#i dont usually write things as sugary as that and now when i want to read something so sweet it already exists yknow
strawberryclementine · 8 months
Looking at my recent fanfic again and I'm finally at the level of sugary sweetness for Tenma and Gillen that I've wanted to read... Victory is mine
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Shit kept going in and out of focus if it wasnt spinning and unfortunately both often happened at the same time, he wanted to vomit but he knew he couldn't, he had wisely avoided eating anything substantial recently, surviving mainly off crackers because eating meant he would vomit, probably during the meeting, and attract far too much pity for what he's worth.
Just had to hold it together for a bit longer, he could go dry retch in the conference hall bathrooms in about 5 minutes he just had to pull his shit together, and he managed to do so, disappearing for the bathroom as soon as he could. Right side of his head pounding like there was no tomorrow, dry heaving into the toilet, and sitting exhausted on the lid once he was done.
He knew he was not to "neglect" himself like some said he did, eating and sleeping were natural human instincts, but the governmental turmoil had given him an everlasting headache and the sheer internal anxiety of it all allowed him to stomach next to nothing.
His room was a mess, it had been for a while, but wrappers had started to pile up upon his bedside table, sweet sugary things mostly, in an attempt to keep his blood sugar just high enough to avoid tanking miserably.
He hoped no one in particular noticed his unironed suit or the lack of cufflinks he exhibited, he was too tired right now to really think of the little details.
God he just wanted to puke and curl up and sleep for a week but he knew it wasnt possible, the nausea wouldn't go anywhere and the headache wouldn't let him sleep.
Standing as unobtrusively as he could as nations milled around, waiting for the conference to officially nd so they could go sleep in their hotel rooms. Lucky bastards.
The meeting was taking place in London, and his flat wasn't too far away, he just needed to drive a bit, he was fine, he could drive, this was certainly not to be a safety hazard.
Unbeknownst to him Canada, Matthew even, stood quite near, wanting to approach his father when he found the right words to do so, Arthur hadn't been in a good state since 2008, and only seeming to get worse with the government changing in and out with the blink of an eye, another recession looming and the lonliness of it all.
Oh dear if he was thinking like that he really was too far gone.
Shaked out of his dreamy stupor by dint of Matthew poking him on the shoulder, he examined Matthew's face with what clarity he could muster, he looked concerned methinks, or worried, mayhaps both. His second son, forever a pillar of spineless love and devotion, in a way that truly scared Arthur, was concerned for him, visibly.
Oh he really had fucked up now hadn't he.
"Yes Matthew, what do you want?" Trying to dispel the concern away from him, it usually worked with most people but Matt was always far too good at figuring him out.
"Arthur...you don't look so good."
"Oh I'm fine, don't you worry." Practised nonchalance that was.
"Are you sure, you don't seem to be fine?"
"And what makes you say that?" That should get Matthew off his tail, he was spineless as previously mentioned, he wouldn't go against him.
Though Matthew intook a deep breath and said "You're slouching for one, I heard you dry heave in the bathrooms, your face is incredibly pale and you dont look like you've eaten in a while, or drank anything that wasn't alcoholic for that matter, your breath reeks of booze and tobacco." Another deep breath"
"Your eyes are unfocused and your eyebags are worse than usual. Also you've been writing in a bad mix of French and Latin for the past half hour."
Oh Matthew really was on to him, but was it that noticeable!
"You are not driving in such a condition Arthur."
"Hang on a bloody second, why is that? I am perfectly capable of driving thank you very much."
Matthew gave a terse smile with tired eyes thatt clearly conveyed he was not to be fucked with right now "No Arthur, no you are not driving and right now I'm prepared to force you into your car and get you home."
Arthur silently wondered where such strong feelings of protection directed at him came from in his children, and he certainly didn't understand why they were as strong as they were in Matthew specifically, but he was at the end if his rope for arguing, and just gave in. Which concerned Matthew even more than before, Arthur didn't just...give in, and this could barely be considered a fight.
Arthur walked out to the car park and located his car and just let Matthew sit in the drivers seat, not even commenting as Matthew bumped his head after not stooping down enough to sit in Arthur's rather small car, a thing that if doe on a good day would have warranted either a lengthy lecture or a sharp exhale, but it seemed as if he didn't even notice.
Off they went, they avoided eye contact, Matt wanting to focus as he was not particularly used to driving on the left side of the road, and Arthur seemed to silently stare out of the window, sometimes making a face to himself as if he had just eaten a lemon, before reverting to an unredable expression.
He didn't exactly know what was going on in Arthur's head, he had no way to know, but perhaps the weather and the stress had git to him, it wouldn't have been the first time for any of them,though the older nations seemed adamant in refuting this claim.
But for now it seemed like Arthur needed food, sleep and perhaps some comfort, if he would accept it of course.
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tw food/disordered eating
ok but like i would just like to be like ok body here’s some food!! look i heated it up and everything!!! and not have my body go hmm... no thanks. like i have to actively plan whether or not I need to “ease myself” into dinner aka I’ll eat a lil snack, usually something carby since it seems to pad my stomach which sounds weird idk. i dont get enough food/calories even though i TRY and I’m really just tired of having to manage this all the time!!!! like bitch you have plenty of food you just need to actually eat it!!!! my stomach has diff ideas!!!!! like i dont even get sick if i eat when I don’t want to, my stomach just decides no i cannot eat this thing that was perfectly ok and tasty to eat yesterday. i had like 3 bites of enchiladas I made last night and then had to make popcorn bc I couldn’t handle the enchilada. why? no idea. so now i am STILL HUNGRY even though I have eaten what i feel like should be enough food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE HOLY SHIT
edit to add: i have been craving meat lately for the first time I can remember EVER even though i’ve been a vegetarian for 7+ years which tells me my body is lacking SOMETHING but WHAT IS IT???? it feels like half the time my body only wants to eat sugar and if I don’t eat sugar I seem to just... not ever get full. like if I have dinner and then some ice cream or sth i will feel better than if I just have dinner. why?? no clue. i hate this. i am trying to cut down on my sugar intake bc my sugar intake is quite high so i have zero sugary snacks in the house rn and i’m like oh shit i shouldve taken that bag of kisses from work lmao
edit #2: i have something due by midnight but dont HAVE THE ENERGY TO WRITE IT BC I AM SO HUNGRY 
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omg i’m melting over your Erwin birthday headcanons !! could you do taking care of Erwin when he’s sick?
Yep! And I'm so happy you liked the birthday headcanons, i tried to make his friends included in it as much as i can.
And oh👀a sick Erwin would be a rare sight to see, tho I'm like 90% sure he'd be one of those people who never get the yealry flue but when he does, his health takes a massive hit.
Taking care of sick Erwin
{ Erwin x reader | tw:sickness | fluff, reverse comfort | modern }
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{ "Drift off to Dream" by Daniel F. Gerhartz 1965-alive }
You noticed something was wrong when your phone alarm went off in the morning and Erwin was still sleeping beside you.
Or at least you thought he was asleep with his face buried in the pillow, untill he reached over you to turn the phone alarm off without a word.
He's got a horrible headache, each source of noise or light being too painful to handle. And so you close the curtains and sit next to him, asking if he wants you to get him some painkillers.
You ask him how does he feel while gently stroking his hair, his face still in the pillow. You heard a muffled "horrible"
Attempting to get up, you didn't get very far before he held your hand, slightly turning and bringing it to his face.
"Stay please" he says, voice sounding weak and hoarse, leaving a small kiss on the inside of your hand.
How could you say no?
Pulling you back into bed, he wraps his arms around you and hugs you into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat slowing down as he drifts back to sleep.
Giving him a few more hours of peace before having to get up and deal with life again, you too close your eyes.
It's the ringing of his phone that wakes you up, him still soundly asleep next to you. It takes some effort to reach the phone with his hands still holding you so close to him like you're the air he needs to breath.
Still sleepy, you don't read the name before answering. Without letting you get a word out, Levi goes off on a lecture while scolding you for being so irresponsible, how you should be an example for the rest and dont just ditch work whenever your lazy ass feels like it.
He ends it with "tch, don't even have anything to say for yourself Erwin?"
You're not Erwin.
Erwin is still sleeping next to you. And so you tell him that, before explaining the situation.
"Oh, sorry should've checked." Is all he offers you for the most harsh scolding you've gotten in your life.
But he doesn't hang up, instead he guides you through checking Erwin's temperature, what meds to get and what things he needs to eat and drink.
You make sure to write it all down, he also tells you what things you’ll need to wash daily from now.
Lastley he tells you to stay by his side if you can, Erwin doesn't get sick often but whenever he does it effects him greatly. He'll make sure to drop by after work to get you all the necessary meds and personally scold Erwin this time.
Hanging up the phone, you notice the pair of blue eyes staring up at you, rising an eyebrow.
"Y/n my love, Come back to bed"
How could someone sound so sick but assertive at the same time?
You stand your ground, telling him he needs to eat something.
After managing to escape Erwin's mind games and negotiation skills because he was too tired to be able to think properly, you make it to the kitchen.
While eating breakfast in bed, Erwin keeps looking at you. Every bone in his body hurts too much right now and the ringing headache won't leave him be, he wants nothing but for you to stay beside him.
If he could just lay and cuddle you all day he would, the sickness clouding his usual rational thinking as he sets the food tray aside and just pulls you against him again.
Successfully trapping you, he rations how since Levi is coming anyway, you could just stay beside him and leave the rest for his friend to take care of.
He also brings up some how some scientific researchs actually showed how emotional support is one of the most important things during recovery.
You have your doubts about what's he's preaching, but the way he whispers honeyed words into your ears while holding you oh so gently, sways you to stay.
This is what Eve must have felt looking at the apple.
Sharing the same fate, you too fall to Erwin's husky voice and sugary promises.
Part of you thinks making you answer Levi's call was part of his plan all long
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nuttytani · 3 years
The flying cat & the baker
summary: you are a sorcerer who owns a bakery in new york. one day, steve discovers your abilities when he walks in on your cat flying inside the shop on a broom.
fandom: marvel
pairing: steve rogers x gn!reader
warnings: lots of mentions of baked goods and the word "horny" just once (it's not nsfw, trust me)
a/n- heya! another fic~ this was inspired by girl in red's "fell in love in october". i know it's extremely off season but yeet i dont care + my dear friend @lorei-writes / @mllorei beta read this! *gives hug to lorey* thank you so much ;-; lorey. ps: this is a non-avengers!au
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It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Steve to get lost in the sea of New York streets, walking along the cobblestone paths, breathing in the scent of baked goods, spice and fresh flowers. After all, it was his most favourite part of his daily routine, discovering a new place or two. He took his time looking around the nearly empty street, for it was too early for anyone to be awake except for the store owners. They were all busy preparing their shops for opening to notice his presence.
Steve looked up for a moment, noticing the light of dawn setting upon the sky, sending small beams of yellow light like blessings cast by angels. His low breathing felt warm against his chapped and cold lips. With a silent sigh, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pea coat as he resumed strolling without a set direction in mind, eyeing the buildings- the chipped off parget, showing the reds and browns of the brick underneath while moss and vines covered most of the bottom half.
They all turned into a blur once he stood by a jade coloured bakery, the sign reading “magicae et pistoria”, a silhouette of a black cat on a broom just underneath it. He stared curiously at the displayed varieties of pastries and bread, wondering if he should buy a few- would Sam and Nat like to eat them?
With hesitant fingers, he grasped the door handle and entered, instantly greeted by the bell. Barely a few seconds passed, and Steve felt immensely at ease. His body appreciated the warm cocoon provided by the bakery- in contrast to the weather outside. The interior was rustic, with brick walls and wooden fixtures. His feet lead him magnetically towards the delicacies contained in the arched display, varieties of cakes, pastries and bread placed temptingly- he didn’t know which one to pick.
“Hello! Good morning, how may I help you, sir?” A voice pulled Steve out of his reverie.
Steve looked up to see you, your hair a mess, dust covering the black apron and your forehead, a cute smile adorning your face. You looked like an ethereal being- an angel perhaps, standing before him. Somehow, a breath got stuck in his throat, and his heart started to beat rapidly. He could hear it getting louder and louder. His clothes felt too tight, and he suddenly felt suffocated.
“Sir? How may I help you?” you said again.
Steve cleared his throat, embarrassed with himself for staring at you for much longer than necessary. He muttered an apology under his breath, but it was loud enough for you to hear.
“It’s alright, sir, happens all the time. I’ve experienced many people just gawking at the pastries and not knowing what to pick, it’s understandable! I’d be confused too,” you confessed to him.
“Right, of course, glad I’m not the only one or that would’ve been embarrassing,” Steve laughed, trying to bury his awkwardness.
Only if you knew the truth, he’d personally dig his own grave and jump into it.
Steve accepted your help instead of going down the rabbit hole of confusion. You helped him to pick out a few baked goodies- which were a rage amongst your regular customers; a chocolate mousse, Japanese cheesecake and a few vanilla custard doughnuts.
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“Thank you! Have a good day,” you said, as the blonde man left the store with a wave.
“Damn, I hope I didn’t look too nervous,” wiping your sweaty palms on your apron, you heaved a sigh of relief.
You usually didn't open the bakery on the weekends, but some things needed to be done, which required your presence. You were sure that no one would come along so early in the morning but were proven wrong. Although it was your fault to leave the open sign hanging, you didn't mind the blonde-haired man and maybe thought he was kinda cute.
You flipped the sign to “closed” while locking the door from inside, as to make sure no one could come in. You moved back to the counter and caught a hand wrapping around a glass jar.
You cleared your throat and glared at the man in question.
“What do you think you’re doing mister.” You folded your arms and glared at the brunette.
“What does it look like? I’m trying to eat some cookies, obviously. You should get your eyes checked if you can’t see things clearly boss,” Rajeev replied and swiftly turned to look at you.
The brunette shrunk and transformed into a black cat, looking at you with bright doe hazel eyes while purring deeply. You groaned and picked him up, placing him on your shoulder.
“There’ll be consequences if you transform like that out of nowhere, and your sister is going to kill me because you haven't been careful. So, if you don’t want me to be skinned alive and thrown into a cauldron to be boiled, stop doing that here.” Truly, nothing scared you more than Rajeev’s elder sister- she was overprotective and intimidating, you wished to never be on her blacklist.
Rajeev only meowed back at you, which frustrated you further. You hoped that he at least understood where your concerns were coming from.
“Come on, we’ve got a lot of organising to do! New stock arrived today, we don’t want cranky sorcerers waiting for us,” you said while muttering a spell and opening a red portal to an apothecary.
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By the time Steve returned home, his friends were all awake and wandering about the kitchen like zombies. They all knew about Steve’s early morning walks and didn't question him but were curious as to why he came back so late.
Sam immediately rummaged through the bakery boxes when Steve placed them on the island counter.
“So...what took you so much time, hmm?” asked Sam. “Thought you just went to get some bread, dude.” He rummaged through the bag and pulled out a box, ooh-ing delightedly once he got hold of a doughnut.
“I bet it was some grandma asking for directions,” Bucky yawned, still half-asleep as he took a seat on the chair.
Natasha stole the doughnut from Sam and promptly turned to face Steve, who lay on the couch.
“Maybe, he has a secret lover! Oh Stevie, how could you hide this from us?” she said teasingly while licking away at her sugary fingertips.
Sam was distressed by her stealing and guarded the boxes with his arms, grumbling something about him not having enough coffee for this.
“Can you guys just stop- I just went to a bakery and got stuff, nothing more, nothing less!” Steve raised his voice.
All of them just shrugged.
Nat broke the silence, “Okay...But did you see any cuties?”
“NO- I mean... yes, kinda… I mean- Stop asking me these questions!” groaning with embarrassment, Steve covered his face with his palms.
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Steve started frequenting “magicae et pistoria” since then to the point he became a regular customer. Not because he wanted to see your dazzling smile or anything, but because the service and baked goods were really good and his friends wanted more of that deliciousness. He became quite close to you as a result, somedays he just dropped by to say hi and spend some time with you.
Occasionally, Sam or Bucky would tag along to his trips. Even though Steve would deny it, they could clearly see he had a crush on the baker- it was obvious by their playful banter and flushed faces. They’d often tease him about it, but Steve being Steve, would just grump away and aggressively change the subject.
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Another weekend rolled in, Steve was headed to the bakery as usual. It became a part of his routine to visit it during his morning walks. You, on the other hand, arrived late to the bakery and were rushing to get the place running in no time. It was just you and Rajeev today since your other employees didn't work on the weekends- it was tough but both of you managed.
While you were busy running around the place, Rajeev was playing around in his cat form, saying you didn’t really need him until later. He levitated the spare broom in the air and jumped on it, trying to balance his paws on the handle. Like a child with no care, he flew the broom back and forth across the room with an evil cat smile.
The two of you were unaware of Steve’s presence until he spoke in a startled voice.
“Why is the cat flying on a broom- what is this!”
Everything happened in a flash, Rajeev fell off the broom with a pathetic meow and you dropped your utensils on the floor. Flour and batter splattering on your shoes and creating a mess. Your scream resonating from the kitchen.
Steve’s jaw was slack with shock, his body frozen where he stood. Should he run away? Should he go and check if you’re alright? He wasn’t sure what to do, he didn't even know if what he saw was even real.
The cat was definitely real, as it stood up and rubbed its bum with its paws. How was that possible- Did he even want to know? Was he dreaming? Maybe he is still half asleep and is seeing things.
Steve grabbed a nearby stool and flopped on it, his knees were weak from shock and needed rest. His mind was still processing the situation
You came rushing from the kitchen to the scene, the mess you created all trivial compared to what had just happened right now. You didn't know what to do at this moment, should you tell the truth? Or deny everything-
“What is that thing,” Steve finally asked, breaking the heavy silence.
“A cat,” you replied as a matter of factly.
“You keep a flying cat?”
You just stared at Steve with a straight face and said, “Well...firstly he’s not mine and secondly he’s not an actual cat.”
As if showing a demonstration, Rajeev transformed back into his human form, which baffled Steve further.
“What are you?” the blonde asked in confusion.
“We’re sorcerers...I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to know about it, at least not in this way,” you sighed, gently placing a hand over Steve’s knee.
“But boss- we’re busted, now that he knows we gotta turn him into a toad!” Rajeev exclaimed.
