#i dont bother editing the text out
everyinumaki · 3 months
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: married to robin edition
— kinda implied that robin is some "celebrity" but i kind of just enviosioned her just being a really successful writer or smth LOL
— male reader ! ! !
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liked by nico.robin, nrs.husband, and 12k others
uso_pp: bro is definitely a mama's boy
tagged: nico.robin and nrs.husband
nrs.husband: well i call her mommy in bed anyway so it checks out
-> uso_pp: DEAR GOD.
dni_nami: they're both so whipped for each other, true love is real igggg
[liked by nico.robin, nrs.husband, and 90 others]
freeluffy: is it normal to be this clingy with your girlfriend...[name]'s behavior seems concerning guys ://
-> roro.zoro: it kills me how serious u seem about this
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liked by nrs.husband, dni_nami, and 30k others
nico.robin: my husband is so thoughtful - he's never forgotten to give me floewrs whenver my older ones die <3
tagged: nrs.husband
nrs.husband: if my baby loves flowers IMMA GET HER FLOWERS
-> nico.robin: and i'll treasure them each time my love
princesanji: robin, i too, remember that you love flowers - do you love me now :3?
SUPERCOLA: i thought im the ways of being a SUPPPERRR husband well
-> nrs.husband: SUPPPPEERRRR
dni_nami: were these from your garden?
-> nico.robin: yes :) he has been tending to them ever since he planted them for me so now that they're grown, he made them into a bouqet
[liked nrs.husband, roro.zoro, and 100 others]
-> dni_nami: UGH I DONT KNOW WHY I BOTHER ASKING it's too cute i might kill MYSELF
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liked by nico.robin, princesanji, and 20k others
nrs.husband: before and after the event, so proud of my beautiful girl
tagged: nico.robin
nico.robin: your support means the world to me <3 i love you so much
-> nrs.husband: if you have 1000 fans, i'm one of them. if you have 100 fans, i'm one of them. if you have 10 fans, i'm one of them. if there are no more fans of nico robin in the world, then i'm dead. i love you so sososososo much more my love
uso_pp: someone check up on sanji-
-> roro.zoro: i just heard a thump from the room over, i'm gonna assume he just fell to his knees
skullnsoul: such an elegant couple - YOUNG LOVE IS SO BEAUTIFUL
-> nrs.husband: brook you're like ten years older pls ur not an old man yet LMFAO
-> nico.robin: thank you brook :)
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liked by nrs.husband, dni_nami, and 20k others
nico.robin: my favorite place in the world is his arms
tagged: nrs.husband
nrs.husband: i'll start crying right now.
uso_pp: photo creds robin?? cmon now my work aint free
princesanji: what did [name] do in a past life to deserve a goddess such as yourself, robin-chan?
-> nico.robin: sanji you need to move on <3
[liked by roro.zoro, dni_nami, and 400 others]
freeluffy: mama y papa :DDDD
-> nrs.husband: LUFFY LMFAOOAA
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liked by uso_pp, nrs.husband, nico.robin, and 11k others
dni_nami: the one time we get to see robin and he's hogging all her attention....wtf
tagged: nico.robin and nrs.husband
nico.robin: dw nami i reserved us a girls day at the nearby resort <3
-> dni_nami: mommy? sorry, mommy? mommy? sorry...mommy??
-> nrs.husband: hello????
uso_pp: as if he doesn't get to spend eveyr waking second with her like cmon bruh
-> nrs.husband: my BADD for loving my wife jfc i cant win w u guys
nrs.husband: omg send me this photo she looks so cute here hehehe
-> dni_nami: stfu.
nrs.husband's story:
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i love lovelovelovelove my beautiful wife. everyone is just jealous she's mine <333
nico.robin replied to your story: i wondered why nami just texted me she hated you — you're very cute with this story, [name]. i love you too and am glad that i can call you mine as well <333
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kenlvry · 1 year
main 4 and craig and tweek with sleeeeeepppyyyyyyy gn s / o
sleepy reader
edit, 8th march. okay so two things, wrote this while half sleepy, i js realized you said gn reader... and i didnt proof read so im pretty sure theres pronouns here imsososososo sorry also im pretty sure you meant sleepy reader and not reader who's always sleepy so.. sorry
he loves it tbh, since youre always sleepy your quiet meaning ur calm and is always at peace. he loves being around you its always so peaceful.
he's curious though, you'd wake up from a 7 hour nap and is still yawning complaining about how tired you are.
whenever he sees you you are always knocked out, if not youre on the verge of knocking out. the teachers somehow never catches you despite you always sleeping in class.
sometimes when you lay your head on your table and he'd lay his head too looking at you admiring your calm demeanor.
its really funny sometimes, you two would laugh your lungs out and the next second you are snoring and z's are coming out of yo head
he's really curious abt it, at first when he always sees you sleeping during class or lunch he thought you were a corpse someone drag around.
when he gets to know you though he starts loving you sm. he envies at how you are always tired and could not give a fuck about the world, he wishes he could be like you and sleep anywhere. he tried before, it ended with him being pranked by cartman.
he makes sure everything and everyone around you is quiet so they dont disturb you (aka cartman)
he just wishes you dont fall asleep so easily cz damn you two would be waking to home and then your on the floor with one leg up sleeping like damn ?!?!
also envy you, he wishes he could just forget about everything and sleep away his problems.
he would ask you for tips on how to sleep so easily and why your so sleepy but you dont know i mean... just sleep yk???
he is so surprised at how your always moving around, like you were just in class sleeping how are you in the cafeteria sleeping again?? now your sleep walking what????
he curses the living shit out of cartman if he tries to wake you up, he's like a full on guard dog when your sleeping
he would carry around a small pillow for you so whenever he hears you you yawn he's ready with a pillow.
100% would embarrass you when he found out you can sleep easily.
he would offer you a pillow as a nice gesture but when you actually fall asleep he would put a blanket over you and those night caps with pompoms at the end of it. he'd take a picture and tweet it out "mf is the sleeping beauty ‼️"
he also would draw on your faces, but after you beat the living shit out of him for it he stops.... for now.
he honestly finds it so cute, the way your so calm and how you still trust to sleep around him despite the things he did to you in the past.
he also would tell everyone to shut up when your sleeping. he'll make sure nobody bothers your beauty sleep.
he also is curious abt it, like how can you wake up from a 8 hour nap and proceed to continue it at school??
if he texts you and you don't reply he knows immediately that you are sleeping no doubt. you dont know it but whenever your sleeping he stands really close to you and flip everyone off so they don't try to wake you up.
once he flipped a teacher off bc the teacher was tryna wake you up, you both got detention..
he always notices whenever youre sleepy, even if you dont yawn or nothing he can immediately tell.
he finds it so so so so funny too, like you and him would talk to someone and then turning to you just to find you completely knocked out "are they okay?" "dw this happens almost every minute". he laughed to himself at how you are able to make everything your bed.
the wooden desk? its your bed, the floor? thats definitely your bed, the fucking sidewalk?? so comfy.
he also would bring a small pillow everywhere, if youre gonna lay your head down on the concrete atleast be comfortable
he panics at first "are you ok??" "is she dead??" "are you alive??" you reassure him thats its a habit you have and that you are not dying.
he also envies you, he wants to sleep whenever he feels like it too. everytime you sleep he always watches you and admire you, he says that when your sleeping your beauty increases, you are so sure he's lying bc when you wake up you are drooling...🤨🤨
you'd complain about not wanting to sleep all the time though, he gives you some of his coffee to help.. little does he know 🧍
he would tell everyone to be quiet bc your sleeping and freak out if somebody tried to talk to you for no reason. your confused though, everytime you wake up from a nap your hair looks like you've been in a war, he says its cute?? whatever he says ig
he would try sleeping with you too, sitting beside you and trying to doze off, he fails miserably though.
he's always worried about how the teacher are gonna get mad at you for sleeping and always wakes you up if a teacher looks even a millisecond at you just for the teacher to completely ignored it.
all in all he loves it, he wishes you can teach your ways to him one day.
