#i dont personally ship them but objectively they are funny
ontdah · 1 year
[S] DD: Survive
The minute I heard this audio I knew what I had to do.
(The Deadeye design belongs to @reshzin btw heheheh >:3c)
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oscconfessions · 7 months
so sorry for talking about tacomic discourse even though theres already been a morbillion asks about it and the topic died like a week ago.
my take: as long as you arent glorifying toxicity or presenting a toxic relationship as being good and desirable there is literally no issue?
people act like you can’t write character personalities or plots differently than what’s canonically presented and thats CRAZY. people do it ALL THE TIME with everything else, have you SEEN how many AUs exist??? why is it a problem with tacomic?
like the whole point of writing ship dynamics and making fanart and fanfic is that the characters will literally never act this way in canon (cause object shows rarely have canon ships). as long as you arent shipping illegal stuff theres literally no problem.
and honestly i think i have to have this outlook on it as a floorphone shipper(SORRY FOR BRINGING UP FLOORPHONE AGAIN BUT I SWEAR ITS RELEVANT), otherwise i’d be a hypocrite. basically yada yada mephone wanted sooo badly to get rid of floory in ep 12 but then they end up becoming cohosts, and like their dynamic does a whole 180 canonically because of this. That just proves, yeah, its possible for two characters to be written in a way where their dynamic starts as 🔥enemies🔥 and then they becomes friends or lovers, even. guys the enemies to lovers trope is soo overused but its also soo epic.
but yeah people who act like its impossible to ship something unless the characters were best friends from the very start or never did any harm to one another are actually bonkers. like are we forgetting the fantube divorce? i dunno man the way test tube was acting toward fan was prettyyy toxic. what about sodapack? canonically they’re pretty awful for each other but a large majority of the fanbase continues to ship them (myself included lmao). even fireafy has toxic traits and thats one of the most popular bfdi ships. personally i think a ship is better and more believable when there ARE disagreements or occassional bad things that happen. that doesn’t necessarily make a relationship unhealthy, every relationship will have the occassional ups and downs. thats just how it is. and to act like everything HAS to be perfect or else it’s unhealthy is just. ugh. that makes it seem like no one should ever ship anything ever again.
i know people are gonna be like ‘but taco was only ever manipulative toward mic!!!’ and yeah i agree, but you’re forgetting my earlier point. you can write things differently lmao.
the amount of fanfiction I have written that COMPLETELY IGNORES canon is nuts. guys it’s no fun to have to follow canon to a t, go crazy be silly write the funny fanfic where literally everyone is ooc and the plot makes no sense, i love stuff like that.
does this make any sense? i dont think this makes any sense.
anyways this is coming from someone who doesn’t ship tacomic, so it’s truly an unbiased news source.
goodnight america.
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shipcestuous · 5 months
There has been some ongoing discussion about Chris and Cathy’s relationship in the books. (All posts with commentary about their relationship are in this tag.) The relationship is controversial and we’re not all going to agree and that’s OK. I don’t want to participate in or facilitate a debate because that’s not what I want to focus on, but I recognize there aren’t really any other great places for that to happen, so I apologize that I can’t be a better host for that. I appreciate the interest and the participation. I’m going to answer the most recent asks I received on the topic, and if anything else comes in, it will be added to this post instead of posted as a new post. Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts.
Anon:  No hate to the anti-chris anon, i also appreciate the respectful way they disagreed, and i have no dog in the fight personally, but i thought it brings up a bit of a funny concept to me that an incestuous pairing needs to be declared as toxic when most people would consider the fact it is incestuous to be toxic enough, like, we kind of have to grade on a curve here, lol. In most cases, especially with canon incestuous couples, it is going to have some aspect of their relationship be "toxic", because the people that are making this content are afraid to show a loving, happy and healthy romantic relationship between relatives, that doesnt have a tragic backstory, like being abused and neglected, that as a result, encourages their forbidden love. Or at least it makes normies feel better about the fact that it could never happen in real life, except in these super specific dysfunctional situations. Its very rare for these characters not to have toxic traits, such as being controlling, jealous, violent, or straight up criminals if the pairing is canon and not just imagined, but we take what we can get in that department. And i personally enjoy some angst, its part of the appeal to me, but the darker parts (i.e m*rder and r*pe) i am able to dissect from a pairing i like and just pretend it doesnt exist in my head canon, especially in the cases where there is a tragic ending, because otherwise it'd hamper my enjoyment severely. Not to mention, these are fictional characters, i dont necessarily think we need to apply real life judgement on them, yes they are toxic by real world standards, but thats why they end up together, if they werent abused and neglected, they probably would have ended up with "normal" lives, and the ship wouldnt even exist, its just the nature of how incest shipping goes. 
You’re very right that most content creators are afraid to show loving, happy, and healthy romantic relationship between relatives. Even independent content creators are reluctant. Even if they’re not afraid of backlash, it’s like there’s this fear that it’s inferior because it’s unrealistic or something like that. Ironically, it’s the edgiest thing you could do. 
There are going to be two different kinds of fans - those who are willing to “grade on a curve” (I like that analogy a lot) and those who aren’t. I have nothing against those who have to approach it objectively, but as someone who has suffered through so many ships that have gone sour or ended in ways beyond saving, I’m definitely prone towards being forgiving to the few that aren’t as bad as the others or taking what I can get. 
I also think it’s OK to ship something as if some event or whatever had never happened. It’s basically just an AU fanfic in your head. 
@sassybisquit:  So, I have to say something in response to the anti-Chris anon. These books are not romances. They are, all the way through the fourth book, primarily about how victims become villains (while still remaining victims) and various consequences of that and trying to work off the bad you've done and not pass on the bad way you've been treated. And still failing. That's the plainest way I can say it, and I'm annoyed I have to. That's all I'm going to say, besides the fact that I don't think Chris was bad for Cathy or treated her badly (besides the very important plot-wise, but not romantic, rape). But everybody can have different opinions, which is great.
FITA gets marketed as a romance sometimes, but in my mind, it’s in the horror genre. 
I do think that VC Andrews - and as a result, Cathy - puts the blame for the sexual assault on what was done to Chris and not as much on Chris himself. And readers are going to approach that differently. Authorial intent is a whole debate unto itself. 
