#i don't like watching him suffer but he's so GOOD at it
pht-art · 2 days
Eloise Bridgerton : my thoughts
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I don't know how to feel now that I've watched Bridgerton because at first I was so happy to have finally found a character that I relate to and thatseems like me, but I see a lot of people hating her and never liked her since season 1. They doesn't like her because she seems to be rude and selfish and only cares about her well-being and is arrogant but I absolutely don't find her like that and I still adore her. So now I feel like if people find me, they just wouldn't like me. 😂
Here's my thought about Eloise :
I'm sure deep down Eloise wants a relationship with someone, like a real connection, a soul connection. She sees the true picture of society and doesn't want a relationship based on lies, the hypocrisy, the arrangement and forced meetings. She is bored and does not feel in harmony with this society.
With Theo, she wasn't bored, he was a great positivity for her and she felt accepted by him for who she was and not for who she wasn't, when he told her all those bad things, she was hurt because she's not like that.
Lady Whistledown harmed something that made Eloise feel good outside of Penelope and her family. She needed something that would change her from her daily life, that would make her feel alive and Lady Whisltedown took that away from her, insulted and humiliated her.
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Of course, when she found out it was Pen, she felt deeply betrayed and hurt. What she did to her really hurt her deeply, she was lost, betrayed.
What Eloise did with Cressida was because she wanted to hurt Pen, she got to know Cressida and realized her situation, she tried to help her but the moment she saw that her brother could have been even more hurt than herself, when she understood that Colin loved Pen to the point of asking her to marry him, she focused on what was most important to her, her family, but she also felt betrayed by Colin, everyone lied to her.
I remind you that she is the only one who went to those who are not like everyone else, Theo, Cressida, which shows that she cares about everyone but no matter who you are, her family will always comes first. She didn't said anything to colin about Pen not because she is selfish but because as she said " I was too brokenhearted to speak of it". In fact it's the fisrt time she is that honest and show her vulnerability. You can see it on Colin's face.
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The fact that she is the only one crying during Polin's wedding is a proof of her loyalty and her deep love for the few people she lets enter her heart. She was happy for her friends and her brother after all, she is loyal and a very deep person but her anger and sadness took over and she listened to Kate's advice indeed.
Maybe, and I INSIST ON maybe, she would like to experience that too. When she says "and one's again I am left with the fact that everyone eventually pairs off" I see it more as "why everyone else and not me", it's subtle.
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When she says "Just tears from losing another friend to marriage or maybe it was dust", that's HER HUMOR, she is happy for them, she stays true to herself , she may not want to show even the slightest hint of her thoughts.
Benedict told her "Love is not finite Eloise, the friendship you have with Penelope is a lucky thing, as is the one you have with Colin," Benedict is the one who knows her best. She limits her love to what she already knows and the unusual scares her.
I have the impression that Eloise acts like this not because she hates love but because she refuses to love and I think that's because of her father's death and the betrayals she had. She don't want to lose control over her emotions and she is selective (it's not being selfish). She doesn't want to suffer.
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Eloise is VERY witty but behind this mask, she is REALLY reserved, very sensitive and does not like to show her emotions and feelings, ( that's why she is disgusted when she sees couple showing love to each other) which is why she uses sarcasm, black humor, ironic phrases and humor at any time.
When they start talking about her feelings, Eloise looks away and changes the subject, always talking about Gregory, so we can no longer focus on her.
Benedict understands her very well, that's why he talked to her during the wedding reception. She is absolutely not childlish, it's her personality and it's her strong shell to not show she feels lonely.
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I am so much looking forward to her season just to see how she would be and how it will turn out and to know if I was right. 🙃
It’s quite funny because after Eloise my favorite character is Benedict. The character which I identified the most with has the same favorite as me.…
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Louis/Lestat: “ after all you’ve done how can i possibly trust you? ”  
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asdgfgdvjkhsbslidfj sorry this one took me a hot second, these two give me brainrot.
"How can you—?!" It's not shock, exactly, that colors Louis' voice. Merely disbelief, perhaps a shade of disdain, an overall failure to compute what feels like insurmountable audacity as he's put on the line of defense against Lestat's question.
No, not question, Louis realizes as he watches something dark and cold settle behind Lestat's eyes. An accusation. Lestat is picking a fight.
"Please be serious."
"I'm being completely serious," Lestat spits like a viper. "After all you've done, how can I trust you?"
His temper is so terrible these days. It rears it's ugly head with so little warning, consumes him completely like some dark alchemy. It’s unlike anything Louis has seen through all their years together. He can't begin to comprehend half the things that happened to him in that human body, nor the suffering he endured to claw his way back to his old self, but the one thing Louis knows for certain is that it had left Lestat with a deeper, darker rage.
Perhaps if they were someplace else— back in the jungles of Brazil, or even wandering through the city streets— it might not feel so out of place, but here in the newly polished jewel of Rue Royale, it feels jarring. Reminds him of the old wives tales of whispering at the cemetery so as not to disturb the ghosts. 
The whole room seems to quake with the magnitude of his rage— there's a trembling in the beautiful glass fixtures on the wall meant to emulate their beloved gas lamps of centuries past, a dead silence in the air save the relentless hammer of his heart. The hotter it grows, the more this whole room suddenly feels like a mockery, like a hollow doll house primped and gilded to hide the rot beneath.
