#i drew this rlly late last night; but???
teethwitheyes101-blog · 5 months
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Hey all :)
Drew this when I was a bit mad, not feeling great recently.
(!Lil bit of a venty thing coming up if u don’t wanna read that!)
Idk it’s just not it for me rn, I’m on school holidays, and none of my friends have rlly made the effort to talk to me or invite me to anything, my dad has covid and I rlly don’t wanna get it, and it’s just not been great mentally, my brothers been not so great to me lately, Doesn’t help, I’ve just been really super down the last couple of weeks, and I’m so sorry if that has maybe affected my attitude online, if I’ve been a bit absent or maybe short with you guys (if I am, totally call me out on it, I rlly don’t intend it at all) but yeah, if im a bit off, that’s why.
I love you guys to death, and all of your comments and compliments on here have made me smile, and given me a bit of peace knowing that some ppl enjoy stuff that I create and put my time into, the community on tumblr is pretty awesome. Thanks for always being great yall <3
Sorry for the negative stuff, just wanted to maybe put it out there to explain my absence, or if u guys relate, you can always talk to me about that as well, I’d be more than happy to share a convo or let someone talk to me about problems and such, as always, hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day/night ❤️
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Was doodling my babygirl as a warmup last night but it got rlly late so she ended up being the only thing i drew lmao
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Emma my beloved
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
Heyyy! Just to let you know ive been rlly invested in your ikesen series with your ocs. Just havent rlly finished any of them and ive quite stop reading at some point, since most of them weren't my favourite suitors.
But id love to hear more if you have any ideas or planning on writing more ikesen series like that but with other suitors? And can share about how you get inspiration about your storyline and your oc katsuko?
Thank you and keep it up!
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the love and for liking Katsuko (I'm a little sad for Shingen and Mitsunari... but Cybird has been rather light on giving us new content for them that will help us fall in love with them).
Ok... for your questions (later... oh boy, this got really long... sorry).
I am absolutely writing more in the series - it can take me a year to write each longfic. My goal was mid-late March for the next story, but ... I'm about 70% done with the first draft, so we'll see if I can manage that.
Before there was a series, it was just me playing the game, and suddenly realizing that I was thinking about it when I wasn't playing it, and the things that I was thinking about (daydreaming actually) were scenes that were not in the game, and not with MC. The people I was imagining in the scenes eventually became Katsuko (although she didn't have a name at that time) and Akihira. Eventually though, I felt like I needed to write them down, at which point I started thinking more in terms of "what is this, exactly?" And I wanted to write Katsuko with more than one character, and then I wondered if I could create an OC who, like the game MC, would fit as a love interest with every game character (spoiler alert - I #failed at that one), and also figure out a way that multiple versions of Katsuko could exist (which is how the multiverse part of it started).
At that point, there were ten routes already released in the game. The idea is that the final longfic in the series will be Sasuke & Katsuko traveling through all the existing timelines, trying to make ensure that they didn't collapse on each other. It's somewhat like the concept of Loki - that some timelines will start interfering with others. There was supposed to be a longfic with every available (at that time) suitor, plus I set it up to potentially also include Yoshimoto (if his route story made sense with the multiverse). The Shakespeare angle came up because it occurred to me that if Katsuko and Toshie were both isekai'd into Sengoku, and then separated, then it was sort of like the plot of "Twelfth Night." And then I decided to make things difficult on myself by having the individual longfics each be inspired by one of Shakespeare's plays.
This is what I originally thought I was going to write (in some order...):
Shingen, a route inspired by Twelfth Night. Shingen needed to go first because his canon issue allowed me to do a lot of world building and setting up rules for the multiverse.
Mitsunari, inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Hideyoshi, inspired by Julius Caeser.
Ieyasu, inspired by Much Ado About Nothing
Nobunaga, inspired by Hamlet.
Masamune, inspired by... [kind of drew a blank on this one, but I was considering Pericles]
Mitsuhide, inspired by The Taming of the Shrew
Yukimura, inspired by As You Like it
Kenshin, inspired by The Winter's Tale
Sasuke, inspired by The Tempest. He needs to be last to tie up the multiverse.
But what I thought I was going to write, intellectually, ran up against the wall of creativity (meaning, ok, I sort of had an idea, but those ideas didn't always work out for various reasons).
So this is what actually happened - plans? Ha! What plans?
Shingen - done
Mitsunari - done
Hideyoshi - as I started to envision it, I realized that some of the plot was repeating things that happened in Shingen's route, so I put that idea on the back burner until I can better figure out what will happen here.
Ieyasu - Actually had a couple of scenes in mind, and once I put Hideyoshi aside, I thought I would write him next, but I couldn't figure out an overall storyline, so I've temporarily skipped him.
Nobunaga - every time I start trying to envision it, I run into a wall of angst and tragic ending (he kills her ... because she's there to assassinate him). Temporarily skipped until I can figure out another approach that doesn't end in MCD.
Masamune - So... I basically have "screen tested" Masamune with Katsuko, and ... they have no chemistry. Total 'good friends' vibes, no conflict. I tried to work around that with a high conflict plot... but then...
Mitsuhide - Was supposed to be later, because I wanted to focus on some of the more neglected characters. He jumped in and demanded that I write his story. Enemies to lovers - in the previously written fics Katsuko and Mitsuhide have said that if they had to work closely with each other, they would be tempted to murder the other... so... let's see if that happens. Fic in process, hopefully out in Spring 2023.
Yukimura - I think this one may be after Mitsuhide. Probably. It's the one I can see the clearest in my head. Likely to be a buddy comedy with lots of adventure, if it develops the way it's started.
Kenshin - I have a solid idea for this one, but it's tangled up with what I had in mind for Sasuke's as well, almost to the point where I think I have to write it in two parts, with part 1 coming first, then ending on a cliffhanger, picking up in Sasuke's story ... or something.... this is one where the problem is less his story, and more how do I solve a plot twist where another multiverse Sasuke & Katsuko are needed to step in and help.
Sasuke - see above, but it's supposed to be the final story.
Other warlords: If a storyline occurs to me for them, I may add them. Some of them may actually fit better with a different OC, e.g., the character of Shohime/Sho may work better with some of them (Keiji, Masamune, Motonari - or even Hideyoshi), so there may be some spin-off short stories or novellas going that way instead of full fics with Katsuko.
All of that means that there will be more stories, but not the ten total as I originally wanted.
Ok... so for your question about character inspiration. Going all the way back to when I had the idea for the Tempest stories - there were things about Katsuko that I mostly knew - that she would have a self-deprecating inner dialogue, and that she would be more athletic and have had less of a stable upbringing than Mai, and, having been in the Sengoku longer (7 years), she would be less peace-loving, and more used to the war and death of the era.
Some of that was due to things I already wondered about Mai... how could Mai disappear into another era without her ending up as a "missing persons" cold case... we never see her go back to her family/friends and explain what happened. So to make that an easier issue with Katsuko, I decided that she would be kind of a loner, and that her only family is her brother (and he gets yanked into Sengoku era Japan with her).
When I started to write the prologue, she was actually really different. Instead of a rebellious athlete type, she was actually a party-girl/failed gymnast. I got about 5000 or so words into that version, and realized I didn't like her, she was too whiney, and I didn't want to spend a bunch of longfic writing about her. I trashed everything I had written, and started over.
Mostly, I knew what I wanted her to be able to do... and then worked backwards to figure out what basic skills she would have (athleticism, adventurousness) that would provide canvas for Aki to train her in the skills she would need to survive and thrive. I sent her back 7 years prior to the arrival of Mai/Honno-ji, in order to give her time to adjust, to pick up the skills she could use in the longfics. And then in the prologue, I put her through a near death experience, which left her with a bit more ruthlessness than before, and the claustrophobia.
But for some of the other aspects of her personal history, most of those I discovered when I was writing the first draft of "Twelve Lies..." The fact that she was a vegetarian (as much as possible), her mother's story, the flashbacks to her life in modern Japan, the fact that she once had a cat (named Tony Stark)... those organically appeared in that story - at which point, I went back to the prologue and made some edits, since I had a clearer vision of her.
The discoveries about Akihira didn't come to me until I was partway through the second draft of that story (which again... necessitated more rewrites - originally Aki was supposed to be native to Sengoku Japan... I didn't figure out that he was also a time traveler until later). So basically it took me two drafts to learn that the central relationship, the one that goes through all the fics, is the relationship of Katsuko and Aki, and that the overall theme of the all of the fics together is a father/daughter story.
So sometimes, when I discover something like that, it's an "oh of course, that's how it needs to be." And sometimes, like with Aki, it was an "of course, he has to be this," followed by my brain going, "ok, but how the hell are you going to make that work." I'm still trying to figure out some of the multiverse rules with Aki.
Inspiration is a combination of necessity, and discovery. My brain knew that in order for Katsuko to be good at what she does, she needed to have certain skills or be put into a position to learn them (hence the long prologue that covered 7 years). That was necessity. But other things I could only discover by just sitting down and writing and seeing what came out. I have to turn off my brain, and stop editing in that first draft.
There are quite a few times when I'll write a scene and about halfway through hit a dead end. I just circle that section (oh, I hand write my first draft, btw, as it makes it easier to allow play time and stop editing... I KNOW I'm going to fix it later, because it's going to have to get typed up) and write "cut??" and start again at the spot where it originally turned down a blind alley. This happened a lot more in Mitsunari's story than it did in Shingen's -- I probably have about 10,000 words of material that existed in the first draft that lead toward blind alleys, and scenes that went nowhere, that I had to back out of (a couple of them were perfectly good scenes by themselves... but they didn't work in the context of the story).
Sometimes if I get really stuck at where I am, I'll put it away for the night, and suddenly when I'm doing something else, I'll realize what needs to happen next. Sometimes it won't be until a later draft that I realize something is missing or necessary. There's a chapter in "Twelve Lies" that wasn't even in my third draft (Chapter 32, though I expect you might not have read that far). But as when I got to around Chapter 28 in the posting, it occurred to me that things that were to happen in Chapter 36 didn't feel as motivated as they could or should have... so I wrote an extra chapter (which in turn, made it necessary to rewrite parts of chapters 33-35).
And sometimes, it's the nature of episodic posting that gives me ideas... I had a couple of lovely, very active and responsive readers on Ao3 who were commenting and reacting to every chapter. Occasionally things they said gave ideas to edit and tweak chapters that were written but not yet uploaded. For example, in the first draft Yoshimoto didn't have nearly the amount of 'screen time' that he did in the final posted chapters. But every time in the early chapters that he appeared, the readers responded very positively to him... so I added him in a few scenes where it made sense that he would be around. He was kind like "The Fonz" ... a supporting character who became a featured character because of audience popularity.
As for the other OCs... I started with knowing I'd need Aki and Toshie... and then very early on, I added Iekane as the main villain. Cybird has the habit of redeeming their villains, and I didn't want to write the series thinking all along that someone like Motonari was the big bad, only to have Cybird "Joss" me. (That said, Motonari is one of the main antagonists of Mitsuhide's longfic... but I've been careful to make clear that he's redeemable).
Other OCs appeared as minor characters whenever I needed them... Susumu (who is a restaurant owner in one longfic, and a vassal in the other, for example), Hiko, Shohime, and Sute - most of them were supposed to only be in one scene, but they all stuck around. Shohime and Sute might get their own stories at some point (in fact I have a one-shot with Sute that is about 2/3rds done and I could see Shohime in a novella inspired by Jane Austen's "Emma"). And of course, the various versions of Hiko in each longfic play into the overall series mystery that all the Katsukos are working together to solve.
In terms of storyline inspiration... some of that is trying to figure out what parallels to whichever Shakespeare play I can then use to help organize the plot. The rest is picturing Katsuko and whichever LI is in the route and trying to imagine various scenes that happen in the story. It's in a sense sort of like looking up at the sky and trying to trace the path of a constellation... they start out as a cluster of stars, random, varied... but then if you imagine the lines from star to star, the constellation emerges. When in my head, I can see the map of that longfic... maybe not every point from the beginning to the end, but enough of them, then I know I can start writing the fic. After that, it's just figuring out how to get from the point I'm at to the next big point... and as I write, discovering what comes directly next. Eventually, all those "this comes next" scenes get me to one of these bigger scenes.
I don't know... this clearly turned into a much longer essay that I imagine you expect. But I hope somewhere in here I've managed to coherently answer your questions.
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fvaleraye · 4 years
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Mother of Demons, Mistress of Dark Magic, iiiiiiiiit’s Rosea Malificium~
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semikats · 5 years
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Beaujester Week Day 1 - First Kiss & Battle Couple 
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slimgems · 7 years
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babyharleezy · 2 years
Jack and the reader have been going through a rough patch lately and not been able to see each other much, leading to lots of arguments, so he makes it up to her by taking time off from working and arranging a special night for the reader
love you too much to lose you
(jack harlow x reader)
bloo's notes: this is long and i am rlly proud of it. i was also writing this when i was harassed by a fucking spider...anyway. hope yall enjoy <3
4 am. it was 4 am and jack promised you he would be home by ten. you waited six whole hours for him. you sat on the couch with the tv on in the background and you were sitting on your phone. you were waiting for him. you heard the garage open and the sound of jacks car pulling in. you heard the car shut off and the garage door open behind you. you were pissed off. "where were you jack? you promised me that you would be home 6 fucking hours ago. not a single fucking text. not one "hey babe i'm gonna be late, don't wait up for me." jack i am so fucking tired. i haven't seen you in weeks. the most time i've spent with you in the last month was when we laid in bed talking to each other for 10 minutes." you ranted to him before turning around to see jack, clay, urban, and druski. all four of the boys were shocked. hell, you were even shocked to see them.
"umm we'll just excuse ourselves...good night y/n" clay spoke up and the three boys scurried past you to the opposite side of the house. they knew jack was in big trouble. jack cleared his throat and your attention was back onto him. his baby blues filled with disappointment. he was disappointed that he let you down and that you two haven't spent time with each other. "y/n i'm sorry, i really am. we just lost track of time at the studio." jack explained to you. he tried coming closer to you and grabbing your hand but you pulled away. "whatever jack, you promised me you would be home early tonight and you didn't show up. i'm going to bed." you said with an annoyed and upset tone. jack watched you walk up the stairs. "fuck" he whispered to himself and pinched the top of his nose bridge.
"yo, y/n is pissed at me and i need to make it up to her asap" jack told the boys as he walked over to the in home studio. "why didn't your dumbass just come home at a reasonable fucking time" clay asked his brother. "clay i need help so my girlfriend doesn't leave me, not a fucking lecture" jack replied to his brother. for the next hour jack, clay, urban, and drew came up with a plan to make it up to y/n.
it was about 5:30 am by the time jack made it to the bed you two shared. he tried to cuddle up next to you and for a second you let him but you realized that you were pissed at him and pushed him away from you. jack really fucked up this time and he was well aware of it.
It was 9:30 in the morning and jack needed to be out of the house before you. He had a busy morning ahead of him but he needed you out of the house. That's where Neelam comes into play. He asked Neelam to take you to brunch and then go shopping. you had woke up the minute you heard the garage door slam shut. you looked around your room "of course he's gone" you scoffed to yourself.
you saw that Neelam had asked if you wanted to get brunch and then go shopping for the rest of the day and you happily said yes. you got ready for the day and drove to neelam's place. you got there around 10:45. neelam had texted jack and told her that you would be with her the rest of the day and that he had nothing to worry about; she would get you home by 6 pm.
jack had got the boys up and assigned them their jobs. Urban was to clean the pool. Clay was to clean the patio. Drew was to set up the candle light dinner and table outside. Jack needed to find a fuck ton of flowers to fill the entire backyard.
It was now 5 pm and the boys had just finished everything up. The backyard looked beautiful. The table was set up under the gazebo where you and jack would be eating dinner. there was rose petals surrounding the pool and the gazebo. there were flowers everywhere; your favorite kinds to be exact. it was beautiful.
"thank you guys for helping me pull this together" jack told the boys. "we're glad to help" urban spoke up. "just don't keep fucking up, this shit took so much fucking time" drew said, earning a laugh from the group. "go fucking shower, you smell like ass and y/n won't fuck you smellin like that" clay said to jack, and in response jack flipped his little brother off as he walked into the house.
Jack took a shower and got dressed in a nice suit because he knew you loved when he dressed up. He looked at the time on his phone which read 5:30. you would be home soon.
jack looked at himself in the mirror once more before making his way down the stairs and being met with the boys once again. jack stuck his hands into his pockets as he talked to his friends. he fumbled with the little black box in his pocket and took it out of his pocket. this action caught the boys off guard. "Holy shit you're gonna propose to her?" they all said in unison. "yeah i been holding onto this for a few months and i feel like this is the perfect time to ask. jack was nervous.
the boys had left and it was just jack. he was alone in his thoughts. he suddenly heard a car pull up. you were right on time. you wore a cute, short white dress. jack giggled to himself as he saw you walk into the door. he thought it was funny how you were wearing a white dress on the day he would be asking you to be his forever.
you noticed jack wearing a suit. you were a bit confused...and turned on. "y/n, i am so fucking sorry baby. i promise from now on i will make more time, i will stick to my word, and i won't let you down" jack rushed out in one breathe. you walked over to him, still unaware of what was waiting for you in the backyard. "jack i'm tired of the fights. i miss my soulmate. i just wanna spend time with you. i love you" you said to him as you looked into his baby blues. he leaned down to put his forehead onto yours and you two engulfed each other in a long, hard kiss.
jack pulled away and took your hand. "i wanna show you something" jack said as he led you to the backyard. the minute your eyes met the backyard you started crying. "this is all for me?" you questioned and jack nodded, his curls bouncing. you felt so loved and so happy.
jack pulled you in front of him and you were still admiring the backyard. you didn't even notice that he was now on one knee and had a little black box in his hands. you gasped once you realized what was happening. "y/n y/m/n y/l/n, i have loved you for the past five years. i love you too much to lose you. i am forever grateful for you and i am blessed to have such a beautiful, strong, independent women in my life. I would be honored to call you my wife. i wouldn't wanna wake up next to anyone else but you, i wouldn't wanna argue with anyone else but you, and i wouldn't want anyone else to carry my children but you. I stand by that and i will stand by that for the rest of my life. will you marry me?" at this point, both of your were a crying mess. "yes, i will marry you jack. i love you so fucking much" you said before leaning down to kiss jack. once you pulled away he slipped on the large diamond onto your finger. "damn you look good with a ring on, should've put a ring on it sooner" jack whispered and you giggled. you loved everything about this night.
the two of you ate dinner and sooner or later made it to bed. "you looked so hot in that suit baby" you told your fiancé as you laid in bed. he plopped right on top of you and started kissing down your neck. "keep saying stuff like that and i might just put a baby in you" jack growled. "hmm a baby harlow, that doesn't sound too bad" you said out loud. jack's eyes glimmered, "really??" he questioned. he had been wanting a baby for so long but you held off. you nodded to him and giggled. it was an amazing night, you thought to yourself.
