#i dont have a name for this fic yet!!
heleizition · 2 months
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this is my naruto oc age 12 and age like 15 lmao she goes through it
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
MLB X MCU AU in which Marinette gets revealed as Multimouse to the entire world
Because Alya cant be trusted to be responsible with a camera.
Every-fucking-one knows now. hawkmoth. her PARENTS. Hell even TONY fucking STARK knows she was a hero.
and then her parents make/force her to take Style queens offer to intern in NYC, because, from their perspective she is not safe in paris. and like- the AVENGERS are in new york so surely it must be safe there. so they pack up and move their entire bakery business.
and she ends up going to midtown high-school, where not to her knowledge, fellow teenage superhero Peter parker aka "Your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN" goes to school.
Cute adorable shipping commences.
peter is all like "omg another teenage super hero???!!! like me???? i thought i was the only one???? transferring to MY school?!!! SO COOL!!"
"marinette is super smart, marinette is pretty, she was one of THE Miraculous Ladybug's sidekicks how cool is that??!, marinette is COOL!! maybe we can be friends? how am i gonna talk to someone that cool though?? i cant tell her my secret identity!!!"
insta-crush. peter is a marinette SIMP
(and yo, dont get on my case about marinette being super fucking smart, this is the girl who figured out she was getting a birthday party from just seeing one of her friends holding a bike pump. that girl is a tactical genius! she just has self esteem issues. they are both nerd, their just nerds about differnt things, let the nerds date!!!!)
of course Marinette still has the ladybug miraculous -even tho everyone thinks she doesn't have the rat miraculous anymore- and the miracle box. so she can still fight hawkmoth because the horse is basically fast travel irl, Space miraculous super conveintent.
(also concerning the mirsacle box, im going with my headcanon/Unlucky 13 AU on what that looks like post "ladybug becomes guardain" because that egg thing from canon? fucking lame
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These ones^^^)
It would be canon compliant till season 2 and most? of season 3? but like fuck miracle queen, season3 finale + truth made me stop watching the show. so like in this au, lets just assume Fu is dead, and ladybug has had the miracle box for some time now. and that they got the miraculous when they were 13, and are currently 15? yeah? okay.
(also prolly chat salt, it doesn't HAVE to be chat salt, but like- He. Keeps. Trying. To. Quit. And leave all the work to marinette!!!! its happened like 3?? times now? Marinette CANT quit!!! its literally "do this or lose all your memories!!!" she is being held hostage by a fucking magic box full of responsibilities no 15 year old should have to deal with.)
I headcanon that marinette stress-bakes, so like cute scene number #1 after peter and marinette become friends, could be something like "marientte stresses for a test, and then bakes to much food so her parents make her take it to school to share with her peers, and she ends up giving like- 1/2 of them to parker, becuz of his super high metabolism.
and how marinettes got her whole "i'm RESPONISBLE!!! for the whole fucking universe now, omfg i'm the reason fu is basically dead" angsty shit going on which kinda parallels peters whole "i have super powers, and if i dont do something to help then its my fault if someone gets hurt, like how my uncle died. With great power, comes great RESPONSIBLITY!!!" angst. maybe they could trauma bond. who doesn't like a good hurt comfort trauma bond fic?
marinette likes designing fashionable but also functional clothes.
peter likes designing gadgets and techy things. let them be nerds together!!! in love!!
i feel like they would be the kind of couple/friends to just ramble on about their passions and they would listen to each other even tho they dont know much about each others interests yet. (also hey what if marinette and peter co designed one of peters early suits pre-stark suit??? the fucking writing potential this ship has omfg c'mon ppl!!! why are we sleeping on this??)
oh! and maybe peter figures out that marinette is also ladybug -but later on- cuz like, he has superhearing? and tikki isn't as subtle as she thinks she is.
and then he's all in awe like "Wow holy shit!!! she made her ladybug secret identity FOOLPROOF!!!! no one would ever fucking suspect!! maybe she can help me with mine???"
Fox miraculous shenanaigans insue????? The daily Bugles next headline be like: "SPIDER-MAN SAVES SI INTERN PETER PARKER FROM ETC ETC"
( the media thinks Ladybug and Chat are 1000+ years old due to that thing alya found in that museum that one time. and the fact that people know that Thor and Loki are super old.