“A WHAT NOW?!” Steve looked back at you with raised brows.
“We’re not turning you into anything! He’s just joking- Rajeev! Apologise to him”
The brunette sulkily grumbled an apology. He excused himself to the kitchen to clean up the mess you had made while you took a seat next to Steve.
“Are you alright? Want some water?”
“No thanks, I’m fine. Just...really really shocked- I can’t believe this is real.”
With a flick of your hand, you made two barstools twirl in the air.
“Okay- definitely real,” Steve chuckled.
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Extra (few months have passed)
Steve sat on the armchair with you sprawled on his lap, tapping away at your phone while Sam, Nat and Bucky sat on the floor watching another episode of “the Bridgerton” on T.V.
“Damn kids these days be really horny huh?”
“Shh just watch the show!”
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+ "-if you enjoyed reading this fic, don't forget to give a like and reblog! feedback is always appreciated
a/n-if you enjoyed reading this fic, don't forget to give a like and reblog! feedback is always appreciated + join my taglist here
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themetaphorgirl · 4 years
I asked for cute and cuddly things so I could write something adorable!! I tried to combine as many as possible!
@therestisconfettis​ : “the psolc babies making a pillow fort!!”
@birds-are-better-than-you​ : “My brain immediately goes to people actually listening to him talk instead of cutting him off, but thats just rooted in sadness”
@fragolinaa​ : “I just want people cuddling him, maybe someone who hasn't yet like Emily or Dave?”
@purpleturtle31extra : “Spending an off day exploring music together! Like showing him songs that remind you of him or a certain memory..”
anonymous: “cute cuddly idea: u mentioned Emily and Dave getting Spencer legos. Write a little thing of a rainy day or whatever and everyone’s just chilling building random shit with legos and then there’s gonna be Spencer actually building something with proper ratios and actual potential urban planning and everyone else is just like “hmm... I have built something vaguely resembling a plane”
anonymous: “omg cuddly mom alex?? maybe spencer napping with her and he has a nightmare??”
I hope I touched on everything!! I think I captured at least a little bit of everything!!!
“Hey,” Emily said. “Are you feeling okay?”
Spencer dragged his fork around his plate, his chin resting heavily in his hand. “I’m not hungry,” he said dully.
“This is your last day to eat whatever you want,” she pointed out. “Go get something sugary. Donuts or something.”
He shrugged, and she bit back a sigh. Everyone else had left on Wednesday afternoon to spend Thanksgiving break with their respective families- literally everyone, even Hotch- and while they’d had a nice Thanksgiving at James’s house, and she was enjoying having her room all to herself, she and Spencer had been left behind, and the kid was moping like it was his job. She was starting to figure out that while he liked doing things on his own, he needed the security of knowing that everyone else was nearby.
“I guess I’ll go get some chocolate milk or something,” Spencer sighed, sliding down from his chair. 
“See? There you go,” she said. “Treat yourself.”
As soon as he slid down from his chair and trudged away she pulled out her phone.
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
You guys need to help w the kid hes so sad i dont know what to do
James texted back first, which didn’t surprise her.
doctor james, medicine man
Is he okay? 
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
spaghetti grandpa
He’ll be fine. He knows everybodys coming back today right?
the cause of hotchner’s headaches
She set her phone aside as Spencer walked back up to the table with a carton of chocolate milk in his hands. “Can you open this for me, please?” he asked. 
She did and handed it back, but he didn’t drink it. “How about we go watch a movie or something?” she suggested. “While we’re waiting for everybody to get back on campus. That’ll be fun, right?”
He shrugged. “I guess,” he said. “What time is it?”
“A little after nine.”
He scrunched up his face, calculating. “Who do you think will be back first?” he asked.
“I don’t know, babe, we’ll have to see,” she said. “Drink your milk and we’ll get out of here.”
He sighed. “I don’t think I want it anymore,” he said. She shot him her best impression of Alex’s mom look. He rolled his eyes, but he drank it anyway.
Outside the dining hall it was cold and gray and dreary, rain falling just steadily enough to be irritating. She pulled the hood of her jacket over her head and made Spencer put his purple galaxy-print raincoat on over his his sweater before they walked down the steps. 
“Do you think the weather will ground planes?” he asked anxiously. 
“Your guess is as good as mine, squirt,” she said. “It’ll definitely rain all day, but I don’t know if it’ll affect planes. You’ll probably know better than me.”
He said nothing, but he slipped his small hand into hers. She squeezed back gently. The kid had been perfectly well-behaved the whole time she’d been left to watch him, but it was frustrating to see him so sad and quiet and droopy. She didn’t think it was possible to be homesick for other people, but Spencer definitely had a bad case of it.
They settled in the common room, but the cozy space seemed cavernous and empty without the rest of the group. Spencer left his coat and his shoes in his room and settled into Alex’s usual spot on the couch, leaning on the armrest. 
“So what do you want to do, kiddo?” she said. He raised and lowered one shoulder. She huffed. “I’ll just pick something then.”
“Nothing scary, please,” he said, his chin resting on his folded arms.
“No, don’t worry, I learned my lesson,” she said. She grabbed a Star Wars off the shelf- she wasn’t sure which one it was, but she figured she couldn’t go wrong with something sci fi.
“Hotch’s plane lands at eleven, right?” he said as she plunked down on the opposite end of the couch.
“I think so,” she said. She reached over and ruffled his hair lightly. “Stop overthinking, you’re going to blow a fuse in there. Everyone will be home soon, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m not worried,” he mumbled.
They got about halfway through Star Wars (she still wasn’t entirely sure which one it was) when they heard Dave and James on the stairs. “Hey, guys!” Dave called. “We’ve got presents!”
Emily paused the movie. “What do you mean, presents?” she said. “What’d you bring me?”
James and Dave each held large plastic tubs that they dropped with heavy clatters on the floor. “Spencer, you’ve been having fun with the legos we got you for your birthday, right?” James said.
Spencer raised his head. “Yeah,” he said slowly.
“Well, we decided to dig around for our old lego collections you can have your own giant collection,” Dave said. 
He slid off the couch. “Really?” he said.
“Yeah, absolutely,” James said. “Go get yours, we’ll put them all together.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up. “Okay!” he said, darting off to his room.
“Oh my god, thank goodness you two are here,” Emily said. 
“You know, you said he was sad, and I didn’t believe it till I saw him,” Dave said, wrenching the lid off the first bin. “He looks like a deflated balloon.”
“See? I wasn’t lying,” Emily said. “Poor kid has been moping all week.”
James checked his phone. “Hopefully everybody will get in without any problems,” he said. “Alex texted me a little bit ago and said they delayed her flight by an hour.” 
“Oh, yikes,” Emily said. “She’d better get back here soon. And don’t tell the kid that, he’ll worry more.”
Spencer ran back into the room with his legos. “How should I organize them?” he asked. “Color first or size first?”
“How about we, you know, build something?” Dave suggested as he sat down on the couch. “C’mere, passerotto, I think I have all the pieces to the batcave.”
“Ooh, which version?” James asked as Spencer sat down on the floor in front of Dave.
“I don’t know. I think I built it once when I was Spencer’s age and then never touched it again.”
Emily leaned over James and scooped up a handful of plastic pieces. “What are you going to build?” she asked.
“Hey, don’t copy me!”
They worked on their projects mostly in companionable silence, sometimes absent chatter. Rain continued to tap at the windows. At least Spencer seemed distracted at last, focused on his projects.
Lightning cracked, white light shining through the window for a brief moment, and everyone jumped; Spencer knocked over one of his structures. “Holy shit,” Emily said. “That was terrifying.”
“You okay?” Dave asked, touching Spencer’s arm lightly.
He nodded, leaning against Dave until he lifted him onto his lap. “Do you think everybody’s okay?” he asked. “Planes can’t always fly in this sort of weather.”
“I’m sure everybody’s fine,” Dave reassured him. Spencer bit his lip, still staring out the window. “So what have you been building?”
“Scale model of campus,” he said. “Well, it’s not exactly to scale. But it’s pretty close.”
James held up a lump of legos. “This was supposed to be a plane,” he said. “But it doesn’t look particularly aerodynamic.”
Spencer laughed. “What kind of plane is it supposed to be?” he asked. “It looks like an off-kilter Cessna.”
“I don’t know. Just...a plane,” James said. 
“I’m trying to see how tall I can build this thing without it falling over,” Emily said. “Not much success yet.”
“I’m sure you know, caro,” Dave said, poking Spencer lightly in the side. “How tall is the tallest lego structure ever?”
“The tallest one is in Milan, it’s a hundred and fourteen feet, eleven inches tall,” he said. “The previous tallest was just a hundred and fourteen feet tall, in Budapest.”
“Milan, hm?” Dave said. “Maybe I’ll go see it next time I’m over there.”
“There’s one in Tel Aviv that was built to be four feet taller but-”
Lightning cracked again and Spencer jumped. Dave rubbed his back lightly. “It’s okay, it’s just a bad storm,” he said. It was too late, though- the attempts at distraction had failed, and Spencer was clearly back to worrying, the corners of his mouth tugging down.
Dave looked over at Emily. What should we do? he mouthed. She shrugged helplessly.
Thankfully, right at that moment heavy footsteps echoed on the stairs. Spencer raised his head. Please let it be one of our group, please let it be one of our group, Emily thought fervently.
A tall figure in a rain-soaked coat made it to the top of the stairs, almost terrifying for a split second, but he threw back his hood and shook his head. “Jesus, that was a nightmare,” he said. 
Spencer scrambled to his feet and ran towards him, nearly kicking Dave in his haste. “Hotch!” he shrieked, throwing his arms around his waist.
“Hey, kiddo!” Hotch said, bending to hug him. “Hey, careful, it’s raining really hard out there, I’m drenched and I don’t want you to get wet.” 
“How was your flight?” James asked.
Spencer, undeterred, still clung to Hotch; Hotch ran his fingers through his thick short curls. “Unbelievably shitty,” he said. “Flights were getting canceled left and right, it’s just storming bad everywhere. If I hadn’t gotten such an early flight, I might not’ve made it back.”
“That’s what we’ve been worrying about,” Emily said. “And when I say we I mean Spencer.”
Hotch tugged him back so he could see his face. “Hey, stop worrying,” he said. “Everybody will get back eventually. I promise.” 
“I can’t help worrying,” Spencer said. “What if everybody’s flights get delayed? What if something happens to their planes. What if-”
Hotch scooped him up. “Hey, I think the dining hall’s open for lunch,” he said. “Anybody else hungry? I didn’t have time for breakfast before my flight and all they gave me was one packet of pretzels.”
“They stopped giving away peanuts because of allergies becoming more common,” Spencer said, leaning his cheek against Hotch’s shoulder even though his coat was soaked with rain.
“Yeah?” Hotch said. “How about you go get your coat and your shoes, okay? I’m starving.”
“Okay,” Spencer said reluctantly. Hotch set him back down on his feet and he ran down the hall to his room.
“I am so glad you’re back, Hotchner,” Emily said, sweeping her lego tower back into the bin. “He’s been so sad with everybody gone.”
“I can tell,” he said. “Has he been like this the whole time?”
“Oh, yeah,” Emily said. “I’ve barely been able to get two words out of him.”
“Even when they came over for Thanksgiving he wasn’t talking much,” James added.
Hotch sighed. “I didn’t even think about this,” he said. “Poor kid.”
Emily’s phone buzzed. “Oh, it’s Penelope,” she said. “I’ll put her on speaker. Hey, Pen, how’s it going?”
“Terrible!” Penelope said, her voice crackling over the line. “I made the flight from California to Texas for my layover, but they canceled my connecting flight. It’s storming too bad.”
“Oh, yikes,” Dave said. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” she sighed. “They have me booked for a flight first thing in the morning, and the airline is putting me up in a hotel for the night, but it’s so frustrating.”
“I’m sure,” James said. “Stay safe, okay? Do you need anything?”
“Are you kidding? The hotel has like a million channels and room service, I’m doing great!” Penelope said. “I’ll call you guys in the morning before my flight, okay? Talk to you soon!”
Emily sighed as the call ended. “Well, that’s one down,” she said.
“Penelope’s not coming?”
Spencer peeked out of the hall, his rainboots on and his coat dragging from his hand. “Yeah, her connecting flight got canceled,” Dave said. “But she’s safe, and she’ll be on a flight tomorrow, okay? So don’t worry.”
Judging by the way he pressed his mouth together, he definitely was worried. Emily pushed herself up from the floor. “Let’s go get lunch, okay?” she said. “Before Hotch starves.”
The rain had gotten decidedly worse, coming down in heavy sheets and flooding patches of the courtyard. Her umbrella helped a little but not much; Dave complained loudly the entire walk over. Spencer stayed glued to Hotch’s side, clinging tightly to his hand even once they made it to the warm safety of the dining hall. 
Hotch pulled Spencer’s hood down as they got in line. “What do you want?” he asked. 
“I’m not hungry,” he said.
He frowned, then covered Spencer’s ears. “Emily, be honest,” he said. “Did he eat while we were gone?”
“Not for lack of trying,” she said. “I kept putting shit on his plate and he barely touched it.”
“Did he just eat ice cream and candy?”
“He didn’t even want sweets. Or coffee, even.”
Hotch’s frown deepened. “Well, shit,” he said. He dropped his hands to Spencer’s shoulders. “Okay, kid, you have to eat something. If you don’t pick, I’ll pick for you.”
Spencer shrugged. “That’s fine,” he said. 
Hotch met Emily’s gaze, eyebrows raised. “I told you,” she said. 
She followed Hotch down the cafeteria line as he filled up two plates. Spencer stayed so close he ran the risk of getting stepped on, his small hand clinging to the hem of Hotch’s jacket.
Dave and James had beaten them to their usual table, and neither of them looked particularly happy. “Bad news,” James said. “JJ just called. Her parents rescheduled her flight. They were worried about the storms, so she’ll be here tomorrow afternoon.”
Emily glanced over at Spencer. “But she’s okay?” he said anxiously.
“She’s fine, caro,” Dave said. “And she’ll be here tomorrow.”
“What about Derek and Alex?” he asked. “Have they called? Or texted.”
“Not yet,” James said. “Maybe they’re already on their flights, though. I”m sure we’ll hear from them soon.”
Hotch set the tray down on the table, then picked Spencer up and set him down in his chair. “They’ll be fine,” he said. “So how did Thanksgiving go for you guys?”
Even with their attempts at changing the subject and trying to draw him into the conversation, Spencer seemed to sink further into himself, his legs tucked up under him and his chin resting in his hand, his plate still mostly untouched. Emily couldn’t blame him for being sad. All week it had been just the two of them in the nearly-deserted dining hall, and even with the boys there it seemed wrong without the rest of the group- Penelope shrieking about something that didn’t need to be shrieked about, Derek regaling them with stories from football practice, JJ’s pretty laugh bubbling over, Alex keeping the peace and stopping cups and plates from getting knocked over and tilted onto the ground.
Hotch didn’t make much headway getting Spencer to eat, but at least he ate a little bit, and their little group braved the storm to get back to Lincoln House. “What have you guys been up to?” he asked as they settled in the common room again, coats and umbrellas hung up to dry.
“Legos,” James said. “This was supposed to be a plane.”
Hotch laughed. “Yikes,” he said. “I’m glad you’re not planning on going into engineering.”
“Yeah, probably for the best,” he said ruefully. “I-”
“Hold on, hold on,” Dave interrupted. “Did you guys see the group chat?”
Emily fumbled for her phone. “No, I didn’t, I...oh.”
“What’s wrong?” Hotch asked.
“Derek’s flight got canceled too,” James said. “He says it got delayed and he sat on the tarmac for three hours, but they pulled everybody off the plane. His mom’s already picked him up, so he’s fine.”
Emily glanced over at Spencer. He curled himself up smaller, his knees tucked up to his chest, chewing on his thumbnail. “But he’ll be here tomorrow?” he said. 
“Yeah, he’ll be here tomorrow,” Dave reassured him.
Spencer lifted his head. “Can we call Alex?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah, of course,” Emily said, immediately pulling Alex’s contact info on the screen. “Here, kiddo. Just press-”
Lightning cracked, and with a sharp pop the common room went dark.
“Holy shit!” Emily shrieked, the phone falling from her hand.
“Did a fuse blow?” Dave said.
James got up and looked out the window. “Well, judging by the other buildings on campus...I think the power’s out everywhere,” he said.
“Well, fuck,” Hotch said.
Emily raised an eyebrow. “Watch your language!” she said in mock horror.
“Oh, shut up,” Hotch said good-naturedly. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait for the power to come back on. Spencer, do you want to go ahead and call Alex? She’ll probably be glad to miss the power outage.”
“I think the tower’s down too,” Spencer said in a small voice. “There’s no signal.” He held the phone back out to Emily. “Thanks anyway.”
She reached for the phone, and as the lock screen flickered she caught the faint mark of tears on his cheek. “Oh, no,” she said. “Oh, fuck. Spencer, don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying,” he said, but there was a distinct wobble in his voice.
“Spencer, it’s going to be okay,” Hotch said. “The power’s going to come back on, and everyone will be home soon.”
It was too dark to see, but she could hear Spencer sniffling in a valiant effort to keep form crying. “I know,” he said. “But I-”
Hotch picked Spencer up and placed him in Emily’s lap. “Stay here with Em for a second,” he said. “James, Dave, come with me.”
Spencer dropped his head against Emily’s collarbone as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t be sorry,” she said. “It’s been a rough week, dude. You didn’t get to go home and see your family, and you miss everybody. And you’re worried because of the storms. It makes sense.” She kissed the top of his head. “And now we’ve got all this power outage shit. But it’ll be okay.”
Hotch dumped an armload of stuff onto the nearest armchair. “Thank goodness for Penelope’s illegal candle stash,” he said. 
Emily twined one of Spencer’s short curls around her finger. “What’s with all of the pillows and blankets?” she asked.
In the dim light she could see Hotch grin. “We’re going to make a blanket fort,” he said. “C’mere, Spencer, I could use your brain for this.”
Emily set Spencer on his feet as James and Dave brought in their collections of pillows and blankets. She busied herself lighting candles and placing them in safe places around the room as Spencer directed the older boys in their construction. He seemed to perk up a little bit with something to focus on, especially as they let him be in charge.
