#i dont really know what else to tag this w ngl
cryptidmomochi · 11 months
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not normally the fanart type at all, but i got cavern of dreams day before yesterday and i love it so much.... its so cute...
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 5: 𝓘’𝓶 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱
anyways- holy fuck this is 4 days late. I’m gonna try to keep pumping em out.
This one is pure comfort for lil bby bc sometimes I just get a think and cannot veer off course of that think.
Pushing my found family headcanon on y’all once again. Yawn.
—CW: There are not much tickles under the cut ngl, established Leopika, Angst :(—
Tags: @giggly-squiggily @chrimsss
At the end of the day, Killua knew that he was loved by Leorio the same as Gon was. But sometimes… No- that’s stupid, he’s not- He’s not jealous or anything.
…Is he?
No, that’s silly. He’s never been one to care about affection, given his background and all.
And yet… why did he feel so pouty after seeing the two interacts?
Of course, he never let it show. He wouldn’t anyone to catch on or anyth-
“You alright, kiddo?” Kurapika inquired, squatting down to the younger’s level.
“I- what?” The boy blinked. “O-oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The blonde grinned patiently. “Killua…”
“I said I’m good!” Killua crossed his arms with a slight pout, turning away from his friend.
Kurapika sighed as he stood upright once again. “Alright, don’t tell me then. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”
The white-haired boy slowly turned back around toward the older male. “W-Wait.”
A smile crept into Kurapika’s features. “Hmm?”
“Promise you won’t… you know, tell?”
“I promise I won’t… you know, tell.”
And so the young boy began to spill his woes and worries with great hesitation, fearing that Kurapika would spill the beans to Leorio.
The Kurta would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t worried. It took all of his power to not reach out and squeeze the boy in the tightest hug he’s ever given. The blonde listened to every word with great focus, heart breaking at every line. Had he really felt so neglected by Leorio?
When Killua had finished pouring his heart out, his face flushed as he looked away. A squeak left him as Kurapika gently pulled him into a hug.
“Would it be okay if I spoke with Leorio?” The Kurta whispered in inquiry.
“N-No it’s not important…”
“Killua, please. Just let me-“
“I said no!” The white-haired boy roared as he turn and ran to his room, slamming his door shut. Kurapika closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Two hands gently graced the blonde’s shoulders, thumbs rubbing gently. The chain user sighed.
“I’ll talk to him,” Leorio’s voice whispered, giving a small squeeze. He was met by his lover’s head falling backwards into his chest.
The blonde sighed once again, muttering. “Just be kind to him… it took a miracle to get him to open up.”
“Alright. Go check on Gon; I’ll take care of this.”
The two carefully stepped through the dark hallway , eventually turning in separate directions at the split. Leorio gently tapped on Killua’s door, a muffled “go away” came in response.
“Killua…” the brunette rested his forehead against the wooden door. “I just want to talk with you.”
“Don’t you want to talk to your f-favorite son, G-Gon?”
The medic’s heart broke in two, breath hitching. “Kil-“
A choked gasp left the boy. “I TOLD YOU ALREADY TO NOT CALL ME THAT!”
“God- right, right. I’m sorry. I just-“ Leorio’s mouth stuttered in movement, failing to find the right words. “I w-want to f-fix this. Please, let me in.”
After a good amount of silent seconds, the door opened very slightly to reveal a puffy-eyed Killua with his chest heaving. Leorio dropped to his knees and instantly pulled the boy into his embrace.
Kicking the door shut with his heel, Leorio cradled the little guy’s head against his shoulder, shushing the boy’s blossoming hysterics.
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel this way… I never wanted you to feel anything else but fully loved. When Kurapika and I took you two in, we didn’t-“ a hitch of the older male’s breath indicated a valiant effort to fight tears himself. “I didn’t- I still don’t- I don’t have all of the answers, and I want more than anything to have them.”
He was met with silent, albeit the sound of the ex- assassin’s heaving sobs.
“You know I love you so much, Killua. Taking you in was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I stand by that statement. I’m so sorry that I made you feel neglected… or-or feel like I don’t like you enough, or that I don’t love you anymore.“
“BUT YOU DID! You d-did! And y-you know how l-l-long it took me t-to trust everyone. I-I wasn’t loved by m-my family a-as a kid, Leorio. Do y-you know how it f-feels to think I lost the o-only person who really loves you?”
“I don’t, I really don’t kiddo. I can’t tell you I relate, or that I understand, because I don’t. But I’m here in this moment, and you are my family now. And I will love you until my dying breath…” the older man wiped his eyes, “Even if you do waste all of the soap in the bathroom.”
The white-haired boy let out a watery chuckle. “You don’t understand the art of potion making.”
Leorio smiled widely, “There’s my happy guy.”
“Happy is a stretch… you got one smile outta me.”
“Oh yeah?” The medic pulled Killua out of the hug and held him by his shoulders, “You want me to get more smiles outta ya’?”
“You could try, not much you can do.” He grinned.
One hand moved from Killua’s shoulder and wiggled its fingers in front of the boy. His eyes widened. “I’m not ticklish.”
“I beg to differ.” The brunette teased.
With a battle cry, Leorio pulled Killua into his lap and attacked his tummy and sides, prodding and squeezing at the boy’s torso.
Killua squeezed his eyes shut to keep his giggles at bay.
“Ohhh, now none of that! If there’s anything we do in this house, it’s laugh!”
A quick pinch to the rib led the boy to yelp and break out into laughter. The medic smiled evilly at him.
“Ohhhh! I thought someone wasn’t ticklish!”
“Ihihihim nahahahat! Thihihihis ihihihis juhuhust- hyeahahaha!”
Leorio looked at Killua with fondness, continuing to help the little guy get his giggles out. From now on, he should tickle the boys every day, he thinks. After all…
Killua is his son now, and he’s never letting go.
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wasyago · 1 year
hello hello! if u ever do decide to get more into prime defenders, the first seven episodes are a little iffy but i can attest to it getting better (WAY WAY better) after that, and apparently season 2 is even better. so it might be worth getting into at some point if ur interested ^^
also would HIGHLY recommend blood in the bayou if u like horror because. my god it’s my favorite campaign BY A LOT which is saying something cuz i love all the campaigns i’ve listened to so much, but blood in the bayou hits different. it’s run by charlie, very horror based with a really cool premise that charlie executed fantastically, and it’s only got four episodes ^^
either way i’ve finally caught up w riptide and can finally go through your art for it and oh boy it’s literally so so so cool i’m losing my mind, i love how you draw la alma he is so friend shaped
i hope you’re having a great day, and be sure to Just Roll With It! (<- very funny yet incredibly subtle reference. i’m so tired)
hehehhehe i love the reference >:)c always hear it in grizzly's voice in my head ("and just roll with it baybee!!") and also waaa thank you, i love drawing la alma <3 kitty <3 need to draw more of him, but also there's so many cool npc's that i also want to draw aughh not enough hours in a day smh i need twice as much, maybe thrice.....
about other campaigns!
i think someone said in the tags (or replies, don't remember) under my post that first 7 episodes of pd were kinda eh, and it did feel like the first episodes were less serious and less engaging. like, literally my favorite characters after watching them are tide and wavelength, which is like???? one of them barely talked even. but i do believe that it gets better, i saw some of the art and it looks amazing and super interesting!
blood in the bayou. im so absolutely INSANE about. charlie as a dm is SO fucking good im kicking screaming and crying im not normal. everything from the voices he does to the way he explains things and creates atmosphere to the way he treats players and characters augghhbhhbbbbb words cannot explain how much i love it. i LOVE blood in the bayou, its literally perfect in every aspect. the setting, the game, the art (dont get me started on the art), augh augh augh augh--
both of them (and apotheosis!!!) are on patreon tho, which i sadly don't have access to, no matter how bad i want to watch them or to know what happens next. don't want to get into politics much, but. its not that i don't have 10 dollars or however much the lowest tear is, patreon just doesn't work where i live. same as spotify, paypal, steam, and all the other payed services. vpn works for twitter, instagram, ao3, tiktok, but everything that includes banks and dealing with money and paperwork doesn't get fixed by just changing connection unfortunately. it has its benefits, i don't get ads on youtube or twitch, but everything else sucks. and atm the only real way to deal with it is move to another country... (which sounds pretty good, ngl)
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wabatle · 1 month
sososo obvi bllk and you obvi alrdy know i am a girl and would like to be matched up w i boy (honestly what girl from bllk would youmatch me up with anyway💀.. egos assistant??)
