#i didnt want to make any art for about three years and i was planning to give up on doing it as a career
puffywiz · 2 years
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Rare moment of me sharing my actual life but my dad split the cost of a printer for me for xmas and I am so so excited and pleased with it! I now have way too many test samples of my silly little star wars OC lol. I want to make art my actual career so this is a really cool step toward that dream 💗
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infranuz · 2 years
Hii can I get a Chishiya x reader where the reader is an artist? It can be in whatever format u like, I don't really mind. Please and thank u!
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“ A PAINTING FOR YOU!! ” — chishiya x artist!reader
where chishiyas s/o is an artist who likes to take painting commissions, except this time valentine’s day is getting closer and they want to make a special gift just for chishiya.
— HIHI!! TYSM FOR REQUESTING,, I had this idea to add on to the request hopefully you don’t mind<3 but I hope it is to your liking!! ,, ps there’s most likely spelling and grammar mistakes so anything I missed, feel free to correct me 💕 also so sorry for writing this 4 days after valentines😭 ,, also,, mentions of wife and husband..
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it was currently 10 pm, saturday february 11. three full days before valentine’s day, yet you were still busy finishing up your commissions instead of planning something special for your boyfriend. the thought of making something for him this year crossed your mind as you were scrolling through Instagram looking through your feed. it wasn’t a bad idea at all actually. surely chishiya would appreciate a gift.
you were a painter who made portraits and other paintings for people, chishiya admired this. he always wondered how you were so patient yet fast when handling your art. truly a unique talent, even for him to admit. you had actually tried to teach chishiya how to sketch and make a good painting, the basics. not once did it work out. he may be a fast learner but sticking to the med field instead of art would be better.
still, you always kept his painting attempts most of the time. point is, valentine’s day was approaching rather quickly and this year you wanted to use your talent to good use. it had to be something meaningful yet pretty, something he would love to admire. this was your second year as a couple celebrating the 14th together. you had thought of other things to possibly gift the half blond but chishiya was never the materialistic type so choosing something for him was rather difficult.
so that’s when the idea of a painting came in, i mean you could easily finish a canvas in three days, right? the moment you realized what you wanted to do you got up from your bed and immediately started to sketch out your idea. you only had three days to finish the painting, thank god chishiya didnt live with you, otherwise the gift would’ve been a big fail right from the start.
after about an hour of narrowing down your ideas, you went for the safer option, your favorite date spot. it was more of a rough sketch idea since you weren’t fully sure when you first started, finishing the sketch would probably take all night but you were willing to take that risk. of course you would be closing and pausing your commissions just until the 15th so you could focus on the main thing.
obviously the colors would be a pain to find so mixing and combining the ones you had at home were the safer option. greys, whites, some really pigmented and bright ones others pretty dark.. yet it was a good palette. it all looked good together when you tested it on a small scaled canvas. it was now 7 am, frebruary 12th, took all night to finish, but at least the picture itself was done.. good news!!
although the bad news on the other hand,, chishiya would be arriving at your doorstep any moment now. he would always make sure to see you before a shift of his at the hospital, which was quite early. you had to put a cover over the canvas and securely lock your art room beforehand. it was screaming suspicion but who cares, not like you killed anyone. though the idea of chishiya finding out his gift wasn’t pleasant so before he arrived you tried to look natural which wouldn’t be easy with the evident dark circles under your eyes that made it obvious you hadn’t slept an inch.
right after you walked back to the kitchen the sound of keys trying to unlock the door were heard. normally you would be happy yet sleepy of his presence right before going to work. this time you were nervous and still sleepy, he figures things out way too quickly specially when you act suspicious, he can read a person too well. you heard him go upstairs, thankfully not where your art room is at. confused you waited for him to come back downstairs, “there you are, I thought you were still be in bed” chishiya made his way to the counter. on sundays you stayed in bed until he arrived and woke you up to eat breakfast.
“I woke up a tad bit earlier today” you turned to him with two mugs filled with hot water. “morning chishi” you smiled at him trying to shake off the nervousness. he looked up at you and his eyes immediately landed on the dark circles right beneath yours. “did you not sleep well?” he frowned. “ah, this? I was finishing up some commissions last night that I completely forgot to sleep haha..” he raised a brow at you with clear confusion, but questioned no further.
to anyone, you staying up finishing any art project of yours would be normal, to him it’s was very,, weird. chishiya knew you all too well, you would never and when I say never it’s because clearly, never have you stayed all up all night trying to finish a canvas. still he didn’t mention a single word of this, “you should’ve told me, you could be sleeping right now instead of having breakfast with me” it was your time to frown, “but I wouldn’t have seen you today, anyway it doesn’t bother me I purely run on coffee” you said proudly.
“you’re stupid” he sighted, though truth is he was glad he got to see you before work, long hours at the hospital were exhausting specially when he didn’t get to see you all day. he would never admit to that though. “make sure to sleep after, it’s not healthy not getting any sleep, you could get sick” there he goes again scolding you about your health, it’s almost as if he was your husband and you his wife. “i know, i know, don’t worry i will” you weren’t..
he left soon after you packed his lunch, which was rather silly. everytime you thought about it, it would be almost as if you were a married couple. with a quick kiss and hug he exited your house and walked to his destination.
right after he left you grabbed your keys and unlocked your art room again ready to continue. he would scold you later when he finds out you went straight to your project rather than sleeping. but that would be a worry for later. sadly he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow when he finished his shift.. at least it would give you more time to work rather than having to hide your painting.
at some point you decided to stop and actually take a small nap, anyway you were half done and it was 1 am, february 13th. once again you put a cover over the canvas and locked the door before walking up to your room and finally sleeping. yet that didn’t exactly do much for your eye bags.
“you didn’t sleep again?” he sounded tired and sleepy the very next morning he arrived from the hospital “you haven’t slept either chishi” whenever he arrived at your doorstep tired from his long hour shifts you would grow worried for his health. “let’s get you to bed” you grabbed his hand as he followed. it was a pretty normal routine by now. he would sleep at your house while you either stayed right beside him or went out to buy groceries. this time you would have to go back down and finally finish the project. which was very risky considering he was there.
he immediately knocked out after he felt himself laying down, you giggled at his sight as you went back downstairs. you made sure to lock your art room before starting so he wouldn’t accidentally walk in on you making his gift. after many hours later the painting was finally done and you could get a good rest right next to your boyfriend.
finally the 14th of february arrived, you were excited to show him his present that you worked hard on. hoping that he would like it even more, you took him to the exact same spot that was painted into the canvas. a picnic date to be exact. you were both clearly still in need of sleep but that business would be for later after your date.
he had a bag and some flowers in hand when he arrived, he was wearing the white hoodie you got him last year with a white shirt underneath and sweatpants.. typical of him. the canvas was right beside the basket of food you brought but that would be opened after you were done eating.
some small typical talk later you both finished your food “thankfully you had today off, you seriously needed a break” you were picking up and trashing the items you no longer used. now, it was the time for gifts , much to his dismay. chishiya was never good with words so he always just handed you your gift straightforward “here” he grabbed the bag by his side and gave it to you. it was a necklace with both of your initials although the s stood out more.
you let out a grin “thank you shuntaro”, surprisingly he didn’t buy you a ring, (he was about to).. actually even more surprising, he got you jewelry. you asked him to clip the necklace from behind your neck. it was a pretty necklace needless to say. he also handed you a letter but he advised you to open it later when he wasn’t in your presence anymore.
now it was your turn to give him his gift. you let out a deep breath and grabbed the boxed canvas behind you. “i wanted to gift you something special this year, so hopefully you like this” you hand him the painting.
he slowly unwraps the tie and opens the box, for a second you see his eyes widen as he stares at the content inside, slowly they soften and he smirks “so this is what you were hiding” you look up at him shocked “YOU KNEW?!?” you couldn’t believe such a moment was ruined by him telling you he already knew.
“it was pretty obvious dumbass” you sighted in defeat “at least you didn’t know what the painting contained..” you smiled softly “do you like it?” you looked up at him, his eyes to be exact. he only hums and smiles at your words, you feel all the nervousness lift from your shoulders.
you launched yourself at him with joy as he falls back on the grass. his hands travel to your waist as he hugs you. truth to be told you loved these moments were chishiya showed just how much he actually enjoys being with you without him having to actually say it.
your hands land on both of his cheeks, a small kiss to his forehead. “i’m glad you liked it, let’s have more years together okay?” you smile at him. chishiya could only chuckle at your words yet agree, he looked forward to spending many more years to come with you and truly, only you.
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kxmpfflieger · 11 months
I wish to be upfront about a few things
Hey gang, let's have a talk about the future of this account.
In truth, I no longer wish to associate myself with the history community, specifically the Great War subsection I've actively participated in for the last (three-ish?) years.
I'm going to be blunt and say that it is because of the people I've come across. This place is a minefield, and every second mine that blows up in your face starts a chain reaction worse than the last. Its terrible. Ive hated it. And my only mistake has been not openly stepping down a year ago like I originally wanted. There's been a LOT of unsavory characters that I have followed and supported unknowingly, and people that I've just encountered out in the wild that just made me sick to my stomach. Despite my better judgement, I've persisted, but I recognise the toll it has taken on my mental health is really not worth any of this.
To add insult to injury, actively being in the history community has made me scared of engaging with other communities in fear of being ousted for the stigma WW/Imperial Germany art can carry in general, and its become a problem the more I've grown tired and fallen out of love with this material.
I wish to branch out, I don't want to be associated with this community anymore because of the shit I've seen and how insensitive and out-of-touch a lot of the people seem to be about such serious subjects.
My relationship with Martyrs is definitely not what it used to be, same goes for the "source material". I wish I could tell you a few bad apples didnt spoil the basket, but they did. In truth, I've lost the love I held for it.
