#i don't care about people having different sexuality headcanons or whatever but don't fucking joke about characters being misogynists.
i HAAAAAATE‏‏‎ ‎lackadaisy‏‏‎ ‎fans‏‏‎ ‎just saw the world's‏‏‎ ‎STUPIDEST meme. can you explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
my problem with postcanon jade was that it said she was a cis girl before fusing with bec. i took it as the same "true in a transmisogynist way" troll as transmasc roxy
like, truly, i miss transfeminine roxy every day, and my house is fairly glass when it comes to things here considering i'm writing The Butch Lesbian Jane Comic, but like. the way homestuck fans exert ownership over the text of homestuck is fundamentally what the homestuck epilogues and post-canon are about. act 7 is about the dead calliope saying "fuck canon" and making her own, and she does not know how to care for the characters in question. i genuinely believe reconciling these facts, that what homestuck wants to be and what fans want homestuck to be are tangibly, ideologically opposed, is what post-canon is about
"fans read this character as X identity" is fine and good but that's paratext at best, and making demands of a text that has no obligation to respect them at worst. the epilogues are cashing in that desire to not respect them. homestuck has always been shaking off its readers who exert too much ownership, feel too comfortable with it. this goes way back as far as act 5 act 2 - the author commentary describes switching between walkaround sprites and hussnasty mode in such close proximity as a means of saying "if you always get what you expect, you will become complacent and that's no way for a reader to be", the "come in, go away" routine of homestuck is so repetitive now that i'm surprised basically nobody's caught on - homestuck is always doing insane flips to try and shake people off of it.
and now homestuck is doing that with your headcanons. like, this is a thing i see genuinely, all the fucking time in fandom over the past 15 years or so, people hype themselves up on paratexts and pretend the paratext is the source. the worst i ever saw of it was people having full blown self-harm threatening panic attacks because klance was not endgame in voltron legendary defenders. genuinely, i remember this so well - i think there were still two more seasons of the show after that event too, but i didn't watch it.
i only looked on from afar because what i saw of season 1 wasn't especially novel. castiel was never gay, no matter how many times he was caught leaking omegamusk in walmart or whatever, i'm stealing valor with this joke i was never a superwholock omegaverse girlie. there's so many fandoms i'm not a part of, it's unreal.
anyway, my point is people get really invested in their reads on characters and pretend it's real for the same reason a normie's sports team is gonna go the distance this season. and when they don't, they riot. this is literally just sports fandom 101. we may as well be talking about fucking inflategate here. i also don't go to sports. it's basically just homestuck for me these days.
i imagine this is what it's like to run my little pony before bronies came along: the show was negligible in relevance beyond its capacity to show off the new toys to play with. but the difference is that my little pony is about the toys, it's about encouraging that kind of play, it's fundamentally a set of toys they made a show about, as opposed to homestuck, which was always niche art for webcomics weirdos that caught on, quite literally, with the brony audience. i remember the first time i ever saw dave strider was on fucking ponychan, chronologically it would have been mid-act 5 act 2. it was an image of dave ransacking the lohac stock exchange, which is an a5a2 thing, it was before season 2 started, etc etc.
this is one hell of a tangent to say as far as the text of mspaintadventures is concerned, problem sleuth characters have gender signifiers that are more similar in nature to drag and performance of gender roles than any actual sexual dimorphism. homestuck characters are built atop the gender expression of problem sleuth. jade was a 13/16-year old girl, and that's the only information there was. over time, this changed.
this was an explicit change, too - it's in the change to act 6, passing through the fourth wall, that these characters, who fundamentally are game pieces, that homestuck starts to contend with the fact that people are emotionally invested in them as people. people don't like dave or vriska in the same way that people care about problem sleuth or nervous broad, and this comes out in the text. we get a lot of the best stuff in homestuck out of that change, too, like. the retcon only works because of that emotional investment, and i go so hard for the retcon. the retcon is the coolest thing ever.
and with that change, now, in 2024, she is explicitly a 39 (? i think she's 39.) year old woman with a penis. she didn't go from "cis woman" to "trans woman", she went from game piece to human person. there is no "cis jade" to be overwritten. you're assuming a "cis is default" worldview of a team of transgender and/or nonbinary people and thats just like. its not ideal, really
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happyk44 · 1 year
Having written yet another Percicobeth drabble (or ficlet? Probably? Like the difference is in word count, right? And I'm idk how long that one was but feels long-ish), I'm thinking about comments I've gotten (and ignored) on my other Percicobeth stuff, people complaining that Nico is gay so he can't be in a relationship with Annabeth and ofc my first instinct is to go "I was here long before Nico was gay, and shipped this ship, I'm not gonna abandon it just because the owner of the boats made up something new. I've been in this boat for over a decade. You think I give a shit if the owner suddenly says my boat isn't made for the deep waters I've been taking her into this whole time?"