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screampotato · 5 months
as a transmasc whos had a complicated relationship (haha ship boat ship) w hearing people talk about objects w the same pronouns as they talk abt me, and also more primarily as a transmasc who likes to think HUGE, why dont (or moreso, why cant we now) refer to boats (at least/relevant thing for rn) as he? i mean the huge brained thing would be designing neos for your boat (id love to hear the discourse between marine workers abt what pronouns the boat would have. can you imagine) but idk, whatd happen if you he/him'd a boat? would your peers take the change in stride after thinking about it? would there be some sort of strange peer group split about people deciding he/him should be valid vs staying she/her?
anyway sorry if this is insane im autistic but instead of only failing social situations i also think of novel insane social situations. i think we should just have more fun w weird pronouns in situations like that. the "being out at sea for too long" generated pronouns would go really hard i think.
Hi there! This is a more elaborate version of a question a lot of people have been asking. The reason boats are she is steeped in a lot of (most likely sexist) history. These days people in the marine industry are not thinking of the pronouns in that way, really, or in any particular way, except as a way to vaguely personify the boat, because that is just how we see them. It's not explicitly granting her feminine characteristics, it's just respecting her totality, as an individual (very few boats or ships are identical to another, they tend to be unique) and as more than the sum of her parts, and from my point of view as a designer, sort of arguing for the need to respect her as an integrated whole where every system affects every other system, not just an assortment of independent systems.
Could you call a boat "he"? You could. I remarked in a couple of other places that if you wanted to make it stick, you'd have to actually make it part of the name, like "Empress Sophia (he/him)". Actually register him like that and paint it on the hull. It would be hilarious. Whether people would respect it or not I don't know, no doubt some would, others might try but forget because the she habit is so ingrained, others would just ignore it altogether. You might run a risk of people just reverting to "it" in confusion.
If I personally just started using "he" for boats in a professional setting, people would find it very weird, but also funny, and would eventually put it down to a personal eccentricity, of which there is no shortage in this line of work. They would be unlikely to follow suit.
As an aside, the fact that calling a boat she doesn't confer feminine characteristics also means that you can say amusingly gender-bent phrases like "she's a big lad" if it makes you happy.
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corviiids · 8 months
Astarion/Gale for the ship asks?
thank you brother
ship it / don't ship it / + a secret third thing?
i don't... not ship it?? in the sense that i will happily read and make stuff for it but i also don't believe it could or want it to actually happen lol. i LIKE the ship just don't actively ship the ship
1. Why don’t you ship it?
i just don't think... they... would? do that? get together? here's the thing like i will read fic of them and if they ARE already together somehow then im like yeah that's a fun dynamic i just cant see the getting together working. personally dont think they would be particularly drawn to each other as anything but friends and it's too much of a stretch for me to believe they'd make it past all the compatibility hurdles to ever hit established relationship or even fwb or anything more than buddies. does this make sense like i dont have an objection i just feel like astarion thinks gale is a sexless little garden gnome of a man who would correct the grammar of his dirty talk and i think gale would not be interested romantically or sexually in the type of person astarion is due to the everything about him
2. What would have made you like it?
well i DO like it i just think they're not compatible. i think they're super fun i just also think the ship is mostly founded in "they snipe at each other" and i personally will usually wnat a little more meat to the bones if im gonna start chewing. the sniping is fun though. i enjoy the sniping. if they kissed it would be really funny. i do think they kissed like at least once and then never spoke about it again
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
oh plenty. they're fucking funny. they'd be a disastrous couple and we all know i love that for anyone
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kazamajun · 3 months
ship ask game 1 thru 20 but ur free to skip the ones u dont like
ship ask game @scalproie you absolute madlad but i'm into it so here goes for the kazjuns
Who would ask “would you still love me if I was a worm?” and how would the other(s) respond? Hard canon-wise I'd have to say neither, but that's not a fun answer so I offer you a hypothetical scenario of Jun asking what if she was (insert species of bird) and Kazuya responding that he would ensure the cultivation of her most ideal habitat and that he'd listen to her birdsong each morning.
Who comes up with the best date night ideas? Depends on how you define 'best'. Kaz I feel leans towards the extravagant and large in scope, while Jun is more comfortable with lowkey stuff, and both could find things to enjoy about the other's tastes that might even surprise them. Random examples: indulging in nature is something he could enjoy bc it is a getaway from stress and people, and Kaz gets her into his helicopter at least once and she likes it more than expected bc, despite having been on planes and such before, the sensation is different and the view is enjoyable.
Who’s better at carnival games? Obvious answer is they're equally matched. Both of them have absolutely insane hand/eye coordination.
Who drags the other(s) onto a rollercoaster? I could see Jun being the one doing the convincing, as he probably thinks rollercoasters are silly.
Who does the most chores? I see it as fairly equal, they each have their own preferred tasks (Kaz and the morning miso! 💞) but split in ways that feel fair.
Who gets drunk the quickest? Oof, tough call. I don't see either of them as the type to drink much but Kazuya's tolerance is probably higher.
Who watches the most reality tv? Neither. I can't see it appealing to Kaz, and Jun is more of a nature documentaries kinda person.
Who insists their way is better even though it’s objectively the worst way? KAZUYA. In stubbornness stakes they're about the same but his ideas are awful.
Who believes in ghosts? Jun, she canonically spoke with her dad's spirit after all!
Who texts the most memes to the other(s)? I'm not sure Kaz knows what a meme is, and Jun's texting would be like those 'good morning!' flower images lol
Who makes the most typos/autocorrect mistakes? Oh man I'm so conflicted here bc Kazuya is such a meticulous guy, but the thought of him getting screwed over by autocorrect changing his words and not knowing how to fix it is damn funny
Who’s a more nervous flyer? Neither, they're both comfortable.
If they have matching pfps, are they cute, funny, weird, etc? I'm not sure if they would but if they did, it'd probably be a professionally taken picture of them together.
Who’s better at writing professional emails? Jun. She's way better at sounding professional. Kaz tends towards the blunt and commanding in tone.
Who steals the other(s)’ food? Neither, they share!
Who’s more willing to commit murder for the other(s)? Kazuya obviously.
Their child is chanting “McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!”, who says they have food at home, joins the chant, or buys a single black coffee and leaves? Jun says they have food at home, Kaz orders the coffee and leaves.
Who uses more slang? I don't think either of them do but also don't have strong feelings on this one.
Who would absolutely slay at the met gala? They're both monarchs who coordinate and maximize a joint slay.
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scalproie · 1 year
omg plz do 13, 16, and 25 for the violence ask meme on tekken FWKJFK sorry for so much im just interested to hear ur thoughts!!!
