#i dont even want to romance him i want to gossip every time someone in the group does some fuck shit
pluviatrix · 6 months
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tav&astarion gay worsties 5ever
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ferniliciousness · 7 months
I don't know why, but the idea of just Garrus' crew of mercenaries sitting around and gossiping brings me so much joy. Especially the married ones, you can't tell me the wives didn't want at least some tea, you can only talk about so much when you're a part of a top secret vigilante group lmao.
N7month day 11 prompt: Crew
Gold paint drips onto a work table, falling from an outstretched brush which hovers over a piece of armor. A soft hum of music plays from Gaia's headphones as she puts on the finishing touches of paint. Archangel's symbol, now perfectly placed on Erash's rerebrace, shimmers in the light as she holds up her handiwork.
"Gaia? What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left by now." Garrus' familiar voice rumbles next to her, as the turian leans over the table to look at her work. "You don't have to stay here all day you know? I'm sure you have plenty of work to do at your shop and you've already finished the work we had for you."
"Please Garrus, I'm so bored at the shop. Lunette and Kellic have literally left me with nothing to do there. I swear they run that place better without me; I mean, I'm not complaining, but some days I do wish they would leave me something to do."
"Now, hold still." With fresh paint on her brush, Gaia quickly grabs a hold of Garrus' arm, he wasn't getting away from her this time.
"Gaia really?" The surprise quickly fades from his face as he sees what she's doing.
"Oh be quiet. It's your own fault. You're never out of this armor long enough for me to paint it, and you're the only one I have left now that I'm done with Erash's. Dont worry I'll be quick, only, if you can manage to hold still for a minute."
Garrus mumbles something under his breath, but he concedes to her wishes, holding his arm still while she paints. "Isn't there an easier way of doing this? That doesn't involve paint."
"Youre looking at it." Gaia meticulously places every brush stroke, making sure that it looks perfect. "This is basically like a metal stain. It will flake off in a day or two and leave the design behind, then nothing will be able to take it off. I mean unless you just gouge it out, but if you're getting damaged enough for that to happen I think you have other worries besides ruining the symbol."
"Say, Sidonis? Is it, you know, common, for Turians and humans to get together? Like have you seen it happen before?"
"Well that's a random question." Sidonis places a card down onto the table, where he and Butler were playing a quick card game. "I've never seen it happen, but I've looked at enough Fornax covers to know it does. Why? I thought you were happily married?"
"Oh god no, not me you idiot. Look." Butler quickly gestures over to the table where Gaia is still painting on Garrus' arm. "Look at those two over there. You can't tell me they wouldn't make a good match. Heaven knows the two could use some uh, company."
Sidonis can't help but look at his friend in utter disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me." A loud sigh escapes him. "I think you have picked the most unlikely pair of them all. Those two never stop working long enough to even relax, let alone think about romance.... IF there is any romance between them at all. Which I seriously doubt. Maybe try your luck with someone else.... "
"Who are you talking about? Garrus and Gaia?" The Salarian member Melanis spoke up from behind his workbench. "Hmm, Gaia never struck me as the romance type. Always treats that topic more like a Salarian than a human. I agree with Sidonis on this one. Maybe you should leave the match making to someone else Butler. I would think you would know better by now."
"That Gaia has broken more hearts on Omega than I can count." Vortash can't stay out of the conversation, even as the batarian works away on his terminal.
"Really! Gaia?! I can't see her being a heartbreaker?" Butler sounds surprised as he and Sidonis look up from their game.
"Please. Gaia had nearly every young Merc on the station pining for her when she was making runs, hell I heard even her own crew wanted a piece of her. She never paid them any attention though. I wouldn't be surprised if Melanis was right, she might just not be the type for.... All that."
"How did Gaia ever get that many mercs going for her? I can hardly see her being their type. She's just so.... Not a psychopathic killer." Melanis leaving his work, walks over to continue talking with the group.
"You should have seen her when she was in her smuggler days. I know half those stories about her probably aren't true, but even so, I know no one dared mess with her. Plus her family name definitely helps hype up the image."
"Now, now Vortash. Are you sure we're talking about the same Gaia? The one currently painting fancy designs on our armor, the girl who owns a small shop down in the market... that Gaia.... Is the same Gaia?"
"Oh, you didn't see her when we took down that Blood Pack weapons cache. That girl definitely knows her way around a rifle." Sidonis speaks up, remembering when Gaia had helped him and Garrus find and infiltrate the gang camp. "Let's just say I'm glad she's on our side. She might not look like it but that girl packs a punch."
"I swear I think all of you are just crazy." Butler can only shake his head and return to his cards, while the rest of the group laughs at his disbelief. "I still think they would make a good couple, mark my words."
"Yeah, yeah, if you say so. Just don't be surprised if your wrong... Again. Leave them be Butler, those two have enough on their plates as it is without you playing matchmaker." Sidonis joins him again, and the hideout returns to the quiet.
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ladysophiebeckett · 10 months
About El Cuartel, I just want to thank Aura María for putting the whole gaslighting idea on Betty's mind. She was unsure about what to do with Armando, and I think she could have come up with this plan on her own eventually, but Aura María gave her the push she needed at the right time by telling Sofía that there was nothing that hurt a man more than seeing a woman who had been with him before happy with someone else instead of being miserable over losing them. Her mind 💯
And also your mind? Because just like you said this arc was painful and it hurt both of them but it was necessary for Armando's character development. I love all of your comments and analysis.
Ps. The worst cuartel member has got to be Sofía. She was so bitter (which is understandable) and judgemental. The way she wanted to order Hugo around so that he would not hire Jenny? The way she insulted Marcela behind her back as if she hadn't helped and supported with her divorce proceedings before? I know Bertha's love for gossip outshines her few reedemable moments as a friend, but she actually contributed to the story by telling Armando about Nicolás, so that gives her more points whereas Sofía didn't have a significant role on anything really lol
well hold on, now i feel bad about sofia. bc as u said--aura maria pushes the idea indirectly to betty bc of what's happening to sofia. that's her value to the plot. my bad to sofia. but regardless, i still get annoyed with her bc even if i dont like marcela, she did try to help sofia and its very rude of her get caught talking shit so many times. her handling of her divorce and the jenny situation--she's angry and has every to be but it gets to a point where she needs to move on. I think BeNY tried to fix that but fm what i saw of it, i didnt like the execution of it. (too much screen time. no one cares that much.)
i agree with you, that betty would have come up with the gaslighting on her own but it would have taken her a couple days. aura maria's advice to sofia, i alway think back to what betty says to nicolas the night before---'i dont know anything about men' and who better to get advice from than aura maria, who knows everything about men? and was aura maria wrong? no. armando gets jealous immediately. she plays such a big in how betty approaches her relationship with armando. its fascinating to me.
out of the cuartel members, i think aura maria loves betty the most (they all love her i wanna reiterate) but they make it a point to have her be the last one to talk to armando, before he goes to look for betty, 'es que si usted fuera diferente con ella, si ella tuviera algo mejor aqui..' and armando looks away from her really sadly. and i think that stays with him bc when he's with dona julia he tells her 'i know im not the best for her, yo se que un perdedor'.
aura maria isn't like sofia, (sofia doesnt think armando loves betty at all)--she knows betty still feels something for him and that armando feels something for betty, but as betty's friend, she's protective of her and only wants the best. her not wanting to help him during that whole episode(s) is only driven by her loyalty and protectiveness towards betty. its never bc she's trying to get back at armando for what he did to betty.
i still think sofia's the worst despite the connection you just helped me make. and bertha IS annoying BUT she and mariana are the MVP's of the romance portion of the plot. betty and armando would have gotten nowhere without them.
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thegoldenavenger · 2 years
okay, since my friend said he was cheering me on, here’s part one of the taylor swiftening.
context: i have a couple friends who are swifties. i heard a lot of her earlier music on country radio, but i never listened to her albums, etc, before. I know very little about her personal or professional life since i dont follow celebrity gossip
anyways, the swifties i know are wildly into, like interpreting her lyrics and red stringing things together and i think it’d be fun if someone who was vaguely outside the loop got in on the fun? IDK i’m bored and was sick for like 7 days.
there’s definitely some songs I already know: teardrops on my guitar, my song, that cheerleader song, shake it off, etc. mostly her singles? but i havent heard a lot of her recent stuff at all. 
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Today we are listening to Taylor Swift’s first album Taylor Swift from 2006. I couldn’t really find a great place to listen to her music, but I found a track list and compared it to spotify’s album and decided to go with spotify’s version. first off, the tracklist I found showed 12 songs (with Tim McGraw opening and closing the album???) The spotify album has 15 songs one of which is Tears On My Guitar - Pop Version? So that’s what I’m listening to. 
Looking at the tracklist, which I didn’t really want to get too into, I noticed a handful of songs I recognized: Teardrops on my Guitar, Our Song, Tim McGraw. I wasn’t sure about the rest, but I decided to dive on in.
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The first song is Tim McGraw which I don’t really remember hearing when I was younger but I’ve heard my swiftie friends talk about it.  And listening to the opening cords I realized I did remember it from bus rides to school. fun.  Anyways, Tim McGraw is a country artist, already knew that, but the song isn’t about him it’s about his song being like, a backdrop to a breakup??? I think it’s a very bold move for the first song of your first album to be like “when you think of this established musician please think of me instead”. very bold, love it.
it does have the unfortunate effect of immediately making me recall like, every Tim McGraw song I’ve ever heard trying to place what song she’s talking about is instead of, like, listening to her music. 
I really like the classic country style this song is in.  Not just the way the song is constructed and like, the music and instruments but the imagery. Very classic, “country boy, country girl, country romance” vibes.
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These lyrics remind me of Dierks Bentleys “What was I thinking” from 2003, just like the very classic “we’re driving in the back woods in a truck maybe getting up to trouble” vibes haha. 
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The story telling is kind of hard to follow for me here, and I’m not sure why.  I assumed this was like her breakup, but then she says it was three summers back that she never send a letter... so is this september tears unrelated? she directly relates the summer from three years ago to be a bittersweet. i’m not sure if i’m just hearing or interpreting it wrong or if the way this is structure is actually confusing but yeah, i guess i at least got that she is establishing a break up happened.
it’s nice that after this verse you get the second chorus where she puts a little bite into the “think of me” part.  like, it’s not all emphasis sweet nostalgia there’s a touch of that bitter in her voice. it’s fun.
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i didn’t realize that the song (or at least chorus) was the letter, so that’s nice. although, it’s a weird letter out of context, haha.  i’d hate that.  i know that it’s a a pretty common phenomenon for people to relate specific events and even people to specific songs so that if something bad happens or a breakup happens they can’t enjoy that song or music anymore and i think that’s terrible. sucks for them but i’m built different and manage to ignore any shitty connotations to my favorite songs haha
so if i got a letter that was basically trying to pavlov associate my ex with like, a big music star i’m definitely going to hear all the time i would die. 
anyways, that’s probably the point right? it’s at this point that i realised it was like an actual break up song and not a sad like “we used to be together” song?? IDK i definitely did not get that when i was listening to it on the radio as a kid. i mostly just heard “Tim McGraw” and was like “why is she singing about Tim McGraw”
I do like that the song opens and closes on bookends! I love cycles! It’s one of my favorite tropes, so it was cute here.
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The second track is Picture to Burn, which I didn’t recognize at first, but upon listening to it I definitely recognize. Now this is a break up song.
ajflkda okay hold on i
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ajfdklaf NOW I remember hearing this on the bus and being like gay? did she say gay?
why is the syllable scheme different? oh it’s the shifted and...
i’m not sure i’m for that rewrite, haha. it’s like disney editing out their racist cartoons but still showing them without the context??? HRMM.
anyways. I’m not sure I should interpret the songs as a narrative together but i’m going to because it’s funny to hear her go from like, nostalgia
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it’s very funny. i love it.
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The chorus here is very fun to sing a long to, I think, if you’re the kind of person who likes singing along to things.  I really like the “watch me strike a match [...] you’re just another picture to burn” it’s really nice set up and pay off.  i guess songs don’t have to do this but it’s nice to have the actions set up cleverly. “you’re just another picture to burn” is a good phrase, drawing on solid imagery already ingrained in society, but supporting it with other lines is a nice touch. 
I don’t think there were any lines that stood out to me like that in Tim McGraw.
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This is exceedingly country ;v; it made me laugh.
I really like the backing instrumentals for this song a lot. The twang is just Good.
Unfortunately this is one of those songs that is just the chorus like 12 times.  Which is fine because the chorus is really good and breakups songs usually do that because that’s the point of catharsis or whatever but there’s not much else for me to say. 
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The next song is Teardrops on My Guitar. looking at the “radio single remix” i am apprehensive that the lyrics arent going to match again....
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I remember this song from school bus rides as well. i really like the melody and the concept of this song (teardrops on a guitar is just nice imagery) but it’s kind of ruined because there was a boy in school named drew and i could NOT divorce the song from him every time i heard it.
funnily enough, i lowkey wanted to be friends with drew but he was so nice it kind of scared me off.  anyways back to the song.
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I really like the way these lines are written and sung, it’s one of those parts of the songs you want to sing a long with. 
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This chorus is also really good, i love the imagery it conjures.  like, yes he’s why i cry in my room alone practicing my guitar, but he’s also why i look up at night and hope tomorrow will be a better day and he’s also like an annoying song stuck in my head (affectionately).
actually out of all of this “He’s the song in the car I keep singing” was something I didn’t remember from hearing it as a kid and it’s also the line i was really drawn to here. what does it mean! i know what it means, but what a wild metaphor to pull out in the middle of a fairly straight-forward song. 
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At first I wondered why these songs were ordered this way but there’s enough cohesive imagery that I picked it up around here. Tim McGraw and Picture to burn are both break up songs, but the connections from Picture to Burn “watch me strike a match / on all my wasted time” to this “he’s the time taken up, but there’s never enough” is really interesting!!!
love the theme that time is wasted / time doesnt last long enough.
time is such a wonky construct like, you just perceive time differently depending on not only your own emotions and mood but also like... how fast you’re going. wild. 
This song also ends on book ends!
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It’s kind of sad, I kind of wish she just maybe talked to him instead of pretending everything was fine. Yoooo that’s why he doesn’t know you like him.... you didn’t tell him. you’re over here going “yeah it’s fine” but! he’s not a mind reader hahah.
The next song is A Place in this World, which I do not.... recall... so I’ll cut this post here and start there later.
[edit: part two is here] [chronological here]
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Yugyeom would include
Dating GOT7 would include |  SERIES
Just based off my observations/my perception of him. Obviously I have no idea what dating him would be like but thought it would be fun to do. This is more playful than romantic bc what is romance???
Literally never shutting the fuck up
Having meaningless fights about little things and then going back to normal 
Having your own language that makes no sense to everyone else
Laughing til your stomachs hurt and trying to recreate what just happened but laughing again 
Roasting each other as a sign of affection 
Too many nicknames that have weird origin stories that y’all can’t remember 
Both needing to get your ways so you’ll pout until one of you budges 
He is such a simp tho 
Mocking each other after someone says absolutely anything
Dance battles
saying “YOOOOOOOU” like soulja boi
Resting his chin on your head
BOYBOYBOYBOY ((((you kno like when they yell like a siren)))
Having to make the hard decisions for him 
Not being able to complete a task bc you’re both so annoyingly distracting 
Something that should take 30 minutes to finish takes 3 hours instead 
Both being confused all the time so you discuss how things should be done and then fight over it
he’ll purposely hide things to make it hard for you 
Holding things over your head bc he wants to watch you jump 
“You’re a bully” “you’re a bully too” “ya but it’s only okay if I do it” 
Saying the same shit at the same time and hitting each other in excitement
He’s funnier than you but you won’t admit it 
He has a meme folder and has a meme for every occasion 
Bro he’ll MAKE memes using pictures of you 
If he doesn’t reply within a few seconds it’s bc he’s trying to find the perfect meme or making one 
A never ending game of iMessage connect 4 
How he’d annoy you:
Rock Paper Scissors to get out of doing something but even if he loses he’ll refuse for a bit and then do it
Acting shocked even though he knew something you didn’t 
acting like he’s listening but really he’s doing something else
making you call him oppa or he’s not listening
Laying on his shoulder during long car rides
He makes a big deal about your birthday and will plan everything to a t
He sucks at surprises though bc you he tells you everything
it’s always either by accident like he slips it in
OR you’re like “tell me” “no” “fine” “OKAY I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE WE’RE GOING ON A TRIP TO PARIS”
Gossiping with him and he hates all the people you hate and then will also bring up something he heard about them 
he would tour new places with you on facetime and bother everyone in the process
the facetime photos you guys take are so frightening and confusing to look back on bc there’s so much movement and emotion on your faces
buying you dessert/pastries when you’re sad
Every single one of the boys know he’s whipped and he’s embarrassed but also you’re his person so who wins now
he’s literally so thoughtful
he knows all your favourite songs and makes a playlist
flowers and flowers and flowers
he’ll drop anything he can to be with you
will remember your childhood stories better than you
can finish your sentences
messages you every time you post a new picture
“hey this thing made me think of you” text
gets you guys matching chain bracelets/rings
finishes the food you can’t
doing tiktok dances but not posting them bc you’re both embarrassing
but he will start the video literally ANYWHERE.
on the plane? in the parking lot? at a restaurant?
