#ok i did some looking up briefly its a good number. good.
website-com · 9 months
courtney barnett. i care about you courtney barnett. you went to my high school and i had your haircut by complete mistake.
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imagines--galore · 6 months
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was wondering if could request a little jim x reader who meet at the academy and have a little rivalry before becoming lovers? thanks! remember to take care, drink lots of water and stay safe!
Summary: Jim Hawkins & Y/n Y/l/n. Two of the most promising candidates to arrive at the Interstellar Academy in years. From academics to knowing their way around a ship, the both of them were on equal footing. Too bad they see the other as a rival. Then again, perhaps it was a good thing. For if they were to team up, they could conquer the entire galaxy if they wanted to. But when did that rivalry changed into something more? Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I mean who doesn't love the boy :3 Ok so the song I decided to pick is Téir Abhaile 'Riú by Celtic Woman. And I borrowed some elements from Kingdom Dance from Tangled because I love that scene. :3 And this got a little longer then I intended it to be.......I added too much detail to everything. Woops? Had a lot of fun with your request though!
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You pursed your lips as you observed your reflection in the full length mirror. To say Emmy had been insistent about you donning a pretty outfit for the occasion would be an understatement. Your roommate had practically threatened you with it, saying she would no longer speak to you if you did not dress up. Honestly the female Canid didn't need to threaten you, no one could say no to her. Not even you.
So when she had dug through your closet and taken out the articles of clothing she deemed worthy for the event, you had put them on with no complain. A blouse and a corset with a skirt paired with shoes. The latter you had picked out yourself, having no desire to wear anything impractical should you need to kick someone in the nuts.
"You look gorgeous, Y/n." Parla your third roommate trained one of her several eyes in your direction, while simultaneously applying some black goo to the eyelashes of her remaining eye. "By human standards." Quel barely glanced up from where she was oiling her arms. You were thankful she was, your android roommate had a tendency to squeak when her joints would run out of oil. Emmy grinned proudly as she put the final touches to your hair and stepped away to appraise her work.
"Maybe you'll catch a sailor's eye while in town y/n." She giggled, prompting you to roll your eyes at her. "I doubt I'll have the time." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Since I will be making sure you don't run off half-drunk, Parla doesn't get in trouble because of her wandering eye and avoid Quel being stripped for parts by some con-person."
You had grown to be protective of your roommates over the years you had lived together. Emmy cooed as she reached out to embrace you sweetly. "You don't have to worry about us, honey! We've all excelled at our combat classes. Not to mention we'll have dates who can protect us." Both you and Quel glared at Emmy who only gave a nervous laugh. "Did you have to rope us all into dates?" The android asked, her mechanical voice somehow sounding annoyed. "Its best to go in a large group." Parla came to Emmy's rescue. "My grandmother says there might be some pirates or thieves in the crowd. And given the number of people that have come for the Ball, its best to find strength in numbers."
Emmy nodded enthusiastically. "Perhaps it is best to accept our fate and simply go along with the situation." Quel spoke as she stood and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. You sighed, closing your eyes briefly before shrugging and allowing a smile to play on your lips. You weren't about to be a spoilsport and ruin everyone's fun. After the month all of you had had, with the exams and revisions and tests and selecting the courses you would be majoring in, you all deserved a break.
A bright smile pulled at your lips and Emmy very early squealed at the sight. "Here's to having a night none of us will ever forget!" You stated with conviction, opening the door and leading your friends out of your shared room.
Little did you know how true those words would be for you.
The town of Aonadh enjoyed a rather prestigious position. On one hand it was the closest to the reputable Interstellar Academy. An Institute that had been thriving for years and housed the future generation of sailors for the Queen's Armada. Many living in town had relatives who went there, or had some other form of relation with the Academy.
On the other hand, the town served as a harbor for many ships. From merchant vessels carrying riches and trading goods, to the crafts bringing new hopefuls to begin the next phase of their journey. The port of Aonadh was always bustling, always busy. There was never a quiet moment. Every other hour would bring a new ship in. Either to relieve itself of its cargo, have repairs done, or pick up people who wished to travel.
Really town was a small word for Aonadh, but the people refused to call it a city. Their ancestors started as humble farmers before the location of the Academy changed their status to something more. They were proud of what they had accomplished over the years as well as their status so a town it remained. One could find almost every life form residing in town, Arcturians, Aquanogs, Canids, Centaurous, Cragorians, Densadrons, Felinids, Geeories, Humans, Macriki, Mantavors, Minotarous, Optocs, Roboticas, Sirenius, Tuskrus, Zirrelians and a hundred more. No one could remember the first specie that lived in Aonadh and no one cared. Everyone was treated on an equal footing and the town had a huge council that had a member from every specie living in Aonadh.
There were several attractions that beckoned the young Cadets at the Academy to spend their time off in town. From pubs that never ran out of ale, to shopping markets that overflowed with the finest wares. Not to mention the massive library that housed more then a million scrolls, books, hoverstories and maps. To say nothing of the lavish streets and squares where something was always happening.
Of course the ports were the most exciting place to be. One could meet new people, learn about shipping from seasoned sailors, or even catch a tour of one if a Cadet was so lucky.
At present the excitement going about had something to do with several large ships that had docked not a day ago. Ships carrying Cadets who had passed out over the years and were coming back for their annual party of sorts. The Annual Ball it was called. Held every ten years. A huge affair. One of the biggest ones to ever occur in the entire galaxy. Guests of honor and other people of importance were sent invitations, while the rest of them simply showed up. Unless they were on duty or had anything of importance to attend to everyone came.
It was certainly the busiest Jim Hawkins had seen it. In the years he had attended the Academy there had been several festivals he had attended with his friends, but not one of them came close to the excitement of today.
However that excitement had died down to be replaced by a burning annoyance at the sight of the only other human in his year. The very human who was now sitting at the same table as him, both of you sipping from your drinks.
It wasn't that you had anything against being set up for a blind date, it was the boy you had been set up with.
What existed between you and Jim was something of an anomaly. The both of you were the best in your batch, and quite frankly, some Professors seemed to be of the notion that you were both the best Cadets they had seen in years.
If only the two of you got along.
A bitter rivalry had formed between the both of you. Neither of you remembered who had taken the first shot, but all you knew was that you had to one up the other. And that was how it had been your entire career at the Academy.
Spiteful comments thrown at one another. Hateful glances whenever the other would be praised. Childish pranks just to annoy the other. Goading and baiting that resulted in either one or both of you getting into trouble.
The list was endless.
Honestly, if it wasn't so entertaining the Academy would've had taken action years ago. You often wandered if perhaps you and Jim had a betting pool going around in the Academy. Parla had dropped hints here and there, but you weren't quite sure.
Well, whatever existed between you and Jim, it was destroying your evening. As soon as it became clear who your date was, Parla and Quel had made themselves scarce, having the intelligence to stay clear of the obvious Supernova that was about to erupt given yours and Jim's expressions. Emmy had quickly taken you aside, begging you to go along with it, and explaining how Lyon, her crush for a good year and a half, had said he didn't want to ditch his friend while he had fun.
So Emmy had offered a solution.
Emmy had offered you as a lamb up for slaughter.
And being the soft-hearted idiot that you were, you had relented, agreeing to going along with Emmy's plan. Only because you knew she was half in love with Lyon, and maybe this night he would work up the courage to tell her of his feelings as well.
And as you sat there, watching your best friend sway in the arms of the half-felinid and half-human male, you couldn't help but give a small smile at the happiness that seemed to radiate from the both of them.
"There must be a Supernova freezing somewhere." Stars, even his voice was annoying.
You turned your head back to look at him, that annoyed frown returning. "And what makes you say that."
He smirked, hands behind his head as he rested against the back of the booth. "You were actually smiling. I thought she-demons never smiled. Something about bursting into flames and the world coming to an end, that sort of thing."
"I smile plenty Hawkins." You responded, pursing your lips. "I just don't happen to smile at maggots such as yourself." The insult, if it were called that, seemed to bristle him enough to warrant an eye roll, though he didn't respond.
Seemingly taking his silence as a win, you returned your attention to the dancing couples. The music was lively and there would certainly be more people coming in soon. Sighing, you wished you could join in the dancing. Of course there was no chance of that happening.
You had no desire to ask a stranger, for fear they would try something untoward. And there was no way in the entire galaxy you were about to ask Jim Hawkins to dance with you.
Glancing at your empty glass of drink, you stood and stretched, completely missing Jim watching you out of the corner of his eye. "If I am to tolerate your company for the rest of this evening I'm gonna get another drink." He rolled his eyes, prompting you to give him a glare that had one too many cadets backing off in fear.
But not Jim. Jim was used to your glares and stares and returned them at an equal footing.
Walking toward the bar, you waved at the many tentacled bartender who was quick to give you your drink. The glass was a little too full, prompting you to walk carefully back to your table.
Perhaps it should've been better that you kept your attention on the people around you rather then the drink you were trying not to spill.
A boisterous group of sailors jostled you, propelling you forward and causing your drink to spill.
Nearly emptying the entire contents of it down the front of one of the sailors who had bumped into you.
"What the hell!? Watch it!" He cried out, swiping at the front of his uniform in an effort to wipe away the liquid. Of course, that didn't help.
Angry at loosing your drink, you glared at the male. "You were the one too drunk to walk properly, how am I to blame for your incompetence?" Maybe it wasn't the wisest of decisions to be picking a fight with someone who looked like he had some Densadron blood in him, but you didn't care.
You were already having a horrible evening, so why not make it worse.
Your words only served to make the male, and his group of friends angry. Pursing your lips, your hand slipped to the hidden slit of your skirt where you kept a taser knife for safety reasons. Your fingers itched, ready to pull it out when suddenly the stare down between you and the male was broken by a very familiar voice.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
Astonished, you pivoted on your feet, just in time to see Hawkins drape an arm around your waist and pull you to his side. That wasn't what shocked you.
What shocked you the most was the smile he wore. One that was directed at you.
"Making friends I see." He continued while your brain tried it's best to compute the situation that was going on. "I'm sorry about that, my girlfriend gets a little light-footed when shes had one too many."
The group of sailors seemed to be calming down somewhat. Jim had that effect on people whenever he stepped in to stop a would-be squabble.
Ironic considering the numerous fights he had started in his younger days.
"How about she pay for the damage to my uniform, and I let her go." The male grunted, scowling down at the both of them. Suddenly his eyes zeroed in on you the way they hadn't before. A lecherous smile formed on his lips, one that had you scowling in disgust. "She can either pay money or show me a good time. I don't mind either." The rest of his group laughed boisterously, elbowing one another, wearing the same smile as their friend was.
His words seemed to snap you out of wherever your mind was. Pushing aside Jim's previous words, and trying hard not to comprehend where his arm still rested around her waist you opened your mouth to tell the disgusting male where he could shove something where the sun don't shine.
A firm but light pressure around your waist had you stopping. You watched, astonished, as Jim moved to stand in front of you, his stance protective, and an anger in his eyes that had you blinking in surprise.
"Or maybe I should have you reported for showing such disrespect to a future Captain of the Royal Armada."
It was then that the group realized who they were speaking to. Their gazes flitted to the pin you had proudly stuck to the right side of your chest. A coat of arms that assigned your rank, despite having not even graduated yet. Jim had the same pin, though his was hidden by the jacket he wore. Though he made no effort to hide it as he pushed aside the front of his garment to reveal it to the buffoons.
Being Captain meant you had authority and power that no lowly sailor had. It didn't matter what age you were, so long as you were a rank above, you held power.
And at that moment you wanted nothing more then to throw the idiot in jail for daring to make such a proposition to you.
The group began to retreat, taking their friend with them. The danger past, Jim turned his attention to you.
"You okay?" He asked, his eyes roving over your frame, as if looking for some sign of injury.
You nodded. "I'm fine." Despite there having been no physical altercation, you were still a little shaken. "You didn't need to step in. I had it handled." You finally said, still clutching your half full glass. Jim rolled his eyes.
"Not from where I was standing."
You scowled. "I was ready to fight him if I needed to."
Jim raised an eyebrow. "And get expelled so close to graduating? You're reckless Y/n, but I know you're not that reckless."
"And why should you care? Wouldn't you prefer to graduate top of the class all by yourself? Not share your spotlight with anyone."
He nodded. "I would." He paused before a teasing smile pulled at his lips. "But then who would be my rival when I make Captain?"
You waved your hand. "I'm sure you would find someone else to piss off."
"I doubt they would be as beautiful as you."
You gaped at him, had barely voiced your astonishment when his eyes widened in realization of what he had just said.
A bright blush overcame his cheeks, one that had him gulping nervously, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck.
"Y-you think I'm.............beautiful?" You could barely believe the words coming out of your mouth. An awkward shrug was his only response.
Normally you would've teased him mercilessly about revealing something so intimate. But right then? Having just been saved by him, and watching him stand there, unable to meet your gaze, you couldn't help but smile.
"Don't tell me its because of my beauty that you've been a pain in my ass all these years." Your tone was light, teasing, compelling him to respond in his usual sarcastic way.
"That and you're annoying." He stated, a smile pulling at his lips as his blush began to recede. You hummed. "I didn't take you as the romantic type Hawkins."
He leaned closer. "Theres a lot of things you don't know about me y/l/n. Though one thing I can tell about you, is that you've been wanting to dance the entire night but have been too stubborn to ask me." Now, it was your turn to blush as you glared at him. Had you been that obvious? But Jim wasn't deterred.
"Shall we?" He held out a hand, indicating that you take it if you wanted to fulfill your wish to dance.
You pursed your lips, your previous annoyance for him rising to the forefront. You would never call what you felt for Jim hatred, but you wouldn't call it affection either.
But right then, you mused as you took his hand and he led you the dance floor, maybe you could label your feelings for Jim as undetermined.
For the time being.
The dance floor had lost a few dancers as the musicians in the corner prepared to play yet another song. You looked around, feeling a little nervous. It had been awhile since you had danced, and while you had no doubt in your dancing skills, you didn't trust your partner fully.
"You're not going to drop me during a dip or something like that are you?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Jim laughed before shaking his head. "No, I promise I won't."
You frowned, leaning up to press the back of your hand against his forehead. "You're not running a fever are you?" You inquired, feeling your own forehead to compare the temperatures. He flushed at the sensation of her touch against his skin.
"No, why would you ask that?" His questions prompted you to shrug. "Well you're being nice to me, and neither of us have thrown an insult at the other in the last five minutes.
Jim nodded, looking impressed. "Must be a new record for us." He commented to which you laughed softly. "And I'm nice to you because I am a nice guy Y/n." He stated, to which you let out a very unlady-like sound. "Oh please, you've been anything but nice to me since we first met Jim."
Alright so it was strange to call him by his first name, but he had used your first name. And when he had? You had felt a sliver of warmth flicker in your heart. Maybe he would feel the same sensation you did?
Well you were right. At least about the warmth part. And though Jim felt that warmth in his heart, same as you, he also felt it steal across his cheeks.
God! He had never blushed so much in such a short span of time his entire life.
"Well you didn't make it easy now did you? You just had to be a smartass." You smirked. "Better a smartass then an idiot." Jim rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his toned chest. "I don't know, we've both done some pretty idiotic stuff over the years."
The musicians were still tuning and drinking. Apparently it was their break, and while there were several other couples standing around waiting for the dance to begin, your and Jim seemed to be encapsulated in your own little world.
"True, but they've been fun years. Memorable." You stated with a nostalgic smile, thinking back on all the times you had gotten into trouble playing pranks on your rival. "Ones neither of us will be forgetting for a long time." He agreed, matching your smile with his.
Your eyes met his, and you suddenly realized just how much Jim had changed over the years. He had been a little reckless and rebellious in the start, but those traits had toned down over the years. They would never be gone completely, but he had matured, no doubt about that. And not just personality wise, you mused, eyes roving his face, as if you were seeing him for the first time.
He had grown a lot taller the past few years. Taller then you at least, since he was a good head taller then you. And he was handsome, there was no denying that, and kind, given how he had just helped you out of what could've been an ugly situation. Not to mention he was extremely loyal, a trait you had always admired in him despite your rivalry.
Little did you know Jim was thinking along the same criteria. Remembering the day he had met you, and how annoying he had thought you were. With your perfect hair, perfect uniform and perfect scores. Then again his scores had always been perfect too, but he made up for it by being messy and a little rebellious.
You? You were always the picture of perfection. Even so close to graduation, every aspect of your life seemed perfect. From your scores, to your attendance record. Your gorgeous face, and expressive eyes to your hair that always looked so soft that he had to fight the urge to touch it at times.
Though today, he didn't hold back. Raising his hand, he brushed a loose tendril behind your ear, and if his hand lingered a little longer then necessary, and if it brushed against your ear, causing a gentle shudder to race through your body.
Your eyes never wavered, and it looked like he was about to say something.
Just then the music started.
Jim cursed, prompting you to raise an eyebrow at him. "Its a fast jig. I'm not really good with those." You smiled and shook your head. "Thats alright, I can teach you. Its easy."
So saying you quickly placed his hands in the appropriate places, one at your waist, the other holding your own aloft, fingers intertwining togther. As soon as you started moving, Jim cast his eyes downwards, trying his best not to step on your feet.
"Hey!" Your voice compelled him to look up, nearly catching your foot but you gave him a reassuring smile. "Eyes on me. You gotta dance right. Don't worry about my toes, they're made of steel."
He gave a dry laugh, but did as you asked him to. Neither of you looked away from the other, allowing the music from the minstrels and the voices of the singers to overtake all your senses.
You would sometimes tease him for a misstep, he would comment about your being a talented dancer who hid their talent, but there was no malice in your voices. Only playfulness, and dare you think, affection.
The jig began to pick up speed, the footwork getting a little complicated, but the steps were ones that kept repeating over and over, and Jim had always been a fast learner, and he had seen many people dance to this particular song over the years.
So when the part came where he had to twirl you away from him before bringing you back, the move was so effortless and fluid that it looked like you had rehearsed it. Your hair and skirt flew about you as you twirled back into him, your back against his chest, his arms around your body, hands clasped, keeping you close.
You tilted your head, breathless from the dance, your gaze meeting his. Suddenly all that playfulness became charged, and your eyes glimmered with a passion you had never felt before. His lips were so close to your own. To him your lips looked so inviting.
But then the dance continued, and you straightened in his embrace. This time though, this time neither of you spoke. Neither of you looked away as you continued to dance. Hearts beating faster, steps picking up speed, your movements becoming wilder more impassioned.
You twirled away from him, holding one side of your skirt aloft. The song was coming to a close. The last verse had begun, where you would dance around your partner, slow and playful, never breaking eye contact.
And the final chorus? That was the main attraction. Knowing what was to come, Jim braced himself. You took a running start, jumping a little as you neared him to give yourself enough momentum to fly upwards, only to have Jim catch you around your waist, spinning in a fast circle.
A laugh fell from your lips, your arms held aloft at your sides, enjoying the sensation of flying through the air. As Jim began to lower you, your head tilted to look at him once more. Your arms dropped to wrap around his broad shoulders, while his rested around your waist.
The song had ended, the both of you were breathing heavily, twin smiles of jubilation stretching your mouths as the crowd around you roared. It seemed both your dancing had attracted quite the crowd.
And the cheering doubled tenfold when Jim suddenly closed whatever distance was left between the both of you and fused his lips with yours. A moment of disbelief, where your eyes widened almost comically, before closing shut, lips moving as you kissed him back.
It was blissfully sinful, the way he kissed you. You sighed almost dreamily against his lips, allowing your fingers to play with his hair. Jim was no better, he was doing his best not to let his hands explore too much. You were still in public after all.
"What in the furthest reaches of the galaxy is happening here?"
The shrieking voice tore your apart. Extremely reluctantly, you might add as you both turned to glare at Emmy and Lyon in annoyance. Emmy looked like she was about to faint, while Lyon looked utterly bemused.
"We weren't disturbing you while you locked lips, so why're you disturbing us?" You asked, your arms still around Jim's shoulders. Then again his hands still rested on your back, keeping you close.
"Weren't the two of you just at each other's throats?" Lyon asked, blinking stupidly at the two of them. Jim smirked. "Well I can get to her throat again if you prefer. Though not in the same way as before." His words had Emmy squeaking, Lyon gaping, and you rolling your eyes and smacking the back of his head. "Lets not ruin their innocence Jim." You grinned.
"Maybe we should take this someplace private?" You whispered, gesturing between the both of you. "Away from prying eyes." Jim needed no further prompting.
Grasping your hand, he began to lead you out of the tavern. "Don't wait up!" He called out to your two best friends.
"What did I just say about ruining their innocence Hawkins?"
"What? We can always say we just played a game of battleship?"
"Really? That's the euphemism you're using?"
"So long as it clarifies that I'm gonna beat you at whatever we'll be doing."
"What makes you think you're gonna win?"
"I always win."
"Oh, we'll see about that!"
Emmy and Lyon stood blinking in disbelief as you and Jim walked out of the tavern, continuing your arguing.
"Were they talking about having sex, or actually playing Battleship?" Emmy asked, sounding just as bewildered as she looked. Lyon made a face.
"Knowing them, they were actually talking about the latter before moving on to the former."
Emmy shook her head. "Oh, there was nothing in the betting pool for this." She giggled. "Everyone is gonna be so angry."
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 258
Mamma Mia/Face the Raven
“Mamma Mia”
Plot Description: a reluctant Dean brings Mary along on a mission to rescue Sam. Crowley receives word that Lucifer has possessed the body of an aging rock star
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: this has to be some kind of mind trickery…there’s no way Sam’s fucking the lady from London…unless. Unless? That’s what he meant by telling her “screw you” over and over last episode. Oh. No one died
Omgggg Dean opening up to Cas about how weird it is to have Mary back, I’m losing my mind ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ohhhh, Dean gets his guilt complex from his mom
I KNEW it! I knew this wasn’t real. I knew Sam was hallucinating that whole thing
Can she STOP seemingly killing Sam FOR FIVE MINUTES??
