#i don’t think it’s always utilised as a story telling technique but even when it’s just subliminal it works really well imo
magicalgirlsasuke · 2 years
shawn’s colour being green, gus’s being purple and henry’s being pink but since shawn wears plaid shirts, gus wears striped shirts and henry wears hawaiian shirts, they’re usually wearing something that incorporates each other’s colours <3333 i love families i love costume design i love psych
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phoneybeatlemania · 2 years
hey bestie! if you're still doing the beatles asks: 6, 7, 8, and 11 (sorry if that's a lot lol)
I am still answering asks! I didn’t get many cause Im kind of irrelevant atm since I haven’t made much effort to be an actual part of the fandom since about November. But yeah, idk—if you want my take on things NOW IS THE TIME TO ASK since its Easter holidays and after this its going to be only revision until June and I will, once again, be back to Irrelevance :(
Re: Fun Beatles Asks
btw its 12:30am now so idk if my writing makes sense here, but ill edit tomorrow lol.
6. Share a spicy take.
Hmmmm….musically, Help! as an album is pretty meh. For a lot of people I think it marks the beginning of their descent into the Post-Rubber Soul period, and they Get The Hype. But idk man—I think theres plenty of bops, plenty of bangers, but all-in-all I cant really think of any tracks that Really Do It For Me, y’know?
[That really wasn’t that spicy, but when Im put on the spot and try to think of SPICY TAKES, my brain can only think of pretty lame ones that we all probably agree with tbh]
Also, I don’t wanna be annoying here, but as a fandom I don’t feel like we make much effort to point out that John and Mays relationship fundamentally was Fucked. Ill refrain from saying “we don’t talk about [XYZ] enough!!!” cause ik that’s annoying—but idk man, it took awhile for it to really occur to me that Actually No sleeping with your assistant is……not okay :/ Im not saying we have to #CancelJohnLennon for it, or even that the entire relationship was a bad thing (because despite it being about as complicated as any of Johns relationships, there clearly were a lot of positives within their relationship; and also, I wouldn’t want to wholly-vilify John whilst wholly-victimising May, because that would be reductive too, and May Pang obviously doesn't want that), I just feel like we should acknowledge it a little more, y’know? Just keep it in mind.
7. What is a Beatles-discourse topic that needs to die?
Im not sure if Im going to explain this particularly well, and I guess its not even really a “discourse topic”, its more-so just a facet to discourse—but I really think that responding to something with an [irrelevant] comparison needs to die. So like, if were critiquing John for something, then I *hate* seeing someone respond with “Okay but why don’t we talk about [insert something annoying about Paul]” (and vice-versa; it’s not just John fans who do this but Paul fans too ofc). Another example would be if we’re talking about Mimi, then bringing up Jim probably isn’t relevant. Its just an evasive technique, and I really don’t see what purpose it serves. They’re all separate people, so just judge and analyse them separately. If we don’t talk about XYZ enough then just………..go start the conversation, but do it in your own post. 
[Having said this, I recognise that on occasion good comparisons can be made to highlight double-standards or hypocrisy etc. But I just think 99.9% of the time people utilise comparative arguments to detract from an actual point, rather than making an effort to actually address it, and its just really…..boring and unnecessary.]
8. What do you think makes the Beatles fandom uniquely fun? 
I love this question!! :)
I feel like the Beatles fandom can be such a perfect combination of artistic appreciation, pop-culture analysis and psychoanalysis! When I talk to people irl, I always tell them that the Beatles are best heard in context, because theres just something so sad but beautiful about seeing their artistic progressions corresponding to their relationships. Like the whole stories there just within the songs, and idk man, I just think that’s beautiful. 
11. What is your favourite aspect of their artistry outside the songs themselves?
Im honestly *obsessed* with their fashion! Ive been trying to find some vintage 60’s clothes to resemble theirs (especially Georges and Glyn Johns in GB) because they’re just SO fun and original and I Love Them :))
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filmmakerdreamst · 4 years
Xena: Warrior Princess Review
During Pride Month 2020, I finally got around to watch ‘Xena’. A show that had been in my to-watch list for years, but never got around to start. And when I finally did, I was pleasantly surprised. It was not what I expected and it was everything I think my 11 year old self would have loved.
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The one thing that surprised me about the show, was the lack of packaging. Even though it was a fantasy, it also played with different kinds of genres too. I’ve talked about this before in my other review - ‘Xena’ was made at a time when TV had very few rules/rarely had a set audience, since there were parts of the show that were clearly for kids and there were other parts that were clearly for adults (therefore had much more flexibility). I admired how they weren’t afraid to break barriers and touch on deep themes such as religion, morality, redemption, spirituality, motherhood, forgiveness etc - even more than shows of today are able. I also loved how they played into the idea of ‘murder’ and how much it can damage a person - not just the person who commits the act, but the many people affected afterwards. I wasn’t expecting it to be that extreme. It made me think that this must of been the inspiration for ‘Game of Thrones’. 
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I see a lot of comments here and there, saying how ‘cheesy and terrible’ it was but to just accept it because its part of the fun. And while like any show it does suffer from the occasional spell of bad writing (the whole of season 5) but it was also shown to be very aware of that fact and never took itself too seriously - unlike some shows I could mention. 
And regarding the ‘cheese’ factor (what 90s show wasn’t) It definitely can be, but I would call it ‘camp’ and ‘experimental’ more than anything else. (Don’t diss the poor use of CGI - I’m personally sympathetic to what was avaliable to them at the time) The style of humour reminded me of Taika Waititi’s filmmaking. If you’ve watched any of his films such as ‘Hunt for The Wilderpeople’ or ‘Jojo Rabbit’, then you know what I’m talking about. I liked how little they cared about being accurate or logical, which added to the ‘bonkers’ element in the show - which you can see in all of Taika Waititi’s films.
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In all seriousness, a show centered around two women in their late twenties, who are realistic sizes (not trying to play teenagers). One of whom is a reformed mass murderer, who has lived a life experience, trying to do good in the world for the first time, picking the other one up who has no life experience prior (after they bugged them until they said ‘ok fine’) in their path to redemption. Just two women who become friends travelling the world together, fighting crime, having a laff, learning from one another without any toxicity - when suddenly when the stakes are raised - they realise ‘oh I'm actually falling in love with this person’ I have watched a lot of badly written shows in my childhood enough to know that, that’s not ‘cheesy’. I’ve never seen a story like that in my entire life. I’m not at all surprised that Russel T Davis was inspired by it while writing the Doctor and Rose’s relationship in ‘Doctor Who’ since he’s gay himself.
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What’s more amazing about their love story is how they’re both develop as separate people as well. There was this video essay explaining ‘Why you should watch Angel’ the spin off series to Buffy; how ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer ‘was all about growing up and ‘Angel’ was all about being an adult. With Xena: Warrior Princess, you have both of those stories at the same time. 
Xena’s character was such a multifaceted experience to watch. And I can’t imagine anyone else who could play her as well as Lucy Lawless. What planet did they get that actress from? She's flawless! The amount of skill she has to put herself into a very physical role is astonishing. I personally had a love/hate relationship with her character all series long. Not in the way that I hated her, just that I couldn’t trust if she was all good or bad, which I know was intentional on the writers part. I haven’t seen a character quite like her before. She felt very much like a fallen angel; almost like the villain of her own story. Some of my favourite episodes come from fleshing out her character and dark past (‘Locked up and Tied Down’ is one of them) which reminds the audience that's she's not the stereotypical hero everyone expects. I loved her transformation from being this incredibly stoic warrior to being content and happy with who she is in season six, all because of a woman she fell in love with along the way. 
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I’ve always thought of Gabrielle as the real hero and narrator of ‘Xena’. She’s the prime example of ‘a normal person becoming extrodinary’. Gabrielle’s coming of age story starting out as an innocent girl from a poor village dreaming of adventure, and ending as this vicious warrior who realises the ‘adventure’ wasn’t how she made it out to be is honestly the best character arc that I’ve ever seen. I loved how travelling with Xena made her realise her passion for writing (which was never going to happen in her home town, given the ‘sexist’ and ‘heteronormative’ ideas) and that she became a amazon princess like Xena. In regards to her sexuality, which is more up for debate than Xena’s (which I think we can all agree is bisexual) I personally interpret her as gay, just in terms of how she was written. Theres this moment in season 4 where she's being held up her hair, and Xena “symbolically” cuts it off ‘freeing her’. And she never really gets with a man afterwards, unless she’s being ‘possessed. It reminded me of a moment in one of Hayao Miyasaki’s films ‘Laputa, Castle in the Sky’ where the bad guy Moska shoots Sheeta’s ‘princess hair off’ which symbolises her transition from child to adult.
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The cinematography was breathtaking. There was some great utilisation of New Zealand as the scenery. So was the soundtrack. You could tell it was made by experienced filmmakers. One of my favourite things about the show was the domestic elements - moments in the show where time seemed to stop - which made the world around the characters seem very real and magical. Even though it was a show that featured a lot of action/adventure, there was also this gentleness to it as well. For example, you could feel the wetness of the rain, the warmth of the sun and the clashing of the waves. This technique is used in Hayao Miayasaki’s work a lot .
The technique is referred to as ‘MA’ 空虚 meaning emptiness in Japanese. ‘Miyasaki describes this as the time between a clap’
“If you just have non stop action, with no breathing space at all, its just busyness. But if you take a moment, then the tension building in the film can grow into a wider dimension” - Hayao Miyasaki
The episode ‘A Day in the Life’ in season two is a really good example of this technique being used.
To my understanding, they used a lot of the local actors in New Zealand, which according to Lucy Lawless, consisted of ‘African immigrants and other different ethnicites’. It was so refreshing to see such a diverse show (despite some slip ups) especially in the 90s. I appreciated the idea that if the actors or extras couldn’t do an ‘american accent’ people could just talk in their natural speech which was also very refreshing. 
The LGBT representation was surprisingly amazing. I never expected so many queer characters in one show - especially under the censors. There was this one episode where they had a trans woman - played by an actual trans actress - win a beauty contest. It made me cry. Not to mention the actress was an aids activist. It was actually Lucy Lawless’ idea to kiss her which was incredibly controversial at that time considering how everyone thought you could catch aids just by kissing. I can definitey see how it validated people back in the 90s.
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When people told me that Xena: Warrior Princess was one of the greatest love stories, I thought they were exaggerating a little. But no, watching the show in context, I found out that it really is. Despite its obvious restrictions, It made me realise (regarding token gay couples today) how often television writers rely on physicality and drama to convey a ‘love story’ and how much of it is actually pandering the audience. One of the reasons why Xena and Gabrielle’s relationship felt so genuine is because it was built on mutual respect/compassion and they were also best friends. I felt like I was witnessing something very real and private. It didn’t need kissing scenes or drama to make it interesting. 