Ladybug's excuse to the public for letting a teenager, Nay! for letting a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD use an extremly dangerous magical artifact for a little over 2 years, goes something like this: "Marinette was the ONLY person in france- maybe in the whole world! that was compatible with the Rat miraculous, it takes a very smart person to be able to multitask like that, and marinette has a photographic/phonetic memory."
i headcannon that marinette photographic/phonetic memory, and that the Rat Miraculous is the math miraculous that was mentioned in the comics that one time, and that if an incompatible person were to try and use it they would at BEST develop a severe case of split personality disorder/ or schizophrenia, and at WORST their brain would- just- melt out of their ears. )
Also he calls her "Spots" or "LuckyBug" when shes in hero mode.
(i cant think of cute nicknames for peter, ugh "web head" is just something i cant picture marinette saying. what's the french word for spider? what's the french word for cobwebs??)
She prolly just calls him "Webs" or "Spidey"
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k, m, n, t for pd and/or suck!!! >:33333
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
-> you know i gotta say wiwi. i have to. that character was Made For Me i swear to GOD . genuinely i cannot think about prime defenders season 2 episode 39 without feeling physically sick bc i love it so much. its the only one i havent relistened to since i heard it the first time. i KNOW its gonna make me cry again so i genuienly have not touched it even though theres things in there i need to hear again for character research. his arc is so like. narratively satisfying in a way that hits me so fucking deep to my core in an extremely personal way. and like. there were definitely some Decisions that i was REALLY ANNOYING about hating when they were brought up because im used to media with bad storytelling/creators that do not care about their characters but. looking back on it i would not change a single thing about it. i love you wiwi so much.
-> FOR SUCK.... its not over yet. so i cannot definitively say. campaign finale comes out tomorrow so my answer may change depending on that but for right now i think i gotta say arthur. i joke a lot about hating arthur for no real reason in particular but. man his story is just REALLY good. not going 2 give you suck spoilers (hehe) but i also really like how shilo has grown through the campaign. hes my little guy :]
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
-> TIDE. TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIDE TIDE TIDE I LOVE TIDE SO MUCH. thats my dad thats my best friend i love tide so much dude. every time he is mentioned or on screen i am just like :D HI TIDE I LOVE YOU TIDE
-> grefgore :] light of my life this is how i feel anytime i think about grefgore
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N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
-> CHARACTER STUDIES. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. I LIKE A GOOD SHIPPING FIC AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY BUT PLEASE GOD WRITE THEM IN CHARACTER. EXPLORE THEIR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS AND WHY THEY MAKE CERTAIN DECISIONS THE WAY THEY DO. this doesnt even go for just pd and suck this is like. true for every single fandom ive ever fucking been in. do you know how hard it is to find character studies in the danny phantom tag on ao3. nobody has even fucking watched the show how are they going to write character studies they just want (<< i cannot legally finish this sentence without getting in so much trouble) I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MY FUCKING SELF AROUND HERE. ALL I EVER WRITE ARE CHARACTER STUDIES BC THATS THE WAY I THINK ABOUT CHARACTERS. I LOVE THEIR MOTIVATIONS I LOVE TO GET INSIDE THEIR BRAINS LIKE A LITTLE PARASITE AND IT IS ALWAYS SURPRISING TO ME WHEN OTHER PEOPLE DO NOT THINK LIKE THIS. (edit im just now reading through this and realized the question says three things. i did not process that. my three things are all more character studies please)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
-> oh dude i have so many hmmmmmmm how to choose just one. i have a LOT of feelings about wiwis original death and i might write something about that when i can get over my shrimp emotions about him. dakota cole audhd truther but that ones pretty much canon anyway so i dont think it counts. vyncent and his relationship with growing up in fantasy world and then being thrown into prime and how he adjusted to that. I think he really lies shitty syfy channel type horror movies that are so stupidly bad. and also plays a lot of video games but again i think thats mostly canon already. i think tide listens to dad rock but also like. ocean man by ween. you already know about my william and ashe being each others emotional support at concerts. i think william and ashe should hang out and do emo kid things more. i also have a lot of feelings about ashe and coping with the crippling loneliness of basically growing up alone and how the pd becoming like INSTANT best friends was so much for him in sooo many ways. you already know how i feel about mark i am in the middle of dissecting him like im in a high school biology class as we speak. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know im gonna think of something really good after i hit the post button so stay tuned
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rose-smoke · 5 months
for nischa agere: vent regression/struggling to regress? Revealing regression and the first time one of them takes care of the other? Gingerbread house building and decorating? A birthday party just the two of them? Going to the park? Or trying to go to an amusement park and one of them regresses from the trauma? Bedtime?
