#i don't remember what he does or doesn't do in nexus and don't know about rift apart yet though
weedle-testaburger · 7 months
latest video essay idea: elaborate character analysis of captain quark
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
I just remembered something, when Sun went to Nothing happens!universe, alt!Moon mistakes him (at first) for these Sun have portals.
Which means, not only Dark Sun, but still a number variant of Suns, who possessed the same intelligence or, maybe gain his knowledge from eating their Moon.
So, where are they? Where are these Sun? Why does nobody know about them, and why see-all people still concede Sun as Dumb or Useless?
Because in the strangest way just like Earth, whom the evilest version of her just her being president, Sun normally doesn't have evil variants, cuz even Puppet is surprised about him and unable to read Dark Sun. (We didn't see cringe!Dark Sun in cringe dimension proves my point)
I think someone has killed them. The amount of smart Sun has already been terminated, and only the small mounts like Dark Sun and someone honestly just like to hide and being alone. Maybe by Creators because honestly, even Creator hates Sun the most, he seems... I don't know how to describe it, speak to Sun with closure.
(you know the way your parents always say you are disappointed but still they know and acknowledge your abilities? And the possibility that Herry is the want who used to work with Creator? What if Sun is the result of a divorced and herry never paid his child support leading Creator feeling salty about Sun because he reminds him so much about Herry? So he needs to dumb Sun down?)
Cuz Dark Sun seems very confident when he says it only the matter of time when a Sun snapped, and Sun shares the same opinions when he said to alt!Moon this alt!Sun would never grow backbone in that way and he just grew out of being happy like it is the fate of a Sun, suffering and dead or suffering and living out of sprite.
Btw, New Moon's name is so cringe. I wonder what plan they will do with Nexus. Because as I was saying before, Nexus would become a new villain but for how long and does him even have a redemption arc now?
Surely because of the comeback of the Old Moon, Nexus would stay the same like right now as his personality still roaming in his teenage phase.
But then what? Will he still roam free and don't care about anything like right now? (Making new friends and abandoning his old so-called family just because he is obsessed with the idea of being himself, just like Eclipse v1 just lives out of sprite because he wants to avenge Old Moon?) and then die as a villain, again and again, or just get out of the narrative like Eclipse V4?
Or he slowly but surely will have his redemption arc and has 'oh shit, I still care' moment with Sun and he gives up becoming such a deranged?
Nexus says he doesn't care about anyone anymore, what if because of that he will hurt Sun above his imagination to prove a point?
Because since when Nexus wakes up, Sun is the person Nexus has been focusing on the most.
He takes care of Sun when he has mental breakdown moments, he snapped at Sun when he realised Sun is lying to him but still went and rescued him. He and Sun get yeet in Ruin dimension and yet instead of angry and tired with Sun like some people, they are hand-in-hand (not ship) and face the world. Nexus always reminds Sun he is the person Nexus trust most and Nexus can't lose Sun. He even almost spilled the bean to Sun when they talked about how to bring Solar back and hit the wall several times to get out of the nightmare when Sun died. He even kneed down and begged Eclipse V4 to know where Sun was and his Old self always nagging at Nexus to protect Sun. He honestly tries better just for Sun and when Sun said he was disappointed at Nexus, Nexus seems like cool-down a little bit, and even trying to convince Sun to let him out or just let him do it for the family, kill Bloodmoon and save Solar.
The last conversation they have seems to be more civilised than I imagined. Never once, Nexus yelled at Sun. He spoke with Sun in a soft, slow voice, like he was still aware how much Sun is afraid of loud noise.
Like sure, Nexus still hit Sun right in the chest with all the bullshit that he said, but unlike with Earth, when he shut her down right away by calling her name and tossing her aside like an unwanted damage; he still trauma dumping with Sun, he still talked a little bit of his feelings to Sun, about his plan, etc...
And sure all the things he said were terrible but I think it can be worse with Sun. Which means even though Nexus doesn't care, he still cares about Sun like an instinct.
(I think he was talking the truth to some degree when he said he is indifferent about others. Nexus was numbing all his feelings since Solar died, and actively did it worse in order to surpass his old self, which leads to him so exhausted that he is unable to care about the others and wants to throw all of his relationships away.)
Bet the feeling of Nexus for Sun right now is so conflict with a lot of resentment and careness. Because on one side, Nexus still cares about Sun to some degree which maybe if Sun dead, he would feel guilty and maybe feel sad and snapped his actions for a moment. On the other hand, he wants to distance himself from what A Moon calls a Moon, and get rid of all Moon's nagging and want before, like his policy about protecting family in general and Sun in particular.
Like how he even asks Dark Sun why Dark Sun doesn't like to change his name, to separate the image of Sun and Dark Sun. It's almost like Nexus doesn't want Dark Sun to remind him of Sun at all and he still craves the love and agreement of somebody, seeing how he compliments Dark Sun's home and his dog guard...
If Nexus and Sun meet again, I don't think things would end well. Either Nexus would nonchalant say he never cared about Sun and all the time they spend together he was forced and was affected by the Old Moon and tried to hurt Sun because Sun got involved in his plan or just pure his selfishness want to make a point.
Or, he would be angry and snap back at Sun and just do the same actions like I said above.
And Sun...
Out of all people, only Sun, I think only Sun still cares about Nexus and understands him deeply, which leads him to definitely feel guilty, shocked and hollow to seeing his use to be brother go down in such manners.
(because Earth doesn't want to do anything with Nexus since he almost killed her. And she has a higher intelligence emotions level to know She deserves better than this and she wouldn't spend more time to blame herself because of what happened to Nexus. Lunar after killing Eclipse, realized it is not worth it to spend time with people who choose to be terrible, will definitely move on soon.)
Sun,... I don't think this time if Sun meets Nexus again, Sun would just stand by and do nothing. I think, this time, Sun may try to defend himself. Either in the "oppsie silly me, I accidentally killed Moon again" moment, or... Just straight out blasting Nexus.
And The way Nexus sees Sun no longer cares about him, would definitely hurt Nexus inside.
May he become deranged more, or will think back of what he did, that is what time would tell.
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danksy-ns · 10 months
Zay and Ren's big argument :
> full scene written under the "keep reading" button !
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> Happens a long time after the nexus events, it's been around 5 months they've been together.
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“What about that movie ?” Zay slouched over the kitchen table, showing his phone to Leo in front of him.
Leo glanced quickly “we already watched it”
Zay backs up in his chair, doubtful. “Uh ? Really ?”
They were looking for a movie to watch together and for the last thirty minutes they couldn't agree on one. Ren was waiting for them at the door, the others already waiting in the living room.
“You don't remember ?” Leo raises an eyebrow “it was that time you brought us into the theater when you were still human” Leo laughs.
Suddenly, time has stopped.
Did Leo really say that ? Did.. Ren heard ?
Zay can't turn his face towards Ren, fearing his reaction.
“we even almost got caught when Raph ruined two seats with his shell” Leo keeps going, without noticing the sudden atmosphere’s change.
Ren took his back off the wall. He's standing in the door frame, holding his breath. A shiver running down his neck. His throat is suddenly sharp, like any word coming out of his mouth would cut his tongue. Should he say something ? Maybe he's wrong and didn't hear right.
Zay couldn't hold it anymore and dared to glance over Ren. His inside onsets by that simple innocent look.
“What ?” Ren throws sharply
Zay gets up from his chair, walking slowly towards his boyfriend. Ren's muscles tense, he locks his jaw trying to contain his anger.
“Ren, please. It's not that simple..” Zay says with a soft voice.
“You were human ?” Ren manages to get the words out of his mouth. He is disgusted by only thinking that this statement could be true.
“Yes, but -”
“And when were you planning to tell me ?!” he shouts, his anger can't be contained anymore. Zay's steps abruptly stopped.
That icky feeling behind Ren's neck gets more intense. He feels betrayed. How could he hide something like that from him? Especially when Zay knows what he had to deal with humans before and what he thinks about them.
Leo stands up from his chair. He doesn't like how this is going. He wishes to help but he also knows that Zay probably won't appreciate it if he steps in. All he wants is to protect him, but he also respects that  Zay tends to want to fight his own battles. He catches zay's eyes, silently offering his help : hey, i'm here with you, just lemme know.
Zay waves him off subtly by facing Ren again.
“I thought about telling you, but you can see why I didn't ?” Zay's eyes become watery but he tries to keep it inside. He can't cry, not now.
He always dreaded this discussion, fearing the outcome. But Ren should know better than anyone else that he's nothing like the humans he met before.. right ?
Ren can't think of that coming from his boyfriend. He is kind and attentive, and always takes such good care of him and his family. It's not even his real family, and he cares about them so much. He sees it.
What if it explains why he fought in the battle nexus ? Maybe it was his human side that needed to be unleashed. He always enjoyed fighting, like those humans that tried to get him.
Humans are bad.
But, is Zay bad too ?
“So.. you weren't even planning on telling me at all ?” Ren says as he realizes
Zay looks away, nervous. He's scared where this will go. He doesn't want to lose Ren. Not over something so stupid.
“You told me that you hated humans when we started dating, what did you want me to do ?” he breathes out.
All kinds of thoughts start running inside Ren's head. He can't think anything bad about Zay. He couldn't dare to imagine Zay wanting to hurt him. But why does he feel like that ? 
Leo comes closer to them, still wondering if he should step in. He can clearly see his brother about to break at any moment now. He can't let such a guy hurt Zay like that. Not in front of him. But he has to play it smart, he needs to calm everyone down.
“Come on, let's just take it easy and talk about it” Leo tries to appease the atmosphere, touching each other's shoulders.
Ren startled at Leo's touch and abruptly removed his hand from his fur.
“Don't touch me !!” Ren shouts
He shouldn't have come here, it's too dangerous. Why did he trust him ?
He should've stayed in the Hidden City. He always promised himself that, why did he have to step aside from it ? Why did he have to.. fall in love ?
Zay comes in between Leo and Ren, his arms wrapping around his brother. He's protecting him.
