#i do not comfort crying children every day just to get a teams message that is sarcastic or blasé or blatantly dehumanizing about them.
dendrochronologies · 7 months
grabs the face of a casually but deliberately unkind person between my hands and says, Don't you understand that your meanness communicates a laziness and cowardice that renders you completely uninteresting. don't you understand how fucking dire it is out here. you have got to grow up. you do not have to be empathetic or clever to be compassionate. you do not have to be positive or optimistic or even genuinely believe that it's all going to work out. you just have to do kind things, freely, without expectations of impact or reciprocity. it will matter. it has always mattered. but you have GOT to make the fucking effort, dude.
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fitchmalik51 · 2 months
Parenting - It Can Be Fun
Did you know that when your eyes are closed all your other senses automatically pool together collect information. One of his greatest joys was that might attend Mass every day, and receive Holy Communion daily at his new school. Top Điện Biên AZ Since 2003, I have returned to Nepal each year to lead Himalayan outings. And the following year I started a fund raising task for a remote Himalayan village. The project has grown into a Nepal-based NGO, which has completed a village school and, most recently, a hydroelectric gadget. View More: topdienbienaz.com - Top Dien Bien AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dien Bien AZ: Nguyễn Quý Ngọc - Nguyen Quy Ngoc Since 2003, I get home to Nepal each year to lead Himalayan trips. And the following year I started a fund raising project for a remote Himalayan whole village. The project has grown into a Nepal-based NGO, which has completed a village school and, most recently, a hydroelectric community. My coach used attempt to construe the reason for the dilemma was my fault. He believed I just exaggerated everything and blew it full-scale of quantity. It was unbelievably maddening. Tin tức Top Điện Biên AZ Our dialogue became so dysfunctional he proceeded to completely ignore me. I thought this was so hurtful because because i had said before I was able to love the sport and I legitimately knew all the ins and outs of basketball game. Some of my most comforting memories as a little girl was watching the Red Sox with my Biological dad.
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View More: topdienbienaz.com - Top Dien Bien AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dien Bien AZ: Nguyễn Quý Ngọc - Nguyen Quy Ngoc I have just completed the first weekend of my visit back into the USA. It is a huge very busy holiday. On Saturday, my son had his Little League baseball game. We left the house around eleven and could not get back until almost four . Then on Sunday we were back to the park for team pictures. It may be fun, but offers also made me feel somewhat guilty about the regarding those opportunities for Emily in the uk. Our story begins, appropriately, or must say divinely, as the bells on the Basilica of la Crocetta, all around the street off the Frassati home, peel out new Hope, the new Light cutting through the dark, sounding the Easter Vigil of your One Who's Risen, your cold associated with Turin, England. Amidst the busyness of city life, a cry would ring out, and 1 day reach some corners in the world. It could be the first film Cassavetes has shot in anger, so it rings worryingly true. The tabloid information is all too familiar. The director explains the acts like a court the circumstance. There are subtitles announcing is actually whom with an endless involving times and dates. This is because the film will be the "fictional" mirror of the genuine crime that narrates the six-year pursuit by the authorities of an LA drugs king-pin. Harry jumped right into the dangerous areas of the city. Kowloon was where most belonging to the triads were located. Two-way radio to observe the activities all around the Festival of Hungry Ghosts. People there would burn sacrifices to their ancestors. Hong Kong was quite foreign to him although he'd been there before in calmer times. With God, there is limited such thing as coincidence, with the exception of possibly Holy coincidence, when God the creator and Author of Life wishes to allow us to glimpse in the plan He has laid out for all His children. We know that God calls us all to holiness, giving us an possibility to become New orleans saints. But then number of those He chooses to create His message to globe. Top Điện Biên AZ 24h He provides us insights, seemingly coincidental, concerning whom He chooses and Dien Bien Province He makes use of these specially chosen ones. As you enter the square the Tourist Information Office is within the far left corner and also the Los Naranjos Snack Bar diagonally opposite, turn left here down Chincillas immediately after which it right down Calle Carmen taking you into Plaza de la Inglesia. On your private left would be the Arab built walls for this old your area. Tin tong hop Top Dien Bien AZ Back at the hotel, Will napped for a couple hours. We did precisely the same and then unpacked and also got ready for your evening. When Will woke up, he started crying. We couldn't understand why until it dawned upon us - he wanted revisit the park and was afraid we weren't likely to let jesus!
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Today I any special session with the boss. Someone appointed me to play Father Christmas! Need to know how to put the north pole attire. How to pamper the children of the haves this entire Christmas week. Tips on how to hand goodies and take wishes to the north. I can only imagine pounds of those fat kids on my lap and their stubbornness in my nerves under the temperature of the Iceland clad! But hardwork is work. I am after money and although meager, wholesome guarantee me several extra hundreds as well as a two day leave on the new year's day. A good venture to meet people that mean to me most.
Since we live Southern California, Jeni and I have got our son Will to Disneyland a few times. We loved the place just before he was born so we were eager to the firm is accredited he felt exactly the same. Over the last year, we've learned what to do - and what not to do - there and thought we'd try to this wisdom on to other people. One evening while speaking on the phone to Jeff we were discuss Duke again, not surprisingly. I was concerned because it's clear that Duke's anxiety levels go up and down despite the calm environment that we endeavor to provide. I know that the Reiki is helping him, although i still was concerned about incidents every now and then. During our chat, Jeff once again brought within the behaviorist he or she had consulted in Houston. It turns out that this behaviorist felt that Duke was suffering from confusion about his role in the whole family. He thought he was the 'alpha' dog and was trying desperately to fill that role even though it was a simple fact that that he didn't want that role at the only thing. If we lived that awareness Dien Bien Province how could it change our mind-set in regards to care acquiring? How about it in regards individuals cold feet with their active, work-horse toes? Detective Harry Bosch represents the Chinese Triads at their outlet. It had now become his personal matter. His ex-wife is frantic. Harry had been married briefly to former FBI agent Eleanor Like. They had produced a child but Bosch hadn't known about her until long after their . Eleanor first lived in Vegas then moved to China to work in an online casino in Macau. Harry had only recently gotten realize his child. He loved her now. They had talked on the telephone and text messaged various other regularly. He certainly didn't want anything to happen to her at this point ,. "I believe managing is much holding a dove within your hand. If you're hold on too tightly you'll kill it, however you hold it too loosely you'll loose this item." - Tommy Lasorda LA Dodgers, baseball coach. One thing that he previously had done with Mattie, he had innocently sent her photos of the victim's cancerous lungs to be a parent's warning about the risks of nicotine. Also, he had asked her to translate a tattoo upon Li's ankles from his open case. He sent a photo to his Mandarin speaking daughter praying that dreadful interpret things. Maddie was a smart teenager. This week I encourage you considering the role to have taken on, might it be a good blend with? If not, what can you transfer of your life so that you can are more luxurious? When we are comfortable, we generally much happier. If we are happier, we trigger better results, rendering it us more most comfortable. And so we move forward, learning, enjoying and evolving a bit every. We walked through the Sleeping Beauty's Castle along with to the Peter Pan and King Arthur's Carousel. We've found that Will enjoys both rides - although automobile flies around so quickly on Pan that some little ones could regarded little afraid. This time when we arrived, we found a 30-minute line for Pan. Which was no therapeutic for our toddler. At his age, he doesn't comprehend the concept of waiting for something. We jumped on top of the carousel instead of. The Eucharistic Lord was his King, his sovereign Lord, whom he never ceased to adore. Regardless of he did or said, Pier Giorgio was strengthened by his daily prayer life along with the daily reception of the Holy Eucharist. He spent long nights into dawn before the Blessed Sacrament adoring his Lord, paying attention to his Lord, supplicating his Lord unique mercy on his friends - poor people and helpless he adopted on his way, the poor, the sick along with the disadvantaged! View More: topdienbienaz.com - Top Dien Bien AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dien Bien AZ: Nguyễn Quý Ngọc - Nguyen Quy Ngoc Written By Author in topdienbienaz.com: Vàng Thị Vi - Vang Thi Vi
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mcufox123 · 3 years
Summary: Wanda copes with a life that may not have you in it.
Warnings: Devestation
A/N: This story literally is heartbreaking but in a good way I think. Let me know what you guys think!
You wake up suddenly to your hand being kicked. It was wrapped around your wife’s very pregnant belly as you both tried to sleep through the night. You smiled dreamily in your sleepy state as you were reminded of the twins who would be born any day now.
You and your wife were a part of the famous superhero group who saved the world numerous times. Shortly after she joined and got acclimated with the team the two of you started dating. It has now been 7 years of being together, 3 of them being married. You had moved out of the compound and were now living in your dream house in the countryside, the perfect place for your growing family.
While Wanda was able to take leave months ago as none of the team wanted your children hurt, you still went to work every day. The team promised that once they were born you would be given 3 months to spend with your family but until then “there were still bad guys out there” in Tony's words of course.
You checked the time to see you still had a half an hour to spare before you had to be at the compound. You made Wanda breakfast and set it up next to her then you got ready for your day. You showered, got changed and before you left you wrote two sticky notes to leave on your wife’s mirror. One saying, “I love you more than chocolate chip cookies.” The second said, “You are looking like such a hot mama today.” You left a kiss on Wanda’s forehead and whispered an ‘I love you’ then you went to work.
Wanda woke later that morning with a smile on her face. She saw the breakfast you set up and immediately started eating because she was starving. After her breakfast in bed, she showered before seeing the notes you left. She actually laughed out loud. Even when you weren’t home you always made her day. She sent you a quick text.
Hi my love! Thank you so much for breakfast! I love you more than tv shows!
After that Wanda went about her day normally before she got bored and decided to go to the compound. When she arrived she saw Bucky and Sam watching tv.
“Hey boys,” Wanda said as she set her bag on the counter before walking over and sitting in between the two.
“Hey Wand, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?” Bucky suddenly jumped into protective older brother mode.
“Sit.” Wanda ordered him, glaring at him. She appreciated the gesture, but she was pregnant and not handicapped.
“Yes Ma’am.” Bucky sat not wanting to make Wanda upset.
“Damn man, if she needs something she’ll tell us right?” Sam asked, turning to Wanda.
“Exactly thank you Sam.” They continued watching TV comfortably every once in a while bantering about something.
“Hey guys, where was y/n’s mission today? I usually hear from her by now if she’s going to be later than 6.” Wanda said realizing the time was now past 6 and she still hasn’t heard anything.
“I think they were in Florida today,” Bucky said, scratching his head trying to remember what Steve told them this morning. “Some mission with aliens that Carol warned them about. They’ll be fine. You’re welcome to stay here in your old room though.” He finished. Wanda thanked him before getting up to move to the kitchen, both men hot on her tail.
“Who is hungry?” Wanda asked as she started to get ingredients out for a caprese chicken dish and some pasta.
“Me, for sure. I missed your cooking so much Wanda.” Sam said, taking a seat at the counter pulling out his phone to que up some songs to listen to while you cooked. Dinner was good and shortly after Wanda went to bed in the now foreign space and begged for sleep to consume her. It was hard because she grew used to your arms wrapped around her with your face pressed into her hair. That night she didn’t get much sleep. She sent you a text letting you know she was sleeping at the compound before she rolled over and tried to shut her eyes.
The following morning Wanda woke up to a still empty bed. Now she started getting nervous, she searched for her phone to see no new messages. She took her time getting out of bed but quickly threw on the clothes she was wearing yesterday before heading to the kitchen.
As she was almost there she could hear Steve talking.
“So Wanda’s here?” Steve asked the person he was talking to.
“Yeah she came yesterday and we just told her to stay. So wait, you're telling me that these things just hit a button then poofed with Tony and y/n? Are they alive?” Wanda could now tell the other person was Bucky. She felt like she couldn’t breath, feeling the wind knocked out of her at the words she just heard. She couldn’t hide any longer and barged into the kitchen.
Her hands instantly went into a fighting position holding Steve in a tight grasp so he couldn’t escape.
“Where is she Steve? What happened? You promised me no life or death missions. You promised me she would always come back to me. She said she would never go away.” Wanda said while breaking towards the end and crumpling to the ground. Bucky went over and wrapped her in a hug.
After a few minutes Bucky put Wanda on the couch as now the rest of the team came in and Pepper with her two small children. Steve went over what happened on the mission and how they have no trace of either of their teammates. He made everyone aware that Thor, Carol, and the Guardians of the Galaxy were all in search of their friends.
Wanda felt so lost. Your twins were expected any day and you were gone. How was she going to do it if you weren’t back? How was she going to be strong for your two little ones if you weren’t there? The questions swarmed her head as she tuned out the rest of the team. After hours of talking the team now turned to their tuned out friend to offer some support.
“When was the last time you ate?” Clint asked Wanda, putting his hand on her shoulder to ground her.
“I don't know.” Wanda shook her head still thinking a million miles a minute not making eye contact with anyone.
“Wanda you need to eat. You have two other people to worry about. Y/N will be ok, she will come back.” Steve said, sitting next to her. She collapsed in tears and that was how the rest of the night went, crying and the team forcing Wanda to eat.
The following days Wanda barely left the bed. On the 4th day of you being missing Wanda felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Her eyes started to tear up from both pain and the realization of what was happening. She was going into labor without you. She screamed out in pain and heartbreak.
Steve rushed into the room as soon as he heard Wanda scream, “It’s ok Wanda we’re here, let's get you to the infirmary.” he held Wanda’s hand all the way down to the infirmary. Steve sent a text out to the rest of the team to let them know what was happening and soon familiar faces appeared in Wanda’s room.
They took shifts as they waited for the time to push. Natasha talked about the makeshift nursery they set up for Wanda, Bucky talked about how he got clothes for Wanda and the babies from Wanda’s home, Steve talked about schedules and shifts he made up to help Wanda, Sam bought stuffed animals, and Peter offered to take the babies to the playground. Wanda just sat and listened, grateful for her friends and the help they were giving her. All she could think about was how you should be there.
You should be freaking out everytime Wanda had a contraction, asking if she should get the doctor. She knew you would try to find her favorite shows on the TV and rub her back whispering soothing words. She needed that more than anything, she needed you. She needed you to be there for your twins first breath, for bringing them home, for the countless sleepless nights.
Soon the doctor entered the room, “Wanda it looks like you are ready to push,” nurses entered behind them with all of the equipment needed for the babies’ delivery. Wanda nodded trying to prepare herself for the experience that was moments away. “Would you like anyone in the room with you?” and Wanda did, she wanted you but you weren’t there. So she asked her best friend Nat to stay with her to which Nat agreed.
They got into position and Wanda endured the hardest fight of her life, childbirth. She could’ve sworn she broke Natasha’s hand from how hard she was squeezing. Soon a melodic sound broke through the pain as her first child was born. “It’s a boy!” she heard and she started to cry of joy. She had a son. The joy didn’t last as she felt another urge to push. “And we have another boy!”
Wanda was so relieved that both boys were here and healthy. You kept telling her that you could feel it was two boys, two football players, you would say. They brought the babies to wanda and laid them on her chest. Nat was quick to snap a quick photo before exiting the room to let the rest of the team know, giving Wanda a moment with her children.
Nat walked out of the room to see no one in the waiting room. She asked the nurse where everyone was who informed her that they were outside. She walked quickly outside hoping you were back. Instead she saw someone else. Tony on his hands and knees crying while the rest of the team was surrounding him.
“What? Where’s Y/N?” Bucky was the first to speak. Everyone was too scared to hear what happened, why Tony was back but not Y/n.
“I don’t know. One minute we were in a room being questioned the next thing I  know y/n lunged at the guy questioning us. She was fighting with him for the poof thing. Then after she successfully got it we realized only one of us could go back while the other had to hit the button. She didn’t even give me a second. And now, now here I am and she is there. Where’s Wanda I  have to tell her something?” Tony suddenly looked frantic.