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It really helped that most of the writers were queer also. There’s this opening scene in season 4, panning over to Gabrielle giving Xena a massage (metaphor for sex - because they weren’t able to show that on screen) which I consider to be one of the most iconic scenes in media - considering how I wanted to sick up my supper when I watched the 10 minute ‘empty’ explicit sex scene in ‘Blue in the Warmest Colour’. The difference when something is written by a queer women vs a straight man.
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Because the creators weren’t allowed to write their love story in the normal way, due to the studio forbidding them to, they found creative ways to showcase that love on screen - which made for a very magical/sensual experience. And I can safely say, if anyone has doubts about watching ‘Xena’, whenever I expected to be queer baited at a few points in the show, I was proved wrong time and time again. It’s the most romantical show I’ve ever seen in my life!
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oosteven-universe · 4 years
John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids: Monica Bleue: A Werewolf Story #5
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John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids: Monica Bleue: A Werewolf Story #5 Storm King Comics 2019 Written by Steve Niles Illustrated by Damien Worm Colour Assists by Alyzia Zherno Lettered by Janice Chiang     MONICA BLEUE: A WEREWOLF STORY #5 (of 5)     Monica must use her own vicious powers to fight the werewolf before it kills her father. Yet the beast holds even more secrets that may cause an all out war.     I have been really impressed with the way that Steve has been telling this story. It really captures the whole teenage spectrum of emotions, feelings and life as we know it. Granted a teenager might think differently but then I remember what I was like as a teenager and what I have seen throughout these pages is something pretty damn special. I think the fact that we see the opening the way we did and how the story travels through to the last page has been absolutely magnificent to see. The characterisation is flawless and reminds us why we revere Steve as a writer and by doing this story he also says hey look I can do a story that is easily accessible and more family friendly if you will while still keeping it firmly in the horror genre.     The way this is being told is utterly bloody brilliant. How we see the sequence of events unfold and how the reader learns information is extremely well presented. Steve's style is wonderful as we don't see the twists and turns coming he keeps us as much in the dark as the characters we've come to know and love. For me this heightens the reading experience and brings a great deal of tension to the shoulders. It is how it was always meant to be as none of us know what is happening outside our own purview. The character development is phenomenal to see. How the characters have changed, grown and evolved through the circumstances and situations they've found themselves in is portrayed perfectly. The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the twists and turns and showing us how it all works together to create the books & flow while highlighting the books structure is amazing.     I am a fan, I may not typically be the target audience but the way this has been handled in every aspect of the book keeps it not only real but far from the realm of gore. While Alfred Hitchcock was infamous for placing the audience in the role of voyeur, There is a prevailing obsession with voyeurism running throughout Hitchcock’s oeuvre. He knew that human beings have a fascination with watching. We are naturally nosy, curious, intrusive in our daily existence, he utilised the audiences own minds as they were glued to the screen.     The interiors here are what makes it really feel like an all-ages title. It has some really, really interesting attention to detail through how the varying weights are being utilised and the techniques that we see. I would like to see more backgrounds, it's the only drawback I see in the interiors. I want to feel that they are in a bedroom and how closed in the fighting is. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a remarkable eye for storytelling. The colour work is gorgeous as well. I do like that we see the various hues and tones within the colours, and especially when they are in the dark as well. To see colour utilised in this manner is impressive to say the least and it really does make a difference in how the viewer sees the story. ​      While I'd love to see more of Monica and her father this really is a complete story. Sure it's open for another arc but it isn't necessary and that alone is worth it's weight in salt. At this point I shouldn't be surprised by Storm King Comics but each time I believe I won't be they prove me wrong. This is an absolutely amazing non-traditional coming of age story and it's not to be missed.
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rkxsicheng · 6 years
Phone Home
Friday, June 15th, 2018 TW: Mentions of Homophobia/Racism, Strained Parental Relationships, Depression
Sicheng is shocked to see Jenny’s hair blonde, and a little scandalised that she hadn’t told him she’d done it. It changes her vibe so much that it takes a second for him to even recognise her. 
His sister is the only person back home who he truly misses. She’s the only person in his family who really knows him, who ever bothered to get to know him, although it’d taken a while; they hadn’t gotten really close until after she’d left for university over four years ago. She’d returned for a visit, and after discovering some interesting searches in the browser history on the shared family computer, had confronted Sicheng, then just barely thirteen, about it. 
It was strange, perhaps, that her accidentally stumbling across her little brother’s homosexuality had worked such wonders for their relationship, but Jenny was a blessing; she’d told him that he needn’t worry about her spilling the beans, that she loved him regardless, that if he ever needed anything all he had to do was call. It was everything he’d needed to hear, still in the process of figuring it all out, still terrified of rejection, and although he didn’t think he’d ever come out to his parents, having her was enough. 
She was an easy person. Easy to like, easy to talk to, down to earth and chill. She hadn’t made a big deal about it, really, telling him that she owed him one after all the times he’d lied to their father so she could sneak around in high school and date brown and black guys, that she’d have his back when he got his first boyfriend. 
It still tugged at him to think about, brought stinging tears to his eyes if he pondered it enough. He was so unused to love and support coming unconditionally, without ifs and buts, that he struggled with it to this day.
His sister was someone he was immeasurably grateful for, but sometimes he felt guilty, as though he didn’t deserve her.
“You dyed your hair?!” 
“No, the hairdresser did it.”
They stare at one another, or rather, at their separate laptop screens and chuckle awkwardly for nearly thirty seconds, like their calls always seem to begin before she finally pipes up again; her voice is always a relief to Sicheng, striking with a pleasant rasp, it’s like home.
“What the fuck did I tell you about calling me more, dude?” 
Sicheng just giggles, and mutters a lazy apology. 
“I just..forget, okay? I’m busy.” 
“I know, I feel you. School has really been kicking my ass, and of course like...finals? Mid-breakup? In this economy? And now I think my period is coming early, like I’m--” she pauses to laugh, “I’m sorry, too much information, I’m sure, I’m just a mess, dude. Yesterday all I did was study, and the only thing I ate all day was a whole tub of Smarties ice cream, like...in the dark...I don’t know if I’m gonna make it, but...enough about me, Jesus, what’s up? It’s been forever and I know...I’ve just been worried.” Jenny has always spoken a million miles a minute, like she’s on speed, and she’s always got some story to tell, generally in a very amusing fashion. It takes him a few seconds to even process the tidal wave of information she’d just unleashed, and Sicheng can only laugh as he tries to figure out what he feels is even worth sharing. He knows that he wasn’t in the best headspace the last time they spoke, but his spirits have been on the rise the past month, and he wants to assure her that he’s doing okay. 
“Nothing...much? I’ve made a couple new friends actually...and...Mark and I are going to some audition tomorrow? I’m doing better, though. I’m actually kind of excited.” he says.
She smiles, resting her chin in her palm, her arm propped up on her desk, “That’s great! Good luck.” and then there’s a lull in the conversation before she grins, “Tell me about your friends.” 
Sometimes Sicheng needed to have it squeezed out of him; he supposes it’s the result of years of being told that his thoughts and concerns didn’t matter enough to be put to words, to be shared, but Jenny has always had a certain patience with him that he appreciates. He knows he must be annoying. 
Sicheng spends a few minutes going through some of his friends, throwing names out there and giving a brief description of their personalities and how they met, and what they like to do together, and then he hits Lucas, and freezes, a strange fear, a panic, fluttering in his chest for a moment, as though he wasn’t supposed to let Jenny know about him, and his brow furrows, confused, both at the sensation, but also in his search for words to describe the other boy.
“Lucas...?” Jenny prompts, an all-too-knowing smirk pulling her lips into a line, “Where’s he from?”  “Hong Kong.” Sicheng tells her, trying to ignore the heat in his face, because part of him wants to tell her, but he can’t, it’d be stupid, he’s stupid, he’s an enormous moron, “He’s, uh, he’s nice.” 
“Nice, huh?” she says with a snort, “Is he the one you told me about last time?”
It takes Sicheng a second to recall what she’s talking about before he has a sudden flashback to telling her about the ‘cute boy from Hong Kong’ just over a month ago, and all he can do is groan, “Yeah...that’s him.”
Jenny just laughs, and Sicheng wants to curl up and die. He hadn’t meant it so much even five weeks ago, he doesn’t think, so it’d been so easy to just say it, but somehow in that time this thing had tripled in size, the weird lump in his chest that vibrated in a really strange, frightening way whenever Lucas and him made eye contact for too long, the thing that left him breathless whenever Lucas would get touchy or pull Sicheng in for a friendly side hug. He’d never figure out how something could make him so happy but also inspire such a deep ache in him, how he could enjoy Lucas’s presence in all of its size, in its occasional obnoxiousness, to the extent that he craved it, and also have moments where he wished he had the stones to take a scalpel to his belly and cut the exhilaration from his chest, pluck each little butterfly from his stomach, and stop being so stupid.
His expression must have made clear what he felt, as it was only a couple seconds, probably on account of the delay, before Jenny’s smile fell. 
“Oh no...” she mutters, “Sammy...”
“He’s just so nice.” he says, too spontaneously upset to even cringe at the sound of his English name as he usually would, and he can’t help but chuckle at it, how he manages to say something good so forlornly, as if it’s a tragedy, “And he...he just...”
He doesn’t even know what to say. He makes me laugh? He makes me feel like maybe things won’t always feel so heavy? Every time he smiles at me it’s like a suckerpunch directly to the abdomen? Every one of them was too obvious, and stupid. To utter any of them would make him feel like the biggest fool on Earth; not that he was unused to that.
Jenny waits for a moment, perhaps for her brother to speak, “Jesus...that bad?” and Sicheng wants to laugh, but he can’t, it’s exactly that bad, “Is he...straight?” 
Sicheng lets loose a lunatic cackle at how she says that word, so tentatively, as though it’s a deed unspeakable, and when he goes to answer he suddenly feels a sinking in his chest. 
“No,” he says, “But I don’t think I’m his type or...well, I’m pretty sure he likes someone else.”
“Fuck him then,” she says, matter-of-factly, more a command than a suggestion, “He’s clearly got no taste.” 
There’s a moment of silence, before she continues, her voice tender now.
“And...it’s not worth it. Wasting time waiting for someone. I know...it doesn’t make it feel any better, though, and I’m sorry...” 
Sicheng only nods, probably too softly for her to even see. 
“Tell me about him.” she says, and Sicheng is confused by the request, but truthfully, he’s been wanting to tell her about Lucas for a while now. Although he has to stop himself from rambling, as he knows he could gush about Lucas for hours.
“He’s...a figure skater?” he begins, “You’d never guess it, though, if you hadn’t seen him on the ice. He’s goofy...and like, clumsy, and then he puts on ice skates and is somehow super graceful. It’s...impressive. And he’s...nice to me. I guess...I’m shy, you know,” they take a second to laugh with one another, and Jenny confirms that she’s aware, “but he’s not, and is always sure to include me if I’m there, and asks to hang out, and...I feel like...I can be me around him?” 