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valxeren · 3 years
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐛𝐢𝐠
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pairing: dilf jean kirstein x female bodied reader
content warnings: MINOR MANGA SPOILERS, smut (17+ only please), alcohol consumption, mentions of pregnancy, mention of bondage, unprotected sex, breeding kink, slight masochism, daddy kink, creampie, vaginal fingering
word count: 7.3k
summary: jean’s dream to have a comfy life in the interior came true, and he couldn’t be happier. that is until his dream gets bigger.
notes: this is canon divergence; it takes place after season 3 ends, but season 4 doesn’t happen. there is a time skip though (a bigger one, so like the scouts are in their late 20s maybe?). also i hc that jean is rlly good at cooking??? i cant explain it but i just feel like he is
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the sun shone high above the horizon in paradis. laughter from children playing in the streets could be heard along with the usual bustle of street vendors. horse hooves clacked against the cobblestone roads below.
jean sat on his balcony with a glass of fine liquor in his hand and his body tucked into the soft cushion of a chair. the wind blew in his sandy brown hair as he raised the glass to his lips, letting the liquid tingle his taste buds.
he could get used to this lifestyle.
in fact, he had already gotten quite used to it. the titans had been driven to extinction years ago, and the threat of war no longer loomed over the island of paradis, the place he was glad to call “home.”
after years of brutal fighting, he had decided it was time for a break. one night, he agreed to go out to a bar with the rest of the scouts. although he certainly expected to get wasted, he did not expect to see the love of his life.
jean swears it was love at first sight. the way the dim lights of the tavern glowed on your face instantly caught his attention, and he couldn’t ignore the way your eyes shone. of course, he flirted with you a little bit and he couldn’t help but feel good whenever he made you smile; he said it was enough to power a thousand suns.
you eventually caved in to him. it wasn’t hard; his charming personality (and his good looks) drew you in. you two got close, and soon enough he was down on one knee and sliding a ring onto your finger.
he settled down with you in the center district of mitras, far away from his hometown of trost. sometimes he found himself feeling a little homesick, though he’d never admit it. everything he wanted, everything he dreamed for, was right here.
when your first child was born, jean was overjoyed. you gave him the honor of naming your son; he chose the name “marco” to pay tribute to his late best friend back in the day.
little marco was falling asleep in your arms as you held him. he was tired after a long morning of playing with the toys that queen historia had gifted him. she was more than thrilled to hear that you were having a baby, so she found herself visiting you often during your pregnancy.
you were happy. happy to be with jean, happy to have a kid with him. you don’t know what your life would be like without him by your side at this moment. he stuck with you through thick and thin, and you knew you had each other’s backs.
what you didn’t know is that jean wants more kids. he was perfectly fine with having just one for now, but he loves the idea of you bearing his children. he loves the image of you being pregnant and he loves the thought of having taking care of you, not that he doesn’t already. he loves you so much that he wants to have a bigger family with you.
his dream was coming true. he remembered telling his friends back in the training corps that he was going to live comfortably in the interior, that he was going to have a beautiful wife and many kids. he was almost there; he was just afraid to see how’d you react.
jean’s heart swelled at the sight of you holding your child. with a content sigh leaving his lips, he finished his liquor down to the last drop. the chair creaked as he stood up, and he pulled the glass sliding door to the side.
“how’s my baby?” jean asked once he stepped inside. he slid the door shut behind him and set the empty glass on the counter before walking up to you.
“he’s fine,” you told him. marco snuggled up against your chest and you smiled at him. he looked so much like jean.
“no, i meant you. how are you, darling?” he chuckled and pressed a kiss to your temple. the hair of his beard pricked against your skin, causing you to pull your head back.
“good, as always. it’s such a nice day outside, isn’t it?” you hummed while rocking marco in your arms. the sunlight streaming through the window hit the glass perfectly, refracting the light across the counter and forming a small rainbow.
jean looked down at you and smiled. “it’s perfect.”
he brought one of his long fingers down to marco and fit it in his tiny palm. marco wrapped his hand around it while still sleeping, and jean practically melted.
“why don’t we go put marco down?” jean suggested. you agreed and you walked down the hallway before stopping in front of one of the doors. jean stepped in front of you and pushed the door to marco’s room open.
you walked in and went over to the wooden crib that was placed against the wall. reaching in, you gently placed marco down and draped a thin blanket over his small figure.
“let’s read him a story!” you excitedly whispered. you looked through the many children’s books displayed on the shelf before pulling one out and handing it to jean.
“y/n, he’s already asleep. there’s no point,” he whispered back. as much as he would love to read to his son right now, he had other things in mind.
jean could never get sick of the sight of you taking care of your child. he knew that it tired you out, so he’d help out as much as he could. but the thought of you and him taking care of multiple children at once excited him.
“oh, i guess i’ll read to him alone then,” he could sense a hint of disappointment hidden in your voice, and he felt a little bit guilty. you took the book back and nestled yourself in the rocking chair that was next to the crib. the sound of your soft, sweet voice filled the room as you began reading out loud. it made jean feel all fuzzy inside.
jean retreated back into the kitchen and washed the glass. he set it down on the counter for it to dry, and he wiped his hands on a towel before settling down on the living room couch. he sat with his arms spread on the backrest behind him and his face looking towards the ceiling. there was nowhere else he’d rather be right now.
as counterintuitive as it seemed, sometimes jean actually missed the days he spent in the survey corps. he didn’t officially leave; he’d go back in a heartbeat if the time ever came around. it’s just that he missed the people he formed bonds with over the years.
he began to reminisce about his time in training and with the scouts. his mind wandered around everything from the first mission in trost to the expeditions outside the walls. he smiled to himself, knowing that he no longer had to face any of those terrors anytime soon.
he then started to think of all his comrades—no, his friends. how were connie and sasha doing? he hasn’t talked to them in a while; it’d be in his best interest to go out and see them. he remembered mikasa telling him that she and eren were planning to move to the mountains together, away from the city life. he wondered how that worked out and if they were alright. as for armin… he’s probably still working with hange and captain levi.
the air had gotten significantly cooler now that the sun was starting to set. jean had gone out again to get some fresh ingredients so he could start making dinner.
he stopped at a stall where a vendor was selling tomatoes. he carefully inspected them, looking for the biggest and reddest ones that would be perfect for his pasta sauce.
after making his selection, jean handed the vendor a couple of coins before placing the tomatoes in his basket. he continued walking down the market street, occasionally stopping to greet the little kids that recognized him as one of “eldia’s heroes” after retaking wall maria.
“oi, jean!” he heard someone call out from behind him. upon seeing who it was, his grin widened and the spark in his eyes reignited.
it was such a coincidence how he happened to run into both connie and sasha at the market. the girl was frantically waving her arms around while running towards jean. she flung her arms around his shoulders, nearly knocking him off of his feet.
“what are you guys doing here?” jean asked in disbelief. he was shocked to see that they traveled all the way from wall rose to the capital.
“we were paying historia a visit! we were gonna come by your place, but it lasted longer than we expected,” sasha explained. she eyed the food that jean had in his basket before looking back up at him.
“we should go out again some day, you know. maybe go back to the bar,” connie proposed while pulling jean into a hug. “we miss seeing you around.”
“i miss you guys, too. everything’s just been so hectic ever since marco was born,” jean sighed. as much as he wanted to continue talking to his friends, he knew he had to return home soon. he pictured you waiting for him back home, wondering what was taking him so long.
“you have to let us see him again,” sasha pleaded. she tugged on the sleeves of jean’s shirt and looked at him with wide eyes.
“after what happened last time? no way,” jean joked. he recalled the one time he let sasha and connie look after marco. he had gone out with you for nearly a whole day, so he had them take care of him while you two were gone.
when you returned, there was baby food smeared all over little marco’s face, and all of his toys were scattered around the living room. jean scolded his two friends and rushed to clean up the mess they made.
“ah well, let us know when you’re planning to have another one,” connie smiled, snapping jean out of his thoughts. “we hope to see you again soon, jean.”
jean engulfed both of them in a giant hug and held onto them tightly. he didn’t want to see them go so soon. it pained him to know that he may not see them again for a while since communication was so limited.
he watched as they turned around and started walking down the street. he kept his eyes on them as their figures became smaller and smaller in the distance until eventually, they disappeared into the crowd.
another one, he thought. hopefully you’d be able to give him another child soon.
the sun was just starting to vanish below the horizon when jean came home. the last gleams of golden light were quickly fading into the darkness. he saw you laying down on the couch, and he greeted you with a kiss.
“what took you so long?” you complained, just as he had expected. you crossed your arms over your chest as he went to the kitchen.
“i bumped into sasha and connie at the market. i thought i’d talk to them for a bit,” he said while taking the produce out of his basket. he turned on the faucet and started to thoroughly rinse them.
“oh. is anything new with them?” you asked. you knew that jean was very close to them, so your irritation slowly dissipated.
jean paused his movements for a second after realizing that he didn’t even get to fully catch up with them. he cursed at himself as he pulled out a cutting board from one of the cabinets. “i didn’t get to ask. connie said to tell them when we have another one, though.”
you faced him and raised a brow in confusion, expecting him to continue speaking. “another… what?”
he finished chopping up the vegetables before setting the knife down and staring at you. his brown eyes pierced through yours with an expression that was almost unreadable.
“another baby.”
oh. neither you nor jean had mentioned wanting more kids. you weren’t opposed to the idea; in fact, the thought has crossed your mind more than once. it was already a hassle to look after marco, so could the both of you really be able to handle another kid.
some part of you was screaming yes, i want to grow my family with jean. you thought about the two of you dealing with your pregnancy again and having to look after two babies. maybe this time, you’d have a little girl to call yours and cradle in your arms.
you weighed out the pros and cons of raising another child; in the end, the pros outweighed the cons. you love jean, and that was no surprise. if he wanted another child with you, you’d be more than happy to make his dream come true.
you watched as jean threw the vegetables into a pot, along with some other ingredients. he got out another pot and filled it with water before putting it on the stove to boil.
“do you want another baby?” you walked up to your husband and wrapped your arms around his waist. he felt the warmth of your body against his and fought the urge to bend you over and take you on the counter.
“of course i do,” he replied with no hesitation. he tried to not come off as too excited, but the opportunity was right there. he shouldn’t feel embarrassed for wanting more kids.
as he was pouring a box of pasta into the boiling water, his mind started to cloud over with the thought of him fucking you real good and filling you up until you begged him to stop. he could practically hear your whimpers and moans in his mind, and it was driving him crazy.
you noticed that his grip on the wooden spoon loosened, so you took it into your own hand and stirred the contents of the pot. the tomatoes were starting to get mushier, and the strong scent floated in the air.
“do you want another baby?” he reflected the question back to you. your touch still lingered on his skin, and he felt like he was on fire.
“yeah, since you want one too,” you shrugged your shoulders. “i’m down.”
he wrapped his hand around your wrist, forcing you to stop the stirring motion of your arm. “this isn’t about what i want, y/n. i’m asking if you want one, regardless of what i think.”
this was one of the many things you love about your husband. he was always so considerate, and he always took into account the thoughts of other people. jean truly cares for everyone he loves, and nothing would be able to change that.
when he met you, there was a newfound sense of overprotectiveness within himself. it was different than the way he was protective of his friends like sasha or even eren. he’d always make sure you were okay; if you weren’t, he’d find a way to cheer you up. all of your problems became his problems; if you had to suffer, then he’d rather suffer with you than leave you to your own devices.
he never once thought for himself whenever it came to matters that concerned the both of you. you would always be on his mind whenever he had to make a tough decision, and he did everything for you out of love.
“i want to have another child with you,” you took your eyes off of the stove and looked up at jean. his once bright eyes were now darkened with lust, though he was glad to hear that you were on the same page as him. maybe his dream wouldn’t be crushed after all.
he was leaning in to kiss you, but the sound of your baby crying in the other room caused him to stop. a little sigh left your lips as jean took the spoon from you so you could see what happened.
down the hallway, you pushed open the door to marco’s room. his tiny hands grabbed onto the railing of the crib while he cried his eyes out.
“shh, it’s okay. mommy’s here,” you cooed as you reached into the crib to lift him into your arms. you soothed a hand down his back and nestled his head into your chest to calm him down. his crying had quieted down, but the occasional sniffle and hiccup was still there.
you walked back into the kitchen with him in your arms and struggled to open the pantry to get some baby food. jean noticed this and stepped away from the stove to help you. he reached up and grabbed one of the many small jars of baby food and handed one to you.
you took it from him before going to put marco in his high chair. he was reaching for the food, so you hurriedly unscrewed the lid and began to feed him.
“dinner will be ready soon, my love,” jean called out to you. outside, you could hear the joyous laughter of the drunkards on the street. ever since the threat of titans was eliminated, the curfew on the island had been lifted. it took a while to get used to all the celebrations you heard late at night and in the early hours of the morning.
you gazed outside the window which offered a nice view of the royal castle. the moon was steadily rising higher into the night sky, and the stars were becoming more visible in the absence of light.
meanwhile, jean finished cooking and began to carefully plate your food. he dropped a pile of the perfectly cooked pasta onto the ceramic dish before pouring a ladle full of the sauce on top. he then called you over to the table as he was setting the plates down, so you took marco out of his chair and let him crawl around the living room.
“what would you like to drink?” he asked as he went over to the wine rack. he pulled out one of the bottles and inspected the label before putting it back and choosing a different one. content with his decision, he returned to the table with the bottle and a glass in hand.
“i’ll just have some water,” you watched as he uncorked the bottle and tipped it over, letting the deep red liquid splash and swirl in the glass. he left the table again to put the wine back and to pour you a glass of water.
there was an explosion of flavors in your mouth as you took your first bite of the meal your husband prepared. the sauce was rich and creamy, and it had a tangy taste.
“this is delicious,” you practically moaned after you swallowed the mouthful of food. you dug your fork into the pasta again and shoveled another bite into your mouth.
you were glad that you married jean. not only because of his loving and caring nature, but also because he proved himself useful around the house. he didn’t sit back and make you do all the work; in fact, he would often make you relax while he did everything. he volunteered to cook a lot, and you didn’t complain. you weren’t necessarily bad at cooking, but everything that jean made just tasted a hundred times better.
“you’ve got a little something here babe,” he swiped a thumb over the corner of his mouth a couple times, telling you where to wipe yourself clean. you took your handkerchief and blotted at your lips before setting it down and continuing to eat.
jean continued to talk to you throughout the meal about anything and everything that came to mind. the conversation topics ranged from things concerning the future of paradis to places he wanted to take you and marco to. it went on long after your plates had been cleared, long after jean had emptied his wine glass.
you stood up and tried to stack his plate atop yours, but he stopped you; he insisted that you should put marco to bed while he washed the dishes and cleaned around the dining table.
you lifted marco into your arms one last time for the night and brought him over to where jean stood at the sink.
“good night, little one,” jean said before pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. “tomorrow is a new day with you.”
he kissed you as well before you returned to marco’s room. after placing him in the crib, you went to draw his curtains close. the velvety fabric rippled down as you untied the cord that kept them to the side, encasing the room in a blanket of darkness.
“good night, marco. i love you,” you whispered as you peered into his crib one last time. he was already fast asleep, so you quietly crept out of his room. you watched as the sliver of light from the hallway gradually got smaller until the door was completely shut.
jean was finishing up with the dishes, washing the last of the utensils. as he was rinsing them of the soapy suds, you once again wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your head against his back.
“i love you,” you said. no matter how many times you said those three little words to him, they always sent tingles down his spine. he could never get tired of the way it sounded coming out from your lips. it was like his favorite song that he’d play on repeat.
after drying his hands on a towel, he placed his hands on top of yours. “i love you more.”
jean turned around and leaned against the counter. he stared into your eyes as he brought a hand to your chin; his tender touch sent sparks throughout your body. he swore he saw the entire universe and so much more in your irises.
it was one of his favorite things about you. he could spend days lost in your eyes, he loved how expressive they were. he noticed every little detail about them; how they’d gleam he whenever you talked about something you were interested, how they would look dull if you were feeling down, and especially how your pupils would grow wide whenever you admired him. he loved all of it.
his lips finally connected to yours, and you could taste the hint of sweetness of the wine on his lips. his hands found your hips, and he pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss. although he had just eaten, he was still hungry, this time for you.
it was the kind of hunger that could only be satiated by you. he only craved you, your love, your touch. there was no one else on his mind when it came to these kinds of things, only you.
he pulled away, lightly panting to catch his breath. for the second time that night, his eyes darkened like the sky before a storm. in a way, a storm was brewing within him, but you were prepared for what was coming.
without a word, jean shut off the kitchen lights and pulled you into your moonlit bedroom. he pressed you against the door after shutting it, and captivated you in another kiss.
you slung your arms behind jean’s neck at the same time he squeezed your ass, causing you to openly moan into the kiss and allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. his hands traveled further south until they reached the back of your knees.
“jump,” he simply muttered, and you did as you were told. he hoisted you up and carried you over to the bed, setting you down gently as if you were a piece of fine china he was too scared to break. the silk sheets felt cool against your burning skin.
you sat up and pulled him down by the collar of his shirt, causing him to crash on top of you. you kissed him with so much passion, and you let your hands wander over the thin fabric of his shirt.
“patience, love,” he chuckled before sitting back up. he started to unbutton his shirt so agonizingly slow, just to tease you. he shrugged his shirt off of his shoulders, letting the fabric fall to the floor and revealing his toned yet scarred torso from years of seemingly endless training and fighting.
jean wasn’t insecure about his body. in fact, he was quite proud to have those healed wounds on his skin. it was a reminder of how he endured the toughest challenges and how he always pushed himself to the limit.
he helped you push the sleeves of your dress off of your shoulders before tugging the whole thing down your body and past your ankles. he discarded it on the floor along with his shirt, and he admired the way you were splayed out on the bed for him.
he felt his cock get harder at the sight of your tits nearly spilling out of your bra. what drove him even crazier was the way your fingertips ghosted over your clothed clit, desperate to feel some friction.
jean pulled you to the edge of the bed and let your legs dangle off of the side. he crouched on the floor beneath you and trailed kisses all the way up to your hips, alternating between both legs.
he hooked his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, slowly dragging the damp fabric down your legs. his mouth began to salivate at the sight of you all wet and ready to take him.