“No, you’re going with Bruce to do everything you can to get Y/N back.” Clint said, poking Tony in the chest. “You are not doing anything else until she’s back. And you definitely are not seeing Wanda. That girl just had to give birth to twins without y/n, she’s destroyed.” Clint walked back into the infirmary while everyone was still in shock.
“I ‘m sorry. I ‘m going to bring her back.” Tony promised before walking towards the lab to get in contact with the people who were already searching for y/n.
Meanwhile Wanda was still in awe of the two boys in her arms, memorizing all of their features. She knew their names, you and her had picked out the names for all twin scenarios and for two boys it’d be Tommy and Billy. She started to hum a tune she remembered as a child. She started to get upset as she remembered the last time she hummed the song.
You had just walked in from a long day helping in the lab and training. You saw Wanda in the kitchen cooking dinner before turning to see you. She gave you the biggest smile as she came over to wrap her arms around you. Her pregnant stomach left some room between you two as she reached up to plant a kiss on your lips.
“How was your day my love?” she asked walking back to the stove to turn it off and putting the food on the table.
“I'm so tired. Tony was going on about this new feature he wants to make for the quinjet and then Nat beat my ass at training. I don't want to do anything.” Wanda sensing your mood guided you to the couch she sat then pulled you down so your head was on her lap. She played with your hair to calm you down.
“The babies were very active today kicking the heck out of me” she giggled to which you turned your face to her stomach. You placed your hands on her stomach.
“Hey you two, stop kicking mama. I  know you want to play football but you're gonna have to wait till you come out of there.”
“How do you know they’ll want to play football?” She questioned you.
“I  can just feel it in my bones.” You said as your eyes fluttered close. Dinner was long forgotten as Wanda continued to play with your hair humming the tune and you drifted off to sleep.
The following week after the twins’ birth was very hard for Wanda. She went through all the firsts by herself. Instead of going through the first night with you she went through it alone. Instead of bringing them home together with big smiles she took them to her room in the compound. Instead of introducing the twins to the team with you they were all by Wanda’s side before she could introduce them.
She spent the nights in bed. Someone on the team  was always sleeping on a cot to help her during the nights. It had been 11 days since you went missing and you had already missed the biggest week of your little family’s life.
On the 11th day Wanda left the sleeping twins with a sleeping Uncle Bucky and roamed around the compound seeing you everywhere she went. In the kitchen where you both cooked dinner for the team all the time. On the couch where you spent countless nights watching tv shows and movies. In the training room where you pinned Wanda more times then she likes to admit. Then she headed towards the lab.
She stood shocked.
Right in front of her was a man that betrayed her. A man that you had put your life in the hands of who disappointed you. She stormed at him in a fit of rage. “You son of a bitch! Where is she? What did you do to her? I'm going to kill you!” Wanda screamed at him while hitting his chest. Tony let her, knowing that this was what she needed. Wanda continued to curse him out before Tony finally grabbed her hands.
“Stop. I  get it. I'm the bad guy, and I deserve to be. I  messed up the biggest moment of both of your lives. You can keep hitting me, knock me out, whatever you have to do. There is something I have to show you first though.” Tony let go of Wanda’s hands before walking to the screen to pull up a video for Wanda.
When it came through it was you. You were sitting in a bare room and Tony was asleep on the floor behind you. Your hair was a mess and you looked exhausted.
“Friday is it recording? Yes? Ok here we go. If anyone is watching this I  probably did something stupid and I ‘m so sorry. If it’s Wanda hi babe. Man, I think it’s been 3 days and I miss you like crazy. I ‘m trying to figure out a way to get back to you and the babies I promise.” Wanda can feel the tears rolling down her face. “Well I think I have a plan. You aren’t going to like it but I promise you that it will all work out and I will come back to you. Babe I  don't have much time they are coming back. I  love you and our twins so much. I  am going to do everything to come back to you.” Then the screen went black.
“Play it again, Tony.” Wanda asked Tony and he did. She watched it about 10 more times. Just hearing your voice made Wanda feel better.
“Thank you for showing me that. Can you send it to me?” Wanda asked, keeping her eyes locked on yours on the screen. Tony nodded and Wanda walked out of the room back to the twins.
After that day Wanda had hope. She knew you would come back to her. She watched that video every night on repeat to fall asleep too. She played it for the twins and other videos of you so they could hear your voice. The team noticed the change in Wanda as well. They were very skeptical but didn’t question her mood change.
After a month of you being missing Wanda had almost given up hope. Tommy was fussy and Billy had an explosion in his diaper and it was the first time the team had all gone on a mission so no one was with her. She was crying while changing Billy’s diaper while using her powers to rock Tommy’s baby seat.
“Ah boys, it’s ok mamas here. We’ll be ok sh sh sh.” She was so frustrated she couldn’t even get the diaper on Billy. There were a few more minutes of Tommy crying and Billy and now Wanda before she heard Tommy stop. She didn’t even turn around; she figured he just fell asleep.
When she turned with Billy in her arms she was shocked to see the person standing in front of her. It was the love of her life with her son. A sight Wanda never thought she would see. You looked skinnier, tons of bruises and cuts littered your skin. Your clothes were tattered and your hair was a mess in your face. Wanda thought you still looked just as beautiful. She had Billy in her arms as she slowly walked towards you not believing her eyes. She reached up and touched your face to make sure you were there. And you were.
With Tommy in one hand you reached up with your other to place on top of Wanda’s. “Hey there stranger.” You said with a chuckle. She wrapped her arm around you and started sobbing. You put Tommy in the bassinet still holding onto Wanda then reached for Billy placing him next to his brother. Then you did the thing you had been wanting to do forever.
You held onto Wanda as she sobbed in your arms. You stroked her hair while whispering “I’m here,” over and over in her ear.
Your arms were around Wanda but your eyes were on your twins. You soon began to cry, realizing how much time you missed. Wanda pulled away when she felt something drip on her shoulder.
“It’s ok my love you’re here now. You won’t miss anything else. You’re here.” Wanda promised with her hands on either side of your face to make you look at her. You leaned down and gave your love a long awaited kiss. Both of you being grateful to have the other there to comfort each other.
You soon pulled away from Wanda to look at your twins.
“I told you two football players.” You chuckled as you picked up the other baby who you have not held yet. “Who is who?”
“That’s Billy and this is Tommy.” She said while picking up the other baby. You both made your way to the bed with the twins and got comfortable next to each other. You stared at them trying to take in the two people who were now your own.
“I’m so sorry I  missed all of it. I  tried to get back as fast as I  could. I  really did. I  thought when I sent Tony back it was going to be hours and I would be back. But I see metal man's mind isn’t what it used to be.” You rambled on. You wanted Wanda to know just how sorry you were.
“It’s ok. You’re here now and I’m not letting them take you anywhere. You’re staying with us for as long as I want.” Wanda assured you. You sat with your family for hours just basking in their presence and soaking it all in. You changed every diaper and did anything Wanda needed until she ordered you to go shower. While watching your 7th episode of grey's anatomy you dozed off with the babies between you and Wanda.
You only woke when you heard the rest of your rag tag group of friends enter the compound from their latest mission not even trying to be quiet. You turned to see Wanda still awake nursing Billy.
“Should we scare them?” You asked Wanda with a grin on your face. “You can if you want.” She didn’t feel one way or the other. Knowing how much the team helped her while you were missing.
You stood up and hid behind the closed door. It opened halfway.
“Hey Wanda how’d everything go?” Steve asked, you could feel multiple people enter the room however.
“Boo!” you jumped out to scare the team. Bucky not knowing it was you punched you in the stomach.
“Ah shit sorry y/n.” he said before recognition came to his eyes and the others. “Wait y/n?” he stared in disbelief. Nat was the first to tackle you in a hug before the others were soon to follow.
“How, how, how did you get back?” Tony asked with tears in his eyes.
“Well I  thought you would figure it out quickly once I  sent you back but that didn’t happen. I  kept waiting and finally decided to just do it myself. I  befriended another prisoner who promised to poof me back. And then when they did I  was in the training room. I  got Wanda’s text and just assumed she was still here and made my way up to her room.” They all said how happy they were that you were back. You ate dinner as a family and spent the night in your room with your beautiful wife and boys.
“Let’s go home tomorrow.” you suggested to your half asleep wife in your arms.
“You are my home.” she said and you felt warmth well up in your chest.
“I  love you so much darling.” you nuzzled closer to her.
“I  love you more.” and you both fell into a deep sleep which neither of you had had for a long time.
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jojikawa · 3 years
Mrs. Bucciarati | Bruno Bucciarati x Fem! Reader | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
┊❥ Part 6 - Down Time
✧『Fandom』: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
✧『Character』: Bruno Bucciarati
✧『Word Count』: 3,129 words 16,714 characters
✧『Summary』: The group kills time as they wait for Giorno and Mista to reach their destination.
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The group quickly made its way back on the road to Venezia. Mista, Fugo, and Giorno were on the surface, driving the car while everyone else stayed inside to protect Trish as a second line of defense.
Inside the turtle, you had been sitting in between Narancia and Abbacchio. You had sat there first because Narancia wanted to show you something in the magazine he was reading but Abbacchio made it awkward by sitting next to you.
You had taken notice because previously, he was trying to avoid you.
Bruno was sitting on the other side of the table, his head tucked into the laptop that was used for communications. You wanted to talk but you felt like that would be distracting since he wanted to focus.
You didn’t know why but often, you would think of the first time the two of you met and the events that followed. You used to cringe at the memory of it but now that you were sure about your feelings towards him, it was wholesome.
One of your favorite memories with him was during a “charity” event your father held a few years ago. It wasn’t actually for anything charity-related.
Just another excuse to greet Italian capos. You hated it. You hated how corrupt your father was. He had a way of keeping investors while still doing dirty work.
Amongst them was Polpo from Passione in Italy and with him was a young Bruno Bucciarati. He was 17 at the time and you had just turned 16. Polpo agreed to take Bruno with him after much begging on his part. The boy just wanted to see you again.
That night, you were completely upset. Your father wanted you to sing since he and much of the staff agreed you had a nice singing voice. You were too nervous and honestly, you couldn’t even see yourself singing well at all. This upset him and he made you stay by him all night.
The ball was boring until Bruno had arrived. He found you quickly and wanted to talk. He figured that you were being held hostage by your father and wanted to help.
When we walked over, he cleared his throat. “Excuse me.” He said, grabbing your father’s attention. Your father had been speaking to a popular district attorney.
“It’s an honor to have been invited here, Mr. (l/n).” Bruno bowed, trying to seem as gentlemanly as possible.
Your father finished up his conversation before nodding the attorney away and taking a sip of his drink. “Oh, Bruno Bucciarati. I didn’t know Polpo was bringing you. I’m sure I only sent out one invitation.” Your father joked, even laughing when no one found it funny.
You just tried to tune him out, fiddling with your dress that was the same color as your father’s tuxedo.
Bruno humored him, laughing as well. “Well, you see, I couldn’t pass up the chance of hearing (y/n) sing so I had Polpo make room for one more.” His eyes lingered over to you. Bruno seemed so friendly and soft but he was tall for his age and it was almost intimidating…
You looked away, blushing after seeing the innocent twinkle in his eyes when he saw you were all dressed up. Normally, you were wearing loungewear since you were always inside. You looked so stunning!
“That’s too bad because little (y/n) over here decided that she didn’t want to help me pull any investors and she’s not singing at all tonight.” Your father lazily waved his hand in your direction, sipping more of his wine.
“I don’t believe I can sing. I’ve never had any lessons.” You spoke up for the first time. Your father narrowed his eyes at you. “Then after tonight, we’re getting you some.”
You sighed, looking away from your father and off to the side. This was so awkward… you wanted to leave.
Bruno saw what was unfolding and intervened before things could escalate.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Mr. (l/n). I’m sure (y/n) has an amazing voice. She’s just shy and there’s nothing wrong with that. Perhaps, I can help her build her confidence.” He offered his hand to you. You just stared at it.
Your father sighed. “I suppose so. I trust you, Bruno.”
Your father then let you spend the night with him and it was a lot better than just standing around.
All night, Bruno had been such a gentleman and even slow danced with you when no one was watching. You weren't very good and neither was he but you still found it enjoyable.
You had been reminiscing about the past when your thoughts were interrupted by Bruno who had been speaking to Abbacchio.
Bruno had gotten a message on the laptop asking Abbacchio to use his stand to reveal a message that was left behind.
Everyone had gathered around and you got up to look too.
Abbacchio decided to go back 15 hours. The person Moody Blues took the shape off was of the older man you had seen when you all first picked up Trish.
He explained more instructions for the team to follow. You felt so out of place. Everything about this was so bizarre. The moment you get to be with Bruno, you get wrapped up in some elaborate plan. You haven’t sat down with him since you arrived.
When you came to, you saw the image of Mr. Pericolo with a gun to his head. You had only zoned out for a moment! What happened?
Pericolo explained that because of his influence, the enemy knows that he’s helping Bruno deliver Trish. He isn’t a stand user so he doesn’t know how he could defend himself.
His only escape was killing himself before they got to him. It was tragic but these are things you sign up for in Passione.
He pulled the trigger and you saw red before Bruno hugged you to his chest and turned around to block the image of what you almost saw.
You tried to resist but he only held you tighter until the image of it was gone.
“Oh my god!!” You heard Narancia yell.
Trish and Abbacchio were speechless. You had wished that Bruno could’ve used his energy to protect the eyes of one of the children, especially Trish, but it was over now.
You wanted to cry but you were in so much shock. You felt like after everything was over, you would need some kind of therapy. It’s only been a few days and you’ve endured so much trauma. You were just a human.
“Bruno…” you tried to loosen his grip. “…let go.”
He squeezed you again when you had said his name but then without a word, he let go of you. He stood up to talk but his eyes were darkened and he was visibly sweating.
“Mr. Pericolo.”
You were dazed for a moment by his behavior but then you looked over at Trish who must have been traumatized.
You walked over and grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry that you had to see that. Are you okay?” You asked, sweetly. Her eyes darted over to you. She was shaking and sweating as well. It hurt you that she had to deal with all of this at such a young age.
“M-mhm.” She nodded and gave your hand a tight squeeze. “It’s going to be okay.” You told her.
You then realize that you would have to comfort Narancia, Fugo, and Giorno, as well. Being a mother figure wasn’t easy. You felt so obligated to be there for all of them but it was impossible.
You didn’t know how helpful Bruno was towards the younger members but you could only hope he took their mental health into account.
Before you could ask everyone about how they felt, Bruno had sent Mista and Giorno to drive while the rest of you stayed inside the turtle.
You couldn’t figure out why Bruno kept sheltering you. He wanted you by his side or inside the turtle at all times. You wanted to be able to help him protect everyone. You were tired of him acting like he could do everything on his own.
It was hard trying to get a good word in since everyone was in such close proximity. To everyone else, the way you and Bruno interacted was similar to parents. All of the kids had prominent parental issues so the two of you served as a support system when they needed it.
You were sitting next to Trish and you were unsure if you should give her space or make yourself available to speak to. You thought that maybe you should use this time to talk to Bruno but Trish had actually spoken first.
“Mrs. Bucciarati, what was your life like before you came here?” Her voice was pretty monotone as always but you could tell she was sad.
“My life? Well, I was pretty much a homebody. I just tended to my garden and practiced Italian.” You answered.
“Practicing Italian? Why?” She looked at you before realizing you weren’t a native Italian. It’s probably why your dialect sounded a bit different than most. You had a more formal way of speaking compared to the others.
“I’m from America and I know Bruno because I’m the daughter of a boss as well.” You explained with a smile. She didn’t reply to you. She just stared at you with her mouth opened a small bit. Maybe she could finally relate to someone.
You then turned your attention to Bruno who had been using the laptop. You were so worried about the boys. It didn’t feel right for you to send Mista and Giorno out on their own.
