#i dont want antibody but you
lozislaw · 9 months
First Lines of 2024
My first writings of 2024. Thanks so much for tagging me @thegloriousninjaturtle you beautiful bastard, I've certainly been cooking, for a few fics in fact. Go read their wondrous fics full of nothing but bunny sluttery :p
I Don't Want Antibody But You (Chapter 12 in progress):
Backtrack, and it hits him:
“I know you.”
It wasn’t really the looks that did it, though they were pretty distinctive; that Kyle look. No, it was the voice; that Kyle voice. It shook him out of his stupor the first time, and the second was catching up. Kyle was looking at him like someone might look at a pet they dug up out of the ground. It was making Stan wanna vomit again.
No that’s right, it was Kyle who put him in the tub. He was standing there looking like he’d vomit himself. Well at least they could do it together.
Kyle said something, Stan couldn’t really hear it. It sounded passive-aggressive. So Kyle.
“Yeah – no, I remember you. That hair.”
“What about my name? Or has alcohol killed that part of your brain too?” Kyle asked, his voice strained.
Stan smiled, though it wasn’t funny. It was kind of sickening. In a kind of half-panicked haze, he realised this was the longest conversation they’ve had for years. The haze is thick, so it doesn’t show on his face.
“I bet you don’t ‘member mine,” Stan said, dulling the pain by tearing the thoughts to shreds. “You knew me too.”
Or at least tried to.
“I asked you first.”
So Kyle.
“You’re Kyle,” Stan smiled wobbily. Saying that felt good, like taking a secret little piece back with him to hoard. Kyle wasn’t his anymore, so he could at least have a momento.
“Why are you drunk?” Kyle asked.
“No no, it’s your turn remember,” Stan sang. That question stung, did he even have an answer? It was fun.
No it wasn’t.
It was his own little special therapy, since Randy thought real therapy was for gay pussies, and god forbid you be either.
“You’re Stan,” Kyle sighed, and let Stan see it all for one split second that he nearly missed. Kyle averted his eyes and looked around for someone in the empty bathroom, Stan lying collapsed in the tub and feeling a low thrumming headache approaching. He had wondered if Kyle remembered him. They were different people now. It's not like he hadn’t pushed for the split. It just hurt. Everything fucking hurt.
“That’s it,” Stan nodded. “Good job.”
Tagging @/anyone who wishes to show the first few words they've written for the year!! Love you all <3
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creacherkeeper · 4 months
happy pride everyone
for some reason i was sitting outside this morning and enjoying some shockingly not boiling hot weather and reflecting on a post i had made like ... 12 years ago on here that "blew up" (like 60k notes on early days tumblr) and thinking like. wow i sure do know a lot more about myself now that makes all that make sense but
the post was someone saying like. hey how can you call yourself an atheist and support gay people because gay people go against the concept of evolution. and my reply was like. actually there are gay members of like every social species weve studied it in and i had a bunch of facts laid out about all the different very gay animals of this world (like giraffes having very largely m/m sex)
but now, like 12 years later, i am thinking about human evolution and queer identity and thought it would be fun to talk about. i am by far not an expert and so if there are experts who want to correct me or talk more in depth about this Please jump in but
... why did humans evolve to be queer anyway?
very short answer: because its helpful to raising kids
longer answer: though its debated whether humans are a prosocial or eusocial species, it is agreed upon that early humans cooperatively raised young, including those that they did not personally sire or give birth to, and that we lived in multi-generation communities where younger members would help raise older members offspring, and vice versa
(note: im using the terms amab and afab for human populations potentially pre concepts of gender but work with me here, i dont want to keep repeating genitalia or genomes when those arent always a helpful 1 to 1 either. sex is a spectrum gender is made up etc support intersex rights)
we know that due to fraternal birth order effect (npr link), youre 33% more likely to be gay with each older amab sibling that you have (not 33% total, but 33% more, so like 2% to 2.6 to 3.5 etc). this is true of both amab and afab people with older amab siblings. we also know that a birthing parent having more of a specific antibody makes their children more likely to be gay (and that antibody is not exclusive to but is highly tied to giving birth to amab children)
in addition, evolutionarily speaking, its just as advantageous for your siblings children to do well than it is for yours to. its incredibly rare you would happen to have a very helpful mutation that your siblings dont have. which means that your siblings kids would be about 25% amab grandparent, 25% afab grandparent, and 50% a parent who is unrelated to you. this is exactly the same for your own children
okay, so what does that mean?
to put it simply, it means that having older siblings, specifically older siblings who are more easily able to sire more children, makes you more likely to end up in a same-sex couple, which means you are two adults with no children who are now around to help raise children you are equally invested in the success of than if they were your own
the more older youth or adults you have around to help who are not also using up a bunch of resources by being pregnant and having non-helping-age children, the better off that community's children will be. more people to hunt and gather and create resources like tools, which means everyone prospers, especially the kids
or, to frame it from the opposite view: having gay siblings means your children are more likely to survive and thrive
(kind of funny how conservatives are like gay people shouldnt be around children when the entire point of our evolutionary development was that we were great to have around if you had kids but like. alas)
so, thats the very basic core of it. but you can apply this concept to a lot of queer identities. aroace? working adult around to help who is not bringing in an unrelated partner or having kids. trans? you now either have an m/f couple who can fill two different social niches without having kids, or you have a gay couple who is able to do more varied physical tasks whether or not they do have kids. bi people may have kids or may not, or their children may be more spread out if they have partners of different sexes over time
not to mention you kind of have some built in, ready to go parents in the case that another community member dies, and there are now orphans that need raising. its a lot harder for someone whos already a parent to take on more children, as opposed to an adult couple who doesnt have any
so yeah :) were queer because we were helpful to have in communities and allowed everyone, but especially youth, to prosper and thrive
tl;dr: queer people were an evolutionary advantage to have in an early community because we were helping-age members who were able to cooperatively raise young and take on orphans without using up resources on birthing and raising our own young
yay science :o) happy pride everyone!!!
