#i dont like that word so im gonna censor it !!!!!!!!! personal reasons !!!!!!
crunchycrystals · 9 months
does anyone else remember bratayley.
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damnfandomproblems · 7 months
I find this really funny because im very much an atheist.
I just enjoy exploring "traditional" and "normal" stuff in fiction and fantasy. It actually helps me cope with alot of my religious trauma.
And it was vague on purpose, and i think its more of a red flag that youve just assumed im like that just because you dont understand why i submitted this post. You sound a lot more judgemental than the "conservative christian vibes" i seem to give off.
Tbh this submission was a while ago and i dont exactly remember the details for the reasoning for how i worded this or what i had in mind for each sentence when i did
But i like a variety of things. I just think its an incredible double standard when your praised for enjoying and exploring sex (but not too much apparently but that a whole other issue) gore, horror, lgbt, witchcraft and all that other stuff that usually get censored or treated as "bad" (mostly in the past now) in fiction
But when you want to enjoy the more "normal" stuff you're called boring and assumed to be the kind of person who will call you a "freak" for so much as owning a dildo.
Like i said i want to support queers, and people with alternate lifestyles (which is what they are called because the nuclear family stuff is still considered to be normal by default), and i know that many people whose lives are like that have issues with the "normal". So did i for the longest time. They have so much of a problem with it that they treat the "normal" as the new "bad". And apparently enjoying it or even living like that (which i do not personally only enjoy it in fiction) are somehow automatically terrible people.
Do you understand now? Have i made it less vague for you? And this wasn't even the only thing i had in mind making that post. This can go for a lot of different topics.
I find it especially silly because it is all just fiction. I dont need to only like the "weird" stuff in fiction. I dont need to shape my fictional worlds and societies in a "progressive" manner.
I was gonna say its funny because people only care if it from anything in america from anywhere in the 1900's, but then i remembered that you are apparently not allowed to think royalty or knights or the medieval times as interesting or cool... because idk england and the dead queen/current king or something. I never heard shit about it until she died tbh then suddenly enjoying fantasy royalty was "problematic"
Posting since this is a response to this ask.
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easy-revenge · 2 years
write the himeno meta because i love her! she’s not this evil spawn that people have interpreted her to be and everyone looks very surface level when it comes to her!
istg anon ppl are trying so hard to make her this absolute villain for no reason.
I wasn't gonna vent here today but u just made it easy for me anon so buckle up ~
i literally just opened the app after seeing an aki edit on tiktok where they used the scene of division 4's first appearance from yesterday and just.... censored himeno out like... bffr
i feel like im recycling the same words through all my himeno posts but the answer is literally so simple that i don't need new arguments. ppl not liking her for what happened with denji is valid. she WAS drunk but she was also the adult in the room and i can't defend her for that.
(with that ofc not being a reason to completely disregard her storyline, what she represents and the impact she has on aki and HIS storyline like *cough* some ppl)
and here's the thing. every fucking himeno hate post ive seen has always found a way to bring aki into it. calling their bond grooming, pulling facts out of their ass about how himeno watched him grow up, saying there's nothing to their relationship bc himeno liked him for his looks. denji is barely even mentioned. again. bffr.
these ppl choose to forget everything that happened in the katana man arc. they brush off the entire easy revenge part. himeno's thoughts while she was sacrificing herself for aki. there's sm more to her and its frustrating to see her reduced to being a "predator".
also what pains me is that the captains of the himeno hate ship are akiangel shippers. which i dont get. i love akiangel. himeno was never a threat to them. i dont get why aki being shipped with a woman hurts ppl sm. sth tells me these ppl haven't rly interpreted akiangel's bond correctly either, beyond the "cute mlm ship where one's out of touch and one's out of time"
but that's not my place to judge ig.
personally aki and himeno's bond is one of my favorite parts in chainsaw man and im excited to see how the anime interprets it and whether they'll lean more into the more than platonic subtext of it or not. either way i cant wait to see their scenes animated.
(and im dreading the wave of hate that will come after the drunk himeno episode, but it is what it is)
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lizardthederp456 · 3 years
sooooooo i found something out about japanese anime dedede from kirby right back at ya (ik thats the name of the dub but idc)
thx and shoutout to @ace-of-clovers for tellin me this
but u might not like what they said
im not saying theyre a bad person, cuz what they told me was good, and it was basically exposing something controversial, its just that it contains sensitive content
also idk how to put the read more thing on mobile posts so im just gonna say massive trigger warning
okey here we go
basically i found a post comparing the "virgin" anime dedede (the japanese one in particular) and the "chad" game dedede, and one of the reasons anime dedede was a virgin was because he was homophobic
ace/clover (which one do u wanna be called or do u not mind both?) clarified by saying that japanime dedede himself was a homophobic stereotype
the only example they wanted to give was in an episode where dedede wanted to break escargoons shell so he could see his body
and apparently thats an extremely offensive gay stereotype
ace of clovers recently told me the stereotype involves assault just as i was finishing typing this whole entire thing
but this was long before japan made it illegal to lgbt discriminate (i actually dont know if that was true or not about japan but i read it in an article)
still tho its disgusting and stupid that a character from a kids game made an anti lgbt joke in front of, well, kids
and the fact i havent seen ONE piece of japanese media that perfectly depicts lgbt people in a positive way pisses me off even tho they literally have a law that says u can no longer be like "haha gay people suck"
like srsly they need to step into the west a lil more
also speaking of the previous sentence i saw an article about some japanese twitter users roasting western artists for "censoring" anime characters and making them look "ugly" and they also criticized their art styles too
altho i think that actually happened a long while ago tho its still extremely disgraceful and not to mention racist
the lack of diversity, representation and inclusion in japanese media sickens me and honestly if i could id go back in time and beat the ever-living BALLS out of the person who had the "good" (sarcasm) idea to make a fan-favorite from a cheerful game-to-show homophobic and show it to a child audience
and altho it LOOKS like they said sorry with kirby fighters 2 making dedede and meta knight loyal friends, they repeatedly confirm that the two are NOT GAY, and that its just a platonic close relationship (but not to the point where theyre lovers, so technically the ship was sunk and nobody knew about it), so basically its a fake apology and, once again, a fart in the general direction of the west
soooooo ye thats it
but it dededisgusts me that some asshole behind hal labs said "hey lets make a character with a good redemption arc homophobic and put a homophobic joke in there that will hopefully teach kids that being gay will make u dumb and also only make the character do one good thing throughout the whole show and for the rest of it make him an asshole to everyone, especially children" and everyone else there actually agreed to that
im extremely sorry i posted this, and if i worded any of it uncomfortably or rudely, let me know and ill try to fix it
i 100% support lgbt and diversity and inclusion and all that stuff btw
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I rewatch Miraculous—Mr. Pigeon
Behold!!! The episode that almost made me stop watching Miraculous.
No for real i think i got up and left the room first time around, this episode was so ridiculous.
• “You only have one day to work on your fashion piece.” Only a day? That seems kinda unrealistic when you take into account designing, gathering materials, whether or not you need to go out and buy any materials, the amount of time it takes to actually put all that together...
•WHOA Gabriel’s actually smiling in that pic Mrs. Bustier shows. Er, smiling-ish
•Pure cinnamon roll child seems proud this peppermint frappucino dickhead is his father (Gabriel ur hair looks like whipped topping and that tie doesnt help). BE GRATEFUL FOR SUCH A CARIBG CHILD YOU PRICK!!!
•Maaaaaariii chill the fuck out your overactive imagination and severe anxiety are getting the better of you.
•AHEM Gabriel has a purple bowtie in Mari’s imagination instead of that ridiculous peppermint scarf he uses to hide Nooroo’s broach???
•Adrien: appears out of nowhere
Marintette: jerks and flops away like a fish on dry land
Me: lol bye Marinette
• Adriens beuatiful face when Mari is talking to him (before she blunders and stumbles with her words) is beautiful
•Mari’s beautiful face when Adrien is telling her “you’re so talented Marinette!” and the subtle tremor in her eyes as they widen with her smile...☺️😊😘i love my beautiful, anxious mess of a daughter
•Mari: Follows Adrien with her eyes like an owl. LMAO.
•Chloe does not deserve Sabrina 😒
•Whereas Gabriel resembles a peppermint frap, Hawk Moth/Papillion appears to be the result of what might happen if Batman and the riddler had a baby
•Ramier, bruh, there is like. Zero. Fucking. Reason to be that upset over not being allowed to feed pigeons. For real. Go feed them on some rooftop somewhere if you must. No reason to let Hawk Daddy akumatize you over it...
...You know what? We’re not calling Gabriel “daddy.”
EVER. Again.
•Also Hawk-shitface, pigeon dude is your worst idea and you keep coming back to him. Seriously at least put some effort into your champions’ outfits. Youre a fashion designer for petes sake!
• wow this show really loves its skin-tight body suits, huh? Even when they look ridiculous.
•Sabrina how the hell much did you have to pay for a cellphone that lets you zoom in on a fucking sketch from dozens of feet away and score yourself a crystal-clear image???
•Sabrina: “We’re soooo awesome!”
Chloe: “We?”
Chloe does NOT deserve Sabrina.
•Arent real bird feathers full of germs and bacteria that cause diseases? And Marinette “im immune to bird flu” Dupain-Cheng just plucked that shit up off the ground and put it on her hat of all things. I dont know whether to be fisgusted or impressed.
•Chat “paint me like one of your French girls” Noir for the win everybody
• “Im allergic to feathers.” I came across a theory on tumblr once (cant find the OP) that this coulda been caused by Emilie wearing the damaged Peacock broach when she was pregnant with him. If thats true i would be pleased😏
•Allow me to channel Chloe for this comment: LB, CN, that disguise is about as convincing as Mr. Pigeon and Bubbler’s get ups are appealing. In other words, NO.
•Chat Noir moonwalking with a hat on—booiii got some moves. 👌👌👌👌
• “You’re the cat dont you eat [pigeons] for breakfast?!” No LB, Kitty Boi is a domestic kitty otherwise he’d present to you little dead things like my cat used to do before we stopped letting him go out. This is an awful joke but SPARE THE BIRDS, theyre just like Ramier—being controlled by a monster.
• “On the count of three my beloved pigeons will commence fire.” As disgusting as pigeon poop is i think they’ll live. Cant you come up with a better evil plan? Threatening to break the glass floor at their feet by having the pigeons stomp on the cage would be more effective. I’m not trying to help the villain, kaay? I just prefer my villains to use their head. Honestly Team Rocket is more intimidating than Pigeon Dude.