“Bruno.” You got up from your spot with Trish and went over to Bruno. You didn’t want to create a scene, so just in case things escalated, you spoke in English.
“I know you have faith in the boys, but is it really wise to send them out on their own? I could’ve gone with them.” You said down next to him, not really interested in what he was doing enough to look.
He just hummed before saying. “I don’t want you to be separated from me anymore. The last two times we got separated, you were hurt and every time we’ve been attacked, you were hurt.”
You huffed. “But you told me you were proud of me. You still don’t believe I can handle myself?”
“Cara mia, I know you can handle yourself but I just can’t have you hurt anymore. You were only taught to fight to a certain extent. If either of us makes a mistake then you could be killed.” His voice was firm. He’s never spoken to you in this tone before and it almost embarrassed you.
“But we have made mistakes. We both have. I’ve done my part in helping. I just still haven’t proven myself to you.” You turned away from him, upset that he was babying you and belittling the training you went through just for him.
Bruno look over at you who had been completely facing the other way. He reached over to your shoulder but you lightly jerked it away.
Why couldn’t you just understand that he was trying to protect you? Was it really wise to promise Giorno this ridiculous plan? Your first impression of Italy has just been filled with bloodshed. Although, if he didn’t then he never would have been Capo.
How long would it have taken him to reach the status of Capo normally?
Bruno pushed those thoughts out of his head. Maybe he was smothering you a little. It was just so hard not seeing you as a delicate flower anymore. He wished that he could’ve seen you more.
As an attempt to show affection, he reached out to your hand that has been free and resting on the sofa. The tips of his fingers brushed yours lightly but you had quickly curled them up, hiding them in a fist.
You didn’t seem to want to hold hands either.
Across the room, Fugo and Narancia were pondering on what you two could’ve been talking about. They didn’t know much English either. It was easy for the others to pay so much attention to you because of how new you were to them.
“Hey, Fugo, you know some English right? What do you think they’re talking about?” Narancia asked. “I’ve never seen Bucciarati so soft!” He hoarsely whispered into his ear.
Fugo, who was trying to rest his eyes, was getting annoyed at the boy. “No, Narancia, I don’t know what they’re saying. I’m not going to violate their privacy either. If it were meant for us to hear, then they wouldn’t have changed languages in the first place.” He explained. This made Narancia frown and retract himself.
You figured that maybe you should talk to Abbacchio for advice. You went over to the purple schemed man and Bruno’s eyes followed you curiously.
He watched as you talked to Leone with confidence and not anything at all like he expected. At first, when you first met them in Naples, he could sense your fear for that man but now you didn’t seem like you were at all.
“Leone,” You sighed and his head snapped over to you. You jumped at his reaction. “A-Abbacchio, I mean, sorry.” You raised your hands in defense and began to sweat. His neutral expression didn’t change. Deep down he didn’t mind your voice saying his name.
“As Bruno always called the shots this way? Sending the children out?” You asked softly.
This annoyed Abbacchio but still, his expression didn’t change. Of course, you would want to talk to him about Bruno of all people. Since you’ve been here, it’s just been about you and him and can’t even last 2 minutes apart when you’re just a foot away from him.
He knew that the only reason he felt this way was that he was jealous. He was probably just jealous of Bucciarati the whole time. What would it take for him to get a woman like you?
“Yeah. Always been that way.” He replied. “They know that they’re doing. Nothing new.”
A small gasp left your mouth. Everyone seemed so uncaring of the safety of the boys. But this didn’t have to mean the end.
You just had to be strong enough to protect them yourself. “I see.” That was all you had said. You didn’t care if it didn't seem like Bruno had faith in you or that there were so many children or how nonchalant Leone was about it. You had a stand too and you knew how to use it.
“Th-That’s all.” You smiled nervously before giving the man his space. You scooted further away, not wanting to move around too much and irritate everyone.
When you looked up, you saw that Bruno was just staring at you, watching. He looked upset but not angry. You wanted to comfort him but you were still upset with him. You’ve worked so hard and it’s like it doesn’t even matter to him.
For some hours, you occupied yourself with a magazine. You tested yourself by reading Italian fashion articles and keeping notes of things you wanted to buy with Bruno’s money. You made sure to bookmark pages with nice shoes and dresses you’d like to try on.
Your actions were interrupted by feeling a portion of the couch next to you sink. You looked to your left to see it was Bruno with the computer resting on his lap. He didn’t say a word and only shifted his weight so that his thigh was touching your exposed one.
This made you blush, so hard that physically acknowledged that he had done this when his goal was to be smooth with it.
“B-Bruno-” You whispered. Bruno ignored you, resting a free hand on the thigh closest to him. He leaned over, so close that the message you got was that he was trying to kiss you.
Really? In front of everyone? What’s gotten into him?
“Are you upset with me?” He whispered into your ear.
Your face heated up. You would feel his breath hitting your ear.
“N-No.” You replied, turning your head to him.
His eyes were narrowed and his face frowned. He leaned in further but he didn’t kiss you. He…licked your face?!
You yelped, breaking contact with him. What the hell was that!?
“To me, it seems like you’re lying.”
“Huh? Is this that lie detection thing you told me about? I thought that was a joke…” You wiped the faint sign of saliva on your face. “Warn me next time, okay?”
He chuckled before kissing you softly. “I thought it would cheer you up.” He said in between breaths.
You kissed back tenderly, your cheeks burning at his actions. Was this a dream?
Your minor make-out session was cut short when Narancia had brought you both back to reality.
Butterflies grew inside of you as you covered your face and turned away. You were always such a shy and delicate flower and now he knew that he could tease you with a public display of affection.
Narancia had been volunteering to be the one to go out to be on the surface so that he could use Aureo Smith to find Mista and Giorno.
You parted from Bruno, enjoying the remaining time just leaning against him. His body was warm and his cologne was faint with a hint of sweat from all the intense fighting.
You were an odd couple but the love was undeniable.
Mista and Giorno were found. Mista had sustained a lot of injuries, which the blonde male healed with his stand.
You played your role and scolded Mista at his lack of awareness to which he replied by calling you “Mom.”
“You should be more careful. You can’t always expect your wounds to be fixed. Giorno can’t help you forever!” You tapped his forehead aggressively.
“Hey, Hey! Yeah, I get it, okay, mom?” He swatted your hand away. This made you giggle.
“Mom? Where’d that come from?” You asked, chuckling to yourself.
“ ‘Cause, you’re annoying like one.” He yelled at you with faint pink dust on his cheeks.
You were the first female figure in his life that worried about him the way you did. It was very easy for them to get attached to you since they were all from broken homes.
It has only been a few days but with Bruno’s tough love and your soft and gentle nature, you two were scaffolding for what having parents was like. Minus the killing of the mafioso members pursuing you, of course.
It was unfortunate that such a cute “family” would come to an end.
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
One Year: January
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Summary: Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Content warning: nothing really yet, douchey dad, occasional cursing, mentions of drinking and sex later
Notes: eighteen thousand years later here is the next chapter 💛
december // masterlist // february
Three days after Christmas, Y/N and Asher’s father rolled into town to throw a New Year’s event at the house for some new investors. As soon as he reappeared, she immediately fell off the grid, ignoring every text and call from Clint. Two days before New Year's had called her and left a message:
“Hey, gorgeous. I haven’t heard from you in a few days and now I know you’re ignoring my calls. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I want you to know that I’m not running. Saying I’m falling or you would be a lie because I’ve already fallen. If anyone ever heard this message, I’d made fun of for being such a sap, but I don’t care. Call me or text me and let me know that you and Asher are at least okay.”
Y/N had broken down in tears when she heard the message and as soon as Asher was in bed, she called him back: “Hi.”
“Hey, gorgeous. What’s going on?”
She sniffled, “My dad’s back in town.”
“Shit, I’m coming over.”
“What, no! You don’t need to do that. It’s just hard on Asher, which makes it hard on me.”
“You gave me a key. I’m coming over.”
Before she could argue, Clint hung up and drove straight over to the house. He immediately walked up to Y/N’s room and found her curled up on the bed. They didn’t speak as he just curled around her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest. It only took her a few seconds to start crying and Clint just held her tighter. Eventually, she fell asleep and from the dark circles, this was the first proper sleep she had had in days.
Clint had eventually followed behind Y/N and fell asleep. Around 2, a cry had him jolt out of bed. He felt her grumble next to him, but she was not fully awake. Another cry fully woke Clint up and he realized that it was storming outside and that it was Asher calling for Y/N. He got out of bed and hurried down the hall. When he got into the bedroom, the six-year-old threw himself into Clint’s arms. He wrapped his arms around the little boy and rubbed Asher’s back. “Did the storm scare you?”
He felt him nod against his neck. “Do you want to come to bed with Y/N and me? We could protect her from the storm together.”
“You protect me?”
“Always, buddy.” Clint carried Asher back into Y/N’s room and they crawled into the bed. She immediately pulled her brother close to her and Clint laid on the other side of him, his arm thrown across so that his hand was on her waist.
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The next morning, the trio was in the kitchen making Mickey Mouse pancakes. Clint was determined to cheer up the Y/L/N siblings. Music was playing and laughter echoed through the room. Asher nearly fell off the stool with how hard he was laughing when Y/N flipped a pancake into Clint’s face. As soon as they heard the front door close, the air grew thick with tension.
Clint watched as Y/N’s whole demeanor hardened and she unconsciously moved to stand closer to Asher. He watched a handsome man with grey hair stumble into the kitchen in a wrinkled suit. “Late night?” Y/N’s voice was unrecognizable, hard, and unfeeling.
“Dinner with a client ran long so I just got a room at a hotel,” He looked past and zoned in on the unfamiliar man in the kitchen, “And you are?”
“That’s Clint,” Asher piped up, “He’s my friend and Y/N’s boyfriend.”
He took a deep breath and put one hand on the small of Y/N’s back and held the other out to shake, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Y/L/N.”
“Pleasure. I’m assuming you will be my daughter’s date to the party?”
“Yes,” the older man flashed a charming smile and Clint started to understand how this man got away with everything, “A party for my investors on New Year’s Eve.”
Clint squeezed Y/N’s waist in comfort, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
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Y/N tried multiple times to convince Clint not to waste his time at the party, but he wouldn’t hear it. Even after he arrived with his garment bag thrown over his shoulder, she was trying to talk him out of this. She babbled away as she put on her makeup, “I‘m just saying that I know that Bucky is throwing a party. Nat told me. You shouldn’t have to miss out on a good time because of me.”
Clint had just pulled on his shirt and marched into the ensuite. He spun her around so that she was trapped against the counter, “You are not going to convince me to leave.”
He slammed his lips against her, feeling her hands travel up his chest to curl around the unbuttoned shirt. Clint wrapped one around her, pulling her as close as possible to him.
“Ew.” The couple separated and turned to see Asher standing in the doorway to the ensuite.
Clint kissed Y/N’s nose, “Nothing you say will change my mind. So get on board, gorgeous.” She just nodded dumbly, still reeling from the kiss. He went over to Asher and helped him up on the bed, “I have a surprise for you.” He pulled two ties out that were the team colors.
“We can match?” Asher was bouncing up and down.
“We can match.” Y/N watched from the doorway as Clint showed her little brother how to tie a tie. Emotions whirled through her. She hated that their father wasn’t the one having these little moments with Asher. However, she was in deep with Clint as he didn’t just tolerate Asher, but went out of his way to care and love the young boy. Y/N didn’t know how it had snuck up on her but in the last three months, she had fallen in love with the dorky blonde football player who she swore she wasn’t going to give the time of day. She shut the door to the bathroom and pulled on her gown.
When she opened the door, the two boys were taking selfies in the floor-length mirror. They turned to look at her and both their eyes widened. Asher was the first to speak, “You look so pretty, Y/N.”
She grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “And you look so handsome. I’ve got two good-looking dates tonight.” Clint was still staring and moved closer, swooping in for a kiss. Y/N could have cried with laughter at how affronted he looked when helping up a hand to stop him, “I’m wearing lipstick.”
“I don’t care,” he kissed her until she was breathless.
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The happiness and ease that they felt in her bedroom were dashed as soon as they walked down the stairs and were enveloped by the party. Y/N was trying to keep her composure as her father used Asher as a performing seal. Clint’s hand gripped her tightly, trying to keep her calm, but she was dying inside as she watched her little brother try to make their sperm donor proud. It was late into the night at this point and she could see that the young boy was struggling to keep his eyes open. She couldn’t hold it in any longer and wiggled her hand out of Clint’s. “Gorgeous…”
“I’ll be okay. Go see Tony and Pepper.” She made her way over and smiled charmingly at the guests, “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but it’s gotten very late. Dad, it is way past Asher’s bedtime.
He waved his eldest child away, “Oh it’s fine, he’s having a good time.”
“He actually has a playdate tomorrow and needs to be rested. So, he should really start his bedtime routine.
Her father’s eyes hardened, “I’m the parent and I’ve decided he’s okay to stay up a little while longer.” She scoffed and her father tried to shoot her a look. Asher started to well up at the tension and Y/N pulled him into her arms. They walked away from the group and she shot her father a glare as he followed them, “He should’ve been in bed over two hours ago. Don’t claim to be his parent when you haven’t done a damn thing. I’m the only mother he’s ever known. I’m the only parent he’s known in the past 6 years.”
“Not right now. This is not behavior for in front of guests. Why don’t we step into the study for this discussion.” He was gripping her arm and that’s what brought Clint back over to their side.
Y/N quickly passed the half-asleep Asher to him, “Would you mind taking him just for a few moments. I’ll be there soon, but I need to have a quick word with my father.”
Clint gripped her waist tight, “Are you okay?”
“No, but I need to be,” she kissed both of their cheeks, “I’ll be up soon. He’s going to need a bath since he’s covered in frosting.”
Y/N didn’t look back even though she felt Clint’s gaze on her as she walked away. The minute the door shut her father exploded, “How dare you! You don’t behave like that when we have guests over. It isn’t proper.”
“Screw proper behavior! I’ve been proper every day for nearly my whole life. Ever since mom got sick. You haven’t been around to try and now you claim that Asher is the product of anything you’ve done. That kid is amazing because he’s done everything without you. I did the midnight feeds and diaper changings. I’m the one that went to the library and checked out parenting books. When he fell off his bike, I helped him up, cleaned his cuts, and told him to try again and not to give up. I’ve done his back-to-school shopping, got his Halloween costumes every year. I helped him with his homework and I got a car so that someone could be there to pick him up every damn day. I’ve been to every concert and sports game. You don’t get to suddenly reappear randomly and use us as a pretty family in front of your friends and investors. You just a sperm donor.”
“I think you forget your place, young lady.”
“Ha. Don’t try to parent me. You’re not a parent!” Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she tried to get herself under control, “If you were, you’d know the bare minimum isn’t good enough. Money isn’t enough. Your children deserve love and support. Asher deserves someone who shows up and that’s not you. Never again will you be allowed to use him for your business. I will make sure that he has a sleepover or appointment to take up his every hour when you’re in town. You are a stranger that happens to live under the same roof as us a couple nights a year. We’ve just been along for the ride. You’ve missed every birthday party and every Christmas morning for too many years. That’s over 20 birthdays so far. That’s 6 years of Christmas shopping I’ve done alone. That’s decorating Christmas trees without you. That’s late nights making birthday cakes. That’s the first steps, award ceremonies, and graduations. That kid is my life and I am his. You haven’t been around. Do you know how many nights I spent with him and he would ask why you weren’t there? Eventually, he just gave up hope. I’m glad your business is thriving but in the process of making this all happen, you forget something so much more important. You forgot your kids. Well, guess what, I never forgot. Not for a second. I’ve missed so much of my life for Asher and I won’t regret a second of it. He’s not your kid. He’s mine. And if you excuse me, I need to put him to bed.” She left the study, head held high, and headed straight for Asher’s room.