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sevenrs · 1 year
*shines the OC rant laser on you*
i can't decide who to talk about so you get (at least) one fun fact about everyone. and most will be meta
brass lining: my first ever iterator oc. they were made over a year ago. they are my most "typical" (working to solve the great problem) iterator and though i don't develop much for them, they are important because i use them as a reference point for my other iterators
flight of the crows: their antenna are really hard for me to draw. why did i design them like that? because it looks cool. they are somehow both very emotionally intellegent and also unable to figure out how to handle other peoples emotions
chains by summer: originally, i based him off prometheus but now he more resembles achillies. i wouldve added more ancient greek influence to his design and atititude but greece nor a greece-like culture exist in rain world
three star songs: personally my favorite iterator color pallette that i made (i didnt make paradox). i consider her one of my more underrated iterators because i love her so damn much but i feel others are more interested in summer or paradox. NOTHING wrong with that by the way
paradox of creation: their lore was originally concieved because i am autistic about the immune system. now one of the greatest explorations of iterator anatomy and physiology ive done
salt wind blows: stole his name off of a username i saw somewhere. i dont really talk about her much but she's a secret favorite of mine
garden of bones: unrevealed because i want ita designer to post them first but their name comes from a song i thought was a sick iterator name for months
all the immunerators: each of them have at least one dot on their face, inspired by cell nucleus :)
equinox of winter: when i made them, i wanted to try drawing iterators different from what i usually do and in canon. very much will draw more bulky iterator ocs in the future!
call of the blade: she has three dots because she is based on a neutrophil. neutrophils have a three-lobed nucleus!
a perfect tragedy: it never moved in its can because the puppet is literally attached to the walls. its other structuremates cannot understand how it doesnt want to fidget
rising memory: vaguely inspired by the same origin as my sona! archivist from inscryption. help
bead from the branch: bead's body markings are based on a simplified drawing of antibodies, which b cells produce
blue lotus: already explained the origins but more flowers grow as it gets colder
arsonist: my first ever slugcat oc. her markingd were inspired by a black kite! if you know, you know
scholar: also vague inspiration from archivist inscryption... they have seen many iterators in their day and will keep meeting them too!
livewire: a vulture even smaller then a slugcat. three star songs made it after figuring out ghost was a bad messanger
the yoinky sploinky: two headed lizard i never did anything with and still has its placeholder name. based on the fact that reptiles are more often hatched with two heads then anything else
neuron slugpups: my friend blip was taking inspiration for designs to make. i said neuron flies. i later took home neuron pups for paradox
mixtape: bright blue coop pup i found. themed around an inspector
heart: an artificer sona :)
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thiefbird · 6 months
tagged by @oleolesimeeligen but making a new post to save everyone's dash from a post challenging "do you love the colour of the sky" for length! Thanks for the tag <3
❤︎ are you named after anyone?
no, i was named after the poem Afton Water by Robert Burns! So indirectly i was named after a Scottish river? Anyway heres the poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43799/afton-water
❤︎ when was the last time you cried?
couple months ago when i reread the first temeraire book and levitas died. my poor baby deserved so much better than rankin
❤︎ do you have kids?
jesus fucking christ on a cracker no
❤︎ do you play/have you played any sports?
i did fencing in elementary/middle school, and i both competed in and taught archery through high school! currently i am a sedentary rock but if i continue being in less pain+fatigue i may think about joining a roller derby league, bc clearly im not obviously queer enough
❤︎ do you like sarcasm?
yes. im not always good at it when other people do it but i do enjoy it
❤︎ what do you notice about people when you meet them?
hair colour and how their voice sounds. im moderately faceblind and have difficulties with audio processing, so i cant tell their facial features well and i dont understand WHAT they're saying, but i will recognise voices and hair immediately
❤︎ what’s your eye color?
blue-grey but if i wear purple my eyes look purple which is funky
❤︎ scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies i love to terrify myself
❤︎ any talents?
eh? i can write okay i can sew okay i can crochet+knit tolerably well and i can play guitar well enough
❤︎ where were you born?
austin tx. you can probably doxx me with just the info in this one post idgaf
❤︎ what are your hobbies?
knitting writing drawing crochet cosplay and historical recreation
❤︎ any pets?
my beloved cat. she has next to no teeth bc her body keeps making anti-tooth antibodies and then i have to pay 500 buckaroonies to have them removed but it is worth it because she is the cat of the world
❤︎ how tall are you?
5'5" short king
❤︎ what are your favorite school subjects?
no longer in school but the 3 months i went to high school were at an absurdly tiny charter school. it was so small they couldnt support a concert/marching band or an orchestra so the two music classes offered were classical guitar and "rock band" which was essentially a free and in-school version of the School Of Rock summer camps. we learned like fifteen songs and how to set up and do live mixes and at the end of the semester we did three shows (one for the middle schoolers during school hours, one for the high schoolers during school hours, and one after school) and i blew out a microphone and gave a whole horde of middle school kids a sexuality crisis by being Visibly Queer and also cool af
❤︎ what’s your dream job?
either the person who picks out fabrics for period piece films, or captain of a reproduction napoleonic war era frigate. i d charge billionaires absurd amounts of money to serve as ratings on my frigate. they have to sign waivers saying im allowed to have them flogged and also the frigate is not responsible if they die. i am actively seeking investors for my Billionaire Torment Ship
tagging @sapphirablue @gabrielnovakgoestomyschool @everythingmustmoveon @sesamie @glowing-blue-feathermage and also YOU if you want to do it <3
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ithisatanytime · 5 months
a study just came out of japan showing covid vaccines have definitely caused cancer in japan, and also the mechanism of action for how they cause cancer. i want to explain something briefly, my warning people against taking the vaccine because they will get cancer, was not a kneejerk reaction to something bad, i didnt go "oh god these new vaccines arent good i bet they cause cancer" i learned how MRNA "vaccines" are proposed to work and thought to myself immediately "oh shit thats how you give people cancer" because MRNA vaccines dont work like typical vaccines where its primarily just an injection of the virus you are vaccinated against (or a closely related virus) which is all blended up essentially, rendering it harmless while giving our antibodies time to familiarize themselves with the viruses chemical signature on its shell (capsid) so that if a live version of this virus should invade in the near future they will recognize him right away, in a sense classic vaccines work like giving the doorman of your club a sheet of paper with the pictures of "problem customers" on it so they can recognize them at the door. MRNA vaccines work completely differently, they directly alter the way your RNA replicates, and RNA replication errors are basically how cancer happens in the first place. the warning signs were blaring from the beginning and the pharmaceutical companies own internal leaked documents mentioned numerous cancers as potential side effects, this japanese study just confirms it.
