#i dont know but i feel so seen in here and i dunno if i like it or not
Something I forgot about the difference between Tumblr and Instagram (or at least the one I'm thinking about right now) is that I'll post something on Instagram, get the handful of likes from the regulars, and then poof. It's gone. Off to the ether with you. Guess I'll have to post something new
Meanwhile on Tumblr, I am STILL regularly getting likes on the bifrost incident stained glass piece. Definitely not as many but they're still coming. USUALLY it's the few people I'm friends with sharing a thing once or twice and then that goes into the ether too, but when one of my drawings goes past the normal circle of friends I'm getting notifs on that for DAYS.
Plus, it's never fully gone! I can go reblog my older art whenever I want! Whereas on Instagram you'd just. I don't know. Post the same thing again? Which sucks. What if I just want to remind someone that something exists? What if I don't have anything new or special to say? What if I just went "Oh yeah I still really like this piece" and then I bring it back to the top so other people can see it too.
Also the you can only post squares thing. Who the HELL made a site around sharing art and images and said you can only use perfect squares. FUCK you
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miruac · 1 month
dating tenya iida headcanons - part two
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warnings: not proofread, extremely self indulgent, reader has a little bit of anxiety and theyre a lil insecure
a/n: listened to chappell roan while writing this. casual came on again and i imagined iida to it and i got sad so here u guys go
last time we were here it was a couple weeks when you two came back from your date
he got you that gift basket of things you eyed while window shopping, and your heart soard
this man loves to see you happy
as of now, it had been two months since your date, and you guys haven't gone out yet due to midterm exams coming up
but you've been setting for group study sessions with your classmates, in the dorm lounge
everyone's going insane and they're all pretty serious about studying
especially iida, he doesn't glance up at you much or now since his nose is always deep into his notes
he didn't realize but you felt a little distant, and a little scared that his feelings for you went away
you got up from your spot beside him and went back up to your room, to try and get some space
he didn't realize you were gone until his hand swung down and tried to hold yours
after asking around he found out you went up to your room to 'rest up'
he knocked on the door anad called for you, and you opened the door just a tiny crack
he was worried, and asked if he did something wrong
after you told him, he nodded and looked so upset with himself
"thank you for telling me, i'm sorry i made you feel like that. but rest assured, i still harbour deep affection for you. we may be busy now, but i will try my best to keep up with you."
the next day when you're heading down to your study sesh, he's waiting for you with a smile and blush on his face
his hand hovers over yours. and he's slightly shaking
you grip onto his, and you two are being all gross and cute while engaging in minimal pda(he approves this one time)
guys i dunno why i'm thinking of so many sad headcanons help
when youre sad or upset, he'll hold your hand or hold you in his arms
if youre crying or don't want to talk about it, he'll wait until you're ready
he won't push you, he just wants to mkae sure you know that he's there for you to fall back on
he does the thing where he's looking into your eyes as he caresses your cheek while wiping away your tears with his thumb(IM PHYSICALLY SICK. IM GOING TO BARF I NEED TO BE IN HIS ARMS)
he's so patient with you :(((
ok im done i dont wanna cry anymore
he always tries to cheer you up by telling you a funny story, or by reassurement. it depends on what you need
now that exams are done, summer break is here!!!
majority of class 1-a went home for break, including you and iida
you two frequently messaged the other, until you came back to the dorms with a couple weeks left of the break
you didnt know but while he was home he bought a couple of souvenirs for you, HE GOT YOU A LITTLE BLUE BEAR WITH GLASSES THAT LOOKED LIKE HIM
as a celebratory 'summer's almost over' event, the class had a little dinner party
varied from bakugous murderous attempt of trying to get everyone to eat sichuan chili hotpot to satos sweet desserts
after the dinner, the class went outside to take a little breather(and to light some sparklers and play around with some fireworks WHICH THEY WERE SUPERVISED BY AIZAWA AND ALL MIGHT)
when everyone went in, you stayed outside for a little longer to look up at the pretty moon and stars
iida saw you from the window, and went outside to try
he was worried you'd get cold
like he had never seen your eyes sparkle like that, the way how all your features reflected upon the moonlight
his face was so red stop hes so cute
he could not stop staring until you asked him what was up
"can i... kiss you.....?"
"what's with the informal speech all of a sudden?"
"apologies, may i kiss you?"
"yes, yes you may."
obvi he hasnt had his first kiss so when you guys did kiss he froze up and his hands literally hovered over you because he didn't know where to put them and if you were okay with it
after like ten seconds you both pulled away and LORD his face was REDDD
he had an awkward smile on his face AGHGHGHGHGHGHG I LOVE AWKWARD NERDSS
after composing himself he ushered you back inside in fear that you'll catch a cold
but when he got back to his dorm that night, he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled so triumphantly
he still felt your lips on his, and maybe he realized he wanted to feel them more often
2nd a/n: hi guys!!!! part one got a lot of love which made me really happy, its so hard being an iida lover but you guys make it worth it <33 i also got a couple of dishes stuck together when i was washing them earlier and my parents got mad at me so this i decided to work on this to let out my anger AND HEY IT WORKED ok idk what im saying | fun fact i was listening to casual by chappell roan when i was writing the sad n sorta angsty part of this headcanon, because iida would NEVER partake in casual activity(i did a rant about this earlier im done ok goodbye) anyways THAT CONCLUDES MY RANT send me a plunger emoji if you guys got this far(in honor of the fallen dishes)
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weebsinstash · 2 months
Random 'extra yandere' Alastor things because I've been working on a fic and I feel like my yandere aren't yandere'ing enough
- I haven't seen anyone mention this as an idea but like ... why do I see Alastor getting cuteness aggression from his darling? You're really happy and you like idk say something genuine or goofy or happy or you stim or something and he's here "oh, i could just eat you up!" and hugging you so hard it makes you wheeze for air. Would he ever bite you though? Or gently "roughhouse" you? He's kinda feral w it so 😳
- Alastor strikes me as a yandere who would dry your tears with one of his handkerchiefs and then some time later you find out he didn't wash it because it had You Juice on it
- I'm not saying he's hiding in the bushes with a Polaroid or anything but I feel like he'd constantly invite you along to parties or events he's going to where he knows pictures might be taken and he has an absolutely HUGE album of you. He prefers sepia and black and white photographs the most of course, but he'll accept the occasional social media print-out that he may or may not have forced someone else to acquire for him
- this is so lowkey funny but the idea has been growing on me of like. Alastor forcing literally fucking forcing Husker to help him with his obsessive bullshit because Husker has a cellphone. Alastor sees Husker thirstscrolling through Angel's social media, and suddenly the Radio Demon has an idea. "You wouldn't happen to be able to look up my, er, little friend would you?"
Imagine you're like out running errands or even st a club or, somewhere NOT the Hotel and you're suddenly getting a call from... Husker? How weird, he doesn't call you often and you only have his number as another Hotel-goer, so hopefully nothing is wrong? And you answer the phone to Alastor talking far too loudly into the receiver, "HELLO? HELLO, IS THIS BLASTED THING WORKING? I DONT WANT TO BRING IT TOO CLOSE TO MY FACE BECAUSE OF THE RADIATION AND ALL, HAVE YOU PICKED UP YET MY DEAR? HUSKER MY BOY YOU SAID THIS DEVICE WAS WORKING-" like literally actually, this grown ass man who is forcing this other grown ass man who i think age wise is also older than him to do shit like, "what's that photograph in their publications there? Select it. Why is that man standing so close to them? What does HIS 'page' look like? He seems like a rather unsavory fellow who shouldn't be around someone as sweet as-"
- i feel like Alastor has a lot of threatening power purely in his social connections and his own little net of information. Imagine sneaking away from him to go to a speakeasy or something and the bartender already has your photo and knows to keep an eye on you and give Alastor a call if you show up. Imagine going to a jazz club Alastor had taken you to and everyone is nice and friendly and maybe a little TOO friendly because they heard an entirely true rumor about a man who got torn to pieces for asking aloud "so who's that sweet piece over there?" referring to you while Alastor was within earshot
- I dunno if I've mentioned this before but. I like the idea of him meeting his red string soulmate and he's just immediately "well I suppose the proper thing to do is get married then!" Like the man considers it "the traditional way to do things" and just immediately decides that since you two are essentially eternally bound together already, OBVIOUSLY the next step is to be married! I'm talking week one you meet this man and he's insisting the two of you immediately find a living place to share together. Like he might not even be "full yandere" yet but he starts putting you through the motions and gets progressively more attached with time. Day 1 is exchanging names and pleasantries. By Day 4 or 5 he insisting you two sleep in the same house, and eventually, the same bed (partially because he may or may not. Miss you when you're gone)
- imagine a yandere Alastor who is so unwilling to part with you that if he needs to go torture someone or do something unpleasant, he'll just... bring you along. Leaves you nice and cozy in a nice chair with a hot cocoa as he excuses himself to the next room followed by UNIMAGINABLE SCREAMS OF SUFFERING before he returns dripping with blood, "Boy, that one was a GUSHER!" *proceeds to kiss your forehead and drip blood on you and does not care*
- ok so I haven't posted this yet but. Imagine if instead of "patching themselves back together" that when you die in Hell you just respawn in a new body and the old one is still left behind, and you get into a random accident and die and you find out Alastor has been keeping pieces of your body and he's been. Eating you. Drooling heart pupils level of down bad, gorging on your meat, bare handing raw dogging that shit, having your blood seeping between his teeth and fingers. Imagine going into his room and there's a fridge and you open the door and you can tell it's your body because there's just like a whole ass leg that has your tattoo or an old scar. How do you even have that fucking conversation.