•is it just me or is kitty boi especially adorable in this episode??? 😻😻😻
• flock of pigeons put a dent ten times the size of kitty boi’s head in the door
Okay thats actually kinda terrifying. What woulda happened if that attack hit a normal person wearing no magical armor??? They’d be pecked to bits...
• CN: “I gotta get outta here before my secret identity is revealed!”
LB: “Yeah you wouldnt wanna let the cat out of the bag!”
CN: “...Haha very funny.” 😾
Dont dish out what you cant take, handsome boy.
•LB’s look of amusement as CN starts running in place for fear of detransforming in front of others is hillarious
•kitty boi if this hotel takes tips you should really give Jean-whatshisname one. That was the speediest, life-saving room service ever.
•isnt this just Chloe’s room??? Theres a ladybug pillow on the bed and everything. Why did the mayor send CN to Chloe’s room???
• “i cant wait my dear pigeon.” Hmm reminds of later on when Hawk Moth calls Nats “My dear Mayura.” Bruh if you INTO Ramier just ask for his phone number like a normal person, quit akumatizing him and eat a damn snickers
•LB: Time for a sneak attack! Oh no, my sneak attack failed cuz my partner couldnt help but sneeze with all these FEATHERS around.
HELLO, he just told you he was allergic to feathers???
•ugh them censoring out the punches with flashy screenshots is so LAAAME show me the VIOLENCE.
• “Cat Noir! Grab [the bird call!]” AGAIN he’s ALLERGIC TO FEATHERS. Just tie that yoyo to something to keep Pigeon dude in the air and smash it yourself.
• Gabriel is that teacher from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide who was never physically present in class and was only ever seen through a tablet or some nonsense
•Chloe getting busted my Marinette in front of the principal, Gabriel and Adrien is a great example of how PLAGIARISM DOESNT PAY are you listening art thieves lurking on tumblr, instagram and elsewhere???
•ahem Gabriel that sympathetic look you give a weeping Chloe is very out of character
• “youre the winner Marinette.” Not gonna check out Kim and Max’s hat? You could at least look at it, doesnt seem very impartial to pick Mari without looking at ALL the hats
Girl they are BOTH allergic to feathers. How many blonde teenage boys walk around with a feather allergy? Quantum Masking or no Quantum Masking, c’mon you should be at least considering the idea theyre the same person from that knowledge alone.
Annnd thats all for now. This episode is more of a vent-inducing hate sink than enjoyable, save for the gushing waterfall of cute kitty boi moments it provides. I may do Stormy Weather later today to make up for it.
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Love Victor (series)
oooh new format for this post let’s get into itttt.
Below are my reaction per episode. I will be writing them as i finish each so its more clear and fresh and all that jazz.
Let’s see if tumblr posts has a word count limit.
lol wrong title earlier X_X
Note, the #glassthoughts tags is a reaction tag. Its never a review, or an intellectual essay about stuff I watch. I dont have the capacity to do all those.
Spoilers below so beware. Episode 1 is posted separately because I intend to make posts for the first and last epsiode only but that did not work out lol.
it took me a looong time to finish this episode. I kept on pausing it because something just feels so wrong about it. I didn’t know what it was when i was going through it, but when it finally ended it finally clicked.
The episode reminds me of the sentiment most homophobes use against gay people. “If you focus on the emotional part of the relationship, you will be happy with the opposite sex.” Growing up ive heard this phrase used against other people so much. Hearing it in my native language has always been a punch in the gut. 
And now this show who is supposed to be something happy and nice, is just having this kind of phrase of mentality just well up there.
I’m sure that its not Victor’s and that he is just exploring his sexuality. But the usual tinge of homophobia whenever he talks that he might be like Simon is honestly grating.
It’s definitely a me issue because other people seem to be enjoying the series immensely, but whenever Victor gets into that headspace, I just hear my child self crying myself to sleep because of internal homophobia.
Also i can see why people say  that for a show that is supposed be about Victor’s sexuality and growth, it does sure show a heck lot of heterosexuality of those who are around him.
Maybe in the future i will rewatch the series again with a more patient mind, but for now, expect me to skip a lot of scenes X_X
Episode 3
Okay the audacity of Victor saying “he tries” to be a good friend. Like dang okay chill with the lies. You’re already lying about your sexuality lmao.
Sorry im being very critical and bitter about this show, but i must persevere for the fanfics and fanarts i will gorge myself into later.
anywho reaction time!
Mia and Victor would’ve been cute if only Victor doesn’t sound like he keeps on enforcing this compulsory heterosexuality he has in mind.  BUT hey he might be Bi people! 
I keep censoring myself because of how bitter and hateful i sound. My apologies for the phrases i forgot to delete above and beyond this line xD.
Anyways im over anything about Andrew. He can go fuck his egotistical self. If the series will show 
Hmm i wonder if the term “Comp Het” will even drop in this series.
Back to reaction,
Honestly Felix is just a lesbian in a man’s body at this point. Making his own shampoo? Like wow give me some of that kind of friend. 
The number of times I rolled my eyes at Andrew is ridiculous. 
Whilst typing this part it was more enforced in my mind that Love Victor is just a “supposedly gayer” Teen Wolf without the wolfing parts.
Lake is Lydia Felix is Stiles Andrew is a walmart Jackson Benji is basically a less grumpy Derek or Danny tbh Victor is Scott
I really hate this idea now.
The parents drama! Honestly, very unnecessary in my opinion. Victor is already dealing with a religious family, now he has to deal with a religious and broken family? Like dang they could’ve just chosen one struggle for him, now everyone will think his sexuality is a consequence for his parents’ sin or sth.
Maybe it’ll play into a bigger plot twist in the future?
Maybe Victor’s mom is cheating with Mia’s father? Seeing as how there was an unnecessary shot of her father with the back of a woman facing on the camera which is weird but okay. 
Im theorizing now X_X
Anyways have y’all seen how poor Felix was so nervous because his goddamn friend isn’t there to supposedly help him?
Sorry im hating on Victor too much but this scene reminds me of how awful Simon’s friends are and like bruuuh is Felix supposed to be the lead character?
He really is like Stiles who is supposed to be the lead for Teen Wolf in my opinion, he’s just a much better written character that Sc/tt
lmao sorry my issues with other series is bleeding into this one X_X
Episode 4
Not much to say without getting too salty so moving onnn.
Episode 5
This series is just showing all the fear and pain i went through and am going through back when I was a teenager and til now. Without getting into any personal stuff, that last bs Victor’s father spewed just hit me so much.
I guess one of the reasons why its hard for me to watch Love Victor is because it shows me the teenager side of me way back when. Minus the girlfriend one because i never really persevered that much to tamper any likes for men. Internal homophobia really hit me back then tho xD
Episode 6
This episode is a mess and I hate it.
We saw yet again Victor literally using Felix’s ignorance and naivety to get himself out of a situation he put himself into. 
AND Felix even got the wrong idea or got fed with the wrong idea that the reason why Victor brought him along is to act as a buffer because he wasn’t ready to give up being a virgin or have sex in general. Yep that is definitely the reason, no other reason at all that involves making latte art with a known barista.
Lake and Felix kissed so there was that. I still am shipping Victor and Felix together despite Victor’s continuous bs with him being a good friend, but that’s just me.
And totally knew Andrew and Mia got a thing. If this blew up and hurt Lake im suing.
Lake and Felix are literally the two people keeping this show intact. Not gonna drop some political statement here no sir.
Again Benji needs to grow a personality out of this whole barista thing. One thing i am grateful for this show is that there was no family drama at all!
I think.
Episode 7
Ive been making a conscious effort to stop saying that heterosexuality is normal. That shit is hard to unlearn because its what ive always heard in my asian household for yeaaaaaaars. And now this twink is just gonna throw the term around like he has no issues with it. TO SIMON EVEN.
Like brooooooh. Im over my 2010 internal homophobia, no need to dig it all up again. Every episode.
Aww the dancing in different clothes is cute but,
Homeboy be doing the most to keep his fucking sexuality from bursting out, with his foot both planted firmly inside the closer AND THEN THE NEXT SECOND would end up as if he is ready to risk it all just to see Benji naked.
I AM FUCKING livid, confused, and just intense emotion everywhere.
Ive seen a couple of dumbo scenes from other shows that got the “closeted” man be doing literally the most obvious shit that could make anyone catch them, BUT THIS, with how VEHEMENT Victor is against being “NOT NORMAL” AND THEN LIE JUST TO STAY IN A MOTEL WITH THE GLORIFIED HOT GUY, takes the goddamn cake.
The fucking hypocrisy man. Ive battled internal homophobia before, AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE ALL DEAL WITH IT DIFFERENTLY but holy fucksticks. I’m not this evil.
The thing is, there is so much a person could do that you could go “ah its because they are in the closet and is afraid to come out” before it goes to the territory of “fucking hell, this is not just about his sexuality, this is just him now doing stuff consciously to take advantage of his supposed fear”. The girlfriend thing is even waaay over the top, but we all went with it because he’s supposed to be figuring things out. BUT most of the time, he literally could not even imagine going beyond the line HE CREATED for their relationship. AND YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT HE WILL LIE JUST TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A GUY? Now he wants to test the male side of his sexuality? BECAUSE PORN DOESN’T EXIST?  BECAUSE LOOKING AT MALE UNDERWEAR MODELS IN THE UNDERWEAR SECTION IS NOT ENOUGH? HE NEEDS IT TO BE ACTUALLY PHYSICAL TO CONFIRM SOMETHING?
Im ahead too much, real time the scene im in the episode is still them about to leave the shop but holy fucking hell. If this lie ended up becoming something more in this same episode, expect more capslock because jfc.
And people will still claim he’s somewhat attracted to the other gender. 
Also i was very very worried that Pilar and Felix will be a thing BUT THANK GOD THAT DIDN’T BECOME A THING. Still unsure whether i like Lake and Felix together, but i love them individually.
I cant really comment on any of the parents drama because to be honest i skip them whenever its just her and him.
Im tired.
But i hafta finish the show for fanarts and fanfics.
okay Benji has a legitimate reason for lying. I’ll take that.
See people you see me live writing this whole rant thing :D.
Huh I wonder back when I was his age, would I also just kiss the first gay guy i became comfortable with? Despite being so into the closet and battling internal homophobia via punching the walls?