“Ren, I know what your deal with humans is but that doesn't mean they're all the same. I got mutated by a crazy yokai, that doesn't mean I hate all yokais.”
Ren pests. What could Zay possibly know ? He saw all those humans looking at him that day when he came to the surface. Maybe even Zay was one of them.
Leo, still behind Zay, moves away. He doesn't need any protection. Especially not from that jerk. Zay must've felt Leo move because he lands his hand on his plastron, preventing him from stepping in again.
“Should've I hated you too ?” Zay says softly.
Ren swallows hard. He could never imagine Zay to hate him. It feels more icky than Zay lying to him this whole time.
“So now.. do you hate me too ?” Zay's voice breaks.
“No, Zay, I don't- I can't hate you-” words struggle to make their way.
“Then say it.” Zay's eyes are pleading “say that you still love me”
And yet.
“I…” Ren looks up, he can't stare at Zay anymore. “I need to go”
He bypasses Zay and grabs his jacket on the back of the chair.
“What ?” Zay is taken by surprise. Is he really about to leave ?!
Ren doesn't answer and just avoids eye contact by looking down, trying to pass next to Zay again. But the turtle blocks the way.
“You can't leave like that !” Zay grabs Ren's wrist, making sure he won't go anywhere before this conversation is over.
But Ren quickly removes his hand before Zay could lock his grip. Zay observes his sudden reaction. Ren curls on himself, holding his wrist close to him. Is he scared of him ?
“I'm... nothing human anymore..” Zay lower his head, playing nervously with his hands “and you don't even know how fucking hard it was to accept that.”
Ren begins to consider Zay's situation. It's all new to him. Not only did he lie about being human, but he hid all this part of his life. He wished to know that side of him sooner. Maybe it would've gone differently..
“You can stay away from humans, but I have to see my face everyday.” Zay frowns “I'm not saying that your trauma is nothing compared to mine, I always considered you Ren. But.. I never expected you to think so little of me..”
Ren's heart is being torn apart. Everything he believed in was wrong. And Zay might have gotten hurt because of that. Now to think of it, all he said about humans… damn it, Zay.. why did I say those things ?
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you Ren.. I was just– scared to lose you..” a single tear fell down his cheek, silently.
Ren sighs, his hand reaches Zay's cheek. He gently swipes his tears. This single gesture feels like Zay was finally able to breathe after coming back to the surface. Like a sweet salvation. Zay closes his eyes to his touch, feeling alive again, feeling at home. It's warm and comforting. It's simple and yet filled with so many meanings.
But eventually, Ren removes his hand, cutting short the warm feeling wrapping his heart. Zay opens his eyes again, seeing his boyfriend shyly smile. No word comes out. Zay sends an subtle interrogative look.
The deer Yokai walks past Zay silently, and stands at the kitchen door. Zay starts to come closer, feeling like he shouldn't let Ren go.
“I.. still need time to think about it. I'm sorry Zay”
Ren disappears from the door frame and Zay calls for him. He can't go, he can't leave him.
Leo stands in front of Zay, to prevent him from following Ren. Leo obviously doesn't understand why Ren would act like that simply because Zay was human. But from what he heard it's still something that matters to him.
“Please, stay here. Going after him won't be any good for now. Give you some time” Leo gently sets down his hands over Zay's shoulders.
“He hates me” Zay tears down
“No he doesn't, he just needs time, Zay..” Leo brings his brother into a warm hug.
Zay let everything out, his tears falling down his face. Leo gently settles his hand on Zay's head to bring him even closer.
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ikamigami · 3 days
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha today's episode was perfect! Really amazing! Great job Davis 👏
Ah it brings back memories once again.. the memories from a better time on Discord..
Though I'm not sure if I shared these thoughts there.. but I was thinking about the exact same thing that Dark Sun told Sun in today's episode.. that most Suns die.. (wait I remember that I said that xbxnnxnxnxn cause I remember that I said back then that Sun is more important than it seems and Creator doesn't want Sun to interfere with his plans hence why all Suns are suffering and die eventually..)
Dbdjdndjdnjxnnd this is so wild cause this is exactly what I was thinking.. and also once again the alluding to Sun being capable of changing fate..
Ha ha ha ha I always knew that Sun doesn't hate Nexus and even after what Dark Sun told him he still can't tell with determination and certainity that he'll kill Nexus..
Also what's more funny is the fact that Dark Sun was driving Nexus more on the edge by saying that Sun is in danger.. that Sun will die.. he knew exactly what he was doing..
And now he's saying that Nexus is just like all those Moons who killed their Suns.. and this is what I think Dark Sun lied about..
I'm pretty sure that 98% of Suns dying is true..
And another funny thing is that 98%.. doesn't it remind you all of something? Like maybe the 2% chance that Moon will have his memories intact?
Isn't that a strange coincidence?
But I think that Dark Sun really thinks that Sun is just still kidding himself that Moon isn't like that.. or Nexus in this case..
But I'm sure that Dark Sun is lying about Nexus because he doesn't care cause for him all Moons are truly the same..
Though I'm also sure that Nexus really cares about Sun deep down..
And I'm sure that Sun won't kill Nexus.. or even if he'll be about to do this.. he won't..
I think that Sun will die (but ofc he'll be back) because he blames himself for all of this.. that if it wasn't for him Moon wouldn't be so aggressive and later he wouldn't die.. and later Nexus wouldn't have to deal with everything because Sun is uncapable and later Nexus wouldn't end up like that.. none of this would've happened if it wasn't for Sun..
Someone could say that I'm wrong because why Sun would or should blame himself..
But tell me this.. why then Sun was silent most of the time when someone was accusing him of shit.. like Eclipse or Bloodmoon or Moon or whatever.. why? Why does he barely audibly whisper that it's not his fault? Why he's scared that he's just like Bloodmoon or worse?
If Sun doesn't blame himself then why he isn't furious? Why he doesn't hate Nexus?
Because how can he.. when it's all his fault? How can he hate Moon or Nexus or whoever else when it's all his fault?
I don't know what exactly will happen.. but I'm sure that most fans will be shocked by Sun's decision..
Also even though Atlas said some pretty good stuff.. I still can't bring myself to trust him..
And well.. both Dark Sun and Atlas are pushing Sun to action which I'm pretty sure will end up badly..
But I have a feeling that Puppet's dream will become a reality sooner or later.. I wish cause I really want Sun and Eclipse's moment nxnxbxbxnndnd
Anyway I'm sure that something big will happen right before October like usually.. but I think that this year will be even better bxbxbxbbzbz
I can't wait (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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headlessjest · 1 year
Y'all thought I was only a artist? Nuh uh!!! I got some dadness combat Hc stuff for y'all!!!! (Sorry if my grammar and writing is bad. I do write a lot but rarely post it and mainly keep it to myself.)
(All of this is platonic!!!)
・To be honest, he's not gonna be the best father/parent figure in the world. He's a murderer for Christ sake! But he sometimes do set aside his responsibilities for you. Not all the time though.
・He sometimes forgets to feed you and when he does remember, they'll just give you a hot dog. Hope you don't choke on it.
・They'll play with you when he has the time to, but he's often busy 24/7.
・You one time threw up in bed and since he was too tired to clean your bed up, they just took you into his bed and let you sleep with him for the night. (Your room smelled awful in the the morning though..)
・Ya know how toddlers/little kids squirm away from their parents when it's feeding time or running away before going to bed? That's you both but 10 times more rougher and violent with it. He threw you once and you almost tore off their finger once.
・Smoker dad. He's a smoker dad, but he tries not to smoke around you, even if you don't mind it. Doesn't want you coughing a lot around him, almost sounding like you're dying.
・He also sometimes forgets to feed you, but he doesn't just give you a hot dog like Hank. He actually finds food that you don't choke on and feeds you it.
・I think some of y'all know my child! Reader design where reader has a harness right? Well, Deimos is the only one where he doesn't have to use it a shit ton. Because he always carries you by your feet.
・I think Deimos would try to rock you to bed no matter what age, both lovingly or just to tease you.
・Deimos always loves it when you watch him play games. He even loves it when you point out obvious things he didn't notice in the game.
・Probably the best dad out of all of them. He's such a loving guy and a massive sweetheart. Most likely got it from his mom.
・Would go nuts when you get an injury. He would flail around trying to find bandades, bandages, etc whilst comforting you at the same time.
・He loves to relax with you on the couch. When both of you are just really tired, you'll just relax on the couch and most likely fall asleep.
・He never forgets to feed you. He gets the right stuff and always has a timer for breakfast, lunch, pre dinner, and dinner.
・Whenever you get sick, he puts all his plans aside just to take care of you. He doesn't want to see his kid in pain.
・Honestly, he's a neutral dad. He can be kinda strict but only due to his trust issues around Nevada, but he does care for you and wants you to have fun.
・He's always busy so he has a schedule that he always runs by to you when he heads out. He does write it down just incase you do forget though.
・His voice is genuinely comforting to me, so if you can't sleep or something, he'll read you a bedtime story or even sing you a lullaby.
・He never forgets to feed you, but when he's out for something, he has premade food and extra snacks just incase.
・You one time followed him and accidently got yourself dragged into the project nexus shit. He wasn't happy about that.
・Jesus Christ he's not a great parent. He a immortal demon clown and you expect him to be a good dad?
・He does feed you but not the right stuff...
・He one time took you on a high speeded ride throughout Nevada and he somewhat regrets it. You became temporarily deaf for awhile.
・Whenever you're tired but you can't sleep, he always, like always starts a pillow fight with you, hoping for it to tire you down.
・Honestly doesn't care if you get fed to much candy. He'll just let you rob a candy store and then eat it.
・He's also a pretty great dad, but his cowardly ways can sometimes get in the way of being a parent in general.
・Don't be fooled by his cowardly ways, he will not hesitate to fight just for you. Except for Hank. You both will run away.
・Always loves it when you wake him up first thing in the morning just to eat breakfast. You're like an alarm for him.
