#i don't have a lot of music knowledge tbh
thecherrygod · 2 years
I dreamt i was playing music and i porque like three different songs: a symphony, a concerto, and the third one idk what it was, bit apparently it was called Laboratorium Symphonioum, and it was used in a lot of movies that had angry bees in them, and that one of those movies came out every year. But. They were. B movies. About bees.
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thesean · 1 year
I dont know. i wish i was as smart as i pretend to be sometimes
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sunlitmcgee · 11 months
Okay so. Before I have to pass out and go to bed because work tomorrow. Rapid fire, very surface level, rambly and nonsense messy thoughts on the Lords in Blacks' humanoid forms.
Wiggly looks like a prom king! He rules on high in The Black and White, so it makes sense that even in such a "childish" form he makes it clear he's the leader. He's wearing a visual that the 3 kids will see as someone in a place of authority over them, yes, but he's specifically someone within their social "class" as it were: aka a fellow student. He demands their authority and respect, but oh, they're all fwendy-wends here, so they don't need to be so formal!
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(also he has a lil' plushie mini-him for a backpack and it's making me Insane <3)
Nibbly, meanwhile, is a lil' pinkie girlypop. I don't know a lot of his lore or personality other than he hungry and has a connection to pigs, but just visually speaking, that basic info is conveyed very well through this outfit. The visor hat covers his eyes so you focus on his mouth, which is always all smile, all teeth, gums pulled back so you train on it as his most defining feature. If I had to guess the Lords' ages off of this scene along I would probably assume Nibbly is the youngest one, given how cutsie this outfit is tbh. Very "child who just got dressed up for sunday church by their parents" core but maybe I'm just rambling :")
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Blinky is a grundy Daphene from Scooby Doo <3 he has such a tiny little voice and such a big baggy hoodie that has the hood pulled up so his whole face becomes an eye. I love the soft fur to represent his plushie's belly and the long hair. The glasses are also very fun. I wouldn't be too shocked if the hoodie and glasses are merch you find at Watcher world <3
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As always, Tinky is a little fucked up little scraggly little fucko. He looks like a Danganronpa reject and I love it very much! I can't really say how much I feel this outfit matches his character, because well. Tinky's already Weird even among the lords, what with his Smelly Goatman Time Fuckery thing that makes it hard to link him to a singular theme. But he just looks so Wild and Unkempt that I can't like? see any reason the design DOESN'T fit him. if that makes sense?
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Apparently Pokey is the guy that did the hivemind in Guy who didn't like musicals! With that knowledge, damn of course his ass looks like he waddled out of a ren fair's costume district! His mask, his hat, his face paint. Yep! that's a guy who made freaky hivemind space goop that makes people sing alrighty!!
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anyway ^_^ i love these fucked up little guys
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Round 2 Group C Match 2
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expand for propaganda ↓ (major wall of text warning + videos. very.)
Jonny Greenwood:
"Every art girl's (and boy's) wet dream"
"He wrote the tourist. That's all you need."
"Repeat from my Thom propaganda but he was a part of it so anyways. I had a dream once where I met him and Thom on the street and asked them to sign my Pablo Honey CD, so Thom pushed me into open traffic and I got hit by a car and died and Jonny laughed his ass off. 10/10, my last sight before death was his beautiful face laughing."
"I could probably snap him like a twig but I want to marry him and have 3 children with him before I do that"
"Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose 1/5 of Radiohead. Choose 1/5 of In Rainbows. Choose the man who wrote weird fishes, both Greenwood sisters ,the man in South Park, his telecaster and the stickers on it. Choose the bug Jacqueline Kennedy, his love for literature and poetry, and his lovely lisp. Choose his sublime score for Phantom Thread and his husband Paul Thomas Anderson. Choose the weird amount of straight men who thirst over him in the YouTube comment section. Choose his jawbone. Choose the most pretentious, unpretentious member of the band. Choose his silky hair and his (probably) Dove shampoo. Choose his great knowledge of music theory and how he often disregards it. Choose Astroboy's biggest fanboy (minus maybe Thom. Choose a very hot Alex James who eloped with a fish. Choose Jonny Greenwood. Choose your future. Choose life… Involuntary Trainspotting reference but please vote Jonny over Wario. Oh, and( even though Jonny lives in Italy at the moment), I live in Oxford and if I meet him, I'll tell him that he won."
"He keeps chickens guys, CHICKENS"
"I'm a straight guy but no joke Jonny is hot tbh maybe it's cuz he looks like a chick but like damnnnn"
"He's so gorgeous....kinda like an ant 😍😍😍😍"
Mike Patton:
"Mike didn't consistently wear BDSM masks matched with boiler suits and lick Trevor Dunn on stage just to lose this bracket. Also, if you don't think he's hot in every which way, you clearly haven't seen this: https://youtu.be/gjEbHBafvm0 or this: https://youtu.be/i9_hCjcFNO0 or this: https://youtu.be/Kfq7wHJu21c"
"Mike Patton collaborated with basically everyone who's anyone in music, and he speaks Italian too. He's great in a live show. And Mr. Bungle is unmatched and unparalleled, full stop."
"I'm a lesbian but I find him insanely attractive which I think says a lot"
"whenever mike arches his back and screams a part of my soul leaves my body and is shattered by the soundwaves."
"all you need to do to love mike is watch this: https://youtu.be/0gq_Jn41iMM&t=1375 the fact that he blurts that out and then super casually goes into the song leaves me crying with rage and hormones every time I see it"
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doubleddenden · 8 months
Man fuck Nijisanji and Anycolor.
It really says a lot when
A. 3 vtubers (as of current knowledge) graduated from their agency in just the last couple of months
B. Former alumni that joined another agency, like Vshojo, were genuinely shocked that 1. The managers did their jobs and did them on time, 2. The company cared about their goals and works with them to help reach it while trying to make things as easy as possible for them, and 3. Helped clear up MAJOR tax issues left from (highly implied) Niji.
C. They don't let their talent keep their youtube awards
D. Said company allowed management to bully and harass Selen to the point that she attempted SUICIDE (thankfully she's alive and well now, according to her on her past life twitter account, which she plans to use going forward).