Dang that monologue tho. We as non het doesn’t want our lives to be hard. But at this point, i stopped blaiming my own sexuality and just started blaming heterosexuals for making the world this fucking horrible for us. That’s when my internal homophobia SLOWLY lessen. It’s still there but hey at least every crosshair  is not on me.
Okay i get people saying that Simon is irresponsible for making Victor like put his family on the back burner for a bit etc etc. Also the reaction against Benji getting mad when Victor wanted them to stop being gay while in their house, is reasonable. Victor did calmly told Benji and his beau that his family is stretched thin etc etc. I get that. I get that sometimes hiding your sexuality for other people is what is necessary.
BUT  fucking please recognize how damaging that is to the person you are talking to. Even if you think Victor is in the 100% right about this, AT THE VERY LEAST acknowledge why Benji is mad. Sure he could’ve just left with his boyfriend instead of just staying there. And sure Victor pulled through in the end and put that dusty grandpa motherfucker to his place, but that’ll fucking sting okay.
Also i might be saying all this in a place where I’m not really that close to ANY of my relatives, so ya know, call me ignorant or ungrateful whatever.
Episode 8
Okay uhh Mia and Andrew is still a thing APPARENTLY.
Lol Simon’s “Yay boobs” like please Victor keep the heterosexual drama out of this chatroom lmao.
Also Felix group texting the others is hilarioussss.
If Victor touches or says one bad thing at Bram? its on sight.
Also Im not sure what to feel with Mia getting jealous at Andrew. Like girl you were the one who said he’s nothing, and now this? Issa bad look honey.
Victor is embarassing. Are all extroverts just this i dunno peppy? 
You know what makes me happy in this episode? Keiynan’s attitude bleeding out to Bram’s character. I love it!
Goddd Keiynan is so hot XD
hahahaha this episode is lighter thank god.
“why would they want to help a complete stranger” because they are good people and surprisingly they still exist! 
Ohhh So it seems like Nick Robinson filmed his scenes for this episode on a different day. Ive never seen him be with the main group. That’s weird.
Episode 9
Benji distancing himself because he wants to make his 1 year relationship work? Good guy! Him not saying to his boyfriend about the coworker of his kissing him? Bad move.
Sure we can all talk about how little stuff doesn’t need to be told to your lover if you’re sure its not gonna happen again. The thing is,  communication is key. Y’all will talk about communication being integral in a relationship but keep shit like this in the DL because yOU’RE JUST THAT SURE IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN? Fo real?
Also Benji is feeling guilty for a reason.
Vincent is very in the wrong for kissing a taken man just because said taken man is comfortable with him or showed vulnerability. Victor is in the wrong 100% and I’ll never forget that.
Felix and that hug with Victor is adorableeee. Love that coming out scene. Again raising my eyebrows at those who say Victor is Bi.
Felix showing what’s in his apartment is fucking great. No wonder we don’t see his mom or anything. They say that the saddest people are always the one who will do their best to keep everyone happy. Felix is being peppy, have these random phrases he use to just amuse people makes sense.
In this household, we protect Felix no matter what. HOPEFULLY next season we get to fucking know his surname or sth.
Again nothing new with the drama surrounding the parents. I hate them and honestly i am so annoyed by the father’s face and everything. (still have that hatred from One day at  time but we don’t talk about that here)
The letter is stupid and i wonder what Pilar will do about it. Are we gonna get a To All the boys i loved before thing?
OH Felix giving Lake an ultimatum. Wow what a move honestly. On one hand Felix has the right to protect himself. He wants to be free with who he loves, and keeping it a secret stopped being amusing because he knew what it feels like to hide a part of yourself.
Lake’s confidence has been obviously shot and damaged by her mother. Not saying that justifies what she is doing  BUT it came from somewhere. A night with Felix talking to her about his life IS NOT going to just uproot all those thoughts from her mind. As much as i love Felix, he is not a solution.
hmm what else. The father can go die for all i care. Lmao.
Episode 10
Also i cannot get over Andrew’s actor looking like Stromae. They have the same eyes, eyebrows and expressions X_X
YOU BET YOUR ass i skipped the whole confrontation scene. I’ll go back to it maybe or just look at gifs but nope. My cancer rising and moon can’t handle that shit.
Is ... is Mia going to see Victor and Benji together and then theorize? Because god freaking damnit im tired of that plot twist.
Oh Benji. Honey honey honey please don’t do whatever I think you’re about to do.
wait the way the ending was shot is weird. The cliffhanger is weird. Everything is weird.
ILL MAKE A HUNCH that it was actually just Victor in his dream land thinking that coming out is that easy and that you just blurt it out.
Bet you the next season will start with no body but Felix and Mia and Andrew know about his sexuality.
The shot was too much on Victor. There was no sound cue from the family etc etc.  I hate the ending so much. Love Victor could’ve been so much more. Could’ve pioneered a fresh way to show lgbt stories and how coming out is this and that. Even if the show is for Gen Z and this generation, coming out should reflect to how coming out is generally perceived nowadays. But i guess that was too much. Foolish me for having my expectations waay too high.
The End
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morpekoed · 4 years
Tumblr media
alright a general rule of thumb for this blog. cause you know what its about high time i fucking address this like ever. this is only for my friends and people that want to write with me to know. i’m very VERY fucking tired of this game. this is one of the MANY reasons why i am not in the pkmn rpc ( or any RPC for that matter ).
you are allowed to say whatever you want on this blog / to me when you are interacting with in IC. You will never EVER have to be afraid to say something that MAY sound racist towards me, i will NOT take any offense. it may sound like a very ‘white’ thing of me to say. but allow me to fucking explain. 
TLDR: i don’t really fucking care about IC interactions. i know that most of the time its a joke, and we’re here to have fun and i know you’re not attacking me. if you are worried about something, you can ask. i sometimes ask before i post. cause sometiems, you never know. and i just want to make sure something is okay. but you don’t need to censor anything with me because i won’t find it offensive if you weren’t trying to make it offensive. I will never be offended by an ‘inappropriate comment’ made in an IC or crack reply. 
why? cause i give people the benefit of the doubt and don’t think they were INTENDING to do anything wrong. and really if I do find something ‘offensive’ i come to YOU directly. 
Also, if I ever write something that YOU find offensive, tell me. I will be fine with you telling me. Anybody who knows me will know i will apologise profusely and fix it cause i don’t want to hurt people. Just know that deep down in my heart, i never actaully do try to offend people. it’s not in my nature to make anybody here nervous with me.
For those who want to know what subjects i have an issure with, it’s under the read more. fair warning: triggering content below. tread lightly.
the only deragatory term/racial slur i have a problem with is gypsy. don’t ever use that term to describe me, the mun, that. do not call me a gypsy. my mother was called this -- and obviusly by default, i was called this, along with term whore and thief ( by my father’s side of the family ) so yea. i have a problem with this term. 
on my father’s side -- cause you don’t know, he escaped the yugoslavian war that was another holocaust itself that nobody really knows much about cause history in america fucking sucks. i didn’t learn about this is school, i learned from my fucking father who lost friends in this war due to what they were. I have been called muslim -- i look middle eastern, so its probably something that people assume cause some slavic people are muslim. I am not muslim. my father is not muslim. and my father takes offense to this because muslim people bombed his grandparent’s neighborhood and killed men, women, and children alike. but his sister’s husband is, what you would say, ‘the other side’ and they get along just fine. in fact, he prefers his brother-in-law cause they are just straight up super fucking chill. but heaven forbid you bring up the war cause everybody is affected by it equally. you don’t know what i am talking about? look up the Yugoslav wars. You will come to find a lot of horrific shit between the countries that came out of Yugolsavia. not many people know about these wars. i only know what my father told me and thats only ONE story. 
my mother had a chance to visit the countries there but my dad told her, ‘when we are in croatia, do NOT bring up anything that is related to serbia cause the people here hate serbs’ ( and vice versa ). 
why am i bringing this up? because i have nothing against anybody. you want to use the term gypsy in an IC interaction? by all means, i don’t really care. You want to like.... pull out some serbian / bosnian joke, i will not care. 
its 2020, if you take something offensive, then please communicate with the person directly. im really tired of people having to censor shit. people are getting overly sensitive for no god damn reason. most of the time i notice its white poeople getting fucking offended. grow up and act like an adult. 
i hope y’all realise that at work, nobody gets offended. we all say jokes all the fucking time. and my coworker took a whole year to admit to me that she was trying to guess my ethnicity cause yea, i don’t look american. ( she was afraid that i would get offended but i really didn’t ).
i have a fucking problem when WHITE people make an effort to point out that i am not white. straight up i was looking for roommates and two white men ( a couple no less ) were like, oh i bet you don’t go to this town cause its predominantly white and racist. and i straight up looked at them and said. that town has less than 30 people and my father and i go there all the time to camp, who the fuck cares, nobody talks to you. and we give them business. check your facts. 
i have have latino and black roommates in the past and its fucking WILD that none of them brought up the race card? why? cause it really doesnt fucking matter. I am very fucking capable of living and coexsiting with other people of colour. I’ve had more issues with people just not haveing any respect as a human being. 
FYI: i have been racially profiled by cops and TSA. I almost had a gun pulled on me. so fuck off with any slur that you want to call me after i post this. thanks. 
sorry to sound an asshole about it, but im really tired of this bullshit. if you think im being racist, im too fucking tired to say anything. im not, and i don’t need to fucking prove jack shit. if you find anything offensive, i will obviously try to correct it but i also dont want to fucking walk on eggshells anymore. 
Maybe its cause i have thick skin from playing a moba and dealing with a toxic community for 8 years but you know, quit crying over spilt milk. stop using people’s words against them and you know... actually talk to them directly. talk to me directly and communicate. I am not gonna jump the gun. and neither should any of you. 
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sunriseskog · 5 years
comethru- Auston Matthews
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Request: n/a this was entirely self induglent bc im sad and ive had comethru by Jermey Zucker stuck in my head for weeks
Word Count: 2,267
Warnings: cursing, angst, dudes being assholes, mentions of tr*ding auston
A/N: ive been on hiatus for a long ass time so any feedback is more than welcome!!!! also i am fully aware that i used this gift for my last post but its hot and i dont care
It had been a little over a month since Auston left. No… that’s not quite right. It had been a little over a month since Auston left Toronto. It had been just barely under a month since you had left Auston.
You weren’t entirely sure who the trade surprised more, but you did know for a fact that it had had a far greater effect on you than it had on Auston.