When she didn’t find them there, she hurried into her room and found Clint reading a book, with the six-year-old conked out on his shoulder. Y/N decided to take a moment and walked down the hallway and sat on the window seat, listening to the party still raging below. She rested her head on the window, feeling the cool January chill on her forehead. Silent tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks. She heard a throat clear and turned to see Clint standing a few feet away. He didn’t say anything, instead, he just let her curl up against him. He picked her up, carrying her to her room. He knelt down and slipped her heels off. Her breathing was shallow, as the argument played over and over in her mind. He pulled the dress down her shoulders and replaced it with one of his shirts that she’d claimed. He toed his shoes off and climbed into bed, pulling her down. They one curled around Asher and Clint looked at her, “You don’t need to talk tonight. You don’t even need to talk tomorrow. Just know that when we do have this conversation, it won’t scare me away. I’m in this for the long haul, whatever that means. I love you.”
It wasn't perfect, at that moment it wasn't even good, but the ball had dropped and it was January 1st. A new year and Y/N was going to make sure that life was better than ever before.
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teamhappyme · 3 years
my love will find you
aaron hotchner x female!reader
word count: 1.9k
a/n: another hurt/comfort fic because i’m incapable of righting pure fluff. this was inspired by the incredibly sad but beautiful children’s book ‘wherever you are, my love will find you’ by nancy tillman. i have quoted some parts of the book, and those are the quotes in italics. i first read this book to the toddlers i work with two weeks after my bestfriend, my grandmother died a few years ago. it brought me to tears, and is truly one of my favorite children’s books. 
warnings: discussions of miscarriage, nothing graphic
You gently knocked on Jack’s door after seeing the light peek through the space where the door met the floor. It was nearing ten o’clock, the ten year old should be in bed by now. 
Once you heard the quiet ‘come in’, you opened the door to find him tucked in, little lamp on with a few books on his bed. 
“It’s getting late, bud. Why don’t you wrap up your last book for the night.” He nodded, closing the book in his hand. Sitting on the edge of his bed, you recognized the cover, and felt your heart drop in your chest. 
“Is anything bothering you, honey?” He let out a sigh, and he reminded you so much of Aaron in that moment. Usually, you loved to see the resemblance in your husband and son. But this big sigh was too much for the little boy to go through.
“My art teacher had us make mother’s day cards at school today. All of my friends just stood up and grabbed a piece of paper, but I kind of froze for a second.” You would do anything to bring back Haley, to put this little boy out of the pain he’s gone through at such a young age. “I asked my teacher if I could make three. They were supposed to be a surprise, but I made one for mom, you, and aunt Jess.” 
You couldn’t help the small smile on your face. He was such a sweet boy. He was the reason you and Aaron talked about having a baby of your own. Give Jack a sibling, maybe spread some more love in this family. 
“I’m just missing my mom a lot today, that’s all. And this book makes me feel a little better about it.”
You took the book from his hands, tracing your fingers down the front cover. 
“You know, I’m the one that gave you this book. When my nana died, this book really helped me stay connected to her. I’m glad it does the same for you too.” A smile crept across your face, and you stood up from his bed. “I know you may be a little too old for this, but would you mind if I read this to you? I’m feeling a little sad tonight too, and I think this book could make me feel better.”
He smiled, and scooched closer to the wall to give you some space in his bed. “What are you sad about y/n/n?” You shook your head, not wanting to hurt the little boy any more than he already was. 
“I’m just missing daddy. But he’ll be home tomorrow.” You turned to the first page, getting ready to read the short little book.
“I wanted you more than you ever will know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go.”
It had been a while since you read this to Jack, and you were already starting to tear up. 
“It never gets lost, never fades, never ends… paint til you’re blue… there’s no place, not one, where my love can’t find you.”
You wanted Aaron to be here, needed Aaron to be here. Especially today.
“And if someday you’re lonely, or someday you’re sad, or you strike out at baseball, or think you’ve been bad… just lift up your face, feel the wind in your hair. That’s me, my sweet baby, my love is right there.”
Your hand rested on your stomach, that was full of new life just a few weeks ago. 
“If you’re still my small babe or you’re all the way grown, my promise to you is you’re never alone.”
As you flipped to the last page, you quickly wiped away the tears in your eyes. You just have to be strong for another few minutes.
“You are my angel, my darling, my star… and my love will find you wherever you are.”
It was an incredibly sad children’s book, but it was really for the parents more than the kids. 
“Okay honey, do you feel a little better now? Do you want to read another book?” He shook his head.
“I’m okay now. I think I’ll just talk to mom for a minute, then go to sleep.” He turned his lantern on, it was what he used to talk to Haley when an adult wasn’t around with the special candle. “Thank you for reading to me, y/n/n.”
You smiled. “Anytime, Jack. Goodnight, I love you.” You leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Love you too. ‘Night.”
You quietly closed his door and headed down the hall to your own bedroom. Once secure in your own closed room, you let your tears fall free. 
It had been a long forty eight hours without Aaron. The team got called on a case in the middle of the night, but you were left behind due to your twelve week scan with your ob/gyn. You assured Aaron you would be okay on your own. 
But you couldn’t have known what was going to be on that scan. Or, rather, what was missing. 
It was strange to think that only eight hours ago you were still thinking of your baby. How you were going to tell everyone, tell Jack, start thinking of baby names. You should’ve known better than to get so excited so fast.
You don’t know how long you were staring at your laptop screen for, but when you heard the front door open, your heart dropped again. 
You’d left a message when you couldn’t get a hold of him, figuring he was on the jet or wrapping up with the local PD. But it was cryptic, you couldn’t tell him in a voicemail. 
Once he came into the bedroom, you stood up, meeting his gaze. His tie was already off, undershirt poking through from his slightly unbuttoned dress shirt. He was stressed out. And it didn’t take a genius to know why.
“Hi, how was the case?” He kicked his shoes off, slightly shaking his head before giving you a quick kiss. 
“It was just another case. I, I got your message. Is everything alright?”
Just rip off the bandaid, y/n. Quick, as quick as they told you.
You stood in front of him, your husband, holding onto the news that would ruin your future in one second. Wringing your hands together, your eyes began to water again. God, why couldn’t he just have been there with you.
“I lost the baby, Aaron.”
He stopped his miniscule movements, his eyes falling open the slightest bit. Only you ever noticed the change in his eyes. 
“They said it was probably right after the eight week scan, that I lost them. It wasn’t anything I did, they say it just… happens.” A tear fell down your face, and you moved to wipe it away. “I’m sorry, I should’ve called you right away.”
“Honey,” He walked over to me, holding my hands in his own. He opened his mouth a few times, trying to form a sentence with all the emotions running through his head. But he couldn’t. You couldn’t either when they first told you. Instead, you saw tears form in his eyes, as he choked back a sob. “Sorry,” He started, trying to be strong for you. 
But you wouldn’t let him bury this. Not this pain. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and he buried his head in your shoulder. Your tears were staining his shirt, and you could hear him sniffle every few seconds. But you started to feel whole again with his arms wrapped around you.
He lifted his head after a minute, pressing a kiss to your head before tucking you under his chin. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you. You shouldn’t have had to be there alone.”
“It’s not your fault. We couldn’t have known.” Your eyes welled with tears again, and you held on tighter to your husband. “I know it was only a few months, but I really loved them Aaron.”
“I know, I do too.” You untangled yourself from him, wanting to see his face as you talked through another incredible loss in his life. 
“They scheduled me for a d&c on monday, just to be sure everything is cleared out.” They had to make everything sound so clinical. As if this wasn’t a human, your human growing inside of you. “You’ll come with me, right?” 
“Of course.” He noticed you wringing your hands again, fighting back the next wave of tears washing over you. “Y/n, talk to me.”
You sat at the end of your bed, resting your head in your hands, letting the tears slowly, evenly escape your eyes. 
“My whole life, all I’ve wanted was to be a mom. I wanted to have babies running around my house, their toys filling up every room you walk in. It was the one thing I was always sure about. When I found out I was pregnant, I was so excited that my dream was coming true. That we could expand our family, we could give Jack a sibling. But now,” You lifted your head, Aaron leaning against the dresser. “I just can’t help but think this was a sign. That I’m not meant to have my own baby.”
He immediately pushed off the dresser, moving to kneel in front of you. “Y/n,”
You shook your head, wanting to finish before he started. “I love our life, Aaron. I was devastated this afternoon. I was crying in the parking lot of the doctor’s office for thirty minutes, before I went to pick up Jack. But once I saw him, I felt better.” You reached out to hold one of his hands. “He told me today that he made a mother’s day card for Haley, Jess, and me. We talked about Haley, and how he misses her. And then we read the book I gave him after she died,”
“Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You,” He interrupted you, and you smiled. The book seemed to have a lasting effect on everyone in the Hotchner house.
“Aaron, I love being another mom to Jack. I love being your wife, I love my relationship with Jess, I loved our baby, and I love where we are right now.” You brought his hand to your lips, lightly kissing his knuckles before you finished. “Maybe I’m not meant to have my own baby. But I love our son, and our family. And once we grieve the one we almost got, that’s all I want to focus on. At least for right now.”
Once you finished, and he soaked in your words, he gave you a true Aaron Hotchner smile, dimples and all. A stray tear fell down his face, and you quickly moved to brush it away.
“I love you so much, you know that right?”
You smiled in return. “I love you too.”
He leaned in to kiss you, soft and slow. A few stray tears mixed together between the two of you, emotions all over the place right now. But it was going to be okay with Aaron by your side.
You slowly pulled away, giving him one final kiss before he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“We’ll get through this together.” You nodded, resting your forehead against his. “Allways.”
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Supposed To Be
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Ocean’s 8 fanfiction
request: the reader finds out what Tammy does at party with the girls and maybe gets angry at Tammy for not telling her and lying to her. Then hets angry at everyone else and they all fell guilty. And maybe tammy says something that’s losses the reader of more. Then the reader walking out. The next morning the reader is ignoring all the texts and calls from Tammy and the girls. Tammy going over to talk to her...
Summary: Tammy is planning something for you with the team, but can’t let you know about it.
Characters: Tammy x fem!reader, the Ocean’s girls, (divorced!Tammy)
Word Count: 2,550
Warnings: Angst angst angst angst angst angst!!!!!! Miscommunication!! Hurt & comfort! Eventual happy ending :)
You first started feeling uneasy when Tammy’s text responses went from excited paragraphs and emojis to one-word answers. It was such a simple thing, but you barely got to see her in person some weeks, and this was the only thing that kept you connected.
After an inevitable divorce, Tammy moved to the city to be closer with the entire group, sharing custody of her children every other week. It had been stressful, but you had been there for her every step of the way, and a fruitful, happy romance had blossomed.
But now, even after all those months, there was a sudden barrier you couldn’t seem to get through. Her phone calls were hasty, her texts short, and no one else in the group seemed concerned like you were. You got no updates on her kids, which usually she couldn’t stop taking about. Frankly, it felt like she had gotten tired of you.
So, you shut your phone off and went out for the rest of the day, window-shopping and wandering around the city to get your fuming mind off of things. 
On the other side of the city, in Lou’s spacious loft, Tammy had gathered the other ladies, vigorously typing lists on her phone as she paced back and forth.
“Really, Tam, you’re overthinking this! Why do you feel the need to go through all this?” Lou sighed, swirling her glass of rye. 
“Because it has to be just right,” Tammy snapped back. 
Everyone knew how detail-oriented and perfectionist Tammy was. It was a life-saver for criminal activity and ensured safety for the gang to get through undetected. But sometimes, in ordinary life, it was a bit overkill.
“I really don’t think Y/N needs all this, babe,” Nineball added, lounging in a large, velvety bean bag and a joint between her lips. “Lou’s right, you’re overthinking it.”
“Listen, she’s my girlfriend, and this is my plan. Can you please just be a little bit supportive of this?” Tammy threw her hands up, exasperated. 
“Her birthday isn’t for another month,” Debbie pointed out.
“Exactly, I’m already running behind!”
The remaining seven shared a few bemused glances before Daphne handed Tammy a glass of wine to calm down. Debbie sighed, pulled up a chair and reached for the snack bowl.
“Alright, what’s the plan, TamTam?”
You still had one of Lou’s door keys from the last heist, and figured it was the best time to return it. It was starting to get late, and it was a bit of a walk, but you didn’t mind. The fresh air did good for your nerves and bad mood. 
You hadn’t seen Lou in ages either, so you figured a quick catch-up was needed too. Not even thinking, you used the key to let yourself in, washed over by warm light coming from inside, and-
Laughter? Music?
You froze. The first person you saw, of course, was Tammy. Your eyes were drawn to her in any room, always. She was laughing, nursing a drink in her hand, chatting with Lou and Debbie, who looked equally as pleased.
There was popcorn popping in the microwave, and the TV was showing a movie. Your heart sank little by little, as you realized that yes, they really had gotten tired of you. You didn’t register the pile of paper and notes on the coffee table, at all.
Lou saw you first, and went a little pale. She registered the keys in your hands were hers, and it clicked in her brain why you were there. She nudged Debbie, who immediately turned off the music, as if they’d been caught doing something illegal.
Then Tammy turned her head and saw you, her beautiful smile fading away instantly. Her mouth hung open a little, as if she didn’t know what to make of you standing there, in the flesh.
Suddenly your confusion melted into anger, and your heart broke little by little as they stood there, staring at you, not even bothering to say anything.
You tossed the keys to the floor, turned around, and slammed the front door shut. 
No one was moving. Tammy’s brain was lagging, still trying to register why you  looked so distraught, so betrayed. The rest of the group eyed her shyly. Constance had a mouth full of popcorn that she was afraid to chew down on because of how loud it would be in the silence.
“You fucking idiot,” Rose was the first to speak up- Tammy was shocked to hear her swear. “What’re you doing jus’ standing there? Get out and go after her!”
“Yeah,” Amita said, “she didn’t look too happy when seeing all of us.”
“Did you tell her where you would be today, Tam?” Debbie questioned her, looking her squarely in the eye. Tammy bit her lip, and shook her head. Cue a collective frustrated groan. 
“Tammy, we love you, but you can be so stupid sometimes,” Lou said, grabbing her glass from her. “Go on!”
Tammy nearly stumbled over her heels as she hurried after you, fearing she wouldn’t be able to find you in the dark.
“Y/N?” she called out, frantically looking out as the door closed behind her. She  spun around, looking left and right. “Y/N!”
“Stop yelling,” you snapped. She turned and saw you leaning against a streetlamp, face washed in eerie light. 
“You’re still here,” she said, relieved.
“No, I’m just waiting for a cab,” you said, not meeting her gaze. “You should go back to your party.”
“Do you want to come inside?” she asked you, wringing her hands.
“No, thanks,” you said, shoving your hands deep in your pockets. “I wasn’t invited, so.”
“Oh, Y/N, I didn’t mean to-,”
“No, no, you clearly did,” you shook your head, interrupting her. “It’s fine, really. But next time you get sick of me, have the fucking courtesy to actually break up with me, please?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re barely answering any of my texts, and every time we talk you’re miles away. And now you’re throwing a party with the whole team, except for me. What gives?”
“It’s not what you think!”
“What the hell am I supposed to think, then? Do you even realize what the past few weeks have been like for me? Jesus, Tammy, I’ve been worried sick.”
Tammy didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to lose you, she knew she couldn’t lose you, but to explain the plans and explain everything she’d prepared would ruin so, so much.
“Y/N, I love you with my entire heart. I can explain, I promise.”
“No, forget it,” a cab pulled up to the sidewalk and you yanked open the door. “Come back when you’ve made up your mind, I guess. Unless it’s something I don’t want to hear. Bye, Tammy.”
With that, the cab sped away, and you left a stunned Tammy standing on the sidewalk.
It was nearly two weeks later. You didn’t know how on earth you got this far without talking to Tammy at all, but you figured you made it clear where you stood. If she never talked to you again, you understood the message, and you were through.