You go to shut the fridge and decide you're going to pretend you never saw anything because now you know Oh My God He's Like Actually Genuinely Fucking Nuts and he's already behind you when you turn around😱 and he acts like nothing is wrong. May even joke about how good you taste. Tells a joke about how it would be rather unfortunate if you got hit by a car again, but, hey, maybe you should give him a call whenever more of your meat is available-
- I wanna make a fic out of it because I literally have the fic outlined in my head already but, you know how he's eating just a normal fucking deer in that one episode. Or, if it's not an Earth deer, it doesn't look like it's from Hell at all. I started thinking about what if certain demons know shortcuts or special tricks to still access the human world (if blitz can get a crystal, why not anyone else?) and I love the idea of a Farmer Reader who has wolves eating their livestock and you stake out in the woods in the dead of night and you find out the wolves are only eating your sheep because something has been eating all the deer, and you witness the Radio Demon with your own eyes, horrified at this horned humanoid creature that bends and snaps at angles that just aren't right, with you managing to snipe him right through the head, and he just laughs and praises you for your great shot, and he keeps repeatedly ahowing up on your farm, and he unintentionally or not causes your death and wants you to be with him in Hell. Like you're a good person but you've also done shit where he knows you're gonna go to Hell so he's doing some dramatic shit like cradling your dying body and being all :) eerily happy and jovial as he muses what you might look like "in that awful place down below"
- Hmmmm. Alastor allegedly isn't very materialistic but I like the idea of like. Once he decides how cute and sweet and adorable his darling is, he wants to get you only the best. It won't be, like, EXCESSIVE in the sense Vox could be, but, if he gets you gifts, they're always of a certain level of quality. If he begins to style and dress you, he wants you in high quality fabrics that will last and don't have any unsavory materials or harsh colorants in it. I may or may not like the idea of him taking you to a tailor and he gets you an outfit to match his very own and if anyone ever gets a speck of dirt on it or anything else he's gotten you to wear, they're getting absolutely fucking MOLLYWOPPED
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contraryclock · 25 days
stupid ass Don Quixote ramblings
hi this is my first tumblr post but i really wanted a good place to put this
spoilers for all of current limbus company, including Murder on the warp Express, the Don Quixote book (( kinda )), and a musical (( i'll get there ))
please humor this deranged rant about a character i havent read the source book of
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so basically ive had a theory since Don was even teased that she's less so based on book Don Quixote and moreso based on the Man of La Mancha musical which is. an insane thing to suggest but hear me out here (( ive since changed how i word my stance to the much more mild "it will most likely delve into the themes of both works and reference both" because suggesting they would discount the book entirely is TRUE insanity ))
her quote (( from teaser tweets that i cannot find anymore? they seem like they were deleted which sucks )) was "To reach the unreachable star!" or something which is notably not a quote from the original book ((as far as im aware at least?)), and suggests. a lot i think!
One of the most notable differences between Man of La Mancha and the original Don Quixote is their tone and attitude towards Quixote. In the original text, he's shown to be a fool who is ignorant to the vastly more interesting world around him, and prefers to instead sink deeper into his delusions of reality equating to chivalric literature. This makes sense as Don Quixote was written as a parody and mockery of the genre
La Mancha is, notably, much more forgiving on Quixote's character, showing that while still a fool, and his insanity often detrimental to those around him, he is still a good person at heart and that he truly wishes to pursue this justice he posits
I usually say it as "Don Quixote is about how reality is beautiful, and La Mancha is about how sometimes one should strive to make reality a little more fantastical" although i dont know if that. is the most accurate comparison. both Don Quixote and La Mancha have a lot of themes and stuff going on
one of the things that made me scream was learning about "Miguel" being written on don's LCB combat spritesheet instead of her listed name
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which if you've seen or read a summary of la mancha is a huge alarm bell
In La Mancha, the whole thing is shown as a Play within a Play
Miguel de Cerventes is sent to prison, awaiting trial by the inquisition, and is tasked with defending himself in a mock trial with the other prisoners so they dont take his belongings. His defense is Don Quixote, Man of La Mancha! With the prisoners acting out the various roles he assigns them, and him acting as the leading man, Don Quixote himself!
that was most of the things that made me think "Oh, maybe it'll be La Mancha!" and then this happened
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and i sort of lost my god damned mind
because like what if this is miguel... what if shes simultaneously playing out her life as don quixote as a her delusion, and as her dream, but also as a statement...
idk but this isnt JUST about Man of La Mancha bc i think this has a few implications for how don's canto is going to go
In both don quixote and la mancha, they send someone to cure quixote of his delusions
The final thing they try is setting up an act where a "Knight of Mirrors" duels with Quixote, which ends up working.
The Knight forces Quixote to see how he is perceived by others, to see the truth that he is no knight.
ignoring the stuff with vampires and mirrors for a second, i feel like this could be more mirror world shenanigans, where either the knight IS a mirror world don quixote, or is someone who will show her mirror worlds. Whatever that will imply!!! i dont know its exciting!!!!!
Her being absurdly old and powerful, plus bloodfiends having a whole familial adjacent hierarchy makes me think theres a LOT of bloodfiends out there that would want her back
I dunno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im insane!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! i just wanted to get my thoughts out before her canto actually happened so i can say that i did indeed have an opinion on this
-limbus assets taken form Lunartique's asset google drive go look at it -text written by me and not proofread
ok thanks bye dont follow me byeee byeeeeee
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onskepa · 1 year
Can I get a Mother Mo'at x female human reader.
Where Mo'at found the reader when she was a baby. Then Mo'at I dunno does some sort of ritual for the reader to be able to breath on Pandora without using a mask.
I think it would be kinda wholesome to see Mo'at treating the reader as if she were her own child 🥺
Neytiri probably being the overprotective big sister over the reader, especially since she is human.
Imagine Jake's reaction to seeing the reader on Pandora and breathing without a mask or an avatar as if it's normal-
I just imagine Neytiri dragging the reader with her while she has to teach Jake and the reader laughs at Jake when he does something wrong.
Stxeli series
A daughter for a daughter
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Mo'at wasn't herself after the death of her first born daughter. Sylwanin. Her daughter was truly a wonderful na'vi, one with so much potential. Yet the sky people took that away from her.
After her death, mo'at forbade all na'vi from getting anywhere near hell's gate or any sky demon for that matter. For months she wouldn't let neytiri do anything outside of the territory, in fear she lose her only other child too.
Eytukan tried his best to coax and ease his mate's inner wounds. Yet he himself suffers from the lose of his child. He may be leader, but he too, is a father. To see his sweet child be born and grow, hopes and wonder's of what Sylwanin was to become. Yet they took her from that.
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Mo'at needed to clear her head one day. And left to go beyond the clan's territory to search for herbs and other materials for medicine. It was to clear her head, but nothing was working. She prays to Eywa every day and night, she doesn't question her great mother's reasons, but desire this inner wound to ease.