He had remained optimistic in the beginning. After all, Buffalo is barely a 2-hour drive on a bad day. On a good day, he could probably make it in an hour and a half. But the two of you had quickly reached the conclusion that either of you driving 4+ hours a day wasn’t practical, and it wasn’t fair to whoever drew the short end of the stick, pun intended. You knew he would never ask you to move for him, hell even moving in together had been a stretch for you, but you also knew that there was an unspoken expectation that eventually the both of you would relocate closer to the arena.
Before he had even reached the border, you had managed to convince yourself that this short distance relationship would cripple your relationship before you could even begin filling out the US immigration forms to move with him, let alone actually convince yourself to do it. So you backed off. You knew that trying to exhaust what was left of the relationship would only end up destroying you the both of you more than was necessary, so you let go. You knew it wouldn’t take him long to pick up on the fact that you were becoming distant, taking longer to respond to texts, barely calling him back and conveniently timing your responses with the specific intention of him not being able to pick up. You may have been stupid, but you sure as hell weren’t subtle. You knew that as long you were the bad guy in the scenario, it wouldn’t take him nearly as long to get over you, and as long as you remained in control of the situation, you knew that you’d come out of the tail end of things perfectly fine.
And you were. You were absolutely, positively fine. But that was all you were. You weren’t good or great or doing well, you were just… fine. You were off-kilter, sure, but you were surviving, and that was honestly all you had come to ask of yourself. You were sure that the other shoe would drop soon enough, you had ridden the high and now you were at the plateau, but the comedown seemed to always be lurking around the corner.
One too many sleepless nights in a row had come to significantly impact your sleeping schedule. It had gotten to the point where your boss had come to expect your work day to end at 5 am instead of 5 pm. It was nice, though. To see the city when it felt like no one else could. To have your whole day to yourself, even though it was technically night. Everything was much quieter, and there were moments where it felt like you might be the only person in the entire city to be awake, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You rarely interacted with anyone, you didn’t even wake up until hours after the last of your coworkers had left the building, and every errand you had to run could be completed via the self-checkout of the 24 hr supermarket a few blocks away from your apartment building. You weren’t lonely by any means, you just so happened to be alone.
Except on game nights. You were never alone on game nights. Luckily, there weren’t very many Toronto residents that enjoyed watching one of their franchise players play in a different teams jersey, but you still couldn’t help but punish yourself by watching his games whenever they were on at the sports bar you frequented. You told yourself that as long as someone else put the game on, and as long as you left with someone new before the game was over, then it wasn’t nearly as pathetic as it seemed.
An issue arose the first time Toronto played the Sabres. You hadn’t checked the schedule, you just knew that there was a game. You also knew that if you were ever alone when a game was on you would curl up with far too much ice cream and a borderline dangerous amount of rum, neither of which were ideal. Immediately upon entering the bar, you knew that it was far too crowded for there to not be a Leafs game on, it was nowhere near baseball season, and the sea of blue jerseys couldn’t be for any other team. An involuntary wince consumed your face as Auston’s name reached your ears, it seemed like every congregation of fans in the entire establishment were talking about him, and a cursory glance at the nearest screen confirmed your fears.
The bad news was that if you stayed, you would have to watch Auston play, which was bound to be painful for any Leafs fan, but this one would hurt you just a little more than all the others— the knowledge that he was just across the city weighed heavily on your shoulders as you pushed through the crowd to find an empty stool somewhere. The worse news was that there was no way in hell a single guy in here would be willing to leave before the game was over, so you’d either have to watch all of it and then fuck the feelings away, or go home and watch all of it and probably end up crying for a majority of the third period. The former seemed like a more viable option at the time.
Now, though? You wished you had just gone home. Because it turns out you were wrong, there was a dude at the bar who was willing to leave before the end, as it would turn out, he was ready to leave before the second period was halfway through. That should have been your first red flag.
In your defense, you had a lot of other shit going on, and your brain was far too preoccupied coping with the stress that the game was bringing to consider the fact that the nice guy who had been paying for your drinks might not turn out to be that nice after all.
On the cab ride back to your apartment, you found out that his name was Sam and he was a lifelong Leafs fan. The two of you bonded over having grown up around hockey without actually playing it, and you even shared a cigarette at the entrance of your building’s lobby. It wasn’t until the two of you stepped into your living room that things took a turn for the worse.
The framed and signed Matthews jersey on the mantle had been more of a joke than anything else, all of your friends thought it was funny while the two of you were together, and you hadn’t had anyone over since the breakup, so you hadn’t found a reason to convince yourself to take it down. The look of disgust on Sam’s face as soon as he laid eyes on it would have been a fairly convincing reason if you actually gave a shit what he thought about you.
“That’s borderline sacrilege,” he commented, gesturing towards the display. You shot him an incredulous look, waiting for him to give any indication that he was making a joke.
“What?” You questioned, not really confused, just wanting to clarify if he was saying. What you thought he was saying.
“You can’t seriously call yourself a leafs fan and still support that guy! He’s a traitor,” He asserted. His over passionate gesturing indicated that he was genuinely this invested in the topic, which should have been your second red flag.
“I mean c’mon, (Y/N),” He continued. “You’re not stupid, are you?”
You couldn’t help but scoff at how pretentious and condescending he was being, without seeming to realize that he was acting like an absolute prick.
“I can assure you, Samuel,” You drawled sarcastically. “I am anything but stupid, but you have got to be absolutely moronic if you genuinely believe that I’m going to let you fuck me after speaking to me like I'm a goddamn child. Your kinks are your business but that's not really my style,” you sneered as you moved towards the doorway in order to invite him to throw himself out so you didn’t have to bother touching him any more than you already had.
“Now why don’t you get the fuck out of my house, dick head,” You spoke as your lip curled and your brow quirked, gesturing through the doorway to drive the point through his thick skull.
“Gladly,” He scoffed, slamming his shoulder into yours as he stepped past you. “Not like I’d want to fuck a whore like you anyways!” He shouted over his should as he started towards the stairs.
“Open your mouth that wide again and I’m gonna have to ask you to chortle my cock, Samuel” You responded, giving a middle finger to his back for your own satisfaction. You had never been one to censor your insults, and over the years they had become more and more lewd. This, of course, had never really presented itself as a problem until you caught the eye of your neighbor as you turned to storm back inside of your apartment. You couldn’t help but wince apologetically at the old woman, giving her a repentant head nod as you shuffled back inside.
You let your back hit the inside of the door, sliding roughly down until your tailbone hit the hardwood floor beneath your feet. Of course, the first substantial interaction you had in over a month would turn out to be a spectacular disaster. And of course, it was because of Auston. Realistically, you knew it wasn’t his fault, you just really really needed someone else to blame right now. You carded your fingers through your scalp roughly, and let out an elongated groan in the hopes that it would satisfy the overwhelming urge that you had had to scream at the top of your lungs for the past month or so.
As you stared at your own intertwined fingers in an attempt to calm yourself down, you couldn’t help but notice that your fingers were shaking. This wasn’t a recent development by any means, but this was the first time that you had noticed it being this aggressive. It usually only happened when you had coffee, which was why you had abstained from it for a majority of your life. As you looked back on what your routine had become, you realized that through all the late nights and later mornings, you had been popping caffeine pills and ordering espressos far more than the ‘one-time thing’ you told yourself it was. The realization that your life had done a complete 180 in the span of 5 weeks began to weigh on you, and it seemed like your mind was consumed entirely by flurries of memories of bad habits you had fallen back into and the lifeless moments you had spent floundering, convincing yourself that you were fine on your own, despite the fact that that was anything but the truth.
It didn’t take very long to find his contact picture in your recent messages. You hadn’t had much of a reason to talk to that many people lately. It took longer to open up the message thread, trying to prepare yourself to view the unbearably awkward finality of your most recent messages to each other. The preview underneath his name only served as a painful reminder that the last time he had texted you was to say that he loved you. And you hadn’t said it back.
You weren’t sure if he was going to respond, hell you went sure he was even going to read it. For all you knew it was entirely within the realm of possibility that he had blocked you a while ago. You knew exactly what to say, surprisingly, that wasn’t the hard part. Of the few letters that you typed, the closer you got to reaching out to him again seemed to calm you down more and more. By the time you tacked on the question mark at the end, your fingers had stopped trembling for there first time in what you could assume had been at least a couple of weeks. You let your phone drop to the floor as soon as you hit send, either he would be here within the hour or his response wouldn’t be worth reading. Those were the only options on the table. Either he was going to come and the two of you were going to get to be okay for a little while, or it truly was the end. If that was the case then you really didn’t want to see what he had to say. You heard your phone vibrate from where it laid just a couple feet away, and as much as the desire consumed you, you couldn’t bring yourself to move to see what it said. So you sat there, and waited to see if you would be able to hear those oh so familiar footsteps ascending your staircase again, responding to your oh so familiar request.
‘come thru?’
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roughentumble · 5 years
i watched the poughkeepsie tapes and, ignoring everything else about it, i seriously legitimately at the end of the movie went "huh, thats a cool twist. the serial killer is the one making the documentary," but i cant.... find anyone else saying as such online
like!!!!! to me, it makes so much sense. the obsession with filming, the occasionally odd interview questions("do you [admire him]?", the entire interview with Cheryl), the fact that he's already proven to be someone who taunts the police and likes to insert himself/make his presence known somehow, it feeds into how "intelligent" and "good at hiding his tracks" they said he was, it adds a beautiful layer of irony at the end when the cop is like "man when yr documentary comes out we're gonna be watching the theaters, he'll come see it, mark my words," it explains why there was so much graphic footage that would NEVER be allowed in a documentary, and it could also explain the MISSING TAPES(he kept some of them in order to have footage for the documentary)
also i figured at the end, either cheryl's death was faked and then he went and picked her up(although that seems a bit elaborate), OR she did actually kill herself, because he left AGAIN and didnt take her AGAIN and she was too devastated to handle it.
plus, if he's that vain and intent on documenting his story and his crimes WITHOUT getting caught or revealing personal information, then surely a long movie where you hear about all his crimes, step-by-step, and also all the cops are admitting that he's a genius who gave them the run-around and saying they might never find him, where we learn nothing about who he is in the slightest except that he was so good at murder, would be pretty appealing to him.
so like you can imagine my surprise when i dont see ANYONE else mentioning it lmao. so after that i gave it another thought.
admittedly, it does raise a few issues.
