#i don't care how crusty he can be. He's special to me
m4ruk4ts · 2 years
Please I am begging for Axel content, doesn't matter which, it can even be one pixel, I just wanna see him, my sweet little dumb metal boy with his viking hat, I will pay you if I must.
Ps: your art is really eatable
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG i'm starting college soon so my days are counted but HERE'S THE MAN HIMSELF (ft. max bc he's nosy)!!!!!!! i still need to choose whether i want to give him. Eyes or not. We'll see
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also saying my art is eatable is the best compliment i've had in a while anon, thank you so much :33333
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daytaker · 9 months
The Gang React to You Petting Their Hair
"I am only going to say this once: stop."
You get one warning. One. If you do not cease and desist, he is throwing you out of his study, so help him Diavolo's Dad. No, he does not like it. No, not even a little bit. You really aren't going to stop? You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you?
....You're very lucky he's too busy to hurl you bodily from this room. He'll just endure it for now.
"Hah?! What's the big idea?! This is the revered hair of THE Great Mammon, I'll have you know. So that'll be 100 Grimm a touch, thanks! ....Hey, no, wait, why'd you stop?"
Once he's done turning bright red and clearing his throat, he'll try to capitalize on this whim of yours by offering you a discount on hair touches. A very poorly-planned scheme, because you're not going to pay to do something he'll start begging you to keep up as soon as you stop.
Oh, so Mammon is willing to let you touch his high-value hair for free? You're so honored. What a good boy you are, Mammon. (You can expect a bit more sputtering and some denials that he is anything like a good boy, but bro's into it big time. If he had a tail, it would be wagging.)
*shrieks in confused, touch-starved otaku*
Wait, no, he didn't say to stop! What's with these mixed signals? Petting his hair then stopping just because he shrieks a little bit? Did you want to touch his hair or not? Is it greasy? Oh god, when did he last bathe? ...It was only the other day. You have no reason to be disgusted. You're just a bigoted normie who assumes all otaku are crusty and gross!
Ahhhh?!?!?!?! Again?! Fine! Just don't change your mind again, because that's super confusing! And yeah, obviously he's blushing, you're petting his head and it feels nice and kind of tickles! ....Mm.... You know, once he's settled into it, it's really relaxing, actually...
Fast forward an hour or two and he's probably conked out with his head in your lap, drunk on affection and mostly asleep.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?"
It feels weird. Why are you doing that? Wait, you're petting him? Like he's....a cat? Hmm. Interesting. He'll allow it. But you should do it properly. None of this mussing his hair around with wild abandon. You have to be gentle and use small movements. Maybe use your knuckles? Gently though. There, that's it.
So this is what it feels like. Admittedly, he probably wouldn't take kindly to this if anybody else was doing it, no matter how well they imitated proper cat-petting technique. But you're a special exception, so in the future, if you feel the need to do this, just let him know. And for the love of all things unholy, don't breathe a word about this to his brothers.
"Oh, you like my hair? Isn't it soft? I'll show you the conditioner I use."
Asmo loves having his hair played with! Or brushed, or combed, or tugged (just not too hard, please!) His hair is silky smooth thanks to a mixture of his natural good looks and his shampoo/conditioner combination. He'll let you borrow them if you're interested. Your hair will look amazing! And it'll feel even better!
This is cozy. He'll just settle in and let you do this as long as you want. Careful you don't get too handsy; he knows how irresistible he is.
...Well, maybe if you're a little handsy he'll let it slide, but just because it's you.
"Are you....petting me?"
Kind of weird, but it feels nice, so he isn't complaining. It's a little bit embarrassing, just because it makes him feel a little bit like a puppy, but then again, who doesn't like puppies? He'll be able to continue to go about his day not minding you petting his hair now and again. The only awkward part is how damn tall he is. You might need to keep a step stool handy.
"Nnngh, knock it off...! ... ... ...I changed my mind, do it again."
His initial reaction to being woken up to you stroking his head is annoyance, because dammit, he was sleeping. But once he shakes the cobwebs out of his brain, he'll realize that it actually felt really good and he could absolutely fall asleep under these circumstances.
He'll wait a little while, hoping you'll give it another try of your own accord, but if you don't, he'll eventually cave and grumpily ask you to do it again.
"Hahaha... That's enough, now."
He isn't actually a fan. Maybe it's the fact that he's a prince and has been acting as an autocrat more or less for centuries, but being stroked like an adored pet feels really degrading. Of course, he won't hold it against you, but seriously, stop.