The short of the final straw was that Selen spent $15k on a music video using a song she wanted to cover, and she got permission directly from the original singer (LilyPichu) because she knew it'd probably be a month or more before management approved. Apparently this wasn't good enough, so they privated the video and quietly suspended her for a month after she asked her followers to re-upload the video other channels because a lot of time, money, and effort went into it. After a long while of silence, Niji terminated her for saying things they didn't like about them (mainly the harassment) but framed it as defamation of their reputation, and seems to purposely be pouring gasoline on the fire by implying that she was also being harassed by other Livers of the company (something Doki/Selen did not mention in her tweets), seemingly to start a scapegoat witch hunt to distract from their own failings.
E. Many more issues, including poor financial compensation among others
When you as a company are more concerned with the reputation and revenue of your business and CEO than the ACTUAL LIVES of your employees, you deserve to crash and burn, and your CEO deserves every penny stripped from them and to be tossed to sea without a lifejacket.
I'm not even a Niji fan tbh, and I seem to have the strange habit of coming to watch them right before they announce graduation, POST Niji, or through Hololive collabs- still, as someone in love with the vtubing sphere from the art, talent, rigging, music, and much much more, and as someone who has ALSO dealt with unfair bullying and ALSO almost committed suicide a few times in my life, I am furious- not as a fan, but as a human.
In my opinion, if you're looking to become a vtuber and are maybe considering auditioning for Niji, I would strongly reconsider. Getting your foot in the door is one thing, but they reportedly don't even help their talents that much getting started either. Go indie or try another agency.
As with any business, the health and well-being of an employee is a big indicator of how they will treat you or their other employees. I pity anyone still staying with this company and I hope more talent jumps ship to either pursue other vocations, an indie vtubing career, or join a better agency, because there is something seriously wrong going on here when a vtubing agency has a higher graduation rate than most schools.
Edit: a correction by omission was made after I was made aware of an error by a reblogger. I had said previously that someone claimed NijiJP's statement did not mention the fellow Liver harassment- this was apparently misinformation made by a Niji defender. Line was corrected. If I've made any more errors, please tell me and I will correct it
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nardos-primetime · 3 months
first thing that pops up on my for you page from your blog:
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i am so lost from where this guy came from. is this an au? also i am extremely jealous of their hair, i want it for no good reason. lmfao sorry for the weird question/ask.
He's from a newer au I haven't talked about yet! Don't feel weird for asking at all!
The whole au is like. Heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 (a guilty pleasure of mine), it could technically be a crossover au, I guess? I dunno, but I'm lazy/like to do stuff for fun, so certain aspects are obviously going to be changed. I'm not totally settled on designs, but I think I'm gonna keep most of the design aspects from this drawing for the "finalized" concepts.
The main plot centers on Casey Jr being put under the care of the turtles by "Mother" soon after having a whole (unwilling) relic insert situation in his brain, leading to former star Lou Jitsu to be revived within his mind!
The issue is that all of the turtles aren't really. The best father figures. None of them even want anything akin to a child, and even if Casey is 19, these guys are Mercs. Outside of their own clubbing and shows they do gigs for cash, including dangerous ones, ESPECIALLY dangerous ones. Having this new guy is like, a total roadblock, especially because Casey still, somehow, despite Night City's clutches and the last group he was pressured into before this, has some morals about him. The only reason they didn't kill him and stage an accident is because Mother promised them financial compensation for caring for him.
So he's stuck with four new "dads" who mostly all hate him or find him annoying, and Lou is not any different, he also finds him naive but he dislikes the turtles as well because he's a jaded old fuck (major hypocrite, too).
While the turtles are baseline all mercenaries, they share some traits between each other instead of leaving it to a "one guy only" job in most cases.
Donnie has the most technical skill, falling mostly under Techie and Net/Edgerunner, he adores tech after all, he also has illegally dabbles in being a ripperdoc, primarily for his brothers.
Mikey is actually the fallback for general medical issues, including those involving backfiring implants. He's only better at this because he's dabbled in researching (and using) tons of remedies, mainly for pain. He's the guy who's helped Donnie when working on inserting implants in the others. He's even stayed awake during his own surgeries to help Donnie during his fuck ups and implants.
Leo, while not extreme netrunner levels, does hold some hacking knowledge, just what he needs to make things a little easier with anything but combat most of the time, as combat is what he enjoys the most within jobs. He also tends to be the one to make their deals with Mother.
Raph is mainly muscle. Not to say he's simple, it's just his main role and main focus, having grown much more protective over the years, often acting as a bodyguard for the others during their own shows (hence he has the least involvement with any of their music). He's the least of the bad influences for Casey, at least directly.
They used to have another member of the group a few years ago, a media. Or a media wannabe, at least.
They normally have some reference to her, even if small, hidden within their shows.
This is all, of course, not tapping into their mystics, which are a bit different in this au as well with how they work. Lets just say Mother allows them special permissions when it comes to mystic usage.
...at least those are some of the basic ideas I've been throwing around in my head for the story, lol. I like to throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks to me. The whole thing is technically a wip still but so are 90% of my aus tbh lmao, this onrs just a lot more wippy because it's mainly a "for fun" au and I also haven't been able to play cyberpunk for myself to brush up on things outside of research and sometimes a man is just... not up for that, especially lately with my attention span, I hope to brush up a little more again sometime soon and maybe even delve into some aspects from the og ttrpg perhaps, I'm not sure yet, though, haha.