(It was a foolish decision to move back here. They both knew that. Foolish to build a home seek peace atop the ashes of their old life. For one split second Louis looks down the corridor, half-expecting Claudia to come bounding down to chastise them for their loud, disruptive bickering.
She doesn't, of course.)
Nothing in the space now, except the booming voice of Lestat, ricocheting from the intricately carved crown molding with all the wretched demanding of a wounded child.
"How could I possibly trust you after you left me there— after you walked away when I needed you, begged you, for just one drop of the power that you and you alone could share! How could I possibly trust you after you watched her take the knife—"
"ENOUGH, Lestat."
For one moment, Louis' face warps into something terrible, something gnarled and twisted with anguish. Something childish and brutal, bloody red. And even as he swallows down the pain, Lestat is struck by the brief rawness of it all, the unfiltered grief from depths he has never had the privilege of knowing. It strikes a different chord of rage in him, this realization that Louis cannot trust him with the anguish, that Louis, insidious gentlemanly Louis, will not share these wounds with him.
"I won't stand for this," Louis growls as soon as the last lines of grief are smoothed from his face. "I'll leave, if you don't want me here."
Lestat scoffs at the empty threat, throws his hands up through the air.
"Oh, you infuriate me when you do that."
"I refuse to engage in a conversation when you've so clearly made up your mind."
Louis takes a step toward the door. He expects Lestat to follow, but when his path remains clear, there's a new wave of dread that grips his innards. He doesn't bother turning back to face him; he can feel Lestat's eyes on the back of his head, burning like ice.
"You were always good at running away, weren't you?"
"What would you have me say, Lestat?" He's teetering on the edge of resign, running through all the reasons in his head whether it might be worth it to dig in his heels and die valiantly on this hill or lie down and kiss the sweet earth as Lestat tramples over him.
"Would you have me apologize again? Do you want me to beg on my knees for forgiveness? What could I possibly—"
Before the next syllable leaves his mouth, Lestat is there, with icy claws digging into Louis’ jaw, pressing him up against the wall with such force, his bones seem to rattle with it as he’s knocked back. 
"Sometimes, I just want you to suffer, Louis."
And there is a look in those eyes— those splendid iridescent eyes for which Louis had traded his soul away. Evil. Predatory. I want you to suffer, he says, and Louis knows that he means it with every ounce of his rotten soul.
It ought to scare him. If he were smart, or had a single iota of self-preservation, it would scare him.
But it doesn’t. 
Of course it doesn’t. 
Lestat won’t hurt him. Not in any way that matters, not now. They’ve played this game too many times. Even with Lestat’s hand at his throat, there is a gentle melancholy in the slope of Louis’ brow, a resignation in the heaving of his chest.
"But I do suffer," he whispers. "Why else would I agree to stay here, if not to suffer?"
There’s a moment of hesitation as the words slowly make their way past Lestat’s thorns, seeping into the manic beat of his heart. With the veil between them, Louis cannot hope to understand the meaning behind the pinch between blond brows, the movement of his jaw clicking back and forth. And even when he does release him, all Louis can do is watch with that same scrutiny as he turns on his heels and rips at the curtains in a sudden fit. 
His movements are slow, clunky; not those of a vampire, but those of a frustrated child. The curtain rod crashes to the ground as soon as he pulls at the fabric, but even that is not enough— curtains in hand, he shreds the material between clenched fists, pulling and pulling and pulling through the drapes as if they’re made of the finest paper. Still, even the nest of tattered fabric isn’t enough, doesn’t satisfy the need to destroy, the ache to have something to fight back against him. And there’s a scream in the back of his throat that arrives at the very same moment he feels the warm sting of tears, and all he wants is to hurt something, to break something, to tear the beating heart out of his misery. 
But then Louis’ hands are on his hands, and Louis’ eyes are on his, and, and—
"This is madness, isn't it?" Lestat rasps.
"Yes," Louis exhales so deeply it nearly sounds like a laugh. "Madness."
There’s a pause. Lestat stares at Louis’ hands covering his own. His skin is so dark now from the sun, or perhaps Louis is just getting lighter with age. Either way, they look equally ghastly clasped together.
"The drapes were hideous. I can’t stand it."
"The pattern doesn’t suit them, it clashes with the wallpaper,” Louis replies. Naturally. 
“I need to hunt.”
“Yes, you do.”
Another pause. He lifts his head to Louis. A silent plea in those brilliant blue eyes. Come with me, come with me, come with me, please. 
With a sigh, Louis releases his hands, brings one to Lestat’s shoulder with a soft squeeze, and even that is a mercy. 
“I’m going to look into replacing the drapes.”
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clustermuck · 3 days
ugh...I'm still very upset about how part 2 handled Colin & Pen's characters post-LW reveal, ESPECIALLY if they weren't going to give us a lot of Happy!Polin married bliss after their reconciliation in ep 8. If you're gonna have a boat-load of angst in a story like this, you need to have a balance of resolution and happiness, otherwise there's, like, narrative whiplash (which is basically how I felt about the epilogue...)
HOWEVER — as right as I think I am that they could have made better narrative choices with writing and editing this season, I'm also starting to be like,
"are angst-driven stories just not for me?"
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm down bad for the enemies-to-lovers/bickering couple trope and I always appreciate a quality slow-burn, so I'm hardly against angst in any form. That is, until that angst is prolonged longer than the plot or the characters organically would or should suffer with it.