Love Rowena scamming this guy, making up a backstory about being a prima ballerina. She can do whatever she wants forever. Stop getting in the way of her getting that man’s bread, Crowley!!
I was gonna say I can’t believe Lucifer came all the way to Cleveland but…actually I can. That seems like a thing that would happen here. Of course he showed up as this rock star’s dead girlfriend to get him to say yes to possession
Dammit Crowley, let her have this. At the same time, Rowena, I’m sure you can find another old rich guy with limited time left in earth to scam. You are hot af, girl, let this one go. Don’t get wrapped up in Crowley’s schemes
Ah damn, she got Dean…
Oh, Ro Ro, I can’t believe you let your son drag you into this again
Oooo, just a smidge of body horror on my lunch break? Getting very um…end of chapter 349 vibes, and it’s concerning to me
Not to say spn should kill off another woman, but they’re spending a whole lot of time not shooting London lady
Aw, Mary’s adjusting. She’s figuring out modern life ❤️ and her boys are helping her
Noooooo, dammit, Lucifer’s keeping Rowena prisoner now. She spends so much time fighting for her freedom…I’m so mad this is happening to her
Legitimately crying at this scene between Sam and Mary.
God…as much as Dean tries to be like his father in many ways, he’s also JUST like his mom. I wish they’d just come together to talk it out instead of going through photos and John’s journal separately
“Face the Raven”
Plot Description: The Doctor and Clara find themselves in an alien world, hidden on a street in London
At least today I know if there’s no picture, there’s something wrong (oh good, there’s picture)
Oh shit! Is this one of the kids she’d nanny for before?? He seems too old to be, but what do I know? I’m just sayin I can’t imagine her giving any student but the girl she took to the moon the TARDIS’s phone number
Oh!! Oh wait! This is the guy from when there was an alien turning people 2D!! Ok ok that…it’s been a while since he’s been here
They only have like 6.5 hours to save Rigsy??
When you’ve read enough John Green to immediately get what Clara’s saying when she starts talking about trap streets on maps
Ooooo, is that like a maroon velvet blazer the Doctor is wearing?? Maybe not
Not Arya is back! And she’s the one who sentenced Rigsy to death
Ok, so…the budget for this episode is very weird. First, there’s a whole huge set that is very reminiscent of a certain hidden street from [fandom redacted] where many different alien species have gathered as refugees…HOWEVER, the street lamps cause everyone to be undercover in a facade of the viewer’s own normal experiences. Sometimes there’s a glitch, and you can bypass the illusion (so we briefly see an Ood giving medical-ish attention to a cyberman), but it mostly feels like how spn makes all its monsters look like people
Clara don’t you dare. Don’t you dare try to take the death sentence from him. I mean, it’s…your plan isn’t necessarily the WORST, but it’s hella risky
Is that just subtle bi Clara confirmation? Talking about her relationship to Jane Austen and saying “god, I love her. Take that how you like”
Oof. She has GOT to stop making deals with random aliens. She nearly ripped reality apart last time she did. She opened a portal to a different dimension. Now, she’s making deals to keep this street safe in exchange for the Doctor??
I’m not okay with this goodbye between Clara and the Doctor. I’m very distraught. I’m gonna miss them together.
There’s something extra cruel about making the Doctor watch his best friend die right in front of his eyes
Oh of COURSE it’s a “to be continued…” ending. You know…at least I SORT OF got what I wanted. One self contained episode, and now not a two parter. This seems to be a THREE parter
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
[10:02pm] k.ys
Tw: Mind numbing fluf, this was fun to write ngl, v cute, blushy yeosang, extroverted reader.
“So who else is gonna be there?” You ask with excitement.
“Well, San and us. Then Yunho, Mingi, and Jongho, I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are busy though,” Wooyoung counts of on his fingers, “oh, and Yeosang obviously!” He finishes with a smile. You do your best not to show the disappointment on your face, but Wooyoung knew better.
“What’s wrong with Yeosang?” He asks with an arched brow.
“Nothings wrong with him! I just don’t think he likes me very much.” You admit, tuning your head to your feet as you keep walking.
In truth, you’ve had a crush on Yeosang from the first time you met him. But you can never quite forget how when you came up to him that night asking him for his number with a smile, he had just stared at you. It was so embarrassing. He didn’t even say no, he just looked at you with an expression so blank you honestly thought he hadn’t heard you at first. That was until he had gotten up and left you at the table without another word.
But alas, he was Wooyoung’s best friend, so avoiding him was hard, and ignoring him when he looked so pretty every time you see him is damn near impossible. You tried to be friendly with him, you really did. Pretending like the first night had never happened seemed to be the best way to go. But still to this day he rarely even looked at you, much less responded to you. You got maybe a word out of him at a time if you were lucky.
To your surprise, Wooyoung started laughing his characteristic high-pitched laugh. You frowned at him and continued walking.
“You this Yeosang hates you?” He choked out through his laugh.
“I didn’t say hate!” You began, although you kind of expected he did, “I just think he prefers it if I wasn’t around.”
Wooyoung looked at you again in amazement.
“Trust me, he doesn’t hate you.” He said, and although his laughter was dying down there was a hint of amusement in his voice.
“And what does that mean.” You ask, unable to see what was so funny.
“It’s not important,” he giggles.
Later that night you find yourself out to dinner with the rest of your friends who could make it. And of course, by some divine intervention (otherwise known as Wooyoung) you are stuck at the end of the table, with none other than Yeosang sitting to your right. Jongho was across from you, but you had a feeling he was on special orders from Woo to not talk to you because you were now sat in awkward silence.
You did your best not to pout at the others at the table as they chatted away, completely ignoring you, but even you could feel the scowls on your face. The whole situation was made even worse by the fact that Yeosang looked as perfect as always. He quietly ate his dinner without a care in the world and it annoyed you to no end how even when forced to sit next to you, he would rather stare into his plate than even look at you.
Once or twice during dinner, you saw him glacé at you from the corner of his eye, but nothing came of it at all. He was probably just wondering why you were being so quiet. If anything he was probably great full for it, as you had always suspected that was the reason he ignored you. Which didn’t make any sense in itself, Wooyoung was his best friend, how could talking be the thing that set him off. Though perhaps he got enough of that from him. Still, it wasn’t your fault. You frowned even deeper at the thought and continued to push your food around your plate, having long since lost your appetite. Only more annoyed when a certain pretty boy glanced at you again.
Walking home wasn’t much better either. Whatever game the others were playing by forcing you to get along with Yeosang was kept on as your little group made its way through the park. Everyone else surging ahead, leaving you both in the dust with at least a few feet to spare.
You were surprised when he kept pace with you, though it was dark, and you doubt the others would appreciate it if he left you behind and he knew that as well.
After a few minutes of distinct laughter coming from the group ahead of you, you expect even Yeosang was tired of the awkward silence. That is the only way you can reason as to why he spoke up.
“Are you feeling ok?” He asked in his quiet deep voice. He glanced at you, before turning away quickly. Though you should be excited that he is speaking with you, you only felt more upset.
“And what’s it to you?” You spat back with a scowl. At your words, Yeosang’s head whipped around to face you. It was too dark to see his exact features, but his wide eyes shown clearly in the dim light. He looked shocked. If you were in a better mood you would have apologized as he clearly looked shocked, but you didn’t. He turned away and looked twords the ground.
“Well, umm, you looked a little off at dinner tonight and you weren’t talking much so I-“ he trailed off, gaze rooted to the ground.
“Oh and I bet you enjoyed that,” you grumbled. You didn’t feel any real animosity towards the man. How could you? Especially with your harbored crush, but you still said the words. At this Yeosang stopped dead in his tracks, and you had to do the same. There was a street lamp only a few feet away so you could see him a little better now. The only expression on his face was confusion.
“Why would I enjoy that?” He asked, almost too quiet to hear, even with the voices of your friends fading as they got further away.
Now it was your turn to look confused. You shook your head a bit with a laugh before looking at Yeosang again.
“Because you don’t like me?” It came out as a question, and you quickly tried to qualify it, “listen, I know that we’re both in the same group of friends and everything but I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk to me, I know I can be a bit much sometimes and I-“ this time you cut yourself off because Yeosang’s face was twisting into something completely other than agreement. It was disappointment.
He waited for you to fall silent before looking down and kicking his shoe against the pavement with a sigh. He muttered something that sounds like “-idiot” and you briefly started to get angry with him again before he spoke up.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. He looked up ever so briefly before his gaze flew back to his shoes. You could faintly see him biting his lower lip and if you didn’t know better you would almost think he was? Blushing?
“Then why-?” You trailed off, surely looking stupid with how flabbergasted you felt. It’s not like you expected him to tell you outright how much he disliked you, but this? It felt way too sincere.
“It’s because he likes you!” You heard Wooyoung shout from a safe distance away. You whipped around to face the rest of the group, only just now noticing that they had come to a stop to watch your exchange. Wooyoung had his hand up to his mouth to help his voice carry, not that he needed it. His word sunk in slowly.
You had half a mind to run and punch him for making fun of you, because there was absolutely no way that The Kang Yeosang could possibly like you, especially with how you talked his ear off for months on end when you were still trying to befriend him. You blushed bright red. You turned back to Yeosang, ready to tell him to ignore Wooyoung, but Yeosang was blushing as well. Far more than he had been before, possibly more than you. He was biting his lower lip again. Staring at you, waiting for your reaction.
And then the realization sunk in. The Kang Yeosang liked you as well. You whipped back to Wooyoung.
“Wooyoung you jackass!” You hollered, flinging your arm in the air for good measure. He had fingered out your crush on his friend a long while ago apparently. Then you turned to face Yeosnag again. You heard your friends laughing in the distance. He looked mortified.
“I-I’m sorry, you don’t have to say anything. I know I have been a-“
“Yeosang, please let me say something.” You cut him off. You said with a smile. He looked surprised, still deeply embarrassed, but surprised. And still incredibly pretty, but you put that thought aside for a moment.
“Yeosang, I like you.” You began, “in fact, I have since the day I met you, which is rather pathetic on my part but let’s ignore that for now.” You continued with a laugh.
The man stood frozen. The seconds passed. And then he cracked the tiniest hint of a smile.
“Oh,” he started, as if coming out of a trance, “well,” he paused again to look away before turning back, his pink cheeks shining in the light from the streetlamp, “would you like too-“ he trailed off.
“Yes, yes I would.”
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kumzume · 4 years
glam ft. todoroki shotō [smhub]
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wc. 2.8k :3
warnings. ownership, soft-ish!dom reader, edging, v v lowkey pet play (u call him bunny lol), quiet whiny shoto, begging, miss k*nk (?), slight humiliation k*nk, crying, um
shoto todoroki was so pretty.
it wasn’t like he wasn’t aware — he’d heard the whispers amongst the girls back at U.A. about how attractive he was. that didn’t keep him from believing those words, his insecurities gripping him so tightly that he was unable to even imagine that anyone found him remotely appealing.
that is, until he met you.
when you first transferred into 3-A, the class was thrown into an uproar. you were beautiful, kind, and funny with a powerful quirk to boot! and yet, you never believed that you were better than anyone else, always treating every single person with respect — even bakugou (shoto couldn’t even pretend to understand how you did it but still, the behavior was so undeniably you).
it was all of your remarkable traits that ended up being shoto’s downfall. he believed you were way out of his league — you deserved someone emotionally available and sweet, things that todoroki felt, no knew, he was not. besides, with every single guy in the nearest vicinity falling for you, he knew he didn’t even have a chance.
so, shoto resigned himself to observe you from afar, watching your interactions with his closest friends and classmates, wishing that he could make you smile as wide as kirishima and deku or laugh as hard as sero and denki.
he knew he didn’t measure up and while he tried to make himself okay with that, he felt jealousy bubbling up beneath his skin when he observed shinsou helping you with your homework or bakugou training with you after school.
of course, he realized he didn’t belong to you or you to him and he had no real reason to be envious of whoever you chose to spend your time with but that didn’t stop him from fucking his hand late at night at the thought of you hovering over him, pressing soft kisses to his mangled scar and calling him beautiful.
shoto came embarrassingly quick with that fantasy, the shame and disappointment overwhelming him to the point where he’d purposefully ignored you for days after.
he could tell you were hurt by his behavior — he wasn’t entirely oblivious — but he knew it was for the best. you deserved so much more than him.
the both of you graduated and moved on to your respective agencies, shoto swiftly making his way up to the number 2 spot while you sat comfortably at number 17. neither of you saw each other very often but when you did, conversation was stilted and a bit awkward due to the intense attraction and inability to act on it on shoto’s part.
shoto was willing to go the rest of his life like this; seeing you briefly in passing, stumbling through a discussion with much difficulty, and then returning to his penthouse to hump his pillow and cry out your name.
it was a pretty good system for the most part. shoto had no worries about ever having to face his feelings for you and was content to live out his days suppressing his inner turmoil just for you.
unfortunately, the universe hates him.
at least that’s what he told himself as he stood in the center of a boardroom next to you, clad in your hero outfits and listening to instructions on an upcoming mission that required you and shoto to work together. alone. for days at a time.
what the fuck.
to be honest, shoto completely tuned out the minute he heard “one bedroom,” his mind racing with all the horribly tempting ways his fantasies could play out.
by the time the meeting was over, he was hard in his pants and entirely distracted as you attempted to make friendly small talk about your mission. shoto sort of felt like he should apologize for being an absolute brick wall, giving you curt one word answers until you decided to leave him alone.
he felt bad but what else could he do when you stood there, wearing your obscene hero costume that revealed way too much of your skin?
well, shoto was being a little dramatic but that’s how he felt! your suit was a play on the playboy bunny costume but instead of being black leather (he thinks he would actually die if you wore leather in front of him), it was a white, lightweight fabric that helped with your quirk.
it was entirely too sexy and reminded him a little too much of one of his secret kinks that he was determined to never let see the light of day.
it was going to be ok! he reasoned. all he had to do was do his job, ignore you like he’s done for the past 3 years and everything would be just fine — right?
wrong. so fucking wrong.
the mission had gone well on all accounts. you both had kicked ass, much to your enjoyment, and were able to go back home a day early!
you were so excited to finally be back in your own bed and away from the weird tension that being around todoroki brought. it wasn’t that you didn’t like him — in fact it was quite the opposite.
you found shoto alluring and gorgeous, his awkward yet endearing mannerisms drawing you further into the mystery that was shoto todoroki. regrettably, it didn’t seem like the man in question was on the same page.
every time you tried to speak with him, he would either stutter and blush or refuse to look you in the eye and give you one-word answers. it was actually ridiculously cute but he would always disappear the first chance he got.
it hurt but you weren’t one to push boundaries where you weren’t wanted.
that’s why that night, instead of going back up to the room to watch tv (uncomfortably, might i add) and knocking yourself out, you decided to go down to the bar and celebrate a job well done.
one of the perks of being a relatively unknown hero was that you could enjoy a night in public without anyone approaching you, a luxury you knew not many top 20 heroes could afford.
with that thought — and the memory of the stifling hotel room awaiting you upstairs — in mind, you made your way to the sparsely populated bar, sitting down and immediately requesting a drink (bourbon, on the rocks).
you scanned the area, counting the number of exits and patrons before your eyes landed on the handsome bartender down at the other end of the counter.
with curly brown hair, bright green eyes and a smile that could kill, there was no way you could lie to yourself and say he was unattractive. even as your mind briefly entertained the notion of taking the brunette out into the alley and fucking him within an inch of his life, your heart just wasn’t in it.
your mind just couldn’t stop drifting to the tall, dual-haired, oh so pretty, man who was (inadvertently) waiting for you upstairs. of course, you weren’t even his to wait for but you didn’t know how to keep from imagining that he was.
a deep sigh escaped your parted lips before you downed the rest of your drink, wincing at the burn it left as it went down your throat. it was getting late and you weren’t planning on spending your night alone with the janitor.
you sent the cute bartender a soft smile while pressing a crisp $20 to the counter. he sent you his own grin back as his eyes trailed down your body clad in your tight hero suit, licking his plump lips in arousal.
you were flattered, truly, but you were a little occupied with getting back to your room, changing into some comfortable pajamas and conking the fuck out.
the trip back up to your room was long and arduous to your sore body, the elevators being out of commission leaving you to take the stairs.
by the time you were at your door, you were so worn out that you were ready to collapse but before you could manage placing your key against the lock, something caught your ear.
“p-please miss,” a breathy moan of your name followed by a wet slapping noise rang out through the door. “i’ll be your perfect bunny, just let m-me cum, please-!!”
holy fuck.
shoto todoroki, the man you’d been crushing on since your years at UA was now touching himself to the thought of you doing god know what to him and he was calling you miss?
you felt heat flood your core, your knees buckling under the heavy weight of your lust. now braced against the door, you leaned your ear against the wood, determined to hear exactly what was getting him off.
more wet noises permeated through the walls — did he just spit in his palm??? — before a long whine left his pretty pink lips.
“m-miss, i belong to you, y-you own me,” he gasped, the creaking of the bed just barely audible beneath his wavering voice.
by now, you knew you’d soaked through the crotch of your hero costume, your clit throbbing painfully beneath the fabric of your panties. you also knew you should turn around, head back to the bar and order another drink, leaving shoto to finish himself off but you couldn’t.
your feet were implanted in place, ear glued against the door as you listened to your partner masturbate to the thought of you owning him.
quietly, you lifted the hand gripping your key to the door, allowing the touchpad to register before slowly pushing the door open.
the sight that greeted you was otherworldly.
the blinds were parted allowing a dreamy haze of moonlight to envelop the room, casting the pale man before you in a somehow whimsical light.
he was stripped down to nothing, lying on his back with a hand wrapped around his gorgeous, swollen cock, furiously stroking himself to completion.
the plump lips that you had spent so much time admiring were parted, allowing whines and whimpers to leave them sporadically as his lithe hips bucked up into his hand.
shoto’s eyes were clenched shut so he was unable to see your dumbfounded, painfully aroused face as you crept into the room, leaning against the wall with your hand pressed to your mouth.
it wasn’t as though you’d never seen a man naked before — you’d had your fair share of men naked in your bed begging for you — but this was something else.
this was shoto — somehow more intimidating than anyone else you’d ever brought to bed and yet you’ve never wanted anyone more.
which is why you were almost surprised at yourself when you opened your mouth and whispered, “stop.”
immediately, shoto’s eyes shot open, wide with fear and apprehension as he lied there frozen, his hand still wrapped tightly around his girth.
the both of you stood there staring at one another, neither of you able to move. you let yourself have this moment to look at him, your eyes tracking all over his muscular form before landing on his length, not missing how it twitched under your gaze.
“i-“ shoto started but he was quickly interrupted by your own voice. “s’this what you do when i’m gone? touch yourself to the thought of me? you’re so dirty bunny.”
it was impossible to hide the low groan that echoed out in the hotel room, shoto’s cheeks burning red in humiliation. a grin crept across your face as you made your way towards him, giggling to yourself at the way he moved up and away from you on the bed.
“now you’re trying to hide, bunny? you weren’t hiding when you were moaning out my name.” your hand slid up his thigh until it was resting on his sharp hipbone, an abrupt gasp leaving his chest.
your hand continued its trajectory, fingers trailing across his tummy before coming to wrap around the base of his cock.
“o-oh fuck, miss—“ a thick drop of precum leaked from his slit and onto your awaiting hand as a low moan departed from the dual-haired boy.
one of his hands shot out to hold yours, drawing your attention to his heterochromatic gaze. shoto’s eyes held so much emotion, small tears already littering his lashline while the moonlight illuminated his crimson scar. he was ethereal.
“pretty,” you hummed, giving him a gentle smile while your hand squeezed his in reassurance. you’d had enough experience to know that that kind of comment was guaranteed to get some kind of vulnerability but what you were not expecting was the expletive shoto muttered before leaning forward to press his lips to yours.
immediately, he was over-enthusiastic, his lips and teeth clashing with yours messily, almost painfully, before you took control of the kiss, slowing shoto down before slipping your tongue inside his mouth.
his quiet groan vibrated into the kiss as you deliberately laid him down, resting his back against the pillows. from there, you had more access to his body, your lips trailing down to his neck while your hand took its place back on his length, lazily pumping him up and down.
“m-miss!” shoto choked, his eyes widening yet again, holding you with his stare. you chose not to respond, instead stroking him quicker while pressing kisses to his shoulder.
“miss,” he tried again, this time more deliberately. “p-please tell me i’m yours...”
with him asking so sweetly, a few tears leaking from his gorgeous eyes at the overwhelming moment, how were you supposed to deny him?
“of course bunny,” you purred, leaning down to peck his nose, sending shivers through his body. “you are mine.”
shoto’s reaction was instantaneous. his eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth dropped open as he felt his pleasure begin to crest, determined to push him over the edge.
you, of course, noticed his body’s response and quickly pulled your hand off of him, painfully ripping his orgasm from his grasp. a disappointed whimper resonated throughout the room as shoto’s eyes found yours, staring at you with such betrayal that you almost found it funny.