"Are you finished playing around quite yet?"
Another one who isn't into this at all. He's more than happy to spend his free time petting you, if that's what you're interested in, but he is a petter, not a pettee. Read into this what you will.
"You're so forward!"
Solomon likes it very much. Too much, possibly. Are you flirting with him? There's something incredibly intimate about touching someone's hair, don't you think? No, please, continue.
"Um, what are you doing? ...As long as you're enjoying yourself, I guess!"
Simeon is more bewildered by this than most. Like, are you trying to scratch an itch for him? Is this one of those "viral memes" he's heard so much about? Well, it feels nice, and it isn't as if it's hurting anybody. He'll indulge you for now.
A little to your left, please. Ahhhh, that's the spot...
"Hehe, that tickles... Hey! Is this a Chihuahua joke?!"
It feels kind of nice, but as soon as he takes a second to think about it, he realizes that you're treating him at best like a little kid, and at worst, like a dog, and he isn't having any of that. He'll scold you for treating a Celestial being so casually, remind you that he's actually a lot older than you, technically, so who's the real baby, and secretly pine for more pets for the rest of his life.
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pomeness · 1 month
What kind of crusty white dog would Kaiser have
[stares into the camera] a pomeran-- [gvnshot] mANY POMERANIA--- [several gvnshots]
Jokes aside (was it really a joke though?), given how much he loves stray dogs, he would probably either save one directly from the streets or adopt one from a rescue center. He would probably take home a reactive dog or one with a difficult attitude and would spend hours researching on how to train it, maybe even take a certificate in dog-training to properly take care of his pup.
The way he would read books and books on dog behaviours before taking one in... I know he'd be a good owner, given how determined he is.
Another dog I can see him adopt, other than a reactive one, would be an ex k9. Ex working dogs can be difficult to train and deal with, so you need to know what you get into before adopting one (esp since k9 may actually have gone through traumatic experiences and suffer from ptsd) [insert joke about pets resembing their owner here].
Now just for shits and giggles I'm gonna give my Two (2) cents about which dog breed(s) he'd like/consider to take in:
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starting strong with the czech worlfdog. To me it'd be the ideal partner for Kaiser. It's stubborn, protective, hard to train. It has strong predatory instincts but still has a pack mentality - meaning that if you're part of the pack he'd die for you but if you don't then kys basically (sorry i suck at explaining). Fun fact: they were supposed to be a police dog breed but unfortunately they get extremely attached to their owner and wouldn't be able to go back to work in the unfortunate case of their owner dying.
So yeah. A bit feral, a bit wild, definitely a dog you end up having a "special bond" with. Lowkey Kaiser coded methinks, esp given his only desire to be loved unconditionally. Which brings us to a second breed that fits this type of requirement:
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this bitch. The doberman. Wonderful breed, the ideal guard dog and a "one man dog" type of temperament. They stick to their owner and would protect them with their lives. They also are a handful when it comes to training and socialization and Kaiser would absolutely Adore to be the centre of this dog's world.
There's a third dog breed who methinks would fit Kaiser's personality:
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The Ness. Look at him! Don't make these big round sweet eyes fool you, he'd absolutely make dark magic spells against anyone who looks at Kaiser in a funny way. Loyal at the core, he's easy to train if compared to the previous breeds and will stick to you no matter how bad you treat him. Perfect one man only type of dog. Nice, fluffy coat. He comes home already potty trained and with opposable thumbs!
Andddd that's it! :> hope you enjoyed reading!
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Some backstory for Stealth
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Stealth was raised in Kaon , a nicer part of Kaon ... the area that was mostly occupied by poor-lower-income familial units.... my Head-canon is that a lot of Cybertronians can reproduce by spark or similiar mean (spark-play). Poor incomes or low ranking usually lead to carrying an old-fashioned way of babies ... Richer Praxian/Vosian and up are usually Cold-Constructs in terms of frames because of technicalities (Well, see more of this in Thunderstreaker's breakdown).
Anyways , Stealth had an interesting childhood , her Sire worked and attended school. As he was younger for a Gladiator.... and Stealth was a baby ... Stealth has always and will always have a tough relationship with her carrier. So they weren't involved...which left a certain group of friends to help.
Stealth grew up around large miners and gladiators , she was one of the only beings that was a constant in Impactor and Megatron's lives. More so, Impactor than Megsy because Megsy was a younger mech back then.