Im thinking agere!noel and cg!mischa but the other way around is awesome too! Ooo or theyre both flips? Up to you!
Also i gave a lot of options but please do not feel obligated to do all or any of these, theyre just suggestions you can do if youd like, or combine them! Everything from here is your call
I can't not tell you how excited I got when I saw this (kicking legs and giggling excited) so anyway😍
Title: french snore mode activated
Regressor: noel
Cg: mischa
One day, noel asked mischa if he could come over for a sleepover just randomly and mischa said yes :D
It is now the sleepover day!! Noels so nervous he might throw up, but he has teddy bear to keep him safe, did I mention noel age regresses? Well he does and now he's scared if he does he'll be an embarrassment, so noel hides all his toys and makes sure his pacifier and other agere supplies are hidden well. Noel then hears a knock on the front door and quite literally sprints like a demon on meth to the door and opens it, but it's just the delivery man "hi sir, I have a package for gay boy?" the mail man said in a thick ukrainian accent, trying not to laugh as noel realised- "mischa you're so annoying when you dress like that to prank people" noel groaned as he pulled mischa up to his room and pushed him on the bed "noel, no need to be like that, you don't wanna be wack right?" (Im sorry i have no idea how to write mischas slang or whatever you call it so mischa shall be cringe 💀💀💀) mischa said as he pulled noel down with him and ruffled his hair "mischa stop i just styled my hair" noel complained as he pushed mischas hand away.
After a while of doing stuff, it was night time and noel wanted mischa to fall asleep first because...well noel felt like he was regressing and if mischa fell asleep first then he could regress no stress, now mischa knew noel regresses because noel accidentally regressed at his house one time and  it was fine but noel still didn't really trust regressing near anyone just yet. After a few minutes, mischa was texting talia and noel was fighting the urge to regress, mischa looked up and walked over to noel "noel, dude you good?" He asked seeming concerned, he pulled noel into a hug and noel just sighed "im fine mi'cha...just tired.." he said slurring some of his words, which mischa knew were meaning he was regressing "monbon you sure?" Mischa asked and tried not to laugh as he saw noel get embarrassed at the nickname "..why dat na'e?.." he asked "because its cute little dude" noel got more embarrassed "no wittle" he pouted as mischa picked him up "what does my cutie need hm?" He cooed as noel pointed to a drawer, so mischs opened it and saw all of noels agere stuff so he grabbed a pacifier "say ahh" "ahh" noel opened his mouth and mischa put the pacifier in and hands noel his plushie as mischa lays on the bed and cuddles noel to sleep.
(I gave up in the end)
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ethersierra · 1 year
So. I finally caved.
Debuting my fanfic career with an Amber and Kodira ficlet, naturally.
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genderdotcom · 3 months
The ground was soft and loamy, and sprung back when Mira's feet left it. The day before they had left- The Day Before They Had Left, it felt now, with all the gravitas of a shut tomb- had been marked with light spring showers that chased her into neighbours' houses and barns. She'd bought food for the trip, you see, loaves of bread and whatever else besides, and didn't want it to get wet.
Imoen carried her pack now as well as her own, and with the most studied nonchalance picked an apple from it.
"I can carry my own bags."
"Uh huh." She said around a mouthful of fruit. "So can I."
The woods were golden in the morning light. Trees spaced themselves thinly enough to permit a light breeze, ruffling Mira's cloak, drying out the mud and sweat and flecks of blood-
"You shouldn't have followed me." Shouldn't have followed us. "They won't let you back in, do you understand?"
"So what? I couldn't have stayed with Gorion gone."
That made her jolt. Trip, even, and stumble to right herself before her legs tangled in the heavy woolen volume of her skirt.
"They wouldn't have kicked you out."
"Nah, they wouldn't've. But I couldn't..." The apple half-finished, she seemed to be chewing over something else in her mind. "I brought your bear."
"Imoen!" If a laugh had escaped her, it would have been a miracle. "What for?!"