And that of course is totally valid. I don't think people need to give up ships or headcanons or whatever else they've had for a long time just because something changed or became official in canon. But I also don't think it matters what people ship, irrespective of canon anyway. Like, yeah, in the heydays of fandom, shipping canon gay characters with female characters was really frowned upon because there were so little canon gay characters, it was annoying to see them scrubbed out for a m/f ship, but it's not really like that anymore. But also, tbh, as annoying as it was, I never really gave too much of a shit because fandom is fandom. People like what they like. And most of the time they retconned them to be bi, not straight so who gives a shit 🤷‍♂️ just block that person if you want and move along
But that also reminds me that I did get a comment complaining that by making Nico "bi", other people will feel like it's okay to make him straight, which a) that's not how that works and b) I'm not making him bisexual, I'm saying Annabeth is his exception.
In all my years of being in the PJO fandom, the only two girls I've ever shipped Nico with was Thalia (whooo, go early days PJO!) and Annabeth. And Thalia/Nico was never a big ship to me tbh. I think I may have actively shipped it for like a few months, and even then I didn't really seek it out. If I did read it, it was usually because they were a secondary relationship in a fic with a really fascinating plot. Like the only two fics I can remember reading with them as a pairing was a time travel kidfic, and this fic where the gods faded due to lack of belief so the kids had to take their spot as gods. And both fics had an ensemble cast and a plot I wish I remembered more.
So basically - it's really just Annabeth.
And truly and honestly, and this is just for me, I don't care how you guys approach it, but I never write Percicobeth with intention of Nico being bisexual. Even in the way back, when canon gay Nico was just a dream, I always just saw Percicobeth as "Nico is really gay, but Annabeth is hot so it doesn't matter for her". And I think a lot of people saw the ship that way too.
And for all that people talk about sexuality being fluid, it's really baffling to me that some people can't wrap their minds around a fictional relationship where a gay male character hooks up with a girl he really likes, but otherwise isn't attracted to other girls.
It happens in couples where a person transitions but their partner stays with them because they love them too much. Would they look at that gender on other people with the same vibrant romantic/sexual attraction? No. But on their partner it looks good, and that's all that matters. And all the jokes about gay men kissing twinks that turn out to be lesbians thinking they were kissing another lesbian.
Also I swear when I was, like, thirteen or so, people used to use the label homoflexible/heteroflexible, which basically meant "I'm gay/straight, but if you're hot enough, I might be interested". I wonder what happened to it 🤔 but yeah, anyway - sexuality is fluid, people kiss and date and fuck who they want, and sometimes who they want is not always what their label says, and it's really up to them if they want to change it.
So in summation. Yeah, I know Nico is gay. But I've shipped Percicobeth for over a decade, and I'm gonna keep shipping it because it makes me happy. And when I write the ship, Nico is still gay, but either Annabeth is hot enough that he doesn't care, or they end up having a really deep connection and friendship outside of their relationship to Percy, that they end up hooking up anyway.
Also sometimes I write Percicobeth as "she fucks Percy and he fucks Percy, but they don't fuck each other, they just scheme together different ways to fuck with Percy", because sometimes that's what polyamory is! Sometimes it's "I'm dating X, and X is dating me and Y, but I'm just good friends with Y, and Y is just good friends with me" and that's okay too. It doesn't always have to be everyone is in love and dating each other.
The world contains multitudes.
And at the end of the day, I write what I want.
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marley-manson · 2 years
I love all your MASH posts! Do you have any thoughts to share on the varying ways the characters relate to queerness?
Thank you so much <3
You bet I do! I hope what you’re looking for here is a bunch of sexuality and gender related headcanons, because that’s what I’ve got.
None of these are hard and fast when it comes to like, writing fic or whatever, and there’s obviously room for a ton of different interpretations which is cool, but this is kind of like the default lens I watch the show through lol. Also I prioritize the show’s vibe over strict notions of historical accuracy wrt homophobia, but at the same time based on a couple books I’ve read it’s not necessarily historically inaccurate for a military unit to have a bunch of barely closeted people and for no one to really care lol, from what I’ve read it really varied depending on the unit and COs. It got dicier in the 50s as opposed to the early 40s with some official policy changes and the lavender scare, but probably still not impossible, at least according to anecdotal evidence.