“you’re so pretty,” he commented as he traced a finger across your wet folds. your breathing started to get heavier, and he finally inserted a finger into you.
it had been a while since you and jean got this intimate. with the both of you spending most of your time either working or looking after marco, you didn’t get a lot of alone time together. the few times you were alone with him was usually spent resting and cleaning around the house, much like today.
but today was different. jean finally told you that he was ready to have another kid, and you wondered how long he had thought about it. he seemed too eager, almost desperate, when he brought it up in your earlier conversation.
jean had a mission tonight. that mission was to make sure he bred you right, and his driving force was that he wants more kids. nothing was going to steer him away from that path. not now, not anytime soon.
you clasped a hand over your mouth in an attempt to conceal the moans that escape your mouth. jean slipped in another one of his long fingers, and he curled them upwards, letting them hit that sweet spot inside of you over and over again.
“feels good,” you moaned as you buried a hand in his long hair. he maintained his eye contact as he brought his mouth down to your clit and started sucking on it. again, his facial hair tickled your skin, but this time you didn’t mind. it made you more aroused.
jean would eat you out every night if he could. he loved watching you squirm under him, loved hearing you moan out for only him. what he loved the most was how you tasted. your arousal was sweet on his tongue, and it was yet another thing he could never grow tired of.
he started pumping his fingers in and out of you faster, and the combination of that and his tongue working expertly on your clit made you lightheaded. he knew exactly how to make you feel good. he knew how fast you liked it and all the sweet spots in and out of you.
you moaned out for him again, and he replaced his fingers with his tongue. it slid in and out of you with ease; you could feel your arousal mixed with his saliva dripping down your thighs. you could feel your orgasm approaching; the familiar knot in your stomach was starting to form. it would snap any minute now.
jean lifted his head from between your legs when he felt your thighs clench around him. “keep your legs open, baby,” he instructed before going back to sucking on your clit.
he could tell you were close by the way you gripped his hair a little bit tighter, how your eyes squeezed shut, and how your back was starting to lift up off the bed.
“jean!” you felt your orgasm all throughout your body; it made your legs tingle and your heart beat faster. you were in bliss.
his fingers slowed down inside of you, letting you come down from your high. his hand and chin were entirely soaked with your slick, which also got on the bed sheets. he licked his fingers clean before dipping his head back down to clean up the mess between your thighs.
“it’s gonna be hard, but you have to keep quiet,” he teased as he wiped his chin with the back of his hand. he made quick work of undoing his belt; he unbuckled it and slipped it through the loops of his pants with ease.
in the back of his mind, he thought about using it to bind your hands together. he decided against it though; he was in a particularly good mood tonight and he didn’t want to ruin it by not having your hands explore his body.
he dropped it to the floor with a soft thud, then began to unbutton his pants. his dick was unbelievably hard right now, and the way it strained against his boxers was almost painful. he palmed himself through the last layer of fabric before laying flat against the bed.
“can you ride me?” he asked while continuing to palm himself. you nodded your head perhaps a little too eagerly as you reached behind your back to unclasp your bra. the straps fell off of your shoulders, and you tugged the whole thing off before tossing it to the side.
you helped him slide his boxers all the way down his long legs before you scooted your body up along his and straddled him. his cock was large, just like everything else about him. the tip was flushed a deep shade of pink and the prominent veins that decorated it lightly pulsed.
jean’s hands softly kneaded your ass as you lifted your hips up. you used the headboard for leverage and brought one hand to the base of his cock, lining it up with your entrance. you decided to tease him a little and drag the tip through your folds.
“baby…” he groaned as you continued the motion. he could have easily slammed you down on his length, but he wanted to be careful with you. after all, you would be carrying another one of his kids soon.
you lined yourself up again, this time slowly sinking down on his cock. your mouth hung open as you were getting used to the way his girth stretched you. jean was already seeing stars; he was about ready to pass out just from sliding inside of you.
“shiiit, baby. you’re so fucking wet,” he moaned as you stilled your hips against his. you could feel every inch of his cock throbbing against your tight walls.
your hands gripped the headboard as you started to drag yourself up and down him slowly. jean fought to keep his eyes open; he wanted to see the way your pussy gripped him every time you went up.
“my god, you’re so big,” you whined as you struggled to take his size. even after giving birth, you still felt tight as ever to him. he wasn’t complaining though, because everything about you made him feel good, no matter what.
as the pain subsided, you found yourself in ecstasy. jean’s hands rubbed your body, moving from your ass to your breasts. he tweaked your nipples, causing you to yelp out loud.
“shh, you gotta be quiet. don’t wanna wake marco up, or even the neighbors,” jean reprimanded you before he soothed your breasts.
after a while, you started to feel your legs give out. you slowed your movements and brought your hands down from the headboard. you slightly leaned back, pressing your palms against jean’s knees.
“‘m tired,” you mumbled. jean pushed your back down so that your chest was against his. he moaned out at the feeling of your pretty tits against him, and he planted his feet flat against the mattress, allowing him to thrust upwards and into you with more force.
your face contorted in pleasure, and you brought your mouth to jean’s neck. you sucked harshly on his sensitive skin as he started getting rough.
“you said you wanted another baby, yeah? i’m gonna give you another one,” he grunted after a particularly deep thrust. you cried aloud and grasped the sheets. you were afraid they might tear from how your fingers twisted them and how your nails dug into the fabric, but that was the least of your worries.
jean abruptly pulled out, and you audibly whimpered at the loss of pleasure. it didn’t last long, as jean flipped out over so that you were on your back and he crawled over you. he slid into you again, hips stuttering at the pressure he felt, before continuing to fuck into you at the same fast pace. his strong hands held your hips down to keep you in place.
“fuck!” you nearly screamed from how good jean felt. it was as if all of your senses were heightened; you felt so sensitive, and you could hear every little breathy moan that left jean’s lips. without thinking, you dragged your nails up and down his back rather harshly. to your surprise, he moaned even louder.
“yeah, fuck me up, baby. love it when you do that,” he breathed out. your chest heaved, and you dug your nails deeper into his skin.
“feels so good, daddy,” you whined.
something inside of jean snapped after he heard you call him that. he nearly stopped thrusting into you, but it clouded his mind and made him want to fuck you even harder. he grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. there was an animalistic look in his eyes; it was as if he was a predator and you were his prey.
jean had you trapped. he spread your legs impossibly wider and kept his hands on your thighs. your legs burned from the stretch, but the pleasure you received was significantly overbearing. you could feel him slide even deeper into you.
“you like when daddy fucks you like this, huh?” he grinded his hips into yours before pulling out and repeating the process. “you wanna give daddy another baby, don’t you?”
“yes, yes, yes. wanna have another baby with you, daddy,” you babbled. his taunting words were turning you on even more, and you could hear the squelching noise from between your legs get louder.
“cum for me, darling. cum on my cock,” he coaxed. the feeling of his tip repeatedly brushing against your cervix sent you over the edge one again. your vision blurred and you saw flashes of white, all the while your body convulsed underneath jean’s grip. your mouth was open, but no words came out and you were afraid that you might draw blood from how hard you dug your nails into his back.
jean was amused. he’s never seen you have an orgasm this intense, and it only fueled his ego. he never stopped or slowed down, and instead he chose to keep fucking you through it.
“i’m gonna fill up your pretty cunt until you’re full of my cum,” he moaned out your name a couple of times. you nearly missed it over the sound of your heavy panting.
your legs felt a thousand times heavier, but jean pulled them up with ease. he let your ankles rest on his broad shoulders, and he threw his head back in pleasure. through your half-lidded eyes, you watched as his adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he thickly swallowed.
jean’s thrusts started getting sloppy, and you were amazed at how he managed to last this long after fucking you so relentlessly. his grip on your thighs tightened, and he pressed them down so that they were against your chest.
“think you can give me a little girl this time?” you exhaled as he brought his head down next to yours.
that was all jean needed to lose the little self control he had left.
“you want a girl—fuck—this time? no promi—oh my god, fuck, fuck, fuck—y/n! n–no promises,” he moaned as he released his hot cum into you. you could feel him filling you up and dripping down your folds as he pulled out.
he was breathing hard; his chest heaved against yours and his breath fanned over your skin. you brought a hand you the back of his neck and played with his hair a little.
“i’m still hard,” he pointed out, breaking the silence that settled in the room. he nuzzled his face into your neck to leave kisses on your neck.
“but daddy–”
“one more time, darling. i know you can do it again. for me?” jean interrupted. you slowly nodded your head as he pushed himself off of you. he rolled over behind you, pressing your back to his chest. “lift your leg.”
you raised your right leg into the air and you felt jean push his tip into you again. your pussy fluttered around his cock shamelessly, still sensitive from your earlier orgasms. he bottomed out easily, with the mixture of his cum and your slick allowing for a smooth entrance.
this time, jean’s thrusts were much slower, and his grip on your thigh wasn’t as harsh. he relished in the feeling of your walls gripping his cock as he dragged it in and out of you.
“daddy,” you drawled out into a moan. one of his hands cupped your breast before smoothing it over your stomach.
“can’t wait until you’re carrying our kid,” jean moaned. he steadily rocked his hips, letting them slap against your ass. he looked down, watching it jiggle whenever they came into contact.
“i’m gonna cum again,” you whimpered. he held your leg up and started thrusting a bit faster. you turned your head back and kissed jean, allowing him to swallow your moans as you came undone for the third and final time that night. jean came right after you; the feeling of you clenching down on his cock was enough for him to spill another load inside you.
“i love you, i love you, i love you y/n,” he whispered against your lips as he pulled out. you shifted positions so that you were flat on your back and your head was buried in the pillows.
jean balanced his weight on one arm as he brought the other hand down to your core. some of his cum was leaking out of your hole, so he stuck a finger in you and slowly pumped it.
“you can’t waste this if you wanna give me another baby,” he chuckled. you would have normally hit him back with a sarcastic comment, but you were entirely too spent and fucked out to form words. “let’s take care of you now, yeah?”
you meekly nodded your head as he got off the bed and left the room. you could hear the faucet running in the bathroom and assumed that jean was preparing a bath for you.
he returned to the bedroom and lifted you off of the bed. he carried you to the bathroom where the scent of lavender filled your senses and put you at ease. jean lowered you to the floor, and you held onto his arm to keep your balance.
jean went into the tub first; he laid his back against the porcelain-enameled steel and gestured for you to sit between his legs. you stepped in and sunk into the scalding water that was also soothing your body.
you relaxed against jean, letting your head fall back on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. you stayed in this position before he started rubbing your body to try and ease your muscles.
“i love you,” he whispered into your ear as he pressed his hands against your stomach. “can’t wait for baby number two.”
a calming silence fell upon the both of you. you felt your eyelids getting heavier with each minute that passed, so eventually you got out of the tub with shaky legs. jean followed suit, wrapping a towel around you tightly before drying himself off.
you did your night routine with jean, and he made it a competition to see who could get ready the fastest. he ignored your claim of “hygiene shouldn’t be a competition, jean” and continued doing everything as fast as he could while still making sure he was clean.
when you came back into the bedroom, you couldn’t help but notice how your bed was basically drenched in yours and jean’s cum. you tiredly pulled the bedsheet off of each corner and threw it to the floor. that would be tomorrow’s problem, you thought as you eyed the pile of clothes on the floor as well.
you walked over to your chest drawer and pulled on one of the handles so you could get a nightgown out. you held it up to undo the folds and slipped your arms through the sleeves before pulling it over your head.
jean walked in and saw the sheets on the floor, but he didn’t say anything about it. he got a clean pair of boxers and pants out of the drawer before shutting it and putting them on.
you laid on the bed, and you stretched your arms out at him to tell him you wanted him to lay down with you.
“let me check on marco,” he said, causing you to pout but nod in understanding. he kissed your forehead before he left you alone once again.
he tiptoed down the hallway and twisted the knob to marco’s room. to his surprise, he was grabbing at the railing of the crib and staring at jean with wide eyes.
“hey, buddy! why are you awake?” he said as he pushed the door further open which allowed for more light to fill the room. he walked to the crib and took marco into his arms, lifting him high in the air. “was your mommy being too loud?”
he brought marco down and let him rest his head against his chest. marco brought a small fist up to jean’s hair and started tugging on it.
“heeey, that’s not cool, man. quit it,” he laughed. the vibration of his chest tickled marco, making him squeal. “i gotta get you back to sleep.”
jean spent the next ten or so minutes trying to get his son to settle down, which he eventually did. marco fell asleep in jean’s arms, so he wished him a good night before putting him back in the crib.
upon returning to the bedroom, he noticed that your eyes were already shut. but as if you sensed him walk in, they shot open.
“he’s asleep now?” you asked quietly. jean hummed in response before walking over to you. he placed a kiss on your tummy, and another one on your lips before crawling into bed next to you.
“good night, jean,” you said as he draped an arm over your waist.
“good night, my love,” he replied.
jean subconsciously thanked his younger self for dreaming big. maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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ghostputtyarchive · 2 years
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here r some silly reaction emojis i drew rlly late last night… feel free to use them if u want :)
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 years
«❝ 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❞» - PT. TWO
Yeonjun was the one to break up with you, so why does he want you back now?
➸ check part one out here!
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«────« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Pairing: Yeonjun x Reader (female)
Genre: 335 cups of fluff and 3 cups of angst
Warnings: a bit suggestive maybe??? cursing, eating, cheesy cringe stuff hehe, ++ unedited so there may be a lot of mistakes !!
Song: I’ll Never Love This Way Again
(YUH OMG FINALLY I FINISHED THIS REQUEST IM SCREAMING OMG??? i’m so sorry that this took so long, i know a lot of people waited for it 😭😭 and for the anon who requested this bc there wasn’t a notif- keah accidentally deleted it 😭😭. ngl i would die for yeonjun in this. ANYWAY, i hope you enjoyyy~~ i rlly liked doing something like this and yes i have to mention the happiness it gave me at 1am when i finally finished it 😌💕)
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
As easy as it was to say compared to real life, Choi Yeonjun was a wreck. A horrible, horrible and you must’ve forget to say- horrible wreck! That is including the duration of time before and after the second time you left.
How he roused one morning to you no where in sight after a vicious night of going out was something he deeply regretted. He would do anything to go back to that day, of course. He wasn’t sure about how you were doing, but jeez did he want to see those bright glints in your eyes whenever you saw him again. To see you smiling like nothing was wrong or giggling when he finally made ticklish contact on those sensitive places or even how you’d frown before him due to his carelessness. His mind drew him back to the ungodly hour of 4am when you scolded him for the scar on his arm he didn’t seem to realize until later and the way you made sure nothing else on his body was hurt. Yeah anyone could tell that didn’t go very well considering he was a boy and you were a girl, but that wasn’t the point!
In simple terms, he missed you more than anyone he’s ever laid eyes upon and the plain truth was that. You weren’t easy to be shaken off his mind after that ordeal of getting you to himself for one, final night. It hurt him most to see the disgusted expression on your face as if you were staring straight at a pile of elephant poop on the ground, not wanting to do anything with it because it was useless and foul. He couldn’t possibly make it your fault too, which meant he shouldn’t have been surprised. Breaking your poor heart by insulting you and taking you for granted, everything was wrong with him for thinking this way!
Whether he liked it or not, his heart said differently about this matter.
Perhaps it was the way you looked that night- he could say- however, it was more than that. With your adoring, sparkling eyes that weren’t easy to miss and your stunning, contagious smile that caused ripples of happiness to fly across the room, he couldn’t blame anyone for falling in love with you. After all, he was a victim of it himself so there was no way he could’ve not in the end. All of those things were true especially, but taking in everything to account as well hanging out with you, your unique individual beauty meant nothing.
He just loved you for you. Loved? No, not loved. Loves. He still loves you for you, and he was a fool to realize it this late. He just lost the best thing in his life due to his stupidity; he knew fully well that you couldn’t ever bring yourself to talk to him face-to-face again if the two of you met again. Would you two even come to meet in the first place? That was the true question here. He and you both knew that due to your resistance and remorse for what happened last weekend that you would never permit yourself to see him. Like he said, he couldn’t blame you for that either.
And yet, why is he trying to convince himself that he’s the only one for you? Your every smile was originally because of him, but now... but now, you’d never let him hear that for one, last time. He couldn’t redo his mistakes of the past of hurting you even if he promised never to do that again. And judging this situation, destiny wouldn’t allow that to happen anyway. With all of your encounters, it seemed as if they all turned out the same way. Everything was ripped into shreds.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
“Wait, so you sLEPT WITH HIM?!” Soobin’s voice reached to a dangerous while the two of you paced around the hallways together, trying to quietly talk about last weekend until he so rudely screamed about your untrue administrations. You clasped your hand over his mouth in instinct, punching his shoulder as a warning to keep quiet or else. His body heaved with hearty chuckles while you screamed, telling him to keep his voice down so that you could truly tell him the whole story.
“Soobin! That’s not true; I wouldn’t do anything like that, ever!”
“Well, he’s your ex- and he’s hot, so why wouldn’t you sleep with him?!”
Now some of the students subtly shuffled around to eavesdrop on your conversation, and you groaned at the newfound attention. Just what were you thinking about telling him when sometimes he could contradict himself to be this loud?! It was steaming tea, yes, but no one else had to hear about it! You should’ve told him this stuff at lunch when the two of you were alone.
Swiftly pulling Soobin to the vacant hallway where thankfully no one else was walking, you made sure to keep your voice to a faint hush. You weren’t sure if he could hear you, but you couldn’t risk involving anyone else in this personal matter. Students passed by all around you in the other hallway, holding conversations and walking in groups which was a good sign you could actually speak normally since no one was paying attention anymore.
“So did you or did you not?” He mused, ruffling the top of your head. You pushed his hand away, rolling your eyes at his playfulness when the gravity of the situation needed to be comprehended instead.
“Soobin, I told you we never slept together in that sense last weekend. We were both drunk and shared the same bed! It doesn’t mean anything and we aren’t going to get back together,” you held your breath through those words as you watched the amused smile on his face turn into a pitiful, pouting lip. His adorable puppy dog eyes that were begging you not to get mad at him didn’t seem to work now, and you found yourself telling him off even if you didn’t mean to in the first place.
“You’re so stupid for thinking that, you know?! Yeonjun’s a jerk, I have no clue why I ever got with that bastard in the first place! God, if you never let us meet together then you know I would’ve been happy now. Just why did everything have to turn out this way?!”
The walls of your heart you tried so hard to buttress through your words and actions crumbled with every second you spoke, disintegrating into pure dust the moment your voice leveled to reach your anger. Your chest was trembling as you choked out the last few words, unable to say anything anymore as a lump appeared in your throat. You hated being weak in front of him the most because he’s seen you so many times like this before and he’d very clearly think of you as a crybaby.