His hand is always on you especially when you’re walking through a crowd
having to ask him to slow down bc you have short legs
Tippytoing to kiss him 
innocent flirting that turns dirty really quick
he definitely likes being small spoon
he talks in his sleep
he has the most irrational fears in the world
doing something cute and HE’S JUST SO EASILY LIKE “I LOVE YOU”
always wants to slow dance with you to any song just so he can hold you and lead
he’ll whisper in your ear just to get you hot like fuck offffffffff
his skincare routine takes soo long to do he’ll be in the washroom for 30 minutes
“You’re such a kid”
“Are you a baby?” “YA YOUR BABY”
One of you will start singing and the other joins in but the boys are like shut the fuck uppppp
I feel like he’d like to play wrestle bc this man chooses violence every single time
he can do a perfect impression of you 
both of you will up the cheesiness when u notice that it’s making everyone else cringe just to make them cringe more
be prepared to kill the spiders 
also be prepared to watch scary movies with the lights on bc he is spooked!
Always saying “woooow” sarcastically when someone does something unimpressive
he is an attention whore so when you’re ignoring him he will do cartwheels🤸🏻‍♀️ and try to be funny
making him blush is so easy it’s like a superpower he just gets flustered 
Making a bad decision and saying “yolo ✌️😗”
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
You belong with me
so i decided to post wadsworth first. modern au cressworth- you belong with me taylor swift
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Thomas throws his phone down on the bed with frustration swirling around him as he paces. I set down my pen and wait till he turns and spots me. We often find ourselves talking via paper throughout the nights, from questions about our day to helping each other study. It is also often we watch each other be angry at something, yet I've not seen him this bad before. Finally Thomas turns and catches my eye. He stands there for a second before smiling and I quickly move around my various workbooks till I find my notebook I use to talk to him. I take my sharpie and write: ‘Are you okay?’
I watch him shake his head ever so slightly, seemingly baffled at it, but he walks to his window and opens it. The wind brushes his deep brown hair and I can't help but want to reach out and run my hand through it. I curse myself for it as he motions for me to open my window. Moving my books and pens off of me and cursing at my stiff leg as I go and open the window. Somehow I manage to hit my arm in the process and I curse, which makes Thomas laugh slightly so I forgive my body for hurting me. 
“You have a wicked mouth Wadsworth. Did you not learn cursing is unlady-like?” he teases and I relax slightly because of it.
“Fuck you,” I scowl at his smirk and the frigid wind. His eyes light up at my temper. We live across from one another, if we were to reach out we could hold hands. Which we have done. When I got rejected from the specific school I was desperate to go to, Thomas had managed to climb into my room and hold me as I cried. He's only ever needed to climb over twice to cheer me up, the other times have been to study or watch some romance programme he thought was good. I hoped wherever was troubling was something that wouldn't resort to me having to climb over. As much as I would want to, my brain may have a hard time letting me attempt it. 
“I assume dear Wadworth, you want to ask what has made me so irate?” he asks, eyes focused on behind me and fingers tapping his window sill as he sits. I watch as his cat, ridiculously named Sir Isaac Mewton, jumps off his bed and onto his seat next to him. He grabs the cat and kisses the top of his head before holding him in his lap.
“Perhaps,” I say, moving so I rest my head on the wall, “perhaps I merely wanted to ask if Sir Issac was okay.” his eyes shift to mine and despite him still being angry they soften at my attempt at humour. I am not as good as Thomas at using humour to help someone, but he always does it for me. 
“Really? You always refer to him as a little pest, whereas as with me, I am your dearest person, of course you want to know how I am feeling. My son is good though, very energetic today.” he smiles down at his cat. I remember the day he brought him home, he made me go over to his house and we spent all night playing with him. Thomas did, I ended up studying and making notes for the both of us while he gave Sir Isaac a ‘grand tour’ of his new home. The smile vanishes off Thomas's face and once again his gaze goes past me. “I assume you saw the call, well that was William. Yes, awful. Apparently though, there is a rumour that I'm with Miss Whitehall. I don't even remember her first name, but he was convinced of our relation despite my protests. Madness.” I watch him scoff, anger once again taking over his features. His cat nuzzles into him and Thomas leans into his cat. If I wasn't also mad now I'd smile at the sight. 
“Is this the same William that had convinced everyone I was dating him?” 
“Bitch. Why on earth is he such a problem? Where on earth does he even make this assumptions about us?'' I find myself standing and pacing, trying to quell my own rising anger. A year ago, William had been my lab partner for a few weeks, he was friendly, but people had got it in their head that we were somehow together, and he went with it. Gossiped about me, even Thomas, and then was somehow enraged I dared to stop those rumours and be angry at him. I'd come home one day when it was particularly too much, when my father had found out and lectured me about it, as though I was in the wrong for standing up for myself. He'd cancel my lesson with my uncle out of spite, and I stormed upstairs. Thomas had been at the window, as if he was expecting me. One look at his face made me cry. I managed to open my window and he'd once again climbed in and held me as I cried. Then he made us watch this awful romance film together and held me still as I fell asleep on him. 
“I have never once,” Thomas says, dragging me back from those awful memories, “shown interest in her, nor will I ever.” He drags a hand through his hair. “She's just- a lot.”
I huff a sigh. She is awful. Had been awful to Liza and I for years. With her short skirts, high heels and the most rotten attitude I have ever witnessed. It wasn't often that I'd hate someone like that, someone so different from me in nearly every way, but she has tried to make me feel that I don't belong because of my interest in science and not the traditional girl interests.. “That is the understatement of the year Cresswell. Beside, you wouldn't work, she's too- your,” I have no idea how to explain how excellent Thomas is, how wonderful his mind is and how kind he is. It's not a side he shows to most, yet if he was ever with someone like Whitehall, it would be disastrous. I take my seat again and find him looking at me, suppressing a smirk and raising an eyebrow at me. “What?” I ask. I shrink under his gaze, pulling my hoodie over my legs as I curl in on myself. 
“I’m what? I'd be delighted to know your innermost thoughts of me, Wadsworth.”
“Your absurd but fine I'll elaborate,” I roll my eyes as he shifts so he is fully facing me, eyes completely focused, no sign of the anger he had only moments ago, “your too kind, too witty and clever and Whitehall wouldn’t appreciate you enough. You-” don’t belong with her.
Ever since he mentioned the idea of being with someone else, real or not, I have tried to ignore how much it pained me that he would be with someone else. I never expected to want to be with him, yet lately the premise of dating him has seemed very pleasing to me.
“You forgot to mention how handsome I look, or how charming I am, but I'll take it,” his voice is deeper than normal and his gaze travels over me even though his eyes are on my own. Thomas pats Sir Issac and his cat jumps off behind him with a whine. His hand reaches out for mine and I lean forward, wind making my loose strands of hair fly across my face. His hands are warm as I take them but his smile warms me more. It is small but genuine and filled with the normal Cresswell charm mixed with something I can't quite name. 
“I don’t need to inflate your ego further Thomas.” 
“I know but it would've been nice. I did say the inner most thoughts but we’ll get there. Audrey rose-” he looks down contemplating his words before he once again locks his gaze on mine, his dark brown eyes bright, “I dont belong with her, your right, my heart would never belong to her especially since it already belongs to someone else.” 
I blink at the honesty. I want to scream that you belong with me; but if Thomas is in love with someone else then I suppose I will have to find a way to deal with it. I try to keep the hurt of my face even as he smiles at me. 
“I-” Thomas lets go of my hand and stands. There's a silence between us until he motions for me to move. The idiot is going to climb into my house so he can tell me about his new found love. Like the fool I am, I'm going to let him talk about this girl who makes him look this happy. Even though it hurts that it's not me who is making him look like that. Even though I'm the one who makes him laugh when he is angry or upset. Even though I'm the one who knows his favourite songs, the books beside his bed and all his hopes and dreams.
He climbs over and sets himself on the window sill, giving me room to sit across from him. I do, even as I try to ignore the weight pressing down on my chest. “I hope you are happy with whomever has your heart Cresswell.” I say and mean it. I once again curl into myself, hoodie covering my legs as i watch him continue to smile at me, 
“Of course I'll be happy. She's amazing. Let me tell you all about her. I met her many years back and was instantly smitten with her emerald eyes and her quick witted mind. How she sings to herself every morning and how her dark curls fall across her face whenever she sits on her bed and reads. I adore her curiosity for the dead and how wicked her mouth is and how delightful it is to watch your mind at work. I love when she shows me a note through the window to see if I'm doing okay and-”
“Wait,” I blurt out, my mind catching up, “Thomas, are you talking about me?”
“Yes, finally! I thought I'd have to keep speaking forever till you realized it was you.” He starts laughing at my gaping mouth until I collect myself enough to scowl at him slightly for laughing. Thomas reaches out for my hand, moving closer to me until my back is pressed against the wall, my hoodie no longer over my legs as he rests his other hand on my leg, warmth seeping through me. “Wadsworth, darling, I have been in love with you for some time now.” 
Silence washes over us as we stare, trying to convince ourselves this is really happening. “I have something to show you.” My voice is barely about a whisper and I slide out of his grasp even though I don't want to. I walk to my bed where all my notebooks were left open and my notebooks sits. I open it out and let a piece of paper fall out. Facing Thomas I open the sheet slowly, watch him read the words. His eyes lit up at them.
I love you.
I take my place beside him again, his hands finding their way in mine once again. “I wrote that the night after you came here the second time. Something in me clicked that no matter what you'd find a way to comfort me. Not save me, but work alongside me. I wanted to tell you I just couldn't face it. But I needed to acknowledge it. So I wrote it down, and I look at it every time we use the note system; I try to convince myself to show you.” Thomas just stares at me, eyes flicking down to my lips every now and then. His hands are making circles on my leg, not entirely intentional. Thomas has always shown if he is excited or nervous by either tapping or making shapes on surfaces. The world slows completely as he leans in and presses his lips against mine. He pulls back ever so slightly, resting his head against mine and we are both smiling wildly at each other, pressing kisses until he leans further away. Thomas goes back to his side of the wall, which may as well be across the other side of the world, then he pulls me to him and I twist so that my back is against his. He holds me as we both look out the window, enjoying the freeing feeling of telling each other how we feel. 
“Now would be a perfect time to tell me how handsome I am, my love.” 
@fangirling-again @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @city-of-fae @the-hoofflepooff @padfoot-sirius-black-blog @purplecreatorhorsewagon @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @lovecakeandmore ​ @yikesitsmaddie @loveyatopluto​ @throneofsc @bookscressworth​
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Mother!MC with Demon Brothers + Luke Headcanons
Scenario: Instead of a younger human, the Devildom welcomes a mother (with a 3-year old son in tow) into the exchange program. 
intro + headcanons about how the brothers would interact with her 
no romance… just uwu
bonus how the brothers would treat the son (why son? Perhaps because I too want a son)
Female reader!! (MC is referred to as she in this post) 
bonus character: Luke :3c
Lucifer wasn’t prone to believe in fate-- and the beginnings of the exchange program was just another reason why he did not. He let the breeze-- the wind pick a human applicant for him; and if he had gone through every application (though he wasn't completely sure he'd be sane by the end of it all) maybe this situation wouldn't have happened. 
"What do you mean you can't be one of our exchange students?" Diavolo inquired, more curious than anything, an amused smile gracing his lips.
"I have a son," she said hesitantly. And there he was, peering around at the assembly room in his mother's arms that were wrapped protectively around him.
A mother and her human child, Lucifer thought blearily. One could only imagine what would happen if both of them remained here. (Which is why he never cut corners in anything he ever did ever because the one time he does, things go to shit. Damn Diavolo for enabling him.)
disgruntled by the adjustments made to accommodate a human child and his mother; mf will he ever rest
probably has to worry about babysitting duties delegated to his brothers 
however, pleasantly surprised by MC's calm demeanor and reliable personality; finally another competent person in the house he doesn't have to really pick up after
...actually adores her and her son
accidentally does things to please her without really realizing it and hates the slight disappointment or worry he sees when he goes through sleepless nights or lashes out from anger
doesn't remember the last time he's been chastised, but he's as embarrassed as he can be when she fusses over him
the hell coffee she makes for him every morning and the snacks she brings during his breaks makes him lowkey wanna cry-- he doesn’t know how to deal with a selfless, unconditional love
is used to being a single parent ngl so taking care of her son is kinda… easy especially if the son is compliant
finds himself pressing a kiss to his forehead absently and catches himself only after he's done it (bonus points if Barbatos takes a pic of it and sends it into their trio gc) 
“Barbatos, please delete this picture.”
“Oh, are you sure about that?”
ah he's attached, and so are his brothers, which kind of perturbed him a little but he’s kind of in the same boat after a short week or so
(if there was one brother who had a chance of harboring feelings for a mother mc, it’d be Luciiiiiiii uwuwuwuuwuuw; what can I say? He can’t resist the milf) 
eventually, he opens up to her about the war-- because if there was any human he’d trust with his secrets, it would be MC
he's crying 
he doesn't think anyone has ever talked or held him as gently as MC
similar to the game, absolutely adores her and can't even lie about it
ok jk he's still a tsundere, but blushes every time MC looks at him with a knowing look because he can't lie convincingly enough that no, the head pats dont feel nice and no, he's just eating the lunch she made because it'll be a waste otherwise, ok?!
Her son definitely thinks he’s related to Mammon
Definitely the first one to accidentally call her “mom” 
But hey don’t blame him-- he’s weak to how MC looks at him endearingly as she brushes hair out of his face motherly, like he can do no wrong 
Nothing can compare to how Mammon feels when MC tells him she’s proud of him
feels legit guilty when she calls him out on his habits of stealing things to the point he remembers her voice when he tries to do it again-- basically his conscience ngl
she's like a cold hand to his feverish forehead, a cooling balm to the burn on his hand
when she defends him from his brother's insults, swears he'll protect her and her son 
on that note, adores her son too and her son adores mammon!
surprisingly (or not) good with kids and treats them well; plays with them, very lively and dynamic
takes babysitting pretty seriously-- makes him consider the fact that he might actually want to be a father in the future if possible
not that he doesn’t have reckless endeavors with her son... they just end up okay so no one is none the wiser until it shows up on someone’s devilgram or spoken about through Barbatos/Diavolo
Honestly doesn’t know how to to react 
A little miffed tbh that he finds it so easy to talk to her about…. Everything??? 
When he enlisted her (and her son) to get his money back from Mammon, did he expect to rant to her about all his animes and gush about his figurines to her because that was one of the first time someone’s allowed him to indulge in his hobbies and listen patiently?
No, and now he’s crying 
And the fact she gently addresses his self-deprecating comments and urges him to see how she sees him (smart, witty, forgiving)---
Will probably do anything for MC and anything she says at this point; the pact is just a formality LOL
Listens to her and genuinely thinks the things she does for him is in his best interest 
Had a hard time knowing how to deal with her son for a while, simply because he doesn’t know what he could do to actually entertain the child
Then finds out he could literally put up TSL or any of his favorite animes and the kid will watch it-- and ABSORB
Levi might as well be the kid’s best friend at this point-- dubbs him ‘Henry’-- which is really the greatest compliment MC thinks her son can get from him
Honestly volunteers to babysit him and proceeds to spoil him rotten
Slightly annoyed at how motherly she is at the beginning-- he takes her care and actions as if she treats him like a child
Finds it frightening how soothed he feels when he’s around her
There’s something about an older, calming presence that saps the anger from him and makes him feel like he can be himself around MC
Surprisingly the second person to accidentally call MC by “mom” probably an hour after he makes fun of Mammon for doing it (lol karma)
isn't one to seek out her attention like with levi, mammon, or asmo but is pleased whenever he does have time to spend with her because she always seems to have insight on everything and a strange wisdom that all mothers apparently do
has a lot of late night talks with her about her life, her career, what it's like having a child
often finds himself asking her for advice, and even if she doesn't have the answer, he always comes out of it thoughtful and clear minded 
always willing to take care of her son; delights in reading him his favorite books and enacting the exciting scenes 
always treats him like an adult to the point that their conversations are really funny to listen to
"So would you say the author's intent of the blue door was to convey the agony of grief?"