Also obviously since this is based on mountains of gay jokes it’s not going to completely fit every moment in every episode, but ykw, the implications are still a lot more consistent than you’d probably expect lol.
So anyway. This got long so it’s under a cut.
Bi, has known it for a long time, and is perfectly secure and comfortable with it. I like to think he favours men a little over women, like a kinsey 4.5. No real reason, but it’s my headcanon so there.
Was somewhat into the gay scene back in the states, has had lots of anonymous sex and short term flings and maybe couple longer term male partners.
Carlye knows he's bi though he was probably monogamous while he was with her (I say this because their first scene together reads so strongly to me like he's trying to imply he's with BJ now to save face after learning she's married lmao).
On the slightly effeminate side but doesn't play it up much (I'm differentiating this from the onslaught of combatative jokes, I'm talking mannerisms and speech patterns), though he's happy to lean into queeny stereotypes a little to piss people off. Very nearly canonically a bottom lol, though I can see him occasionally switching, and very nearly canonically into tall, broad guys with a sense of humour, full lips, a nice ass, and a big dick based on the shoe size jokes.
I think his dad knows and is relatively cool about it too. I don't see it causing a lot of drama in his life, I think he's one of the lucky ones, which contributes to his relative lack of fear.
Though that said one headcanon I have is that some kind of close call with nearly getting caught or accused and discharged happened between season 7+8, which is why he tones it down so much in late Mash.
Hm what else... I just posted about this lol but after the war I can see him getting more politically engaged and casually joining the gay communist scene.
Also bi and knows it, more careful and discrete about it (back in the states) what with presumably being from a pretty catholic family and being married. My logic is if the jokes are Hawkeye's bi evidence, then Trapper with almost the same amount and as a totally game participant has the same evidence, but he does have a more conscious of consequences vibe to me.
I’m torn on whether Trapper was somewhat into the gay scene stateside, or if his experience was mainly just anonymous sex while cruising. I could see an argument for the latter being more realistic and plausible, BUT I’m kind of enamoured with the idea of Trapper being just as out, in the old school ‘part of a community’ sense, as Hawkeye. It could even be a fun nod to their original book backstory where they’d coincidentally met once at a football game - except they vaguely recognize each other from the Boston bar scene lol. Maybe they fucked in a bathroom stall once.
Either way I like to think he and Hawkeye started hooking up almost immediately, then became friends, then caught feelings, and Hawkeye was the first guy Trapper ever had romantic feelings for. It doesn't perfectly fit every moment - eg if you take their exchange at the end of George (what secrets do you have in your past?) as a gay reference, which I mean considering the context it's impossible not to, that implies Trapper doesn't officially know, but it ain't about the exacting details, it's about the Vibes.
Mildly bi swinger. He's still cheating on his wife and vice versa because they're supposed to only fuck other people as a couple. Maybe doesn't really think of himself as bi bc it’s group sex, at least at first. I'm pretty sure someone was deliberately implying some of this lol, c'mon I saw Dear Dad 3, and he gets some of the most eyebrow raising gay jokes and moments.
(One of my favourite jokes: Henry makes a PA announcement about a meeting at 0700 hours. “Is that AD or BC?” "I don't know, I never could tell with Henry." Note that AC/DC was contemporary slang for bi.)
Also has a crush on Klinger, obviously.
Bi and nonbinary, initially repressed about both. Comes to terms with being bi partway through the show since he's clearly hooking up with Radar by season 4, so. I like to think he had sex with Trapper at some point in season 3 too, and idgaf about Laverne here. Maybe he figures it doesn’t count if it’s with dudes. Comes to terms with his gender much later, post-canon. Would probably consider himself a transvestite, historically speaking.
Like the way he still wears his pink housecoat, complete with a bow sometimes, even after dropping the section 8 attempts? The fur coat too? In one of the most recent episodes I rewatched, in season 10, he had a bra in his footlocker, and in a season 9 episode he had pink heels stashed in one of the file cabinets, uncommented on. Soon Lee wants to see him in a dress. It all fits.
I think after he gets back to the states he opens a dress shop, slowly and organically starts acquiring a discrete trans and drag queen clientele since he's very skilled at altering women's clothes to fit a masculine build, makes some friends, gets invited to some events, and starts fully embracing his femininity.