Oops long post, huh? My bad </3
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i am finally home and i'm pretty knackered but aaaahhh what a weekend!! ✨✨ so much happened in such a short amount of time, i'm still processing i think (also some personal stuff, that i won't bore you with). but yeah, the shows were absolutely epic, they were such good crowds for london standards. very rowdy but overall the atmosphere was amazing, and tbh that's probably in part because miles just exudes such incredible energy himself, if you ask me
just a little snippet of don't forget who you are from yesterday (night two) to illustrate:
also, a few random things i'm remembering now (which i'll put under the cut because i apparently remembered more than i thought):
miles seemed really really into it both nights, and really centered somehow? he was clearly having a blast and had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand, he's just SUCH an incredible showman. that's nothing new of course, but I was once again struck by just how very special and awe inspiring and just incredibly fun it is to watch him do his thing on stage. no one does it like miles fucking kane, baby
also, there were so many men in the audience who were just really letting go during the show, hugging their mates and singing the lyrics at each other, even full on crying when miles played colour of the trap (not even kidding, actual tears streaming down their faces). i don't think i've ever seen that at another gig to that extent, really. miles and his music seem to have - for want of a better phrase - a sort of liberating effect on a lot of men that's really nice to witness
on night one miles slipped on a spilled drink on stage and took a little tumble, but he recovered like a king and honestly it just made him look even cooler somehow lol
his arms and shoulders......... are sooooooo...... 🔥🔥🔥 dear fucking lord. his shoulders are broader than ever and honestly it was very hard to concentrate on anything else 🫠
after the show, we were chatting to ben for a bit who was just the sweetest and again talked about how he was a fan first (of arctic monkeys and tlsp and miles) and then sort of organically came to be a part of the band, and has just been having the time of his life so far! we were still chatting to him when miles came out after night 1, and when everyone started whooping, ben started screaming 'aaaaaahhh miles!!!' really loudly as a joke, before starting an impromptu chorus of the don't forget who you are 'la la la' that everyone joined in on. it was pretty hilarious
liam was super sweet too, and when he learned that i was dutch he was like 'oh we're playing a show in holland next week!' so i was like 'i know, i'm going!' and then he offered to put me on the guestlist, which was very kind of him even though i already have tickets lmao. he and ben both were very excited for that show for some reason, which made me even more excited as well!!
after night two ben and liam shared a massive hug outside and they both seemed really emotional, which was very sweet to see 🥺
nathan is the loveliest man alive. he said this tour was definitely the best one yet because the energy's just been amazing! he also asked us what are favourite album and song of the night was (his own fave was never taking me alive) and when I mentioned i just loved the bassline in coup de grace so much, he said it was as fun to play as it sounds, and that on the album it was actually miles who played it (that's probably common knowledge, but i didn't know!)
he also said that the band really is very close and they're all equals, and miles always says "we", and that he really is as kind and lovely as he seems 🥺 i mean, we knew that, but it was still really lovely to hear!
and of course, miles was once again just the most wonderful, gracious man ever with his fans, chatting to as many people as he could and taking pics with them and cooing at turtle paraphernalia, all while looking and smelling absolutely diviiiiine. he did seemed pretty knackered though, especially after night two, but that makes sense i think. and yet he still came out! truly a hero
as for my own chat with him, i for some reason went up to him like 'hiiiiiiiiiiiii' with my hands held out to him (idk man), and he just reciprocated my enthusiasm and took my hands and then held them and looked me in the eye while i rambled at him about how incredible i thought the show and he himself were, and he was just completely lovely, as always 🥺 such an angel
oh and finally, maxie is apparently staying with miles's mum while miles is on tour 🥺
i'm sure i'm forgetting things but this is already long enough 🙈 going to catch some zzz's now, i need them after this weekend
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ave661 · 9 months
I am simply wondering where you got your start in rendering? Did you go to college for it? You're so talented ❤️ much love to you
oh hiiiiii and thank you!❤️
so my adventure with renders dates back to when I was a teenager and after school I was making simple graphics in Source Filmmaker with Team Fortress 2 3D models. Even though I often took breaks, I always somehow came back to it. Idk, i just like it! It's somewhat relaxing to me put some music on in the background, play around in 3d software and create something from nothing.
I even found some old renders on my hard drive D:
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I also like photography (that's what I took courses in few years ago), and honestly I treat renders somewhat similarly, because in both cases we have a model, camera and we have to set the background and light. But here in a 3D software you have more freedom to be creative
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and if I can be honest, these courses were a failure, because most of the time I had to work with models (i mean with people, ew) and I prefer taking photos of nature and animals. But I learned a lot about lighting and post-production there
I will take this question as a huge compliment and thank you, but no, I did not end any school in this field. I learned everything myself when it comes to CoD renders
The only thing I did was sign up for two courses while I was still in school: sculpting in ZBrush and basics of animation in Blender. Tbh this knowledge is not useful to me here;-; But it was fun!
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please don't judge, this was my first time with Zbrush :c
Luvs! ❤️
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
When the Sakamakis were children [IRL photos + hcs]
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with mentions of childhood fears/trauma. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Made with: @liannelara-dracula
Figured I'd put side-by-side photos for better comparison to real life and the anime.
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Started practicing violin a lot as a kid, but it was honestly a hobby to him. And this is probably when his love for classical music began.
He also started learning piano too. He has a natural talent for both, but violin came easier to him.
Began learning fencing as a child. (I have a post about Shu and Reiji hcs if anyone is interested. Click/tap here to check it out.)
Shu used to be taller than Reiji as a kid, but this changed later on.
Read poetry as a child and Beatrix also forced him to write some of his own so he’d develop the skill since the heir had to know how to do something finesse.
Since he’s the heir, he was expected to attend special balls and gatherings with Reiji by his side.
And here, you can best bet he was introduced to potential suitresses he would have to choose sometime later, but Beatrix thought it didn’t hurt for Shu to be introduced early.
She honestly hoped he’d become friends with one of his suitresses as children so they could grow up together and later be married.
It’s canon that Shu has a fear of clowns.
This fear probably resulted from Ayato and Laito jumping at him out of nowhere when they were kids, and scared him by wearing clown masks.
It’s also canon that he’s afraid of caterpillars.
This fear probably developed in his childhood through Reiji putting one in Shu’s tea once, and he’s been traumatized since due to Reiji’s scheming.
It’s canon that he knows Latin, so he probably started studying it when he was a child. Beatrix figured it’d be better for him to get familiarized with the human world since Karl was well accustomed, so through Shu being the heir, you can imagine Beatrix expected him to be very knowledgeable like Karl.
It’s canon that Shu used to sneak out as much as he could to get away from the castle.
Although, he would sometimes get caught by the servants who would immediately force him to come back and he’d be delivered to his mother for scolding.
But some servants looked the other way and let Shu go out and explore, mostly because they felt bad from how much pressure was on him as the heir.
When he met Edgar, he used to sneak out a lot to go see him.
In the manga, Shu said that he worked harder in his studies so he could finish them early and go have time to see Edgar.