・He one time showed you around Merc and you gotten pretty close with Church and Jorge. Y'all are like siblings pretty much.
・He one time let you wear his hat and you didn't give it back to him after. He genuinely had to find a new hat.
・So he's not a good dad but he's also not a bad dad. He's also a little bit more stricter than Jeb.
・When you don't really work with him by eating or going to bed, he sometimes puts you in timeout.
・He also is way more better at fixing you up when you got hurt or sick.
・He never let's you have sweets. He always gets those vegan snacks that you thought were bad but are actually pretty good.
・Some of y'all would probably get this, but you know when you're working with your dad with something like the car, and you freak out when your dad asks for a certain tool and he gets upset from you not getting it quickly, yeah that's you two.
・Phobos is not a good dad. Final answer.
・The only few things that're sweet is that he always keeps the drawings you give to him. He'll look at them once in awhile when he's working.
・He always have his workers babysit you, the only times he's around you is when it's bed time or when all the workers can't babysit you.
・When he first saw that you were one of the cloning failures, he was gonna kill you, before you accidentally touched his heart by doing literally nothing.
・He watches over you on the cameras when you're hanging out with the workers and sometimes laughs a bit to himself when he sees you mess with them.
・They're not a really great dad. They always care about their work and gets a little upset they're not there for you.
・One time, you wandered into their office and just casually sat on their lap and slept there. They didn't move a single inch during that.
・You sometimes remind them of a cat, so they sometimes even carry you like a cat.
・Despite not having any lips, they try to give something that resembles a forehead kiss. Like a headbump or something.
・They hate that you grow up faster than them. (I Hc auditor that they're like 1000 years old or smth) They don't like that they'll see you grow right in front of their eyes and them not age a single bit.
Omg that last one was sad, uh.. Hope y'all like this..? Like I said before, sorry for any grammatical errors, writing errors, etc.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
The ideas of other madcom characters vs other characters inspire me with Tricky vs Yandere Phobos.
Hofnarr had a child and before they became Tricky, they hid them from Phobos, now Phobos just like finds out abt them and takes and interests in them. Tricky tries their best to stop from Phobos from taking their kid, but at the end he takes them away.
Oh boy, feral clown dad!
Yandere! Platonic! Tricky vs Platonic/Romantic! Phobos
Pairing: Platonic (Tricky)/Romantic/Platonic (Phobos)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Violence, Brief murder mention, Manipulation, Isolation, Stalking, Violence, Kidnapping implied, Forced companionship/relationship.
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When Tricky was still Hofnarr he was overjoyed when he found out he had a kid.
Be it from the usual Grunt cloning or more natural means... he doesn't really care.
The unfortunate thing was Hofnarr was usually always busy with work due to Phobos' orders.
It didn't help that he was slowly going insane either.
Despite all the mental erosion he still tries to be a good father.
He tries to see you when he can and treats you like you're the most precious thing in the entire world.
He definitely already tries to hide you away even before Phobos becomes a threat.
You don't entirely know what your dad does or what he's planning with Christoff.
Although he certainly plans to make sure you're safe when things go down.
Phobos would not meet you until after the fall of Nexus City and Hofnarr becomes Tricky.
You have grown into an adult and have learned a bit of science yourself.
It's just enough to get by as you survive through the ruined city.
Soon you may even find a safer sector to hide at.
Tricky may still keep an eye on you.
Even with his rotting mind he still manages to remember you vaguely as his kid.
A kid he still wants to look after and protect.
Especially when Phobos takes notice of you, a young scientist out in the open.
You could be useful.
Meeting Phobos is by chance.
Well... you think it's chance.
Phobos may or may not know you're related to Hofnarr/Tricky.
Maybe he found out about you through files?
Curious about the kid of one of the best scientists, he keeps an eye on you.
Only to realize he may want to keep you all to himself since your father is no longer around.
Or so he thought.
Tricky never really left you.
He was always around.
Always watching you closely.
Although... when you start making contact with Phobos... he feels he has to do something.
These leads to the rivalry where the two essentially fight to have you.
Phobos has power and can easily isolate you.
But Tricky is quite the deadly force, he'd kill right up until he finds you.
It's quite the problematic rivalry.
Tricky just wants his kid back in his care.
He's been away from them for too long, after all.
It's about time he finds a new home to keep them in with him.
Meanwhile Phobos is intrigued about you.
He wants to take you in, his intentions are dubious.
Maybe he has some sort of romantic interest in you.
That or maybe he plans to make you some sort of heir.
You have potential he can shape...
If he can just get rid of the damn clown.
Which is hard to do as I highly doubt said clown will stay dead with his kid still out there.
Phobos could lock you up and Tricky would probably still find you.
Both are willing to fight to the death.
Both can probably come back from the dead with a little work.
You're stuck between the two...
All you wanted to do was survive.
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d999666 · 4 months
Galactik football S1 ep6 review - (5/5)
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Nork : I know something about that magnificent images aren't they warren you must watch them again and again and a loop that.
Warren : Doesn't interest me only the future is the future.
Nork : that's just what we're interested in today the upcoming galactik football cup which everuone is waiting for. so let's skip right to the random drawing to the groups in the qualifying phase but first a brief word from our sponsor.
>>Comment :
This is Warren, the previous year's GFC winner.
One of my favorite characters in GF.
I think the group draw is traditionally conducted by the captain of the winning team of the previous year.
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Thran : if they put us in Lightnings's team group. I changed my name and drop off the face of the earth.
Mice : Please Put us in the Lightnings's team group Plz. Put us in the Lightnings's team group Plz….
>>Comment :
I really think the way Thran, Ahito, D'jok and Micro-ice tease each other is funny.
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Nork : This is a crucial moment to the competition and it looks like Warren is wondering the same thing as you the viewers at home who is gonna play against to hear the group a the Rykers, the Pirates, the Shadows and finally the snowkids!
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Thran : Sorry micro-ice. I think I'll stay. Mice : too bad I'll have to live with it.
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Nork : well here's a group that will give our chance to once again meet up with his old partner in Nexus. who's just been recruited as coach of the Shadows.
and, this isn't the shadows only new recruits because the team now includes former snowkids player...Sinedd!!
Clamp : I know what you're thinking Aarch, History is repeating…
Aarch : itself Artego has never stopped trying to corrupt everything around him. but Sinedd's just a kid
>> Comment: Artego brought Sinedd to the shadows team. Sinedd went to Shadows.... (it's my headcanon....I think Artego adopted sinedd, just to make it easier to manage team transfers, because sinedd is a minor who needs legal guardianship.) If Aarch had reported to the police that Sinedd had disappeared, no one would have been surprised. Aarch is an adult and should be responsible for the safety of the underage players. You should have known Sinedd's whereabouts. I should have called the police and heard from the police, "Oh, the boy followed another guardian to another team." You don't listen to it through the news like this.
If you knew Sinedd was a kid, why didn't you treat him well? Aarch hasn't spoken to Sinedd since. You're also responsible for this.
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Clamp's room
General Bleylock caught Clamp.
>> Comment: Clamp really needs to strengthen the security of the academy.
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Clamp : Who are you?
Bleylock : this should help you remember
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In Clamp's head, memories of his past as a professor pass by. Probably, it's from the Metaflux experiment. The other missing professor is next to Clamp. The subject of their experiment, I guess, is 'a project that allows robots to use Flux by installing artificial flux on Android'.
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However, a huge weapon has been created that should not have been made. (It's not long since the space war ended, and it seems that there is still a small war in some parts of the universe.) Another missing professor, I'son, runs away with Metaflux.
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Then, General Bleylock, who was after him, hurt I'son, dropped metaflux from I'son's hands... and it landed on Akylan's planet. That led to the arrival of the Ice Age on the planet Akillan.
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Bleylock : So, Labnor, how does it feel to regain part of your memory. you rest assured that this isn't finished things will start coming back to you little by little that…
Clamp : That…That explosion the glaciation of Akillian. What's that? what's that my fault?
Bleylock : Don't worry Labnor, no one will ever know no one will ever know as long as you do exactly what I ask.
>>Comment: Think about it. Calmp lost his memory. And while traveling with the memory lost, he met Aarch. The two became close. And Aarch created a new football team. But what if your past mistakes caused an ice age? What if so many people died?
What if so many people lost their homes? What if it was Metaflux that made you frustrate your best friend's dream? Clamp will feel guilty. Maybe, I just wanted to cover up the whole truth and move on.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
for never have i ever: amnesia?
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HIII thank you both <333
never have i ever written amnesia, believe it or not, even though i'm a HUGE fan, as in, it's my number one bestie. actually, no, i sort of have to take that back...i've lowkey written amnesia INTO larger stuff, but never an amnesia fic on its own. so there's been: a couple of da kmeme fills with fenris who has amnesia (they're lost to the sands of time now), ben originally had amnesia during his djinn dream in @cambionverse (but it got cut and revised), and i wrote derek as having amnesia about his encounters with jennifer in anchor. but not an Actual Amnesia Fic. every time i try to think about how i'd want to do it i sort of...blank out? there's so many ways to do it i get too excited and want to do all of them at once and then something else comes along and grabs my attention. i can't tell you how many times i tried to toss around a leverage amnesia fic and just couldn't settle anywhere.
so, just off the top of my head, as a thought experiment...i'd want it to be trek because that's what i'm into rn. i actually started to formulate this as a generations fixit (kirk in the nexus can't remember his old life/that he died/something something + spock and bones pull him out) but there's a small, small, SMALL chance i might ACTUALLY write a generations fixit (sans amnesia, sadly) so i don't want to do it here and accidentally make myself less likely to do it fr in the future.
my second choice is kira/odo because i have been thinking about them nonstop for a WEEK, possibly longer. since you can't have amnesia without brainwashing, i would have odo get mindwiped and carted back to the founders or whatever. and since it's my fic and i can do what i want odo remembers like, ds9's weak points and security routines but he doesn't remember any of the people or being friends with them. so he's like helping the bad guys do evil bad guy stuff or whatever and then when the good guys are almost beat they board the defiant and he and kira are fighting until she says something important and just as she's about to go down for good he oh my fucking god i'm just rewriting the winter soldier. god damn it. maybe this is the real reason i've ever done an amnesia fic. embarrassing. winter soldier wasn't the thing that introduced me to a love of brainwashed amnesiac assassins but it is the thing that made me crazy about them. ANYWAY. let me try again.