"I like the color blue."
"As did the protagonist; hm, you bring up a good point."
the son is Satan's partner in crime against Lucifer 
"It's better if we do this, isn't that right?"
"Yeah!" MC’s child says, happily chewing on his favorite snack that Satan always gives to him and honestly not caring about the conversation at hand at all
"See? He agrees with me!”
And Lucifer just sighs bc he always loses in these arguments and Satan is unbearably smug
similar to Satan, finds her presence in Devildom to be very pleasant and calming
she never seems to be disapproving of his past times, and Asmo is endeared by the way she never fails to say "stay safe" or "have fun!" or even "do you want me to leave the front lights for when you come back?"
the little motherly ways in which she shows she cares makes Asmo adore her
loves taking her shopping; always has a good time just gossiping, trying new clothes, or having a girls night out with self careeeee
when her son tags along, loves to have him dress up too or try on make up and it's too adorable NOT to post on devilgram
pretty sure MC's son has trended on devilgram before-- but that was the first and last time because Lucifer yelled at him for advertising the fact there was a human child in Devildom
which Asmo thinks is silly because he's pretty sure the caption under the selfie of the three of them ("So adorbs! I've only had MC's son for a day, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in Devildom and then myself. Teehee!") would have deterred any demon from laying a finger on him
When Asmo has him for babysitting duties, always loves to bathe him and play with bubbles, morphing his hair into an afro or an equally fashionable hairdo
actually very attentive to the child!!
Not much changes from how Beel treats MC, but does view her actions in a more motherly manner 
I think one thing that would change is that-- considering MC is a mother of her own child, is actually very protective of the brothers and sensitive to their changes in moods
When Lucifer gets angry at Beel and Luke, MC is furious and furiously protective, not yielding one bit or hesitating to put herself in front of them because of her instincts-- Beel has never admired her more 
Physical strength has always something he can easily understand, but it is the strength of wills and of bravery that surprises him every time 
After Mammon and Satan accidentally calls you “mom” Beelzebub has no qualms with calling you by mom either-- I mean, what’s the shame in that? Everyone already thinks of you as their mother-figure anyways
MC helps him deal with the loss of his sister
With MC’s child… You know that one meme with the two ways dad deals with kids: one is softly kissing his child on the forehead as he sleeps and the other is carrying his kid by the leg with one arm
Both of them is Beel 
carries the kid around in the weirdest ways sometimes, including on his head, in one hand like he's holding a trophy, upside down (dw the kid thinks it's funny)
main transport is on his shoulders though; thinks it's kinda cute how the kid puts his arms around his head
wouldn't love anything more but to nap with him, but Beel is afraid of hurting him when he sleeps
Is the softest with MC’s son--- he’s not used to being the older brother, so he takes this responsibility kind of seriously 
Always makes sure the food that MC’s son eats is appropriate so he tastes/tries it first… and sometimes ends up eating all of it, but he always manages to succeed in feeding the kid so it’s all good
Wants to hate MC so badly the first time they meet when he’s in the attic
He’s supposed to HATE humans, damn it-- why the hell is MC trying to be so motherly and understanding, huh?? How dare she make him guilty after he lied to her like wlkjaflksjfkjasdlfj
Out of all of them, seeks MC the least; whether it’s from guilt or the fact that her presence reminds him of the things and resentment he used to hold against her 
Takes a little more cajoling from MC to talk to her and explain how he’s feeling so they can move past it
He’d rather die than let anyone else know that he teared up when they talked about Lilith and how he felt about everything; urges Belphie to talk to Lucifer and seek reconciliation with him individually (because it may be a family problem, but the feud was between the two of them, don’t you think?)
Finally gets the redemption arc he deserves and feels a lot lighter knowing that everything that has happened is now in the open and he’s ready to start healing 
In avoiding MC after the whole debacle, Belphie ends up spending more time with her son because he thinks Belphie is fascinating and Belphie has no clue why 
Similarly to Satan, treats the kid like he would anyone else but does find it amusing if the kid chases after his tail like a cat
Always ends up napping with him whenever MC’s son takes a nap-- after all, what’s easier than looking after a kid if you’re BOTH asleep?
Keeps an eye on him by putting a hand on his torso as they nap together
Uses MC’s son as an excuse to not do something, especially when Lucifer tells him to do something he doesn’t like to do
Honestly the son is a part of his arsenal-- he knows how weak everyone is for this kid (and so is he tbh but more lowkey) so cute pics of him is like… currency (Mammon WISHES he thought of this first) 
MC practically adopts him the moment she lays eyes on him-- how could she not? Luke may as well be her other son
Luke can’t say no, especially after she saves him from Lucifer
Definitely calls her mom by accident and the brothers tease him-- only for him to retort back that “don’t you ALL call her by mom?” and they shut up lol
Simeon still gets to tease Luke though heheh 
Really really really tries hard not to refer to MC as mom, but it slips out sometimes and no one even bats an eye 
Baking together is such a family bonding moment
Treats MC’s son most like his younger brother almost automatically and makes sure he doesn’t get into any trouble while he’s taking care of him (though he does anyways) 
Kind of likes the responsibility of babysitting MC’s son; makes him feel trusted
(MC takes the cutest pics of them together when they fall asleep; starts thinking about maybe having another child wouldn’t be so bad)
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seeyoumondaydevi · 3 years
Now that they're official, what do you see Paxton and Devi’s relationship dynamic looking like next season? In terms of dates, PDA, studying together, physical stuff, conversations, dinner with each other’s families (Nalini PLEASE warm up to Paxton thank you), sex, fights, etc? I personally thought Paxton falling asleep on Devi at the relay was an adorable touch and I hope we see them cuddling up next season or lying on each other’s laps and things like that. It’s also pretty clear that they really really like making out with each other lol :) and I’m wondering if they’ll take that to second base or further next season. It’s interesting to think about– they’re such a fun, unique couple and I'm a sucker for teen romances with body language! I also think that regarding sex, it could definitely be hilarious to contrast Devi's total inexperience with Paxton's plentiful experience, but based on how much he genuinely likes her I think he'd be totally okay taking things slow for a change.
I'm also wondering if Devi will open up to Paxton about her therapy and how much she's been going through mentally. It'd also be neat to see her encourage Paxton to trust more people with Rebecca, and for him to talk more about how affected he was over her being bullied and how it's made him overprotective. I still think that Devi is very starstruck by Paxton and still sees him as her Superman, whereas he likes her more for who she is and how happy she makes him. I hope there's a turning point where she starts to see him as a human being rather than a celebrity figure but that's hard after so many years of obsessing over someone.
Hey anon! I reallyy like this ask alot <3
I personally don't think they will have a smooth start? I feel like they are going to be exposed to a LOT of gossip and looks especially how Paxton's friends looked at him for getting with a girl who cheated on him. But now I'm glad that doesn't stop Paxton from making Devi his public girlfriend, so that shouldn't stop him from public display of affection either. So we might see both of them in a public relationship but getting judged at the same time? But I really want them to hold hands (which I'm very sure they will) random hugs by the lockers, pecks before class but I don't know we'll see. Give me Paxton hugging Devi from the back when she's taking her books out from her locker.
I will riot if season 3 doesn't give us Daxton study dates and then Paxton just teasing her with his "bedroom eyes" them makin jokes about random facts.. physical stuff, I'm sure we are gonna see them make out more and maybe have a conversation about sex? Paxton wanting to take things slow because I believe Devi is his first actual girlfriend also I can totally picture Devi saying something weird due to lack of experience but Paxton just finding it endearing which makes it adorable AF.. and about fights.. I honestly don't know. Don't come at me okay but I think Nalini can warm up to Paxton, but I don't think she can warm up to Paxton and Devi dating, which could be a problem for them in season three. See well, I have an Indian mother who is literally Nalini but a hundred times more Nalini(if that makes sense). She lost it when I made a few guy friends. She yelled at me for talking to guys even if it was for a group project.. now she slowly warms up to my guy friends... but if I ever dated. SHE'D HAVE ME AND MY HYPOTHETICAL BOYFRIEND BURRIED. Also Devi isn't allowed to date until she's old enough to rent a car... so I don't think she'll take it well even if she's warmed up to Paxton (even though I want her too smh) ANON YES, I've replayed that way too much. Give me daxton cuddles , them lying on each others laps, falling asleep on shoulders and yes lmfao they really enjoy making out with each other, and I quote "you are very good at kissing" lol I love Devi complements him when she's breaking things off with him. Devi mostly might open up to Paxton? I feel like she would because she has in season 1 (about how she saw her dad in a coyote, her temper, culture and how people don't think she's Indian enough etc, how she thinks people are done with her) also Paxton is a VERY good listener so I can see her opening up to him. Plus he also says the right things to calm her down or cheer her up so I really want her too but if the writers decide to ruin them... I dont know.
True, we've only seen becca in the house. I wanna see her with other people. I wanna know how she reacts when Paxton tells her Devi is his girlfriend. I wanna see her and Devi roasting Paxton. I also want to see more of protective Paxton. I loved it when he opened up to her about how his sister was bullied and I do wanna see more of that.
Yeah I get what you're saying. She did think he was WAY out of her league and she's enchanted by him.. but I feel like the whole point of HER breaking things off with him was to show that she isn't anymore? I don't mean she doesn't have feelings for him.. she isn't gonna take any crap he gives her just because SHE THINKS he's a boy way out of her league. Like every time he makes a move, Devi is in SHOCK or wonderstruck (ahh I randomly remembered how 'enchanted' by Taylor suits so well with them) .
I also have a whole list of other things I want to see with Daxton in season 3. Paxton calming Devi down, helping her appreciate her culture more. Devi taking part in some Japanese event. Paxton teaching Devi two or three words in Japanese (IMAGINE IF DEVI WANTS TO SAY "I love you" first and she says it in Japanese). I want them to watch T.V shows together, have inside jokes so much more but I guess we'll have to see lol.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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kamikui · 3 years
Onmyoji Movie
HI so I watched the Onmyoji Movie based off of the game last night and . . . . that sure was something!
In all honesty despite the weird path they decided to take, I actually enjoyed the movie. The music and detail in the scenery was amazing, I LOVED the costuming for a lot of the background characters esp in the Demon Realm, and a lot of the easter eggs that were hidden were nice. 
BUT. but. As someone heavily invested in the lore of the game (especially concerning Ibaraki) how they decided to deal with the movie was like. really confusing. It genuinely felt as if NE gave the directors a cast of characters and let them do what they wanted from there w/o any prior knowledge of the game.
(spoilers down below)
Before I really pry into that though, I’ll kinda note some of the characters.
Seimei/Qingming was actually my favorite. I think this is sort of an unpopular opinion right now, but his characterization was so nice even if it sorta leans into the basic drama hero type personality. In the game Seimei is supposed to be you/the player, and not everyone is going to have the same interpretation of him-- and that’s what the movie felt like, a different interpretation. I will say I didn’t really like them making him related to their version of Orochi. I believe the snakes name was Xiangliu? I can’t remember, but I didn’t see the reason in that. 
If anything, keeping him a fox and having a version of Tamamo no Mae popping up to offer advice to help with the situation would’ve been nicer, and that’d keep more of Seimei’s backstory kept in tact-- because asides from him becoming an Onmyoji apprentice at a young age we literally do not know shit about him. And legit I wouldn’t necessarily mind bc it’s a movie, you’re not going to get everyone’s backstory within 2 hrs, but we can’t really get attached to him.
Yao Bikuni/Baini was. Hm. I like her as a character in the movie, but I don’t like where she’s placed as a character in the movie. She’s a Seer? in the game and tbh it should’ve stayed that way, like I honestly can’t see her willingly working for one clan. “But how would she--” In game she is also influenced by Seimei pretty heavily, as in the in game chapters she believed he would be able to kill her. Up until she got manipulated by Orochi, she stuck to his side. With the Stone plot in the movie, if it put him in danger she would be there in order to try and help him, OR, try and pull him to join Orochi if they went that route. And they KINDA tried to hint at it when Seimei “died” with Orochi using her image, but like. come on man. Let Yao be evil for a little bit.
That being said I didn’t like the Master & Shikigami bit with those two, or the implied romance they tried to pull with them. Canonically Seimei legit brushes her off and when shes like “ohhh you’ll kill me right” hes like “lol sure” and thats IT. Literally any form of romance that’s tried at Seimei he brushes it off. he’s not into it he’s an amnesiac.
The “Oh if you become my shikigami you won’t become evil” thing was :/ to me as well because again, canonically, even though Seimei is being taunted he can contain the Kitsune part pretty well even when he wasn’t aware he was kitsune. Like I think the part as a kid was a good bit to add since it’s when he’s first being exposed to Onmyoji type stuff, but like. idk idk I couldn’t vibe with that power dynamic while they were trying to hint romance.
Continuing on with Hiromasa/Yuan Boya and Kagura/Shenle, again considering this is a movie, I’m somewhat content with their characters.
I really liked how energetic this Kagura was, and given they weren’t able to do her actual backstory, I liked the one she was given. Her introduction in the movie was really great too-- and compared to Hiromasa I felt they gave her a little more attention? Which like fine, but not so good for Hiro.
They didn’t even. Discuss his archery skills at any point which was disappointing. The most plot relevance he (and honestly Kagura too) had was finding Seimei while trying to arrest him but that’s it. And yes they showed some of his skill while he was fighting Kamaitachi, but that’s the extent of it. AGAIN i’ll consider the fact this was a movie and they didn’t have enough time to fit EVERYTHING in, but since they gave Yao and Seimei so much attention you would think they’d be able to spare some for the other two protagonists in the game. 
Before I leave those two tho I’m still trying to figure out what the fuck happened in the end. Like did hiromasa get promoted in some form? was he given credit for what happened between the demon realm? Why did he separate from Kagura since they got close during the movie? I guess like bc work duties but still. I have no idea tho like i was sitting there not processing a single thing. Regardless I did like Hiro and Kags acting like siblings despite in this canon them not being related (at least it’s never clarified).
Ok so before I dive into the whole mess that is the Cimu/”Ibaraki” character, stuff on side characters.
While I didn’t like the outfits for Sakura(? Momo? Both of them?) or Chocho, I liked the roles that they held as sort of trainers for the rest of Seimeis shikigami. In fact I liked the whole courtyard ordeal in general. I have my own worldbuilding thing that has a similar theme so seeing it being used canonically was pretty nice. I do wish we could’ve seen more SSRs or even SRs though. Like, why couldn’t Aoandon be hanging out in the courtyard to give gossip to Hiro & Kagura? Yamakaze or Shishio hanging out in the forest, or like. bruh even Jikikaeru as the boss in the Showdown considering he runs that in game. 
I did like the fish man! I really did, but literally everything about him could’ve been Jikikaeru, I don’t think it’s that hard to make a frog man. 
Also as mentioned previously it would’ve been nice to see Tamamo make an appearance considering he makes random ones every now and then. The Mujou Brothers could’ve helped the shikigami when they were escaping Seimeis courtyard, Shiranui could’ve been an entertainer while they were traveling through the demon realm, HAKU??? couldve been one of Seimeis shiki?? literally anyone. They have all these misc characters in the background but barely any of them resemble in game characters.
GOD EVEN KOSODENOTE COULDVE BEEN THERE . . . . at the scene where Kagura was messing with jewelry and clothing . . . Koso couldve been the seller. Aobozu could’ve worked at the shrine . . . . I just. Man.
ANYWAYS . . . pulling from that and going into whatever the hell Cimu is. god.
So according to casting, Cimu is supposed to be Ibaraki. But the thing is. There’s only like. 3-4 Elements about Ibaraki that goes into him. Everything else is Shuten which i honestly find pretty funny?? Take away the homophobic jokes and combine the gay coded character into his love interest. Which I mean that’s better than making them brothers but at what cost.
anyways. Cimu previously being an onmyoji but turning evil -> shuten previously being a monk and turning evil. The design of the hand that Cimu uses as transportation -> SP Shutens design where he sits on two hands. Red hair -> shuten. The horns, eye color (minus scleras), arm getting chopped off, and his ambition to grow stronger are really the only parts of Ibaraki that’s in the character-- and even then you could say Shuten has a similar ambition of growing stronger. It’s just so scuffed. 
ALSO IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. literally it doesn’t make sense when you look at the characters.
Why couldn’t they just stick with Kuro Seimei considering the fact that this Ibaraki works with Ootengus and Yuki Onna/The Snow Queen? They could’ve given Seimei a twin brother to work off of this. But like if they really wanted to keep Ibaraki and Shuten, they could’ve made it that Shuten was being manipulated by Orochi and Ibaraki was serving him, because there’s a LOT of shit you could do just with Shuten by himself. Legit no reason to combine the two since they’re BOTH heavily marketed characters. 