I kinda like the repressed lesbian take. Her attraction to men always feels so forced and performative, like she's trying so hard to fit a role. I can also see her as bi, but I vote lesbian. I think she fucked women in college, including Lorraine, and has told herself it was just an immature phase since. Also repressed butch. Someday she finally gets that crewcut.
Repressed gay or bi with some internalized homophobia, but chills out about it eventually. I mean come on, that scene where he gets offended when changing in front of Hawkeye? His typical noooo stoooop reactions to the gay jokes in general? Klinger was his plausible deniability dude where he could be like 'it's not gay bc i think of him as a girl.' They break it off somewhere in season 5.
Father Mulcahy:
Gay but a catholic priest, so off limits. Knows he's gay but doesn't act on it. Chill with all the gay vibes around the 4077 in accordance with his fairly live and let live attitude, regardless of whether that actually makes much sense for him as a Catholic. Whatever, there’s always exceptions to common rules and maybe he’s one of them.
Repressed bi, but not all that repressed. Like he knows it, but denies it in his head in a way that doesn't even convince himself, like reciting a rote platitude. Internalized homophobia up to here. Would absolutely still date a guy if anyone likeable ever expressed genuine interest because he's that desperate for approval and easily malleable.
I tend to favour the repressed gay or bi take. I see the reasoning, it makes sense to me, and it’s a fun way to watch the show. It fits what I percieve as his initial awkwardness with Hawkeye’s gay jokes in his first few seasons, including occasional no homo style defensiveness, or bringing up his own masculinity, etc. Also the way he doesn’t seem to notice that Hawkeye is blatantly hitting on him at the airport bar. The gay read in particular fits the way his fixation on his family is explicitly framed as a coping mechanism too.
I really enjoy thinking that BJ knows Hawkeye is into men and specifically into him by like, around season 7/8. Maybe not a sudden realizaton, but a sort of gradual understanding. It adds a certain je ne sais quoi to their late series interactions, and feels oddly appropriate.
I like to think he realizes he’s not straight in whichever way and is in love with Hawkeye about a year or two after going home lol, amid a crumbling marriage. But I don’t endgame ship them, so I think this revelation comes too late, Hawkeye has already moved on, and he goes back to San Francisco and either saves his marriage or finds himself a nice boyfriend.
Gay, aware but possibly refuses to act on it due to internalized homophobia and ~respectability~, or if he does, he’s very discrete and careful. On the hunt for a suitable lavender marriage.
He’s the token straight to me, sorry.
Random related thoughts:
I think Hawkeye and Trapper and Henry and Klinger fostered the carefree anything goes atmosphere of the 4077 just by being the way they are and being chill.
I like to think there was a gay poker night once a month. Zale accidentally crashed it in Pay Day. Klinger goes even though he doesn't consider himself anything but a straight man at first, but he's always down for a poker game and he points out that he fits in just fine.
Whenever new lgbt people arrive at the 4077 they go to either Hawkeye or Klinger first since they’re so loud, and early on Klinger might point them in Hawkeye’s direction, and Hawkeye tells them where the Seoul + Tokyo bars are and invites them to the poker game.
I think Hawkeye's subplot in Of Moose and Men was coded homophobia. Textually it was the officer being offended that Hawkeye is insubordinate, but come on, "I don't want that man touching me," followed by a sex joke about Hawkeye giving him a sedative in the ass? Followed by dude continually being disturbed by him? They really made "goof off" sound like a slur lol. Rally Round the Flagg Boys also had a milder version of this with communist substituted. Idk if it’s intentional in either case, but the vibes were there.
Margaret found out that Hawkeye’s bi at some point not long after they slept together. I could see him coming out to her during one of their heart to hearts, honestly, maybe even by accident. Maybe it helps her come to terms with her own sexuality too.
By season 4 Hawkeye and Klinger are both aware of each others’ sexualities and sort of bond over being the only 2 somewhat out guys left in the main cast. The way they start hanging out more, for a while Hawkeye’s gay jokes come out more in scenes with Klinger than in scenes with BJ, and just in general their mid-show interactions tend to have that ‘the two out cousins at the family reunion’ solidarity vibe.
I think Hawkeye thinks BJ is straight throughout the whole run of the show, but also knows BJ is sort of using him as a platonic wife replacement. Actually I think Hawkeye encouraged it early on while lowkey trying to seduce him, eventually had to be like ‘damn guess he’s straight after all,’ but by now it’s too late to reverse course and so he’s stuck pining in this weird pseudo romantic friendship.
Aaaand okay I have to stop at some point so I’m sure I have more but let’s call it good.