He seemed to understand this, shooting you a gently smile as some small encouragement. It was that smile that urged you to snap out of your evil trance immediately. For saying all those rude things to him, it was contradictory since at that very moment you wanted to take everything back. The guilt ate you up in an instant once you took in his dumbfound yet soft expression, causing you to envelope him in a warm embrace as contrition. He never deserved this treatment when it wasn’t even his fault anyway.
“I... I’m sorry, Soobin. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It’s just so hard on me now since I know I shouldn’t have done that with him last weekend. We didn’t do a lot, and yet I still want to say that I love him...? Even now I won’t allow myself to cry and be weak but,” your voice faltered as your body slightly shivered, “I can’t do it. I just can’t be strong anymore. It’s so hard.”
Soobin sighed, generously allowing you to lean on him like last time. You were so strong- you had always been so strong in front of him, and it hurt him to see that you were slowly breaking no matter how much you tried to stop it. He could see right through the so called smile you shot him this morning as soon as you saw him. He knew right then and there that something happened to you during the weekend and when he heard it was all about Yeonjun... he had to contain himself not to beat up his best friend or else the friendship he treasured dearly would crash, fall, and wouldn’t withstand.
However, the truth remained. Little by little, you were shattering due to Yeonjun’s actions and he could only watch helplessly as you flew freely to the ground. It was an understatement to say that he was starting to hate his best friend for doing this to you, but in the end he believed you. If you did it before, then you could do it again right? And you knew that Soobin was always right there for you no matter what.
Last month you gave it your all in order to move on. He truly admired that you kept running and running towards the future even if you felt that there was no end, a quality he secretly cherished of you. As a person, you were strong in your own way and Soobin was proud of you. He just didn’t know how to say it now without making the bright atmosphere droop. It was always like this whenever a problem with your relationship arose. He brought you closer to his arms.
“You’re not weak at all for crying, Y/N. I think you’ve been holding it for too long now. You’re always welcome to come to me, alright? I’ll save you from that stupid Yeonjun and make you happier than he ever has! You deserve someone much better. You and I both know this.”
He wiped your every tear which streamed against your cheek with his thumb gently, and somehow you finally smiled. Ardent, genuine, and sincere, your smile was enough to cause another one of his own towards you, a great deal of blinding happiness all around you. You were sure Soobin was waiting for this after a while, although it came out at a surprising time. You didn’t expect it either.
This was another feeling you couldn’t ever get enough of, for it reminded you of the time when Yeonjun asked you to be his... but comparing it to this wasn’t right at all.
No words were spoken between the two of you, but it really did mean a great deal of comfort to you. How could he offer up this ample amount of support towards you? You made a promise to yourself to make it up to him one day.
A few minutes later, you reluctantly pulled away from his sweet hug to check the time on your phone. You weren’t sure how long you’d been holding each other like this (and you really did enjoy it), but if you kept dawdling then you would miss every single afternoon class. Your eyes scanned through the upper numbers.
Crap. You already missed the first few minutes!
You scrambled to get yourself off him, pulling your bag over your shoulder in a haste. “Wait, I’ll tell you the details later!” You waved your hand for a flimsy goodbye, rushing to get every paper in your bags in check. It was a pathetic bye, that was for sure. You rushed out before Soobin could even mutter a bye, hoping to get there in good time so that you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of everyone. Oh, well. You’ll see him later.
Your footsteps faded away little by little and yet another set rippled through his ears through little clacks on the spotless floor. He wondered if you were coming back to ask him something but before he could turn around, sweet words that were due to a familiar tone made his heart stop in place.
“Please, take care of her for me.”
Upon hearing that voice Soobin halted in his tracks, looking back at a pair of warm, brown eyes that met his own. By the looks of it, he heard everything you said. Not to mention that it was the second time the boy eavesdropped at that.
“Soobin, please? You can date her even if it hurts but just please... if I can’t look after her, then who else’ll take her to her favorite restaurant?”
The pleas did not matter to him all the more, if he was being honest. This game was something he didn’t want to be involved in but looks like fate had its plans. It was obvious now. He hated this and although he said you deserved better, it was clear that the two of you were destined to be together.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
The door clamorously creaked as soon as you entered, making you cringe at the sudden but minimal heads that turned towards you. You shyly offered up a smile, reorganizing the books in your hands to pass off some of the attention somewhere else. Some of the people there were doing their own things and focused on talking to each other to an extent. You sighed gratefully. Thankfully you could sit alone at a spot where no one would notice you at the top of the row.
After you wondered where the rest of the students were and the professor whom you searched for in every direction, you gave up with a relieving drop of your shoulders and decided to sit down. Glancing at the time, you muttered how stupid you were under your breath for reading the clock wrong. You were fortunately five minutes earlier, but looks like you have to wait now until the lesson starts.
Getting situated in your spot was an easy thing and you toyed with your phone when you heard a shuffling of clothes sitting next to you on the right. It wasn’t such a good time to be socializing right now since you felt like crap but if you were going to make new friends, you might as well do so now. After all, college was supposed to be a good experience minus all the endless assignments and projects to prepare for your future.
You managed to steal a look at the person who sat right next to you but became paralyzed in your spot when you realized who it was, whipping your head where you wouldn’t be able to get distracted by him. That dazzling, blue hair was unmistakable. And the perfect, rosy lips were too! How could you not be tainted when he chose to sit next to you?! Seeing as the latter was impossible when you heard his deep voice murmur the words ‘good morning,’ a bead of sweat collected at your forehead. He was never this bold before after you broke up, and you pondered if he wanted to be good friends again after what happened. The audacity was unbelievable.
You couldn’t understand why he’d choose to be beside you when there were many more other open spots in the room. He must’ve been mocking you, making fun of you after how weak you looked a few days before.
The question was though, why the hell was he sitting right there?! Right next to you?! You could feel the words becoming stuck in your throat as you choked out a good morning back, too anxious to say anything or else it’d initiate a conversation between the two of you. That was the least thing you wanted to do as of now, wasting all your energy on the time spent convincing yourself he’d make up some small talk. That time however never came, and you were left politely smiling at the one and only Choi Yeonjun when you randomly found him staring at you.
The professor finally arrived, lifting off a heavy burden on your chest when you could’ve been dreading the lesson instead. You should’ve left before as to not create any conflict, but anymore absences and your future would’ve been as good as dead. Although you could look at the bright side now! Yeonjun wouldn’t be able to talk to you or else he’d miss some important things which would in turn affect his grades. You threw a grateful smile towards the center of the cavernous room, becoming a little bit relaxed even if some part of you was still freaking out he was that close to you.
The class was a blur, pointless information echoing throughout the room you didn’t care to learn since you were dozing off. Your mind was too busy looking back at the events that went down last weekend, becoming more tired with every second that passed. It was hard to get your brain off that addicting stuff called overthinking every single time you caught Yeonjun staring at you with tender, soft eyes. Simultaneously, you were hoping no one would call you out for daydreaming of what could’ve been, so you hid behind a tall person’s blonde head, hoping not to be caught.
Sadly, you were brought back to the room when a chorus of sighs collected together to make a violin whimper of disappointment.
“You will be working with the person beside you on the right,” the professor declared, clearing their throat while most of the class groaned altogether. Wait so that means...
In an instant, everything seemed way too overheated in the room now. Were you the only one feeling hot or what?! You knew fully what was supposed to come next since you were the only two sitting on the top, the rest of the bottom being filled out by tons of people who were tuning in to the lesson.
Sometimes life doesn’t work the way we want it to. That itself was obvious. Otherwise you’d be somewhere else being happy instead of working with this jerk!
You couldn’t help the frustration of curses you thought in your head, glaring at the boy who was giggling cutely to himself.
“Oh, looks like you’re paired up with me! I can’t wait to work with you, Y/N~” The tone of his voice made your heart skip a beat, the all too familiar teasing getting to your head. As you expected, whatever he said would have an effect on you, instantly making you heat up at how true that statement was.
Smiling, you gulped, feeling too parched all of a sudden. God only knows how much you wanted to get out of there right away. You were dying not to embarrass yourself, collecting your books together as you slathered a polite tone to your voice. Somehow you got the words out despite making clear eye contact with him way too long for your own good. It felt so wrong to say he was a masterpiece but it felt so right to keep looking at him like this.
“Where should we work?” Yeonjun asked once more.
He leaned closer to you, leaning on his hand as he maintained an direct, intent gaze. Your lips formed into a straight line, hopelessly wishing he wouldn’t see how much of a mess you were in front of him. Then he licked his lips. That was the end of you! He and you both knew that it was meant to be flirtatious. Your ears burned at the sight. Well that was enough to be looking at his eyes now! You foolishly turned away.
“Hmm, how about we meet at the bakery everyday at five? Are you okay with that?” Yeonjun suggested, raising an eyebrow to comprehend your unsure expression. You nodded your head acceptingly, albeit a bit defeated. He shouldn’t have been expecting anything. You were fine with whatever place you could meet up by, but didn’t he know that you weren’t fine working with him?!
After the quiet and easily awkward atmosphere, you turned on your heel getting up from the exhausting spot. It was much too uncomfortable for you to plan out a schedule with him, and second you weren’t able to catch the directions with him chatting it up a bunch.
Of course you wanted to be mature about the situation, but it was impossible for you. If it was another person, then you would’ve been fine. You could ask around but that itself was scary too. Your heart was in a tugging predicament with you in between, and you weren’t sure what to choose. Seems like Yeonjun was your only choice now. It would’ve helped you move on but with him right there, it would be harder to really think about yourself for once. You shot him one more look, hoping it would be the last.
“Yeonjun, don’t think you’re fooling me with this flirting. You know I can’t work with you after what you said. I’m sorry, but find someone else who’ll be open to being your partner.” You opted to get up from your seat, trying to dash away as quickly and quietly as possible until he said something that made you paralyzed as you got up.
“Y/N, please wait!”
Suddenly the world stopped and in it, you could only see the two of you with Yeonjun clinging gently to you.
He grabbed your arm before you could move to another seat, holding on tightly just to make you stay. You winced at how warm it was compared to your shaking arm, avoiding his vulnerable eyes due to embarrassment. You didn’t know how you were supposed to do this project anyway when you couldn’t even look at him in the first place.
“I know, and I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have done whatever we did while we were drunk and bothered you like that. Just... can you work with me this once? I want you to get a good grade with me.”
Gradually, his words became inaudible at the end, as if too ashamed to say it out loud. It was an understatement to say what he said was surprising. Therefore you couldn’t help but gasp at how vulnerable he got when you tried to move away from him when you thought he would’ve let you go after what happened. It was clearly too much for you to see his adorable puppy dog eyes, glistening and sparkling with sincerity when you safely decided to look back at him, feeling weak in the knees with uncertainty of what to say.
And although you wanted to say no so badly, you spoke without thinking and murmured something only he could hear.
“Okay then... Let’s do well.”
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Before you knew it, five pm rolled by and you were face-to-face at the bakery where Yeonjun was waiting for you. At this point, you were reluctant to go through with this since you could easily say you hadn’t found anyone to do the project with. But knowing that the teacher was stubborn and hardheaded when they made plans like these, it would be impossible to convince him to let you work alone. Plus, you actually got ready instead of throwing your favorite hoodie this time! You couldn’t let all your extra effort and special preparing to go to waste just because it was Yeonjun.
And gosh, you just had to remind yourself it was Yeonjun again.
The advances were simple. You had brought all your heavy books relating to the subject, hoping they’d be able to help but now all they seemed to do was weigh you down from getting the door. The wind was heartless, sending icy gusts through your clothes as you heaved out a sigh. It would’ve been good if you just left now instead. But this would only make matters worse. You swiped your phone again, purposely ignoring the contact name of ‘Stupid Mean Jerk Jjuniebug.’ He hadn’t texted you yet saying he was there so you hesitated a tiny bit before reaching for the golden door handle and eventually going inside.
The warm smell of cookies, cakes, and a variety of baked breads welcomed your nose, making the corners of your lips turn up with satisfaction. Out of all the distractions in the world, the Boulangerie was such a perfect place to go to do anything, really. If it wasn’t for your stupid project, you’d probably relax and enjoy a cup of your favorite drink paired with one of the delights they had here! It sounded like flawless idea. Happily, you made a mental memorandum in your head to plan out a day with Soobin where the two of you could hang out and tell stories to each other. He would definitely enjoy this place because of all of the bread you could order.
Surprisingly, Yeonjun was there already and you assumed he was writing something important down due to the determined expression on his face. He furrowed an eyebrow, slightly biting is lip while you inched towards him. You couldn’t help the smile that arose on your cheeks because of how endearing he looked as he worked hard, holding tightly to the books in your arms when you finally came close to him.
He looked up from his little notes of hearts and bunnies he was doodling as soon as a pair of shoes made unpretentious clitter-clacks, eyes lighting up with admiration when he realized that it was you standing there.
“I ordered your favorite dessert while waiting for you. Do you still like it?”
The words got stuck in your throat. He got you something? He must’ve been thinking of your arrival too attentively otherwise there’s no way that was true, but gosh did Yeonjun prove you wrong in a second.
Glancing at the sweets before you paired with a dainty teacup of your favorite drink, a gasp left your lips that embodied awe since he still remembered what you liked to order whenever you came to the Boulangerie with him. The snow white lace of the table fabric created flashbacks in your mind and you tensed up in realization. You hadn’t come here in two months- the last time you were able to picture your last date with him. Although, that wasn’t the point at all.
You were not to be expecting anything after the two of you separated even if the two of you were exes. It was just in Yeonjun’s moral codes in life to be kind to anybody and especially you whenever he please just because it was normal to him. You adored how pure he was, but at the same time you couldn’t shake how he acted towards you almost two months ago. That hostile expression on his face- one you’d never seen before- couldn’t ever be erased from your memory no matter how much effort you put in it.
But the past was the past. No bad things could happen like that now, could it? It was all because the two of you broke up. You were exes.
And yet, you could smile freely like nothing of the sort happened towards the two of you. After all, it was the right thing to do wasn’t it? Yeonjun would’ve wanted you to do that too, you knew it deep inside despite desiring to deny it. To move on and not have any feelings of pent up frustration and anger towards each other. Joy swelled in your heart at how much maturity you were gaining because of heartbreak. Maybe the two of you could be friends. Maybe.
“Thank you so much for doing this even if you didn’t have to, Yeonjun. I’m surprised you even came since your friends are much more interesting than me. I’m glad that you did though.”
You decided to take a bite in the delicacy, immediately not regretting the dulcet decision as you relished in the simple sweetness that came with it. Honestly, you missed this wonderful, mouth watering taste so much! Just like what you remembered, you shut your eyes in pure content, not being able to take in the sight of the boy in front of you who chuckled to himself.
Yeonjun heaved a breath of amusement from his chest, cheek laying down on his hand again as his eyes showed nothing but the sincere feeling of endearment towards you. He shifted comfortably on his side, grabbing one of the crimson, bright strawberries from his plate as he bit onto the juicy tip of it.
“You know, you’re always cute when you smile like that,” he whispered, not caring whether or not you heard it- which you obviously did.
You puffed your cheeks out at this.
“Shut up...! We’re here for a project, remember? Not to... flirt, silly.”
The mischievous yet saccharine grin on his face made you flustered and you glanced away from him, pretending to look at the tray of enclosed desserts that you saw when you first entered the bakery. You couldn’t allow yourself to become distracted like this! Not to mention that looking at him straight through doesn’t seem to help either!
“Oh, but when I look at you I can’t seem to focus on anything else. I’m being serious here; I just really can’t seem to take my eyes off you.”
The slamming yet gentle sound of you slamming the spoon you were holding on the table gave everything away and his eyes turned into euphoric crescents that only signaled delight.
“Yeonjun, I said shut your trap. All these cheesy compliments and I’ll... we have to do our project, so please cooperate and let’s put our work together to actually do something good.” You pulled your books together in a pile, acting as if you were really doing something in order to distract him from teasing you. The raging beat of your heart begged to differ, so you hoped he wouldn’t hear it or else that would give him another reason to make you flustered.  
“As you wish, princess. We’ll work so well together that you’ll miss me once I drop you home!”
He’ll drop you home...?
You groaned in annoyance at the nickname and offer although you kind of enjoyed it, wanting to smack Yeonjun in the mouth for not listening to your request. He must’ve been deaf or something because the whole time he kept throwing coy phrases you’d never heard before or trying to whine about how much work it all was for the two of you.
You were only starting to understand how annoying he was whenever he got cranky and dozed off for thirty minutes, leaving you to search through all those books and gather information yourself which was luckily a lot of help. It was a nice silence for a while but once he got back to annoying you endlessly, you swore you could rip all your hair off from the frustration building up from inside of you.
How were you going to do a week of working with him when you couldn’t even look at him in the eye every time he made pouty, kissing lips? Or take him seriously whenever he called you a pet name for that matter? You wished future you the best luck, unfortunately not knowing what would arrive in the times to come.
“Hey, could you look at this for a second? I’m having trouble if I should or more exactly- how I should put this down when it makes no sense.”
You laughed at how clueless he was when it came to his favorite subject, shuffling right beside him to see what he was struggling with. It was too natural, too suspicious for the both of you not to know this. You contained the snickers of mock once you put it all together, silently calling him stupid in your head for not being able to jot down this simple effortless thing. You twisted your body towards the notes, enough for your shoulders to meet together.
Little did you know that Yeonjun only wanted you to come close to him, and it was more than suffice to say it worked out in his favor.
You were explaining everything to him but the only thing he could focus on was the little things about you. The bitty, endearing gestures of your hands while you connected two of the subjects, the way your chest heaved up and down when you took a tiny breath of air, and even how your lips opened and closed was enough for Yeonjun’s fluffy cheeks to heat up and bloom into a rosy red. The words droned off as it echoed between the two of you, easily becoming pointless since he wasn’t paying attention anyway.
A couple of seconds passed between the two of you when the bakery suddenly became silent, and he gripped the pencil he dropped earlier on the table as you shot him a shy smile. Yeonjun’s knuckles became white with every second his stare lingered on you. You were way too cute for your own good, and you didn’t even know it- so why was he surprised? He, too, was hoping you wouldn’t be able to notice the aggressive thumping in his chest.
“Yeonjun? You got all of that, right?” Your symphony-like voice snapped him from out of his trance.
“Okay, then I’ll put that down,” he breathed tiredly.” It looks like he was getting exhausted too, huh? You were about to say a few words of encouragement until he cut you off with his own.
“We’re almost done researching; just hang in there, alright? You’ve been doing so well, Y/N.”
The gentle, supporting words was enough to send ripples through your heart and you nodded your head, all the while checking through what you noted and what you forgot. You wanted to keep thinking about what he said and how it motivated you to keep going. You didn’t want to upset you and most definitely not him. However, the fatigue coating your eyes was too much and you slowly closed the heavy lids, head slowly turning to the side before you fell on something all too familiar.