1) the cheryl interview. the weirdness of some of the questions couldve just been awkwardness in the face of someone so clearly and extensively traumatized. she didn't fall over herself with joy about how "you came back for me!!!" but with how hardcore he trained her, i think he could easily get her to act like she doesnt know him. in general, her acting here works for being read as both "abuse victim and no other reason" and "youre pulling a con and im in on it but i dont know the plan and im Flighty and Nervous(and also an abuse victim)."
the "i dont know what you want me to say," is completely applicable whether he's the killer or not. she's either saying "i dont have an internal barometer yet for what answer you specifically are looking for from me, so i dont know what to say," or shes saying "im frightened that if i answer that im happy to be home youll be mad at me for saying i missed it, but if i say im not happy to be home itll make your documentary unconvincing, you didnt fill me in on what you wanted from me(possibly on purpose to distress me) and im scared of the repercussions of me making the wrong choice." the stuff at the end about how she loved him makes just as much sense if its not the killer, but when i saw it i read it as a semi-coded message. "i love him(you), and i know he(you) will sweep me away from here soon, *makes heavy eye contact with the camera man*"
2) the mother didnt recognise him, and no one recognised his voice from the tapes. this ones a big sticking point, but if hes so meticulous at preparing crime scenes and has such a wide array of tools and "toys", he must have a decent amount of time and money on his hands, so he couldve possibly hired a dude off, idk, craigslist to interview the mom. as for his voice, he was only ever shouting and growling in the tapes, but the interviewer was very quiet and softspoken whenever he did speak. possibly that was enough to make him sound different? he was shown using sign language at one point, so maybe he hired an interpreter and signed questions to obscure his voice, so the voice we hear when the interviewer speaks would actually be the interpreter's voice.
3) i guess, thinking about it, documentaries usually have a whole crew, not just the guy doing the interviews but a lighting guy and a sound guy and a camera guy and an editor... but again, he doesnt lack the resources to do time-consuming and expensive tasks, so i dont have a hard time believing he'd be able to cobble together a small crew, just bare-bones enough to technically function.
actually, if he had something to mount it on, he wouldnt need anyone to hold the camera, and he could set up the lights and sound himself before he starts each take. and i cant imagine he'd let anyone construct his magnum opus except himself, so he'd do the editing. itd be work, but he could probably pull off being a 2 man crew(him+either an interpreter, or a craigslist interviewer.)
4) if he did, indeed, take the missing tapes in order to use them in the documentary, then as soon as it was played somewhere, theyd find out this was previously unseen footage and theyd know he was the killer. BUT if he gave them fake info and didnt leave any dna, they might not be able to find him. BUT ALSO itd be nearly impossible for them to not get him on surveillance footage, so he'd have his image spread around like wildfire. but then again, this issue could be solved by just saying "ok he used footage from the tapes in police custody. the other ones were special, possibly mementos or future breadcrumbs to taunt the police with."
idk. idk!!!!! i think my theory holds up. i think it makes a lot of sense, and also its literally the only reason i can think of that such graphic scenes would EVER be allowed-- or put-- in a documentary... because he doesnt care about censors or ratings(like pg-13 sort of ratings) or legality. all he cares about is showing off and preserving his legacy. he led the cops to the house because he wanted them to see the tapes, yaknow?? he wanted someone to see them.
like!!! the interview segments, while not perfect, were good enough that i felt more than a little jarred when we just straight up saw mr. serial killer decapitate someone. and not, like, a good jarring, like how horror movies are supposed to be upsetting. it just brought me out of the experience and felt so fake it was almost goofy. it was preposterous. (and also the effects were a little cheesy/plasticy in that scene, so that didnt help.)
a regular editor, putting that clip in, unblurred? who. who on gods green earth would ever do their job that poorly
a vain serial killer who wants people to see his creepy snuff films putting in that unblurred clip? extremely logical. makes sense.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Directator episode dub vs sub comparison! For no particular reason! Except i lov he!
First off we have the big obvious fact that his movie is clearly based on Journey To The West and the dub episode title still says that and their costumes are all clearly that, yet they still try and remove all references to it. Wtf! So yeah just a big overall change is that in the sub everyone is directly saying the name of the thing and Directator doesnt give everyone weird bootleg names. (And leaves nate as nate for some reason???)
There's also a bit of a voice change with all the new characters. Dub Directator has kind of a deep husky stereotypical western 'intellectual savant director' voice, while in japanese its not really anything special and just a similar goofy mildly nasally voice as most dorky villains get in the series. Think sub maddiman but younger and more hyperactive than cutesy, i guess? Or to picture it in dub form imagine a sort of coke bottle glasses cliche librarian stereotype + Screaming Very Loudly. So yeah both his voices are cute but i like the dub one better for how its a bit more specific to a hollywood character, and also a voice you dont tend to hear that often in a villainous role. And then the assistant yokai trio had a surprisingly big change! In the dub they have adorable squeaky komasan-esque mascot voices which fits their :3 faces but contrasts hilariously with how humanoid they are. In the sub they have the exact opposite and have very deep ordinary human voices that are hilarious being delivered while looking so cutesy! Theres also a bit more variation between them in the sub, one of them is just a norml deep voiced dude, one sounds shrill and screechy and one sounds ullllltra deep and perpetually grumpy. Yknow despite always smiling and all. The identical looking yokai in a dress during one of the later scenes also has a different voice here, so it seems she was meant to be a fourth assistant rather than one of them in costume.
Directator says a lot of Gratuitous English Words, all the bits of him yelling ACTIONNN and CUT CUT CUT were still there in japanese. So i suppose maybe he would be categorized as a Merican Yokai if he ever became playable?
Theres some dumb weird sexism in the Sudden Son Goku High School Au section in the sub. The various annoying students are all the same except the girls. In japanese their lines were "ohhhh nooo we cant carry all this stuff because we're girls, blablabla we have internalized sexism and think you boys are soooo much stronger" And then nate and whisper whine about how 'girls are always like that', always shirking work and being spoilt and lazy and reliant on men to do everything. Its dumb.
The bit where one of the annoying students embarasses nate by saying there's a hole in the back of his shorts is actually identical i.e there still is not any hole in the shorts and everyone acts like there is. Thats so odd! A similar continuity error in an earlier episode was actually the dub editing out a shot of underwear but nope they didnt do it again. The only dub edits at all in this episode seem to be translating text on the signs and stuff.
The inexplicable badass grandpa who is always everywhere being badass is surprisingly different in japanese! In the dub he's called the producer of Directator's compny, which is awesome and hilarious cos it seems totally in character for him to be off having random adventures with yokai offscreen and constantly defeating them at their own game. In the sub it doesnt have that element of accidental continuity with his first appearance defeating sproink, because instead he is...the journey to the west historical consultant!! Apparantly Directator hired a human to fact check this human story and he just ended up picking the worst possible candidate who enjoys trolling the fuck out of everyone. This gramps going 'yeah looks fine' to all this nonsense has a whole new context, and it also seems to imply Directator is more incompetant rather than intentionally changing the story. Either way though its still hilarious and this grandpa is the goddamn best!
And thats all the major changes, most of the rest is just a stray funny line being only in the dub or only in the sub. I'll try and screencap those later when i rewatch them on a bigger screen
Personally my opinion is that the voice changes in the dub ended up making the characters even more endearing, and most of the added jokes gave me a great laugh cos they referenced specific american filmmakers and stuff. But the japanese version has the advantage of not being this confusing inconsistant dumb attempt to censor the mythology it was based on. And their version of the grandpa gag made slightly more sense because of it. Though him being inexplicably the even more directory director bossman in the dub adds even more to his legend of badassery!
Also Directator as a name is a good pun but it feels like a bit of a bad change cos it doesnt have anything in common with his japanese name except also being related to movies. His sub name is Mister Movien which was like..its already english yo...?? And i just feel like 'hey he is mister something, this is his actual name' is a different vibe to 'The Directator With A Capital The'. Also its easier to search tags on tumblr for mister movien, for some reason directator gets you results for everything individually containing director and dictator also. Like wtf tumblr did you implement an anti punning filter??
ALSO more evidence for my theory that Directator is related to Hoaxy Coaxy: everyone wakes up at home after the film is over and thinks it was a dream, so that totally seems like Directator's powers work the same as Hoaxy Coaxy's. Also both of their sub names are two words both beginning with M. (Moso monmon and mister movien)
Anyway in summaary i am weirdly addicted to this random goofy hollywood dude who only had 1 and a half episodes and never returned. When u get so little screentime youre damn right im gonna keep rewatching it til i die!! HES JUST SO CUTE DAMMIT
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gammija · 6 years
The Hollow review/summary/rant/explanation of why i hate the ending I wasn’t sure whether I should post this, but I did enjoy reading others experiences watching this show, so here’s mine under the cut. Edited from a convo with a friend.
(Obviously, spoilers!)
Me: Okay so to properly express my disappointment i gotta take you through the major beats
The show starts with three teens waking up in an almost empty room, finding out they all have amnesia. They quickly solve a puzzle to escape the room, and just as quickly Adam and Mira realize they have superpowers (superstrength/agility and some weird 'speak to animals/know all languages' hybrid, respectively. also she can breathe underwater and swim really fast. its kind of vague)
Kai is already clearly a comic relief, discount Ron (from HP, the movies, no idea about the books) so me and sister correctly predict he'll get jealous of adam and miras relationship (even if there is none), gets pissy and jealous that he has no powers, but then finds out he has powers anyway he does, hes a fire bender. cant say im not bitter about that cause id put my money on invulnerability but eh its alright he has red hair after all hes still fun
Friend: Of course he is
I just feel bad is all aldjs
Me: adam gets a throwaway line of 'maybe were dead' and kai never lets it go
this food might be poisoned but im starving and hey were dead anyway! right, adam
Friend: I love him??