Their friendship was so cute. :))
Had his first kiss at 13 (at least he looked 13) with some nobleman’s daughter since he was at the age of being curious as to what that would feel like.
Was quite close with some of his nannies and servants, at least the ones who let him get away with things his mother wouldn’t allow.
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Oh my gosh, look at our lil Rei. He was so cute as a kid. (Tbh, they all were.)
Apart from this, unfortunately, Reiji was alone for most of his childhood.
Read a lot as a kid, either for school or personal research.
Has gotten into literal fights with Shu, such as both them tackling each other and battling it out.
It usually took several servants to pry them apart.
They once ended up falling into a mud puddle during their fight and Beatrix was so pissed off that their suits had been soiled. You can bet her scolding was quite brutal and never-ending about this.
Probably started learning chess around this time as well. Lil Rei honestly found it interesting since it involved strategy, something that’s right up his alley.
His fear of ghosts probably developed as a child since he was always lonely, especially through always sleeping in his room alone as a kid and being considered foolish by his mother if he sought comfort.
It’s canon in one of the game routes that Reiji developed a healing cream formula as a child to aid vampires. So we can see how advanced his chemistry skills were even as a child.
Because there was a lot of pressure on him as a child by his mother he felt the need to perfect things so he was always practicing all his manners, tea pouring, dancing, and fencing skills.
He usually asks his servants to assist him and correct him if needed.
This is also why he is so good at dancing when it comes to the waltz. 
It doesn’t surprise me if he had a maid/servant who used to help him practice.
At balls and events that he attended with Shu, he always tried to make a better impression than his brother, mostly because he just wanted to be acknowledged.
It’s canon that Reiji used to spy on Shu in hopes of catching him doing something un-heir-like so he could report it to his mom and get Shu scolded so he could be viewed as the more “mature” child.
He used to have tea time with his mother because she’d want to know what was going on with Shu.
Reiji at first thought it was because she wanted to spend time with him but he later learned that these tea times were only to know what Shu was up to and if he was misbehaving or hiding anything.
Still, Reiji did what he was asked because he figured he could possibly get the chance to tell his mother some news about his discoveries or something interesting.
However, it was always short-lived because she used to change subjects and always focus on Shu.
This is also why Reiji prefers to be alone because he could never have one conversation with her, without her not mentioning his older brother.
All our lil Rei wanted was a friend who would listen to him 😭.
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It’s canon that Laito once stuck candy wrappers into Shu’s pocket to not get the blame for eating them. Shu’s still pissed at Laito for this since he ended up getting the blame along with getting scolded by Reiji.
Definitely developed his fear of bugs as a kid.
Ayato used to chase Laito around the courtyard with a bug in his hand and would try to get it on him.
He used to run around the mansion shirtless.
But also used to run around naked in the castle with his brothers.
Always took baths with his two little brothers, and he and Ayato always use to tease Kanato by pouring cold water on him or by stealing his bath toy.
This usually resulted in Kanato crying.
But sometimes they were nice to him and washed his hair since they felt bad. So they used to take turns washing each other’s hair.
Laito and Ayato always bribe Kanato with candy so they dare him to touch Reiji’s shoulder while he’s reading without being noticed or to mess with the cooks in the kitchen.
This way they can get a laugh out of it.
Laito used to have the servants read him bedtime stories before going to bed every night.
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Aww, isn’t he cute.
Let’s just pretend the bby in the photo on the right is Teddy lol.
It’s honestly funny how both are positioned in the same way.
Kanato wasn’t entirely alone during his childhood.
He mostly spent his time with Ayato and Laito, but sometimes he preferred to be alone.
Used to have pillow/stuffed animal fights in his room with Ayato and Laito. And they would usually end with pillows/stuffed animals ripping, causing a big cloud of fluff to explode about them.
Used to steal sweets from the castle's kitchen and was an expert at hiding it.
Little Kanato would usually sneak out of his room after everyone had been put to sleep and would sneak into the kitchen to grab a bite of whatever sweets the castle had prepared for tomorrow.
He once colored on the castle walls because he was so bored. Cordelia was so mad, but Karl honestly didn’t care since he claimed his son was expressing himself. Until this day, that wall remains with that design.
It’s canon that Kanato used to sing “Scarborough Fair” to Cordelia when he was a kid. He honestly had a natural talent for singing and finds it nice to sing on his own every so often as seen in the anime.
His brothers used to tease him about his height and he’d get sad and would claim that one day he’d be taller.
Sometimes Kanato would have nightmares as a kid. So he’d end up going to either Laito or Ayato’s room and crawl into their beds for comfort. Aww :’))
He used to be afraid of lighting as a kid.
He had a childhood crush once and Laito and Ayato teased him endlessly about it.
Used to finger paint with Laito and Ayato and they used to tease him by taking their fingers and dabbing their fingers on his nose to get paint on it. It would always make him upset.
Our poor little baby.
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Ayato usually spent his time with Kanato and Laito, but mostly Laito since sometimes Kanato wanted to be on his own.
Ayato once spent a lot of time with Kanato and Laito building this little motor that they could drive around.
Ayato decided to test it once inside the castle with Kanato and Laito.
And it actually worked! Ayato was having a lot of fun test-driving it around, and Kanato and Laito cheering him on and begging to have a turn.
But this was until Cordelia stopped Ayato and told him to go to his room for acting foolish.
In the end, their little motor ended up disappearing, and they later discovered that Cordelia had it burned.
It’s canon that Ayato took violin lessons as a kid, but this didn’t last long until Cordelia ended up breaking Ayato’s violin during her freakouts, to which his lessons ended. And he was honestly happy to get out of them.
Ayato always used to play monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato. And you can best bet that Kanato was the monkey in the middle.
Kanato would always complain that he could never catch the ball and would throw tantrums about this.
Tbh, this hasn’t changed since the triplets play it like this until now lmao. xDD
Used to jump off the manor’s couches with Kanato and Laito with a cape and pretended he could fly.
Apparently, it’s canon that Ayato is afraid of bees. So with this, he probably developed this trauma because he got stung once when he was a kid and never got over it.
He used to grab little mice and release them into the kitchen because all the female cooks were afraid of them.
He used to get a kick out of it every time the cooks would start freaking out and throwing pots and pans and chasing them out with a broom.