13. worst blorboficiation
Objectively, Lee is the "least evil" mishima and congrats to him for leaving (tho forcefully) that fucked up family and yeah his childhood sucked big time and I have to respect the hustle of him rebranding himself into the funny "excellent" flamboyant guy but GOD he somehow successfully tricked everybody into forgetting that he is also very not a good person. I KNOW we are starving for positive relationships in tekken but he is very much as egoistical and self-interested as the rest of his family, kazuya is his brother only by name only and lee not only doesnt care about him nor their father and he would happily throw him or both of them under the bus to get ahead LIKE HE IS DOING NOW BY WORKING WITH LARS AND JIN AGAINST KAZUYA. Lee could not have inherited raw power from heihachi so he got his manipulativeness, sketchyness and charisma, and lets not talk about how the devil gene is alienating both kaz and jin so there is no way lee could even keep up with that. But if he could I really doubt he would still be regarded as the meme man that he is now. I love lee but I feel like the only person that can see smth sinister lurking under the surface thats funny and approachable and even has friends. Thats not a negative btw I love that about lee but the overly kindness I see from people's interpretation of him sometimes take me out. Hes better, but hes still not good, yknow?
(as for mk im just slipping it there bc its fresh in my head, johnny cage holds the really heavy burden of being the only somewhat comical main character in a sea of dramatic people so he is doomed to be mischaracterized I think. Either hes treated TOO seriously and it feels... wrong in a way I cant explain OR he is subject to comical whorification. But thats just me hating fun I guess.)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Heihachi has the worst fucking development in tekken 7 it genuinely makes me insane that some people would enjoy this botched attempt of sympathy toward him, all while making fun of his original reasonning like "haha lions dont push their cubs off cliffs" WE KNOW its a traditional asian misconception that even has a name and it makes sense bc heihachi is old school but also ITS NOOOT ABOUT THE LITERAL LION THING ITS A METAPHOR ITS ABOUT GENERATIONAL TRAUMA AND TOXIC MASCULINITY GNGNHGNH and its BETTER than a hypothetical witch trial that makes NO SENSE bc HEIHACHI YOU THREW THE KID SAYING THAT IF HE SURVIVED, HE HAD THE EVIL IN HIM. AND THEN YOU RAISED HIM??? WHAT??? Its stupid. I hope he stays dead goodbye forever funny cockroach grandpa.
(mk break again but you genuinely have to explain 80% of the mk ships to me. Maybe its me being idk, a shipping paladin or smth and took an oath to the One True Pairing or whatever and im now blind to the rest but yeah I dont see the majority of it.)
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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lubotomies · 11 months
Can you pleasey squeezy rate as many eddsworld ships as you can think of (like from 0-10)
lets give it a whirl
tordedd: i wonder if thisll be a 10 from me yes it will be i love tordedd thats no secret 10s 10s 10s across the board this is my favourite forever i could talk about tordedd for a millennium
tomatt: tordedd and tomatt go hand in hand id be personally castrated by my friends if i didnt rate it the equal amount
tomedd: this is also a 10 sorry theyre always together and tom loves him and edd lvoes him and they love each other lots its kind of obvious
tordmatt: this is another 10 from me sorry. theyre both so autistic but on opposite ends of the spectrum. every symptom one of them has is the opposite of the other. one talks the other goes mute, one doesnt know squat about the intricacies of their interest the other knows all of it. gorjus.
eddmatt: im certain it has potential but ive not seen anyone genuinely like this ship yet like for real every piece of art ive seen of them they act so ooc because the only people drawing them are tomtorders who dont care about edd and matt and only like them together because theyre the leftovers of tomtord i think purely because of that its a 3
tomtord: im being nice and giving it a.. 3. i dont like tomtord at the best of times, i think enemies to lovers is a tired trope people hype up too much because they think being enemies is the only way youre allowed to have couple banter. theyre not really that interesting of a dynamic to me because they dont even really hate each other that much in the series they just dont get along.
^ these apply to ellsworld as well
polyworld: i respect the grind its just not for me but ive seen some really cute art. cant really rate it objectively totally fine that people like it i just personally am monogamous and therefore prefer monogamous pairs
paultryk: 10 i think its so funny and awesome i cant see them as anything but divorced. really awesome.
paultord: solid like 6 or 7 i think it has potential to be cute
pattord: i dont know how i feel bro i cant even rate this
kim and katya: Give me an episode thats just these 2 and ill decide my rating. i think kim is awesome though she really does serve her purpose as a girl next door shes giving hot blonde babysitter so she automatically gets a high score i just dont know what it is
bing and larry: i really like their dynamic however when i see them i dont think of them making out so this is like a 3 from me i really think its just frank n furter and riff raff but i love them as .. ... . .whatever they are
cola losers: i think its really cute i give it like an 8 edd needs to make out with everyone though to be fair
idk i cant think of any other noteworthy ones
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
Your Dream Mike / Dream Will scenario pieces are tender perfection and exactly what I have been looking for this entire time… a mix of empathy and realism and indulgence and unavoidable horniness, but also good storytelling, characterisation; this isnt smut, this is character study and inner psyche. I didnt find it sad until that final paragraph of will’s omfg </3
Overall it was so beautiful because it was so real. And how beautiful also is it that we all share these experiences in one way or another? It’s so human to discover your sexuality, whatever that may be. And almost every one of us does this magical discovery in secret and shame, no matter the gender or orientation. It’s the connection we feel when we reveal these vulnerabilities that makes coming of age and sex in storytelling so beautiful to me. I can’t believe others are out there who say this is disgusting. What you just wrote is so so wonderful. I was completely immersed. 
‘Everything's beautiful and no one dies.’ ohhhhhhh 
the attention to detail in mike’s??? This is what I mean when I say I wanna see into mike’s head for s5. Duffers, take note! I especially loved the very specifically gay confusion of ‘do I want him or do I want to be him?’ 
Then will with his own shape of internalised homophobia… experimenting with objects and we can feel how he’s ever so slightly further ahead in his journey, but the journey differs slightly from mike’s. Clothes disappearing = so accurate to dreamland, and the sudden switch to intrusive thoughts of mike being phobic right after his euphoria dies down? Damn <3 + the way his petty theft links to him talking about robbing the the casino in s4, these little truths that slip out cos he feels safe with mike to say them. 
I love the overall thing of ‘I dont know why or even how but I know I want’ cos that is teenage desire in a nutshell. The mystery is what makes sexuality so magical! Amazing work. I adore this. 
p.s. this has made me remember something I heard on a radio show when I was like 14, where the hosts were comedians talking about having saucy dreams about people. One expressed shame on seeing the object of desire in person again, but the other said ‘I enjoy it. It’s fun, you just look at them and think: you dont know what you were doing in my dream last night.’ And the casual/cheeky way he said it made me immediately so comfortable with fantasising about people I crushed on, it basically removed all the shame of fantasy at 14 and I started to see it as funny and silly and natural and lovely. Really grateful for that radio show! Ofc, actually doing stuff is a different kettle of fish… 
I'm really flattered that little drabble has resonated with people! Now I really want to carve out time in the future to develop something more refined and in depth.