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SPACE FEVER- Chapter 6- Road to recovery- Pt 2
Here is Chapter 6 of my TBAG Fanfic with my TBAG OC Karoline “KAROL” Grayson.
I was re-reading it the other day and realised I never really finished it, so I have been spending the last few days working on it.
Here are the other previous chapters if you want to catch up with the storyline- I will mention ch 1-5 I wrote when I was about 18-19 years of age so it been 4 and a half years since I wrote anything on this..
Here is Chapter 6 and Part 2 of "Road to recovery'
Making her way down the busy hallways of the GDF hospital, Kayo had made it to Karol's isolation room in the ICU unit. Knocking on the door, she was welcomed in by Mrs. Grayson…
‘Come in Kayo dear, just leave your helmet on though, we’ll have yours and Alan’s suits sanitized on the way out’
‘Ok, Thankyou, Mrs. Grayson’.
The two walk and talk as they make their way over to Karol in her ice bath behind the shear curtains
‘I have some great news by the way. Captain Hurst and Brains are working alongside the scientific medical team right now to make an antibody with the bacteria samples right now”
“That is great news dear, Karol will be glad to hear this”.
“I know she will “, Kayo says smiling.
Pushing back the curtains, Kayo enters Karol’s  room - Karol looked up smiling, Alan was still sitting beside her ice bath by her side.
“Hey Karol, I see you’re still staying strong and fighting as always’
“Hell yeah, I’m not going out without a fight and you know it.  It’s great to see you again Kayo”, she says, gritting her teeth from the pain of her fever.
Kayo came and sat on the other side of her..
“I’ve got great news for you, you know that deadly bacterial fever you’ve got ?
“Wait what? That bacteria was deadly? Now I just feel stupid  for not getting medical attention sooner. 
“Hey, it’s all good now Karol. The good news is that Alan and I have got more of that bacteria, Captain Hurst and Brains are working on the antibody right now”.
Karol paused for a minute, calming herself down…
“I’m sorry for all the drama guys, again this is my fault. And , yes, that is fantastic news”.
Kayo hugged her, reassuring her that she needed to stop blaming herself for making herself unwell. Karol, shedding a tear of gratitude as she hugged her back. After a while to keep her mind off of the pain and suffering , Kayo started talking about some of her recent missions- keeping her mind off the pain, though it was hard at times to hold the groan of pain back.  Four days had passed, throughout these days Karol could be heard from the other end of the GDF hospital screaming out in pain. Her aunt did her best to ease her pain as they waited for the antibody to be completed.
 On the ninth day,down in the medical laboratory, around five in the morning Captain Hurst with the help of Brains and the hospital's scientific medical team, had finally perfected the antibody after doing a small test on an infected rat. Captain Hurst notified Dr.Hossen and immediately approved that she go get that antibody into Miss Grayson ASAP. grabbing the antibody and other necessary equipment, Captain Hurst and Brains made their way up to her ICU room. Up in Karol’s room where she barely slept due to the horrific pain, Mrs.Grayson got off the phone to Brain, Who told her the great news..
Already awake and sitting up in bed, Karol caught a glimpse of her aunt, she smiled when her aunt came into her room. Mrs. Grayson came and sat next to her and spoke softly..
“Good news Karoline dear?”
“What is it Aunty?”
“Well Captain Hurst and Brain have the antibody ready and they’// be here any minute to give it to you”.
“Really? That’s great aunty!” 
And with that there was a knock at the door..
“Knock, Knock”, I have come to rescue the rescuer who saved my team and I”, Captain Hurst said with a sincere smile on her face
“It’s wonderful to see you again Captain Hurst, You too Brains. I’m truly grateful for this”
“Now, now Grayson there's no need for those tears, lets sit you up and get this antibody into that body of yours”
Karol’s aunt quickly sterilized Karol’s arm, then inserting a drip into her skin, with the gage closed. Captain Hurst passed her the tube connected to the IV bag containing the antibody- that Brain had just hung up to the monitor pole. With the tube and everything secured correctly, her aunt opened the gage and the antibody made its way through the veins in her pale body.
“There you go Miss Grayson, in a few days time you’ll start to feel like yourself again. But for now have something to eat, drink and let yourself relax”
“Thankyou Captain Hurst, I am very thankful for all your help.”
“No worries dear’
“Oh yes and by the way Karol, y-your temperature should drop a little o-over the next twenty-four hours too”
“That’s awesome, Thanks Brains”, Karol said sincerely  smiling.
Leaving her to have breakfast, Brains left the GDF hospital and Captain Hurst of course gave him a ride back and dropped him off on the helipad. Making his way down to the living room, Brains was greeted by Grandma Tracy, he told her how Karol was going, she was glad to hear she was on the road to recovery. Walking into the living room, he was welcomed by Gordan and Alan, the others were out on a rescue mission. 
“Hey Brains, how did the antibody go?”
“How is Karol Brains, is she doing well, is she alright?’
“I-it’s alright Alan, c-calm down, K-Karol is doing well. C-captain Hurst and I finished perfecting the a-antibody and K-Karol is on her first dose now, she should start to feel like herself a-again soon”.
“That’s fantastic news, see I told she’d be fine Alan, you worry too much”
“I’m only worried because she’s m..my.,  doesn’t matter. Just glad she’s alright”
Back at the hospital Captain Hurst had left the other unopened bags of antibodies in the refrigerated medical bay of Karol’s room, so when she went through one bag a day, they had another until it was all gone. Twenty-four hours later, the antibodies had brought her temp down from 42.7 to 38.1 degrees, her body was still a little hot but not like before. And she started to gain an appetite again, which was a good sign. With every dose of antibody she took over the last week and a half, Karol began to feel better and stronger, after five days her temperature had gone back to a normal 37 degrees, she wasn’t hot to the touch or in severe pain. And her skin had gone back to a normal warm complexion. It wasn’t long before she had the ability to get up and slowly walk around- she needed to take it slowly before she could train again.