Suddenly, a woodsprites appeared, not just one, nor two, not even three!! but many slowly make their way towards mo'at. She gasps and carefully looks and listen. Trying to understand the message Eywa is bestowing on her. The seeds began to make a line, a trail, they wanted her to follow, so she did.
As she moves, she began to notice the seeds were leading her to hell's gate. Daring not to question, she slowly moves forward, making sure the sky demons dont notice her. Luckly, night approaches so the ecosystem disguised her well. Still following the woodsprites, they led her to a window of a tall building. She peaked inside and saw a baby who was crying its little heart out. She was amazed by how tiny the baby was. Must be only a few days old.
She looked around in the room, and didnt see any other sky demon attending to the baby. She may not not much of sky demons customs but she is sure they dont leave their little ones unattended.
The baby cried for long minutes, it tugged mo'at's heart. How is it that no demon has come to attend the baby? Where is the mother? Mo'at desperately wanted to help the baby. Its cried wailed deep into her soul. She now understands what Eywa is telling her. If no one will take care of the baby. Then she will.
With a half baked plan, she looked around to search of the only human she can ever trust, Dr. Grace Augustine. Much to Grace's surprise and delight, she approached mo'at, and much to her great surprise, mo'at wished to enter hell's gate. Grace didnt know any better, only that she missed speaking to the Tsahik.
Using Grace's trust, mo'at made sure to mesmerize every single route of hell's gate and pin point every possible exist. When suddenly her ears picked up the familiar cries of the baby. Grace didnt look, so Mo'at quickly left to find the baby. Basically busting through the door, she entered the tiny room where the baby layed. Carefully picking it up, she sees under the blanket. It was a baby girl. The cutest baby girl she ever seen. Her little cries died down, and snuggled against mo'at. Her mother instincts kicked in, the sudden feeling to protect the baby. She softly kissed her tiny head and made sure to wrap the baby securely against her chest. Quietly, and by miracle of Eywa, she managed to leave hell's gate undiscovered and heads back to her clan.
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By following morning, every na'vi knew of Mo'at bringing home a human child. Many dare not to voice their concerns, as they would be silenced by Eytukan. But even he is confused. For last night, while looking for her, he saw her run as fast as she could, not to their shared hammock, but to the tree of souls. He went after her to see if she was alright but to his shocked, he saw her place the a human baby down by the base of the roots. There, mo'at saw him, and asked to join her in prayer. A prayer to save the child. As she didnt think her plan through. Their native air was toxic for fully grown humans, she didnt think how it would affect the baby.
So that is what they did. Praying to Eywa in hopes to bless the baby girl to breathe their air. By sunrise, the baby was giggled and looked at the na'vi in wonder.
Mo'at and Eytukan explained to the clan that the child is a gift from Eywa. For she was born to be with them. Human body but na'vi at heart.
Neytiri was a bit perplexed by the news. But had come to her own conclusion, the humans took away a na'vi daughter, so its only fair that the na'vi takes away a human daughter.
They given her the blessed name Stxeli. And she fitted right in with the others, neytiri loved her new sister. Became rather protective of her. And much to her surprise, Tsu'tey had come to accept the new born. Would be there for the little one whenever he can, and would often play with her. Mo'at felt her inner soul be at peace, and healed from the dark past.
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At every given chance, mo'at, neytiri and Eytukan would tell their young one of their older sister, Sylwanin, so that her memories be never forgotten.
True that Stxeli cant do everything a na'vi can, but she makes up for it in her skills at weaving and music. She did not need to hunt, or tame a banshee, she is fine how she is. Never felt like an outsider.
However, when Jake Sully arrived to the clan, he was shocked to see a human amongst the na'vi, a human who can breathe their air. Stxeli didnt trust jake not one bit. And would keep her distance from him. But when it came to neytiri training him, she and tsu'tey would watch him fail and laugh together.
But much like neytiri, jake warmed up to her, and would give him tips on how to better his skills. Demonstrate her own skills flawlessly.
Jake would report of to Grace of the Omaticaya human, and how its strange she is accepted. Grace knew who he was talking about. Despite all these years, she still turned a blind eye of what happened that night. And would go on like nothing happened. So long as she get still interact with the tribe, the incident would forever be with her under her very last breathe.
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Stxeli = gift
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Thank you so much for this request! I loved writing it!
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kumezyzo · 1 year
i wonder if you can write something with sapnap having a really talkative gf who interacts a lot with his chat, but he kinda gets jealous bc his chat is always ´hitting on his gf' for fun, so idk maybe you could write something about how he would react to this on stream !!
this ask has been sitting in my inbox for so long 😭😭 im sorry!! again, im gonna assume this is nonstreamer!reader. and i dont think he would be seriously "jealous" of chat so i wrote it more jokey. he knows you only want him 😌
anyway, enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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you two were sitting in nicks purple lit office, telling his chat about your day. he wanted to stream but also to spend time with you.
"and when we got back from lunch, we just took a nap," you laughed, looking at the chat. if someone started watching the stream on a whim, they would have assumed it was your stream.
as chats flew by, one caught both of your attention: 'id want to take a nap with yn any day ;)'
you scoffed and giggled, looking over at nick. he shook his head as he smiled at the chat.
"so, when i woke up, i realized nick woke up before me. and left me there!!" you said with a pout before you turned to glare at your boyfriend. "and i told you to wake me up when you woke up!"
"baby, i didnt want to wake you up," he said sympathetically. "you looked like you needed it." you pursed your lips and looked back at the chat.
'i would never leave yn like that smh' you read out loud. nick looks at the camera with a deadpan before looking at you with the same face.
"yn, you would have gone back to sleep," he said, trying to be reasonable. he smiled at you before realizing why this topic came up.
'he should have gone back to sleep with you' you read aloud again. "exactly!" you added, satisfied that chat was backing you up.
'i would have cuddled her 😌'
"guys, im right here! stop hitting on her," he said in playful exasperation. you laughed and leaned your head on his shoulder. he pouted and turned his head away from you.
"dont worry, nick, i still love you," you say with a smile flashed towards the camera. you kean in and plant a small kiss on his neck.
he turns back to look down at you on his shoulder. you pulled back and grinned at him. he rolled his eyes and gave you a peck on the lips.
he turned to the camera, "see, shes mine!"
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its short. kinda cute. i dunno, i liked it. if you didnt... my bad? anyway. hope you enjoyed! ive seen all the other asks, believe me. im just working with the detailed asks for now cause those feel more demanding 😭😭😭
so, im sorry if you think im ignoreing your asks, im not! im just really bad at writing 😭 -Nony
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silentmoths · 1 year
Just some Single Dad! Zhongli x Kindergarten teacher Reader things
I dunno, it was a cute idea and I'm writing it on the fly because my eyeballs needed a break from star rail.
not proofred, Zhongli x reader (tried to keep the pronouns gn but forgive if i missed a few and like, xiao referrs to them as mama at one point)
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Zhongli who had adopted a young Xiao from an unfortunate situation shortly after he loses Guizhong. Was it a coping mechanism? absolutely, but he wanted, no, needed, someone to care for, to put his time into.
He loves Xiao, kid's his whole world. It takes him a little longer to learn to talk, and even then, he's very shy, very much a velcro toddler. Zhongli doesn't mind.
He does start worrying however, when Xiao reaches age four and the boy shows no interest in socializing, he doesn't really know how to play, other than with his dad, and while li does his best, he's no child, he doesnt know what the kids are into these days.
That and, while he's worked from home pretty much all this time, he's also feeling the itch to return to the office, perhaps talk to people who weren't four, but he also doesn't know how well Xiao will adjust to going to kindergarten, but he doesnt want to leave his son high and dry when he inevitably has to start grade school.
So, eventually, after much anxiety, he bites the bullet and enrolls Xiao into the kindergarten closest to his office, that way if he doesn't take it well, he can quickly swing in and take him, it's not like Director Hu would ever turn the child away.
He explains what kindergarten is, and what to expect to xiao, and of course the boy is all brave, puffed chest and hardened face (sometimes Zhongli wonders if he's let the boy watch too much ninjago) and tells his papa he'll be fine, he's a big boy and he can handle it, he can handle anything!!
yeah thats a fat load of crap, the boy is an absolute sobbing mess the next day at drop off.
to be fair, it's also a very near thing for Zhongli. he's not been without Xiao for an extended period since he adopted the boy four years ago, they've always been together, and seeing his son cry like that is almost too much to bear.