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drvnkd4zed · 2 years
When fans ship you with another member
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Heeseung
(fans ship you with Sunoo)
"Y/n, what's this?". Heeseung approaches you holding his phone, with a confused gaze. He shows you a fanart portraying a pink haired Sunoo giving you a back hug. You just laugh at it, convinced that it's just a fanart with no harmful intentions. "It's pretty" you say laughing, but Heeseung doesn't smile back. "What's wrong?" you ask him as you see him being upset. "I don't like the fact that you're being shipped with someone else" he speaks. You roll your eyes back and take his hand. "You literally avoid me when the cameras are on" you say laughing.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jay
(fans ship you with Sunghoon)
Jay spends way too much time reading fics about him on Wattpad but then a specific one catches his attentions. It's a fanfiction about you and Sunghoon, which drives him crazy. He will eventually tell you about that and you would just laugh. "Me and Sunghoon, that's crazy..." you say laughing, but Jay isn't. "Can I write a comment saying that I'm your actual boyfriend and ask them to stop dreaming?" he says. He doesn't like the idea of the fans seeing you being romantically with someone who is not him.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jake
(fans ship you with Niki)
I think Jake is used to the "y/n x niki" edits on pinterest, YouTube, tiktoks and so on, so at first, he wouldn't really mind them. "Let them dream" he would say, but it bothers him. He wants you to be shipped with him so much that your ship would be the most famous and obvious. I can clearly see him pushing niki away whenever you make eye contact with him so that there won't be edits.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Sunghoon
(fans ship you with Jungwon)
Sunghoon will tell you things like "I don't care", "that's edited" and so on, but then he's putting a dislike on every YouTube video with the compilations of you and Jungwon interacting. He would eventually write VERY long texts to the fan pages on instagram asking them to kindly stop making edits and videos about you and Jungwon. When you eventually find out about this, you'd ask him if that's true. "that was not me, that was a y/n x Jake shipper" he would say (and ofc you won't believe him).
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Sunoo
(fans ship you with Jay)
Sunoo is running a fan page for himself and when he casually posts a pic of you and him together, he's receiving a dm from another fan page which annoyed him. "how can you ship y/n and sunoo when y/n and Jay are so obvious". Sunoo read the message and started to type aggressively without saying a word. "What's happening?" you'd ask him. "im arguing with a stranger because they dont understand that our ship is superior"
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jungwon
(fans ship you with Jake)
Just like Sunghoon, I think Jungwon would only say "It's okay, I don't care" in front of you, he's looking at the edits and at the y/n x Jake moments with a disgusted and judging face. So if he can't defeat the ship, he'll open an y/n x Jungwon fan page to defeat the shippers. He'll eventually post pics of you two that weren't released, so when people ask him where did he find the pics, he'd just say "if you had bought the enhypen membership you'd know".
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Niki
(fans ship you with Heeseung)
Since when Niki saw that "Your body language speaks to me" edit with you and Heeseung making an heart in a group photo, he lost his shit. He's gatekeeping you during all the recordings and if he sees a member approaching you, he's placing himself between the two of you. He's making sure that the "y/n x niki" ship is the most famous one among enhypen's, releasing vlogs, photos and even covers with you.
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@mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @irrealisms !! you had lots of prompt ideas for writing, but not for art, so i hope you're happy with eclipse federation misery and agony compilation, plus song lyrics
lyric credits: Temporary - Chase Petra / Stranger - The Mechanisms / Easier - The Crane Wives (appears four times) / Two Birds - Regina Spektor / Little Soldiers - The Crane Wives (appears twice) / Heretic Pride - The Mountain Goats
feel free to ask if you want me to adjust some text to make it more readable or something, i think it looks fine but i know different peoples eyes and devices are different, and if i had more time i would definitely have spent more time messing with the colors on everything
speaking. of time. im really sorry i took so long ._. i kind of suck at estimating how long projects will take and how much time i have. thanks for being so patient!!
oh, also, some lyrics and drawings have story reasons for being grouped together, and some went where they looked good. uh. ideally id make sure everything had reason for its location, but this is one area where i did correctly estimate my time, instead of getting stuck in the planning phase.
also in the process of typing all this ive already gone back twice to change stuff in the images and re-add them to the post lol
OH also!! the part where vitalasy jumps off to his death! is as far as i can tell NOT canon accurate!! all the footage shows him jumping off the prison, since thats where he respawns. i didnt think to check this until after id already drawn most of the stuff, and already had the prison drawn, and i didnt want to reorganize the drawing. im telling myself that we only see a few of the later deaths and so theoretically the first one could have been jumping off a grassy ledge somewhere but its still bothering me and i needed to mention it.
anyway yeah really hope you like it i tried some new stuff with this one im not sure how well it turned out and thanks again for being so patient!!
EDITING TO ADD SOME MORE WORDS!!! i love talking about my art! so first, all the text on signs and stuff i did go back and look at videos and vods to make sure was entirely accurate, and i wrote all the words entirely by myself. for the lyrics and other text(death message and DELIVERANCE), i used a text tool first to make sure the words would be neat and where i needed them, and then traced over that on a new layer and deleted the original text layer. my handwritting fucking sucks always no matter what, this was a very necessary step. also! this is officially the first thing i have drawn entirely on my phone, rather than on my ipad like i used to do! also i dont use a stylus of any type i just draw with my finger lol.
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argentinagp · 3 months
I hope you answer this. I have been part of the editing community on Instagram and twitter and I understand how it feels not getting credit for your work. You're right it requires effort to find clips, loop them and edit them with effects and texts. But the easier solution is to go for a watermark no one on that list ever claimed they were the one making the gifs and some private accounts and some people who do give credits are also added. It's just impossible to control the sharing of content if it's publicly uploaded once and sometimes people save it for later and don't remember the @ it doesn't mean they are intentionally stealing work.
Hi! I think that you are not getting what me and others are upset about. First things first, that list is old, it's like from mid 2023 or something, i dont know why it made a resurgence now and even if i dont quite agree with it, i dont think it was meant as a way of "look this are the criminals, death to them" and more of a "look your gifs may be in these twitter accounts, maybe u would like to reach out". I do think people can do better and learn.
I get that twitter as whole is difficult to find sources, specially if u find the gif in the automated search part, and even more if the OG poster of said gif didnt credit shit. And that's a problem that could be solved if u do give credit from the start. The excuse of "oh i don't remember where this is from" does not sit right with me bc then dont post it, look for it and if you dont find it dont post it. Bc we shouldn't have to watermark our gifs, and even then it would be really good if u could also link it. It is not difficult at all!
Ignoring all that I know it is difficult to control the sharing without credit specially when there are SO many social media apps! What bothers me (us) is that instead of saying "i will try to do better" or "oh i didn't realize people cared ab credit" f1twt goes and says "oh they are exaggerating" "oh this doesnt take any time" "oh no the tumblr hags" and it isn't kind, it isn't respectful, and isn't pretty. You are belittling work done by other people. Of course you can unintentionally steal things sure but you are still doing it, and if ur response to people being upset ab it is to say "they are exaggerating" my man you are not being respectful.
I'm GLAD that people in that list is giving credit, and I hope the ones that don't learn to give it too.