So imagine this , Impactor sitting next to a small version of her sire (Who is a blood-red and black Praxian with Silver/chrome accents). Her little doorwings were still little stubs , and Her chevron had little protectors and trainers. As she sat down where her Sire had set her down , reading a little book.
Impactor ... The Great Gladiator! The Miner ! The Mech that didn't take slag !
... He taught this little creature how to read, draw,paint, and Gamble ! By the time her sire returned regardless of the time or length of time , she was tired or asleep holding her little plushy he'd gotten her earlier that first day.
I have a bunch of cute sparkling tales . If anyone wants to hear'em , let me know !
Stealth is very close with Impactor until they move to Praxus when her carrier demands that they can't be around all the bad. Stealth, of course, is upset and asks to stay (which is a no) and ultimately results in her returning in the summer. They have a falling out, and they don't talk again for years !!!
... And Stealth knows the twins from the summers at Impactors ! The twins were curious of the slightly younger femme ! As you can imagine , Impactor wasn't but, we're deviating here!
Impactor will never admit it , but he is the reason Stealth is a medic. Stealth was one of those kids that came home with a litter of turbo-pups or a kitten. Impactor had a soft spot , and he ended up sitting with the little femme trying to find a home for the smaller creatures.
Her Sire is working towards an engineering career , so little miss is with Impactor ... which means she also goes with him to his training and matches. Femmes coo at her, and Impactor at one point tries to pursue/briber her into inviting the femmes to go with them to dinner or for Ice-cream...... It doesn't go over well. Stealth mean-mugged the femmes, and well ... She cheers for her 'Sire' Impactor as that's what her 'Sire' calls Impactor ...usually scares off a few femmes .
Stealth eventually learns that Sunstreaker and Sideswipe are fun and that if Impactor is 'distracted' by a femme or cute mech , well then ... she has 100 shanix for the help to spend with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.
However , Impactor did come to regret this one-time during a 3-day sleep-over. Stealth bought a Kaonite Pit-Kanan , a big crusty one that was covered in Energon. And the fragging Femme was hanging off of it's neck without a care in the world !
Stealth :'Pactor ! I made a friend !
Impactor: *Panicking* Where did you find it ! Put it back ! Do you even know what it is !!!
Stealth : My new friend ! Pactor ! I'm gonna name him ....umm Fluffy !!
Impactor : *Realizing the time* Slag your Dad's really gonna kill me ! I'm serious!! Don't laugh !
Stealth : But you have a friend ! I wanna a friend to , specially cuz you don't let Sunstreaker and Sides over !!!!
Impactor : We aren't having this conversation again ! You are literally 6 vorns old !! And your sire's gonna kill me for-(equal to a 6 year old)
*Door opens !*
Stealth : Sire !
Impactor :
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So I decided to finally watch 'Willow' the series (I'm generally more into sci fi but everyone here who's been watching it seems to appreciate it and I generally trust y'all) but first I watched 'Willow' the movie which I have no recollection of having watched since I saw it in the theater with my dad when it first came out.
First, a dorky little review of the movie:
I don't' want to spend too much time on this partly because I know people have a nostalgia boner for it whereas I simply do not care about it. Like, I'm sorry, but I don't. Upon rewatching it I remembered some scenes being so disturbing or frightening they elicited a verbal response from me - when Raziel was being changed from a common bush possum into a raven, or the trolls looking like creeping shadows, or when the troll gets turned into that two headed thing - but besides the above and, honestly, the attractiveness of practically everyone involved it just didn't stick with me. High fantasy can require a high buy-in and if it's a one-off movie I just don't return to it often, or at all. That being said, it's not bad! I mean, the fighting sequences feel clunky, the acting is hit or miss (I want to say that Val Kilmer was given some direction that might've run against his instincts from time to time)(but he's still good and fun to watch), and it is literally a movie on the cusp between older special effects and the new CGI movement, so a mixed bag there, but it's also fun! The shield toboggan was thrilling! The cinematography is right where you want it to be! Dogs in costume! (I remember my dad laughing about that; I did the same when I watched it yesterday). So, it's fine. Not a childhood favorite but definitely a 1988 Ron Howard movie...probably a little too much George Lucas in it, but still. You do what you can with what you have.
Now, the series: I love it! There are so many layers.
The prince is a flirt who's kidnapped and the princess has to go rescue him.