so odo gets his memories wiped so he'll return to that great collective or whatever. and he learns what it means to Be A Changeling. he can perfect the human face like that other evil changeling that i hate. so he doesn't look like odo anymore when he changes into a humanoid form, but also he doesn't do that because THEY only did that to communicate with him and kira, so he doesn't even NEED a humanoid form. and he's like yay im so happy here i love being a changeling :) except when somebody stumbles onto their asteroid or he needs to open a door or whatever requires a humanoid form...he just winds up becoming kira. and maybe he catches sight of his/kira's face in the reflection on the water or something and is like Whoa...who is That and that other changeling lady is like dw about it come back to the goop so he does but he also keeps insisting he can't have made that form w/o seeing her and he wants to know where. and since he's got such a good sixth sense about solving unsolved mysteries he solves his own mystery of who he is and how he got there. meanwhile the ds9 gang are searching EVERYWHEREEE for him and when they finally go check the asteroid odo goes out to meet them in kiraform and is very surprised to see. kira. and everybody else is like who tf is this why is this changeling pretending to be kira but kira knows Right Away it HAS to be odo and so they recognize each other even when they aren't able to recognize each other, which is basically the same thing that happened when they met. and odo either intimidates that other changeling into giving his memories back or he remembers on his own and they leave together and live happily ever after.
WHEW. you guys thought you were throwing me softballs but i was sweating bullets over that thing. kiraodo winter soldier au would be fun as hell though don't lie
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thelocalconstellation · 7 months
In case anybody was wondering what my current thoughts are for the whole story behind the 100 days multiverse bit, here they are! Some stuff I'm hedging my bets on still but I've not solidly noted it down if there isn't at least a handful of reason as to why. Some of this is also information I got from the lore document pinned in the discord. I haven't quite been able to finish as much as I wanted. Lore doc stuff will have an asterisk next to it
Things I'm pretty damn certain on
- The Alterans were an initial larger group, which Decem and co split off from.
- Decem is both an individual and a group*
- The Alterans did in fact remove Legundo's memories. It feels pretty explicitly mentioned but I haven't gotten there yet.
- Legundo was a member of Decem, the evidence provided by the lore doc seems pretty explicit on this one*
- Legundo was initially yeeted into the unknown by The Alterans.*
- There's some kind of requisite for either Decem to give up or for Legundo to go back or something. I'll elaborate on this later.
- It's some kind of fight over control of the multiverse, or Decem is planning to destroy and then reform it how they wish. The chess references* incline it towards a fight for control but I haven't seen much or I don't quite recall enough on it to say so much about The Alterans.
- Legundo is Literally just Doing His Best out here guys. He doesn't know what exactly is happening or why, just roughly who's involved and that they won't leave him alone. Also I think he needs a friend :(
- Legundo is some form of irreplaceable to Decem and thus has value to The Alterans
- Decem's power is split between the 10 members, in which I have SO many questions about.
Things I SWEAR have meaning and by god I will find it.
- The Deal. Again, I'll elaborate later.
- Each of the titles for the members of Decem. (I do not remember them all off the top of my head but theres supposed to be 10.)
- what on this unholy green earth is The Nexus. I'm assuming some kind of gateway, but I cannot tell.
- Disagreements between members of Decem and co.*
- Decem wants Legundo alive, despite having taken more violent action in the past. I have questions. (This does mean that any prerequisite has nothing or little to do with Legundo's continued survival)
- The obelisks. I keep seeing people have theories on what they do/what they're for and oh my god WHY are they THERE
- Darkness. Why.
- The cult from the darkness world. There's implications to this and I sit here and scream.
Best guess I've got for now
Legundo was taken from Decem as The Architect, had his memories erased by The Alterans and launched into some corner of the multiverse to try and delay his return to Decem or whatever.
Decem is some kind of malicious or lightly malicious entity. I haven't quite figured out if Decem, The Guy, is a god or other kind of deity or if they're just really good at being a cult leader.
The Alterans managed to contain or imprison Decem members at some point. If this is before or after nabbing Legundo, I haven't quite figured it out yet.
The obelisks are the things chucking Legundo between universes like a hacky sack. Desert episode guys, come on.
Which means there has to be a reason why Decem is chucking Legundo around the mutliverse like a hacky sack, which is suggested to be to bring Legundo closer to Decem so they can either use him to break out or grab his goofy ass and kidnap him back to wherever they camp out. The Alterans either don't, can't, or won't do anything about this until they get a little too close at which point they give him an option out.
Legundo knows something about Decem and the fact that he was part of their group at one point. I don't remember the exact wording so this one is on thin ice but I swear something about not going back was said before he went through the ancient city portal. I think there's time passed between each world and I haven't actually seen anything about this so far, it could be in another series and I just don't know because I fell down this rabbit hole like. Two-three weeks ago.
The Alterans aren't great either. Magic, I imagine, likely leaves a kind of almost residue? Some kind of Vibe, especially large scale magic. His hesitance towards going through the portal at the end of the darkness world is interesting. Either way this feels like a kid whose parents are in the middle of a very, very messy divorce.
Elaboration hour
The FUCKIN deal. WHAT deal mr legundo sir. WHAT. I have a very clear clip in my brain of him saying "We had a deal!" At the end of the 'new mod a day' world. There's some kind of agreement that Decem goes along with to an extent for some reason. If it's an attempt at compliance then it doesn't explain the fear and hesitance about the obelisks showing up still. Legundo isn't naive. By this point you'd think he'd be used to it if the deal was anything about transporting him across the multiverse, much less a timer on how long he gets to stay.
Actually, thinking about it a little harder now, I reckon it's a chance. I think it has something to do with Legundo gets 100 days to try and hide or do something and if he can successfully evade Decem for however long and/or complete,,, something (at which point I wonder what exactly)? Then he wins. But with Decem being the one choosing where he goes and the situations he ends up in, they know what world he's in. Given that they seem to be observing him somehow, I'd also say that's how they show up the morning of day 100 without fail. Having gone 10 worlds before Decem really caught up to Legundo a little, I have to wonder if there's any pattern or reasoning to each world selected. I'll have to go and look at what each world is and if there's any correlation to Decem characters later. It's likely not very relevant nor important, but it'd be fun to know anyways, even if there is no relation.
The obelisk powers now, I know it includes player transport and revival. I also reckon they have something to do with either tracking or a general conduit for Decem's power(s), as well as acting as some form of communicative link given how Legundo speaks to them like they can hear him. Also the malicious compliance from Decem also encourages this notion.
Anyways yeah I still don't know how or why Decem's power seems split the way it is (something about full power 'when we are whole' from the bit after 11, from who I presume to be The Warrior speaking. The Warrior said a lot of interesting things I went over that on another post.) Or exactly what their goals are. I know that both The Alterans and Decem have interest in Legundo, enough to be fighting over him like a pair of small children. Whether it be from a general investment of power standpoint or there's something seriously up with this guy, I still can't quite tell and unfortunately I do not have the current time to find out right now.
Either way here I am. Full hyperfixation in progress, and I reckon I'll be around for a while.
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starswallowingsea · 26 days
For the ask game, uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm hm. HiMERU
ask game
My first impression
haha rinne's acting real gay with this guy i wonder what their deal is (re: mainstory interactions where himeru says the whole convo was a waste of breath and rinne says what you want me to kiss you to give you that air back?)
My impression now
eternal torment nexus for this one. he's everything to me and i want him to be happy but to be happy is first to suffer and be totally bare to your friends and let them into your life. at least tatsumi pretends to do that.
Favorite thing about that character
i think the way we still know almost nothing about oremeru as a person. odd thing to say about a character but we know his motivations for taking over for his brother and can theorize about some aspects of his "true" self but in reality he's still such a mystery and i want to know more about him. i have high hopes for the new event.
Least favorite thing
uhm. nothing because i think his flaws are also funny as fuck
Favorite line/scene
any time he talks about kaname in his head, wondering what kaname would think and how he's holding a space for kaname. just because the world doesn't remember you doesn't mean that i don't. i'm sorry i couldn't tell you i love you soon enough.
Favorite interaction that character has with another
PASTEL B BROTHERS i'm so excited they canonized an in universe name for him and kohaku. they're so cute together and ohhhh kohaku being not a kaname replacement but oremeru being more emotionally aware of what teenagers want/need out of the adults in their lives and trying to do his best but not wanting to give up his act. the way kohaku said that himeru will softly smile as he helps kohaku with stuff in the main story when they think crazyb is going to be disbanded and how they're all family despite only knowing each other for a short time.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
another madara answer but partially bc i wonder what he really thinks about double face's activities when they were active. we saw niki's perspective on that but given himeru's past. i do wonder how he would treat madara knowing the full extent of those activities.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
going to just leave this here. contextless 18trip spoilers.
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A headcanon about that character
himeru was in his college's drama club to learn more about acting outside of what the priest taught him for impersonation. he was never quite cut out for the lead but uhm. you haven't seen a3 but i think he'd take on roles similar to what homare does.
A song that reminds of that character
i left you a note by chad lawson it was the season 2 theme for unobscured and it's just instrumentals but it fits him i think. at least the more melancholic aspects of him.
An unpopular opinion about that character
this is more about crazyb in general but the fact that there are still people who think all of them need to be "saved" from rinne is insane. all of them have the ability to just fucking leave. himeru had a solo career before this he can find a new unit if he really wanted to. they're there because they want to be. if you like all of a unit but one member and think they suck then you do not understand that unit's dynamics sorry everyone is in their current units for a reason.
Favorite picture
would it be too cheap to say his newest event card unbloomed. the trip album framed in the background. kaname's hand. what would you do in this situation.