Legit like, Shuten being controlled, given Ibaraki’s loyalty to Shuten he would most likely follow him no matter what, and even like. Have a form of Momiji to kind of help out-- probably at a heavy expense of Shuten doing something for her, but still. like i LOVED the snow queen, I loved this interpretation of yuki so I wouldn’t want to get rid of her, but they shouldve went with Seimei 2 instead of “ibaraki”. It’s just so much and it doesn’t make sense. 
Now orochi himself and how that was handled was like. Okay I guess. If anyone was being talked to through their head at the time it should’ve been Yao Bikuni considering she allies with him in canon at one point. but like whatever. I did think the end was neat where Seimei forced him into becoming his shikigami, like I liked that whole process. Otherwise all antagonists were pretty underwhelming.
I also was not fond of the ending where like Seimei just turns away at the broken bridge. Like does this mean the Demon realm is completely cut off now? just fix the bridge. Also does Seimei just fuck off?? I know theres a scene where he’s standing on the roof but. i dont know. 
Regardless the movie was great, I had fun watching it. When ibaraki came in I accidentally paused the movie a couple of times while spamming screenshots. Even tho hes like kinda ugly but that’s ok. There WERE some angles where he was hot as hell but otherwise they did his actor so dirty. The horns were just. God I won’t delve into that bc this post is long as hell BUT. BUT. THE MOVIE WAS GOOD. just not if ure into the lore for the game LMAO.
Ok that’s it for now bye
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lowtoleranceforyou · 4 years
Murphy sat in the great hall, a steaming meal sitting in front of him. Loud chatter echoed off the walls. A mix of gossip, facts and laughter.
But he wasn’t interested in either. No, he was interested in the blonde boy with glasses a few feet away from him.
He was currently formulating a plan on how to ask the boy out. He would never admit it, but- he was truly charmed. Ever since Jason had walked, well more specifically flew and nearly crashed into his life he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the Slytherin and how he made him feel. Just thinking about him made his heart throb and his cheeks flush.
If he had a galleon for how many times he’s thought about Jason over the past few days he’d have one.
Because he couldn’t find a time he wasn’t thinking about Jason.
As cheesy as that sounded.
He couldn’t even think straight and Murphy McNully, smartest Quidditch commentator, was always able to form coherent thoughts. He also found himself stuttering last week when he thought he saw Jason in the bleachers during one of the friendlies. He often found himself thinking more about Jason than he did Quidditch strategies and to say he was shocked was an understatement.
He shook his head but when he closed his eyes all he could think about was Jason’s smile. He groaned and planted his burning cheeks into his palms.
“What’s wrong with you McNully?”
He jolts in surprise, knocking his elbow against the side of the table sending a series of jitters through his nervous system. “Nothing!” He yelps almost too quickly.
His shoulders slump when he sees a familiar set of jarring blue eyes. “Oh it’s just you.”
“Just me? Should I be offended?” Shay scoots over into the seat next to him, eyeing him up and down. “You look like a mess. Are you sick?” She presses a hand on his forehead. “Merlin, you’re even flushed. We should get you to the hospital wing!”
Murphy clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “No! Get your hands off me MaryAnne.”
She rolls her eyes before leaning against the table, “What’s gotten you all flustered McNully? I’ve never seen you like this. Even your hair is unruly.”
He groans, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me MaryAnne. I’m speechless and I’m never speechless. I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart keeps skipping beats and I feel so dizzy and warm all the time.”
Shay ponders for a moment before gasping comically, “It’s sounds to me like you’ve gone down with a cold case of love. Who’s the lucky guy?”
Murphy rolls his eyes, burying his face in his arms, murmuring something against the fabric of his sleeves.
“Say that again?”
His voice is muffled as he murmurs it a second time.
“Murphy, I’m serious. I can’t hear you.”
Murphy raises his head before banging his forehead against the table with a grunt, making the silverware in front of them to clatter from the impact.
“Stop that. You’ll get a concussion.”
“It’s Novak.”
Her eyes fill with mischief as a smirk worms it’s way into her face. “I knew it.”
“Oh don’t look at me like that.”
She wraps an arm around his shoulder, “I know you really like the boy but I can’t believe that you’ve got the hots this bad.”
Colour bloomed against his cheeks once again. “Shut up!”
“Why don’t you just ask him out?”
“Easier said that done, MaryAnne. Did you know that-“
“Ok, stop, right there. Your statistics are amazing Murphy but not when they’re self degrading.”
Murphy sneers, “I can’t get my hopes up, Shay. Not when the chances are so little.”
“But Murphy! Jason’s totally head over heels for you!”
Murphy’s eyes brighten and his back straightens, “What?! Where did you hear that? How did you know? Are you absolutely 100% sure? MaryAnne I swear if you’re setting me up for failure I’ll embarrass you in your next friendly. What has he said about me? Does he think I’m cute? Or nice? Or smart?”
“Crikey! Slow down! You might just choke on your own saliva.” She pats his arm before getting up, “You’ll just have to find out by yourself.”
“What? Shay MaryAnne! Get back here, right now! This is discrimination!”
She cackles as she walks away, shouldering her leather book bag. “Just ask him out McNully. All will go well.”
Murphy clears his throat after the Hufflepuff friendly. He watches as the crowd starts to dissipate before making his way to the charmed elevator. He drums his fingers against his thigh, impatiently waiting for it to descend.
When the doors open he immediately starts to speed out in search of a peculiar Casanova.
The brunette spins on his heels and waves for his teammates to go on without him. “What’s up, McNully?”
“I need a favour.”
The hufflepuff chuckles before lowering his voice, “What kind? Alcohol? I surely didn’t think of you-“
“Oh.” Diego’s shoulders stiffen almost awkwardly, “Then what is it?”
Murphy takes a deep breath, “I need advise on how to ask someone out.”
Diego’s jaw drops in surprise. He blinks twice before knotting a hand through his tousled hair, blown back by the wind. “Just ask them out.”
Murphy groans in annoyance, “You and Shay are too alike. You’re rubbing off on each other.”
Diego chuckles deeply, “I’m guessing she said the same thing. Sorry, amigo, but if you expected me to say something different I can only offer you the truth. Maybe a sentimental gift or flowers will get you a little farther but if they really are attracted to you, they’ll accept your offer anyway. The worst thing they can do is reject you.”
Murphy’s eyes soften a little bit, “Thank you, Caplan.”
Diego shoots a bright grin, “Anytime. Though, I must ask, you are one to consult the books so it was a surprise for you of all people to ask me for advice.”
Murphy’s brows furrow, “It appears that the school library is educational based for school subjects only. It would be unorthodox for the school to promote distractions such as romance, so asking you was my next best option.”
Diego waggles his eyebrows, “You made the right decision of asking the school’s best- OW!” Diego was interrupted by Murphy rolling over his foot, hurrying away.
“That’s not fair! I help you and this is what I get!”
Murphy turns back for a slight moment before laughing gleefully, “Sorry! I couldn’t help it. I don’t have time for your self-absorbed speech. I promise I’ll pay you back somehow.”
“You better!”
Murphy was clutching a bouquet of daisies, bow tie around his neck, hair styled back and dressed in his best shirt.
He could do this. He can do this. He had to remind himself that he could because he heard that pep talks increased your confidence.
He saw Jason sitting on the grass, hair gleaming in the sunlight in a way that reminded him of molten gold.
Nope. He couldn’t do this.
Murphy was preparing to turn back, recollect and try again another day or maybe never when he was interrupted by Jason’s voice.
“Murphy? What are you doing out here?”
That voice stopped him dead in his tracks. The voice that could ask him to jump off a building and he’d do it in a second, just to please the owner of the soothing voice. Damn, he really was whipped for Jason.
Jason took a quick glance over Murphy, subconsciously staring at his biceps before tearing his gaze away. A rosy pink dusting over his ears. He looked great, he spotted the daisies in Murphy’s grip and felt his heart sink. Murphy was probably going on a date and he couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointment and the twinge of petty envy that it wasn’t him receiving those flowers.
Unbeknownst to him, Murphy had spent hours in the flower shop in Hogsmead, scrutinising every flower and trying his best to find the ones that complimented Jason’s eyes the most.
Murphy took in a deep breath. “Jason. I want to ask you something.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Would you like to go on a date with me? I know that there’s a 71.5% chance that you’ll say no but I had to take my chances because I couldn’t stop thinking about that 28.5% chance you’ll say yes. I understand if you don’t want to and if you never want to speak to me again but I just had to get this off my chest because-“
His rambling was cut off by a brazen kiss to the forehead from Jason, himself. For a second he felt as if he was dreaming but if he was dreaming, he didn’t want to wake up.
“Yes! Murphy, of course I’ll go on a date with you. What are you talking about?! The chances of me saying yes are 100%”
Murphy could only describe what he was feeling as euphoria. Dozens of fireworks were exploding in his chest and he would be lying if he didn’t feel a thousand butterflies dancing in his stomach.
A dopey grin graced his features and Jason didn’t think it was possible but he could feel himself falling deeper.
“Oh! There are for you!” He hands the bouquet to Jason, “I hope you like them.”
“I’ll like anything if it comes from you.”
His heart started to pound faster, “So- how does Saturday work?”
Jason flushes a darker shade of red, he couldn’t believe his crush was asking him out. “Saturday works great.”
“Alright. I’ll see you at Madam Puddifoots at 11, dress well!”
“I will! See you there!” Jason clutched the bouquet to his chest, warmth spreading from head to toe.
Murphy started rolling away a victorious smile spread from ear to ear. Once he was sure he was out of Jason’s sight he pumped his fist in triumph, he couldn’t wait for Saturday.
A/N: ok I’ve been planning to write this one forever and I honestly can’t tell if Murphy is OoC in this one I just hope he’s not. Anyway Jason belongs to one of my favourite people in the planet, @death-or-sleep and Murphy and Jason are the cutest couple dont @ me. I also haven’t proofread this so oops
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softtrolls · 4 years
💐🍷 ⛪💘🍵💍🎱 Klavvz, Yanjinx, Yuelle
💐 – What are your muse’s top three favorite flowers? What would they have in their wedding bouquet/boutonniere?
Klavvz:  Hydrangea , Forget-me-nots and Dahlias , he would probably have hydrangeas in his wedding and  daisies that would adorn every corner. The forget-me-nots remind him of his old moirails.
Yanjin:  Camellias , Orchids and Tulips, for his wedding bouquet he would actually like carrying sunflowers, he feels that for a happy day he needs happy flowers.
Yuelle: Hibiscus, Spiderlilies and Peonies. His wedding bouquet would be made of mostly white roses, he loves how pure white roses look.
🍷 – Describe an ideal date for your muse.
Klavvz: He has always been a sucker for the long trips he has taken through space, he would love to have dinner while watching the stars up in the sky or just hanging out while looking at the empty space even if none of them say a word to each other.
Yanjin: If you feed him and give him all the attention he would call it the best date he has ever been in. if you add BELLY Rubs and scritches behiund his ears he would be set for like a week.  as long as u keep ur eyes on him.
Yuelle: (even though I already answered it I’ll give another kind of ideal date for him) Besides going back to the confessional he would enjoy singing for their date, it would be excellent if they join in too, whispering sweet nothings into each others ears.
⛪ – What are your muse’s thoughts on marriage? How long would they wait before marrying a partner? Do they want a big wedding, or something smaller? Who would be their best man/maid-of-honor?
Klavvz: The idea of marriage for him had never crossed his mind until his best friend married,  he realized how important it could be and how delicate of a subject it was. He would wait for the ideal partner before deciding on something like that and his wedding would be rather big. He considers on bringing all the tiny robots he has built to fit the empty chairs of the side of his family. He would ask Alaric to be his best man or perhaps Buxia.
Yanjin: Doesnt think he deserves being married to anyone , the thought of someone caring for him till eternity makes him feel bad, forcing the other to endure his ugliness. He would wait a long time before accepting someone, gotta make sure they are really ok with marrying him. He wants a modest wedding, perhaps even just the two of them if he gets to decide. As for best man he would choose Xenkal.
Yuelle: Marriage is pretty often in his mind, he doesnt find it taboo for a choir boy to find that special someone and marry them. He is not too sure how long would he wait to marry someone, he feels that if its the correct partner they could do it as fast as possible. They absolutely want a big wedding to let everyone know that they are together.
💘 – What is a romantic AU you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
Are you in the right state of mind to receive this kind of information-- gDFUHGSDFG Tbh I have always wanted to write something like the kokoro kiseki song hah hah and just destroY MY OWN HEART , angst keeps me alive in this world so anything related to angst...
Klavvz: For Klavvz I would like to have a royalty AU where he would be a king’s advisor and perhaps have like some kind of romance with them , SECREt LOVER type of thing, spicy stuff.
Yanjin: I dont think I can say this out loud but it has to do with SCIENCE 
Yuelle: even though they are basically already inspired from Bloodborne, I would like to have more AU’s from this and the tragic story that it engulfs the game.
🍵 – Is your muse a gossip? Do they like to meddle in other people’s relationship business? Do they like to play matchmaker? Would they let someone match-make for them?
Klavvz: No he is not the gossip type, in fact he’s more of like the I forget type, if you tell him anything that could potentially ruin someone he might forget along the way. He believes he’s not that good at matchmaking but if a friend asks to help with a relationship he will provide the scarce knowledge he holds.
Yanjin: Even though hes not that into gossiping he enjoys listening to other ppl and ruin ppl’s live through words, he is all ears all the time so be careful what u say  around him. He would like to play at matchmaking others,  even though hes not good at it he likes to see their reactions. He aint going to let anyone get a hold of his relationships.
Yuelle: gossiping is really common in the choir group, he’s already used to listening to others gossip a lot so he pretends to pay attention and care about it even though hes not a fan of it. Matchmaking? He has more important things to do, he believes he’ll meet his s/o instead of forcing it through matchmaking.
💍 – What style engagement ring would your muse like best? What is their ring size?
Klavvz: Simple, a rather thin ring that would fit perfectly around his finger, hes not used to wearing a lot of jewelry so perhaps something like this
Yanjin: A silver ring , not too big either but wouldnt like it too simple so he can show it off. Something like this
Yuelle: He loves flowers so he would like a ring that represents them. Perhaps like this 
🎱 – Does your muse believe in serendipity or fate, when it comes to relationships and love? Do they have good or bad luck in relationships? What have they done to try to turn bad luck around?
Klavvz: He-- used to have really bad luck with the relationships he had , he has slowly been healing from all of  it that he considers himself to have some of his luck back. He’s not sure if real love will ever knock at his door but he hopes that with the person he’s trying that everything will change.
Yanjin: He believes that his chance in love and good relationships is 0. He doesnt think anyone would ever love him not after being mistreated since he was just a little boy. He hopes that maybe one day someone will give as much as he offers.
Yuelle: His luck with relationships has never been good, he doesnt want to remember the past and as much as he wants to get past all that and love himself and others, something in him always stops him.