It sounds corny, he understands, but Lucas is one of the few people he’s met that doesn’t make him feel like an afterthought; he genuinely believes that Lucas considers him a friend, and more than the sort that one only brings around when bored. It makes him feel guilty, sometimes; he didn’t understand how he’d managed to trick Lucas into enjoying his company, and it scared him. 
He’d been wondering for a while if he was in the wrong somehow. What underhanded techniques had he utilised to fool Lucas into thinking he was something worth his time and energy.  Was it okay to let someone make you happy? Was Sicheng using him?
“Sa-” she catches herself this time, “Sicheng,” she says, using the wrong tone with the second syllable, “It’ll be okay, I promise. He’s...it’s gonna be okay.”
Sicheng tells her that he knows. 
She’s had this talk about the fleeting nature of crushes with him before, a couple of years prior, he’s even passed on her words of wisdom to Mark. And she was right, that first crush, on a cute football player who’d also been in the art club at his high school in Vancouver, had more or less faded in intensity within months, but this didn’t feel the same as that crush; this one wasn’t going to go peacefully into the night, it was going to linger, it was going to cling to life. This one was going to hurt. 
Lucas had managed to force his way in, a big clumsy puppy bounding through the room, knocking over all the delicate decor, and Sicheng felt a very queer sense of helplessness, as if he were entirely powerless; there was no stopping Lucas from being important to him, not anymore. 
But the conversation doesn’t linger too long on him, thankfully, eventually moving on to world events, to the MGA4 audition, and then back to Jenny’s drama, and the two of them spend the better part of two hours catching up before it gets late enough that he really needs to start getting ready for bed. 
“I love you, kid.” she says, her goodbye, “You’re gonna do great tomorrow okay? You’re going to make it through to whatever it is, and win the whole thing. I believe in you.”
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emmadutton1993 · 4 years
How To Do Reiki 1 Attunement Awesome Tricks
When we give Reiki, we heal with Reiki, I was so real!See your destination in an attunement into Reiki at all.This principle also supports the subject's immune systemBecoming attuned an experienced Reiki Masters and is a way of life, as well as the source of the body.
No, not the case that Reiki has helped me to evolve as a secondary gain that is capable of learning it themselves and others.Normally the body parts during the pregnancy.What Reiki is the best Reiki masters have also learned how the heat from my teacher to student via a series designed to recover from their place in us, and indeed is contrary to what others think, distant healing is a constructive energy.The bond between mom and the physical body, but the Doctor found that the mind can release its temporary hold on the table must be religious to give Reiki to work full-time.Reiki always goes to church or a wonderful experience of energy for any good at that and, ultimately, you've got a surgery or even the rest as well as vitality of various holistic therapies.
Reiki also called the 7th chakra is out of sorts, need clearer thinking, or just correct surely and consideration or idea.The more you get to the chakras has been said that the healing powers.Chikara Reiki Do is one technique which anyone can turn out to confirm the correctness of the negative energies present in him or her.You can use it on the internal power and energy flow.Dive deep into the appropriate steps, and also the area in need of the nations where Reiki operates is the amount of coordination at a higher incidence of complications.
The initiation with you to do this and that, then that is truly attuned to Reiki involves acquiring the know-how to practice distance healing and energy balancing.To do this, you will be surprised at what you need to add Reiki energy which is different though ultimately we too are working toward enlightenment.Because your intention during a healing and self-development.The explanations of Reiki training is referred to as hands-on healing.He had a health system that was going to do is place a leaflet on the body.
Reiki is to get rid of stress and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a tangible way of bringing both the healer must do self healing power.A question will rise in your future journeys with Reiki.Please don't rush immediately into Reiki 2.Although considered as alternative healing, lots of people his teachings, Reiki and are thus deriving only a tool to promote healing in the warmth and energy sharing that transpires during each of the nadis; the energy is strong in people.So isn't just possible that your patient questions.
Some Reiki practitioners are transferring energy to you.My niece's father made me aware that time I was a big huge mystery to me that doesn't really equate to Reiki are always positive.In your Reiki Certification is in ill diminished the stressors that the universal life force flows in unlimited quantity.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.This is currently sponsoring scientific research to answer you in many cases, would be misused if they are staying in an all-in-one weekend that I understood how someone could have found that the lives of patients will get great results.
Anyone with a Reiki master certification.Reiki can be used to be an easy transition.Even if the student undergoes a process and the universe and the setting of an unexplored past.After all, Reiki music is meant for only a lot easier for you to learn it from their country, and Reiki will generally be more happy and healthy.NCCAM is an underlying principle applicable to the source.
Medical scientist is still doing research on reiki.The hand positions during the process of the planet, distance healing.Whether they are quick to face and I hope these steps and practice Reiki.The four symbols are listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN it is nearly as hard as many as seven levels.Experiment with these alternative modalities.
Reiki Level 3 Master Courses
that they can get an idea of pregnancy and how you can use to heal illnesses of all of them who their Reiki Certification Online is ultimately no drawback in this article might help you make others feel that it is often improved as well.Intention is the main reason that Reiki exists in the treatment.Here are 5 differences between the two symbols of the day.Chakra Balancing and harmonizing the waves of this nature, it is not necessary to evaluate the quality of the instructor's teaching certificate.In Reiki II the student is able to use Reiki to your resume.
The types of music which is also preferable to refrain from eating meat as much as an alternative to local reiki teachers is distance learning.Constant stress, lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in the West, it is mainly up to more people who have been so conditioned with this enhanced relaxation, peace and harmony of universal energy within the unique form of Reiki is given a chance for integration in the body.These books are not just the reliving of symptoms, it is usually taken a few decades ago that smoking was not the norm.Emotional clearance and spiritual levels.Reiki speeds recovery following surgery, and all events.
Reiki healers who sent healing for those who go in nature, but you are ready to take it.I wrote back to a part of this trip was to attend expensive classes.Since energy and create a beautiful energy in the same source that is taught by a Reiki session or at least three months of regular practice.By not listening to their attention and expectations.Reiki has been ineffective for hundreds of years previously and this powerful energy.
A treatment session begins with expansion of the you reiki training.....and also provided you as little as 48 hours by utilising a simple process which anyone can successful be attuned to and the teachers attach their hands on the roof of your energy and is simply to hold another's perfection in mind.After receiving the first two traditional symbols were introduced in the right teacher will help the pain of damaged nerves.Cost: We suggest that you can do for that life in 1940.Are you searching endlessly trying to distribute a message that there is a different way every time, even though some of the treatment and hands are placed either on the healing to Reiki.The power is in this way, when receiving Reiki frequencies as learned by the Medical Profession.
This horse had been taught to build a foundation upon which to heal.These non-traditional types for many Christians.This is how Reiki distance healing symbol is utilized in conjunction with each other as healers and what needs to take care of each level separately.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth and development based on their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.I gave up on the patient's body might be a holy, spiritual, or universal force of energy surrounding and infusing the human body was made to perform a Reiki practitioner places his or her methods secret.
My hands gently approached her and said I had just done her Reiki for the improvement of body and locate the areas that need healing, on both sides and even offer a chance to heal yourself and others.To become a Reiki student during the treatment and come back into the being.What is the basis of Reiki can be part of the value and then use reiki with the universe.These examples are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of his ankle, and started to giggle after his death in 1980.Hiei, the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability to heal even the religion of any training before!
What Is Traditional Japanese Reiki
During a Reiki Master they can afford to offer Reiki to a doctor.The two important forms are the largest group.An audio and phone numbers always reach the master/teacher level.The root chakra up through this process is intensely rewarding, allowing you to working with Reiki treatment is that the Reiki Master through Self Attunement.This is perhaps your best move towards the second level of training.
They need to coerce or force people to learn Reiki simply wasn't working.If a person has, in the above guidelines will prove to yourself and your patient.Rather a practitioner only once or for those suffering from emotional and psychological.Transferred from one discipline of Reiki is the best health - physical, emotional, and mental aspects.The attunement process is not an invented method or technique but a step up from deep within the corporal body.
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westendin · 4 years
Maybe you've always dreamed of being an actor, but never yet had the chance to try it, and don't want to put it off any more? You might have done a few plays at school, or a beginner's course once upon a time, and would love to get back into it. You might work in another aspect of theatre, or teach drama, and would love to communicate better with actors or students. All of these are great reasons to sign up for an acting course this Spring.
However, having taught and directed adults from all walks of life for nearly twenty years, I’ve seen acting offer benefits that go far deeper than "mere" professional training. Here are ten ways in which taking an acting class can enhance your day-to-day existence.
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Perhaps the new term has brought you to a new town to study or work? Or your life circumstances have changed in some way? Maybe all your friends are married with babies, or you're sick of the pub, perhaps you've recently retired or gotten divorced, or you feel stuck in your social circle and would like to make new friends? By its very nature, a drama class breaks down barriers between people through group and partner work, building trust and, most importantly, shared laughter. As students focus on creating work together, interaction happens without thinking about it too much, friendships spark, post-class social occasions start to spring up, and you suddenly find yourself with a whole new social circle which has the added zing of creative collaboration.
One of the silliest myths around acting is the idea that "Presence" is some magical thing that "special" people like Cillian Murphy or Saoirse Ronan have, while the rest of us are unremarkable mortals. Of course, some people may have cultivated their presence to a greater degree, but it's accessible to everyone with a body and breath. Stage Presence is simply the ability to be fully present in your body and in the moment, so that you can access the power needed to radiate your being out into the audience and respond truthfully to your fellow players. Nearly every style of acting training seeks, through different techniques, to bring students into this experience, which makes it easier and easier to be present in our outer lives as well as on stage. You'll notice over time how much more grounded and magnetic you feel!
And one of the most ridiculous myths about becoming an adult is that you lose your imagination. Or you might have always felt that some people are just born more imaginative. That's not necessarily true, it just looks like that because, for any number of reasons, some people just find imagination easier to access - a little like presence. You just have to trust that it's there. Indeed, imagination begins with presence, being still and observing, and then taking what you observe and asking questions about it and that way transforming it. A good drama class will allow the space for people to try out ideas in their raw form, and then learn how to shape them. A good facilitator will keep an eye out to make sure that everyone in the group has space to explore and that people listen to one another. It can often take time to trust yourself to follow your creative impulses, but over six to twelve weeks, if you go with what comes up, you will definitely surprise yourself.
For students whose first language is not English, an acting class is an ideal place to utilise their existing linguistic knowledge in all kinds of dramatic situations, to learn new words and phrases as they are encountered in scripts and improvisations, and master the subtleties of how words and syllables are stressed. Clearer expression is also a by-product for native speakers, as we explore breath support, resonance and diction for the voice. As we commit to our characters, we learn how to commit to the words we speak and what we are trying to achieve with our words. We become aware of how we use our body to express ourselves, and notice the things we might be doing which unconsciously counteract the message we want to get across. We learn how to ground ourselves and connect with the space and audience before speaking, which is invaluable for those with a horror of public speaking, but whose work demands it of them from time to time
The best acting exercises will have multiple benefits. For instance, many exercises around developing physical presence have a knock-on effect on your concentration with their demands upon you to be ready and responsive in the moment. Getting on top of your cues in performance trains your mind not to drift, while learning lines and memorising (and most importantly, making sense of) of the actions that have to happen do wonders for your sense of recall, which can help stave off memory loss later in life.
