#i dont know what to say when people ask for aussie music. i just give them her and then my friends band
website-com · 9 months
courtney barnett. i care about you courtney barnett. you went to my high school and i had your haircut by complete mistake.
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helheimraptor · 6 years
Don’t reed into it too much [Gavin Reed & long time friend reader]
Word Count: 2,591
Warnings: Blood and violence. 
Side Note: I'm writing this in Australia, so let's say that Gavin and Elijah went to high school is Australia for now, I do not promote underage drinking, unedited and it is quick time shots of a friendship. 
Age: 15
Gavin storms into my room as I'm lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone.
"Adriana, I need your help," Gavin spits.
"What have you done now," I question as I get up to approach the short male.
"I fucked up again," Gavin says vaguely.
"Doesn't take a detective to figure that out," I tease patting his shoulder and wandering down the stairs to the kitchen, Gavin on my tail.
"Shut up, I made my girlfriend angry again, she wants to break up but I don't know what to do," Gavin explains as I pat my dog who is outside the kitchen.
"Break up with her first," I say simply, grabbing an apple and tossing it to Gavin so he can chew something.
"How," Gavin asks with his mouth full of apple.
"Ugh, want me to do it?" I sigh, giving in to his puppy dog eyes.
Gavin nods quickly, I signal for him to give me his phone which he does gladly.
I dial his girlfriends phone number.
"Ugh, you have emojis next to her name? Gross dude," I tease and he just glares at me.
I wave him off in dismissal as she picks up.
"Woah geez, chill, it's not Gavin, it's Adriana."
I get cut off by the girl.
"Oh. You. You're worse, but why are you calling me."
"Oh I just wanted you to know Gavin doesn't want to see you anymore, he's been seeing me for a couple of weeks now and the fight you had just tipped him over the edge so he gave me the honours of telling you," I explain this to his ex sweetly.
Gavin fidgets when I mention us dating and I know he's had a crush on me for ages but I friend zoned him in year seven.
"you BITCH!"
With that swift swear word she hangs up and blocks Gavin's number. I smile at Gavin and hand him back his phone.
"You're gonna need to do it yourself sooner or later," I say pulling myself to sit on the bench.
"I know I know, it's just I don't ever know how to do it," Gavin complains.
"Simple. Tell them you're done and hang up and block them," I explain, knowing how to do it all too well.
Gavin looks at me, his head cocked slightly, he looks confused but that's how he thinks.
Gavin follows me sheepishly through the school and to our home classroom, which is a single building with three different classrooms and a kitchen and living space like thing.
"Shit is she in our tutor class?" I ask Gavin quietly as he leans against a wall.
"No, she's here to see, what was me, but is now Josh, the jock," Gavin explains.
I see Gavin's ex girlfriend flirting with Josh, the school footy team leader. Footy = AFL - Aussie Football League.
"God," I mutter with a sigh and look over to other people socialising.
I zone out for a bit but come back when Gavin hits me in the stomach.
"Here she comes, careful," Gavin whispers.
I groan in frustration and crack my knuckles, ready to have to fight someone.
"Both of you are assholes!" Gavin's ex yells in our faces.
"Hmm? Oh you said something? Sorry, can't hear you over your self-centredness, surprised you can even realise we exist considering you own the world apparently," I say sarcastically.
"You two won't get far after school is done, you're the loners."
"I beg to differ," I say, looking around the corner to see Me and Gavin's large friendship group enter the building and come surround us.
"Who's the one who's a loner now huh? Leave us alone," Gavin spits.
All of Gavin's friends and my friends surround us in a circle, all talking about their weekends.
1 year later - Age: 16
Gavin is lying on my bed, blasting Thirty Seconds to Mars music while I get ready for a party we are going to.
"Hey A, Gav," I hear my younger brother say.
"Hey bud," I reply as I tie my hair up.
Gavin looks up and waves to my younger brother.
"Where are you two going?"
"Oh just out to a friends place for a birthday thing," I lie.
My younger brother knows we are going to a party but he tells my parents where I'm going and he knows he has to say exactly what I say, so I lie to him.
"Ok you know what Mum will say, don't stay out too late and don't get drunk."
"Course not," I say shooting my brother a smile as I grab my leather jacket and tap Gavin to say we are going.
I ruffle my brothers hair on the way out of my bedroom as we walk to my older friends car.
"See ya bro," I say as I get in the front seat and wave to my brother.
Gavin gets in the backseat and we drive to my friends place.
"Hey Max, who's at this party?" I ask my friend.
"Mostly people you know," Max replies.
I nod and turn to the window, thinking while we drive.
Max is my closest friend, apart from Gavin, he's 18 so he drives us places, mostly to parties that my parents have no clue about.
We pull up to the large house and get out, Gavin grabbing my arm to get my attention as he walks beside me.
"Who's party is this anyway?" Gavin asks me as we reach the front door and max knocks.
"You'll find out in a sec," i reply with a smile.
A familiar face opens the door and Gavin's jaw drops, it's the hottest year twelve of the school, Carmine Ritchies.
"How?" Gavin asks me as I hug the host.
"I know people, such as her boyfriend," I explain as I wander through the party to find one particular person.
There he is.
"Hey E!" I shout and grab the boy's shoulder.
The boy turns around and hugs me tightly, he's our age, 16 but he managed to get into year twelve and is graduating this year.
"Wait, Elijah Kamski?" Gavin reacts, shocked.
"Yep, told ya I knew people G," I say playfully pushing Gavin's shoulder.
"You didn't tell me you know the man who is blueprinting Androids!" Gavin exclaims.
I wink at Gavin and accept the drink Elijah has offered me. (Choose your drink of choice, keep in mind the characters are 16)
Another year later - Age: 17
"Oi Reed!" I shout as I pull up to his place where he is sitting outside.
"Seriously? A motor bike?"
"What else did you expect?" I toss Gavin a helmet and he chuckles as he hops on the back.
Gavin's arms snake around my waist as he holds on for dear life while we speed through the city, Androids are slowly becoming more and more popular, thanks to Elijah Kamski moving to Detroit and starting Cyberlife.
Androids are just making the break world wide and they just reached Australia and everyone loves them so far.
I stop the bike outside of a shopping centre and Gavin and I go inside, but find an Android running rogue.
"Ah shit," I say as I run after the Android and Gavin runs after me.
I jump over obstacles and people, leaving Gavin trailing behind me, dodging people awkwardly. I slide under a bean two workers are carrying and jump on the Android, Gavin finally catching up. The Android grabs the knife he dropped when I tackled him and he goes to slash at me when Gavin tackles him instead to save me, his nose getting sliced open and his side and stomach get stabbed, large gashes made in them, blood going everywhere.
I hear a bystander call an ambulance and the police while Gavin throws the knife away and knocks the Android out cold, possibly killing him.
Gavin stands up and walks over to me, blood falling down his face and staining his shit and he asks me if I'm okay.
"Gav, you're fucking bleeding, are you okay? Don't stress about me," I say quickly, I search around for something to stop the bleeding when a bystander hands me a hankerchief.
I smile at the stranger and thank them thoroughly, as I sit Gavin down and apply the hankerchief to the wounds. Gavin looks at me, his eyes squinting in pain.
"I don't need to be taken care of like a baby," Gavin says as the ambulance arrives and tends to Gavin, taking over from me.
"That's just your toughness talking there Gav," I exclaim as the paramedics finish tending to Gavin and check to see if I'm okay.
21 years later - Age: 36
Gavin is standing next to me, his arm resting on my shoulder as we watch Hank try to convince a deviant Android to confess to murder.
Gavin is about ten centimetres taller than me so even though he himself is a short ass he still teases me about being short and does that most often by resting his arm on my shoulder to remind me that I'm short.
Hank enters the section behind mirrored glass of the interrogation room, clearly giving up when Gavin speaks up.
"Could try roughing it up a little bit."
Gavin looks around the room for opinions but gets nothing, he eventually looks at me to which I shake my head no.
"You're meant to back me up," Gavin jokes.
"Yeah but not this Gav, it's a stupid and useless idea," I say with an innocent smile.
Gavin playfully pushes my head in return with his mischievous smile that he always wears.
"Well what do you suggest then Adri?" Gavin asks me.
"Connor could try it," I reply looking past Gavin to the Android in Grey and blue.