He’s even done this to his aunt Beatrix but not his mom, he was too afraid. He knew she’d instantly catch on to it being him and suffer tremendous punishment for it.
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He was alone a lot of the time too.
As we know, Christa gave Subaru that silver knife he always carries around.
Whenever he was bored as a kid, he’d sometimes used it to carve or engrave things, or even weave bracelets.
He had a childhood crush! It was a girl (a child vampire like him) from a noble family that would sometimes come to court.
She was around his age and was pretty social. She noticed him at one of the gatherings and began hanging out with him since she found the gatherings boring.
So, they both would go outside since Subaru hates crowds himself. And from there, they developed a pretty cute and innocent friendship.
She actually got our little bby car to lighten up and would tag him out of nowhere so he could chase her around the courtyard.
And it was through this that Subaru developed a crush on her.
Sooner than later, he even went as far as carving his and her initials into a tree in the courtyard.
Their friendship lasted a good while throughout the years and through having such a connection, Subaru secretly swore that he’d marry her when they were of age.
But this all changed when the girl was forced to marry another suitor that was presented to her.
This left him pretty disappointed, but he figured it would end this way because he always thought it was too good to be true since he was raised to think he was “filthy.”
Used to engage in a bit of pottery making and he gave some of his works to his mom, which she gladly appreciated when she wasn’t having a mental breakdown.
Subaru keeps his little pottery works until now stashed somewhere hidden in his room so his brothers won’t find them.
And he can’t bring himself to throw them away despite part of him wanting to since he finds them foolish now. Whatever the case, he figures as long as his brothers don’t see nor find them, he’ll keep them.
Played tag with the triplets sometimes.
Would sometimes hang out with Shu, but it was rare.
They’d sometimes go on walks together in the courtyard or even carve things together, like a piece of wood from a nearby tree.
Shu once tried to teach Subaru violin, but it was a disaster.
Unfortunately, it was so bad that it was overheard by the entire castle ground and it resulted in a lot of people complaining. So with that, he never tried it again.
Despite this though, he still considered Shu his favorite brother since Shu never bothered him in an annoying way and was the only one who made an attempt to hang out with him every so often.
It’s canon that Subaru likes Kanato’s singing. Since Kanato used to sing to Cordelia when he was a child, Subaru probably overheard Kanato sing to Cordelia in the courtyard sometimes since he spent a lot of time there himself, and grew an admiration from there on out.
Subaru would sometimes use his knife to cut roses and bring them to his mom when she was feeling okay. It always brought a smile to her face.
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2, 9, and 13 for the ask game? ^_^
Isat ask game link!!! Thank you for the ask!!!!
2. Least Favorite Character?
Oooh, my spicy take first.
...Mal du pays.
LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN, I adore them in concept!!!!! I think mdp is a good emotional conclusion to the ghost arc and a good way to show Siffrin losing his resolve at the end of act 5. There was an amazing analysis post about mdp and Siffrin's relationship with their own homesickness as well. However. Ngl. I remember none of mdp's lines. Also, the "someone intimidating your loved ones yelling back they hate you" isn't my favorite trope either.
Idk, mdp did nothing for me. I'm much more of a "darkness parts of your mind sound like sweet nothings" sorta person rather than the intensity of mdp. I'm sorry little homesick fella. Love that you had the fucked up version of the death music though.
9. What would your wish at the Favor tree be?
I am. Limiting the range of this question because otherwise I'd be here all day. I am going to assume that we're in a similar circumstance as the party and we're about to go fight the King, and I'm just a little guy hoping for some favor tomorrow, and don't know the favor tree has actual major reality bending power.
In THAT circumstance, I'd probably wish that we all would survive the next day.
13. Favorite Line?
Don't make me choose between my darlings-
Tbh I could pick nearly any line from the Loop fight tbh. When looking for any one particular line, I nearly cried, so there's that. My darling Loop my beloved, I want to give you the world.
But if not for that, tbh both the act 3 and act 4 versions of Odile's quest just stick with me. In general, Odile's quest is just one of the most fascinating in the game, and provides such a depth to the world. But I REALLY like that quest in particular reveals about Siffrin. Particularly act 4, between the family quest and the sus quest, you get a lot of the reason WHY emotionally Siffrin sticks with the loops and doesn't tell their family what's going on.
(Is it any wonder you crave knowledge? Habits?!?) (If it all keeps happening the exact same way every time, you'll never lose anything, will you? You'll HAVE to remember it all, because you're living it!!!) (Forever living in memories you can't let go of!!!) (You're so pathetic.) (Telling the King to let go?) (You can't even do that. Can't let go of it.) (This perfect play.)
Also it's one of the few family quests where Siffrin thinks mean things about them while not in act 5 aslkdja .
(What a privilege, to be able to think your roots don't inform your identity.)
(chef's kiss) love that for you Sif. Go be a little mean in your head. it's unfair, but also the fact it took this long to be mean is impressive tbh. Also good set up for act 5 alskdjsa.
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First of all, so so sorry your situation. Im in a similar one actually so I really hope you're okay. Even though it's not dire, mine isn't either, it's very draining and can be super overwhelming since you dont have the support of your parents to guide you. People have already mentioned keeping documents in order. you mentioned commissions, time how long it takes you do to things and decided how you'd like to be paid based on the hour. Do Not undersell yourself. If you're uncomfortable with people maybe seeing your real name/using real info for payments, there are companies that work as your registered agent (at least that's what it's called in the usa) that you can use the address of for a yearly fee
You can also look into passive income things with art like making stickers for redbubble and Ive heard about artists making stock images before but I don't know how that really work tbh ^^;
here's a good post on general adult knowledge
here's a post on things to know once your out
Always Pay Rent First. Normally there's always some sort of way to get food, losing your apartment makes it super hard to keep a job
As for staying sane, people really help. Not necessarily even talking a whole ton.
Going and sitting at a cafe or park. wandering around a mall.
It's why I adore anime cons. You can look up board game or crafting groups in your area. If you're lgbtqia you can look for nearby queer centers, they're really helpful for advice and resources. Libraries are ridiculously useful. My nearby one hosts plenty of events and has a poster board for nearby event happening. You can just spend the afternoon there.
Journaling and deep breathing and calm music all really help me too.
Therapy has always been the most helpful but not everyone has access to that.