A sudden yet light weight on his shoulder made him look up from what he was writing down, stunning him in his spot when he saw you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He must’ve known that this much thinking wore you out after such a long while. A tender smile decorated his lips and he took in your every feature, hoping to draw out the face that made him feel alive.
“She’s so cute...” He grabbed his jacket from the side he’d taken off earlier, laying it gently upon you with his other hand as if it was something he’d done since the beginning of time. You nuzzled your cheek against his way too comfortable shoulder, becoming more snug with each minute that passed by. He couldn’t help the skip in his heartbeat when you muttered his favorite nickname in your sleep, this ‘Jjuniebug’ being much more different compared to the past because he knew you were dreaming of him.
When such a sight like this was to be treasured by anyone, he decided he didn’t want to work anymore. Like the gentleman he was, he gathered your books together, pushing your plate to the side before laying his head against yours. He intertwined your hands with his, grinning gently from ear to ear at the warmness he felt from inside.
He stole one more glance at you, fingers delicately dancing from your cheekbone all the way to your chin, tracing your jaw as gingerly as he could. This was what he was hoping for after such a long time of not receiving it. That itself was rightfully so, yet having you near meant the world and so much more to him.
Then he glanced out the window where rain was drizzling, creating a dreading gray atmosphere which was nothing but chaos. It could’ve been something that alerted him on such a dreary day, making him anxious at how he was going to get home in a mess. But to him, he wouldn’t trade this peaceful present. Always, he wanted to be close to you like this. It couldn’t have been too much to ask, honestly.
“Tell me,” he said to no one in particular, “how can you make a moment last forever?”
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Tuesday passed as quickly as Monday did and you swiftly got prepared for five pm later. You were bouncing with excitement, ready to see the boy who’d been waiting for you over at the library, a place you decided together when he texted you during lunch break. To be true to yourself, you couldn’t wait to work with him. All day you were waiting for the horrid, slow hours to pass of lectures and countless assignments online, lingering silently through the minutes that seemed to go by forever in hopes that everything would go faster. The relief you felt when you were dismissed for the day and the joy that swelled in your heart when you went home, preparing yourself as best you could.
You didn’t understand why you were buzzing with energy over meeting someone like this, for wasn’t it true the two of you were exes? Two months ago you broke up; that was quite obvious. It didn’t help that and that number one: he was a jerk after a while of dating you, and number two: he was probably playing with your heart if you decided to be smart. But then again you always rewarded that guilty pleasure by saying the past was the past and he bought you your favorite delicacy. He may have hurt you before and because of that, you promised yourself you wouldn’t ever date him ever again.
With that thought in mind you threw your favorite outfit on that you planned just the night before, looking in the mirror twice just to make sure you looked okay. Deep down you knew it was a lie to say you weren’t doing these special things for him, trying to convince yourself that in doing so- this dressing up would do your ego a favor. Yeonjun didn’t have to see this, not at all! It was all because you wanted to look decent. Just that.
So sneakily, you crept out of the house while slipping your shoes on since nobody would notice you were gone. You checked your phone at least twice before opening the door, clearly not ready for the surprising sight your eyes landed upon as soon as you left home.
In front of you was the boy who had taken your mind captive all day, smiling from ear to ear as his fingers combed gently through his blue hair.
You gasped at how he actually came to your house after teasing yesterday that he would, but you never knew he’d carry out his plan. He would keep poking your cheek while saying something under his breath like how he’d visit you one day to pick you up. He would never do that, right? Well no, you were extremely wrong and just a day after your project date went well.
Nonetheless, you couldn’t stop the touched grin on your face to know he was waiting for you.
“Hey, Y/N,” he shyly giggled and that itself made your heart skip a beat, “let’s walk to the library together today, alright? Wait, let me take your books, please!”
Even with your protests and several no’s, he still took your books and placed it snugly against his left arm, teasing about how light they were together. You glared at him for a second before taking a few steps when he suddenly grabbed your hand.
You turned around, eyes wide in a daze.
“What is it?”
An overwhelming heat rose up to your cheeks and ears, making you feel hot in the face as you realized he was still holding on.
“If it isn’t too much to ask, can I hold your hand today? I really miss the warm feeling you gave me last summer.”
He held his hand out expectantly, waiting for you to take it on your own accord. You easily obliged- albeit a bit hesitantly- putting your hand against his and allowing him to guide you to wherever- whenever he wanted. The way his eyes lit up as he lead you to the place was precious, making you feel soft with endearment at how gentle he treated you.
Now this? This was bad. So, so bad.
On the day you left Yeonjun’s house in tears, you weren’t expecting any of this to happen. You weren’t sure how you could trust him so easily after everything he’s done- maybe it was the way you felt his sincerity in every smile he sent you or how tenderly he had grabbed your hand just now, but the happiness bottling up inside you did not lie. You felt pure jubilation whenever you saw him.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
It was Wednesday.
Wednesday, the middle of the school days where you desperately wanted to claw your eyes out from how tedious everything was. Wednesday, a day where nothing significant happened but nothing too horrible happened either. Wednesday, a reminder that you only had two days left- counting today and Thursday- to work with Yeonjun. You hated the bitter taste of having to really say goodbye, but the future had to be on the brighter side then. After this, you swore you wouldn’t ever see him and his damn handsome face for another accidental time.
Just about reaching four in the afternoon, you decided to go with Soobin over to the Boulangerie where you’d been promising yourself to take him since Monday. It was luck on your side today that you actually went out for some fresh air, carrying out some of the awaiting plans you had on your checklist. Sometimes it was nice to have a breather in the middle of the week when everything else was distracting.
It started off as usual, and you realized you hadn’t seen him since that very day of hearing Yeonjun’s offer to be your partner. To be quite honest, you didn’t really think about telling him since it shouldn’t be that important, but the boy knew it was important just by from the hesitance in your expressions. His fingers placed the glass filled with chocolate milk on the table gently and curiously prodded.
“Y/N? You’ve been acting strange lately; is everything okay?”
You glanced up from the china plate, eyes widening with surprise. You weren’t sure what he was talking about. It couldn’t have been anything important, could it? Or were you being so obvious about your giant, giant problem?
“Yeah, everything is fine, Bin! Trust me, there isn’t anything going wrong but I guess you could say that... from your perspective.”
You made sure to look at the way he reacted and seeing how his head titled with wonder, you chose to give it a try.
“Well... I should’ve called you about this but I’m working with Yeonjun for a project. We have to turn it in by Friday, but we’ve been doing stuff on it since Monday. It doesn’t mean anything though, and we’re supposed to meet up at the park (Moonlight) today.” You intentionally left out the fact he asked you and those sweet moments since you were afraid of his reaction.
You knew he was one to be respectful and kind no matter the person, although because of all this tugging back and forth between his best friends- you couldn’t blame him for wanting to sock either one of you for being so stupid. And stupid were you and Yeonjun for not being able to get enough of each other, at least that’s how you viewed it. Soobin wouldn’t dare to hurt either one of you since the two of you were best friends; physically wouldn’t cut it. You hoped he would just remain patient like he’d always have- one thing you were grateful for, obviously, instead of freaking out at the recent moments you’ve experienced.
That being said, the look on Soobin’s face was absolutely priceless once you told him about your predicament.
“You two? On a project? TOGETHER?!”
Glumly you nodded your head, expecting him to say something but his mouth was filled with shock to the brim that he couldn’t even bring himself to say anything.
“Yup, that’s true. You didn’t know about it?” To say the least, you were surprised he didn’t know about it since Yeonjun was one to trust him about everything. Little things like this would count, yes, and you could very vividly remember how he blabbed to Soobin when you first started dating about how to keep a girl on her period happy.
In response, he shook his head, hand still glued covering his mouth. Your lips slightly turned upwards at his melodramatic feedback.
“No, he didn’t tell me anything at all about it! Why are you guys keeping secrets from me?”
Ouch, that stung. But at the same time, what were you expecting?
“That’s a surprise. I thought he couldn’t keep his mouth--”
The deafening, shuffling sound of the store bell rang throughout your ears, causing you to shudder at the intermittent sound. This was a popular Boulangerie so you didn’t need to be surprised whenever a new customer came in, but it stunned you at the worst times. You shrugged at Soobin’s suddenly ghost white reaction, thinking he was just kidding with you again and went back to the cup of a refreshing drink. Honestly, you couldn’t care less about it unless it was someone you knew.
You lifted the cup to pass through your lips until the familiar sight of messy radiant, blue hair caught the peripheral vision of your eye.
It had to be him. It couldn’t be anyone else.
As your heart dropped to your stomach, your voice broke out gently, making you the only person to hear it muffled with both distress and disbelief. There was no possible way you were witnessing what was happening in front of you. You didn’t want to believe it, squinting your eyes over and over again just to get a good look. It was still him no matter what you did, no matter what you changed.
Somehow, he didn’t notice you.
He sat down at a table, sending a sugary smile towards an alluring girl who sent him the same one back. Your back became rigid at the too close proximity of their faces. They chatted for a little bit about anything that could cross their minds, obviously flirting with the stares sent back and forth and back again until it turned into a full discussion- both of them laughing their hearts out. Happiness from the ideal ‘couple’ (as anyone could’ve mistaken them) spread around the Boulangerie contagiously, making everyone awe at the sight of them fully enjoying themselves. But you? You? Your heart shattered piece by piece while watching this play out.
Too many questions flooded in your mind at once as well as too many insecurities, paralyzing you in your spot as you couldn’t find the correct way to breathe again. It was getting too hard to find the air in, you realized. Soobin called your name out many times- to get you to listen, to get you out of your stupid trance, to get you to do anything else in the world but look because it’d hurt you just as much as it did for him!
To this, you were only sitting still, staring and staring like a dormant painting hanging in a museum just to find out that you wouldn’t ever be able to change anything, but only see the people in front of you. You didn’t want to look at the face of pain in front of you but... if you looked away then something else might happen.
You cradled yourself in your arms, trying to stop the icy cold breeze that whirled pass your rips and over to the tips of your toes. It didn’t make sense to you. Why even bother putting effort into winning him back? You wouldn’t be able to be as good enough. You shouldn’t have even tried in the first place.
You gulped down those insecurities again, trying to calm your shaking hands.
It wasn’t possible to be that perfect... not at all. She was such a stunning girl, the epitome of everything you weren’t and what you didn’t have. She had such sparkling eyes, such a gorgeous smile, and not to mention an impeccable complexion that had every single girl in the world jealous. Everything about her was simply perfect and that drowned your own specialties into the deepest ocean called hatred.
Once again you glanced at Yeonjun who seemed to be having fun with the deep chuckles and smiles he was freely giving up. Oh, how bad you wanted it to be you but this reminder was one that gave you a wake up call. You never really had a chance in the first place.
He then turned his head a little to the side, ultimately being able to see you sitting next to Soobin just like you had planned. His honeyed brown eyes changed from smug into something unreadable you couldn’t put your finger on before changing in a split second to look back at the girl.
The decision dawned on you, and you clenched your fists until you felt flashing, white pain run through your fingers.
He didn’t even care.
You were stupid enough to believe he actually liked you back again. You were stupid enough to think that with all these sweet interactions and words, he was warming up to you for another countless time. You were stupid to think he was being truthful that drunken night, saying he needed you clearly as much as you needed him. Finally, you were stupid enough to think he loved you. Now the proof was smack dab in your face, blinding you from your goal of hating him, and you were such a fool to be thinking he would really be yours after such a long while.
The glossy tears gathered in your eyes, angry, frustrated but pointless words with no explanation becoming more stuck in your throat when you glanced once more at the sight across from you. Time passed by through the regal clock, ringing in an ear and out the other. One way or another, you needed to get out of there and you needed it to be now.
You hastily slung your bag filled with papers over your shoulders, making sure you hid the flowing tears from everyone’s sight. Just one turn and he’d probably see you so pitiful at the wrong time. You certainly didn’t want to look pathetic, especially not in front of Yeonjun, whom you still loved with all your heart.
In a dash, you aggressively swiped the entrance of the door handle and into the day where you just wanted to disappear. Bell ringing haphazardly behind you, you weren’t able to perceive you were out of the bakery until another customer ignored your everblooming sadness, struggling behind you to get the door. Tears soon fell on the ground after holding them in for too long, signaling your vulnerability as you crouched down behind the bakery to let everything keeping your heart captive out. This time, for real, you really weren’t going to see him again even if it meant your grades being obliterated.
You hated him. You hated him so much for what he did back there.
And yet here you were, running away from your problems again.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
It was a mistake. It was all a mistake. You shouldn’t have pressed accept without looking at the contact name. You were just so stupid that it was funny. Just another one of the reasons why he wouldn’t ever want to date you again. How could you blame him for breaking up with you?
“Y/N, you there?”
He was seeing another girl, you should’ve known. Why didn’t you know? Why did you have to be such a fool to be used in the first place? And why the hell were you sad about it when you could be using this opportunity to be getting over him?!
“Y/N, you’re not responding and I’m getting worried. Is there something I can do? Please...?”
You were just exes. Exes, for crying out loud! Exes. That’s all.
“Y/N, if you’re there just-”
“yeah, I’m right here,” you murmured quietly, caring any less that he might have not heard you in the end. If he was able to really see how you accidentally looked at him earlier, then surely he would’ve known how the world crashed on your shoulders just by looking at you. Oh, but it was funny wasn’t it? It didn’t matter anyway. After all, he wouldn’t give a damn right? Not what he did back there he wouldn’t.
Because of that, you realized that this conversation with him was not needed. Whether it was because of the project or if it was for a favor, you wouldn’t be able to do it without looking weak in his eyes. Your finger hovered over the red button, tempted to press hang up until again, his act of using a concerned voice tugged painfully on your heart strings.
“Wait, are you okay? Do you need me to be there? Something’s wrong, I know you’re not okay,” he tried for another time, breathing through the call tiredly as if he was oblivious to what went on earlier. The hate for him smoldered in your chest, and your fingers tightened around the phone so arduously that they turned white, shaking hysterically.
“No, I...” you felt your voice break, and you covered the change in pitch by clearing your throat. With the lump so gigantic that you couldn’t even breathe, it hurt to tell him a lie, much less speak at that moment. You put on a tone to make it more believable. “Everything’s fine. Just busy right now.”
“You’re lying,” he whispered so softly into the receiver you were wondering yourself if you had heard him in the first place. You forced yourself to laugh at his statement, but it came naturally, knowing it was all too true.
“I’m not lying, I promise! I just took a nap, that’s all. No need to be so worked up over me.” You figured that teasing him would be the best way to cover up your sorrow, giggling alongside him because you were so bad at lying. Nonetheless, you hoped he would take this approach, waiting silently on the floor for his best answer.
On the other side he hummed hesitantly, mumbling a few words that you couldn’t quite comprehend because you knew he didn’t want to hear them. You barely noticed you were in the corner holding yourself, rocking back and forth as the anticipation of just hanging up crept up on you.
Before you could start, Yeonjun grumbled in concern.
“Well... okay then. But if you really want to convince me you’re fine then you’ll keep your promise and meet at Moonlight today. We still have a lot to do, so let’s meet up at the usual time. You’ll be there, right?”
“Um... I...”
What else could you say? It would be rude to decline and you weren’t in the mood to lie after all that. Well, he didn’t buy it all but at least he got off the topic. You were thankful to him for not budging, although this had to be one of the worst things he could ever suggest. Not only about how you feel in the end but about the project too. As far as you were concerned, you only a little left so you were able to work separately anyway. He didn’t have to go so far to do things his way, but this would show you he didn’t need you at all.
You spoke on impulse hastily after the long, deafening silence.
“Yeah, okay. S-see you then.”
Abruptly, you hung up before the tears could start again. Not even letting him throw in a sincere goodbye to your predicament.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Just like what you remembered, Moonlight was still a breathtaking place where the golden sun shone during the day and the moon peeked out from the dim curtains of nighttime. You sighed, staring longingly at the beautiful scenery before you and sat down under one of the trees. It’d been so long since you chose to come here, especially by yourself this time. There were happy memories that came along with this place and you didn’t want to think about the bad ones, of course. However everywhere you looked, it would only remind you of him and that was the least thing you wanted to have at the back of your mind right now.
Checking the time, you made sure you didn’t arrive too early or too late. It was a few minutes after five and true to your word, you actually came. You were surprised at yourself for showing up voluntarily with your mind in such a bad condition, acting as if you were okay just for a stupid project. If you’d done this earlier, you would’ve definitely said no. Perhaps it was the way he was worried about you- although, you thought it was fishy- that you wanted to come. Maybe then you would’ve gotten the attention you wanted after all this time, with this being the final time you’ll see him.
Eventually, you saw the familiar blue haired boy arrive just a quarter after your planned time. He was panting heavily and you swore you almost felt bad for him until the image of him catching eyes with you from earlier rearranged your thought process by miles. You stood up expectantly as he ran over to you, planting his hands on his knees in order to regain breath.
“So sorry for being late, Y/N,” he choked out restlessly, taking your hands into his as an apology. He held them tightly in place, squeezing in an attempt to excuse himself for why he was late. Instantly you gasped at the contact, slowly pulling away so that he wouldn’t realize that you more or less hated his affection. At times when you’d be melting at this, you failed to realize that your suspicions were true and he was playing you behind your back.
A tight lipped smile that screamed passive-aggressiveness became of your lips and you were eager to take a few steps away from him, shuffling to get under the spot you sat earlier. You backed away a little bit but weren’t able to get far because your shoes slipped from something shaped like a square underneath you. The breath was knocked off your lungs as you fell towards the ground and you plunged back, waiting to hit the ground. That is, until someone caught you by the waist.
You opened your eyes after a few seconds of waiting and as soon as you did... you felt all the blood rush up into your face.
You weren’t expecting anything like this. Nothing sweet like this at all! Said boy was intently gazing at you, holding you by the waist as you were too shocked to say or hell- even do anything with him this close. Your head tilted away to the side this time, trying to think of anything else that would stop the intermittent pace of your heart beats. Gossiping with Soobin about what happened just now, the way you fell at school a few years earlier and embarrassed yourself and how he helped you up out of everyone else right after, the first moment you laid eyes on him and met the blue haired boy just like that... But no, all you could think of was him, him, and only him!
He seemed to be getting a kick out of this, teasing you with an adorable smile that had you awestruck.
“Were you scared...? Don’t worry about it anymore; I’ll always be here to catch you when you fall, I promise.”
It was then that he started to lean in after chuckling at your shyness, bringing your face closer to his as his eyes ran across yours. Your breath quickened just by looking back at him turn towards you- his gorgeous eyelashes that you felt the need to count each, his nose that was sculpted by the angels, his cherry blossom pink lips you so desperately needed- memorizing every valley on his face as you had done earlier when the two of you dated. Oh wait, dated...?