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sempsimps · 1 month
Gregory violet song scenarios
so this is a bunch of random scenarios and head canons i have of this emo boy and i even made a playlist for it becuse im so prepared for this also i do edit the lyrics a tad to fit the time its set in and vibe of the shorts so like if that bothers you sorry i guess (also i wanted to experiment with the tumbler coloured text i think it looks so cool) but this is mostly x reader so sorry if that's not what you want im just brain rotting at this point i cant do this lmao also i would like to say i unfortunately dont have the manga so i actually dont know whats going to happen sorry
starting with the honourable runner ups i think these songs fit but i couldn't think of what to write for them
Necromancing dancing - bear ghost (pun intended) "when im necromancing, everyone's dancing, no one can stop me i dare you to try! the dead are infused with sentential grove"
i don't wanna fall in love - she wants revenge
ramblings of a lunatic - bears in trees "would anybody listen to this the ramblings of a lunatic"
everything is temporary - cavetown "sticks and stones they say that we dont have bones inside our brains"
mamas boy - Dominic fike "m-a-m-a-b-o-y mamas boy mamas boy"
im not a cynic - Alec Benjamin "i swear im not a cynic im just being realistic"
cats - the living tombstone "meow meow meow meow memeow"
they/them - atlas, jhfly
house of wolves - my chemical romance
plucked - destroy boys "take a bird from the sky and you wonder why she wants to fly"
nobody - mitski
underachiever - NOAHFINNCE "nothing beats the life of an underachiever"
the adults are talking - the strocks "dont go there you never return and i know you think of me when you think of her"
(lowkey heathers the musical JD looking ass)
your stupid face - Kaden macay (oh no + verse 2)
Gregory in third person pov - the realisation he liked you
he was zoning out at the swan gazebo and drawing some sketches with his charcoal pencil. The first bit of the facial anatomy was done, and he used French bread to remove the lines. to make the face he slowly did the eyes and made them defined and full of life, the nose features, and soon enough he had nearly finished carefully doing each strand of hair falling perfectly around the face he wasn't even thinking about who it was but when he stopped to finally look at it realised who it was. 'Oh no,' looking at it more, he tilts his head back, closing his eyes shut to not let the sun make him dizzy. 'noooo' now he was roughly pressing the charcoal to the paper. 'i just really like you face' drawing the smile you always wore around him. 'Ugh, you don't have to look so happy..' he kept drawing, now to try and get it just right. remembering all the times you expressed it. 'im not really into the love that you flaunt in some bright font' smirking to himself 'but if that's what you want ill make it snappy.- wait what' he looked around noticing no one was looking at him he sighed 'i just feel so out of place' he finished your face. 'but not when you near me' moving on to the shoulders. 'when your gone, I'm like a plant with no root' he made quick work of the shape and made the clothes 'or a ball that's on mute' he smiled looking at his work 'don't you dare call me cute, you should fear me' a hand on Gregory's shoulder makes him jump, it was bluewer telling him he needs to sort out a purple house conflict, and to bring cheslock to sort out a fight. sighing and carefully putting his sketch away, a small smile on his soft features. 'Now i like your stupid face'.
soundproof - destroy boys (verse 1 before chorus)
panic attack from social anxiety (if uncomfortable then skip it) - he got amongst the dancing and hated it
it was after the big cricket game that he had to be there for appearances, empty streets are just as soundproof as studios and big crowds. and there were people dancing already. It was making him dizzy, just looking. 'keep me away from here' but when he somehow ends up in the middle of the hall he starts to panic 'how'd i appear on this stage' he was amongst all the dancers getting in the way of some getting bumped into. 'im taking up too much space.' his head was spinning from all the movement, and he felt eyes on him. 'Look away, please don't look this way.' Feeling a hand on his arm leading him out of the hall, too dizzy and unfocused to see they walked outdoors, the fresh air bringing him back down to earth. not sure who it was, but he thanked whoever it was as he started to calm down, taking deep breaths. 'i don't ever want to hear myself ever again'
disco! in the panic room - bug hunter (chorus 2)
in your pov third person - dancing again i dont know im losing the plot as i write. sorry to the amab readers this one this feminine
i was in disguise at the school, as ceils older brother, as I saw him as one. and missed being in a dress. so after the cricket game was announced, and shown it was underway, i went behind the door to get into a dress. i was hiding one underneath my cloak, i let the dress fall from the purple robe it set nicely, and i just simply wrapped the fabric around my waist, like a bow. and headed out to find Gregory, he was still upset about the fire, and wanted to leave as fast as he could. and i understood, but i wanted to dance with him just a little. He was just out of view of everyone trying to leave, and i pulled him into a room with a bright smile. "hiya, would you like to dance in the panic room violet?" He simply smiled. "I made a promise so sure." he held my hands, and i started to slowly waltzes in a random backroom. away from the crowed and prying eyes and i could see that every few movement he was getting more and more pale, as we turned slightly in the dance "Now I feel nauseous, As if I drank a cup of stuff you clean your countertops with" i giggle a little as we stop. he lets go of my hands, to hold his head, he feels dizzy but i come prepared knowing about this, with some water in a canteen. "you probably did But Lysol won't solve this, so have some water." i handed his the medium sized flask, to which he hesitantly took a sip with shaky hands. "im out of options, arnt i?" he softly smiled after a few moments, and i was satisfied to get a little dance. making sure he was okay. but i felt bad. "you can head back now i understand this was a lot, sorry" he sighed "oh its okay and thank you, It's past my bedtime and I'm honestly exhausted" i smile as he hands back my water flask. "But if you want me, I'll be here." Gregory and i walked out of the room and said out good nights before he went wherever, and i returned to the ballroom to see Elizabeth and everyone.
fire on fire - sam smith (chorus 1 like half of it)
Gregory pov - looking at you from outside the purple house fire (and i realise that the song is more about love but i want the angst so deal with it)
i stood there, my eyes filled in fear, as the boarding house burned. i couldn't move, I don't say a word stuck in place, you grab my hand i should be used to it, But still, you take my breath and steal the things I know. just like the fire that i couldn't look away from, a soft hand leading my face away to look at you. There you go, saving me from out of the cold, but i couldn't do anything. but blankly stare at you. tired and scared features, eyes slowly morphing to cry. Fire on fire would normally kill us, and this was on the inside. i was breaking down as i saw how distraught everyone was. I couldn't keep it in much longer. but then the other prefects showed up, and i didn't have time for it, so i pulled my hood up to hold it in, letting go of your hand to do something.
Love me not - eimi (verse 3?)
the part that's always on TikTok but it is a good song- anyway this is at the dating stage and you try to get help from your friends idfk
Sitting on the grass, in front of the bench in the middle of a courtyard, talking with Ciel, soma, and your best friend, the latter two interested in how the relationship was going with Gregory. so far all you could describe it as was confusing, when they asked how. you stood up and started pacing in front of them finger to your chin like how a detective dose it but moving to act out and get you point across better. "Does he really love me? Does he think I'm too much." My pacing stops as i shook my head and returned to walk around. "Am I hanging by a string? Am I pushing my luck?" I looked at the two with confusion, hands out, doing some gesture. they were still intrigued, and i just wanted an answer. "He says I'm his beloved. He says I'm enough. but every time I kick and scream, he tells me to shush!" waving your arms up and down in frustration, and at this, the friends pay more attention. shock on soma's face, making an o shape. "He told you to what!" My best friend joining in, equally surprised. "he told you to, huh!" Ciel bored of our shit huffed out a sigh before speaking. "I think you shouldn't really worry. and you're blowing this up," and I hastily replied, almost yelling. "But I'm falling in love! Does he wanna break up!?" I gripped the hood of my purple house uniform, pulling it over my face, which was red in embarrassment, and I felt some paper in there. taking it off my head a small envelope fell out of my hood, it had a clear purple wax seal with the house cress. 'That wasn't there before'
absence - Rio Romeo chorus + verse 3
Gregory in third person this is angsty, and sad. description of dying
he was thinking about what was going to happen all the experiments, but he unwillingly took part in. he couldn't shake it a feeling of impending doom. he knew the things he did, and that didn't warrant him to be sorry for himself, but he couldn't eat or sleep, even drinking something seemed impossible. then his thoughts came back to his friends. He couldn't stop thinking about how they would react, to him dying. 'If i just vanished, do you think you'd manage' laying in his bed contemplating how you would miss him. 'Or would you disappear right besides me?' A tear came into his eye. As he continued to think of you, how would you react to what he's done, more and more tears came out, little by little. 'Do you think you're ready? When i went unsteady,' his tears ran down his checks, smearing the eyeliner. 'lover, please prepare for my absence.' he stifled his cries with the ball of his palm, keeping it in. lipstick smearing on his hand as he bit down harder, more tears rolling down, landing on his pillows staining them. 'absence makes the heart grow stronger', wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. 'pray my baby will not squander everything to gain by my leaving' taking his hands away from his face, to look at them they shook, as he starred at them blurry vision from crying, the bite mark on his right one blending red. 'and if i return the favour.' thinking to all the sweet parts you shared together. 'pray my baby always saviour, every moment we were both present' sitting up to hunch over head in his hands quietly sobbing, the walls were thick and he knew it but it hurt to cry louder.
oh boy that took some effort i was going to so many more but i just cant but i do kinda love what i did i think it matches his character well I hope it matches at least and again here is a link to my playlist i hope it works if not i have the same name on Spotify but non the less i hope my writing doesn't suck :) (feeling like the Q.A from welcome home "I want it out open open open" lmao MAYBE IM A LITTLE DELULU RN WHO KNOWS) ALSO ive never written angst before so i hope that was good idfk
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blinkpen · 2 months
i keep forgettin readmores dont work without text ahead Doh
made myself a big batch of creamy mushroom sauce w extra mushroom chunks and pasta to portion out and feed off of the next few days and it came out really good but i cannot actually eat it bc i have the kind of turbo depression that makes my appetite non-existent if i don't have my meds and i do not have my meds bc my brother cannot be bothered to set aside one hour of his time even after two weeks of knowing i need my ass driven to the medicine bc where we live is too rural for uber or lyft, not that i was jazzed about what a total fucking waste of money that'd be. mom would take me, but she simply cannot drive atm, she's recovering from surgery on a busted foot/ankle.
stares at the really nice food i made but cannot force down more than one bite of at a time per hour and it doesn't even taste good when i know it should and then cries! it'll be thursday before someone i KNOW will pick them up for me will do so, i'm gonna be fucking withering miserably all week unless i feel like hiking 6 hours to the town, and then 6 hours back, which. i really don't want to have to do, esp when my energy levels are already fast dwindling bc of the whole "i can't get food in me" thing. Lmao
there is a Chance one of my few Not Actively Malicious relatives will be stopping by monday for the eclipse, and can take me to get them on the way to a good observation spot, so
fingers crossed
EDIT: through the grace of the eclipse, i will be getting my meds tomorrow, HUZZAH thank you cosmos, like, Literally?