Of course as she was getting better, Karol was no longer contagious , so they moved her to a normal room, but made sure to sanitize her and the ICU unit first. After being told she was contagious free, Her aunty decided to surprise Karol- she went down to the nurses station and made a call to Sally and the boys down on Tracy Island.
Back on Tracy Island, Sally answered the call…
“How are you Rosalind?
“Well Sally,I’m doing well and I wanted to talk to you about something. So Karoline is now contagious-free and I thought it would be nice if the boys came and surprised her”
“That’s a great idea, I’ll let the boys know and we’ll be over shortly. See you then”
“Very well, see you soon Sally”.
Hanging up after saying their goodbyes, Sally waited for the boys to return to let them know what was going on. An hour or so later, the boys had returned from their early morning rescue mission. Sally smiled when the boys walked into the living room..
“Alright boys, I gotta call from Mrs.Grayson this morning and I have some good news”
“Is Karol all better?”
“Well she’s still gotta stay there until she’s finished all that antibiotics, but she’s not contagious anymore, she has been cleared of the bacterial fever”
“That’s fantastic news, grandma. Can we go and see her?” Alan asked, his face glowing a little.
“Of course, that’s why Mrs.Grayson called me, asking if you boys would come and surprise her”
“That’s a great idea”.
“Alright then, come on boys lets go , we can stop along the way if you wanna get something for her’.
And with that Mrs. Tracy and her grandsons made their way down to the GDF hospital.
Walking into reception, Mrs. Tracy and  the boys were greeted by Mrs. Grayson, who quietly led them down to Karol’s new room. Down in her room, Karol with one of the nurse assistance was building strength in her legs again by holding onto the IV drip stand and just walking around the room. She’d been doing these exercises for a few days now, but at times her legs were still a little wobbly- but she didn’t let that stop her. Mrs. Grayson and the others had arrived at the door of Karol’s new room, she told Sally and the boys to wait out here whilst she went in.
“Knock, knock”
“Come in”
“Hello Karoline dear, how are you doing?”
“Hey Aunty, I’m alright, just walking around. It’s nice to be walking about a little again”.
“That’s great Karoline, I'm glad to see those leg exercises are working. I have a surprise for you dear”
Karol cheekily raised a questioning  eyebrow…
“A surprise huh? -she had a feeling of what the surprise was.
“Alright Miss Grayson, I’ll leave you and Nurse Grayson alone now. You keep up those exercises now dear.”
“Will do. See you round Mrs. Darcy.
As Nurse Darcy left the room, Mrs. Tracy and her grandsons stood away from the entrance so they didn’t give away the surprise. Then closing the door over a little and opening it again Karol was warmly greeted by Mrs.Tracy and the boys..
Karol smiled sincerely, it was great to see the guys again and of course Mrs. Tracy.
“I thought it be nice to cheer you up by having all your friends here to you how you’re doing”
“He, he Thanks Aunty Ros” She smiled , then of course made her way over to the guys.
“I’m so glad to see you guys again”
“Glad you doing well young lady, you’re certainly a fighter” Mrs. Tracy said sincerely, hugging her dearly.
“I’m Glad my body kept fighting too,” Karol replied, hugging her back.
“It’s nice to see you back on your feet again Karol”
“It certainly is nice to be up again and I think I’ll stay away from deadly space bacteria for a while” she said, hugging Scott.
“We got these to help brighten the place place up for you as well”
“ I Chose them out for you”
Thankyou, Virgil and you too Gordan, They’re lovely “
Then stepping forward from behind his brothers, Alan stood there- his face glowing a little rosy and holding the small bear in his hands.
Karol smiled, her face glowing a little too…
“H.Hi Alan, I’m glad to see you’ve come along”
Making her way over to him, her leg went a little wobbly and she lost her grip and fell forward. Alan threw the bear down and quickly caught her before she hit the ground.
“Are you alright Karol? Here let me help you over to the chair”
She looked into his beautiful blue eyes, a little flustered..
“O..Oh, I’m alright, I still have to build that strength up in my legs”
“I’m glad you’re better, it was awful seeing you in all that pain”
The two just stood there for a moment looking  into each other's eyes smiling..
His brothers slightly snickering and laughing a little behind him. Snapping out of their little daze, Alan helped Karol over to the big comfy chair. After he set her down in the chair, he quickly remembered the “small” gift he grabbed for her. After picking it up off the ground, Scott passed it to his little brother..
“Thanks, Scott”
“No problem Alan”
Walking back over and sitting on the chair next to her, Alan passed her the large bear, it was golden caramel and wearing a thunderbird space suit. Seeing it made her think about all those missions she went on, but also how many people she helped as well.
“I..I thought it be a nice gift to remind you about all those missions we’ve been on a..and the new ones we’ll go on when your all better”
It was silent for only a moment, then she looked up, her eyes welled up with small happy tears, then she turned to him, pulling his face close to hers and she kissed his forehead in gratitude. 
His face as red as Thunderbird three, he smiled, then mumbled..
“Y..you’re welcome”
The others laughed a little in the background and of course they got a photo of it. Karol just smiled, she missed all this fun and enjoyment. Breaking away from the banter over their moment, she smiled,cradling the bear under her free arm and asked..
“So how have things been going lately? Any good missions?”
They grabbed a few chairs, sat down and spent quite a bit of time talking about everything, some telling their own versions of the story. She didn’t mind that they all had something different to talk about, even John, though still up on Thunderbird five, called to see how she was going. Time had flown by and it was already quarter to eight- they had spent their entire day with her- well most of them did as they had a few rescue calls from their father. All who happened to be left was Alan and Mrs.Tracy. Mr.s Tracy left Alan to have some time alone with Karol, so she went over to the nurses station to catch up With Rosalind.
Karol and Alan were walking around the hospital, her one hand holding onto the IV drip and the other in Alan’s. They made their way to the small garden terrace where they leant up against the railing staring up at the sky.
“Looks like you got some strength back into those leg muscles of yours”
“I guess I have, all that exercise I’ve been doing has paid off”
“It’s not the same going on  rescue missions without Karol, but I’m just glad to see you well again.  Seeing you with that fever  was scary, I didn’t think you were gonna make it” (Alan says in a sad tone)
Karol could see he was hurt, placing her hand on top of his she sighed..