“Okay, I’ve made some blanket forts in my day, but this one is pretty cool,” James said. 
“That’s because Penelope has about eight million blankets and they’re all soft as baby puppies,” Emily said as she crawled into the fort. “I claim the blue pillow!”
All five of them fit comfortably inside, the interior lit with a string of battery operated fairy lights, also taken from Penelope’s room. Spencer nestled himself between Hotch and Emily. “Are we going to tell Penelope that we borrowed all of her stuff?” he asked. 
Hotch handed him his favorite blanket. “I think if we leave the fort up till she gets back, she won’t mind as long as she gets to hang out in here,” he said. 
“What should we do?” Dave asked. “Power’s still out, and there’s no wifi either.”
“Oh!” Emily said. “Okay, I’ve been trying to get you to listen to this album for weeks. Now is the perfect time! You’re a captive audience.”
They took turns passing each other’s phones back and forth, listening to different songs in the comfort of the handmade blanket fort, playfully arguing over each other’s tastes in music as the warm glow of the fairy lights cast soft shadows. Spencer seemed a little less tense now, snuggled safely between Hotch and Emily with his blanket hugged to his chest.
She hadn’t kept track of time, but it was at least two hours before the power switched back on, the overhead lights suddenly way too bright after the dimmness of the tent. “There we go,” Dave said, sitting up and checking his phone. “And we’ve got signal again!” He stretched his arm over James and Emily to hold out the phone to Spencer. “Here, passerotto, see if you can call Alex.”
He took it eagerly and tapped at the screen to bring up her info, but his excitement faded almost instantly. “It went right to voicemail,” he said. “Thanks anyway.”
James scrambled ungracefully to his feet. “Hey, since the power’s back, who wants to watch a movie?” he said. 
“Not a Star War, please,” Emily called. “I can’t tell any of them apart.”
Hotch propped himself up on his elbow. “Hey, Spence,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m sure Alex is fine.”
“Yeah,” Spencer said. He turned to Hotch, one corner of his mouth tugging up in a rueful little half smile. “I bet her flight got canceled too. It’s okay.”
James flipped the overhead lights off, leaving them back in the glow of the candles and the string lights, and crawled back into the fort with the remote in his hand. “All right, if anyone has objections, y’all can get up yourself and change it,” he said.
Emily settled back as the movie started. Spencer was quiet beside her, but after a while he rolled over onto his stomach, his forehead pressed against Hotch’s arm and his blanket tangled around his legs, and she smiled when she heard his first little snore.
“Hotchner,” she whispered. “This blanket fort idea was genius.”
Hotch grinned. “Sean made me make one for him while I was home,” he said. “I figured Spencer might like it too.” He paused. “Is he asleep?” Emily nodded. “Thank god.”
James sat up and pushed his hair out of his eyes. “Guys, I still haven’t heard from Alex,” he said. “It’s still going right to voicemail when I call her and she hasn’t answered any texts.”
“Maybe her signal’s out too,” Dave said. “Don’t worry about it. Alex can take care of herself.”
James pouted. “Yeah, but...I might be a little worried about her,” he said. “It’s not like her to not answer.”
“Awww, you miss your girlfriend,” Emily teased. 
“I do! I do miss her!” James said. 
“Guys, if any of you wake up Spencer, I will murder you,” Hotch hissed. 
“I’m sorry!” James whispered back. “I just- I think I need to be worried about Alex.”
Suddenly a familiar person knelt down and leaned into the tent. “You’re worried about me?” Alex said, her long red hair hanging loose around her shoulders. “That’s so sweet!”
James scrambled up, smacking Dave in the face in his haste. “Oh my god, I missed you!” he said. He tugged her closer, cupping her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. “Oh my god. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she laughed, running her fingers through his hair. “My phone died and I didn’t pack any of my portable chargers in my carryon. Where’s everybody else?”
“Everybody’s flights are delayed,” Emily said. “Spencer’s been beside himself.”
“Oh, poor thing,” she said. “Is he sleeping? I don’t want to wake him up.”
“Yeah, he just dozed off,” Hotch said. “He’s going to be so relieved to see you.”
Emily scooted over to make room. “C’mere, the movie hasn’t been on for very long,” she said. 
“Hey!” James protested. “She’s my girlfriend, shouldn’t she be next to me?”
“Well, she’s my roommate, and I’ve had her for longer,” Emily said. Alex laughed as she settled between her and Spencer, busying herself with snuggling him against her side and tucking him in. Emily leaned over to whisper in James’s ear. “Besides, we all know you two are gonna go fool around the second you get a chance. You’ll get your quality time, don’t worry.”
Even in the dim light she could see him turn red. “What are you guys whispering about?” Alex asked. 
“Nothing!” James squeaked. Emily made a rude hand gesture and he smacked her arm. “Emily! Stop it!”
She snickered as she leaned her head against Alex’s shoulder. “How was your week being in charge?” Alex asked as she adjusted Spencer’s blanket around him.
“Could have been worse...could have been a lot better,” Emily said. “He was so sad. I’m not good with sad kids.”
“I’m sure you did great,” Alex reassured her.
The movie was almost over when Spencer began to shift and whimper in his sleep. “Is he okay?” Emily asked.
“He’s-” Hotch winced as Spencer kicked him in the shins. “Ow. Bad dream, I think.”
Alex sat up. “Okay, I’m going to wake him up,” she said. 
“Careful, he can be pretty feisty,” Hotch warned.
Alex stroked his hair back from his forehead as he tried to pull away from her. “Spencer, wake up,” she called gently, her hand resting on his chest. “Come on, darling.”
She kept coaxing him until his eyes finally opened. “What’s going on?” he mumbled.
“You had a bad dream,” she said. 
He blinked. “Alex?” he said sleepily. “Did your plane land safely?”
Hotch laughed. “Yeah, kiddo, her plane landed safely,” he said. “Get the sleep out of your eyes.”
Spencer rubbed his face and blinked again. “Alex!” he yelped, throwing himself into her arms. 
“Hi, baby,” she said. “Did you miss me?”
“A little bit,” he said, tilting his face so she could kiss his cheek. “Was your flight okay? Was there a lot of turbulence?”
“Everything was fine,” she reassured him as she cuddled him against her side. “Now, sh, I think Dave is getting invested in the movie.”
“No, I’m not,” he said absently.
“Yes, he is,” Emily teased.
Spencer settled down with his head on Alex’s knees; Hotch tugged his blanket around him. “Everybody else will be here tomorrow,” he said. “Penelope’s connecting flight got canceled, and Derek’s got canceled, and JJ’s parents rescheduled her.”
“That’s good,” she said, stroking her fingers through his hair. “Go back to sleep, darling. You look so tired. And everything’s going to be okay, nothing to worry about.”
The rain had settled back into a light tapping on the window; the thunder and lightning had long since stopped. Emily leaned back against her pillows, smiling in contented relief. Alex was right. Everything was going to be okay.
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jamaisjoons · 5 years
intro: her IX ⤑ knj | m
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff ⋆ smut
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 9k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: soft dom!namjoon like the SOFTEST dom, sub!reader, namjoon has a big cock as usual, detailed blowjob, cum swallowing, namjoon is so fucking soft and gentle and i’m crying, body worship, dirty talk, fingering, pussy eating, cum eating, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, someone explain how these are the only warnings so far and the smut is still somehow 6k already, unprotected sex, once again namjoon is HUGE and they have issues fitting him inside, cockwarming, riding, some REALLY soft sex, first time sex like they’re not virgins but it’s their first time together ygm, creampie, reader cries during sex just like i did when writing this fkn yeet
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: hello my sugar demons!!! I am BACK!!! sorry i went on a weird hiatus but idk my heart wasn’t in it to write but THIS CHAPTER CURED ME ?! I HOPE !! anyway. this chapter is pure smut and there’s absolutely 0 plot so if you’re under 18 please do not read this chapter. skip it completely. that being said, for people who are 18+ and have never read this series you COULD read this as a one-shot but also DONT because the build-up to the point is amazing (or so i've been told) so please check out the other eight chapters. But if you don't want to and only wanna read this then that's cool too.
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The moment you step foot in Namjoon’s bedroom, you feel the temperature rise. Your clammy hands shake almost imperceptibly in his while Namjoon slowly pulls you closer towards his bed. You’ve been in Namjoon’s bed before, you’ve slept in Namjoon’s bed before - but this time, it’s going to be completely different. Almost as if he can sense your nervousness, Namjoon’s eyes soften; his fingers lightly grip your chin and turn you up and towards him. He can see the anxiousness in your eyes and feel the way your body trembles near his.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Namjoon says, his hands moving to trace your side. His touch is completely attentive, fingers slowly massaging your flesh through your clothing. Reflexively, your eyes flutter, a soft whine escaping your lips. His words cause your heart to clench, and you quickly shake your head, your hair following the movement.
“No!” you quickly call out before blushing, your eyes downcast. “I want to. I’m just- nervous,” you breathe out. You feel Namjoon nod above you as his fingers flex and tighten around your hips comfortingly.
“No need to be nervous, Angel; I’ve got you. We’ll take it slow, okay?” Namjoon asks, his lips brushing against the top of your head.
“Angel?” you question, eyes flicking up to stare at him as you pull your lower lip between your teeth.
“Mhmm. My angel, my love,” Namjoon reveres breathily. You find yourself swooning at his words, and your resolve hardens. You want this. Taking in a deep breath, you nod. Then, you look up at him, and your neck strains as you stand on your tiptoes before you’re pressing your lips against the corner of his.
“I want this. I want you,” you whisper as you look earnestly into his eyes. Steeling every single nerve you have, you gather your courage and run your hand down his sculpted chest and towards his clothed length. Namjoon lets out a pained moan as you begin palming him through his shorts. The material of his trousers is incredibly thin, and you can almost feel everything through his boxers. He’s still a little soft, but despite that, he feels huge under your palm.
“Ah,” Namjoon gasps. Then, as one of your fingers runs along the length of his shaft through his clothing, he hisses. Completely taken by how he feels, you find yourself slowly admiring his cock. You can’t see it yet, but it radiates heat through his clothing as it pulses under your touch, slowly hardening. He grows under your touch, shorts just barely tenting as you continue to palm him through the material of his clothing.
“Fuck... Angel,” Namjoon breathes out, his face scrunched up in pleasure. You stare up at him, eyes scanning across his features as your hand slowly curls around his length before pumping up and down. When he lets out a pained groan, his eyes slowly shutting at your ministrations, you find your core clenching. Within the throes of pleasure, Namjoon looks beautiful.
The lighting in his room is low, the soft amber lights glowing just enough to highlight his figure and features. Other than that, the room is almostbathed in darkness, threads of moonbeams that shine through the gaps in his curtain being the only thing keeping the dark at bay. You slowly walk forwards, pushing Namjoon to the bed until he sits down with a slight bounce. Automatically, his hands move to grip your hips, pressing a kiss against the middle of your stomach. His kiss is tender, more tender than you are used to, and once again your heart clenches in your chest.
“Gods I-” Namjoon whispers against your stomach, but he’s cut off when you slowly lower yourself to your knees. His eyes widen slightly, and his hands shoot out to stop you when you’re halfway onto your knees. “Angel, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Namjoon quickly assures.
“I want to,” is your only reply. Namjoon lets out a little groan, his chest rumbling on top of you.
You smile reassuringly at him and lower to your knees completely before pulling his lips between yours, your hands carding through his hair. Your kiss is sweet and gentle, Namjoon’s lips moving languidly in tandem with yours. He’s as sugary as he always is, and you find yourself smiling into the kiss. Namjoon’s arms wrap around your torso, pulling you closer into him as your tongues dance against each other. His cock is hot against your abdomen, and you can feel it throb with each and every each stroke of his tongue against yours. Slowly, you grow impatient, the feel of his cock calling out to you, and you break off the kiss.
Moving down his body, your hands rake up under his top, nails scraping against the smooth flesh as you kiss along the column of his neck. When you hit the collar of his top, your hands grip under his shirt before you tug it hard, wanting it off of him. Namjoon laughs at your impatience, your tongue running all over his collarbones as you lightly nip the skin. Corded arms move to help you undress him until his chest is left naked and exposed. Pulling away from his skin, you lower your jaw.
God, he’s achingly beautiful. It’s not fair.
It’s almost as if he’s a carved out masterpiece. Smooth, dulce de leche skin has your mouth watering, toned muscle rippling under it, and the slight sheen to his flesh has you wanting to reach out and taste him, which is exactly what you do. Your tongue reaches out, swirling around his skin before lightly suckling your mark onto him. The moan that escapes Namjoon’s mouth is addictive, and you want to hear more. You lick down towards his pecks, stopping when your lips scrape against his dark brown nipple. You pull it between your teeth and swirl your tongue around it, smirking when Namjoon hisses through clenched teeth, before continuing your descent down his body.
You can’t help but giggle at the adorable little rolls of his belly, the muscles flexing as you kiss the waistband of his shorts. Running your nose against the strap of elastic, you press a soft kiss to the tip of his cock when it brushes against your lips. Your fingertips hook underneath his shorts and boxers before you slowly slide them down his thick thighs. Namjoon lifts his hips to aid you to shimmy them off of him, his cock popping out. When he’s completely naked, you still.
You had previously thought his torso was beautiful - but now, completely naked? He’s a sight to behold. His arms are braced on the mattress, defined muscle pulled taut as he holds himself up. Your eyes rove down his torso and towards his lower half before you gulp. His thighs are spread wide, and the thickness of them is only exaggerated by the mattress forcing the flesh up. Gradually, your eyes trail up from his thighs to his cock before you swallow thickly once again. You were right, he’s huge. He’d felt large in the small palm of your hand, but standing up right now? It seems almost surreal.
The shaft itself is incredibly thick, and curiously, you reach out your hand to wrap around him, fingers tentatively curling around it. You’re not surprised when they aren’t able to touch. In awe, you begin pumping up and down, completely taken with the way your palm slides over the thick, dusky mauve veins. Dragging your hand up to the angry purple tip, your thumb brushes against his weepy slit, rubbing his precum around the head. Vaguely, you can hear him lowly moan above you, but you’re far too consumed with his cock. When your mouth begins to water, you slowly take him into your cheeks.
“Oh shit-” Namjoon groans. His head falls back as your mouth wraps around the head of his cock, and he revels in the velvet of your cavern around his head. It’s wet and warm and feels so incredibly wonderful that he finds his fingers fisting in his sheets as he tries his hardest not to come undone then and there. Smirking against him, you swirl your tongue around the tip before giving a kittenish lick along the slit. Precum drips out and coats your tongue, the saltiness of his taste heavy on your tastebuds. You groan under him and can’t help but lick his slit again, wanting more of him in your mouth.
“You taste-” you begin before you pop his dick out of your mouth, “so good,” you continue as you lick down the underside of his length. Namjoon laughs above you, one hand reaching out to pet your hair as you continue licking his shaft.
“Yeah, Angel? You like the way I taste?” Namjoon asks, his tone cheeky and eyes dark as they glint at you. With a slight roll of your eyes, you descend down on him again. This time, your mouth sinks further on him, expertly taking him in until the tip hits the back of your throat. Namjoon chokes before hissing as his head falls back, his hand pressing against the mattress so he could brace himself once again. Gone is the mischievous glint in his eyes, and you mentally applaud yourself for having him so fucked out from just your mouth.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Namjoon manages to choke out as you begin bobbing up and down his length. You’re almost unable to take down his entire length - in fact, you only manage about a half. Automatically, your hand wraps around the length of the shaft you’re unable - yet - to take into your mouth. You begin lightly sucking, creating a vacuum effect, while your tongue continuously swirls around any part of the length it can reach and your hand squeezes his shaft rhythmically.
“Fuck- Angel, you feel… hng- so good- you’reso good,” Namjoon reveres, his voice coming out as a laboured whisper. Happy at being able to please him and preening under his praise, you force his cock further down his throat. Namjoon jerks almost violently at the sudden movement of your mouth, and you, yourself, choke. Your eyes begin watering, and you hold yourself there for a few moments.
“____, Angel! It’s okay you don’t-” Namjoon begins, only to be cut off when you force yourself to swallow and take him down your throat, “hnnnng- oh my god,” Namjoon moans through clenched teeth as he feels the silken velvet of your oesophagus gradually encase his dick.
You hold him in the back of your throat, trying your hardest to breathe through your nose before swallowing very slowly and taking more and more of him into your mouth. The way your throat slowly opens around him, the warm, wet flesh pulsing around his cock, has Namjoon slowly losing reigns over the little control he has. His chest begins heaving, and his breath comes out laboured. Your tongue continuously runs along his length, although this time more subdued due to the way his cock splits your jaw open. You begin bobbing up and down, very gently plunging his cock in and out of your throat, his length pulsing almost uncontrollably in your mouth.
“Oh god- no, ___. Fuck, Angel- I can’t-” comes out Namjoon’s stuttered warning. Suddenly, he jerks out of your throat until only his head remains in your mouth, and then he’s cumming. Your eyes widen as you feel the bulbous cockhead pulsate in your mouth, shooting rope after rope of his thick cum into the back of your throat. Swiftly, you suck his cockhead, furiously swirling around the seam of his cockhead as you swallow down his cum. The heat of his semen slowly slides down your throat, and you moan around his cock, relishing in the salted taste.
“Fuck- stop,” Namjoon says, pushing your head off of him when the stimulation gets too much. You release his cock with a pop, pulling away and breathing deeply. He’s completely undone above you, naked and flushed with the most beautiful shade of dusky pink you’ve ever seen. It only serves to look even more tantalising paired with his smooth toffee skin. Pulling your swollen lips between your teeth, you gnaw on them, simply watching Namjoon inhale deeply as he slowly catches his breath and comes down from his high. Once Namjon gets his breathing back under control, he moves his head and looks down at you.
“Come ‘ere,” Namjoon says, reaching out for you. He takes your hand within his before pulling you to your feet. Namjoon’s hands automatically perch themselves on your hips, and he pulls you further between his thighs. Long, dexterous fingers trace along your hips and towards the hem of your top before sliding it up your torso and then divesting you of it. He presses his face against your skin, and you shiver when his lips run along the flesh, his breath fanning your stomach. Then, he’s guiding you to sit on his thighs.