A bit overdramatic, maybe, you wondered? If it was, you weren’t prepared to be the first one to cave. You wouldn’t go begging and crawling back to her. You were too stubborn and proud- even with the constant crying over the past few days.
You were sitting at a bar, drinking a sweet and fruity drink while watching some mindless sports game on the monitor when a familiar blonde slid into the seat next to you.
“Go away,” you said, not looking at Lou. She  waved her hand, and the bartender set to work on a drink for her.
“Good evening to you too, sweetheart,” she said. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. This is my bar after all,” she received her drink and took a big gulp, leaning forward on the bar and looking over at you.
“No it isn’t,” you frowned, trying to piece your memory together. “Your club is dozens of blocks from here.”
“Yeah, and then I bought almost every bar and club on this side of the city. You’re looking at one rich-ass owner, Y/N.” Lou grinned, but you couldn’t be bothered to return the smile.
“Well, congrats Lou. No need to rub it in. Some of us are meant to just be broke.”
“Since when did you become such a downer?”
“Uh, since my girlfriend decided her life was better off without me?” you scoffed.
“Is that really what she said to you?” Lou asked, blue eyes piercing. You shifted in your seat.
“Not exactly, but I know when people are tired of me,” you muttered. “Walking in on the whole team who went through hell together having a party without me kinda sends a clear message.”
Lou chewed her lip, and sighed. She pushed the empty glass away from her and took her time to unwrap a stick of gum. 
It was quiet between the two of you as she got up and straightened her jacket, flicking her bleach blonde hair away from her eyes.
“It wasn’t a party, Y/N,” she said. “Talk to Tammy. She’s been absolute shit the past week.”
You bristled, not wanting to think about Tammy again. But Lou left you to it, paying for your drink, and headed out the door. You rubbed your face, tired, and lonely, and cursing yourself for letting it get this far. 
Hesitantly, you took out your phone, reading the ‘six new voicemails’ notification, and lingering your finger over the green listening button. All from Tammy. 
“Hey, Y/N. Giving me a taste of my own medicine, huh?” A weak laugh. “I’m sorry for not responding or talking more with you.. you have every right to be angry.”
You got up and headed home slowly, going through each voicemail carefully, listening at least twice.
“God I don’t even know where to start. It’s been so... empty without you. Please call me soon? There’s so much I want to tell you.”
Turning multiple corners, you put on your sunglasses, hoping it would hide the tears threatening to spill over. 
“I feel terrible. And the girls are mad at me for letting you get away. Not-not like you ran away, but- but not fighting for you, you know? For such a stupid, stupid reason too. I, uh, hm... I miss you.”
I miss you. You stared at your front door, listening as the voicemail ended, frozen. You were mere steps from getting inside, but there was something in the way.
Tammy looked over her shoulder, standing on your doorstep, and you nearly burst into tears all over again. She was startled just like you were, surprised to see you there.
Your arm dropped limply to your side, voicemail forgotten, and you took a shaky breath,
“I miss you too.”
You sat across each other awkwardly. You offered her a cup of tea, she politely declined. Tammy was carrying a large tote bag with things inside, and you were intrigued, but didn’t make any effort to start the conversation. You would remain stoic, and not cave. No matter how beautiful she looked, how rosy her cheeks were, how done up her hair was. But there were giant bags under her eyes that you could not ignore, and something pulled at your heartstrings. 
“You look well,” Tammy said, smiling weakly.
“No I don't,” you replied. Her face fell. “Neither do you.” Ouch. 
“Crazy what only two weeks can do to a person, right?” she chuckled hoarsely.
She continued, “I realize that... that I didn’t handle things very well, with how it ended.. on the sidewalk that night.”
Her fingers were shaking, and your resolve nearly crumbled. She reached into the bag and grabbed a massive binder, nearly bursting with the amount of pages. Your name was written in thick letters on the front. 
“This is why I wasn’t talking to you,” she muttered, bashfully. “And I realized that keeping this a secret from you isn’t worth the risk of losing you.. like, actually losing you and never getting to have you in my life again.”
Your mouth fell open as you turned to the first page. It was one of those massive wedding planner books that some young girls like to have when dreaming of their future wedding. 
Only it was for your birthday. Lists and lists of your favourite music, your favourite foods, restaurants, colours and clothes. Plans for venues, DJs, special outings and reservations. Plans for each member of the team to take care of little things; drinks, dances, meals, performers...
“Oh my god,” you whispered.
“It was going to be your first birthday with the two of us really together. It was supposed to be a surprise... perfect and special. I guess I went a little over the top..” she rubbed her neck with her hand and blushed.
“Tammy... oh my god,” you kept saying, with every new page, and new intricate lists and ideas. “Oh my god.”
“This is incredible,” you breathed, tears falling freely now. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“No no, I should be the one apologizing,” Tammy replied firmly. “I should have told you.”
“But then it wouldn’t have been a surprise! Oh my god, I should have been more trusting in you,” you cried softly. “Tammy, oh, god. Tammy, I love you so much.”
Every detail was spot-on. She knew you inside and out, like no one else ever  knew you. No one had ever cared so deeply for you, to think so deeply for you. 
Now Tammy was crying too, and you were two blubbering messes, clasping hands across the table and spilling tears on the pages. Thankfully, they were laminated.
“I’ve scrapped it all,” Tammy confessed. 
Your head snapped up, “What?”
“Well, when I say scrapped.. I rescheduled it for next year.. I didn’t think that you would want this anymore. Not after what I did.”
“Debbie thought it a good idea to just move it to next year, in case you still wanted it, and.. well, in case you and I are still...” she cleared her throat, face red, not wanting to finish her sentence for fear of jinxing it.
You pushed your chair back and walked over to her, cupping her face and kissing her sweetly. She melted in your touch.
“Of course I’ll still want it,” you said, brushing her mouth with your lips. “I want you.”
“So-, are- are we o-okay?”  Tammy’s breath hitched with increasing sobs and you kissed her, again and again.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you laughed, kissing her tears away. “I don’t want anything except you.”
“Good,” Tammy giggled, “because I don’t think I had anymore energy to finish these plans.”
“When did you start making this?”
“About a month ago.”
“Oh, Tammy, my God,” you threw your head back, understanding why she had gotten so distanced now. “You can’t possibly think all of that-” gesturing to the thick book, “would be possible to plan in just a few weeks right? Not with your perfectionist habits, at least.”
“Hey,” Tammy warned, but her eyes were twinkling. 
“Plus, I love every single detail you put in there, I swear, but I don’t need anything except you and the people we love on my birthday. Seriously.”
“Good, because that’s exactly what Lou offered after she slapped some sense into me,” Tammy confessed. “A party at her loft or one of her clubs? And then.. cake?”
“Yes!” you clapped your hands. “Our friends, and cake.”
You slid forward to sit in Tammy’s lap and pressed your warm face in her neck, kissing her there and hugging her closely.
“That’s all I need,” you murmured. “That’s how it’s supposed to be.”
Tammy let out another sob, wrapping her arms around you tightly and kissing the side of your head, nuzzling your hair without abandon. 
A/N: A bit longer than usual but I wanted to do the lovely request justice :D Miscommunication is such a bitch... especially when it doesn’t work out, but in this fiction land it does!! We love soft!Tammy~
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@galahadwilder​ (AO3)
Galahad is a large poster on Tumblr (I’m actually surprised when I refresh my dash and the first post isn’t from him). On about 111 works total, he has 95 works for Miraculous Ladybug only! The others are mainly from the DCU. Many of them all are WIPs, but hey! Who doesn’t have WIPs?
Here’s my Top 10 (because I have to stop, eventually...)
Wisdom Teeth:  Words:7605 - Chapters:7/7 Summary: Adrien FaceTimes Marinette while high on painkillers after wisdom tooth surgery, and lets something slip that he really shouldn’t have.
What I liked: Marinette driving Adrien insane :)
Personal Space :  Words:6342 - Chapters:3/? - Updated:2020-10-25 Summary: Adrien Agreste was never taught to say no. Never allowed to have boundaries. So when someone finally pushes too far, Ladybug is left with a partner in pain, a crush in need of the kindness he’s never received...And a former idol she needs to murder.
What I liked: Marinette going into bodyguard mode, Adrien’s friends opened minds, DJWifi banter over the phone. Can’t wait for next chapter!
Inconceivable : Words:2537 - Chapters:3/? - Updated:2019-07-19 Summary: There are two things of which Gabriel Agreste is absolutely certain. The first is that there is no such thing as a soulmate. Everything he knows about both science and magic claims it impossible. The second thing is that his son somehow, infuriatingly, has a soulmate anyway.
What I liked: Gabriel POV, Gabriel actually having good intentions towards his son, Sabine plotting with him, credible explanations for canon
Notes to Self: Words:22911 - Chapters:16/? - Updated:2019-10-23 Summary: Adrien finds out midway through Oblivio that his assumption was wrong, and that Marinette is NOT his girlfriend. So he decides to do leave a message calling himself out for failing to properly appreciate the most incredible person he’s ever met. Now, having been confronted with his mistakes, Adrien has realized that he has a lot to make up for—and a girl who needs to know exactly how much she means to him.
What I liked: I think I’ve read this fic 3 times now, and can’t be bored of it. Adrien figuring out he was in love with Marinette from day 1, Oblivio-Adrien calling himself out, Tom and Sabine’s open mind about their super-heroing. Bonus: Kagami wanting a polygamic relationship and Adrien admitting looking at Luka’s butt 😂
Officiated: Words:7562 - Chapters:9/? - Updated:2020-04-28 Summary: The aftermath of an Akuma attack leaves Ladybug and Chat Noir legally married.
What I liked: mostly the originality of the akuma. The fic might update, but it also feels complete. You won’t be stuck on a cliffhanger.
Children of War: Words:8295 - Chapters:7/? - Updated:2019-05-03 Summary: Something dark is coming to Paris, and Master Fu has been lying to Adrien and Marinette. What happened to the previous Team Miraculous? And how did Marinette's aunt Bridgette really end up in a mental hospital?
What I liked: Gabriel’s intentions to save Paris, the integration of the Quantic Kids, the strong angst. Can’t wait for more!
Sick Days (series):  Works:2 - Complete: No Summary:  Adrien comes home after a long photoshoot to find Marinette Dupain-Cheng asleep in his bed, running a horrific fever. What is she doing there, and how did she get into his house without setting off any alarms? (And why does she keep mumbling his name?) / Marinette’s cold is passing, but the embarrassment is not—they may be dating, and they may be partners, but she still can’t keep it together around Adrien the way she can around his alter ego. Which is a problem, because he’s caught her cold—and the absolute lack of filter that came with it.
What I liked: the delirium shenanigans (read Out Sick by @sweetsweetsweetie​ if you like that too), the Dupain-Chengs actual A+ parenting. Please, Galahad, don’t abandon this fic!!
Wingman: Words:11211 - Chapters:10/12 - Updated:2019-08-06 Summary: Hawkmoth's Akuma have been acting strange lately--every single one has been an obsessive LadyNoir shipper, much to Chat's horrific embarrassment. Ladybug hasn't noticed, but Chat can't quite get over the fact that Hawkmoth seems to have redirected his supervillain antics to setting him up with the girl of his dreams.
What I liked: The humoristic scenes (Nath scolding Gabe was my favorite), Gabriel trying to parent properly, Nathalie caring for both Agrestes. “I swear this fic was supposed to be a comedy”
The shirt: Words:16503 - Chapters:20/? - Updated:2019-10-22 Summary: On a cold night in January, Chat Noir lends Ladybug his jacket--only to find Marinette wearing it to class the next day. And that's just the beginning of the trouble.
What I liked: the fluff over the fluff, Chloé working on her redemption, the post-reveal banter,  "Tell... my father... he's a diiiiiiick..."
We Break Things Down Just to Build Them Back Up Again: Words:7916 - Chapters:5/? - Updated:2019-11-05 Summary: Adrien promised he'd have Marinette's back, but no matter how badly she needs him, he won't take any kind of action to protect her—or, for that matter, himself. When Marinette discovers WHY he finds it so impossible to stand up to bullies, she resolves to put aside her crush to help him escape his abusive household. But the less she thinks about Adrien, the more she thinks about a different blond boy in her life—and the more time she spends taking care of Adrien, the more he starts to see her as more than just a friend...
What I liked: Marinette’s mom friend override, Adrien’s hurt to comfort (even though Chat’s part is yet to come), Tom telling Adrien he’s proud of him, and Adrien’s reaction to that just made me cry. I’m craving for moooooooooore!!!
Honorable mentions:
Moving Forward (series):  Works:2 - Complete: No (I already wrote a rec. about this one. Read it here)
I’m Your Heating Pad (And Other Uses for a Cat Boyfriend):  Words:3045 - Chapters:1/1
Memories:  Words:1110 - Chapters:1/1
Waking Nightmare:  Words:1667 - Chapters:1/1
The One I Depend On:  Words:1420 - Chapters:1/1
Next to me :  Words:3033 - Chapters:1/1
I know what you did in the cat-acombs : Words:4869 - Chapters:1/1
Stress Relief: Words:3407 - Chapters:4/?
It’s Just a Nickname:  Words:4552 - Chapters:7/7
The Future Lands Soft:  Words:6043 - Chapters:8/?
Overworked and Overwhelmed: Words:4628 - Chapters:1/1
All's Fair in Love and War (And Turnabout's Fair Play):  Words:4835 - Chapters:3/4
Futures Trading: Words:1651 - Chapters:1/1
Kitty Missed the Message: Words:3351 - Chapters:2/2
Broken Masks: Words:3320 - Chapters:2/?
We Are Miraculous: Words:6543 - Chapters:5/?
The Agreste Letters: Words:13809 - Chapters:14/?
Before and After: Words:21192 - Chapters:14/20
I’ve been reading non-stop since my previous Fic of the month special. I have many regrets in life, but reading Galahad’s fics wasn’t one of them!
Thanks for so much work and efforts! I really love the variety, originality and consistency between the fics, even if they have different stories. I really love the hurt to comfort too, and how many mental troubles and disorders are depicted. 
Please read, share and leave kudos on his works!
If you know ML writers you’d like to shout out, or are a ML writer yourself, please contact me!! @clawsout83​
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kozutenshi · 4 years
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"neh, tooru." he tilted his head to the side, looking at your figure arranging the pillows in your small makeshift house.
"i'll definitely marry you when we're older."
he chuckled at your sudden outburst, not coping with what you said. "what do you even mean by that?"
"well, marriage.. isn't that what happens when two people want to stay together in each other's side forever?" your unsure and confused expression made him laugh harder. the pout on your lips made him stop, patting your cheek with a soft smile on his face.
"well then, i guess i'm gonna have to get a ring ready."
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— "bahay-bahayan" in Filipino!
— a game played my two or more wherein the kids would act like a real family doing what a family does normally. literally in simple terms, playing house.
— used to play this with my cousin, two other friends, and my childhood friend. yes, my childhood friend was the dad and i was the mom.
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sometimes, you wonder which events made things turn out to be how they currently were.
seasons change, and your years of stay in this world had been growing. the amount of times you told a lie or two, the amount of times you cried, laughed, burst out of anger; collectively, this was what our life was.
oikawa thinks the same way too.
the young man sat on the park bench, looking out to the beach of brazil. he should be in argentina right now, practicing the sport he loves, but ever since he got the mail, it was as if a part of him felt too empty to function. his team gave him a week off, and he found himself going back to brazil reminiscing.
he thumbed the gold letterings, almost wishing the letter came with your scent instead of the roses that made the contents painfully obvious.
of course he had opened it, the seal already broken enough to know that he had opened it several times. taking a deep breath, he held his tears back.
how did it come to this?
on the other side of the world, you waited for his answer, the man you stuck with since children. it had been days since the mail was reportedly received. you were nervous, gulping down a lump on your throat to his lack of response. warm arms wrapped you from behind, kissing your temple. "hasn't he replied yet?"
his hand took yours, playing with the ring he gave you and drawing slow therapeutic circles on your skin. you smiled sadly at your fiancee, before shaking your head and melting into his arms. "nope. aren't you supposed to be at work?" he chuckled sheepishly before picking up his things and kissing you tenderly. "yeah. i'm off now. i'm sure he's just preoccupied so don't stress yourself over his response, yeah?" you nodded, sending him off with a loving smile which he returned.
as the door closed, your eyes went back to the laptop screen, begrudgingly thinking of your work before sitting down and continuing it. you didn't know what time it was when you finished, but it was probably an hour or two already when the doorbell rang.
lazily, you stood up and opened the door to find oikawa standing at your doorstep. "yo, n/n-chan." your eyes showed your shock and your body froze, before you relaxed and chuckled. "yikes, i'm hallucinating," you muttered under your breath before closing the door in his face.
