#i don''t think you could realistically do it any other way?
crystaltoa · 9 months
Sometimes, the context makes the "He would Not Fucking Say That" dialogue the only reasonable option.
Nuju, in any Earth-based human AU, would be the first person to tell you astrology is a load of crap. You think you can predict the future using the position of the stars? He will laugh in your face and then give you a two hour rant about why it's total BS.
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 month
6-18-20 for Knife Queen! Please and thank you!!!! :*
Thank you for the asks! :* Here comes the suffering!
6. How far would they go to save someone they love? Would they sacrifice themselves? Others?
Sacrifice herself? Yes, 100%. She is very focused on “everyone else first” (therefore especially her loved ones) that she would go through fire without hesitation. Whether she would sacrifice others depends on the situation and the people involved and could lead to moral dilemmas. For example, would she sacrifice Anna or Greg for Kurt? Or the other way around? Probably back to sacrificing herself in that case. Any people she doesn't care about? Yes. Protective Lynx mom.
18. If they could go back in time for 5/10/15 minutes and change something, what would it be?
I think the only thing she regretted so much for a while that she wished she could turn back time was that she ran away when she had the chance to finish off her stepfather. But that realization came later so even 15 minutes wouldn't have had an impact and she doesn't know if it would have been good or if it would have made things even worse. She tries to accept all other decisions that didn't lead to the result she had hoped for, or that burdened her with regret or other negative feelings afterwards. She is a too realistic/pragmatic person for that and often too hard on herself. It happened, learn to live with it and try to make the best of it. Works more or less well in some cases.
20. Are they codependent? Do they have abandonment issues?
After her first relationship, from which she had really hoped for a lot (stupid teenagers in love), went to shit within the blink of an eye and everything that happened that left her with nothing, she pretty much isolated herself for many years and tried not to make herself dependent on anyone again, at least not willingly or in the sense of a relationship. So yes, abandonment issues are strong in the sense of: if I don't get attached to anything, I can't be abandoned. That's why everything in the time between her escape from Moscow and until the feels for Kurt became too strong everything was superficial. How much she depends on Colonel Bark Bark in the end, or how much it means to her, can be seen from the fact that she is willing to forgive him for all his “faux pas” no matter how much it has hurt her.
(I swear she has fun and good times too in her life. Don´t call the welfare department to take her away from me lmao)
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twothpaste · 11 months
For the meme!! Duster :D
First impression: I remember liking Duster a lot when I first played M3. The way the game gets you into his perspective at the start of Chapter 2 is really impactful… Wess shouting at him and degrading him, while he just loyally stands there and takes it without a fuss. And the care with which he's animated - always limping (even in his Pigmask disguise), takin' a deep breath before using Wall Staples, spinnin' his bass around when he performs - was endearing & impressive from day 1. I don't recall having any profound thoughts or headcanons about him, but I was glad to play with such a unique party member!
Impression now: I fuckin' love him. A man of such humble highs and lows. He goes from being a cooped-up undersocialized abuse victim to a rockstar celebrity to a world-saving hero, and does it all in the most gentle unassuming manner imaginable. What I think is most special & sad & remarkable about Duster is how painstakingly selfless he is. Dude who will drop literally everything on the spot to do what's asked of him, to help a neighbor in need, to look after a kid who needs him. Putting everyone else first, to such an admirable extent - and to such a dramatic fault. He was denied any sense of self worth growing up, which creates this fascinating & tragic double-edge. He doesn't know how to be kind to himself, but by god, he'll do right by others even if it kills him.
Favorite moment: When he plays with DCMC one last time at New Pork City. It's loads of fun, and so fucking sweet. His bandmates are overjoyed to see him, Lucas & Kuma are delighted to hear him perform again, everyone's gathered to listen. OJ tells him afterwards they could never replace him - DCMC's not complete without its bassist. I imagine he starts to realize here how genuinely loved he is. That he's not just a vessel for positive action, but a crucial part of the communities he loves! And a beloved & worthy person in his own right!!
Idea for a story: There is something very existentially haunting about how Duster's the only Tazmilian who's had his memories wiped twice. Dude's lived three separate lives - four if the post-amnesiac epic adventure Duster we play with from Chapter 5 onwards counts as another. I gotta wonder how he reconciles his identity, especially after (presumably) recovering his White Ship memories sometime postgame. I like to imagine he's content to settle down as a musician first n' foremost, donning his stage name when he performs. But god knows what kinda horrors he witnessed, growing up in a world on the brink of apocalypse. And how he might convey this to his bandmates, who must have their own wild timetravel backstories to grapple with. And how he settles back into a village where he used to be a total black sheep. And how he carves out a new life for himself as an independent adult, after Wess deprived him of agency for so long. Just seems like there's a quite a few disparate Dusters for future Duster to sort out!
Unpopular opinion: My man is thirty or forty years old. Can scarcely fathom him younger. I put him at 37 post-timeskip, myself.
Favorite relationship: Hard to place which is my favorite, so I'll do a few. His situation with Wess makes me ache so bad. Some folks interpret Wess more charitably, which I can see & respect, but I personally read him as pretty explicitly abusive. The fact Wess does have commendable traits too, though, and that he & Duster do seem to care for each other deep down, complicates things in such a realistic way. Duster's not the sorta person to write off his aging father, despite how badly Wess has hurt him and let him down. Wess does love his son, but might be too stubborn to truly change his ways. Where do they go from there? Who's to say, but it makes my chest hurt. I love to imagine the way Duster treats Lucas & Kuma is in stark contrast to his upbringing. That he's endlessly patient with these kids, even at their weakest and worst. 'Cause he knows exactly how it feels to be berated & chastised for failure. I also think his time with DCMC feeds into that. Like, they taught him to play bass n' perform n' everything - surely it didn't come easy for an amnesiac with no prior social skills or musical talents. He learned patience and care from them. The thought of his new friends treating him gently for the first time, and Duster not remembering any other life, is so fuckin' sweet to me. Agh.
Favorite headcanon: He likes wearing Hawaiian shirts. He's dating OJ - let these gay men be mundane, middle-aged, and schlubby as hell. His postgame hobbies include sailing and, yes, again, smoking mad pot.
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thegamingcatmom · 1 year
hi! i love your maggot mommy posts they’re so fun and hot!
but i was wondering that in your writing it seems reader is a sorta unwilling prisoner? like she’s been trapped by maggot mommy and doesn’t actually want to be there with ellie. like she isn’t actually attracted to mommy or into anything mommy is doing to her or in front of her etc.
is that right? you see reader as being like an unwilling captive? who is horrified by ellie and disgusted by her in a negative way rather than finding her attractive?
Hey there!
Thank you. 🥰
I figured this question would come sooner or later. 😅
So...it´s complicated. Let´s just say that for now, for the time being, yes - I defo see reader as an unwilling prisoner who is fearing for their life most of the time because I like to write them as realistically as possible and the same goes for Maggot Momma - I want my monsters to remain monstrous. I like to describe things as one might actually experience them and, therefore, things can take a rather dark and twisted turn. But that´s where the appeal lies for a lot of people (myself included).
Exploring the inner workings of someone as twisted as Maggot Momma feels almost forbidden at times, but that´s what makes it so much fun to write and analyze. There´s just something so alluring and sinful about, well, everything Momma represents, really. She´s a deadly weapon which won´t hesitate to snuff out your life and laugh in your face while she does it...except when it comes to that certain someone and THAT´S where the true appeal lies.
What makes that certain someone so different from anyone else? What is it about them that makes a literal monster pause and decide that - yes, that´s the one - and being obsessed, completely smitten with their chosen one which is so untypical for a monster but here we are and, again, THAT´S what´s so alluring about it. A beast turned (somewhat) soft for that one person while everyone else can just rot in hell-
It´s basically Beauty & the Beast gone unhinged you could say.
Also, I wouldn´t go so far as to say reader feels "disgusted", at least not when it comes to Momma´s overall appearance (at least I don´t think I´ve given that impression in my previous posts, feel free to correct me though). They´re simply scared shitless and that breath truly does stink because Maggot Momma´s literally the walking dead and who can blame them IF they felt slightly repulsed by that? Also, have you been around decomposing, rotting bodies over a longer period of time? Me neither, thank god. Because lemme tell you, it would not be pleasant, at all.
Also, you might have noticed that Maggot Momma and her certain someone haven´t actually ticked that box yet. Meaning: anything to do with actual body contact has yet to happen - save for the occasional bite or lick here and a sniff there and sometimes raking those bloodstained hands through their hair. But that´s about it and your ask perfectly explained why I decided to do it that way.
Because, while I do love tapping into darker territory, I don´t want it to get that dark. That´s just not appealing to me as I feel like there´d be no room for that delicious tension or any kind of holy shit that´s hot yknow. (But that´s just my opinion, to each their own.)
So the clothes stay on (for now) and Imma keep sneaking in some lighter moments to balance out all that...other stuff.
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But I guess we might be tapping into things like Stockholm Syndrome at some point in the future because I feel like that´s just an obvious consequence of...everything that´s happening in this (cursed) building.
Thanks for your ask. 🤗
What stuck out to me in your ask was that you called her "Ellie". You might've noticed I don't do that. It's always either Maggot Mommy, Momma or Deadite!Ellie. The reason is that, for me, these are two completely different personalities. Ellie stopped being Ellie the moment It took over.
Maggot Mommy doesn't do soft, so you'll never see me calling her Ellie.
Just wanted to clear up any possible misunderstandings. 😊✌️
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jarita123 · 5 months
The Essex Serpent
I finally managed to rewatch the show. The first time I watched it, was a week by week and I think this one was made to be bingewatched.
Spoilers will follow for the show AND the book. Also, please forgive errors, English is not my first language but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts and it is easier to write it in English :)
I read the book before it was announced that they are making it into the show and before Tom was even cast. I just like reading, basically everything and when Victorian era is involved, with mystery elements, I am all in. I did not read it in English but in my language so I may have missed some nuances but I think the translation was spot on.
I don´t think it was Tom´s best work, in the sense that the show did not make waves but was not bad at all. But it seems to be the case with many Apple+ shows. They invest money, give the directors and writers freedom, don´t care much about ratings and produce a lots of quality content but somehow, they still shake a bit behind Netflix, D+ or Amazon as far as the audience appreciation goes (with noteble exceptions like Ted Lasso, I guess)
And I think the way they streamlined the story for the miniseries worked, tbh. The book is OK but it had a lot going on, with an uneven ending and with most characters unlikeable to the point that I felt was not too realistic. It also dealt with too many romantic angles (how many love triangles can one story get, especially with a few characters like these?), had too much going on without solving it and the ending was open ended.
However, one may argue that the book is basically - or from how I understand it - just a window into a life of a few people. You go into their lives, follow them for a while, and then just leave them and go on. As if you were a part of some group or was in a job for two years and then left, went on with your life, without knowing how they are doing.
I have to also appreciate how they turned letters into scenes. A big chunk of the book happens in letters and it must have been tough to adapt it.
Let me start with characters. Cora is obviously the main character but I have to say, they made a remarkable progress with her on the show. The book made her look immature, never growing up, hurting people around her. it was briefly explained that she married young and never had a chance to grow up emotionally but the thing was, she never learnt. She is the same person and still thinks she has it the worst in life. On the show, Cora knows this, she changes and settles her relationships with others, apologizes to Martha, knows she hurt Luke and gets to be with Will in the end. The story with her son, however, is well done in the book and on the show, despite this being mostly described through her inner thoughts in the book.
Will is not that well flexed in the book and however you can read about his emotions and confusion that he can love *two* women at the same time, the show works a bit better here. I am glad they left the scene where he gets angry with the sculpture of the serpent in the church, or his despair after he cheats on his wife. Him sitting at his wife´s dying is strong and sad. But there is just too much going on the show and Will is not that well fleshed out as he should be, I tink. But Tom does a remarkable job and his way to find anything in any character he plays, is just a proof that he *gets* it. Plus, let´s be honest here, camera loves him (again) because he just looks fantastic. I love how Tom works with women directors a lot and they can use his presence :) i am also glad they made Will a bit more likeable on the show as well. I disliked the angle in the book, where he sent his kids to town to friends to take care of them, while he could be with his sick wife. I mean, it would be understandable for first few days but in the book, it seemed like a permanent thing and made Will look not only as a cheating husband but also a bad father.
His chemistry with Clare Danes is there, it is slowly building and the dance scene is kind of a peak of that. But Tom can have a chemistry with a plank of wood. And Clare does a great job here as well. She must work real hard to make Cora likeable and get her through all the emotions that were described in the book so we can understand why she behaves the way she does. To add some scenes with her dead, abusive husband definitely helped.
I am glad they got rid of the bit out of nowhere romance between Martha and Nev (that is the one love triangle part I mentioned above) and they let her only working for Spencer, not marry Nev with Spencer left hanging...the way they hint Cora and Martha relationship on the show is also interesting and works better than in the book. Also, as someone who despises communism (as post communistic country, we know well what it does to the country), I am glad they tuned her down a bit into just a socialist with some sensible demands.
As opposite to book, I would probably drop the story of Naomi entirely. It is not properly explained why she did what she did til the very end and the best part in the book is her friendship with Jo, which is not really discovered here and her actions are briefly explained only in a "blink and miss it" moment. What I was sorry they dropped for the show, was Jo herself. She was described as a mini version of Will, with the same calming and strong presence as her father and it was not properly done. Except maybe the scene at the funeral where she was singing (a beautiful scene, btw.)
I know I am in the minority with this, but I disliked Luke actively in the book and on the show. i feel like Frank Dillane was honestly a bit creepy and maybe he nailed it because Luke was, kind of, exactly that. Stalkerish, a bit patronistic over Cora, because as much as he respected her, she was "still only a woman", misguided and emotional in his eyes and needed a protection from him (which she did not need or want). I did like how his friendship with Spencer was done in the book and on the show.
Both, Spencer and Stella, were the unsung heroes, btw. Both pure souls, maybe too pure for this world (and theirs). What I find interesting about Stella is, that in both cases (book and show), it is hinted she knows about Will and Cora and on the show, seems to be supportive because she knows she is dying and Will and her kids will need someone. It is a nice sentiment but not sure a realistic one. Especially when he has these feelings for another woman now, when she is alive and here.
The main difference is the ending. In the book, it is hinted that Stella recovered, Will had no intention to go to seek Cora, however he remained in contact with her via letters. On the show, Stella dies, and they give Will an "acceptable" time for mourning before he is reunited with Cora. I am not sure which ending works better but I think the show worked better for all characters, notebly Cora, Will, Martha and Luke, who all found purposes in their lives.
Of course, the production design of the show was beautiful. It helped the atmosphere, it looked fantastic, sounded fantastic and as someone who loves long, wide shots, I had no problem with it even slowing down a pace a bit.
I do recommend the book AND the show, both for different reasons. i don´t believe The Essex Serpent is the best book ever and as I said, the show is not the best thing Tom did but it is definitely in his better work and I will happily come back to it. It just went a bit unnoticed because it is still a stream and Apple+ was just starting its streak of good and successful shows. He definitely does not need to be ashamed he did it, on the contrary and as it is his most recent work (Loki excluded), it is a joy to see him more recent. Now when covid and strikes are over, let´s hope he will do more. I am already excited for The Life of Chuck (as Stephen King´s fan, I knew the story...it is kind of an odd choice, he does have more interesting stories but I get what Tom or Mike Flanagan mean by "there is warmth to it" or that it is "celebrating life")
One last remark from my side - Tom seems to love doing book or play adaptations (probably because he can get a "source material" for the character and can dive into it), I just recently read two books where I think he would be perfect and it somehow follows the pattern he likes in his characters.
One of them is a book by Darcy Coates (who I love and read everything she does). Her haunted houses books are amazing, some better, some worse, but thrilling and atmospheric. And however her main characters are in 80% women, with men being a bit of a "type", when she has a man as a main character, they are very interesting.
"The Haunting of Rookward House" is one I would love to see and I can perfectly picture Tom doing it. Guy, the main character, is an example of a man who was unlucky in his life, just went through some tough times and now he gets to be stuck in this haunted house. Also, spoiler...there is some (however scary) dancing involved :)
The second one is "The People next door" by Tony Parsons. The main characters are Lana and Roman Wades, each chapter is written from a perspective of either Lana or Roman, and however the ending is a bit far-fetched (it can be always amended for a movie), Roman is an interesting character who has an unusual trauma behind him (unusual for a man, you get the hint...) and it is interesting to see the life he lives in denial for the most part of the book because of it.
But I am sure Tom does not need any suggestions from me :) These are more of my "fancasting" for books I like. Also, to get adaptations right is hard so, if it never gets made into a movie, maybe it is better. As a big reader, I prefer for a lots of stuff to stay in the books because it does not work every time (Ender´s Game, I am looking at you)
If you managed to read this far, thank you and forgive my grammar.
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mads-weasley · 2 years
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I posted 102 times in 2022
61 posts created (60%)
41 posts reblogged (40%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 50 of my posts in 2022
#mads' fandoms - 21 posts
#bradley bradshaw - 17 posts
#rooster bradshaw - 17 posts
#top gun maverick - 17 posts
#rooster x reader - 16 posts
#bradley bradshaw x you - 16 posts
#bradley bradshaw x reader - 16 posts
#bradley rooster bradshaw - 15 posts
#rooster top gun - 14 posts
#bradley bradshaw x y/n - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#yesterday i forgot the word 'lapse' and was literally writhing in agony about it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Without You
Steve Harrington x Reader
A/N: I just finished the last season 4 episode that's been released and I'm obsessed! Can we just talk about how hot Steve looked this whole season? Especially him in the Upside Down with Eddie's cutoff jean jacket...thus why I chose this gif. I do not own any of these characters except (y/n)!
Summary: After Steve is dragged into the Upside-Down, his girlfriend doesn't hesitate diving in after him. She's willing to do whatever it takes to get him back home to safety, including hiding her own injuries from the group.
Warnings: mentions of blood, death, injuries, angst with fluff
(y/n) - your name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
(y/h/c) - your hair color
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"How long, Wheeler?"
"It's onl-" She started, but was interrupted by (y/n).
"Too long." The (y/h/c) stood up abruptly, taking off her socks and shoes while the others protested.
Robin shifted to keep the boat level. "Just give him a little bit longer! He's probably fine." She turned to Eddie. "He should be fine, right?"
"Well, realistically, he sh-"
"Eddie!" Nancy snapped, annoyed.
"I'm done waiting."
Just as (y/n) was about to jump in, Steve splashed up out of the water, scaring everyone in the boat.
"I found it." He announced, out of breath.
Nancy was the first to speak. "You found it?"
(Y/n) reached down, putting a hand on his that was clutching the boat. "Steve, are you okay?"
He simply smirked up at her. "Did I worry you, (y/l/n)?"
"Shut up. Are you okay? Really." She returned his smile.
"Yes, (y/n/n), I'm fine. It's pretty wild. It's more a snack-sized gate than a mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big."
Just as the words left his mouth, he was plunged underwater, knuckles white, barely hanging on to the boat. After a second, he came back up with a confused expression.