Actual queer people portraying queer characters.
Every character is on their own journey, even as they're on the same collective journey, and moving from one to the other from scene to scene feels seamless.
People have conflict and regrets, and that's okay. It sucks to be tortured by your past but what matters is how you move forward.
It's fucking gorgeous.
There's probably more but the reason I'm writing this is because I can NOT stand...the music.
You thought I was going to say dialogue, weren't you? Well, guess what. After five minutes in I realized that the dialogue was modern in nature. I kept noticing it for about another five minutes and then I just stopped noticing it. It's fine. It's a series that's trying to tell a high fantasy story to a modern audience; what matters is what happens, not explicitly how they talk. And this may be a bit crude but if using modern ways of speaking takes you out of a fantasy show and you're missing something written by a literal philologist who created his own languages then go jack off into 'The Silmarillion' and leave us alone (and order a new copy, for god's sake; that thing's getting too crusty).
...but the end music. THAT takes me out of it. Every time. The end of the third episode? Fucking 'Enter Sandman?' No. I'm very emotionally open to what's been happening, receptive to all, and at the climax to the episode I'm immediately jolted into seeing that big rig hit that bed. What? Why? Maybe it's just me but it breaks the entire idea of escapism. So, maybe...you know what? I was going to try to find a similar way to end this paragraph as I did the previous one but I'm just gonna end with this period.
My only other minor gripes are similar to most other modern productions: the scene at the end of episode three was...fighting? Hard to say, it's fucking dark as hell. Yes, I get it, it's night, but also guess what? We can imply night without making it super dark; hell, 'Nope' did night wonderfully (albeit with newer "daytime as nighttime" technology than what's been used before). The other one is with dialogue volume...but more specifically with regards to the fact that most actors now wear lavalier microphones which allows fore more natural speech to come through, so actors can speak more quietly or mumble and it gets picked up. And boy, do they mumble! Maybe it's a generational thing; I feel like the younger actors are more comfortable speaking towards the back of their throats whereas the more experienced actors tend to speak towards their lips and teeth. Literally a difference in elocution. Maybe mumble/whisper core is better for some, but to return slightly to a "Why are they talking that way?" point of view it does take me out of what I'm watching if I have to constantly rewind it before giving up and putting on closed captions.
Otherwise, I love it, and I can't wait to continue it.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
There was no effort on my part. That’s what I’m saying. You keep giving your enemies ammo. And why would I ask those people—and in what batshit situation—about anything lmfao. And found on Google? No. I just told you. ******** records. All of them. I didn’t have to piece together anything. And yeah, you may not have made up 8Ball’s existence, but your connection to him is bs. No one is making you post these asks by the way. Bassinet half-eaten cheeseburger ass. Anyway, have a good night projecting about acting hot shit behind a keyboard. Best of luck to you. xx
No, you cunt, I want to hang you all out to dry. Because at the end of the day, you're still some pale ass bitch trying to keyboard warrior behind a sock because you can't fucking cope with the fact that most of the world is more relevant than whatever hole in the wall you've rotten in to make you such a row of insufferable cunts.
I'm over it. I'm over your denial of reality. I'm over you sucking your own back lips to tell yourselves it's raining tuna smelling ass mayo. that shit don't come premixed, asshole, that's your own stink. Fucking, i need you guys to get it. i want the whole world to get it. You guys are, in fact, dumb as bricks, insufferable ass cunts with no reason to even exist in this fandom or frankly just about anywhere by how you fuckin' act. Lifeless pepperoni face electric fry haired pieces of shit telling people to get therapy while being all DURHUR I MAKE SOCK TO THREATEN U ABOUT SHIT YOU TALKED ABOUT PUBLICLY. what is this, fuckin mark pepperoni having a goddamn meltdown?
crusty ass bitches, over your worthless asses or pretending you're worth jack shit but putting frames around so when your world comes thundering down and you're all sounding like the confused hagass buffalo herd sounds you look like you can remember this shit. we got us some shit to hang on the fuckin fridge for memories.