"you know.. i'm flattered that you think of me that much that i can be a hallucination.. but for real, i'm 100% human, no alien stuff here."
the "I can't believe you're here" face you had made him chuckle, opening his arms for you to fall into. your scent was familiar, your warmth, your smile, until you dissolved into sobs. frantically, he moved away from you and wiped the tears off tenderly with shaky hands. "what? why are you crying?!"
"tooru! why weren't responding to me?" he chuckled nervously, knowing full well that telling the real reason will complicate things. "i wasn't sure what to answer just yet so i decided to discuss the matter with my coaches first. sorry, n/n-chan. now, can you stop crying, princess?"
it was painful to lie to you, but if it is for what's better, then he'd do it. "don't call me that." you urge yourself to move away and invite him into your apartment shared with your fiance. his eyes scanned the loft, noting the things that mirrored your personality on every shelf, every wall.
"how long have you been here in japan?"
"this is my third day. i'll go back tomorrow."
"ah, i see. then shall we spend the day together?"
"yeah. i did meet the three guys yesterday. it's your turn."
you placed the bowl of chips in front of him, urging to eat while he raised his eyebrows in question. "why didn't you invite me?"
"better question. why are you eating chips this early?" you shrugged, shoving a piece or two into your mouth. "it's not that early. it's like, almost noon."
he rolled his eyes and started eating. the silence stretched on but it was comforting. his eyes raked on your figure, how you were still the same, but different. as if a part of you stayed, the other changed.
"oh yeah. i have to go to that volleyball thing to help takeru with his plays. wanna come with?"
"takeru, as in my nephew?"
"yeah, who else?"
"there are tons of takeru's in this country, y'know."
you shrugged. "well you have no choice. you're coming with. say cheese to the camera. i'll tell my fiancee about you suddenly being here." raising your phone, you snapped a photo to your fiance, telling him you'll spend the day with tooru which he agreed with a "take care" message.
oikawa watched your lips curve to a smile, the same one he fell in love with, only to realize it wasn't for him. was he hurt? no.
numb. that's what he was.
the two of you passed by your previous school, onto the training grounds reminiscing stories after stories. with a pouting takeru, the three of you watched the smaller children train, a fond smile on your face. a small little girl stumbled to you with tears. "mama?"
oikawa saw how petrified you looked for a second before you sat down and tried to ease her. he then recalled how the two of you used to play, hand in hand, eyes to eyes. he sat beside you, patting the head of the child lightly which she seemed to like.
you watched how he calmed her with no words, and how she went from crying to laughing in minutes. a fond smile was on your face when the mother came over and took the child.
"you two look good together. thank you so much for taking care of her."
"thank you but we aren't-"
"thank you. it was no problem ma'am!"
he waved a hand to the child who smiled at him and waved back. his smile was a genuine warm one, his eyes holding adoration, before they shifted to you. "what are you staring at, n/n-chan?"
you shook your head. "i just wondered where you got your skills in calming down a child until i remember takeru."
"I didn't learn it from taking care of him, y'know." confused, you looked at him, his eyes looking somewhere far. "i learned it from you." he stood up, stretching and looked down on your sitting figure.
"c'mon n/n-chan. before they remember who i am-"
"excuse me. you're oikawa tooru, right?"
a highschool girl shyly stood with her group of friends, their phones clutched to their chests. somehow this reminded you of the days when he was innocently playing volleyball with iwaizumi, until a bunch of girls came from the vending machines, clutching boxes of milk in different flavors, some holding milk bread in their hands. you deadpanned when you realize they were holding out their phones for you to take their picture.
"tooru. you better treat me food after this, okay?" he knew your look. the one that made him gulp and feel threatened. "yes, of course, n/n-chan."
and so he did, and before you know it, it was getting dark. the two of you were in the apartment, the credits rolling just like every other times the two of you bonded.
"today was fun."
it's always fun with you. "sure was."
now, unlike before, the silence was deafening. "have you ever wondered.. how things would've worked out if you did something different in the past?"
your question caught him off guard and he tensed up before he suck into the couch. "not really." a lie.
"it might weigh down on me too much if i did."
your chuckle came sad, a hint of pain under it. "i see." now the atmosphere was too quiet. the movie has rolled its credits, the TV flashing a selection of movies again.
painful. it was painfully obvious that something is wrong and you couldn't help but want to cry.
"do you.. remember-"
"will you come?"
your voice was unsure, shaky, loud, when you looked at him with tears in your eyes. "you will, right?" his heart cracked. he knew this would happen already. he flashed a soft smile before taking you in his arms.
"of course i will. it's the wedding of my favorite n/n-chan after all. besides, you know i.."
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, his thumb wiping your tears gently. there was something lonely about his movements, the way he caressed you, as if saying 'this is the last time', or maybe a temporary goodbye. he held you closer, his warmth enveloping you.
"i will always be there."
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TRAVELLERS: @doodleniella @kenmakodzu @lyzzklm @mfcassandra @oikaw-ugh @seijohlogy @thesecondapplepienation
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Never too late - 6 - 7
A continuation of Leo and Regulus’ attempts (antics) to give Regulus the childhood he never had.
CW: Food talk
Please message me if you feel I need to add any content warnings
Rating: T
Previous and future chapters can be found on my masterlist
Credit for the sweater universe and the characters within it go to @lumosinlove. What a hero.
[This is currently unedited, and I'm not that happy with it, but also my writing mojo has decided it is vacay time so it is what is it]
6. Go to camp! You’ll make friends for life.
“Le! Did you order something?” Finn called, appearing in the doorway of the kitchen carrying a large box.
“Yeah, it’s the t-shirts,” Leo nodded, scraping the onions he’d just chopped into the pot. “Put it on the island for me please, babe.”
Finn looked down at the box, making a show of testing its weight before he looked back at Leo with wide eyes, “This seems like...a lot.”
After adjusting the temperature on the stovetop slightly, Leo washed his hands and made to inspect the delivery. “Err, yeah. Potts got wind of the plan and got all excited. Half the team are coming now,” he smiled sheepishly.
“Of course that happened,” Finn threw his head back with a laugh. “You might as well make it a thing.”
“A thing?” Leo repeated, throwing Finn a bemused look.
“Uhh huh,” Finn nodded.
“I’m gonna need more, babe,” Leo said, lifting one of the shirts out of the box and running the material through his fingers, humming a note of approval.
“More shirts? There’s like 50 here,” Finn frowned.
“No, love,” Leo laughed, shaking his head “More on what a ‘thing’ is.”
“Ohh, got you,” Finn chuckled, leaning against the counter. “I just meant, if half the team is coming anyway, you might as well invite the other half. Get the kids involved. You know, a thing.”
“That’s not a bad idea, actually,” Leo cocked his head.
“Well, I did go to Harvard,” Finn shrugged, rooting around in the fruit bowl to find a suitable pear. One that wasn't too big because Finn got bored of flavours quickly and could never finish them. One that wasn't too soft, because he hated the sticky mess on his hands. In the early days of their relationship, Leo had been excited for the adventures that were going to come with his boyfriends, but he hadn't been prepared for how much the little nuggets of information he would discover about them would mean to him. The satisfied smile that appeared on his Finn’s face as he procured the perfect one was infectious.
“Such big brain energy and yet he still can’t load a dishwasher,” Leo retorted, motioning to the stack of crockery that had been abandoned on the counter.
“I have no idea why I put up with you,” Regulus scowled, covering his eyes with his hands. “Okay, I promise I can’t see.”
“Because I’m your best friend, obviously,” Leo replied, making a stupid face to ensure that Regulus was, in fact, telling the truth, and began to lead him towards the back door.
“Obviously,” Regulus drawled. “Do I get a choice in this best friend business?”
“Well, you can try and resist it if you want, but I am incredibly loveable and inevitably you will have to succumb to my charm so you might as well just deal with it,” Leo said.
Regulus gave a resigned sigh, “I suppose as best friends go you aren’t too bad.”
Leo laughed, punching Regulus lightly in the shoulder before telling him to watch out for the step up into the back yard.
“I hope you know that if I break my neck, you will be paying for -” Regulus started.
“Wegggie!!” Harry shouted through a mouthful of graham crackers that James had been trying to buy his silence with.
“Is that?” Regulus pulled his hands from his face, his eyes going wide at the scene in front of him. Leo had to admit he may have gone a little overboard with the execution of the summer camp. What had started off as a few classic summer camp activities had turned into a carefully planned extravaganza. There was a climbing wall and he’d hired an events team that taught archery. Between the games of dodgeball and capture the flag, there would be time for tye-dying, friendship bracelet making, water balloons, tug of war and much more. Of course he hadn’t skimped on the food either: burgers, pizza, vegetable sticks, taco salad and hot dogs; there was a long buffet table laden with an endless supply.
Regulus pulled Leo back inside, tugging him further into the kitchen so that the crowd of Lion’s players and their families couldn’t see them. “Leo, this is too much.”
Leo looked at Regulus trying to read his friend, but the other boy was infuriatingly closed off. “Look, if you really don’t want this, I’ll go and tell everybody to enjoy themselves and we can get out of here.”
Regulus huffed out a breath, “It’s not that I don’t want to...it’s...it’s weird everybody being here. They are obviously just here because you asked them and I feel like an add on.”
“Okay, let me stop you right there,” Leo held up a hand. “You practically live at Kris’ house the amount of time you spend there with Avie. Celeste loves you like a seventh? eighth? child...honestly, I’ve lost track of how many children they’ve adopted at this point. You and Olli…”
“Alright, alright,” Regulus interrupted, “I get your point.” He cocked his head slightly, “Huh, I guess I didn’t realise how much I’ve settled here.”
“You need a second to process that or are you ready to go have some fun, because I think Harry might eat all the s’more supplies if we wait much longer.”
Leo leaned into Logan’s shoulder, smiling as he watched his boyfriend show Katie how to toast her s’more in the bonfire that crackled in front of them. He was admiring the softness of the French leaving Logan’s mouth, when Regulus plopped himself onto the large log they were sitting on, a sleeping Aveline clinging to him.
“Hey, Reggie,” Leo greeted, turning his soft smile to his friend. “You alright?”
“I’m good. I just wanted to say thank you,” Regulus nodded, shifting Aveline into a more comfortable position. Leo noticed that Regulus had added another 3 new friendship bracelets to his haul since he had last got a moment to catch up with him. “For all this. This day has been amazing. All of it. I’m not sure if summer camp would have been my thing really, but I never really got to do fun family garden parties either and this has been incredible. ”
Any reply that Leo was about to make was disturbed, by Aleandra dumping a water balloon over Marc’s head right in front of them, their loud screams causing Aveline to wake with a cry.
7.Decorate your room! Paint the walls, buy new bedding and pick some new accessories! Make it your space.
"Well," Leo set a pile of magazines on the bed with a soft thud. It was a little old-school, but he was adamant that it was easier to come up with a complete picture this way. "What do you like? You don't have to know exactly, but we can't go to Ikea without any idea." He let out a soft snort at the unintentional rhyme.
Regulus looked up at him, wide eyed, as if he'd just asked him to supply the solution for world peace. "I don't know," he shrugged, toying with the sleeve of his shirt.
"You must have some thoughts."
"I don't know," Regulus snapped. "I've never had to make these decisions before. There was no point liking anything, because our parents would do what they wanted either way." He spat the words, and despite how it made Leo feel he knew the anger was a sign of some sort of progress. Not even a few months ago, his friend had spoken about his childhood like it was just a different form of normal.
"I'm sorry," Leo apologised, climbing onto the bed next to Regulus.
"It's not your fault, is it," Regulus shrugged, tucking his knees to his chest.
"I shouldn't have pushed you for an answer," Leo clarified, moving the magazines out the way and dragging his laptop from the bedside table. “Look, how about we go through Pinterest and you can pick some pins you vibe with. I’m sure we’ll find a trend.”
“Yeah,” Regulus breathed, shuffling closer to Leo. “Yeah, okay.”
“What the hell, there’s more,” Regulus said in awe as they rounded another corner to be confronted by rows of rattan baskets.
“I think we’re nearly at the end.” Leo looked up from the map he was trying to follow, almost stumbling over the cart when Regulus came to a sudden halt.
“These are nice,” Regulus mused, picking up a walnut coloured weaved basket. “My towels will look nice in these.”
“I’m sure they would,” Leo chuckled. He shouldn’t have been so surprised by how quickly Regulus had gained an affinity for interior design considering how he had taken to honing his clothing style with such ease.
“Oh! But these are nice too.” Regulus turned to show Leo another basket, that was identical in every way except for being perhaps a shade lighter.
Leo groaned. They had been in the store for over 3 hours and the cart was overflowing. His friend was adamant he was going to pay his own way and considering the short amount of time he had played for Slytherin along with the legal fees to end his contract early, the man was having to learn to budget to be able to afford college. Leo had suggested that doing a couple of interviews would leave him with a fair buffer, but Regulus had wanted to put as much space between hockey and his new life as possible. Leo was supportive, but Regulus seemed to be having trouble getting out the habit of buying everything he wanted.
“Right, pick one and then close your eyes. We need to get out of here.”
“Up a little on the left,” Leo instructed, shaking his head as Regulus lifted the left side of the photo frame considerably. “No, not that much.”
“That’ll do.”
“It’s not straight!”
“Neither are you and you don’t see us complaining,” Regulus huffed as he adjusted the frame again.
“You’re just jealous,” Leo threw one of Regulus’ new cushions across the room, hitting him squarely in the back of the head.
“Eww,” Regulus deadpanned. “And please do not throw my things,” he glared, hugging the cushion to his chest.
Leo was about to make a comment back, but he was interrupted by Sirius clearing his throat in the doorway.
“Got you a present,” Sirius said, holding out a large bag.
“Sirius.” Regulus crossed his arms over his chest, his face set into a disapproving stare. “I told you -”
“Think of it as an early birthday present,” Sirius interrupted.
“My birthday is not for another 4 months.”
“Just take it. I promise I’ll let you do this the way you want, but you’ve got to let me buy you things every now and then too. That’s what big brothers do.”
Regulus sighed, crossing the room to take the bag from Sirius. “Thanks,” he muttered, the corners of his mouth lifting despite his best efforts. The smile spread further as he laid the mustard coloured herringbone throw he’d been salivating over in the small boutique they’d visited a few days prior.
“You’re welcome,” Sirius nodded. “Looks good in here, by the way. We’ll have to find you an apartment in New York that will be big enough to fit it all in.” he commented, walking away as he finished his sentence.
“I’m paying for the apartment!” Regulus called after him. Leo barked a laugh as Regulus ranted about stubborn humans on NHL wages. Regulus poked a finger at him. “You can be quiet. I know this was your doing.”
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xuxszx · 4 years
sofa | Henry Cavill
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Henry has been home for two weeks. He saw that something was wrong with Y/N. She greeted him with a short kiss and didn't even let him hug him. Not to mention sex. She was cold. She kept her distance. And Henry wanted to know what was behind it. What happened. What could he do wrong?
Y/N was jealous.