A mix of the rancid experiences I've had with the community this past year, combined with the fact publishing comics as a One Man Team is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone (burnout, impostor syndrome, having to deal with carpal tunnel for the rest of my life now partially because of it, off the top of my head).
I don't want to drop the comic nor the characters I've made, developed and invested myself in for the past two years of my life. I need time to heal my relationship with my art, Martyrs in its entirety, and just broaden my horizons with other fandoms instead of limiting myself to one thing. I will not abandon what I've worked so hard for, but I need time to pull myself back up.
I don't plan on stopping art of the characters entirely. But please be aware that if that was the only content you followed me for, you will have to deal with lots of other unrelated stuff from now on.
Getting myself lost in the absolute minefield this place is (the ww community) is not something I wish to do again. I dont want to be considered a member of it. I want to be an outsider occasionally dropping by. Only surface level stuff with art of my characters and comic, that's it.
I'm grateful for the connections and the wonderful close friends I've made. For all the lovely fan-works and words of love and endorsement I've received. But I need to take better care of myself, and there are very clear and specific steps I need to take to do so. I debated making this post in the first place and just phasing out ww art out slowly overtime, but doing so didnt feel right.
If you wish to unfollow me after this, please go ahead. You're not obligated to stay, nor am I obligated to keep you here. Thank you for sharing this journey with me for the past two years.
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squeaksinc · 9 months
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2023 creative year in review! 💦💦
The most stand-out thing to mention was this was arguably my most active and productive cosplay year...maybe ever? its incredibly uncommon that I can handmake 9 costumes in a year, but on top of that, 7 of the 9 were also custom designs, which is pretty wild.
costume-wise, i learned a stupid amount of skills and really pushed what i was comfortable with. IMO the best from the year are the collector, knives, pupet, and nekomancer at least just from a craftsmanship perspective. I try not to brag or be an ass, but I am genuinely very proud of those. they posed fun creative challenges that kept me engaged, and I'm happy with how they turned out!
the other side of the coin is although last year was my most dormant cosplay year, other crafts were super active....and the reverse happened this year _(:3」∠)_ i didnt really draw much at all other than making cosplay designs, and other physical media didnt get much time to shine either. I made some plushies, but they were lackluster, and I think I made maybe one unfinished figure lol. but I did try BJD making and loved it!! I made 4 this year and have plans to do more haha.
thats the upbeat overview, the readmore is going to be a more negative perspective so proceed with caution haha.
More than anything I wish i had more time to do art and build up Stitch in The Ditch/more OC work, but honestly this year was also objectively insane in the non-creative front. like i hit the worst patch of chronic pain i've ever had/found out my abdominals have been ripping themselves apart and bleeding for the past 10 years lol/had to go to the hospital like THREE!!!! goddamn times and now i'm dealing with the news i'm going to need abdominal surgery, got a teaching promotion/award, got my physics masters, utterly INSANE family happenings, had gastroparesis for 2 months and couldnt eat more than 200 cal a day in that time which caused all my blood levels to crash and i'm still reeling from it, and of course, have just been Cashually working goddamn 60-80 hours a week in an experimental physics lab in the background during all of this which is driving me to the point of madness- suffice to say i hit my limit like months ago lmao.
like looking back i know i should be happy and proud i did so much but i cant help but feel disappointed and wishing i had done better quality stuff. honestly, i know i goof about how hard work is, but its really really getting to me. i've always been happy with my ability to juggle so many things and preserve my ability to have a cool job, make cool things, and independently take care of myself, but work is month-by-month morphing into more of a monster thats just been suffocating everything else out. I really dont know what next year will look like, as i've been wearing thinner and thinner i'm noticing a trend where I just dont have the energy that I used to to do anything outside of my job.
I bring this up because on paper I should be happy with what I made, but I still feel like im in a stand-still. I made a lot of costumes, but tbh they were low quality/lackluster. like the number went up, but the quality didnt and I couldnt do much of any other art things. I couldve, and shoulve, been able to make much better work this year than I did, but it didnt happen as a combo of being snuffed out by my job physically and mentally.
in 2023 I got a head start/built up momentum from the beginning of the year that carried me through when things got insane in spring/summer/currently, but I'm already starting 2024 from a low point. yall. im so tired. im so goddamn tired. like its funny to goof about how much I do but its catching up fast and i think this is going to be the year when I just cant keep up anymore. Its hard to talk about since the "being crushed to death by your job" topic isnt one people want to engage with, and unless you're experiencing it first hand its hard to understand what living like that really means.
for 2024, i know theres no way I will be able to match this same number of costumes, but my goal is no matter what I want to start making things that are more solid on a construction level. fewer projects, more polish. also doing more non-cosplay stuff like world building and dolls would also be awesome. will that happen??? lord only knows. honestly usually these predictions/goals go haywire but this is also more of a response to external things outside of my control so ???? ??????? we'll see lads
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neonfretra · 3 months
just read your nhl teams opinion post and I'm laughing my head off. sharkies clean sweep <3 <3 <3
COMPLETELY valid reason to dislike the devils, dw 'bout that (though if you ever need an infodump about them I come armed and ready!), but I will just say... macblack my beloved demon shark needle dodger... you are FAR from the only devil who's been stiffed by the terrible medical staff. imagine being sponsored by a hospital and having the worst concussion spotters in the league. radio-for-a-head is sputtering static right now I HATE THE DEVILS MEDSTAFF SO FUCKING MUCH THEY KEEP OBVIOUSLY INJURED PLAYERS IN GAMES AND IN THE LINEUP FOR NO FUCKING REASON AUGHHHHH
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
I also wish I could forget the Leafs. I also aspire to be like this.
um. in lieu of any like. actual content have pictures :]
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timo mimo......... grabby hands............... it is possible that I named my blåhaj after him..................... they're the same picture your honor!!!
but I like how you looked at the entire east and went "who cares, experience shork". I aspire to be like this.
i need you to know this line has put me in honest to god, genuine tears from laughing. oh my god i didnt even realize. like i have the standings pulled up and goin down the list i literally only care for THREE teams (the bolts, the sens, and the pens) for their proximity to the sharks. INCREDIBLY humbling. read me like an open book. im returning to this ask when im not lightheaded oh my god
ok multiple parts to this response because im goin point by point. i yap a LOT. not sorry, hello <3
the art!
OH... those wings are DELIGHTFUL!!! i love how nicely you simplified them, especially with a pen hell?? very very elegant, i hope you get a major minor obsession with angels ^_^
the devs & injuries in the nhl
how they handle injuries drive me UP THE WALL. like i personally assume teams start actin like this when theyre in hopes of playoffs when in reality its like . BABY. WE ARENT GOIN TO BOSTON. PUT THE STICK DOWN.
to make this about the sharks (you read my rankings, you know im like this) i constantly joke about the sharks being the healthiest team in the league cause all our players are out. like christ we have second most missed games on a per player basis at 459 man games lost to injury, second to vegas!
but i think its straight up because playoffs are SUCH a pipe dream for 19-wins-total san jose sharks that we dont HAVE the same pressure to play with torn muscles or broken bones. there is a reason why mackblack CAN have his 72 hours of purgatory (3 day long fever) out compared to teams who are noted to have locker room wide sickness and still getting in board battles. i think we should expose mackblack to them kinda players before the preseason so he builds an immunity to whatever they got. yeah im basically trying to vaccinate him SORRY i am getting distracted
YES, i will disappointed beyond words when the sharks start gettin better at hockey
and its like that that i cant really say its a DEVS thing now, its tradition to see what horrific injury a player played through in their locker cleanout like a more morbid new years countdown. do not want to imagine the consequences of the culture as perpetuated by both staff and players on long term health. lord. and people get mad about mark stone takin time off.
in the same ravine, different vein, hohhh boy they were NOT joking we have gotta separate leagues and medical care. nothin good has come of a doctor workin in the best interest of your team that wants you on ice ASAP and not in the interest of keeping you healthy and able to play and to live a decent life after playin. league worst concussion spotters is a HIGH bar. lird.
but in the same breath what can you do about a mess of on ice spotters? unless you plan on bringin your family doctor as a plus one. which is an absolute wild thought actually. wag jacket for my medical practitioner <3 rhinestone directly INto my open injury <3
sponsored by a hospital too... irony is rollin in its grave hello a whole rotisserie chicken of it
the devs, but more normal
wait oh god i gotta be SO honest with you when i was raggin on the devs i had you in mind as like. THEE friend of mine that roots for em and debating on how impolite itd be to drag your team. and then i remembered we both root for vgk <3
would you believe me when i say i followed them a bit? yeah i was mostly lookin for kahkonen, i do miss him though id call it a bit bad mannered of me to clearly only root for a team for one player LOL
do NOT look at vgk. or tbl. or dal. dont even look at ME.
does it actually count if im also lookin at timo meier? two players thats gotta count for umm something. two things even? because hes an exshark. yeah. oh god it really is a sharkies clean sweep. beloved stereax you have unwound me like the noble helicase. you got me checked out and in like a library book. you broke me down to my barest components. what do i even do with myself right now???
i will NOT say more lest i embarrass myself more than i have already
LOVE that you named your blahaj after him, thats very cute <3 i am endlessly enamored by the photo you chose of timo mimo, why are you so hat boy!!!