Me: i loved him as soon as he spoke his first dumb words also he puns but basically hes the only interesting char; adam and mira are just cookie cutter 'male lead 1' and 'female lead 1' i mean, he’s cookie cutter ‘jealous 3rd wheel’ but that has more going on than the first two still servicable though
anyway so the jokes are sometimes fun, and superpowers are always my jam. but the REAL reason to keep watching is just, whats going on? ARE they dead? or in some kind of weird gvnmt experiment? some weird magical vampire guide (dont ask) hints they wanted this themselves ooh, intrigue. and the world is very very quirky they start in a gravity falls-y woods and then get teleported to a desert with minotaurs and witches, then get invited for tea by the Grim Reaper and the rest of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
tbh Grim is the best part of the show but thats neither here nor there
anyway they have a magic map that updates once theyve been somewhere, and it shows them that the hot dry desert and the swampy wood bunker are like right next to each other
so you start thinking, how are they gonna explain that? this is too weird to be handwaved away. theyve gotta be going somewhere
they visit some other exotic locals, like what appears to be the set of Alien (complete with alien) and an abandoned old fair and a floating island with japanese inspired evildoers on it
the weird magic guide keeps showing up and being vague, dropping hints that there are other kids there etc
at some point Mira says "This is no time for games!" Weirdy: "Thats where youd be wrong~" me and sister: Aha! videogame! that connects all the dots, and also makes the tropes clear: small world with all kinds of different areas, quests, fights, superpowers, an updating map, fast travel Adam, a few eps later: guis i think we might be in a videogame me and sister: [high five]
Anyway in the meantime also the second predictable Kai (discount Ron) plot happens: they meet three other kids (boy boy girl) and they act shady but the girl takes an immediate and obvious interest in Kai so obviously theyre gonna manipulate him and have him betray his friends but in the end he'll see through their facade and kick their ass that more or less happens. The other teens also confirm that this is a game, and theyre trying to win. winning is done by bringing the MacGuffin to a tree fights over macguffin ensue situations are dire but our characters persevere
(also Mira kisses Adam and he acts very weird about it, almost as if hes gay and the only reason they didnt make it canon is censors) (no lingering gaze, just him going 'hehe yeah no thanks, its not you, its me', but in a very... he doesnt seem to be saying it with shall we say burning desire in his soul. hes literally just like 'eh youre a good friend.' Cool move, cartoon that made the two main boys have arguments over nothing cause of course the two main guys have constant dick measuring matches)
this all is not the offensive part btw it was all fun and games, its just a flash cartoon i wasnt expecting Shakespeare
anyway so theyre in a videogame, and apparently thats the answer to all the weirdness. A bit of a cop-out, cause thats a very easy answer, but eh, it works. it wasnt immediately obvious.
also something i hadnt mentioned yet: thisd be ideal for making (self-insert) OCs. Unique powers for each person, there are clearly more characters than shown, the world is your playground
and maybe the video game thing could be interesting on its own in the last few eps the game seems to be glitching out a lot they say its breaking apart so they really gotta hurry now maybe they were beta testers for a vr game gone wrong maybe this is part of it but its like a huge experience that you tell all your friends about anyway there are ways it could be cool, could be expanded to a season 2 despite having solved the mystery
but. last episode. our heroes get the MacGuffin, go to a final stage, and fight the Boss Battle (its a dragon). they enter the Castle....
...and the screen zooms out, into a sudden live action stage, where we see the cartoon (literally what you were just watching) on screen. there are 6 chairs, 3 with our heroes, 3 with the other teens, presumably. theres a host and hes dressed exactly like the weird guy (and that was already kind of a clashy outfit in the cartoon). it was all just a game show. but. the worst part is the live action
you. dont. go. from. animated. to. live. action.
other way around? fine, can work. But now? WHY itd still be dumb and dissapointing but if itd been animated too itd at least have been.... nice to look at but the acting.. oh god they didnt even say anything and it was all wrong clearly theyd just picked the first random teens that vaguely looked like the chars and put them in there cause they had no lines so who needs acting?!
the enemy teams girl had, in the cartoon, pink hair. Purple with pink highlights instead of stylizing that into something more realistic or painting the actual hair, they gave some 30-year old woman a wig and called it a day
keep in mind i binged this show in one go
purposely stayed up late to watch the last ep with my sis even tho we shouldve gone to bed and were disobeying our dad cause we Had to Know
and theres more i said they had no lines but i was lying. Kai did have a line. well, his voice actor did they dubbed him also the line was about him having to pee which is already not the most hilarious in animated version but a live action kid whose supposed to be this character you spent 3 hours with but looks nothing like him saying that in a voice that doesnt belong to his throat, as he stands bashfully in front of a live audience, the only words spoken by your main characters in the last moments...
*its actual hell*
oh oh one more thing at the end the six kids stand in a line and kai is next to other girl they glance at each other and as the eyes of this teen and 30 year old in wig cross, her eye glitches for a moment
dun dun duuun
bUT i dont care anymore, The Hollow. You overestimated your own premise. this wont be forgiven. your most interesting part was the mystery, and the answer  to that was "just a normal game show" (which also doesnt make sense on another level smh) soo if you think that im interested in what these two-dimensional (ha) characters will do now about the glitch in the eye of a bitch then i have news for u
i dont
...if they get a second season ill probably check it out though as long as its animated
Friend: Gammi I'm getting the real sinking suspicious feeling that what you saw isn't the real end but bad on purpose because there's more to it
Me: the show didnt seem good enough to be bad on purpose
and yet im still not done, if youll still hear me out
i mean, im an animation fan so ill still watch but if theyd wanted to be bad on purpose they really shouldve done a better job fleshing out the characters thats what people come back for that was a bit of a sidetrack BUT so i said why the live action itself was just terrible in overal quality
but the resolution that 'oh it was all in a game show' doesnt work on multiple levels
first of all, they show a short flashback of "About 5 hours earlier". The kids stand on the stage and are instructed to take their seats in the vr-chairs, and pick their superpower
2 things i dislike about that
1) there goes all the self-insert/oc potential. they werent teens in over their heads, they werent gvnmt experiments, or just some kids who wanted to play a game -they were in it to win it, from the start. thats very specific and not the most appealing to all kinds of characters (goodbye, all the 'im just an average girl whod never step into the spotlight like that' characters).
Also, all the expansion on lore is gone. maybe there were other games simultaneously? eh, maybe, but theyd be all gameshows. Maybe someone ended uo trapped there for way longer? nah its just a gameshow theyre not gonna let anything actually bad happen. Maybe there are other worlds, other areas, other weird creatures? unlikely, they finished the map and familiarity seemed to be a thing for the audience. Now every new idea has to be put not through a 'whats interesting for a player' but a 'whats interesting for a viewer' lens, and whats a selfinsert if not a player in another universe
who the hell watches a game show for 5 consecutive hours, some of which mustve been just them walking. also, we zoom out of the screen were watching, so implication is that everything up until then has been what the audience has seen. but... we only followed the one team. there were two? why didnt the audience want to see what they were up to? ~reality tv usually thrives on showinf the worst assholes so realistically they wouldve been the focus~
There are also way too many times *both* teams couldve failed, from early on till late in the game. Not a single game i can think of thats played for an audience is set up like that, and especially not a televised one (okay tbf idk if this was televised, i dont remember if i saw cameras, but. it mustve. monetary reasons.)
What r u gonna do if they all 'died' from the monsters in the first ep? Call it a day? boring for the audience. let them restart from scratch? boring for the audience. the existence of an audience messes with everything
AND THEN ANOTHER THING what do you mean, "5 hours ago?" you never get a time stamp to show how long theyve been in there but there are some cuts, when they travel and such. The actual show is a lil over 3 hours runtime. You mean to tell me you sat through 2 hours of the characters just walking?
okay last thing. so. they were clearly second season teasing with the glitching eye thing. i already said this but. theres nowhere to go from here that isnt worse that the first season. your mystery is dead. you clearly know your live action teens cant act so youd have to go back into the game - but why would they do that? how would that be in any way interesting? you explored all there was to explore.
The other, more out there option, is that as you said the 'real world' was a fake-out and theyre still in a game. but. how would- how would you even make that remotely convincing? if youd just left the 'real world' gameshow as animated too this wouldnt have been a problem. but there is absolutely no conceivable reason to justify, in universe, why another meta-level up is 2D animation again unless they were in a game, in a game, in a game. and thats just dumb. yall aint inception
Friend: HONESTLY if they just kept the whole deal animated it'd probably be okay. Not good, but better,
Me: ye me and my sister came to the same conclusion
i couldve lived with that. at least, i couldve just acknowledged the finales existence but chose to ignore it. now however im full phantom planet levels of denial. in fact i dont even know how the show ended anymore, suddenly
Friend: what finale? what show?
Me: also at least now we know why its called The Hollow
it leaves you feeling empty inside
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
ahhhhh i want to hide under the bed for a million years >.< family stuff and politics under the cut...
so my friend made an innocent facebook post asking for job hunting advice and my dad replied with a totally uncalled for anti-biden political crack
she did not say anything remotely political. did not even bring up current events. lit just “who knows a good place to job hunt” that is IT
she is my childhood friend. one of my childhood BEST friends. and while she is very friendly with everyone, it’s not like she and my dad regularly make chit-chat. i cannot think why he decided to respond to her post. it’s like the minute he sees an opening he triggers his “fuck the dems” button and goes off, regardless of who he’s talking to or what they actually said
but fortunately someone I don’t know leapt to my friend’s rescue and poltely but firmly told my dad now is not the time. and my friend gave the most elegant, sweet and kind response... like that is how she is as a person, you’ll never have a mean word from her. but it was also so intelligent.
she just said ‘oh i didnt mean this in a political way but for what it’s worth I think our economic situation is great, I wish the market had been this competitive when I graduated!’ which like YEAH boy when she and I graduated there were no jobs haha we dont have savings what are those even
so far dad has not answered that and i am crossing my fingers that he doesnt. im just floored by second hand embarrassment right now. he does this stuff to me all the time but my friends??? really??? you’re gonna take on someone over 30 years younger than you over facebook for no reason at all??? she didnt even make a political post, BUT IF SHE HAD, it STILL would be none of his business because she’s freaking allowed to make a political post if she wants!!!
like,,, i dont make political posts often simply bc I know he’s gonna take everything as an attack. recently I wrote on fb about how I dislike the way some parents want schools to censor books with so-called “inapproprite” materials even from their libraries. and my dad went off about that. only talked about that subject for like one line tho, the rest was “america is dying” “save the world from biden” “the dems are run by satan” etc. I just ignored that and responded to his one line that pertained to my post. I didn’t defend anyone in us politics... still his response was more of the ranting and not one word about censorship.
and he thinks HE’S the reasonable one!!! this is not how people have conversations!! political or otherwise!! if I say “do you like apples” and you say “we’re all going to get hit by a comet and burn to death!!!” that is NOT having a conversation! it’s just WEIRD!!!
and the thing is i really really feel like it IS weird, like this cant be a normal way people behave. I am worried something else is going on. I dont even want to make guesses tho. my dad has always been very conservative, very opinionated, and very grumpy, so I think it’s easy for us family members to feel like this just more of the same. but the lack of ability to register that he is not actually have a conversation, he is just shouting at someone who is not even talking back (hello, that is me, the person on the other end of the phone who just zones out for twenty minutes at time while you rant about things i do not care about). but telling him to go get seen does not help... he’s just Right and we are simply Wrong.