“c’mon bunny,” you moved until you were kneeling between his legs, your hands leaving featherlight touches to his inner thighs. “you can hold out for me, right?”
shoto nodded before he could stop himself, desperate for anything you would give him.
besides, it couldn’t be that hard to hold off, right?
wrong. so very wrong.
it had only been 30 minutes but it felt like 2 hours since you started playing with him and keeping him from coming.
shoto was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, both hands tangled in his bi-colored locks, eyes squeezed shut with tear tracks now drying on his cheeks and his cock standing fully at attention.
it was purple, throbbing, and covered in precum as you licked a stripe up the side making shoto sob in pleasure.
he had never been harder in his life and he was certain that he would just die if you didn’t let him cum soon.
“p-please, please, miss, please, let me cum,” he babbled, shaking his head mindlessly while bucking his hips up into the warm heat of your mouth.
you chose to ignore his pleas while you moved your mouth over his tip, sucking hard while your hand pumped what wasn’t in your mouth.
“a-ah-!!” shoto shrieked, his back bowing off the bed, his orgasm coming on so hard and so fast that he felt like he was going to explode. “c-can’t hold back m-miss, i can’t, i can’t!”
your hand continued to pick up speed before you pulled your mouth off of him, toying with his tip while leaning up to breathe into his ear.
“cum for me bunny. you’re mine.”
with a cry of your name, shoto came, thick spurts of cum covering his abs, chest and thighs as his body convulsed under the weight of his bliss.
it was the most all encompassing orgasm he’d ever had and you, his former classmate, current partner, and future lover, was beside him through it all, helping him ride it out.
in the back of his mind, shoto knew he should be at least a little worried about how your relationship was going to change after all of this but he couldn’t bring himself to care. you were here and now, bringing him the most pleasure he’d ever undergone with nothing but kind words and a smile, filling his touchstarved heart with heat and, dare he say it, love.
shoto may not have been the funniest or the most open but you chose him, even if it was just for the night. and now that he unlocked how much he loved you, nothing else mattered — just you and him.
as he collapsed back into the sheets, his head just barely registering the cool rag wiping him down, he took pride in how he finally admitted it to himself; shoto loved you and he would be damned if he let anyone else take him away from you.
now, all he had to do was tell you but that was a conversation for another day.
taglist. if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you!!
@anikazoldeck • @hakunamatatayqueen • @alilsumnsumn • @sukunaslefttesticle • @hawksyoongi • @rivviespens • @kenmas-nintendoswitch • @myumyutie • @unicorngluttony • @bloomyagi • @shantellmcintosh • @queenhxla • @yeyehdom • @persies-main • @yikes-buddy • @nnmesis • @thehandsresisthim • @hinatabokeboke • @joongsite • @amazinghefi • @sarcasticambiguity • @mr-bombastic • @i-am-literally-deranged • @ch0pi • @aonjuh • @www-bubblefish • @meliorist-midoriya • @maizurie • @idkdude776 • @midarislonglostlefteye • @queerloser17 • @franklyrobin • @ravioliplease • @ashsera • @chirumi • @yamashiro888 • @xxjosiexx • @krstnn • @bbsista • @seij6hs • @franklyrobin • @chirumi • @melodysakura
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ejzah · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to the show and just finished watching S08, and I'm both enjoying watching it and reading fanfiction stories. and I wanted to ask you if could write one about S08 if rules were reversed between Kensi & Deeks how she is gonna handle the situation? And would Deeks push her away as she did?
A/N: Hi Anon, sorry this took so long. I’m assuming you were referring to Deeks being injured instead of Kensi. Quite angsty. Apologies in advance for the title.
In Her Shoes
Kensi hesitates outside the hospital room door, bracing herself before she crosses the threshold. She has a paper takeout bag clenched so tightly in one hand, she’s surprised it hasn’t ripped in half.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to see Deeks. Every moment she spends apart from him at work or supposedly sleeping at home is maddening. She would spend every minute of every day with him if she didn’t have other responsibilities.
No, it’s that initial moment of seeing him that always catches her off-guard. It’s disconcerting to see her normally vibrant, active boyfriend so pensive, confined to a wheelchair or his hospital bed most days. Even six weeks in, it’s still jarring. It’s infuriating and heartbreaking.
Her mind flashes back to that day, those endless moments when their helicopter was shot down and crashed into the Iraqi desert. Waking to find Deeks crushed beneath its weight.
It haunts her every day. The what ifs. What if they’d gotten to him faster, or hadn’t moved. What if she’d agreed to leave the agency like Deeks wanted before they even thought about leaving US soil. Even though she knows it’s futile, Kensi blames herself in part.
Realizing she’s crying in the middle of the rehab hallway, Kensi quickly wipes away the moisture while checking to see no one had seen her moment of weakness. She takes another breath to make certain Deeks doesn’t see any of her distress and walks in.
She finds Deeks’ room empty, his wheelchair gone, and no note on the board across from his bed to indicate where he’s gone. Running back out, Kensi makes a beeline to the nurse’s stations, tamping down the increasingly fatalistic explanations for Deeks’ absence.
He’s fine, she tells herself. It’s way past the time when he’d have any life threatening complications. His numbers and oxygen have all been good since he woke up from his coma. He’s fine.
“Uh, Ahnu, do you know where Marty is?” Kensi asks, resting her hands, palm down, on the desk. A nurse in dark blue scrubs, her dark brown hair down her back in a long braid, looks up with a smile.
“Kensi, how’re you doing today. I believe Detective Deeks is outside in the courtyard,” she answers, checking her clipboard. “His doctor thought it might be nice for him to get some sun.”
“Oh, he’s probably enjoying it.” Kensi nods, feeling a little silly now.
“Yeah, he mentioned that he used to surf.” Something about Anhu’s use of the past tense makes Kensi’s stomach clench, but she brushes it off.
“Thank you, Ahnu.”
It’s a nice day, so the hospital courtyard is filled with a combination of medical staff and patients, enjoying the warm weather. She walks past a table with a older patient who appears to be eating lunch with his daughter. Another patient about her age slowly walks with the assistance of a walker, a physical therapist monitoring her progress from a few steps behind.
She spots Deeks a few more tables away; his back is to her, but his hair is instantly recognizable. That is one of blessed few things that hasn’t changed.
Approaching from the side, Kensi takes in his bowed head, one hand draped across his middle.
“Hey, Baby,” she murmurs, a smile breaking over her face. The sun glints over his hair, making it look almost golden. His head jerks up and he looks briefly alarmed before he centers himself.
“Kensi, I thought you had to work early today,” he says, eye furrowing in concern. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. It’s a slow day, so I decided to visit.”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble. Somebody’s going to notice if you keep skipping out of work early or not going in at all.”
“Relax, baby. It was actually Granger’s idea. He said I had more important things to do here,” Kensi tells him. She reaches out, brushing his bangs off his forehead, soaking in the feel of the soft strands. One of the nurses must have helped him wash it this morning. “Somebody’s gotta keep you out of trouble after all.”
“Right,” Deeks scoffs, pursing his lips as he turns his gaze away from her. He lifts his right hand, running it down the length of his body. “Cause I’m so mobile right now. But hey, maybe I’ll get in a wheelchair race with Stella down the hall. I hear she’s getting a power chair soon.”
“That sounds about right,” Kensi agrees, deciding to ignore the slight bitterness in his voice. “Oh, by the way, I brought you a breakfast sandwich and a vanilla latte.” She holds up the bag and shakes it enticingly.
Rolling his eyes, Deeks lets her lay the meal out in front of him and help him eat a few bite. She can tell how much it’s killing him to have so little control of anything. So, Kensi distracts him with stories of Nell and Eric’s antics, Sam and Callen’s recent squabbles.
After a particularly awful reenactment of a recent save, Deeks is actually smiling, his lips lifted in that familiar grin that shows his top teeth. It actually takes Kensi’s breath away and she leans forward, kissing him. Deeks makes a soft sound of surprise, his hand rising towards her cheek before falling back again.
She sighs into his mouth, forgetting everything but him at the toasts of his lips for a moment. As she leans forward, she hears something clutter to the ground, and they pull apart.
Kensi spots a plastic spoon on the ground, knocked of by their PG activities. Before she can bend to grab it, Deeks instinctively leans over, losing his balance and tipping forward.
“Damn it!” he hisses as he clumsily grabs at the table, his chair, anything to stay upright. It’s probably only a few seconds, but it feels like hours before Kensi manages to stand up and grab him around the middle, stopping him from landing face first on the concrete.
“Oh my god, Deeks. Baby, are you ok?” she gasps.
“I’m fine,” he grounds out, shifting out of her grasp. “I’m just stupid.”
“No your not.” Kneeling in front of him, she starts to shift his feet back into place and jerks away again, barely moving, but his intent clear.
“I’ve got it.”
“Why won’t you just let me help you?”
“Because I feel completely useless,” he blurts out, eyes flashing with frustration and a hundred feelings Kensi can’t hope to understand.
“Deeks, don’t talk like that. You’re not-”
“I can’t even brush my own teeth right now because the hand that actually works doesn’t have any sensation and the one that does, doesn’t work,” he says quietly, cutting her off. “I can’t do anything.”
Kensi’s eyes fill with tears as her heart breaks for him. She covers his hand, switching to cup them, even if he can’t feel it.
“Baby, I know that what you’re going through right now is incredibly difficult, but it will not be that way forever,” she tells him softly. “You will get better and so will this.”
He swallows harshly and when he speaks again, his voice shaky.
“Kensi, even if I do recover to some degree, it will not be the same. I won’t be able to shoot or run or surf-” His voice breaks. “I won’t be the same guy you knew.”
She senses that he’s trying to tell her something, maybe trying to cut her out, but she’s not having it. Nodding, she presses her lips together.
“I refuse to believe that is true. But even if it is, I will never leave you. I love you Deeks, whether you can fire 20 perfect shots or catch 20 waves. I love you and I will be here every step of the way to help you.”
He lets out a quiet sound, almost a sob, resting his forehead to hers. His head moved minutely against hers and Kensi cups his cheeks again kissing him gently.
When she pulls away, Deeks doesn’t resist when she moves to put his feet back on the rests.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Kensi tells him. “But I forgive you.”
He chuckles wetly at that, looking up from under his bangs.
“I love you.”
A/N: Thanks for the prompt and I hope it was something like what you were anticipating.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VII
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1864.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
You wanted to slap yourself. What the hell was wrong with you today? Why did you tell Peter that?!
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...” Completely baffled with you behavior, you were deeply ashamed, unable to look the guy in the eyes and wanting nothing but fall into the earth.
“Ah, I got it. It’s Steve, isn’t it?” All of a sudden, Peter let out an irritated sigh, rolling his eyes skywards and rubbing his neck. “Of course, who else would say such nonsense. Blackmail, really? Funny he didn’t call me a stalker or anything.”
“Listen, I didn’t mean it, I’m really-”
“It’s ok.” He closed the locker, slamming its door loudly and making you jump. “It’s not your fault. If I heard that from somebody, I’d be scared too.”
He spent a couple of seconds staring into the wall until he rubbed his neck again tiredly and huffed. It took him less than a minute to regain his composure, and you heard him murmuring, “What a freak.”
He didn't return to the corridor, heading to the sports hall for his PE class, instead moving to the bench in the locker room and motioning you to sit. Feeling terribly awkward, you hoped he wasn't going to do anything out of anger, even though he had every right to be upset at your stupid behavior.
"About what he said," Peter took a deep breath, "it's nothing like that. I don't dig up some nasty stuff in the web to blackmail people. I've never done it. The reason why Mr. I-am-better-than-you said that is because I've made him take me into his little bodyguard group when I heard him talking to Loki. You're nice, and I wanted to help. Of course, Steve started acting like I was some creep, so he refused, and I had to remind him that, technically, he had to report your issue to the administration, not play a hero. I said that if I go and tell the whole story to the dean, Steve's gonna be in trouble because he knew who thieves were and didn't report them."
It was a loud off your mind. Goodness. Rogers called this a blackmail? Really? Just because Peter pushed Steve into taking him into their group?
You were less and less sure Rogers was sane. You definitely had to be careful around him.
"I can't believe he called it a blackmail." You admitted quietly, and the guy sent you a tired smile. "Peter, I'm so, so sorry. It was so stupid of me."
"Nah, don't worry. I'd freak out too if I didn't know the whole story."
You knew your apologies weren't enough, but you hoped Peter didn't take it to heart - if you can take such an accusation easily, that is. Shit, shit, shit, why did you believe everything these guys were saying? You didn't even know them in the first place! Why on Earth did you go asking them their opinions on others if all of them were biased, and every guy could twist the truth the way he liked? You shouldn't have let their words affect you that much.
"Whatever. At least now you know what Rogers is like." Peter sent you a grim smile and got up, picking his bright yellow sackpack from the floor. "Shit, I gotta go if I don't wanna be late. Let's meet in a library later, alright?"
"O-of course." You hurriedly stood up and left the lockers room after him, turning to the library: your Lit class was cancelled, so you decided to go study right away. At this time, the library was usually full, and you felt safe there.
Your thoughts were all about the guys again even when you were staring at your laptop, trying to focus on Excel numbers. Why did you feel like the atmosphere between them was so dense? If they were at such terms with each other, why did they group together to help you? What, because all of them loved you so much? It was ridiculous. There was something else to it, and you didn't know. You had a feeling no one was going to tell you the truth until you figured it all out by yourself.
Weird. It was all so weird. Steve's plan, their behavior, the relationships between them, and your nagging feeling they all were hiding something. Was it them who were actually following you?
The thought scared you to the point you started shivering. Oh shit.
"Hi there," the guy appeared behind your back so suddenly you almost jumped, looking at him wide-eyed, "sorry, did I startle you?"
"H-hi Jake! No, it's ok, I was just... studying." Both of you were talking in hushed voices, knowing the librarian would kick you out immediately if she heard some noise. "How are you?"
"I'm great, how're you?" You could hear concern in his voice: he was one of Thor's friends you met yesterday, and although you spoke briefly, Thor definitely told him more about you. "You look a bit worried."
"Oh, it's Math, I didn't really understand the topic, and we're having an exam on Monday... guess I'll be studying the whole weekend." You gave him your best smile to reassure you were totally ok, and the guy relaxed a little, smiling at you, too.
"I'm sure you'll pass. Thor said you're very smart."
What, he said that to all of them? Was he simply boasting about his girlfriend to his friends or was there something more to it?
"You're too kind. Thank you."
His smile grew wider, and he landed on the next seat to yours, resting his hands on the table. Apparently, there was something he wanted to talk to you about, and you grew uneasy.
"Listen, about these incidents... Thor told us all about it, so if you see any freaks following you around, you can message any of us, and we'll come right away." Looking at his serious expression, his bushy brows furrowed, you hoped he eas being sincere with you: you had enough with people you could no longer trust. "And also... that kid, if he's giving you troubles or anything, just let me know, and I'll tell him to keep his hands to himself"
Oh, he was talking about Peter, wasn't he? He had probably seen that silly photo. Wow, you though, Peter was totally right about Instagram: it was the best news source in the academy.
Thanking him for his concern, you laughed a little, convincing him there was nothing serious except for the theft and promising to tell him if anything weird would be going on. While it should have made you feel safer, in fact, you only grew more frustrated with this situation. You wanted to forget about these freaks and just spend you day like any normal student would, but everywhere you went people were staring at you as if you had a horn; one boyfriend or the other was always close to protect you from some unknown danger, and although you believed they tried to help, you hated the feeling they were hiding something from you. Why did you have to be going through all this? Wasn't it really better to drop off school, spend a year working and then apply to a better place?
Thinking of the faces your parents would make once you returned home, you realized it wasn't. This school with all those creeps wasn't worse than home that never felt like a safe place you wanted to come back to. Besides, all money you saved up until now were only good for buying food and things like that: you'd never afford to rent a decent place unless you found a well-paid job. It meant staying with your parents, and it wouldn't be much better than here, just different. If you wanted to drop off, you had to find a good place to stay.
Well, you could at least try, right?
When Peter met you in the library, the two of you no longer talked about anything important, simply studying together to prepare for the exams next week. It didn't feel off: from time to time you met his gaze, and the both of you smiled. You were thankful he didn’t talk about Steve or other guys or that weirdo in the lockers room.
Once you returned home, you went straight to bed, completely exhausted. Luckily, you did much more than yesterday, so you could rest now, but then you thought of Thor kissing you and bit down the pillow, angry at yourself. Why did you keep thinking of him right now?
When you woke up the next morning, you felt like something was off: your body ached, your throat hurt, and your headache was only making it worse. Dammit, you caught a cold, probably. And that’s when it was finally the day to meet Steve, the guy you thought was a mastermind behind all these manipulations that were making you sick to the core. 
Anyway, it’s not like a mere cold would prevent you from doing everything you had planned. You left your bed and went to the bathroom, moving the dresser before again. 
Honestly, it felt terrible. It was definitely because of that flimsy dress you wore to school yesterday when the weather was becoming chilly. Argh. Watching your puffy eyes and swollen nose, you sneezed. Today you had to apply way more makeup to look decently.
Steve showed up earlier than either Thor or Peter: you had to skip your breakfast, hoping to buy something cheap in the cafeteria.
“Good morning.” He said with his everyday polite expression that soon shifted into a concerned one. “Are you alright?”
What, was it that bad? You did your absolute best to apply enough makeup and do your hair. Did you still look so sick?
“Good morning. Yes, I’m ok, just feeling a little sleepy.” You yawned on purpose, covering your mouth with your hand, and Steve’s face softened.
“Did you study all night?”
“Yep, exams are driving me a little crazy.”
“I understand. I also stayed late last night.”
Of course, the student council president studying all days long to be number one student in the academy. If you didn’t know of his twisted nature, you’d think he was the most typical nerd.
You spent most of the time either in silence or talking about studies, the academy, and everything related to it. Steve acted like a gentleman and a scholar, albeit a little too demonstratively. Walking with you as if he were a king of the place, he constantly replied to greetings of others, waved to his acquaintances and smiled. You felt so off you wanted to find Loki and walk with him: unlike Steve, he was considered unpleasant by the prevailing majority of students.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” America golden boy asked you for the last time, and you forced yourself to smile.
“Of course. Thanks for coming, see you later, Steve.”
As he finally left you in peace, you almost fell down into your chair, your fever only getting worse despite the fact you took some painkillers. It was going to be a long day.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi @nectav @whatever-happened-to-the-ducks
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fa-headhoncho · 3 years
Untitled TFATWS Fic: Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt/Background: After turning yourself in to the government following the events of CA:TWS, they lock you up for the crimes you committed during your time at Hydra. Spending years there until Captain America got you on parole during the blip to help fight Thanos. Now, after doing community service acts and helping the broken society, when they give the new Captain America the shield, you’re thrown back into a life you didn’t want.
Word Count: 1871 (ahaha, yea)
Reader: Female
Warning: parole officers might be triggering??? idk
Author’s Note: I’ve decided to end my 141 part Wattpad Sebastian Stan imagine book and post on Tumblr instead :’), a happy day. Also, I’M SORRY THAT I LIKE SLOW BURN SERIES OK? Schedule for this series is every Thursday. ALSO IF YOU HAVE TITLE IDEAS FOR THIS SERIES, LMK! PLEASE
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
The sound of your heels echoed throughout the dimly lit room as you make your way through the exhibit. The walls take you back in time, reading how Captain America came to be and all his past accomplishments. They even updated from the last time you were here, documenting the events on the Blip.
You didn’t even know where you were going, absently letting your emotions and feet lead to where it felt you needed to be.
“For a former spy, you’re not really good at sneaking up on someone.” Rhodes’ voice greets you once you open up the curtain to a different area. A small smile sneaks its way across your face seeing the two men in front of you.
“Bit out of practice.” You spit back, walking towards them. “It’s nice to see you again, Rhodie.” You open your arms out to him and he gladly takes the hug. “Hopefully life’s been treatin’ you well.”
“For the most part,” He chuckles out while pulling away from the embrace. You move on to the other man, him happily wrapping his arms around your waist as you wrap yours around his shoulders.
Sam lets out a breath into the crook of your neck before pulling back. “You doing okay?” You ask, looking at his face for any sign of emotion. He nods but there was something in his eye that told otherwise.
You open your mouth to push him for the real answer but Rhodes cuts you off, “Well, I have to get going. It was good seeing you, (Y/L/N), hopefully, we work together soon. Remember what I said, Sam.” With that, he leaves the room to leave you and Sam alone.
The room fills with silence as the two of you turn to the iconic suit and shield in front of you. You try to watch Sam from the corner of your eye but he just stands with his back straight and his eyes forward.
“You know, I’m sure Steve would understand.” You decide to say, clasping your hands in front of you. “I didn’t become as close as you did, but from my time with him during the Blip, he tried his best to help everyone. He had a lot of responsibilities and issues of his own along with having a whole country looking up to him... 
“It was a lot… he opened to me about it one night before… you know.” You admit which makes him finally look at you. “He told me what he was going to do and all I could do is support him… I asked him what he was going to do with the mantle and he said give it to you.” Turning your head, you make eye contact with him. “I asked him if he was sure.”
He lets out a snort at that, shaking his head at you. “Really gotta do me like that?” He wipes his hand across his face then stuffs his hand in his pockets as he turns to face you. “I thought we were having a nice bonding moment and then you had to drop me like that?”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips at his whining. “I’m being serious, Sam, stop.” You hit him on the shoulder. “He said there was no doubt in his mind that you do what needed to be done with the shield. He trusted you and your judgment, Falcon.” You emphasize his hero name which he just rolls his eyes at you.
“Yea, I’m sure he did.” He smiles and then changes the subject, “How’s parole treatin’ ya, still got the collar on?” He gestures to your ankle causing you to lift your dress pant leg, flashing the electric bracelet around your ankle. He lets out a hearty chuckle at it. “Still can’t believe that they have you on a leash.”
“Price you gotta pay for freedom.” You shrug and drop the cloth. There’s a beat of silence between the two of you, both of you taking a glance back at the exhibit and the shield.
