#i dont understand myself
arminsumi · 1 year
damn i was just watching a movie and instead got distracted and busted out a 4k word fic wtf what 🥴
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coolcoelacanth · 11 months
i've been so fucking sad about my ex recently and i feel like a crazy person. it's deadass been 1 year since we last saw each other but it's all just hitting me right now. i was relieved for the first few months after we ended things, then i was sad, then i was doing just fine, now all of a sudden i have been fucking miserable about it for the past month. i really wish i could take my brain out of my head and run it under cold water. i feel like im short circuiting. ive just been overall depressed then ill randomly burst into tears about it for like 30 minutes. i've only been one one date since we ended things, and im starting to feel like ill never find someone i love like that again. he didn't treat me right, and i deserve better, but damn did we work together so well. if he hadn't been an idiot things could've worked out really well. now im back to square one, with all these people i genuinely have no interest in. and im pretty sure he started seeing someone shortly after we ended things and theyre still together. so i just feel even worse, like did all of that really mean that little to him? and why does he get to move on and have a happy ending? i feel like nothing is ever fair bro, i give my heart and soul to this shit and i get the short end of the stick every time. and i really, truly, deeply trusted him. i really really did. i dont know how to get over this horrible feeling of betrayal. it burns a hole in my stomach. it doesnt feel real. i dont want any of it to be real. its all just some kind of sick joke. and i keep playing back all the memories of all the things he did that hurt me, so im just hurting myself over and over again and just crying about it all. my brain is truly putting me thru my own personal hell, for why? who fucking knows. maybe bc i havent had a day off since august and im finally having a nervous breakdown, so my brain is just throwing everything its got at me. and i literally spent 8 hours studying today, then im working 8 hrs tmrw and studying afterward for my exam on monday. but it doesn't end there, it all just repeats on an endless cycle until my semester ends in december. i only have this semester and next semester left until i will only be doing rotations, but jesus christ if this doesnt kill me. and i used to have a reprieve on the weekends when my ex would come over for three days and we would just LOL and eat good food and i really felt like i could completely let all my walls down. now i never get to let my walls down because i dont trust anyone to be myself around. so im just constantly holding everything in all the time until i finally explode one day. this is literally so long but if you made it this far, im literally at my breaking point. and i dont even have time to have a break down, i get to cry about my life for a couple hours a day then i just keep going and going and going like a fucking lunatic. somebody please put me out of my misery for fucks sake
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babyp0p · 2 years
i wanna fuck somebody. I'm not horny. i just wanna fuck
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nonomikun · 7 months
why do i want to cry
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
This is a verified fundraiser for a family of four to evacuate to Cairo. The fund's creator, Amal Abu Shammala, reached out to me personally to share this since she's failed to get her fund on Operation Olive Branch and Let's Talk Palestine's fundraising linktree.
As of right now, she has raised €2,397/ €42,000. You can see the breakdown of what the money will be used for in the fund description.
Please give generously!
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choccy-milky · 1 month
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dad seb dad seb dad seb 💕
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hinamie · 2 months
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all i have left
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i got lazy in the second panel and didnt feel like coloring or whatever bite me
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tubbytarchia · 10 months
Sorry, last one, swear!! I'll try and finish this by the 10th and then I will leave you all alone. I'm experiencing some long missed joy in creating this, please forgive my impatient excitement
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thesunoficarus1 · 2 months
as a matter of fact, eddie diaz better be gay because otherwise he gave up all of those fine ass women for no reason and I just can't handle that
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hg-aneh · 2 months
I can't believe I have to say this
If you know of anyone who's y'know "bad" or anything of the sort and happens to follow me... don't??? tell??? me??
Regardless of the circumstances and actions of the person, I say this with the utmost respect and fear: I don't want to get involved
What people who follow me or don't or have me blocked or muted or whatever do in their free and irl time is not my business
I know not to mess with english-speaking communities' personal affairs now. Like, no offense, but y'all are pretty fucking creepy when it comes to stuff like that, and that's why, again, I don't want to get involved
I have enough problems in the real world currently. Please understand that! 🙏
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They both lost their team and their teacher....
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rexwrendraws · 9 months
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jumping on the 'redrawing michael zulli's sandman stuff' bandwagon a year and half-ish later with some loose scribbles :]
references/original art by michael zulli under the cut:
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theotherhappyplace · 1 year
Me: how could we inspire hate in a cosmic horror god if we are so small and insignificant?
Brain: how do people react to a spider in their bed. Or maggots in their fridge?
Me: oh
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nordidia · 6 months
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having a very rough night so raph doodles needed to be made
when in need, mash two interests together
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spineless-lobster · 7 months
Me when there’s gay people and they’re at war
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