With worry etching her face, (y/n) reached for him again. "Steve? What was that?"
"I don-" he started but was pulled underwater again, and this time, he didn't come back up. Yelling instantly filled the boat and (y/n) wasted no time in jumping in after him.
"(Y/n)! Wait!" Nancy tried, but it was too late. She was already swimming downward in the murky lake water. Her legs kicked as fast as they could as she tried not to think about the burning of her lungs and arms. The only thing she could think about was Steve. They had been through so much together and she was not about to lose him when they were so close to figuring everything out.
See the full post
1,458 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Bradshaw Beach Days
Bradley Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
A/N: This is dedicated to my best friend, @savvysaucepacket! Thanks for always being my go-to about all my fanfiction ideas!!
Summary: On a day off, the Bradshaws spend a day at the beach, coming to a realization that will forever change their lives.
Warnings: shirtless bradley bradshaw, pure fluff, one suggestive line if you squint
(y/n) - your name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
mojo - your callsign
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"Mojo, you ready?" Bradley called, packing their beach stuff into his Bronco.
Slipping her cover-up over her royal blue bikini, she grabbed a book and threw it in her beach bag, closing the door behind her. "Yes, sir."
The couple climbed in the car, blaring the Beach Boys with the windows down all the way to the beach. Bradley often found himself staring at his beautiful wife as she sang along to Kokomo, hair blowing wildly in the wind. It was rare for both of them to get a day off, so when it did happen, they would haul down to the beach and spend the whole day there, just soaking up the sun and each other's company.
Getting to the beach, (y/n) slipped off her cover-up and tied her hair into a messy bun. Bradley slid his aviators further down on his nose at the sight.
"You are looking mighty fine, Mrs. Bradshaw." he drawled, walking over and pecking her on the lips.
"Have you seen yourself? You," she looked him up and down, leaning closer to him, "look like the sexiest man alive."
He rolled his eyes, laughing. "That was so cheesy."
"I know." (Y/n) whispered, kissing him again.
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2,129 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Hold My Hand: Part One
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Wife!Pilot!Reader
| Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |
A/N: I saw Top Gun: Maverick, and the only thing I can say is that my mind is completely blown. WOW. I don't know if I've seen a better movie, and that's saying something. Also, MILES TELLER WITH A MUSTACHE, WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT, AM I RIGHT? Anyways, this fic was born out of my instant obsession with Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. I do not own any of these characters except (y/n). Enjoy!
Summary: (Y/n) and Bradley share their last night before the mission together...
Warnings: mentions of death, extreme sadness, slight fluff, idk?
(y/h/c) - your hair color
(y/e/c) - your eye color
italics - flashbacks
"hen" - your callsign
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Tomorrow is the day. The day of the mission. The day they could lose everything. As (y/n) and Bradley walked out of the base to their car, silence filled the air. Normally, the couple would rarely shut up while around the other, but they knew the risks involved with the upcoming mission. The life they had built together was now in jeopardy.
Bradley gently intertwined his hand with (Y/n)'s over the middle console of his truck, knowing she needed something to pull her from her thoughts. After being married for two years, he knew how to get her out of her own head.
"Hey, babe, what do you want for dinner? You can choose and I won't even complain," he said with a smirk, turning to look at her briefly.
A small smile of her own painted her face, making his heart flutter. After all the years they'd spent together, she never failed to give him butterflies.
"No complaining?" she laughed, "I'll believe that when I see it, rooster."
His hand flew to his chest, feigning offense, "I promise you, Mrs. Bradshaw. On my pilot's honor."
"Sure, sure."
"What are we having, though? Cause I'm starving."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes as they pulled into their driveway. "You'll just have to wait and see."
With a small whine, he turned to see her getting out of the truck.
"(Y/n/n), come on. I'm serious."
"So am I," she whispered, leaning into the window before entering the house with a smile.
Watching her figure disappear into the house, he couldn't help but think back to the first time he saw her.
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2,214 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Coming Home to You
Bradley Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
A/N: Just a small Rooster blurb for ya! Sorry it's so short lol!
Summary: Bradley comes home from a long mission and runs straight into his wife's loving arms.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff
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Stepping off the plane, Bradley breathed in the fresh Californian air, happy to finally be home. He had been called on an overseas mission that was supposed to last a week but turned into a month. Due to the top-secret nature of the mission, the aviators weren't allowed any contact with their loved ones. This rule is what always shredded the couple to pieces. They were together almost 24/7 and talked constantly, so cutting off all communication was very difficult for both of them.
It was hard for (y/n) to come home to an empty house after a long day at work. She'd grown so accustomed to Bradley getting there a few minutes after she did, and now, she would just stare at the door. having to remind herself that he wasn't going to walk through it. As a week stretched into a month, she grew more and more anxious about Bradley's safety. Of course, every time he went on a mission, she was sick to her stomach with worry, but she had learned that the longer the mission, the more dangerous the mission was.
When she got the call from the base, her eyes welled with tears, immediately fearing the worst, but she sighed in relief when they said he was finally coming home.
Quickly driving to the base, she hurried to the fence outside the airstrip where families were told to wait. She watched as pilots started coming out of the plane and down the steps toward their loved ones. The second she saw a familiar head of brown hair and mustache, a beaming smile grew on her face as they made eye contact. Even though he had his aviators on, she could tell he saw her by the way his demeanor changed. Quickly descending the steps, he ran, bag in hand, towards his (y/n), who jumped the fence, not caring about protocol. She threw her arms wide with a smile, running to meet him halfway.
Bradley dropped his bag before wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s waist, her arms slinging around his shoulders as their lips collided. Pulling back slightly, Bradley scanned her face with a smile, kissing her again. Out of breath, they leaned their heads together.
"I've missed you, Bradshaw," she whispered, leaning against his chest as she hugged him tightly.
He leaned down and kissed her temple, squeezing her tighter. "I've missed you too, Bradshaw."
As the two shared a moment, Mav looked on from afar, unable to break his stare. The couple reminded him so much of Goose and Carole that his heart ached just watching them. He was broken from his trance when he heard Penny calling for him. With a sigh and a teary smile, he looked back at the couple one last time before going over to her, whispering to himself.
"You'd be proud, Goose."
See the full post
2,260 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Little Hen
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Wife!Reader
A/N: I'm obsessed...there's nothing left to say. I don't own any of these wonderful characters except (y/n). Enjoy!
Summary: Rooster takes his little hen to The Hard Deck to make memories like he did with his father
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, like your teeth are gone...
(y/n) - your name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
(y/h/c) - your hair color
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(Y/n) sighed through the phone, stuck at work for another hour. "Bradley, are you sure it's a good idea to take her there? It is a bar after all."
"Yes, babe. Some of my favorite memories with my father were made at a bar."
She knew this meant a lot to him, especially how he lost his own father not long after those memories were made. He'd told her about his fear that he'd be killed before their daughter, Carole, even remembered him. She was now 4 and was just like he was as a kid.
She was adventurous, competitive, and most of all, a complete daddy's girl. The 4-year-old had Rooster Bradshaw wrapped around her tiny little finger. If she wanted a stuffed animal, he got it, and when she asked for a Hawaiian shirt to match him, (y/n) could've sworn she'd never seen him order something so fast.
Bradley had also formed the habit of calling Carole, "Little Hen" after her mom, whose callsign was Hen.
"Okay little hen," Rooster said getting her out of her car seat, "do you want to meet some of daddy's friends?"
She threw her little arms around his neck as he held her. "What about mommy? She's your friend."
He chuckled, swinging her around in a circle. "Mommy is my best friend, but I have other friends too."
"Whoa, Daddy. I'm dizzy." She announced, leaning far back away from him.
"Don't worry, hen, Daddy's got ya." With a content sigh and a bright smile, he kissed her cheek and opened the doors of The Hard Deck.
The room erupted into cheers when the pair walked in the doors. Jake, AKA Hangman, was the first to come over to the pair.
"Hangie!" She yelled, leaning towards him, her little arms extended.
Rooster handed her to Jake with a smile. "Hey, kid! Have you been listening to your mom and dad?"
She shook her head, glancing over at her dad, who was just watching the interaction. "Nope."
Jake burst into laughter, tickling her as she joined in with her own giggles. Rooster's heart was about to explode with love at the sight of his beautiful daughter. The only person missing from this moment was (y/n). She got caught up at work and couldn't join them for the movie night they had planned, so they decided to have a Rooster and Little hen night. He's brought out of his thoughts by Carole calling him.
"Daddy! Jake wants you to play!" she said, full of excitement.
With a sigh, he took off his aviators and gently placed them on her face as he walked towards the piano. The glasses were way too big on her, so they were slanted to one side, and they looked so cute. Bradley took her from Hangman and placed her on top of the piano. He stretched his hands slightly before playing.
"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain." he sang, looking goofily at Carole. "Too much love drives a man insane. You broke my will, oh what a thrill."
Carole somewhat knew this part, so she sang along with everyone else.
"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!"
Her laughter echoed across the bar, lifting everyone's spirits even more than her dad's playing did.
"I laughed at love cause I thought it was funny, you came along and you moved me, honey. I changed my mind, looking fine."
See the full post
3,440 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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lunisway · 3 months
What a day! It was actually pretty okay, you know? Just a chill four-day Monday. But let me tell you, I was so drunk yesterday lol. I do not remember how I got into bed, just that T and me watched super boring movies. But at least T was excited for them, so whatever. Like I had hoped we didn´t talk about me letting him know I purged my food yesterday (probably also why I got so drunk) and I lost a bunch of weight.
I used to do this a few years ago a bit, that I would not eat the day and then get drunk and party and lose weight that way on the weekend. Sometimes I would binge on a small fry when I was drunk and still lost weight so I guess we´re back to that.
I miss being single a little bit now. I could just get drunk and not eat and get validation I desperately needed for my self-esteem from random guys. T doesn´t do that. He´ll tell me he thinks I´m not fat, but I know that's a lit. We never have sex anymore, he keeps telling me we will and in the end we don´t. Which is fine. I get it, I´m gross and fat and ugly lol. I also know that was an issue between him and his ex-wife K. K demanded T find her attractive being overweight and stuff and he didn´t and I understand it. Sometimes I wish T was fat, so I could feel better about myself (what an ugly desperate thought). But he is an 160 lbs of muscle and hot as fuck! There is a reason he got away with everything he did lol. When I think about it I know I´m better off married and I love T. To an extend it hurts sometimes. But right now I barely feel anything but anger at myself to get so fat and disgust and emptiness. I embrace the emptiness tho. It´s better than all the other overwhelming and exhausting emotions I tend to feel on the daily - thanks ADHD for that btw.
Sorry for going on and on and on. I don´t really have anyone to talk to since I moved in with T because we´re so far from everyone I know and in addition I wouldn´t want any of my real life friends to know how I´m doing and that I wish I had an eating disorder to finally lose weight and how I hate myself and my life lol. Wouldn´t want anyone to worry about me. I´m on the road to self-destruction, but it seems like a good kind. A kind that brings me closer to my goals.
I just don´t care anymore. Is that bad? I used to care and just was in pain. Now I dgaf anymore and the pain is gone. The idea of T cheating again? Whatever, ha can do what he wants as long as he provides from our family. He can´t hurt me worse than I hurt myself.
I am fantasizing about going to live with my best friend J in El Paso. I miss her so much and when I visited her a few weeks back and it felt so good! I guess I never lived with a person I really liked before (discounting living with T, but our relationship is so complicated and exhausting. I always have to be on edge to avoid topics that will stir shit up and I feel like he needs me to take care of him. J doesn´t need that, she is amazingly self sufficient). Maybe that wasn´t fair to say. I do really like T. Good god, I love him and married him and it´s not like he´s forcing me to live here lol. J and me are just really similar. A lot of the same trauma. I am so grateful I met her, she is like the sister and best friend I never had!
Sorry for using this as a diary. I just needed to get this out I think. It feels good to scream into the void, knowing none of the people involved will ever see this.
Oh btw. here´s my daily intake
Tumblr media
It´s okay. I feel like I ate too much. Realistically I know it´s not a whole lot, but IDK. I feel like I should be eating less. I might have overestimated my dinner btw. T said he had like half of the portion, but I don´t believe him. I´d rather overestimate than underestimate.
I don´t really need the carrots I want to eat later, but I miss the crunch.
T and me made a food plan for this week:
Homemade pizza (I was surprised by how little kcal it had, so I´m making more lol. T loves pizza, so he´d never complain)
Couscous salad with carrots, celeriac, celery, parsnips, broccoli, spinach (?) and non fat-greek-yoghurt ( T wants some tuna with it, I´m not wholly convinced I want that too as of now) I´m kinda worried about the kcals of this.
Chicken breast with a spinach salad (spinach, carrots, parm, walnuts, olive oil, lemon) some breadsticks for T, he really liked the last ones I made.
Also baby C is laying at my feet and sleeping like a good boy! I love him so much, I never thought I could love an animal so much!! On that note, I´ll give him some more cuddles, have the carrots and then head to bed. T is already asleep, so maybe I´ll cuddle him a little bit too. He likes it a lot.
Good night peeps!
Todo tomorrow:
Grocery shopping
Send postcards T and me got for his fam on our trip to Italy
Donate blood
Make breadsticks
Make pizza dough
Make dinner
Wash the bed + Laundry
Sell K´s shit she left here
Look for jobs
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 84, Replies Part 1
1) “Time for vigilantes, if that wasn`t completely obvious I guess lol, and oh my, am I excited to see how he`ll get out of this pickle. “-  He’ll get by with a little help from his fri-… current unfortunate associates.
2) “Alright, right where we left, and the backup jet seems to not be igniting. See Koichi, this is why maintenance is so important, rockets can`t fly on the power of friendship alone, not at the moment at least.”- He doesn’t need to fly long, just angle himself enough far away to reach the landing spot, and his ‘Double-Jump’ method is sufficient to pushing himself just far enough along to reach that, even without the massive thrust his rocket mode allows. 3) “OH MY GOD IS THAT MIDNIGHT? IT LOOKS LIKE HOW MIDNIGHT DRESSES
WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS SHE HERE WHAT DREAMS HAVE TO DO WITH NOT BECOMING A SPLATTER ON THE GROUND?”- She’s here to be Koichi’s figurative deus ex Machina to ensure Pop is actually saved in the end, even if it would have been nice if the vigilantes had been on-the-spot competent enough to not need a professional’s aid to stabilise Pop. But then again, I guess Furuhashi wanted to highlight that there’s realistic limitations to what untrained amateurs can logically pull off trying to save somebody in a rescue service without any if the advantages of experience or medical training,. Koichi’s got enough versatility and training beaten into him to preform under pressure, but there’s no way to prep yourself for a surgical operation with a shoestring budget – even Knuckle clearly was trained on proper first aid whilst he was still operating as a hero before he turned to vigilantism. 4) “Also, are you going somewhere Koichi? I thought the idea was to not go splat, where are you trying to get to?”- The trick with learning how to take a fall is to pick the right landing spot. 5) “Go girl, if you get there quick enough you might make Koichi sleep a pleasant dream instead of agonizing to death on the ground after his fall.
Ohhhhh- so that`s what the tittle is about, I see…”- Well, her dreams, and Nomura’s, though he’s dead-set on turning it into a nightmare for Koichi….    (Vigilantes ch 79) 6) “Yeah, you know, like I said, Koichi could probably already be there if he was on his on. I don`t know what kind of equipment y`all carrying on that truck, but he probably can do without it. “- Koichi might be able to fly, but need needed some way to stick that landing with an unconscious passenger. “Still, that must`ve hurt like hell, I hope he managed to slow down a lot before hitting that thing, because otherwise his internal organs and bones won`t have a good time.”- It would be even worse for Pop, given her insides are presently in the midst of a revolt from her current passenger. 7) “Oh right, the self-destruct thing. Trust me, that`s the least of her worries right now, there`s a fucking bee in her brain. Tamao got extracted while her heart was stopped, I think Pop will be fine.”- It was one thing to remove the queen when it was agitated and wreaking Tamao’s body, it’s another thing entirely when said bee has been shot up with an unknown drug that’s making it go unstable and at risk of violently erupting if agitated too much – plus, Soga clearly doesn’t have Knuckle’s iron willpower of split-second decision making skills to support him in moments like this. 8) “You know, I wouldn`t call this a deus ex machina, but fucking hell Furuhashi, do you know you can set up the cavalry before it charges into the enemies? It would be a lot more exciting seeing Midnight coming here before she suddenly is needed”- This does deflate their ‘victory’ here somewhat, given that their efforts only proved to be halfway successful with saving Pop, and she still needed professional assistance in the end. On the other hand, I got the impression furuhashi was trying to send a message of how not everybody can be a hero, even with a lot of potential, prep time and a plan of action. There’s limits you run into, and at times like these, it’s ok to ask for aid, especially because it helps prove to them that not every hero and official would judge Pop as a villain despite her actions. On the other hand, it would have been nice if Koichi had come to that realisation himself organically, and called Midnight for aid… or maybe even have has Pop’s singing group to contact her for him in case things turned out of the worse 9) “This was supposed to be Koichi`s sink or swim, there were no heroes that he could trust on, no allies besides those criminals with a warehouse, this was supposed to be the point where the lines were blurry between good and evil, since they were about to do something that, although necessary, is pretty fucked up. And then you show up.
And now we have a hero that not only has an ability that can calm down pop, but is willing to help with no questions asked.”-  Granted, Koichi’s efforts were still necessary to actually get Pop to a location where Midnight could help subdued the bees within and away from Nomura’s control, but it would have been better if Koichi had had the foresight to relaise this was going to be an outcome they’d need to deal with, remembered Midnight’s subduing scent quirk from that pub crawl, and discreetly arranged with her to meet up here once he’d gotten Pop out of the line of fire himself, in a way that didn’t direct unwanted attention into Midnight interfering with another Pro hero’s arrest of a villain and lets Midnight handle the part of saving Pop that Koichi and crew aren’t equipped to handle themselves. 10) “And that raises the question of why it hasn`t done that already? Knuckle saved tamao because he acted fast, once her heart was stopped he immediately removed the bee, but Pop here- jesus, she got shot down, Koichi run away with her, flew up and then crashed down and now we`re talking about removing it. The Parasite is trying to charge overtime it seems.”-  Tamao’s body still had bees and other options to use and she was ‘controlled’ by the Queen throughout the whole mess, but Nomura’s shot has effectively disrupted the Queen’s control and rendered it unstable, unable to fully control either Pop or itself, thus giving the kids a larger window to either extract or neutralise it.     (vigilantes ch 80) 11) “Yeah I truly believe that one, alright… Suuuuure. I`m shiver in me timbers over the possibility of Pop dying here, because Furuhashi would most certainly do that, right. sure.”- Well, she sure didn’t get off easy regardless… 12) “Yeah see. Pop is Twitching and and convulsing? Well, fear not, here`s the one hero that can put her to sleep with her quirk, who just so happen to also be completely onboard with everything.