So, maybe this is me just not understanding what it means to watch a Shondaland show?...I've never been a Grey's or Scandal person and I dropped out of HTGAWM pretty quickly. So maybe Shonda's approach to romance isn't for me and I need to recognize that in the show to enjoy it (or try to)? Perhaps I'm asking the show to be something it's not...it's like going into a Subway and asking for an ice cream cone—I don't know.
I guess my hill I die on when it comes to stories of any kind that feature romance is: don't confuse angst with conflict. They aren't necessarily the same thing. There is so much Polin angst in those last two episodes that could have resolved without resolving the conflict of the Queen/Cressida vs. LW (or even between Penelope and Colin! There could have still been tons of conflict there, it just should have manifested in them being on the same side of the conflict...more Polin vs. The Problem rather than Pen vs. Colin and The Problem.) I guess I mean having Colin be stonewalled against Penelope for so long (narratively speaking, I get that it was only 2 episodes) didn't feel honest to me. I understand where all of his feelings of anger, betrayal, and doubts were coming from and he's totally entitled to them! I'm not trying to take that very real, honest response away from him. But by the time it was, like, mid-episode 8 and Colin was still acting almost cruel towards Penelope, it started to feel like angst for angst sake, not for the betterment of the story. And whether or not angst-ridden stories are your "type" of show or not, you can tell poor choices from good ones and I do believe that even for fans of Shondaland's approach to storytelling, there was much to be desired. We all deserved a bit better than what we got.
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liaslullaby · 1 day
Training time | Iwazumi Hajime
Iwa and you, in addition to working together also go to the gym together occasionally, where you constantly insult yourself, which you had no idea was bothering him.
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Contents: afab!reader, semi-public, rough, dominant Iwa, daddy kink, mirror, spanking, fingering, pull out, non-con/dub-con, unprotected sex.
Word count: 3.3K
+18 MDNI—Explicit content
TW: body dysmorphia.
A/N: I'll probably rewrite this in the future, since rereading it I don't like it much anymore, but in the meantime here it is.
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You felt the beads of sweat rolling down your forehead as you finished the last repetition on the hip trust machine, at the end you slumped down exhausted and breathing heavily.
"Officially that's enough for today"
"You can still do at least fifteen more of those" Iwazumi reproached giving you a towel and a bottle of water, you took both things and opened the bottle to bring it quickly to your lips in order to calm the enormous feeling of dehydration you had.
"Let's talk about something else, like Atsumu's shoulder." You said standing up, you wanted to distract the brown-haired man so he would forget that you still had exercises left to finish your routine for the day. He could be an excellent coworker and a very good friend but he was a pain in the ass whenever you two went to the gym together. "I'm worried he'll get hurt again if he's not careful in training"
"His shoulder is fine, thanks to the best physiotherapist the Japan national team can afford" he said before taking a sip from his own water bottle.
He was the atletic trainer of the Japanese volleyball team and you were the team's physiotherapist so you liked to spend as much free time as you could watching the training sessions to make sure the team wasn't going to suffer any irrecoverable injuries, so maybe you tended to occasionally getting into Iwazumi's instructions which at first only caused fights between you two until you finally ended up getting used to each other. You became a good team even though you still yelling at each other from time to time.
You smiled at the compliment, maybe he was being slightly sarcastic with his comment but you chose to ignore that fact. You collected your belongings before starting to walk towards the exit of the modern gym of the Japanese team, one advantage of working there is that both of you had the right to use it whenever you wanted, so you always preferred to train there so as not to have to pay monthly in another gym.
"Where do you think you are going?" he asked stepping in your way with his arms crossed in front of his chest and the serious look he always gave the team. As if that would have an effect on you.
"To the shower, is not like I'll start look pretty if a stay anyways... do you wanna join me or are you just going to stand here looking like a grumpy old man?" you said with a mocking smile and proceeded to walk past, thinking you had gotten away with it until he grabbed you by the waist with just one of his arms making you back up.
His action surprised you mainly because you didn't think that was possible, you don't have a small body build or weigh so little that someone could move you easily that was the reason you decided to start exercising in the first place but apparently that didn't matter to Iwazumi who had moved you to his liking smoothly.
"What did you call me"
You looked into his eyes with confidence, ready to continue teasing him but the look you met was one you hadn't seen before, one that made you swallow hard for a second and freeze you in place. You were sure that you had never seen him look at anyone like that, it was as if his eyes forced you to kneel right there in front of him.
"Don't make me repeat myself"
Even though the way he was looking at you made you nervous, you didn't want him to notice, whatever game Iwa wanted to play to force you to finish your routine you weren't going to give him the pleasure of beating you, so you were going to keep bothering him.
"I said you look like a grumpy old man, if you didn't hear me the first time I think that means i'm right" you stuck your tongue out at him, as if you were a little girl whose best insult is that simple gesture. Internally you hoped that he would stop looking at you like that and just make fun of your childish action but instead he took your face with one hand and brought it closer to his.
"You like to tease, huh?"
"Hajime, what the f-" you tried to speak but Iwazumi shut you up immediately squeezing your face harder so you grabbed his wrist trying to push him away but it was impossible. Your look then softened, your eyes showed concern for how strange he was behaving.
"I like that look, is it a sign that you are ready to behave?" he let go of your face and his hand traveled to your hip, you weren't quite sure if you could move or not, so you just stayed static waiting to see where he would go with all that. "I have to admit I'm a little sick of you"
"And what did I-" he didn't let you finish because just as soon as he heard you open your mouth he decided to spank you making you scream.