for personality
i am a weirdo uhh my friends call me an anime nerd but i dont think in that much of one??
i am VERY sarcastic, savage, and snarky
traits are (plz dont take this as like bragging or anthying just being honest) humorous, uhh VERY soft hearted, kind of a pushover but i used to be a rlly big push over, in ambiverted but at first you would prolly think im introverted, oh im also kinda teasing and in very emotional i will cry if watching a sad movie and i get frustrated easily whicheventually makes me cry(crybaby ik)
oh another thing abt me is that im not rlly good at like expressing my emotions like thro words and sometimes in my face like sometimes i see like scenery for egi probably think it’s really pretty and like stunning and beautiful but like if you ask me what i think id prolly just say “oh its nice” like do yknow what i mean?? Same with my face like i always have a straight face unless in rlly happy that day and the only time ill like actually express my emotions is if youre talking to me or make me laugh
dam that was a lot
un ok for hobbies voice acting, gaming, watching anime, listening to music, writing, editing
kinda semi hobbies thati like but dont rlly do that much are baking and dancing
Things that make me feel negative? Hmmm not entirely sure what you mean by that but… i tii hi ink just negative stuff in general like i HATE movies or shows with sad endings they make me so sad and theres jo feeling of satisfaction at the end :((
Things that make me positive? Well it makes me rlly happy when i make other laugh or when ppl approach me or pop in my inbox like what im bot the one starting a convo fir once?? CRaZY
Someone i dint wanna be matched up with… hmm uhh well any of the side chars like the bald monk💀💀💀 i forgot if you even write for them but also others liek naruhaya and giganaru OH i dint wanna be match up with barou either
Idrc if you post this answering my ask or tagging but sometimes i like to read over my ask when someone answers it so actually could youanswer with my ask
𓆩⚝𓆪 — @stellas-starry-stories13's Blue Lock Matchup~!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — A/N: It might be because you're biased and I'm biased but now I genuinely think you and this person are soulmates. ❤️ Ngl we're actually really similar lmaooaoaoao anyways enough of my yapping!!
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — I think your Blue Lock soulmate is...
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𓆩⚝𓆪 — Chigiri Hyoma!
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I read the part where you said you were sarcastic, savage, snarky, and sassy and immediately said, "Chigiri."
You two are such a duo ngl. Like genuinely you guys are perfect for each other. Such a sassy couple like omg.....
The teasing is real. You probably tease each other so much like help.
Chigiri also isn't that great with expressing his feelings, so you both can help each other on that front. If, like in the example you gave me, you say a view is nice and he can tell you're not saying what you're thinking, he'll ask you, "what are you really thinking about?"
He'll def laugh at you if you're crying about a movie 💀. I'm sorry but he would.
He's pretty good at noticing when you're getting stressed or frustrated, so he'll remind you to take a break and watch something with him.
You definitely pick anime to watch together and watch at least one episode every time you see each other.
Similar to when people come into your inbox, Chigiri texts you every day, whether to ask you something or talk to you about stupid things.
It doesn't take him long to laugh at your jokes. Someone else said the same joke as you and he's just (ㆆ_ㆆ), but you say it and he's giggling.
I think he would like to take you to an arcade for dates. I mean, he's pretty much down for doing whatever you like as long as he can enjoy it too.
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I hope you liked it! Thanks for the req Stella my pookie bear!!! 😍😍😍
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matoitech · 7 months
HELLO for the one character design ask thing: glance, motion, canvas, bling, and favorite for elle!! ALSO not exactly one of the asks but for your ocs in bands: how do they dress onstage vs day-to-day?? :0
HI YIPPEE ELLE QUESTIONS! also that band one is rly interesting.. lemme do elle first
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
good question.. maybe her thick facial stripes? she has very fluffy cheeks and i like her hair too so maybe that. she has a kind of sleepy looking face
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
she tends to 'stroll' would be the best way to describe her slower gait i think, or 'stride' and move with purpose! she leads with her shoulders and has heavy footing i think. not particularly coordinated but not super clumsy, her only flexibility comes from doing stretches pre workout and her arms/fingers/wrists move easily from being a musician playing bass. i dont know if her clothes rly help or hinder her range of motion she just wears like normal person clothes. they might seem kind of constricting to blue if he tried something like a button-up (he hates buttons) but their styles dont rly match up theyre both masculine in different ways
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
she probably does have scars here and there just from living life but i wouldnt specify them on a ref sheet or really add them in drawings i think, but she doesnt have tats or piercings atm. she likes the look of them she just isnt really interested in them for herself. i think if she did get tattoos she wouldnt care about displaying or covering them she's just walking around
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
she doesnt usually wear jewelry she'd probably just motion to her hearing aids and say they count. she may wear rings sometimes but likely not anything else. sometimes she might borrow or wear blue's dog tags (that can signal MANY different things in their relationship or lack thereof at the time)
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
shes probably got cool work boots she likes that she wears constantly! she also wears cowboy hats sometimes so shes probably got some favorites she got in texas she keeps with her. i dont think she wears them a lot though
now for the other question, how my ocs in bands dress onstage vs day-to-day.. its a good question i think it rly just depends! ill go thru them tho.. its mostly blues band with a couple other ocs tossed in there, not all my musicians but not all of them perform on stage and also quite a few of them r newer characters or r going thru design changes so it might not stick if i did include them anyway
blue: it does depend on the show but typically i do think he dresses up more on stage but its mostly in like leather harnesses and spiked wristbands and stuff, maybe more of his piercings in and necklaces, tail bands and stuff. underneath maybe shirtless or in a tank top/black t (that he'll probably throw off at some point) with leather pants maybe, shoes that r comfortable to run around on stage for a few hours in. at home hes just in like a tank top and sweatpants lol. he is not dressing up at home. archetypal masc fits
elle [blues band]: she dresses slightly punkier (wristbands or jewelry maybe) or leans into her country roots more on stage than just day-to-day where she probably wears button ups or something. i could see her dressing kind of like an old southern man ngl lol
dakota [blues band]: ive been struggling w their clothing style at ALL tbh at first i thought i wanted smth more feminine for them then i leaned more masc at the moment im thinking maybe like goth-y punk-y emo androgynous SPECIFICALLY the kind of androgynous associated with that scene. on stage probably lots of black and layers, spiked collar and maybe a leash, etc. dakotas fur color palette is pretty grayscale so i think they lean into that with a lot of black outfits, maybe with splashes of electric blue like their eyes. probably that teal harness sometimes i drew them in on their th
malani [blues band]: shes goth as fuck and she loves skulls i honestly dont think her style changes that much i think she dresses up in her full goth getup to go to the grocery store. shes probably careful about her jewelry on stage tho bcuz shes the drummer and doesnt want her shit to go flying off or tangling with anything when she gets into it
kaisa [blues band]: kaisa probably leans punkier during shows than she does in her general life but not too hard, she likes green too much to commit to an all black ensemble and their music also doesnt like, require that anyway lol. she might wear camo or something on stage more than in her daily life. she likes layering her clothes but doesnt as much during shows cuzit gets WAY too hot
cain: he leans a lot more 'hardcore' in his shows than he does inhis daily life hes giving like hard fem black spikes tall boots but i have no idea what he wears in his daily life his whole thing is being a mystery. he IS fem in his daily life too but he leans into it strongly and in a VERY specific way with how he comes off to the public and how hes decided to take control of being perceived
griff: honestly probably dresses wilder in his daily life than he can at shows but i know his ass is going crazy at his shows too. he is all about the performance and his stage name should probably be icarus. maybei should change it.. it would be on the nose but i dont think it would be the way he'd view himself or name himself at all so
damn those were the only ones.. i always think i have so many musician ocs that perform but i guess i DO have an excuse to make more.. -> doesnt look at the characters that just need design changes n stuff
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greatyme · 1 year
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
thank youuu mel @justafriend-ql for tagging me!!! And to @thatgirl4815 for creating it!