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hey isnt a blahaj also a shark
PLEASE feel free to tell me bout the devs, im sure knowin more about the team will not make me itching to throw down with their managements poor decisions any more ^_^
getting a little less normal, a little more embarrassing now
okay i need to be so honest with you. and myself. mostly myself. i was SO surprised to learn media has an eastern conference bias. what the hell is a traditional hockey market.
bringing shame to my family name by discussing the leafs
should i not be tryin to remember them if youre tryin to forget LMAO
you wanna know something more humiliating than regularly forgetting the leafs. i confuse them with MULTIPLE teams when i do remember them. NEAR EVERY BLUE TEAM. the bolts. the nucks. the sabres, when i do remember them. the blues.
visibly sweating and shaking as i stare at a wall and try to recall every bit of trivia i know about the leafs RN. if you root for the leafs i probably owe you financial compensation
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frecklystars · 2 months
my chest is aching and i am so sad bc i miss my starlight so much. but at the same time my heart is so full. i just spent almost seven hours with my friends. seven hours! i told them how ive been feeling and they didnt let me hold back. i felt like they were physically helping me to carry the burdens ive been holding by myself. they reassured me about my starlight multiple times, and half of them arent even self shippers, but they empathized with me heavily. they all held me when i cried and they told me it is going to be okay. not just about the grief of missing my F/Os ive lost, but just, in general, that everything will be okay. everything. and two of those friends who were present, i genuinely think they're two of the smartest people i have ever met in my life. they spent a long ass time analyzing my comfort characters, saying "okay logically, realistically, [F/O] would comfort you and love you, and here is why, and here is how. and no, they wouldn't harm you or manipulate you or betray you, and here is the logical reason why." if they say i'm gonna be okay, then... who am i to question or doubt them?
they also spent an hour helping me figure out how to print edible ink/glitter onto wafer paper so i would be able to bake heart-shaped cookies for my barbie/ken anniversary and transfer photos of them onto the cookies! they were so excited to hear about my anniversary coming up and they thought it would be so cute if i baked for my sweethearts ;u; they know how important it is to me because they know it's been 2 years since i've celebrated any F/O anniversary. and any time i got weepy they'd immediately hold me. and when i'd try to apologize, they'd refuse to even let me say a word, telling me to vent. so i vented for maybe a minute and cut myself off and they were like "no that's not all of it. keep going" and every few minutes when i'd stop myself, or try to downplay my feelings and change the topic, they'd say "no. no, you're not done. we know you've been through way more shit than that. keep talking, come on, we're here. you're not burdening us, we promise, keep talking keri." until i finally let everything out and they all held me and let me cry and rubbed my back. told me my F/Os would never harm me and why. told me how my IRL and online friends would never harm me, how they completely understand what im going through bc they've been through the same exact things as me. told me how barbie and ken are still here for me and how starlight is still here for me and how they're here for me...
i feel so sad yet so comforted at the same time. ive cried so much today but i cried surrounded by people who held me and made me feel genuinely listened to and cared for. and during the times when we werent venting, we were exchanging art, we were laughing, i dont think ive laughed like that in a while. one friend in that group stayed an extra three hours just because we were having so much fun together and we didn't want to sleep yet. she's one of the most fun and caring and kind people i've ever met. i got her hooked onto driver, and i'm pretty sure she's gonna get me hooked on the vampire from bg3 one of these days haha
celebrating my anniversary with barbie and ken is going to feel really bittersweet, but ive planned a lot. im going to really allow myself to feel loved that day and i think ill feel even more loved because those cookies are going to be made with the people who love me and who have been protecting me and promising me theyre always going to make sure i feel safe and secure with them. if i can feel this way with IRL people who i trust, i can feel this way with F/Os again too. yeah, even the ones that are triggers, i will reclaim them too. i know the love has to still be there somewhere, even if i dont feel it, even if im scared and numb and bitter. it takes time and it takes work but mlp was right bro... friendship really is magic and i know if i have them with me im gonna be ok. ;-; wah. im gonna burst into tears again augh. god. ok i better try to sleep. goodnight ilu
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
need to talk all of you about this amazing movie i watched after watching a couple of duds (sometimes we have to watch duds to find gold)--
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and you think 'oh its another hallmark movie'--no. as u can see it's 'reel one entertainment'. dont confuse them. (its like the same thing)
anyway--'the marry me pact', starring Rejected Property Brother #19203 (i assume they have more of them in canada) and Brunette American Carey Mulligan--brings the drama in this 'my best friends wedding' rip off.
opens with rory (rejected property brother) on his 29th birthday reminding 'charlotte' of the pact they made at 21--(bc some girl dumped him) that if he wasn't married by 30 he could marry his best friend charlotte (american carey mulligan). and rory wants to cash in bc this is his face when charlotte says 'yeah but u weren't serious right?'
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he was charlotte. he was.
so then she buys him a plane ticket out of miami to like, south america or something. as a present.
then its a year later.
charlotte visits a psychic for research purposes (she's a writer). the psychic tells her 'hey girl there's a man in ur life and also a pact to marry him'. she got all that fm tarot cards. but at no point does she actually do any book research. its over. now the idea of getting a man is in her head.
and boy does it. bc then at the end of the day shes like 'what if rory is the love of my life???' uh u didnt even want him a year ago....
psychic tells her one thing and she's all in.
then rory calls her and is like 'im back in miami' and says 'i have some things i need to tell you'
so they're at dinner (it's pizza at her sister's restaurant. bc a man wrote this so they just eat pizza its their favorite food blah blah blah) and he's like 'yeah i want to settle down. i started to envision that for myself', she's like---
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thinking he's gonna say its her. out of nowhere.
but then rory says 'i met rachel!'
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then rory's like 'oh yeah we're engaged. and getting married in 3 weeks. and also can u be my best man? and on top of that, can u help me plan my wedding, bc im absolutely useless'.
charlotte: uhh
rory: you're gonna love her. she's a nerd like you. she loves food, like you. she loves the green witch fm that musical, like you. in fact, why dont you meet her right now?
yes, why dont we.
this is charlotte and rachel hugging:
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this is rachel in case you're confused.
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and this all three of them having wine in his kitchen--
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that's right. rory went to south america and found the first american brunette that looked like charlotte and called it a day.
this man is sick.
then charlotte's like 'damn it looks like u couldnt get rory to have better taste in art' and rory's like 'uhh that's one of rachel's paintings' and then rachel spills wine on charlotte. but it was an accident.
im not kidding that really happens and i laughed.
moving on to another hilarious moment--charlotte's finally checking her fan mail that's been sitting in her organized office for 6 months--and what does she see? a postcard rory wrote her from chile declaring his love for her and he says in it 'you dont have to reply and nothing will change between us if you dont feel the same way'
charlotte reading this like--
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and what does she do after this? nothing. she just mopes. like a loser.
then later, somehow in a big city like miami, they all run into each other---
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the woman in blue is charlotte's pizza sister, she has a boring ass romantic subplot of her own but it doesn't matter.
the script makes it a point to tell us that rory and charlotte love bookstores bc they 'make them feel safe' while rachel the fiancée complains that she likes hitchcock movies but rory falls asleep during them.
rachel is such a loser for liking 'psycho' meanwhile im pretty sure rory's lying about knowing how to read.
anyway he has the audacity to complain that charlotte hasn't been helping him plan his wedding to another woman, literally in front of her (rachel). bc apparently charlotte's been blowing him off. gee, i wonder why.
then he tricks her into going to find a tux and then he tricks her into trying out a wedding dress with the excuse of 'i just want to make sure i look good standing next to rachel in her dress'
we dont even know what rachel's wearing. but sure.
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anyway, this little freak got what he wanted.
then charlotte's like 'can u get my shoe off, its stuck in the dress' idk how that even happens but whatever--
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then that little freak got what she wanted. ect ect.
of course we get a scene of his brother saying 'hey we always thought you would marry rory lol' and then charlotte leaves immediately.
then we meet the psychic again who says she got a vision of a woman in a wedding dress leaving a wedding. and we think 'oh is she gonna run out on rory?' but the psychic says, what i think is a great line, 'my child, i dont get visions of the future. i get visions of the past'
charlotte and anyone watching this: what?
psychic: i dont make the rules.
this is the worst psychic in miami. she'll give you the lottery's numbers but it'll be the winning numbers fm like, a year ago.
so then its like 10 days before the wedding and we're doing cake testing with rory, rachel and his best friend charlotte.
rachel when charlotte shows up:
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rachel (in private), is like ' wtf is she doing here??'
rory: shes helping us out.
rachel: i thought this was something we could decide together??
rory: i could tell her to go...she does find this all tedious..
rachel: no..i dont want to make things uncomfortable
rory: i think u should be happy someone like her is helping me tho bc im so stupid :\
rachel: yeah ur right :\
personally i think rory is getting away with too much.
so theyre tasting cakes but rory and rachel dont agree and ask charlotte and of course charlotte like's rory's choice, which leads to another hilarious moment--
rachel: well what do you know about wedding cake?
charlotte: i know you never ate your first one
and then rachel almost chokes on her own spit.
fast forward--rory's like 'what was that about?' and charlotte's like 'uh nothing'.
rory: do you mind cutting rachel some slack? its important to me that you two get along.
charlotte: i promise.
so now rory has two women apologizing to him for fuck ups he initiated.
let me remind you that a man wrote this.
then charlotte has to apologize to rachel and takes her to a Hitchcock retrospective. rachel's tells us about her failed engagement that happened 'years ago'. but then charlotte stalks down the ex fiancé and finds out rachel left him a year ago. not 'years ago'.
and if you think that's gonna come up later or be resolved--you're wrong.
then charlotte had to help rory find the location of his wedding and we find out that he hasnt written his vows.
rory: u know im terrible at writing. you'll help me right?
like,,,is there anything rory's good at? i dont think so.
now im fastforwarding filler scenes to get to the bachelor weekend--
the boys and charlotte go on some partnered up seeing sight hike and rory's sprains his ankle in his attempt at trying to win...something.
later that night, charlotte and rory have a talk.
rory: im sorry about the hike. i rushed into it--
charlotte: like you do everything--
rory: what does that mean??
charlotte: you rush into everything--today, the south america trip, this wedding--
rory: you supported me doing that trip--u basically bullied me into doing it--
(she did no such thing)
rory: u dont like rachel. that's the problem.
charlotte: that is not true. i dont think u should be declaring that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone u dont even know.
rory: why are you telling me this now? my wedding is next week.
charlotte: exactly! i dont want you making some huge mistake! maybe you need more time to decide if this is something you really want--
rory: i do want this
charlotte: does she?
rory: what are you talking about?
and then charlotte spills about rachel's runaway bride incident and shes like 'does that sound like someone who knows what she wants??'rory's like 'you went behind my back'. which is not true imo.
rory: i would have thought you had more faith in me, as my best friend.
charlotte: your best friend? you barely contacted me while you were away.
rory: i contacted you. i wrote to you. i told you i had feelings for you. that i had feelings for you for years. you ignored it.
charlotte: i never got the post card. not until recently.