Also getting a good nights rest. So many of my problems have been helped a lot by getting better sleeping habits
As for where to move, think about things like climate, laws, how the people there act. My town is super queer friendly but two towns over they're very much not, so be careful. Normally a simple google search on the name of a town can tell you a lot about it.
When picking out apartments, things like if you have animals or a car are super important. I have a car so Im looking for somewhere that has dedicated parking cause I can't afford someone hitting it when it's parked on the side walk.
There are jobs that lead into other jobs. Knowing powered equipment, such as forklifts, can score you better paying jobs in the future.
If you're looking into something art wise, just focus on portfolio, no one cares if you went to college as long as you can do what they need.
There's also apps for things like setting up dog sitting. I've also heard of event staffing companies that'll give you jobs as they come, never done it though so look thoroughly into that.
you can look up the average rent/utilities and such of a town you want to live in to get an idea of what you'll be paying
Credit score is super important in the usa to renting, but I don't know if you have that or an equivalent. If there's is, there should be secured credit cards that help you start building credit if you have none.
Just remember that this won't last forever and you got this!! it's painful and scary but it's temporary.
Also remember that you still deserve better even though you're not being abused, it still hurts and that's vaild.
I dont know if any of this is helpful but I wish you the best and feel free to ask questions if you need anything :D
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ladysophiebeckett · 4 months
having watched betty finding out the truth five different times fm different versions and skim watching them at different times, it's interesting to see the acting\directing styles.
you can tell when there's appreciation for the original work and when there's apprehension.
'jassi jaissi koi nahin' (india) uses the same dramatic music ysblf used. or it uses some cues but in a different note. 'not born beautiful' (russia) is, to this day, the most faithful adaptation. there's appreciation in accepting the story as is and not making any outrageous changes. 'yo soy bea' (spain) makes a lot of changes but those changes come from the production's knowledge that they're not gonna be as iconic as the original--they know they're not gonna hit the same marks. So a lot of the narrative decisions come down to doing the opposite of what the original did. It's apprehensive in that way, but they commit to those narrative choices and you accept it as an audience member.
the mexican adaptation is rebellious. it's wants to be a comedy. it wants to be dramatic. there is no rhyme or reason to its editing. it wants so badly to one up the original it's based on, not understanding that the original was made with a lot personal touches. the other adaptations mentioned above all have personal touches that ground its audience and you believe everything that's happening.
i could go on forever about overall directing styles of the same thing, but i really want to talk about is The Scene--Betty Finds Out The Truth.
in ysblf, Betty takes her time reading the letter and reacting to it. from a slight happiness bc she sees the gifts and that gradual change as she's reading the letter and you see her entire world fall apart. but it happens slowly. there's an incredulousness to it bc she's been living out a dream and we audience have known the entire time that it was based on a lie. her tears are silent, she's in shock. we suffer with her bc we have to see her process it.
Katya (NBB) and Jassi (JJKN) have similar reactions despite editing styles of these programs being different. both go from ecstatic to slow dread. it takes them time to believe and process what's happening bc its supposed to be a shock to their system.
For Bea (YSB) its completely different bc she doesn't find out fm a letter and is therefore exempt from this, however it should be noted that she goes catatonic and becomes ill at the shock of it all.
Moving on, Lety (lfmb), tho the circumstances of how she finds out are...different (a psychic tells her to find the letter)--her reaction to it is too much, too soon. I'm not saying Angelica Vale is a bad actress bc she's not. But her acting choices plus the direction she received, is less about Lety the character and more selling Vale as a dramatic actress.
It feels like there's a secret motive to it.
Because why does Lety immediately believe the letter? And then starts crying like she's gonna die? There's no emotional build up. Even the staging of it feels unnatural. Lety goes from standing, sobbing to sitting on the floor in front of Fernando's desk to standing up again and going back the chair. All the while violently crying, shaking, yelling. And no one hears this?
It's sad, but we don't see Lety's world collapse the way we see it in other versions. It's like Lety already suspected it and the letter confirms it. She's been ready to cry and scream about it. And this is after the honeymoon filler with Fernando ends. She was happy that morning. The revelation should have confused her.
Not that this didn't pay off, Vale won an award for her work on this. But these creative choices, in hindsight, look like they're serving someone else and not the story you're trying to tell. TBH, a lot of the creative decisions that are made in Lfmb, often feel like Lety The Character, is the one being sacrificed. When it's supposed to be her story.
I know it seems like I'm getting on lfmb's case again, and I am, but it comes from a place of frustration bc every time I analyze something about it, I realize how self serving it is to the people involved in it's production and how the actual story they're adapting gets secondary importance.
There are great scenes in lfmb that hit, but they're overshadowed by everyone and everything else. Lety finding out the truth should have been about Lety, not Angelica Vale's ability to cry on cue.
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lopposting · 6 months
I absolutely love your lore theories for LoP! Very new to the fandom :). Stayed up all night reading your posts abt it whahaha please keep making them!
Just wanted to ask what you think, if Camille was the recorded first puppet with an awakened ego and was Carlo's mom... does that mean Geppetto let his wife be experimented on by the alchemists upon her death or???
Another thought, do you think Sophia knew Geppetto's plans? Given that she reached out to P at the very beginning and called him by name ((geppettos puppet)) She knew Simon's plans yeah. But what abt Geppettos?
Thank you so much for your kind ask!!!
I panicked briefly because I thought I lost this ask somewhere. I have a LOT of thoughts surrounding Camille and parts of the game that I struggle to put together really cohesively, so on certain topics, i'm just going to ramble.
So, there is this image from the opening cutscene.
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Maybe it isn't literally Camille and Carlo, but it may be alluding to them. [And what are they shown playing here? dundundun]
There is a particular affinity and focus the game has on the Piano as well.
Music is so linked to humanity in this game, i think it's very sweet.