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sanderchu · 2 years
Meeting up with Quackity after being long distance for so long and he just breaks down in your arms
Together at last
Reader: gn!reader 
note: my friend edited this for me so expect that more often <33 (be nice- and just in case- its still my work please dont assume they just offered to help me out so i let them- saying this just in case ik how people r-)
Editor: @rayneywidows
all in big Q's pov
[writing] or hcs 
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Long distance. Not the best type of relationship but definitely not the worst type. But, sadly you ended up getting a relationship. At first you didn't mind it, but the more you found out who your lover was the more you wished you could just hug them until death. You and quackity met via dsmp style almost like everyone else in the server. Also like everyone else you grew close with lore and just friendship style too. Once you finally planned, which took months by the way, you and quackity found a free week so he can finally see you in person. 
Quackity’s pov 
I look at my phone, ‘2:30’. What if y/n doesn’t show up? They do live on the other side of the world. I stand in the airport, watching the planes from outside as the sound of people echo in my ears. I feel a sense of panic run through me. Every second I was turning to their plan gate. I hear a scream of joy from someone, but only feel disappointment when that person goes to someone else. I don’t want to bother y/n with my nervous text, so I just decide to be a bit more patient with them. Instead i just take a seat and scroll on my phone a bit, (aka spamming my friends to help me out.)
‘4:30’ time flies by quickly. I am really about to give up, thinking y/n actually stood me up on our first irl meetup, but I just stay there hoping they will show up. That slowly starts to fade by each passing minute. Soon enough I just kinda give up… I stand up and start to walk out until, “Alex?” I turn my head around to see y/n. They look even better in person, finally I get to see them not behind a screen! I panic as my instincts take over, I immediately turn around to full body to hug them in my tight embrace. I feel them hug back just as tight, and I suddenly feel eyes start to water. I hold back my tears for the sake of not ruining the moment, and pull back. I take a quick glance at them before smashing my lips upon theirs. I feel myself practically melt as they follow after. I pull away, and notice the obvious in awe eyes around us. y/n looked at everyone but i held her face and faced her back to me. 
“Look at me, my eyes only matter right now <3”
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mebemilena · 5 months
I'm loving all your Maya Lopez stories. They are amazing!!
"I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you"
A/N/: This was gonna be smut but i decided to have it on a chapter of it's own, in case some of you who have followed this storyline dont read smut.
To the sweet anon that sent me a message, this is for you.
Friendly reminder: i write on the drafts of my email so i can edit anytime before posting.  It turns out sometimes i cant proof read it and some grammar and spelling mistakes go unnoticed. i'm trying to pay more attention and let the text rest for at least a few hours before reading it to corret. Might edit the past chapters soon.
Tittle from Big girls don Cry, by Fergie.
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Though Maya had told you to leave by the morning without breakfast, you were adamant about cooking her something.
"Why are you so stuborn?", she signed while you fried some eggs and bacon, the smell of fresh coffee spreading through the small kitchen of her childhood house.
You looked at her all heart eyes, like she put the stars on the sky, and that was clearly bothering her. You filled her a plate and smiled lovingly.
"Stop looking at me like that.", she frowned at you.
You noticed Maya was in a very bad mood, which didnt make much sense to you. She had kissed you last night, cuddled you on your sleep and left a kiss to your neck before getting up this morning. Not even an hour later, here she is. Staring daggers at you. 
"What's wrong?", you asked but Maya just looked away. You walked closer, standing in front of her as she avvoided your eyes. 
You tapped her nose with your index finger, getting her attention and making her face you. "Look at me?", you asked.
Maya kept staring at you, waiting for you to say whatever you wanted to. "Look, if we play our cards right, everything will turn out well." , you tried to convince her.
"This is not a game. And I'm not a prize.", she told you, arching an eyebrown.  Was she talking about Fisk offering money to whoever found her?
You rolled your eyes. Who was being stubborn now?
"You're not a prize, Maya. You're..." you started but paused. You kept looking at her, deep in thought.
"What?", she asked.
"I forgot the sign for that.", you tried.
Maya huffed.
- - -
At noon, it started to rain. You made sure to close the windows before going up to Maya. She was standing against the back of the couch, watching the rain fall down on the outside of the house. 
"This is perfect.", you told her. The rain falling and the smell of wet grass embracing your nostrils made you a little clingy. 
Maya looked at you, a strange look adorning her bautiful face. She seemed sad. 
Right there and then, you were sure she was gonna simply tell you to forget about her, to move on and leave Tamaha. You thought she'd tell you that she didn't like you anymore, tell you to leave her alone and go back to New York. 
Then you'd go right away, walking in the pouring rain and crying your heart out. And it'd be like a sad romance movie.
But she did the oposite of that.
Maya tugged at the hem of your shirt, pulling you to be in front of her, and brought you closer, hiding her face on your neck. She inhaled your scent and you remembered why you hadn't change your perfume in such a long time. 
It was something you thought would work when you started flirting. Picking a smell that'd make her think of you whenever she smelled it. That's why you walk around with tangerine essential oil on your clothes and inside the necklace you're always wearing.
- - -
When you first met Maya she always kept a serious face. As you became close, she'd show you a softer side and you'd take the opportunity to actually learn more about her. 
You had met many versions of Maya and you loved all of them, though you'd seek a few of them more often than the others.
Fierce Maya was one of your favorites. She'd keep her chin up, lips sealed and a perfect eyebrown arched, looking into your eyes like she could make your soul bend to her own desire. 
Funny Maya was all sarcasm and light teasing. She'd smile wild watching you trying to understand a joke she just told. She'd playfully bump your shoulder with her own and she'd even wink at you while at work.
You loved all versions of her, but right now you'd love to have Sexual Maya. The one with wet kisses and a dirty mind, the one that'd make you scream filthy words in three different languages while making you go over the moon.
Maya was a sweet lover but she did have her moments of pure desire. "It's just sex, this is not a relationship", she had told you when you first started your thing. 
At that time you only understood the word "sex" and "relationship".
- - - 
" i missed you too.", she started. "But it wasn't fair to bring you into all of it. I wanted to keep you safe.", she explained. 
You heart grew ten times. Maya telling you she cared for you made you believe things could work out again. Screw Kingpin and New York, you could restart in Tamaha. You'd restart in a small iglu in Alaska,  dressed as a polar bear, if she'd have you. 
"I want you.', Maya signed, bringing you to reality, her eyes full of something you were yet to understand. "All of you.", she continued before claiming your lips with her own, taking your breath away.
Check out my redbubble shop:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/MilenaFernandes/shop?asc=u
toss a coin to your artist (me) at ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/mebemilena
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keyofradiance · 6 months
youve heard all about how ive hated change before, time to hear it again!