That is until someone kneels beside his son with a soft handkerchief with a little duck embroidered in the corner. they coo and gently dabs away Xiao's tears with a soft smile.
"oh dear...you must be Xiao." they greet softly, taking one of his little hands in their own and giving it a little shake. "I know new places can be scary, but it's ok. you trust your papa, dont you?" Zhongli is prepared to step in, to tell them that Xiao doesn't really talk much, but his son surprises him.
"U-uh-huh..." he wibbles, letting this newcomer dry his eyes.
"Well, you know your papa would never leave you somewhere he didn't think you'd like, right?"
Zhongli watches as you smile, and he feels the shock settling into his chest. He knew you were certified in early childhood...but no one, not even the best paediatricians had managed to get a sound out of Xiao.
"Papa wont be very far away, how's about this...if you really really don't like it here today, papa is only a phone call away, he can always come and get you, yeah?"
Xiao turns his watery yellow eyes up to Him and Zhongli smiles, easily scooping the boy up when he raises his arms. "They're right little dove, I won't be far, and I promise to come get you if you are unhappy, if you can try to give it a try?" He murmurs.
Xiao, to his credit, sniffles and gives his papa a small nod, he's rewarded with a tight squeeze and a kiss to his forehead.
"that's my boy. Try to have some fun, hm? there's lots of toys for you to play with..."
Xiao surprises him yet again, when the teacher stands, he turns and stretches his arms out to them, never in all his years has Zhongli seen his child do that either.
To their credit, they take him with ease, settling him into the crook of one arm with a soft croon before looking to Zhongli with a smile.
"and you must be Zhongli? It's a pleasure to meet you." you greet, holding out your hand for him to shake. "It's quite normal for little ones to have the first day blues, I'm sure after morning snack he'll be just fine."
Zhongli can't help but smile, he had a feeling Xiao would be just fine.
It only takes a week before it's Xiao who's waiting by the front door, bouncing on the balls of his feet, waiting for him to unlock the car so they can go.
He hasn't stopped talking about school, about his new friends and of course his teacher. Zhongli has never felt so relieved to know that his son is adjusting quite well.
He runs into the room to greet you with a smile and a hug to the leg, seemingly only just remembering to turn and give his papa a hug and a kiss.
"Have a good day at work, Papa!" he coos happily as Zhongli picks him up for their usual farewell cuddle.
"And you too, little dove." his response comes easy as he puts his son down and watches him gallavant over to his little group of friends.
"And to think a week ago he was crying his little eyes out." you chuckle, Zhongli hums and nods before remembering he had something to mention.
"Ah, there is a chance I might be a little later to pick him up than usual, It will be before the centre closes, but I figured I'd give you some warning lest Xiao worry."
"Oh, no problem! even if you think you might be later than close, just call the centre before hand! I'll make sure he's safe." you smile at him, and he feels another sense of relief wash over him.
He does end up running late, much later than he'd expected. Adding in traffic, he knew the centre would be closed by the time he made it, and he'd called ahead.
He comes rushing into the room, full apology at the ready, and assurance that any acrewed late fee's would of course be paid in full without complaint but stops dead at the sight before him.
Xiao, asleep, on your shoulder as you hum a soft tune. He can tell his son had been crying by the redness of his cheeks, he must have been a bit anxious because of his lateness.
You spot him in the doorway and smile, slowly ceasing your song as you effortlessly grab Xiao's bag from his cubby, and a drawing from the art rack with practiced ease.
"How was he?" he whispers as he hooks Xiao's bag over his shoulder.
"An angel as always." you whisper back, attempting to pass Xiao to him, but you're stopped when she little boy whines in his sleep, burying his face into the crook of your neck with a content huff, little hands clenched into the collar of your shirt tightly. "Oh...seem's he's comfortable..."
"And he'll be cranky if you pull him away too soon." Zhongli sighs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, perhaps it was his fault for indulging the little boy's need to be close, but who could really say no to that face?
"hm...ok, gimme a sec." you chuckle, shifting to hold Xiao in one arm as you quickly glide through the classroom, picking up stray toys and nudging little chairs back in beneath their tables with your foot, hitting lightswitches and locking doors with such ease that it leaves Zhongli impressed.
It all culminates with you both (plus xiao, still napping away) in the parking lot, everyone else was already long gone, and Zhongli finally bows his head to you.
"My most sincere apologies for being so late, I'll make sure the late fee is included-"
"Oh, no no, it's fine Mr. Zhongli." You wave him off "It was an honest mistake, and honestly, Xiao is such an angel, It's really no trouble. heck, before he started worrying, he was helping me clean up." you explain with a small smile, hand rubbing small circles into the child's back "You have a wonderful little boy, Mr. Zhongli, you've done an amazing job."
Zhongli blinks.
Perhaps it was just a combination of his stressing about being late, his anxiety about leaving his son to return to work, and everything else.
but that was also the first time someone had actually said those words.
He'd done a good job.
He'd raised a good kid.
He hadn't fucked up.
"M-Mr. Zhongli?" he hears you ask in a panic as he comes back to himself, he see's your wide eyes, worried as your free hand digs around in your jeans pocket, pulling out yet another handkerchief with an embroidered duck in the corner. "Are you alright? did I say something wrong?"
Only now does he realize he's crying like a damned fool.
"a-ah. my apologies" he mumbles, taking your handkerchief to be polite and drying his eyes "It's just...it's been a turbulent week."
Your face softens a little as you lean against the hood of your car. "First time leaving him?" you ask, he nods.
"I've not been without him since I adopted him..." He admits "And I was so worried he wouldn't take to school, or children his age..."
"He's doing wonderfully." you reassure "he's respectful and attentive, sometimes he can be a little bit of a tattle tail but he's thriving."
Zhongli chuckles, somehow he can see his boy, chest all puffed out, telling off other children for breaking the rules "That's...good to hear."
"Oh, hey Xiao...guess who's here?" He hears you mumble as Xiao finally shifts in your arms. Slowly Xiao turns his sleepy eyes to Zhongli and his soft little frown eases a little at the familiar sight. "See? told you the mean cars were just making papa a little late."
Xiao goes easy when you finally move to hand him back, snuggling right into Zhongli's shoulder with a content murmur.
"Thank you so much again for watching him after hours." He sighs "please, if there is anything I can ever do, let me know."
"oh you." you chuckle as you reach for your keys "Like i said, he's an angel, and it was only, what, fifteen minutes? I'm sure I'll survive." you joke with him before tilting your head to smile as Xiao. "Bye bye Xiao, I'll see you on monday, yeah?"
"mmh...bye momma..." the little boy mumbles, already half asleep.
Zhongli can feel the way his cheeks heat, and he can see the way yours flush a rather pretty shade of pink before you laugh, trying to wave it off.
"o-oh that happens more often than you'd think!" you chuckle as you unlock the door. "H-have a pleasant evening, Mr. Zhongli."
Zhongli feels like a deer in the headlights. It was a simple mistake on his son's part, he probably just wasn't used to the concept of 'teachers' yet.
but even so.
"Same to you." he mumbles stiffly, bowinf his head once more before he turns and makes back towards his shiny black sedan, anu excuse to hide his red face.
As he's carefully clipping Xiao into his booster seat, the drawing you'd grabbed from the rack slips out of his bag, teetering on Zhongli's shoulder, and his face goes even redder.
Seems he might need to have a talk with his son, if the crude stick figure drawing of Him and His teacher holding hands, with Xiao holding Zhongli's other hand, was any indicator.
and yet, he cannot help but notice, that it was definitely your handwriting attatched to the little arrows pointing to each stick figure, meaning you too had seen this picture.