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charlotte: it's too late now anyway
rory, grasping at straws: i mean...do u feel the same??
charlotte: it doesnt matter now does it?
rory, still grasping at straws: doesn't it??
and then charlotte says what i think is the best line in this whole movie---
charlotte: no because you left the fate of our relationship to the postal service!
(i just want to say that it is no way the post office's fault. that fan mail bag was in her office long before that. so the USPS delivered. she just just never bothered to read her fanmail. USPS is a great service and we should continue to support it. thank you. )
rory, seeing that he's not gonna his shot with charlotte: so why are you bringing this up to me now? we had all of our 20's for you to tell me how you felt. now im engaged and im happy and you want to dredge all this up---
( he's the one who brought up the postcard!!! he also could have said something in his 20's!!!! )
Charlotte: all of this has been really hard for me
rory: so what do u want me to do? not get married? have you and i try and figure out whats going on?
(that's literally what he wants. he's still hanging on for hope)
charlotte: I can't tell you what to do.
rory: you know what? this is so selfish of you. i cant believe that you chose this moment to do this.
charlotte's face rn:
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girl ur being gaslight !! get out!!!
rory: i would have expected a lot more fm my best friend. i think u should leave and i think its best you dont come to the wedding.
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he's literally the worst. he didn't get his declaration of love and he's like 'okay get out. ur uninvited to the wedding i made you help me plan'
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anyway shes back to moping when really she should have booked a flight out of miami to get away fm him.
she gets flowers and she thinks its fm him--
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WRONG! its her agent telling her to get her ass up and get to work!!
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and she's really happy about it. she's like 'i love work. work is never gonna uninvite me to its wedding or gaslight me or make me plan a wedding'.
then rory and rachel have a pizza dinner night before their wedding and they realize they dont dont know anything about each other and when rachel tells him to ask her anything, he has nothing to ask her.
yeah because he doesnt care about you rachel. ur were a charlotte replacement. wake up.
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also this card is fm target. i know bc i have this same stack in my drawer.
its the wedding day and rachel's missing (the escalade broke down) and rory's panicking but he makes his brother call her. this man is useless. he has everyone else doing thing for him. can someone kill him?
so charlotte sees rachel running through the park and she's like 'i'll help u get to wedding on this scooter and i promise it wont look gay'
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that promise was broken.
so rory and rachel make it down the aisle and they almost do get married until rory has his flashback thinking about charlotte and then at the same time rory and rachel stop the wedding. but instead of rory being a man and being the one to say 'i cant marry you bc i love someone else' --rachel is the one to stop it and take the blame. she runs out and gets charlotte.
rory tries to apologize for being a dick but charlotte doenst let him and then takes more blame.
you think theyre gonna get married but luckily that doesnt happen.
rory: you know i think you'd make a better wife than best woman
(so he's still trying to trap her)
charlotte: for now why dont we get a slice and watch some figure skating?
rory: i like that.
yeah, those are things HE likes to do. we dont really know what SHE likes to do.
and then they kiss--
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i know i said at the beginning that this was an amazing movie and if you've read this far, you're like 'this wasn't amazing'.
i said it was amazing, i didnt say it was good. it was just incredibly messy and i think rory should die.
3\5 stars for being incredibly messy.
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lliwless · 1 year
tell me more about the sbi pokemon au? im interested if you planned out any teams or gave backstories for any of the people/their main partner pokemon
HELLO YES I'D LOVE TO!!! i'll put it under the cut because it's a LOT of rambling and i don't know how to make my thoughts concise LOL (seriously this is very long)
i originally made the AU when the DSMP was still at its height of popularity, i think right after hannah joined? the story was going to follow benchtrio going all around sinnoh, meeting EVERYONE from the dsmp who were living their silly little AU lives, and getting tangled in a bunch of Lore with the lake trio and creation trio, but a combination of burnout & lack of interest in a lot of the CCs after a while made me eventually downscale it to just being SBI-centric instead and cutting out a lot of characters. I still really like some of the ideas I came up with before dropping them though, regardless of how half-baked they are LOL.
in the original version, benchtrio were going to have the three starters - tommy with chimchar, ranboo with piplup and tubbo with turtwig. they'd eventually get other pokemon as the story progresses but I didn't really plan much before dropping the idea oTL
tommy was gonna catch a shinx who'd match his energy and eventually a buneary like in the comic (itd be a really cute story of enemies to "i would kill and die for you" bc i love buneary starting with 0 friendship in the game LOL), ranboo was gonna catch an abra bc "hes anxious just like me fr" and tubbo was gonna catch an onix. bc he would and i think the image of him looking innocent in front of a giant fuck-off snake creature of Rocks is funny as hell LOL
the story would follow all of them getting badges and working together to be the regional champion but along the way they'd realise they wanna do other stuff instead - mostly ranboo with pokemon contests and tubbo with breeding, aiding phil in research (he'd create a little garden/pokemon nature reserve around lake verity IT WAS GONNA BE CUTE!!!). i don't remember tommy LOL
here's art for ranboo doing pokemon contests (this is 2 years old im better at designing characters now i promise. i promise)
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off the top of my head i also know that niki was gonna own a chain of bakeries with the main one she's usually at in eterna city, with food-themed pokemon from all types of regions gifted to her by wilbur (MORE ON HIM SOON). eterna city specifically because the bike mechanic guy would be jack fucking manifold the absolute legend AND THEYRE BEST FRIENDS IN THIS AU TOO!!!! jack would have electric & steel-type pokemon but his partner would be pachirisu who's basically co-owned by niki as well :3
SBI TIME philza was gonna be the professor and his partner is a specific murkrow called "chatterbox", shortened to "chat". no i don't care if it's too easy. he's seen as kinda quirky, kinda scary, because he's constantly followed by (and arguing with) flocks of murkrow wherever he goes - SPEAKING OF I DIDNT SHOW ART OF THEM. RAAAA
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wilbur was phil's son and he honestly just wanted to fuck around and find out. his curiosity landed him a solid position at his father's side as a sort of apprentice as well as son, and while he contributed a lot of helpful work he also mostly just liked travelling around with his partner drifblim, almost becoming the charismatic face for sinnoh's research team instead of his more blunt, off-putting father. that's how he introduced niki to food-related pokemon :33 also he's evil and fucked up but i'll get back to that
TECHNOBLADE MY BELOVED!!!!! the regional champion, moved to sinnoh from unova when he was 18 after dropping out of college due to mental health reasons and wanted a complete fresh restart in a new region, trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. he started physically training in the wild with pokemon, living essentially as a hermit and travelling all around sinnoh, learning to live peacefully and control his anxiety while befriending pokemon on the way. he met phil by chance when camping in a forest and phil was like wow ur strong why dont u try becoming champion and techno was like ??????? and phil challenged him to a battle and techno understandably sweeped him and his team off their feet. and phil was like Yeah Holy Fuck You're Strong. go do the thing. go challenge ppl. and techno was like yea sure why not. he has not lost a single battle :) also he kept meeting up with phil after gaining his first couple of badges, gaining a reputation for being unbeatable, and got gifted a cleffa by phil when venting about his stress and anxiety and stuff. cleffa became techno's emotional support partner and it makes me so so happy :33
this post is already so long i havent even properly scratched the surface of the story and this is only the original version... i'm sorry i'm not a very good storyteller especially when it's so hard for me to keep track of my thoughts :') lmk if anyone's interested in any more ajhaghja
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mekatrio · 26 days
got reminded of jins wretched tweets so instead of acknowledging them i will write down myyyy future mkd headcanons, set 2 years after the ending in a perfect utopia where they dont keep their powers
ayano: working towards getting her highschool diploma, still unsure of whether she'll pursue higher education, and what field she would pursue. works as an assistant teacher at a local kindergarten, and lives w the mekatrio + mary in their old home
kido: currently finishing up her highschool education via whatever alternative method she was doing back when she lived w the tateyamas (likely some non-standard tutoring for special needs kids). is also taking music lessons from shintaro, specifically for bass guitar and piano. works part-time at a music store in order to challenge her anxiety, bc she wants to pursue a degree in music once she graduates hs
seto: not pursuing education. got a full-time job at a flower shop, and volunteers often at an animal shelter. is thinking about volunteering at a zoo.
kano: finishing his hs education the same way as kido. is thinking abt following ayaka's footstep and pursuing a degree in anthropology/archeology. has taken kido's role as the primary homemaker, much to the chagrin of mary (they spend more time together now, meaning mary gets teased by him more. but she fights back!)
mary: now that the people she lives with have resumed their education (kano and kido dropped out after ayano's death), mary also feels incline to study along with them. she has no plans to pursue education formally, but just by talking with them and looking at their materials, she also becomes more knowledgeable and curious abt the world. she works part time at the flowershop with seto, and accompanys him to the animal shelter sometimes. she also has short hair now!