So much for “we can`t trust the heroes on this one””- Well, to be fair, the majority of heroes who didn’t know Pop, they couldn’t cooperate with, and if they’d come close to actually taking Pop down, then Nomura would have sneakily detonated her before anybody knew what was up, so Koichi’s aid was still vital in getting her away from him and his ‘script’, but having Koichi independently rely on the allies he’s made so far would have made him some across as a better independent ‘hero’ than he does. Regardless, for his first actual act of heroism in the field, it wasn’t overall bad – if Knuckle had still been around, he could have probably taken over the bee extraction without Midnight, so I guess it’s to highlight that Koichi won’t automatically succeed at becoming a hero on his first attempt without adult supervision to help him out when he falters? 13) “Why you looked at him? When did you suddenly started looking up to Koichi for confirmation? “-  Soga’s the ‘technical’ leader of this band, but Koichi’s still the one actually being the hero, so it’s his call – especially since Soga’s well aware he ain’t hero material. 14) “HOLY FUCK IT WAS HIM
NOW, HOW DID HE GOT HERE SO FAST? I THOUGHT THIS ENDEAVOR COULDN`T FLY, DON`T TELL ME HE FUCKING POWER-WALKED ALL THIS WAY FURUHASHI”- I’m more interested in the random bystander he shoved out the way to reach them. Very crowed back-alley for what was supposed to be a ‘remote’ hiding spot they could safely extract the bee in. 15) “Also, endeavor just arrived, there`s no way he`s gonna let this go on, this is an absurd, and those people here are criminals on his eyes”- The good news is, with Puto out cold, Soga and co just look like some random bystanders helping out their drunk friend after a hard night’s drinking that were passing by where Koichi and Pop crashed down, meaning they have plausible deniability protecting them. 16) “You`re barking up the wrong tree Midnight, five minutes ago Endeavor wanted to turn her into a pile of smoldering ashes, I don`t think he`s just gonna let her go scot-free. This Endeavor would put her in handcuffs and ship her to Tartarus without batting an eye”-  That was when she was still an active threat and could be immolated under the flimsy excuse that she was a danger to others. Rendered unconscious and in critical condition, there’s no longer any justification for Endeavour to flame-broil her – plus, he’s presently more enraged against Koichi for accidentally hitting his ‘All Might’ button, so he’s got a more pressing target to go after than her. 17) “I bet he`s gonna eat that one. Just watch it.”- He might be more aggressive and confrontational than MHA-Endeavour, but this Endeavour still isn’t dumb enough to pick a fight with another pro hero that could devolve into a scandal over a situation that’s now basically resolved without any proof, so he just takes the obvious lie whilst he looks for Koichi himself. 18) “KOICHI PLEASE WHY ARE YOU CLIMBING THIS BUILDING RIGHT WHERE HE CAN SEE YOU
YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE BEHIND A WALL, WHY DO YOU NEED TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY”- He was actually hiding behind the giant inflatable landing pad they set up, which would have been the first place Endeavour checked out as being massively suspicious and wouldn’t have hidden him for long- seems he was taking the opportunity to stealthily slide up the nearest building whilst keeping an eye on Endeavour to know when to speed up before his attention was brought back to him.
19) “Now Koichi also learned how to teleport, or become invisible, because there`s no way he managed to climb that whole thing in the second it took for Endeavor to turn around.”- You can technically achieve both of those through the power of Turbo Fast. @thelreads
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Angry sex with Vinnie
So this is a very bratty reader and there is hitting in this I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING ABUSE! I can NOT stress this ENOUGH
But this might be one of my favorites I choose Bryce cus he’s problematic so it seemed realistic to me just imagine him and Addison aren’t a thing lol COVID DOESN’T EXIST IN ANY OF MY STORIES Covid makes me sad 😢 OK LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS ♥️🤌🥸
I’m almost done getting ready when I hear Vinnie come in the room. Vinnie and I are going to Jake pauls ( he literally has nothing to do with the story) party or one of the biggest parties in LA everyone gets shit-faced and either you have to crash there or you have to get a Uber. Needless to say, I'm scared shitless but I'm not gonna let Vinnie know that he's way too excited for me to bail on him. So I just keep getting ready and keep telling myself tonight's gonna be great, because it is gonna be great. Vinnie comes into the bathroom with his hair maintained and non-frizzy no matter how much I wanted to run my hands through it, I also knew Vinnie would KILL me so I resisted.
”Hey you,” I say with a smile ”Hey you look hot,” Vinnie says looking me up and down, I stopped and turned around with a straight face ”and absolutely breathtaking just say the word, and ill go ring shopping m’lady. Vinnie says with a shit-eating grin as he bows to me I smile ”well now that you mention it...” I place my finger on my chin pretending to think about it ” I would love a ring pop” I continue to do my make up as Vinnie chuckles. He walks up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips rubbing his thumbs on my dress before leaning into my ear
”you look amazing baby” he kisses the side of my neck ” I could take you right now,” Vinnie says in a deep voice. I turn around putting my hand on his chest ”don’t even think about it, I love you but we have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm still not done with my make-up.” I turn around again continuing to do my make up I feel a slap on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the hit ”such a brat.” Vinnie kisses your neck again before leaving the bathroom It's gonna be a long night.
Time skip to party
As soon as we pull up to the party a group of Vinnie's friends immediately take him away to play beer pong. I roll my eyes as I walk to Maddy and Avani, we get drinks and walk to the dance floor, about an hour has passed, and was done dancing and kinda just wanted to check on Vinnie. I stand up and tell the girls I'm gonna find Vinnie they nod and I walk in the direction he went when the boys pulled him away. Just more dancing people but no Vinnie, ok maybe the back yard I walk towards the back door and as I step out did I hear the most the last thing I wanted to hear ”KICK HIS ASS VINNIE” I hear people yelling ”FUCK YEA, GET HIM VINNIE ” I see Jordan and Kio high-five as they encourage Vinnie to beat the crap of someone. I run over to Jordan and Kio ”What the fuck is wrong with you guys stop him!” I screech at them Jordans head whips around with scared eyes as he runs to me and grabs me ”stop you didn’t see what happened and what Bryce said!” ” He fucking deserves it!” Kio yells kinda drunk.
Vinnie's POV
After the boys came and pulled me away from Y/n we played pong and shotgun a couple of claws (gross) before I know it I was feeling the alcohol. As I'm talking to Jordan and Kio I feel a slap on my shoulder ”ssssssup man” Bryce wraps his arm around my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath not that his slurring wasn't enough evidence to show he's drunk off his ass. ”hey bro what's up?” I ask
”not much but *burp* I do wanna tell you *hiccup* that Y/n looks like a million dollars tonight man” I look at him as I try to keep me cool knowing he's just drunk ”Like honestly dude*hiccup* if you weren't dating her I would totally hit it *hiccup* like her ass is perfect man, and her tits dude. Does she ever wear a bra I can always see her *hiccup* nips but it makes me so horny man?” Bryce laughs as he claps me on the back. I look at Jordan and Kio who look at me shocked, unfortunately for Bryce, I was far too buzzed to even think about what I was doing before my fist collided with his face.
Y/n’s POV
I push my way through the crowd and when I get to the front I see Vinnie on top of Bryce trying to curve his face in, both of his fists pounding into Bryce's face. ”VINNIE STOP” I scream immediately he stops and turns around seeing my scared face he stands up coming towards me but I walk past him going straight to Bryce and start to shake him. I hear him groan ”are you ok?” I ask as he slowly opens his eyes ”look I'm in Heaven” Bryce says with a wink before passing out all the sudden I'm being pulled up by my arm like a child. I look up to see an extremely angry Vinnie I could see him shaking with anger. ”ow Vinnie you're hurting me” I whine as I try to pry his hand off of my arm ”VINNIE STOP” I yell at him in front of everyone.
”YOU CAN’T JUST GET JEALOUS, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE! AND THEN YOU WANT TO DRAG ME OUT OF THE PARTY LIKE A FUCKING KID I THINK THE FUCK NOT!” I yell at him with sass. As soon as the words leave my mouth I see his usually sweet and loving eyes change before me becoming almost emotionless. They fill with absolute rage Vinnie narrows his eyes at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder holding my legs so I can't kick him.
”PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I pound my fists into his back and scream having an absolute tantrum, I'm so angry that I'm seeing red, not a few minutes later I was put on the ground.
Before I could push him away I was turned around and push against the car ”such a fucking brat!” He slaps my ass
”fuck you,” I say as I try to get my hands free I hear the car door open then the back of the seat being moved. Vinnie sits in the car pulling me I'm with him so I'm sitting on his lap and start to push on his chest to get away I know what's about to happen and I know it gonna hurt a lot. ”STOP YOU FUCKING BRAT!” Vinnie yells and finally holding my hands behind my back. Vinnie looks up at me and chuckles he holds my hands with one of his own, his other hand pulling on his belt wrapping my wrists together ”NO DON’T DADDY IM SORRY!” I say as tears start filling my eyes and my bottom lip quivers.
Vinnie looks up at me his eyes showing no emotion ”I'm not gonna hit you till I'm calm-” My eyes widen ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell as I try to get away even though I know I can't but I don't want a spanking. I know Vinnie won't touch me till we’re home and it's a long-ass drive at least an hour or two depending on traffic meaning I'm gonna be hot and bothered AND my ass is gonna be on fire. I feel a harsh slap on my right cheek I let out an involuntary moan grinding against him ”STOP talking to me like that.” Vinnie rubs my cheek turning my face towards him ”you’ve made daddy very mad and after your punishment, we will be having a conversation about tonight right now I need you to take your punishment like a good girl.” Vinnie says softly rubbing my cheek I know he's trying to make a point about my attitude and he’s somehow being so sweet. I wish I could say it was me being extremely horny and slightly tipsy but honestly, it was just my pride I don't wanna admit that I'm wrong, for talking to him like that and hitting him in anger, which I have never done before, I feel bad but still, the words came out.
”NO! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I shout right in his face Vinnie’s eyes lock with my own I gulp that was the last straw and I know it. All of a sudden my face is in the passenger seat my chest is against the armrest in the middle Vinnie puts his left leg over my legs so I couldn’t kick him or grind myself against him.
”D-Daddy don't please.” I sniff looking back at him with wide eyes ”I-i I'll be good daddy-” Vinnie lets out a dark laugh he then grabs a first full of my hair and yanks my head back I gasp ”I hope you cry.” Vinnie whispered in my ear before pushing my head back down ”Don’t fucking move or you get five more.” Vinnie lifts my dress so it's around my waist he ripped my underwear off throwing the ruined material on his dashboard. ”count” Vinnie demands ”How many-?” I start to ask ”DID I SAY TO FUCKING SPEAK!” Vinnie lands a hard slap on my ass
”OH FUCK!” I yell trying to get away ”thats 25 now.” Vinnie says as he pulls me back into place ”Now I said count, so fucking count slut!”
I feel the first one on my right cheek ”OW one” I said as I sniff holding my tears in. Another one SLAP! This time on my left I let out a cry as I try not to move an inch. ”TWO!” this time a tear slips out but Vinnie doesn't see it, his hand lands on my right cheek way more hard then the last one and before I could even cry he lands another one with the same power onto the left cheek. A sob escapes my mouth as tears fall down my face ”FUCKING COUNT OR USE THE SAFE WORD!” my heat throbs as he yells at me my arousal running down my legs. ”THREE FOUR!” I scream as a sob comes up my throat it hurts so bad but feels so good.
”T-T-TWENTY-FIVE!” I scream sob, my face soaked with tears and my wetness has been running down my legs, I could feel the puddle on his jeans. My ass is on fire and it's bright red with handprints all over the place, I have my head resting on the seat trying to calm down my breathing and crying. Vinnie silently runs his thumbs from the puddle on his jeans all the way to my slit, collecting all of the wetness from that thigh before sticking the digit in his mouth ”mmhm” he moans before doing the same to the other thigh, once again putting his thumb in his mouth again. I am however still sobbing ”you can cry all you want baby...” he kisses my red ass cheek ”you are just making me so much more hard.” Vinnie says before he licks my clit softly ”mmm daddy” I say with a small voice ”I’m still mad at you baby.” He says as he slaps my clit making me whimper ”please daddy” I try to grab his shirt with my hands.
Vinnie immediately pulls away so I can't touch him or grab him ”No, don't fucking touch me.” he says repeating what I said to him not long ago obviously, it had hurt his feelings and stuck with him. ”oh, daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.” I look back at Vinnie best I can from my position ”I really am sorry Vinnie, I love you.” I say with wide eyes making sure he is paying attention. He rubs my thigh ”I know you are brat!” he then slaps my thigh ”sit in your seat and buckle up I don't wanna hear a word.” he pulls his belt off and puts it in the back seat. A tear slips down my face, is he really that mad at me that he won't say I love you back, I crawl to my seat and fix my dress before I sit down soft and slow my behind still in major pain.
The pain makes me feel even worse knowing he's very mad at me I stare at my hands I didn't even realize I was still crying till he said something ”turn around baby let me see” Vinnie says softly. I look up at him and I sniff slowly I pull my knees up and stand on them and use the window for support as Vinnie pulls my dress up around my waist once again ”fuck baby I'm sorry” Vinnie says in a sad tone as he begins to leave light kisses on my cheeks ” I love you baby so much I'm just pissed at Bryce and then you were being a bitch about-” My eyes widen ” W-What? I was being a bitch! You dragged me around like a fucking kid!” I say angrily as tears run down my face ”you're a fucking asshole” I say to myself getting ready to sit back down but then I feel pain on the skin of my ass so much worse then before and it didn't feel like a hand.
A giant sob jumps from my throat and moaning I feel my pussy clench around nothing for the hundredth time this night. I whip my head around to see Vinnie holding his belt in his hand with an angry face and black eyes filled with lust and rage mostly rage. ”You never fucking learn, unless I treat you like shit so get in the fucking back! Don't say a goddamn word or I'll whip you with my belt again.” I gasp and I scurry between the seats my ass getting stuck between my seat and Vinnie's shoulder. ”My lucky day huh.” I feel him smack my ass a cry leaving my lips and I fall into the back seat my ass in the air. Another slap is delivered to my ass tears running down my face as I try to buckle up fast even with the pain in my behind, my makeup was definitely fucked up.
20 minutes later we pulled into a nice-looking hotel Vinnie grabs a napkin and hands it to me silently ”don’t say a word unless spoken to and just sit down till I come get you.” I nod as I wipe my eyes trying to stop the tears Vinnie steps out of the car and opens the back door on my side grabbing my hand and pulling me out after I unbuckle. I know this sweetness is going to be short-lived as it's just a front so people don't think something is actually wrong. Vinnie approach soon but first he turns around and asks how late room service is open ”24/7 sir” the lady says as she hands him two room cards.
”Perfect.” Vinnie says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the elevator the second the elevator door shut Vinnie grabs my neck and slammed me against the wall.
A loud moan leaving my lips ”i had to get the most expensive room so they wouldn't kick us out for all the screaming you're going to do from your punishments.” Vinnie licks my lips and cheek ”Open your fucking mouth!” he says immediately my mouth drops and my tongue falls out past my teeth. Vinnie spits in my mouth I moan loudly ”Swallow” so I did ”Again”
he grunts squeezing my neck and one of my boobs, my mouth drops open Vinnie spits but it doesn't all go in my mouth I shoot my eyes open looking down at the spit on the floor disappointed. I start to lean down ”Don’t baby I'll give you more.” I look up at Vinnie and grab his waist, a slap is delivered to my face ”I said don't touch me do you want me to spit in your mouth or not!” I moan dropping to the floor on my knees mouth open ”YES!” I say rushing to taste him again.
”I-I’m sorry daddy I won't do it anymore.” I say with puppy eyes my mouth open waiting for him to give me a gift. Vinnie looks down at me with a disgusted look tears fall from my eyes as I look up at him mouth still open waiting patiently. ”You're a nasty slut!” he slaps me before forcing my mouth open spitting inside. I moan at the taste and at the pain on my face I swallow reluctantly wanting it to last forever I then lick my lips and hold my cheek ”we’re the only people on this floor so strip and crawl to the room. Stay on your knees where you belong, for now at least”
He Pushes me to he ground It didn't hurt because I was only on my knees I take my dress off and my dra I go to kick my heels off
”Don’t! keep them on.” Vinnie says leaning down picking up my clothes as the doors open I see a long hallway and all the way to the end is a double door I crawl out and wait for Vinnie ”Come here, Now.” I crawl as fast as I can ”sit” my eyes widen I'm not a fucking dog I think to myself all the sudden I feel something around my neck.
Vinnie had fastened his belt around my neck like a collar ”Crawl bitch!” I gasp as my hands hit the ground we slowly move towards the door Vinnie behind me. I feel pain on my ass once again I whip my head around to see Vinnie whip my ass with my own bra. I moan I'm gonna have bruises for months, he hits my ass every once in a while I moan every time. We get to the door and he opens it with his key card. ”I have to run to the store you can shower if you wish and watch tv but I expect you naked and ready when I get back” Vinnie starts to walk away ”oh and don't touch your self, I'll know if you did.” he turns to me and looks down into my eyes before walking out.
I hop in the shower and then I lay on the couch with a homemade ice pack I made, with supplies from the room and the mini ice machine in the room, pressed against my sore ass. It's been barely been an hour, but I already miss Vinnie. I can't wait for my punishment to be over so he will hold me and kiss me I don’t wanna fight, I wanna sleep. My head lefts up at the sound of the door being opened. ”Get on the bed it's time for your punishment.” Vinnie says as he comes in with a couple of different black bags I Eye them suspicious of what's inside.
”Don't worry about it and lay on your stomach.” Vinnie says in a slightly angry tone I rush on the bed and lay my head in a pillow I feel Vinnie slightly sit on my lower back making the bed dip. All of the sudden my hand is being tired to the headboard then the other he gets off me before doing the same to my legs. I'm spread like a starfish and I can't turn my head to see anything. ”scream and cry all you want I don’t care.” and with that, he gets off me not a second later I hear him fiddle with the bags and then silence then I hear... Buzzing?
My eyes widen as I realize what my punishment is ”NO DADDY PLEASE I-I IM SORRY NOT THAT PLEASE!” tears immediately pour down my face I pull at my restraints even though it's useless. ”Maybe you will listen first then run your loudmouth Brat.” I feel the head of the vibrator enter me and I moan immediately pleasure runs through me I hear another vibration and then out of nowhere, Vinnie pulls a smaller vibrator out and positioned right at my clit. I moan even louder I can feel my first orgasm approach. I feel a slap on my ass ”n-no more daddy please I will behave and l-listen.”
I sob as he delivers more smacks to my overly sore ass my orgasm ripping through me another already on its way. I hear Vinnie start to look in the bags again he pulls my hair back ”see this” Vinnie shows me a stick or so I think. He pulls on one of the ends and it comes off releasing a bunch of leather strings my eyes widen in fear he's gonna whip me with a real sex whip my second orgasm making me shakes and convulses almost pushing the vibrator out. Vinnie pushes it back in all the way before he starts whipping my ass with the whip my third orgasm approaching fast ”AAAH MAKE IT STOP VINNIE IT’S TOO MUCH TO FAST!” I yell tears running down my face
”what’s that? turn them on high! ok whatever you say.” Vinnie chuckled deeply ”Nooooooo” I moan as the vibrations make my third orgasm be forced out I scream nonsense orgasm after orgasm driving me crazy.