I'm glad you mentioned something about character study vs smut and that's one thing I really like and I think the general fandom doesn't understand why some fans do like to talk more about these topics - it's just such a disservice when youre dealing with characters in certain storylines, ignoring or demeaning the actual sexual aspect of sexuality is so... wrong? It's in the name. We have two characters who are facing identity issues, attraction to others in a way society doesn't accept, growing up, learning about their own wants and desires. The straight characters are allowed this in the show. The gay ones shouldn't get pushed to the side for whatever reason that may be.
Do I and many others have fun talking and thinking about the fun, surface level spicy/horny aspects of shipping? Sex headcanons, little scenarios? Sure!! That's fun, that's human nature. But on the flip side, it's because we also love the characters and spending time mentally developing how they got there is also very good and compelling and super important.
And back to stuff you pointed out, ooooh yes, one of the aspects I think is an important detail for their journey: 'do I want him or do I want to be him?’ This is everything. It's so so formative for a lot of people!! Speaking from experience, absolutely. Honestly, a lot of that little writing exercise was spoken from experience.
But that's what it's like for a lot of people! And it's interesting to analyze characters this way, inject the reality. Yes we love Mike and Will and yes we recognize they are gay and we want them to get together... hey fandom, how did they both get there?? Why does it matter to you? What do you all think is happening in Mike's head when you like to allude to wanting to peek into the tangle of his brain - what are you actually expecting to find? It's gonna be some vein of what I wrote if you believe he's a teenager facing a struggle with his identity and sexuality. It's just that I see a lot of fans skimming a puddle as to why they even care about these boys getting into a relationship. What's happening in their rich inner lives, which because they are fictional we must as fans think about and create ourselves.
Love your anecdote about the radio show, yes to that x100!!! That's it right there!!!
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meatsex · 4 months
tbh, I think people being overly attracted in a bad way to Vinny was a part of me figuring out my sexuality (asexual) because genuinely, how does one look at him and think those thoughts. This also extends to nonhuman characters, like I don’t care what someone is attracted to as long as it’s not illegal, how do you want to have sex with things like object show characters (again, I don’t care if they’re attracted, as long as it’s legal), they’re just objects like what is there to be sexually attracted to like what. Sorry that this became more of a non vinesauce rant I just gotta get it out of my head
its okay lke i dont think its weird to have these thoughts about him (liking him because hes handsome, not shipping him with his friends) cuz hes a human being and human beings like other human beings unless its the way you are saying, overly attracted, which ive seen
i just dont understand what was the thought process of putting him and his friends in a life simulator and making them have sex or in general what would push anyone to talk openly abt liking him that way, NO ONE fucking cares or wants to know about it, you keep that shit to yourself the internet is not a locked diary for anyone to write shit on
i mirror that i dont care abt who or what people want to fuck as long as its legal, fuck maybe someone wants to fuck these literal object characters from that youtube thing, i dont care, funny, highly questionable at worst but whatever man, id rather that than this or something actually illegal and not just morally awful
me personally to your own dismay im hijacking this post to say i think hes really handsome and hes a literal 2d banana, sorry, to each their own though <3
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shoheiakagi · 5 months
I agree with you about the tags u left on that anon being rude to ciassu! Seriously thats just plain so fucking rude smh. Anyway u ended your tags with mention of shuhei x yata that op was going to write and it got me curious bc ive never thought of that pairing before lol so now im wondering if u have any other yata or shuhei ships u like/can think of? Sorry for the random ask i just want to see if theres any other ships i can add to my list other than chitose x yata lol
Hi!! Thank you for reaching out! And yeah, I feel like some ppl just like to send anon hate cause they’re bored? Like what is the end game here? You’re not gonna be the person with the last laugh cause your ask is either gonna be deleted or responded to in a post. And like, if you think there’s other writers who post the same type of fics, then why don’t you just focus on them? People need to realize that writing fics and drawing art is a skill, and that the creator puts in a lot of time and effort into perfecting it for the audience. I just don’t get why some ppl act mean online, when they don’t have that same persona irl?? Like why act like an internet thug??
Yes, I was also intrigued when I saw how op was working on a ShouheixYata fic! Like I know some bits and pieces of how they’d interact as friends, but as romantic partners? I’ve seen some EricxYata and and ChitosexYata, but never a ShouheixYata. I’m sooo curious cause Yata is terribly shy when it comes to romance, while Shouhei is charismatic and nicer than the other abc boys. Like is Shouhei going to be all flirty and try to charm him?? Does Yata develop a crush on Shouhei which he tries to hide but miserably fails at it??
And I do!! So to start off, I’ll be honest and say that I’m not really fond of romantic!banshou. Its weird cause i have other ships with similar dynamics, and i also adore both characters individually, but im not the biggest fan of them as a ship. I think its probably bc i dont like how its portrayed by the very few fans they have, and how a lot of things about shouhei, end up revolving around bandou’s inferiority complex towards him (which really sucks as a shouhei’s girl who wants to learn more about him).
But despite being in my y/n feels for shouhei, i do have a few ships for him! I don’t think it’s as obvious as it was when i first created this blog, but shouhei/eric is the closest to an otp i have for this fandom. Its probably bc theyre my top two faves, but i do think they have strong potential to be a sweet and interesting ship, and the few interactions they have are so cute 🥺 the fact that shouhei is the only person Eric refers to by their first name other than Anna 🥹🥹 (although i do think its probably cause everyone refers to shouhei by his first name lol. If im not wrong, i think eric refers to fuji by his last name despite being very close). I also do think they’d look really good together! Despite Eric being unkempt and not into fashion, he is objectively very good looking and i think his sharp and cool features are a good contrast against shouhei’s softer and warm features. I genuinely do think shouhei is the second person eric is comfortable with, after fujishima. I also ship shouhei with chitose and akiyama! I think i started shipping shouhei with chitose sometime last year and honestly? I think they’d be a fun and hot pair. I can’t really see them being them in a serious and committed relationship, but i do think they would probably hook up here and there (or even just be really good friends, since theyre pretty similar to each other except for some differences). Akiyama/Shouhei is always going to be that one opposites attract/enemies to lovers ship for me lol. I wish their fight scenes from s1 were longer, im so curious on what the dialogue would have been like.