"To make fun of you for still sleeping with a stuffed animal? I mean, I dunno. I would've waltzed right up to your camp or whatever, and Gorion would've been fuming, I bet-"
Mira bit her tongue- without breaking skin, she smelled blood. Imoen broke off the sentence with the final bite of her apple, then lobbed it upwards and back in a long arc. What a sorry sight the pair of them made, Mira mused while her stuttering breath slowed again- children who'd had too little sleep. Playing at adventure with no regard for the costs.
They walked a moment longer.
"I couldn't've let you go on alone." Said Imoen and, blinking hard, looked away.
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bardengarde · 4 months
One day I'm gonna start posting about my MASH ocs and I'll have to apologize to everyone for the person I become
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fluxydrawings · 4 months
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jimmy/grian/joel podfic :) this was a super cute one ta make, fun fic ^_^ written by the delightful @giddyfenix :D
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ros-is-writing · 8 months
Polyeclipse arranged marriage/mafia au drabble pt1!
Characters: Zam, Mapicc, Ro
Word count: 933
“It’s just gone? Like that??” Zam asked, open mouthed in the politest way he could manage. Outright yelling in a meeting like this was definitely not acceptable, but seriously??
“Our sources are reporting that the Pierce Mafia has collapsed,” the captain repeated, visibly shaking in fear. Across the table, Mapicc whistled and sat back in his chair, impressed. 
Every executive sitting at the table was showing various degrees of the same emotion. Shock. The Pierce Mafia was massive, it took up a whole city while Zam’s family fought over the neighboring city with other groups. Its collapse would create an equally large power vacuum. Which, for obvious reasons, was an opportunity. 
Zam’s mind was already racing, their neighboring city had resources upon resources, they would be powerful beyond imagining if they managed to fill the space at the Pierce family left. But how? Could they just walk in and take power? They didn’t even know how Pierce had collapsed, for all they knew the boss and his executives could still be out there. 
Zam turned to his left, looking for the expression on the Boss's face. To his surprise, she was startlingly calm. Every other executive was deep in thought, eyes flicking back and forth as they imagined different situations, but she just sat there, waiting for their attention to return to her. One by one, the executives look to the Boss, realizing she already had a plan. She slowly lifted her hand, scrubbed her nails with her thumb, then said: 
“Get me in contact with Eclipse.” 
“I still don’t get why we’re working with motherfucking Eclipse,” Mapicc complained as he slid into the back seat of the car. “Aren’t they our number one enemy here?” 
Zam shrugged and pulled his door closed, motioning for Mapicc to do the same. “An enemy of my enemy is my friend,” he quoted, waving his hands around like that made it make sense. 
“Our enemy is fucking dead, no ones seen Pierce in weeks,” Mapicc pointed out. “I don’t think we have a common enemy anymore. I think it’s just us.”
“We don’t have a common enemy but we do have a common goal,” Zam said. “Pierce's city is massive, we can’t control it and our home city ourselves. We’re letting Eclipse take half on the terms that they help us put down any rebellions, and we do the same for them.” 
“That’s what the Boss told me at least,” Zam finished. 
“How though?” Mapicc asked. “How is this agreement with Eclipse working? They’re a bunch of backstabbers, everyone in Eclipse is a backstabber, how do we know they won’t backstab us?” 
“Mapicc, you’re a backstabber, stop talking.” Came Roshambo’s voice from the front seat of the car. 
“Shut the fuck up Ro,” Mapicc complained. “You’re in soldier mode right now, drive the car.” He leaned forward and tugged on a piece of Ro’s hair, making him shout and whip his hair away. 
“Stop doing that! You’re literally pulling my pigtails right now, didn’t know you liked me like that, wow.” 
“You’re deranged.” Mapicc deadpanned with no acknowledgement of Ro violently switching tones. “Also this is a ponytail.” He reached through the hole between the seat and the headrest and pulled Ro’s ponytail though. As he turned back to Zam and started speaking again, he began to braid Ro’s hair. 
“All I’m saying is, what’s in it for Eclipse besides power? They have enough of that, they have so much of that. Too much.”
“Maybe they’re going to take over our city once we spread our resources thin in the Pierce’s territory,” Ro suggested.
“Ro! Shut up!” Mapicc exclaimed, yanking his hair again. “Sorry!” Ro laughed, “I have a point though!” 