Gavin sighs and nods approvingly, so do Hank and Chris. I look at Connor and give him a nod, telling him to go and try the android.
"Y'know how I hate the android, why'd you suggest his idea and not agree to mine," Gavin whispers in my ear, both of our arms are crossed.
"Because sometimes you have fucking stupid ideas and that was one of them," I reply, leaning my head back to whisper to Gavin who is standing a bit behind me, while I keep my eyes on Connor and the deviant.
"oi!" Gavin whisper shouts and shoves me lightly.
I shoot Gavin an innocent smile and turn back to Connor, catching Hank glare at me.
Minutes later Connor has successfully extracted a confession and the android has been taken to its cell, but not without Gavin pointing a gun to Connor's head when Connor steps in to defend the Deviant so it doesn't die.
"Fucks sake Gav, you didn't need to pull a gun on Connor," I exclaim as we wander out the precinct doors and to our apartment.
"What else was I meant to do?" Gavin asks me, hoping on the back of my bike.
"Not point a gun at his head?" I reply sarcastically.
Gavin shuts up, wraps his arms around my torso and we speed back home, the situation replaying in my head.
"You shouldn't touch it, it'll self destruct if it feels threatened," Connor warns.
Gavin turns to Connor, anger fuming his eyes.
"Stay outta this, got it? No fuckin' android is gonna tell me what to do," Gavin threatens.
Gavin turns back to Chris wrestling the android while Connor continues to talk.
"You don't understand, if it self-destructs, we won't get anything out of it!"
"I told you to shut your fuckin' mouth," Gavin shouts, eyes shooting daggers at Connor. "Chris you gonna move this asshole or what?"
"i'm trying!" Chris struggles.
I'm standing on the sidelines with Hank watching everything unfold, worried for both androids' safety.
Connor intervenes and pushes Chris out of the way, stepping between Gavin and the Android.
"I can't let you do that, leave it alone, now!" Connor shouts, shocking me because I've never heard Connor let alone an android shout before.
Gavin pulls his gun on Connor and I freak.
"I warned you motherfucker," Gavin exclaims, blatantly angry.
"GAVIN! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I shout, Gavin ignores me the first time, his gun and eyes still trained on Connor.
I go over to Gavin and push him.
"GAVIN REED!" I shout, but Gavin pushes me away, sending me into the floor.
"Adriana, mind your fucking business," Gavin says through gritted teeth.
I stand up quickly and pull my own gun out and point it at Gavin.
"Detective Gavin Reed, stand down," I say sternly.
"You wouldn't dare," Gavin mocks, his gun on Connor but his head and eyes on me.
"You wanna try me?" I reply.
"Adriana, you know you wouldn't shoot me even if I did try you," Gavin scoffs, turning his head back to Connor.
I cock my gun and hold it stronger at Gavin's head.
"I wouldn't kill you, but i'd shoot you in the leg and you know that, so stand down detective," I growled.
Gavin scoffs and lowers his gun, glaring at Connor.
"better luck next time," Gavin murmurs.
Gavin walks past me, bumping my shoulder aggressively as he goes back to his desk.
"I'm taking you home remember?!" I shouted as Gavin swears loudly.
I smile at my achievement and step back and let Connor deal with the deviant.
"Lookie here, the plastic prick has returned, good job on last night, buddy, you're lucky there were others there to stop me from killing you right there and then," Gavin shouts.
I hit Gavin in the gut really hard, which causes Gavin to lean over and groan in pain slightly but that doesn't stop Gavin from going and harassing Connor.
"Get me a coffee dipshit," Gavin exclaims at the Android before him.
"Gavin, let him be, Hank has it under control," I say sternly.
Gavin turns to me and glares, his grey eyes piercing my crystal blue ones.
Gavin turns back to Connor who's looking at me, I give him a smile before Gavin grunts and storms away.
"Sorry about that and last night Connor, he had an incident when he was a teen with an Android that caused his anger towards Androids," I say approaching Connor.
"It's okay, I imagine some people might not be comfortable with my presence," the Android replies.
"How do you deal with Reed?" A co-worker asks me.
"I don't know, i've known him since year 7, so about 23 years, at this point we are like brother and sister,"  I reply, shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah, you two even dress similar," The co-worker says.
I look at what I'm wearing and then I look at Gavin who is talking to Chris at his desk and see we are both wearing dark blue pants, similar coloured shirts, his is greyish blueish and mine is black and hooded leather jackets.
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Gavin wears a grey v-neck t-shirt with dark blue jeans and a brown leather jacket with a hood, whereas I am wearing dark navy cargo pants, a tight black t-shirt and a black hooded leather jacket, just like Gavin's except in a different colour.
"ok you have a point, we are both very similar," I noted.
My co-worker just smiles at me as Gavin wanders over to us, a coffee in his hand, his face completely red and his eyebrows furrowed.
"What happened G," I question watching as Gavin places his mug down violently.
"We are getting an android for a fucken partner," Gavin spits.
I sigh at Gavin's reaction and pat his shoulder, getting close to his ear.
"Maybe you'll have to get used to it, shocker," I mock as I wander away, my fingers running across his shoulder and giving him a playful wink as I walk over to Connor, just to spite Gavin.
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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KRONENZEITUNG interview 29/04/21
ENGLISH TRANSLATION (Conchita Wurst Gemeinde)
On Friday, Conchita's long-awaited new pop song "Malebu" will be released:
The "Krone" met her alter ego Tom Neuwirth for an interview.
"Krone": Hello, how are you? We haven't heard from you for a long time.
Conchita: Yes, musically, that's true. I've noticed that I'm pretty lazy when I don't have any assignments (laughs). My longtime friend Martin Zerza also noticed that, and he motivated me to make a pop song together. One day, he was sitting in the tub, I was at my desk, we facetimed while writing Malebu. And after that we were really happy!
It sounds really happy too.
I think that's what we need right now. No big thinker ballad, but switch off your brain and lie in the sun. There is such a global frustration anyway.
Your song is called "Malebu" and not "Malibu" ...
Exactly, because summer feels a bit like plagiarism. It's already summer, but not the one we all wish for.
After the ballad and the electro album, now it's pop again.
I've tried a lot of things and I'm coming back to what I might have known before, that's exactly what it is. Now it's just flowing. "Malebu" is very authentic. That's me.
They publish the song as Conchita. But I actually only see Tom.
Yes, that's true. But of course the name has a branding and people know what they get when they read that name, and you still get my personality. But just in a more reduced, more authentic version. I think that keeps it fresh.
But when you host "Free ESC" on PRO 7 on May 15, will you unpack the wig again?
Yes, I love it and won't let anyone take it away from me. After the victory in 2014, it was just nonstop "she" and no longer Tom, and that needed a break and further development at some point. In the meantime, I'm totally relaxed. It doesn't have to be one or the other. That suits me.
It's been seven years since your song contest victory.
Yes, back then a huge dream of mine came true relatively quickly. In the meantime, I have a different drive.
After the win, you told me then that your next goal is the Grammy ...
(laughs) I say yes, I have become more relaxed. I have so many outlets for how I express myself and music is one of them, but not THE outlet.
How about a "Conchita Wurst Show" on TV?
I have to say, that sounds good, I like that! (laughs) Give it to me.
Speaking of the show: "Starmania," the show that made you famous, is going on stage entirely without you. Are you disappointed?
Of course I am! Excuse me? I was asked if I wanted to sit on the jury, I said yes and then ORF turned me down. But I'm accompanying "Starmania" on my YouTube channel with my own show. Constructive and emotional.
Vendredi, la nouvelle chanson pop tant attendue de Conchita "Malebu" sortira:
Le "Krone" a rencontré son alter ego Tom Neuwirth pour une interview.
"Krone": Bonjour, comment allez-vous? Nous n'avons pas entendu parler de vous depuis longtemps.
Conchita: Oui, musicalement, c'est vrai. J'ai remarqué que je suis plutôt paresseux quand je n'ai pas de date butoir (rires). Mon ami de longue date, Martin Zerza, l'a également remarqué, et il m'a motivé à faire une chanson pop ensemble. Un jour, il était assis dans la baignoire, j'étais à mon bureau, nous avons fait des Face Times en écrivant Malebu. Et après cela, nous étions vraiment heureux!
K: La chanson a un son joyeux aussi.