Yata was my first ever fave character/crush when i first got into K back in 2012, but unfortunately that died out. But i do think ericxyata is such a cute and funny pair! I remember reading this really old fic on them in which yata learns english just so he can finally respond to eric’s taunts, only to have the story end with eric kissing him on the cheek 💞 i don’t remember being sold that quick on a ship like i did with that fic lmaoo. They’re like my second favorite pair, but theres sooooo little content on them :/ thats what i hate about k. Most content are on the popular/designated ships, you barely see anything on different pairings/dynamics. Yata and Kamamoto are seen as platonic for the most part, but i can see some potential for it to turn romantic! Kamamoto is a ride and die for yata. Like if theres ever a rare chance that yata decides to leave homra (unlikely, i know), i do feel like kamamoto would probably join him idk. the loyalty there is really strong. I think yata and chitose would be interesting since chitose is a playboy while yata is a virgin, but its probably gonna end with a nasty heartbreak on both sides 😬
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poplohours · 6 months
oh shit since this is tumblr i could hide my insane thoughts about ryuunosuke behind a read more wrt dgs.
i think ryuunosuke keeps trying to appeal to the older men he meets in britain in order to try and regain the sense of stability he lost after he got accused of kazuma's murder as well as everything around "kazuma shoved me in a suitcase and then a literal closet and now i have to carry the reins of this legacy i have no idea how to follow."
ryuu trying to appeal to sholmes and zieks only to be turned away awkwardly bc they're like ... you're ... listen, kid, you're 23, but you clearly have issues, let's just. not. do that. ever. awkward pat on the head. ryuunosuke gets drunk and cries on sholmes. sholmes is sweating thinking about the fact that he kinda sorta mighta covered up a murder of this guy's friend? and maybe that's kind of why he's so hyper-dependent rigth now?
but also i'm insane and think of ryuu and kazuma and go "oh they were bad for each other" because i think that's fun for some reason and get stuck on "ryuu should probably disengage from that kind of intensity and have normal non-romantic relationships for a while." meanwhile susato is trying to figure out how to be a person in another country after being an object to the side of kazuma for most of her life. sholmes is like "ahaha! yes, i can fix this."
no you can't. you can't just fix this. trying to adopt an adult man and a teenage girl forced to be an adult too early is not going to fix anything. the best you can do is give them a place that won't fall out from under their feet.
i'm also weird tho bc ziek never seemed that "racist" to me in terms of the really weird nationalism that soaks the broader narrative of DGS (are you a japanese nationalist takumi???) zieks should calmly say hello to ryuu and ryuu should latch on and then zieks can go "oh um alright, i have somewhere else to be" .
why do i think about this. great question. i think ryuu is more compelling if i think about him trying to latch onto people who are older and really aren't interested in him in trying to find some thin comfort in a strange place. funny bc i don't even care about dgs but this does live in my brain. zieks has his boyfriends but all of his relaitonships are normal (i mean the blood drinking but thats fine). sholmes is operating on another level that i do not think anyone elose can touch because of how many drugs he's taken, so he's not really available or interested either.
do i ship anything in dgs. this is a good question. honestly i dont even think i ship susato with her friend bc her friend isn't much of a character u_u also i think susato deserves the chance to become her own person considering how withdrawn and cold she often is. her dad kinda seems like a slut but i have no strong feelings about that either. slut in a normal way not in a weird way. again this is a Vague Impression. i do not remember most of these characters. i think kazuma should maybe never be allowed to date anyone until he is at least 35. i think kazuma needs to be studied under a microscope. i think there's not a cure for whatever disease kazuma has.
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mondothebombo · 2 years
mondo i have a question for you. i know that your skybound fic follows a principle of plus (add details and depth etc) and (relatively) never subtract (dont redact or change details from canon and avoid divergence). but. is there anything from skybound as a season that you would Like to change? beyond making jays torture worse. i think that one goes without saying. is there anything in the plot that you wish hadnt happened or happened differently. ive been curious about this for a while admittedly
this is such a great ask and i’m so happy to talk abt it so hold on cuz this might be long.
you’re right, the whole goal of my fic is to add to the canon story, rather than fix or take out parts. the only parts i actually nixed were unnecessary to the plot and just put in bc 1) it’s a kids show and 2) just for (imo) poorly timed comedic relief. like the whole recruiting of the ninja replacements montage. i absolutely hate that part lmao bc it’s so somber when jay leaves his parents and then boom. funny montage. so i didn’t write that in lmao.
it’s no secret skybound is pretty objectively bad, like even those who love the szn (including myself) can see it has some pretty big flaws. in terms of what i would change?? the fucking time reversal. i legitimately hate that jay and nya went through all that, just for the others to forget, it’s awful. it just feels like the writers dug themselves so deep into a hole, the only way out was to turn back time. no hate to the trope, i just think it’s lazy writing for a big piece of media like ninjago. i don’t think it’s fair for jay to have gone through all that character development and have no one but nya know.
i also don’t like the forced marriage thg tbh. it’s weird and creepy and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially since this is a kids show. i’ve seen several interpretations of ppl rewriting skybound where nadakhan is after nya bc she destroyed the cursed realm, which is a take i personally love. idk it’s just w nya’s whole thg about wanting to have her own agency and be able to make decisions for herself, it doesn’t rlly make sense to me that she still ends up being the “damsel in distress.” but ig if i squint i can work w it as her letting herself be saved?
there’s a couple other minor things like dareth being a misogynist, jay taking a chill pill, but that stems from the love triangle which is a WHOLE other issue, ronin arresting them, more detail abt what happened to jay on the ship, jay getting proper medical attention, and echo zane getting a resolution, or at least not forgetting abt him.
skybound is by no means perfect, but i still love it, despite the flaws. i actually have plans to write an alternate ending either where time doesn’t reset or it does but everyone remembers instead of just jay and nya. it’ll be set in the “when you think you’re all alone” universe of sorts so everything i put in the story is addressed, but i actually wanna finish this fic first before i start another. thank you so much for the question though!!! i’ve actually been thinking a lot abt it
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thegeminisage · 8 months
tng update time and oooooh am i ever mad about it. tonight we watched "hero worship" and "violations."