In a moment, you flung yourself off him. What were you doing with him?! Whatever this was and whatever he was doing- it wasn’t right! It just wasn’t right... It wasn’t right when he was choosing to see someone else, and that girl back there no matter how much you couldn’t help but despise her- did not deserve it. It wasn’t right.
Your legs felt like jelly, unable to stand by yourself as you carried out an attempt to get away from him. It didn’t seem so long ago that you couldn’t get enough of him but now you were itching to be left alone. You wanted to deal with this yourself, not reignite the fire of the hopes that he would return back. He lost that chance and you lost the chance of loving him again- even if yes, you still did love him. It was enough for you anyway- the love he gave you before only serving as a unreachable memory. You realized you needed to relinquish him.
Immediately you pushed him off you, watching the sweet expression on his face bend into something broken. The distance between you became even farther and farther with every breath your chest heaved. You gulped.
“I’m fine. Let’s just get to work so we can finish this,” you deadpanned, bringing your books that used to be laying dormant on the green grassland against your chest, moving under the tree where he broke up with you. This way you would be able to remind yourself that it wasn’t meant to be.
Surprised by your ill nature, Yeonjun nodded carefully, deciding to ponder in his head what was making you act this way instead of asking more questions. There was obviously something wrong, but he didn’t want to bother you more. To him he was unable to think of what he had done wrong and certainly hated the tense atmosphere when you refused to touch him, much less look at him. He just went along with it unknowingly like a fool that it was because of him the whole time.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
It was too hard to concentrate.
Your eyes searched despondently over the materials over and over and over again to write down something- anything that could possibly benefit the project, but it didn’t help at all that your mind was still on the boy sitting in front of you. Like a mantra, the memories of him smiling with that flawless girl kept replaying in your head as many more times as you bit by bit became insane with wrenching love.
Again, you couldn’t help but steal another glance at him before quickly ducking back down so he wouldn’t be able to catch you staring. He looked so peaceful while retracing his steps in the books, laying on his hand as a stand for his cheek. You hated how he could act so fine while you were left with nothing but hate towards him. Could you even call it hate anyway? It wasn’t true at all.
Yeonjun’s soothing voice snapped you out from your daze of pity, but it did the least to heal you and your pathetic attitude.
“Hey, do you think we could rest a second? I might fall asleep here if we have to keep reading about this nonsense stuff.”
You didn’t look up from your book, allowing him easy access to rest on your shoulder as silently as he could. His heart leaped with joy in his chest, but there was no chance he’d ever say it out loud. He graciously laid his head down upon it, becoming enamoured with your scent as he reached out to touch your hand. This need of affection easily leveled the desire which screamed out he needed you, but he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get an opportunity to be yours again.
You, on the other hand, was dying to tell him you loved him- but it wasn’t right when he simply had the same love as you for another girl.
But at the same time, you wanted to be strong. You had to be strong in order to convince him you were doing fine without him even if the truth was far from that. You had to put on a mask to hide the pain you were going through just because of him and his stupid, contagious smile that makes you grin every time you see it. You had to be strong, otherwise you’d never fool him that you needed him more than anything or anybody you’ve ever wanted. You had to be strong... but why were all your actions simply betrayed you no matter what you did?
“Get off me.”
Your shoulders started to shake aimlessly, shuddering when you felt his head bury more into the crook of your skin. He must’ve not heard anything, and you clenched your jaw until it twitched with pain.
“I said, get off me!”
As hard as you could, you pushed him off you- enough that you were just inches apart from him. It didn’t compare to the distance between you that you came to note before.
The tears were hot against your cheeks and you collapsed into your shaking hands, unable to hold it in anymore. In all your life, you’ve never felt so humiliated before just because a boy lied to you willingly. You felt pathetic.
To say the least, Yeonjun was taken aback, his eyes wide with shock as he hopelessly reached out his hand to you. All the love you bore just for him crashed into waves upon your chest, and you slapped his fingers away harshly before he could even say something.
Miserably you hid your face from him, not allowing him to see such a mess that he caused by his own hands.
“Who even are you? Are you the Choi Yeonjun who broke up with me or are you someone else?! I don’t understand how you can act like this after everything that happened... tell me, are you just playing with me or something?”
“Y/N, that’s not what I meant to do...” he tried tiredly, scooting closer to no avail as you turned your back away from him.
You laughed at his words, still not being able to look at him straight in the eye.
“Not what you meant to do? You’re telling me that it’s not what you meant to do?! Then who- who was she? Because it seemed to me that you were happier with her than you could’ve ever been with me!”
The silence that broke you apart was too deafening as you caught another look at him.
“Y/N, that’s not true... just listen, please,” Yeonjun begged, gazing at you desperately with unreadable but melancholy expression that had you on edge. He knew that you wouldn’t stay if he physically bound you in his embrace, but he had no clue what to do or what to say. He just wanted- no, needed you to really live.
Your heart broke all the more at the words he tried to pick up in order to explain- which you were sure he could hear even if he seemed very far. Easily you trashed his attempt away, getting up from your spot since you didn’t want to hear anything- anymore lies that would hurt the person you tried so hard to protect and shield away from the inevitable demise of love... that was you.
Yeonjun hurriedly got up along with you, leaving the pile of your books abandoned on the floor as he rushed out to match your pace. He ran with all his might to catch up with you but every time he reached your side- you would push him away like earlier and he didn’t have time to find his breath.
“Yeonjun, leave her alone. Haven’t you done enough, already?”
Seconds later upon hearing another voice, you rushed to someone else’s side, hoping that he would be able to protect you from the danger. It was pitiful with you standing right behind him as if that would help, but it did more than what you could ever be grateful for.
Yeonjun tensed up at his spot, stunned to see Soobin when he could’ve sworn nobody else was at Moonlight. In his mind, he could see the two of you right there apart from everything else- the two friends that looked so good together... it had to be much better than him after what he’d done. He came to a thought, letting his guard down while words of Soobin asking too many questions towards you occupied his head.
“I knew it. I knew you two were dating. I-I should’ve known,” he mumbled under his breath, his morals paralyzing him in place as he dropped his gaze towards at the ground instead.
Somehow Soobin heard this muttering and smugly smirked at this silly situation, taking a fresh opportunity that could probably boost destiny’s way before hiding it with a deep frown. He pulled you flush against his chest, holding you when you surprisingly really needed it from someone else.
“You finally figured this out? Leave us alone; you lost your chance the minute you broke up with her, pal.”
As Soobin dragged you along, you took one last look towards Yeonjun and gasped when you saw along with yours- two longing eyes flowing with tears that were nothing short of love. You wanted to reach out to help him not to cry like that even if he hurt you, but it would never work out and he’d leave you just like he’d done before. This only showed that you weren’t meant to be, never in a million years.  
And with that you left with the help of Soobin, leaving Yeonjun alone at Moonlight. Time passed to the point where he gazed upon the stars- wishing that you would come back because he wanted to say he still loved you- by himself.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
It was Thursday, the final day where the two of you would ultimately finish this project. The death of having an obligation which ripped your heart out, for better or for worse. The demise of whatever love you shared. The end of seeing him because you really wanted- no, you needed to. Everything was over in a blink of an eye and you were left feeling bittersweet about the situation... more bitter compared to sweet because you wanted more time with him. You knew deep down inside it wasn’t too much to ask, but... ending this would be for the better. It must be.
You were on your usual pathway home from the library after trying to bribe the librarian to excuse you from losing your books (when you actually accidentally left it there with him) while along the way thinking about what to do to make a grand finish for the project. Since the two of you worked on it a lot for a few hours before you exploded on him- something you weren’t sorry for in the least bit because it got your feelings out- it was safe to say that he wouldn’t bother you about it anymore. He finished his side, you were assuming, so he didn’t have to see you for the time being unless he ever decided to talk it out with you. Other than the fact that you totally hurt him back there, it honestly served you a great victory on a silver platter as you waited for the dragged out day to be over.
It was petty, of course it was! But after what he did back there at the Boulangerie while not to mention, make eye contact with you- sweet revenge had to be one of the best tastes a connoisseur could ever call upon.
And the project? Oh yeah, that’s right. It was a good thing that it was the final day so you wouldn’t have to act civil with him, for better or for worse.
After a few more blocks finally, you made it home, causing you to sigh out in relief. Hurriedly you grabbed your keys from your purse, fumbling with several of them to find the one that fit perfectly. The familiar touch never came though, and you groaned loudly, cursing yourself in your head for forgetting it in the library. It was when you set it down next to the book you were reading before you confronted the librarian- poor old woman- and somehow, you forgot to pick it up the second you got up.
Great, now this.
You opted to stare at the horizon in front of you, letting the breeze freely cool down your body. The sight was nothing less than pretty. It was a windy, golden sunny day outside but you didn’t want anything to do with it. All day you were planning to mope around the house and watch your favorite shows, procrastinating ‘til the last minute until the due date of every assignment arrived. They hit differently whenever you grabbed a bag of chips downstairs to finish them along with the homework, and you giggled at every moment that flashed in your head.
There was nothing else better to do but call Soobin, right? Although you didn’t want to bother him because these months have definitely been annoying for him whether he said it or not.
Defeated, you then stared down into the white porch as if it was at fault, feeling fear rise up your throat. What were you going to do? There was no one else you had given the key to, except...
“Y/N? Can we talk?”
Oh, no. Oh, no... Oh no no no!
When you heard that voice you were instantly glued to that spot, feet affixed on the porch as your heart beat too fast for its own good. Your mind must’ve been hallucinating and playing tricks on you; clearly you weren’t ready to see him yet!
Swiftly you moved your head to the side, eyes widening with appall to see that he was actually right there. Expression nothing less than sorrow, hair messed up and fluffy right in front of his eyes, cherry blossom lips curved into a trembling frown: it was Yeonjun, alright, but yet it was someone you couldn’t recognize due to the complete change of attitude in him. He was tightly holding onto your books but seemingly refusing to hand them over as if that would do anything better and increase the need for conversation. Unlike his stiff posture, his eyes held firm intent though, and you quivered at the determination sewn in them.
“Do you need anything?”
Instead of acting childish like you played out in your head, you simply responded it a curt voice because it was better than saying nothing and benefiting the sworn silence. More than anything you wanted to get out of there and leave the awkward tension, but there was nothing else you could possibly do without embarrassing yourself due to the fact you lost your keys.
“I... I...” This time, he avoided your eyes, words caught in his throat as he couldn’t find the exact thing to say. It wouldn’t make things any better, you realized. It just wasn’t meant to be.
You pursed your lips, locking them into a line. Whatever he had to say- it didn’t matter. Plus, there was another thing. As your eyes were already tearing up, it would be hard to stay for long to listen to his words. There was no telling what you’d say if tears automatically streamed down your cheeks.
“If you don’t have anything to say, then I’ll l-leave. We can just work on the project separa-”
Before you could even stay true to your words, Yeonjun took slow steps towards you that had you walking backwards... without you looking.
Soon enough your back hit the door, and you gasped at the close proximity between the two of you now as he leaned in. His hands reached out to cage you in between his arms, tilting his head to the side to study your reaction. The soft blue hair brushed against the top of your head- showing how dangerously close he was. His breath fanned across your lips and his heavenly cologne infiltrated your sense of smell. If he decided to torture you even more, then you’d be able to touch noses from how near he was.
Look, you weren’t sure how to describe it at that moment other than- he was pinning you to the damn wall?! Suddenly you felt all the blood rush in your face, and it was then that you couldn’t make eye contact with him anymore- especially because he’d see how embarrassed you were! He didn’t have to be that close!
“yes, I need something. Or more specifically, you.”
His voice was much more huskier than you remembered it to be, and his eyes fell upon yours, begging for you to look back if not for your anxiety that he was this close. You immediately shut your eyes, heart beating erratically in your chest even if you tried to stop it by focusing on something else. But Yeonjun... how could you not think of anything else but him?! He was nothing short of breathtaking but seeing him this close and personal... it didn’t do good things for your heart!
It was obvious that the boy was amused even if he felt guilty about the problem, making a quick exhale through his nose to show entertainment. His chuckle that came heartily through his chest caused your ears to heat up with shame since it showed how weak you were- just for him.
“Yes you, you silly baby,” he cooed endearingly, “who else could it be?”
“You’re one to be calling me silly! Don’t pretend like you were the one the other day who asked if frogs have blood!”
In a split second, his face morphed into something nothing less than serious and his left arm dropped to his side. You couldn’t help but wonder at the duality he managed to have when the gravity of the situation hit him.
“I miss things like this. I miss it so much. I miss joking around with you and chasing you around the house just to tickle you. I miss how attached you were because little did you know, I was just as much attached to you as you were to me.
“I miss the sweet look you give me every time I ask you out on a date. I miss having you right beside me whenever we studied together because you were the only person who cheered me on even when it was two in the morning. I miss giving you random kisses out of nowhere because I can’t get enough of you and that adorable, surprised face whenever I did so.
“I miss slipping my hand into yours whenever we would walk home together, letting you cling onto me so that I could protect you from all dangers. I miss giving you victory every argument we had because I hate making you cry. I miss cuddling you on the couch as we watched our favorite shows together whenever we were too lazy to get up and how I couldn’t stop smiling every time you laughed.
“I miss kissing the top of your forehead and you never knew because you were asleep. I miss waking up with you by my side and seeing something so gorgeous it would stay in my head all day even if I studied the same materials over and over again. I miss looking up at the stars with you at Moonlight and resting my head on your lap as you ran your fingers through my hair and how we’d do it every single week.
“Can’t you see? I miss you and every little thing you do, simple or exquisite. I know why you acted that way yesterday and I hate myself so much for not realizing it until later. I owed her something after she told me a way to somehow get closer to you when I’d done such a horrible thing. You can love Soobin- I don’t care about myself anymore as long I get to see my favorite girl smile due to the fact that she’s in love.
“Y/N, you mean much more to me than anything and it’s okay if you’re happy not loving me again because at least I got to experience the full joy and sadness that visited along with the love of my life. This may be the last time you may ever want to see me, but please... let me tell you how much I need you one last time.”
His eyes were shining, full of sincerity that you were able to feel even if you weren’t him. Tears resembling glistening pearls streamed down with his cheeks as he finally told you the truth he’d been dying to tell you, allowing you to see his vulnerabilities inside out. And yet, he was genuinely smiling as he confessed this, happy enough he got the chance to tell you loved you one last time.
Gradually he extended his arms out wide, allowing you to have your personal space while he took a few steps backwards and towards the grass where you followed him. By the end of it all, you weren’t able to help the tears welling up in your eyes at how touched you were from the inside. It was him, the boy who promised to love you until the end of time.
“Y-Yeonjun, I...” he cut in through your words, closing his eyes in fear of the pain that would soon become of his body if you did in the end, choose to grant his wish. It simply wasn’t enough to level the agony of his heart, but he was willing to take all the pain instead of burdening it on you.
“I’ll let you push me. I’ll let you hit me. I’ll let you get back what you deserve. You can slap me, as long as you let everything out. I don’t want you to hurt anymore because of me, so just do it!”
Oh, the euphoric relief coursing in your veins that really pushed you over the edge.
Immediately you threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him as tightly as you could because you never wanted to let go. You melted into his embrace upon contact, burying your head against his chest that was warm and overflowing with passion. Yeonjun hesitantly embraced you back, unsure of what happened just now.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his dumbfound expression.
“You silly baby,” you teased, repeating his playful words from earlier, “I’m not dating Soobin and I never have. Why would I date him when I’ll never love this way again?”
You booped his nose as quickly as you could, smiling when he finally reciprocated the same grin back.
“Choi Yeonjun, you were such a fool to lose me, but I’m even more of a fool to love you again. I’ve never stopped loving you, although I’m sure you already knew that, hEY-”
With happiness overflowing the boy, he picked you up and you were swept off your feet in a second. Wide smiles reflected back and forth from his face to yours as he spun you around him a few inches from the ground, pure bliss surrounding the two of you since you both were complete again. He let you laugh in his hands, tickling your sides unintentionally while you snickered at him to let you down. He only chuckled at this, stopping in place but still refusing to listen to your request.
“I love your very big brain that’s so smart it makes me frustrated with how dumb I am sometimes,” he brought you down a little bit to kiss your forehead. He then trailed down to your nose.
“I love how you ask me for opinions of perfume when you know deep down instead I adore your natural scent instead,” he kissed your nose and you laughed at the feeling it naturally gave you.
“But most importantly,” Yeonjun placed you down on the golden grasslands again and ceased right in front of your lips, letting his breath fall upon them, “I love you.”
Then he connected your lips together, bringing you closer towards him than he had ever done before.
At last, everything was finally perfect.
«──── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────»
Posted: 3/29/21- 1:37am (yes i did stay up halfway to two am just to get this finished. priorities people- it’s just a sweet early monday here 😔🧍)
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weasleymalfoypotter · 4 years
i hate you (but not really) pt2
draco malfoy x fem!slytherin! potter reader
part 1 here
summary: draco malfoy and harry potters twin sister have hated each other since they met. but in 5th year he comes to find that maybe he doesn’t hate her and the reasons he did end up be the things he loves
word count: 1.2k
warnings: kind of angst? kind of fluff? nothing rlly tbh
A/N: this is the second part in a series, the first one is the first ever fanfic i’ve written. i haven’t got any notes yet but im still gonna post because i’m committed:)
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the interaction with draco slipped our minds during the long journey to hogwarts for the school year. harry and i were bummed. excited to be back home and in the wizarding world rather than at the dursley’s, but we still were sad that we don’t get to see sirius as much. we can’t even really send letters for fear of him being caught.
i had to sit with the slytherin table during the sorting due to being a prefect which was absolutely dreadful. not the prefect part but the slytherin part. the reason that harry was upset with me during first year for being sorted into slytherin made more sense the more i had to be around them. the qualities of being a slytherin weren’t annoying, evil, and down right horrible but the majority of the others sure did give us that reputation. the memory of our conversation with draco popped back into my head since i had to sit with him to help welcome the new slytherins . i sat down and he looked at me sideways but not with disdain like he usually did.
“you alright there princess?” i pretty much choked on air. what the hell did he just say to me?
“what?” i turned to look at him so i could fully see his face and maybe read his expression to figure out what he meant. i’m usually good at reading him but this was a look i have never seen him with before. what was he getting at?
“i just asked if you were alright” he said with a chuckle and a smile.
“no i mean the princess part” he stopped laughing but was still smirking.
“what about it?” that stupid smirk.