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dat-bruv-person · 3 years
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Pride Month 3: Shinsou Headcanons
Genre: fluff, comfort
Pairing: Shinsou x any!reader
Shinsou loves you, wait- that's an understatement
That's why when pride Month rolls around, he's prepared
Festivals festivals festivals
You guys end having a rlly good time there
He actually likes all the bright colours and you might just see him crack a smile when you drag him to a stall
Lmao yall are so cute
After that though, yall will just cuddle until you fall asleep
or watch a movie
Or both
Wholesome as fuckkkk
Pride moth badges
Pride Month posters
Budget yourselves alright?
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Pride Month 4: Bakugo Headcanons
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugo x any!reader
Pride Month with Bakugou is quite fun
Yes he'll be a tsundere like he usually is but he will take the time to hang out with you more and support any coming outs
He is a rlly good cook so he will make different recipes and dishes pride themed
You name it
He make it
Depending on whether you're a good chef or not, he'll let you in the kitchen either to help or just watch
Just don't hurt yourself or you're in for a scolding hun 😳🤷‍♀️
Maybe you'll convince him to put pride themed makeup on
Who knows
Overall expect some tasty ass treats
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Pride Month 5: Sero Hanta Headcanons
Genre: fluffy fluff
Pairing: Sero x any!reader
Ooh this is fun
Treats you like royalty bro
Movie nights
The whole deal
Will take you to the pride parades every year and you never get bored (I think)
Rainbow accessories
If anyone dares make fun of your sexuality, skin colour or misgenders you
Tape their mouth shut
Your man's got you
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Pride Month 6: Tsuyu Asui Headcanons
Genre: fluffyyyy
Pairing: Tsuyu x any!reader
Ah yes
Froppy best girl
Pride Month with her is chill yet memorable
She loves you a lot
She is so accepting of you and she never puts any pressure on you
Sweet af
You guys put rainbow or whatever sexuality colours you want is your hair
Dancing to music
Hangs streamers in her room
Frick you guys are so festive and wholesome and ugh
Why aren't anime characters real for fucks sake
Cuddles and cuddles
Taking you on picnics and stuff like that
So adorable whdvwkbsuwbw
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Pride Month 7: Neito Monoma Headcanons
Genre: fluffy fluffffffff
Pairing: Monoma x any!reader
Cocky bastard
However, this is the time where he puts you first and cares for you
If you come out to him
He will turn all soft and comfort you and hug you
But then goes all cocky saying that he's the first one you went to therefor he is superior
If any racism, discrimination, misgendering or homophobia happens
He will call them out and humiliate them
Making fun of them non-stop
He loves you and no one messes with his bby
He will go to pride parades if you want to but its all about you being proud of yourself
He wants to spend time with you so take care of him
Soft Neito month
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Pride Month 8: Keigo Takami Headcanons
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Hawks x any!reader
Hawks and pride is so happy and fun
No joke
Buys the best things
Gets the best things
Treats you so well
He will try and spend it at home since the paparazzi will be by his side 24/7
Expect parties
He'll let you dress him up and stuff like that
Imagine hawks with rainbow wings tho 😳👀
He is so happy when you come out or tell him whatever you kept private from him
At first he thought you were going to break up with him tho
Don't do that
I hope you racists, homophobics transphobics and disgusting discriminatory people are ready
Hawks ain't having none of it
I hope you get an STD and die
Don't mess with my babies
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sorry we keep coming to bother you with stuff like this, but did you happen to see the nasty 'creepy comment' about ego shipping huffle-dork made before retagging it? that horrid septic-dr-schneep came in with their own stupid post. are shippers in the wrong for being upset? should there be an anti ego shipping tag for those that don't like it you think? (sorry if including their names doesn't sit well with you) ~🥀
Yiiiiikes omg I was at work and didn’t see at all but I did some ~research~ and jesus fucking christ lol
Shippers are definitely allowed to be upset at being called creepy (can’t believe that needs saying but this is the JSE fandom so) but honestly this is one of those things that I don’t even have the capacity to be angry about anymore. Anyone who ships the egos has heard this, and we’ve heard it eight million times. We know exactly what these people say about us, and we also know that no one else in the community cares. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it every day if I have to: the reason things like this are so asinine and hurtful are because ego shippers are without contest the nicest part of this fandom (they’re also the most talented, which is I think a bigger part of the issue than people realize lol - for some of those people, it truly is jealousy). I don’t give a single fuck if people in this fandom like me; it’s when I see people, especially LGBTQ+ people, talk about how ashamed they feel of shipping and making secret blogs to avoid backlash for it, that I get angry. Because to see the kindest, most welcoming people in the fandom feeling like they don’t belong - being told that they don’t belong - is heartbreaking.