hero worship: i wanted to like this episode. but, firstly, it's just yet more evidence why children should not be on starships. this has been bothering me the entire time i've watched this fucking show. i hope there aren't any kids on voyager or whatever because this is literally fucking killing me
secondly, i felt really weird about everyone just...going along with this kid's idea that he was an android. i feel like there's a way to be lenient of his trauma without reinforcing the delusion or whatever sorry ik that's not how you're supposed to say it. it just didn't seem like solid therapeutical practice is all. i will admit there was also some secondhand embarrassment watching this kid's impersonation of data but i think it COULD have been cute (which seems to be what they were going for) with a better execution
i DEFINITELY think data's interactions with him should have been supervised too, not because i don't love and trust data wholly but because he has this way of missing certain emotional cues. and while that isn't a problem in day-to-day life, like, that's just the way he is and i resent anyone who would make him feel like it's a bad way to be/there's something wrong with him because he is PERFECT the way he is!!! for someone who is so vulnerable i think that data could accidentally do harm where it isn't intended (almost did a couple of times!), and data wouldn't be happy about that either because of course it would never be his intention. like i LOVE episodes where we just throw data into the deep end and let him figure it out, i love watching him go, but this is a child whose entire family/ship just DIED HORRIBLY who thinks he is responsible for the event. im not saying dont let data be his buddy data deserves so many buddies im just saying give data some INSTRUCTIONS at least. for both their sakes
anyway it was mid at best. it had a few good moments but ultimately not enough to salvage it for me
okay wait hold on i feel like i need to start a brand new text block for violations. you're only allowed 4000 characters per paragraph and i have stuff to say. i have Things To Get Off My Chest. please picture steam pouring from my fucking ears right now
actually forget the bullet list i don't need a bullet list this is not a normal liveblog Post. do you know every day i see threads on r*ddit and sometimes even tags here on tunglr dot edu about how people don't like tos because it's sexist. thats all well and fine and good. tos IS sexist. ARE WE SAYING TNG IS BETTER?????
tasha yar and the rape gangs. the naked time: 2! where both women got turned into insatiable sex object. deanna's impromptu and nonconsensual pregnancy. tasha's impregnantion by rape and her death at the hands of her rapist. that time they filmed deanna's feet. beverly crusher for all of season 1 having absolutely no personality outside of being a mother. lwaxana troi getting gang raped by ferengi for laughs. genuinely uhura on tos in the fucking 1960s got treated better than deanna troi on tng in the 1990s. yes tos has extremely bad moments sexism wise. JUSTICE for janice fucking rand. but truly how can you be as sexist against women when they aen't there. meanwhile, tng has women in every goddamn episode and all it takes is for one bad writer to
actually you know what is so funny. gene roddenberry and two women are credited with writing this episode. ALL of them are going to hell, gene roddenberry especially. i hate hate hate HATE his rape fetish. justice for janice rand AND tasha yar AND DEANNA TROI!
the thing about this episode is, it could have been good. there were good parts about it. for example: worf's joke about being probed. they knew what they were doing and it was hilarious. deanna getting to talk about her overbearing mother. riker's little speech to deanna when she was in the coma with literal tears in his eyes and this is a WHOLE separate rant but
my problem with tng is that you don't see them care about each other. we're TOLD that they care about each other. they SAY, "oh, x is worried about [character who's in danger this week]." but we almost never SEE them act it out. every once in awhile riker gets weirdly protective of picard, and worf seems kind of protective of everyone which i like, and picard also does a good righteous rage on behalf of others, but i don't usually get to SEE it. like when wesley goes missing or whatever he and his mom don't always immediately rush into each others arms on their reunion. when deanna passes out you don't always see riker abandon what he's doing and rush to her side. nobody asks "are you okay?" with genuine concern. and even when we DO get for example geordi driving himself crazy wondering what went wrong over data's fake death we don't get any follow-through - there's no reunion between geordi and data at the end the way there would be for kirk and spock.
BUT RIKER AT THE HOSPITAL BED. ohhh i was eating. it was so good. he wasn't even saying anything of merit but just the SIGHT of her passed out like that had him almost in tears. riker, who is the epitome of good humor and dealing with space horrors with laughter. IN TEARS. it was so good. a true show instead of tell moment. and in THIS fucking episode
my issue is: they had three on screen rape scenes. the first rape scene was extremely long. like they couldn't show anything explicit because this is 90s tv but it was VERY VERY LONG so it hardly seems to matter. and THAT was bad enough. but then they made us watch it AGAIN when he planted his dad's face in the memory and A THIRD TIME when he was like "ugh she's being so sweet to me even though i raped her i can't NOT rape her again." like at least that time she was able to hit him and get away but it feels like a hollow victory when he's already gotten away with it TWICE, AND!!! when worf had to come in and save her anyway at the end.
it was doubly horrible that he got away with the crime SO WELL that nobody suspected him - like, picard is out here asking deanna to let him into her mind a second time and she GOT RAPED. A SECOND TIME. deanna is like oh yeah you can come in! and it could have been a compelling mystery and plot twist to be like OH IT'S THE DAD but really it's the son except we SAW HIM DO IT the first time. there wasn't even any mystery to solve or anyone to suspect, he wasn't misdirecting US, we just got to watch him successfully misdirect this poor stupid naive trusting WOMAN
also, the thing about deanna's attack being a rape scene while riker's was someone dying under his command and beverly's was IDing her husband's dead body is that for riker and bev these are REAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THEM. deanna never got raped by riker. like, he wouldn't do that and they wouldn't still be as close and comfortable with one another if he had. (i am mad on his behalf TWICE now that they left it open whether or not he committed that particular crime when every other piece of evidence says he wouldn't. the guy is not a closet serial rapist and leaving the endings open to be edgy is extremely poor form.) like, they literally JUST made deanna's attack a rape scene to sexualize her and feed roddenberry's fetish and HE'S DEAD. HE WAS DEAD WHEN THIS AIRED. HE CAN'T JERK OFF TO IT ANYMORE
they didn't even explain why that guy kept leaving people in comas. deanna i get because he was stalking her and wanted to fuck her but why riker? why beverly? that made it MORE suspicious. why all those other people on the other planets? was he raping every single one of them? how did he plan to keep going after he'd framed his dad for his crimes?
and it COULD HAVE BEEN GOOD. beverly's thing with IDing her husband's body was fun and terrifying. deanna could have gotten a memory that spoke to character development instead of being sexualized like this. in fact i think it was lowkey a pussy move not to deal with any of riker's close encounters because of the two of them riker is the one who has actually been raped! "someone died under my command" is generic and lame. but the way the telepathy worked was cool, the plot twist could have been cool, you could have felt real betrayal from liking this dude if he hadn't been all evil smiles from the beginning. and they dropped the ball SO HARD. and i could forgive them for doing that! i have given tng so many benefits of the doubt! BUT THREE RAPE SCENES IN 45 MINUTES?