“Gods, you’re so beautiful,” Namjoon says, looking up at you as his hand cups your jaw while his thumb runs over your swollen lips. His words cause your eyes to soften, and you cup his jaw with both your hands before kissing him tenderly. Namjoon’s eyes slip shut before deepening the kiss. Your mouth is filled with both the remnant taste of his salted cum as well as his sugary tongue gliding against yours. Involuntarily, you begin grinding against his thighs, your core completely dewy and hot, aching with the need for him.
Feeling your hot pussy against his naked thigh, Namjoon slowly lifts you off of him before spinning around and laying you down on the bed. Your hair fans out on his pillow, and Namjoon braces himself over you as both his arms cage your body. His lips never leave yours, finding it almost impossible to pull away. Your tongues dance sensually, Namjoon’s caressing yours tenderly as he pours every ounce of his feelings into the kiss. The only reason you both finally pull away is due to the ignited need for oxygen in both your lungs.
With a gasp, Namjoon breaks away, instead, peppering kisses along your jaw and down towards your neck. When his tongue scrapes against the outline of your clavicle you find yourself gasping. His teeth gently nibble your skin, pulling the supple flesh between his plush lips and sucking as he leaves his own mark on you. When he’s sufficiently marked you, he pulls away, admiring the pink flesh that will undoubtedly bruise. Reverently, he places a soft kiss against the mark before angling his neck and kissing the underside of your jaw.
Namjoon shifts his body down so his face is just over your breasts. Brushing his lips over the hem of your bra, Namjoon’s mouth grazes your breasts just slightly. With a groan, you arch into his tender touch. He’s so gentle with you and even more tender with the way his lips ghost every inch of your chest. It’s more affection than you’ve ever received during sex so you have no idea how to act. Instead, you place your hands on his shoulders and look at him curiously.
“Namjoon?” you ask, head tilting in question. Namjoon only hums in response, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your left breast before nuzzling into the soft mound.
“Aren’t you going to fuck me?” you ask, and Namjoon chuckles against your skin. He buries his face between your breasts, letting your breasts encompass his face as he kisses along your sternum, just above the hem of your bra.
“Mhm... gotta undress you first,” Namjoon replies. You blink before you feel his fingers gently trail along your side and under your back. Aiding him, you arch your back, letting him fumble around with the clasp for a few moments. When he can’t manage to undo the article, he lets out a little groan of irritation. You giggle before pushing him off of you. Sitting up, your arms unwind behind your back, and expertly, you unclasp the bra before sliding it off your arms and throwing it to the side. Namjoon bends over and presses a kiss against your shoulder.
“Sorry - it’s been a long time,” he apologises, his lips ghosting your shoulder as his breath fans your skin. Namjoon’s hand moves to lightly cup your breast, his thumb flicking the nipple until it grows hard under his touch.
“It’s- ah- okay Namjoon,” you gasp, your eyes fluttering at the action. Namjoon pulls away from your shoulder. His eyes darken, gaze flicking all over your chest. You blush under his stare, curling inwards as you cover your breasts from his view. Namjoon’s hand shoots out and grabs your hand before pulling it to his lips. He presses a single kiss against each of your fingertips before laying you back down on the bed.
“Don’t hide from me. You’re so beautiful,” Namjoon exalts, his words barely coming out as a whisper. Your heart trembles in your chest as he kisses his way down your torso. His nose nuzzles the side of your breast before kissing one of your nipples gently. Then his tongue flicks out and laves the bud until it hardens. Your hands shoot out and grip his hair, and you sigh as he continues peppering kisses along your breast before moving to the other one. When he finally feels he’s lavished your breasts with enough attention, he shifts further down - but not before pressing a kiss to the underside of each of your tits.
His hands move down to your hips, fingers sliding under your leggings before slipping both them and your underwear down your thighs. You watch as he kisses his way along the flesh, stopping at your knees. Bending your legs, you let him slip the last of your clothing off of you until you’re left entirely naked. Namjoon presses a kiss to the side of your knee before parting them, his eyes glued towards your exposed core. You blush under his stare and look away slightly, your face heating under his perusal.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” you mutter. You want nothing more than to feel him inside of you. Namjoon chuckles before kissing your inner thigh. He’s almost uncomfortably close to your core causing you to shift your hips nervously.
“Stop being impatient! Soon,” Namjoon admonishes, kissing closer to your pussy. You pull your lip between your teeth and worry it.
“But I sucked you off,” you point out.
“Yeah, and now I’m going to return the favour,” Namjoon whispers, his breath grazing your clit. The moment the words escape his mouth, however, you clamp your thighs shut. Namjoon barely has any time to move out of the way before looking at you in surprise. When he notices the nervousness that practically seeps through every pore of your body, he grows alarmed.
“Love? What’s wrong?” Namjoon asks, kissing your knee while soothingly running his hands down the sides of your thighs.
“I- umm… can we just fuck?” you ask, your jaw twitching.
“What? Do you not want me to eat you out?” Namjoon asks, more than curious by what had you so wound up all of a sudden.
“I- I’ve never…” you begin before looking away. Your fingers twist into the sheets, pulling them towards you - almost as if they were a lifeline.
“What?” Namjoon asks, his jaw dropping as he looks at you incredulously. “You’ve never been eaten out?” Namjoon continues, and you swallow thickly before nodding.
“B-But you gave me head! Probably the best head I’ve ever had,” Namjoon compliments, and despite yourself, you preen under his praise.
“M-My ex was the first and only other person I’ve slept with, and he’d usually make me suck him off before fucking me,” you breathe out, your voice almost inaudible. Namjoon freezes, his fingers gripping the side of your thighs tighter.
“And he wouldn’t eat you out?” Namjoon asks while continuing to tenderly massage your thighs. His touch is calming and gentle, the pads of his fingers soothingly pressing against your skin.
“He- He didn’t like going down on me. I asked once, and he said no because…” you begin before trailing off. Namjoon presses another kiss to your knee, shushing you.
“Because?” he gently coaxes. You take a deep breath, your spine shuddering.
“Because he didn’t like the way I tasted,” you finally manage to get out. Namjoon’s face contorts, his features scrunching as he looks at you in incredulity.
“So he just made you suck him off? Did he even bother making you cum?” Namjoon scoffs. It’s supposed to be an offhanded, sarcastic remark, but his words cause you to wince slightly.
“No,” comes your simple reply. Namjoon instantly freezes below you.
“He… he never made me cum. Once he finished… he’d just expect me to finish myself off,” you whisper into the dark bedroom. The moment those words leave your mouth, Namjoon’s jaw clenches, and his fingers grip you tighter. The sudden change of touch causes you to turn your gaze toward him. His eyes are dark, his jaw twitching and lips set into a straight line. He’s not happy.
“Open your legs, Angel,” Namjoon commands, with more authority than you’re used from him. Your eyes widen slightly, and you shake your head.
“You don’t have to! Please,” you reply. Namjoon tuts before his fingers move to your inner thighs, prying your legs apart.
“No, I don’t have to - but I want to. Now come on, Angel, be good for me,” Namjoon coaxes. The sheer command in his voice causes you to blush, and instinctively, you part your thighs, wanting nothing more than to please him.
“Good girl,” Namjoon praises with a kiss to your thigh, and you mewl under his words, chest swelling at his praise. Namjoon shuffles further between your thighs, lips brushing over your pelvis. Namjoon places a soft kiss on your clit and the feel of his plush lips against your slightly hardened bud has you arching off the bed.
“Hnng Joon!” you groan, your voice low. Namjoon chuckles, his breath wafting over your heated core causing you to hiss.
“Gods you're so sensitive. You’re so pretty, Angel. I think this is the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” Namjoon says, and you whine, chest flushing warmer with heat.
“Joonie-” you whine, grabbing one of his pillows and smothering it on your face. Namjoon laughs again, before reaching up and gently cajoling the pillow out of your hands.
“Don’t hide from me, Angel - wanna see you. Wanna see the way you blush when I tell you you have a pretty pussy. Wanna see your face when I eat you out for the first time. Wanna see how you look when you cum on my tongue. Wanna see you when you cum for me over and over again,” Namjoon says before he presses another kiss to your clit.
“Namjoon,” you fluster, and despite the shyness that grips at you, you nod and spread your thighs marginally wider.
“Good girl. Now, lemme make you feel good,” Namjoon says. He shifts his hand from your thigh, his pointer finger circling your clit before running along the slit of your folds. His touch is featherlight, ghosting and caressing your dewy lips with the utmost care. It’s as if he’s adoring, venerating, each inch of your pussy.
“Oh,” you breathe out, fingers clenching in the sheets as he continues running his fingers through your folds.
“Fuck, you’re so responsive. I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t wanna make you cum,” Namjoon says before dipping a finger into you. You both hiss: you from the foreign pleasure and Namjoon from how tight your core grips his digit.
“You’re so tight,” Namjoon says, pushing his finger deeper until the entire length is buried into you. You whine out his name, your own fingers clenching tighter into his sheets before you let out a surprised gasp when thick lips wrap around your clit.
“Oh god,” you cry, eyes scrunching shut. You’d never felt suchpleasure in your entire life, and he’d barely even touched you. Namjoon gently suckles your little nub, his tongue flicking around your nub. You cry out louder, spine twisting off the bed. Namjoon slowly retreats his finger from inside you, watching as ropes of your honeyed arousal cling to the pad of his finger, the rest of the digit coated in a thin film of your wetness.
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Did sucking me off turn you on that much, Angel?” Namjoon asks cheekily. You blush harder from his words, but the way he sucks his finger, licking up your arousal while staring dead straight into your eyes has your core weeping with wetness. “You taste so good too. I don’t know why he wouldn’t eat you out. Fuck- I can’t get enough,” Namjoon groans before sliding his finger back in you as he licks as a stripe from his finger to your clit.
You bite your lip, your breathing growing harsher with every one of his ministrations. When Namjoon crooks the finger inside you in a ‘come hither’ motion while his tongue whirls around your clit, your hands shoot out and grip his hair. Your fingers thread into his silky locks, while you throw your head back, the crown pressing against the pillow. You writhe on top of him, hips undulating in the slightest motions as he slowly begins pumping the finger in and out of you. It’s more pleasure than you’ve been used to, and you have no idea how to feel. When you’d made yourself cum after all the times your ex had fucked you, it had never felt like this.
“Joo-nie,” you stutter, his name coming out choked, “please- more,” you groan. Namjoon sighs against your folds before you feel a second finger press into you. Your eyes screw shut, and you let out a pained cry as both pleasure and the stinging sensation of him opening you open, grip your being. You feel the two fingers inside you spread your core, Namjoon’s eyes watching as he opens you out. It’s only slightly uncomfortable, your core unused to the stretch, and you let out a soft whine.
Namjoon begins thrusting his fingers in and out, increasing the pace while occasionally curling his fingers inside you. The pumping of his fingers, paired with how his pads brush against the sweet spot inside you every time he curls his digit, slowly has you approaching the edge of your orgasm. Your skin begins flushing, and your flesh tingles almost as if someone was prickling your skin with hot pokers of pleasure. When your thighs begin shaking around his head, Namjoon lets out a groan. The vibrations reverberate around your clit, and you whimper. Suddenly, Namjoon nips at your clit, lightly tugging the nub between his teeth.
The sudden action has you flying off the edge. The knot in your stomach tightens almost painfully, and you wail out his name, your thighs shaking uncontrollably around him. Namjoon feels your soft, silken inner walls pulse around his digit and instantly knows you’re cumming. His eyes flick up, watching the way your chest heaves and you writhe on top of him. Your hips undulate and buck against his face as you ride out your orgasm.
Your back is completely arched off the bed, contorted in such a way he worries you’re going to hurt yourself. He can’t see your face from how far your head is thrown back, but he can see the movement of your throat and chest as you heave for oxygen while continuously wailing out his name. Your skin is heated bright pink, nipples twisting to hardened peaks before pushing further into the air from the way your back arches. He doesn’t think he’s seen anything more beautiful. More than that, he can’t believe your ex had never seen you like this. A part of him feels completely gleeful, knowing that he’s the first and only person that has ever seen you like this - and if he had his way, the lastand only person who would eversee you like this.
“Beautiful,” Namjoon whispers, unable to stop the word tumbling out his mouth. You, however, can’t hear him - completely lost in the haze of your euphoric orgasm. Namjoon presses light kisses to the inside of your left thigh, smiling into your skin as he feels the leg tremble erratically.
Namjoon swallows thickly as he watches a fresh wave of your cum seep out of your core, your walls contracting around his fingers from the aftershocks of your orgasm. Unable to stop himself, he moves his mouth towards your core before pushing his tongue as deep as it can go. The sudden intrusion causes you to jerk on top of him before you moan his name out, louder than you had intended to. Namjoon smiles under you before he begins languidly plunging his tongue inside you with rhythmic motions. One of your hands threads through his silken locks, fisting into his hair as the other moves to your mouth so you can bite down on it and quiet your cries.
“Oh- fuck- Namjoon! Joonie, please- I can’t,” you plead as you sit up and look down at him. It’s almost too much all at once. You’d never had an orgasm that powerful in your life, and the overstimulation was already taking over.
“It’ll fade in a bit, my love. Just wanna taste you. Promised to make you cum on my tongue,” Namjoon says, and his words are slightly muffled by your core. When he pushes his tongue in further, spreading your core with his fingers to make some room, you fall back onto the bed.
His expert tongue darts in and out of you, moving with such agility that you once again question whether it had a mind of its own. He alternates between tensing his tongue and plunging into you before relaxing it and letting it swirl inside your core. With each movement, he collects more and more of your arousal onto his tongue before drinking you down as if he’s a man starved. He finds your taste almost addictive: like it was the sweetest ambrosia gifted to him by the gods themselves.
Gradually, you feel the overstimulation fade until you’re left with just the pleasure of him eating you out. Your skin is heated, covered in a light sheen of sweat from your previous orgasm. The smell of sex fills the air along with the sound of Namjoon’s tongue lazily swirling inside you. It’s almost as if he’s trying to taste every single nook and cranny of your core, his tongue leaving no inch untouched. Your hands fall to your sides, fingers entangling into the sheets.
Namjoon slowly removes his fingers from your core, leaving only his tongue inside. You whine at the sudden loss - though you can’t complain because his tongue moves in ways that his fingers could only dreamof moving - only to mewl when he spreads your folds so he can push his tongue further into you. Retreating his tongue from inside you, Namjoon swirls it around the outside of your core before wrapping his lips around you clit and sucking. The sudden stimulation has you bucking into him, wanting more. You feel his lips curl as he smiles against you before he’s pulling away.
“Do- you- have- any- idea- how- good- you- taste?” Namjoon asks, punctuating each of his words with a soft kiss to your clit. You blush under his words, his eyes staring into yours earnestly. You’d definitely never heard that before.
“God, you’re so wet and so sweet. I could eat you forever. Angel, you have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen and the sweetest one I’ve ever tasted. I’d happily die here,” Namjoon compliments, and despite yourself, you giggle.
“Well, please don’t. I’ll miss you,” you giggle. Namjoon lets out a little groan, head falling to press against your pelvic bone.
“I don’t understand how you’re so fucking adorable when I’ve got my head buried in your pussy,” Namjoon grumbles, and your eyes widen before you let out a raucous laugh. The sound tingles in Namjoon’s ears, ringing so loudly he finds himself drowning in it. His face softens, his lips curling into a tender smile as he takes in your own bright smile. Your demeanour is completely different from when he first started eating you out: then you were wound tight, anxiousness exuding from you in waves. Now, however, you’re completely relaxed, eyes light and shining in the low lighting of his bedroom as you return your own tender smile.
He lifts his head and pushes his lips back into your folds. Reflexively, your head lolls back, eyes rolling into your skull. Namjoon moves his hands to grip under your ass; large palms press into the soft flesh before he tugs you, pulling your hips further into his face. Darting his tongue out, he begins swirling it all around your pussy once again as he laps up every droplet of your wetness.
“Joonie,” you sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you let him pleasure you in the best way possible. Gods were you missing out. Although, you don’t think Dojae would have even a quarter of the skill Namjoon does.
“I love the way you say my name, Angel,” Namjoon praises, and you preen under his words. Namjoon nuzzles his face into you, pressing kisses against each of your folds before continuing to plunge into you. Your fists curl tighter in the sheets, tugging them as you once again lose yourself in your pleasure. Namjoon brings his thumb to your clit, lightly rolling it under the pad.
“Oh- fuck, Joon,” you whimper, drawing out the syllable of his name. Thrusting his tongue back into your core, Namjoon feels your walls throb around his appendage. Instantly, he knows you’re on the cusp of cumming once again. Languidly, he begins circling his thumb against your clit, applying pressure onto it every now and then. His thumb, paired with the way his tongue laves your insides, has the knot in your abdomen tightening as flashes of euphoria run along your nerves. Involuntarily, your hips gyrate against his face, forcing him further and further into your core as you ride his face.
“That’s it, Angel, ride my face. Make yourself cum. Want you to cum on my tongue so I can taste how sweet you are again,” Namjoon moans against your folds, the vibrators causing you to shiver. When his thumb forcibly presses your clit down, rolling it in tight circles, you feel your stomach ignite. Your orgasm isn’t as strong as the first one. This time, it’s more gentle from Namjoon’s languid actions - but that doesn’t change the complete and utter rapture you feel. You gasp out his name, your toes curling and eyes rolling into your skull while your body quakes over him.
Namjoon helps you ride out your orgasm, your thighs trembling on either side of him. When you begin leaking, Namjoon groans. He wraps his luscious lips around your honeyed hole before drinking down your cum. The sounds are sloppy and wet as he slurps at you. The entire time, he continues twirling your clit under his thumb while his tongue happily laps your core, mouth suckling your centre and pulling your cum into his mouth.
It’s almost too much, and your eyes begin tearing up from the amount of pleasure you’re receiving. You gasp out his name when your pussy starts tingling in pain. Forcibly, you push Namjoon away, your thighs snapping shut and falling to the side onto the bed as your body trembles. Namjoon wipes his mouth on the back of his hand before crawling up to you. Hastily, he wraps his arms around your body and pulls you close into his chest. Your skin feels clammy against his, and the sheen of sweat on both your skin only serves to act as a glue to meld your flesh together.