Zhongli quietly wonders what that might mean as he climbs into the drivers seat.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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bibibi-tchx · 4 months
Sorry for sending a lot of asks, but do you think when little Dom see's one of his caregivers sad, he gives them his most prized items like Mine or his blanket? Because in little Dom's mind, these things make him happy, so they should make them happy too, right?
dont be sorry- yalls anons may take time to be seen on the tl but i schedule these so dw about spamming <3 keeps the writer in me alive during exam season
anyways YES
like he’ll hear them talking all hush hush around him, but he knows for sure he aint in trouble cus they all smile and coo at him, so it deffo aint him!
then it deffo aint jd either, cus if it was jd, his papi wld look mad- but instead he looks sad, bcus dom pouts when hes upset, and it looks like his papi is pouting too!
dunno why dame wld be upset, but jus roll w me here anon
plus, daddy and mami are hugging papi, and from where dom is sitting on the floor with all of his toys, he can spot some tears from damian
which may or may not cause dom to start crying, but he’s only crying bcus papi is. so then he’ll like scoot over on his bottom, blankie and lamb in one hand, and pacifier in his mouth
looking up to damian with the biggest puppy eyes, and the head tilt to match, dom jus moves his arms upwards
damian gears himself to prepare with an upset baby, even though he has no idea why dominik could be upset as theres no way he got hurt or anything
finn n rhea are WATCHING 👀
the moment damian opens his mouth to comfort dominik, dom takes the paci from his mouth n just slots it into his papis with a lil “sh, papi! s’ kay, we’s gotchu! mami an’ dada got you!” bcus thats what damian says to HIM, and it makes him feel better, so it shld make papi feel better!
damian looks like hes about to start crying more even as he takes the pacifier from his mouth and back into dominik’s, even though it just hangs from the pacifier clip anyways
atp finn n rhea are on either side cuddling them bcus i said so
“papi’s okay, niñito. im all good!” damian says, wiping tears from his eyes
which btw tells dom that no, papi is not all good, and papi is now saying no to the pacifier: to dom that means that his papi wants a bottle, so he immediately turns to his mami, “papi need baba, mami. p’ease?” bcus look! papi’s crying with no paci, and when doms crying with no paci, that just means he wants a bottle
damian chuckles AT LAST as hes pulling dom closer, with the lil boy confused as to why everyones laughing when hes tryna make his papi feel better! “your papi is a bit too big for a baba, pequeno! you’re still iddy biddy, so you can have one. how about i have some cuddles instead? that’ll make me feel much better!”
and ofc dom still doesnt believe him, but does cuddle up to his papi anyways
ty neko <3
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emerxshiu · 5 months
tw: slight body horror, not much but it still is kinda there (also forgotten land spoilers)
Gemini Reunion
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rlly long ramble next cuz i love talking why i did this and that and every detail unfortunately---
WAAAAAAAAHH this is definitly going into my top 3 favourite drawings i made, i didnt think it would end up like this!
i originally had a very simple idea, and well, i can never help myself with overdoing it can i? bad thing is i finished it around 5 am aka i barely slept, but i dont mind it at all, i just have been stupidly motivated to draw like i cant just put my tablet or pencil down for too long. fun fact: this was inspired by a fanart for something unrelated, but it reminded me of fecto and elfilin, and it ended up looking nothing like the inspiration lol
also if you've seen my other posts, yeah, that orb up there is indeed reused from another of my drawings, albeit edited to fit more here, the wings were just sketched as a silly thing, i wasnt planning to keep em but i really liked them. and those dots and lines at the very bottom are morse code indeed.
the two like, things that are between orb and fecto forgo are inspired by the weird like tentacles it uses to absorb the beastpack and elfilin, and also from antares, elfili's spear/cadaceus.
i really need to learn how to actually draw feet, ok i know that the only there is elfilin's with the sock but i actually drew the other one before i decided to make it melt into forgo, talking about melting, i only was going to do around the face, more specifically that chunk you see between its right arm and elfilin's hair was the only one i was really going to have, but then, i made it so the other side of forgo's face is also merging a bit with the hair, and then have one of the fingers of the other hand melt into the neck, and then the end of the tail and then parts of elfilin's legs.
elfilin is doing sign lenguage, it means help, poor guy.
also i really like changing elfilin's hair a bit to show how he feels, like, for example, i sketched him full so the little ahoge he has was also there, but like more stiff to show his fear, but had to erase it due to forgo, i also like doing this with the braid he has, if its like how i tend to draw it, then he a-ok! but here its very much almost undone to show his discomfort, and if its literally not even resembling a braid anymore, just like fully loose, either he was sleeping and the braid was anoying (i cant undestand people who sleep with their hair tied up, its way too uncomfortable), or he's like, really really like not there, like, um bad. i also made his tail a bit sharper and messy than usual.
that light orang-y thing sprouting from elfilin's forehead is based on the horns that fecto elfilis has, fecto forgo also has one here on the opposite side, but that one is more inpired from the horn coming out of leongar's head in the fecto forgo bossfight (yknow the chimera with like amalgamation and stuff)
also, forgo's tail is usually like, folded just like game but sometimes i like to like, extend it? (dunno how to explain) to have more expression and also for it to take more space cuz if its was like normal, it would only really have the upper part and a bit more visible since most of it is behind elfilin. also its not very visible but elfilin has the veins forgo has two in his chipped ear.
i was also going to use the blue eye scheme from when it fist opens its eyes for forgo but decided to go with the ones it has in isolated isles when morpho appears, mostly because they resemble the eyes of the beast pack when it absorbs them, and this drawing is very much inspired by those two cutscenes (Sudden metamorphosis and Gemini reunion ^▾^) i honestly dont know wich one to use for all forgo drawings ill make next, since in that cutscene it looks blue, but its body also looks blue, but its actually pink as indicated by the figurine and cutscenes in isolated isles and the chimera form, and also if you go out of bounds, lab discovera just has an effect that makes it all more blueish, so i dont know if the yes were actually like that or just the effect. i might alternate between them since i still like the blue option, it matches with elfilin.
also talking about forgo, i think it came out particularly very cute here, wich might add to the somethings off feeling, i mean it depends on who you ask.
the part at the bottom with like green and blue is based on the eternal capsule, it doesnt have bubbles in game, but it was to make it more obvious, and also because it looked nice to me.
you can probably decipher what it says at the sides without having to say it, i think its very much engraved into every kirby fan at this point, or at least, fecto elfilis/forgo/elfilin fans
i also made a version with the text in red cuz i couldnt decide, but now i like more the whiter version
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i even made a version in yellow, but i stopped liking that one before i even saved it.
also elfilin still has the id-f87 in his neck, its just hard to see, forgo too has the 86 but you cant really see its neck, because i didnt draw it lol
fun fact 2:
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i saved it up to 7 times in different files cuz i DID NOT WANT MY PC TO GO KABOOM. im still a bit scared to have lots of layers in a big canvas since the anniversary drawing for forgotten land, it did not explode but it went extremely slow, here at least the canvas was much much smaller, and the reason was mostly in case i need to delete something to not have as many layers or in case i wanna go back, i like to have backups of my drawings, aka a version with all layers that i can edit (.mdp, the file for firealpaca, for example for sai 2 it was .sai2, ah im remembering my sai days now) and a png file to post and also if i wanna look at my drawings.
if you are wondering why its called devilstrain [number] its because i was listening to that song while drawing and didnt know what to name it, in fact im actually listening to it rn as i write this, i really like it
i have some drawings started, mostly a chaos elfilis one, i think i already mentioned in a past post, i think im gonna stop that list i mentioned too since im feeling really motivated, maybe next time i feel bad about my drawings i can continue it, ah my eyes are hurting since yesterday wah
thank you if you decided to read my very unnecessary and annoying long ramblings, and also thanks if you didnt and just looked at the drawings, its undertandable (mucho texto i know)
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caramelpenguin · 6 months
S3 EP6 (thoughts + theories)
I want to get all the insane predictions out so I can look back on how much I clowned.🤡
These are ideas based on the moments that were in the trailer/teasers/stills. Or things that I feel might be addressed before the end...
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Hillerska closing down🏫
We aren't directly told what Felice said in her interview. It's left ambiguous. So why wouldn't they tell us? Sure, there's a chance that she just praised the school but....
we got that very small snippet of the forest ridge boys yelling at each other. Could this be because they heard that Hillerska was going to shut down?
Simon (and his family) might move away 👋
they have the money now ig. this could be a reason why the ending, as ive seen around, has occasionally been described as 'open'.
this could be the context behind the shot of Linda's head on Simon's shoulder.
or maybe the 3 of them are doing smthn related to micke?