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lunarssong · 6 years
quick little summary/title: this started out as a rant but if you scroll down to the large bold, there’s a metaphor that should hopefully help explain why terfs are so god damn awful and dangerous
me? sending an ask off-anon to a terf because im both pissed and a fucking dumbass? its more likely than youd think
in fact! im not even gonna censor the word terf! if i dont feel like dealing with their bullshit replies and rbs then i literally just fucking wont!! yeah they might send in death threats but guess the fuck what?? im leaving my anon on fuckers, because honestly that shits gonna be funny to me! and if they try to doxx me (very unlikely, but i am trans and its not riskier to mention that because its already obvious, and ive never directly made a post about terfs before, so i really dont know whats gonna happen) or something then like! im a minor! we can sue those shitheads and hopefully bring more media awareness to how god damn shitty terfs are! literally dont even start, lmao.
have the damn ask because i wanna elaborate on it
“hi there! i wish you’d delete your tumblr, because you are dangerous. you are a violent misogynist, and make me ashamed to be a feminist.
you’re gonna attack me because i’m off anon, but you’d probably call me a coward if i was on it, lmao.
anyway! stop disguising your misogyny and transphobia with shitty ass ‘feminism’. i was raised by a feminist with a feminist mom who literally can’t believe y’all exist because your ideas are SO far from actual feminism.
just say you hate trans people and go.”
tbh? its so fucking wild to me how they literally spit out misogyny, transphobia, and lesbophobia but then get all pissy when someone calls them out on it,, but then have the nerve to accuse that person of being misogynistic and lesbophobic? like,, honey. honey, what? the fuck? how much of a dumbass are you?
because like. im a pretty big dumbass! like ive walked into a mirror before because i thought it was a door! im a dumbass!
but even i know that trans women literally cannot discriminate against cis women by saying that theyre (plural, but trans women can 100% use they and thats totally valid) women! because guess the FUCK what?? theyre fucking women! if yall shitheads (terfs) wanna call that misogyny then yall cant call yourselves women either!
if yall assholes wanna call a specific group of lesbians/wlw pointing out, “hey! we experience discrimination because of an entirely irrelevant physical feature we all happen to share that has literally no actual affect on whether or not we are women/wlw” lesbophobia or speaking over minorities then wow.
wow, are yall gonna be shocked when (if) you realize what the hell yall doing that qualifies as.
oppressors literally depicting and/or committing fucking hate crimes, sometimes even as serious as murder, rape, etc. (this is referring to terfs, i should never have to point that out) is NOT comparable to an oppressed as hell minority saying that people who literally want them dead should not be in safe spaces intended for people of a community they both happen to belong to.
to put this into perspective for yall out there literally worse than garbage (terfs)! imagine this scenario.
youre in a community of women. trans women may or may not be a part of this particular community, shut the fuck up, thats irrelevant. a group of straight women pop up, and start saying that being wlw is misogynistic and harmful to women. this is bullshit. you know that immediately. why wouldn’t it be? you explain to them the obvious reasons why it is not. they ignore you.
they begin to spew utter bullshit, claiming things like “women should never marry other women. you’re ignoring the fact that a man’s place is as a woman’s wife, and basically trying to be men, which is like admitting that men are superior.” or, “as straight women, you flaunting your homosexuality,” the woman gestures to a lesbian couple who aren’t even holding hands and haven’t been touching the whole time theyve been there. one has a small rainbow heart sticker on her purse. “makes me feel threatened in my femininity. (insert plural of 4 letter slur against lesbians that i dont feel comfortable typing a single letter of) arent really women, their existence is heterophobia and misogyny. they shouldn’t be allowed in female-only spaces because they normalize masculinity.”
over time, this group of straight women grows. they call themselves feminists, claim theyre fighting for the rights of all women! unless those women happen to love other women and dont perfectly fit their (cisnormative too but terfs are awful so they like that) heteronormative idea of a woman. they protest at the very idea of saying “significant others”, “partners”, or even “wives and/or husbands” because it doesnt fit their idea of being a woman. because they think having a wife and loving women is only for men.
eventually, they start getting braver and braver. they start going to feminist rallies, and if they spot gay women, or even women they think look gay, theyll get up in their faces, threaten them, call them slurs. theyll try to record them, try to get them fired from their jobs or outed to unsupportive families. or even just expose them to the potential of assault in their day-to-day life. because theyre gay. and that doesnt affect the straight women at all, but they hate diversity and are homophobes. so they need an excuse.
sometimes theyll get their other gay-exclusive feminist friends to record them committing violent acts against wlw feminists, just to take stills from those videos out of context when the gay women defend themselves, and then go crying to the media, twisting the roles of victim and aggressor to paint a violent picture of wlw. they say that feminist rallies should be an event only for real women or allies to their cause—meaning, to them, no wlw, and certainly no mlm. they probably even try to turn all homophobia towards gay men into a sexism issue (they are sometimes tied, but not mostly). but they lose their shit when anyone tries to tell them to get out of these safe spaces for women, because by attacking wlw for literally nothing beyond existing, they are ruining the safe part.
people start to become ashamed to call themselves feminists, and are often lumped in with these homophobes. even if they themselves are gay. straight feminists who love, support, and fight for wlw begin to feel guilty for being straight. new labels for feminist ideology begin popping up, the gay-exclusive feminists strike them down and turn them into jokes.
their end goal is to reverse victories like gay marriage, remove gay representation both in the media and in history books (sometimes even arguing that famous wlw were ‘just close friends’ with their wives or girlfriends), and to send wlw right back to hiding and marrying men for fear of their lives.
all in the name of thinly veiled homophobia feminism!
but wait, you cry, that sounds nothing like feminism! it actually sounds like misogyny and homophobia!
think about who yall are the real-life equivalent of in that scenario.
need a hint because youre so brainwashed? try changing ‘gay/wlw’ to ‘trans’, ‘straight’ to ‘cis’, and ‘gay-exclusive’ to ‘terf’.
i doubt any of them will actually read through this, let alone realize their flawed perspective due to it, but hey. maybe ill sway some people who’re on the fence about how horrible terfs are.
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armve1ns · 3 years
yo hot take. some f3minists* want all men to take accountability for the actions of shitty men. some go so far as to say all men are inherently evil.
lets say a kid had a shitty set of parents. abusive, even. lets say that kid is traumatised by their parents actions. that kid grows up to be fearful of any adult resembling those parents.
whats the most reasonable action this person should take as an adult?
a. keep it to themselves
b. demand every adult resembling their parents prove they arent abusive
c. seek therapy if possible, or research coping mechanisms to better their life
if you answered c, youre correct! and heres why:
holding someone to task who did not commit or enable the behaviour directly is unfair to them. its also an unhealthy mindset for the victim, as they dont try to heal, and instead try to shape the world for themselves. the world isnt gonna do that, nor should it
so why cant we apply that to this rights movement? why cant we call out behaviours like this in individuals of that group?
we can, and we should. i guarantee it wont do any good to approach these types in that group with anger. taking them to task in return is not the answer. we need to approach them with open ears, and understand where theyre coming from so we can help them dismantle bad coping mechanisms they have developed
to anyone in that movement who is not like this: please try your best to help those who are. they are not a strawman of your movement, and im not going to pretend all of you have a victim mentality. it is an issue that affects people, including women who dont associate with your movement.
*i censor this word because this is tumblr, you can find untagged posts in the search, and i dont want the extreme ones to find this lol
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lostmystyx · 7 years
All the numbers
someone else sent me 18 but like im answering them all here (fifty years later) so
1. Do you have a chum handle? What does it mean?
i came up w geneticArticulate a while ago?? bc i thought i needed it to have The Letters yknow and i was pretentious but now if i had one itd be satansTherapist tbh
2. Is your username homestuck related/have you had one hs related?
this one isnt buuuut all my others are lmao
3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit?
nah ive picked up the word datemate from homestuck tho and thats pretty terrible but like its a good gender neutral word
4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?
what best friend tbh
5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?
i only have the slightest understanding of what kin even is
6. God Tier?
he ck i dont know man i bounce a lot but currently im thinking mb seer of heart?? not sure tho dont hold me to that
7. Do you make HS fanart?
SHAMELESS SELF PROMOTION TIME @askthedirectoroftime @askmerdavesprite @askyourmergodhussie FOLLOW ME BITCHES
8. Do you make hs fanfiction?
yeahhhh but i dont post it v often if at all
9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?
all the time. constantly. its how i met u and its how i met dave n how i met cal and i love it a lot?? but parps kinda gone to shit lately and its getting harder and harder to score an rp, and i hate trying to rp on tumblr (not gonna promo my rp blogs bc theyre awful) bc of how much effort it takes to send a new reply, and on cherubplay everyone ditches your rp within a week. ive had discord recommended to me but i dunno how to get started on that thing. 
10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?
heck yeAH i do!! ive been trying to go to more and more cons this year, and im excited to do even more next year!! hopefully some meet ups too lmao. ive made so many super rad friends through cosplay and its been a really great experience so far. so far ive cosplayed… (gonna censor the names so it doesnt end up in the tags) s*llux, arad*a, vr*ska, god tier m*tuna, kurl*z, cr*nus, arad*asprite, d*vepetasprite, dave, god tier j*hn, rose, dirk, hal, bro, abro, dad, sp*des sl*ck (with the most lovely ms pa*nt), and i JUST finished my jude! im almost done w my tr*llcop s*llux and d*amonds dr*og, and im working on a*mless renegade! suuper excited to cosplay him tbhh. ive done a lot of group cosplays this year, like i did a beta/alpha kids group, sc*urge sisters, pa*ntslick, and a h*veswap group! i post my pictures on instagram, but i dont hand out my instagram to ppl i dont know personally and well.
11. Are you apart of ask blogs?
@askthedirectoroftime @askmerdavesprite @askyourmergodhussie fOLLOW ME I NEED ATTENTION
12. Are you in any homestuck groups?
what does this mean
i have,, groups of friends ive met through homestuck??
i have some cosplay groups??
i was once part of a two separate askblog groups and ditched them both bc i wasnt a fan??
ive never been a part of a hs discord server??
13. Favorite character?
fuCK idK i relate a lot to john and dave is my baby and i lOVE messing w abros character and d*vesprite is wonderful and dirks a loser and kark*ts a sweetheart but i dk man idk probably john or dave
14. Least favorite character?
f*feri. i think her character was brilliantly done but this fucking fandom doesnt know shit about her and i despise it. or, g*mzee, for the same general reason. mb kankr*, for the same general reason. i love all of the characters in homestuck, but some the fans have really made me hate seeing.