You brainless cunts don't get it. This isn't an SPN account anymore. This is a personal account. you're just a bunch of sacks of shit obsessed with people who don't care you exist, me included
go pull your tattered ass labias off the floor, roll that shit up, throw it over your shoulder like a continental soldier and get the fuck out.
this isn't a fucking spn stan war. you're still not grasping how incomprehensibly fucking irrelevant you all are and if you're going to keep crawling here with your notice me senpai bullshit I'm gonna keep nailing it to the wall so you remember when shit all slings sideways for you in half a year. Fuckin shit
can't imagine being such a privileged cunt to not be able to connect the dots on sunnyside houston, surviving on streets to avoid DV, and all this shit i been open about for years that yall motherfuckers are only now pissing your pants to deny because you realize it's suddenly in your backyard lmfao. nah. its ours get that classist weird keyboard warrior bullshit out of here man, you wanna show up we'll do it the right way i cannot emphasize enough your privileged ass bullshit does not fly here, and by here, i mean nola. this fuckin little whiteass special snowflake all opinions are valid bullshit isn't how it floats
you don't like my music? you can go find some spn blog that cares about your weird roleplay of relevance
didn't read those doxxuments close enough to find out why that DV ex was suddenly real scared of me and real careful about when he showed up or broke in. pretty sure he filed a complaint that a bunch of black men would jump him if we had to do any legal discussions directly lmao. so. pop off
anyway wait until you find out what a Susan is whlie you're peeing here, and if you're wearing old Guess jeans while trying to ride my ass, pull them off, cuz you got me and her all over yours. enjoy, bitches
you guys are so insufferably desperate you're trying to google your way through my own life and rebuild what happened. Jesus christ, GET THERAPY. and desperate for what?? to deny reality of a direction a tv show is going. To someone you SWEAR you believe has ZERO affiliation and yet just compulsively have to show up and register socks to argue with like sacks of shit. lmao god how can you not see the Pressed waves you're radiating?
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Going to put a donation jar at crusty's for a down syndrome victims and I want all those bja people and other gifted who went and attacked crusties to go in there and put a minimum of a quarter in
Zues Hera
Actually have a lot of remarks we want to say and get them out later right now to say you have no right to we don't want to but really I feel we should make us feel better because we know what crust is means and we're not used to heat and it's really nasty they're going to come at us we're going to Intel and stuff and everyone's going to regret it as we always say maybe we usually get killed
That's why I'm going to do it no it's because the other reasons but really it's something we should do
Thank you
We thank you too and wow what an afternoon he did very well he went and got us food and he got out and it's very hot very oppressive people are messing with him the whole way it was nasty ridiculous he'll talk and smack and you told me that your whole thing is kind of stupid you don't get it so we have to move on now we're saying this this is a horrible place you're making it so damn hard on yourself understand anything maybe this trip up to the north will help and like you said you don't have to go the whole distance but really it will be entertaining to you to see what it's like and you had kids and you had families and a lot of you cared that are more luck and those slabs are going to remind you and it may snap you out of this thing you have this guy from down below calls himself the devil
Thor Freya
We're into it we have a slab selected the beginning of the hardening process if we have to move it we want them to be harder so I don't snap and people are starting to get it you have to start Harding them here they're very hard to move without snapping them there's no way to do it yeah there is you can encapsulate them but they have to be encapsulated in something that's hard like concrete it's really hard to do okay I can't move a fraction of an inch and you have to put like something that will release completely plastic will but how you going to break it out of there without cracking it there's a way to do it it's a special form and our friend says still if you're supporting it and you let the weight down on it at all it's going to break the best way to do is to lay it flat and pull the top off but then it has to be thick you can't do it but it hardens like a day so we're going to harden it tonight probably for a few days and while we're hardening it we're going to be riding down those who we lost of rank and it's important and the others too because you have to put it on the other part of it and the superstructure can be built while we're doing this and yeah those those panels will be the waterproofing there we know how to put them on so it works and you seal in between them okay it's a special epoxy grout and those things don't shrink or expand and put epoxy grout the can a little bit it's a good idea. And we're inviting others for like us yukio and husband and Wei Chan Lin and wife Even in absentia he says he has the material there and it matches in color for the most part and this is how it's going to be done to procure it where you are in those in DC should see if they have it up there and they say they have some it's going to be a fight and they're just kidding so you shouldn't get excited Tommy f. And then they're going ahead and doing it now it should take probably 3 days or so and Sunday would be a good day to bring them up there maybe they're super structure will be ready by then and going to Batman now he says no one I said why not it says there's a lot of subsurface to do. Can you elaborate Batman since I'm not Batman I'm Daniel thank you Daniel I appreciate that we're all here waiting to hear your word. Well like I said the superstructure it should take several days. And it's going to be some issues about what will support what how big we can make it and what you say is the city limits is where you're within still yes so you make it so go as high as a skyscraper and it's wide as a skyscraper with a segmentated foundation system which will all be large enough to hold the skyscraper that tall we sort of agree with that I could end up being this monstrous building but he says no because the Army is going to be on microdots so we're going ahead with it and it won't be that big and I do appreciate that and will and Bill could probably design it pretty quick and they know the area and they send the soils and they already are deciding it Daniel says and it shouldn't take too long a few days to get this substructuring in a day to get the superstructuring and by the end of the day we might be hanging those memorial tablets and that would be what you think is Sunday September and you're saying that the tablets still need to be cut and they need to be routered we all have to have the same routing and spacing and letter size that will take coordination but really the facade needs work and the roof and the structure and he said September 11th is a good day to put it in and everybody will be in the mood and it be somber and they'll realize that the two were trying to do the job and that their Jets were out of control and we do know that for a fact.