“don’t call me that”
“awww why? it suits you well” i- wha-? merlin even my thoughts are stuttering. i have no idea who this is but it isn’t draco malfoy. before i could respond dumbledore starting to speak and we both turned to face him. all i could think about the entire time was what the hell draco was doing. this had to be some new tactic to get under my skin. well points to draco because it’s working
after getting the new slytherins settled i spent the rest of the day with harry, hermione, and ron. i didn’t say anything about what draco said because there was nothing to say. he was just teasing as usual...right? i don’t know but there’s nothing they could do about it anyway.
that night i didn’t go to sleep. i hated sleep. i would always get nightmares and the ones that i’ve had since june are too painful. so now i just avoid sleep like the plague. in june when harry was competing in the last task for the triwizard tournament i got a terrible feeling. my whole body was like harry’s scar in the way that we could sense voldemort, but my senses were a lot stronger. the slightest connection to the dark lord had a physical effect on me. when harry got to the cup with cedric in the maze i was in pain, not excruciating but enough to make me worry like hell, and not just for harry. cedric was my best friend. we got close during my 2nd year. it was an unlikely friendship considering the age difference and the house rivalry but he was my best friend. so when i got that feeling during the third task, i was worried for the both of them. it got worse and i could tell that voldemort was close to harry. i kept searching for his mind trying to see if he would take of his ring and he did. right as i got into his head to see what was happening, cedric died. i watched it happen. and every night when i went to sleep i saw it. over and over and over again. i was powerless, unable to save him, watching from harry’s mind. so like i said, i don’t sleep... until i can’t hold it off anymore.
i went to the common room and sat on a couch reading for hours. it had to have been at least 2:00 in the morning so i definitely didn’t expect to hear footsteps coming from the boys dorms. my head lifted from my book and i saw draco. honestly i’m too tired for this. i didn’t say anything and i dropped my head back to my book. he just stood there. he didn’t move. he didn’t speak. he just stood there staring. i could literally feel his smirk on me. and then he drew a breath and before i could mentally prepare myself, he spoke.
“you know you really should get to sleep, it’s late”
“i’m not tired, and you’re up too so what’s your point” i never picked up my head. i kept my eyes on the page in front of me even though i wasn’t retaining any of the words...only the ones coming from the platinum blonde. he started walking towards me, i still kept my eyes on the page. that is until the page disappeared as the book was being taken from my hands and the boy sat down on the spot on the couch next to where my legs were propped up. my head shot up and my eyes narrowed.
“hey!! what are you doing?” i seethed at the loss of the weight of the book in my hands. he set it down on the end table next to him.
“ummm i’m sitting down?” i let out a sigh before i responded
“i mean, there is no one else down here and there are plenty of other seats. what are you doing sitting here.” i said while pointing at the couch scowling “also give me my book back” he just did that stupid smirk, laugh, hand through hair thing that he did on the train. it made my stomach feel weird. i don’t know why but it did.
“well you see princess, the other seats aren’t this close to the pretty girl in the room” i completely ignored my need for the book as i blinked. i don’t think i physically could do anything but blink.
“i think you just had a stroke.” there was no other explanation. his face was bright as he laughed and but his lip slightly.
“and why do you think that” because this is absolutely insane. because you are absolutely insane.
“you just called me princess for the second time today AND you said pretty. you called me pretty. you had a stroke. that’s the only explanation.” HE SMIRKED. AGAIN. HAND THROUGH THE HAIR. AGAIN. he’s driving me insane.
“maybe the explanation is that i think you’re pretty” that’s laughable. that’s funny.
“you know what? i’m going to bed” his eyes. oh merlin his eyes are doing something weird. i stood up to leave and as i was passing him he grabbed my wrist. i’m nothing but confused. he looked up at me and said
“i thought you weren’t tired” he’s still smirking. i pulled my wrist out of his grasp and started to walk towards the dorms. right as i pulled my wrist away i spoke
“goodnight draco” i took a few steps before i heard his voice behind me
“you know, you’re the only one that calls me that” i looked back at him with raised eyebrows. i’m the only one that called him by his name? he read my expression easily and said “everyone usually just calls me malfoy. you always call me draco.” smiling. he was smiling. not smirking. not mocking. he was smiling at this. i blinked at him and walked to my dorm. was i actually going to sleep? no. but at least i had something to think about.
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hwajin · 4 years
First Snow
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Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Note: i'll try my best to post on time but i'm rlly bust lately, bare with me. hope u enjoy☃️
Lovers who watch the first snowfall together will stay with each other for a long time
- Korean saying
You woke up as soft sunlight hit your face, the warmth of the blankets and Hyunjin's body next to you surrounding your figure, making you want to fall back asleep. You opened your eyes slightly, looking at the boy laying next to you. There was barely anything better and sweeter than seeing Hyunjin in the morning, sleeping tightly. His lips were always puffy and slightly parted, which caused little sounds to escape his mouth. His silver hair fell over his eyes and played around his neck where your eyes were fixated now. You admired the deep, purple marks you created the prior night, smiling at the thought of the happenings.
Your hand reached out to go through Hyunjin's soft hair, stroking the locks with your fingers gently, revealing his eyes. You noticed how your boyfriend shifted in his sleep, eyes fluttering open slowly. He looked slightly confused before he found your eyes, mouth forming into a smile that very moment. Hyunjin took out his muscular arms from under the blanket and stretched them above his head, eyes closing in the process. This action of him caused the covers to slide down his body, revealing his build chest. As he looked at you again he shot you a smirk, making you blush instantly.
"You like the view?", he asked and you nearly lost yourself. You loved nothing more than Hyunjin's voice in the morning, deep and slightly raspy. His morning voice was always sure to leave goosebumps on your body.
Hyunjin didn't wait for an answer, cuddling closer to you all of a sudden, holding you tight to his body, snuggling his face into your neck. You also weren't wearing a shirt and you could feel Hyunjin's smile on your skin. Your arms found their way around Hyunjin's figure automatically, hugging him back just as tightly.
"Mhh, those are so pretty.", Hyunjin mumbled.
Before you could ask what he meant he started kissing the marks he left on your neck, making shivers run down your spine. You smiled at the feeling, smiled at the way Hyunjin was cuddled up against you, smiled out of happiness for moments like this. When none of you had to go to work, when the both of you just could stay in bed for as long as you wanted to.
Maybe not as long as you would want to, though. Kkami, who didn't sleep in your room that night and was left outside the whole time, was whining in front of the door. You looked down at Hyunjin, eyeing him as he looked up at you. He rolled his eyes a little.
"You know, I really love this dog, but why do I need to go on walks with him that early."
Hyunjin and Kkami were both whining at this point, making you laugh at the similarity between them. You drew your arms from Hyunjin's body, leaving him behind, cold... and whiny. You sat up straight at the side of the bed, stretching your arms out as you brought your sore muscles back to life. Hyunjin stopped whining all of a sudden, eyes fixated on your bare back. The way you stretched your body, the way you looked so effortlessly perfect, even - especially - in the morning, left him speechless. It wasn't until you put an oversized hoodie of his over your head and turned around to look at him, that he snapped back into reality. Your eyes found your boyfriend's before being distracted by what was going on outside. Your eyes widened.
"Hyunjin, look!", you said excitedly, pointing towards the window. His brows furrowed and he gave you a startled look, but that expression changed as soon as he saw the weather outside: Everything was painted in beautiful white, the roofs and cars and tress, and tiny, soft flakes were falling down the sky, reaching the floor eventually.
The first snow.
Hyunjin looked at you in excitement, jumping up and putting on another hoodie before opening the door to an expectant looking Kkami.
"Kkami, it's snowing!", Hyunjin told his dog who cocked his head and looked at his owner in confusion. Hyunjin picked him up quickly, pecking him before coming back to you, placing the dog in your arms and pecking your lips as well.
"Let's go get dressed quickly, I want to go outside with you.", Hyunjin said before leaving the room, making his way into the bathroom to wash himself up.
It was only your second winter with Hyunjin, but you already figured that this was his favourite season. He loved first snow, he loved Christmas, he loved New Year, he just simply loved everything about the magical season. And getting it to spend with you made him even happier.
You were torn out of your thoughts as Kkami gave you a quick, annoyed bark, signaling you to get dressed and to finally go outside with him. You petted his head gently, putting him on the floor before you put on some joggers and warm socks. You waddled into the bathroom were Hyunjin was still brushing his teeth and you casually grabbed your toothbrush as well, starting to get cleaned up. The tall boy stepped behind you, hugging your waist with one hand and placing his head in top of yours, looking at your reflection in the mirror. He gave you his best possible smile which you returned as well as you could, causing the two of you to start giggling at your faces.
Yes, winter mornings were definitely your favourite.
You were finally outside after the two of you were finished getting ready, and you couldn't tell whether Hyunjin or Kkami were more excited about it.
Kkami ran around as much as his leash allowed him to, trying to catch the snowflakes that yet haven't stopped falling down.
Hyunjin's eyes practically sparked in the whiteness of the surroundings, his mind visibly taking in every single detail he laid his eyes on. You admired his cuteness, the big beanie on his head and the hood over it made him look as tiny as ever. The coldness outside has painted his cheeks and nose in a soft pink, and you couldn't help but squeeze his hand you were holding. Hyunjin's head turned and lowered at your action, which you thought would go unnoticed, and he gave you a big smile.
"I love this so much, oh my God, look at everything.", he said, words coming out fast. You chuckled at his reaction. You always loved how excited he could get over winter.
You leaned your head on him, walking like that for a while before reaching a small café. You decided to grab a snack and a drink as you both hadn't had your breakfast yet. You continued walking, munching on the sweets you bought silently, glancing at each other from time to time. You have finished your hot drink, glad that your body felt warm again, and you stole another glance at Hyunjin. He was drinking his coffee peacefully, looking at Kkami in front of him who was still playing with the snow happily.
God, that was it. You couldn't resist anymore.
You stopped in your tracks, making Hyunjin come to a halt as well. He looked down at you with confused eyes, not understanding the reason for your stopping. You placed your hands on the back of his head, stretched your whole body and stood on your tippy toes, but were unable to reach his perfect, pink lips nevertheless. Hyunjin laughed at your actions, throwing his head back.
"Just say that you want a kiss, why are you acting so dramatic, my God."
Sometimes his teasing really could take your last nerve.
Before you could even get annoyed or angry at him he leaned in, connecting his warm lips with yours. Your world was spinning for a moment and you swore you would have lost any balance if Hyunjin's arm hasn't snaked around your waist to hold you close. You fully melted into Hyunjin's touch, his lips on yours making your mind dizzy and kept you warm even if the two of you were surrounded by coldness. It felt like both of you lost track of time and reality, not even Kkami's annoyed barks able to disturb the moment you shared with each other.
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clovis-enthusiast · 4 years
Lotsa Clovis headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands
Keep in mind that these are just MY HEADCANONS! None of this is canon unless specifically stated! Feel free to agree or disagree. I juts rlly love my boy and his cabin and will gush about them for hours if given the chance.
Since there is a lot, I’ll put them under the cut so as not to clutter ur feed with my rambling! So uh click ‘keep reading’ to see me babble about my all time favorite character! Hope u enjoy if u read em and always feel free to send me a message about ur own headcanons! (I’m always thinking of more, so this post might be updated every once in awhile!)
He is very French. He was born in France and lived there for a short while before he and his mother (the reason I say mother instead of parent is because it was hinted at in canon that he has a mother. my go to name for her is Camille) moved to the US due to monster related problems. (He has a French last name. Something like Valois is my go to.)
French is his first language but because he moved to the US when he was quite young, he is very fluent in English. He often switches between the two languages when he’s EXTRA sleepy without noticing leading to a lot of confusion (and you can bet that he DEFINITELY swears in French because not many people at camp can understand him when he does. Those who do have a newfound respect and fear for him.)
He was initially a longtime member of the Hermes cabin even though pretty much everyone could guess who his godly parent was.
Was DEFINITELY a part of Luke’s army at one point due to the fact that he looked up to Luke as the older demigod had always treated him like a little brother, AND his godly brother Morpheus was also on Kronos’s side of the war. However, Clovis did not stay with them for long once things began to get bad and returned to Camp Half Blood with time. (Morpheus and Clovis now have a strained relationship.)
Best friends with Lou Ellen Blackstone of the Hecate cabin. They were both temporarily on Luke’s side of the war and were held with suspicion and distrust when they returned to camp, so they tended to stick by each other while the other campers warmed back up to them. Because of this, they are now very close and are always goofing around (much to the annoyance of the other head counselors aside from the Stolls, of course.)
Definitely had a thing for Nico di Angelo in the past. As the two boys are both the sons of underworld gods, Clovis had already felt a certain tug towards him. When he heard Nico’s story from the camp’s rumor mill (thank Lacy and Mitchell for that one) he became utterly infatuated. Over time, his curiosity turned more into a little crush which then became a BIG crush, but as neither Clovis nor Nico are really all that great with normal human interaction, the son of Hypnos’s flirting techniques sort of went unnoticed. That’s why Nico seems to be the only one being pulled into Clovis’s dreams at any given time despite Clovis being a ‘very strong dreamer.’ The truth is that Clovis has full control over who enters HIS dreamscapes. He tries desperately to impress Nico and help him out wherever he can, but when Nico eventually chooses Will to be his boyfriend, Clovis, though a bit sad that his first crush in a long time didn’t share the feelings, is VERY supportive. He loves to tease Nico about how hopelessly head-over-heels the broody teenager is over his sunshiney boyfriend. And if the two were ever to break up for whatever reason in the future? Well, Clovis is definitely still up for a shot.
Clovis and Nico are still VERY close. Clovis is one of the only people that Nico feels comfortable enough to be himself around and often confides in him whenever his negative thinking gets the best of him. Clovis also plays a big part in Nico regaining the memories of his past when he’s ready which he will forever be thankful for. The two obviously spend a lot of time together in dreams and greet one another in a warm fashion whenever they come across each other by chance at camp. This confuses literally everyone because literally no one has ever seen them interact before?? How are they friends?? 
Has HISTORY with Drew. No one is really sure what kind of history (it seems as if there was a little bit of memory erasure throughout the camp on the situation... hm...) but most people speculate that the two shared a romantic relation at one point in time. Turns out, they were NOT compatible, and the whole thing went up in flames. Drew still holds a huge grudge against Clovis who acts as though he could honestly care less. He still treats her politely though there have definitely been some not-so-subtle nasty looks cast across the campfire towards her direction before.
Also very close with Lacy and Mitchell from the Aphrodite cabin. Lacy feels terrible about Drew’s trash-talking and rumor-spreading and eventually works up the courage to say hi. They became fast friends, and Lacy definitely has a bit of a puppy-dog crush on him, but she is much too young for Clovis. He sees her as a little sister and allows her to put makeup on him, do his hair, and even tries on dresses and such just to make her smile. Mitchell, on the other hand, became friends with Clovis out of spite in all honesty and ended up liking the sleepy blond a lot more than he thought he would. He might have a teeeeeny tiiiiiny crush on him. Don’t tell Lacy.
Close with Pollux of the Dionysus cabin. Pollux sees a lot of Castor when he looks at Clovis which is a huge comfort to him. The two counselors have a lot of deep talks late at night, and Clovis always makes sure that Pollux is sleeping well without being haunted by nightmares. Dionysus would never admit it, but he is very thankful that someone cares that much about his only son.
Good friends with Rachel Elizabeth Dare surprisingly! He helps her out often, and the two like to sit and chat about mythology, artwork, and prophecies in the big house and at the campfire.
Has allies and friends in high places. Due to his powerful dreaming, he’s been to quite a few strange places and met quite a few strange people... or you could call them the gods, I guess. He knows a lot of the gods and goddesses from all kinds of mythologies (though obviously more of the Greek ones than anything) and they seem to like him well enough for some reason. (Probably because he’s one of the only demigods who doesn’t want to strangle them and doesn’t mind listening to them complain about petty godly things.) He often has little chats with them where he keeps them updated with the going ons of Camp Half Blood and they keep him updated about... godly drama. He kinda lives for it tbh. It’s part of the reason why he’s so informed about the gods.(Annabeth is maybe just the tiniest bit jealous.)
He’s a year round camper because it would be much too dangerous for him to go back to living with his mother. He stays in contact with her via dreams, letters, and Iris messages though!
MUCH more powerful than he lets on. He just doesn’t like conflict. 
One of his most frightening abilities is the ability to summon terrible creatures from people’s nightmares and use them to fight. He doesn’t like to do this as it can be very traumatizing for the people he uses it against, AND it’s not always a guarantee that the nightmare creatures will obey him.
His other more battle-ready powers are the ability to put an entire battle field into a deep slumber and memory alteration/erasure. He can use his memory alteration/erasure on monsters of weaker defenses AND demigods (though he feels much more comfortable using it on monsters.) He uses these powers to alter how monsters/enemies perceive demigods. Because of this, there are quite a few friendly hellhounds and scythian dracanae wandering about the camp. All of his powers are VERY draining and take a lot of concentration in order to work as intended. He will often sleep for days after a battle because of this.
He is also capable of fighting whilst asleep. In fact, his senses are heightened, and he tends to perform better this way. He also heals much faster while he is asleep. 
It is speculated that he will either grow wings from his head or his back, but it will not happen until he grows older. It’s a rare trait that few Hypnos kids (and Thanatos kids) develop, but due to Clovis’s power level, everyone is pretty much waiting for it to happen.
He can change his appearance at will in his dreams, but his aura is still the same, so he can still be identified pretty easily by people who know him personally. (As a side note, his eyes pretty much change color on their own to reflect the mood of the dreamscape he’s currently in. Gold, emerald, and violet are the most common colors. His true eye color is blue.)
Doesn’t really care about gender all that much. He has absolutely no problem with people referring to him using any pronouns (she/he/they) and is quite comfortable with himself in general. Many demigods who are questioning their gender comes to talk to him about it, and he’s always open to hearing them out and giving them advice.
VERY bisexual. Likes girls, guys, literally anyone who can keep him awake and interested for more than five seconds.
The unofficial official camp therapist.The role used to belong to Will Solace, but the truth is that the son of Apollo is much more comfortable dealing with physical ailments and problems he can fix medically than he is with dealing with feelings and mental ailments. Clovis is a very good listener despite the popular belief that he’s too busy nodding off to actually hold a conversation with properly and has a very calming aura that helps people feel safe enough to be vulnerable with him.
The go to babysitter of camp. Due to his Hypnos kid vibes, he is able to keep even the most rambunctious demigod and satyr children under control. His nap times are legendary. 
VERY big on respecting people’s privacy and boundaries. He tries his best not to enter any dreams uninvited, and he never talks about what goes on in people’s dreams ever. He also NEVER looks into people’s memories without their permission. He makes sure his siblings follow these guidelines strictly.
He literally lets anyone come into the Hypnos cabin at any time to get a good rest. The cabin has an open door policy.