Seeing Henry in the Netflix's 'The Witcher' was amazing, but seeing Henry kissing Anya with his language, the way he looked at her and his hips brushing her crotch in known scenes - all this made Y/N was furious. She had never felt this way in her life.
She'd been hiding her feelings for the whole two weeks, and now that she had her period, she just exploded.
Y/N was sarcastic all day. Whenever she saw Henry, she rolled her eyes at him. Under her breath she still called him an asshole.
In addition, she lay in the living room on the sofa with Kal and watched Apple's 'Defending Jacob'. Being part of this series was very important to her. It turned out that playing Chris's wife was extremely easy, and Evans was charming. In no case could he compare to Henry.
No one could compare to him. Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was the man of her dreams. Always charming, caring, loved and compelling. He was all she wanted. Y/N wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Give him children and love him every day, and when the hard time comes, support him.
Y/N was a mess. She was so jealous and so mad at herself, Henry and Anya. At herself, because watching Henry with another woman she felt insecure and not worth the man like Cavill. At Henry, because he kissed Anya the way he should only kiss Y/N. And at Anya, because she spent time with him when Y/N missed him like never before in her life.
"Honey, I'm going for a run" she heard Henry, who was putting on his running sneakers in the hall. As usual, he was wearing a London Rugby Team cap. It was already evening, so the fact that Henry was going to run at this time instead of morning clearly indicated that something was wrong.
"Go to hell" she muttered, still furious. Kal shifted uneasily at the tone of her voice. And she scratched his ear in response and Akita was calmer now, just the opposite of Y/N.
"Can you tell me what's wrong with you? You've been acting like you've been having a problem for the past two weeks and I'm jumping like an idiot around you and I don't even know what's biting you," said Cavill, nervous. Frustrating such an oasis of peace was difficult. Damn hard. However, Y/N has mastered it almost to perfection.
"Of course, because I make the problem where it is not," she snapped. Emotions took over her. She couldn't control us. "Anya would probably be more forgiving, huh?"
"Is that it? Are you jealous of her?" he asked, worried. They had been together for almost four years and never showed jealousy for a moment. They both knew that what they felt was too strong for either of them to ruin. No one could separate them.
"I'm not fucking jealous!" she shouted loudly, and scared Kal fled from the living room to the kitchen. Henry and Y/N almost never argued. Even if something bad appeared in their relationship, they always solved it. Bad emotions tame in the bedroom for several long hours in their arms.
"So what's going on?" he asked again, rubbing his forehead with nervousness. Henry didn't like vague situations. And Y/N has always made it clear and transparent. And now something was definitely bothering her and Henry wanted to know what.
"You're going on and who else?" she replied. Pissed to the limit, she got up from the sofa. She had had enough for today. When she wanted to walk past the man without even looking at him, Henry grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. Y/N bounced off his chest and looked at him sharply. They both looked at each other furiously.
"You can't just leave the room, Y/N!" he warned her. Henry has never wanted to get her over her knee so much and take care of her naughty ass. "Talk to me, damn it."
"I don't feel like it," she growled and wrenched her hand free from his grip. A moment later, Henry was alone in the living room, and Y/N locked herself in their bedroom and seemed to be sleeping separately today.
It was literally the middle of the night when Y/N still couldn't sleep. Next to her, Kal snored loudly, who was tired of the day like her. Her eyes ached from constant rubbing and crying. In fact, her anger was over and now she was just sad. She knew that she had caused Henry a fuss over her stupidity and uncertainty. She should apologize to him. She should explain it to him. But how was she to tell him that for the first time in her life she felt too small, too not perfect to be with someone like him.
She swallowed more tears and went downstairs to the living room. Henry looked asleep. He had one hand behind his head and the other on his stomach, and his left knee was sticking out of the sofa. His eyebrows were drawn and his hair was disheveled. He was shirtless.
"Are you sleeping?" she asked, pushing his thigh with her knee. Henry, without a word, picked up a piece of blanket that was covered, encouraging Y/N to lie next to him. The girl did it right away, put her head on his chest, and put her leg over his hips. Henry covered her with a blanket and wrapped his arms around her. And now Y/N burst into tears like a small child.
"Shhhh. Don't cry, honey," he said, kissing her forehead tenderly. He patiently wiped tears from her cheeks.
"I'm sorry," said Y/N when she calmed down a little. "I just ... I don't know why I was jealous. I already saw you kissing other women on the screen. For example from Amy. I had no problem and now I don't know ..."
"I kissed Amy before we were together," Henry interrupted. "And now we are together and this is my first role, where I kiss a woman other than you," he said. From the beginning of today's quarrel he knew that Y/N was jealous. He just didn't know why. And he understood that now.
"There is something to it. I just ... When I saw you kiss Anya with this tongue and so passionately ... I don't know something burst in me. And I was afraid ..." she murmured slightly embarrassed. Admitting any weakness was not her strength.
"Were you afraid?" he asked surprised. Henry did not think that he could hurt her with his behavior. After all, it was just taking a role in the series. Nothing but friendship united him with Anya.
"Yes. That I will lose you. That you will understand that I am not good enough," she whispered. Her blush was getting bigger every moment. After all, she was always confident. She knew what she could and couldn't do.
"How much of what has come to your mind is caused by the hate of my supposed fans?" Henry asked. Since he told the world that his girlfriend is Y/N, some of his fans, especially the female part, did not leave a dry thread on her.
"A lot," she said, burying her face in his chest. "There is no day that I don't see a comment somewhere that I owe everything to you. That because of you I got a role alongside a star like Chris. That if it wasn't for you, nobody would be interested in my paintings for the foundation," she calculated. Recently, she received more and more negative messages. People criticized her at every turn. Even when film critics rated her acting at a very high level, people said that he owed everything to his relationship with Henry. For all of them it was not enough. And so she finally felt.
"Bullshit," Henry snapped. The night was definitely not the best time for such talks. They were both already tired. Y/N's face resembled a large, swollen tomato, and Henry did not know how to force people to stop being so terrible to her. "Y/N look at me. You are the best woman I have ever fallen in love with. Has my friendship with Chris in any way helped you gain this role? No. You went to the casting and they decided that you were good. Did I help you get the role of Mera in 'Aquaman'? Neither. You must learn not to bother about people you don't even know, honey. Otherwise it will lose you, "Henry comforted her." I love you just the way you are. Even on your hard days during the period, "he added, laughing loudly. Y/N wrinkled his nose funny and puffed his dissatisfied mouth in response. Henry pulled her even closer and kissed her breathless." You really could have chosen another day to argue. How will we reconcile without sex?" he laughed and Y/N hit him playfully in the shoulder. Sometimes he was impossible.
A moment later, they both heard Kal barking and his loud claws stamping on the stairs. Akita jumped without an invitation to the sofa and settled himself comfortably at their feet. He looked at them for a short while and he was pleased.
"Do you know that I was going to propose to you?" Henry murmured, gently massaging his beloved's shoulder. Y/N almost fell asleep, but hearing his words woke up immediately.
"So you don't want anymore?" she asked.
"I was sure you would break up with me. But now I will have to come up with something spectacular," he kissed her forehead again.
"First of all, I would be the stupidest woman in this world if I broke up with you. Second, after today's day of impressions, you can probably let it go with something spectacular," Y/N said and snuggled into Cavilla like a little koala. "Henry?" she asked after almost twenty minutes.
"I'm listening, Y/N" he murmured tiredly. It was almost three in the morning and they were still awake. Only Kal snored like the huge bear he was.
"If this sofa breaks someday ... Promise me we'll fix it ... That we won't throw it away."
"I promise. We'll fix whatever goes wrong," he promised. Henry knew that this request wasn't just for the sofa. Y/N was still scared to some extent. And Henry promised himself that he would do everything so that this would never happen again.
Let me know what you think ❤️ Well, I have mixed feelings 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tag list: @hatedyoufromhello @hnryycvll @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @wondersofdreaming @thethirstyarchive @yespolkadotkitty @onlyhenrys @avengersandlovers @supersweetstache @dangerouslovefanfic @fumbling-fanfics @laketaj24 @littlefreya @viking-raider @beautifullmelodyxx @mary-ann84 @mrsaugustwalker @speechlessxx @deactivatedyssb @fishcustardandclintbarton
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sneezefiction · 4 years
Atsumu, Akaashi, and Iwaizumi w/ a Kindergarten Teacher S/O
Atsumu, Akaashi, and Iwaizumi x reader - headcanons
request: “i just read your fic ab the reader being a kindergarten teacher and i LOVED IT. do you think we can get another one but with atsumu, akaashi, and iwa? 🥺 I LOVE YOUU AND YOUR WRITING AHHH”
a/n: ahh my laptop has my asks jacked up rn, so sorry @parkersvibes !! but i had the exact request copied down! this is a part 2 to this post :)) really hope you like it and thank u for being so uber sweet, i love this hc💕💕
warnings: none!
wc: 1040
okay please don’t be surprised by this - Atsumu doesn’t exactly like kids
he’s currently dealing w/ an ongoing children’s volleyball introductory camp that his team was forced to run and he is horrified
ends up making several of them cry, which totally turned him off to the whole “kids” thing
however, he also had the chance to meet you at that camp
he noticed how gentle you were around them, helping them up when they fell, praising them for their “hard work”
he lacked that softness. the comforting, encouraging kind…
so before he even realizes it, he’s walked up to you and started flirting (it’s second nature for this boy at this point)
“What’s a cutie like you...” He’ll look you up and down, “doin’ round here?” He tilts his head, a smirk forming on his lips
“I dunno? Maybe I’m here to cheer up all the crying kids you keep sending to me?” You reply sassily
you’re just... annoyed? the stupid face he’s making after messing with these poor kids is pissing you off
Atsumu wasn’t expecting any sass from you, but since then he’s been pining after you at every break and scheming for new ways to catch your attention
it turns out, you’re the kindergarten teacher for a majority of the little one’s attending and you signed up to chaperone and support them over the next couple of weeks
like, he has no capacity for their complaints and misunderstandings of a sport since he’s been playing professionally for years now
you’re officially an angel in his eyes
not only are you drop-dead gorgeous, but you can also #1 understand what they’re saying?? And #2 you genuinely care about them, their feelings (trivial or not,) and their experience at the camp
he’ll definitely ask you out after the camp is over
you turn him down twice lmao
but the third time!! he doesn’t use any lines or sensual approaches, he’s just chill about it
he’ll ask if you want to go roller skating… so you’re finally just like
“What the hell, why not.”
i mean he is cute and funny, so what could go wrong?
he ended up acknowledging that he sucks at dealing with kids and that he’d try to be gentler around them…
like if he’s actually willing to work on being “okay” with kids, that really means something, bc wow they bother him sometimes
he just adores you, bby
i imagine that he’d also be a kindergarten teacher at your school
he was quiet for a long time, preferring to observe you and his new coworkers over time, but over the years y’all have gotten super close
there’s now a daily rhythm between you two:
you both meet up in the morning and put on a pot of coffee in the breakroom
he’ll meet your tired eyes with his own. the dark circles make it apparent that y’all are still waking up
you’ll send each other knowing, goofy smiles bc your sleep schedules are so wrecked right now, especially since it’s almost time for the holidays
the schools required art projects are getting out of hand and all the teachers are kinda pissed about it
but instead of complaining, Akaashi will suggest you both go shopping for materials and plan ideas together
it seems like a perfectly normal suggestion, bc you’re teachers and this would be more “efficient”, right? totally not an excuse to hangout w/ you
you’re in for such a treat
he comes to pick you up that Saturday, a coffee ready for you in his hand (he remembered the exact way you make it in the classroom)
also, he’s got this great scarf and jacket combination going on (like this: here)
sorry but not really, this totally turns into a date and you both completely forget about the supplies you were supposed to buy
like, yeah you’ll make it to the store, but he’ll ask you if you’re hungry (which you are) and suddenly he’s taking you to the ramen shop you mentioned weeks ago while on your lunch break
at some point, he’ll have you laughing about some story about a kid from class who keeps acting up
you’ll end up falling out of your chair from laughing so hard and he’ll start laughing at you
while you’re both still snickering, he crouches down to the ground and asks you to this with him again next Saturday
you’re so down (literally)
y’all are the cutest teacher couple. ever.
i see Iwa as being a young, single dad in this situation ✨✨✨
you first meet at the beginning of the school year for a parent-teacher conference and it actually goes so smoothly
he brings his adorable baby girl (your new student), her hair in pigtails, and she’s grabbing onto daddy Iwaizumi’s leg
you first introduce yourself to the girl and then give Iwa a bright smile
i mean, as a teacher, you do your best to be professional and polite, but you can’t help but ask him about himself and crack a few jokes
he and his daughter deem you precious, immediately.
Iwaizumi is so protective of his shy, little girl, but he finds himself very comfortable with letting you teach and watch over her
he definitely finds you on facebook when he gets home and realizes y’all have mutual friends
so instead of just adding you as a friend, like a normal person, he decides to message your mutuals and devise something to meet you in person
what can I say? the dude hasn’t been in the dating field for awhile, so he’s not sure what he’s doing right now
basically you get set up for a one sided blind date (oop)
you find yourself waiting at an ice cream shop for a guy with short, dark-brown hair, an athletic build, and gorgeous brown eyes
but what they didn’t tell you was that he would be bringing a little someone along with him
at first, you just see his little girl waving to you
you stand up, giving her a big hug when she runs up to you
then you look up
oh… OH
Iwaizumi matches that description to a T.
y’all spend the rest of the day skipping (mostly just Iwa’s daughter though) around town and holding hands
so yeah, you’re dating your kindergarten student’s father now
and he’s really sweet and really hot
tags: @cherryonigiri @parkersvibes @omgaspers
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Bundle -Adam-
Working on a series of one-shots of M!UB holding their first child, starting off with Adam. As an FYI, I will not be having baby names in these because... well because I never thought of any lol
I did my best on this one, but admittedly I am nervous to post it
Would love to hear any feedback you may have and suggestions on who is next :)
Adam was sure that if he were human, he would have rubbed his palm raw with worry. It didn’t matter how far away they placed him, he could hear Dinah’s shouts as if she were right next to him. Her begging for it to be over. It triggered everything in him that told him to run to her side and stop whatever was happening to her, but he couldn’t. He wasn’t even allowed to be in the room. He could only settle for worry and beating himself up over how he had done this to her.
“Do you think if I stepped on it that it would stop from tapping like that or do you think he would launch me? You know what, it’s a gamble I’m willing to take.” Adam vaguely heard Felix say, followed by the shuffling of him getting up.
Nate also got up on that, talked Felix into not taking that gamble, and walked over to Adam, a firm and grounding hand landing on his shoulder. It made Adam realize how tense he was, how hunched his shoulders had become. 
Sympathy was in Nate’s gaze and voice as he said. “You might want to stop tapping your foot like that, old friend. You might break the tile... and maybe the foundation underneath the tile even.”
Adam hadn’t even realized he had been tapping his foot at all. He immediately put a stop to it. 
“I apologize,” Adam quickly said, knowing that if he were in their shoes the sound would have annoyed him.
“No apologies needed! We can hear the severe, overwhelming pain the detective is in giving birth to your child just as well as you can. Can’t blame you for being antsy, she sounds like she’s dying in there.”
“Felix,” Nate sighed, “I know you think you’re helping, but you aren’t helping.”
“Is the comradery not comforting?” Felix asked.
“No, not the way you’re using it.”
Adam had to admit that the banter did make him want to smile a bit and it was a bit comforting. Casual. Normal. 
He was sitting in a room with his team- Nate standing by for comfort and to ease tension, Felix there to potentially cause tension (but mostly to support and make the situation lighter), and Mason smoking in the corner who was there to show support in his own way by just being present. 
None of the Unit Bravo was allowed to be in the room while the detective delivered. The Agency was even very particular about who would be allowed to attend the detective because of their blood. And... potentially the baby’s blood. 
Adam had to swallow a gulp of worry at that. 