There was also this really interesting post about the blue fairy (in the og collodi novel) that I don't think I can dig up anymore, but I remember it was something like this. It was pointing out that, realistically, the blue fairy really isn't a good parent. She lets a seven year old child be hanged on a tree, she watches by as he is enslaved; she makes him "work" for the right to be a real boy instead of reasonably granting him it, etc. The blue fairy also appears omniscient or goddess-like, appearing as a child, a young woman, a goat, and a mother (in perhaps her most adapted incarnation).
if Sophia's knowledge is endless, couldn't she have warned us about geppetto? wouldn't she know about carlo (someone she knew as a child) being tortured in a box? was it her discretion to let us suffer, because he needs to be able to suffer to be strong? Does that make her a moral or ethical person? Can any personhood with omniscience, who, in a sense, allows evil to happen, be moral or just? Perhaps, herein lies the philosophical, inherent flaw, in any relationship with an omniscient being, but I digress.
However, I think Sophia's endless knowledge that Arlecchino [sadly I write his name wrong every time] refers to is spiritual, or emotional, in a sense: that because she could manipulate time, all of it was at her disposal. When we wake up in the train car, her words are: "There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" She could not have known where we were, if she was searching for us (possibly through the blue butterfly figure we see). Also, I think she could've warned us about Geppetto.. but maybe then we wouldn't have gone to save her, and her goals are to get us to save her from Simon, which I believe she either says or suggests are "selfish" intentions (although I think she is very well within her right to have tbh). I don't think she is all-knowing in the way that Simon's world of truth would be. Maybe it's just a plot hole, perhaps it's just a "flaw" innate in writing any story with an omniscient character, but I don't think she was omniscient in that fashion.
And then coming back to Camille: One of my absolute favourite things about the game is the Saintess of Mercy Statue/Pieta Motif that we see in the Grand Exhibition. And Camille, who is inferred to have been the mother of Carlo, is said to have engineered the statue. She is directly connected to the game's central visual motif of death and rebirth. And then the statue also being diegetically[not a word apparently?] associated with rebirth and renewal ("Bring new life to puppets") in that you are "re-setting" and re-spec your character's stats there??? Equal parts beautiful and spectacular and touching.
[I feel SO sad that apparently, not every gamer got to see the statue. Opening those doors after the phone call riddle and then the camera panning up to the statue is such an amazing and special moment to me, and then the fact that it's also raining (another symbol of birth) too]
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I don't know if the Camille puppet was literally the same Camille (who may have been the wife of Giuseppe), though. We know that she seems to have saved a baby from falling, on which afterwards she says "bring me back to my child". Not only is the Camille puppet a devoted mother character, she's also the first puppet to awaken (in other words, being associated with the idea of birth). "Camille" is so tied to the idea of motherhood and birth, that I think the Camille puppet is another connection here, and may not literally be the same Camille who was a technician. Although, I don't put it past Geppetto to be doing nefarious experiments with puppets, even if it were his wife. It might be a little ominous in regards to his attitude to P, that he doesn't see puppets as "people", but he does see people as puppets.
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good-to-drive · 4 months
Do you think that George and John would have fixed their relationship had John lived past 1980? Because I don't.
I'm probably the wrong person to ask about this because in general I'm not a fan of speculating about what a person would or wouldn't have done had they lived. One of my favorite pieces of advice I ever got was when I was tutoring disadvantaged students during college (the best job I've ever had) and my supervisor told me potential is unknowable by definition. Meaning it's just as misguided and counterproductive to say someone has a lot of potential as to say they have no potential, because that's just not how that word works. Partly because people are dynamic and changeable but also because there are recesses of our character that no one, including ourselves, can be aware of.
So I truly don't know what would have happened between them, and I don't think you know either if I'm being totally honest. But, to throw all that out the window and speculate anyways, I think the most realistic answer is: Possibly.
I think it's fair to say that John and George were both highly mutable individuals, and that of the four beatles they spent the most time and energy trying to understand the self and achieve some kind of self awareness and personal growth (even if those attempts were sometimes misguided -- I'm looking at you, primal therapy). And I think in this case their mutability is both a complicating factor and an indication that reconciliation really was a true possibility for them. 
John was making enormous strides in his mental and emotional health at the time of his death, and it's entirely possible that might have led him to feel differently about George over time, or to simply decide he didn't want to put energy towards being angry at him anymore. (Not to equate letting go of anger with being adapted/self-aware – just that that’s one way growth can manifest, it’s definitely not the only one or the best one.) 
For his part, George was very vocal both musically and irl about all the ways he felt he needed to change/grow, though of course whether he ever got there is a difficult question to answer. His views on forgiveness are really interesting here (and sometimes a little magnanimous, tbh) but one thing that initially surprised me is that Paul credits George with convincing him to forgive Yoko.
(Which I guess just surprised me because I always believed the conventional wisdom that Paul is the sweetie and George is the cranky guy, but obviously that's a very limited snapshot of both of them.)
Anyways, to me the fact that George was putting time and energy towards learning to love Yoko implies that he may have been hoping or wanting to relearn his love for John as well (if he hadn't already.)
So I do think it’s possible that at some point in the last 40 years they’d both have been in a mental space to want to interact positively with one another again. It's not something that was guaranteed to happen, and I don't think we can even fairly say it was probable or improbable because that implies a level of knowledge of their souls that no one has or has ever had, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.
On a related note, another thing I've found kind of profound in analyzing the beatles (or anyone) is the line “The wounds of childhood do not heal” (Maryse Condé, Crossing the Mangrove.) Which is to say that the pain we experience as children shapes us so profoundly that every experience we have as adults is seen through the lens of that pain, and we reenact our childhood and our childhood family systems again and again without healing.
Now, in the case of the beatles, I think it’s a little blurry what constitutes childhood and what constitutes a family system (“family” system being a misnomer because every close collection of people has the tendency to form a system). Because they found each other as adolescents, and went through a life changing and arguably traumatic experience at a very young age that no one else could ever understand, the system they formed shaped them very powerfully and the wounds it instilled probably never healed, either. 
I guess that's my way of saying that the four of them had kind of an extended adolescence, and they continued to reenact the system they built as adolescents in order to survive the insanity they were living in well into adulthood.
Since George was something akin to a forgotten child in this system, and Paul was something akin to a golden child, (both of which are miserable, horrible ways to live, btw – this trend of using golden child to mean “spoiled” is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen and also incredibly destructive to people who have actually experienced that trauma) those two really did have a tendency to be at odds with one another throughout their entire adult lives.
(Obligatory reminder that this is wild speculation and I'm not their therapist, or indeed any kind of therapist at all.)