He says I'm truly Batman and will be inducted into the superhero bars formally and there are several Batman but this is the real Batman that's what he's saying
The other Batman did the job too and remove the bomb from New York City and it was a nuclear weapon
Is being inducted as well and those are going to be statues up there and the freedom center and they're going to show why
0 notes
sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Sharks or whales?
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Sharks or Whales is not a stupid question 
Bakugou pov
"I noticed it, you aren't slick katsu!"
"The fuck? Noticed what!"
"You know what, how could you"
"you don't even tell me you love me, but you can do that"
"The fuck...we only started dating like a week ago"
"Yea but- but- i"
"You what? Huh? Tell me what your talking about or get out of my face"
God, I really need to stop making impulse decisiones. I could just keep fighting with her though...she is always hotter when she is angry. That's how this all started in the first place, at that damn sports festival. Why did I have to find it so hot? 
Fucking occhaco, are you really only my type when your in battle? 
"Just shut up okay." 
I made myself quick to press my lips to hers and when she gasped I skipped my tongues in too. I wanted to be slow and sensual, even with tongue, but I couldn't. The slower I kiss her the more I remember how much I am not right for her. How she is feeling something but I can't feel it anymore. I skipped my hand behind her back and drew our lower bodies closer together. 
At least occhaco is a good kisser. I bet that stalker bitch from earlier isn't. I bet she is crusty and musty and fucl she was hot though. No. She is weird, she probably got in here because of her mom so she is spoiled. What a fucking princess. 
All of a sudden chaco trips on something and is pulled away from the kiss she falls backwards and landed flat on her ass. It takes some work not to laugh but whoever did that is going to die. Even if I wasn't really enjoying myself there, I could've been. They wouldn't know. 
I look down at my girlfriend in shock. What catches my eye first, though, is something wrapped around her ankle. I bent down to see what it was. I quickly got confused because she had a dead vine wrapped half way up her call and an equally dead rose on the end of it. 
"What the fuck"
I look back up to see the stalker doing her own thing and talking with shitty hair and a dulce face. It has to be her, no one else has this quirk. I don't know her quirk, but nobody else would've done this. Fucking wierdo. 
I start walking across the classroom to where she is sitting on top of her desk, manspreading and laughing with my extras. 
"No, I'm a serious shark or whale?" Y/n asks with the most serious face I've ever seen.
"Uhm sharks, duh"
"Why though?" 
"Sharks have cool sharp teeth and they move super fast" 
"Everyone says that, but think about this...whales are so big and fat and they dont even care, they are just fucking bosses, being slow as shit and still monchin on krill and small animals, they dont even have to fight or anything"
"I-y/n you-"
"No, imagine you could just walk around with your mouth open and food would just go in. "
"Oh my god, she is right," dunce face made a stupid look of awe at the girl. 
I wanted to snap her for fucking doing that to occhaco...but for a second I was actually distracted by how she was right about shitty whales. Fucking wierdo, though.
"Oi, stalker bitch" 
I could tell she was a creep by how fast her eyes lit up after I yelled at her. Who does she think she is? She likes it when i'm mad or something? 
"Me!? Yes sir, what do you need?" She hopped off of her desk and practically bounced over to me. 
"What the fuck was that, you shitty stalker?" I spoke darkly and pointed to where me and my fucking...girlfriend had been kissing. 
"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me with a serious face. 
"That fuckong stunt you just pulled with the fucking flower," I hissed leaning down as I yelled at her. 