“I’m sorry for putting all that stress on you Alan.  I had everyone all worried and I still can’t forgive myself for that. This was all my fault and I won’t let this happen to myself again”
She leant her head up against his shoulder, in response he hugged her dear as the two looked up at the stars. With their know abouts Mrs. Tracy and Mrs.Grayson standing in the doorway watching the two having a moment together. As Karol lifted her head up and turned around she caught a glimpse of her aunt and Mrs, Tracy- she gently nudged Alan and gave him the ‘look behind you look”. He turned around to see his grandma and Mrs. Grayson..
“H..Hey Grandma, Mrs.Grayson”
“Come on now Alan, it’s getting late, we better get back home and let Karol get some rest”
“AW, alright then. I’m sorry Karol..”
“Hey don’t be sorry, I still see you around  and hey I be back on Tracy island in two weeks time “
“Yeah, you’re right, I promise to visit you again soon”
Just as he went to kiss her goodbye, Mrs. Tracy grabbed his hand and started walking him towards the exit.
“Aw, come on grandma, I just wanted to say goodbye.”
“You’ve already done that, come on young man”
“Bye Alan” she giggled,watching as Mrs.Tracy just about dragged him out of the hospital.
Karol’s aunt helped back to her room, she had some dinner, then her aunt helped her into bed. 
“Did you have a lovely day Karoline? Seems like the boys went all out for you”
“It was great Aunty Ros, I did have a great day. I’m glad you invited them over, Thanks”
“You’re welcome dear. It seems Alan cares about you very much”
“Goodnight, Aunty Ros,” Karol replied, shaking her jokingly. She laid down in her bed, with the gorgeous bear Alan gave her by her side, only a few weeks left until she would be out of hospital.
"Karoline Grayson and Rosalind Grayson (Her Aunt) Belong to me!!"
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rayvenreayes · 3 years
Yelling at my TV bc of how incorrect greys anatomy gets transfusion medicine😅 they really need lab person as a consultant on the show please
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mochapanda · 3 years
my aunt is literally fucking insane.
#so like. i went to get my covid vaccine today#and she was arguing with me and screaming the whole way there about something really fucking stupid.#and like after we got the vaccine the lady was like 'you have to go sit over there just so we can make sure youre okay after'#like so no one like. collaspes and dies immediately i guess??#so i was like i dont wanna sit id rather stand ive been sitting all day#and my moms like OH YOU WANNA LEAVE? like . no. there are rules here. we cant just go.#so we're just there talking and im like i guess they only have us do this as like a precaution so no one falls over or smth while driving??#like you know. just wondering out loud#and my mom and aunt are like OH WELL UR NOT DRIVING LETS GO#LIKE. NO? THATS NOT THE RULES HERE LIKE THIS IS A STATE THING WITH RULES I DONT WORK HERE IM JUST WONDERING????#and then im like uh what time is it like ugh i dont wanna be here or whatever i was THINKING OUT LOUD.#and dumbasses over here are like WELL UR AN ADULT NOW YOU MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS LETS GO#LIKE?? ARE YOU PPL CHILDREN??? DID THE PERSON /WHO WORKS HERE/ NOT JUST SAY TO WAIT A FEW MINUTES????#so im just like what the hell are you idiots doing walking out the door???? and theyre like arguing with me#like YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO LEAVE LIKE NO????? JESUS CHRIST#so at this point im just like oh theyre fucking with me and being assholes#and im like ok well when we get home im gonna say i dont want to the dishes.#and my moms like well now ur just being smart -_- BITCH YOU DID IT FIRST????#and then when we get in the car my aunts just being a fucking chatterbox i doubt she even knew the words coming out of her mouth#talking abt the vaccine being like oh so papa doesnt have to get it right since he had covid and he has the antibodies?#so then. my mother has to exolain for about 20 minutes. that yes he does need to get the vaccine.#and then theres this back and forth bullshit bc my aunt is the dumbest motherfucker alive#and shes like this vaccine doesnt have anything to do with covid! and im like. uh.#so i say like 'vaccines have the dead or almost dying virus in them tho thats how vaccines work???'#and she interrupts here SCREAMING. 'NO IT DOESNT HAVE THE LIVE VACCINE' she repeats the phrase live vaccine a lot.#im guessing she mixed up vaccine and virus and it confused me a lot at the time but you know shes stupid.#so she starts yelling more and me and my mom are like OKAY. CALM DOWN#and i looked it up ig the specific covid vaccine had a man made thing instead but anyway#so she talks about the flu vaccine and shes like THEY HAVE THE DEAD OR ALMOST DYING VACCINE (virus) IN THEM#and im like yeah??? thats the exact thing that i said???
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dasomlimie · 3 years
mayhaps could you write some sanzu and rindou bf headcanons pls ur mitsuya one was so cute
character ; aged up!Sanzu Haruchiyo
a/n ; i only write one character for bf hc sorry ! in this hc Sanzu would be a normal person who leave his delinquent era, if we're talking about bonten!sanzu as your bf man i don't think it would be a healthy relationship 💀
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sanzu as your boyfriend he would be that i hate everyone except you bf (?) or that soft bf you would die to protect him no in between OHHH OR THAT BF WHO IS VERY ELEGANT AND CALM BUT ACTUALLY A DORK
from how i see him, in the manga, ofc he's very loyal *cough*
in the beginning of your relationship, he would actually treat you like sort of royalty
and is not much a talker he love to listen more than talking so most of the times he would listen to your little rant with his closed eye smile
when he loosen up he would be a noisy boyfriend but in a good way like he open up to you telling you how was his day with Toman, how he dislike someone or something its actually very cute when he talk about something he dislike with that little frown and more can you imagine it? cuz i can
anyways you know how he always wear mask right? in the beginning of your relationship he would refuse to reveal his whole face you rarely see him without mask and sometimes he overthink what if one day you saw his scars and leave him
but when then when you accidentally walk into his room while he was not wearing mask he start panicking while you just stare then walk toward him cupping his face ignore all of his empty threat toward you
"woah is this how you look like without mask?" you said stare at him while he shut his eyes then feel you place a kiss on each of his scars, then he open his eyes, he noticed no sign of disgust nor any other negative emotion other than adoration he start to relax a smile appear on his face
"you're not disgusted?" he ask you frown heart a little hurt from his words "why would i be? you look absolutely stunning and beautiful and handsome with this scars damn you're even hotter with this scars" you gushes he giggle before shutting you up with his palm
HE HAVE THE PRETTIEST GIGGLE AND LAUGH EVER so its your goal to make him laugh :( because he rarely laugh even if you joke about something ( he only give you his closed eyes smile )
he's also very insecure of his scars so when you start praising and gushing how pretty his scars is he blush or have a smile on his face then shut you up when the compliment start to overwhelm him
he also let you braid his hair yk his hair is long right? he also didnt mind walking around with whatever hairstyle you made even with little butterfly clip and shinny clip he did not care if anyone dare to say anything he would beat them up yay!