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also going to include his card from the souma ts2 scout he looks so nice. and and his unbloomed from the last globalstars campaign
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he looks nice in sunsets he should have more sunset cards
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
I meant to send this yesterday, but did you ever mention what exactly Josh is? I honestly don’t remember there ever being clarification (and if there was it totally went over my head) and while i was rereading for the umpteenth time Josh was referred to by splinter as “the copper one” and my mind kinda went “Excuse me, Copper???” I figured he was a Yokai of some kind but then we know that Rose is a witch/from witch town (right?) so whenever I vision Josh is just a very wobbly image of some nerdy buff guy idk and he’s always wearing a blue shirt for some reason :P
Lol well you're pretty close! Josh and his brother and sister are all witches from Witch Town and look vaguely humanish, as Yokai witches are shown to be.
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Like yes, these people are undoubtedly Not Human, but unlike many other Yokai they don't seem to be anything else in particular. (in general-I see Lion Dude up there, but he's an outlier) (I've actually thought a lot about the lore of Witch Town and I have no idea if I'm going to end up using any of it so I might do a write-up one of these days)
Josh and his family (his twin sister, their little brother, and the little brother's husband, and maybe his niece I haven't decided if she exists here) all live in Witch Town and run an apothecary. They actually met Bella because the little brother Reed (who I apparently haven't even referenced by name yet, sorry Reed) was her bodyguard while she competed in the Nexus. He got into some debt and the debt was then purchased by Big Mama, and he refused to fight for her. Big Mama basically rigged his contract so he could never pay her back, effectively enslaving him, and had his tongue cut out for talking back to her too many times. He got assigned to Bella because she already knew how to sign, they became friends, and when she left she bought out his contract. Turns out his sister was hot and his brother was her platonic soulmate, so happily ever after. (Bella and Reed are still really good friends, they're just less reasons to mention him because his skills aren't really plot-relevant)
Josh is definitely a nerd, he's pretty tall and broad-shouldered but skinny. He's kind of pink, not intensely so but definitely a few shades into 'not a human skin color'. His hair is either blond or he's a very light redhead, depending on how I feel that day. He has an extremely prominent nose, which...I just realized that doesn't sound good, considering he's Jewish. Okay, to be fair, when I designed him he was not Jewish. He's a Dishonored OC, the Dishonored world does not have any real-world religions, they have one twink who is also a whale as their god and their religion is centered around hating on him. I made Josh Jewish because Bella was Jewish and I kind of liked the idea of her bonding with him and his family over that. (I don't know why Bella is Jewish, she just Was) (also Bella and Josh aren't religiously Jewish-they're atheists)
Rose looks pretty similar, except she's much shorter (which vexes her greatly, as she's the oldest) and her hair is more of a ginger color. Reed however is massive, taller than his brother and super buff, like 'body of a Greek god' but unironically. His coloring is more pinkish-purple and darker because he has a different father. Everyone thirsts over him and he is entirely oblivious. His husband got a lot of high-fives when he put a ring on it. (and a lot of jealous glowers, especially when the story of how he proposed with a BBQ sandwich came out)
Splinter calls him 'the copper one' because their last name is Copperspoon but he couldn't remember. (he's old) And they have that name because their mother is this bitch:
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Delilah Copperspoon, bisexual poly witch and bastard daughter of an emperor. She's such a wonderfully evil character.
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tbnrpotato · 6 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 5
Captured! Returning from a perilous assignment in the Outer Rim, Jedi Master Even Piell's cruiser has fallen under attack and been boarded. Seeking vital information he carries about secret hyperspace lanes called the Nexus Route, Separatist forces have taken him alive. Now, the Jedi are preparing a stealth mission into the heart of Separatist space in an effort to rescue Master Piell from the deadly prison known as the Citadel.
I wait for Fives and Echo to come back to the barracks from their briefing of breaking into that maximum security prison which I am so hyped up to break into. I can't sneak into the venting system, because I remember someone trying that before and it didn't really go too well for them. I've grown like 10cm, so I've had to adjust my armor to fit my new height.
I receive a holo-transmission from Rex. He's somewhere on a jedi cruiser or probably on another mission, but I'm stuck here on Coruscant. 
I open the transmission and open the hologram on the floor. Rex's image appears in front of me, he's like half a head taller than me. 
"Hey kid," Rex takes off his helmet.
"Hey dad, please don't tell me this is something about the bad batch minifigures that I've been building."
"What bad batch minifigures?"
"Nevermind. I'm guessing this is something about the Citadel mission?"
Rex nods. "Look kid, I know you wanna go, but this isn't the place to get experience. There's a high chance that you'll get killed, and I can't be responsible for that. So-"
I groan, putting a hand to my forehead. "You said I was good enough to be an ARC trooper, why can't I go?"
"Kid, it's too dangerous, and I can't have you getting killed. You're not going. That's an order."
"Dad please-"
"You're not going, and that's final. Fives and Echo will make sure you stay here." 
The hologram turns off, and I lean against the wall, sighing.
Fives and Echo walk into the barracks.
Echo puts a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry kid, but you can't-"
I roll my eyes and put on my helmet. "Yea, I know, I know, I can't go on that prison break in that I've been wanting to go on for days now."
"Yea, sorry kid," Fives says. "Rex told us to make sure you wouldn't come."
I glare at him from under my helmet. "And you're gonna defy the bro code just because Rex said so?"
Fives and Echo look at each other. "Sorry kid, you ain't coming with us. On the bright side, Commander Tano isn't going either, so you can hangout with her while we're out."
I sigh and head to the hangar with them, and go up to Commander Tano, who's talking with another Jedi. My anxiety's rising, I hate talking to Jedi so much. So I just stand at the side and wait for my chance to speak up.
"Master Plo? May I speak with you?" Commander Tano asks the other Jedi.
"What is it, little 'Soka?" the older Jedi replies.
"It's about the mission. Master Skywalker doesn't want me to go."
"Rex doesn't want me to go either," I speak up.
"That is their choice," the Jedi says.
Commander Tano sits down on the wing of the ship that the other Jedi is fixing up and I sit down next to her.
"I know, but I think he's being overly protective. He's picking and choosing which assignments I can be a part of," Commander Tano says.
"I know right, Rex literally does the same thing to me, even though he says I'm good enough to be an ARC trooper along with Echo and Fives," I complain.
"He is your master," the other Jedi says.
"Yes...but it's not for him to decide when and how I should put my life in danger. That should be my choice." 
"So after the others get carbon-frozen, they won't know if we go with them, and we could just sneak onboard," I suggest, and the other Jedi nods at us.
After the others get carbon-frozen, we get in and get carbon-frozen ourselves. It is definitely not a pleasant experience.
Soon enough, we get unfrozen by the droids. I see Rex getting unfrozen next to me as well.
"Hey kid..." Rex groans as he gets unfrozen.
"Hey dad," I reply, cracking my neck slightly.
"What are you doing here?!" Rex folds his arms.
"Fives, do I have carbon sickness or is that Aris," Echo asks as he cracks his neck. I walk up to him and slap him in the face. "Does that seem like carbon sickness to you?"
Echo rubs the place where I slapped him, chuckling. "Good to see ya, kid."
Rex grabs my arm and turns me to face him. "I gave you a direct order not to come!"
"I got orders from General Plo Koon and Commander Tano to come anyways," I fold my arms, smirking, putting my helmet on before any other troopers can see me. Rex rolls his eyes.
"Welcome aboard, kid," Fives and Echo clap me on the back and I smile slightly.
We walk to a ledge which overlooks the lava. Definitely don't wanna fall into that. General Skywalker takes out some binoculars and scans the building.
"I see the entry point," he reports.
"You were right," Cody says. "The wind conditions are too strong for jetpacks."
"Yes, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way. With ascension cables and a steel grip," General Kenobi says.
I already don't like this idea. Burning in lava seems like a painful way to go down, and I already had a problem with climbing that ledge back on the Rishi outpost, I'm starting to regret my decision of coming along.
"I don't think so," General Skywalker says.
"What do you mean?"
He looks through his binoculars again. "Electro-mines. There's nowhere to put a grappling hook at that height. And we hit one of those, the mission's over. They'll know we're here."
"I suppose that means we free-climb it," Rex says, and I look at him.
Echo puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, kid, if you fall, I'll catch you."
We continue walking along the ledge and manage to make our way to the bottom of whatever shit we need to climb.
I'm climbing behind Rex, and Echo and Fives are below me. Rex constantly looks down to check if I'm still alive. 
I really hope Echo actually meant what he said because my arms are burning and I'm losing my grip on the rocks.
The electro-mines are sparking with electricity, and I really hope that doesn't hit me or I'm definitely gonna die. My speed of climbing starts to slow down, and Echo and Fives are almost overtaking me, Rex is really far ahead.
"Cmon kid, we're right behind you, don't worry," Echo says below me. I'm breathing heavily inside my helmet, my hair's wet with sweat, it's so warm in there. The wind isn't helping either.
And then I lose my grip and I slip off the rock, and I'm thinking "Oh shit" until Echo catches me and helps me up.
"Thanks..." I'm breathing heavily, I think my heart rate just spiked up after that. I'm shaking from the adrenaline rush, and it takes me a few moments to get back to climbing.
I see everyone stop, and I stop as well. I look up and see a few droids on the platform above me, and I cling to the rock as close as I can, holding my breath, hoping that they won't hear any of us.
And then everyone starts climbing again, and I finally take a breath, pushing myself up to the next grip I can find, I'm below Commander Tano now, don't worry I'm not looking up her skirt, although I would really like to, I heard General Skywalker and General Kenobi say they told her that space underwear wasn't a thing so every time you looked up her skirt you could see her orange-
I hear General Kenobi saying they locked the door, and that it's ray shielded, and General Skywalker's kinda freaking about how it wasn't part of the plan.
Commander Tano climbs up and sees an opening up there and reports it to us.
"We know, they're ventilation ducts, but they're far too small for us to gain access," General Skywalker says.
