#i don’t usually ship rarepairs cuz i like content
rorymori · 5 months
obsession 🩷
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ninjayuri · 3 years
fae rants about amasai
OKAY MOST OF THIS IS JUST MY INTERPRETATION DON’T TAKE THIS AS CANON!!! rantaros...like...really reserved and untrusting. this probably has a mixture of the fact he was in the past killing game and knows someone's the mastermind, and also because hes been in a lot of danger during his trips. because of this, he often makes cryptic comments, always looks sketchy, and appears to know more than everyone else.
therefore, its no wonder nobody makes an effort to get to know him, since HE for sure isnt. which is one of the reasons i enjoy amasai. it reminds me of celesgiri in a lot of ways, except...its amasai. even as friends, shuichi and rantaro had SO much potential with their dynamic..unfortunately, that was all overruled by saimatsu. 
i have nothing against saimatsu, its a nice ship, but its really sad honestly because the entire first chapter was spent cramming all this saimatsu in our faces so shuichi has a reason to take off his hat and it wont be a weird transition when hes protag- really, under any other circumstances it probably wouldnt have happened. a bit forced. 
before i discovered amasai, i always wrote non despair aus with shuichi, kaede, and rantaro as the main friend group. rantaros probably a better option for shuichi since he not only would also urge shuichis self confidence, but he doesnt do it in a pushy way. kaedes great and all but it's hard for her to know when to stop, relax. rantaros much more chill about this and wouldnt pressure shuichi as much. and when he reminds him to eat food and the like, but sounds generally caring rather than just... "eat rn cuz youll die otherwise" 
and the POTENTIAL. the literal mystery dude x detective. we couldnt have that in thh since ??? and detective were the same person, we couldnt have it in sdr2 xuz there was no detective. but in v3...yay! unfortunately they had literally no time together sobsob 
plus. shuichis also good for rantaro. 
i know ive been talking about how rantaro helps shuichi, and its obvious to see that rantaros supportive and the like, but shuichis also good for rantaro. like i previously mentioned, rantaros really closed off. hes nice but..reserved. same as celesgiri, with a detective there, rantaros mysteries can be unravelled without him having to actually say anything. 
also, rantaros usually depicted as the protective one shuichis obsessing over. but honestly i feel like rantaro also has some issues. he lost twelve whole girls for fucks sake. hes probably really self blaming. plus its really not healthy for him to hide all his feelings behind a calm smile, and shuichi could probably help drag those out.
and. think about this for a moment. if rantaro was the one who woke up in the lockers with shuichi..so much more interaction. if they had more chances to talk and trust each other ((since rantaro knows someone here's the mm, a detective is the best person to help his search))...and....EXCHANGED PLANS... v3 wouldnt have happened. kaede would never try her little stunt, tsumugi would never get a chance to take advantage of that stunt. if rantaro got the chance to trust shuichi and be like.. "hey ur a detective well i have some clues" and they used shuichis plan with the powder, they would've easily found out the mm...and stopped all of this... 
alright im not ranting about this just because im complete amasai TRASH, but also cuz its honestly really good for both parties involved. ive never seen an actual hater of the ship, and for good reason. the only reason why it isnt popular is because its a bit of a rarepair, not interpreted a lot ((trust me. I've already been through ALL the content at least five times)) and overshadowed by other ships. whether you prefer it as a platonic or romantic pairing, their personalities and interactions are very cool. most danganronpa fanfics ((that don't focus on rantaro)) i've seen often water him down to just the popular guy, and it really irritates me honestly when people make hin flirty- because his whole character is literally the opposite- and also cuz its funny reading about a guy like rantaro gettinf embarrassed at things.
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lunchador · 3 years
I know I’ve talked about this before but I find it so fascinating there’s so many ways people approach shipping.
Most of my ships I just happen to be consuming some media and think to myself, hm! I like whatever is going on there! Sometimes I get influenced by friends/artists but for the most part I just kinda go with whatever attracts me. And of course to me there’s always so much potential, I can see the appeal between various connections and what they can bring between different characters. I loved characters together that literally no one else cares about and have mixed matched more ways than I can count.
My friend likes [Ship A] with [Character 1] and [Character 2]. Chances are it’s a popular ship, therefore she can find a lot of content. I might mention [Character 2] is also interesting with [Character 3] for [Ship B]. Sure, she might agree, but ultimately [Ship A] is the more interesting ship so therefore the only ship for her for that set of characters and won’t ship anyone else with them cuz it ‘feels wrong’. She might have multiple ships in a series, but they don’t cross over.’ She either feels very strongly for a ship or not at all. I don’t think she’s ever surprised me with a rarepair.
Then of course there’s people who have like, definitely an OTP of a series and maaaybe like a few others here and there. Maybe. But that ship is the ship for them and they’re good.
And again people who won’t touch ot3s at all?? There’s too many hands!!! I’m going to link them all together, who cares.
I think I mentioned already I basically have a ranking system that helps me sort out my own interests but it’s p much
OTP - I will draw it and I will dig through to find content. Love it - Will draw it here and there, will dip in the tag if the mood strikes. Like it - Miiiiight draw it for myself? Will reblog if it comes across my dash. It’s Alright - Probably will only draw it on requests, it’s not an active ship interest of mine, only reblog if I really like the piece. ‘Ship-In-Laws’ probably at this level too, when I know way too much about a ship because a close friend really likes it so I share content to them that i find. Ehhhh - I can see the appeal if I squint, but probably not going to get any interest out of me. Will probably skip it as a request.