“Have you talked with Bucky recently?”
“No, I was going to ask you.” Your heart sinks at the realization. “We’ve been texting a bit but I haven’t seen him since I spent the weekend with him a couple of weeks ago.” You shyly admit and look down at your feet.
“Weekend, huh?”
“Shut it, Sam.” You knock your foot against his. “We didn’t do anything, he doesn’t like me like that. Plus, he wouldn’t even let me spend the night. I had to go to a hotel, he sleeps on the floor, Sam! I’m worried about him.” It took weeks for you to convince him to let you come over and you finally knew why when you step into his apartment. It made your heart sink, it looked like if a Hydra cell got a remodel. “He has two chairs and a tv.”
“Living modestly I see.” He snorts out, covering up whatever he was actually thinking. It’s now your turn to roll your eyes at him, frustrated that he isn’t willing to talk about this. “Hey, he’s still figuring stuff out, okay? He just got all his memories back and he’s still working on living with his past. You should know better than I do to give him time.” His tone is soft as he lightly scolds you. You hang your head at his words, knowing he’s right.
It took some time for you to come to terms with your past when you turned yourself in after Hydra and SHIELD fell. You took accountability for your actions during your years at Hydra and spent a few years in jail before Steve took action to help you get on parole. That didn’t mean you weren’t fully recovered.
“When are you joining me on the field, anyway?” Sam changes the topic noticing how you went silent and your eyes looked past him. “I could use you on some of my recon missions.” 
A large smile forms on your face at the mention of your parole. “A couple more check-ins and I’m good, I think.” You excitedly inform, “They actually want to talk to me about something, and then it’s the last three months. Saving the world made my good behavior skyrocket.”
“I’m sure it did.” He smiles, “Well, let me know what happens. I’m heading down to Louisiana soon and my sisters want to meet you. She heard about your work with the soup kitchens in New York and she wanted some insight.”
“Really? Give her my number, you know I’d be happy to talk with her. I’ve been thinking about trying to get my officer to convince the big guys to expand my tracking radar so I reach out more.” You start to ramble about the ideas you’ve been having for more community service actions. During the blip, Steve got you into volunteer work and it sparked something inside of you. He said it might give you a new purpose and he couldn’t have been more right.
The two of you spend the rest of the day together, catching up on everything that’s been going on. You didn’t realize how much you missed his snarky comments and banter until he smothered you in it, “making up for lost time”, he said. He continues the bullying by texting back and forth for the next few days.
It was nice to have a friend after everything that happened over the last few years. Steve and Nat were gone so the friendships you built up during the blip were just a memory now. Yea, Bucky and you were friends but it was a bit more complicated than that.
It’s a few weeks after that and they’ve already named some prick the new Captain America. You were frustrated at Sam but you realized that he couldn’t have known that this was going to happen. Especially since when you reached out to him and he was more furious than you were. Bucky was a whole other story. When the press conference aired, he immediately called you and went off about Sam. You couldn’t offer answers so you just told him to talk to him about it. This didn’t involve you.
Now, you were sat at some random government office in DC. You were beyond nervous, leg bouncing and fingers tapping. Kevin, your sweet parole officer, had called you in for an emergency meeting. He didn’t mention anything about the content of it but he assured you not to worry. It didn’t help, though, your mind was scrambling trying to think of anything you could’ve done to break your parole or anywhere you could’ve gone that went outside your tracking radar.
“(Y/L/N)?” The familiar voice echoes through the lobby makes your head snap up. Kevin, your knight in a cashmere sweater, stands there with his hands in his pants pockets. He nods his head, gesturing for you to follow him.
He leads you down a long hallway, stopping at the end of it and holding the door open for you. You send him a grateful smile before entering the office. It was very different from his usual office. The tall windows lined the wall from floor to ceiling, making the already large room feel even more spacious. It was a bit unsettling compared to his close-knit office space located in an old house on the outskirts of DC.
Kevin moves you two to the large conference table on the other side of the room, having you sit before he does. He takes the chair at the head of the table, sighing as he opens the folder and takes a few papers out.
“Sign these.” He slides them over to you but you furrow your eyebrows in response.
“What’s going on?”
“You’re being released.” He announces, leaning back in his chair with a tight-lipped smile on his face. Your jaw drops and your heart picks up but you can’t help but question it. You quickly compose yourself and look down at the papers.
“Isn’t it a bit too early?” You ask while briefly scanning the papers. “I still have two months left, not that I’m not grateful but where is this coming from?” This was happening too suddenly, Kevin was good with warning you about the activities that go on behind the scenes of your parole and he didn’t even mention the thought of an early release.
The brunette man lets out a sigh, running his hair through his long hair. He then leans his elbows on the table with his head propped up on his palms, he opens his mouth to answer but is cut off by the office door opening.
The new Captain America and his sidekick come waltzing in, a few of his goons following as well. He didn’t need the uniform or shield for you to recognize him since his face has been plastered on every channel since they came forward with him. He’s all everyone could talk about.
“He released you.” You barely hear Kevin as your mind goes into spirals. What the hell did this guy want? Why is he even here? What the hell did he want with you?
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wordsnwhiskey · 3 years
As It Should Be | Chapter 6: Negotiations in Pain & Pleasure
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Pairing: Agent Whiskey x F!Reader x Frankie Morales
Summary: The summary is smut, good, fun, BDSM smut, and aftercare. OR, Frankie needs to let go and hasn’t been able to for months. Jack promised to help and show him the aftercare that his old partners had been neglecting him. He’s making good on that promise.
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: M/M, BDSM, Dom!Jack, sub!Frankie, impact play (with a flogger), oral (M receiving), praise kink, dirty talk (it’s Whiskey here), anal, unprotected sex, alcohol, food mention. (I think that’s it but let me know if it isn’t!)
A/N: Y’all, it’s finally here! I have been waiting for this chapter for a while and I am so glad it’s here. These men both need this, especially Frankie and I really wanted Jack to be the person to provide it for him. If M/M isn’t your thing, I’m not sure how you got here, but this probably isn’t the fic for you, and this chapter is definitely not your thing because that is literally all there is. Huge shoutout to my friend Agent Capri Sun and mi esposa @danniburgh for feeding my thots and beta-ing!
For those of you who don’t know, PrEP is a medication that can be prescribed to those who do not have HIV and are looking to further protect themselves against it. Why did I include this? Because on the whole, it’s recommended as a safe practice and it’s rarely mentioned in media/writing. Also, please remember BDSM revolves around SSC and/or RACK. Go learn about these things. So there’s my soapbox moment. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Ch 5: Breaking In The Newbies | Art | AO3 | Taglist
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“C’mon, Flyboy, we’re gonna have some fun tonight.”
Without hesitation, Frankie stood up fluidly and grabbed his go bag from the corner of the room while Jack shut his computer down for the night and collected his keys from his desk. The energy around them was buzzing with anticipation. Jack’s outward demeanor seemed casual, but the way his whitened knuckles gripped the steering wheel as his other hand alternated between tenderly playing with the hair at Frankie’s nape and searing Frankie’s thigh, showed Jack was anything but cool, calm and collected.
Frankie’s breath was coming in shallow, shaky puffs. Funny how he could maintain his breathing while being shot at, while going through combat exercises, and even when he had to crash land their helicopter in Colombia, but feeling Jack’s hand on him as they drove back to the condo broke his composure. That large, warm hand had found its way to his thigh again, fingers pressing, squeezing gently at his inner thigh, and Frankie could hear his blood roaring in his ears.
Mercifully, the drive was short. Frankie grabbed his bag with a shaky hand and quietly followed Jack to the elevator, just a short ride to the fulfillment of a promise Frankie was aching for. The elevator doors shut, and Frankie tried to take a steadying breath. The anticipation was heavy on him, and he wanted nothing more than to lean into Jack, but didn’t want to seem clingy. That had been something that his old partners, Sam and her husband, had discouraged.
Jack could see Frankie struggling, his wants warring with his nerves. With a soft smile, Jack pulled Frankie so his back was flush against his chest, loosely wrapping his arms around Frankie’s waist so he didn’t feel trapped, and pressed soft, teasing kisses along his neck. Frankie was dizzy from the feeling of Jack’s lips, his mustache tickling at his skin, the intimacy of the action, and his embrace. He was so lost in the feeling that Jack had to clear his throat to alert him that the elevator had in fact stopped and the doors were open. Frankie blushed, quickly disentangling himself from Jack, clearing his throat while he stepped out of the elevator.
Jack’s hand appeared, warm and steadying at the small of his back as he guided Frankie to the door. Jack unlocked the door, and Frankie stepped over the threshold. He didn’t even have time to drop his bag to the floor. Jack was on him, pushing him against the door, Jack’s Stetson collided with Frankie’s cap as Jack’s mouth claimed Frankie’s. There was no care for either the Stetson or Frankie’s cap as Jack’s tender kisses from the elevator turned hungry, his tongue swiping at Frankie’s lower lip. Frankie dropped his bag, his now free hand clutching at Jack’s shirt. Jack’s fingers gripped Frankie’s hair tightly, pulling a whimper and a moan from Frankie that was muffled against Jack’s own growl of approval. His knee pressed between Frankie’s thighs, and Jack could feel the other man’s erection, hard and needy against his hip.
“Damn, Flyboy, eager aren’t ya?”
Frankie could only nod as he tried to catch his breath, Jack’s drawl making his cock twitch and his eyes blown with lust.
“Go to my room, strip, then kneel at the foot of the bed. Put a pillow down for your knees.”
Jack’s voice dropped in register and took on a delicious edge that sent a shudder down Frankie’s spine. Any reservations Frankie had about being clingy or too needy were obliterated by the desire in Jack’s commanding presence.
While Frankie did as he was told, Jack shrugged off his blazer, tossing it over the back of the sofa, then rolled up his sleeves and poured himself a drink. He savored the smooth heat in his mouth, rolled his shoulders, then made for his room. His cock hardened at the sight that waited for him.
“Hands on the bed, Flyboy.”
Frankie was quick to obey, glancing over at Jack briefly to admire him. He quickly turned his gaze back to the empty space on the bed in front of him, instinct telling him that Jack would want him to face forward. Jack strode over to one of his wardrobes, opening the doors to reveal an assortment of hanging implements. After a moment’s consideration, he pulled a flogger from its hook along with a pair of leather cuffs.
“Normally, I prefer to use rope, but we did such a number on you in our haste the other night, I’m gonna have to settle for the leather cuffs for now.”
Frankie shuddered as the distantly familiar sensation of smooth leather strips teased his back and ghosted over his shoulders.
“Color?” Jack asked. Despite it being on Frankie’s list of interests, he wanted to confirm Frankie was still ok with the implement being used in this session.
Frankie responded quickly and took a deep breath. Jack hummed his approval, a smile tugging at his lips when Frankie’s body moved of its own accord at the sound, leaning back to seek Jack’s touch. The flogger appeared in Frankie’s line of sight as Jack teasingly ran the leather lightly down then up Frankie’s left arm before giving the other the same treatment. Frankie fought to sit still, goosebumps left in the flogger's wake, and another shudder raced down his spine. Jack switched the flogger to his right hand, and his fingers traced the path of the flogger down from Frankie’s shoulder, over his bicep and to the tips of Frankie’s fingers. He covered Frankie’s hand with his own while he kissed his shoulder and the fading bite mark from two nights prior. Jack’s teeth grazed over the sensitive skin at the nape of Frankie’s neck and hummed at the moan that caught in Frankie’s throat.
“Are you ready, Flyboy?”
Frankie’s breath hitched, and he nodded. Jack tutted and grabbed Frankie’s chin, forcing him to meet his gaze.
“Use your words, Flyboy.”
“I’m ready, sir.”
Jack’s eyes flashed at the honorific, his smile broadening as his grip tightened on the handle of the flogger.
“Good boy.”
Jack hummed his approval, brushing Frankie’s jaw with his thumb before pulling away. The whisper of leather on skin was a teasing promise of what was to come, making Frankie tense. There was a painful absence of sensation for the briefest of moments before the crack of leather filled the air, followed by another; sensation lighting up his back. Both weren’t particularly hard, intended only to warm him up, but Christ, did Frankie want more.
Jack marveled at the way Frankie’s back muscles twitched, aching to see them spasm at his hand, to make him squirm. Another two light flicks of Jack’s wrist before a resounding crack echoed with Frankie’s moan. Then again, two light cracks followed by two slightly harder ones. Frankie clenched his hands, bunching the sheets in his fists and crying out.
“Color, Flyboy?”
“Green!” Frankie keened, his back feeling delightfully warm.
“Good boy,” Jack praised again, smiling at the way Frankie whimpered in response. “Can you do more? Do you want to go harder?”
Frankie nodded, then remembered the rules.
“Yes what, Flyboy?”
“Yes, sir!”
“That’s my good boy.”
Frankie gave an obscene moan at the praise, breaking off into a whimper as Jack gave him another stroke of the flogger, making Jack smile. The next one was harder, the painful whisper of leather across his back left a stinging ache. At the eighth total stroke of the flogger, warmth enveloped Frankie, a knot caught in his throat at the feeling. By the ninth stroke, Frankie was almost floating, tethered to the moment by the wave of overwhelming emotion threatening to crest in his chest.
He wanted this so badly, he needed it. He needed to let go and not think about all of the shit in his life that had converged on him the last few days. Frankie choked out a sob at the last stroke, the cresting wave of emotion breaking free and crashing over him.
Everything he had buried, his mixed emotions, the drugs, and losing his job, bubbled to the surface all at once. The tears were just as cathartic as sinking into the pain had been.
He let out a shuddering exhale, and before Jack could ask, Frankie called out “Green!”
Jack sighed, the kneeling man’s back was an angry red, stripes forming from the flogger. He adjusted himself in his jeans to get some relief, then set the flogger back on its hook and returned to the bed. Jack sat down and maneuvered them so that Frankie’s head was cradled in his lap. He understood that Frankie needed this, now more than ever probably. It was one of the reasons he had offered to do this for Frankie, to give him an outlet to just feel and let go.
“Shh, you did so well, Flyboy. You were such a good boy for me.”
Jack cooed as he stroked Frankie’s damp, curly locks. Frankie hummed in response, and Jack lifted Frankie’s chin to see his flushed face.
“Can you do more, or do you want to stop for now, Flyboy?”
Frankie blinked, his eyes hazy then he buried his face in Jack’s lap, finding it hard to think and trying to ground himself.
“I-I can do more. I want to do more.”
Jack’s breath hitched as Frankie’s cheek brushed against the cock straining in his jeans.
“Alright, Flyboy. Lean back then, hands behind your back.”
Frankie did as he was told, his back burning slightly from the flogging. Jack stood up, a steadying hand on the sweet, willing man kneeling before him. He took a moment to let his gaze find Frankie’s cock, his eyebrows raising in surprise at just how hard and leaky he was.
“Shit, boy, I’ve never seen someone get as hard or leak as much as you from just the flogger.”
He carefully secured the leather cuffs, making sure they were fixed a bit above his wrists so as to not chafe the already irritated skin, then sat back down on the bed and tugged Frankie forward. Without his hands to stop himself, Frankie’s head landed unceremoniously back in Jack’s lap with a grunt. A low groan fell from Jack’s lips as Frankie nuzzled the large bulge in Jack’s jeans. Frankie mumbled something into Jack’s lap that he couldn’t quite make out.
“What was that?”
“Said ‘s not just the flogger.”
“Oh? What is it then, Flyboy?”
Frankie squirmed, and Jack did nothing to stop him.
“S’you, never was like this before.”
Jack’s heart melted at the trust, vulnerability and adoration that was tinged with sadness in Frankie’s words. This was about more than just the clear arousal Frankie had. The look in his eyes earlier, and the way he was nuzzling him now, told Jack that Frankie had been missing the safety and ability to truly let go for a long time now. Jack was honored that Frankie was able to find that solace in him.
“Hey,” Jack’s hands cupped Frankie’s face as he bent down and kissed him tenderly, making sure to place a kiss on each of Frankie’s tear-stained cheeks. After allowing them a moment, Jack pulled back, his thumb swiping over Frankie’s lower lip, nudging insistently until Frankie took it in his mouth and sucked on it eagerly.
“D’you want to put this mouth to some good use, Flyboy?”
Frankie watched hungrily as Jack made to unbuckle his belt until he realized that Jack was waiting until Frankie had consented to go any further .
“Fuck… I mean yes, sir.”
Jack chuckled, then finished unbuckling his belt, adjusting so that he could get his jeans and boxers down to his mid-thigh. He smirked at the way Frankie stared hungrily at his cock. It was nice to know that the hunger he’d seen the night at the safehouse hadn’t been entirely drug induced.
The smirk promptly disappeared when Frankie widened his knees to balance better then leaned in and his lips enveloped the head of his cock.
The curse fell softly from Jack’s lips, a moan catching at the back of his throat. It took all of Jack’s strength not to buck up into Frankie’s mouth from the searing pleasure of Frankie bobbing up and down on his cock, moaning as he took more of Jack’s length.
Frankie smirked as best as he could, feeling proud he was able to elicit such a reaction from Jack. Strong fingers gripping tightly and twisting in his hair pulled a whine from deep in Frankie’s chest, and his eyes rolled back a bit as he felt Jack’s hand push him further down his cock until Frankie’s nose brushed Jack’s dark curls. Jack held him there for a minute, getting used to the hot warmth that surrounded his cock. He let out a breathy chuckle when Frankie’s hips jolted forward involuntarily, the feeling of being held down making him seek the sweet tantalizing friction of the bed.
“F-Fuck, Flyboy… S-shit, y’got a hot fuckin’ mouth.”
Jack started to pump into Frankie’s mouth, his other hand on Frankie’s throat to feel his cock move. He could feel the small whimpers and moans Frankie made around him, increasing arousal turning his breathing into shallow pants.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ… Such a -shit- Such a good, cock-hungry… Fuck!”
He felt Frankie start to struggle and pulled him off of his cock. They were both panting, trying to catch their breath, and Jack ran his fingers through Frankie’s hair to help soothe him. Frankie nuzzled into his lap then turned his head and breathed in Jack’s scent, marveling at the sight of Jack’s twitching cock. Smirking, Jack tenderly wiped some spit from the corner of Frankie’s mouth.
“How you doin’ down there?”
“Mmm... good.”
“Yeah?” Jack chuckled, “You sound a little cock dumb, Flyboy.”
“Maybe…” Frankie’s voice sounded dream-like and far away.
Jack put his hands on Frankie’s shoulders and pushed him back gently to see the head of Frankie’s cock flushed a needy red and leaking a small puddle on the hard floor beneath him, just missing the pillow cushioning his knees.
“Do you wanna cum, Flyboy?”
Frankie’s eyes widened at the whine that bubbled out of him, a deep flush taking a hold of his cheeks, and his gaze dropped from Jack’s dark, warm eyes.
“Yes, sir… Please.”
“Do you think you can take me?”
Jack watched Frankie intently, taking his chin between his index finger and thumb to make their gazes meet again. He didn’t want Frankie agreeing just because he thought that Jack would let him cum by doing so. Frankie bit his lip, then nodded.
“Words. I need to hear you say it, Flyboy. We don’t have to tonight if you don’t want to or can’t.”
Jack’s gaze was hard, yet tender, and Frankie felt a little lost in it, but he knew that he trusted Jack completely. He knew that if he wanted, they could stop at any time. Arousal pooled in his belly, and he knew that he wanted to take Jack, wanted to feel his weight pin him down, make him feel safe before sending him over the edge of pleasure.
“Yes sir, I-I can, and I want to, it’s just been a while.”
Jack’s chest tightened a little as he looked down at Frankie, smiling, then leaning down to kiss Frankie before moving down to nibble along the column of his neck.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow, Flyboy, and you just let me know if you need a break or to stop.”
Frankie nodded, then grumbled in surprise when Jack effortlessly hauled him up and bent him over the bed. He turned his head on the bed to breathe a bit better and saw Jack grab a bottle of lube from the nightstand.
“Do you want to use a condom? Me and Bourbon are exclusive, but I get tested regularly and am on PrEP for Statesmen. All my tests came back negative.”
Excitement tingled down Frankie’s spine. He wanted to feel him.
“No condom. I’m on PrEP too, got tested after Sam and haven’t been with anyone since.”
Jack nodded, then walked back over to the bed, his large, warm hand kneading Frankie’s ass.
The cool liquid was in stark contrast to the heat of his fingers. Jack slowly circled Frankie’s hole while he reached around and took Frankie’s cock in his other hand. Frankie’s keening moan turned into a whine when Jack gently pushed a finger inside of him.
Jack felt Frankie clench around his finger and started to lightly stroke his cock while letting him get used to the feeling. After a bit, he coated a second finger with lube and slid it in beside the first. Frankie let out a shaky breath, the muscles in his back rippling lightly.
“Look at you. You’re doing so well for me. Just take it easy, Flyboy.”
He continued to work him gently, understanding it had been a little while for Frankie. Then Frankie began to relax, slowly fucking himself back onto Jack’s fingers and forward into Jack’s fist. Jack let Frankie get used to the sensation again, adding more lube and delving deeper, harder with his fingers.
After they were able to work up to three fingers, Jack pulled out of him and took a step back, drawing a whimper from Frankie at the loss of contact. He heard the shuffle of denim as Jack shucked his jeans and boxers, then felt Jack’s steadying hand on his back.
“I’m right here, Flyboy.”
Jack murmured reassuringly while he gave himself a few strokes with his lubed up hand, he teased the hole with the tip of his cock with a feathery touch then slowly started to ease into Frankie.
“Fuckin’ Christ, Flyboy!”