momo: quit being an idol, and is just a regular highschool student again. hiyori and hibiya began attending the same school as her this year, and the three of them are good friends. shes thinking about pursuing fine arts in uni. it makes her extremely relieved and happy that there are people who love her art, even if she doesnt have any powers to attract them
takane: not pursuing education, and is taking it easy instead. her grandmother had sadly passed away while she was ene, due to the shock and grief of losing her granddaughter. takane moved into the hideout with haruka and shintaro. she does some freelance repair work, where people will remotely send in their broken items, and takane will send them back fully repaired. bc she was a computer program for 2 whole years, she now has an intuitive understanding of computer science, even if she cant turn into ene anymore. (and shes better with software than hardware, but she can do both). she also livestreams anonymously on the side to make a decent amount of cash. some people theorize that shes lightning dancer ene, which she vehemently denies. oh, and shes dating haruka!
shintaro: enrolled into an online university this year, and is working towards getting a degree in music. hes still very anxious, but he gets a lot of support from the mkd, which helps him a lot. to the joy of all the members, he Finally released a completed song. it didnt perform very well online, but hes ok with that. kido (and secretly takane and kano as well) are huge fans of this song. kido always hypes it tf up. hes currently working on completing an entire album. hes still too anxious to hold down a proper job, but he makes some decent cash from giving music lessons to kido. and hes in a 'will they wont they' situationship with ayano LOL (they "broke up" but still hv feelings... its messy. but ayano visits the three of them and stays over very often). and ofc he visits him mom and sister nearly every weekend
haruka: just like takane, hes also taking it easy. while takane chose not to reconnect with her parents, haruka decided to meet his father again. it was very emotional and heartwarming, haruka's father was a big help in helping haruka, takane, and ayano reestablish their legal identities + overturn their death certificates without getting the press involved (the cover story is that kenjirou had kidnapped them + faked their deaths). haruka's health still needs to be monitored, but his illness is no longer terminal. he is a freelance artist + photographer, and quest-stars on takane's streams every now and then 😁
hiyori: moved to the city with hibiya to attend highschool. her parents got her an apartment to stay at, but she also wrangled her parents into sponsoring/giving hibiya a place to stay as well, threatening them w something or the other (something like 'hibiya almost DIED that time so you have to let ME keep an eye on HIM') so they live in the same building lol. she visits ayano and her siblings frequently; after kenjirou's death, hiyori's parents met ayaka's children at the funeral.. it was awks but not in a super bad way. hiyori's parents are grateful that they took care of her during that summer, so they kinda look after them now too and arent as super estranged anymore. hiyori is thinking abt pursuing literature in uni after she graduates hs.
hibiya: scored a scholarship that allows him to study in the city (hiyori got this too). being in a timeloop has made him less fucking insane abt hiyori and now they are actual down to earth good friends. its nice. momo bullies him a lot at school but its whateves. hes thinking abt actually studying geography once hes in uni.. leaving his village for the first time that summer taught him that theres so little he knows abt the world, so he wants to learn about it as much as he can.
and some additional notes:
momo ended her career with a lot of fanfare, having a very successful farewell album, doing a farewell tour, taking loads of ads deals, etc, before finally pulling the plug. this all made a decent amount of money, money which continues to help her family out even 2 years later. shintaro moving out and living w harutaka also helps a lot too. also, she hangs out w the mekatrio + mary often
shintaro received a scholarship for his uni degree
kenjirou had set aside a good amount of savings for his children, which they currently still use to live off of. seto, mary, and ayano also make a decent amount of money combined which helps with living costs.
haruka, takane, and shintaro make a decent amount of money together... tho haruka's father gives his son a generous amount of money quite often, which the three of them use to sustain themselves haha
all in all, all of the mkd live comfortably, and visit each other frequently ^_^
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clockworkslick · 11 months
oh. its 10/16. so short summary before i talk about nothing for a bit too long: a year ago i came up with the idea to actually go through with taking one of my silly ideas and turning it into something that other people could read, so i started drafting the concept of providence, a webcomic i make and thats updating everyday. more talking under the whatever.
so ive always made little stories that i would run through in my head for like two or three months when i had mental downtime, and then move on to some other goofy idea. this is either a totally normal thing or im a freak, honestly i have no frame of reference for how other people act. anyways i was home from college last year and i had this idea for an rpg fantasy story, initially an idea for playing modded minecraft with some friends (god i wish that was a joke), but i started writing shit down in a google doc. i wrote out a handful generic slots for various fantasy classes: witch, dryad, ranger, knight, vampire(not a class but i dont give a fuck), blacksmith, etc. and then i named some of them. i finished naming and writing out plot nonsense in november and changed the name of the comic from "Drive-By" to "Liberty" to "Providence."
honestly i think that was the easy part because its totally non-commital. unfortunately after that i had to actually start making the pages. the original plan was to finish act one before may, which was an optimistic goal to say the least, but also maybe if i didnt have to do anything else it would have been totally possible. or if i was just faster in general. anyways i started drawing everything at the end of december and then didnt stop for 6 months. actually thats a lie, i started drawing pages and havent stopped since then, but what i meant is that i started uploading the comic in may. i had a backlog of about 75 pages and the art change just in that time was nuts. comparing act 2 art to act 1 is more nuts but im not about to redraw the 170 pages of a1 just so that its APPEALING and PALLETEABLE. i learned way more about web design from doing this comic than from my actual web design class. like insanely more. you have no idea how little that class helped me with anything aside from making friends through mutual hatred of being poorly taught.
sixo de mayo (may 6th) came and i started doing this thing for real, and its been so surreal having people actually talk to me about these guys that have been in my head for months. my sister recently asked if deacon was my self-insert, which is sort of true but only in the sense that we both have social issues and like to be dumb on sort-of-purpose, and then she told me that her favorite character was reagan. theres not really any deep meaning behind her telling me or that reagan is my favorite too, but its just so surreal to me that people can have a favorite, or any opinion, on these characters i obsess over.
alright i think im done for now, i just wanted to talk about the comic on its sort of birthday, and also the day that the gang got pulled into the story. i mentioned that vaguely in the story once already, but im cool with being more direct about it. ill probably go on another rant again about this sometime, maybe on sixo de mayo, but probably sooner because im obsessive and like to type. happy birthday comic, heres to a million more. or however many years it takes to make a 5 act story at a rate of like 200 pages in 10 months. hopefully that number will go up.
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crqelsummer · 2 years
aiko “im not like my dad but exactly like my dad” yamada is having the time of her life as i slowly finish off the released episodes of mha
- about 5 at the time of mha (she effectively grows up with shinso as an older brother and eri as a slightly older sister)
- around 30 by the time the events of ‘our hero academia’ start
- has a siren quirk (that i really shouldve given to yuto, shinso’s kid). she has to make eye contact with someone and then she can use her voice to manipulate them into doing things. she used it the first time to get mina to give her cookies (which is how class 1-a discovered her existence by accident sometime prior to the overhaul arc)
- does not get paid enough to teach the next generation of class 1-a. is about to start greying at her big age.
- oh yeah — her dad (shota, who she addresses as father most of the time) almost dies the last time they go out together on a job. hes had a lot of close calls lately, but she hasnt been in the country for a while so most shes only now just hearing about.
- she and eri are best friends!! their quirks arent really mushing together well, but they love each other like sisters and are so normal about each other. aiko loves the art eri makes and eri loves the music aiko makes.
- she and hitoshi are interestingly enough, sort of close? considering she teaches his son these days it makes some sense she supposes, but usually she can rely on him for more emotional/logical matters.
- all three of them are mischievous bastards. they gave shota and hizashi a run for their money before aiko left home. hitoshi would usually claim complete innocence even though he usually convinced the girls to help him with some pretty inane plans lol.
- closer to hizashi, very Sunshine-y lovey kinda gal, but she also bleached her hair at 18 and never looked back. made music in america for a while (tried to make it big in L.A) before she moved back to get her license to teach. yet she has a lot of shota’s tendencies, she cares about her students a great deal and will often to go to any lengths to protect them. but oftentimes she lets her heart run away with things, unlike how shota gets things done. they butt heads over this a lot.
- but, aiko was never a big pro hero. she was more local when she did make it back to japan and in the years between arriving home and then teaching at UA (around four years, 22-26) even though hizashi thought she could make it big. the siren perk was just that, a perk. though she did attend UA, she was in class 1-c like shinso. she has to rely on her cables (unfortunately, think aot) to get around as a hero.
- she and shota argue a lot because he thinks she wasted a lot of her prime years a hero just to spite him. logically hes right but she hates that hes right. she didnt want to be a big name like them, but the gentle (and not so gentle) push towards it in the high school shoved her over the edge and she never actually went back to the iida agency after work studying there for years.
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yinses · 4 years
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| you told yourself that you would do anything for satoru |
gojo satoru x reader
rating: 18+
a/n: i have an obsession i know. i’m working on it
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it was to a soft tickling at the inside of your thighs that welcomed you into the next day. a soft sigh broke through your yawn as you shifted and twisted against the desires tugging at your veins. 
somewhere in your mind, you registered that it was much too early. 
but of course your body disagreed tenfold. 
“ngh…” an equally tired chuckle vibrates against you and you jumped at the touch of a thumb brushing against your outer lips. 
“the was a cute sound,” the voice purred. your hips lifted once more in reaction before they were assisted into submission by the firm weight of a forearm along your pelvis. 
the sounds of your slick sliding against his tongue were as equally loud as it was lewd. there was no art to the madness, just a series of flicks and heavy suction. 
your fingers clenched at the sheets, wrinkling the integrity as your chest heaved with every moan. in terms of wake up calls, the impending shrill of your alarm easily took last place. 
“you are always such a sight to wake up to. thought i’d return the favor.” 
and return it he did. 
the insertion of a finger freed up the opportunity for his voice to waft around the room again. the rhythm was as languid as his lazy drawl as he bent a joint and raked the nail against your inner walls. 