C: Je pense que c'est ce dont nous avons besoin maintenant. Pas de grande ballade de penseurs, mais éteignez votre cerveau et allongez-vous au soleil. Il y a de toute façon une telle frustration mondiale.
K: Votre chanson s'appelle "Malebu" et non "Malibu" ...
C: Exactement, parce que l'été ressemble un peu au plagiat. C'est déjà l'été, mais pas celui que nous souhaitons tous.
K: Après la ballade et l'album électro, c'est à nouveau pop.
C: J'ai essayé beaucoup de choses et je reviens à ce que j'aurais pu savoir auparavant, c'est exactement ce que c'est. Maintenant, ça coule tout seul. "Malebu" est très authentique. C'est moi.
K: La chanson est publiée en tant que Conchita. Mais je ne vois en fait que Tom.
C: Oui c'est vrai. Mais bien sûr, le nom est une marque et les gens savent ce qu'ils obtiennent quand ils lisent ce nom, et vous obtenez toujours ma personnalité. Mais juste dans une version plus réduite et plus authentique. Je pense que cela garde la fraîcheur.
K: Mais lorsque vous présentez "Free ESC" sur PRO 7 le 15 mai, allez-vous déballer à nouveau la perruque?
C: Oui, je l'aime et je ne laisserai personne me l'enlever. Après la victoire en 2014, c'était juste sans arrêt "elle" et non plus Tom, et il y avait besoin d'une pause et d'un développement supplémentaire à un moment donné. En attendant, je suis totalement détendu. Il n'est pas nécessaire que ce soit l'un ou l'autre. Cela me convient.
K: Cela fait sept ans depuis votre victoire au concours de chansons.
C: Oui, à l'époque, un de mes grands rêves s'est réalisé assez rapidement. En attendant, j'ai une autre motivation.
K: Après la victoire, vous m’avez dit que votre prochain objectif était le Grammy ...
C: (rires) Je dis oui, je suis devenu plus détendu. J'ai tellement de débouchés sur la façon dont je m'exprime et la musique en fait partie, mais ce n’est pas LE débouché.
K: Que diriez-vous d'un "Conchita Wurst Show" à la télévision?
C: Je dois dire que ça sonne bien, j'aime ça! (rires) Donnez-le-moi.
K: En parlant du spectacle: "Starmania", le spectacle qui vous a rendu célèbre, se déroule entièrement sans vous. Es-tu déçu?
C: Bien sur que je le suis! Excusez-moi? On m'a demandé si je voulais siéger au jury, j'ai dit oui et ensuite l'ORF m'a refusé. Mais j'accompagne "Starmania" sur ma chaîne YouTube avec ma propre émission. Constructif et émotionnel.
0 notes
babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ Instead (71)
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A/N: sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I was sick so I missed school and I had to catch up and shit
Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
“Oh look who’s finally up!” Michael teases as I walk into the lounge.
“Yeah, yeah fuck off.” I drawl and sit on the arm of the sofa, running a hand over my make up free face.
“Good night sleep?” Luke asks.
“Uh, I guess.” I shrug.
“I don’t wanna go home.” Calum groans.
“I don’t want you to go either.” I pout.
It’s finally the day that the boys go home, and I’ve been dreading it ever since they arrived. I’m trying to not ruin the day by making it sad but these past months, everything I touch turns sad. Although I have been getting a lot better recently.
“Are you all packed?” I question as Luke picks my hand up and puts it into his hair. “Yes?” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Play with my hair.” He whines and smiles when I run my fingers through his hair.
“I am.” Ashton raises his hand.
“I’ve done a little bit.” Calum answers.
“I haven’t started yet.” Michael admits.
“I’ve done most of it but I got bored so I stopped.” Luke says, closing his eyes in content as I play with his hair
“Why am I doing this?” I question.
“Because you love me.” He sings.
“Sometimes.” I mumble, going through his hair once more before taking my hand away, immediately earning a whine in protest.
“No.” He groans picking my hand up again but I loosen his and sandwich my hand with my thighs.
“I was enjoying that.” He huffs picking my other hand up.
“Why don’t you play with my hair?” I suggest.
“Because,” he pauses, a little stumped. “Because I don’t want to make your hair greasy because you just washed it.”
“So did you.”
“But I don’t care about that.” He replies.
“What makes you think I do?” I ask.
“Are you really asking that?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah.” I nod.
“You used to always moan when I touched it, and whined saying ‘Luke! I just washed my hair!’” Luke does an impression of me with over exaggerated hand movements.
“You’ve known me your whole life and you still do a shit impression of me.” I sigh.
“No, I’d say he’s spot on.” Ashton teases.
“Shut up, Irwin.” I narrow my eyes at him.
“Love you.” He grins.
“Yeah, yeah.” I mumble.
“I can actually do a great impression of your accent.” Luke claims.
“I don’t have an accent.” I furrow my eyebrows.
“Yes you do!” Calum exclaims.
“It’s a mix of English and Australian, sometimes you say certain words at you sound Aussie.” Michael explains.
“Say guitar.” Ashton requests.
“Guitar?” I question.
“It sounds Australian.” Luke says.
“You think?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Now say actually.” Calum urges.
“English.” Michael says.
“You sound like this.” Luke does a brief impression, making me laugh.
“That’s not my accent!” I exclaim.
“I’ve known you my whole 19 years, I think I’d know.” He gives me a knowing look. “Listen to this, hello my name is Harper, I think Luke is the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, wait actually he definitely is. I also play guitar but no one knew for a good 10 years.”
“It sounds exactly like you.” Calum laughs.
“I hate you all.” I huff and head towards the kitchen.
“Love you too.” Luke calls and I ignore the tiny flutter my stomach makes.
Shaking my head, I begin to look for something for breakfast, only something small like cereal or toast.
“You guys leave quite late right?” I ask as I walk back into the lounge, breakfast in hand.
“Yeah, around 11:30.” Michael answers as I sit down on a bean bag in the corner.  “Is that your flight or time you leave here?” I raise an eyebrow.
“Flight.” He replies.
“So do you wanna leave at 10?” I question.
“Sounds good feels good.” Ashton nods.
“What’s for dinner?” Calum asks and I grimace.
“I’m not your mum.” I tell him, making him smirk.
“Mum, what’s for dinner?” He whines.
“You haven’t even had lunch yet.” I point out,
“Your point?”
“What do you want for dinner?” I sigh.
“I don’t know maybe some pasta?” He shrugs.
“Why don’t I make some spaghetti bolognese, that way I don’t have to do much cooking for a few days.” I suggest.
“Works for me.” He gives me a thumbs up and I give him a sickly sweet smile.
“I swear you couldn’t cook to save your life.” Luke furrows his eyebrows.
“Living on your own changes that.” I say.
“I had some of your chilli the other day and it was amazing.” Ashton gushes.
“Thanks.” I chuckle.
“I get takeaways an awful lot though.” I admit.
“The things you used to make when you were 16 or something were god awful.” Luke laughs.
“Hey, I tried my best!” I defend myself.
“Pretty sure I spat most of it out and I said I liked only so I wouldn’t hurt your feelings.”
Didn’t stick to that though, did you?
“Well I’ve gotten better so get off my dick, Hemmings.” I reply and finish the last bite of my breakfast.
“I feel so festive now.” I say as I walk into my apartment, beginning to shrug my jacket off.
“Same, but now we have to go back to sunny Australia.” Michael agrees.
We’ve all been to some kind of Christmas festival type thing, with a load of food, music, lights, and over the top decorations.
“Lucky for you, I’m freezing my balls off right now.” I mumble.
“You don’t have any balls.” Calum points out.
“Because they froze off.” I deadpan.
“I hate you.” He huffs and walks off, following Ashton and Michael.
“Do you want some help?” Luke laughs, seeing me struggle to get my jacket off.
“Please,” I pout with a small laugh. “My hands are so cold I can barely move them.” I explain, taking my beanie off, chucking it on the small bench by the door.
“Your fault, you could’ve put gloves on.” He gives me a pointed look and reaches for the sleeve, pulling it down gently and the action causes the shoulder of my maroon jumper to slip off, showcasing some fading love bites on my collarbone.
Both of our eyes meet and I slowly pull the shoulder back up, Luke bites his lip and pulls the other sleeve down, resting my jacket where I threw my beanie. He walks away with his head down, leaving me with a racing heart.