"I didn't ask you to speak" he murmured getting so close to you that you were less than an inch away from your body and his touching. "I'm sick of that damn attitude, your damn complaining but mostly every damn time you insult yourself"
He took your things from your hands and left them on some of the benches behind, although he walked away you weren't able to move, Iwazumi now approached behind you. His breath collided with your neck making you tremble a bit, he placed his hands on both sides of your body but he didn't touch you, it was as if he was afraid of breaking you if he touched you.
"You come here every stupid day to train looking fucking sexy and then all you do is despise your body like you don't have me drooling over you" His confession surprised you, you didn't have the slightest idea that he found you sexy, you didn't even think that he considered you attractive. You had the idea that he would probably prefer one of the tall pretty girls who were always after the team. Slim and with perfect bodies, they looked like models with their magazine breasts and shapely legs, nothing like you. That had always generated insecurities in you. "I'm sick of you hating yourself and for that today you're going to get punished"
He turned you around until you were both facing each other, his gaze on you was like a hungry animal and his entire presence felt threatening. Placing both hands on your hip, he pulled you until his lips fiercely joined yours, to which you simply couldn't resist, because Iwazumi's lips were much more addictive than you could have imagined.
It was a slow kiss that became more and more passionate, it didn't take long for his hands to begin to cover your body, from the hips to your waist and even going back a little on the way to squeeze your butt because for him it was mandatory, it was one of the parts of your body that had always had him hypnotized.
You gave him access to your mouth and he appreciated it by invading it completely, until that moment you were able to react and you wrapped your arms around his neck and then ran your hands through his hair. He found your breasts so he proceeded to massage one of them making you moan into his mouth.
"I like that sound, let's see how many times I can make you do it" He said separating slightly from you and took his gaze away from yours for a moment to scan the gym, his eyes fell on one of the benches that was used to press and then an idea crossed his mind. He walked there so you decided to follow him, you watched as he sat quietly on the bench made a slight movement with his head indicating that you will come closer so you obeyed. "Take off your shoes"
Your common sense didn't understand why you were following all his instructions without complaining but your wet pussy wanted to see where all this was going. Without your shoes and at Iwazumi's arm's length was just what he needed to get rid of your leggings, he slammed them down appreciating your underwear once they were down. You had the instinct to cover yourself with your hands but since that would bother him, you preferred not to.
Once he had you in front of him wearing only panties and a sports top, he decided it was time for punishment, he patted his lap twice, hoping that you would simply understand what he meant. You moved unsteadily until you sat on him, the bulge in his pants touching your entrance through the cloth made you swallow saliva, it's not that before you had been imagining the size of Iwa's member and even if you had, you would never have guessed how big it was . Despite the fact that having you like this did not displease him, he let out a growl.
"Don't play stupid with me, put your stomach on my knees"
"Hajim-" you tried to object but he immediately shut you up with a spanking.
"Do not call me that way, I'm daddy for you, do you get it?" You nodded repeatedly so he caressed the area he had hit earlier. "Now on my knees"
You positioned yourself as indicated just above his knees, his right hand began to gently outline your back and then your waist until it reached your butt which he hit mercilessly making you scream.
"Remind me how many repetitions we normally do of each exercise on a set" he spoke calmly as if nothing was happening, as if he hadn't just left a huge red mark on you that would probably take days to go away.
"Fifteen daddy"
"Do you think you can handle fifteen of those?" you denied immediately and his hand slammed against you one more time. "Tough love then sweetheart"
You bit your lower lip trying to contain the screams that came out of you every time Iwazumi's hand hit your butt but it was too much, for the tenth time his hand crashed against you decided to cover your mouth with one of your hands. He had taken the issue of punishment seriously and the pain that ran through your legs caused small tears to peek out of the corner of your eyes.
At the end you weren't even sure you could stand up without help, your entire body trembled as he parted your thighs and ran one of his fingers over your wet panties, a smile crossed his face just before he pushed your underwear aside to make a free way for his fingers towards your entrance.
"You get this wet only from spanking? You could have told me and we would have started having fun days ago" he mentioned opening your folds to introduce one of his fingers, you sighed at the intrusion followed by soft moans as Iwazumi began to explore your interior.
This time it started slower, giving you time to breathe after the punishment, which you internally appreciated because you really needed it. By that time Iwa finally noticed the tears that had fallen down your cheeks and wiped the trail with his free hand, not that guilt was running through him at least not at that moment, it might happen at the end but by the time he was his mind was filled more with desire than remorse or morality.
He increased the pace causing several moans to come out of you being silenced by the hand that was still held over your mouth, he noticed it not very according to your action and decided to take your arms behind your back and held them firmly in place with his hand. With no way to cover your mouth you tried to keep silent, the problem is that Iwazumi made it impossible by adding a second digit. You didn't think you'd be able to indulge with just that until the unmistakable feeling of a knot forming in your lower stomach attacked you, your entrances drenched and slightly dripping on your thighs, your walls tightened around Iwa and that was his signal to withdraw his fingers.
You whimpered being so close and not getting what you wanted, so the dark-haired man decided to reward you by caressing your clit for a few seconds before helping you stand up, he took off your panties completely and made you sit on his lap again, under your attentive gaze took the fingers with which he had been pleasuring you to his mouth and cleaned it completely. Then he dedicated himself to kissing your neck, without leaving any mark, leaving wet kisses while his hands lowered the straps of your sports top.
He kissed your collarbones and then looked up with a smirk, he wouldn't say but it was happy he was to finally be able to enjoy your body that he had been longing for since you two started training together.