(honkai ui edition)
really just a post discussing what i like and dont like abt the ui
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whys everything so sharp its soooo ugly
restructuring of the main buttons is fine (i will miss you valkyja tho) except for the little “important thing” button it feels off not being next to attack
new supply icon is much weaker
equipment to equip is a weird choice
of course the new elf button is elysia. its nice art tho
i get what theyre doing with the attack button but it looks out of place
the small buttons all look really good actually
the really transparent buttons make them feel smaller even the ones that got larger
dont like the new “click” noise. its like.. wet? i think the old one fit fine
the dark box for the notifs bar amount is super out of place
bar itself is pretty much unchanged so
ill miss the italic writing but i get why it was changed
captain lvl exp bar parts that are unfilled are really hard to see. like it goes all the way to the bp but barely looks that way
the new phone fucking sucks like its literally just a rectangle
the “new!” text is hard to read actually
text is just unnaturally small
old maxed stamina is much better
the orange notifs are abt the same
more hexagons please
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the weapon being visible is pretty sick actually
back and home should both have text like serious downgrade
you can click on the type the valk is and see the type chart which is super nice actually
i like the multiple indicators of type in the new character selection considering they replaced the old backgrounds
even more slants/italics killed.. so sad
smaller icons for the select is kinda annoying but i do get it
the outfit/photo/etc buttons being together out is nice
stigmata thing should be bigger its just a lot of blank space thats really ugly
clear guide/tutorial/appreciation mode buttons are really nice
i dont think shes centered anymore
the lack of crystals/coins/stamina bothers me.,you use these to upgrade/get characters why would you remove them
lack of boxes around the skills and battlesuit info is also really ugly
still doesnt seem to have easy access to gear/team plans
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wasyago · 8 months
sorry to bother but i have a few questions! curious if you ever used other art programs besides sai and more about art things
- have you ever used sai 2? i think its still being refined
- whats your art program “progression” if you ever used a program before sai exactly, like ex: ibispaint -> fire alpaca -> sai
- are you a many layers artist with a seperate lineart layer and color each individual spots like skin, hair, eyes and etc in different layers? or do you combine the lineart and colors and just paint over it? or maybe you have multiple ways?
- do you use references a lot? or do you “wing” how stuff looks like? (which could honestly show te growth when it looks so right which you do always! your art is amazing?)
i still have so many questions but i dont want to bother by making this ask too long, sorry about that!
ooh this is interesting
i have sai2 downloaded, but i think i got the wrong version (the one that has a time trial thing and stops you from saving the files after a certain period of time). and i kinda just never bothered switching to it amd looking for a normal version? i know sai2 has a lot more options and textures and what not, but i like my old sai1 more for some reason.
for the art program progression, hmmmm. it's pretty much all sai1 i think! i have fire alpaca installed and still use it to make gifs and animations or to import text to sai / manage files / edit minecraft textures / etc, but it was never my main program. i drew some stuff in ibispaint as a kid before i had my computer, but i think back then i also mainly drew on paper, ibis wasn't my "main". never got into photoshop, never used any other programs.
for the layers. i do use them a lot, but like, for testing mostly? for example, when i want to change something in the sketch, i copy the layer and then compare the old and the new versions, deleting the one i don't like. i color and shade on one layer, but when i want to check how it'll look with different colors, i make a new layer and then compare them. when i want to fix something, like redraw the eye or clean up the sketch a bit or see how the character will look in a coat intstead of a vest, i make the new layer on top and just paint over everything. and eventually merge all the layers together and keep adding on top. so, i make a lot of layers, but then i also delete/merge a lot of them.
i used to use a lot of references and put all of them in the backgrounds of my drawings with low opacity to create this effect of busyness but also so i didn't haveto switch tabs constantly. but i stopped doing it for some reason. i do still use references, mostly for things that i don't have much experience drawing or want to be accurate. like armor, muscle structures, certain clothing elements, instruments, background elements, etc. and i wing things like poses, anatomy, expressions, clothing, lighting, composition, whatever else. i also recently find myself looking at a lot of art of other artists for inspiration, but not necessarily as references? like, the specific way that one artist drew hair poking out of the bandana, or the specific way that other artist drew a shadow on the glasses, or the specific way that other other artist drew a tail, its inspiring and i go "huh, i never thought of that" and i try to implement it in my art. well, i guess kind of like references.
i feel like you've answered all your questions in your ask, so this wasn't very helpful, but uhhhh...... yeah! thank you for this ask and thank you for the kind words, it was a lot of fun! and feel free to ask anything else
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jamiekb · 11 months
new update!!!! i’m going insane so here’s my thoughts on it (it’s a long one)
First thoughts on the new update and things that make me go !!!! (hope you’ve already seen it all otherwise this won’t make sense):
the new house when the page is loading!!! so cute!! with the little color paper chains that eddie showed how to make
the cute little gif of House being drawn (ok so that happens when you open it, i just wanted to see if it hada a name)
EYES oh my (edit: so i think it’s my monitor or browser but i’ve always seen the eyes, it’s like theyre just secondary banners, so there’s that)
tiny wally sitting on the banner! and new things to click!
cute bug behind the number of visitors
colorful tic-tac-toe in Wally's rock and also EYE
oh ok so the eyes stay the whole time
little pixel HOUSE so pretty
bug friend in the gallery surprised me
the tulips being drawn (oh so we have to check those, then?)
Eddie Dear i love so much, you look great sweetie
why does is that little square singled out in the long banner of the whats welcome home page?
julie and frank look adorable in pixel art!!!
cricket friend makes a heart with its antenae
ok so now we're missing a whole section of the long banner
oh my god a sticker page !!!
love them all, this is so much work! love all the team that worked so hard on this !!!
ok so maybe its a bit too late for me to be trying to see all the updates because wow those red eyes, oh well too late (are the letters something or just the name of the audios?)
the new banners in the sticker page are all cute, bUT look at Eddie and Frank AHHHHHH!!! mY heart!!!
barnaby sticking out his tongue for the snow!!!
so i got curious about the spider friend at the top, but i wasnt going to click on it because i dont like spiders. And when i do theres a video??? its says answer??? why is there a scroll bar?? (oh my god julies voice is perfect!! and barnaby sounds like a great guy. is it just me or are the pauses kind of long for the type of conversations it is?) (oh wally, what's going on?)
ok finally visiting the neighborhood
you can hear audio of them!!!! and transcripts!
and another video. why the scroll bar? is it my browser? (oh wait was i supposed to remember the numbers and apparently that is the name of the video? is that why they say answer)
eddie my darling!!!! you sound great, like you'd bring dessert if i invited you over for a meal, love you so much (hahahaha the policys) (also who is his voice actor? sounds familiar, maybe)
banner shenanigans happening again
there's so much new content!!!! look at their jokes!!! and the storybook record!! and the interview!!! (and apparently Home uses he for pronoun, noted)(and also 'it', noted again)
ah so that's why they say Frank is autistic, i get it now
ok back to the neighborhood, got distracted with the scripts. is it me or is it different? feels more colorful and with some new details maybe? could just be me (havent seen the original site in a while)
oh my god bug in eddies profile and the skit is about him and Frank, so cute! I understand you Eddie, i too would panic
ok finally got to Wally. so i think the fact that the text is misaligned is on purpose, not sure why though. And we get a new audio!
new image in the so below page. and the record is shaking real bad, not a fan of that (is that house? is it morse code or just creaking? well im sure someone will have the answer to that at some point)
pause to go back and find bug friends where i've already been. So: got Frank being bothered in his garden, audio of wally talking about eyes, sally putting on a play
ok now forth to media
hey the little buddy gives a video where you can see Wally's hands!! and now i get to actually hear the interview (is it just me or does the host sound sleazy?). also we dont get banner shenanigans but the little neighbors are overstepping a bit in one instance
omg the animation cells!!! look at them!!! the style. and i just now got the joke Wally tells in the mistery audios. the acting is so good!! i feel them moving!!
and with the news comes a new buddy, dont really know what Howdy's talking about but i love the rythm.
oohhh they mention the little drawings! and the hint of bugs!! ...and the tiny update about the guestbook, who is talking??? what ringing??
have you seen the telephone box in the merchandise page?!?!?!? they designed a whole package for it!! THW WORK AND LOVE THAT GOES INTO THIS!!! AHAHHHHH!!!
and the illustrations for the Eddie thing are so cute!!! they remind me of blue's clues original style
there's a coloring book!!!! i need that as actual merch someday please
THE EXHIBITION!!!! The phone is there!!! Wally is made out of actual cardboard!! dont see the puppet you could see in the reflections of the records though (new drawing! you can hear heartbeats, maybe they belong to house?)
guestbook time!!! new bug buddy (with my darling eddie going through it) (wonder if there's something in the glitches at the end of the videos)
first time there's a colored background (yellow), interesting choice, and no eyes. (ok only now just listened to the audio from the buddy, so its wally but not his eyes, just him i guess?)