We haven’t really talked about what happened since it happened, avoided anything to do with the party, and our relationship hasn’t quite been the same since then.
I fold my arms and go into the lounge as well, avoiding Luke’s gaze that’s following me. Learning against the radiator to warm myself up quicker, I begin to text my brother, doing anything to take my mind off of the situation.
“I don’t wanna leave! It’s been so fun here, and I’m gonna miss you.” Ashton whines, rolling around on the sofa.
“I’m going back to Australia after Christmas, so it’s not too long of a wait.” I sympathize.
“Is it concrete?” Calum raises an eyebrow.
“Pretty much.” I nod.
“What date?” Luke asks.
“29th I think.” I answer.
“Why aren’t you spending more time with your family?” Michael questions.
“They will ask too many questions about certain topics, and I dont wanna talk about it. Also because my mum and dad have been annoying me recently, they’re acting as if I’m a child and don’t know anything, it’s kinda complicated. I just need a break from family for a while.” I explain. “Plus new year’s is way more fun in Australia.”
“Living alone isn’t enough?” Calum jokes.
“Shut up.” I half heartedly laugh.
“So Harper,” Michael inquires with a smirk, and I brace myself for what’s about to come. “Who’s your new year’s kiss?”
“Probably the bottle of tequila I’ll be drinking to get me through hanging out with you guys all night.” I reply.
“All I’m saying is that I’m open.” Calum puts his hand up in surrender.
“I’d never kiss any of you.” I laugh, seeing Luke raise a subtle eyebrow at me from the corner of my eye.
“Not even if you were black out drunk?” Calum questions.
“Nope.” I shake my head.
“What if you were really lonely one night and then you see me and can’t stop yourself?”
“Never gonna happen.”
“Wow, you’re boring.” Calum sighs.
No, I’m just cautious, last time I kissed my best friend didn’t end too well for either of us.
“Okay, what if we were playing truth of dare?” Michael asks.
“Well a dare is a dare.” I shrug. “Do you guys really want to kiss me or something?” I laugh.
“One of us does.” Calum mutters very quietly, making Luke send him a glare, but I pretend as if I didn’t hear it.
“Just interested.” Michael shrugs.
“Find something else to be interested in because this is weird.” I mumble, walking off into my bedroom, wanting to change into something comfier.
Pulling open my chest of drawers, I lazily pick some black leggings, a lose fitting vest top, and a halter neck bralette so I dont get stabbed anymore.
Taking a zip up hoodie I found on my chair in the corner and slipping it on my shoulders as I close my bedroom door behind me.
Sauntering into the kitchen, I open the pack of mince and put it in the large saucepan, then I grab some onions and a chopping board, as well as a knife. Mumbling a song I’m working on as I peel them, trying to figure out if I need to change any of the lyrics or the melody.
“When’s dinner?” Michael whines, coming into the kitchen, some of his band members trailing after him.
“You know, I’m really gonna miss cooking for you every night.” I sarcastically reply.
“So?” He inquires, ignoring my remark.
“I feel like your mum,” I mutter. “In like an hour and a bit.”
“I’m gonna miss you cooking for us.” Ashton sighs.
“I’m not.” I smile sweetly at him and pull some carrots out. “By the way I’m not cooking for you when I get back home.”
“What if I was dying?” Calum questions as I poke at the mince that’s browning off nicely.
“I think you’ll need some kind of medication instead of my food.” I respond, begin in to chop the carrots up, but as I press down, my finger was unknowingly underneath there as well, so I cut straight into it.
“Well this fucking hurts.” I say, looking at my finger, blood beginning to pour out of it.
“Jesus.” Michael’s eyes widen when he sees my finger.
Opening the draw by the fridge and pulling out a box of plasters. “Can someone do it for me?” I whine.
“Nope!” Ashton shakes his head, stepping away from me.
“Hell to the no.” Calum vigorously shakes his head as well.
“Luke.” Michael calls.
“Yeah?” He calls back.
“Harper’s turning into a monster.” Michael explain and I glare at him. “You can’t tell me you’re not, there’s blood everywhere.”
“What on earth happened?” Luke’s eyebrows raise when he walks in.
“The others won’t help me put a plaster on.” I tell him as if I’m snitching on my brothers to my mum.
“Well firstly hold your hand up high so there isn’t as much blood.” Luke huffs lifting my hand up. “Now we need to clean you up before you put a plaster on.”
He grabs some kitchen roll, and gingerly places it over the cut, and cleans up the blood that had dripped down my hand.
“You look like you’ve just murdered someone.” He comments and I chuckle slightly, making him look at my eyes, and he gives me a small smile.
“Could if I want.” I wiggle my eyebrow.
“Don’t I know it.” He laughs. “Now go wash your hand, and I’ll put a plaster on it.” Taking his words in account, I go over to the sink and wash my hand, seeing the details of the cut.
“It’s not actually that big, I’m just a bleeder.” I explain, seeing a drop of blood ooze out the cut.
“Still turning into a monster.” Calum mumbles.
“Shut up.” I send a glare his way.
Luke gently grabs my wrist, and inspects my finger. Picking up the plaster, he unwraps it and places it directly on the cut.
As he’s placing it on the cut, I look at him, seeing how long his eyelashes are, the slight freckles scattered around, how blue his eyes are in this light, and how he tugs on his lip ring in concentration.
“There, now don’t go chopping yourself up any more, I like my best friends in one piece.” Luke remarks and I lightly jab him in the ribs.
“I hate you.” I shake my head, with a smile.
“Hey, that’s not very nice to say to someone who just saved your life.” He points a finger at me as I begin to wipe up the blood that fell on the floor.
“Only because you had to as the others didn’t care to help me,” I tell him but look at the other boys. “And I wouldn’t say you saved my life, you just made it a little easier for me.”
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, babe.” He winks.
“Haven’t cut yourself again yet?” Luke questions teasingly, as he walks into the kitchen.
“Can’t say I have.” I huff, stirring the spaghetti.
“That’s good.” He nods as he takes a drink out of the fridge.
“Always is, I guess.” I agree.
“Fair point.” He says and hoists himself up onto the counter behind me.
“So are you all packed?” I question, leaning back on the counter, facing him.
“Yeah, I think so, Michael is just finishing up now.” Luke explains.
“That’s a first that you’re actually packed before 5 minutes when you leave.” I tease, and he pushes my ass with his foot as I look in the cupboard.
“You know, you’re actually really mean.” He claims, folding his arms and I sit on the counter opposite.
“You think?” I raise an eyebrow.
“I can list all the mean things you’ve done to me on two hands.”
“Like what?” He asks.
“Uh the many times you’ve pushed me in the pool, the pranks you used to pull when we were younger, you cut some of my hair off in primary school, you used to push me into things, when I was drawing you used to scribble on my art, if you’re testing if your pen is still working you’ll do it on my notebook, you still do that by the way. There’s so many things.”
You also broke my heart.
“They’re things I did when I was a lot younger.” He sends me a knowing look, and jumps off the work top.
“Still did them.” I glare at him. “You used to be super mean to me, I don’t know what I saw in you.”
“I think we both know what you saw in me.” He smirks at me and stands in between my legs.
“A dickhead?” I question.
“No.” He shakes his head
“I’m glad you’re going so I don’t have to deal with this anymore but I’m sad you’re going.” I confess.
“We’ll be seeing each other in the new year, then I can annoy you some more.” He sympathizes, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.
“It’s not the same though, we always spend Christmas time together, so now that we’re not it’s weird.” I shrug, playing with the zip of my hoodie.
“I guess we have to accept that things change, a lesson you taught me. So much has changed in the past 2 years, you and I finally got together, that lasted just about a year, then we broke up, and this whole year has been a year of hurting, learning some important lessons, coping without each other, and growing as people without each other.” Luke tells me, and I ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach, and the crunch of my heart when he mentions the break up.
“Probably.” I nod, my eyes glazing over slightly with tears. Making my hoodie into sweater paws, I wipe away the tears that never fell.
“Hey, what up?” Luke’s eyes fill with concern as he brushes my side with his hand.
My tear glazed eyes meet his concerned and confused ones, and the lump in my throat grows.
“I just can’t believe it’s been a year.”
I watch him take in my words, his lips pursing as he thinks them over, avoiding my gaze.