He got rid of that annoying cloth that covered your breasts and took a moment to admire them, before taking one of them to his mouth while one of his hands massaged the other. Your cheeks burned just thinking about the situation you'd gotten yourself into, you were stark naked sitting on Iwazumi's lap in the middle of the team gym, it sounded like one of your wildest dreams but it felt too real to be. Iwa's tongue around one of your nipples and his fingers playing with the other, not even in your wildest dreams could you have imagined how good it felt.
Iwazumi separated for a second to bring his mouth to take care of your other breast but before you decided to manage to remove his shirt, your jaw almost fell to the ground when your eyes met his abs.
"Enjoying the view?" He asked egocentrically when he realized your reaction, he winked at you and then returned his attention to your breasts. He could feel your hand caressing his torso gently outlining every part of it until you reached the beginning of his sweatpants that already felt too tight for his liking. "Ready for that?"
Without waiting for an answer from you, Iwa made you stand up and then he did the same, he took off his tennis shoes followed by his pants and finally his boxer revealing his huge member for you, causing you to wonder if there was a humanly possible way that could enter you.
The dark-haired man turned you around and taking you by the shoulders he guided you until you were facing the large mirror that covered one of the walls of the gym, once there you tried to cover yourself with your hands, feeling sorry for yourself, you didn't like your body in any sense so you looked away.
"You are hating yourself right now, aren't you?" he whispered in your ear, his tone was cold and deep so much that a chill ran down your spine almost making you tremble. He took your face with one of his hands forcing you to look in the mirror. "I want you to listen me so you can see what I see, ok?"
Without letting go of your face, he began to kiss your neck slowly while his other hand cradled one of your breasts.
"I see a pretty, sexy and sometimes annoying woman with an amazing personality and beautiful ass" His hands traveled to your waist and his lips made their way to the back of your neck. "And you know what she did today?"
Iwazumi slowly approached, further closing the distance between you, he looked straight ahead, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror and then you could feel his bulge pressing against your lower back.
"She make me so fucking hard today and now she's going to pay for it" he gave a small kiss on your cheek being the last sweet thing he was willing to do to you at that point. With one hand he push you until your hands collide with the mirror and with the other spread your legs, he bring his member closer to your entrance and suddenly your nerves invaded remembering how big it was.
"Wait Ha- Daddy wait!" you screamed but it was simply too late, Iwa entered you suddenly making you scream, he didn't even give you time to get used to his size.
He take your hip with both hands and start with his thrusts, fast and deep. His body was finally feeling the pleasure of being inside you, it wasn't going to stop for the world, even though the entire team entered the gym at that moment, he was far from caring at all. He would come almost completely out of you only to thrust in harder than the last and come fully in again.
The sound of your bodies colliding with each other, added to your moans and the curses that came from Iwazumi's mouth was all that could be heard there.
He took one of his hands to the lower part of your abdomen to feel how he was entering you, he took the opportunity to get close to your ear and lick your earlobe, let out a growl that you heard loud and clear just when one of his thrusts hit your cervix. Your hands balled into fists against the mirror so hard that if your fingernails were any longer you probably would have had a series of crescent marks on your palms after that.
The dark-haired man's hand moved away from your abdomen to go to your clitoris making circles in it, as if the pleasure in you was not enough already, you bit your lip and for the first time you fixed your eyes on your reflection, your whole body was trembling, if it weren't for the fact that he was still holding your hip with one of his hands you probably would have already ended up on the ground, your breasts moved every time one of Iwa's thrusts was present and the sight of him behind you completed the perfect erotic image.
Iwazumi directed the hand that was on your hip to your mouth and inserted two of his fingers making it difficult for you to breathe properly, that in addition to the circles he made on your clitoris and his thrusts sent you over the edge.
"Daddy I'm about to c-" You weren't even able to finish your sentence when you felt your orgasm, your entrance went all cum cover it making Iwa's job easier for him.
Since your legs threatened to not be able to support you anymore, he was forced to get you even closer to the mirror making your breasts stick completely against it while he concentrated on following his own orgasm, overstimulating you with each thrust he gave.
"Oh fuck, you feel so fucking good baby" He mentioned kissing your shoulder, he gave a couple more thrusts before coming out of you, he held you in place holding you with both hands while you felt a hot liquid drip down your butt. Iwazumi released you for a second and all you managed to do was slowly slide to the ground until you were sitting on your knees trying to catch your breath. He put a hand on your shoulder so you looked up at him. "Let's get you to the shower because the team it's going to be here in any minute"
You widened your eyes at his words, you had completely forgotten that little detail.
"Do you think he has already arrived?" you heard Hinata's voice in the distance.
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Do you have a headcanon that you like so much that you practically automatically include it when you think of the character the headcanon is about?
i will try to list a few, as i remember best when i trigger an associated memory (i think-- i'd like to think my memory still works 🤣).
tbh i held off on answering this since i can't think of a good hc from the top of my head hahaha
it's not going to be substantiated by historical texts or information since i have very limited knowledge in those areas. these are silly little hcs i inferenced from the most random places.
- he has very nice names for his dogs. he thinks of each one very well as he walks back to camp after rescuing the animal from destruction. he constantly thinks about it, and of course they have meanings, but i'm unfortunately not greek so i can't dive deeper into that :') something like "child of vast plains" (one word) as in free. like his wishes for each dog. "never suffering a lack of", such and such. depending on his observations of each dog's personality.