I didn’t see the ‘should people who hate ego ships have their own tag’ part of the discourse, but all I can say is that if the concept of gay people writing stories that represent their own identities makes you so angry that you feel the need to comment on it in literally any way that isn’t ‘hey I personally don’t like ego shipping so don’t tag me in it or send it to me,’ I don’t think what you need is a tag, I think what you need is probably therapy. 
Unless what you meant is should there be a specific tag they can block, in which case the answer is absolutely: the name of whatever ship they’re uncomfortable with. It’s absolutely valid to be uncomfortable with/hate a certain ship - I’m sure plenty of shippers have a few - and if there’s more than one, you can easily block more than one ship name. If you hate the concept of any of these male characters being shipped together, it’s your responsibility to block all those tags. Some people may tag ‘ego shipping’ on fanworks they post (sometimes it’s nice to do - I track ‘ego shipping!’ Get that exposure, y’all!) but that’s in no way required. It’s not something that necessitates warning, like violence or sexual content; there’s nothing inherently objectionable or controversial about ego shipping (or any other queer content) so it doesn’t need to be tagged and it most certainly doesn’t need to be warned for. 
By the wayside, using names is fine on my blog. I’m definitely a big believer in ‘if what you’re saying is justified, you sign your name to it and don’t subpost or be passive aggressive; own it entirely, otherwise it’s just gossip and shit talk.’ I’ll always risk ‘drama’ to make my stance clear.  Every time I see a blog that has one of those weird insult things isa-ghost gives out in their description - idk if it’s an AU or like a joke but they’re like “’ugly carrot’ according to isa-ghost” or “’unwanted suitcase’ according to isa-ghost” - I desperately want to add “’petty shipper’ according to isa-ghost” to my description but I mean I think that might validate the ‘petty’ part a little too much jghjfgh. ‘Horrid’ is maybe a stronger word than I would use for s-d-s but I mean if they’ve made you feel uncomfortable you have a right to say so. I’ve never had an issue with people just saying on their own blog that they personally don’t like shipping which to the best of my knowledge is what that person mainly sticks to, even if I agree it’s pretty clear that her stance is the same as the people who are actively horrible to us, and I did take issue with something (unrelated to shipping) she said once so I don’t really interact with her. The blogs I’m always talking about that I really find disgusting are the ones that call us gross, the ones that claim we shouldn’t like it or should ‘trigger warn’ it, the ones who say we don’t belong in the community, the ones who say we should ‘have our lgbt cards taken away’ lol. That’s the thing - we literally are asking for the most basic of respect. The bar is literally underground, and these people just keep picking up shovels.
Honestly, my reaction to this happening is ‘well, what are we gonna do about it?’ Not in a defeatist way - I’m genuinely asking. What can we do to make sure all the wonderful, creative, talented, sweet ego shippers know that they’re valued members of this community, and deserve better than this kind of treatment? To anyone who may still be reading who isn’t actively a shipper but likes to consider themselves a kind & welcoming community, I’m sorry, but I need to ask you to do better. If you see someone saying something actively mean or disrespectful about ego shippers, at the very least, unfollow & stop interacting. I know that’s a big ask, even if it shouldn’t be, because these are big blogs and you want to feel included and have friends. But continuing to support them is by nature saying that it’s acceptable behavior, that it’s just a difference of opinion, and again, once it crosses that line, it’s not anymore. By all means, interact with people who don’t ship and don’t like shipping - interact with ONLY those people if you want. And of course I can’t tell you what to do when it comes to the downright mean people, I’m just asking you to consider what you’re saying when you tolerate people who insult and demean certain community members for no reason, and I’m also asking you not to further insult us by telling us you support us while making it very clear that you don’t care if we’re treated with basic respect or not.
And to the shippers, my ‘what can we do?’ is a genuine, open-ended question. If there’s anything that I personally can do to make you feel welcome in this community, please tell me what it is. I’m not a very popular blog at all, but you should always feel free to tag me in/send me any ego ship content and I’ll happily reblog it, and god knows I’m always around to talk about ships, AUs, headcanons, and that kind of thing! I’m also around to talk just in general - if you’re feeling ashamed, angry, or sad about your place in the fandom, I’ve always got open ears and heart emojis for you. I love you very much and I’m glad you’re here.
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