“Same,” he nods. “Who would’ve thought that we’d end up here.” Luke bitterly chuckles.
“No one did.” I stare at the floor. “I sure as hell didn’t.”
“I didn’t want it to end.”
“Some things have to end sometimes.” I sigh, and his eyes instantly look into mine, then flickering down my face.
“Sometimes.” He nods.
“Yeah.” I agree, my voice ever so slightly cracking, causing his eyes to glance back to my eyes.
“Baby,” he breathes, and wipes the first tear that fell down my cheek away with his thumb.
How crazy is it to cry into the arms of the person I’m crying about?
Luke leans closer into me, bringing his face closer to mine, causing my heart to go haywire. He cautiously brings his hand back up to my cheek, and I put one hand on his ribs, looking back into his eyes, which were already looking at mine. His face nears mine so that our foreheads touch and our noses can brush against each other. I open my mouth, ready for what’s to come and I watch as he flutters his eyes closed, copying his actions I close my eyes, leaning into him.
Our lips are about ghost over each other, not touching before all of a sudden the pasta begins to boil over, and we instantly pull apart.
“Pasta.” I whisper, and he nods, glancing down at my lips one more time before letting go of me and stepping away.
I jump off the counter, breathless and my heart beating incredibly fast.
We need to stay away from each other for a while and get out of this bubble we managed to get back in to.
“I’m actually so sad we’re leaving soon.” Michael chuckles as he rolls his suitcase towards the door.
“I know people love me so much and I’m so desirable, but I’ll see you in a little over 2 weeks.”
“You know what, I take it back, I’m glad we’re going.” Michael says.
“You’re a dick.” I spit.
“I have one if you wanna see it.” He offers and pulls on the zip of his flyers.
“Think I’m alright.” I mutter and walk away from him.
I sit on the piano stool that’s in the corner of the room, as the other boys are mid conversation.
Turning my back to them, I lift the lid of the piano up and just place my fingers on a couple chords, looking for some inspiration. Spotting one of my notebooks on top of the piano, I pick it up, having a flick through the pages.
I’m pretty sure this is the notebook I’ve just finished filling up all the pages of, and I bought a new one around 2 weeks ago, which I’m already a third of the way through.
A chord progression catches my eye and I pause on the page, reading over the lyrics. It’s called Blue Jeans, and it’s mixed on real events that happened to me and a story that happened in a film I watched a few hours prior to writing it. I remember I stopped writing it at some point then picked it back up a couple weeks later.
Placing the book on the piano, I take a glance at the written music and begin to play it quietly, mumbling the lyrics to myself.
Or so I thought when I the last line comes out my mouth.
“I will love you till the end of time.”
As I sense the quietness, I play the song a little bit longer to put off the conversation I’m about to have.
Turning around I meet their awe struck eyes.
“Is that an original?” Ashton questions.
“Yeah, wrote it a month and a bit back.” I answer.
“What’s it about?” Calum questions and my breath invisibly hitches and I ghost my eyes over to Luke but quickly advert my gaze.
“Well it’s based on something I was going through and a film I watched, so it’s intertwined with that.” I explain.
“Would you ever put any of your music out?” Michael asks.
“No, not in a million years.” I shake my head.
“Why?” Luke speaks up, some of the few words he’s said since earlier.
“It’s too personal, it would be like explaining my thoughts to the world, and that’s not something I’m prepared to do. I write about everything, and I mean everything, so it’d be like reading my diary to people.”
“You have a diary?” Michael asks.
“I mean technically all these notebooks are my diary, but it’s not a diary as you know it.”
“What about a cover, would you ever post some covers?” Ashton questions.
“I mean, maybe, I don’t know. I do YouTube for comedy and stuff reasons, I don’t want a music career, music is kinda my therapy and I don’t want to get anything out of it other than music.” I shrug.
“Fair enough.” Calum nods.
“What time is it?” Luke questions.
I pick my phone up and read the time. “20 to 10.” I answer.
“Not long till we leave then.” Calum sighs.
“I think the girls want to say goodbye to you, and Blake might be there. Juliet and Cody aren’t there though, they’re on a date or something.” I inform.
“Really?” Ashton raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, Tori’s place.” I answer and they all begin to pile out the door.
I get up and clear away some glasses, and some plates from after dinner as they say goodbye.
Walking back into the lounge after I’ve cleared everything away, I spot the guitar Calum was messing around with earlier. Now that everyone is outside and won’t be able to hear me, I take this moment of silence to fill it with my feeling right now.
Sitting down, I pick it up, and toy with the strings a little before taking a breath and start singing.
“I don’t know how To let you go it’s been some months now I hear the sound Of all the rumours about you going round
They say you moved on in just two weeks How could it be so easy for you to forget me And now you’ve moved in with all your friends And you don’t think of me before bed
And you’ll be kissing her When you should be kissing me instead And you’ll be kissing him When you should be kissing me instead
And in your head You flicked the switch and called me a friend You don’t love yourself Enough to keep away from someone else
And your ex girlfriend’s asked you out And I can’t see you turning her down Because you’re too scared to be alone And yet I’ve been here all along
And you’ll be missing her When you should be missing me instead And you’ll be missing him When you should be missing me instead
And you keep twisting this And making me an enemy in your head So you’ll be kissing them When you should be kissing me instead
I’d rather you be happy Than make you fall in love with me But you’re thinking of a lover and I’m thinking that I’ll never love again
I’d rather you be happy Than make you fall in love with me But you’re thinking of a lover and I’m fearing that I’ll never love again
I don’t know how To let you go it’s been six months now I hear the sound Of all the rumours about you going round
And you’ll be kissing her When you should be kissing me instead And you’ll be kissing him When you should be kissing me instead
And you keep twisting this And making me an enemy in your head So you’ll be kissing her When you should be kissing me instead.”
Letting out a tired sigh, I pluck some open strings and sink further.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 5: "I just can't believe I did 4 hours of calls for a tribal that literally didn't happen." - Ali
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in other news, i think benj flipped and honestly good for him! i think its smart, mitch, michael and noah are all messes. i'm feeling SO much better about my spot in the game, like we can hopefully keep voting JJ till we go to a tribal, and I can start trying to build those cross-tribe connections YAY. 
in other news, MO IS DOING SO GOOD I THINK! like i think he doesn't like me anymore after the last time i hosted him, but i'm super super proud of him for doing his thing this season yay yay!
i just can't believe i did 4 hours of calls for a tribal that literally didn't happen, I'm truly screaming... now the test is how long it takes JJ to find out EEEEEK.
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IM SORRY. Excuse me but IM SORRY. Why do people keep targeting me. LIKE HELLO IM NICE. Plus I think I'm being pretty genuine. Thank god for Benj, my social game is coming IN HARD. Mitch and Michael totally bold faced lied to me. Mitch even said that he wanted us to be strong together, BUT right after tribal he was said "I must say I'm really sorry."  OOOOOOF STrong OOOF
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What's on my mind you ask? The fact that budva won the challenge when the lyrics didnt match what they were lip syncing OOP
but also Serious confessional time woop woop! For starters, I fricked up HARDCORE. First thing i said is that i would target Noah if we ever went to tribal and what do i do? Yeah, lets go for Caleb :D. Tribal Lines. REEEE! Now all of the og doormentors dont trust me which is just great (woohooo)!!!! Big rip to my g Noah. I actually thought we might have had something going if we just won immunity but things happen. We were so robbed in the music video challenge ugh (looks at hosts who arent named alyssa or nicole). Anywhoooo yeah despite me lying to half of the people here, they all like me well enough so i dont think im going anywhere anytime soon. Im a social icon so be ready for more of meeeeeeeee
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Soooo..... that happened
It was kinda lucky I was in a movie for 2 hours after the deadline so I didn't have to face immediate backlash lmao but there wasn't that much, mitch was pretty chill about it what a king, if I can help it id want it to be Michael next over him, speaking of Michael he hasn't talked to me about it or much before so we shall see where that goes...
Our video was ROBBED even with the penalty
I love the other 4 and I hope they don't end up fucking me over... hehe
I bet the other budvas on the other tribe are wondering who flipped JKFJS
But ya I just hope we can win cuz if we keep losing its bound to be me eventually but I feel like doing this if I make merge def gives me more options than others cuz ill have these 4 og greens who now trust me and then my old friends from budva who I didn't betray like ali and ian who im excited to reunite with
so ya we will see how it works out !