Jack hissed, then moaned as he slowly worked himself inch by inch inside of Frankie, taking encouragement from Frankie’s keening and ragged breath.
“Fuck… So… -mmmmmfuckme- So full, Jack!”
Jack smirked at the way he had reduced Frankie to nothing but babbling, but his smirk quickly faded when he smacked Frankie’s ass and felt him clench in response.
“Shit, Flyboy, you’re so fuckin’ tight.”
Frankie moaned, fingers grasping helplessly at Jack’s shirt. His arms were still bound, and he needed more contact than the teasing drag of the fabric.
“Shirt… off, wanna feel you, Jack.”
He let out a low moan that filled the air as Jack leaned back, pushing himself deeper into Frankie as he unbuttoned then tugged his shirt and undershirt off. Frankie hummed when he felt Jack’s warm body envelop him, giving him the contact he wanted. Jack chuckled as Frankie’s hands sought to feel his soft tummy, fingers brushing the trail of hair that gathered there.
Pulling back, Jack grabbed the leather cuffs for leverage and he started to fuck Frankie in earnest.
“Fuck yeah, Flyboy. Taking me…. So. Fucking. Good!”
Jack’s heavy hand came down with a loud smack on Frankie’s ass, and he steadily increased his pace until Frankie was squirming and whimpering beneath him. Frankie was so close, teetering on the edge, but not quite able to get there. He felt like he was slowly being driven mad by exquisite torture.
“J-Jack! Please… I n-need-”
“Not yet, Flyboy.”
Jack gritted out, getting closer to his own orgasm. Leaning over, so his chest was as flush as it could be against Frankie’s back, Jack growled.
“Ask me nicely, Flyboy.”
“Please!” Frankie cried out, “Jack, please, I want to-”
Jack adjusted his hips, and dropped a hand to wrap around Frankie’s cock again. “Alright, let go, Frankie. Cum for me, Flyboy.” He thrusted again, hitting a different angle, finding Frankie’s prostate and causing him to cry out hoarsely as he came all over the sheets and Jack’s hand.
The answering growl that came from Jack’s throat seared Frankie’s soul, and he could feel Jack tense above him, his hips stuttering until he gave one final thrust and stiffened above Frankie. As Jack came, his grunts made Frankie’s chest flutter, the sensation of having been claimed and marked running hot in his veins.
Frankie’s breath hitched when Jack brought his fingers up to taste Frankie’s cum, and he moaned before bringing his fingers to Frankie’s mouth to give him a taste as well.
They both groaned as Jack slipped out. He took a moment to admire the mess he made of his Flyboy, soothingly rubbing Frankie’s hip.
“Alright, gimme a minute, Flyboy.” Jack’s voice was soft, trying not to interrupt the bliss that smoothed Frankie’s facial features.
Frankie grunted as Jack undid the cuffs one by one, easing Frankie’s arms to his side, massaging them gently to soothe the soreness.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Don’t move. I’m gonna take care of you, Flyboy.”
Frankie mumbled in response. Jack cleaned himself up and returned shortly, with a soft, damp washcloth and a glass of water. He set the glass down, then began to gingerly dab the cloth over Frankie’s back, soothing him from the sting left behind by the flogger. Small little whimpers fell from Frankie’s lips at the contrast in temperature.
“Shhh, you did so well. This’ll help the burn a bit, Flyboy.”
Jack cooed, murmuring praises as he went. Once he was finished, he put the washcloth in the hamper, then wrapped the light comforter around Frankie to insulate him from Jack’s body heat. He pulled him in close, tucking Frankie under his shoulder.
“‘M so proud of you. My Flyboy… you were so good for me.
Jack kissed his ear, nuzzling the curly locks atop Frankie’s head, humming when Frankie curled in closer at his words. Frankie couldn’t do much more than that. His mind was still mostly floating on cloud nine, slowly easing back to the solid safety of being enveloped by Jack’s arms and his scent.
“You thirsty?”
Frankie nodded, but as Jack moved toward the bedside table, Frankie’s hand shot out and grabbed Jack’s wrist..
“No leaving, only water.”
Jack broke out into a hearty laugh, harmonizing with Frankie’s own laughter.
“It’s just right here on the night table.”
Frankie let him go. Jack stretched to retrieve the glass for Frankie, who took it to his lips, becoming more and more aware of his surroundings and less in the haze of subspace as he drank.
“Thank you, Jack. That was… incredible. I really needed that.”
Jack nodded and smiled down at Frankie, still nestled into his side, thumb rubbing circles over Frankie’s arm.
“It’s been a minute since I’ve done that, and I’m glad I could do that for you, Flyboy. I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t love every minute of it myself. Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything?”
Frankie shook his head, and Jack grunted as he peered over to look at the clock: 20:30.
“You hungry? There’s a biscuits and gravy place that delivers, and I did say I’d take care of you tonight, Flyboy.”
Frankie’s stomach growled in response and they laughed again. Jack got up and placed their order, then turned to find Frankie had retrieved his go bag and was rummaging through it.
“Shit, I barely have anything to wear. I wasn’t expecting to be gone from home this long.”
“Don’t worry about it, you can borrow mine. I know I definitely enjoyed seeing you in my clothes today.” Jack teased and winked at Frankie, pulling a flush to his cheeks. “Besides, me and Bourbon can take you shopping tomorrow.”
Frankie frowned a bit, remembering that he was technically out of a job, and though he was looking forward to a big paycheck from Pope, he had no idea when he’d next be able to get a decent job flying.
“Uh, I don’t really think I could afford much out here. I usually just wear cargo pants and a t-shirt or button down.”
Jack scoffed, “I said we’d take you shopping, not that you’d be paying, Flyboy. Either Statesman’ll pay or I will. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Frankie squirmed. He was not accustomed to such things, but Jack’s voice left little room for argument. Shortly after, Jack went to pick up their food from the lobby, and they promptly devoured it upon his return. Frankie sat back with a groan, his eyes fluttering closed.
“Time to hit the hay, I reckon.”
Frankie nodded and made his way to the guest bedroom. Jack frowned, putting a hand on Frankie’s shoulder.
“I’d rather have you in my bed again tonight... if you’re alright with that?”
“Y-yeah, I’d like that.”
Jack nodded, then threw away the trash and tugged Frankie along to bed. He smiled as Frankie scooted to curl up beside him, imagining how things would be once you were in bed with them as well.
Frankie thought to himself how easy this felt, how good it felt. Hell, maybe this was something he could do and not have it end up like before. Just in this night alone, Jack had done more for him than his old partners had the entire time the three of them had been together. Despite how easy or how right it felt, Frankie knew that any relationship, especially one with three people, required a lot of communication and effort.
He couldn’t think of anyone else he’d rather do that work with than you and Jack.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
will you do an oompaville x reader.? like maybe one where you’re at a wedding with him and he asks you to dance.?
Omg an oompaville request!!! I'm so grateful dear! Thank you so much for your lovely request, please enjoy the one-shot 🥰
Perfect Sync
Pairing: Oompaville (Caleb) x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
There are certain pros and cons to being so distanced from your extended family. And I mean DISTANCED, in all capitals. I actually live in a completely different state on the completely opposite side of the US and yet I still somehow got an invitation to my cousin's wedding. To be fair, it's not that surprising, seeing as how she's the only cousin I have comprehendible memories with from my childhood. She's a really sweet girl - no, woman - and it kinda sucks that we haven't had the chance to catch up in so long.
Among the many other cons is the fact that I don't know a single person at this wedding. Not. A. Single. Person. Sure, there have been several elderly and middle aged couples who've approached me, claiming they know me and given me a huge hug, asking me how my parents were doing. Speaking of my parents, they are a pair of sneaks who avoided coming to the wedding themselves saying they were stuck with a stomach virus while they're actually vacationing in Canada. How wonderful of them, don't you think?
They are chilling in Canada and I'm over here boiling and sweating over my third, possibly forth glass of champagne of the evening, not to mention the wedding hasn't even properly started yet. Count on me switching to whiskey when it does.
Sitting at the table I was pointed to upon arrival, I let my gaze skim over the immense garden decorated with beautiful flowers, fairy lights and handmade décor pieces. Each table and bar is under a white tent, just like the one I’m currently sitting under. It’s a beautiful sight and I can only imagine it’s only gonna get even prettier when the sun finally sets completely and all these fairy lights come on. That’s one of the few good things about my attendance at this event today. The ‘good’ things have been so little in number I can probably count them on the fingers of one hand: 1.I briefly saw and chatted with my cousin who was practically trembling out of excitement, anxiety and happiness. Good for her; 2. I’ve downed so many drinks that would probably cost me a fortune at a club or bar and I’m decently buzzed. Very cool; 3. I made friends with one of the bridesmaids because I had time to kill - turns out she wanted to be at this wedding as much as me: not at all; 4. I caught a whiff of the dinner which was still being cooked and damn am I excited about it; 5. The garden is absolutely breathtaking and it’s a sight worth sticking around for. See, as I said, few enough good things to be able to count them on the fingers of one hand.
And what about that cute guy from earlier?, my subconsciousness nudges me teasingly, causing me to almost evidently roll my eyes.
The hot guy being referred to right now is the one I damn near ran over when I was pulling up to this fancy estate. In my defense, I’m still getting used to the rental car I got when I landed in Texas two days ago, and plus he came out of literally nowhere. Luckily, he wasn’t mean or upset about it, took it quite lightly which was relieving and surprising. 
Not gonna lie though, he was really cute.
I see the people all over the garden hurriedly take a seat when it gets announced that the newly weds are about to have their first dance. I cross my legs, finishing the champagne in one go before I can focus my attention on the lovely couple that’s just stepped out of the mansion-like house and onto the soft grass of the lawn, slowly making their way towards the center where they’re supposed to have the dance - aka where everyone will be dancing afterwards too.
Everyone but me, I’ll be busy chilling by the bar, hopefully in the company of that bridesmaid who I can crack jokes with without feeling guilty.
The two dance in perfect sync, their movements almost mesmerizing to the human eye. I’m no professional dancer but I don’t have two left feet either, yet I’m still amazed by this perfection before me. I bet all the cash I took with me from New York - which is a lot, I expected to spend a lot - that they’ve practiced this more than once. Or at least I hope they have as to make me feel better about my own skills - or the lack thereof.
“I take it you’re a lot less dangerous when you’re not behind the wheel.“ A quiet comment emerges next to my ear, loud enough for me to hear but hushed as to not disturb the couple nor the mob of people watching them in awe.
My eyebrows shoot up. I’ve maybe heard that voice only once before but that teasing tone made me blush like mad earlier and that’s hard to forget. I have a hard time forgetting embarrassment.
Biting my lip, I slowly turn to face him, “I can’t guarantee, there are plenty of sharp objects around after all.“
There’s that same wide smile I saw earlier when my entire life flashed before my eyes. His probably did too but unlike me, he didn’t show it. “Some luck I have sitting next to you then.“ He chuckles, handing me a glass of whiskey. I take it hesitantly, giving him a suspiciously raised eyebrow. “You look like you could use one.“ He shrugs, taking a sip of his own. When my expression doesn’t change and I don’t make a move to ingest the beverage, he rolls his eyes, “Yeah I’m someone you’re seeing for the second time in your life, and yeah you might think I could want revenge for my nearly damaged health, but I don’t. And if you don’t want the whiskey...” he reaches to take it back but I quickly put it up to my lips and take a long sip, causing him to smile. “There you go!”
Oh boy does the taste of whiskey hit different after sipping on champagne for hours. I nod to him in gratitude. “Thanks, I strongly appreciate this.”
He nods back, his smile now a smaller one but still preserving the same amount of joy as when it was a full-blown grin, “I’m Caleb, by the way.”
“Y/N, nice to meet you.“ I reply, feeling the tension in my shoulders easing and the embarrassed blush fading. This guy just has such a chill aura, it’s nice being in his company. Hell, I’ll even go as far as to say if I simply had to almost hit someone with my car today, I’m glad it was him.
As more and more people emerge from their seats, heading hand in hand to the dancefloor to join the newlyweds, I finish my whiskey and am contemplating on going to get myself another but before I can decide, Caleb arises from his seat as well. He takes a stand in front of me, offering me his hand, “Well, there’s very little damage you can do you me out on the dancefloor, right?” He chuckles when he sees he’s made me blush again - third time today, damn it - but then he assumes a more serious facial expression, his smile never faltering though, “Care to accompany me for a dance, Y/N?”
I pretend to think the offer over, weighing my options and its pros and cons when in reality I dam near accepted the same second he asked. “Hmm, ok...“ I say finally, resting my hand in his, “That is, if you promise not to step on my feet. These are some expensive shoes I’m wearing.“
He lets out a genuine laugh as he leads us to the dancefloor, one that I’ll admit is hella contagious, “Says the person who almost ran my ass over earlier. Am I not expensive, huh?”
I give him a confused look, hiding fits of laughter, “I don’t know, Caleb. Are you?”
He shakes his head, “Nah, best offer you’d get for me on Craigslist is like, a dollar? Two if you’re lucky.”
And that’s all it takes to break the dam holding back my laughter, sending me in fits of giggles as we start dancing. My laughter ends just as quickly as it starts though when I realize how in-sync our dancing is. Perfectly synchronized. 
Huh, wonder why, that annoying voice pokes at my peace again. But I don’t let it get to me. Not now at least. I’m just gonna enjoy this moment, dancing with a practical stranger, gazing into his warm and welcoming eyes.
Suddenly I need another hand to count the good things about this wedding since I have to add three new points: 6. Almost hitting Caleb with my car; 7. Officially meeting Caleb; 8. Dancing with him.
Dancing with him in perfect sync
Oh, shut it, I don’t wanna start blushing again.
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fullmarvelheart · 3 years
Crossing Lines (6/?)
Pairing: mob!Bucky x fbi!mob!Reader
Word Count: 5,199 
Recommended: 18+ readers
Summary: A sudden and unsettling event rocks the underworld, and Y/N is immediately called in to prepare for what’s to come. What she isn’t prepared for is James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, also known as the new head of the Brooklyn mafia clan. When these two get shoved into a world of danger and deceit, will they ever learn to trust each other? Or will they be doomed from the start?
Warnings: Swearing, angst, a wee bit of fluff?, Grant Ward (because he’s his own warning), mentions of violence
A/N: Happy Black Widow Day! I’ve been waiting for this movie to come for so long and unfortunately I won’t be able to watch it tonight😢. But anyways, here’s part six with a surprise character😉 (literally didn’t think of adding her until yesterday). Hope you guys enjoy! This has not been beta read at all. All mistakes are my own. The GIF is not mine, so credit goes to the original creator!
Series Masterlist
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“Skye, come on! Why the hell did you drive off to the middle of damn nowhere?”
“Just trust me.” She says calmly as she parks the car, completely ignoring my outburst in the process. “And stop complaining, Y/N/N. I know you had another fight with your dad, so I know you wanted to be out of the city.”
“Fine, ok. But what is going on? I’m guessing Ward has no idea what you’re doing.”
“You’re not serious, right? You know he hates me doing anything remotely dangerous.”
“Not that I’m against going behind your boyfriend’s back, but what did you do?” I ask my, running my fingers through my hair.
“So, you know how Ward mentioned HYDRA’s top runner, Crossbones, the other day?” I nod. “Well, I got curious. We know nothing about him, and Ward thinks he can set a trap for him. I just, I just don’t want him to get hurt when I could have done something.”
“And you know if you did this at the Bureau, he’d find out somehow and stop you. Or Gonzales would.” Now she nods. “Alright, but I’m helping you with this. I’ve got a weird feeling about the whole thing and as your partner, it’s my job to keep you safe.”
“You worry too much.” She chuckles. “Besides, I’ll practically be behind my computer screen the whole time. Nothing’s gonna happen.”
“You’re right, I guess. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop worrying though. And why are you still with Ward?” I groan dramatically, causing her to laugh.
“Oh, be nice. He’s not bad once you get to know him.”
“I don’t know. Something about his arrogance just doesn’t settle well with me.” I shrug.
“You’re being over dramatic. He’s great!”
“He better be, he is dating my best friend after all. Now let’s find the next exit, I’m hungry!”
Her laughter echoes in my head as the car moves along the highway.
I stomp through the halls on a mission. The office was empty, and disturbingly dark and stuffy for nine in the morning. If he’s not in his office there’s only one other place I could imagine him in, his bedroom.
“Please, don’t kill me for this.” I mutter to myself before taking a deep breath and throwing the door open.
My eyes scan the room and zero in on the lump underneath the covers.
“Go away, Steve.” His usually pleasant rough voice is mixed with hints of sleep and something else. I can’t help it that my inner self finds it sexy while I try to stay concerned rather than turned on.
Now’s not the time for a daydream. Focus.
The door shuts with a soft click, giving him the impression ‘Steve’ left. You aren’t that lucky today. I’m no push over! My boot clad feet thud on the wooden floor as I march straight towards the end of the bed. With one strong grip at the end of the comforter, I yank the sheets off his body before turning towards the curtain clad windows.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He screeches, trying to pull the blankets back up to cover himself from the cold air of the room. That was nothing. “Hey! What the hell is this, Rogers?” I pull the curtains open; the intense sunlight illuminates the room causing even me to briefly squint.
After successfully finding a single blanket to cover back up with, I notice the fact that Barnes had curled himself into a human ball in the middle of his mattress to block out the light.
“Oh, for fucks sake.” I groan, grabbing onto an edge piece of the fabric. “Get up, now!”
I try to yank it off him in one swift motion, again, but he’s faster than I thought. He springs up into a sitting position, latching on to the blanket I almost had off him, commencing a tug-of-war over the stupid thing. The muscles and veins in his arms flex and bulge, and in normal situations, I’d be impressed. But I’m getting irritated.
“You’re an absolute child.” I grunt as I fight with him.
“Let go, you heathen.” He counters.
At his command, I let go, causing him to fly backwards and bounce slightly on the mattress.
“Dangerous mob boss my ass.” I chide, crossing my arms as he just looks at me with disbelief.
“What do you want, Fury?” He groans, rubbing his eyes.
“Too much for you to comprehend at the moment but let’s start with this. How about you get your head out of your ass, get out of bed, and do your damn job?”
He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“You wouldn’t understand, Fury. And you’re crossing a line here. Get out.”
“It’s Maximoff to you right now. And what don’t I understand, Barnes?” I ask, ignoring his other remark.
“You have some nerve, coming here, into my room. Now get out.” He growls, tossing the blanket away, exposing me to the fact that he sleeps only in a pair of boxers. Damn, suits really don’t do his body justice, but damn does he look good in either.
“You have some nerve thinking this doesn’t concern me.” I snap back, regaining my focus, glad he didn’t catch me staring or was too annoyed to notice.
“And how,” He starts, finally standing up and slowly walking towards me, “Does this concern you?”
His muscles bulge as he crosses his arms, stopping at the foot of his massive king-sized bed. Though, there is an unsway of his body, and the shakiness that was in his hands that doesn’t evade my attention. Where I once noticed stubble, an unkept beard lies in its place. His hair looks knotted, unwashed, and greasy. Overall, he looks like an absolute train wreck.
“How does it not? Furthermore, how does it not concern you?! Barnes when did you last have a full meal, let alone showered!?” I exclaim, looking him over more closely. I can barely see the fact that he’s lost weight, but it’s there, it’s noticeable. The lack of a hot shower is more than just noticeable though.
He scoffs again.
“This is none of your business. Leave.”
“Stop being so fucking defensive with me. And this is my damn business, or have you forgotten the deal you have with my father? With Brooklyn on uneasy ground, especially after losing their last leader, you’re a target for HYDRA to attack. Not to mention the threat of the other mafia clans. And you know damn well that if my father has any idea that your alliance will cost him more than benefit him, he’ll watch you be fed to the sharks. But it just so happens that his daughter is in your territory, which gives you just a bit more wiggle room. However, if you put me in danger, he won’t just watch, he’ll feed you to the damn sharks himself!”
“I know!” He yells, walking closer to me.
“Then start acting like it.” I hiss.
“You don’t understand!” He argues, throwing his hands up in the air.
“Understand what?!”
“I can’t do this without him!”
The room falls into silence, and I stare at him, stunned.
“Okay? I can’t do this without my father. Yes, he’d been preparing me for years. But I always knew I could get advice from him or help if I needed it, once I took over. But this, all of this. I don’t know how to lead my men; I don’t know how prepare us. I don’t even have time to grieve the fact my father, not my boss, is gone forever, and I don’t know how to do this without him.” He chuckles dryly, hands on his hips. “I told you, you wouldn’t understand.” And he’s turning away from me.
“You’re wrong.” I cringe at how shaky and quiet my voice comes out.
“You’re wrong.” I repeat firmly. “To think I don’t understand.” The sting of tears forming in my eyes has me pausing to close them and take a deep breath.
When I open them again, Barnes faces me properly with a look of confusion and mild concern.
“No one knows exactly what to do in these situations. But from one ally to another, you have your training, and the people you trust to help you figure it out. And you have your friends. It might not always work the way you planned, but nothing ever really does. You aren’t the only one grieving the death of your father, the men also adored him. Keep that in mind.” I pause, watching him work through what I said to him. “But don’t you dare ever assume I don’t understand grief.” I sneer. “Or how to continue on with the weight of it constantly on my shoulders. You don’t know me. So don’t act like you do.” He gapes at me, like a fish. “Get your shit together Barnes, and get to work.”
I walk out of his room as quickly as I can, letting the door slam behind me. Two corners later and I finally let myself slump against the wall. I gasp for air I didn’t know I needed as I fight back the tears trying to escape. It’s been six months! It was just a stupid dream! Get it together!