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sgnsejun-blog · 5 years
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alright alright hey hii, okay it’s been likes 500 years since I’ve rped on tumblr so pls be gentle I’m not entirely with it lMAO but anywayy I have a ABOUT + (soon) PLOT page up for sejun and also some info that’s also the same as his quick facts on the about page so if u’ve happened to have read that then oops under the cut so if ur interested keep reading <3 
okay okay so was born and raised in seoul in a wealthy family (p standard yee)
didn’t have many friends in his earlier years at school + got bullied a bit
used to be a bigger nerd than he is today, like he’s still p smart tbh but he used to be the type of person that passed every exam without having to revise that everyone hated, now he has to work way harder to do just as well and he regrets taking it for granted tbh
used to be v concious about what ppl thought about him but in his last few years of school he stopped caring as much he made like a few popular jock friends in those years + became more confident/comfortable bc of it
his parents forced him (not rly forced but he’ll say he was) into doing a sciency subject lowkey not that he wanted to do anything artsy but he didnt rly want to go to uni or w/e just wanted to get a job but he doesnt rly care so he just went with it
he lowkey wished he would hate it so he could prove them wrong but here he is having the time of his life tbh
honestly loves a good “I told you so moment”, loves proving people wrong (and just being petty tbh even tho he “hates drama”)
he has this huge confliction w/ not really caring enough to get properly involved + thinking that his way is the best way to do things,, like a control freak but he can’t be bothered,, it’s a hard life
like p passive but he also hates people who are lazy
acc big hypocrite tbh, is like whatever when he turns up late to something but when someone does it to him he’s a bit salty
ya boi is like *eye rolls a lot* stop being dumb finds himself judging freshman who do stupid things quite a lot
he’s quite friendly tbh, really likes the company of other people and just having friends tbh
ANNOYING speak to him once he’ll add you on facebook and spam u requests to join the track team fb group
speaking of fb groups/messages he’s lowkey the pyramid scheme police, send him a message about ur mlm you will get a 1500 word essay response
also he’s hella nosy but a lot of time ppl just tell him the gossip anyway bc they trust him (they shouldn’t)
can be a lil manipulative,, has this kind appearance/vibe but thats probs what is the most dangerous,,
But generally, if you’re someone who’s legitimately close to him he won’t play these games and fuck with you, like if you know you know. So yeah, lowkey two-faced (sort of?)  and manipulative but never to his friends, he cant stand it when ppl are fake w/ their friends tbh
also a v good friend he’s p thoughtful when it comes to his friends (which is saying something bc most of the time he is v oblivious and bad at reading other ppls situations)
the king of smash ultimate himself,, he tries to organize tournaments all the time (and for other games too)
when he wants to do work its big time mega stress boys hours long of intensive work but then when he wants to relax its the other extreme of laid in bed for three days was stoned for most of it pretended to be okay at track then got completely hammered at some party probably had a threesome wakes up passed out in a completely different dorm, pretends it never happened and then he’s back on the grind
speaking of parties he like pretends that he’s not crazy about them (not like hates them but like,, “...... oh…… i guess i could go…. i’ll check my plans) but secretly loves them most of the time he goes and is chill there but sometimes he,, is a complete mess tbh
which is fun bc a lot of the time he likes being a “responsible mum friend” to messy ppl so when he’s a mess himself it’s,, the best
also romance wise he got cheated on in freshman year + is now v hesitant when ppl want more than sex, but still wants to be in love v badly and catches feelings quite easily :(
to those who dont know him he comes off as very put together, really cares about his appearance so if u see him crying in the dorms at 3am wearing the tracksuit hes been sleeping in for the past 4 days you’re probs one of the few ppl who could blackmail him
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dir-khummel · 4 years
They Call Them Crushes || PARA
Who: Kurt & Harlan ( @joieharlan )
Where: Valentine Carnival & Harlan’s Dorm Room
When: February 14th, 2020
Notes/Triggers: NSFW. Kurt and Harlan have hit it off. Maybe too well...
Kurt leaned against a park bench near the kissing booth, tallying the number of people attempting to tongue the one in the booth. He has at three, less than he believed he would see, but humorous nonetheless. We would sometimes wander to enjoy the food and splendor elsewhere, but he always wandered back to the booth. When it seemed Harlan's turn was done, Kurt lifted his fingers to his mouth and whistled. He waved to get Harlan's attention, leaving his hand out. "You said later, right? Is this later enough, or do you want to wait a bit longer?"
Harlan had enjoyed his time in the booth but Kurt's presence since they had kissed hadn't gone unnoticed. With a whistle, he smiled a crooked smile to him. "I did, yeah. I think it might be. So is there some one around here I gotta beat off if i wanna say take you to a couple booth for some fun and then maybe head back to my room for a movie?" His hands shoved into his pockets. "No one should be alone tonight."
Kurt laughed, shaking his head and placing his hands coyly behind his back. "So far, the only obligation I have as an anonymous candygram at nine. But we have a few hours to kill till then, and afterwords I'm free." Kurt pocketed his phone where he was taking his tongue notes, standing up straight. "Show me around to some of the booths. I have always been terrible at the games."
Harlan smiled. "Well I get you home by 9 then." Offering his hand to the other as they walked along. "So tell me more about you, I got the bare minimum before and I know how you kiss, now I want to know about you."
Kurt slid his hand into Harlan's. It was nice for someone to hold his hand like this again. The grip was firm, but not tight. "Well, I'm studying film. I'm the president of the film club, actually, it takes up most of my time. Tonight was one of the rare nights I let myself have a break. Stroke of luck you were here." Kurt leaned in a little closer to Harlan as they walked. "What about you? I don't know much about you, either."
"Film huh? So what do you want to do for them? Direct? Produce?" Harlan smiling as Kurt leaned into him more. It was rather enjoyable to walk around with someone like this. "I'm here for social work mostly. I plan to take over my uncle's farm. He runs a program for special needs kids where they get to ride horses and pet farm animals. I want to do that one day."
"Directing. My plan is to do so well, I get an Oscar before 2030. It is a 'reach for the moon, land among the stars' kind of goals, but aiming high doesn't hurt." Kurt smiled wide at Harlan's goals, shaking his head. "That is just- It's heartwarming, hearing someone going into that sort of work. It is so amazing how something so simple can mean the world to someone else. You must have a big heart."
"Well I can't wait for that to happen and I get to say, I know him and I kissed him." Harlan smiling to Kurt. "Thank you kindly, I mean, I like to think I do." Stopping then a booth. "Would you like a teddy bear?" Pointing to the milk bottle throw they were standing in front of
"Oh, I can see it now! Your face would be on tabloid magazines everywhere!" Kurt waved his free hand dramatically, showing off the gravitas of Hollywood gossip reels with the flick of a wrist. He came back to reality when Harlan pointed to one of the games. "I would love one, if you could get it! I never win at these, I swear they are rigged."
"Yeah, I'll be the man that almost was the famous director's lover." Harlan doing the same motion with his hand. "Oh they're rigged but living where I'm from, you learn tricks about these things." Paying the man, Harlan had three baseballs to use. He used the first to gage the bottle then with the last two, hit down the milk bottles. "Ta'da" Turning to Kurt and handing him the purple bear
"...Well, you don't have to say almost. The night is young, and so are we." Kurt had no idea where some of these quips came from Harlan emanated a foreign type of casual confidence, and it was slowly rubbing off on Kurt. Kurt watched from the sidelines, watching as Harlan, to Kurt's utter shock, knocked the bottles down. He took the bear with a face of confusion. "I-I honestly can't believe you did that- I've never seen anyone win those! Thank you!" Kurt leaned onto onto of his tip-toes, giving Harlan a quick, but meaningful, kiss on the cheek, holding his new prized possession close to his chest. "I'll name him Harlan Jr."
"that is very true." Harlan replied. Who knew how the night would end after all? Seeing him in shock, he smiled at how he was reacting once he had the bear in his arms. "Well alright." Taking his hand once more to stroll again. "So you gotta meet someone at 9 huh, do you know whom it is?"
Kurt kept his new prize close to his chest as they walked along, retaking Harlan's and continuing down the path. "I don't! That is the weird thing. I wasn't even aware someone here felt that way about me... Well, except Dante, but we knew each other years ago, and he isn't so gushy as to get me something like this..." Kurt glanced at Harlan. "Do you know who it is?"
Harlan shook his head to him. "I dont know, I havent really heard much. Sorry but I think it will probably be someone sweet and kind. Since you seem to be both those things." Taking the moment to kiss his cheek with a grin on his lips. "So you and Dante...mind if I ask whats goin on there?"
Kurt nodded, sighing sadly. "They must be... God, I really hope it doesn't go badly. I am not sure what I am going to do at this point... Should I even go?" Kurt asked, just as Harlan's lips pecked his cheek. He stopped their walking, biting his lip a moment. "He and I... I don't know. We talked a lot, and decided that not putting a label on it was best. We don't hate each other, that is for sure." Kurt chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Look at me, lamenting about my problems. What about you? Any issues in the love department?"
"I think you should, you never know, could be the one you're crushing on as well" Harlan giving him a soft wink as he did. Listening closely, Harlan nodded along to what Kurt was saying, though he could see how that could end bad and backfire on them both. "No, not really. Haven't done much beyond going to classes, so I don't mind listenin darlin."
"That is the strange thing, I am not crushing on... anyone, really. I was fully expecting to be alone today." Kurt's grip on Harlan's hand tightened. Kurt nodded, looking across the festival again before returning his gaze back to Harlan. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what piqued your interest in me? You're charming and patient and gentle, so why pick me? I'm all loud and bossy."
"I was too.  I mean I was hoping I'd find someone to spend some time with." Stopping for a moment, Harlan grinned to him. This time, he closed the space as he kissed the other man. "Because you're loud and bossy but you're also kind and sweet and very fun to tease." Smirking as he stepped back and started to walk with him once more.
Kurt was about to retort, argue, maybe even been self-deprecating, but stopped short when Harlan's lips claimed his again. His cheeks turned a vibrant pink, hiding his face in the teddy bear when they started walking again. "Fun to tease- That's not fair, you know. I don't know how to tease you!"
"I think you do, just haven't seen it yet." Harlan being the gentleman he was, kissing the back of the other's hand. "I don't know much about you Kurt, but I do know that every one deserves to feel special and wanted. Thats all I'm trying to do." With that, he found another booth and stopped. "Ready to race?" stopping at the booth that had the you spray water into a hole to win.
Kurt smirked when the back of his hand was kissed. It felt like one of the cheesy romance novels he would read. "Well, you are doing an amazing job." Kurt looked to the booth they stopped at, his eyes lighting up a bit. "I remember this game! I would play it at the fair whenever it game around. Sure, of course I'll play!"
"Good to know. My ma will be happy to hear thar. " Harlan said. Seeing his excitement, he couldn't help but smile and be even a bit more excited then he had been. "Well then, let's go. I might even let you win" Teasing him a bit.
Kurt faked his offense. "Let me win? I'm going to smoke you!" Kurt teased, setting the teddy bear in a safe spot so it wouldn't be in the way. "I used to be good at this, I just need to remember the skills nine-year-old me had."
"We'll see, darlin" Harlan taking a seat by him. He wasn't really going to try too hard, just wanting to see how it went. Harlan wasn't one to be very competitive when it came down to it. He just liked having fun.
The two of them sat down to play the game, Kurt determined to win. His competitive nature was showing through in full force. the game commenced, Kurt's eyes on fire, focused on winning the silly carnival game.
Harlan tried but he was more focused on Kurt and seeing him have so much fun in what he did. Win or lose, this moment was on the top of all of his thoughts.
"Yes! See! HA!" The game had ended, and sure enough, Kurt was the victor. He brushed imaginary dust off his fingernails. "Still got it!" The man running the booth handed Kurt a new stuffed toy; a heart shaped plush with a smiling face on it. Kurt looked it over a moment and handed it to Harlan. "There. Now we both have special somethings." Kurt said, grabbing his teddy from it's safe space.
Harlan took the heart, making it beat against his chest. "I like it and I let you win." Standing, he winked and started to walk away, knowing and thinking that Kurt just might follow him. Harlan's hand hung free for this reason.
"No, no, you don't get to take this win from me!" Kurt followed behind, pointing a finger at him. "I won!  All me!" Kurt said, hugging his teddy to his chest as he continued to follow Harlan, taking his hand again. "So, where can I find you, after my meeting at nine?"
Harlan chuckled, glad to have Kurt's hand in his once more. "My dorm room, room ### in the Beiste dorm. I'll be there and waiting for you." Kissing his hand once more. "I won't take your win from you, even if its the truth."
Kurt nodded. "Okay.. Well, I'll be there to tell you how everything goes, I guess." Another kiss to his hand had his cheeks and floundering embarrassment back in the forefront. "Whatever, I know in my heart that I truly won."
Harlan nodded, looking at the time. "I'll see you there if it doesnt go in the way I think it just might." With a swift kiss to his lips, Harlan wandered and went back to his room to wait for Kurt. Though his mind wandered to if he'd actually come.
Kurt tried to chase after the kiss as Harlan backed away, but it seemed like this was their goodbye for now...
It was near nine forty-five when Kurt wandered his way towards Harlan's dorm. He felt so bad for Nikkolai. Kurt thought he let him down gently enough, but that look of sad defeat was heartbreaking. Still, he couldn't aimlessly wander around campus for long. If anything, making himself scarce may be the wise choice, to avoid Nikkolai. When he found the dorm, he knocked softly on the door.
Harlan was sitting around his room in his sweatpants and a tank top as he heard the knock. Opening the door, he was happily surprised to see Kurt there. Letting him in, Harlan shut the door behind him. "I"m guessing it didnt go so well?" His face twisted in concern for the other man
Kurt walked in, hands in his pockets. "It went fine. Actually, for the most part, it was very romantic, but..." Kurt sighed, turning to face Harlan. "It was Nikkolai. He played me a song at the fountain, he said he gets tongue-tied around me, and his note was so nice, but... He's my friend, I just didn't feel the same."
Harlan sighed, at least now he knew who it was and whom Nikkolai had planned to sing to. His face still twisted a bit, he shook his head a bit. "I'm sorry you had to do that. I know he's probably hurting and it sucks. I hope you don't lose him as a friend from this.." Offering Kurt a hug.
Kurt accepted the hug, hiding his face in Harlan's shoudler. "I hope so too... He seemed so sad as he walked away, I really hope he bounces back fast."
Harlan rubbed his back softly. "It might take time but I think he will. Most people do after all" Pulling back enough to look at him. "You want to cuddle and watche something together?"
"He is such a sweet guy. He'll find someone one day." Kurt pulled back with Harlan, nodding at his offer. "I'd like that, a lot." Kurt walked further into the room. "Have you picked out a movie yet? I've been on a 80s high school comedy binge lately."
Harlan held his hand, pulling the other boy into his lap as he smiled to him. "I was going to watch a romcom but I think I can let you choose." Offering him the remote to look through all the streaming services to find something to watch. His arsm wrapping Kurt's waist, chin on his shoulder.
Kurt let himself be pulled into Harlan's lap, eyes going wide at the sudden intimacy. Normally, Kurt would back off at this much intimacy so quick, but his lovelife was such a whirlwind, being pulled in every direction, and Harlan was such an anchor in that very moment- He let it happen. And it felt good. "I can think of a romcom that is also an 80s high school comedy." Kurt turned his head to look at Harlan with a smirk. "Have you ever seen Sixteen Candles?"
Harlan held him but not too tight as he wanted to make sure that if Kurt wanted to move, he could. "I have seen it, not the biggest fan but I don't mind. I'm more into 'Cant buy me love'  but I'll watch 16 candles for you. "
"Aww, I love Sixteen Candles..." Kurt sank deeper into Harlan's hold, the invasive thoughts melting away as he felt more of Harlan's body heat. "Maybe seeing it with me will change your mind," Kurt noted, as he found the movie, starting it up.
"Maybe it will" Harlan replied, kissing his cheek as they both turned to focus on the movie. It wasn't too bad but it still wasn't his thing. He spent more time just thinking about the boy in his lap and how he really enjoyed this. It had been so lonely since he came.
The more the movie went on, the more comfortable Kurt got. He leaned further into Harlan's hold, becoming more and more aware of the other man's touch. He placed a hand on Harlan's leg, the movie coming to it's climatic wedding scene. It was then Kurt turned to Harlan. "Has your opinion changed yet?"
Harlan shook his head. "Sorry darlin, it hasn't but it has made me want to kiss you again. " He whispered to him and kissed his cheek then over to his lips. It wasn't a long kiss, just enough to tease. "You are too much fun to kiss"
Kurt accepted the kiss, turning to he was no longer facing the television, now properly in Harlan's lap. "I have to admit, I'm having a good time." Kurt said, leaning in to initiate his own kiss, placing Harlan's hands on his hips.
Harlan smiled. "I'm glad." He kissed him back, holding his hips as they kissed. He pressed in a bit more, tightening his grip and asking for more in the kiss. Lips parting a bit, he smiled as he tugged Kurt's bottom lip.
Kurt gasped in surprise, placing his hands on Harlan's shoulders. Kurt hummed as the kiss continued, Kurt grinding down on Harlan's lap. he had never done anything like this before; he wouldn't get this heated with anyone so soon, but it felt so invigorating.
Harlan let out a soft noises as Kurt grind on him. It had been some time since he had had this much interaction but he didn't mind it. He had made out with his fair share of boys, small towns will do that to you. His hips pressing up to meet Kurt's as his hands moved to grip Kurt's ass.
"Ah!" Kurt exclaimed at the grabbing, breaking the kiss a moment. "Um...maybe not that far- Not that this isn't fun, but..." Kurt sighed, rolling his. Once again, he was running his mouth instead of enjoying the moment. "I-I have never done anything like, um... Today has been a day of firsts, if you get my meaning." His eyes went wide. "Not the virginity first, that happened, but... getting occupied on the first date type of first."
Harlan smiled, even laughed a bit. "I've never gone that far with a guy before, just kind of felt right in the moment." Nuzzling along his jaw some. "We can leave it here if you want, I'm not looking to pressure you."