Abdication or King Wille? And August...👑
I think one of the reasons for August's storyline this season was for us to understand him more as a character so that if he becomes King, we know that he'll actually try or that he may not have been as bad as we thought. (my opinion of August isn't necessary here).
we really see how much the monarchy consumes Wille this season. Though I don't know how we'd approach the topic of abdication in just one episode.
wille has said that one of the reasons he wants to remain Crown Prince is bcos of Erik. Knowing what we now know, i'm intrigued as to what will happen.
will they acknowledge more of August's eating disorder?
August and Sara🤔
I think felice will (eventually) be fine with it. I don't know about Simon.
Things will work out, i'm sure.
Frederika and Stella💵
....they'll kiss in ep6. something will happen between them, anyway.
Shot of the 4 girls hugging
frederika has realises she likes stella by this point??
maybe Roussea will get a slight mention in a conversation with August. Or maybe not. Who knowwwss
Wilmon screaming in the car🚗
is this Sara's car? things need to be okay by this point, right? is it after the lake scene??
Wilmon stare down👀
how? will ? this? fit? in?
is it after the graduation ceremony but before the neon party and the lake scene? does the shot of wille (with simon's hands around his neck) come after this?
is the lake scene not the final scene? is this scene actually the next day during the graduation?
does simon tell wille he's going to move away?
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The Neon Party + Lake Scene 💧
the neon party is where they reconcile.
BUT i dont think it'll be a full reconcile. Simon's line 'Can't we just forget everything that's happened? Just for tonight?' makes sense to be here.
the lake scene with the swimming could happen because they both leave the party early, i dunno.
is this the last time they're able to hang out (bcos simon is moving away and bcos Hillerska will shut down)?
but we've all SEEN that it looks sad, which doesnt look all that great for endgame, and we've also been told that this is (most likely) the final scene. so. get tissues ready.
(am i crazy or is there a tiny smile on simons face in this scene? from that edmar promo we got? )
swimming happens after the sadness right? bcos (apart from the tears) they dont look wet.
if its the final scene idk what the hopes r for wilmon endgame icl
MUSIC (+Wille's birthday present)🎶
we know that 'Alice' by Rhys will play at some point. Doesn't mean it'll be a wilmon scene. it could be sara and august OR frederika and stella (?)
normally, there's a song in ep4 that's repeated in the final moments of the season. ep 4 in s3 doesn't end with a song and (from the one check I've done), i can't really hear any of the other songs used in that episode as the final song of the season. then again, i could be wrong
ELIAS SONG?? they could play 'revolution' again to make it a full circle (dont think this will happen tho). they might use a new song. i just rlly hope we'll hear an Elias song and...i feel like we will.
THE TRAILER SONG? I really pray this will be in the episode. I pray i pray i pray i-
we'll hear Simon's new song. I don't know how or when (especially if this is simon's gift to wille) but...c'mon
initially, i didn't think Redlight would appear in YR. Omar has a career outside of the show, but i do agree that the lyrics fit wilmon quite well. also, if we're gonna hear Simon's new song then I don't know how the script would work around Simon singing another song. He told Wille that his present isn't yet finished (which im sure is the song simon is currently working on), tho ig we could argue that he may sing a brand new song.
BUT then i realised that simon doesn't have to sing this song. redlight could just be part of the soundtrack ( it seems that everyone got to that conclusion before me). and the way that it's being promoted this week has me suspicious. I don't wanna get my hopes up, and maybe Omar is just being clever and promoting it during the week of YR hype, so i dont think redlight will be in s3. BUT I WILL BE VERY HAPPY IF IM WRONG❤️
ig we'll find out when the playlist gets updated
Football Field Scene
to my knowledge, we haven't got proof that they filmed there apart from that pic from Lisa (and are we sure this pic is from s3 filming?)
it would be AMAZING if they returned to this setting. ICONIC.
but idk how why they'd return here and how it would fit
it might not be a wilmon scene (could be simon + rosh + ayub, but i think theres a higher chance of it being a wilmon scene than the trio)
question- lisa said it was a wrap with a pic from the football field. which COULD mean that the last scene they filmed was there (tho it might not be the actual final scene) - was this where edmar couldn't stop crying?
they better or im going to riot
no but srsly, i dont think we'll go down a 'la la land' route. worst comes to worst, it'll be a positive open ending e.g. 'you were amazing. you'll be wonderful. we'll meet again with more freedom.' it'll be even better if there's a time skip here hahahha
like the end of ep5 gave me no hope cos idk how they're gonna get back together in one episode. but anything is possible.
arguably, the promo we've got since then leans towards endgame (?), but i dont think they'd reveal they're gonna be endgame if there wwen't gonna be more issues.
theres so much to cover in the final episode!! so i dont think everything will be acknowledged/addressed. things will be left ambiguous to keep the viewers thinking.
imagine if the break up at the end of ep5 wasnt that huge. that theyre still together (with tension) at the start of ep6, then they kidna ignore their disagreement. this culminates until the end, where they break up ( but very unlikely)
the future letters were there to show august's past. but could there be more to it? could we get a time skip? (again, unlikely imo. but would be sweet if done well)
a reference to the heart simon drew? maybe? probably not...
will simon give wille his orange jumper back? id love to see this on our screens but im sure we wont.
will sara's necklace make a comeback?
where does wille's 'what if I don't want to?' line come in? and the queen's line...
the shot of wille in the library (with that book in clear sight) hasn't yet appeared, right?
simon talking to sara by micke's house....hmmm. i would love a simon and micke interaction
volleyball scene + running into the lake happen as a connection to graduation?
wille with those sunglasses is a moment with felice?
do we hear anything more abt wille's birthday wish?
there are plenty of moments that happen that we don't see as viewers. so that jumper simon wears at the start of ep 2 looks like wille's. and if it is, then we didnt see the moment simon stole it wille gave it to him.
and when simon mentioned a mental health foundation, it implied that they may have had a discussion abt wille's anxiety before.
the piano scene in ep2 could have been a piano lesson that wille was giving simon, which probably means a lot more of these happened without us knowing
this makes me wonder how much wille knows about micke??
simon told august that sara's with her dad and all that- so does wille also know?
WHEN I FIRST WATCHED AND FINISHED S1 AND S2 OF YOUNG ROYALS, i knew wilmon would be together by the end of s3. like i was 100% convinced the show would end with them happy bcos that's what it had leaned towards the entire time. the vibe of it just screamed wilmon endgame to me.
i really hope past me was right, bcos the s3 promo really had me wondering. and then ep5 had me proper questioning. but netflix (and lisa) will have to pay for so much therapy if they arent endgame sooo🤷‍♀️
livelovelaugh wilmon ig
edit: ive just listened to omar's interview and now im qquuiiitteee sure redlight wont be in ep6🤷‍♀️
edit 2: will anyone else find out that it was august who posted the video?? will this prevent him from taking the throne??
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laithraihan · 3 months
Would you be comfortable sharing any personal info (age, profession, relationship status, etc...)? Completely understand if you're not but it's always really interesting learning about the lives of ppl I admire. Again, if that's not something you wanna do it's totally understandable! I love your art!!
Ah thank you so much 🫶 and sure I dont mind sharing some stuff but to be very honest Im not an interesting person, so I'm sorry in advance for disappointing you.
So I'm a woman (or something like that) even though I use a male pen name for art, Im 22 years old, 151cm (4'11"), the eldest daughter who has two teenage siblings who are both taller than me and make fun of me for being short. I do not have a profession and I do not go to school due to a disability I will not disclose. Im a lesbian engaged to a butch, we've been together for almost 4 years (our anniversary is in August)
My favorite season is winter because all the bugs are dead and I despise summer because the bugs are alive. Im also really scared of butterflies for some reason. Im scared of winged bugs in general. Ive never seen a cockroach in my life but I'd probably kill myself if I saw one. I really hate bugs. The winters are harsh here but I like walking outside when theres light snow falling at night. Im also a bit obsessed with Christmas lights but I dont celebrate Christmas, I dont follow any religion in general but my family is Muslim so Ive been raised with that. If I could just put Christmas lights in my room all year then I would do that. They look really pretty.