But I think it’s that (and the fact that we tend to analyze anyone who touched Paul’s life purely through the lens of Paul) which tends to make people think George was fundamentally opposed to forgiving people who’d hurt him or allowing systems to adapt over time, even if that assumption doesn't really bear out in any of his other relationships. And, obviously, it's a little tricky to try to transplant the Paul/George relationship onto the John/George relationship and equate or even compare the two, because John played a very different role in the system and was a very different person from Paul.
Also, the fact that the wounds of childhood do not heal absolutely does not imply that we'll always be a slave to them. Crossing the Mangrove is an amazing book about decolonization and intergenerational trauma but one of its most powerful themes was the idea that we can continue to build ourselves and build our world in the shadow of enormous pain. And we'll always be informed by that pain, but being informed isn't the same as being defined.
All this is just to say it's very hard to anticipate what kind of changes John and George would have undergone in the last 20-40 years and whether those changes would have brought them closer together (or, if not closer together, would have encouraged a sense of acceptance towards one another.)
I also think there’s a conversation to be had about whether rebuilding that friendship would have actually been for the best for their mental and emotional wellbeing (a LOT of children from toxic family systems ultimately come to find that sorting through the pain isn’t worth it for the chance of reconciliation and that’s okay), but this is already way too long lol. 
Anyways, thanks for the ask and sorry this turned into such a novel!
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Round 3 Match 5
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propaganda below the cut! (huge wall of text warning)
Courtney Love:
"i want courtney to push me around and throw me on the floor SHE'S SO HOT AND HER MESSINESS MAKES HER EVEN HOTTER !!!!!"
"She's beautiful and gorgeous and the definition of 90s fashion. I'm convinced she could pull off any outfit ever she's so stunning"
"that one photo of her in red lipstick and a black dress smoking a cigarette… your honour i rest my case"
"I don't care what conspiracy theories you tell me. no one rocks the grungy makeup look like her."
"gonna be her for halloween"
Mike Patton:
"Mike didn't consistently wear BDSM masks matched with boiler suits and lick Trevor Dunn on stage just to lose this bracket. Also, if you don't think he's hot in every which way, you clearly haven't seen this: https://youtu.be/gjEbHBafvm0 or this: https://youtu.be/i9_hCjcFNO0 or this: https://youtu.be/Kfq7wHJu21c"
"Mike Patton collaborated with basically everyone who's anyone in music, and he speaks Italian too. He's great in a live show. And Mr. Bungle is unmatched and unparalleled, full stop."
"I'm a lesbian but I find him insanely attractive which I think says a lot"
"whenever mike arches his back and screams a part of my soul leaves my body and is shattered by the soundwaves."
"all you need to do to love mike is watch this: https://youtu.be/0gq_Jn41iMM&t=1375 the fact that he blurts that out and then super casually goes into the song leaves me crying with rage and hormones every time I see it"
Jonny Greenwood:
"Every art girl's (and boy's) wet dream"
"He wrote the tourist. That's all you need."
"Repeat from my Thom propaganda but he was a part of it so anyways. I had a dream once where I met him and Thom on the street and asked them to sign my Pablo Honey CD, so Thom pushed me into open traffic and I got hit by a car and died and Jonny laughed his ass off. 10/10, my last sight before death was his beautiful face laughing."
"I could probably snap him like a twig but I want to marry him and have 3 children with him before I do that"
"Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose 1/5 of Radiohead. Choose 1/5 of In Rainbows. Choose the man who wrote weird fishes, both Greenwood sisters ,the man in South Park, his telecaster and the stickers on it. Choose the bug Jacqueline Kennedy, his love for literature and poetry, and his lovely lisp. Choose his sublime score for Phantom Thread and his husband Paul Thomas Anderson. Choose the weird amount of straight men who thirst over him in the YouTube comment section. Choose his jawbone. Choose the most pretentious, unpretentious member of the band. Choose his silky hair and his (probably) Dove shampoo. Choose his great knowledge of music theory and how he often disregards it. Choose Astroboy's biggest fanboy (minus maybe Thom. Choose a very hot Alex James who eloped with a fish. Choose Jonny Greenwood. Choose your future. Choose life… Involuntary Trainspotting reference but please vote Jonny over Wario. Oh, and( even though Jonny lives in Italy at the moment), I live in Oxford and if I meet him, I'll tell him that he won."
"He keeps chickens guys, CHICKENS"
"I'm a straight guy but no joke Jonny is hot tbh maybe it's cuz he looks like a chick but like damnnnn"
"He's so gorgeous....kinda like an ant 😍😍😍😍"
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
I legit thought you were irish because usually the only people I see with Gaelige in their bio are Irish 🥲
I do not think it’s bad for non Irish people to like or have an interest in Gaeilge!! The sad face was for the lack of knowledge about it outside Ireland, as someone who is fromIreland I’m really really glad you like it!! Not that you need my validation or opinion but I realise the other message could have been misinterpreted
tbh because my area of academic expertise is medieval irish literature and i post about irish stuff a lot (and also in irish, and also used to live in ireland for a while which really confused things), i think a lot of people on tumblr assume that i am irish, to the point where at one point my bio said "disappointingly british". because it did always seem to be a disappointment when people discovered this and i wanted to preempt that
(i use "british" rather than "english" because a significant portion of my dad's side of the family were welsh, even if they are dead now, and i also have family connections in scotland, so this feels more accurate to me. some people get weird about british/english distinctions so i always feel the need to clarify on this front. but i was born and raised in england)
and every time anyone irl finds out what i study or that i used to do irish dance or that i play trad music, their next question is always "oh so is your family irish then?" and when i tell them no, not meaningfully, they're like ?! because their brains can't compute that somebody might just. like stuff
it makes me a bit sad that so many irish people don't realise that irish lit and language and music can stand on its own two feet. it's good! people don't only like it because they have an Ancestral Connection! it is interesting even without that! so i feel you on the 🥲 but like. from the other side of it because the very fact that nobody expects people like me to exist seems sad
(but actually within my academic field itself i probably know more non-irish people than irish people, and while some have a family connection, many others don't. most of my academic friends are not irish. we cluster together in solidarity and weep over learning gaeilge as adult beginners because we never had the chance to do it at school)
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