I’m so bad at picking favorites so please excuse the fact that I have like two answers per question.. since this is a Thai bl list I’m not listing gls or non Thai series or else I’d probably list like 3+ per question fnskfjfj
Favorite bl: bad buddy or not me (PLEASE DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE). They’re both very different but very important in their own ways. The bad buddy experience is incomparable and the beauty of not me and its basis in reality is historical
Favorite pairing: following suit, patpran & seanwhite. Both series weren’t just plot driven, they were character driven as well (possibly more so). Each are fantastic, though wildly different, romances.
Most underrated actor: my boy chimon! I think generally people know he can act but I wouldn’t be surprised if he gained more recognition after dangerous romance aired. (Also bonus, stealing Mel’s answer cuz sing always needs more attention he can do any and everything!! I’ll eat up any role he plays. I always do)
Favorite character: really hard to choose. maybe Sean (from not me again). I’m ngl I blocked someone once bc they talked a bit of shit abt him. He’s never done anything wrong in his life <3
Favorite side character: yok from not me. I’m gonna keep putting not me here srry but NO ONE will ever be as slutty as yok was. Not even First in only friends. He encapsulated Slut energy in such an immaculate way. (OR heartliming. They stole the show in moonlight chicken for me!)
Favorite scene: the pride flag scene from not me. It’s one of the most impactful scenes I’ve seen in any ql and I love the reason why it exists in the first place!
Favorite line: the build up to patpran’s rooftop kiss. Got me holding my breath screaming crying heart racing you know it. We’ve all been through it. I have it copied into my notes in case I ever need it (or just to. Cry idk)
Most anticipated bl and why: hmmm probably cooking crush literally just cuz of offgun in a romcom bl lmao I luv them. The pics they’ve uploaded lately have had a different vibe from the mock trailer and I’m liking it! Maybe cherry magic too as I’m curious to see how it’ll be adapted to Thailand as a remake
Healthiest relationship in a bl: patpran. Do I even need to say more? They might’ve had a little drama before they got together but you HAVE to have a healthy mf relationship to maintain it while “lying” saying you’ve broken up to your parents & some of ur friends
Most toxic relationship in a bl: vegaspete. See they’re lowkey more toxic in my head than they are on screen. Like yes vegas electrocuted Pete’s balls but he could’ve done worse and I think he should’ve! The toxic aspect was what made it fun (also who would I be if they didn’t make it on a fav Thai bl list at least Once)
Guilty pleasure series: idk what I’d consider a guilty pleasure BUT I thought the first episode of tharntype (which I actually only watched recently lmao) was kinda camp. Like it literally OPENS with Type saying he loves college except for one problem… GAY PEOPLE EXIST 😡🤬 that’s comedy. I burst out laughing. Can’t say I love the show as a whole tho
Most underrated series (mel I love that u added this bc I kno exactly what to say): SECRET CRUSH ON YOU. I NEED TO PROMOTE IT. I think people who dropped it did so bc it was so over the top but that’s exactly why you should keep going??? It’s SO saturated and the emotions are ALWAYS at 100 it’s hilarious but in the moments it gets emotional (episode 13…) it GOES ALL IN!!! The constant secondhand embarrassment made me literally start sweating but in a good way?? Ppl who reduce it to just cringe have missed all the beauty it offers. I regret not watching it live and I feel like I don’t see enough people talking about it… also I am literally toh <3
Surprisingly some of my beloved Thai bls didn’t make it onto this list but it seems that’s cuz I still have bad buddy/not me brain worms forever 🙃 I stand by what I said either way hehe
I’ll tag @joyladagang @loserlesbianongsa @jyuubin @petrichoraline @iliketodecompose <33333
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No explicit/sexual asks
DONT spam ask box, well get to you!!!
dont rp as us in the asks thats weird LMAO
No slurs, cussing is allowed tho
dats it!! dont make uz ad more!! >:(
Abt Uz!!
I am EPIK!!!!11! SHUT UP IF YOU THIKN NOt!!!! (He/Him)
fr tho i love messin around on here n i brought ma friendz w me cuz ill be fun ;p be cool w them K?? m alzo main here but evry1 else bettr post 2 >:T im not typin fully like that thru asks jsyk, kinda unreadable LOLz but is fun xD
unlike edd i know how to spell. i won’t use capitalization though because it’s for nerds. i’m they/he, mostly they/them, nonbinary. respect my gender before you catch these hands. i like punk shit, working on a pair of crust pants currently. they’re gonna look so sick give me some ideas for a name for the patchy guy cause i love em so much. 
I’m Matt and I like poems and stuff. Edd made me come here. Tord also made me wanna come here… I really like the colour purple a lot, wish the blog was purple… send me purple stuff if you want, I’d like that a lot. Use tone tags if possible. uhm.. he/him, guy
:D the gangs all here!! haha, idk what I’d post :p art maybe? I’m kinda shy ngl, and sumtimes running blogs gets stressful :< hopefully with my friends it’ll be less so but I might take some breaks in which case my friends can answer asks for me. also you can use any pronouns for me! I don’t care all that much tho I am a cis guy so my friends are more likely to use he/him. btw hatsune miku is my wife & husband <3 I will fight anyone who disagree!!
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rockewell · 1 year
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1. H: 168cm
HW: 55kg
CW: 50kg
LW: 49kg
GW: 45kg
2. H: 168cm. yes. I wish i was a little bit taller because then i could restrict the same but loose more weight.
3. tbh i just want thin thighs + waist. my waist is 25in? idk i wish my thigh gap was bigger.
4. hair loss. brittle nails.
5. i am very motivated by image. i just don’t wan to be insecure.
6. no but i snack mindlessly.
7. they constantly tell me to eat more.
8. 80+(can range up to120)x20m swim x2/week (1hr each time). jump rope challenge every day 1000+. intense 500kcal cardio every three days (mon, thur, sun etc). constant exercise when idle (lilly sabri slim leg workout/snatched waist). aim for 3k steps.
9. yes but they’re all overweight anyways.
10. snacking. breakfast desert. juices. cake and brownies. crisps.
11. idk i just use tags.
12. choc ceral w semi skimmed milk (110kcal)
two slices of bread (200kcal) w/ hot drink (about 75-120kcal). chocolate bar (114kcal) = 400kcal
small homemade pizza (base 110kcal) + sauce (50kcal) + mozzarella (190kcal) = 350kcal
total= 860 + dessert (anything under 300kcal)
13. trying to just workout more tbh. so ig healthy.
14. 45kg by june.
15. i was raised veg so i don’t really know any better lol.
16. almost a yr ago. six months i changed my eating and now i’m changing my habits again.
17. maybe. i’m not diagnosed with anything.
18. milk chocolate.
19. breakfast an hr ago.
20. n/a
21. size 4/6 uk (0-2 us) however i wear size 8 (4) in skirts because i like to wear them on my waist. size 5.5 shoe which is like a 38 or 39 eu.
22. 49kg. my parents made me and i was on break for three weeks from swimming.
23. not really. i want to weigh less for vanity and for swimming.
24. i dont care ngl. do what the fuck you want as long as it doesn’t negatively impact me.
25. nope. i’ve tried a few times but i can never bring myself to.
26. bikinis.
27. think about those fat people wieiad’s. they make me feel so ill. or the smell of a vape or something else gross.
28. i already have a gap i just want it bigger because i hate my thighs touching lol.
29. the smell of rain
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capseycartwright · 7 years
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suncakie · 3 years
[Writing Essays is fun]
w/ Tendou Satori x fem!reader (ft. Shiratorizawa Vball club)
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@randomarmy19: I was wondering if you could write for Satori Tendou in high school, where you have an unrequited crush on him. He doesn’t want to acknowledge your feelings cause he feels like “the feelings will fade, cause how can anyone stick around him” kind of thing. So he’s insecure despite you constantly confessing to him, but then you keep reassuring him and he finally sees his self worth and stuff?! Basically tooth rotting fluff/comfort/slight angst I guess…
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Warnings. VERY SHORT(around 800 words), Fluff, Crack, angst if u squint, comfort??, not proofread.
Notes. Ngl- i rlly wanted to rewrite this to a headcanon instead a fic- but school said no, so here's the draft of the fic that i completed 2 days ago- AND IM VERY SORY IF U DONT LIKE IT- ISTG FEEL FREE TO SHARE FEEDBACKS LOL
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Writing essays is fun if your writing about the one you love. You caught feelings for Tendou during your second year together, and bc of that, you will never forget the hectic things you did to convince Tendou to date you.