- tired dad but also playful piece of shit uncle vibes.
- i like to think he genuinely enjoys the adrenaline of high stakes (gambling- which totally started as a joke because i saw a post saying he 'killed a boy over dice #gamblingaddiction') but doesn't participate much when the soldiers play because he has his dutiful side lol. when he decides to come out and participate, he keeps winning.
- voice smooth as honey and chocolate but he's a little tone deaf.
※ also, grey eyes patroclus truther over here. and that he probably got his medical talents from his mother, whoever it was.
- stays in his tent most of the time. the longer the war went on, the more he closed himself off, save for a few of his own men and his close friends (patroclus, antilochus, automedon, ajax, teucer...) he does get out for celebrations but he tends to get sick of merrymaking easier than others so he retires early. would complain to patroclus about several things in his day as they tend to their body pains and weapons/armor maintenance. this says a lot about my general impression of his personality. i don't need to spell out that i think he's dramatic lol
- has a green right eye and a deep black left iris (from thetis). i made this on accident with a sketch but i really like the idea of him being *slightly* unsettling when they see him the first time instead of a flawless blonde child. sure he still is, but i'd like in-universe characters to have more of a reason to not approach him. and well... pay thetis a little bit of tribute hahaha. i deleted other appearance hcs for him and patroclus, realizing i can just add those when i post my wip character design sheets. but here's a zoomed shot of his face as a 12 year old:
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- likes theater. would have tried for it himself if he didn't have to be a warrior. has made several songs throughout his life especially in childhood but has never documented them. forgets them in the morning.
- nearsighted. idk if there's anything to prove this otherwise, but i just slapped it on him. he doesn't recognize people super easily by their faces, but he goes by other things instead like height or voice, or their most prominent features. that's also how he hunts or kills. he doesn't really know this ofc, and has just been doing it his whole life. now he doesn't know his son's face very well, so i'd like to add this to the moral dilemma of throwing astyanax off the wall more than it already is.
- short king idk 5'1". 5'2" if he's wearing shoes hehe. has the same height with penelope. telemachus is 5'3" (without shoes). the genes are improving!
- diomedes and odysseus second father figure. this probably has a lot of contradicting evidence, but let me sit with the funny image that it started as a joke at first then they found menelaus just has very basic dad instincts. has, on many nights, gotten drunk and cried about helen leaving him.
- has to watch his blood pressure (sorry).
- values the concept of family higher than most. he doesn't spell it out in the open of course, but it's one of the things that sets him apart as well.
※ so i took a break, got curious about diomedes and looked up his future after troy. that hc does not bode well with his wife's status after his return 💀
- has red hair (sometimes a "duh" moment for me considering his name is literally fire-haired/red-haired; I've seen blonde depictions of him).
- 5'6". slightly taller than average, but shorter than his father because his god blood is more diluted than.
- very cold and steadfast when he first showed up. i want to believe that he was not that all throughout. he learned to commune with other soldiers, although awkward and unsure. somehow, he became like another achilles; the youngest of the soldiers, the man who would spearhead the attack by proposing the idea of the trojan horse (i read somewhere it was him, and then some say odysseus, some say both). he would look quizzically at handshakes but would accept. he'd be so confused by whooping and hugging and cheering after battle, but didn't resist the warmth of it. he unfortunately didn't have time to explore that side of life before he died.
i think i'll end it there 🤣 i'm not that well-acquainted with other characters, but you yourself wrote about automedon and balius and xanthus being tamed by patroclus, so i also believe that now actually.
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astrovian · 2 years
sometimes Richard's acting just really hurts my soul and causes me long-lasting emotional damage and I just think that's beautiful
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sysig · 1 month
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Wuh oh (Patreon)
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The novel experience of being crushed by a giant rock, a visual metaphor
#Doodles#ISaT#Siffrin#Loop#Yaaaay suffering <3 <3 <3#Lol#Starting with a cute practice Sif to get used to drawing them a bit more they're so cute what the heck#He's so shaped I love that for him and about him#Crisp design very nice#Sif really is the embodiment of ''Ignorance is bliss'' and being so maladjusted about it :'D#His memory issues make the me a sad#Ironically I try not to think about it too hard or else I'll get Really sad lol#Memory is the foundation of individual personhood! It's such a tragedy weh#Him brushing things off by falling back into his issues is just so agh Sif no you deserve better!#Some sillies lol I never know if I should give content warnings for these kinds of jokes - I don't make them often!#Loop's line in the Jello streams is So good I couldn't not lol#Happy Wednesday fr btw lol yes I did do that on purpose#The last one agh the red and like - can we talk about Sif (and Loop's and Odile's) specific portraits where their hands do the spark thing??#I always forget how art can be Whatever and that overlapping/removing lineart to imply shapes and movement and just jfdslafd#It's so cool I love it so much it's very inspiring#The bonus is mostly a joke lol - again while watching the Jello streams Lenti was talking about how much she relates to Sif#And I was privately like ''Haha thank goodness I don't relate to him! Couldn't be me!'' And Then#It's fine lol I'm aware of my overlapping issues - I fall more on the Isa side of ''Sounds fake but okay'' but yeah.....yeahhhh lol#As long as I don't get trapped in a time loop about it! Poor Sif haha
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hauntingblue · 3 months
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Choose your favourite reaction