“He does have a point actually,” Zam interrupted before Mapicc could jump over the seat and throttle Ro. He wasn’t sure why Mapicc kept up their soldier-executive relationship when they were in public. Mapicc and Ro had been friends since before Zam met them, so it didn't make sense why Mapicc would want the illusion that they weren’t. But anyway- 
“Ro does have a point but, the Pierce’s city is a lot more valuable than ours. Eclipse won’t be satisfied with just our territory in our city, they want their share of the Pierce’s city too.” 
Mapicc and Ro nodded at Zam’s words, they knew he was right. Or rather, they knew that the Boss was right, she told Zam that. 
“The Boss has a plan, remember?” Zam added. “She already has an agreement with Eclipse.” 
“It’s like she knew the Pierce Mafia was going to fall,” Ro mused to the silent car. 
“I don’t think she did…” Zam admitted. “Or if she did, she never told me anything.” 
“She’s creepy,” Mapicc said bluntly. “No offense,” he added, looking at Zam. 
“Not offended,” Zam shrugged. “That’s my sister, I’ve said worse!” All three of them laughed because it was true! Behind the privacy of closed doors and un-bugged rooms, Zam complained a lot about the Boss. He loved her though, nothing could break the bond he had with her sister. She was just so annoyingly cryptic sometimes. 
“But seriously,” Ro brought them back to the conversation. “What does Eclipse value?” Mapicc and Zam went quiet, thinking. Mapicc was right earlier, Eclipse was notoriously full of backstabbers. If you weren’t officially part of the Mafia, you weren’t guaranteed safety. And you most definitely weren’t safe if you were part of an opposing group. 
Maybe that was it though. It was the same as Zam and his sister. 
“Family,” Zam said. “Eclipse values family over everything else.”
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victoriartdrawings · 5 months
fanfic rec post tomorrow maybe???👀
me to all my fandom ships knowing perfectly i wont have the time to do even 1 for at least one pairing til next week 🤡
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hijackalx · 6 months
a fic based on astarion’s years in college where the reader is his roommate and hes an arrogant prick and a horrible student who parties too much and is a bad influence on them and they become fwb and they fuck so so nasty on the reg and
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domoz · 1 year
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Izuna, itama, and the ship that needs so so much context
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mearpsdyke · 6 months
wip wednesday
i was disappointed when i realized there aren't two aces hanahaki fics in ao3, so i decided to change that.
Jamie stares at the petals like it’s obvious, like this has been the only possible outcome for the intensity of what he feels for Dani.
The petals carry a warning, it says: you’re choking on your love, you have to let it free. He knows he should, knows the fastest way to get this over with is confess to Dani and go about his life, but the idea of losing his friendship, ruining the best thing he’s ever had, is enough to paralyze him.
He can’t share what he feels, not with Dani or anyone. His feelings are like a piece of flesh that’s been burned raw and he’s trying to heal it with as many bandages as he can get his hands on, hoping time heals the wound and he can move on. But the more he spends with Dani, the more the fire consumes him, so really, there’s no healing here.
Jamie doesn’t remember feeling like this with Keeley, and she was his longest lasting relationship. Perhaps this is what Keeley meant when she talked about love being like a fire lit inside your soul—she was paraphrasing a poem, he’s pretty sure, but it wouldn’t be out of character for Keeley to say something so cliché like that.
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penguin--person · 5 months
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brascu · 2 years
The Invisible Men
HEY I wrote a fanfic about Klaus and Ben’s relationship. Old Ben, that is.
I know I said I don’t ship them, but, hm, I don’t know how to explain how I see their relationship lol So if you’re anti that ship, don’t read it, tho they don’t kiss or anything. They simply share everything?
It’s a story about Klaus sleeping with his head inside the toilet :D
Be mindfull that when I say “sleeping”, I mean dying, but it’s Klaus, It’s just something he does. And it’s an OD. So, yeah, That’s the warning, be safe, love you.
The Invisible Men
They were invisible, both of them. They were the same and yet so different. No one saw them, but one was said to be a hero, a great guy, someone they’ve missed; and the other was known for being useless, trouble and someone they would rather miss.
And Klaus was too high again. He could barely see Ben. They were at the bathroom, Klaus wanted to puke. Ben wished he could touch him, just so he didn’t end up sleeping again with his head inside the toilet.