Namjoon shushes you while petting your hair. He presses lazy kisses against the crown of your head as he holds you, awaiting you to come down from your high. You gasp against him, inhaling deeply as you suck oxygen back into your lungs. When you finally manage to come down from the incredible high of your orgasm, you feel Namjoon’s cock press against your naked thigh, completely hard and fully erect. Lazily, you lift your arm and wrap your hand around his shaft, pumping it up an down.
“Fuck- Angel, don’t do that unless you want me to fuck you,” Namjoon grunts. You giggle before twisting your neck and pressing a kiss against his muscular shoulder.
“Want you,” are the only words you manage to breathe out. Namjoon lets out a hiss before nodding. He lowers you onto your back before climbing on top of you, his arms caging you on either side.
Removing one arm, he braces all his weight onto the other arm. Swiping his hand through your fold, he gathers some of your wetness onto his palm before rubbing it into his cock as makeshift lubrication. Then, gripping the base of the shaft, he runs the head through your folds before finding your core. Taking in a deep breath, you brace yourself as he slowly pushes against your entrance. However, he’s so absurdly thick that, despite how wet you are, it takes a considerable amount of force for him to enter you.
“Ah- Namjoon,” you whimper, hands reaching out and clutching his shoulders tightly as he attempts to sink into you. His head enters you with a pop, and suddenly your core flares with pain from the stretch.
“You’re so fucking tight- are you okay?” Namjoon hisses before stopping, looking at you in worry at the way your eyes are scrunched up. You shake your head and hold onto his shoulders.
“Just- just wait. You’re so big,” you breathe out, panting as you wait for the stinging sensation to ease up. Namjoon bends over and kisses your shoulder, and you appreciate the gesture, but his movement only causes him to sink further into you. You cry out suddenly, and Namjoon freezes at your pained shriek.
“Angel?” Namjoon asks, and you open your eyes. Namjoon’s heart breaks at the tears pooled in them. Swiftly, he pulls out, and you hiss at the sudden loss of him, abruptly feeling empty.
“I’m sorry. Fuck- I’m so sorry love,” Namjoon apologises as he kisses your shoulders over and over again. You shake your head and give him a watery smile as you pull him in for a tender kiss. It’s incredibly soft, Namjoon’s lips moving languidly against yours as he pours out every apology into it. Breaking away, you press a kiss to his cheeks, where his dimples should be.
“It’s not your fault. It’s just been so long - more than a year and a half - and you’re huge,” you reply. Despite your words, Namjoon pouts, eyes slightly downcast.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispers. Your heart clenches at his crestfallen tone. Straining your neck, you press kisses against his cheek.
Suddenly, an idea pops into your mind. With a soft smile, you push Namjoon off of you before flipping yourself over. Namjoon looks at you curiously, allowing you to manoeuvre him until he’s sitting down. His back is pressed against the headboard of his bed, his legs stretched out. Throwing one leg over his thighs, you move until you’re straddling him. Almost on a reflex, Namjoon’s hands shoot out and hold your hips. You can feel his cock against your abdomen, thick, hot, and so incredibly heavy.
“Let me ride you,” you say before pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Namjoon reiterates. Your heart soars as you giggle.
“It’s okay. You won’t. If I’m on top I can at least control the pace,” you reply. Namjoon looks uncertain, but the complete certainty in youreyes has him convinced.
“Okay, fine, but if it’s too much, just tell me and we can stop, okay?” Namjoon says before closing the distance and pressing a kiss against your lips.
“I promise,” you reply, your lips grazing his with each of your words. Flexing your thighs, you kneel over him before pressing your folds against his cock. You both let out a hiss, the heat of your cores melding together. Needing more of the friction, you press the length harder against your folds, letting out a low groan when it parts your nether lips.
You begin grinding your core against him, sliding along the length as you wet him in your arousal. With every movement, the head of Namjoon’s cock brushes against your clit, only serving to turn you on more and further coat him in your arousal. Namjoon’s fingers flex on your hips, gripping them harder as he helps you move over him. His eyes are trained on your face, completely enamoured with the way your eyes flutter into a half-lidded state and your mouth circles into an ‘o’ shape as pleasure grips you. When his cock is practically drenched with your wetness and his shaft becomes slippery, you position your entrance over his head once again.
“Go slow, alright love?” Namjoon reminds you. Your eyes snap open before you roll them at him.
“We’ll be fine- I’ll be fine. Now, hush,” you hiss. Namjoon laughs a bit before nodding. Taking a deep breath, you once again brace yourself as you get ready to sink down on him. You relax the muscles of your core as much as you can before you descend on his length. Once again, you feel the head press against your entrance, almost mercilessly. This time, you’re just a little more prepared - and aided by how wet and slippery you’ve made him - so his bulbous head sinks into you easier. The moment his head pops in, you still and let out a low whimper. Namjoon’s jaw clenches, fingers gripping your hips harder as he holds you still above him.
“Breathe, love,” Namjoon whispers. Despite how incredibly transcendent you feel, he knows it’s been a long while since you’ve had anyone inside you and that you’d need time to adjust. More than that, however, he doesn’t want to hurt you. You nod, panting above him.
With another deep breath, you sink another inch, letting out a soft cry. Namjoon hisses, feeling his cock slowly open your walls around him. You’d been tight around his finger, but now your walls have an almost vice-like grip on his cock. Gathering your courage, you continue sinking further and further down on him, stopping numerous times to let yourself adjust. Long, excruciatingly drawn-out moments later, you finally sink down on him to the hilt of his shaft. Namjoon lowly moans, his head falling back and thumping against the headboard.
“Gods, how are you this big? This is impossible,” you groan out, your throat hoarse, and despite himself, Namjoon laughs. He lifts his head and presses a kiss against your forehead before brushing his nose against yours.
“Sorry, Angel,” Namjoon apologises once again. You both sit completely still. He’s so deep inside you, you can almost feel him in your throat. However, as you both sit completely motionless, feeling each other, you can’t help but bask in the intimacy of it all. You have no idea how long you keep him nestled inside you - it’s as if time has come to a standstill for just the two of you - feeling his length pulsate inside you rhythmically, almost as if you can feel his heartbeat. He stretches you out more than anyone has - or probably could, or would - and his shaft is warm inside you.
In fact, you get so lost in how good he feels inside you, that you completely forget the pain and instead pull him in for a kiss. Namjoon lets out a soft sigh against your lips. Your lips move sluggishly against each other, and Namjoon’s tongue darts out to lick the seam of your lips. Granting him access, you part your mouth and allow his tongue to slip inside and curl around yours. Instinctively, your hands run up the corded muscles of his shoulders before your fingers entangle in the hair at the nape of his neck.
His tongue glides against yours sensually, and though the taste of your cum is heavy on both his lips and tongue, his natural sugary sweetness cuts through the heady taste. It’s completely intoxicating. All of your sensations overwhelm you: your pussy rippling around his throbbing cock, the feel of his tongue against yours, his hands on your back. You feel yourself drowning further and further in him, the naturally sweet taste of him coating your tongue - until you find yourself completely at home, encased in everything that feels, tastes and smells like Namjoon.
Your lungs begin aching for oxygen, but you ignore the slight burn, knowing you have time before you have to pull away. In fact, you just don’t wantto pull away. You want to feel his lips against yours forever; you want to keep him buried inside you so you could wholly feel him forever. Tenderly, sensuously, your tongues move against each other, lips pressing so tightly together it’s almost as if they’re fused together. Your torso falls into his, your soft chest flush against his hard, sculpted one.
Skin against skin, mouth against mouth, and with how deep he’s inside you, you have no idea where Namjoon starts and where you end. Your skin practically melds together until it feels like you are one being - as if you and Namjoon are the only two people in the universe and have eternally fused together as one. Your heart flutters in your ribcage, and you’re completely floored by the sheer amount of emotion that wells up in your chest.
Viciously, the need for oxygen ignites in your chest, and you and Namjoon jerk violently as you break the kiss. Your hands untangle from his hair and move to grip his shoulders. Pressing your forehead against his, you both gasp for air, breaths circling the atmosphere and mingling together until you can practically taste Namjoon in the air. Long gone is the pain of him stretching you open, so far into the back of your mind you can’t even remember it, and you’re only left with the pleasure.
Keeping your eyes locked on his, you flex your thighs and slowly ascend off of him until only his cockhead is nestled in your depth. Namjoon exhales deeply but forces his eyes to stay locked on you as you slowly start riding him. Each and every one of your movements allows you to feel every ridge, every vein, and every inch of his length. You’re sure that after this, the feel of Namjoon’s cock would forever remain engraved into the silken softness of your walls.
Slowly, you begin writhing on top of him, your hips swirling and swivelling on his cock. Every now and then your eyelids flutter, completely taken by the sensual euphoria you feel. You’ve never felt like this before - would probably never feel like this again unless it was Namjoon. Hell, you don’t wantto feel like this with anyone butNamjoon. Your breathing becomes laboured, and Namjoon gently begins thrusting up inside you. His motion hits that sweet spot inside of you, and you can’t help but whimper out his name.
“Gods you’re beautiful,” Namjoon reveres, his hands lightly tracing up your sides before cupping one of your breasts in each hand. You moan under his ministrations, revelling in the way his thumbs reverently graze your nipples, his eyes never leaving yours. You both begin moving more urgently, pleasure overtaking every one of your senses. With your foreheads still pressed against each other, you can feel Namjoon’s lips brush against yours with every moan and groan that slips past them. You swallow thickly, feeling closer to him than you have ever felt before.
Goosebumps prickle at your skin, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand upright. Your stomach twists and turns, the knot forming as you gradually feel yourself approach the precipice. Unable to contain yourself anymore, you freely begin whimpering against Namjoon’s lips. Your hips continue squirming against his, his cock hitting deeper and deeper with every one of Namjoon’s little thrusts inside of you. Your skin begins tingling, nerves prickling with the heat of your incoming orgasm.
It’s almost too much - the pleasure, the emotions, and the loveyou feel. Your heart begins palpitating in your chest, beating so hard and fast that your chest begins to ache and the sound thunders, echoing in your eardrums. Almost as if he senses your emotional turmoil, Namjoon releases your breasts. Large palms slide down your arms before taking your hands between his and lacing the fingers through his. You swallow once again, and your eyes sting as you feel your orgasm approach.
“Namjoon,” you breathlessly whisper in warning. Although, you’re unsure whether you’re warning him about your approaching orgasm or the sheer depth of emotion running amok in your chest.
“I know. I know, my love,” Namjoon whispers softly. They’re simple words, and he can’t possibly know what you feel or how much you’re feeling - but it feels like he can.
Namjoon brings your hands to his lips and, gently, reverentially, presses tender kisses into the pads of your fingers. Your breath hitches, chest crumpling at the attentive action. Then, he releases one of your hands and runs his palm along your side before pushing it between your bodies and to where the two of you are connected. You feel his fingers brush against your clit, sweeping over the nub over and over again. The additional stimulus causes you to cry out. You grip his hand tighter, squeezing it as your eyes screw shut, tears finally welling up in them.
“Namjoon- I-” you begin but fall short. You have no idea what to say or how to express yourself, too caught up in the feeling of everything. It’s all toomuch all at once.
“Shhh. It’s okay Angel. You can cum,” Namjoon coos. He pulls you further into him, his lips brushing against your forehead as he continues toying with your clit.
“Ah. AH- AH! Namjoon!” you finally sob. Your peak hits a crescendo, and your orgasm ricochets through you with more force than you expected. Namjoon groans, feeling your pussy ripple uncontrollably around his cock before tightening. Your walls contract rhythmically, and suddenly, his hips still as he begins cumming.
Rope after rope of Namjoon’s cum slowly fills you. His warmth practically burns inside you, coating your walls white and claiming every single piece of you as his. Your throat closes up with the emotions you feel. Bliss. Euphoria. Contentment. Belonging. Love. Home. Your joint climax, along with the emotion you feel and the way Namjoon’s cum warms your insides, cause your senses to go haywire, and suddenly you’re overloaded with stimulus, and everything becomes far too overwhelming. You jerk your hand away from him and press the heels of your palms into your eyes as you begin sobbing uncontrollably on top of him. His name escapes your lips, over and over again, as if it were a prayer - but more because it’s the onlything your pleasure addled mind could think of.
Through the haze of his own orgasm, Namjoon can feel you call out to him, and when he finally comes to, he’s surprised by the sobbing, overwhelmed form of you on top of him. Despite the way his muscles ache, he reaches out to you and gently gathers you into his arms. Namjoon pulls you into his chest, and you find yourself dwarfed by his body as he holds you in his arms. Gently, Namjoon runs his large hands over your back, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck before lazily pressing kisses along your shoulder. Softly, he coos at you, his voice low and soothing as he talks you down from the overpowering high of your orgasm.
“It’s okay my love. It’s okay. I’ve got you. Come on, Angel. I’ve got you, it’s okay,” Namjoon repeats over and over again as he lavishes your skin with kisses. Gradually, the scent of vanilla and warm amber fills your senses. Somehow, his words manage to break through the haze, and your hands leave your eyes, instead, shooting out and holding him. You grip him tightly, arms wrapped around his broad shoulders as you desperately cling to him. Namjoon turns his head and kisses your temple as he lets you cry into his shoulder.
“Namjoon. Namjoon, I-” ‘I love you’. The words are at the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t seem to get them to form. Namjoon’s face softens. The words are at the tip of his own tongue, but like you, he can’t bring himself to say them. It wasn’t the right time - not yet, at least. He feels it - knowsit with every fibre of his being - knows that you are it for him. You were the only one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, just like he was sure you knew it - yet neither of you can say it. Namjoon accepts that because, eventually, you would say it - just not now. Not when your emotions were already far too overwhelming.
So, instead, “It’s okay. I know. I know. I’ve got you,” is what Namjoon says.
Slowly, he turns you both over before laying you down gently on the bed. Delicately, he eases out of you, only causing you to cry harder against him from the loss of him inside you. Namjoon knows he should get up and grab a cloth to clean you up, but from the way you’re clinging to him, he knows there’s no way he can do that. Instead, he decides that that can wait till the morning. Right now, you need him more than anything.
He shifts so that he can wrap you both in the covers before gathering you back into his embrace. You find comfort in his arms, your cries slowly calming down as Namjoon tenderly rubs your back. Exhaustion grips at every fibre of your being when your cries finally still. Despite this, however, you continue clinging to Namjoon, refusing to leave his arms. You can hear his heartbeat right under your ear, and slowly, you allow the calming rhythm to lull you to sleep. Namjoon listens to your breath as it slowly becomes deeper. Then, with a smile, he pulls you closer and drifts off to sleep himself.
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A/N: God I really didn’t mean to just,,,, flex on y’all with that 9k smut goodness but i guess i just,,, fucking DID. also how do y’all CLOWNS feel thinking he’d be DOM and DADDY during their FIRST TIME smh,,,, nO he’s SOFT n GENTLE n SWEET and i fuckING LOVE HIm. anyway, as usual, pls lemme know what you thought of it!!!
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protagonistheavy · 3 years
I'm jumping back into Three Houses where I left off, which was an unfortunately climactic point where I ended up dropping the game for well over a year. Whoops. I stopped right before Byleth's big transformation... Really should've just finished up that chapter I suppose. Because the game is just catapulting me into high-tension moments that I barely remember the context for lol. Sucks too because had I just played out that last chapter, maybe did another, I probably would've been hooked well enough to not drop the game at all.
I really like Three Houses but I can't go far without mentioning something that bugs me about it. I think the thing that's most pressing to me is that the tone of the game is just full of clashes in a lot of ways. Fire Emblem has regularly had this problem, where it wants to be Mature and Edgy and talk about the grittier parts of warfare, they want to have death feel real and serious, they want complex family and cultural connections... but also they want cutesy, quirky characters that you feel comfortable around and want to take on tea parties. Three Houses is full of these characters that are certainly likeable, but they're too sugary sweet to really feel like they belong on the battlefield. The way characters talk about war and what's going on, it feels more like kids putting on a stage play about war.
The character designs don't help this... Individually I dont think (most of) the designs are bad, but collectively, I think the flaws start to show. Namely I think the issue is that you have the character designer for Danganronpa strangled in order to create a cast fitting for the Fire Emblem universe. In so many characters, I get the feeling the designer WANTED to go full-out Danganronpa, give everybody these exaggerated qualities, complicate their designs, and make their personalities way more characteristic. But because this is Fire Emblem (and very likely because of mechanical restraints), the whole cast is made to look... kinda generic. I think of characters like Bernie, Dorathea, or Caspar; if the designer had full freedom to make them how he wanted, I think they'd look wildly different and more notable at a glance. But instead they're restrained and made to look very normal.
Dialogue in this game is also really hit or miss. I think the voice acting for a lot of these things takes me out of it haha. It's one of those situations where I just don't think Japanese-originated dialect translates well into spoken English, mixed with the Cringe Anime factor. I will give this game credit that it's a lot better than Fates was about its very-anime writing, but not by much lol. Even when the plot is serious and in motion, some dialogue is just lacking or doesn't feel very engaging; Edglegard is constantly reciting her vows, as I imagine the other lead nobles do in their routes, and other characters are generally playing on loop with their usual quirks. There's a few moments where the dialogue is a little more outstanding; I think Dorathea in particular does a great job actually capturing how her character feels in a moment, like how she speaks very stiff and orderly to Edlegard upon learning of her takeover -- she's afraid of her friend and you can hear it, you can hear how she's intimidated and out of her element surrounded by all these nobles.
Gameplay wise I really wish this game had more challenge to it, because as it is now, the biggest challenges for me are ones I make up for myself. Combat is SO easy. Almost all of my units are freakishly overpowered, tearing apart even armored units in one turn or just choking down enemy units like a funnel. The few that are lagging behind are still performing well enough, and it's easy to keep them up to speed with everyone because distributing your kills is very easy -- so long as your units arent SO powerful they everything they do one-shots enemies lol. On this playthrough, Edlegard and Petra are just monsters, solo-ing almost anything that isn't a monster. Like I said, I often have to hold myself back to make challenge for myself, by setting up situations where I can get weaker units to take on tougher fights, or maximizing the grind for weapon exp or relationship bonds.