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You had caught Tendou's eye when the two of you were partnered up during Arts class ,with your bubbly and respectful personality who wouldn't? Though what really Tendou first noticed about you was how excited you were when you introduced yourself to him.
The pure enjoyment you showed while talking to the boy behind the canvas was intoxicating at first, because the redhead thought you were trying to be friends with him so that you could manipulate him or to leave him after you got bored with him.
Though it turns out, you were a talented artist, Tendou never asked the question out loud but you answered anyways, saying something about you being excited to actually draw him up close and his unusual style of hair.
"You know? i am grateful to be partnered up with you! I hope you don't mind if i ask you your number? Or email at least?" You grinned up at him, your own phone in your hand.
"Hm? Asking me out already? Sorry, Im not interested" Tendou chuckled but took your phone and typed both his email and number on your contacts anyways. You on the other hand, had your cheeks fairly dusted up with a soft pink tint but your smirk says otherwise "what a bummer, I guess ill play lazer tag with someone else" 
Tendou panicked when you snatched your phone from his hand and clung himself onto you like a koala, while repeating the phrase  "you know you love me, let me join with you!
It was in your second year when you realized you had caught feelings for your bestfriend, you had thrown hints here and there and your not sure if the redhead notices heck you even went to Ushijima for advice to only get a response like " just tell him"
And you know what you did? You told him when the two of you were alone- who am i kidding, you told him during the match between seijoh and shiratorizawa, midway through the game when Tendou was switched in from his senpai you had shouted the words Tendou wanted to hear since he met you.
"I like you Tendou Satori<3" which made all his teammates look at you then at he redhead, as Ujishima had a faint grin on this face, Tendou himself smiled and raised both of his arms to his head making a heart while screaming an "I like you more!"
When the game ended you didn't know what are you smiling about, the fact that your school will go to nationals again, or the fact the feeling you held were neutral, but at the end of the day you had the thought that the two of you were now a couple.
Which was stupidly false "what? Why?" Tendou shifted his eyes anyware but to yours as he spoke "you deserve someone more than me yeah? So how about we go  to an arcade after practice hm?" Your eyes held a shimmer of hope "as a date?" Successfully sitting you on the bench Tendou laughed "what? No! As a friendship restoration hangout!"
And so, after the 'friendship restoration hangout' you had somehow dedicated yourself to covince the redhead that he is perfect for you- by of course leaving love letters in his shoe locker, your name proudly written in the envelope with an 5000 word essay about why he is perfect for you.
Istg, your timidness said 'bye-bye' and made room for your newly filled confidence.
Whenever Shiratorizawa had a match nor a practice match, you would scream all your love and support for both the team and the redhead while your friends tries to drag you out of the gym out of embarrassment.
"Istg Y/n shut up"
During class you would pass out notes to the boy and whenever the teacher caught you, you would explain to them that Its for your french class and they would let it go easily, just don't get caught frequently.
"L/n-san care to explain what are you doing with Tendou-kun?" 
"Its notes for French class, we have a quiz today" 
And finally after the two hectic years of you practically convincing Tendou that he's the perfect boyfriend and reasons why he shouldn't be scared to date someone for the first time, around his third year you saw him waiting by his shoe locker waiting for you to send out your 5000 word essay on why he is worth your love.
"Tendou-chan! Hey! Your early"
"Y/n-chan pls go out with me"
"I- wah-"
"Pls go out with me"
"*sobbing* OF COURSE BBY"
Ig 2 years of compliments and reassurance and of course, loyalty really does the trick
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capwilsons · 3 years
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I posted 3,483 times in 2021
201 posts created (6%)
3282 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 16.3 posts.
I added 5,216 tags in 2021
#sam wilson - 1211 posts
#tfatws - 835 posts
#sambucky - 828 posts
#art - 708 posts
#tfatws spoilers - 620 posts
#bucky barnes - 490 posts
#caatws - 200 posts
#anthony mackie - 184 posts
#sharon carter - 71 posts
#sarah wilson - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#ngl just the idea that you had the audacity to tell me that if i had looked at his arc with the lens of ptsd and childhood trauma i'd get it
My Top Posts in 2021
potential options for sam wilson flashbacks off the top of my head:
Sam as a kid/young teen working with his dad on the boat, and having more context about why it matters so much to him to keep it (some emotional moments b/w him and his dad please?)
Sam and Sarah's relationship (flashbacks w/ reference to that 'to the rescue' line)
Generally any flashbacks with his family??
Sam training to be falcon // putting on the jets for the first time and the kind of responsibility he took on with that
Sam dealing with the loss of his parents
Sam dealing with the loss of Riley
what else are you guys thinking of??
160 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 20:56:41 GMT
anyways give me sam breaking down to tears because he's just had a shit day (wasn't able to save someone in a fight, feeling the weight of the mantle a little too much, his past + trauma being used as media fodder for why he does or doesn't deserve to be cap, the overwhelming weight of the responsibilities he has, or perhaps nothing but yet every reason all at once). And give me bucky simply holding sam, cradling him in his arms, wiping the tears away and doing everything he can to comfort sam. give me bucky drawing sam a bath after his long brutal day, tending to his wounds and holding him while he falls asleep. give me sam being vulnerable and open and raw, and give me bucky being there to solely to comfort his love in his time of need
258 notes • Posted 2021-04-18 22:23:13 GMT
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The world needed bi croptop + jean cutoffs sam wilson... I don't make the rules
438 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 22:29:06 GMT
so sam has wings which makes like angel imagery easier obviously but the lengths they went through in ep 6 to really amplify and highlight this was incredible. like so many of his scenes were so beautiful and ethereal, and god did i love it. like i dont know why i connected so much to this but seeing him that way was really satisfying and impactful
759 notes • Posted 2021-04-24 20:46:16 GMT
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"Talking of titles, was there ever any conversation about it being called 'The Winter Soldier and The Falcon'?"
2505 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 22:48:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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nako-doodles · 2 years
seeing tae traveling on his own (going to malta) made me realize how bad i am at traveling, nevertheless alone. i still dont understand the whole process ngl. i have horrible anxiety so even going thru checks makes me so nervous plus w/ how quick it goes and u gotta take all your stuff out and rush and its a mess so id probably forget my own bags if someone wasnt with me. u must've traveled a lot right, are u comfortable doing it on your own by now?
traveling alone is always going to be stressful, esp as an asian woman yknow? travel will always be a rush rush wait affair (unless ur hella rich) and murphys law will hit you at one point or other. however, research and preparedness will be your best friend, and the experience and sights you see will be worth it 🥰🥰🥰
im going to compile some tips after the cut if you need it:
i always keep a list of everything i need to pack, organized by: toiletries (if theyre in your carry-on, you need to make sure its within airline security regulations. creams count as liquids. BRING SUNSCREEN!), clothes, accessories, and shoes (make sure you have enough to change every day, plus 1-2 days extra. also make sure you have layers like a jacket/large scarf which can also be a blanket and COMFY shoes that has room for swollen feet. you can repeat clothes so you can pack light. check the weather! bring an umbrella!), electronics (AND THEIR CHARGERS! bring a socket/voltage exchange if its different from your country), medicine (check your destinations rules on drugs. DONT ASSUME), YOUR DOCUMENTATION (passport/photo ID, visas, vax records, emergency contacts, hotel/destination addresses. keep a hard copy of it away from where you store your OG docs, and keep pictures of your documentations in your phone), and itinerary (where are you staying? do you need travelers insurance? did you call your bank so you can access your cards at your destination? what is your budget? do you need to change currency? you should have emergency money for taxis and a night at the hotel IN CASH)
pack your things into your luggage and DONT TAKE THEM OUT. for last minute things, create a separate packing list for when you leave for the airport. if you are taking a carry-on, make sure it meets airline regulations. keep all of your documents and cash in a secure location AND DONT LET IT LEAVE YOUR BODY. if you need to bring small candies and snacks (like me, i get low blood sugar easily), make sure its packaged and processed. a lot of countries dont allow meats and vegetables and seeds/grains into the country. check customs and immigration. ditto for your meds and other controlled substances and liquids. when you cross immigrations and security, make sure your water bottle is EMPTY. there are water fountains and restaurants past security. if you have a big carryon, you can carry it past security, and if the airlines have space, they usually allow you to check large carryons for free at the boarding gate, you can keep an eye/ear our for that.