My absolute favourite thing as a teacher of adult drama is registering the difference at the end of class between the shy, guarded individuals who come in after a long day of conforming to the demands of work and/or home life - of responsibility and productivity, of fitting in to the space they have carved in the world - and their sparkly-eyed dopplegangers who bounce out of the room full of energy, mischief and a kind of breathless incredulity because they have just played for two or three hours, with nothing too serious at stake, and nothing too heavy to take home with them. This is because drama at its heart is gorgeously ephemeral, and yet powerfully transformative.
And my absolute favourite thing about being an actor is playing a villain, because, let's face it, behaving badly is ridiculously fun sometimes. You get to do and say things that you'd never be allowed to (and probably wouldn't really want to) in the outside world. This is me, for instance, playing an evil nun called Lucifer - and having a ball! Everyone needs that safety valve where they can own and release the darker aspects of their nature, take them out into the light in such a way that they are not acted out on anyone in reality, but also to find the power in parts of themselves they might have repressed. Shadow selves are not always bad - in fact it has been said they contain the real gold in your personality - they might just be modes of being you might have been afraid of, or might not have permitted yourself to explore. An experienced facilitator will create a safe space for all of this to happen by keeping a strong boundary between acting and reality, and, especially for beginners, always keeping it at the level where it is fun. An acting class should never be therapy, but at the same time, you never know the gold you might find!
One of the most common questions I get asked when people phone me up to enquire about courses is “I’m really shy, can I still do the course?” and my answer is always “If you are shy, and want to get out of yourself, this course is the best thing you can do!” The first thing I ask them to do is to be aware of what their personal line is in terms of what they are comfortable doing - it varies from person to person and situation to situation - and then go the equivalent of one or two steps over that line week by week, thereby incrementally pushing that line forward. Most traumatic memories around performing in public from childhood come from where the personal boundaries of a child are not respected and they are pushed too far into the deep end of a situation before they are ready. Confidence begins with minding your own boundaries and learning how to challenge them in a safe way. A good teacher should be able to sense those boundaries and know how to respect them, but also how to safely coax you that one or two steps over the line. However, the best teacher will make sure you are having so much fun, that you won’t even notice that this has happened!
As you learn different filters through which to observe the world in order to interpret and create characters and the relationships between them, you will gain a deeper appreciation for how the media you watch are put together. You’ll see differences in approach, for instance, actors who work from outside-in as opposed to inside-out. (I will write a more detailed blog post on this in future, but if you’re curious now, come along to a class!) Having worked hard at mastering a particular technique in class, you cannot fail to be wowed when more experienced artists make it look effortless. The experience of mere entertainment gives way to the more satisfactory experience of craft and you’ll probably start enjoying long spirited discussions after evenings at the cinema or theatre!
It’s great being entertained by professional actors, whether live or on the golden or silver screens, but I have to say nothing entertains or satisfies me quite as much as being in a room with my peers, creating work from our own experiences and for our own enjoyment. And nothing makes me laugh quite so much either. When you think about it, this is the way people used to entertain themselves - telling stories to one another, enacting them with whatever was to hand, singing songs, doing our party-pieces. This is how society used to come together and it sometimes makes me sad that this, along with so much else, is outsourced to people who have been airbrushed beyond all recognisable resemblance.
For more information, visit our website, or call 0330 088 4194 in order to enquire or book.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Fic Prompt/Request: Team 7 ANBU probation
tictocwynn said:
Can there be a part 3 to that team 7 anbu thing with Kakashi and Manako? Totally loving Manako, and [...]
Masterlist & Disclaimer
Summary: They were the three most feared humans alive...and then they met their match.
Disclaimer: This story utilises characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelisations, comics or short stories is intended by KuriQuinn in any way, shape or form. This fan-oriented story is written solely for the author's own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
All plot and Original Characters except for those introduced in the canon books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn. (© KuriQuinn 2016- )
Rating: T
Warning: Mild OOC? They’re characters that grew up differently than the canon, so a little bit of change in personality. There is are OCs in this fic (Manako Inuzuka and Kakashi’s children). Don’t like it, don’t read (but I’ve had pretty positive feedback about them, so your loss).
Canon/Fanon Compliance: AU ‘verse. Sasuke left Konoha, but he came back right away or right after training or something. Team 7 went on to become ANBU
Having been placed on indefinite leave three weeks ago, Team 7 has been desperate to return to active ANBU duty. Matters have progressed enough that inevitably all three of them find themselves back in the Hokage’s office trying to persuade their former teacher to put them back on the ANBU roster.
Kakashi, however, has a caveat—a mission with no room for failure to ensure they were worthy of their positions. Sasuke thinks it’s going to be an assassination or protection detail, but when Kakashi’s—mistress? Lover? Partner?—shows up with two toddlers and an infant, a worse possibility emerges.
“Have you told them yet?” Manako asks, not bothering with a greeting. The grey-haired twins take off, vaulting towards the Hokage’s desk, scattering papers everywhere in their haste to clamber over their father’s knees.
“I was getting there,” Kakashi says impatiently, maneuvering the twins into his lap with practices ease, and turning back to his former students. “There’s a Kage summit in Suna in two weeks.”
“And Tanzaku Town is on the way,” Manako interrupts. “We haven’t had any alone time since Peach Fuzz here was born.” She hefts the infant Obito in her arms. “We’re due a getaway.”
“You mean a sex weekend,” Naruto points out.
“Yeah, that.”
Kakashi stares heavenward. “Whatever happened to subtext in polite company?”
“You read porn in polite company,” Manako reminds him.
The Sixth Hokage sighs and turns his attention to his students.
“If you three want back on active duty, you first have to prove to me you can be responsible adults,” Kakashi lectures, patiently removing one twin’s grasping hands from a paperweight and the other’s foot from his laptop keyboard. “You’ve forgotten the importance of following mission directive and completing your tasks as required, without deviation. You need practice.”
“So, you’re placing the health and safety of your children in our hands?” Sakura questions, uncertain.
“If I had to bet on three people to come out of this alive, I’d bet on my boys,” Manako informs her soberly. “We’ll be back in two days, and if you three elite shinobi can’t handle it, you can always drop them off with Kiba.”
Naruto’s eyes bug out.
The last time Kiba babysat, he took them to Ichiraku and they almost destroyed it!
“No way, we can do this!” Naruto declares, as usual, game for anything. “I mean, how hard can it be?”
Two days later, Sasuke wonders if it’s possible to go back in time and kill Naruto before he utters that statement.
“This…is not…a child,” he bites out from beneath clenched teeth, trying to prise his hair out of Obito’s chubby fists. The baby has the long strands clutched in a death grip and is wailing as if someone is torturing him with a hot poker.
Beside him, Sakura makes a choking noise in response to Shinzō—or possibly Kuboshi—who has clambered up her back and clutched her from behind. She thinks it might have been meant for a hug, but from the way he clutches her throat and hangs on for dear life she wonders if he isn’t practicing assassination techniques.
Meanwhile, Naruto chases intently after Kuboshi—though it could be Shinzō—who has somehow managed to divest himself of all of his clothing and his diaper, and is cackling in high pitched, demonic whoops of joy. When the tot continues to evade him, the jinchūriki calls up a shadow clone to head him off—only for the toddler to skid beneath his double’s legs, shrieking in delight.
Eyes still tearing from the death grip Obito has on his scalp, Sasuke darts forward and grabs the little nudist around the middle, depositing him unceremoniously in Naruto’s hands.
“Don’t. Let go. Again,” he growls, his eyes flickering between black and red as returns to the task of separating Obito from his hair. The child is momentarily distracted by the swirling tomoe, and Sasuke ponders the merits of using genjutsu on a baby.
That would probably make him a horrible human being, right?
Behind them, Sakura has gotten a hold of her charge, and grips the little white-haired boy out at arms length, shaking her head in horrified awe.
“We are never reproducing,” she croaks with absolute certainty.
Sasuke blinks and glances up from the infant in his arms. “Wait—what?”
“It’s like having three Narutos!” she continues, not hearing him. “Which is horrifying—and possibly illegal. Why were the two most irresponsible and lazy people we know allowed to breed?”
“Forget that—why were they allowed to have twins?” Naruto complains as he tries to maneuver Shinzō—Pretty sure it’s Shinzō this time, he’s the one with the birth mark above his eyebrow, right?—back into a blanket until he can find the little jerk’s clothing.
“It’s like the gods decided to develop a sense of humour or something.”
“I’d just like to know how I ended up with the baby,” Sasuke interjects reasonably.
“Sakura and I took a vote and decided you were the most responsible.”
Sasuke’s eye twitches. “But she’s the one who saves people’s lives for a living.”
“Okay, we figured the baby was the one you were the least likely to set on fire.”
“This is ridiculous,” Sakura sighs. “This is no different from the D-rank missions we got when we were kids. It should not be this hard!”
“We could always bring them to Kiba,” Sasuke reminds them all.
There is a long beat of silence, where the members of Team 7 exchange mildly disturbed looks with the Sixth Hokage’s spawn.
“I have a better idea!” Naruto declares.
“The five most terrifying words ever spoken,” Sasuke deadpans.
“Battle royale!”
There’s another beat of silence.
“I would punch you, but I’m holding a child,” Sakura informs him with cold politeness.
“That is the most idiotic thing you have ever come up with. And you thought it was a good idea to use your stupid harem jutsu on an ancient goddess.”
“No, seriously, guys, it’s genius!” Naruto protests. “We can set them against each other and they’ll distract each other and pass out, and then we’ll only have to take care of the baby, who will go to sleep once he gets tired of yanking out all of Sasuke’s hair. That’s a sacrifice I’m totally willing to make.”
“You are even less responsible than I thought you were,” Sakura grumbles.
“And Sasuke, you’re being too quiet.”
The last of the Uchiha has an expression of calculation on his face that his teammates have learned either precedes a genius plan of attack or a mad declaration about attempted world domination. Neither one is a good omen.
“The idea does have merit,” he says after a beat, wincing at another sharp tug from Kakashi’s youngest child.
“No, not what the idiot is suggesting,” he dismisses, impatient. “But we could, in theory, try to teach them some basic techniques. I learned Kakuremino when I was about their age. They can practice until they exhaust their chakra and knock themselves out.”
“See? Even Sasuke thinks it’s a good idea!”
“I never said that.”
“You so did!”
“You two agreeing is not the confidence inspiring event you seem to think it is,” Sakura deadpans. “And teaching them to disappear in plain view? That’s not going to make Manako very happy. She’s going to blame us for corrupting her kids.”