Idc what other people are shipping, whether its popular or not. I think Sam/beth was the only one fandom influenced me on but it’s always just kinda been a filler ship. There have been a few ships I liked initially but the fandom just...grinds on my nerves with them. If I like an artists style I’ll def follow them regardless of what ships they like. Again, most of the artists I follow idk even what series they’re drawing but it’s pretty, so, here I am. Really funny how many artists I am stumbling into their old fandoms late.
But yeah some of my friends I feel like take it too serious! They have very rigid things they’re looking for. I like to like things. But I also don’t feel the need to push myself into liking anything. I never go into anything with the intent to ship really. Most things I do not care. Romance is usually badly written but I do love me a good canon one. Different pairings have different dynamics!
It’s also so stupid that I can see two characters being dumb softies together and I’m like, yeah, that’s the good stuff :)
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electra-xt · 4 years
A lot of people (I’m guilty of it too) bitch about being a fan of a rare pairing. It can get frustrating when something you enjoy has exponentially less fan content than other pairings in the same fandom. But do you think there are any benefits to liking a rarepair? I kind of enjoy the lack of discourse. W/ popular pairings, people are always arguing over whether or not they’re a good couple, but stuff like Fiego is mostly safe cuz most people don’t even know about it haha
oh being in a rarepair has absolutely slapped for me! maybe it would be different as a reader, but as a writer, it was a blank slate in the best way. having essentially a year when the two most active five/diego writers were me and achilles meant that i felt a lot more freedom in writing the ship how i wanted to write it and i didn’t feel suffocated by any existing fanon. and i also usually suffer from a lot of jealousy about writing, and while i didn’t completely escape that even in a rarepair, it felt a lot easier to establish myself as myself and not get swept up in hand-wringing about kudos counts or BNFs. and i definitely appreciate that there isn’t endless top/bottom drama or harassment or anything at all on twitter, which i’ve seen in so many other pairings.
i think that being invested in a smaller pairing can ultimately make you feel more invested and close with the tiny group of people who are fans of it too. i value every comment i get and even though i don’t peruse the tag much, it’s really nice to know that more people are finding the ship! i count that as a good experience even in a ship that’s more of a rowboat :)
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northernscruffycat · 4 years
21, 29, 51!
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? The first fanfic I wrote that you can still find online if you deep dive (it’s really not worth the hassle tho) is an old Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic called SU Forever, which was just a terrible “What if all these characters from different Sonic spin-offs were all in one AU and Manic & Bunnie fall in love cuz they’re my faves”. There was another (possibly?) earlier one that isn’t online any more called Sazamon That was just a “self-insert is friends with NiGHTS from NiGHTS into Dreams and also she can transform into Pokemon and Digimon” lol 29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? No, I generally do not. I’m not opposed to the idea at all, but I don’t like to bother people by asking them to read my stuff. Even when someone outright offers to be my beta, I usually just don’t end up asking them. Also I’m pretty impatient about posting stuff, so you folks get whatever I toss on AO3, mistakes and all. 51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I love that feeling you get when you get a review for a fic you wrote about a rarepair. Where you know the person is just so overjoyed they even found fic for this obscure ship that they like. Popular ships are cool too, but idk nothing can match that feeling of knowing you really made someone’s day and given them content for something that they don’t see very often.
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demonzdust · 7 years
My Teen Wolf Ships
​NGL I totally stole this idea/loose format from @fanfictionfridge​. PS - if you aren’t following them yet you really should for all their awesome posts and rarepair content.
The Top Tier // High Key Ships - I ship all three of these in romantic (although often complicated) and end game shippy kind of ways:
Sceo (Scott/Theo) - OTP
Scackson (Scott/Jackson)
Halemore (Derek/Jackson) - Original OTP
Sciam (Scott/Liam)
Briam (Brett/Liam)
Liolan (Liam x Nolan)
Stuff I actively ship -  Some endgame / romantic, some just for hatefucks/badwrong:
Sterek (Derek/Stiles)
Maleo (Malia/Theo) - mostly badwrong, kinky, and AU
Steo (Stiles/Theo) - mostly hatefucking
Scerek (Derek/Scott) - mostly badwrong but also kinda growing on me in a shippy way
Jallison (Jackson/Allison)
Peter/Theo - for the badwrong
Derek/Theo - for the badwrong
Theucalion (Deucalion/Theo) - yup, more badwrong
Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
Pydia (Peter/Lydia) - for the badwrong
Low Key Ships:
Morey (Mason/Corey)
Scallison (Scott/Allison)
Jisaac (Isaac/Jackson)
Scisaac (Scott/Isaac)
Disaac (Derek/Isaac)
Marrish (Parish/Lydia)
Malira (Malia/Kira)
Stanny (Stiles/Danny)
Theo/Tracy - for the badwrong
Jerica (Jackson/Erica) - mostly hatefucking
Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
Alydia (Allison/Lydia)
Ships I’m still skeptical about/contemplating/warming up to:
Stackson (Stiles/Jackson)
Stydia (Stiles/Lydia)
Stisaac (Stiles/Isaac)
Those are the ones I could think of at the moment. I’m 99% sure there are a bunch I’ve missed. I can usually find a way or two to ship most pairs (with a few very rare exceptions like peter/scott which I’ll just never find a way to enjoy) but I have a lot of hard no’s in terms of dynamic. If a ship is being written in a way that’s completely untrue to the characters involved I want nothing to do with it. I don’t see the point in bending characters to fit a shipping dynamic and I find it irksome most of the time.
Now I’m gonna tag @sinofthewolf & @railwolf91 cuz I want to see your guys lists.
But also my Ask Box is open to anyone that wants to talk any of the ships above. Or get opinions/HCs on ships I didn’t list.
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