usually the airline attendant will stick your checked baggage tags onto your boarding pass as a reminder for you to pick it up, so dont throw away your boarding pass! stick in your passport pages for safe keeping. make sure to stand near the first half of the loop and put really identifiable ribbons/duct tape/buckets on your bags so someone else won't walk away w your stuff. (if youre in a country famous for sm*ggling dr*gs, make sure to plastic wrap your entire luggage, some big airports have this at the lobby before check in)you will not believe the variation of black/navy bags until youve been on the strip 🤣🤣🤣 DONT bring monogrammed luxury luggages w you. thats asking you to be mugged in broad daylight. use your knees and waist and core to lift your luggage out, OR if you look sad enough, usually someone will help you (not that ive had that happen to me....many times......)
look like you know what youre doing, even if you dont! if you look unsure, pickpocketers and bad actors will target you. THUS! always do your research first. be as accurate and specific as you can. learn some helpful language phrases if its a foreign country (i.e. where is..., direction words, thank you, please, could i have...). fake it til you make it fam 🥰🥰🥰 don't draw attention, and make sure you look out for arrows and signs to tell you where to go. remember to keep your hands on your possession at all time. if youre in places famous for pickpocketers, wear your backpack in your front.
dont be afraid to ask for help from airline staff/concierge/info desk. theyre usually really friendly and want to help you! so if youre lost and dont know where your boarding gate is, or you dont know which bus to take, or you don't understand the in flight menu or need extra pillows and blankets (ask early! right after the plane levels out is usually a good time to ask)
at your hotel, make sure to sweep for cams (under mirrors/smoke detectors/paintings/tv etc.), deadbolt your door, and close your curtains. dont let strangers into your room, even if they claim to be staff. be aware of your surroundings at all times, dont talk to strangers, keep your hands on your bags, stay in public spaces, stay safe!
tldr; research lots, pack light but right, keep your documents in order, stay in reputable places and public transport, be aware of your surroundings, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! godspeed darling 🥰🥰🥰
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Kiri.. the lad... the shark man... the rock... reacting to a fem reader who has WAY more kinks than he thought. Like, they're just friends with benefits and she reveals she has both a daddy and feeding kink. OBLIVIOUSLY this means she likes him, right?! Clearly, this is her trusting him enough to let him take her away from everyone else to be with just him. Kiri knows exactly what to do :) and your kink just makes it easier! (You dont have to do those kinks if they're a squick, I just love them)
Ngl I headcanon that both Yandere!Kirishima and Yandere!Bakugo would have feeding kinks. Kirishima gets off on being a big strong manly provider. Bakugo gets off on seeing you eat food that he cooks, and seeing you wrap your lips around his creation. The weirdo.
Anywayyy before I get carried away
 Tag list:
@shorkbrian​ come get ur man
It had been several months since you had started sleeping with the hero Red Riot, and at first everything had seemed like a dream. Not only was he eager and open to exploring any kinks you brought to the table, and often got even more into them than you. The sex had been great, and the random drop ins with take out clutched in his arms had been cute, but it had quickly gotten old. 
You had enjoyed the state of your current relationship, the two of you were compatible as hell in bed, but it didn’t go past that. There were no ties between the two of you, no feelings beyond the occasional wet dreams or dirty thoughts you had about him at work. 
At first when he would drop in occasionally without notice, shove his way into your apartment, ignoring your protests or complaints you had just rolled your eyes, taken whatever food or gift he shoved in your arms and accepted it. But then it kept happening. Nearly everyday he showed up at your home even when you told him not to, ignoring you when you told him to leave, getting angry when you told him you had other plans with other people. You had shrugged off the warning signs and started not answering the door at all and no longer texted him for hookups. Any crying emojis or pleas for at least a booty pic were left on read, ignored. 
And then he had started showing up at your work, still clad in his hero uniform, bringing as much attention to himself as possible as he held an obnoxiously big bouquet of roses or a teddy bear, or whatever cliché little sappy present he chose for that day. He would hover by the only exit, his face lighting up whenever he saw you, a bright grin crossing his face as he practically bounded over to you, shoving his latest gift in your arms and lavishing you in so many compliments and sweet words that you had no choice but to force a smile and let him lead you out to his car, his hand a little too tight around your shoulders. It always ended with you cornered in his apartment, being offered drinks, food, movies, sex-endless amounts of things that you couldn’t even begin to turn down until it was too late for the hero to feel “comfortable” letting you leave. It always led to you staying the night and having to deal with hours of cuddling and endless kisses. 
Every morning started with him trying to smoothly imply that he could take care of you, something you always ignored as you shrugged off his hugs and kisses, practically darting out of his apartment, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. 
He clearly wasn’t taking any hints, maybe it was time to break it off cleanly before things got any worse. 
“Hey, baby! It’s about time you called me over again! Ignoring me wasn’t very manly of you, but that’s okay, i’ll always forgive you~” 
Before you could open your mouth the redhead was swooping down, kissing you hard and roughly nipping your lower lip before practically shoving you out of his way, forcing his way into your apartment as he immediately headed towards your kitchen table. 
“I bought sushi from that place downtown you like! It was a bit of a detour, but anything for my baby~!”
You frowned, shutting the door behind you before following him into the kitchen, watching as he immediately started spreading the food out across the table-way more than the two of you could ever eat. Your stomach rolled at the thought, memories of Kirishima stuffing food in your mouth and then rubbing your swollen stomach as you whined and cried, too sick to fight him and he cuddled and doted on you, often fingering or eating you out while rubbing your stomach, ignoring you as you whined and cried.
You were ashamed of how much you liked him stuffing you full, even when he didn’t seem to understand and always took it too far, like he always did. 
“Look! I even stopped by that sweet shop you like and got your favorite~ Maybe we can eat it while watching a movie later!” 
“I don’t really have time tonight, im going-”
“Look! I got us a nice wine, Fatgum said something about it having really nice acidity and legs and blah blah, I don’t really understand it all! I just know if it tastes good, I drink!”
He laughed heartily as he eagerly pushed you into your seat, taking up the seat across from you as he started dishing out the sushi between the two of you rambling the whole way. Every time he took a pause to take a breath or shove some food in his mouth you tried to speak, just to be immediately talked over by the redhead as he suddenly remembered some urgent stupid thing he had to tell you. 
“Look, Kirishima-”
“Don’t be like that, baby! What have I said about that, call me Eijiro! Or Daddy!” 
A sly grin covered his face as he purred out the last word, making your stomach roll as you resisted the urge to go across the table and smack him. 
“Whatever, what I was trying to say was-”
Just as you thought you had finally caught his attention his eyes drifted down to your untouched plate, an annoyed look flickering across his face, disappearing so quickly you wondered if you imagined it. Not that you had much time to question him or think about it since in a split second his face had changed back into that perverted grin as he snatched one of the pieces off your place with his chopsticks, holding it up as his eyes darkened with lust. 
“Come on, baby...Open up for your daddy and maybe you’ll get to eat something else as a reward~” 
His voice was a low rumble, nearly a growl, something that made you freeze up in your seat in fear for a moment. No. You weren’t letting this go on another second!
“Kirishima! Enough!”
Freezing from where he had been leaning all the way across the table, pushing the piece of sushi to your lips, the redhead stared at you with wide confused eyes. A weaker soul would have hesitated at the innocent hurt eyes that were aimed at you, but you didn’t waver staring back at him, face twisted into an annoyed scowl.
“B-baby? What’s wrong? Did they mess up the sushi, I'll go back and get you some more if you’d-”
You growled in frustration, tangling your hands in your hair when he ignored you yet again, immediately making up his own excuse and assuming your feelings, never taking a second to just let you talk. 
“I can’t do this anymore! I thought you would take a hint when I stopped inviting you over, or when I stopped sleeping with you, but you just don’t get it!!”
Frozen in his seat, wide confused eyes stared up at you as his eyebrows knitted together in concern, a scarred hand reaching out for you, flinching back when you immediately leaned away from his touch with another frustrated growl. 