the worst part is, there was no emotional resolution. they had that guy say the word rape out loud and then the credits rolled. deanna and riker didn't speak one word to each other. she was never like, i know you didn't actually rape me like that's not what happened. no one was like, beverly go have a hot drink and call your son. there's NO EMOTIONAL FOLLOWTHROUGH ON THIS SHOW. tos was guilty of that sometimes too but this level of it is fucking unreal
tng enjoyers im sorry for my meanie posts earlier. love who you love etc etc. i'm just. baffled. HOW IS THIS BETTER THAN TOS. at least what happened to janice rand (and uhura one time) was over quickly and didn't replay three FUCKING times!!! "tos is too/more sexist" I AM TURNING MY BRAIN INSIDE OUT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND THIS FUCKING STATEMENT
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soukeyed · 1 year
01 matel gear 02 otasune strangeboss and/or whoever u want 03 Talk about my bff Strangelove please. and/or whoever
Favorite character: STRANGELOVE !! OR THE BOSS. OR OTACON . OR SNAKE. or emma or meryl or eva um theres a few
Least Favorite character: ummm ummmmm ummmmmmmmm. huey obviously lol. also mgs4 naomi specifically mgs4 ... sorry girl im so sorry. also senator armstrong/sundowner/monsoon/whoever tf else is part of the rising guys im just sick of seeing their ugly faces
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): STRANGEBOSS NUMBER ONE FOREVER YEAAH. otasune number 2 obviously :) umm fortune and olga is pretty cute ... bosseva as well .. i cant fucking think of a 5th help. meiryl? also i like bosselot but specifically for how stupid fucked up they are
Character I find most attractive: the boss strangelove eva (specifically big mama) or mgs4 meryl :P
Character I would marry: MERYL !1 GIRLFRIEND FOR ME NOW itd be the boss or strangelove but i would never break them up like that.
Character I would be best friends with: STRANGELOVE !! together we will kill huey mwah. or para medic even if she is insane we will watch movies together. slay
a random thought: i think about that post about otacon being the one to carry out the boss' will without even knowing every single day. Oh my god. wauh. ok hang on one second i found it. AUHHH
An unpopular opinion: rising mid as fuck and the fans make me hate it. also i um. dont really care a lot for bb and the bb focused games sorry. like i get the point and mgsv's visuals+gameplay do slay but bb as a character i didnt really find myself invested in a lot and the weird hero worship some of the fandom has for him does NOT help LOL. like the people around him (ocelot eva miller eli etc) were way more interesting . also EVEN MORE unpopular opinion as a result of this ... mgs3 isnt really all that for me and even though its objectively pretty shit mgs4 is one of my favourites (behind mgs1 and ghost babel)
My Non-canon OTP: calling otasune noncanon feels so sickening but i need to face reality. so otasune
Most Badass Character: Hrmm. hrmmmmm. ok its a bit out there but otacon. after the shitty childhood that he came out of pretty um.. (gestures at the whole making a nuclear weapon thing) convinced he/his family was cursed etc etc. forming philanthropy, adopting sunny, basically ending the cycle that his grandfather and father started+perpetuated and fulfilling the boss' will :) just makes me happy. hes great. also he got to marry solid snake at the end of it all so like slay? like hes not badass in the usual sense of the word but his character development and evolution is incredibly badass to me. next step: therapy
Most Epic Villain: i dont think you can call a lot of them epic on account of every mgs villain being goofy as fuck. BUT. liquid ocelot as a villain in what was (supposed to be) the conclusion of the entire series was pretty fucking awesome though
Pairing I am not a fan of: pbbb. umm. i dont really care for snake/fox im way more emotionally invested in fox/gustava personally (still upset she didnt get mentioned in mgs!!!!!!!!! RAHH.) also johnny/meryl was so out of nowhere i still do not understand it like its funny as fuck but JOHNNY??? IT SHOULD BE ME WITH MERYL!!1 ME !!!!!!!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): arhg. raiden. i mean gestures at rising. this could also count as unpopular opinion but i preferred him as inexperienced and a little stupid i mean even then the direction they were going in in mgs4 was pretty good with him being jaded and feeling alone. and then rising was just. huah ?!?! what ?!?!?!? also. um. ok naomi. mgs1 naomi was so so fucking good ok her speech at the end slays i loved everything about her can you imagine my shock and dismay at her doing all THAT in mgs4 ?!?!? like i could write a 50 page essay on how it fucks up her (and otacons LOL) entire character development ALSO WHY WAS FOX LIKE NEVER MENTIONED DESPITE THEM LITERALLY GOING BACK TO THE PLACE WHERE HE DIED BTW I THOUGHT SHED HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THAT. but honestly just the thing i hate about it all most is at the end of it all shes framed as like.. the hero. using emma+sunnys code to save da world or whatever and i guess maybe that speech was supposed to reflect her mgs1 speech but it just doesnt work when mgs4 didnt give her half of that nuance. her morals are still so ??? to me, her and vamp was such a WEIRD choice, her and otacon was um. ok look i know the writers 100% didnt mean to portray otacons csa as that at all but like it is ... anyway having a csa victim be once again manipulated via sex and not really talk about it was just ?!??!! guys ?!?!? anyway AGAIN if all of that was portrayed as nuanced as it should have been. like naomi doing what she had to to save the world and struggling w her own morals. which it IS but we learn this only in that fuckign speech for like 1 line. like its jut bad. ok to end this half the women in mgs were done horrifically but we all know that. sorry for the wall of text i love you
Favourite Friendship: SNAKE AND MERYL funny as fuck whenever she insults him in mgs4 like deserve. sorry snake. ok no WOAH though i just loved mgs4 meryl entirely even though she definitely couldve been written a bit better, like her talking about how she used to admire snake so much and now hes just BITTER and OLD like ohhh its so slay. like i dont know if you could even call it a friendship but the way they clash entirely and debatably the only place where they can agree on things and work together is in the context of the battlefield ITS SO GOOD
Character I most identify with: otacon D:
Character I wish I could be: similar to utena NONE i would not put myself through that.
otasune time
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: again i was aware of them before the games because (points at dmitri) so i guess like always
My thoughts: GRAHH. the way theyre like all but canon like kojima just say the word. that cigarette lighting scene in mgs4 WHEW. like the way they invented love its just crazy to me like really. theyre everything to me.
What makes me happy about them: everything :) the way theyve both grown as people over the years... i already talked about otacons character development but SNAKE TOO!! him finally letting people in .. finding a place for himself OUTSIDE of the battlefield .... its all so WAUGHH. like they just work off of eachother so well. love wins. gay marriage. slay. bursts into tears
What makes me sad about them: mgs4 that is all. they had so little time together. i spend half the time watching the game yelling ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: umm i dont read a lot of fic to be honest so i guess standard fanfic complaints. also more of you should write about mgs4 there is so much untapped potential.
Things I look for in fanfic: again. WRITE ABOUT MGS4.