New campers are often allowed to stay with the Hypnos cabin if they’d rather not face the chaos of the Hermes cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, his cabin is actually NOT the messiest cabin. The Hermes cabin wins that one though they’re followed closely by the Ares and Hephaestus cabins.
He and his siblings are some of the closest in the camp. They meet up and hang out in each other’s dreamscapes and have family nights. Clovis is the oldest AND is a head counselor, so he is very protective and responsible when it comes to his siblings.
Gives AMAZING massages. Leo and the entirety of the Hephaestus and Ares cabins are regular customers. Fight me. 
Actually a very good strategist when it comes to battles and such given that he’s awake enough to actually communicate his ideas. If you get them on your Capture the Team game, you’re already doing good. Annabeth and the Athena cabin love the competition, and they’re nearly unstoppable when they work together with him.
Clovis suffers from TERRIBLE narcolepsy, even for a son of Hypnos. It’s gotten him into a lot of bad and dangerous situations such as falling asleep mid battle, mid conversation, and even in the bath once when he was little. He has developed a fear of heights and water due to his condition.
Holds a lot of frustrations towards himself. Frustrated that he ever turned against the camp that offered him a home, frustrated that he couldn’t help Jason restore his memories, frustrated that couldn’t help more in the war against Gaea, just... frustrated. He tries to sleep off these negative moods because he doesn’t like to bring people down.
Absolutely not opposed to cuddling with people who are okay with it (he always asks first!) It’s a surefire way to get a good night’s rest since you’re so close to him, plus he’s very soft and warm!
Has a good singing voice, but just isn’t confident enough with it. He pushes through his insecurities to sing lullabies to those who really need them though. His lullabies are unmatched. 
Adores cats with all of his heart due to their lazy and relaxed nature, but he knows that he could never be able to care for one well enough. 
ALWAYS wears pajamas. Like all the time. Chiron has given up on enforcing the dress code. He also made sure to have custom made camp bracelets instead of necklaces to be sure that none of the Hypnos kids are choked/strangled by them if they happen to fall asleep in a bad place or position.
Lives in the past. Old movies, old music, old slang, you name it. I mean, he practically sleeps for the majority of his life, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s a bit behind the times. He thinks the modern age moves much too fast for him to keep up with.
The demigods of camp take turns making sure Clovis and his siblings are taking care of themselves. Walking them to the showers and dining pavilion, making sure they get a little sunlight each day, and the bare minimum of training.
He is the best boy.That is the only FACT that I do not accept criticism on. Thank you.
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kidhawks · 4 years
ajksksd oh my god, I think I was thinking of squishy cheeks and round faced Hawks so much I forgot to type the words lol. My bad, I meant "drawing of squishing Keigo's cheeks" OMG!!! I see an injured birb :( aww but the drawing is so adorable, I love how you drew Keigo and Eri and the little stuffed kitty!! the colors have a vibe and it just works rlly well. Can I fall into hysterical manic energy out of love for your art? is that a thing???
(Continued) I know tumblr's being rude so I tried to avoid sending multiple part asks, but I NEED TO GO AHHH and also *GRABS HEART AND TEARS UP WITH LOVE* omg, he is SO CUTE, and PRECIOUS!!! the whole drawing is honestly such a look, I love it so much!!!! thanks for using my suggestion, and pls rest well!!! im gonna go bananas over your amazing art in the meanwhile
(tumblr’s letting me copy and paste now yaaay) thank you so muchhh!!! glad you like the doodles even if i did them really late last night hfhdfj 🧡✨💖
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
Okok VIRTUAL HUGS! and late night thought dump again! -🐾
I should start writing notes on myself so I can remember stuff better
Why is it on every quiz I take, the main character likes me? Like I swear I’m perfect for itadori
Kuroo🥺 why do you not exist😔
Bruh how would his hair translate to the real world😳 it’s all fun and games till you see how bad his hair ACTUALLY is
Lmao it’s fine bc I still love him I guess🙄🙄
I drew Kuroo and OH MY GOD I SUDDENLY NOW DESPISE HIS HAIR👺 but I also love it🥺🥺 like the first time I drew him😃 that was trash like wtf is that his hair- BUT THE SECOND TIME? I DID IT AND I WAS SO PROUD so I guess his hair isn’t that bad. Oh well, the more I draw him the easier it is I just don’t know where his hair falls from
Who should I draw next? Idk
I’m obsessed with jjk so for the first time I’m drawing everyone from jjk, I already drew Gojo, Megumi and Nobara
I wanna draw a Haikyuu character ^^ anyone who won’t give me a HARD TIME WITH THEIR STUPID HAIR👁👁 (yes I’m talking abt u Kuroo what u gonna do abt it?) ((*cries bc he’s fictional and isn’t here to fight me))
Tsukki’s hair is lowkey crusty like wtf is that😃
Tanaka is prob the easiest to draw since well, HE BALD😶
Ok but lowkey, (I’m kinda like a therapist but not but bc I act like one I dug so deep into this) I headcanon he sleeps between two pillows bc his parents used to fight all the time when he was younger and now he’s just so used to it I don’t think he can sleep if he stops🥺
I also think his a light sleeper when his ears aren’t covered LIKE THE TINIEST MOVEMENT COULD WAKE HIM UP😳😳 imagine getting out of the bed for a glass of water and he’s just asks you why you’re awake and you tell him your throat is dry so you want some water then he puts you back in bed and gets the glass for you🥺🥺 and the he gets back in bed and cuddles with you after you drink your water-
Nah I love him sm🥺 It’s prob not
Imma listen to yagami yato again for the 3rd time in a rOw
hey hey! I honestly am getting rlly attached to you :) Ik I’m just a anon and I’m prob too shy to ever reveal myself (even though it’s probably the most obvious connection lmao) I enjoy sending you asks and seeing your reactions. >w<
writing notes on yourself is such a good idea! :)) except it might be bad for ur skin- u can carry around sticky notes! 
jjk 😳 i saw a tiktok that reminded me that sk8 the infinity is coming out in a few days and jfdksajlsdkjf ugh, time to fall back into the anime hole (i haven’t watched animes other than haikyuu in a while :’) 
i tried drawing kuroo’s hair and it looked like grass that haven’t been mowed in years. 
hair is too hard to draw smh :’
*imagines playfights with kuroo* *cries* 
i- RIGHT? tsukki’s hair looks kinda soft. tanaka, our king 
WDYM, KUROO’S SLEEPING HABIT IS CUTE 🥺(it’s not helping him but it’s helping his s/o because they’ll be able to lay on his back at any time and he won’t be able to do anything about it. UNLESS HE PURPOSELY ROLLS TURN AND CRUSHES HIS S/O- he would.) 
i- fjdkslakdjf your water scenario isn’t good for my heart. not me melting into a puddle of goo </3 i’m a light sleeper too- (see, this is another sign we’re compatible- >< ) 
i love ur details!! <3
omg i really don’t want him to be a phase. i’ve had phases too and they only last like a few weeks because i move on to other things like kdrama actors (*sighs in cha eunwoo*) and other anime characters- BUT THIS IS THE LONGEST I’VE EVER <33  i won’t be dating for the next couple of years because my mental health says no; gotta find ways to cope with loneliness :’) 
I’VE SEEN HIS TIKTOKS BEFORE- but it’s been a while so i’m sorry babes i don’t really know what ur talking about :’D 
i enjoy reading your asks 🥺come talk to me again soon! <3 
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jclie · 4 years
Tumblr media
— && guests may mistake me as ( elizabeth olsen ), but really i am ( jolie madison + cis female + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 7/29/1992 ). i am a ( musician ) and would like to stay in suite ( 314 ). i won’t be much of a bother because i am ( driven, audacious, & charismatic ), but i can also be ( perfectionistic, reticent & self-sabotaging ) at times. personally, i like to ( paint, hike, try new recipes & sing karaoke ) when i have the time to relax, and my favorite snack is ( chai sugar cookies ) to have in my suite.
hi everyone! i’m red, and the only excuse i have for this dropping so late is that Work Sucks and has held me up, but i am here and ready to love u all! rlly, what better to do with the remaining bits of summer ( and being awake, tbh ) than join this super cute group and put my intro post together? so yes, here is the 411 on jolie, with a more *~cohesive~* bio and stats page on their way — i am so excited to get to know all of your muses and begin interacting! i promise i do not bite so if you’re feeling brave, pop over in the ims, or, just wait me out, because i’m sure i’ll be appearing in them soon enough :~)
general info
full name: jolie drew madison
nicknames: j, jo, jojo (calling her this is a bit of a death sentence unless you have explicit permission), mads
date of birth: july twenty-ninth, 1992 (27)
zodiac: leo
sexual orientation: bisexual
birthplace: chicago, illinois
occupation: musician
hogwarts house: slytherin
mbti: enfj
suite #: 314
tw: drug use
born on a wednesday in chicago, illinois to a set of parents who had a very “informal” relationship to say the least — to make a complicated situation as cut and dry as possible, jolie’s parents were best friends with benefits. her mom wound up pregnant and decided to keep the baby. instead of jumping to some rash decision like getting married solely for the sake of their child, they decided to simply remain friends and split custody in the best way they knew how that didn’t require a mediator in the form of a family court judge. her parents remained close friends (and still are) once jolie was born; custody was weirdly split with jolie spending the majority of her time with her mom. they were an unconventional sort of family but a family nonetheless. dad does something with numbers (yes, think chandler bing), and mom is a local business owner.
as a kid, jolie never knew a stranger, and therefore had no trouble making friends once she hit school age. she was the kid who never found her niche group or “clique” because her feet were wet in several of them. school was not a miserable time for her. she had her friends, was a solid a/b student. jolie was a big perfectionist though, it not uncommon for her to beat herself up over something incredibly minute and self-sabotaging herself as punishment or because she didn’t know how to adequately process her feelings of anxiousness — she’d procrastinate, cut people off or drive them away, things of that nature.
music was always in her life, but it was a very casual thing in her world, situated on a backburner. it was something that she was able to bond over with her dad more so than her mom; her dad was a massive music junkie, loved sharing his favorite songs with her, bought her her first vinyl player when she was twelve and supplied her with every album under the sun, whether it was one she wanted or one of his favorites or just one he thought she might enjoy. she was in dance classes as a preschooler (this was an epic fail, because not even her rhythm could save her from the generally awkward disaster she is whenever she dances) and took piano lessons in elementary school, but she didn’t love either? she felt very restricted when it came to formal lessons, and almost needed the freedom to explore and learn it on her own terms — she ended up teaching herself guitar on her dad’s guitar on the weekends she spent at his place. there was also the 6 month stint her junior year of high school when she and some friends started a garage band (which jolie represses to a certain degree because the embarrassment it invokes is on another level) but it was mostly just an idea formulated from boredom and was something to pass the time, nothing really serious. 
jolie found herself at a bit of a crossroads after her graduation. most of her friends were off to college but college did not seem like the kind of environment for her. she didn’t know what she wanted to do with herself or her life, but she knew she had to do something. so she pretty much copied and pasted what one of her close friends was doing at the time, decided to go to northwestern and share an apartment with her and pray that something would speak to her along the way. spoiler alert: nothing did. her first year quickly fizzled and faded for her and most of her time was spent going to parties, embracing the social scene, the like. nothing of real educational value.  
she was still fucking around when it came to music; she’d met some people in one of her creative writing classes (the only class that she legitimately finished and enjoyed) and would go to open mic nights or other gigs around town. never meeting a stranger meant jolie was good at networking, making friends with other musicians — the more she spent time immersed in the world, the more she felt compelled towards music. she began writing songs that weren’t just the product of teenage angst (see: that awful high school band), even took a few music classes at northwestern. 
by the time she hit her junior year, she was over classes and was pretty much only taking filler classes still, wasting her money while she bar tended at one of the bars close by. but she’d never felt more creatively charged; she was putting her nose to the grindstone in writing songs, recording songs in her bedroom so she wouldn’t wake up her roommates, playing gigs on her nights off work literally anywhere that would take her, and using those new-er friendships to her advantage. she had gained some local traction but things really didn’t explode until she started posting original songs online and got contacted by a few record labels. jolie was hesitant to sign with anyone but she got one of her friends in pre-law to help her look over contracts and pretend to be her manager and eventually signed. subsequently, she dropped out of college and went to work on the music thing full time.
from 21-23, jolie was pretty much doing nothing but playing festivals and clocking in hours at studios. most of her time was spent on the road and she absolutely loved it  — she loved the music festival atmosphere, loved the crowds, loved meeting other bands and fans. she was pretty much touring on the few songs she had released, covers, and unreleased tracks from a wip, but it worked for her and it worked for the fans. she released her first album, ultraviolet on her 23rd birthday, and hit the road again. 
jolie missed her “college” life with the parties and socialization at her fingertips, so she started elbowing her way into that scene while she was on tour — at first, it wasn’t anything to bat an eye at, but jolie’s limits were very fluid. being on tour was draining and the perfectionist in her would always find something to berate herself about, and getting out of her head was the only way that she felt she could truly enjoy the whirlwind success that was happening to her. the drugs started as a one-time thing, just to try it, and then she was using regularly, and then it got to a point where she couldn’t go more than an hour without a line of coke. the drugs stripped away a lot of what made her jolie and left her with a more miserable, grouchier version of herself where her highs were almost normal and likable and the lows were hell to be around. 
she came off of ultraviolet’s tour and essentially jumped right back into the studio (she was beginning to break through in mainstream music, with her last promotional single off ultraviolet hitting mainstream radio and doing fairly well) for album #2. it was finished and ready to go, but by that point, the drug use had gotten to an all-time high and the constant turning a blind eye to it from her team was no longer possible. she ended up od’ing and that was it  — there was an intervention in the hospital room, and it was off to rehab for jolie. album got postponed and she basically fell off the radar.
she didn’t really make a “comeback” until she was knocking on 26′s doorstep, and by that point she’d been in rehab, getting sober, and then laying low for nearly two years. by the time she was releasing her first single for the new album cycle, she’d all but scrapped the record she’d made before rehab and had something else put together entirely. she released wonderland, which did very, very well. she toured for it and it was wildly different than anything she’d done prior — venues were bigger, more fans, just a whole different circus all around. 
probably the one thing she was more proud of than the music was her sobriety, and going on two years of being sober, not much else was important to her. she knew had a pretty black and white view of was good for her and what wasn’t, so after the tour wrapped, she decided to come home. she never pegged herself for the type to get “homesick” because her spirit was very much the wandering type, but she knew she needed to get out of la and nyc. back to chicago it was — which is how we get to the malnati. 
she’s in what she’d aptly describe as “professional limbo” — she’s not actively working on any one project, she’s just kind of floating until she can find something to tether herself to, whether it’s a single song or an album or something else that appears on her radar. she’s just taking things easy for the time being.
career wise, think marina, l*na —  more of a cult favorite than a mainstream artist. not going to get mobbed when she goes out and about, able to fly under the radar for the most part. as far as her music goes, i don’t necessarily know if i’ll claim any one artist’s discography and adopt as her own; in my head, jolie’s alt pop. think somewhere along the lines of hayley williams, st. vincent, tove lo, splash of the 1975.
personality wise at this point in her life: will charm the pants off of just about anyone she comes into contact with. flirty. a little goofy, hella sarcastic. there’s method to her madness even if no one else gets it. is still a little guarded when it comes to talking about herself. doesn’t mind talking about what’s happened to her but when it comes to the feelings and emotions as to why those things happened, she shuts down. it’s why she’s a musician: why talk about your feelings when you could just write them into a song and pretend they don’t exist beyond that, lmao. is the passive aggressive type, bottles things up and simmers. 
being in the kitchen and cooking has been a tactile sort of therapy for her, especially in her hiatus years. she loves trying new recipes, baking at random (all) hours, sometimes likes to pretend she’s on an episode of master chef. she’s a dork, your honor.
has a thing for polaroids. she has a blank moleskine notebook that she has put through a total ringer, gluing polaroids and other little mementos onto pages as a journal of sorts.
has a stick and poke tattoo (among other professional ones) on her ribcage that she gave herself when she was sixteen. it’s a tiny smiley face. 
her middle name came from her dad’s middle name (andrew).
if you want someone to go out with you at night (or during the day, she’s not picky) and just aimlessly wander around the city, letting things find you, she’s your girl. she loves a good adventure.
i headcanon jolie as predominantly dirty blonde/brunette lizzie? but she is also the type who has ruined her hair over the years over all the impromptu dying so... welcome to close your eyes and pretend hour.
plot ideas
this is by no means a comprehensive list of plots, just stuff off the top of my head that i’d like to see? again, i promise i don’t bite, so pls hmu if one of these appeals to you or if you just wanna brainstorm, i live for that shit!!
jolie’s a chicago native, went to college here, so 👀
meredith to her cristina — basically her best friend (not gender specific, either) who tells it to jolie like it is, doesn’t mind if she laments about how the world sucks every now and again, the person she’s calling if she needs help with a body
physically and/or emotionally, somebody who checks in on jolie and that she checks in on as well. we love a solid support system
exes — jolie’s a little bit (a lot of bit) of a player?? so i’d love to see exes that maybe didn’t end too hot, ex fwb or ex flings that never made it official, people she ghosted, exes that don’t want to get back together but don’t like seeing each other with anyone else, anything under that sun
jolie also is a Lowkey (read: highkey) commitment-phobe, but i’d rlly love for her to maybe have an ex that she was so In Love with that she was willing to push through it bc she saw herself with them forever..... and then, for reasons tbd, it ended, and it absolutely crushed jolie
someone who, on the occasion of needing to scratch an itch, is very good about getting the job done. it’s casual sex. there are zero romantic feelings involved, there is no getting jealous when the other person finds a relationship, the two are just good friends who have seen (and will probably continue to see) each other naked #yeehaw
maybe someone who was at one of jolie’s gigs when she was still playing bars that she bought a drink and kept in touch with or smth? or someone she met when she was still predominately playing small sets at festivals? idk i’m rambling someone stop me
a “muse”??? like, someone jolie is fascinated with / inspired by and she finds herself writing songs about / for
gimme someone who’s like an acquaintance at best, they’ve maybe got mutual friends and therefore they hang out a bit but they’re always arguing with one another for whatever reason (they both probably annoy each other) but they’ve got mad sexual tension going on? maybe they act on it, maybe they don’t, but either way, they lowkey enjoy the bantering and being at one another’s throats even if they act otherwise
jolie is a night owl, so... gimme someone who she can turn up at their room at some unholy hour (or that turns up at her room at said unholy hour) and watch a movie with or make a mess of the kitchen from fixing a premature breakfast
maybe someone who knew jolie when she was not in a good place?? and things are still v much tense / unresolved between them for whatever reason
and stuff for the event omg PLS *makes grabby hands*
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