“i also might need a favor.”
the pinch of your brow came before the comprehension of his words. gojo was always a talker- a stronger contender as a firm charmer that managed to weave his way through society. as his position as ‘the chosen one’, his power spoke volumes. 
with you- he leaned on alternative methods. 
“fuck-toru… you bastard.”
you choked over the inclusion of a second finger, barely swallowing your words as you struggled to rock into them. 
“that’s not very nice of you. to think i woke up so early to treat you this morning.
your boyfriend took the opportunity to curl both fingers this time, smirking when you all but managed to successful buck him off as you keened under his ministrations. 
“it’s nothing big.” turquoise eyes, tinged with lust, met yours as he rose his head. the blanket fell off his shoulders, revealing more pale skin. “i just need a bit of a substitute today.” 
substitute? as in substitute teacher? he had to be joking. 
unlike gojo, after graduation you had more than willingly left behind the stuffy atmosphere of education. as a sorcerer, you never did stop learning. the always evolving curses not letting you hang too far off your game. 
but to return to the classroom to put those young students through everything you hated in your youth? 
no orgasm was worth that.
you disguised your grimace under the pretense of displeasure as he withdrew his hand all together. he tsked at your impatience, using the same hand as a crude form of lube as he fisted his growing cock. 
“it will be easy. these classes are even smaller than ours were.”
 it was difficult to voice a complaint when he was doing just the opposite and sliding into you. your back arched as he filled you to the hilt with little difficulty. 
he experimented with a shallow thrust, a grin pulling at his lips when you responded positively. the pace he set was slower than either of you were use to on a regular basis, but it fit the mood of morning sex. 
his forehead touched yours as he drew back for another long thrust. “shit-squeezing me so early. what a good girl.”
you whimpered when his hips met yours with more force than the last. “think of how excited they’ll be to have a new face. such a sexy one at that.” 
your body slid along the mattress each time he buried himself within you. you didn’t want to admit that he was getting to you. not even his all seeing gaze needed to retell the obvious. his plan was flawless and in short you were too much of a simp for the man.
so you just accepted the early morning distraction, taking direct pleasure in the way it unraveled the tangle of sleep.
you clenched your inner muscles helpfully and your boyfriend groaned in appreciation as he chased both of your releases with new vigor. the twitching and shakiness began with you as the pace picked up. your climax tumbled out of you with a sharp gasp as your boyfriend filled the space with a grunt. 
the two of you took a minute to regain your before he eventually pulled out and you pointedly ignored the stickiness as you relaxed your legs to give him the room to pull away. he didnt stray too far, white locks tickling your nose as he leaned in close again.
“i have more in store for you tonight as a thank you.”
with a huff, you pressed your palm against his cheek before his lips could chase yours. 
“fine, fine. i’ll babysit your class. you better be on some super important mission.”
gojo made a pleased sound, somewhere stuck between a hum and a warm rumble as he nuzzled the side of your neck and pressed his lips there instead. 
“super important. thanks babe.”
                                          you don’t know why you agreed to this. 
leaning back against the desk, you returned the silent gesture as the three first-years scrutinized your presence. aside from megumi, the other two were new faces for you. but your boyfriend’s knack for storytelling painted the picture in the absence of words. 
nobara was obvious. the sole girl of the unit. 
poor girl. 
she seemed to share your sentiment of wanting to be anywhere else but here. 
“so you’re dating sensei?”
you brought your arms closer to your chest as your shoulders rose with the action. 
was that … judgement?
“i’m so sorry.”
it was the sincerity that scared you the most. 
“oh wow, wow, wow. sensei’s really got it all. “
sukuna’s vessel was impossible to miss as any seasoned sorcerer. despite the boy’s positive demeanor, he reeked of the malevolent residue. yet in a way he made it work, there was nothing really about him that didn’t come off as approachable. 
he had something to gain gojo’s infatuation. there was no doubt in your mind that he would use this boy to help him dismantle the systematic hierarchy of the sitting elders. 
you just had to wonder. 
was the kid his main tool or the curse?
“i can’t believe you actually agreed to this.”
ah, megumi. 
the boy liked to express his love for distance, but the years swallowed up so much of it as you watched him grow. your boyfriend was a lot of things but you couldn’t deny the influence he had on the young sorcerer. 
the boy who seemed to disdain the attention knew it too. 
now that everyone had their turn to speak, you supposed it was your turn. 
“he was very convincing,” you offered lowly before picking up the volume. “let’s not pretend you’re actually going to learn anything from me. im just a sit in until satoru gets back from his mission.”
megumi’s scoff shouldn’t have come as a surprise. gojo’s name was rarely spoken without it’s accompaniment. 
“what makes you think he’s not off sightseeing?”
because killing gojo was impossible but you would happily tire yourself exploring your options. 
your smile was tight as you gestured to the door,” lets kick the morning off with some practice matches. the second years are always eager.”
settled comfortably against the bleachers observing as your temporary students got their asses handed to them, you came to the conclusion that being a teacher couldn’t be too bad. perhaps in the future you might be more willing to offer your services with out your boyfriend’s extra persuasion.
speaking of gojo, you wondered how his mission was going. you never actually questioned his agenda. 
you didn’t expect to wait long as the dial tone started up. outside of battle and life or death situations, gojo rarely ignored your calls. he knew in the thick of it you could protect yourself, but he preferred to keep himself available to your needs. 
the sounds of mixed commotion greeted you before his voice did. 
“toru … it sounds busy. where are you?”
gojo’s answering laugh should have been the first warning. to some it may have come off as eased but you could hear the way he forced it in to deflect. 
“sweetheart, how are classes going? i hope they’re not giving you too much trouble.”
trouble seemed to be the opposite of what he was dealing with. there were a lot of people holding their own conversations in the background, all of them too casual to be in danger. in fact, there were too many in general to place him on a battlefield. 
what exactly were you substituting for?
“order #217 for… gogo-san?”
the loud cluck of your tongue against the roof of your mouth was suddenly powerful enough to drown out the clamor. 
gojo satoru prided himself on standing resilient to all threats. it was how he maintained his position as the strongest. he was sought out for his efficiency and ability to overcome all adversaries. 
even against the most fearsome.
“honey, do i ever have a treat for you! today was a single-day special at my favorite bakery. you should have seen the lines. it's a good thing i got here so early!”
there were a lot of things you would do for satoru gojo.
and even more that you would do to him when you got home.
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gaysonlyocean · 2 years
What are the villains so far in it? What're your takes on the classic villains of Spider-Man?
apologies for the delay i went apeshit over recieving a ask at last jhgfghj
im still working out whos in it and whos left on the cutting room floor cause kjhgfgh theres so many different villains yknow but i currently have seven villains, and all but two of them are solid and have actual stuff i can share
those 7 are doctor octopus, kraven the hunter, venom, green goblin, norman osborn whos separate to gobby in this cause i saw that idea and was inspired, the rhino and sandman
gonna put my details on them under the cut cause i have Things To Say
ok so doc ock in this universe is as per usual otto octavius and hes a man in his late 40s who wears hawaiian shirts all the time
i love raimiverse so rosie is here too and married to him and shes trying her best
so his backstory is he made the arms to make a safer and more direct form of manipulating control rods in nuclear reactors, but he didnt believe 1. it would fail or 2. anyone but him would be up for doing the test run, instead he opted for a "if you want something done right do it yourself" approach
and taking a moment to say the plant he picked out for the demostration is where pearl foggers, our spiderperson here, dad and stepmum work
thats a surprise tool that will help no one later
so the demostration happens and everything seems to work as planned but during the whole immediate celebration the power started rising uncontrollably and caused a explosion, of the people in the room with him otto was the only survivor due to the fact he wasnt able to move from where he was standing and had the arms to shield him
he ends up really fucked up from this cause of both shrapnel and burns but also radiation exposure cause while the rest of the plant were able to shut down the reactor so there was only about a minute or so of it being open thats still a lot of radiation and also of course the bog standard getting fused to the arms
and furthermore it takes a good few hours for rescuers to get to him so he was just stuck pinned down and surrounded by dead bodies for a bit which isnt very good for your mental health yknow
anyway he finally gets rescued and then has to spend three months in a isolation ward to recover which is incredibly painful considering the amount of damage and is made worse cause everything he was wearing that could be removed had to be destroyed including his wedding ring
only to find once hes given the clear that he can go home that hes being painted as villain for the accident even through he tried everything he could to stop the power rise and has no idea what caused it
and his reaction to this is "if theyre going to call me a villain, a villain i shall be"
moving on to kraven who is in the art ive posted, we have miss evpratsiya olesya kravinoff, whos built like rhea ripley
shes this 6'7 woman who is just as insane as any other kraven out there and its great, like she will start mauling you and also due to the fact ill have to remake her ref she is going around tits out while doing all of this too
she hasnt even got like a fuckign kjhgfghj reason to be this way shes just insane and went to serbia to get mutated to be even more insane and THEN she shows up in the plot she didnt have to do that she just did
and then THEN she arrives in new york and sees spider-fire and is just "that is a child" and openly says "hey im not going to fight a child leave now or else"
and pearl, being 1. a spiderperson and 2. a 13 year old says no!! im goign to stop you from doing crime!! and evpratsiya just shrugs and starts throwing blades at spider-fire WHO SHE INSTANTLY CLOCKS AS BEING A 13 YEAR OLD MAAM CALM DOWN
and like,,, she also stalks pearl for a bit to find out the perfect time to strike and the one redeeming part of this behaviour is she refuses to go after flick if flickers not doing spidey stuff cause thats not honourable while actively stalking this CHILD
she wont stop being this way, shes jsut insane and running around with her titties just out to try to violently kill a child
oh also shes engaged to calypso, we stan a insane lesbian
that whole,,, thing aside we are moving onto venom!! instead of a human disaster we have another 13 year old!!