-two hours later-
I was sobbing and screaming as another orgasm ripped me apart it feels so good but it hurts to breathe at this point. ”CORN MUSTARD” I yell the safe word. Immediately the vibration stop and are pulled from my body Vinnie unties my hands and feet ”BABY ARE YOU OK” he softly turns me over on my back and I hiss in pain everything hurts ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell not meaning a word of it ”oh baby I'm so sorry-” I push him away I'm not even mad at him I'm just in pain and still unsatisfied ashamed I still want his dick and his mouth on mine I feel a Slap ”WHY CAN’T YOU FUCKING LEARN??!? DO I HAVE TO HURT YOU WITH MY COCK AND WORDS TO MAKE YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” he slams his rock hard cock into me I didn't even know he was naked till now ”UGH I HATE YOU.” I yell
Vinnie stops and pulls out of me he slams back in making me moan ”FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU’RE A SLAVE FOR MY COCK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Vinnie yells as he slaps my face. Begin to moan uncontrollably it feels so good I can feel him in my belly his big ass cock ramming into my uterus. ”FUCK DADDY IM SORRY I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU I DON’T HATE YOU I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH DADDY! IM YOUR SLUTTY WHORE PLEASE PUT YOUR CUM IN ME AND FILL ME UP, DADDY” I was shaking around his cock his breath in my face I just wanted to taste him so bad ”p-please kiss me daddy.” Vinnie looks down at me ”WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I KISS YOU BITCH, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS TONIGHT!” I sob I just wanted to feel that he loves me I feel so stupid and useless right now. The sobs no longer from the pleasure but from my broken heart Vinnie slows down looking at my devastated face as real emotional tears and gasps left my body as I just laid there.
”b-baby?” Vinnie asks still pounding into me he stops still inside of me I look up at him and hiccup ”y-you don’t love me anymore because I said a-all those nasty things I d-didn’t mean it a-and you hate me now” I cry into the pillow Vinnie grabs my face wiping all of my tears and kissing me on the lips sweet and passionately taking my breath away.
”mmmmm” I moan into his kiss sliding my tongue in his mouth putting my hand in his hair and hugging his body close to me I was drooling at his taste kissing him harder and grinding against him. I feel Vinnie smile as he begins to fuck me again this time with passion and love not anger and resentment. We both are kissing sloppy and moaning into each others mouths as he pounds into me.
”FUUUUCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM GONNA CUM” He moans as he cums deep inside of me causing me to release ”DADDY YESS THANK YOU IM SORRY.” I lay there as Vinnie pulls out my head snaps up ”Nononono I want it.” I open my mouth for his slightly stiff cum covered cock.
”fuck such a nasty girl...” he moans as he puts his cock down my throat choking me
”mmmmm baby I forgive you, you’re so perfect in every way.” he moans taking his soft cock out of my sucking mouth I start to whine but Vinnie pops his finger in my mouth keeping me busy still I pass out.
Vinnie’s POV
”My sweet girl.... No more alcohol for you but I do love you very much you have never been so bratty.” I kiss her lips and turn off the light's pulling my brat closer as I snuggle into her neck I couldn't ask for more.
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Hot take: I unapologetically like John Walker, like, not even in a "he is morally gray and interesting" kind of way. He was brave and had good intentions, he just wasn't as quick to search for peaceful solutions and had several realistic flaws such as being insecure, ambitious and quick to follow orders for the establishment. Most people (on tumblr) just hate him because he is white so he must be evil or symbolically represent male white priviledge or something, because he didn´t romanticize terrorism as the writers made Sam start doing, and because he “unfairly” got the shield (The shield the dumb ass writers made Sam DECIDE to give up so they could have that sweet drama? THAT shield?). People say that Steve Rogers would have never done what John did, not even after his literal best friend was killed in front of his eyes, ehem... did we even watch the same movies? Did everyone just forget about that scene in Civil War after Tony tried to kill Bucky?
His reasons for murdering that terrorist  guy that took part in the killing of his best friend and for wanting to apprehend a potentially dangerous group were waay more understandable than any of Karli's actions AFTER she started killing innocent people "to send a message" while still claiming to have the moral highground instead of, you know, keep stealing and distributing food and medicines like they were exclusively doing at the beginning or something.
I get that it sucks the writers made the flag smashers the villians (I hate what they did with the good hearted and idealistic Sharon Carter as well), I myself would have prefered if Karli had been writen as an anti-hero or even new hero who teams up with Sam and Bucky, maybe the flag smashers could have been divided into different factions, some more extremist than others, and a government guy could have been the real or worst villain, but that sadly didn't happen. The moment they wrote her blowing up that building full of unarmed people though, she was a self-righteous murderer just like Zemo, which would have been fine if that was the point of her character.
 I was very irritated by the way the show writers, via Sam, tried to minimize her actions and make us feel sorry for her, dehumanizing the people she had killed in the process. We barely ever see her victims, they are mostly faceless entities who don´t matter in comparison to “poor well intentioned baby Karli”.
 If the writers wanted to send the audience a message about “doing better” for refugees they could have done so by making the flag smashers the heroes that have been unjustly framed for the terrorist attacks (Which would have been an AMAZING plot twist), or writing them to be more complicated by making most of its members stand against the extemism of certain factions of the group, or by showing the good things they do, making them fight armed guards only. They should NOT have made terrorism seem “cool” and “trendy”, the deaths of civilians “necessary”, and the terrorists the “real” victims of... *gasp* being called... terrorists! The poor babies, noo, so offensive! The correct term is freedom fighters, nooo! 
Needless to say, the woobification of the poor baby terrorists didn't work for me and I wasn't exactly horrified by Karli´s death or impressed by Sam´s corny victim blaming speech where he doesn´t actually give any practical ideas on how to solve the refugee crisis caused by the snap but sure does love to say the government officials all, indiscriminately (Maybe AOCortez or someone was there? I mean, idk), deserved to feel powerless as hostages because that, apparently, will make them sympathize with the people that made them fear for their lives instead of, I don´t know, seeing them as way too unreasonable to negociate with??
Now, I would have preferred for John Walker´s actor to play Lemar and viceversa, because I get that black characters get killed to motivate white characters far too often, so it would have been nicer to see it done the other way around for once. For John Walker to be the new flawed yet good hearted war veteran who has to redeem himself after making a huge mistake born out of pain for the loss of his friend, someone who has to develop and learn different tactics other than violence in order to defend people, someone who has to learn to question the status quo... and he just happens to be black like Sam. Their rivalry would not be even implicitly about race, but exclusively about differences in methods and about who gets the Captain America legacy. We could still have Bucky hating on him, the funny rivalry moments, no changes.
But sadly the writers needed a character to represent the white that didn't deserve Sam's shield but only got it for his race, or for looking similar to Steve, which is an important theme, but one that was perfectly explored already with the plotline about the original black supersoldier who was erased from history, and one that didn´t work for me because they made Sam give up the shield willingly BEFORE it was given to John, a war hero, so all I am getting is that simply being chosen for something important and accepting it because you think you can do the job, wanting justice for a friend, and not trusting terrorists to change their murderous ways is what made John “less than” Sam and Bucky.
I guess what I am trying to say is that John doesn´t deserve half the hate he gets and maybe if the writers had changed his race from the comic books then his character would have suffered less from being placed into a specific “personification of white male priviledge” box here on tumblr. No offence to the actor though, he was great.
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yandere-daze · 4 years
How about Yandere Giorno w/ fem s/o who’s a stand user like at first she planning to escape then she get caught and that’s when she start to fight back, like almost the same thing like koichi did with yukako XD (episode 9) but of course he win the fight. That’s what it came out of my mind 👉🏻👈🏻
Ooooh I like it!! Thank you for the request!! <3
This ended up being way longer than I intended lol
Cut for length!
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Yandere! Giorno with a stand-user s/o that tries to escape
You were tired, so very tired. Your body felt as if it was going to give out at any moment now. You were barely able to pay attention to the young man that was standing in front of you, your mind fading in and out of consciousness. The situation you were currently in was dire and you were absolutely overwhelmed. The blond-haired man in front of you seemed to notice your stressed-out state because his brows slightly furrowed as his face showed clear concern for you as he softly grasped your right hand.
“Is something wrong caro/cara? You look unwell”, his voice carried a hint of worry as he raised your hand a bit further up while moving his head in the opposite direction, his mouth soon making contact with the skin of your hand as he placed gentle kisses on the back of it. You felt your insides squirm uncomfortably as he trailed his lips lower, peppering kisses all over it before coming to a stop at your ring finger. He then looked up to stare directly into your eyes, a look on his face one could only describe as love-struck, as he then leaned down once again to place a final kiss on the golden ring adorning your finger. Giorno, your captor, closed his eyes and let out a hum in contempt before slowly letting go of your hand once again, taking back his own hand that carried the same ring as yours. As you let your hand fall down to your side once again, it felt heavier than ever, the figurative weight of the ring almost pulling you down and on your knees. You felt a knot form in your stomach as the reality of what the ring really implied settled in once again.
“Are you feeling better now y/n? It´s not good to be this stressed out on the happiest day of your life”. After a second of silence he then added;
“OUR life. After today we will never be apart again, I promise you.”
Yes, you knew how true his statement was, after all Giorno wasn´t one to make empty promises, he was always serious about what he said.
Just a few months ago, a blond-haired stranger promised you he would do anything to ensure your safety. Now, you were in the possessive arms of your “fiancé”, almost getting crushed from the sheer force of his protectiveness. You spent most of your days in a luxurious golden cage that he liked to call your home. You were never alone here, even when Giorno had to leave because of his work. Even though he never directly told you, you knew that there were guards loyal to him, hiding in the shadows. And though you weren´t ever able to see them, you could always feel their gazes on you, silently watching you from a distance. To say it was unnerving was an understatement. And of course, you weren´t allowed to leave. Oh, how desperately you wanted to leave! Giorno had mercilessly ripped you from your previous life, from your friends and family and you wanted to go back to the people you loved so dearly. But there was no reasoning with Giorno, he insisted that he took you in to protect you and to care for you, that he would never wish any harm onto you. And that he loved you. Oh, how often he had repeated these three simple words.
“I love you.”, he had whispered before knocking you out at the front door of your home.
“I love you.”, he had said before forcefully stealing your first kiss from you.
“I love you.”, he had proclaimed before going down on one knee and proposing to you.
You had had no chance to refuse in any of these scenarios, only being able to stare at him in fear as you stood motionlessly. In all of these moments, all you wanted to do was disappear from his sight and flee, never going back to him. How you wished that he had never noticed you that one fateful day when you grabbed a scoop of ice cream from your favorite parlor. You yearned for your freedom and the outside world but he seemed intent to keep you locked up. And as the day of your supposed wedding had grown closer and closer, you too had grown more and more desperate to escape. And one day when Giorno was off to work again, something truly bizarre had happened to you.
As you were blankly staring into the bathroom mirror, tears running down your face as you contemplated your hopeless situation, you suddenly heard a high-pitched screech. Whipping your head around, you weren´t able to see the source of the noise until you heard light scratching noises from the left shelf. Carefully making your way over there, you wondered what could possibly be in there. After all it should be impossible for anyone to get in here! Standing in front of the shelf you were surprised to see what looked like…. a bat? Only it was bigger by a good amount and the fur on it´s belly was littered with little heart symbols. Okay so that was definitely not normal. What was going on here? You were tempted to take a step back but as soon as you slightly moved your feet the bat looked down and promptly fluttered it´s wings before taking flight and… oh god it was heading towards you! What were you supposed to do here?? But while you were wondering about what to do, the bat flew right at you and landed on your shoulder as it lightly started to nuzzle your face. It´s soft fur slightly tickling you, you were once again thrown for a loop as it´s shape started to rapidly shift. It´s wings stretched out and grew longer while it´s head also changed size. It had happened so fast that it took you a moment to realize that it seemed like the strange bat-like creature had wrapped itself around you like a sort of cloak. But your earlier surprise couldn´t possibly compare to the pure shock you felt when you looked back into the mirror to see…nothing. Absolutely nothing. You were able to see the wall behind you and the shelf but it was as if you had completely disappeared, as if you were…. completely………invisible. Invisible?! Was that true?! If that truly was the case then could you possibly use this to your advantage to finally escape this cage you were in and go back home? You couldn´t help your excitement at the prospect that you started to jump up and down only to notice that all of your jumping hadn´t caused any kind of sound to appear. Walking back and forth you noticed that all of your steps were completely muted. It was as if you were a ghost of some kind. Wanting to test out this new strange “ability” of yours further, you headed out of the bathroom, noticing the little sound the handle made as you pressed it down, the door opening with a little screech. Huh. So only your steps seemed to be silent, all other sounds still occurred as they normally should. That was good to know. As you ventured out further, you decided to leave your room and headed into the hallway. Looking around, you saw one of the many maids that worked here in the mansion sweeping the floor while whistling a cheery tune. It aggravated you how these people could just carry on with their normal life and pretend nothing was wrong when they all knew that you were trapped here without your consent. They knew how you suffered, how often you had sleepless nights as you cried into your pillow, the one they had to wash, and yet they seemed not to care at all. If you were honest though, deep down you knew that they weren´t the ones to blame. That damn Giorno was. He took you from your old life without any concerns and shook of your cries and complaints as if you were just being unreasonable and confused. Realistically speaking, the people working here probably didn´t have any other option, how were they supposed to defy the Don of the mafia? Deciding that there was no more time for such useless thoughts, you shook your head as you thought about what you were going to do now. Taking a gamble, you practically ran in the direction the maid was currently working in, feeling a rush of excitement as she didn´t even look up from her work as you soundlessly approached her rapidly. Coming to a stop in front of her, you waved your right hand in front of her face but she kept ignoring you. So, you truly were invisible? It´s not a dream? Right in this moment you could cry tears of joy. So there was still hope for you to escape this hell?! As you internally celebrated your small victory, you almost jumped in surprise when you suddenly saw Giorno walking through the hallway, seemingly wanting to visit you in your room. As you wondered why he had returned so early you scrambled to run back into your room, not wanting to see what might happen if he saw that you weren´t there. You didn´t want him to further restrict your freedom, then you would have no chance to get away, even with this invisibility-ability. As you came to a stop in “your” room, you then soon came to realize that you didn´t know if it was even possible for you to become visible again. And what if you weren´t able to become invisible again after this? Panic filled you but as you saw the door handle begin to move you felt a weight on your shoulders lift. The coat fell from your form, shrinking again and shifting form before turning back into the bat from before and then suddenly disappearing into thin ear. But you weren´t able to think over what happed just now as the blonde stepped into the room, a smile on his face. And as he led you somewhere else, deep in your mind the desire to escape started to take root. You knew it was possible and you had to do everything you could to plan your escape. You would use the following days to prepare for it.
Later, you found out with quick relief that you were indeed able to go invisible again, just simply wishing for it seemed to do the trick. And even when you were visible, the bat really seemed to like to being around you. The little animal spent most of it´s time hanging onto you, no matter if it was your shoulder, your back, your arm or even your head, quietly falling asleep on you in the process. You had to admit it was kind of cute and you were grateful for the company it offered, even if it wasn´t able to communicate with you. Well actually, that didn´t prove to be exactly right. You already knew bats used echolocation to coordinate and find things but it stuck you as especially particular when you found out that you were able to see abstract pictures in your head of what the bat was able to locate. You weren´t able to tell the difference between different people or anything of the sort but you could see moving, big objects in your head. You were confused as how this came to be but decided to just accept the fact that this was happening now and started to embrace this new ability. You decided to use this to your advantage in preparing your escape, sending out the little bat to scout out the mansion without having to actually leave your room and thus preventing any suspicions. As it turned out, no one except you was able to see the bat so you deemed it the safest method. Though you soon found out that you weren´t able to use the echolocation while you were invisible. You guessed that there just HAD to be some kind of restriction to your ability.
 You were startled from your thoughts of the past, back into the present day as your fiancé gently grasped your cheeks and rubbed them in what you assumed was supposed to be a comforting manner as he once again had a worried look on his face.
“Y/n are you really sure you are alright? Maybe you need to rest a bit? It wouldn´t do us any good for you to be unwell on the day of our wedding. Let me grab you a glass of water.”, Giorno said as he hesitantly let go of your face to presumably get you something to drink. Looking left and right you saw that you were completely alone now. Was this your chance? After all, after you two were married against your will you didn’t think you would have any time alone anymore. Also, you wanted to prevent a “wedding night” at any costs. Just thinking about it made you shudder in disgust, a chill going down your spine. While he might be looking forward to it; in fact, he TOLD YOU that he was; you wanted anything but that. So, deciding to set your plan in motion you called out to your bat-friend, which soon appeared and settle onto your shoulder. Nodding your head, it seemed to get what you were trying to say as it hopped of your shoulder and started to fly past you and down the hallway. You soon concentrated as the abstract images started to appear in your head as your mind processed the information it was getting sent. Due to the wedding preparations, everyone was in disarray and scurrying around the place, no one was at their usual position and with absolute glee you found that someone had left the door to the outside open in a hurry to probably carry out one of Giorno´s orders. Seeing that this was the perfect chance for you, you called back your bat and as it flew past the kitchen, detecting some kind of movement in there, you mentally already celebrated your freedom. You were so close to getting your old life back, you could hardly contain yourself. Holding out your arm for the animal to settle on, you saw the ring that still adorned your hand and settled your gaze onto it with a frown. It was a symbol of Giorno´s possessiveness, something you wouldn´t need anymore after this. It was a beautiful ring but you weren´t going to accept any of the gifts he had gotten you. You were your own person and didn´t need a reminder of the dark time spent with him. So, with one quick forceful tug, you pushed the ring off of your finger and let it fall to the ground.
The ring made a semi-loud sound as it hit the ground but at this point you couldn´t care anymore. You felt an immense sense of relief as you saw it there, feeling as if a huge weight had just been lifted from you. Looking down at your hand you saw that the ring was now replaced by your dear bat-friend that had flown to you in the meantime and settled onto your hand. Giving it another nod, you watched as it once again started to transform, it´s wings stretching out and slowly wrapping around you, as you started to grow invisible.
Thud thud thud
You heard fast footsteps approaching you, getting closer and closer as the sounds kept growing louder. But looking at your reflection in the gem of your engagement ring on the ground, you weren´t able to see yourself anymore. The process was already over. You had won. You were free.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you sped up and ran towards the door you previously saw in your head. You the saw who the source of the footsteps was: Giorno. He held a glass of water in his hand, just as he had promised you but there was a sense of urgency in his steps as he approached your former location. Seeing him one last time, you couldn´t help but let a grin slip on you face as you sarcastically waved at him while mouthing “Bye bye!” at him. He obviously wasn´t able to see it as he mindlessly ran by his object of obsession, but right now you just wanted to be petty.