I think what makes gameplay so easy is that every unit is FULL of options to engage in combat with. Any unit can learn to use any weapon type, which means you rarely have to think too hard about weapon advantages. Furthermore, units also retain their knowledge of spells so long as they're in a spell-casting class, so units often have many different ways to get a hit in. Beyond that, you also have Battalions and Combat Arts, which are inexpensive actions with some substantial effects; yet I almost never use them unless I'm specifically looking for a weaker attack, something to leave an enemy with a lil HP so I can give the kill to someone else lol. Rarely if ever am I using the special qualities of a Combat Art for strategical necessity. Add on top of all this that this game REALLY wants you to get all your units on mounts, and you have tons of mobility that allows you to navigate maps and set up field advantages at little cost. SOOOO many times I end up staring at the prep screen for almost ten minutes... thinking of every detail, equipping all my units with the best I can get them, thinking long and hard about every subsequent encounter... only to run the chapter in less than five turns, bulldozing over every enemy and laughing at how bosses will do 0 damage to Edlegard.
This is a departure from the FE experience Im used to, where how you began a map was extremely important in how the rest of the match would unfold. Combat encounters would be these interesting puzzles where you had to seriously think ahead of where enemy units will be positioned, how much HP they'll have, what units you need to address them. I rarely have moments like that in 3H, only maybe when there's the monsters to fight do I ever really have to think out my strategy -- lucky that the monsters are included at all, to give the game some more tense moments. Previous FE games would see that any ability a unit has could be influential in a fight, but in 3H, every character is just stocked with tons of advantages that it never feels too special when they come into play.
But I guess I do find this more fluid to play, and a lot less stressful. I'm free to try out dumb strategies or pair up characters however I'd like, because there's virtually no punishment for playing with poor strategy a lot of the time. It lets me set up the ideal moments I want, like getting Edlegard and Byleth both in position to take out an enemy unit together.
My other point of criticism is that the game was either clearly rushed or budgeted tightly lol. And unfortunately it does take me out of the experience at times to run into these bumps. Like how some cutscenes don't load a real backdrop, but just a 2D panoramic image that it rotates around to simulate an actual setting... SOOO many conversations and cutscenes are made awkward because they couldnt actually SHOW you what's happening, so they have characters speak out what's happening just off screen lol... Like when there's supposed to be this big reveal and transformation of an enemy, all it does is... load up a png of the transformation complete. Raawwwwr. Lol. Or the little things, like a character saying they're gonna climb a tree off screen... It's just sad that we can't even get that level of detail. Again, it feels so much like this is a cheap play being performed, and yeah the story is fun and the characters are likeable, but you can constantly see the curtains and the strings and the people backstage.
All in all Im glad to be getting back into the flow of the game, but I really need to stay in that vibe or else Im gonna end up dropping it mid-story again. I think I'll enjoy running a second route of this game, knowing now what I do of how things unfold, and Ive heard that Edlegard's route is sort of the weakest story-wise, so maybe seeing the story from another perspective will freshen up my opinion.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Lucien - ‘I want to look at you and not feel hurt’
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You thought he was your soulmate, that you honestly met the man you wanted to spend the whole of your life with. That was until his attitude changed towards you, his sweet, charming personality became distant and harsh, pushing you away and you didn’t know what you had done.
“Lucien please!” You whined as he was ignoring you as he sat at his desk, typing away.
It would carry on for a few more weeks until you finally snapped.
“Will you tell me what is happening with you Lucien! I can’t take this anymore,” You sobbed, as he came in late once more from work. You took his hand and he finally, for what felt like forever looked down at you, but his eyes were cold, not like the warm ones you had grown to love.
“Lucien, please just tell me what is wrong, this is killing me,” You tremble. He takes your hands and sits on the sofa, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“I made a mistake, a really big mistake,”.
“Why, did something happen at work?” He chuckles ever so softly at your response, you hadn’t heard him laugh for weeks.
“You're too perfect, you know that,” As he squeezes your hands, “No, I have been a fool,”.
“Lucien, what is wrong?”.
“You remember that night we had argument…”. How could you forget? It was brutal, the pair of you at each others throat, yelling, screaming and crying. You had forgotten what it was about as it went on for so long, it was something about how much time Lucien spent at work and researching, how you never enjoyed yourselves together anymore. He had stormed out of your apartment, he re-appeared in the morning with a bunch of flowers. 
“Well… I wasn’t truthful where I went,”.
“Oh?” He took a gulp before holding your hands tightly.
“You know Cindy, my lab assistant…” He started and your heart almost stopped beating, praying what you thought wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
“I- I spent the night with her…” He trailed off, not at hers, but with her. 
“Y-you and Cindy…? You, did you?” You ask, your hands shaking and his silence gives you your answer.
“But the flowers… we, we had sex when you came home and you’d been with her hours before!” You yell, taking your hands away from his, tears falling from your eyes.
“I know and it was stupid of me, thats why I’ve been so distant, I don’t feel like I deserve you at all,” He whispers, his voice trembling slightly.
“I want you to leave,” You say closing your eyes not able to look at the man in front of you.
“Please leave,” Is all you can manage as you watch him stand up before leaving.
You waited until you heard the door shut before you burst into tears. He owned your heart and broke it into two, not only by cheating on you but also by treating you so coldly after, he made you feel like you had done something wrong when really it was him. Your heart was throbbing, replaying the previous five minutes in your head, all you could imagine was Lucien and her together. He touched her in places he touched you, he made her cry his name as you did, he gave her the pleasure that he only gave you and it crushed you. It hurt you beyond words.
It explained his cold attitude to you, why he had been so distant lately for reason but it didn’t justify it. You had never felt so alone, so hurt, you felt an anger toward Lucien like none before. You clutched the pillow tightly to you, sobbing against it before you passed out from exhaustion. It wasn’t until a buzzing woke you up the next morning.
“Kiro?” You answered wiping your stinging eyes, forgetting briefly the events of last night.
“Miss.Chips! How are you, are you almost ready? It’s the day of the festival,” He cheerfully yelled down the phone. Shit you completely forgot.
“Kiro, I’m really sorry but I cant,” You say and you feel your voice waver before the tears start once more.
“I’m going to go now, I’m sorry,” You say, trying to hold back your tears before ending the call and crying once more. It felt like someone had stabbed you in the heart and was constantly twisting the knife, it left you numb. You had been positive Lucien was the love of your life and this betrayal, it just hurt you in pain you never knew. You saw the paper crane Lucine had made for you, he had made you write your wish on it before folding it into shape, your heart instantly shattering. Grabbing the nearest thing that reminded you of him, a teddy bear he won for you at a festival, and threw it against the wall with a scream. You were angry and hurt, you had no idea how to cope with this feeling. 
You pulled yourself into the shower, scrubbing yourself of any of his scent and touch but it didn't work, you could still feel his touch ghosting over you. Drying off there was a knock at the door.
“Lucien, I dont want to see you!” You yelled.
“It's me Miss.Chips!” The sweet voice of Kiro yelled and you opened the door, there he stood with dozens of snacks in his hands, you almost couldn’t see his head over the pile in his arms. You let him in and explained everything, crying once more for the 100th time within 24 hours. Kiro vowed to cheer you up, you spent the day playing games, watching cheesy movies and eating your feelings. 
“Maybe you should speak to him?” Kiro finally talking about Lucien and you shook your head.
“I’d rather sit and eat my ice cream,” As you spooned another mouthful into your mouth as he chuckled.
“I just want to get away from all this,” You add, looking around your apartment, knowing Lucien practically lived here and when he didn’t he was only meters away next door. 
“Why don’t you come on tour with me! It’s perfect, we’d be travelling across Europe together, what do you say Miss.Chips!” He says with his eyes wide.
“I can’t just pack up my jobs Kiro, as nice as it would be!” You smile and chuckle.
“Well do you have holiday? Oh please Miss.Chips, I’d personally pay for you to come and stay with me,” He insisted as you opened a bottle of wine, you needed it to numb your senses of Lucien. 
By the end of the night you was passing out on your sofa, Kiro helped you into bed, admiring the sight of you peacefully sleeping. He knew you was hurting deeply and it hurt him to see you so broken and lost, not his usual Miss.Chips. He sat on the sofa and pulled out a blanket from behind, he wanted to stay and ensure everything was okay. 
You woke to a wave of nausea and a throbbing head, how much did you drink? You ran to your bathroom before throwing up, you felt dreadful. You froze when you saw Kiro was in your kitchen, did he stay over?
“Morning Miss.Chips!” He cheerfully sung and you groaned in response, everything hurt.
“Too loud,” You groaned as you covered your head with your arms as you sat the kitchen counter, trying to block out any light and noise. You was too sensitive for this. 
“Ah, ah Miss.Chips, today we’re going to speak to Mr.Li to sort out this tour,” He chimed and you lifted your head up slightly.
“You was serious about that?”.
“As serious as I am about making you a delicious breakfast,” You couldn’t help but cringe watching him make a sugary concoction. You got into the shower and freshened up as Kiro worked on breakfast.
“Kiro, shall we just grab something out?” You asked as he presented you with a bowl of cereal topped with biscuits, candy chunks and sugar, even looking at it made you feel sick from sweetness. Kiro chuckled and agreed.
“Soooo, what did he say!” Kiro beamed as you came out of Victors office.
“Okay so I have the rest of this week off,” You had booked it off to spend time with Lucien, “Then I can take a few months off, if you let me document the tour with you and produce a segment documentary for it”. You wouldn’t tell Kiro but you broke down in-front of Victor when he commented how broken you looked, maybe he pitted you which is why he let you have this time off. He despised Lucien and vise versa, both of them stating how bad the other way for you, so maybe he was letting you go to free yourself from Lucien?
“Okay the last step for today is,” Kiro says, as he takes your hand, “You need to talk to Lucien” but you shook your head.
“Kiro, we only broke up two days ago,”.
“Bella, you need to just talk to him, besides you need to get rid of this,” He says as his hands reach up and graze the necklace you were wearing. You forgot about it, it was what Lucien had brought you and your hand clutched to it. 
You stood in front of Luciens office, taking a deep breath before knocking and entering.
“Luci-,” You said as you walked in, seeing Lucien with her sitting opposite him. Anger took over and your stomach looped in knots, you never expected to see her. 
“Bella wait!” Lucien called after you as you went to turn back. You stepped into his office, unable to look at either of them, you bit your lip hard to stop the tears from falling from your eyes. It hurt to even look at him. He dismissed her, she was also crying and sniffling as she left the office.
“What did you pet want,” You hissed, folding your arms over your chest.
“I actually fired her,” He responded and your arms dropped. You shut your eyes before opening them and in front of you stood Lucien, you almost got lost in his scent, you could feel his breath inches away from your face.
“Bella, I’m so sorry,” He whispered, his eyes searching for yours until they met. His charcoal eyes were broken, you could see the pain in them.
“I, I’m going away for a few months,” You said with a swallow, “I’ve already packed your stuff into boxes, they're ready for you to just move them,”. 
“Your going away?” And you nod. 
“Please don’t, stay we can work this out,” He whispers as he cups your face, the tears cascading down your cheeks as your eyes meet.
“I want to be able to look at you, and not feel so hurt by you,” You say with a deep breath before taking his hand and placing the necklace in his hand, wrapping his fingers over it, “Goodbye Lucien”. 
The next five months were the best time of you life, you and your best friend travelling and touring across Europe. You got a backstage pass to every concert, taking remarkable footage and interviews for your work. The days Kiro was off you spent it enjoying your free time, mainly exploring the area, historic landmarks, theme parks and all the food you feast your eyes upon. It was difficult at first, you were still heartbroken over Lucien and cried yourself to sleep a lot, until Kiro couldn’t bear it. He knocked on your door one night and you let him in, he coddled you as you cried into his chest and from then on you never slept alone, Kiro shielding you from the pain.
 At first it was innocent your time together, until one day you was sat on the beautiful beach front of a private beach in Greece when Kiro snuck up behind you.
“Hey Miss.Chips, you enjoying the sun?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s proper lush,” You smiled before gasping slightly, feeling something around your neck you look down, Kiro had placed a blue gemmed necklace on you.
“Kiro…” You whispered, tearing up slightly and turned to face him. He was sat there, pure love and admiration beaming from his eyes as he looked at you before leaning in. You leaned into him and you shared a sweet tender kiss between you. 
From then on you became the ultimate couple, best friends and lovers, any trace of Lucien was left behind. That was until you returned home.
“Don’t run Kiro! I have the key to get in!” You giggle as the pair of you run up the stairs to your front door.
“I win, now where my prize?” He chuckles as he pushes you against the door, your lips meeting and you wrap your arms around his neck. A light cough interrupted you, Kiro turned and held you behind him to see Lucien standing outside his door.
“Your back?” He asks.
“We are,” Kiro answering for you. 
“I was talking to Bella,”.
“She has nothing to say to you, anything you want to say can be said to us both,”. Your heart raced, but not for Lucien, for Kiro. Lucien had betrayed you with a co-worker after an argument, treated you awful for weeks as if it was your fault! Kiro, Kiro was perfection, he lived to make you happy, he could never do enough for you. 
“Honey it's okay,” You perk up and stroke Kiro’s arm giving him a sweet smile.
“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for everything… I kept the memory crane I made you...” Lucien trailed off. 
“I’m glad it happened, otherwise I’d still probably be sat wondering what I did wrong,” You say shaking your head, Lucien looking hurt at your words. 
“Anyway, we need to get going, we need to pack up someones things before the moving truck gets here,” Kiro chuckles, his hand moving to hold your waist. 
“You're moving?” Lucien asks, slightly shocked and you nod.
“In with me,” Kiro adds before picking you up bridal style and carrying you into your apartment for the first and last time before the pair of you emptied your apartment. Lucien suffered in silence the whole you was away, he tried to reach out to you but it was impossible as you had blocked his contacts. He was shamed and humiliated for what he did to you and how he treated you. Knowing he let you slip away from him made it unbearable to go. He had waited for you to come back, keeping the memory crane as a symbol of his love for you and hope you could fix the mess he had caused. If he was scientifically smart enough to know it was impossible, he would have said his heart stopped beating the minute he let you fall from his side. But hearing Kiro’s words and seeing you so happy with him, almost did make his heart stop from the pain. All he wanted was to have you back by his side, he would do whatever it takes. 
“Well then, welcome home Miss.Chips,” He beamed as he picked you up and again and carried you into his, now yours, apartment.
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Brat Life Chronicles
Tried to keep the looks as open as possible but she definitely is black. Follow America Golden Boy, Steve Rogers as he deals with his spoiled brat of a girlfriend Delilah. A series of One shots that are just fun to write when I dont feel like working on my series. 
Characters: Steve Rogers x Delilah (Black OC)
WordCount: 1667
Warning: Smut, cursing, teasing, daddy kink
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“Babe please…..” lip poked out, big doe eyes, whiny voice, usually she didn’t have to go this route to get her way but Steve was being an ass. 
“Delilah, baby stop.” Steve Rogers went back to reading the mission report he had to prep for. 
“Ugh fine.” She rolled her eyes, causing Steve to quirk an eyebrow at her, she was being disrespectful and she knew Steve wouldn’t go for that. 
Honesty she wasn’t asking much, just asking to take one of the private jets to go to a concert in Atlanta this weekend. 
“I’ll just ask Tony.” She started to walk away heading towards the elevator. 
Before she made it 5 steps, Steve picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. 
“Couldn’t stop when I asked, now you wanna drag Stark into this. I give you everything you ask for baby.”
“Expect for this.” She pouted. In for a penny in for a pound, she knew she was digging a hole that she wouldn’t be able to get out of. 
“Because you don’t need this, you and your friends already have first class tickets booked, a private car to pick you up and drive you around. VIP Seats and backstage passes, plus new clothes and spending money. I think you can do without this one things.”
“No.” She huffed as she was dropped on the bed. 
“Maybe you don’t need to go at all then Delilah, stay here with me, while I prepare for my mission.” 
“No Daddy! Please…” Delilah bit her bottom lips, trying to entice him. 
“You are such a fucking brat.” 
“Language Captain.”
He growled before advancing on her. 
They were an unlikely couple, and they met in an unlikely way. You would think Captain America saved her life or something but it all started with an Instagram like. 
Captain America had finally made it to Instagram, not that he ran it, Sam did but sometimes he liked to browse the app. 
He was on his explore page when he came across Delilah page, a picture of her in a cap and gown, graduating from college. 
Steve has liked it and left a comment out of encouragement. 
“Congratulations, much success on your future.”
Delilah has all but fainted when she saw it, but she took it a step farther and sent him a DM, telling him thank you and she hoped they would meet one day. 
Sam took over, telling her if she ever in NYC he would love to take her out for coffee. 
“Steve…” she moaned as her boyfriend sucked on her neck. 
“Hmm.” He hummed against her brown skin. 
“Please Daddy?” 
Her eyes fluttered close. 
“Please What?”
Steve licked a strip from her neck to her ear, sucking on the sensitive lobe. 
“Please, I want you.” 
“I know you do, girl, but you've been really bratty lately, you know I don’t like that.” Steve pulled away, leaving her frustrated. 
“Now pack for your trip.” 
Steve left Delilah on the bed, hot, wet, and frustrated but two could play that game. 
It was quiet, too quiet Steve thought. Delilah never went this long without wanting his attention unless…
He shot up, spilling papers all over the living room floor. He checked the bedroom first, bags half packed and clothes everywhere greeted him. Next he checked the bathroom and then finally the extra bedroom. He sighed. 
Living in Stark tower had its perks, like their private apartment, top of the line facilities, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. 
“Friday, where is Delilah?”
“Common area kitchen Captain Rogers.” 
Steve punched the bottom to take him to the common area of Avengers Tower. 
He smelt the brownies as soon as the door opened. He walked past Sam and Clint going straight to the kitchen. Tony looked over her shoulder as she stirred something. 
“That smells so good.” Tony said but to Steve it looked like he was smelling your neck. 
“Thanks, family recipe so I can’t tell you.” Delilah giggles. 
Her name being called caused her to Jump, Tony his hand on the small of her back. 
“Yeah babe?” Her voice was sweet like honey but it was all an act. 
Delilah looked over to Steve to see him doing his signature jaw clenched that singled he was angry. 
“You need to finish packing.” 
It was a demand, a demand to get her ass back to their suite and now. 
“OK. Tony just pop these in the oven for 30 minutes and you’ll have the best brownies ever, save me a corner piece.”