My wishlist: MGS4 OTASUNE !!!!!!!!!!!! BECOMES A WEREWOFL.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: sorry they are simply endgame to me.. i cant think of anyone LOL
My happily ever after for them: snake gets cured post-mgs4! how i dont care he just is. gay marriage becomes real. together they raise sunny and grow old together and everything is peace and love on planet earth :) god bless
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: ok not until i actually got around to pw! dmitri you mentioned a few times but i didnt realise until then to be honest
My thoughts: AGAHRHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. GOD. GOD. lesbianism. women. they are genuinely just everything to me. how can a relationship be so fucking powerful and tragic when you only ever hear about it from one side. Oh my god. AUH.
What makes me happy about them: canon lesbians in my metal gear games in the fuckass 2010s :) ok no but the way strangelove talks about the boss with such open earnest love. like i just. wauh. listening to her tapes is just. WAUH.
What makes me sad about them: i mean everything. as strangelove said they were just ships passing in the night :( THEY SHOULDVE HAD MORE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again dont read fanfic a lot but ive checked and theres not a whole lot for them at all anyway LOL
Things I look for in fanfic: any strangeboss fic to begin with would be nice. if you have recs give them to me. i'll cry
My wishlist: umm.. again more content of them in general. konami youre shit the least you could do is make a strangeboss spinoff.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: umm idk considering they both die LOL. bosseva is a fun ship but honestly i dont think strangelove ever really got over it so i cant see her with anyone else in a serious relationship
My happily ever after for them: isnt it crazy how they both managed to fake their deaths and now live happily in some random country away from the horrors of war? like woah!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: man what dont i feel about her. shes amazing. shes bitter shes heartbroken shes dramatic as fuck and shes a badass. like its tragic but tell me creating a whole ass ai based off your dead girlfriend in the fucking 70s isnt slay as fuck? women in stem strong!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: THE BOSSSSS. as i said b4 i dont really see her with anyone else tbh
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: ok yeah there .. isnt a lot. i wish her terrible and awkward relationship with bb had been explored more though like the way she just HATES him at the start is amazing.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhh.. yeah idk shes not really talked about enough for me to know if any of my opinions ARE unpopular lol. a shocking amount of people see strangeboss as unrequited so i guess my unpopular opinion is that they were definitely both in love LOL
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: just give her more relationships tbh... i already talked about bb but like do you think she knew ocelot was the boss' son ... what did she think of him shed probably dislike him for doing the complete opposite of the boss' will (though in the end he does help take down the patriots so liiike?) ... i would pay millions of dollars for them to interact it would be atrocious. in general i wish shed been given just a little more depth outside of the boss (like give me more about how she grew up!!! what kind of mother was she to otacon!!! and ps i wish hed spoken about her even though ik she wasnt even a thing before the solid snake era wrapped up) though ig that was the point considering she was so consumed with grief... but yk. shrugs.
Favorite friendship for this character: again idk. GIVE HER MORE FRIENDS.
My crossover ship: again i dont do crossovers. SHRUGS!!
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quintillusesfishtank · 11 months
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my fantroll
info under the cut
name: kawwaii koneko
blood colour: sugar pink
societal role: seadwweller princess
thoughts on hemospectrum: hates it
thoughts on quadrants: as a heart player she naturally lovves all quadrants but especially the flushed quadrant, she alwways dreamt of havvin a matesprit since she wwas a tiny wwiggler
mutations: sparkly pink blood, cat ears, wwings in her blood colour, immune to sunlight
psychic powwers: all blood caste specific powwers aka psionics like sollux but they look like sparkles instead of light beams due to her classpect, telekinesis, animal communion, mind control (but she doesnt use it because she believves in free wwill), mind readin, heals instantly from any wwound (only sugar pink bloods havve this powwer)
classpect: lord of hope, princess of heart and neko of sparkles, she is already god tier despite nevver evven playin sgrub
lunar swway: derse and prospit, has twwo dreamselvves and both are constantly awwake
strife specibus: wwildcardkind (can use any wweapon)
fetch modus: magical amulet she wwears around her neck, can carry infinite amounts of objects of any size, she can also use her hope powwers to captchalogue any object she imagines into existence
trolltag: iridescentGalatea [IG]
typin quirk: a super cute font wwhich wworks on all vversions of pesterchum/trollian, letter 'i' and any punctuation marks wwith dots in them get the dot replaced wwith a heart, uses lots of heart and sparkle emojis/unicode
matesprit: eridan
moirail: tavvros
auspistice: nepeta, vvriska is wwhatevver you call the other person in an ashen quadrant
kismesis: has a black crush on both equius and karkat, she hates them both so much its impossible to choose betwween them. both return her feelins and fight ovver her.
friends: all the trolls except feferi and the people in her black quadrants
lusus: the actual mother grub
backstory: kawwaii wwas born to the mother grub wwho immediately imprinted on her and refused to let her leavve the broodin cavverns. she should havve been culled for her mutations and unusual blood colour but she wwas so cute none of the drones could bear to cull her, plus the mother grub wwould refuse to accept slurry if they hurt her. she wwas mostly raised by the jades in the cavverns because her lusus wwas too busy makin wwigglers wwhich made her vvery lonely growwin up. wwhen she was eight solar swweeps old her lusus allowwed her to leavve the cavverns wwhere she immediately saww tavvros bein bullied by vvriska (this is an au wwhere sgrub didnt happen). she quickly stepped in to defend tavvros wwho fell in pale lovve wwith her instantly. she and vvriska had a fierce and bitter rivvalry until evventually nepeta had to step in and auspisticise to stop them from killin each other. she met the rest of the trolls through nepeta and tavvros and became flushed for eridan at first sight. she strongly dislikes feferi for bein so mean to him but doesnt dislike her enough to be pitch or ashen for her. she is pitch for equius because he is wweird and creepy and pitch for karkat because he is a jerk (she finds these traits infuriatinly attractivve). she ships gamtavv and reely wwants tavvros to find a matesprit.
context: i wwas readin some x reader fanfics on wwattpad for fun and thought it wwould be good if i made a fantroll to act as the reader character (i dont like imaginin myself as the reader). normally if the fic has a friend character i make that one vvriska evven though kawwaii is supposed to hate her, i just find the idea of vvris bein in evvery fic funny. anywway im sharin kawwaii wwith the wworld (aka the three people wwho look at this blog) because i use this blog almost exclusivvely for shitpostin and figured she wwould fit right in. i do havve actual fantrolls (ovver 20) but you wwill nevver sea them here because i refuse to wwrite paragraphs aboat them in this typin quirk
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also heres kawwaiis original design because i think it looks cuter than the one i did digitally
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