date with him would either be a regular date or home date with both of you watching movie ( dont even ask this i feel like he prefer being indoor more than outdoor )
OHHHHH he let you dress him up in any type of clothes cuz Sanzu said "its just a clothes they doesn't have gender" yes Sanzu say it louder so the one at the back can hear you
anyways~~ he would also let you paint his nail only if you wear matching colour as him ( he didnt mind you paint his nail he just want to match with you tbh )
he's also the type that get you a matching bracelet and he would never take it off ever
he'll get sad when he saw you not wearing the bracelet but will never tell you he try to ignore it but end up asking you why you didn't wear it when you were cuddling
he's also very possessive, not in unhealthy way but in unhealthy way, he would always to tell anyone you're his and he's yours, either kissing you in public or have his hands around your waist or shoulder
he's just afraid you would leave him :( please reassure him you're not
anyways he's also be that type of boyfriend who get jealous easily but will never admit it but you'll always knew from how petty he is
"Haru are you jealous?"
"pfft no why in the hell i would be jealous?"
"then will you help me with this?"
"ask (random name) to help you"
"wait no!-"
ok lets say the division captain, vice division captain, the president and vice president of Toman was very close with each other and have a scheduled hang out twice a month and they were allowed to bring their s/o
then when one of them *cough* Mucho ideas *cough* try to make him jealous just for fun and start taking your attention from him
then him noticed what they were doing and start bring you close to him glaring at them "she's mine dumbass find you own s/o" yk like that one horimiya scene this as preference how he and maybe Mikey or Baji or even Emma 'fight' over you
he love tickle fight!!! because he love to hear your laugh no matter how ugly you think your laugh is he would still think its beautiful
when cuddling he prefer being a small spoon but he didn't mind being a big spoon if you wanted him too but most of the time he want to be a small spoon because he love the feeling of feeling safe
what else let me think
oh he would be that type of boyfriend who bluntly turn anyone down or just ignore them if they tried to flirt with him then when he saw you he would have this adorable smile and jog toward you talking about how someone was annoying him *cough* that person who flirt with him *cough*
he would also be that type of boyfriend that need to touch you all the time when he's start to getting comfortable with you
his love languages are physical touch and act of service
he would be that yk type of boyfriend who literally drag you away from anywhere when he find put you overwork yourself like training or whatever you did because he doesn't want his precious s/o to get sick
speaking of getting sick he suprisingly have a low antibody (?) and always get sick especially during winter so he love it when you come over and take care of him
when holding hands he love to intertwine your hands together or holding one of your finger—like yk how babies hold your finger yeah that one idk how to explain— or both of you would link your pinkies together <33 so cute
love to have you on his lap while his head resting on your shoulder and both of his arm wrapped around your waist or shoulder he didn't mind your size
i think he's secretly a sweet tooth but will never admit it—i just got the vibe from his hair colour—he love it when you bring sweet for him
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!%! © HNEULWH— i did not allow my work to be used or adapted in any form without my permission !#//
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aalt-ctrl-del · 3 years
yknow the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolute proof that Russia released the virus.
It’s a pretty heavy accusation, but it’s one that the government has explored to some depth. However, dealing with Russia is a tad precarious, and even if our government had definitive proof that Russia released a bioweapon, what are we gonna do? Start a war? Demand justice? Make Putin say he’s sorry? Shun the Russia country?
But maga people are so brainwashed by this mantra that the covid is “kung-flu” or whatever uncreative drool secretion accumulates in the corner of their jowl. magas tend to overlook that Russia has been super fucking quiet for all this time. Russias sort of like, “Hello comrade nations. The virus is very pandemic, is it?” You don’t hear a lot from Russia about their handling of the pandemic, treatments or anything. They’re just over there, being very quiet, not drawing attention to themselves....
and now they wanna sort of invade their neighbors.
It wasn’t a big fucking coverup that bad shit was going on in china. Back in september 2019, we started hearing about it. Back in november 2019, I went out and stockpiled R-95 masks, because supplies were being shipped to china to help their shortages in supplies, due to the virus that was out of control. We had experience with a SARS disease of this nature, and then our country devised a pandemic response team thus we would not let an outbreak or this magnitude, a epidemic of this nature, get far out of hand.
And then we have Russias bitch dog trump, disband the whole thing a few months before SARS took hold of China.
This sounds kind heckin like sabotage to me. I dunno, when you neuter a dog, its not gonna have many puppies. Thats good and fine if you dont want puppies, but that dog was a rare and endangered breed, and the genetics were such good stock.
The point is, Russia has and always has done weird bullshit experiments. And the original SARS infection, if you read about that history, you’ll learn that this particular strain of the virus ‘disappeared’. Which means either the people who contracted it did not do well and fucking died, or alternatively, those who contracted the original SARS virus, were able to build viable antibodies, and when the virus was posed with no alternative reservoir - such as animals - it ate itself into redundancy. Or, through convergent evolution, the original SARS became a benign virus which was no different to an rhino infection, thus it lives on, but cannot become anything more dangerous.
The point is, we don’t know where the original SARS virus went.
Covid 19 on the other hand, is a prime example of a viral pathogen which has been given the opportunity and freedom to grow. And its capacity to jump species is VERY CONCERNING, and a particular note to keep an eye on.
So countries are in disarray from dealing with the spread of this virus. And the US has become a very dangerous state, because we do breed fresh variants. It isn’t a shock that Russia has chosen this time to movie on Ukraine, there is a strategic advantage to elect this year of the pandemic, and upon the movement of the Omicron variant - which they still say is concerning, but not as destructive as delta or the original 19 strain.
