it was kinda funny, more than anything. plus, it was small, phil had told him it was more for the memories of his younger years, but suggested it for any pain he might have. and phil had stopped complaining about his achy shoulder since he started smoking the herbs. and, well, techno had been having the occasional migraine ever since that anvil got dropped on him, even if the totem had saved him.
so now techno was sitting on the floor of his house, staring at steve with a foggy mind. phil hadn't been joking when he said getting high was a new experience. where'd phil go? off flirting with death. no, really, he had wandered out for a little bit to go talk to his wife, although techno didn't quite understand what that meant still. that's fine though, steve was laying in front of him, and he was very soft and warm, so nothing else really mattered. and it was so quiet. the voices were quiet, only the occasional word or phrase slipping into his consciousness. it was nice.
meanwhile, you were out in the snow, freezing from the little flurry that was now sticking to your clothes. maybe you should've asked techno through the comms to do the trade closer to the warmer climate, since you didn't exactly have the clothes meant for this weather. but nooo, you didn't want to bother him to come all the way out. now you were paying for it, as your jacket did next to nothing against the cold breeze. for the love of dreamxd, you hoped techno would actually be willing to trade.
finally, you arrived to the cottage, gently knocking on the door with stiff knuckles. you heard the "HEH?" called out at the same moment you noticed a slight strange smell. you let him know that it's you, hearing no response. that seemed unusual. you call his name again, getting another "HEH?" in reply. you ask if you can come in and he just answers with an "i guess".
the room is still slightly smokey, and as you look at the pink-haired man half-draped over the polar bear, his eyes slightly reddened and unfocused as he looks at you, you understand.
"what're you doin' here?" he asks you, sitting up a little, his legs shifting from splayed out to crisscrossed.
"uh.... i wanted to do a trade, but i guess it's a, uh... bad time?"
"oh. yeah, phil gave me drugs, i blame him. kinda cool though, real quiet in the head," he asentuates his point with a tap on his temple.
"ah." well. this was a bit awkward now. but you also didn't want to trek all the way back out just yet. even thinking about it, you shivered, crossing your arms over your chest.
"you look like a chihuahua, shakin' there like that. close the door. you should've brought a better coat," he says, sighing as he gives up appearances in front of you and sinks backwards into steve's fur again, earning a soft grunt.
"didn't have one. not all of us live in the middle of snowy tundras, you know," you quipped back, making sure to sound grumpy even though you gratefully shut the door to block out the wind, coming further inside towards the fireplace.
"i suppose, but i'm the one with a polar bear, so i win," techno mumbled, sinking down a little, letting his legs untangle to steady himself in his position.
you hummed softly in agreement, standing closer to the fire, squatting down to hold your hands in front of it. there were some questions, but you decided they didn't need to be answered right now, especially since you techno may not give you a serious answer in the best of times.
glancing over at him, your eyes wandered over his tangled hair, loose for once from its braid and draping around his shoulders like a cape. his glasses were slightly skewed on his nose, his shirt slightly undone at the top. it was certainly a difference to the put together image he typically maintained. his eyes were closed, and he looked so peaceful, a little younger than the battleworn warrior he usually was. and he looked so warm. his thick torso and beefy arms, they looked like they could hug you so tight...
a little lost in your thoughts, you didnt realize for a moment that one of his eyes had opened, and he was now looking back at you questioningly.
"can i hug you?" blurted from your lips before you could stop them. your face heated up slightly as you stammered out, "you- you look warm and it was just really cold out there so it might help warm me up. sorry, that's weird, isn't it?"
techno stared at you, as if debating what to say, for a long moment before a slow, "suuurrreee...." finally came.
you scooted over beside him, hesitantly finding your arms around his torso while he held his arms up like he didn't know what to do with them. as you cuddled closer to him, he slowly and carefully put his arms down, awkwardly placing one against your back, the other going to sit in his lap until he realized how cold your skin really was, and then his hand was on your arm as he chastised you again about your ill preparation for the weather.
but you were just thinking about how right you were about his warmth, and how much better it was than you even thought. unconsciously, you were sinking further into his chest, reveling in how firm yet still soft he felt. and after a few minutes of the fire crackling and steve snoring softly, you could feel him relax slowly as well. you were certainly warming up faster, and your eyelids began to feel heavy....
when phil returned, he found you and techno both fast asleep on the floor, half-laying on steve, curled into each other in a happy little cuddle. he couldn't help but smile happily, and maybe he took a quick picture to show ranboo later before closing the door gently behind him. he could already tell his crowd were going to rat him out on the picture, but he didn't mind much, as he put a copy of it on his wall.
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