"Too small for you maybe, but I think I can squeeze through," Commander Tano says.
"I could as well," I speak up.
Rex nudges me in the side and gives me the "don't you dare do it or I'll kill you" head tilt. 
"He can come along as well," Commander Tano points to me. 
General Skywalker nods at us and we climb to the ventilation duct. Commander Tano reaches up there in no time, opening the cover to the vent duct, while I'm struggling to climb up there.
When I reach the platform where the vent duct is, she helps me up. 
"Thanks," I'm panting, breathing heavily. Then Ahsoka slips inside the vent duct and I follow behind her. She looks down from the cramped space to check if there are any droids, before jumping down. I follow her, keeping my pistols drawn to cover her if there are any droids as she opens the ray shield.
I see the others climb up and I help Fives and Echo up. 
"Good job kid," Echo's breathing heavily as well.
"See Rex? I can handle myself," I fold my arms and look at him. I don't call him "dad" here for obvious reasons.
I see the last trooper reaching the platform, but then he slips, and starts to fall. I extend my grappling hook out to him, hoping that he can grab it in time, but he can't, and gets absolutely destroyed by an electro-mine.
The alarm starts to sound.
"They know we're here," General Kenobi says.
So we start running along the hallways, checking the corners to see if there are any droids.
"Take out their surveillance," General Skywalker says, and I shoot one of the security cameras with my pistol. And then some stuff from the ceiling start shooting down at us, but the boys and I take them out quite quickly.
And then, as I stand behind Rex, I hear someone shouting that the walls are electrified, and we run towards cover. I see one clone left behind, and I extend out my hand to grab him, but the wall gets him first and I get an electric shock in my hand. I shake it away, it feels like it's burning but I don't care, and I run towards the trooper who got caught in the electric wall and check for a pulse. There's nothing.
"We must keep moving," General Kenobi says, and I reluctantly leave the trooper behind and follow the others.
Soon, we reach the room where the dude we're supposed to rescue is kept, and we start blasting the droids inside the moment we open the door.
Some of us stand around the room while the others guard the door, and I hear the Jedi dude that we just saved talk shit with the Generals about how we gotta rescue his captain for some reason.
So we continue running through the hallways, checking to see if there are any droids. Suddenly, 3 commando droids appear at one end of the hallway, and a few more at the other end. I stay close to Rex, Fives and Echo as the Jedi draw their lightsabers. I draw my sword and hold my pistol in my other hand.
The droids start firing at us, the Jedi are blocking the blaster bolts with their lightsabers as the droids start jumping off the walls, they're getting closer, and one of them gets close enough and pins a trooper to the wall, and before I can reach him he's getting stabbed. 
I throw my knife at the commando droid who's still stabbing the trooper, and it hits the droid in the head, and I slice it in half with my sword to make sure it's dead. I see another commando droid behind Echo, so I shoot it with my pistol.
The Jedi slice the remaining droids with their lightsabers and Fives gently punches me in the shoulder. "You stole my kill."
I chuckle a bit. "Too slow?"
"We need to keep moving," General Kenobi says, and we start walking through the hallway again.
Suddenly, I hear some high-pitched noise, it's hurting my ears, so I cover them, even through the helmet I can still hear the sound, and all our weapons get attracted up to the ceiling, including the sword on my back and my hidden knife, carrying me up to the ceiling as well. Anakin's up there with me as well, attracted to the ceiling by his hand.
And then some electricity goes through the ceiling, going to both me and General Skywalker, it feels like my body is burning, it's shaking so much, and then it stops, and I'm trying my best not to black out, everything's spinning, everything sounds muffled...
I reach for my knife and General Skywalker reaches for his lightsaber, and I'm about to throw it at the place where the electricity comes out of, and then electricity comes out of it again. The burning feeling comes back, I'm losing the feeling in my legs, and my body...
I throw the knife at the electricity generator as General Skywalker cuts it with his lightsaber, and we fall to the ground, I'm trying so hard not to black out right now, everything's blurry...
The rest of the action happens in a blur until Echo and Rex help me up. "You good kid?" I can hear the concern in their voices. The feeling in my legs starts to come back and I nod.
"Yea I'm fine."
And then we start running through the hallways again, reaching the place where the other prisoners are kept. The Jedi handle the droids and General Kenobi suggests we split up.
Fives, Echo, Rex, some others and I follow General Skywalker and Commander Tano.
General Skywalker's looking at the holo-map, and then suddenly plunges his lightsaber into a wall, cutting a circle through it.
"Everybody in," he says.
Echo, Fives and I push through the circle that General Skywalker cut through the wall, and we find ourselves in one of the old fortress tunnels.
Commander Tano goes off to check the tunnels.
"The tunnel's clear," she reports.
"Looks like Obi-Wan's distraction worked," General Skywalker says. "Things seem to be going as planned."
"Don't jinx it," I tell him.
"It's when things do not go as planned that concerns me," the captain dude says. "What then?"
I go over to Echo and Fives and stand around with them for a bit. There's still a slight tingling feeling in my arm from the electricity just now. I can still hear my heart pounding in my chest, I gotta calm down.
Echo seems to notice this, and he puts a hand on my shoulder. I flinch slightly, but relax after a moment. "Thanks," I tell him.
Then we put the piece of metal that we pushed through just now back into the wall and head off.
We walk along the narrow sides of the tunnel which overlook the lava, making sure to be careful not to fall in. General Skywalker goes to guard the flank while I walk in between Fives and Echo.
"So uh, what are yall gonna do when we get back?" I ask them, to break the silence a bit.
"I'm probably gonna go get a drink at the cantina," Fives says. "And maybe Echo would come along as well."
"Can I come?" I ask.
"Nah kid, you're too young to be drinking alcoholic stuff, you're not 18 yet," Echo says.
"Aw cmon," I protest. "Please???? I'm like 16 years old biologically, I can handle it."
"Sorry kid, can't go till you're 18," Fives says. "I heard you're working on writing that story of yours about our missions and stuff, maybe you could do that after the mission."
"But I wanna hangout with yall," I protest again.
Echo chuckles. "Maybe we could go to the arcade or something after we go to the cantina, how does that sound?"
My eyes light up. "I'll definitely have to carry yall in battle royale today, maybe we could play some hardpoint, but we can't play ranked cause I'm legendary rank and yall are like pro rank-"
"Yea kid, we get it, you're a lot more pro than us," Echo sounds slightly annoyed.
"What's wrong?" I nudge him playfully in the side. "Jealous?"
Fives and I laugh, clapping him on the back. "Don't worry, you'll get better in about 30 years."
Our laughter's cut short when I hear Rex say we hit a dead end.
Fives, Echo and I stay at the back to defend the flank, and I hear the faint sound of footsteps behind us. Fives turns around the corner, checking to see what's there, and almost gets headshotted by a droid.
Fives and I manage to get some shots on the droid, knocking it off the tunnel and into the lava, and General Skywalker slices the other 2 in half.
Then some commando droids jump in from the walls with shields, and start shooting at us again. I see Commander Tano put grenades to the wall and roll some at the commando droids as Fives and I try to blast them, and the grenades on both sides explode, clearing out the commando droids and causing a whole lotta dust. At least the dead end's not a dead end anymore, and we continue walking through the tunnel.
We reach the pipe.
"This pipe leads to the top of the ridge," General Skywalker says. "Where R2 will pick us up and get us out of here. There's the hatch."
He goes to open it, and the rest of us walk towards it.
"Let's go, everyone in," General Skywalker says. "Don't use your lights, and make sure your weapons are locked. The slightest electronic pulse could ignite this whole tube." Rex and the rest of us nod, checking that our weapons are locked and our lights are turned off. Echo and I are the last ones to climb into the pipe.
We climb up the ladder in the pipe, it's kinda dark in here, and it smells terrible. Smells worse than Fives's socks, and that's saying something. Commander Tano's flexing by climbing on the outside of the ladder, swinging herself up to the high ground.
"How much longer are we going to wander through this tunnel in the dark?" Captain Tarkin asks.
"Stop complaining," I say from the back. Tarkin and General Skywalker start discussing stuff I can't quite hear, until Commander Tano says, "I think I found a way out." She points at a hatch above us, and goes to check if the area's clear.
"What do you see, Snips?" General Skywalker asks.
"The coast is clear," she reports.
"Any sign of Obi-Wan and the shuttle?"
"No, I don't see him or R2 anywhere," Commander Tano says as she opens the hatch and starts to climb out, but stops. I can hear the sound of the droids from down here, but a severed metal hand falls into the pipe and I assume that she's taken care of things.
"We've gotta go," she shouts into the pipe, I can hear the sound of blaster fire now. We all start climbing up the pipe, hoping that no blaster bolts hit us in the head and kill us. We slide down the pipe and take cover behind a rock.
General Skywalker throws a charge into the pipe and we all take cover behind the rock, bracing ourselves for the explosion. The ground shakes, and a droid lands in front of us. We get up from our positions on the floor and General Skywalker says we're gonna do plan b: meet R2 at General Kenobi's position. We start walking over the droid and head off.
We reach their position in a short while where the blaster fight has already started. I shoot one of the droids manning a turret, and we run over to where General Kenobi and the others are, taking cover behind some containers.
"We gotta take out those turrets," I say to Fives and Echo. 
"I think we have a bigger problem," Echo says, as some droids on flying thingies fly over, shooting at us. One of the turrets shoot at our position, hitting the containers and sending some of us to the floor. I instantly get up, trying to clear my vision, holding my head with one hand and my pistol in the other.
The Jedi and taking care of the flying droids, there are some 4-legged ones advancing to where Fives and Echo are hiding, and I run over to them.
I really regret not stocking up on grenades before I came, because I only have one grenade left, and I through it at the 4-legged droid, where it explodes and kills it.
"How do we take out those turrets?! If we try anything, they'll blow up our ship," I shout.
And then a bunch of commando droids with shields come out, shooting at us. I hide behind the boxes, breathing heavily, the odds aren't good, we might not survive this, and I'm telling my brain to shut up right now because Fives just threw a grenade which knocks some of them back.