When my breathing returns to normal, I pull out my phone. The message from the unsaved number glares at me as I ignore it, again, and type out a message to another party.
“Meet me at the shore this afternoon. More details will be given soon. Bring the info you have gathered and don’t tell the boss.”
The response is almost immediate.
“Understood. He’s getting antsy about the report...”
I groan to myself as I push off the wall. He’ll just have to wait longer.
The zippers of my backpack nearly shriek as I pull both of them together quickly. I’ve been frustrated with my more legal job before, but this is something different.
Why the fuck are they making me go to a check in with the case officer this early? A month! I’m supposed to have a month to gain traction and trust in the role they requested of me! They should know that it isn’t safe to possibly expose an undercover operative at all, why would they risk it this early on?!
I growl to myself under my breath as I lace up my boots, aggravated that they’re risking the objective of this mission. If I get made, my father will also lose the alliance, HYDRA might learn of my role in the government and go into hiding, and that’s a lot of fuck up that doesn’t need to happen. Gonzales better either know what he’s doing or have good intel for me.
I swing the backpack up on my shoulder, just as someone knocks on the door.
“Give me a second.” I call, letting the pack flop onto my bed.
I’m surprised to find Natasha on the other side of the door, waiting with her arms crossed patiently.
“Come on in.” I say before she can speak, nodding to the inside of my room.
She raises an eyebrow in suspicion but walks in anyways. She turns to face me just and the door closes.
“All I was going to say was that Barnes is requesting everyone to head to the warehouse, but I’m guessing there’s something else?”
I nod. “I got called for a check in.” I tell her with an eyebrow raised, not needing to tell her who I’m referring to.
“This soon?”
“I’m hoping to get something worth the risk for this, but my gut says otherwise.”
She hums to herself in thought as she processes.
“I can get you a cover this time.” She states sharply. “But they need to get their act together. The cover might work just enough, but there are still people in here who don’t trust you, yet.”
“They might never.” I shrug. “But I agree with your risk assessment. I’m prepared to chew out whoever it is.”
She smirks, then motions towards my door. “Get to the warehouse and leave your things here for now. I’ll make the arrangements.”
I give her a small smile before we’re both walking off in different directions.
The warehouse is packed with people, many of which I don’t recognize, all of whom are engaging in loud conversations. I begin to push my way through the crowd, though I don’t make it too far as I feel a hand grab onto my arm. When I turn towards the pull, Drax smiles at me, motioning for me to follow him. I laugh quietly to myself as people practically jump out of Drax’s way. When we stop, I spot Carol not too far away and walk over to her.
“For the record,” She says, not even looking at me. “This is odd for us too.”
“Is this everyone?” I ask, confused.
She scoffs. “No, there are still those on patrols or jobs that aren’t here. But I’m sure they’ll be brought up to speed, on whatever this is, later.”
I hum as an answer, my eyes scanning the crowd of faces, seeing who I’ll recognize. I just make out Rollins’ silhouette as the voices begin to fall silent. Barnes stands in front of the gathering on a small platform, Rogers and Wilson flank him on either side. He looked a lot better than what I saw earlier. His beard trimmed back to a five o’clock shadow, his hair washed, brushed, and tied into a small bun behind his head, and there was strength in his body showing that he was able to eat since I last saw him. If I hadn’t seen him this morning, I wouldn’t have believed anything was wrong in the first place.
Standing behind the three mafia men, I see Barton, the two Odinson brothers, and five other men and one woman that I don’t recognize. Natasha casually merges in with the group at the last second.
“Many of you have taken note of my absence recently.” Barnes starts talking, his voice booming across the warehouse, commanding everyone’s full attention. It sends a thrill down my spine that I suppress. “And I am aware of the rumors that have been spreading regarding such absence.
“I was reminded earlier today that I was as close to my father as he was with many of you, maybe just a little closer. And yes, I’ve been grieving. But that grief has not blinded me to the enemy that is still out there, just as it has not blinded you.
“The enemy that has let their guard down because HYDRA thinks it has weakened us!” Grumbles of disapproval make him pause. “But they have not weakened us! This clan, this family, is not weakened by the grief of our leader. We are angered, enraged, that they dare try to cross us.” He pauses, listening to the murmurs of agreement of his people. “They have no idea what awaits them. Since the fall of George Barnes, they’ve expected us to kneel before them, begging for mercy. But they will be the ones begging. Their days are number because we will find them, and we will bury every last one of them as we watch HYDRA burn!”
The men begin to shout out their support, the roar almost sounds deafening to my ears, but I follow their lead, yelling with them. Barnes holds up his hand, and the crowd silences.
“Get a move on. We have work to do.” The warehouse erupts in applause, shouts of affirmation, threats to HYDRA, and anything of the sort.
The men begin to clear out of the warehouse, and Carol motions for me to follow her before walking towards Barnes.
“It’s good to see you again, boss.” She tells him with a smile, one he reciprocates before glancing at me. “I was wondering if I’d be able to take new girl around for a drive. Just to show her around our territory.”
“That’ll have to wait, Danvers.” Natasha cuts in, before turning to me. “Let’s go.”
She’s walking away before Barnes or Danvers, who both share a curious glance with me, can say anything. I only slightly hesitate before hurrying after her.
“Thank you.” I mutter once we’re out of the warehouse.
“Don’t thank me, yet. The boss will have questions.”
“Hopefully it’ll be worth it. If it isn’t, I’m gonna chew out whatever unlucky soul is sent.”
“I have no doubt of that.” She replies, and I can hear a hint of a smirk in her voice.
We near one of the doors that serve as an exit to the base, and I see my backpack sitting at the bottom of it.
“Know you way around?” She asks as I swing the backpack over my shoulder.
“Well enough. It shouldn’t be too hard.” I say, shrugging.
“Good. If you do get lost, call me,” She hands me a piece of paper with a number on it. “And I’ll sent someone for you. Good luck.”
“Thanks.” I nod, folding the paper up and slipping it in the back pocket of my jeans.
She nods back, then walks away. I take a deep breath before throwing the door open and walking out in the direction of the nearest subway. When I’m a decent way away from the warehouse, I pull out my phone.
“Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 2, two hours.” I press send on the text before placing a call, one I admittedly should have done earlier.
“About damn time!” I cringe at the tone in his voice but carry on as if I didn’t piss him off.
“I thought I wouldn’t have any contact with the Family. But everything’s going well. There was a slight issue, but I handled it and everything’s back to the way it should be.” I say over the noise of the street traffic.
“What issue? And why are you calling in public?”
“I was called in.” I grumble into the phone.
“Yes, but I swear if this is a waste of time, whoever I’m meeting is getting an earful.”
“I’d be concerned if they didn’t. But what issue?”
“It’s been fixed, it doesn’t matter, but I need a copy of the contract.” I state firmly, hopefully distracting him from the other thing.
“Y/N, you know-”
“Father!” I take a breath, so I don’t start arguing with him in public. “I need that copy. If I’m going to be doing this, I need to know every single condition, and every term.”
The other end of the line is silent, and I know he’s thinking things over.
“Alright. But in turn, when I ask for an update, you give me one that fucking day. Understood?”
“Yes.” I mumble, hating feeling like a scolded child.
“I’m getting on the subway, I have to go.”
“I expect an update tomorrow.”
“Yes sir.” I hang up the phone and let out a deep sigh before walking down the stairs.
As the subway approaches, my phone chimes and I glance at the text.
“Understood. I’ll see you there.”
The meeting place my case officer chose, a quaint little coffee shop, is two blocks away from my stop. The amount of people on the sidewalks has me wishing for my bike as I squeeze in between people, and there are several times I wished to shove the slow walkers out of my way when I couldn’t pass. Honestly being stuck in traffic was a bit more enjoyable to being stuck behind of group of gossiping women.
I come up to the corner of the street, where the shop is located, and spot its cute little sign. As I cross the street, I happen to take a glance in the window and immediately find a face I recognize.
“You got to be shitting me.” I growl to myself.
The door chimes as I walk through, and I head towards the table.
“Fancy seeing you here.” I grumble as I take a seat, using the heel of my boot to put pressure on the toes of his foot.
“Right, well,” He coughs, covering up a wince as he pulls his foot away from mine. I smirk to myself. “Considering I called for this, I’m not really surprised.”
“Ward, you son of a bitch.” I hiss, quiet enough not to draw attention, as I kick his shin sharply. “You’re an idiot. You better have a good reason for doing this Grant.”
He visibly winces and adjusts himself before clearing his throat to address me.
“As your case officer, I don’t need to explain this to you.”
“You do when you compromise my position. This was way too early!” I hiss before clearing my throat, remember not to cause a scene. “Do you have information for me or not?”
“We’ll get to that in a second. Look, if Skye was still alive, she’d want-”
“Yeah, well she’s not here. How does your new girlfriend, what was it, Kara, feel about you still being hung up on your dead ex?”
“Do not bring her into this.” He hisses, before straightening up and burying any hint of annoyance until there is barely any emotion visible on his face. I hate when he does this, it unnerves me how easy it is for him each time. “Here.” He states before putting a thin file on the table for me to grab. “This is everything that we’ve been able to find out about them recently.”
I swipe it off the tabletop and gently toss it into my backpack, without opening the folder.
“Hopefully, I don’t see you again anytime soon. This better not become a regular thing with you.” I mumble before getting up and ordering a cup of coffee to-go.
As I walk out of the store, I almost bump into a blonde woman that was on her phone. Luckily for both of us, the coffee didn’t spill. After a few seconds of hurried apologies, and foreign curse words on her end, I hurry to the station, hoping I won’t have to wait that long for my ride.
When I get to the park, I decide to wander around for a little bit. It feels good to be out in fresh air inside of being inside a building for the entire day. The clouds look fluffy and soft, the breeze is cool on my face, and the sun feels just warm enough to enjoy without sweating to death. I stop once I get to Pier 2 and just find myself leaning on the railing of the pier, looking out onto the river and the skyscrapers on the other side.
While I wait, I decide to enter Natasha’s number into my phone, then letting the piece of paper fall into the water of the river, the safest way to dispose of it. After I can no longer see the white of the paper, I return my gaze to my father’s city.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you like this.”
“Like what?” I ask, looking towards the voice.
“Content. Happy, even just a little bit.” She says with a small smile while moving to stand beside me.
“It’s the little things like this that make me happy, May. It helps me forget about the mess that is my life, even just for a few minutes.”
She hums and we just stand in silence for a moment.
“What have you been able to find?” I ask, breaking the silence and going into business mode.
“Not much. I doubt it’ll be much help to you.”
“A little may be what I need. I still have some of her research. At this point I just need anything on him.”
“Having nightmares about her again?” She asks, concerned.
It causes me to smile, even just a little bit. Sure, my father hired her, but she has always remained loyal to me, more so than to the family. Though, I have no doubt that if she had any concern about me, she’d go talk to my father.
“More like memories. Still, they leave me feeling restless because I haven’t been able to find a lead on this guy. Skye was getting close, I know that. Which is the only explanation as to why she was killed.”
She hums again. “Still not planning on telling your father?”
I scoff. “After he basically called me paranoid for looking into Ward? No. If he finds out I haven’t let this go like he thinks, he’s going to ask questions. Questions I’m not ready to answer. Not only that, but if he finds out I contacted you while on assignment, I’d get my head chewed off. I’m technically not even allowed to contact him, yet here we all are.”
She nods with a slight chuckle, then pulls a file out from underneath her jacket and hands it to me.
“I’ll keep checking in with my contacts on the street to see if anything new about him surfaces, but until then, this is all I have.”
I stare at the closed file for a moment, before sliding that into my backpack as well.
“Thank you again, May.” She smiles briefly before nodding.
“You should get out of here, before anyone questions why you’ve been gone for a while.” I nod and push away from the railing. “Oh, and Y/N?” I turn back around. “Stay safe.”
“You too, May.” I call back, walking away.
A flash of blonde hair in the corner of my eye has me pause for a second, but when I see nothing, I shrug to myself and keep going. It must have been in my head.
The door to my room shuts and I feel my body sag from the exhaustion of the day. I let my backpack slip to the ground with a soft thud and shuffle towards my bed. When my back meets the cool sheets of the mattress, a deep sigh escapes my lips and I close my eyes, finally enjoying a bit of rest. But, there’s a knock at my door that has me groaning loudly.
“Of course.” I grumble under my breath.
When I open the door, I’m very surprised to find Thor standing on the other side with a slight scowl on his face.
“Follow me.”
I do so, hesitantly, letting the door slowly click shut before catching up to him. The walk is silent, and for some reason, I feel uneasy for the first time since I walked in here. He leads me through the halls, and I find myself recognizing where we are going. James Barnes’ office.
Thor opens the door and motions for me to step inside, and I do, trying to maintain a façade of confidence. And I’m grateful for it, because the glare Barnes wears as he watches me enter almost has me reeling backwards. He sits behind his desk, looking regal, deadly, and in charge. No trace of friendliness shows on his face.
What really throws me for a loop is the petite redhead curled on his lap, her well-manicured nails raking through his hair in almost a possessive manner. The sight makes something churn uncomfortably in my stomach, and by the smirk on her face, she knows it too.
I look away from her, finding Rogers and Wilson in their places behind Barnes, leaning against the wall. Natasha stands off to the right, near the only window in the office.
“Dot, leave.” He says stiffly, not removing his gaze from mine.
“But Bucky Boo-”
“Now.” He growls, ignoring her high-shrieked protest. This is the infamous Barnes I’ve heard about on the streets.
She huffs in irritation, untangling herself from Barnes’ lap and starts stomping out of the room like a child throwing a small tantrum. She brushes past me, giving me the death glare on her way. I simply raise an eyebrow at her retreating form until the door shuts behind her.
“Lovely person, Bucky Boo.” I mutter under my breath, turning back around. “I haven’t looked at the information I was given, yet. I only just got back to the compound.” I say to Barnes, assuming that’s what got him so miffed.
“How was the meeting?” He asks, completely ignoring my remark, irritation still evident.
“I wanted to shove Ward’s head through the window only a few times. So, fairly well, I guess. Still pissed off he’s assigned as my case officer though.” I shrug still not seeing the point of this.
I see Barnes’ eye twitch and hear the soft click of the door closing. I turn around to see the blonde that I almost walked into on the sidewalk from earlier, and everything falls into place. With a click of my tongue in understanding, I turn back around towards Barnes.
“You had me followed.” I state.
“Yelena Belova, Nat’s sister, was sent to keep an eye on you. Make sure you stayed safe.”
“Hmmm. Interesting.” I hum towards the ground, frustrated that I didn’t see that coming earlier, as my hands find purchase on my hips, my nails digging into the fabric of my shirt.
“Imagine my surprise when I got a message saying you weren’t on your way back after the drop off, but was going to meet someone else.”
“Yeah, and I’m not telling you why.” I fire back stubbornly, my hands still on my waist.
Barnes blinks rapidly, shocked, because I didn’t deny it, that I said no to him so easily, or maybe because of something else completely. Whatever the reason, he recovers quickly. A scowl now twisting up his features.
“We had a deal with your f-”
“I’m not the one that needs reminder of that deal, it seems.” I snap. “What I did today, was for reasons you aren’t entitled to.” His scowl deepens. “Now, I could give you some information about it. If you were to tell me something in return.”
“And what’s that?” He growls, but willing to play my game.
“The last crate I picked up on my assignment.” Recognition dances over his eyes. “Yeah, it’s about that. Tell me what was in there because I know for a fact it wasn’t the shit on the manifest. That was just a cover. You tell me what the shipment was, and I’ll tell you what I was given.”
He clenches his jaw, but doesn’t say a word. I wait for a moment before nodding, more to myself than him.
“You’ll get the info the Bureau sent me, once I make sure it’s actually useful.”
I turn and exit the office quickly, no one saying a word to me before the door closes. My nails dig into my palms as I stomp back to my room, pissed off at the day I’ve had. My door slams shut, and I begin pacing the floor of my room. Anger flows through my veins like a fire that can’t be stopped. I had at least thought I was gaining some ground with Barnes and even some of the others, but apparently not. The only reason he let me go free is because of that stupid deal.
One thing’s certain after tonight, though. James Barnes is not to be trusted.
 Part 7
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sorikkung · 3 years
encanto | vampire!minho x gn!reader
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word count: 1.2k (bulletpoint drabble)
pairings: skz minho x gn!reader, lightly implied minsung
warnings: obv theres gonna be mentions of blood but its not that graphic tbh. brief mentions of drinking as well.
a/n: this is just an old drabble i found lying around while clearing out my docs i thought id share but it rly is just a drabble. enjoy anyway tho
ok SO… there was this club w a bit of a reputation
sounds like a good time but the giant sign where the “PAN” and “IUM” were faulty and flashing on and off was… ominous
in fact, ominous was the perfect word to describe the feel of the club
but something about it was alluring, at least just for one night to check out
besides, creepy vibes aside, they played some cool tunes that still went hard without being the same remixed pop edm song for 3 hours so it seemed like a good time
you went with a few of your friends but they all got lost in the commotion way too quickly after a little bit of drinking
usually you’d be annoyed, but it wasn’t so bad when you caught eyes with a handsome stranger across the room, how cliche
and predictably enough, soon he’d slid into the barstool next to you, offering to pay for your drink
you noticed he didn’t have one though
“shouldn’t you buy yourself a drink first?”
a smirk spread across his gorgeous features,
“i’ll get my drink later tonight.”
strange, but maybe he just wasn’t much of a drinker?
you didn’t think much of it, accepting the offer for your drink so you could flirt with this mysterious man a little more
He introduced himself as minho, and you two talked up a storm, full of cheeky winks, flirty comments, cause boy was he charming
he just had this aura about him that was almost… hypnotising
you were reciting your digits before you could even mentally process the intent of his comment
you’re not sure when you left the bar, but all you know now is being pressed up against the wall of a more secluded, darker corridor, and he’s kissing up your neck
you can just feel the smirk against your skin, that same attractive smirk that hadn’t seemed to leave his face all night
you think he’s going to kiss up till he eventually reaches your lips, but suddenly, you feel a sharp pain in the side of your neck
just before you can make any noise of pain, the piercing feeling is all gone, and the euphoric feeling that follows hits you like a tidal wave
your vision grows hazy, the beats of the club fade down, and you can’t help but pull minho closer, tangling a hand in his hair and wrapping a leg around his torso
your mind is completely blank; just white noise, lost in whatever it was, but you have no idea how much time passes before you’ve regained your senses
once you do, you’re outside the club, and minho’s smiling at you with his mouth shut, his eyes sparkling with childlike innocence
“are you okay? do you want me to walk you home? it gets dangerous being out alone this late.”
you blink to yourself a few times, trying to fill in the blanks, but it’s all a little hazy. you have the memories of leaving the club, but it just doesn’t feel… real. almost like a dream.
you briefly wonder if he put something in his drink, but you could feel yourself fine, you weren’t limp or weak - heck, you could feel alright, it was almost the opposite of a date rape drug
all your senses felt heightened, and minho was like a magnet
just him standing there was overwhelming but you were so drawn to him. you wanted to know him more
you accept his offer, wordlessly nodding in confirmation while you tried to set your mind straight again
surprisingly, he doesn’t overstay his welcome once he reaches your house, he simply bids you farewell - who even says farewell in this day and age?
minho, apparently
still a little light headed, you decide to think about it when you’re no longer intoxicated, going to sleep and sleeping in till noon the next day.
even in the morning, all the memories are hazy. and you can’t even blame the alcohol, you weren’t even the least bit hungover.
what…. happened last night?
you wrack your brain as hard as you can but it still all felt like a dream, even more so now that you’ve slept
but the unexplainable lure to minho remains, and you can’t help but text him
“you going back to the pandemonium tonight?”
trying to sound a little less desperate, you do a quick check before adding,
“heard there was a cool live gig there tonight. 3racha or something…”
his response comes not long after,
“sure thing angel. i’ll see you there.”
you were more excited about it than you’d like to admit.
the following night at the club was no different to the previous one; you woke up the next day with no explanations and no memories that felt real
although, it felt just the slightest bit more real than the first time, considering you knew what was coming
you waited till the following week to go again, trying to have idle conversation with minho over text
but he didn’t seem like a keen texter
his replies were always short, and they didn’t sound like a direct conversation ender, it wasn’t cold
yet, as soon as the conversation starts getting anywhere, he leaves you on read
the next time you go to the club, minho’s waiting for you, and he greets you with a charming smile
it’s almost like groundhog day, because its happening all over again
as soon as his face goes anywhere near your neck, it’s like you’re hyperaware of every sensation, until the haze takes you away again
but no, you were really wanting answers, so you stopped him this time.
you try to block his mouth with your hand, only for the same sharp pain followed by the haze, only, this time, it stops.
it stops and you’re not outside the club, minho is still in front of you and gazing at you with a mildly horrified and almost shocked expression
you lock eyes with him, then looked down at your hand
on the side of your index finger were two dots, and there were smears of red around them
he’s frozen, not knowing how to react, and you could almost swear theres something poking out from under his top lip
you daringly move your hand forward to gently grab his chin, pressing his upper lip with your thumb
the slight shift reveals two pointed canines, stained scarlet
you’re still light headed, but you’re sure the sudden blur and gust in front of you followed by the absence of minho was real
minho was… a vampire?
but surely… surely vampires couldn’t be real, right?
plus, you’re still alive, what’s with that…
you go home and realise minho has blocked your number
just like that, off with the wind, like he was never there in the first place
you asked around in confusion, but nobody knew of minho, or had seen minho, and soon enough….