#'we will take the trial of hell i know you guys will make it' luffy enablers 1 and 2 zoro and robin: I'm in#SANJI JUST BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!!!!#nami too!!!!!!#why did luffy jump for choper akdhaksjsk#luffy just letting nami hit him and acting like an annoying child... yeah..#also this 3d pov shot is cool as hell#everyone is so dumb in this movie akdhsksjsk#the humor in this movie is just misunderstandings and silences and it works so well.....#chopper that was some fine acting lmao#zoro and sanji fighting instead of trying to win the game... they want each other so bad ....#usopp saying betrayal is namis specialty...#sanji jealous of the bbq guy akdhajaj and nami keeping the goldfish guy drunk after robin ajdhak that slap!!!#'you don't have the right to eat bc you wernt cheering me on' SANJI!!! KISS HIM ALREADY!!!#i love the turmoil. luffy does not. that is why he is gonna go apeshit#zoro said fuck that kid. in particular. he has a nice voice#damn chopper couldnt you have caught the child that soil looks hard#STOP IT WITH THE HOLES!!!!!!#the style gives me sabaody vibes and well the plot too#this is torture...i know the last one to be eaten will be nami... for dramatic effect bc thats his twin... i know it...#i checked and this was BEFORE sabaody??? incredible...#zoro is the last... of course... well i insist... sabaody vibes.... luffy this is so bad#the head going to zoro.... omg..... how did they know about luffys abandonment issues before the manga.... i mean of course he would be hurt#luffy jumping like a little goblin.... MORE!!! luffy going insane i love you... this is so fucked up... but so good#luffy has suffered more than jesus christ.... this isn't canon but it is confirmed to me... see the wounds on his hands.... crucified#this is a tuskly so good..... the villain is compelling and everything its kinda sad#that ending :) that was so good actually everyone watch this#its the baron omatsuri and the secret island movie ask me about where to watch it#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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daringdarlingdt · 9 months
me, before starting to rewatch dr who: I can be normal about david tennant as the doctor
me now:
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danny-chase · 2 years
dang it i miss when jason was a self serving asshat of a character that was consumed by his desire for revenge and was willing to do whatever it takes to prove his point
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I have a lot of religious guilt around being angry, especially being angry at someone, and it's so funny talking about it with my therapist because I'll admit something like "I feel like Im in a constant low level state of resentment" or that Im thinking something slightly harsh about a person and my therapist will be sitting in his seat like
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I still very loathe the Media Trope of ‘’cold genius man doesn’t feel emotions and never has relationships... UNTIL.. one random relatively bland Preddy Woman comes along and warps his entire personality and ability to think, his heart has grown and his seeming asexuality has evaporated, he is now Normal :)” or whatever like... AS a walking generic hermit archetype myself.. we would NOT act like that .... just let people be detached weirdos in peace, you cowards .. OR, don’t bother to write one in the first place if you find us too boring to exist realistically in our natural state lol.. pathetic 
#the only exception to this is its okay if he develops some pesudo-romantic psychologial fixation on one of his long suffering male sidekicks#or assistants or whatever (since this character acrhetype ALWAYS has some sort of like Straight Man Every Man helper to follow#him around and be an audience stand in. sometimes multiple like a whole team of assistants. sometimes just one etc.)#like a strange not-entirely-romance-but-mutualy-unhealthy-comedic-codependence w someone you worked w 25+ yrs COULD be in character. sure.#ASIDE from that one exception though..... just keep them aromantic and asexual.. why would someone who has been that way for their#entire fucking life suddenly be like ''well I've known this woman three weeks but she's really hot! whoops!''#''guess I'm going to act completely out of character! sometimes booba so booby it fundametally alters the dna of me personality. you know ho#w it is'' .. like shut up.. explode#It's not that I project personally onto these characters (writers are bad at writing them and they're generally annoying as shit) BUT just#like... coming FROM the perspective OF a cold detached ''robot'' seeming hermit freak.. like textbook scholar wizard man locked#away in a tower somewhere type personality... You just watch shows sometimes and you can SEE that the writers are trying to write#the Character Archetype that is your actual realworld personality and you're just like 'we do NOT fucking act like that!!!' lol#you know ? like .. i don't actually care about the characters themselves but more just.. the principle of the thing. staying true to what#has been set up. You can't be like ''oh yeah this is your typical cold detached hermit weirdo with zero interest in human relationships for#the most part blah blah blah'' and then 5 minutes later be like ''WAIT GUYS!! LOOK! they're still NORMAL! look they love booba#too!!! haha hashtag Relatable!!'' .. what have you done to him.. you've massacred the archtype.. cowardly fool#Also I'm referencing them as male because this character archtetype is usually male but the same thing can apply for other gendered versions#of the archetype. it's ALWAYS annoying. no matter what it is lol. GOD AND IT'S even worse when they're supposed to be like hundreds or thous#ands of years old like.. some sort of supernatural being who's ''above it all'' because they've seen the world's cycles for so long#and blah blah and then it's like ''omg.. suddenly into romance.. for some reason all 900 years of my life nobody has ever been good#enough but YOU.. random ass person who I met 30 minutes ago and are completely average in every way or maybe you have like one#special power or are smart or something but apparently somehow I've lived 900 years without ever meeting a single other smart person#or whatever but WOW.. you... instant soulamtes.. I am no longer aromantic and asexual. I am also no longer smart.''#at least if it's a human with a normal lifespan you can be like 'well they were only 30. maybe they genuinely did just have their first#sexul awakening' or something but.. you're telling me like.. 900 years??? 1000 years?? and NOW they're like 'whooa!!' lol#Which obviously all aroace people are different.. all people with autism or schizoid pd or any other mental illnesses that can sometimes#lend people towards that type of 'weird hermit' archetype are all different. plenty of these people WILL have relationships and sex and desi#re those things. but it's like.. if you are OBVIOUSLY  setting out to write that one VERY specific archetype within the broader archetype#then GO ALL THE WAY!! you cant have someone be like HALF-detached partial-hemrit sometimes-maybe-genuis or whatever#or I guess you can but like. it should be that way from the beginning. it's the random sudden shift in personality thats jarring