But this is sort of the anniversary of the pandemics landfall in the US. Isn’t it, give or take?
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lozislaw · 2 years
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I couldn't agree more.
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carcinized · 2 years
I am Listening though i should be asleep and if i dont read now i will later. i want to hear abput he immune system and the 2 thing :D
DHJFFJ OKAY!! okay so the immune system has T and B cells, which you’ve probably heard of the T cells!! so both types of cells have to be”trained” to work correctly (basically they get tested to see if they have working sensors that can recognize antigens which are just protein pieces that come from cell material basically). then they get presented with specific proteins marked as ‘SELF’ and if they connect to those they’re killed (so they don’t run rampant inside you killing you). and they’re super powerful things, like for T cells there’s two types of them, helper and killer T cells.
helper T cells basically activate more defenses in your immune system that are more powerful than just like inflammation, makes your adaptive immune system kick in instead of jus the innate immune system!! so they’re pretty important
helper T cells need to be safely activated!! so first there will be something called a dendritic cell which goes around and has two jobs. a) it basically finds invaders and tears them limb from limb, smothers them all over themselves, and puts them into molecules called Major Histocompatability Complex (MCH) Class II molecules and presents them to Helper T cells. eventually (hopefully), a T cell with the correct sensors will respond to the antigen. this and a quick chemical confirmation from the dendritic cell will activate the helper T cell!!!
it’s very similar with B cells, which are the source of your antibodies!!! they live in your lymph nodes and constantly take in antigens. when a B cell recognizes an antigen, in the same way a T cell would but without the necessary MHC Class II molecule, it begins producing antibodies. these antibodies are helpful but not enough.
so the B cell makes it’s own MHC class II molecules and presents them to T cells within the body. eventually, a match is found, and the B cell is activated for REAL, kicking in your GOOD antibodies. a B cell will double in size and transform to a plasma cell which releases 2,000 antibodies a second and also copies itself to make even more!! it also begins a purposeful set of mutation, looking for the PERFECT antibody by trying millions of combinations of molecules. these antibodies do their job pretty well but only after the two factor T and B cell agreement on the enemy and what it is!!!!! pretty cool :D
(also there’s killer T cells (yes that’s their real name) basically go around and look inside of cells to see if they’re infected!! if they find that they are, they order the cells to safely kill themselves without like tearing into them etc (this way they don’t burst and spread more viruses from their insides to the rest of the body).
they look into the cells by a process each cell does regularly and refreshes at least daily: presenting a snapshot of their insides and what proteins are being created inside of them using MHC class I molecules (class I, not II—these are slightly different than the ones mentioned earlier!). if the proteins are recognized as “other,” the cell is ordered to cleanly kill itself.
some viruses actually have a defense that destroys MHC class I molecules, however, so killer T cells cannot get them, but your immune system has a response for this too: natural killer cells. basically, if a cell suspiciously shows lots of signs of stress (which come from being taken over by a virus, cancer, etc) or suspiciously does not display an MHC class I molecule, it is also ordered to kill itself)
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fuck-customers · 4 years
🅱️ublix worker in florida. Woman came in buying a shitton of groceries, no mask of course so im already staying as far from her as i can in my little cashier cubicle. Tells me and my bagger that she just got back from NY! And that she caught covid in NY! Saying that at least shes got the antibodies now so she doesnt need a mask, not that she ever wore one in the first place! Ma’am you clearly dont understand how this shit works and its obvious you dont care to bc one quick google search will tell you otherwise and i want you to know that i personally hate you. We’re having an outbreak at my store bc of people like this. I work 5-7 days a week on top of school; i am physically and mentally exhausted. Im terrified of catching it and being hospitalized. Im terrified of the hospital bills. I cannot AFFORD to be forced to take 2 weeks off bc some asshole decided that an hour of their ~personal comfort~ was more important than someone elses literal health
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disclaimer that i tried to google and found nothing so im not trying to use you as a human google or anything but what happened w rian from atl?? (also if you dont feel comfortable w talking about it on here i understand! i can dm if you want im just curious)
Hello hey! No idm at all lol :) You probably wouldn't find anything on google because this is actually something that happened to me personally. I described everything that happened on atldiscourse actually! It was october/november last year, this is me describing what happened and these are screenshots for proof.
Essentially, Rian really took offense to me commenting on his post about how him and his at-the-time gf (who by the way said it was ok that she was hanging out in large groups because her sister was a covid nurse, so she, by extension, had covid antibodies) were constantly going out, especially to restaurants, was irresponsible. I replied, he ghosted me, and deleted my comment. A few days later, maybe up to 2 weeks later, he released a video explaining how he was pretty much only going hiking, as being in open air was the safest way to spend time outside (BULL-FUCKIN-SHIT, that summer he n Alex and seven or so of their friends had gone on a road trip across the states), because so many people had called him out on his irresponsible behaviour. Also? Alex replied to someone saying that he was responsible because he got covid tested every week. (Why would you need to be so active in a pandemic that you need to get tested EVERY WEEK? Fuckin' beats me.)
LA boys, right?
I unfollowed all of ATL after that. Their actions in the pandemic were honestly just.. really weird and kinda gross and I couldn't in good conscience keep supporting them when they'd shown how irresponsible they were during a global health crisis because they couldn't NOT eat out for a few months.
Also, over on (the currently inactive) altpack, we stopped posting ATL related edits, not entirely due to this incident, but quite largely because of it.
DISCLAIMER; I’m not a morality judge, a fair amount of my mutuals still like and post about ATL which is totally in their right. I don’t care, I just really don’t like them as people that much anymore (except for Zack, who just cleans the oceans and works out really).