After having to endure his presence for so long and being locked up in this golden cage, you wanted to see his reaction when he realized you were gone. You wanted to see that smug and satisfied expression turn into one of panic as he couldn´t find you. So for a moment you stopped in your tracks to see the whole thing unfold.
His fast steps slowed down as he came to the place you conversed at before, only to see that you weren´t there.
“Tesoro? Where are you dear?”, he called out, his voice slightly wavering. He then proceeded to turn in every which direction, frantically scanning his surroundings with his eyes.
“Y/n? Y/n answer me! Where are you?!” Now he sounded truly panicked and you couldn´t help but be delighted in the sound of that. All this time, Giorno had never really been too emotional with you, being annoyingly calm all of the time, even when you screamed in his face or cried your eyes out. Sure, he looked a bit concerned but he always used to tell you that there was no reason to be upset. That you were being irrational, too emotional, unreasonable. That everything was fine. But seeing him look around frantically now? Well you didn´t deem yourself a sadist but it felt you with a sense of pure satisfaction.
With a slight jolt, you noticed the now shattered glass on the ground, the water spilling out on the floor in a puddle. Giorno was now kneeling down, as he shakily reached down and pulled his hand through the shards of glass, seemingly not caring about the blood that was now staining his hand. His hand then came to a stop as he grabbed at something and picked it up. Seeing the familiar golden material in his hand, you recognized it to be your engagement ring. Upon seeing the object, Giorno´s whole body started to shake as he let out heavy breaths. From where you were standing it looked like he was about to lose it, no doubt in despair thanks to realizing that you had thrown away the ring that he had so graciously given to you. You felt no regret.
Then he started to turn around and you were expecting to see pain and anguish on his face but to your great surprise, all you could see was a deranged-looking smile and huge relief reflected in his eyes. Your eyes widened even more in both surprise and confusion as he then started to laugh out of nowhere. Was he really losing it now? Thinking that you had now seen everything you needed to see, you turned around again and started to run towards the door. You didn´t need to see him completely lose his mind now. You didn´t want to feel some strange kind of guilt in your stomach for seeing him in such a state. You realized how dangerous a feeling like that was so you wanted to get away as fast as you possibly could now.
“Y/n….oh y/n. I´m deeply hurt but also so glad you threw away the ring! Don´t worry I will be with you soon. You can´t hide from me!”, you didn´t know what he meant you felt that it promised no good so you picked up the pace.
“Gold Experience!”, you heard him shout behind you and asked yourself if he was really gone now. No matter, you would soon be gone.
Looking ahead once more, you saw that you were getting closer and closer to the door. Your ticket out of this hellhole of a cage you had to live in the past few months. Away from the controlling and possessive person that Giorno proved to be. You could finally be free again. You could go back to your old life, to your friends and family. All you had to do was walk through this door and-
You felt something pull your leg back as you promptly tripped and fell onto the floor. Your whole body ached and you rubbed your head as you looked down in confusion. You were trying to see what could have possibly caused you to trip like that. You felt your entire being grow stiff as you saw that a large snake had somehow wrapped itself around your ankle. You didn´t understand how this could have happened. Where the hell did that snake come from? And how was it able to see you? I mean it had to have seen you somehow, right? How else could it have found you?
Thud thud thud
You once again heard footsteps approaching you. This time the steps were thundering, almost frantic as you saw Giorno run towards you. This was bad. You had to somehow get this snake off of you and get away. But you didn´t really know a lot about snakes. Would it bite you if you were to move your leg now? It didn´t matter too much. You would gladly take that risk if it meant getting away from here. So you started to shake around your leg while trying to get the snake off of you, but to no avail. In fact, it only seemed to cling on tighter the more you moved around. It seemed insistent on not letting you run away.
When you saw Giorno come to a stop in front of you, you felt panic well up inside of you. He wasn´t able to see you, you reasoned with yourself. He would walk right past and once this snake stops being stubborn you could still get away. But Lady Luck seemed to have something against you today because Giorno slowly kneeled down so he was at your level. He reached out his arm almost hesitantly as he reached down to the spot where the snake had caught onto you. To your dismay, you felt his hand make contact with your leg, causing you to start trembling. No way. This wasn´t happening. Not when you had been so close to getting away. You tried to desperately shake your leg once again to possibly get rid of the snake but you felt Giorno´s grip on you tighten as you did so. Anxiously looking up in his face, you saw him sigh in relief, a smile on his face that quickly turned into a frown, disappointment now clearly visible.
“Tesoro”, he began with an edge to his voice, making you shake in fear. “I can´t believe you tried to run away from me. Why would you do that? Especially today.”
You just kept quiet, not feeling like giving him a response after everything that had just happened.
“Staying silent? Please that´s not going to help you now. I´m disappointed in you. I know you´ve been very…disagreeable in the beginning and I understand that it was a drastic change for you but I thought we had grown past that by now. You were so nice and sweet to me the last few days, was all of that just an act?!”, he raised his voice a bit at the last part. It was true, you had tried to be more docile and accepting of his advances the last few days to make him lower his guard.
“I don´t understand. Don´t I provide you with anything you could ever wish for? What more could you possibly need? Why would you try to run away and endanger yourself? You´re safe here with me, do you still not understand that? I love you so much y/n, I don´t know what I would do without you. What I felt when I saw that you were missing… I don´t think I have ever felt this sense of panic before.”, at this he tightened his grip once more as if afraid that you would disappear at any moment now. Trying to compose himself once more, Giorno took a deep breath before continuing.
“This invisbility- is it part of your stand? I didn´t know you had one.”
Now you were just confused.
“What´s a stand?”, you asked before being able to stop yourself. Shit, now he knew for certain that it was you. You really weren´t going to get away now.
“Yes, your stand. It seems to grant you invisibility. I too posses a stand and only thanks to that I managed to find you again. To think that you might have been truly gone. My heart aches at the mere thought of it.”
“But no more of that. I will think of an appropriate punishment later. Maybe giving you access to the garden was too tempting for you. For now, let us go back, alright? The wedding ceremony is starting soon and we wouldn´t want to be late for that now, would we?”
With that he took your hand and pulled you off the ground. As he slipped on the ring that you had previously thrown away you couldn´t help but notice something. As if fate wanted to mock you even more for your failed attempt to regain your freedom you made a quick observation.
 The ring you were wearing was now stained with the blood that spilled from Giorno´s hand.
I hope you enjoyed this one! Probably the hardest part of this was coming up with an appropriate stand. My thought process while creating this stand was mostly like: If I was trying to escape a kidnapper, what kind of stand would I want? And I thought invisibility would be nice! I did think about a name but I didn´t think it would make sense for reader to know the name of the stand when they don´t even know what stand are to begin with.
Tho a name that was flying around in my mind was “Haunted House”! Because of the whole appearing and disappearing like ghost thingy lol
Anyway hope you liked this!
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accioxreparo · 4 years
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light of my life
synopsis: All Fred wants to do is forget the war and everything that happened and he finds his perfect escape all the way in New York. In you. 
pairing: Fred Weasley x american!reader
warnings: mentions of the war, angst with a happy ending cause I refuse to have it any other way, also a slightly racy scene, there isn’t too much detail, it’s more implied
a/n: basically I’ve been making my way through @ickle-ronniekins masterlist slowly but surely and I know we’re all in a mood tonight but this was stuck in my head and it’s now noon four in the afternoon and I haven’t slept all night cause I was so focused on this whoops
Fred Weasley has always considered himself to be reckless. 
As a kid he’d sneak into the shed behind the house and steal one of the brooms they kept in there. It took four falls, a sprained ankle, and broken arm until he taught himself how to fly. 
When he and George started at Hogwarts he promised they’d make a name for themselves. One completely unlike their brothers. Only two days passed before they planted dungbombs all over the dungeons. The smell that lingered alone meant Potions was cancelled for the rest of the week. Sure they’d been given a month's worth of detention but they had people from every house congratulating and thanking them for just as long..
It was only their second year when they decided they were going to open their own joke shop after leaving Hogwarts. Despite all the setbacks they’d had over the years Fred had never been more sure of anything. Even his last year, as he and George sat in their dorm late the night before their escape, they were positive they were making the right choice. 
Maybe running a joke shop in the middle of a war hadn’t been the safest thing. Especially not when they were using the basement level as a safehouse for members of the Order. Maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to provoke the Death Eaters wandering Diagon Alley. But it’d been five months since the attack at Bill’s wedding and Fred had been just so completely done with seeing their stupid faces parading around every day while he worried about whether or not his family was dead. 
Finally he couldn’t help himself. A couple well placed tricks lured a fair bit of them to an ambush. Maybe if he’d thought it through a little, listened to the plan instead of going off on his own, their shop wouldn’t have been burned to the ground during the fight. He, George, Bill, and Charlie had taken out a dozen Death Eaters that day though so maybe, just maybe it had been worth it. 
Except his only remaining safe haven was gone. The war he wanted no part in had taken too much from him. His shop he’d spent years building alongside George. His family home that he watched burn down. His youngest brother who he hadn’t heard from in months. So yeah, maybe it made him just a little more reckless. A little more desperate. 
But he was Fred Weasley after all and things had a funny way of working out in his favor. He would go on raids and taunt the Death Eaters like there was no tomorrow, which he supposed in a way there wasn’t. He was on the run for months but never once had he even been close to getting caught. 
There was a war raging and even though the life he’d always known had gotten ripped out from under him, there he was. And by Merlin did it make him feel unstoppable. When the Battle of Hogwarts came he stood tall and confident, a smirk gracing his face. He was Fred fucking Weasley. He was reckless and invincible. 
But then he died. 
Well, almost. 
One moment he was laughing at whatever joke Percy of all people had made and the next...well he wasn’t too sure what happened the next. He remembered bricks, a lot of them, and the sound of people screaming his name. Flashes of black, emptiness mingled with...had those been fireworks going off above the school? They couldn’t have been. He remembered not being able to breathe, this crushing feeling surrounding him until suddenly...it wasn’t. 
There was this strange gap in his memory before suddenly he was blinking his eyes open in the hospital wing. The tear stained face of his mother had been the first thing he saw. It was as each member of his family cried as they hugged him that he realized he may have been Fred Weasley but he was, in fact, not invincible. 
It took two days until Madam Pomfrey even let him sit up in his hospital bed. Another week passed where all he could do was think. Think and watch the aftermath of a Battle he’d missed play out around him. It was during that time that he came to a conclusion. 
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” 
His mum wasn’t too happy about it. It had only been two days since he was discharged and she was smothering him senseless. Though he supposed he could understand where she was coming from, she’d almost lost a son after all. Nevertheless it was a reminder of just that. A well meaning, nagging reminder that he had almost died. And he would have absolutely none of that. 
“I mean that as of tomorrow morning I will no longer be in this house,” Fred didn’t look away from where he was stuffing whatever useful items he could find laying around into a backpack. He wandered from the living room to the kitchen only to have his dad, Charlie, George, Ginny and Harry go uncharacteristically silent at his arrival. 
“And just where do you think you’re going to go?” Molly followed him into the kitchen, hands on her hips as she watched Fred stick some bottled up potions ingredients into his bag. 
“Anywhere,” Fred shot around, a grin on his face and a bottle of lavender sprigs in his hand. “Everywhere.”
“Sweetheart,” She didn’t notice the way he winced at the name. It was never a term he’d heard directed at him before. Dear, sure maybe every now and then. Troublemaker was usually the go to. But sweetheart? Never. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. Especially after -”
“After what? After you thought I had died?” Fred purposely ignored the way each one of them grimaced at his words. “That’s exactly why I have to go!” 
“Running off to who knows where? That’s your plan?” 
“I don’t have a plan. I just know -”
“Oh, even better!” Molly threw the dish towel in her hand down on the floor and pointed an accusing finger between everyone for a few moments before finally focusing on Fred. “You’ve always been the most careless out of everyone, you know. I will not let you -”
“Will you just listen to me!” All it took was a shout and a stomp of his foot for Fred to feel like a child again. He needed to be heard, though, and nobody was listening. Everything came pouring out all at once without him meaning for it to. 
“I’ve done nothing, mum! I can’t sit in this house, in this place, after being a breath away from dying and pretend like everything is okay! I’ve always thought I was daring and out there and sure, maybe a little careless but I’ve never even left this bloody town. I’ve gone from here, to the school, to the shop and back a thousand times over but never anywhere else. You know what that shop was? It was safe. It was what I knew. I loved it, of course I did. I still do and one day we’ll rebuild. But I can’t go back there after being at death’s door without leaving first because then there’s no point.”
The kitchen of the Weasley house had never been silent but it was now. Nobody dared to speak a word. The more silence that passed, the more Fred’s words sank in and the more everybody realized that maybe he had a point. Even if they didn’t agree with it all, who were they to tell him what to do? Who were they to tell him to stay put and do as he always had when he was clearly so desperate to go? 
A few minutes of tense silence and awkward glances passed before Fred finally sighed to himself, stuffed the lavender sprigs in his bag, and muttered, “I’m leaving tomorrow morning from King’s Cross if any of you care to see me off.”
The war hadn’t been easy for you. It hadn’t been easy for anybody, especially for the people dealing with the brunt of Voldemort’s attacks in England, realistically you knew that. Still, it didn’t stop you from firmly believing that the world was conspiring against you for a time. Now that all was said and done you prided yourself on having bounced back quickly. 
You’d been at the helm of several restoration projects at MACUSA and now just a short while later you walked through the streets of Mac Square with ease, a smile on your face. It felt normal. Traces of the battle that had happened there were nowhere to be found. There were no more piles of ashes. No more scorch marks and stains littering the sidewalks. No more ruins to clean up. It was as it had always been. 
Well, almost. 
Standing right in the middle of the Square was a giant display of dark granite blocks, names carved on every inch of the space. Wooden benches sat every couple of feet but hardly anyone sat on them. Everyone had been much too eager to get on with their lives, pretend the past had never happened. There you sat though, staring at the words etched at the head of the display. In memoriam. 
“What do you do here everyday?” The voice startled you. A laugh rang in your ears as you held a hand to your chest, a hopeless attempt to slow your heart rate down again. “Sorry if I startled you.” 
The person didn’t hesitate to sit beside you on the bench. He, like most people, paid no mind to the display. Instead he turned, placing one of his legs on the bench so he was facing you. It took a few moments for your breathing to return to normal and finally you looked at him. Quite frankly, he wasn't what you were expecting. 
He was around your age, quite tall and well built. His bright red hair was an odd length between short and long and rather messy. He was donning jeans, worn white sneakers, a Weird Sisters t-shirt, and a windbreaker jacket whose sleeves were currently pushed up. 
“Do you always sneak up on people like that?” You said after a few moments, not missing the smirk on the person's face. 
“I’ve been told I’m usually rather loud,” He shrugged easily and settled further into the bench. “You were just very concentrated on your staring.” 
“And it didn’t occur to you that maybe that was for a reason?” The faint smile on your face gave away how amused you really were. 
“Well you’ve been sitting on this bench for the last ninety minutes and I simply figured you were either dead, asleep, or in desperate need of a distraction. Lucky for me, it was the last one.” The person reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch. He plucked one of whatever was in there out and tossed it into his mouth, grimacing as he bit into it. 
“What you’re really getting at is that you've been watching me for the last hour and a half.” You gave in and turned so you were facing the person you had yet to learn the name of.
“No,” He shook his head and ate another one of whatever item was in the bag. Jellybeans, upon closer inspection. “I’ve been watching you for the past week.” Just as you were about to mention how bad that sounded he motioned towards the building behind you. “My flat is just over there and every day I can look out the window and see you sit on this very bench around lunchtime and stare at that wall. Why?” 
His forwardness surprised you. For a brief moment you debated telling him. But he was a stranger, after all, so you decided against it. “Are you always this brash?” 
The stranger didn’t hesitate. “Unfortunately for you, yes.” 
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Then I’ll tell you,” He popped another jellybean in his mouth and nodded. “As long as you promise to tell me why you sit in front of this wall every day after.” 
“I’m not promising you anything. Not without knowing your name.” 
Your statement seemed to please the stranger and he smirked, offering you the pouch. You took a couple jellybeans but didn’t eat any just yet. Silence filled the air and for a moment this strange look flashed in the strangers eyes. It was gone as quick as it had appeared and soon he nodded. “I’ll make an exception but just this once.” 
“Oh how kind of you.” You offered him a smile because you recognized the look all too well. 
“Do I get to know your name at least?” He returned your smile, seemingly relieved to still have you as a distraction. 
“Maybe,” You shrugged and ate one of the jellybeans. Blueberry. “If you’re lucky.” 
“Fair enough,” The person grinned and ate another candy. He spit that one out quickly and made a disgusted face. “Liver.” 
“That’s your name? Liver?” Your smirk quickly softened when he laughed again. It was a sound you would be happy to get used to. 
“No,” He put away the pouch of jellybeans, having been put off by the last one he’d had the misfortune of biting into. “Though it’d be a fine name wouldn’t it?”
“If that’s your thing, sure.” 
He studied you for a few moments, staring in a way that had you wishing you could peer into that mind of his. “Fred Weasley.” 
The sudden beeping of your watch had you quickly standing up, pulling the bag at your feet onto your shoulder. “Well, Fred Weasley, it was nice talking to you but I have to get back to work. The members of the MACUSA Cabinet are sticklers for punctuality.” 
“Wait,” He, Fred as you’d found out, sat up on the bench and you paused your movements easier than you normally would have. “What about your name?” 
Something about him and the way he looked at you in that moment made you want to sit back down beside him, meetings be damned. You weren’t above toying with him a little though so you gave him another soft smile. “I said I’d tell you if you were lucky. Are you lucky, Fred Weasley?” 
Fred thought about what you were asking him. He thought of the countless things he’d gotten away with at school. Of all the fights he walked out of without a scratch. Of the fact that he was sitting on that bench at that moment talking to you. He grinned and finally nodded once, “I’d say so, sure.”
“Well then,” You lifted your bag higher on your shoulder and slowly took a few steps backward. “If you’re so lucky then I’m sure you’ll find me soon and I’ll tell you then.” 
You walked away in the direction of where the MACUSA offices were, a newfound ease to your every step. Meanwhile Fred watched you walk away, already wondering when he’d see you again, until you were just a blurry figure in the distance. 
After five hours of running up and down to different meetings the only thing you wanted to do was go home and sit. The last thing you were expecting to find was Fred Weasley standing in the middle of the lobby. Though you had to admit, he as a welcome distraction. He looked out of place, the jacket he’d been wearing earlier a stark contrast to all the suits and dress robes. 
“Told you I was lucky,” Fred pushed himself off of the pillar he’d been leaning on the moment he saw you step off one of the elevators. 
“I wouldn’t call it luck,” You sighed as you approached him, the two of you already making your way out of the building side by side. “Maybe good listening and decent investigative skills is more accurate.” 