About my ethnicity I think everyone knows Im Algerian already, well Ive only been to Algeria once when I was like 8 years old so I dont really remember anything. All I know is that my uncle would keep telling my dad that I convinced him to stop smoking and that he's eternally grateful for that but I literally cannot remember what I did or said back then so I just pretended I knew what he was talking about. Anyway. Id like to go there again one day. I most likely will go soon in the future so it makes me happy to think about it.
My first language is French and Im somewhat fluent in English but it needs more work. Whenever I speak English I have to think harder about the words that come out of my mouth and I start saying things that dont make sense. But my pronunciation is good so other people just assume Im fluent. Also I understand Derja (Algerian Arabic) when people talk to me out loud but I cant form sentences and respond back so I just answer people in French. I know how to read Arabic script and I understand basic words but again I cant form sentences. As for Japanese I can only read Hiragana and Katakana and a bit of Kanji, and my understanding of the language is worse than Arabic, so I practice by translating Japanese song lyrics, reading news articles and talking with Japanese users online
Honestly I dunno what else to say, I dont really have any special skills or anything like that. Unless you count memorizing all the metro stations in Montreal but thats only because I had to use public transport all the time when I was a kid because my parents never felt like driving me to my appointments. At that point I probably visited every single station because I had to go to many random places. I dont have a drivers license but I prefer walking to places in general even though there are no stores near my neighborhood, but I think it's better for me because I get to walk more. I think I really like the idea of travelling in general but I dont have friends for that, my parents also wouldnt allow me to hang out with friends so it's a bit unfortunate
Oh and lately Ive been enjoying making eggs for some reason, I think Im good at doing that. But I only cook whenever Im hungry and I rarely feel hungry so I dont cook many eggs. I also dont like cleaning dishes so I avoid making huge meals in general. I dont really eat much in the first place but I still like food. I really like going to restaurants too. I just like going outside in general. I like listening to music and talking with people, normal stuff like that. Im running out of things to say so I'll probably just stop there.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Joseph Cotten ,faded star ?
So.....Why dont we talk about Joseph Cotten anymore
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Now I am gonna wager a guess,a lot of you just went "Who ?" and that is fair ,I had no clue who this guy was for a long time,and I am a big "Classic Hollywood "nut ,its only upon learning from my Grandmother he was my Great Grandmothers favorite actor that I gained an interest in him ....Mainly cause hes kind of forgotten now ,not entirely ,but he is one of those movie stars who has faded a bit ,which is weird cause he is in some of the biggest movies
He is in Citizen Kane
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He is in Gaslight
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Hes in the Third Man
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He gives a REALLY creepy performance in Hitchcocks Shadow of a Doubt
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.....He also did a few genre films late in his career from the more prestegious like Soylent Green
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To the horror comedy the Abomnible Dr Phibes (Fun fact,my first exposure to him as an actor )
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And ,probally his oddest film,or at least one of the strangest Ive seen ,the Japanese sci fi film Lattitude Zero
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So why isnt he talked about ?
Well for my money ,he was a very solid good actor ,very competent ,could play any role making you belive his character even if the premise is odd, you never feel like Joseph Cotten phones it in.Hes a very good actor,especially at playing everymen though he proved he could do other roles like a villain if called on to do that ............Heres the thing though ,Other then Shadow of a Doubt......I seldom watch a Joseph Cotten FOR Joseph Cotten .I wanna stress he is a GOOD actor ,really good....But he lacks pizaz ,and is often overshadowed by bigger personalities
The Powereful Orson Welles
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The Heartbreaking Ingrid Bergman
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The Wickedly Eccentric Vincent Price
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Hes a good foil for these performers but hes overshaodwed by them .They have stayed with us while Cotten has fallen by the wayside
I dunno,I like Cotten ,but he does like that pizaz the more memorable stars of his era have
I REALLY wanna hear peoples thoughts on Joseph Cotten .What do you think of him?Do you not know him ? Do you have a favorite film of his ? What other stars from yester year do YOU feel are forgotten? Please discuss,I am very interested in peoples thoughts
Bonus:A screen shot from Lattitude Zero
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@countesspetofi @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @barbossas-wench @piterelizabethdevries
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fedoraspooky · 7 months
In light of tumblr shooting itself in the foot, I've been thinking about what I should do with my art from now on. Obviously, deleting my old posts off here isn't gonna do shit, it's essentially locking my door after my house got emptied out by burglars. Especially with my old rp account I no longer can log into, they're just gonna steal and sell my old art that I posted there and I can't even flip a questionably-affective toggle about it.
Thing is, I dunno how many people are gonna actually leave. I'm not even sure I will, since I have a lot of friends here... And after so many shitty updates a lot of people are just hanging on out of spite at this point.
That said, I'm considering that for art posts and stuff, maybe I'll post them elsewhere and just link to them here so they're not on tumblr's servers? Idk... Tumblr tends to kill the visibility of links but I'm not really sure what else I can do.
Also, there's the question of where to actually post new stuff. Bluesky seems the most active but I dont know if old posts cut off after a certain amount of posts like twitter does, in which case that would not be a good archive in the long run. xnx
Cohost is functionally pretty close to tumblr, but ngl it seems super isolated on there bc of its commitment to not showing any likes on your posts. I get that its to combat the social media numbers game, but the downside is that it looks like nobody's even seen your work. If people like something of yours there's no way outside of notifs to see it, so scrolling down on your page and seeing only zeros after zeros of comments on stuff (comments are the only visible number), it's easy to feel like you're just posting into a void.
Pillowfort is pretty good, and they just added tag blocking and the ability to queue/schedule posts. Still kinda quiet and invite only, but if you sign up for the invite queue you can get one pretty fast. Also i probaby have a ton of invites sitting around if anyone wants one. I wish it had an app, but mobile web version works well enough I guess, and I'm already used to doing that with sheezy and newgrounds, so I just have those open in mobile tabs together.
Speaking of, Newgrounds has been pretty good, but due to the nature of the portal system and stuff you're more encouraged to post only your better-looking stuff there. You CAN post doodles if you want, but only outside of the portal, which limits their visibility. Kinda like dA's scraps system I guess.
Sheezy looks super promising customization-wise so I'm thinking of posting there more when it opens up to more peeps.
Toyhouse also looks really good for OC and story things too, and also has a good degree of customization.
There's probs options I haven't even thought about, but its good to know there ARE options. I may post in several of those places for now and see how it goes. Test the waters a bit.
If you're thinking of moving your art elsewhere lemme know where, I'm curious to see where people are going :o
Especially you moots, i need to refind my pals in these other places!
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carpememes · 1 year
10 Minute Power Hour Starters
"You gotta warn me because I was just about to yell 'Remember who made you cum?' and how embarrassing would that shit have been?"
"We've got ____ here. Can you believe it?"
"Alright, shut the fuck up, everybody."
"No, not the stegosaurus!"
"Oh! We're giving samples. I've done this before."
"Can you Urkel your way to a win?"
"I don't love this."
"Glug glug glug, now I'm drunk."
"WOO! Show us how it's done, baby!"
"It's what all the kids on youtube are doing."
"Where is this piece? Did you steal my piece?"
"Bro, I'm killing it."
"Am I right, the youth?"
"You didn't even savor the peelies."
"You just ripped it off like a barbarian."
"Sizzle sizzle, baby bitch."
"It's gonna be really dramatic and cool!"
"I don't want a pumpkin growing in my belly."
"What a fool he is, to get wood confused with food items."
"I told my mom to help me clean it up and she said 'no thank you'."
"___ said I look like the floor of an arcade."
"My heart is beating so fast right now."
"Spin the wheel, you bitch."
"We're visible to lots of people, but it feels great to be truly seen by someone special."
"Well, not like my BEST best friend but he's definitely in that class."
"That's too much plastic crap."
"You look like something they'd serve at 2 in the morning at iHop."
"I feel like i just came back from a mythical creature bukake."
"This is what the ladies are into. A big ol brain horn of goo."
"I'm an ex-man. Which means I used to be a man."
"Yeah you won. Everyone's great. Three people need to go to the hospital but hooray you won."
"Thanks for invalidating my win, dude. I worked hard for this."
"You popped which means you are legally obligated to not stop."
"Please. No laughter."
"I feel you should've said something."
"I has bro! Do you has bro??"
"Well, I think you get double points for that."
"You got a serious buttchin and you need to admit it and use it!"