"General Skywalker, a droid is manning one of those turrets. They're going to blow up the shuttle, sir," Echo says into his comlink, and I check to see which turret it is, almost taking a blaster shot to the face. 
I see the turret shooting at the incoming General Skywalker and that other short dude that kinda looks like Yoda but with human skin tones, and they crash-land near the turret.
"This is our only chance, we've gotta stop him," Echo says, before running out and grabbing a shield, running towards the shuttle. Fives shoots from behind, keeping his distance from the turret. I see the turret firing at him, and I run to pull him away from the shuttle which the turret is going to fire at...
I see flames. I'm knocked backwards, I land on my back, I can't move, pieces of shrapnel are digging into my skin, I can feel myself burning, my gloves are on fire, and I can't do anything...
Where's Echo?
I can't see his body anywhere, only his helmet at the side. I see the Jedi running back to the shuttle, and I want to shout at them, to tell them that I'm still alive, but I can't.
And then Rex looks back at the explosion site and see me lying there, my vision gets blurry as he runs over and picks me up and carries me. His voice is muffled.
"You're gonna be okay ad'ika...you're gonna be okay..."
And everything fades into black.
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Imagine the doctor coming back to work and his coworker is like,
"So, how'd the visit with Big Mama and her turtles go? You don't seem to have as many bite marks as usual, did they finally muzzle that feral one?"
And the yokai doctor is like,
"Who, Leo? Nah. We had a breakthrough and he bahaved himself throughout the visit. Who knew having him do the checkup in a room of his own choosing would do the trick!? By the way, remember how Big Mama said the only doctor they had was one of the turtles themselves acting as medic before she got her hands on 'em?"
"Yeah? What about it... wait... no way you figured out who-" (funny idea where the medics of the Battle Nexus have been trying to figure out which turtle is the medic jsut cuz they're working like 20 hour shifts in a very stressful job)
The yokai doctor who does the home visits just has this smug look as his coworker begs him to tell. He doesn't.
I would not be surprised if all those doctors had a running bet on who the turtle medic is/was. so all the doctors would be begging this dude to just tell them so they could settle the damn bet. he doesn't b/c suffering gives him life. (though he claims it's just doctor-patient confidentiality lol)
Thank you!
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all of the above lol. The irony of the situation is funny, the fact that a child decided to teach himself medicine so he could stand some sort of medical treatment is kinda cute, but the fact that this teen knows so much about medicine yet it doesn't help his fear is absolutely tragic. Leo just went from "problem patient" to once of his favorites in about five seconds.
Thank you!
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13x22 exodus (w. eugenie ross-leming, brad buckner)
well, mom gets a hug. that's something i guess. no time for extended you're-actually-alive-reunions with lucifer smarming around in the background.
this trying to be i dunno, spookyish discordant atmospheric music is not hitting for me. it just feels wildly out of sync with the tone of the scene. i wonder who made iiiit. oh look, it's jay gruska. i seriously don't look it up until i have a ~vibe~ and i'm vaguely impressed with my consistent reactions to the two composers. i'm pretty much never rockin with jay. sorry, my dude.
LUCIFER Don’t say he’s nothing like me. I’m the only one who understands him. This power he has? I’m powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In the...best sense, though. DEAN No. Kill him. LUCIFER (chuckles) He can’t. He’s not strong enough. GABRIEL Dean… DEAN (turns on Gabriel) You’ve got the blade. JACK (quietly) Stop it. DEAN He’s the devil. Kill him. JACK (shouting) Stop it!
in the land of not-a-show, this seems very reasonable. we have the means and opportunity to FINALLY fucking kill this guy, who has done unspeakably awful things to more than one person present. who they've been trying to take out for a long ass time. but, being that it's this show, yeah. of course it's not that simple. i think they had a general plan to kill him after they used him for the nexus excursion, yes? but them believing he'd still be captured and subdued until then was a bit of a stretch :p also, jack wasn't around for that convo and i suppose he might have some thoughts and feelings around cutting down bio dad right away
CAS In case your innate evil overwhelms this new found team spirit, you won’t mind wearing these then, will you. You’re not at full power. They should hold you.
LOL good one. is he not at full power because he was drained, juiced up, then used some of that juice to resurrect sam? (was also thinking about how like, cas stole someone's grace at one point. a bad someone, right? is it that different? why didn't gabriel just go that route? not actually socially acceptable? whatever. we needed to include lucifer)
jfc nic shut up
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thank you, everyone, for that long ass hug. i'm not crying, no, i'm fine
i know the wiki has hugs and lengths (which amuses me to no end), i wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the longer ones. ahbl 29 seconds i think is an outlier being that sam is dead through most of it 😞 what a statement. excluding ahbl pt 1, top 3! lol
other thing he did, which he does regularly? when he's affectionate, that turn to the side like he's checking who's around or avoiding eye contact while he got a little mushy.
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he does it before hugging a lot too, like the avoiding eye contact and pulling someone in. definitely with charlie, not sure actually who all he does it with, if everyone at one point or another? anyway. he doesn't instigate a ton of hugs. i'm not under the influence, i swear, i'm just extra... *waves hands*
jack having a little montage o'guilt with xfiles sounds rapid fire (they use it periodically now but i don't recall so many of them in one scene like this. i had to search for "shoe" on the wiki because my blog search is perpetually fucked and all i could remember of the scene was sam finding a shoe lol)
so like, the solution is all the au people come back with her through the nexus, right? so this is a moot conversation? but. dean's reaction to her "i know what you went through to come find me" was so right. like, understatement of the century and in fact i DON'T think you know what they did. and (show logic aside) sam died and only isn't still dead due to a fluke/luck.
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interesting to see the production draft script has her saying sorry and that she's grateful, which didn't make it to screen
granted, i think they were doing the getting back to the nexus project for jack too, and i imagine they would have made the same efforts and paid the same prices. but anyway. feels like dean is always waiting for the other shoe to drop with mary, reinforced with her needing space business before, so understandably he's immediately reacting defensively and maybe a little childishly (do they need-need mary? probably not. but it's also reasonable and understandable to want your almost entirely absent mother [which she had no control over] once you got her back)
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another thing i like about pellegrino's lucifer, the hair! it just is almost always unkempt in not a cool way, more the disaster been sleeping on it weird way. which my hair also is often in some degree of.
DEAN We have been mopping up the world for years. Years. We have been knocked down. We have been possessed. We’ve lost friends. We’ve lost family. We’ve lost each other. And we never walk away, ever. And sometimes, we should’ve, because not every fight everywhere can be won. It just can’t. Right? (turning to Sam) Tell her.
never (permanently) walk away. ignoring the nonsensical amelia aberration? 🤪 i don't really understand dean's logic. we never walk away, but sometimes we should have, so mary should walk away? doesn't seem like the best sell
SAM I think Mom made up her mind. DEAN See? Wait. What? SAM Mom doesn’t want to leave these people. So let’s take ‘em with us. MARY They’ll never leave their home. They’ll never leave their cause. SAM I’m not saying abandon the fight. I’m saying we get them somewhere safe, then we all figure out a way to take down Michael. Then once we do, they can come back and save their world. MARY You’d do that for them? DEAN Well, we got...what, nine busting out? What’s a few more. How many are we talking? MARY Twenty-five.
(don't know what that 9 number is referring to either, oh right, charlie and ketch? lol) sammy's plan seems very. pie in the sky and not something these other world people would necessary go for but mary's down so sure why not
LUCIFER Well, I mean, yes, I have done things that I am not entirely proud of. I have led the occasional soul to ruin. This is true. But, Jack, it’s because humans are so messed up. They’re -- they’re so willing to be led. JACK My mother was human. LUCIFER Awesome lady. Incorruptible. Not like that. You know, great kisser. And, uh, lost my virginity to her.
pointing to my very disgruntled thoughts about this in 12x08. we're going to regularly make allusions to lucifer raping sam via hallucifer and i think also when sam was stuck with him in 11x09 before cas sprung luci but then lucifer in the president vessel supposedly had never had sex. ok. i prefer to believe that rape isn't part of the torture package, but they make it real hard sometimes. but the show is gonna tell us that was the first time lucifer had sex. being generous and dumb, maybe he believes in the rehymenation like dean. or some particulars of being in a human vessel. as opposed to whatever it is exactly getting tortured in hell. soul in vessel-ish shape? because it wasn't dean's shiny glowing light of a soul on the rack, it was his person. i've been thinking about this off and on since we knew generally what a soul was supposed to look like
jack interviewing lucifer, the quote unquote father of lies, to whatever, determine if he wants to have anything to do with him? well. how could this go wrong?
DEAN I told you no talking! And I told you no listening. JACK Dean, he’s in chains. DEAN His mouth isn’t. Shoulda gagged him. JACK No, I need to know about my powers, my family. CAS Jack, we are your family. We’ve been protecting you. We’ve been honoring your mother’s wishes. We’re your family. SAM Jack, you have no idea who Lucifer really is. JACK And I never will unless I talk to him.
like yes obviously, going this route is going to make anyone shut down and not listen to what you have to say (acting like john winchester basically), especially someone who is framed as being a kid. HOWEVER! couldn't we just say that lucifer spent a year which is equivalent to whatever in dog hell years torturing sam. our sam, that's standing right there. your sam, who you're including as a father figure.
MARY (amused) Jack isn’t going to the dark side. He’ll see Lucifer’s true nature. And he’ll see through his own eyes and not yours.
like she's trying to impart some parenting wisdom - which this is surely applicable to regular real life parenting! but i don't think it's applicable to the situation at hand. being that the grown ass adults with a lot of life experience and big bad demons etc etc have been fooled by lucifer time and time again. at least he should be aware of the actual harm lucifer has done to everyone present that they've personally experienced. and maybe he does know? i'm thinking WAY TOO MUCH ABOUT THIS. for this half baked plot shit.
lucifer cutting off gabriel from telling him about the (oops not actual) murdering of himself would indicate to me he doesn't know so, yeah. whatever man. i gotta fucking finish this episode! i started yesterday but just yammered on too much and then it was midnight.