so pearls best friend is this kid called daisy peachley and theyve both been friends for years bonding over being nonbinary and not neurotypical cause pearls autistic and daisy has adhd
but the problem is daisy has a MASSIVE crush on pearl but pearl doesnt feel the same way cause ones aroace but hasnt jhgfgh had that realisation yet
and cause theyre close daisy knows pearl hasnt ever had a crush on anyone and rationalises how pens feelings wont be returned so instead shes just agonising over it and pining aggressively
some infomation about daisy is pen is fostered but isnt exactly in the best situation aka the apartment is full of other foster kids who are all being basically neglected so daisy spends pens time out of the house
this all leads to one day at like 4am daisys out and about as per usual but instead of just messing around shes having a bad time and is doign some arson cause as kids pen and pearl used to spend a lot of time in this lil tiny shack they made for funsies and daisy has been maintaining it ever since while pining over the feelings and pens had enough and burns it to the ground
as this is happening pen sees something fall from the sky and as a 13 year old who is going through it she decides to check it out
and if youve seen the blob then we have the scene were dan the can man picks up the blob with a stick and it falls onto his hand but its daisy seeing the symbiote
obviously this is very scary to a child but whats more scary? the sound of people approaching!! so daisy makes a break for it
and then doesnt show up to school for a week to get used to this situation
now kjhgfghj the problem comes with a angry traumatised 13 year old being combined with venom so pens foster parents get cronched and then the two of them are just doing the worst way to cope with all these feelings by taking it out on everyone
in lighter news we have my green goblin!!! its fucking terrifying
so pov: you are norman osborn, you make the serum and your trying to find out the uses for it all, you sign papers allowing all kinds of experimentation not really caring for what your funding
and you get more than you bargained for
gobby here is a 9 foot tall embodiment of destruction and chaos and that knows who is responsible for its being here
it was "born" in january of 2017, and it escaped in october and oh how it had a plan
but in more kjhgfghj light news the first thing that experienced was the joy of trick or treaters thinking its cool and all thats clothes came from a halloween store and a weird lil girl who gave it her witch hat
after that it wasnt seen for several more months aside from some glances such as being seen on cctv and so on until that found where norman osborn lives and made itself at home
now norman canonly dies in this universe and thats important to gobbys arc cause that doesnt let the world know its out there until norman is no more as that was spending all its time terrorising him for fun and well, that enrichment is gone now, and that wants to play
speaking of norman in this universe is a fuck! :)
pearl already didnt like him prior to the bite cause he owns the building flick lives in and keeps bringing the rent up so everyones struggling and when you see how that effects your family yoru gonna form some strong opinions
i will admit i dont have a lot for him but i do have he has his whole terrorism thing going on by calling himself the green terror and doign that shit after work which leads to his death and thats kjhgfghj all i have but its more than what i have for flint
moving on!! rhino is very heavily inspired by tssm cause i love it so much
his full name is aleksei o'hirn-sytsevich but everyone whos not his mothers side of the family call him alex and hes a trans man!! his mums a first generation russian immigrant and his dads a third generation irish immigrant but he doesnt feel like he belongs to either culture
hes got giganticism! hes pretty good at not causing problems for himself or others by being big but when he was younger he was like a bull in a china shop
his backstory here is he was just a petty thief but then he ended up seeing somethings he shouldnt have and even though he wasnt gonna tell he was still grabbed for it to be safe and then just sorta gaslit and manipulated to getting the suit on so he couldnt tell people
as fucked up as that is hes jsut going along with it jhfdghj like it could be worse hes not dead yknow
and lastly sandman!! i really dont have a lot im afraid
i do have hes a amab enby and is in a relationship with alex cause once again i love tssm and hes got a death hawk that he never properly styles cause he cant be bothered to kjhgfghj
what little i have of a origin for him is just oscorp is involved and its all started cause of alexs disappearence cause he Knows he wouldnt just skip town without telling like 12 people first
so welcome to this essay im so normal
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flaray25 · 2 years
Hello! <3
Since you mentioned that your ask box is always open, I wanted to drop a question! Are you currently working on some more squidbob fics? :) Because all your sb AUs are so interesting and I'd love to hear more about them! (Especially the "Squid Plus One" story!)
Hey there Ellie thank you for asking!!! And my answer is... Yes! I am clearly working on drafted fics on my wattpad! (I dont use ao3) But i havent got any good ideas on Squidbob shots so im continuing on making drafted fics such as
"An Unforgettable Friendship" which is a Plankton x Krabs fanfiction but i havent really published that yet.
And "The princess of my dreams" A fanfic of Patrick x Mindy that is totally still drafted still. Its a story where Mindy's father king neptune arranged a marriage from some other prince. But mindy doesnt want to marry the guy he never liked. Because her heart belongs to patrick.
"This is us!" Covered au of Spongebob as Robert and Squidward as Edward. (Just a work from job at the building somesort-)
"When will i see you again?" An au where Spongebob died and became ghostbob. Spongebob's death after talking to squilliam and him openingup to spongebob. He didnt noticed the boatmobile speeding. Spongebob pushed him aside from last second and died.
"Wish we never met!" Drafted fic. AU of Spongebob having an ex boyfriend just like Squidward's on the past. (This will include greenie (Greenie is a character made from Pancaketiffy because i would think it is obvious that greenie is from abrassive side episode) and also Spongebob's three Siblings. "Wait did you just say SIBLINGS?" Yes i did. Three siblings. 2 brothers one is younger than him. And the other is older than him. And 1 sister.
And now there is Spongetale. An au of where Spongebob is a knight, Patrick as a poet, and Squidward is a prince. (I have 1 drafted fic there.) But i have alot of typos/incorrect keyboard types there so you can read it whenever you like.
And i was planning definitely on making the 2 aus ive drew.
AU of extra ordinary. Just where Spongebob in his first freshman college. (Patrick and him are room mates. So they both have their friendship together for years.) He met Squidward at art class and tries to talk to him in music class. Mindy(the princess) is the principal's daughter. Sandy and the others well still gonna hide them. Planning up something.
Also the one called ZU Zombie Universe is really special so i have to plot up the concept there first.
And about the squid plus one continuation (non origin.) I will not do it in the fic. It is better for me to do it in comics sooo yesh.
And the future other au well... i'd think of making it too although yes i meed a plot for that to add myself.
(Cool fascinating dolphin ideas lol. But really havent continued them. I really wish i could but i have exams coming up and this is the last quarter. If my vacation starts i will gladly continue doing those drafts and plot up a concept in ZU)
(Im thinking of a second sequel in "We dont have alot in common" wdhalic is where Squilliam appears.)
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shouldntcryoverit · 4 years
Dad!Rex x Jedi!Reader
w/ Padme, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi wan and the Skywalker twins ;)) they’re all very much alive and happy.
After the war, with no order 66 because I said so. This is my first time ever writing children, a weird milestone i know, but I hope I did okay let me know! I was gonna give the 501st boys a mention or a scene, but it didn’t feel natural and I couldn’t squeeze it in - so if you want them there, they’re there <3
Also I decided on the name Mira as ‘mirjahaal’ translate to ‘peace of mind’ in Mando’a, and I just know that Rex would name his kid after something like that. (also i felt smart with the whole deeper meaner situation)
taglist -> @pinkiemme
Rex swivelled his head to the table he had been called from. He still reacted to ‘Captain’ as a variation of his name, but for around three years now ‘Da’ had caught his attention far quicker.
“Yeah C’yare?”
Perched on the edge of the table was his four year old daughter, Mira, smiling smugly as she puffed out her chest and straightened her back just how she’d learnt from Cody. She beamed as her father walked over and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head.
In a short check formed out of habit, he recognised her now braided hair, which had been partitioned into two dainty lines down her blonde head. He had gotten better at doing hair for her sake, but not that good; Leia must’ve gotten ahold of her. Whereas Luke was becoming so much like his father, Leia already had the willpower and strength that mimicked her mother, though that was no bad thing.
Her dress, again courtesy of Padmé, was a beautiful blueish pink colour, and it matched in harmony with the rosemary hue of the sky that bled through the wide windows behind them. It was almost night, and somehow there was an undeniable peace in the air. Perhaps it was something about the time of day, or perhaps it was purely because nowadays there were hardly any reasons for it not to be peaceful.
“Tell Unca Ani I’m right!” Mira spoke with surprising indignation for someone so small. That had always made people laugh.
“I’m not wrong!” Anakin proclaimed, appearing to be hurt by the child’s comment, but failing to hide his grin.
He was rested against the kitchen counter, still slumped like he always did. He perked up slightly as the ‘argument’ began again.
Jaida was near enough to have heard most of their conversation from where she sat beside a dozing Ahsoka. She was mostly focused on the datapad in her hands: lists of still uncompensated troopers that still needed to be helped, but she was far more inclined to listen to the sounds behind her. She smiled distantly at how Anakin acted around her daughter. He softened, even as Mira babbled away.
As Rex and Mira sat and stood respectively, Anakin found it almost laughable how much they were alike. She looked so much like her mother, but her blonde hair and honey eyes were the exact copy of his, that was undeniable.
“Unca Ani say that on Flucca plants glow in tha dark!” Rex smiled sweetly at his daughter’s awe “But that’s imbossible!”
“It’s not!”
“Nope!” Mira popped the ‘p’ like Jaida always did. Anakin laughed at that. It was a solid argument.
“Well, then we’ll go to Felucia. You can see it all for yourself.”
It was a promise Rex was happy to make, especially as Mira lit up at his words.
“Gotta be careful though, sometimes they bite!” Jaida teased from behind the sofa back.
As Mira giggled, a knock sounded from the door to the apartment. Ahsoka stirred up in her light sleep, though Jaida hushed her and moved instead. She pushed off the couch beneath her, winking at the grinning toddler before she made it to the door.