“It’s over, Kirishima! I don’t want to sleep with you anymore!! And I'm sick of you coming around here all the time and acting like we’re something we’re not! I don’t want to date you! I don’t want anything to do with you!!”
The innocent confused look on his face just infuriated you further, all the frustration and anger from all these months finally bubbling over as you screamed at him. Your eyes burned as you desperately pushed back the frustrated tears that threatened to spill over as he slowly stood up, reaching for you again, frowning when you stepped back to avoid his touch. 
“W-what do you mean? Have I done something? What are you talking about? Wh-what, baby-”
He flinched back as you immediately glared sharply at him, running a frustrated hand through your hair as you resisted the urge to stomp your foot in frustration. This is exactly why you didn’t do relationships, you hated this part, hated those hurt eyes staring at you, hated the attachment that always ended poorly...
“Stop calling me that, I'm not your baby! We just fucked, Kirishima! It doesn’t mean anything! You’re the one that started showing up at my house, at my work. ‘Have I done something?’ are you kidding me?!”
The redhead stood back as you yelled at him, watching you with hurt splashed across his expression, one hand clutching his other arms bicep as he flinched away from your harsh words. 
“I-I just wanted to spend time with you...”
You fell silent watching him with a soft frown, your anger melting away as his voice softened, sounding near on the edge of tears. 
“But I don’t want to spend time with you.”
The words seemed to cut like a knife, sharp and harsh in the air, the hero standing across from you physically flinching back as if in pain as they were spoken.
“Look...I think it’s time for you to go. I can pay you back for the sushi...-”
You turned your back to him, stepping towards the kitchen to grab your purse and lead the heart broken hero to the door when something hit the back of your head, your body crumpling to the floor with the impact. 
Everything was spinning, yet the only thing you could focus on was the throbbing pain in your skull. Vaguely you could feel wetness on your face, but your vision was too dark to see what it was. Everything felt so far away...
Right as you blacked out, falling limp against the kitchen tile, the hero finally came to his senses. Horror filled him as he looked down at your limp body, his fist still clutching the neck of the wine bottle he had smashed over your head. 
“Oh my god...”
Dropping it, letting the glass shatter along with the rest of the bottle that was floating in the wine spilled on the floor, he immediately reached out, gathering you up in his arms princess style as he lifted you off of the floor.  
“It’s okay, It’s okay...Shh, shh shh, baby. It’s okay, I'm gonna take care of this...”
He mumbled frantically to your unconscious form as he stepped away from the mess he had made, his hands shaking as he stared down at your unresponsive face. What did he do? What should he do now?!
What else was he supposed to do? You had tried to leave him! Tried to make him leave! You were his reason to live, his sunrise, his sunset, every waking moment had been about you! He...he needed you. He couldn’t let you get away!
Clearly...Clearly if his feelings were this strong you had to feel the same, right?! You were just...were just...scared! Scared you weren’t enough for him! Anyone would be scared to meet their soulmate, right?! It would all be okay once he...once he explained to you that he loved you!
He understood now, all of this, your entire relationship was just you trying to tell him that you were ready! That you wanted him to take you and take care of you, but he had been stupid and hadn’t noticed what you were saying! You had just gotten anxious, afraid that he wouldn’t still love you if you relied on him so much!
You didn’t need to worry, silly! He’ll take good care of you, just like a daddy should after all! He made some mistakes but the two of you had all the time in the world to work past it! He would make it up to you, he was sure. All you needed was time and this silly little misunderstanding would be in the past and the two of you could move on!...Right?
He clutched your limp body closer to his chest as he carefully opened the front door, stepping out of your apartment and rushing down to his car. Luckily none of your neighbors were out to spot him, not that anyone would ever question such a high ranking hero like Red Riot! Still, he didn’t want anyone but himself to look at his baby...
No one would ever look at you ever again.
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ibelonginthepast · 3 years
okay I need your klance fic recs(i feel like you have really good taste)(i mean your icon is literally THE keith of course you have god tier taste)
okay so the thing is.. that when i say am kinda messed up and disgusting sometimes... and becoming a madwoman... am not over exaggerating or saying it in a funky way.. i actually am getting like that .. and that's how i got into the klance fandom initially. i project through lance and read really langsty fics.. and they are messed messed with like violent nsfw, gore, horror, serious mental health issues etc? so if u want those... i'll only send them if u want?
yeah tho i entered with this thingy that klance is gonna be like my guilty pleasure or some shit but them i inevitably fell in love with some GORGEOUS fanfictions out there and KEITH KOGANE in all shapes sizes genders and ages so lol...
but they aren't flowery. that's just not my taste. Some of them might be "problematic"? it's in quotes because i don't agree with it. it's not going to be problematic in plain ignorant sense like racial issues or blatant sexism or mental abuse.... but they might have like stuff which people dont always agree with like drugs. most of them would have nsfw it's just something that i need to have for feels and that's why i asked if u minded it. some things are like more subjective,, characterizations for example, cause like some people dont think keith is a skirt guy cause he isnt in fashion but i think he is petty and rebellious so he will defo do that? some of them would have like physical fights and stuff.. or keith and lance being mean to each other.. some ugly habits which aren't necessarily condemned like anger or drugs.? but with how i see it, it's not glorified, so i see them as human. i love the raw and ugly in these or idk its just human to me (but some people dont like which is completely valid cause we are all different from different environments and think different and resonate with different stuff.)
wait addition: i think some of them will have sexist themes? which i have complained about a lot before. i dont know why authors feel the need to somehow put women down to show how a mlm relationship without any women is superior or some shit it's annoying as fuck i hate it. i dont think i would have any especially sexist fics here, but there might be some with lowkey themes and bad handling of those issues. some of them mau have that subtext of disgusting heteronormative standards, but in subtext uk like bottom lance having a small waist and being giggly and all in contrast to big bulk keith.
here are some that i had bookmarked... but i may remember some more and then send them to u and or add them here...
a heads up.. i dont remember all of them very well. its been a while and i read fanfictions A LOT so yeah.. incase one slips up here which isnt very good am sorry dont judge me
the bold ones are the ones u should really check out if our taste is similar.
to begin with plain f l u f f,, my first klance bookmark was How Could I Say No? by Padfoots_Pawprint. tws for violence, bullying, injury BUT it's not actually gory or something like that it's just keith being keith and getting hurt and lance helping my boi like he should. it made me feeeeeeeel ksksk
this was one that kinda really touched me,, Wasted youth, Cryptids, and Waterboys by Baea THIS HAS EXPLICIT NSFW in it, the first chapter kicks off with it.. its a good fuck buddies to lovers in my opinion.. i love the writing style, the choice of how it's just a couple entries of random days in their lives. i love keith's characterization.. he is a hobo and a conspiracy nerd.. i love how down for him lance is, very dedicated. i love their growth.. i love how they help each other grow,, and it's so like real and usual day to day and human and down to earth idk how else to express it. this is INCOMPLETE. it's 12 chapters and discontinued as of now,, but it's not a deadly cliffhanger
similar in style and approach to the above. tho i think here is where it gets dubious. Easy, Tiger. by @/WhatTheBodyGraspsNot ... this is INCOMPLETE too and as of now discontinued. this has that sorta murky vibe with it's drug usage, them being teenagers in school and engaging in stuff like this, bad boy keith and all. this has nsfw too. i just remember really liking it and its very raw and unfiltered. tho it's incomplete it's not an open ending for now.
okay so i am restarting this but am upset as fuck that it all got deleted so i am gonna be lazy and not put as much effort as i did.
i have also Crowd Pleaser bookmarked by the same author,, this one's complete and it has some serious issues around gaslighting if i remember correctly... i really liked it then. keith is literally an angel here, i want to kidnap him and marry him literally. the s h w ee t e s t shit ,, and i like how lance gives him all the support and space to get his shit together
Drummer boy by klancekorner,, i think it's similar to the prev one, but lance's pov(which is what i prefer ngl). this authors fanfics are all just wholesome. i had put links to all their fics before, but imma now just say that u should go and check all their fics out. i have them all bookmarked, i must have seen something in them (can't remember what now tho and i cant be bothered to skim through them like last time *rolls eyes*)
War of hearts? idk why honestly, just ik keira has made me gay, and lesbian rejection angst? garrison? yes :) it's incomplete, conveniently left at the point where lance's heart is broken lol
Fuck buddies with benefits. THE NAME IS BAD I KNOW but i just love the idea of a dedicated mess of a keith and lance taking care of him. that's it that's the fic if i remember correctly. oh wait yeah u might think keith is not treating lance right, but i think it's fine if lance is treated a bit stupid. this is a bit too sex driven tho i dont like it but just SLEEPDEPRIVED KEITH TO TAKE CARE OF IMMA SIGN UP (ik this maybe coming off toxic but lol look at me)
Rambling: THIS WAS ME.