“Think our two leaders will produce a hybrid?” Felix asked excitedly.
Adam felt like he swallowed a rock at that.
“Felix,” Nate warned.
“I don’t care as long as it doesn’t start ordering me around straight out of the detective’s-” 
Mason was rescued from whatever scathing scolding he was going to receive by the sound of a loud scream from the detective, followed shortly after by the sound of a baby’s cry. 
Relief and anxiety made an interesting cocktail within him. The want to vomit made him feel very human in that moment and he wanted to rush to the room and confirm with his own eyes that everything was okay and everyone was healthy... but he must wait until Elidor came to retrieve him. All he could do was focus on the two heartbeats he had known so well.
“Congratulations,” Nate said with genuine joy to Adam.
“Strong lungs.” Was all Mason had to say in congratulations as he winced at the sounds he could hear better than the rest of them.
“So what do we call you? What will you go by? Don’t tell me father because that’s so stiff and boring... so you. Will it be papa? Dad? Daddy-”
Adam slightly heard Mason choke at the last name, but the list ended at that as Elidor walked into the room to retrieve Adam. 
Felix started to tag along before Mason grabbed him by the shoulder to stop him. 
“Please send a message when we can come meet the baby. Just uh... don’t send it to me. Mason and Felix will be at the ready. And try not to forget in your joy, we also want to meet the newest addition to our family.”
Felix looked like an eager puppy while Mason looked considerably less enthused by seeing a child but gave a nod anyways. 
Adam kept pace with Elidor walking to the room where Dinah was, but it took every ounce of his patience to not use his speed to get there in a heartbeat to see the situation himself.
“Everything went well, I’m assuming?” he asked, feeling the uncomfortable need to converse to calm nerves that wouldn’t calm no matter what he did. 
“Yes, she did well and the baby is healthy. We will have to wait on the results for the blood, of course.”
“Of course.” 
And that’s where the conversation died.
When they finally made it to the door, Elidor murmured a “congratulations” as let Adam enter alone.
The smells of blood and childbirth lingered in the room, maybe only noticeable to him and his heightened senses, as he zeroed in on Dinah and the baby immediately. 
Dinah was pale, sweaty with exertion, and her hair was a mess. Adam had never seen a more beautiful and strong person in his 900+ years of living. In her arms was a tiny bundle with soft breathing and a tiny little heartbeat. It was the kind of sight you fall in love with and want to paint a picture of to remember forever. It was the kind of sight that took a strong man and made him weak in the knees. 
“Don’t just stand there and stare, I’ll start blushing. Come see your son,” Dinah said with a small smile. 
Adam sort of wished she would blush a bit to give her just a little bit of color and not look so ghostly. He would never say that aloud. 
As Adam approached, Dinah shifted positions to meet him and it immediately set off every alarm he had. Her grimace at the effort and movement sliced through him worse than a sword could have. But... he would not be overbearing. He would not order her around. She knew her limits and he must trust them. 
Meeting her halfway, he peered at the baby in her arms and felt like all the air he technically didn’t need leave him. The baby had his blonde hair, hardly visible in its sparsity and he wondered, when the baby grew to open it’s eyes more, if it would have his icy green eyes or Dinah’s dark ones. The pink skin radiated heat that was so comforting, so alive.
Dinah made the move to hand the baby to Adam and he quickly took a half step back.
“I-I don’t know if I should. He seems very... breakable.” 
She chuckled a bit, wincing as she did it. “He is very breakable, but I’m not about to let you go his whole life with you never touching him because you’re scared. You can be soft and you know how to be gentle. Now take your son and I can get some rest.”
Well, he couldn’t very well argue with a woman who birthed a whole person out.
He had never held a baby before and Dinah had to sit him down and coach him. There was a startling amount of things you had to worry about just to hold an infant that added to Adam’s fears, but the second his son was in his arms the fears were whisked away and he was charmed beyond belief. He felt so incredibly... whole. He felt different than the man he was two seconds ago, how was that?
“There you go. How do you feel? Isn’t he cute? Don’t you just love him?”
“I feel like a father, considering half of his genetics are yours of course he is cute, and I loved him long ago. It did not start just now.”
“Well, no, I get that but the feelings are stronger now that he’s actually here, right?”
“Yes,” he agreed softly, never lifting his gaze from the child as he and Dinah spoke.
He listened to her light footsteps as she eased her way back into bed with a groan.
“You know I’m never going to do this to you again with all the screams, groans, grimaces, and winces I have seen and heard today.”
“I think that’s quite out of your hands and quite over the top, my love. Some people have like eight children and function just fine. What if one day he comes to you, puppy-eyed, and says he wants a sibling, hm?”
“... that’s a problem I will have to face later. Much later. Also I can deal with puppy-eyed looks. Ask Felix.”
“Sure, sure,” Dinah responded non-committedly and not an even a little bit convinced. 
After almost no time of lying on the bed, her breath and heartbeat slowed into rest. 
With Dinah and his son both asleep, Adam could revel in the silent comfort of their alive, healthy, human sounds that plagued him with unsettlement Dinah’s whole pregnancy and delivery. He could finally assess the human that he and Dinah had made together. 
He stroked the baby’s hair. Soft. 
He ran a thumb over the baby’s tiny, puffy cheek. Soft. 
He moved the blanket bundled around his son. Soft. 
He looked at his son’s that reacted with a very strong grip around his finger, Adam’s lips couldn’t help smile. 
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
That Pizza Place | Nolan Holloway AU (Set in S3A)
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Your brother would disapprove, like he did of most things if he found out. But you should have suspected him to find out about your little secret one day. Apparently, the time had come for that to happen, because apparently, a certain someone could not help but blabber.
“She’s got another date tonight, that’s why she doesn’t want to come on look out with us.” At Isaac’s words, Derek froze, becoming as still as a statue, The only parts of him that indicated any life were the tenseness in his arms, the veins flexed as though he was preparing to kill someone, and knowing him he was. Also his nostrils were flared, almost exhaling smoke, and his eyes were rabid, dancing over you with offense.
“We’ve just got Cora back, lost Erica and Boyd, and that is your main concern?” From Isaac’s expression, you could recognise the regret that had just formed after his explicit slip up. But that didn’t matter as you gulped and your outline was burnt by Derek’s disappointed glare.
That wasn’t true at all though, you just needed a distraction. And the boy you were currently spending your time with did a good job at that. He was different from all of the other guys that you sometimes felt like you were forced to spend your time with.
Nolan Holloway was one of a kind. Similar to Boyd, at school he was mostly by himself, but there was a twist. Your late friend and pack mate clearly liked the isolation from people, and often got annoyed, for which you couldn’t blame him, when Scott and Stiles came by to ask him for a favour. However, Nolan wanted to know people, his anxiety just usually held him back, so in your friendship, you made the first move.
There were times that he reminded you of Stiles, there was a trait they shared. Knowledge. Each was a well of it, but mostly in different sections. The abominable snowman was focused on history and mythology, whereas Nolan excelled in science. Other than that, Nolan was much quieter, even when it was just the pair of you. But you didn’t mind it if a conversation went silent, it was still comfortable, and you could sense that he felt that too.
Like Scott, Nolan cared about people, although in his case those numbers were lower than the werewolf’s. And that was the main thing - werewolves, kanimas, hunters. He knew nothing, his mind was clear from the curses, and he wasn’t looking for a secret, so it was unlikely that he would find out the fact that you weren’t human.
Sure he was curious and all, but he had yet to grow into his boots of courage and go out and investigate. He said he liked finding new things out about you, but surely it couldn’t hurt if you left the whole full moon quadrant out of the equation. If anything, it could be seen as self preservation, the less people that knew, the less people would discover the cold hard facts of your life.
“Don’t you dare pull that card on me.” It came out as a growl, aimed at your sibling. You had every right to be offended by his statement, and you sure as hell were. “Of course I’m pleased that Cora is back, and sad that two of my friends are dead, I just need a break. I’m a kid! The innocence of it was taken from you, don’t take it from me.”
He was uncertain of how to respond to your outburst, but you didn’t give him the chance. You walked in a quick pace to leave the loft, and the two wolves remaining behind. Taking your phone out, you looked at your contacts, scrolling down until you saw that you had no messages. Good, he didn’t cancel.
Isaac became incredibly nervous under the tension that was still filling the room even after you had happily left. “Should we go after her?” He asked, genuinely worried, although he suspected you were meeting up with that quiet guy from school as you had originally arranged to.
Sighing, Derek lowered his head. This was definitely not his first argument with you, you’d always been a bit of a pain as a kid, especially when Peter used to sneak you into the high school as a teenager, but this was different. He had pulled the guilt card, all because he thought he’d need another pair of hands if push came to shove. 
 But he wanted you to be prepared and alert for anything that came your way, otherwise he feared that you would end up like Erica and Boyd. And he had lost enough family, he had thought Cora was gone up until recently, but instead, she had been used as a pawn. A captive by the Alpha Pack.
“No.” The man answered his beta, knowing how much his words had stung you. “She needs her time, we’ll see her whenever she comes back.” Of course a part of him was paranoid that you wouldn’t, that one of the rogue alphas would snatch you up and keep you prisoner, or even kill you but he had to have some faith.
You had made it to the pizza joint, and walked in, quickly finding the one that you had arranged this so called ‘date’ as Isaac had described it. You knew the pair were vaguely familiar with each other, Nolan had just joined the lacrosse team and really wasn’t doing half bad considering he was playing on the same side as a couple of werewolves.
“Hi.” You sat opposite him, dropping your phone on the table, relieved that you hadn’t been notified about your big brother trying to contact you. He must have known that he had struck a nerve, and that was probably the reason that he was leaving you be, which you weren’t mad for.
“Hey.” He smiled, all to aware and wary of his surroundings. It wasn’t the busiest of places during this time, but it wasn’t quiet either. There was a baby crying in the far right corner, wanting attention and nurturing from their parents, and then a couple of guys from your biology class by the window, discussing the newest assignment. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” You asked him, smelling the confusion and hint of hope that rolled off of his shoulders. It was awkward for him to see people from school, which he could considering the side of the table he was seated at. Too many people judged him for being introverted, the comments had just begun to die down only because of his choice of joining a sports team.
As for you, everyone knew you as a Hale. When Scott was first bit and he was untrusting of Derek, you spied on him around school, keeping an eye on the boy, following the orders given by your brother.
But other than that, it was no secret about what happened to your family, especially when the truth about Kate and her actions were unveiled. The fire of the old Hale has was an infamous piece of knowledge if you lived in Beacon Hills. Some people, those who had not lived here all of their lives were occasionally impartial to knowing the information, but others let them in, telling them about how children were turned to a crisp, and the fact that there were few survivors.
It had never bought you any friends, just pity. And then those pitying folk would go on to say that it will be okay, or that their cat got ran over last week. The worst thing actually was, they didn’t know why the majority of your family were charred to ashes, some people supposed there were faulty wires or so on.
But this was why you wouldn’t allow Nolan to know the truth. Because of what you are, it even cost the lives of your human family members, to that bitch of a hunter though, that didn’t matter. It was a sacrifice for the greater good in her eyes, she had deserved worse than death itself. As much as you liked him and appreciated his presence, there was no one that you could trust with that intel, he’d either think you were bonkers or run away screaming, only to return with an onslaught of werewolf killing methods.
“You only just got here.” He answered, although he was leaning forward to agreeing. A smile perked up on your face, nothing too flashy, enough to convince him otherwise though.
“I want to show you something.” Jumping up from your seat, Nolan was inclined to follow your actions, and also you. It was something personal, something that you liked to keep private, and if your brother knew, he would surely threaten to rip your throat out.
But in all fairness, it was a part of both of you, the stem of the Hales that had fortunate escapes, whether you thought of them as that or not. History one could say, the place that tied you to Beacon Hills. The Nemeton.
A/N: Probably be doing a part 2, hope you enjoyed it xx
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panharmonium · 3 years
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i continue to fall more in love with this man every time he breathes
the WAY he does not tiptoe around this issue with them at ALL.  the way he does not allow either personal shame or concern for the kids’ feelings to get in the way of The Work.  yes, there is a massive, incredibly stressful elephant in the room; yes, we’re all hurting; no we’re not avoiding the topic; yes i did just say “sasuke”; what are you going to do about it???  what are WE going to do about it?  
remember in the bridge-builder arc, what kakashi says when he’s comforting tazuna’s grandson: my guess is [naruto] just got tired of crying, and he decided to do something about it.  this scene is kakashi telling his own kids that it’s time to do something about it.  he doesn’t beat around the bush to spare their feelings, or sweep things under the rug because the topic is uncomfortable.  that would be doing them a disservice.  they all know it was a terrible thing that happened.  that’s the truth.  it’s hard to accept, but like kakashi says to naruto after haku’s first appearance, whether you accept it or not, it did happen.  pretending it didn’t happen helps nobody.  
kakashi tells his students “we’re not avoiding something just because it hurts us,” and hearing that makes the kids stronger.  sasuke’s name can’t be taboo for them.  that would give the situation a kind of paralyzing power over them that doesn’t serve their best interests, even if it seems like it might be protecting them in the moment.  pretending problems don’t exist only makes children feel like they have to face those problems alone.  how do we think sasuke ended up in his current situation to begin with?  did anybody, prior to kakashi, ever say to him, ‘i see what happened to you.  i know how bad it was; i recognize that there is an issue here that needs to be addressed; we’re going to do something about it whether you want to or not’?
the revival of the bell challenge is kakashi’s way of asking the kids “are you ready to do something about this?”  it’s not a game this time, and it’s not solely a test - it’s an agreement.  it’s a signed consent form.  it’s kakashi’s way of asking his students if they’re clear on the stakes and still determined to act regardless.  that’s why he whips out that genjutsu illusion of sasuke stumbling out of the trees, bloody and begging for help.  it’s not meant to be cold or callous or painful for the kids; it’s a fair warning.  if you want to do this, this is how it might go.  are you ready for that?  are you prepared for that?  are you willing to get hurt that way?
the fact that kakashi broaches the Sasuke Subject immediately after all of them are back together again marks him as an extraordinary teacher.  he undoubtedly has difficult feelings about this situation himself, but he doesn’t let the kids drift around in limbo, not for a second.  he doesn’t adopt jiraiya’s bitter “give up on your friend” position, or tsunade’s dismissive “we’re not going to ever talk about this again because we have bigger problems right now.”  he doesn’t force the kids to play guessing games with him about whether he remembers or if he cares or where he stands on the issue.  he doesn’t avoid mentioning sasuke’s absence, even when the mere sound of sasuke’s name makes the kids cringe.  kakashi is the one who brings sasuke up; he’s the one who asks naruto and sakura, "you haven’t given up on him, have you?”  and that particular question is carefully formulated to communicate the most important message of all - that kakashi hasn’t given up on sasuke, and if the kids are committed to doing something about it, then he’s with them, whatever the outcome.  he doesn’t lie to them and promise it will turn out okay, but he lays the situation out for them and throws down a challenge and says that if they’re willing to pick up the gauntlet despite a lack of guaranteed success, he’s on their team.  he makes absolutely sure to communicate, from the very beginning, that he feels the same way they do.  he makes sure that they know he has their backs.  
the bells test, which was originally the first bonding lesson kakashi ever gave his students, is serving a different purpose this time.  last time he was telling them to get over their differences and work together.  this time, one of their teammates is conspicuously absent, and he’s asking the remaining members of the squad what they plan to do about it.  i’m all in, he says to them.  are you?  a lot has changed since the last time they did this exercise - they’re now literally living the hostage situation that kakashi acted out for them that very first day, and they may eventually have to make the kind of difficult choices he warned them about.
are you willing?  are you prepared?  are you strong?  those are the questions naruto and sakura have to answer during this arc, and when they reply, they do it by getting those bells - responding to every question with a resounding YES.
this team is tired of crying.  they’re ready to do something about it.
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