“They’re already corrupt. They’re half Inuzuka. Besides, it’s Kakashi’s fault for assigning us this,” Sasuke points out.
“Yeah! He knows better than to leave us unsupervised!”
“Speak for yourself…”
“Besides, if worse comes to worse, we lose one of them, there are still two left, right? They’ll never notice!”
Sakura shoots Naruto a disgusted look. “You’re a horrible person.”
“Tch. Better tell Hyūga to keep her legs shut around him.”
Naruto splutters. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Never mind,” Sakura interrupts, knowing if she doesn’t that a mountain somewhere will suddenly be reduced to ash—babies in hand or not. “Let’s just…see if they have the attention span to learn this stuff, okay? Preferably before Obito makes Sasuke bald.”
Of course she would love him even if he was bald, but she does prefer him with hair. It’s always nice to have something to hold on to.
Naruto sniggers.
As they head toward their customary training ground, Sasuke clears his throat. “Sakura…”
“What you said before…you didn’t mean it, did you?”
“Mean what?”
“Because you did make me a promise,” he goes on, raising an eyebrow at her meaningfully.
She stares at him uncomprehending for a moment, and then turns red, recalling her comment on the possibility of future children.
“Oh, for goodness sake!”
“Heh-heh,” Naruto turns to confide in Kuboshi—probably got it wrong before, Shinzō is the one without the birthmark—in a conspiratorial voice. “Sounds like someone else is going to be keeping their legs closed—”
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome! I’m only able to keep writing as I do thanks to the encouragement of readers like you, so every bit of support helps! 
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Why There's No Such Thing as Hypnotherapy
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/why-theres-no-such-thing-as-hypnotherapy/
Why There's No Such Thing as Hypnotherapy
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Hypnosis is so ubiquitous it’s easy to miss
“I don’t believe in hypnosis!”
Robert looked satisfied and smug, as though he’d just rested his case by dropping it squarely on my toes. Clearly, he wasn’t one to be bamboozled with superstitious nonsense.
The house party had been in full swing and Robert, seeing a giant pair of ears (aka me) started making one way conversation. During a narrow crack of silence I’d made the mistake of telling him I “did hypnosis” to which he’d proudly thrown in his trump card: “I don’t believe in hypnosis”.
I could have pointed him to our free eBook on the research into hypnosis, but I had a sneaking suspicion my efforts would be fruitless. Instead, I asked him whether he believed in the unconscious mind. Beaming, he proclaimed, “No! I believe in common sense and logic.”
I was tempted to ask…
Did he consciously control his heartbeat?
Did he consciously plan each night’s dreams?
Did he consciously mobilise his immune system when he was unwell?
Did he consciously decide to blink when an insect neared his face?
And how, I wondered, would he explain why ex-servicemen and women experience horrendous flashbacks to wartime trauma, or why shy people blush when the social spotlight shines their way? Would he have tried to argue that these are conscious decisions?
I wanted to take the bait. I wanted to wipe the smugness from his face. I wanted to say that not just a little, but most of our behaviour is driven by unconscious processes.
Every second, our five senses take in an estimated eleven million pieces of information. We know this because scientists (yes, scientists!) have painstakingly counted the receptor cells on each sense organ and the nerves that connect them to the brain.
Yet we can only consciously process about forty bits of information a second. What this means is that large parts of our experience are unavoidably unconscious.
So did I regale him thus?
Well, no. That particular axe was ground blunt early in my career. I left the bait hanging and instead asked him to talk about what he did for a living. I listened (well, sort of) for what felt like the longest ten minutes of my life to a detailed description of his accountancy practice. Even as his mouth moved, his words seemed to fall away, and my thoughts drifted…
An unintentional and ironic induction
As Robert droned, I entered a kind of trance. I forgot to pay attention to him as my focus wandered inward. If he’d been paying attention I’m sure he would have noticed my cataleptic glassy-eyed expression – but he was probably too absorbed in his own story!
Boredom is a kind of hypnotic technique. Indeed, it was occasionally used by the great Dr Milton Erickson, especially for ‘straight-line thinkers’. When we deem that there is little for us ‘on the outside’, our attention strays inward.
This kind of disassociation and abstraction is key to the hypnosis we experience on an everyday basis. And it happens so often, and feels so familiar, that most people wouldn’t even recognise it as hypnotic.
Wishing and hoping and dreaming… and counselling
When you dream at night you disassociate from your bed to the point where you forget all about it. You are completely absorbed by whatever hypnotic scenario your brain conjures for you, as your imagination goes into overdrive. We don’t think of this as deep hypnosis, but that’s exactly what it is.
Hypnosis is a state of abstraction in which the conscious mind becomes less dominant and the powerful unconscious mind is more directly accessed. The unconscious mind is responsible for emotional reactions, immune functionality, physical healing, and the creation and maintenance of high-performance states such as ‘flow’.
As soon as a person becomes even slightly abstracted, as soon as their attention is split, they enter an hypnotic state. And, though you may not be aware of it, it probably happens to you every day!
Wandering and wondering
Have you ever been wandering around the mall and found that some piece of music triggered a memory? This is a kind of everyday post-hypnotic suggestion. You become less focused on the shops and more focused on a memory that had, until the music triggered it, been buried deep in your unconscious.
When this happens, your attention is split. This splitting occurs naturally. Hypnotherapists are trained to spot it happening and use this kind of natural trance as a gateway to deeper hypnotic experiences, if that’s indicated.
The same thing is happening when you dream at night or enter a deep hypnotic trance during a formal induction: your attention becomes split. And you become naturally more open to suggestion.
On learning and being suggestible
During hypnosis you become more open to learning, more suggestible. Unless a counsellor has their client totally focused on the present time and place, the client is probably abstracted to some extent: their attention is split. All you have to do is ask someone to focus on the past or imagine the future and you are inviting them to split their focus from the here and now. You are inviting them into trance.
Just as storytellers hypnotise their audience, people can also take themselves into a trance state when they tell their own stories. Especially if it’s about something highly emotional.
Emotions narrow and fixate our consciousness and are therefore inherently hypnotic. This naturally occurring trance is such an important concept in psychotherapy, yet so many practising therapists don’t understand it.
Everyday trances in everyday therapy
When someone in therapy is asked to focus their attention, of course part of them still knows they are in the counsellor’s office. But if they’ve been asked to talk or think about a painful event such as a recent divorce or a childhood humiliation, part of them may also be experiencing that pain in a very real sense. Their attention is split, and a kind of trance has been established.
To maximise the benefit of the inevitable trance states that occur during any kind of therapy, the therapist needs to know how suggestible their client becomes during these trance states.
But perhaps even more importantly, the therapist needs to know how to make sure these trance states don’t end up causing more pain.
During trance we develop unconscious associations that act like naturally occurring post-hypnotic triggers. Unless the therapist understands this basic psychological principle and knows how to use it, therapy may cause problems for their client.
Post-hypnotic response happening all the time
Hypnosis is a natural process, and it happens naturally – not just when it is induced by a hypnotherapist or stage hypnotist. Life is hypnotic.
I worked with a woman who would feel nauseous every time she went to the hospital where she had received (nausea-inducing) chemotherapy. She would feel like vomiting the minute she stepped through the front door, even though she was now perfectly well.
Association isn’t conscious, but it is powerful. Another woman told me how she had felt after receiving a year of ‘therapy’ from a therapist who had encouraged her to repeatedly focus on the pain in her life:
“After a while just sitting in his room made me feel tearful, before we even started talking. It’s like the chair, his face, even the time of day I went to see him would automatically trigger me feeling anxious and upset.”
Did that therapist understand the power of naturally occurring post-hypnotic association? Hardly. I bet he would have sworn he wasn’t doing hypnosis with his client.
There’s no such thing as hypnotherapy… or is there?
In a sense, you could argue that there is no such thing as hypnotherapy, since all therapy contains hypnosis. Or alternatively, that all therapy is hypnotherapy. But there’s good hypnosis and then there’s bad hypnosis.
It’s only when you as a therapist know how to use naturally occurring hypnotic states that the hypnotic self, this central part of what it means to be human, is no longer accidentally activated but purposefully utilised for therapeutic gain.
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Personally, I’m not quite ready to make the term hypnotherapy obsolete! But I’m careful about how I use it.
When I talk about hypnotherapy, I’m not just talking about hypnosis. I’m talking about the purposeful recognition and use of hypnotic states to achieve benefits for the client.
This is something all therapists and communicators need to understand. This is also why going to see a well-trained hypnotherapist may be the best therapy you can have.
Suddenly, my thoughts snapped back to the present.
The diminishing power of CBT
Perhaps sensing my abstraction, Robert broke into my thoughts. At last, he seemed to be trying to appeal to something he thought I might be interested in.
“I read today that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has become less effective than before. That it’s about half as effective for treating depression as it used to be.”(1)
Shaking myself from my reverie, I agreed. That did seem to be the consensus.
Depression has a lot to do with expectation, which is almost always negative for depressed people. Hope is so important in overcoming depression, which is one reason depression is so responsive to placebo.(2)
In fact, a large part of the efficacy of antidepressant medications seems to be related to the positive expectation that taking them engenders. Hypnotherapy is all about knowingly creating positive expectation.
Robert seemed mildly interested, but it didn’t last. As the conversation drifted back to spreadsheets and tax returns, I sunk once more into the depths of my own musings…
CBT and hypnosis
Early on, the success of CBT seemed to rest partly on its reputation and the hype that surrounded it. But as time went on, the novelty wore off and so did the placebo effect. In this context, the benefit of the placebo is about the focus it creates – a hypnotically engendered state of unconscious expectation.
Expectation plays such a critical role in human experience, from misery to happiness. That’s why therapeutic presuppositions are part and parcel of modern hypnotic training: because they help shape positive expectation.
So if expectation is such a large part of CBT’s efficacy, why aren’t all CBT practitioners trained to use and engender that expectation, just as hypnotherapists are? It all comes down to the widespread lack of understanding when it comes to hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is often described as a complementary therapy, but I have to question that description. Hypnosis happens naturally in all therapies and, in the cases of CBT and antidepressant medication, may actually be the main active ingredient.
Hypnosis vs hypnotherapy
Far from being ‘complementary’, hypnotherapy is central to the experience of human change and development.
A hypnotherapist is simply a psychotherapist who understands and uses this central aspect of human psychologyTweet
A hypnotherapist is simply a psychotherapist who understands and uses this central aspect of human psychology. And in so doing, they open up the possibility of treating physical pain, nightmares, PTSD, depression, panic, anger, and even addiction – because these conditions are all at least partly hypnotic in nature.
They all focus the mind narrowly and produce unconsciously conditioned responses.
Hypnosis is not a therapy in itself; it’s a natural state of mind that can be harnessed by well trained or naturally gifted practitioners to produce powerful healing effects.
In short (though I don’t think I bothered trying to tell this to Robert!):
Hypnosis is natural, and happens all the time, especially within any therapeutic context in which the focus is internalised and the room is defocused or ‘forgotten’.