Kurt cocked an eyebrow, nuzzling Harlan right back. "What, never? But you seemed so natural at it-" Kurt looked at him, sliding his hands down Harlan's chest. "You've never done anything with a guy before?"
"Made out, some handjobs but thats about it." Feeling his hands drift over his chest a bit. "We were both pan but didn't know about going to far and all. Just wanted to try some of the basics. I mean, I have done more with girls but thats about it with boys, darlin." Pressing a kiss to Kurt's jaw then.
The cogs in Kurt's head started turning. he had made it this far, and didn't implode, or even feel overly dirty. Just the normal, good kind of dirty. "Well... I'd hate to leave you without upping the ante, at least." His voice shook a bit as the words came out of his mouth, the the fire and determination in his eyes was unmistakable- He wanted to do this.
"What did you have in mind? And if I'm honest, I don't mind you staying tonight." Harlan thinking that maybe Kurt would take him up on the offer to stay the night. "Cuddles and all that, I'll even make us breakfast in the morning." Just offering more, though it seemed Kurt had another version of more in mind now.
Kurt sucked on his bottom lip a moment. He was so beyond nervous. "I was thinking more along the lines of..." Kurt's hand slowly slid down Harlan's chest, stopping at his beltline. "If I am not intruding, I was hoping to do better than your previous partners..."
Harlan licked his lips, lust lining his eyes. The idea of this angel doing more then those of the past, he couldnt help but like the idea. "Hmm sure, but you know, staying is still something that you can do after." Pulling him into a heated kiss as he moved Kurt's hand to let him feel how the boy had made his body react.
Kurt accepted the kiss, just as the credits from the movie started to play behind them. He gasped into the kiss when he felt just how aroused Harlan had become- All because of him. Kurt still had doubts about doing this, but he shoved them out, taking a bit of Hunter's advice from days before. This was natural, right?...  Kurt slowly stroked up and down through his sweatpants, the thin material leaving nothing to the imagination. "W-well, you certainly aren't lacking."
Harlan moaned in the kiss, moving back as Kurt palmed him a bit more. He was taking his life in his hands and damn it did it feel good to be touched like this by such a beautiful man. "Hmm oh yeah?" he whispered to him. "Well thank you, babe." The nickname was easily falling from his lips.
Kurt took this moment to lean to Harlan's neck, placing a soft kiss there, softer than anything he gave the whole nights. "Just... lay back, relax." Kurt said softly into Harlan's ear. He slowly slid down Harlan's body, his knees touching the ground, and with the expertise of some whole who clearly has done this more than once, slid Harlan's sweatpants down with him. His eyes went wide at what he saw. "Oh wow..."
Harlan felt a shiver run down his back, his eyes closing as he found himself shifting on the bed. His hips lifting in a way to help Kurt remove his sweats and smirking as he heard his reaction to seeing him undressed now. "You still think you can handle it, babe?" his fingers sliding through Kurt's hair and leaning down to kiss him before he relaxed once more.
The confident fire in his eyes enraged at the challenge; of course he could! Kurt, with a gentle hand, took hold of Harlan's member, stoking up and down once, using the kiss as a distraction from his movement. "What, you think I can't? Have faith in me, I'm sure I can handle you just fine.”
Harlan groaned and moaned as Kurt touched him as he did. Kissing him back, Harlan smirked. "We'll see darlin. I don't know how much you can take. Why don't you show me now? " Licking his lips, eyes lust blown with the idea of seeing all this.
Kurt smirked, lowering himself further down, keeping his eyes locked on Harlan. He stroked up and down a few more time, trying to gain a little more courage by biding his time. He had done this before, so he had no reason to think he would be bad at it. Still, those few bought seconds earned him the needed willpower to finally lean in, sliding his tongue in a long stripe up the underside of Harlan's cock.
Harlan watched him move lower, his eyes closing to just take the feeling of Kurt's hand on him. With the lick to his cock, Harlan bit his lip, a loud and low moan leaving his lips. "Oh babe, you going to show me what else you can do with that?" Fingers sliding in Kurt's hair once more.
Kurt glowed under the praising and filthy talk, his eyes practically beaming with pride. To say Kurt had a thing for being praised was an understatement. He responded, not with words, but with his tongue swiping a lap around the head of Harlan's cock, slowly, three times. Without pulling away, Kurt closed his lips around Harlan, bobbing his head up and down once, before pulling off with a mischievous smirk.
Harlan was wrapped up in the feeling of Kurt doing what he could to make him moan. He moaned softly and bit his lip and pressed his hips up a bit. He stilled them again, smiling as his heart rate picked up. "Hmm you are good at this. So good babe." Tugging his hair softly.
Kurt took the moaning and raising of his hips as a sign that Kurt was doing just fine. The butterflies in his stomach were gone by now, and hearing all the warm words coming from Harlan had him feel so much more confident about all of this. Kurt brought his mouth back around Harlan's member, starting a slow pace of sliding his head up and down. Harlan's size was not something to laugh at, Kurt closing his eyes to focus on keeping his gag reflex in check as he slid further and further down with each downward slide.
Harlan just played with Kurt's hair as the boy moved deeper on him. He could feel the heat around his member, making him moan. Sure, he had had this done before but he wouldn't lie, a boy doing it was something new and very good feeling to him. Tugging his hair softly, Harlan panted.
Kurt, in normal circumstances, would he stopping anyone from touching his hair, but this felt good; Kurt was actually having fun. He wanted to coax moan after moan out of Harlan, his tongue taking laps around his shaft, the entirety of his member sliding into his throat with ease. Kurt prided himself on his skill, but this was something entirely different. This felt wild, untamed, like a part of Kurt he had been holding back was unleashed, and Harlan's cock was the victim.
Harlan was a goner already and knew that. It had been some time since someone had done this to him and he wasn't going to last. He did his best though, wanting to give Kurt all he seemed to be looking for as well. Tugging at his locks more, Harlan moaned a little louder. "Gonna make me come, babe."
Kurt took Harlan's admission as a prompt to take his mouth off for a moment, breathing in a bit before smirking. "T-That's the goal." Kurt teased, going back to his previous task. A bubble of nervousness boiled up in Kurt's brain, something he hadn't thought about till this point; spit or swallow? Kurt from ten years ago would have never thought of swallowing, but the last thing he wanted was to walk home with a stain on him. And he just got this shirt! With a resigned affirmative, Kurt resorted to keeping his mouth locked onto Harlan till he was  finished... finishing.
Harlan laughed softly, though it was weak and breathy from all the pleasure that was building up in him. He bit his lip and his eyes rolled back into his head. He didnt think he could do much more and with one good long suck, he found himself coming. Harlan moaning the other boy's name and pressing him down to hopefully keep him there and have him take the load. Letting go as he got soft, Harlan slumped a bit and smirked. "Damn, thats what I was missing huh?"
Kurt had enough time to mentally prepare himself before Harlan came into his mouth. And with as much grace as he could muster, he swallowed it all. When he couldn't feel any more being released, Kurt popped his mouth off, slowly sliding his tongue up and down gently, to clean off anything left over. When he thought he did a good enough job, he smirked back at Harlan, swirling his finger over the head of his cock like he would the rim of a wine glass. "It's a little different, huh?"
Harlan pulled him up and into a kiss. He could taste himself on Kurt's lips. "Yeah, it was, very. But I think it has more to do with who was on their knees for me, darlin." Whispering against his lips, kissing him once more, his hand cradling the back of Kurt's head in the kiss.
Kurt accepted the kiss, arching himself into the touch as he slowly pulled Harlan's sweatpants back where they belong. "Mmm, and Lord knows how I love being on my knees," Kurt joked, rolling his eyes at the line and letting himself melt into the kiss again.
Harlan chuckled a bit. "Well I think I like you on my lap more or at least in a kiss. Now do you need help with anything? I can't promise I can do that, but i can help ya" Not feeling it was right to let Kurt suck him and not at least offer to help Kurt get off as well.
Kurt chuckled, leaning back from Harlan as the erotic air seemed to tone down. Kurt paused a moment, licking his lips and shaking his head. "No, I'm alright. We should um..." Kurt's cheeks turned a deep pink. He was aroused, this was the most action he's had in months. Yet, on his journey through many firsts, this was one he was not ready to jump over. "We should stop here, if that's okay?"
Harlan shrugged to him. "Alright, darlin. You know I said we'd do whatever you were comfortable with and so if this is it, then it is." Standing, he pulled him close. Harlan's hands on his ass. "So you going to stay over or do I need you let you go?"
“Thank you,” Kurt said, pecking Harlan’s lips again. He slid out of his lap, checking his outfit over and leaning back over Harlan. “I’ll go, this time. Just... keep me in mind. This was fun, and I don’t think I’d be against doing it again.”
Harlan nodded. "Look forward to seeing you again then." his hand in Kurt's he walked with him to the door. "Gentleman always see their guests out." Leaning against the door as he let Kurt walk past. A smirk on his lips. "See you soon." He called out as he shut the door.
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bynewtscamander · 6 years
The Crimes of Grindelwald Review (Spoiler heavy!!)
Alright I’ll start off with a basic (post writing it: it is not basic whoops) plot synopsis for those of you nosy people who want to know what’s up before seeing the movie, or for those who can’t afford to go the movies, etc. 
So basically Grindelwald escapes from prison by enchanting Abernathy and switching places with him via polyjuice potion (?) that’s my assumption just cause a spell would probably be too much work given the circumstances. He heads off to Paris and kills a family and takes over their house. He’s there with some french woman who is basically his henchman, the bellatrix to his voldemort. Newt is in London as the British Ministry has forbidden him to travel outside the country. He’s there taking care of all his creatures in his house with the help of his assistant Bunty. Queenie and a love enchanted Jacob show up and talk with Newt. Newt lifts the spell on Jacob that Queenie put, and J&Q fight and Queenie heads off to Paris where Tina is stationed as an auror looking for Credence. Cut to Tina at the magic circus (located in the diagon alley of Paris) snooping about where we learn Credence is basically the circus janitor and is in love with human form Nagini. Shows happening, Nagini transforms, and behind the scenes Credence release a bunch of creatures to cause havoc so he and Nagini can escape. They dissaperate I think. The circus packs up and moves on to who knows where. Tina runs off to investigate stuff and runs into this other guy who’s also there looking for Credence. They have a talk at a street cafe. Jacob and Newt use a portkey to go to Paris and head to the Paris diagon. Newt uses a spell to see what happened there and they follow a feather to find the guy Tina was with so they can find Tina. They meet up with said guy outside of the street cafe and have a talk. Queenie is on her own and looking for Jacob. She gets discouraged and sits on a street corner sad and french bellatrix shows up and talks with her. Newt and Jacob find Tina and they all end up getting locked in a cell by the other auror guy. He passes out and Pickett picks the lock and they escape easy peasy. Newt was told by Dumbledore really early in the movie to go to a safe house in Paris so that’s where Newt and Jacob and Tina go and they bring the auror guy to help him. They get some info from his and Tina runs off and Jacob urges Newt to follow. Jacob watches the auror, who made an unbreakable vow, while he recovers from some magical parasite. He falls asleep and wakes up and finds out Nick Flamel lives there, and the auror guy makes a break for it. Nick shows Jacob a crystal ball and he sees Q and runs off to find her. In the meantime Q was talked into following Grindelwald so she and Jacob can get married in his new “utopian” society. Meanwhile Credence and Nagini are looking for his birth mother and Grindelwald is trying to recruit him. They don’t find her. The British Ministry is keeping close eyes on Dumbledore since they know he’s in major kahoots with Newt. Flashbacks to Leta and Newt at school. Small subplot is that some gossip magazine printed that Leta and Newt were now engaged but it’s actually Theseus and Leta. Back to the main plot, Newt and Tina break into the Paris Ministry to find records of the LeStrange family. Newt uses polyjuice to become Theseus. They get in and are looking for the records and have a moment in the record library. No kissing, just a moment. Leta comes in also looking for her records. They aren’t there. Leta, Tina, and Newt fight off some ministry guard cats and head off to where the records were moved. Now we’re at the LeStrange tomb where Grindelwald has summoned his followers. Auror guy is there and ends up running into Leta, Credence, Nagini, and possibly Newt and Tina (I can’t remember exactly). They explain the LeStrange background. Leta and auror guy are brother and sister. Ther mother was enchanted away from their father by another man. She falls “in love” with him and marries him and dies after giving birth to Leta who I can’t remember now if she was half-sister to auror guy or full sister. Guy who enchanted their mother remarries and have another kid. Non blood related to auror guy and possibly Leta if she was from og parents. Credence is their brother, sort of. When going to America, Leta and “C” were on a ship and “C” kept crying so she, as a child, switched him out with another baby to get some rest. Ship goes under and “C” dies being believed to be another womans baby. That womans baby survives and is apparently the Credence we know and love. So not related in anyway. Wack. Now the Grindelwald meeting has started and Jacob finds Q there and Tina is there to spy and everyone else joins in and Theseus and his aurors are there to keep an eye on stuff. Grindelwald makes his speech, calls out aurors he knows are there, they come forward and one (planted I believe) lashes out and kills a follower of Grindelwalds. More talking and then Grindelwald tells his followers to go. Most do but obvs Newt, Tina, Queenie, Jacob, Theseus, Leta, Grindelwald, french bellatrix, Credence, Nagini, and possibly Leta’s brother are still there. Grindelwald uses fire to weed out those not loyal. Queenie and Credence both join Grindelwald. Big fight with the fire and Leta sacrifices herself so everyone else can escape. They run into Nick Flamel and they do some more fighting of the fire to save Paris. They go to Hogwarts and Dumbledore gets cleared of suspicion and it is revealed that he and Grindelwald made a magical blood pact (basically an unbreakable vow) to never right each other. Ministry wants Dumbledore to fight cause he’s the only one who can match Grindelwald. Now cut to remote mountains in Austria where Grindelwald and Queenie are discussing Credence. Grindelwald talks to him and it is revealed that he is apparently the 4th Dumbledore sibling? And this bird he was taking care of is turned into Fawkes. I think that’s everything major. 
I definitely forgot stuff and I’m sure some stuff is wrong, I’m writing this 3ish hours after seeing the movie so it is still pretty fresh but I obviously cannot remember nearly 2.5 hours of content. 
Time for my thoughts and opinions and impressions. 
So Grindelwald’s escape. They mention something while he’s in the cell that they cut out his tongue. Later when we find out that Grindel was actually Abernathy he has like a forked tongue so idk if that’s what they meant by cutting it out?? Also I wasn’t a fan of the total demotation of Abernathy as GW henchman. Like I know he wasn’t very nice in the 1st movie but come on. Btw they were moving him from British prison to French cause he committed crimes both places. The French ambassador dude has like this whole moment where he’s fighting this creature and GW and then gets thrown from the flying carriage and almost dies on impact of the water. Then he’s just floating around and never mentioned again. 
I also wanted to know if the family GW killed to take over their house was muggle or not. minor thing. french bellatrix kills like a 2 year old baby they found in the house after killing his parents and I know they’re the bad guys but like it was kinda messed up. 
Newt’s house was dope and everything I expected it would be. His assistant, Bunty, has a crush on him, but he’s too invested in Tina and the animals to care. This is never addressed again. She is never mentioned again after this scene. So I thought it was dumb that her character was even involved and has the crush sub plot. Like either stick with it or make the assistant even more of a throw away character. 
So when Q shows up with J she’s like we’re getting married yay. A few minutes into their reunion with Newt he can tell something is up. He realizes that J is under a love enchantment and urges Q to lift it but she’s all like no no no. I just didn’t understand why she even enchanted him in the first place? Like yes he was against marrying her based on the fact that he didn’t want her to go to prison but like was it necessary to enchant him? idk it just felt stupid and childish and tbh Q is a more developed character than the ditzy blonde who wants to get married. I guess it more just rubbed me the wrong way. 
So J and Q have a fight  where J is like “I dont want to marry you cause I dont want you going jail” which is a totally legitimate reason and like I cant think that there would be any significant benefits to it, i think the big thing for them would be calling each other husband and wife but tbh they could do that anyway so i just thought it made Q seem like a resilient woman who only wants a man to call her own, which like I said earlier, she’s so not. She’s an accomplished legilimens and I feel like her character got a little side lined this movie. So anyway after this fight she heads off to find Tina in Paris.
So the magic circus was super dope, definitely an aspect of the wizarding world I was excited to see. I think they could’ve spent a little more time showing it off and all that cause it was more just a setting to introduce Nagini and what Credence had been up to since the last movie. 
The Nagini Credence romance didn’t really bother me, it’s kind of whatever and good for Credence for caring about someone and having someone care about him and stick by him.