interesting, the image for the section where you actually leave a note is called 'goodbye', not sure it said that before
now on to (dont know how you write that, dont care to look it up) the actual guestbook, and to check out all the little drawings again
ok, one box with weird double text but not too alarming. huh long comments. oh my that was only one page
oh little friend (oh my god, its the conversations from the drawings of the pie charts so cute!!)
on the second page now, so it seems that while wally is the only one that communicates with us, the others may be with him??? he said barnaby told him something (was this already a thing??) and frank also?!?!?!
why do you say Eddie runs too much Wally??
howse. love that
banner shenanigans are back, or maybe its just my browser doing weird things
new friend!! oh and banners are different widths, so there's that. kitty cat is so cute!!! why is tumblr redacted?? :(
huh in this page most drawings dont have a name that is part of the conversations, just numbers and letters.
ok more banner stuff. some drawings have 'names' others dont. sneaky text !!! i dont think thats a rat Wally but A for effort
second to last page. same sneaky text, wonder if it's in the same box even.
so again same sneaky text, but now there's another almost next to it, cant read it though. not a koala Wally but cute drawing. two instances of banners misbehaving. a bunch of drawings dont have names :( (then again there is already so much put into this, why an i complaining? i have no right)
is that a reference to something or am I just tired???
might be missing two bugs??? if that's how that works (found 12)
Final thoughts (yes even more):
THIS IS SUCH A WONDERFUL PROYECT!!! Clown i love you !! and everyone in the team!!! there is so much new content, and you made physical things!!! and there's audios now that really bring evrything to life!!! The banners are so great! All the bugs are so colorful and fun! You rearranged so much! The pixel art is adorable!!! thank you so much for this wonderful experience, will definitely have to go through everything again just to admire it more (and of course check for more hidden little things)
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lizard-shifter-noms · 5 months
Wayward Waters Epilogue
Ayy, Epilogue already? that was fast! but i have good news!
i have re-edited arc 1 (removed typos, made it more comprehensible etc. also shorter chapters so its not a wall of text anymore) so i will upload that some time after!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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After the Victory Rose had anchored,  with the smaller Halcyon close behind we were finally home.
Not wanting to spend too much time in Tunstead lest there was a repeat of Naroa Island and someone didn't like that there were Nonhumans visiting.
Not like Rikaad would allow that but there were always assholes.
So instead we went straight for the castle, none of the crew of the Halcyon having seen a building this big before, or confusingly built.
Which was very evident as half of them got lost in less than half an hour.
At least Imugi had fun doing figures around the spikes at the bottom of the cliff.
We found them about two hours later, Jamie having been chased out of the kitchen like some raccoon and Ronan got brought outside by Norrin, who had scruffed him like a disobedient dog.
For some reason the Grumpy young man Leon came with us to the castle and refused to say much or leave.
We left him for now,  with Nea and Norrin around there wasn't much he could do.
I shooed the Crew to Okaleys tower,  he would have more information about the blue bracelet anyway.
Yamet had opted to tour the kitchen, stating the others could tell him later and that he'd rather see if he could trade recipes.
The tower itself was as askew and unorderly as always,  and we hadn't even knocked.
The door was missing completely anyway for some reason so we simply walked in.
I did come as a surprise though that Nea was in here,  holding a brown creature with white spots on its back.
At first I thought she was holding a fawn, but then I noticed the longer neck and nubby horns as well as the claws and long tail.
“Nea? Where the FUCK did you get a baby Drake?”
The thing in question made horrifyingly pitiful bleaking noises,  pawing uselessly at the air as Nea held it like a particularly squirmy cat.
Though it was more the size of a young goat.
“I found it! So I get to keep it!”
I was not about to Argue with her, she'd kick my ass,  Instead I stared confusedly at Oakley, who was painting the cat blue.
Oh so one of those days where nothing made sense involving him.
“Oakley, why are you painting the cat blue?, and why does Nea have a baby Drake?”
He turned to face us and shrugged.
“No idea what the insane lady here is doing but i'm trying to figure out what magic affinity our dear kitty here has! 
The paint is made of lapis lazuli by the way!
Now say who are those people behind you and why is the Zoa trying to pocket some of my Gems?”
I looked over at Jamie who hastily put some sort of clear crystal back onto a shelf.
“Uh, those are friends i made while on the ocean, long story i'll tell you later, but uhh we found another Bracelet, its blue this time”
I pointed at Ronan who in turn pointed at the Bracelet on his arm.
In less than a Second Oakley had gripped his arm with one foot and was hanging onto the wall with the other, inspecting the new Bracelet up close and with no regard for personal space.
Ronan just stared confused at Oakley, though to be fair he was already used to having to be a Perch for jamie.
“Did the creature look anything like the Ardua?”
No that it did not.
“Uh, no, it was more like a seal with big and flat hands and a long tail with a fin, does it have its own name?”
Oakley Jumped of off Ronan and walked back to where he was, rummaging through his coat a bit before pulling out a Book.
While he flipped pages, and apparently had trouble reading it? The Cat, Gloxinia trailed blue paint everywhere, jumping up the windowsill and bapping at the very confused baby Drake Nea was still holding.
The poor thing probably had a very weird day,  getting manhandled by a quite frankly rather crazy woman and then getting disrespected like that by a cat.
The thing bleaked again, trying to wind itself out of Nea’s Grip,  yeah that would be futile.
“AHA! Found it! I think translating is gonna take a while seeing as the author changes the stupid coded letters every five pages! 
And language as well!, tell ya what, imma deal with Nea now and then go back to translating, you can come back after Dinner or so”
That was reasonable, and Jamie and Akeem had left already anyway, leaving only Ronan and Imik here.
No doubt Akeem went after Jamie to prevent chaos,  and they took the clear crystal from the shelf again.
Nea set the confused Drake on Oakley table where it did a wide stance as if it couldn't decide between fight or flight,  not that either would be a good idea with Nea here.
“So! Arthur got all pissy when I brought ta lil guy with me! Said just cuz i got rid of tha big one din’ mean i could keep tha smaller one!
I say tha only one that can tell me what ta do is Rikaad! 
And i want you ta tell me what exactly this is so i can ask to keep it,  or him or her or whatever!”
The thing in question made another bleaking Noise, sniffing at the table and looking over the edge of it.
Ronan put his face close to it and the thing screeched horribly, scrambling and slipping on the old wood and nearly falling off.
In response to that Nea tossed Ronan out, literally, she tossed him out the window and Imik walked out after him to make sure he was okay.
Since Ronan had landed in a bush he only had some dirt on him, and after that they both wanted to look around the castle more instead of being near Nea.
Yeah, fair, I did however want to see how the entire Drake thing would play out so we parted ways and I went back inside where Oakley was just telling Nea that the little guy was a male.
“I'd say it's a young male,  the spots have the same reason as fawn spots, they fade with time and he should get some more tan and brown colors. 
I can't say what species exactly yet but it's possible he'll get stripes,  or colored horns.
If you're sure you wanna try taming him go ahead, i can't guarantee anything but i sure am gonna watch you try, you'd probably be the first to do that, well to be fair you gotta be a bit insane to try”
A bit was good, but I also wasn't exactly fond of anyone trying to kill something so young, and thus far the little guy hadn't done anything.
As it was he was even afraid of the cat, who was still covered in blue paint and attempting to groom him.
All that did was cover him in blue paint too and he looked rather miserable at that.
While Nea argued with Oakley about what size he could reach, apparently Nea had expected something big like a dragon but Oakley estimated something slightly larger than a horse,  so I held out my hand to the strangely fluffy creature. 
All in all it looked scraggly and scruffy,  the only scaled parts being the legs and sand colored underside as well as the rather beak-like snout that seemed to be made of cartilage.
It tentatively sniffed at my hand, bonking its head against it.
Then Gloxinia wanted all the attention and I had to pet her with the other hand while the goat sized creature was inspecting my hand with its amber colored eyes.
Maybe Ronan would have some tips for Nea since he’d sorta raised Imugi already.
I was handed a blue stained cat by Oakley who told me to go wash the color off before she decided to lick it off.
“You want me to wash a cat? 
A cat of all things who are not known for liking water?”
“Yeah! Good luck!”
And with that he shoved me out, not even saying if he'd figured out if Gloxinia had any magic or magic type.