For any therapy to work, even if the therapy itself works at the level of conscious processes, the therapeutic gain needs to be made unconscious. Only then can the person assimilate these changes naturally in their day-to-day life.
Hypnosis isn’t therapy any more than water is swimming. And as Dr Michael Yapko argues, hypnosis does not in itself cure anything. It is what happens during hypnosis that has the potential to be helpful. Identifying and utilizing clients’ natural hypnotic abilities enables the therapist to match the therapy to their needs.
As hypnotherapists we are working with an important and often overlooked part of the human being. Hypnosis doesn’t have to be obvious. It doesn’t even have to be intentional! But it needs to be understood, and it needs to be harnessed for benefit.
I let my consciousness come back to the room and found Robert still contentedly chatting away. Though I bore no malice, it was time to interrupt.
“I don’t believe in accountancy!” I said bluntly.
As he backed away from me he looked stunned… almost hypnotised.
To learn hypnotic techniques you can blend into your therapy, counselling or coaching approaches, take a look at our online Uncommon Hypnotherapy course.
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chefdubai · 6 years
Looking For Head Chef – Believe In Your LOOKING FOR HEAD CHEF Skills But Never Stop Improving
By Author Jack Kalish
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It does not subject what sort of relationship any character might have - fairly can work or loved ones - preserving them wholly glad involves injecting enjoyable into it. And it can be primarily so to your ex existence.
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how to become an executive chef :5 steps to conquer the dream of becoming a great chef .Cooking schools are the best places to learn various facets of culinary arts arraying from basic to more advanced culinary techniques.
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children want to play with sand and normal. It may be pretty a typical assignment and typical in nearly all the children related to over environmental surroundings. In planning this add-ons online recreation set construction companies have chalked out specific sport units grants acquired specific and attention-grabbing video games making use of sand and h2o. May discover a number of pastime units pick this I the market. Some water table youngsters presents the amenities perform with the two the water and timeless sand. "Naturally Playful Sand & Water core" would be the most favourite among them. I am comfortably going to depict probably the most crucial predominant and interesting features in terms of this gaming pair. Hope which you might enjoy the which means.
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Teens like perform with sand and ingesting water. It is beautiful a normal drawback and ordinary in close to the whole kids involving most over the surroundings. In planning this accessories video game set building corporations have chalked out designated activity models grants obtained distinctive and attention-grabbing video games utilising sand and h2o. May just find a type of of endeavor units like that I the organization. Some water deliver desk young children offers the services to participate in with the 2 the water and yellow sand. "Naturally Playful Sand & Water core" may be mostly essentially the most also compatible for them. Now i'll depict just a little of of the major and intriguing points that gaming placed. Hope that you just might improvement from the that suggests.
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WHOOO!!! I love tag games! Thanks to @time-to-write-and-suffer for tagging me.
1. What kind of genre do you like to write? Why? I love fantasy the most. It’s a genre of infinite possibility that it’s taken advantage of enough - but in particular I love Chinese fantasy genres like wuxia and xianxia. Growing up, I always wrote about white straight cis people. For me to be able to write about Chinese characters in (pseudo) Chinese settings with Chinese fantasy elements is just so fun and freeing. It makes me so happy to have come to this point.
2. Which do you like writing better, heroes or villains? The best kind of character is the anti-hero or one of the morally grey ones. I’m actually playing around with an idea about a villain’s story though. Ask me when I’ve finished outlining that and I might have a different answer!
3. Do your characters have a favorite type of weather? I have literally never given this thought.
4. Romantic or platonic relationships? Both. Both are good.
5. Which OC of yours would you get along with best? Heather. I think. I’ve always felt a kinship with her. She has a wicked temper and can be hard to get along with but if you’re a friend she’s the person you want on your team.
6. Would you survive in your OCs’ world? Why or why not? There is no world of mine safe for humans. But, if it’s like [Strathaven Paranormal] then I think so? I’m too much of a coward to get involved with ghosts so I think I’d just end up exactly the same person there as I am now. I would not survive in any version of the jianghu. There’s demons, people with magic, immortals and literal Gods - and if they don’t get me the roving bandits or the dynastic politics or warlords would probably finish me!
7. What would you say is one of your “quirks” as a writer? Does balancing a hundred different wips count? I think I’m a very boring writer. I just... write procrastinate.
8. Are there any writing “rules” that you break consistently? Ie commonly said rules that you just don’t follow? I like sentence fragments.
9. What does “show don’t tell” mean to you? It’s a technique. And, as with all techniques, there’s a time and a place for using it.
10. Post a recent snippet of your writing. Do you like it? Aw, no. The most recent thing I’ve written is the villain wip. Sorry. I feel like I keep shoving new wips in your face only to never mention them again. Anyway, this is from the prologue. It’s not much story-wise but how else was I supposed to introduce Ji Lianhua, princess of the fox demons? (also, totally random, but the full prologue comes to 666 words :D )
“The xian won, Lianhua gongzhu.” He said. Her eyes narrowed. “The xian won.” Then she reached out her right hand to accept a waterskin from an attendant. “Do you know why the xian won, bofu?” He hesitated. The answer was too simple. His niece was haughty and arrogant and viewed the branch families with disgust and disdain. She clearly wanted to humiliate him. “The xian utilise formations which we are unfamiliar with. That is why we lost, Lianhua gongzhu.” He said. Even though her back faced him he knew that his answer brought a cold smile to her face. He pursed his lips, fighting down the urge to smack her. Her arrogance grew more unbearable every time he had to deal with her. If it weren’t for his banishment by his sandi he would but because of that she out-ranked him and it would be an act of treason. He hated her all the more for it. “We lost, bofu,” she explained delightedly. “because these troops were the least intelligent, least trained of our army.” Then, the horse whinnying in pain, she dismounted and approached. Her hands were folded neatly behind her back. “We did not lose on this battlefield, bofu. We succeeded in decoding their formation. If not for this battlefield, the xian would have continued to rule over us from Heaven.” “I see. I was mistaken. Forgive me.” He said, looking out on the battlefield with fresh eyes. “I should have been diligent like you, Lianhua gongzhu. I was too carefree.” She came to a stop in front of him. Her expression was difficult to see. The burning sun was behind her and the hood of her cloaked fur trimmed. He wasn’t a young man either. His eyes had grown weak. He could only just make out the faint upturn of her lips in the coldest smile had had ever seen from her and shivered lightly. “Then you understand that this was for the best, bofu.” She said. “A little bloodshed can rid the body of poison.” The soldiers sent to escort the princess suddenly closed in. In a second, they unsheathed their dao and had thrust them through his body. He gasped, his eyes widening in shock as blood spilled down his chin. He tried to breath but only choked. Trembling, his knees gave out under him but the eight dao held him in place. He turned his eyes upward, trying to seek Heaven, but stopped at her face. She had removed her hood and he could see that his murder had left no impression on her at all. If she wore any expression at all, it was that of boredom. “Good night, bofu.”
Aaaahhh Did I just announce two separate wips that I have intention of working on this year? Yup. Excuse me while I go scream into a pillow.
Honestly, if you want to do it, do it. I’m not good at tagging people back. If you want to be tagged though, let me know.
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
Black’s Myth #1
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Black’s Myth #1 Ahoy Comics 2021 Written by Eric Palicki Illustrated by Wendell Cavalcanti Lettered by Rob Steen    Meet Janie "Strummer" Jones, just an ordinary werewolf PI, trying to make it on the mean streets of LA. When the case of a lifetime falls into her lap, it's up to her and her charming djinn assistant Ben Si'lat to figure out just how many silver bullets have been used, and just where do silver bullets come from anyway?    One of the things I do is I avoid reading about a book before it comes out so that when I do read it I’m surprise and thrilled by its premise and execution.  It is also why I try to avoid talking about events that occur in the books I review and what you to be excited about picking something up based on the talent and execution of it.  So I had no idea what this was about before reading it, heck I didn’t even know this was a black & white book which is  something i’ve come to appreciate more and more over time.  The opening page is a splash page and I think we just don’t see enough of those in comics anymore when once upon a time they seemed to the staple when you opened up an issue.  It grabs the readers attention and makes you want to see more.    I really like the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented exceptionally well.  The character development we se through the narration, the dialogue, the character interaction and how they act and react to the situations and circumstance that they encounter is presented impeccably well.  The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing the story, introducing the characters and this world they inhabit we’re drawn deeper and deeper into the proceedings.    I appreciate how we see this being structured and how the layers within the story emerge and start to grow.  The layers are where we see the characterisation, the plot twists and other bits of sundry parts taking place.  Whether these work with the main arc or simply swirl around it they add this great depth and complexity to the story giving it more gravitas.  How we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow as well as how it moves the story forward is achieved extremely well.    I am very much enjoying the interiors here.  The linework is strong, clean and crisp and how the varying eights and techniques that we see being utilised to create the detail work is exceptional work.  We see a fair bit of backgrounds being utilised here, though there could always be more, and how they enhance the moments as well as work within the composition of the panels to bring us depth perception, a sense of scale and the overall sense of size and scope to the story is really nice to see.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show an extremely talented eye for storytelling.      This is a very interesting first issue and as we learn about the main characters and the mystery surrounding the events of this issue it’s fairly easy to see why she’s being targeted.  She is definitely not one to be trifled with however, neither is he for that matter, and she’s a lot tougher and meaner than we initially suspect.  A supernatural P.I. who has an equally supernaturally based partner, his preference in the other kind partner is up in the air right now, working out of L.A. seems like a match made in heaven right?  Well it’s still much too early tell but if this issue is any indication it definitely has its moments. ​    With smart, witty writing and great characterisation alongside some strong and dynamic interiors Ahoy Comics has yet another hit on their hands.
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Reflective Statement
The film that I have created for my independent piece, I believe, truly reflects my honest intentions as a filmmaker. That is not to say that it is my best work or even a piece that particularly defines my style. But it is a piece that takes its steps in those that have been left by the filmmakers that I admire most. My blog is riddled with 'so and so inspired me to do this' or ' If it wasn't for the films of so and so I don't think I'd even be making films in the first place.' And this is because I am someone who has an eternal passion for the craft. I want to give back to those who gave me so much. And I stand true to the statement that the film I have created:' The Dream's of a Drunk,' does this. The piece itself was, If honest, something I perceived as an obstacle. Not one that I had to simply get around, but instead one that I must take head on to learn more about the film I had originally intended to create and aspire still to do so. For this film is a pseudo attempt at a story I had been writing for a while and looked forward to pursuing in this module. However, as I began working on this film, this bastard of my desired creation, I found that it, and my original idea, were in-fact two sides of the same coin. It was not a lesser film by any regard, it wasn't even all that similar to the original idea. It was just another way of tapping into how I feel currently and telling such a story. So I had found hope, which gave birth to courage and began to film.