...neither did you.
it had been a few months, and you found a new but strangely familiar club you wanted to try,
although the half flashing light made it a little uneasy, the place had good songs, so what was there to lose?
you caught eyes with a mysterious stranger on the other side of the club. he had an orange-haired boy in his gasp, tugging him by his hand to a more secluded place
you don’t remember ever seeing this man before, but the way he smirks at you makes you feel like you should know him
but then he disappears down the corridor, and no matter how hard you think, there was only one word you could remember.
encanto, encanto...
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myherowritings · 5 years
All That Ass
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— One night at the gym, you see a handsome guy with so much ass, you take a picture on the sly and send it to your number neighbor, Bakugou, to freak out over. But what you don’t expect is for him to reply with a picture of you from the same gym.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader word count: 1,876 genre: number neighbor au!!, fluff
a/n: this is a bonus “what if” scenario based on these asks i received about baku and y/n meeting at the gym while he’s doing leg/butt day LOLOL,, just to be clear, this isn’t a canon part of the nn-verse! it’s just a hypothetical oneshot answering the question “what if they had met this way” AND I THINK IT’S SUPER CUTE!! i hope you enjoy and pls lmk what you think !! xx
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“So… Does anyone want to go to the gym with me?” you asked cheerfully, sending a pointed look Shinsou’s way.
You knew Midoriya had already gone this morning (though, if you asked, there was no doubt in your mind he would go again), and Todoroki had just come back from swimming laps at the pool, so your roommate, Shinsou, was your best bet.
Too bad said roommate would rather stay home and play outdated games than workout with you. 
When he didn’t reply for a solid five minutes, you poked him on the bicep-- How he actually had muscles considering how lazy he was would undoubtedly remain the world’s biggest mystery. 
“Hello? Earth to Shinsou?”
He slowly tore his gaze away from the television, looking up at you from his seat on the couch. “Did you say something?”
Giving him your best smile while fluttering your lashes, you sang, “Does the best roomie in the world want to go to the gym with me?”
“No.” Shinsou hardly blinked. 
Your mouth formed a small ‘o’. “Wha--? That’s it? You’re not even going to give an excuse?”
“Nope. Just go by yourself,” he dismissed. “You always talk about how you’re a ‘strong, independent woman’, correct?” 
You scratched the back of your neck-- A habit you picked up from him over the years. “Well, yes…”
“And strong, independent women should be able to go to the gym by themselves, right? 
The only way you could respond was with an incredulous nod. 
“Glad we could agree,” said Shinsou with a wry smile. “Have fun at the gym, then!”
“I… Thank you…?”
And with a slightly confused expression you grabbed your keys and duffle bag and walked out of the door to the recreation center near your apartment, vaguely hearing Shinsou chuckling in the background.
It wasn't until you felt the chilling breeze of the outdoors that you snapped out of your trance. 
“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath. How was he always so persuasive? Sure, at times you could be the slightest bit gullible, but regardless, his skills were almost inhuman.
You huffed, shaking your head as you entered the reception area of the gym. After showing the workers your membership and brushing your hair out of your face, you headed upstairs to do some cardio. 
“Excuse me, are you done with the StairMaster?” you asked the blond-haired guy wiping down the only open machine. 
A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face to his neck and you had to avert your gaze before he could catch you gawking. 
“Just finished,” he said, his voice a gruff timbre that was surprisingly pleasant to the ear. He finished wiping down the handles and nodded your way. “Go for it.” 
You beamed, setting your water bottle and phone on the machine to get situated. “Thank you so much!” 
He huffed. “Yeah, whatever.” 
That wasn’t exactly a warm ‘you’re welcome’, but you shrugged it off with a small smile, stepping on the stairs and starting a light warmup. 
You placed your earphones in and played some music to set the mood, ready to work up a sweat. Cardio was a pain, but it was worth it if it meant having a nice butt. (As well as making your heart stronger and increasing your lung capacity, you supposed, but those were mere seconds to the booty gains.) 
As you upped the speed and got into the swing of things, you felt your eyes wandering around the room to your favorite part of the gym-- The squat and deadlift area. You noticed a handful of people were littered among the equipment and after your short inspection, you hummed to yourself.
Yup, things were definitely looking good there.
Absentmindedly, you saw your screen light up out of the corner of your eye and you unlocked your phone, briefly checking your messages. Or rather, checking for a certain message from a certain someone.
Still no reply? you sighed, placing your phone back on the StairMaster and trying to distract yourself by looking back at the students doing some leg exercises.
Almost instantaneously, your eyes were drawn to the blond who was using the cardio stairs just before you came. 
StairMaster plus squatting what was easily 75 kilograms within ten minutes? You had to stop yourself from practically swooning on the spot. That was some serious gluteal strength he must’ve had.
He was finishing up his current rep of back squats, cheeks flushed pink and hair sticking to the sides of his face with sweat. Not only did he look unfairly handsome, but he had a hot body as well. 
His arms were toned with a nice amount of muscles on his biceps and triceps--oh, goodness, his triceps were really something else--and he had impeccable posture as he squatted. (Not that his posture was the first thing you noticed about his squat, of course.)
You were staring so intently at this beautiful specimen of a man that he himself noticed, pausing briefly to try to find the source of the laser beams he felt on his behind. Before he could catch you gawking, however, you tore your gaze away and grabbed your phone, trying to pretend you were on it this whole time. 
When he looked away, you sighed in relief, opening your camera app and peering at him through the screen.
You weren’t sure why, but you had a gut feeling your number neighbor, Bakugou, would’ve loved to share this beautiful sight with you. He seemed to be having a bad day and you figured a nice booty would be just the thing to cheer him up. So, really, you only wanted to take a picture of the hot gym guy out of the kindness of your own heart. 
After snapping the photo, you sent a quick series of texts freaking out to your ‘bakubestie’ along with an attachment of the image of the blond guy’s backside.
Y/N: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Y/N: i’m at the gym and this hot (albeit a lil bit of a grumpy grump :/) guy is here and woW
Y/N: like i’m just trying to work out in peace but his ass is all “hi there (       )(       ) how are you (       )(       )” AND I FEEL SO ATTACKED,, how is one person allowed to have all that ass? save some for the rest of us pls bro
After getting a good percentage of your thoughts and thirst out, you let out a sigh of liberation, upping the intensity of the StairMaster to further get your jitters out.
As you continued scrolling through your phone to check for texts from your roommates, you heard a bark of incredulous laughter from the other side of the room. You distractedly looked up, but after seeing nothing out of the ordinary other than the hot guy grinning at his phone, you shrugged and placed your cell down to get back to your workout.
The intense climbing only lasted for about three minutes before you got a text message from Bakugou (which you knew only because his text tone was ‘It’s so fluffy!’ from Despicable Me while everyone else’s was the default chime). A bright smile made its way to your face as you lowered the speed once again, taking a drink from your water bottle to cool down before eagerly glancing at your screen. 
bakubestie: *Attachment: 1 Image*
Curiously, you took a look at the picture Bakugou sent. It was one of someone in the gym that looked quite similar to the one you were in, wearing the same workout clothes you were currently wearing… In fact, it looked like the photo was taken just now from inside the room, right next to the squatting area… 
bakubestie: Too much ass, huh? I could say the same about you
You blinked, taking a few moments to process just what exactly was happening before you yelped in surprise. “What the--?!” 
Your face fumed, head snapping up from your phone so fast you lost your balance and tripped on the incoming stair of the machine. Losing footing, you barely had time to let out a brief, “Oh, shit!” before falling down the StairMaster and onto your butt on the hard floor. 
There was a moment of silence before a booming laughter was heard from the opposite side of the room, and a mixture of dread and excitement filled your stomach.
Dread because if your suspicions were correct, the guy from the gym you were thirsting over to your number neighbor was your number neighbor. And excitement because--hello--you were finally going to meet your number neighbor! (That was, of course, if he didn’t run out of the gym at the very moment.) You were so excited that you couldn’t even dwell on the utter embarrassment any normal person would probably be feeling.
The scuffling of footsteps moved closer as you rubbed the side of your hip that landed on the ground. 
“Tch,” you heard from above you. You looked up to see an amused expression on the blond gym guy’s face as he extended a hand out to you and checked for any injuries. “You really are a dumbass.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at his all too familiar tone, and you winked cheekily at him while accepting his hand and standing upright. “And you really have a nice ass.” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he fought off the blush on his face, your compliment catching him off guard. “Okay, well-- Now I know for sure it is you.”
With an excited grin, you jumped up and down on the balls of your feet. You were filled with nerves and butterflies and you wanted nothing more than to tackle your number neighbor into the biggest hug you could muster.
“You are okay though, right?” he asked, the smallest hint of worry in his features. 
The little crinkle between his brows was so adorable that you just couldn’t help yourself. Your grin widened even more and your face began to hurt from smiling so much. You were certain you looked like a fool, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could second guess yourself, you stood on your tiptoes and threw your arms around his neck to tackle him into a proper bear hug. Bakugou was still a bit sweaty and warm from working out--and you most definitely you weren’t looking any better yourself--but that didn’t change the fact that he felt cozy and safe and smelled faintly like your favorite caramel treat at the candy store. 
“Yes. I’m better than okay,” you murmured into his shoulder. “It’s nice to meet you, bestie.” 
Bakugou froze in shock before letting out a breathy chuckle, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist as you shifted so your head rested against his chest. His hand lingered on the small of your back as he peer down at you with what looked like a smile of his own and you wished you could capture that moment in a frame and relive it forever.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” 
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anxi-aashi · 4 years
rocks and riches (pt 1)
zuko x reader
Pt 2 / Pt 3 / Pt 4 / Pt 5
words: 4k
warnings: I curse. I believe Toph has the right to say fuck
summary: you are a student at the Beifong Metalbending Academy and while you admire Toph, she lowkey scares you. But that’s ok because her friends are hot and why on earth did she never mention she was friends with the actual goddamn firelord?!
a/n: I feel like this is going to end up being friends to lovers. I'm like 80% sure about that. anyways here’s my self-indulging clusterfuck I hope its enjoyable to read cause I honestly had fun writing it! idk when pt 2 is gonna come out but it'll happen eventually. I tried to make this gender neutral but honestly I can’t tell if it worked so if I fucked something up somewhere just let me know lol. enjoy!
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You met Toph Beifong for the first time after having an identity crisis.
It was hot as balls that day and you were being forced to sit in a circle with the rest of the members of a club your mom had made you join. She was under the impression that you didn’t have enough friends and though, you admit, the number wasn’t big, you were perfectly fine with it remaining that way. Nonetheless, to shut her up, you attended the meeting for Rock Candy Club.
It was honestly going fine until the president (who was unironically dressed as King Bumi of Omashu) suggested that all new members introduce themselves, giving their names, along with three facts about who they were. This was when your heart immediately went into cardiac arrest.
Palms sweating, heart pounding, you were scrambling to think of three facts for you to say since everything you knew about your identity had chosen to vacate your mind at that moment when a sharp pain struck you in the back of the head.
Confused, you’d twisted your body to investigate, only to find a small girl squaring up at your circle. She then proceeded to walk straight towards you, whip out her arm to point uncomfortably close to your face, announce to the whole group, “I’m borrowing her,” and then walk away with more confidence than you had ever witnessed in your entire life.
Of course, you had no clue what had just happened, but you didn’t want to introduce yourself to the Rock Candy Club either, so you got up and followed her.
When you’d both reached a good distance away from the circle, she turned on her heel and stared at you. Or rather at your chin. You didn’t really know what to do--this was probably the weirdest encounter you’d ever had with another human. You looked around awkwardly, trying to think of something to break the silence, and briefly noticed a band of metallic rock wrapped around her bicep. However, before you could muster the courage to ask about it, she beat you to the punch. “What’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” you replied, warily.
“Hm,” her brows furrowed a bit. “Ever heard of metalbending?”
You got the shit kicked out of you multiple times during your first week at the Beifong Metalbending Academy, which taught you pretty quickly to pick up your own slack. Whenever you weren’t in class with Toph yelling at all of you to fix your stances, you were practicing, and whenever you weren’t practicing, you were in class trying not to get yelled at. You worked your ass off, driven by the sheer fear of getting it handed to you in front of the entire class, and soon, you noticed that you’d actually surpassed everyone by just the tiniest bit. A minor accident, but not one you couldn’t profit from.
But, due to all your practicing, this meant you had exactly one friend. You were more acquaintances with them, really, but it was at least someone to share judgmental looks with whenever someone did something particularly stupid. 
Several months into your metalbending training, one of these moments occurred.
Riku was one of Toph’s protegees that for some reason or another seemed to find you attractive. Under any other circumstances, you would have been flattered, but Riku was a douchebag and had been bugging you for about as long as you had been at the Academy. Normally, you’d just kept your responses to his flirting attempts short and as un-conversational as possible, trying to show through your lack of engagement with him that you weren’t interested, but since you barely spoke to anyone in the Academy, it just came off as you talking to him like anybody else. Your introverted-ness had really come to bite you in the rear. 
Riku was slowly getting more annoying with every day, until one, when you finally decided you’d had enough. 
Toph had been gone for the day, saying she had business to attend to and for us “lily livers” to keep up with our forms and get some repetitions in. She said she would be back in the afternoon, and said the only rule she would put in place while she was gone was to “not screw anything up.” 
On this day, Riku tried again, and instead of your normal clipped response, you told him “Riku, I’m sorry, but I’m not really interested in you in that way.” You wanted to be polite about it and not make a scene. 
Riku took offense. “What do you mean? You don’t like me?”
“Sorry, not in that way, no.”
He took even more offense to that. He scoffed and said with the utmost confidence, “You sure you don’t want to think about it? You should be lucky I’m even trying to ask you out. You’re not exactly the nicest-looking person here.”
You tilted your head and stared at him. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah. Try smiling more. Maybe you’d look prettier.”
You stared at him longer, eyes narrowed, both trying to intimidate him and figure out your next course of action. It didn’t take long before you decided you didn’t care about making a scene anymore.
You stood up, walked over to a bin of metal coins used for practice and melded a handful together, then walked back to Riku and slapped it over his mouth, shaping it into a smile. “Like that?” you said.
The entire room went silent. Riku rapidly breathed through his nose, his voice reduced to muffled groans, trying to comprehend what had happened. He reached his hands up and tried to rip the metal mouth off, but you just clenched your fist and kept it there. After multiple failed attempts to remove it, Riku huffed and glared at you. Before you knew it, a chunk of rock was flying at your chest, and you knew right then and there, that it was your sole duty on behalf of everyone at the Academy to beat him the fuck up.
Narrowly dodging the earth, you slid your foot back and bent the chest of coins to you, where you stuck your hands in, bringing them out with a shield of metal wrapped around them in time to land a punch to Riku’s chest.
The air was audibly knocked out of him as he slid across the room. You shirked the metal gloves and moved to bend a spear to wrap around him, but he got to it faster, hastily ripping the metal smile off his face and knocking off the sharp end of the spear, sending it flying towards you.
The rest of the Academy was yelling and cheering for their favored fighter all while trying to dodge wayward rock and metal. You tried to ignore the jeering and took control of the spear, flinging it away and sending it flying through one of the front windows. 
Returning your attention to Riku, you were greeted with a wall of rock hurtling towards you. With not much time to think, you held out your arms and took a stance, breaking clean through the barrier, and without thinking, quickly moved into a secondary pose that sucked Riku’s legs into the floor and out of his own stance, completely caught off guard enough for you to clamp two slabs of rock on either side of him, preventing him from bending any further.
You panted slightly, satisfied as Riku struggled and failed to worm his way out of your trap. Some of your peers cheered, some tried to help Riku, but everyone froze when they heard the growl.
The low growl of a beast that no one had any clue about until one of the more seasoned students, Penga, put it together. “Bison!” she exclaimed. Then, with a little more emphasis when no one understood, ”Sifu Toph!”
Realization dawned on everyone’s faces what that meant and you realized you were all screwed. You released Riku from his imprisonment and hurriedly began repairing the floor. Everyone flew about; accessories were quickly righted and fixed to the best of their ability, as everyone scrambled to cover the evidence of the fight that had just occurred. 
The earth rumbled as the sky bison landed and the Beifong Metalbending Academy rushed out the doors and down the stairs built into the hill to line up for Toph.
You were the last one out the door and the last one in line as one by one, a group of teenagers hopped off the bison, amongst them, Toph. 
Your heart was beating unbearably fast, as was everyone else’s, you suspected, but no amount of panic could’ve ever kept you from noticing him.
With shaggy black hair and an angry scar covering his left eye, he wore the red and black colors of the Fire Nation and a neutral bordering-on-impressed look on his face.
It almost wasn’t fair how good-looking he was, but your time to ogle him was cut short as Toph had taken notice of the Academy’s line up.
“What’s going on,” she deadpanned. 
 A beat of silence punctuated her statement before someone piped up, “What do you mean?”
“You guys have never lined up to greet me. Ever.” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Her friends behind her glanced awkwardly at all of you, trying to assess the situation. “So what’s going on.”
“We missed you!” Someone said with a little too much gusto. You kept your stare pointedly at the ground until a glint in a nearby bush caught your eyes.
The blunted spear from the fight.
You pursed your lips in panic and a string of curse words floated around in your brain on a loop. Chancing a glance at Toph, you saw she was still occupied with the rest of the Academy.
“Yeah, so let me ask again. What. Are you lily-livers. Hiding.”
You took a shaky breath and began to move your hand, beginning your attempt to shove the spear further into the bush. Before you could even start to move the spear though, you felt eyes trained on you. 
Fearing the all-knowing, yet blind, stare of your metalbending teacher, you tensed slightly and glanced back at Toph, only to find her still trying to wrestle information out of some of her weaker-willed students.
“Nothing! Everything was great!” 
“... Okay, on top of that comment being suspicious as fuck, all of your hearts are beating faster than an eel hound moves on a good day, so someone better spill, and they better spill fast!”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, having fully expected to find her staring you down. Relaxing a little bit, your eyes trailed over to your preferred spot of dirt, meaning to skim quickly past the Fire Nation boy, only to find his eyes already on you. He looked away as soon as you met his gaze, but if his slow reaction hadn’t already given him up, the slight blush creeping to his cheeks would have done the trick.
As if you weren’t already confused enough, that interaction made your mind do a double-take. You were just about to turn your attention back to the spear when Toph’s brash voice interrupted your focus. “Sparky! Why is your heart beating so fast? We’ve been flying all day!”
The blush on the Fire Nation boy’s face grew as he stammered, caught off guard. “Uhhmm--”
“Hold on! What is that?” Toph cut him off, apparently not caring about the answer after all, snapping out her arm and summoning the spear right into her hand.
Fuck, was the only word circulating through your head as she gripped the useless weapon. The entire field was silent. Toph slowly turned to the Academy.
“Penga...” she started.
“(Y/N)andRikugotinafight!” Penga blurted.
“A-HA! I knew you lily-livers were hiding something!” Toph paused. “Wait. (Y/N) and Riku?”
“Yes!” Penga squeaked.
Toph turned her body in your direction and all eyes fell on you.
This was your worst nightmare.
You swallowed and looked anywhere but at the people currently staring you down.
Then Toph asked, “Who won?”
Your head whipped to her, and you blinked. You thought back to Riku sunk in the ground thigh-deep, rock encasing him on either side and glanced at him standing at the other end of the line.
He looked back at you, then at Toph, and opened his mouth to probably say something idiotic like the last time he spoke before someone else beat him to it with a nervous, “(Y/N)!” 
Toph raised an eyebrow. “Really?” A smirk crept onto her face. “Hm. Interesting. Alright, everyone, you’re dismissed! Go finish fixing whatever you screwed up. And fix it good! I want to see some quality bending.”
You let out a breath and began towards the stairs with everyone else until Toph spoke again. “Not you, (Y/N).”
So close. You took a deep breath and turned back around, reluctantly walking towards the group. 
You reached them and bowed to Toph, trying to cover up any lingering embarrassment. “Yes, Sifu?” you asked. 
She waved a hand dismissively. “I want to introduce you to my friends. This is Twinkle Toes, Sweetness, Snoozles, and Sparky.”
“But you can call us Aang, Katara, Sokka, and...” The boy with the airbender tattoos who called himself Aang gestured amongst them and paused at the Fire Nation boy for a moment. “... Fire…?” his voice wavered.
“--Zuko.” The Fire Nation boy answered quickly. “Zuko’s fine.”
You raised an eyebrow. You were about ninety-nine percent sure that you’d heard the Fire Lord’s name was Zuko somewhere, but you remembered his cute blush earlier and kind of wanted to mess with him a little. “Your name is Fire Zuko?”
His face went red. It seemed to do that a lot. “No. Just Zuko,” he grumbled.
You smiled a little at his painfully clear attempt at brooding and heard snickering come from Toph and most obviously from Sokka.
“I think we’re gonna be gooooood friends!” Sokka drawled, eliciting a small groan from Zuko. “So tell me, (Y/N),” Sokka continued, ignoring his friend’s malcontent, “Ever tried to make a boomerang with metalbending?”
Toph’s friends had stayed for a little bit that afternoon for a tour of the Academy while everyone else went back to training. Sokka spent a good chunk of your walk back to the school talking your ear off about possible metalbending techniques--not that you minded. Some of them were actually pretty interesting (and you may or may not have attempted some of them later that night).
You saw glimpses of Zuko every now and then while you trained as Toph led them through various rooms of the building. You never caught him looking at you again, but then again, you were trying your best to keep from getting distracted from training. And Zuko was a very good distraction.
You still hadn’t figured out why Toph introduced you to them, though.
The next day was much less eventful, fortunately. Toph seemed to be in a slightly better mood with her friends around, so there was about two percent less yelling directed at the Academy.
You went about your business, and when the lunch break came around, you stepped outside to find a rock to sit on in peace.