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
season 4 is not a good season to be a steve fan it actually made me like him less
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inniave · 1 month
after surgery i'm buying myself pentiment goddamnit
#reasons to live#also new doctor who episodes#i've been wanting to play for soooo long but haven't really had the money to spend#so i'm using this as an excuse#trying to focus on all the fun/good/cool things that i can do after#seeing hozier later in the summer#watching the wild flowers come up in the backyard#this is hell but i will get through it and there WILL be an other side i will make sure of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#there's a chance we can get it done tomorrow if the doctor thinks it won't be super complicated#i hope we can cause the longer this goes the more we suffer#i just want it to be over#once i'm all healed i am going to smoke a cigarette and savor every fucking puff i haven't been able to smoke for over a k month now :/#another thing to look forward too#and i think i have a vinyl preordered???? am can never remember what other parts have bought#oh and i'm going to binge rewatch the hunger games (all of them) after surgery#been meaning to do that & im using this as an excuse to do nothing but watch movies all day#got some audiobooks downloaded that hopefully they'll let me listen to during (unless it's going to be loud (??) then i have music)#i'm taking my puppy stuffie husband got me when we had to live apart for a summer before we got married#puppy is so special to me#he goes everywhere with me#i love him so much#i would just hold him and cry and cry and cry when husband had to leave :((((#i am so scared#there's so many young parts too who are just i mean they are the ones holding a lot of this shit like i cant imagine what it's like for the#the little bit that leaks through to me is horrific and makes me want to fucking vomit#i'm worried for them#they're splitting bad :((( and i don't have any way to help#we're doing our tapping and tre and everything but idk how much that helps on the inside#idk man#it's all so much
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quick-drawn · 1 year
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i try to be open minded with ships and stuff, but i've always found it so hard to get behind hanzo x cass —
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skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
i just finished saw v and i don't have high hopes for the rest of the franchise (based on what ive heard) but im in too deep to stop now
#no i haven't enjoyed the last two no i don't expect to get much out of the next five or so movies. but i need to know.#i guess saw v mightve suffered bc i watched it basically immediately after iv#something i didnt do with any of the others#but i was told v was one of the good ones so i was looking forward to it. i dont think it was burnout yknow#but uh. i didn't like it. i think i liked iv more honestly. strahm and hoffman do absolutely nothing for me#i liked the traps. that was it though#it felt so pointless and empty. it was the first one where i genuinely wondered why they made it. why did they decide to keep going with#this. i think ii and iv both function more/better as setup for their following films but like. at least iii was pretty good yknow#like both amanda and hoffman's accomplicing feels kinda retconned in but at least amanda's an interesting character#what does hoffman have. what does strahm have. nothing. and no i don't think they have much in the way of homoeroticism either.#i don't tend to be so negative and im sorry if someone goes in the saw tags and feels bad about me talking shit about something they like#because i know that doesn't feel good. honestly i'd love to hear why people like v. maybe it'll change my opinion of it if i look at it a#different way yknow? but for now im just annoyed by it. iv was engaging in the moment but very forgettable#i liked riggs well enough but we barely learned a thing about him. he wasn't a deep character at all and i think that's a shame#but v was just a paperwork-based cat and mouse chase. 90 minutes and it still felt like they were wasting my time#why did strahm go to the old trap locations? i don't think he found anything out there. likr it was just a framing device for the flashback#but he didn't actually have a reason to go there. waste of my time#not an original critique im sure but saw ii on seems to be more focused on scale and layers of shit (i.e. having two games going at once)#than using the traps to examine the characters. i mean you go from two guys in a bathroom for a couple hours#learning about who they are gradually at a slow pace vs like 8 people in a house plus cop stuff plus 90 second traps of dubious fairness#hoffman has no real relationship with kramer (unlike amanda) and basically everyone who'd been following jigsaw is dead and so are jigsaw#and (presumably) amanda. what am i supposed to be here for? the vague outline of a saw trap? the type of torture happening?#im not even opposed to that per se but frankly the more they focus on the cops surrounding this shit the less fun it is#why are you making all the traps like 15 seconds long and tied to characters who aren't the primary focus. it's saw#ughh i miss adam. i miss amanda. hell i miss kramer and he was pretty present in this one (flashbackwise)#whateverrr. anyway that poll comparing chainshippng shotgunnshippng and coffinshippng where shotgun was last? lesbophobic.#im only half joking about that. im sure ppl have their reasons for coffin but i also think it's the tendency fandom bias for “two white guy#ships. but hey maybe vi and onwards will add more context to that that'll make me reconsider. i mean i wouldn't have liked the amanda#accomplice thing That much if i'd only seen ii. i think iii really makes it mesh better and it leads to fun character stuff#(though i still think i would've liked it more bc like. amanda was always grateful to jigsaw right? again hoffman comes outta nowhere)
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