Ben was worried, he always was. But specially when Klaus seemed to be running after death itself. It was ironic how this guy, who was so afraid of the dead, was always trying to die. 
Ben was pissed. Klaus thought that, being dead, he wouldn’t be able to see the dead? That they’d leave him alone? If that was true, Ben would’ve been free from the Horrors a long time ago, but they were still there and they would always be.
It hurt seeing his brother like that, doing everything and anything to die. He wished he was alive. Couldn’t they swap places? Klaus could rest and Ben could have some ice cream. Ben really wanted some ice cream, he thought. 
“Klaus, are you done? Let’s go get ice cream, I want to see you eating. What do you think?” 
Being dead for so long, they developed ways for him to enjoy the little things. Klaus would eat whatever Ben felt like and tell him how it was, how it tasted. Ben loved it when he was just a little high from pot and gave him these descriptions in metaphors, in music or even poetry. When he wanted to watch a movie, Klaus would get two sits, and would hiss at anyone that tried to get his brother’s place. Even when hooking up they would decide together who Klaus was going to go with. They had this rule that Ben was not supposed to look at Klaus, but they both knew Ben watched the whole thing.
It was not as if it was dirty or anything, it’s just that Ben’s existence was basically being Klaus’ voyeur for everything. He lived by empathizing with his brother’s experiences. Maybe that’s how he was able to grow older.
Klaus was taking too long to take his face out of the toilet, his body looked too relaxed. Looking closer, Ben could see some blood in the middle of all that puke. And Klaus’ green eyes wide opened, looking nowhere. No response.
Ben wished he was corporeal so he could check his vitals, anything. But he couldn’t. 
Instead he got off the bathroom and could see Allison and Luther chatting. He ran towards them, panicking.
"... I can’t believe he’s here again…” Allison said silently. Ben wanted to tell her that Klaus–
“And Pogo said some things are missing again… ” Oh, great, they were talking about Klaus. “I’m sure he’s here stealing things to buy drugs, again…” Of course he is! He doesn’t have a job!
“When will he grow out of it?” oh, yeah, He’s gonna wake up tomorrow and be free from addiction! Go check on him! “One day we’ll end up finding his body… I wish we could help, but…” You can!!! Get him out of the fucking bathroom! He’s dying! 
“Buuut it’s Klaus, he won’t change…” they both sighted and Ben’s throat felt heavy, they couldn’t hear him. “He could at least do those things out of here…”
Ben was pissed. That guy didn’t have a place to go! This is his house, for god’s sake! He is not just a problem, he’s a person! He’s their brother, and he needs help. Ben knew it better than any of them, but he couldn’t do a thing. They had to go see him, go help him, now!
“He’s been in there for a long while. Don’t you think we should check on him?” YES ALLISON, PLEASE!
“Don’t worry, mom will check on him later.” WHAT? Where did this information came from? Mom never checked on Klaus when he was high. Ben did, it was always Ben. And Ben was so frustrated. “C’mon, let’s eat something before bed…”
And they left. They simply left. They could’ve just looked at him, but guess it was too troublesome. No one would help Klaus.
Ben was shaking his non corporeal body, he felt scared, pissed, but mostly scared. And he could not just stay there, he should go see if something changed. If Klaus died, at least they could share immortality together, right? Their duo shouldn’t end like this. It didn’t end when Ben died, why should it when it was Klaus’ turn?
But god, how relieved Ben was when he got back into the bathroom and saw his stupid brother looking at him from the floor, with a stupid smile on his face.
“I thought you left me…” Klaus was also relieved, Ben could see in his face. “I thought…” he cleaned his bloody running nose. “you got tired of my bulshit and finally went to heaven…”
Ben giggled to hide the fear that was glued to his face for those last minutes.
“No, I just excused myself from watching you sleep with your face in the toilet.” He kneeled by Klaus’ side and both couldn’t hide their smiles. “There’s only so much second hand embarrassment one can endure.”
They just stood there, looking at each other, happy they were not alone right now. And that they were not invisible.
Ben watched as Klaus washed his face poorly. That’s good enough anyway. He turned towards his brother who stood in front of the door and, asking for him to let him open it, he asked: 
“Do you think mom has ice cream here? I woke up dying for it…”
Ben smiled, happy to live by his side.
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courfee · 6 months
my way of world building is to write an entire prequel story
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