As it opened, Padmé and the twins were revealed, both looking perky behind their tired faces. Luke looked half asleep in truth, but Leia was tugging the senator along with a fist she’d latched onto a few fingers. It had been a long day; no words were needed for Jaida to understand that.
“Hey! You all look so tired what happened?” Jaida laughed lightly as she welcomed them into the room.
“Yoda went bonkers.” There was a hint of remorse in Luke’s voice.
The Jedi chuckled, “What’s new?”
Padmé watched with kind eyes as her children weaved off, and laughed as Ahsoka only just managed to reposition her posture before she was attacked by them both. Luke and Leia were only a year and a bit older than Mira, but they matched each other in energy.
It took them no time at all to close the door and cross into the kitchen where Anakin, Rex and Mira were. Mira had resorted to asking about the different planets, to which Anakin found himself wishing to remember the answers. Rex couldn’t help himself from laughing at the exchange.
“Is the Senate in disagreement again?” Jaida asked as she grabbed a mug for Padmé’s tea, and judging by how she rubbed her temples she suspected she was right.
“Not entirely; it’s just this new vote. Some of the Senators are too focused on the expenses of it all, and I can’t blame them. It won’t be cheap, but it needs to be done.”
“This that liberation bill Cody was talking about?” Rex interjected.
“Yes, it should be simple enough. Only they’re just some people who I can’t seem to budge on it.” Padmé sighed, but didn’t hold that annoyance for much longer. “But anyway I didnt come here to discuss even more politics, how long until they start?”
The reason for their gathering. It wasn’t often that coruscant had fireworks, but when they did it was always something spectacular. The cause for this celebration was particularly important; the 5th anniversary of the end of the clone wars. The senate had decided without much debate to introduce the idea of fireworks, Anakin even joked that it was the quickest they’d ever decided something, yet it was still exciting nonetheless.
Ahsoka got up from where she had been talking to Luke and Leia and grabbed a fruit from the bowl. She laughed along with what conversation had been happened, and grinned at each joke and jibe.
“It’s a shame Obi-wan couldn’t make it back in time.” The togruta spoke after his mention.
“It won’t be the last time we have something like this, and plus, I think Mandalore have something planned as well!”
Ahsoka shrugged in agreement at Padmé, taking a bite at the same time.
“Oh, look!” She spoke between mouthfuls. They all followed the line of her outstretched hand, looking towards the window now beginning to light up in disarray.
“It’s starting!” Luke interjected. He pushed through to the front with Leia hot on his tail. And indeed it was, the beginnings of bright crackles started to compete with the stars behind them. The fireworks were just above the senate building, bemusing the gathering with small, golden splashes of light in intricate patterns. It wasn’t loud, the apartment being so far away, but the distant sound of bangs made Mira jump a few times.
Rex comforted her, taking her up in his arms. She relaxed as soon as she knew she was safe with him; he kept her safe. That was the promise he’d make a thousands times over and more if he could. Jaida met his eyes, and hugged his arm with her head rested on his shoulder. Everything was right; real. The war was over and they had won. The fireworks were a beautiful touch, but nothing could displace the satisfaction of watching your own life grow into something you never even imagined it could. Rex had endured enough, and now he could honestly say it was worth it. He kissed Jaida’s forehead as she melted into his side.
The smaller, yellowish bursts began to grow: feeding into the sky as pinks, oranges, blues and greens spiralled off from their sources. Each pop of colour that continued into circles or stars had it’s own mind, yet still unfolded as if it were puppetry. Some shot straight up and exploded after a minute of delightful teasing, and wove between themselves like missiles. They were the ones that made Luke squeal in excitement the most.
Others whirled in spirals, endlessly collecting momentum and continuing in their talented hast; or shattered into millions of personalised sparks you couldn’t choose which one to follow. They tumbled down in rains of coloured stars, settling as if the art they’d shared with an entire silent city was only fiction. Their message was received in awe, and Jaida held a teary gaze even as they faded. Luke and Leia clapped, Mira laughed, but the adults shared pregnant silence, a moment for what they had found for themselves. Children, family, peace. Love.
The war weighed heavily, it always would. But it was over, they had lived, and a new life had begun.
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers: January 17th, 2021 (Part 1)
More ask answers! It’s gonna be a lot today, so we’re splitting it into two.
i love Cliff and Kyra's relationship so much ?? even though they had issues they managed to work things out and remain friends through the years! it's so refreshing over the narrative of people resenting each other after they break up.. im kind of curious tho , do they see each other strictly platonic now or is there still something lingering?
Aw, I’m glad to hear you like their relationship. Their feelings are very platonic now. Kyra views him as an ex and co-parent and then a friend as time goes on. Cliff does struggle not to think of her as still his family, even though he’s not romantically attracted anymore. But he’s knows it might be crossing a line to be that attached to a woman who divorced him and so he tries to let her just live her own life.
Can i ask just how tall Cove exactly is in Step 3? And will he be even TALLER in Step 4? My short heart cannot handle this. (Also this game is absolutely flawless and I haven't been able to stop thinking abt it since I played. Planning on getting the dlcs soon, y'all did SO WELL!!!!!!!!!) 
Haha, thank you very much.
Step 1: 4'1 feet Step 2: 5'4 feet Step 3: 6'0 feet Step 4: 6'4 feet 
Hey! So, I know Steam is having its fall sale/boxing day sale or something so i was wondering if you guys were gonna participate in that?? I was thinking of buying XOXO Droplets (the extended version) but i didnt want to do anything before there was a potential sale. May seem like an odd question, but I was genuinely curious. I can't wait to play the full game when i get it tho :D
I’m afraid we have some things we wanna fix in XOXO Droplets before really promoting it/pushing it with sales, so for now it won’t be participating in Steam sales. Hopefully we can update it soon.
Hello I'm still trying to get the CG for Step 2-3 and didn't see or get it when I told Cove of the deal in the Dinner moment like your guide says. I got the achievement but no CG. Is there another choice I'm suppsed to make after telling him?
Make sure you go back to the house with Cove after he leaves and don’t stay in your living room.
* don't be suspicious* *don't be suspicious*  ...Hi, there's another way to pay for the Our Life +18 dlc besides Patreon? Patreon have very limited payment options and I've been struggling with the platform. Anyways, thanks for the amazing game I hope I could support any way ^u^
Haha, right now there isn’t anything specific, but once it’s finished in a few months we’ll look into other hosting sites.
do you think we can get another our life dlc plzzz i would pay so much for it <3 i want to see their life together when they have kids or pets or just live with the two of them and i really want them to adopt kids too since jamie is adopted :)
I’m afraid we likely won’t. As much as we love OL: B&A, we’ve gotta start putting our whole effort into new projects soon. Maybe someday we could come back and do special new content, but it’d be quite awhile after all the planned DLCs have released.
How do you delete a save file? 
On PC or Mac you hover over a slot and hit the delete key, or you can go into the saved data folder and delete the files directly. On Android I’m afraid I don’t know. You can save over them with something else, though.
this is like. totally embarrassing and silly to ask but im dying here; i love cove so much i wanna climb that boy like a tree. so basically what im asking here is like. will the nsfw dlc have explicit stuff or is it more like an implied kinda situation? cuz i want some full on nsfw shit im so thirsty for cove and only this can satisfy me
It’s truly 18+ and explicit with nude art and straightforward descriptions of sexual acts. That’s why we can’t release it as part of the main game, haha. I’m glad you’re into Cove~
Hello! I've really been enjoying Our Life and am noticing some animation changes with the update! I just had a question though. In Step 2 we meet Jeremy but I was wondering if he was only meant to appear in Step 2 as a typical mean kid or is there more we don't know? 
Jeremy is a horrible pill in Our Life, but he is also a beloved romance option as a teenager in our other game XOXO Droplets. His personality is quite different once he grows up more. I imagine Cove and the MC would be pretty surprised.
Hi! i absolutely adore our life so far and I can't wait to continue supporting the game with the upcoming dlc drops! i was just wondering if y'all were planning on uploading any art for steam icons/the steam point shop in general<3 
Thank you! And we might. But we’re first trying to focus on making a new game update since there are still some improvements we have in mind.
I hope this question doesn’t come off weird but would Cove be the type of guy to memorize your period? I imagine he’d be the kind of best friend/boyfriend who would keep track of your cycle to support you during it or something like that 
We’d be shy about it at first and avoid mentioning what he was doing, but he would try to keep track of it based on any insight the MC gave him. The longer you’re with him, the more it could be just a normal thing the two openly talked about.
Hi there, how often do you do auditions? I am a voice actor and would love to be part of a project ?
We usually have auditions two to three times a year. Our next planned casting call will be for side character in Our Life Step 4.
Are the 5 moments included in the Derek and Baxter DLCs different from the normal Step 2 and 3 DLC? And will they focus exclusively on Derek and Baxter respectively? I was a little confused when I read the DLC FAQ. Thanks! 
Mostly they’ll be completely new Moments that star Derek or Baxter. Though, for example, Derek’s DLC will allow you to take him to the Soiree. If you go with Derek that will remove your ability to go with Cove in the Cove Step 2 DLC.
Sorry if you've already said this, but how will your character transfer over to the patreon exclusive NSFW DLC?  Can it access your game memory or will you select traits your character showed and choices you made from a list? 
It’s a standalone event that happens for MCs who are in a relationship with Cove and have been dating him for a while. Other details about the MC/their dynamic with Cove will just be picked in the event itself. It won’t try to take data from a specific save in the actual game.
I love your games, but currently only have an Android. When will you put your other games on android? 
I don’t know. They might not able to be formatted for Android very well, unfortunately. We’ll see how much time we’ve got later this year to try figuring it out.
Thank you so much for all the questions :D
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