Well, better get this over with,  I wasn't even sure if the paint was edible so she probably shouldn't lick it even if that was how cats normally cleaned themselves.
Ignoring that my own shirt had gotten blue in places,  I went to the next best water source and tried my best to keep a hold of Gloxinia who definitely did not like water.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
I looked up to see that Leon guy.
“Oakley put paint on the cat, i'm trying to get it off before she licks it,  but i don't think she likes water”
Leon stuck his hand into the water bucket,  taking it back out and flicking water at me.
“Yeah no shit, thats cold water, why the fuck would wold a cat like that, try warm water next time dipshit”
Rude, at least I was trying, and not letting her eat paint.
“You do it then! If you're so much better at that!”
At the moment neither the cat nor me were happy about it.
“Aight, bet”
With that he grabbed both Gloxinia and the bucket, slinging the cat half over his shoulder and dragging the bucket to who knew where.
Well, at least I didn't have to do it now.
And judging by the fact that Gloxinia tried rubbing her head against his ear she was also rather happy about that.
Whatever, if that guy thought warm water would make her hate it less he was free to try.
Now where did everyone else go? 
Hopefully none of them got into trouble.
As it turned out they just had gotten lost in the castle again,  which we only found out because Jamie walked along the outside of it to try and get someone that knew where the fuck everything was.
Yamet however was found in the kitchen, 
talking and working with Myril so we left them to it, whatever they were doing smelled really good so we were not going to interrupt.
As expected when two very good cooks were put in the same kitchen, Dinner tasted amazing, some sort of Goulash that heavily utilized spices.
Yamet was probably the one that had brought the spices.
After that I brought Ronan back to Oakleys tower,  also rather curious about whatever he found out.
We did do a little detour though as apparently Nea had decided to train her new Pet like a Dog, including the command to fetch things.
Well, things, she let it chase a rat carcass she had tied to some other poor Guard that had to run laps to avoid the little beast.
Not something anyone wanted to be involved in.
“Is she trying to train the Drake?”
“I think so, but i don't think she knows how to,  how did you know how to take care of Imugi?”
He shrugged.
“Fuck around find out really, Imugi was easy cuz she loved doing what i was doing, also i was the first thing Imugi saw when she hatched so i guess she imprinted on me? I'm not entirely sure she knew she was a sea creature for the first few months.
Also I gave her treats when she did good things. 
Maybe I can talk to the lady there later and see if I can help! 
I've never really seen a Drake this close! Or young!”
“You do that, 
i'm not entirely sure she won't tell the little guy to bite you though”
I Wouldn't put it past her to do that, Besides we had other stuff to do first.
So, Ignoring whatever torment Nea brought upon everyone else,  I knocked on the doorframe to Oakley tower, the Door itself still missing.
“Ah there you are! Come in! I accidentally melted the door anyway!”
I kept quiet about wondering how the fuck someone could melt a Door on accident.
“Did you find out more about the Blue bracelet? 
Does the water creature also have a name?”
Oakley wordlessly pointed at two chairs and told us to sit down, 
heaving the book he rummaged for earlier onto the table.
Flipping pages around he stopped on a depiction of the creature Ronan turned into, though the drawing on the old paper depicted spots Ronan did not have as well as a different tailfin and a more brownish coloration.
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But it was still the same creature, the depiction surrounded by runes and letters that were absolute gibberish to me.
Oakley pointed at it.
“So from what I found out this is a Faraselgi,  and it's basically the same principle as for the Ardua just with a water element instead of an earth one, the rest is pretty much the same.
Well that far we got ourselves already.
“Anything else about it? Or is that all?”
I would have expected it to have at least a few more differences.
“Nope! Aside from the different creatures, which are really just based on environmental factors, it's pretty much the same!
What? Did you think the blue one got superpowers or something?”
Of course not, but after being able to turn into an Ardua I couldn't exactly know what to expect regarding those Bracelets.
“How much is the same? I mean I know about the two hearts thing, 
Is the rest also the same?”
Ronan asked, brow creasing as he tried to read the absolute mishmash of letters and runes, clearly not getting anything from that.
Oakley just nodded.
“Well yes, if you take aside the tailfin shorter hind legs and stupidly big paddle shaped grabbers it is very similar!
Oh also your thoracic vertebrates are longer,  so you sort of got a mock fin on your back, but it's technically bone”
There was the weird thing,  of course there had to have been at least one weird thing about it.
Well, weirder than it already was at least.
“So I got more bones? Awesome! Do they have a function too?”
Leave it to the biologist to find that exciting.
“I don't think so, maybe helps with balance,  don't go around trying to remove them”
A fair warning considering this was Ronan.
“Don't worry! I'm not gonna vivisect myself! 
Jamie and Imik would beat the shit out of me!”
That really shouldn't be his only concern here.
“Well then that's really all since you seem already familiar with it somehow! Just don't go around scaring people or you will find your head mounted to a wall someday!”
With that he picked up the book and shoved it back into his coat,  which shouldn't feasibly hold something that big.
“Hell yeah! Now I know what it's called! I'm gonna go tell the others! 
And Imugi! Imugi first! Before it gets dark! Byee!”
He rushed out the doorway,  well at least there would be a bit of daylight still.
“Does he know where he is going?”
“No i don't think so,  when i go back i'll inform someone to keep an eye out”
Eh, he'd be fine, he had a stupid amount of luck.
Besides, I did want to talk to Oakley a bit more.
My turn to say something that would throw him for a loop.
“I met your ex”
He spit out the tea he'd been sipping.
“What? Wait which one? 
Ah no considering where you were it can only be one”
Which one??? Dumbass, then again he was like what? Sixhundred?
It was likely he had more than one ex, or more than ten even.
“So, how is Grella doing? 
It's nice to hear she's still alive after all this time”
“She's kinda dying, just like magic,  but you knew that already didn't you?”
He stared into his mug.
“Kamerasca doesn't have any Ley lines, the closest one is where my old hut is, which is why I built it there, but yes, magic is dying.
I've noticed a long time ago,  but nobody I know could do anything about it. 
I can't do anything about it, and telling people brought nothing,  either rejoicing at the ‘evil’ becoming less or simply not caring considering it wasn't their problem.
The only ones that did care were the mages and wizards and the like,  I know a few Elemancers tried to figure out WHY it happened but when I got there they were dead already, stabbed in the back by someone that saw his magic as a curse rather than what it really was.
I debated telling you after I moved here,  but I didn't want to take your joy away so soon,  Besides, there is nothing you can do, and I didn't want to see anyone else get hurt trying to figure out what was going on with magic.
At first I even expected you guys to either not care or to actually care, and go off on some stupid mission to fix something that a mere human could never fix and die.
All the powerful and old magic users are either dead or somewhere in Valyria, which is very dangerous as is already, i bet even more died in the last two hundred years as most used magic to prolong their life.
But with magic dying all the old magic users will too, and Grella as well.
She's really the only one I feel sorry for.
How much time did she estimate?”
I stared at him, so he hadn't told me to not worry me,  but from what I gathered he would have told me eventually,  when it became relevant for me.
“She said about thirty years at most, she will die in less than twenty”
Oakley looked at his three fingered wing hand,  sadder than I had ever seen him.
“If i wasn't a coward i’d visit her, but alas i am just that”
“Why? She sounded like she still likes you, i don't think she’d hurt you”
He shook his head.
“No, i know she won't hurt me, we split because i could never really go dive into the depths with her, and the school i wanted to go to was a good bit inland, where she couldn't go, in the end our interests just didn't match anymore and we agreed both to call it off.
But there are things out there, that I made very angry,  people I made angry by obtaining what was considered forbidden knowledge.
If i were to go too far from Barmea and too close to Valyria again they would kill me, and they could make it permanent”
There was a lot I did not know about Oakley, but I knew he was not a bad person, why ever he had done it he would have had a reason to.
“So you're stuck on this continent? 
Wait, did you just live as a hermit for a few hundred years? 
No wonder you were so weird when we met you, you still are”
He puffed up indignantly.
“Well, social norms have changed a lot since I went into the forest! 
It's not my fault you humans can't stick with one thing!”
Well that was true.
“Fair, but I'm sure you could just have read up on it!”
He grinned, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.
“Well i find the fuck around find out approach a lot more amusing! 
But if you insist I will head to the castle Library to get catched up now!