Nagini herself is a whole nother ball game. I was mad dude. I still am. I think it’s one of the stupidest plot twists ever. Cause she’s basically from bloodline that is destined to turn into snakes forever and change every night and then at some point dont change back. It seemed kinda just thrown in there and for god’s sake we didn’t need some deep backstory for Nagini. I liked that she was just a snake cause it made sense for voldemort cause it’s like his closest companion isnt even human, that’s how crazy he is. So like I also dont know if he knew she was a person or what. it poses too many questions for the canon. She had a cool costume design though so i guess thats good. 
The other creatures at the circus were cool too cause it was neat to see a different side to animal keeping that we didnt in the first movie. All chained up for show and from all over the world. I really liked the big cat/dragon creature (im not looking up names rn so as not to break my stream of conciousness too much). Like im a big cat person and im a big dragon person so it was super cute and when newt used the toy for it i was like awwww. 
Side note, Newt when he’s shown at home taking care of his creatures jumps into the water without taking off his shirt and i was hoping this movie for a more indepth dealing with his scars but alas there was none.
I think I would’ve also liked to see more of paris diagon just cause all we get is the circus glimpse and the glimpse when newt and jacob go there and you dont get to really see any shops or stuff. 
The scene where newt uses the revelio spell thats all gold and uses the niffler was great, really liked that, i thought it was super pretty and showed they werent shoving aside the beasts despite it being a more wizard driven plot this time. 
After they meet up with auror guy and are thrown in jail with tina the auror guy passes out after making some little speech about how they were trapped. I dont even think he took their wands or if he did it wasnt shown or made note of. like a minute after theyve been trapped auror guy passes out. they super easily escape with Pickett picking the lock (my guess now is pick-it was the play for his name, well done, cute). So that plot point was barely a plot point.
When they all go to the safe house we find out that auror guy has some sort of water creature parasite in his eye. its gross and tentacally. newt removes it with literal normal tweezers. all it does is make auror guy need to rest for a few hours. once again, barely a plot point.  
Auror guy is also revealed to have the marks of an unbreakable vow, now, correct me if I’m wrong as I’ve only seen the movie once a couple days ago now, but i literally cannot recall what it was for? like idk why have a character make an unbreakable vow, something that was crazy important in book 6, and then make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal or like whatever it was wasn’t significant enough.
So anyway, he escapes while jacob is supposed to be watching him and falls asleep on the job. Then he meets Nick Flamel who I enjoyed being in the movie as it was a good nod to the 1st book. He was a funny character but also very powerful and important. I appreciated that he did look super old cause I think they could’ve easily tried to “sex him up” by making him this banging hot young immortal guy. They didn’t and honestly I prefer it that way. 
Now the crystal ball thing, was Nick Flamel a seer? Once again, may be wrong but I thought like only seers or people gifted with some form of the sight could use them? and like flamel was seeing and showing some intense visions that were very graphic and well formed so it didnt seem like he was a casual. Thats neither here nor there i just thought it was an interesting thing going on.
So now we’re with queenie who is being persuaded by GW to join him so she and jacob can get married. I mean that’s consistent with her character this movie but it does make her seem a bit weak willed. I feel like she should’ve known something was up by using her legilimency to try and poke around with gw or french bellatrix. Obvs they’ve probably trained with occlumency but i think lack of hearing those thoughts would’ve been a big red flag. maybe queenie was too emotional or distraught or whatever to think of it? Seemed like a bit of an oversight. Gahh i just wish they’d shown her resisting a bit more so she didnt seemed weak willed and we could also get a better look into just how convincing gw was. 
So Nagini and Credence have located where his birth mother lived in Paris but when they go there all they find is this half (elf? i think) woman who was Credence’s nanny basically. She basically reveals his mother is dead and credence is very distraught. The one of gw henchmen (who also works for the british ministry) sneaks into the house and kills the nanny in front of credence. Side note, i did like how they showed avada kedavra in a more casual setting because it shows how merciless gw was with it. I felt like with voldemort even though he was merciless and used it a lot, there was still this big dramatic focus on it. I think the casualness added to the morbid atmosphere being presented. 
So credence obvs goes all obscurial on the dude and blows up the house basically and is bombarding him with debris while he’s using a shield charm. The dude dissapperates in the end and credence goes back to being his normal self. And then I think later on at this house gw goes to him and talks him into joining him fully. 
So cut to hogwarts for dumbledore. He’s teaching defense and “dueling” some kid. This kid turns out to be an ancestor of cormac mclaggen which I thought was a nice little easter egg kind of thing cause the kid gets his ass handed to him by dumbledore. So in the middle of this lesson ministry officials show up and they’re like kiddos get out. then a woman only referred to as mcgonagall (since I know there’s been some discourse about that in reference to her birth date and age and whether it’s minerva or not. tbh i did always think mm was the sameish age as dumbledore but i also do believe in sticking with the harry potter canon as it’s more concrete and developed than the fantastic beasts) she herds them out so the ministry can talk. 
The robes for the 20s hogwarts students were dope btw and im so mad that they i guess went out of fashion cause like the subtle ribbon sleeves and the navy blue and red plaid skirts and the focus on sweaters was sick, really really liked that. 
So the ministry is like “so newts in paris and we know it was u” and dumbledore is like “whaaaat, who knew” and plays innocent and whatever. So then the ministry gives him unlinked cuffs that can track what spells he’s casting which i thought was an interesting concept and im wondering if that’s going to be used more for law enforcement and if it was more of an old fashioned thing and thats not used during hp era? i just thought they were cool and clever. 
So while this is going on Leta is poking around reminiscing about hogwarts and she was obvs a slytherin and was like jinxing kids and was very unpopular and she finds newt in this hidden nook while hiding from bullies. newt is taking care of some grindylows and a baby crow and some other creatures i couldn’t identify. 
They become friends and newt takes out on this island on the black lake and shows her this tree he likes and then we cut back to present day where Leta is looking at graffiti under a desk that says n+l so she had real feelings for him at some point that were probably not returned or newt was too naive to notice. fairly on brand tbh. 
Leta’s outfit for this is like a long sleeved loosish satin dress, maroon, with like a cape on that back and while i wish, for every movie tbh, that wizards always wore robes, I thought it was a nice little nod to them being magical and having different fashions. 
The gossip magazine subplot was actually so stupid and I wish they hadn’t included it because it makes Tina, who believed it, seem stupid and she’s not. She’s a well trusted auror now and there’s no way should would believe a stupid gossip magazine without doing proper research. 
I appreciated the little moment she and newt had upon clearing this up in the records hall. I would still have liked a kiss or something a little more considering everything but I’m not dying for one. 
Blah blah blah ministry fight, the familiars used to guard the ministry were cool and i did like their design, however, i am a big cat person so i can see if some people disagree. 
Gw uses this really sick method of conjuring like these huge, light, pieces of fabric that cover the buildings of paris in order to summon his followers. Im assuming they were invisible to muggles but this isn’t addressed however no one except the wizards bats at eye at them. 
So now we’re at the lestrange tomb which is big and fancy and all that. So now there’s the whole credence origin reveal/lestrange background. Auror guy shows up and is like you’re my sister and credence is our brother and i was just like hmmm because leta and auror guy are both black and credence is white so how does that work. 
The plot behind it is so complicated and weird holy heck. Basically auror guys parents fall in love and have him and are wealthy and all this stuff. Lestrange man falls in love with auror guys mother and imperios her to live with him and love him. Now i cant remember if leta was by both auror guys parents or if she was from lestrange and his mother. either way his mother dies giving birth to leta who is brought up, kinda, by lestrange. He remarries to another white woman and they have a baby who is in some way related to leta and auror guy. The baby’s name is corvus which idk, its weird. So eventually leta and corvus get sent to america with the half elf woman from earlier on this ship. Corvus doesn’t stop crying so leta sneaks out and temporarily (she intended) switches him with another womans baby. The ship begins to sink and thus they never get switched back and corvus officially goes down with the ship. Leta, fake corvus, and elf woman are on a lifeboat that tips and not corvus is see falling into the depths and either leta or the elf woman is seen swimming for him. It was super unclear to me whether or not they actually saved him because they must have if credence is there but like it was super unclear and im not sure. 
I also dont understand then how credence ended up being adopted and leta ends up back in britain and goes to hogwarts and all that jazz. maybe it will be cleared up in the next movie but that part of the plot gets all fuzzy and unexplained. 
I personally haaaaatttteeed this explanation. I may be reading into too deeply but it seems like they were just trying to make an excuse as to how the lestrange family went from a totally different race to another in like 50ish years (assuming bellatrix was born around the 60s). It also just felt like this crazy plot twist to be a crazy plot twist, nothing more. I also want to now go back and look at the black family tree and see how much info on the lestranges i can glean from that. I just think it would be interesting to see how much stuff has differed there. 
So now its the followers of gw meeting. There’s several hundred to a couple thousand wizards there and legit they all look like emos. gothic emos. it’s easy to pick queenie out in her multicolored plaid jacket. I just thought that was funny that the demographic for his followers was emo wizards. 
So blah blah blah speech about how the muggles are others but how gw doesn’t hate them or anything, something apologetic like that. lots of wwII imagery used to say like here’s what the muggles are gonna do if we dont take action. I think they were trying to push the hitler comparison here. Not a fan of that cause that “trope” or whatever needs to die. feels like we glorify hitler too much as the end all be all of evil in the world and history. that’s more of a personal thing for me, like the guy is gonna live forever in infamy and we as a society have pushed that and used it every which way. he needs to die out as a figure, especially with all the horrible stuff happening in the world today. 
So back to way less serious stuff, to show the wwII visions gw literally takes a fat rip off a skull bong that french bellatrix is holding and blows out the smoke which forms into the images. I started laughing out loud in the theater because of this and it majorly lowered the seriousness of the rest of the movie for me. 
So after all this gw knows theseus and the aurors are there and like calls em out to come down and like they cant actually do anything to the followers cause listening to someone speak is apparently not illegal even if the person speaking is like #1 escaped criminal of the wizarding world. 
And then basically out of nowhere one of the aurors kills a woman, a guy who i believe to be a plant, unsure if the woman was, but it def wasnt real. So gw goes over to her body and is like “look at how sad this is, followers, please leave this place and do stuff,” and they all disapparate. so now its gw, french bellatrix, queenie, jacob, newt, credence, nagini, tina, and theseus and his aurors. (now that im thinking about it i cant recall what became of auror guy)
Gw summons some blue flames in a circle around himself that only loyal followers can pass through. all the non-theseus aurors get consumed by the flames either by charging or gw manipulating it to engulf them. So then one by one gw starts trying to convince people to join him, in the end queenie joins him much to the dismay of jacob. unsure how i feel about this, it’s an interesting duality but god i wish it wasnt queenie again. and then much to naginis dismay credence joins. gw tries to get leta to join. she wont. he lashes out at everyone with the fire but leta holds it off and theseus is like “no ill do it, escape” and leta is like “im doing it and you need to go” they (newt and theseus) linger long enough for leta to be consumed but they manage to escape dramatically. 
Once outside the tomb in the graveyard they see flamel who is like “if we dont do something the whole city is gonna burn” so they all stick their wands into the ground and create a ring of fire to encase the evil blue flames and they work super hard at holding it off and they do and thats the big epic ending fight scene. it looked really cool but explaining it it seems kinda lame lol. 
So now that paris is saved they all go to hogwarts and are standing on the bridge and have newt alone go talk to dumbledore and he shows his this heart charm thing which has 2 drops of blood in the center. dumbledore explains that in their youth they made a magical blood pact (basically an unbreakable vow in a different form) to not fight each other. Newt is like well can you un do it cause you’re the only dude who can defeat him and dumbledore is like i’ll see what i can do. he also gets his magic tracking cuffs off. 
We get to see the mirror of erised again which was cool and i really liked seeing dumbledore stand in front of his for the first time as we all know the “sock” line about it from him. he sees gw, so no surprise there. more of a nice little easter egg moment more than anything.
Then we’re in austria in the mountains. Gw and queenie are talking about how credence is and how to get through to him and then gw walks in and starts talking to him. Gw explains that he is aurelius dumbledore. so wtf. I have big problems with this as dumbledores history is pretty clearly eplained and im pretty sure his parents werent around long after arianna so how did they have another kid? how did they lose him? is he older or younger than arianna? and if we go off the lestrange story wouldnt that make the woman who leta switched the babies on mrs. dumbledore? i also really hated this bit and i want to see how they clean it up in the next movie cause yiiiiikes is it bad. super unnecessary and kinda messed up and weird. 
After this gw gives credence his first wand and turns this little bird that credence had been looking after into fawkes (assumed from earlier movie context clues etc). Which is also confusing cause like uhhh can someone actually turn a bird into a phoenix? is that even possible? was the bird secretly a phoenix this whole time? and if so why was gw able to make it grow up so fast? weird shit there.
So anyway that was my long, rambly, opinionated, all over the place, too extra, very informal and grammatically atrocious review of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Maybe things will come to me later and I’ll add on but this is what I’ve got floating around in my head 2 days post movie. 
It was by no means a bad movie, the cinematography was great, the acting was great, I loved the characters so much. The beasts were new and exciting. My biggest gripes lie with some of the plot points brought up. 
7/10 final score I guess.  
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httpdabi · 6 years
My Dad’s Friend
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Word count: 4.6k
Characters: Shin Hoseok x Reader
Genres: Smut, comedy. romance
Warnings: 18+, rough sex, age gap
I was never interested in older guys, like my other friends. For them it was normal to hook up with married guy, to be with a guy who is 10 or more years older then them. For me, it was a no go. I always stuck with guys that are around my age. Until I met him, my father’s friend, Shin Hoseok.
I was never interested in older guys, like my other friends. For them it was normal to hook up with married guy, to be with a guy who is 10 or more years older then them. For me, it was a no go. I always stuck with guys that are around my age.
They used to laugh at me, saying that I dont have taste, but what could i do ? I just didn’t find them attractive enough, that’s all.
I checked if all my stuff were in my bag, my charger, pj, toothbrush and so, before I turned off the lights and made my way out.
Wearing my jacket, I made my way to kitchen and took the brownie from the table and placed it whole in my mouth, hoping she didn’t notice.
,, Miryo, that’s for our guest, do you have to eat everything that’s on the table ?’’ she asked me and rolled her eyes. I just mumbled YES with full mouth and waved her goodbye.
I almost forgot that tonight dad’s friend will visit us. As I understood, they didn’t see each other for a long time, so he will come and stay few days. Honestly, I never saw my dad so excited, he was acting like a child.
While I was wearing my boots, my mother was screaming from kitchen how I have to behave when I get home and not embarrass them. Like I ever did, duhh.
I took my earphones and played some music, since time and walk always goes faster like that. Imagining some stuff that will never happened, I arrived fast and I already found myself knocking on my best friends door.
Since her parents went on vacation, she asked them if she can invite few friends and of course they allowed it.
I was really surprised to see that I was the last one to arrive, since I was always the first one. They were sitting on the balcony and waiting for me to change in my PJ so we can open some wine.
Just when I got back, they started talking about some drama, break ups and shits. Ok just in time.
,,He just texted me how he’s sorry he hurt my feelings, but if we really think about it it’s actually my fault for having feelings in the first place’’ she said trying to fit a whole slice of pizza in her mouth.
,, Well, he’s kinda right. You knew that he’s married from the beginning. What did you think that he’ll divorce and come to you ? ‘’ my best friend Hani said and I totally agreed with her.
,, Not really, but I mean.. I don’t know’’ Yura said and shook her head. It was really funny to me the way she behaved,  they could easily ruin a family and they didn’t give a single fuck.
,, And girls, I’m officially taken’’ Minah said proudly.
,, As a fucking joke’’ I said and Hani choked on her food. Minah gave me that REALLY???? Look and pattet Hani on her back, so she can come to her self.
,, You should just shut up and go babysit your boyfriends’’ Minah said after some time. It took her long enough to come with something at me.
,, By the way, why don’t you talk with Kyungsoo anymore? I thought you guys were like best friends ?’’ I asked Yura curiously. We didn’t meet for a long time, so there were a lot of things to talk about.
,, Satan was God’s best friend’’ she simply said making me laugh a little bit.
I loved times when we hang out together, just gossiping people and talking about what happened. Not worrying about anyone or anything.
,,  What are you up tomorrow?’’ Hani asked me and she took a sip from her glass.
,, I don’t even know honestly, my fathers friend is coming in visit, so I’ll probably just stay at home and maybe spend some time with them, my parents are making a bbq again’’ I said and leaned on the wall. Minah and Yura went to sleep because the wine hit them and yeah.. so I ended up with Hani talking about random crap till very late.
,, Why do you need to hang out with them ? Since when are you hanging out with your father’s friends’’ ? she said laughing a little bit.