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I told Alex lol
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It has been a HOT minute.
First of I can’t believe punctuality defeated Alex. I am shook. I deadass thought we were gonna lose. Like on call with Tom he jokingly mentioned that what if we actually won immunity amidst all the scheming, plotting and lying that has happened this round. I am just blown away. And now Noah is gone and presumably someone from OG budva flopped? I’m thinking it’s Mitch tho hmmm. Kinda hoping Benj is safe!!
On another note tho, like here’s some interesting tea!!  *insert sc of convo with Tom I sent hehehehe* (Johnny note: ^ you can ask ian about this idk what hes talkin about)
Like Omg JJ would have been 100% going if we went to tribal?? There was going to be no revote because Jules, Tom and presumably Evan flipped at the last minute. I am screaming!! Ali really got through to Jules making it look that JJ is a hot crazy mess. Like I am just screaming tbh. I love OG Budva Baes, I really feel thankful to have been swapped with like not shady people from my og tribe hehehe
So rn if we do end up going to tribal council, I do hope the plan is still JJ and either Tom or Jules still flips on him. Hopefully those three are keeping quiet about their flip so we can get JJ out of this game.
On a different note, like I know he’s a threat and all but I’m really liking Tom. It’s really just the Straight Connection™ ahsjdjd Like idk I just want to align with Aussie’s and all hahaha. Jason and I are planning on forming like a side alliance with Tom and possibly Evan lol. I did promise Tom I was gonna have his back if he flipped and tho the flip didn’t happen because we won immunity, I still plan on doing that but I better keep my eye on Tom tho because I don’t want him to be my UgH Brett this season.
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Me and Ali are doing an EXCELLENT job at acting like we don't know each other and going deep undercover in our tribe, like, if I'm gonna be proud of anything in this game so far it'll be that and not being first boot. But mostly that. I really hope that we go far together in this game with Julia because I think the three of us could make a really good team.
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C*befield is a cursed game!! literally had my laptop opened for hours doing the trick tom told us in the chat and when I finally stopped at 15B the hosts says it’s in invalid because it needs to be the game over screen but the game literally glitched so I keep going on to infinity without hitting cubes or getting game over Grrr
RIP mine and Ali’s laptop
Also Tom is drunk on the tribe chat rn. Now we just need Julia to be drunk ahsjdjd
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okay Evan I see you. Making dumb dumb decisions GRRR. Him leaking EVERYTHING to JJ, like what was the endgame? He just burns everyone across the board.
With that said, if we have to go to tribal I still want JJ gone. I can't deal with anymore, him like asking to call me while i was drunk with friends on my way back from prom is so annoying, like... my life is not games, i literally.. was with friends like... boundaries.
i feel bad being mean to JJ but ughhhhhhhh. Evan also needs to have not done anything he just did. I literally... was gonna be in such a pickle next vote because Jason/Ian would've wanted Evan out, but Thomas/Jules wouldn't have. He like panicked about how out of the loop he was (which I can understand and respect), but like... this was such a, SUCH a poor way of handling it. JJ is gonna be on a reign of terror, its just going to be so tiring.
I just... am really tired of it. I'm annoying, and I get that, so its hypocritical for me to get mad at the others but like... GRRR.
i just want a final five of me, jules, julia, tom and benj. LET ME HAVE THAT.
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Tom and I bonding over JJ FINALLY going home? ICONIC, SHOWSTOPPING
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jj = mess
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I am not sure if I already submitted a confessional on the shit that went down today but here we go.
So I wake up to see all is well. Nothing has happened much. Then Evan comes here asking me if I voted JJ and questioning me with all kinds of shit. The kid is legit panicking because from what Tom told me, he was the last to know of the flip against JJ. So now Evan thinks he’s at the bottom and is sweating bricks. All of a sudden JJ blows up in the tribe chat and he freaking knows we were gonna send him out the game if we lost the music video challenge.
I then learn that presumably mcfreaking Evan fucking leaked to JJ that he was getting voted out which caused all this mess on the tribe chat with JJ calling Tom, Jules, Evan, Ali and Julia out for lying to him and that he’s thanking me and Jason for being straight up to him? Umm I don’t get this tho because me and JJ literally did not exchange any talks about the vote. So I don’t get where he’s going with this lol. Jules was trying to calm JJ down and she was laying down the law whew. I mean if anything this blow up just secured my allaince’s control?? Like now Tom and Jules are with us and they know Evan is a rat and JJ is sinking. UNLESS this is just a freaking ploy by them in which they are being oh so extra ahsjdjd
Right now if I would have my way, Budva baes along with Tom and Jules work together for this vote. We throw most of our votes at JJ and that may include Evan. And then we tell JJ who’s pretty desperate right now to vote for Evan. I would want someone to throw one or two votes at Evan as a safety cushion in case JJ pulls out an idol. Here’s to hopIng everything goes accordingly for the Budva Baesss
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Well fuck i've flopped on confessing my sins again. So last round I made probably the shittiest music video..... and I won. How in the fuck. TAKE THAT BITCHES! ON TIME QUEEN BETTER THAN A LATE ONE! But so JJ is super fucking annoying toward the original Budva people, such as myself. But he has also annoyed his tribe pretty bad. Sooooooo Jules flipped. This round it looks like he is gonna go but Evan talks too much and I wanna kill him.
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RN im a paranoid mess because people are telling me to vote michael and im kind of forced to do that? The problem is, I like michael a lot so i really hope we win this challenge because i think we have a good shot. It also doesnt help that we got rid of the majority so now i could very well be going here.
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shotgunxeyes · 7 years
What are your favorite songs atm?? (Write down 10-20 songs, I know its hard to choose + your favorite lyric from the song) i need to expand my musical taste Mine are: 1- Bird Set Free - Sia But theres a scream inside that we all try to hide/we hold on tight/ we cannot deny/it eat us alive 2- Moonlight - Ariana Grande I'm wishing he's all mine / he's giving me Elvis / with some James Dean in his eyes 3- 505- Arctic Monkeys I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck/ or I did last time I checked A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark 4- Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys Tell me wheres your hiding place / Im worried Ill forget your face / And Ive asked everyone / Im beginning to think I imagined you all along 5- Water Under the Bridge - Adele If you're gonna let me down / let me down gently / dont pretend that you dont want me / our love aint water under the bridge 6- Rumour Has It - Adele But rumour has it he's the one Im leaving you for 7- 17- Avril Lavigne We were on the top of the world / back when I was your girl / we were living so wild and free / acting stupid for fun / all we needed was love / thats the way its supposed to be 8- Good Grief - Bastille Caught off guard by your favorite song / ill be dancing at a funeral / sleeping in the clothes you love / its such a shame to see them burn 9- Sign of the Times - Harry Styles Just stop your crying / its a sign of the times / welcome to the final show / hope youre wearing your best clothes 10- Green Light - Lorde Well those rumours, they have big teeth / hope they bite you / thought you said that you would always be in love / but youre not in love no more 11- Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers Im not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts / just something I can turn to / somebody I can kiss 12- Lust For Life - Lana del Rey + The Weeknd They say only the good die young / that just aint right / cause we're having too much fun / too much fun tonight 13- Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood I tried to write your name in the rain / but the rain never came / so I made with the sun / the shade, always come at the worst time 14- BITE - Troye Sivan Kiss me on the mouth and set me free / But please dont bite 15- YOUTH - Troye Sivan My youth is yours / a truth so loud you cant ignore We've got no time for getting old / mortal body timeless souls 16- Forget - Marina and the Diamonds Yeah I've been dancing with the devil / I love that he pretends to care / If Ill ever get to heaven / When a million dollars gets you there 17- Hard Times - Paramore Gonna make you wonder why you even try / gonna take you down and laugh when you cry / and I still dont know how Ill even survive / i gotta get to rock bottom omg this took a long time,, anything remotely emo is glitteriah's fault, and anything remotely indie is aussie's fault Im tagging @glitteriah (for some mariah carey and emo shit, jk love u dahling) @in-order-in-a-black-hole (the king of indie music) annd @mariahcareyfan (even more mariah carey) Please answer the tag or Ill hunt you down dahhlings :) Fell free to tag some more people
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I. BLOODY. DID. IT. ITS TAKEN ME /TWO DAYS/ BUT I’VE DONE IT @princeyandanxiety and I’m tagging @use-it-ironically Ironi u do it too pls. I was subjected to this after I subjected Bella to this so now u have to.