Also i need to get a new door, maybe i should do that first”
I looked at the doorway that let a cool breeze in.
“Yeah that has probably priority right now, well have fun repairing your door, i still need to say hi to Arthur, if i find him”
“Oh i think he fell asleep sorting paperwork!”
I nodded at Oakley and went back to the castle,  stopping briefly to grab the red blue and purple shell I had picked out for him, I did say I'd get him one.
Now I just had to find him.
Since every other hallway ended up in the throne room at one point or another that's where I went, and Rikaad and Robin were already there.
Rikaad stared with disdain at the needlessly pompous throne,  to be fair it did not look comfy at all.
“Hey! Have any of you seen Arthur? I did promise to bring him a shell"
I waved said shell in the air.
“I have not seen him, but he has to be around,  perhaps Norrin will know where-” Rikaad got interrupted by Arthur emerging from one of the side hallways.
“I hate the layout of this place! Oh you're all back!”
There was a Squeal and Robin rushed to hug the blonde, who had to hold a bunch of paper over his head to not get them scrunched up.
For some reason they had reddish brown stains in one corner.
Arthur nearly fell over if not for Rikaad grabbing his arm to keep steady.
Arthur awkwardly patted at Robin's messy head and I noticed that two of his fingers were in a splint.
“What happened to your fingers? Did Nea break them?”
Robin let go after that, inspecting said finger gently.
He did say before we left that he wouldn't doubt that Nea would do just that.
“Huh? Oh no i tried to grab at something that fell behind that longass drawer, kinda broke my finger when i slipped on paper”
Well, that still sounded painful.
But at least the next bit would probably cheer him up a little!
I handed Arthur the shell I had picked out for him, 
the blue, red and purple shimmering in the light.
“Here! I did say I'd get you a big one!”
He turned said shell over in his hand,  the thing being almost bigger as said hands.
“I didn't know seashells could have those colors! 
Thank you! OH! Also I have something as well!”
He held out the slightly stained paper, which I was now pretty sure was blood, and carefully took it, looking it over.
My face split in a grin as I read the title, 
It seemed like Rikaad had to rewrite a law pretty soon.
Man, I couldn't wait to write to Fable!
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missveryvery · 7 months
realistically i dont think theres much, if anything, fans on the english side can do. i guess crunchyroll could cut the scene (since its just a minute or two and doesnt contribute that much overall) but that wouldnt change that its in the original, they just wouldnt be showing it to us. and i dont know if crunchyroll has the authority to do that, idk what their licensing agreement looks like. bilibili would probably only listen to complaints from chinese viewers, since thats their core audience.
I think they should at least give a warning or something? I would prefer it be edited out, honestly. Like I want some indicator that "this is not acceptable". And if crunchyroll has to do that then they have to tell Bilibili that it's happening (or make them edit it). So Bilibili can't be like "we had no idea" in the future, and they have, again, some fucking consequence for that shit.
If the fandom was loudly like "hey this fucking sucks", I would feel better.
If crunchyroll was like "jfc let's edit that" or "there's some racist shit in here, just giving you a heads up" or something, I would feel better.
If Bilibili apologized, if mxtx apologized? I'd feel WAY, WAY better but I doubt that'll happen.
I want a fucking change.
As it stands, it's like the fandom is pretending they're blind.
It's also weird to make these people a different race when China has a very, let's say "ROBUST" history with cannibalism. This is from Thousand Autumns, which is set in a historical time period.
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That footnote is for English readers. Because this is shared cultural knowledge about this time period: that in times of famine, there was cannibalism. This isn't just in the Jin and Song dynasty.
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This is such a "thing" that during the famine of the 1960 and 70s there were also reports of mass cannibalism.
Which people, including myself, kind of thought was made up, for obvious propaganda reasons but also because "well we have this tradition of things are so bad that people are doing cannibalism", like "maybe it's more symbolic".
But recently very hardcore documentation about it came to light.
A bit of it:
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So: Bilibili did not have to make these people dark-skinned. Could have just been Chinese people! But mxtx's text says spears and animal skins and that I'm guessing that confers "I mean brown people".
I don't know why I thought these were monsters/spirits in the manhua when they're clearly just men wearing masks.
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I feel so fucking dumb at how much I was like "I guess sometimes Chinese spirits look like that"
It's extra tiring when we know Feng Xin is supposed to be darker and they cannot be bothered. That boy is the same color as pasty-ass Mu Qing.
In this same episodes having to hear them all go on about how important being pale is. Like....it's a BAD LOOK.
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i am very bored rn, so
ride the cyclone youtube au
they all have semi-popular yt channels in this au. i dont know what counts as popular so take that as anywhere from 1-20k each. whatever you see it as will work
had to start with the king of kaching himself. Obviously he posts frequently to badegg, most of his time on his yt chamnels goes to his music, but he'd start badegg_games as a little side thing and react to horror games he really likes, which gets peoples attention. he puts links to the original badegg in his descriptions which leads to more people finding his music. how much more? you decide. he also collabs pretty frequently with ricky, and brings other choir members on sometimes. his backgroud is just his room, maybe with some extra lighting. he edits his own videos and they are exactly how you'd expect them to be.
he absolutely has a gaming channel. he might stream as well. he's played every single fnaf fangame, including all the dating sims. hes also played onlycans. that one got age-restricted. any niche game he finds he makes a video on it. he uses text to speech in his videos, most of the time in post production so he doesn't have to type as he plays, and adds big subtitles. he also has a complete timeline of zolarian history. mischa and him collab pretty frequently, often playing multiplayer horror games together. he spends a lot of time on his video borders, and his channel logo is very fun and colourful. his cats show up very frequently in his videos, and when its something he doesn't think will jumpscare him, they're often sat on his lap as he plays. rpgs and sci-fi are some of the main types of games he plays, but theres a big variety. his channel name is linked to cats, zolar, or both.
she is freesciencelessons, but for every single subject. she is the only reason anyone is passing anything. she started it as either some extra credit project or as a way to revise, but people started following her and she actually quite liked making the videos, so she kept going. she doesn't bring other people onto her channel very often. her videos range from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the subject, and shes very thorough. if its on any type of standardized test, ocean has made a video on it. she makes props for her videos and asks penny or ricky to animate things for her sometimes. her channel name is something simple like rosenbergrevision or something.
did anyone watch quake n bakes? because that is what she'd do. shed post themed tutorials on how to bake different things. if it was a choir member's birthday, shed make them a themed treat and give it to them in the recording (if they were ok w it). her most popular tutorial/recipe were these 3D minecraft mob marshmallows she made for ricky, but her personal favourite are these little rose-shaped meringue cookies. sometimes she posts sewing videos as well, or little arts and crafts videos. she also promotes the cafe or makes cafe vlogs, but not often. her set up is pretty aesthetic and neat, but nothing extremely fancy. her intro is. short but sweet and she. has a little logo. her channel name is smthn like blackwoodbakes or connie'skitchen.
he started making videos about poetry and film history and french cinema just to talk about them really. it was a passion project, he wasn't really too bothered about how many people saw it. he put work into it because he liked it, and he's haply with the followers he has. his videos are really long, and he goes super in depth. and then, he loses a bet to someone in the choir, and makes one of those "i watched _____ so you didn't have to" videos about some rlly bad movie that everybody takes the piss out of (think after or something). im picturing him with like a wine glass in hand making quips about whatever scene is on. it gets so many more views than his other videos. he's absolutely livid. but he makes more bcs people genuinely seemed to like the video. his dramatics and insults were quite interesting to watch, and soon its a pretty regular thing (if regular means once every four months). he still mostly makes his videos on things he likes, though. also, he managed to rope ocean into watching some horrible basic film with him and people like their dynamic, oddly enough. on halloween he reacts to horror movies with mischa. his channel name is something serious and probably ties into france somehow.
shes a faceless youtuber and she has a pretty wide variety of videos. she used to be a stan acct for johnny moon before legoland, and she had to post a video on why what she did was wrong as community service. that one got a lot of views. she has a lot of art tips and speedpaints, as well as a lot of vlogs and a draw my life. she has a lot of videos about different types of music as well. her username has something to do with jane doe, she thought abt it because shes faceless and doesnt show her identity online and thought it was a fun idea. her set up is pretty basic, but its nice, and ezra's voice features in a lot of videos. the other choir members don't normally appear on her channel, but she, ricky and constance did an art challenge once.
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