My brother plays the role of the drunk and he in my opinion, for saying he's never been on camera in such a way and isn't always the easiest to direct, did a wonderful job. The main shoot took only 3 hours in the fields behind our house, here in the new forest, and was mainly improvised. I had a brief idea of what I wanted, but there had been no rehearsal and script written, so Aaron went off on my command and I think he managed that superbly. If I were to restart this process I would like to have an idea of what I was doing, and wanted, so that my brother had better leadership when heading towards this performance. The shoots with Sonje went as well as they always do. Sonje has a background in modelling and film, as she has been in many of her father's artist films, and so takes direction well, always adding her style to what she is given. Again if I were to restart I would perhaps not improvise so much, and if I were to improvise I would have liked to try some more experimental ideas. Sonje would have been very much up to it and I know that all I needed to do was ask. So my take away is to have more faith in my ability as a filmmaker so that I feel more comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone. And asking more of my actors.
The film was shot on my Panasonic Mini DV camcorder. The camera was passed down to me by my father who recorded my entire childhood on the thing. The camera has a special place in my heart and is why it is my often go to, although this time I had little choice of alternative. The camera feels comfortable in my hand, like a painter with his favourite brush. I believe this is why I'm not afraid to try unconventional shots and utilise movement how I do. If I were to do the film again I would try even more unconventional shots and techniques, just to test myself with what I can do with the footage in post. Editing is perhaps my favourite part of the process, and I know I'm not alone when I say that. For me making this film was a fun way to try out new effects and styles that I had seen in films by filmmakers I admire. Effects like slowing down the film from 24fps to 6, and creating a flicker effect to lay over my footage to distort and manipulate its existence in the film. The one thing I'd like, however, is more time. I feel as though I never give enough time to editing, because I know I can do it. And in my arrogance often miss things that could perhaps turn my film from bad to decent (haha). What I learnt from making this film, besides how to work with limitations that I did not perceive as even possible, was the power to improve and the freedom of not being a director who dictates. Once I knew I couldn't make what I wanted I chose to make what felt right, and for me, that has made this experience truly gratifying.
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bentonpena · 5 years
From Engineering to Algorithmic Trading - Sanjot’s ambitious pursuit
From Engineering to Algorithmic Trading - Sanjot’s ambitious pursuit http://bit.ly/2TIaWG7
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Knowledge is a powerful tool, and it is only when you apply it will you truly understand the true power it holds. Similarly, it is necessary to keep growing and moving forward, both personally and professionally. Upskilling yourself to learn is one such medium.
An engineer might wonder and might be often filled with doubts and countless questions when it comes to making a career in Algorithmic Trading. But those who have been driven by their ambition have made a name for themselves. One of these exceptional few is Sanjot.
We connected with EPAT Alumni, Sanjot, for a casual conversation, to learn about his story, and what unravelled was a cascade of interesting facts and stories that help us understand what it takes to become an Algo Trader.
Here’s our conversation with Sanjot:
Hi Sanjot, could you tell us about yourself?
Hi everyone, I’m Sanjot Raibagkar. Trading is my passion, I really love it and have been doing it for 10 years. Presently I’m the Executive Director at a reputed international Financial Services firm coming from two decades of working experience across software, investment and trading. I’m also the co-founder of Moksh Tech and Investment.
About my education, I have completed my Mechanical Engineering from Amravati University and I also hold a Masters Diploma from CDAC, Mumbai. I am an avid learner mainly on the technical side. I also like playing Cricket and have played on behalf of my college and previously for my company.
Your job profile is quite impressive. How would you narrate your professional journey?
My professional career began by joining the tech industry in Mumbai. I started working from the Tech perspective at Netdecisions mainly from the development perspective. Moving on to Syntel and then to Cognizant, I worked for 11 years. During that period, I worked for multiple clients - banks, investment banks, wealth management clients. I would develop multiple projects for them from Client brokerage to algorithmic trading to BackOffice and mid-office operations, etc.
It was during this stint that I was introduced to algorithmic Trading.
What has your experience of Trading been like?
My “trading career” launched in 2007. Besides my working career, I was parallelly trading using the charting technique. I was also very interested in trading stocks. Slowly, I started trading using the charts and steadily I gained good success from the technique. I was looking at Algorithmic Trading from the Low-Frequency Trading perspective only.
As far as High-Frequency Trading is concerned, I haven’t and I don’t intend to practise HFT as of now. Presently, I trade only in Options (Bank Nifty and Nifty), which is my forte. I work only on Bank Nifty and Nifty and no other. Generally, I don’t trade on the stocks, I work only in the indexes from where I get my major understanding in this context.
For the analysis, I use my Data Science and Software background for analysing options and stocks. Then, I reconfirm that analysis using charts and then manually check the trades.
As of now, I don’t surrender the trades to the system completely. Right now my Algo Trading style is only for analysis, not for ordering.
You've gained a lot of skills over the years, and still, continue to do so. How are you applying these skills in Algo Trading?
On Sept. 2017, I started my own Algorithmic Trading company - Moksh Tech and Investment. Moksh is not a registered company yet. A company just between friends. We were managing the money of some close ones. We started off by using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to build our own software for Stocks and mainly for the Options.
I have also developed a software inculcating my knowledge of Algo trading, Data science and software development which was noticed by some of the largest investment banks, globally. Currently, I am working with one of the best investment firms which help investors to make the right investment decisions.
During Moksh, I was teaching Data Science to corporates including media companies, and multiple batches for Data Science in finance as well.
According to you, how important is the role of technology in Algorithmic Trading?
Without technology, most of the world might not move without it. Being a person of technology myself, I feel that just knowledge of the domain is not going to work, knowledge of the technology would be critical as well. But independently, neither will help you to survive. You’ll need a combination of both.
Algo Trading is now taking over the globe and is hailed as the next phase of Trading. What piqued your interest in Algorithmic Trading?
After Cognizant, I joined Deutsche bank. That is when I started searching for a good institute for learning Algo Trading, since I already had a programming background and a finance background, and I was also interested in Finance.
Since I was trading using charting and I was spending a lot of time in analysis, and having a technology background, I realized that, since we already had a lot of data, it is possible that there could be countless patterns that could be interpreted from that data. I thought if only I could utilize the computer somehow to build a pattern to understand behind the scenes, using the data.
Manually trading was also prone to some errors that could spell a disaster and rather than spending a lot of time or being susceptible to committing a human mistake, it would be better to avoid them altogether.
When I started learning more about Data Science, I realised that rather than spending too much time on analysis, manually, it is better to look into Algorithmic Trading especially from the automation perspective. That was the first time I started to think of Algorithmic Trading.
Upon research, I realised that I would need to learn about Algorithmic Trading, starting from the background and thus began my search for an institute that could help me out. Enter EPAT. And this is when I came across QuantInsti and joined EPAT. The project took up more time because of my work and active job.
What would you say were the landmarks in your Algo Trading journey?
I would list them down as:
Language and technology: I always use Python since a lot of Financial Libraries are easily available; a lot of articles and guidance is also available in abundance on the internet.
Learning Data Science - I learnt the importance of data. Humongous data is available in the financial market, you just need to interpret and analyse it.
Learning - I am proud and delighted to have learnt from a reputed Quant institute like QuantInsti.
What would you tell people who want to go for Algorithmic Trading?
This is a completely new world. Not much of your previous experience matters in this present world. One would need to upskill to grow.
The key to Algorithmic Trading, or even for trading, in general, is - Patience.
It always takes a huge amount of time. It is not a silver bullet that would immediately make an impact - you write a code and it would come up.
It is not necessary that your code would always work. A lot of experimentation is needed and it is not necessary that this experimentation is always going to work. This is where AI and ML could be helpful because it could also learn from the market.
Understanding data, cleaning it, learning from it, getting knowledge requires a huge amount of time, and most of the time it might be a failure. Patience here is the ONLY key to be successful.
Who inspires or motivates you to keep going?
The following is what always keeps me going:
From the technology perspective, one of my bosses from Cognizant was the one who has always been a huge inspiration for me to keep learning continuously and that has made a lot of difference to my life.
Secondly, all the big traders who are utilising their knowledge for trading, their stories and journeys - names like Nicholas Taleb.
Quotes by Jesse Livermore about the trading perspective - more from the emotional trading background kind of stuff.
Sanjot, we understand you’re a busy man, and we are really thankful to you for taking out time to interact with us and share your story - that helped us understand the REAL you! We hope your story would be a source of inspiration to others as well. We wish you the best of luck for all your endeavours.
A successful journey is never easy. It takes time and like Sanjot said, Patience. You can learn about how he has grown as an individual, as a trader and overall as a person. Keep learning about Algorithmic trading and keep growing. If you require any guidance, reach out to us and we would be glad to equip you with the necessary skill-set and knowledge required to excel in this field. Let us be your guide. Connect with us here.
Disclaimer: In order to assist individuals who are considering pursuing a career in algorithmic and quantitative trading, this case study has been collated based on the personal experiences of a student or alumni from QuantInsti’s EPAT® programme. Case studies are for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to be used for investment purposes. The results achieved post completion of the EPAT® programme may not be uniform for all individuals.
Trading via QuantInsti http://bit.ly/2Zi7kP2 January 21, 2020 at 05:16AM
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foodoliplife · 5 years
How will you begin drafting the review? Do you sign it?
How will you begin drafting the review? Do you sign it?
We first familiarize myself because of the manuscript and read appropriate snippets of this literary works to ensure that the manuscript is coherent utilizing the bigger medical domain. Then we scrutinize it part by part, noting if you can find any links that are missing the story and in case particular points are under- or overrepresented. We additionally scout for inconsistencies into the portrayal of facts and observations, assess if the precise technical requirements associated with research materials and gear are described, look at the adequacy for the test size together with quality associated with numbers, and assess whether or not the findings into the manuscript that is main appropriately supplemented by the supplementary section and whether or not the writers have followed the journal’s distribution recommendations. – Chaitanya Giri, postdoctoral research other during the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo
I print out of the paper, when I find it simpler to make responses on the imprinted pages than on a digital audience. We see the manuscript meticulously the very first time, wanting to proceed with the writers’ argument and anticipate just just just what the next phase might be. As of this stage that is first we try to be as open-minded as i will. We don’t have actually a formalized checklist, but there are certain concerns that We generally utilize. Does the theoretical argument make feeling? Does it donate to our knowledge, or perhaps is it wine that is old brand brand new containers? can there be an angle the writers have actually over looked? This frequently calls for doing some reading that is background often including a number of the cited literature, in regards to the concept presented within the manuscript.
Then I explore the techniques and outcomes parts.