"Oh, I was jealous." She said once again completely seriously,  but she had a bright smile on her face. Why is she being so straightforward, has she never met a guy before? Half the girls in this school crush on me, obviously, but they wouldnt dare say dumb shit like that to me. 
"I saw you kissing your girlfriend, and it made me get this feeling like i wanted you to not do that...I mean, are you dense, never been jealous before? Or do you not know what it means..."
"But..." she looked at the floor again, I swear if she fucking cries I will throw her. 
Her aura went 360 and for some reason I got a shitty feeling in my chest, but it was moving lower...I think. Was I horny right now? What the fuck, no. 
Her head came back up and she was smirking, I wonder if this is something she got from her mom...
Those e/c eyes met with mine holding an erotic feeling that shot down my whole body. Her face was so fucking pretty right now, for no good reason and she fully lifted to peer up at me. It was much too effective in turning me on, since I was already leaning towards her a bit in my anger.
I grosled at the feeling, and then she rose her finger to point at me, just like fucking lunch time. She pressed it to my chest making me want to hit it away, but for some reason I waited to see what she would say. 
"I only really came to see you..." she spoke in a ridiculously seductive tone but at the same time...a whisper. 
"Shh" her finger was brought off of my chest and pressed to my lips in a huh motion. 
"Don't worry boom boom, I know I don't know you but if you would enlighten me im sure I could understand you a bit better...I only have one question..."
as soon as i yelled her finger retracted and her face returned to an innocent smile. Why does this bitch have so many faces? She looked way to excited for her question, while I was confused as to why it felt like two seconds ago she might litteraly try to fuck me, and now she looks like a kid in a candy store. 
"Sharks or whale, bakugou? SHARKS OR WHALES!?"
oh fuck this shit...
Timeskip* one week of y/n being totally confusing but also sexy later. 
Y/n pov 
I think I did something bad. I think I actually got them to break up. I don't wanna do that because my new friend mina explained what homewrecking was, and that isnt my goal. I just want to know if seeing his face all the time makes it less special, or if this crush is more. 
I shouldn't have gone so hard in combat training I guess..
"Whatever, its was stupid anyway"
"Yeah, uraraka, you deserve better than him, fucking dick"
The cute round-faced girl had tears bordering her eyes and was allowing everyone to comfort her in her loss. 
I felt pretty fuckibg terrible about what I had caused, I mean they were in a real relationship. If I had been dating somebody for a long time, and then some weirdo showed up and ruined it...I would hate her. 
"I cant believe he is so mean.." she clung to who I think is yaoyorozu, and cried into her chest. 
"It's not your fault, you didn't know he was all like that, it was only a week"
The creation- quilled girl spoke as she pet occhaco's hair and soothed her. Wait a fucking mintue. They only were dating for a week? The fuck?
"Hahahahahaha oh my god" I couldn't help but break out into laughter. 
This past week I came to teams with the fact that maybe her and him had something real, so I figured I'll settle for being free from hell, as opposed to trying to..I don't know. I don't even know what my plan was when I moved schools. I wanted to see him, meet him, make him angry again or something. 
However I never thought through a plan. So I suppose I would just have to enjoy the fact I can have male friends now. I started to back off, but one week, and she is crying over him burning me up a bit. What the hell?
"Y/n what the fuck!?" Ashido whispered and yelled at me. 
I turned a bit to face her, instead of the ridiculous scene in front of me. She had her brows furrowed and looked at me like I was crazy. 
"Think about it mina..they dated for one week...and she is crying because they broke up..it's like..it's like...bahahaha," i couldn't finish the thought without laughing but asido seemed to also find my humor in this situation. 
I saw how she almost laughed before catching herself and feighing seriousness. The other girls, minus occhaco and momo, had turned their attention towards us, looking wearily at our closeness. 
"Excuse me, I AM GOING TO GO TEACH Y/N SOME DECENCY" mina whispered yelled again, turning to face me with a fake angry look. I wasn't sure what was happening, because I have never been in a situation like this before. So I let out a little giggle and nodded, my face red and starting to hurt from the smile and laugh I couldn't suppress. 
Mina grabbed my arm just under my elbow, gripping it almost tight enough to hurt. She dragged me around the corner of the living room, into the hallway of yaoyorozou's house. We had all been told to rush here after school for an urgent matter.