“I’ll take it,” Fred laughed and held the door open for you as the two of you left the offices. He had no clue where he was going but he trusted that you did. “Now I believe the grand prize for my successfully locating the MACUSA offices was the pleasure of knowing your name.” 
You didn’t say anything though, not right away. The two of you walked at least three blocks before you looked around to make sure no one was looking and took out your wand. Fred watched as you touched a series of bricks and a portion of the wall faded away to reveal a new alleyway. He followed you without hesitation. 
The apartment buildings looked like every other complex he’d seen. Upon closer inspection though, they were each different. One had flowers painted all up and down the sides, enchanted so they were blooming. Another looked like a dozen single homes stacked on top of each other. Yet another had a phoenix watching over a playground, flying between a couple different buildings. 
You watched Fred spin around a few times, taking in everything that now surrounded him. There was a light in his eyes that you’d seen only a glimpse of that morning, one that held wonder beyond belief. It was going at full force now and you felt a strange desire to keep it there. “You hungry, Fred Weasley?”
“Ever heard of twenty questions?” 
“Can’t say I have, Y/N,” Fred answered through a mouthful of waffles. You’d told him your name on the way to the diner and he’d wasted no time in repeating it over and over to himself. He threw his head back against the vinyl booth the two of you were sitting in and made a satisfied noise. “Would you believe I’ve also never had breakfast for dinner. What do you think it is about nighttime that makes waffles so good?” 
“Forbidden fruit I guess.” 
“So how’s this game of yours work?” 
“Pretty simple,” You drank the rest of your coffee and moments later a pitcher came floating from the counter to refill your cup. As the cream and sugar mixed themselves into the coffee you reached into your bag and pulled out a pen, placing it on top of a napkin. “I ask you a question, you answer. Then you ask me a question and I answer. We keep going until all twenty questions have been asked.” 
“Where’d you learn this game?” Fred asked without thinking as he picked up his milkshake. The pen scribbled a single tally mark on the napkin and he quickly put down the large cup, shaking his head. “That doesn’t count!” 
“Afraid it does,” You laughed when he glared at the pen before turning back to face you. “We played it at the beginning of every year at Ilvermorny to make the incoming first years feel more welcome. 
“Ilvermorny.” Fred repeated what you’d told him, as if testing it to see if the word was real.
“You have heard of it, haven’t you?” It was your turn to frown when the pen scribbled down another tally mark. 
“I have,” Fred nodded but avoided your gaze, instead focusing on digging the cherry out from under all the extra whipped cream he’d insisted on ordering with his milkshake. “I just don’t think I’ve ever really realized what was out there in the real world.” 
“Well you’re here now,” The words left you without warning. They brought the smile back to Fred’s face though so you couldn’t bring yourself to mind. “Ask away.” 
And he did. He asked you about Ilvermorny and you told him basic things like your house and what it was like. You, in return, asked him about Hogwarts and all he’d told you about was his own house and the dozens of situations that occurred while he was there. An hour passed and the two of you had made your way through almost the entire game. Fred had ordered another milkshake and you had had two more cups of coffee. 
“Eighteen, what were you doing at the MACUSA offices earlier?” Fred leaned forward on the table, lowering his voice to a whisper as if you were swapping trade secrets back and forth. “You don’t seem like the government type. No offence.” 
“None taken,” You smiled before following his movements, leaning forward and accidentally spilling a bit of your coffee. “And if you must know I was meeting with the officials who are in charge of the classes taught at Ilvermorny. Now that restoration is complete I’m supposed to start teaching there again.” 
“So you’re a professor,” Fred’s response had come out as an observation instead of a question. He’d quickly mastered how to get around the pen marking every single thing he said as another tally. 
“Of sorts,” You gave a shrug and pushed your coffee aside. “Despite what they’ll have everyone believe the curriculum is dated at best and incompetent at worst. I taught myself more than any of my professors did and since then I’ve been working on rewriting the teachings of a school hundreds of years old so you can only imagine how that’s going for me.” 
For a very brief moment Fred thought of his last year at Hogwarts and all the times he’d snuck around for Dumbledore’s Army meetings. He thought of the fact that it was only the start of his career during the war. The lessons they’d worked on had come in more handy than anyone knew. He thought of...no. He refused to think about it any longer so instead he quickly shook his head and forced another smile onto his face. “I believe it’s your turn.” 
“Nineteen,” You didn’t notice Fred’s break in his own composure and thought to yourself for a moment as you dug a pile of dragots out of your bag and set them on the table. “Why are you here, Fred Weasley?” You quickly continued when you saw the smirk cross his face. “Here meaning America, not the diner with me.” 
He laughed at your clarification. The two of you had only known each other for a few hours at best and it already felt like you knew him inside and out. He liked the idea more than he cared to admit. 
“I needed a change after everything,” Fred shrugged, watching your face carefully for any sign of disappointment in his answer. He never found one though. Instead you looked at him, a soft grin on your face and maybe it was the homey feel of the diner or the colored lighting that softened your every feature or maybe even just the ease he felt while talking to you but he knew exactly what his last question would be. “Twenty, would you consider doing this with me again tomorrow?” 
Your answer came almost immediately. “Absolutely.”
Two months after that dinner at Red’s Diner, Fred was moving into your apartment in the Art District. Upon seeing the building that was yours, one with painted birds fluttering across the bricks, he’d told you it suited you with a smile. That night as the two of you were eating dinner at Red’s he kissed you for the first time, admitting to you in a quiet whisper that for the first time since he left home he felt okay. 
As much as you wanted to, you didn’t press the topic any further. You were comfortable around Fred and yet everything he did was wildly unpredictable in the best ways. Life with him was never boring and it was exactly what you needed. It had been a long time since you yourself had felt fine with your own life but with Fred it was so much more than that. He was home and you didn’t hesitate to tell him that. 
A month after he moved in you told him about the wall he’d first found you sitting in front of, the one meant to commemorate those who had died in the war. You told him about your own part in it, the fights that raged on for days in the biggest wizarding hubs in America. Despite what was believed, England wasn’t the only place invaded by Death Eaters. You told him about the names you stared at on the wall. Your best friend. Your little sister. Your father. Countless people you’d met at school. 
Fred held you close as you told him everything. You spoke so easily about what you’d gone through while he didn’t even dare think about what he had lived through himself. He came to the realization then that maybe you were stronger than him in ways he couldn’t even begin to fathom. It was after realizing that when he came to the conclusion that he loved you, completely and wholeheartedly. And he told you so. 
Three months after that was the first night you woke up to screaming. The moon was shining high in the sky and you’d been startled awake when Fred shot up in bed gasping for air, eyes wide and bloodshot. You were quick to reach for him but when the sound of your voice couldn’t bring him out of whatever trance he was stuck in you crawled into his lap. Your hands reached for his face, bringing his eyes to meet yours. The sight of tear stains on his flushed cheeks surprised you. So did the sudden realization that he was gripping his wand tightly in one of his hands.
“Hey,” You spoke gently, still cradling his face in your hands. “You’re okay, I’m right here.” It took a few minutes of your soft reassurances before he finally looked at you. He was brought back to reality and relief flooded his entire body. His wand fell out of his hand to the floor and he collapsed into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your frame as he buried his head in your chest. He shut his eyes and tried to keep his cries silent. “I’m right here.”
Two hours later Fred had managed to fall back asleep but he hadn’t let you go once. You were sitting against the headboard of the bed with his head in your lap, gently running a hand through his hair that had grown considerably longer. His breathing had evened out but you didn’t dare move him. A pain shot through you at the memory of him crying into your shoulder and you wanted more than anything to know how you could help him. Instead you were left wondering what it was that had woken him up and left him so scared. 
You were brought out of your own sleep the next morning by the feeling of Fred aimlessly drawing random shapes on the bare skin of your thighs with his fingers. He was considerably calmer now but when he looked up at you you knew he was still thinking about the previous night. 
“Did I wake you?” His voice was hoarse and the usual smile he wore every morning was nowhere to be seen. 
“No,” You lied. Fred needed your reassurance and you were more than willing to give it to him. “Been awake for a while.” 
Fred watched you for a moment as he tried to gauge how you were feeling. He hated being pitied more than anything else but there was no trace of the feeling on your face. A little bit of concern, sure, but that was to be expected after what he vaguely remembered putting you through. Mostly though you met his gaze with the same look of adoration you gave him every morning, one he usually returned. But at the moment his mind was hurtling out of control and never before had he had anybody at his side to deal with it alongside. 
He shuffled a little on the bed until he was more comfortably curled up into you. You felt like peace and that was something he was currently craving. “Can I -” He bit his lip and went silent, suddenly not sure if it was okay. “Can I tell you about it?” 
“Of course,” Your answer was automatic despite not knowing what ‘it’ was. You didn’t have to know, though. Nothing he could say, nothing that had happened, would ever change how you felt about Fred Weasley. You hugged him tighter to reassure him of that.
Several minutes of silence passed. The faint chatter coming from outside the window was the only noise that filled the room. It was almost cruel, Fred thought, the way everybody else went on with their Saturday morning while he sat there helplessly reliving that stupid war for the thousandth time. Finally with a shaky sigh he began telling you his story. 
“I saw it all happen.” You knew what he meant the moment the words left his mouth. 
“I can remember the night Harry yelled about you-know-who being back clear as day. I can remember him crying over Cedric Diggory’s body and the screams of his father when he saw that his son was dead. God, at the time I wanted nothing more than to be in that stupid tournament and I hate the fact that now I’m glad I wasn’t. I hated him, you know. Cedric. All because of a bloody game of Quidditch he beat us in. I’d give anything to take that back.”
You pretended not to notice the damp feeling soaking through your sleep shirt. Tears. 
“Nobody believed him. A boy died and nobody believed Harry. Instead we were all tortured for a year. The ministry likes to pretend they didn’t make it happen but there’s no other word for it. She made us write lines in our own blood, what else do you call it? And my dad -” He stopped, a particularly loud and shaky exhale leaving his body as he gripped you tightly. “He almost died that year all because nobody wanted to believe it. And George and I we’d just had enough of it, you know? So we left. For just a day everyone in that school was a child again and we made it happen. I don’t regret it, not at all. But maybe if we had stayed, maybe if we had made just a little more of an effort...maybe then my brother and my sister and our friends wouldn’t have had to fight off Death Eaters alone. They shouldn’t have had to, they were children. We all were. But nobody believed them and they were children and they watched somebody we cared about die that night. Why didn’t anybody believe them!” 
Everything you were hearing was new to you. Fred had told you about his family countless times, true, but never like this. He’d mentioned them by name a few times and told you stories about the summers they were all home but this? He had literally been in the middle of the war right alongside the Golden Trio you had heard so many rumors about. He was shaking, sobbing into your shoulder again and you had no idea what to say. So you settled for holding him, a silent promise that none of that would ever happen to him again, not if you had anything to say about it. 
It wasn’t until his breathing had evened once more that he worked up the courage to speak again. He swallowed thickly and his voice cracked but he powered through. Oddly enough a small weight had lifted off of his shoulders but there was still something holding him down. 
“I was never scared. I knew exactly what was coming. That’s why me and George opened the shop in the first place. Because people have to find hope somewhere after all. So we laughed and we made jokes and we made other people happy and that was enough. Death eaters burned down our house but we rebuilt it. Ron was poisoned by one of them but Harry saved him like always. Dumbledore was murdered by a professor at the school who we trusted but even then we were okay because we, the Order, knew exactly what to do. Not even at Bill’s wedding was I scared. They attacked and people were killed and others went missing but I wasn’t scared. I was furious. I was angry and I did everything I could to make sure those Death Eaters knew it. I was -” 
Fred stops again. He’s not hesitant because of a bad memory this time, no. He remembers the day he and his brothers fought the Death Eaters in Diagon Alley and what happened as a result. Shame burns through him at that moment. At the reminder of what he did. 
“I wanted them to go away, that’s all. It - It was war and you do desperate things and I didn’t mean to do it. But dark magic is hard to control, most of all a curse like fiendfyre. I’m the one who cast it and I put it out eventually but not before it reached the shop. I stood there and I watched it burn and I told George, Bill, and Charlie that it was the death eaters who cast the curse. They believed me. After that I fought and I ran and I laughed and fought some more and I was never scared, not once. Maybe that’s why.” 
You couldn’t help yourself. Fred had stopped talking but he wasn’t done feeling. That you knew for a fact. It’s what prompted you to ask, “Why what?” 
You didn’t even notice that you’d been crying yourself until Fred turned his head to look at you, frowned, and reached up to wipe away your tears. There was no hesitation in your movements as you leaned into his touch and gently placed your hand over his own. He looked only at you as he continued. 
“Why I died.” He paused once more to reach for your other hand, intertwine it with his own, and press a soft kiss to it, reassuring you that despite his statement he was still there in your shared room right next to you. 
“Madam Pomfrey told me after I was being particularly difficult one night. Percy had brought me to the hospital wing after the blast that knocked down that wall in the courtyard crushed me. She said she was the one who checked me herself. I was dead. She told my mum with tears in her eyes that I was gone and suddenly two minutes later I was opening my eyes again. I didn’t know why they were all crying. I didn’t know why they hugged me and kept repeating that I was alive. I didn’t process any of it until I woke up a couple nights later because I couldn’t breath. I was being crushed under the weight of a thousand bricks but I opened my eyes and there was nothing there. Only me and the dark room and flashes of every single thing that I had done during the war who’s ending I missed. That’s why I really left. Because that night was the first time I was scared. The worst part is that I wasn’t scared of the war that wasn’t even happening anymore. I was scared because I really thought I had accomplished a lot and it took dying to know that I really didn’t.” 
“Look at me,” You said after only a few seconds, once it was clear that Fred had finished telling you his story. He listened to you, sitting up fully and watching as you turned to face him completely. “You are here and well and I could not love you more. What was that thing you said. You made other people happy and that was enough. I’ve heard your stories, each one you tell with the widest grin. I’ve seen you play with those kids from two floors down and the smile you put on their faces. I absolutely know that even when things were dark you did everything you could to bring a little light into the world. And listen to me, Fred Weasley, that is way more than enough and I never want to hear you say or even think otherwise. Okay?” 
For a minute all he did was stare at you. He wasn’t quite sure what it was he was looking for but very slowly a soft smile grew on his face and he found himself nodding. Then without warning he launched himself forward, held your face in his hands, and kissed you. It was hard and passionate and filled with a thousand emotions. He was positive then, as the two of you moved together, wrapped in a blanket of love and reassurance, that he never wanted to leave your side. You were the one who made his world good. You were the one who made him feel better and loved beyond belief and that was really all he could ask for. 
The door of your apartment slammed shut behind you and almost immediately you were pushed against the wall. Frantic, wandering hands quickly removed Fred’s jacket and unzipped the front of your dress. Even in between heated kisses you could still taste the chocolate malted milkshake he had drank at Red’s earlier. A laugh escaped you at the fact as you gripped the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. 
“Why are you laughing, this is a very serious moment,” Fred asked, a smile playing on his lips as he slipped the dress off your shoulders. 
“No reason,” You shook your head, kissing him once more as you unbuckled his jeans. Another laugh soon escaped you when he nearly fell over trying to get them off. 
“You’re so mean,” He teased, pulling the long sleeve shirt you’d been wearing underneath the dress off. Then he glanced at the thigh high boots you were wearing and sighed. “Darling, I really do love the sight of you in those boots of yours but they are such a hassle to get off at times like this, you know.” 
“Which is why last time I wore these,” You quickly moved to unzip them, taking them off one at a time with a smirk on your face. “You had me keep them on.” 
Fred wasted no time in reaching for you again once the boots were off, lifting you off the floor and wrapping your legs around his waist, carrying you in the direction of the room. “You know,” He said once reaching the bed. “The lease on the apartment is ending soon.” 
“What a -” You were cut off by your own moan as he sucked a mark on the skin of your neck. “An odd thing to bring up now of all times.” 
“I just thought,” Satisfied with the mark left on your skin, he started peppering wet kisses down your body, stopping every now and then to bite softly and speak words in between. “Maybe we’d try living somewhere else. Like London.” 
“Are you serious?” You couldn’t keep the smile off your face. There had only been a few times when the two of you discussed meeting Fred’s family and each time had ended in a firm ‘one day’. The statement surprised you but didn’t distract you from the feeling of your legs being pushed apart the farther down Fred went. 
“Of course,” Even as he kissed the soft skin of your thighs you could feel the smirk playing on his lips as he heard your breathing quicken. “I’ve been dying to show my fiancée off to everyone, you know.”
“Maybe we should -” A sudden gasp escaped you at the feeling of the fabric of your underwear snapping against your skin. You glared a bit when Fred chuckled softly at your reaction. “We should discuss me meeting your family later. Maybe when we aren’t half naked?” 
A real laugh escaped Fred at your words but he quickly smirked again and resumed his previous actions. “As you wish.” 
Nervous was something you hadn’t felt in a long time. But it was all you felt now as you stared at the home you knew was the Burrow. The Weasley family home. An endless stream of butterflies fluttered in the pit of your stomach and you had to resist the urge to fiddle with the glittering ring on your finger to calm yourself. That was how you’d lost it only a few days ago in the middle of moving all the boxes around your new apartment in one of the wizarding boroughs in London, only a couple blocks from Diagon Alley. 
The decision to move came easy for both you and Fred. He was confident that he could face everything and everyone again. The morning he’d told you everything was the morning he realized talking it through with you was more than helpful. And you had happily handed over the revised curriculums to the Headmistress of Ilvermorny only a day before leaving New York. From what you heard, there was another school who could do with the same treatment and you were eager to assist. 
It’d been exactly eleven days since the two of you had moved to London. While Fred had seen his family a couple times now, he was insistent on wanting to give you a big reveal. The only person he’d let into the apartment was George, who upon meeting you loved you instantly. The three of you had spent all day talking, swapping stories usually at Fred’s expense. 
Finally that morning he’d woken you up with a grin, had you get ready, and told you it was time for your first Weasley family dinner. Or lunch, technically. 
“Hey,” Fred stepped in front of you and immediately saw the nervous look in your eyes. He held your face in his hands and kissed you softly, resting his forehead on yours right after. With that one small movement your nerves faded away and you visibly relaxed. “Everyone is going to love you. Promise.” 
“I’m trusting you on that,” You spoke after a few seconds, a smile making its way onto your face. With a satisfied grin, Fred took your hand and pulled you in the direction of the house. 
You were fully expecting to be ambushed the moment you walked through the door, you were prepared for it. Instead you were met with a silent house. Fred wasn’t phased though, he simply led you through the rooms. You walked through a living room whose walls were covered in moving pictures, the kitchen where a pile of pots and pans were washing themselves in the sin, and finally into the backyard. That’s where everyone was waiting. 
“She’s real!” 
“Shove off,” Fred rolled his eyes at the sudden exclamation as he finally stopped, still holding onto your hand to keep you comfortable. He looked at you, the look on his face softening when he did so. “This is everyone.” 
“You aren’t going to introduce me?” You asked, a slight smirk making its way onto your face. 