Last Defense: TW SUICIDE this is literally the langst i have for canon lance
I want something else: bad boy keith can break my limbs and cut my face and i will thank him
A thank you would be nice: keira damn
game-set-match: b a d b o y
I swear to go the devil made me do it: my typically fav trop, hardcore pining lance, literally perfect angsty keith. very similar to the top ones ig? idk also this one is one of my comparatively recent sane bookmarks so that's something. it starts off weird, u think it gon be subtly sexist but it turns out better so hold on
you've got me locked up: i think it's delinquent keith,, its floofy
Dad lance and tattoo artist keith: the name says it
damn while going through my bookmarks i realized that there are a lot of things i never bookmarked? i am pretty sure i loved a lot of long fanfictions, flower shop aus and tattoo artists shit wtf-
wait here's one, it's not complete: Blood jumps in the sun: it's very heavy has a lot of growth and kinda wholesome,, tags and summary will give u an idea what u getting in.
The lessons we learned: can't remember much other than florist keith, sad keith, smart keith, really long, pining
damn i think i have a lot of happy ones i didn't bookmark cause my brain was like u dont deserve the serotonin :( i'll add if i have more)
some actually angsty, detailed nsfw and messy (according to the way u interpret these) ones... lemoninagin.. they have some very detailed and explicit nsfw stuff but i am not there for it. some of it has the kind of angst i like? an actual one that i love and they recently posted and the reason am putting them here is infinitesimal. best friends to lovers and tho usually it's not my cup of tea.. it's a character study, an interpretation of klance in a modern world i dare say,, which is very similar to mine. the thing about them is that i like their characterization a lot, and in no love in this, i like what kind of background stories they give to klance in their aus. i haven't read many by them, so if u want u can check them out.
i just realized i have put some lowkey sad/fucked fics here... i did remove 5 rn... i hope its all good damn why am i doing this i feel like am putting myself naked out there when i recommend my favs
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jello-fello · 3 years
For the ask meme- yes. The whole fucking alphabet. Any fandom of your choice for any of them -kipp
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Honestly besides the Constant love for Mell and Kai, Ash and Eiji from banana fish, and Reki and Langa and Joe and Cherry from sk8 right now. Also i like Lawlight from specifically the 2015 death note tv drama. OH. AND ALSO. SEKI AND SHIMIZU FROM OYASUMI PUNPUN I LOVE THEM
(Side note ngl Detective Roberts and His Ex-Wife are v nice together i like them)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh idk I never thought about it. Ig i’m not really a fan of Aizawa/All Might? that’s the first ship to come to mind. oh and also Hawks/Endeavor. not my cup o tea, never will be
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Any ship with Tanaka from haikyuu that Isnt him and kiyoko. like art of him and enoshita or him and noya are Cute, but i just dont ship it
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Does writing “Regenerate, Fate” count
I also have Goose Yagami meme and the yelling cat meme but it’s death note
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
BNHA fandom has been since... november 2017ish
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
(ngl i dunno what this Means so sorry if my answer doesn’t make sense but-) I really like anime and animation, but also i really like comics and manga, more so now that im Making a comic
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think tumblr’s ever stopped making me like a fandom, but just like. stop going in tumblr’s tag for it. for example 15ish year old me was NOT ready to see the things in the undertale tag that i did. oh god the horrors.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
i dont think tumblrs ever led me to starting a show/getting into a fandom, but pinterest has. most of my fandoms have been through seeing random things on pinterest ngl
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Vigilantedekus is The Best and I Love Them
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Matsuda from death note might’ve been played as the “Funny because he keeps fuckin up” kinda chara, but i do like that he was the one to shoot light and that he had that kind of outburst about light’s dad. BUT ALSO MATSUDA’S THEORY IN THE END OF THE MANGA? RIGHTS.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
i dont have anything specific in mind, but all fandoms have DOPE artists
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
head empty no thoughts
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Right now “The mind electric” reminds me of Jamie from SA, “Butterfly’s Repose” reminds me of Mell And Kai
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
uh uh uh uh Self Aware but without Aviancorp. That’s the only difference. The au is just what kind of ripple effect it would have on everyone and their lives
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
nothing’s coming to mind
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Sobs. Seki and Shimizu from Goodnight Punpun. I only say them for this because theres So Little People who know them
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Athen (my oc, Choosing(02)) wants to see hatsune miku because he uses a voicebank to speak and “! she sounds like me!” 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
I’m going to do these with my OCs instead. because while im the author, they’re headcanons because most of them i cant Really make canon: 
Athen has a mothman pajama set. He and adam have matching “Humanfucker”/”Robofucker” shirts
athen Has seriously wondered if adam would leave him for mothman
athen gets a pet roomba named Hal
Jamie would be a good parent
Sam (one of the dead kids from Subject 402/SA-) would’ve been a soccer player if she lived
Letho (the Other dead kid) would’ve been an art student
if jordan(Kai) had a Normal Life and WASNT a human experiment, he wouldnt be very accomplished in school despite being a genius, he’d be kinda a delinquent and getting in trouble a lot
If mell had a younger sibling, people would probably think HE’S the youngest one. they would not believe he were older if they were close in age
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mob from Mob psycho
L and Light are tied
Aizawa and Shinsou and Deku are top faves ig
ash and eiji from banana fish. love them. AND SHORTER> LOVE HIM
i like punpun as a character but if i had the chance i would prolly throw hands
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Mell and Kai - Self Aware
Shindeku OR tododeku - bnha
(Letho and (Redacted)) - Self Aware (but like. the au if letho Lived)
Ash and Eiji - Banana Fish
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
I think we all know my fave ships from this post so far. no need to do this question lmao
ngl there aren’t many Precious Babies. like I’d say Hinata is a precious baby but haikyuu ends when he’s like fuckin 30 so what counts as a precious baby hmmm
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
my dash gets so much TMA
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
this post is long enough,,,
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woozi · 3 years
i agree how you described twt, sometimes everyone's just ready to fight it seems, i've genuinely had fun on both platforms at different times but now it's just too much on stan twt (no space for difference of opinion djsjdjj) it's good to know you're having fun as well :3 & omg i've seen few of my moots starting to give svt their attention after fallin flower dropped, everything abt it is <3333 the song, mv, choreo i love it.
hdjdjddkdjdj " virgos 😐 " also me in next breath "happy birthday mark :D i love you so much 🥺💕💗" any virgos reading this i really hope you enjoy your month to the fullest djjdjd <3. righttt?? you're correct abt mark's temper being very virgo djdjdkd.
your line screams hard-working people <3 jihoon, jaebeom, jeonghan the 3Js <3. isn't jaebeom also an infj? (i don't take mbtis seriously but at the same time it also makes me happy if it ends up matching someone i like djdjjd) chan & yugs 🥺 these two imo have the sweetest personality, like the one which makes you feel welcomed & they also have the cutest laugh 🥺.
i love jus2 <3 focus on me is one of my favorite kpop mvs of all time & also drunk on you??? i love this song so much, very sexy of them. the vibes, style and everything w/ their album, i want more songs like that. and for when i am feeling melancholy i need more songs like jjp's verse 2 😭💔 but i am also okay if they don't want to go back to these units bcoz everything so far they've been giving is just as great <33 ( maybe in future we'll get blessed w/ features 🥺)
honestly g7 as grp and individually have won me over with their music style, even if i don't like full album ik there will be 3-4 songs which will be exactly what i like to listen to, all of the music they've released individually i've liked it so much. there is this song of youngjae's, titled "i'm all ears" i had no idea of its existence until it popped up in my spotify i'm so glad it did, it's been in my playlist ever since. there was also a time when i was obsessed with jackson's 'on the rocks' djdjdk.