The peace didn’t last very long.
You were sprawled out on the rock staring at the clouds with no thoughts, your head absolutely empty, when a twig snapped off to your left just below your rock. Without hesitation, you slammed your hand down on the boulder, shooting a small chunk towards the sound. An outraged “Ow!” told you you’d hit your mark, but it was the voice in particular that had you sitting upright in a heartbeat. 
You stared wide-eyed at Zuko as he held a spot on his head and glared up at you questioningly. “What was that for?” he rasped.
You slapped your hands over your mouth and blurted out, “I’m so sorry!” You moved to face him up on your rock, dangling your legs over an edge. “I didn’t know it was you! I thought you were Riku or something!”
“I didn’t even know you were up there!”
“I said I was sorry!” you defended. 
His response was merely a grumbling of words you couldn’t understand from where you were. You chewed the inside of your cheek and tried to think of a decent way to start the conversation over. “Well,” you began, looking anywhere but directly at him, “I know why I’m out here, but… what are you doing out here? Aren’t all your friends inside?”
Zuko sighed and dropped his hand from his head. “They are. I decided I wanted to take a walk and see the rest of the grounds by myself.”
“That sounds lonely.”
“I’m a lonely person.”
You snorted. Of course, in addition to being ridiculously attractive and probably the Fire Lord, his sense of humor was also perfect.
He smiled slightly as you laughed, then began laughing a little himself. Your heart started to beat just a little faster.
The quiet settled in again, both of you not having any clue where to go from there. Zuko broke the silence. “So,” he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck, “I hear you, uh, fight... good.” He looked up at you, probably hoping that you wouldn’t call him out on his awkwardness.
You laughed again. “Yeah, I guess.”
He smiled and quirked his eyebrow. “You ever fought a firebender?”
You grinned and answered, “No, I have not.”
“Want to spar, then?”
Zuko kicked your ass multiple times. You weren’t kidding when you said you’d never fought a firebender before, and it showed.
He tried not to laugh at you, he really did, but you could tell it was an effort for him not to. Every time you caught him holding back a smile, you were torn between smiling back and punching it off his face, so you compromised and simply leveled him with a glare that promised the pain of a thousand shirshu tongue-lashes.
But, frustrated as he may have made you, the more you practiced with him, the more you picked up on his fighting style and patterns of attack. 
Things really got interesting in your last match. Your back hurt and you were sweating buckets both from the physical exertion and the numerous close-calls you’d had with Zuko’s fire, but you were determined this round.
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and focused your chi. After a brief moment, you opened your eyes and slid into a beginning stance. 
Zuko met your stare with equal intensity. You swallowed discreetly and waited patiently for him to make the first attack. 
After a few moments, Zuko swiftly launched into a kick that hurled a stream of flame at you, but this time, instead of attempting to dodge or attack back, you encircled yourself with giant slabs of rock, caging you in, but keeping him out.
Another deep breath later, as Zuko unleashed punch after punch against your barrier, you began tunneling yourself underground. 
You moved through the earth warily. You hadn’t even begun to master seeing with your earthbending the way Toph did, meaning you had absolutely no idea where Zuko was above ground. 
You tunneled about as far as you figured he was standing away from you, assuming he was either still standing there, or had moved closer to get a better attack on your rock tower since you had yet to earthbend any attacks from it. 
You came to a stop. Shifting your feet, you quickly ripped a hole open above you and launched yourself up. 
It had worked. Zuko was more than confused when you erupted up behind him, but not as confused as you thought he would be. You landed closer behind him than you’d wanted to, which threw you off a little bit. 
As he registered where you were, he twisted around, so you moved to sweep his foot out from under him. He anticipated this and moved accordingly, but with the wrong foot, and fell backward as you knocked his balance from him. Zuko, however, managed to catch your wrist in the small moment of triumph your brain experienced, and you both landed on the ground in a sweaty heap.
Both of you lay there, recovering from having the wind knocked out of you before you realized what position you were in.
You met each other’s eyes and you knew he realized it too.
So you immediately went to put him in an arm lock. And he immediately tried to flip you over. 
Things quickly got out of hand, and soon, what was supposed to be a sparring-match-turned-wrestling-match wasn’t even real wrestling anymore. You both slapped each other’s hands away and squirmed for control over the other--you even licked his arm at one point when he tried to wrap it around your neck in a chokehold. You figured you’d already lost most of your dignity in the previous matches, so you had absolutely no shame in trying whatever childish tactics you needed to get the upper hand again. 
Zuko was not amused. “Wha--did you just lick my arm?! Wh--”
“Uh, guys?”
Zuko and you halted your attacks and snapped your heads in the direction of the voice.
Aang stood to the side with his eyebrows raised and the beginnings of a mischievous smile on his face. His eyes darted between the two of you, like he was waiting for something to happen. It then occurred to you that he was probably waiting for one of you to move away from the other. 
You burst into action and scrambled away from Zuko and to your feet, already feeling your face heat up. Zuko had apparently come to the same conclusion as you, because by the time you were up, he was too, a blush once again painting his cheeks.
Aang still looked between the two of you, his smile inching bigger with each passing second that he stared. His eyes lingered on you before he looked to Zuko and said, “Everyone was planning to go to the market to get stuff for dinner later tonight. So I was sent to find you.” He looked back at you. “Toph is also looking for you since class started up again, but I guess I can tell her she can stop looking.”
“Cool. Thank you.” 
“Market sounds good.”
Neither of you met Aang’s eyes for more than half a second.
Aang’s grin faded into a close-lipped smile that radiated smugness. He nodded once and turned around to walk back the way he came.
Silence ensued, but you broke it, knowing you had to get back to training soon. “Sorry I licked your arm.” You half turned to look at him.
A snort escaped him, which you didn’t expect, but was happy to hear, nonetheless. ”Sorry I tried to put you in a chokehold,” he replied.
“You’re not forgiven.”
He reeled his head back in offense and stood up straighter, but relaxed when he noticed the smile twitching at the corners of your mouth.
He huffed a breath through his nose and started smiling too. “You are the weirdest earthbender I’ve ever met. And I know Toph.”
Your smile turned into a grin as you retorted, “Well you clearly need to know more than just Toph because I can tell you for a fact there are weirder earthbenders out there than me. Plus Toph’s not weird, she’s just buff and fourteen with an insane--but rightly earned--ego boost.”
Zuko snickered with a grin plastered on his face. “I almost hate how accurate that is.”
You decided that his smile was probably your favorite thing on the planet, right alongside baby turtleducks.
His laughter faded, but the smile stayed as he said, “We should probably get back to the Academy.” 
He started walking in the direction Aang went and you easily fell into step with him. Neither of you said anything the entire walk to the Academy, but you knew you had just made a lifelong friend. And that didn’t need any words at that moment.
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cluster-fandom · 4 years
Not the day for this
Atsumu, Oikawa, and Noya prank their S/O on a bad day
Warnings: Swearing, food/eating || hospital mention, knife mention, stitches mention, and getting a cut in Noya’s (nothing descriptive just the words themselves)
A/N: This is my first time writing for multiple characters! I enjoyed this a lot 
I was heavily inspired by @kybabi​ !! Go check them out if you haven’t before :)
• Today was not your day at all
• You had failed a test and got in an argument with your best friend
• So all you really wanted to do was come home to your boyfriend and relax
• Unfortunately Atsumu was not aware of how your day had been going
• You both liked to poke fun at each other and this time Atsumu had planned what he thought was an amazing prank
• He couldn’t wait for you to get home
You were driving home from university to your shared apartment with Atsumu. Between the frustration of scoring low a test you had studied so hard for and getting into a dumb fight with one of your best friends, you were ready to snap. The heat didn’t help anything either. At the very least you got to come home to Atsumu. The thought of being wrapped up in your boyfriends arms had kept you from lashing out at anyone that came in contact with you.
You two had been together for over a year and while he could be insufferable at times, you adored him. He was always making you laugh through his ridiculousness, and you were the same. But your favorite memories were when he looked at you with that lopsided grin and said that he loved you.
As you walked up to your front door you noticed it was slightly open.
‘Did Atsumu forget to close the door?’ You briefly wonder before going inside where it was cool.
“Ats-OH MY GOD!”
You were drenched in ice water and the bucket that had been sitting on the door clanked to the floor.
“HEY BABE I THOUGHT YOU COULD USE SOME COOLING OFF!” Atsumu grinned, finding his prank hilarious.
“FUCKING HELL ATSUMU THIS WAS NOT WHAT I NEEDED TODAY!” You yell as you shake your arms of water.
You shove past him towards the bathroom where you could get a towel and hairdryer.
“Wait wait wait! It was just a joke I’m sorry!” He’s fumbling over his words in confusion.
He follows you into the bathroom where you were shoving things out of the way to get your hairdryer out of the cabinet.
“Babe- I’m sorry I didn’t know you’d be mad!” He whines.
You ignore him as you try to (unsuccessfully) untangle the cord of your hairdryer.
“God-dammit-“ you mumble as you only end up getting it more tangled.
“Do you want me to hel-“
“NO ATSUMU IVE GOT IT!” You snap at him.
“Why are you so mad?” He’s genuinely confused. You’ve never been this mad at a prank before?? And this wasn’t even the worst one he’s done-
“I DONT KNOW MAYBE ITS BECAUSE IM DRENCHED AND FREEZING FUCKING COLD? JUST- LEAVE ME ALONE RIGHT NOW!” You’re just done with everything and Atsumu can clearly tell he’s not making anything better at the moment so he retreats to the living room.
After you’ve dried your hair and changed into some dry clothes you went to you and Atsumu’s shared bedroom.
You were scrolling on your phone when there was a knock at the door.
Atsumu cautiously stepped into the room.
“Y/N, can we talk?”
You sighed and set your phone aside.
When you nodded, Atsumu sat on the bed in front of you.
“I’m sorry I upset you. The prank wasn’t funny,” he looked at you with guilty eyes.
“I’m not mad about the prank. I’ve just had a really bad day and it all piled up and I took it out on you. I shouldn’t have yelled, I’m sorry.”
You explained the events of your day and how you had wanted some quality time with him, and instead you had gotten an ice bath.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I never wanted to make you feel so bad. Let me make it up to you?” He pleaded. He gave you his biggest puppy dog eyes. (🥺)
Your heart melted and of course you said yes.
He perked up immediately, rushing out of the room. He came back with an armful of snacks and settled in next to you. He switched on your favorite movie and pulled you onto his lap.
“I love you so, so much baby,” he whispered into your hair. He leaned down to press a kiss into your cheek.
“And I love you,” you whispered back.
• You knew that with dating Oikawa, people would be jealous
• But his fangirls could get really bad sometimes
• Today they had been following you around saying how you weren’t pretty enough, smart enough for him
• It had gotten to you a little bit
• So you were ready to be home with your boyfriend away from others eyes
• Oikawa had no clue of this though and had devised, in his mind, a brilliant prank to get a rise out of you once you got home
You were finally home to your apartment with Oikawa. He had been on his phone when you walked in and greeted you with his signature grin. After a tight hug, he said he needed to go grab something in the bedroom.
You settled down on the couch letting your body relax on the plush cushions.
*bzzt bzzt*
You looked to see that Oikawa had left his phone behind. You were about to go back to resting, until you registered the name of the sender.
You bolted upright and grabbed the phone, hoping you had read it wrong.
#1 Fangirl 😉
You and Oikawa had been together for a year and you trusted him with your entire being. But seeing that name made fear pool in your stomach.
You didn’t dare to unlock his phone, despite knowing his password, for fear of what you might find.
Your thoughts were running a mile a minute as you entered your bedroom where Oikawa was in the closet.
Was there someone else? He wouldn’t do that to you right? He seemed so happy with you. He had never said he wasn’t satisfied with anything at all. Nothing had changed recently, so was something going on the whole time? Were his fangirls right?
That last question scared you the most.
“Love?” You called out.
Oikawa had a devilish smirk on his face. He knew that you would have seen the texts by now. He had come up with the prank a few days ago and was excited for you to get smart with him and call out the obvious.
“Yes?” He called back, not looking to you.
“Who’s number one fangirl?” You said, voice shaking. You didn’t know when your vision had started going blurry.
At the sound of your shaky voice, your boyfriend whipped around, eyes wide.
“Oh Angel, it’s nobody, it was all a prank I swear,” he pulled you to his chest, “I asked Iwa-Chan to help me, that’s who’s actually sending the texts.”
“S-so you’re not cheating on me?” You hiccup slightly and Oikawa’s heart aches he wipes away a stray tear. He mentally slaps himself for making you insecure.
“Never. I would never leave you for some other girl who just wants me for my looks. You love me for who I am and I am so, so grateful to have you,” he holds you tighter to him.
Once you’ve collected yourself, you tell him about all the things that had been said to you and how it had made you doubt if you were good enough for him. He quietly listened to you talk, holding you the entire time until you were finished.
He gently lifted your face up to meet his eyes. You noticed how his jaw was clenched and his lips were pressed in a thin line.
“Y/N. I am so sorry that those people made you feel unworthy. I promise, you are more than I could have ever asked for. They won’t bother you again ok?” His voice was low, but still as gentle as ever. His eyes softened as he looked at you. He let his muscles relax and gave you a small smile.
Your heart felt full as you nodded.
“Okay, now why don’t we go to the couch and cuddle for a while. Let me show you how much I love you,” he gave your forehead a light kiss.
You smiled up at him.
“I love you Tōru.”
“I love you more, Angel.”
• You were one inconvenience away from exploding
• You worked the customer service center at your malls department store (it hadn’t been your first choice but you needed money) and you had already had to deal with two Karens this morning
• The second one actually made your manager come down, who wasn’t happy about that
• So now you were at risk of losing your job
• Thankfully though you finally got to go on your lunch break
• You were excited because your boyfriend had time to spend it with you today
• You needed the pick me up and Noya’s naturally energetic personality never failed to do so
• Unfortunately, Nishinoya decided that today was the perfect day to execute his genius prank
You growled in annoyance as your keys got momentarily stuck in the lock to your apartment.
You had been yelled at three times today already. By two entitled middle aged women who wouldn’t listen to you no matter how many times you gave an explanation to them, and then by your manager who told you off for making him get involved with your “nonsense.”
You had been hanging on to your last shred of self control to not start screaming at your boss.
But you were home now and were more than ready to have a nice lunch with your boyfriend.
“Y/N! YOU’RE HOME!” You stumbled back as you were tackled in a hug.
“I made you lunch!” Noya grinned as he released you from his hold.
You giggled as he grabbed your hand to lead you to the kitchen.
Now, you loved Noya, but his cooking was, well, not edible sometimes. But he seemed to have gone pretty safe this time around.
There were two bowls of ramen with bread rolls on the side.
“Looks like someone was busy,” you tease. He rolls his eyes and motions for you to eat.
You were listening to Noya talk about his morning while you ate.
“And then I-“
“AH! HOT! HOT! HOT!” You were panting. The noodles were spicier than you could handle. You took a bite of the bread and nearly puked.
“Is- IS THAT MAYONNAISE?!?” You cough trying to get the awful tastes out your mouth. You rush to the fridge and down a glass of milk.
“Yū what the fuck?!” You say after catching your breath.
“What? I thought you said you wanted to expand your palette,” he’s wearing a smug grin.
You huff and get your things together to leave.
“Wait- don’t go!” He’s scrambling to catch up to you.
“I can’t do this today. I’ll see you after my shift,” you slam the door behind you as you leave.
You picked up a quick meal from the food court and find an empty table to eat at.
You had turned your phone off, not wanting to hear your notifications go off. The rest of your shift was uneventful thankfully, but you were still beyond irritated.
It was twenty minutes until the end of your shift when you turn your phone back on. You had about a dozen texts from Yū, which you were expecting, but you had a missed call from Tanaka from five minutes ago.
Confused, you called back.
“Y/N! Uh, so you see, Noya he- well he was trying to make something up to you? Anyways, he called me over to your place and I was helping him cook and he may have accidentally, umm, cut his finger pretty bad.”
“What?! Tanaka where are you right now?” You were already gathering your things and writing a note to your boss explaining your leave.
“The hospital,” he replied.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” you rushed to your car.
You may have been driving way a little past the speed limit, but you were at the hospital in record time.
Thanks to the lady at the front desk, you found Yū quickly. You thanked Tanaka as he left the room, not wanting to stand around awkwardly.
“Yū! Are you okay? What were you even doing with a knife! Here let me see,” you grabbed his hand and looked it over.
His pointer and middle finger had been wrapped up in bandages, but the rest of his hand looked fine.
“They didn’t need stitches,” he said bashfully.
“Hmph you’re lucky,” you mumbled, “but why would you need to use a knife?” You searched his face. He looked away, hand rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“I was trying to make you a nice dinner. I wanted to make it up to you for lunch,” he was uncharacteristically quiet.
You gently turned his face towards you, giving him a quick kiss. His face turned bright red and he sputtered incoherently for a minute.
“I’m sorry for what I said. I was having a pretty bad morning and getting my tongue burnt off didn’t help. You’re still an amazing boyfriend though and I still love you,” you intertwined your hands with his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He smiled and leaned to touch his forehead to yours
“Does that mean we can have spicy ramen for dinner then?” He asked.
“Don’t push it.”
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I hope you enjoyed! Any feedback is highly appreciated!
*I do not own Haikyuu!! or the characters only the story*
*Do not repost anywhere, all credits to me*
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ejzah · 3 years
Could you please write a prompt about Deeks finding out that Kensi still keeping her engagement ring from Jack all this time?
A/N: Set a couple days after “Come Back” in season 7. You might guess there’s some angst here.
“Hey, where do you want this kitchen/bathroom box?” Deeks asked, hauling in a massive cardboard box into the master bedroom and setting it on the floor. Fortunately, it was pretty light so he wasn’t struggling too much. Kensi’s packing system was fairly erratic which meant that the box could contain any number of unrelated items.
Kensi had been unpacking some of her clothes and personal belongings they brought over a few days ago. Or at least she had been. Right now she was sitting on their bed (wow that felt good but weird to think) with a small white and brown wooden box that looked like it had seen better days. The carefully painted hearts on the side he could see were peeling and the metal hardware was tarnished.
“Kens, what’s in the box?” She jerked a little at his question, lifting her head with a slightly look in her eye.
“Um, it’s a box I made when I was twelve to put all my important and cherished things in,” she explained quietly. In one hand, she held a blue keychain and a bag of multi-colored rocks lay next to her on the quilt. “It sounds silly, but I never stopped using it. Anything I want to cherish goes in this box.”
“I don’t think that’s silly,” Deeks disagreed, folding a leg beneath himself as he sat down next to her. “It’s nice that you hold onto memories. I probably should have done more of that myself instead of trying to bury them.”
Kensi gave him a distracted smile, attention still on the contents. Maybe she was just reminiscing, but he sensed that something else was going on. She seemed almost melancholic, which wasn’t the greatest thing two days after you moving in together.
“Hey, you ok?” He squeezed Kensi’s knee gently, waiting until she looked up again. “You seem kind of distracted.”
“I’m fine.” She sighed deeply, pressed her lips together, and shook her head. “Actually, that’s exactly true. The reason I got out this box is because I need to tell you about something,” she amended.
Removing a small wooden tray, she pulled out something, clenching her fist around it briefly. She inhaled deeply again before opening her hand to reveal a black velvet jewelry box.
“Here, open it,” she said, offering it to Deeks on her open palm. Despite her obvious nerves, her hand was steady as he took it. Now he felt strangely nervous.
He popped the lid open, which was stiff a worn, revealing a simple gold band with a single diamond setting. “I, uh, don’t think this is my size,” Deeks joked, because he wasn’t sure what else to say.
“It was my engagement ring from Jack.”
He’d kind of figured that out, but having it confirmed was something else entirely. He took the ring out, twisting the band around his pinky finger while Kensi watched him.
“So, you’ve kept it all this time,” he murmured.
“Yes. I mean, Jack left so suddenly, I didn’t exactly have a chance to give it back to him,” Kensi explained quickly. “I meant to. I really did. I told myself that I would keep it safe and when I finally saw him again, I would give it back.”
“You never got that chance though, did you?” Kensi shook her head, nervously twisting her fingers together.
“No. I’m not sure I would have given back anyway if I did,” she admitted. “At the time, it was something I could cling onto. A memory of everything we shared and I desperately needed that.”
Nodding, Deeks carefully returned the ring to its slot and handing it back. Kensi took it, but instead of returning it to the box, she set it to the side.
“So why are you telling me after all this time?” he asked softly. He knew Kensi wasn’t trying to rub his face in it, but he couldn’t quite fathom why she’d decided to bring up this topic after so many years.
“When I saw Jack the other day, it reminded me of this ring.” She touched the box almost unconsciously. “I honestly hadn’t thought about it a really long time. Seeing Jack though, brought up a lot of memories, including this one.”
She swallowed visibly, fiddling with a thread on her pants and met his gaze.
“After I talked with Jack, I realized that I needed to tell you about this so I could finally close this chapter of my life once and for all.”
“Thank you for being honest with me,” Deeks said, cupping her hands between his.
“You’re not mad that I didn’t tell you sooner?” Kensi asked anxiously.
“Would it have been nice to have a little more heads up? Yeah. But I get why you kept it to yourself. This was a deeply personal thing and you had every right to wait until you were ready to tell me.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her wrist. “More than anything, I trust you, Kens.”
Kensi looped her arm around his neck, scooting closer so their knees were touching. Her eyes were wet with unshed tears as she pressed her forehead to his.
“I love you so much, Marty Deeks,” she whispered.
The next morning, he noticed a small postage box with Jack Simon written across the top sitting on the kitchen table.
Thanks for the prompt!
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