"We're losin it. We're losin it! ___, we're losin it!"
"This shirt's better now."
"No don't! ___, fucking, god damn it!"
"That was the most legit anger I've heard out of you in so long."
"Why is it filled with chestnuts?! And a lemon!"
"Thanks for celebrating my birthday. This was really fun and not depressing."
"Hold on! I have to do some research."
"Jesus. Reginald. Christ."
"You did it! It's a nightmare."
"What do you think? You think i look sexy?"
"Am i out kissin vandals and vagrants?!"
"Imagine I'm rubbing your thighs."
"I'm going to open a tube of goo now."
"You're a sucky friend!"
"I'm doing all of the colors, you fuck!"
"I know what makes green! Magic and jesus!"
"Oh cool! It looks not that great!"
"It looks like somebody's pancreas exploded over here."
"Anyone wanna be on camera?"
"Drink it, you armadillo."
"Have you witnessed me?"
"Ew, ewww- EEEWWW!"
"Nooo, I don't wanna be the hulk anymore."
"There we go. That's a big boy."
"Are you gonna attack or are you too scared?"
"Admittedly you wield a lot of power that I was not aware of."
"It makes magic fun!"
"That's not what I wanted at all."
"I feel like a cat that just fell in the bathtub."
"YES! Eat the worms!"
"Early 2000s is retro?"
"What is the best time of day to shake a baby?"
"Oh no! It's making the connection that I'm it's mother!"
"We dont have all day. Im becoming sterile wearing these jock straps."
"So you can stick your little emoji faces in here when you write your diary about how much God has betrayed you."
"That is one of the worst shirts I've seen in my life. Put it on."
"What? Oh, I suppose you want to KISS about it?!"
"I dunno. I guess cuz I'm an asshole."
"What do you mean 'is that really what it looks like'? It looks magical!"
"In this world we must all tilt.... But we also a-whirl."
"Look around you. All you see is death and chaos... Here is a kirby."
"Every birthday is like the grim reaper moving one peg on the abacus of your life."
"Everytime I try to solve it i'm just making things worse. Which is just an analogy for my life."
"I was brewin' in the nutsack of an older man."
"It was like having Chuck-e-cheese right in your house."
"The ooze doesn't smell great."
"Parents killed each other to get this thing."
"I threw up a lot more in the 90s than I do now."
"It's about to erase your memory."
"____, Im so sorry, but there's something your mother and I have to tell you."
"It's not your fault! Don't ever think it's your fault!"
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a camp here & there homestuck sburb/sgrub au has been rotating around in my mind for Months.... it would be So fun to see those silly little guys as trolls and running around ending the world nd shit..... it would probably be called camp boonbuck & grist ?? i dunno....
i only have elijah, sydney and jedidiah because in all honesty i dont care enough about the other characters to figure out chumhandles and fetch modii and specibuses and allat but ! yay. um also have adam because i needed a space player
sydney would be a derse heir of doom, jedidiah (or. jediah i guess? to fit the 6 letter naming rule. maybe just jeddie) would be a prospit mage of time, elijah would be a prospit muse of heart and adam (up-adam) would he a derse seer of space :333
i do have classpects for all the counsellors that had voices in s1 and adam was a hope player but i changed thst for boonbuck & grist because i feel like he fit better than marisol with the other guys :P idk,,, i have a whole twt thread with my classpects for the counsellors but its really disorganised and messy 😭😭 if anyone is even vaguely interested that ill put the classpects + blood castes here too
i imagine elijah's horns would replace the elephant ears on her mask ? so she just wouldn't have the mask umm i think jeddie would have vaguely gear shaped horns like how people give to dave strider when they make homestuck kid troll aus and shit
i think sydney's horns would probably replace the mushrooms in his hair thats fun,,, love drawing trolls with mushroom shaped horns!!!!!!
uhhhh doooonnnttt know if this is Entirely accurate considering it came from a fandom wiki page but i think sydney and jeddie would have a juju modus with eachother. like one captchalogues something and it goes to the others stack. the codependency goes crazy with this one
ummmmmm thats it..... i think it would be funny to make sydney a prince of life because. princes do the opposite of their classpect and sydney isnt exactly alive but heir of doom fit better :33 yay
(Don't know what to say here cuz I've never seen homestuck but Tumblr is making me caption this)
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mystarsohee · 6 months
theres nothing like doing nothing with you
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genre: fluff, a little bit of angst, comfort
inspired by bruno majors "nothing" mostly the first verse/chorus tbh (also my first post lowk scared !!!!)
!!! non-sexual use of daddy
cg!sohee gn!reader
silently coloring on the living room floor, which is one of your favorite things to do while trying to make time go faster so sohee would come home from whatever hes doing. usually you would wait to move into a younger headspace until sohee came home, but you felt upset. upset over who knows what, you just felt bad that day.
you didnt hear the door open. or sohee walking into the living room, until you heard his voice, "hi baby! im home now okay?" with a smile on his face which always made you feel at ease, and a kiss to your cheek. you only hummed at him. he decided to sit next to you, "your coloring looks amazing baby, you're gonna have to give that to me so i can hang it up!" again, only humming at him to express your agreement.
"do you want to play? or have you eaten? i havent seen you all day!" sohee questioned. you responded, "i dunno" not accepting it as an answer, he got up and headed towards your room. where was he going? all you wanted today was to be near him, but now hes gone again? you slowly start to sniffle, just because you felt bad all day without your daddy, but he disappeared! "baby? what happened?" oh. you looked up slightly, your favorite stuffed animal stared right back at you. "im sorry love, i could tell you were a bit upset and i went to grab a stuffed animal for you before i tried to talk to you." he said along with a kiss to your head. "cm'ere, lets sit on the couch together." without a word, followed his request, you cuddled up next to sohee, comfortably with his arm around you. not wanting him to think you're mad at him, you held your stuffed animal and tried to explain, "i feel really bad."
"bad? did something happen?" he placed the back of his hand to your forehead to check for an alarming temperature. you looked up at him with a pout, "no.. just feel bad." hating to see you like this, he quickly tried to come up with a solution. he brushed his hand through your hair, "well.. seunghan left his nintendo switch here, are you up for a game of mario kart?"
mario kart? sohee knows that you dont play around when it comes to mario kart. in this headspace or not, you wont go easy on anyone. "i'll beat you!" you sat up as adrenaline quickly rushed through you at the thought of playing mario kart. "we'll have to see about that baby, i've been practicing!" he responds, again, with that pretty smile of his.
after one round and your victory, sohee quickly asks for a rematch. "no fair! i was distracted by your cute face." he says, pretending to be defeated, though he knew he would lose because he cant resist your face while you concentrate on maintaining your spot in first place. you can't help but laugh at him, "daddy how did you lose, this one was so easy.." you ramble a bit and criticize his technique, and try to give him advice. though he makes an effort to listen, he focuses on the way your eyes sparkled while talking about something you love. he wonders if you look that way when you talk about him to someone else. snapping out of it, he hears you say "i don't feel like playing this anymore, it's too easy.."
"well, what does my baby want to do? how are you feeling after totally crushing me in mario kart?" he doesn't want to suggest anything, because you usually like to be the one who picks the activities you feel like doing that day. you think for a few seconds, while sohee cleans up the controllers, "i want to do nothing." you do this often, you request to do something that sohee doesn't really know how to give to you. he still does everything in his power to meet your needs. if you ever asked him to bring the stars down from the sky for you, he would do whatever it takes to get them to you. "alright then. nothing it is." so he just sits there. doing nothing. just like you asked. you did the same, sit against him in silence. and you felt perfect! exactly what you wanted. to be with your daddy, and do nothing! just be there with him is all you want.
the both of you sit there, for atleast an hour or two. you just fidget around with his hands, and admire his pretty moles. he just stares at you in disbelief, watching you somehow entertain yourself with just himself! no movie, no phones, just the occasional "i love you" or kiss coming from you or him. theres a million other things sohee could be doing right now, but he doesn't care about that. as long as you're happy and content with the current situation, he would be too.
"have i told you lately, i'm grateful you're mine?"
author note: my first post on tumblr ever !!!! i hope whoever reads this enjoys, and feel free to request something for me to write! im pretty much open to writing anything riize/nct whether its agere or not 💞 feedback would definitely be appreciated!
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