“OK Princess.” Tony muttered. 
If looks could kill Tony would be dead, the way Steve was throwing daggers at him wasn’t lost on Delilah as she walked over to Steve. 
Once in the elevator Steve didn’t say anything to her and Delilah knew she fucked up big time, maybe she could clean it up. 
“I don’t want to hear it.” 
“You never let me explain.” She whined. 
The elevator opened and she followed Steve out. 
“Explain what? Why you are prancing around Tony in basically nothing?”
“It’s a little more than nothing, all the important bits are covered.” 
That stopped Steve in his tracks, he turned to look at her up and down. She suddenly felt self conscious about her outfit. True the cotton shorts did little to cover her ass or thick thighs. The tank top she had on was super thin and tight and basically putting her breast on display. 
“Get to the room and clean that mess up, your trip is cancelled.” 
“What you can’t do that!”
“Yes I can and I just did now go Delilah before you get in more fucking trouble.”
Delilah rolled her eyes and went to their shared bedroom and began to put clothes away, as she stuffed her panties back into the drawer she came across a light blue lace teddy. 
Delilah quickly put it on before Steve caught her, finishing off her lips with some gloss because he loved it. 
She hoped no one had entered their shared living space as she crept down the hallway wanting to surprise the super soldier who could hear anything.  
When Delilah rounded the corner Steve was on the couch, laptop propped opened. 
“I can hear you Babe, you know that.” 
“Close your eyes, I got a surprise.”
Just as he started to protest Delilah hit him with a “Please Daddy.” And he did. 
She walked over to him, gently taking the laptop off his lap and setting it on the table. 
“You can open them now.” 
Delilah stood in front of him, proudly displaying her body for his eyes. 
“Fuck baby.” 
Steve's rough hands went to her waist, gliding down her hips and back up again. 
Steve pulled her down to his lap, her knees on either side of his thick thighs. 
“You like Daddy.” Delilah has changed the tone of her voice to be super sugary sweet and it was working. 
He melted under her as Delilah gently massages his shoulders. 
“You look gorgeous like you always do.” 
“Thank you baby. I’m Sorry for acting like that earlier.”
“Hmmm acting like what?”
Steve gently peppered kisses from her collarbone to the top of her breast. 
“Being a brat.” she moaned.
“Apology accepted, and yes you can still go, and yes I will see about getting you a private jet, you know I cant say no to you for long.”
Delilah groaned as his hands gripped her ass, picking her up. 
“Tell Daddy thank you.” Steve muttered against her neck as he walked them to the bedroom. 
“Thank you Daddy.” she purred. 
Steve laid her gently on the bed, reaching between her legs and ripping the delicate lace, cool air rushing to her heated core. 
Steve got on his knees, kissing her thighs before pushing his face into her pussy. America Golden Boy loved to eat pussy, he ate pussy like his life depended on it. Some dudes got mad when they couldn't get their dick sucked, but Steve turned into a whiny person if he couldn't wrap his lips around her clit. 
“Fuck baby.” Delilah ran her hands through his golden locks, loving that he had grew it out a little. 
The nasty slurping sounds he made turned her on more, A long lick from her clit that ended with him dipping his tongue into her wet hole. 
Delilah moaned out lout, calling out his name. Steve slipped a thick finger into her, hooking it, finger rubbing back and forth against her spot. Delilah tried to move away from his mouth as her first orgasm approached, but Steve pulled her back onto his mouth, wanting her to come right on his face. 
“Good girl Delilah.” Steve cooed at her. He stood up, finger lazily running up and down her slit as his other hand unbuckled his pants, pushing them down. He removed his hand from her and she whined, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it down, stepping out his sweats and boxers. Steve crawled onto the bed towards her, covering her body with his. Delilah wrapped her legs around his waist, his hard dick poking her thigh. 
“Daddy please…” Steve cut her off, catching her in a heated kiss. Catching her off guard he pushed into her wet walls. 
Nails dug into his muscled back as he pushed in balls deep in the first stroke. 
“I...better...not...see...you...around...tony...again…” each word meet with a deep stroke. 
“Yes Daddy!!!”
Mouth gaped open in a silent scream Delilah had her second orgasm, squeezing Steve dick as he trusted in her one final time, cumming deep inside of her. 
“Good girl.” Steve kissed her face until their breathing calmed down, going to lay on the side of her. 
“Want me to finish packing for you?” Steve could tell she was about to go to sleep. 
“Mmmhmm please.” 
Steve gave Delilah a kiss on the forehead before getting up and finding his boxers.
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tetrakys · 5 years
I dont know what BV games got, that I cant stop playing it and I prefer them to others better writting games. Maybe theirs characters? I find BV characters kinda special and more lovables than others characters from others otomes.
(I saved this ask for this exact moment because this is my 2000nd post 😮 damn I posted a lot, and in such a short time. Anyway I wanted to celebrate with a ray of positivity.)
Anon I totally understand you! I was thinking this exactly two days ago, so I did a bit of self-analysis to figure out why, after all the shitty things this company has done, I still love their games more than any others. I’ve talked plenty about the games shortcomings, so this post is going to be only about positive things.
The Characters and the romance
First of all, you totally hit the bulls-eye, the characters are the main reason. I love them all so much, both the secondary characters and the LIs. We always criticize BV’s writing but their LIs are all so great in my eyes. I love how they are all characterised and different from each other, and how even following one main story we can have different experiences according to who we choose. And, I mean, BV managed to make me fall in love 5 times in MCL (and then again in UL), 5 times in Eldarya and it’s also succeeding in ML, so they must be doing something right.
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(this illustration always makes me swoon so hard 😭)
The MCs
Another reason is that I also love our MCs. They are not perfect, but they are all good and with their strengths. Candy is usually criticised a lot for always having to solve everybody’s problems, but I like that she’s altruistic and helpful. Also, in UL she became less of a saviour and more of a listening ear. 
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Erika is strong, after all she’s been true I would’ve probably lost it, she instead is a functioning human being, but I’d be happy to see her snap at some point. 
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And we haven’t seen much of Eloise yet, but she’s not a push-over and has a feisty attitude.
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I love my girls and I find them all incredibly pretty.
The settings
I’ve spent so many years in Candy’s town that it feels like home, and while I kinda want to burn Eldarya to the ground I also love the world building and really wished it was expanded more. And in ML while it seems a bit limiting spending the whole game in one place, on the other hand we got what I think are the most beautiful backgrounds I’ve ever seen, and the eerie and mysterious atmosphere combined with the music is top notch. 
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The episodes
While most of us hate the new AP system, I really like how the games are something in between a visual novel and an otome game. Not only because of the choices, but because each episode is long, at least one hour when it’s played for the first time, while in most otome games one episode lasts about 10 minutes. I personally get more immersed in the story and the universe.
The longevity
MCL was my first otome game and will always have a special place in my heart, one day it’s going to end and I’m going to be very sad. But it’s also true that it’s been going on for years. No other game I play is this old. There are older apps, but they always put out new games, the stories are over very fast, even if it’s the same story but different routes. Instead I’ve been playing with Candy for almost 8 years now and the whole universe is so familiar to me at this point that it’s both a habit and a consistent part of my life, and losing the game would be like losing a friend (and that’s also why the removal of the boys is so hard).
Well, enough with the sugary stuff, we can go back bitching and complaining now 😄
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Medieval/ending AU: Knight!Mirio as childhood friends with F!Sorcceer s/o?
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Top tier encouraging buddies!
Yes. I'm 100% here for this.
Similar to how you and Mirio are 100% there for eachother eyyyyyy
I should not be writing these while sleepy oof
You two met one day in the forest surrounding your small village; mirio was looking for animals to save and assist, and you were working on your water transmutation spells by the creek!
You'd been having trouble getting the spell just right, only able to levitate the water instead of transmuting it into another material.
You were getting more and more frustrated by the moment when a cheerful voice interrupted the soft forest ambience.
"Wowie!! I've never seen anyone levitate water up close before"
As you tense up, the water transmutes into iron momentarily before splashing into the creek, water once again.
"Gosh, I'm sorry miss! I didnt mean to break your concentration!"
You turn and there's Mirio, scraps of metal tied on him like some makeshift armor, smiling like a beam of sunlight.
"Uh.....that's alright, I had it for a second there! I'll get it again if I keep trying."
"Ooooh are you a magicky user?"
"Heheh, I think sorceress-in-training would suit me better. What about you? Are you training to be a knight?"
"Mhm! I wanna grow up and help keep people safe!! Oh oh! And maybe save a princess or prince! Or uh....somebody in a tower that needs help, because-
He looks around and whispers, as if he's giving you a very coveted piece of information
"I'm a preeeeetty good climber!"
And so begins your very sweet friendship!
Everyone in the village thinks you two are adorable, always walking around trying to help people, Mirio helping you find things for spells, both of you proudly telling the other adults about how amazing and talented the other is.
"Y/n is the coolest magicky user I know!"
"Uh- Mirio.."
"Hm? Oh sorry y/n!"
"Y/n is the coolest sorceress-in-training that I know!"
"And Mirio is the bravest knight I know!!"
Nobody and nothing could get between you and Mirio's friendship, well except one thing-
Your ding dang feelings for eachother.
Fast forward and You are the apprentice to your kingdoms wizard, and Mirio is second in command to the head knight of the kingdom's royal guard.
It was around this time you both started realizing your love for the other might have grown into something a bit more than platonic.
You both enjoyed eachothers company, felt the others absence when apart, and there was this weird.....want.....to kiss???smooch?? HHUUUUUUHHHH!?
But of course, in true anime fashion, neither of you want to confess at first, opting to go the "haha no we're just best buds! Amigos! Pals! Totally not in love!" Route.
Mirio especially is worried about ruining your friendship, he adores you! He loves your honesty, the immense knowledge you have about magical history and terminology, and well.....everything about you!
He didnt wanna lose you, but on the other hand.
This felt like torture.
Lovey dovey, sugary, syrupy, and tremendous torture.
Decides if he's going down? He's gonna go down in the most romantic ad over-the-top way possible.
You wake up to flowers at your doorstep.
A lot of flowers.
No seriously it's a bit concerning how many flowers there are, who in their right mind would send this many???
Shortly after thinking this a cluster of the children in your village gather and each take a bunch of flowers in their arms
What in the world??
It takes a second, but the children start gently taking the petals and making a path, and as you slowly follow them, you start to recognize the area?? It looks the same as the rest of the forest, trees, bushes, more trees....why does this feel so-
"Keep moving forward miss! He's waiting for you!"
One of the children whispers, as they scamper away with the rest of their group.
"He? Wait do you mean Miriaaaaaand they're gone, right then"
You wander through the forest, still confused about what's happening, and hope you're going the right way.
And you are, which you realize when you notice another path of petals, and begin to follow.
It's driving you crazy, why is this place familiar? Why do you feel so calm here? Why.......oh......ohgoodness....
"Hello y/n, glad you the kiddos didn't accidentally set you in the wrong direction!"
"Mirio what's going on?"
He smiles as he walks over, softly taking your hand in his, speaking in a tone much quieter than his usual loud, energetic voice.
"Do you remember y/n? This place?"
".....yes......I believe I do....."
This......this was where you two met for the first time, though it looked a bit different, the trees were taller and the creek had grown a bit wider, kinda cool how this spot had in a way grown with you and Mirio over the years.
"...............yeaaah Mirio?"
"I did all this and brought you here to ask you something super important"
Still caressing your hands he steps closer.
"Y/n l/n, you've been my closest friend, confidant, comforter, and general.....uh.... best...person- gosh I should've written this down uhm-"
Wait.....are his hands shaking??......
Why...does he look flustered? Mirio never looks flustered why is he nervous why....
Oh...OH......OH GOODNESS.....
"Y-yes y/n?"
You did it! Heck yes
now, his reaction is delayed, but after a few moments of scilence he's pulling you close and laughing
"Darn it y/n, that was adorable but you really stole my thunder there!"
"Heh, sorry! Once I realized what you were trying to do it kinda just...happened"
"It's alright love I don't mind"
Hes smiling and hugging you
".........did you just call me "love" "
"Yup! I cant tell ya how long I've been wanting to do that, I am so siked to just-
He lovingly pulls a strand of hair away from your face.
"To just shower and spoil you with so much love, babe you're gonna get cavities from all the sugar I'll be giving!"
Did it take me this long to get to some actual general headcanons? Yes.
Was it worth it? I'd like to think so!
Now, it goes without saying Mirio is immensly supportive of your sorcery.
He really loves watching you work on plant spells especially.
Really enjoys watching you manipulate how ivy grows up a wall, or making sure all the morning glories open each day at dawn, he just finds it interesting!
Talks about you all the time at work
His knight friends find it both sweet and kinda frustrating, because as much as they admire Mirio, he will literally talk about how the light hits your hair for half an hour, and patient as they are everyone has a limit 😂
Pffft a lot of interactions like this:
"Oh oh! Babe do the thing!"
*you make a flower grow from your hand and put it in Mirio's hair*
Mirio: "so cooool!" :D
Even though you're both older, Mirio never seems to lose that sense of awe and wonder when he watches you do the magics
Takes you on picnic dates whenever he can, loves spending the after noon cuddling on a blanket in the sunshine! Also it's ion these picnic dates that he's the little spoon!!
He actually asks and it doesnt matter if it's the 1st or 59th time, he looks so shy just quietly going "y/n.....could you hold me please?"
His job has him dealing with tough people, and even tougher situations most of the time, so being able to just spend time with you? Reminds him of why he wanted to be a knight in the first place: to save and protect the good in this world.
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kamari333 · 5 years
I had to actually look back to see if I made any tumblr posts about these guys. I couldn’t find any??? So I guess this is my oppertunity to scream about these absolute fucking bastards.
Now. Um. Forewarning: I don’t actually know a lot about the original dreamtale. Or, I don’t keep up with it, at least. I read the first origin comic (and a bit of the cream ship comic) one time a while ago and... i dunno. found it lacking? I liked the premise but there was something distinctly missing in it for me. So these headcanons are more like an AU (an AU of an AU, surprise surprise, I’m on my shit again XD) that I thought up to help me enjoy the concept more when writing it. I’ve been calling it ‘Dr33mtal3’ in my head, but a friend named it ‘Dryad Dreamtale’ so either of those names work.
So. Dream and Night are tree spirits shaped like skeletons, born of the tree of duality to be its guardians. They were made to be more like monsters to better protect the tree and put its power to use.
Now, plants and gods (and especially god-plants) have very different ideals, morals, and expectations than mortals and humans and monsters. Dream and Night are half plant/god, but they are also half monster/mortal, so they cannot relate entirely to their tree mom or completely understand her. Likewise, she could not completely understand them. Thus, the twins understandably had a stressful, dysfunctional childhood and have long lasting mommy/daddy issues.
They also suffer from significant other kinds of trauma inflicted on them by their villager guardians.
So they are both psychologically fucked up.
They both have “wings” and “tentacles” but Night hides his wings and Dream hides his tentacles. Night’s wings are smaller than Dreams.
they aren’t actually tentacles though. they are roots and vines. because they are tree spirits. using those roots/vines, they can directly soak up energy and water. likewise, the “feathers” on their wings are actually leaves (except near the base and ridges, which are more like flower petals). they use these leaves to breathe in ambient emotions.
when injured, they bleed resin. that goop on nightmare? excess sap/resin he’s overgenerating thanks to consuming so many apples.
usually only strong internal emotions would make them do that. its only because of such strong internal emotions that nightmare continues to do that even after a thousand years.
i think that, being plants (which are terribly spiteful and innovative creatures) night and dream can control the consistency and nature of their sap and resin. dream keeps his sweet and sugary at all times, but nightmare switxhes between spicy-like-ghost-pepper-in-the-face caustic and rubber, and mild maple syrup, depending on his mood and how much he wants the person he is touching to hurt.
i think that dream is both terribly selfish and painfully selfless all at once, both kind and cruel. i think he is a very seelie fae who will never break a promise, but will not let you go unpunished for breaking yours. i think he has no problem breaking your legs if it means saving you from something else. dream will happily beat someone within an inch of their life, then nurse them back to health, if he thinks for a moment it is for the greater good.
nightmare goes to great lengths to make people hate him. at the end of the day he is as disgusted with himself as anyone else, but he does it and will keep doing it because if no one fears him, they will destroy him. nightmare is a terrible unseelie fae, but he will never speak an untrue word or break an oath once struck. it is not in his nature. he will rule with an iron fist, but he is just as capable of selflessness as he is of cruelty.
i think dream is so concerned with the big picture he sometimes forgets little details. i think he is the type to take in strays before he has a home to keep them in. he befriends ink and ink makes him a multiverse home to keep his people safe in. dream then takes it upon himself to make sure it stays operational, despite eventually accumulating a city’s worth of people in what was originally a 4 bedroom townhouse. lucky him that ink has his back, continually expanding as needed.
i think nightmare is far more artistic and clever than folks give him credit for. i think he enjoys making things. i think he is the type of man to take great pride in building everything he has himself. his castle is made out of his own power: stone made of his own resin, hardened into amber; wood grown from his own bones; tapestries woven of textiles made from his own leaves, pets, and processed wood. his castle of black amber is constructed of his own blood, sweat, and tears, lovingly handcrafted art for him to live in. all natural. all his. (such a shame he never got around to furnishing all of it, having only enough time and drive to do the first floor with how long handweaving the carpets took; such a shame no one noticed or cared because the fear for their lives overshadowed any awe they could have had upon seeing the delicate craftsmanship of the arching ceilings and looming statues).
i think dream and night both love fresh water and sunlight. they get incredibly sleepy if its too hot or too cold. they are terrified of fire, squirrels, fungi, and insects. they dont like birds much either. they easily get jealous of other plants (comically so, to the point of sassing or threatening or passive-aggressively insulting non-sapient rose bushes or fica or succulents they come into contact with). they are scared of mistletoe (being a plant that eats other plants, kinda).
i hc that dream with faint dead on his feet if he gets too scared, and nightmare screams like a white girl in a horror movie.
i like to think that because they are trees, they have a “season” (like heat, but for trees) where they are very pro-affection. their leaves turn pink and they involuntarily cover themselves in pink pollen that drives nearby creatures’ libido into overdrive. neither brother likes this, so when their season hits they hide away so nobody notices (night because he does not want to seem weak, dream because he does not want to inconvenience anyone else).
i like to headcanon that a holdover from their human attributes means each brother can only formulate one set of sex organs. i’ll give you a hint: nightmare is trans in my hc (be gay do crime). he takes great pains to make sure nobody knows this.
i like to think that both brothers hide all of this, hide all of their tree-ness as best they can, and instead hide behind the aspects of being an angel and a tentacle abomination in order to throw off anyone who might look for weaknesses. so nobody knows what they really are.