When I first read the group texts I kinda thought it might be an orgy, so I figured I would come even though I didn't really want to. However..I showed up to this mansion to find a crying floaty-girl and a lot of food for some reason. It confused me because at my old school girls didn't really cry, or get sad, or be emotional. When they did it was usually about reason things, like a stolen diary, hair pulling during combat training, or one of the worst offences at my old school: playing pop music. 
Yeah, it's a weird thing for a ton of princesses and rich girls to care about..but I've seen girls lose eyes over playing "mad at disney '' in the dorms when we all know it is pretty much a sin.
Mina pushed me back against the wall of the hallway, and I would be aroused if now for the fact that she backed away and crouched over herself in laughter. 
"I-pfft I don't baha know why but bahahaj you are so right"
I didn't even become surprised by her action, I just laughed with her letting myself slide down the wall. 
"If you hadn't asked pfft bakugou that question, they would probably still be dating!" She was fucking wheezing and an idea came to my mind.
"Hey, ashido, you think if they made it to two weeks they could have scheduled a time to bahah hug in the halls"
"Y/n pfft, I think that's more of a ....3 three week anniversary thing"
We were both in fetal positions in momos big velvet- themed hallway laughing our asses off. We had no idea how the guys were reacting to this strange break up, but if a girl hated me for one of my key personality traits I'd be pretty set on..not dating them either. Good for you boom boom. Pftt ``y-you think someday we can -maybe um..mk-kiss in the mo-mouth"
"Omg your too much bahahaha"
3rd person pov
Meanwhile bakugou, kaminari, kirishima and sero were sitting in separate places around kaminari's room, not minding the huge fight between their friend and y/n...and occhaco for some reason earlier. 
"I don't get it, why did you hit her after she already beat you bakugou..like y/n was so cool and I get you dont like to lose but that royal quirk thing was many as shit and you ruined the vibe"
"Tch, whatever, she is just a weirdo bitch"
"You know that's not true dude...she actually pretty hot"
"Jeez, just being honest. We all know you like it when girls can fight...i mean it's like the only reason you went out with uraraka anyway."
"I mean, you kinda were, but she a bit overreacting, sure"
"Shut up sero, if she is scared, she is allowed to be scared. Its not manly to shame her"
"I know kiri, but like, if you are gonna date bakugou, shouldn't you be someone who doesn't cry when he is mean. Cuz like he is mean all the time."
"I guess..I kinda imagined she would try to calm him down but she kinda just made us all feel guilty, huh"
"Shut up, this isn't about you bakugou"
"Hey guys, don't you think it's kinda weird that we are in a like...serious conversation, but we are all on our phones not looking at each other," Sero pitched in, still not taking his eyes off of his phone screen where he was playing clash of clans. 
He was right, the four boys were in opposite corners of the room occupying themselves with different social media. 
"No" kaminari replied as he scrolled through his phone, not actually doing anything on it
"Not really" kirishima added in, as he was searching instagram, looking for y/ns account because he had developed a curiosity to what she looked like out of uniform. 
He had only got a glimpse of her casual clothing on the first day, not enough to even process, and for some reason when you trained you hadn't had a hero suit either. It seemed you would just wear a tank top and sweats during hero training in your first week. 
Unbeknownst to him, you hadn't had one to wear in the first place. Most of your planning for life revolved around being lazy and not needing to do any work. So, unlike the students here, you had not planned or sketched any type of hero suit. You were however working on a pretty simple one that just allowed you to be comfortable while you worked, but mom definitely was going to um...do something about that. 
"its fucking normal tape arms, everyone does this shit" bakugou spoke kinda quietly. He was just hoping no one would look up and come see that he had actually succeeded in getting your instagram. He was finding out... a lot of new things. For one, he definitely wasn't seeing your casual everyday attire. 
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His thoughts were a mess, he figured, unlike kirishima, that he would use your first and last name. While his friend used y/n kayama, your well known mother's last name. He had first went on the Internet and found that you scared the last name of a king, and he knew that your quirk was royal from what you explained during your battle with him.
The outfit you wore on the first day had him in for it. As that style was exactly his type, his eyes lingered too long. However seeing you as a ballerina and a fucking princess gave him a weird feeling. He didn't know what it was, but he hated it. He hated you, and your pretty posture and cool style and your fucking princess shit. He even hated the irony in how he called you a princess for even getting into U.A. However, if you were truly the princess of the elementus quirk family...he was going to have bigger problems than your stupid questions in class. . . .
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