Btw this is NSFW ( some of it) and mentions suicide/depression cause I went there. There is some serious truth tea in this god damnit. I put thought and love into this. And also memes but mostly LOVE and boredom. I also feel like I forgot to answer a question or two but whatever. This is 97 questions long. And it’s 2818 words.
By the end of this, you will understand that I am a wreck
Ask me things1. What’s your middle name? No.
2. What are you listening to right now? The sound of typing cause I’m not listening to music. Also the sound of my breath and the wind in the trees. V/ relaxing. (( that was yesterday, today I’m listening to MCR and sanders Sides videos at a loud volume on chromecast on my tv))
3. What was the last thing you ate? ¼ of a cup of icing sugar. I ate it out of the measuring cup lmao.
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mum. I do talk to other people, I swear! I’m just not good at phone calls
5. Do you drink? No and I won’t in the future. Lemonade all the way if I have to drink smth.
6. Do you smoke? No and I never ever will.
7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Someone as in??? Random or??. In Randoms I usually notice people’s faces and then clothes, especially if they’re eye catching. I notice memorabilia/fan stuff pretty quickly as well.
8. What is your hair color? Brown but I use hair dye to make it partially blue or purple or red sometimes. It doesn’t work very well unless I bleach my hair and I can’t do that till I’m 16 which sucks. I use hair spray every now and again, I have white hair spray and glitter hair spray, and I used to have blue as well. Glitters my favourite . I also have a full rainbow of hair chalk but my friends and I dropped it at one point during the Hair Incident of Grade Eight which is what I’m calling it now.
9. What is your eye color? Blue/Grey ish. 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? Nope. My mum says I will if I keep looking at my screen for hours on end though. I don’t want glasses cause my 20/20 vision is serving me well and I like it.
11. Dogs or cats? Rabbits.
12. What’s your favorite animal? Rabbits/see above
13. What’s your favorite television show? Gilmore girls. Hands down the best.
14. What’s your favorite movie? I don’t really have one? Princess Bride, Sound of Music and the Captain America movies. Oh and Heathers.
15. What’s your favorite band/singer? I can’t choose but Alessia Cara comes to mind? Scars to your Beautiful? And MCR. And Panic! At the Disco and Fall Out Boy. I’m an emo nightmare tbh
16. How old are you? Bich no u can guess. I’m a minor tho.
17. Do you have a crush on anyone? No. But I want a girlfriend/datemate ( all the boys my age are awful and the girls/nonbinary people r better)
18. What’s your sexual orientation? Pansexual. To keep it simple anyway.
19. What’s your favorite color? Aqua blue/ the green of Australian forests
20. What was your most embarrassing moment? Going up on stage in like,, grade six, for a talent show, that I decided to volunteer for THAT DAY and literally singing which is fine but I kept shuffling not dancing and the other kid I was doing it with was kinda dancing and we fucking sucked. But I’m at a different school half the city away now thank god.
21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? Characters in stories, yeah, but like, I want to be in their universe, with their mind and my mind combined so I’m more them than me but I also remember that I want to give people a piece of my mind and fix the universe and make everyone happy but also have angst before that. I project a lot tbh. Oh well.
22. What were you like when you were a kid? I ran away from the class a lot, a ‘difficult’ and 'problem’ child. I have ADHD.
23. What would your dream house be like? Huge, I would want to have lots of pets and secret rooms and a big library and have it surrounded by country side and let scouts have camps near by and stuff
24. What last made you laugh? There were a few things but I forgot damn. But probably my bunnies antics I swear they r ridiculous sometimes( all the time) (( that was yesterday, today its sanders Sides videos again whoops))
25. What is your favorite word ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) its called a Lenny and I love it
26. What is your least favorite word? Poo. Or moist. Both are awful.
27. What turns you on? Coffee when I wake up
28. What turns you off? Sleeping pills
29. What is your star sign? Aquarius
30. What are your favorite books? TAMORA PIERCE’S 'The circle of Magic ’ quartet and all of its sequels and Tamora Pierces 'The Lionness’ quartet and her 'Protector of the small’ quartet, really, all of her books. Also the Obernewtyn series which is FUCKING AMAZING. ITS BY AN AUSSIE AUTHOR, ISOBELLE CARMODY WHO IVE MEET TWICE AND THEY R SMAZINGSOWNFKEFKWJCKD YES.
31. Do you have any siblings? Only child, suck it.
32. Do you like to dance?Yes, but I’m not a professional or up to date with the latest ~moves~
33. What is your definition of cheating? This is hard cause my definition is in my head but it’s hard to explain. I’m gonna try though.( ACTUALLY I’m gonna come back and write this later) (( lmao I never did go back and write this but it basically depends on what people in a relationship have agreed it to mean bc I’m tired and this is complicated))
34. Have you ever cheated on someone? No I’ve never dated anyone.
35. Do you regret anything? A few things. Not gonna get into them tho. I do regret not working harder in grade seven and eight.
36. Do you have any phobias? Not really no. I hate leeches with a fiery passion and there are spiders next to my shower which I don’t like but other than that, no.
37. Ever broken any bones? No and I’d like to understand what it feels like tbh
38. Ever come close to death? When I walk anywhere cause I’m yes. Does being suicidal back when I was eleven count? And the fact it recurs every now and again? Also
39. What is your religion, if any? I piece together my own world view, based on many philosophies and science.
40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? I’m going to one rn actually. School counsellor who is great and has lollipops and also let my friends and I play monopoly in her office all lunch. I lost. The bell was about to go so I just flipped the board upside down cause why not? My friends made me clean it up lmao 41. Are looks important in a relationship? Depends
42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? I pray I’m more like my mum as my dad is an awful person tbh
43. What is your favorite season? Whichever one I’m not sneezing in/ when it’s warm/ I don’t really have one
44. Do you have any tattoos? No 45. Do you have any piercings? I did have normal ear piercings but they grew over
46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? None
47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Have you met me
48. Who is your celebrity crush? Thomas Sanders
49. Are you a virgin? Again, have you meet me. YES. Obviously.
50. Do you get jealous easily? Define 'jealous’. I mean, kind of. Not usually.
51. What is your favorite type of food? Pasta.
52. Do you ever want to get married?Depends, I mean, LGBT marriage isn’t legal in Australia for whatever fucking stupid reason ( the reason is homophobic pollies, literally 90% of Australia wants fucking gay marriage goddamnit)
53. Who was your first kiss with? Lmao I haven’t had one
54. Have you ever been cheated on? See above
55. What is your idea of the perfect date? ?'not sure tbh?
56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extroverted introvert. I like meeting people and i have lots of friends but I also need my space. I’m an introvert.
57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? After seeing the 'thingu’ video, I hope not. I do believe in other life but not as sentient as us? Well, at least I don’t think we will find any sentient aliens now that we elected trump tbh
58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with?Be a great dancer?
59. What is your saddest memory? Not today Satan
60. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe you can find someone aesthetically pleasing at first sight, at first talk, you can like them for their personality. So kind of? But not really. Movie love sucks tho. Unrealistic.
61. Do you believe in soul mates? Kind of. I wish we had a soulmate au irl
62. Have you ever dyed your hair? See above ( yes)
63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?I don’t really look at gossip so??? No? They could be talking about me all the time lmao I got bullied from 11-13 years old but that’s different and now I can’t be fucking bothered to listen to bullies
64. Would you go against your moral code for money?Depending on the circumstances. I’m not evil. Very rarely would I ever do that and I have never actually done that.
65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? . My teachers think I have asbergers(autism) and I agree but my parents don’t . NSFW as hell?? I mean most people would look at my chumb face and think I’m innocent i would guess. . I want a datemate? Like I haven’t really acknowledged that but like every opnow and again this Year and
66. Who are you jealous of? People who get more likes than me
67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?Yes, but only if my bed is clean IE It has been washed within the last week. Sometimes I don’t wash my sheets for a month and i don’t want to subject my Rabbit toy to that. She’s thirty-nine years old.