These are all superficial HCs of course. The big thing is that i wanted their natures to be... more complicated than simply good and evil. They believe and say that they are guardians of positivity and negativity (and in a way thats true), but only in its most simplistic of forms.
Dream is the aspect of Giving: he radiates pollen and magical influence to embue those around him with his power. He can give them emotions. He eats positivity, thats what sustains him, but his power is to give. He could just as easily give his people bad feelings as good ones (not that he knows this). However, Dream only knows and cares about giving positivity. So he does. He leaves his magic and influence on the souls of anyone who will give him the oppertunity, and once the door is open, he will continually feed them his power to make them happy. He will eat/breathe that happiness, converting it to energy, perpetuating the cycle.
But unmitigated mania has its drawbacks. There is a price to be paid in the end.
Nightmare is the aspect of Taking. He takes and takes, taking the emotions and energy of others for himself. He can even take the entropy out of an injury to heal a wound. Nightmare can take positivd feelings out of others, but for some reason his body doesn’t like him doing that and makes him sick/hurt. He has a much easier time taking negativity, draining away the hurt and fear and exhaustion, leaving a calming emptiness behind. Nightmare cannot process or use everything he takes for himself, needing to expell it as a waste product. He converts negative feelings (and the wasted energy disipated through entropy) into energy, which lets him continue his taking.
You cannot fill a hole that is already filled, after all. You must empty it first.
These two aspects are neither good nor evil in and of themselves. There are good and bad things about them. But these aspects have been oversimplified and misinterpreted by those around the twins that even they themselves do not fully understand what it is that they are.
and i think a story about them coming to understand themselves would be so much more interesting than a simple story of good vs evil.
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
Quarantine Survey
Thank you to @s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r for tagging me!
🌿 Where are you isolated? (Country or city too if you like)
Los Angeles
🌿 What are you currently reading or watching?
Been slowly rewatching The Pacific and Band of Brothers
🌿 If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
They closed the place I go trail running :( so now I just drive over to San Marino cause rich people have huge sidewalks and like NOBODY is driving on the roads there lol. I really miss hiking, but that's more missing the northwest than anything. I do think it's good they're closing trails. The place I had been going to was never very crowded but I'm enough of an experienced hiker to know how crowded popular trails can get especially when people have time off work. I'm sure to get people to comply they have to close ALL trails, so the message is clear. Makes me sad though. Side note - as a runner, this is the most I have ever seen people walking their dogs EVER. Prior to this in LA where people just...dont...go...walking??? everytime I went for a run there would be like one or two people max. Now I pass like ten. I feel like the old man shaking his fist at the clouds. Get off my sidewalk!
🌿 Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
Joe Mazzello's butt apparently?
🌿 What kinds of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
I wish I knew how to gif! I write and draw and sculpt shit. Lots of writing going on right now LOL. The last time I was this intensely writing was the hayffie days, none of which actually got posted so we'll see if I do better and finish things.
🌿 A song/s that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
I have The Killer's "Everything Will Be Alright" on repeat in my head all the time at any given moment of every day if im not listening to something else.
🌿 Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
I've been eating way too much sugar. I usually avoid sugar entirely, keep my daily intake at 0 except on weekends and that includes ALL sugars I don't just mean sugary foods. But my depression is slowly getting worse and I've noticed I'm eating sugary things to compensate. It doesn't help that right now stocking up on non perishable non sugary things is really hard. :/ I can't even find my usual unsweetened chocolate almond milk online let alone in stores! And that stuff is an acquired taste (my grandma's face was priceless when she tried it thinking it was chocolate milk, I had to drink the rest of her glass for her). Yeah so my anxiety is making life fun. Haven't had any extremely big panic attacks yet but I feel like they're lying in wait...
I feel like the most boring person in the world right now, but hey. Not gonna tag anyone so feel free to jump in if you want!
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spidercrimes · 5 years
if it's not too much to write, how about All even numbers for the OC asks for either character of your choice! or both if you're feelin wild whatever works : ]
wheezes this took so long but im finally done holy shit
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Echo doesn’t have any official titles, and isn’t really planning on getting any, unless Champion of Sune counts?
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Echo has a very good relationship with her moms! To their knowledge, things were a bit tense after leaving Ivydome, but plenty of letters and visiting when they could helped with smoothing over their relationship. A good memory would be when her moms taught Echo how to bake! They can really only bake cupcakes and cookies but theyre like. Hella good ones. They dont really have any bad memories with/of their parents, since like. They will forcibly forget or repress anything that upsets them, as long as it only affected them. If the memory is something bad that affected others it will linger for however long Echo deems necessary(read: an extremely long time)
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
They were there and graduated fantasy high school what more do you want from them jkdxxjndk.  They started working at the local sweets shop after school, so no higher level of education here! They like history a bit, but that’s about it tbh!
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Yes! Echo had a pet cat back at Ivydome with her moms, and before the campaign she didn’t really have the money to keep another, so they settled for feeding and playing with the stray cats in Summervale.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Hmmm, Echo doesn’t mind children?? but there’s only so long they can be around them before she gets overwhelmed. Children like them well enough since Echo is always up for playing songs or messing around with cantrips. Echo would be the fun parent/godparent/babysitter, but. Please dont make them look after children they dont want any.
12. What is their favourite food?
Give my child spicy noodles or give him death
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Their first cake made without supervision was. A disaster to put it lightly since someone was feeling ambitious.(it turned out like rubber and after that he was too flustered n frustrated to focus so everything else turned out badly too) So they dont bother with that anymore! Cake mistakes who i dont know her sdkjjkdbs. So half the time they pass by anything with some type of airy sponge cake they cringe lololol
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
She had a rock and shiny things collection back at Summervale! They’re mostly for decoration, although some with certain textures are used for stimming. Some rocks are kept on shelves, but most are stored in cool jars to save space
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Echo is a sucker for romance novels and fun, upbeat music! Idk if video games, films, or video games exist in-universe, but if they did, they’d like dramas and baking shows, rpgs, and more character focused games like nitw
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
They love music, and they’d like musicals too! They will grab their lute and play along if their favorite song came on, and if nobody was around then maybe they’d sing too. Maybe. 
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
tbh their go-to insult is calling someone a prick or a bastard, and it’s usually for whenever someone’s done something particularly scummy. Or if someone is just. The Absolute Worst. It’s a leftover habit from when they used to live in Ivydome, but Echo usually sticks to talking shit when the target is. Very far away/not in the area.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
They try and get around six hours, to varying success, and to their knowledge they dont snore! Echo loves soft things and would prefer to sleep on a soft mattress with So Many blankets and pillows and maybe a cuddle buddy
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Fun fact echo does a tounge blep when she’s happy!! They tend to do lil happy claps and bounce up and down in place when they’re really excited, but when it’s a more calm-type of happy he purrs loudly and smiles a lot more than usual! 
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
He’s claustrophobic and is terrified of being alone again or having to leave people behind even when the situation calls for it. So like. He aint copin too well after the last session! They get very flustered and panicked and freeze when theyre scared
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Does going on champion quests and running from his problems count as exercise or???
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Crop tops with long sleeves, shorts, and boots make up most of their wardrobe and they love it. Theyd go to like the fantasy equivalent of marshalls i think? Somewhere with good deals and a lot of options. Overlarge shirts, tank top crop tops, and more shorts make up their pjs. They dont really wear makeup, mostly bc they touch their face a lot and it feels weird the whole time, but they wouldnt be opposed to wear a lil bit every now and then! Their hair is floofy and a bit of a controlled mess since they cut it themselves
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Echo is 5’9”/ 175.26 cm! Theyre on the average side i think? Like theyre not super skinny but not fat either so just. Avergae. And yeah, Echo likes their body, theyre so bright! And their horns are so cute and having a tail is very handy and claw maintenance can be a bit of a pain but like. Aesthetic am i right folks
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Hes good at playing the lute and generally being very cute and giving out good vibes, and he likes baking and playing music! They can sing, but really only do that when theyre playing their lute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Echo admires passion and creativity the most, and dont let anyone from the party know but he wishes he could be just. A bit smarter and know what to say + ask. Theyd also really like to be able to make a decent genoise sponge too like theyre not picky
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Theyre a tea drinker all the way, and arent the biggest fan of sweet things. He used to use more tart or mellow flavors when baking. They def arent alert after being tired for a while, and will space out a bit
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
No secret ambitions here, Echo is an open book(unless they roll high on deception dvdjxb)! Becoming Sune’s champion, making a decent sponge cake, and protecting his friends with his life/in any way they can are all their current goals. Echo doesn’t care too much if they get hurt, so physical well-being and maybe mental are things they wouldn't mind sacrificing, but as a whole they don’t really want to think about what they’d have to give up. He’ll burn that bridge when he gets to it. 
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
If its cold, wet, or humid echo is not a happy camper lol. They prefer summer and the beginning of fall the most, and sunny days with lots of puffy white clouds are the best! They think its fun watching the clouds shadows on the ground. They’re better in hot weather than cold, since clothes for that type of weather are easier to dress for and they dont have to account for their tail or horns as much
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
God i hope they make a good first impression im dying over here xjkxdk but honestly it depends! They try to make a good first impression and i think they usually do? But if theyve just finished with a job w the gang or theyre just. So tired they wont really introduce themselves at all.  Its pretty accurate of how they are, and their go-to greeting is “I’m Echo Barquiel, a pleasure to meet you dearie~” 
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
In theory they’d like parties but being around so many people with that much noise for an unknown amount of time would not be. Ideal so smaller get-togethers with friends would be the most enjoyable! Echo doesnt really have the uh, space to host anything so theyd just turn up to other’s parties. Theyd be in a constant state of switching between ‘holy shit im so gay’ and ‘oh my god theres so many people/internal screaming’. If they were dragged to a party, theyd mingle for a leelte bit before stepping out
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
A bedroll, waterskin, food supplies, rope, knives, a lute, matches, money- yknow regular survival stuff!
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wickymicky · 5 years
a month ago i watched every Twice video in order, some of them for the first time, because Twice was finally clicking for me and i was “getting it”. i wrote a little thing about which songs i liked and which i didnt, and i wanna expand on that cause my opinions have gotten more fleshed out over the last couple weeks of listening to them, and also some of them have changed. i just really like reviewing things, i hope that’s okay lol
so here are two or three sentence reviews of every Twice title track, in order
Like Ooh Ahh: i think this is one of their best songs, personally. it’s not as much of the bubblegum stuff they go for after this, but it’s extremely catchy lol, the “i just wanna fall in love!” and the “ha~~ ooh-ahh hage!” gets stuck in my head a lot. i just love the way this song’s instrumental sounds too, the aesthetic of it
Cheer Up: um okay so from hot to cold... this is my least favorite Twice song. i’m listening to it right now as I’m writing this, and I’ll listen all the way through, but i haven’t listened to it all the way through very often. i think the chorus feels out of place, so does the “be a man, real man” thing. i don’t like that. that ruins the song for me lol. i also don’t like the chorus much haha, it sounds like theyre saying “chore up” cause they went with 치얼업 (chi-eol/eor-eop) instead of like... even just “chireop” or “chi-eo eop”... they dont usually have ㄹ for an english r sound at the end of a word...
TT: ah okay nice we’re back on track lol, this song is fantastic and totally deserves to be their most popular song (at least in terms of music video views). when i first heard it i didnt like it cause i didnt like anything Twice lol... then when I listened to every Twice title track in order as i was beginning to “get it”, i liked everything except the “i’m like TT, ahhh, just like TT, ahhh” haha, i thought the fact that it was about the emoticon was weird and didnt fit the video, and the “ahh” was goofy haha. but now? god its so catchy lmao i always whisper-sing along to this part when i listen to this song haha. i love the echo-y reverb-y synths in the verse, and the instrumental in the chorus when paired with the vocal melody just makes it one of the best choruses in kpop lol. i think TT is their best song. the rap break doesnt feel like a rap break, it fits sooooo naturally in with the song, it’s so impressive. this song is so impressive
Knock Knock: initially i liked this song a lot, and i still do, but... this would be another group’s best song, easily, but for Twice... it’s a bit overshadowed haha. the guitar plus the synth is really cool though, its rare to hear a calming, sort of mellow, soft song with as high a BPM as this haha. one of the writers, Mayu Wakisaka, also was a composer for Loona’s Hi High and Fromis 9′s Love Bomb... and you can totally see that lol. all of those songs have high BPMs and are wildly catchy. still, idk, i like this song but i dont have a ton to say about it
Signal: this song is weird in a good way, i love really unconventional instrumentals. it sounds as alien and outer space as the music video haha. at first the “sign-eul bonae signal bonae” kinda annoyed me, but i got more used to it. i don’t listen to this song much, but i should change that, honestly. though another thing is that the music video has a lot those things where it adds sounds from the video that arent in the regular song, and has an intro i gotta skip every time lol, but like thats not a huge problem, i can just listen to the song elsewhere haha
One More Time: this song sounds like something you’d hear at a hockey game lmao. i dont even know really what i mean by that, i dont go to hockey games lol.... anyway. i like this song, but again, it’s kinda overshadowed. if i’m in the mood for the vibe this song has, there are other Twice songs that have it that i like more. it’s refreshing every once in a while though.
Likey: this song is so good!!! it didnt stand out at first, like, there’s not really a huge gimmick like some of the others... “likey likey likey” is kind of the same sort as the “just like TT” and “knock knock knock on my door” and stuff from other songs, but for some reason it feels less prominent in this song. i dont think this is their most iconic song ever, and its not genre-defining or one of the ones you’d mention first when talking about Twice, but it’s just a really solid song. one of my favorites
Heart Shaker: yeah, heart shaker is alright. it was apparently just a couple months after likey, and it feels like a similar concept? maybe it’s just the music video giving me that impression. it’s alright. the music video has the longest part with the distinctive way Twice shoots dance scenes... in that very nauseating way lol... but i don’t mind it lol i’m used to that by now
Candy Pop: so like, was this song sorta made for kids specifically? i guess i’m mostly just being influenced by the music video cause i’m watching it while writing this. i dont like the video much lmao it’s like a pokemon ripoff complete with Officer Jennies and Jin-young Brock. the song’s not bad though, it’s catchy but it’s a little too sugary sweet for me (which makes sense given the concept i guess). i like a lot of ideas in the instrumental though... because it was also written by the people who did Knock Knock, including the writer of Hi High and Love Bomb. 
What is Love: this isnt their best song ever, but it’s undeniably one of their most solid. i listen to it a lot haha. the music video has a cool concept, i like when groups do this kind of thing (interpreting scenes from movies or famous music videos or popular culture). i don’t have much to say other than that i like it a lot, it’s one of my favorites i think
Wake Me Up: okay here we go, this is another one of the three Twice singles I just don’t really like. it’s a fine song up until the chorus. i just can’t get over the shift upwards in.. uhh.. scale? octave? pitch? one of those lol, or something else, i dont really know music terms like that very well haha. yeah though i just find it offputting. 
Dance the Night Away: it’s alright. i’m pretty neutral on it. i was put off at first but i’ve gotten used to it. though still, i’m not that into it. i get that its a dance focused song and the choreography does look a lot more intense than their other choreos, and thats cool, but that doesnt make me like the music in and of itself. it’s a summer-jam type of song, and i’m not as into those anyway. there’ll never be a better kpop summer-jam than Red Flavor anyway lol
Yes or Yes: this is the other Twice that i don’t like haha. i just think the constant “you only one choice: yes or yes” thing is kind of annoying haha. also the chorus is catchy in a way that i dont think its especially exciting... it’s an earworm because i think it’s slightly annoying, not because it’s satisfying. of the songs that i’ve said i don’t like, this is the one i could see myself getting into the most. this might not always be in my “bottom three”. it is right now though
Fancy: this was the first comeback they had since i’ve been into kpop, and even though i wasnt into Twice at the time, i wanted to try it out just to see if it would change my mind, and it did somewhat.... sorta. it got the ball rolling for sure. it came out on my birthday, the same day as the Loona Fire dance cover haha, that was a good birthday. yeah this song is great, i think it’s better than any of their 2018 comebacks, personally. the concept isn’t all that different from normal Twice, it just appears that way cause the video is so lavish and elegant. it didnt convince me to be a Twice fan on that day it came out, but I liked what I thought made it different from the other Twice songs I’d heard. but now? what I like most about it is how very Twice it really is. the thing is, I wasn’t into Twice probably because the only songs i’d heard were Yes or Yes and Cheer Up, and those songs are still my least favorites lol. Fancy doesnt sound that out of place when you take into account their whole discography! i looove the video and i loooove the chorus so much, this song is great and i wonder if they’ll be able to top it if they have another comeback this year
Breakthrough: okay so in the last one i said i wonder if they’ll be able to top it this year, i meant in terms of Korean comebacks lol. cause in terms of just songs in general, if i include their new Japanese comebacks, they’ve already topped Fancy. this song is the one that finally won me over. this is the song that made me a Twice fan. now, this one is a little outside their typical concept, but they’re really really good at it nevertheless. i wonder if Twice is going a bit more in this direction? at least maybe half the time, alternating between the two styles now? cause Breakthrough continues a bit down the path that Fancy set for them. in any case, i love basically everything about this song, I’m so glad it got me to finally love their music
Happy Happy: so you know how I said that Breakthrough was a change from the bubblegum fun-fun style they’ve had and that move is what got me to finally be into Twice? well that made me think I’d like Happy Happy less haha, but actually I listen to it way more than I listen to Breakthrough, I like it more overall. this is a very Twice-style song, and that’s fine because it’s fantastic. this song genuinely makes me happy
oops didn’t i say i’d try to keep it to two or three sentences?
anyway yeah my favorite Twice songs are TT, Happy Happy, Breakthrough, Likey, and Like Ooh Ahh in that order i think
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