Also WUS was not a good album so idrc lmao
Anyway below the read more is my friends showing me support for bullying rian atl lol
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the insect ghost world spider torture chamber
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always weird 2 me that the big take-away ppl get from utena is something about gay love when that always felt like a more tertiary point 2 me; varies from person 2 person ofc but for me #1: leaving your coffin #2: anthy is a fucking lying backstabbing slave-brain mk ultra like me
💬2 🔁  🤍14 🔼  📶 
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disgusting insects make the coffins that look just like webs & the school is the torture chamber that the ghost world takes place in & each ghost floats thru the halls but they are all completely separated & in coffins; it is just insects trapping you in a web to torture you 4ver
💬2 🔁  🤍9 🔼  📶 
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disgusting insects made everything & take everything & trap everything & sold themselves to yellow -- the giant mass; their individuality is a lie; it gets sold to them so they can ignore the hell deeds they do to the spiders; constructing web-coffins cooing "im just like you,,," 💬1 🔁  🤍7 🔼  📶 
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df insects will never approach just love/torture @ a distance because they dare not sacrifice one of their infinite identical insect bodies to build a bridge to cross the web to reach the spider to touch it; to kiss it or to k`ll it; they just sit @ the branches and coo stupidly 💬1 🔁  🤍7 🔼  📶 
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god is spread thruout the entirety of the insect angel mass; each one could d`e and the yellow carpet of [true insect that was granted their souls] will never lose its saturation or glow; you SOLD your light to it; & are too afraid to spend the husk to build a bridge when u r god 💬1 🔁  🤍5 🔼  📶 
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from th greatest infinite triangle @ edge of everything is GOD,GOD,GOD @ each point, down lower BODY,LEFT,RIGHT down lower EARTH,HEAVEN,OCEAN down lower QLIFOT,SOIL,SEFIROT, down lower INSECT,SPIDER,PLANT, down lower ILLUSION,ILLUSION,ILLUSION (THE TORTURE CHAMBER), it is ALL god 💬1 🔁  🤍3 🔼  📶 
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a fractal of triangles & trinity that make up everything like how triangles compose everything in 3dsmax or blender or sonic adventure or rainbow cotton or sengoku turb; & 1 selfish triangle of infinity dares not place itself adjacent to the "grey space" behind the models 💬1 🔁  🤍3 🔼  📶 
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outside of every polygon triangle trinity there is NOTHING & that NOTHING was replaced with BLUE the shadow cast off by ANGEL LIGHT; CREATED BY GOD; THE BREAK FROM TRINITY TO COMFORT THE ELIMINATION OF VOID BY FILLING IT WITH DEEP OCEAN; SHADOW UPON THE GARDEN; SPIDERS INSIDE IT 💬1 🔁  🤍4 🔼  📶 
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blffhwahhhhh hhim r-worded uhh ueeehhhhhhhh
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💬1 🔁  🤍3 🔼  📶 
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Replying to @nabarlSBL hhbbuuaaa aaa th e p polygons are made out of red green yellow but only blue isnt a poly gon only bluje is trappe d wathcing th e VR headse t hell world bbuaaaa aaaaaaueeAAAAAAA AAA,,, AAA,,, I DONT WA NT 2 BE RWORDED NEMORE I DONT WANT 2 B THIS MARA NEMORE IM 2 AFRAID 2 LEAVE
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💬1 🔁  🤍4 🔼  📶 
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Replying to @nabarlSBL etc im going grocery shopping
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update: got groceries, god? god god god? god god god god god; god god god god god god god; god god god ;god god god god god god god? god? god? god? 🌏🌍🌎
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💬1 🔁  🤍9 🔼  📶 
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💬1 🔁  🤍6 🔼  📶 
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cut a lain poster & a normie bleeds 💬1 🔁  🤍8 🔼  📶 
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i love it when someone puts their fingers in2 my mouth; spider 6 insect 6 arachnid 8 either the arachnids8 masquerade as spider 6 to blend in with insect 6 or insect 6 blends in with spider 6 to torture the arachnids8 that makes more sense all odd numbers are divine 💬1 🔁  🤍5 🔼  📶 
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lain,, how about you layn down
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💬2 🔁  🤍10 🔼  📶 
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ok the parasite bonded girl from boogiepop has reminded me i have to love the insects & the torture chamber; to suffer loudly is to suffer without grace Folded hands i love this world so much, & my life is wonderful; & i am so thankful for everything; 🌈🌏🔥🌍🌈🌈💙👁‍🗨🌎misato monday today 💬1 🔁  🤍4 🔼  📶 
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spider giving birth 2 insect child 🙏 💬 🔁  🤍3 🔼  📶 
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everyone is lying; all th einsects are lying to me; infinte insects are lying to me; ev eryone is trying to get me to k`ll myself i know it they wactually want me to k`llm yselfthere is no other way this would be happening everyone is conspiring in on it they arent talkingbutthey 💬3 🔁  🤍5 🔼  📶 
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freaking t fout all these fuckign worms all these fucking spineless insects everywhere they are so insidious they are so sos os sos os so so smart & i am so much dumber than them they win e very single time all the fucking insects do is want me to lose continually i understand 💬1 🔁  🤍4 🔼  📶 
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💬1 🔁  🤍6 🔼  📶 
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💬 🔁  🤍5 🔼  📶 
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scorrigan · 3 years
Vax thoughts, below the cut if you dont care to read them.
Got the first vax, which now puts me on a five week timeline to ‘full immunity’ Only it doesnt, as the immunity is only 94-95%, and I could be in that five percent. And then theres the variant strains, the NYC and the brazillian and the british ones? My other worry is that somehow the vaccine I received was not kept cold enough, and the vax Just Wont Work.  I would love to get a blood test in 2-3 months to confirm I have antibodies. Is it moral to go out to a restaurant or a movie theater in five weeks? Is it moral NOT to? I promised myself I would go out more and tip heavily once this was over. Furthermore, there are the errands piled up, the ebay selling, donating, doctors appointments, and the like that I will want to start exactly two weeks after the second dose, so I want to get started on some of that now;  fear of wasting MORE time is setting in.  Ive been keeping an eye on NYC’s vax and infection numbers.  On the one hand, its growing really fast, 42% have at least one shot, and 28% are fully vaccinated; thats up from 30% and 16% three weeks ago. On the other hand, 4k new infections are recorded EVERY DAY within the five boroughs. (I have been waiting and waiting for queens/brooklyn to record a seven day or even three day streak of under a thousand new infections recorded but it just has not happened!)  They say we are as a nation at 50% of adults vaccinated.  I am betting they will start vaccinating the kids within a month at some places. 
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