68. How long was your longest relationship? No
69. Is the glass half empty or half full?Half empty, I drank half the water.
70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Nsfw fanfiction for sanders sides. Nah, I don’t really know as I’m still in high school I’m in Grade Nine . So like? How would I know? (But seriously pls write more nsfw)
71. Who is your most loyal friend? My best friend Addy? ( she was the one we tried to comb her hair) or you people
72. Are you in a relationship? Ok this is getting annoying
73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? Come ON.
74. Are you a bad person? Depends. Is the scale puppies to trump or a grumpy cat to trump. Cause I’m in the low-middle of the first scale and at the bottom of the second.
75. Are you a lover or a fighter? I wanna fite but I don’t bite and I’m usually just high as a kite.
76. What did you do on your last birthday? Like… nothing. Mum and I have to save money for scout camps ( there’s a big Venture I’m going on at the start of next year, AV2018) and I couldn’t be bothered to have a birthday party when I would have to have one just before or after term starts, my birthday is the 24th of Jan. Usually I have my party like a week after school starts again but I couldn’t be bothered.
77. What is your favorite quote and why? “I’m sceptical that you could, yet intrigued that you may” I got it off a screenshot on tumblr ALSO “What are you looking at?” “ Something Replusive” “I’m not a mirror Karen” from the fanfiction Iris Zero, my fav Hetalia fan fic about Romerica. Also “I’m hella pan with a hella plan” off tumblr.
78. If your best friend died, what would you do? I would be a fucking wreck and I’m not gonna think about it.
79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? If i went back and time and changed smth, i wouldn’t be me anymore, but I would go back and get a proper depression diagnosis bc we knew I had it but I’m a good actor so the doctors couldn’t diagnose the kid who was fucking suicidal great job Australia ANYWAY
80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? My mum texted me this morning ( btw I did this ask over a couple days) with 'If you die today would you like the last thing you spent your precious life hours on to be tumblr??’ I responded with 'yes’ to be a bitch and also bc I kinda would? I would get all my friends and all of the food I wanted, write my will, etc. I’d go fucking ridiculous with what I’d do tbh. All the adventurous activities .
81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? One time when I was 11, I had a dream I was a princess with a guy servant and a girl lady in waiting/servant and we were all bffs, ( looking normal so far lmao), and then we were getting chased around my kingdom by a guy with a floppy dick which was flopping around like a bendy/wobble pencil. Both friends sacrificed themselves to stop him and made me keep running away lol
82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? I don’t know
83. Who were you in a past life? The human embodiment of Anxiety Sanders
84. What is your happiest childhood memory?Lazy sunny days with my mum. Chores and relaxing. Cooking.
85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Not,,,, really,, see above, I,, haven’t really had any experience with love
86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? I don’t think so?
87. If you were the prime minister , what would you do? Fucking Marriage Equality, Safe schools is mandatory, sexual assault/homelessness/youth in crisis support is fucking fixed and improved, Scouts is connected to schools, primary school system revised, improved and fixed, high school system improved, counselling is better overall, science in all grades, maths teaching is improved over all, teachers can get constructive criticism from students and will LISTEN to them. Abuse is redefined as both emotional and psychical and people start to understand that, neurodivergents are fucking accommodated more, same for disabled people. Mental illness are listened to for fucks sake.
88. What is your ideal career? Engineer, scientist, musician, YouTuber, anything that makes me happy and makes people happy and supports people. I also want money tbh so A) i can donate to charity B) i want to transition and all I fucking love memey products.
89. What is your political affiliation?/90. Are you conservative or liberal? Liberal. When I vote, I will weight my options and choose which ever is the least awful tbh. I’m an intersectional feminist meaning I support poc, the wider LGBT+ community, feminism, people with mental illness, neurodivergents and disabled people.
91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection?Male doesn’t get periods so u decide
92. Do you like kissing in public? I’ve seen people kiss in public ONCE in my life so like?? Do what you want
93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Unlike my prime minister answer, I’m thinking smaller here : everyone is allowed to transition/get married/ all LGBTAI+ rights are legalised
94. Where would you like to live? Huge house full of secret tunnels and it’s all waterproof and I keep rescue pets and secretly help refugees there so they can get a normal life again. There would be huge libraries. In the countryside as well. Tazmania probably. Or Melbourne in a nice house with my rabbits and datemate/s
95. Where would you go on your dream vacation?I’d want to go on a world tour and meet all my mutuals and the people I am fans of.
96. Describe yourself in one word.Chaotic ( good lmao)(( jk every time i take that chaotic/neutral/lawful quiz I get lawful good but lawful good is was I aspire to be and chaotic good is what I am. ))
97. Describe yourself in one sentenceVery. Fucking. Complicated. Wreck. Who Loves All My Mutuals and Friends So Much.
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kazsbrekkfast · 7 years
gansey, blue, adam (this will be interesting), shitlan lynch, smol lynch, Aglionby Academy (i think i know but), ninos pizza (if you mention pineapples im blocking you), 300foxway, monmouth (admit what y ou are) , the grey man, whelk, kavinsky (*snorts*), the pig, white mistsubishi, gwenllian, glendower and fuckin boat shoes (this is its own answer.....)
when she says she sent u a “few” trc asks
GANSEY: Do you have a fav historical figure?
honestly? i love king arthur. but most of mine come from the art world so probably michaelangelo? he hated the pope at the time of his life (pope julius II) because i am a sculptor not a painter! but the pope kept nagging him to paint the sistine chapel. eventually he gave in but when the pope (who had a permanent hunch to his back) looked up to view the ceiling, he saw god mooning him.
BLUE: Favorite constellation?
the chameleon constellation probably! i dont study stars as much as i used to but the kitora star chart is really cool and a really good one to look into!
RONAN: Favorite animal?
rats and crows/ravens! (the birds were a favourite before my lovely queen chainsaw ok)
ADAM: Your proudest achievement to date?
fuck uhh… probably winning first prize and highly commended in my schools art shows. i haven’t been featured in too many in the past few years but yeah that was pretty cool. even just having my art presented was nice.
MATTHEW LYNCH: What’s your favorite season?
AGLIONBY ACADEMY: What’s your favorite subject in school?
studio arts or philosophy!
NINO’S PIZZA: What’s your fav pizza order?
aussie lol we both know i love eggs (also wtf i hate pineapple by itself who do you think i am)
300 FOX WAY: What’s the most magical place you’ve ever been?
the louvre in france. i cried after i saw the mona lisa because i’ve never been so grateful to go somewhere as amazing as that museum. i’ll never forget what i saw there.
MONMOUTH MANUFACTURING: Is your room messy or neat? Do you make your bed regularly?
FUCK NO I DONT MAKE MY BED and yeah my room is usually messy you’ve seen it
THE GREY MAN: Describe your ideal date.
lunch or dinner or even just a coffee date honestly… maybe a movie or something. i don’t ask for much on dates i just want to experience the person and be with them which sounds cheesy as shit but yeah… lol
WHELK: What’s your biggest regret?
oof umm… how badly my last relationship ended? i want to fix things but she wouldn’t see it that way. i regret not being able to tell her things she needed to know but it’s in the past and we’ve moved on
KAVINSKY: Are you easily distracted?
depends honestly! i can get extremely focused and lose track of time but sometimes it’s incredibly difficult for me to focus, especially if i’m trying to understand thing. music helps though!
THE PIG: What’s your dream car?
i’m going to get slapped for this but it’s seriously a black voltzwagen beattle (it’s disgusting and i know they’re terrible but seriously what did you expect from yours truly? a good car? i ain’t got no fuckin money for a camaro.)
WHITE MITSUBISHI: What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
lmao i almost got hit by like 12 vespas in vietnam does that count
GWENLLIAN: What’s your fav song/album/artist to listen to right now?
fave song: hoops the rubens (it’s a ronan mood lbr)fave album: kinky boots lmao sorry not sorryfave artist: allday
GLENDOWER: What time period in the past would you want to live in?
the 1950s! or the 1920s lmao. the music, the dancing, the themes… everything about it has always appealed to me. the great gatsby (sounds stupid but) really solidified that.
BOAT SHOES: What quirks do you have that make you unique?
LMAO MY SHITTY TASTE IN SHITTY SHOES and i think my ability to give advice even if i haven’t personally experienced something? i try my best to help people if i can
The Raven Cycle Asks!
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