Fred laughed and glanced around at everyone else before matching the look on your face. “They’re going to ambush you one by one anyway. Figured I’d save at least one of us the trouble.” 
That was all the confirmation anyone needed to hear. Before you knew it you were being pulled into a tight hug by the first person to reach you. 
“We’ve heard so much about you, dear!” Molly was beaming as she held you at arms length. “Even prettier than he said. Told us about you in every letter he sent, you know.” 
“Did not,” Fred, who’d taken a step back and was now standing beside George, met your eyes, saw your smirk widen, and immediately knew he was never going to hear the end of it. 
“He did too,” Ginny walked up to you next and glanced between you and her brother. You recognized the familiar mischievous glint in her eyes and already knew you were going to love her. “Mum read them out loud and everything.”
“Sorry, dear,” You could tell by the tone in her voice that Molly wasn’t sorry at all. She simply smiled, squeezed you once more, then walked over to Fred placing a hand on his cheek. “They were adorable.” 
“I think she even has one framed,” You recognized Charlie by the dragon tattoo peeking out from under the sleeve of his shirt. He didn’t hesitate to throw his arm over your shoulders in greeting. “What was it you wrote? ‘Her smile shines brighter than the city lights, mum, I swear.’” 
“Who knew you were so poetic?” Ron mimicked Charlie’s movements, leaning on your other shoulder. He looked at you with an amused smile. “You really bring out the best in our dear, Freddie, Y/N.” 
For once Fred didn’t mind the teasing. It was worth seeing the way your eyes lit up, head tossed back in laughter alongside his family. He wondered as he watched Ginny pull you towards the table why he hadn’t introduced you sooner. You fit right in with everyone and he loved it. He loved you. 
It was Hermione who finally mentioned the ring you were wearing as you piled food onto your plate. She grinned, taking your left hand to examine it. “When’s the wedding, then?” 
“The what?” Came chorused from no less than eight people. 
“Don’t tell me none of you noticed,” Fleur said, suddenly appearing on the other side of Hermione to look at the ring. 
“It was obvious,” Percy, who was already eating, shrugged. He’d been the only one to quietly give you his congratulations, smiling excitedly as he did so. 
“Why didn’t you tell us!” Molly scolded, flinging one of the dish towels at Fred who quickly ducked out of the way. 
“Why’d you think I wanted everyone here? Just for fun?” Fred defended, not moving fast enough to dodge the balled up napkin Bill threw at him. 
“You could have at least said you had news or something,” Bill appeared behind you and Fred quickly, hugging you both at once. “This is huge.” 
“It really is,” Harry agreed, placing a hand on Fred’s shoulder. “None of us thought you’d be next.”
“Well,” Fred only smiled, wrapping his free arm around your waist to pull you close and kissed your cheek softly. You looked up at him, practically beaming. “Only the best for my love.” 
“You should’ve told us sooner,” Arthur happily smiled at the scene from where he was standing right beside Molly. “Your mother’s been waiting to plan another wedding since Bill and Fleur’s.” 
It wasn’t a lie, as evidenced by the flurry of questions that were shot your way. How’s and when’s and everything in between. Needless to say as all of you sat around the table that summer afternoon several decisions were made. Upon being asked by Molly when you two wanted the wedding to be Fred had immediately told her as soon as possible. She smiled at the sight of him looking at you with pure adoration and pushed back the happy tears in her eyes. 
The conversation finally changed topic as the afternoon went on. Night had fallen and everyone had drifted from the table to around a fire that had been enchanted to act more as decoration and less like a heat source. You sat on a blanket that had been laid on the grass, happily leaning against Fred who held you to him. 
“We’re going to reopen the shop,” George announced with a smile when everyone started talking about what they were going to do now that the ministry was finished being rebuilt. Fred had been quick to tell him the truth about the fiendfyre incident after returning to which he only received a nod and an ‘it’s fine, I knew’. “We’ve already started building up our inventory again.” 
“Really?” Everyone had been waiting for the day the two of them would decide to reopen the shop. The structure had been put up quickly after the end of the war. All that was left was the cosmetics on the outside and the matter of stocking everything. 
“Besides,” Fred grinned as he glanced around at his family. “Everyone needs a little light in their life right?” 
It was late at night, after Fred dragged you up to his childhood bedroom insisting that you needed to see it and sleep there at least one night to get the full experience, that he pressed his lips to yours in a way that left your head spinning wonderfully. 
“You’re mine, you know,” He whispered the statement into the night, afraid that if he spoke too loud he would ruin the moment. “The light of my life.” 
The words he said to you were soft and beautifully intimate and unlike anything you’d heard before. After everything, wars and trauma and so much else, you were there together in that moment in time. And you were ecstatic. You kissed him again, softly, and smiled as you spoke against his lips, “And you’re mine.”
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corxunum · 2 years
5. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now? 10. Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in? 16. What do you expect from others when they want to roleplay? 23. What’s the one thing you dislike about the roleplaying community on Tumblr? 29. Which fandom(s) do you wanna roleplay in/crossover with but you’re too afraid to approach?
@wexarethewalkingxdead || Mun´s ask: RP edition [ accepting ]
5. What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now? I don´t pay attention to trends at all. Some time back, I tried to, when I wanted to get more traction for a fandom specific blog. But the harder I tried (I´m mostly speaking aesthetics here), the more followers came but I also felt like the more I strayed from my character’s essence and eventually, I became unhappier. Now I just do my thing within my own visions of what´s aesthetic or doable or desirable.
10. Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in? I do have verses for many fandoms, but I´m mostly playing fandomless for my own comfort. I have dipped my feet in a couple and since I´m a relatively open person who just approaches and not waits for others to do that, I never had a problem with getting interactions. I can see how some fandoms don´t make I easy for newer people but I´m going so far as to say I had equally good and bad experiences in all fandoms as well as fandomless. It really depends on the person you´re encountering, at least in my experience.
16. What do you expect from others when they want to roleplay? Ha. How do I word this without sounding like a cranky b*tch? Communication, first and foremost. You wanna do the thing? Let´s talk and let´s make it happen. But help me come up with stuff and not let me carry everything by myself. You don´t wanna do the thing anymore? Cool too. Just tell me and don´t string me along. You wanna change anything? Do a 180? Try something new, or drop things? All good, just tell me. I can´t read minds. I´ll prefer a maybe uncomfortable conversation over being ghosted 10 times out of 10. Anyway, as mean as that all sounds, I´m not just talking about negative conversations here. I´m all for chatting and plotting and getting excited over our muses together. That´s the best thing. Other than that? Try to give me something to work with in your replies. I´m very lucky in that department though. I have wonderful and super creative partners. In return when someone approaches me to rp, I want to read about an interesting muse and see that our rules/views on writing are compatible. The writing styles should mesh. I take a good hard look at every blog before following. It´s many little things that factor in the ultimate decision. I rambled didn´t I?
23. What’s the one thing you dislike about the roleplaying community on Tumblr? Ghosting has become the solution to everything. People are so scared of talking things out so they take the easiest way out, when both parties, and the community as a whole, could benefit so much from constructive conversations. 
29. Which fandom(s) do you wanna roleplay in/crossover with but you’re too afraid to approach? Hmmmm I´m actually never afraid to approach, but I´m also realistic. I know a hugely popular canon blog with several thousand followers and a million threads isn´t very likely to follow, let alone write with me and my little menagerie of OCs. However, if I see someone I think are worth a shot, I´ll go for it. Currently I´m thinking about looking for Mayans MC blogs because I´m watching the show. Or Sons of Anarchy because I´m rewatching that one too. We´ll see. Other than that, none come to mind.
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almostdeath · 2 years
Not sure if you're still doing the hurt/comfort prompts. But if you are, could you do “You can hold my hand" for Ted and Schlatt?
This is the first time that I wrote about something related to Ted, so...sorry if this isn´t to your liking haha. (ps: Not a single Jambo was hurt for this prompt)
Prompt: You can hold my hand
Characters: Ted, JSchlatt (refered to as J)
Ted was sitting at his computer, it was already pretty late or early, depends on how you experience “2 AM”, maybe he shouldn´t be up at that time but the editing doesn´t happen by itself unfortunately. Being consumed by the process and the noise of the video itself, the young man didn´t notice right away that his phone screen blinked, showing the name of the most important person in his life and the photo of Schlatt sleeping. Actually, the man told him to delete it and…. technically he did, at least he deleted one of the twenty. Ted almost threw his headphones on the table with a clank, taking the phone and answering right away. There was heavy breathing on the other side of the line and Ted would assume that this is some joke, like always, if there wasn´t some too realistic sniffling. The young man changed his position in the chair, becoming way more tense and forming a firmer grip on the phone.
-J…did something happen? It´s like…4 AM in Texas, right? -there was some mumbling, it was hard to understand.
-Fucking….yes..I..fuck…- there was coughing, Ted already closed his editing program, opening the search machine.
-Hey, hey…breath…you know how to do it, right? Are you drunk? – with some hiccupping there were attempts of regulating his breathing, the older man tried to support him, telling him to breath in and out at the right time, creating an acceptable rhythm.
-Jambo´s at the vet…ate some fucking…shit from the table…fuck, I am stupid…why did I even fucking leave it there?!- there was a paus, then the gurgle of liquid, at least that confirms Teds impression. His partner was drunk.
-J…you know that you are not stupid, did they already say something? – the man tried to keep his voice as calm as possible, he could yell that Schlatt shouldn´t just start insulting himself but he knows that this will not help, especially not if he is drunk.
-Said that….that they will call- he made a paus to empty his glass again.
-M…said I…I was causing a scene…which I wasn´t… - Ted was desperately trying to find what he is searching for.
-Of course you were not. You are worried and you have a right to be, babe…look, I will book a flight to Texas, okay? – there was some rattle on the other line, Schlatt was probably on the couch and just got up, falling back.
-No, no….just…just don´t hang up- Ted let out a quiet exhale and smiled weakly, when he saw a good enough opportunity.
-You think that I will just leave you like that? Just wait till I come. Here is a flight at like…. five AM, still available, so, I will be there at yours…. like…ten…yes, around ten. You still there, J? – the man definitely wasn´t waiting for approval, booking the flight and getting up, ready to pack the most important things, still holding the phone.
-Yes…yes, I am still here…- the older man nodded slightly, even if he knew that his partner wouldn´t see that.
-Good, I will not hang up….and you will not continue to drink, okay? Just…. keep talking. I am here. You are not alone. Just wait for me. – and so, he did. While Ted was getting ready, packing some of the more important belongings and checking all the documents, so he wouldn´t have any situation that would delay him, Schlatt was whispering all his thoughts, just stopping to normalize his breathing again. As an answer there was only encouragement and support. Ted would tell him how good it is that he called and didn´t try to go through this alone, would tell how much he loves J, and stop him whenever he would start to guilt trip himself. I was just an accident and nobodies fault.
The difficulties came when Ted arrived at the airport, he would have to hang up when he gets to the plane and his partner will surely stay awake. They both knew that this is necessary but this didn´t make it easier. Only three hours. Three hours too much for Teds liking. He couldn´t relax during the flight, thoughts coming back to Schlatt every time, he knows that his lover tends to overthink. This is clearly a stressful situation, he loves that cat, in any other moment, Ted would joke to himself that J loves this cat more than him but not now. Time seemed to pass by so slow. The man tried to keep his eyes open, even if his mind begged him for sleep, just a little bit longer, there is the need to hang on a little bit longer.
Finally, the plane landed, despite the lack of sleep, Ted felt a big amount of energy, trying to pass all controls as fast as possible. He took the nearest taxi outside the airport, of course he could take any public transport but that is too slow, it´s already past 10 AM. As soon as he named the address, he was trying to call his partner. J answered quite fast, maybe he was waiting for the call. Either for Teds or from the vet. The older man reassured him that he will be there in a couple of minutes and that everything will be fine, at least there was a shadow of a chuckle that sounded on the other line. Schlatt called him “mushy”. At least he is less distressed than before.
When the taxi stopped at the right address, Ted didn´t even wait to get his change, he just left, getting the door open and getting up the staircase, passing some of the stairs, almost tripping and getting to the needed apartment right when Schlatt opened the door. A tight hug didn´t need to wait, J still had a firm grip on the phone, slowly wrapping his arms around Teds shoulders. Without letting go even for a moment, the older man entered the apartment and closed the door behind him. The action was transferred onto the couch, where Ted slowly took the phone out of his boyfriends hand and placed it on the table, which was dirty with liquid.
-So…now it´s just the question of waiting…right?...you know…you can hold my hand if this would make it easier for you…- there was silence as an answer and then Ted could feel the touch of slightly cracked lips on his own, Schlatt slowly intertwined their hands.
-Ya are still an idiot for booking a fucking flight at two AM…- he whispered in his partners lips.
-Can´t believe that you would think that I would just leave you alone. Come on…. everything will be fine...lets just wait a little bit longer…-
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mallowstep · 3 years
the nature of folklore
today, i want to talk about the nature of folklore.
we're not divorced from it in the modern day by any means: the nature of folklore is that it is always there.
after all, how many times have you heard that if your roommate dies, you get an a? or listened eagerly to someone's tale of an impossible encounter with an impossible stranger?
folklore is omnipresent. it is woven into us.
that said, we don't have a ton of folklore via stories, oral history, and songs anymore. if i could singlehandedly change that, i would. i grew up telling stories, keeping the history of my family in vignettes i taught to my brother, making up comforting fables for my younger cousins when they couldn't sleep.
my mother sang me lullabies, amazing grace, you are my sunshine, tula tula, melodies i can no longer name but would recognize in a heartbeat.
i went to a summer camp where you were never too old for a bedtime story, where the greatest reward, even for a pack of sixteen year olds, desperately vieing for independence, was to hear another story. i can still tell you the story of the invisible prince, of how such and such and so and so met and married, recount the little prince or hatchet or my side of the mountain in impeccable detail.
unfortunately, i am but one voice, and i don't think i really want to change us back. let culture progress, it is the way of the world.
but i have so many stories for cats. trust me, i have about 20 drafts sitting of stories for these murder cats. but i want to take a moment to talk about how folklore works, what it does, and why it's important.
[3.7k words. 20 minute read. section headers, minimal formatting changes.]
oral history: a written explanation
i'm feeling a bit punny.
anyway, i'm not qualified to talk about oral history. what i am qualfied to do is talk about the broadest sense of it.
oral history is not an accurate way of keeping records. stories change, people forget things, the tales become exaggerated and tweaked.
but...it's not the worst way. it's a real, sincere, history.
for example, in my full moon, it's unlikely that one individual really mastermined this plan. especially not the same individual who sorted out some other important part of skyclan business, which in it of itself is a tall-tale.
realistically, the clans realized they had an error, decided on when they would meet, and just went with it.
but briarleap is one of skyclan's heroes. she's not the only one: rushfoot and dovestar are also important heroes. she fills a particular type of archetype: she's the young hero, who sees the world more clearly than those around her and comes up with a solution.
so it makes sense to assign her to the problems which are clever and had no obvious solution. she's not really a trickster archetype, but she is clever, young, and has no real power within the clan.
in other words, she's a ya novel protagonist.
likewise, the yet-unwritten story of briarleap and swallowpaw definitely didn't happen as it's told. that's just a nice box to put it in, a nice cover for an important lesson: mark unstable branches.
all the clans probably have a similar version of briarleap's story. i can't tell you for sure who the equivalent is, because i don't know, but it's worth remembering that almost none of these cats existed.
i think riverclan's will be a cat named briarstream.
you see what i mean, they're both named briar- because briarleap belongs to no cat. they just have a suffix that corresponds with common clan names.
now, i can't speak for anyone else, but in come back to you one by one, by solacefruit, there's a cautionary tale about catching koi. we get this line:
The koi were left alone because the tall folk loved them. That was the truth of the story. The real truth, not Linnetleaf’s version.
that confirms it, the story is a warning that's been polished into something kinder and more forgiving. (i highly recommend come back to you one by one btw.)
that's how oral history works.
it's not good for having a factual understanding of historical events, but...that's not really the point.
shared stories
another thing is, a lot of clans share the same stories.
i already talked about briarleap/stream/??? for the other clans, but it's more than just that.
every clan is going to claim that they have the right, correct story, that the other clans don't tell it well, etc., but with the exception of clan specific stories, that's not generally true.
okay this is hard to explain bc i'm still drafting/editing a lot of what i'm talking about right now and full moon is kind of a boring story for this. so i'm going to use the story of the long night, because that's the closest to finished and most likely to have been published by the time i finish this.
cw: the long night is a story that involves infanticide and cannibalism. i'm not graphic about it, but it's featured very heavily. we move into discussion at "STORY COMPLETE," and i move on entirely at "SAFE"
okay, so to summarize very briefly, the long night is a story about the seasons and about queen madness. it's one piece of clan creation mythos.
basically, before there were seasons, the night and day just took turns. during the night, everyone slept, but during the day, everything woke. one night, the night doesn't end. i'm telling the thunderclan version, because that's the version i'm working on, but this is a tale from before there were clans, so while every clan says their version is universal, it's definitely not.
there's a queen, slateflower, who has six kits (pigeonkit, harekit, fallowkit, dewkit, ripplekit, and muddykit), who are very young. her mate, silvershadow, has been hunting for her, because there was no clan to provide.
he's able to catch a small amount of prey, but as the night goes on, slateflower just doesn't have enough milk. she knows her kits are going to starve, so she picks the weakest one, kills it, and eats it. when silvershadow returns and asks what happens, she says that muddykit died and she buried her. this repeats itself until only pigeonkit and harekit are left.
silvershadow fails to catch anything, so he comes back, and sees slateflower try to decide who's weaker. he realizes what's happening, takes harekit from slateflower so she doesn't have to decide, and brings the kit into a clearing. he begs the moon to end the night so he can feed his family again.
it takes him a couple times, and he also is searching for another nursing queen. he finds a queen named flamepuddle, who also had a litter of six kits (silentkit, webkit, wildkit, dustykit, beetlekit, and talonkit), as well as taking in the kits of her sister, echofur, (heatherkit, redkit, goldkit, leafkit, cricketkit, and graykit), and right now, only redkit, leafkit, talonkit, goldkit, and cricketkit had survived. (the rest, and her sister, died of starvation.)
flamepuddle agrees to take in harekit, and the night eventually ends.
silvershadow decides that he, flamepuddle, and slateflower will live together. this isn't a thunderclan origin story, mind, just the beginning of collective cat behavior. but one of the reasons it is a distinctly thunderclan edition is because the implication is that later on, the other clans are all splinter groups.
there's also an implication that such large litters used to be more common, à la how in the bible, people used to be more fertile.
so anyway, because all cats are said to be descendents of these nine cats (silvershadow, flamepuddle, slateflower, redkit, talonkit, goldkit, cricketkit, harekit, and pigeonkit — leafkit dies later on), it's said they all carry the trauma of the long night and queens, feeling unsafe, will choose the strongest of their litter.