,, I don’t even know that man. They said that he used to visit us often when I was a kid and that he used to buy me ice cream and toys and that I always liked him so much’’ I said and took a sip of my wine.
,, But I couldn’t find any photos of him and I don’t remember how he looks at all. ‘’ I added and Hani nodded her head.
It was around 3:30 AM when we went to bed. We fall asleep extremely fast, probably because of wine. Even tho we fall asleep late, I woke up pretty early, I tried to sleep again but I couldn’t, so I slowly went out of the bed quiet as possible, trying not to wake up anyone. I took my stuff, covered Hani and went to the toilet to change, before leaving the apartment.
It was a good idea going home early, since the fresh air helped me come to myself. Since it was really early, I saw few people walking around with their dogs. Well, it wasn’t that early , 8 AM, but still.
When I got home, I tried to get in the house quietly so I don’t wake them all up here too. I went to my room, changed in my comfortable clothes and then I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee before I went in the living room and turned the neflix on.
Only God knows till how late they were awake since none of them was awake. I let the Lucky one play on Netflix and I could catch myself dozing out sometimes. Giving up, I placed the cup and my phone on the table and fall asleep on the sofa.
I wasn’t asleep for too long, since when I woke up the movie wasn’t even half done. But it’s not the movie that woke me up, it was the person who was moving in the arm chair. I moved in shock and saw a man sitting and watching me.  
Honestly I didn’t know how to react at all, because not every day you have someone watching you sleep. Since it was still early for me, it was hard for me to realize what’s going on. Then I remembered that it was my dad’s friend.
,, Oh I’m sorry, good morning. I’m Miryo’’ I said and bowed down.
,, You changed so much. You don’t remember me, don’t you ? ‘’ he said and smiled softly. I just shook my head and he smiled once again.
,, I’m Hoseok, when you were little girl I used to take care of you often.’’ He said and he took his cup of coffee.
I looked at him like a moron. Honestly, I thought that person can be so handsome. His blonde hair looked so soft, and his lips. And he didn’t even look old at all, for a moment I was thinking that he was some kind of vampire. SO MAGNIFICENT.Oh my GOD. He probably noticed what was going on, since he smirked and laughed a little bit.
His teeth were so damn perfect, I was even more shocked. I just looked back at the tv acting like I didn’t even look at him, feeling totally embarrassed.
But damn
,, So, what are you doing ? Uni ? or you just became a princess as you used to say you will’’ he said making me laugh a little bit.
,, I am uni student, majoring in art ‘’ I said simply and nodded my head still embarrassed.
,, Nice, I knew that you will become something when you grow up’’ he said comfortably. I wanted to stand up and go to my room, I felt so freaking horrible, I felt like I was sinning. It was so hard to take my eyes off of him.
,, Morning’’ my dad said and I just thanked God he entered the room. First time in my life I just wanted to jump on someone.
I was going crazy, I swear
,, Good morning, slept well? ‘’Hoseok said and my father nodded his head.  While they were chit-chatting, I stood up and found a medicine to kill my headache.
,, Had a wild night?’’ my dad asked smiling.
,, Not really, we just drank a little bit of wine’’ I said and shook my head. Well, 3 bottles of wine isn’t so much, is it ?
Better then vodka, thinking about strong drinks made me want to vomit immediately. One time we were mixing strong drinks way too much, I was never drunk like that. Since that night, I cant even smell vodka or anything else.
,, Are you allowed to drink alcohol?? ‘’ Hoseok asked in some weird tone, making me confused for a second.
,, Sure, I’m 21 years old, why not’’ I said and smiled back I guess ? He simply nodded his head and smiled again.
So weird.
After short time, my mother woke up and made a breakfast for us. I couldn’t eat so much, but I was still waiting till they are all done, so I can clean everything up.
,, Honey, Soyon called me yesterday and asked me if we can jump in, two people are sick on work’’ my mom said slowly, chewing her food.
,, What ? no way, I told them that Wonho is coming in visit’’ he said pissed off.
,, I know, I know. But it’s just for short, probably one or two hours and tomorrow in the morning. I couldn’t say no’’ she said and he somehow agreed.
,, Miryo, you can go with me and buy everything for tonight’’ Hoseok said while giving me some serious look.
,, Sure’’ I said a little bit lost. What’s up with this man.
,, Good girl’’ he said and winked and then he smiled at me. Oh god that smile, it hit me more then his words.
,, Oh, can you remember ? Wonho used to call you a good girl every time you listened to him’’ my mom said and smiled.
When they finished eating, my parents went to change, while Hoseok was just sitting there, watching me cleaning.
,, You grew up really well’’ he said and I could feel him somehow checking me out. I don’t know did I feel uncomfortable or not honestly.
I just smiled and turned around to wash the dishes. He didn’t speak or anything and I thought that he went to change or something, but then I felt him leaning on. He was so close to me, so close that I could feel his breath. He just took the glass and went away from me.
It took me few minutes to calm down and come to myself again. My breathing wasn’t normal anymore. In few seconds, he placed the empty glass beside me and I just took it, so I can wash it with other dishes.
,, Good girl’’ he said and tapped my back, before he went out of the kitchen, leaving me all alone in shock.
Maybe I was just imagining things ? Overacting?
,, Honey, we are going’’ I heard my mom screaming and then I heard the door closing, loudly.
I just finished cleaning the kitchen and I went in my room. I sat on my bed and messaged Hani about what happened. I wanted to know her opinion, she is my best friend after all.
It all made me so confused and honestly, I couldn’t believe that I had such a naughty thoughts about a older man. Older man that used to watch over me when I was kid.
It was so damn wrong.
I was probably just imagining it all.
While I was lying on my bed, I heard a knock on my door and all of sudden Hoseok went in.
,, You ready?’’ he asked me as he crossed his arms. I just nodded my head and I took my phone and my wallet fast before I went out of my room with him.
The drive was silence, first because I was too busy throwing glances on him and secondly I was a little bit uncomfortable to talk to him.
,, When you were little, you were always talking so much. I can’t believe you are so quiet now’’ he said looking on the road. Oh God, if you only know
In the shop I was looking for some snacks and stupid stuff and Hoseok was just following me around and taking everything my parents need.
Gosh, he was so perfect
I had snacks in my hands, but damn he was a much better, looking like a whole snack.
,, GIRL’’ I heard a scream from some other side of shop. I turned around and saw Hani and Jungkook coming my way.
,, WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO EARLY?’’ she screamed on me, acting like we didn’t talk about it or something.
,, and where is the man ? Is he home ?’’ she asked me and i gave her a weird look to keep quiet. She opened her mouth and looked, I’m not sure at me or beside me.
,, Hello’’ I heard Hoseoks voice and I understood why she had that expression.
,, Thanks god Yura is not here, if she is she would –‘’ Jungkook said and Hani covered his mouth before he could say anything.
,, Anyway, are we going out tonight ?’’ Jungkook asked me.
,, I cant go out tonight, I promised my parents ill stay home with them tonight’’ I said and Jungkook was about to protest, but at the end he just kept quiet.
,, Miryo, we need to go’’ Hoseok said and placed his one arm around me, giving me a sign that he want’s to pay and leave.
,, See ya’’ I said and I wiggled out of his hold and hugged Jungkook and Hani, before we went away. I was placing the food and preparing my wallet, since the most of the food were just my snacks.
,, I will pay’’ he said firmly. I was about to protest, but when he looked at me I got lost, just like Jungkook few minutes ago.
When we went home, he was talking a little bit more then before. He even asked me do I have a boyfriend and when I said no, he was really surprised and he told me that he didn’t expect that since I grew up into such a beautiful WOMAN
In short time my parents came back, so I just locked myself in my room leaving them all alone. Sometimes I could hear loud laugh. I felt really happy for my father, it was a long time since he laughed like that. My father was always just so stressed because of his work, so this visit probably was really something great for him.
Sometimes when I would go downstairs to take something, I could feel Hoseok looking at me. But I swear, I was sure that I was just imagining it, since my parents didn’t notice anything.
The whole day I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The whole fucking day, I was just thinking about the way he behaved. I tried to believe that that’s the way he usually behaves.
When the time came, I went downstairs and helped my mother prepare all the meat for bbq, salad and everything, while Hoseok and my father were talking in the living room and drinking whisky.
The meat and everything was done, so I slowly started to take it out, while they were preparing the tables and everything.
My mother didn’t want to call so much people, she didn’t want to have stressful night dealing with many people, so she just called few friends.
The whole night was really boring for me, all of them were talking about stupid stuff that weren’t really interesting to me, so I was just spending my time talking with Hani on the phone, eating and drinking wine again.
To Hani Bani : ,, You should just come over, it’s so damn boring.’’
Hani Bani : ,, I can’t, I promised Jungkook that we’ll go out tonight. Where is the hottie?’’
I rolled my eyes on the nickname she gave to Hoseok and smiled accidentally on the phone.
To Hani Bani: ,, The hottie is flirting with mom’s friend from work. I swear I want to punch them both in the face’’
My blood was boiling,  I was really right when I thought that it was his usual behavior.
Hani Bani : ,, Well he does look like a flirt. But honestly, he probably sees you like a little sister. You probably imagined everything’’
To Hani Bani : ,, I know, I know. He is still hot tho, wouldn’t mind if he buys me ice cream again haha :P’’
To Hani Bani : ,, God, he is so damn hot.. I wouldn’t mind if he gives me more then ice cream’’
Hani Bani : ,, Can’t believe you are having such a thoughts about older man.. it’s so not you’’
Hani Bani : ,, But I don’t blame you tho…..’’
I smiled again reading the messages and locked my phone leaving it on the table. Everyone was still talking and Hoseok was leaning and whispering something to the women beside him.
,, Did everyone eat already? I would like to clean and go to bed if it’s not a problem’’ I said and my mom just nodded and told me just to leave the wine on the table.
I was so pissed off, I couldn’t watch him flirt with that women anymore. So I just cleaned everything fast, while everyone was commenting how a nice daughter I am.
When I was done, I didn’t go to my room immediately, I just lied on sofa and watched Netflix, trying not to think about that man.
,, Miryo, can you just place the rest of the dishes in the washing machine, your mother drank a little bit more then usual’’ my father woke me up. I was surprised that I fall asleep so fast, I guess that lack of sleep got me tired.
I nodded my head and went in the kitchen, while my father wished me a good night and went to sleep. When I was done, I turned around to take my phone and then I saw Hoseok sitting there and honestly I almost had a heartattack.
,, You shocked me ‘’ I said and placed a hand on my chest, still shocked.
What shocked me more was the fact that he was having my phone in his hands, like it’s his.
,, What are you doing ?’’ I asked, mad, shocked, everything at once.
,, .. I wouldn’t mind if he gives me more then ice cream’’ he simply said.It took me more then a second to realize that he was reading my messages with Hani.
,, Give me that’’ I said, almost screamed at him and grabbed my phone from his hands. I couldn’t believe that something like this could happen.
,, I already read everything’’ he said and smirked.
,, Didn’t you ever hear about word ‘privacy’ ?’’ I asked and turned around to leave. Never in my life did I feel so embarrassed like this whole day. Plus, this situation was like a cherry on top.
,, Where do you think you are going ?’’ he asked me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I was so shocked I honestly didn’t even know what to say.
,, You know, I can still give you more then ice cream’’ he said looking down on me. I felt so small, I felt like I would die if I answer him anything.
He grabbed me all of sudden and placed me on the table, forcing his knee between my legs making some place for him self.
,, You think I didn’t notice how you were looking at me and Soyon? ‘’ he whispered on my ear, feeling his hot breath made me shiver. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But I wasn’t even sure if that was a mistake or a good move, because just when I did it, I felt his lips on my neck.
,, Stop it’’ I said and pulled my head back. He ignored me and just continued to kiss my neck, probably leaving some marks on it.
,, I just wanted to see which guy made you smile on your phone like crazy.. reading those messages, I realized you want this as much as I do’’ he said and attacked my neck again.
,, This I wrong’’ I said as my breathing got even heavier then before.
,, You are 21, it’s not’’ he said and looked me in the eyes. Just looking at him, his eyes, lips, body, even hair made me wanna scream on loud
His hands were on my cheeks, while his eyes only left mine to look on my lips. Then he slowly got closer and gave me a peck on my lips.
One peck..
Second peck
Third peck
Fuck it
If all my friends could do it, why couldn’t I ? He wasn’t even married or in relationship after all
I placed my hands around his neck and he immediately attacked my lips. There were no sweet pecks anymore, only tongue, only French kiss. His lips were softer then they looked and damn was he a good kisser.
After some time, he let me have some air and he attacked my neck again.
,, Let’s go to your room’’ he said and he picked me up, holding my ass, as my legs were wrapped around him. While he was walking, I was the one kissing his neck while he was the one with the deep breathing now.
He opened the door slowly and placed me on my bed hovering over me immediately and attacking my lips once again. Not wasting any time, he took my shirt off and unhooked my bra throwing it somewhere in my room.
His lips were again on my neck, while his right hand was on my breast. He was slowly making his way down until his lips replaced his hand. I felt like he was leaving a mark on every place his lips touched me.
Standing up, he took off his shirt and threw it away. His body was perfect. More then perfect. He looked like a God.
He slowly took of my pants and hovered over me once again. His muscular arms were wrapped around my body and he kissed me again, a little bit more aggressively then before. I moaned in his mouth when he squeezed my ass. I licked his lip then and slowly nibbled on it, but I think that he wasn’t so patient, he wanted much more.
Hoseok looked at me deeply and bit on my bottom lip, making me moan quietly again.
He knew I was inpatient as much as he was. I wrapped my hands around his torso and pulled him closer to me, spreading my legs making more space for him. I could feel his hard cock inside his jeans. I rubbed my hands all over his chest, his abs and I felt him shivering with every touch.
All of sudden, I felt his fingers rubbing my clit, his touch was so intense, then he put two fingers into my pussy and started fingering me fast, making me moan louder then I should.
,, Be quiet baby, we don’t want you parents to hear us’’ he said slowing down. I nodded my head and bit my lips and he just went back to fingering me fast.
,, Good girl’’ he whispered and took his fingers out. I was a little bit disappointed when I felt his hand moving away, but at the same time, I wanted to feel him already. He took my panties off and stood up to take his jeans and boxers off.
He climbed back on top of me and rubbed his hard cock around my clit. He smirked when he saw my expression, I couldn’t take it any longer.
I guess he couldn’t wait anymore either, since he slid his cock into me without a warning.  I moaned again and he grabbed my chin ,, Quiet’’ he said and he pushed himself into me deeper and roughly.
He started thrusting slowly but hard into my wet hole. He looked at me with every thrust and kissed my lips gently.
,, Baby, you’re so tight’’’ he sad thrusting deeper slowly. I felt so full with him inside me, he was so damn huge. After several thrusts he began to work harder on me, he moved faster and harder and I was fighting with myself, trying to hold my moans.
He then stopped suddenly and turned me around. He placed one hand over my mouth and another on the end of my bed. Then he slammed his cock into me from behind, he wasn’t slow at all, and he didn’t take anything back, he was just fucking me from behind like there was no tomorrow.
He kept driving his cock in and out of me, hitting my G-spot with every move. I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breath on my neck. I had sex for a few times before, but only this time it felt right. It felt like never before and now I understood why my friends were into older guys. But I was sure, that no one of them was like Hoseok. No one.
My walls were clenched on his cock tightly. He knew that I was about to cum and he just started to fuck me faster and harder, going deeper with every move. I was thankful that his hand was covering my mouth, if it didn’t, my parents would definitely be awake by now.
I closed my eyes and gave myself in when the orgasm hit me. ,, That’s it babygirl, cum for me’’ he said, not stopping. He pushed three more times into me, before he also reached his orgasm. After few gentle thrusts, he took it out. We were breathless, it was really hard to breath properly. He pulled me closer to him and we shared a long passionate kiss. He hugged me and kissed me on the lips before he stood up and wore his boxers and jeans.
,, Just a second’’ he said and went out but just in a minute he was back with his pj in his hands. He wore his shorts and gave me my pajama so I can wear it in bed.
I was looking at him while he was spraying the deo over his body.
,, Are your parents on work tomorrow ?’’ he asked me getting closer to the bed.
,, I think so, yes’’ I said remembering their conversation how they need to jump in and I  nodded my head somehow. I was exhausted and I couldn’t move at all.
,, Perfect.’’ He said and he locked the door before he went back in my bed and placed his long arms around me.
I thought that I would feel so bad after this, but I didn’t. He wasn’t married, he didn’t have a girlfriend, he was just my father’s friend. And after all this, I was sure that I would never look at anyone the same way as I did before.
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