aww <3 the live performance video of 1° has mark as thumbnail so for long time i used to associate this song with him jdjddk. i think the only j*pe thing i'd miss is got7 studio live sessions 🥺. RIGHTJDKSKS aju nice's mv is very cute djjddk I love it, in reality its reverse tho, i see them and boom! 💖💛💗🤍💕💙
it was the year they won first bb*as award so that gave them the exposure, and no i don't follow them anymore. mixed feelings abt them, very negative feelings abt f*ndom fjdjdjd. i do miss what it used to feel like liking them sometimes. at that time i never thought i'll willingly drop them from my interest (i've stanned zayn since 2012 first him as grp member then solo. sometimes thinking abt it gives me a whiplash hddjks it's been 9 years, really thought it would be same with them too but it didn't happen)
i've had falling in love by yugs and in to you by jaebs on loop for days djdkdk i really love these two songs and also air by bammie <3 (i'm slow jams kinda person djdjdk :3)
(bam released the most fun album & title this year idc abt others, ribbon is one of the soty) also special mention of look so fine & running through the rain. yes! you do make sense they feel organic & very them.
exactly 😭 it's more believable when they drop stuff out of nowhere like encore 😭😭. the way youngjae posted his letter on twt too ddjjdkssk the announcement & release of encore is such a 'you just had to be there' situation the excitement, nervousness, confusion and everything 😭 sometimes i can't with them. also is the bibi with mark on ost, the same one you mentioned in last ask? the ost is really good <3, it must've been fun to see it happen (if its same bibi).
making a whole ass playlist just for me???? 😭😭😭🥺💗 yza you're so sweet nooooo 💖
and don't worry abt replying late jdjdkdjd i mean it, sometimes my friends text me after weeks and i'm am the same. it's really okay <3. i hope this week is treating you kindly, take care yza - 🪂
p.s ( just saw last post djjej) - it was me who manifested more bunny dino <3 manifesting even more <33
i was on stan twt during my younger years too and it was v fun and memorable to me ngl <3 idk what happened though.. it's evolved to be.. Something Else.. i still see a lot of good people there though 😭 and now that i'm in my Hag Era... idk it's just too fast for me now 😭 it's still my go-to place for updates though nothing can top twitter on that dept
and ms fallin flower.... i feel like everyone was blown away by it (based off of what i see carats when talk about it) and rightly so!! she SERVED. the looks too oh my god. it's another factor i look forward to and enjoy so much when i watch their performances!!
u know what? virgos 😐 indeed KJJKDFJKFDJKFDKJ i want to slander virgos today because it's their season and no one slanders them that often so <3 ABOUT MARK'S VIRGO TEMPER THOUGH... i know i've said i enjoy seeing it sm but whenever i think abt it i cant help but say that.. I Love His Temper <3 he doesn't get pissed off in a scary and douchebag-y way it seems so... contained?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT he punched an a/c though so that might not be the perfect word to describe him lmaoo <3
THE J TRINITY HFDJFJDJHDF BESTIE UR MIND IS SO!!!!!!!!!!! honestly... maybe it's the acts of service for me <3 JKDFKJFDKJFJKD i think this is just my eldest sister and savior syndrome speaking though kfjkdkjf ALSO OH MY GOD THE WAY U NOTICE THESE THINGS <3 THAT'S SO SEXIE OF U!!! and yes he used to be an infj!! there was an interview that's more recent wherein he mentioned that he's now an enfj though but i cant rmb which interview it's from :/ ALSO MOOD FKJJKGJGKF i dont believe in mbtis too but im just... a little obsessed w it for the fun of it all <3 and the way u described them </3 what if i tear up a little </3 I LOVE CHAN'S LAUGH SO MUCH BUT IM SO SOS O GLAD U BROUGHT UP YUGYEOM'S LAUGH??????????? IT'S NOT TALKED ABT ENOUGH LIKE...... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! one of my bird moots said he sounded like a schoolboy in choir 😭😭😭😭😭😭
GOD UR TASTE!!!!!!! what if i start falling in l*ve a little :/ what then :/ focus on me was ahead of it's time and people fucking slept on THEM i cannot fucking believe this. this has to be some kind of sick joke 😭 ALSO HAVE U SEEN THE CHOREO FOR SENSES!!!!!!1 INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! sorry for the expletives but like.... holy SHIT they did THAT!!!!!!!! ALSO UR SO RIGHT </3 jjp verse 3 when... ALSO did u know i let go of the jjprojects url... thats the worst mistake of my life KDKJDSKJDSJK also agree wholeheartedly <3 i think they're all trying to find their footing this time around as soloists and im so proud of them for that!! i'll stand by my jus2 agenda though bc they're almost in the same company so maybe.. i might have hope left 😭
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! the same principle goes w svt for me as well <3 got7's such a flavorful group musically like... all of them have the capacity to go solo and they're still considered flops.. waht the fuck <3 ALSO OMG FJDKJFKFJD YOU'VE HEARD The Song!!!!!!!! maybe he'll be releasing something along those lines <3 esp now that he's supposedly coming w an album KJSJKDJSK on a similar note.. do u also listen to jamie (the other artist on the song) <3 NOO SHUT UP THIS CANNOT BE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was obsessed w on the rocks too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT WAS MY FAVORITE ON THE MIRRORS ALBUM HELLO??????????????????????????? im proposing to u rn
ok now i have to watch all the live vids again JKDSJKSJDKDSKJ ik keep saying 'ur so right', 'i agree', and 'so true bestie' but im gonna have to say this again bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE live sessions sm no matter the artist. i also just am a little partial to live bands in performances like that in general so JDJKKDSJDS
the way you're saying these cute things abt the svteenies.. </3 giving me heartache!!! i'd bully them though i can't coddle them anymore <3
not the fandom JKFDKJFDKJFDKJFKJF ok but i think it's mostly their younger fans tbh. it wasn't this bad before.. i also really liked bts during their debut days. their songs were really good!! i kind of lost interest though and couldn't really get into them although their songs slapped lol. my irls are still into them though so i still hear about them. 9 YEARS............................... wait oh my god it HAS BEEN a little over a decade since 1d was The Thing huh 😭 now i feel kinda old lmao. and i totally get that feeling </3 it really do be like that sometimes JKFDJKJKFD
you really ARE keeping up w the sevens oh my god how are you doing it!!!!!!!!!!! it's like getting svt content now at this point but more complicated bc u need to get the updates from different sources JDKJSDKJJSKD love ur song choices too <3
ALSO FULLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw bam's teasers... the aes was my cup of tea and THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't fucking get it out of my mind it's objectively one of the best things i've seen from kpop in 2021. i'm super impressed <3 love how abyss really supported bambam on this. they really went all in for him!!
I KNOW GKJDFJDK I GOT SUPER ???????/// DURING THE TIME EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY WERE DISBANDING LMAOOOO they pulled a move that's so unheard of though no one really expected That. i respect jaebeom so much for handling all the paperwork and shit behind the scenes it must've been HELL!! ALSO IT MEANT I CRIED FOR NOTHING THEN 😭😭😭 AND YES OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME BIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SHOCK I HAD WHEN I SAW THE LIST????????????????????????? thought i was gonna black out like,,, mark,,, AND BIBI??????????????? she's fucking phenomenal how is she just a YEAR older than me.. INSANE!!! ... and i also thought jackson was gonna have an ost for this movie.. idk why it wasn't released though i didnt look into it :/
i had a rough few days so i'm not yet finished with the playlist (my laptop's Dead i am still trying to revive her and uni's starting soon 😭) but for the mean time, here's another one that some people from caratblr previously asked for JDSJKSDJ these are mostly english songs though its not my k-playlist KJDSKJSDJK
i do hope this week gets better!!! and i hope that you'll have a fun one too <3 thank u for being so patient w me 🥺 i just get so many messages and find the need to recharge FDKJDFJK
ALSO I FELT LIKE IT WAS U!!!!!! OH MY GOD, i even searched my blog for the word manifest but for some reason your ask didn't come up in the search so i didnt mention u in the tags so i wont misattribute if it ends up not being u 😭 thank u for manifesting this chan for me he's my little... hop hop now ig... 😭
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