15. OTP?
d*vekat tbhhh but listen okay d*rkjohn, lately, has been my fucking everything give me the depressed assholes im here for it
16. NOTP?
any kinda pedophillia incestual bullshit pls get that out of my house i dont want it i dont like it go fuck urself but other than that catch me leaping away from that d*vejade i dont even have a good reason for why i dont like it i just?? dont for some reason 
17. BROTP?
but i also lOVE psii and bro??? so much??? why isnt there more content tbh
and he ckin abro and (fanon) bro ofc is a wonderful thing that gives me life
18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?
19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?
i bought it the day it came out and played it all and finished my jude cosplay the day after and me n two buddies did tr*zza xefr*s and jude on halloween and one of my pals is working on finishing her joey rn n were gonna do the thing joey is my sweet precious bby and jude is a Good Boy who deserves the best n u will pry this game from my cold dead hands
20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life?
ohmygod ive met so many amazing friends through homestuck?? and i think ive found a really amazing community in the cosplay community, and cosplay has helped me a lot with making new friends and starting conversations with strangers and getting the courage to go to new things where i dont know anyone and navigating stuff on my own- and OFC, bc of my askblogs my art has improved so fucking much??? its actually insane?? and ive seen so many huge inspirations in this community that make me want to create more beautiful things every day
21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?
uh yEAH ive met t o n s of wonderful amazing ppl through homestuck and im not gonna list them all bc ive been here all day but i love them all and theyre amazing wonderful ppl whether i met them through roleplay or askblogs or cosplay or whatever u guys r wonderful
22. Have you left the fandom before?
nope im here forever
23. How many times have you read through it?
only the once tbh but ive been meaning to go back and read through it again and like,,, rlly study the characters u kno?? bc the fanon rlly makes u forget so much about what happened and also knowing how things end up rlly puts things in perspective when you go back
24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?
never and ppl who do need to get off my blog dont talk to me or my thousand green frog sons ever again
25. Opinions on the fandom?
there are so many amazing artists in this community that are rlly just amazing and inspiring and i love being here because of it, and ive met so many AWESOME fucking people through it, and i love going to cons as a homestuck just because of the instant community you find i think its beautiful. but, at the same time, there are a lot of awful nasty toxic fuckheads in this community who can frankly burn.
26. Opinions on the comic?
amazing?? glorious?? beautiful?? gay vampire n goth girl wedding?? canon nb chara?? aracial charas?? total freedom of hcs?? g ay?? approaching serious issues like child abuse and depression in a serious and healthy yet lighthearted way?? egg?? dealing with embarrassment related to past choices?? gay?? incredible music?? amazing art?? awesome animation?? stupid as hell?? amazingly flushed out and dynamic characters and relationships?? wonderful?? my everything??
27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?
i definitely have a serious leaning towards the humans im gonna be completely honest here what can i say im a sucker for them str*londes and my boy john
28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?
just. the whole d*vekat arc. their relationship is so good n healthy n just?? aaaa?? oR. johns slow descent into depression. i cried. im a mess. but honestly also i love a lot of just the ridiculous bullshit at the beginning with john fucking around and how upset he gets over dumb things i love john
29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?
the whole mess with aran*a and jake and jane it was well done and i admire hussie so much but it was so well done that it made me uncomfortable reading it
30. Tell us a homestuck based story.
there was a tournament arena thing at a con i went to and i was playing sharks and minnows with a whole bunch of cosplayers but it had a twist and that twist was you tagged people with swords
imagine a whole bunch of nerds running back and forth in a fenced in rectangle with a line of nerds in the middle trying to smack them with swords
got that image in your head? good
so i was dressed as hal that day and me and a dirk were the only homestucks playing and we were totally into it and our characters and generally goofing off and going back and forth teasing each other yknow
and i was a shark and he went running by and i fucking nailed him right in the crotch (on accident) and he went fucking down (he was okay tho the sword was basically a pool noodle) and thats the time i hit a dirk in the dick with a sword as hal
31. How homestuck related is your blog?
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smurfettte · 7 years
Im still using sm*rf bc i dont want it to show up in the tags its annoying and im sry
💎 - when and how did you discover your special interest?
Ooh this goes way back.
Well, when i was about nine my parents first seperated (they did twice, ultimately getting divorced 2nd time around) for a period of two years, and during that time we had very, very little money because my mom was a stay at home mom for years and had to get a job too, so we basically had to cut, like, everything/anything extra that we didnt need. The best my mom could do so we didnt get a total shock on top of everything was to get us the smallest cable package possible (im pretty sure it was way cheaper back then too, idk if even that would be manageable now) where we had just like, a little cluster of channels; one of those was boomerang. I was really, really sad about loosing cartoon network, so my mom hyped me up about being able to watch sm*rfs, even though i only had a very vague idea of what they were. From there, it kind of just became my permanent special interest. My mom and i watched it together a lot since her mom played into the really strange christian propaganda of “demonizing” cartoons that was everywhere in the 80s when she grew up. She would bribe her brother not to rat her out when she would sneak-watch it on saturday mornings and tbh that would literally be me
✖ - Is there something you Dont like about your special interest?
Definitely. The author of the original comics was uh… a really sexist, probably racist and a homophobic guy. Which, really shows in his earlier works – the full sm*rfette story is honestly much worse than the concepts of her origin that were kept in the cartoon. The 80s retelling is basically the comic but heavily censored for over obviously sexist content, while still being sexist in itself (just in a way where, maybe for younger viewers or a blind eye, its not obvious at first). Honestly just the treatment of most of the female characters is my complaint in the way a lot of them are portrayed, but especially sm*rfette. She cant do one self indulgent thing for herself without it being ridiculed or often portrayed as wrong, even when shes like the smartest and most caring person in the village. Its annoying and not a good message at all.
Also, it tries to be written as insanely het all the time and just isnt. Like its so gay and theres so many moments where youre like “ppl really tried to pass this as het…bitch” but time and time again… straight people think its reasonable that an entire village is attracted to. a single person (who most of the time heavily shys away from affection from men too, lmfao…). REALLY hoping the new movie addresses that in some way thats not bad, but im trying not to get my hopes up (ive got my hopes up).
💕 - Something you like about your Special Interest?
Honestly this is a lot of things, but i would have to say?? Like. Everything, except the things i dont like ^. Its constantly been such a comfort to me in so many ways. I love the characters, i love how it was my first real introduction to fairytale fantasy (aside from disney) and its just… so calming. Some people find it boring and annoying, but for me it was so easy to fall in love with and kept me company/calmed me down during some of the worst times ive ever had. Even when some of those worst times were because people would make fun of me for loving it.
🍳 - do you have a stim related to your special interest?
In a few ways, yea! I do!
I always compare it to this, but i think being surrounded in things related to it is a kind of visual stim that relates to the old woman who wants most everything in her house to be green. Just as it makes her feel calm, happy, and energetic, i have the same expirience but i sm*rf theme as many things as i can, and collect ALOT. I try to be surrounded by it as much as possible, and it always helps me to feel happy and calm. If im not in a space where its all around, i’ll have sm*rf things that i use day to day, like my wallet, cups, things like that. It always provides a feeling of happiness and safety.
Another for a physical stim is that i have a sm*rfette themed slime that one of my best friends made me for christmas! (He made a little white hat to put over the lid too, it was so sweet). Its a glittery blue, and has lots of gold, blue, and flower shaped sequins in it! i love squishing gooey and squeezable stuff. Textures like that are the best ever.
🍭- a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
This is gonna be long and im sorry i talk so much, but Brainy, Grouchy, Clumsy, and Fette (so i dont have to block out the full word again) are all autistic!
- Brainy expiriences a lack of empathy, tends to micromanage more than one usually would (especially if one of his special interests are involved/its something he came up with himself) and, as mentioned, expiriences special interests (a need for worldly knowledge – especially of magic, and for papa, who he constantly seeks to impress and be respected by, no matter what it takes. He loves him and wants to be just like him, and often does things for him out of the blue just so he’ll appreciate and recognize him + his potential). He stims by chewing (probably with the handle of a wand) and by writing + drawing swirly doodles on paper with his quill pen. He infodumps, and he usually lacks an understanding of social cues; this often leads to him making “bad decisions” being highly ridiculed, often overshadowed by his peers.
- Clumsy does not quickly process information + events, his comfort object(s) is/are his continuously growing rock collection/garden that he waters and talks to everyday, he stims by flapping and jumping, and is very uncoordinated. There are often ‘simple’ things that confuse him that he is unable to figure out quickly (like putting together things that fold up - chairs, foldable tables where u have to specifically press something, stuff like that. I think its an autistic thing even though im not able to describe it very well since ive struggled w it all my life myself and i always get weird looks when i cant do it) and his special interest is Brainy. Because he is physically incoordinated and processes information slow, though people do stick up for him, he can often recieve even worse treatment from those around him than Brainy does, on top of being easily able to manipulate due to him being so easily trusting and loving. Because of this, him and Brainy often do everything together, and eventually their mutual love for each other + relatability brings them to be almost inseperable (even if Brainy looses his patience more than he should sometimes). aka theyre boyfriends it rly shows
- Fette struggles with anxiety (as alot of autistic people, like myself, do) and has hyper-empathy. Similar to Clumsy, Fette seeks comfort in her flower garden and flowers in general, often holding conversations with them. This actually is a real theory, but she believes that talking to the flowers will help them to grow, and cherishes them as if they were people. She knows the name of every flower in the forest and could tell you at LEAST 5 facts about every single one. She stims by flapping, jumping, and chewing on her hair. Fette is quick to act to situations whether good or bad, and raised voices from others can often send her towards a meltdown (in where she retreats to her house for solitude to calm down + renergize). Though she loves her friends and being with them, she is an introvert and enjoys being by herself or with her flowers to regain energy.
- Grouchy uses echolalia to express his emotions and partake in conversations, while being mostly nonverbal. He often seeks company in animals or baby sm*rf (who i believe is also his special interest) because they bring him comfort and dont ask him to explain or change who he is. He is often very distant from most people, and only opens up to being around people he feels he can trust.
😂 - something funny about your special interest?
It just made me type up like. Disorganized paragraphs when im supposed to be packing up my shit 2 go to my moms. Also just the idea that a whole village could be attracted to a single person and no one else… funnie as shit my guy
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