in thunderclan's telling, flamepuddle and silvershadow are made to be the heroes, and slateflower is the villain. notice that slate is a windclan name, and the kits who die don't have very thunderclan prefixes. the implication is that this is because the other clans are weaker.
in a riverclan telling, instead of flamepuddle and slateflower, we might have puddlefeather and tallsong, and the kits who survive might be fallowkit and dewkit.
in skyclan, we might have mothpetal and nightstep, with surviving kits echokit and maplekit.
and so on. silvershadow usually keeps his name, tho. or at least half of it.
the 10th cat who dies is also variable. in thunderclan, it's another kit. slateflower is understood to not have intended her actions. in shadowclan, it's the slateflower analogy who dies. in riverclan, silvershadow dies and puddlefeather and tallsong have to work together.
so we always have the same story, but the details of it change, and there's a lot about the clan in that.
it might even be that the reason puddlefeather is able to keep five out of twelve kits alive is because she can fish for herself. tallsong can't.
and this is a story that's supposed to be universal, before the time of clans.
imagine how differnt briarleap and briarstream are. no, seriously, i don't have it in me to do five versions of every folk tale i write, so y'all have to live with one.
anyway, i could go on here, but wow, this section is...much longer than i meant as it is whoops.
morals, protagonists, and antagonists
i'm not going to lie, i'm somewhat exhausted from the last section.
basically, the "protagonists" are often the ones who make mistakes. this is because that's a common theme for parables. you want the protagonist, who listeners relate to, to understand the mistakes and learn from them.
there's almost always a moral in these stories. they're not told just to entertain. they're ritualistic, nigh religious, tied in deeply with their culture.
finally, when an opposing clan is needed, (a) the clan telling the story is nearly always in the right, and (b) it tends to shift to whoever the clan is most antagonistic with.
a lot of my stories are shadowclan v skyclan because they have the strongest story-telling development and i don't have any aus planned for shadowclan and (old) skyclan, but i really like what i've developed for them.
in the case a friendly clan is needed, that also tends to shift, but it's less likely to change. it's significantly more likely to change if they're fighting with the clan in the tale.
for this reason, clans tend to be allies with cross territory clans in stories. you're just less likely to fight with someone who's territory you're across from, and you get fun flanking if you gang up on someone in the middle.
characters and archetypes
so i mentioned how briarleap is a certain kind of archetype, and that's pretty common in folklore. you've got your tricksters, witches, wise elders, w/e. i could do a bunch of research into folklore and find a canonized list but i'm approximately 90% sure it's going to tell me it varies by culture so. instead of doing that, i'm going to talk through some of the character archetypes i've been using.
please keep in mind that this is highly suspect to change. also, i'm referring to a lot of cats in my lore posts, so i'm sorry, because if you don't keep up with that, you might be a little bit lost. if you want to check out my folklore, it's here. maybe one day i'll make a kit simulation list that gives them to you in the order a kit would be told them.
the young warrior — characters like briarleap. smart, creative, and willing to speak up when something is wrong. they're who young kits should aspire to be. they're the most common protagonist in stories for young kits, and they're one of the only protagonists for stories with a "good" lead.
cassandra — prophetic characters who struggle to act on their prophecies. goosefeather types. they're cautionary tales, warnings about who not to be, because these are true seers who failed. sometimes, it is framed as the clan being wrong (e.g., berrymoon's main story is about this), but usually it's because the character said too much/too little, at the wrong time, etc.
impulsive apprentice — another warning. characters like swallowpaw. their actions are usually not actually wrong, but they end up being wrong with hindsight. they're tragic characters, and their warnings are usually about the rules established because of them, rather than not being like them.
wise leader/deputy — it's exactly what it sounds like lmao. usually, this is going to be the deputy more than the leader, because the deputy is a far more relatable position than the leader. these are your rushfoots and lilytails, deputies who make quick decisions on the behalf of their clan.
foolish/selfish warrior — warriors who take actions selfishly, which wrap back around to hurt themselves. these are the "protagonists" of the tales about feeding elders and kits first, and so on. they're actually the most common protagonist in stories over all. it's kind of a wide category, including everything from slateflower from "the long night" to lightningcall from "full moon." you know, a queen who only escaped the dark forest because it didn't exist, and a tom whose "mistake" was not showing up to a deputy meeting he was physically unable to attend.
there are, naturally, many more archetypes. there are archetypes for every role in the clan, often many. there's probably some amount of symbolism in the names — perhaps "-leap" is a skyclan indicator of a young warrior, etc., but at least right now, i'm not interested in that. i have more fun naming characters than worrying about the symbolism behind it, because i'm trying to also provide an understanding of clanlife, and that requires bending the rules.
(i mean, for what it's worth, this is true of many things. "the long night" as thrushpelt tells it is not the full version. usually, you wouldn't separate it from "the four seasons," but also, he glazes over the infanticide and cannibalism because he's talking to, like, four-year-olds, explaining how their mother had inherited a trait from slateflower.)
overall, though, i think these five are enough to give you an idea of what the archetypes look like.
interestingly, i also want to call attention to the fact that there's no specific trickster archetype. i mean, there is, because it's (a) one of the most common, and (b) it needs to exist for what i'm about to say, but it doesn't properly count.
see, cats are good at being sneaky and smart and clever. you know this if you have a cat.
clan cats also have to be good at following rules.
so basically every protagonist and antagonist in a story is some permutation of the trickster. the young warrior is the trickster but with less pointless trickery. the impulsive apprentice is probably the closest to straight-up trickster, but there's usually no associated deception. etc.
but in general, all cats should be clever and smart and finding new solutions, so there isn't a specific trickster.
names and times
on a related note, one that's significantly harder to demonstrate, the names of cats get repeated a lot.
in the real world, this is because the names are approximately 75% generated and 25% tweaked, and i have a bias towards certain names.
in the context of lore and worldbuilding, and why i'm not doublechecking against my database of every cat i've ever mentioned, this is because, well, it should make sense for certain elders to tell multiple stories, or, logically, for a kit to grow into a warrior grow into an elder and tell a story.
i mean, dovestar's nine lives are a huge part of skyclan, because each life is supposed to demonstrate some fundamental principle, and they're told over the nine moons of a kit's life (again, cats count kits' lives from the season before they're born for the purpose of holy nine, and from their actual birth for every other purpose, which is how brokenstar got around the warrior code fun fact), so yeah, i'll probably have some repetition in there.
likewise, there's no timeline for these. we don't know what happens when at all, except that the cats telling a story are younger than the cats in the story, and any "book cats" are younger than any other mentioned cat.
(that last point is because exactly one story is told by thrushpelt.)
so anyway, really hazy times and names because...that's how things go m8.
impact of the great journey
so as you can imagine, the great journey is a pretty big deal.
first of all, we're running out of cats who can remember the forest. in thunderclan, according to moonkitti, who i trust in this, birchfall is the youngest cat who can remember it. so considering birchfall could have great grandchildren in the next book or two, i'd say that we're pretty much done with cats who lived there.
even among the other cats, squirrelflight was an apprentice, and she went on the first journey, so there's that. cloudtail and brightheart won't be around for much longer, and graystripe might be immortal, but if he isn't, he'll be gone soon too.
i mean, i know there are non-thunderclan cats, but do you know their names? do you?
yeah. that's what i thought.
anyway, my point is, right now, in canon time, all of the stories are set in the forest. but like, that's kind of not helpful.
who knows, there's probably a story about sunningrocks that just doesn't make sense anymore.
i don't know for sure how the great journey impacts the folklore. this is because there's not an easy way for me to write it. my elders' den stuff is specifically set before tbp, so i don't have to think about adding in the villains of tbp.
why only tbp? because we have 3 wonderful, fantastic, folklore worthy villains. in tnp, we have the journey, in po3, we have interpersonal drama, in oots, we have rehashings of old villains, in dotc nothing matters, in avos, we have weird fuzziness i don't really remember what happened after darktail tbh, and tbc is ongoing. but wait! i hear you saying, what about hawkfrost? and darktail himself? and... no. shut up. they don't matter. just. they're not. they don't. they're not lore villains is what i'm saying very poorly. they're not the kind of villains who inspire lore. maaaaybe darktail? but he was far too recent for folklore.
i'm sure in all of the po3 stuff i have on the horizon, i'll explore this more. dovefeather lore is in the awkward middle ground — everything is from the perspective of cats who never knew the old forest, but pretty much everyone older than them does, so it's unlikely anything substantive has changed.
but i have a lot of po3 extended universe plans that might dip in to this?
but for spitballing purposes, what probably happens is that most stories are just reskinned.
things like stories about sunningrocks are going to be repurposed. maybe about that weird strip of territory that they fought over? i'm not sure.
some stories will get to stay in the old forest, like the battle with bloodclan. and some stories will fade out, just as they always do. but for the most part, once the elders didn't live in the forest, they're just going to start plopping stories in the lake.
also, the great journey itself is 100% already folklore. i don't have to do that part, canon actually does it for me. kits are constantly being told about the great journey, or apprentices are telling us they were told about it, or someone is having a weird dream sequence that involves it.
the great journey is a major part of folklore, and that's cool. maybe if i run out of old stories, i'll do some post-canon elders' den stuff. we'll see, i'm definitely not feeling it right now, but that could change.
speaking of great...
this is a minor thing, but like, what's up with all the greats?
the great journey, okay, yeah, sure, makes sense.
and then we have the great battle.
also legit. it had been a while.
and then...the great storm?
look, i understand the storm in bramblestar's storm was a big deal. i have a lot of thoughts about bramblestar's storm as a book and this isn't that. but...
can we compare how many cats died in the great journey and the great battle? and we lost, like, three cats in the great storm
don't get me wrong, i sobbed like a baby when briarlight died.
oh hold on i lied that wasn't this book. never mind never mind.
i just, like, it's very strange IMO to have this great being a thing. or at least, i don't now, i guess it's evolution of culutre?
bluh okay i'm hungry and i do not focus well so i'm going to finish up but just. great. interesting.
folklore is a topic i'm really interested in, and i try really hard to think through the consequences of, well, everything i can.
i'm definitely missing a lot of details — specifically, i scratched out my plans for a specific creation myth — but i like the general shape of the lore i'm building up.
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: With the Doctor newly regenerated, he and Elise must now navigate their new relationship. The Doctor is an old man and Elise is a headstrong young woman. She is no longer the scared little girl the Doctor saved all those years ago. Will Clara be able to keep them from killing each other?
“Take a punt,” the Doctor told Clara. He was doing some sort of math on one of his chalkboards while Clara sat down near the console.
“Right,” Clara said.
“Your choice. Wherever, whenever, anywhere in time and space.”
“Well, there is something, someone that I've always wanted to meet. But I know what you'll say.”
“Try me.”
“You'll say he's made up, that there is no such thing.”
“Go on.”
“It's…it's Robin Hood.”
“Robin Hood.”
Clara walked up the steps towards the Doctor. “Yeah. I love that story. I've always loved it, ever since I was little.”
“Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor.”
“He's made up. There's no such thing.”
“Ah, you see?”
The Doctor pulled a book off his bookcase. “Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned story books, Clara.” He thumbed through a few of the pages before setting the book back in its place.
“And what about you?”
“Yeah, you. You stop bad things happening every minute of every day. That sounds pretty heroic to me.”
“Just passing the time. Hey, what about Mars?”
“The Ice Warrior Hives.”
“After what happened on that submarine? I don’t think so,” Elise told him. She wanted to forget that adventure. She still had nightmares.
“You said it was my choice,” Clara argued.
“Or the Tumescent Arrows of the Half-Light. Those girls can hold their drink,” the Doctor rambled.
“And fracture fifteen different levels of reality simultaneously. I think I've got a Polaroid somewhere.” The Doctor came down the stairs towards the console with Clara following him.
“Doctor! My choice. Robin Hood. Show me.”
“Very well.” He put in coordinates and set the TARDIS in flight. “Earth. England. Sherwood Forest. 1190AD. Ish. But you'll only be disappointed.”
“You can’t wear a black dress! You’re not going to a funeral!” Clara told Elise. Clara wanted to look the part and dragged Elise along with her. Clara looked through the dresses and pulled out a green one.
“It’s perfect! It’ll go great with your hair.” She shoved the dress into Elise’s arms. “Well go on, get dressed.”
Elise changed into the medieval style dress. It felt wrong not to be in her leather jacket and boots, but she had to admit that she looked rather good.
“Might have to cover that though,” Clara said pointing at the roses winding down Elise’s neck. She’d still yet to understand why she had the tattoo in the first place.
Clara managed to cover it up with some heavy concealer.
The two women stepped out of the TARDIS.
“Might be a little bit much, but what do you reckon, Doctor?” Clara asked. She stopped when she saw him. Robin Hood.
“By all the saints. Are there any more in there?” Robin Hood asked.
The Doctor noticed how Robin’s eyes lingered on Elise and he moved slightly in front of her.
Clara patted the Doctor’s chest in disbelief. “Is that…?” Clara asked.
“No,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, my God. Oh, my God! It is, isn't it? You found him. You actually found Robin Hood.”
“That is not Robin Hood.”
“Well then, who, sir, is about to relieve you of your magic box?” Robin asked, pulling out his long sword.
Elise nearly rushed forward, but the Doctor pushed her back. He stepped onto the bridge, facing Robin. “Nobody, sir. Not in this universe or the next.”
“Well then, draw your sword and prove your words.”
“I have no sword. I don't need a sword.” The Doctor opened his coat and twirled around to show Robin. “Because I am the Doctor.” Instead, he donned a gauntlet and pulled out a spoon. “And this is my spoon. En garde!”
They started sparring and Clara and Elise watched on in excitement.
The Doctor got the upper hand and hit Robin on the back of the neck with his spoon.
“You're amazing,” Clara praised the Doctor.
Even Elise had to admit the Doctor was rather dashing.
“I've had some experience. Richard the Lionheart. Cyrano de Bergerac. Errol Flynn. He had the most enormous…”
Clara cleared her throat, cutting off the inappropriate comment.
“Takes one to know one.”
Robin lunged forward and sliced a button off the Doctor’s coat. The Doctor held his arms out and Robin got ready to strike the killing blow. The Doctor dodged this attack and spun around so he and Robin were back to back. He bumped Robin and Robin fell into the river below.
“Doctor!” Clara said, rushing to his side.
The Doctor polished his spoon on his coat. “Like I said. My box.”
Robin was nowhere to be seen in the water below. He popped up behind the Doctor and pushed him into the water.
Clara and Robin laughed.
Elise rolled her eyes and waded into the water. She helped the Doctor up and asked, “Are you okay?”
“More of a bruised ego than anything.”
“I’ll fix your coat later.”
Robin led them to a small encampment. “Let me introduce you to my men. This is Will Scarlet. He is a cheeky rogue with a good sword arm and a slippery tongue.”
“My ladies…”
Clara giggled and looked at Elise, who had no reaction.
To this day, the only man to ever make Elise blush was the man in the café after they met Clara the second time.
The Doctor pulled out some of his hair as he bowed and scanned it with his sonic screwdriver.
Will cried out and grabbed at his head. “What do you want with my hair?”
“Well, it's realistic, I'll give you that,” the Doctor told him.
“And this is Friar Tuck. Aptly named for the amount of grub he tucks into,” Robin introduced.
“You skinny blaggard.”
The men around them laughed.
Friar Tuck stepped forward and nearly fell.
The Doctor was on the ground behind him.
“What are you doing?” Tuck asked him.
The Doctor stood up, holding one of his sandals. “This isn't a real sandal.”
“Yes, it is.”
The Doctor sniffed the sandal. “Oh. Yes, it is.”
Robin turned to introduce another one of his men. “This, er, is Alan-a-Dale. He's a master of the lute, whose music brightens up these dark days.”
“Stranger you are welcome here, in Sherwood's bonny glade,” Alan sang. He suddenly cried out as the Doctor stuck him with a needle.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry. Blood analysis. Oh. All those diseases. If you were real, you'd be dead in six months,” the Doctor told him.
“I am real,” Alan insisted.
The last of Robin’s men was huge.
“And this is John Little. Called Little John. He's my loyal companion in many an adventure.”
The large man stepped aside and a smaller man jumped out at them. The men laughed.
“Works every time,” Will said.
“Oh, I cannot believe this. You, you really are Robin Hood and his Merry Men!” Clara giggled.
“Aye! That is an apt description. What say you, lads?” Robin asked.
His men laughed in response. “Stop laughing. Why are you always doing that? Are you all simple or something?”
Elise was beginning to become annoyed as well, while Clara looked to be enjoying herself.
The Doctor picked up a goblet and poured out the liquid before walking up to Robin. “I’m going to need a sample.”
“Of what?” Robin asked.
Clara quickly pulled the Doctor away from them. “What are you doing?”
“Well, they're not holograms, that much is obvious. Could be a theme park from the future. Or we might be inside a miniscope,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, shut up.”
“A miniscope. Yes, of course. Why not?”
The Doctor ran over to the encampment, leaving Clara and Elise.
Robin walked to them. “Your friend seems not quite of the real world,” Robin observed.
“No. No, he's not really. Not most of the time.” Clara looked at Robin. “Dark days?”
“My lady?”
“You said that these were dark days. What did you mean?”
“King Richard is away on crusade, my lady. His tyrant of a brother rules instead,” Will explained.
“And the Sheriff. Cos there is a sheriff, right?”
“Aye. It is indeed this jackal of the princes who seeks to oppress us forever more,” Alan said.
“Or six months in your case,” the Doctor quipped.
Robin spoke in a soft voice. “It is a shame to dwell on murky thoughts when there is such beauty here,” Robin said.
Elise felt like she was intruding, so she simply squeezed Clara’s hand and joined her father instead. She glanced back at Clara and Robin talking softly with each other and she felt a pang in her hearts.
The Doctor saw the look on Elise’s face and walked over to Robin. “What time is it, Mister Hood?”
“Somewhat after noon.”
“No, no. Time of year? What season?”
“Oh, Dame Autumn has draped her mellow skirts about the forest, Doctor. The time of mists and harvest approaches.”
Elise frowned. That didn’t seem right.
“Yeah, yeah. All very poetic. But it's very green hereabouts, though, isn't it? Like I said, very sunny.”
“So?” Clara asked.
“Have you been to Nottingham?”
“Climate change?”
“It's 1190.”
“You must excuse me. The Sheriff has issued a proclamation and tomorrow there is to be a contest to find the best archer in the land. And the bounty, it's an arrow made of pure gold,” Robin said.
“No! Don't, don't go. It's a trap,” Clara begged him.
“Well, of course it is! But a contest to find the best archer in the land? There is no contest.”
The men laughed.
“Right, that isn't even funny. That was bantering. I am totally against bantering,” the Doctor snapped.
“How can you be so sure he is not the real thing?” Clara asked.
“Because he can't be.”
“When did you stop believing in everything?”
“When did you start believing in impossible heroes?”
“Don't you know? In a way, it's rather sweet.” Clara joined Robin and his men, while Elise stood next to him.
He looked into her green eyes and saw…was it hope? He was going to show her he could be the Doctor again. That he could be the heroic man she knew him to be.
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