BOBBY Now about that. Mary said you wanna take a bunch of our people back to this Other Earth? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, that’s the idea. BOBBY Well, no offense, but that may be the dumbest friggin’ idea in a landfill of dumb ideas.
say it, bobby
sam's gonna give a rousing speech to get the people to come around though, right. and now ketch and charlie get to be tortured. so both ketch and rowena are all about the redemption arc life
i'm real tired of this episode lol.
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GABRIEL Dad saw that your evil was like the first few cells of cancer...that it would spread like the disease unless He cut it out. That is why He locked you up, to stop the cancer. But it was too late then. And guess what? It’s too late for you now.
excuse me what. he's crying? what even
great, au!cas misha doing another accent. as a... nazi? seriously checked out at this point
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sure. like that whole wound tending thing the first time they were there. weird vibes man, are we supposed to ship it
AW-CASTIEL Don’t think that you are better than me. Well, we are the same. CAS Yes. We are.
this like. militaryish music as they ride off in the bus is.... oof. not great. ditto for the music with this goofy fucking jumping through the nexus proceedings
and now gabriel's gonna get into a knife fight with this basically impossible to win against michael, good idea. and sam and dean are just gonna hang back and watch him die
well, at least sam got to trap lucifer there with michael? 🤷 surely that won't go bad!
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gives me the heebiejeebies all those people in there
CAS What about Lucifer? DEAN Sam handled it.
heaven forbid we actually kill him. wonder how they're gonna have jack react to this
and hey last minute mushy music during the toast by bobby to sam and dean. welcome to the family. mhm
and of course lucifer immediately plotting with michael
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paytato435 · 9 months
Fuck it. Have a funny cut scene from Snapper and Stinkpot, read after Chapter 4.
For context, Synth is my oc who makes weapons for the Battle Nexus.
I rewrote how Casey ended up in trouble and that unfortunately meant cutting this wonderfully silly scene between him and Leo:
"Please Master Synth, there has to be something we could do to help you in some capacity. A trade, a favor, something!" Casey pleaded.
"I ain't got nothin' I need more than job security," he said definitively. “So long as I have my contract, I'm set for life. Now get outta here!" He turned on his cloven foot and clopped out.
That probably couldn't have gone any worse.
"Great idea, Jones," Leo grumbled as they shuffled their way back into the lair.
"Hey, I tried, didn't I? Not that your reputation helped any."
"Hey! I'll have you know my last two trips to visit Big Mama went flawlessly."
"Well it clearly didn't leave a very positive impression," Casey grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"This is ridiculous, surely there's another guy around who can get me a pair of decent swords at a price I can afford."
"You're BROKE!"
"BROKE-ASS NINJA!" Casey hears Mikey shout from somewhere nearby.
"Love you too, bro!" Leo calls back, slumping.
Casey threw himself onto the couch, tired and exhausted. He pulled his phone out and checked the date. He cringed when he remembered school was starting in just two days. It was already bad enough that Leo had dragged him out of the house today. He still wasn’t sure he could handle being out in public all day. He prayed he wouldn’t be a nervous wreck.
“Hey… what about Draxum?”
“The warrior scientist?” Casey asks curiously, scrolling his phone. He hasn’t met the guy, but he’s heard… things… about him.
“Yeah! We got weapons from him before.”
“You stole them.”
“Yeah, but that was when we were bitter enemies!” Leo clenches his fist dramatically. “I wonder if he’s still got any just lying around.”
As Casey found out the next day, Draxum did not in fact, have a sword for Leo.
"What do you mean you don't have a room with mystic weapons to solve all of our problems anymore?"
"I'm the Lunch Lord now, fool. I have better things to do than outsource a large number of weapons for an army I no longer need. Besides, Big Mama bought the rest of them off me."
"Why does Big Mama have everything?!" Leo groaned.
"She is the majority shareholder in yokai suffering." That was true enough.
"Casey please, you have to help me convince Master Synth to make me new swords. I'll do anything!" Casey was too busy eating his Frosted Flakes to answer.
"Anything, pleeeeeaseeeee?"
"'m not gonna lie, yer suvfering am-muses me a bit," Casey garbled between bites.
"You're a terrible person, Casey Jones. Who raised you to be so cruel?" Casey raised his eyebrows, amused. "Wait, don't answer that."
"You 'aveta pologize tuh Synf an win 'im ofer."
"I'm sorry, could you say that again?"
Casey swallowed. 
"You gotta put aside your pride and apologize to Master Synth. Then you gotta convince him to breach his contract with Big Mama."
"And how would I do that?" 
Casey shrugged. "He probably makes bank selling weapons to the Battle Nexus. I don't think you could get a better deal than whatever he's got going on."
"Maybe we can trick him into making me the swords?" Leo grabbed a spoon and started eating from Casey's cereal. Casey added more cereal to the bowl.
"I don't think you understand how Synth works, so I guess I'm gonna have to explain it to you:
Synth is an extremely proud and egotistical individual. (not unlike yourself. "Hey!") Basically every person who's asked him for help gets shut down immediately. ("that doesn't sound like a very practical business model") Until you convince him you deserve it, that is. Synth has a sixth sense for the truth. He can tell by the tone in your voice that you're lying. In other words, you're not gonna be able to win him over with your… usual tricks. Honestly, I only see one option here."
"And what's that?"
"Synth is contractually obligated to only make swords for Big Mama, so all you have to do is make the swords yourself."
"Oh, thas goof. Wade. How do I mage thuh sword?"
"You apologize and ask him to teach you."
Leo spat out Casey's cereal.
"Are you kidding me?"
"No I am not." Casey picked a wet flake from his face.
"Come up with a better plan."
Casey narrowed his eyes.
"You dug yourself this hole. Now you need to get yourself out."
Leo gestured angrily to Casey with his spoon and turned to Raph, who had definitely been sitting next to Leo this whole time.
"Can you believe this guy?"
"Sounds like a good plan to me,"Raph shrugged. "Maybe Casey should be our plan guy."
“Or or ooooorrr….” Leo smiled. “We give Big Mama a new Battle Nexus Champion, and they get the swords for me!”
“And who would do all that for you?” Casey asked with a frown.
Leo batted his eyelashes and sticks out his lower lip.
“No, no way.”
“It can be a shared generational trauma! Come on kid. Like father, like son, like adopted human future grandbaby.”
“That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”
“I agree,” Raph nodded. “And I’ve heard a lot of Leo’s bad ideas.”
“Aw come on, it’s not that bad. You get eternal glory and bragging rights to your friends and family!”
“If you live,” Raph pointed out.
“When you win,” Leo smirked.
"Let's do both," Casey proposed suddenly, putting his palms on the table and standing up.
"Why not? I enter the Nexus and you apologize to Master Synth."
"That sounds like the worst of both ideas, actually," Raph noted, frowning.
"Mutually assured pain," Casey shrugged.
"Two stones for one bird," Leo chuckled.
"Let's make a bet then. The first person to get the swords gets Raph's bed for a week."
"This just keeps getting worse for everyone and I love it," Leo smiled. "You got yourself a deal."
They shook on it.
Maybe they can make a bed over Raph's bed in the future. That shit's gotta be the most comfy thing ever with all his stuffed animals.
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Can I have 3 for Mateo, 13 for Rashad, 16 for Cassian, and 34 for Remus, for the Sidestep questions ask game? 👀
Mateo: 3) What is their villain name? Why did they choose it?
This is the funniest question because I've been struggling with this question for ages now. Within the FHR games, up until I do his final run, his villain name has always been Nexus. The connection between two seemingly random events. But I could never figure out what his armor design was. And Teo needs A Brand. It's important to him.
For a while, he was sharing a name with his mob. The Syndicate. Primarily because I needed a shorthand and I don't like the mobs not having a coherent name. But I still can't theme a suit around that for the life of me. So, for the time being (and hopefully permanently), his villain name is Mycotic.
He chose it because it implies being a part of a bigger thing, but not necessarily being the leader of it. He is a mouthpiece of the Syndicate and regularly the hand of them, as well, but to outsiders, it obfuscates that he calls the shots. And it references his resilience. Try to kill him, and he will simply keep coming back, and he will spread further each time.
Rashad: 13) Do they want to be well-known, or do they prefer to remain obscure?
This is a weirdly tricky question because the answer is "yes?". They want their message to remain. They want their actions to resound through time, for those who think of committing atrocities and grinding others under their heels in the names of profits to think twice, to remember that someone will come for them.
But, at the same time, Rashad doesn't want to be remembered as themself. They don't want the light to shine on them, as it were. They can stay behind the curtain. Let Sidestep be a symbol of hope to those who have known. Let Heartbreak be an omen to those who would consume anything in their greed. And let Rashad be simply someone who survived. Someone who lived and loved and died.
Cassian: 16) What is their best virtue?
Cassian's best virtue, like in all my characters, is the other side of the coin of his biggest flaw. It's his passion. His love. His ability to carve a home in his heart for others when the mood strikes. He does truly, deeply care about his mob. He cared so very deeply for the Rangers back when he was Sidestep. He loves Daniel with such a passion - despite the other things that complicate his emotions there. He would burn bridges and start wars for those he loves.
Remus: 34) Are they nostalgic for their sidestep days or eager to move on?
Oh, that's a tricky question, too. I'm gonna say no, though there are aspects of it that he wishes he had back. He wishes he had that wide eyed naivete that is fostered in ignorance. He wishes the world felt new and wide and wondrous again. He wishes he could have joy in the simple pleasures again.
But, also, he doesn't miss those days. He's having too much fun. He's not held back anymore. There are no pesky morals or social rules that can string him up anymore. Remus knows what he wants and, regardless of what's best for the city, he's going to take it. Sidestep was a young fool who sacrificed his own happiness for the ingratitude of others. Kingmaker will not make those same mistakes.
Ask Me Sidestep-Specific Questions
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