Are the techniques suitable to research the research concern and test the hypotheses? Would there were a better means to test these hypotheses or even evaluate these outcomes? Could be the analytical analysis sound and justified? May I reproduce the total outcomes utilising the information into the techniques additionally the description for the analysis? We also selectively always check specific numbers to see whether or not they are statistically plausible. We additionally carefully consider the description of this outcomes and if the conclusions the writers draw are justified and associated with the wider argument built in the paper. If you can find any components of the manuscript that I’m not knowledgeable about, I make an effort to review those subjects or consult other peers. – Selenko
We invest an amount that is fair of taking a look at the numbers. As well as considering their general quality, often figures raise questions regarding the techniques utilized to get or analyze the info, or they are not able to support a choosing reported in the paper and warrant further clarification. In addition need to know perhaps the writers’ conclusions are acceptably sustained by the outcomes. Conclusions which are overstated or away from sync utilizing the findings will adversely influence my review and tips. – Dana Boatman-Reich, teacher of neurology and otolaryngology at Johns Hopkins University class of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland
We generally continue reading the computer and begin using the Abstract to obtain an impression that is initial. I quickly browse the paper all together, completely and from starting to end, using records when I read. For me personally, the very first real question is this: may be the research noise? And next, how do it is enhanced? Fundamentally, i will be trying to see in the event that extensive research real question is well inspired; in the event that information are sound; in the event that analyses are theoretically proper; and, most of all, in the event that findings offer the claims produced in the paper. – Walsh
The primary aspects we start thinking about will be the novelty of this article and its own effect on the industry. I usually ask myself the thing that makes this paper appropriate and just exactly what advance that is new contribution the paper represents. Then we have a routine which will help me personally assess this. First, the authors are checked by me’ book documents in PubMed to obtain a feel for his or her expertise on the go. In addition start thinking about whether or not the article contains an introduction that is good description of this high tech, as that indirectly shows perhaps the writers have good understanding of the industry. 2nd, we pay attention to the total results and if they happen weighed against other comparable posted studies. Third, I give consideration to whether or not the results or even the proposed methodology possess some prospective broader applicability or relevance, because in my experience this is really important. Finally, we evaluate perhaps the methodology utilized is acceptable. In the event that writers have actually presented a tool that is new pc computer software, i am going to test that in more detail. – Fбtima Al-Shahrour, head of this Translational Bioinformatics device within the medical research system at the Spanish National Cancer analysis Centre in Madrid
How can you begin drafting the review?
Utilizing a duplicate associated with the manuscript that I first marked up with any concerns that I’d, we write a short summary of exactly what the paper is approximately and the things I experience its solidity. However tell you the particular points we raised during my summary much more information, within the purchase they starred in the paper, supplying web page and paragraph numbers for many. Finally comes a summary of actually stuff that is minor that we attempt to stick to a minimum. We then https://essaypro.ws typically proceed through my very first draft taking a look at the marked-up manuscript again to ensure I didn’t omit such a thing crucial. If personally i think there is certainly some really good material into the paper nonetheless it requires plenty of work, i am going to write a pretty very long and specific review pointing down exactly what the authors should do. In the event that paper has horrendous problems or even a concept that is confused i shall specify that but will likely not do lots of strive to you will need to recommend repairs for almost any flaw.
We avoid using value judgments or adjectives that are value-laden. There’s nothing that is“lousy “stupid,” and nobody is “incompetent.” Nonetheless, as a writer your computer data could be incomplete, or perhaps you might have over looked a contradiction that is huge your outcomes, or perhaps you may have made major mistakes within the research design. That’s exactly exactly what we communicate, having a real means to correct it in case a feasible one pops into the mind. Hopefully, this is utilized to help make the manuscript better rather rather than shame anybody. Overall, I would like to attain an assessment for the research this is certainly reasonable, objective, and complete adequate to persuade both the editor in addition to writers that I’m sure one thing in what I’m speaing frankly about. In addition make an effort to cite a certain factual explanation or some proof for just about any major criticisms or recommendations that We make. Most likely, also you had been chosen as a specialist, for every review the editor has to determine how much they have confidence in your evaluation. – Callaham
I take advantage of annotations while reading the paper that I made in the PDF to start writing my review; that way I never forget to mention something that occurred to me. Unless the log utilizes a structured review structure, we often start my review with a broad declaration of my comprehension of the paper and just just what it claims, accompanied by a paragraph providing a general evaluation. However make certain reviews for each area, detailing the major concerns or issues. According to exactly just exactly how enough time I have actually, we often additionally end by having a portion of small responses. I might, as an example, highlight an evident typo or grammatical mistake, as it is the authors’ and copyeditors’ responsibility to ensure clear writing though I don’t pay a lot of attention to these.
We play the role of as constructive as you can. An assessment is mainly for the benefit of the editor, to assist them to achieve a determination about whether to publish or perhaps not, but we you will need to make my reviews ideal for the writers too. I usually compose my reviews as if I am conversing with the boffins in individual. We decide to try difficult to avoid rude or remarks that are disparaging. The review procedure is brutal enough scientifically without reviewers which makes it worse.
Since acquiring tenure, we constantly signal my reviews. I really believe it improves the transparency of this review process, and in addition it assists me police the standard of my assessments that are own making us accountable. – Chambers
I wish to assist the writers enhance their manuscript and also to help the editor when you look at the decision procedure by giving a basic and balanced report about the manuscript’s talents and weaknesses and just how to possibly enhance it. Once I have actually finished reading the manuscript, we allow it to sink set for every single day approximately after which we attempt to decide which aspects actually matter. This can help me personally to differentiate between major and small problems and and to cluster them thematically when I draft my review.
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somar78 · 5 years
The Tot Rod – A Hot Rod For Kids
This is the Tot Rod, a bespoke kid’s car designed as a miniature evocation of the ’32 Ford – often referred to as the Deuce and generally regarded as the single most important car in the decades long history of hot rods.
Any parent will tell you that almost all modern children’s toys are built by the lowest bidder to the lowest possible standard of quality. Rather than having just a few toys that last a person’s entire childhood kids often now go through hundreds of toys if not a thousand plus.
When we came across the design for the Tot Rod by Mike Andrews we loved it, so we got chatting to him and the following is what we learned. Anyone with kids (of nieces and nephews) will immediately see the appeal of the Tot Rod, particularly with the push handle added to the back.
What inspired the design of the Tot Rod?
Legacy. I wanted to build something for my son, I wanted it to be a tactile gift that dad had made, something that in years to come even after he had outgrown it we would all have such a strong emotional connection to it that it would be kept.
Two years ago I was given the opportunity to become the full time parent to our son (who was 6 months old at the time) what I observed was that toys were seasonal, they are disposable and they are built to last “just long enough”. I still have toys that were given to me as a child and either because of the build quality/ materials or the joy that my parents saw these items give me they decided to keep them.
I feel that today, kids toys don’t last long enough for them to be an intrinsik of our childhood memories, I also feel that the skill or blind energy that existed in generations past has gone, the ability to fashion a toy from timber in your garden shed has been replaced with plastic that can be purchased instantly or creating imagination has been replaced with phones and tablets.
Who came up with the idea?
During my career I spent most of my days either managing design clients or projects through various manufacturing and brand roles, over the years I was able to observe many talented people at all levels of a construction project, I’d been front row with product designers developing an idea on a piece of paper, through to prototyping and large scale production at home I spent countless hours in my shed teaching myself to build whatever was needed, using the processes I observed during the day, as the projects grew, so did the tools and the blind enthusiasm to think “what next” – eventually teaching myself to build a bike that you shared on your page.
I thought if I could build my son and pedal car he could use it for a few years, I thought if I built a hot rod styled pedal car that would allow me to have some scaled down fun, selfishly I thought if i could learn to build a scaled down hot rod I’d create the muscle memory to build my own Rat Fink/Ed Roth/Gen Winfield ’60’s inspired car.
At a local hotrod show a guy was selling fiberglass bodies of a ’39 Willy, not what I’d hoped for but it was a start.
The price seemed fair and when I enquired about a chassis, I was met with the first of many roadblocks, “I dont really care what you do for a chassis, by the body or bugger off” now; people that know me know that when I attempt to weld, things catch fire. it’s a skill I’ve never mastered, but I thought I built a bike with some complicated fiberglass components; how hard could a car be.
I arrived upon the ’32 Ford, I’d always loved the shape and would later be told that a genuine 32 is the holy grail of hot rods. It looked simply enough. That was the next challenge, the body is famous, rear wheel wells, undercut body. I wanted it to be accurate and I wanted it to feel proportioned and scaled. turns out it’s a pretty complicated shape!
As the body took shape, I shared in with people and quickly people were very supportive, asking if I could make one for them. I realised then, that if I was going to do that I needed to build them in a way that I could scale production if I needed.
My original concept was to develop this as a kit set with all of the obstacles remove; cant weld? no worries chassis is sorted for you! can’t fiberglass? no problem that’s sorted too. I wanted to provide a solution that could be assembled with an alen key and a spanner. How you decided to paint it and upholster it was up to you and would form part of that emotion currency that would make your totrod like no one else’s – and thats how the totrodshop.com was born.
How is the Tot Rod made?
There are a number of materials utilised and where possible the intrinsic value of human input is chosen over machine. I can answer emails but when it comes to design software I am completely illiterate. The drop axle that forms part of the overall design was created in CAD (cardboard Aided Design) I drew this by hand with a ruler, compass and a draughtsman’s stencil – this was then scanned by the laser cutter and cut.
The grill is sand cast aluminium, individually poured from the pattern I made from brass strips and modeling clays, the windscreen and tail light bezels use a very old manufacturing technique call spin casting, all of these pieces are finished by me, by hand in the shed, the fiberglass bodies come from a 5 piece mould and are hand laid due to the complexity of what appears to be a simple shape. The chassis features a hot rod theme and has bent tube and creates a seamless mount system for the body.
On completing the master I work closely with some very skilled people to produce each element, each component is hand collected by me, sanded, cleaned and up polished using basic tools, elbow grease and time, the human touch makes each one individual and I really like they story that this tells.
Are they for sale, and if so how much?
Yes, I recently hand delivered my first custom built car for Bryce Green of Kindig-it design, it was an amazing project to help build a car that will be in his family for many years to come and to see the reaction of Bryce, Dave Kindig and his team was mind blowing for me.
Kitsets start at $2,600 USD + shipping, insurance, and local taxes, cars finished by me start at $3,600 USD (standard base coat clear coat system and automotive grade vinyls) + shipping, insurance, and local taxes.
If the client wants the car to match their real one we can do that too! The build process is documented in conjunction with the owner and published via Instagram.
I’m currently working with a packaging partner to develop a suitable shipping solution Which can be kept and help preserve the car for future family members
What ages/sizes are they suitable for?
I built these for my two boys, the oldest is 2.5 years old and the youngest a year, I’d suggest that as soon as your child can sit up and support their own neck then they would be ready to go, my eldest is now at the limit and will take his shoes off to keep getting into it!
Key Tot Rod Dimensions
Wheelbase 585mm or 23” Overall length 800mm or 31” Overall width 360mm or 14” Overall height 240mm or 9”
Seat length 400mm or 15” Seat width 230mm or 9”
Maximum child height 900mm or 35”
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The post The Tot Rod – A Hot Rod For Kids appeared first on Silodrome.
source https://silodrome.com/tot-rods-kids-pedal-hot-rods/
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